[effect_泡泡] attachedToUnit:false image:.泡泡.png yOffsetRelativeRandom:30 xOffsetRelativeRandom:30 scaleFrom:0.06 scaleTo:0.08 dirSpeed:8 atmospheric: true life:180 [action_充能] price:50000 isActive:if self.energy(lessThan=1) text:ReCharge text_zh:雷霆漩涡闪电风暴 description:Continue bombing description_zh:马上开始旋风闪电风暴 allowMultipleInQueue:false buildSpeed:15s addActionCooldownTime:180s addResources:energy=50 price:80000,异源邪能=15000 [hiddenAction_refund] requireConditional: if numberOfUnitsInTeam(greaterThan=1,withTag='利维坦',incompleteBuildings=true) autoTriggerOnEvent: created #addResources: 75700,风暴日晷=1250 deleteSelf: true showMessageToPlayer: [错误:最多1个利维亚桑号] [core] name: Leviathan maxShield:10000 displayText: Leviathan displayDescription: -On a remote seashore, Our Lady of Fruit Source, the Three Gods, once rescued a Leviathan Kraken who was being hunted down by the same clan. \n- In order to thank her, the sea monster told her his own ethnic secrets and handed her a core. \n-Later, Our Lady of Fruit Source established the Ancient Kingdom of the Devil Dragon in the name of Niederhogg. \n-At the same time, merge the core with a unit in the navy. \n-With a loud noise, the Leviathan was born. \n-Equipped with Leviathan core, it can carry out blister attack, torpedo attack and chain lightning. selfRegenRate:0.9 displayText_zh: 利维亚桑号 displayDescription_zh: -在一个遥远的海边,三神果源圣母曾经救下一个正在被同族追杀的利维坦海妖。\n-海妖为了答谢她,将自己的族群秘密告诉了她,并递给她一个核心。\n-后来,果源圣母以尼德霍格的名义建立了魔龙古国。\n-同时,将核心与海军中的一个单位融合。\n-随着一声巨响,利维亚桑号便横空出世。\n-搭载利维坦核心,可以进行水泡攻击,链式闪电。 tags:利维坦 class: CustomUnitMetadata price: 200000,异源邪能=60000 maxHp: 48000 mass: 35000 #unitsSpawnedOnDeath:雷暴*3 techLevel: 2 buildSpeed:88s availableInDemo: false radius: 65 #displayRadius: 11 transportSlotsNeeded: 3 isBio: false #softCollisionOnAll: 3 builtFrom_1_name: seaFactoryg builtFrom_1_pos: 6 energyMax: 10 energyRegen: 0 energyNeedsToRechargeToFull: true [graphics] total_frames: 1 image: 利维亚桑号.png image_wreak: NONE image_turret: NONE #scaleImagesTo: 20 #scaleTurretImagesTo: 9 image_shadow: AUTO shadowOffsetX:2 shadowOffsetY:2 movementEffect: CUSTOM:水波1, CUSTOM:水波2,CUSTOM:泡泡 movementEffectRate: 12 movementEffectReverse: CUSTOM:水波1, CUSTOM:水波2,CUSTOM:泡泡 [effect_水波1] image: 水波.png createWhenOverLand: false life: 120 spawnChance: 1 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false fadeInTime:10 scaleFrom: 0.25 scaleTo: 3.5 alpha: 0.6 drawUnderUnits:true yOffsetRelative: -45 ySpeedRelative: 0.3 dirOffsetRandom: 10 dirSpeedRandom: 0.1 #atmospheric: true [effect_水波2] image: 水波.png createWhenOverLand: false life: 90 spawnChance: 1 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false fadeInTime:10 scaleFrom: 0.5 scaleTo: 3.5 alpha: 0.6 drawUnderUnits:true yOffsetRelative:45 ySpeedRelative: 0.3 dirOffsetRandom: 5 dirSpeedRandom: 0.05 atmospheric: true [attack] canAttack: true canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: true canAttackNotTouchingWaterUnits:true turretSize: 20 turretTurnSpeed: 1.5 maxAttackRange: 600 shootDelay: 150 [turret_torpedo1] #torpedo invisible: true x:-6 y:-5 idleDir:0 canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: true canAttackNotTouchingWaterUnits: true projectile: 1 size: 0 turnSpeed: 15 energyUsage:10 [turret_torpedo2] #back turret copyFrom: torpedo1 x:6 y:-5 idleDir:0 warmup:180 canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: true canAttackNotTouchingWaterUnits: true projectile: 2 linkDelayWithTurret:torpedo1 energyUsage:0 [turret_torpedo22] #back turret copyFrom: torpedo2 x:6 y:-5 idleDir:0 delay:0.35s projectile: 2 linkDelayWithTurret:torpedo1 [turret_torpedo2x] #back turret copyFrom: torpedo2 x:-15 y:-5 idleDir:0 delay:0.35s projectile: 2 linkDelayWithTurret:torpedo1 [turret_torpedo2ot2] #back turret copyFrom: torpedo2 x:15 y:-5 idleDir:0 delay:0.35s projectile: 2 linkDelayWithTurret:torpedo1 [projectile_1] directDamage: 500 life: 4000000 speed: 0 drawSize:0.4 targetSpeed: 50 image:.泡泡.png trailEffect:CUSTOM:泡泡 largeHitEffect: true spawnUnit:雷电*15 instant:false deflectionPower:-1 wobbleAmplitude: 8.2 wobbleFrequency: 10.9s [movement] movementType: WATER moveSpeed: 1.5 moveAccelerationSpeed: 0.015 moveDecelerationSpeed: 0.05 #moveSlidingMode :false #moveIgnoringBody:false #moveSlidingDir: 45 targetHeight: 0 targetHeightDrift: 0.25 maxTurnSpeed: 1.5 turnAcceleration: 0.05 [effect_splash] life: 70 stripIndex: effects frameIndex: 13 scaleFrom: 0.9 scaleTo: 1.3 alpha: 0.4 atmospheric:true fadeInTime: 3 fadeOut:true dirOffsetRandom:180 xSpeedAbsoluteRandom: 0.1 ySpeedAbsoluteRandom: 0.1 ySpeedRelative:-0.2 #hSpeed:0.1 yOffsetRelative:-28 attachedToUnit: false drawUnderUnits:true [effect_风窝] attachedToUnit:false life:15 dirSpeed:8 scaleFrom:2.8 scaleTo:2.8 color: #63e6e8 hOffset:120 alpha:0.6 image: .风窝.png [projectile_2] directDamage: 400 life: 200 speed: 0 drawSize: 1 targetSpeed: 15 trailEffect: true image:D.png wobbleAmplitude: 8.2 wobbleFrequency: 10.9s areaDamage: 700 areaRadius: 300 areaDamageNoFalloff:true largeHitEffect:true