[hiddenAction_refund] requireConditional: if numberOfUnitsInTeam(greaterThan=10,withTag='B77赛格',incompleteBuildings=true) autoTriggerOnEvent: created addResources: 75700,风暴日晷=1250 deleteSelf: true showMessageToPlayer: [错误:最多10个B77-赛格炮塔机甲] [core] name: shockArtillery displayText: B77 - SRK displayDescription: -The radiostal super experimental prototype unit has a speed shootinga \n-But must be deployed to attack and cannot attack before deployment. \n-The speed is slow, the remote is weak, the short-range is very strong. \n-Designers are rosemary, a mysterious person. displayText_zh:B77-赛格炮塔机甲 displayDescription_zh: -射程超远的超级实验原型单位,拥有超速射击。\n-但必须先部署才能进行攻击,未部署前无法攻击。\n-移速较慢,远程对空娇弱,近程对空十分强劲。\n-设计者为迷迭香,一个神秘的人。 #defineUnitMemory:激活模块:false #1.15新代码初使用 mass: 20000 price: 75700,风暴日晷=1250 maxHp: 10000 selfRegenRate:0.5 tags:B77赛格 fogOfWarSightRange: 20 softCollisionOnAll: 3 numBitsOnDeath: 50 radius: 47 builtFrom_1_name: experimentalLandFactory builtFrom_1_pos: 5.4 transportSlotsNeeded: 12 buildSpeed: 0.0002 energyMax: 80 energyRegen: 0.099 energyNeedsToRechargeToFull: true [action_部署] text:部署 setUnitStats:moveSpeed=0,maxTurnSpeed=0 #把移动及转弯速度改成零 addResources:setFlag=1 #动作执行完毕后,添加一号旗子 isVisible:if not self.hasFlag(id=1) #没有一号旗子时才显示该动作 isLocked:if self.queueSize(greaterThan=0) #检测范围只能在999,检测范围仅在范围内 [action_取消部署] text:取消部署 resetUnitStats:true #把移动和转弯速度改为原始值 addResources:unsetFlag=1 #动作执行完毕后取消一号旗子 isVisible:if self.hasFlag(id=1) #有一号旗子时才显示该动作 isLocked:if self.queueSize(greaterThan=0) [graphics] total_frames: 1 image: shock-artillery-fake.png image_turret: shock-artillery-body.png image_wreak: shock-artillery-wreak.png image_shadow: SHADOW:shock-artillery-body.png total_frames: 1 teamColorsOnTurret: true drawLayer: experimentals lock_shadow_rotation_with_main_turret: true lock_body_rotation_with_main_turret: true shadowOffsetX: 3 shadowOffsetY: 5 [attack] canAttack: true canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false turretSize: 20 turretTurnSpeed: 1.5 isFixedFiring: false turretMultiTargeting: true maxAttackRange: 900 shootDelay: 0.9s turretRotateWithBody: false [movement] movementType: LAND moveSpeed:1.0 moveAccelerationSpeed: 0.7 moveDecelerationSpeed: 0.7 maxTurnSpeed: 0.5 turnAcceleration: 10 moveSlidingMode :false moveIgnoringBody:false reverseSpeedPercentage:0 [turret_fake] #body x: 0 y: 0 idleDir:0 #invisible: true turnSpeed: 0.4 turnSpeedAcceleration: 10 canShoot: false limitingRange: 0 [turret_def_1] #first side turret attachedTo: fake x: -15.5 y: 37 slave: false projectile: 2 image: shock-artillery-turret-side.png turnSpeed: 2.5 turnSpeedAcceleration: 0.5 canAttackCondition:if self.hasFlag(id=1) canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false idleDir: -30 recoilOffset: -2 recoilOutTime: 2 recoilReturnTime: 25 shoot_sound:missile_fire shoot_sound_vol:0.4 delay: 1 size: 9 limitingRange: 170 [turret_def_2] #second side turret copyFrom: def_1 x: 15.5 y: 37 idleDir: 30 [turret_main] #main artillery cannon x: -0.5 y: -10 slave: false attachedTo: fake projectile: 1 image: shock-artillery-turret-main.png turnSpeed: 1 turnSpeedAcceleration: 0.2 canAttackCondition:if self.hasFlag(id=1) canAttackFlyingUnits: false canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false idleDir: 0 recoilOffset: -9 recoilOutTime: 5 recoilReturnTime: 80 shoot_sound:cannon_firing shoot_sound_vol:0.45 shoot_flame: large shoot_light:#CCFFFFaa delay: 0.1s size: 62 energyUsage: 1 [projectile_1] life: 300 speed: 10 largeHitEffect: true frame: 2 areaDamage: 120 areaRadius: 100 lightColor: #ffe92b lightSize: 1.4 initialUnguidedSpeedHeight: 1.5 gravity:0.1 lightCastOnGround: true [projectile_2] #missile directDamage: 128 areaDamage: 130 areaRadius: 550 frame: 4 drawSize: 0.85 life: 240 speed: 0 targetSpeed: 7 trailEffect: true largeHitEffect: true autoTargetingOnDeadTarget: true [leg_1] x: -29 y: 36 attach_x: -11 attach_y: 17 moveSpeed: 1.2 rotateSpeed: 9 heightSpeed: 0.1 resetAngle: 25 image_leg: leg.png image_foot: foot.png hardLimit: 55 holdDisMin: 20 holdDisMax: 40 drawDirOffset: 180 [leg_2] x: 29 y: 36 attach_x: 11 attach_y: 17 copyFrom: 1 [leg_3] x: -29 y: -36 attach_x: -11 attach_y: -17 copyFrom: 1 [leg_4] x: 29 y: -36 attach_x: 11 attach_y: -17 copyFrom: 1 [leg_5] x: -29 y: 0 attach_x: 11 attach_y: 0 copyFrom: 1 [leg_6] x: 29 y: 0 attach_x: -11 attach_y: 0 copyFrom: 1