apply plugin: '' android { compileSdkVersion 28 defaultConfig { resConfigs "en_US", "cs", "tr", "ca", "ko", "pl", "it", "eo", "ru", "zh_CN", "de", "fr", "es", "pt", "fi", "hu", "in" //noinspection MinSdkTooLow minSdkVersion 9 targetSdkVersion 28 versionCode appVersionCode versionName appVersionName } buildTypes { debug { applicationIdSuffix ".indev" versionNameSuffix '-INDEV' } release { //These lines enable R8, which is a code shrinker/optimizer/obfuscator. //This makes release APKs smaller and more efficient, but also makes debugging trickier //as the information produced in stack traces must be de-obfuscated. //See here: shrinkResources true minifyEnabled true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), '' } } } dependencies { implementation project(':SPD-classes') }