v0.9.1: updated translations

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Evan Debenham 2020-12-05 21:46:31 -05:00
parent 08bf66362c
commit e821eabaae
63 changed files with 843 additions and 843 deletions

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@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ actors.blobs.toxicgas.ondeath=Has mort pel gas tòxic...
actors.blobs.corrosivegas.desc=Es remolina per aquí un núvol mortal de gas càustic. actors.blobs.corrosivegas.desc=Es remolina per aquí un núvol mortal de gas càustic.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.procced=As you take a sip, you feel knowledge pour into your mind. actors.blobs.waterofawareness.procced=A mesura que prens un glop, sents coneixement abocat a la teva ment.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.desc=Power of knowledge radiates from the water of this well. Take a sip from it to reveal all secrets of equipped items and reveal all items on the current floor. actors.blobs.waterofawareness.desc=El poder del coneixement irradia de l'aigua d'aquest pou. Pren-ne un glop per revelar tots els secrets sobre els objectes equipats i revelar tots els items en aquet pis.
actors.blobs.waterofhealth.procced=A mesura que prens un glop, sents com les teves ferides es curen completament. actors.blobs.waterofhealth.procced=A mesura que prens un glop, sents com les teves ferides es curen completament.
actors.blobs.waterofhealth.desc=El poder de la salut irradia de l'aigua d'aquest pou. Pren-ne un glop per curar les teves ferides i satisfer la teva fam. actors.blobs.waterofhealth.desc=El poder de la salut irradia de l'aigua d'aquest pou. Pren-ne un glop per curar les teves ferides i satisfer la teva fam.
@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ actors.buffs.arcanearmor.name=Armadura Arcana
actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=T'envolta un escut prim, bloquejant alguns danys causats pels atacs màgics.\n\nActualment, la teva armadura màgica està millorada en: 0-%d.\n\nTorns fins que l'armadura arcana es debiliti: %s. actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=T'envolta un escut prim, bloquejant alguns danys causats pels atacs màgics.\n\nActualment, la teva armadura màgica està millorada en: 0-%d.\n\nTorns fins que l'armadura arcana es debiliti: %s.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Recàrrega d'artefactes actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Recàrrega d'artefactes
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all gain charge much faster than normal.\n\nTurns remaining: %s. actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=L'energia recorre el teu cos, incrementant la velocitat a la qual es carreguen els teus artefactes equipats.\n\nCada artefacte és afectat de manera una mica diferent, però tots es carregaran més rapid del normal.\n\nTorns restants: %s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Pell d'escorça actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Pell d'escorça
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=La teva pell està endurida, es sent dura i sòlida com l'escorça d'un arbre.\n\nLa pell endurida augmenta la teva armadura efectiva, fent que et defensis millor contra atacs físics. \n\nActualment la teva armadura està augmentada en: %d.\nFins que la pell d'escorça d'arbre es debiliti: %s. actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=La teva pell està endurida, es sent dura i sòlida com l'escorça d'un arbre.\n\nLa pell endurida augmenta la teva armadura efectiva, fent que et defensis millor contra atacs físics. \n\nActualment la teva armadura està augmentada en: %d.\nFins que la pell d'escorça d'arbre es debiliti: %s.
actors.buffs.barrier.name=Barrera actors.buffs.barrier.name=Barrera
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=A durable bubble of force which blocks all damage.\n\nThe barrier will take damage for whatever it is protecting so long as there is shielding left. The shielding will also slowly decay over time.\n\nShielding remaining: %d. actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Una bombolla duradora de força que bloqueja tots els danys.\n\nLa barrera absorbirà danys per allò que estigui protegint mentre hi hagi blindatge. El blindatge també es deteriorarà amb el pas temps.\n\nBlindatge restant: %d.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Enfadat actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Enfadat
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=En frenesí actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=En frenesí
@ -96,19 +96,19 @@ actors.buffs.burning.ondeath=Has mort cremat...
actors.buffs.burning.rankings_desc=Reduït a cendres actors.buffs.burning.rankings_desc=Reduït a cendres
actors.buffs.burning.desc=Poques coses són més angoixants que estar embolicat amb flames.\n\nEl foc et farà mal cada torn fins que s'apagui amb aigua o s'extingeixi. El foc pot extingir-se trepitjant a l'aigua, o per la salpicadura d'una poció que es trenca.\n\nA més a més, el foc pot encendre terrenys o ítems inflamables si entra en contacte amb ells.\n\nTorns d'incendi restants: %s. actors.buffs.burning.desc=Poques coses són més angoixants que estar embolicat amb flames.\n\nEl foc et farà mal cada torn fins que s'apagui amb aigua o s'extingeixi. El foc pot extingir-se trepitjant a l'aigua, o per la salpicadura d'una poció que es trenca.\n\nA més a més, el foc pot encendre terrenys o ítems inflamables si entra en contacte amb ells.\n\nTorns d'incendi restants: %s.
actors.buffs.championenemy.warn=You sense a deadly presence. actors.buffs.championenemy.warn=Sents una presència mortal.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blazing.name=blazing champion actors.buffs.championenemy$blazing.name=campió ardent
actors.buffs.championenemy$blazing.desc=Blazing champions deal 25% more melee damage, ignite enemies they attack, are immune to fire, and spread fire around them as they die. actors.buffs.championenemy$blazing.desc=Els campions ardents fan un 25% més de dany cos a cos, encenen els enemics que ataquen, son immunes al foc, i propaguen foc al seu voltant en morir.
actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.name=projecting champion actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.name=campió projectant
actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Projecting champions deal 25% more melee damage, and are able to attack any enemy that they can see. actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Els campions projectants fan un 25% més de dany cos a cos, i son capaços d'atacar a qualsevol enemic que puguen veure.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=antimagic champion actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=campió antimagia
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Antimagic champions take 25% less damage and are completely immune to magical effects. actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Els campions antimagia reben 25% menys danys i son completament immunes a efectes magics.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=giant champion actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=campió gegant
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces. actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Els campions gegants reben 75% menys danys i tenen +1 rang d'atac, però no es poden moure per espais estrets.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=blessed champion actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=campió beneït
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Blessed champions have 200% more accuracy and evasion. actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Els campions beneïts tenen 200% mes precisió i evasió.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=growing champion actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=campió creixent
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Growing champions gain a steadily increasing bonus to accuracy, evasion, melee damage, and a reduction to damage taken.\n\nCurrent acc/eva/dmg boost: %1$d%%\nCurrent damage reduction: %2$d%% actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Els campions creixents guanyen un bonus acumulatiu a la precisió, el dany cos a cos, i a la reducció de dany rebut.\n\nBonus actual a precició/eva/dany: %1$d%%\nBonus actual de reducció de dany: %2$d%%
actors.buffs.charm.name=Encantat actors.buffs.charm.name=Encantat
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Estàs encantat! actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Estàs encantat!
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Estàs paralitzat!
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=resistència a la paràlisi actors.buffs.paralysis.out=resistència a la paràlisi
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Moltes vegades, el pitjor que es pot fer és res.\n\nLa paràlisi impossibilita completament totes les accions, obligant a l'objectiu a esperar fins que l'efecte desaparegui. El dolor de rebre dany pot fer que els personatges resisteixin la paràlisi, traient-los de l'efecte.\n\nTorns de paràlisi restants: %s. actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Moltes vegades, el pitjor que es pot fer és res.\n\nLa paràlisi impossibilita completament totes les accions, obligant a l'objectiu a esperar fins que l'efecte desaparegui. El dolor de rebre dany pot fer que els personatges resisteixin la paràlisi, traient-los de l'efecte.\n\nTorns de paràlisi restants: %s.
actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Pincushion actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Acoixinament
actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached: actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached:
actors.buffs.poison.name=Enverinat actors.buffs.poison.name=Enverinat
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x f
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tested hypothesis actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tested hypothesis
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizing upgrade actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizing upgrade
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=thief's intuition actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=thief's intuition
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x faster_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he equips it_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue identifies rings _when he equips them_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he picks it up_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x faster_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he equips it_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue identifies rings _when he equips them_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he picks it up_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch

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@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ actors.buffs.arcanearmor.name=Magická zbroj
actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=Obklopuje tě tenký štít, který blokuje část poškození způsobeného magickými útoky.\n\nTvá magická zbroj je aktuálně: 0-%d\n\nZbývající tahy magické zbroje: %s actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=Obklopuje tě tenký štít, který blokuje část poškození způsobeného magickými útoky.\n\nTvá magická zbroj je aktuálně: 0-%d\n\nZbývající tahy magické zbroje: %s
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Dobíjení artefaktu actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Dobíjení artefaktu
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all gain charge much faster than normal.\n\nTurns remaining: %s. actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Proudí skrze tebe energie, což zvyšuje rychlost dobíjení tvých vybavených artefaktů.\n\nKaždý artefakt je ovlivněn trochu jinak, ale všechny se budou nabíjet mnohem rychleji než obvykle.\n\nZbývající tahy: %s
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Zdřevnatění actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Zdřevnatění
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Tvá kůže je ztvrdlá, na dotek drsná a pevná jako kůra stromu.\n\nZtvrdlá kůže zvyšuje účinnost tvé zbroje, což ti umožňuje lépe se bránit proti fyzickým útokům.\n\nTvá zbroj je aktuálně zvýšena o: %d\nTahů než zdřevnatění oslabne: %s actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Tvá kůže je ztvrdlá, na dotek drsná a pevná jako kůra stromu.\n\nZtvrdlá kůže zvyšuje účinnost tvé zbroje, což ti umožňuje lépe se bránit proti fyzickým útokům.\n\nTvá zbroj je aktuálně zvýšena o: %d\nTahů než zdřevnatění oslabne: %s
actors.buffs.barrier.name=Ochranný štít actors.buffs.barrier.name=Ochranný štít
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=A durable bubble of force which blocks all damage.\n\nThe barrier will take damage for whatever it is protecting so long as there is shielding left. The shielding will also slowly decay over time.\n\nShielding remaining: %d. actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Odolná silová bariéra, která blokuje veškeré poškození.\n\nTento štít pohltí obdržené poškození a dokud trvá, chrání svého nositele za každou cenu. Také se ovšem postupem času pomalu rozpadá.\n\nZbývající ochrana: %d
actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Rozčílení actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Rozčílení
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Vztek actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Vztek
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Vyber cíl pro Rozdrcení\nUděluje hodně pošk
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=Právě je dostupné _Rozdrcení._ Tento devastující útok _udělí velmi důsledné masivní poškození._ Skvělé pro sundání silných oponentů s hodně životy! actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=Právě je dostupné _Rozdrcení._ Tento devastující útok _udělí velmi důsledné masivní poškození._ Skvělé pro sundání silných oponentů s hodně životy!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Na kterého nepřítele vypustíš zuřivost?\nZaútočíš mnohokrát velmi rychle actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Na kterého nepřítele vypustíš zuřivost?\nZaútočíš mnohokrát velmi rychle
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=Právě je dostupná _Zuřivost._ Tento devastující útok _udeří tolikrát, kolikrát je právě tvé kombo,_ i když se sníženým poškozením. Zuřivost je skvělá pokud máš okouzlenou zbraň, protože okouzlení se aktivuje s každým úderem! actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=Právě je dostupná _Zuřivost._ Tento devastující útok _udeří tolikrát, kolikrát je právě tvé kombo,_ i když se sníženým poškozením. Zuřivost je skvělá pokud máš okouzlenou zbraň, protože okouzlení se aktivuje s každým úderem!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladiátor po úspěšně zasažených úderech nabírá sílu. Každý útok zvýší kombo o jeden bod, ale dlouhá doba mezi útoky nebo minutí dvakrát za sebou resetuje počítadlo komba na 0.\n\nBudování komba odemyká speciální zakončující schopnosti: silné útoky, které nemůžou minout! Různé zakončující útoky jsou dostupné při počtu komba 2, 4, 6, 8 a 10, přičemž použití těchto schopností kombo resetuje. actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladiátor nabírá po úspěšně zasažených úderech na síle. Každý útok zvýší kombo o jeden bod, ale dlouhá doba mezi útoky nebo minutí dvakrát za sebou resetuje počítadlo komba na 0.\n\nBudování komba odemyká speciální zakončující schopnosti: silné útoky, které nemůžou minout! Různé zakončující útoky jsou dostupné při počtu komba 2, 4, 6, 8 a 10, přičemž použití těchto schopností kombo resetuje.
actors.buffs.corruption.name=Zkaženost actors.buffs.corruption.name=Zkaženost
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Zkaženost prosakuje až do samotného nitra a obrací bytost proti své původní povaze.\n\nStvoření posedlá zkažeností budou útočit na své spojence a ignorovat původní nepřátele. Zkaženost je rovněž poškozující a pomalu donutí svůj cíl podlehnout.\n\nEfekt zkaženosti je trvalý a jeho účinky končí pouze smrtí. actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Zkaženost prosakuje až do samotného nitra a obrací bytost proti své původní povaze.\n\nStvoření posedlá zkažeností budou útočit na své spojence a ignorovat původní nepřátele. Zkaženost je rovněž poškozující a pomalu donutí svůj cíl podlehnout.\n\nEfekt zkaženosti je trvalý a jeho účinky končí pouze smrtí.
@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Všechny magické efekty na tebe ztratili svůj vl
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Vidění actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Vidění
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Nějak dokážeš skrze svou mysl vidět všechny tvory na tomto podlaží. Je to divný pocit.\n\nDokud máš vidění, všechny postavy na tomto podlaží jsou viditelné. Vidět stvoření prostřednictvím vidění, se počítá jako vidět je přímo nebo jim být poblíž. To se hodí pro účely mnoha magických efektů.\n\nZbývající tahy vidění: %s actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Nějak dokážeš skrze svou mysl vidět všechny tvory na tomto podlaží. Je to divný pocit.\n\nDokud máš vidění, všechny postavy na tomto podlaží jsou viditelné. Vidět stvoření prostřednictvím vidění, se počítá jako vidět je přímo nebo jim být poblíž. To se hodí pro účely mnoha magických efektů.\n\nZbývající tahy vidění: %s
actors.buffs.momentum.name=Hybnost actors.buffs.momentum.name=Svižnost
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Během pohybu nabírá Běžec hybnost, která zvyšuje jeho rychlost a schopnost se vyhýbat.\n\nRychlostní bonus je založen výhradně na hybnosti, avšak bonus k vyhýbání je ovlivněn také tvou zbrojí.\n\nBěžec získá z hybnosti dodatečné vyhnutí za každý nadbytečný bod síly, který má nad požadavkem jeho zbroje.\n\nAktuální síla hybnosti: %d%% actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Během pohybu nabírá Běžec svižnost, která zvyšuje jeho rychlost a schopnost vyhýbat se.\n\nRychlostní bonus je založen výhradně na svižnosti, avšak bonus k vyhýbání je ovlivněn také tvou zbrojí.\n\nBěžec získá ze svižnosti dodatečné vyhnutí za každý nadbytečný bod síly, který má nad požadavkem své zbroje.\n\nAktuální síla svižnosti: %d%%
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Žíravý sliz actors.buffs.ooze.name=Žíravý sliz
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Tvé maso požírá žíravý sliz! Smyj ho! actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Tvé maso požírá žíravý sliz! Smyj ho!
@ -317,80 +317,80 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Cítíš se sytě a spokojeně.\n\nBěhem nasycení se
###hero ###hero
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=Vydatné jídlo actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=Vydatné jídlo
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _2 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _3 HP_ when he is below 25% health.\n\n_+2:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _3 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _5 HP_ when he is below 25% health. actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Najezení vyléčí Válečníka o _2 body zdraví_, pokud má méně než 50% životů nebo o _3 body zdraví_, pokud má méně než 25% životů.\n\n_+2:_ Najezení vyléčí Válečníka o _3 body zdraví_, pokud má méně než 50% životů nebo o _5 bodů zdraví_, pokud má méně než 25% životů.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=Zbrojířova intuice actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=Zbrojířova intuice
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Válečník dokáže identifikovat zbraně a zbroje _2x rychleji_.\n\n_+2:_ Válečník dokáže identifikovat zbraně a zbroje _ve chvíli, kdy se s nimi vybaví_. actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Válečník dokáže identifikovat zbraně a zbroje _2x rychleji_.\n\n_+2:_ Válečník dokáže identifikovat zbraně a zbroje _ve chvíli, kdy se s nimi vybaví_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=Testovací subjekt actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=Testovací subjekt
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _2 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _3 HP_. actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Kdykoliv Válečník identifikuje předmět, vyléčí se o _2 body zdraví_.\n\n_+2:_ Kdykoliv Válečník identifikuje předmět, vyléčí se o _3 body zdraví_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Železná vůle actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Železná vytrvalost
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ Maximální dodatečná ochrana poskytnutá Válečníkovou pečetí se _zvýší o 1 bod_.\n\n_+2:_ Maximální dodatečná ochrana poskytnutá Válečníkovou pečetí se _zvýší o 2 body_. actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ Maximální dodatečná ochrana poskytnutá Válečníkovou pečetí se _zvýší o 1 bod_.\n\n_+2:_ Maximální dodatečná ochrana poskytnutá Válečníkovou pečetí se _zvýší o 2 body_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=iron stomach actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=Ocelový žaludek
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _75% damage resistance_ while eating.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _100% damage resistance_ while eating. actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Když se Válečník nají, zabere mu to pouze 1 tah a je mu při tom poskytnuta _75% odolnost vůči poškození_.\n\n_+2:_ Když se Válečník nají, zabere mu to pouze 1 tah a je mu při tom poskytnuta _100% odolnost vůči poškození_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=Obnovená vůle
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Vypití lektvaru léčení Válečníkovi okamžitě doplní _67% dodatečné ochrany_, kterou mu poskytuje jeho rozbitá pečeť.\n\n_+2:_ Vypití lektvaru léčení Válečníkovi okamžitě doplní _100% dodatečné ochrany_, kterou mu poskytuje jeho rozbitá pečeť.\n\nTato schopnost se aktivuje i ve chvíli, kdy je vypit lektvar či elixír založený na lektvaru léčení.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=Runová přenosnost
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=Smrtící švih
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ Když Válečník zabije nepřítele, smrtící úder má _67% šanci_ být okamžitý.\n\n_+2:_ Když Válečník zabije nepřítele, smrtící úder má _100% šanci_ být okamžitý.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=Improvizované projektily
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown. actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Válečník může oslepit nepřítele na _2 tahy_ tím, že po něm hodí předmět, který není vrhací zbraň. Schopnost lze znovu aktivovat až po 30 tazích.\n\n_+2:_ Válečník může oslepit nepřítele na _3 tahy_ tím, že po něm hodí předmět, který není vrhací zbraň. Schopnost lze znovu aktivovat až po 30 tazích.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=empowering meal actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=Posilňující jídlo
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps. actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Najezení poskytne Mágovi _2 body bonusového poškození_ pro jeho 3 nadcházející výstřely z hůlek. \n\n_+2:_ Najezení poskytne Mágovi _3 body bonusového poškození_ pro jeho 3 nadcházející výstřely z hůlek.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Učedníkova intuice actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Učedníkova intuice
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_. actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Mág dokáže identifikovat hůlky _3x rychleji_.\n\n_+2:_ Mág dokáže identifikovat hůlky _ve chvíli, kdy je použije_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Testovaná hypotéza actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Testovaná hypotéza
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Kdykoliv Mág identifikuje předmět, obdrží _efekt nabíjení na 2 tahy_.\n\n_+2:_ Kdykoliv Mág identifikuje předmět, obdrží _efekt nabíjení na 3 tahy_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=Záložní ochrana
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Energické jídlo actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Energické jídlo
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Když se Mág nají, zabere mu to pouze 1 tah a obdrží _efekt nabíjení na 5 tahů_.\n\n_+2:_ Když se Mág nají, zabere mu to pouze 1 tah a obdrží _efekt nabíjení na 8 tahů_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Energické vylepšení actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Energické vylepšení
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Použití svitku vylepšení okamžitě dobije Mágovu hůl _o 1 nabití_ i přes to, že celkový počet nabití přesáhne aktuální maximální limit hole.\n\n_+2:_ Použití svitku vylepšení okamžitě dobije Mágovu hůl _o 2 nabití_ i přes to, že celkový počet nabití přesáhne aktuální maximální limit hole.\n\nTato schopnost se aktivuje i ve chvíli, kdy je použit svitek či kouzlo založené na svitku vylepšení.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=Zachování hůlky
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times. actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Když Mág naplní svou hůl novou hůlkou, původní hůlka má _67% šanci_, že se vrátí do inventáře s +0.\n\n_+2:_ Když Mág naplní svou hůl novou hůlkou, původní hůlka má _100% šanci_, že se vrátí do inventáře s +0.\n\nTato schopnost dokáže zachovat hůlku až třikrát.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=Magická vize
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_. actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Když Mág použije na nepřítele hůlku, obdrží na toho protivníka _efekt vidění na 10 tahů_.\n\n_+2:_ Když Mág použije na nepřítele hůlku, obdrží na toho protivníka _efekt vidění na 15 tahů_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=Ochranná baterie
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ Mág může použít jakoukoliv hůlku sám na sebe a tím převést jejich nabití na dodatečnou ochranu o hodnotě _5% maximálního zdraví za nabití_.\n\n_+2:_ Mág může použít jakoukoliv hůlku sám na sebe a tím převést jejich nabití na dodatečnou ochranu o hodnotě _7.5% maximálního zdraví za nabití_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=Ukryté porce
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=Zlodějova intuice actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=Zlodějova intuice
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Zloděj dokáže identifikovat prsteny _2x rychleji_ a typ prstenu zjistí _v okamžiku, kdy se s ním vybaví_.\n\n_+2:_ Zloděj dokáže identifikovat prsteny _ve chvíli, kdy se s nimi vybaví_ a typ prstenu zjistí _v okamžiku, kdy ho sebere_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Zloděj dokáže identifikovat prsteny _2x rychleji_ a typ prstenu zjistí _v okamžiku, kdy se s ním vybaví_.\n\n_+2:_ Zloděj dokáže identifikovat prsteny _ve chvíli, kdy se s nimi vybaví_ a typ prstenu zjistí _v okamžiku, kdy ho sebere_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Přesný úder actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Přesný úder
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy. actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Zloděj udělí _1-2 body bonusového poškození_ pokaždé, když nepříteli udělí _první_ překvapivý útok.\n\n_+2:_ Zloděj udělí _2 body bonusového poškození_ pokaždé, když nepříteli udělí _první_ překvapivý útok.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protective shadows actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=Ochranné stíny
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_. actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Když je jeho plášť aktivován, obdrží Zloděj _každý druhý tah_ jeden bod dodatečné ochrany a to až _do maximálně 3 bodů_.\n\n_+2:_ Když je jeho plášť aktivován, obdrží Zloděj _v každém tahu_ jeden bod dodatečné ochrany a to až _do maximálně 5 bodů_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystical meal actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=Mystické jídlo
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself. actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Když se Zloděj nají, zabere mu to pouze 1 tah a obdrží _efekt dobíjení artefaktu na 3 tahy_.\n\n_+2:_ Když se Zloděj nají, zabere mu to pouze 1 tah a obdrží _efekt dobíjení artefaktu na 5 tahů_.\n\nTuto schopnost nelze použít k tomu, aby Roh hojnosti dobíjel sám sebe.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=Mystické vylepšení
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Použití svitku vylepšení okamžitě dobije Zlodějův plášť _o 1 nabití_ i přes to, že celkový počet nabití přesáhne aktuální maximální limit pláště.\n\n_+2:_ Použití svitku vylepšení okamžitě dobije Zlodějův plášť _o 2 nabití_ i přes to, že celkový počet nabití přesáhne aktuální maximální limit pláště.\n\nTato schopnost se aktivuje i ve chvíli, kdy je použit svitek či kouzlo založené na svitku vylepšení.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=Široký rozhled
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_. actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Zlodějův dosah hledání se zvětší z 5x5 čtverce na _7x7 kruh_.\n\n_+2:_ Zlodějův dosah hledání se zvětší ze 7x7 kruhu na _7x7 čtverec_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silent steps actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=Tichošlápek
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_. actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Zloděj nevzbudí spící nepřátele, dokud je od nich _3 a více polí daleko_.\n\n_+2:_ Zloděj nevzbudí spící nepřátele, dokud není _těsně vedle nich_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=Zlodějský čuch
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret. actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Když Zloděj poprvé vstoupí na patro, na kterém se nachází tajná místnost, má _50% šanci si toho všimnout_.\n\n_+2:_ Když Zloděj poprvé vstoupí na patro, na kterém se nachází tajná místnost, má _75% šanci si toho všimnout_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=nature's bounty actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=Štědrá příroda
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress can find _4 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress can find _6 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Během toho, co Lovkyně prozkoumává první části kobky, může najít až _4 jedlé bobule_, ukryté ve vysoké trávě.\n\n_+2:_ Během toho, co Lovkyně prozkoumává první části kobky, může najít až _6 jedlých bobulí_, ukrytých ve vysoké trávě.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Intuice přeživšího actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Intuice přeživšího
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _1.75x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _2.5x faster_. actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Lovkyně dokáže identifikovat veškeré vybavení _1.75x rychleji_.\n\n_+2:_ Lovkyně dokáže identifikovat veškeré vybavení _2.5x rychleji_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Následný útok actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Následný útok
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_ actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Když Lovkyně zasáhne nepřítele svým lukem nebo vrhací zbraní, její následující útok na blízko, vůči tomuto nepříteli, udělí _2 body bonusového poškození_.\n\n_+2:_ Když Lovkyně zasáhne nepřítele svým lukem nebo vrhací zbraní, její následující útok na blízko, vůči tomuto nepříteli, udělí _3 body bonusového poškození_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Přírodní pomoc actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Přírodní pomoc
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Lovkyně obdrží 2 body zdřevnatění na _4 tahy_, kdykoliv je v jejím zorném poli pošlapána rostlina.\n\n_+2:_ Lovkyně obdrží 2 body zdřevnatění na _6 tahů_, kdykoliv je v jejím zorném poli pošlapána rostlina. actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Lovkyně obdrží 2 body zdřevnatění na _4 tahy_, kdykoliv je v jejím zorném poli pošlapána rostlina.\n\n_+2:_ Lovkyně obdrží 2 body zdřevnatění na _6 tahů_, kdykoliv je v jejím zorném poli pošlapána rostlina.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Osvěžující jídlo actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Osvěžující jídlo
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _2 turns of haste_. actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Když se Lovkyně nají, zabere jí to pouze 1 tah (jedlé bobule lze sníst okamžitě) a obdrží _efekt rychlosti na 1 tah_.\n\n_+2:_ Když se Lovkyně nají, zabere jí to pouze 1 tah (jedlé bobule lze sníst okamžitě) a obdrží _efekt rychlosti na 2 tahy_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restored nature actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=Obnovená příroda
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Vypití lektvaru léčení způsobí, že kolem Lovkyně vzroste _až 5 trsů vysoké trávy_ a nepřátele v těsné blízkosti uvězní kořeny na _2 tahy_.\n\n_+2:_ Vypití lektvaru léčení způsobí, že kolem Lovkyně vzroste _až 8 trsů vysoké trávy_ a nepřátele v těsné blízkosti uvězní kořeny na _3 tahy_.\n\nTato schopnost se aktivuje i ve chvíli, kdy je vypit lektvar či elixír založený na lektvaru léčení.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=Oživující chůze
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_. actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ Pošlapaná tráva nebo mech vzrostou opět do výšky, když na ně Lovkyně vstoupí, avšak jsou okamžitě pomačkány. Schopnost lze znovu aktivovat _až po 10 tazích_.\n\n_+2:_ Pošlapaná tráva nebo mech vzrostou opět do výšky, když na ně Lovkyně vstoupí, avšak jsou okamžitě pomačkány. Schopnost lze znovu aktivovat _až po 5 tazích_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=heightened senses actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=Zesílené smysly
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_. actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Lovkyně obdrží _efekt vidění_ na nepřítele, který _je od ní 2 pole daleko_.\n\n_+2:_ Lovkyně obdrží _efekt vidění_ na nepřítele, který _je od ní 3 pole daleko_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=durable projectiles actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=Odolné projektily
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have _+50% durability_ when used by the Huntress.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have _+75% durability_ when used by the Huntress. actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Vrhací zbraně používané Lovkyní mají _o 50% větší výdrž_.\n\n_+2:_ Vrhací zbraně používané Lovkyní mají _o 75% větší výdrž_.
actors.hero.hero.name=Ty actors.hero.hero.name=Ty
actors.hero.hero.leave=Ještě nemůžeš odejít! Dole na tebe čeká zbytek kobky! actors.hero.hero.leave=Ještě nemůžeš odejít! Dole na tebe čeká zbytek kobky!
@ -440,11 +440,11 @@ actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=_Berserk_ uděluje bonusové poškození
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock=Zaklínač actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock=Zaklínač
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=_Zaklínač_ má šanci označit si duši nepřítele, pokud na něj použije hůl či hůlku. Pokaždé, když označení nepřátelé obdrží fyzické poškození, Zaklínače to vyléčí a nasytí jeho hlad. actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=_Zaklínač_ má šanci označit si duši nepřítele, pokud na něj použije hůl či hůlku. Pokaždé, když označení nepřátelé obdrží fyzické poškození, Zaklínače to vyléčí a nasytí jeho hlad.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=Bojový mág actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=Bojový mág
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=_Bojový mág_ dokáže vykouzlit bonusový efekt, pokud svou hůl používá jako zbraň na blízko. Tento efekt závisí na typu hůlky, kterou je jeho hůl naplněna. Hůl se také bude během boje lépe dobíjet. actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=_Bojový mág_ dokáže vykouzlit bonusový efekt, pokud svou hůl používá jako zbraň na blízko. Tento efekt závisí na typu hůlky, kterou je jeho hůl naplněna. Hůl se bude během boje také lépe dobíjet.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin=Vrah actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin=Vrah
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=_Vrah_ si během toho, co je neviditelný, připravuje jako svůj další možný útok smrtelný zásah. Čím déle je neviditelný, tím silnější tento útok bude. actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=_Vrah_ si během toho, co je neviditelný, připravuje jako svůj další možný útok smrtelný zásah. Čím déle je neviditelný, tím silnější tento útok bude.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner=Běžec actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner=Běžec
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=_Běžec_ za běhu postupně nabírá hybnost, která zvyšuje rychlost pohybu a zlepšuje i jeho vyhýbání. Rychle ale vyprchá, když se běžec zastaví. actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=_Běžec_ za běhu postupně nabírá svižnost, která zvyšuje rychlost pohybu a zlepšuje i jeho vyhýbání. Rychle ale vyprchá, když se běžec zastaví.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper=Střelkyně actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper=Střelkyně
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=_Střelkyně_ je mistryní v boji na velké vzdálenosti. Dokáže dohlédnout mnohem dál a její útoky na dálku úplně proráží nepřátelskou zbroj. Po úspěšném zásahu s vrhací zbraní, může se svým lukem provést speciální útok. actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=_Střelkyně_ je mistryní v boji na velké vzdálenosti. Dokáže dohlédnout mnohem dál a její útoky na dálku úplně proráží nepřátelskou zbroj. Po úspěšném zásahu s vrhací zbraní, může se svým lukem provést speciální útok.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden=Strážkyně actors.hero.herosubclass.warden=Strážkyně

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@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x f
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=geprüfte Hypothese actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=geprüfte Hypothese
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energiereiche Mahlzeit actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energiereiche Mahlzeit
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energiereiche Verbesserung actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energiereiche Verbesserung
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=Intuition des Diebes actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=Intuition des Diebes
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Der Schurke identifiziert Ringe _2x schneller_ und identifiziert den Typ eines Ringes _wenn er ihn ausrüstet_.\n\n_+2:_ Der Schurke identifiziert Ringe _wenn er sie ausrüstet_, und identifiziert den Typ eines Ringes _wenn er ihn aufhebt_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Der Schurke identifiziert Ringe _2x schneller_ und identifiziert den Typ eines Ringes _wenn er ihn ausrüstet_.\n\n_+2:_ Der Schurke identifiziert Ringe _wenn er sie ausrüstet_, und identifiziert den Typ eines Ringes _wenn er ihn aufhebt_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Überraschungsschlag actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Überraschungsschlag

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@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ actors.buffs.arcanearmor.name=Mistera ŝirmo
actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=Maldika ŝirmo ĉirkaŭas vin, blokante damaĝon pro magiaj atakoj.\n\nVia magia ŝirmo estas nuntempe pliigita je 0-%d.\n\nTemperoj ĝis la mistera ŝirmo etiĝos: %s. actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=Maldika ŝirmo ĉirkaŭas vin, blokante damaĝon pro magiaj atakoj.\n\nVia magia ŝirmo estas nuntempe pliigita je 0-%d.\n\nTemperoj ĝis la mistera ŝirmo etiĝos: %s.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Antikvaĵa ŝargiĝado actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Antikvaĵa ŝargiĝado
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all gain charge much faster than normal.\n\nTurns remaining: %s. actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energio trafluas vin pliigante rapidon de ŝargado de viaj surmetitaj antikvaĵoj.\n\nĈiu antikvaĵo reagas malegale, sed ili ŝargiĝas pli rapide ol kutime.\n\nPluaj temperoj da antikvaĵa ŝargado: %s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Ŝelhaŭto actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Ŝelhaŭto
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Via haŭto estas fortigita, ĝi ŝajnas dika kaj malmola kiel arboŝelo.\n\nLa fortigita haŭto pliigas vian efikan defendon, helpante al vi pli bone defendi kontraŭ korpa atako. \n\nVia defendo estas nuntempe pligrandiga je: %d.\nTemperoj ĝis ŝelhaŭto etiĝos: %s. actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Via haŭto estas fortigita, ĝi ŝajnas dika kaj malmola kiel arboŝelo.\n\nLa fortigita haŭto pliigas vian efikan defendon, helpante al vi pli bone defendi kontraŭ korpa atako. \n\nVia defendo estas nuntempe pligrandiga je: %d.\nTemperoj ĝis ŝelhaŭto etiĝos: %s.
actors.buffs.barrier.name=Barilo actors.buffs.barrier.name=Barilo
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=A durable bubble of force which blocks all damage.\n\nThe barrier will take damage for whatever it is protecting so long as there is shielding left. The shielding will also slowly decay over time.\n\nShielding remaining: %d. actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Rezista veziko de forto, kiu blokas ĉiun damaĝon.\n\nLa barilo sorbos damaĝon ĝis protekta ŝirmo elĉerpiĝos. La ŝirmo ankaŭ malrapide perdiĝos kun tempo.\n\nPlia ŝirmo: %d.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Kolera actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Kolera
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Berserkanta actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Berserkanta
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Gigantaj majstroj ricevas je 75% malpli da
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=bena majstro actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=bena majstro
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Benaj majstroj havas je 200% pli da precizo kaj evitpovo. actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Benaj majstroj havas je 200% pli da precizo kaj evitpovo.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=kreskanta majstro actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=kreskanta majstro
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Growing champions gain a steadily increasing bonus to accuracy, evasion, melee damage, and a reduction to damage taken.\n\nCurrent acc/eva/dmg boost: %1$d%%\nCurrent damage reduction: %2$d%% actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Kreskantaj majstroj gajnas daŭre kreskantan pliigon al precizo, evitpovo kaj senpera atako, kaj malpliigon al ricevata damaĝo.\n\nNuna pliigo al precizo/evitpovo/atako: %1$d%%\nNuna malpliigo al ricevata damaĝo: %2$d%%
actors.buffs.charm.name=Ĉarmata actors.buffs.charm.name=Ĉarmata
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Vi estas ĉarmata! actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Vi estas ĉarmata!
@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Vi estas paralizita!
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=senparalizigita actors.buffs.paralysis.out=senparalizigita
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Ofte la plej malbona aĵo por fari estas fari nenion.\n\nParalizo komplete haltigas ĉiujn agojn devigante la viktimon atendi ĝis la efiko finiĝos. La sufero pro damaĝo ankaŭ povas kaŭzi la viktimon liberiĝi el paralizo.\n\nPluaj temperoj da paralizo: %s. actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Ofte la plej malbona aĵo por fari estas fari nenion.\n\nParalizo komplete haltigas ĉiujn agojn devigante la viktimon atendi ĝis la efiko finiĝos. La sufero pro damaĝo ankaŭ povas kaŭzi la viktimon liberiĝi el paralizo.\n\nPluaj temperoj da paralizo: %s.
actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Pincushion actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Pinglokusenulo
actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached: actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=La ĵetarmiloj uzitaj kontraŭ tiu ĉi malamiko alkroĉiĝis al li kaj falos teren kiam la malamiko estos venkita.\n\nNune la jenaj ĵetarmiloj alkroĉiĝis:
actors.buffs.poison.name=Venenita actors.buffs.poison.name=Venenita
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Vi estas venenita! actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Vi estas venenita!
@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ actors.buffs.corrosion.desc=Fortaj acidoj dissolvas karnon, metalon kaj ostojn j
actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Ebria actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Ebria
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Movado laŭ rekta linio povas esti malfacila kiam la tuta mondo turniĝas.\n\nEn la stato de ebrio, uloj provantaj moviĝi, iros en la hazarda direkto anstataŭ tien, kien ili intencis iri.\n\nPluaj temperoj de ebrio: %s. actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Movado laŭ rekta linio povas esti malfacila kiam la tuta mondo turniĝas.\n\nEn la stato de ebrio, uloj provantaj moviĝi, iros en la hazarda direkto anstataŭ tien, kien ili intencis iri.\n\nPluaj temperoj de ebrio: %s.
actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Wands Empowered actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Plifortigitaj vergoj
actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Your damage-dealing wands have been empowered, increasing the amount of damage they deal for a few zaps.\n\nBonus damage: %1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d. actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Viaj damaĝ-kaŭzantaj vergoj estas plifortigitaj, damaĝo kaŭzita de kelkaj sekvaj pafoj estos pliigita.\n\nEkstra damaĝo: %1$d.\nPliaj pafoj: %2$d.
actors.buffs.weakness.name=Senfortigita actors.buffs.weakness.name=Senfortigita
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Vi sentas vin senfortigita! actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Vi sentas vin senfortigita!
@ -317,80 +317,80 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Vi manĝadis ĝis esti sata.\n\nDum esti satmanĝita,
###hero ###hero
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=nutranta manĝaĵo actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=nutranta manĝaĵo
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _2 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _3 HP_ when he is below 25% health.\n\n_+2:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _3 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _5 HP_ when he is below 25% health. actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ manĝado sanigas la bataliston por _2 sanpoentoj_ kiam li havas malpli ol 50% da sano, kaj por _3 sanpoentoj_ kiam li havas malpli ol 25% da sano.\n\n_+2:_ manĝado sanigas la bataliston por _3 sanpoentoj_ kiam li havas malpli ol 50% da sano, kaj por _5 sanpoentoj_ kiam li havas malpli ol 25% da sano.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=intuicio de militisto actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=intuicio de militisto
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ la batalisto identigas armilojn kaj defendaĵojn _duoble pli rapide_.\n\n_+2:_ la batalisto identigas armilojn kaj defendaĵojn _kiam li surmetas ilin._ actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ la batalisto identigas armilojn kaj defendaĵojn _duoble pli rapide_.\n\n_+2:_ la batalisto identigas armilojn kaj defendaĵojn _kiam li surmetas ilin._
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=testita objekto actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=testita objekto
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _2 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _3 HP_. actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ kiam la batalisto identigas aĵon, li saniĝas je _2 sanpoentoj._\n\n_+2:_ kiam la batalisto identigas aĵon, li saniĝas je _3 sanpoentoj._
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=fera volo actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=fera volo
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ la maksimuma ŝirmilo generata de la sigelo de batalisto _pliiĝas je 1 poento_.\n\n_+2:_ la maksimuma ŝirmilo generata de la sigelo de batalisto _pliiĝas je 2 poentoj_. actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ la maksimuma ŝirmilo generata de la sigelo de batalisto _pliiĝas je 1 poento_.\n\n_+2:_ la maksimuma ŝirmilo generata de la sigelo de batalisto _pliiĝas je 2 poentoj_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=iron stomach actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=fera stomako
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _75% damage resistance_ while eating.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _100% damage resistance_ while eating. actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon kaj donas al la batalisto _75% reziston kontraŭ damaĝo_ dum manĝado.\n\n_+2:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon kaj donas al la batalisto _100% reziston kontraŭ damaĝo_ dum manĝado.
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restarigita forta volo
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ trinkado de eliksiro de sano senprokraste reŝargas _67% da ŝirmo_ de la rompita sigelo de batalisto.\n\n_+2:_ trinkado de eliksiro de sano senprokraste reŝargas _100% da ŝirmo_ de la rompita sigelo de batalisto.\n\nTiu ĉi talento ankaŭ aktiviĝas dum trinki eliksirojn aŭ miksturojn bazitajn sur eliksiro de sano.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=transigo de skribaĵo
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=impeto de morto
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ kiam la batalisto mortigas kontraŭulon, la mortiga frapo havas _67% da ŝanco_ por esti senprokrasta.\n\n_+2:_ kiam la batalisto mortigas kontraŭulon, la mortiga frapo havas _100% da ŝanco_ por esti senprokrasta.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvizitaj ĵetarmiloj
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown. actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ la batalisto povas blindumi kontraŭulon por _2 temperoj_ per ĵeti al li ajnan aĵon, kiu ne estas ĵetarmilo. Necesas atendi 30 temperojn antaŭ reuzi tiun ĉi talenton.\n\n_+2:_ la batalisto povas blindumi kontraŭulon por _3 temperoj_ per ĵeti al li ajnan aĵon, kiu ne estas ĵetarmilo. Necesas atendi 30 temperojn antaŭ reuzi tiun ĉi talenton.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=empowering meal actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=fortiga manĝaĵo
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps. actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ ĉiu manĝaĵo donas al la magiisto _2 poentojn da ekstra damaĝo_ dum la 3 sekvaj vergopafoj.\n\n_+2:_ ĉiu manĝaĵo donas al la magiisto _3 poentojn da ekstra damaĝo_ dum la 3 sekvaj vergopafoj.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuicio de klerulo actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuicio de klerulo
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_. actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ la magiisto identigas vergojn _3-foje pli rapide._\n\n_+2:_ la magiisto identigas vergojn _dum la unua uzo._
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=testita hipotezo actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=testita hipotezo
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ kiam la magiisto identigas aĵon, li gajnas _2 temperojn de ŝargado de vergoj._\n\n_+2:_ kiam la magiisto identigas aĵon, li gajnas _3 temperojn de ŝargado de vergoj._
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=apoga barilo
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energiiga manĝaĵo actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energiiga manĝaĵo
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon kaj donas al la magiisto _5 temperojn de ŝargado de vergoj._\n\n_+2:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon kaj donas al la magiisto _8 temperojn de ŝargado de vergoj._
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energiiga plibonigo actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energiiga plibonigo
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ uzo de skribrulaĵo de plibonigo senprokraste reŝargas la bastonegon de magiisto _per 1 ŝargo_, tiu ĉi ŝargo povas superi la nunan limigon de ŝargoj.\n\n_+2:_ uzo de skribrulaĵo de plibonigo senprokraste reŝargas la bastonegon de magiisto _per 2 ŝargoj_, tiuj ĉi ŝargoj povas superi la nunan limigon de ŝargoj.\n\nTiu ĉi talento ankaŭ aktiviĝas dum uzi skribrulaĵojn aŭ sorĉkristalojn bazitajn sur skribrulaĵo de plibonigo.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=konservo de vergo
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times. actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ kiam la magiisto plenigas sian bastonegon per nova vergo, estas _67% da ŝanco,_ ke la antaŭa vergo revenos al dorsosako (sen plibonigoj).\n\n_+2:_ kiam la magiisto plenigas sian bastonegon per nova vergo, estas _100% da ŝanco,_ ke la antaŭa vergo revenos al dorsosako (sen plibonigoj).\n\nTiu ĉi talento povas konservi maksimume tri vergojn.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=mistera vido
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_. actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ kiam la magiisto pafas al kontraŭulo, li gajnas mensvidon por _10 temperoj._\n\n_+2:_ kiam la magiisto pafas al kontraŭulo, li gajnas mensvidon por _15 temperoj._
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=ŝirma baterio
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ la magiisto povas alceli sin per vergo por konverti ĝiajn ŝargojn al ŝirmo: _po 5% da maksimuma sano je 1 vergoŝargo_.\n\n_+2:_ la magiisto povas alceli sin per vergo por konverti ĝiajn ŝargojn al ŝirmo: _po 7,5% da maksimuma sano je 1 vergoŝargo_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=kaŝitaj porcioj
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=intuicio de ruzulo actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=intuicio de ruzulo
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ la fripono identigas ringojn _duoble pli rapide_ kaj identigas specon de ringo _kiam li surmetas ĝin_.\n\n_+2:_ la fripono identigas ringojn _kiam li surmetas ilin_ kaj identigas specon de ringo _kiam li kolektas ĝin_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ la fripono identigas ringojn _duoble pli rapide_ kaj identigas specon de ringo _kiam li surmetas ĝin_.\n\n_+2:_ la fripono identigas ringojn _kiam li surmetas ilin_ kaj identigas specon de ringo _kiam li kolektas ĝin_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=preciza frapo actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=preciza frapo
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy. actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ la fripono kaŭzas _1-2 poentojn da ekstra damaĝo_ la unuafoje kiam li surprize atakas malamikon.\n\n_+2_ la fripono kaŭzas _2 poentojn da ekstra damaĝo_ la unuafoje kiam li surprize atakas malamikon.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protective shadows actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protektaj ombroj
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_. actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ la fripono gajnas po unu poento da ŝirmo _dum ĉiuj du temperoj_ kiam lia mantelo estas aktiva, _maksimuma ŝirmo estas 3_.\n\n_+2:_ la fripono gajnas po unu poento da ŝirmo _dum ĉiu tempero_ kiam lia mantelo estas aktiva, _maksimuma ŝirmo estas 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystical meal actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mistera manĝaĵo
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself. actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon kaj donas al la fripono _3 temperojn de ŝargado de antikvaĵoj_.\n\n_+2:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon kaj donas al la fripono _5 temperojn de ŝargado de antikvaĵoj_.\n\nTiu ĉi talento ne povas esti uzita por igi la kornon de abundo ŝargi sin mem.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mistera plibonigo
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ uzo de skribrulaĵo de plibonigo senprokraste reŝargas la mantelon de ombroj _per 1 ŝargo_, tiu ĉi ŝargo povas superi la nunan limigon de ŝargoj.\n\n_+2:_ uzo de skribrulaĵo de plibonigo senprokraste reŝargas la mantelon de ombroj _per 2 ŝargoj_, tiuj ĉi ŝargoj povas superi la nunan limigon de ŝargoj.\n\nTiu ĉi talento ankaŭ aktiviĝas dum uzi skribrulaĵojn aŭ sorĉkristalojn bazitajn sur skribrulaĵo de plibonigo.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=vasta serĉo
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_. actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ pliigas serĉan radiuson de la fripono el kvadrato 5×5 al cirklo 7×7_.\n\n_+2:_ pliigas serĉan radiuson de la fripono el kvadrato 5×5 al kvadrato 7×7_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silent steps actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silentaj paŝoj
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_. actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ la fripono ne vekos dormantajn monstrojn dum esti _3 aŭ pli kaheloj proksime al ili_.\n\n_+2:_ la fripono ne vekos dormantajn monstrojn dum esti _ne apude al ili._
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=fripona antaŭscio
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret. actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ kiam la fripono por la unua foje eniras keletaĝon kun kaŝita ĉambro, li havas _50% da ŝanco por rimarki,_ ke la keletaĝo enhavas kaŝitan ĉambron. \n\n_+2:_ kiam la fripono por la unua foje eniras keletaĝon kun kaŝita ĉambro, li havas _75% da ŝanco por rimarki,_ ke la keletaĝo enhavas kaŝitan ĉambron.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=nature's bounty actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=malavara naturo
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress can find _4 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress can find _6 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ la fripono povas trovi _4 berojn_ kaŝitajn en alta herbo dum esplori la unuajn keletaĝojn de la labirinto.\n\n_+2:_ la fripono povas trovi _6 berojn_ kaŝitajn en alta herbo dum esplori la unuajn keletaĝojn de la labirinto.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuicio de persistemulo actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuicio de persistemulo
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _1.75x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _2.5x faster_. actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ la ĉasistino identigas ĉiujn armaĵojn _1,75-foje pli rapide_.\n\n_+2:_ la ĉasistino identigas ĉiujn armaĵojn _2,5-foje pli rapide_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=sekva frapo actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=sekva frapo
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_ actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ kiam la ĉasistino trafos malamikon per sia spirita pafarko aŭ per ĵetarmilo, ŝia sekva senpera atako kaŭzos _2 poentojn da ekstra damaĝo_.\n\n_+2:_ kiam la ĉasistino trafos malamikon per sia spirita pafarko aŭ per ĵetarmilo, ŝia sekva senpera atako kaŭzos _3 poentojn da ekstra damaĝo_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=natura apogo actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=natura apogo
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ la ĉasistino akiras 2 poentojn da ŝelhaŭto por _4 temperoj_ kiam kreskaĵo estas piedpremita en ŝia vidatingo.\n\n_+2:_ la ĉasistino akiras 2 poentojn da ŝelhaŭto por _6 temperoj_ kiam kreskaĵo estas piedpremita en ŝia vidatingo. actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ la ĉasistino akiras 2 poentojn da ŝelhaŭto por _4 temperoj_ kiam kreskaĵo estas piedpremita en ŝia vidatingo.\n\n_+2:_ la ĉasistino akiras 2 poentojn da ŝelhaŭto por _6 temperoj_ kiam kreskaĵo estas piedpremita en ŝia vidatingo.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=vigliga manĝaĵo actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=vigliga manĝaĵo
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _2 turns of haste_. actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon (beroj estas manĝataj tuj) kaj donas al la ĉasistino _1 temperon de rapidemo_.\n\n_+2:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon (beroj estas manĝataj tuj) kaj donas al la ĉasistino _2 temperojn de rapidemo_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restored nature actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restarigita naturo
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ trinkado de eliksiro de sano kreskigas _maksimume 5 herbojn_ ĉirkaŭ la ĉasistino kaj enradikigas apudajn malamikojn por _2 temperoj_.\n\n_+2:_ trinkado de eliksiro de sano kreskigas _maksimume 8 herbojn_ ĉirkaŭ la ĉasistino kaj enradikigas apudajn malamikojn por _3 temperoj_.\n\nTiu ĉi talento ankaŭ aktiviĝas dum trinki eliksirojn aŭ miksturojn bazitajn sur eliksiro de sano.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=refreŝigaj paŝoj
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_. actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ kiam la ĉasistino enpaŝas malaltan herbon aŭ ardaĵon, el ili kreskas alta herbo, kiun la ĉasistino tuj disŝoviĝas. Necesas atendi _10 temperojn antaŭ tiu ĉi efiko reokazos.\n\n_+2:_ kiam la ĉasistino enpaŝas malaltan herbon aŭ ardaĵon, el ili kreskas alta herbo, kiun la ĉasistino tuj disŝoviĝas. Necesas atendi _5 temperojn antaŭ tiu ĉi efiko reokazos.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=heightened senses actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=akrigitaj sensoj
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_. actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ la ĉasistino sentas kontraŭulojn, kiuj estas _2 kaheloj for de ŝia pozicio_.\n\n_+2:_ la ĉasistino sentas kontraŭulojn, kiuj estas _3 kaheloj for de ŝia pozicio_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=durable projectiles actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=firmaj ĵetarmiloj
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have _+50% durability_ when used by the Huntress.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have _+75% durability_ when used by the Huntress. actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ ĵetarmiloj uzataj de la ĉasistino estas je _+50% pli firmaj_.\n\n_+2:_ ĵetarmiloj uzataj de la ĉasistino estas je _+75% pli firmaj_.
actors.hero.hero.name=vi actors.hero.hero.name=vi
actors.hero.hero.leave=Vi ankoraŭ ne povas forlasi, la resto de la labirinto atendas vin! actors.hero.hero.leave=Vi ankoraŭ ne povas forlasi, la resto de la labirinto atendas vin!
@ -411,25 +411,25 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=La sufero kaŭzas vin rezisti la deziron de dormo.
actors.hero.hero.revive=La anĥo eksplodas ellasante vivigan energion! actors.hero.hero.revive=La anĥo eksplodas ellasante vivigan energion!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=batalisto actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=batalisto
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=The Warrior starts with a _unique broken seal,_ which he can affix to armor. He will slowly generate shielding over his health while he is wearing armor with the seal affixed.\n\nThe Warrior's seal can be moved between different armor sets, transferring a single upgrade with it.\n\nThe Warrior automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Healing\n- Scrolls of Rage actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=La batalisto komencas posedante _unikan rompitan sigelon,_ kiun li povas surmeti al defendaĵo. Li iom post iom generos ŝirmon super sia sano dum porti defendaĵon kun surmetita sigelo.\n\nLa sigelon oni povas movi inter diversaj defendaĵoj, kun eblo transigi unu plibonigon kun ĝi.\n\nLa batalisto aŭtomate identigas:\n skribrulaĵojn de identigo\n eliksirojn de sano\n skribrulaĵojn de kolero
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=La batalisto komencas kun _eluzita glaveto,_ kiu kaŭzas plian damaĝon ol aliaj komencaj armiloj.\n\nLi komencas kun _tri ĵetŝtonoj,_ kiuj kaŭzas malgravan damaĝon je distanco.\n\nLa Batalisto komencas posedante _flakoningon,_ kiu povas enteni plurajn eliksirojn kaj protekti ilin kontraŭ frosto. actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=La batalisto komencas kun _eluzita glaveto,_ kiu kaŭzas plian damaĝon ol aliaj komencaj armiloj.\n\nLi komencas kun _tri ĵetŝtonoj,_ kiuj kaŭzas malgravan damaĝon je distanco.\n\nLa Batalisto komencas posedante _flakoningon,_ kiu povas enteni plurajn eliksirojn kaj protekti ilin kontraŭ frosto.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Profesio estas elektebla post venki la duan supermonstron. La batalisto elektas inter du profesioj: actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Profesio estas elektebla post venki la duan supermonstron. La batalisto elektas inter du profesioj:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage=magiisto actors.hero.heroclass.mage=magiisto
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=La magiisto estas profesiulo pri vergoj kaj posedas _unikan magian bastonegon._\n\nPor malŝlosi lin _uzu skribrulaĵon de plibonigo por igi aĵon pli potenca._ actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=La magiisto estas profesiulo pri vergoj kaj posedas _unikan magian bastonegon._\n\nPor malŝlosi lin _uzu skribrulaĵon de plibonigo por igi aĵon pli potenca._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with and wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=La magiisto komencas posedante _unikan bastonegon_ de magia kuglo. La bastonego ŝargiĝas signife pli rapide ol vergo kaj havas je 1 pli maksimuma ŝargo.\n\nLa bastonegon oni povas plenigi per ĉiu vergo trovita en la labirinto. Plenigo per vergo ŝanĝas efikon de la bastonego kaj povas transigi iujn plibonigojn.\n\nLa magiisto aŭtomate identigas:\n skribrulaĵojn de identigo\n eliksirojn de likva fajro\n skribrulaĵojn de plibonigo
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=La magiisto komencas kun bastonego kiel lia permana armilo. La bastonego kaŭzas malplian damaĝon ol aliaj komencaj armiloj.\n\nLi povas uzi magion de lia bastonego por ataki je distanco.\n\nLa magiisto komenciĝas posedante _skribrulaĵujon,_ kiu povas teni plurajn skribrulaĵojn protektante ilin kontraŭ fajro. actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=La magiisto komencas kun bastonego kiel lia permana armilo. La bastonego kaŭzas malplian damaĝon ol aliaj komencaj armiloj.\n\nLi povas uzi magion de lia bastonego por ataki je distanco.\n\nLa magiisto komenciĝas posedante _skribrulaĵujon,_ kiu povas teni plurajn skribrulaĵojn protektante ilin kontraŭ fajro.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Profesio estas elektebla post venki la duan supermonstron. La magiisto elektas inter du profesioj: actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Profesio estas elektebla post venki la duan supermonstron. La magiisto elektas inter du profesioj:
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=fripono actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=fripono
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=La fripono povas manipuli fluon de batalo kaj iĝi nevidebla per lia _unika mantelo de ombroj._\n\nPor malŝlosi lin _faru 10 surprizajn atakojn dum unu ludo._ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=La fripono povas manipuli fluon de batalo kaj iĝi nevidebla per lia _unika mantelo de ombroj._\n\nPor malŝlosi lin _faru 10 surprizajn atakojn dum unu ludo._
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=The Rogue starts with a unique artifact: the _Cloak of Shadows,_ which he can use to become invisible at will. Like all artifacts, the cloak becomes more powerful as it is used.\n\nThe Rogue can detect secrets and traps from a greater distance.\n\nThe Rogue automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Invisibility\n- Scrolls of Magic Mapping actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=La fripono komencas posedante unikan antikvaĵon la _mantelon de ombroj,_ kiun li povas uzi por iĝi nevidebla laŭvole. Same kiel aliaj antikvaĵoj, la mantelo iĝas pli potenca dum uzado.\n\nLa fripono trovas kaŝaĵojn kaj kaptilojn de pli malproksime.\n\nLa fripono aŭtomate identigas:\n skribrulaĵojn de identigo\n eliksirojn de nevidebleco\n skribrulaĵojn de magia mapado
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=La fripono komencas kun _ponardo,_ kiu kaŭzas plian damaĝon kontraŭ surprizitaj malamikoj.\n\nLi komencas posedante _tri ĵettranĉilojn,_ kiuj kaŭzas iomete da damaĝo kaj pli altan damaĝon kontraŭ surprizitaj malamikoj.\n\nLa fripono komencas posedante _veluran sakon,_ kiu povas enteni etajn objektojn kiel semojn aŭ runŝtonojn. actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=La fripono komencas kun _ponardo,_ kiu kaŭzas plian damaĝon kontraŭ surprizitaj malamikoj.\n\nLi komencas posedante _tri ĵettranĉilojn,_ kiuj kaŭzas iomete da damaĝo kaj pli altan damaĝon kontraŭ surprizitaj malamikoj.\n\nLa fripono komencas posedante _veluran sakon,_ kiu povas enteni etajn objektojn kiel semojn aŭ runŝtonojn.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Profesio estas elektebla post venki la duan supermonstron. La fripono elektas inter du profesioj: actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Profesio estas elektebla post venki la duan supermonstron. La fripono elektas inter du profesioj:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=ĉasistino actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=ĉasistino
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=La ĉasistino estas lerta pri ĵetarmiloj kaj havas _unikan magian pafarkon_ kun senlimaj sagoj.\n\nPor malŝlosi ŝin _venku 15 monstrojn kun helpo de ĵetarmiloj dum unu ludo._ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=La ĉasistino estas lerta pri ĵetarmiloj kaj havas _unikan magian pafarkon_ kun senlimaj sagoj.\n\nPor malŝlosi ŝin _venku 15 monstrojn kun helpo de ĵetarmiloj dum unu ludo._
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows. The bow steadily grows stronger as the huntress levels up, and can be augmented and enchanted.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass without trampling it.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Mind Vision\n- Scrolls of Lullaby actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=La ĉasistino komencas posedante _unikan spiritan pafarkon,_ kiu povas arkpafi senliman nombron da magiaj sagoj. La pafarko iĝas pli potenca dum kiam ŝi pliniveliĝas, kaj povas esti plivastigita aŭ enmagiita.\n\nLa ĉasistino povas trairi altan herbon sen piedpremi ĝin.\n\nLa ĉasistino aŭtomate identigas:\n skribrulaĵojn de identigo\n eliksirojn de mensvido\n skribrulaĵojn de lulkanto
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=La ĉasistino komencas kun paro da _pikilecaj gantoj,_ per kiuj oni atakas pli rapide ol per aliaj komencaj armiloj.\n\nŜi komencas kun spirita pafarko kiel ĵetarmilo.\n\nLa ĉasistino komencas posedante _veluran sakon,_ kiu povas enteni etajn objektojn kiel semojn aŭ runŝtonojn. actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=La ĉasistino komencas kun paro da _pikilecaj gantoj,_ per kiuj oni atakas pli rapide ol per aliaj komencaj armiloj.\n\nŜi komencas kun spirita pafarko kiel ĵetarmilo.\n\nLa ĉasistino komencas posedante _veluran sakon,_ kiu povas enteni etajn objektojn kiel semojn aŭ runŝtonojn.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Profesio estas elektebla post venki la duan supermonstron. La ĉasistino elektas inter du profesioj: actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Profesio estas elektebla post venki la duan supermonstron. La ĉasistino elektas inter du profesioj:

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@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=¡Estás paralizado!
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=parálisis resistida actors.buffs.paralysis.out=parálisis resistida
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=A menudo, lo peor que se puede hacer es nada en absoluto.\n\nLa parálisis detiene por completo todas las acciones, lo que obliga al objetivo a esperar hasta que el efecto desaparezca. El dolor del daño recibido puede hacer que los personajes se resistan a la parálisis, sacándolos del efecto.\n\nTurnos de parálisis restantes: %s actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=A menudo, lo peor que se puede hacer es nada en absoluto.\n\nLa parálisis detiene por completo todas las acciones, lo que obliga al objetivo a esperar hasta que el efecto desaparezca. El dolor del daño recibido puede hacer que los personajes se resistan a la parálisis, sacándolos del efecto.\n\nTurnos de parálisis restantes: %s
actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Pincushion actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Alfiletero
actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached: actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached:
actors.buffs.poison.name=Envenenado actors.buffs.poison.name=Envenenado
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ actors.buffs.corrosion.desc=Poderoso acido que derrite carne, metal y huesos a u
actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Vértigo actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Vértigo
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Caminar en línea recta puede ser difícil cuando todo te da vueltas.\n\nBajo los efectos del vértigo, personajes que intenten moverse irán en una dirección aleatoria, en vez de la que querían ir.\n\nTurnos de vértigo restantes: %s. actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Caminar en línea recta puede ser difícil cuando todo te da vueltas.\n\nBajo los efectos del vértigo, personajes que intenten moverse irán en una dirección aleatoria, en vez de la que querían ir.\n\nTurnos de vértigo restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Wands Empowered actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Varitas Potenciadas
actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Your damage-dealing wands have been empowered, increasing the amount of damage they deal for a few zaps.\n\nBonus damage: %1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d. actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Your damage-dealing wands have been empowered, increasing the amount of damage they deal for a few zaps.\n\nBonus damage: %1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d.
actors.buffs.weakness.name=Debilitado actors.buffs.weakness.name=Debilitado
@ -324,47 +324,47 @@ actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=Sujeto de prueba
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _2 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _3 HP_. actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _2 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _3 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Voluntad de hierro actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Voluntad de hierro
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ El escudo máximo proporcionado por el sello del Guerrero se _aumenta en 1_.\n\n_+2:_ El escudo máximo proporcionado por el sello del guerrero se _aumenta en 2_. actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ El escudo máximo proporcionado por el sello del Guerrero se _aumenta en 1_.\n\n_+2:_ El escudo máximo proporcionado por el sello del guerrero se _aumenta en 2_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=iron stomach actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=estómago de acero
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _75% damage resistance_ while eating.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _100% damage resistance_ while eating. actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _75% damage resistance_ while eating.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _100% damage resistance_ while eating.
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown. actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=empowering meal actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=comida fortalecedora
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps. actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Intuición del erudito actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Intuición del erudito
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_. actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Hipótesis probada actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Hipótesis probada
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=barrera de respaldo
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Comida energizante actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=comida energizante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Mejora energizante actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Mejora energizante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times. actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=visión arcana
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_. actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=raciones guardadas
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=intuición de ladrón actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=intuición de ladrón
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ El pícaro identifica anillos _el doble de rappido e identifica el tipo de anillo cuando lo equipa_.\n\n_+2:_ El pícaro identifica los anillos cuando los equipa e identifica el tipo de anillo _cuando lo recoge_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ El pícaro identifica anillos _el doble de rappido e identifica el tipo de anillo cuando lo equipa_.\n\n_+2:_ El pícaro identifica los anillos cuando los equipa e identifica el tipo de anillo _cuando lo recoge_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Golpe sorpresa actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Golpe sorpresa
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy. actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protective shadows actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=sombras protectoras
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_. actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystical meal actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=comida mística
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself. actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mejora mística
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_. actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_.

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@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x f
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=probatutako hipotesia actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=probatutako hipotesia
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=janari biziberritzailea actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=janari biziberritzailea
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=hobetze biziberritzailea actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=hobetze biziberritzailea
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=lapurraren sena actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=lapurraren sena
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Alprojak _2 aldiz azkarrago_ identifikatzen ditu eraztunak, eta eraztun mota identifikatu dezake _janzterakoan_.\n\n_+2:_ Alprojak eraztuna identifikatzen du _janzterakoan_, eta eraztun mota _jasotzerakoan_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Alprojak _2 aldiz azkarrago_ identifikatzen ditu eraztunak, eta eraztun mota identifikatu dezake _janzterakoan_.\n\n_+2:_ Alprojak eraztuna identifikatzen du _janzterakoan_, eta eraztun mota _jasotzerakoan_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=ezusteko ukabilkada actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=ezusteko ukabilkada

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@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x f
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tested hypothesis actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tested hypothesis
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizing upgrade actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizing upgrade
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=thief's intuition actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=thief's intuition
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x faster_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he equips it_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue identifies rings _when he equips them_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he picks it up_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x faster_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he equips it_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue identifies rings _when he equips them_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he picks it up_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch

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@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ actors.buffs.arcanearmor.name=Armure arcanique
actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=Un fin bouclier vous entoure, bloquant une partie des attaques magiques.\n\nVotre armure magique est actuellement améliorée de : 0-%d.\n\nTours avant que l'armure arcanique ne s'affaiblisse : %s. actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=Un fin bouclier vous entoure, bloquant une partie des attaques magiques.\n\nVotre armure magique est actuellement améliorée de : 0-%d.\n\nTours avant que l'armure arcanique ne s'affaiblisse : %s.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Recharge d'artefact actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Recharge d'artefact
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all gain charge much faster than normal.\n\nTurns remaining: %s. actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=De l'énergie parcourt votre corps, augmentant la vitesse de recharge de vos artefacts équipés.\n\nChaque artefact est affecté différemment, mais ils seront tous chargé plus rapidement.\n\nTours restants : %s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Peau d'écorce actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Peau d'écorce
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Votre peau s'est endurcie, elle semble rugueuse et solide comme de l'écorce.\n\nVotre peau endurcie augmente l'effet de l'armure, améliorant votre défense contre les attaques physiques. \n\nVotre armure est actuellement améliorée de : %d.\nTours jusqu'à ce que l'écorce s'affaiblisse : %s. actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Votre peau s'est endurcie, elle semble rugueuse et solide comme de l'écorce.\n\nVotre peau endurcie augmente l'effet de l'armure, améliorant votre défense contre les attaques physiques. \n\nVotre armure est actuellement améliorée de : %d.\nTours jusqu'à ce que l'écorce s'affaiblisse : %s.
actors.buffs.barrier.name=Barrière actors.buffs.barrier.name=Barrière
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=A durable bubble of force which blocks all damage.\n\nThe barrier will take damage for whatever it is protecting so long as there is shielding left. The shielding will also slowly decay over time.\n\nShielding remaining: %d. actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Un champs de force durable qui bloque tous les dégâts.\n\nLa barrière encaissera les dégâts pour ce qu'elle protège, tant qu'il lui reste de l'énergie protectrice. L'énergie protectrice se dispersera lentement.\n\nProtection restante : %d.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered=En colère actors.buffs.berserk.angered=En colère
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Berserk actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Berserk
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Les champions géants reçoivent 75% de d
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=champion béni actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=champion béni
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Les champions bénis ont un bonus de 200% en précision et en évasion. actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Les champions bénis ont un bonus de 200% en précision et en évasion.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=champion en pleine croissance actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=champion en pleine croissance
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Growing champions gain a steadily increasing bonus to accuracy, evasion, melee damage, and a reduction to damage taken.\n\nCurrent acc/eva/dmg boost: %1$d%%\nCurrent damage reduction: %2$d%% actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Les champions en pleine croissance bénéficient d'un bonus de plus en plus important en précision, évasion, dégâts de mêlée et en réduction des dégâts subis.\n\nBonus actuel de préc/éva/dég : %1$d%%\nRéduction des dégâts actuels : %2$d%%
actors.buffs.charm.name=Charmé actors.buffs.charm.name=Charmé
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Vous êtes charmé ! actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Vous êtes charmé !
@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Vous êtes paralysé !
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=à résisté à la paralysie actors.buffs.paralysis.out=à résisté à la paralysie
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Parfois, la pire chose est l'inaction.\n\nLa paralysie bloque toutes les actions, obligeant la cible à attendre que les effets se dissipent. La douleur causée par des dégâts peut briser la paralysie.\n\nTours de paralysie restants : %s. actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Parfois, la pire chose est l'inaction.\n\nLa paralysie bloque toutes les actions, obligeant la cible à attendre que les effets se dissipent. La douleur causée par des dégâts peut briser la paralysie.\n\nTours de paralysie restants : %s.
actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Pincushion actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Pique-aiguilles
actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached: actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=Les armes lancées que vous avez utilisées contre ce personnage sont actuellement fichés sur celui-ci et tomberont au sol après sa défaite.\n\nLes éléments suivants sont actuellement coincées :
actors.buffs.poison.name=Empoisonné actors.buffs.poison.name=Empoisonné
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Vous êtes empoisonné ! actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Vous êtes empoisonné !
@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ actors.buffs.corrosion.desc=Les acides puissants rongent la chair, le métal et
actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Vertige actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Vertige
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Marcher en ligne droite n'est pas évident quand le monde tourne autour de vous.\n\nLes personnages sous l'effet du vertige qui essayent de se déplacer iront dans une direction au hasard au lieu de celle qu'ils avaient choisie.\n\nTours de vertige restants : %s. actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Marcher en ligne droite n'est pas évident quand le monde tourne autour de vous.\n\nLes personnages sous l'effet du vertige qui essayent de se déplacer iront dans une direction au hasard au lieu de celle qu'ils avaient choisie.\n\nTours de vertige restants : %s.
actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Wands Empowered actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Baguettes renforcées
actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Your damage-dealing wands have been empowered, increasing the amount of damage they deal for a few zaps.\n\nBonus damage: %1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d. actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Vos baguettes faisant des dégâts ont été renforcées, ce qui augmente la quantité de dégâts qu'elles infligent pour quelques charges.\n\nDommages bonus : %1$d.\nCharges restantes : %2$d.
actors.buffs.weakness.name=Affaibli actors.buffs.weakness.name=Affaibli
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Vous vous sentez affaibli ! actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Vous vous sentez affaibli !
@ -317,80 +317,80 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Vous vous sentez assez satisfait et repu.\n\nTant que
###hero ###hero
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=repas copieux actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=repas copieux
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _2 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _3 HP_ when he is below 25% health.\n\n_+2:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _3 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _5 HP_ when he is below 25% health. actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1 :_ Manger soigne _2 PV_ au Guerrier quand il est en dessous de 50% de santé, et _3 PV_ quand il est en dessous de 25% de santé.\n\n_+2 :_ Manger soigne _3 PV_ au Guerrier lorsqu'il est en dessous de 50% de sa santé, et _5 PV_ lorsqu'il est en dessous de 25% de sa santé.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=intuition du maître d'armes actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=intuition du maître d'armes
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1 :_ Le Guerrier identifie armes et armures _2x plus vite_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Guerrier identifie armes et armures _quand il les équipe_. actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1 :_ Le Guerrier identifie armes et armures _2x plus vite_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Guerrier identifie armes et armures _quand il les équipe_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=sujet test actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=sujet test
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _2 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _3 HP_. actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1 :_ Lorsque le Guerrier identifie un objet, il se soigne de _2 PV_.\n\n_+2 :_ Lorsque le Guerrier identifie un objet, il se soigne de _3 PV_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Volonté de fer actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Volonté de fer
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1 :_ Le niveau maximum de bouclier fourni par le sceau du Guerrier est _augmenté de 1_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le niveau maximum de bouclier fourni par le sceau du Guerrier est _augmenté de 2_. actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1 :_ Le niveau maximum de bouclier fourni par le sceau du Guerrier est _augmenté de 1_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le niveau maximum de bouclier fourni par le sceau du Guerrier est _augmenté de 2_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=iron stomach actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=Estomac de fer
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _75% damage resistance_ while eating.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _100% damage resistance_ while eating. actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1 :_ Manger prend un tour au Guerrier et lui accorde une résistance aux dommages de 75 % pendant qu'il mange.\n\n_+2 :_ Manger prend un tour au Guerrier et lui accorde une résistance aux dégâts de 100 % pendant qu'il mange.
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=volonté retrouvée
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1 :_ Boire une potion de guérison recharge instantanément _67% de la protection_ du sceau brisé du Guerrier.\n\n_+2 :_ Boire une potion de guérison recharge instantanément _100% de la protection_ du sceau brisé du Guerrier.\n\nCe talent se déclenche également en buvant des potions ou des élixirs basés sur des potions de soins.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=transfert runique
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=élan meurtrier
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1 :_ Quand le guerrier tue un ennemi, le coup fatal a 67% de chance d'être instantané.\n\n_+2 :_ Lorsque le guerrier tue un ennemi, le coup fatal a 100 % de chances d'être instantané.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=projectiles improvisés
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown. actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1 :_ Le guerrier peut aveugler un ennemi pendant deux tours en lui lançant n'importe quel objet qui n'est pas une arme. Ceci a un temps de recharge de 30 tours.\n\n_+2 :_ Le guerrier peut aveugler un ennemi pendant 3 tours en lui lançant n'importe quel objet qui n'est pas une arme. Il y a un temps de recharge de 30 tours.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=empowering meal actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=repas amélioré
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps. actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1 :_ Manger donne au mage un _bonus de dommages de 2_ sur ses 3 prochains coups de baguette magique.\n\n_+2 :_ Manger donne au mage un_bonus de dommages de 3_ sur ses 3 prochains coups de baguette magique.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuition de l'érudit actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuition de l'érudit
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_. actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1 :_ Le Mage identifie les baguettes _3x plus rapidement_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Mage identifie les baguettes _lorsqu'il les utilise_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=hypothèse testée actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=hypothèse testée
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1 :_ Chaque fois que le Mage identifie un objet, il gagne _2 tours de rechargement de baguette_.\n\n_+2 :_ Chaque fois que le Mage identifie un objet, il gagne _3 tours de rechargement de baguette_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=barrière de sécurité
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=repas énergisant actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=repas énergisant
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Manger prend un tour au Mage et lui accorde _5 tours de rechargement de baguette_.\n\n_+2:_ Manger prend un tour au Mage et lui accorde _8 tours de rechargement de baguette_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=mise à niveau énergisante actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=mise à niveau énergisante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1 :_ Utiliser un parchemin de mise à niveau recharge instantanément le bâton du Mage d'_1 charge_, pouvant permettre de dépasser le plafond de charge actuel.\n\n_+2 :_ Utiliser un parchemin de mise à niveau recharge instantanément le bâton du Mage de _2 charges_, pouvant permettre de dépasser le plafond de charge actuel.\n\nCe talent se déclenche également lors de l'utilisation de parchemins ou de sorts basés sur des parchemins de mise à niveau.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=préservation de baguette
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times. actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1 :_ Lorsque le Mage imprègne une nouvelle baguette dans son bâton, l'ancienne a 67% de chances d'être restituée à +0.\n\n_+2 :_ Lorsque le mage imprègne une nouvelle baguette dans son bâton, l'ancienne a 100 % de chances de restituée à +0.\n\nCe talent peut préserver une baguette jusqu'à trois fois.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=vision des arcanes
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_. actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1 :_ Quand le Mage touche un ennemi avec sa baguette, il obtient une vision mentale sur lui pendant _10 tours_.\n\n_+2 :_ Quand le Mage touche un ennemi avec sa baguette, il obtient une vision mentale sur lui pendant _15 tours_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=batterie de blindage
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1 :_ Le mage peut s'auto-cibler avec une baguette pour convertir ses charges en bouclier à un taux de _5% max PV par charge_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le mage peut s'auto-cibler avec une baguette pour convertir ses charges en bouclier à un taux de _7,5 % de PV maximum par charge_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cachettes de rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=intuition du voleur actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=intuition du voleur
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1 :_ Le Voleur identifie les anneaux _2x plus vite_ et identifie le type de l'anneau _quand il l'équipe_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Voleur identifie les anneaux _quand il les équipe_ et identifie le type des anneaux _quand il le ramasse_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1 :_ Le Voleur identifie les anneaux _2x plus vite_ et identifie le type de l'anneau _quand il l'équipe_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Voleur identifie les anneaux _quand il les équipe_ et identifie le type des anneaux _quand il le ramasse_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=coup bas actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=coup bas
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy. actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1 :_ Le Voleur bénéficie de _1-2 bonus aux dommages_ la première fois qu'il fait une attaque surprise sur un ennemi.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Voleur bénéficie de _2 bonus aux dommages_ la première fois qu'il fait une attaque surprise sur un ennemi.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protective shadows actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=ombres protectrices
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_. actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1 :_ Le Voleur gagne un bouclier _à chaque tour_ où sa cape est activée, _avec un maximum de 3_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Voleur gagne un bouclier _à chaque tour_ où sa cape est activée, _avec un maximum de 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystical meal actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=repas mystique
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself. actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1 :_ Manger prend un tour au Voleur et lui accorde _3 tours de recharge d'artefact_.\n\n_+2 :_ Manger prend un tour au Voleur et lui accorde _5 tours de recharge d'artefact_.\n\nCe talent ne peut pas être utilisé pour permettre à la corne d'abondance de se recharger elle-même.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=Amélioration mystique
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1 :_ Utiliser un parchemin de mise à niveau recharge instantanément la cape du Voleur d'_1 charge_, pouvant permettre de dépasser le plafond de charge actuel.\n\n_+2 :_ Utiliser un parchemin de mise à niveau recharge instantanément la cape du Voleur de _2 charges_, pouvant permettre de dépasser le plafond de charge actuel.\n\nCe talent se déclenche également lors de l'utilisation de parchemins ou de sorts basés sur des parchemins de mise à niveau.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=fouille étendue
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_. actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1 :_ Le rayon de recherche du Voleur passe d'un carré de 5x5 à un _cercle de 7x7_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le rayon de recherche du Voleur passe d'un carré de 5x5 à un _carré de 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silent steps actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=pas silencieux
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_. actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1 :_ Le Voleur ne réveillera pas les ennemis endormis tant qu'il est à _3 tuiles ou plus d'eux_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Voleur ne réveillera pas les ennemis endormis tant qu'il n'est _pas à côté d'eux_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=prévoyance du voleur
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret. actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1 :_ Lorsqu'il entre pour la première fois dans un niveau avec une pièce secrète, le Voleur a 50 % de chances de remarquer que le niveau contient un secret.\n\n_+2 :_ Lorsqu'il entre pour la première fois dans un niveau avec une pièce secrète, le Voleur a 75 % de chances de remarquer que le niveau contient un secret.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=nature's bounty actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=générosité de la nature
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress can find _4 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress can find _6 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1 :_ La Chasseuse peut trouver _4 baies_ cachées dans les hautes herbes alors qu'elle explore les premiers étages du donjon.\n\n_+2 :_ La Chasseuse peut trouver _6 baies_ cachées dans les hautes herbes alors qu'elle explore les premiers étages du donjon.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuition du survivaliste actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuition du survivaliste
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _1.75x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _2.5x faster_. actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1 :_ La Chasseuse identifie tous les équipements _1.75x plus vite_.\n\n_+2 :_ La Chasseuse identifie tous les équipements _2.5x plus vite_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=coup enchaîné actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=coup enchaîné
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_ actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Lorsque la Chasseuse touche un ennemi avec son arc ou une arme de lancer, sa prochaine attaque au corps à corps contre cet ennemi inflige _2 dégâts bonus_.\n\n_+2_ Lorsque la Chasseuse touche un ennemi avec son arc ou une arme de lancer, sa prochaine attaque au corps à corps contre cet ennemi inflige _3 dégâts bonus_
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=aide de la nature actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=aide de la nature
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1 :_ La Chasseuse gagne 2 points d'armure de peau d'écorce pour _4 tours_ lorsqu'une plante est piétinée sous ses yeux.\n\n_+2 :_ La Chasseuse gagne 2 points d'armure de peau d'écorce pour _6 tours_ lorsqu'une plante est piétinée sous ses yeux. actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1 :_ La Chasseuse gagne 2 points d'armure de peau d'écorce pour _4 tours_ lorsqu'une plante est piétinée sous ses yeux.\n\n_+2 :_ La Chasseuse gagne 2 points d'armure de peau d'écorce pour _6 tours_ lorsqu'une plante est piétinée sous ses yeux.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=repas revigorant actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=repas revigorant
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _2 turns of haste_. actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1 :_Manger prend 1 tour (les baies sont mangées instantanément) et confère à la Chasseresse _1 tour de hâte_.\n\n_+2 :_Manger prend 1 tour (les baies sont mangées instantanément) et confère à la Chasseresse _2 tours de hâte_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restored nature actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=nature restaurée
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1 :_ Boire une potion de soins fait pousser jusqu'à _5 herbes_ autour de la Chasseuse, et enracine les ennemis adjacents pendant _2 tours_.\n\n_+2 :_ Boire une potion de soins fait pousser jusqu'à _8 herbes_ autour de la Chasseuse, et enracine les ennemis adjacents pendant _3 tours_.\n\nCe talent se déclenche également en buvant des potions ou des élixirs basés sur des potions de soins.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=pas de rajeunissement
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_. actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1 :_ Lorsque la chasseuse marche sur de l'herbe courte ou des braises, elles se transforment en herbes hautes que la chasseuse sillonne immédiatement. Le _rechargement prends 10 tours_.\n\n_2 :_Lorsque la chasseuse marche sur de l'herbe courte ou des braises, elles se transforment en herbe haute que la chasseuse sillonne immédiatement. Le _rechargement prends 5 tours_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=heightened senses actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=sens exacerbés
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_. actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1 :_ La Chasseuse obtient une vision mentale sur tout ennemi se trouvant dans un rayon de _2 tuiles de sa position_.\n\n_+2 :_ La Chasseuse obtient une vision mentale de tout ennemi se trouvant dans un rayon de _3 tuiles de sa position_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=durable projectiles actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=projectiles durables
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have _+50% durability_ when used by the Huntress.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have _+75% durability_ when used by the Huntress. actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1 :_ Les armes lancées ont une durabilité de _+50%_ lorsqu'elles sont utilisées par la Chasseuse.\n\n_+2 :_ Les armes lancées ont une durabilité de _+75%_ lorsqu'elles sont utilisées par la Chasseuse.
actors.hero.hero.name=vous actors.hero.hero.name=vous
actors.hero.hero.leave=Vous ne pouvez pas partir si tôt, le reste du dongeon vous attend en dessous! actors.hero.hero.leave=Vous ne pouvez pas partir si tôt, le reste du dongeon vous attend en dessous!
@ -411,25 +411,25 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=La douleur vous empêche de succomber à l'envie de
actors.hero.hero.revive=L'ankh explose avec une énergie vitalisante et vous soigne ! actors.hero.hero.revive=L'ankh explose avec une énergie vitalisante et vous soigne !
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=guerrier actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=guerrier
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=The Warrior starts with a _unique broken seal,_ which he can affix to armor. He will slowly generate shielding over his health while he is wearing armor with the seal affixed.\n\nThe Warrior's seal can be moved between different armor sets, transferring a single upgrade with it.\n\nThe Warrior automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Healing\n- Scrolls of Rage actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=Le Guerrier commence avec un _sceau brisé__, qu'il peut attacher aux armures. Il générera lentement un bouclier en plus de sa santé tant qu'il porte une armure avec ce sceau attaché.\n\nLe sceau peut être déplacé entre différentes armures, gardant une seule amélioration avec lui.\n\nLe Guerrier identifie automatiquement :\n- les Parchemins d'identification,\n- les Potions de soin,\n- les Parchemins de rage.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=Le Guerrier commence avec une _courte épée usée,_ qui offre plus de dégâts directs que les autres armes de départ.\n\nLe Guerrier commence avec _trois pierres de lancer,_ qui offrent une attaque à distance limitée.\n\nLe Guerrier commence avec une _cartouchière à potions,_ qui peut contenir une variété de potions et les protège du froid. actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=Le Guerrier commence avec une _courte épée usée,_ qui offre plus de dégâts directs que les autres armes de départ.\n\nLe Guerrier commence avec _trois pierres de lancer,_ qui offrent une attaque à distance limitée.\n\nLe Guerrier commence avec une _cartouchière à potions,_ qui peut contenir une variété de potions et les protège du froid.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie après avoir vaincu le deuxième boss. Le Guerrier a deux sous-classes : actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie après avoir vaincu le deuxième boss. Le Guerrier a deux sous-classes :
actors.hero.heroclass.mage=mage actors.hero.heroclass.mage=mage
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Le Mage est un expert des baguettes, et possède un _singulier bâton magique._\n\nPour le débloquer, _utilisez un parchemin d'amélioration pour rendre un objet plus fort._ actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Le Mage est un expert des baguettes, et possède un _singulier bâton magique._\n\nPour le débloquer, _utilisez un parchemin d'amélioration pour rendre un objet plus fort._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with and wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=Le Mage commence avec un _bâton_, qu'il peut imprégner des propriétés d'une baguette. Le bâton se recharge beaucoup plus vite qu'une baguette, et possède une charge maximum supplémentaire.\n\nLe bâton du Mage peut être imprégné avec des baguettes qu'il trouve dans le donjon. L'imprégnation modifie l'effet du bâton et peut être utilisée pour transférer certaines améliorations.\n\nLe Mage identifie automatiquement :\n- les Parchemins d'Identification,\n- les Potions de Feu Liquide,\n- les Parchemins d'Amélioration.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Le Mage commence avec son bâton comme arme de mêlée. Le bâton fait moins de dégâts que les autres armes de départ.\n\nLe Mage peut utiliser la magie dans son bâton pour attaquer à distance.\n\nLe Mage commence avec un _étui à parchemins,_ qui peut transporter une variété de parchemins et les protéger du feu. actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Le Mage commence avec son bâton comme arme de mêlée. Le bâton fait moins de dégâts que les autres armes de départ.\n\nLe Mage peut utiliser la magie dans son bâton pour attaquer à distance.\n\nLe Mage commence avec un _étui à parchemins,_ qui peut transporter une variété de parchemins et les protéger du feu.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie après avoir vaincu le deuxième boss. Le Mage a deux sous-classes : actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie après avoir vaincu le deuxième boss. Le Mage a deux sous-classes :
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=voleur actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=voleur
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Le Voleur peut contrôler le courant de la bataille et frapper en étant invisible grâce à sa _singulière Cape de l'Ombre_\n\nPour la débloquer, _réussissez 10 attaques surprises à la suite._ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Le Voleur peut contrôler le courant de la bataille et frapper en étant invisible grâce à sa _singulière Cape de l'Ombre_\n\nPour la débloquer, _réussissez 10 attaques surprises à la suite._
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=The Rogue starts with a unique artifact: the _Cloak of Shadows,_ which he can use to become invisible at will. Like all artifacts, the cloak becomes more powerful as it is used.\n\nThe Rogue can detect secrets and traps from a greater distance.\n\nThe Rogue automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Invisibility\n- Scrolls of Magic Mapping actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=Le Voleur commence avec un artefact singulier : la _Cape des Ombres,_ qui peut être utilisée pour devenir invisible à volonté. Comme tout les artefacts, la cape devient plus puissante au fur et à mesure de son utilisation.\n\nLe Voleur détecte les secrets et les pièges dans une plus grande zone.\n\nLe Voleur identifie automatiquement :\n- les Parchemins d'Identification,\n- les Potions d'Invisibilité,\n- les Parchemins de Cartographie Magique.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Le Voleur commence avec une _dague,_ faisant plus de dégâts quand l'ennemi est surpris.\n\nLe Voleur commence avec _trois dagues de lancer,_ qui offrent des dégâts à distance et font plus de dégâts aux ennemis surpris.\n\nLe Voleur commence avec une _bourse de velours,_ qui peut contenir des petits objets comme des graines et des pierres runiques. actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Le Voleur commence avec une _dague,_ faisant plus de dégâts quand l'ennemi est surpris.\n\nLe Voleur commence avec _trois dagues de lancer,_ qui offrent des dégâts à distance et font plus de dégâts aux ennemis surpris.\n\nLe Voleur commence avec une _bourse de velours,_ qui peut contenir des petits objets comme des graines et des pierres runiques.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie après avoir vaincu le deuxième boss. Le Voleur a deux sous-classes: actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie après avoir vaincu le deuxième boss. Le Voleur a deux sous-classes:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=chasseresse actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=chasseresse
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=La Chasseresse est maîtresse des armes à distance et possède un _singulier arc magique_ aux flèches infinies.\n\nPour le débloquer, _tuez 15 ennemis avec l'aide d'armes à distance à la suite._ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=La Chasseresse est maîtresse des armes à distance et possède un _singulier arc magique_ aux flèches infinies.\n\nPour le débloquer, _tuez 15 ennemis avec l'aide d'armes à distance à la suite._
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows. The bow steadily grows stronger as the huntress levels up, and can be augmented and enchanted.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass without trampling it.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Mind Vision\n- Scrolls of Lullaby actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=La Chasseuse commence avec un _arc spirituel_ qui peut tirer un nombre infini de flèches invoquées. L'arc devient de plus en plus fort au fur et à mesure que la Chasseuse monte de niveau et peut-être amélioré et enchanté.\n\nLa Chasseresse peut traverser les herbes hautes sans les écraser.\n\nLa Chasseresse identifie automatiquement:\n- les Parchemins d'Identification,\n- les Potions de Vision Spirituelle,\n- les Parchemins de Berceuse.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=La Chasseresse commence avec des _gants cloutés_ qui attaquent plus rapidement que les autres armes de départ.\n\nLa Chasseresse commence avec son arc comme arme à distance.\n\nLa Chasseresse commence avec une _poche en velours,_ qui peut transporter des petits objets comme les graines et les pierres runiques. actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=La Chasseresse commence avec des _gants cloutés_ qui attaquent plus rapidement que les autres armes de départ.\n\nLa Chasseresse commence avec son arc comme arme à distance.\n\nLa Chasseresse commence avec une _poche en velours,_ qui peut transporter des petits objets comme les graines et les pierres runiques.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie après avoir vaincu le second boss. La Chasseresse a deux sous-classes : actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie après avoir vaincu le second boss. La Chasseresse a deux sous-classes :
@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.def_verb=bloqué
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=Ce forgeron troll ressemble à tout les autres trolls : il est grand et mince, sa peau ressemble à de la pierre tant par la couleur que par la texture. Le forgeron troll bricole avec des outils qui semblent proportionnellement minuscules. actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=Ce forgeron troll ressemble à tout les autres trolls : il est grand et mince, sa peau ressemble à de la pierre tant par la couleur que par la texture. Le forgeron troll bricole avec des outils qui semblent proportionnellement minuscules.
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=fantôme triste actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=fantôme triste
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Bonjour %s... Autrefois j'étais comme vous, fort et plein de confiance... Mais j'ai été tué par une bête infâme... Je ne peut fuir cet endroit... Pas tant que je ne serai pas vengé... Tuez le _rat fétide_ qui m'a pris la vie...\n\nIl rôde dans ce niveau... Répandant sa puanteur partout... _Prennez garde à sa morsure corrosive et au nuage de puanteur qui l'entoure, seule l'eau pourra dissoudre l'acide..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Bonjour %s... Autrefois j'étais comme vous, fort et plein de confiance... Mais j'ai été tué par une bête infâme... Je ne peut fuir cet endroit... Pas tant que je ne serai pas vengé... Tuez le _rat fétide_ qui m'a pris la vie...\n\nIl rôde dans ce niveau... Répandant sa puanteur partout... _Prenez garde à sa morsure corrosive et au nuage de puanteur qui l'entoure, seule l'eau pourra dissoudre l'acide..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=S'il te plaît... Aide-moi... Tue l'abomination...\n\n_Combats-la près de l'eau... Évite la puanteur..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=S'il te plaît... Aide-moi... Tue l'abomination...\n\n_Combats-la près de l'eau... Évite la puanteur..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=Bonjour %s... Autrefois j'étais comme toi, fort et plein de confiance... Mais j'ai été défait par un adversaire sournois... Je suis bloqué ici... Tant que je ne suis pas vengé... Tue le _gnoll filou_ qui a pris ma vie...\n\nIl est différent des autres gnolls... Il se cache et utilise des armes de jet... _Attention à ses dards empoisonnés et enflammés, attaque au corps-à-corps..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=Bonjour %s... Autrefois j'étais comme toi, fort et plein de confiance... Mais j'ai été défait par un adversaire sournois... Je suis bloqué ici... Tant que je ne suis pas vengé... Tue le _gnoll filou_ qui a pris ma vie...\n\nIl est différent des autres gnolls... Il se cache et utilise des armes de jet... _Attention à ses dards empoisonnés et enflammés, attaque au corps-à-corps..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_2=S'il te plaît... Aide-moi... Tue le filou...\n\n_Ne le laisse pas te toucher... Va au contact..._ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_2=S'il te plaît... Aide-moi... Tue le filou...\n\n_Ne le laisse pas te toucher... Va au contact..._

View File

@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ actors.buffs.arcanearmor.name=Misztikus páncél
actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=Egy vékony pajzs körbeölel, amely megvéd néhány mágikus sérüléstől.\n\nA mágikus páncélod ennyivel erősödött: 0-%d.\n\nHátralévő körök, ameddig a rejtélyes páncél gyengülni kezd: %s. actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=Egy vékony pajzs körbeölel, amely megvéd néhány mágikus sérüléstől.\n\nA mágikus páncélod ennyivel erősödött: 0-%d.\n\nHátralévő körök, ameddig a rejtélyes páncél gyengülni kezd: %s.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Ereklye feltöltés actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Ereklye feltöltés
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all gain charge much faster than normal.\n\nTurns remaining: %s. actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Az energia átáramlik rajtad, ezzel megnövelve a viselt ereklyék töltési sebességét.\n\nMinden ereklyére kicsit máshogy hat, de a töltődés sokkal gyorsabban végbemegy, mint normál esetben.\n\nFennmaradó körök: %s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Kéregbőr actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Kéregbőr
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Bőröd edzett, durva és kemény, mint a fa kérge.\n\nAz edzett bőr növeli a páncélzat hatékonyságát, jobb védelmet biztosít fizikai behatásokkal szemben.\n\nPáncélzatod jelenleg ennyivel erősebb: %d.\nHátralévő körök, mire a kéregbőr elgyengül: %s. actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Bőröd edzett, durva és kemény, mint a fa kérge.\n\nAz edzett bőr növeli a páncélzat hatékonyságát, jobb védelmet biztosít fizikai behatásokkal szemben.\n\nPáncélzatod jelenleg ennyivel erősebb: %d.\nHátralévő körök, mire a kéregbőr elgyengül: %s.
actors.buffs.barrier.name=Gát actors.buffs.barrier.name=Gát
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=A durable bubble of force which blocks all damage.\n\nThe barrier will take damage for whatever it is protecting so long as there is shielding left. The shielding will also slowly decay over time.\n\nShielding remaining: %d. actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Egy tartós erőbuborék, amely megvéd minden sérüléstől.\n\nMinden sérülést felfog bármit is védjen, ameddig van árnyékoló ereje. Az árnyékolás idővel lassacskán csökken. \n\nHátralévő árnyékolás: %d.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Dühödt actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Dühödt
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Őrjöngés actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Őrjöngés
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Az óriás bajnokok 75%-kal kevesebbet sé
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=áldott bajnok actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=áldott bajnok
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Az áldott bajnokoknak 200%-kal nagyobb a pontosságuk és a kitérésük. actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Az áldott bajnokoknak 200%-kal nagyobb a pontosságuk és a kitérésük.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=erősödő bajnok actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=erősödő bajnok
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Growing champions gain a steadily increasing bonus to accuracy, evasion, melee damage, and a reduction to damage taken.\n\nCurrent acc/eva/dmg boost: %1$d%%\nCurrent damage reduction: %2$d%% actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Az erősödő bajnokok lassacskán emelkedő pontossággal, sebzéssel és kitéréssel rendelkeznek, továbbá csökken az elszenvedett sebesülésük. \n\nAktuális pont/kit/seb növekedés: %1$d%%\nAktuális sérülés csökkenés: %2$d%%
actors.buffs.charm.name=Elbűvölt actors.buffs.charm.name=Elbűvölt
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Elbűvöltek! actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Elbűvöltek!
@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Lebénultál!
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=megtört bénulás actors.buffs.paralysis.out=megtört bénulás
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Gyakran a semmittevés a legrosszabb.\n\nA bénulás minden mozdulatot gátol, a célpont kénytelen kivárni amíg el nem múlik. Ha sebzést kap, a fájdalom felébresztheti a karaktert a bénultságból.\n\nA bénultság %s körön át tart. actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Gyakran a semmittevés a legrosszabb.\n\nA bénulás minden mozdulatot gátol, a célpont kénytelen kivárni amíg el nem múlik. Ha sebzést kap, a fájdalom felébresztheti a karaktert a bénultságból.\n\nA bénultság %s körön át tart.
actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Pincushion actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Tűpárna
actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached: actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=Az ellene használt dobófegyverek pillanatnyilag nekiragadnak, majd a padlóra esnek miután legyőzted.\n\nJelenleg az alábbi tárgyak ragadtak hozzá:
actors.buffs.poison.name=Mérgezett actors.buffs.poison.name=Mérgezett
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Megmérgeztek! actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Megmérgeztek!
@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ actors.buffs.corrosion.desc=Erőteljes sav riasztó mértékben marja a húst, f
actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Szédülés actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Szédülés
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Nem könnyű egyenesen menni, amikor az egész világ forog veled.\n\nA szédülés hatása alatt a karakter, aki mozogni próbál, a tervezetthez képest kiszámíthatatlan irányba megy.\n\nA szédülés még %s körig tart. actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Nem könnyű egyenesen menni, amikor az egész világ forog veled.\n\nA szédülés hatása alatt a karakter, aki mozogni próbál, a tervezetthez képest kiszámíthatatlan irányba megy.\n\nA szédülés még %s körig tart.
actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Wands Empowered actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Felhatalmazott pálcák
actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Your damage-dealing wands have been empowered, increasing the amount of damage they deal for a few zaps.\n\nBonus damage: %1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d. actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=A sérülést okozó pálcáidat felhatalmazták, megnövelve az okozott sebzés erejét pár használatig.\n\nBónusz sebzés: %1$d.\nMaradék használat: %2$d.
actors.buffs.weakness.name=Gyengeség actors.buffs.weakness.name=Gyengeség
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Gyengének érzed magad! actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Gyengének érzed magad!
@ -317,32 +317,32 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Egészen elégedettnek és jóllakottnak érzed magad.
###hero ###hero
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=bőséges étel actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=bőséges étel
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _2 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _3 HP_ when he is below 25% health.\n\n_+2:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _3 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _5 HP_ when he is below 25% health. actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Ha 50% alatti egészségszintnél eszel, a harcos _2 HP_ -t gyógyul, és _3 HP_ -t amikor 25% alatt van.\n\n_+2:_ Ha 50% alatti egészségszintnél eszel, a harcos _3 HP_ -t gyógyul, és _5 HP_ -t amikor 25% alatt van.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=fegyvermesteri intuíció actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=fegyvermesteri intuíció
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ A harcos _2x gyorsabban_ azonosítja a fegyvereket és a páncélokat.\n\n_+2:_ A harcos _amint viseli_ azonosítja a fegyvereket és a páncélokat. actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ A harcos _2x gyorsabban_ azonosítja a fegyvereket és a páncélokat.\n\n_+2:_ A harcos _amint viseli_ azonosítja a fegyvereket és a páncélokat.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=tesztalany actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=tesztalany
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _2 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _3 HP_. actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Bármikor, amikor egy tárgyat azonosít a harcos _2 HP_-t gyógyul.\n\n_+2:_ Bármikor, amikor egy tárgyat azonosít a harcos _3 HP_-t gyógyul.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=vasakarat actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=vasakarat
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ A maximális páncél, amire a harcos pecsétje rá van tűzve _1-el növekszik_.\n\n_+2:_ A maximális páncél, amire a harcos pecsétje rá van tűzve _2-vel növekszik_. actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ A maximális páncél, amire a harcos pecsétje rá van tűzve _1-el növekszik_.\n\n_+2:_ A maximális páncél, amire a harcos pecsétje rá van tűzve _2-vel növekszik_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=iron stomach actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=vas bendő
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _75% damage resistance_ while eating.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _100% damage resistance_ while eating. actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Az étkezés 1 körbe telik a harcosnak továbbá evés közben _75% sebzési ellenállást_ biztosít számára.\n\n_+2:_ Az étkezés 1 körbe telik a harcosnak továbbá evés közben _100% sebzési ellenállást_ biztosít számára.
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=visszaállított akaraterő
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Egy gyógyital elfogyasztása rögtön visszatölt _67% védelmezést_ a harcos törött medáljából.\n\n_+2:_ Egy gyógyital elfogyasztása rögtön visszatölt _100% védelmezést_ a harcos törött medáljából.\n\nEz a tehetség működésbe lép gyógyital alapú italoktól, elixírektől is.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=rúna átvitel
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=halálos mozzanat
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ Amikor a harcos egy ellenfelet megöl, a gyilkos ütés _67% eséllyel_ azonnali lesz.\n\n_+2:_ Amikor a harcos egy ellenfelet megöl, a gyilkos ütés _100% eséllyel_ azonnali lesz.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvizált lövedék
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown. actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ A harcos megvakíthat egy ellenfelet _2 körig_ amikor nem dobófegyvert hajít felé. Utána 30 kört várnia kell.\n\n_+2:_ A harcos megvakíthat egy ellenfelet _3 körig_ amikor nem dobófegyvert hajít felé. Utána 30 kört várnia kell.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=empowering meal actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=felhatalmazó étel
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps. actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Az étkezés _2 bónusz sebzést_ garantál a mágusnak a következő 3 varázspálcás támadáshoz.\n\n_+2:_ Az étkezés _3 bónusz sebzést_ garantál a mágusnak a következő 3 varázspálcás támadáshoz.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=a tudós intuíciója actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=a tudós intuíciója
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_. actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ A mágus _3x gyorsabban_ azonosítja a pálcákat.\n\n_+2:_ A mágus _használatkor_ azonosítja a pálcákat.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tesztelt feltételezés actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tesztelt feltételezés
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizáló étel actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizáló étel
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizáló fejlődés actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizáló fejlődés
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=tolvaji megérzés actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=tolvaji megérzés
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ A tolvaj _2x gyorsabban_ azonosítja a gyűrűket, és azonosítja a típusát _ha viseli_.\n\n_+2:_ A tolvaj _amint viseli_ azonosítja a gyűrűket, és azonosítja a típusát _ha megszerzi_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ A tolvaj _2x gyorsabban_ azonosítja a gyűrűket, és azonosítja a típusát _ha viseli_.\n\n_+2:_ A tolvaj _amint viseli_ azonosítja a gyűrűket, és azonosítja a típusát _ha megszerzi_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=váratlan ütés actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=váratlan ütés

View File

@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ actors.buffs.arcanearmor.name=Armor Sihir
actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=Pelindung tipis melindungi sekitarmu, menahan beberapa damage dari serangan sihir.\n\nKekuatan sihir armor sekarang: 0-%d.\n\nSisa waktu armor sihirmu melemah: %s. actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=Pelindung tipis melindungi sekitarmu, menahan beberapa damage dari serangan sihir.\n\nKekuatan sihir armor sekarang: 0-%d.\n\nSisa waktu armor sihirmu melemah: %s.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Pengisian-ulang Artefak actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Pengisian-ulang Artefak
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all gain charge much faster than normal.\n\nTurns remaining: %s. actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energi mengalir di tubuhmu, meningkatkan kecepatan charge artefak yang kau miliki.\n\nPengaruhnya akan berbeda-beda pada setiap artefak, tetapi semuanya akan mengisi daya jauh lebih cepat dari biasanya..\n\nGiliran tersisa: %s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Kulit Kayu actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Kulit Kayu
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Kulitmu mengeras, rasanya kasar dan padat seperti kulit kayu.\n\nKulit yang mengeras itu meningkatkan armormu, memungkinkanmu bertahan lebih baik terhadap serangan fisik.\n\nArmormu saat ini bertambah sebesar: %d.\nGiliran sampai kulit kayu melemah: %s. actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Kulitmu mengeras, rasanya kasar dan padat seperti kulit kayu.\n\nKulit yang mengeras itu meningkatkan armormu, memungkinkanmu bertahan lebih baik terhadap serangan fisik.\n\nArmormu saat ini bertambah sebesar: %d.\nGiliran sampai kulit kayu melemah: %s.
actors.buffs.barrier.name=Penahan actors.buffs.barrier.name=Penahan
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=A durable bubble of force which blocks all damage.\n\nThe barrier will take damage for whatever it is protecting so long as there is shielding left. The shielding will also slowly decay over time.\n\nShielding remaining: %d. actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Gelembung kekuatan yang menahan semua damage.\n\nPenahan ini akan menyerap semua damage bagi sesuatu yang ada di dalamnya selama masih ada penahan yang tersisa. Perisai juga akan menghilang secara perlahan seiring waktu.\n\nPerisai tersisa: %d .
actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Marah actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Marah
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Ngamuk actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Ngamuk
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Jagoan Raksasa menerima 75% lebih sedikit
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Jagoan Suci actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Jagoan Suci
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Jagoan Suci memiliki 200% akurasi dan penghindaran lebih actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Jagoan Suci memiliki 200% akurasi dan penghindaran lebih
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Jagoan Pertumbuhan actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Jagoan Pertumbuhan
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Growing champions gain a steadily increasing bonus to accuracy, evasion, melee damage, and a reduction to damage taken.\n\nCurrent acc/eva/dmg boost: %1$d%%\nCurrent damage reduction: %2$d%% actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Jagoan Pertumbuhan mendapatkan bonus stabil yang terus meningkat untuk akurasi, penghindaran, kerusakan jarak dekat, dan pengurangan damage yang diterima.\n\nPeningkatan Akurasi/Penghindaran/Kerusakan:%1$d%%\nPengurangan kerusakan saat ini: %2$d%%
actors.buffs.charm.name=Terpesona actors.buffs.charm.name=Terpesona
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Kau terpesona! actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Kau terpesona!
@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Kau lumpuh!
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=tahan terhadap kelumpuhan actors.buffs.paralysis.out=tahan terhadap kelumpuhan
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Terkadang, hal yang paling buruk dilakukan adalah tidak melakukan apapun.\n\nKelumpuhan sepenuhnya menghentikan semua tindakan, memaksa target untuk menunggu sampai efeknya hilang. Rasa sakit karena menerima damage dapat membuat karakter menolak kelumpuhan itu sehingga efek lumpuh itu hilang.\n\nSisa giliran: %s. actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Terkadang, hal yang paling buruk dilakukan adalah tidak melakukan apapun.\n\nKelumpuhan sepenuhnya menghentikan semua tindakan, memaksa target untuk menunggu sampai efeknya hilang. Rasa sakit karena menerima damage dapat membuat karakter menolak kelumpuhan itu sehingga efek lumpuh itu hilang.\n\nSisa giliran: %s.
actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Pincushion actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Bantalan
actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached: actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=Senjata jarak jauh yang Kau gunakan untuk melawan karakter ini saat ini tertahan di sana dan akan jatuh ke lantai setelah mereka dikalahkan.\n\nItem berikut yang saat ini terikat:
actors.buffs.poison.name=Keracunan actors.buffs.poison.name=Keracunan
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Kau keracunan! actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Kau keracunan!
@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ actors.buffs.corrosion.desc=Asam yang kuat melelehkan tubuh, logam, dan tulang d
actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Vertigo actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Vertigo
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Berjalan di garis lurus akan sangat sulit jika seluruh dunia berputar-putar.\n\nSaat sedang dalam efek vertigo, karakter akan berjalan menuju arah yang acak.\n\nSisa waktu vertigo: %s giliran. actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Berjalan di garis lurus akan sangat sulit jika seluruh dunia berputar-putar.\n\nSaat sedang dalam efek vertigo, karakter akan berjalan menuju arah yang acak.\n\nSisa waktu vertigo: %s giliran.
actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Wands Empowered actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Tongkat Diberdayakan
actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Your damage-dealing wands have been empowered, increasing the amount of damage they deal for a few zaps.\n\nBonus damage: %1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d. actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Tongkat Pemberi-Damage mu telah diberdayakan, meningkatkan jumlah damage yang ditimbulkannya untuk beberapa tembakan.\n\nBonus damage: %1$d\nTembakan tersisa: %2$d
actors.buffs.weakness.name=Melemah actors.buffs.weakness.name=Melemah
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Kau merasa lemah! actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Kau merasa lemah!
@ -317,80 +317,80 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Kau merasa cukup puas dan kenyang.\n\nSaat cukup makan
###hero ###hero
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=Makanan lezat actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=Makanan lezat
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _2 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _3 HP_ when he is below 25% health.\n\n_+2:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _3 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _5 HP_ when he is below 25% health. actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Memakan makanan menyembuhkan Pendekar sebanyak _2 HP_ jika HP dibawah 50%, dan _3 HP_ jika HP dibawah 25%. \n\n_+2:_ Memakan makanan menyembuhkan Pendekar sebanyak _3 HP_ jika HP dibawah 50%, dan _5 HP_ jika HP dibawah 25%..
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=Intuisi Ahli Senjata actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=Intuisi Ahli Senjata
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Pendekar mengidentifikasi senjata dan armor _2x lebih cepat_.\n\n_+2:_ Pendekar mengidentifikasi senjata dan armor _ketika ia memakainya_. actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Pendekar mengidentifikasi senjata dan armor _2x lebih cepat_.\n\n_+2:_ Pendekar mengidentifikasi senjata dan armor _ketika ia memakainya_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=Subjek Tes actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=Subjek Tes
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _2 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _3 HP_. actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Setiap kali Pendekar mengidentifikasi item, Pendekar menyembuhkan _2 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Setiap kali Pendekar mengidentifikasi item, Pendekar menyembuhkan _3 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Kemauan Besi actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Kemauan Besi
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_ +1: _ Maksimal perisai yang diberikan oleh pin Pendekar _meningkat sebesar 1_.\n\n_ +2: _ Maksimal perisai yang diberikan oleh pin Pendekar _meningkat sebesar 2_. actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_ +1: _ Maksimal perisai yang diberikan oleh pin Pendekar _meningkat sebesar 1_.\n\n_ +2: _ Maksimal perisai yang diberikan oleh pin Pendekar _meningkat sebesar 2_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=iron stomach actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=perut besi
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _75% damage resistance_ while eating.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _100% damage resistance_ while eating. actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Memakan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran Pendekar dan memberinya _ketahanan damage 75%_ ketika makan.\n_+2:_ Memakan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran Pendekar dan memberinya _ketahanan damage 100%_ ketika makan.
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=tekad terpulihkan
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Meminum ramuan penyembuhan secara instan mengisi ulang _67% perisai_ dari pin rusak Pendekar.\n\n_+2:_ Meminum ramuan penyembuhan secara instan mengisi ulang _100% perisai_ dari pin rusak Pendekar.\n\nTalent ini juga terpicu ketika meminum ramuan atau elixir berdasarkan ramuan penyembuhan
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=pemindahan rahasia
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=momentum mematikan
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ Ketika Pendekar membunuh musuh, serangan mematikan memiliki _67% kesempatan_ untuk menjadi mati seketika.\n\n_+2:_ Ketika Pendekar membunuh musuh, serangan mematikan memiliki _100% kesempatan_ untuk menjadi mati seketika.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=proyektil terimprovisasi
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown. actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Pendekar dapat membutakan musuh untuk _2 giliran_ dengan melempar barang apa pun yang bukan senjata jarak jauh ke arah mereka. Ini memiliki cooldown selama 30 giliran.\n\n_+2:_ Pendekar dapat membutakan musuh untuk _3 giliran_ dengan melempar barang apa pun yang bukan senjata jarak jauh ke arah mereka. Ini memiliki cooldown selama 30 giliran.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=empowering meal actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=makanan yang diberdayakan
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps. actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Memakan makanan memberi Penyihir _2 bonus damage_ pada 3 tembakan tongkat berikutnya\n\n_+2:_ Memakan makanan memberi Penyihir _3 bonus damage_ pada 3 tembakan tongkat sihir berikutnya
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuisi sarjana actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuisi sarjana
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_. actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Penyihir mengidentifikasi tongkat sihir _3x lebih cepat_.\n\n_+2:_ Penyihir mengidentifikasi tongkat sihir _saat dia menggunakannya_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=hipotesis teruji actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=hipotesis teruji
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Setiap kali Mage mengidentifikasi sebuah item, ia mendapatkan _2 giliran recharge tongkat_.\n\n_+2:_ Setiap kali Mage mengidentifikasi sebuah item, ia mendapatkan _3 giliran recharge tongkat_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=penghalang cadangan
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=makanan berenergi actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=makanan berenergi
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Makan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran dan memberi Penyihir _5 giliran recharge tongkat_.\n\n_+2:_ Makan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran dan memberi Penyihir _8 giliran recharge tongkat_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=peningkatan energi actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=peningkatan energi
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Menggunakan gulungan upgrade secara instan mengisi ulang tongkat sihir penyihir _untuk 1 charge_, ini dapat menempatkannya di atas batas charge saat ini.\n\n_+2:_ Menggunakan gulungan upgrade secara instan mengisi ulang tongkat sihir penyihir _untuk 2 charge_, ini dapat menempatkannya di atas batas charge saat ini.\n\nTalent ini juga terpicu ketika menggunakan gulungan atau mantra yang berdasarkan gulungan upgrade
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=pertahanan tongkat sihir
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times. actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Saat Penyihir menjiwai tongkat baru ke dalam tongkat sihirnya, tongkat sihir lama memiliki kemungkinan _67%_ untuk dikembalikan pada +0.\n\n_+1:_ Saat Penyihir menjiwai tongkat baru ke dalam tongkat sihirnya, tongkat sihir lama memiliki kemungkinan _100%_ untuk dikembalikan pada +0.\n\nTalent ini bisa mempertahankan tongkat sihir hingga tiga kali.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=penglihatan misterius
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_. actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Ketika Penyihir menembak musuh, ia mendapatkan efek pembaca pikiran selama _10 giliran_.\n\n_+2:_ Ketika Penyihir menembak musuh, ia mendapatkan efek pembaca pikiran selama _10 giliran_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=baterai perisai
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ Penyihir dapat menembakkan tongkat sihir ke dirinya sendiri untuk mengubah chargenya menjadi perisai dengan tingkat sebesar _5% dari max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ Penyihir dapat menembakkan tongkat sihir ke dirinya sendiri untuk mengubah chargenya menjadi perisai dengan tingkat sebesar _7.5% dari max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=makanan tersembunyi
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=intuisi pencuri actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=intuisi pencuri
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Pengembara mengidentifikasi cincin _2x lebih cepat_, dan mengidentifikasi jenis cincin _saat dia memakainya_.\n\n_+2:_ Pelaku mengidentifikasi cincin _saat dia memakainya_, dan mengidentifikasi jenis cincin _saat dia mengambilnya_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Pengembara mengidentifikasi cincin _2x lebih cepat_, dan mengidentifikasi jenis cincin _saat dia memakainya_.\n\n_+2:_ Pelaku mengidentifikasi cincin _saat dia memakainya_, dan mengidentifikasi jenis cincin _saat dia mengambilnya_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=serangan kejutan actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=serangan kejutan
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy. actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Pengembara memberi _1-2 bonus damage_ saat pertama kali dia memberi serangan kejutan ke musuh\n\n_+2:_ Pengembara memberi _2 bonus damage_ saat pertama kali dia memberi serangan kejutan ke musuh
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protective shadows actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=bayangan pelindung
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_. actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Pengembara mendapatkan satu perisai _setiap giliran lain_ jubahnya aktif, _dengan maksimal 3_.\n\n_+2:_ Pengembara mendapatkan satu perisai _setiap giliran_ jubahnya aktif, _dengan maksimal 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystical meal actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=makanan mistis
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself. actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Memakan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran dan memberi Pengembara _recharge artefak selama 3 giliran_.\n\n_+2:_ Memakan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran dan memberi Pengembara _recharge artefak selama 5 giliran_.\n\nTalent ini tidak dapat digunakan untuk membuat terompet kecukupan mengisi charge-nya sendiri.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=upgrade mistik
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Menggunakan gulungan upgrade secara instan mengisi ulang jubah Pengembara _untuk 1 charge_, ini dapat menempatkannya di atas batas charge saat ini.\n\n_+2:_ Menggunakan gulungan upgrade secara instan mengisi ulang jubah Pengembara _untuk 2 charge_, ini dapat menempatkannya di atas batas charge saat ini.\n\nTalent ini juga terpicu ketika menggunakan gulungan atau mantra yang berdasarkan gulungan upgrade
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=pencarian luas
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_. actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Radius pencarian Pengembara meningkat dari kotak 5x5 ke _lingkaran 7x7_.\n\n_+2:_ Radius pencarian Pengembara meningkat dari kotak 5x5 ke _kotak 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silent steps actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=langkah sunyi
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_. actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Pengembara tidak akan membangunkan musuh yang tertidur saat dia berada _3 atau lebih petak darinya_.\n\n_+2:_ Pengembara tidak akan membangunkan musuh yang tertidur saat dia _tidak berdekatan dengan mereka_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=penglihatan pengembara
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret. actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Ketika ia pertama kali masuk ke level dengan ruangan rahasia, Pengembara memiliki _50% kemungkinan untuk tahu_ bahwa level tersebut menyimpan rahasia.\n\n_+2:_ Ketika ia pertama kali masuk ke level dengan ruangan rahasia, Pengembara memiliki _75% kemungkinan untuk tahu_ bahwa level tersebut menyimpan rahasia
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=nature's bounty actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=karunia alam
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress can find _4 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress can find _6 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Pemburu dapat menemukan _4 beri_ yang tersembunyi di rumput tinggi saat ia menjelajahi stage awal di dungeon.\n\n_+1:_ Pemburu dapat menemukan _6 beri_ yang tersembunyi di rumput tinggi saat ia menjelajahi stage awal di dungeon
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuisi bertahan hidup actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuisi bertahan hidup
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _1.75x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _2.5x faster_. actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Pemburu mengidentifikasi semua peralatan _1.75x lebih cepat_.\n\n_+2:_ Pemburu mengidentifikasi semua peralatan _2.5x lebih cepat_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=serangan lanjutan actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=serangan lanjutan
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_ actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Saat Pemburu menghantam musuh dengan busur atau senjata jarak jauh, serangan jarak dekat berikutnya terhadap musuh tersebut memberikan _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ Saat Pemburu menghantam musuh dengan busur atau senjata jarak jauh, serangan jarak dekat berikutnya terhadap musuh tersebut memberikan _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=bantuan alam actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=bantuan alam
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Pemburu mendapatkan 2 armor kulit kayu selama _4 giliran_ saat tanaman diinjak dalam penglihatannya.\n\n_+2:_ Pemburu mendapatkan 2 armor kulit kayu selama _6 giliran_ saat tanaman diinjak dalam penglihatannya actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Pemburu mendapatkan 2 armor kulit kayu selama _4 giliran_ saat tanaman diinjak dalam penglihatannya.\n\n_+2:_ Pemburu mendapatkan 2 armor kulit kayu selama _6 giliran_ saat tanaman diinjak dalam penglihatannya
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=makanan yang menyegarkan actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=makanan yang menyegarkan
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _2 turns of haste_. actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Memakan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran (beri akan dimakan secara instan) dan memberi Pemburu _1 giliran cepat_.\n\n_+2:_ Memakan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran (beri akan dimakan secara instan) dan memberi Pemburu _2 giliran cepat_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restored nature actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=alam terpulihkan
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Meminum ramuan penyembuhan memunculkan _sebanyak 5 rumput_ disekitar Pemburu, dan mengikat musuh disekitar _selama 2 giliran_.\n\n_+2:_ Meminum ramuan penyembuhan memunculkan _sebanyak 8 rumput_ disekitar Pemburu, dan mengikat musuh disekitar _selama 3 giliran_.\n\nTalent ini juga terpicu ketika meminum ramuan atau elixir berdasarkan ramuan penyembuhan
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=langkah memulihkan
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_. actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ Ketika Pemburu menginjak rumput atau bara, mereka akan tumbuh menjadi rumput tinggi yang segera disisir oleh Huntress. Ini memiliki _cooldown 10 giliran_.\n\n_+2:_ Ketika Pemburu menginjak rumput atau bara, mereka akan tumbuh menjadi rumput tinggi yang segera disisir oleh Huntress. Ini memiliki _cooldown 5 giliran_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=heightened senses actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=peningkatan indera
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_. actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Pemburu mendapatkan efek pembaca pikiran pada musuh di _2 petak dari posisinya_.\n\n_+2:_ Pemburu mendapatkan efek pembaca pikiran pada musuh di _3 petak dari posisinya_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=durable projectiles actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=proyektil tahan lama
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have _+50% durability_ when used by the Huntress.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have _+75% durability_ when used by the Huntress. actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Senjata jarak jauh _+50% lebih tahan lama_ ketika digunakan oleh Pemburu.\n\n_+2:_ Senjata jarak jauh _+75% lebih tahan lama_ ketika digunakan oleh Pemburu.
actors.hero.hero.name=kau actors.hero.hero.name=kau
actors.hero.hero.leave=Kau belum bisa pergi dulu, Dungeon menunggumu di bawah! actors.hero.hero.leave=Kau belum bisa pergi dulu, Dungeon menunggumu di bawah!
@ -411,25 +411,25 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=Rasa sakit membantumu menghilangkan rasa kantuk.
actors.hero.hero.revive=Ankh meledak dan memberikanmu energi kehidupan! actors.hero.hero.revive=Ankh meledak dan memberikanmu energi kehidupan!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=pendekar actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=pendekar
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=The Warrior starts with a _unique broken seal,_ which he can affix to armor. He will slowly generate shielding over his health while he is wearing armor with the seal affixed.\n\nThe Warrior's seal can be moved between different armor sets, transferring a single upgrade with it.\n\nThe Warrior automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Healing\n- Scrolls of Rage actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=Pendekar memulai dengan sebuah _pin rusak unik,_ yang bisa ia tempelkan ke armor. Pendekar perlahan-lahan akan menciptakan perisai di atas darahnya saat ia menggunakan armor yang sudah ditempeli pin.\n\nPin rusak Pendekar dapat dipindahkan di antara set armor yang berbeda, mentransfer satu upgrade dengannya.\n\nPendekar secara otomatis mengidentifikasi:\n- Gulungan Identifikasi\n- Ramuan Penyembuhan\n- Gulungan Kemarahan
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=Pendekar memulai dengan sebuah _pedang pendek bekas,_ yang memberikan damage lebih akurat dibanding senjata pemula lainnya.\n\nPendekar memulai dengan _tiga buah batu lempar,_ yang memberikan damage jarak jauh yang terbatas.\n\nPendekar memulai dengan _tempat ramuan,_ yang dapat menyimlan berbagai macam ramuan dan melindunginya dari pecah karena dingin. actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=Pendekar memulai dengan sebuah _pedang pendek bekas,_ yang memberikan damage lebih akurat dibanding senjata pemula lainnya.\n\nPendekar memulai dengan _tiga buah batu lempar,_ yang memberikan damage jarak jauh yang terbatas.\n\nPendekar memulai dengan _tempat ramuan,_ yang dapat menyimlan berbagai macam ramuan dan melindunginya dari pecah karena dingin.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Sebuah keahlian khusus dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Pendekar memiliki dua keahlian khusus: actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Sebuah keahlian khusus dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Pendekar memiliki dua keahlian khusus:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage=penyihir actors.hero.heroclass.mage=penyihir
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Penyihir adalah seorang ahli tongkat sihir, dan membawa _tongkat ajaib unik._\n\nUntuk membukanya _ gunakan gulungan upgrade untuk membuat item semakin kuat._ actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Penyihir adalah seorang ahli tongkat sihir, dan membawa _tongkat ajaib unik._\n\nUntuk membukanya _ gunakan gulungan upgrade untuk membuat item semakin kuat._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with and wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=Penyihir memulai dengan _tongkat sihir unik_ yang dapat dijiwai dengan kekuatan dari tongkat sihir. Tongkat penyihir mengisi ulang secara signifikan lebih cepat daripada tongkat biasa, dan memiliki 1 ekstra charge.\n\nTongkat sihir Penyihir dapat dijiwai dengan dan tongkat lainnya yang ia temui di dungeon. Menjiwainya mengubah efek tongkat sihir dan bisa digunakan untuk mentransfer beberapa upgrade.\n\nPenyihir secara otomatis mengidentifikasi:\n- Gulungan Identifikasi\n- Ramuan Api Cair\n- Gulungan Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Penyihir memulai dengan tongkat sebagai senjatanya. Tongkat memberikan damage paling sedikit dibandingkan senjata pemula lainnya.\n\nPenyihir dapan menggunakan sihir di tongkatnya untuk menyerang dari jarak jauh.\n\nPenyihir memulai dengan sebuah _penyimpan gulungan,_ yang dapat menyimpan berbagai macam gulungan dan melindunginya dari api. actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Penyihir memulai dengan tongkat sebagai senjatanya. Tongkat memberikan damage paling sedikit dibandingkan senjata pemula lainnya.\n\nPenyihir dapan menggunakan sihir di tongkatnya untuk menyerang dari jarak jauh.\n\nPenyihir memulai dengan sebuah _penyimpan gulungan,_ yang dapat menyimpan berbagai macam gulungan dan melindunginya dari api.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Subkelas dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Penyihir mempunyai dua subkelas: actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Subkelas dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Penyihir mempunyai dua subkelas:
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=pengembara actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=pengembara
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Rogue bisa mengendalikan arus pertempuran dan menyerang tanpa terlihat menggunakan _jubah bayangan unik._\n\nUntuk membuka kuncinya _lakukan 10 serangan mendadak dalam sekali jalan._ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Rogue bisa mengendalikan arus pertempuran dan menyerang tanpa terlihat menggunakan _jubah bayangan unik._\n\nUntuk membuka kuncinya _lakukan 10 serangan mendadak dalam sekali jalan._
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=The Rogue starts with a unique artifact: the _Cloak of Shadows,_ which he can use to become invisible at will. Like all artifacts, the cloak becomes more powerful as it is used.\n\nThe Rogue can detect secrets and traps from a greater distance.\n\nThe Rogue automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Invisibility\n- Scrolls of Magic Mapping actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=Pengembara dimulai dengan artefak unik: _Jubah Bayangan,_ yang bisa dia gunakan agar tidak terlihat sesuka hati. Seperti artefak kebanyakan, jubah menjadi lebih kuat saat digunakan.\n\nPengembara mendeteksi rahasia dan jebakan dari jarak yang lebih jauh.\n\nPengembara secara otomatis mengidentifikasi:\n- Gulungan Identifikasi\n- Ramuan Invisibilitas\n- Gulungan Peta Sihir
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Pengembara memulai dengan sebuah _pisau belati,_ yang memberi lebih banyak damage pada musuh yang terkejut.\n\nPengembara memulai dengan _tiga buah pisau lempar,_ yang memberikan sedikit damage dan memberikan damage lebih besar pada musuh yang terkejut.\n\nPengembara memulai dengan sebuah _kantong kecil,_ yang dapat menyimpan benda-benda kecil seperti biji-bijian dan bebatuan. actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Pengembara memulai dengan sebuah _pisau belati,_ yang memberi lebih banyak damage pada musuh yang terkejut.\n\nPengembara memulai dengan _tiga buah pisau lempar,_ yang memberikan sedikit damage dan memberikan damage lebih besar pada musuh yang terkejut.\n\nPengembara memulai dengan sebuah _kantong kecil,_ yang dapat menyimpan benda-benda kecil seperti biji-bijian dan bebatuan.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Sebuah keahlian khusus dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Pengembara memiliki dua keahlian khusus: actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Sebuah keahlian khusus dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Pengembara memiliki dua keahlian khusus:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=pemburu actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=pemburu
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Pemburu adalah spesialis senjata lempar, dan memiliki _busur ajaib unik_ dengan panah tak terbatas.\n\nUntuk membuka kunci _bunuh 15 musuh dengan bantuan senjata lempar dalam sekali jalan._ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Pemburu adalah spesialis senjata lempar, dan memiliki _busur ajaib unik_ dengan panah tak terbatas.\n\nUntuk membuka kunci _bunuh 15 musuh dengan bantuan senjata lempar dalam sekali jalan._
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows. The bow steadily grows stronger as the huntress levels up, and can be augmented and enchanted.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass without trampling it.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Mind Vision\n- Scrolls of Lullaby actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=Pemburu mulai dengan _busur jiwa unik,_ yang dapat menembakkan panah ajaib dalam jumlah tak terbatas. Busur itu terus tumbuh lebih kuat saat Pemburu naik level, dan dapat ditambah dengan batu augmentasi dan enchant.\n\nPemburu dapat berjalan melalui rumput tinggi tanpa merusaknya.\n\nPemburu secara otomatis mengidentifikasi:\n- Gulungan Identifikasi\n- Ramuan Melihat Pikiran\n- Gulungan Nina Bobo
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Pemburu memulai dengan sepasang _sarung tangan tajam,_ yang serangannya lebih cepat dari senjata awal lainnya.\n\nPemburu memulai dengan busurnya sebagai senjata jarak jauhnya.\n\nPemburu memulai dengan _kantong kecil,_ yang dapat menyimpan barang-barang kecil seperti benih-benih dan batu kuno. actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Pemburu memulai dengan sepasang _sarung tangan tajam,_ yang serangannya lebih cepat dari senjata awal lainnya.\n\nPemburu memulai dengan busurnya sebagai senjata jarak jauhnya.\n\nPemburu memulai dengan _kantong kecil,_ yang dapat menyimpan barang-barang kecil seperti benih-benih dan batu kuno.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Sebuah keahlian khusus dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Pemburu memiliki dua keahlian khusus: actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Sebuah keahlian khusus dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Pemburu memiliki dua keahlian khusus:

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@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x f
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=ipotesi verificata actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=ipotesi verificata
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Pasto energizzante actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Pasto energizzante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Miglioria energizzante actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Miglioria energizzante
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=Intuizione del ladro actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=Intuizione del ladro
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Il ladro identifica gli anelli _2 volte più velocemente_, e identifica il tipo di anello _nel momento in cui lo equipaggia_.\n\n_+2:_ Il ladro identifica gli anelli _nel momento in cui li equipaggia_, e identifica il tipo di anello _nel momento in cui lo prende_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Il ladro identifica gli anelli _2 volte più velocemente_, e identifica il tipo di anello _nel momento in cui lo equipaggia_.\n\n_+2:_ Il ladro identifica gli anelli _nel momento in cui li equipaggia_, e identifica il tipo di anello _nel momento in cui lo prende_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Pugno del ladro actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Pugno del ladro

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@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x f
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tested hypothesis actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tested hypothesis
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizing upgrade actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizing upgrade
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=thief's intuition actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=thief's intuition
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x faster_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he equips it_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue identifies rings _when he equips them_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he picks it up_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x faster_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he equips it_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue identifies rings _when he equips them_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he picks it up_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch

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@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ actors.buffs.arcanearmor.name=신비한 갑옷
actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=얇은 보호막이 당신을 감싸며 마법 공격으로부터의 피해를 줄여주고 있습니다.\n\n당신의 신비한 갑옷은 현재 0-%d의 마법 피해를 막을 수 있습니다.\n\n신비한 갑옷은 %s턴 뒤에 약해집니다. actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=얇은 보호막이 당신을 감싸며 마법 공격으로부터의 피해를 줄여주고 있습니다.\n\n당신의 신비한 갑옷은 현재 0-%d의 마법 피해를 막을 수 있습니다.\n\n신비한 갑옷은 %s턴 뒤에 약해집니다.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=유물 충전 actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=유물 충전
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all gain charge much faster than normal.\n\nTurns remaining: %s. actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=에너지가 당신 주변을 맴돌고 있으며, 당신에게 장착된 유물의 충전 속도를 상승시키고 있습니다.\n\n각 유물마다 조금씩 차이가 있지만, 모든 유물들이 평소보다 훨씬 빠른 속도로 충전됩니다.\n\n효과가 끝나기까지 %s 턴 남았습니다.
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=나무껍질 actors.buffs.barkskin.name=나무껍질
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=당신의 피부는 단단해져 마치 나무껍질과 같아졌습니다.\n\n단단해진 피부는 마치 효과적인 갑옷과 같아서 물리적인 공격을 더 잘 방어하게 됩니다. \n\n당신의 현재 추가 방어력은 %d입니다.\n나무껍질 효과는 %s턴 뒤에 약해집니다. actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=당신의 피부는 단단해져 마치 나무껍질과 같아졌습니다.\n\n단단해진 피부는 마치 효과적인 갑옷과 같아서 물리적인 공격을 더 잘 방어하게 됩니다. \n\n당신의 현재 추가 방어력은 %d입니다.\n나무껍질 효과는 %s턴 뒤에 약해집니다.
actors.buffs.barrier.name=보호막 actors.buffs.barrier.name=보호막
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=A durable bubble of force which blocks all damage.\n\nThe barrier will take damage for whatever it is protecting so long as there is shielding left. The shielding will also slowly decay over time.\n\nShielding remaining: %d. actors.buffs.barrier.desc=단단한 힘의 보호막이 모든 피해를 막아줍니다.\n\n보호막은 보호막 수치가 소진될 때 까지 모든 피해를 막아줍니다. 또한 보호막 수치는 시간이 지날 수록 천천히 사라집니다.\n\n현재 보호막 수치는 %d입니다.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered=분노 actors.buffs.berserk.angered=분노
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=격노 actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=격노
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=거대한 강화 개체는 피해를 75%
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=축복받은 강화 개체 actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=축복받은 강화 개체
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=축복받은 강화 개체는 200% 더 많은 정확성과 회피를 가집니다. actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=축복받은 강화 개체는 200% 더 많은 정확성과 회피를 가집니다.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=성장하는 강화 개체 actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=성장하는 강화 개체
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Growing champions gain a steadily increasing bonus to accuracy, evasion, melee damage, and a reduction to damage taken.\n\nCurrent acc/eva/dmg boost: %1$d%%\nCurrent damage reduction: %2$d%% actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=성장하는 강화 개체는 지속적으로 추가 정확성, 회피, 근접 공격력, 받는 피해량 감소를 얻습니다.\n\n현재 정확성/회피/공격력 증가량: %1$d%%\n현재 받는 피해 감소량: %2$d%%
actors.buffs.charm.name=매혹 actors.buffs.charm.name=매혹
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=당신은 매혹에 걸렸다! actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=당신은 매혹에 걸렸다!
@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=당신은 마비되었다!
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=마비 저항 actors.buffs.paralysis.out=마비 저항
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=때로는 아무것도 하지 않는 것이 최악입니다.\n\n마비는 효과가 해제될 때까지 기다리게 하여 모든 행동을 완전히 정지시킵니다. 캐릭터에 가해지는 피해의 고통은 마비에 저항할 수 있게 하여 효과가 해제될 수 있게 합니다.\n\n마비의 남은 턴: %s actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=때로는 아무것도 하지 않는 것이 최악입니다.\n\n마비는 효과가 해제될 때까지 기다리게 하여 모든 행동을 완전히 정지시킵니다. 캐릭터에 가해지는 피해의 고통은 마비에 저항할 수 있게 하여 효과가 해제될 수 있게 합니다.\n\n마비의 남은 턴: %s
actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Pincushion actors.buffs.pincushion.name=꽂힘
actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached: actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=당신이 이 캐릭터에 던진 투척 무기가 꽂혀 있으며, 꽂힌 투척 무기는 이 캐릭터가 죽고 난 후 바닥에 떨어지게 됩니다.\n\n현재 다음과 같은 아이템들이 붙어 있습니다:
actors.buffs.poison.name=중독 actors.buffs.poison.name=중독
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=당신은 중독되었다! actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=당신은 중독되었다!
@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ actors.buffs.corrosion.desc=강력한 산은 살, 금속, 그리고 뼈와 같
actors.buffs.vertigo.name=현기증 actors.buffs.vertigo.name=현기증
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=온 세상이 빙빙 돌아가며 일직선으로 걷는 것이 힘들 수 있습니다.\n\n현기증 효과를 받는 동안 움직이려는 캐릭터는 의도한 방향 대신 무작위 방향으로 움직이게 됩니다.\n\n현기증 효과는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다. actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=온 세상이 빙빙 돌아가며 일직선으로 걷는 것이 힘들 수 있습니다.\n\n현기증 효과를 받는 동안 움직이려는 캐릭터는 의도한 방향 대신 무작위 방향으로 움직이게 됩니다.\n\n현기증 효과는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Wands Empowered actors.buffs.wandempower.name=출력 강화
actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Your damage-dealing wands have been empowered, increasing the amount of damage they deal for a few zaps.\n\nBonus damage: %1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d. actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=피해를 주는 마법 막대에 힘이 깃들어, 몇 번의 발사 동안 마법의 피해량이 증가합니다.\n\n추가 피해량: %1$d.\n남은 발사 수: %2$d.
actors.buffs.weakness.name=약화 actors.buffs.weakness.name=약화
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=당신은 약해진 기분이 든다! actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=당신은 약해진 기분이 든다!
@ -317,80 +317,80 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=당신은 매우 배부르며, 만족감을 느끼고
###hero ###hero
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=푸짐한 식사 actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=푸짐한 식사
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _2 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _3 HP_ when he is below 25% health.\n\n_+2:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _3 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _5 HP_ when he is below 25% health. actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ 음식을 섭취할 때 체력이 50% 이하라면 _2 HP_ , 25% 이하라면 _3 HP_를 회복합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 음식을 섭취할 때 체력이 50% 이하라면 _3 HP_ , 25% 이하라면 _5 HP_를 회복합니다.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=장인의 직감 actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=장인의 직감
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ 전사는 무기와 방어구를 _2배 빠르게 감정하게 됩니다_.\n\n_+2:_ 전사는 무기와 방어구를 _착용하는 즉시 감정하게 됩니다_. actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ 무기와 방어구를 _2배 빠르게 감정_ 합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 무기와 방어구를 _착용하는 즉시 감정_ 합니다.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=실험체 actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=실험체
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _2 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _3 HP_. actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ 아이템을 감정할 때마다 _2 HP_만큼 회복합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 아이템을 감정할 때마다 _3 HP_만큼 회복합니다.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=강철의 의지 actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=강철의 의지
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ 부러진 인장이 제공하는 방어막의 최대치가 _1 만큼 증가합니다_.\n\n_+2:_ 부러진 인장이 제공하는 방어막의 최대치가 _2 만큼 증가합니다_. actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ 부러진 인장이 제공하는 방어막의 최대치가 _1 만큼 증가_ 합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 부러진 인장이 제공하는 방어막의 최대치가 _2 만큼 증가_ 합니다.
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=iron stomach actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=강철의 위장
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _75% damage resistance_ while eating.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _100% damage resistance_ while eating. actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ 식사 시 1 턴만 소모되며 그 동안 _75% 의 피해 저항_ 을 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 식사 시 1 턴만 소모되며 그 동안 _100% 의 피해 저항_ 을 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=정신력 회복
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ 치유의 물약을 마시면 전사의 부러진 인장으로부터 _67% 의 방어막_ 을 즉시 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 치유의 물약을 마시면 전사의 부러진 인장으로부터 _100% 의 방어막_ 을 즉시 얻습니다.\n\n이 특성은 치유의 물약을 기반으로 한 물약 또는 영약을 마실 때에도 발동합니다.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=상형문자 전이
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=치명적 관성
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ 적을 처치하는 마지막 공격이 _67% 확률_ 로 턴을 소모하지 않습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 적을 처치하는 마지막 공격이 _100% 확률_ 로 턴을 소모하지 않습니다.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=급조한 투척물
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown. actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ 투척 무기가 아닌 아이템을 적에게 던질 경우 맞은 적을 _2 턴_ 간 실명시킵니다. 30 턴의 재사용 대기 시간이 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 투척 무기가 아닌 아이템을 적에게 던질 경우 맞은 적을 _3 턴_ 간 실명시킵니다. 30 턴의 재사용 대기 시간이 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=empowering meal actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=향상된 식사
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps. actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ 식사 시 다음 3번의 마법 발사에 _2 만큼의 추가 데미지_ 가 부여됩니다.\n\n_+2:_ 식사 시 다음 3번의 마법 발사에 _3 만큼의 추가 데미지_ 가 부여됩니다.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=학자의 직감 actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=학자의 직감
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_. actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ 마법 막대를 _3배 빠르게 감정합니다_.\n\n_+2:_ 마법 막대를 _사용하는 즉시 감정합니다_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=검증된 가설 actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=검증된 가설
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ 아이템을 감정할 때마다 _2턴의 충전 효과_ 를 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 아이템을 감정할 때마다 _3턴의 충전 효과_ 를 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=준비된 보호막
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=에너지 넘치는 식사 actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=에너지 넘치는 식사
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ 식사에 1턴이 소모되며, 식사 시 _5턴의 충전 효과_ 를 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 식사에 1턴이 소모되며, 식사 시 _8턴의 충전 효과_ 를 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=에너지 넘치는 강화 actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=에너지 넘치는 강화
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ 강화의 주문서를 사용하면 마법사의 지팡이에 _1의 충전량_이 충전됩니다. 최대 충전량을 넘어서 충전될 수 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 강화의 주문서를 사용하면 마법사의 지팡이에 _2의 충전량_이 충전됩니다. 최대 충전량을 넘어서 충전될 수 있습니다.\n\n이 특성은 강화의 주문서를 기반으로 한 주문서 또는 주문을 사용할 때에도 발동합니다.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=마법막대 보존
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times. actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ 마법사의 지팡이에 새로운 마법 막대를 융합할 때, 지팡이에 융합되어 있던 마법 막대가 _67% 확률_로 +0인 상태로 반환됩니다.\n\n_+2:_ 마법사의 지팡이에 새로운 마법 막대를 융합할 때, 지팡이에 융합되어 있던 마법 막대가 _100% 확률_로 +0인 상태로 반환됩니다.\n\n이 특성은 마법 막대를 최대 세 번까지 반환할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=비전 시야
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_. actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ 마법을 적에게 맞힌 경우 해당 적에 대해 _10 턴의 심안 효과_ 를 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 마법을 적에게 맞힌 경우 해당 적에 대해 _15 턴의 심안 효과_ 를 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=보호막 충전
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ 충전량을 전부 소모해 자신을 향한 마법을 발사할 수 있게 되며 각 충전량당 _최대 체력의 5%_ 에 해당하는 방어막을 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_충전량을 전부 소모해 자신을 향한 마법을 발사할 수 있게 되며 각 충전량당 _최대 체력의 7.5%_ 에 해당하는 방어막을 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=꿍쳐둔 보존식
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=도둑의 직감 actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=도둑의 직감
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ 도적은 반지를 _2배 빠르게 감정하게 되며_, 반지의 종류를 _착용하는 즉시 감정하게 됩니다_.\n\n_+2:_ 도적은 반지를 _착용하는 즉시 감정하게 되며_, 반지의 종류를 _획득하는 즉시 감정하게 됩니다_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ 반지를 _2배 빠르게 감정_ 하며, 반지의 종류를 _착용하는 즉시 감정_ 합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 반지를 _착용하는 즉시 감정_ 하며, 반지의 종류를 _획득하는 즉시 감정_ 합니다.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=불시의 타격 actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=불시의 타격
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy. actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ 적을 처음 기습할 때 _1-2 만큼의 추가 피해_ 를 입힙니다.\n\n_+2:_ 적을 처음 기습할 때 _2 만큼의 추가 피해_ 를 입힙니다.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protective shadows actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=보호의 그림자
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_. actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ 망토를 사용하면 _매 2턴마다_ 1 의 방어막을 얻으며, _최대 3_ 까지 얻을 수 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 망토를 사용하면 _매 턴마다_ 1 의 방어막을 얻으며, _최대 5_ 까지 얻을 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystical meal actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=신비한 식사
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself. actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ 식사에 1 턴이 소모되며, 식사 시 _3 턴의 유물 충전 효과_ 를 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 식사에 1 턴이 소모되며, 식사 시 _5 턴의 유물 충전 효과_ 를 얻습니다.\n\n이 특성은 풍요의 뿔로도 발동할 수 있지만, 그럴 경우 풍요의 뿔은 충전되지 않습니다.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=신비한 강화
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ 강화의 주문서를 사용하면 도적의 망토에 _1 의 충전량_이 충전됩니다. 최대 충전량을 넘어서 충전될 수 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 강화의 주문서를 사용하면 도적의 망토에 _2 의 충전량_이 충전됩니다. 최대 충전량을 넘어서 충전될 수 있습니다.\n\n이 특성은 강화의 주문서를 기반으로 한 주문서 또는 주문을 사용할 때에도 발동합니다.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=광범위한 탐색
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_. actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ 탐색 범위가 5x5 사각형에서 _7x7 원형_으로 증가합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 탐색 범위가 5x5 사각형에서 _7x7 사각형_으로 증가합니다.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silent steps actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=조용한 발걸음
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_. actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ 적이 _3타일 이상_ 떨어져 있을 경우 자고 있는 적을 깨우지 않습니다.\n\n_+2:_ _적에게 근접하지 않는 한_ 자고 있는 적을 깨우지 않습니다.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=도적의 예지
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret. actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ 비밀 방이 있는 층에 처음 진입할 때, _50% 의 확률_ 로 해당 층에 숨겨진 비밀이 있음을 눈치챕니다.\n\n_+2:_ 비밀 방이 있는 층에 처음 진입할 때, _75% 의 확률_ 로 해당 층에 숨겨진 비밀이 있음을 눈치챕니다.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=nature's bounty actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=자연의 은혜
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress can find _4 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress can find _6 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ 던전 초반에 있는 길게 자란 풀에서 _4개의 열매_ 를 찾아낼 수 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 던전 초반에 있는 길게 자란 풀에서 _6개의 열매_ 를 찾아낼 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=생존자의 직감 actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=생존자의 직감
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _1.75x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _2.5x faster_. actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ 모든 장비를 _1.75배 빠르게_ 감정하게 됩니다.\n\n_+2:_ 모든 장비를 _2.5배 빠르게_ 감정하게 됩니다.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=추가 타격 actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=추가 타격
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_ actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ 활 또는 투척 무기를 적에게 맞춘 경우, 그 적에게 가하는 다음 근접 공격은 _2 만큼의 추가 피해_ 를 입힙니다.\n\n_+2:_ 활 또는 투척 무기를 적에게 맞춘 경우, 그 적에게 가하는 다음 근접 공격은 _3 만큼의 추가 피해_ 를 입힙니다.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=자연의 도움 actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=자연의 도움
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ 사냥꾼의 시야 안에서 식물이 발동할 경우 2만큼의 나무껍질 효과를 _4턴 동안_ 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 사냥꾼의 시야 안에서 식물이 발동할 경우 2만큼의 나무껍질 효과를 _6턴 동안_ 얻습니다. actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ 시야 내에서 식물이 발동할 경우 2 만큼의 나무껍질 효과를 _4턴_ 동안 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 시야 내에서 식물이 발동할 경우 2 만큼의 나무껍질 효과를 _6턴_ 동안 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=활기 넘치는 식사 actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=활기 넘치는 식사
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _2 turns of haste_. actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ 식사에 1턴(열매는 즉시 먹을 수 있습니다)이 소모되며, 식사 시 _1턴의 신속 효과_ 를 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 식사에 1턴(열매는 즉시 먹을 수 있습니다)이 소모되며, 식사 시 _2턴의 신속 효과_ 를 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restored nature actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=회복된 자연
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ 치유의 물약을 마시면 주변에 풀을 _5개 까지_ 자라게 하며, 근접한 적들을 _2 턴_ 동안 속박시킵니다.\n\n_+2:_ 치유의 물약을 마시면 주변에 풀을 _8개 까지_ 자라게 하며, 근접한 적들을 _3 턴_ 동안 속박시킵니다.\n\n이 특성은 치유의 물약을 기반으로 한 물약 또는 영약을 마실 때에도 발동합니다.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=활력의 발걸음
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_. actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ 짧은 풀 또는 타고 남은 재 위에 올라설 경우 길게 자란 풀로 자라나며 즉시 헤쳐나간 상태가 됩니다. _10 턴_ 의 재사용 대기 시간이 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 짧은 풀 또는 타고 남은 재 위에 올라설 경우 길게 자란 풀로 자라나며 즉시 헤쳐나간 상태가 됩니다. _5 턴_ 의 재사용 대기 시간이 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=heightened senses actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=예리해진 감각
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_. actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ 주변 _2 타일_에 있는 모든 적에 대해 심안 효과를 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 주변 _3 타일_에 있는 모든 적에 대해 심안 효과를 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=durable projectiles actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=튼튼한 투척 무기
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have _+50% durability_ when used by the Huntress.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have _+75% durability_ when used by the Huntress. actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ 사냥꾼이 사용하는 투척 무기의 내구도가 _50%_ 증가합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 사냥꾼이 사용하는 투척 무기의 내구도가 _75%_ 증가합니다.
actors.hero.hero.name=당신 actors.hero.hero.name=당신
actors.hero.hero.leave=당신은 아직 떠날 수 없습니다. 아래에 남아있는 던전이 기다리고 있습니다! actors.hero.hero.leave=당신은 아직 떠날 수 없습니다. 아래에 남아있는 던전이 기다리고 있습니다!
@ -411,25 +411,25 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=고통으로 인해 당신은 수면 욕구에 저
actors.hero.hero.revive=앙크는 부활의 에너지로 폭발했다! actors.hero.hero.revive=앙크는 부활의 에너지로 폭발했다!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=전사 actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=전사
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=The Warrior starts with a _unique broken seal,_ which he can affix to armor. He will slowly generate shielding over his health while he is wearing armor with the seal affixed.\n\nThe Warrior's seal can be moved between different armor sets, transferring a single upgrade with it.\n\nThe Warrior automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Healing\n- Scrolls of Rage actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=전사는 방어구에 붙일 수 있는 _특별한 부러진 인장_ 을 가지고 시작합니다.전사는 인장이 붙은 방어구를 입고 있을 때 천천히 재생되는 방어막을 얻습니다. 전사의 인장은 다른 방어구들에 옮겨 붙일 수 있으며, 1만큼의 강화 수치를 이전할 수 있습니다.\n\n전사는 다음의 아이템들을 감정한 채로 시작합니다.\n- 감정의 주문서\n- 치유 물약\n- 분노의 주문서
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=전사는 _낡은 소검_ 을 가지고 시작합니다. 낡은 소검은 다른 시작 무기들보다 조금 더 강력합니다.\n\n전사는 3개의 _투척용 돌_ 을 가지고 시작합니다. 투척용 돌은 약한 원거리 피해를 줍니다.\n\n전사는 _물약 보관대_ 를 가지고 시작하여 물약이 얼어버리는 것을 방지할 수 있습니다. actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=전사는 _낡은 소검_ 을 가지고 시작합니다. 낡은 소검은 다른 시작 무기들보다 조금 더 강력합니다.\n\n전사는 3개의 _투척용 돌_ 을 가지고 시작합니다. 투척용 돌은 약한 원거리 피해를 줍니다.\n\n전사는 _물약 보관대_ 를 가지고 시작하여 물약이 얼어버리는 것을 방지할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=두 번째 보스를 쓰러트리면 보조 직업을 선택할 수 있습니다. 전사의 두 가지 보조 직업은 다음과 같습니다. actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=두 번째 보스를 쓰러트리면 보조 직업을 선택할 수 있습니다. 전사의 두 가지 보조 직업은 다음과 같습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage=마법사 actors.hero.heroclass.mage=마법사
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=마법사는 마법 막대의 전문가이며, _특별한 마법 지팡이_ 를 가지고 시작합니다.\n\n마법사를 해금하려면 _아이템을 강화하기 위해 강화의 주문서를 사용하십시오._ actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=마법사는 마법 막대의 전문가이며, _특별한 마법 지팡이_ 를 가지고 시작합니다.\n\n마법사를 해금하려면 _아이템을 강화하기 위해 강화의 주문서를 사용하십시오._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with and wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=마법사는 마탄을 발사하는 _특별한 지팡이_ 를 가지고 시작합니다. 이 지팡이는 마법 막대보다 훨씬 더 빠르게 충전되며, 최대 충전량이 1 높습니다.\n\n마법사의 지팡이에는 던전에서 발견한 다른 마법 막대를 융합할 수 있습니다. 융합 시 해당 마법 막대의 효과를 사용할 수 있으며, 마법 막대의 강화 수치를 일부 이전할 수도 있습니다.\n\n마법사는 다음의 아이템들을 감정한 채로 시작합니다:\n- 감정의 주문서\n- 액체 화염의 물약\n- 강화의 주문서
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=마법사는 그의 지팡이를 근접 무기로 사용합니다. 지팡이는 다른 시작 무기에 비해 적은 피해를 입힙니다.\n\n마법사는 그의 지팡이에 깃든 마법을 발사해 원거리의 적을 공격할 수 있습니다.\n\n마법사는 _주문서 보관함_ 을 가지고 시작하여 주문서가 불에 타는 것을 방지할 수 있습니다. actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=마법사는 그의 지팡이를 근접 무기로 사용합니다. 지팡이는 다른 시작 무기에 비해 적은 피해를 입힙니다.\n\n마법사는 그의 지팡이에 깃든 마법을 발사해 원거리의 적을 공격할 수 있습니다.\n\n마법사는 _주문서 보관함_ 을 가지고 시작하여 주문서가 불에 타는 것을 방지할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=두 번째 보스를 쓰러트리면 보조 직업을 선택할 수 있습니다. 마법사의 두 가지 보조 직업은 다음과 같습니다. actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=두 번째 보스를 쓰러트리면 보조 직업을 선택할 수 있습니다. 마법사의 두 가지 보조 직업은 다음과 같습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=도적 actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=도적
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=도적은 그의 _특별한 그림자의 망토_ 를 통한 투명화로 전투의 흐름을 조절하고 강력한 한 방을 먹일 수 있습니다.\n\n도적을 해금하려면 _한 판에서 10번의 기습 공격을 시행하십시오._ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=도적은 그의 _특별한 그림자의 망토_ 를 통한 투명화로 전투의 흐름을 조절하고 강력한 한 방을 먹일 수 있습니다.\n\n도적을 해금하려면 _한 판에서 10번의 기습 공격을 시행하십시오._
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=The Rogue starts with a unique artifact: the _Cloak of Shadows,_ which he can use to become invisible at will. Like all artifacts, the cloak becomes more powerful as it is used.\n\nThe Rogue can detect secrets and traps from a greater distance.\n\nThe Rogue automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Invisibility\n- Scrolls of Magic Mapping actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=도적은 언제든지 투명화가 가능한 특별한 마법 유물, _그림자의 망토_ 를 가지고 시작합니다. 망토는 다른 유물들처럼 직접적으로 강화가 불가능한 대신 사용할수록 강력해집니다.\n\n도적은 더 먼 거리에 있는 숨겨진 비밀과 함정들을 감지할 수 있습니다.\n\n도적은 다음의 아이템들을 감정한 채로 시작합니다:\n- 감정의 주문서\n- 투명화의 물약\n- 마법 지도의 주문서
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=도적은 _단검_ 을 가지고 시작합니다. 단검은 적에게 기습 공격을 할때 추가 피해를 줍니다.\n\n도적은 3개의 _투척용 칼_ 을 가지고 시작합니다. 먼 거리에 있는 적을 기습 공격할 때 추가 피해를 줍니다.\n\n도적은 _벨벳 주머니_ 를 가지고 시작하며, 씨앗과 룬석을 담아둘 수 있습니다. actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=도적은 _단검_ 을 가지고 시작합니다. 단검은 적에게 기습 공격을 할때 추가 피해를 줍니다.\n\n도적은 3개의 _투척용 칼_ 을 가지고 시작합니다. 먼 거리에 있는 적을 기습 공격할 때 추가 피해를 줍니다.\n\n도적은 _벨벳 주머니_ 를 가지고 시작하며, 씨앗과 룬석을 담아둘 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=두 번째 보스를 쓰러트리면 보조 직업을 선택할 수 있습니다. 도적의 두 가지 보조 직업은 다음과 같습니다. actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=두 번째 보스를 쓰러트리면 보조 직업을 선택할 수 있습니다. 도적의 두 가지 보조 직업은 다음과 같습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=사냥꾼 actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=사냥꾼
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=사냥꾼은 투척 무기의 숙련자로, 무한한 화살을 가진 _특별한 마법 활_ 을 가지고 시작합니다.\n\n사냥꾼을 해금하려면 _한 판에서 투척 무기로 적 15마리를 맞추십시오._ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=사냥꾼은 투척 무기의 숙련자로, 무한한 화살을 가진 _특별한 마법 활_ 을 가지고 시작합니다.\n\n사냥꾼을 해금하려면 _한 판에서 투척 무기로 적 15마리를 맞추십시오._
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows. The bow steadily grows stronger as the huntress levels up, and can be augmented and enchanted.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass without trampling it.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Mind Vision\n- Scrolls of Lullaby actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=사냥꾼은 화살을 무한히 발사할 수 있는 _특별한 영혼의 활_ 을 가지고 시작합니다. 활은 사냥꾼의 레벨이 오름에 따라 강해지며, 증강하거나 마법을 부여할 수 있습니다.\n\n사냥꾼은 길게 자란 풀을 짓밟지 않고 지나갈 수 있습니다.\n\n사냥꾼은 다음의 아이템들을 감정한 채로 시작합니다:\n- 감정의 주문서\n- 심안의 물약\n- 자장가의 주문서
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=사냥꾼은 다른 시작 무기보다 빠르게 공격할 수 있는 한 쌍의 _징 박힌 장갑_ 을 가지고 시작합니다.\n\n사냥꾼은 원거리 공격 수단으로 활을 가지고 시작합니다.\n\n사냥꾼은 _벨벳 주머니_ 를 가지고 시작하며, 씨앗과 룬석을 담아둘 수 있습니다. actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=사냥꾼은 다른 시작 무기보다 빠르게 공격할 수 있는 한 쌍의 _징 박힌 장갑_ 을 가지고 시작합니다.\n\n사냥꾼은 원거리 공격 수단으로 활을 가지고 시작합니다.\n\n사냥꾼은 _벨벳 주머니_ 를 가지고 시작하며, 씨앗과 룬석을 담아둘 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=두 번째 보스를 쓰러트리면 보조 직업을 선택할 수 있습니다. 사냥꾼의 두 가지 보조 직업은 다음과 같습니다. actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=두 번째 보스를 쓰러트리면 보조 직업을 선택할 수 있습니다. 사냥꾼의 두 가지 보조 직업은 다음과 같습니다.

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@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Jesteś sparaliżowany!
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=odparł paraliż actors.buffs.paralysis.out=odparł paraliż
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Często najgorszą z możliwości jest niepodjęcie akcji. \n\nParaliż powoduje kompletne zatrzymanie akcji, zmusza cel do zamarcia w bezruchu do zakończenia efektu. Ból spowodowany atakami również może odeprzeć działanie efektu paraliżu.\n\nParaliż będzie jeszcze trwał przez: %s tur. actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Często najgorszą z możliwości jest niepodjęcie akcji. \n\nParaliż powoduje kompletne zatrzymanie akcji, zmusza cel do zamarcia w bezruchu do zakończenia efektu. Ból spowodowany atakami również może odeprzeć działanie efektu paraliżu.\n\nParaliż będzie jeszcze trwał przez: %s tur.
actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Pincushion actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Poduszka na szpilki
actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached: actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached:
actors.buffs.poison.name=Zatrucie actors.buffs.poison.name=Zatrucie
@ -324,13 +324,13 @@ actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=obiekt testowy
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _2 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _3 HP_. actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _2 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _3 HP_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=żelazna wola actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=żelazna wola
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ Maksymalna osłona zapewniana przez pieczęć Wojownika jest _zwiększona o 1_.\n\n_+2:_ Maksymalna osłona zapewniana przez pieczęć Wojownika jest _zwiększona o 2_. actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ Maksymalna osłona zapewniana przez pieczęć Wojownika jest _zwiększona o 1_.\n\n_+2:_ Maksymalna osłona zapewniana przez pieczęć Wojownika jest _zwiększona o 2_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=iron stomach actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=żelazny żołądek
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _75% damage resistance_ while eating.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _100% damage resistance_ while eating. actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _75% damage resistance_ while eating.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _100% damage resistance_ while eating.
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=zabójcza prędkość
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown. actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x f
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Sprawdzona hipoteza actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Sprawdzona hipoteza
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Energetyzujący posiłek actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Energetyzujący posiłek
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Energetyzujące ulepszenie actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Energetyzujące ulepszenie
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=Intuicja złodzieja actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=Intuicja złodzieja
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Łotrzyk identyfikuje pierścienie _2x szybciej_, i rozpoznaje typ pierścienia _gdy go zakłada_.\n\n_+2:_ Łotrzyk identyfikuje pierścienie _gdy je zakłada_, i rozpoznaje typ pierścienia _gdy go podnosi_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Łotrzyk identyfikuje pierścienie _2x szybciej_, i rozpoznaje typ pierścienia _gdy go zakłada_.\n\n_+2:_ Łotrzyk identyfikuje pierścienie _gdy je zakłada_, i rozpoznaje typ pierścienia _gdy go podnosi_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=cios znienacka actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=cios znienacka

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@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ actors.buffs.arcanearmor.name=Armadura Arcana
actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=Um escudo fino está cercando você, bloqueando bloqueia uma certa quantidade de dano causado por ataques mágicos.\n\nSua armadura mágica é atualmente fortalecida por: 0-%d.\n\nTurnos até que a armadura arcana enfraqueça: %s. actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=Um escudo fino está cercando você, bloqueando bloqueia uma certa quantidade de dano causado por ataques mágicos.\n\nSua armadura mágica é atualmente fortalecida por: 0-%d.\n\nTurnos até que a armadura arcana enfraqueça: %s.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Artefato Recarregando actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Artefato Recarregando
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all gain charge much faster than normal.\n\nTurns remaining: %s. actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=A energia percorre você, aumentando a taxa em que seus artefatos equipados carregam.\n\nCada artefato é afetado de uma maneira um pouco diferente, mas todos eles ganharam cargas muito mais rapidamente que o normal.\n\nTurnos restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Pele de casca actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Pele de casca
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Sua pele está endurecida, está áspera e sólida como casca de árvore. \n\nA pele endurecida aumenta sua armadura efetiva, permitindo que você se defenda melhor contra ataques físicos.\n\nSua armadura atualmente é aumentada em:%d.\nTurnos até que a armadura enfraqueça:%s. actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Sua pele está endurecida, está áspera e sólida como casca de árvore. \n\nA pele endurecida aumenta sua armadura efetiva, permitindo que você se defenda melhor contra ataques físicos.\n\nSua armadura atualmente é aumentada em:%d.\nTurnos até que a armadura enfraqueça:%s.
actors.buffs.barrier.name=Barreira actors.buffs.barrier.name=Barreira
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=A durable bubble of force which blocks all damage.\n\nThe barrier will take damage for whatever it is protecting so long as there is shielding left. The shielding will also slowly decay over time.\n\nShielding remaining: %d. actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Um campo de força durável que bloqueia todo o dano.\n\nA barreira sofrerá danos por qualquer um que ela esteja protegendo, desde que tenha energia ainda. A blindagem também decairá lentamente ao longo do tempo.\n\nBlindagem restante:%d.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Enfurecido actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Enfurecido
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Frenético actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Frenético
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Campeões gigantes recebem 75% menos dano
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Campeão abençoado actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Campeão abençoado
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Campeões abençoados tem 200% mais precisão e evasão. actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Campeões abençoados tem 200% mais precisão e evasão.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Campeão crescente actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Campeão crescente
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Growing champions gain a steadily increasing bonus to accuracy, evasion, melee damage, and a reduction to damage taken.\n\nCurrent acc/eva/dmg boost: %1$d%%\nCurrent damage reduction: %2$d%% actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Campeões crescentes ganham um bônus que aumenta constantemente sua precisão, evasão, dano físico e redução de dano recebido.\n\nBônus atual de pre/eva/dano: %1$d%%\nBônus atual da redução de dano: %2$d%%
actors.buffs.charm.name=Encantado actors.buffs.charm.name=Encantado
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Você foi encantado! actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Você foi encantado!
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Você foi paralisado!
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=paralisia resistida actors.buffs.paralysis.out=paralisia resistida
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Muitas vezes, a pior coisa a fazer é nada.\n\nParalisia interrompe completamente todas as ações, forçando o alvo a esperar até que o efeito desapareça. A dor de receber dano pode fazer com que os personagens resistam à paralisia, quebrando-os do efeito.\n\nTurnos de paralisia restantes: %s. actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Muitas vezes, a pior coisa a fazer é nada.\n\nParalisia interrompe completamente todas as ações, forçando o alvo a esperar até que o efeito desapareça. A dor de receber dano pode fazer com que os personagens resistam à paralisia, quebrando-os do efeito.\n\nTurnos de paralisia restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Pincushion actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Alfineteira
actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached: actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached:
actors.buffs.poison.name=Intoxicado actors.buffs.poison.name=Intoxicado
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ actors.buffs.corrosion.desc=Ácido poderoso derrete carne, metal e osso a um rit
actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Vertigem actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Vertigem
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Caminhar em linha reta pode ser difícil quando o mundo inteiro está girando.\n\nEnquanto estiver sobre os efeitos de vertigem, personagens irão se mover em uma direção aleatória ao invés da direção que eles queriam ir.\n\nTurnos de vertigem restantes: %s. actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Caminhar em linha reta pode ser difícil quando o mundo inteiro está girando.\n\nEnquanto estiver sobre os efeitos de vertigem, personagens irão se mover em uma direção aleatória ao invés da direção que eles queriam ir.\n\nTurnos de vertigem restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Wands Empowered actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Varinha Empoderada
actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Your damage-dealing wands have been empowered, increasing the amount of damage they deal for a few zaps.\n\nBonus damage: %1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d. actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Your damage-dealing wands have been empowered, increasing the amount of damage they deal for a few zaps.\n\nBonus damage: %1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d.
actors.buffs.weakness.name=Enfraquecido actors.buffs.weakness.name=Enfraquecido
@ -317,73 +317,73 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Você se sente bastante satisfeito e cheio.\n\nEnquant
###hero ###hero
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=refeição saudável actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=refeição saudável
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _2 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _3 HP_ when he is below 25% health.\n\n_+2:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _3 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _5 HP_ when he is below 25% health. actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Comer cura o Guerreiro em _2 de HP_ quando sua vida está abaixo de 50% e em _3 de HP_ quando abaixo de 25%.\n\n_+2:_ Comer cura o Guerreiro em _3 de HP_ quando sua vida está abaixo de 50% e em _5 de HP_ quando abaixo de 25%.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=intuição do mestre das armas actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=intuição do mestre das armas
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ O Guerreiro identifica armas e armaduras _2x mais rápido_.\n\n_+2:_ O Guerreiro identifica armas e armaduras _quando ele as equipa_. actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ O Guerreiro identifica armas e armaduras _2x mais rápido_.\n\n_+2:_ O Guerreiro identifica armas e armaduras _quando ele as equipa_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=cobaia actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=cobaia
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _2 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _3 HP_. actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Sempre que o Guerreiro identificar um item, ele se cura por _2 de vida_.\n\n_+2:_ Sempre que o Guerreiro identificar um item, ele se cura por _3 de vida_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=determinação de ferro actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=determinação de ferro
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ O escudo mágico provido pelo selo do guerreiro é _aumentado por 1_.\n\n_+2:_ O escudo mágico provido pelo selo do guerreiro é _aumentado por 2_. actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ O escudo mágico provido pelo selo do guerreiro é _aumentado por 1_.\n\n_+2:_ O escudo mágico provido pelo selo do guerreiro é _aumentado por 2_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=iron stomach actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=iron stomach
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _75% damage resistance_ while eating.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _100% damage resistance_ while eating. actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _75% damage resistance_ while eating.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _100% damage resistance_ while eating.
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Beber uma poção da cura instantaneamente recarrega _67% da proteção_ do selo quebrado do Guerreiro.\n\n_+2:_ Beber uma poção da cura instantaneamente recarrega _100% da proteção_ do selo quebrado do Guerreiro.\n\nEste talento também é ativado ao beber poções e elixires derivados da poção da cura.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=Projéteis improvisados
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown. actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=empowering meal actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=refeição empoderadora
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps. actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuição do estudioso actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuição do estudioso
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_. actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ O Mago identifica varinhas _3x mais rápido_.\n\n_+2:_ O Mago identifica varinhas _ao usar elas_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=hipótese testada actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=hipótese testada
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Sempre que o Mago identificar um item, ele ganha _2 turnos de Recargando_.\n\n_+2:_ Sempre que o Mago identificar um item, ele ganha _3 turnos de Recarregando_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=refeição energética actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=refeição energética
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Comer leva apenas 1 turno para o Mago, e lhe concede _5 turnos de recarga de varinha_.\n\n_+2:_ Comer leva apenas 1 turno para o Mago, e lhe concede _8 turnos de recarga de varinha_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=melhoria energizante actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=melhoria energizante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Usar um pergaminho do aprimoramento irá instantaneamente recarregar o cajado do Mago _com 1 carga_, podendo coloca-la acima do seu limite de cargas atual.\n\n_+2:_ Usar um pergaminho do aprimoramento irá instantaneamente recarregar o cajado do Mago _com 2 cargas_, podendo coloca-la acima do seu limite de cargas atual.\n\nEste talento também é ativado ao usar pergaminhos e feitiços derivados do pergaminho do aprimoramento.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times. actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_. actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Quando o Mago atira em um inimigo, ele ganha visão mental neles por _10 turnos_.\n\n_+2:_ Quando o Mago atira em um inimigo, ele ganha visão mental neles por _15 turnos_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=intuição do ladrão actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=intuição do ladrão
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_ + 1: _ O Ladino identifica anéis _2x mais rápido_, e identifica o tipo de um anel _quando ele o equipa_. _ \n\n+ 2: _ O Ladino identifica anéis _quando ele os equipa_, e identifica o tipo de um anel _quando ele o pega_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_ + 1: _ O Ladino identifica anéis _2x mais rápido_, e identifica o tipo de um anel _quando ele o equipa_. _ \n\n+ 2: _ O Ladino identifica anéis _quando ele os equipa_, e identifica o tipo de um anel _quando ele o pega_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=super soco actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=super soco
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy. actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ O Ladino causa _1-2 de dano bônus_ quando ataca um inimigo de surpresa pela primeira vez.\n\n_+2:_ O Ladino causa _2 de dano bônus_ quando ataca um inimigo de surpresa pela primeira vez.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protective shadows actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=sombras protetoras
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_. actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ O Ladino ganha um escudo _a cada outro turno_ que sua capa está ativada, _para um máximo de 3_.\n\n_+2:_ O Ladino ganha um escudo _a cada turno_ que sua capa está ativada, _para um máximo de 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystical meal actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystical meal
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself. actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Usar um pergaminho do aprimoramento instantaneamente recarrega a capa do Ladino _em 1 carga_, que pode exceder o limite de carga máximo.\n\n_+2:_ Usar um pergaminho do aprimoramento instantaneamente recarrega a capa do Ladino _em 2 cargas_, que pode exceder o limite de carga máximo.\n\nEste talento também é ativado ao usar pergaminhos e feitiços derivados do pergaminho do aprimoramento.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=grande busca
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_. actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silent steps actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silent steps
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_. actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ O Ladino não irá acordar inimigos adormecidos enquanto ele estiver _a 3 quadrados de distância deles_.\n\n_+2:_ O Ladino não irá acordar inimigos adormecidos enquanto ele estiver _não adjacente a eles_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret. actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Ao entrar em um andar com uma sala secreta, o Ladino tem _50% de chance de notar_ que o andar contém uma sala secreta.\n\n_+2:_ Ao entrar em um andar com uma sala secreta, o Ladino tem _75% de chance de notar_ que o andar contém uma sala secreta.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=nature's bounty actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=recompensa da natureza
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress can find _4 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress can find _6 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress can find _4 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress can find _6 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuição de sobrevivente actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuição de sobrevivente
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _1.75x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _2.5x faster_. actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ A Caçadora identifica todos os equipamentos _1,75x mais rápido_. \n\n_+2:_ A Caçadora identifica todos os equipamentos _2,5x mais rápido_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=ataque consecutivo actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=ataque consecutivo
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_ actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Quando a Caçadora atinge um inimigo com seu arco ou com uma arma de arremesso, o seu próximo ataque físico causará _2 pontos de dano extra_.\n\n_+2:_ Quando a Caçadora atinge um inimigo com seu arco ou com uma arma de arremesso, o seu próximo ataque físico causará _3 pontos de dano extra_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=ajuda da natureza actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=ajuda da natureza
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_ + 1: _ A caçadora ganha 2 armadura de pele de casca por _4 turnos_ quando uma planta é pisoteada em sua visão.\n\n_ + 2: _ A Caçadora ganha 2 armadura de pele de casca por _6 turnos_ quando uma planta é pisoteada em sua visão. actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_ + 1: _ A caçadora ganha 2 armadura de pele de casca por _4 turnos_ quando uma planta é pisoteada em sua visão.\n\n_ + 2: _ A Caçadora ganha 2 armadura de pele de casca por _6 turnos_ quando uma planta é pisoteada em sua visão.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=refeição revigorante actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=refeição revigorante
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _2 turns of haste_. actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ A Caçadora leva apenas 1 turno para comer (frutas são comidas na hora) e dá a ele _1 turno de pressa_.\n\n_+2:_ A Caçadora leva apenas 1 turno para comer (frutas são comidas na hora) e dá a ele _2 turnos de pressa_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restored nature actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=natureza restaurada
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_. actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
@ -411,25 +411,25 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=A dor ajuda você a resistir a vontade de dormir.
actors.hero.hero.revive=O ankh explode com energia vital! actors.hero.hero.revive=O ankh explode com energia vital!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=guerreiro actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=guerreiro
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=The Warrior starts with a _unique broken seal,_ which he can affix to armor. He will slowly generate shielding over his health while he is wearing armor with the seal affixed.\n\nThe Warrior's seal can be moved between different armor sets, transferring a single upgrade with it.\n\nThe Warrior automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Healing\n- Scrolls of Rage actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=O Guerreiro começa com um _selo quebrado único, _ que ele pode afixar na armadura. Ele irá gerar lentamente proteção sobre sua vida enquanto estiver usando uma armadura com o selo afixado. \n\nO selo pode ser movido entre armaduras, carregando um único aprimoramento consigo.\n\nO Guerreiro identifica automaticamente:\n- Pergaminhos de identificação\n- Poções de Cura\n- Pergaminhos de Fúria
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=O Guerreiro começa com uma _espada curta desgastada,_ que oferece mais dano direto do que outras armas iniciais.\n\nO Guerreiro começa com _três pedras de arremesso,_ que oferecem dano de longo alcance limitado.\n\nO Guerreiro começa com uma _bandoleira de poção,_ que pode armazenar várias poções e protegê-las do frio. actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=O Guerreiro começa com uma _espada curta desgastada,_ que oferece mais dano direto do que outras armas iniciais.\n\nO Guerreiro começa com _três pedras de arremesso,_ que oferecem dano de longo alcance limitado.\n\nO Guerreiro começa com uma _bandoleira de poção,_ que pode armazenar várias poções e protegê-las do frio.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Uma subclasse pode ser escolhida depois de derrotar o segundo chefão. O guerreiro tem duas subclasses: actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Uma subclasse pode ser escolhida depois de derrotar o segundo chefão. O guerreiro tem duas subclasses:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage=mago actors.hero.heroclass.mage=mago
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=O Mago é um especialista com varinhas, e carrega uma _varinha mágica única._\n\nPara desbloqueá-lo, use um pergaminho de melhoria para tornar um item mais forte. actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=O Mago é um especialista com varinhas, e carrega uma _varinha mágica única._\n\nPara desbloqueá-lo, use um pergaminho de melhoria para tornar um item mais forte.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with and wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=O Mago começa com um _cajado único_ de míssil mágico. O cajado recarrega significativamente mais rápido que uma varinha, e começa com 1 carga máxima a mais.\n\nO cajado do Mago pode ser imbuído com as varinhas que ele encontra na masmorra. Imbuir muda o efeito do cajado e pode ser usado para transferir alguns aprimoramentos. \n\nO Mago identifica automaticamente:\n- Pergaminhos de identificação\n- Poções de Chama Líquida\n- Pergaminhos do Aprimoramento
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=O Mago começa com seu cajado como sua arma corpo-a-corpo. O cajado causa menos dano corpo a corpo do que outras armas iniciais.\n\nO Mago pode usar a magia em seu cajado para atacar de longe.\n\nO Mago começa com um _portador de pergaminho,_ que pode armazenar vários pergaminhos e protegê-los do fogo. actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=O Mago começa com seu cajado como sua arma corpo-a-corpo. O cajado causa menos dano corpo a corpo do que outras armas iniciais.\n\nO Mago pode usar a magia em seu cajado para atacar de longe.\n\nO Mago começa com um _portador de pergaminho,_ que pode armazenar vários pergaminhos e protegê-los do fogo.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Uma subclasse pode ser escolhida depois de derrotar o segundo chefão. O Mago tem duas subclasses: actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Uma subclasse pode ser escolhida depois de derrotar o segundo chefão. O Mago tem duas subclasses:
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=ladino actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=ladino
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=O Ladino pode controlar o fluxo da batalha e atacar a partir da invisibilidade usando seu item único, _a capa das sombras ._\n\nPara desbloqueá-lo _faça 10 ataques surpresa durante uma jornada._ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=O Ladino pode controlar o fluxo da batalha e atacar a partir da invisibilidade usando seu item único, _a capa das sombras ._\n\nPara desbloqueá-lo _faça 10 ataques surpresa durante uma jornada._
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=The Rogue starts with a unique artifact: the _Cloak of Shadows,_ which he can use to become invisible at will. Like all artifacts, the cloak becomes more powerful as it is used.\n\nThe Rogue can detect secrets and traps from a greater distance.\n\nThe Rogue automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Invisibility\n- Scrolls of Magic Mapping actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=O Ladino começa com um artefato único: a _Capa das Sombras, _ que ele pode usar para se tornar invisível à vontade. Como todos os artefatos, a capa torna-se mais poderosa à medida que é usada.\n\nO Ladino detecta segredos e armadilhas a uma distância maior.\n\nO Ladino identifica automaticamente:\n- Pergaminhos de identificação\n- Poções de invisibilidade\n- Pergaminhos de Mapeamento Mágico
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=O Ladino começa com um _punhal,_ que causa mais dano ao surpreender os inimigos.\n\nO Ladino começa com _três facas de arremesso,_ que oferecem algum danos à distância e causam mais dano a inimigos surpresos.\n\nO Ladino começa com uma _bolsa de veludo,_ que pode armazenar pequenos itens como sementes e pedras rúnicas. actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=O Ladino começa com um _punhal,_ que causa mais dano ao surpreender os inimigos.\n\nO Ladino começa com _três facas de arremesso,_ que oferecem algum danos à distância e causam mais dano a inimigos surpresos.\n\nO Ladino começa com uma _bolsa de veludo,_ que pode armazenar pequenos itens como sementes e pedras rúnicas.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Uma subclasse pode ser escolhida depois de derrotar o segundo chefão. O Ladino tem duas subclasses: actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Uma subclasse pode ser escolhida depois de derrotar o segundo chefão. O Ladino tem duas subclasses:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=caçadora actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=caçadora
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=A Caçadora é mestra em armas de arremesso e possui um _arco mágico único_ com flechas infinitas.\n\nPara desbloqueá-la, acerte 15 inimigos com armas de arremesso durante uma jornada._ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=A Caçadora é mestra em armas de arremesso e possui um _arco mágico único_ com flechas infinitas.\n\nPara desbloqueá-la, acerte 15 inimigos com armas de arremesso durante uma jornada._
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows. The bow steadily grows stronger as the huntress levels up, and can be augmented and enchanted.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass without trampling it.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Mind Vision\n- Scrolls of Lullaby actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=A Caçadora começa com um _arco espiritual único,_ que pode atirar um número infinito de flechas conjuradas. O arco fica cada vez mais forte conforme a caçadora sobe de nível e pode ser melhorado e encantado.\n\nA caçadora pode viajar pela grama alta sem pisoteá-la.\n\nA caçadora identifica automaticamente:\n- Pergaminhos de identificação\n- Poções de Visão Mental\n- Pergaminhos de Canção de Ninar
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=A Caçadora começa com um _luvas cravejadas,_ que atacam muito mais rápido que outras armas iniciais.\n\nA Caçadora começa com seu arco como uma opção à distância.\n\nA Caçadora começa com uma _bolsa de veludo,_ que pode armazenar pequenos itens como sementes e pedras rúnicas. actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=A Caçadora começa com um _luvas cravejadas,_ que atacam muito mais rápido que outras armas iniciais.\n\nA Caçadora começa com seu arco como uma opção à distância.\n\nA Caçadora começa com uma _bolsa de veludo,_ que pode armazenar pequenos itens como sementes e pedras rúnicas.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Uma subclasse pode ser escolhida depois de derrotar o segundo chefão. A Caçadora tem duas subclasses: actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Uma subclasse pode ser escolhida depois de derrotar o segundo chefão. A Caçadora tem duas subclasses:

View File

@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ actors.buffs.arcanearmor.name=Магическая броня
actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=Вас окружает едва заметный щит, уменьшающий урон от магических атак.\n\nВаша магическая защита увеличена на: 0-%d.\n\nХодов до ослабления защиты: %s. actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=Вас окружает едва заметный щит, уменьшающий урон от магических атак.\n\nВаша магическая защита увеличена на: 0-%d.\n\nХодов до ослабления защиты: %s.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Зарядка артефактов actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Зарядка артефактов
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all gain charge much faster than normal.\n\nTurns remaining: %s. actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Энергия течет внутри вас, заряжая надетые на вас артефакты.\n\nЭто немного влияет на каждый артефакт, но они будут заряжаться гораздо быстрее чем обычно.\n\nХодов осталось:%s
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Дубовая кожа actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Дубовая кожа
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Ваша кожа затвердела и стала грубой и твердой, как кора.\n\nДанный эффект увеличивает вашу текущую броню, повышая защиту от физических атак.\n\nТекущий бонус к броне: %d\nХодов до ослабления эффекта: %s actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Ваша кожа затвердела и стала грубой и твердой, как кора.\n\nДанный эффект увеличивает вашу текущую броню, повышая защиту от физических атак.\n\nТекущий бонус к броне: %d\nХодов до ослабления эффекта: %s
actors.buffs.barrier.name=Барьер actors.buffs.barrier.name=Барьер
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=A durable bubble of force which blocks all damage.\n\nThe barrier will take damage for whatever it is protecting so long as there is shielding left. The shielding will also slowly decay over time.\n\nShielding remaining: %d. actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Вас окружает барьер который поглощает любой урон.\n\nБарьер будет поглощать любой урон за того кого защищает до того момента пока защита не рассеится. Барьер так же постепенно рассеивается каждый ход.\n\nХодов до полного рассеивания:%d
actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Ярость actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Ярость
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Неистовство actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Неистовство
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Гигантские чемпионы по
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Вдохновлённый чемпион actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Вдохновлённый чемпион
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Вдохновлённые чемпионы имеют на 200% большую меткость и уклонение. actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Вдохновлённые чемпионы имеют на 200% большую меткость и уклонение.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Растущий чемпион actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Растущий чемпион
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Growing champions gain a steadily increasing bonus to accuracy, evasion, melee damage, and a reduction to damage taken.\n\nCurrent acc/eva/dmg boost: %1$d%%\nCurrent damage reduction: %2$d%% actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Растущие чемпионы получают постоянно растущий бонус к меткости, уклонению, атаке и к сопротивлению урону.\n\nТекущий бонус к метк/укл/атк: %1$d%%\nТекущее сопротивление урону:%2$d%%
actors.buffs.charm.name=Очарование actors.buffs.charm.name=Очарование
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Вы очарованы! actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Вы очарованы!
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Вы парализованы!
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=вырывается из паралича actors.buffs.paralysis.out=вырывается из паралича
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Зачастую, самое худшее - это потерять контроль над ситуацией.\n\nПаралич вынуждает цель ждать окончания эффекта. Боль от получения урона может помочь вырваться из этого состояния.\n\nХодов осталось: %s. actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Зачастую, самое худшее - это потерять контроль над ситуацией.\n\nПаралич вынуждает цель ждать окончания эффекта. Боль от получения урона может помочь вырваться из этого состояния.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Pincushion actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Подушка для иголок
actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached: actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached:
actors.buffs.poison.name=Отравление actors.buffs.poison.name=Отравление
@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ actors.buffs.corrosion.desc=Сильная кислота разъедает п
actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Головокружение actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Головокружение
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Сложно идти в правильном направлении, когда весь мир вращается перед глазами.\n\nВ этом состоянии персонаж при ходьбе будет перемещаться в случайном направлении.\n\nХодов осталось: %s. actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Сложно идти в правильном направлении, когда весь мир вращается перед глазами.\n\nВ этом состоянии персонаж при ходьбе будет перемещаться в случайном направлении.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Wands Empowered actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Усиленные жезл <br><br>
actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Your damage-dealing wands have been empowered, increasing the amount of damage they deal for a few zaps.\n\nBonus damage: %1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d. actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Ваши боевые жезлы будучи усиленными увеличивают количество урона который они наносят за несколько выстрелов.\n\nБонусный урон:%1$d.\nЗарядов осталось:%2$d.
actors.buffs.weakness.name=Ослабление actors.buffs.weakness.name=Ослабление
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Вы чувствуете слабость! actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Вы чувствуете слабость!
@ -317,80 +317,80 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Вы наелись до отвала и полнос
###hero ###hero
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=Ешь на здоровье actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=Ешь на здоровье
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _2 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _3 HP_ when he is below 25% health.\n\n_+2:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _3 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _5 HP_ when he is below 25% health. actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Перекус восстанавливает Воину _2 ОЗ_, когда его здоровье ниже 50%,и _3 ОЗ_, когда его здоровье ниже 25%.\n\n_+2:_ Перекус восстанавливает Воину _3 ОЗ_, когда его здоровье ниже 50%,и _5 ОЗ_, когда его здоровье ниже 25%.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=Интуиция оружейника actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=Интуиция оружейника
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Воин опознаёт оружие и броню в _2 раза быстрее_.\n\n_+2:_ Воин опознаёт оружие и броню, _как только экипирует их_. actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Воин опознаёт оружие и броню в _2 раза быстрее_.\n\n_+2:_ Воин опознаёт оружие и броню, _как только экипирует их_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=Подопытная крыса actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=Подопытная крыса
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _2 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _3 HP_. actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Всякий раз, когда Воин опознает предмет, он восстанавливает _2 ОЗ_. \n\n_2+:_ Всякий раз, когда Воин опознает предмет, он восстанавливает _3 ОЗ_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Стальная воля actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Стальная воля
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ Максимальный порог щита печати Воина _увеличивается на 1_.\n\n_+2:_ Максимальный порог щита печати Воина _увеличивается на 2_. actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ Максимальный порог щита печати Воина _увеличивается на 1_.\n\n_+2:_ Максимальный порог щита печати Воина _увеличивается на 2_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=iron stomach actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=Стальной желудок
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _75% damage resistance_ while eating.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _100% damage resistance_ while eating. actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Перекус занимает у Воина 1 ход и даёт ему _75% сопротивления урону_, пока он ест\n\n_+2:_ Перекус занимает у Воина 1 ход и даёт ему _100% сопротивления урону_, пока он ест
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=Восстановление силы воли
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Выпитое зелье исцеления мгновенно даёт _67% щита_ сломанной печати Воина. \n\n_+2:_ Выпитое зелье исцеления мгновенно даёт _100% щита_ сломанной печати Воина.\n\nЭтот талант так же работает при использовании элексиров или тоников на основе зелья исцеления.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=Перенос руны
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown. actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc= _+1:_ Воин может ослепить врага на _2 хода_, кинув в него любой предмет, не являющийся метательным оружием. Эта способность перезаряжается в течение 30 ходов \n\n_+2:_ Воин может ослепить врага на _3 хода_, кинув в него любой предмет, не являющийся метательным оружием. Эта способность перезаряжается в течение 30 ходов
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=empowering meal actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=Увеличенный паёк
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps. actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Перекус добавляет Магу _2 бонусных урона_ к 3 следующим выстрелам из жезла. \n\n_+2:_ Перекус добавляет Магу _3 бонусных урона_ к 3 следующим выстрелам из жезла.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Интуиция знатока actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Интуиция знатока
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_. actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Маг опознаёт палочки в _3 раза быстрее_.\n\n_+2:_ Маг опознаёт палочки, _когда использует их_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Проверенная гипотеза actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Проверенная гипотеза
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Всякий раз, когда Маг опознаёт предмет, его жезлы _перезаряжаются в течении 2 ходов_.\n\n_+2:_ Всякий раз, когда Маг опознаёт предмет, его жезлы _перезаряжаются в течении 3 ходов_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=возбуждающий обед actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=возбуждающий обед
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Перекус _перезаряжает палочки Мага в течение 5 ходов_.\n\n_+2:_ Перекус _перезаряжает палочки Мага в течение 8 ходов_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Заряжающее улучшение actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Заряжающее улучшение
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times. actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_. actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Всякий раз, когда Маг попадает по врагу из жезла, ему даётся ясновидение на _10 ходов_.\n\n_+2:_ Всякий раз, когда Маг попадает по врагу из жезла, ему даётся ясновидение на _15 ходов_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=Спрятаные рационы
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=Интуиция вора actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=Интуиция вора
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Разбойник опознаёт кольца в _2 раза быстрее_, и опознаёт тип кольца, _когда надевает его_.\n\n_+2:_ Разбойник опознаёт кольца, _когда он их экипирует_, и опознаёт тип кольца, _когда подбирает его_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Разбойник опознаёт кольца в _2 раза быстрее_, и опознаёт тип кольца, _когда надевает его_.\n\n_+2:_ Разбойник опознаёт кольца, _когда он их экипирует_, и опознаёт тип кольца, _когда подбирает его_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Удар исподтишка actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Удар исподтишка
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy. actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Разбойник наносит _на 1-2 урона больше_ при первой неожиданной атаке. \n\n_+2:_ Разбойник наносит _на 2 урона больше_ при первой неожиданной атаке.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protective shadows actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protective shadows
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_. actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystical meal actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=Мистический обед
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself. actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Перекус занимает у разбойника 1 ход, и даёт ему _перезарядку артефактов на 3 хода_.\n\n_+2:_ Перекус занимает у разбойника 1 ход и даёт ему _перезарядку артефактов на 5 ходов_.\n\nЭтот талант не перезаряжает рог изобилия
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_. actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Радиус поиска разбойника изменен с квадрата 5x5 на _круг 7x7_. \n\n_+2:_ Радиус поиска разбойника изменен с квадрата 5x5 на _круг 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silent steps actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=Бесшумная походка
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_. actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Разбойник не будет будить спящих врагов, пока он на расстоянии _3 или более плиток_.\n\n_+2:_ Разбойник не будет будить спящих врагов, пока _не подойдёт вплотную_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=Предчувствие
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret. actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Когда разбойник впервые посещает этаж с секретом, у него есть _шанс 50% почувствовать это_.\n\n_+2:_ Когда разбойник впервые посещает этаж с секретом, у него есть _шанс 75% почувствовать это_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=nature's bounty actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=Щедрость природы
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress can find _4 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress can find _6 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Охотница может найти _4 ягоды_ вытаптывая высокую траву, находясь на ранних этажах подземелья. \n\n_+2:_ Охотница может найти _6 ягод_ вытаптывая высокую траву, находясь на ранних этажах подземелья.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Интуиция выживальщика actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Интуиция выживальщика
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _1.75x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _2.5x faster_. actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Охотница опознаёт всю экипировку в _1.75 раза быстрее_.\n\n_+2:_ Охотница опознаёт всю экипировку в _2.5 раза быстрее_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Добивающий удар actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Добивающий удар
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_ actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Когда охотница попадает во врага своим луком или метательным оружием, ее следующая атака в ближнем бою против этого врага нанесёт _2 бонусных урона_. \n\n_+2:_ Когда охотница попадает во врага своим луком или метательным оружием, ее следующая атака в ближнем бою против этого врага нанесёт _3 бонусных урона_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Помощь природы actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Помощь природы
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Охотница получает 2 защиты "дубовой кожи" на _4 хода_, когда растение вытоптано в её поле зрения.\n\n_+2:_ Охотница получает 2 защиты "дубовой кожи" на _6 ходов_, когда растение вытоптано в её поле зрения. actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Охотница получает 2 защиты "дубовой кожи" на _4 хода_, когда растение вытоптано в её поле зрения.\n\n_+2:_ Охотница получает 2 защиты "дубовой кожи" на _6 ходов_, когда растение вытоптано в её поле зрения.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Тонизирующий обед actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Тонизирующий обед
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _2 turns of haste_. actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Перекус занимает у охотницы 1 ход(ягоды съедаются мгновенно) и даёт ей _1 ход ускорения_. \n\n_+2:_ Перекус занимает у охотницы 1 ход (ягоды съедаются мгновенно) и даёт ей _2 хода ускорения_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restored nature actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=Исцеление природы
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Каждый раз, когда охотница пьёт зелье исцеления, вокруг неё вырастает _до 5 травы_, а соседние враги получают оплетение на _2 хода_. \n\n_+2:_ Каждый раз, когда охотница пьёт зелье исцеления, вокруг неё вырастает _до 8 травы_, а соседние враги получают оплетение на _3 хода_.\n\nЭтот талант так же работает при использовании элексиров или тоников на основе зелья исцеления.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=Возрождающая походка
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_. actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ Когда охотница наступает на траву или тлеющие угли, на этом месте вырастает высокая трава, которую охотница сразу вытаптывает. _перезарядка способности длится 10 ходов_. \n\n_+2:_Когда охотница наступает на траву или тлеющие угли, на этом месте вырастает высокая трава, которую охотница сразу вытаптывает. _перезарядка способности длится 5 ходов_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=heightened senses actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=Усиленное восприятие
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_. actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Охотница получает ясновидение в радиусе _2 клеток от неё_. \n\n_+2:_ Охотница получает ясновидение в радиусе _3 клеток от неё_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=durable projectiles actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=durable projectiles
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have _+50% durability_ when used by the Huntress.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have _+75% durability_ when used by the Huntress. actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Метательное оружие, используемое Охотницей, имеет _+50% прочности_. \n\n_+2:_ Метательное оружие, используемое Охотницей, имеет _+75% прочности_.
actors.hero.hero.name=вы actors.hero.hero.name=вы
actors.hero.hero.leave=Ещё рано уходить, оставшееся подземелье ждёт впереди! actors.hero.hero.leave=Ещё рано уходить, оставшееся подземелье ждёт впереди!
@ -411,25 +411,25 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=Боль помогает преодолеть тя
actors.hero.hero.revive=Анх взрывается дарующей жизнь энергией! actors.hero.hero.revive=Анх взрывается дарующей жизнь энергией!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=воин actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=воин
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=The Warrior starts with a _unique broken seal,_ which he can affix to armor. He will slowly generate shielding over his health while he is wearing armor with the seal affixed.\n\nThe Warrior's seal can be moved between different armor sets, transferring a single upgrade with it.\n\nThe Warrior automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Healing\n- Scrolls of Rage actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=Воин начинает с уникальной _сломанной печатью,_ которую можно прикрепить к броне. Пока он носит броню с прикреплённой печатью, поверх его здоровья будет постепенно накапливаться щит. Печать можно перенести на другую броню, вместе с ней перенесётся одно улучшение.\n\nВоин автоматически опознаёт:\n- Свиток опознания\n- Зелье исцеления\n- Свиток ярости
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=Воин начинает игру с _изношенным мечом,_ который наносит больше всего стартового урона среди всех видов стартового оружия.\n\nВоин начинает игру сремя метательными камнями,_ позволяющими атаковать на расстоянии.\n\nВоин начинает игру с _поясом для зелий,_ в котором можно хранить разнообразные зелья, а также предохранять их от воздействия холода. actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=Воин начинает игру с _изношенным мечом,_ который наносит больше всего стартового урона среди всех видов стартового оружия.\n\nВоин начинает игру сремя метательными камнями,_ позволяющими атаковать на расстоянии.\n\nВоин начинает игру с _поясом для зелий,_ в котором можно хранить разнообразные зелья, а также предохранять их от воздействия холода.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Подкласс может быть выбран после победы над вторым боссом. Воин имеет два подкласса: actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Подкласс может быть выбран после победы над вторым боссом. Воин имеет два подкласса:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage=маг actors.hero.heroclass.mage=маг
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Маг - специалист по волшебным палочкам, который носит с собой _уникальный магический посох._\n\nЧтобы разблокировать его, _используйте свиток улучшения чтобы сделать предмет сильнее._ actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Маг - специалист по волшебным палочкам, который носит с собой _уникальный магический посох._\n\nЧтобы разблокировать его, _используйте свиток улучшения чтобы сделать предмет сильнее._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with and wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=Маг начинает игру с _уникальным посохом,_ который может быть наделён свойствами жезла. Посох перезаряжается значительно быстрее жезлов, а число максимальных зарядов увеличено на 1. Изначально посох наделён свойствами магической стрелы.\n\nМаг автоматически опознаёт\n- Свиток опознания\n- Зелье жидкого пламени\n- Свиток улучшения
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Маг начинает игру со своим посохом в качестве оружия ближнего боя. Посох наносит меньше урона в ближнем бою, чем остальные стартовые оружия.\n\nМаг может использовать магию посоха, чтобы атаковать на расстоянии.\n\nМаг начинает игру сутляром для свитков,_ в котором можно хранить различные свитки, а также предохранять их от воздействия огня. actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Маг начинает игру со своим посохом в качестве оружия ближнего боя. Посох наносит меньше урона в ближнем бою, чем остальные стартовые оружия.\n\nМаг может использовать магию посоха, чтобы атаковать на расстоянии.\n\nМаг начинает игру сутляром для свитков,_ в котором можно хранить различные свитки, а также предохранять их от воздействия огня.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Подкласс может быть выбран после победы над вторым боссом. Маг имеет два подкласса: actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Подкласс может быть выбран после победы над вторым боссом. Маг имеет два подкласса:
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=разбойник actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=разбойник
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Разбойник может контролировать ход битвы и бить исподтишка, используя его _уникальный Плащ Теней._\n\nЧтобы разблокировать его, _совершите 10 неожиданных атак в одном забеге._ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Разбойник может контролировать ход битвы и бить исподтишка, используя его _уникальный Плащ Теней._\n\nЧтобы разблокировать его, _совершите 10 неожиданных атак в одном забеге._
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=The Rogue starts with a unique artifact: the _Cloak of Shadows,_ which he can use to become invisible at will. Like all artifacts, the cloak becomes more powerful as it is used.\n\nThe Rogue can detect secrets and traps from a greater distance.\n\nThe Rogue automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Invisibility\n- Scrolls of Magic Mapping actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=Разбойник начинает игру с уникальным _Плащом Теней_, - артефактом, который позволяет становиться невидимым в любой момент. Как и все артефакты, плащ нельзя улучшать свитками. Вместо этого он улучшается при использовании.\n\nРазбойник замечает секреты и ловушки с большего расстояния.\n\nРазбойник способен находить больше секретов в подземелье.\n\nРазбойник автоматически опознаёт:\n- Свиток опознания\n- Зелье невидимости\n- Свиток поиска пути
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Разбойник начинает игру с _кинжалом,_ который наносит больше урона при скрытных атаках.\n\nРазбойник начинает игру сремя метательными ножами,_ которые позволяют атаковать на расстоянии и наносят больше урона при скрытных атаках.\n\nРазбойник начинает игру с _бархатным мешочком,_ в котором можно хранить мелкие предметы, такие как семена и рунные камни. actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Разбойник начинает игру с _кинжалом,_ который наносит больше урона при скрытных атаках.\n\nРазбойник начинает игру сремя метательными ножами,_ которые позволяют атаковать на расстоянии и наносят больше урона при скрытных атаках.\n\nРазбойник начинает игру с _бархатным мешочком,_ в котором можно хранить мелкие предметы, такие как семена и рунные камни.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Подкласс может быть выбран после победы над вторым боссом. Разбойник имеет два подкласса: actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Подкласс может быть выбран после победы над вторым боссом. Разбойник имеет два подкласса:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=охотница actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=охотница
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Охотница - эксперт дальнего боя, а также владеет своим _уникальным магическим луком_ с бесконечными стрелами.\n\nЧтобы разблокировать ее, _ударьте 15 противников с помощью оружий дальнего боя._ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Охотница - эксперт дальнего боя, а также владеет своим _уникальным магическим луком_ с бесконечными стрелами.\n\nЧтобы разблокировать ее, _ударьте 15 противников с помощью оружий дальнего боя._
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows. The bow steadily grows stronger as the huntress levels up, and can be augmented and enchanted.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass without trampling it.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Mind Vision\n- Scrolls of Lullaby actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=Охотница начинает с уникальным призрачным луком который может выпускать неограниченное количество волшебных стрел. Лук улучшается по мере того как охотница получает уровень и может быть сбалансирован или зачарован.\n\nОхотница может ходить в высокой траве не вытаптывая ее.\n\nОхотница автоматически опознает:\n-Свитки опознания\n-Зелья телепатии\n-Свитки колыбельной
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Охотница начинает игру с парой _шипованных перчаток,_ которые атакуют гораздо быстрее другого стартового оружия.\n\nОхотница начинает игру со своим луком для дальнего боя.\n\nОхотница начинает игру с _бархатным мешочком,_ в котором можно хранить мелочь, такую как семена и рунные камни. actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Охотница начинает игру с парой _шипованных перчаток,_ которые атакуют гораздо быстрее другого стартового оружия.\n\nОхотница начинает игру со своим луком для дальнего боя.\n\nОхотница начинает игру с _бархатным мешочком,_ в котором можно хранить мелочь, такую как семена и рунные камни.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Подкласс может быть выбран после победы над вторым боссом. Охотница имеет два подкласса: actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Подкласс может быть выбран после победы над вторым боссом. Охотница имеет два подкласса:

View File

@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ actors.buffs.arcanearmor.name=Sihirli Zırh
actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=İnce bir kalkan etrafını sarıyor ve büyü saldırılarından gelen hasarın bir kısmını engelliyor.\n\nBüyü koruman şu anda 0-%d seviyesinde.\n\nSihirli zırhın zayıflamasına kalan tur sayısı: %s actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=İnce bir kalkan etrafını sarıyor ve büyü saldırılarından gelen hasarın bir kısmını engelliyor.\n\nBüyü koruman şu anda 0-%d seviyesinde.\n\nSihirli zırhın zayıflamasına kalan tur sayısı: %s
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Eser Reşarj Oluyor actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Eser Reşarj Oluyor
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all gain charge much faster than normal.\n\nTurns remaining: %s. actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Enerji içinden akıp geçiyor, donandığın eserlerin şarj olma hızı artar.\n\nHer eser farklı seviyelerde etkilenir ama hepsi normalden hızlı şarj olur.\n\nKalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Kabuk derili actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Kabuk derili
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Derin sertleşti, sert ve kabuk gibi katı hissettiriyor.\n\nSertleşmiş derin aktif zırhını arttırarak sana fiziksel saldırılara karşı daha iyi koruma sağlar.\n\nZırhın şu an şu kadar arttı: %d.\nKabukderinin zayıflamasına kalan sıra: %s. actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Derin sertleşti, sert ve kabuk gibi katı hissettiriyor.\n\nSertleşmiş derin aktif zırhını arttırarak sana fiziksel saldırılara karşı daha iyi koruma sağlar.\n\nZırhın şu an şu kadar arttı: %d.\nKabukderinin zayıflamasına kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.barrier.name=Bariyer actors.buffs.barrier.name=Bariyer
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=A durable bubble of force which blocks all damage.\n\nThe barrier will take damage for whatever it is protecting so long as there is shielding left. The shielding will also slowly decay over time.\n\nShielding remaining: %d. actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Tüm hasarı engelleyen sağlam bir güç baloncuğu.\n\nBariyer koruduğu şeyde kalkan kaldığı sürece hasar soğurur. Kalkan zaman geçtikçe bozulur.\n\nKalan Kalkan:%d.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Sinirlendi actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Sinirlendi
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Çıldırdı actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Çıldırdı
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Dev Şampiyonlar %75 daha az hasar alırla
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Kutsanmış Şampiyon actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Kutsanmış Şampiyon
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Kutsanmış Şampiyonlar %200 isabet ve kaçınmaya sahiptir. actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Kutsanmış Şampiyonlar %200 isabet ve kaçınmaya sahiptir.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Büyüyen Şampiyon actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Büyüyen Şampiyon
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Growing champions gain a steadily increasing bonus to accuracy, evasion, melee damage, and a reduction to damage taken.\n\nCurrent acc/eva/dmg boost: %1$d%%\nCurrent damage reduction: %2$d%% actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Büyüyen şampiyonlar zamanla artan isabet, kaçınma, yakın dövüş hasarı ve hasar azaltma alırlar.\n\nMevcut isb/kaç/ydh bonusu: %1$d%%\nMevcut hasar azaltma: %2$d%%
actors.buffs.charm.name=Tutulmuş actors.buffs.charm.name=Tutulmuş
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Tutuldun! actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Tutuldun!
@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Felç oldun!
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=felce karşı koyuldu actors.buffs.paralysis.out=felce karşı koyuldu
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Çoğu zaman en kötü şey hiçbir şey yapmamaktır.\n\nFelç, tüm davranışların durmasına neden olarak hedefini etkinin geçmesine beklemeye zorlar. Hasar almaktan kaynaklanan acı, karakterlerin felcin etkine karşı koymalarına neden olarak onları felç etkisinden çıkarabilir.\n\nFelcin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s. actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Çoğu zaman en kötü şey hiçbir şey yapmamaktır.\n\nFelç, tüm davranışların durmasına neden olarak hedefini etkinin geçmesine beklemeye zorlar. Hasar almaktan kaynaklanan acı, karakterlerin felcin etkine karşı koymalarına neden olarak onları felç etkisinden çıkarabilir.\n\nFelcin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Pincushion actors.buffs.pincushion.name=İğnelik
actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached: actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=Bu karaktere karşı kullandığın fırlatma silahları ona saplı ve o yenildikten sonra yere düşecekler.\n\nSaplı eşyalar:
actors.buffs.poison.name=Zehir actors.buffs.poison.name=Zehir
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Zehirlendin! actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Zehirlendin!
@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ actors.buffs.corrosion.desc=Güçlü asit eti, metali ve kemiği endişelendiric
actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Baş dönmesi actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Baş dönmesi
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Düz bir yolda yürümek tüm dünya dönerken zor olabilir.\n\nBaş dönmesinin etkisi altında olan bir karakter gitmeye çalıştığı yer yerine rastgele başka bir yere gidecektir.\n\nBaş dönmesinin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s. actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Düz bir yolda yürümek tüm dünya dönerken zor olabilir.\n\nBaş dönmesinin etkisi altında olan bir karakter gitmeye çalıştığı yer yerine rastgele başka bir yere gidecektir.\n\nBaş dönmesinin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Wands Empowered actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Asalar Güçlendirildi
actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Your damage-dealing wands have been empowered, increasing the amount of damage they deal for a few zaps.\n\nBonus damage: %1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d. actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Hasar veren asaların güçlendirildi, bir kaç vuruş için verilen hasar miktarı arttı.\n\nFazladan hasar:%1$d.\nKalan vuruşlar:%2$d.
actors.buffs.weakness.name=Zayıflamış actors.buffs.weakness.name=Zayıflamış
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Zayıflamış hissediyorsun! actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Zayıflamış hissediyorsun!
@ -317,80 +317,80 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Gayet tatmin olmuş ve tok hissediyorsun.\n\nİyi besl
###hero ###hero
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=Doyurucu yemek actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=Doyurucu yemek
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _2 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _3 HP_ when he is below 25% health.\n\n_+2:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _3 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _5 HP_ when he is below 25% health. actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı canı %50'nin altıydaken yemek yerse _2HP_ , %25 altındayken yerse _3HP_ kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı canı %50'nin altıydaken yemek yerse _3HP_ , %25 altındayken yerse _5HP_ kazanır
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=Silah Ustasının Sezgisi actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=Silah Ustasının Sezgisi
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı silah ve zırhları _2x daha hızlı_ tanımlar.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı silahları ve zırhları _kuşandığında tanımlar_. actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı silah ve zırhları _2x daha hızlı_ tanımlar.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı silahları ve zırhları _kuşandığında tanımlar_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=Denek actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=Denek
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _2 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _3 HP_. actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı her eşya tanımladığında _2HP_ iyileşir.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı her eşya tanımladığında _3HP_ iyileşir.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Demir İrade actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=Demir İrade
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçının mühründen sağlanan azami kalkan _1 artar_.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçının mühründen sağlanan azami kalkan _2 artar_. actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçının mühründen sağlanan azami kalkan _1 artar_.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçının mühründen sağlanan azami kalkan _2 artar_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=iron stomach actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=Demir Mide
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _75% damage resistance_ while eating.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _100% damage resistance_ while eating. actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçının yemek yemesi 1 tur sürer ve ona _%75 hasar direnci_ kazandırır.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçının yemek yemesi 1 tur sürer ve ona _%100 hasar direnci_ kazandırır.
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=Yenilenmiş İrade
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ İyileştirme iksiri içmek Savaşçının kırık mührünün verebileceği _%67 kalkanı_ direk verir.\n\n_+2:_ İyileştirme iksiri içmek Savaşçının kırık mührünün verebileceği _%100 kalkanı_ direk verir.\n\nBu kabiliyet ayrıca iyileştirme iksiriyle yapılan iksirlerde de devreye girer.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=Rünik Aktarış
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=Ölümcül Momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı bir düşmanı öldürdüğünde, öldürücü vuruşun aniden olmasının _%67 şansı_ vardır.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı bir düşmanı öldürdüğünde, öldürücü vuruşun aniden olmasının _%100 şansı_ vardır.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=Doğaçlama atış
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown. actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı fırlatma silahı olmayan bir eşyayı onlara atarak onları_2 tur_ kör eder. 30 saniye bekleme süresi vardır.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı fırlatma silahı olmayan bir eşyayı onlara atarak onları _3 tur_ kör eder. 30 saniye bekleme süresi vardır.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=empowering meal actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=Güçlendiren Yemek
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps. actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü yemek yediğinde sonraki 3 asa saldırısında _2 fazladan hasar_ verir.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü yemek yediğinde sonraki 3 asa saldırısında _2 fazladan hasar_ verir.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Âlimin Sezgisi actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Âlimin Sezgisi
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_. actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü asaları _3x daha hızlı_ tanımlar.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü asaları _kullandığı anda_ tanımlar.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Kanıtlanmış Hipotez actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Kanıtlanmış Hipotez
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü her eşya tanımladığında, _2 tur asa reşarjı_ kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü her eşya tanımladığında, _3 tur asa reşarjı_ kazanır.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=Yedek Bariyer
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Enerji veren yemek actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Enerji veren yemek
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Büyücünün yemek yemesi 1 tur sürer ve ona _5 tur asa reşarjı_ verir.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücünün yemek yemesi 1 tur sürer ve ona _8 tur asa reşarjı_ verir.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Enerji verici geliştirme actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Enerji verici geliştirme
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Yükseltme parşömeni kullanmak büyücünün asasını direk _1 şarj_ eder, bu şarj maximum şarj sayısını aşabilir.\n\n_+2:_ Yükseltme parşömeni kullanmak büyücünün asasını direk _2 şarj_ eder, bu şark maximum şarj sayısını aşabilir.\n\nbu kabiliyet yükseltme parşömeninden yapılan parşömenlerde ve büyülerde de devreye girer.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=Asa Koruma
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times. actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü Asasına yeni bir asa aşıladığında, eski asanın +0'a dönmesinin _%67 şansı_ vardır.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü Asasına yeni bir asa aşıladığında, eski asanın +0'a dönmesinin _%100 şansı_ vardır.\n\nBu kabiliyet asaları üç kereye kadar koruyabilir.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=Sihirli Görüş
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_. actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü bir düşmana asasıyla saldırdığında, o düşman üzerine _10 tur_ akıl görüşü kazanır.\n\n__+2:_ Büyücü bir düşmana asasıyla saldırdığında, o düşman üzerine _15 tur_ akıl görüşü kazanır.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=Batarya Kalkanı
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü bir asayı kendi üzerine kullanırsa yüklerini _yük başına %5 max HP_ olarak kalkana dönüştürür.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü bir asayı kendi üzerine kullanırsa yüklerini _yük başına %5 max HP_ olarak kalkana dönüştürür.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=Saklı Erzaklar
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=Haydutun sezgisi actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=Haydutun sezgisi
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Haydut yüzükleri _2x daha hızlı tanımlar_ ve_ yüzüğü kuşandığında_ o tip yüzük tipini tanımlar.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut yüzükleri _kuşandığında tanımlar._ ve yüzüğü _yerden aldığında_ yüzüğün tipini tanımlar. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Haydut yüzükleri _2x daha hızlı tanımlar_ ve_ yüzüğü kuşandığında_ o tip yüzük tipini tanımlar.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut yüzükleri _kuşandığında tanımlar._ ve yüzüğü _yerden aldığında_ yüzüğün tipini tanımlar.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Kalleş Yumruğu actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Kalleş Yumruğu
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy. actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Haydut bir düşmana yaptığı ilk sürpriz saldırıda _1-2 fazladan hasar_ verir.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut bir düşmana yaptığı ilk sürpriz saldırıda _2 fazladan hasar_ verir.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protective shadows actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=Koruyucu Gölgeler
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_. actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Haydut pelerinini kullandığı_her tur_ bir kalkan kazanır,_maksimum 3 kalkana kadar_.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut pelerinini kullandığı_her tur_ bir kalkan kazanır,_maksimum 5 kalkana kadar
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystical meal actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=Mistik Yemek
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself. actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Haydutun yemek yemesi 1 tur sürer ve ona _3 tur eser reşarjı_ verir.\n\n_+2:_Haydutun yemek yemesi 1 tur sürer ve ona _5 tur eser reşarjı _ verir.\n\nBu kabiliyet bolluk borusunun kendi kendini şarj etmesi için kullanılamaz.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=Mistik Yükseltme
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Yükseltme parşömeni kullanmak haydutun pelerinini direk _1 şarj_ eder. Bu şarj şarj üst sınırını delebilir.\n\n_+2:_ Yükseltme parşömeni kullanmak haydutun pelerinini direk _2 şarj_ eder. Bu şarj şarj üst sınırını delebilir.\n\nBu kabiliyet yükseltme parşömeninden üretilen büyüler ve parşömenlerde de devreye girer.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=Geniş Arama
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_. actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Haydutun arama alanı 5x5 kareden _7x7 çembere_ artar.\n\n_+2:_ Haydutun arama alanı 5x5 kareden _7x7 kareye_ artar.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silent steps actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=Sessiz Adımlar
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_. actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Haydut uyuyan düşmanlarını onlara _3 veya 3'ten daha fazla_ kare yaklaşmadığı sürece uyandırmaz.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut uyuyan düşmanların _bir yanındaki kareye_ gitmediği sürece uyandırmaz.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=haydutun görüşü
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret. actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Haydut gizli odası olan bir seviyeye girdiğinde o seviyenin bir sır gizlediğini _%50 şansla farkedebilir_.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut gizli odası olan bir seviyeye girdiğinde o seviyenin bir sır gizlediğini _%75 şansla farkedebilir_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=nature's bounty actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=Doğanın ikramı
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress can find _4 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress can find _6 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Avcı zindanın erken seviyelerini keşfederken uzun çime gizlenmiş _4 dut_ bulabilir.\n\n_+2:_ Avcı zindanın erken seviyelerini keşfederken uzun çime gizlenmiş _6 dut_ bulabilir.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Ormancının sezgisi actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Ormancının sezgisi
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _1.75x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _2.5x faster_. actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Avcı tüm ekipmanları _1.75x daha hızlı_ tanımlar.\n\n_+2:_ Avcı tüm ekipmanları _2.5x daha hızlı_ tanımlar.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Ardışık Saldırı actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Ardışık Saldırı
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_ actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Avcı bir düşmana yayıyla veya fırlatma silahıyla vurduğunda, o düşmana karşı ilk yakın dövüş saldırısı _2 fazladan hasar verir_.\n\n,_+2:_ Avcı bir düşmana yayıyla veya fırlatma silahıyla vurduğunda, o düşmana karşı ilk yakın dövüş saldırısı _3 fazladan hasar_ verir.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Doğanın desteği actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Doğanın desteği
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Avcı görüş alanında bir bitki ezilirse _4 tur_ için 2 kütükderililik zırhı kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Avcı görüş alanında bir bitki ezilirse _6 tur_ için 2 kütükderililik zırhı kazanır. actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Avcı görüş alanında bir bitki ezilirse _4 tur_ için 2 kütükderililik zırhı kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Avcı görüş alanında bir bitki ezilirse _6 tur_ için 2 kütükderililik zırhı kazanır.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Canlandıran Yemek actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Canlandıran Yemek
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _2 turns of haste_. actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Yemek yemek sadece bir tur sürer (dutlar anında yenir) ve avcıya _1 tur acele_ verir.\n\n_+2:_ Yemek yemek sadece bir tur sürer (dutlar anında yenir) ve avcıya _2 tur acele_ verir.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restored nature actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=Yenilenmiş doğa
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ İyileştirme iksiri içmek avcının etrafında _maksimum beş tane uzun çim_ yetiştirir, bir kare yanındaki düşmanları _2 tur_ yerine sabitler.\n\n_+':_ İyileştirme iksiri içmek avcının etrafında _maksimum sekiz tane uzun çim_ yetiştirir, bir kare yanındaki düşmanları _3 tur_ yerine sabitler.\n\nBu kabiliyet iyileştirme iksirinden yapılan iksirlerde de devreye girer.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=Yetiştiren adımlar
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_. actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ Avcı kısa çimin veya közlerin üstüne bastığında, bastığı yerden uzun çimen çıkar ve avcı direk çimeni ezer. Bu yeteneğin _10 tur bekleme süresi vardır_.\n\n_+2:_ Avcı kısa çimin veya közlerin üstüne bastığında, bastığı yerden uzun çimen çıkar ve avcı direk çimeni ezer. Bu yeteneğin _5 tur bekleme süresi vardır_
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=heightened senses actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=Keskin Hisler
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_. actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Avcı _kendi karesinden 2 kare uzağa kadar_ olan tüm düşmanlar üzerine akıl görüşü kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Avcı _kendi karesinden 3 kare uzağa kadar_ olan tüm düşmanlar üzerine akıl görüşü kazanır.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=durable projectiles actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=Dayanıklı Fırlatma Silahları
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have _+50% durability_ when used by the Huntress.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have _+75% durability_ when used by the Huntress. actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Fırlatma silahları avcı tarafından kullanıldığında _+%50 dayanıklılık_ kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Fırlatma silahları avcı tarafından kullanıldığında _+%75 dayanıklılık_ kazanır.
actors.hero.hero.name=sen actors.hero.hero.name=sen
actors.hero.hero.leave=Henüz ayrılamazsın, zindanın geri kalanı seni bekliyor! actors.hero.hero.leave=Henüz ayrılamazsın, zindanın geri kalanı seni bekliyor!
@ -411,25 +411,25 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=Acı, uyuma isteğini bastırıyor.
actors.hero.hero.revive=Ankh iyileştiren enerji ile patlıyor! actors.hero.hero.revive=Ankh iyileştiren enerji ile patlıyor!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=savaşçı actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=savaşçı
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=The Warrior starts with a _unique broken seal,_ which he can affix to armor. He will slowly generate shielding over his health while he is wearing armor with the seal affixed.\n\nThe Warrior's seal can be moved between different armor sets, transferring a single upgrade with it.\n\nThe Warrior automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Healing\n- Scrolls of Rage actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=Savaşçı, zırhlara ekleyebileceği _eşsiz kırık mühür,_ ile oyuna başlar. Mührün iliştiği zırhı kuşandığında yavaşça kalkan üretir. \n\nMühür farklı zırh setleri arasında taşınabilir, yanında bir yükseltme taşır.\n\nSavaşçı otomatikman şunları tanımlar:\n-Tanımlama Parşömeni\n-İyileştirme iksiri\n-Öfke parşömeni
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=Savaşçı diğer başlangıç silahlarından daha fazla direkt hasar veren _aşınmış kısa kılıç_ ile başlar.\n\nSavaşçı kısıtlı menzilli hasar veren _üç tane fırlıtmalık taş_ ile başlar.\n\nSavaşçı iksirleri soğuktan koruyup saklamaya yardımcı olan _iksir tutacağı_ ile başlar. actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=Savaşçı diğer başlangıç silahlarından daha fazla direkt hasar veren _aşınmış kısa kılıç_ ile başlar.\n\nSavaşçı kısıtlı menzilli hasar veren _üç tane fırlıtmalık taş_ ile başlar.\n\nSavaşçı iksirleri soğuktan koruyup saklamaya yardımcı olan _iksir tutacağı_ ile başlar.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Savaşçı'nın iki alt sınıfı vardır: actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Savaşçı'nın iki alt sınıfı vardır:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage=büyücü actors.hero.heroclass.mage=büyücü
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Büyücü bir asa ustasıdır ve _eşsiz büyülü asa_ taşır._\n\nBüyücüyü açmak için _yükseltme parşömenini bir eşyayı güçlendirmek için kullanın._ actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Büyücü bir asa ustasıdır ve _eşsiz büyülü asa_ taşır._\n\nBüyücüyü açmak için _yükseltme parşömenini bir eşyayı güçlendirmek için kullanın._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with and wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=Büyücü oyuna sihirli füze asasıyla aşılanmış _eşsiz asa_ ile başlar. Bu asa başka asalardan daha hızlı şarj olur ve bir ekstra şarjı olur. \n\nBüyücünün asası zindanda bulunan diğer asalarla aşılanabilir. Aşılanması asanın özelliklerini değiştirir ve bazı geliştirmeleri taşımak için kullanılabilir.\n\nBüyücü otomatikman tanımlar:\n-Tanımlama parşömeni\n-Alev iksiri\n-Yükseltme parşömeni
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Büyücü kendi asasını yakın dövüş silahı olarak kullanarak başlar. Asa diğer başlangıç silahlarından daha az hasar verir\n\nBüyücü asasındaki büyüyü kullanarak menzilindeki düşmanlara saldırabilir.\n\nBüyücü parşomenleri saklayabilen ve onları ateşten koruyan bir _parşömen tutucağı_ ile başlar actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Büyücü kendi asasını yakın dövüş silahı olarak kullanarak başlar. Asa diğer başlangıç silahlarından daha az hasar verir\n\nBüyücü asasındaki büyüyü kullanarak menzilindeki düşmanlara saldırabilir.\n\nBüyücü parşomenleri saklayabilen ve onları ateşten koruyan bir _parşömen tutucağı_ ile başlar
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Büyücü'nün iki tane alt sınıfı vardır: actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Büyücü'nün iki tane alt sınıfı vardır:
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=haydut actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=haydut
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Haydut savaşın gidişatını _eşsiz görünmezlik pelerini_ ile değiştirebilir.\n\nHaydutu açmak için _Bir oyunda 10 sürpriz saldırı yapın._ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Haydut savaşın gidişatını _eşsiz görünmezlik pelerini_ ile değiştirebilir.\n\nHaydutu açmak için _Bir oyunda 10 sürpriz saldırı yapın._
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=The Rogue starts with a unique artifact: the _Cloak of Shadows,_ which he can use to become invisible at will. Like all artifacts, the cloak becomes more powerful as it is used.\n\nThe Rogue can detect secrets and traps from a greater distance.\n\nThe Rogue automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Invisibility\n- Scrolls of Magic Mapping actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=Haydut eşsiz bir eser olan _görünmezlik pelerini_ ile başlar. Bu eseri kullanarak istediğinde görünmez olabilir. Tüm eserler gibi, pelerin de kullanıldıkça güçlenir.\n\nHaydut sırları ve tuzakları daha uzaktan farkedebilir.\n\nHaydut otomatikman şunları tanımlar:\n-Tanımlama Parşömeni\n-Görünmezlik iksiri\n-Sihirli Harita Parşömeni
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Haydut, düşmanları şaşırttığında daha fazla hasar veren bir _hançer_ ile başlar.\n\nHaydut, biraz menzilli hasar sunan ve şaşkın düşmanlara fazladan hasar veren _üç tane fırlatma bıçağı_ ile başlar.\n\nHaydut, rüntaşları ve tohumlar gibi küçük şeyleri saklamaya yarayan _kadife torba_ ile başlar. actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Haydut, düşmanları şaşırttığında daha fazla hasar veren bir _hançer_ ile başlar.\n\nHaydut, biraz menzilli hasar sunan ve şaşkın düşmanlara fazladan hasar veren _üç tane fırlatma bıçağı_ ile başlar.\n\nHaydut, rüntaşları ve tohumlar gibi küçük şeyleri saklamaya yarayan _kadife torba_ ile başlar.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Haydut'un iki alt sınıfı vardır: actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Haydut'un iki alt sınıfı vardır:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=avcı actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=avcı
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Avcı fırlatılan silahların uzmanıdır ve sonsuz oklu _eşsiz ruh yayına_ sahiptir.\n\nAçmak için _bir oyunda düşmanlara fırlatılan silahlara 15 kere vur._ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Avcı fırlatılan silahların uzmanıdır ve sonsuz oklu _eşsiz ruh yayına_ sahiptir.\n\nAçmak için _bir oyunda düşmanlara fırlatılan silahlara 15 kere vur._
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows. The bow steadily grows stronger as the huntress levels up, and can be augmented and enchanted.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass without trampling it.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Mind Vision\n- Scrolls of Lullaby actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=Avcı _eşsiz ruh yayı_ ile başlar. Bu yay sonsuz sayıda sihirli oklar atabilir. Bu yay avcının seviyesi yükseldikçe düzenli biçimde gelişir, yükseltme taşı il geliştirilebilir ve efsunlanabilir.\n\nAvcı uzun otları ezmeden içlerinden geçebilir.\n\nAvcı otomatikman şunları tanımlar:\n-Tanımlama Parşömeni\n-Akıl görüşü iksiri\n-Ninni parşömeni
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Avcı, diğer başlangıç silahlarından çok daha hızlı bir çift _çivili eldiven_ ile başlar.\n\nAvcı menzilli saldırı seçeneği için bir yay ile başlar.\n\nAvcı rün taşları yada tohumlar gibi küçük şeyleri sakalyabileceği _kadife çanta_ ile başlar. actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Avcı, diğer başlangıç silahlarından çok daha hızlı bir çift _çivili eldiven_ ile başlar.\n\nAvcı menzilli saldırı seçeneği için bir yay ile başlar.\n\nAvcı rün taşları yada tohumlar gibi küçük şeyleri sakalyabileceği _kadife çanta_ ile başlar.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Avcı'nın iki alt sınıfı vardır: actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Avcı'nın iki alt sınıfı vardır:

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@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x f
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tested hypothesis actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tested hypothesis
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizing upgrade actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizing upgrade
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=thief's intuition actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=thief's intuition
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x faster_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he equips it_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue identifies rings _when he equips them_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he picks it up_. actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x faster_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he equips it_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue identifies rings _when he equips them_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he picks it up_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=sucker punch

View File

@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ actors.buffs.arcanearmor.name=秘法护盾
actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=一层淡薄的护盾环绕着你,可为你抵挡一定的魔法伤害。\n\n当前你的魔法护甲值为: 0~%d。\n\n秘法护盾会在 %s 回合后自我衰减。 actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=一层淡薄的护盾环绕着你,可为你抵挡一定的魔法伤害。\n\n当前你的魔法护甲值为: 0~%d。\n\n秘法护盾会在 %s 回合后自我衰减。
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=神器充能 actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=神器充能
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all gain charge much faster than normal.\n\nTurns remaining: %s. actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=魔力在你体内奔腾而过,提高你手中神器的充能速率。 \n\n每件神器受到的影响都不尽相同但它们的充能速率都会大幅提升。\n\n剩余的神器充能效果时长%s回合
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=树肤 actors.buffs.barkskin.name=树肤
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=你的皮肤硬化了,摸起来如同树皮一样既粗糙且坚固。 \n\n硬化的皮肤增强了你的实际护甲使你能更好地抵御物理攻击。这种额外的护甲数值会以每回合1点的速度降低直到它彻底失去作用。\n\n当前增加的护甲值%d。\n距离效果衰减还有%s回合。 actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=你的皮肤硬化了,摸起来如同树皮一样既粗糙且坚固。 \n\n硬化的皮肤增强了你的实际护甲使你能更好地抵御物理攻击。这种额外的护甲数值会以每回合1点的速度降低直到它彻底失去作用。\n\n当前增加的护甲值%d。\n距离效果衰减还有%s回合。
actors.buffs.barrier.name=奥术屏障 actors.buffs.barrier.name=奥术屏障
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=A durable bubble of force which blocks all damage.\n\nThe barrier will take damage for whatever it is protecting so long as there is shielding left. The shielding will also slowly decay over time.\n\nShielding remaining: %d. actors.buffs.barrier.desc=一团可以抵挡全部伤害的能量屏障。\n\n只要奥术屏障的能量仍然存在它将完全抵挡单位所受到的任何伤害。同时这种能量会随时间逐渐衰减。\n\n护盾能量剩余%d。
actors.buffs.berserk.angered=愤怒 actors.buffs.berserk.angered=愤怒
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=狂暴 actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=狂暴
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=巨型精英拥有 75% 的伤害减免与
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=祝福精英 actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=祝福精英
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=祝福精英拥有 200% 额外精准与躲避。 actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=祝福精英拥有 200% 额外精准与躲避。
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=成长精英 actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=成长精英
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Growing champions gain a steadily increasing bonus to accuracy, evasion, melee damage, and a reduction to damage taken.\n\nCurrent acc/eva/dmg boost: %1$d%%\nCurrent damage reduction: %2$d%% actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=成长精英拥有会稳步增长的额外精准、躲避、近战伤害与伤害减免。\n\n当前精准、躲避、近战伤害加成%1$d%%\n当前伤害减免%2$d%%
actors.buffs.charm.name=魅惑 actors.buffs.charm.name=魅惑
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=你被魅惑了! actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=你被魅惑了!
@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=你被麻痹了!
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=解脱麻痹 actors.buffs.paralysis.out=解脱麻痹
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=通常最坏的事就是什么事都做不出来。\n\n麻痹会停止目标的一切动作使目标保持原状直到效果消失。受伤导致的疼痛也能帮助目标脱离麻痹。 \n\n剩余的麻痹效果时长%s回合 actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=通常最坏的事就是什么事都做不出来。\n\n麻痹会停止目标的一切动作使目标保持原状直到效果消失。受伤导致的疼痛也能帮助目标脱离麻痹。 \n\n剩余的麻痹效果时长%s回合
actors.buffs.pincushion.name=Pincushion actors.buffs.pincushion.name=标靶
actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=The thrown weapons you have used against this character are currently stuck to them and will fall to the floor after they are defeated.\n\nThe following items are currently attached: actors.buffs.pincushion.desc=你击中这个角色的投掷武器正卡在他们身上,打败他们后投掷武器将会掉在地上。\n\n正卡在其他角色身上的物品
actors.buffs.poison.name=中毒 actors.buffs.poison.name=中毒
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=你中毒了! actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=你中毒了!
@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ actors.buffs.corrosion.desc=强酸能以惊人的速度腐蚀掉血肉、金属
actors.buffs.vertigo.name=眩晕 actors.buffs.vertigo.name=眩晕
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=如果整个世界都在旋转的话,想走直线会变得十分困难。 \n\n眩晕效果持续时目标的移动将会向一个随机区域进行而不是目标原本想到达的地方。\n\n剩余的眩晕效果时长%s回合 actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=如果整个世界都在旋转的话,想走直线会变得十分困难。 \n\n眩晕效果持续时目标的移动将会向一个随机区域进行而不是目标原本想到达的地方。\n\n剩余的眩晕效果时长%s回合
actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Wands Empowered actors.buffs.wandempower.name=盈能法杖
actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Your damage-dealing wands have been empowered, increasing the amount of damage they deal for a few zaps.\n\nBonus damage: %1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d. actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=你的伤害型法杖已被强化,接下来的几次施法将会造成额外伤害。\n\n额外伤害%1$d。\n剩余施法次数%2$d。
actors.buffs.weakness.name=虚弱 actors.buffs.weakness.name=虚弱
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=你感到力量正在被抽走! actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=你感到力量正在被抽走!
@ -317,80 +317,80 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=你感觉自己吃的非常饱。\n\n当你处于饱
###hero ###hero
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=丰盛一餐 actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=丰盛一餐
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _2 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _3 HP_ when he is below 25% health.\n\n_+2:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _3 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _5 HP_ when he is below 25% health. actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1_战士在生命值低于50%的时候进食会恢复_2点生命_生命值低于25%的时候会恢复_3点生命_。\n\n_+2_战士在生命值低于50%的时候进食会恢复_3点生命_生命值低于25%的时候会恢复_5点生命_。
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=兵师直觉 actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=兵师直觉
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1_ 战士装备武器与护甲时_鉴定它们的速度提升为原来的两倍_。\n\n_+2_ 战士装备武器与护甲时_会将其瞬间鉴定_ actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1_战士鉴定武器和护甲的速度提升为原来的_两倍_。\n\n_+2_战士会瞬间鉴定_他装备的_武器与护甲
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=实验对象 actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=实验对象
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _2 HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for _3 HP_. actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1_每当战士鉴定了一件物品他将恢复_ 2 点生命_。\n\n_+2_每当战士鉴定了一件物品他将恢复_ 3 点生命_。
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=钢铁意志 actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=钢铁意志
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1_ 战士的纹章提供的护盾值上限_提高 1 点_。\n\n_+2_ 战士的纹章提供的护盾值上限_提高 2 点_。 actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1_ 战士的纹章提供的护盾值上限_提高 1 点_。\n\n_+2_ 战士的纹章提供的护盾值上限_提高 2 点_。
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=iron stomach actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=钢铁之胃
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _75% damage resistance_ while eating.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him _100% damage resistance_ while eating. actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1_战士进食只花费一个回合并在进食过程中获得_ 75% 的伤害抗性_。\n\n_+2_战士进食只花费一个回合并在进食过程中获得_ 100% 的伤害抗性_ 。
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=restored willpower actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=意志复原
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1_喝下治疗药剂会立刻回复战士破损纹章提供护盾的 _67%_。\n\n_+2_喝下治疗药剂会立刻回复战士破损纹章提供护盾的 _100%_。\n\n当喝下由治疗药剂合成的魔药与秘药时也会触发这个天赋。
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=刻印转移
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _common and uncommon glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade. actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=手起刀落
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous. actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1_战士斩杀敌人的一击有_ 67% 的概率_不消耗回合数。\n\n_+2_战士斩杀敌人的一击有_ 100% 的概率_不消耗回合数。
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=即兴投掷
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isnt a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown. actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1_战士向敌人扔出任何非投掷武器的物品时可以致盲他们 _2 回合_。这个效果有30回合的冷却时间。\n\n_+2_战士向敌人扔出任何非投掷武器的物品时可以致盲他们 _3 回合_。这个效果有30回合的冷却时间。
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=empowering meal actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=盈能一餐
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps. actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_进食会为法师接下来3次法杖效果增加 _2 点额外伤害_。\n\n_+2_进食会为法师接下来3次法杖效果增加 _3 点额外伤害_。
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=学者直觉 actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=学者直觉
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_. actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1_法师鉴定法杖的速度提升为原来的_ 3 倍_。\n\n_+2_法师 _使用法杖时_会将其_瞬间鉴定_。
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=实验假设 actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=实验假设
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1_每当法师鉴定了一件物品, 他将获得 _2 回合的法杖充能_。\n\n_+2_每当法师鉴定了一件物品, 他将获得 _3 回合的法杖充能_。
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=备用屏障
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _3 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _5 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff. actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=充能一餐 actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=充能一餐
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_. actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1_法师进食只花费一个回合并给予他 _5 回合的法杖充能_。\n\n_+2_法师进食只花费一个回合并给予他 _8 回合的法杖充能_。
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=充能强化 actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=充能强化
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1_使用升级卷轴时会立刻为法师的魔杖储存 _1 点充能_可以溢出魔杖目前的充能上限。\n\n_+2_使用升级卷轴时会立刻为法师的魔杖储存 _2 点充能_可以溢出魔杖目前的充能上限。\n\n当使用升级卷轴合成的秘卷或结晶法术时也会触发这个天赋。
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=法杖回收
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times. actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1_当法师将新的法杖注入魔杖时有_ 67% 的概率_回收之前灌注的法杖回收的法杖变为0级。\n\n_+2_当法师将新的法杖注入魔杖时有_ 100% 的概率_回收之前灌注的法杖回收的法杖变为0级。\n\n此天赋最多能回收法杖三次。
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=奥术视野
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_. actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1_当法师使用法杖射击敌人时获得针对该敌人的视野持续 _10 回合_。\n\n_+2_当法师使用法杖射击敌人时获得针对该敌人的视野持续 _15 回合_。
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=储能护盾
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_. actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1_法师能以自身为目标施法将法杖的_每点充能_转化为_ 5% 最大生命值_的护盾。\n\n_+2_法师能以自身为目标施法将法杖的_每点充能_转化为_ 7.5% 最大生命值_的护盾。
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=备用口粮
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _3 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _5 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=窃贼直觉 actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=窃贼直觉
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1_盗贼装备戒指时_鉴定它们的速度提升为原来的两倍_并且在_装备戒指时_鉴定其种类。\n\n_+2_盗贼装备戒指时_会将其瞬间鉴定_并且在_拾取戒指时_鉴定其种类。 actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1_盗贼装备戒指时_鉴定它们的速度提升为原来的两倍_并且在_装备戒指时_鉴定其种类。\n\n_+2_盗贼装备戒指时_会将其瞬间鉴定_并且在_拾取戒指时_鉴定其种类。
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=阴险打击 actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=阴险打击
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy. actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1_盗贼在第一次伏击一个敌人时造成_ 1~2 点额外伤害_。\n\n_+2_盗贼在第一次伏击一个敌人时造成_ 2 点额外伤害_。
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protective shadows actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=暗影庇护
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_. actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1_盗贼在斗篷激活时_每两回合_获得一点护盾_最多 3 点_。\n\n_+2_盗贼在斗篷激活时_每回合_获得一点护盾_最多 5 点_。
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystical meal actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=神奇一餐
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself. actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1_盗贼进食只消耗一个回合并给予他 _3 回合的神器充能_。\n\n_+2_盗贼进食只消耗一个回合并给予他 _5 回合的神器充能_。\n\n这个天赋不能在使用丰饶之角时为其充能。
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=神秘升级
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade. actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1_使用升级卷轴时会立即为盗贼的披风提供 _1 点充能_这个效果可以溢出披风目前的充能上限。\n\n_+2_使用升级卷轴时会立即为盗贼的披风提供 _2 点充能_这个效果可以溢出披风目前的充能上限。\n\n当使用由升级卷轴合成的秘卷时也会触发这个天赋。
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=广域搜索
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogues search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_. actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1_盗贼的搜索范围从 5x5 的方块升级到 _7x7 的圆圈_。\n\n_+2_盗贼的搜索范围从 5x5 的方块升级到 _7x7 的方块_。
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silent steps actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=无声步伐
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_. actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1_盗贼不会惊醒_距其3格或更远的敌人_。\n\n_+2_盗贼不会惊醒_未与其相邻的敌人_。
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=盗贼预感
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret. actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1_当盗贼进入有隐藏房间的新楼层时有 _50% 的概率察觉_该层有隐藏房间。\n\n_+2_当盗贼进入有隐藏房间的新楼层时有 _75% 的概率察觉_该层有隐藏房间。
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=nature's bounty actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=自然馈赠
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress can find _4 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress can find _6 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon. actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1_女猎手在探索地下城的前期可以从高草中找到 _4 个浆果_。\n\n_+2_女猎手在探索地下城的前期可以从高草中找到 _6 个浆果_。
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=生存直觉 actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=生存直觉
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _1.75x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _2.5x faster_. actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1_女猎手鉴定任何装备的速度提升为原来的_ 1.75 倍_。\n\n_+2_女猎手鉴定任何装备的速度提升为原来的_ 2.5 倍_。
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=追加打击 actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=追加打击
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_ actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1_当女猎手用她的弓或其它投掷武器击中敌人时她对该敌人的下一次近战攻击将造成_ 2 点额外伤害_。\n\n_+2_当女猎手用她的弓或其他投掷武器击中敌人时。她对该敌人的下一次近战攻击将造成_ 3 点额外伤害_。
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=自然助力 actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=自然助力
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1_ 视野内的植物被踩踏时女猎手会获得_ 4 回合_的 2 点树肤。\n\n_+2:_ 视野内的植物被踩踏时女猎手会获得_ 6 回合_的 2 点树肤。 actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1_视野内的植物被踩踏时女猎手会获得_ 4 回合_的 2 点树肤。\n\n_+2_视野内的植物被踩踏时女猎手会获得_ 6 回合_的 2 点树肤。
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=活力一餐 actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=活力一餐
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _2 turns of haste_. actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1_女猎手进食只耗费1回合食用浆果不耗费回合且将为她增加_ 1 回合的极速_。\n\n_+2_女猎手进食只耗费1回合食用浆果不耗费回合且将为她增加_ 2 回合的极速_。
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restored nature actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=自然复苏
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing. actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1_饮下治疗药剂会在女猎手的周围生出_最多 5 处高草丛_并缠绕附近的敌人_ 2 回合_。\n\n_+2_饮下治疗药剂会在女猎手的周围生出_最多 8 处高草丛_并缠绕附近的敌人_ 3 回合_。\n\n这个天赋也会被基于治疗药剂合成的合剂与秘药触发。
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=复春步伐
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_. actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1_当女猎手踏上矮草或灰烬时它们会复生为高草并立即被女猎手踩踏。这个效果_有 10 回合的冷却时间_。\n\n_+2_当女猎手踏上矮草或灰烬时它们会复生为高草并立即被女猎手踩踏。这个效果_有 5 回合的冷却时间_。
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=heightened senses actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=敏锐感知
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_. actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1_女猎手能感知到_周围 2 格以内_的敌人。\n\n_+2_女猎手能感知到_周围 3 格以内_的敌人。
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=durable projectiles actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=耐久投掷
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have _+50% durability_ when used by the Huntress.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have _+75% durability_ when used by the Huntress. actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1_女猎手手中的投掷武器获得_ 50% 额外耐久度_。\n\n_+2_女猎手手中的投掷武器获得_ 75% 额外耐久度_。
actors.hero.hero.name= actors.hero.hero.name=
actors.hero.hero.leave=现在还不能离开,有一座地牢在下面等着你! actors.hero.hero.leave=现在还不能离开,有一座地牢在下面等着你!
@ -411,25 +411,25 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=疼痛使你得以抵抗睡意。
actors.hero.hero.revive=重生十字章迸裂出苏生的能量! actors.hero.hero.revive=重生十字章迸裂出苏生的能量!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=战士 actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=战士
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=The Warrior starts with a _unique broken seal,_ which he can affix to armor. He will slowly generate shielding over his health while he is wearing armor with the seal affixed.\n\nThe Warrior's seal can be moved between different armor sets, transferring a single upgrade with it.\n\nThe Warrior automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Healing\n- Scrolls of Rage actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=战士初始携带一枚可以贴附于护甲的_独特破损纹章。_他在装备附着纹章的护甲时会随时间产生生命值之上的护盾值。纹章可以在护甲之间转移并且可以转移一级升级。\n\n战士开局鉴定的物品有\n・鉴定卷轴\n・治疗药水\n・盛怒卷轴
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=战士初始携带一把_破损的短剑。_这把武器的直接近战伤害是所有初始武器中最高的。\n\n战士初始携带_三块石子。_石子可以扔出攻击远处造成一定的少量伤害。\n\n战士初始携带一个可以收纳各种药水并保护药水瓶不被冻碎的_药水架。_ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=战士初始携带一把_破损的短剑。_这把武器的直接近战伤害是所有初始武器中最高的。\n\n战士初始携带_三块石子。_石子可以扔出攻击远处造成一定的少量伤害。\n\n战士初始携带一个可以收纳各种药水并保护药水瓶不被冻碎的_药水架。_
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=在击杀第二个Boss后可以选择一种专精。战士可以在两种专精中二选一 actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=在击杀第二个Boss后可以选择一种专精。战士可以在两种专精中二选一
actors.hero.heroclass.mage=法师 actors.hero.heroclass.mage=法师
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=法师精通各类法杖并在开局时持有一根_独特的法师魔杖_。\n\n_在游戏中用升级卷轴强化点什么_以解锁法师。 actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=法师精通各类法杖并在开局时持有一根_独特的法师魔杖_。\n\n_在游戏中用升级卷轴强化点什么_以解锁法师。
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with and wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=法师初始携带一把可以被灌注各种法杖内魔力的_独特魔杖。_魔杖充能比法杖更快并且有 1 点额外最大充能数。魔杖开局就已被注入魔法飞弹。\n\n法师开局鉴定的物品有\n- 鉴定卷轴\n- 液火药剂\n- 升级卷轴
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=法师初始携带他的魔杖作为近战武器。魔杖的近战伤害是所有初始武器中最低的。\n\n法师可以使用魔杖发动远程魔法攻击。\n\n法师初始携带一个可以收纳各种卷轴并保护它们免受火焰伤害的_卷轴筒。_ actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=法师初始携带他的魔杖作为近战武器。魔杖的近战伤害是所有初始武器中最低的。\n\n法师可以使用魔杖发动远程魔法攻击。\n\n法师初始携带一个可以收纳各种卷轴并保护它们免受火焰伤害的_卷轴筒。_
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=在击杀第二个Boss后可以选择一种专精。法师可以在两种专精中二选一 actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=在击杀第二个Boss后可以选择一种专精。法师可以在两种专精中二选一
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=盗贼 actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=盗贼
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=盗贼可使用他特有的_暗影斗篷_操控战局并通过隐身伏击敌人。\n\n_在一局游戏中执行10次伏击_以解锁盗贼。 actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=盗贼可使用他特有的_暗影斗篷_操控战局并通过隐身伏击敌人。\n\n_在一局游戏中执行10次伏击_以解锁盗贼。
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=The Rogue starts with a unique artifact: the _Cloak of Shadows,_ which he can use to become invisible at will. Like all artifacts, the cloak becomes more powerful as it is used.\n\nThe Rogue can detect secrets and traps from a greater distance.\n\nThe Rogue automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Invisibility\n- Scrolls of Magic Mapping actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=盗贼初始携带一件独特神器_暗影斗篷_。 穿上后,盗贼可以随时将自己隐形。暗影斗篷和其他神器一样不能被升级卷轴直接强化。暗影斗篷会随盗贼的使用而升级。\n\n盗贼能探测到更远的秘密和陷阱。\n\n盗贼开局鉴定的物品有\n- 鉴定卷轴\n- 隐形药剂\n- 探地卷轴
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=盗贼初始携带一把_匕首。_用这把匕首伏击敌人会造成额外伤害。\n\n盗贼初始携带_三把飞刀。_飞刀可以扔出攻击远处并且用飞刀伏击敌人还会造成额外伤害。\n\n盗贼初始携带一个可以收纳种子和符石等小件物品的_绒布袋。_ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=盗贼初始携带一把_匕首。_用这把匕首伏击敌人会造成额外伤害。\n\n盗贼初始携带_三把飞刀。_飞刀可以扔出攻击远处并且用飞刀伏击敌人还会造成额外伤害。\n\n盗贼初始携带一个可以收纳种子和符石等小件物品的_绒布袋。_
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=在击杀第二个Boss后可以选择一种专精。盗贼可以在两种专精中二选一 actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=在击杀第二个Boss后可以选择一种专精。盗贼可以在两种专精中二选一
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=女猎手 actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=女猎手
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=女猎手精通投掷武器并且具有一把能无限射击的_独特的灵能弓_。\n\n_在一局游戏中使用投掷武器击中15名敌人_以解锁女猎手。 actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=女猎手精通投掷武器并且具有一把能无限射击的_独特的灵能弓_。\n\n_在一局游戏中使用投掷武器击中15名敌人_以解锁女猎手。
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows. The bow steadily grows stronger as the huntress levels up, and can be augmented and enchanted.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass without trampling it.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Mind Vision\n- Scrolls of Lullaby actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=女猎手初始拥有一把独特的灵能弓,拥有无限的弹药。灵能弓的伤害将随着女猎手的等级提升而稳步增长,也可以被强化或者附魔。\n\n女猎手可以穿过高草丛而不将其踏破。\n\n女猎手开局便已鉴定的道具有\n-鉴定卷轴-\n-灵视药剂-\n-催眠卷轴-
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=女猎手开局携带一对攻速远超其它初始武器的_镶钉手套_。\n\n女猎手开局的远程武器是一把灵能弓。\n\n女猎手开局携带一个可以收纳种子和符石等小物件的_绒布袋_。 actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=女猎手开局携带一对攻速远超其它初始武器的_镶钉手套_。\n\n女猎手开局的远程武器是一把灵能弓。\n\n女猎手开局携带一个可以收纳种子和符石等小物件的_绒布袋_。
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=在击杀第二个Boss后可以选择一种专精。女猎手可以在两种专精中二选一 actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=在击杀第二个Boss后可以选择一种专精。女猎手可以在两种专精中二选一

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@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=pozdrženo %d
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.name=Pozdržené poškození items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.name=Pozdržené poškození
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.ondeath=Zabilo tě pozdržené poškození... items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.ondeath=Zabilo tě pozdržené poškození...
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.rankings_desc=Zabilo tě pozdržené poškození items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.rankings_desc=Zabilo tě pozdržené poškození
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=Poškození je udělováno pomaleji průběhem času, namísto okamžitě.\n\nZbývající pozdržené poškození: %d items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=Poškození je udělováno pomaleji postupem času, namísto okamžitě.\n\nZbývající pozdržené poškození: %d
items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.desc=Tato runa je schopna ukládat poškození způsobené nositeli a udělovat mu ho postupně, spíš než najednou. items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.desc=Tato runa je schopna ukládat poškození způsobené nositeli a udělovat mu ho postupně, spíš než najednou.
@ -1133,10 +1133,10 @@ items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=Tento runový kámen uvolní výbuch elektrické
###wands ###wands
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Zabíjí tě vlastní %s. items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Zabíjí tě vlastní %s.
items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Nic se nestalo. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Nic se nestalo.
items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Tráva kolem tebe vzrostla! items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Vzrostly kolem tebe rostliny!
items.wands.cursedwand.fire=Cítíš, jak něco hoří... items.wands.cursedwand.fire=Cítíš, jak něco hoří...
items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=Tvá hůlka se přeměnila v úplně jiný předmět! items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=Tvá hůlka se přeměnila v úplně jiný předmět!
items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Tvůj předmět se mění na něco jiného! items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Nějaký tvůj předmět se mění na něco jiného!
items.wands.wand.ac_zap=SESLAT items.wands.wand.ac_zap=SESLAT
items.wands.wand.fizzles=Tvá hůlka zasyčela. Nespíš je úplně vybitá. items.wands.wand.fizzles=Tvá hůlka zasyčela. Nespíš je úplně vybitá.
@ -1614,7 +1614,7 @@ items.brokenseal.prompt=Vyber zbroj
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Musíš zbroj nejprve identifikovat. items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Musíš zbroj nejprve identifikovat.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Tato zbroj je v příliš špatném stavu. items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Tato zbroj je v příliš špatném stavu.
items.brokenseal.affix=Připínáš pečeť na svou zbroj! items.brokenseal.affix=Připínáš pečeť na svou zbroj!
items.brokenseal.desc=Vosková pečeť připnutá ke zbroji jako symbol udatnosti. Věkem se všechny hodnosti na pečeti ošoupaly a také je na půl rozlomená.\n\nJakožto vzpomínka na domov, pomáhá pečeť válečníkovi vytrvat. Během nošení pečetě bude válečník přes své zdraví pomalu generovat dodatečnou ochranu, založenou na kvalitě jeho zbroje.\n\nPečeť může být _připnuta na zbroj_ a také přemístěna na jinou. Během toho sebou může přenést jedno vylepšení. items.brokenseal.desc=Vosková pečeť připnutá ke zbroji jako symbol udatnosti. Věkem se všechny hodnosti na pečeti ošoupaly a také je na půl rozlomená.\n\nJakožto vzpomínka na domov, pomáhá pečeť Válečníkovi vytrvat. Během nošení pečetě bude Válečník přes své zdraví pomalu generovat dodatečnou ochranu, založenou na kvalitě jeho zbroje.\n\nPečeť může být _připnuta na zbroj_ a také přemístěna na jinou. Během toho sebou může přenést jedno vylepšení.
items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choose a Glyph items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choose a Glyph
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later. items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later.

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@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ items.armor.armor.inscribed=Ĝi estas surskribita per _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Pro malbeno de tiu ĉi defendaĵo, vi ne povas ĝin demeti. items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Pro malbeno de tiu ĉi defendaĵo, vi ne povas ĝin demeti.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Vi sentas fian magion insidantan de tiu ĉi defendaĵo. items.armor.armor.cursed=Vi sentas fian magion insidantan de tiu ĉi defendaĵo.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=Tiu ĉi defendaĵo estas libera de fia magio. items.armor.armor.not_cursed=Tiu ĉi defendaĵo estas libera de fia magio.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Rompita sigelo de Batalisto estas surmetita al tiu ĉi defendaĵo. items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Rompita sigelo de la batalisto estas surmetita al tiu ĉi defendaĵo.
items.armor.armor$glyph.glyph=skribaĵo items.armor.armor$glyph.glyph=skribaĵo
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s mortigis vin… items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s mortigis vin…
@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.name=ŝaflana bombo
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Tiu ĉi modifita bombo estigos kampon de magia ŝafo post eksplodi. Tiuj ĉi ŝafoj baros aliron kaj daŭros por kelka tempo. items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Tiu ĉi modifita bombo estigos kampon de magia ŝafo post eksplodi. Tiuj ĉi ŝafoj baros aliron kaj daŭros por kelka tempo.
###food ###food
items.food.berry.name=dungeon berry items.food.berry.name=bero de labirinto
items.food.berry.eat_msg=That berry was tasty! items.food.berry.eat_msg=Tiu ĉi bero estis franda!
items.food.berry.desc=This small berry was found by the huntress among the dungeon's vegetation. It can be eaten quickly, restores a small amount of satiety, and might contain a usable seed! items.food.berry.desc=La ĉasistino trovis tiun ĉi beron en densejo de kreskaĵoj de la labirinto. Ĝi povas esti rapide manĝita, iomete satigos vin kaj ĝi povas enhavi utilan semon!
items.food.blandfruit.name=naŭzfrukto items.food.blandfruit.name=naŭzfrukto
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=kuirita naŭzfrukto items.food.blandfruit.cooked=kuirita naŭzfrukto
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=En kontakto kun libera aero, la likvo de
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=eliksiro de purigo items.potions.potionofpurity.name=eliksiro de purigo
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Vi sentas nekutiman freŝecon en la aero. items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Vi sentas nekutiman freŝecon en la aero.
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Protekta tavolo ĉirkaŭas vin! items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Protekta tavolo ĉirkaŭas vin!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=This magical reagent will quickly neutralize all harmful area-bound effects in a large area. Drinking it will give you temporary immunity to such effects. items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Tiu ĉi magia ĥemiaĵo subite neŭtrigos ĉiujn danĝerajn mediajn efikojn en vasta areo. Trinki ĝin igos vin portempe rezista al tiaj efikoj.
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=eliksiro de povo items.potions.potionofstrength.name=eliksiro de povo
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 pov' items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 pov'
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=En palpebruma daŭro vi estis teleporti
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Fortega magia etoso de tiu ĉi ejo malebligas al vi teleporti! items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Fortega magia etoso de tiu ĉi ejo malebligas al vi teleporti!
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Vi ne povas teleportiĝi tien. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Vi ne povas teleportiĝi tien.
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Elektu kien teleportiĝi items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Elektu kien teleportiĝi
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=The spell on this parchment instantly transports the reader to a different location on the dungeon level. The scroll prioritizes areas the reader hasn't been to before, though it is not able to teleport past locked doors or barricades. It can, however, reveal hidden doors that lead to new areas. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=La sorĉaĵo de tiu ĉi pergameno senprokraste transportas la leganton al hazarda loko de labirinta keletaĝo. La skribrulaĵo emas transporti al nevizititaj areoj, sed ne ebligas teleporti tra ŝlositaj pordoj kaj barikadoj. Krom tio, ĝi povas malkaŝi kaŝitajn pordojn direktantajn al novaj ĉambroj.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=skribrulaĵo de teruro items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=skribrulaĵo de teruro
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=La skribrulaĵo eligas helegan brilon de ruĝa lumo. items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=La skribrulaĵo eligas helegan brilon de ruĝa lumo.
@ -1122,9 +1122,9 @@ items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=Tiu ĉi runŝtono alvokas por mallonga tempo magi
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=ŝtono de intuicio items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=ŝtono de intuicio
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Elektu aĵon items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Elektu aĵon
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of identification. Rather than directly identifying an item, it will work on your intuition, allowing you to attempt to identify the type of a potion, scroll, or ring by guessing. items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Tiu ĉi runŝtono enhavas malpli fortan specon de magio trovatan en skribrulaĵoj de identigo. Tamen anstataŭ ordinare identigi aĵon, ĝi influos vian intuicion, ebligante al vi identigi specon de eliksiro, skribrulaĵo aŭ ringo per diveni.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the type of the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, the type will be identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Divenu specon de la neidentigita aĵo. Se vi divenos ĝuste, la speco de objekto estos identigita!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item's type has been identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Ĝuste. Vi identigis specon de la aĵo!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Vi misdivenis. items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Vi misdivenis.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=ŝtono de ŝoko items.stones.stoneofshock.name=ŝtono de ŝoko
@ -1396,7 +1396,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=PLENIGI
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=PAFI items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=PAFI
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Elektu vergon items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Elektu vergon
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Vi plenigis vian bastonegon per la %s. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Vi plenigis vian bastonegon per la %s.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=The previous wand was preserved! items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=La antaŭa vergo estas konservita!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Kontraŭaj specoj de magio forviŝis la ensorĉon de via bastonego. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Kontraŭaj specoj de magio forviŝis la ensorĉon de via bastonego.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Vi devas unue identigi tiun ĉi vergon. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Vi devas unue identigi tiun ĉi vergon.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Vi ne povas uzi malbenitan vergon. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Vi ne povas uzi malbenitan vergon.
@ -1614,9 +1614,9 @@ items.brokenseal.prompt=Elektu defendaĵon
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Vi devas unue identigi tiun ĉi defendaĵon. items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Vi devas unue identigi tiun ĉi defendaĵon.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Stato de tiu ĉi defendaĵo estas tro malbona. items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Stato de tiu ĉi defendaĵo estas tro malbona.
items.brokenseal.affix=Vi surmetis la sigelon al via defendaĵo! items.brokenseal.affix=Vi surmetis la sigelon al via defendaĵo!
items.brokenseal.desc=Vaksa sigelo surmetita al defendaĵo kiel emblemo de kuraĝo. Ĉiuj markoj sur la sigelo defrotiĝis pro aĝo kaj ĝi estas rompita ĉe mezo de malsupra duono.\n\nMemoraĵo el lia hejmo, la sigelo helpas al Batalisto travivi. Dum surmetado de sigelo Batalisto iom post iom generos ŝirmon supre sia sano laŭ kvalito de lia defendaĵo.\n\nLa sigelo povas esti _surmetita al defendaĵo,_ kaj portita inter defendaĵoj. Ĝi povas havi unu plibonigon kun si. items.brokenseal.desc=Vaksa sigelo surmetita al defendaĵo kiel emblemo de kuraĝo. Ĉiuj markoj sur la sigelo defrotiĝis pro aĝo kaj ĝi estas rompita ĉe mezo de malsupra duono.\n\nMemoraĵo el lia hejmo, la sigelo helpas al la batalisto travivi. Dum surmetado de sigelo la batalisto iom post iom generos ŝirmon supre sia sano laŭ kvalito de lia defendaĵo.\n\nLa sigelo povas esti _surmetita al defendaĵo,_ kaj portita inter defendaĵoj. Ĝi povas havi unu plibonigon kun si.
items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choose a Glyph items.brokenseal.choose_title=Elektu skribaĵon
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later. items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Kaj tiu ĉi defendaĵo kaj la rompita sigelo portas skribaĵon. Elektu skribaĵon por konservi.\n\nRimarku, ke se vi elektos skribaĵon, kiu estas sur la defendaĵo, la sigelo poste ne povos transigi ĝin.
items.dewdrop.name=rosero items.dewdrop.name=rosero
items.dewdrop.value=%+d san' items.dewdrop.value=%+d san'

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@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba de lana
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Esta bomba personalizada creará un campo de ovejas mágicas después de la explosión. Estas ovejas bloquearán el movimiento y persistirán por algún tiempo. items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Esta bomba personalizada creará un campo de ovejas mágicas después de la explosión. Estas ovejas bloquearán el movimiento y persistirán por algún tiempo.
###food ###food
items.food.berry.name=dungeon berry items.food.berry.name=baya de mazmorra
items.food.berry.eat_msg=That berry was tasty! items.food.berry.eat_msg=¡Esa baya estaba sabrosa!
items.food.berry.desc=This small berry was found by the huntress among the dungeon's vegetation. It can be eaten quickly, restores a small amount of satiety, and might contain a usable seed! items.food.berry.desc=Esta pequeña baya fue encontrada por la cazadora entre la vegetación de la mazmorra. Se puede comer rápidamente, restaura una pequeña cantidad de saciedad, y podría contener una semilla utilizable!
items.food.blandfruit.name=fruta insípida items.food.blandfruit.name=fruta insípida
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=fruta insípida cocida items.food.blandfruit.cooked=fruta insípida cocida
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Tras la exposición al aire libre, el l
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=poción de pureza items.potions.potionofpurity.name=poción de pureza
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Sientes una extraña frescura en el aire. items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Sientes una extraña frescura en el aire.
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=¡Una capa protectora te envuelve! items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=¡Una capa protectora te envuelve!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=This magical reagent will quickly neutralize all harmful area-bound effects in a large area. Drinking it will give you temporary immunity to such effects. items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Este reactivo mágico neutralizará rápidamente todos los efectos dañinos ligados al área en un área grande. Beberlo le dará inmunidad temporal a tales efectos.
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=poción de fuerza items.potions.potionofstrength.name=poción de fuerza
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 fuerza items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 fuerza
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, fuiste te
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=¡El fuerte aura mágico de este lugar evita que te teletransportes! items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=¡El fuerte aura mágico de este lugar evita que te teletransportes!
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=No puedes teletransportarte allí. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=No puedes teletransportarte allí.
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Escoge un lugar para teletransportarse items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Escoge un lugar para teletransportarse
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=The spell on this parchment instantly transports the reader to a different location on the dungeon level. The scroll prioritizes areas the reader hasn't been to before, though it is not able to teleport past locked doors or barricades. It can, however, reveal hidden doors that lead to new areas. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=El hechizo de este pergamino transporta instantáneamente al lector a una ubicación diferente en el nivel de la mazmorra. El pergamino prioriza las áreas a las que el lector no ha estado antes, aunque no es capaz de teletransportarse más allá de puertas cerradas o barricadas. Sin embargo, puede revelar puertas ocultas que conducen a nuevas áreas.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=pergamino de terror items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=pergamino de terror
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=El pergamino emite un brillante resplandor de luz roja. items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=El pergamino emite un brillante resplandor de luz roja.
@ -1122,9 +1122,9 @@ items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=Esta piedra rúnica invoca ovejas mágicas por un
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=piedra de intuición items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=piedra de intuición
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Selecciona un ítem items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Selecciona un ítem
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of identification. Rather than directly identifying an item, it will work on your intuition, allowing you to attempt to identify the type of a potion, scroll, or ring by guessing. items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Esta piedra rúnica contiene una versión más débil de la magia que se encuentra en los pergaminos de identificación. En lugar de identificar directamente un elemento, funcionará en su intuición, lo que le permite intentar identificar el tipo de poción, desplazamiento o anillo adivinando.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the type of the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, the type will be identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Adivina cuál es el tipo de elemento no identificado. Si adivina correctamente, ¡se identificará el tipo!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item's type has been identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correcto. ¡El tipo del elemento ha sido identificado!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Tu respuesta fue incorrecta. items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Tu respuesta fue incorrecta.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=piedra de electricidad items.stones.stoneofshock.name=piedra de electricidad
@ -1396,7 +1396,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=IMBUIR
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=SACUDIR items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=SACUDIR
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Selecciona una varita items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Selecciona una varita
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Has imbuido tu bastón con la %s. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Has imbuido tu bastón con la %s.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=The previous wand was preserved! items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=¡La varita anterior fue preservada!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Las magias conflictivas borran el encantamiento de tu bastón. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Las magias conflictivas borran el encantamiento de tu bastón.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Necesitarás identificar esta varita primero. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Necesitarás identificar esta varita primero.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=No puedes usar una varita maldita. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=No puedes usar una varita maldita.
@ -1615,8 +1615,8 @@ items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Debes identificar esta armadura primero.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Esta armadura está en demasiada mala condición. items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Esta armadura está en demasiada mala condición.
items.brokenseal.affix=¡Has fijado el sello a tu armadura! items.brokenseal.affix=¡Has fijado el sello a tu armadura!
items.brokenseal.desc=Un sello de cera, colocado en la armadura como un símbolo de valor. Todas las marcas del sello han desaparecido con la edad y está roto por la mitad.\n\nUn recuerdo de casa, el sello ayuda al guerrero a perseverar. Mientras lleva el sello, el guerrero generará lentamente blindaje adicional a su salud, en base a la calidad de su armadura.\n\nEl sello puede ser _fijado a la armadura,_ y moverse entre armaduras. Puede llevar una sola mejora con él. items.brokenseal.desc=Un sello de cera, colocado en la armadura como un símbolo de valor. Todas las marcas del sello han desaparecido con la edad y está roto por la mitad.\n\nUn recuerdo de casa, el sello ayuda al guerrero a perseverar. Mientras lleva el sello, el guerrero generará lentamente blindaje adicional a su salud, en base a la calidad de su armadura.\n\nEl sello puede ser _fijado a la armadura,_ y moverse entre armaduras. Puede llevar una sola mejora con él.
items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choose a Glyph items.brokenseal.choose_title=Elija un glifo
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later. items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Tanto esta armadura como el sello roto llevan un glifo. Elija qué glifo se debe conservar.\n\nTen en cuenta que si eliges el glifo que está actualmente en la armadura, el sello no podrá transferirlo más tarde.
items.dewdrop.name=gota de rocío items.dewdrop.name=gota de rocío
items.dewdrop.value=%+dPS items.dewdrop.value=%+dPS

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@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ items.food.mysterymeat.legs=Et voi tuntea jalkojasi!
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Sinulla on huono olo. items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=Sinulla on huono olo.
items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Olet omituisen kankea. items.food.mysterymeat.stuffed=Olet omituisen kankea.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Syö omalla vastuullasi! items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Syö omalla vastuullasi!
items.food.mysterymeat$placeholder.name=meat items.food.mysterymeat$placeholder.name=liha
items.food.pasty.pasty=pasteija items.food.pasty.pasty=pasteija
items.food.pasty.pie=kurpitsapiirakka items.food.pasty.pie=kurpitsapiirakka
@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ items.keys.skeletonkey.desc=Tämä avain näyttää uhkaavalta: sen pää on muo
items.potions.potion.ac_drink=JUO items.potions.potion.ac_drink=JUO
items.potions.potion.turquoise=turkoosi taikajuoma items.potions.potion.turquoise=turkoosi taikajuoma
items.potions.potion.crimson=verenpunainen taikajuoma items.potions.potion.crimson=verenpunainen taikajuoma
items.potions.potion.azure=taivaansininen taikajuoma items.potions.potion.azure=merensininen taikajuoma
items.potions.potion.jade=jadenvärinen taikajuoma items.potions.potion.jade=jadenvärinen taikajuoma
items.potions.potion.golden=kullanvärinen taikajuoma items.potions.potion.golden=kullanvärinen taikajuoma
items.potions.potion.magenta=magenta taikajuoma items.potions.potion.magenta=magenta taikajuoma
@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Ei, muutin mieleni
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Oletko varma, että haluat juoda sen? Useimmissa tapauksissa tämän taikajuoman heittäminen vihollisisasi kohti olisi paras vaihtoehto. items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Oletko varma, että haluat juoda sen? Useimmissa tapauksissa tämän taikajuoman heittäminen vihollisisasi kohti olisi paras vaihtoehto.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Oletko varma, että haluat heittää sen? Useimmissa tapauksissa olisi järkevämpää juoda se. items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Oletko varma, että haluat heittää sen? Useimmissa tapauksissa olisi järkevämpää juoda se.
items.potions.potion.shatter=Pullo pirstoutuu ja sen sisältämä neste loiskahtaa harmittomasti ympäriinsä. items.potions.potion.shatter=Pullo pirstoutuu ja sen sisältämä neste loiskahtaa harmittomasti ympäriinsä.
items.potions.potion$placeholder.name=potion items.potions.potion$placeholder.name=taikajuoma
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Random Potion items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.alchemicalcatalyst.name=alchemical catalyst items.potions.alchemicalcatalyst.name=alchemical catalyst
@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.inv_title=Lumoa esine
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.weapon=Select an enchantment to apply to your weapon. items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.weapon=Select an enchantment to apply to your weapon.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.armor=Select a glyph to apply to your armor. items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.armor=Select a glyph to apply to your armor.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel_warn=Cancelling will still consume the scroll. items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel_warn=Cancelling will still consume the scroll.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=cancel items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=peruuta
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=This scroll will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy. The reader even has some degree of control over which magic is imbued. items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=This scroll will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy. The reader even has some degree of control over which magic is imbued.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=scroll of foresight items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=scroll of foresight
@ -1473,7 +1473,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two
items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %1$d darts with %2$d seeds items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %1$d darts with %2$d seeds
items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed
items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed
items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=cancel items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=peruuta
items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can be tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can be tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=However, due to their simple construction darts will effectively last forever. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=However, due to their simple construction darts will effectively last forever.
@ -1509,7 +1509,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts
items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all
items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one
items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=cancel items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=peruuta
items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=Tipped darts will lose their tips and become regular darts when used. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=Tipped darts will lose their tips and become regular darts when used.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=This stack of darts has _%d/%d_ uses left before one tip wears off. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=This stack of darts has _%d/%d_ uses left before one tip wears off.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_But these are of such high quality that they will effectively last forever._ items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_But these are of such high quality that they will effectively last forever._
@ -1523,7 +1523,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.name=bumerangi
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Vihollista kohden heitettynä tämä litteä puinen heittoase palaa heittäjänsä käsiin. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Vihollista kohden heitettynä tämä litteä puinen heittoase palaa heittäjänsä käsiin.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.name=fishing spear items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.name=tuulastuskeihäs
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Tiny throwing spears designed for fishing. They work well as an improvised weapon too. items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Tiny throwing spears designed for fishing. They work well as an improvised weapon too.
items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.name=force cube items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.name=force cube

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@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.name=fantôme triste
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.def_verb=évité items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.def_verb=évité
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.hello=Re-bonjour %s. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.hello=Re-bonjour %s.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=Mon âme est liée à cette rose, elle était très précieuse à mes yeux, un cadeau de mon amour que j'ai laissé à la surface.\n\nJe ne peux pas retourner la voir, mais grâce à vous j'ai une seconde chance de poursuivre mon voyage. Quand je le pourrai, je répondrai à votre appel pour me battre avec vous.\n\nAussi longtemps que vous aurez cette rose je vous entendrais donc utilisez-la autant que vous voulez.\n\nJ'espère que vous réussirez là où j'ai échoué... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=Mon âme est liée à cette rose, elle était très précieuse à mes yeux, un cadeau de mon amour que j'ai laissé à la surface.\n\nJe ne peux pas retourner le voir, mais grâce à vous j'ai une seconde chance de poursuivre mon voyage. Quand je le pourrai, je répondrai à votre appel pour me battre avec vous.\n\nAussi longtemps que vous aurez cette rose je vous entendrais donc utilisez la autant que vous voulez.\n\nJ'espère que vous réussirez là où j'ai échoué...
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_1=Ces égouts semblent sûrs, des gens ont vécu ici en hiver. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_1=Ces égouts semblent sûrs, des gens ont vécu ici en hiver.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_2=Je me demande où sont passées les patrouilles, ont-ils abandonné les lieux ? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_2=Je me demande où sont passées les patrouilles, ont-ils abandonné les lieux ?
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_5=Ici, même les chauve-souri
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_6=Pas de trace d'un quelconque matériel de minage. Les nains ont-ils tout récupéré ? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_6=Pas de trace d'un quelconque matériel de minage. Les nains ont-ils tout récupéré ?
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_1=Les nains étaient travailleurs, mais cupides. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_1=Les nains étaient travailleurs, mais cupides.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_2=Donc la métropole naine est vraiment tombée. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_2=Donc la métropole naine est vraiment tombée.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_3=J'espère que la surface ne finisse jamais comme cet endroit. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_3=J'espère que la surface ne finira jamais comme cet endroit.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_4=Les nains ne devraient pas sembler si pâles. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_4=Les nains ne devraient pas sembler si pâles.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_5=Je ne sais pas ce qui est pire; les nains, ou leurs créations ? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_5=Je ne sais pas ce qui est pire; les nains, ou leurs créations ?
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_6=Ils semble que les nains soient désormais des monstres déraisonnés. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_6=Ils semble que les nains soient désormais des monstres déraisonnés.
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_1=Il n'y a que les nains pour con
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_2=Cette chose est énorme... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_2=Cette chose est énorme...
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_3=Comment cette chose est-elle restée en activité si longtemps ? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_3=Comment cette chose est-elle restée en activité si longtemps ?
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_1=Quand les gens disent que le pouvoir corrompt, c'est cela qu'ils désignent. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_1=Quand les gens disent que le pouvoir corrompt, c'est cela qu'ils désignent.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_2=Il est plus un sorcier-zombie qu'un roi désormais. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_2=Il tient plus d'une liche que d'un roi désormais.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_3=Même dans la mort les nains obéissent à leur maître items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_3=Même dans la mort les nains obéissent à leur maître
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_1=Oh… Je le sens mal. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_1=Oh… Je le sens mal.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_2=C'est à ça que ressemble un Dieu ? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_2=C'est à ça que ressemble un Dieu ?
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_3=Pas comme ça....
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.direct_prompt=Que dois-je faire ? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.direct_prompt=Que dois-je faire ?
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_1=D'accord, je vous suis. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_1=D'accord, je vous suis.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_2=Je tomberai à vos côtés. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_2=Je tomberai à vos côtés.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_3=Je vous suis... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_3=Je vous suit...
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_4=D'accord, allons-y ! items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_4=D'accord, allons-y !
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_5=J'assure vos arrières. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_5=J'assure vos arrières.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_1=D'accord, je vais attaquer celui-là. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_1=D'accord, je vais attaquer celui-là.
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_3=Repositionnement...
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_4=En chemin ! items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_4=En chemin !
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_5=Je vais aller par là. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_5=Je vais aller par là.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Une figure frêle et éthérée avec une forme humanoïde. Leur pouvoir semble lié à la rose que vous avez.\n\nCe fantôme nest peut-être pas grand-chose, mais il est votre seul vrai ami ici-bas. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Une figure frêle et éthérée avec une forme humanoïde. son pouvoir semble lié à la rose que vous avez.\n\nCe fantôme nest peut-être pas grand-chose, mais iel est votre seul vrai ami ici-bas.
##back to artifacts ##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=chaines éthérées items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=chaines éthérées
@ -454,13 +454,13 @@ items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.name=deux bombes
items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Une pile de deux grosses bombes à poudre noire. Il semble que vous ayez de la chance ! items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Une pile de deux grosses bombes à poudre noire. Il semble que vous ayez de la chance !
items.bombs.firebomb.name=bombe de feu items.bombs.firebomb.name=bombe de feu
items.bombs.firebomb.desc=Cette bombe a été modifiée pour être consumer dans une tempête de feu soutenu quand elle explose. items.bombs.firebomb.desc=Cette bombe a été modifiée pour éclater en une tempête de feu soutenue quand elle explose.
items.bombs.flashbang.name=bombe aveuglante items.bombs.flashbang.name=bombe aveuglante
items.bombs.flashbang.desc=Cette bombe customisée va exploser dans un flash de lumière aveuglante quand elle explose. Tout ce qui se trouve à proximité sera désorienté en se basant sur sa distance par rapport la bombe. items.bombs.flashbang.desc=Cette bombe modifiée éclate dans un flash de lumière aveuglante quand elle explose. Tout ce qui se trouve à proximité est désorienté selon sa distance par rapport la bombe.
items.bombs.frostbomb.name=bombe de glace items.bombs.frostbomb.name=bombe de glace
items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=Cette bombe a été modifiée pour exploser dans un blizzard glacial quand elle explose. items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=Cette bombe a été modifiée pour éclater en un blizzard glacial quand elle explose.
items.bombs.holybomb.name=bombe sainte items.bombs.holybomb.name=bombe sainte
items.bombs.holybomb.desc=Cette bombe a été modifiée pour éblouir d'une lumière sacrée dans une grande zone quand elle explose, infligeant des dégâts bonus aux morts-vivants et aux ennemis démoniaques. items.bombs.holybomb.desc=Cette bombe a été modifiée pour éblouir d'une lumière sacrée dans une grande zone quand elle explose, infligeant des dégâts bonus aux morts-vivants et aux ennemis démoniaques.
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Cette bombe customisée va faire du bruit de façon
items.bombs.noisemaker.desc_burning=Le bruiteur s'écoule, il explosera lorsque quelque chose s'en rapprochera ! items.bombs.noisemaker.desc_burning=Le bruiteur s'écoule, il explosera lorsque quelque chose s'en rapprochera !
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bombe choquante items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bombe choquante
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Cette bombe customisée libérera des décharges électriques lorsque elle explosera.Tout ce qui se trouve à proximité sera endommagé et étourdi en se basant sur sa distance par rapport la bombe. items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Cette bombe a été modifiée pour lâcher une tempête électrique autour d'elle quand elle explose.Tout ce qui se trouve à proximité sera endommagé et étourdi selon sa distance par rapport la bombe.
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bombe d'engrais items.bombs.regrowthbomb.name=bombe d'engrais
items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Cette bombe customisée éclaboussera d'un liquide vivifiant tout autour au lieu d'exploser. La zone prise dans l'explosion fera rapidement pousser des herbes et des plantes. Vous-même et n'importe quel allié pris dans l'explosion sera soigné items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Cette bombe customisée éclaboussera d'un liquide vivifiant tout autour au lieu d'exploser. La zone prise dans l'explosion fera rapidement pousser des herbes et des plantes. Vous-même et n'importe quel allié pris dans l'explosion sera soigné
@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bombe laineuse
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Cette bombe customisée créera un champ de moutons magiques après avoir explosé. Ces moutons bloqueront le passage et persisteront pour un moment. items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Cette bombe customisée créera un champ de moutons magiques après avoir explosé. Ces moutons bloqueront le passage et persisteront pour un moment.
###food ###food
items.food.berry.name=dungeon berry items.food.berry.name=baie de donjon
items.food.berry.eat_msg=That berry was tasty! items.food.berry.eat_msg=Cette baie était savoureuse !
items.food.berry.desc=This small berry was found by the huntress among the dungeon's vegetation. It can be eaten quickly, restores a small amount of satiety, and might contain a usable seed! items.food.berry.desc=Cette petite baie a été trouvée par la chasseuse parmi la végétation du donjon. Elle peut être mangée rapidement, redonne un peu de satiété et peut contenir une graine utilisable !
items.food.blandfruit.name=fruifade items.food.blandfruit.name=fruifade
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=fruitfade cuisiné items.food.blandfruit.cooked=fruitfade cuisiné
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Exposé à l'air libre, ce liquide se va
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=potion de pureté items.potions.potionofpurity.name=potion de pureté
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Vous ressentez une fraîcheur inhabituelle dans l'air. items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Vous ressentez une fraîcheur inhabituelle dans l'air.
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Un film protecteur vous enveloppe! items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Un film protecteur vous enveloppe!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=This magical reagent will quickly neutralize all harmful area-bound effects in a large area. Drinking it will give you temporary immunity to such effects. items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Ce réactif magique neutralisera rapidement tous les effets nocifs liés à une zone sur une grande surface. Boire ce réactif vous protégera temporairement de tels effets.
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=potion de force items.potions.potionofstrength.name=potion de force
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 force items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 force
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=Vous avez été téléporté en un clin
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Une puissante aura de magie se dégage de ce lieu, vous empêchant de vous téléporter ! items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Une puissante aura de magie se dégage de ce lieu, vous empêchant de vous téléporter !
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Vous ne pouvez pas vous téléporter ici items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Vous ne pouvez pas vous téléporter ici
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Choisissez un lieu où téléporter items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Choisissez un lieu où téléporter
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=The spell on this parchment instantly transports the reader to a different location on the dungeon level. The scroll prioritizes areas the reader hasn't been to before, though it is not able to teleport past locked doors or barricades. It can, however, reveal hidden doors that lead to new areas. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=Le sort sur ce parchemin téléporte le lecteur à un autre endroit de ce niveau du donjon. Le parchemin privilégie les zones non visitées, mais ne peut pas passer à travers les portes fermés à clef ou les obstacles. Il peut, cependant, révéler des portes cachés qui mène vers de nouveaux lieux.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=parchemin de terreur items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=parchemin de terreur
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=Le parchemin émet un brillant éclair de lumière rouge. items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=Le parchemin émet un brillant éclair de lumière rouge.
@ -1122,9 +1122,9 @@ items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=Cette pierre runique invoque des moutons magiques
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=pierre d'intuition items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=pierre d'intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Sélectionnez un objet items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Sélectionnez un objet
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of identification. Rather than directly identifying an item, it will work on your intuition, allowing you to attempt to identify the type of a potion, scroll, or ring by guessing. items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Cette pierre runique détient une version plus faible de la magie trouvée dans les parchemins d'identification. Au lieu d'identifier directement un objet, elle fera appel à votre intuition, vous permettant d'essayer d'identifier le type d'une potion, d'un parchemin ou d'un anneau en devinant.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the type of the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, the type will be identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Devinez quel est le type de l'objet non identifié. Si vous devinez correctement, le type sera identifié !
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item's type has been identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. Le type de l'objet a été identifié !
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Votre intuition était incorrecte. items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Votre intuition était incorrecte.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=pierre de décharge items.stones.stoneofshock.name=pierre de décharge
@ -1396,7 +1396,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=IMPRÉGNER
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=UTILISER items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=UTILISER
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Sélectionnez une baguette items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Sélectionnez une baguette
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Vous imprégnez votre bâton avec la %s. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Vous imprégnez votre bâton avec la %s.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=The previous wand was preserved! items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=La baguette précédente a été conservée !
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Les magies incompatibles ont effacé l'enchantement de votre bâton. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Les magies incompatibles ont effacé l'enchantement de votre bâton.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Vous devez identifier cette baguette d'abord. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Vous devez identifier cette baguette d'abord.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser une baguette maudite. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser une baguette maudite.
@ -1615,8 +1615,8 @@ items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Vous devez d'abord identifier cette armure.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Cette armure est en trop mauvais état. items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Cette armure est en trop mauvais état.
items.brokenseal.affix=Vous fixez le sceau à votre armure ! items.brokenseal.affix=Vous fixez le sceau à votre armure !
items.brokenseal.desc=Un sceau de cire, fixé sur une armure comme symbole de valeur. Toutes les marques du sceau ont été effacées par le temps, et il est brisé en deux.\n\nSouvenir de son foyer, le sceau aide le guerrier à persévérer. En le portant sur lui, le guerrier va progressivement générer un bouclier qui s'additionne avec sa santé, basé sur la qualité de son armure.\n\nLe sceau peut être _fixé sur une armure,_ et déplacé d'une armure à l'autre. Il peut transporter un niveau d'amélioration avec lui. items.brokenseal.desc=Un sceau de cire, fixé sur une armure comme symbole de valeur. Toutes les marques du sceau ont été effacées par le temps, et il est brisé en deux.\n\nSouvenir de son foyer, le sceau aide le guerrier à persévérer. En le portant sur lui, le guerrier va progressivement générer un bouclier qui s'additionne avec sa santé, basé sur la qualité de son armure.\n\nLe sceau peut être _fixé sur une armure,_ et déplacé d'une armure à l'autre. Il peut transporter un niveau d'amélioration avec lui.
items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choose a Glyph items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choisissez un Glyphe
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later. items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Cette armure et le sceau brisé portent tous deux un glyphe. Choisissez le glyphe qui doit être conservé.\n\nNotez que si vous choisissez le glyphe qui se trouve actuellement sur l'armure, le sceau ne pourra pas le transférer plus tard.
items.dewdrop.name=perle de rosée items.dewdrop.name=perle de rosée
items.dewdrop.value=%+dPV items.dewdrop.value=%+dPV

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@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bom wol
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Bom rakitan ini akan membuat sejumlah domba ajaib alih-alih meledak. Domba-domba ini akan menghalangi pergerakan dan bertahan selama beberapa waktu. items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Bom rakitan ini akan membuat sejumlah domba ajaib alih-alih meledak. Domba-domba ini akan menghalangi pergerakan dan bertahan selama beberapa waktu.
###food ###food
items.food.berry.name=dungeon berry items.food.berry.name=beri dungeon
items.food.berry.eat_msg=That berry was tasty! items.food.berry.eat_msg=beri itu rasanya enak!
items.food.berry.desc=This small berry was found by the huntress among the dungeon's vegetation. It can be eaten quickly, restores a small amount of satiety, and might contain a usable seed! items.food.berry.desc=Beri kecil ini ditemukan oleh huntress di antara tumbuhan dungeon. Itu dapat dimakan dengan cepat, mengembalikan sedikit rasa kenyang, dan mungkin berisi benih yang dapat digunakan!
items.food.blandfruit.name=buah campur items.food.blandfruit.name=buah campur
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=buah campur masak items.food.blandfruit.cooked=buah campur masak
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Ketika bereaksi dengan udara luar, caira
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=ramuan kemurnian items.potions.potionofpurity.name=ramuan kemurnian
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Kau merasakan kesegaran tidak biasa di udara. items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Kau merasakan kesegaran tidak biasa di udara.
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Selaput protektif menyelubungimu! items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Selaput protektif menyelubungimu!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=This magical reagent will quickly neutralize all harmful area-bound effects in a large area. Drinking it will give you temporary immunity to such effects. items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Reagen sihir ini akan menetralkan semua efek berbahaya di area yang besar dengan cepat. Jika meminumnya, maka kau akan imun terhadap berbagai efek.
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=ramuan kekuatan items.potions.potionofstrength.name=ramuan kekuatan
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 kekuatan items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 kekuatan
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=Dalam sekejap mata kau sudah berpindah
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Aura sihir yang kuat di tempat ini mencegahmu untuk teleportasi! items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Aura sihir yang kuat di tempat ini mencegahmu untuk teleportasi!
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Kau tidak bisa teleport ke sana. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Kau tidak bisa teleport ke sana.
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Pilih lokasi untuk teleport items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Pilih lokasi untuk teleport
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=The spell on this parchment instantly transports the reader to a different location on the dungeon level. The scroll prioritizes areas the reader hasn't been to before, though it is not able to teleport past locked doors or barricades. It can, however, reveal hidden doors that lead to new areas. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=Mantra yang ada pada perkamen ini akan membawa pembacanya ke lokasi lain di lantai yang sama dalam dungeon ini. Gulungan ini memprioritaskan tempat-tempat yang belum pernah terjamah oleh pembacanya, namun tetap tidak mampu menembus ruangan terkunci atau ruangan yang dibarikade. Namun begitu bisa menembus pintu rahasia yang membawanya ke area yang baru.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=gulungan teror items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=gulungan teror
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=gulungan itu mengeluarkan cahaya merah menyilaukan. items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=gulungan itu mengeluarkan cahaya merah menyilaukan.
@ -1122,9 +1122,9 @@ items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=Batu ini memunculkan domba ajaib untuk sementara
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=batu intuisi items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=batu intuisi
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Pilih sebuah item items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Pilih sebuah item
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of identification. Rather than directly identifying an item, it will work on your intuition, allowing you to attempt to identify the type of a potion, scroll, or ring by guessing. items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Batu kuno ini memiliki kekuatan lemah dari yang biasa ditemukan di gulungan identifikasi. Batu ini tidak langsung mengindentifikasi sebuah item, melainkan mengandalkan intuisimu, memberimu kesempatan mengidentifikasi ramuan, gulungan, atau cincin dengan cara menebaknya,
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the type of the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, the type will be identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Tebak jenis item yang belum teridentifikasi. Jika tebakanmu benar, benda itu akan otomatis teridentifikasi!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item's type has been identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Benar. Jenis item itu sudah diidentifikasi!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Tebakanmu salah. items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Tebakanmu salah.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=batu listrik items.stones.stoneofshock.name=batu listrik
@ -1396,7 +1396,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=JIWAI
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=TEMBAK items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=TEMBAK
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Pilih sebuah tongkat sihir items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Pilih sebuah tongkat sihir
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Kau menjiwai tongkatmu dengan %s. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Kau menjiwai tongkatmu dengan %s.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=The previous wand was preserved! items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=Tongkat sebelumnya dipertahankan!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Sihir yang berlawanan menghapus kekuatan di tongkatmu. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Sihir yang berlawanan menghapus kekuatan di tongkatmu.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Kau harus mengidentifikasi tongkat sihir ini dulu. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Kau harus mengidentifikasi tongkat sihir ini dulu.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Kau tidak dapat menggunakan tongkat sihir terkutuk. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Kau tidak dapat menggunakan tongkat sihir terkutuk.
@ -1615,8 +1615,8 @@ items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Kau harus mengidentifikasi armor itu dulu.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Kondisi armor ini terlalu jelek. items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Kondisi armor ini terlalu jelek.
items.brokenseal.affix=Kau menempelkan pin ke armormu! items.brokenseal.affix=Kau menempelkan pin ke armormu!
items.brokenseal.desc=Pin lilin, ditempelkan pada armor sebagai simbol keberanian. Semua ukiran di pin sudah rusak oleh usia dan telah patah di tengah.\n\nSebuah kenang-kenangan dari kampung halamannya, pin ini membantu pendekar bertarung. Saat memakai pin, pendekar perlahan-lahan menciptakan tameng di atas darahnya berdasarkan kualitas armornya.\n\nPin ini dapat _ditempelkan pada armor,_ dan dapat dipindahkan ke armor lain. Pin ini juga dapat membawa satu upgrade dengannya. items.brokenseal.desc=Pin lilin, ditempelkan pada armor sebagai simbol keberanian. Semua ukiran di pin sudah rusak oleh usia dan telah patah di tengah.\n\nSebuah kenang-kenangan dari kampung halamannya, pin ini membantu pendekar bertarung. Saat memakai pin, pendekar perlahan-lahan menciptakan tameng di atas darahnya berdasarkan kualitas armornya.\n\nPin ini dapat _ditempelkan pada armor,_ dan dapat dipindahkan ke armor lain. Pin ini juga dapat membawa satu upgrade dengannya.
items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choose a Glyph items.brokenseal.choose_title=Pilih Glyph
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later. items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Armor dan pin rusak membawa sebuah glyph. Pilih glyph mana yang harus disimpan.\n\nPerhatikan bahwa jika Kau memilih glyph yang saat ini ada di armor, pin tersebut tidak akan dapat mentransfernya nanti.
items.dewdrop.name=tetes embun items.dewdrop.name=tetes embun
items.dewdrop.value=%+dHP items.dewdrop.value=%+dHP

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@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.name=양 폭탄
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=이 개조된 폭탄은 폭발 이후 마법의 양떼를 소환합니다. 양들은 이동을 막고 일정 시간동안 형태를 유지할 것입니다. items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=이 개조된 폭탄은 폭발 이후 마법의 양떼를 소환합니다. 양들은 이동을 막고 일정 시간동안 형태를 유지할 것입니다.
###food ###food
items.food.berry.name=dungeon berry items.food.berry.name=작은 던전 열매
items.food.berry.eat_msg=That berry was tasty! items.food.berry.eat_msg=이 열매는 맛있었다!
items.food.berry.desc=This small berry was found by the huntress among the dungeon's vegetation. It can be eaten quickly, restores a small amount of satiety, and might contain a usable seed! items.food.berry.desc=이 작은 열매는 던전의 수풀을 뒤지던 사냥꾼에 의해 발견되었습니다. 빠르게 먹을 수 있으며, 약간의 배고픔을 해소해줍니다. 어쩌면 쓸만한 씨앗이 들었을지도 모릅니다.
items.food.blandfruit.name=단백과 items.food.blandfruit.name=단백과
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=조리된 단백과 items.food.blandfruit.cooked=조리된 단백과
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=이 용액이 공기에 노출되면 감
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=정화의 물약 items.potions.potionofpurity.name=정화의 물약
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=당신은 흔치 않은 공기의 상쾌함을 느꼈다. items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=당신은 흔치 않은 공기의 상쾌함을 느꼈다.
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=보호막이 당신을 감싼다! items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=보호막이 당신을 감싼다!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=This magical reagent will quickly neutralize all harmful area-bound effects in a large area. Drinking it will give you temporary immunity to such effects. items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=이 마법 용액은 넓은 구역 내의 모든 해로운 범위효과를 빠르게 정화시킵니다. 마시면 해당 효과들에 대해 잠시동안 면역이 됩니다.
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=힘의 물약 items.potions.potionofstrength.name=힘의 물약
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 힘 items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 힘
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=당신은 눈 깜짝할 사이에 이
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=이 장소에 있는 강력한 마법 오라가 당신의 공간이동을 방해했다! items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=이 장소에 있는 강력한 마법 오라가 당신의 공간이동을 방해했다!
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=당신은 그곳으로 순간이동할 수 없다. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=당신은 그곳으로 순간이동할 수 없다.
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=순간이동할 위치를 선택 items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=순간이동할 위치를 선택
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=The spell on this parchment instantly transports the reader to a different location on the dungeon level. The scroll prioritizes areas the reader hasn't been to before, though it is not able to teleport past locked doors or barricades. It can, however, reveal hidden doors that lead to new areas. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=이 양피지에 적힌 마법은 즉시 독자를 현재 층의 다른 위치로 이동시킵니다. 이 주문서는 독자가 이전에 가보지 못한 장소를 우선시하나, 잠긴 문이나 바리케이드를 통과하지 못합니다. 다만, 새로운 곳으로 향하는 숨겨진 문을 드러낼 수는 있습니다.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=공포의 주문서 items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=공포의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=주문서에서 눈이 부시도록 시뻘건 빛이 뿜어져 나왔다. items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=주문서에서 눈이 부시도록 시뻘건 빛이 뿜어져 나왔다.
@ -1122,9 +1122,9 @@ items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=이 돌은 던져진 지점 주변에 마법의
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=직감의 돌 items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=직감의 돌
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=아이템을 선택하세요 items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=아이템을 선택하세요
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of identification. Rather than directly identifying an item, it will work on your intuition, allowing you to attempt to identify the type of a potion, scroll, or ring by guessing. items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=이 룬석은 감정의 마법서보다 더 약하지만 같은 종류의 마법을 품고 있습니다. 직접적으로 아이템을 감정할 수는 없으나, 당신의 직감과 결합하여 지정한 물약이나 주문서, 혹은 반지의 종류를 추측해낼 수 있습니다.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the type of the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, the type will be identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=이 미감정된 아이템이 어떤 것인지 맞춰보세요. 정답을 골랐다면, 아이템의 종류가 감정될 것입니다!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item's type has been identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=정답입니다. 아이템의 종류가 감정되었습니다!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=당신의 추측은 틀렸습니다. items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=당신의 추측은 틀렸습니다.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=충격의 돌 items.stones.stoneofshock.name=충격의 돌
@ -1396,7 +1396,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=융합한다
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=발사한다 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=발사한다
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=마법 막대를 선택하세요 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=마법 막대를 선택하세요
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=당신은 당신의 지팡이와 %s를 합쳤다. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=당신은 당신의 지팡이와 %s를 합쳤다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=The previous wand was preserved! items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=이전에 융합했던 마법 막대가 보존되었다!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=상반되는 마법이 당신의 지팡이에 깃든 마법을 지워 버렸다. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=상반되는 마법이 당신의 지팡이에 깃든 마법을 지워 버렸다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=먼저 마법 막대를 감정해야 합니다. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=먼저 마법 막대를 감정해야 합니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=저주받은 마법 막대를 사용할 수 없습니다. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=저주받은 마법 막대를 사용할 수 없습니다.
@ -1615,8 +1615,8 @@ items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=먼저 갑옷을 감정해야 합니다.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=이 갑옷은 너무 열악해서 인장을 붙일 수 없다. items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=이 갑옷은 너무 열악해서 인장을 붙일 수 없다.
items.brokenseal.affix=갑옷에 인장을 붙였다! items.brokenseal.affix=갑옷에 인장을 붙였다!
items.brokenseal.desc=갑옷에 붙여 용맹함을 자랑할 수 있는 밀랍 인장입니다. 세월이 지나 인장의 무늬는 닳아 버렸고 중간 부분은 부러졌습니다.\n\n고향의 보물인 이 인장은 전사의 인내력을 돕습니다. 인장을 붙임으로써 최대 체력에 더하여 갑옷의 품질에 비례하는 추가 방어막을 얻을 수 있습니다.\n\n이 인장은 _갑옷에 붙일 수 있으며, 여러 갑옷에 옮겨 붙일 수 있습니다._ 또한 1만큼의 강화 수치를 이전시킬 수 있습니다. items.brokenseal.desc=갑옷에 붙여 용맹함을 자랑할 수 있는 밀랍 인장입니다. 세월이 지나 인장의 무늬는 닳아 버렸고 중간 부분은 부러졌습니다.\n\n고향의 보물인 이 인장은 전사의 인내력을 돕습니다. 인장을 붙임으로써 최대 체력에 더하여 갑옷의 품질에 비례하는 추가 방어막을 얻을 수 있습니다.\n\n이 인장은 _갑옷에 붙일 수 있으며, 여러 갑옷에 옮겨 붙일 수 있습니다._ 또한 1만큼의 강화 수치를 이전시킬 수 있습니다.
items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choose a Glyph items.brokenseal.choose_title=옮길 상형문자를 선택해주세요
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later. items.brokenseal.choose_desc=해당 갑옷과 부러진 인장에 모두 상형문자가 적혀있습니다. 보존할 상형문자를 선택해주세요.\n\n갑옷에 부여된 상형문자를 보존할 경우, 이후 인장을 옮길 때 그 상형문자를 같이 옮기지 않습니다.
items.dewdrop.name=이슬 items.dewdrop.name=이슬
items.dewdrop.value=%+dHP items.dewdrop.value=%+dHP

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@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba wełniasta
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Ta spreparowana bomba wytworzy całe stado magicznych owiec przy eksplozji. Owce te będą blokować poruszanie się przez kilka tur, po czym znikną. items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Ta spreparowana bomba wytworzy całe stado magicznych owiec przy eksplozji. Owce te będą blokować poruszanie się przez kilka tur, po czym znikną.
###food ###food
items.food.berry.name=dungeon berry items.food.berry.name=dzika jagoda
items.food.berry.eat_msg=That berry was tasty! items.food.berry.eat_msg=Ta jagoda była przepyszna!
items.food.berry.desc=This small berry was found by the huntress among the dungeon's vegetation. It can be eaten quickly, restores a small amount of satiety, and might contain a usable seed! items.food.berry.desc=Ta mała jagoda była znaleziona przez łowczynię wśród roślinności lochu. Może być spożyta szybko, można się nią troszkę najeść, a może też mieć przydane nasionko!
items.food.blandfruit.name=mdły owoc items.food.blandfruit.name=mdły owoc
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=ugotowany mdły owoc items.food.blandfruit.cooked=ugotowany mdły owoc
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Po otwarciu, ciecz w fiolce wyparuje two
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=mikstura czystości items.potions.potionofpurity.name=mikstura czystości
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Czujesz nadzwyczajną świeżość w powietrzu. items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Czujesz nadzwyczajną świeżość w powietrzu.
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Cienka błona z powietrza chroni cię! items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Cienka błona z powietrza chroni cię!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=This magical reagent will quickly neutralize all harmful area-bound effects in a large area. Drinking it will give you temporary immunity to such effects. items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Ta magiczna substancja szybko zneutralizuje wszystkie szkodliwe efekty obszarowe na dużym obszarze. Wypicie jej da ci tymczasową odporność przeciw tym efektem.
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=mikstura siły items.potions.potionofstrength.name=mikstura siły
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 SIŁY items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 SIŁY
@ -1123,8 +1123,8 @@ items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=Ten kamień runiczny przywołuje magiczne owce na
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=kamień intuicji items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=kamień intuicji
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Wybierz przedmiot items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Wybierz przedmiot
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of identification. Rather than directly identifying an item, it will work on your intuition, allowing you to attempt to identify the type of a potion, scroll, or ring by guessing. items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of identification. Rather than directly identifying an item, it will work on your intuition, allowing you to attempt to identify the type of a potion, scroll, or ring by guessing.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the type of the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, the type will be identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Zgadnij typ niezidentyfikowanego przedmiotu. Jeżeli zgadniesz poprawnie, typ zostanie zidentyfikowany!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item's type has been identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Prawidłowa odpowiedź. Typ przedmiotu został zidentyfikowany!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Twoje przypuszczenia były błędne. items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Twoje przypuszczenia były błędne.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=szokujący kamień items.stones.stoneofshock.name=szokujący kamień
@ -1396,7 +1396,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=POŁĄCZ
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=STRZEL items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=STRZEL
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Wybierz różdżkę items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Wybierz różdżkę
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Nasyciłeś swój kostur %s. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Nasyciłeś swój kostur %s.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=The previous wand was preserved! items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=Poprzednia różdżka została zachowana!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Walcząca magia wymazuje zaklęcie twojego kosturu items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Walcząca magia wymazuje zaklęcie twojego kosturu
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Musisz najpierw zidentyfikować tę różdżkę. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Musisz najpierw zidentyfikować tę różdżkę.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Nie możesz użyć przeklętej różdżki items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Nie możesz użyć przeklętej różdżki
@ -1615,7 +1615,7 @@ items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Musisz najpierw zidentyfikować tę zbroję.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Stan tej zbroi jest zbyt opłakany. items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Stan tej zbroi jest zbyt opłakany.
items.brokenseal.affix=Zakładasz pieczęć na swoją zbroję! items.brokenseal.affix=Zakładasz pieczęć na swoją zbroję!
items.brokenseal.desc=Woskowa pieczęć, umieszczona na zbroi jako symbol waleczności. Jest bardzo zniszczona.\n\nTo pamiątka z jego ojczyzny. Pieczęć pomaga Wojownikowi przetrwać. Nosząc pieczęć, Wojownik powoli wytworzy osłonę jako dodatek do punktów życia zależną od jakości wykonania jego zbroi.\n\nPieczęć może zostać _umieszczona na zbroi_ i przeniesiona na inną wraz z jednym ulepszeniem. items.brokenseal.desc=Woskowa pieczęć, umieszczona na zbroi jako symbol waleczności. Jest bardzo zniszczona.\n\nTo pamiątka z jego ojczyzny. Pieczęć pomaga Wojownikowi przetrwać. Nosząc pieczęć, Wojownik powoli wytworzy osłonę jako dodatek do punktów życia zależną od jakości wykonania jego zbroi.\n\nPieczęć może zostać _umieszczona na zbroi_ i przeniesiona na inną wraz z jednym ulepszeniem.
items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choose a Glyph items.brokenseal.choose_title=Wybierz glif
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later. items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later.
items.dewdrop.name=kropla rosy items.dewdrop.name=kropla rosy

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@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Após ser exposto ao ar, o líquido dest
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=poção de pureza items.potions.potionofpurity.name=poção de pureza
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Você sente um frescor incomum no ar. items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Você sente um frescor incomum no ar.
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Uma película protetora te envolve! items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Uma película protetora te envolve!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=This magical reagent will quickly neutralize all harmful area-bound effects in a large area. Drinking it will give you temporary immunity to such effects. items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Este reagente mágico neutralizará rapidamente todos os efeitos nocivos em uma grande área. Beber isso lhe dará imunidade temporária a tais efeitos.
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=poção da força items.potions.potionofstrength.name=poção da força
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 força items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 força
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=Em um piscar de olhos, você foi teletr
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Uma aura potente neste lugar impede a sua teletransportação! items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Uma aura potente neste lugar impede a sua teletransportação!
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Você não pode se teletransportar para lá. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Você não pode se teletransportar para lá.
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Escolha uma localização para se teletransportar items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Escolha uma localização para se teletransportar
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=The spell on this parchment instantly transports the reader to a different location on the dungeon level. The scroll prioritizes areas the reader hasn't been to before, though it is not able to teleport past locked doors or barricades. It can, however, reveal hidden doors that lead to new areas. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=O feitiço deste pergaminho transporta instantaneamente o leitor para um local diferente no andar da masmorra. O pergaminho prioriza áreas para as quais o leitor não esteve antes, porém não é capaz de se teletransportar através de portas trancadas ou barricadas. Ele pode, no entanto, revelar portas escondidas que levam a novas áreas.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=pergaminho do terror items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=pergaminho do terror
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=O pergaminho emite uma brilhante luz vermelha. items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=O pergaminho emite uma brilhante luz vermelha.
@ -1122,9 +1122,9 @@ items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=Esta pedra rúnica invoca ovelhas mágicas por um
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=pedra de intuição items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=pedra de intuição
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Selecione um item items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Selecione um item
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of identification. Rather than directly identifying an item, it will work on your intuition, allowing you to attempt to identify the type of a potion, scroll, or ring by guessing. items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Esta pedra rúnica contém uma versão mais fraca da magia encontrada em pergaminhos da identificação. Ao invés de identificar um item diretamente, ela irá trabalhar usando sua intuição, permitindo que você tente identificar o tipo de um pergaminho, anel ou poção através da adivinhação.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the type of the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, the type will be identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Adivinhe que tipo o item não identificado é. Se você acertar corretamente, ele será identificado!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item's type has been identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correto. O tipo de item foi identificado!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Seu palpite está incorreto. items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Seu palpite está incorreto.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=pedra de choque items.stones.stoneofshock.name=pedra de choque

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@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.name=шерстяная бомба
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Эта модифицированная бомба при взрыве создаст стадо волшебных овец, которые могут служить временным заграждением. items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Эта модифицированная бомба при взрыве создаст стадо волшебных овец, которые могут служить временным заграждением.
###food ###food
items.food.berry.name=dungeon berry items.food.berry.name=Подземельная ягода
items.food.berry.eat_msg=That berry was tasty! items.food.berry.eat_msg=Эта ягода была вкусной!
items.food.berry.desc=This small berry was found by the huntress among the dungeon's vegetation. It can be eaten quickly, restores a small amount of satiety, and might contain a usable seed! items.food.berry.desc=Эта небольшая ягода, найденная охотницей среди растительности. Она быстро поедается и восстанавливает небольшое количество сытости, а так же может содержать полезное семя!
items.food.blandfruit.name=пустофрукт items.food.blandfruit.name=пустофрукт
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=сваренный пустофрукт items.food.blandfruit.cooked=сваренный пустофрукт
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=При контакте с открыт
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=зелье очищения items.potions.potionofpurity.name=зелье очищения
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Вы чувствуете, что на вас неожиданно пахнуло свежим воздухом. items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Вы чувствуете, что на вас неожиданно пахнуло свежим воздухом.
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Некое подобие защитной пленки обволакивает вас! items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Некое подобие защитной пленки обволакивает вас!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=This magical reagent will quickly neutralize all harmful area-bound effects in a large area. Drinking it will give you temporary immunity to such effects. items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Этот магический реагент способен моментально нейтрализовать все вредоносные газы в большой зоне. Выпив его, вы получите временный иммунитет к газам любого рода.
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=зелье силы items.potions.potionofstrength.name=зелье силы
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 сила items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 сила
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=В мгновенье ока вы ок
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Мощная волшебная аура в этом месте не позволяет вам телепортироваться! items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Мощная волшебная аура в этом месте не позволяет вам телепортироваться!
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Вы не можете телепортироваться сюда. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Вы не можете телепортироваться сюда.
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Куда телепортироваться? items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Куда телепортироваться?
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=The spell on this parchment instantly transports the reader to a different location on the dungeon level. The scroll prioritizes areas the reader hasn't been to before, though it is not able to teleport past locked doors or barricades. It can, however, reveal hidden doors that lead to new areas. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=Магия этого свитка мгновенно переносит прочитавшего в случайную локацию на этом же этаже. Свиток чаще всего переносит в те места, в которых прочитавший ещё не был до этого, но не может телепортировать за закрытые двери или баррикады. Однако, он способен показать скрытые двери, которые ведут в новые области.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=свиток ужаса items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=свиток ужаса
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=Свиток излучает яркий красный свет. items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=Свиток излучает яркий красный свет.
@ -1122,9 +1122,9 @@ items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=Этот рунный камень на коро
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=камень интуиции items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=камень интуиции
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Выберите предмет items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Выберите предмет
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of identification. Rather than directly identifying an item, it will work on your intuition, allowing you to attempt to identify the type of a potion, scroll, or ring by guessing. items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Этот рунный камень содержит ослабленную версию той магии, что присутствует в свитках опознания. Вместо того, чтобы напрямую раскрыть секреты предмета, он воздействует на вашу интуицию, позволяя угадать назначение зелья или свитка.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the type of the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, the type will be identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Угадай тип неопознанного предмета. Если отгадаешь, то он будет опознан!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item's type has been identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Вы угадали. Предмет был опознан!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Вы не угадали. items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Вы не угадали.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=камень шока items.stones.stoneofshock.name=камень шока
@ -1615,8 +1615,8 @@ items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Сперва вам нужно опознать
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Эта броня в слишком плохом состоянии. items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Эта броня в слишком плохом состоянии.
items.brokenseal.affix=Вы прикрепили печать к броне! items.brokenseal.affix=Вы прикрепили печать к броне!
items.brokenseal.desc=Восковая печать, прикреплённая к броне как символ отваги. Все знаки со временем стёрлись и печать треснула посередине.\n\nБудучи памятью о доме, эта печать укрепляет воина. Когда он её носит, он медленно накапливает поверх своего здоровья щит, который зависит от качества его брони.\n\nПечать можно _прикрепить к броне,_ а можно снять. Она способна перенести один уровень улучшения. items.brokenseal.desc=Восковая печать, прикреплённая к броне как символ отваги. Все знаки со временем стёрлись и печать треснула посередине.\n\nБудучи памятью о доме, эта печать укрепляет воина. Когда он её носит, он медленно накапливает поверх своего здоровья щит, который зависит от качества его брони.\n\nПечать можно _прикрепить к броне,_ а можно снять. Она способна перенести один уровень улучшения.
items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choose a Glyph items.brokenseal.choose_title=Выберите руну
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later. items.brokenseal.choose_desc=И эта броня и сломанная печать несут руну. Выберите, какую руну необходимо сохранить. \n\nОбратите внимание, что если вы выберите руну, которая сейчас на броне, печать не сможет перенести ее позже.
items.dewdrop.name=капля росы items.dewdrop.name=капля росы
items.dewdrop.value=%+d ОЗ items.dewdrop.value=%+d ОЗ

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@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.name=yünlü bomba
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Bu özel bomba patlamak yerine büyülü bir kuzu sürüsü yaratacaktır. Bu kuzular var oldukları süre boyunca aralarından herhangi bir şeyin geçmesine engel olacaktır. items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Bu özel bomba patlamak yerine büyülü bir kuzu sürüsü yaratacaktır. Bu kuzular var oldukları süre boyunca aralarından herhangi bir şeyin geçmesine engel olacaktır.
###food ###food
items.food.berry.name=dungeon berry items.food.berry.name=Zindan Dutu
items.food.berry.eat_msg=That berry was tasty! items.food.berry.eat_msg=O dut lezzetliydi !
items.food.berry.desc=This small berry was found by the huntress among the dungeon's vegetation. It can be eaten quickly, restores a small amount of satiety, and might contain a usable seed! items.food.berry.desc=Bu küçük dut avcı tarafından zindanın yeşilliği arasından bulundu. Hızlıca yenebilir, bir miktar doyurur ve belki bir tohum içeriyordur!
items.food.blandfruit.name=tatsız meyve items.food.blandfruit.name=tatsız meyve
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=pişmiş tatsızmeyve items.food.blandfruit.cooked=pişmiş tatsızmeyve
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Açık hava ile temas ettiğinde bu şi
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=temizlik iksiri items.potions.potionofpurity.name=temizlik iksiri
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Havada sıradışı bir tazelik hissediyorsun. items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Havada sıradışı bir tazelik hissediyorsun.
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Koruyucu bir tabaka seni örtüyor! items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Koruyucu bir tabaka seni örtüyor!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=This magical reagent will quickly neutralize all harmful area-bound effects in a large area. Drinking it will give you temporary immunity to such effects. items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Bu sihirli ayraç büyük bir alandaki tüm zemine bağlı zararlı etkileri etkisiz halle getirir. bunu içmek sana bu etkilere geçici bağışıklılık kazandırır.
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=güç iksiri items.potions.potionofstrength.name=güç iksiri
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 güç items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 güç
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=Göz açıp kapayıncaya kadar bu katta
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Buradaki güçlü büyüsel atmosfer ışınlanmanı engelliyor! items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Buradaki güçlü büyüsel atmosfer ışınlanmanı engelliyor!
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Oraya ışınlanamazsın. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Oraya ışınlanamazsın.
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=ınlanmak istediğin yeri seç items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=ınlanmak istediğin yeri seç
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=The spell on this parchment instantly transports the reader to a different location on the dungeon level. The scroll prioritizes areas the reader hasn't been to before, though it is not able to teleport past locked doors or barricades. It can, however, reveal hidden doors that lead to new areas. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=Bu parşömenin üstündeki büyü okuyucuyu anında başka bir yere ışınlar. Parşömen okuyanın daha önce gitmediği yerlere öncelik gösterir ama kilitli kapıları veya barikatların ardına geçemez. Bununla birlikte, yeni alanlara açılan gizli kapıları ortaya çıkarabilir.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=terör parşömeni items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=terör parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=Parşömen muazzam bir kırmızı ışık parlaması yayıyor. items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=Parşömen muazzam bir kırmızı ışık parlaması yayıyor.
@ -1122,9 +1122,9 @@ items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=Bu rüntaşı fırlatıldığı bölgede kısa bi
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=sezgi taşı items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=sezgi taşı
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Bir eşya seç items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Bir eşya seç
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of identification. Rather than directly identifying an item, it will work on your intuition, allowing you to attempt to identify the type of a potion, scroll, or ring by guessing. items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Bu rüntaşı tanımlama parşömeninin büyüsünün daha zayıf bir versiyonuna sahip. Kullanıldığı eşyayı direk tanımlamak yerine sezgilerinizle çalışır ve bir iksiri, parşömeni veya yüzüğü tahmin ederek tanımlamanızı sağlar.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the type of the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, the type will be identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Tanımlanmamış eşyanın tipini tahmin edin. Tahmininiz doğruysa, tip tanımlanır!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item's type has been identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Doğru. Bu eşya tipi tanımlandı!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Tahminin yanlıştı. items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Tahminin yanlıştı.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=şok taşı items.stones.stoneofshock.name=şok taşı
@ -1396,7 +1396,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=İŞLE
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=VUR items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=VUR
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Bir asa seç items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Bir asa seç
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Değneğe %s işledin. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Değneğe %s işledin.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=The previous wand was preserved! items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=Önceki asa korundu!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Çatışan büyüler değneğindeki efsunu sildi. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Çatışan büyüler değneğindeki efsunu sildi.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Önce bu asayı tanımlaman gerekiyor. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Önce bu asayı tanımlaman gerekiyor.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Lanetli bir asa kullanamazsın. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Lanetli bir asa kullanamazsın.
@ -1615,8 +1615,8 @@ items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Önce bu zırhı tanımlaman gerekiyor.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Bu zırhın durumu çok kötü. items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Bu zırhın durumu çok kötü.
items.brokenseal.affix=Mührü zırhına taktın! items.brokenseal.affix=Mührü zırhına taktın!
items.brokenseal.desc=Bir mumdan mühür, yiğitlik sembolü olarak zırha takılır. Mührün üzerindeki tüm işaretler zamanla yıpranmış ve ortadan ikiye kırılmış.\n\nEvinden bir hatıra, mühür savaşçının sonuna kadar direnmesine yardımcı oluyor. Mührü kuşandıkça savaşçı sağlığının üzerine zırhının kalitesine bağlı olarak kalkan oluşturur.\n\nMühür _bir zırha takılabilir_ ve zırhlar arasında taşınabilir. Kendisiyle beraber bir yükseltme taşıyabilir. items.brokenseal.desc=Bir mumdan mühür, yiğitlik sembolü olarak zırha takılır. Mührün üzerindeki tüm işaretler zamanla yıpranmış ve ortadan ikiye kırılmış.\n\nEvinden bir hatıra, mühür savaşçının sonuna kadar direnmesine yardımcı oluyor. Mührü kuşandıkça savaşçı sağlığının üzerine zırhının kalitesine bağlı olarak kalkan oluşturur.\n\nMühür _bir zırha takılabilir_ ve zırhlar arasında taşınabilir. Kendisiyle beraber bir yükseltme taşıyabilir.
items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choose a Glyph items.brokenseal.choose_title=Bir rün seçin.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later. items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Zırh da kırık mühür de rün taşıyor. Hangi rünün tutulacağını seçin.\n\nEğer zırhın üstündeki rünü seçersiniz, mühür bu rünü sonradan taşıyamaz.
items.dewdrop.name=çiy damlası items.dewdrop.name=çiy damlası
items.dewdrop.value=%+dSP items.dewdrop.value=%+dSP

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@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ items.armor.roguearmor.name=盗贼风衣
items.armor.roguearmor.ac_special=烟幕爆炸 items.armor.roguearmor.ac_special=烟幕爆炸
items.armor.roguearmor.fov=你只能跳到视野范围内的空格子里 items.armor.roguearmor.fov=你只能跳到视野范围内的空格子里
items.armor.roguearmor.prompt=选择要跳到的位置 items.armor.roguearmor.prompt=选择要跳到的位置
items.armor.roguearmor.desc=穿着这个隐蔽气息的制服,盗贼能够在原地制造一片烟幕,致盲周围的所有敌人,跳跃到视野以内的指定位置并暂时遁入隐身。\n\n释放特技需要消耗护甲35%的能量,这种能量会随着盗贼获取经验积累。 items.armor.roguearmor.desc=穿着这个隐蔽气息的制服,盗贼能够在原地制造一片烟幕,致盲相邻的的所有敌人,跳跃到视野以内的指定位置并暂时遁入隐身。\n\n释放特技需要消耗护甲35%的能量,这种能量会随着盗贼获取经验积累。
items.armor.scalearmor.name=鳞甲 items.armor.scalearmor.name=鳞甲
items.armor.scalearmor.desc=在厚实的皮背心中缝入金属鳞片,形成了灵活而高防御的护甲。 items.armor.scalearmor.desc=在厚实的皮背心中缝入金属鳞片,形成了灵活而高防御的护甲。
@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.name=绵绵炸弹
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹在爆炸后会召出一群魔法绵羊。这群羊会留在原地一阵,在此期间成为阻碍几乎一切行动的障碍物。 items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹在爆炸后会召出一群魔法绵羊。这群羊会留在原地一阵,在此期间成为阻碍几乎一切行动的障碍物。
###food ###food
items.food.berry.name=dungeon berry items.food.berry.name=地牢浆果
items.food.berry.eat_msg=That berry was tasty! items.food.berry.eat_msg=酸甜可口,真棒!
items.food.berry.desc=This small berry was found by the huntress among the dungeon's vegetation. It can be eaten quickly, restores a small amount of satiety, and might contain a usable seed! items.food.berry.desc=这些小浆果是女猎手在地牢的植被中摘下的,可以迅速地吃下以稍稍填饱肚子,且有可能找到有用的种子!
items.food.blandfruit.name=无味果 items.food.blandfruit.name=无味果
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=煮熟的无味果 items.food.blandfruit.cooked=煮熟的无味果
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=暴露于空气时,烧瓶里的液体
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=净化药剂 items.potions.potionofpurity.name=净化药剂
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=你闻到了空气中不寻常的清新气息。 items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=你闻到了空气中不寻常的清新气息。
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=你被一层薄薄的魔法屏障包裹住保护着! items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=你被一层薄薄的魔法屏障包裹住保护着!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=This magical reagent will quickly neutralize all harmful area-bound effects in a large area. Drinking it will give you temporary immunity to such effects. items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=这种魔法试剂能迅速中和掉大范围内的各种有害环境。饮用它将使你暂时免疫这种环境。
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=力量药剂 items.potions.potionofstrength.name=力量药剂
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1力量 items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1力量
@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=这瓶秘药会赋予饮用者持
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=水灵秘药 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=水灵秘药
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=这瓶秘药中包含着被粘咕力量强化的治疗液体。它不会为你提供立即的治疗效果,而会当你站在水中时逐渐为你恢复总量更大的生命值。 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=这瓶秘药中包含着被粘咕力量强化的治疗液体。它不会为你提供立即的治疗效果,而会当你站在水中时逐渐为你恢复总量更大的生命值。
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=水灵恢复 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=水灵恢复
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=你暂时获得了如同粘咕一样的恢复能力。\n\n当站在水面上时你每回合都能够回复少量生命值。生命值全满或离开水面时会暂停该效果。\n\n水灵恢复持续时长%d。 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=你暂时获得了如同粘咕一样的恢复能力。\n\n当站在水面上时你每回合都能够回复少量生命值。生命值全满或离开水面时会暂停该效果。\n\n剩余的恢复量%d。
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=龙血秘药 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=龙血秘药
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=饮用后,这瓶秘药会使饮用者的血管里充斥着烈焰的力量。这个效果能让引用者对火焰完全免疫,并且还能通过物理攻击点燃敌人。 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=饮用后,这瓶秘药会使饮用者的血管里充斥着烈焰的力量。这个效果能让引用者对火焰完全免疫,并且还能通过物理攻击点燃敌人。
@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1力量+%d生命上限
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=新生的力量在你体内喷薄而出。 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=新生的力量在你体内喷薄而出。
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=这种强力的液体会冲刷你的根骨永久性增加1点力量值并在一段时间内增加%d点生命上限。增强的生命上限值取决于你当前的最大生命值不过增强值会随着等级提升而逐渐消失。 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=这种强力的液体会冲刷你的根骨永久性增加1点力量值并在一段时间内增加%d点生命上限。增强的生命上限值取决于你当前的最大生命值不过增强值会随着等级提升而逐渐消失。
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.name=生命力强化 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.name=生命力强化
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=你觉得自己不同寻常的强壮与健康。\n\n你的最大生命在一段时间内会有所提升。生命提升会随着你的升级缓慢而稳定地消失。\n\n当前生命提升量: %d。\n剩余效等级: %d。 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=你觉得自己不同寻常的强壮与健康。\n\n你的最大生命在一段时间内会有所提升。生命提升会随着你的升级缓慢而稳定地消失。\n\n当前生命提升量: %d。\n剩余效等级: %d。
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.name=毒粹秘药 items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.name=毒粹秘药
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=该秘药能够向使用者注入强大的毒素之力,使用者在持续时间内将免疫毒气和毒素,并会在周身不断释放出致命的毒雾。 items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=该秘药能够向使用者注入强大的毒素之力,使用者在持续时间内将免疫毒气和毒素,并会在周身不断释放出致命的毒雾。
@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ items.rings.ringofhaste.desc=这枚戒指减轻了配戴者在移动时的负担
items.rings.ringofmight.name=根骨之戒 items.rings.ringofmight.name=根骨之戒
items.rings.ringofmight.stats=佩戴这枚戒指时你的力量会增加_%1$d_你的最大生命值会增加_%2$s%%_。 items.rings.ringofmight.stats=佩戴这枚戒指时你的力量会增加_%1$d_你的最大生命值会增加_%2$s%%_。
items.rings.ringofmight.typical_stats=佩戴这枚戒指时你的力量通常会提升_%1$d_点并且最大生命值通常会增加_%2$s%%_。 items.rings.ringofmight.typical_stats=佩戴这枚戒指时你的力量通常会提升_%1$d_点并且最大生命值通常会增加_%2$s%%_。
items.rings.ringofmight.desc=这枚戒指会增强戴者的体质,使其拥有更强的力量与体格。负等级的戒指则会使人虚弱。 items.rings.ringofmight.desc=这枚戒指会增强戴者的体质,使其拥有更强的力量与体格。负等级的戒指则会使人虚弱。
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.name=神射之戒 items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.name=神射之戒
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.stats=佩戴这枚戒指时你的投掷武器威力等级会提升_%1$d_级耐久度会提升_%2$s%%_。 items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.stats=佩戴这枚戒指时你的投掷武器威力等级会提升_%1$d_级耐久度会提升_%2$s%%_。
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=眨眼之间你就被传送到本层的
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=强大的魔力流阻止了你的传送! items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=强大的魔力流阻止了你的传送!
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=你不能传送到那个位置。 items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=你不能传送到那个位置。
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=选择想要传送的地点 items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=选择想要传送的地点
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=The spell on this parchment instantly transports the reader to a different location on the dungeon level. The scroll prioritizes areas the reader hasn't been to before, though it is not able to teleport past locked doors or barricades. It can, however, reveal hidden doors that lead to new areas. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=羊皮纸上的咒语能立刻让阅读者传送到本层的另一处。卷轴会优先选择阅读者还未探索的地方,但无法将人传送到门被锁或被路障堵住入口的密室中。不过,它能帮助发现通向未知区域的隐藏门。
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=恐惧卷轴 items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=恐惧卷轴
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=这个卷轴产生了一阵明亮的红色闪光。 items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=这个卷轴产生了一阵明亮的红色闪光。
@ -1122,9 +1122,9 @@ items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=这颗符石被扔出后会在目的地召唤一
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=感知符石 items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=感知符石
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=选择一件物品 items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=选择一件物品
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of identification. Rather than directly identifying an item, it will work on your intuition, allowing you to attempt to identify the type of a potion, scroll, or ring by guessing. items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=这块符石含有的魔法就像一个弱化版的鉴定卷轴。和鉴定卷轴那种直接识别物品的魔法不一样,它会加强你的直觉,让你通过猜测来试图鉴定一种药水、卷轴或者戒指的种类。
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the type of the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, the type will be identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=猜猜这件未鉴定道具是什么。猜对了的话就会鉴定物品种类!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item's type has been identified! items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=猜对了。这种物品被鉴定了!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=你猜错了。 items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=你猜错了。
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=电击符石 items.stones.stoneofshock.name=电击符石
@ -1396,7 +1396,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=灌注
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=释放 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_zap=释放
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=选择一根要吸收的法杖 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=选择一根要吸收的法杖
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=你将%s注入魔杖。 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=你将%s注入魔杖。
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=The previous wand was preserved! items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=你保留了之前灌注的法杖!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=相互冲突的魔法抹去了你魔杖上的附魔。 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=相互冲突的魔法抹去了你魔杖上的附魔。
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=你需要先鉴定这根法杖。 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=你需要先鉴定这根法杖。
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=你不能注入一根受诅咒的法杖。 items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=你不能注入一根受诅咒的法杖。
@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=这些飞镖上涂着一种由冰
items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.name=飞镖 items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.name=飞镖
items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=涂药 items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=涂药
items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.prompt=选择一种子 items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.prompt=选择一种子
items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=为飞镖涂药 items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=为飞镖涂药
items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=一个种子可以为 1~2 枚飞镖涂药。每类种子都能产生对应的,具有独特效果的一次性涂药飞镖。\n\n将这些种子涂抹在飞镖上能得到 _%s。_ items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=一个种子可以为 1~2 枚飞镖涂药。每类种子都能产生对应的,具有独特效果的一次性涂药飞镖。\n\n将这些种子涂抹在飞镖上能得到 _%s。_
items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=用 %2$d 颗种子为 %1$d 枚飞镖涂药 items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=用 %2$d 颗种子为 %1$d 枚飞镖涂药
@ -1531,7 +1531,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.ondeath=你被自己的震爆方石震成了碎
items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=这种奇形怪状的武器小到可以握在掌心,但极其沉重。命中目的地后,这种武器会把冲击力发散到一个小范围内,对波及区域内的所有单位造成伤害。 items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=这种奇形怪状的武器小到可以握在掌心,但极其沉重。命中目的地后,这种武器会把冲击力发散到一个小范围内,对波及区域内的所有单位造成伤害。
items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.name=重型回旋镖 items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.name=重型回旋镖
items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=这把大块头回旋镖使用起来困难,但能造成可观的伤害。被扔出的几回合后,它会飞回到扔出的地点。 items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=这把大块头回旋镖笨重难用,但能造成可观的伤害。扔出后,它会在几回合内飞回到扔出的地点。
items.weapon.missiles.javelin.name=标枪 items.weapon.missiles.javelin.name=标枪
items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=这些大号投掷用长枪上的配重保证它们会以尖端为首飞向目标。 items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=这些大号投掷用长枪上的配重保证它们会以尖端为首飞向目标。
@ -1579,7 +1579,7 @@ items.weapon.spiritbow.desc=一把由远古灵木制成的弓,弓弦和弓身
items.weapon.weapon.identify=你对手中的武器已经足够熟悉并将其完全鉴定。 items.weapon.weapon.identify=你对手中的武器已经足够熟悉并将其完全鉴定。
items.weapon.weapon.too_heavy=因为你的力量不足,该武器会降低你的攻速和精准,并让你无法偷袭。 items.weapon.weapon.too_heavy=因为你的力量不足,该武器会降低你的攻速和精准,并让你无法偷袭。
items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=你的额外力量让你在使用这件武器时能够造成_%d点额外伤害_。 items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=你的额外力量让你在使用这件武器时最多能够造成_%d点额外伤害_。
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=不同属性的魔法相冲突,消除了武器上的附魔! items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=不同属性的魔法相冲突,消除了武器上的附魔!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=由于这件武器被诅咒,你无法将其放下。 items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=由于这件武器被诅咒,你无法将其放下。
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=你能感觉到这件武器里潜伏着一股充满恶意的魔力。 items.weapon.weapon.cursed=你能感觉到这件武器里潜伏着一股充满恶意的魔力。
@ -1615,8 +1615,8 @@ items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=你需要先鉴定那件护甲。
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=这件护甲的状况实在太糟糕了。 items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=这件护甲的状况实在太糟糕了。
items.brokenseal.affix=你将纹章佩挂在了护甲上! items.brokenseal.affix=你将纹章佩挂在了护甲上!
items.brokenseal.desc=一枚蜡制纹章,被贴在护甲上作为勇气的象征。纹章上的印记已被岁月磨损殆尽,还从中裂成两瓣。\n\n这是一件来自家乡的纪念物在纹章的支持下战士会变得不屈不挠。佩戴纹章时战士能缓慢获得基于护甲品质的额外生命护盾。\n\n纹章可以被_贴附在护甲上_并能在护甲间转移。它能够携带一次升级。 items.brokenseal.desc=一枚蜡制纹章,被贴在护甲上作为勇气的象征。纹章上的印记已被岁月磨损殆尽,还从中裂成两瓣。\n\n这是一件来自家乡的纪念物在纹章的支持下战士会变得不屈不挠。佩戴纹章时战士能缓慢获得基于护甲品质的额外生命护盾。\n\n纹章可以被_贴附在护甲上_并能在护甲间转移。它能够携带一次升级。
items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choose a Glyph items.brokenseal.choose_title=选择一个刻印
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later. items.brokenseal.choose_desc=这件护甲与破损纹章都携带着一个刻印。请选择一个想保留的刻印。\n\n注意如果选择保留护甲的刻印纹章将无法转移此刻印。
items.dewdrop.name=露珠 items.dewdrop.name=露珠
items.dewdrop.value=%+d点生命 items.dewdrop.value=%+d点生命

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@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ levels.caveslevel.high_grass_name=Světelkující houby
levels.caveslevel.water_name=Ledově chladná voda levels.caveslevel.water_name=Ledově chladná voda
levels.caveslevel.entrance_desc=Žebřík vedoucí do horního podlaží. levels.caveslevel.entrance_desc=Žebřík vedoucí do horního podlaží.
levels.caveslevel.exit_desc=Žebřík vedoucí do dolního podlaží. levels.caveslevel.exit_desc=Žebřík vedoucí do dolního podlaží.
levels.caveslevel.high_grass_desc=Velká houba blokuje tvůj výhled. levels.caveslevel.high_grass_desc=Velká houba blokuje výhled.
levels.caveslevel.wall_deco_desc=Ve zdi jsou vidět kusy nějakého nerostu. Zlato? levels.caveslevel.wall_deco_desc=Ve zdi jsou vidět kusy nějakého nerostu. Zlato?
levels.caveslevel.bookshelf_desc=Kdo by potřeboval knihovnu v jeskyni? levels.caveslevel.bookshelf_desc=Kdo by potřeboval knihovnu v jeskyni?
levels.citylevel.water_name=Podezřele barevná voda levels.citylevel.water_name=Podezřele barevná voda
levels.citylevel.high_grass_name=Vysoké kvetoucí květiny levels.citylevel.high_grass_name=Vysoké kvetoucí rostliny
levels.citylevel.entrance_desc=Schody vedoucí do horního podlaží. levels.citylevel.entrance_desc=Schody vedoucí do horního podlaží.
levels.citylevel.exit_desc=Schody vedoucí do dolního podlaží. levels.citylevel.exit_desc=Schody vedoucí do dolního podlaží.
levels.citylevel.deco_desc=Chybí tu několik dlaždic. levels.citylevel.deco_desc=Chybí tu několik dlaždic.
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ levels.level.water_desc=V případě že hoříš, vkroč do vody pro uhašení
levels.level.entrance_desc=Schody vedoucí do horního podlaží. levels.level.entrance_desc=Schody vedoucí do horního podlaží.
levels.level.exit_desc=Schody vedoucí do dolního podlaží. levels.level.exit_desc=Schody vedoucí do dolního podlaží.
levels.level.embers_desc=Podlahu pokrývají ohořeliny. levels.level.embers_desc=Podlahu pokrývají ohořeliny.
levels.level.high_grass_desc=Hustá tráva blokuje tvůj výhled. levels.level.high_grass_desc=Hustá tráva blokuje výhled.
levels.level.locked_door_desc=Tyto dveře jsou zamčené. K jejich otevření potřebuješ pasující klíč. levels.level.locked_door_desc=Tyto dveře jsou zamčené. K jejich otevření potřebuješ pasující klíč.
levels.level.locked_exit_desc=Těžké mříže blokují schody vedoucí dolů. levels.level.locked_exit_desc=Těžké mříže blokují schody vedoucí dolů.
levels.level.barricade_desc=Pevně sestavená dřevěná barikáda, která ale během let vyschla. Mohla by hořet? levels.level.barricade_desc=Pevně sestavená dřevěná barikáda, která ale během let vyschla. Mohla by hořet?

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@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn=Vi sentas, ke ie super vi troviĝas fonto de demon
scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Vi sentas demonan energion radiantan tien ĉi el la supraj keletaĝoj! scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Vi sentas demonan energion radiantan tien ĉi el la supraj keletaĝoj!
scenes.gamescene.warp=Muroj ĉirkaŭ vi translokiĝas kaj miksiĝas! scenes.gamescene.warp=Muroj ĉirkaŭ vi translokiĝas kaj miksiĝas!
scenes.gamescene.return=Vi revenis al la %d-a keletaĝo de la labirinto. scenes.gamescene.return=Vi revenis al la %d-a keletaĝo de la labirinto.
scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=You're certain that there's a secret room somewhere on this floor. scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=Vi certas, ke ie en tiu ĉi keletaĝo troviĝas kaŝita ĉambro.
scenes.gamescene.chasm=Viaj paŝoj eĥiĝas tra la labirinto. scenes.gamescene.chasm=Viaj paŝoj eĥiĝas tra la labirinto.
scenes.gamescene.water=Vi aŭdas akvon plaŭdantan ĉirkaŭe. scenes.gamescene.water=Vi aŭdas akvon plaŭdantan ĉirkaŭe.
scenes.gamescene.grass=Aromo de vegetaĵoj ĉirkaŭŝvebas. scenes.gamescene.grass=Aromo de vegetaĵoj ĉirkaŭŝvebas.
scenes.gamescene.dark=You can hear enemies moving in the darkness. scenes.gamescene.dark=Vi povas aŭdi monstrojn moviĝantajn mallume.
scenes.gamescene.large=This dungeon floor seems unusually large. scenes.gamescene.large=Tiu ĉi keletaĝo estas nekutime granda.
scenes.gamescene.traps=The ground seems especially treacherous here. scenes.gamescene.traps=Tero tie ĉi aspektas tre malsekure.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=Vi sentas, ke multe da sekretoj estas kaŝitaj en tiu ĉi keletaĝo. scenes.gamescene.secrets=Vi sentas, ke multe da sekretoj estas kaŝitaj en tiu ĉi keletaĝo.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Elekti por ekzameni scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Elekti por ekzameni
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Estas pluraj interesaj aĵoj tie ĉi, kiun vi volas ekzameni? scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Estas pluraj interesaj aĵoj tie ĉi, kiun vi volas ekzameni?
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Paĝo ĉe Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas labirint-esplorada rolludo, kun hazarde generataj monstroj, niveloj, objektoj kaj kaptiloj!\n\nĈiu ludo estas nova defiplena sperto, do estu singardema, morto neinversigeblas!\n\nPlezuran labirintadon! scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas labirint-esplorada rolludo, kun hazarde generataj monstroj, niveloj, objektoj kaj kaptiloj!\n\nĈiu ludo estas nova defiplena sperto, do estu singardema, morto neinversigeblas!\n\nPlezuran labirintadon!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas ĝisdatigita! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas ĝisdatigita!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 introduces the second tier of the talent system and makes some major improvements to the first tier!\n\nThere is also a major expansion to the level generation algorithm and a bunch of smaller additions and improvements.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details. scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=La versio 0.9.1 liveras la duan nivelon de talentoj kaj signife ŝanĝas telentojn de la unua nivelo!\n\nAlgoritmo de keletaĝ-generado estis signife plivastigita, kaj estis aldonitaj pluraj aliaj etaj plibonigoj.\n\nRigardu la ekranon “ŝanĝoj” por detalan liston de ŝanĝoj (nur en la angla).
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas flikita! scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas flikita!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo riparas erarojn. scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo riparas erarojn.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo liveras plibonigojn por tradukoj. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo liveras plibonigojn por tradukoj.

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@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn=Sientes que hay una fuente de energía demoníaca
scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=¡Puedes sentir energía demoníaca irradiando desde los pisos anteriores! scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=¡Puedes sentir energía demoníaca irradiando desde los pisos anteriores!
scenes.gamescene.warp=¡Las paredes se deforman y se desplazan alrededor tuyo! scenes.gamescene.warp=¡Las paredes se deforman y se desplazan alrededor tuyo!
scenes.gamescene.return=Vuelves al nivel %d de la mazmorra. scenes.gamescene.return=Vuelves al nivel %d de la mazmorra.
scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=You're certain that there's a secret room somewhere on this floor. scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=Estás seguro de que hay una habitación secreta en algún lugar de este piso.
scenes.gamescene.chasm=Tus pasos hacen eco a través de la mazmorra. scenes.gamescene.chasm=Tus pasos hacen eco a través de la mazmorra.
scenes.gamescene.water=Escuchas agua salpicando a tu alrededor. scenes.gamescene.water=Escuchas agua salpicando a tu alrededor.
scenes.gamescene.grass=El aroma de la vegetación es denso en el aire. scenes.gamescene.grass=El aroma de la vegetación es denso en el aire.
scenes.gamescene.dark=You can hear enemies moving in the darkness. scenes.gamescene.dark=Puedes oír a los enemigos moviéndose en la oscuridad
scenes.gamescene.large=This dungeon floor seems unusually large. scenes.gamescene.large=Este piso de mazmorra parece inusualmente grande
scenes.gamescene.traps=The ground seems especially treacherous here. scenes.gamescene.traps=El suelo parece especialmente traicionero aquí
scenes.gamescene.secrets=El ambiente sugiere que este piso esconde muchos secretos. scenes.gamescene.secrets=El ambiente sugiere que este piso esconde muchos secretos.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Elegir Examinar scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Elegir Examinar
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Hay muchas cosas de interés aquí, ¿Cuál quieres examinar ahora? scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Hay muchas cosas de interés aquí, ¿Cuál quieres examinar ahora?
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Pagina de Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon es un RPG "roguelike", con enemigos, niveles, ítems y trampas generados aleatoriamente!\n\nCada partida es una nueva experiencia desafiante, pero ten cuidado, ¡la muerte es permanente!\n\n¡Feliz mazmorreo! scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon es un RPG "roguelike", con enemigos, niveles, ítems y trampas generados aleatoriamente!\n\nCada partida es una nueva experiencia desafiante, pero ten cuidado, ¡la muerte es permanente!\n\n¡Feliz mazmorreo!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido actualizado! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido actualizado!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 introduces the second tier of the talent system and makes some major improvements to the first tier!\n\nThere is also a major expansion to the level generation algorithm and a bunch of smaller additions and improvements.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details. scenes.welcomescene.update_msg= v0.9.1 introduce el segundo nivel del sistema de talento y hace algunas mejoras importantes en el primer nivel!\n\nTambién hay una expansión importante al algoritmo de generación de niveles y un montón de adiciones y mejoras más pequeñas.\n\nAsegúrese de comprobar la pantalla de cambios para obtener todos los detalles.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido parcheado! scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido parcheado!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Este parche contiene corrección de errores. scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Este parche contiene corrección de errores.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Este parche contiene actualizaciones de traducción. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Este parche contiene actualizaciones de traducción.

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@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn=Vous ressentez une source d'énergie démoniaque a
scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Vous ressentez de l'énergie démoniaque émise depuis les étages précédents. scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Vous ressentez de l'énergie démoniaque émise depuis les étages précédents.
scenes.gamescene.warp=Les murs se déforment et changent autour de vous ! scenes.gamescene.warp=Les murs se déforment et changent autour de vous !
scenes.gamescene.return=Vous retournez à l'étage %d du donjon. scenes.gamescene.return=Vous retournez à l'étage %d du donjon.
scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=You're certain that there's a secret room somewhere on this floor. scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=Vous êtes certain qu'il y a une pièce secrète quelque part à cet étage.
scenes.gamescene.chasm=L'écho de vos pas résonne à travers le donjon. scenes.gamescene.chasm=L'écho de vos pas résonne à travers le donjon.
scenes.gamescene.water=Vous entendez des bruits d'eau tout autour de vous. scenes.gamescene.water=Vous entendez des bruits d'eau tout autour de vous.
scenes.gamescene.grass=Vous sentez une forte odeur de végétation dans l'air. scenes.gamescene.grass=Vous sentez une forte odeur de végétation dans l'air.
scenes.gamescene.dark=You can hear enemies moving in the darkness. scenes.gamescene.dark=Vous entendez vos ennemis se déplacer dans l'obscurité.
scenes.gamescene.large=This dungeon floor seems unusually large. scenes.gamescene.large=Le sol de ce donjon semble inhabituellement grand.
scenes.gamescene.traps=The ground seems especially treacherous here. scenes.gamescene.traps=Le sol semble particulièrement traître ici.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=L'atmosphère particulière vous laisse deviner que ce niveau recèle de nombreux secrets. scenes.gamescene.secrets=L'atmosphère particulière vous laisse deviner que ce niveau recèle de nombreux secrets.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Choisissez d'Examiner scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Choisissez d'Examiner
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Il y à beaucoup de choses intéressantes ici, laquelle voulez vous examiner ? scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Il y à beaucoup de choses intéressantes ici, laquelle voulez vous examiner ?
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Page Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon est un jeu de rôle du genre roguelike, c'est à dire que les ennemis rencontrés, les niveaux, les objets et les pièges du jeu sont générés de manière aléatoire.\n\nChaque partie est donc la fois une nouvelle expérience et un défi, mais soyez prudents, la mort est aussi irréversible.\n\nBonne aventure ! scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon est un jeu de rôle du genre roguelike, c'est à dire que les ennemis rencontrés, les niveaux, les objets et les pièges du jeu sont générés de manière aléatoire.\n\nChaque partie est donc la fois une nouvelle expérience et un défi, mais soyez prudents, la mort est aussi irréversible.\n\nBonne aventure !
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à été mis à jour ! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à été mis à jour !
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 introduces the second tier of the talent system and makes some major improvements to the first tier!\n\nThere is also a major expansion to the level generation algorithm and a bunch of smaller additions and improvements.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details. scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=La version 0.9.1 introduit un deuxième niveau au système de talents et apporte quelques améliorations majeures au premier niveau !\n\nIl y a également une extension majeure de l'algorithme de génération de niveaux et un tas de petits ajouts et améliorations.\n\nN'oubliez pas de consulter l'écran des modifications pour obtenir tous les détails.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à bénéficié d'un correctif logiciel ! scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à bénéficié d'un correctif logiciel !
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ce correctif contient des corrections de bugs. scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ce correctif contient des corrections de bugs.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ce correctif contient des mises à jour de traductions. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ce correctif contient des mises à jour de traductions.

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@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn=Kau merasa ada sumber energi iblis di atasmu...
scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Kau bisa merasakan energi iblis memancar dari lantai sebelumnya! scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Kau bisa merasakan energi iblis memancar dari lantai sebelumnya!
scenes.gamescene.warp=Tembok-tembok bergerak-gerak di sekitarmu! scenes.gamescene.warp=Tembok-tembok bergerak-gerak di sekitarmu!
scenes.gamescene.return=Kau kembali ke Dungeon lantai %d. scenes.gamescene.return=Kau kembali ke Dungeon lantai %d.
scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=You're certain that there's a secret room somewhere on this floor. scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=Kau yakin ada ruang rahasia di suatu tempat di lantai ini.
scenes.gamescene.chasm=Langkahmu bergema di sepanjang Dungeon. scenes.gamescene.chasm=Langkahmu bergema di sepanjang Dungeon.
scenes.gamescene.water=Kau mendengar air bergemercik di sekitarmu. scenes.gamescene.water=Kau mendengar air bergemercik di sekitarmu.
scenes.gamescene.grass=Bau tanam-tanaman sangat menyengat di udara. scenes.gamescene.grass=Bau tanam-tanaman sangat menyengat di udara.
scenes.gamescene.dark=You can hear enemies moving in the darkness. scenes.gamescene.dark=Kau dapat mendengar musuh bergerak dalam kegelapan.
scenes.gamescene.large=This dungeon floor seems unusually large. scenes.gamescene.large=Lantai dungeon ini tampak luar biasa besar.
scenes.gamescene.traps=The ground seems especially treacherous here. scenes.gamescene.traps=Tanah tampaknya sangat berbahaya di sini.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=Hawa-hawanya lantai ini menyembunyikan banyak rahasia. scenes.gamescene.secrets=Hawa-hawanya lantai ini menyembunyikan banyak rahasia.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Pilih Periksa scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Pilih Periksa
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Ada beberapa hal yang menarik di sini, yang mana yang ingin kau periksa? scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Ada beberapa hal yang menarik di sini, yang mana yang ingin kau periksa?
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Halaman Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon adalah sebuah RPG roguelike, dengan musuh, level, item, dan jebakan yang muncul secara acak!\n\nSetiap main kau akan mengalami tantangan baru, tapi berhati-hatilah, kematiannya permanen!\n\nSelamat Ber-dungeon Ria! scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon adalah sebuah RPG roguelike, dengan musuh, level, item, dan jebakan yang muncul secara acak!\n\nSetiap main kau akan mengalami tantangan baru, tapi berhati-hatilah, kematiannya permanen!\n\nSelamat Ber-dungeon Ria!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon telah di-update! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon telah di-update!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 introduces the second tier of the talent system and makes some major improvements to the first tier!\n\nThere is also a major expansion to the level generation algorithm and a bunch of smaller additions and improvements.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details. scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 memperkenalkan tingkat kedua dari sistem talent dan membuat beberapa peningkatan besar pada tingkat pertama!\n\nAda juga perluasan besar-besaran pada algoritma pembuatan level dan sejumlah tambahan dan peningkatan yang lebih kecil.\n\nPastikan untuk memeriksa layar perubahan untuk detail lengkapnya.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon telah di-patch! scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon telah di-patch!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Patch ini berisi bugfix. scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Patch ini berisi bugfix.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Patch ini berisi update terjemahan. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Patch ini berisi update terjemahan.

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@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn=당신은 악마적 에너지의 원천이 당신
scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=당신은 이전 층으로부터 이곳으로 방사되는 악마적 에너지를 느낄 수 있다! scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=당신은 이전 층으로부터 이곳으로 방사되는 악마적 에너지를 느낄 수 있다!
scenes.gamescene.warp=주변의 벽이 휘어지고 뒤틀렸다! scenes.gamescene.warp=주변의 벽이 휘어지고 뒤틀렸다!
scenes.gamescene.return=던전의 %d층으로 올라왔다. scenes.gamescene.return=던전의 %d층으로 올라왔다.
scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=You're certain that there's a secret room somewhere on this floor. scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=당신은 이 층 어딘가에 숨겨진 방이 존재함을 확신했다.
scenes.gamescene.chasm=당신의 발걸음이 던전에 울려 퍼졌다. scenes.gamescene.chasm=당신의 발걸음이 던전에 울려 퍼졌다.
scenes.gamescene.water=당신은 물이 흐르는 소리를 들었다. scenes.gamescene.water=당신은 물이 흐르는 소리를 들었다.
scenes.gamescene.grass=당신은 진한 풀 냄새를 맡았다. scenes.gamescene.grass=당신은 진한 풀 냄새를 맡았다.
scenes.gamescene.dark=You can hear enemies moving in the darkness. scenes.gamescene.dark=당신은 적들이 어둠 속에서 움직이는 것을 들었다...
scenes.gamescene.large=This dungeon floor seems unusually large. scenes.gamescene.large=이 층은 유난히 넓은 것 같다.
scenes.gamescene.traps=The ground seems especially treacherous here. scenes.gamescene.traps=이 층의 지형은 매우 위험해보인다.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=이 층엔 많은 비밀이 숨겨져 있는 것 같다... scenes.gamescene.secrets=이 층엔 많은 비밀이 숨겨져 있는 것 같다...
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=조사할 대상을 선택하세요 scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=조사할 대상을 선택하세요
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=조사할 대상이 여러 개 있습니다. 무엇을 조사하시겠습니까? scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=조사할 대상이 여러 개 있습니다. 무엇을 조사하시겠습니까?
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon 페이지로 이동
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon은 무작위로 출현하는 적들과 아이템, 그리고함정이 도사리고 있는 던전을 돌파하는 로그라이크 RPG입니다!\n\n매 플레이마다 새로운 도전이 기다리고 있습니다. 하지만 조심하세요. 한번 죽으면 그걸로 끝이니까요!\n\n즐거운 플레이 되십시오! scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon은 무작위로 출현하는 적들과 아이템, 그리고함정이 도사리고 있는 던전을 돌파하는 로그라이크 RPG입니다!\n\n매 플레이마다 새로운 도전이 기다리고 있습니다. 하지만 조심하세요. 한번 죽으면 그걸로 끝이니까요!\n\n즐거운 플레이 되십시오!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 업데이트되었습니다! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 업데이트되었습니다!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 introduces the second tier of the talent system and makes some major improvements to the first tier!\n\nThere is also a major expansion to the level generation algorithm and a bunch of smaller additions and improvements.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details. scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1에서는 2단계 특성을 도입했으며, 1단계 특성 또한 대거 개선되었습니다!\n\n더욱 다채로워진 층 구조를 비롯해 크고 작은 추가 및 변경점을 만나보실 수 있습니다.\n\n전체 세부 내용을 확인하기 위해 변경사항을 꼭 확인해보시기 바랍니다.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 패치되었습니다! scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 패치되었습니다!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=버그 수정이 있습니다. scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=버그 수정이 있습니다.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=번역 업데이트가 있습니다. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=번역 업데이트가 있습니다.

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@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn=Czujesz źródło demonicznej energii gdzieś nad
scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Wyczuwasz demoniczną energię emitowaną tu z poprzednich poziomów! scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Wyczuwasz demoniczną energię emitowaną tu z poprzednich poziomów!
scenes.gamescene.warp=Ściany przemieszczają wokół ciebie! scenes.gamescene.warp=Ściany przemieszczają wokół ciebie!
scenes.gamescene.return=Wracasz na %d piętro podziemi. scenes.gamescene.return=Wracasz na %d piętro podziemi.
scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=You're certain that there's a secret room somewhere on this floor. scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=Jesteś pewny, że na tym piętrze jest tajne pomieszczenie.
scenes.gamescene.chasm=Twoje kroki rozbrzmiewają głębokim echem. scenes.gamescene.chasm=Twoje kroki rozbrzmiewają głębokim echem.
scenes.gamescene.water=Słyszysz plusk wody wokoło. scenes.gamescene.water=Słyszysz plusk wody wokoło.
scenes.gamescene.grass=W powietrzu jest gęsto od zapachu roślinności. scenes.gamescene.grass=W powietrzu jest gęsto od zapachu roślinności.
scenes.gamescene.dark=You can hear enemies moving in the darkness. scenes.gamescene.dark=Słyszysz przeciwników ruszających się w ciemności.
scenes.gamescene.large=This dungeon floor seems unusually large. scenes.gamescene.large=To piętro wydaje się być nadzwyczaj wielkie.
scenes.gamescene.traps=The ground seems especially treacherous here. scenes.gamescene.traps=Podłoga tutaj wydaje się wyjątkowo zdradziecka.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=Atmosfera tego miejsca sugeruje, że ten poziom skrywa wiele sekretów. scenes.gamescene.secrets=Atmosfera tego miejsca sugeruje, że ten poziom skrywa wiele sekretów.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Wybierz badanie scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Wybierz badanie
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Tutaj jest kilka rzeczy do zbadania, którą chcesz zbadać? scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Tutaj jest kilka rzeczy do zbadania, którą chcesz zbadać?
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Strona Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon to gra RPG typu roguelike z losowo generowanymi przeciwnikami, poziomami, przedmiotami i pułapkami!\n\nKażda gra jest nowym, wymagającym doświadczeniem, ale bądź ostrożny, śmierć jest trwała!\n\nMiłego lochowania! scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon to gra RPG typu roguelike z losowo generowanymi przeciwnikami, poziomami, przedmiotami i pułapkami!\n\nKażda gra jest nowym, wymagającym doświadczeniem, ale bądź ostrożny, śmierć jest trwała!\n\nMiłego lochowania!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon został uaktualniony! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon został uaktualniony!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 introduces the second tier of the talent system and makes some major improvements to the first tier!\n\nThere is also a major expansion to the level generation algorithm and a bunch of smaller additions and improvements.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details. scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 wprowadza drugi tier systemu talentów i znaczne ulepszenia tieru pierwszego! \n\nDodatkowo pojawiają się znaczne zmiany w algorytmie generowania poziomów i parę mniejszych dodatków i ulepszeń. \n\nPamiętaj by sprawdzić ekran zmian by sprawdzić szczegóły.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon został załatany! scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon został załatany!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ta łatka zawiera poprawy błędów. scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ta łatka zawiera poprawy błędów.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ta łatka zawiera aktualizacje tłumaczeń. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ta łatka zawiera aktualizacje tłumaczeń.

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@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn=Você sente que há uma fonte de energia demoníac
scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Você pode sentir a energia demoníaca irradiando aqui dos andares anteriores! scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Você pode sentir a energia demoníaca irradiando aqui dos andares anteriores!
scenes.gamescene.warp=As paredes se distorcem e se deslocam ao seu redor! scenes.gamescene.warp=As paredes se distorcem e se deslocam ao seu redor!
scenes.gamescene.return=Você retorna para o %d andar da masmorra. scenes.gamescene.return=Você retorna para o %d andar da masmorra.
scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=You're certain that there's a secret room somewhere on this floor. scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=Você está seguro de que há uma sala secreta em algum lugar neste andar.
scenes.gamescene.chasm=Seus passos ecoam pela masmorra. scenes.gamescene.chasm=Seus passos ecoam pela masmorra.
scenes.gamescene.water=Você ouve água respingando ao seu redor. scenes.gamescene.water=Você ouve água respingando ao seu redor.
scenes.gamescene.grass=O cheiro de vegetação está bem forte no ar. scenes.gamescene.grass=O cheiro de vegetação está bem forte no ar.
scenes.gamescene.dark=You can hear enemies moving in the darkness. scenes.gamescene.dark=Você consegue ouvir os inimigos se movendo na escuridão.
scenes.gamescene.large=This dungeon floor seems unusually large. scenes.gamescene.large=Este andar da masmorra parece incomumente largo.
scenes.gamescene.traps=The ground seems especially treacherous here. scenes.gamescene.traps=O chão parece especialmente traiçoeiro aqui.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=A atmosfera deste andar indica que ele contém vários segredos. scenes.gamescene.secrets=A atmosfera deste andar indica que ele contém vários segredos.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Escolha Examinar scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Escolha Examinar
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Existem várias coisas de interesse aqui. Qual quer examinar? scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Existem várias coisas de interesse aqui. Qual quer examinar?
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Página do Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon é um roguelike RPG com inimigos, armadilhas, níveis e itens gerados aleatoriamente!\n\nCada partida é uma nova experiência desafiadora, mas tenha cuidado, a morte é permanente!\n\nFeliz Exploração! scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon é um roguelike RPG com inimigos, armadilhas, níveis e itens gerados aleatoriamente!\n\nCada partida é uma nova experiência desafiadora, mas tenha cuidado, a morte é permanente!\n\nFeliz Exploração!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi atualizado! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi atualizado!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 introduces the second tier of the talent system and makes some major improvements to the first tier!\n\nThere is also a major expansion to the level generation algorithm and a bunch of smaller additions and improvements.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details. scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=A versão v0.9.1 introduz o segundo tier do sistema de talentos e contém grandes mudanças no primeiro!\n\nTambém há uma vasta expansão no algoritmo geração de andares e algumas adições e melhorias menores.\n\nCertifique-se de verificar a tela de alterações para os detalhes completos.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi atualizado! scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi atualizado!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Esta atualização inclui correções de erros. scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Esta atualização inclui correções de erros.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Esta correção contém atualizações de tradução. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Esta correção contém atualizações de tradução.

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@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn=Вы чувствуете, что над вами
scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Вы чувствуете излучение демноической энергии, исходящую от предыдущих уровней! scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Вы чувствуете излучение демноической энергии, исходящую от предыдущих уровней!
scenes.gamescene.warp=Стены вокруг вас начинают двигаться и меняться! scenes.gamescene.warp=Стены вокруг вас начинают двигаться и меняться!
scenes.gamescene.return=Вы поднимаетесь на %d этаж подземелья. scenes.gamescene.return=Вы поднимаетесь на %d этаж подземелья.
scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=You're certain that there's a secret room somewhere on this floor. scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=Вы уверены, что где-то на уровне есть потайная комната.
scenes.gamescene.chasm=Ваши шаги эхом отдаются под сводами подземелья. scenes.gamescene.chasm=Ваши шаги эхом отдаются под сводами подземелья.
scenes.gamescene.water=Вы слышите, как вокруг шумит вода. scenes.gamescene.water=Вы слышите, как вокруг шумит вода.
scenes.gamescene.grass=Запах растительности заполняет воздух. scenes.gamescene.grass=Запах растительности заполняет воздух.
scenes.gamescene.dark=You can hear enemies moving in the darkness. scenes.gamescene.dark=Вы слышите чьи-то шаги в темноте...
scenes.gamescene.large=This dungeon floor seems unusually large. scenes.gamescene.large=Этот этаж кажется вам необычайно большим.
scenes.gamescene.traps=The ground seems especially treacherous here. scenes.gamescene.traps=Вы чувствуете, что вам нужно внимательнее смотреть под ноги.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=Что-то подсказывает вам, что на этом уровне немало тайников. scenes.gamescene.secrets=Что-то подсказывает вам, что на этом уровне немало тайников.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Выбрать объект scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Выбрать объект
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Здесь находится несколько разных объектов, что именно вы хотите рассмотреть получше? scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Здесь находится несколько разных объектов, что именно вы хотите рассмотреть получше?
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Страница Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon - рпг-рогалик со случайно генерируемыми врагами, уровнями, предметами и ловушками!\n\nКаждая игра - новое испытание, но будьте осторожны, у вас всего одна жизнь!\n\nУдачи вам в этом подземелье! scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon - рпг-рогалик со случайно генерируемыми врагами, уровнями, предметами и ловушками!\n\nКаждая игра - новое испытание, но будьте осторожны, у вас всего одна жизнь!\n\nУдачи вам в этом подземелье!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 introduces the second tier of the talent system and makes some major improvements to the first tier!\n\nThere is also a major expansion to the level generation algorithm and a bunch of smaller additions and improvements.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details. scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 Добавляет второй уровень талантов, а так же вводит некоторые существенные улучшения первого уровня!\n\nТакже значительно расширен алгоритм генерации этажей, и внесены мелкие изменения и улучшения. \n\nДля получения полной информации обязательно посетите раздел с изменениями.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён! scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Исправлены некоторые ошибки. scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Исправлены некоторые ошибки.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Обновлён перевод. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Обновлён перевод.

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@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn=Üstünde şeytani enerji kaynağı olduğunu hiss
scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Önceki katlardan gelen şeytani enerjiyi hissedebiliyorsun! scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Önceki katlardan gelen şeytani enerjiyi hissedebiliyorsun!
scenes.gamescene.warp=Duvarlar etrafında büzülüyor ve şekil değiştiriyorlar! scenes.gamescene.warp=Duvarlar etrafında büzülüyor ve şekil değiştiriyorlar!
scenes.gamescene.return=Zindanın %d. katına döndün. scenes.gamescene.return=Zindanın %d. katına döndün.
scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=You're certain that there's a secret room somewhere on this floor. scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=Bu katta gizli bir oda olduğuna eminsin.
scenes.gamescene.chasm=Adımların zindan boyunca yankılanıyor. scenes.gamescene.chasm=Adımların zindan boyunca yankılanıyor.
scenes.gamescene.water=Etrafında su şıpırtıları duyuyorsun. scenes.gamescene.water=Etrafında su şıpırtıları duyuyorsun.
scenes.gamescene.grass=Havada ağır bir bitki kokusu var. scenes.gamescene.grass=Havada ağır bir bitki kokusu var.
scenes.gamescene.dark=You can hear enemies moving in the darkness. scenes.gamescene.dark=Düşmanların karanlıkta hareket ettiğini duyabiliyorsun.
scenes.gamescene.large=This dungeon floor seems unusually large. scenes.gamescene.large=Zindanın bu katı alışılmadık şekilde büyük.
scenes.gamescene.traps=The ground seems especially treacherous here. scenes.gamescene.traps=Zemin özellikle burada tehlikeli ve hain gözüküyor.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=Atmosfer gösteriyor ki bu kat bir sürü gizem saklıyor. scenes.gamescene.secrets=Atmosfer gösteriyor ki bu kat bir sürü gizem saklıyor.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=İnceleme Seçimi scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=İnceleme Seçimi
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Burada ilgi çekici birden fazla şey var, hangisini incelemek istiyorsun? scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Burada ilgi çekici birden fazla şey var, hangisini incelemek istiyorsun?
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon Sayfası
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon düşmanların, seviyelerin, eşyaların ve tuzakların rastgele oluşturulduğu bir roguelike rol yapma oyunudur!\n\nHer oyun yeni ve zorlayıcı bir tecrübedir, fakat dikkatli olun, ölüm kalıcıdır.\n\nMutlu zindanlamalar! scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon düşmanların, seviyelerin, eşyaların ve tuzakların rastgele oluşturulduğu bir roguelike rol yapma oyunudur!\n\nHer oyun yeni ve zorlayıcı bir tecrübedir, fakat dikkatli olun, ölüm kalıcıdır.\n\nMutlu zindanlamalar!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon güncellendi! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon güncellendi!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 introduces the second tier of the talent system and makes some major improvements to the first tier!\n\nThere is also a major expansion to the level generation algorithm and a bunch of smaller additions and improvements.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details. scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 güncellemesi ile 1. kademe kabiliyet sistemine gelen büyük geliştirmelerin yanı sıra 2. kademe kabiliyet sistemi geliyor!\n\nAyrıca seviye geliştirme algoritmasına büyük bir genişleme ve daha bir çok ama daha küçük eklemeler ve geliştirmeler var.\n\nDeğişikliklerin tamamını görmek için değişiklikler ekranına bakmayı unutmayın
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon yama aldı! scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon yama aldı!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Bu yama hata düzeltmeleri içerir. scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Bu yama hata düzeltmeleri içerir.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Bu yama çeviri güncellemeleri içerir. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Bu yama çeviri güncellemeleri içerir.

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@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn=你感觉有一个恶魔能量的供给源在你
scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=你能感觉到恶魔能量从楼上辐射到了这里! scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=你能感觉到恶魔能量从楼上辐射到了这里!
scenes.gamescene.warp=你四周的墙壁开始扭曲变换! scenes.gamescene.warp=你四周的墙壁开始扭曲变换!
scenes.gamescene.return=你回到了地牢的第%d层。 scenes.gamescene.return=你回到了地牢的第%d层。
scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=You're certain that there's a secret room somewhere on this floor. scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=直觉告诉你这层的某处一定存在着一个隐藏的房间...
scenes.gamescene.chasm=你的脚步声回荡在地牢中。 scenes.gamescene.chasm=你的脚步声回荡在地牢中。
scenes.gamescene.water=你听见周围水花铺洒的声音。 scenes.gamescene.water=你听见周围水花铺洒的声音。
scenes.gamescene.grass=空气中弥漫着浓郁的植物清香。 scenes.gamescene.grass=空气中弥漫着浓郁的植物清香。
scenes.gamescene.dark=You can hear enemies moving in the darkness. scenes.gamescene.dark=你依稀听到敌人在黑暗中涌动...
scenes.gamescene.large=This dungeon floor seems unusually large. scenes.gamescene.large=这一层的规模貌似格外庞大...
scenes.gamescene.traps=The ground seems especially treacherous here. scenes.gamescene.traps=这一层的地面机关密布,暗藏杀机...
scenes.gamescene.secrets=诡秘的气氛正暗示这层隐藏着众多秘密。 scenes.gamescene.secrets=诡秘的气氛正暗示这层隐藏着众多秘密。
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=选择检查目标 scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=选择检查目标
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=这里引人注意的东西不止一件,你想检查哪个? scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=这里引人注意的东西不止一件,你想检查哪个?
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon 赞助页面
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=破碎的像素地牢是一个roguelike类RPG游戏有着随机生成的敌人、关卡、物品和陷阱\n\n每一轮游戏都是一次全新的挑战注意死亡是永久的\n\n祝你在地牢一路顺风 scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=破碎的像素地牢是一个roguelike类RPG游戏有着随机生成的敌人、关卡、物品和陷阱\n\n每一轮游戏都是一次全新的挑战注意死亡是永久的\n\n祝你在地牢一路顺风
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=破碎的像素地牢已经更新! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=破碎的像素地牢已经更新!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 introduces the second tier of the talent system and makes some major improvements to the first tier!\n\nThere is also a major expansion to the level generation algorithm and a bunch of smaller additions and improvements.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details. scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1引入了天赋树的第二层,并且对第一层天赋也做出了显著的改进!\n\n关卡的生成算法同样拥有大刀阔斧的改动除此之外还有很多细小的增补改进。\n\n别忘了在改动界面查看具体细节。
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=破碎的像素地牢补丁已经成功安装! scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=破碎的像素地牢补丁已经成功安装!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=本次补丁包含少量Bug修复。 scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=本次补丁包含少量Bug修复。
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=本次补丁包含翻译文本更新。 scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=本次补丁包含翻译文本更新。

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Do rychlého slotu ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Do rychlého slotu
ui.talentspane.tier=%d. stupeň ui.talentspane.tier=%d. stupeň
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Reach level 6 to unlock more talents. ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Pro odemčení více schopností dosáhni 6. úrovně.
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Více schopností již brzy! ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Více schopností již brzy!
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Stiskni znovu pro hledání\nVyber místo pro prozkoumání ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Stiskni znovu pro hledání\nVyber místo pro prozkoumání

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Rapidbutonigi aĵon ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Rapidbutonigi aĵon
ui.talentspane.tier=nivelo %d ui.talentspane.tier=nivelo %d
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Reach level 6 to unlock more talents. ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Akiru la 6-an nivelon por malŝlosi pliajn talentojn.
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Pliaj talentoj en venontaj versioj de la ludo! ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Pliaj talentoj en venontaj versioj de la ludo!
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Retuŝu por priserĉi ĉirkaŭe\nTuŝu kahelon por ekzameni ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Retuŝu por priserĉi ĉirkaŭe\nTuŝu kahelon por ekzameni

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Crear acceso directo a un ítem ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Crear acceso directo a un ítem
ui.talentspane.tier=Nivel %d ui.talentspane.tier=Nivel %d
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Reach level 6 to unlock more talents. ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Alcanza el nivel 6 para desbloquear más talentos
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=¡Más talentos próximamente! ui.talentspane.coming_soon=¡Más talentos próximamente!
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Presiona de nuevo para buscar\nPresiona una casilla para examinar ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Presiona de nuevo para buscar\nPresiona una casilla para examinar

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Choisir un objet en accès rapide ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Choisir un objet en accès rapide
ui.talentspane.tier=rang%d ui.talentspane.tier=rang%d
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Reach level 6 to unlock more talents. ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Atteignez le niveau 6 pour débloquer plus de talents.
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Plus de talents arrivent bientôt ! ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Plus de talents arrivent bientôt !
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Appuyer à nouveau pour chercher\nSélectionner une case à examiner ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Appuyer à nouveau pour chercher\nSélectionner une case à examiner

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Simpan Item di Quickslot ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Simpan Item di Quickslot
ui.talentspane.tier=Tingkat %d ui.talentspane.tier=Tingkat %d
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Reach level 6 to unlock more talents. ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Raih level 6 untuk membuka lebih banyak talent
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Talent baru segera hadir! ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Talent baru segera hadir!
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Tekan lagi untuk mencari\nTekan sebuah petak untuk memeriksa ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Tekan lagi untuk mencari\nTekan sebuah petak untuk memeriksa

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=퀵슬롯에 등록할 아이템 선택 ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=퀵슬롯에 등록할 아이템 선택
ui.talentspane.tier=등급 %d ui.talentspane.tier=등급 %d
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Reach level 6 to unlock more talents. ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=6레벨에 도달하면 2단계 특성을 해금할 수 있습니다.
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=더 많은 특성들이 곧 추가될 것입니다! ui.talentspane.coming_soon=더 많은 특성들이 곧 추가될 것입니다!
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=다시 눌러서 주변 탐색\n타일을 눌러서 정보 보기 ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=다시 눌러서 주변 탐색\n타일을 눌러서 정보 보기

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Wybierz przedmiot do szybkiego dostępu ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Wybierz przedmiot do szybkiego dostępu
ui.talentspane.tier=Poziom %d ui.talentspane.tier=Poziom %d
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Reach level 6 to unlock more talents. ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Osiągnij poziom 6 aby odblokować więcej talentów
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Więcej talentów wkrótce! ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Więcej talentów wkrótce!
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Naciśnij ponownie by szukać\nNaciśnij pole by się mu przyjrzeć ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Naciśnij ponownie by szukać\nNaciśnij pole by się mu przyjrzeć

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Crie um atalho para um item ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Crie um atalho para um item
ui.talentspane.tier=tier %d ui.talentspane.tier=tier %d
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Reach level 6 to unlock more talents. ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Atinja nível 6 para desbloquear mais talentos.
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Mais talentos em breve! ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Mais talentos em breve!
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Pressione novamente para procurar\nPressione qualquer outra coisa para examinar ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Pressione novamente para procurar\nPressione qualquer outra coisa para examinar

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Выберите предмет ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Выберите предмет
ui.talentspane.tier=уровень %d ui.talentspane.tier=уровень %d
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Reach level 6 to unlock more talents. ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Достигните 6 уровня, что бы разблокировать больше талантов
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Скоро появится больше талантов! ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Скоро появится больше талантов!
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Выберите клетку для осмотра\nНажмите ещё раз для поиска ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Выберите клетку для осмотра\nНажмите ещё раз для поиска

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Hızlı-seçim eşyası seç ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Hızlı-seçim eşyası seç
ui.talentspane.tier=rütbe %d ui.talentspane.tier=rütbe %d
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Reach level 6 to unlock more talents. ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Daha fazla kabiliyet açmak için seviye 6 olun.
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Yeni kabiliyetler yakında geliyor! ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Yeni kabiliyetler yakında geliyor!
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Aramak için tekrar bas\nİncelemek için bir kareye tıkla ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Aramak için tekrar bas\nİncelemek için bir kareye tıkla

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=选择放入快捷栏的道具 ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=选择放入快捷栏的道具
ui.talentspane.tier=%d层 ui.talentspane.tier=%d层
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Reach level 6 to unlock more talents. ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=升至6级以解锁更多天赋
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=更多天赋开发中,敬请期待! ui.talentspane.coming_soon=更多天赋开发中,敬请期待!
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=再按一遍此按钮以搜索周边;\n点选一个地格以获得其信息。 ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=再按一遍此按钮以搜索周边;\n点选一个地格以获得其信息。

View File

@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ windows.wndsadghost.crab_title=VELKÝ KRAB PORAŽEN
windows.wndsadghost.rat=Děkuji ti. Ohavná krysa je zabita a já mohu konečně odpočívat... Zajímalo by mě, jaká zvrácená magie stvořila takto odpornou bytost... windows.wndsadghost.rat=Děkuji ti. Ohavná krysa je zabita a já mohu konečně odpočívat... Zajímalo by mě, jaká zvrácená magie stvořila takto odpornou bytost...
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Děkuji ti. Zákeřný gnoll je zabit a já mohu konečně odpočívat... Zajímalo by mě, jaká zvrácená magie jej udělala tak chytrým... windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Děkuji ti. Zákeřný gnoll je zabit a já mohu konečně odpočívat... Zajímalo by mě, jaká zvrácená magie jej udělala tak chytrým...
windows.wndsadghost.crab=Děkuji ti. Obří krab je zabit a já mohu konečně odpočívat... Zajímalo by mě, jaká zvrácená magie mu umožnila žít tak dlouho... windows.wndsadghost.crab=Děkuji ti. Obří krab je zabit a já mohu konečně odpočívat... Zajímalo by mě, jaká zvrácená magie mu umožnila žít tak dlouho...
windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Please take one of these items, they are useless to me now... Maybe they will help you in your journey...\n\nAlso... There is an item lost in this dungeon that is very dear to me... If you ever... find my... rose...... windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Prosím, vezmi si jeden z těchto předmětů. Mně už jsou teď stejně zbytečné... Možná, že ti na tvé cestě pomohou...\n\nA také... V této kobce je ztracen předmět, který je pro mne velmi důležitý... Pokud někdy... najdeš... moji růži...
windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Potvrdit windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Potvrdit
windows.wndsadghost.cancel=Zrušit windows.wndsadghost.cancel=Zrušit
windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Sbohem, dobrodruhu! windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Sbohem, dobrodruhu!
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ windows.wndstory.sewers=Tajemná kobka leží přímo pod Městem. Její horní
windows.wndstory.prison=Před mnoha lety zde bylo postaveno vězení pro umístění nebezpečných zločinců. Trestanci z celé země sem byli odvedeni, aby si zde zabezpečeni a pod přísným dozorem, odpykali svůj trest.\n\nBrzy se začala temná nákaza z hlubin vkrádat i sem a překrucovala mysl strážím i vězňům.\n\nVzhledem k rostoucímu chaosu, město zapečetilo celé vězení. Nikdo neví, co se stalo s těmi, kteří byli v těchto zdech ponecháni na smrt... windows.wndstory.prison=Před mnoha lety zde bylo postaveno vězení pro umístění nebezpečných zločinců. Trestanci z celé země sem byli odvedeni, aby si zde zabezpečeni a pod přísným dozorem, odpykali svůj trest.\n\nBrzy se začala temná nákaza z hlubin vkrádat i sem a překrucovala mysl strážím i vězňům.\n\nVzhledem k rostoucímu chaosu, město zapečetilo celé vězení. Nikdo neví, co se stalo s těmi, kteří byli v těchto zdech ponecháni na smrt...
windows.wndstory.caves=Dole pod opuštěným vězením se táhnou tyto řídce osídlené jeskyně. Bohaté na minerály, sloužily kdysi jako místo rušného obchodu a průmyslu pro trpasličí společnost níže. Byly ale opuštěny, když se trpaslíci začali stávat posedlými temnou magií.\n\nJeskyně jsou nyní většinou obývány podzemními živočichy, gnolly a zchátralými stroji. Pravděpodobně zasaženými stejnou temnou nákazou, která ovlivnila oblasti výše. windows.wndstory.caves=Dole pod opuštěným vězením se táhnou tyto řídce osídlené jeskyně. Bohaté na minerály, sloužily kdysi jako místo rušného obchodu a průmyslu pro trpasličí společnost níže. Byly ale opuštěny, když se trpaslíci začali stávat posedlými temnou magií.\n\nJeskyně jsou nyní většinou obývány podzemními živočichy, gnolly a zchátralými stroji. Pravděpodobně zasaženými stejnou temnou nákazou, která ovlivnila oblasti výše.
windows.wndstory.city=Trpasličí metropole byla kdysi největší ze všech trpasličích velkoměst. V jejím rozkvětu stavěli trpaslíci úžasné mechanické i magické stroje, které jejich městu umožnily rychle expandovat.\n\nAle pak, jednoho dne, byly městské brány zataraseny a nikdo o trpaslících nikdy znovu neslyšel. Několik z těch, kteří unikli z města, když se uzavíralo, vyprávěli příběhy o šíleném čaroději, který se zmocnil trůnu. A o hrozivé magii, kterou se naučil využívat. windows.wndstory.city=Trpasličí metropole byla kdysi největší ze všech trpasličích velkoměst. V jejím rozkvětu stavěli trpaslíci úžasné mechanické i magické stroje, které jejich městu umožnily rychle expandovat.\n\nAle pak, jednoho dne, byly městské brány zataraseny a nikdo o trpaslících nikdy znovu neslyšel. Několik z těch, kteří unikli z města, když se uzavíralo, vyprávěli příběhy o šíleném čaroději, který se zmocnil trůnu. A o hrozivé magii, kterou se naučil využívat.
windows.wndstory.halls=These deep halls of the Dwarven Metropolis have been twisted by dark magic. In the past these regions played host to the Dwarf King's court of elite warlocks, but now they seem to have been taken over by something even more sinister...\n\nAll sorts of horrific demonic creatures inhabit these halls, being led by some terrible dark power. If the King of Dwarves wasn't the source of the spreading corruption, whatever is down here must be.\n\nTread carefully, very few adventurers have ever descended this far... windows.wndstory.halls=Tyto hluboké síně Trpasličí metropole byly zvráceny temnou magií. V minulosti tato oblast hostila dvorec elitních čarodějů Krále trpaslíků, ale nyní se zdá, že byla převzata něčím ještě mnohem zlověstnějším...\n\nTyto haly obývají nejrůznější děsiví démoničtí tvorové, vedení nějakou strašlivou temnou mocí. Pokud Král trpaslíků nebyl zdrojem šířící se nákazy, musí to být něco, co je tady dole.\n\nPostupuj opatrně, jen velmi málo dobrodruhů sestoupilo někdy tak daleko...
windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Zpráva od vývojáře windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Zpráva od vývojáře
windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Ahoj! Doufám, že si hru Shattered Pixel Dungeon užíváš! windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Ahoj! Doufám, že si hru Shattered Pixel Dungeon užíváš!

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@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ windows.wndsadghost.crab_title=KRABEGO VENKITA
windows.wndsadghost.rat=Dankon al ci, tiu aĉa rato estas ekzekutita kaj nun mi finfine povas ripozi en Dio… Mi miras pri kia fia sorĉarto kreis tian aĉan fikreaĵon… windows.wndsadghost.rat=Dankon al ci, tiu aĉa rato estas ekzekutita kaj nun mi finfine povas ripozi en Dio… Mi miras pri kia fia sorĉarto kreis tian aĉan fikreaĵon…
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Dankon al ci, tiu ruza gnolo estas ekzekutita kaj nun mi finfine povas ripozi en Dio… Mi miras pri kia fia sorĉarto igis lin tiel sagaca… windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Dankon al ci, tiu ruza gnolo estas ekzekutita kaj nun mi finfine povas ripozi en Dio… Mi miras pri kia fia sorĉarto igis lin tiel sagaca…
windows.wndsadghost.crab=Dankon al ci, tiu granda krabo estas ekzekutita kaj nun mi finfine povas ripozi en Dio… Mi miras pri kia fia sorĉarto igis ĝin preskaŭ nemortebla… windows.wndsadghost.crab=Dankon al ci, tiu granda krabo estas ekzekutita kaj nun mi finfine povas ripozi en Dio… Mi miras pri kia fia sorĉarto igis ĝin preskaŭ nemortebla…
windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Please take one of these items, they are useless to me now... Maybe they will help you in your journey...\n\nAlso... There is an item lost in this dungeon that is very dear to me... If you ever... find my... rose...... windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Bonvolu preni unu el tiuj ĉi aĵoj, ili malnepras al mi nun… Eble ili helpos al ci dum cia vojaĝo…\n\nKrom tio… Ekzistas perdita aĵo ie en tiu ĉi labirinto, kiu estas tre kara al mi… Do se ci iam… trovos mian… rozon……
windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Konfirmi windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Konfirmi
windows.wndsadghost.cancel=Nuligi windows.wndsadghost.cancel=Nuligi
windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Adiaŭ, aventuristo! windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Adiaŭ, aventuristo!
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ windows.wndstory.sewers=La labirinto situas tuj sub la urbo, ĝiaj supraj nivelo
windows.wndstory.prison=Antaŭ multe da jaroj malliberejo estis konstruita tie ĉi por izoli danĝerajn krimulojn. Rigore administrita kaj sekura, kondamnitoj el la tuta lando estis senditaj tien ĉi, por ili pasigu sian tempon ĝismorte.\n\nSed post mallonga tempo la malluma miasmo komenciĝis aperi de sube kaj frenezigis kaj gardistojn kaj malliberulojn.\n\nResponde al la kreskanta ĥaoso, la urbo sigelfermis la tutan malliberejon. Neniu scias kion okazis al tiuj, kiuj estis forlasitaj je morto inter tiuj muroj… windows.wndstory.prison=Antaŭ multe da jaroj malliberejo estis konstruita tie ĉi por izoli danĝerajn krimulojn. Rigore administrita kaj sekura, kondamnitoj el la tuta lando estis senditaj tien ĉi, por ili pasigu sian tempon ĝismorte.\n\nSed post mallonga tempo la malluma miasmo komenciĝis aperi de sube kaj frenezigis kaj gardistojn kaj malliberulojn.\n\nResponde al la kreskanta ĥaoso, la urbo sigelfermis la tutan malliberejon. Neniu scias kion okazis al tiuj, kiuj estis forlasitaj je morto inter tiuj muroj…
windows.wndstory.caves=Tiuj ĉi maldense loĝataj kavernoj etendiĝas suben de la forlasita malliberejo. Mineralozaj, ili iam estis la centro de vivplena komerco kaj industrio de la gnoma socio sube, sed estis forlasita kiam la gnomoj komencis ekzerci sin en fimagio.\n\nLa kavernoj estas nuntempe loĝataj nur de subteraj sovaĝaj bestoj, gnoloj kaj ruinigitaj maŝinoj: probable koruptitaj de la sama fia magio, kiu penetras la suprajn regionojn. windows.wndstory.caves=Tiuj ĉi maldense loĝataj kavernoj etendiĝas suben de la forlasita malliberejo. Mineralozaj, ili iam estis la centro de vivplena komerco kaj industrio de la gnoma socio sube, sed estis forlasita kiam la gnomoj komencis ekzerci sin en fimagio.\n\nLa kavernoj estas nuntempe loĝataj nur de subteraj sovaĝaj bestoj, gnoloj kaj ruinigitaj maŝinoj: probable koruptitaj de la sama fia magio, kiu penetras la suprajn regionojn.
windows.wndstory.city=La metropolo de gnomoj foje estis la plej signifa el ĉiuj gnomaj urboŝtatoj. Dum ĝia kulmino de gloro, la gnomoj konstruis admirindajn maŝinojn de metalo kaj magio, kiuj ebligis al la urbo rapide diskreski.\n\nIutage la metropolaj pordegoj estis riglitaj kaj de tiu tempo oni aŭskultis nenion pri civitanoj de la metropolo. Iuj saviĝantoj rakontis pri terura fisorĉisto, kiu uzurpis la tronon. windows.wndstory.city=La metropolo de gnomoj foje estis la plej signifa el ĉiuj gnomaj urboŝtatoj. Dum ĝia kulmino de gloro, la gnomoj konstruis admirindajn maŝinojn de metalo kaj magio, kiuj ebligis al la urbo rapide diskreski.\n\nIutage la metropolaj pordegoj estis riglitaj kaj de tiu tempo oni aŭskultis nenion pri civitanoj de la metropolo. Iuj saviĝantoj rakontis pri terura fisorĉisto, kiu uzurpis la tronon.
windows.wndstory.halls=These deep halls of the Dwarven Metropolis have been twisted by dark magic. In the past these regions played host to the Dwarf King's court of elite warlocks, but now they seem to have been taken over by something even more sinister...\n\nAll sorts of horrific demonic creatures inhabit these halls, being led by some terrible dark power. If the King of Dwarves wasn't the source of the spreading corruption, whatever is down here must be.\n\nTread carefully, very few adventurers have ever descended this far... windows.wndstory.halls=Tiuj ĉi profundaj regionoj de la metropolo de gnomoj estis plenigitaj per malluma energio. Pasintece tiuj ĉi regionoj gastigis elitajn magiistojn de la reĝo (de gnomoj), tamen nuntempe ili estas okupataj per io signife pli minaca.\n\nDiversaj specoj de teruraj demonaj bestaĉoj loĝas en tiuj ĉi ĉambregoj kaj estas gvidataj de iu timiga malluma povo. Se la reĝo de gnomoj ne estis la fonto de disvastiĝanta korupto, la fonto estu tie ĉi sube.\n\nPaŝu singarde, apenaŭ kelkaj aventuristoj iafoje malsupreniris tien ĉi…
windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Mesaĝo de la programisto windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Mesaĝo de la programisto
windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Saluton, mi esperas, ke Shattered Pixel Dungeon plaĉas al vi! windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Saluton, mi esperas, ke Shattered Pixel Dungeon plaĉas al vi!

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@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ windows.wndsadghost.crab_title=CANGREJO GIGANTE HA MUERTO
windows.wndsadghost.rat=Gracias, esa horrible rata ha muerto y finalmente puedo descansar... Me pregunto qué retorcida magia ha creado tal desgraciada criatura... windows.wndsadghost.rat=Gracias, esa horrible rata ha muerto y finalmente puedo descansar... Me pregunto qué retorcida magia ha creado tal desgraciada criatura...
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Gracias, ese retorcido Gnoll ha muerto y puedo finalmente descansar... Me pregunto qué retorcida magia lo ha podido hacer tan listo... windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Gracias, ese retorcido Gnoll ha muerto y puedo finalmente descansar... Me pregunto qué retorcida magia lo ha podido hacer tan listo...
windows.wndsadghost.crab=Gracias, ese cangrejo gigante ha muerto y finalmente puedo descansar... Me pregunto qué retorcida magia ha permitido que viva tanto tiempo... windows.wndsadghost.crab=Gracias, ese cangrejo gigante ha muerto y finalmente puedo descansar... Me pregunto qué retorcida magia ha permitido que viva tanto tiempo...
windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Please take one of these items, they are useless to me now... Maybe they will help you in your journey...\n\nAlso... There is an item lost in this dungeon that is very dear to me... If you ever... find my... rose...... windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Por favor, tome uno de estos artículos, que son inútiles para mí ahora... Tal vez te ayuden en tu viaje...\n\nAdemás... Hay un objeto perdido en esta mazmorra que es muy querido para mí... Si alguna vez... encuentras mi... rosa......
windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Confirmar windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Confirmar
windows.wndsadghost.cancel=Cancelar windows.wndsadghost.cancel=Cancelar
windows.wndsadghost.farewell=¡Hasta pronto aventurero! windows.wndsadghost.farewell=¡Hasta pronto aventurero!
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ windows.wndstory.sewers=La mazmorra se encuentra justo debajo de la Ciudad, sus
windows.wndstory.prison=Muchos años atrás una prisión fue construida aquí para retener criminales peligrosos. Por su estricta regulación y su seguridad, prisioneros provenientes de todos los lugares fueron traidos para cumplir su condena.\n\nPero luego un miasma oscuro comenzó a arrastrarse desde abajo, retorciendo las mentes tanto de los guardias como de los prisioneros.\n\nEn consencuencia al caos creciente, la ciudad selló toda la prisión. Nadie sabe qué pasó con aquellos que fueron dejados por muertos dentro de estas paredes... windows.wndstory.prison=Muchos años atrás una prisión fue construida aquí para retener criminales peligrosos. Por su estricta regulación y su seguridad, prisioneros provenientes de todos los lugares fueron traidos para cumplir su condena.\n\nPero luego un miasma oscuro comenzó a arrastrarse desde abajo, retorciendo las mentes tanto de los guardias como de los prisioneros.\n\nEn consencuencia al caos creciente, la ciudad selló toda la prisión. Nadie sabe qué pasó con aquellos que fueron dejados por muertos dentro de estas paredes...
windows.wndstory.caves=Estas cuevas escasamente pobladas se extienden debajo de la prisión abandonada. Ricas en minerales, alguna vez fueron un centro de comercio e industria para la sociedad enana de abajo, pero fueron abandonados cuando los enanos se obsesionaron con la magia oscura.\n\nLas cuevas ahora están habitadas principalmente por vida salvaje subterránea, gnolls y maquinaria abandonada; probablemente corrompidos por el mismo poder que ha afectado a las regiones anteriores. windows.wndstory.caves=Estas cuevas escasamente pobladas se extienden debajo de la prisión abandonada. Ricas en minerales, alguna vez fueron un centro de comercio e industria para la sociedad enana de abajo, pero fueron abandonados cuando los enanos se obsesionaron con la magia oscura.\n\nLas cuevas ahora están habitadas principalmente por vida salvaje subterránea, gnolls y maquinaria abandonada; probablemente corrompidos por el mismo poder que ha afectado a las regiones anteriores.
windows.wndstory.city=La Metrópolis Enana fue una de las ciudades-estado enanas más grandes. En su apogeo, los enanos construyeron maravillosas máquinas de metal y magia que permitieron que su ciudad se expandiera rápidamente.\n\nEntonces, un día, se cerraron las puertas de la ciudad y nadie volvió a saber de los enanos. Los pocos que escaparon de la ciudad al cerrarse, contaron historias de un brujo demente que robó el trono, y la terrible magia que había aprendido a utilizar. windows.wndstory.city=La Metrópolis Enana fue una de las ciudades-estado enanas más grandes. En su apogeo, los enanos construyeron maravillosas máquinas de metal y magia que permitieron que su ciudad se expandiera rápidamente.\n\nEntonces, un día, se cerraron las puertas de la ciudad y nadie volvió a saber de los enanos. Los pocos que escaparon de la ciudad al cerrarse, contaron historias de un brujo demente que robó el trono, y la terrible magia que había aprendido a utilizar.
windows.wndstory.halls=These deep halls of the Dwarven Metropolis have been twisted by dark magic. In the past these regions played host to the Dwarf King's court of elite warlocks, but now they seem to have been taken over by something even more sinister...\n\nAll sorts of horrific demonic creatures inhabit these halls, being led by some terrible dark power. If the King of Dwarves wasn't the source of the spreading corruption, whatever is down here must be.\n\nTread carefully, very few adventurers have ever descended this far... windows.wndstory.halls=Estas salas profundas de la Metrópolis Enana han sido retorcidas por la magia oscura. En el pasado, estas regiones eran sede de la corte de brujos de élite del Rey Enano, pero ahora parecen haber sido tomadas por algo aún más siniestro...\n\nTodo tipo de horribles criaturas demoníacas habitan estas salas, siendo dirigidas por un terrible poder oscuro. Si el Rey de los Enanos no fue la fuente de la corrupción de la propagación, lo que haya aquí abajo debe ser.\n\nVe con cuidado, muy pocos aventureros han descendido hasta aquí...
windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Un Mensaje del Desarrollador windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Un Mensaje del Desarrollador
windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Hola, ¡espero que estés disfrutando de Shattered Pixel Dungeon! windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Hola, ¡espero que estés disfrutando de Shattered Pixel Dungeon!

View File

@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ windows.wndsadghost.crab_title=CRABE GEANT VAINCU
windows.wndsadghost.rat=Merci, cet horrible rat a été tué et je peux enfin me reposer... Je me demande quelle magie tordue a pu créer une créature aussi immonde... windows.wndsadghost.rat=Merci, cet horrible rat a été tué et je peux enfin me reposer... Je me demande quelle magie tordue a pu créer une créature aussi immonde...
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Merci, ce gnoll filou a été tué et je peux enfin me reposer... Je me demande quelle magie tordue l'a rendu aussi malin... windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Merci, ce gnoll filou a été tué et je peux enfin me reposer... Je me demande quelle magie tordue l'a rendu aussi malin...
windows.wndsadghost.crab=Merci, ce crabe géant a été tué et je peux enfin me reposer... Je me demande quelle magie tordue lui a permis de vivre aussi longtemps... windows.wndsadghost.crab=Merci, ce crabe géant a été tué et je peux enfin me reposer... Je me demande quelle magie tordue lui a permis de vivre aussi longtemps...
windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Please take one of these items, they are useless to me now... Maybe they will help you in your journey...\n\nAlso... There is an item lost in this dungeon that is very dear to me... If you ever... find my... rose...... windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Prenez un de ces objets, ils ne me sont plus d'aucune utilité... Peut-être pourront-ils vous servir dans votre quête...\n\nEt aussi... Il y a un objet perdu dans ce donjon qui m'est très cher... Si jamais vous... trouviez ma... rose...
windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Confirmer windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Confirmer
windows.wndsadghost.cancel=Annuler windows.wndsadghost.cancel=Annuler
windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Adieu, aventurier ! windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Adieu, aventurier !
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ windows.wndstory.sewers=Le donjon se trouve juste sous la ville, en fait ses niv
windows.wndstory.prison=Une prison a été construite ici il y a cela des années dans le but d'y loger de dangereux criminels. Dans cette prison fortement sécurisée et réglementée, des prisonniers venant de tout le territoire venaient purger leur peine.\n\nMais peu de temps après de sombres miasmes ont commencé a émerger des profondeurs, altérant l'esprit des gardes comme des prisonniers.\n\nCraignant que ce chaos ne s'étende, la ville décida de condamner toutes les entrées de la prison. Nul ne sait ce qu'il est advenu de ceux que l'on a laissé pour morts entre ces murs... windows.wndstory.prison=Une prison a été construite ici il y a cela des années dans le but d'y loger de dangereux criminels. Dans cette prison fortement sécurisée et réglementée, des prisonniers venant de tout le territoire venaient purger leur peine.\n\nMais peu de temps après de sombres miasmes ont commencé a émerger des profondeurs, altérant l'esprit des gardes comme des prisonniers.\n\nCraignant que ce chaos ne s'étende, la ville décida de condamner toutes les entrées de la prison. Nul ne sait ce qu'il est advenu de ceux que l'on a laissé pour morts entre ces murs...
windows.wndstory.caves=Ces cavernes peu peuplées s'étendent sous la prison abandonnée. Riche en minerais, ils étaient autrefois un centre de commerce et d'industrie animé pour la société naine ci-dessous, mais ils ont été abandonnés lorsques les nains sont devenus obsédés par la magie noire.\n\nLes cavernes sont maintenant principalement habitées par la faune souterraine, les gnolls et les machines abandonnées ; probablement corrompu par le même pouvoir qui a affecté les régions ci-dessus. windows.wndstory.caves=Ces cavernes peu peuplées s'étendent sous la prison abandonnée. Riche en minerais, ils étaient autrefois un centre de commerce et d'industrie animé pour la société naine ci-dessous, mais ils ont été abandonnés lorsques les nains sont devenus obsédés par la magie noire.\n\nLes cavernes sont maintenant principalement habitées par la faune souterraine, les gnolls et les machines abandonnées ; probablement corrompu par le même pouvoir qui a affecté les régions ci-dessus.
windows.wndstory.city=La Métropole des nains était autrefois la plus imposante des cités naines. Dans son apogée les nains ont construits d'incroyables machines de métal et de magie leur permettant de s'agrandir rapidement.\n\nCependant, un jour, les portes de la villes furent barrées et personne n'entendit plus jamais parlé des nains. Le peu de personnes s'étant échappées de la ville scellé ont racontés qu'un sorcier fou a volé le trône, et que la terrible magie qu'il a apprise les a condamné dans la soumission et la folie... windows.wndstory.city=La Métropole des nains était autrefois la plus imposante des cités naines. Dans son apogée les nains ont construits d'incroyables machines de métal et de magie leur permettant de s'agrandir rapidement.\n\nCependant, un jour, les portes de la villes furent barrées et personne n'entendit plus jamais parlé des nains. Le peu de personnes s'étant échappées de la ville scellé ont racontés qu'un sorcier fou a volé le trône, et que la terrible magie qu'il a apprise les a condamné dans la soumission et la folie...
windows.wndstory.halls=These deep halls of the Dwarven Metropolis have been twisted by dark magic. In the past these regions played host to the Dwarf King's court of elite warlocks, but now they seem to have been taken over by something even more sinister...\n\nAll sorts of horrific demonic creatures inhabit these halls, being led by some terrible dark power. If the King of Dwarves wasn't the source of the spreading corruption, whatever is down here must be.\n\nTread carefully, very few adventurers have ever descended this far... windows.wndstory.halls=Ces salles profondes de la métropole naine ont été corrompues par la magie noire. Dans le passé, ces régions abritaient la cour des démonistes d'élite du roi nain, mais maintenant elles semblent avoir été reprises par quelque chose d'encore plus sinistre...\n\nToutes sortes de créatures démoniaques horribles habitent ces salles, dirigées par une terrible puissance sombre. Si le roi des nains n'était pas à l'origine de la propagation de la corruption, ce qui se passe ici doit provenir du plus profond du donjon.\n\nFaites preuve de prudence, Très peu d'aventuriers sont déjà descendus aussi bas...
windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Un message du Développeur windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Un message du Développeur
windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Bonjour, j'espère que vous appréciez Shattered Pixel Dungeon ! windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Bonjour, j'espère que vous appréciez Shattered Pixel Dungeon !

View File

@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ windows.wndsadghost.crab_title=MENGALAHKAN KEPITING RAKSASA
windows.wndsadghost.rat=Terima kasih, tikus mengerikan itu sudah dibantai dan aku akhirnya bisa istirahat... Aku penasaran sihir apa yang menciptakan makhluk aneh seperti itu... windows.wndsadghost.rat=Terima kasih, tikus mengerikan itu sudah dibantai dan aku akhirnya bisa istirahat... Aku penasaran sihir apa yang menciptakan makhluk aneh seperti itu...
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Terima kasih, gnoll yang licik itu sudah dibantai dan akhirnya aku bisa istirahat... Aku penasaran sihir apa yang membuatnya sangat cerdik... windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Terima kasih, gnoll yang licik itu sudah dibantai dan akhirnya aku bisa istirahat... Aku penasaran sihir apa yang membuatnya sangat cerdik...
windows.wndsadghost.crab=Terima kasih, kepiting raksasa itu telah musnah dan akhirnya aku bisa istirahat... Aku penasaran sihir apa yang dapat membuatnya hidup sangat lama... windows.wndsadghost.crab=Terima kasih, kepiting raksasa itu telah musnah dan akhirnya aku bisa istirahat... Aku penasaran sihir apa yang dapat membuatnya hidup sangat lama...
windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Please take one of these items, they are useless to me now... Maybe they will help you in your journey...\n\nAlso... There is an item lost in this dungeon that is very dear to me... If you ever... find my... rose...... windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Tolong ambil satu dari item itu, sekarang itu sudah tak berguna bagiku... Mungkin ini bisa menolongmu dalam perjalananmu...\n\nJuga... Ada sesuatu yang sangat kusayangi hilang di Dungeon ini... Jika kau dapat... menemukan... bunga mawarku...
windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Konfirmasi windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Konfirmasi
windows.wndsadghost.cancel=Kembali windows.wndsadghost.cancel=Kembali
windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Selamat tinggal, petualang! windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Selamat tinggal, petualang!
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ windows.wndstory.sewers=Dungeon ini tepat berada di bawah kota, bagian atas Dung
windows.wndstory.prison=Bertahun-tahun yang lalu sebuah penjara dibangun di sini untuk memenjarakan para kriminal berbahaya. Penjagaan dan pengamanan yang sangat ketat, menghukum penjahat dari penjuru dunia ke sini.\n\nTapi kemudian, miasma gelap mulai menyeruak dari bawah, menghilangkan akal sehat para tahanan dan penjaga.\n\nSebagai tindak lanjut dari kekacauan ini, orang kota menyegel seluruh penjuru penjara. Tak ada yang tahu bagaimana nasib mereka yang mati di tempat ini... windows.wndstory.prison=Bertahun-tahun yang lalu sebuah penjara dibangun di sini untuk memenjarakan para kriminal berbahaya. Penjagaan dan pengamanan yang sangat ketat, menghukum penjahat dari penjuru dunia ke sini.\n\nTapi kemudian, miasma gelap mulai menyeruak dari bawah, menghilangkan akal sehat para tahanan dan penjaga.\n\nSebagai tindak lanjut dari kekacauan ini, orang kota menyegel seluruh penjuru penjara. Tak ada yang tahu bagaimana nasib mereka yang mati di tempat ini...
windows.wndstory.caves=Gua yang penghuninya sedikit ini terhampar di bawah penjara. Kaya akan mineral, gua ini asalnya adalah pusat perdagangan yang ramai dan kawasan industri untuk masyarakat dwarf di bawah, tapi sudah ditinggalkan begitu saja karena para dwarf sekarang sudah terobsesi pada ilmu hitam.\n\nGua ini sebagian besar dihuni oleh margasatwa bawah tanah, para gnoll, dan mesin-mesin yang ditinggalkan; mungkin saja terkorupsi oleh kekuatan yang sama seperti yang ada di atas. windows.wndstory.caves=Gua yang penghuninya sedikit ini terhampar di bawah penjara. Kaya akan mineral, gua ini asalnya adalah pusat perdagangan yang ramai dan kawasan industri untuk masyarakat dwarf di bawah, tapi sudah ditinggalkan begitu saja karena para dwarf sekarang sudah terobsesi pada ilmu hitam.\n\nGua ini sebagian besar dihuni oleh margasatwa bawah tanah, para gnoll, dan mesin-mesin yang ditinggalkan; mungkin saja terkorupsi oleh kekuatan yang sama seperti yang ada di atas.
windows.wndstory.city=Metropolis Dwarf dulunya adalah kota terbesar dari seluruh kota-kota dwarf. Di puncak kejayaannya, para dwarf membangun mesin-mesin hebat yang terbuat dari metal dan sihir yang membuat kota mereka dapat meluas dengan cepat.\n\nLalu, suatu hari, gerbang kota tertutup dan tidak ada yang pernah mendengar tentang dwarf lagi. Beberapa orang yang berhasil keluar dari kota itu bercerita tentang ahli sihir gila yang merebut kekuasaan, dan ilmu sihir jahat yang ia manfaatkan. windows.wndstory.city=Metropolis Dwarf dulunya adalah kota terbesar dari seluruh kota-kota dwarf. Di puncak kejayaannya, para dwarf membangun mesin-mesin hebat yang terbuat dari metal dan sihir yang membuat kota mereka dapat meluas dengan cepat.\n\nLalu, suatu hari, gerbang kota tertutup dan tidak ada yang pernah mendengar tentang dwarf lagi. Beberapa orang yang berhasil keluar dari kota itu bercerita tentang ahli sihir gila yang merebut kekuasaan, dan ilmu sihir jahat yang ia manfaatkan.
windows.wndstory.halls=These deep halls of the Dwarven Metropolis have been twisted by dark magic. In the past these regions played host to the Dwarf King's court of elite warlocks, but now they seem to have been taken over by something even more sinister...\n\nAll sorts of horrific demonic creatures inhabit these halls, being led by some terrible dark power. If the King of Dwarves wasn't the source of the spreading corruption, whatever is down here must be.\n\nTread carefully, very few adventurers have ever descended this far... windows.wndstory.halls=Aula dalam di Dwarven Metropolis ini telah bercampur oleh sihir hitam. Di masa lalu, wilayah ini menjadi tuan rumah bagi istana penyihir elit Raja Kurcaci, tapi sekarang mereka tampaknya telah diambil alih oleh sesuatu yang bahkan lebih jahat ...\n\nSegala jenis makhluk iblis yang mengerikan menghuni aula ini, dipimpin oleh kekuatan gelap yang mengerikan. Jika Raja Kurcaci bukan sumber penyebaran korupsi, apa pun yang ada di sini pasti ada.\n\nHati-hati, sangat sedikit petualang yang pernah turun sejauh ini ...
windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Sebuah Pesan dari Developer windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Sebuah Pesan dari Developer
windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Hello, Aku harap kamu menikmati Shattered Pixel Dungeon! windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Hello, Aku harap kamu menikmati Shattered Pixel Dungeon!

View File

@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ windows.wndsadghost.crab_title=대왕 게를 물리쳤다
windows.wndsadghost.rat=고맙네. 그 지독한 쥐가 사라졌으니 이제 편히 쉴 수 있겠어... 어떤 어두운 마법이 그런 끔찍한 생명체를 만들어 냈는지 궁금하군... windows.wndsadghost.rat=고맙네. 그 지독한 쥐가 사라졌으니 이제 편히 쉴 수 있겠어... 어떤 어두운 마법이 그런 끔찍한 생명체를 만들어 냈는지 궁금하군...
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=고맙네. 그 악랄한 놀이 사라졌으니 이제 편히 쉴 수 있겠어... 어떤 어두운 마법이 그 놀을 그렇게 영악하게 만들었는지 궁금하군... windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=고맙네. 그 악랄한 놀이 사라졌으니 이제 편히 쉴 수 있겠어... 어떤 어두운 마법이 그 놀을 그렇게 영악하게 만들었는지 궁금하군...
windows.wndsadghost.crab=고맙네. 그 대왕 게가 사라졌으니 이제 편히 쉴 수 있겠어... 어떤 어두운 마법이 그 게를 그렇게 오래 살 수 있게 했는지 궁금하군... windows.wndsadghost.crab=고맙네. 그 대왕 게가 사라졌으니 이제 편히 쉴 수 있겠어... 어떤 어두운 마법이 그 게를 그렇게 오래 살 수 있게 했는지 궁금하군...
windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Please take one of these items, they are useless to me now... Maybe they will help you in your journey...\n\nAlso... There is an item lost in this dungeon that is very dear to me... If you ever... find my... rose...... windows.wndsadghost.give_item=이 아이템들 중 하나를 가져가게, 나에겐 더 이상 필요없는 것들이니... 어쩌면 그대의 여정에 도움이 될 수도 있을걸세...\n\n그리고.. 내가 이 던전에서 잃어버린 굉장히 소중한 것이 있다네... 만약에... 내 장미를... 찾는다면......
windows.wndsadghost.confirm=확인 windows.wndsadghost.confirm=확인
windows.wndsadghost.cancel=취소 windows.wndsadghost.cancel=취소
windows.wndsadghost.farewell=잘 가게, 모험가여! windows.wndsadghost.farewell=잘 가게, 모험가여!
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ windows.wndstory.sewers=던전은 도시의 바로 아래에 위치해 있습니
windows.wndstory.prison=수년 전 이 곳에는 위험한 죄수들을 수용하기 위한 감옥이 지어졌습니다. 엄격한 통제 속에서, 온 땅에서 온 악랄한 죄수들이 이곳에 수감되었습니다.\n\n하지만 머지않아 불쾌한 어둠의 기운이 아래에서 올라오기 시작했습니다. 이 기운은 죄수들 뿐만 아니라 간수들의 마음까지 악하게 만들기에 충분했습니다.\n\n자라나는 혼돈에 대한 해결책으로, 도시에서는 감옥을 아예 봉쇄해 버렸습니다. 감옥 안에 죽도록 방치된 자들이 어떻게 되었는지는 아무도 알지 못한 채로요... windows.wndstory.prison=수년 전 이 곳에는 위험한 죄수들을 수용하기 위한 감옥이 지어졌습니다. 엄격한 통제 속에서, 온 땅에서 온 악랄한 죄수들이 이곳에 수감되었습니다.\n\n하지만 머지않아 불쾌한 어둠의 기운이 아래에서 올라오기 시작했습니다. 이 기운은 죄수들 뿐만 아니라 간수들의 마음까지 악하게 만들기에 충분했습니다.\n\n자라나는 혼돈에 대한 해결책으로, 도시에서는 감옥을 아예 봉쇄해 버렸습니다. 감옥 안에 죽도록 방치된 자들이 어떻게 되었는지는 아무도 알지 못한 채로요...
windows.wndstory.caves=버려진 감옥 밑에는 인적이 드문 동굴이 펼쳐져 있습니다. 풍부한 광물로 인해 한때는 드워프 도시의 상공업 중심지였습니다만, 드워프들이 점차 흑마술에 집착하게 되면서 잊혀졌습니다.\n\n이제 동굴에는 대개 지하 야생 생물과 놀 부족, 그리고 낡은 기계들이 활보합니다. 그리고 그들 모두 앞서 보았듯이 어두운 마법에 물들어 있습니다. windows.wndstory.caves=버려진 감옥 밑에는 인적이 드문 동굴이 펼쳐져 있습니다. 풍부한 광물로 인해 한때는 드워프 도시의 상공업 중심지였습니다만, 드워프들이 점차 흑마술에 집착하게 되면서 잊혀졌습니다.\n\n이제 동굴에는 대개 지하 야생 생물과 놀 부족, 그리고 낡은 기계들이 활보합니다. 그리고 그들 모두 앞서 보았듯이 어두운 마법에 물들어 있습니다.
windows.wndstory.city=한때 드워프 대도시는 드워프 도시국가 중에서도 으뜸이였습니다. 전성기 때에는 마법과 금속으로 대단한 기계들을 만들어 도시를 급속하게 성장시켰습니다.\n\n그러던 어느날, 드워프 도시의 정문은 봉쇄되었고, 그 후 아무도 드워프들의 소식을 듣지 못했습니다. 봉쇄 직전에 도망친 자들에 의하면 어느 미친 흑마법사가 왕위를 찬탈하고 끔찍한 마법으로 지배를 이어가고 있다고 합니다. windows.wndstory.city=한때 드워프 대도시는 드워프 도시국가 중에서도 으뜸이였습니다. 전성기 때에는 마법과 금속으로 대단한 기계들을 만들어 도시를 급속하게 성장시켰습니다.\n\n그러던 어느날, 드워프 도시의 정문은 봉쇄되었고, 그 후 아무도 드워프들의 소식을 듣지 못했습니다. 봉쇄 직전에 도망친 자들에 의하면 어느 미친 흑마법사가 왕위를 찬탈하고 끔찍한 마법으로 지배를 이어가고 있다고 합니다.
windows.wndstory.halls=These deep halls of the Dwarven Metropolis have been twisted by dark magic. In the past these regions played host to the Dwarf King's court of elite warlocks, but now they seem to have been taken over by something even more sinister...\n\nAll sorts of horrific demonic creatures inhabit these halls, being led by some terrible dark power. If the King of Dwarves wasn't the source of the spreading corruption, whatever is down here must be.\n\nTread carefully, very few adventurers have ever descended this far... windows.wndstory.halls=드워프 대도시의 넓은 회랑은 어둠의 마법에 의해 뒤틀려버렸습니다. 한때는 드워프 왕의 궁정 흑마법사들의 전당이었으나, 지금은 더욱 불길한 존재들이 차지한 것으로 보입니다.\n\n끔찍한 어둠의 힘에 이끌려온 온갖 종류의 사악한 존재들이 이곳에 기거하고 있습니다. 드워프 왕이 번져나가는 타락의 근원이 아니었다면, 분명 이 아래에 도사리고 있는 무언가가 그 원흉일 것입니다.\n\n발걸음을 조심하십시오. 극소수의 모험가만이 이토록 깊은 곳까지 도달했다고 합니다...
windows.wndsupportprompt.title=개발자의 부탁 windows.wndsupportprompt.title=개발자의 부탁
windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=안녕하세요, 당신이 섀터드 픽셀 던전을 즐기고 있길 바랍니다! windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=안녕하세요, 당신이 섀터드 픽셀 던전을 즐기고 있길 바랍니다!

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@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ windows.wndsadghost.crab_title=DERROTOU O GRANDE CARANGUEJO
windows.wndsadghost.rat=Obrigado! Aquele rato horrível está morto e eu posso descansar, finalmente... Eu me pergunto que tipo de magia perversa trouxe à vida uma criatura tão detestável... windows.wndsadghost.rat=Obrigado! Aquele rato horrível está morto e eu posso descansar, finalmente... Eu me pergunto que tipo de magia perversa trouxe à vida uma criatura tão detestável...
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Obrigado! Aquele gnoll cheio de tramoias está morto e eu posso descansar, finalmente... Eu me pergunto que tipo de magia perversa o fez ficar tão inteligente... windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Obrigado! Aquele gnoll cheio de tramoias está morto e eu posso descansar, finalmente... Eu me pergunto que tipo de magia perversa o fez ficar tão inteligente...
windows.wndsadghost.crab=Obrigado! Aquele caranguejo está morto e eu posso descanar, finalmente... Eu me pergunto que tipo de magia perversa o fez viver por tanto tempo... windows.wndsadghost.crab=Obrigado! Aquele caranguejo está morto e eu posso descanar, finalmente... Eu me pergunto que tipo de magia perversa o fez viver por tanto tempo...
windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Please take one of these items, they are useless to me now... Maybe they will help you in your journey...\n\nAlso... There is an item lost in this dungeon that is very dear to me... If you ever... find my... rose...... windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Por favor, leve um destes itens, eles são inúteis para mim agora... Talvez eles te ajudarão na sua jornada...\n\nOutra coisa... Há um item perdido nesta masmorra que é muito precioso para mim... Se você... achar... minha... rosa......
windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Confirme windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Confirme
windows.wndsadghost.cancel=Cancelar windows.wndsadghost.cancel=Cancelar
windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Adeus, aventureiro! windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Adeus, aventureiro!
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ windows.wndstory.sewers=A Masmorra se estende bem por debaixo da Cidade. Seus n
windows.wndstory.prison=Há muitos anos atrás, uma prisão foi construída aqui para trancar criminosos perigosos. Fortemente controlada e segura, condenados de todos os lugares foram trazidos aqui para cumprirem suas penas.\n\nMas rapidamente uma pestilência negra começou a emanar das profundezas, contorcendo a mente tanto dos guardas como a dos prisioneiros.\n\nEm resposta à confusão que estava se alastrando, a Cidade selou toda a prisão. Ninguém sabe o que aconteceu com aqueles que foram deixados para morrer dentro destas paredes... windows.wndstory.prison=Há muitos anos atrás, uma prisão foi construída aqui para trancar criminosos perigosos. Fortemente controlada e segura, condenados de todos os lugares foram trazidos aqui para cumprirem suas penas.\n\nMas rapidamente uma pestilência negra começou a emanar das profundezas, contorcendo a mente tanto dos guardas como a dos prisioneiros.\n\nEm resposta à confusão que estava se alastrando, a Cidade selou toda a prisão. Ninguém sabe o que aconteceu com aqueles que foram deixados para morrer dentro destas paredes...
windows.wndstory.caves=Estas cavernas escassamente povoadas estendem-se por debaixo da prisão abandonada. Ricas em minerais, foram uma vez um centro de comércio e indústria movimentada para a sociedade dos anões ali em baixo, mas foram abandonadas quando os anões se tornaram obcecados pela magia negra.\n\nAs cavernas são agora habitadas principalmente por animais selvagens subterrâneos, gnolls e maquinaria abandonada; provavelmente corrompidas pelo mesmo poder que tem afetado as regiões acima. windows.wndstory.caves=Estas cavernas escassamente povoadas estendem-se por debaixo da prisão abandonada. Ricas em minerais, foram uma vez um centro de comércio e indústria movimentada para a sociedade dos anões ali em baixo, mas foram abandonadas quando os anões se tornaram obcecados pela magia negra.\n\nAs cavernas são agora habitadas principalmente por animais selvagens subterrâneos, gnolls e maquinaria abandonada; provavelmente corrompidas pelo mesmo poder que tem afetado as regiões acima.
windows.wndstory.city=A Metrópole dos Anões já foi a maior de todas as cidades-estado dos anões. Em seu auge, os anões construíram maravilhosas máquinas de metal e magia que permitiram a rápida expansão de sua cidade.\n\nEntão, um dia, as portas da cidade foram barradas e ninguém mais ouviu falar dos anões. Os poucos que escaparam da cidade quando ela se fechou contaram histórias de um mago louco que roubou o trono, e a terrível magia que ele tinha aprendido a usar. windows.wndstory.city=A Metrópole dos Anões já foi a maior de todas as cidades-estado dos anões. Em seu auge, os anões construíram maravilhosas máquinas de metal e magia que permitiram a rápida expansão de sua cidade.\n\nEntão, um dia, as portas da cidade foram barradas e ninguém mais ouviu falar dos anões. Os poucos que escaparam da cidade quando ela se fechou contaram histórias de um mago louco que roubou o trono, e a terrível magia que ele tinha aprendido a usar.
windows.wndstory.halls=These deep halls of the Dwarven Metropolis have been twisted by dark magic. In the past these regions played host to the Dwarf King's court of elite warlocks, but now they seem to have been taken over by something even more sinister...\n\nAll sorts of horrific demonic creatures inhabit these halls, being led by some terrible dark power. If the King of Dwarves wasn't the source of the spreading corruption, whatever is down here must be.\n\nTread carefully, very few adventurers have ever descended this far... windows.wndstory.halls=Estes profundos salões da Metrópole dos Anões foram distorcidos pela magia negra. No passado, estas regiões abrigavam a elite da corte de bruxos do Rei Anão, mas agora eles parecem ter sido tomados por algo muito mais sinistro...\n\nTodos os tipos de criaturas demoníacas horríveis habitam esses salões, atraídos por algum terrível poder sombrio. Se o Rei dos Anões não era a fonte do poder corruptor se espalhando, então seja lá o que estiver aqui em baixo deve ser.\n\nAnde com cuidado, pouquíssimos aventureiros desceram tão longe...
windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Uma Mensagem do Desenvolvedor windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Uma Mensagem do Desenvolvedor
windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Olá, espero que você esteja gostando do Shattered Pixel Dungeon! windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Olá, espero que você esteja gostando do Shattered Pixel Dungeon!

View File

@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ windows.wndsadghost.crab_title=ДРЕВНИЙ КРАБ УБИТ
windows.wndsadghost.rat=Спасибо, теперь, когда эта жуткая крыса убита, я могу отдохнуть... Даже не знаю, что за кошмарная магия создала столь ужасное существо... windows.wndsadghost.rat=Спасибо, теперь, когда эта жуткая крыса убита, я могу отдохнуть... Даже не знаю, что за кошмарная магия создала столь ужасное существо...
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Спасибо, теперь, когда этот проклятый гнолл убит, я могу отдохнуть... Даже не знаю, что за кошмарная магия наделила его таким умом... windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Спасибо, теперь, когда этот проклятый гнолл убит, я могу отдохнуть... Даже не знаю, что за кошмарная магия наделила его таким умом...
windows.wndsadghost.crab=Спасибо, теперь, когда этот древний краб убит, я могу отдохнуть... Даже не знаю, что за кошмарная магия позволяла ему жить так долго... windows.wndsadghost.crab=Спасибо, теперь, когда этот древний краб убит, я могу отдохнуть... Даже не знаю, что за кошмарная магия позволяла ему жить так долго...
windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Please take one of these items, they are useless to me now... Maybe they will help you in your journey...\n\nAlso... There is an item lost in this dungeon that is very dear to me... If you ever... find my... rose...... windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Пожалуйста, возьми один из этих предметов, мне они не понадобятся... Может, они пригодятся тебе в твоём путешествии...\n\nАх, да... В этом подземелье потеряна одна дорогая мне вещь... Может, ты... найдешь мою... розу...
windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Подтвердить windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Подтвердить
windows.wndsadghost.cancel=Отмена windows.wndsadghost.cancel=Отмена
windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Прощай, путешественник! windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Прощай, путешественник!
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ windows.wndstory.sewers=Подземелье находится под Горо
windows.wndstory.prison=Много лет назад была построена эта тюрьма для опасных заключённых. Жестко контролируемая и безопасная, она содержала в себе самых опасных злодеев со всей земли.\n\nНо со временем темное влияние стало просачиваться сюда, извращая разум как стражей, так и узников.\n\nВ ответ на нарастающий хаос, город запечатал всю тюрьму. Никто не знает, что случилось с теми, кто остался умирать в её стенах... windows.wndstory.prison=Много лет назад была построена эта тюрьма для опасных заключённых. Жестко контролируемая и безопасная, она содержала в себе самых опасных злодеев со всей земли.\n\nНо со временем темное влияние стало просачиваться сюда, извращая разум как стражей, так и узников.\n\nВ ответ на нарастающий хаос, город запечатал всю тюрьму. Никто не знает, что случилось с теми, кто остался умирать в её стенах...
windows.wndstory.caves=Пещеры, находящиеся под заброшенной тюрьмой, малообитаемы. В свое время они, будучи богатыми полезными ископаемыми, были центром кипящей торговли и ремесла, но их покинули после того, как дворфы стали одержимы темной магией.\n\nСегодня тут, в основном, обитают подземные животные, гноллы и брошенное оборудование; вероятно, все они испорчены той же темной силой, которая проявила себя и на уровнях выше. windows.wndstory.caves=Пещеры, находящиеся под заброшенной тюрьмой, малообитаемы. В свое время они, будучи богатыми полезными ископаемыми, были центром кипящей торговли и ремесла, но их покинули после того, как дворфы стали одержимы темной магией.\n\nСегодня тут, в основном, обитают подземные животные, гноллы и брошенное оборудование; вероятно, все они испорчены той же темной силой, которая проявила себя и на уровнях выше.
windows.wndstory.city=Метрополис дворфов, в свое время, был величайшим городом-государством дворфов. В свои лучшие годы дворфы создавали тут дивное оборудование из металла и магии, которое и обеспечило городу быстрый рост.\n\nЗатем, в один прекрасный день, ворота забаррикадировали, и более о дворфах никто ничего не слышал. Те немногие, которым удалось бежать из города после того, как его закрыли, рассказывали про сумасшедшего чернокнижника, узурпировавшего престол, и про страшную магию, пользоваться которой он научился. windows.wndstory.city=Метрополис дворфов, в свое время, был величайшим городом-государством дворфов. В свои лучшие годы дворфы создавали тут дивное оборудование из металла и магии, которое и обеспечило городу быстрый рост.\n\nЗатем, в один прекрасный день, ворота забаррикадировали, и более о дворфах никто ничего не слышал. Те немногие, которым удалось бежать из города после того, как его закрыли, рассказывали про сумасшедшего чернокнижника, узурпировавшего престол, и про страшную магию, пользоваться которой он научился.
windows.wndstory.halls=These deep halls of the Dwarven Metropolis have been twisted by dark magic. In the past these regions played host to the Dwarf King's court of elite warlocks, but now they seem to have been taken over by something even more sinister...\n\nAll sorts of horrific demonic creatures inhabit these halls, being led by some terrible dark power. If the King of Dwarves wasn't the source of the spreading corruption, whatever is down here must be.\n\nTread carefully, very few adventurers have ever descended this far... windows.wndstory.halls=Эти глубокие чертоги Метрополиса дворфов сплошь искажены темной магией. В прошлом, эти места служили пристанищем совета величайших чародеев при дворе Короля дворфов, но ныне их, похоже, захватило нечто намного более страшное...\n\nЭти чертоги населены всякими видами демонических существ под предводительством некоей страшной, темной силы. Если не Король дворфов был источником распространяющейся порчи, то что бы то ни было в этих низах, наверное, им и является.\n\nШагай крайне аккуратно, совсем немногим путешественникам довелось спуститься до такой глубины...
windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Письмо от разработчика windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Письмо от разработчика
windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Здравствуйте, я надеюсь, вам понравится Shattered Pixel Dungeon! windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Здравствуйте, я надеюсь, вам понравится Shattered Pixel Dungeon!

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@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ windows.wndsadghost.crab_title=BÜYÜK YENGECİ YENDİN
windows.wndsadghost.rat=Teşekkür ederim, şu korkunç fare yenildi ve artık rahatlayabilirim... Acaba hangi çarpık bir büyü böylesine iğrenç bir canavarı yarattı... windows.wndsadghost.rat=Teşekkür ederim, şu korkunç fare yenildi ve artık rahatlayabilirim... Acaba hangi çarpık bir büyü böylesine iğrenç bir canavarı yarattı...
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Teşekkür ederim, şu entrikacı gnoll artık yenildi ve artık rahatlayabilirim... Acaba hangi çarpık bir büyü bunu bu denli akıllı yaptı... windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Teşekkür ederim, şu entrikacı gnoll artık yenildi ve artık rahatlayabilirim... Acaba hangi çarpık bir büyü bunu bu denli akıllı yaptı...
windows.wndsadghost.crab=Teşekkür ederim, şu dev yengeç sonunda yenildi ve artık rahatlayabilirim... Acaba hangi çarpık bir büyü onun bu denli uzun yaşamasını sağladı... windows.wndsadghost.crab=Teşekkür ederim, şu dev yengeç sonunda yenildi ve artık rahatlayabilirim... Acaba hangi çarpık bir büyü onun bu denli uzun yaşamasını sağladı...
windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Please take one of these items, they are useless to me now... Maybe they will help you in your journey...\n\nAlso... There is an item lost in this dungeon that is very dear to me... If you ever... find my... rose...... windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Lütfen bu eşyalardan birini al, artık benim işime yaramazlar... Belki yolculuğun sırasında sana yardımcı olabilirler...\n\nAyrıca... Benim için çok kıymetli bir eşya bu zindanda kayboldu... Eğer sen... gülümü... bir bulsaydın......
windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Onayla windows.wndsadghost.confirm=Onayla
windows.wndsadghost.cancel=İptal windows.wndsadghost.cancel=İptal
windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Yolun açık olsun, maceracı! windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Yolun açık olsun, maceracı!
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ windows.wndstory.sewers=Zindan şehrin tam altında bulunuyor, üst katları asl
windows.wndstory.prison=Uzun yıllar önce tehlikeli suçluları hapsetmek için buraya bir hapishane inşa edildi. Sıkı bir yönetim ve güvenliğe sahip, her yerden suçlular buraya vakit geçirmek için getirildiler. \n\nFakat sonra karanlık miyasma derinlerden sızarak gardiyan ve mahkumların akıllarını bozmaya başladı.\n\nYükselen kaosa cevaben, şehir hapishanenin tüm kapılarını mühürledi. Kimse bilmez o kapalı duvarların ardında ölüme terkedilenlere neler oldu... windows.wndstory.prison=Uzun yıllar önce tehlikeli suçluları hapsetmek için buraya bir hapishane inşa edildi. Sıkı bir yönetim ve güvenliğe sahip, her yerden suçlular buraya vakit geçirmek için getirildiler. \n\nFakat sonra karanlık miyasma derinlerden sızarak gardiyan ve mahkumların akıllarını bozmaya başladı.\n\nYükselen kaosa cevaben, şehir hapishanenin tüm kapılarını mühürledi. Kimse bilmez o kapalı duvarların ardında ölüme terkedilenlere neler oldu...
windows.wndstory.caves=Seyrek nüfuslu mağaralar terkedilmiş hapishanenin altında uzanır. Mineral bakımından zengindirler, bir zamanlar aşağıdaki cüce toplumu için hareketli ticaretin ve endüstrinin merkeziydiler, ancak cüceler kara büyü ile takıntı haline geldiklerinde terk edildi.\n\nMağaralarda artık çoğunlukla yer altı vahşi yaşamı, gnoller ve sahipsiz makineler bulunur; muhtemelen yukarıdaki bölgeleri etkileyen aynı güç tarafından bozuldu. windows.wndstory.caves=Seyrek nüfuslu mağaralar terkedilmiş hapishanenin altında uzanır. Mineral bakımından zengindirler, bir zamanlar aşağıdaki cüce toplumu için hareketli ticaretin ve endüstrinin merkeziydiler, ancak cüceler kara büyü ile takıntı haline geldiklerinde terk edildi.\n\nMağaralarda artık çoğunlukla yer altı vahşi yaşamı, gnoller ve sahipsiz makineler bulunur; muhtemelen yukarıdaki bölgeleri etkileyen aynı güç tarafından bozuldu.
windows.wndstory.city=Cüce Metropolis bir zamanlar tüm cüce şehir devletlerinin en büyüğüydü. En parlak döneminde cüceler, şehirlerinin hızla genişlemesine izin veren harika metal ve sihir makineleri inşa ettiler.\n\nSonra bir gün, şehir kapıları kapatıldı ve kimse cücelerden bir daha haber alamadı. Şehrin kapıları kapandığı sırada kaçan birkaç kişi, tahtlarını çalan çılgın bir büyücü ve kontrol etmeyi öğrendiği korkunç büyüyü anlattı. windows.wndstory.city=Cüce Metropolis bir zamanlar tüm cüce şehir devletlerinin en büyüğüydü. En parlak döneminde cüceler, şehirlerinin hızla genişlemesine izin veren harika metal ve sihir makineleri inşa ettiler.\n\nSonra bir gün, şehir kapıları kapatıldı ve kimse cücelerden bir daha haber alamadı. Şehrin kapıları kapandığı sırada kaçan birkaç kişi, tahtlarını çalan çılgın bir büyücü ve kontrol etmeyi öğrendiği korkunç büyüyü anlattı.
windows.wndstory.halls=These deep halls of the Dwarven Metropolis have been twisted by dark magic. In the past these regions played host to the Dwarf King's court of elite warlocks, but now they seem to have been taken over by something even more sinister...\n\nAll sorts of horrific demonic creatures inhabit these halls, being led by some terrible dark power. If the King of Dwarves wasn't the source of the spreading corruption, whatever is down here must be.\n\nTread carefully, very few adventurers have ever descended this far... windows.wndstory.halls=Cüce Metropolü'nün bu derin salonları kara büyü tarafından çarpıtılmış. Geçmişte bu bölgeler, Cüce Kralı'nın seçkin büyücü mahkemesine ev sahipliği yapmıştı, ancak şimdi daha da kötü bir şey tarafından ele geçirilmiş gibi görünüyorlar ...\n\nHer tür korkunç şeytani yaratık, korkunç karanlık güçlerin önderliğinde bu salonlarda yaşıyor. Cücelerin Kralı yayılan yolsuzluğun kaynağı değilse, burada ne varsa o olmalı.\n\nDikkatli ol, şimdiye kadar çok az maceracı buraya ulaştı ...
windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Oyun Geliştiricisinden Bir Mesaj windows.wndsupportprompt.title=Oyun Geliştiricisinden Bir Mesaj
windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Merhaba, umarım Shattered Pixel Dungeon'dan hoşlanmışsındır! windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Merhaba, umarım Shattered Pixel Dungeon'dan hoşlanmışsındır!

View File

@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ windows.wndsadghost.crab_title=击败巨大螃蟹
windows.wndsadghost.rat=谢谢你,那个可怕的老鼠被杀,我也终于可以安息了…不知道究竟是什么样畸形的魔法才能创造这样一个肮脏的生物… windows.wndsadghost.rat=谢谢你,那个可怕的老鼠被杀,我也终于可以安息了…不知道究竟是什么样畸形的魔法才能创造这样一个肮脏的生物…
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=谢谢你,那个诡计多端的豺狼被杀,我也终于可以安息了……不知道究竟是什么样畸形的魔法使它如此诡诈… windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=谢谢你,那个诡计多端的豺狼被杀,我也终于可以安息了……不知道究竟是什么样畸形的魔法使它如此诡诈…
windows.wndsadghost.crab=谢谢你,那只巨蟹被杀,我也终于可以安息了……不知道究竟是什么样畸形的魔法能让它活得那么长…… windows.wndsadghost.crab=谢谢你,那只巨蟹被杀,我也终于可以安息了……不知道究竟是什么样畸形的魔法能让它活得那么长……
windows.wndsadghost.give_item=Please take one of these items, they are useless to me now... Maybe they will help you in your journey...\n\nAlso... There is an item lost in this dungeon that is very dear to me... If you ever... find my... rose...... windows.wndsadghost.give_item=挑一个你喜欢的拿走吧,我再也用不着它们了...希望它们能帮助你继续走下去...\n\n还有...我在这地牢里弄丢了一件心爱之物...倘若你能...找到那...玫瑰...
windows.wndsadghost.confirm=确定 windows.wndsadghost.confirm=确定
windows.wndsadghost.cancel=取消 windows.wndsadghost.cancel=取消
windows.wndsadghost.farewell=一路顺风,冒险者! windows.wndsadghost.farewell=一路顺风,冒险者!
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ windows.wndstory.sewers=这片地牢位于城市的正下方,它的最上层
windows.wndstory.prison=多年以前一座地下监狱为了收容危险的犯罪者而建立于此。由于其严格的监管和高安全性,地表各处的囚犯都被带到这里经受时间的折磨。 \n\n但不久之后下方充斥着黑暗的瘴气在这里弥漫开来扭曲了罪犯和狱卒的心智。\n\n监狱里充斥开来的混乱使其彻底失去了秩序于是城市封锁了整个监狱。现今已经没有人知道这些高墙之下经历过无数死亡的生物究竟会是什么样子... windows.wndstory.prison=多年以前一座地下监狱为了收容危险的犯罪者而建立于此。由于其严格的监管和高安全性,地表各处的囚犯都被带到这里经受时间的折磨。 \n\n但不久之后下方充斥着黑暗的瘴气在这里弥漫开来扭曲了罪犯和狱卒的心智。\n\n监狱里充斥开来的混乱使其彻底失去了秩序于是城市封锁了整个监狱。现今已经没有人知道这些高墙之下经历过无数死亡的生物究竟会是什么样子...
windows.wndstory.caves=这座从废弃监狱延伸而下的洞穴,早已空无一人。矿产丰富的洞穴曾经是下方矮人国度的一个贸易与工业中心。然而随着矮人逐渐堕入黑暗魔法的深渊,这里也慢慢被废弃了。\n\n荒凉的洞穴中大抵只有地下生物与豺狼人居住偶尔能见到废弃的机械。与之前的区域类似这里的活物似乎也被同一种邪恶力量所扭曲。 windows.wndstory.caves=这座从废弃监狱延伸而下的洞穴,早已空无一人。矿产丰富的洞穴曾经是下方矮人国度的一个贸易与工业中心。然而随着矮人逐渐堕入黑暗魔法的深渊,这里也慢慢被废弃了。\n\n荒凉的洞穴中大抵只有地下生物与豺狼人居住偶尔能见到废弃的机械。与之前的区域类似这里的活物似乎也被同一种邪恶力量所扭曲。
windows.wndstory.city=矮人都市曾经是最宏伟的矮人城邦。在其鼎盛时期矮人制造了一批注入魔力的奇特机械,借此快速扩张矮人城邦。\n\n然而突然有一天城邦的大门被紧闭从此外界再也得不到矮人的消息。据几位侥幸逃脱的矮人讲有一位癫狂的矮人篡夺了王位并利用他掌控的黑暗魔法巩固统治的地位。 windows.wndstory.city=矮人都市曾经是最宏伟的矮人城邦。在其鼎盛时期矮人制造了一批注入魔力的奇特机械,借此快速扩张矮人城邦。\n\n然而突然有一天城邦的大门被紧闭从此外界再也得不到矮人的消息。据几位侥幸逃脱的矮人讲有一位癫狂的矮人篡夺了王位并利用他掌控的黑暗魔法巩固统治的地位。
windows.wndstory.halls=These deep halls of the Dwarven Metropolis have been twisted by dark magic. In the past these regions played host to the Dwarf King's court of elite warlocks, but now they seem to have been taken over by something even more sinister...\n\nAll sorts of horrific demonic creatures inhabit these halls, being led by some terrible dark power. If the King of Dwarves wasn't the source of the spreading corruption, whatever is down here must be.\n\nTread carefully, very few adventurers have ever descended this far... windows.wndstory.halls=这些遍布矮人王国深处的大厅已经被恶魔力量扭曲。在过去,这里由矮人王旗下的精英术士们做主,但他们似乎已经为某些更加邪恶强大的存在所取代...\n\n恶魔生物们盘踞着这些大厅。令人胆寒的黑暗意志主宰着它们。既然矮人王不是腐化的根源那真正的它一定就藏在这里\n\n路上要小心很少有冒险者能一路走到这里...
windows.wndsupportprompt.title=来自开发者的留言 windows.wndsupportprompt.title=来自开发者的留言
windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=欢迎~希望您能在破碎的像素地牢中玩得开心! windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=欢迎~希望您能在破碎的像素地牢中玩得开心!