- Yog now calculates its FOV and can be surprised from outside of it
- Yog is now formally immune to freeze/paralysis, instead of just being unaffected
- Yog now properly pushes items
- pickaxe not getting bloodied by killing bats in rare cases
- dried rose ghost healing not respecting level lock limits
- wraiths refusing to spawn over traps despite not activating them
- clobber knockback not closing doors
- added a safety check for when an amoked character dies
- added a safety check when ghouls die over pits
- mobs looking for a new enemy when aggroed on an invincible one
- made Tengu's 2nd phase jumping slightly more permissive
- fixed a logic error when placing enemies
- added a safety check in WndWandmaker
- added a safety sync check when playing a sample
- hero select no longer has a back button if a game hasn't been played
- snakes now give a hint when missed 3 times, down from 5.
- sped up guidebook page dropping speed
- knockback effects now only close doors if they originate from a melee attack
- wand of blast wave base damage down to 1-3 from 1-5
- damage from knockback collision up to dist-2*dist, from dist/2-dist
- stun from knockback collision adjusted to 1+dist/2, from dist/2-dist
- ring of energy not increasing ghost HP regen
- magical charge buff not increasing the range on disintegration
- remains in pit rooms rarely containing a cursed item but not being haunted
- wandmaker rarely spawning ontop of traps
- rare crash bugs when windows are saved as a scene is being cleared
- Added a safety check to AndroidGame
- fixed Burning not checking if a thieve's item is null
- fixed wand of regrowth overriding tall grass and placing grass where it shouldn't
- fixed unique potions being vulnerable to explosions
- fixed tengu placing traps over plants
- fixed items not being IDed in rankings if players dies with an ankh
- improved wording on the patreon supporter scene
- fixed analytics campaign additions messing with links
- tweaked sizing/layout of news scene
- fixed https not working on android 4.4-4.1
- fixed a bug with option sliders when they aren't at x=0
- Freezes if caustic slimes or DM-201s died over pits
- Talisman of foresight taking no time to scry
- Talisman of foresight not gaining exp in some cases
- Wand of Warding healing sentries for more HP than intended
- Dropped items not using new step SFX
- Bees refusing to retarget when target is invulnerable
- Potion splashes cleaning fire/ooze from enemies
- Blast wave attempting to throw enemies that move after being damaged
- Corrupting enchant attempting to corrupt dead enemies
- Magic missile charge buff not visually applying to the mage's staff
- Specific cases where using an item wouldn't cancel the current cell selector
- Large enemies rarely appearing in enclosed spaces due to levelgen
- Lotus vfx persisting after the sprite is destroyed in rare case
- fixed concurrency errrors in Sample.java
- added a null safety check to IconTitle
- fixed further rare freezing errors with tengu jumping
- reverted Android 'singleInstance' change, due to stability issues
- fixed a bug where trample and grass both played instead of just trample
- volume tweaks to item, dewdrop, and debuff
- added a hitsound for arrows/darts
- added pitch variance to crossbow and bow
- adjusted hit_strong to mix better with other sounds, and to sound better on phone speakers
- adjusted health_warn and adjusted volume/trigger thresholds for health_warn and health_critical
- warlocks not playing debuff sound if hero is already debuffed
- various small logic errors with ring of wealth
- wand of warding incorrectly refusing to place a new ward with 1 energy left
- runes appearing on top of each other in runestone rooms
- particles on item sprites being visible when the sprite isn't
- shields rarely failing to apply (having no target)
- ghouls dieing while over pits
- Tengu having nowhere to jump in rare cases
- multiplicity when the attacker is the hero
- talisman buffs not always respecting floor differences
- null pointers in reflection
- talisman of foresight now requires less exp to level
- talisman of foresight now spends slightly more charge when scrying at distances
- battlemage staff of magic missile proc changed: now grants a straight 0.33 charges to all wands
- rare crashes involving preparation buff icon
- quickslot errors when blacksmith reforges wands
- rare crashes involving Tengu, he now keeps distance from his target and the hero
- errors involving seed selection and sandals of nature
- fireblast applying stun/cripple to dead enemies
- github update checker connecting on metered networks
- Memory leaks and other errors when using split-screen on Android
- Tengu cleansing doomed debuff between first and second phase
- Equip drops from enemies not graduating in rarity as intended
- Gasses being examinable when not visible
- preparation incorrect killing enemies at health threshold, instead of below it
- preparation incorrectly ignoring boss phases and death resistance effects
- talisman of foresight vision marking effects incorrectly persisting between depths
- packs filling past capacity in some cases
- fireblast incorrectly setting adjacent cells on fire when not flammable
- typos in the description of shields
- game incorrectly closing when back button is pressed in new hero select
- memory leaks on Android phones when the game is closed/opened
- cursed wand gas zaps not using new SFX
- fixed audio issues with DM-200/Dm-300
- fixed summoning traps failing to summon anything in some cases
- fixed DM-300 being able to drill out of its arena in rare cases
- fixed rogue armor's blink not going over terrain when accounting for range
- fixed unblessed ankg revives waking up mimics
- fixed enemies not being surprised by invisible heroes in rare cases
- fixed pylons being surprised when they shouldn't
- fixed dark and bright fists rarely teleporting into unreachable places
- fixed rankings conversion logic on game updates not actually doing anything
- fixed debuffs being incorrectly persisted in rankings