[core] name: 玄心号 #displayText: Carrier #displayDescription: -Heavily armed and armored \n -Anti-air \n -builds Air factory units \n -Laser defence & repairbay \n -Can build anti-nuke missiles \n -Built-in Fabricator \n -Goes nuclear on death (if nukes are enabled) class: CustomUnitMetadata price: 12000 maxHp: 3000 mass: 15000 copyFrom:ROOT:/effect/water/index.template #水波特效 techLevel: 2 experimental: true buildSpeed: 38s availableInDemo: false radius: 40 displayRadius: 40 #softCollisionOnAll: 3 #transportSlotsNeeded: 5 isBio: false energyMax: 2 energyRegen: 0.0003 selfRegenRate:0.3 displayText: Black Star Warship displayDescription: -The outstanding naval unit of the Magic Dragon Empire is famous for its mystery. =\n-Anti submarine against air and sea, medium speed, high durability. displayText_zh: 玄心号战舰 displayDescription_zh: -魔龙帝国的杰出海军单位,以玄而出名。\n-对空对海可以反潜,移速中等,高耐久值。 [graphics] total_frames: 1 imageScale: 1.1 image: ROOT:/assets/magicdragonimg/blackstarboat/BSB.png image_wreak: ROOT:/assets/magicdragonimg/blackstarboat/BSBDIED.png image_turret: ROOT:/assets/magicdragonimg/blackstarboat/炮.png #scaleImagesTo: 60 #scaleTurretImagesTo: 12 image_shadow: AUTO shadowOffsetX:4 shadowOffsetY:4 movementEffect: CUSTOM:水波2, CUSTOM:水波1,CUSTOM:水雾 movementEffectRate: 12 movementEffectReverse: CUSTOM:水波2,CUSTOM:水雾 #splastEffect: true [attack] canAttack: true canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: true canAttackNotTouchingWaterUnits:false turretSize: 20 turretTurnSpeed: 1.5 maxAttackRange: 250 shootDelay: 100 turretMultiTargeting: true [turret_flakPivotPoint] x: 0 y: -80 canShoot: false shouldResetTurret: false idleSpin: 0.5 image:ROOT:/assets/magicdragonimg/blackstarboat/anti_air_top_flakgun.png canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: false canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false recoilOffset: -3 recoilOutTime: 6 recoilReturnTime: 12 [turret_leftMissilePod] x: 4 y: 10 size: 0 attachedTo: flakPivotPoint slave: true invisible: true warmup: 0 canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: false canAttackUnderwaterUnits: false shoot_sound:large_gun_fire2 shoot_sound_vol:0.3 shoot_flame:small shoot_light:#FFEECCCC projectile: flak #image: SHARED:debug_marker.png [turret_rightMissilePod] x: -4 y: 10 copyFrom: leftMissilePod linkDelayWithTurret:leftMissilePod warmup:1.8s [turret_plasma1] #plasma #turret x: 14 y: 0 idleDir:90 idleDirReversing: 90 limitingAngle: 120 delay:1.6s image:ROOT:/assets/magicdragonimg/blackstarboat/炮.png shoot_sound:large_gun_fire2 shoot_sound_vol:0.3 shoot_flame:large shoot_light:#ffc600 canAttackFlyingUnits: false canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: true projectile: gunShot size: 16 recoilOffset: -1 limitingRange: 250 [turret_plasma3] #plasma #turret x: 14 y: -28 idleDir:90 idleDirReversing: 90 copyFrom:plasma1 #linkDelayWithTurret:plasma1 #warmup: 50 [turret_plasma2] #plasma #turret x: -14 y: 0 idleDir:-90 idleDirReversing: -90 copyFrom:plasma1 #linkDelayWithTurret:plasma1 #warmup: 50 [turret_plasma4] #plasma #turret x: -14 y: -28 idleDir:-90 idleDirReversing: -90 copyFrom:plasma1 #linkDelayWithTurret:plasma1 #warmup: 50 [turret_plasma5] #plasma #turret x: 14 y: -50 idleDir:90 idleDirReversing: 90 copyFrom:plasma1 #linkDelayWithTurret:plasma1 #warmup: 50 [turret_plasma6] #plasma #turret x: -14 y: -50 idleDir:-90 idleDirReversing: -90 copyFrom:plasma1 #linkDelayWithTurret:plasma1 #warmup: 50 [turret_repairTurret] #repair x: -16 y: -32 canShoot: false invisible: true size:0 isMainNanoTurret: true warmup:30 [projectile_shell] #shell life: 150 speed: 5 drawType: 2 frame: 1 drawSize: 0.9 hitSound: true targetGround:true targetGroundSpread: 30 largeHitEffect: true deflectionPower: 2 areaDamage: 125 areaRadius: 80 lightColor: #ffe92b lightSize: 0.6 [projectile_flak] #flak life: 340 speed: 20 drawSize: 0.9 trailEffect: true largeHitEffect: true frame: 0 areaDamage: 35 areaRadius: 85 autoTargetingOnDeadTarget: true lightColor: #ffff00 lightSize: 0.4 [projectile_torpedo] #torpedo directDamage: 60 life: 550 speed: 0.15 targetSpeed: 1.2 largeHitEffect: true drawSize: 1 color: #1E1E96 trailEffect: true deflectionPower: -1 [projectile_gunShot] #gun life: 150 speed: 4 largeHitEffect: true frame: 4 areaDamage: 50 areaRadius: 45 drawSize: 1 lightColor: #ffc600 lightSize: 0.6 [movement] movementType: WATER moveSpeed: 1.5 moveAccelerationSpeed: 0.02 moveDecelerationSpeed: 0.05 maxTurnSpeed: 2.5 turnAcceleration: 0.05