[core] class: CustomUnitMetadata mass: 3000 name: superHeavyHoverTank displayText: Heavy Hovercushion Tank - Prototype displayText_zh:重型气垫坦克-原型 displayDescription: -The crystallization of old sun technology can be moved on water, equipped with machine gun muzzle and two plasma laser cannons at close range. \n-It can be used for anti submarine and air defense, but its attack is weak.shield. displayDescription_zh:旧日的科技结晶,可以在水上移动,配有机关枪炮口,近距离还有两门等离子激光炮。\n-可以反潜,防空,但攻击较弱,拥有护盾。 maxHp: 400 maxShield: 600 #builtFrom_1_name: mod=RES=megaFactory #builtFrom_1_pos: 0 buildSpeed: 25s techLevel: 2 price: 3200 availableInDemo: false radius: 15 #displayRadius: 15 isBio: false [graphics] total_frames: 1 image: SHARED:blank.png image_wreak: none image_turret: NONE #scaleImagesTo: teamColorsOnTurret: true splastEffect: true lock_body_rotation_with_main_turret: false image_shadow: ROOT:/assets/oldsungodimg/T2/SuperHeavyTank/super_heavy_hover_tank_shadow.png shadowOffsetX:2 shadowOffsetY:2 [attack] turretRotateWithBody: true canAttack: true canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: true maxAttackRange: 240 shootDelay: 15 isFixedFiring: true turretMultiTargeting: true [turret_1] invisible: true x: -7 y: 0 idleDir:0 projectile: 1 size: 12 attachedTo: 0 limitingRange: 120 shoot_sound:plasma_fire2 shoot_sound_vol:0.3 shoot_flame:NONE shoot_light: #ffff0000 canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false recoilOffset: -1.5 recoilOutTime: 4 recoilReturnTime: 10 [turret_2] invisible: true x: 7 y: 0 idleDir:0 projectile: 1 size: 12 copyFrom: 1 linkDelayWithTurret: 1 warmup: 12 attachedTo: 0 slave: true [turret_3] #torpedo invisible: true x: 0 y: 0 idleDir:0 canAttackFlyingUnits: false canAttackLandUnits: false canAttackUnderwaterUnits: true canAttackCondition: if self.overwater projectile: 2 size: 1 turnSpeed: 15 delay: 120 [turret_4] # image: SHARED:experimental_tank_turret3.png x:0 y:10 size: 15 canAttack: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false canAttackFlyingUnits: false attachedTo: 0 slave: true recoilOffset: -2.5 recoilOutTime: 3 recoilReturnTime: 15 delay: 0.22s turnSpeed: 0 projectile: 3 shoot_sound: ROOT:/sound/machine_firing1.wav shoot_sound_vol: 0.3 shoot_flame: small shoot_light:#FFCCEEEE [turret_0] #turret base body (turret must be on last slot) x:0 y:0 canAttack: false turnSpeed: 4 turnSpeedAcceleration:0.2 #recoilOffset: -1.5 #recoilOutTime: 4 #recoilReturnTime: 10 image: ROOT:/assets/oldsungodimg/T2/SuperHeavyTank/super_heavy_hover_tank.png [projectile_1] #=== for the beam effect === life: 15 instant:true instantReuseLast: true instantReuseLast_alsoChangeTurretAim: true moveWithParent: true beamImage: SHARED:beam3.png beamImageEnd: SHARED:beam1_end.png beamImageStart: SHARED:beam1_start.png #beamImageOffsetRate: 1.5 beamImageOffsetRate: 2 explodeEffect: NONE explodeEffectOnShield: NONE shieldDamageMultiplier: 0.75 sweepOffsetFromTargetRadius:0.4 #sweepOffset: x sweepSpeed:10 #=== others === directDamage: 45 #color: #aa6284b8 #color: #dd99bcf2 color: #ff0000 teamColorRatio_sourceRatio:0.8 teamColorRatio:0.5 #laserEffect: true [projectile_2] #torpedo directDamage: 10 life: 250 speed: 0.6 targetSpeed: 1.3 largeHitEffect: true drawSize: 1 color: #1E1E96 trailEffect: true [projectile_3] #heavy guns directDamage:6 life:210 speed: 13 largeHitEffect: false drawSize: 0.9 color: #f1f1f1 frame: 8 [movement] movementType: HOVER moveSpeed: 0.76 moveAccelerationSpeed: 0.019 moveDecelerationSpeed: 0.028 targetHeight: 4 targetHeightDrift: 1.5 maxTurnSpeed: 2.5 reverseSpeedPercentage:0 turnAcceleration: 0.2 moveSlidingMode :true moveIgnoringBody:true moveSlidingDir: 181