[core] name: 极光 class: CustomUnitMetadata price: 1200 maxHp: 800 mass: 800 techLevel: 2 buildSpeed: 35s availableInDemo: false radius: 17 #displayRadius: 13 isBio: false transportSlotsNeeded: 2 displayText: Light Ling Tank displayDescription: -Fully armed, use laser light prism to cause 2 times damage to the shield, and carry out a fatal attack on the ground enemy.\n-[Main-Attack: Shield&Land] displayText_zh: 极光坦克 displayDescription_zh: -全副武装,使用激光光棱对护盾造成2倍伤害,以及对地面敌人进行致命打击。\n-[主攻:护盾&地面] [graphics] total_frames: 3 image: ROOT:/assets/magicdragonimg/laserking/极光.png image_wreak: NONE image_turret: ROOT:/assets/magicdragonimg/laserking/极光的炮.png image_shadow: AUTO shadowOffsetX:1 shadowOffsetY:1 scaleImagesTo:35 scaleTurretImagesTo: 20 animation_idle_start: 0 animation_idle_end: 0 animation_idle_speed: 20 animation_moving_start: 0 animation_moving_end: 2 animation_moving_speed: 6 dustEffect: true [attack] canAttack: true canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: true turretSize: 10 maxAttackRange: 260 shootDelay: 1.25s [turret_1] #left missile pod x: 0 y: 0 invisible: true warmup: 0 projectile: 1 shoot_sound:missile_fire shoot_sound_vol:0.2 shoot_flame:small shoot_light:#FFEECCCC canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: false canAttackUnderwaterUnits: true [turret_2] #left missile pod x: 0 y: 0 invisible: true warmup: 2 projectile: 2 shoot_sound:missile_fire shoot_sound_vol:0.2 shoot_light:#FFccCCEE canAttackFlyingUnits: false canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false [turret_3] #main turret x: 0 y: 0 canShoot: false shouldResetTurret: true idleSpin: 0 recoilOffset: -3 recoilOutTime: 5 recoilReturnTime: 7 [projectile_1] life: 15 lightingEffect:true instant:true beamImage: SHARED:beam3.png beamImageEnd: SHARED:beam1_end.png beamImageStart: SHARED:beam1_start.png #beamImageOffsetRate: 1.5 beamImageOffsetRate: 2 explodeEffect: NONE explodeEffectOnShield: NONE directDamage: 25 #color: #aa6284b8 #color: #dd99bcf2 color: #42f2f5 shieldDamageMultiplier:2 teamColorRatio_sourceRatio:0.8 teamColorRatio:0.5 [projectile_2] #main turret projectile life: 15 lightingEffect:true instant:true shieldDamageMultiplier:2 beamImage: SHARED:beam3.png beamImageEnd: SHARED:beam1_end.png beamImageStart: SHARED:beam1_start.png #beamImageOffsetRate: 1.5 beamImageOffsetRate: 2 explodeEffect: NONE explodeEffectOnShield: NONE #=== others === directDamage: 5 #color: #aa6284b8 #color: #dd99bcf2 color: #42f2f5 teamColorRatio_sourceRatio:0.8 teamColorRatio:0.5 [movement] movementType: LAND moveSpeed: 0.75 moveAccelerationSpeed: 0.06 moveDecelerationSpeed: 0.17 maxTurnSpeed: 0.8 turnAcceleration: 0.5 moveSlidingMode :false moveIgnoringBody:false