using Microsoft.UI.Xaml; using Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls; using RustTools.muqing; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using Windows.ApplicationModel.Core; using System.Diagnostics; using Windows.UI.ViewManagement; using Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media; using Microsoft.UI; using static RustTools.muqing.wl; using System.Threading; // To learn more about WinUI, the WinUI project structure, // and more about our project templates, see: namespace RustTools.WindowUI; /// /// An empty page that can be used on its own or navigated to within a Frame. /// public sealed partial class ModuleInfoWin : WindowEx { public static List ModulePageList = new(); public ObservableCollection ScreenshotsList = new(); public ModInfo.Data Mod { get; set; } = new(); public ModuleInfoWin(string v) { InitializeComponent(); ExtendsContentIntoTitleBar = true; gj.SetBackTheme(this); var frame = App.AppTitlebar as FrameworkElement; if (frame != null) { gj.UpdateTitleBar(this, frame.ActualTheme); grid.RequestedTheme = frame.ActualTheme; } if (v != string.Empty) { init(v); } // 设置窗口背景颜色 } private async void init(string v) { var json = await ApiFox.mod.getInfo("", v); var a = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); if (a != null) { Mod =; Mod.IconUrl = Mod.IconUrl.Equals("") ? "/Assets/image/image_106.svg" : Mod.IconUrl.Replace("..", wl.api); Mod.Link = Mod.Link.Replace("..", wl.api); Title = Mod.Name; var l = " | "; title_b.Text = "单位数" + Mod.UnitNumber + l + Mod.DownloadNumber + "次下载" + l + "版本名称" + Mod.VersionName; title_c.Text = "发布时间:" + Mod.CreationTime + " 最近更新:" + Mod.UpdateTime; var ScrList = Mod.Screenshots.Split(","); foreach (var s in ScrList) {; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { continue; } ScreenshotsList.Add(s.Replace("..", wl.api)); } if (ScreenshotsList.Count > 0) { fliptext.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; flipview.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { fliptext.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; flipview.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } grid.DataContext = this; // 设置数据上下文 } } private void WindowEx_SizeChanged(object sender, WindowSizeChangedEventArgs args) { DescriptionText.Width = Width - 50; } private void WindowEx_Closed(object sender, WindowEventArgs args) { // 当窗口关闭时,从列表中移除 ModulePageList.Remove(this); } private async void AppBarButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var label = ((AppBarButton)sender).Name;; switch (label) { case "ReportButton":"举报这个模组抄袭"); //if (Toast.IsOpen) Toast.IsOpen = false; Toast.Title = "举报此模组"; Toast.Subtitle = "请合理举报,拒接无脑举报!"; Toast.IsOpen = true; break; case "LikeButton":"给这个模组投了一个币"); //if (Toast.IsOpen) Toast.IsOpen = false; Toast.Title = "支持此模组"; Toast.Subtitle = "支持后自动扣除你的一个硬币,如果没有则支持失败"; Toast.IsOpen = true; break; case "DownLoadButton": var iniHelper = new IniHelper(); iniHelper.Load(IniHelper.FILE.Config); var v = iniHelper.GetValue(IniHelper.CODE.Rust, IniHelper.KEY.ModFileUrl); if (v == string.Empty) { var dialog=new ContentDialog() { XamlRoot = grid.XamlRoot, Title="警告", Content="请在设置中配置好模组路径再来", SecondaryButtonText="取消" }; await dialog.ShowAsync(); return; } var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();"下载此模组:" + Mod.Link); var downloader = new FileDownloader(); DownloadDialog.XamlRoot = grid.XamlRoot; var asyncOperation = DownloadDialog.ShowAsync(); DownloadDialog.Closing += DownloadDialog_Closing; DownloadDialog.SecondaryButtonClick += (a, b) => {"删除"); cancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); downloader.Delete(); }; try { var PathMod = Path.Combine(v, Mod.Name); if (File.Exists(PathMod + ".rwmod")) { File.Delete(PathMod + ".rwmod"); } //下载链接 保存文件的本地路径 await downloader.DownloadFileAsync(Mod.Link,PathMod, (totalBytesRead, totalBytes) => { DownloadDialogText.Text = $"Downloaded {totalBytesRead} of {totalBytes} bytes. {(totalBytes > 0 ? (double)totalBytesRead / totalBytes * 100 : 0):0.00}% complete."; //Debug.WriteLine($"Downloaded {totalBytesRead} of {totalBytes} bytes. {(totalBytes > 0 ? (double)totalBytesRead / totalBytes * 100 : 0):0.00}% complete."); }, cancellationTokenSource.Token); Debug.WriteLine("文件下载完成"); File.Move(PathMod, PathMod + ".rwmod"); DownloadDialog.Closing -= DownloadDialog_Closing; // 手动隐藏对话框 DownloadDialog.Hide(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine($"Error downloading file: {ex.Message}"); } finally { DownloadDialog.Closing -= DownloadDialog_Closing; DownloadDialog.Hide(); } break; } } private void Toast_ActionButtonClick(TeachingTip sender, object args) { } private void DownloadDialog_Closing(ContentDialog sender, ContentDialogClosingEventArgs args) { // Prevent the dialog from closing if (args.Result != ContentDialogResult.Secondary) { args.Cancel = true; } } }