[core] name: 碧绿炮塔X copyFrom: ROOT:/code/magicdragon/模块化中心/核心3-武器附属.ini class: CustomUnitMetadata price: 800 maxHp: 1 mass: 9000 tags:LTX footprint: -1,-1,1,1 #used for placement, and placement of other buildings constructionFootprint: -1,-1,1,1 unitsSpawnedOnDeath:碧绿炮塔 isUnselectable: false techLevel: 1 buildSpeed: 1 #availableInDemo: true selfRegenRate: -1 #generation_credits: 20 #generation_delay: 30 disableDeathOnZeroHp: false radius:35 #displayRadius: 25 isBio:false isBuilding: true showInEditor:false displayText: Magic Green Tower displayText_zh: 碧绿炮塔 displayDescription:Can only attack ground units.\n-Lasts laser damage continuously.\n-Excellent effect on single. \n-However,it needs energy.\n-When the energy is exhausted,it needs to be automatically charged before use. displayDescription_zh:只能攻击地面单位,持续激光伤害,对单效果极好。但需要能量,能量耗尽需要自动充能后使用。 energyMax: 1 energyRegen: 0.0018 [graphics] total_frames: 4 image:ROOT:/assets/magicdragonimg/modconon/碧绿炮塔.png image_turret: NONE image_wreak: NONE #scaleImagesTo: 55 #scaleTurretImagesTo: 40 disableLowHpFire:true disableLowHpSmoke:true #AUTO image_shadow: AUTO shadowOffsetX:1 shadowOffsetY:1 [attack] canAttack: true canAttackFlyingUnits: false canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false turretSize: 30 turretTurnSpeed: 1 maxAttackRange: 375 shootDelay:2.5s [turret_1] x: 0 y: 0 projectile: 1 #delay: 0.2s warmup:1.5s [turret_2] x: 0 y: 0 canShoot: false invisible: true laserDefenceEnergyUse: 0.25 limitingRange:200 size:1 [projectile_1] directDamage: 25 life: 200 #speed: 1 frame: 15 drawSize: 1 #targetSpeed: 3 trailEffect: true image:ROOT:/assets/magicdragonimg/modconon/音炮.png [movement] movementType: LAND moveSpeed: 0 moveAccelerationSpeed: 0.01 moveDecelerationSpeed: 0.01 maxTurnSpeed: 0 turnAcceleration: 0.1