
# This shell script helps automate the process of notarizing
# It is based on the guide found here: https://www.joelotter.com/2020/08/14/macos-java-notarization.html
# requires xcode tools, script may take a minute or two to run as it uploads results to apple

# usage is: "notarize.sh <path-to-.app> <path-to-entitlements-.plist> <certificate-name> <apple-id> <app-password>"
# There is no input validation to check your arguments!
PLIST=`PWD`"/$2" #need absolute path

#first sign the naked dylib in /Contents/runtime/Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib
codesign --force --options runtime --timestamp --sign "$CERT" \
	 		--entitlements "$PLIST" "${APP}/Contents/runtime/Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib"

#then iterate over each jar and sign all .dylib files within it
# to do this we have to unzip each JAR, sign the files and re-zip =/
# several commands are piped to dev/null to cut down on console spam
pushd "${APP}"/Contents/app/ > /dev/null
rm -rf jar/
for JAR in *.jar; do

	mkdir jar
	mv "$JAR" jar/
	pushd jar/ > /dev/null
	unzip "${JAR}" > /dev/null
	rm "${JAR}"

	for LIB in `find . -name '*.dylib'`; do
		codesign --force --options runtime --timestamp --sign "$CERT" \
			--entitlements "$PLIST" "${LIB}"

	zip -r "../${JAR}" * > /dev/null
	popd > /dev/null
	rm -rf jar/

popd > /dev/null

#finally do one more deep sign on the whole .app
codesign --deep --force --options runtime --timestamp --sign "$CERT" \
			--entitlements "$PLIST" "${APP}"

#zip it up and send it to apple!
rm -rf "${APP}".zip
zip -r "${APP}".zip "${APP}" > /dev/null

echo "Uploading to apple, this may take a minute."

xcrun altool -t osx -f "${APP}".zip \
  --primary-bundle-id com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.apple --notarize-app \
  --username "$USER" \
  --password "$PASS"

rm -rf "${APP}".zip

echo "Upload finished, if it worked, wait for an email and then run: xcrun stapler staple \"${APP}\""

# If notarizing failed, you can run this command to get info:
# xcrun altool --notarization-info <UUID that this script printed> \
#  --username "$USER" \
#  --password "$PASS"