[core] class: CustomUnitMetadata mass: 12000 name: cruiser displayText: Cruiser displayText_zh:巡洋舰 displayDescription: -A warship with 3 turrets & anti-air ball launcher \n-Sieges nearby enemy base \n-Good use of killing submarines displayDescription_zh:-带有3个炮塔和防空发射器的军舰\n-攻击附近的敌军基地\n-可以反潜 price: 10000 techLevel: 2 maxHp: 5000 armour: 0 buildSpeed:35s maxShield: 0 shieldRegen: 0 #softCollisionOnAll: 1 isBug: false isBuilding: false isBio: false #transportSlotsNeeded: # radius: 45 #displayRadius: 21 [graphics] total_frames: 1 image: ROOT:/assets/oldsungodimg/T2/Cruiser/巡洋舰船.png image_wreak: ROOT:/assets/oldsungodimg/T2/Cruiser/巡洋舰船死亡.png image_turret:SHARED:large_turret.png image_shadow: auto shadowOffsetX: 5 shadowOffsetY: 5 splastEffect: true teamColorsOnTurret: true [attack] canAttack: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackFlyingUnits: true turretSize: 18 turretTurnSpeed: 4 maxAttackRange: 300 shootDelay: 3.471s turretMultiTargeting: true [turret_1] #base1 x:0 y:10 canAttack: true canAttackFlyingUnits: false canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false turnSpeedAcceleration: 0.178 projectile: bullet1 shoot_sound: large_gun_fire2 shoot_sound_vol: 0.27 shoot_flame: large shoot_light:#7AAB86 #delay: 125 recoilOffset: -2 recoilOutTime: 1 recoilReturnTime: 12 idleDirReversing: -135 [turret_2] #base2 x: 0 y: 36 copyFrom: 1 linkDelayWithTurret: 1 warmup: 30 idleDirReversing: 135 [turret_3] #base3 x: 0 y: -34 copyFrom: 1 linkDelayWithTurret: 1 warmup: 60 idleDir: 180 idleDirReversing: 180 [turret_4] #torpedo x: 0 y: 0 idleDir:0 invisible: true canAttackFlyingUnits: false canAttackLandUnits: false canAttackUnderwaterUnits: true canAttackNotTouchingWaterUnits: false canAttackCondition: if self.isOverwater() projectile: subBot size: 1.1 delay: 100 turnSpeed: 15 [turret_5] #aa+ x:0 y:23 invisible: true canAttack: true canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: false canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false projectile: air_attack shoot_sound: missile_fire shoot_sound_vol: 0.33 shoot_flame: shockwave shoot_light: #ffffff size: 0 delay: 2.43s [turret_6] # x:0 y:23 invisible:true linkDelayWithTurret:5 copyFrom:5 warmup: 15 [turret_7] # x:0 y:23 invisible:true linkDelayWithTurret:5 copyFrom:5 warmup: 30 [turret_8] # x:0 y:23 invisible:true linkDelayWithTurret:5 copyFrom:5 warmup: 45 [turret_9] # x:0 y:23 invisible:true linkDelayWithTurret:5 copyFrom:5 warmup: 60 [projectile_subBot] #torpedo directDamage: 75 life: 500 speed: 0.4 targetSpeed: 1.3 largeHitEffect: true drawSize: 1.3 color: #000000 trailEffect: true deflectionPower:-1 [projectile_bullet1] #directDamage: 110 life: 240 speed: 8 targetGround: true largeHitEffect: true frame: 2 drawSize: 1 areaDamage: 90 areaRadius: 70 drawType: 3 lightColor: #ffff00 lightSize: 0.9 [projectile_air_attack] #aa ball directDamage: 35 life: 160 speed: 1 targetSpeed: 5 drawSize: 1.8 color: #7ff3c8 trailEffect: true largeHitEffect: true ballistic: true ballistic_delaymove_height:25 ballistic_height: 25 lightColor: #f1f1f1 lightSize: 0.5 [movement] movementType: WATER moveSpeed: 0.5 moveAccelerationSpeed: 0.023 moveDecelerationSpeed: 0.16 reverseSpeedPercentage: 1 maxTurnSpeed: 1.2 turnAcceleration: 0.039 moveSlidingMode: false moveSlidingDir: 0