[core] name: 灵翼 class: CustomUnitMetadata price: 52000 generation_credits: 100 generation_delay: 20 showInEditor: false maxHp: 200 selfRegenRate: -20 mass: 9000 maxShield: 2800 #footprint used for collisions with units (left, up, right, down) footprint: 0,0,1,1 #used for placement, and placement of other buildings constructionFootprint:0,0,1,1 buildingToFootprintOffsetX:20 buildingToFootprintOffsetY:20 techLevel: 1 buildSpeed: 0.0008 #availableInDemo: true energyMax: 1 energyRegen: 0.0009 energyNeedsToRechargeToFull:true radius: 16 #displayRadius: 25 buildingSelectionOffset: -8 isBuilding: true isBio: false [action_陨石召唤] autoTrigger: if self.energy(full=true) #buildSpeed: 0.5s addResources:energy=-1 isVisible: false fireTurretXAtGround: 触发 fireTurretXAtGround_withOffset: 0,0 [graphics] total_frames: 1 image: 水晶二号.png image_wreak: NONE image_turret: NONE image_shadow: AUTO shadowOffsetX:2 shadowOffsetY:2 #lock_body_rotation_with_main_turret: true #lock_leg_rotation_with_main_turret: true [turret_触发] # x: -4300 y: -3000 canShoot: false warmup: 10 projectile: 1 turnSpeedAcceleration: 1.0 canShoot: true [projectile_1] nukeWeapon: true life: 9999 speed: 32 targetSpeed: 16 largeHitEffect: true directDamage:180 targetGround: true spawnUnit:雷暴*1,落雷*1 #areaExpandTime: 60 image: 水晶陨石.png drawSize: 1 deflectionPower:-1 areaHitAirAndLandAtSameTime: true areaHitUnderwaterAlways: true alwaysVisibleInFog: true shouldRevealFog:true trailEffect: true trailEffect: CUSTOM:projectileTrail trailEffectRate: 2 explodeEffect: CUSTOM:projectileCrater, CUSTOM:spark1*5, CUSTOM:1o*6, CUSTOM:projectileGroundSmoke*6, CUSTOM:projectileTrail1*5, CUSTOM:projectileTrail2*5, CUSTOM:月盾shockwave*1, CUSTOM:炮塔图像*1, CUSTOM:shockwave*1 [effect_projectileTrail] priority:veryhigh stripIndex: effects frameIndex: 0 life: 90 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false color: #FFD0B1D5 fadeInTime:5 scaleFrom: 2.5 scaleTo: 6 alpha: 0.6 drawUnderUnits:false #ySpeedRelative:-1 atmospheric:true dirOffsetRandom:180 xSpeedAbsoluteRandom: 0.35 ySpeedAbsoluteRandom: 0.35 [effect_projectileTrail1] priority:critical stripIndex: effects frameIndex: 0 life: 150 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false color: #FF907767 fadeInTime:5 scaleFrom: 3 scaleTo: 11 alpha: 0.8 drawUnderUnits:false #ySpeedRelative:-1 atmospheric:true dirOffsetRandom:180 xSpeedRelativeRandom: 3 ySpeedRelativeRandom: 3 xSpeedAbsoluteRandom: 0.5 ySpeedAbsoluteRandom: 0.5 [effect_projectileTrail2] priority:critical stripIndex: effects frameIndex: 0 life: 160 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false color: #FF907767 fadeInTime:4 scaleFrom: 5 scaleTo: 11 alpha: 0.8 drawUnderUnits:false #ySpeedRelative:-1 atmospheric:true dirOffsetRandom:180 xSpeedRelativeRandom: 0.6 ySpeedRelativeRandom: 0.6 xSpeedAbsoluteRandom: 0.3 ySpeedAbsoluteRandom: 0.3 [effect_projectileGroundSmoke] priority:veryhigh stripIndex: effects frameIndex: 0 createWhenOverLiquid: false life: 360 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false color: #FF9E8981 fadeInTime:5 scaleFrom: 9 scaleTo: 15 alpha: 0.9 drawUnderUnits:false hSpeed:0.2 hOffsetRandom:0.15 atmospheric:true dirOffsetRandom:180 xOffsetRelativeRandom: 96 yOffsetRelativeRandom: 96 xSpeedAbsoluteRandom:0.5 ySpeedAbsoluteRandom:0.5 atmospheric: true [effect_projectileCrater] priority:critical image: 月盾.png createWhenOverLiquid: false life: 6200 fadeOut: true scaleFrom: 0.9 scaleTo: 0.9 alpha: 1.5 drawUnderUnits:true dirOffsetRandom:180 [effect_炮塔图像] priority:critical image: 炮塔图像.png life: 100 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false scaleFrom: 1.1 scaleTo: 3.6 alpha: 0.9 drawUnderUnits:false #ySpeedRelative:-1 atmospheric:true #dirOffsetRandom:180 [effect_月盾shockwave] priority:critical image: 蓝激光爆.png life: 280 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false scaleFrom: 0.4 scaleTo: 3.9 alpha: 1 drawUnderUnits:false #ySpeedRelative:-1 atmospheric:true dirOffsetRandom:180 [effect_shockwave] priority:critical stripIndex: shockwave_large frameIndex: 0 life: 65 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false scaleFrom: 1 scaleTo: 5 alpha: 1 drawUnderUnits:false #ySpeedRelative:-1 atmospheric:true dirOffsetRandom:180 [effect_spark1] priority:critical attachedToUnit: false life: 200 physics: true xSpeedRelativeRandom: 3 ySpeedRelativeRandom: 3 hSpeed: 3.5 image: spark1.png priority: verylow dirOffsetRandom:180 [effect_1o] priority:critical attachedToUnit: false life: 200 physics: true xSpeedRelativeRandom: 2.7 ySpeedRelativeRandom: 2.7 hSpeed: 3.5 image: 1o.png priority: verylow dirOffsetRandom:180 [attack] canAttack: true canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false turretSize: 3 turretTurnSpeed: 4.1 maxAttackRange: 300 shootDelay: 20 isFixedFiring: true turretRotateWithBody: false #aimOffsetSpread: 2.5 aimOffsetSpread: -0.01 [effect_蓝激光爆] priority:critical image: 蓝激光爆.png life: 6 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: true scaleFrom: 1 scaleTo: 0.9 alpha: 1 drawUnderUnits:false #ySpeedRelative:-1 atmospheric:true #dirOffsetRandom:180 [projectile_2] life: 0 speed: 0 frame: 0 explodeEffect: NONE deflectionPower: -1 explodeOnEndOfLife: true targetGround: true areaDamage: 0 areaRadius: 0 areaHitAirAndLandAtSameTime: true #areaHitUnderwaterAlway: true #buildingDamageMultiplier: 0 #shieldDefectionMultiplier: 0.4 #shieldDamageMultiplier: 1.5 #explodeEffect:CUSTOM:sparks*3 [effect_projectileTrail] #priority:high image: spark1.png #createWhenOverLiquid: false life: 80 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false color: #FF6FFFF1 fadeInTime:5 scaleFrom: 0.8 scaleTo: 2.5 alpha: 1 drawUnderUnits:false hSpeed: 0.3 #hOffsetRandom: 0.75 atmospheric:true dirOffsetRandom:180 physics: true physicsGravity: 0.1 xOffsetRelativeRandom: 10 yOffsetRelativeRandom: 10 xSpeedAbsoluteRandom:0.8 ySpeedAbsoluteRandom:0.8 [effect_projectileTrail1] stripIndex: effects frameIndex: 0 life: 40 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false color: #FFC2E5E5 fadeInTime:5 scaleFrom: 0.35 scaleTo: 0.9 alpha: 0.7 drawUnderUnits:false #ySpeedRelative:-1 atmospheric:true hSpeed: 1 hOffsetRandom: 0.75 dirOffsetRandom:180 # xSpeedAbsoluteRandom: 0.2 ySpeedAbsoluteRandom: 0.2 [effect_lightningShock] life: 75 hOffset: 0 dirOffset: 0 fadeInTime: 0 fadeOut: false attachedToUnit: true image: 光爆.png total_frames: 4 animateFrameStart: 0 animateFrameEnd: 3 animateFramePingPong: false animateFrameSpeed: 3.5 [effect_sparks] attachedToUnit: false life: 110 physics: true xSpeedRelativeRandom: 1.5 ySpeedRelativeRandom: 1.5 hSpeed: 1.7 image: spark1.png priority: verylow [effect_尾光] priority: critical image:尾光.png total_frames:4 animateFrameStart:0 animateFrameEnd:3 animateFrameSpeed:0.2 drawUnderUnits:false #image:EFwj.png fadeOut: true alpha:0.6 attachedToUnit:false scaleFrom:2 scaleTo:0 dirOffset:1 hOffset:0 yOffsetRelative:-13 ySpeedRelative:-0.4 dirOffsetRandom: 0 [effect_EkJetfire] #image: jetflame2.png life: 16 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false fadeInTime: 3 scaleFrom: 1 scaleTo: 1.5 alpha: 0.8 xSpeedRelativeRandom: 0.1 yOffsetRelative: -30 ySpeedRelative: 0.25 dirOffsetRandom: 10 drawUnderUnits:false atmospheric: true [arm_1] x:0 y:0 drawOverBody: true spinRate:1 [movement] movementType: BUILDING moveSpeed: 10 moveAccelerationSpeed: 10 moveDecelerationSpeed: 10 maxTurnSpeed: 10 turnAcceleration: 10