[hiddenAction_死亡] autoTriggerOnEvent:destroyed showMessageToAllPlayers:Death is our home.The butterfly core of %{self.playername} is destroyed. showMessageToAllPlayers_zh:死亡便是我们的归宿。%{self.playerName}的蝴蝶核心被摧毁。 [core] name: 蝴蝶母舰核心 class: CustomUnitMetadata price: 0 maxHp: 1000 mass: 90000 isUnrepairableUnit:true displayText: Fairy Ji Butterfly Core displayText_zh: 妖姬祭蝶核心 displayDescription:-The core of the Fairy Ji storm, it is the center of the storm. \n-[BuildUnit]||[CoreUnit] displayDescription_zh:-妖姬风暴的阵营核心,它正是风暴的中心。\n-[建筑单位]||[核心单位] #availableInDemo: true radius: 70 #displayRadius: 25 isBio: false softCollisionOnAll: 3 isBuilding: true generation_credits: 13 generation_delay: 40 canRepairBuildings: true canRepairUnits : true canReclaimResources: true autoRepair: true nanoRange: 150 nanoRepairSpeed: 0.4 nanoBuildSpeed: 8 #transportUnitsKillOnDeath: if self.isOverLiquid() #transportUnitsHealBy: 1 [canBuild_1] name: reclaim,妖姬陆军基地,妖姬空军基地,裂痕火炮,裂痕机枪,Star-J,妖姬修复装置 pos: 1 [action_Help] price:5000 text:Wake up the butterfly text_zh:唤醒蝴蝶 description_zh:记忆碎片\n-?:杀了她,我们才能平息这里的叛乱。\n-?:哦,我可爱的公主。真是可悲,你的父亲逃跑了。你的母亲为了你释放了千年力量。\n-?:然而,那又怎样?你依然被我们抓住了。\n-公主:去死吧!\n-?:啊,一声惨叫。\n-公主:我,要,杀尽一切!\n-另一个声音:但我们,不会让你得逞。妖姬公主-圣莲蒂拉。 description:Memory Pieces\n-?:Kill her, we can quell the rebellion here.\n-?:Oh, my lovely princess. It is sad that your father ran away.Your mother released a thousand years of power for you.\n-?:However, so what?You are still caught by us.\n-Princess: Go to hell!\n-?: Ah, a scream.\n-Princess: I, want, kill everything!\n-Another voice: But we will not let you succeed. The enchanting princess-Sheng lian di la. buildSpeed:40s convertTo:蝴蝶母舰 pos:1 showMessageToPlayer:I vaguely remember that I was... showMessageToPlayer_zh:我依稀记得我曾经是...... ai_isHighPriority:true [graphics] total_frames: 4 image: ROOT:/assets/demonjiimg/core/Core.png image_wreak: NONE image_turret: NONE scaleImagesTo: 40 #scaleTurretImagesTo: 9 #imageScale: 1.5 image_shadow: AUTO shadowOffsetX:1 shadowOffsetY:1 animation_idle_start: 0 animation_idle_end: 3 animation_idle_speed: 9 [attack] canAttack: false canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false turretSize: 18 turretTurnSpeed: 4 maxAttackRange: 350 shootDelay: 25 turretMultiTargeting: true [turret_1] x: 0 y: -27 shoot_sound:plasma_fire shoot_sound_vol:0.05 shoot_flame:small shoot_light:#FFccCCEE warmup:300 recoilOffset: -1 recoilOutTime: 4 recoilReturnTime: 6 projectile:2 #chargeEffectImage: ROOT:/IMGS/Xt.png [turret_2] x: -39 y: -21 warmup:30 #image:ROOT:/IMGS/DP.png #chargeEffectImage: ROOT:/IMGS/Xt.png projectile:1 [turret_3] x: 39 y: -20 warmup:30 #chargeEffectImage: ROOT:/IMGS/Xt.png #image:ROOT:/IMGS/DP.png projectile:1 [turret_nanoTurret] x: 0 y: 0 warmup:30 canShoot: false canAttackFlyingUnits: false canAttackLandUnits: false canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false isMainNanoTurret: true invisible:true [projectile_1] directDamage: 80 life: 25 instant: true lightingEffect: true largeHitEffect: true shieldDamageMultiplier: 1 shieldDefectionMultiplier: 0.1 buildingDamageMultiplier: 0.5 explodeEffect:CUSTOM:lightningShock*1, CUSTOM:sparks*3 explodeEffectOnShield:CUSTOM:lightningShock*1, CUSTOM:hitLightFlash [projectile_2] directDamage: 100 life: 150 speed: 3.5 #image: ROOT:/IMGS/VC.png lightColor: #FFccCCEE lightSize: 0.4 areaDamage: 300 areaRadius: 100 trailEffect:CUSTOM:Fire #[projectile_3] #directDamage: 100 #life: 150 #speed: 3.5 #image: ROOT:/IMGS/VC.png #lightColor: #FFccCCEE #lightSize: 0.4 #image:ROOT:/IMGS/VC.png #areaDamage: 300 #areaRadius: 100 #trailEffect:CUSTOM:Fire [movement] movementType: AIR moveSpeed: 1.1 moveAccelerationSpeed: 1 moveDecelerationSpeed: 1 landOnGround: true maxTurnSpeed: 1 turnAcceleration: 1 moveSlidingMode :true moveIgnoringBody:true moveSlidingDir: 45 slowDeathFall: true [effect_hitLightFlash] priority:high image: SHARED:light_50.png life: 17 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false color: #63e6e8 scaleFrom: 1.8 scaleTo: 1.8 alpha: 0.6 drawUnderUnits:false [effect_lightningShock] life: 60 xOffsetRelative: 0 yOffsetRelative: 0 hOffset: 0 dirOffset: 0 dirOffsetRandom:180 fadeInTime: 0 fadeOut: false attachedToUnit: false image: SHARED:lightning_shock.png total_frames: 14 animateFrameStart: 0 animateFrameStartRandomAdd: 2 animateFrameEnd: 13 animateFramePingPong: false animateFrameSpeed: 0.5 animateFrameSpeedRandom: 0.2 alpha:0.6 [effect_sparks] attachedToUnit: false life: 150 physics: true xSpeedRelativeRandom: 1.1 ySpeedRelativeRandom: 1.1 hSpeed: 1.5 image: SHARED:spark.png priority: verylow [effect_sparks2] attachedToUnit: false life: 150 physics: true xSpeedRelativeRandom: 0.5 ySpeedRelativeRandom: 0.5 hSpeed: 1 ySpeedRelative:2 image: SHARED:spark.png priority: verylow [effect_lightSlowFade] image: SHARED:light_50.png life: 40 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: true color: #63e6e8 scaleFrom: 0.3 scaleTo: 0.2 alpha: 1.7 [effect_Fire] createWhenZoomedOut: false priority:low #image: ROOT:/IMGS/Fire1.png life:160 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false color: #63e6e8 fadeInTime:2 scaleFrom:1.4 scaleTo:0 alpha: 0.1 drawUnderUnits:true ySpeedRelative:-0.5 atmospheric: true [effect_move] createWhenZoomedOut: false priority:low #image: ROOT:/IMGS/Light1.png life:160 fadeOut: true attachedToUnit: false color: #63e6e8 fadeInTime:2 scaleFrom:8 scaleTo:0 alpha: 0.2 drawUnderUnits:true ySpeedRelative:0.2 atmospheric: true [ai] useAsBuilder: true upgradedFrom: 蝴蝶母舰核心