- Champion base spawn rate up to 1/10 from 1/15
- Champions per floor now have a cap to prevent terrible luck
- Growing champion base power reduced by 20%
- Growing champion power scaling reduced by 50%
- removed health requirement for most food talents
- adjusted wording for energizing upgrade
- fixed bugs with ring IDing talent
- buffed followup strike and added a hit sound to it
- Hearty meal healing down to 3/5 from 4/6.
- Test subject healing up to 4/6 from 3/5.
- Tested hypothesis shielding up to 8/12 from 6/9.
- Mending shadows heal now every 5/3 turns from 3/2 turns, but now also includes the turn cloak is activated.
- class armor not respecting FiMA limitation on max DR
- well fed lasts for its full duration in on diet
- swarm and darkness having swapped menu entries
- webs and doors are now 'soft solid' terrain (solid, but can be stepped through)
- ballisticas can now ignore soft solid terrain, instead of just doors
- webs are now flammable
- Yog now calculates its FOV and can be surprised from outside of it
- Yog is now formally immune to freeze/paralysis, instead of just being unaffected
- Yog now properly pushes items
- pickaxe not getting bloodied by killing bats in rare cases
- dried rose ghost healing not respecting level lock limits
- wraiths refusing to spawn over traps despite not activating them
- clobber knockback not closing doors
- added a safety check for when an amoked character dies
- added a safety check when ghouls die over pits
- mobs looking for a new enemy when aggroed on an invincible one
- made Tengu's 2nd phase jumping slightly more permissive
- fixed a logic error when placing enemies
- added a safety check in WndWandmaker
- added a safety sync check when playing a sample
- hero select no longer has a back button if a game hasn't been played
- snakes now give a hint when missed 3 times, down from 5.
- sped up guidebook page dropping speed
- knockback effects now only close doors if they originate from a melee attack
- wand of blast wave base damage down to 1-3 from 1-5
- damage from knockback collision up to dist-2*dist, from dist/2-dist
- stun from knockback collision adjusted to 1+dist/2, from dist/2-dist
- ring of energy not increasing ghost HP regen
- magical charge buff not increasing the range on disintegration
- remains in pit rooms rarely containing a cursed item but not being haunted
- wandmaker rarely spawning ontop of traps
- rare crash bugs when windows are saved as a scene is being cleared
- Added a safety check to AndroidGame
- fixed Burning not checking if a thieve's item is null
- fixed wand of regrowth overriding tall grass and placing grass where it shouldn't
- fixed unique potions being vulnerable to explosions
- fixed tengu placing traps over plants
- fixed items not being IDed in rankings if players dies with an ankh
- improved wording on the patreon supporter scene
- fixed analytics campaign additions messing with links
- tweaked sizing/layout of news scene
- fixed https not working on android 4.4-4.1
- fixed a bug with option sliders when they aren't at x=0
- Freezes if caustic slimes or DM-201s died over pits
- Talisman of foresight taking no time to scry
- Talisman of foresight not gaining exp in some cases
- Wand of Warding healing sentries for more HP than intended
- Dropped items not using new step SFX
- Bees refusing to retarget when target is invulnerable
- Potion splashes cleaning fire/ooze from enemies
- Blast wave attempting to throw enemies that move after being damaged
- Corrupting enchant attempting to corrupt dead enemies
- Magic missile charge buff not visually applying to the mage's staff
- Specific cases where using an item wouldn't cancel the current cell selector
- Large enemies rarely appearing in enclosed spaces due to levelgen
- Lotus vfx persisting after the sprite is destroyed in rare case
- fixed concurrency errrors in Sample.java
- added a null safety check to IconTitle
- fixed further rare freezing errors with tengu jumping
- reverted Android 'singleInstance' change, due to stability issues
- fixed a bug where trample and grass both played instead of just trample
- volume tweaks to item, dewdrop, and debuff
- added a hitsound for arrows/darts
- added pitch variance to crossbow and bow
- adjusted hit_strong to mix better with other sounds, and to sound better on phone speakers
- adjusted health_warn and adjusted volume/trigger thresholds for health_warn and health_critical
- warlocks not playing debuff sound if hero is already debuffed
- various small logic errors with ring of wealth
- wand of warding incorrectly refusing to place a new ward with 1 energy left
- runes appearing on top of each other in runestone rooms
- particles on item sprites being visible when the sprite isn't
- shields rarely failing to apply (having no target)
- ghouls dieing while over pits
- Tengu having nowhere to jump in rare cases
- multiplicity when the attacker is the hero
- talisman buffs not always respecting floor differences
- null pointers in reflection
- talisman of foresight now requires less exp to level
- talisman of foresight now spends slightly more charge when scrying at distances
- battlemage staff of magic missile proc changed: now grants a straight 0.33 charges to all wands
- rare crashes involving preparation buff icon
- quickslot errors when blacksmith reforges wands
- rare crashes involving Tengu, he now keeps distance from his target and the hero
- errors involving seed selection and sandals of nature
- fireblast applying stun/cripple to dead enemies
- github update checker connecting on metered networks
- Memory leaks and other errors when using split-screen on Android
- Tengu cleansing doomed debuff between first and second phase
- Equip drops from enemies not graduating in rarity as intended
- Gasses being examinable when not visible
- preparation incorrect killing enemies at health threshold, instead of below it
- preparation incorrectly ignoring boss phases and death resistance effects
- talisman of foresight vision marking effects incorrectly persisting between depths
- packs filling past capacity in some cases
- fireblast incorrectly setting adjacent cells on fire when not flammable
- typos in the description of shields
- game incorrectly closing when back button is pressed in new hero select
- memory leaks on Android phones when the game is closed/opened
- cursed wand gas zaps not using new SFX
- fixed audio issues with DM-200/Dm-300
- fixed summoning traps failing to summon anything in some cases
- fixed DM-300 being able to drill out of its arena in rare cases
- fixed rogue armor's blink not going over terrain when accounting for range
- fixed unblessed ankg revives waking up mimics
- fixed enemies not being surprised by invisible heroes in rare cases
- fixed pylons being surprised when they shouldn't
- fixed dark and bright fists rarely teleporting into unreachable places
- fixed rankings conversion logic on game updates not actually doing anything
- fixed debuffs being incorrectly persisted in rankings
- Ward/sentry energy cost reduced by 1, wand of warding energy capacity also reduced by 1
- Wards/sentries are now inorganic
- Vision range up to 4/5/6/7/8/9 from 3/4/5/6/7/8
- Zaps per ward tier increased to 1/3/5 from 1/3/4
- Upgrading a sentry now always grants it the largest possible health boost (18/22)
- Regular Sentry healing up to 8/10/15 from 6/8/12
- Ward sprites now visually darken as they use up charges
- Sentries now show how much they are being healed by wand of warding
Massively reduced cases of "can't place ward here":
- wards can now be adjacent to eachother
- wards can now be summoned out of FOV if nothing is in the way
- wards now spawn adjacent to an enemy/wall if shot at one
And two that are more adjustments/nerfs:
- Lesser sentries now start with 4 less HP for each zap they used as a ward
- Attack speed changed to .5x/.5x/.5x/1x/1x/1x from .5x/.5x/.67x/.67x/1x/1x
- Bright and dark fist damage down to 10-20 from 12-24
- Yog laser damage down to 20-30 from 20-35
- Burning fist now evaporates slightly more adjacent water tiles
- sniper's mark now lasts 4 turns, up from 2
- further increased distance-based damage scaling on sniper shot
- assassin preparation now maxes at 11 turns, and becomes stronger faster
- preparation now executes enemies below a health threshold, rather than dealing more damage at low enemy HP.
- Knockback effects (blast wave, elastic, repulsion) now close doors if the knockback target was inside one.
- Swiftness now requires no enemies within 2 tiles, up from 1 tile
- Camouflage now applies regular invisibility, but duration scaling is halved
- Flow speed multiplier increased to 2 + 0.25*lvl from 2.
- Antimagic defense reduced by ~20%
- Thorns proc rate scaling with level reduced by ~50%
- Corrupting proc rate scaling with level increased by ~20%
- Chilling and Shocking proc rate reduced
- Shocking no longer harms allies
- Sai blocking reduced to 0 from 0-2
- Roundshield base dmg/block reduced to 3-10/0-4 from 3-12/0-5
- Greataxe base dmg reduced to 5-40 from 5-50
- Greatshield base block reduced to 0-6 from 0-10
- Gauntlet blocking reduced to 0 from 0-4
- Enemies now have up to 5x corruption resistance at full HP, up from 3x.
- Wand of Disintegration base range increased to 6 from 4.
- Wand of lightning no longer harms allies, self-damage down to 67%.
- Wand of Frost damage reduction per turn of chill reduced to 5% from 10%.
- Battlemage wand of frost proc now only freezes at 10+ turns of chill, rarer than at 2-10 turns based on chance
- fixed levitation applying occupyCell effects before it actually ended
- fixed ascend/descend working while rooted
- fixed FOV not updating sometimes when hero is interrupted from resting
- fixed rare errors with tengu's bombs not being visually destroyed
- fixed gold wall vfx rarely showing on city walls in DM-300's arena
- fixed items/characters being able to be inside of a wall in DM-300's arena
- fixed an error where Tengu's fading traps could visually layer
- fixed a bug where the Tengu fight could freeze due to new trap logic
- fixed tengu being able to place traps right beneath characters
- fixed fading traps disappearing immediately on load
- fixed scroll of remove curse not being usable while degraded
- The fight now starts when a player approaches a pylon, not when they leave the entrance
- Increased the speed/intensity of the environment spark particle effects
- Made several changes to DM-300's dialogue, and swapped the current hint for a new one
The goal of these changes is to make the goals of the fight more intuitive
- Removed phase 2 entirely, replaced with a brief pause before phase 3 (now phase 2)
- Increased the intensity of traps in phase 1 to compensate
- Fixed a bug that could let high damage builds skip some Tengu jumps
- Reduced Tengu's accuracy a bit in melee range to help melee characters
- Fixed warlocks not dealing normalized damage with their magic attack
- Fixed Yog-Dzewa fight glitching in rare cases where the eye and last fist are killed at the same time
- Fixed Bright/Dark fist very rarely teleporting into enclosed spaces
- Yog's fists are now considered bosses, not minibosses
- Yog's deathgaze damage down to 20-35, from 20-40
- Soiled fist now spreads furrowed grass slightly more often
- Soiled fist now resists burning
- Rusted fist damage up to 22-44 from 20-40
- Bright fist blind durations down to 15/30, from 25/50
- Dark fist ranged damage down to 12-24 from 15-30
- water of health being used up when uncursable items are thrown into it
- rare crash bugs involving brutes, items dropping from alchemy, and character sprite movement
- golems being able to teleport immovable characters
- armored statues appearing in faith is my armor challenge
- Yog fight able to set viewdistance to 0 if into darkness is enabled
- large enemies being able to move into enclosed spaces when vertigoed
- infinite loop bug when attempting to teleport DM-300
- terrain being overridden at the end of Tengu's boss level
- Fixed crash bugs
- Fixed bees attacking bosses while they are invulnerable
- Fixed DM-201s attacking the hero through walls
- Fixed golems rarely teleporting to enclosed spaces
- Fixed viscocity glyph not accounting for sniper shot
- Fixed a typo in spirit bow description
- Ripper demons now telegraph their leap even if they aren't visible
- Updated gradle build tools version
- Fixed webs not always clearing properly
- Fixed doors being hidden on floor 2 in some cases when they shouldn't
- Fixed Yog and its minions ignoring bees
- Added back the name of an item when it can't be grabbed.
- removed path lookaheads, characters now only check the next tile for validity
- the hero is now interrupted if their path is broken and replaced by a much longer one
- added pathfinding functionality to ignore characters
- significantly improved hunting enemy pathfinding when a route is blocked
- improved enemy logic for switching targets if current one is unreachable
- Added a hint to DM-300's supercharge phase
- Reduced DK's damage and accuracy slightly
- Slightly slowed down summons on phase 2 wave 3 of DK fight
- The first warlock/monk on DK's final phase is now the 3rd summon, not 1st
- Reduced the damage of both bright and dark fists (bright moreso)
- slightly increased the cooldown of Yog's laser and summoning
- Yog's fist now take 4 turns before acting, up from 3.
- added newlines to hero level up messages
- succubi now have a proper variable cooldown for their blink
- evil eye beam cooldown increased slightly
- The DM-300 fight now starts slightly farther from the entrance stairs
- increased the rate of well particle VFX for better clarity
- now referred to as invulnerability, with standardized logic for all chars
- chars now ignore enemies who are invulnerable
- combo no longer builds on invulnerable targets
- allies can now target Yog's eye when it is vulnerable
- The game now flashes red when the hero is seriously injured, this replaces the old screen shake when injured effect
- Yog, ripper demons, and DM-300 are now less punishing to slower builds
- Yog's fist summons are now based on the levelgen seed
- velvet pouch can now hold goo blobs and metal shards
- wand of disintegration now breaks webs
- Ghouls rarely moving into chasms as they get up
- Golem teleportation not being blocked by antimagic
- piranhas playing no death animation if they die on land
- ripper demons failing to move off their leap target in many cases
- various freeze/crash bugs with Yog-Dzewa
- player not be able to place items into their main bag if a sub bag is full
- DM-300 rarely spawning ontop of the exit stairs
- rare levelgen hanging bug when placing enemies
- spawner warning playing on floor 26
- rare crash bug involving DM-300
- rare crash bug involving update notification
- typo in bright fist's description
- added missing properties to rippers and spawners
- fixed rippers having long visibility range, increased their damage by 11%
- reduced the bleed damage from new ripper leap
- rippers now interrupt the hero when leaping
- adjusted candle positions in Yog's boss level
- added more text (including warnings) for demon spawners
- adjusted the positioning of Yog's sprite
- fixed cases where angled visuals would be incorrectly not visible
- removed redundant declarations from Ring of Elements, it now copies from AntiMagic
- crashes when ghoul life link is attached to a ghoul which hasn't acted yet
- darts and unidentified toolkit being usable in alchemy window
- lava vfx persisting when lava is removed
- rare freeze bugs if a sniper enters DM-300's arena with magical sight
- Torch duration reduced to 250 turns from 300
- Torches from imp shop reduced back to 3x1 from 2x2
- Demon halls floors now each contain 2 torches, up from 1.
- Glowing from Shattered's banner getting cut off by one pixel
- Imp shopkeeper spawning after items (should be before)
- items spawning ontop of characters in the level when they shouldn't
- various minor text errors
- fixed rare crash bugs with crystal mimics
- fixed items landing in DK's throne if he dies there
- fixed DK using abilities through paralysis
- fixed doom debuff messing with phases 2 and 3 of DK fight
- fixed ghouls acting instantly when they shouldn't in some cases
- fixed some visual layering issues with one part of DM-300 arena
- fixed rare deadlock crashes caused by health indicators
- added a hint to snakes if the player misses them many times
- fixed a typo in DM-300 description
- changed ghouls back to have regular 'defeated' text
- fixed a hanging newline in dried rose description when it is known to be uncursed
- Dwarf King's fight not starting if his entrance door was burned down
- Dwarf King rarely teleporting into walls
- Dwarf King being movable in his 2nd phase
- Dwarf King 2nd phase getting stalled of minions are polymorphed or corrupted
- Rare freeze errors when Dwarf King dies
- Various minior errors caused by floor 21 now being a demon halls floor
- Necromancers playing vfx/sfx when they are not visible
- Mimics rarely spawning ontop of eachother
- fixed various rare crash bugs
- fixed the locked floor buff not adding time correctly for DK
- fixed DK unintentionally dropping armor kit on his throne
- tweaked the text ghouls display when downed
- wards now trigger traps if placed on top of them
- reduced the frequency of water and exposed wires in DM-300's arena
- improved two cave layouts that were unintentionally harder than the others
- increased the speed of the hint particles when DM-300 becomes supercharged
- reverted unintential commit of debug stats for ghouls
- fixed ghoul life link not transferring correctly in some cases
- mobs now retain their max level for xp between save/load
- fixed DM-300 incorrectly being immune to rooting
- Hero FOV not being updated after they are pulled by golems
- Necromancer skeletons counting towards mob spawn limits
- New Tengu taking damage during phase 2 in rare cases
- Keybindings window not accepting unbound keys.
- fixed crash/freeze bugs involving spinners, mimics, and DM-300
- fixed ring descriptions to properly consider degraded
- fixed typos in some dart descriptions
- guard accuracy reduced by ~15%
- guard armor reduced by ~12%
- necromancer evasion increased by ~18%
- ripper demon spawn rate reduced by 20%
- demon spawners now have 120 health, down from 150
- demon spawners now resist damage past 20, down from 25
- regular enemies are slightly less common in demon halls
- wand of corruption can now inflict vulnerable and hex
- potions of healing now cure additional debuffs
- carpaccio and dreamfoil now cure the same debuffs as healing potions
- remove curse now cleanses degraded instead of weakness
- damage numbers now appear where a sprite is arriving if it is moving
- blob emitters can now have a defined bound within a cell
- tweaked hero level exit/entrance behaviour
- refactored game actions that are defined in GameAction.java
- Buying shop items now only triggers when hero walks onto them. This is for consistency with other item types
- Mimics are now alerted when they receive a debuff
- Teleportation now only plays sfx/vfx if the hero sees it
- Fixed logic for updating openSpace array when terrain changes
- Added a limit to how large chars and items are prioritized over cells
- Adjusted hero to appear behind mobs by default
- Fixed cases where movement keys would remain held incorrectly
- Improved vfx for falling enemies and items
- Fixed golem particle vfx lasting longer than intended in some cases