[core] name: mechBunkerX class: CustomUnitMetadata copyFrom: mech_large_common.ini price: 4500 maxHp: 800 mass: 6000 techLevel: 1 buildSpeed: 0.0006 #availableInDemo: true displayLocaleKey: mechBunker overrideAndReplace: mechBunker fogOfWarSightRange: 20 radius: 29 #displayRadius: 11 isBio: false softCollisionOnAll: 0 #energyMax: 3 #energyRegen: 0.010 #energyNeedsToRechargeToFull: true builtFrom_1_name: mechFactory builtFrom_1_pos: 7 builtFrom_2_name: mechFactoryT2 builtFrom_2_pos: 7 [action_deploy] isVisible: true text: Deploy convertTo: mechBunkerDeployed displayType: action price: 0 buildSpeed: 0.006 whenBuilding_cannotMove: true whenBuilding_rotateTo: 0 whenBuilding_rotateTo_orBackwards: true canPlayerCancel: false allowMultipleInQueue: false #No confirm needed on mobile alwaysSinglePress: true #Note using canPlayerCancel=false, allowMultipleInQueue=false and alwaysSinglePress=true together #will hide the queue buttons on mobile, as it's not needed [graphics] total_frames: 1 image: topBunker.png image_wreak: NONE image_turret: NONE image_shadow: SHADOW:topBunker.png shadowOffsetX:1 shadowOffsetY:1 #bunkerTurret.png #animation_moving_start: 0 #animation_moving_end: 7 #animation_moving_speed: 6 #lock_shadow_rotation_with_main_turret: true lock_body_rotation_with_main_turret: false [attack] canAttack: true canAttackFlyingUnits: false canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false turretSize: 20 turretTurnSpeed: 2 maxAttackRange: 200 shootDelay: 70 turretRotateWithBody: true [turret_1] x: 0 y: 0 idleDir:0 turnSpeed: 2.9 turnSpeedAcceleration: 0.07 canShoot: false [turret_2] # x: 0 y: 0 #slave: true #invisible: true image: bunkerTurret.png projectile: 1 turnSpeed: 3.9 turnSpeedAcceleration: 0.2 canShoot: true size: 25 #energyUsage: 1 #warmup:45 #chargeEffectImage: SHARED:lighting_charge.png #shouldResetTurret: false shoot_sound:large_gun_fire2 shoot_sound_vol:0.3 shoot_flame:large shoot_light:#FFEECCCC recoilOffset: -3 recoilOutTime: 6 recoilReturnTime: 7 idleSweepAngle:20 idleSweepSpeed:0.20 idleSweepDelay:210 idleSweepAddRandomDelay:50 idleSweepCondition: if not self.isMoving() #idleSweepAddRandomAngle:40 [projectile_1] life: 150 speed: 4 largeHitEffect: true frame: 2 targetGround: true areaDamage: 110 areaRadius: 45 [leg_1] x: -22 y: 15 attach_x: -5 attach_y: 10 moveSpeed: 1.9 rotateSpeed: 7 heightSpeed: 0.3 resetAngle:25 image_leg: leg.png image_foot: foot_small.png #draw_foot_on_top: true dust_effect: false holdDisMin: 5 holdDisMax: 19 favourOppositeSideNeighbours: true estimatingPositionMultiplier:0.7 [leg_2] x: 22 y: 15 attach_x: 5 attach_y: 10 copyFrom: 1 [leg_3] x: -22 y: -15 attach_x: -5 attach_y: -10 copyFrom: 1 [leg_4] x: 22 y: -15 attach_x: 5 attach_y: -10 copyFrom: 1 [movement] movementType: OVER_CLIFF moveSpeed: 0.4 moveAccelerationSpeed: 0.07 moveDecelerationSpeed: 0.17 targetHeight:3 maxTurnSpeed: 1.0 turnAcceleration: 0.5 #moveSlidingMode :false #moveIgnoringBody:false moveSlidingMode :true moveIgnoringBody:true moveSlidingDir: 181 reverseSpeedPercentage:1