[core] name: scoutMechDeployed class: CustomUnitMetadata copyFrom: scout-mech.ini showInEditor: false builtFrom_1_name: NONE builtFrom_2_name: NONE radius: 25 fogOfWarSightRange: 29 #footprint used for collisions with units (left, up, right, down) footprint: -1,-1,1,1 #used for placement, and placement of other buildings constructionFootprint:-1,-1,1,1 #buildingToFootprintOffsetX:20 #buildingToFootprintOffsetY:20 maxShield: 350 shieldRegen: 0.15 startShieldAtZero: true isBuilding: true [action_deploy] isVisible: false [action_undeploy] isVisible: true text: Undeploy text_zh: 取消部署 convertTo: scoutMech displayType: action price: 0 buildSpeed: 5s #canPlayerCancel: false [graphics] #lock_body_rotation_with_main_turret: false [attack] maxAttackRange: 220 shootDelay: 60 [leg_1] x: -3 y: 3 attach_x: -5 attach_y: 10 moveSpeed: 1.0 rotateSpeed: 7 heightSpeed: 0.4 resetAngle:25 image_leg: ROOT:/assets/oldsungodimg/T2/ScountLeide/leg.png image_foot: ROOT:/assets/oldsungodimg/T2/ScountLeide/foot.png #draw_foot_on_top: true #dust_effect: false holdDisMin: 5 holdDisMax: 15 [leg_2] x: 3 y: 3 attach_x: 5 attach_y: 10 copyFrom: 1 [leg_3] x: -3 y: -3 attach_x: -5 attach_y: -10 copyFrom: 1 [leg_4] x: 3 y: -3 attach_x: 5 attach_y: -10 copyFrom: 1 [movement] movementType: NONE targetHeight:0 moveSpeed: 0 moveAccelerationSpeed: 0.07 moveDecelerationSpeed: 0.17 maxTurnSpeed: 1.0 turnAcceleration: 0.5 moveSlidingMode :false moveIgnoringBody:false reverseSpeedPercentage:1 [ai] upgradedFrom: scoutMech