Added the game difficulty configuration class and added the ability to generate scenes after projectiles kill enemies. 加入游戏难度的配置类,加入抛射体杀死敌人后生成场景的功能。Cold-Mint2024-08-04 00:32:49 +0800
Modifies the return value of the damage Api to whether fatal damage has been inflicted. Add the projectile decorator. 修改伤害Api的返回值为是否造成了致命伤害。加入抛射体装饰器。Cold-Mint2024-08-02 23:57:11 +0800
Fixed an issue where players could pick up items that had already been picked up by other creatures. Reuse floating label instances. 修复玩家能够捡起已被其他生物捡起的物品的问题。复用悬浮标签实例。Cold-Mint2024-07-11 23:06:47 +0800
AI characters can set default weapons. The AI will try to attack and kill the enemy now. Fixed an issue where bubbles would not display properly. AI角色支持设置默认武器。AI会尝试攻击并杀死敌人了。修复气泡不能正常显示的问题。Cold-Mint2024-07-10 23:23:04 +0800
Fixed an issue where the player did not select the first item slot, but the item in their hand would become the item they just picked up. 解决玩家选中的不是第一个物品槽,但是手中持有的物品会变成刚刚捡起的物品的问题。Cold-Mint2024-07-05 22:56:24 +0800
Fixed an issue where Hotbar did not select item A by default, from slot 1 to slot 2, and then from slot 2. 解决Hotbar没有默认选中,将物品A从槽1放到槽2,再从槽2取出时报错的问题。Cold-Mint2024-06-26 23:18:50 +0800
Fixed an issue where the number of weapons to be picked up after being thrown is 0, making it impossible to throw them again. 解决武器扔出后再捡起数量为0,导致无法再次扔出的问题。Cold-Mint2024-06-25 23:54:37 +0800
Add PickAbleItem.Change item icon and backgrounds. 加入可拾捡物,更换物品图标和背景。Cold-Mint2024-06-16 15:28:16 +0800
edaa490b5bUpdated WeaponTemplate's FiringInterval calculation so that it can be changed by FiringIntervalAsMillisecond even after instantiation. 更新了WeaponTemplate的FiringInterval计算方式以使该值即便在实例化之后也可通过FiringIntervalAsMillisecond更改
2024-06-15 17:16:41 +0800
197930f446Support for optional custom parameters for registering item information from yaml 为从yaml注册物品信息提供了可选自定义参数的支持
2024-06-15 17:07:50 +0800
9a83fd1dd2Creates a non-generic overload for NodeUtils.InstantiatePackedScene<T> and removes the Try-Catch block from the generic version 为NodeUtils.InstantiatePackedScene<T>创建非泛型重载,并移除泛型版本中的Try-Catch块
2024-06-15 17:07:02 +0800
4f2a6e8110Split loops and extract functions
2024-06-15 14:30:22 +0800
0f9e7d0283Change the index parameter when adding a slot to ItemContainer to automatically get the latest index , add a test slot for Packsack item 更改ItemContainer添加槽位时的index参数为自动获取最新索引,为Packsack加入一个测试用槽位
2024-06-14 12:44:31 +0800
e5664f1553Add PacksackStack for item Packsack 为Packsack物品添加PacksackStack
2024-06-14 12:22:44 +0800
Merge pull request #3 from Web13234/master
2024-06-14 07:34:29 +0800
edbafdcbdaAdd gitignore of *.Dotsettings & *.user
2024-06-14 00:47:23 +0800
6745324855Fixed a bug that packsack scenarios did not have item ids set resulting in not being able to pick up the packs.
2024-06-14 00:44:41 +0800
b35fb50073Subdivision of Misc and Action from UI translation files.
2024-06-14 00:43:31 +0800
Review the merged code to resolve an issue where the game is unresponsive after a player dies. 审查合并后的代码,解决玩家死亡后游戏无响应的问题。Cold-Mint2024-06-13 22:29:18 +0800
c735851cc3Add NuGet lib YamlDotNet to project
2024-06-13 21:11:51 +0800
Merge pull request #2 from Web13234/item_refactory
2024-06-13 18:33:40 +0800
662e9b136amove Packsack.cs to item namespace
2024-06-13 14:18:11 +0800
9561b46e1bClean up the code and fill in the comments
2024-06-13 14:13:55 +0800
229098b261Added all basic item stacks; Move item stacks to new namespace
2024-06-13 13:53:10 +0800
dde7bb16caReplace metadata of items with export vars
2024-06-13 11:14:24 +0800
e307a58299Make packsack new interface, too.
2024-06-13 11:04:51 +0800
c1aecf21d7Implements IEnumerable<ItemSlotNode> for IItemContainer.
2024-06-13 10:43:54 +0800
d12ddc566bMerge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into item_refactory
2024-06-13 10:15:15 +0800
23877e82ccRemove old item interfaces,rename new 移除旧的物品接口,重命名新的
2024-06-13 03:07:55 +0800
94a2e78efcFixed all the bugs that prevented the game from working, added static item registration on startup 阻碍游戏运行的bug已尽数修复,添加启动时的静态物品注册
2024-06-13 03:04:12 +0800