using RustTools.Helpers; using RustTools.muqing; using Windows.UI.Popups; using Windows.UI.ViewManagement; namespace RustTools; public sealed partial class MainWindow : WindowEx { private readonly Microsoft.UI.Dispatching.DispatcherQueue dispatcherQueue; private readonly UISettings settings = new(); public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); gj.SetBackTheme(this); Content = null; ExtendsContentIntoTitleBar = true; this.SetIcon("Assets/WindowIcon.ico"); //AppWindow.SetIcon(Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "Assets/WindowIcon.ico")); Title = "AppDisplayName".GetLocalized(); // Theme change code picked from dispatcherQueue = Microsoft.UI.Dispatching.DispatcherQueue.GetForCurrentThread(); settings.ColorValuesChanged += Settings_ColorValuesChanged; // cannot use FrameworkElement.ActualThemeChanged event //var editorWin = new Editor.EditorWin(); } // this handles updating the caption button colors correctly when indows system theme is changed // while the app is open private void Settings_ColorValuesChanged(UISettings sender, object args) { // This calls comes off-thread, hence we will need to dispatch it to current app's thread dispatcherQueue.TryEnqueue(() => { TitleBarHelper.ApplySystemThemeToCaptionButtons(); }); } }