- fixed keys spawning without chests in secret chest chasms rooms when challenges were enabled
- fixed fireblast rarely damaging enemies who move into it's effect as it's resolving
- fixed dew drops rarely landing on stairs, making them inaccessible.
- rings now display statistical information about their effects
- ring of accuracy now boosts hero accuracy, instead of reducing enemy evasion
- ring of energy buffed, now provides a percentage boost to charge speed
- ring of furor rebalanced, no longger better with slower weapons
- missile weapons now have damage scaling and can be upgraded (except darts)
- upgraded missile weapons gain 3x durability (stacking multiplicatively)
- missile weapons with more than 100 uses now last indefinitely
- ring of sharpshooting now works with damage scaling, rather than applying a flat +20% dmg per level
- bolas buffed. base damage up to 6-9, from 4-6
- shuriken adjusted. base damage up to 4-8, from 4-6. uses down to 5, from 10
- throwing stones now have 1/2 value, instead of 1 value.
- fixed reach weapons not working for non-heroes
- fixed stealth using integers rather than floats
- fixed magical sleep decrementing paralysis without incrementing it
- removed leftover conversion logic from beta
- imp now spawns at the same time as other mobs
- remains in mass grave room now spawn wraiths at the normal rate again
- fixed none-heroes being able to use reach weapons through walls
- fixed toolkit rarely being able to go above 100% charge
- fixed antimagic glyph apply to more effects when used by the sad ghost
- fixed elixir of restoration doing nothing when thrown
- fixed exotic items not being identified in rankings (will not fix old rankings)
- fixed bolas incorrectly having 15 strength
- fixed some items not being known to uncursed from shops
- fixed an internal typo in DungeonTileSheet.java
- fixed crashes when tengu is healed and then damaged
- fixed deaths to arcane and shrapnel bombs not appearing in rankings
- fixed runs from before 0.7.0 getting a laboratory every floor
- fixed visual bugs involving alchemist's toolkit
- Arcane and Shrapnel bomb costs increased to 10
- Rarity of teleport and magic mapping swapped.
- Aquatic rejuvenation duration up to 3x HT, from 2x HT
- Caustic brew AOE increased to 5x5, from 3x3
- Reclaim trap duration to 15 turns from 10, quantity reduced to 3 from 4
- Curse infusion quantity up to 4 from 3
- Recycle buffed to 6 uses, from 5
- Aqua blast chance to fill a cell with water increased to 80% from 50%
- Blizzard brew now stacks freeze duration more quickly
- Shocking brew and shock bomb duration up to 20 from 10
- Phase shift quantity up to 6 from 5
- Scroll of foresight buff now increases search radius by 1
- fixed a crash when a game was loaded with magical sleep attached
- fixed further crashes caused by new bombs
- fixed unintentional debug logic left on city boss level
- fixed a couple typos
- fixed preparation not being cleared with invisibility in some cases
- fixed the ghost hero rarely attacking nonexistant enemies
- fixed elixir of vitality
- fixed wand of blast wave registering a dungeon fail when it isn't what killed the hero
- fixed bones rarely appearing inside of bookcases on floor 20
- fixed well fed buff not being reset by eating additional feasts
- fixed prismatic images being corruptable
- fixed exotic scrolls not correctly IDing themselves
- fixed typos
- fixed rare cases where item or bag windows could be stacked
- fixed honeyed healing not applying potion of healing curing effects
- fixed a text alyout issue in alchemy scene
also adjusted charm logic. Charmed enemies will now try to find a new target
Also removed some earlier beta conversion code
also improved some brew and elixir sprites
- fixed warrior's broken seal buff detaching incorrectly
- made tipped dart sticking logic consistent with other missile weapons
- fixed items rarely being usable when the hero is dead
- added a bonus special room when pit rooms spawn
- fixed rockfall traps working on dead characters
- fixed a typo in magical porter
- master thieve's armband now drops regularly
- thieves now rarely drop a random ring or artifact instead of armband
- Goo and DM-300 now drop unique alchemy ingredients, no artifacts
- Lloyd's beacon and cape of thorns effectively removed from the game