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105 lines
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English [简体中文](README_ZH.md) [にほんご](README_JA.md)
## Intro
Mint's new game.
A pixel cross-platform roguelite game.
## Recent Development progress
| Task | status |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ |
| Randomly generated map | complete |
| loot | complete |
| Support still out of the knapsack system | complete |
| Add AI agents to creatures | In progress |
## Screenshot
Game scene
Level graph editor
## Run the project locally
#### Download engine
1. Download [Godot Engine .Net](https://godotengine.org/).
After downloading the engine, you will need to download an additional export template to export as an executable program.
2. Download [.NetSDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download).
#### Clone project
Enter the following command in your working directory:
git clone https://github.com/Cold-Mint/Traveller.git
#### Export
You need to fill in the Export Presets > Resources > Filter to export non-resource files or folders edit box:
#### Custom feature
- **disableVersionIsolation** Disable version isolation.
## Configuring Openobserve
> This is optional, and the game will work even if you do not configure Openobserve.
openobserve is used to continuously collect logs and alarm information after a game has been released.
#### Set up the openobserve server
#### Write configuration
After you have set up an openobserve server, follow the following steps to configure the file:
1. Create a configuration file named **AppConfig.yaml** in the root directory of your project.
2. Fill in the information for the remote server.
address: [address]
access_token: [token]
org_id: [org_id]
stream_name: [stream_name]
address Indicates the address of the server in the format of http(s)://www.example.com. (Support http and https)
## Participate in translation
The project is prepared for localization at the beginning of writing. You can edit the csv file in the locals directory. To modify and add new translations.
## License
[GPL-3.0 license](LICENSE)
Support commercial, anyone can modify, build, and sell or distribute for free. For all derivative versions of this project, under the GPL, you shall **retain the author copyright** and **publish the modified source code**.
> Note: You have the right to sell the modified version, but not the original.
## Contributor
<a href="https://github.com/Cold-Mint/Traveller/graphs/contributors">
<img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=Cold-Mint/Traveller" />