
This commit is contained in:
小李xl 2023-03-30 01:40:06 +08:00
parent 89dd0c8e38
commit 3156026820
10 changed files with 178 additions and 15 deletions

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 19 KiB

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 32 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 72 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 18 KiB

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@ -303,15 +303,36 @@ private IEnumerator StartRotation()
### 3.3.地牢房间
#### 3.3.1.地牢房间概述
### 3.3.地牢
#### 3.3.1.地牢概述
游戏中的地牢由若干层组成, 每一层地牢又由数个小房间随机拼接而成, 由起始房间开始, 成树状连接; 每一层地牢有一个起始房间, 和至少一个通向另一层的结束房间, 房间与房间之间由过道连接, 过道不会交叉和重叠
房间有以下类别 (目前代码还未完成区分类型的功能):
* **起始房间**: 由上一层地牢的结束房间进入该房间, 每层包含一个起始房间
* **结束房间**: 进入另一层地牢, 每层只是包含一个结束房间
* **普通战斗房间**: 进入该房间时会关上门, 并刷出若干波敌人, 消灭所有敌人后开门
* **boss战房间**: 进入房间时会关上没, 刷出boss, 消灭boss后开门
* **奖励房间**: 给予玩家武器或者道具奖励的房间
* **商店**: 玩家买卖道具装备的房间
* **事件房间**: 触发剧情或者解锁NPC的房间
#### 3.3.2.地牢生成规则
#### 3.3.2.创建模板房间
##### 创建模板房间
项目提供了一套创建模板房间的工具, 点击`tools`页签, 找到`创建地牢房间`这一项, 输入模板房间名称(注意房间名称不能重复), 即可创建房间, 创建房间完成后会创建房间配置数据, 路径为`resource/map/tiledata/xxx.json`, 并将配置数据注册到`resource/map/RoomConfig.json`中
#### 3.3.3.创建模板房间
##### 绘制房间
创建好的房间会自动在编辑器中打开, 为场景的根节点选好`TileSet`后就可以画房间了
编辑器会自动计算出房间位置轮廓(绿色线)和导航区域(红色和黄色线), 并绘制出来, 按下`ctrs`+`s`, 编辑器就会将位置轮廓和导航信息存入`resource/map/tiledata/xxx.json`下
注意, 为了避免Ai运动时卡墙角, 所以计算导航轮廓时特意与墙预留了半个格子的距离, 也就是说如果存在单格的道路, 导航计算就会出错, 所以在画道路时必须为两格以上的宽度, 像下面这两种情况就是不被允许的, 编辑器会绘制出错误的格子
如果计算导航网格出错, 那么编辑器将不会保存房间配置信息
##### 配置房间门生成位置
### 3.4.UI系统
#### 3.4.1.UI系统概述

View File

@ -18,5 +18,9 @@
"ScenePath": "res://resource/map/tileMaps/Room5.tscn",
"ConfigPath": "res://resource/map/tiledata/Room5.json"
"ScenePath": "res://resource/map/tileMaps/Room6.tscn",
"ConfigPath": "res://resource/map/tiledata/Room6.json"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://enbdu7o247o2"]
[ext_resource type="TileSet" uid="uid://b00g22o1cqhe8" path="res://resource/map/tileset/TileSet1.tres" id="1_0o1o2"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://src/framework/map/DungeonRoomTemplate.cs" id="dungeonRoomTemplate"]
[node name="Room6" type="TileMap"]
tile_set = ExtResource("1_0o1o2")
format = 2
layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(196615, 0, 8, 131079, 0, 8, 65543, 0, 8, 7, 0, 8, -65529, 0, 8, -131065, 0, 8, -196601, 0, 8, 196614, 0, 8, 131078, 0, 8, 65542, 0, 8, 6, 0, 8, -65530, 0, 8, -131066, 0, 8, -196602, 0, 8, -262138, 0, 8, 196613, 0, 8, 131077, 0, 8, 65541, 0, 8, 5, 0, 8, -196603, 0, 8, -262139, 0, 8, 196612, 0, 8, 131076, 0, 8, 65540, 0, 8, 4, 0, 8, -196604, 0, 8, -262140, 0, 8, 196611, 0, 8, 131075, 0, 8, 65539, 0, 8, 3, 0, 8, -196605, 0, 8, -262141, 0, 8, 196610, 0, 8, 131074, 0, 8, 65538, 0, 8, 2, 0, 8, -196606, 0, 8, -262142, 0, 8, 196609, 0, 8, 131073, 0, 8, 65537, 0, 8, 1, 0, 8, -196607, 0, 8, -262143, 0, 8, 196608, 0, 8, 131072, 0, 8, 65536, 0, 8, 0, 0, 8, -196608, 0, 8, -262144, 0, 8, 262143, 0, 8, 196607, 0, 8, 131071, 0, 8, 65535, 0, 8, -131073, 0, 8, -196609, 0, 8, 262142, 0, 8, 196606, 0, 8, 131070, 0, 8, 65534, 0, 8, -2, 0, 8, -65538, 0, 8, -131074, 0, 8, -196610, 0, 8, 262141, 0, 8, 196605, 0, 8, 131069, 0, 8, 65533, 0, 8, -3, 0, 8, -65539, 0, 8, -131075, 0, 8, -196611, 0, 8, 262140, 0, 8, 196604, 0, 8, 131068, 0, 8, 65532, 0, 8, -4, 0, 8, -65540, 0, 8, -131076, 0, 8, -196612, 0, 8, -131077, 0, 8, -196613, 0, 8, -262149, 0, 8, -262148, 0, 8, -262147, 0, 8, -65541, 0, 8, -5, 0, 8, 65531, 196608, 2, 131067, 196608, 3, 196603, 196608, 3, 262139, 196608, 3, 327677, 131072, 2, 327676, 131072, 2, 327675, 720896, 2, -262146, 0, 8, 327678, 131072, 2, -262145, 0, 8, 327679, 196608, 2, -327680, 0, 8, 262144, 0, 8, -327679, 0, 8, 262145, 0, 8, -327678, 0, 8, 262146, 0, 8, -327677, 0, 8, 262147, 0, 8, -327676, 0, 8, 262148, 0, 8, -327675, 0, 8, 262149, 65536, 2, -327674, 0, 8, 262150, 131072, 2, 262151, 131072, 2, -196600, 65536, 7, -131064, 0, 8, -65528, 0, 8, 8, 0, 8, 65544, 0, 8, 131080, 0, 8, 196616, 0, 8, 262152, 131072, 2, -65537, 65536, 2, -131072, 131072, 2, -131071, 131072, 2, -131070, 131072, 2, -131069, 131072, 2, -131068, 131072, 2, -131067, 196608, 2, -1, 65536, 7, -65536, 131072, 7, -65535, 131072, 7, -65534, 131072, 7, -65533, 131072, 7, -65532, 131072, 7, -65531, 196608, 7, 327684, 0, 8, 327683, 0, 8, 327682, 0, 8, 327681, 0, 8, 327680, 0, 8, 393215, 196608, 3, 393217, 131072, 2, 393216, 131072, 2, 458751, 720896, 2, 393218, 131072, 2, 393219, 131072, 2, 393220, 131072, 2, 327685, 65536, 3, 393221, 851968, 2, -6, 0, 8, -65542, 0, 8, -131078, 0, 8, -196614, 0, 8, -262150, 0, 8, -7, 0, 8, -65543, 0, 8, -131079, 0, 8, -196615, 0, 8, -262151, 0, 8, -196616, 196608, 3, -262152, 196608, 3, -327688, 196608, 4, -327687, 131072, 7, -327686, 131072, 7, -131080, 196608, 3, -65544, 196608, 3, -8, 196608, 3, 65530, 131072, 2, 65529, 131072, 2, 65528, 720896, 2, -327685, 131072, 7, -327684, 196608, 7, -327683, 0, 8, -327682, 0, 8, -327681, 65536, 7, -393216, 131072, 7, -393215, 131072, 7, -393214, 131072, 7, -393213, 131072, 7, -393212, 131072, 7, -393211, 196608, 7, 196619, 0, 8, 131083, 0, 8, 65547, 0, 8, 11, 0, 8, -65525, 0, 8, -131061, 0, 8, 196618, 0, 8, 131082, 0, 8, 65546, 0, 8, 10, 0, 8, -65526, 0, 8, -131062, 0, 8, 196617, 0, 8, 131081, 0, 8, 65545, 0, 8, 9, 0, 8, -65527, 0, 8, -131063, 0, 8, -196599, 131072, 7, 262153, 131072, 2, -196598, 131072, 7, 262154, 131072, 2, -196597, 131072, 7, 262155, 131072, 2, -131060, 65536, 3, -65524, 65536, 3, -196596, 65536, 4, 12, 65536, 3, 65548, 65536, 3, 131084, 65536, 3, 196620, 65536, 3, 262156, 851968, 2, -393220, 196608, 4, -393219, 131072, 7, -393218, 131072, 7, -393217, 65536, 4, -262137, 0, 8, -327673, 0, 8, -262136, 65536, 3, -393209, 0, 8, -393208, 65536, 3, -327672, 65536, 3, -393210, 0, 8, -458746, 131072, 7, -458745, 131072, 7, -458744, 65536, 4, -458747, 196608, 4)
script = ExtResource("dungeonRoomTemplate")
EnableEdit = true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
"Position": {
"X": -8,
"Y": -7
"Size": {
"X": 21,
"Y": 14
"DoorAreaInfos": [
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"End": 112
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"End": 208
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"Y": -88
"X": -24,
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"X": 104,
"Y": -72
"X": 104,
"Y": -88
"X": 120,
"Y": -88
"X": 120,
"Y": -24
"X": 184,
"Y": -24
"X": 184,
"Y": 56
"X": 72,
"Y": 56
"X": 72,
"Y": 88
"X": 8,
"Y": 88
"X": 8,
"Y": 56
"X": -56,
"Y": 56
"X": -56,
"Y": -8
"X": -104,
"Y": -8
"X": -104,
"Y": -72
"X": -40,
"Y": -72
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"Y": -40
"X": 104,
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"Y": 8

View File

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View File

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一款由Godot开发的地牢射击类型的游戏, 脚本语言使用的是C#, 当前项目使用的Godot版本: Godot_v4.0.1.rc1
一款由Godot开发的地牢射击类型的游戏, 脚本语言使用的是C#, 当前项目使用的Godot版本: Godot_v4.0.1
### 游戏定义