using System.Threading.Tasks; using ColdMint.scripts.damage; using ColdMint.scripts.deathInfo; using ColdMint.scripts.debug; using ColdMint.scripts.inventory; using; using ColdMint.scripts.utils; using ColdMint.scripts.pickable; using Godot; using static System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers; namespace ColdMint.scripts.character; /// /// 玩家角色 /// public partial class Player : CharacterTemplate { //Empty object projectile //空的物品抛射线 private readonly Vector2[] _emptyVector2Array = [Vector2.Zero]; //抛物线 private Line2D? _parabola; //用于检测玩家是否站在平台上的射线 [Export] private RayCast2D[]? _platformDetectionRayCast2DList; //抛出物品的飞行速度 private float _throwingVelocity = Config.CellSize * 13; //射线是否与平台碰撞 private bool _collidingWithPlatform; private bool _canUseItem; //How long does it take for the character to recover from a collision with the platform after jumping off the platform (in seconds) //角色从平台上跳下后,多少时间后恢复与平台的碰撞(单位:秒) private double _platformCollisionRecoveryTime = 0.2f; public override void _Ready() { base._Ready(); if (_platformDetectionRayCast2DList == null || _platformDetectionRayCast2DList.Length == 0) { LogCat.LogError("no_platform_detection_raycast_found"); return; } CharacterName = TranslationServerUtils.Translate("default_player_name"); LogCat.LogWithFormat("player_spawn_debug", LogCat.LogLabel.Default, ReadOnlyCharacterName, GlobalPosition); _parabola = GetNode("Parabola"); var healthBarUi = GameSceneDepend.HealthBarUi; if (healthBarUi != null) { healthBarUi.MaxHp = MaxHp; healthBarUi.CurrentHp = CurrentHp; } //Mount the camera. //挂载相机。 var mainCameraPackedScene = ResourceLoader.Load("res://prefab/MainCamera.tscn"); var camera2D = NodeUtils.InstantiatePackedScene(mainCameraPackedScene); if (camera2D != null) { NodeUtils.CallDeferredAddChild(this, camera2D); } } protected override void WhenBindItemContainer(IItemContainer? itemContainer) { if (itemContainer == null) { return; } //Subscribe to events when the item container is bound to the player. //在物品容器与玩家绑定时订阅事件。 itemContainer.SelectedItemChangeEvent += SelectedItemChangeEvent; } public override void _ExitTree() { base._ExitTree(); if (ProtectedItemContainer != null) { //Unsubscribe to events when this object is destroyed. //此节点被销毁时,取消订阅事件。 ProtectedItemContainer.SelectedItemChangeEvent -= SelectedItemChangeEvent; } } private void SelectedItemChangeEvent(SelectedItemChangeEvent selectedItemChangeEvent) { var item = selectedItemChangeEvent.NewItem; if (item is Node2D node2D) { CurrentItem = node2D; } else { CurrentItem = null; } } public override void _MouseEnter() { } public override void _MouseExit() { } /// /// UpdateCollidingWithPlatform /// 更新与平台发生碰撞的状态 /// private void UpdateCollidingWithPlatform() { //When the collision state between the platform detection ray and the platform changes //在平台检测射线与平台碰撞状态改变时 if (_platformDetectionRayCast2DList is not { Length: > 0 }) return; foreach (var rayCast2D in _platformDetectionRayCast2DList) { if (!rayCast2D.IsColliding()) continue; _collidingWithPlatform = true; return; } _collidingWithPlatform = false; } protected override void HookPhysicsProcess(ref Vector2 velocity, double delta) { UpdateCollidingWithPlatform(); //If the character is on the ground, give an upward velocity when the jump button is pressed //如果角色正在地面上,按下跳跃键时,给予一个向上的速度 if ((Input.IsActionJustPressed("ui_up")||Input.IsActionJustPressed("ui_accept") )&& IsOnFloor()) velocity.Y = JumpVelocity; //Moving left and right //左右移动 var axis = Input.GetAxis("ui_left", "ui_right"); velocity.X = axis * Speed * Config.CellSize * ProtectedSpeedScale; if (Input.IsActionJustPressed("use_item")) { _canUseItem = !GameSceneDepend.IsMouseOverFurnitureGui && !GameSceneDepend.IsMouseOverItemSlotNode; } //Use items //使用物品 if (Input.IsActionPressed("use_item")) { if (_canUseItem) { UseItem(GetGlobalMousePosition()); } } //Pick up an item //捡起物品 if (Input.IsActionJustPressed("pick_up")) { var pickAbleItem = FindTheNearestItem(); var success = PickItem(pickAbleItem); if (success) { if (pickAbleItem != null) { PickingRangeBodiesList?.Remove(pickAbleItem); } } } if (Input.IsActionJustPressed("ui_down")) { if (_collidingWithPlatform) { //When the character stands on the platform and presses the ui_down key, we cancel the collision between the character and the platform //当角色站在平台上按下 ui_down 键时,我们取消角色与平台的碰撞 var timer = new Timer(); AddChild(timer); timer.WaitTime = _platformCollisionRecoveryTime; timer.OneShot = true; timer.Start(); timer.Timeout += () => { SetCollisionMaskValue(Config.LayerNumber.Platform, true); timer.QueueFree(); }; SetCollisionMaskValue(Config.LayerNumber.Platform, false); } } //Display a parabola when an item is thrown //抛出物品时,显示抛物线 if (Input.IsActionPressed("throw")) { if (_parabola == null) { return; } if (ItemMarker2D == null) { //Cannot get the marked location of the item, then do not draw a line //无法获取物品的标记位置,那么不绘制线 return; } _parabola.Points = CurrentItem == null ? _emptyVector2Array : ParabolicUtils.ComputeParabolic(ItemMarker2D.Position, GetThrowVelocity(), Gravity, 0.1f); } //When you raise your hand, throw the object //抬起手时,抛出物品 if (Input.IsActionJustReleased("throw")) { if (ItemContainer == null) { return; } if (_parabola != null) { _parabola.Points = [Vector2.Zero]; } ThrowItem(ItemContainer.GetSelectIndex(), 1, GetThrowVelocity()); CurrentItem = null; } } /// /// 当玩家手动抛出物品时,施加到物品上的速度值 /// /// private Vector2 GetThrowVelocity() { //We take the mouse position, normalize it, and then multiply it by the distance the player can throw //我们拿到鼠标的位置,将其归一化处理,然后乘以玩家可扔出的距离 return GetLocalMousePosition().Normalized() * _throwingVelocity; } public override void _Process(double delta) { if (!Visible) { return; } AimTheCurrentItemAtAPoint(GetGlobalMousePosition()); var itemMarker2DPosition = Vector2.Zero; if (ItemMarker2D != null) { itemMarker2DPosition = ItemMarker2D.Position; } var axis = Input.GetAxis("ui_left", "ui_right"); switch (axis) { case -1: //Minus 1, we move to the left //-1,向左移动 FacingLeft = true; if (ItemMarker2D != null) { itemMarker2DPosition.X = -ReadOnlyItemMarkerOriginalX; } Flip(); break; case 1: //1, move to the right //1,向右移动 FacingLeft = false; if (ItemMarker2D != null) { itemMarker2DPosition.X = ReadOnlyItemMarkerOriginalX; } Flip(); break; } if (ItemMarker2D != null) { ItemMarker2D.Position = itemMarker2DPosition; } } protected override void Flip() { base.Flip(); //If there is a weapon, flip it too //如果有武器的话,也要翻转 if (CurrentItem is PickAbleTemplate pickAbleTemplate) { pickAbleTemplate.Flip(FacingLeft); } } public override void Revive(int newHp) { base.Revive(newHp); var healthBarUi = GameSceneDepend.HealthBarUi; if (healthBarUi != null) { //The purpose of setting Hp to the current Hp is to cause the life bar to refresh. //将Hp设置为当前Hp的目的是,使生命条刷新。 healthBarUi.CurrentHp = CurrentHp; } ProcessMode = ProcessModeEnum.Inherit; Show(); } /// /// When the player dies /// 当玩家死亡的时候 /// /// protected override async Task OnDie(DamageTemplate damageTemplate) { Hide(); ProcessMode = ProcessModeEnum.Disabled; ProtectedItemContainer?.ClearAllItems(); if (EventBus.GameOverEvent == null) { LogCat.Log("game_over_event_is_empty"); return; } var gameOverEvent = new GameOverEvent(); if (damageTemplate.Attacker != null) { gameOverEvent.DeathInfo = await DeathInfoGenerator.GenerateDeathInfo(this, damageTemplate.Attacker); } EventBus.GameOverEvent.Invoke(gameOverEvent); } protected override void OnHit(DamageTemplate damageTemplate) { base.OnHit(damageTemplate); var healthBarUi = GameSceneDepend.HealthBarUi; if (healthBarUi != null) { healthBarUi.CurrentHp = CurrentHp; } } }