[core] name: 大公牛 class: CustomUnitMetadata #price: 2 price: 7000 maxHp: 2400 mass: 9000 techLevel: 2 experimental: true buildSpeed: 85s #buildSpeed: 1 #availableInDemo: true radius: 30 displayRadius: 30 fogOfWarSightRange:19 transportSlotsNeeded: 5 isBio: false softCollisionOnAll: 3 #nanoFactorySpeed:2.5 selfRegenRate:0.2 displayText:Mech Big Bull displayDescription:High blood volume high armor, considerable harm and coating do not have a hand, \n-[MainAttckType: Air&Land] displayText_zh:机械大公牛 displayDescription_zh:高耐久值,对空对地。\n-装有闪电特殊弹药,能造成连环伤害,但需要蓄力10s。有一艇轻机枪。 autoRepair: true [graphics] total_frames: 1 image: ROOT:/assets/magicdragonimg/bigcow/大公牛.png image_wreak: None image_turret: ROOT:/assets/magicdragonimg/bigcow/大公牛的炮.png scaleImagesTo: 50 scaleTurretImagesTo: 25 image_shadow: AUTO shadowOffsetX:1 shadowOffsetY:1 [attack] canAttack: true canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: true turretSize: 20 turretTurnSpeed: 2 maxAttackRange: 250 shootDelay: 1s [turret_1] #left missile pod x: 0 y: -10 attachedTo: 3 slave: true invisible: true shoot_sound:plasma_fire shoot_sound_vol:0.3 shoot_light:#FFEECCCC canAttackFlyingUnits: true canAttackLandUnits: true canAttackUnderwaterUnits: true projectile: 1 size:25 turnSpeedAcceleration: 0.08 turnSpeed: 2 recoilOffset: -3 recoilOutTime: 6 recoilReturnTime: 7 [turret_3] #main turret x: 0 y: 20 canShoot: false shouldResetTurret: true idleSpin: 0 recoilOffset: -3 recoilOutTime: 5 recoilReturnTime: 7 [projectile_1] #main turret projectile directDamage: 30 life: 240 speed: 0.3 targetSpeed: 5 trailEffect: true largeHitEffect: true frame: 21 areaDamage: 20 areaRadius: 50 image: ROOT:/assets/magicdragonimg/bigcow/电牛.png [leg_1] x: 18 y: -13 attach_x: 0 attach_y: 0 moveSpeed: 2.1 resetAngle:20 image_foot: ROOT:/assets/magicdragonimg/bigcow/大公牛的脚.png [leg_2] x: 18 y: 24 attach_x: 0 attach_y: 0 copyFrom: 1 [leg_3] x: -18 y: 24 attach_x: 0 attach_y: 0 copyFrom: 1 [leg_4] x: -18 y: -13 attach_x: 0 attach_y: 0 copyFrom: 1 [movement] movementType: OVER_CLIFF_WATER moveSpeed: 0.7 moveAccelerationSpeed: 0.05 moveDecelerationSpeed: 0.05 targetHeight: 2 targetHeightDrift: 0 maxTurnSpeed: 0.5 turnAcceleration: 0.2 moveSlidingMode :false moveIgnoringBody:false moveSlidingDir: 45 slowDeathFall: true