v0.9.0: updated translations

This commit is contained in:
Evan Debenham 2020-10-01 15:44:19 -04:00
parent 6fabcbe3e9
commit 612cece6a5
20 changed files with 64 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Et sents bastant satisfet i ple.\n\nMentre estiguis be
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=hearty meal
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=armsmaster's intuition
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _2x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _when he equips them_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=test subject
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=iron will
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 1_.\n\n_+2:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 2_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x fa
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=mending shadows
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _2 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _5 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=survivalist's intuition

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@ -311,35 +311,35 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Cítíš se sytě a spokojeně.\n\nBěhem nasycení se
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=Vydatné jídlo
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Pokud se Válečník nají, když má méně než 50% životů, vyléčí se mu _3 body zdraví_.\n\n_+2:_ Pokud se Válečník nají, když má méně než 50% životů, vyléčí se mu _5 bodů zdraví_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=Zbrojířova intuice
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Válečník dokáže identifikovat zbraně a zbroje _2x rychleji_.\n\n_+2:_ Válečník dokáže identifikovat zbraně a zbroje _ve chvíli, kdy se s nimi vybaví_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=Testovací subjekt
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Kdykoliv Válečník identifikuje lektvar tím, že ho použije, vyléčí se o _4 body zdraví_.\n\n_+2:_ Kdykoliv Válečník identifikuje lektvar tím, že ho použije, vyléčí se o _6 bodů zdraví_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Železná vůle
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ Maximální dodatečná ochrana poskytnutá Válečníkovou pečetí se _zvýší o 1 bod_.\n\n_+2:_ Maximální dodatečná ochrana poskytnutá Válečníkovou pečetí se _zvýší o 2 body_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Energické jídlo
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _4 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _6 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Když se Mág nají, obdrží _efekt nabíjení na 4 tahy_.\n\n_+2:_ Když se Mág nají, obdrží _efekt nabíjení na 6 tahů_.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Učedníkova intuice
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Mág dokáže identifikovat hůlky _2x rychleji_.\n\n_+2:_ Mág dokáže identifikovat hůlky _ve chvíli, kdy je použije_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Testovaná hypotéza
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a scroll by using it, the Mage gains _6 shielding_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a scroll by using it, the Mage gains _9 shielding_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Kdykoliv Mág identifikuje svitek tím, že ho použije, obdrží _6 bodů dodatečné ochrany_.\n\n_+2:_ Kdykoliv Mág identifikuje svitek tím, že ho použije, obdrží _9 bodů dodatečné ochrany_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Energické vylepšení
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ The Mage's staff recharges for _1 extra charge_ whenever the Mage upgrades it.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage's staff recharges for _2 extra charges_ whenever the Mage upgrades it.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Mágova hůl se dobije o _1 extra nabití_, kdykoliv ji Mág vylepší.\n\n_+2:_ Mágova hůl se dobije o _2 extra nabití_, kdykoliv ji Mág vylepší.
actors.hero.talent.rationed_meal.title=Výživné jídlo
actors.hero.talent.rationed_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food gives the Rogue _15% more satiety_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health gives the Rogue _25% more satiety_.
actors.hero.talent.rationed_meal.desc=_+1:_ Když se Zloděj nají, _nasytí se o 15% více_.\n\n_+2:_ Pokud se Zloděj nají, když má méně než 50% životů, _nasytí se o 25% více_.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=Zlodějova intuice
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Zloděj dokáže identifikovat prsteny _2x rychleji_ a typ prstenu zjistí _v okamžiku, kdy se s ním vybaví_.\n\n_+2:_ Zloděj dokáže identifikovat prsteny _ve chvíli, kdy se s nimi vybaví_ a typ prstenu zjistí _v okamžiku, kdy ho sebere_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Přesný úder
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Zloděj udělí _1 bod bonusového poškození_ pokaždé, když nepříteli udělí _první_ překvapivý útok.\n\n_+2:_ Zloděj udělí _1-2 body bonusového poškození_ pokaždé, když nepříteli udělí _první_ překvapivý útok.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=Blahodárné stíny
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _2 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Kdykoliv je Zloděj ukrytý pod svým pláštěm _5 tahů po sobě_, vyléčí se mu 1 bod zdraví.\n\n_+2:_ Kdykoliv je Zloděj ukrytý pod svým pláštěm _3 tahy po sobě_, vyléčí se mu 1 bod zdraví.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Osvěžující jídlo
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Když se Lovkyně nají, zabere jí to pouze 1 tah a obdrží _efekt rychlosti na 1 tah_.\n\n_+2:_ Když se Lovkyně nají, zabere jí to pouze 1 tah a obdrží _efekt rychlosti na 2 tahy_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Intuice přeživšího
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Lovkyně dokáže identifikovat veškeré vybavení _1.5x rychleji_.\n\n_+2:_ Lovkyně dokáže identifikovat veškeré vybavení _2x rychleji_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Následný útok
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _1-2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2-3 bonus damage_
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Když Lovkyně zasáhne nepřítele svým lukem nebo vrhací zbraní, její následující útok na blízko, vůči tomuto nepříteli, udělí _1-2 body bonusového poškození_.\n\n_+2:_ Když Lovkyně zasáhne nepřítele svým lukem nebo vrhací zbraní, její následující útok na blízko, vůči tomuto nepříteli, udělí _2-3 body bonusového poškození_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Přírodní pomoc
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Lovkyně obdrží 2 body zdřevnatění na _4 tahy_, kdykoliv je v jejím zorném poli pošlapána rostlina.\n\n_+2:_ Lovkyně obdrží 2 body zdřevnatění na _6 tahů_, kdykoliv je v jejím zorném poli pošlapána rostlina.

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Du fühlst dich ziemlich zufrieden und satt.\n\nSolang
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=Herzhafte Mahlzeit
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=Intuition des Waffenmeisters
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _2x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _when he equips them_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Eiserner Wille
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 1_.\n\n_+2:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 2_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Energiereiche Mahlzeit
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x fa
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=Heilende Schatten
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _2 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _5 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Stärkende Mahlzeit
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Intuition der Überlebenskünstlerin

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Vi manĝadis ĝis esti sata.\n\nDum esti satmanĝita,
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=hearty meal
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=armsmaster's intuition
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _2x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _when he equips them_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=test subject
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=iron will
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 1_.\n\n_+2:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 2_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x fa
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=mending shadows
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _2 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _5 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=survivalist's intuition

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Te sientes bastante satisfecho y lleno.\n\nMientras es
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=Buena comida
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Comer por debajo del 50% de salud cura al Guerrero _3 PS_.\n\n_+2:_ Comer por debajo del 50% de salud cura al Guerrero _5 PS_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=Intuición del maestro de armas
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ El Guerrero identifica armas y armaduras _el doble de rapido_.\n\n_+2:_ El guerrero identifica armas y armaduras _cuando las equipa_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=Sujeto de prueba
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Siempre que identifica una poción usándola, el Guerrero se cura _4 PS_.\n\n_+2:_ Siempre que identifica una poción usándola, el Guerrero se cura _6 PS_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Voluntad de hierro
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ El escudo máximo proporcionado por el sello del Guerrero se _aumenta en 1_.\n\n_+2:_ El escudo máximo proporcionado por el sello del guerrero se _aumenta en 2_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Comida energizante
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x fa
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=mending shadows
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _2 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _5 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=survivalist's intuition

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Ongi elikatuta eta asea sentitzen zara.\n\nOngi elikat
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=janari oparoa
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ %50 baino gutxiagoko osasunarekin jatean gudariak _4 osasun puntu_ jasotzen ditu_.\n\n_+2:_ %50 baino gutxiagoko osasunarekin jatean gudariak _6 osasun puntu_ jasotzen ditu.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ %50 baino gutxiagoko osasunarekin jatean gudariak _3 osasun puntu_ jasotzen ditu_.\n\n_+2:_ %50 baino gutxiagoko osasunarekin jatean gudariak _5 osasun puntu_ jasotzen ditu.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=arma maisuaren sena
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Gudariak _2 aldiz azkarrago_ identifikatzen ditu armak eta armadurak.\n\n_+2:_ Gudariak armak eta armadurak identifikatzen ditu _janzterakoan_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=probaren subjektua
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Edabe bat erabiliz identifikatzean, gudariak _3 osasun puntu_ eskuratzen ditu.\n\n_+2:_ Edabe bat erabiliz identifikatzean, gudariak _5 osasun puntu_ eskuratzen ditu.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Edabe bat erabiliz identifikatzean, gudariak _4 osasun puntu_ eskuratzen ditu.\n\n_+2:_ Edabe bat erabiliz identifikatzean, gudariak _6 osasun puntu_ eskuratzen ditu.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=burdinazko gogoa
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ Gudariaren zigiluak emandako gehieneko ezkutua _Puntu 1 areagotzen da_.\n_+2:_ Gudariaren zigiluak emandako gehieneko ezkutua _2 puntu areagotzen da_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=janari biziberritzailea
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Alprojak _2 aldiz azkarrago_ iden
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=ezusteko ukabilkada
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Alprojak _kalte puntu gehigarri 1_ eragiten du arerioa ustekabean erasotako lehenbizikoan.\n\n_+2:_ Alprojak _1-2 kalte puntu gehigarri_ eragiten ditu arerioa ustekabean erasotako lehenbizikoan.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=itzal joslea
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Alprojak osasun puntu bat berreskuratzen du _3 txanda jarraian_ igarotzen baditu kaparekin ezkutatuta.\n\n_+2:_ Alprojak osasun puntu bat berreskuratzen du _2 txanda jarraian_ igarotzen baditu kaparekin ezkutatuta.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Alprojak osasun puntu bat berreskuratzen du _5 txanda jarraian_ igarotzen baditu kaparekin ezkutatuta.\n\n_+2:_ Alprojak osasun puntu bat berreskuratzen du _3 txanda jarraian_ igarotzen baditu kaparekin ezkutatuta.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=janari indartzailea
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=biziraupenaren sena

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=You feel quite satisfied and full.\n\nWhile well fed,
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=hearty meal
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=armsmaster's intuition
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _2x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _when he equips them_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=test subject
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=iron will
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 1_.\n\n_+2:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 2_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x fa
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=mending shadows
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _2 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _5 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=survivalist's intuition

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Vous vous sentez assez satisfait et repu.\n\nTant que
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=repas copieux
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Manger à moins de 50% de sa santé guérit le Guerrier de _4 PV_.\n\n_+2:_ Manger à moins de 50% de sa santé guérit le guerrier de _6 PV_.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=intuition du maître d'armes
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Le Guerrier identifie armes et armures _2x plus vite_.\n\n_+2:_ Le Guerrier identifie armes et armures _quand il les équipe_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=sujet test
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Quand le Guerrier identifie une potion en la buvant, il gagne _3 PV_.\n\n_+2:_ Quand le Guerrier identifie une potion en la buvant, il gagne _5 PV_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Volonté de fer
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ Le niveau maximum de bouclier fourni par le sceau du Guerrier est _augmenté de 1_.\n\n_+2:_ Le niveau maximum de bouclier fourni par le sceau du Guerrier est _augmenté de 2_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=repas énergisant
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Le Voleur identifie les anneaux _
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=coup bas
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Le Voleur bénéficie de _1 bonus aux dommage_ la première fois qu'il fait une attaque surprise sur un ennemi.\n\n_+2:_ Le Voleur bénéficie de _1-2 bonus aux dommage_ la première fois qu'il fait une attaque surprise sur un ennemi.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=ombres réparatrices
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Le Voleur se soigne de 1 PV tous les _3 tours consécutifs_ où il est caché sous sa cape.\n\n_+2:_ Le Voleur se soigne de 1 PV tous les _2 tours consécutifs_ où il est caché sous sa cape.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _5 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=repas revigorant
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuition du survivaliste

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Egészen elégedettnek és jóllakottnak érzed magad.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=bőséges étel
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Ha 50% alatti egészségszintnél eszel, a harcos _4 HP_ -t gyógyul.\n\n_+2:_ Ha 50% alatti egészségszintnél eszel, a harcos _6 HP_ -t gyógyul.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Ha 50% alatti egészségszintnél eszel, a harcos _3 HP_ -t gyógyul.\n\n_+2:_ Ha 50% alatti egészségszintnél eszel, a harcos _5 HP_ -t gyógyul.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=fegyvermesteri intuíció
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ A harcos _2x gyorsabban_ azonosítja a fegyvereket és a páncélokat.\n\n_+2:_ A harcos _amint viseli_ azonosítja a fegyvereket és a páncélokat.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Bármikor, amikor egy főzetet megiszik, a harcos _3 HP_-t gyógyul.\n\n_+2:_ Bármikor, amikor egy főzetet megiszik, a harcos _5 HP_-t gyógyul.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Bármikor, amikor egy főzetet megiszik, a harcos _4 HP_-t gyógyul.\n\n_+2:_ Bármikor, amikor egy főzetet megiszik, a harcos _6 HP_-t gyógyul.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ A maximális páncél, amire a harcos pecsétje rá van tűzve _1-el növekszik_.\n\n_+2:_ A maximális páncél, amire a harcos pecsétje rá van tűzve _2-vel növekszik_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizáló étel
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ A tolvaj _2x gyorsabban_ azonosí
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=váratlan ütés
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ A tolvaj _1 bónusz sebzést_ okoz az első alkalommal, amikor meglepi az ellenfelét.\n\n_+2:_ A tolvaj _1-2 bónusz sebzést_ okoz az első alkalommal, amikor meglepi az ellenfelét.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=gyógyító árnyak
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ A tolvaj 1 HP-t gyógyul _3 egymás utáni körben_ amikor a láthatatlan köpeny alatt van.\n\n_+2:_ A tolvaj 1 HP-t gyógyul _2 egymás utáni körben_ amikor a láthatatlan köpeny alatt van.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ A tolvaj 1 HP-t gyógyul _5 egymás utáni körben_ amikor a láthatatlan köpeny alatt van.\n\n_+2:_ A tolvaj 1 HP-t gyógyul _3 egymás utáni körben_ amikor a láthatatlan köpeny alatt van.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=élénkítő étel
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ A vadásznőnek 1 körbe telik az étkezés, és kap _1 kör sietséget_.\n\n_+2:_ A vadásznőnek 1 körbe telik az étkezés, és kap _2 kör sietséget_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=a túlélő megérzése

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Kau merasa cukup puas dan kenyang.\n\nSaat cukup makan
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=hearty meal
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=armsmaster's intuition
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _2x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _when he equips them_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=test subject
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=iron will
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 1_.\n\n_+2:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 2_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x fa
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=mending shadows
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _2 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _5 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=survivalist's intuition

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Ti senti davvero soddisfatto e sazio.\n\nFinché sei b
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=pasto abbondante
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Mangiato sotto il 50% di salute cura il Guerriero di _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Mangiato sotto il 50% di salute cura il Guerriero di _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=intuizione del maestro d'armi
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Il Guerriero identifica armi e armatura _2x volte più velocemente_.\n\n_+2:_ Il Guerriero identifica armi e armatura _quando le equipaggia_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=test subject
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=iron will
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 1_.\n\n_+2:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 2_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x fa
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=mending shadows
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _2 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _5 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=survivalist's intuition

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=とても満足して、お腹もいっぱいだ。\n\
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=hearty meal
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=armsmaster's intuition
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _2x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _when he equips them_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=test subject
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=iron will
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 1_.\n\n_+2:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 2_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x fa
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=mending shadows
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _2 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _5 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=survivalist's intuition

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=당신은 매우 배부르며, 만족감을 느끼고
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=푸짐한 식사
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ 체력이 50% 이하일 때 하는 식사는 전사를 _4 HP_ 만큼 회복시킵니다.\n\n_+2:_ 체력이 50% 이하일 때 하는 식사는 전사를 _6 HP_ 만큼 회복시킵니다.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ 전사는 체력이 50% 이하일 때 식사를 하면 _3 HP_ 를 회복합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 전사는 체력이 50% 이하일 때 식사를 하면 _5 HP_ 를 회복합니다.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=장인의 직감
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ 전사는 무기와 방어구를 _2배 빠르게 감정하게 됩니다_.\n\n_+2:_ 전사는 무기와 방어구를 _착용하는 즉시 감정하게 됩니다_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ 미감정 물약을 마셔서 감정할 때 _3 HP_ 만큼 회복합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 미감정 물약을 마셔서 감정할 때 _5 HP_ 만큼 회복합니다.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ 전사는 미감정 물약을 마셔서 감정할 때 _4 HP_ 만큼 회복합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 전사는 미감정 물약을 마셔서 감정할 때 _6 HP_ 만큼 회복합니다.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=강철의 의지
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ 부러진 인장이 제공하는 방어막의 최대치가 _1 만큼 증가합니다_.\n\n_+2:_ 부러진 인장이 제공하는 방어막의 최대치가 _2 만큼 증가합니다_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=에너지 넘치는 식사
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ 도적은 반지를 _2배 빠르
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=불시의 타격
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ 도적은 적을 처음 기습할 때 _1 만큼의 추가 피해_ 를 입힙니다.\n\n_+2:_ 도적은 적을 처음 기습할 때 _1-2 만큼의 추가 피해_ 를 입힙니다.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=수선의 그림자
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ 도적은 망토로 은신하는 도중 연속적인 _3턴마다_ 1 HP를 회복합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 도적은 망토로 은신하는 도중 연속적인 _2턴마다_ 1 HP를 회복합니다.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ 도적은 망토로 은신을 지속하면 _5턴마다_ 1 HP를 회복합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 도적은 망토로 은신을 지속하면 _3턴마다_ 1 HP를 회복합니다.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=활기 넘치는 식사
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=생존자의 직감

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Jesteś dość usatysfakcjonowany i pełny.\n\nPodczas
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=krzepiący posiłek
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=armsmaster's intuition
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _2x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _when he equips them_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=test subject
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=żelazna wola
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 1_.\n\n_+2:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 2_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x fa
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=mending shadows
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _2 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _5 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=survivalist's intuition

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Você se sente bastante satisfeito e cheio.\n\nEmbora
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=hearty meal
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=armsmaster's intuition
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _2x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _when he equips them_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=test subject
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=iron will
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 1_.\n\n_+2:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 2_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x fa
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=mending shadows
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _2 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _5 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=survivalist's intuition

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Вы наелись до отвала и полнос
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=hearty meal
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=armsmaster's intuition
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _2x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _when he equips them_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=test subject
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=iron will
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 1_.\n\n_+2:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 2_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x fa
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=mending shadows
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _2 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _5 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=survivalist's intuition

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Gayet tatmin olmuş ve tok hissediyorsun.\n\nİyi besl
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=Doyurucu yemek
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_Bunu canın %50 altındayken yemek savaşçıya _4 HP_ kazandırır.\n\n_+2:_ Bunu canın %50 altındayken yemek savaşçıya _6 HP_ kazandırır.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=Silah Ustasının Sezgisi
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı silah ve zırhları _2x daha hızlı_ tanımlar.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı silahları ve zırhları _kuşandığında tanımlar_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı bir iksiri kullanarak tanımlarsa _3 HP_ kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı bir iksiri kullanarak tanımlarsa _3 HP_ kazanır.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Demir İrade
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçının mühründen sağlanan azami kalkan _1 artar_.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçının mühründen sağlanan azami kalkan _2 artar_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Enerji veren yemek
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Haydut yüzükleri _2x daha hızl
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Kalleş Yumruğu
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Haydut düşmana yaptığı ilk sürpriz saldırıda _1 fazladan hasar verir_.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut düşmana yaptığı ilk sürpriz saldırıda _1-2 fazladan hasar verir_.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=Gölgelerde Şifa
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Haydut peleriniyle görünmez olduğu _ardışık 3 turda_ 1 HP iyileştirir.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut peleriniyle görünmez olduğu _ardışık 2 turda_ 1 HP iyileştirir.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _5 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Canlandıran Yemek
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Hayatta kalma uzmanının sezgisi

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Ви відчуваєте себе цілком зад
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=hearty meal
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating at below 50% health heals the Warrior for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=armsmaster's intuition
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _2x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _when he equips them_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=test subject
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _3 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _5 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _4 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever he identifies a potion by using it, the Warrior heals for _6 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=iron will
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 1_.\n\n_+2:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 2_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x fa
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.title=mending shadows
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _2 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _5 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue heals for 1 HP every _3 consecutive turns_ that he is hidden by his cloak.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes 1 turn and grants the Huntress _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=survivalist's intuition

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@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=你感觉自己吃的非常饱。\n\n当你处于饱
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1_ 战士在生命值低于50%时使用食物会恢复_ 4 点生命_。\n\n_+2_ 战士在生命值低于50%时使用食物会恢复_ 6 点生命_。
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1_ 战士在生命值低于50%时使用食物会恢复_ 3 点生命_。\n\n_+2_ 战士在生命值低于50%时使用食物会恢复_ 5 点生命_。
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1_ 战士装备武器与护甲时_鉴定它们的速度提升为原来的两倍_。\n\n_+2_ 战士装备武器与护甲时_会将其瞬间鉴定_。
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1_ 战士亲自饮用未鉴定的药水时,恢复 _3 点生命_。\n\n_+2_ 战士亲自饮用未鉴定的药水时,恢复 _5 点生命_。
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1_ 战士亲自饮用未鉴定的药水时,恢复 _4 点生命_。\n\n_+2_ 战士亲自饮用未鉴定的药水时,恢复 _6 点生命_。
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1_ 战士的纹章提供的护盾值上限_提高 1 点_。\n\n_+2_ 战士的纹章提供的护盾值上限_提高 2 点_。
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1_ 盗贼装备戒指时_鉴定它
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1_ 盗贼在第一次伏击一个敌人时造成_ 1 点额外伤害_。\n\n_+2_ 盗贼在第一次伏击一个敌人时造成_ 1~2 点额外伤害_。
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1_ 盗贼每_连续 3 回合_在暗影斗篷下隐身会恢复 1 点生命。\n\n_+2:_ 盗贼每_连续 2 回合_在暗影斗篷下隐身会恢复 1 点生命。
actors.hero.talent.mending_shadows.desc=_+1_ 盗贼每_连续 5 回合_在暗影斗篷下隐身会恢复 1 点生命。\n\n_+2:_ 盗贼每_连续 3 回合_在暗影斗篷下隐身会恢复 1 点生命。

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@ -1392,7 +1392,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=NAPLNIT
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Vyber hůlku
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=%s naplňuje svou silou tvoji hůl.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Rozpor mezi magiemi vymazal okouzlení na tvé holi.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Rozpor mezi magiemi vymazal okouzlení ze tvé hole.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Musíš hůlku nejprve identifikovat.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Nemůžeš použít prokletou hůlku.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Určitě chceš hůl naplnit silou této hůlky? Předchozí naplněná síla bude ztracena.\n\nPokud je hůl naplňována hůlkou, která je stejně nebo více vylepšená, převezme si hůl vylepšení z této hůlky a přidá jedno ze svých vlastních vylepšení.\n\nVýsledkem tohoto naplnění bude hůl s úrovní %d.