- Bees refusing to retarget when target is invulnerable - Potion splashes cleaning fire/ooze from enemies - Blast wave attempting to throw enemies that move after being damaged - Corrupting enchant attempting to corrupt dead enemies - Magic missile charge buff not visually applying to the mage's staff - Specific cases where using an item wouldn't cancel the current cell selector - Large enemies rarely appearing in enclosed spaces due to levelgen - Lotus vfx persisting after the sprite is destroyed in rare case |
android | ||
core | ||
desktop | ||
docs | ||
gradle/wrapper | ||
services | ||
SPD-classes | ||
.gitignore | ||
build.gradle | ||
gradle.properties | ||
gradlew | ||
gradlew.bat | ||
LICENSE.txt | ||
README.md | ||
settings.gradle |
Shattered Pixel Dungeon
A Roguelike RPG, with randomly generated levels, items, enemies, and traps! Based on the source code of Pixel Dungeon, by Watabou.
Shattered Pixel Dungeon currently compiles for Android and desktop platforms. It is available from GitHub, Google Play, Amazon, and F-Droid.
If you like this game, please consider supporting me on Patreon!
There is an official blog for this project at ShatteredPixel.com.
The game also has a translation project hosted on Transifex.
Note that this repository does not accept pull requests! The code here is provided in hopes that others may find it useful for their own projects, not to allow community contribution. Issue reports of all kinds (bug reports, feature requests, etc.) are welcome.
If you'd like to work with the code, you can find the following guides in /docs