[core] showInEditor:false name: OD-HoverS class: CustomUnitMetadata copyFrom: 旧日等离子.ini builtFrom_1_name: NONE [leg_1] x: -40 y: 90 attach_x: -6 attach_y: 6 moveSpeed: 1.5 resetAngle:20 holdDisMin: 10 holdDisMax: 20 image_leg: leg.png image_foot: foot.png image_foot_shadow: SHADOW:foot.png [leg_4] x: 40 y: 90 attach_x: 6 attach_y: 26 copyFrom: 1 [leg_5] x: -40 y: -90 attach_x: 2 attach_y: -5 copyFrom: 1 [leg_6] x: 40 y: -90 attach_x: 2 attach_y: -5 copyFrom: 1 [action_trigger_onWater] #autoTrigger: if not self.overWater() convertTo: OD-DLZ isLocked:if self.isOverLiquid() isLockedMessage:You are on the surface of the magma, temporarily can't return to normal state isLockedMessage_zh:你正在岩浆表面上,暂时不能恢复至正常状态 text_zh: 恢复至正常 text:Restore to normal [action_扣血] autoTrigger: if self.isOverLiquid() addResources: hp=-100 text_zh:你正在岩浆上,所以你燃起来了。 text:You are on the magma, so you burn it. isLocked:true buildSpeed: 1s isVisible:if self.isOverLiquid() [graphics] animation_moving_start: 0 animation_moving_end: 0 animation_moving_speed: 2.0 [movement] movementType: AIR