[core] name: 阿帕奇零式战机 class: CustomUnitMetadata price: 5000 maxHp: 1000 mass: 1000 techLevel: 2 buildSpeed: 45s availableInDemo: false radius: 50 #displayRadius: 11 isBio: false #softCollisionOnAll: 3 softCollisionOnAll: 24 displayText: Apache Zero displayText_zh:阿帕奇零式光束战机 displayDescription: -The T2 air force unit of the old Sun is said to have been used by the old ace pilots. displayDescription_zh:-阿帕奇零式战机,配有四个机关枪炮。\n-并且拥有两个周期性发射光束的炮塔,造成空中地面大范围的AOE伤害。 #builtFrom_1_name: AirFactory #builtFrom_1_pos: 6 [graphics] total_frames: 6 image: ROOT:/assets/oldsungodimg/T2/APQ-Zero/本体.png image_wreak: ROOT:/assets/oldsungodimg/T2/APQ-Zero/死亡.png image_turret: NONE #scaleImagesTo: 12 #scaleTurretImagesTo: 10 image_shadow: AUTO shadowOffsetX:1 shadowOffsetY:1 animation_idle_start: 0 animation_idle_end: 5 animation_idle_speed:2 animation_moving_start: 0 animation_moving_end: 5 animation_moving_speed:2 dustEffect: true [attack] turretRotateWithBody: false canAttack: true canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false turretSize: 10 turretTurnSpeed: 4 maxAttackRange: 275 shootDelay: 1.5s #isFixedFiring: true [projectile_beam] #=== for the beam effect === life: 15 instant:true instantReuseLast: true instantReuseLast_alsoChangeTurretAim: true moveWithParent: true beamImage: SHARED:beam3.png beamImageEnd: SHARED:beam1_end.png beamImageStart: SHARED:beam1_start.png #beamImageOffsetRate: 1.5 beamImageOffsetRate: 2 explodeEffect: NONE explodeEffectOnShield: NONE shieldDamageMultiplier: 0.75 sweepOffsetFromTargetRadius:0.4 #sweepOffset: x sweepSpeed:10 #=== others === areaDamage:60 areaRadius:100 directDamage: 30 #color: #aa6284b8 #color: #dd99bcf2 color: #42f2f5 teamColorRatio_sourceRatio:0.8 teamColorRatio:0.5 #laserEffect: true [turret_1] #missile invisible: true x: -20 y: 0 idleDir:0 shoot_sound:missile_fire shoot_light:#FFCCCCEE canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false projectile: 2 size: 9 delay: 0.1s turnSpeed: 3.9 turnSpeedAcceleration: 0.2 [turret_2] copyFrom:1 x: 20 y: 0 [turret_3] copyFrom:1 x: 10 y: 10 [turret_4] copyFrom:1 x: -10 y: 10 [turret_L1] copyFrom:1 x: -45 y: 10 delay: 3s projectile: beam [turret_L2] copyFrom:1 x: 45 y: 10 delay: 3s projectile: beam [arm_1] x:0 y:0 image_end:ROOT:/assets/oldsungodimg/T2/APQ-Zero/旋翼.png drawOverBody: true spinRate:30 [arm_2] x:0 y:0 image_end:ROOT:/assets/oldsungodimg/T2/APQ-Zero/旋转点.png drawOverBody: true spinRate:30 [projectile_2] #missile directDamage: 5 life: 240 speed: 7 #ballistic: true #ballistic_delaymove_height:0 #ballistic_height: 10 teamColorRatio:1 frame: 6 autoTargetingOnDeadTarget: false [projectile_1] #missile directDamage: 45 life: 240 speed: -2 targetSpeed: 4 trailEffect: true largeHitEffect: true #ballistic: true #ballistic_delaymove_height:0 #ballistic_height: 10 frame: 4 autoTargetingOnDeadTarget: true [movement] movementType: AIR moveSpeed: 1.45 moveAccelerationSpeed: 0.01 moveDecelerationSpeed: 0.01 targetHeightDrift: 3 landOnGround: false reverseSpeedPercentage:0.4 maxTurnSpeed: 1.5 turnAcceleration: 0.03 moveSlidingMode :true moveIgnoringBody:true moveSlidingDir: 181 slowDeathFall: true