[core] name:翠绿灵塔 class: CustomUnitMetadata price: 1500 maxHp: 1000 mass: 9000 footprint: -1,0,1,2 constructionFootprint: -1,0,1,2 techLevel: 1 buildSpeed: 0.002 #availableInDemo: true radius: 25 #displayRadius: 25 isBio:false isBuilding: true canRepairBuildings: true canRepairUnits : true isBuilder: true nanoRepairSpeed: 0.35 autoRepair: true nanoRange: 270 displayText:verdure Spirit Tower displayText_zh: 翠绿灵塔 displayDescription:Basic Repair bay of magic dragon,used to repair units. displayDescription_zh:-魔龙的基础修复湾,用于修复单位。 [canBuild_1] name: repair pos: 2 [canBuild_2] name: reclaim pos: 1 [graphics] total_frames: 3 image: ROOT:/assets/magicdragonimg/greentower/翠绿灵塔.png image_turret: NONE image_wreak: NONE scaleImagesTo: 87 #scaleTurretImagesTo: 40 #AUTO image_shadow: AUTO shadowOffsetX:1 shadowOffsetY:1 animation_idle_start: 0 animation_idle_end: 2 animation_idle_speed: 20 [attack] canAttack: false canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: true shootDelay:50 [turret_1] #forward turret x: 0 y: 45 invisible: true shoot_sound:lighting_burst shoot_sound_vol:0.3 #shoot_flame:CUSTOM:lightSlowFade shoot_light:#FFEECCCC warmup:30 #chargeEffectImage: lighting_charge2.png shouldResetTurret: false canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: true projectile: 1 [turret_2] #nano turret (nano must be slot 1) x: 0 y: 45 invisible: true warmup:0 canShoot: false canAttackFlyingUnits: false canAttackLandUnits: false canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false isMainNanoTurret: true [projectile_1] directDamage: 450 life: 50 speed: 2.5 instant: true lightingEffect: true drawSize: 1 shieldDamageMultiplier: 0 shieldDefectionMultiplier: 0 lightColor: #FFccCCEE lightSize: 0.4 [movement] movementType: LAND moveSpeed: 0 moveAccelerationSpeed: 0.01 moveDecelerationSpeed: 0.01 maxTurnSpeed: 0 turnAcceleration: 0.1 [ai] buildPriority: 0.23 maxGlobal: 3