using System;
using ColdMint.scripts.character;
using ColdMint.scripts.debug;
using ColdMint.scripts.pickable;
using Godot;
namespace ColdMint.scripts.weapon;
/// WeaponTemplate
/// 武器模板
public abstract partial class WeaponTemplate : PickAbleTemplate
private float _gravity = ProjectSettings.GetSetting("physics/2d/default_gravity").AsSingle();
/// Fire audio playback component
/// 开火音效播放组件
private AudioStreamPlayer2D? _audioStreamPlayer2D;
public override void LoadResource()
if (_audioStreamPlayer2D == null)
_audioStreamPlayer2D = GetNode("Marker2D/AudioStreamPlayer2D");
public override bool Use(Node2D? owner, Vector2 targetGlobalPosition)
return Fire(owner, targetGlobalPosition);
private DateTime? _lastFiringTime;
/// Firing interval
/// 开火间隔
private TimeSpan _firingInterval;
private long _firingIntervalAsMillisecond = 100;
protected long FiringIntervalAsMillisecond
get => _firingIntervalAsMillisecond;
_firingIntervalAsMillisecond = value;
_firingInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(_firingIntervalAsMillisecond);
/// The recoil of the weapon
/// 武器的后坐力
///When the weapon is fired, how much recoil is applied to the user, in units: the number of cells, and the X direction of the force is automatically inferred.
[Export] private long _recoilStrength;
/// Discharge of the weapon
/// 武器开火
public bool Fire(Node2D? owner, Vector2 enemyGlobalPosition)
var nowTime = DateTime.Now;
//If the present time minus the time of the last fire is less than the interval between fires, it means that the fire cannot be fired yet.
if (_lastFiringTime != null && nowTime - _lastFiringTime < _firingInterval)
return false;
_lastFiringTime = nowTime;
var result = DoFire(owner, enemyGlobalPosition);
if (result)
if (owner is CharacterTemplate characterTemplate)
if (_recoilStrength != 0)
characterTemplate.AddForce(enemyGlobalPosition.DirectionTo(characterTemplate.GlobalPosition) * _recoilStrength * Config.CellSize);
if (_audioStreamPlayer2D == null)
//No audio player
return true;
if (_audioStreamPlayer2D.IsPlaying())
//The audio is playing
return true;
//Play audio
LogCat.LogWithFormat("play_audio", LogCat.LogLabel.Default, _audioStreamPlayer2D.Bus, _audioStreamPlayer2D.Stream);
return result;
/// Execute fire
/// 执行开火
///Return Is the fire successful?
protected abstract bool DoFire(Node2D? owner, Vector2 enemyGlobalPosition);