[hiddenAction_refund] requireConditional: if numberOfUnitsInTeam(greaterThan=4,withTag='RY',incompleteBuildings=true) autoTriggerOnEvent: created addResources: 75000 deleteSelf: true showMessageToPlayer: [错误:最大数量为4] [action_插槽1] @define slotId: 1 buildSpeed: 0s #text: Slot ${slotId} text: [ textAddUnitName: unitRef self.attachment(slot="单位插槽${slotId}") textPostFix: ] descriptionAddFromUnit: unitRef self.attachment(slot="单位插槽${slotId}") descriptionAddUnitStats: unitRef self.attachment(slot="单位插槽${slotId}") addResources: unsetFlag=1-3, setFlag=${slotId} #注意unsetFlag=1-3,相当于最多3个模块。如果需要更多就加大。比如25个,就是unsetFlag=1-25 isGuiBlinking: if self.hasFlag(id=${slotId}) displayType: action unitShownInUI: unitRef self.attachment(slot="单位插槽${slotId}") #其他代码直接复制就是了 iconExtraIsVisible: if self.hasFlag(id=${slotId}) iconExtraImage: UI.png #设置选择的素材图 [action_插槽2] @copyFromSection: action_插槽1 @define slotId: 2 [action_插槽3] @copyFromSection: action_插槽1 @define slotId: 3 [attachment_单位插槽1] x: 24 y: -46 #idleDir:-60 idleDir:0 idleDirReversing:0 onCreateSpawnUnitOf:Empty #指向核心2.ini addTransportedUnits: true setDrawLayerOnTop: true lockLegMovement:false canBeAttackedAndDamaged: true isUnselectable: false showAllActionsFrom:if self.hasFlag(id=1) #注意后面的id #resetRotationWhenNotAttacking:true lockRotation: true createIncompleteIfParentIs: false redirectDamageToParent: true redirectDamageToParent_shieldOnly: true [attachment_单位插槽2] @copyFromSection: attachment_单位插槽1 x: -24 y: -46 #idleDir:60 idleDir:0 idleDirReversing:0 showAllActionsFrom:if self.hasFlag(id=2) [attachment_单位插槽3] @copyFromSection: attachment_单位插槽1 x: 0 y: -40 #idleDir:60 idleDir:0 idleDirReversing:0 showAllActionsFrom:if self.hasFlag(id=3) [core] name: OD-DLZ displayText: Multifunctional Plasma Tank-R5 displayText_zh:多功能等离子坦克-R5 displayDescription: -A masterpiece from the Old Day Alliance\n-Integrated with modular intelligent technology\n-ground\n-water and land. displayDescription_zh:-来自于旧日联盟的杰作\n-融入了模块智能科技\n-对地\n-可以水陆两行。 class: CustomUnitMetadata price: 75000 maxHp: 100000 mass: 100000 maxShield: 10000 shieldRegen: 5 energyMax: 80 energyRegen: 0.054 energyNeedsToRechargeToFull: true techLevel: 2 buildSpeed: 45s #availableInDemo: true radius: 80 displayRadius: 80 shieldRenderRadius:0 isBio: false softCollisionOnAll: 0 tags:RY #builtFrom_1_name: experimentalLandFactory #builtFrom_1_pos: 5.1 [graphics] teamColorsOnTurret: true frame_width:66 image: R5.png image_wreak: Dead.png image_turret: minidlz.png image_shadow: AUTO shadowOffsetX:2 shadowOffsetY:2 scaleTurretImagesTo: 10 scaleImagesTo: 100 animation_moving_start: 0 animation_moving_end: 1 animation_moving_speed: 2.0 dustEffect: true lock_body_rotation_with_main_turret: false [attack] canAttack: true canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false turretSize: 18 turretTurnSpeed: 2.5 maxAttackRange: 310 shootDelay: 0.01s isFixedFiring: false [turret_mn1] # x: 21 y: 34 projectile: 1 turnSpeed: 4 turnSpeedAcceleration: 0.3 canAttackFlyingUnits: false canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false #shoot_sound:firing4 shoot_sound_vol:0.8 shoot_flame:CUSTOM:lightSlowFade shoot_light:#ffffff image:minidlz.png canShoot: true recoilOffset: -2 recoilOutTime: 4 recoilReturnTime: 20 energyUsage: 1 warmupStartEffect: CUSTOM:warmup warmup:30 chargeEffectImage: SHARED:lighting_charge.png [turret_mn2] # x: 21 y: 42 copyFrom: mn1 [turret_mn3] # x: 21 y: 48 copyFrom: mn1 [turret_mn4] # x: -22 y: 45 copyFrom: mn1 [turret_mn5] # x: -22 y: 52 copyFrom: mn1 [turret_mn6] # x: -22 y: 34 copyFrom: mn1 [projectile_1] directDamage: 100 life: 80 speed: 16 targetSpeed: 3 targetSpeedAcceleration: 0.7 drawType:2 frame:4 drawSize: 1 trailEffect: CUSTOM:projectileTrail trailEffectRate:2 #trailEffectRate: true #lightColor:#ffffff explodeEffect: CUSTOM:projectilePassThough, smallExplosion, CUSTOM:hitLightFlash #explodeEffectOnShield: CUSTOM:hitLightFlash effectOnCreate: CUSTOM:projectileLight wobbleAmplitude: 0.2 wobbleFrequency: 0.8s [effect_warmup] priority:high image: SHARED:light_50.png life: 25 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: true color: #63e6e8 scaleFrom: 0.1 scaleTo: 0.1 alpha: 0.8 drawUnderUnits:false ySpeedRelative:3.9 [effect_lightSlowFade] image: SHARED:light_50.png life: 40 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: true color: #63e6e8 scaleFrom: 0.7 scaleTo: 0.7 alpha: 0.5 drawUnderUnits:true [effect_projectileTrail] image: SHARED:light_50.png life: 20 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false color: #63e6e8 fadeInTime:2 scaleFrom: 0.4 scaleTo: 0.4 alpha: 0.6 drawUnderUnits:true #ySpeedRelative:-1 [effect_projectileLight] priority:veryhigh image: SHARED:light_50.png life: 100 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: true color: #63e6e8 fadeInTime:2 scaleFrom: 0.8 scaleTo: 0.8 alpha: 0.6 drawUnderUnits:false liveAfterAttachedDies: false [effect_hitLightFlash] priority:high image: SHARED:light_50.png life: 14 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false color: #63e6e8 scaleFrom: 1.8 scaleTo: 1.8 alpha: 0.6 drawUnderUnits:false [effect_projectilePassThough] priority:high frameIndex: 4 stripIndex: projectiles2 life: 20 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false color: #FFFFFF scaleFrom: 1 scaleTo: 0.5 alpha: 1 drawUnderUnits:false ySpeedRelative:2 atmospheric: true [movement] movementType: HOVER moveSpeed: 0.8 moveAccelerationSpeed: 0.05 moveDecelerationSpeed: 0.1 reverseSpeedPercentage:0.75 maxTurnSpeed: 3.4 turnAcceleration: 0.1 moveSlidingMode :false moveIgnoringBody:false [hiddenAction_trigger_onLand] autoTrigger: if self.isInWater() convertTo: OD-Hover [action_nLanfhc] isVisible: if self.isOverLiquid() text:岩浆模式 isLocked:if self.isControlledByAI isLockedMessage:当前状态不可用\n-或你处于AI控制的队伍 convertTo: OD-HoverS [leg_1] x: 0 y: 0 attach_x: -6 attach_y: 6 moveSpeed: 1.5 resetAngle:20 holdDisMin: 10 holdDisMax: 20 image_leg: leg.png image_foot: foot.png image_foot_shadow: SHADOW:foot.png [leg_4] x: 0 y: 0 attach_x: 6 attach_y: 26 copyFrom: 1 [leg_5] x: 0 y: 0 attach_x: 2 attach_y: -5 copyFrom: 1 [leg_6] x: 0 y: 0 attach_x: 2 attach_y: -5 copyFrom: 1 [action_瞬移] price: 40000 text: Go! text_zh:制作瞬移模块 displayType: NONE buildSpeed: 10s pos: 0.2 isActive:if self.ammoIncludingQueued(lessThan=10) addResources: ammo=1 [action_指定] fireTurretXAtGround: blink price: ammo=1 text: Select!Command! text_zh:瞬移到指定位置 displayType: action buildSpeed: 0.5 pos: 0.1 addActionCooldownTime: 45s [projectile_blink] teleportSource: true instant: true directDamage: 0 life: 99999 speed: 1 targetGround: true deflectionPower:-1 shouldRevealFog:true [turret_blink] # x: 21 y: 34 projectile: blink invisible: true resourceUsage:wwe=1000 energyUsage: 99999 limitingRange: 1000 [global_resource_wwe] hidden:true [projectile_2] directDamage: 80 life: 240 speed: 0.3 targetSpeed: 5 trailEffect: true largeHitEffect: true #ballistic: true #ballistic_delaymove_height:0 #ballistic_height: 4 frame: 4 areaDamage: 40 areaRadius: 35 autoTargetingOnDeadTarget: true wobbleAmplitude: 1.0 wobbleFrequency: 0.7s