/* * Pixel Dungeon * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Oleg Dolya * * Shattered Pixel Dungeon * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Evan Debenham * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see */ package com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.levels; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.Assets; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.Challenges; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.Dungeon; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.Statistics; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.Actor; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.Char; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.blobs.Alchemy; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.blobs.Blob; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.blobs.WellWater; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.buffs.Awareness; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.buffs.Blindness; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.buffs.Buff; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.buffs.LockedFloor; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.buffs.MindVision; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.buffs.Shadows; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.hero.Hero; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.hero.HeroClass; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.mobs.Bestiary; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.mobs.Mob; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.effects.particles.FlowParticle; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.effects.particles.WindParticle; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.Dewdrop; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.Generator; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.Heap; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.Item; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.Stylus; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.Torch; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.armor.Armor; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.artifacts.AlchemistsToolkit; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.artifacts.DriedRose; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.artifacts.TimekeepersHourglass; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.bags.ScrollHolder; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.bags.SeedPouch; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.food.Blandfruit; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.food.Food; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.potions.PotionOfHealing; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.potions.PotionOfMight; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.potions.PotionOfStrength; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.rings.RingOfWealth; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.scrolls.Scroll; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.scrolls.ScrollOfUpgrade; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.scrolls.ScrollOfMagicalInfusion; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.levels.features.Chasm; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.levels.features.Door; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.levels.features.HighGrass; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.levels.painters.Painter; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.levels.traps.*; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.mechanics.ShadowCaster; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.plants.BlandfruitBush; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.plants.Plant; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.scenes.GameScene; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.sprites.ItemSprite; import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.utils.GLog; import com.watabou.noosa.Game; import com.watabou.noosa.Scene; import com.watabou.noosa.audio.Sample; import com.watabou.utils.Bundlable; import com.watabou.utils.Bundle; import com.watabou.utils.Random; import com.watabou.utils.SparseArray; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; public abstract class Level implements Bundlable { public static enum Feeling { NONE, CHASM, WATER, GRASS, DARK } public static final int WIDTH = 32; public static final int HEIGHT = 32; public static final int LENGTH = WIDTH * HEIGHT; public static final int[] NEIGHBOURS4 = {-WIDTH, +1, +WIDTH, -1}; public static final int[] NEIGHBOURS8 = {-WIDTH, +1-WIDTH, +1, +1+WIDTH, +WIDTH, -1+WIDTH, -1, -1-WIDTH}; public static final int[] NEIGHBOURS9 = {0, -WIDTH, +1-WIDTH, +1, +1+WIDTH, +WIDTH, -1+WIDTH, -1, -1-WIDTH}; //make sure to check insideMap() when using these, as there's a risk something may be outside the map public static final int[] NEIGHBOURS8DIST2 = {+2+2*WIDTH, +1+2*WIDTH, 2*WIDTH, -1+2*WIDTH, -2+2*WIDTH, +2+WIDTH, +1+WIDTH, +WIDTH, -1+WIDTH, -2+WIDTH, +2, +1, -1, -2, +2-WIDTH, +1-WIDTH, -WIDTH, -1-WIDTH, -2-WIDTH, +2-2*WIDTH, +1-2*WIDTH, -2*WIDTH, -1-2*WIDTH, -2-2*WIDTH}; public static final int[] NEIGHBOURS9DIST2 = {+2+2*WIDTH, +1+2*WIDTH, 2*WIDTH, -1+2*WIDTH, -2+2*WIDTH, +2+WIDTH, +1+WIDTH, +WIDTH, -1+WIDTH, -2+WIDTH, +2, +1, 0, -1, -2, +2-WIDTH, +1-WIDTH, -WIDTH, -1-WIDTH, -2-WIDTH, +2-2*WIDTH, +1-2*WIDTH, -2*WIDTH, -1-2*WIDTH, -2-2*WIDTH}; protected static final float TIME_TO_RESPAWN = 50; private static final String TXT_HIDDEN_PLATE_CLICKS = "A hidden pressure plate clicks!"; public static boolean resizingNeeded; public static int loadedMapSize; public int version; public int[] map; public boolean[] visited; public boolean[] mapped; public int viewDistance = Dungeon.isChallenged( Challenges.DARKNESS ) ? 3: 8; public static boolean[] fieldOfView = new boolean[LENGTH]; public static boolean[] passable = new boolean[LENGTH]; public static boolean[] losBlocking = new boolean[LENGTH]; public static boolean[] flamable = new boolean[LENGTH]; public static boolean[] secret = new boolean[LENGTH]; public static boolean[] solid = new boolean[LENGTH]; public static boolean[] avoid = new boolean[LENGTH]; public static boolean[] water = new boolean[LENGTH]; public static boolean[] pit = new boolean[LENGTH]; public static boolean[] discoverable = new boolean[LENGTH]; public Feeling feeling = Feeling.NONE; public int entrance; public int exit; //when a boss level has become locked. public boolean locked = false; public HashSet mobs; public SparseArray heaps; public HashMap,Blob> blobs; public SparseArray plants; public SparseArray traps; protected ArrayList itemsToSpawn = new ArrayList<>(); public int color1 = 0x004400; public int color2 = 0x88CC44; protected static boolean pitRoomNeeded = false; protected static boolean weakFloorCreated = false; private static final String VERSION = "version"; private static final String MAP = "map"; private static final String VISITED = "visited"; private static final String MAPPED = "mapped"; private static final String ENTRANCE = "entrance"; private static final String EXIT = "exit"; private static final String LOCKED = "locked"; private static final String HEAPS = "heaps"; private static final String PLANTS = "plants"; private static final String TRAPS = "traps"; private static final String MOBS = "mobs"; private static final String BLOBS = "blobs"; private static final String FEELING = "feeling"; public void create() { resizingNeeded = false; map = new int[LENGTH]; visited = new boolean[LENGTH]; Arrays.fill( visited, false ); mapped = new boolean[LENGTH]; Arrays.fill( mapped, false ); if (!Dungeon.bossLevel()) { addItemToSpawn( Generator.random( Generator.Category.FOOD ) ); if (Dungeon.posNeeded()) { addItemToSpawn( new PotionOfStrength() ); Dungeon.limitedDrops.strengthPotions.count++; } if (Dungeon.souNeeded()) { addItemToSpawn( new ScrollOfUpgrade() ); Dungeon.limitedDrops.upgradeScrolls.count++; } if (Dungeon.asNeeded()) { addItemToSpawn( new Stylus() ); Dungeon.limitedDrops.arcaneStyli.count++; } int bonus = 0; for (Buff buff : Dungeon.hero.buffs(RingOfWealth.Wealth.class)) { bonus += ((RingOfWealth.Wealth) buff).level; } if (Random.Float() > Math.pow(0.95, bonus)){ if (Random.Int(2) == 0) addItemToSpawn( new ScrollOfMagicalInfusion() ); else addItemToSpawn( new PotionOfMight() ); } DriedRose rose = Dungeon.hero.belongings.getItem( DriedRose.class ); if (rose != null && !rose.cursed){ //this way if a rose is dropped later in the game, player still has a chance to max it out. int petalsNeeded = (int) Math.ceil((float)((Dungeon.depth / 2) - rose.droppedPetals) / 3); for (int i=1; i <= petalsNeeded; i++) { //the player may miss a single petal and still max their rose. if (rose.droppedPetals < 11) { addItemToSpawn(new DriedRose.Petal()); rose.droppedPetals++; } } } if (Dungeon.depth > 1) { switch (Random.Int( 10 )) { case 0: if (!Dungeon.bossLevel( Dungeon.depth + 1 )) { feeling = Feeling.CHASM; } break; case 1: feeling = Feeling.WATER; break; case 2: feeling = Feeling.GRASS; break; case 3: feeling = Feeling.DARK; addItemToSpawn(new Torch()); viewDistance = (int)Math.ceil(viewDistance/3f); break; } } } boolean pitNeeded = Dungeon.depth > 1 && weakFloorCreated; do { Arrays.fill( map, feeling == Feeling.CHASM ? Terrain.CHASM : Terrain.WALL ); pitRoomNeeded = pitNeeded; weakFloorCreated = false; mobs = new HashSet<>(); heaps = new SparseArray<>(); blobs = new HashMap<>(); plants = new SparseArray<>(); traps = new SparseArray<>(); } while (!build()); decorate(); buildFlagMaps(); cleanWalls(); createMobs(); createItems(); } public void reset() { for (Mob mob : mobs.toArray( new Mob[0] )) { if (!mob.reset()) { mobs.remove( mob ); } } createMobs(); } @Override public void restoreFromBundle( Bundle bundle ) { version = bundle.getInt( VERSION ); mobs = new HashSet<>(); heaps = new SparseArray<>(); blobs = new HashMap<>(); plants = new SparseArray<>(); traps = new SparseArray<>(); map = bundle.getIntArray( MAP ); visited = bundle.getBooleanArray( VISITED ); mapped = bundle.getBooleanArray( MAPPED ); entrance = bundle.getInt( ENTRANCE ); exit = bundle.getInt( EXIT ); locked = bundle.getBoolean( LOCKED ); weakFloorCreated = false; adjustMapSize(); //for pre-0.3.0c saves if (version < 44){ map = Terrain.convertTrapsFrom43( map, traps ); } Collection collection = bundle.getCollection( HEAPS ); for (Bundlable h : collection) { Heap heap = (Heap)h; if (resizingNeeded) { heap.pos = adjustPos( heap.pos ); } if (!heap.isEmpty()) heaps.put( heap.pos, heap ); } collection = bundle.getCollection( PLANTS ); for (Bundlable p : collection) { Plant plant = (Plant)p; if (resizingNeeded) { plant.pos = adjustPos( plant.pos ); } plants.put( plant.pos, plant ); } collection = bundle.getCollection( TRAPS ); for (Bundlable p : collection) { Trap trap = (Trap)p; if (resizingNeeded) { trap.pos = adjustPos( trap.pos ); } traps.put( trap.pos, trap ); } collection = bundle.getCollection( MOBS ); for (Bundlable m : collection) { Mob mob = (Mob)m; if (mob != null) { if (resizingNeeded) { mob.pos = adjustPos( mob.pos ); } mobs.add( mob ); } } collection = bundle.getCollection( BLOBS ); for (Bundlable b : collection) { Blob blob = (Blob)b; blobs.put( blob.getClass(), blob ); } feeling = bundle.getEnum( FEELING, Feeling.class ); if (feeling == Feeling.DARK) viewDistance = (int)Math.ceil(viewDistance/3f); buildFlagMaps(); cleanWalls(); } @Override public void storeInBundle( Bundle bundle ) { bundle.put( VERSION, Game.versionCode ); bundle.put( MAP, map ); bundle.put( VISITED, visited ); bundle.put( MAPPED, mapped ); bundle.put( ENTRANCE, entrance ); bundle.put( EXIT, exit ); bundle.put( LOCKED, locked ); bundle.put( HEAPS, heaps.values() ); bundle.put( PLANTS, plants.values() ); bundle.put( TRAPS, traps.values() ); bundle.put( MOBS, mobs ); bundle.put( BLOBS, blobs.values() ); bundle.put( FEELING, feeling ); } public int tunnelTile() { return feeling == Feeling.CHASM ? Terrain.EMPTY_SP : Terrain.EMPTY; } private void adjustMapSize() { // For levels saved before 1.6.3 // Seeing as shattered started on 1.7.1 this is never used, but the code may be resused in future. if (map.length < LENGTH) { resizingNeeded = true; loadedMapSize = (int)Math.sqrt( map.length ); int[] map = new int[LENGTH]; Arrays.fill( map, Terrain.WALL ); boolean[] visited = new boolean[LENGTH]; Arrays.fill( visited, false ); boolean[] mapped = new boolean[LENGTH]; Arrays.fill( mapped, false ); for (int i=0; i < loadedMapSize; i++) { System.arraycopy( this.map, i * loadedMapSize, map, i * WIDTH, loadedMapSize ); System.arraycopy( this.visited, i * loadedMapSize, visited, i * WIDTH, loadedMapSize ); System.arraycopy( this.mapped, i * loadedMapSize, mapped, i * WIDTH, loadedMapSize ); } this.map = map; this.visited = visited; this.mapped = mapped; entrance = adjustPos( entrance ); exit = adjustPos( exit ); } else { resizingNeeded = false; } } public int adjustPos( int pos ) { return (pos / loadedMapSize) * WIDTH + (pos % loadedMapSize); } public String tilesTex() { return null; } public String waterTex() { return null; } abstract protected boolean build(); abstract protected void decorate(); abstract protected void createMobs(); abstract protected void createItems(); public void seal(){ if (!locked) { locked = true; Buff.affect(Dungeon.hero, LockedFloor.class); } } public void unseal(){ if (locked) { locked = false; } } public void addVisuals( Scene scene ) { for (int i=0; i < LENGTH; i++) { if (pit[i]) { scene.add( new WindParticle.Wind( i ) ); if (i >= WIDTH && water[i-WIDTH]) { scene.add( new FlowParticle.Flow( i - WIDTH ) ); } } } } public int nMobs() { return 0; } public Mob findMob( int pos ){ for (Mob mob : mobs){ if (mob.pos == pos){ return mob; } } return null; } public Actor respawner() { return new Actor() { { actPriority = 1; //as if it were a buff. } @Override protected boolean act() { if (mobs.size() < nMobs()) { Mob mob = Bestiary.mutable( Dungeon.depth ); mob.state = mob.WANDERING; mob.pos = randomRespawnCell(); if (Dungeon.hero.isAlive() && mob.pos != -1) { GameScene.add( mob ); if (Statistics.amuletObtained) { mob.beckon( Dungeon.hero.pos ); } } } spend( Dungeon.level.feeling == Feeling.DARK || Statistics.amuletObtained ? TIME_TO_RESPAWN / 2 : TIME_TO_RESPAWN ); return true; } }; } public int randomRespawnCell() { int cell; do { cell = Random.Int( LENGTH ); } while (!passable[cell] || Dungeon.visible[cell] || Actor.findChar( cell ) != null); return cell; } public int randomDestination() { int cell; do { cell = Random.Int( LENGTH ); } while (!passable[cell]); return cell; } public void addItemToSpawn( Item item ) { if (item != null) { itemsToSpawn.add( item ); } } public Item findPrizeItem(){ return findPrizeItem(null); } public Item findPrizeItem(Class match){ if (itemsToSpawn.size() == 0) return null; if (match == null){ Item item = Random.element(itemsToSpawn); itemsToSpawn.remove(item); return item; } for (Item item : itemsToSpawn){ if (match.isInstance(item)){ itemsToSpawn.remove( item ); return item; } } return null; } private void buildFlagMaps() { for (int i=0; i < LENGTH; i++) { int flags = Terrain.flags[map[i]]; passable[i] = (flags & Terrain.PASSABLE) != 0; losBlocking[i] = (flags & Terrain.LOS_BLOCKING) != 0; flamable[i] = (flags & Terrain.FLAMABLE) != 0; secret[i] = (flags & Terrain.SECRET) != 0; solid[i] = (flags & Terrain.SOLID) != 0; avoid[i] = (flags & Terrain.AVOID) != 0; water[i] = (flags & Terrain.LIQUID) != 0; pit[i] = (flags & Terrain.PIT) != 0; } int lastRow = LENGTH - WIDTH; for (int i=0; i < WIDTH; i++) { passable[i] = avoid[i] = false; passable[lastRow + i] = avoid[lastRow + i] = false; } for (int i=WIDTH; i < lastRow; i += WIDTH) { passable[i] = avoid[i] = false; passable[i + WIDTH-1] = avoid[i + WIDTH-1] = false; } for (int i=WIDTH; i < LENGTH - WIDTH; i++) { if (water[i]) { int t = Terrain.WATER_TILES; for (int j=0; j < NEIGHBOURS4.length; j++) { if ((Terrain.flags[map[i + NEIGHBOURS4[j]]] & Terrain.UNSTITCHABLE) != 0) { t += 1 << j; } } map[i] = t; } if (pit[i]) { if (!pit[i - WIDTH]) { int c = map[i - WIDTH]; if (c == Terrain.EMPTY_SP || c == Terrain.STATUE_SP) { map[i] = Terrain.CHASM_FLOOR_SP; } else if (water[i - WIDTH]) { map[i] = Terrain.CHASM_WATER; } else if ((Terrain.flags[c] & Terrain.UNSTITCHABLE) != 0) { map[i] = Terrain.CHASM_WALL; } else { map[i] = Terrain.CHASM_FLOOR; } } } } } private void cleanWalls() { for (int i=0; i < LENGTH; i++) { boolean d = false; for (int j=0; j < NEIGHBOURS9.length; j++) { int n = i + NEIGHBOURS9[j]; if (n >= 0 && n < LENGTH && map[n] != Terrain.WALL && map[n] != Terrain.WALL_DECO) { d = true; break; } } if (d) { d = false; for (int j=0; j < NEIGHBOURS9.length; j++) { int n = i + NEIGHBOURS9[j]; if (n >= 0 && n < LENGTH && !pit[n]) { d = true; break; } } } discoverable[i] = d; } } public static void set( int cell, int terrain ) { Painter.set( Dungeon.level, cell, terrain ); if (terrain != Terrain.TRAP && terrain != Terrain.SECRET_TRAP){ Dungeon.level.traps.remove( cell ); } int flags = Terrain.flags[terrain]; passable[cell] = (flags & Terrain.PASSABLE) != 0; losBlocking[cell] = (flags & Terrain.LOS_BLOCKING) != 0; flamable[cell] = (flags & Terrain.FLAMABLE) != 0; secret[cell] = (flags & Terrain.SECRET) != 0; solid[cell] = (flags & Terrain.SOLID) != 0; avoid[cell] = (flags & Terrain.AVOID) != 0; pit[cell] = (flags & Terrain.PIT) != 0; water[cell] = terrain == Terrain.WATER || terrain >= Terrain.WATER_TILES; } public Heap drop( Item item, int cell ) { //This messy if statement deals will items which should not drop in challenges primarily. if ((Dungeon.isChallenged( Challenges.NO_FOOD ) && (item instanceof Food || item instanceof BlandfruitBush.Seed)) || (Dungeon.isChallenged( Challenges.NO_ARMOR ) && item instanceof Armor) || (Dungeon.isChallenged( Challenges.NO_HEALING ) && item instanceof PotionOfHealing) || (Dungeon.isChallenged( Challenges.NO_HERBALISM ) && (item instanceof Plant.Seed || item instanceof Dewdrop || item instanceof SeedPouch)) || (Dungeon.isChallenged( Challenges.NO_SCROLLS ) && ((item instanceof Scroll && !(item instanceof ScrollOfUpgrade)) || item instanceof ScrollHolder)) || item == null) { //create a dummy heap, give it a dummy sprite, don't add it to the game, and return it. //effectively nullifies whatever the logic calling this wants to do, including dropping items. Heap heap = new Heap(); ItemSprite sprite = heap.sprite = new ItemSprite(); sprite.link( heap ); return heap; } if ((map[cell] == Terrain.ALCHEMY) && ( !(item instanceof Plant.Seed || item instanceof Blandfruit) || item instanceof BlandfruitBush.Seed || (item instanceof Blandfruit && (((Blandfruit) item).potionAttrib != null || heaps.get(cell) != null))|| Dungeon.hero.buff(AlchemistsToolkit.alchemy.class) != null && Dungeon.hero.buff(AlchemistsToolkit.alchemy.class).isCursed())) { int n; do { n = cell + NEIGHBOURS8[Random.Int( 8 )]; } while (map[n] != Terrain.EMPTY_SP); cell = n; } Heap heap = heaps.get( cell ); if (heap == null) { heap = new Heap(); heap.pos = cell; if (map[cell] == Terrain.CHASM || (Dungeon.level != null && pit[cell])) { Dungeon.dropToChasm( item ); GameScene.discard( heap ); } else { heaps.put( cell, heap ); GameScene.add( heap ); } } else if (heap.type == Heap.Type.LOCKED_CHEST || heap.type == Heap.Type.CRYSTAL_CHEST) { int n; do { n = cell + Level.NEIGHBOURS8[Random.Int( 8 )]; } while (!Level.passable[n] && !Level.avoid[n]); return drop( item, n ); } heap.drop( item ); if (Dungeon.level != null) { press( cell, null ); } return heap; } public Plant plant( Plant.Seed seed, int pos ) { Plant plant = plants.get( pos ); if (plant != null) { plant.wither(); } if (map[pos] == Terrain.HIGH_GRASS || map[pos] == Terrain.EMPTY || map[pos] == Terrain.EMBERS || map[pos] == Terrain.EMPTY_DECO) { map[pos] = Terrain.GRASS; flamable[pos] = true; GameScene.updateMap( pos ); } plant = seed.couch( pos ); plants.put( pos, plant ); GameScene.add( plant ); return plant; } public void uproot( int pos ) { plants.delete( pos ); } public Trap setTrap( Trap trap, int pos ){ trap.set( pos ); traps.put( pos, trap ); GameScene.add(trap); return trap; } public void disarmTrap( int pos ) { traps.delete(pos); set(pos, Terrain.INACTIVE_TRAP); GameScene.updateMap(pos); } public void discover( int cell ) { set( cell, Terrain.discover( map[cell] ) ); Trap trap = traps.get( cell ); if (trap != null) trap.reveal(); GameScene.updateMap( cell ); } public int pitCell() { return randomRespawnCell(); } public void press( int cell, Char ch ) { if (ch != null && pit[cell] && !ch.flying) { if (ch == Dungeon.hero) { Chasm.heroFall(cell); } else if (ch instanceof Mob) { Chasm.mobFall( (Mob)ch ); } return; } TimekeepersHourglass.timeFreeze timeFreeze = null; if (ch != null) timeFreeze = ch.buff(TimekeepersHourglass.timeFreeze.class); boolean frozen = timeFreeze != null; Trap trap = null; switch (map[cell]) { case Terrain.SECRET_TRAP: GLog.i( TXT_HIDDEN_PLATE_CLICKS ); case Terrain.TRAP: trap = traps.get( cell ); break; case Terrain.HIGH_GRASS: HighGrass.trample( this, cell, ch ); break; case Terrain.WELL: WellWater.affectCell( cell ); break; case Terrain.ALCHEMY: if (ch == null) { Alchemy.transmute( cell ); } break; case Terrain.DOOR: Door.enter( cell ); break; } if (trap != null && !frozen) { if (ch == Dungeon.hero) Dungeon.hero.interrupt(); trap.trigger(); } else if (trap != null && frozen){ Sample.INSTANCE.play(Assets.SND_TRAP); discover(cell); timeFreeze.setDelayedPress( cell ); } Plant plant = plants.get( cell ); if (plant != null) { plant.trigger(); } } public void mobPress( Mob mob ) { int cell = mob.pos; if (pit[cell] && !mob.flying) { Chasm.mobFall( mob ); return; } Trap trap = null; switch (map[cell]) { case Terrain.TRAP: trap = traps.get( cell ); break; case Terrain.DOOR: Door.enter( cell ); break; } if (trap != null) { trap.trigger(); } Plant plant = plants.get( cell ); if (plant != null) { plant.trigger(); } } public boolean[] updateFieldOfView( Char c ) { int cx = c.pos % WIDTH; int cy = c.pos / WIDTH; boolean sighted = c.buff( Blindness.class ) == null && c.buff( Shadows.class ) == null && c.buff( TimekeepersHourglass.timeStasis.class ) == null && c.isAlive(); if (sighted) { ShadowCaster.castShadow( cx, cy, fieldOfView, c.viewDistance ); } else { Arrays.fill( fieldOfView, false ); } int sense = 1; if (c.isAlive()) { for (Buff b : c.buffs( MindVision.class )) { sense = Math.max( ((MindVision)b).distance, sense ); } } if ((sighted && sense > 1) || !sighted) { int ax = Math.max( 0, cx - sense ); int bx = Math.min( cx + sense, WIDTH - 1 ); int ay = Math.max( 0, cy - sense ); int by = Math.min( cy + sense, HEIGHT - 1 ); int len = bx - ax + 1; int pos = ax + ay * WIDTH; for (int y = ay; y <= by; y++, pos+=WIDTH) { Arrays.fill( fieldOfView, pos, pos + len, true ); } for (int i=0; i < LENGTH; i++) { fieldOfView[i] &= discoverable[i]; } } if (c.isAlive()) { if (c.buff( MindVision.class ) != null) { for (Mob mob : mobs) { int p = mob.pos; fieldOfView[p] = true; fieldOfView[p + 1] = true; fieldOfView[p - 1] = true; fieldOfView[p + WIDTH + 1] = true; fieldOfView[p + WIDTH - 1] = true; fieldOfView[p - WIDTH + 1] = true; fieldOfView[p - WIDTH - 1] = true; fieldOfView[p + WIDTH] = true; fieldOfView[p - WIDTH] = true; } } else if (c == Dungeon.hero && ((Hero)c).heroClass == HeroClass.HUNTRESS) { for (Mob mob : mobs) { int p = mob.pos; if (distance( c.pos, p) == 2) { fieldOfView[p] = true; fieldOfView[p + 1] = true; fieldOfView[p - 1] = true; fieldOfView[p + WIDTH + 1] = true; fieldOfView[p + WIDTH - 1] = true; fieldOfView[p - WIDTH + 1] = true; fieldOfView[p - WIDTH - 1] = true; fieldOfView[p + WIDTH] = true; fieldOfView[p - WIDTH] = true; } } } if (c.buff( Awareness.class ) != null) { for (Heap heap : heaps.values()) { int p = heap.pos; fieldOfView[p] = true; fieldOfView[p + 1] = true; fieldOfView[p - 1] = true; fieldOfView[p + WIDTH + 1] = true; fieldOfView[p + WIDTH - 1] = true; fieldOfView[p - WIDTH + 1] = true; fieldOfView[p - WIDTH - 1] = true; fieldOfView[p + WIDTH] = true; fieldOfView[p - WIDTH] = true; } } } for (Heap heap : heaps.values()) if (!heap.seen && fieldOfView[heap.pos]) heap.seen = true; return fieldOfView; } public static int distance( int a, int b ) { int ax = a % WIDTH; int ay = a / WIDTH; int bx = b % WIDTH; int by = b / WIDTH; return Math.max( Math.abs( ax - bx ), Math.abs( ay - by ) ); } public static boolean adjacent( int a, int b ) { int diff = Math.abs( a - b ); return diff == 1 || diff == WIDTH || diff == WIDTH + 1 || diff == WIDTH - 1; } //returns true if the input is a valid tile within the level public static boolean insideMap( int tile ){ //outside map array return !((tile <= -1 || tile >= LENGTH) || //top and bottom row (tile <= 31 || tile >= LENGTH - WIDTH) || //left and right column (tile % WIDTH == 0 || tile % WIDTH == 31)); } public String tileName( int tile ) { if (tile >= Terrain.WATER_TILES) { return tileName( Terrain.WATER ); } if (tile != Terrain.CHASM && (Terrain.flags[tile] & Terrain.PIT) != 0) { return tileName( Terrain.CHASM ); } switch (tile) { case Terrain.CHASM: return "Chasm"; case Terrain.EMPTY: case Terrain.EMPTY_SP: case Terrain.EMPTY_DECO: case Terrain.SECRET_TRAP: return "Floor"; case Terrain.GRASS: return "Grass"; case Terrain.WATER: return "Water"; case Terrain.WALL: case Terrain.WALL_DECO: case Terrain.SECRET_DOOR: return "Wall"; case Terrain.DOOR: return "Closed door"; case Terrain.OPEN_DOOR: return "Open door"; case Terrain.ENTRANCE: return "Depth entrance"; case Terrain.EXIT: return "Depth exit"; case Terrain.EMBERS: return "Embers"; case Terrain.LOCKED_DOOR: return "Locked door"; case Terrain.PEDESTAL: return "Pedestal"; case Terrain.BARRICADE: return "Barricade"; case Terrain.HIGH_GRASS: return "High grass"; case Terrain.LOCKED_EXIT: return "Locked depth exit"; case Terrain.UNLOCKED_EXIT: return "Unlocked depth exit"; case Terrain.SIGN: return "Sign"; case Terrain.WELL: return "Well"; case Terrain.EMPTY_WELL: return "Empty well"; case Terrain.STATUE: case Terrain.STATUE_SP: return "Statue"; case Terrain.INACTIVE_TRAP: return "Triggered trap"; case Terrain.BOOKSHELF: return "Bookshelf"; case Terrain.ALCHEMY: return "Alchemy pot"; default: return "???"; } } public String tileDesc( int tile ) { switch (tile) { case Terrain.CHASM: return "You can't see the bottom."; case Terrain.WATER: return "In case of burning step into the water to extinguish the fire."; case Terrain.ENTRANCE: return "Stairs lead up to the upper depth."; case Terrain.EXIT: case Terrain.UNLOCKED_EXIT: return "Stairs lead down to the lower depth."; case Terrain.EMBERS: return "Embers cover the floor."; case Terrain.HIGH_GRASS: return "Dense vegetation blocks the view."; case Terrain.LOCKED_DOOR: return "This door is locked, you need a matching key to unlock it."; case Terrain.LOCKED_EXIT: return "Heavy bars block the stairs leading down."; case Terrain.BARRICADE: return "The wooden barricade is firmly set but has dried over the years. Might it burn?"; case Terrain.SIGN: return "You can't read the text from here."; case Terrain.INACTIVE_TRAP: return "The trap has been triggered before and it's not dangerous anymore."; case Terrain.STATUE: case Terrain.STATUE_SP: return "Someone wanted to adorn this place, but failed, obviously."; case Terrain.ALCHEMY: return "Drop some seeds here to cook a potion."; case Terrain.EMPTY_WELL: return "The well has run dry."; default: if (tile >= Terrain.WATER_TILES) { return tileDesc( Terrain.WATER ); } if ((Terrain.flags[tile] & Terrain.PIT) != 0) { return tileDesc( Terrain.CHASM ); } return ""; } } }