[core] name: 未来战机剿灭 class: CustomUnitMetadata price: 53000 maxHp:700 mass: 90000 maxShield:100 displayText: Future fighter displayText_zh:未来战机 displayDescription_zh: 搭配未来的炮口,造成持续高额单体伤害 displayDescription: With 9 muzzles, it can only attack the air. No anti-passback. techLevel: 2 experimental: true buildSpeed: 15s #availableInDemo: true radius: 25 #displayRadius: 11 isBio: false softCollisionOnAll: 3 generation_credits: -4 generation_delay: 40 selfRegenRate:0.5 builtFrom_1_name: experimentalLandFactory电脑打开 builtFrom_1_pos: 5 [graphics] total_frames: 1 image: FP.png image_wreak: NONE image_turret: K1.png scaleImagesTo: 50 #scaleTurretImagesTo: 9 image_shadow: AUTO shadowOffsetX:1 shadowOffsetY:1 [attack] canAttack: true canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: false canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false turretSize: 18 turretTurnSpeed: 4 maxAttackRange: 350 shootDelay: 75 [turret_1] x: 0 y: 0 shoot_sound:plasma_fire shoot_sound_vol:0.05 shoot_flame:small shoot_light:#FFccCCEE recoilOffset: -1 recoilOutTime: 4 recoilReturnTime: 6 [turret_2] copyFrom: 1 x: 10 y: 0 warmup:7 linkDelayWithTurret:1 [turret_3] copyFrom: 1 x: -10 y: 0 warmup:7 linkDelayWithTurret:1 [turret_4] copyFrom: 1 x: 0 y: 10 warmup:7 linkDelayWithTurret:1 [turret_5] copyFrom: 1 x: 0 y: -10 warmup:7 linkDelayWithTurret:1 [turret_6] copyFrom: 1 x: 0 y: 0 warmup:7 linkDelayWithTurret:1 [turret_7] copyFrom: 1 x: 0 y: -10 warmup:7 linkDelayWithTurret:1 [turret_8] copyFrom: 1 x: 0 y: -10 warmup:7 linkDelayWithTurret:1 [turret_9] copyFrom: 1 x: 0 y: -10 warmup:7 linkDelayWithTurret:1 [projectile_1] directDamage: 13 life: 700 speed: 7 image:K1.png lightColor: #FFccCCEE lightSize: 0.4 [movement] movementType: AIR moveSpeed: 2 moveAccelerationSpeed: 2 moveDecelerationSpeed: 2 landOnGround: true maxTurnSpeed: 1.3 turnAcceleration: 0.05 moveSlidingMode :true moveIgnoringBody:true moveSlidingDir: 45 slowDeathFall: true