[core] class: CustomUnitMetadata mass: 9000 overrideAndReplace: turret_flamethrower name: flameTurretT3 displayText: Hell Flamethrower displayDescription: -Medium range, Area Of attack.\n -Two barrels. displayText_zh: 地狱火焰塔 displayDescription_zh:-持续造成短距离的范围伤害 maxHp: 3000 #footprint used for collisions with units (left, up, right, down) footprint: 0,0,1,1 #used for placement, and placement of other buildings constructionFootprint:0,0,1,1 buildingToFootprintOffsetX:20 buildingToFootprintOffsetY:20 builtFrom_1_name: overlord #builtFrom_1_pos: 0 techLevel: 1 price: 30000 buildSpeed: 32s #availableInDemo: true radius: 16 #displayRadius: 25 buildingSelectionOffset: -8 isBuilding: true isBio: false [graphics] total_frames: 1 image:turret_base.png image_wreak:turret_base_dead.png image_turret: turret_flamethrower_2.png image_shadow: NONE shadowOffsetX:1 shadowOffsetY:1 [attack] canAttack: true canAttackFlyingUnits: false canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false turretSize: 12 turretTurnSpeed: 6 maxAttackRange: 180 shootDelay: 0.07s [turret_1] x: 0 y: 6 canShoot: false shouldResetTurret: false turnSpeed: 6 turnSpeedAcceleration: 0.08 [turret_2] x: 5 y: 0 #shoot_sound:firing3 #shoot_sound_vol:0.4 shoot_flame:NONE shoot_light:#FFEECCCC size: 20 attachedTo: 1 slave: true invisible: true [turret_3] x: -5 y: 0 copyFrom: 2 attachedTo: 1 slave: true invisible: true [projectile_1] life: 7000 speed: 3 targetSpeedAcceleration: 0.1 speedSpread: 1 frame: 3 drawSize: 0.9 flameWeapon: true hitSound: false targetGround:true targetGroundSpread: 25 deflectionPower: -1 lightColor: #AAffb237 lightSize: 0.5 areaDamage: 20 areaRadius: 80 [movement] movementType: NONE moveSpeed: 0 moveAccelerationSpeed: 0.01 moveDecelerationSpeed: 0.01 maxTurnSpeed: 0 turnAcceleration: 0.1 [ai] buildPriority: 0.22 noneInBaseExtraPriority: 0.17 maxEachBase: 3