v0.7.0: updated translations

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Evan Debenham 2018-10-06 16:34:48 -04:00
parent 60110f186e
commit 23d2c43abe
46 changed files with 415 additions and 398 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
actors.blobs.blizzard.desc=Uma nevasca está girando aqui.
actors.blobs.blizzard.desc=Uma nevasca está pairando por aqui.
actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Uma nuvem de gás de confusão está pairando no ar.
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ actors.blobs.freezing.desc=O ar está anormalmente frio aqui.
actors.blobs.goowarn.desc=Manchas de energia escura estão se acumulando aqui!
actors.blobs.inferno.desc=Um inferno está acontecendo aqui.
actors.blobs.inferno.desc=Um mar de chamas está revolto por aqui.
actors.blobs.paralyticgas.desc=Uma nuvem de gás paralisante está pairando aqui.

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ actors.blobs.smokescreen.desc=Burada kalın bi siyah duman bulutu süzülüyor.
actors.blobs.stenchgas.desc=Burada kokuşmuş bir gaz bulutu yayılıyor.
actors.blobs.stormcloud.desc=Burada Su buharı bulutu dalgalar halinde dolanıyor.
actors.blobs.stormcloud.desc=Burada bir su buharı bulutu dalgalar halinde süzülüyor.
actors.blobs.toxicgas.desc=Burada yeşilimsi bir zehirli gaz bulutu yayılıyor.
@ -46,20 +46,20 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Buradaki herșey kalın bir ağ ile kaplanmış.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=Fiziksel bir güç dalgalanması olan adrenalin hem saldırı hem de hareket hızını arttırır.\n\nAdrenalin hedefinin 2 kat daha hızlı koşmasına ve 1.5 kat daha hızlı saldırmasına olanak sağlar.\n\nKalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.name=Adrenalin Dalgalanması
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=A surge of great might, but sadly not permanent.\n\nStrength boost: +%d.\nTurns until boost weakens: %s.
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.name=Adrenalin Dalgası
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Muhteşem bir güç içinden akıyor, fakat maalesef kalıcı değil.\n\nGüç artışı: +%d.\nArtışın geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=Çılgınlık, etkilenen hedefi büyük bir öfke ve kafa karışıklığına sokar.\n\nÇıldıran bir yaratık, yakınında ne varsa dost düşman demeden saldırır.\n\nÇılgınlığın geçmesi için kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Artifact Recharging
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all be less limited by their charge meter.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Eser Reşarj Oluyor
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Enerji, içinde akarak kuşanmış olduğun eserlerin şarj olma hızını arttırıyor.\n\nHer eser biraz farklı bir şekilde etkilense de hepsi şarj metreleri tarafından daha az sınırlanıyor olacak.\n\nEtkinin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Kabuk derili
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Your skin is hardened, it feels rough and solid like bark.\n\nThe hardened skin increases your effective armor, allowing you to better defend against physical attack.\n\nYour armor is currently increased by: %d.\nTurns until barkskin weakens: %s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Derin sertleşti, sert ve kabuk gibi katı hissettiriyor.\n\nSertleşmiş derin aktif zırhını arttırarak sana fiziksel saldırılara karşı daha iyi koruma sağlar.\n\nZırhın şu an şu kadar arttı: %d.\nKabukderinin zayıflamasına kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=A durable bubble of force which blocks all damage.\n\nThe barrier will take damage for whatever it is protecting so long as there is shielding left. The shielding will also decay at a rate of 1 per turn.\n\nShielding remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Tüm hasarı bloke eden sağlam bir güç baloncuğu.\n\nBariyer, içinde güç kaldığı sürece her neyi koruyorsa onun için hasar alacaktır. Bu koruma aynı zamanda her geçen sıra 1 azalacaktır.\n\nKalan koruma: %d.
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ actors.buffs.burning.desc=Bazı şeyler alevlerin içinde olmaktan daha sıkınt
actors.buffs.charm.desc=A charm is manipulative magic that can make enemies temporarily adore eachother.\n\nCharacters affected by charm are unable to directly attack the enemy they are charmed by. Attacking other targets is still possible however. The shock of pain will lessen the duration of charm.\n\nTurns of charm remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.charm.desc=Ayartma, düşmanları birbirlerine geçici olarak hayran bırakan manipülatif bir büyüdür.\n\nAyartmadan etkilenen karakterler hayran oldukları düşmana geçici süreliğine direkt olarak saldıramazlar. Fakat diğer karakterlere saldırmak hala mümkündür. Ayartma esnasında yaşanan şok, bu etkinin süresini azaltacaktır.\n\nAyartmanın geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s dondu!
@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.name=Uykulu
actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Büyülü bir güç uyanık kalmanı zorlaştırıyor. \n\nKarakter uykulu olma durumuna hasar alarak veya tam sağlıkta olarak direnebilir. \n\nBirkaç sıra sonra, hedef derin ve büyülü bir uykuya dalar.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Dünya ile sarıldın
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=You are imbued with the power of earth!\n\nAll physical attacks will shift the earth under the enemy, crippling them for a short time.\n\nTurns of earth imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Dünyanın gücü ile sarıldın!\n\nTüm fiziksel saldırılar düşmanlarının ayağının altındaki toprağı sarsarak onları geçici süreliğine sakatlayacaktır.\n\nDünya sarılmasının geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Ateş ile sarıldın
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Ateşin gücü ile sarıldın! \n\nTüm fiziksel saldırılarının düşmanı alevler içinde bırakma şansı var. Üstüne, alevlerin tüm negatif etkilerine karşı dirençlisin. \n\nAteş sarılmasının bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight, anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Duyuların gelişerek etrafında olan biten normalin dışı her şeyi anında fark etmeni sağlıyor.\n\nBu öngörünün etkisi altındayken arama alanına giren her şey anında keşfedilecektir.\n\nÖngörünün geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s dondu!
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ actors.buffs.lockedfloor.name=Bu kat kilitlendi
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.desc=Şu anki kat kilitlendi, ve onu terkedemezsin!\n\nBir kat kilitlendiğinde acıkmazsın ve açlık nedeni ile hasar almazsın. Üstüne, bu katın patronu ile bir an önce yüzleşmezsen pasif rejenerasyon etkileri de duracaktır. \n\nÜstelik, eğer kat kilitliyken kutsanmamış bir ankh ile dirilirsen ankh sıfırlanır. \n\nKilidi kırmak için bu katın patronunu öldür.
actors.buffs.magicalsight.name=Büyülü Görüş
actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=Somehow you are able to see with your mind, rather than your eyes.\n\nAll terrain or effects which reduce or block vision are broken while magical sight is active.\n\nTurns of magical sight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=Bir şekilde gözlerin yerine zihninle görebiliyorsun.\n\nGörüşü sağlayan herhangi bir arazi veya etki bu büyüsel görüş aktifken görüşünü engelleyemez.\n\nBüyüsel görüşün geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.name=Büyülü uyku
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.toohealthy=Fazla sağlıklı olduğundan uyuma isteğine direniyorsun.
@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ actors.buffs.magicalsleep.fallasleep=Büyülü ve derin bir uykuya dalıyorsun.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.wakeup=Kendini yenilenmiş ve sağlıklı hissederek uyanıyorsun.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.desc=Bu karakter, doğal olarak uyanamayacağı derin bir büyülü uykuya daldı. \n\nBüyülü uyku normal uykuya benzerdir, tek farkı uyanmak için karakterin hasar alması gerektiğidir. \n\nBüyülü uykunun yenileme etkileri de vardır, uyuyan kişiye uykusunda hızlı bir şekilde sağlık kazandırır.
actors.buffs.magicimmune.name=Büyüye Karşı Bağışıklı
actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=All magical effects have lost their hold on you, you are completely impervious to them.\n\nWhile magic immune all harmful and helpful magical effects will not apply to you, including curses, enchants, wands, scrolls, etc.\n\nTurns of magic immunity remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.magicimmune.name=Büyü Bağışıklığı
actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Tüm büyüsel etkiler sana tutunamaz oldu, onlara karşı tam bir dayanıklılığa sahipsin.\n\nBüyü bağışıklığının etkisi altındayken zararlı ya da yararlı olsun, hiçbir büyüsel etki sana işlemez, buna lanetler, efsunlamalar, asalar, parşömenler vb. de dahildir.\n\nBüyüsel bağışıklığın geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Akıl görüşü
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Bir şekilde bu kattaki tüm karakterleri zihninde görebiliyorsun. Bu garip bir his. \n\nAkıl görüşüne sahip olduğun sürece bu kattaki tüm karakterler sana görünür hale gelir. Bir yaratığı akıl görüşü ile görmek onun çoğu büyüsel etki için görünen veya yakınlarda sayılmasına neden olur.\n\nAkıl görüşünün bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.name=Aşındırıcı çamur
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=ındırıcı çamur derini yiyor. Yıkayarak temizle!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Eriyip gittin...
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=This sticky acid clings to flesh, slowly melting it away.\n\nOoze will deal consistent damage over time, but can be immediately washed off in water.\n\nTurns of ooze remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Bu yapışkan asit deriye yapışır ve onu yavaşça eritir.\n\nÇamur, zamanla sürekli olarak hasar verse de su ile anında yıkanabilir.\n\nÇamurun geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Felç oldun!
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=resisted paralysis
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Oftentimes the worst thing to do is nothing at all.\n\nParalysis completely halts all actions, forcing the target to wait until the effect wears off. The pain from taking damage can cause characters to resist paralysis, breaking them out of the effect.\n\nTurns of paralysis remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=felce karşı koyuldu
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Çoğu zaman en kötü şey hiçbir şey yapmamaktır.\n\nFelç, tüm davranışların durmasına neden olarak hedefini etkinin geçmesine beklemeye zorlar. Hasar almaktan kaynaklanan acı, karakterlerin felcin etkine karşı koymalarına neden olarak onları felç etkisinden çıkarabilir.\n\nFelcin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
@ -227,8 +227,8 @@ actors.buffs.preparation.prompt=Saldırmak için bir hedef seç!\nMaksimum atlam
actors.buffs.preparation.no_target=Burada saldıracak bir şey yok.
actors.buffs.preparation.out_of_reach=Bu hedef erişebileceğin mesafeden uzakta.
actors.buffs.prismaticguard.name=Prismatic Guard
actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=You are being guarded by a prismatic image which is currently inactive. When enemies are present the prismatic image will spring to action and protect you!\n\nWhile inactive, the prismatic image will steadily recover from any damage it has taken.\n\nCurrent HP: %d/%d.
actors.buffs.prismaticguard.name=Prizmatik Koruma
actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Şu an aktif olmayan bir prizmatik görüntü tarafından korunuyorsun. Düşmanlar görünürde olduğunda prizmatik görüntü ortaya çıkacak ve seni koruyacak!\n\nAktif değilken prizmatik görüntü düzenli bir şekilde aldığı tüm hasarlardan iyileşecektir.\n\nŞu anki HP: %d/%d.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=İçinden bir enerji akıyor ve bu enerji asalarının ve değneklerinin şarj hızını arttırıyor. \n\nHer sıra, bu etki şu anki şarj etkisine bir çeyrek daha ekler. \n\nŞarj etkisinin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
@ -249,11 +249,11 @@ actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=Keskin nişancı yakındaki bir hedefe kilitlendi,
actors.buffs.soulmark.name=Ruh işaretlenmesi
actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=Sihirbaz bu karakterin ruhuna odaklandı. Bu karakter hasar aldıkça iyileşecek ve açlığını doyuracak. \n\nRuh işaretinin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.stamina.name=Dayanma gücü
actors.buffs.stamina.desc=You have unending stamina, allowing for faster movement!\n\nWhile under the effects of stamina you will run at +50%% speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of stamina remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.stamina.desc=Sonsuz kondisyona sahipsin ve bu daha hızlı hareket etmeni sağlıyor!\n\nBu kondisyon etkisi altındayken +50 %% hızında koşacaksın, fakat yaptığın diğer her etkinlik normal hızda olacaktır.\n\nBu kondisyon durumunun geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.terror.desc=Terror is manipulative magic which forces its target into an uncontrollable panic.\n\nTerrified characters are forced to run away from their opponent, trying to put as many doors and walls between them as possible. The shock of pain will lessen the duration of terror, however.\n\nTurns of terror remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.terror.desc=Terör, hedefini kontrol dışı bir paniğe sokan manipülatif bir büyüdür.\n\nKorkmuş karakterler düşmanlarından kaçmaya ve aralarında mümkün olduğunca çok kapı ve duvar açmaya zorlanırlar. Acıdan kaynaklanan hasar, bu korkunun süresini azaltacaktır.\n\nTerörün geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Toksite ile sarıldın
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Zehirli enerji ile sarıldın!\n\nSen hareket ettikçe toksik gaz salacaksın, bu da düşmanlarına zarar verecek. Bu etki sırasında toksik gaz ve zehir etkilerine karşı dirençlisin.\n\nToksik sarılmanın geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
@ -381,8 +381,8 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=Impler küçük şeytanlardır. Güçleri ve
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.name=ayna klonu
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=Bu ilüzyon sana baya benziyor, hatta senin tuttuğun silah ve giydiğin zırhın bile aynısına sahip.\n\nAyna kopyalar düşmanlarına senin silahının bir taklidi ile saldıracak, bu silah seninkisi ile aynı şekilde davransa da daha az hasar verir. Bu silahlar en başta ruhanidirler ve saldırmadan önce katı bir form almalıdırlar.\n\nSaldırı güçleri elle tutulabilir olsa da ayna kopyaların dayanıklılığı yoktur ve hasar aldıkları anda yok olacaklardır.
actors.mobs.npcs.prismaticimage.name=prismatic image
actors.mobs.npcs.prismaticimage.desc=This shimmering illusion bears a close resemblance to you, even seeming to wield your current weapon and armor.\n\nPrismatic images will attempt to seek and draw focus from enemies, using their enhanced defense and health to protect you. While they do not have the same offensive power as mirror images, they have enhanced durability, including receiving benefits from your armor.\n\nWhen reduced to 0 hp, prismatic images will fade over several turns, and can still be healed during this time. When no enemies are present, prismatic images will fade and rejoin their master.
actors.mobs.npcs.prismaticimage.name=prizmatik görüntü
actors.mobs.npcs.prismaticimage.desc=Bu parlak ilüzyon sana baya benzer bir görünüşe sahip, hatta senin şu anki silahını ve zırhının bile aynısına sahip gibi görünüyor.\n\nPrizmatik görüntüler düşmanları bulup onları kendilerine çekerek geliştirilmiş koruma ve sağlıklarını kullanarak seni korumaya çalışacaktır. Ayna görüntüleri kadar saldırgan güce sahip olmasalar da artırılmış dayanıklılığa sahiplerdir, bu dayanıklılığa giydiğin zırh ta dahildir.\n\n0 hpye indirildiklerinde prizmatik görüntüler birkaç sıra içinde kaybolacaklardır ve bu esnada hala iyileştirilebilirler. Hiçbir düşman görünürde değilken bu görüntüler kaybolacak ve sahiplerine geri döneceklerdir.
actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.name=fare kralı
@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ actors.mobs.statue.name=canlandırılmış heykel
actors.mobs.statue.desc=Onun, bu zindanın başka bir çirkin heykeli olduğunu düşünebilirdin, fakat parlayan kırmızı gözleri onu ele veriyor.\n\nHeykelin kendisi taştan yapılmış olsa dahi elindeki _%s_ gerçek duruyor.
actors.mobs.succubus.desc=The succubi are demons that look like seductive (in a slightly gothic way) girls. Using its magic, the succubus can charm a hero, who will become unable to attack anything until the charm wears off. When succubi attack a charmed hero, they will steal their life essence.
actors.mobs.succubus.desc=Succubuslar çekici (birazcık gotik) kızlar gibi görünen şeytanlardır. Succubuslar büyülerini kullanarak bir kahramanı kendilerine hayran bırakarak bu hayranlık geçene kadar hiçbir şeye saldıramaz hale getirebilirler. Bir succubus zaten hayranlık durumunda olan bir kahramana saldırırsa o kahramanın hayat esansını çalacaktır.
actors.mobs.swarm.name=sinek sürüsü

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@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Aquesta bomba personalitzada crearà un camp d'ovell
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Quan es llegeix, aquest pergamí all
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=pergamí d'endevinació
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=No queda res per identificar!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Aquest pergamí identificarà de forma permanent quatre tipus d'ítems aleatoris: colors de poció, runes de pergamí i gemmes d'anell. Els elements identificats no seran necessàriament els que portes.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=El teu pergamí d'endevinació ha identificat els següents ítems:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=pergamí d'encanteri

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@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.unknown_scroll=Ještě nevíš, co je to za sv
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc=Tato kniha je vzhledem ke svému věku v překvapivě dobrém stavu. Během listování stránkami syčí a praská pod návalem nestabilní energie. Pokud z této knihy něco přečteš, není jisté jaké kouzlo tím vyvoláš.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_cursed=Prokletá kniha je k tobě vázána a brání ti v možnosti používat většinu svitků.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_index=Kniha je neúplná. Její rejstřík odkazuje na následující prázdné stránky:
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_empowered=Svitky které byli přidány do knihy září magickou silou. Budeš si moci vybrat vzácnější verzi efektů těchto svitků, ale za cenu dodatečného nabití.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.read_empowered=Svitek který byl přidán do knihy přerůstá energií. Máš možnost vyvolat běžnou nebo vzácnější verzi efektu tohoto svitku.\n\nVýběr vzácnější varianty bude stát dvě nabití místo jednoho.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_empowered=Svitky které byli přidány do knihy září magickou silou. Budeš si moci vybrat vzácnou verzi efektů těchto svitků, ale za cenu dodatečného nabití.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.read_empowered=Svitek který byl přidán do knihy přerůstá energií. Máš možnost vyvolat běžnou nebo vzácnou verzi efektu tohoto svitku.\n\nVýběr vzácné varianty bude stát dvě nabití místo jednoho.
@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Tato upravená bomba namísto exploze vytvoří pole
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
@ -620,18 +621,18 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=Po vypití naplní elixír toho
###exotic potions
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.turquoise=Vzácnější tyrkysový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.crimson=Vzácnější karmínový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.azure=Vzácnější azurový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.jade=Vzácnější nefritový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.golden=Vzácnější zlatý lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.magenta=Vzácnější purpurový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.charcoal=Vzácnější uhelný lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.ivory=Vzácnější slonovinový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.amber=Vzácnější jantarový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.bistre=Vzácnější mahagonový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.indigo=Vzácnější indigový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.silver=Vzácnější stříbrný lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.turquoise=Vzácný tyrkysový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.crimson=Vzácný karmínový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.azure=Vzácný azurový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.jade=Vzácný nefritový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.golden=Vzácný zlatý lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.magenta=Vzácný purpurový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.charcoal=Vzácný uhelný lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.ivory=Vzácný slonovinový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.amber=Vzácný jantarový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.bistre=Vzácný mahagonový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.indigo=Vzácný indigový lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.silver=Vzácný stříbrný lektvar
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.unknown_desc=Tato kulatá lahvička obsahuje zrnitou barevnou kapalinu. Zdá se, že je velmi neobvyklá, takže kdo ví co to udělá, pokud se vypije nebo hodí?
items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.name=Lektvar adrenalinového návalu
@ -848,18 +849,18 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Tento svitek vylepší jeden předmět a zlep
###exotic scrolls
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.kaunan=Vzácnější svitek KAUNAN
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.sowilo=Vzácnější svitek SOWILO
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.laguz=Vzácnější svitek LAGUZ
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.yngvi=Vzácnější svitek YNGVI
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.gyfu=Vzácnější svitek GYFU
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.raido=Vzácnější svitek RAIDO
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.isaz=Vzácnější svitek ISAZ
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.mannaz=Vzácnější svitek MANNAZ
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.naudiz=Vzácnější svitek NAUDIZ
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.berkanan=Vzácnější svitek BERKANAN
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.odal=Vzácnější svitek ODAL
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.tiwaz=Vzácnější svitek TIWAZ
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.kaunan=Vzácný svitek KAUNAN
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.sowilo=Vzácný svitek SOWILO
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.laguz=Vzácný svitek LAGUZ
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.yngvi=Vzácný svitek YNGVI
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.gyfu=Vzácný svitek GYFU
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.raido=Vzácný svitek RAIDO
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.isaz=Vzácný svitek ISAZ
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.mannaz=Vzácný svitek MANNAZ
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.naudiz=Vzácný svitek NAUDIZ
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.berkanan=Vzácný svitek BERKANAN
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.odal=Vzácný svitek ODAL
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.tiwaz=Vzácný svitek TIWAZ
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.unknown_desc=Na tomto černém pergamenu je napsána nerozluštitelná magická runa. Zdá se, že je velmi neobvyklá, takže kdo ví co to udělá, pokud se přečte nahlas?
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofaffection.name=Svitek náklonnosti
@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Tento svitek vypustí po přečtení
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=Svitek věštění
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Nezbývá nic, co by bylo možné identifikovat!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Tento svitek trvale odhalí čtyři náhodné předměty typu: barvy lektvarů, symboly na svitcích a drahokamy na prstenech. Odhalené předměty nemusí být nutně ty, které neseš.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Tvůj svitek věštění identifikoval tyto předměty:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=Svitek okouzlení

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@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Diese angepasste Bombe erschafft ein Feld aus magisc
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Wenn diese Schriftrolle laut gelesen
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=Schriftrolle der Wahrsagerei
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Hier ist nichts zum identifizieren!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Dieser Zauberspruch wird vier zufällige Typen von Gegenständen permanent identifizieren: Farben von Tränken, Schriftrollenrunen und Ringsteine. Die identifizierten Gegenstände müssen nicht unbedingt unter denen sein, die du bei dir trägst.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Deine Schriftrolle der Wahrsagerei hat die folgenden Gegenstände identifiziert:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=Schriftrolle der Verzauberung

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@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Tiu ĉi modifita bombo estigos kampon de magia ŝafo
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Kiam legita voĉe, tiu ĉi skribrula
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=skribrulaĵo de aŭguro
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Estas nenio pli por identigi!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo porĉiam identigos kvar hazardajn aĵojn: kolorojn de eliksiroj, runoj de skribrulaĵoj kaj ringajn juvelŝtonoj. La identigotaj objektoj povos ne esti tiuj, kiujn vi posedas.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=La skribrulaĵo de aŭguro identigis la jenajn aĵojn:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=skribrulaĵo de enmagiigo

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@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Esta bomba personalizada creará un campo de ovejas
items.food.blandfruit.name=fruta insípida
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=fruta de podredumbre
@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Cuando se lea en voz alta, este perg
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=pergamino de adivinación
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=¡No queda nada por identificar!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Este pergamino identificará permanentemente cuatro tipos de ítems aleatorios: pociones coloridas, pergaminos rúnicos y anillos de gemas. Los artículos identificados no serán necesariamente los que llevas.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Tu pergamino de adivinación ha identificado los siguientes ítems:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=pergamino de encantamiento

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@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Bomba eraldatu honek ardi magikoak sortuko ditu bere
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Ozen irakurtzean, eskuizkribu honek
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=igartzapen eskuizkribua
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Ez dago ezer identifikatzeke!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Eskuizkribu honek era iraunkorrean identifikatuko ditu ausakzo lau elementu mota: edabeen koloreak, eskuizkribuen errunak eta eraztunetako bitxiak. Identifikatutako elementuak gainean ez dituzun elementuak izan daitezke.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Zure igartzapen eskuizkribuak honako objektu hauek identifikatu ditu:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=sorgintze eskuizkribua
@ -1045,7 +1046,7 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.name=eztanda uhinaren zarta
items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=eztanda uhinaren makulua
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Zure burua hil duzu zure eztanda uhinaren zarta propioarekin...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Zarta hau markol itxurako harri batez egina dago, urrezko apainketekin eta muturrean harri bitxi beltz bat. Nahiko astun nabaritzen duzu eskuan.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Zarta honek helburuan bortizki lehertzen den tximista bat jaurtitzen du. Eztandaren indarrak _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu__ eragiten du eta etsai gehienak hegaz bidaltzeko beste indartsua da.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Zarta honek helburuan bortizki lehertzen den tximista bat jaurtitzen du. Eztandaren indarrak _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragiten du eta etsai gehienak hegaz bidaltzeko beste indartsua da.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=ustelkeriaren zarta
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=ustelkeria makulua

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@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=This customized bomb will create a field of magical
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=When read aloud, this scroll will un
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=scroll of divination
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=There is nothing left to identify!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types: potion colors, scroll runes, and ring gems. The items identified won't necessary be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Your scroll of divination has identified the following items:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=scroll of enchantment

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@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Cette bombe modifiée va créer un champ de moutons
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.sunfruit=fruit radieux
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=fruit pourri
items.food.blandfruit.earthfruit=fruit de terre
@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Quand lit a voix haute, ce parchemin
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=parchemin de divination
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Il ne reste rien a identifier!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Ce parchemin va identifier de façon permanente quatre types d'objets aléatoires: couleurs de potion, runes de parchemins, et gemmes d'anneaux. Ces objets identifiés ne seront pas nécessairement ceux que vous transportez.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Votre parchemin de divination a identifié les objets suivant:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=parchemin d'enchantement

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@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=This customized bomb will create a field of magical
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=When read aloud, this scroll will un
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=scroll of divination
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=There is nothing left to identify!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types: potion colors, scroll runes, and ring gems. The items identified won't necessary be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Your scroll of divination has identified the following items:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=scroll of enchantment

View File

@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=This customized bomb will create a field of magical
items.food.blandfruit.name=buah campur
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.sunfruit=buah matahari
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=buah rot
items.food.blandfruit.earthfruit=buah tanah
@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=When read aloud, this scroll will un
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=scroll of divination
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=There is nothing left to identify!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types: potion colors, scroll runes, and ring gems. The items identified won't necessary be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Your scroll of divination has identified the following items:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=scroll of enchantment

View File

@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Questa bomba fatta su misura creerà un campo di pec
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.earthfruit=frutto della terra
@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Quando letta ad alta voce, questa pe
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=pergamena della divinazione
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Non c'è rimasto niente da identificare!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Questa pergamena identificherà permanentemente quattro tipologie casuali di oggetti: colori di pozioni, rune di pergamene e gemme di anelli. Gli oggetti identificati non saranno necessariamente quelli che stai trasportando.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=La tua pergamena di divinazione ha identificato i seguenti oggetti:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=pergamena dell'incantamento

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@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=이 특수 폭탄은 격발하면 주변에 양떼
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
@ -691,10 +692,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=정령의 잉걸불
items.quest.embers.desc=이 특이한 잉걸불은 어린 불정령에서만 채취할 수 있습니다. 뜨거운 에너지를 발산하고 있습니다.
items.quest.gooblob.name=구의 점액
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.gooblob.desc=구가 죽을 때 떨어져 나온 점액 조각입니다. 커다란 젤리 방울처럼 생겼지만, 먹을 수 있을 것 같지 않습니다.\n\n점액 그 자체로는 효과가 없지만, 특정한 포션 또는 폭탄에 섞을 때 유용하게 쓰일 수 있을 것 같습니다. 아니면 적당한 가격에 팔아버릴 수 있을 것 같습니다.
items.quest.metalshard.name=저주받은 쇳조각
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=DM-300이 파괴될 때 그것으로부터 떨어져 나온 녹슨 저주받은 금속 조각입니다. 당신은 그것으로부터 비활성화된 악의적인 마법을 느낄 수 있습니다.\n\n쇳조각은 그 자체로는 아무런 효과는 없지만, 특정한 주문서 또는 폭탄에 섞을 때 유용하게 쓰일 수 있을 것 같습니다. 아니면 괜찮은 가격에 팔아버릴 수 있을 것 같습니다.
@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=이 주문서를 읽으면 착란
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=점성술의 주문서
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=감정할 종류가 남아 있지 않다!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=이 주문서는 모든 물약, 주문서, 반지 중 네 종류를 영구히 감정합니다. 당신이 가지고 있지 않은 물건이라도 감정할 수 있습니다.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=점성술의 주문서가 다음의 아이템을 감정했습니다:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=마법 부여의 주문서

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@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Ta spreparowana bomba wytworzy pole magicznych owiec
items.food.blandfruit.name=mdły owoc
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.sunfruit=owoc słońca
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=owoc zgnilizny
items.food.blandfruit.earthfruit=owoc ziemi
@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Kiedy głośno wyczytany, ten zwój
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=Zwój oświecenia
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Zidentyfikowałeś już wszystkie przedmioty.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Ten zwój zidentyfikuje losowe 4 rzeczy: kolor mikstury, runę zwoju, i klejnot pierścienia. Przedmioty te nie muszą być w twoim plecaku.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Zwój oświecenia zidentyfikował poniższe rzeczy:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=zwój zaklęcia

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@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Esta bomba personalizada irá criar um campo de ovel
items.food.blandfruit.name=fruta branda
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.sunfruit=fruta do sol
@ -837,7 +838,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=pergaminho de transmutação
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmutar um item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nada de interessante acontece.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Seu item se transforma em algo diferente!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=Este pergaminho contém poderosa magia de transmutação. Quando usado em um item qualificado, ele será transformado em um item diferente do mesmo tipo. A magia até preservará atualizações, encantamentos e glifos.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=Pergaminho do Aprioramento
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Aprimorar um item
@ -873,14 +874,14 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Quando lido em voz alta, este pergam
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=pergaminho da adivinhação
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Não há mais nada para identificar!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Esse pergaminho identificará permanentemente quatro tipos de itens aleatórios: cores de poções, runas de pergaminhos e gemas dos anéis. Os itens identificados não serão necessários como aqueles que você está carregando.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Seu pergaminho de adivinhação identificou os seguintes itens:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=pergaminho do encantamento
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.inv_title=Encante um item
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.weapon=Selecione um encantamento para aplicar em sua arma.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.armor=Selecione um glifo para aplicar à sua armadura.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel_warn=O cancelamento ainda consumirá a lista
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel_warn=O cancelamento ainda consumirá o pergaminho.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Este pergaminho infundirá uma arma ou armadura com poderosa energia mágica. O leitor ainda tem algum grau de controle sobre qual mágica está imbuída.
@ -900,7 +901,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.name=pergaminho de polimorfo
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.desc=Este pergaminho contém poderosa magia de transmutação. Quando invocado, todos os inimigos na visão do leitor serão transformados em ovelhas mágicas!\n\nA transformação é permanente, eliminando todos os inimigos afetados. Inimigos poderosos resistirão ao efeito e todos os itens afetados que os inimigos carregarem serão perdidos.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.name=pergaminho da imagem prismática
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.desc=O encantamento neste pergaminho criará um gêmeo ilusório colorido do leitor. Esta imagem prismática atua como um clone mais fraco do leitor, com defesa semelhante, mas menor HP e dano.\n\nA imagem prismática se mostrará quando os inimigos estiverem presentes e tentará defender o leitor.\n\nSe uma imagem prismática já existir, o uso dessa rolagem será totalmente recuperado.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.desc=O encantamento neste pergaminho criará um gêmeo ilusório colorido do leitor. Esta imagem prismática atua como um clone mais fraco do leitor, com defesa semelhante, mas menor HP e dano.\n\nA imagem prismática se mostrará quando os inimigos estiverem presentes e tentará defender o leitor.\n\nSe uma imagem prismática já existir, o uso desse pergaminho será totalmente recuperado.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.name=pergaminho da explosão psíquica
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=A Explosão Psíquica explode sua mente...

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@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Эта изменённая бомба вместо
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=При прочтении вслух
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=Свиток Предсказания
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Больше нечего опознавать!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Этот свиток навсегда опознает четыре случайных предмета разных категорий: цвета зелий, руны свитков и самоцветы колец. Опознанные предметы необязательно будут предметами из вашего инвентаря.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Ваш свиток предсказания распознал следующие предметы:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=Свиток Зачарования

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@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Bu zırh ağır görünse de savaşçının hedefl
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alchemist's toolkit
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=simyagerin alet kiti
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
@ -262,9 +262,9 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Lloyd'un feneri, kullanıcısına ışınlanma
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Bu fener Pixel Dungeon'un %d. katında bir yere kurulmuş.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=usta hırsızların kol bandı
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Bu mor kadife kol bandı usta bir hırsızın mührünü taşıyor. Bu sana ait değil, ama muhtemelen ondan aldığın kişiye de ait değildi.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Kol bandı bileğindeyken topladığın her altın parçası diğer kişilerin mülküne daha da fazla göz dikmene neden oluyor. Belki de bir mağazadan bir şeyler çalmak o kadar da zor olmayabilir...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=doğanın sandaletleri
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=doğanın ayakkabıları
@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.unknown_scroll=Bunun henüz ne tür bir parş
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc=Bu büyü kitabı yaşına göre hayret verici biçimde iyi durumda. Sayfaları gezdikçe dengesiz bir güçle dolup taşıyor. Bu kitaptan okursan, hangi büyüyü kullanacağını bilmene imkan yok.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_cursed=Lanetli kitap kendini sana kilitledi, çoğu parşömeni kullanma yeteneğini engelliyor.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_index=Bu kitap yarım kalmış. Dizini şu anda belirtilen boş sayfaları gösteriyor:
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_empowered=The scrolls that you've added to the book are glowing with power. You will be able to choose the exotic version of these scroll's effects, but at the cost of an additional charge.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.read_empowered=The scroll you added to the spellbook surges with energy. You are able to channel either the regular, or exotic version of this scroll's effect.\n\nChoosing the exotic variant will cost 2 charges instead of 1.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_empowered=Kitaba eklediğin parşömenler güç ile parlıyor. Bu parşömenlerin egzotik versiyonlarını fazladan şarj harcayarak kullanabileceksin.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.read_empowered=Büyü kitabına eklediğin parşömen enerji ile dolup taşıyor. Bu parşömenin etkisinin normal etkisinin yanında istersen egzotik versiyonunu da kullanabilirsin.\n\nEgzotik sürümü seçmek 1 şarj yerine 2 şarja mal olacaktır.
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=iksir palaskası
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Kalın palaska, göğsünü bir kuşak gibi sarıyor, üzerinde iksir şişelerini tutmak için yapılmış tutacaklar bulunuyor. \n\nBu palaskanın içindeyken iksirlerin soğuktan korunuyor olmalı.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=parşomen tutacağı
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Bu tübik kap bir yıldız bilimcinin alet ve tabloları için gibi dursa da parşömenlerin de içine gayet iyi oturuyor. Üzerinde büyü kristallerini saklayabileceğin küçük cepler bile var.\n\nBu kap pek de yanıcı durmuyor, yani parşömenlerin onun içindeyken ateşten korunuyor olmalı.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=kadife kese
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Bu küçük kadife tohum ekinler ve rüntaşları gibi birçok küçük eşyayı içinde saklayabilir.
@ -362,29 +362,29 @@ items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=YAK & FIRLAT
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Bombanın fitilini çabucak söndürdün.
items.bombs.bomb.ondeath=Bir patlama tarafından öldürüldü
items.bombs.bomb.rankings_desc=Bir patlama tarafından öldürüldü
items.bombs.bomb.desc=A fairly hefty black powder bomb. An explosion from this would certainly do damage to anything nearby.
items.bombs.bomb.desc_fuse=It looks like the fuse will take a couple rounds to burn down once it is lit.
items.bombs.bomb.desc_burning=The bomb's fuse is burning away, keep your distance or put it out!
items.bombs.bomb.desc=Baya ağır bi kara barut bombası. Bundan kaynaklanan bir patlama yakındaki herhangi bir şeye kesinlikle hasar verecektir.
items.bombs.bomb.desc_fuse=Görünüşe göre fitilin ateşlendikten sonra tamamen yanması için birkaç sıra beklemek gerekiyor.
items.bombs.bomb.desc_burning=Bombanın fitili yanıp gidiyor, ya ondan uzaklaş ya da fitili söndür!
items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.name=iki bomba
items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Bayağıır bir kara barut bomba çifti, görünüşe bakılırsa birini bedavaya alıyorsun!
items.bombs.firebomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to burst into a sustained firestorm when it explodes.
items.bombs.firebomb.name=ateş bombası
items.bombs.firebomb.desc=Bu bomba patladığı zaman sınırlı bir bölgede bir ateş fırtınası yaratması için modifiye edilmiş.
items.bombs.flashbang.desc=This customized bomb will erupt into a burst of blinding light instead of exploding. Anything that can see the burst will be disoriented for some time.
items.bombs.flashbang.name=flaş bombası
items.bombs.flashbang.desc=Bu kişiselleştirilmiş bomba patlamak yerine kör edici bir ışık yayacaktır. Bu ışık süzmesini gören her şey kısa süreliğine bir şaşkınlık durumuna girecektir.
items.bombs.frostbomb.name=frost bomb
items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to burst into a sustained gust of freezing air when it explodes.
items.bombs.frostbomb.name=buz bombası
items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=Bu bomba patladığı zaman dondurucu bir fırtına havası yaymak için modifiye edilmiş.
items.bombs.holybomb.name=holy bomb
items.bombs.holybomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to flash holy light when it explodes, dealing bonus damage to undead and demonic enemies.
items.bombs.holybomb.name=kutsal bomba
items.bombs.holybomb.desc=Bu bomba patladığı zaman kutsal bir ışık yayması için modifiye edilmiş, bu da onun yarı-ölü ve şeytani düşmanlara bonus hasar vermesini sağlıyor.
items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=This customized bomb will repeatedly make noise instead of exploding. Enemies who aren't otherwise engaged will be repeatedly drawn to the blast location.
items.bombs.noisemaker.name=ses yapıcı
items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Bu kişiselleştirmiş bomba patlamak yerine sürekli olarak ses yapar. Başka bir şekilde çekilmeyen düşmanlar, sürekli olarak patlamanın olduğu yere çekilecektir.
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=şok bombası
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Bu bomba patladığı zaman etrafında bir elektrik fırtınası yaratmak için modifiye edilmiş.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=regrowth bomb
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
@ -392,11 +392,12 @@ items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liqui
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=woolly bomb
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=This customized bomb will create a field of magical sheep instead of exploding. These sheep will block movement and persist for some time.
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=yünlü bomba
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Bu kişiselleştirilmiş bomba patlamak yerine büyülü bir kuzu sürüsü yaratacaktır. Bu kuzular inatçı bir şekilde onların arasından herhangi bir şeyin geçmesine engel olacaktır.
items.food.blandfruit.name=tatsız meyve
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
items.food.blandfruit.sunfruit=güneş meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=çürük meyve
items.food.blandfruit.earthfruit=dünya meyvesi
@ -549,7 +550,7 @@ items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=Bunu içtikten sonra zihnin yakınlardaki
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=felç edici gaz iksiri
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=ık hava ile temas ettiğinde bu şişenin içindeki sıvı felç edici sarı bir duman oluşturur. Bu dumanı soluyan herkes anında felç olarak duman dağıldıktan sonra bir zamana kadar hareket edemez hale gelir. Bu eşyayı uzaktaki düşmanlara fırlatarak onları gazın etkisi içinde yakalamak mümkündür.
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=potion of purity
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=temizlik iksiri
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Havada sıradışı bir tazelik hissediyorsun.
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Koruyucu bir tabaka seni örtüyor!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Bu büyülü tepkime geniş bir alandaki zararlı etkileri çabucak nötralize eder. Bu iksiri içmek sana o etkilere karşı bağışıklık kazandırır.
@ -620,56 +621,56 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=When consumed, this elixir will
###exotic potions
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.turquoise=exotic turquoise potion
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.crimson=exotic crimson potion
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.azure=exotic azure potion
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.jade=exotic jade potion
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.golden=exotic golden potion
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.magenta=exotic magenta potion
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.charcoal=exotic charcoal potion
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.ivory=exotic ivory potion
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.amber=exotic amber potion
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.bistre=exotic bistre potion
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.indigo=exotic indigo potion
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.silver=exotic silver potion
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.unknown_desc=This round flask contains a grainy colorful liquid. It seems to be foreign to this land, who knows what it might do when drunk or thrown?
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.turquoise=egzotik turkuaz rengi iksir
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.crimson=egzotik kızıl iksir
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.azure=egzotik gök mavisi rengi iksir
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.jade=egzotik yeşim iksir
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.golden=egzotik altın rengi iksir
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.magenta=egzotik eflatun rengi iksir
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.charcoal=egzotik kömür rengi iksir
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.ivory=egzotik fildişi iksiri
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.amber=egzotik kehribar iksir
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.bistre=egzotik barut rengi iksir
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.indigo=egzotik çivit rengi iksir
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.silver=egzotik gümüş rengi iksir
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.unknown_desc=Bu yuvarlak camın içerisinde tanecikli ve renkli bir sıvı var. Buralara yabancı gibi duruyor, içildiğinde veya fırlatıldığında ne olacağını kim bilir?
items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.name=potion of adrenaline surge
items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.desc=This powerful liquid will give you a greater boost of strength that withers after an extended period of time.
items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.name=adrenalin akışı iksiri
items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.desc=Bu güçlü sıvı sana zamanla azalan bir güç artışı ile saracaktır.
items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.name=potion of cleansing
items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=This powerful reagent will completely neutralize all harmful effects on the drinker when quaffed. It can be thrown at a target to cleanse them as well.
items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.name=lanet kaldırma iksiri
items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=Bu güçlü sıvı içildiğinde kullanıcında aktif olan tüm zararlı etkileri nötralize edecektir. Bir hedefi temizlemek için ona da fırlatılabilir.
items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.name=potion of corrosive gas
items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Uncorking or shattering this pressurized glass will cause its contents to explode into a deadly cloud of corrosive rust-colored gas. The gas is less concentrated however, and will not last for very long.
items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.name=ındırıcı gaz iksiri
items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Bu baskılanmış camın mantarını açmak veya camı kırmak içindekilerin aşındırıcı ve ölümcül bir pas rengi gaza dönüşmesine neden olacaktır. Fakat gaz pek konsantre halde değildir ve fazla uzun süre havada kalmayacaktır.
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.name=potion of dragon's breath
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.prompt=Choose a location to burn
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.desc=This flask contains an unusual compound which bursts into flame shortly after mixing with saliva. Quickly spitting the liquid will allow the user to spew flame from their mouth!
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.name=ejderha nefesi iksiri
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.prompt=Yakmak için bir bölge seç
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.desc=Bu şişede tükürük ile karıştıktan kısa bir süre sonra alev alan normalin dışı bir kimsasal bulunuyor. Bu sıvıyı çabucak tükürmek, kullanıcının ağzından ateş püskürmesini sağlayacaktır!
items.potions.exotic.potionofearthenarmor.name=potion of earthen armor
items.potions.exotic.potionofearthenarmor.desc=Rather than paralyze, this liquid has a hardening effect on the skin which will turn it into temporary natural armor.
items.potions.exotic.potionofearthenarmor.name=dünyasal zırh iksiri
items.potions.exotic.potionofearthenarmor.desc=Bu sıvı, deriyi felç etmek yerine sertleştirerek onu geçici bir doğal zırh haline getirir.
items.potions.exotic.potionofholyfuror.name=potion of holy furor
items.potions.exotic.potionofholyfuror.desc=The power of holy energy reduced to liquid form, this draught will bless you for an extended period of time.
items.potions.exotic.potionofholyfuror.name=kutsal hiddet iksiri
items.potions.exotic.potionofholyfuror.desc=Kutsal enerjinin gücü sıvıya indirgenmiş, bundan bir yudum almak seni uzun bir süreliğine kutsayacaktır.
items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.name=potion of magical sight
items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.desc=After drinking this, your senses will be briefly heightened to incredible levels, allowing you to see through walls!
items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.name=büyüsel görüş iksiri
items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.desc=Bunu içtikten sonra duyuların o kadar yüksek derecelerde artacaktır ki duvarların ötesinden bile görebilir hale geleceksin!
items.potions.exotic.potionofshielding.name=potion of shielding
items.potions.exotic.potionofshielding.desc=Rather than heal, this potion will instead project a durable shield around the user's body, blocking a considerable amount of damage.
items.potions.exotic.potionofshielding.name=korunma iksiri
items.potions.exotic.potionofshielding.desc=Kullanıcısını iyileştirmek yerine bu iksir onun etrafında dayanıklı bir kalkan oluşturarak onu hatrı sayılır bir miktar hasardan koruyacaktır.
items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.name=potion of shrouding fog
items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.desc=When exposed to air, the liquid in this flask will produce a thick smoky fog which completely blocks vision.
items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.name=gizleyici sis iksiri
items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.desc=Havaya maruz kaldığında bu camın içindeki sıvı kalın, dumanımsı bir sis oluşturarak görüşü tamamen engeller.
items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.name=potion of snap freeze
items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.desc=The chemical contained in this potion will rapidly react with the air, instantly freezing and rooting all within its effect.
items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.name=anında donma iksiri
items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.desc=Bu iksirde saklanan kimyasal, hava ile sürekli olarak tepkimeye girerek etkisi altındaki her şeyi donduracak ve yerine kökleyecektir.
items.potions.exotic.potionofstamina.name=potion of stamina
items.potions.exotic.potionofstamina.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with a long-lasting boost of energy, allowing you to run at a quickened pace for an extended period of time.
items.potions.exotic.potionofstamina.name=kondisyon iksiri
items.potions.exotic.potionofstamina.desc=Bu garip derecedeki tatlı sıvıyı içmek seni uzun süreli bir enerji artışı ile sarar, bu da uzun bir süreliğine daha da hızlı bir şekilde koşmanı sağlar.
items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.name=potion of storm clouds
items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.desc=Throwing this potion will create a cloud of concentrated vapor, which will condense and pour down onto the environment. Most terrain will be converted to water, and traps will be overwhelmed and break.
items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.name=fırtına bulutları iksiri
items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.desc=Bu iksiri fırlatmak konsantre olmuş bir bulut yaratacaktır, bu bulut çevrede sıvı hale gelir ve yayılır. Çoğu arazi suya dönüşür ve tuzaklar buna dayanamayıp kırılırlar.
@ -780,7 +781,7 @@ items.scrolls.scroll.odal=ODAL parşömeni
items.scrolls.scroll.tiwaz=TIWAZ parşömeni
items.scrolls.scroll.unknown_desc=Bu parşömenin üzerine yorumlanamayan sihirli bir rün yazılmış. Seslice okunduğunda ne olacağını kim bilir?
items.scrolls.scroll.blinded=Kör iken bir parşömen okuyamazsın.
items.scrolls.scroll.no_magic=You can't read a scroll while magic immune.
items.scrolls.scroll.no_magic=Büyü bağışıklılığındayken bir parşömen okuyamazsın.
items.scrolls.scroll.cursed=Lanetli büyü kitabın bu parşömendeki büyüyü kullanmanı engelliyor! Ama bir lanet kaldırma parşömeni işe yaramak için yeterince güçlü olabilir...
items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.warning=Bu parşömeni kullanmaktan gerçekten vazgeçmek istiyor musun? Yine de tüketilecektir.
@ -803,8 +804,8 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Bu parşömen okunduğunda, kristal berr
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=ayna görüntü parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=Bu parşomenin üzerindeki büyü, okuyucunun iki ilüzyonik kopyasını oluşturacaktır. Bu ayna kopyalar okuyucunun zayıf klonları olarak görev yapar ve düşmanları kovalar. Fakat onların bir dayanıklılığı yoktur ve hasar aldıkları an kaybolurlar.
items.scrolls.scrollofretribution.name=scroll of retribution
items.scrolls.scrollofretribution.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy which channels the reader's suffering outward into a blast of power. The weaker the reader is, the more damage they will deal. At very low health this scroll can kill most enemies instantly.\n\nUsing the scroll takes a toll on the user however, blinding and weakening them.
items.scrolls.scrollofretribution.name=intikam parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrollofretribution.desc=Bu parşömen, okuyan kişinin çektiği acıyı dışa bir güç patlaması olarak yönlendiren yıkıcı bir enerjiye sahiptir. Okuyan kişi ne kadar zayıflamışsa bu parşömen o kadar fazla hasar verecektir. Çok az sağlıkta iken bu parşömen çoğu düşmanı anında öldürebilir.\n\nFakat bu parşömeni okumanın okuyan kişi için bir bedeli vardır, bu da onun kör olması ve zayıflamasıdır.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=öfke parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=Parşömen bütün zindanda yankılanan öfkelendirici bir kükreme çıkardı!
@ -831,7 +832,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=terör parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=Parşömen muazzam bir kırmızı ışık parlaması yayıyor.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=Parşöen muazzam bir kırmızı ışık parlaması yaydı ve %s kaçmaya başladı!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=Parşömen muazzam bir kırmızı ışık parlaması yaydı ve yaratıklar kaçmaya başladı!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=A flash of red light will overwhelm all creatures in your field of view with terror, and they will turn and flee. Attacking a fleeing enemy will shorten the effect.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Bir kırmızı ışık parlaması görüşündeki tüm düşmanlara terör estirir ve hepsi arkalarına bile bakmadan kaçarlar. Kaçan bir düşmana saldırmak bu etkinin süresini azaltır.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=transmutasyon parşomeni
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Bir eşyayı transmüle et
@ -848,53 +849,53 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Bu parşömen tek bir eşyayı yükselterek k
###exotic scrolls
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.kaunan=exotic scroll of KAUNAN
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.sowilo=exotic scroll of SOWILO
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.laguz=exotic scroll of LAGUZ
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.yngvi=exotic scroll of YNGVI
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.gyfu=exotic scroll of GYFU
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.raido=exotic scroll of RAIDO
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.isaz=exotic scroll of ISAZ
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.mannaz=exotic scroll of MANNAZ
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.naudiz=exotic scroll of NAUDIZ
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.berkanan=exotic scroll of BERKANAN
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.odal=exotic scroll of ODAL
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.tiwaz=exotic scroll of TIWAZ
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.unknown_desc=A glowing indecipherable magical rune is written on this black parchment. It seems to be foreign to this land, who knows what it will do when read aloud?
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.kaunan=egzotik KAUNAN parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.sowilo=egzotik SOWILO parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.laguz=egzotik LAGUZ parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.yngvi=egzotik YNGVI parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.gyfu=egtozik GYFU parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.raido=egzotik RAIDO parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.isaz=egzotik ISAZ parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.mannaz=egzotik MANNAZ parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.naudiz=egzotik NAUDIZ parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.berkanan=egzotik BERKANAN iksiri
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.odal=egzotik ODAL parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.tiwaz=egzotik TIWAZ parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.unknown_desc=Bu siyah parşömenin üzerine anlaşılamaz, parıldayan bir büyüsel rün yazılmış. Bu parşömen buralara yabancı gibi duruyor, sesli bir şekilde okunduğunda ne olacağını kim bilir?
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofaffection.name=scroll of affection
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofaffection.desc=Reading this scroll will emit an alluring laugh which charms all who hear it.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofaffection.name=hayranlık parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofaffection.desc=Bu parşomeni okumak cazibe edici bir gülüş yayarak onu duyan herkesi hayran bırakır.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofantimagic.name=scroll of anti-magic
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofantimagic.desc=The incantation on this scroll will surround you with a magical aura that temporarily blocks all magical effects, harmful or helpful.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofantimagic.name=anti-büyü parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofantimagic.desc=Bu parşömenin üzerindeki işleme seni yararlı ya da zararlı her türlü büyüsel etkiden etkilenmemeni sağlayan büyüsel bir aura ile saracaktır.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.name=scroll of confusion
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=When read aloud, this scroll will unleash confusing magic on all targets in sight, blinding and disorienting them.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.name=şaşkınlık parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=Sesli bir şekilde okunduğunda bu parşömen görünürdeki her hedefe kafa karıştırıcı bir büyü salarak onları kör eder ve onları bir şaşkınlık durumuna sokar.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=scroll of divination
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=There is nothing left to identify!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types: potion colors, scroll runes, and ring gems. The items identified won't necessary be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Your scroll of divination has identified the following items:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=sezgi parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Tanınacak hiçbir şey kalmadı!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Sezgi parşömeni şu eşyaları tanıdı:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=scroll of enchantment
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=efsunlama parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.inv_title=Bir eşyayı efsunla
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.weapon=Select an enchantment to apply to your weapon.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.armor=Select a glyph to apply to your armor.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.weapon=Silahına işlemek için bir efsun seç.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.armor=Zırhına işlemek için bir kabartma seç.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel_warn=Cancelling will still consume the scroll.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=This scroll will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy. The reader even has some degree of control over which magic is imbued.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=iptal et
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Bu parşömen bir silahı veya zırhı güçlü bir büyülü enerji ile işleyecektir. Okuyucu hangi büyünün işlendiği üzerine bile biraz kontrol sahibidir.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=scroll of foresight
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=When this scroll is read, detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. For the duration of this effect, searching will not be necessary, as the reader will automatically detect everything within their search radius.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=öngörü parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Bu parşömen okunduğu zaman etraftaki arazinin detayları, okuyucunun zihnine kristal açıklığında işlenecektir. Bu etki süresince okuyucu arama mesafesindeki her şeyi otomatik olarak fark edeceğinden arama yapmak gereksiz olacaktır.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=scroll of mystical energy
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=The raw magical power bound up in this parchment will, when released, charge a user's equipped artifacts over time.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=mistik enerji parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Bu parşömenin içindeki çiğ büyüsel güç yayıldığı zaman bir kullanıcının kuşandığı eserleri zamanla şarj eder.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpassage.name=scroll of passage
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpassage.desc=The spell on this parchment instantly transports the reader to the nearest region entrance above them. Very handy for quickly getting to a shop.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpassage.name=geçiş parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpassage.desc=Bu parşömenin üzerindeki büyü okuyucusunu anında en yakın bölge girişine ışınlar. Çabucak bir mağazaya gitmek için baya kullanışlı.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpetrification.name=scroll of petrification
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpetrification.desc=A flash of red light will overwhelm all creatures in your field of view with such great terror that they will be frozen on the spot.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpetrification.name=taşlaşma iksiri
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpetrification.desc=Bir kırmızı ışık patlaması, görüşündeki tüm yaratıkları o kadar büyük bir terörle sarsacaktır ki oldukları yerde donup kalacaklardır.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.name=scroll of polymorph
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When invoked, all enemies in the reader's sight will be transformed into magical sheep!\n\nThe transformation is permanent, eliminating all enemies affected. Powerful enemies will resist the effect though, and any items affected enemies were carrying are lost.
@ -904,7 +905,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.desc=The incantation on this scroll
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.name=psiyonik patlama parşömeni
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=Psionik Patlama zihnini paramparça etti...
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains incredible destructive energy that can be channeled to destroy the minds of all visible creatures.\n\nThere is significant feedback however, and the reader will also be damaged, blinded, and weakened. The more targets the scroll hits, the less self-damage will be taken.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Bu parşömende görünürdeki tüm yaratıkların zihinlerini paramparça edecek inanılmaz derecede yıkıcı bir enerji var.\n\nFakat bu parşömeni okumanın okuyucu için de bir karşılığı var, okuyucu da hasar alacak, kör olacak ve zayıflayacak. Parşömen ne kadar fazla hedefe vurursa okuyucunun aldığı hasar o kadar azalacaktır.
@ -1033,7 +1034,7 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Asan başka bir eşyaya dönüştü!
items.wands.wand.fizzles=Asan hiçbir şey yapmadı; yeterli şarjı olmasa gerek.
items.wands.wand.no_magic=Your wand fizzles; you cannot use wands while magic immune.
items.wands.wand.no_magic=Asan cızırdıyor; büyü bağışıklılığındayken asaları kullanamazsın.
items.wands.wand.self_target=Kendini hedef alamazsın!
items.wands.wand.identify=Artık %s'na alışıksın.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Bu asa lanetlenmiş, bu lanet onun büyüsünü kaotik ve rastgele bir hale getiriyor.
@ -1249,7 +1250,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Lanetli bir asa kullanamazsın.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Bu asayı değneğine işlemek istediğinden emin misin? Önceki işleme yok olacaktır.\n\nEğer işlenen asa değnek ile aynı seviyede veya daha yüksek seviyedeyse, değnek asanın yükseltmelerini artı kendi yükseltmelerinden birini alır.\n\nBu işleme seviye %d değnek ile sonuçlanır.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Evet, eminim.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Hayır, fikrimi değiştirdim
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon. Rather than having innate magical power, this staff is instead imbued with magical energy from a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Büyücünün kendisi tarafından yapılmış olan bu değnek özel bir büyülü silahtır. İçinde kendi büyüsüne sahip olmak yerine bu değnek, diğer asalardaki büyü ile işlenir.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Bu değneğin içinde şu anda büyü yok, onunla büyü kullanmadan önce ona _bir asanın gücünün işlenmesi_ gerekiyor.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Değnek şu anda _%s_ ile işlenmiş.

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@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ items.bombs.shockbomb.name=电击炸弹
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast with rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.
@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹不会爆炸,但会召出
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=cooked blandfruit
@ -691,10 +692,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=元素余烬
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=当阅读这张秘卷后,所有你
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=This scroll will permanently identify four random item types. The types identified can be a potion's color, a scroll's rune, or a ring's gem. The items identified won't necessarily be ones you're carrying.

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@ -22,25 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Els atacs màgics travessen l'arma
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guia d'alquímia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Crear pocions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Crear pedres rúniques
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Afegir puntes als dards
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pocions exòtiques
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergamins exòtics
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energia i menjar
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombes millorades
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Els elixirs estan elaborats amb receptes basades en pocions, i se centren en la curació o en augmentar les teves habilitats.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Els encanteris estan elaborats amb receptes basades en pergamins i ofereixen diversos efectes amb múltiples usos.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pou de salut
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pou de coneixement

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@ -22,25 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magické útoky projdou přímo sk
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Příručka alchymie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Tvorba lektvarů
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Vítej u Praktického používání Alchymie!\n\nTato kniha slouží jako reference receptů pro nadšence do alchymie a dobrodruhy, kteří se nebojí zašpinit si ruce.\n\nZačneme s nejikoničtějším receptem alchymie: Umísti jakákoliv tři semínka do alchymického kotlíku a uvař náhodný lektvar!\n\nKe každému semínku existuje podobný lektvar a ten který vytvoříš, se může vztahovat k jednomu ze semínek které použiješ. Použitím více stejných semínek zvýšíš šanci, že k tomu dojde.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Tvorba runových kamenů
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Vmíchání svitku do alchymického kotlíku naplní jeho magií dva nebo tři kamínky v kotlíku. To vytvoří runové kameny!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Napuštěné šípy
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Semínko může být zkombinováno s jedním nebo dvěma šípy pro napuštění. Každý typ semínka vytvoří vlastní typ napuštěného šípu na jedno použití s unikátním efektem.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Vzácné lektvary
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Lektvary mohou být rozšířeny dvěma semínky pro vytvoření vzácných lektvarů. Ty mají mnohem silnější efekty, ale jsou často užitečné v úplně jiných případech.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Vzácné svitky
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Vzácné svitky mohou být vytvořeny dvěma runovými kameny a svitkem. Jsou o trochu silnější než vzácné lektvary, ale runové kameny je také obtížnější získat.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energie a jídlo
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Některé recepty vyžadují energii samotného alchymického kotlíku. Energie se používá v receptech, které vytvoří víc než jen souhrn svých ingrediencí.\n\nNe všechny recepty s energií jsou ovšem mystické. Tyto recepty více připomínají tradiční vaření než alchymii.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Vylepšené bomby
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Obyčejná černá prachová bomba může být smíchána s konkrétním předmětem k vytvoření vylepšené bomby.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Směsi jsou vytvářeny recepty založených na lektvarech a soustředí se na poškození tvých nepřátel.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixíry jsou vytvářeny recepty založených na lektvarech a soustředí se na léčení nebo posílení tvých schopností.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Kouzla jsou vytvářeny recepty založených na svitcích a poskytují různé efekty s různými způsoby využití.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=Studna zdraví
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=Studna vědomí

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@ -22,24 +22,24 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magische Angriffe schneiden direkt
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Handbuch der Alchemie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Tränke brauen
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Runensteine erschaffen
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Pfeile präparieren
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotische Tränke
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotische Schriftrollen
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energie und Essen
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Verstärkte Bomben
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=Brunnen der Gesundheit

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@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magiaj atakoj trairas vian defenda
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alĥemia Gvidlibro
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Kuiri eliksirojn
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Krei runŝtonojn
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dronigitaj sagetoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.

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@ -22,25 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Los ataques mágicos atraviesan la
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guía de alquimia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creando Pociones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=¡Bienvenido a Aplicaciones Practicas de Alquimia!\n\nEste libro sirve como una formula para los aficionados alquimistas y los aventureros que buscan ensuciarse las manos\n\nComenzaremos con la receta alquímica mas icónica: ¡Coloque tres semillas en el caldero alquímico para elaborar una poción al azar!\n\nCada semilla tiene su contra parte, y la poción que crees estará relacionada a una de las semillas usadas. Usar múltiples semillas iguales aumentara la posibilidad de que esto ocurra
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creando Piedras Rúnicas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mezclar un pergamino en un caldero alquímico imbuirá su magia en dos o tres piedras dentro del caldero. ¡Esto creara piedras rúnicas!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardos Tipados
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Una semilla puede ser combinada con uno o dos dardos para marcarlos. Cada tipo de semilla produce su propio tipo de dardo marcado, con un efecto de un solo uso.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pociones exóticas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Las pociones pueden ser mejoradas con dos semillas para crear pociones exóticas. Tienen efectos mas poderosos, pero son a menudo usadas de formas diferentes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergaminos exóticos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Los pergaminos exóticos pueden ser creados con dos piedras rúnicas y un pergamino. Son un poco mas fuertes que las pociones exóticas, pero las piedras también son mas difíciles de conseguir.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energía y comida
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Algunas recetas requieren energía del propio caldero alquímico. La energía es usada en recetas que producen mas que la suma de sus ingredientes.\n\nNo todas las recetas de energía son especialmente místicas sin embargo. Estas recetas se parecen mas a la cocina tradicional que al a alquimia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Mejoradas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba de pólvora negra que puede ser mezclada con objetos específicos para crear una bomba mejorada.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Las infusiones son recetas basadas en pociones, y centradas en dañar a tus enemigos.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Los elixires son recetas basadas en pociones centradas en curarte o impulsar tus habilidades.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Los hechizos son recetas basadas en pergaminos, y proveen una variedad de efectos con usos múltiples.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pozo de vitalidad
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pozo del conocimiento

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@ -16,27 +16,27 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.body=Borrokan aurretik jartz
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.title=Porrota kudeatzea
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Egoera zakarretan, korrika egitea ez da lotsatzekoa. Ziegako beste toki batera ihes egiteak berriro saiatu aurretik berreskuratzeko aukera eman diezazuke.\n\nZoritxarrez, ziegatan ibiltzea ogibide arriskutsua da eta abenturazale gehienek heriotza aurkituko dute noiz edo noiz. Zorteak lagundu badezake ere, abenturazale onenek bere aukerak hobetzeko arte guztiak erabiltzen dituzte.\n\n(Ez eman amore hil eta hil bazabiltza. Ez izan zure lehen saiakeratan oso urrun heltzeko esperantzarik, jolas hau zaila da! Zentratu jolasa ikasten eta apurka hobetzen, ez saiatu zirt eta berehala irabazten.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Arpilaketa eraginkorra
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Gela batzuk beste batzuk baino harrapakin hobea izango dute. Gela hauetako batzuk giltzaz itxitako ate baten ostean daude, edo gainditu beharreko oztopoak dituzte.\n\nHonelako oztopo baten aurrera egitea oztopatzen dizunean, bilatu konponbidea inguruan. Giltza bat edo zerbait landuagoa bada ere, orokorrean pisu berean dago erabili dezakezun tresna.\n\nIndar edabeak eta hobekuntza eskuizkribuak aurkitzea ondo esploratzen eta arpilatzen ari zaren neurria da. Ziegako eremu bakoitzean 3 hobekuntza eskuizkribu daude eta 2 indar edabe.\n\n(Toki garrantzitsuen eta erabili gabeko giltzen zerrenda bat ikusi dezakezu egunkaria leihoko oharrak fitxan)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Gela batzuk beste batzuk baino harrapakin hobea izango dute. Gela hauetako batzuk giltzaz itxitako ate baten ostean daude, edo gainditu beharreko oztopoak dituzte.\n\nHonelako oztopo batek aurrera egitea eragozten dizunean, bilatu konponbidea inguruan. Giltza bat edo zerbait landuagoa bada ere, pisu berean egon ohi da erabili dezakezun tresna.\n\nIndar edabeak eta hobekuntza eskuizkribuak aurkitzea, ondo esploratzen eta arpilatzen ari zaren neurria da. Ziegako eremu bakoitzean 3 hobekuntza eskuizkribu daude eta 2 indar edabe.\n\n(Toki garrantzitsuen eta erabili gabeko giltzen zerrenda bat ikusi dezakezu egunkaria leihoko oharrak fitxan)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Eraso magikoak
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Eraso magikoak armadura zeharkatzen dute eta oso zaila da hauek saihestea.\n\nHorrek esan nahi du zartekin egiten duzun kaltea oso zehatza dela, baina arerio magikoak oso arriskutsu egiten ditu ere.\n\nEraso magikoek beti dute muga bat ordea. Zarten kasuan beraien karga muga da, zartak alferrekoak bihurtzen dira kargatzeko denborarik eman ezean. Etsaien magiak ahultasunen bat izango du ere.\n\nMagia darabilten arerioen aurren oso garrantzitsua da magia hori nola itzuri asmatzea, eta ez bere kaltea aho betez jatea.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alkimia gida
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Edabeak sortzea
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Erruna harriak sortzea
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardoak bustitzea
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Hobetutako bonbak
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.

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@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alchemy Guide
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creating Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creating Runestones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.

View File

@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Les attaques magiques passent dire
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Manuel d'Alchimie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Créer des potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Créer des pierres runiques
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombes améliorées
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.

View File

@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Alchemy Guide
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creating Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creating Runestones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.

View File

@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Serangan sihir langsung menembus a
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Panduan Racikan
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Membuat Ramuan
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Membaut Batu Kuno
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.

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@ -22,25 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Gli attacchi magici passano attrav
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guida all'Alchimia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creare Pozioni
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creare Pietre Runiche
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardi Intinti
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pozioni Esotiche
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergamene Esotiche
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Cibo ed Energia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombe Migliorate
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Gli elisir sono creati dalle ricette con pozioni e si focalizzano sulla guarigione o sull'incremento delle tue abilità.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.title=Formule Magiche
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Le formule magiche sono create dalle ricette con pergamene e forniscono un assortimento di effetti con molteplici usi.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pozzo della salute
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pozzo della consapevolezza

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@ -22,25 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=피하기가 매우 어려우며
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=연금술 가이드
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=물약 제조
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=연금술의 실용적인 응용에 오신걸 환영합니다!\n\n이 책은 연금술사를 취미로 하거나 손이 지저분해지기를 바라는 모험가들에게 레시피를 제공합니다.\n\n우리는 연금술의 가장 대표적인 레시피부터 시작할 예정입니다. 연금솥에 아무 씨앗 세개를 넣어 무작위 포션을 양조해보세요!\n\n모든 씨앗은 포션과 짝을 이루고 있고, 당신이 만드는 포션은 사용한 씨앗들 중 하나와 연관이 있을 수 있습니다. 같은 씨앗 여러 개를 사용하면 이것의 생성 가능성이 높아질 것입니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=룬석 생성
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=주문서를 연금술 솥에서 섞는 것은 주문서의 마법을 솥 안에 있는 둘 또는 세 개의 돌에 스며들게 할 것입니다. 이것은 룬석을 만들어냅니다!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=특수 다트 제작
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=씨앗은 그것을 끝에 붙이기 위해 다른 하나 또는 두 개의 다트와 혼합될 수 있습니다. 각 타입의 씨앗은 독특한 효과와 함께 그것의 일회성인 효과를 가진 다트를 만들어낼 것입니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=특이한 물약들
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=포션은 특이한 포션을 만들기 위해 두 개의 씨앗을 통해서 증강될 수 있습니다. 그것들은 더 강력한 효과를 가지지만, 대부분 다른 방식으로 사용할 때 유용합니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=특이한 주문서들
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=특이한 주문서는 주문서와 두 개의 룬석을 혼합하여 만들어집니다. 그것들은 특이한 물약보다 약간 더 강력하지만, 또한 룬석들은 손에 넣기가 더 힘듭니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=에너지와 음식
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=몇몇 레시피는 연금술 솥 자체의 에너지를 필요로 합니다. 에너지는 재료들의 총합보다 더 많이 생산하는 레시피에 사용됩니다.\n\n그러나 모든 에너지를 사용하는 레시피들이 특별히 신비로운 것은 아닙니다. 이러한 레시피들은 연금술보다는 요리와 더 닮아 있습니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=폭탄 개조
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=표준적인 흑색 화약 폭탄은 특정한 아이템과 혼합하여 강화된 폭탄을 만들 수 있습니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=양조물은 포션에 기반을 둔 레시피를 통해 만들어지고, 당신의 적에게 피해를 입히는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=영약은 포션에 기반을 둔 레시피를 통해 만들어지고, 당신을 회복시키거나 당신의 능력들을 증진시키는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=주문은 주문서에 기반을 둔 레시피를 통해 만들어지고, 다양한 효과를 제공하며 여러번 사용할 수 있습니다.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=회복의 우물
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=지식의 우물

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@ -22,25 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magiczne ataki przebijają się pr
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Poradnik alchemiczny
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Tworzenie mikstur
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Witaj w Zastosowaniach Praktycznych i Niepraktycznych Alchemii!\n\nTa książka powinna pomóc początkującym alchemikom i podróżnikom, którzy chcą się troszkę pobrudzić.\n\nNajprostszym przepisem który może pojąć każdy, to mikstura. Tworzymy je z trzech dowolnych nasion.\n\nKażda roślina, i jej nasienie ma odpowiednik w miksturze. Mikstura może być powiązana z jednym nasionkiem które użyłeś. Na szczęście używanie kilku tych samych nasion zwiększa szansę otrzymania mikstury, którą chcesz.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Tworzenie kamieni runicznych
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Wrzucenie zwoju do kociołka alchemicznego sprawi że dwa-trzy kamienie wchłoną jego magię. Tak powstają kamienie runiczne!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Nasączanie rzutek
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Z pojedynczego nasionka można wycisnąć sok na jedną lub dwie strzałki. Każde nasionko tworzy inną strzałkę, z efektem powiązanym. z unikatowym efektem wystarczającym na jedno użycie.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Egzotyczne mikstury
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Połączenie mikstury i dowolnych dwóch nasion powinno dać ci egzotyczną miksturę. Są one potężniejsze od zwykłych, ale czasem używane trochę inaczej.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Egzotyczne zwoje
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Egzotyczne zwoje mogą być wykonane z dwóch kamieni runicznych i zwoju. Są nieco silniejsze od egzotycznych mikstur, ale też ciężej jest zdobyć kamień runiczny.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energia i jedzenie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Niektóre przepisy wymagają energii z samego kociołka alchemicznego. Energia jest wykorzystywana w przepisach które zwracają więcej niż suma wartości ich składników.\n\nNie wszystkie przepisy wymagające energii są szczególnie mistyczne, i bliżej im do zwykłego gotowania niż do alchemii.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Zaawansowane bomby
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Zwykła czarnoprochowa bomba może być napełniona specyficznymi przedmiotami, aby polepszyć jej właściwości. Dzięki inżynierowie!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Mieszaniny są głównie zrobione z przepisów na miksturach, i skupiają się na nadaniu złych efektów na przeciwników.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Eliksiry są tworzone z przepisów na miksturach i głównie mają cię leczyć lub wzmacniać.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Zaklęcia są zrobione głównie z przepisów na zwojach, i mają różnorakie zastosowanie.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=studnia zdrowia
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=studnia czujności

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@ -22,25 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Ataques mágicos cortam através d
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guia de Alquimia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Criando Poções
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Criando pedras rúnicas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Derrubar dardos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Poções Exóticas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergaminhos Exóticos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energia e Alimentação
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Aprimoradas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.title=Bebida Fermentada
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Os elixires são feitos a partir de receitas baseadas em poções e concentram-se em curar ou aumentar suas habilidades.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Feitiços são feitos de receitas baseadas em pergaminhos e fornecem uma variedade de efeitos com múltiplos usos.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=poço de saúde
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=poço de consciência

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@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Магические атаки и
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Учебник алхимии
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Варка зелий
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Создание рунных камней
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Наконечники для дротиков
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Совершенствование бомб
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.

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@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Büyülü saldırılar zırhları
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Simya Kılavuzu
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=İksir Oluşturma
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Rüntaşı Oluşturma
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Rüntaşları Oluşturma
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones!
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Geliştirilmiş Bombalar
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on harming your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.

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@ -22,25 +22,25 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=魔法攻击会直接穿透护甲
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart. The potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used, and using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=The power of a potion can be augmented with two seeds to create a new 'exotic' variant. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways as well.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can also be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're generally a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients, but it's a limited resource.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews.body=Brews are made from potion-based recipes, and are centered around inflicting harmful effects on your enemies.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.elixirs.body=Elixirs are made from potion-based recipes, and focus on healing or boosting your abilities.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Spells are made from scroll-based recipes, and provide a variety of effects with multiple uses.

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=trampa de debilitació
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La màgia fosca d'aquesta trampa aspira l'energia de qualsevol cosa amb què entri en contacte.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=trampa de dard desgastada
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Una petita sarbatana deu estar amagada per aquí prop, activar aquesta trampa farà que aquesta dispari un dard al seu objectiu més proper.\n\nA causa de la seva edat ja no fa tant de mal, ni tan sols està oculta...

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=Oslabující past
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Temná magie v této pasti vysává energii z čehokoliv co s ní přijde do kontaktu.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=Opotřebená šípová past
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Někde poblíž musí být ukryt malý vystřelovač šipek. Aktivování této pasti způsobí že vystřelí na nejbližší cíl.\n\nVzhledem ke svému věku není past příliš škodlivá, natož aby byla skrytá...

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=trampa debilitadora
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La magia oscura de esta trampa succiona la energía de cualquier cosa que entre en contacto con ella.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=trampa de dardo gastada
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Un pequeño soplador de dardos debe estar escondido cerca. Activar esta trampa causara que le dispare al objetivo mas cercano.\n\nSin embargo, debido a su edad no es muy dañino, ni siquiera está oculta.

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=trappola indebolente
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La magia nera in questa trappola risucchia l'energia da qualsiasi cosa venga in contatto con essa.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=trappola a dardi consumata
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Un piccolo spara-dardi dev'essere nascosto nelle vicinanze, attivare questa trappola lo porterà a fare fuoco verso il bersaglio più vicino.\n\nEssendo vecchia non è tuttavia molto pericolosa, non è nemmeno nascosta...

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=약화 함정
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=이 함정에 깃든 암흑 마법이 함정을 건드린 대상의 에너지를 빼앗아간다.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=오래된 다트 함정
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=작은 다트 발사기가 주변이 숨겨져 있다. 함정을 작동시키면 가장 가까운 대상에게 다트를 발사할 것이다.\n\n오래 방치되어 있어 위험해 보이지도 않고, 숨겨져 있지도 않다.

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=pułapka osłabiająca
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Mroczna magia z pułapki wyssie energię z czegokolwiek, co wejdzie z nią w kontakt.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=stara strzałkowa pułapka
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Mała wyrzutnia rzutek musi być ukryta w pobliżu, pozwalając pułapce wystrzelić rzutkę w najbliższy cel.\n\nJest taka stara, że jej siła drastycznie spadła. Nie jest nawet ukryta...

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=armadilha de enfraquecimento
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=A magia negra desta armadilha suga a energia do que entrar em contato com ela.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=armadilha de dardos
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Uma pequena zarabatana deve estar escondido nas proximidades, ativando essa armadilha para atirar no alvo mais próximo.\n\nDevido à sua idade, não é muito prejudicial, nem sequer está escondido...

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=zayıflatıcı tuzak
levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Bu tuzağın içindeki kara büyü ona dokunan herhangi bir şeyin tüm enerjisini çeker.
levels.traps.worndarttrap.name=ınmış dart tuzağı
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Yakınlarda saklanan küçük bir dart atıcı bu tuzak aktifleştirilince hedefine sıkmasına neden oluyor olmalı.\n\nFakat yaşı nedeniyle o kadar da zararlı değil, doğru düzgün saklanmamış bile...

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ levels.traps.weakeningtrap.name=虚弱陷阱
levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden...

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the Rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the Blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Çürükdutun uzaktan bir kuzeni olan Tatsızmeyve çalısının ürünü kekleşmiş tozu andırıyor. Meyvenin kendisi iğrenç ve bir temeli yok, fakat zehirli değil. Belki de pişirilip işe yarar hale getirilebilir.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=tatsızmeyve tohumu