v0.9.2: updated translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Els campions projectants fan un 25% m
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=campió antimagia
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=campió antimagia
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Els campions antimagia reben 25% menys danys i son completament immunes a efectes magics.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Els campions antimagia reben 25% menys danys i son completament immunes a efectes magics.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=campió gegant
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=campió gegant
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Els campions gegants reben 75% menys danys i tenen +1 rang d'atac, però no es poden moure per espais estrets.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=campió beneït
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=campió beneït
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Els campions beneïts tenen 200% mes precisió i evasió.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Els campions beneïts tenen 200% mes precisió i evasió.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=campió creixent
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=campió creixent
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=No congelat, però si massa fred.\n\nLes víctimes fan l
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d cops!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d cops!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Has d'apuntar a un enemic dins el rang d'atac.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Has d'apuntar a un enemic dins el rang d'atac.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Selecciona un objectiu per Enderrocar\nAtordeix i fa retrocedir
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Enderrocar_ està disponible actualment. Aquest atac _fa retrocedir a un enemic i l'atordeix,_ però infligeix un dany reduït. Va molt be per aconseguir una mica de temps durant una baralla.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Selecciona un objectiu per Partir\nSi el mates, continues el combo
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Esqueixar_ està disponible actualment. Aquest atac augmenta el dany infligit, i _si mata a l'enemic, preservarà el combo enlloc de reiniciar-lo._ Va molt be per atacar en combo quan es lluita.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Selecciona un objectiu per Assotar\nProtegeix i danya en funció de l'armadura
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Assotar_ està actualment disponible. Aquest atac fa _més mal i et protegeix basant-se en el poder de bloqueig de la teva armadura._ Va molt bé per terminar un combat, deixant que t'emportis resistència pel següent.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Selecciona un objectiu per Aixafar\nFa molt de mal
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Aixafar_ està actualment disponible. Aquest atac devastador _danya massivament i consistentment._ Va molt bé per enderrocar a un oponent poderós amb molta vida!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Sobre quin enemic vols descarregar la teva Fúria?\nAtaca molts cops molt ràpid
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fúria_ està actualment disponible. Aquest atac devastador _ataca tants cops com combos tinguis acumulats._ a canvi de reduir el teu dany. Fúria va bé si tens un encanteri a l'arma, ja que l'encanteri s'activarà molt més sovint!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=El gladiador agafa impuls quan dóna cops amb èxit. Cada atac augmenta el comptador de combo en un, però si es triga massa entre atacs o es fallen dues vegades seguides, es restablirà el comptador de combo a 0.\n\nConstruint el combo es desbloquegen habilitats especials finalitzadores: atacs poderosos que no poden fallar! Hi ha disponible un finalitzador diferent en fer 2, 4, 6, 8 i 10 combos, i l'ús d'un finalitzador restablirà el teu combo.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corrupció es filtra dins l'essència d'un ésser, retorçant-lo contra la seva natura prèvia.\n\nLes criatures corrompudes atacaran i feriran als seus aliats, ignorant als seus anteriors enemics. La corrupció també és nociva, i lentament causarà que el seu objectiu sucumbeixi.\n\nLa corrupció és permanent, els seus efectes només terminen en mort.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corrupció es filtra dins l'essència d'un ésser, retorçant-lo contra la seva natura prèvia.\n\nLes criatures corrompudes atacaran i feriran als seus aliats, ignorant als seus anteriors enemics. La corrupció també és nociva, i lentament causarà que el seu objectiu sucumbeixi.\n\nLa corrupció és permanent, els seus efectes només terminen en mort.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Una força màgica fa que costi mantenir-se despert.\n\
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imbuït amb terra
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imbuït amb terra
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Estàs imbuït amb el poder de la terra!\n\nTots els atacs físics canviaran la terra sota l'enemic, deixant-los esguerrats durant un període curt de temps.\n\nTorns d'imbuïment amb terra restants: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Estàs imbuït amb el poder de la terra!\n\nTots els atacs físics canviaran la terra sota l'enemic, deixant-los esguerrats durant un període curt de temps.\n\nTorns d'imbuïment amb terra restants: %s.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imbuït amb foc
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imbuït amb foc
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Estàs imbuït amb el poder del foc!\n\nTots els atacs físics tindran una probabilitat de cremar als enemics. A més a més, ara ets immune als efectes del foc.\n\nTorns d'imbuïment amb foc restants: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Estàs imbuït amb el poder del foc!\n\nTots els atacs físics tindran una probabilitat de cremar als enemics. A més a més, ara ets immune als efectes del foc.\n\nTorns d'imbuïment amb foc restants: %s.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Embruixat
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=T'han embruixat!
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=T'han embruixat!
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Màgia fosca que desconcentra, desorientant lleugerament al seu objectiu.\n\nL'embruixament redueix la precisió i l'evasió en 20%%, fent que l'objectiu sigui menys efectiu en combat.\n\nTorns d'embruixament restants: %s.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Màgia fosca que desconcentra, desorientant lleugerament al seu objectiu.\n\nL'embruixament redueix la precisió i l'evasió en 20%%, fent que l'objectiu sigui menys efectiu en combat.\n\nTorns d'embruixament restants: %s.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.hungry=Amb gana
actors.buffs.hunger.hungry=Amb gana
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Tens gana.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Tens gana.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Tots els efectes màgics deixen de fer-te efecte,
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Visió mental
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Visió mental
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=D'alguna manera pots veure totes les criatures d'aquest pis a través de la teva ment. És un sentiment estrany.\n\nTots els personatges d'aquest pis són visibles per tu mentre tinguis la visió mental. Veure a una criatura a través de la teva ment és com si aquesta estigués a prop o dins del teu camp visual a causa de molts efectes màgics.\n\nTorns de visió mental restants: %s.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=D'alguna manera pots veure totes les criatures d'aquest pis a través de la teva ment. És un sentiment estrany.\n\nTots els personatges d'aquest pis són visibles per tu mentre tinguis la visió mental. Veure a una criatura a través de la teva ment és com si aquesta estigués a prop o dins del teu camp visual a causa de molts efectes màgics.\n\nTorns de visió mental restants: %s.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=A mesura que es mou, l'Acròbata acumula moment, augmentant la seva velocitat i evasió.\n\nLa bonificació de velocitat es basa en el moment, mentre que la bonificació d'evasió també és afectat per l'armadura.\n\nL'Acròbata guanyarà evasió addicional del moment per cada punt addicional de força que tingui per sobre dels requeriments de la seva armadura.\n\nPoder del moment actual: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Llot càustic
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Llot càustic
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=El llot càustic et consumeix la pell. Renta'l!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=El llot càustic et consumeix la pell. Renta'l!
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Estàs protegit per una imatge prismàtica que
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=L'energia recorre el teu cos, incrementant la velocitat a la qual les teves varetes es carreguen.\n\nCada torn aquest efecte incrementarà la càrrega actual en un quart, addicionalment a la recàrrega regular.\n\nTorns de recàrrega restants: %s.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=L'energia recorre el teu cos, incrementant la velocitat a la qual les teves varetes es carreguen.\n\nCada torn aquest efecte incrementarà la càrrega actual en un quart, addicionalment a la recàrrega regular.\n\nTorns de recàrrega restants: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=No et pots moure!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=No et pots moure!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Les arrels (màgiques o naturals) s'agafen dels peus, forçant-los cap avall a terra.\n\nLes arrels bloquegen a l'objectiu al lloc, fent impossible que es mogui, però altres accions no estan afectades.\n\nTorns d'arrelat restants: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Les arrels (màgiques o naturals) s'agafen dels peus, forçant-los cap avall a terra.\n\nLes arrels bloquegen a l'objectiu al lloc, fent impossible que es mogui, però altres accions no estan afectades.\n\nTorns d'arrelat restants: %s.
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Fos entre les ombres
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Fos entre les ombres
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Estàs fos amb les ombres del teu voltant, fent-te invisible i alentint el teu metabolisme.\n\nMentre ets invisible, els enemics no poden atacar-te ni seguir-te. La majoria d'atacs físics i efectes màgics (com ara pergamins i varetes) cancel·laran immediatament la teva invisibilitat. A més a més, mentre estàs fos amb les ombres, tens menys gana.\n\nQuedaràs fos amb les ombres fins que surtis d'aquestes o un enemic entri en contacte amb tu.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Estàs fos amb les ombres del teu voltant, fent-te invisible i alentint el teu metabolisme.\n\nMentre ets invisible, els enemics no poden atacar-te ni seguir-te. La majoria d'atacs físics i efectes màgics (com ara pergamins i varetes) cancel·laran immediatament la teva invisibilitat. A més a més, mentre estàs fos amb les ombres, tens menys gana.\n\nQuedaràs fos amb les ombres fins que surtis d'aquestes o un enemic entri en contacte amb tu.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing in
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=empowering meal
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=empowering meal
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=scholar's intuition
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=scholar's intuition
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tested hypothesis
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tested hypothesis
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenev
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizing upgrade
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizing upgrade
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ th
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protective shadows
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protective shadows
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystical meal
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystical meal
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silent steps
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silent steps
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=nature's bounty
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=nature's bounty
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress can find _4 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress can find _6 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress can find _4 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress can find _6 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=survivalist's intuition
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=survivalist's intuition
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _1.75x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _2.5x faster_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _1.75x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _2.5x faster_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=followup strike
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=followup strike
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=nature's aid
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=nature's aid
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin for _4 turns_ when a plant is trampled in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin for _6 turns_ when a plant is trampled in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restored nature
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restored nature
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=heightened senses
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=heightened senses
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=durable projectiles
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=durable projectiles
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have _+50% durability_ when used by the Huntress.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have _+75% durability_ when used by the Huntress.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have _+50% durability_ when used by the Huntress.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have _+75% durability_ when used by the Huntress.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=You can't leave yet, the rest of the dungeon awaits below!
actors.hero.hero.leave=You can't leave yet, the rest of the dungeon awaits below!
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Es pot triar una subclasse despré
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=The Mage is an expert with wands, and carries a _unique magical staff._\n\nTo unlock him _use a scroll of upgrade to make an item stronger._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=The Mage is an expert with wands, and carries a _unique magical staff._\n\nTo unlock him _use a scroll of upgrade to make an item stronger._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with and wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=El Mag comença amb el seu bastó com a arma cos a cos. El bastó fa menys mal cos a cos que altres armes inicials.\n\nEl Mag pot utilitzar la màgia del seu bastó per atacar des de lluny.\n\nEl Mag comença amb un _contenidor de pergamins,_ que pot guardar diversos pergamins i protegir-los del foc.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=El Mag comença amb el seu bastó com a arma cos a cos. El bastó fa menys mal cos a cos que altres armes inicials.\n\nEl Mag pot utilitzar la màgia del seu bastó per atacar des de lluny.\n\nEl Mag comença amb un _contenidor de pergamins,_ que pot guardar diversos pergamins i protegir-los del foc.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Es pot triar una subclasse després de derrotar al segon líder. El Mag té dues subclasses:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Es pot triar una subclasse després de derrotar al segon líder. El Mag té dues subclasses:
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=La Caçadora comença amb un parell
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Es pot triar una subclasse després de derrotar al segon líder. La Caçadora té dues subclasses:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Es pot triar una subclasse després de derrotar al segon líder. La Caçadora té dues subclasses:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Un atac exitós amb una arma cos a cos li permet al _Gladiador_ començar un combo. Atacar en combo li permet utilitzar diferents moviments terminals.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=El _Frenètic_ infligeix una bonificació de dany que escala amb el seu dany rebut. Quan està completament furiós, es pot negar a morir per uns instants, a canvi d'esgotar-se físicament.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Quan utilitza varetes en un enemic, el _Bruixot_ té l'oportunitat de marcar la seva ànima. Els enemics marcats el curaran i li trauran la fam quan se'ls hi faci mal físic.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mag de batalla
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mag de batalla
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Quan lluita amb el seu bastó, el _Mag de Batalla_ conjura efectes especials depenent de quina vareta estigui imbuïda amb el seu bastó. El seu bastó també es carregarà durant el combat.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Quan lluita amb el seu bastó, el _Mag de Batalla_ conjura efectes especials depenent de quina vareta estigui imbuïda amb el seu bastó. El seu bastó també es carregarà durant el combat.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Mentre es manté invisible, _l'Assassí_ prepara una maniobra letal pel seu següent atac. Com més temps estigui invisible, més poderós serà l'atac.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Mentre es manté invisible, _l'Assassí_ prepara una maniobra letal pel seu següent atac. Com més temps estigui invisible, més poderós serà l'atac.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=_L'Acròbata_ construeix moment a mesura que corre. El moment augmenta la seva velocitat de moviment i la seva evasió, però s'esvaeix rapidament quan no s'està movent.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=La _Franctiradora_ és una experta del combat a distància. Guanya un augment de visió, els seus atacs a distància penetren l'armadura. Després d'encertar amb una arma llancívola, pot seguir amb un atac especial del seu arc.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=La _Guardiana_ té una forta connexió amb la natura i això li permet veure a través de l'herba alta i i fer brotar herba solcada al costat de les plantes que cultivi. Les plantes que trepitji també donaran efectes extres, els dards amb punta tindran 2x de durabilitat, i l'herba li donarà un reforç d'armadura quan hi estigui a sobre.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=Aixafat pel DM-300
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=DANY CRÍTIC! INTENTANT APAGA-
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=DANY CRÍTIC! INTENTANT APAGA-
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=El DM-300 és la "màquina de defensa" més gran i potent que els nans han construït mai. Una màquina tan impressionant és difícil de fabricar, de manera que els nans només en van fer uns pocs per resguardar les entrades a la seva metròpoli subterrània.\n\nEstà equipat amb obertures per emetre els seus fums residuals tòxics i un trepant d’alta potència que pot utilitzar tant per atacar com pertorbar el terra. El DM-300 també es pot connectar a una xarxa d’energia, millorant encara més la seva potència.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=El DM-300 és la "màquina de defensa" més gran i potent que els nans han construït mai. Una màquina tan impressionant és difícil de fabricar, de manera que els nans només en van fer uns pocs per resguardar les entrades a la seva metròpoli subterrània.\n\nEstà equipat amb obertures per emetre els seus fums residuals tòxics i un trepant d’alta potència que pot utilitzar tant per atacar com pertorbar el terra. El DM-300 també es pot connectar a una xarxa d’energia, millorant encara més la seva potència.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=Actualment, el DM-300 està completament carregat d’energia elèctrica. En aquest estat el DM-300 no es pot danyar i es mou a doble velocitat. A més, el seu trepant ara gira amb prou rapidesa per _foradar i travessar roques sòlides,_ tot i que es mou molt més lentament quan ho fa.\n\nAtacar al DM-300 directament és inútil mentre està sobrealimentat, però _hi ha alguna cosa per la zona que deu estar proveint-lo amb aquesta energia,_ destruir-ho pot debilitar-lo.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Les roques fluixes del sostre estan caient per aquí, sembla que està a punt de col·lapsar!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Les roques fluixes del sostre estan caient per aquí, sembla que està a punt de col·lapsar!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Rei dels Nans
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Rei dels Nans
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Dálkový protivníci udělují o 25%
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=Anti-magický protivník
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=Anti-magický protivník
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Anti-magičtí protivníci obdrží o 25% méně poškození a jsou kompletně imunní vůči magickým efektům.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Anti-magičtí protivníci obdrží o 25% méně poškození a jsou kompletně imunní vůči magickým efektům.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=Obří protivník
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=Obří protivník
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Obří protivníci obdrží o 75% méně poškození, mají o jedno pole větší dosah, ale nemohou se vtěsnat do úzkých prostorů.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Požehnaný protivník
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Požehnaný protivník
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Požehnaní protivníci mají o 200% větší přesnost a vyhýbaní.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Požehnaní protivníci mají o 200% větší přesnost a vyhýbaní.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Sílící protivník
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Sílící protivník
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Nejde sice o zmražení, ale nějak tu přituhuje.\n\nOc
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Kombo %d zásahů!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Kombo %d zásahů!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Musíš vybrat nepřítele v dosahu.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Musíš vybrat nepřítele v dosahu.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Vyber cíl pro Máznutí\nOmámí a odrazí
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=Právě je dostupné _Máznutí._ Tento útok _odrazí a omámí nepřítele,_ ale udělí snížené poškození. Výborné pro získání trochu času během boje.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Vyber cíl pro Rozseknutí\nPokud zabije, zachová kombo
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=Právě je dostupné _Rozseknutí._ Tento útok uděluje zvýšené poškození a _pokud nepřítele zabije, tvé kombo se namísto resetování zachová._ Skvělé pro budování komba při boji s více nepřáteli.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Vyber cíl pro Prásknutí\nChrání a poškozuje na základě zbroje
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=Právě je dostupné _Prásknutí._ Tento útok uděluje _zvýšené poškození a poskytuje dodatečnou ochranu na základě blokující síly tvé zbroje._ Skvělé při zakončení boje, umožňující ti udržet si vytrvalost do dalšího.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Vyber cíl pro Rozdrcení\nUděluje hodně poškození
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=Právě je dostupné _Rozdrcení._ Tento devastující útok _udělí velmi důsledné masivní poškození._ Skvělé pro sundání silných oponentů s hodně životy!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Na kterého nepřítele vypustíš zuřivost?\nZaútočíš mnohokrát velmi rychle
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=Právě je dostupná _Zuřivost._ Tento devastující útok _udeří tolikrát, kolikrát je právě tvé kombo,_ i když se sníženým poškozením. Zuřivost je skvělá pokud máš okouzlenou zbraň, protože okouzlení se aktivuje s každým úderem!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladiátor nabírá po úspěšně zasažených úderech na síle. Každý útok zvýší kombo o jeden bod, ale dlouhá doba mezi útoky nebo minutí dvakrát za sebou resetuje počítadlo komba na 0.\n\nBudování komba odemyká speciální zakončující schopnosti: silné útoky, které nemůžou minout! Různé zakončující útoky jsou dostupné při počtu komba 2, 4, 6, 8 a 10, přičemž použití těchto schopností kombo resetuje.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Zkaženost prosakuje až do samotného nitra a obrací bytost proti své původní povaze.\n\nStvoření posedlá zkažeností budou útočit na své spojence a ignorovat původní nepřátele. Zkaženost je rovněž poškozující a pomalu donutí svůj cíl podlehnout.\n\nEfekt zkaženosti je trvalý a jeho účinky končí pouze smrtí.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Zkaženost prosakuje až do samotného nitra a obrací bytost proti své původní povaze.\n\nStvoření posedlá zkažeností budou útočit na své spojence a ignorovat původní nepřátele. Zkaženost je rovněž poškozující a pomalu donutí svůj cíl podlehnout.\n\nEfekt zkaženosti je trvalý a jeho účinky končí pouze smrtí.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Magická síla způsobuje, že je obtížné zůstat vz
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Naplnění zemí
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Naplnění zemí
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Naplnila tě síla země!\n\nVeškeré fyzické útoky otřesou zemí pod nepřítelem, což jej na krátkou dobu zmrzačí.\n\nZbývající tahy naplnění zemí: %s
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Naplnila tě síla země!\n\nVeškeré fyzické útoky otřesou zemí pod nepřítelem, což jej na krátkou dobu zmrzačí.\n\nZbývající tahy naplnění zemí: %s
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Naplnění ohněm
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Naplnění ohněm
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Naplnila tě síla ohně!\n\nVeškeré fyzické útoky mají šanci zapálit nepřítele. Ty jsi navíc vůči účinkům ohně zcela imunní.\n\nZbývající tahy naplnění ohněm: %s
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Naplnila tě síla ohně!\n\nVeškeré fyzické útoky mají šanci zapálit nepřítele. Ty jsi navíc vůči účinkům ohně zcela imunní.\n\nZbývající tahy naplnění ohněm: %s
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Rozostření
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Tvůj pohled je rozostřený!
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Tvůj pohled je rozostřený!
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Tato temná magie oslabuje pozornost a dělá svůj cíl slabě zmatený.\n\nRozostření snižuje přesnost a vyhýbání o 20%%, takže je cíl méně účinnější v boji.\n\nZbývající tahy rozostření: %s
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Tato temná magie oslabuje pozornost a dělá svůj cíl slabě zmatený.\n\nRozostření snižuje přesnost a vyhýbání o 20%%, takže je cíl méně účinnější v boji.\n\nZbývající tahy rozostření: %s
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Umírání hlady
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Umírání hlady
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Máš hlad.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Máš hlad.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Všechny magické efekty na tebe ztratili svůj vl
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Nějak dokážeš skrze svou mysl vidět všechny tvory na tomto podlaží. Je to divný pocit.\n\nDokud máš vidění, všechny postavy na tomto podlaží jsou viditelné. Vidět stvoření prostřednictvím vidění, se počítá jako vidět je přímo nebo jim být poblíž. To se hodí pro účely mnoha magických efektů.\n\nZbývající tahy vidění: %s
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Nějak dokážeš skrze svou mysl vidět všechny tvory na tomto podlaží. Je to divný pocit.\n\nDokud máš vidění, všechny postavy na tomto podlaží jsou viditelné. Vidět stvoření prostřednictvím vidění, se počítá jako vidět je přímo nebo jim být poblíž. To se hodí pro účely mnoha magických efektů.\n\nZbývající tahy vidění: %s
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Během pohybu nabírá Běžec svižnost, která zvyšuje jeho rychlost a schopnost vyhýbat se.\n\nRychlostní bonus je založen výhradně na svižnosti, avšak bonus k vyhýbání je ovlivněn také tvou zbrojí.\n\nBěžec získá ze svižnosti dodatečné vyhnutí za každý nadbytečný bod síly, který má nad požadavkem své zbroje.\n\nAktuální síla svižnosti: %d%%
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Žíravý sliz
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Žíravý sliz
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Tvé maso požírá žíravý sliz! Smyj ho!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Tvé maso požírá žíravý sliz! Smyj ho!
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Ochraňuje tě tvůj průzračný odraz, který
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Proudí skrze tebe energie, což zvyšuje rychlost dobíjení tvých hůlek, popřípadě holí.\n\nKromě běžného dobíjení, zvýší každý tah s tímto efektem současné nabití ještě o čtvrtinu.\n\nZbývající tahy nabíjení: %s
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Proudí skrze tebe energie, což zvyšuje rychlost dobíjení tvých hůlek, popřípadě holí.\n\nKromě běžného dobíjení, zvýší každý tah s tímto efektem současné nabití ještě o čtvrtinu.\n\nZbývající tahy nabíjení: %s
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Nemůžeš se hýbat!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Nemůžeš se hýbat!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Musí být opravdu nepříjemné mít nohy v něčem zapletené (ať už v kořenech či v síti) a nemoct se pohnout.\n\nCíl je držen na místě, což sice znemožňuje jeho pohyb, ale ostatní akce nejsou ovlivněny.\n\nZbývající tahy uvíznutí: %s
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Musí být opravdu nepříjemné mít nohy v něčem zapletené (ať už v kořenech či v síti) a nemoct se pohnout.\n\nCíl je držen na místě, což sice znemožňuje jeho pohyb, ale ostatní akce nejsou ovlivněny.\n\nZbývající tahy uvíznutí: %s
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Splynutí se stíny
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Splynutí se stíny
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Splýváš se stíny kolem sebe, což ti poskytuje neviditelnost a zpomaluje to tvůj metabolismus.\n\nZatímco máš neviditelnost, nepřátelé nejsou schopni tě napadnou ani pronásledovat. Fyzické útoky a magické efekty (jako svitky a hůlky) okamžitě zruší neviditelnost. Navíc je během splynutí zpomalena tvoje potřeba jíst.\n\nSplynutí se stíny ti zůstane, dokud stíny neopustíš nebo nepřijdeš do kontaktu s nepřítelem.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Splýváš se stíny kolem sebe, což ti poskytuje neviditelnost a zpomaluje to tvůj metabolismus.\n\nZatímco máš neviditelnost, nepřátelé nejsou schopni tě napadnou ani pronásledovat. Fyzické útoky a magické efekty (jako svitky a hůlky) okamžitě zruší neviditelnost. Navíc je během splynutí zpomalena tvoje potřeba jíst.\n\nSplynutí se stíny ti zůstane, dokud stíny neopustíš nebo nepřijdeš do kontaktu s nepřítelem.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Vypití lektvaru léčení Vál
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=Runová přenosnost
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=Runová přenosnost
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Válečníkova rozbitá pečeť dokáže přenést _běžné runy_, stejně jako dokáže přenést jedno vylepšení.\n\n_+2:_ Válečníkova rozbitá pečeť dokáže přenést _běžné, silnější a prokleté runy_, stejně jako dokáže přenést jedno vylepšení.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Válečníkova rozbitá pečeť dokáže přenést _běžné runy_, stejně jako dokáže přenést jedno vylepšení.\n\n_+2:_ Válečníkova rozbitá pečeť dokáže přenést _běžné, silnější a prokleté runy_, stejně jako dokáže přenést jedno vylepšení.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=Smrtící švih
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=Smrtící švih
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ Když Válečník zabije nepřítele, smrtící úder má _67% šanci_ být okamžitý.\n\n_+2:_ Když Válečník zabije nepřítele, smrtící úder má _100% šanci_ být okamžitý.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=Improvizované projektily
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=Improvizované projektily
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Válečník může oslepit nepřítele na _2 tahy_ tím, že po něm hodí předmět, který není vrhací zbraň. Schopnost lze znovu aktivovat až po 30 tazích.\n\n_+2:_ Válečník může oslepit nepřítele na _3 tahy_ tím, že po něm hodí předmět, který není vrhací zbraň. Schopnost lze znovu aktivovat až po 30 tazích.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Válečník může oslepit nepřítele na _2 tahy_ tím, že po něm hodí předmět, který není vrhací zbraň. Schopnost lze znovu aktivovat až po 30 tazích.\n\n_+2:_ Válečník může oslepit nepřítele na _3 tahy_ tím, že po něm hodí předmět, který není vrhací zbraň. Schopnost lze znovu aktivovat až po 30 tazích.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=Posilňující jídlo
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=Posilňující jídlo
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Najezení poskytne Mágovi _2 body bonusového poškození_ pro jeho 3 nadcházející výstřely z hůlek. \n\n_+2:_ Najezení poskytne Mágovi _3 body bonusového poškození_ pro jeho 3 nadcházející výstřely z hůlek.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Učedníkova intuice
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Učedníkova intuice
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Mág dokáže identifikovat hůlky _3x rychleji_.\n\n_+2:_ Mág dokáže identifikovat hůlky _ve chvíli, kdy je použije_.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Mág dokáže identifikovat hůlky _3x rychleji_.\n\n_+2:_ Mág dokáže identifikovat hůlky _ve chvíli, kdy je použije_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Testovaná hypotéza
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Testovaná hypotéza
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ Mág obdrží _4 body dočasné och
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Energické jídlo
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Energické jídlo
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Když se Mág nají, zabere mu to pouze 1 tah a obdrží _efekt nabíjení na 5 tahů_.\n\n_+2:_ Když se Mág nají, zabere mu to pouze 1 tah a obdrží _efekt nabíjení na 8 tahů_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Když se Mág nají, zabere mu to pouze 1 tah a obdrží _efekt nabíjení na 5 tahů_.\n\n_+2:_ Když se Mág nají, zabere mu to pouze 1 tah a obdrží _efekt nabíjení na 8 tahů_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Energické vylepšení
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Energické vylepšení
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Použití svitku vylepšení okamžitě dobije Mágovu hůl _o 1 nabití_ i přes to, že celkový počet nabití přesáhne aktuální maximální limit hole.\n\n_+2:_ Použití svitku vylepšení okamžitě dobije Mágovu hůl _o 2 nabití_ i přes to, že celkový počet nabití přesáhne aktuální maximální limit hole.\n\nTato schopnost se aktivuje i ve chvíli, kdy je použit svitek či kouzlo založené na svitku vylepšení.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=Zachování hůlky
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=Zachování hůlky
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Když Mág naplní svou hůl novou hůlkou, původní hůlka má _67% šanci_, že se vrátí do inventáře s +0.\n\n_+2:_ Když Mág naplní svou hůl novou hůlkou, původní hůlka má _100% šanci_, že se vrátí do inventáře s +0.\n\nTato schopnost dokáže zachovat hůlku až třikrát.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Když Mág naplní svou hůl novou hůlkou, původní hůlka má _67% šanci_, že se vrátí do inventáře s +0.\n\n_+2:_ Když Mág naplní svou hůl novou hůlkou, původní hůlka má _100% šanci_, že se vrátí do inventáře s +0.\n\nTato schopnost dokáže zachovat hůlku až třikrát.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=Magická vize
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=Magická vize
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Když Mág použije na nepřítele hůlku, obdrží na toho protivníka _efekt vidění na 10 tahů_.\n\n_+2:_ Když Mág použije na nepřítele hůlku, obdrží na toho protivníka _efekt vidění na 15 tahů_.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Když Mág použije na nepřítele hůlku, obdrží na toho protivníka _efekt vidění na 10 tahů_.\n\n_+2:_ Když Mág použije na nepřítele hůlku, obdrží na toho protivníka _efekt vidění na 15 tahů_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=Ochranná baterie
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=Ochranná baterie
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ Mág může použít jakoukoliv hůlku sám na sebe a tím převést jejich nabití na dočasnou ochranu o hodnotě _5% maximálního zdraví za nabití_.\n\n_+2:_ Mág může použít jakoukoliv hůlku sám na sebe a tím převést jejich nabití na dočasnou ochranu o hodnotě _7.5% maximálního zdraví za nabití_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=Ukryté porce
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=Ukryté porce
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ Během toho, co Zloděj prozkoumává první části kobky, může najít až _4 malé porce jídla_, ukryté v truhlách.\n\n_+2:_ Během toho, co Zloděj prozkoumává první části kobky, může najít až _6 malých porcí jídla_, ukrytých v truhlách.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ Během toho, co Zloděj prozkoumává první části kobky, může najít až _4 malé porce jídla_, ukryté v truhlách.\n\n_+2:_ Během toho, co Zloděj prozkoumává první části kobky, může najít až _6 malých porcí jídla_, ukrytých v truhlách.
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Zloděj udělí _1-2 body bonusového
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=Ochranné stíny
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=Ochranné stíny
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Když je jeho plášť aktivován, obdrží Zloděj _každý druhý tah_ jeden bod dočasné ochrany a to až _do maximálně 3 bodů_.\n\n_+2:_ Když je jeho plášť aktivován, obdrží Zloděj _v každém tahu_ jeden bod dočasné ochrany a to až _do maximálně 5 bodů_.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Když je jeho plášť aktivován, obdrží Zloděj _každý druhý tah_ jeden bod dočasné ochrany a to až _do maximálně 3 bodů_.\n\n_+2:_ Když je jeho plášť aktivován, obdrží Zloděj _v každém tahu_ jeden bod dočasné ochrany a to až _do maximálně 5 bodů_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=Mystické jídlo
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=Mystické jídlo
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Když se Zloděj nají, zabere mu to pouze 1 tah a obdrží _efekt dobíjení artefaktu na 3 tahy_.\n\n_+2:_ Když se Zloděj nají, zabere mu to pouze 1 tah a obdrží _efekt dobíjení artefaktu na 5 tahů_.\n\nTuto schopnost nelze použít k tomu, aby Roh hojnosti dobíjel sám sebe.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=Mystické vylepšení
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=Mystické vylepšení
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Použití svitku vylepšení okamžitě dobije Zlodějův plášť _o 1 nabití_ i přes to, že celkový počet nabití přesáhne aktuální maximální limit pláště.\n\n_+2:_ Použití svitku vylepšení okamžitě dobije Zlodějův plášť _o 2 nabití_ i přes to, že celkový počet nabití přesáhne aktuální maximální limit pláště.\n\nTato schopnost se aktivuje i ve chvíli, kdy je použit svitek či kouzlo založené na svitku vylepšení.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=Široký rozhled
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=Široký rozhled
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Zlodějův dosah hledání se zvětší z 5x5 čtverce na _7x7 kruh_.\n\n_+2:_ Zlodějův dosah hledání se zvětší ze 7x7 kruhu na _7x7 čtverec_.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Zlodějův dosah hledání se zvětší z 5x5 čtverce na _7x7 kruh_.\n\n_+2:_ Zlodějův dosah hledání se zvětší ze 7x7 kruhu na _7x7 čtverec_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Zloděj nevzbudí spící nepřátele, dokud je od nich _3 a více polí daleko_.\n\n_+2:_ Zloděj nevzbudí spící nepřátele, dokud není _těsně vedle nich_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Zloděj nevzbudí spící nepřátele, dokud je od nich _3 a více polí daleko_.\n\n_+2:_ Zloděj nevzbudí spící nepřátele, dokud není _těsně vedle nich_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=Zlodějský čuch
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=Zlodějský čuch
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Když Zloděj poprvé vstoupí na patro, na kterém se nachází tajná místnost, má _50% šanci si toho všimnout_.\n\n_+2:_ Když Zloděj poprvé vstoupí na patro, na kterém se nachází tajná místnost, má _75% šanci si toho všimnout_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=Štědrá příroda
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=Štědrá příroda
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Během toho, co Lovkyně prozkoumává první části kobky, může najít až _4 jedlé bobule_, ukryté ve vysoké trávě.\n\n_+2:_ Během toho, co Lovkyně prozkoumává první části kobky, může najít až _6 jedlých bobulí_, ukrytých ve vysoké trávě.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Během toho, co Lovkyně prozkoumává první části kobky, může najít až _4 jedlé bobule_, ukryté ve vysoké trávě.\n\n_+2:_ Během toho, co Lovkyně prozkoumává první části kobky, může najít až _6 jedlých bobulí_, ukrytých ve vysoké trávě.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Intuice přeživšího
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Intuice přeživšího
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Lovkyně dokáže identifikovat veškeré vybavení _1.75x rychleji_.\n\n_+2:_ Lovkyně dokáže identifikovat veškeré vybavení _2.5x rychleji_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Lovkyně dokáže identifikovat veškeré vybavení _1.75x rychleji_.\n\n_+2:_ Lovkyně dokáže identifikovat veškeré vybavení _2.5x rychleji_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Následný útok
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Následný útok
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Když Lovkyně zasáhne nepřítele svým lukem nebo vrhací zbraní, její následující útok na blízko, vůči tomuto nepříteli, udělí _2 body bonusového poškození_.\n\n_+2:_ Když Lovkyně zasáhne nepřítele svým lukem nebo vrhací zbraní, její následující útok na blízko, vůči tomuto nepříteli, udělí _3 body bonusového poškození_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Přírodní pomoc
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Přírodní pomoc
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Lovkyně obdrží 2 body zdřevnatění na _4 tahy_, kdykoliv je v jejím zorném poli pošlapána rostlina.\n\n_+2:_ Lovkyně obdrží 2 body zdřevnatění na _6 tahů_, kdykoliv je v jejím zorném poli pošlapána rostlina.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Osvěžující jídlo
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Osvěžující jídlo
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Když se Lovkyně nají, zabere jí to pouze 1 tah (jedlé bobule lze sníst okamžitě) a obdrží _efekt rychlosti na 1 tah_.\n\n_+2:_ Když se Lovkyně nají, zabere jí to pouze 1 tah (jedlé bobule lze sníst okamžitě) a obdrží _efekt rychlosti na 2 tahy_.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Když se Lovkyně nají, zabere jí to pouze 1 tah (jedlé bobule lze sníst okamžitě) a obdrží _efekt rychlosti na 1 tah_.\n\n_+2:_ Když se Lovkyně nají, zabere jí to pouze 1 tah (jedlé bobule lze sníst okamžitě) a obdrží _efekt rychlosti na 2 tahy_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=Obnovená příroda
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=Obnovená příroda
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Vypití lektvaru léčení způsobí, že kolem Lovkyně vzroste _až 5 trsů vysoké trávy_ a nepřátele v těsné blízkosti uvězní kořeny na _2 tahy_.\n\n_+2:_ Vypití lektvaru léčení způsobí, že kolem Lovkyně vzroste _až 8 trsů vysoké trávy_ a nepřátele v těsné blízkosti uvězní kořeny na _3 tahy_.\n\nTato schopnost se aktivuje i ve chvíli, kdy je vypit lektvar či elixír založený na lektvaru léčení.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Vypití lektvaru léčení způsobí, že kolem Lovkyně vzroste _až 5 trsů vysoké trávy_ a nepřátele v těsné blízkosti uvězní kořeny na _2 tahy_.\n\n_+2:_ Vypití lektvaru léčení způsobí, že kolem Lovkyně vzroste _až 8 trsů vysoké trávy_ a nepřátele v těsné blízkosti uvězní kořeny na _3 tahy_.\n\nTato schopnost se aktivuje i ve chvíli, kdy je vypit lektvar či elixír založený na lektvaru léčení.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=Oživující chůze
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=Oživující chůze
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ Pošlapaná tráva nebo mech vzrostou opět do výšky, když na ně Lovkyně vstoupí, avšak jsou okamžitě pomačkány. Schopnost lze znovu aktivovat _až po 10 tazích_.\n\n_+2:_ Pošlapaná tráva nebo mech vzrostou opět do výšky, když na ně Lovkyně vstoupí, avšak jsou okamžitě pomačkány. Schopnost lze znovu aktivovat _až po 5 tazích_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=Zesílené smysly
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=Zesílené smysly
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Lovkyně obdrží _efekt vidění_ na nepřítele, který _je od ní 2 pole daleko_.\n\n_+2:_ Lovkyně obdrží _efekt vidění_ na nepřítele, který _je od ní 3 pole daleko_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Lovkyně obdrží _efekt vidění_ na nepřítele, který _je od ní 2 pole daleko_.\n\n_+2:_ Lovkyně obdrží _efekt vidění_ na nepřítele, který _je od ní 3 pole daleko_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=Odolné projektily
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=Odolné projektily
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Vrhací zbraně používané Lovkyní mají _o 50% větší výdrž_.\n\n_+2:_ Vrhací zbraně používané Lovkyní mají _o 75% větší výdrž_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Vrhací zbraně používané Lovkyní mají _o 50% větší výdrž_.\n\n_+2:_ Vrhací zbraně používané Lovkyní mají _o 75% větší výdrž_.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=Ještě nemůžeš odejít! Dole na tebe čeká zbytek kobky!
actors.hero.hero.leave=Ještě nemůžeš odejít! Dole na tebe čeká zbytek kobky!
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Podtřída hrdiny může být zvol
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Mág je odborníkem na hůlky a vždy u sebe nosí svou _unikátní magickou hůl._\n\nPro jeho odemčení _použij svitek vylepšení a udělej nějaký předmět silnější._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Mág je odborníkem na hůlky a vždy u sebe nosí svou _unikátní magickou hůl._\n\nPro jeho odemčení _použij svitek vylepšení a udělej nějaký předmět silnější._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=Mág se vrhá do hlubin kobky se svou _unikátní holí_ magických střel. Tato hůl se dobíjí podstatně rychleji než obyčejné hůlky a má 1 extra nabiti navíc.\n\nMágova hůl může být naplněna jakoukoliv hůlkou, kterou v kobce najde. Naplnění změní efekt hole, ale také dokáže přenést některá vylepšení.\n\nDokáže automaticky identifikovat:\n- Svitky identifikace\n- Lektvary tekutého ohně\n- Svitky vylepšení
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Jeho jedinečná hůl mu slouží také jako zbraň na blízko. Uděluje ovšem méně poškození než ostatní počáteční zbraně.\n\nMagie v této holi může být použita i pro efektivní útok na dálku.\n\nMág s sebou nosí _tubu na svitky,_ do které lze vložit veškeré svitky a ochránit je tak před ohněm.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Jeho jedinečná hůl mu slouží také jako zbraň na blízko. Uděluje ovšem méně poškození než ostatní počáteční zbraně.\n\nMagie v této holi může být použita i pro efektivní útok na dálku.\n\nMág s sebou nosí _tubu na svitky,_ do které lze vložit veškeré svitky a ochránit je tak před ohněm.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Podtřída hrdiny může být zvolena po poražení druhého bosse. Mág má tyto dvě podtřídy:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Podtřída hrdiny může být zvolena po poražení druhého bosse. Mág má tyto dvě podtřídy:
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Volné ruce poskytuje Lovkyni pár _
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Podtřída hrdiny může být zvolena po poražení druhého bosse. Lovkyně má tyto dvě podtřídy:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Podtřída hrdiny může být zvolena po poražení druhého bosse. Lovkyně má tyto dvě podtřídy:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=_Gladiátor_ dokáže po úspěšném zásahu zbraní začít budovat kombo. Hodnota komba mu postupně umožňuje provádět unikátní zakončovací útoky.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=_Berserk_ uděluje bonusové poškození, které se zvyšuje na základě obdrženého poškození. Když je plně rozčílen, může na krátký čas odmítnout zemřít, za cenu pozdějšího vyčerpání.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=_Zaklínač_ má šanci označit si duši nepřítele, pokud na něj použije hůl či hůlku. Pokaždé, když označení nepřátelé obdrží fyzické poškození, Zaklínače to vyléčí a nasytí jeho hlad.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=Bojový mág
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=Bojový mág
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=_Bojový mág_ dokáže vykouzlit bonusový efekt, pokud svou hůl používá jako zbraň na blízko. Tento efekt závisí na typu hůlky, kterou je jeho hůl naplněna. Hůl se bude během boje také lépe dobíjet.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=_Bojový mág_ dokáže vykouzlit bonusový efekt, pokud svou hůl používá jako zbraň na blízko. Tento efekt závisí na typu hůlky, kterou je jeho hůl naplněna. Hůl se bude během boje také lépe dobíjet.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=_Vrah_ si během toho, co je neviditelný, připravuje jako svůj další možný útok smrtelný zásah. Čím déle je neviditelný, tím silnější tento útok bude.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=_Vrah_ si během toho, co je neviditelný, připravuje jako svůj další možný útok smrtelný zásah. Čím déle je neviditelný, tím silnější tento útok bude.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=_Běžec_ za běhu postupně nabírá svižnost, která zvyšuje rychlost pohybu a zlepšuje i jeho vyhýbání. Rychle ale vyprchá, když se běžec zastaví.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=_Střelkyně_ je mistryní v boji na velké vzdálenosti. Dokáže dohlédnout mnohem dál a její útoky na dálku úplně proráží nepřátelskou zbroj. Po úspěšném zásahu s vrhací zbraní, může se svým lukem provést speciální útok.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=_Strážkyně_ má silné propojení s přírodou. To jí umožňuje vidět skrze vysokou trávu a také dokáže poručit pomačkané trávě znovu ožít kolem rostlin, které zasadí. Pošlapané rostliny jí poskytují bonusové efekty, napuštěné šipky mají dvojnásobnou výdrž a pokud stojí v trávě, posílí se její zbroj.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=Rozdrcení DM-300
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KRITICKÉ POŠKOZENÍ! VYPÍNÁNÍ! VYPÍN...
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KRITICKÉ POŠKOZENÍ! VYPÍNÁNÍ! VYPÍN...
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 je největší a nejsilnější "obranný stroj", který kdy trpaslíci postavili. Vyrobit takto úžasný stroj je obtížné, takže jich trpaslíci udělali jen pár, aby střežili vchody do jejich podzemní metropole.\n\nJe vybaven ventily pro vypouštění toxických výfukových plynů a vysoce výkonným vrtákem, který může použít jak k útoku, tak i k narušení kamenných stěn. DM-300 se také může připojit k energetické síti, což ještě víc rozšíří jeho schopnosti.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 je největší a nejsilnější "obranný stroj", který kdy trpaslíci postavili. Vyrobit takto úžasný stroj je obtížné, takže jich trpaslíci udělali jen pár, aby střežili vchody do jejich podzemní metropole.\n\nJe vybaven ventily pro vypouštění toxických výfukových plynů a vysoce výkonným vrtákem, který může použít jak k útoku, tak i k narušení kamenných stěn. DM-300 se také může připojit k energetické síti, což ještě víc rozšíří jeho schopnosti.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 je právě teď plně nabit elektrickou energií. V této formě se DM-300 pohybuje dvojnásobnou rychlostí a nelze jej poškodit! Navíc se nyní jeho vrták točí dostatečně rychle na to, aby se _prohnal masivním kamenem,_ přestože během toho je jeho pohyb mnohem pomalejší.\n\nKdyž je takto super-nabitý, je přímý útok na DM-300 zbytečný, ovšem _něco v této oblasti mu tuto energii musí dodávat._ Zničení tohoto zdroje by jej mohlo oslabit.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Ze stropu zde odpadává uvolněné kamení. Vypadá to, že se každou chvílí zřítí!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Ze stropu zde odpadává uvolněné kamení. Vypadá to, že se každou chvílí zřítí!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Král trpaslíků
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Král trpaslíků
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Projizierende Champions verursachen 2
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Antimagische Champions erleiden 25% weniger Schaden und sind immun gegenüber magischen Effekten.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Antimagische Champions erleiden 25% weniger Schaden und sind immun gegenüber magischen Effekten.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Riesen-Champions erleiden 75% weniger Schaden und haben +1 Angriffsreichweite, können sich aber nicht durch geschlossene Räume bewegen.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=gesegneter Champion
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=gesegneter Champion
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Gesegnete Champions haben eine um 200% erhöhte Genauigkeit und Ausweichrate.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Gesegnete Champions haben eine um 200% erhöhte Genauigkeit und Ausweichrate.
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Nicht ganz gefroren, aber trotzdem viel zu kalt\n\nUnter
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Das Ziel ist zu weit entfernt
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Das Ziel ist zu weit entfernt
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Wähle Ziel für Verprügeln\nBetäubt und wirft zurück
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Verprügeln_ ist momentan verfügbar. Dieser Angriff _wirft einen Gegner zurück und betäubt ihn,_ aber richtet reduzierten Schaden an. Das ist großartig, um während eines Kampfes etwas Zeit zu gewinnen.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Wähle Ziel zum Zerspalten\nTötet dieser Angriff, besteht die Kette
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Spalten_ ist momentan verfügbar. Diese Attacke richtet zusätzlichen Schaden an und _lässt die aktuelle Treffer-Kombi weiter bestehen, sollte dieser Angriff einen Gegner töten._ Optimal, um eine Treffer-Kombi aufrechtzuhalten, wenn man gegen mehrere Gegner gleichzeitig kämpft.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Wähle Ziel für Wuchtschlag\nSchild und Schaden basierend auf Rüstung
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Wuchtschlag_ ist momentan verfügbar. Dieser Angriff verursacht _zusätzlichen Schaden und erhöht die Panzerung basierend auf dem Werten deiner Rüstung._ Optimal um einen aktuellen Kampf zu beenden und die nötige Ausdauer auf den nächsten Kampf aufzubringen.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Wähle Ziel zum Zerschmettern\nFügt massiven Schaden zu
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Zerschmettern_ ist verfügbar. Diese verheerende Attacke _fügt stetig massiven Schaden zu._ Optimal, um mächtige Gegner mit vielen Lebenspunkten zu töten!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Wähle Ziel für Zorn\nGreift mehrmals in schneller Folge an
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Zorn_ ist verfügbar. Diese verheerende Attacke _greift gleich der Anzahl deiner aktuellen Treffer-Kombi an,_ fügt aber reduzierten Schaden zu. Optimal, wenn man eine Waffenverzauberung besitzt, da Zorn bei jedem Treffer garantiert aktiviert wird!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Der Gladiator baut bei jedem erfolgreichen Treffer Schwung auf. Jeder Treffer erhöht die Treffer-Kombi um eins. Sollte man jedoch zu lange für einen Angriff braucht, mehr als einmal den Gegner verfehlt oder einen Gegenstand benutzt, wird der Treffer-Kombi auf 0 zurückgesetzt. \n\nMehrere Kombis hintereinander schalten spezielle Vollstrecker-Fähigkeiten frei: Mächtige Angriffe, die ihr Ziel nicht verfehlen werden! Unterschiedliche Vollstreckungsangriffe sind bei einem Treffer-Kombi von 2, 4, 6, 8 und 10 verfügbar und ihre Verwendung setzt den Treffer-Kombi auf 0 zurück.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korruption sickert in das Innerste eines Wesens, wodurch es sich gegen seine eigene Natur wendet.\n\nKorrumpierte Kreaturen greifen ihre Verbündeten an und ignorieren ihre vorherigen Gegner. Korruption schadet dem Opfer außerdem, wodurch es langsam verendet.\n\nKorruption ist permament und kann nur durch den Tod beendet werden.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korruption sickert in das Innerste eines Wesens, wodurch es sich gegen seine eigene Natur wendet.\n\nKorrumpierte Kreaturen greifen ihre Verbündeten an und ignorieren ihre vorherigen Gegner. Korruption schadet dem Opfer außerdem, wodurch es langsam verendet.\n\nKorruption ist permament und kann nur durch den Tod beendet werden.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Eine magische Kraft macht es dir schwer, wach zu bleibe
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Eins mit der Erde
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Eins mit der Erde
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Du wirst von der Kraft der Erde erfüllt!!\n\nAlle physischen Angriffe lassen den Erdboden unter den Feinden beben, so dass sie für eine kurze Zeit verkrüppelt werden.\n\nDu bist eins mit der Erde für %s Runden.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Du wirst von der Kraft der Erde erfüllt!!\n\nAlle physischen Angriffe lassen den Erdboden unter den Feinden beben, so dass sie für eine kurze Zeit verkrüppelt werden.\n\nDu bist eins mit der Erde für %s Runden.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Eins mit dem Feuer
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Eins mit dem Feuer
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Die Kräfte des Feuers durchströmen deinen Körper!\n\nAlle deine physischen Angriffe haben eine Chance, dass Gegner in Flammen aufgehen. Außerdem bist du komplett immun gegen die Auswirkungen von Feuer. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden : %s
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Die Kräfte des Feuers durchströmen deinen Körper!\n\nAlle deine physischen Angriffe haben eine Chance, dass Gegner in Flammen aufgehen. Außerdem bist du komplett immun gegen die Auswirkungen von Feuer. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden : %s
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Verhext
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Du wurdest verhext!
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Du wurdest verhext!
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Dunkle Magie, die die Konzentration beeinträchtigt und das Ziel so leicht desorientiert macht.\n\nVerhexung reduziert die Genauigkeit und das Ausweichen um 20%%, so dass das Ziel im Kampf weniger effektiv ist.\n\nVerbleibende Runden mit Verhexung: %s.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Dunkle Magie, die die Konzentration beeinträchtigt und das Ziel so leicht desorientiert macht.\n\nVerhexung reduziert die Genauigkeit und das Ausweichen um 20%%, so dass das Ziel im Kampf weniger effektiv ist.\n\nVerbleibende Runden mit Verhexung: %s.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Du hast Hunger.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Du hast Hunger.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Alle magischen Effekte verlieren ihre Gewalt über
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Übersinnliche Wahrnehmung
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Übersinnliche Wahrnehmung
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Irgendwie kannst du alle Kreaturen auf dieser Ebene mit Hilfe deiner Gedanken ausmachen. Es ist ein seltsames Gefühl.\n\nAlle Wesen auf dieser Ebene sind sichtbar, solange die übersinnliche Wahrnehmung aktiv ist. Eine dadurch gesichtete Kreatur gilt als gültiges Ziel für viele magische Effekte.\n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden der übersinnlichen Wahrnehmung : %s
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Irgendwie kannst du alle Kreaturen auf dieser Ebene mit Hilfe deiner Gedanken ausmachen. Es ist ein seltsames Gefühl.\n\nAlle Wesen auf dieser Ebene sind sichtbar, solange die übersinnliche Wahrnehmung aktiv ist. Eine dadurch gesichtete Kreatur gilt als gültiges Ziel für viele magische Effekte.\n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden der übersinnlichen Wahrnehmung : %s
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Während er sich bewegt, baut der Freerunner Schwung auf, der seine Geschwindigkeit und Ausweichrate verbessert.\n\nDer Geschwindigkeitsbonus basiert nur auf dem Schwung, der Ausweichbonus ist allerdings auch von der Rüstung abhängig.\n\nDer Freerunner erhält zusätzliche Ausweichchance für jeden Stärkepunkt, der die Anforderung der getragenen Rüstung übersteigt.\n\nAktueller Schwung: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Ätzender Schlamm
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Ätzender Schlamm
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Ätzender Schlamm frisst sich durch dein Fleisch! Wasch ihn ab!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Ätzender Schlamm frisst sich durch dein Fleisch! Wasch ihn ab!
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Du wirst von einem prismaförmigem Abbild gesch
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energie fließt durch deinen Körper, was die Aufladerate deiner Zauberstäbe verbessert.\n\nDie Aufladung wird jeden Zug um ein Viertel erhöht, zusätzlich zur Standardaufladung. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden der Aufladung: %s
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energie fließt durch deinen Körper, was die Aufladerate deiner Zauberstäbe verbessert.\n\nDie Aufladung wird jeden Zug um ein Viertel erhöht, zusätzlich zur Standardaufladung. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden der Aufladung: %s
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Du kannst dich nicht bewegen!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Du kannst dich nicht bewegen!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Wurzeln (magisch oder natürlich) schlingen sich um Füße und halten Ihre Opfer am Boden.\n\nWurzeln fesseln das Opfer und zwingen es zur Bewegungslosigkeit. Andere Aktionen können weiterhin durchgeführt werden.\n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden : %s
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Wurzeln (magisch oder natürlich) schlingen sich um Füße und halten Ihre Opfer am Boden.\n\nWurzeln fesseln das Opfer und zwingen es zur Bewegungslosigkeit. Andere Aktionen können weiterhin durchgeführt werden.\n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden : %s
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Du bist mit den Schatten verschmolzen, was dir Unsichtbarkeit gewährt und deinen Stoffwechsel verlangsamt.\n\nWährend du unsichtbar bist, können Gegner dich weder angreifen, noch dir folgen. Die meisten physischen sowie magischen Angriffe (wie Schriftrollen oder Stäbe) werden die Unsichtbarkeit sofort beenden. Außerdem nimmt dein Hunger langsamer zu, während du unsichtbar bist.\n\nDein Schattenmantel verbleibt solange, bis du die Schatten verlässt oder in Kontakt mit einem Gegner kommst.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Du bist mit den Schatten verschmolzen, was dir Unsichtbarkeit gewährt und deinen Stoffwechsel verlangsamt.\n\nWährend du unsichtbar bist, können Gegner dich weder angreifen, noch dir folgen. Die meisten physischen sowie magischen Angriffe (wie Schriftrollen oder Stäbe) werden die Unsichtbarkeit sofort beenden. Außerdem nimmt dein Hunger langsamer zu, während du unsichtbar bist.\n\nDein Schattenmantel verbleibt solange, bis du die Schatten verlässt oder in Kontakt mit einem Gegner kommst.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Durch das Trinken eines Heiltra
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Das zerbrochene Siegel des Kriegers kann _normale Glyphen_ genau so transferieren wie eine Verbesserung.\n\n_+2:_ Das zerbrochene Siegel des Kriegers kann _normale, starke und verfluchte Glyphen_ genau so transferieren wie eine Verbesserung.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Das zerbrochene Siegel des Kriegers kann _normale Glyphen_ genau so transferieren wie eine Verbesserung.\n\n_+2:_ Das zerbrochene Siegel des Kriegers kann _normale, starke und verfluchte Glyphen_ genau so transferieren wie eine Verbesserung.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=tödlicher Schwung
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=tödlicher Schwung
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ Wenn der Krieger einen Feind tötet, so hat der Todesstoß eine _Chance von 67%_ augenblicklich zu wirken.\n\n_+2:_ Wenn der Krieger einen Feind tötet, so hat der Todesstoß eine _Chance von 100%_ augenblicklich zu wirken.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvisierte Wurfgeschosse
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvisierte Wurfgeschosse
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Der Krieger kann einen Feind für _2 Runden_ blenden, indem er einen beliebigen Gegenstand, der keine Wurfwaffe ist, auf diesen wirft. Dies braucht 30 Züge, bis es erneut verfügbar ist.\n\n_+2:_ Der Krieger kann einen Feind für _3 Runden_ blenden, indem er einen beliebigen Gegenstand, der keine Wurfwaffe ist, auf diesen wirft. Dies braucht 30 Züge, bis es erneut verfügbar ist.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Der Krieger kann einen Feind für _2 Runden_ blenden, indem er einen beliebigen Gegenstand, der keine Wurfwaffe ist, auf diesen wirft. Dies braucht 30 Züge, bis es erneut verfügbar ist.\n\n_+2:_ Der Krieger kann einen Feind für _3 Runden_ blenden, indem er einen beliebigen Gegenstand, der keine Wurfwaffe ist, auf diesen wirft. Dies braucht 30 Züge, bis es erneut verfügbar ist.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=stärkende Mahlzeit
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=stärkende Mahlzeit
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Das Essen von Nahrung gewährt dem Magier _2 Punkte Bonusschaden_ auf seine 3 nächsten Einsätze eines Zauberstabs.\n\n_+2:_ Das Essen von Nahrung gewährt dem Magier _3 Punkte Bonusschaden_ auf seine 3 nächsten Einsätze eines Zauberstabs.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Intuition des Gelehrten
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Intuition des Gelehrten
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Der Magier kann Zauberstäbe _3 mal so schnell_ identifizieren.\n\n_+2:_ Der Magier identifiziert Zauberstäbe, _sobald er sie benutzt_.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Der Magier kann Zauberstäbe _3 mal so schnell_ identifizieren.\n\n_+2:_ Der Magier identifiziert Zauberstäbe, _sobald er sie benutzt_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=geprüfte Hypothese
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=geprüfte Hypothese
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ Der Magier erhält _4 Schildpunkte_
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energiereiche Mahlzeit
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energiereiche Mahlzeit
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Das Essen von Nahrung dauert für den Magier 1 Runde und gewährt ihm _5 Runden Zauberstab-Aufladung_.\n\n_+2:_ Das Essen von Nahrung dauert für den Magier 1 Runde und gewährt ihm _8 Runden Zauberstab-Aufladung_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Das Essen von Nahrung dauert für den Magier 1 Runde und gewährt ihm _5 Runden Zauberstab-Aufladung_.\n\n_+2:_ Das Essen von Nahrung dauert für den Magier 1 Runde und gewährt ihm _8 Runden Zauberstab-Aufladung_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energiereiche Verbesserung
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energiereiche Verbesserung
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Der Einsatz einer Schriftrolle der Verbesserung lädt den Stab des Magiers sofort _um 1 Ladung_ auf; dies kann auch über die maximale Zahl der Ladungen hinausgehen.\n\n_+2:_ Der Einsatz einer Schriftrolle der Verbesserung lädt den Stab des Magiers sofort _um 2 Ladungen_ auf; dies kann auch über die maximale Zahl der Ladungen hinausgehen.\n\nDieses Talent wird auch aktiv, wenn Schriftrollen oder Zaubersprüche eingesetzt werden, die auf Schriftrollen der Verbesserung beruhen.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=Bewahrung von Zauberstäben
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=Bewahrung von Zauberstäben
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Wenn der Magier einen neuen Zauberstab mit seinem Stab verschmilzt, gibt es eine _Chance von 67%_, dass der alte Zauberstab mit +0 zurückgegeben wird.\n\n_+2:_ Wenn der Magier einen neuen Zauberstab mit seinem Stab verschmilzt, gibt es eine _Chance von 100%_, dass der alte Zauberstab mit +0 zurückgegeben wird.\n\nDieses Talent kann einen Zauberstab bis zu drei Malen bewahren.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Wenn der Magier einen neuen Zauberstab mit seinem Stab verschmilzt, gibt es eine _Chance von 67%_, dass der alte Zauberstab mit +0 zurückgegeben wird.\n\n_+2:_ Wenn der Magier einen neuen Zauberstab mit seinem Stab verschmilzt, gibt es eine _Chance von 100%_, dass der alte Zauberstab mit +0 zurückgegeben wird.\n\nDieses Talent kann einen Zauberstab bis zu drei Malen bewahren.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arkane Wahrnehmung
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arkane Wahrnehmung
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Wenn der Magier auf einen Feind feuert, bekommt er _10 Runden lang_ die Übersinnliche Wahrnehmung für ihn.\n\n_+2:_ Wenn der Magier auf einen Feind feuert, bekommt er _15 Runden lang_ die Übersinnliche Wahrnehmung für ihn.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Wenn der Magier auf einen Feind feuert, bekommt er _10 Runden lang_ die Übersinnliche Wahrnehmung für ihn.\n\n_+2:_ Wenn der Magier auf einen Feind feuert, bekommt er _15 Runden lang_ die Übersinnliche Wahrnehmung für ihn.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ Der Magier kann mit einem Zauberstab auf sich selbst zielen, um die Ladungen des Zauberstabs mit einer Rate von _5% maximale LP pro Ladung_ in einen Schild umzuwandeln.\n\n_+2:_ Der Magier kann mit einem Zauberstab auf sich selbst zielen, um die Ladungen des Zauberstabs mit einer Rate von _7,5% maximale LP pro Ladung_ in einen Schild umzuwandeln.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=versteckte Essensrationen
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=versteckte Essensrationen
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ Der Schurke kann _4 kleine Rationen_ in Truhen finden, während er die frühen Bereiche des Dungeons erforscht.\n\n_+2:_ Der Schurke kann _6 kleine Rationen_ in Truhen finden, während er die frühen Bereiche des Dungeons erforscht.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ Der Schurke kann _4 kleine Rationen_ in Truhen finden, während er die frühen Bereiche des Dungeons erforscht.\n\n_+2:_ Der Schurke kann _6 kleine Rationen_ in Truhen finden, während er die frühen Bereiche des Dungeons erforscht.
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Der Schurke fügt einem Feind beim er
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=schützende Schatten
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=schützende Schatten
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Der Schurke erhält _aller zwei Züge_, in denen sein Umhang aktiviert ist, einen Schildpunkt, _maximal 3_.\n\n_+2:_ Der Schurke erhält _jeden Zug_, in dem sein Umhang aktiviert ist, einen Schildpunkt, _maximal 5_.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Der Schurke erhält _aller zwei Züge_, in denen sein Umhang aktiviert ist, einen Schildpunkt, _maximal 3_.\n\n_+2:_ Der Schurke erhält _jeden Zug_, in dem sein Umhang aktiviert ist, einen Schildpunkt, _maximal 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystische Mahlzeit
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystische Mahlzeit
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Das Essen von Nahrung dauert für den Schurken einen Zug und gewährt ihm _3 Runden mit Artefakt-Aufladung_.\n\n_+2:_ Das Essen von Nahrung dauert für den Schurken einen Zug und gewährt ihm _5 Runden mit Artefakt-Aufladung_.\n\nDieses Talent kann nicht dazu eingesetzt werden, dass sich das Horn des Überflusses selbst auflädt.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystische Verbesserung
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystische Verbesserung
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Durch die Benutzung einer Schriftrolle der Verbesserung wird der Umhang des Schurken sofort um _1 Ladung_ aufgeladen; das kann über das momentane Maximum hinausgehen.\n\n_+2:_ Durch die Benutzung einer Schriftrolle der Verbesserung wird der Umhang des Schurken sofort um _2 Ladung_ aufgeladen; das kann über das momentane Maximum hinausgehen.\n\nDieses Talent wird auch aktiviert, wenn Schriftrollen oder Zaubersprüche eingesetzt werden, die auf Schriftrollen der Verbesserung basieren.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=umfangreiche Suche
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=umfangreiche Suche
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Der Suchradius des Schurken wird von einem 5x5 Felder großen Bereich zu einem _7x7 Felder großen Kreis_ erweitert.\n\n_+2:_ Der Suchradius des Schurken wird von einem 5x5 Felder großen Bereich zu einem _7x7 Felder großen Bereich_ erweitert..
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Der Suchradius des Schurken wird von einem 5x5 Felder großen Bereich zu einem _7x7 Felder großen Kreis_ erweitert.\n\n_+2:_ Der Suchradius des Schurken wird von einem 5x5 Felder großen Bereich zu einem _7x7 Felder großen Bereich_ erweitert..
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=leise Schritte
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=leise Schritte
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Der Schurke weckt keine schlafenden Feinde, solange er _3 oder mehr Felder entfernt_ ist.\n\n_+2:_ Der Schurke weckt keine schlafenden Feinde, solange er _nicht direkt neben ihnen_ steht.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Der Schurke weckt keine schlafenden Feinde, solange er _3 oder mehr Felder entfernt_ ist.\n\n_+2:_ Der Schurke weckt keine schlafenden Feinde, solange er _nicht direkt neben ihnen_ steht.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=Vorhersehung des Schurken
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=Vorhersehung des Schurken
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Wenn der Schurke erstmals eine Ebene mit einem Geheimraum betritt, hat er eine _Chance von 50%_ zu bemerken, dass die Ebene ein Geheimnis birgt.\n\n_+2:_ Wenn der Schurke erstmals eine Ebene mit einem Geheimraum betritt, hat er eine _Chance von 75%_ zu bemerken, dass die Ebene ein Geheimnis birgt.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=Fülle der Natur
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=Fülle der Natur
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Die Jägerin kann _4 Beeren_ versteckt im hohen Gras finden, während sie die früheren Ebenen des Dungeons erkundet.\n\n_+2:_ Die Jägerin kann _6 Beeren_ versteckt im hohen Gras finden, während sie die früheren Ebenen der Dungeon erkundet.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Die Jägerin kann _4 Beeren_ versteckt im hohen Gras finden, während sie die früheren Ebenen des Dungeons erkundet.\n\n_+2:_ Die Jägerin kann _6 Beeren_ versteckt im hohen Gras finden, während sie die früheren Ebenen der Dungeon erkundet.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Intuition der Überlebenskünstlerin
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Intuition der Überlebenskünstlerin
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Die Jägerin identifiziert jede Ausrüstung _1,75 mal schneller_.\n\n_+2:_ Die Jägerin identifiziert jede Ausrüstung _2,5 mal schneller_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Die Jägerin identifiziert jede Ausrüstung _1,75 mal schneller_.\n\n_+2:_ Die Jägerin identifiziert jede Ausrüstung _2,5 mal schneller_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Wenn die Jägerin einen Feind mit ihrem Bogen oder einer Wurfwaffe trifft, verursacht ihr nächster Nahkampfangriff gegen diesen Feind _2 Punkte Bonusschaden_.\n\n_+2:_ Wenn die Jägerin einen Feind mit ihrem Bogen oder einer Wurfwaffe trifft, verursacht ihr nächster Nahkampfangriff gegen diesen Feind _3 Punkte Bonusschaden_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Hilfe der Natur
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Hilfe der Natur
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Die Jägerin erhält 2 Rüstungen aus Baumrinde für _4 Runden_, wenn eine Pflanze in ihrem Sichtbereich zertrampelt wird.\n\n_+2:_ Die Jägerin erhält 2 Rüstungen aus Baumrinde für _6 Runden_, wenn eine Pflanze in ihrem Sichtbereich zertrampelt wird.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=stärkende Mahlzeit
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=stärkende Mahlzeit
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Das Essen von Nahrung benötigt bei der Jägerin 1 Zug (Beeren werden sofort verspeist) und gewährt ihr _1 Zug Eile_.\n\n_+2:_ Das Essen von Nahrung benötigt bei der Jägerin 1 Zug (Beeren werden sofort verspeist) und gewährt ihr _2 Züge Eile_.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Das Essen von Nahrung benötigt bei der Jägerin 1 Zug (Beeren werden sofort verspeist) und gewährt ihr _1 Zug Eile_.\n\n_+2:_ Das Essen von Nahrung benötigt bei der Jägerin 1 Zug (Beeren werden sofort verspeist) und gewährt ihr _2 Züge Eile_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=wiederhergestellte Natur
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=wiederhergestellte Natur
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Wenn die Jägerin einen Heiltrank trinkt, wachsen _bis zu 5 Felder Gras_ um sie herum und verwurzeln neben ihr stehende Feinde _für 2 Runden_.\n\n_+2:_ _+1:_ Wenn die Jägerin einen Heiltrank trinkt, wachsen _bis zu 8 Felder Gras_ um sie herum und verwurzeln neben ihr stehende Feinde _für 3 Runden_.\n\nDieses Talent wird auch aufgerufen, wenn Tränke oder Elixiere getrunken werden, die auf einem Heiltrank beruhen.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Wenn die Jägerin einen Heiltrank trinkt, wachsen _bis zu 5 Felder Gras_ um sie herum und verwurzeln neben ihr stehende Feinde _für 2 Runden_.\n\n_+2:_ _+1:_ Wenn die Jägerin einen Heiltrank trinkt, wachsen _bis zu 8 Felder Gras_ um sie herum und verwurzeln neben ihr stehende Feinde _für 3 Runden_.\n\nDieses Talent wird auch aufgerufen, wenn Tränke oder Elixiere getrunken werden, die auf einem Heiltrank beruhen.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=Schritte der Verjüngung
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=Schritte der Verjüngung
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ Wenn die Jägerin auf kurzes Gras oder Glut tritt, wächst es zu hohem Gras heran, das die Jägerin augenblicklich zerfurcht. Dies benötigt _10 Runden, bis es wieder verfügbar ist_.\n\n_+2:_ Wenn die Jägerin auf kurzes Gras oder Glut tritt, wächst es zu hohem Gras heran, das die Jägerin augenblicklich zerfurcht. Dies benötigt _5 Runden, bis es wieder verfügbar ist_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=geschärfte Sinne
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=geschärfte Sinne
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Die Jägerin erlangt übersinnliche Wahrnehmung gegen einen Feind, der bis zu _2 Felder von ihr entfernt_ steht.\n\n_+2:_ Die Jägerin erlangt übersinnliche Wahrnehmung gegen einen Feind, der bis zu _3 Felder von ihr entfernt_ steht.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Die Jägerin erlangt übersinnliche Wahrnehmung gegen einen Feind, der bis zu _2 Felder von ihr entfernt_ steht.\n\n_+2:_ Die Jägerin erlangt übersinnliche Wahrnehmung gegen einen Feind, der bis zu _3 Felder von ihr entfernt_ steht.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=haltbare Wurfgeschosse
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=haltbare Wurfgeschosse
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Von der Jägerin verwendete Wurfwaffen haben _+50% Haltbarkeit_.\n\n_+2:_ Von der Jägerin verwendete Wurfwaffen haben _+75% Haltbarkeit_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Von der Jägerin verwendete Wurfwaffen haben _+50% Haltbarkeit_.\n\n_+2:_ Von der Jägerin verwendete Wurfwaffen haben _+75% Haltbarkeit_.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=Du kannst jetzt noch nicht gehen, der Rest des Dungeons wartet da unten.
actors.hero.hero.leave=Du kannst jetzt noch nicht gehen, der Rest des Dungeons wartet da unten.
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Nachdem der zweite Obergegner besi
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Der Magier ist ein Experte für Zauberstäbe und besitzt einen _einzigartigen magischen Stab._\n\nUm ihn freischalten zu können, musst du einen Gegenstand mit einer Schriftrolle der Verbesserung aufwerten.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Der Magier ist ein Experte für Zauberstäbe und besitzt einen _einzigartigen magischen Stab._\n\nUm ihn freischalten zu können, musst du einen Gegenstand mit einer Schriftrolle der Verbesserung aufwerten.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=Der Magier beginnt mit einem _einzigartigem Stab_ der magischen Geschosse. Der Stab lädt sich deutlich schneller auf als Zauberstäbe und hat eine zusätzliche Ladung.\n\nDer Stab des Magiers kann mit einem Zauberstab verschmolzen werden, den er im Dungeon findet. Diese Verschmelzung ändert den Effekt des Stabes und kann dazu genutzt werden, einige Verbesserungen zu übertragen.\n\nDer Magier identifiziert automatisch:\n- Schriftrollen der Identifizierung\n- Tränke der flüssigen Flamme\n- Schriftrollen der Verbesserung
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Der Magier beginnt mit seinem Kampfstab als Nahkampfwaffe. Der Stab teilt weniger Schaden aus, als andere Startwaffen.\n\nDer Magier kann die Magie in seinem Stab für Angriffe aus der Ferne nutzen.\n\nDer Magier startet mit einer _Tasche für Schriftrollen,_ in welcher mehre Schriftrollen Platz finden und vor Feuer geschützt sind.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Der Magier beginnt mit seinem Kampfstab als Nahkampfwaffe. Der Stab teilt weniger Schaden aus, als andere Startwaffen.\n\nDer Magier kann die Magie in seinem Stab für Angriffe aus der Ferne nutzen.\n\nDer Magier startet mit einer _Tasche für Schriftrollen,_ in welcher mehre Schriftrollen Platz finden und vor Feuer geschützt sind.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Nachdem der zweite Obergegner besiegt wurde, kann der Magier sich spezialisieren. Er hat zwei Unterklassen.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Nachdem der zweite Obergegner besiegt wurde, kann der Magier sich spezialisieren. Er hat zwei Unterklassen.
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Die Jägerin beginnt mit _Kampfhands
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Nachdem der zweite Obergegner besiegt wurde, kann die Jägerin sich spezialisieren. Sie hat zwei Unterklassen:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Nachdem der zweite Obergegner besiegt wurde, kann die Jägerin sich spezialisieren. Sie hat zwei Unterklassen:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Ein erfolgreicher Angriff einer Nahkampfwaffe ermöglicht es dem _Gladiator,_ eine Kombi zu starten. Sie ermöglicht es ihm, spezielle Vollstreckungsattacken zu benutzen.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=Der _Berserker_ fügt zusätzlichen Schaden zu, welcher sich erhöht, je mehr Treffer er erhalten hat. Wenn er voll in Rage ist, kann er sich eine Zeitlang dem Tod entziehen, was ihn dann sehr erschöpft.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Wenn ein _Hexenmeister_ einen Gegner mit seinem Zauberstab angreift, besteht eine Chance, die Seele seines Opfers zu makieren. Gegner, die das _Seelenzeichen_ tragen, heilen und sättigen den _Hexenmeister,_ wenn diese physischen Schaden erleiden.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Wenn ein _Kampfmagier_ mit seinem Zauberstab kämpft, erhält dieser, je nachdem mit welcher Magie der Stab erfüllt ist, zusätzliche Bonuseffekte. Außerdem wird sich sein Stab während eines Kampfes aufladen.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Wenn ein _Kampfmagier_ mit seinem Zauberstab kämpft, erhält dieser, je nachdem mit welcher Magie der Stab erfüllt ist, zusätzliche Bonuseffekte. Außerdem wird sich sein Stab während eines Kampfes aufladen.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Während der _Attentäter_ unsichtbar ist, bereitet er eine tödliche Attacke für den nächsten Angriff vor. Je länger er unsichtbar bleibt, desto stärker wird diese Attacke.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Während der _Attentäter_ unsichtbar ist, bereitet er eine tödliche Attacke für den nächsten Angriff vor. Je länger er unsichtbar bleibt, desto stärker wird diese Attacke.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=Der _Freerunner_ baut beim Laufen Schwung auf. Dadurch wird seine Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit und Ausweichrate erhöht, aber der Effekt lässt schnell nach, wenn er sich nicht bewegt.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=Die _Scharfschützin_ ist eine Meisterin des Fernkampfes. Sie hat eine erhöhte Übersicht und ihre Distanzangriffe durchbohren Rüstungen. Nachdem sie einen Feind mit einer Wurfwaffe getroffen hat, kann sie einen besonderen Angriff von ihrem Bogen aus durchführen.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=Die _Wächterin_ hat eine starke Verbindung zur Natur, die es ihr ermöglicht, durch hohes Gras hindurch zu sehen und zerfurchtem Gras zu befehlen, um Pflanzen herum zu sprießen, welche sie pflanzt. Pflanzen, die sie zertritt, geben ihr Bonuseffekte. Präparierte Wurfpfeile erhalten die doppelte Haltbarkeit, und Gras verstärkt ihre Rüstung, wenn sie darin steht.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=Vom DM-300 zermalmt
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KRITISCHER SCHADEN! VERSUCHE STILLLEGU-
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KRITISCHER SCHADEN! VERSUCHE STILLLEGU-
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=Der DM-300 ist die größte und stärkste 'Verteidigungsmaschine', die die Zwerge je gebaut haben. Eine solch wunderbare Maschine lässt sich nur schwer herstellen, so dass die Zwerge insgesamt nur sehr wenige gebaut haben, die die Eingänge in ihre unterirdische Hauptstadt bewachen.\n\nDiese Maschine ist mit Ventilen ausgestattet, durch die toxische Abgase ausgestoßen werden, und mit einem Hochleistungsbohrer, den sie zum Angriff und zum Aufbrechen des Bodens einsetzen kann. Der DM-300 kann sich auch an ein Stromnetz anschließen, was seine Kräfte noch weiter steigert.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=Der DM-300 ist die größte und stärkste 'Verteidigungsmaschine', die die Zwerge je gebaut haben. Eine solch wunderbare Maschine lässt sich nur schwer herstellen, so dass die Zwerge insgesamt nur sehr wenige gebaut haben, die die Eingänge in ihre unterirdische Hauptstadt bewachen.\n\nDiese Maschine ist mit Ventilen ausgestattet, durch die toxische Abgase ausgestoßen werden, und mit einem Hochleistungsbohrer, den sie zum Angriff und zum Aufbrechen des Bodens einsetzen kann. Der DM-300 kann sich auch an ein Stromnetz anschließen, was seine Kräfte noch weiter steigert.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=Der DM-300 ist momentan mit elektischer Energie vollgeladen. In diesem Zustand kann der DM-300 nicht beschädigt werden und bewegt sich mit doppelter Geschwindigkeit! Außerdem dreht sich sein Bohrer nun schnell genug, um _Tunnel in massives Gestein_ zu bohren, obwohl er sich dabei wesentlich langsamer bewegt.\n\nWährend der DM-300 noch Superladung hat, ist es sinnlos, ihn anzugreifen, aber _etwas in dieser Gegend muss ihn mit Energie versorgen,_ und es könnte ihn schwächen, wenn man das zerstört.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Loses Gestein fällt hier von der Decke herunter, es sieht so aus, als würde sie gleich einstürzen!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Loses Gestein fällt hier von der Decke herunter, es sieht so aus, als würde sie gleich einstürzen!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=König der Zwerge
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=König der Zwerge
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Majstroj de fora atako kaŭzas je 25%
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=majstro de malmagio
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=majstro de malmagio
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Majstroj de malmagio ricevas je 25% malpli da damaĝo kaj estas tute rezistaj al magiaj efikoj.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Majstroj de malmagio ricevas je 25% malpli da damaĝo kaj estas tute rezistaj al magiaj efikoj.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=giganta majstro
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=giganta majstro
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Gigantaj majstroj ricevas je 75% malpli da damaĝo kaj havas +1 por atakatingo, tamen ne povas moviĝi trans mallarĝaj koridoroj.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=bena majstro
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=bena majstro
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Benaj majstroj havas je 200% pli da precizo kaj evitpovo.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Benaj majstroj havas je 200% pli da precizo kaj evitpovo.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=kreskanta majstro
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=kreskanta majstro
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Ne tute frostigita, sed tro malvarma.\n\nMalvarmigitaj v
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d-opa fraparo!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d-opa fraparo!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Vi devas celi kontraŭulon en atak-atingo.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Vi devas celi kontraŭulon en atak-atingo.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Elektu celon por surdumfrapi\nSurdumas kaj forfrapas
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Surdumfrapo_ estas nune disponebla. Tiu ĉi atako _forfrapas kontraŭulon kaj surdumas ĝin,_ sed kaŭzas ete da damaĝo. Ĝi estas perfekta por gajni iomete da tempo dum batalo.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Elektu celon por hakfrapi\nSe mortigos, daŭrigos fraparon
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Hakfrapo_ estas nune disponebla. Tiu ĉi atako kaŭzas pliigan damaĝon kaj _se ĝi mortigos kontraŭulon, fraparo daŭros anstataŭ nuliĝi._ Tio ĉi estas bonega por krei fraparon dum batalo kun kelkaj malamikoj.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Elektu celon por krakigi\nŜirmas kaj damaĝas laŭ defendaĵo
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Krakigo_ estas nune disponebla. Tiu ĉi atako kaŭzas _pliigan damaĝon kaj provizas al vi ŝirmon_ adekvate laŭ via defendaĵo. Ĝi estas bonega por finigi batalon kaj helpi transdaŭri ĝis la sekva.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Elektu celon por frakasi\nKaŭzas damaĝegon
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Frakaso_ estas nune disponebla. Tiu ĉi ruiniga atako _kaŭzas multege da damaĝo tre sinsekve._ Ĝi estas bonega por venki potencan kontraŭulon kun multe da sano!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Defuriozigi je kiu malamiko?\nFrapas pluroble kaj rapide
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Furiozego_ estas nune disponebla. Tiu ĉi detruanta atako _frapas tiel foje kiel estas via nuna fraparo,_ tamen kun reduktita damaĝo. Furiozego estas bonega se vi havas ensorĉitan armilon, do la ensorĉo aktiviĝos je ĉiu frapo!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=La Gladiatoro akiras impeton post ĉiu sukcesa frapo. Ĉiu frapo pliigas la frapar-numerilon je unu, sed tro malrapida atako aŭ maltrafi du sekvajn frapojn nuligos la numerilon.\n\nAkirado de fraparo ebligas ekstrajn venk-frapojn: potencajn neeviteblajn atakojn! Diversaj venk-frapojn disponeblas je 2, 4, 6, 8 kaj 10 frapar-numerilo, kaj uzo de venk-frapo rekomencos la fraparon.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korupto penetras en la ekzistaĵon kaj igas lin kontraŭ lia eksa naturo.\n\nKoruptitaj monstroj atakos siajn amikojn kaj ignoros siajn eksajn malamikojn. Korupto tamen detruiĝas kaj malrapide alkondukos la viktimon ĝis sia morto.\n\nKorupto estas ĉiamdaŭra, ĝi finiĝos nur je la morto.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korupto penetras en la ekzistaĵon kaj igas lin kontraŭ lia eksa naturo.\n\nKoruptitaj monstroj atakos siajn amikojn kaj ignoros siajn eksajn malamikojn. Korupto tamen detruiĝas kaj malrapide alkondukos la viktimon ĝis sia morto.\n\nKorupto estas ĉiamdaŭra, ĝi finiĝos nur je la morto.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Sorĉa forto malfaciligas esti konscia.\n\nLa heroo pov
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Vi estas plenigita per forto de la tero!\n\nĈiuj korpaj atakoj disŝovos la plankon sub la malamiko, kripligante ĝin por mallonga tempo.\n\nPluaj temperoj da terplenado: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Vi estas plenigita per forto de la tero!\n\nĈiuj korpaj atakoj disŝovos la plankon sub la malamiko, kripligante ĝin por mallonga tempo.\n\nPluaj temperoj da terplenado: %s.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Vi estas plenigita per la forto de fajro!\n\nĈiuj korpaj atakoj povos ekbruligi kontraŭulojn. Aldone vi estas tute fajrorezista.\n\nPluaj temperoj da fajroplenado: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Vi estas plenigita per la forto de fajro!\n\nĈiuj korpaj atakoj povos ekbruligi kontraŭulojn. Aldone vi estas tute fajrorezista.\n\nPluaj temperoj da fajroplenado: %s.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Fisorĉita
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Vi estas fisorĉita!
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Vi estas fisorĉita!
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Malluma povo malpliigas sinkoncentron, igante la viktimon iomete senorientigita.\n\nFisorĉo malpliigas precizon kaj evitpovon je 20%%, igante la viktimon malpli lerta dum batalo.\n\nPluaj temperoj da fisorĉo: %s.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Malluma povo malpliigas sinkoncentron, igante la viktimon iomete senorientigita.\n\nFisorĉo malpliigas precizon kaj evitpovon je 20%%, igante la viktimon malpli lerta dum batalo.\n\nPluaj temperoj da fisorĉo: %s.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Vi malsatas.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Vi malsatas.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Ĉiuj magiaj efikoj ne povas influi vin, vi estas
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Iumaniere vi povas vidi ĉiujn monstrojn en tiu ĉi keletaĝo per via menso. Tio ĉi estas stranga sento.\n\nĈiuj monstroj en tiu ĉi etaĝo estas videblaj tiel longe kiel vi havas mensvido. Vido de monstro per mensvido traktas ĝin kiel vidantan aŭ proksiman por la okazo de uzo de magiaj efikoj.\n\nPluaj temperoj da mensvido: %s.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Iumaniere vi povas vidi ĉiujn monstrojn en tiu ĉi keletaĝo per via menso. Tio ĉi estas stranga sento.\n\nĈiuj monstroj en tiu ĉi etaĝo estas videblaj tiel longe kiel vi havas mensvido. Vido de monstro per mensvido traktas ĝin kiel vidantan aŭ proksiman por la okazo de uzo de magiaj efikoj.\n\nPluaj temperoj da mensvido: %s.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Dum movado, la Sprintisto gajnas movizon, pliigante lian rapidon kaj evitpovon.\n\nLa ekstra rapido dependas nur de movizo, tamen la ekstra evitpovo ankaŭ dependas de defendaĵo.\n\nLa Sprintisto gajnos ekstran evitpovon de movizo por ĉiu troa poento da povo super postulata povo de lia defendaĵo.\n\nNuna movizo: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Morda ĥemiaĵo mordas vian karnon. Forlavu ĝin!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Morda ĥemiaĵo mordas vian karnon. Forlavu ĝin!
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Via estas gardata de prisma figuro, kiu nuntemp
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energio trafluas vin pliigante la rapidon kiel viaj vergoj kaj bastonegoj ŝargiĝas.\n\nJe ĉiu tempero tiu ĉi sorĉo pliigos vian aktualan ŝargon je kvarono aldone al norma ŝargiĝado.\n\nPluaj temperoj da ŝargiĝado: %s.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energio trafluas vin pliigante la rapidon kiel viaj vergoj kaj bastonegoj ŝargiĝas.\n\nJe ĉiu tempero tiu ĉi sorĉo pliigos vian aktualan ŝargon je kvarono aldone al norma ŝargiĝado.\n\nPluaj temperoj da ŝargiĝado: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Vi ne povas moviĝi!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Vi ne povas moviĝi!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Radikoj (magiaj aŭ naturaj) kaptis la piedojn alfiksante ilin al la tero.\n\nRadikoj senmovigas viktimon malebligante lin movi, sed aliaj agoj ne estas blokitaj.\n\nPluaj temperoj da enradikigado: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Radikoj (magiaj aŭ naturaj) kaptis la piedojn alfiksante ilin al la tero.\n\nRadikoj senmovigas viktimon malebligante lin movi, sed aliaj agoj ne estas blokitaj.\n\nPluaj temperoj da enradikigado: %s.
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Vi kunligis kun ombroj ĉirkaŭ vi, tio ĉi igas vin nevidebla kaj malrapidigas vian metabolon.\n\nKiam vi estas nevidebla, kontraŭuloj ne povas ataki kaj spuri vin. Plejparto de korpaj atakoj kaj uzo de magiiloj (kiel skribrulaĵoj kaj vergoj) tuje ĉesigos nevideblecon. Krom tio, kiam vi estas kunombrigita, vi malsatigas malpli rapide.\n\nVi restos kunombrigita ĝis vi forlasos la ombrojn aŭ kiam kontraŭulo tuŝos vin.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Vi kunligis kun ombroj ĉirkaŭ vi, tio ĉi igas vin nevidebla kaj malrapidigas vian metabolon.\n\nKiam vi estas nevidebla, kontraŭuloj ne povas ataki kaj spuri vin. Plejparto de korpaj atakoj kaj uzo de magiiloj (kiel skribrulaĵoj kaj vergoj) tuje ĉesigos nevideblecon. Krom tio, kiam vi estas kunombrigita, vi malsatigas malpli rapide.\n\nVi restos kunombrigita ĝis vi forlasos la ombrojn aŭ kiam kontraŭulo tuŝos vin.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ trinkado de eliksiro de sano se
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=transigo de skribaĵo
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=transigo de skribaĵo
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ la rompita sigelo de batalisto povas transigi _kutimajn skribaĵojn_ en la sama maniero, kiel ĝi transigas plibonigon.\n\n_+2:_ la rompita sigelo de batalisto povas transigi _kutimajn, potencajn i malbenajn skribaĵojn_ en la sama maniero, kiel ĝi transigas plibonigon.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ la rompita sigelo de batalisto povas transigi _kutimajn skribaĵojn_ en la sama maniero, kiel ĝi transigas plibonigon.\n\n_+2:_ la rompita sigelo de batalisto povas transigi _kutimajn, potencajn i malbenajn skribaĵojn_ en la sama maniero, kiel ĝi transigas plibonigon.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=impeto de morto
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=impeto de morto
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ kiam la batalisto mortigas kontraŭulon, la mortiga frapo havas _67% da ŝanco_ por esti senprokrasta.\n\n_+2:_ kiam la batalisto mortigas kontraŭulon, la mortiga frapo havas _100% da ŝanco_ por esti senprokrasta.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvizitaj ĵetarmiloj
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvizitaj ĵetarmiloj
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ la batalisto povas blindumi kontraŭulon por _2 temperoj_ per ĵeti al li ajnan aĵon, kiu ne estas ĵetarmilo. Necesas atendi 30 temperojn antaŭ reuzi tiun ĉi talenton.\n\n_+2:_ la batalisto povas blindumi kontraŭulon por _3 temperoj_ per ĵeti al li ajnan aĵon, kiu ne estas ĵetarmilo. Necesas atendi 30 temperojn antaŭ reuzi tiun ĉi talenton.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ la batalisto povas blindumi kontraŭulon por _2 temperoj_ per ĵeti al li ajnan aĵon, kiu ne estas ĵetarmilo. Necesas atendi 30 temperojn antaŭ reuzi tiun ĉi talenton.\n\n_+2:_ la batalisto povas blindumi kontraŭulon por _3 temperoj_ per ĵeti al li ajnan aĵon, kiu ne estas ĵetarmilo. Necesas atendi 30 temperojn antaŭ reuzi tiun ĉi talenton.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=fortiga manĝaĵo
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=fortiga manĝaĵo
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ ĉiu manĝaĵo donas al la magiisto _2 poentojn da ekstra damaĝo_ dum la 3 sekvaj vergopafoj.\n\n_+2:_ ĉiu manĝaĵo donas al la magiisto _3 poentojn da ekstra damaĝo_ dum la 3 sekvaj vergopafoj.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuicio de klerulo
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuicio de klerulo
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ la magiisto identigas vergojn _3-foje pli rapide._\n\n_+2:_ la magiisto identigas vergojn _dum la unua uzo._
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ la magiisto identigas vergojn _3-foje pli rapide._\n\n_+2:_ la magiisto identigas vergojn _dum la unua uzo._
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=testita hipotezo
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=testita hipotezo
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ la magiisto gajnas _4 poentojn da
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energiiga manĝaĵo
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energiiga manĝaĵo
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon kaj donas al la magiisto _5 temperojn de ŝargado de vergoj._\n\n_+2:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon kaj donas al la magiisto _8 temperojn de ŝargado de vergoj._
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon kaj donas al la magiisto _5 temperojn de ŝargado de vergoj._\n\n_+2:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon kaj donas al la magiisto _8 temperojn de ŝargado de vergoj._
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energiiga plibonigo
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energiiga plibonigo
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ uzo de skribrulaĵo de plibonigo senprokraste reŝargas la bastonegon de magiisto _per 1 ŝargo_, tiu ĉi ŝargo povas superi la nunan limigon de ŝargoj.\n\n_+2:_ uzo de skribrulaĵo de plibonigo senprokraste reŝargas la bastonegon de magiisto _per 2 ŝargoj_, tiuj ĉi ŝargoj povas superi la nunan limigon de ŝargoj.\n\nTiu ĉi talento ankaŭ aktiviĝas dum uzi skribrulaĵojn aŭ sorĉkristalojn bazitajn sur skribrulaĵo de plibonigo.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=konservo de vergo
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=konservo de vergo
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ kiam la magiisto plenigas sian bastonegon per nova vergo, estas _67% da ŝanco,_ ke la antaŭa vergo revenos al la dorsosako (sen plibonigoj).\n\n_+2:_ kiam la magiisto plenigas sian bastonegon per nova vergo, estas _100% da ŝanco,_ ke la antaŭa vergo revenos al la dorsosako (sen plibonigoj).\n\nTiu ĉi talento povas konservi maksimume tri vergojn.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ kiam la magiisto plenigas sian bastonegon per nova vergo, estas _67% da ŝanco,_ ke la antaŭa vergo revenos al la dorsosako (sen plibonigoj).\n\n_+2:_ kiam la magiisto plenigas sian bastonegon per nova vergo, estas _100% da ŝanco,_ ke la antaŭa vergo revenos al la dorsosako (sen plibonigoj).\n\nTiu ĉi talento povas konservi maksimume tri vergojn.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=mistera vido
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=mistera vido
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ kiam la magiisto pafas al kontraŭulo, li gajnas mensvidon por _10 temperoj._\n\n_+2:_ kiam la magiisto pafas al kontraŭulo, li gajnas mensvidon por _15 temperoj._
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ kiam la magiisto pafas al kontraŭulo, li gajnas mensvidon por _10 temperoj._\n\n_+2:_ kiam la magiisto pafas al kontraŭulo, li gajnas mensvidon por _15 temperoj._
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=ŝirma baterio
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=ŝirma baterio
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ la magiisto povas alceli sin per vergo por konverti ĝiajn ŝargojn al ŝirmo: _po 5% da maksimuma sano je 1 vergoŝargo_.\n\n_+2:_ la magiisto povas alceli sin per vergo por konverti ĝiajn ŝargojn al ŝirmo: _po 7,5% da maksimuma sano je 1 vergoŝargo_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=kaŝitaj porcioj
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=kaŝitaj porcioj
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ la fripono povas trovi _4 etajn porciojn_ kaŝitajn en kestoj dum esplori la unuajn keletaĝojn de la labirinto.\n\n_+2:_ la fripono povas trovi _6 etajn porciojn_ kaŝitajn en kestoj dum esplori la unuajn keletaĝojn de la labirinto.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ la fripono povas trovi _4 etajn porciojn_ kaŝitajn en kestoj dum esplori la unuajn keletaĝojn de la labirinto.\n\n_+2:_ la fripono povas trovi _6 etajn porciojn_ kaŝitajn en kestoj dum esplori la unuajn keletaĝojn de la labirinto.
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ la fripono kaŭzas _1-2 poentojn da e
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protektaj ombroj
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protektaj ombroj
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ la fripono gajnas po unu poento da ŝirmo _dum ĉiuj du temperoj_ kiam lia mantelo estas aktiva, _maksimuma ŝirmo estas 3_.\n\n_+2:_ la fripono gajnas po unu poento da ŝirmo _dum ĉiu tempero_ kiam lia mantelo estas aktiva, _maksimuma ŝirmo estas 5_.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ la fripono gajnas po unu poento da ŝirmo _dum ĉiuj du temperoj_ kiam lia mantelo estas aktiva, _maksimuma ŝirmo estas 3_.\n\n_+2:_ la fripono gajnas po unu poento da ŝirmo _dum ĉiu tempero_ kiam lia mantelo estas aktiva, _maksimuma ŝirmo estas 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mistera manĝaĵo
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mistera manĝaĵo
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon kaj donas al la fripono _3 temperojn de ŝargado de antikvaĵoj_.\n\n_+2:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon kaj donas al la fripono _5 temperojn de ŝargado de antikvaĵoj_.\n\nTiu ĉi talento ne povas esti uzita por igi la kornon de abundo ŝargi sin mem.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mistera plibonigo
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mistera plibonigo
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ uzo de skribrulaĵo de plibonigo senprokraste reŝargas la mantelon de ombroj _per 1 ŝargo_, tiu ĉi ŝargo povas superi la nunan limigon de ŝargoj.\n\n_+2:_ uzo de skribrulaĵo de plibonigo senprokraste reŝargas la mantelon de ombroj _per 2 ŝargoj_, tiuj ĉi ŝargoj povas superi la nunan limigon de ŝargoj.\n\nTiu ĉi talento ankaŭ aktiviĝas dum uzi skribrulaĵojn aŭ sorĉkristalojn bazitajn sur skribrulaĵo de plibonigo.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=vasta serĉo
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=vasta serĉo
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ pliigas serĉan radiuson de la fripono el kvadrato 5x5 al _cirklo 7x7_.\n\n_+2:_ pliigas serĉan radiuson de la fripono el kvadrato 5x5 al _kvadrato 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ pliigas serĉan radiuson de la fripono el kvadrato 5x5 al _cirklo 7x7_.\n\n_+2:_ pliigas serĉan radiuson de la fripono el kvadrato 5x5 al _kvadrato 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silentaj paŝoj
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silentaj paŝoj
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ la fripono ne vekos dormantajn monstrojn dum esti _3 aŭ pli kaheloj proksime al ili_.\n\n_+2:_ la fripono ne vekos dormantajn monstrojn dum esti _ne apude al ili._
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ la fripono ne vekos dormantajn monstrojn dum esti _3 aŭ pli kaheloj proksime al ili_.\n\n_+2:_ la fripono ne vekos dormantajn monstrojn dum esti _ne apude al ili._
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=fripona antaŭscio
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=fripona antaŭscio
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ kiam la fripono por la unua foje eniras keletaĝon kun kaŝita ĉambro, li havas _50% da ŝanco por rimarki,_ ke la keletaĝo enhavas kaŝitan ĉambron. \n\n_+2:_ kiam la fripono por la unua foje eniras keletaĝon kun kaŝita ĉambro, li havas _75% da ŝanco por rimarki,_ ke la keletaĝo enhavas kaŝitan ĉambron.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=malavara naturo
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=malavara naturo
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ la ĉasistino povas trovi _4 berojn_ kaŝitajn en alta herbo dum esplori la unuajn keletaĝojn de la labirinto.\n\n_+2:_ la ĉasistino povas trovi _6 berojn_ kaŝitajn en alta herbo dum esplori la unuajn keletaĝojn de la labirinto.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ la ĉasistino povas trovi _4 berojn_ kaŝitajn en alta herbo dum esplori la unuajn keletaĝojn de la labirinto.\n\n_+2:_ la ĉasistino povas trovi _6 berojn_ kaŝitajn en alta herbo dum esplori la unuajn keletaĝojn de la labirinto.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuicio de persistemulo
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuicio de persistemulo
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ la ĉasistino identigas ĉiujn armaĵojn _1,75-foje pli rapide_.\n\n_+2:_ la ĉasistino identigas ĉiujn armaĵojn _2,5-foje pli rapide_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ la ĉasistino identigas ĉiujn armaĵojn _1,75-foje pli rapide_.\n\n_+2:_ la ĉasistino identigas ĉiujn armaĵojn _2,5-foje pli rapide_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=sekva frapo
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=sekva frapo
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ kiam la ĉasistino trafos malamikon per sia spirita pafarko aŭ per ĵetarmilo, ŝia sekva senpera atako kaŭzos _2 poentojn da ekstra damaĝo_.\n\n_+2:_ kiam la ĉasistino trafos malamikon per sia spirita pafarko aŭ per ĵetarmilo, ŝia sekva senpera atako kaŭzos _3 poentojn da ekstra damaĝo_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=natura apogo
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=natura apogo
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ la ĉasistino akiras 2 poentojn da ŝelhaŭto por _4 temperoj_ kiam kreskaĵo estas piedpremita en ŝia vidatingo.\n\n_+2:_ la ĉasistino akiras 2 poentojn da ŝelhaŭto por _6 temperoj_ kiam kreskaĵo estas piedpremita en ŝia vidatingo.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=vigliga manĝaĵo
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=vigliga manĝaĵo
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon (beroj estas manĝataj tuj) kaj donas al la ĉasistino _1 temperon de rapidemo_.\n\n_+2:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon (beroj estas manĝataj tuj) kaj donas al la ĉasistino _2 temperojn de rapidemo_.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon (beroj estas manĝataj tuj) kaj donas al la ĉasistino _1 temperon de rapidemo_.\n\n_+2:_ manĝado daŭras 1 temperon (beroj estas manĝataj tuj) kaj donas al la ĉasistino _2 temperojn de rapidemo_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restarigita naturo
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restarigita naturo
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ trinkado de eliksiro de sano kreskigas _maksimume 5 herbojn_ ĉirkaŭ la ĉasistino kaj enradikigas apudajn malamikojn por _2 temperoj_.\n\n_+2:_ trinkado de eliksiro de sano kreskigas _maksimume 8 herbojn_ ĉirkaŭ la ĉasistino kaj enradikigas apudajn malamikojn por _3 temperoj_.\n\nTiu ĉi talento ankaŭ aktiviĝas dum trinki eliksirojn aŭ miksturojn bazitajn sur eliksiro de sano.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ trinkado de eliksiro de sano kreskigas _maksimume 5 herbojn_ ĉirkaŭ la ĉasistino kaj enradikigas apudajn malamikojn por _2 temperoj_.\n\n_+2:_ trinkado de eliksiro de sano kreskigas _maksimume 8 herbojn_ ĉirkaŭ la ĉasistino kaj enradikigas apudajn malamikojn por _3 temperoj_.\n\nTiu ĉi talento ankaŭ aktiviĝas dum trinki eliksirojn aŭ miksturojn bazitajn sur eliksiro de sano.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=refreŝigaj paŝoj
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=refreŝigaj paŝoj
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ kiam la ĉasistino enpaŝas malaltan herbon aŭ ardaĵon, el ili kreskas alta herbo, kiun la ĉasistino tuj disŝoviĝas. Necesas atendi _10 temperojn antaŭ tiu ĉi efiko reokazos_.\n\n_+2:_ kiam la ĉasistino enpaŝas malaltan herbon aŭ ardaĵon, el ili kreskas alta herbo, kiun la ĉasistino tuj disŝoviĝas. Necesas atendi _5 temperojn antaŭ tiu ĉi efiko reokazos_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=akrigitaj sensoj
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=akrigitaj sensoj
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ la ĉasistino sentas kontraŭulojn, kiuj estas _2 kaheloj for de ŝia pozicio_.\n\n_+2:_ la ĉasistino sentas kontraŭulojn, kiuj estas _3 kaheloj for de ŝia pozicio_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ la ĉasistino sentas kontraŭulojn, kiuj estas _2 kaheloj for de ŝia pozicio_.\n\n_+2:_ la ĉasistino sentas kontraŭulojn, kiuj estas _3 kaheloj for de ŝia pozicio_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=firmaj ĵetarmiloj
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=firmaj ĵetarmiloj
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ ĵetarmiloj uzataj de la ĉasistino estas je _+50% pli firmaj_.\n\n_+2:_ ĵetarmiloj uzataj de la ĉasistino estas je _+75% pli firmaj_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ ĵetarmiloj uzataj de la ĉasistino estas je _+50% pli firmaj_.\n\n_+2:_ ĵetarmiloj uzataj de la ĉasistino estas je _+75% pli firmaj_.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=Vi ankoraŭ ne povas forlasi, la resto de la labirinto atendas vin!
actors.hero.hero.leave=Vi ankoraŭ ne povas forlasi, la resto de la labirinto atendas vin!
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Profesio estas elektebla post venk
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=La magiisto estas profesiulo pri vergoj kaj posedas _unikan magian bastonegon._\n\nPor malŝlosi lin _uzu skribrulaĵon de plibonigo por igi aĵon pli potenca._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=La magiisto estas profesiulo pri vergoj kaj posedas _unikan magian bastonegon._\n\nPor malŝlosi lin _uzu skribrulaĵon de plibonigo por igi aĵon pli potenca._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=La magiisto komencas posedante _unikan bastonegon_ de magia kuglo. La bastonego ŝargiĝas signife pli rapide ol vergo kaj havas je 1 pli maksimuma ŝargo.\n\nLa bastonegon oni povas plenigi per ĉiu vergo trovita en la labirinto. Plenigo per vergo ŝanĝas efikon de la bastonego kaj povas transigi iujn plibonigojn.\n\nLa magiisto aŭtomate identigas:\n– skribrulaĵojn de identigo\n– eliksirojn de likva fajro\n– skribrulaĵojn de plibonigo
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=La magiisto komencas kun bastonego kiel lia permana armilo. La bastonego kaŭzas malplian damaĝon ol aliaj komencaj armiloj.\n\nLi povas uzi magion de lia bastonego por ataki je distanco.\n\nLa magiisto komenciĝas posedante _skribrulaĵujon,_ kiu povas teni plurajn skribrulaĵojn protektante ilin kontraŭ fajro.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=La magiisto komencas kun bastonego kiel lia permana armilo. La bastonego kaŭzas malplian damaĝon ol aliaj komencaj armiloj.\n\nLi povas uzi magion de lia bastonego por ataki je distanco.\n\nLa magiisto komenciĝas posedante _skribrulaĵujon,_ kiu povas teni plurajn skribrulaĵojn protektante ilin kontraŭ fajro.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Profesio estas elektebla post venki la duan supermonstron. La magiisto elektas inter du profesioj:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Profesio estas elektebla post venki la duan supermonstron. La magiisto elektas inter du profesioj:
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=La ĉasistino komencas kun paro da _
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Profesio estas elektebla post venki la duan supermonstron. La ĉasistino elektas inter du profesioj:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Profesio estas elektebla post venki la duan supermonstron. La ĉasistino elektas inter du profesioj:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Sukcesa frapo per manarmilo ebligas al la _gladiatoro_ ekigi fraparon. Akirado de fraparo eblgas lin uzi specialajn venk-frapojn.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=La _berserko_ igas ekstran damaĝon proporcie de ricevita damaĝo Dum esti plena je kolero, li povas ne morti por mallonga tempo kompense pro lacego.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Dum uzado de vergoj kontraŭ monstro, la _sorĉisto_ havas ŝancon por marki ĝian spiriton. Markitaj monstroj sanigos kaj satigos lin kiam ili ricevos korpan damaĝon.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Dum batalado per sia bastonego, la _batalmagiisto_ akiras ekstrajn efikojn depende de vergo uzita por plenigi la bastonegon. Lia bastonego ankaŭ ŝargos dum batalo.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Dum batalado per sia bastonego, la _batalmagiisto_ akiras ekstrajn efikojn depende de vergo uzita por plenigi la bastonegon. Lia bastonego ankaŭ ŝargos dum batalo.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Kiam nevidebla, la _kaŝmortigisto_ kaŭzas mortigan frapon je sekva atako. Ju pli longe esti nevidebla, des pli potenca la atako estos.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Kiam nevidebla, la _kaŝmortigisto_ kaŭzas mortigan frapon je sekva atako. Ju pli longe esti nevidebla, des pli potenca la atako estos.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=La _sprintisto_ akiras movizon dum kurado. La movizo pliigas lian rapidon kaj evitpovon, tamen ĝi subite foriĝos kiam li ne kuras.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=La _celpafistino_ estas majstro de batalo je distanco. Ŝi povas vidi pli malproksime kaj ŝiaj atakoj je distanco trapikas defendaĵojn. Post trafi per ĵetarmilo, ŝi povas pluigi specialan atakon per sia pafarko.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=La _gardistino_ estas forte kunligita kun fortoj de naturo, kiuj ebligas al ŝi vidi trans alta herbo kaj disŝovi anstataŭ piedpremi ĝin, komandi al herbo kreski ĉe vegetaĵoj, kiujn ŝi semas. Kreskaĵoj disŝovitaj de ŝi donas kromajn efikojn, dronigitaj sagetoj estos duoble pli firmaj kaj piedpremita herbo donos al ŝi portempan defendon.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=Dismembrigita de DM-300
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KRITIKA DAMAĜO! MALAKTIVIĜO…
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KRITIKA DAMAĜO! MALAKTIVIĜO…
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 estas la plej granda kaj la plej potenca “defenda maŝino”, kiun gnomoj kiam ajn konstruis. Tia inĝenieraĵo estas tre malfacila por konstrui, do la gnomoj nur muntis kelkajn por gardi la enirejojn al ilia subtera metropolo.\n\nĜi estas ekipita per ellastuboj, kiuj elspiras toksajn brulgasojn kaj per firma borilo, kiun ĝi povas uzi kaj por ataki kaj por disrompi teron. DM-300 ankaŭ povas konekti al elektroenergia reto por pliigi siajn kapablojn.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 estas la plej granda kaj la plej potenca “defenda maŝino”, kiun gnomoj kiam ajn konstruis. Tia inĝenieraĵo estas tre malfacila por konstrui, do la gnomoj nur muntis kelkajn por gardi la enirejojn al ilia subtera metropolo.\n\nĜi estas ekipita per ellastuboj, kiuj elspiras toksajn brulgasojn kaj per firma borilo, kiun ĝi povas uzi kaj por ataki kaj por disrompi teron. DM-300 ankaŭ povas konekti al elektroenergia reto por pliigi siajn kapablojn.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 aktuale estas plene ŝargita per elektra energio. En tiu ĉi kondiĉo ĝi estas nedamaĝebla kaj moviĝas je duobla rapido! Krom tio, ĝia borilo turniĝas sufiĉe rapide por _tuneli trans firma roko,_ tamen la roboto moviĝas signife malpli rapide dum fari tion.\n\nEstas sensence senpere ataki DM-300 kiam ĝi estas superŝargita, sed rimarku, ke _io ĉi tie provizas ĝin per tia energio,_ do provu detrui tion por malfortigi la maŝinon.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Malfiksaj rokoj falas el la ĉi tiea plafono, ŝajnas ke ĝi baldaŭ disfalos!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Malfiksaj rokoj falas el la ĉi tiea plafono, ŝajnas ke ĝi baldaŭ disfalos!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Reĝo de Gnomoj
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Reĝo de Gnomoj
@ -97,18 +97,18 @@ actors.buffs.burning.rankings_desc=Quemado en Cenizas
actors.buffs.burning.desc=Pocas cosas son más angustiosas que estar envuelto en llamas.\n\nEl fuego causará daño cada turno hasta que se apague con agua o expire. El fuego puede ser extinguido entrando en el agua, o con la salpicadura provocada al romper una poción.\n\nAdicionalmente, el fuego puede quemar el terreno flamable o ítems con los que tenga contacto.\n\nTurnos en llamas restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.burning.desc=Pocas cosas son más angustiosas que estar envuelto en llamas.\n\nEl fuego causará daño cada turno hasta que se apague con agua o expire. El fuego puede ser extinguido entrando en el agua, o con la salpicadura provocada al romper una poción.\n\nAdicionalmente, el fuego puede quemar el terreno flamable o ítems con los que tenga contacto.\n\nTurnos en llamas restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.championenemy.warn=Sientes una presencia mortal.
actors.buffs.championenemy.warn=Sientes una presencia mortal.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blazing.name=Campeón ardiente
actors.buffs.championenemy$blazing.name=campeón ardiente
actors.buffs.championenemy$blazing.desc=Los campeones ardientes infligen un 25% más de daño cuerpo a cuerpo, encienden a los enemigos que atacan, son inmunes al fuego y esparcen fuego a su alrededor cuando mueren.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blazing.desc=Los campeones ardientes infligen un 25% más de daño cuerpo a cuerpo, encienden a los enemigos que atacan, son inmunes al fuego y esparcen fuego a su alrededor cuando mueren.
actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.name=campeón proyectante
actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.name=campeón proyectante
actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Los campeones proyectados hacen un 25% mas de daño cuerpo a cuerpo, y son capaces de atacar a cualquier enemigo que puedan ver.
actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Los campeones proyectantes hacen un 25% mas de daño cuerpo a cuerpo, y son capaces de atacar a cualquier enemigo que puedan ver.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=campeón antimagia
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=campeón antimagia
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Los campeones anti-magia recién un 25% menos de daño y son completamente inmunes a los efectos de magia.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Los campeones anti-magia recién un 25% menos de daño y son completamente inmunes a los efectos de magia.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=campeón gigante
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=campeón gigante
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Los campeones gigantes reciben 75% menos daño y tiene rango de ataque +1, pero no se pueden mover por espacios confinados.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=campeón bendecido
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=campeón bendecido
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=campeones bendecidos tienen 200% de precisión y evasión.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=campeones bendecidos tienen 200% de precisión y evasión.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=campeón creciente
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=campeón creciente
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Los campeones en crecimiento obtienen un continuo beneficio en la precisión, evasión, daño cuerpo a cuerpo y reducción del daño recibido.\n\nIncremento actual de precisión/evasión/daño cuerpo a cuerpo: %1$d%%\nReducción de daño recibido actual: %2$d%%
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.desc=Los campeones crecientes obtienen un continuo beneficio en la precisión, evasión, daño cuerpo a cuerpo y reducción del daño recibido.\n\nIncremento actual de precisión/evasión/daño cuerpo a cuerpo: %1$d%%\nReducción de daño recibido actual: %2$d%%
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=¡Estás encantado!
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=¡Estás encantado!
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=No del todo congelado, pero demasiado frío.\n\nLos pers
actors.buffs.combo.combo=¡Combo de %d golpes!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=¡Combo de %d golpes!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Debes elegir un enemigo en el rango de ataque.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Debes elegir un enemigo en el rango de ataque.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo a Derribar\nAturde y empuja
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Derribar_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque _hace retroceder un enemigo y lo aturde,_ pero causa daño reducido. Es excelente para conseguir un poco de tiempo durante una pelea.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo a Rajar\nSi lo matas, continúas el combo
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Rajar_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque hace daño extra, y _mantiene el combo en lugar de reiniciarlo si matas a un enemigo._ Permite crear grandes combos cuando se lucha contra múltiples enemigos.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Seleccione un objetivo para Embatir\nDaña y otorga blindaje según tu armadura
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Embatir_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque inflige _daño adicional y te otorga blindaje según el poder de bloqueo de tu armadura._ Es un buen movimiento para terminar un combate, permitiéndote mantener la resistencia para la siguiente pelea.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo para Aplastar\nOfrece una gran cantidad de daño
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Aplastar_ está disponible actualmente. Este devastador ataque _produce una gran cantidad de daño de forma consistente._ Es muy efectivo para acabar con un poderoso oponente con gran cantidad de salud.
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=¿En qué enemigo quieres descargar tu furia?\nAtaca varias veces rápidamente al objetivo
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Furia_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque devastador _golpea tantas veces como tu contador de combo actual,_ aunque a costa de un menor daño. ¡La furia es genial si tienes un arma encantada, ya que el encantamiento se activará en cada golpe!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=El gladiador gana impulso mientras conecta varios golpes exitosos. Cada golpe aumenta el contador del combo en uno, pero tardar demasiado tiempo para atacar, fallar dos veces seguidas, o usar objetos restablecerá el contador de combo a 0.\n\nCrear combos desbloquea habilidades finales especiales: ¡Poderosos ataques que no pueden fallar! Las diferentes habilidades finales están disponible a los 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 puntos de combo, y usarlas reiniciará el contador del combo.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corrupción se filtra dentro de la esencia de un ser, retorciéndolo contra su naturaleza previa.\n\nLas criaturas corrompidas atacan a sus aliados, e ignoran a sus antiguos enemigos. La corrupción también es dañina, y lentamente causará que su objetivo sucumba.\n\nLa corrupción es permanente, sus efectos solo cesan en la muerte.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corrupción se filtra dentro de la esencia de un ser, retorciéndolo contra su naturaleza previa.\n\nLas criaturas corrompidas atacan a sus aliados, e ignoran a sus antiguos enemigos. La corrupción también es dañina, y lentamente causará que su objetivo sucumba.\n\nLa corrupción es permanente, sus efectos solo cesan en la muerte.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Una fuerza mágica te dificulta estar despierto.\n\nEl
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imbuido con Tierra
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imbuido con Tierra
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=¡Estás imbuido con el poder de la tierra!\n\nTodos los ataques físicos cambiarán el terreno debajo del enemigo, paralizándolo por un corto tiempo.\n\nTurnos de imbuimiento de tierra restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=¡Estás imbuido con el poder de la tierra!\n\nTodos los ataques físicos cambiarán el terreno debajo del enemigo, paralizándolo por un corto tiempo.\n\nTurnos de imbuimiento de tierra restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imbuido con Fuego
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imbuido con Fuego
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=¡Estás imbuido con el poder del fuego!\n\nTodos los ataques físicos tienen una posibilidad de incendiar a los enemigos. También eres completamente inmune a los efectos del fuego.\n\nTurnos de imbuimiento de fuego restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=¡Estás imbuido con el poder del fuego!\n\nTodos los ataques físicos tienen una posibilidad de incendiar a los enemigos. También eres completamente inmune a los efectos del fuego.\n\nTurnos de imbuimiento de fuego restantes: %s.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Hechizado
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=¡Has sido hechizado!
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=¡Has sido hechizado!
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Magia oscura que drena la concentración, desorientando ligeramente al objetivo.\n\nMaleficio reduce la precisión y la evasión en 20%%, haciendo al objetivo menos efectivo en combate.\n\nTurnos restantes de maleficio: %s.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Magia oscura que drena la concentración, desorientando ligeramente al objetivo.\n\nMaleficio reduce la precisión y la evasión en 20%%, haciendo al objetivo menos efectivo en combate.\n\nTurnos restantes de maleficio: %s.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Estás hambriento.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Estás hambriento.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Todos los efectos mágicos han perdido su control
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Visión mental
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Visión mental
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=De alguna manera puedes ver a todas las criaturas en este piso a través de tu mente. Es una sensación extraña.\n\nTodos los personajes en este nivel son visibles para ti mientras poseas visión mental. Ver a una criatura a través de tu mente cuenta como si estuviera cerca o dentro de tu campo visual para activar varios efectos mágicos.\n\nTurnos de visión mental restantes: %s
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=De alguna manera puedes ver a todas las criaturas en este piso a través de tu mente. Es una sensación extraña.\n\nTodos los personajes en este nivel son visibles para ti mientras poseas visión mental. Ver a una criatura a través de tu mente cuenta como si estuviera cerca o dentro de tu campo visual para activar varios efectos mágicos.\n\nTurnos de visión mental restantes: %s
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Mientras se mueve, el acróbata genera impulso, incrementando su velocidad y habilidad para esquivar.\n\nLa bonificación por velocidad está basada únicamente en impulso, sin embargo, la bonificación de evasión también es afectada por la armadura.\n\nEl acróbata ganará evasión adicional del impulso por cada punto de fuerza extra que tiene sobre los requerimientos de su armadura.\n\nImpulso actual: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Cieno cáustico
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Cieno cáustico
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=¡El cieno cáustico te quema la piel, lávalo!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=¡El cieno cáustico te quema la piel, lávalo!
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Estás siendo protegido por una imagen prismát
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=La energía recorre tu cuerpo, incrementando la velocidad a la se cargan tus varitas y báculos.\n\nEste efecto incrementará la carga actual en un cuarto durante cada turno, además de la recarga regular.\n\nTurnos de recarga restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=La energía recorre tu cuerpo, incrementando la velocidad a la se cargan tus varitas y báculos.\n\nEste efecto incrementará la carga actual en un cuarto durante cada turno, además de la recarga regular.\n\nTurnos de recarga restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=¡No puedes moverte!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=¡No puedes moverte!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Raices (mágicas o naturales) se agarran de los pies, forzándolos al suelo.\n\nRaices atascan a un objetivo en su lugar, imposibilitando su movimiento, pero otras acciones no son afectadas.\n\nTurnos de arraigo restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Raices (mágicas o naturales) se agarran de los pies, forzándolos al suelo.\n\nRaices atascan a un objetivo en su lugar, imposibilitando su movimiento, pero otras acciones no son afectadas.\n\nTurnos de arraigo restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Fundido con las sombras.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Fundido con las sombras.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Estás fundido con las sombras a tu alrededor, concediéndote invisibilidad y ralentizando tu metabolismo\n\nMientras seas invisible, los enemigos no pueden atacarte o seguirte. La mayoría de los ataques físicos y efectos mágicos (como pergaminos y varitas) cancelarán inmediatamente la invisibilidad. Además, mientras estés fundido con las sombras, la velocidad a la que ganas hambre se reduce.\n\nQuedarás fundido con las sombras hasta que salgas de ellas o un enemigo entre en contacto contigo.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Estás fundido con las sombras a tu alrededor, concediéndote invisibilidad y ralentizando tu metabolismo\n\nMientras seas invisible, los enemigos no pueden atacarte o seguirte. La mayoría de los ataques físicos y efectos mágicos (como pergaminos y varitas) cancelarán inmediatamente la invisibilidad. Además, mientras estés fundido con las sombras, la velocidad a la que ganas hambre se reduce.\n\nQuedarás fundido con las sombras hasta que salgas de ellas o un enemigo entre en contacto contigo.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Beber una Poción de curación
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=Transferencia rúnica
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=Transferencia rúnica
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ El sello del Guerrero puede transferir _ glifos regulares_ de la misma manera que transfiere una mejora.\n\n_+2:_ El sello del Guerrero puede transferir _glifos regulares, poderosos y malditos_ de la misma manera que transfiere una mejora.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ El sello del Guerrero puede transferir _ glifos regulares_ de la misma manera que transfiere una mejora.\n\n_+2:_ El sello del Guerrero puede transferir _glifos regulares, poderosos y malditos_ de la misma manera que transfiere una mejora.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=Impulso letal
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=Impulso letal
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ Cuando el Guerrero mata a un enemigo, el golpe mortal tiene una _probabilidad del 67%_ de ser instantáneo.\n\n_+2:_ Cuando el Guerrero mata a un enemigo, el golpe mortal tiene una _probabilidad del 100%_ de ser instantáneo.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=Proyectil improvisado
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=Proyectil improvisado
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ El Guerrero puede cegar a un enemigo por _2 turnos_ lanzándole cualquier ítem que no sea un arma arrojadiza. Tiene un tiempo de recarga de 30 turnos.\n\n_+2:_ El guerrero puede cegar a un enemigo por _3 turnos_ lanzándoles cualquier ítem que no sea un arma arrojadiza. Tiene un tiempo de recarga de 30 turnos.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ El Guerrero puede cegar a un enemigo por _2 turnos_ lanzándole cualquier ítem que no sea un arma arrojadiza. Tiene un tiempo de recarga de 30 turnos.\n\n_+2:_ El guerrero puede cegar a un enemigo por _3 turnos_ lanzándoles cualquier ítem que no sea un arma arrojadiza. Tiene un tiempo de recarga de 30 turnos.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=comida fortalecedora
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=comida fortalecedora
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Comer le otorga al Mago _2 de daño adicional_ en sus siguientes 3 cargas de varitas.\n\n_+2:_ Comer le otorga al Mago _3 de daño adicional_ en sus siguientes 3 cargas de varitas.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Intuición del erudito
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Intuición del erudito
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ El Mago identifica las varitas _el triple de rápido_.\n\n_+2:_ El Mago identifica las varitas _cuando las usa_.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ El Mago identifica las varitas _el triple de rápido_.\n\n_+2:_ El Mago identifica las varitas _cuando las usa_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Hipótesis probada
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Hipótesis probada
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ El Mago obtiene _4 de blindaje_ cua
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=comida energizante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=comida energizante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Comer le toma al Mago 1 turno y le otorga _5 turnos de recarga de las varitas_.\n\n_+2:_ Comerle toma al Mago 1 turno y le otorga _8 turnos de recarga de las varitas_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Comer le toma al Mago 1 turno y le otorga _5 turnos de recarga de las varitas_.\n\n_+2:_ Comerle toma al Mago 1 turno y le otorga _8 turnos de recarga de las varitas_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Mejora energizante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Mejora energizante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Usando un Pergamino de mejora recargas instantáneamente la varita del Mago en _1 carga_, este puede superar su capacidad de carga.\n\n_+2:_ Usando un Pergamino de mejora recargas instantáneamente la varita del Mago en _2 cargas_, este puede superar su capacidad de carga.\n\nEste talento también se activa cuando se usa Pergaminos o hechizos basados en el Pergamino de Mejora.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=Varita preservada
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=Varita preservada
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Cuando el Mago imbuye una nueva varita en su bastón, la antigua varita tiene un _67% de probabilidad_ de ser devuelta a +0.\n\n_+2:_ Cuando el mago imbuye una nueva varita en su bastón, la antigua varita tiene un _100% de probabilidad_ de ser devuelta a +0.\n\nEste talento puede preservar una varita hasta tres veces.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Cuando el Mago imbuye una nueva varita en su bastón, la antigua varita tiene un _67% de probabilidad_ de ser devuelta a +0.\n\n_+2:_ Cuando el mago imbuye una nueva varita en su bastón, la antigua varita tiene un _100% de probabilidad_ de ser devuelta a +0.\n\nEste talento puede preservar una varita hasta tres veces.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=visión arcana
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=visión arcana
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Cuando el Mago ataca con una varita a un enemigo, obtiene visión mental sobre este por _10 turnos_.\n\n_+2:_ Cuando el Mago ataca con una varita a un enemigo, obtiene visión mental sobre este por _15 turnos_.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Cuando el Mago ataca con una varita a un enemigo, obtiene visión mental sobre este por _10 turnos_.\n\n_+2:_ Cuando el Mago ataca con una varita a un enemigo, obtiene visión mental sobre este por _15 turnos_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=Carga defensiva
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=Carga defensiva
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ El Mago puede auto-apuntarse con una varita y convertir su carga en blindaje con un valor del _5% de su HP máximo por carga_.\n\n_+2:_ El Mago puede auto-apuntarse con una varita y convertir su carga en blindaje con un valor del _7.5% de su HP máximo por carga_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=raciones guardadas
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=raciones guardadas
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ El Pícaro puede encontrar _4 raciones pequeñas_ en cofres mientras explora las primeras etapas de la mazmorra.\n\n_+2:_ El Pícaro puede encontrar _6 raciones pequeñas_ en cofres mientras explora las primeras etapas de la mazmorra.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ El Pícaro puede encontrar _4 raciones pequeñas_ en cofres mientras explora las primeras etapas de la mazmorra.\n\n_+2:_ El Pícaro puede encontrar _6 raciones pequeñas_ en cofres mientras explora las primeras etapas de la mazmorra.
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ El Pícaro inflige entre _1-2 de dañ
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=sombras protectoras
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=sombras protectoras
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ El Pícaro obtiene un blindaje _cada dos turnos_ que su manto de sombras está activado, _con un máximo de 3_.\n\n_+2:_ El Pícaro obtiene un blindaje _cada turno_ que su manto de sombra está activado, _con un máximo de 5_.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ El Pícaro obtiene un blindaje _cada dos turnos_ que su manto de sombras está activado, _con un máximo de 3_.\n\n_+2:_ El Pícaro obtiene un blindaje _cada turno_ que su manto de sombra está activado, _con un máximo de 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=comida mística
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=comida mística
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Comer le toma al Pícaro 1 turno y le otorga _3 turnos de recarga de artefactos_.\n\n_+2:_ Comer le toma al Pícaro 1 turno y le otorga _5 turnos de recarga de artefactos_.\n\nEste talento no puede ser usado para llenar el cuerno de la abundancia.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mejora mística
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mejora mística
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Usando un Pergamino de mejora recargas instantáneamente el Manto de las sombras _por 1 carga_, este puede superar su capacidad de cargas actuales.\n\n_+2:_ Usando un Pergamino de mejora recargas instantáneamente el Manto de las sombras _por 2 carga_, este puede superar su capacidad de cargas actuales.\n\nEste talento también se activa cuando se usa pergaminos o hechizos basados en el Pergamino de mejora.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=Búsqueda ampliada
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=Búsqueda ampliada
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ El radio de búsqueda del Pícaro incrementa de un cuadrado de 5x5 a un _circulo de 7x7_.\n\n_+2:_ El radio de búsqueda del Pícaro incrementa de un cuadrado de 5x5 a un _cuadrado de 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ El radio de búsqueda del Pícaro incrementa de un cuadrado de 5x5 a un _circulo de 7x7_.\n\n_+2:_ El radio de búsqueda del Pícaro incrementa de un cuadrado de 5x5 a un _cuadrado de 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=Pasos silenciosos
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=Pasos silenciosos
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ El Pícaro no despertará a los enemigos mientras el esté a_ 3 o más casillas de distancia de ellos_.\n\n_+2:_ El Pícaro no despertará a los enemigos mientras el _no esté adyacente a ellos_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ El Pícaro no despertará a los enemigos mientras el esté a_ 3 o más casillas de distancia de ellos_.\n\n_+2:_ El Pícaro no despertará a los enemigos mientras el _no esté adyacente a ellos_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=Previsión del Pícaro
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=Previsión del Pícaro
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Cuando el entra por primera vez a un nivel con una habitación secreta, el Pícaro tiene un _50% de probabilidad de avisar_ que el nivel contiene un secreto.\n\n_+2:_ Cuando el entra por primera vez a un nivel con una habitación secreta, el Pícaro tiene un _75% de probabilidad de avisar_ que el nivel contiene un secreto.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=Ayuda de la naturaleza
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=Ayuda de la naturaleza
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ La Cazadora puede encontrar _4 bayas_ escondidas en la hierba alta mientras explora las primeras etapas de la mazmorra.\n\n_+2:_ La Cazadora puede encontrar _6 bayas_ escondidas en la hierba alta mientras explora las primeras etapas de la mazmorra.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ La Cazadora puede encontrar _4 bayas_ escondidas en la hierba alta mientras explora las primeras etapas de la mazmorra.\n\n_+2:_ La Cazadora puede encontrar _6 bayas_ escondidas en la hierba alta mientras explora las primeras etapas de la mazmorra.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuición de supervivencia
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuición de supervivencia
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ La Cazadora identifica todo el equipamiento _1.75 veces más rápido_.\n\n_+2:_ La Cazadora identifica todo el equipamiento _2.5 veces más rápido_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ La Cazadora identifica todo el equipamiento _1.75 veces más rápido_.\n\n_+2:_ La Cazadora identifica todo el equipamiento _2.5 veces más rápido_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=El siguiente golpe
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=El siguiente golpe
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Cuando la Cazadora golpea a un enemigo con su arco o arma arrojadiza su siguiente ataque cuerpo a cuerpo infligirá _2 de daño adicional_.\n\n_+2:_ Cuando la Cazadora golpea a un enemigo con su arco o arma arrojadiza su siguiente ataque cuerpo a cuerpo infligirá _3 de daño adicional_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=ayuda de la naturaleza
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=ayuda de la naturaleza
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ La Cazadora gana 2 armaduras de piel de corteza durante _4 turnos_ cuando una planta es pisoteada en su visión.\n\n_+2:_ La Cazadora gana 2 armaduras de piel de corteza durante _6 turnos_ cuando una planta es pisoteada en su visión.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=comida vigorizante
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=comida vigorizante
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Comer le toma a la Cazadora 1 turno (las bayas son comidas instantáneamente) y le otorga _1 turno de velocidad_.\n\n_+2:_ Comer le toma a la Cazadora 1 turno (las bayas son comidas instantáneamente) y le otorga _2 turno de velocidad_.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Comer le toma a la Cazadora 1 turno (las bayas son comidas instantáneamente) y le otorga _1 turno de velocidad_.\n\n_+2:_ Comer le toma a la Cazadora 1 turno (las bayas son comidas instantáneamente) y le otorga _2 turno de velocidad_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=Naturaleza restaurada
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=Naturaleza restaurada
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Beber una Poción de curación genera _hasta 5 hierbas_ alrededor de la Cazadora y enraíza a los enemigos adyacente por _2 turnos_.\n\n_+2:_ Beber una Poción de curación genera _hasta 8 hierbas_ alrededor de la Cazadora y enraíza a los enemigos adyacentes por _3 turnos_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Beber una Poción de curación genera _hasta 5 hierbas_ alrededor de la Cazadora y enraíza a los enemigos adyacente por _2 turnos_.\n\n_+2:_ Beber una Poción de curación genera _hasta 8 hierbas_ alrededor de la Cazadora y enraíza a los enemigos adyacentes por _3 turnos_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=Pasos rejuvenecedores
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=Pasos rejuvenecedores
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ Cuando la Cazadora pisa la hierba corta o las brasas, estas se convierten en hierba alta que la Cazadora surca inmediatamente. Tiene un tiempo de recarga de _10 turnos_.\n\n_+2:_ Cuando la Cazadora pisa la hierba corta o las brasas, estas se convierten en hierba alta que la Cazadora surca inmediatamente. Tiene un tiempo de recarga de _5 turnos_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=Sentidos agudizados
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=Sentidos agudizados
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ La Cazadora obtiene la visión mental de cualquier enemigo a _2 casillas de su posición_.\n\n_+2:_ La Cazadora obtiene la visión mental de cualquier enemigo a _3 casillas de su posición_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ La Cazadora obtiene la visión mental de cualquier enemigo a _2 casillas de su posición_.\n\n_+2:_ La Cazadora obtiene la visión mental de cualquier enemigo a _3 casillas de su posición_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=Proyectiles duraderos
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=Proyectiles duraderos
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Las armas arrojadizas duran un _50% más_ cuando son usadas por la Cazadora.\n\n_+2:_ Las armas arrojadizas duran un _75% más_ cuando son usadas por la Cazadora.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Las armas arrojadizas duran un _50% más_ cuando son usadas por la Cazadora.\n\n_+2:_ Las armas arrojadizas duran un _75% más_ cuando son usadas por la Cazadora.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=No puedes irte todavía, ¡el resto de la mazmorra te espera debajo!
actors.hero.hero.leave=No puedes irte todavía, ¡el resto de la mazmorra te espera debajo!
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Una subclase puede ser elegida al
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=El Mago es un experto en varitas y lleva un _bastón mágico único_.\n\nPara desbloquearlo _utiliza un pergamino de mejora para fortalecer un item_.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=El Mago es un experto en varitas y lleva un _bastón mágico único_.\n\nPara desbloquearlo _utiliza un pergamino de mejora para fortalecer un item_.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=El Mago comienza con un _ bastón único _ de proyectiles mágicos. El bastón se recarga significativamente más rápido que una varita y comienza con 1 carga máxima extra.\n\nEl bastón del Mago puede ser imbuido con una varita que el encuentre en la mazmorra. Imbuyendo cambias el efecto del bastón y puede ser usado para transferir algunas mejoras.\n\nEl mago identifica automáticamente:\n- Pergaminos de identificación\n- Pociones de llama líquida\n- Pergaminos de mejora
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=El mago empieza con su bastón como arma cuerpo a cuerpo. El bastón hace menos daño cuerpo a cuerpo que otras armas iniciales.\n\nEl mago puede usar la magia de su bastón para atacar a distancia.\n\nEl mago empieza con un _contenedor de pergaminos,_ que puede almacenar varios pergaminos y protegerlos del fuego.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=El mago empieza con su bastón como arma cuerpo a cuerpo. El bastón hace menos daño cuerpo a cuerpo que otras armas iniciales.\n\nEl mago puede usar la magia de su bastón para atacar a distancia.\n\nEl mago empieza con un _contenedor de pergaminos,_ que puede almacenar varios pergaminos y protegerlos del fuego.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Una subclase puede ser elegida despues de derrotar al 2do jefe. El mago tiene 2 subclases:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Una subclase puede ser elegida despues de derrotar al 2do jefe. El mago tiene 2 subclases:
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=La Cazadora empieza con un par de _g
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Una subclase puede ser elegida al derrotar el 2do jefe. La cazadora tiene 2 subclases:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Una subclase puede ser elegida al derrotar el 2do jefe. La cazadora tiene 2 subclases:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Un ataque exitoso con arma cuerpo a cuerpo permite al _Gladiador_ empezar un combo. Acumular un combo le permite usar habilidades finales únicas.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=El _Frenético_ hace daño extra por el daño que recibe. Cuando tiene su furia al máximo, el se negará a morir por un corto periodo de tiempo, pero quedará exhausto.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Al usar varitas en un enemigo, el _Brujo_ tiene posibilidades de marcar su alma. Enemigos marcados le restaurarán vida y hambre cuando reciban daño físico.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mago de batalla
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mago de batalla
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Cuando pelea con su bastón, el _Mago de batalla_ conjura efectos adicionales dependiendo de la varita con que está imbuido. Su bastón también obtendrá cargas a lo largo del combate.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Cuando pelea con su bastón, el _Mago de batalla_ conjura efectos adicionales dependiendo de la varita con que está imbuido. Su bastón también obtendrá cargas a lo largo del combate.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Mientras está invisible el _Asesino_ prepara un golpe mortal para su próximo ataque. Cuanto más tiempo permanezca invisible, más poderoso será el ataque.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Mientras está invisible el _Asesino_ prepara un golpe mortal para su próximo ataque. Cuanto más tiempo permanezca invisible, más poderoso será el ataque.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=El _Acróbata_ genera impulso mientras corre. El impulso incrementa su velocidad de movimiento y evasión, pero se disipa rápidamente cuando no se está moviendo.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=La _Francotiradora_ es una maestra del combate a distancia. Ella gana más visión y sus ataques a distancia perforan la armadura. Después de golpear con un arma arrojadiza, puede seguir con un ataque especial de su arco.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=La _Guardabosques_ tiene una fuerte conexión con la naturaleza, permitiéndole ver a través de la hierba alta, y ordenar que brote hierba alrededor de las plantas que siembra. Las plantas que pisotea le darán efectos de bonificación, los dardos con punta ganarán 2x más durabilidad y la hierba le dará un incremento de armadura cuando esté en ella.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=Aplastado por el DM-300
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=¡DAÑO CRÍTICO! INTENTANDO APAGA-
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=¡DAÑO CRÍTICO! INTENTANDO APAGA-
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=La DM-300 es la más grande y poderosa 'máquina defensiva' que los enanos alguna vez crearon. Una máquina tan increíble es difícil de manufacturar, así que los enanos sólo construyeron unas pocas para proteger las entradas a su metrópolis subterránea.\n\nEstá equipada con válvulas para expulsar sus desechos tóxicos y un taladro de alto poder que puede usar tanto para atacar como para quebrantar la tierra. El DM-300 también puede conectarse a una red de energía, incrementando por mucho su poder.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=La DM-300 es la más grande y poderosa 'máquina defensiva' que los enanos alguna vez crearon. Una máquina tan increíble es difícil de manufacturar, así que los enanos sólo construyeron unas pocas para proteger las entradas a su metrópolis subterránea.\n\nEstá equipada con válvulas para expulsar sus desechos tóxicos y un taladro de alto poder que puede usar tanto para atacar como para quebrantar la tierra. El DM-300 también puede conectarse a una red de energía, incrementando por mucho su poder.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=El DM-300 se encuentra cargado completamente con energía eléctrica. En esta forma el DM-300 no puede ser dañado ¡y se mueve al doble de velocidad! Adicionalmente, su taladro ahora gira lo suficientemente rápido como para _perforar a través de la roca sólida._ Sin embargo, se mueve mucho más lento cuando hace esto.\n\nAtacar al DM-300 directamente es inútil mientras se encuentra supercargado, pero _algo en el área debe estar proporcionandole esta energía._ Destruir eso puede debilitarlo.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Rocas sueltas caen del techo en este lugar, ¡parece que está a punto de colapsar!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Rocas sueltas caen del techo en este lugar, ¡parece que está a punto de colapsar!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Rey de los Enanos
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Rey de los Enanos
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Aldezkari beso luzeek %25 kalte gehia
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=aldezkari antimagikoa
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=aldezkari antimagikoa
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Aldezkari antimagikoak %25 kalte gutxiago jasotzen dute eta magiak ez die inolako eraginik egiten.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Aldezkari antimagikoak %25 kalte gutxiago jasotzen dute eta magiak ez die inolako eraginik egiten.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=aldezkari erraldoia
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=aldezkari erraldoia
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Aldezkari erraldoiek %75 kalte gutxiago jasotzen dute eta +1 eraso irismen gehiago dute, baina ezin dira leku itxietatik atera.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=bedeinkatutako aldezkaria
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=bedeinkatutako aldezkaria
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Bedeinkatutako aldezkariak %200 zehaztasun eta iheskortasun gehiago dute.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Bedeinkatutako aldezkariak %200 zehaztasun eta iheskortasun gehiago dute.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=aldezkari hazlea
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=aldezkari hazlea
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Izotzera heldu gabe, baina oso hotz.\n\nHozkirri diren b
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d arrakasten segida!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d arrakasten segida!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Eraso irismenean dagoen etsai bat hautatu behar duzu.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Eraso irismenean dagoen etsai bat hautatu behar duzu.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Hautatu biktima bat jipoitzeko\nZorabiatu eta eraisten du
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Jipoia_ eskuragarri dago orain. Eraso honek _etsaia atzera eraisten du eta zorabiatzen ditu,_ baina kalte murriztuagoa eragiten du. Borrokan denbora irabazteko bikaina da.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Hautatu arrailtzeko biktima bat\nHilez gero, segida mantentzen da
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Arraildu_ eskuragarri dago orain. Eraso honek kaltea areagotzen du, eta _etsaia hilez gero, segida mantenduko du leheneratu ordez._ Hainbat arerioen kontra borrokatzean segida eraikitzeko primerakoa da.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Hautatu danbatekoaren biktima\nArmaduraren arabera babestu eta kaltetzen du
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Danbatekoa_ eskuragarri dago orain. Eraso honek _kalte areagotua eragiten du, eta babesa ematen dizu zure armaduraren blokeatze boterearen arabera._ Bikaina da borroka bati amaiera emateko, erresistentzia hurrengora eramateko.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Hautatu biktima bat zanpatzeko\nKalte izugarria eragiten du
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Zanpatzea_ eskuragarri dago orain. Eraso suntsitzaile honek _Kalte izugarria eragiten du erregularki._ Itzela da aurrekari boteretsu baten osasuna behera ekartzeko!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Zein etsaietan deskargatu bortiztasuna?\nHainbat aldiz azkar erasotzen du
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Bortiztasuna_ eskuragarri dago orain. Eraso suntsitzaile honek _zure uneko segidaren kontaketa beste aldiz kolpatzen du,_ kalte murriztuago batekin bada ere. Bortiztasuna sekulakoa da armak sorginkeriaren bat badu, sorginkeria kolpe bakoitzean aktibatuko baita!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladiadoreak bultzada hartzen du ematen duen zartako arrakastatsu bakoitzarekin. Kolpe bakoitzak segida handitzen du batez, baina erasotzeko luzeegi itxaronez gero, edo birritan jarraian kale eginez gero, segidaren zenbatzailea zerora eroriko da.\n\nSegida eraikitzeak akabatzeko gaitasun bereziak azalarazten ditu: Huts egiterik ez duten eraso bortitzak! Akabatzeko eraso desberdinak daude 2, 4, 6, 8 eta 10eko segidatan, eta akabatzeko erasoa erabiltzean segidaren kontaketa zeroan jarriko du.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Ustelkeria izaki baten baitara iragazten da, bere aurreko izatearen aurka irauliz.\n\nUsteldutako gizajoak bere aldekoak erasoko ditu eta lehen etsai zituenak ezikusi. Ustelkeriak kaltea eragiten du ere, eta biktima apurka amore ematera eramango du.\n\nUstelkeria behin betikoa da, bere efektua heriotzarekin besterik ez da bukatzen.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Ustelkeria izaki baten baitara iragazten da, bere aurreko izatearen aurka irauliz.\n\nUsteldutako gizajoak bere aldekoak erasoko ditu eta lehen etsai zituenak ezikusi. Ustelkeriak kaltea eragiten du ere, eta biktima apurka amore ematera eramango du.\n\nUstelkeria behin betikoa da, bere efektua heriotzarekin besterik ez da bukatzen.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Indar magiko batek esna mantentzea eragozten du.\n\nHer
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Lurra txertatua
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Lurra txertatua
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Lurraren boterea txertatuta duzu!\n\nEraso fisiko guztiak etsaiaren oinazpiko lurra mugituko du, denbora labur batez hauek ezinduz.\n\nGeratzen diren lur txertatze txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Lurraren boterea txertatuta duzu!\n\nEraso fisiko guztiak etsaiaren oinazpiko lurra mugituko du, denbora labur batez hauek ezinduz.\n\nGeratzen diren lur txertatze txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Sua txertatua
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Sua txertatua
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Suaren boterea txertatuta duzu!\n\nEraso fisko guztiek arerioak su garretan pizteko aukera dute. Gainera, suak ez du eraginik zugan.\n\nGeratzen diren su txerto txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Suaren boterea txertatuta duzu!\n\nEraso fisko guztiek arerioak su garretan pizteko aukera dute. Gainera, suak ez du eraginik zugan.\n\nGeratzen diren su txerto txandak: %s.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Malapartatua
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Malapartatua izan zara!
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Malapartatua izan zara!
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Arreta galtzea eragiten duen magia iluna, biktima nahastuz.\n\nMalapartatzeak zehaztasuna eta saihesteko gaitasuna %%20 gutxiagotzen du, biktimaren borrokarako eraginkortasuna kaltetuz.\n\nGeratzen diren malapartatze txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Arreta galtzea eragiten duen magia iluna, biktima nahastuz.\n\nMalapartatzeak zehaztasuna eta saihesteko gaitasuna %%20 gutxiagotzen du, biktimaren borrokarako eraginkortasuna kaltetuz.\n\nGeratzen diren malapartatze txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Gosez hiltzen
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Gosez hiltzen
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Gose zara.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Gose zara.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Efektu magiko guztiek zugan eragina galdu dute, ir
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Gogo ikusmena
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Gogo ikusmena
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Nola edo hala pisu honetako izakia ikusi ditzakezu zure gogoan. Zirrara bitxi bat da.\n\nPisu honetako pertsonaia guztiak ikusi ditzakezu gogo ikusmena duzn bitartean. Efektu magikoei dagokiola gogoarekin ikustea inguruan ikustearen berdina da.\n\nGeratzen diren gogo ikusmen txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Nola edo hala pisu honetako izakia ikusi ditzakezu zure gogoan. Zirrara bitxi bat da.\n\nPisu honetako pertsonaia guztiak ikusi ditzakezu gogo ikusmena duzn bitartean. Efektu magikoei dagokiola gogoarekin ikustea inguruan ikustearen berdina da.\n\nGeratzen diren gogo ikusmen txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Mugitu ahala, lasterkariak bultzada hartzen du du, bere abiadura eta saihesteko aukerak areagotuz.\n\nAbiadura gehigarria momentuaren araberakoa da, baina saihesteko aukera armaduraren menpeko ere bada.\n\nLasterkariak saihesteko aukera gehigarria jasoko du armaduraren eskakizunen gainetik duen indar puntu bakoitzeko.\n\nOraingo momentuaren indarra: %% %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Basa kaustikoa
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Basa kaustikoa
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Basa kaustikoak haragia jaten dizu. Garbitu ezazu!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Basa kaustikoak haragia jaten dizu. Garbitu ezazu!
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Orain inaktibo dagoen irudi prismatiko batek ja
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energia uholde batek gurutzatzen zaitu, zure zartak eta makuluak kargatzeko abiadura azkartuz.\n\nTxanda bakoitzean bultzada hau laurden batez areagotuko da, ohiko kargari erantsita.\n\nGeratzen diren birkargatze txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energia uholde batek gurutzatzen zaitu, zure zartak eta makuluak kargatzeko abiadura azkartuz.\n\nTxanda bakoitzean bultzada hau laurden batez areagotuko da, ohiko kargari erantsita.\n\nGeratzen diren birkargatze txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Ezin zara mugitu!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Ezin zara mugitu!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Erroak (magikoak edo naturalak) oinak heltzen dituzte, lurrean eutsiz.\n\nErroek biktima tokian lotzen dute, mugitzea eragotziz, baina beste ekintzei ez diete eragiten.\n\nGeratzen diren erro txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Erroak (magikoak edo naturalak) oinak heltzen dituzte, lurrean eutsiz.\n\nErroek biktima tokian lotzen dute, mugitzea eragotziz, baina beste ekintzei ez diete eragiten.\n\nGeratzen diren erro txandak: %s.
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Itzaletan murgildua
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Itzaletan murgildua
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Inguruko itzalekin bat egin duzu, honek ikusezin bihurtzen zaitu eta zure metabolismoa moteltzen du.\n\nIkusezina zaren bitartean arerioek ezin zaituzte eraso edo jarraitu. Eraso fisikoek eta efektu magikoek (eskuizkribuek eta zartek) ikusezintasuna berehala ezeztatuko dute.\n\nItzalekin bat mantenduko zara itzaletik atera arte edo etsai batek ukitzen zaituen arte.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Inguruko itzalekin bat egin duzu, honek ikusezin bihurtzen zaitu eta zure metabolismoa moteltzen du.\n\nIkusezina zaren bitartean arerioek ezin zaituzte eraso edo jarraitu. Eraso fisikoek eta efektu magikoek (eskuizkribuek eta zartek) ikusezintasuna berehala ezeztatuko dute.\n\nItzalekin bat mantenduko zara itzaletik atera arte edo etsai batek ukitzen zaituen arte.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Sendatze edabe bat edatean guda
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Gudariaren zigilu urratuak _glifo arruntak_ ekarri ditzake armaduratik armadurara, hobekuntza bat dakarren bezala.\n\n_+2:_ Gudariaren zigilu urratuak _glifo arruntak, indartsuak, eta madarikatuak_ ekarri ditzake armaduratik armadurara, hobekuntza bat dakarren bezala.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Gudariaren zigilu urratuak _glifo arruntak_ ekarri ditzake armaduratik armadurara, hobekuntza bat dakarren bezala.\n\n_+2:_ Gudariaren zigilu urratuak _glifo arruntak, indartsuak, eta madarikatuak_ ekarri ditzake armaduratik armadurara, hobekuntza bat dakarren bezala.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=bultzada hilkorra
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=bultzada hilkorra
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=inprobisatutako jaurtigaiak
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=inprobisatutako jaurtigaiak
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=janari indar berritzailea
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=janari indar berritzailea
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=adituaren sena
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=adituaren sena
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Aztiak _3 aldiz azkarrago_ identifikatzen ditu zartak.\n\n_+2:_ Aztiak zartak _erabili ahala_ identifikatzen ditu .
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Aztiak _3 aldiz azkarrago_ identifikatzen ditu zartak.\n\n_+2:_ Aztiak zartak _erabili ahala_ identifikatzen ditu .
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=probatutako hipotesia
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=probatutako hipotesia
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenev
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=janari biziberritzailea
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=janari biziberritzailea
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=hobetze biziberritzailea
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=hobetze biziberritzailea
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Aztiaren makuluak _karga puntu 1_ jasotzen du aztiak hobekuntza eskuizkribu bat erabiltzen duen bakoitzean. Karga mugatik gora jarri dezake.\n\n_+2:_ Aztiaren makuluak _2 karga puntu_ jasotzen ditu aztiak hobekuntza eskuizkribu bat erabiltzen duen bakoitzean. Karga mugatik gora jarri dezake.\n\nTrebezia hau baita agertzen da hobekuntza eskuizkribuetan oinarritutako eskuizkribu edo edabeak erabiltzean.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=zarten zaintza
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=zarten zaintza
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=gordetako anoak
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=gordetako anoak
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Alprojak _kalte puntu gehigarri 1-2_
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=geriza babesleak
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=geriza babesleak
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=janari mistikoa
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=janari mistikoa
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=hobekuntza mistikoa
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=hobekuntza mistikoa
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Alprojaren kapak _karga puntu 1_ jasotzen du hobekuntza eskuizkribu bat erabiltzean, eta karga mugatik gora jarri dezake.\n\n_+2:_ Alprojaren kapak _2 karga puntu_ jasotzen ditu hobekuntza eskuizkribu bat erabiltzean, eta karga mugatik gora jarri dezake.\n\nTrebezia hau baita agertzen da hobekuntza eskuizkribuetan oinarritutako eskuizkribu edo edabeak erabiltzean.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=bilaketa zabala
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=bilaketa zabala
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=urrats isilak
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=urrats isilak
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=alprojaren aurreikuspena
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=alprojaren aurreikuspena
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=naturaren saria
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=naturaren saria
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Ehiztariak _4 baia_ aurkitu ditzake belarretan ziegako hasieran.\n\n_+2:_ Ehiztariak _6 baia_ aurkitu ditzake belarretan ziegako hasieran.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Ehiztariak _4 baia_ aurkitu ditzake belarretan ziegako hasieran.\n\n_+2:_ Ehiztariak _6 baia_ aurkitu ditzake belarretan ziegako hasieran.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=biziraupenaren sena
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=biziraupenaren sena
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Ehiztariak _1,75 aldiz azkarrago_ identifikatzen du ekipamendu guztia.\n\n_+2:_ Ehiztariak _2,5 aldiz azkarrago_ identifikatzen du ekipamendu guztia.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Ehiztariak _1,75 aldiz azkarrago_ identifikatzen du ekipamendu guztia.\n\n_+2:_ Ehiztariak _2,5 aldiz azkarrago_ identifikatzen du ekipamendu guztia.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=ondorengo erasoa
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=ondorengo erasoa
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Ehiztariak arerioa arkuarekin edo arma jaurtigarriarekin jotzean, hurrengo aurrez-aurreko erasoan _2 kalte puntu gehigarri_ eragingo ditu.\n\n_+2:_ Ehiztariak arerioa arkuarekin edo arma jaurtigarriarekin jotzean, hurrengo aurrez-aurreko erasoan _3 kalte puntu gehigarri_ eragingo ditu.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=naturaren laguntza
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=naturaren laguntza
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Ehiztariak 2 azal gogortuaren armadura puntu eskuratzen ditu _4 txandatan_ landare bat bere begi bistan zanpatzen bada.\n\n_+2:_ Ehiztariak 2 azal gogortuaren armadura puntu eskuratzen ditu _6 txandatan_ landare bat bere begi bistan zanpatzen bada.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=janari indartzailea
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=janari indartzailea
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Jateko ehiztariak txanda bat erabiltzen du (baiak berehala jaten dira) eta _lastertze txanda 1_ jasotzen du_.\n\n_+2:_ Jateko ehiztariak txanda bat erabiltzen du (baiak berehala jaten dira) eta _2 lastertze txanda_ jasotzen ditu.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Jateko ehiztariak txanda bat erabiltzen du (baiak berehala jaten dira) eta _lastertze txanda 1_ jasotzen du_.\n\n_+2:_ Jateko ehiztariak txanda bat erabiltzen du (baiak berehala jaten dira) eta _2 lastertze txanda_ jasotzen ditu.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=berrosatutako natura
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=berrosatutako natura
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=heightened senses
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=areagotutako zentzumenak
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=jaurtigai iraunkorrak
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=jaurtigai iraunkorrak
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have _+50% durability_ when used by the Huntress.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have _+75% durability_ when used by the Huntress.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have _+50% durability_ when used by the Huntress.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have _+75% durability_ when used by the Huntress.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=Ezin zara oraindik joan, ziega gehiago duzu zain azpikaldean!
actors.hero.hero.leave=Ezin zara oraindik joan, ziega gehiago duzu zain azpikaldean!
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Bigarren nagusia gainditu eta gero
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Aztia zarten maisua da, eta _makulu magiko bakan_ bat darama.\n\nDesblokeatzeko _erabili hobekuntza eskuizkribu bat elementu bat indartzeko_
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Aztia zarten maisua da, eta _makulu magiko bakan_ bat darama.\n\nDesblokeatzeko _erabili hobekuntza eskuizkribu bat elementu bat indartzeko_
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with and wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Aztia makulu batekin hasten da aurrez aurreko arma gisa. Makuluak beste aurrez aurreko armek baino kalte murriztuagoa eragiten du.\n\nAztiak zartako magia erabili dezake urrunetik erasotzeko.\n\nAztia _Eskuizkribuentzako tutu_ batekin hasten da. bertan eskuizkribuak gorde ditzake eta sutik babestu.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Aztia makulu batekin hasten da aurrez aurreko arma gisa. Makuluak beste aurrez aurreko armek baino kalte murriztuagoa eragiten du.\n\nAztiak zartako magia erabili dezake urrunetik erasotzeko.\n\nAztia _Eskuizkribuentzako tutu_ batekin hasten da. bertan eskuizkribuak gorde ditzake eta sutik babestu.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Bigarren nagusia gainditu eta gero azpiklase bat aukeratu daiteke. Aztiak bi azpiklase ditu:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Bigarren nagusia gainditu eta gero azpiklase bat aukeratu daiteke. Aztiak bi azpiklase ditu:
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Ehiztaria _ tatxetako eskularruekin_
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Bigarren nagusia gainditu eta gero azpiklase bat aukeratu daiteke. Ehiztariak bi azpiklase ditu:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Bigarren nagusia gainditu eta gero azpiklase bat aukeratu daiteke. Ehiztariak bi azpiklase ditu:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Aurrez aurreko arma batekin egindako eraso arrakastatsu batek _Gadiadorea_ ri segida bat hastea ahalbidetzen dio. Segida eraikitzean akabatzeko eraso bakanak erabili ahal izango ditu.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=_Amorratua_ k jasotako kaltearen araberako kalte gehigarria eragiten du. Erabat haserre dagoenean, hiltzeari uko egin ahal dio denbora labur batez, akitzearen truke.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Zartak etsaien aurka erabiltzean, _Belagileak_ beraien arima markatzeko aukera du. Markatutako etsaiek kalte fisikoa jasotzen dutenean belagilea sendatuko dute eta gosea aseko diote.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=gudu aztia
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=gudu aztia
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Bere makuluarekin borrokatzean, _Gudu aztiak_ efektu gehigarriak araokatu ditzake, makuluan txertatutako zartaren arabera. Makuluak karga hartuko du ere borrokan zehar.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Bere makuluarekin borrokatzean, _Gudu aztiak_ efektu gehigarriak araokatu ditzake, makuluan txertatutako zartaren arabera. Makuluak karga hartuko du ere borrokan zehar.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Ikusezina dela _Erailea_ k bere hurrengo erasoaren danbateko hilkorra prestatzen du. Zenbat eta luzeago ikusezin, are boteretsuagoa erasoa.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Ikusezina dela _Erailea_ k bere hurrengo erasoaren danbateko hilkorra prestatzen du. Zenbat eta luzeago ikusezin, are boteretsuagoa erasoa.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=_Lasterkaria_ k bultzada hartzen du korrika egitean. Bultzadak bere mugitzeko eta saihesteko abiadura hobetzen du, baina berehala doa mugitzen ez bada.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=_Zelataria_ urruneko borrokan aditua da. Ikusmen areagotua du, bere urruneko erasoek armadura zulatzen dute. jaurtitzeko arma batekin eman eta gero, bere arkuaren eraso berezi batekin jarraitu dezake.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=Naturaren indarrekin lotura handia izateak _Jagolea_ ri belar altuan zehar ikustea ahalbidetzen dio, eta landaretza ildaskak sor ditzake landare bat hazten duenean. Zapaltzen dituen landareek efektu areagotua egingo diote, bustitako dardoek bikoitza iraungo diote, eta belar artean dagoenean armadura indartzen zaio.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=DM-300ak zanpatua
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KALTE KRITIKOA! ITZALTZEA SAIATZ-
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KALTE KRITIKOA! ITZALTZEA SAIATZ-
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300a ipotxek eraikitako 'babeserako makina' handiena eta boteretsuena da. Makina zoragarri hau ekoizteko zaila zen, eta ipotxek bere lurrazpiko metropoliaren sarrerak babesteko gutxi batzuk besterik ez zituzten egin.\n\nKe zurrutada toxikoak jaurtitzeko haize-bideak dauzka, eta erasorako zein lurra iraultzeko botere askoko zulagailu bat. DM-300a energia sarera konektatu daiteke ere, bere boterea areagotuz.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300a ipotxek eraikitako 'babeserako makina' handiena eta boteretsuena da. Makina zoragarri hau ekoizteko zaila zen, eta ipotxek bere lurrazpiko metropoliaren sarrerak babesteko gutxi batzuk besterik ez zituzten egin.\n\nKe zurrutada toxikoak jaurtitzeko haize-bideak dauzka, eta erasorako zein lurra iraultzeko botere askoko zulagailu bat. DM-300a energia sarera konektatu daiteke ere, bere boterea areagotuz.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300a orain energia elektrikoz erabat kargatuta dago. Forma honetan DM-300a ezin da kaltetu eta abiadura bikoitza du! gainera, bere zulagailua _arroka sendoa zulatzeko_ bezain azkar dabil, hau egitean motelago badabil ere.\n\nGainkargatuta dagoenean DM-300a zuzenean erasotzea zentzugabekeria da, baina _inguruko zer edo zerk ematen dio energia_, hura suntsitzean ahulagoa bihurtuko da.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Arroka askeak hemengo sabaitik erortzen ari dira, eta behera erotzekotan dagoela dirudi!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Arroka askeak hemengo sabaitik erortzen ari dira, eta behera erotzekotan dagoela dirudi!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Ipotxen erregea
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Ipotxen erregea
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Kantavuuden riivaamat viholliset teke
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=vastamagian riivaama
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=vastamagian riivaama
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Vastamagian riivaamat viholliset ottavat 25% vähemmän vahinkoa ja ovat täysin immuuneja maagisille vaikutuksille.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Vastamagian riivaamat viholliset ottavat 25% vähemmän vahinkoa ja ovat täysin immuuneja maagisille vaikutuksille.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=koon riivaama
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=koon riivaama
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Koon riivaamat viholliset ottavat 75% vähemmän vahinkoa ja kantavat hyökkäämään +1 ruudun päähän, mutta eivät pysty liikkumaan ahtaissa tiloissa.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=siunauksen riivaama
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=siunauksen riivaama
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Siunauksen riivaamilla vihollisilla on 200% suurempi osumatarkkuus ja väistökyky.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Siunauksen riivaamilla vihollisilla on 200% suurempi osumatarkkuus ja väistökyky.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=kasvun riivaama
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=kasvun riivaama
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Ei ihan jäässä, mutta silti liian kylmä.\n\nKylmenty
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d:n osuman combo!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d:n osuman combo!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Sinun täytyy kohdistaa hyökkäys kantamalla olevaan viholliseen.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Sinun täytyy kohdistaa hyökkäys kantamalla olevaan viholliseen.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Valitse kohde Kolkattavaksi\nPökerryttää ja heittää taaksepäin.
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Kolkkaus_ on saatavilla. Tämä hyökkäys _iskee vihollisen taaksepäin ja pökerryttää sen,_ mutta tekee vähemmän vahinkoa. Se on erinomainen ajan pelaamiseen taistelun aikana.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Valitse kohde Halkaistavaksi\nJos se tappaa kohteen, combo säilyy
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Halkaisu_ on saatavilla. Tämä hyökkäys tekee korkeampaa vahinkoa ja _jos se tappaa vihollisen, se säilyttää combon sen alusta aloittamisen sijaan_. Se on erinomainen combon kasvattamiseen useita vihollisia vastaan taistellessa.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Valitse kohde Läimäyttääksesi\nSuojelee ja vahingoittaa riippuen panssarista
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Läimäys_ on saatavilla. Tämä hyökkäys tekee _korkeampaa vahinkoa ja antaa suojaa riippuen panssarisi puolustuskyvystä_. Se on erinomainen taistelun lopettamiseen, koska se mahdollistaa kestävyyden säilyttämisen seuraavaan taisteluun.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Valitse kohde Murskattavaksi\nTekee paljon vahinkoa
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Murskaus_ on saatavilla. Tämä tuhoava hyökkäys _tekee massiivista vahinkoa todella tarkasti_. Se on erinomainen voimakkaiden vihollisten elinvoiman nopeaan pudottamiseen!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Mihin viholliseen purat raivosi?\nTekee monta hyökkäystä peräkkäin
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Raivo_ on saatavilla. Tämä tuhoisa hyökkäys _iskee niin monta kertaa kuin senhetkinen combosi on_, vaikkakin heikommalla vahingolla. Raivo on tehokkaampi, jos sinulla on lumottu ase, koska lumous aktivoituu jokaisella osumalla!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladiaattori saa lisää voimaa iskuihinsa osuessaan vihollisiin. Jokainen isku lisää comboa yhdellä, mutta pitämällä hyökkäysten välissä liian pitkän välin tai iskemällä ohi useamman kuin kerran laskee combon nollaan.\n\nCombon saaminen avaa käyttöön erikoislyöntejä, kuten aina osuvia voimakkaita hyökkäyksiä! Erilainen erikoislyönti on saatavilla kahden, neljän, kuuden, kahdeksan ja kymmenen comboilla, ja erikoislyönnin käyttäminen aloittaa combon alusta.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Turmeltuneisuus tihkuu olennon olemukseen, kääntäen sen luontoaan vastaan.\nTurmeltuneet otukset hyökkäävät liittolaisiaan vastaan ja jättävät huomiotta entiset vihollisensa. Turmeltuneisuus aiheuttaa lopulta kohteensa menehtymisen.\nTurmeltuneisuus on lopullista, joten sen vaikutukset loppuvat ainoastaan kuolemaan.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Turmeltuneisuus tihkuu olennon olemukseen, kääntäen sen luontoaan vastaan.\nTurmeltuneet otukset hyökkäävät liittolaisiaan vastaan ja jättävät huomiotta entiset vihollisensa. Turmeltuneisuus aiheuttaa lopulta kohteensa menehtymisen.\nTurmeltuneisuus on lopullista, joten sen vaikutukset loppuvat ainoastaan kuolemaan.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Maaginen voima tekee hereillä olosta vaikeaa.\n\nKova
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Yhtä maan kanssa
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Yhtä maan kanssa
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Olet saanut käyttöösi maan voiman!\n\nKaikki fyysiset hyökkäykset järistävät maata vihollistesi alla, rampauttaen ne hetkeksi.\n\nVuoroja maan voiman ehtymiseen: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Olet saanut käyttöösi maan voiman!\n\nKaikki fyysiset hyökkäykset järistävät maata vihollistesi alla, rampauttaen ne hetkeksi.\n\nVuoroja maan voiman ehtymiseen: %s.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Yhtä tulen kanssa
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Yhtä tulen kanssa
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Olet saanut käyttöösi tulen voiman!\n\nKaikilla fyysisillä hyökkäyksillä on mahdollisuus sytyttää kohde ilmiliekkeihin. Lisäksi olet täysin immuuni tulen haitallisille vaikutuksille.\n\nVuoroja tulen voiman ehtymiseen: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Olet saanut käyttöösi tulen voiman!\n\nKaikilla fyysisillä hyökkäyksillä on mahdollisuus sytyttää kohde ilmiliekkeihin. Lisäksi olet täysin immuuni tulen haitallisille vaikutuksille.\n\nVuoroja tulen voiman ehtymiseen: %s.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Noiduttu
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Sinut on noiduttu!
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Sinut on noiduttu!
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Mustaa magiaa joka huimaa ja tekee keskittymisestä vaikeaa.\n\nNoiduttuna oleminen laskee osumatarkkuutta ja väistökykyä 20%%, tehden vaikutuksen alaisesta heikomman taistelussa.\n\nVuoroja vaikutuksen loppumiseen: %s.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Mustaa magiaa joka huimaa ja tekee keskittymisestä vaikeaa.\n\nNoiduttuna oleminen laskee osumatarkkuutta ja väistökykyä 20%%, tehden vaikutuksen alaisesta heikomman taistelussa.\n\nVuoroja vaikutuksen loppumiseen: %s.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Nälkään nääntyvä
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Nälkään nääntyvä
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Olet nälkäinen.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Olet nälkäinen.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Kaikki maagiset vaikutukset ovat menettäneet otte
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Pystyt jotenkin näkemään kaikki tämän tason olennot mielesi kautta. Se on omituinen tunne.\n\nKaikki hahmot tällä tasolla ovat näkyviä sinulle niin kauan kuin mielinäköä kestää. Olennon näkeminen mielesi kautta lasketaan samaksi kuin sen näkemiseksi suoraan, joten maagiset voimat, kuten kääröt, vaikuttavat siihen.\n\nVuoroja mielinäön loppumiseen: %s.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Pystyt jotenkin näkemään kaikki tämän tason olennot mielesi kautta. Se on omituinen tunne.\n\nKaikki hahmot tällä tasolla ovat näkyviä sinulle niin kauan kuin mielinäköä kestää. Olennon näkeminen mielesi kautta lasketaan samaksi kuin sen näkemiseksi suoraan, joten maagiset voimat, kuten kääröt, vaikuttavat siihen.\n\nVuoroja mielinäön loppumiseen: %s.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Liikkuessaan juoksija kasvattaa liikevoimaansa, lisäten nopeuttaan ja väistökykyään.\n\nTämä lisänopeus perustuu täysin liikevoimaan, mutta ylimääräiseen väistökykyyn vaikuttaa myös panssari.\n\nJuoksija saa lisää väistökykyä liikevoimasta jokaista panssarin vahvuusvaatimuksen ylittävää vahvuuspistettä kohden.\n\nTämänhetkinen liikevoima: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Syövyttävä mönjä
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Syövyttävä mönjä
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Syövyttävä mönjä syö lihaasi! Pese se pois!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Syövyttävä mönjä syö lihaasi! Pese se pois!
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Tällä hetkellä piilossa oleva prismaattinen
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energia virtaa lävitsesi, ladaten sauvojasi nopeammin.\n\nLatautuminen kasvattaa sauvojesi latautumisnopeutta 25 prosentilla.\n\nVuoroja latautumisen loppumiseen: %s.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energia virtaa lävitsesi, ladaten sauvojasi nopeammin.\n\nLatautuminen kasvattaa sauvojesi latautumisnopeutta 25 prosentilla.\n\nVuoroja latautumisen loppumiseen: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Et voi liikkua!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Et voi liikkua!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Juuret (maagiset tai luonnolliset) pakottavat kohteen jalat maata vasten.\n\nJuuret lukitsevat kohteen paikalleen, tehden liikkumisesta mahdotonta. Juurilla ei ole vaikutusta liikkumisen lisäksi muihin toimintoihin.\n\nVuoroja juurtuneena jäljellä: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Juuret (maagiset tai luonnolliset) pakottavat kohteen jalat maata vasten.\n\nJuuret lukitsevat kohteen paikalleen, tehden liikkumisesta mahdotonta. Juurilla ei ole vaikutusta liikkumisen lisäksi muihin toimintoihin.\n\nVuoroja juurtuneena jäljellä: %s.
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Sulautunut varjoihin
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Sulautunut varjoihin
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Olet sulautunut ympäröiviin varjoihin, jotka tekevät sinusta näkymättömän ja hidastavat aineenvaihduntaasi.\n\nViholliset eivät pysty hyökkäämään sinua vastaan tai seuraamaan sinua ollessasi näkymätön. Suurin osa fyysistä hyökkäyksistä ja taikavaikutuksista (kuten kääröt ja sauvat) peruvat näkymättömyyden välittömästi. Et myöskään tule nälkäiseksi yhtä nopeasti ollessasi sulautunut varjoihin.\n\nPysyt sulautuneena varjoihin niin kauan kuin pysyt varjoissa tai kunnes vihollinen tulee lähellesi.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Olet sulautunut ympäröiviin varjoihin, jotka tekevät sinusta näkymättömän ja hidastavat aineenvaihduntaasi.\n\nViholliset eivät pysty hyökkäämään sinua vastaan tai seuraamaan sinua ollessasi näkymätön. Suurin osa fyysistä hyökkäyksistä ja taikavaikutuksista (kuten kääröt ja sauvat) peruvat näkymättömyyden välittömästi. Et myöskään tule nälkäiseksi yhtä nopeasti ollessasi sulautunut varjoihin.\n\nPysyt sulautuneena varjoihin niin kauan kuin pysyt varjoissa tai kunnes vihollinen tulee lähellesi.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Elinvoiman taikajuoman juominen
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Soturin murtunut sinetti voi siirtää _tavalliset glyyfit_ samaan tapaan kuin parannukset.\n\n_+2:_ Soturin murtunut sinetti voi siirtää _tavalliset, voimakkaat ja kirotut glyyfit_ samaan tapaan kuin parannukset.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Soturin murtunut sinetti voi siirtää _tavalliset glyyfit_ samaan tapaan kuin parannukset.\n\n_+2:_ Soturin murtunut sinetti voi siirtää _tavalliset, voimakkaat ja kirotut glyyfit_ samaan tapaan kuin parannukset.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=tappava liikevoima
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=tappava liikevoima
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ Tappavalla iskulla on _67% mahdollisuus_ olla kuluttamatta aikaa soturin tappaessa vihollisen\n\n_+2:_ Tappavalla iskulla on _100% mahdollisuus_ olla kuluttamatta aikaa soturin tappaessa vihollisen.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=tyrmäävä heitto
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=tyrmäävä heitto
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Soturi voi sokaista vihollisen _kahden vuoron ajaksi_ heittämällä sitä millä tahansa esineellä paitsi heittoaseella. Taidon latautuminen kestää 30 vuoroa.\n\n_+2:_ Soturi voi sokaista vihollisen _kolmen vuoron ajaksi_ heittämällä sitä millä tahansa esineellä paitsi heittoaseella. Taidon latautuminen kestää 30 vuoroa.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Soturi voi sokaista vihollisen _kahden vuoron ajaksi_ heittämällä sitä millä tahansa esineellä paitsi heittoaseella. Taidon latautuminen kestää 30 vuoroa.\n\n_+2:_ Soturi voi sokaista vihollisen _kolmen vuoron ajaksi_ heittämällä sitä millä tahansa esineellä paitsi heittoaseella. Taidon latautuminen kestää 30 vuoroa.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=voimauttava ateria
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=voimauttava ateria
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Ruuan syöminen antaa seuraaville kolmelle sauvalla ammutulle loitsulle _2 ylimääräistä vahinkoa_.\n\n_+2:_ Ruuan syöminen antaa seuraaville kolmelle sauvalla ammutulle loitsulle _3 ylimääräistä vahinkoa_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=oppineen vaisto
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=oppineen vaisto
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Maagi tunnistaa sauvat _kolme kertaa nopeammin_.\n\n_+2:_ Maagi tunnistaa sauvat _loitsiessaan niillä kerran_.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Maagi tunnistaa sauvat _kolme kertaa nopeammin_.\n\n_+2:_ Maagi tunnistaa sauvat _loitsiessaan niillä kerran_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=koeteltu hypoteesi
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=koeteltu hypoteesi
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ Maagi saa _neljä suojausta_ joka k
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=lataava ateria
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=lataava ateria
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Ruuan syöminen vie maagilta yhden vuoron ja antaa _viisi vuoroa sauvojen latautumista_.\n\n_+2:_ Ruuan syöminen vie maagilta yhden vuoron ja antaa _kahdeksan vuoroa sauvojen latautumista_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Ruuan syöminen vie maagilta yhden vuoron ja antaa _viisi vuoroa sauvojen latautumista_.\n\n_+2:_ Ruuan syöminen vie maagilta yhden vuoron ja antaa _kahdeksan vuoroa sauvojen latautumista_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=lataava parannus
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=lataava parannus
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Parannuksen käärön lukeminen lataa välittömästi maagin sauvaan _yhden latauksen_, joka voi latautua sauvan latausten enimmäismäärän yli.\n\n_+2:_ Parannuksen käärön lukeminen lataa välittömästi maagin sauvaan _kaksi latausta_, joka voivat latautua sauvan latausten enimmäismäärän yli.\n\nTämä taito aktivoituu myös parannuksen kääröön perustuvien kääröjen ja loitsujen lukemisesta.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=sauvojen säilyminen
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=sauvojen säilyminen
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Vanhalla sauvalla on _67% todennäköisyys_ säilyä ja muuttua perustasoiseksi sauvaksi maagin yhdistäessä uuden sauvan omaan sauvaansa.\n\n_+1:_ Vanhalla sauvalla on _100% todennäköisyys_ säilyä ja muuttua perustasoiseksi sauvaksi maagin yhdistäessä uuden sauvan omaan sauvaansa.\n\nTämä taito voi säilyttää sauvan enimmillään kolme kertaa.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Vanhalla sauvalla on _67% todennäköisyys_ säilyä ja muuttua perustasoiseksi sauvaksi maagin yhdistäessä uuden sauvan omaan sauvaansa.\n\n_+1:_ Vanhalla sauvalla on _100% todennäköisyys_ säilyä ja muuttua perustasoiseksi sauvaksi maagin yhdistäessä uuden sauvan omaan sauvaansa.\n\nTämä taito voi säilyttää sauvan enimmillään kolme kertaa.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Maagi saa mielinäön _10 vuoron ajaksi_ kohteeseensa ampuessaan sitä sauvalla.\n\n_+2:_ Maagi saa mielinäön _15 vuoron ajaksi_ kohteeseensa ampuessaan sitä sauvalla.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Maagi saa mielinäön _10 vuoron ajaksi_ kohteeseensa ampuessaan sitä sauvalla.\n\n_+2:_ Maagi saa mielinäön _15 vuoron ajaksi_ kohteeseensa ampuessaan sitä sauvalla.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ Maagi voi ampua itseään sauvalla muuntaakseen sen lataukset suojaukseksi, jonka määrä on _5% enimmäiselinvoimasta latausta kohden_.\n\n_+1:_ Maagi voi ampua itseään sauvalla muuntaakseen sen lataukset suojaukseksi, jonka määrä on _7,5% enimmäiselinvoimasta latausta kohden_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ Roisto voi löytää _neljä pientä ruoka-annosta_ arkuista tutkiessaan luolaston ensimmäisiä tasoja.\n\n_+2:_ Roisto voi löytää _kuusi pientä ruoka-annosta_ arkuista tutkiessaan luolaston ensimmäisiä tasoja.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ Roisto voi löytää _neljä pientä ruoka-annosta_ arkuista tutkiessaan luolaston ensimmäisiä tasoja.\n\n_+2:_ Roisto voi löytää _kuusi pientä ruoka-annosta_ arkuista tutkiessaan luolaston ensimmäisiä tasoja.
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Roisto tekee _1-2 ylimääräistä va
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=suojaisat varjot
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=suojaisat varjot
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Roisto saa pisteen suojausta _joka toinen vuoro_ käyttäessään viittaansa. Suojausta voi kertyä _enimmillään kolmen pisteen verran_.\n\n_+2:_ Roisto saa pisteen suojausta _joka vuoro_ käyttäessään viittaansa. Suojausta voi kertyä _enimmillään viiden pisteen verran_.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Roisto saa pisteen suojausta _joka toinen vuoro_ käyttäessään viittaansa. Suojausta voi kertyä _enimmillään kolmen pisteen verran_.\n\n_+2:_ Roisto saa pisteen suojausta _joka vuoro_ käyttäessään viittaansa. Suojausta voi kertyä _enimmillään viiden pisteen verran_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystinen ateria
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystinen ateria
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Ruuan syöminen vie roistolta yhden vuoron ja antaa _kolme vuoroa artefaktien latautumista_.\n\n_+2:_ Ruuan syöminen vie roistolta yhden vuoron ja antaa _viisi vuoroa artefaktien latautumista_.\n\nTätä taitoa ei voi käyttää runsaudensarven lataamiseen.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystinen parannus
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystinen parannus
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Parannuksen käärön lukeminen lataa välittömästi roiston viittaan _yhden latauksen_, joka voi latautua viitan tämänhetkisen latausten enimmäismäärän yli.\n\n_+2:_ Parannuksen käärön lukeminen lataa välittömästi roiston viittaan _kaksi latausta_, joka voivat latautua viitan tämänhetkisen latausten enimmäismäärän yli.\n\nTämä taito aktivoituu myös parannuksen kääröön perustuvien kääröjen ja loitsujen lukemisesta.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=laaja tutkiminen
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=laaja tutkiminen
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Roiston tutkimisetäisyys kasvaa 5x5 kokoisesta neliöstä _7x7 kokoiseksi ympyräksi_.\n\n_+2:_ Roiston tutkimisetäisyys kasvaa 5x5 kokoisesta neliöstä _7x7 kokoiseksi neliöksi_.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Roiston tutkimisetäisyys kasvaa 5x5 kokoisesta neliöstä _7x7 kokoiseksi ympyräksi_.\n\n_+2:_ Roiston tutkimisetäisyys kasvaa 5x5 kokoisesta neliöstä _7x7 kokoiseksi neliöksi_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=hiljaiset askeleet
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=hiljaiset askeleet
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Roisto ei herätä nukkuvia vihollisia ollessaan _kolmen tai useamman ruudun päässä niistä_.\n\n_+2:_ Roisto ei herätä nukkuvia vihollisia _paitsi ollessaan niiden viereisessä ruudussa_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Roisto ei herätä nukkuvia vihollisia ollessaan _kolmen tai useamman ruudun päässä niistä_.\n\n_+2:_ Roisto ei herätä nukkuvia vihollisia _paitsi ollessaan niiden viereisessä ruudussa_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=roiston aistit
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=roiston aistit
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Roistolla on ensimmäistä kertaa tasolle saapuessaan _50% mahdollisuus tietää_, että tasolla on piilotettu huone, jos tasolta löytyy sellainen.\n\n_+2:_ Roistolla on ensimmäistä kertaa tasolle saapuessaan _75% mahdollisuus tietää_, että tasolla on piilotettu huone, jos tasolta löytyy sellainen.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=luonnon antimet
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=luonnon antimet
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Metsästäjä voi löytää _neljä marjaa_ korkean ruohon seasta tutkiessaan luolaston ensimmäisiä tasoja.\n\n_+2:_ Metsästäjä voi löytää _kuusi marjaa_ korkean ruohon seasta tutkiessaan luolaston ensimmäisiä tasoja.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Metsästäjä voi löytää _neljä marjaa_ korkean ruohon seasta tutkiessaan luolaston ensimmäisiä tasoja.\n\n_+2:_ Metsästäjä voi löytää _kuusi marjaa_ korkean ruohon seasta tutkiessaan luolaston ensimmäisiä tasoja.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=selviytyjän vaisto
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=selviytyjän vaisto
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Metsästäjä tunnistaa kaikki varusteet _1,75 kertaa nopeammin_.\n\n_+2:_ Metsästäjä tunnistaa kaikki varusteet _2,5 kertaa nopeammin_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Metsästäjä tunnistaa kaikki varusteet _1,75 kertaa nopeammin_.\n\n_+2:_ Metsästäjä tunnistaa kaikki varusteet _2,5 kertaa nopeammin_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=taiston huuma
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=taiston huuma
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Metsästäjän seuraava lyönti tämän jousella tai heittoaseella haavoitettua vihollista vastaan tekee _kaksi ylimääräistä vahinkoa_.\n\n_+2:_ Metsästäjän seuraava lyönti tämän jousella tai heittoaseella haavoitettua vihollista vastaan tekee _kolme ylimääräistä vahinkoa_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=luonnon liittolainen
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=luonnon liittolainen
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Metsästäjä saa kaksi kaarna-ihon suojauspistettä _neljän vuoron ajaksi_ kasvin tullessa tallotuksi tämän näkökentässä.\n\n_+2:_ Metsästäjä saa kaksi kaarna-ihon suojauspistettä _kuuden vuoron ajaksi_ kasvin tullessa tallotuksi tämän näkökentässä.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=virkistävä ateria
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=virkistävä ateria
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Ruuan syöminen vie metsästäjältä yhden vuoron (marjat syödään välittömästi) ja antaa _yhden vuoron kiirettä_.\n\n_+2:_ Ruuan syöminen vie metsästäjältä yhden vuoron (marjat syödään välittömästi) ja antaa _kaksi vuoroa kiirettä_.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Ruuan syöminen vie metsästäjältä yhden vuoron (marjat syödään välittömästi) ja antaa _yhden vuoron kiirettä_.\n\n_+2:_ Ruuan syöminen vie metsästäjältä yhden vuoron (marjat syödään välittömästi) ja antaa _kaksi vuoroa kiirettä_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=elinvoimainen luonto
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=elinvoimainen luonto
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Elinvoiman taikajuoman juominen kasvattaa _ruohoa enintään viiteen ruutuun_ metsästäjän ympärillä ja juurruttaa metsästäjän viereiset viholliset _kahden vuroron ajaksi_.\n\n_+2:_ Elinvoiman taikajuoman juominen kasvattaa _ruohoa enintään kahdeksaan ruutuun_ metsästäjän ympärillä ja juurruttaa metsästäjän viereiset viholliset _kolmen vuroron ajaksi_.\n\nTämä taito aktivoituu myös muiden elinvoiman taikajuomaan perustuvien juomien ja eliksiirien juomisesta.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Elinvoiman taikajuoman juominen kasvattaa _ruohoa enintään viiteen ruutuun_ metsästäjän ympärillä ja juurruttaa metsästäjän viereiset viholliset _kahden vuroron ajaksi_.\n\n_+2:_ Elinvoiman taikajuoman juominen kasvattaa _ruohoa enintään kahdeksaan ruutuun_ metsästäjän ympärillä ja juurruttaa metsästäjän viereiset viholliset _kolmen vuroron ajaksi_.\n\nTämä taito aktivoituu myös muiden elinvoiman taikajuomaan perustuvien juomien ja eliksiirien juomisesta.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=luonnon askeleet
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=luonnon askeleet
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ Metsästäjän kävellessä lyhyen ruohon tai kekäleiden päältä ne kasvavat korkeaksi ruohoksi, jonka metsästäjä tallaa välittömästi. Taidon latautuminen kestää _kymmenen vuoron verran_.\n\n_+2:_ Metsästäjän kävellessä lyhyen ruohon tai kekäleiden päältä ne kasvavat korkeaksi ruohoksi, jonka metsästäjä tallaa välittömästi. Taidon latautuminen kestää _viiden vuoron verran_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=herkistyneet aistit
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=herkistyneet aistit
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Metsästäjä näkee mielessään kaikki hänestä _kahden ruudun päässä olevat viholliset_.\n\n_+2:_ Metsästäjä näkee mielessään kaikki hänestä _kolmen ruudun päässä olevat viholliset_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Metsästäjä näkee mielessään kaikki hänestä _kahden ruudun päässä olevat viholliset_.\n\n_+2:_ Metsästäjä näkee mielessään kaikki hänestä _kolmen ruudun päässä olevat viholliset_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=kestävät heittoaseet
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=kestävät heittoaseet
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Metsästäjän käyttämät heittoaseet ovat _+50% kestävämpiä_.\n\n_+2: Metsästäjän käyttämät heittoaseet ovat _+75% kestävämpiä_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Metsästäjän käyttämät heittoaseet ovat _+50% kestävämpiä_.\n\n_+2: Metsästäjän käyttämät heittoaseet ovat _+75% kestävämpiä_.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=Et voi vielä lähteä, luolasto allasi odottaa!
actors.hero.hero.leave=Et voi vielä lähteä, luolasto allasi odottaa!
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Hahmon alaluokka voidaan valita to
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Maagi on asiantuntija taikasauvojen käytössä ja kantaa mukanaan _ainutlaatuista sauvaa_.\n\n_Käytä parannuksen kääröä esineen parantamiseen_ avataksesi maagin.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Maagi on asiantuntija taikasauvojen käytössä ja kantaa mukanaan _ainutlaatuista sauvaa_.\n\n_Käytä parannuksen kääröä esineen parantamiseen_ avataksesi maagin.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=Maagilla on _ainutlaatuinen maagisen ammuksen sauva_. Maagin sauva latautuu muita sauvoja nopeammin, ja siinä on yksi enimmäislataus enemmän.\n\nMaagin sauva voidaan yhdistää luolastosta löytyviin sauvoihin. Yhdistäminen muuttaa sauvan vaikutusta ja sitä voidaan käyttää parannusten siirtämiseen.\n\nMaagi tunnistaa:\n- Tunnistuksen kääröt\n- Nestemäisen tulen taikajuomat\n- Parannuksen kääröt
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Maagi aloittaa lyömäaseenaan sauvansa. Sauva tekee vähemmän lyömävahinkoa kuin muut aloitusaseet. \n\nMaagi voi käyttää sauvansa taikaa hyökätäkseen etäältä. \n\nMaagi saa alussa _käärösäiliön_, joka suojaa siellä säilytettyjä kääröjä tulelta.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Maagi aloittaa lyömäaseenaan sauvansa. Sauva tekee vähemmän lyömävahinkoa kuin muut aloitusaseet. \n\nMaagi voi käyttää sauvansa taikaa hyökätäkseen etäältä. \n\nMaagi saa alussa _käärösäiliön_, joka suojaa siellä säilytettyjä kääröjä tulelta.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Hahmon alaluokka voidaan valita toisen päävastuksen kukistamisen jälkeen. Maagilla on kaksi alaluokkaa:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Hahmon alaluokka voidaan valita toisen päävastuksen kukistamisen jälkeen. Maagilla on kaksi alaluokkaa:
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Metsästäjä aloittaa aseenaan _nas
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Hahmon alaluokka voidaan valita toisen päävastuksen kukistamisen jälkeen. Metsästäjällä on kaksi alaluokkaa:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Hahmon alaluokka voidaan valita toisen päävastuksen kukistamisen jälkeen. Metsästäjällä on kaksi alaluokkaa:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Onnistunuessaan lähiaseella suoritetussa hyökkäyksessä _gladiaattori_ aloitaa combon. Combon kasvattaminen antaa tälle käyttöön uniikkeja erikoisiskuja.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=_Raivopää_ tekee ylimääräistä vahinkoa riippuen otetusta vahingosta. Täysin raivostuneena hän voi kieltäytyä kuolemasta lyhyeksi aikaa uupumuksen hinnalla.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Käyttäessään sauvoja vihollisiaan vastaan _velholla_ on mahdollisuus merkitä vastustajansa sielu. Merkityt viholliset palauttavat Velholle elinvoimaa ja tyydyttävät hänen nälkäänsä vahingoittuessaan fyysisesti.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Taistellessaan sauvallaan _taistelumaagi_ loitsii ylimääräisiä vaikutuksia riippuen sauvasta, jonka kanssa hänen oma sauvansa on yhdistetty. Lisäksi hänen sauvansa latautuu taistelussa.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Taistellessaan sauvallaan _taistelumaagi_ loitsii ylimääräisiä vaikutuksia riippuen sauvasta, jonka kanssa hänen oma sauvansa on yhdistetty. Lisäksi hänen sauvansa latautuu taistelussa.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Näkymättömänä ollessaan _salamurhaaja_ valmistelee seuraavasta iskustaan tappavampaa. Mitä pidempään hän on ollut näkymättömänä, sitä voimakkaampi iskusta tulee.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Näkymättömänä ollessaan _salamurhaaja_ valmistelee seuraavasta iskustaan tappavampaa. Mitä pidempään hän on ollut näkymättömänä, sitä voimakkaampi iskusta tulee.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=_Juoksija_ kerryttää liikevoimaa juostessaan. Liikevoima kasvattaa hänen nopeuttaan ja väistökykyään, mutta hiipuu nopeasti pysähdyksissä ollessa.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=_Tarkka-ampuja_ on pitkän matkan taistelun mestari. Hänen näkökenttänsä on laajempi ja pitkän matkan hyökkäykset läpäisevät vihollisten suojaukset. Osuttuaan heittoaseella viholliseen hän voi käyttää joustaan erikoishyökkäyksen tekemiseen.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=_Vartijan_ vahva side luontoon mahdollistaa näkemisen korkean ruohon läpi ja uuden ruohon kasvamisen hänen kasvattamiensa kasvien ympärille. Tallotut kasvit myös antavat ylimääräisiä vaikutuksia, kastetut nuolet ovat kaksi kertaa kestävämpiä ja ruohossa seisominen kasvattaa suojausta.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=DM-300:n murskaama
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KRIITTINEN HÄIRIÖ! YRITETÄÄN SAMMUT-
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KRIITTINEN HÄIRIÖ! YRITETÄÄN SAMMUT-
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 on suurin ja voimakkain kääpiöiden rakentamista puolustuskoneista. Näin edistyneiden koneiden rakentaminen on hankalaa, joten kääpiöt rakensivat vain muutamia vartioimaan sisäänkäyntejä maanalaiseen kaupunkiinsa.\n\nSe on varustettu myrkyllisten pakokaasujensa vapauttamiseen tarkoitetulla putkilla ja korkeatehoisella poralla, jota se voi käyttää sekä hyökkäämiseen että maan kaivamiseen. DM-300 voi myös yhdistää itsensä mihin tahansa voimaverkkoon kasvattaakseen voimiaan entistä suuremmiksi.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 on suurin ja voimakkain kääpiöiden rakentamista puolustuskoneista. Näin edistyneiden koneiden rakentaminen on hankalaa, joten kääpiöt rakensivat vain muutamia vartioimaan sisäänkäyntejä maanalaiseen kaupunkiinsa.\n\nSe on varustettu myrkyllisten pakokaasujensa vapauttamiseen tarkoitetulla putkilla ja korkeatehoisella poralla, jota se voi käyttää sekä hyökkäämiseen että maan kaivamiseen. DM-300 voi myös yhdistää itsensä mihin tahansa voimaverkkoon kasvattaakseen voimiaan entistä suuremmiksi.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 on latautunut täyteen sähköenergiaa. Tässä tilassa DM-300 on haavoittumaton ja liikkuu kaksinkertaisella nopeudella! Lisäksi sen pora pyörii tarpeeksi nopeasti _kaivaakseen läpi paksustakin kivestä,_ vaikkakin se liikkuukin hitaammin kaivaessaan.\n\nDM-300:n kimppuun käyminen sen ylilatauduttua on täysin turhaa, mutta _jokin tällä alueella varmasti syöttää siihen energiaa_. Energianlähteen tuhoaminen saattaisi heikentää sitä.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Irtonaisia kiviä putoilee katosta tämän ruudun yläpuolella. Se näyttäisi olevan romahtamaisillaan!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Irtonaisia kiviä putoilee katosta tämän ruudun yläpuolella. Se näyttäisi olevan romahtamaisillaan!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Kääpiöiden Kuningas
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Kääpiöiden Kuningas
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Les champions de la projection inflig
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=champion de l'anti-magie
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=champion de l'anti-magie
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Les champions de l'anti-magie reçoivent 25% de dégâts en moins et sont complètement immunisés aux effets magiques.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Les champions de l'anti-magie reçoivent 25% de dégâts en moins et sont complètement immunisés aux effets magiques.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=champion géant
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=champion géant
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Les champions géants reçoivent 75% de dégâts en moins et ont +1 en portée mais ne peuvent pas passer par les espaces clos.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=champion béni
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=champion béni
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Les champions bénis ont un bonus de 200% en précision et en évasion.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Les champions bénis ont un bonus de 200% en précision et en évasion.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=champion en pleine croissance
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=champion en pleine croissance
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Pas encore gelé, mais vraiment très refroidi. \n\nLes
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d coups !
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d coups !
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Vous devez cibler un ennemi dans la portée de votre arme.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Vous devez cibler un ennemi dans la portée de votre arme.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Choisissez une cible à Matraquer \nÉtourdit et repousse
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=Le _Matraquage_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque _étourdit un ennemi et le repousse,_ mais inflige des dégâts réduits. Une attaque idéale pour gagner un peu de temps en combat.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Sélectionnez une cible à Trancher\nSi elle meurt, le combo est préservé
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Trancher_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque inflige des dégâts supplémentaires, et _si la cible est tuée, elle conservera le combo au lieu de le réinitialiser._ C'est idéal pour construire des combos lors de combats contre de nombreux ennemis.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Sélectionnez une cible à Démolir\nProtège et fait des dégâts basés sur l'armure
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=La _Démolition_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque inflige _des dégâts augmentés et vous procure un bouclier proportionnel au pouvoir de blocage de votre armure._ Une attaque idéale pour finir un combat vous permettant de conserver votre endurance pour le prochain combat.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Sélectionnez une cible à Écraser\nInflige beaucoup de dégâts
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=L' _Écrasement_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque dévastatrice _inflige des dégâts considérablement augmentés._ Une attaque idéale pour diminuer rapidement la santé d'un ennemi puissant !
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Décharger votre fureur sur quel ennemi ? \nNombreuses attaques successives
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=La _Fureur_ est maintenant disponible. Cette capacité destructrice _vous permet d'attaquer un nombre de fois égal à votre compteur de combo,_ bien qu'avec des dégâts réduits. La fureur est excellente si vous avez une arme enchantée, l'enchantement se déclenchant à chaque coup !
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Le gladiateur prend un peu plus d'élan à chaque coup porté. Chaque attaque incrémente le compteur de combo, mais un temps trop important entre deux attaques ou deux attaques ratées à la suite remettra ce compteur à 0.\n\nAugmenter le compteur de combo débloque des coups de grâce spéciaux : des attaques puissantes qui ne peuvent pas rater ! Un coup de grâce différent est disponible à 2, 4, 6, 8 et 10 points de combo. Utiliser un coup de grâce réinitialisera le combo.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corruption pénètre l'essence même d'un être, modifiant sa nature profonde.\n\nLes créatures corrompues attaqueront leurs alliés et ignoreront leurs anciens ennemis. La corruption est aussi néfaste pour la cible et entraînera lentement sa mort.\n\nLa corruption est permanente, ses effets cesseront avec la mort.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corruption pénètre l'essence même d'un être, modifiant sa nature profonde.\n\nLes créatures corrompues attaqueront leurs alliés et ignoreront leurs anciens ennemis. La corruption est aussi néfaste pour la cible et entraînera lentement sa mort.\n\nLa corruption est permanente, ses effets cesseront avec la mort.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Une force magique vous pousse à dormir.\n\nLe héros p
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imprégné par la Terre.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imprégné par la Terre.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Vous êtes habité par la puissance de la terre !\n\nToutes les attaques physiques vont déplacer la terre sous les ennemis, les paralysant pour un court laps de temps.\n\nTours de puissance terrestre restants : %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Vous êtes habité par la puissance de la terre !\n\nToutes les attaques physiques vont déplacer la terre sous les ennemis, les paralysant pour un court laps de temps.\n\nTours de puissance terrestre restants : %s.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imprégné par le Feu
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imprégné par le Feu
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Vous êtes habité par la puissance du feu !\n\nVos attaques physiques ont une chance d'enflammer vos ennemis. De plus, vous êtes complètement immunisé aux effets du feu.\n\nTours de puissance de feu restants : %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Vous êtes habité par la puissance du feu !\n\nVos attaques physiques ont une chance d'enflammer vos ennemis. De plus, vous êtes complètement immunisé aux effets du feu.\n\nTours de puissance de feu restants : %s.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Maudit
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Vous avez été maudit !
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Vous avez été maudit !
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Magie noire détruisant l'acuité, rendant ainsi la cible désorientée.\n\nLa malédiction réduit la précision et l'esquive de 20%%, rendant la cible plus vulnérable en combat.\n\nTours de malédiction restants :%s.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Magie noire détruisant l'acuité, rendant ainsi la cible désorientée.\n\nLa malédiction réduit la précision et l'esquive de 20%%, rendant la cible plus vulnérable en combat.\n\nTours de malédiction restants :%s.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Vous avez faim.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Vous avez faim.
@ -201,7 +203,7 @@ actors.buffs.levitation.name=En lévitation
actors.buffs.levitation.desc=Une force magique vous fait léviter au-dessus du sol, vous faisant vous sentir léger comme l'air. \n\nTant que vous lévitez, vous ignorez tous les effets du sol. Les pièges ne se déclenchent plus, l'eau n'éteint plus le feu, les plantes ne sont pas piétinées, les racines ne vous atteignent pas et vous flottez au dessus des gouffres. Attention, tous ces effets reviendront à l'instant où la lévitation cessera !\n\nTours de lévitation restants : %s.
actors.buffs.levitation.desc=Une force magique vous fait léviter au-dessus du sol, vous faisant vous sentir léger comme l'air. \n\nTant que vous lévitez, vous ignorez tous les effets du sol. Les pièges ne se déclenchent plus, l'eau n'éteint plus le feu, les plantes ne sont pas piétinées, les racines ne vous atteignent pas et vous flottez au dessus des gouffres. Attention, tous ces effets reviendront à l'instant où la lévitation cessera !\n\nTours de lévitation restants : %s.
actors.buffs.lifelink.name=Lien vital
actors.buffs.lifelink.name=Lien vital
actors.buffs.lifelink.desc=La vitalité de cet individu est reliée à un autre individu proche. Tout dégât qu'il subira sera partagé entre les deux individus.\n\nSi cette créature subira des dégâts, la moitié des dégâts sera infligée à la créature reliée à la cible.\n\nTours de lien de vie restants : %s, ou jusqu'à ce qu'une des créatures meurt.
actors.buffs.lifelink.desc=La vitalité de cet individu est reliée à un autre individu proche. Tout dégât qu'il subira sera partagé entre les deux individus.\n\nSi cette créature subit des dégâts, la moitié des dégâts sera infligée à la créature reliée à la cible.\n\nTours de lien de vie restants : %s, ou jusqu'à ce qu'une des créatures meurt.
actors.buffs.light.desc=Même dans le donjon le plus sombre, une source de lumière fiable est d'un grand réconfort.\n\nLa lumière repousse les limites de l'obscurité, vous permettant de voir à une distance plus raisonnable.\n\nTours de lumière restants : %s.
actors.buffs.light.desc=Même dans le donjon le plus sombre, une source de lumière fiable est d'un grand réconfort.\n\nLa lumière repousse les limites de l'obscurité, vous permettant de voir à une distance plus raisonnable.\n\nTours de lumière restants : %s.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Tous les effets magiques ont perdu leur emprise su
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Vision spirituelle
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Vision spirituelle
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=D'une manière ou d'une autre vous êtes en mesure de voir chacune des créatures de ce niveau. Quelle étrange sensation.\n\nTous les personnages de ce niveau sont visibles aussi longtemps que dure la vision de l'esprit. Pour les effets magiques, une créature que vous voyez avec la vision de l'esprit compte comme si elle était dans votre champ de vision normal, ou à côté de vous. \n\nTours de vision spirituelle restants : %s.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=D'une manière ou d'une autre vous êtes en mesure de voir chacune des créatures de ce niveau. Quelle étrange sensation.\n\nTous les personnages de ce niveau sont visibles aussi longtemps que dure la vision de l'esprit. Pour les effets magiques, une créature que vous voyez avec la vision de l'esprit compte comme si elle était dans votre champ de vision normal, ou à côté de vous. \n\nTours de vision spirituelle restants : %s.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=En se déplaçant, le traceur prend son élan, ce qui augmente sa vitesse et son esquive.\n\nLe bonus de vitesse est seulement fondé sur son élan, tandis que le bonus d'esquive est aussi fondé sur son armure.\n\nLe traceur gagne de l'esquive en plein élan pour chaque point de force en excès sur son armure.\n\nPuissance d'élan actuel :%d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Vase caustique
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Vase caustique
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=La vase caustique dévore votre chair. Lavez-la !
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=La vase caustique dévore votre chair. Lavez-la !
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Vous êtes gardé par une image prismatique act
actors.buffs.recharging.name=En recharge
actors.buffs.recharging.name=En recharge
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=L'énergie se répand en vous, augmentant la vitesse à laquelle vos baguettes et bâtons se rechargent.\n\nÀ chaque tour, cet effet augmente la charge actuelle d'un quart, en plus de la recharge normale.\n\nTours de recharge restants : %s.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=L'énergie se répand en vous, augmentant la vitesse à laquelle vos baguettes et bâtons se rechargent.\n\nÀ chaque tour, cet effet augmente la charge actuelle d'un quart, en plus de la recharge normale.\n\nTours de recharge restants : %s.
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Vous êtes immobilisé !
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Vous êtes immobilisé !
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Des racines (magiques ou naturelles) s'emparent de vos pieds, les maintenant au sol.\n\nL'enracinement immobilise sa cible à un endroit, l'empêchant de bouger, mais les autres actions ne sont pas affectées.\n\nTours d'enracinement restants : %s.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Des racines (magiques ou naturelles) s'emparent de vos pieds, les maintenant au sol.\n\nL'enracinement immobilise sa cible à un endroit, l'empêchant de bouger, mais les autres actions ne sont pas affectées.\n\nTours d'enracinement restants : %s.
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Camouflé dans l'ombre
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Camouflé dans l'ombre
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Vous vous fondez dans les ombres vous entourant, devenant ainsi invisible et ralentissant votre métabolisme.\n\nTant que vous êtes invisible, les ennemis ne peuvent ni vous suivre ni vous attaquer. La plupart des attaques et effets magiques (comme les parchemins ou les baguettes) annuleront immédiatement l'invisibilité. Tant que vous êtes camouflé dans l'ombre, votre niveau de faim augmente plus lentement.\n\nVous resterez camouflé dans l'ombre jusqu'à ce que vous quittiez les ombres ou qu'un ennemi entre en contact avec vous.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Vous vous fondez dans les ombres vous entourant, devenant ainsi invisible et ralentissant votre métabolisme.\n\nTant que vous êtes invisible, les ennemis ne peuvent ni vous suivre ni vous attaquer. La plupart des attaques et effets magiques (comme les parchemins ou les baguettes) annuleront immédiatement l'invisibilité. Tant que vous êtes camouflé dans l'ombre, votre niveau de faim augmente plus lentement.\n\nVous resterez camouflé dans l'ombre jusqu'à ce que vous quittiez les ombres ou qu'un ennemi entre en contact avec vous.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1 :_ Boire une potion de guérison
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=transfert runique
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=transfert runique
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Le sceau brisé du Guerrier peut transférer des _glyphes ordinaires_ de la même manière qu'il transfère une mise à niveau.\n\n_+2:_ Le sceau brisé du Guerrier peut transférer des _glyphes ordinaires, puissants et mauditss_ de la même manière qu'il transfère une mise à niveau.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Le sceau brisé du Guerrier peut transférer des _glyphes ordinaires_ de la même manière qu'il transfère une mise à niveau.\n\n_+2:_ Le sceau brisé du Guerrier peut transférer des _glyphes ordinaires, puissants et mauditss_ de la même manière qu'il transfère une mise à niveau.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=élan meurtrier
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=élan meurtrier
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1 :_ Quand le guerrier tue un ennemi, le coup fatal a 67% de chance d'être instantané.\n\n_+2 :_ Lorsque le guerrier tue un ennemi, le coup fatal a 100 % de chances d'être instantané.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=projectiles improvisés
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=projectiles improvisés
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1 :_ Le guerrier peut aveugler un ennemi pendant deux tours en lui lançant n'importe quel objet qui n'est pas une arme. Ceci a un temps de recharge de 30 tours.\n\n_+2 :_ Le guerrier peut aveugler un ennemi pendant 3 tours en lui lançant n'importe quel objet qui n'est pas une arme. Il y a un temps de recharge de 30 tours.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1 :_ Le guerrier peut aveugler un ennemi pendant deux tours en lui lançant n'importe quel objet qui n'est pas une arme. Ceci a un temps de recharge de 30 tours.\n\n_+2 :_ Le guerrier peut aveugler un ennemi pendant 3 tours en lui lançant n'importe quel objet qui n'est pas une arme. Il y a un temps de recharge de 30 tours.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=repas amélioré
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=repas amélioré
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1 :_ Manger donne au mage un _bonus de dommages de 2_ sur ses 3 prochains coups de baguette magique.\n\n_+2 :_ Manger donne au mage un_bonus de dommages de 3_ sur ses 3 prochains coups de baguette magique.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuition de l'érudit
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuition de l'érudit
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1 :_ Le Mage identifie les baguettes _3x plus rapidement_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Mage identifie les baguettes _lorsqu'il les utilise_.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1 :_ Le Mage identifie les baguettes _3x plus rapidement_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Mage identifie les baguettes _lorsqu'il les utilise_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=hypothèse testée
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=hypothèse testée
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1 :_ Le Mage gagne _4 blindages_ chaque
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=repas énergisant
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=repas énergisant
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Manger prend un tour au Mage et lui accorde _5 tours de rechargement de baguette_.\n\n_+2:_ Manger prend un tour au Mage et lui accorde _8 tours de rechargement de baguette_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Manger prend un tour au Mage et lui accorde _5 tours de rechargement de baguette_.\n\n_+2:_ Manger prend un tour au Mage et lui accorde _8 tours de rechargement de baguette_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=mise à niveau énergisante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=mise à niveau énergisante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1 :_ Utiliser un parchemin de mise à niveau recharge instantanément le bâton du Mage d'_1 charge_, pouvant permettre de dépasser le plafond de charge actuel.\n\n_+2 :_ Utiliser un parchemin de mise à niveau recharge instantanément le bâton du Mage de _2 charges_, pouvant permettre de dépasser le plafond de charge actuel.\n\nCe talent se déclenche également lors de l'utilisation de parchemins ou de sorts basés sur des parchemins de mise à niveau.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=préservation de baguette
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=préservation de baguette
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1 :_ Lorsque le Mage imprègne une nouvelle baguette dans son bâton, l'ancienne a 67% de chances d'être restituée à +0.\n\n_+2 :_ Lorsque le mage imprègne une nouvelle baguette dans son bâton, l'ancienne a 100 % de chances de restituée à +0.\n\nCe talent peut préserver une baguette jusqu'à trois fois.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1 :_ Lorsque le Mage imprègne une nouvelle baguette dans son bâton, l'ancienne a 67% de chances d'être restituée à +0.\n\n_+2 :_ Lorsque le mage imprègne une nouvelle baguette dans son bâton, l'ancienne a 100 % de chances de restituée à +0.\n\nCe talent peut préserver une baguette jusqu'à trois fois.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=vision des arcanes
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=vision des arcanes
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1 :_ Quand le Mage touche un ennemi avec sa baguette, il obtient une vision mentale sur lui pendant _10 tours_.\n\n_+2 :_ Quand le Mage touche un ennemi avec sa baguette, il obtient une vision mentale sur lui pendant _15 tours_.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1 :_ Quand le Mage touche un ennemi avec sa baguette, il obtient une vision mentale sur lui pendant _10 tours_.\n\n_+2 :_ Quand le Mage touche un ennemi avec sa baguette, il obtient une vision mentale sur lui pendant _15 tours_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=batterie de blindage
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=batterie de blindage
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1 :_ Le mage peut s'auto-cibler avec une baguette pour convertir ses charges en bouclier à un taux de _5% max PV par charge_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le mage peut s'auto-cibler avec une baguette pour convertir ses charges en bouclier à un taux de _7,5 % de PV maximum par charge_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cachettes de rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cachettes de rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1 :_ Le Voleur peut trouver _4 petites rations_ placées dans des coffres pendant qu'il explore les premiers étages du donjon.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Voleur peut trouver _6 petites rations_ placées dans des coffres pendant qu'il explore les premiers étages du donjon.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1 :_ Le Voleur peut trouver _4 petites rations_ placées dans des coffres pendant qu'il explore les premiers étages du donjon.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Voleur peut trouver _6 petites rations_ placées dans des coffres pendant qu'il explore les premiers étages du donjon.
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1 :_ Le Voleur bénéficie de _1-2 bonus
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=ombres protectrices
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=ombres protectrices
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1 :_ Le Voleur gagne un bouclier _à chaque tour_ où sa cape est activée, _avec un maximum de 3_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Voleur gagne un bouclier _à chaque tour_ où sa cape est activée, _avec un maximum de 5_.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1 :_ Le Voleur gagne un bouclier _à chaque tour_ où sa cape est activée, _avec un maximum de 3_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Voleur gagne un bouclier _à chaque tour_ où sa cape est activée, _avec un maximum de 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=repas mystique
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=repas mystique
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1 :_ Manger prend un tour au Voleur et lui accorde _3 tours de recharge d'artefact_.\n\n_+2 :_ Manger prend un tour au Voleur et lui accorde _5 tours de recharge d'artefact_.\n\nCe talent ne peut pas être utilisé pour permettre à la corne d'abondance de se recharger elle-même.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=amélioration mystique
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=amélioration mystique
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1 :_ Utiliser un parchemin de mise à niveau recharge instantanément la cape du Voleur d'_1 charge_, pouvant permettre de dépasser le plafond de charge actuel.\n\n_+2 :_ Utiliser un parchemin de mise à niveau recharge instantanément la cape du Voleur de _2 charges_, pouvant permettre de dépasser le plafond de charge actuel.\n\nCe talent se déclenche également lors de l'utilisation de parchemins ou de sorts basés sur des parchemins de mise à niveau.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=fouille étendue
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=fouille étendue
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1 :_ Le rayon de recherche du Voleur passe d'un carré de 5x5 à un _cercle de 7x7_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le rayon de recherche du Voleur passe d'un carré de 5x5 à un _carré de 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1 :_ Le rayon de recherche du Voleur passe d'un carré de 5x5 à un _cercle de 7x7_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le rayon de recherche du Voleur passe d'un carré de 5x5 à un _carré de 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=pas silencieux
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=pas silencieux
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1 :_ Le Voleur ne réveillera pas les ennemis endormis tant qu'il est à _3 tuiles ou plus d'eux_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Voleur ne réveillera pas les ennemis endormis tant qu'il n'est _pas à côté d'eux_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1 :_ Le Voleur ne réveillera pas les ennemis endormis tant qu'il est à _3 tuiles ou plus d'eux_.\n\n_+2 :_ Le Voleur ne réveillera pas les ennemis endormis tant qu'il n'est _pas à côté d'eux_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=prévoyance du voleur
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=prévoyance du voleur
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1 :_ Lorsqu'il entre pour la première fois dans un niveau avec une pièce secrète, le Voleur a 50 % de chances de remarquer que le niveau contient un secret.\n\n_+2 :_ Lorsqu'il entre pour la première fois dans un niveau avec une pièce secrète, le Voleur a 75 % de chances de remarquer que le niveau contient un secret.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=générosité de la nature
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=générosité de la nature
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1 :_ La Chasseuse peut trouver _4 baies_ cachées dans les hautes herbes alors qu'elle explore les premiers étages du donjon.\n\n_+2 :_ La Chasseuse peut trouver _6 baies_ cachées dans les hautes herbes alors qu'elle explore les premiers étages du donjon.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1 :_ La Chasseuse peut trouver _4 baies_ cachées dans les hautes herbes alors qu'elle explore les premiers étages du donjon.\n\n_+2 :_ La Chasseuse peut trouver _6 baies_ cachées dans les hautes herbes alors qu'elle explore les premiers étages du donjon.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuition du survivaliste
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuition du survivaliste
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1 :_ La Chasseuse identifie tous les équipements _1.75x plus vite_.\n\n_+2 :_ La Chasseuse identifie tous les équipements _2.5x plus vite_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1 :_ La Chasseuse identifie tous les équipements _1.75x plus vite_.\n\n_+2 :_ La Chasseuse identifie tous les équipements _2.5x plus vite_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=coup enchaîné
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=coup enchaîné
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Lorsque la Chasseuse touche un ennemi avec son arc ou une arme de lancer, sa prochaine attaque au corps à corps contre cet ennemi inflige _2 dégâts bonus_.\n\n_+2_ Lorsque la Chasseuse touche un ennemi avec son arc ou une arme de lancer, sa prochaine attaque au corps à corps contre cet ennemi inflige _3 dégâts bonus_
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=aide de la nature
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=aide de la nature
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1 :_ La Chasseuse gagne 2 points d'armure de peau d'écorce pour _4 tours_ lorsqu'une plante est piétinée sous ses yeux.\n\n_+2 :_ La Chasseuse gagne 2 points d'armure de peau d'écorce pour _6 tours_ lorsqu'une plante est piétinée sous ses yeux.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=repas revigorant
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=repas revigorant
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1 :_Manger prend 1 tour (les baies sont mangées instantanément) et confère à la Chasseresse _1 tour de hâte_.\n\n_+2 :_Manger prend 1 tour (les baies sont mangées instantanément) et confère à la Chasseresse _2 tours de hâte_.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1 :_Manger prend 1 tour (les baies sont mangées instantanément) et confère à la Chasseresse _1 tour de hâte_.\n\n_+2 :_Manger prend 1 tour (les baies sont mangées instantanément) et confère à la Chasseresse _2 tours de hâte_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=nature restaurée
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=nature restaurée
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1 :_ Boire une potion de soins fait pousser jusqu'à _5 herbes_ autour de la Chasseuse, et enracine les ennemis adjacents pendant _2 tours_.\n\n_+2 :_ Boire une potion de soins fait pousser jusqu'à _8 herbes_ autour de la Chasseuse, et enracine les ennemis adjacents pendant _3 tours_.\n\nCe talent se déclenche également en buvant des potions ou des élixirs basés sur des potions de soins.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1 :_ Boire une potion de soins fait pousser jusqu'à _5 herbes_ autour de la Chasseuse, et enracine les ennemis adjacents pendant _2 tours_.\n\n_+2 :_ Boire une potion de soins fait pousser jusqu'à _8 herbes_ autour de la Chasseuse, et enracine les ennemis adjacents pendant _3 tours_.\n\nCe talent se déclenche également en buvant des potions ou des élixirs basés sur des potions de soins.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=pas de rajeunissement
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=pas de rajeunissement
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1 :_ Lorsque la chasseuse marche sur de l'herbe courte ou des braises, elles se transforment en herbes hautes que la chasseuse sillonne immédiatement. Le _rechargement prends 10 tours_.\n\n_2 :_Lorsque la chasseuse marche sur de l'herbe courte ou des braises, elles se transforment en herbe haute que la chasseuse sillonne immédiatement. Le _rechargement prends 5 tours_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=sens exacerbés
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=sens exacerbés
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1 :_ La Chasseuse obtient une vision mentale sur tout ennemi se trouvant dans un rayon de _2 tuiles de sa position_.\n\n_+2 :_ La Chasseuse obtient une vision mentale de tout ennemi se trouvant dans un rayon de _3 tuiles de sa position_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1 :_ La Chasseuse obtient une vision mentale sur tout ennemi se trouvant dans un rayon de _2 tuiles de sa position_.\n\n_+2 :_ La Chasseuse obtient une vision mentale de tout ennemi se trouvant dans un rayon de _3 tuiles de sa position_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=projectiles durables
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=projectiles durables
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1 :_ Les armes lancées ont une durabilité de _+50%_ lorsqu'elles sont utilisées par la Chasseuse.\n\n_+2 :_ Les armes lancées ont une durabilité de _+75%_ lorsqu'elles sont utilisées par la Chasseuse.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1 :_ Les armes lancées ont une durabilité de _+50%_ lorsqu'elles sont utilisées par la Chasseuse.\n\n_+2 :_ Les armes lancées ont une durabilité de _+75%_ lorsqu'elles sont utilisées par la Chasseuse.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=Vous ne pouvez pas partir si tôt, le reste du donjon vous attend en dessous !
actors.hero.hero.leave=Vous ne pouvez pas partir si tôt, le reste du donjon vous attend en dessous !
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Le Mage est un expert des baguettes, et possède un _singulier bâton magique._\n\nPour le débloquer, _utilisez un parchemin d'amélioration pour rendre un objet plus fort._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Le Mage est un expert des baguettes, et possède un _singulier bâton magique._\n\nPour le débloquer, _utilisez un parchemin d'amélioration pour rendre un objet plus fort._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=Le Mage commence avec un _bâton_, qu'il peut imprégner des propriétés d'une baguette. Le bâton se recharge beaucoup plus vite qu'une baguette, et possède une charge maximum supplémentaire.\n\nLe bâton du Mage peut être imprégné avec des baguettes qu'il trouve dans le donjon. L'imprégnation modifie l'effet du bâton et peut être utilisée pour transférer certaines améliorations.\n\nLe Mage identifie automatiquement :\n- les Parchemins d'Identification,\n- les Potions de Feu Liquide,\n- les Parchemins d'Amélioration.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Le Mage commence avec son bâton comme arme de mêlée. Le bâton fait moins de dégâts que les autres armes de départ.\n\nLe Mage peut utiliser la magie dans son bâton pour attaquer à distance.\n\nLe Mage commence avec un _étui à parchemins,_ qui peut transporter une variété de parchemins et les protéger du feu.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Le Mage commence avec son bâton comme arme de mêlée. Le bâton fait moins de dégâts que les autres armes de départ.\n\nLe Mage peut utiliser la magie dans son bâton pour attaquer à distance.\n\nLe Mage commence avec un _étui à parchemins,_ qui peut transporter une variété de parchemins et les protéger du feu.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie après avoir vaincu le deuxième boss. Le Mage a deux sous-classes :
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie après avoir vaincu le deuxième boss. Le Mage a deux sous-classes :
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=La Chasseresse commence avec des _ga
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie après avoir vaincu le second boss. La Chasseresse a deux sous-classes :
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie après avoir vaincu le second boss. La Chasseresse a deux sous-classes :
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Chaque attaque réussie avec une arme de mêlée permet au _Gladiateur_ de démarrer un combo. Réaliser un combo lui permet d'achever ses attaques avec un coup spécial unique.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=Le _Berserker_ inflige des dégâts supplémentaires augmentant avec les dégâts subis. Lorsqu'il est pleinement enragé, il peut refuser de mourir pour une courte période, au prix de l'épuisement.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=En utilisant une baguette sur un ennemi, le _Sorcier_ a une chance de marquer son âme. Les ennemis marqués lui redonnent de la santé et diminuent sa faim dès qu'ils subissent des dégâts physiques.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mage de guerre
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mage de guerre
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Quand il se bât avec son bâton, le _Mage de guerre_ applique des effets supplémentaires en fonction de la baguette qui imprègne le bâton. Le bâton gagne également des charges lors du combat.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Quand il se bât avec son bâton, le _Mage de guerre_ applique des effets supplémentaires en fonction de la baguette qui imprègne le bâton. Le bâton gagne également des charges lors du combat.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Quand il est invisible, _l'assassin_ prépare un coup meurtrier pour sa prochaine attaque. Les dégâts de l'attaque sont proportionnels au temps passé invisible.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Quand il est invisible, _l'assassin_ prépare un coup meurtrier pour sa prochaine attaque. Les dégâts de l'attaque sont proportionnels au temps passé invisible.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=Le _Traceur_ gagne de l'élan quand il court. L'élan augmente sa vitesse de déplacement et son esquive, mais disparaît rapidement quand il ne bouge pas.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper=tireur d'élite
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper=tireur d'élite
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=La _Tireuse d'élite_ est la maîtresse des combats à distance. Elle gagne une vision accrue et ses attaques à distance percent les armures. Après avoir touché avec une arme de lancer, elle peut continuer avec une attaque spéciale de son arc.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=La _Gardienne_ a une forte connexion avec la nature qui lui permet de voir à travers les herbes hautes et de refaire pousser de l'herbe autour des plantes qu'elle plante. Les plantes qu'elle écrase lui donne aussi des effets bonus, les fléchettes enduites sont 2x plus durables et l'herbe lui donne une armure lorsqu'elle se trouve dessus.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=Écrasé par le DM-300
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=DÉGATS CRITIQUES ! TENTATIVE DE MISE HORS-TEN...
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=DÉGATS CRITIQUES ! TENTATIVE DE MISE HORS-TEN...
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=Le DM-300 est la plus imposante et la plus puissante machine de défense que les nains ont jamais construite. Une telle machine est compliquée à confectionner, c'est pourquoi les nains en ont seulement fait quelques une pour protéger l'entrée de leur métropole souterraine.\n\nC'est équipé de bouches pour projeter ses émanations toxiques et d'une grosse perceuse qui lui sert aussi bien pour attaquer que pour fendre la terre. Le DM-300 peut aussi se connecter à un réseau d'énergie, ce qui améliore sa puissance.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=Le DM-300 est la plus imposante et la plus puissante machine de défense que les nains ont jamais construite. Une telle machine est compliquée à confectionner, c'est pourquoi les nains en ont seulement fait quelques une pour protéger l'entrée de leur métropole souterraine.\n\nC'est équipé de bouches pour projeter ses émanations toxiques et d'une grosse perceuse qui lui sert aussi bien pour attaquer que pour fendre la terre. Le DM-300 peut aussi se connecter à un réseau d'énergie, ce qui améliore sa puissance.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=Le DM-300 est entièrement chargé d'énergie électrique. Dans cette forme, le DM-300 ne peut pas être endommagé et se déplace deux fois plus vite! Également, sa foreuse tourne assez vite pour _creuser à travers la roche_, mais cette action le ralentit.\n\nAttaquer directement le DM-300 surchargé ne mènera à rien, mais _quelque chose dans la zone doit lui donner cette alimentation_, la détruire devrait l'affaiblir.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Des pierres en équilibre instable commencent à s'effondrer, on dirait que le plafond va s'effondrer !
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Des pierres en équilibre instable commencent à s'effondrer, on dirait que le plafond va s'effondrer !
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Roi des Nains
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Roi des Nains
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=A nyúlánk bajnokok 25%-kal nagyobb
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=mágiaellenes bajnok
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=mágiaellenes bajnok
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=A mágiaellenes bajnokok 25%-kal kevesebbet sérülnek, és teljesen immunisak a varázslatokra.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=A mágiaellenes bajnokok 25%-kal kevesebbet sérülnek, és teljesen immunisak a varázslatokra.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=óriás bajnok
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=óriás bajnok
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Az óriás bajnokok 75%-kal kevesebbet sérülnek és +1 támadási hatókörrel rendelkeznek, de nem férnek el kis helyeken.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=áldott bajnok
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=áldott bajnok
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Az áldott bajnokoknak 200%-kal nagyobb a pontosságuk és a kitérésük.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Az áldott bajnokoknak 200%-kal nagyobb a pontosságuk és a kitérésük.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=erősödő bajnok
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=erősödő bajnok
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Éppen nem fagyás, de nagyon erős hideg.\n\nA megderme
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d ütéses kombó!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d ütéses kombó!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Támadótávolságon belül válassz célpontot!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Támadótávolságon belül válassz célpontot!
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Jelöld ki a kiütés célpontját\nElszédül és hátraesik
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=Lehetőséged van a _kiütésre._ Ez a támadás _hátraveti az ellenséget és elszédíti,_ de kevesebb sebzést okoz. Harc közben kiváló módszer időnyerésre.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Jelöld ki a hasítás célpontját\nHa halálos a csapás, a kombó megmarad
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=Lehetőséged van a _hasításra._ Ez a támadás nagyobb sebzést okoz, és ha _megöli az ellenséget, nem állítja vissza, hanem megőrzi a kombót._ Nagyszerű kombóépítésre, amikor több ellenséggel harcolsz.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Válassz célt a csapáshoz\nA sebzések és a pajzsok a páncéltól függenek
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=Lehetőséged van a _rácsapásra._ Ez a támadás nagyobb sebzést okoz, illetve véd téged a páncélod védelmével arányosan._ Nagyszerű egy csata befejezéséhez, lehetővé téve, hogy tovább vidd az állóképességed a soron következő harcba.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Jelöld ki a szétzúzás célpontját\nKomoly sebzést okoz
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=Lehetőséged van a _szétzúzásra._ A pusztító támadással _óriási sebzésre lehet számítani._ Remek módja az erős ellenségek magas életerejének megcsappantására!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Melyik ellenségre öntöd ki az őrjöngő dühödet?\nGyorsan egymás után támad
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=Lehetőséged van az _őrjöngő düh_ használatára. Ez a pusztító támadás _annyiszor üt, amekkora a jelenlegi kombód,_ bár kisebb sebzést okozva. A tombolás kiváló, ha bűvölt fegyvered van, mivel a bűbáj minden ütésnél aktiválódik!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=A gladiátor a sikeresen bevitt ütésektől még inkább lendületbe jön. Minden támadás növeli a kombó számlálót eggyel, de ha két támadás közt túl sok idő telik el, vagy sorban kétszer melléüt, a kombó számláló visszaáll nullára.\n\nA kombó felépítése felold speciális befejezési módokat: erőteljes támadásokat, amelyeket nem hibáz el! Különféle befejezések érhetők el 2, 4, 6, 8 és 10 kombó számlálónál, ami a befejezés után visszaáll nullára.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=A romlottság beszivárog az ember belsejébe és a korábbi természete ellen fordítja.\n\nA romlott lények megtámadják a szövetségeseiket és nem foglalkoznak a korábbi ellenségeikkel. A romlottság pusztít is, a célpontját lassan felemészti.\n\nA romlottság nem múlik el, csak a halállal ér véget.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=A romlottság beszivárog az ember belsejébe és a korábbi természete ellen fordítja.\n\nA romlott lények megtámadják a szövetségeseiket és nem foglalkoznak a korábbi ellenségeikkel. A romlottság pusztít is, a célpontját lassan felemészti.\n\nA romlottság nem múlik el, csak a halállal ér véget.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Egy bűvös erő miatt alig tudsz ébren maradni.\n\nA
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Eltelve a Földdel
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Eltelve a Földdel
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=A föld ereje átjár!\n\nMinden fizikai támadás kimozdítja a földet az ellenség alatt, kis időre megbénítva őt.\n\nA erő hátralévő köreinek száma: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=A föld ereje átjár!\n\nMinden fizikai támadás kimozdítja a földet az ellenség alatt, kis időre megbénítva őt.\n\nA erő hátralévő köreinek száma: %s.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Eltelve tűzzel
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Eltelve tűzzel
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=A tűz ereje átjár!\n\nMinden fizikai támadásnál esély van arra, hogy az ellenség lángba borul. Ezen felül teljesen immunis vagy a tűz hatásaira.\n\nA tűzzel töltöttség még %s körig tart.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=A tűz ereje átjár!\n\nMinden fizikai támadásnál esély van arra, hogy az ellenség lángba borul. Ezen felül teljesen immunis vagy a tűz hatásaira.\n\nA tűzzel töltöttség még %s körig tart.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Megbűvölt
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Sötét mágia csapolja a koncentrálást, a célpontot zavarttá teszi.\n\nA megbűvölés csökkenti a pontosságot és a kitérést 20%%-al. A célpont kevésbé lesz eredményes a közelharcban.\n\nMég hátralévő megbűvölt körök száma: %s.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Sötét mágia csapolja a koncentrálást, a célpontot zavarttá teszi.\n\nA megbűvölés csökkenti a pontosságot és a kitérést 20%%-al. A célpont kevésbé lesz eredményes a közelharcban.\n\nMég hátralévő megbűvölt körök száma: %s.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Minden neked célzott varázslatnak áthatolhatatl
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Valahogyan az elméddel képes vagy a szinten lévő élőlényeket látni. Furcsa érzés.\n\nAmíg a látomás tart, minden szereplőt látsz ezen a szinten. Egy lényt így látni olyan, mintha tényleg látnád vagy varázslat szempontjából mintha a közeledben lennének.\n\nA látomás még %s körig tart.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Valahogyan az elméddel képes vagy a szinten lévő élőlényeket látni. Furcsa érzés.\n\nAmíg a látomás tart, minden szereplőt látsz ezen a szinten. Egy lényt így látni olyan, mintha tényleg látnád vagy varázslat szempontjából mintha a közeledben lennének.\n\nA látomás még %s körig tart.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Ahogyan mozog, a szabadfutó lendületet vesz fel, növeli a sebességét és a kitérése képességét.\n\nA sebesség bónusz tisztán a lendületen alapszik, habár a kitérés bónusza a páncéltól is függ.\n\nA szabadfutó tovább növeli kitérését a lendületből minden egyes erő többletponttól, ami a páncélzat követelménye fölött van.\n\nJelenlegi lendület ereje: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Maró váladék
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Maró váladék
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=A maró váladék a húsodat marja. Mosd le!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=A maró váladék a húsodat marja. Mosd le!
@ -251,7 +257,7 @@ actors.buffs.preparation.name=Előkészület
actors.buffs.preparation.desc=Az orgyilkos türelmesen vár, az árnyékból készül lecsapni.
actors.buffs.preparation.desc=Az orgyilkos türelmesen vár, az árnyékból készül lecsapni.
actors.buffs.preparation.desc_dmg=A következő támadása _%1$d%% bónusz sebzést fog okozni_, és kivégez minden normál ellenséget _%2$d%% egészség_ alatt, vagy főellenséget _%3$d%% egészség_ alatt.
actors.buffs.preparation.desc_dmg=A következő támadása _%1$d%% bónusz sebzést fog okozni_, és kivégez minden normál ellenséget _%2$d%% egészség_ alatt, vagy főellenséget _%3$d%% egészség_ alatt.
actors.buffs.preparation.desc_dmg_likely=A támadás erősen valószínű, hogy nagyobb sérülést fog okozni.
actors.buffs.preparation.desc_dmg_likely=A támadás erősen valószínű, hogy nagyobb sérülést fog okozni.
actors.buffs.preparation.desc_blink=Képes az ellenfél irányába illanni mielőtt ütést mér rá, eddig a távolságig _%d._
actors.buffs.preparation.desc_blink=Képes az ellenfél mellé surranni mielőtt rátámad, ekkora távolságból _%d._
actors.buffs.preparation.desc_invis_time=Az orgyilkos láthatatlan _%d körön át._
actors.buffs.preparation.desc_invis_time=Az orgyilkos láthatatlan _%d körön át._
actors.buffs.preparation.desc_invis_next=A támadása erősebb lett _%d körig._
actors.buffs.preparation.desc_invis_next=A támadása erősebb lett _%d körig._
actors.buffs.preparation.prompt=Válassz célpontot!\nMaximális ugrási távolság: %d
actors.buffs.preparation.prompt=Válassz célpontot!\nMaximális ugrási távolság: %d
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Egy prizmakép védelmez téged, mely jelenleg
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energia áramlik át rajtad, amitől a varázspálcáid és varázsbotjaid gyorsabban töltődnek fel.\n\nEz a bónusz minden körben negyedével megnöveli a jelenlegi töltöttséget, azon felül, hogy a megszokott módon töltődik is.\n\nA feltöltés még %s körig tart.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energia áramlik át rajtad, amitől a varázspálcáid és varázsbotjaid gyorsabban töltődnek fel.\n\nEz a bónusz minden körben negyedével megnöveli a jelenlegi töltöttséget, azon felül, hogy a megszokott módon töltődik is.\n\nA feltöltés még %s körig tart.
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Nem tudsz mozogni!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Nem tudsz mozogni!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Gyökerek (mágikus vagy természetes) ragadják meg és szorítják földhöz a lábat.\n\nA gyökerek megkötözik a célpontot, amitől ugyan nem tud menni, de más tevékenységre nincs hatással.\n\nA gyökerek még %s körön át szorítanak.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Gyökerek (mágikus vagy természetes) ragadják meg és szorítják földhöz a lábat.\n\nA gyökerek megkötözik a célpontot, amitől ugyan nem tud menni, de más tevékenységre nincs hatással.\n\nA gyökerek még %s körön át szorítanak.
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Beolvadsz a körülötted lévő árnyak közé, ami láthatatlanságot ad és lelassítja az anyagcserédet.\n\nAmíg láthatatlan vagy, az ellenségek nem tudnak megtámadni vagy követni. A legtöbb fizikai támadás és varázslat (tekercsek és varázspálcák) azonnal véget vetnek a láthatatlanságnak. Amíg az árnyék betakar, lassabban is éhezel meg.\n\nBeárnyékoltság addig tart, amíg el nem hagyod az árnyakat vagy egy ellenség nem érintkezik veled.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Beolvadsz a körülötted lévő árnyak közé, ami láthatatlanságot ad és lelassítja az anyagcserédet.\n\nAmíg láthatatlan vagy, az ellenségek nem tudnak megtámadni vagy követni. A legtöbb fizikai támadás és varázslat (tekercsek és varázspálcák) azonnal véget vetnek a láthatatlanságnak. Amíg az árnyék betakar, lassabban is éhezel meg.\n\nBeárnyékoltság addig tart, amíg el nem hagyod az árnyakat vagy egy ellenség nem érintkezik veled.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Egy gyógyital elfogyasztása r
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=rúna átvitel
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=rúna átvitel
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ A harcos törött medálja át tudja helyezni az _szokásos hieroglifákat_ és egyúttal egy fejlesztést is.\n\n_+2:_ A harcos törött medálja át tudja helyezni az _szokásos és nem szokásos hieroglifákat_ és egyúttal egy fejlesztést is.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ A harcos törött medálja át tudja helyezni az _szokásos hieroglifákat_ és egyúttal egy fejlesztést is.\n\n_+2:_ A harcos törött medálja át tudja helyezni az _szokásos és nem szokásos hieroglifákat_ és egyúttal egy fejlesztést is.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=halálos mozzanat
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=halálos mozzanat
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ Amikor a harcos egy ellenfelet megöl, a gyilkos ütés _67% eséllyel_ azonnali lesz.\n\n_+2:_ Amikor a harcos egy ellenfelet megöl, a gyilkos ütés _100% eséllyel_ azonnali lesz.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvizált lövedék
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvizált lövedék
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ A harcos megvakíthat egy ellenfelet _2 körig_ amikor nem dobófegyvert hajít felé. Utána 30 kört várnia kell.\n\n_+2:_ A harcos megvakíthat egy ellenfelet _3 körig_ amikor nem dobófegyvert hajít felé. Utána 30 kört várnia kell.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ A harcos megvakíthat egy ellenfelet _2 körig_ amikor nem dobófegyvert hajít felé. Utána 30 kört várnia kell.\n\n_+2:_ A harcos megvakíthat egy ellenfelet _3 körig_ amikor nem dobófegyvert hajít felé. Utána 30 kört várnia kell.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=felhatalmazó étel
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=felhatalmazó étel
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Az étkezés _2 bónusz sebzést_ garantál a mágusnak a következő 3 varázspálcás támadáshoz.\n\n_+2:_ Az étkezés _3 bónusz sebzést_ garantál a mágusnak a következő 3 varázspálcás támadáshoz.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=a tudós intuíciója
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=a tudós intuíciója
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ A mágus _3x gyorsabban_ azonosítja a pálcákat.\n\n_+2:_ A mágus _használatkor_ azonosítja a pálcákat.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ A mágus _3x gyorsabban_ azonosítja a pálcákat.\n\n_+2:_ A mágus _használatkor_ azonosítja a pálcákat.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tesztelt feltételezés
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tesztelt feltételezés
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ A mágus _4 védelmet_ szerez, amik
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizáló étel
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizáló étel
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Az étkezés 1 körbe telik a mágusnak és _5 körig töltődik a varázspálcája_.\n\n_+2:_ Az étkezés 1 körbe telik a mágusnak és _8 körig töltődik a varázspálcája_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Az étkezés 1 körbe telik a mágusnak és _5 körig töltődik a varázspálcája_.\n\n_+2:_ Az étkezés 1 körbe telik a mágusnak és _8 körig töltődik a varázspálcája_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizáló fejlődés
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizáló fejlődés
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ A fejlődéstekercset használva azonnal feltölt a mágus varázsbotja _1 töltéssel_, ami az aktuális töltöttségi csúcs fölé is mehet.\n\n_+2:_ A fejlődéstekercset használva azonnal feltölt a mágus varázsbotja _2 töltéssel_, ami az aktuális töltöttségi csúcs fölé is mehet.\n\nEz a tehetség akkor is működésbe lép, ha egyéb fejlődéstekercs alapú varázslatot használ.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=konzervált varázspálca
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=konzervált varázspálca
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Amikor a mágus beolt egy új varázspálcát a varázsbotjába a régi pálca _67% eséllyel_ megmarad.\n\n_+2:_ Amikor a mágus beolt egy új varázspálcát a varázsbotjába a régi pálca _100% eséllyel_ megmarad.\n\nEz a tehetség egy varázsbotot háromszor tud konzerválni.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Amikor a mágus beolt egy új varázspálcát a varázsbotjába a régi pálca _67% eséllyel_ megmarad.\n\n_+2:_ Amikor a mágus beolt egy új varázspálcát a varázsbotjába a régi pálca _100% eséllyel_ megmarad.\n\nEz a tehetség egy varázsbotot háromszor tud konzerválni.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=misztikus látomás
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=misztikus látomás
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Amikor a mágus megtámad egy ellenséget, látomása támad _10 körön keresztül_.\n\n_+2:_ Amikor a mágus megtámad egy ellenséget, látomása támad _15 körön keresztül_.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Amikor a mágus megtámad egy ellenséget, látomása támad _10 körön keresztül_.\n\n_+2:_ Amikor a mágus megtámad egy ellenséget, látomása támad _15 körön keresztül_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=pajzs akkumulátor
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=pajzs akkumulátor
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ A mágus önmagára is célozhat a varázspálcájával, hogy a töltöttségét védelmezésre váltsa _5% maximális életerő/töltöttséggel_.\n\n_+2:_ A mágus önmagára is célozhat a varázspálcájával, hogy a töltöttségét védelmezésre váltsa _7,5% maximális életerő/töltöttséggel_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=rejtett porciók
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=rejtett porciók
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ A tolvaj találhat _4 kisadag élelmet_ a ládákban, ha a kazamata korábbi szintjein keresgél.\n\n_+2:_ A tolvaj találhat _6 kisadag élelmet_ a ládákban, ha a kazamata korábbi szintjein keresgél.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ A tolvaj találhat _4 kisadag élelmet_ a ládákban, ha a kazamata korábbi szintjein keresgél.\n\n_+2:_ A tolvaj találhat _6 kisadag élelmet_ a ládákban, ha a kazamata korábbi szintjein keresgél.
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ A tolvaj _1-2 bónusz sebzést_ okoz
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=védelmező árnyak
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=védelmező árnyak
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ A tolvaj egy árnyékolást kap _minden második körben_ és a köpenye _maximum 3-ig_ aktiválódik.\n\n_+2:_ A tolvaj egy árnyékolást kap _minden körben_ és a köpenye _maximum 5-ig_ aktiválódik.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ A tolvaj egy árnyékolást kap _minden második körben_ és a köpenye _maximum 3-ig_ aktiválódik.\n\n_+2:_ A tolvaj egy árnyékolást kap _minden körben_ és a köpenye _maximum 5-ig_ aktiválódik.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=misztikus étel
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=misztikus étel
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Az étkezés 1 körbe telik a tolvajnak és _3 kör ereklye töltést_ garantál.\n\n_+2:_ Az étkezés 1 körbe telik a tolvajnak és _5 kör ereklye töltést_ garantál.\n\nEz a tehetség nem használható a bőségszaru feltöltésére.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=misztikus fejlődés
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=misztikus fejlődés
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ A fejlődéstekercset használva a tolvaj köpenye azonnal tölt _1 töltést_, ami a töltés csúcsa fölé is mehet.\n\n_+2:_ A fejlődéstekercset használva a tolvaj köpenye azonnal tölt _2 töltést_, ami a töltés csúcsa fölé is mehet.\n\nEz a tehetség akkor is működésbe lép, ha egyéb fejlődéstekercs alapú varázslatot használ.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=nagyívű keresés
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=nagyívű keresés
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ A tolvaj keresési rádiusza megnövekedik 5x5 négyzetről _7x7 körre_.\n\n_+2:_ A tolvaj keresési rádiusza megnövekedik 5x5 négyzetről _7x7 négyzetre_.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ A tolvaj keresési rádiusza megnövekedik 5x5 négyzetről _7x7 körre_.\n\n_+2:_ A tolvaj keresési rádiusza megnövekedik 5x5 négyzetről _7x7 négyzetre_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=csendes léptek
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=csendes léptek
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ A tolvaj addig nem ébreszti fel az alvó ellenségeket amíg _3 vagy több lépésre van tőle_.\n\n_+1:_ A tolvaj addig nem ébreszti fel az alvó ellenségeket amíg _nincs közvetlenül mellettük_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ A tolvaj addig nem ébreszti fel az alvó ellenségeket amíg _3 vagy több lépésre van tőle_.\n\n_+1:_ A tolvaj addig nem ébreszti fel az alvó ellenségeket amíg _nincs közvetlenül mellettük_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=tolvajok előrelátása
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=tolvajok előrelátása
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Amennyiben elsőnek lép titkos szobával rendelkező szintre a tolvaj _50% eséllyel felfedezi_, hogy a szint tartalmaz ilyet.\n\n_+2:_ Amennyiben elsőnek lép titkos szobával rendelkező szintre a tolvaj _75% eséllyel felfedezi_, hogy a szint tartalmaz ilyet.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=természet ajándéka
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=természet ajándéka
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ A vadásznő találhat _4 bogyót_ a magas fűbe rejtve, mialatt a kazamata korábbi szintjein keresgél.\n\n_+2:_ A vadásznő találhat _6 bogyót_ a magas fűbe rejtve, mialatt a kazamata korábbi szintjein keresgél.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ A vadásznő találhat _4 bogyót_ a magas fűbe rejtve, mialatt a kazamata korábbi szintjein keresgél.\n\n_+2:_ A vadásznő találhat _6 bogyót_ a magas fűbe rejtve, mialatt a kazamata korábbi szintjein keresgél.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=a túlélő megérzése
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=a túlélő megérzése
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ A vadásznő minden felszerelést _1,75x gyorsabban_ ismer fel.\n\n_+2:_ A vadásznő minden felszerelést _2,5x gyorsabban_ ismer fel.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ A vadásznő minden felszerelést _1,75x gyorsabban_ ismer fel.\n\n_+2:_ A vadásznő minden felszerelést _2,5x gyorsabban_ ismer fel.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=követő csapás
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=követő csapás
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Amikor a vadásznő eltalál egy ellenséget az íjával, vagy egy dobófegyverrel, a következő közelharci támadása _2 bónusz sebzést_ okoz ennek a félnek.\n\n_+2:_ Amikor a vadásznő eltalál egy ellenséget az íjával, vagy egy dobófegyverrel, a következő közelharci támadása _3 bónusz sebzést_ okoz ennek a félnek.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=támogat a természet
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=támogat a természet
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ A vadásznő 2 kéregbőr védelmet kap _4 körön át_ amikor rátapos egy növényre a látómezejében.\n\n_+2:_ A vadásznő 2 kéregbőr védelmet kap _6 körön át_ amikor rátapos egy növényre a látómezejében.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=élénkítő étel
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=élénkítő étel
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Az étkezés 1 körbe telik a vadásznőnek (a bogyók azonnal elfogyasztásra kerülnek) és _1 kör sietséget_ is biztosít. \n\n_+2:_ Az étkezés 1 körbe telik a vadásznőnek (a bogyók azonnal elfogyasztásra kerülnek) és _2 kör sietséget_ is biztosít.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Az étkezés 1 körbe telik a vadásznőnek (a bogyók azonnal elfogyasztásra kerülnek) és _1 kör sietséget_ is biztosít. \n\n_+2:_ Az étkezés 1 körbe telik a vadásznőnek (a bogyók azonnal elfogyasztásra kerülnek) és _2 kör sietséget_ is biztosít.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=helyrehozott természet
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=helyrehozott természet
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ A gyógyital elfogyasztása _5 füvet_ növeszt a vadásznő körül és legyökerezi a szomszédos ellenségeket _2 körre_.\n\n_+2:_ A gyógyital elfogyasztása _8 füvet_ növeszt a vadásznő körül és legyökerezi a szomszédos ellenségeket _3 körre_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ A gyógyital elfogyasztása _5 füvet_ növeszt a vadásznő körül és legyökerezi a szomszédos ellenségeket _2 körre_.\n\n_+2:_ A gyógyital elfogyasztása _8 füvet_ növeszt a vadásznő körül és legyökerezi a szomszédos ellenségeket _3 körre_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=megfiatalító léptek
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=megfiatalító léptek
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ Ha a vadásznő parázsra vagy rövid fűre lép, a fű magasba szökken, ami a vadásznőt rögtön elfedi. _10 kör múlva_ használhatod ismét.\n\n_+2:_ Ha a vadásznő parázsra vagy rövid fűre lép, a fű magasba szökken, ami a vadásznőt rögtön elfedi. _5 kör múlva_ használhatod ismét.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=felfokozott érzékek
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=felfokozott érzékek
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ A vadásznőnek látomása támad egy ellenségre _2 lépésre a pozíciójától_.\n\n_+2:_ A vadásznőnek látomása támad egy ellenségre _3 lépésre a pozíciójától_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ A vadásznőnek látomása támad egy ellenségre _2 lépésre a pozíciójától_.\n\n_+2:_ A vadásznőnek látomása támad egy ellenségre _3 lépésre a pozíciójától_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=tartós lövedékek
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=tartós lövedékek
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ A dobófegyverek _+50% -al tartósabbak_ ha a vadásznő használja.\n\n_+2:_ A dobófegyverek _+75% -al tartósabbak_ ha a vadásznő használja.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ A dobófegyverek _+50% -al tartósabbak_ ha a vadásznő használja.\n\n_+2:_ A dobófegyverek _+75% -al tartósabbak_ ha a vadásznő használja.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.name=a hős
actors.hero.hero.name=a hős
actors.hero.hero.leave=Még nem mehetsz el! Alul vár rád a kazamaták többi része!
actors.hero.hero.leave=Még nem mehetsz el! Alul vár rád a kazamaták többi része!
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Egy alosztály választható a má
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=A mágus nagyon ért a pálcákhoz, és egy _különleges varázsbotot_ tart magánál.\n\nHogy felnyithasd _használj egy fejlődéstekercset, hogy erősebbé tegyél valamit._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=A mágus nagyon ért a pálcákhoz, és egy _különleges varázsbotot_ tart magánál.\n\nHogy felnyithasd _használj egy fejlődéstekercset, hogy erősebbé tegyél valamit._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=A mágusnál induláskor egy _egyedi varázslövedékbot_ van. A varázsbot sokkal hamarabb újratöltődik, mint a varázspálca, ezen felül eggyel több a maximális töltöttsége.\n\nA mágus botjába beoltható varázspálcákkal, amiket a kazamatában talál. A beoltás megváltoztatja a bot hatását és néhány fejlesztés is áthelyezhető.\n\nA mágus önállóan azonosítja:\n- Az ismerettekercseket\n- A folyékony tűzitalokat\n- A fejlődéstekercseket
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=A mágus kezdetben kézi harcra használja a varázsbotját. A varázsbot kisebb sérülést okoz így, mint a többi induló fegyver. \n\nA varázsbotjában lévő mágiát távolsági fegyverként is tudja használni.\n\nVan nála egy _tekercstartó_ is, ami megvédi a tűztől a különböző tekercseket.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=A mágus kezdetben kézi harcra használja a varázsbotját. A varázsbot kisebb sérülést okoz így, mint a többi induló fegyver. \n\nA varázsbotjában lévő mágiát távolsági fegyverként is tudja használni.\n\nVan nála egy _tekercstartó_ is, ami megvédi a tűztől a különböző tekercseket.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Egy alosztály választható a második főellenség legyőzése után. A mágusnak két alosztálya van:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Egy alosztály választható a második főellenség legyőzése után. A mágusnak két alosztálya van:
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=A vadásznőnél kezdetben egy pár
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Egy alosztály választható a második főellenség legyőzése után. A vadásznőnek két alosztálya van:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Egy alosztály választható a második főellenség legyőzése után. A vadásznőnek két alosztálya van:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Amikor közelharci fegyverrel eredményes a támadása, a _gladiátor_ kombózni kezd. A kombónak köszönhetően különleges kegyelemdöfésekkel tud lesújtani.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=A _berzerker_ bónusz sérülést okoz az elszenvedett sérüléseivel arányosan. Ha nagyon dühös, rövid időre a halált is megveti a kimerültség árán.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Amikor a _boszorkánymester_ az ellenség ellen varázspálcát használ, megtörténhet, hogy megbélyegzi a lelkét. A megbélyegzett ellenségek gyógyítják őt és enyhítik az éhségét, amikor fizikai sebzést szenvednek el.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=harci mágus
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=harci mágus
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Amikor a _harci mágus_ a varázsbotjával harcol, a beleoltott varázspálca típusától függően külön varázslatokat idéz meg. A varázsbotja töltődik a harctól.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Amikor a _harci mágus_ a varázsbotjával harcol, a beleoltott varázspálca típusától függően külön varázslatokat idéz meg. A varázsbotja töltődik a harctól.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Amikor láthatatlan, az _orgyilkos_ egy halálos csapással készül a következő támadásra. Minél hosszabb ideig láthatatlan, annál erősebb a támadás.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Amikor láthatatlan, az _orgyilkos_ egy halálos csapással készül a következő támadásra. Minél hosszabb ideig láthatatlan, annál erősebb a támadás.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=A _szabadfutó_ futás közben lendületbe jön. A lendület növeli a mozgási sebességét és a kitérését, de gyorsan eloszlik ha nem mozog.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=Az _orvlövész_ a távolsági harc mestere. Megnövelt látása van, a távolsági támadásai a páncélt is átütik. Egy dobófegyverrel véghez vitt támadás után rögtön egy speciális támadást tud intézni az íjával.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=A _vadőr_ erősen kötődik a természethez. Átlát a magas füvön és parancsol a buja növényzetnek, hogy neveljenek virágokat. A növények amikre rátapos, bónusz hatással bírnak. A hegyes nyilak 2x tartósabbak és a fű amelyen áll, erősíti a páncélját.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=Összeszúzta a DM-300
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KRITIKUS SÉRÜLÉS! LEÁLLÍTÁSI KÍSÉRL-
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KRITIKUS SÉRÜLÉS! LEÁLLÍTÁSI KÍSÉRL-
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=A DM-300 a legnagyobb és legerősebb 'védelmező masina' amit a törpék valaha is építettek. Egy efféle elképesztő gépezetet bonyodalmas gyártani, ezért csak párat készítettek belőle, amik a föld alatti metropoliszuk bejáratait védelmezik.\n\nFelszerelték ventilátorokkal, amelyek mérgező gázt fújnak és egy erős fúróval ami támadásra és a föld szétválasztására is alkalmas. A DM-300 képes továbbá energiahálózathoz csatlakozni, hogy az erejét növelhesse.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=A DM-300 a legnagyobb és legerősebb 'védelmező masina' amit a törpék valaha is építettek. Egy efféle elképesztő gépezetet bonyodalmas gyártani, ezért csak párat készítettek belőle, amik a föld alatti metropoliszuk bejáratait védelmezik.\n\nFelszerelték ventilátorokkal, amelyek mérgező gázt fújnak és egy erős fúróval ami támadásra és a föld szétválasztására is alkalmas. A DM-300 képes továbbá energiahálózathoz csatlakozni, hogy az erejét növelhesse.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=A DM-300 jelenleg teljesen feltöltött állapotban van. Most nem lehet sebesülést okozni rajta, és kétszeres sebességre kapcsol! Továbbá a fúrója most elég gyorsan forog ahhoz, hogy _alagutat ásson a tömör kőzetbe,_ viszont sokkal lassabban mozog, amikor ezt teszi.\n\nMegtámadni a DM-300-at túltöltött állapotban értelmetlen, de _a területen valaminek el kell látnia energiával,_ amit megsemmisítve gyengíthetné.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Laza sziklák gördülnek a plafonról ide, összeomlani készül!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Laza sziklák gördülnek a plafonról ide, összeomlani készül!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Törpék királya
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Törpék királya
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Jagoan Proyeksi memberi 25% damage le
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=Jagoan Anti-sihir
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=Jagoan Anti-sihir
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Jagoan Anti-sihir menerima 25% lebih sedikit damage dan benar-benar kebal terhadap efek magis.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Jagoan Anti-sihir menerima 25% lebih sedikit damage dan benar-benar kebal terhadap efek magis.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=Jagoan Raksasa
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=Jagoan Raksasa
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Jagoan Raksasa menerima 75% lebih sedikit damage dan memiliki +1 jangkauan serangan, tetapi tidak dapat bergerak melalui ruang sempit.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Jagoan Suci
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Jagoan Suci
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Jagoan Suci memiliki 200% akurasi dan penghindaran lebih
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Jagoan Suci memiliki 200% akurasi dan penghindaran lebih
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Jagoan Pertumbuhan
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Jagoan Pertumbuhan
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Tidak membeku, tapi tetap saja sangat dingin.\n\nTarget
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d kali kombo
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d kali kombo
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Kau harus menargetkan musuh dalam jarak serang.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Kau harus menargetkan musuh dalam jarak serang.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Pilih target untuk Clobber\nMembuat pusing dan mendorong target
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ dapat digunakan. Serangan ini _mendorong musuh ke belakang dan membuat mereka pusing,_ tapi damage-nya sedikit berkurang. Sangat efektif untuk mengulur waktu saat bertarung.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Pilih target untuk Cleave\nJika itu membunuh, kombo tidak akan hilang
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Cleave_ dapat digunakan. Serangan ini terus menambah damage, dan _jika itu membunuh musuh, kombonya tidak akan hilang._ Sangat baik membangun kombo saat dikepung musuh.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Pilih target untuk menggunakan Slam\nMemberikan proteksi dan menyerang berdasarkan armor
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ saat ini dapat digunakan. Serangan ini _meningkatkan damage dan pelindung berdasarkan dari kekuatan blok dari armormu._ Ini sangat bagus untuk menyelesaikan pertarungan, membuat daya tahanmu bertahan sampai ke pertarungan selanjutnya.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Pilih target untuk Crush\nMemberikan banyak damage
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Crush_ dapat digunakan. Serangan mematikan ini _melancarkan damage yang sangat besar._ Bagus saat melawan musuh yang kuat saat darahnya masih penuh!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Lakukan fury pada musuh yang mana?\nMenyerang musuh bertubi-tubi
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fury_ dapat digunakan. Serangan yang sangat efektif ini _akan memukul sebanyak hitungan kombo,_ namun damage serangannya menurun. Fury sangat hebat jika kau mempunyai kekuatan pada senjata, karena kekuatan itu akan aktif pada setiap pukulan!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladiator membangun momentum seraya mereka berhasil menyerang musuh. Setiap serangan akan menambah 1 kombo, tapi ketika kau terlalu lama tidak menyerang atau meleset dua kali saat menyerang, kombonya akan mengulang dari 0 lagi.\n\nDengan membangun kombo, kau akan membuka serangan pamungkas spesial: serangan kuat yang tidak dapat dihindari! Serangan pamungkas yang berbeda akan bisa digunakan per 2, 4, 6, 8, dan 10 kombo, dan ketika kau menggunakannya, kombonya akan di-reset.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korupsi menyerap ke dalam inti makhluk hidup, memutarbalikkan sifat asli mereka.\n\nMakhluk yang terkorupsi akan menyerang teman mereka, dan mengabaikan musuh sebelumnya. Korupsi juga memberikan damage, dan akan perlahan membuat target tidak tahan.\n\nKorupsi ini permanen, efeknya hanya akan hilang saat mati.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korupsi menyerap ke dalam inti makhluk hidup, memutarbalikkan sifat asli mereka.\n\nMakhluk yang terkorupsi akan menyerang teman mereka, dan mengabaikan musuh sebelumnya. Korupsi juga memberikan damage, dan akan perlahan membuat target tidak tahan.\n\nKorupsi ini permanen, efeknya hanya akan hilang saat mati.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Kekuatan gaib membuatmu sulit untuk tetap sadar.\n\nSan
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Dijiwai oleh Tanah
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Dijiwai oleh Tanah
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Kau dijiwai dengan kekuatan tanah!\n\nSemua serangan fisik akan menggeser bumi di bawah musuh, melumpuhkan mereka untuk waktu yang singkat.\n\nSisa giliran jiwa tanah: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Kau dijiwai dengan kekuatan tanah!\n\nSemua serangan fisik akan menggeser bumi di bawah musuh, melumpuhkan mereka untuk waktu yang singkat.\n\nSisa giliran jiwa tanah: %s.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Dijiwai oleh Api
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Dijiwai oleh Api
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Kau dijiwai kekuatan api!\n\nSemua serangan fisik dapat membuat musuhmu terbakar. Ditambah, kau imun terhadap api.\n\nSisa waktu dijiwai api: %s giliran.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Kau dijiwai kekuatan api!\n\nSemua serangan fisik dapat membuat musuhmu terbakar. Ditambah, kau imun terhadap api.\n\nSisa waktu dijiwai api: %s giliran.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Terkena Hex
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Kau terkena hex!
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Kau terkena hex!
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Sihir hitam yang melemahkan focus, menyebabkan target sedikit bingung.\n\nHex mengurangi akurasi dan penghindaran sebanyak 20%%, menyebabkan target kurang efektif dalam pertarungan.\n\nDurasi hex yang tersisa: %s.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Sihir hitam yang melemahkan focus, menyebabkan target sedikit bingung.\n\nHex mengurangi akurasi dan penghindaran sebanyak 20%%, menyebabkan target kurang efektif dalam pertarungan.\n\nDurasi hex yang tersisa: %s.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Kau lapar.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Kau lapar.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Semua efek sihir telah hilang, kau benar-benar keb
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Melihat pikiran
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Melihat pikiran
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Entah bagaimana kau dapat melihat semua makhluk di lantai ini melalui pikiranmu. Perasaan yang aneh.\n\nSemua karakter di lantai ini dapat terlihat olehmu selama kau mempunyai kemampuan "melihat pikiran". Efek ini juga mungkin dapat digunakan untuk kepentingan efek sihir.\n\nSisa waktu dapat melihat pikiran: %s.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Entah bagaimana kau dapat melihat semua makhluk di lantai ini melalui pikiranmu. Perasaan yang aneh.\n\nSemua karakter di lantai ini dapat terlihat olehmu selama kau mempunyai kemampuan "melihat pikiran". Efek ini juga mungkin dapat digunakan untuk kepentingan efek sihir.\n\nSisa waktu dapat melihat pikiran: %s.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Sembari dia bergerak, pelari bebas membangun momentum, meningkatkan kecepatan dan kemampuannya untuk menghindar.\n\nKecepatan bonus ini murni berdasarkan momentum, namun bonus penghindaran dipengaruhi juga oleh armor.\n\nPelari bebas akan mendapatkan penghindaran tambahan dari momentum dari setiap poin kekuatan lebih yang ia punya dari persyaratan kekuatan armor.\n\nKekuatan momentum saat ini: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Cairan kaustik
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Cairan kaustik
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Cairan kaustik memakan tubuhmu. Segera cuci!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Cairan kaustik memakan tubuhmu. Segera cuci!
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Kau dilindungi oleh bayangan prismatik yang saa
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energi mengalir dalam dirimu, meningkatkan kecepatan isi ulang tongkat sihirmu.\n\nSetiap giliran akan meningkatkan isi tongkatmu satu seperempat, lebih dari biasanya.\n\nSisa waktu isi ulang cepat: %s giliran.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energi mengalir dalam dirimu, meningkatkan kecepatan isi ulang tongkat sihirmu.\n\nSetiap giliran akan meningkatkan isi tongkatmu satu seperempat, lebih dari biasanya.\n\nSisa waktu isi ulang cepat: %s giliran.
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.name=Kaki Tertanam
actors.buffs.roots.name=Kaki Tertanam
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Kau tak bisa bergerak!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Kau tak bisa bergerak!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Akar (sihir atau natural) melingkar di kaki, membuat kaki tertanam ke dalam tanah.\n\nAkar mengunci target di tempat, membuatnya mustahil untuk bergerak, tapi aksi lain tidak berpengaruh.\n\nSisa waktu kaki tertanam: %s giliran.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Akar (sihir atau natural) melingkar di kaki, membuat kaki tertanam ke dalam tanah.\n\nAkar mengunci target di tempat, membuatnya mustahil untuk bergerak, tapi aksi lain tidak berpengaruh.\n\nSisa waktu kaki tertanam: %s giliran.
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Berbaur dengan bayangan
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Berbaur dengan bayangan
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Kau membaur dengan bayangan di sekitarmu, membuatmu tembus pandang dan melambatkan metabolisme tubuhmu.\n\nSaat kau tembus pandang musuh tak akan dapat menyerangmu atau mengikutimu. Serangan fisik ataupun efek sihir (seperti gulungan atau tongkat sihir) akan segera membatalkan tembus pandang. Ditambah, saat membaur dengan bayangan, rasa laparmu juga sedikit tertahan.\n\nKau akan terus berbaur dengan bayangan sampai kau keluar ruangan atau mengadakan kontak dengan musuh.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Kau membaur dengan bayangan di sekitarmu, membuatmu tembus pandang dan melambatkan metabolisme tubuhmu.\n\nSaat kau tembus pandang musuh tak akan dapat menyerangmu atau mengikutimu. Serangan fisik ataupun efek sihir (seperti gulungan atau tongkat sihir) akan segera membatalkan tembus pandang. Ditambah, saat membaur dengan bayangan, rasa laparmu juga sedikit tertahan.\n\nKau akan terus berbaur dengan bayangan sampai kau keluar ruangan atau mengadakan kontak dengan musuh.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Meminum ramuan penyembuhan seca
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=pemindahan rahasia
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=pemindahan rahasia
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Segel rusak Pendekar dapat mentransfer _glyph biasa_ sama seperti men-transfer upgrade._+2:_ Pin rusak Pendekar dapat mentransfer _glyph biasa dan luar biasa_ sama seperti men-transfer upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Segel rusak Pendekar dapat mentransfer _glyph biasa_ sama seperti men-transfer upgrade._+2:_ Pin rusak Pendekar dapat mentransfer _glyph biasa dan luar biasa_ sama seperti men-transfer upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=momentum mematikan
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=momentum mematikan
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ Ketika Pendekar membunuh musuh, serangan mematikan memiliki _67% kesempatan_ untuk menjadi mati seketika.\n\n_+2:_ Ketika Pendekar membunuh musuh, serangan mematikan memiliki _100% kesempatan_ untuk menjadi mati seketika.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=proyektil terimprovisasi
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=proyektil terimprovisasi
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Pendekar dapat membutakan musuh untuk _2 giliran_ dengan melempar barang apa pun yang bukan senjata jarak jauh ke arah mereka. Ini memiliki cooldown selama 30 giliran.\n\n_+2:_ Pendekar dapat membutakan musuh untuk _3 giliran_ dengan melempar barang apa pun yang bukan senjata jarak jauh ke arah mereka. Ini memiliki cooldown selama 30 giliran.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Pendekar dapat membutakan musuh untuk _2 giliran_ dengan melempar barang apa pun yang bukan senjata jarak jauh ke arah mereka. Ini memiliki cooldown selama 30 giliran.\n\n_+2:_ Pendekar dapat membutakan musuh untuk _3 giliran_ dengan melempar barang apa pun yang bukan senjata jarak jauh ke arah mereka. Ini memiliki cooldown selama 30 giliran.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=makanan yang diberdayakan
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=makanan yang diberdayakan
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Memakan makanan memberi Penyihir _2 bonus damage_ pada 3 tembakan tongkat berikutnya\n\n_+2:_ Memakan makanan memberi Penyihir _3 bonus damage_ pada 3 tembakan tongkat sihir berikutnya
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuisi sarjana
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuisi sarjana
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Penyihir mengidentifikasi tongkat sihir _3x lebih cepat_.\n\n_+2:_ Penyihir mengidentifikasi tongkat sihir _saat dia menggunakannya_.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Penyihir mengidentifikasi tongkat sihir _3x lebih cepat_.\n\n_+2:_ Penyihir mengidentifikasi tongkat sihir _saat dia menggunakannya_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=hipotesis teruji
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=hipotesis teruji
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ Penyihir mendapatkan _4 perisai_ se
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=makanan berenergi
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=makanan berenergi
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Makan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran dan memberi Penyihir _5 giliran recharge tongkat_.\n\n_+2:_ Makan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran dan memberi Penyihir _8 giliran recharge tongkat_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Makan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran dan memberi Penyihir _5 giliran recharge tongkat_.\n\n_+2:_ Makan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran dan memberi Penyihir _8 giliran recharge tongkat_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=peningkatan energi
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=peningkatan energi
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Menggunakan gulungan upgrade secara instan mengisi ulang tongkat sihir penyihir _untuk 1 charge_, ini dapat menempatkannya di atas batas charge saat ini.\n\n_+2:_ Menggunakan gulungan upgrade secara instan mengisi ulang tongkat sihir penyihir _untuk 2 charge_, ini dapat menempatkannya di atas batas charge saat ini.\n\nTalent ini juga terpicu ketika menggunakan gulungan atau mantra yang berdasarkan gulungan upgrade
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=pertahanan tongkat sihir
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=pertahanan tongkat sihir
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Saat Penyihir menjiwai tongkat baru ke dalam tongkat sihirnya, tongkat sihir lama memiliki kemungkinan _67%_ untuk dikembalikan pada +0.\n\n_+1:_ Saat Penyihir menjiwai tongkat baru ke dalam tongkat sihirnya, tongkat sihir lama memiliki kemungkinan _100%_ untuk dikembalikan pada +0.\n\nTalent ini bisa mempertahankan tongkat sihir hingga tiga kali.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Saat Penyihir menjiwai tongkat baru ke dalam tongkat sihirnya, tongkat sihir lama memiliki kemungkinan _67%_ untuk dikembalikan pada +0.\n\n_+1:_ Saat Penyihir menjiwai tongkat baru ke dalam tongkat sihirnya, tongkat sihir lama memiliki kemungkinan _100%_ untuk dikembalikan pada +0.\n\nTalent ini bisa mempertahankan tongkat sihir hingga tiga kali.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=penglihatan misterius
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=penglihatan misterius
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Ketika Penyihir menembak musuh, ia mendapatkan efek pembaca pikiran selama _10 giliran_.\n\n_+2:_ Ketika Penyihir menembak musuh, ia mendapatkan efek pembaca pikiran selama _10 giliran_.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Ketika Penyihir menembak musuh, ia mendapatkan efek pembaca pikiran selama _10 giliran_.\n\n_+2:_ Ketika Penyihir menembak musuh, ia mendapatkan efek pembaca pikiran selama _10 giliran_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=baterai perisai
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=baterai perisai
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ Penyihir dapat menembakkan tongkat sihir ke dirinya sendiri untuk mengubah chargenya menjadi perisai dengan tingkat sebesar _5% dari max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ Penyihir dapat menembakkan tongkat sihir ke dirinya sendiri untuk mengubah chargenya menjadi perisai dengan tingkat sebesar _7.5% dari max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=makanan tersembunyi
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=makanan tersembunyi
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ Pengembara dapat menemukan _4 makanan kecil_ yang ditempatkan di peti ketika ia menjelajahi stage awal di dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ Pengembara dapat menemukan _6 makanan kecil_ yang ditempatkan di peti ketika ia menjelajahi stage awal di dungeon
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ Pengembara dapat menemukan _4 makanan kecil_ yang ditempatkan di peti ketika ia menjelajahi stage awal di dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ Pengembara dapat menemukan _6 makanan kecil_ yang ditempatkan di peti ketika ia menjelajahi stage awal di dungeon
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Pengembara memberi _1-2 bonus damage_
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=bayangan pelindung
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=bayangan pelindung
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Pengembara mendapatkan satu perisai _setiap giliran lain_ jubahnya aktif, _dengan maksimal 3_.\n\n_+2:_ Pengembara mendapatkan satu perisai _setiap giliran_ jubahnya aktif, _dengan maksimal 5_.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Pengembara mendapatkan satu perisai _setiap giliran lain_ jubahnya aktif, _dengan maksimal 3_.\n\n_+2:_ Pengembara mendapatkan satu perisai _setiap giliran_ jubahnya aktif, _dengan maksimal 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=makanan mistis
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=makanan mistis
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Memakan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran dan memberi Pengembara _recharge artefak selama 3 giliran_.\n\n_+2:_ Memakan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran dan memberi Pengembara _recharge artefak selama 5 giliran_.\n\nTalent ini tidak dapat digunakan untuk membuat terompet kecukupan mengisi charge-nya sendiri.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=upgrade mistik
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=upgrade mistik
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Menggunakan gulungan upgrade secara instan mengisi ulang jubah Pengembara _untuk 1 charge_, ini dapat menempatkannya di atas batas charge saat ini.\n\n_+2:_ Menggunakan gulungan upgrade secara instan mengisi ulang jubah Pengembara _untuk 2 charge_, ini dapat menempatkannya di atas batas charge saat ini.\n\nTalent ini juga terpicu ketika menggunakan gulungan atau mantra yang berdasarkan gulungan upgrade
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=pencarian luas
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=pencarian luas
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Radius pencarian Pengembara meningkat dari kotak 5x5 ke _lingkaran 7x7_.\n\n_+2:_ Radius pencarian Pengembara meningkat dari kotak 5x5 ke _kotak 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Radius pencarian Pengembara meningkat dari kotak 5x5 ke _lingkaran 7x7_.\n\n_+2:_ Radius pencarian Pengembara meningkat dari kotak 5x5 ke _kotak 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=langkah sunyi
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=langkah sunyi
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Pengembara tidak akan membangunkan musuh yang tertidur saat dia berada _3 atau lebih petak darinya_.\n\n_+2:_ Pengembara tidak akan membangunkan musuh yang tertidur saat dia _tidak berdekatan dengan mereka_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Pengembara tidak akan membangunkan musuh yang tertidur saat dia berada _3 atau lebih petak darinya_.\n\n_+2:_ Pengembara tidak akan membangunkan musuh yang tertidur saat dia _tidak berdekatan dengan mereka_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=penglihatan pengembara
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=penglihatan pengembara
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Ketika ia pertama kali masuk ke level dengan ruangan rahasia, Pengembara memiliki _50% kemungkinan untuk tahu_ bahwa level tersebut menyimpan rahasia.\n\n_+2:_ Ketika ia pertama kali masuk ke level dengan ruangan rahasia, Pengembara memiliki _75% kemungkinan untuk tahu_ bahwa level tersebut menyimpan rahasia
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=karunia alam
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=karunia alam
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Pemburu dapat menemukan _4 beri_ yang tersembunyi di rumput tinggi saat ia menjelajahi stage awal di dungeon.\n\n_+1:_ Pemburu dapat menemukan _6 beri_ yang tersembunyi di rumput tinggi saat ia menjelajahi stage awal di dungeon
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Pemburu dapat menemukan _4 beri_ yang tersembunyi di rumput tinggi saat ia menjelajahi stage awal di dungeon.\n\n_+1:_ Pemburu dapat menemukan _6 beri_ yang tersembunyi di rumput tinggi saat ia menjelajahi stage awal di dungeon
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuisi bertahan hidup
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuisi bertahan hidup
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Pemburu mengidentifikasi semua peralatan _1.75x lebih cepat_.\n\n_+2:_ Pemburu mengidentifikasi semua peralatan _2.5x lebih cepat_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Pemburu mengidentifikasi semua peralatan _1.75x lebih cepat_.\n\n_+2:_ Pemburu mengidentifikasi semua peralatan _2.5x lebih cepat_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=serangan lanjutan
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=serangan lanjutan
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Saat Pemburu menghantam musuh dengan busur atau senjata jarak jauh, serangan jarak dekat berikutnya terhadap musuh tersebut memberikan _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ Saat Pemburu menghantam musuh dengan busur atau senjata jarak jauh, serangan jarak dekat berikutnya terhadap musuh tersebut memberikan _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=bantuan alam
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=bantuan alam
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Pemburu mendapatkan 2 armor kulit kayu selama _4 giliran_ saat tanaman diinjak dalam penglihatannya.\n\n_+2:_ Pemburu mendapatkan 2 armor kulit kayu selama _6 giliran_ saat tanaman diinjak dalam penglihatannya
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=makanan yang menyegarkan
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=makanan yang menyegarkan
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Memakan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran (beri akan dimakan secara instan) dan memberi Pemburu _1 giliran cepat_.\n\n_+2:_ Memakan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran (beri akan dimakan secara instan) dan memberi Pemburu _2 giliran cepat_.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Memakan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran (beri akan dimakan secara instan) dan memberi Pemburu _1 giliran cepat_.\n\n_+2:_ Memakan makanan menghabiskan 1 giliran (beri akan dimakan secara instan) dan memberi Pemburu _2 giliran cepat_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=alam terpulihkan
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=alam terpulihkan
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Meminum ramuan penyembuhan memunculkan _sebanyak 5 rumput_ disekitar Pemburu, dan mengikat musuh disekitar _selama 2 giliran_.\n\n_+2:_ Meminum ramuan penyembuhan memunculkan _sebanyak 8 rumput_ disekitar Pemburu, dan mengikat musuh disekitar _selama 3 giliran_.\n\nTalent ini juga terpicu ketika meminum ramuan atau elixir berdasarkan ramuan penyembuhan
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Meminum ramuan penyembuhan memunculkan _sebanyak 5 rumput_ disekitar Pemburu, dan mengikat musuh disekitar _selama 2 giliran_.\n\n_+2:_ Meminum ramuan penyembuhan memunculkan _sebanyak 8 rumput_ disekitar Pemburu, dan mengikat musuh disekitar _selama 3 giliran_.\n\nTalent ini juga terpicu ketika meminum ramuan atau elixir berdasarkan ramuan penyembuhan
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=langkah memulihkan
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=langkah memulihkan
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ Ketika Pemburu menginjak rumput atau bara, mereka akan tumbuh menjadi rumput tinggi yang segera disisir oleh Huntress. Ini memiliki _cooldown 10 giliran_.\n\n_+2:_ Ketika Pemburu menginjak rumput atau bara, mereka akan tumbuh menjadi rumput tinggi yang segera disisir oleh Huntress. Ini memiliki _cooldown 5 giliran_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=peningkatan indera
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=peningkatan indera
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Pemburu mendapatkan efek pembaca pikiran pada musuh di _2 petak dari posisinya_.\n\n_+2:_ Pemburu mendapatkan efek pembaca pikiran pada musuh di _3 petak dari posisinya_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Pemburu mendapatkan efek pembaca pikiran pada musuh di _2 petak dari posisinya_.\n\n_+2:_ Pemburu mendapatkan efek pembaca pikiran pada musuh di _3 petak dari posisinya_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=proyektil tahan lama
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=proyektil tahan lama
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Senjata jarak jauh _+50% lebih tahan lama_ ketika digunakan oleh Pemburu.\n\n_+2:_ Senjata jarak jauh _+75% lebih tahan lama_ ketika digunakan oleh Pemburu.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Senjata jarak jauh _+50% lebih tahan lama_ ketika digunakan oleh Pemburu.\n\n_+2:_ Senjata jarak jauh _+75% lebih tahan lama_ ketika digunakan oleh Pemburu.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=Kau belum bisa pergi dulu, Dungeon menunggumu di bawah!
actors.hero.hero.leave=Kau belum bisa pergi dulu, Dungeon menunggumu di bawah!
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Sebuah keahlian khusus dapat dipil
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Penyihir adalah seorang ahli tongkat sihir, dan membawa _tongkat ajaib unik._\n\nUntuk membukanya _ gunakan gulungan upgrade untuk membuat item semakin kuat._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Penyihir adalah seorang ahli tongkat sihir, dan membawa _tongkat ajaib unik._\n\nUntuk membukanya _ gunakan gulungan upgrade untuk membuat item semakin kuat._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=Penyihir memulai dengan _tongkat sihir unik_ yang dapat dijiwai dengan kekuatan dari tongkat sihir. Tongkat penyihir mengisi ulang secara signifikan lebih cepat daripada tongkat biasa, dan memiliki 1 ekstra charge.\n\nTongkat sihir Penyihir dapat dijiwai dengan dan tongkat lainnya yang ia temui di dungeon. Menjiwainya mengubah efek tongkat sihir dan bisa digunakan untuk mentransfer beberapa upgrade.\n\nPenyihir secara otomatis mengidentifikasi:\n- Gulungan Identifikasi\n- Ramuan Api Cair\n- Gulungan Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Penyihir memulai dengan tongkat sebagai senjatanya. Tongkat memberikan damage paling sedikit dibandingkan senjata pemula lainnya.\n\nPenyihir dapan menggunakan sihir di tongkatnya untuk menyerang dari jarak jauh.\n\nPenyihir memulai dengan sebuah _penyimpan gulungan,_ yang dapat menyimpan berbagai macam gulungan dan melindunginya dari api.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Penyihir memulai dengan tongkat sebagai senjatanya. Tongkat memberikan damage paling sedikit dibandingkan senjata pemula lainnya.\n\nPenyihir dapan menggunakan sihir di tongkatnya untuk menyerang dari jarak jauh.\n\nPenyihir memulai dengan sebuah _penyimpan gulungan,_ yang dapat menyimpan berbagai macam gulungan dan melindunginya dari api.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Subkelas dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Penyihir mempunyai dua subkelas:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Subkelas dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Penyihir mempunyai dua subkelas:
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Pemburu memulai dengan sepasang _sar
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Sebuah keahlian khusus dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Pemburu memiliki dua keahlian khusus:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Sebuah keahlian khusus dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Pemburu memiliki dua keahlian khusus:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Serangan sukses dengan senjata melee dapat memberikan _Gladiator_ rentetan kombo. Bangun kombo agar dapat menggunakan gerakan pamungkas yang unik.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=_Berserker_ menyerang dengan bonus damage berskala damage serangan yang diterima. Saat amarahnya sudah memuncak, dia dapat menolak untuk mati sekejap, dengan resiko kelelahan.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Saat menembakkan tongkat sihir ke musuh, _Warlock_ mempunyai kesempatan untuk menandai jiwa musuhnya. Musuh yang ditandai jiwanya jika diserang secara fisik oleh warlock maka si warlock akan menambah darah dan mengurangi rasa laparnya.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=Penyihir Tarung
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=Penyihir Tarung
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Saat bertarung dengan tongkatnya, _Penyihir Tarung_ mendapatkan efek bonus tergantung kekuatan tongkat sihir apa yang menjiwai tongkatnya. Tongkatnya juga akan terus mengisi ulang selama pertarungan.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Saat bertarung dengan tongkatnya, _Penyihir Tarung_ mendapatkan efek bonus tergantung kekuatan tongkat sihir apa yang menjiwai tongkatnya. Tongkatnya juga akan terus mengisi ulang selama pertarungan.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Saat tembus pandang, _Assassin_ menyiapkan serangan mematikan untuk serangan berikutnya. Semakin lama waktu tembus pandang, semakin mematikan juga serangannya.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Saat tembus pandang, _Assassin_ menyiapkan serangan mematikan untuk serangan berikutnya. Semakin lama waktu tembus pandang, semakin mematikan juga serangannya.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner=pelari bebas
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner=pelari bebas
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=_Pelari Bebas_ membangun momentum saat ia berlari. Momentum itu meningkatkan gerakan kecepatan dan penghindaran, tapi momentum itu akan hilang saat ia tidak bergerak.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper=penembak jitu
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper=penembak jitu
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=_Penembak Jitu_ adalah penguasa pertarungan jarak jauh. Dia mendapatkan peningkatan penglihatan dan serangan jarak jauhnya menembus armor. Setelah menyerang dengan senjata lempar, dia dapat menindaklanjuti dengan serangan khusus dari panahnya.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=_Sipir_ memiliki hubungan yang kuat dengan alam yang memungkinkan dia melihat melalui rumput tinggi dan memerintahkan rumput yang berkerut untuk tumbuh di sekitar tanaman yang dia tanam. Tanaman yang dia injak juga akan memberikan efek bonus, anak panah yang dilumuri mendapatkan daya tahan 2x lipat, dan rumput akan memberinya tambahan armor ketika dia berdiri di sana.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=Dihancurkan oleh DM-300
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KERUSAKAN PARAH! MENCOBA MENUTUP-
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KERUSAKAN PARAH! MENCOBA MENUTUP-
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 adalah 'mesin pertahanan' terbesar dan terkuat yang pernah dibuat para dwarf. Mesin yang begitu mengagumkan sulit untuk dibuat, jadi para dwarf hanya membuat sedikit untuk menjaga pintu masuk ke kota metropolis bawah tanah mereka.\n\nIa dilengkapi dengan ventilasi untuk memancarkan asap knalpot beracun dan bor berdaya tinggi yang dapat digunakan untuk menyerang dan menghancurkan tanah. DM-300 juga dapat terhubung ke jaringan energi, yang selanjutnya meningkatkan kekuatannya.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 adalah 'mesin pertahanan' terbesar dan terkuat yang pernah dibuat para dwarf. Mesin yang begitu mengagumkan sulit untuk dibuat, jadi para dwarf hanya membuat sedikit untuk menjaga pintu masuk ke kota metropolis bawah tanah mereka.\n\nIa dilengkapi dengan ventilasi untuk memancarkan asap knalpot beracun dan bor berdaya tinggi yang dapat digunakan untuk menyerang dan menghancurkan tanah. DM-300 juga dapat terhubung ke jaringan energi, yang selanjutnya meningkatkan kekuatannya.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 saat ini diisi penuh dengan energi listrik, Dalam wujud ini DM-300 tidak dapat rusak dan bergerak dengan kecepatan ganda! Selain itu, bornya sekarang berputar cukup cepat untuk menerobos melalui batuan padat, meskipun bergerak jauh lebih lambat saat melakukan ini.\n\nMenyerang DM-300 secara langsung tidak ada gunanya saat sedang supercharged, tetapi _sesuatu di area ini pasti yang menyediakan energi ini, _ menghancurkan hal tersebut mungkin dapat melemahkannya.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Bebatuan lepas berjatuhan dari langit-langit di sini, sepertinya akan runtuh!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Bebatuan lepas berjatuhan dari langit-langit di sini, sepertinya akan runtuh!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Raja Dwarf
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Raja Dwarf
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=I campioni prominenti arrecano il 25%
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=campione antimagia
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=campione antimagia
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=I campioni antimagia ricevono il 25% in meno di danno e sono completamente immuni agli effetti magici.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=I campioni antimagia ricevono il 25% in meno di danno e sono completamente immuni agli effetti magici.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=campione gigante
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=campione gigante
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=I campioni giganti ricevono il 75% in meno di danno e hanno portata di attacco +1, ma non si possono spostare attraverso spazi ristretti.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=campione benedetto
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=campione benedetto
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=I campioni benedetti hanno il 200% in più di accuratezza e evasione.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=I campioni benedetti hanno il 200% in più di accuratezza e evasione.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=campione crescente
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=campione crescente
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Non proprio congelato, ma comunque parecchio freddo. \n\
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo da %d colpi!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo da %d colpi!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Devi bersagliare un nemico a portata d'attacco.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Devi bersagliare un nemico a portata d'attacco.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Seleziona un bersaglio da Percuotere\nConfonde e spinge via
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Percossa_ è attualmente disponibile. Questo attacco _spinge via un nemico e lo confonde,_ ma arreca un danno ridotto. È eccellente per guadagnare un po' di tempo durante un combattimento.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Seleziona un bersaglio da Squarciare\nSe uccide, mantiene la combinazione
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Squarcio_ è attualmente disponibile. Questo attacco arreca danno incrementato, e _se uccide un nemico, preserverà la combinazione invece di azzerarla._ È eccezionale per incrementare combinazioni quando si affrontano molteplici nemici.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Seleziona un bersaglio da Schiantare\nScudo e danni basati sull'armatura
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Schianto_ è attualmente disponibile. Questo attacco infligge _danno incrementato e concede uno scudo proporzionale alla potenza della tua armatura._ È ottimo per concludere uno scontro, permettendoti di trasferire la durata a quello successivo.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Seleziona un bersaglio da Frantumare\nInfligge molti danni
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=Frantuma è attualmente disponibile. Questo devastante attacco _infligge danni massicci molto frequentemente._ È ottimo per abbattere un potente avversario dalla salute elevata!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Scarica la furia su quale nemico?\nAttacca molte volte rapidamente
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Furia_ è attualmente disponibile. Questo devastante attacco _colpisce tante volte quanto il tuo attuale contatore combo,_ sebbene con danno ridotto. Furia è grandioso se possiedi un incantamento sull'arma, poiché esso si attiverà ad ogni colpo!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Il gladiatore accumula slancio assestando colpi a segno. Ogni colpo aumenta il contatore delle combo di una unità, ma impiegare troppo tempo tra gli attacchi o mancare il colpo più di una volta azzererà il contatore.\n\nAccumulare combinazioni sblocca speciali mosse finali: potenti attacchi che non possono fallire! Mosse finali differenti sono disponibili a 2, 4, 6, 8, e 10 conteggi combo e usare una mossa finale azzererà la tua combinazione.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corruzione penetra l'essenza di un essere, torcendoli contro la loro originaria natura.\n\nLe creature corrotte attaccheranno ed esaspereranno i loro alleati, ignorando i precedenti nemici. La corruzione è anche dannosa e causerà un lento deterioramento del bersaglio.\n\nLa corruzione è permanente, i suoi effetti terminano solo con la morte.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corruzione penetra l'essenza di un essere, torcendoli contro la loro originaria natura.\n\nLe creature corrotte attaccheranno ed esaspereranno i loro alleati, ignorando i precedenti nemici. La corruzione è anche dannosa e causerà un lento deterioramento del bersaglio.\n\nLa corruzione è permanente, i suoi effetti terminano solo con la morte.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Una forza magica ti rende difficile stare sveglio.\n\nL
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Impregnato con la Terra
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Impregnato con la Terra
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Sei impregnato del potere della terra!\n\nOgni attacco fisico sposterà la terra sotto i piedi del nemico, azzoppandolo per un breve periodo di tempo.\n\nTurni di impregnamento con la terra restanti: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Sei impregnato del potere della terra!\n\nOgni attacco fisico sposterà la terra sotto i piedi del nemico, azzoppandolo per un breve periodo di tempo.\n\nTurni di impregnamento con la terra restanti: %s.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Impregnato con il Fuoco
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Impregnato con il Fuoco
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Sei impregnato del potere del fuoco!\n\nTutti gli attacchi fisici hanno la probabilità di infiammare il nemico. Inoltre sei completamente immune agli effetti del fuoco.\n\nTurni di impregnamento del fuoco rimasti: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Sei impregnato del potere del fuoco!\n\nTutti gli attacchi fisici hanno la probabilità di infiammare il nemico. Inoltre sei completamente immune agli effetti del fuoco.\n\nTurni di impregnamento del fuoco rimasti: %s.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Maledetto
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Sei stato maledetto!
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Sei stato maledetto!
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Magia oscura che interferisce con la concentrazione, così da rendere il bersaglio piuttosto disorientato.\n\nMaledire riduce l'accuratezza e l'evasione di 20%%, rendendo il bersaglio meno efficace in combattimento.\n\nTurni di maleficio rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Magia oscura che interferisce con la concentrazione, così da rendere il bersaglio piuttosto disorientato.\n\nMaledire riduce l'accuratezza e l'evasione di 20%%, rendendo il bersaglio meno efficace in combattimento.\n\nTurni di maleficio rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Morente di fame
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Morente di fame
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Sei affamato.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Sei affamato.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Tutti gli effetti magici perdono la loro presa su
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Visione Mentale
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Visione Mentale
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=In qualche modo sei in grado di vedere tutte le creature del piano nella tua mente. È una strana sensazione.\n\nTutti personaggi presenti nel piano sono a te visibili finché hai la visione mentale. Vedere una creatura attraverso visione mentale conta come vista o nelle vicinanze per le finalità di molti effetti magici.\n\nTurni di visione mentale rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=In qualche modo sei in grado di vedere tutte le creature del piano nella tua mente. È una strana sensazione.\n\nTutti personaggi presenti nel piano sono a te visibili finché hai la visione mentale. Vedere una creatura attraverso visione mentale conta come vista o nelle vicinanze per le finalità di molti effetti magici.\n\nTurni di visione mentale rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Muovendosi, il corridore accumula slancio, aumentando la sua velocità e la capacità di schivare.\n\nIl bonus velocità è basato interamente sullo slancio, mentre il bonus schivata è influenzato anche dall'armatura.\n\nIl corridore otterrà ulteriore evasività dallo slancio per ogni punto di forza in eccesso che esso possiede rispetto ai requisiti della sua armatura.\n\nCarica di slancio attuale: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Melma caustica
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Melma caustica
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=La melma caustica consuma le tue carni. Lavala via!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=La melma caustica consuma le tue carni. Lavala via!
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Sei protetto da un'immagine prismatica attualme
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=L'energia ti scorre attraverso, migliorando il tasso di ricarica di bacchette e bastoni.\n\nA ogni turno questo stato attivo aumenterà la carica attuale di un quarto, in aggiunta alla normale ricarica.\n\nTurni di ricarica rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=L'energia ti scorre attraverso, migliorando il tasso di ricarica di bacchette e bastoni.\n\nA ogni turno questo stato attivo aumenterà la carica attuale di un quarto, in aggiunta alla normale ricarica.\n\nTurni di ricarica rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Non puoi muoverti!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Non puoi muoverti!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Radici (magiche o naturali) ti afferrano i piedi, costringendoli a terra.\n\nLe radici bloccano l'obiettivo sul posto, rendendogli impossibile ogni movimento, ma le altre azioni non ne sono influenzate.\n\nTurni di radice rimanente: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Radici (magiche o naturali) ti afferrano i piedi, costringendoli a terra.\n\nLe radici bloccano l'obiettivo sul posto, rendendogli impossibile ogni movimento, ma le altre azioni non ne sono influenzate.\n\nTurni di radice rimanente: %s.
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Fuso con le ombre
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Fuso con le ombre
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Ti confondi con le ombre intorno a te, conferendoti invisibilità e il rallentamento del metabolismo.\n\nMentre sei invisibile i nemici sono incapaci di attaccarti o seguirti. La maggior parte degli attacchi fisici e degli effetti magici (come quelli di pergamene e bacchette magiche) annulleranno immediatamente l'invisibilità. Inoltre, mentre sei fuso con le ombre, la tua fame rallenta.\n\nRimarrai fuso con le ombre fino a quando non lascerai l'oscurità o se un nemico entra in contatto con te.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Ti confondi con le ombre intorno a te, conferendoti invisibilità e il rallentamento del metabolismo.\n\nMentre sei invisibile i nemici sono incapaci di attaccarti o seguirti. La maggior parte degli attacchi fisici e degli effetti magici (come quelli di pergamene e bacchette magiche) annulleranno immediatamente l'invisibilità. Inoltre, mentre sei fuso con le ombre, la tua fame rallenta.\n\nRimarrai fuso con le ombre fino a quando non lascerai l'oscurità o se un nemico entra in contatto con te.
@ -304,7 +319,7 @@ actors.buffs.vertigo.name=Vertigine
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Camminare diritti può essere difficile quando il mondo intero sta vorticando.\n\nSotto l'effetto di vertigine, individui che tentano di muoversi procederanno in direzione casuale, al posto di quella che intendono intraprendere.\n\nTurni di vertigine rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Camminare diritti può essere difficile quando il mondo intero sta vorticando.\n\nSotto l'effetto di vertigine, individui che tentano di muoversi procederanno in direzione casuale, al posto di quella che intendono intraprendere.\n\nTurni di vertigine rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Bacchette potenziate
actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Bacchette potenziate
actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Your damage-dealing wands have been empowered, increasing the amount of damage they deal for a few zaps.\n\nBonus damage: %1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d.
actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Il danno inflitto dalle bacchette è stato potenziato, aumentando la quantità di danno che fanno per alcuni zap.\n\nDanno bonus: %1$d.\nZap rimanenti: %2$d.
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Ti senti indebolito!
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Ti senti indebolito!
@ -329,33 +344,65 @@ actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Il Guerriero impiega 1 turno per mang
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=forza di volontà ristabilita.
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=forza di volontà ristabilita.
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Usare una pozione della guarigione rigenererà istantaneamente il _67% dello scudo_ generato dal sigillo del guerriero.\n\n_+2:_ Usare una pozione della guarigione rigenererà istantaneamente il _100% dello scudo_ generato dal sigillo del guerriero.\n\nQuesto talento si attiva anche quando si usano pozioni o elisir basate su pozioni della guarigione.
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Usare una pozione della guarigione rigenererà istantaneamente il _67% dello scudo_ generato dal sigillo del guerriero.\n\n_+2:_ Usare una pozione della guarigione rigenererà istantaneamente il _100% dello scudo_ generato dal sigillo del guerriero.\n\nQuesto talento si attiva anche quando si usano pozioni o elisir basate su pozioni della guarigione.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=trasferimento runico
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=trasferimento runico
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Il sigillo rotto del Guerriero può trasferire i _glifi normali_ nello stesso modo in cui trasferisce un miglioramento.\n\n_+2:_ Il sigillo rotto del Guerriero può trasferire i _glifi normali, potenti e maledetti_ nello stesso modo in cui trasferisce un miglioramento.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=inerzia letale
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=inerzia letale
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ Quando il Guerriero uccide un nemico, il colpo letale ha una _probabilità del 67%_ di essere istantaneo.\n\n_+2:_ Quando il Guerriero uccide un nemico, il colpo letale ha una _probabilità del 100%_ di essere istantaneo.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=proiettili improvvisati
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=proiettili improvvisati
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Il Guerriero può accecare un nemico per _2 turni_ tirandogli un oggetto che non sia una arma da lancio. Questa azione ha un tempo di ricarica di 30 turni. \n\n_+2:_ Il Guerriero può accecare un nemico per _3 turni_ tirandogli un oggetto che non sia una arma da lancio. Questa azione ha un tempo di ricarica di 30 turni.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=Pasto potenziato
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=Pasto potenziato
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Assumere cibo garantisce al Mago _2 danni bonus_ nei prossimi 3 colpi di bacchetta magica.\n\n_+1:_ Assumere cibo garantisce al Mago _3 danni bonus_ nei prossimi 3 colpi di bacchetta magica.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Intuizione dello studioso
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Intuizione dello studioso
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Il Mago identifica le bacchette magiche _3 volte più veloce_.\n\n_+2:_ Il Mago identifica le bacchette magiche _quando le usa_.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Il Mago identifica le bacchette magiche _3 volte più veloce_.\n\n_+2:_ Il Mago identifica le bacchette magiche _quando le usa_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=ipotesi verificata
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=ipotesi verificata
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Ogni volta che il Mago identifica un oggetto, guadagna _2 turni di ricarica della bacchetta_.\n\n_2+_: Ogni volta che il mago identifica un oggetto, guadagna _3 turni di ricarica della bacchetta_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Ogni volta che il Mago identifica un oggetto, guadagna _2 turni di ricarica della bacchetta_.\n\n_2+_: Ogni volta che il mago identifica un oggetto, guadagna _3 turni di ricarica della bacchetta_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=backup barrier
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=barriera di scorta
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ Il Mago guadagna _4 scudi_ quando utilizza l'ultima carica del suo bastone. \n\n_+2:_ Il Mago guadagna _6 scudi_ quando utilizza l'ultima carica del suo bastone.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Pasto energizzante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Pasto energizzante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Assumere cibo dà al mago un turno e gli garantisce _5turni di ricarica della bacchetta_.\n\n_+2:_ Assumere cibo dà al mago 1 turno e gli garantisce _8 turni di ricarica della bacchetta_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Assumere cibo dà al mago un turno e gli garantisce _5turni di ricarica della bacchetta_.\n\n_+2:_ Assumere cibo dà al mago 1 turno e gli garantisce _8 turni di ricarica della bacchetta_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Miglioria energizzante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Miglioria energizzante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=mantenimento del bastone
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Quando il Mago infonde una nuova bacchetta nel suo bastone, la vecchia bacchetta ha una _chance del 67%_ di venir restituita a +0.\n\n_+2:_ Quando il Mago infonde una nuova bacchetta nel suo bastone, la vecchia bacchetta ha una _chance del 100%_ di venir restituita a +0.\n\nQuesto talento può mantenere una bacchetta fino a tre volte.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=Visione arcana
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=Visione arcana
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Quando il Mago colpisce con una bacchetta un nemico, guadagna la visione mentale per _10 turni_.\n\nQuando il Mago colpisce con una bacchetta un nemico, guadagna la visione mentale per _15 turni_.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Quando il Mago colpisce con una bacchetta un nemico, guadagna la visione mentale per _10 turni_.\n\nQuando il Mago colpisce con una bacchetta un nemico, guadagna la visione mentale per _15 turni_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=scudo batteria
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ Il Mago può colpirsi con una bacchetta per convertire le cariche in protezione ad un ritmo massimo del _5% dell'HP per carica_.\n\n_+2_: Il Mago può colpirsi con una bacchetta per convertire le cariche in protezione ad un ritmo massimo del _7.5% dell'HP per carica_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=razione nascosta
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ Il Ladro può trovare _4 razioni piccole_ dentro ai forzieri mentre esplora i primi piani del dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ Il Ladro può trovare _6 razioni piccole_ dentro ai forzieri mentre esplora i primi piani del dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=Intuizione del ladro
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=Intuizione del ladro
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Il ladro identifica gli anelli _2 volte più velocemente_, e identifica il tipo di anello _nel momento in cui lo equipaggia_.\n\n_+2:_ Il ladro identifica gli anelli _nel momento in cui li equipaggia_, e identifica il tipo di anello _nel momento in cui lo prende_.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Il ladro identifica gli anelli _2 volte più velocemente_, e identifica il tipo di anello _nel momento in cui lo equipaggia_.\n\n_+2:_ Il ladro identifica gli anelli _nel momento in cui li equipaggia_, e identifica il tipo di anello _nel momento in cui lo prende_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Pugno del ladro
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=Pugno del ladro
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Il Ladro aggiunge _1-2 danni bonus_ l
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=Ombre protettive
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=Ombre protettive
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Il Ladro aggiunge una protezione_ ogni altro turno_ se il mantello è attivo, _ per un massimo di 3_.\n\n+_2:_ Il Ladro aggiunge una protezione _ogni turno_ se il mantello è attivo, _per un massimo di 5_.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Il Ladro aggiunge una protezione_ ogni altro turno_ se il mantello è attivo, _ per un massimo di 3_.\n\n+_2:_ Il Ladro aggiunge una protezione _ogni turno_ se il mantello è attivo, _per un massimo di 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=pasto mistico
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=pasto mistico
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ assumere del cibo prende al Ladro un turno e gli garantisce _3 turni di ricarica dell'artefatto_.\n_+2_: assumere del cibo prende al Ladro 1 turno e gli garantisce _5 turni di ricarica dell'artefatto_.\n\nQuesto talento non può essere utilizzato per ricaricare la cornucopia.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=miglioramento mistico
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=miglioramento mistico
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=ricerca ampia
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=ricerca ampia
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Il raggio di ricerca del Ladro aumenta da un quadrato 5x5 ad un _cerchio 7x7_.\n\n_+2:_ Il raggio di ricerca del Ladro aumenta da un cerchio 7x7 ad un _quadrato 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silent steps
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=passi silenziosi
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1_ Il ladro non sveglierà i nemici finché si trova a _3 o più caselle da loro_.\n\n_+2_ Il ladro non sveglierà i nemici finché si trova _non adiacente a loro_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=Previsione del ladro
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=nature's bounty
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=generosità della natura
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress can find _4 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress can find _6 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ La cacciatrice può trovare _4 ciliegie_ nascoste nell'erba alta mentre esplora i primi piani del dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ La cacciatrice può trovare _6 ciliegie_ nascoste nell'erba alta mentre esplora i primi piani del dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Intuizione della sopravvissuta
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Intuizione della sopravvissuta
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _1.75x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _2.5x faster_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ La cacciatrice identifica tutto l'equipaggiamento _1.7 volte più velocemente_.\n_+2:_ La cacciatrice identifica tutto l'equipaggiamento _2.5 volte più velocemente_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Colpo consecutivo
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Colpo consecutivo
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=soccorso della natura
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=soccorso della natura
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ La cacciatrice guadagna 2 punti armatura di pelle coriacea per _4 turni_ quando una pianta è calpestata nel suo campo visivo.\n\n_+2:_ La cacciatrice guadagna 2 punti armatura di pelle coriacea per _6 turni_ quando una pianta è calpestata nel suo campo visivo.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=pasto invigorente
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=pasto invigorente
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restored nature
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=natura ristoratrice
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Usare una pozione di guarigione genererà _fino a 5 erba alta_ attorno alla Cacciatrice, e radici attorno ai nemici vicini per _2 turni_.\n\n_+2:_ Usare una pozione di guarigione genererà _fino a 8 erba alta_ attorno alla Cacciatrice, e radici attorno ai nemici vicini per _3 turni_.\n\nQuesto talento si attiva anche quando si usano pozioni o elisir basate su pozioni di guarigione.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Usare una pozione di guarigione genererà _fino a 5 erba alta_ attorno alla Cacciatrice, e radici attorno ai nemici vicini per _2 turni_.\n\n_+2:_ Usare una pozione di guarigione genererà _fino a 8 erba alta_ attorno alla Cacciatrice, e radici attorno ai nemici vicini per _3 turni_.\n\nQuesto talento si attiva anche quando si usano pozioni o elisir basate su pozioni di guarigione.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=passi del ringiovanimento
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=heightened senses
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=Sensi ampliati
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=durable projectiles
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=Durabilità proiettili
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have _+50% durability_ when used by the Huntress.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have _+75% durability_ when used by the Huntress.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have _+50% durability_ when used by the Huntress.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have _+75% durability_ when used by the Huntress.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=Non puoi ancora andartene, il resto del dungeon ti aspetta di sotto!
actors.hero.hero.leave=Non puoi ancora andartene, il resto del dungeon ti aspetta di sotto!
@ -417,38 +496,38 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Una sotto-classe può essere scelt
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Il Mago è un esperto con le bacchette e porta con sé un _bastone magico esclusivo._\n\nPer sbloccarlo _utilizza una pergamena del miglioramento per rendere un oggetto più forte._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Il Mago è un esperto con le bacchette e porta con sé un _bastone magico esclusivo._\n\nPer sbloccarlo _utilizza una pergamena del miglioramento per rendere un oggetto più forte._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with and wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Il Mago inizia con il suo bastone come arma da mischia. Il bastone infligge meno danno da mischia rispetto alle altre armi di partenza.\n\nIl Mago può usare la magia contenuta nel suo bastone per attaccare a distanza.\n\nIl Mago inizia con un _tubo per pergamene,_ che è in grado di contenere svariate pergamene tenendole al riparo dal fuoco.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Il Mago inizia con il suo bastone come arma da mischia. Il bastone infligge meno danno da mischia rispetto alle altre armi di partenza.\n\nIl Mago può usare la magia contenuta nel suo bastone per attaccare a distanza.\n\nIl Mago inizia con un _tubo per pergamene,_ che è in grado di contenere svariate pergamene tenendole al riparo dal fuoco.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Una sotto-classe può essere scelta dopo aver sconfitto il secondo boss. Il Mago possiede due sotto-classi:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Una sotto-classe può essere scelta dopo aver sconfitto il secondo boss. Il Mago possiede due sotto-classi:
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Il Ladro può controllare lo scorrere della battaglia e colpire da invisibile utilizzando il suo _esclusivo manto delle ombre._\n\nPer sbloccarlo _esegui 10 attacchi a sorpresa in una partita._
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Il Ladro può controllare lo scorrere della battaglia e colpire da invisibile utilizzando il suo _esclusivo manto delle ombre._\n\nPer sbloccarlo _esegui 10 attacchi a sorpresa in una partita._
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=The Rogue starts with a unique artifact: the _Cloak of Shadows,_ which he can use to become invisible at will. Like all artifacts, the cloak becomes more powerful as it is used.\n\nThe Rogue can detect secrets and traps from a greater distance.\n\nThe Rogue automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Invisibility\n- Scrolls of Magic Mapping
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=Il Ladro inizia con un artefatto unico: il _Mantello delle Ombre_ che può usare epr diventare invisibile per un po'di tempo. Come tutti gli artefatti, il mantello si potenzia con l'uso.\n\nIl Ladro può trovare segreti e trappole da una distanza maggiore.\n\nIl ladro identifica automaticamente:\n- Pergamemene dell'identificazione\n- Pozioni dell'invisibilità\n- Pergamene della Mappatura Magica
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Il Ladro inizia con un _pugnale,_ che infligge più danno quando sorprende i nemici.\n\nIl Ladro inizia con _tre coltelli da lancio,_ che offrono un po' di danno a distanza e infliggono più danno ai nemici sorpresi.\n\nIl Ladro inizia con _sacchetto di velluto,_ che è in grado di contenere piccoli oggetti quali semi e pietre runiche.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Il Ladro inizia con un _pugnale,_ che infligge più danno quando sorprende i nemici.\n\nIl Ladro inizia con _tre coltelli da lancio,_ che offrono un po' di danno a distanza e infliggono più danno ai nemici sorpresi.\n\nIl Ladro inizia con _sacchetto di velluto,_ che è in grado di contenere piccoli oggetti quali semi e pietre runiche.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Una sotto-classe può essere scelta dopo aver sconfitto il secondo boss. Il Ladro possiede due sotto-classi:
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Una sotto-classe può essere scelta dopo aver sconfitto il secondo boss. Il Ladro possiede due sotto-classi:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=La Cacciatrice è una esperta delle armi da lancio, e possiede un _arco magico esclusivo_ con frecce infinite.\n\nPer sbloccarla _colpisci 15 nemici con l'aiuto di armi da lancio in una partita._
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=La Cacciatrice è una esperta delle armi da lancio, e possiede un _arco magico esclusivo_ con frecce infinite.\n\nPer sbloccarla _colpisci 15 nemici con l'aiuto di armi da lancio in una partita._
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows. The bow steadily grows stronger as the huntress levels up, and can be augmented and enchanted.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass without trampling it.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Mind Vision\n- Scrolls of Lullaby
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=La Cacciatrice inizia con un _esclusivo arco spirituale,_ che può scoccare un numero infinito di frecce evocate. L'arco diventa costantemente più potente man mano che la Cacciatrice aumenta di livello, e può essere migliorato e incantato.\nLa Cacciatrice può attraversare l'erba alta senza schiacciarla.\n\nLa Cacciatrice identifica automaticamente:\n- Pergamene dell'Identificazione\n- Pozioni di Visione Mentale\n- Pergamene della Ninna nanna
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=La Cacciatrice inizia con un paio di _guanti borchiati,_ che attaccano molto più rapidamente rispetto ad altre armi di partenza.\n\nLa Cacciatrice inizia con il suo arco come alternativa a distanza.\n\nLa Cacciatrice inizia con un _sacchetto di velluto,_ che è in grado di contenere piccoli oggetti quali semi e pietre runiche.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=La Cacciatrice inizia con un paio di _guanti borchiati,_ che attaccano molto più rapidamente rispetto ad altre armi di partenza.\n\nLa Cacciatrice inizia con il suo arco come alternativa a distanza.\n\nLa Cacciatrice inizia con un _sacchetto di velluto,_ che è in grado di contenere piccoli oggetti quali semi e pietre runiche.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Una sotto-classe può essere scelta dopo aver sconfitto il secondo boss. La Cacciatrice possiede due sotto-classi:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Una sotto-classe può essere scelta dopo aver sconfitto il secondo boss. La Cacciatrice possiede due sotto-classi:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Un attacco riuscito con un'arma da mischia permette al _Gladiatore_ di iniziare una combo. Costruire combo gli permette di usare mosse finali uniche.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=Il _Berserker_ infligge danni bonus di pari passo ai danni ricevuti. Quando è in piena rabbia egli può rifiutarsi di morire per un breve periodo, al costo dello sfinimento.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Quando usa le bacchette su un nemico, il _Warlock_ ha l'opportunità di marchiare la sua anima. I nemici marchiati lo guariranno e sazieranno la sua fame ogni qual volta riceveranno danno fisico.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mago guerriero
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mago guerriero
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Quando combatte con il suo bastone, il _Mago guerriero_ evoca effetti bonus a seconda della bacchetta che impregna il suo bastone. Il bastone inoltre guadagna cariche durante il combattimento.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Quando combatte con il suo bastone, il _Mago guerriero_ evoca effetti bonus a seconda della bacchetta che impregna il suo bastone. Il bastone inoltre guadagna cariche durante il combattimento.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Quando è invisibile _l'Assassino_ prepara un attacco mortale al suo prossimo colpo. Più a lungo rimane invisibile, più potente sarà l'attacco.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Quando è invisibile _l'Assassino_ prepara un attacco mortale al suo prossimo colpo. Più a lungo rimane invisibile, più potente sarà l'attacco.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=Il _Corridore_ accumula slancio durante la corsa. Lo slancio aumenta la sua velocità di movimento e l'evasione, ma si affievolisce rapidamente quando è immobile.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=Il _Cecchino_ è un maestro del combattimento a distanza. Acquisisce una vista più acuta e i suoi attacchi a distanza attraversano le armature. Dopo aver colpito con un'arma da lancio, potrà continuare con un attacco speciale del suo arco.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=Il _Guardiano_ possiede una forte connessione con le forze della natura che le permette di vedere attraverso l'erba alta e comandare alla vegetazione increspata di germogliare attorno alle piante da essa seminate. Le piante calpestate daranno inoltre effetti bonus, i dardi intinti dureranno il doppio e lo stare sull'erba le donerà un incremento all'armatura.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=Schiacciato da DM-300
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=DANNO CRITICO! TENTATIVO D'ARRES-
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=DANNO CRITICO! TENTATIVO D'ARRES-
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 è la più grande e potente 'macchina da difesa' che i nani abbiano mai creato. Tale grandiosa macchina è così difficile da costruire che i nani ne hanno realizzate solo alcune, poste a guardia delle entrate delle loro metropoli sotterranee.\n\nÈ equipaggiato con scarichi emettenti tossici gas di scarico e un potente trapano a percussione, in grado sia di attaccare che di distruggere il suolo. DM-300 può inoltre collegarsi alla linea elettrica, aumentando ulteriormente il suo potere.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 è la più grande e potente 'macchina da difesa' che i nani abbiano mai creato. Tale grandiosa macchina è così difficile da costruire che i nani ne hanno realizzate solo alcune, poste a guardia delle entrate delle loro metropoli sotterranee.\n\nÈ equipaggiato con scarichi emettenti tossici gas di scarico e un potente trapano a percussione, in grado sia di attaccare che di distruggere il suolo. DM-300 può inoltre collegarsi alla linea elettrica, aumentando ulteriormente il suo potere.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 è attualmente a piena carica elettrica, in questo stato DM-300 non può venire danneggiato e si muoverà al doppio della velocità! Inoltre, il suo trapano gira abbastanza veloce da _attraversare la roccia solida,_ anche se si sposterà molto più lentamente in questo caso.\n\nAttaccare DM-300 direttamente è inutile quando è a piena carica, ma _qualcosa in quest'area deve provvedere a questa energia,_ distruggerla potrebbe indebolirlo.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Rocce instabili stanno precipitando dal soffitto in questa zona, sembra che stia per collassare!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Rocce instabili stanno precipitando dal soffitto in questa zona, sembra che stia per collassare!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Re dei Nani
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Re dei Nani
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Projecting champions deal 25% more me
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=antimagic champion
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=antimagic champion
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Antimagic champions take 25% less damage and are completely immune to magical effects.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Antimagic champions take 25% less damage and are completely immune to magical effects.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=giant champion
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=giant champion
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=blessed champion
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=blessed champion
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Blessed champions have 200% more accuracy and evasion.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Blessed champions have 200% more accuracy and evasion.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=growing champion
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=growing champion
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=完全に凍結しているわけではないが、そ
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d コンボ!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d コンボ!
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_打撃_ が使用できる。この攻撃は _敵を混乱させ一歩下がらせる_ が、与えるダメージは減少する。戦闘で少し時間を稼ぐのに適している。
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_斬撃_ が使用できる。この攻撃は与えるダメージを増加させ、 _敵を倒すとコンボが継続する_ 。複数の敵と交戦するときに適している。
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_殴打_ が使用できる。この攻撃は _与えるダメージを増加させ、鎧の防御力に比例したシールドを得る_ 。戦闘を終了し、次の戦いに備えるときに適している。
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_破砕_ が使用できる。この痛烈な攻撃は _一貫して大量のダメージを与える_ 。強力な敵の体力を削るときに最適だ!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_憤激_ が使用できる。この痛烈な攻撃は _現在のコンボ回数の数だけ攻撃する_ が、与えるダメージは減少する。攻撃するたびにエンチャントが効果を発揮するので、エンチャントされた武器を持っているときに最適だ!
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=魔法の力のせいで瞼を開けていられない
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=大地の力が体に染み渡った!\n\n全ての物理攻撃は敵が立っている地面を動かし、少しの間動きを止める。\n\n大地の力の浸透が終わるまで: %s ターン
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=大地の力が体に染み渡った!\n\n全ての物理攻撃は敵が立っている地面を動かし、少しの間動きを止める。\n\n大地の力の浸透が終わるまで: %s ターン
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=炎の力が体に染み渡った!\n\n全ての物理攻撃は敵を発火させる可能性がある。さらに、炎に対する完全耐性を得る。\n\n炎の力の浸透が終わるまで: %s ターン
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=炎の力が体に染み渡った!\n\n全ての物理攻撃は敵を発火させる可能性がある。さらに、炎に対する完全耐性を得る。\n\n炎の力の浸透が終わるまで: %s ターン
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Hexed
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=You have been hexed!
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=You have been hexed!
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Dark magic which saps focus, making the target slightly disoriented.\n\nHexing reduces accuracy and evasion by 20%%, making the target less effective in combat.\n\nTurns of hex remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Dark magic which saps focus, making the target slightly disoriented.\n\nHexing reduces accuracy and evasion by 20%%, making the target less effective in combat.\n\nTurns of hex remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=全ての魔法は効果を失い、それらに
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=どういうわけか、この階の生物はみんな心の中で見えるようになった。かなり変な感じがする。\n\n天眼が続く限り、この階の生物が見えるようになる。魔法を使う時も、天眼で見える生物は近くにいるか見えているかのように扱うことができる。\n\n天眼が終わるまで: %s ターン
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=どういうわけか、この階の生物はみんな心の中で見えるようになった。かなり変な感じがする。\n\n天眼が続く限り、この階の生物が見えるようになる。魔法を使う時も、天眼で見える生物は近くにいるか見えているかのように扱うことができる。\n\n天眼が終わるまで: %s ターン
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=動くにつれ、忍者は勢いを増し、移動速度と回避力が上昇する。\n\n速度ボーナスは純粋に推進力で決定されるが、回避力は鎧の影響も受ける。\n\n鎧の必要条件を超える筋力1ポイントにつき、推進力からさらなる回避力を得る。\n\n現在の推進力: %d%%
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=普段はおとなしい虹色の像に守護
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=エネルギーが身体中を流れて杖や長杖の充填を補助している。\n\n通常の充填に加え、毎ターン充填量が四分の一増加する。\n\n再充填が終わるまで: %s ターン
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=エネルギーが身体中を流れて杖や長杖の充填を補助している。\n\n通常の充填に加え、毎ターン充填量が四分の一増加する。\n\n再充填が終わるまで: %s ターン
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=根っこ(自然のものも魔法的なものもある)は足を掴んで地面に縛っている。\n\n根っこによってその場に釘付けになっており、歩くことができないが、しかし他の行動には影響がない。\n\n束縛が終わるまで: %s ターン
actors.buffs.roots.desc=根っこ(自然のものも魔法的なものもある)は足を掴んで地面に縛っている。\n\n根っこによってその場に釘付けになっており、歩くことができないが、しかし他の行動には影響がない。\n\n束縛が終わるまで: %s ターン
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing in
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=runic transference
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ 戦士の壊れた印章は_普通の刻印_をアップグレードと同じように付け替えることができる。 \n\n_+2:_ 戦士の壊れた印章は_普通の刻印_、_強力な刻印_、_呪いの刻印_をアップグレードと同じように付け替えることができる。
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ 戦士の壊れた印章は_普通の刻印_をアップグレードと同じように付け替えることができる。 \n\n_+2:_ 戦士の壊れた印章は_普通の刻印_、_強力な刻印_、_呪いの刻印_をアップグレードと同じように付け替えることができる。
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=lethal momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _67% chance_ to be instantaneous.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a _100% chance_ to be instantaneous.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improvised projectiles
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ 投てき武器以外のアイテムを投げつけることによって、敵を_2ターン_盲目にできる。This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ 投てき武器以外のアイテムを投げつけることによって、敵を_3ターン_盲目にできる。This has a 30 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ 投てき武器以外のアイテムを投げつけることによって、敵を_2ターン_盲目にできる。This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ 投てき武器以外のアイテムを投げつけることによって、敵を_3ターン_盲目にできる。This has a 30 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=empowering meal
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=empowering meal
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=scholar's intuition
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=scholar's intuition
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Mage identifies wands _3x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage identifies wands _when he uses them_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tested hypothesis
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=tested hypothesis
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenev
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=energizing meal
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizing upgrade
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=energizing upgrade
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=wand preservation
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=shield battery
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ 盗賊はダンジョンの初期のステージで宝箱に入った_小さい食料4つ_見つけることができる。\n_+2:_ 盗賊はダンジョンの初期のステージで宝箱に入った_小さい食料を6つ_見つけることができる。
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ 盗賊はダンジョンの初期のステージで宝箱に入った_小さい食料4つ_見つけることができる。\n_+2:_ 盗賊はダンジョンの初期のステージで宝箱に入った_小さい食料を6つ_見つけることができる。
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ th
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protective shadows
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=protective shadows
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystical meal
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=mystical meal
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mystical upgrade
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=wide search
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silent steps
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=silent steps
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=nature's bounty
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=nature's bounty
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ 猟師はダンジョンの初期のステージで、背の高い草に隠された_ベリーを4つ_見つけることができる。\n\n_+2:_ 猟師はダンジョンの初期のステージで、背の高い草に隠された_ベリーを6つ_見つけることができる。
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ 猟師はダンジョンの初期のステージで、背の高い草に隠された_ベリーを4つ_見つけることができる。\n\n_+2:_ 猟師はダンジョンの初期のステージで、背の高い草に隠された_ベリーを6つ_見つけることができる。
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=survivalist's intuition
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=survivalist's intuition
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ 猟師は全ての装備を_1.75倍速く_識別できる。\n\n_+2:_ 猟師は全ての装備を_2.5倍速く_識別できる。
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ 猟師は全ての装備を_1.75倍速く_識別できる。\n\n_+2:_ 猟師は全ての装備を_2.5倍速く_識別できる。
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=followup strike
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=followup strike
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=nature's aid
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=nature's aid
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin for _4 turns_ when a plant is trampled in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin for _6 turns_ when a plant is trampled in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ 食事に1ターンを要し(ベリー系は即座)、_1ターンだけ素早さが_アップする。\n\n_+2:_ 食事に1ターンを要し(ベリー系は即座)、_2ターンの間素早さが_アップする。
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ 食事に1ターンを要し(ベリー系は即座)、_1ターンだけ素早さが_アップする。\n\n_+2:_ 食事に1ターンを要し(ベリー系は即座)、_2ターンの間素早さが_アップする。
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restored nature
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=restored nature
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=rejuvenating steps
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=heightened senses
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=heightened senses
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=durable projectiles
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=durable projectiles
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ 猟師の投てき武器の_耐久性が50%アップ_する。\n\n_+2:_ 猟師の投てき武器の_耐久性が75%アップ_する。
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ 猟師の投てき武器の_耐久性が50%アップ_する。\n\n_+2:_ 猟師の投てき武器の_耐久性が75%アップ_する。
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=You can't leave yet, the rest of the dungeon awaits below!
actors.hero.hero.leave=You can't leave yet, the rest of the dungeon awaits below!
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=二番目のボスを倒すとサ
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=The Mage is an expert with wands, and carries a _unique magical staff._\n\nTo unlock him _use a scroll of upgrade to make an item stronger._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=The Mage is an expert with wands, and carries a _unique magical staff._\n\nTo unlock him _use a scroll of upgrade to make an item stronger._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with and wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=魔術師は長杖を打撃武器としても使用する。長杖は他の初期武器よりも近接ダメージを与えにくい。\n\n魔術師は長杖に込められている魔法を遠隔攻撃として使用できる。\n\n魔術師は、たくさんの巻物が入り、しかも炎から守る _巻物入れ_ を持って開始する。
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=魔術師は長杖を打撃武器としても使用する。長杖は他の初期武器よりも近接ダメージを与えにくい。\n\n魔術師は長杖に込められている魔法を遠隔攻撃として使用できる。\n\n魔術師は、たくさんの巻物が入り、しかも炎から守る _巻物入れ_ を持って開始する。
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=猟師は、他の初期武器より
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=近接武器で敵に攻撃を当てると _剣闘士_ がコンボを開始する。コンボを続けると必殺技を出せるようになる。
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=_狂戦士_ は傷を負うにつれて攻撃力を増す。また怒りが最大のときに死にかけたら、一時的に衰弱する代わりに復活する。
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=愛用の長杖で直接攻撃する時、 _魔術戦士_ はその杖に取り込んだ特殊効果を使役できる。また同時に杖の使用回数を再充填することができる。
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=愛用の長杖で直接攻撃する時、 _魔術戦士_ はその杖に取り込んだ特殊効果を使役できる。また同時に杖の使用回数を再充填することができる。
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=不可視の間、 _暗殺者_ は次の攻撃のために死に至らしめる一撃を準備する。不可視の時間が長いほど、より強力な攻撃になる。
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=不可視の間、 _暗殺者_ は次の攻撃のために死に至らしめる一撃を準備する。不可視の時間が長いほど、より強力な攻撃になる。
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=_忍者_ は走る事により推進力を溜める事ができる。推進力が溜まると忍者の移動速度と回避力が上昇する一方、彼が足を止めている状態では急速に失われていく。
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=_狙撃手_ は遠隔攻撃に熟達している。強化された視野を用いた遠隔攻撃は鎧を刺し貫く。投擲武器を当てた直後、特別な攻撃を弓から放つことができる。
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=_自然の保護者_ は自然との深いかかわりの中で、草を通してあたりを見渡すことができるようになり、種を植えると彼女の周りにたちどころに生い茂るようになった。草を踏み潰すことにより追加効果が得られ、塗布された投矢の耐久力は二倍になり、立っている場所の草は鎧に補正を与えるようになる。
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=DM-300に破壊された
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=CRITICAL DAMAGE! ATTEMPTING SHUTDO-
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=CRITICAL DAMAGE! ATTEMPTING SHUTDO-
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=The DM-300 is the largest and most powerful 'defense machine' that the dwarves ever built. Such an awesome machine is difficult to manufacture, so the dwarves only ever made a few to guard the entrances to their underground metropolis.\n\nIt is equipped with vents to jet its toxic exhaust fumes and a high power drill that it can use both to attack and disrupt the earth. DM-300 can also connect to an energy grid, further enhancing its power.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=The DM-300 is the largest and most powerful 'defense machine' that the dwarves ever built. Such an awesome machine is difficult to manufacture, so the dwarves only ever made a few to guard the entrances to their underground metropolis.\n\nIt is equipped with vents to jet its toxic exhaust fumes and a high power drill that it can use both to attack and disrupt the earth. DM-300 can also connect to an energy grid, further enhancing its power.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy, In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Loose rocks are tumbling down from the ceiling here, it looks like its about to collapse!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Loose rocks are tumbling down from the ceiling here, it looks like its about to collapse!
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=도달의 강화 개체는 25% 더
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=항마의 강화 개체
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=항마의 강화 개체
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=항마의 강화 개체는 피해를 25% 덜 받으며 마법 효과에 대해 완전하게 면역입니다.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=항마의 강화 개체는 피해를 25% 덜 받으며 마법 효과에 대해 완전하게 면역입니다.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=거대한 강화 개체
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=거대한 강화 개체
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=거대한 강화 개체는 피해를 75% 덜 받으며 공격 범위가 한 칸 더 넓지만, 좁은 벽 사이를 지나갈 수 없습니다.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=축복받은 강화 개체
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=축복받은 강화 개체
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=축복받은 강화 개체는 200% 더 많은 정확성과 회피를 가집니다.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=축복받은 강화 개체는 200% 더 많은 정확성과 회피를 가집니다.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=성장하는 강화 개체
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=성장하는 강화 개체
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=완전히 얼진 않았지만, 그래도 여전히 너
actors.buffs.combo.name=연속 타격
actors.buffs.combo.name=연속 타격
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d 연속 명중!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d 연속 명중!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=공격 범위 내에 있는 적을 공격해야 합니다.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=공격 범위 내에 있는 적을 공격해야 합니다.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=후려칠 대상을 선택\n뒤로 밀쳐지며 혼란시킴
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=이제 _후려치기_ 가 가능합니다. 이 공격은 피해량이 적지만 _적을 밀쳐내고 혼란시킵니다._ 전투 중 시간을 벌 때 유용합니다.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=갈라버릴 대상을 선택\n대상이 죽으면, 연속 타격을 유지함
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=이제 _가르기_ 가 가능합니다. 이 공격은 피해량이 증가하며, _적을 처치하는데 성공하면 연속 타격을 유지할 수 있습니다._ 여러 명의 적을 상대하면서 연속 타격을 유지하기 위해 효과적인 수단입니다.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=강타할 대상을 선택\n방어구 성능에 비례한 추가 피해와 방어막 획득
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=현재 _강타_ 를 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 공격은 _더 높은 피해를 주고 당신이 입고 있는 갑옷의 성능에 비례한 보호막을 부여합니다._ 이 공격은 전투를 끝내는 데에 좋으며, 다음 전투를 더 오래 버텨낼 수 있게 합니다.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=으깨버릴 대상을 선택\n엄청난 피해를 줌.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=이제 _으깨기_ 가 가능합니다. 이 잔혹한 공격은 _매우 안정적이고 높은 피해를 입힙니다._ 높은 체력을 가진 강력한 적을 제압할 때 효과적입니다!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=분노 폭발 대상을 선택\n매우 빠르게 여러번 공격
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=이제 _분노 폭발_ 이 가능합니다. 이 잔혹한 공격은 감소된 피해량으로 _현재 연속 타격 수치만큼 적을 공격합니다._ 매 공격마다 무기에 걸린 마법을 발동시킬 수 있으므로, 그런 무기를 사용할때 매우 효과적입니다!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=검투사들은 공격에 성공할 때마다 전투에 추진력을 얻습니다. 명중한 공격은 연속 타격 수치를 하나 늘립니다. 그러나 일정 시간동안 공격하지 않거나, 공격이 두 번 연속으로 빗나가면 연속 타격 수치는 0으로 되돌아갑니다.\n\n연속 타격을 많이 성공시키면 절대 빗나가지 않는 필살기를 사용할 수 있습니다! 연속 수치가 2, 4, 6, 8, 10일때 각각의 특수한 필살기를 사용할 수 있으며, 이를 사용하면 연속 타격 수치가 초기화됩니다.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=타락 마법은 존재의 근원을 조작하여, 대상을 아군과 적대하도록 만듭니다.\n\n타락한 생물체는 자신의 동료를 공격하며, 자신의 원래 적을 무시합니다. 타락은 또한 걸린 대상에게 피해를 입히며, 시간이 지남에 따라 체력이 천천히 사라집니다.\n\n타락 효과는 영구적으로 지속되며, 오직 죽어야만 끝이 납니다.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=타락 마법은 존재의 근원을 조작하여, 대상을 아군과 적대하도록 만듭니다.\n\n타락한 생물체는 자신의 동료를 공격하며, 자신의 원래 적을 무시합니다. 타락은 또한 걸린 대상에게 피해를 입히며, 시간이 지남에 따라 체력이 천천히 사라집니다.\n\n타락 효과는 영구적으로 지속되며, 오직 죽어야만 끝이 납니다.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=마법의 힘이 잠을 쏟아지게 만듭니다.\n\n
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=대지와 동화함
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=대지와 동화함
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=당신은 대지의 힘과 하나가 되었습니다!\n\n당신의 모든 물리적 공격에 땅을 일으키는 힘이 담기게 될 것이며, 일시적으로 타격한 적들을 속박시킬 것입니다.\n\n효과가 끝나기까지 %s 턴 남았습니다.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=당신은 대지의 힘과 하나가 되었습니다!\n\n당신의 모든 물리적 공격에 땅을 일으키는 힘이 담기게 될 것이며, 일시적으로 타격한 적들을 속박시킬 것입니다.\n\n효과가 끝나기까지 %s 턴 남았습니다.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=화염과 동화함
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=화염과 동화함
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=당신은 불의 힘과 하나가 되었습니다!\n\n적에게 가하는 모든 물리 공격은 지속시간 동안 적들을 불타오르게 만들며, 당신은 불에 면역이 됩니다.\n\n화염과 동화함 효과는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=당신은 불의 힘과 하나가 되었습니다!\n\n적에게 가하는 모든 물리 공격은 지속시간 동안 적들을 불타오르게 만들며, 당신은 불에 면역이 됩니다.\n\n화염과 동화함 효과는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=주술에 걸림
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=당신은 주술에 걸렸다!
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=당신은 주술에 걸렸다!
actors.buffs.hex.desc=암흑 마법이 집중력을 빨아들여, 대상을 약간 혼란스럽게 합니다.\n\n이 주술은 정확도와 회피를 각각 20%%씩 줄여, 대상의 전투를 불리하게 만듭니다.\n\n주술이 풀리기까지 %s턴 남았습니다.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=암흑 마법이 집중력을 빨아들여, 대상을 약간 혼란스럽게 합니다.\n\n이 주술은 정확도와 회피를 각각 20%%씩 줄여, 대상의 전투를 불리하게 만듭니다.\n\n주술이 풀리기까지 %s턴 남았습니다.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=당신은 배가 고프다.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=당신은 배가 고프다.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=모든 마법 효과가 당신에 대한 효력을
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=당신은 어떻게든 이 층에 있는 모든 생물체들을 마음의 눈으로 볼 수 있습니다. 익숙한 현상은 아니겠지요.\n\n심안 효과가 지속되는 동안 현재 층에 있는 모든 캐릭터들을 볼 수 있습니다. 이 효과로 보이는 생명체들 역시 시야 내의 캐릭터에게 효과가 있는 마법 주문의 대상에 포함됩니다.\n\n심안 효과는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=당신은 어떻게든 이 층에 있는 모든 생물체들을 마음의 눈으로 볼 수 있습니다. 익숙한 현상은 아니겠지요.\n\n심안 효과가 지속되는 동안 현재 층에 있는 모든 캐릭터들을 볼 수 있습니다. 이 효과로 보이는 생명체들 역시 시야 내의 캐릭터에게 효과가 있는 마법 주문의 대상에 포함됩니다.\n\n심안 효과는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=_프리러너_ 는 움직일수록 가속력을 쌓아 이동 속도와 회피가 증가합니다.\n\n추가 이동 속도는 가속력에만 영향을 받지만, 추가 회피는 갑옷에도 영향을 받습니다.\n\n프리러너의 힘이 갑옷의 요구 힘을 초과한 만큼 회피력이 추가로 증가합니다. \n\n현재 가속력: %d%%
actors.buffs.momentum.resting=회복 중
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=산성 덩어리
actors.buffs.ooze.name=산성 덩어리
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=산성 덩어리가 살점을 삼킨다. 물에서 씻어내야 한다!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=산성 덩어리가 살점을 삼킨다. 물에서 씻어내야 한다!
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=당신은 현재 비활성화된 프리즈마
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=에너지가 당신에게 통하며 마법 막대와 지팡이를 빠르게 충전시킵니다.\n\n이 효과는 기존의 충전 속도에 더하여, 매 턴마다 1/4의 충전량을 추가로 충전시킵니다.\n\n충전 효과는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=에너지가 당신에게 통하며 마법 막대와 지팡이를 빠르게 충전시킵니다.\n\n이 효과는 기존의 충전 속도에 더하여, 매 턴마다 1/4의 충전량을 추가로 충전시킵니다.\n\n충전 효과는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=당신은 움직일 수 없다!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=당신은 움직일 수 없다!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=속박(마법 속박이든 자연적 속박이든)은 당신의 발을 묶어, 그 자리에 서 있게 합니다.\n\n속박은 대상을 그 자리에 묶어 이동할 수 없게 하지만, 다른 행동은 여전히 할 수 있습니다.\n\n속박 효과는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=속박(마법 속박이든 자연적 속박이든)은 당신의 발을 묶어, 그 자리에 서 있게 합니다.\n\n속박은 대상을 그 자리에 묶어 이동할 수 없게 하지만, 다른 행동은 여전히 할 수 있습니다.\n\n속박 효과는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=그림자 숨기
actors.buffs.shadows.name=그림자 숨기
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=당신은 주변의 그림자에 동화되어, 투명해졌으며 느린 신진대사를 가지게 되었습니다.\n\n투명화가 적용되는 동안, 적들은 당신을 공격하거나 따라올 수 없습니다. 대부분의 물리적인 공격이나 마법 효과(주문서나 마법 막대 등)는 즉시 투명화를 취소합니다. 또한, 그림자에 숨는 동안에는 덜 배고파집니다.\n\n직접 그림자에서 빠져나오거나, 적이 당신에게 다가오기 전까지는 계속 그림자에 숨게될 것입니다.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=당신은 주변의 그림자에 동화되어, 투명해졌으며 느린 신진대사를 가지게 되었습니다.\n\n투명화가 적용되는 동안, 적들은 당신을 공격하거나 따라올 수 없습니다. 대부분의 물리적인 공격이나 마법 효과(주문서나 마법 막대 등)는 즉시 투명화를 취소합니다. 또한, 그림자에 숨는 동안에는 덜 배고파집니다.\n\n직접 그림자에서 빠져나오거나, 적이 당신에게 다가오기 전까지는 계속 그림자에 숨게될 것입니다.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ 치유의 물약을 마시면
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=상형문자 전이
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=상형문자 전이
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ 전사의 부러진 인장이 강화수치를 옮길 때와 같은 방식으로 _평범한 상형문자_ 를 옮길 수 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 전사의 부러진 인장이 강화수치를 옮길 때와 같은 방식으로 _평범한, 강력한, 저주 상형문자_ 를 옮길 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ 전사의 부러진 인장이 강화수치를 옮길 때와 같은 방식으로 _평범한 상형문자_ 를 옮길 수 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 전사의 부러진 인장이 강화수치를 옮길 때와 같은 방식으로 _평범한, 강력한, 저주 상형문자_ 를 옮길 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=치명적인 관성
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=치명적인 관성
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ 적을 처치하는 마지막 공격이 _67% 확률_ 로 턴을 소모하지 않습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 적을 처치하는 마지막 공격이 _100% 확률_ 로 턴을 소모하지 않습니다.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=급조한 투척물
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=급조한 투척물
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ 투척 무기가 아닌 아이템을 적에게 던질 경우 맞은 적을 _2 턴_ 간 실명시킵니다. 30 턴의 재사용 대기 시간이 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 투척 무기가 아닌 아이템을 적에게 던질 경우 맞은 적을 _3 턴_ 간 실명시킵니다. 30 턴의 재사용 대기 시간이 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ 투척 무기가 아닌 아이템을 적에게 던질 경우 맞은 적을 _2 턴_ 간 실명시킵니다. 30 턴의 재사용 대기 시간이 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 투척 무기가 아닌 아이템을 적에게 던질 경우 맞은 적을 _3 턴_ 간 실명시킵니다. 30 턴의 재사용 대기 시간이 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=힘이 나는 식사
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=힘이 나는 식사
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ 식사 시 다음 3번의 마법 발사에 _2 만큼의 추가 데미지_ 가 부여됩니다.\n\n_+2:_ 식사 시 다음 3번의 마법 발사에 _3 만큼의 추가 데미지_ 가 부여됩니다.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=학자의 직감
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=학자의 직감
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ 마법 막대를 _3배 빠르게_ 감정합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 마법 막대를 _사용하는 즉시_ 감정합니다.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ 마법 막대를 _3배 빠르게_ 감정합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 마법 막대를 _사용하는 즉시_ 감정합니다.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=검증된 가설
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=검증된 가설
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ 마법사의 지팡이 충전량을
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=에너지 넘치는 식사
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=에너지 넘치는 식사
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ 식사에 1턴만 소모되며, 식사 시 _5턴의 충전 효과_ 를 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 식사에 1턴만 소모되며, 식사 시 _8턴의 충전 효과_ 를 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ 식사에 1턴만 소모되며, 식사 시 _5턴의 충전 효과_ 를 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 식사에 1턴만 소모되며, 식사 시 _8턴의 충전 효과_ 를 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=에너지 넘치는 강화
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=에너지 넘치는 강화
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ 강화의 주문서를 사용하면 마법사의 지팡이에 _1의 충전량_이 충전됩니다. 최대 충전량을 넘어서 충전될 수 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 강화의 주문서를 사용하면 마법사의 지팡이에 _2의 충전량_이 충전됩니다. 최대 충전량을 넘어서 충전될 수 있습니다.\n\n이 특성은 강화의 주문서를 기반으로 한 주문서 또는 주문을 사용할 때에도 발동합니다.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=마법막대 보존
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=마법막대 보존
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ 마법사의 지팡이에 새로운 마법 막대를 융합할 때, 지팡이에 융합되어 있던 마법 막대가 _67% 확률_로 +0인 상태로 반환됩니다.\n\n_+2:_ 마법사의 지팡이에 새로운 마법 막대를 융합할 때, 지팡이에 융합되어 있던 마법 막대가 _100% 확률_로 +0인 상태로 반환됩니다.\n\n이 특성은 마법 막대를 최대 세 번까지 반환할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ 마법사의 지팡이에 새로운 마법 막대를 융합할 때, 지팡이에 융합되어 있던 마법 막대가 _67% 확률_로 +0인 상태로 반환됩니다.\n\n_+2:_ 마법사의 지팡이에 새로운 마법 막대를 융합할 때, 지팡이에 융합되어 있던 마법 막대가 _100% 확률_로 +0인 상태로 반환됩니다.\n\n이 특성은 마법 막대를 최대 세 번까지 반환할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=비전 시야
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=비전 시야
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ 마법을 적에게 맞힌 경우 해당 적에 대해 _10 턴의 심안 효과_ 를 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 마법을 적에게 맞힌 경우 해당 적에 대해 _15 턴의 심안 효과_ 를 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ 마법을 적에게 맞힌 경우 해당 적에 대해 _10 턴의 심안 효과_ 를 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 마법을 적에게 맞힌 경우 해당 적에 대해 _15 턴의 심안 효과_ 를 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=보호막 충전
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=보호막 충전
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ 충전량을 전부 소모해 자신을 향한 마법을 발사할 수 있게 되며 각 충전량당 _최대 체력의 5%_ 에 해당하는 방어막을 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_충전량을 전부 소모해 자신을 향한 마법을 발사할 수 있게 되며 각 충전량당 _최대 체력의 7.5%_ 에 해당하는 방어막을 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=은닉한 보존식
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=은닉한 보존식
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ 도적은 던전 초반에 있는 상자들에서 _4개의 작은 비상식량_ 을 찾아낼 수 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 도적은 던전 초반에 있는 상자들에서 _6개의 작은 비상식량_ 을 찾아낼 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ 도적은 던전 초반에 있는 상자들에서 _4개의 작은 비상식량_ 을 찾아낼 수 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 도적은 던전 초반에 있는 상자들에서 _6개의 작은 비상식량_ 을 찾아낼 수 있습니다.
@ -363,41 +410,73 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ 적을 처음 기습할 때 _1-2 만
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=보호의 그림자
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=보호의 그림자
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ 망토를 사용하면 _매 2턴마다_ 1 의 방어막을 얻으며, _최대 3_ 까지 얻을 수 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 망토를 사용하면 _매 턴마다_ 1 의 방어막을 얻으며, _최대 5_ 까지 얻을 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ 망토를 사용하면 _매 2턴마다_ 1 의 방어막을 얻으며, _최대 3_ 까지 얻을 수 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 망토를 사용하면 _매 턴마다_ 1 의 방어막을 얻으며, _최대 5_ 까지 얻을 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=신비한 식사
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=신비한 식사
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ 식사에 1 턴만 소모되며, 식사 시 _3 턴의 유물 충전 효과_ 를 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 식사에 1 턴만 소모되며, 식사 시 _5 턴의 유물 충전 효과_ 를 얻습니다.\n\n이 특성으로 풍요의 뿔을 충전할 수 없습니다.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=신비한 강화
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=신비한 강화
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ 강화의 주문서를 사용하면 도적의 망토에 _1 의 충전량_이 충전됩니다. 최대 충전량을 넘어서 충전될 수 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 강화의 주문서를 사용하면 도적의 망토에 _2 의 충전량_이 충전됩니다. 최대 충전량을 넘어서 충전될 수 있습니다.\n\n이 특성은 강화의 주문서를 기반으로 한 주문서 또는 주문을 사용할 때에도 발동합니다.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=광범위한 탐색
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=광범위한 탐색
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ 탐색 범위가 5x5 사각형에서 _7x7 원형_으로 증가합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 탐색 범위가 5x5 사각형에서 _7x7 사각형_으로 증가합니다.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ 탐색 범위가 5x5 사각형에서 _7x7 원형_으로 증가합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 탐색 범위가 5x5 사각형에서 _7x7 사각형_으로 증가합니다.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=조용한 발걸음
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=조용한 발걸음
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ 적이 _3타일 이상_ 떨어져 있을 경우 자고 있는 적을 깨우지 않습니다.\n\n_+2:_ _적에게 근접하지 않는 한_ 자고 있는 적을 깨우지 않습니다.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ 적이 _3타일 이상_ 떨어져 있을 경우 자고 있는 적을 깨우지 않습니다.\n\n_+2:_ _적에게 근접하지 않는 한_ 자고 있는 적을 깨우지 않습니다.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=도적의 예지
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=도적의 예지
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ 비밀 방이 있는 층에 처음 진입할 때, _50% 의 확률_ 로 해당 층에 숨겨진 비밀이 있음을 눈치챕니다.\n\n_+2:_ 비밀 방이 있는 층에 처음 진입할 때, _75% 의 확률_ 로 해당 층에 숨겨진 비밀이 있음을 눈치챕니다.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=자연의 은혜
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=자연의 은혜
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ 던전 초반에 있는 길게 자란 풀에서 _4개의 열매_ 를 찾아낼 수 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 던전 초반에 있는 길게 자란 풀에서 _6개의 열매_ 를 찾아낼 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ 던전 초반에 있는 길게 자란 풀에서 _4개의 열매_ 를 찾아낼 수 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 던전 초반에 있는 길게 자란 풀에서 _6개의 열매_ 를 찾아낼 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=생존자의 직감
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=생존자의 직감
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ 모든 장비를 _1.75배 빠르게_ 감정하게 됩니다.\n\n_+2:_ 모든 장비를 _2.5배 빠르게_ 감정하게 됩니다.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ 모든 장비를 _1.75배 빠르게_ 감정하게 됩니다.\n\n_+2:_ 모든 장비를 _2.5배 빠르게_ 감정하게 됩니다.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=추가 타격
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=추가 타격
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ 활 또는 투척 무기를 적에게 맞춘 경우, 그 적에게 가하는 다음 근접 공격은 _2의 추가 피해_ 를 입힙니다.\n\n_+2:_ 활 또는 투척 무기를 적에게 맞춘 경우, 그 적에게 가하는 다음 근접 공격은 _3의 추가 피해_ 를 입힙니다.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=자연의 도움
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=자연의 도움
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ 시야 내에서 식물이 발동할 경우 2 만큼의 나무껍질 효과를 _4턴_ 동안 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 시야 내에서 식물이 발동할 경우 2 만큼의 나무껍질 효과를 _6턴_ 동안 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=활기 넘치는 식사
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=활기 넘치는 식사
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ 식사에 1턴(열매는 즉시 먹을 수 있습니다)만 소모되며, 식사 시 _1턴의 신속 효과_ 를 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 식사에 1턴(열매는 즉시 먹을 수 있습니다)만 소모되며, 식사 시 _2턴의 신속 효과_ 를 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ 식사에 1턴(열매는 즉시 먹을 수 있습니다)만 소모되며, 식사 시 _1턴의 신속 효과_ 를 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 식사에 1턴(열매는 즉시 먹을 수 있습니다)만 소모되며, 식사 시 _2턴의 신속 효과_ 를 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=회복된 자연
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=회복된 자연
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ 치유의 물약을 마시면 주변에 풀을 _5개 까지_ 자라게 하며, 근접한 적들을 _2 턴_ 동안 속박시킵니다.\n\n_+2:_ 치유의 물약을 마시면 주변에 풀을 _8개 까지_ 자라게 하며, 근접한 적들을 _3 턴_ 동안 속박시킵니다.\n\n이 특성은 치유의 물약을 기반으로 한 물약 또는 영약을 마실 때에도 발동합니다.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ 치유의 물약을 마시면 주변에 풀을 _5개 까지_ 자라게 하며, 근접한 적들을 _2 턴_ 동안 속박시킵니다.\n\n_+2:_ 치유의 물약을 마시면 주변에 풀을 _8개 까지_ 자라게 하며, 근접한 적들을 _3 턴_ 동안 속박시킵니다.\n\n이 특성은 치유의 물약을 기반으로 한 물약 또는 영약을 마실 때에도 발동합니다.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=활력의 발걸음
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=활력의 발걸음
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ 짧은 풀 또는 타고 남은 재 위에 올라설 경우 길게 자란 풀로 자라나며 즉시 헤쳐진 상태가 됩니다. _10 턴_ 의 재사용 대기 시간이 있습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 짧은 풀 또는 타고 남은 재 위에 올라설 경우 길게 자란 풀로 자라나며 즉시 헤쳐진 상태가 됩니다. _5 턴_ 의 재사용 대기 시간이 있습니다.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=예리해진 감각
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=예리해진 감각
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ 주변 _2 타일_에 있는 모든 적에 대해 심안 효과를 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 주변 _3 타일_에 있는 모든 적에 대해 심안 효과를 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ 주변 _2 타일_에 있는 모든 적에 대해 심안 효과를 얻습니다.\n\n_+2:_ 주변 _3 타일_에 있는 모든 적에 대해 심안 효과를 얻습니다.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=튼튼한 투척 무기
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=튼튼한 투척 무기
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ 사냥꾼이 사용하는 투척 무기의 내구도가 _50%_ 증가합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 사냥꾼이 사용하는 투척 무기의 내구도가 _75%_ 증가합니다.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ 사냥꾼이 사용하는 투척 무기의 내구도가 _50%_ 증가합니다.\n\n_+2:_ 사냥꾼이 사용하는 투척 무기의 내구도가 _75%_ 증가합니다.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=당신은 아직 떠날 수 없습니다. 아래에 남아있는 던전이 기다리고 있습니다!
actors.hero.hero.leave=당신은 아직 떠날 수 없습니다. 아래에 남아있는 던전이 기다리고 있습니다!
actors.hero.hero.level_up=레벨 업!
actors.hero.hero.level_up=레벨 업!
actors.hero.hero.new_level=레벨 업! +정확성, +회피, +5 최대 체력!
actors.hero.hero.new_level=레벨 업! +정확성, +회피, +5 최대 체력!
actors.hero.hero.new_talent=+1 특성 포인트!
actors.hero.hero.new_talent=+1 특성 포인트!
actors.hero.hero.unspent=사용하지 않은 특성 포인트가 있습니다!
actors.hero.hero.unspent=사용하지 않은 특성 포인트가 있다!
actors.hero.hero.level_cap=당신은 더 이상 강해질 순 없지만, 당신의 경험들은 당신에게 새로운 힘을 주었다!
actors.hero.hero.level_cap=당신은 더 이상 강해질 순 없지만, 당신의 경험들은 당신에게 새로운 힘을 주었다!
actors.hero.hero.you_now_have=%s을(를) 얻었다.
actors.hero.hero.you_now_have=%s을(를) 얻었다.
actors.hero.hero.you_cant_have=%s를 주울 수 없다.
actors.hero.hero.you_cant_have=%s를 주울 수 없다.
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=두 번째 보스를 쓰러트리
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=마법사는 마법 막대의 전문가이며, _특별한 마법 지팡이_ 를 가지고 시작합니다.\n\n마법사를 해금하려면 _아이템을 강화하기 위해 강화의 주문서를 사용하십시오._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=마법사는 마법 막대의 전문가이며, _특별한 마법 지팡이_ 를 가지고 시작합니다.\n\n마법사를 해금하려면 _아이템을 강화하기 위해 강화의 주문서를 사용하십시오._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=마법사는 마탄을 발사하는 _특별한 지팡이_ 를 가지고 시작합니다. 이 지팡이는 마법 막대보다 훨씬 더 빠르게 충전되며, 최대 충전량이 1 높습니다.\n\n마법사의 지팡이에는 던전에서 발견한 다른 마법 막대를 융합할 수 있습니다. 융합 시 해당 마법 막대의 효과를 사용할 수 있으며, 마법 막대의 강화 수치를 일부 이전할 수도 있습니다.\n\n마법사는 다음 아이템들을 감정한 채로 시작합니다:\n- 감정의 주문서\n- 액체 화염의 물약\n- 강화의 주문서
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=마법사는 그의 지팡이를 근접 무기로 사용합니다. 지팡이는 다른 시작 무기에 비해 적은 피해를 입힙니다.\n\n마법사는 그의 지팡이에 깃든 마법을 발사해 원거리의 적을 공격할 수 있습니다.\n\n마법사는 _주문서 보관함_ 을 가지고 시작하여 주문서가 불에 타는 것을 방지할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=마법사는 그의 지팡이를 근접 무기로 사용합니다. 지팡이는 다른 시작 무기에 비해 적은 피해를 입힙니다.\n\n마법사는 그의 지팡이에 깃든 마법을 발사해 원거리의 적을 공격할 수 있습니다.\n\n마법사는 _주문서 보관함_ 을 가지고 시작하여 주문서가 불에 타는 것을 방지할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=두 번째 보스를 쓰러트리면 보조 직업을 선택할 수 있습니다. 마법사의 두 가지 보조 직업은 다음과 같습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=두 번째 보스를 쓰러트리면 보조 직업을 선택할 수 있습니다. 마법사의 두 가지 보조 직업은 다음과 같습니다.
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=사냥꾼은 다른 시작 무기보
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=두 번째 보스를 쓰러트리면 보조 직업을 선택할 수 있습니다. 사냥꾼의 두 가지 보조 직업은 다음과 같습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=두 번째 보스를 쓰러트리면 보조 직업을 선택할 수 있습니다. 사냥꾼의 두 가지 보조 직업은 다음과 같습니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=_검투사_ 는 근접 공격을 성공시킬 때 마다 연속 타격을 개시합니다. 연속 타격 수치에 따라 특별한 필살기를 사용할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=_광전사_ 는 받은 피해에 비례해 추가 피해를 입힙니다. \n격노한 상태에서, 그는 탈진을 무릅쓰고 짧은 시간동안 죽음을 유예할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=_흑마법사_ 는 적에게 마법 막대를 사용함으로써 영혼 표식을 걸 확률이 있습니다. 표식이 걸린 적들은 물리 피해를 입을 때 마다 흑마법사의 체력과 허기를 충족시킵니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=전투 마법사
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=전투 마법사
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=_전투 마법사_ 는 자신의 지팡이로 물리 공격을 할 때, 지팡이가 흡수한 특성에 따른 추가 효과를 줄 수 있습니다. 또한 피해를 입힐 때 마다 추가 충전량을 얻을 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=_전투 마법사_ 는 자신의 지팡이로 물리 공격을 할 때, 지팡이가 흡수한 특성에 따른 추가 효과를 줄 수 있습니다. 또한 피해를 입힐 때 마다 추가 충전량을 얻을 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=_암살자_ 는 투명화 상태가 되면 다음 공격을 신중하게 준비합니다. 투명화 한 시간이 길어질수록 더욱 강력한 공격을 할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=_암살자_ 는 투명화 상태가 되면 다음 공격을 신중하게 준비합니다. 투명화 한 시간이 길어질수록 더욱 강력한 공격을 할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=_프리러너_ 는 이동할 때 마다 가속력을 쌓습니다. 가속력이 높을수록 이동속도와 회피가 증가하지만, 움직이지 않으면 가속력이 급속도로 줄어듭니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=_저격수_ 는 원거리 전투의 숙련자입니다. 그녀는 더 멀리 볼 수 있고, 그녀의 원거리 공격은 방어구를 꿰뚫습니다. 투척 무기로 공격한 다음에 그녀는 그녀의 활로 특별한 공격을 시전할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=_숲지기_ 는 자연과의 강한 결속을 통해 긴 수풀 너머를 볼 수 있고, 헤쳐나간 풀을 그녀가 키우는 식물 근처에 자라나게 할 수 있습니다. 그녀가 밟는 식물들은 또한 추가적인 효과를 줄 것이며, 특수 다트는 2배의 내구성을 가집니다. 그리고 잔디는 그녀가 잔디에 서 있을 때 추가적인 방어력을 줄 것입니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=DM-300에게 박살남
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=치명적인 피해 발생! 장비를 정지합니-
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=치명적인 피해 발생! 장비를 정지합니-
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300은 드워프가 제작한 '방어 기계'들 중 가장 크고 강력한 것입니다. 이토록 강력한 기계는 양산이 어려웠기 때문에, 단 몇 기만 드워프 지하 대도시를 방어하기 위해 제작되었습니다.\n\nDM-300은 유독성 배기 가스를 방출할 수 있고, 강력한 드릴로 공격을 하거나 지반을 흔들 수 있습니다. 또한 전력망에 연결되어 출력을 더욱 증폭시킬 수 있습니다.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300은 드워프가 제작한 '방어 기계'들 중 가장 크고 강력한 것입니다. 이토록 강력한 기계는 양산이 어려웠기 때문에, 단 몇 기만 드워프 지하 대도시를 방어하기 위해 제작되었습니다.\n\nDM-300은 유독성 배기 가스를 방출할 수 있고, 강력한 드릴로 공격을 하거나 지반을 흔들 수 있습니다. 또한 전력망에 연결되어 출력을 더욱 증폭시킬 수 있습니다.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300이 전력을 가득 충전했습니다. 이 상태에서는 피해를 입지 않으며 두 배의 속도로 움직입니다! 게다가 드릴의 위력 또한 _벽을 뚫고 나갈 정도로 증가_ 했습니다만, 벽을 파는 중에는 훨씬 느려질 것입니다.\n\n초강력 충전된 DM-300을 직접 공격하는 것은 소용이 없습니다. 하지만 _지역 어딘가에 전력을 공급하는 것_ 이 있을 것입니다. 그것을 파괴하면 충전이 해제될 것입니다.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=돌멩이들이 천장에서 떨어지고 있다. 머지 않아 천장이 무너질 것 같다!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=돌멩이들이 천장에서 떨어지고 있다. 머지 않아 천장이 무너질 것 같다!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=드워프 제왕
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=드워프 제왕
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Dalekosiężni czempioni zadają 25%
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=antymagiczny czempion
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=antymagiczny czempion
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Antymagiczni czempioni dostają 25% mniej obrażeń i są całkowicie odporni na efekty magiczne.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Antymagiczni czempioni dostają 25% mniej obrażeń i są całkowicie odporni na efekty magiczne.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=gigantyczny czempion
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=gigantyczny czempion
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Gigantyczni czempioni dostają 75% mniej obrażeń i mają +1 zasięgu, ale nie mogą poruszać się w zamkniętych przestrzeniach.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=błogosławiony czempion
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=błogosławiony czempion
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Błogosławieni czempioni mają 200% większą celność i umiejętność unikania.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Błogosławieni czempioni mają 200% większą celność i umiejętność unikania.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=rosnący czempion
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=rosnący czempion
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Nie całkiem zamarznięty, lecz wciąż dużo za chłodn
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d ciąg uderzeń!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d ciąg uderzeń!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Musisz wycelować w przeciwnika w zasięgu ataku.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Musisz wycelować w przeciwnika w zasięgu ataku.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Wybierz cel do Sprania.\nOszałamia i odrzuca cel
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Spranie_ jest dostępne. Ten atak _odrzuca przeciwnika do tyła i oszałamia go,_ lecz powoduje zmniejszona obrażenia. Jest doskonały do kupienia czasu podczas walki.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Wybierz cel do Rozłupania\nJeśli zabije, zachowuje kombo
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Rozłupanie_ jest dostępne. Ten atak powoduje zwiększone obrażenia, a _jeśli zabije przeciwnika, zachowa kombo zamiast je wyzerować._ Jest świetny do budowania kombo podczas walki z wieloma przeciwnikami.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Wybierz cel do Trzaśnięcia\nOchrona i obrażenia są zależne od rodzaju zbroi
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Trzaśnięcie_ jest dostępne. Ten atak powoduje _zwiększone obrażenia oraz daje ci osłonę bazując na skuteczności twojej zbroi._ Jest świetne do zakończenia walki, pozwalając na zachowanie wytrzymałości do następnej.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Wybierz cel do Zmiażdżenia\n\nZadaje wiele obrażeń
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Zmiażdżenie_ jest aktualnie dostępne. Ten niszczycielski atak _zadaje masywne obrażenia bardzo konsekwentnie._ Jest doskonały do zdjęcia potężnego przeciwnika z dużą ilością zdrowia!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Na którym wrogu wyładować furię?\nAtakuje wiele razy bardzo szybko
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Furia_ jest obecnie dostępna. Ten niszczycielski atak _trafia tyle razy, ile wskazuje twój aktualny licznik kombo,_ jednak obrażenia są zmniejszone. Furia jest świetna, jeśli masz zaklęcie na broni, jako że to zaklęcie aktywuje się przy każdym trafieniu!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladiator wchodzi w rytm przy celnych uderzeniach. Każdy atak zwiększa długość ciągu o jeden, ale zbyt długie przerwy między atakami lub dwa niecelne ataki przerwą ciąg.\n\nSkuteczne ciągi pozwalają na wykonanie ruchów kończących: potężnych ataków które zawsze trafią przeciwnika! Różne ruchy kończące są dostępne przy ciągu o długości 2, 4, 6, 8 i 10. Użycie ruchu kończącego przerywa ciąg.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korupcja wchłania się w duszę stworzenia, stawiając ich w sprzeczności ze swą dawną naturą.\n\nTak wypaczone stworzenia będą atakować swoich sojuszników i ignorować poprzednich wrogów. Korupcja także rani i powoli wyniszcza cel.\n\nKorupcja jest permanentna, jej efekt znika dopiero po śmierci.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korupcja wchłania się w duszę stworzenia, stawiając ich w sprzeczności ze swą dawną naturą.\n\nTak wypaczone stworzenia będą atakować swoich sojuszników i ignorować poprzednich wrogów. Korupcja także rani i powoli wyniszcza cel.\n\nKorupcja jest permanentna, jej efekt znika dopiero po śmierci.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Magiczna moc sprawia, że utrzymanie przytomności jest
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Związany z Ziemią
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Związany z Ziemią
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Jesteś wzmocniony mocą ziemi! \n\nWszystkie fizyczne ataki ruszą ziemią pod przeciwnikiem, okaleczając ich na chwilę.\n\nJesteś wzmocniony jeszcze przez: %s tur.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Jesteś wzmocniony mocą ziemi! \n\nWszystkie fizyczne ataki ruszą ziemią pod przeciwnikiem, okaleczając ich na chwilę.\n\nJesteś wzmocniony jeszcze przez: %s tur.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Związany z Ogniem
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Związany z Ogniem
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Jesteś związany z potęgą ognia! \n\nWszystkie fizyczne ataki mają szanse podpalić wroga. Dodatkowo, jesteś całkowicie odporny na efekty ognia. \n\nJesteś związany jeszcze przez: %s tur.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Jesteś związany z potęgą ognia! \n\nWszystkie fizyczne ataki mają szanse podpalić wroga. Dodatkowo, jesteś całkowicie odporny na efekty ognia. \n\nJesteś związany jeszcze przez: %s tur.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Przeklęty
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Zostałeś przeklęty!
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Zostałeś przeklęty!
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Czarna magia utrudnia celowi koncentrację, czyniąc go lekko zdezorientowanym.\n\nW tym stanie celność i uniki są obniżone o 20%%, co zmniejsza skuteczność ofiary w walce.\n\nPozostałe tury klątwy: %s.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Czarna magia utrudnia celowi koncentrację, czyniąc go lekko zdezorientowanym.\n\nW tym stanie celność i uniki są obniżone o 20%%, co zmniejsza skuteczność ofiary w walce.\n\nPozostałe tury klątwy: %s.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Jesteś głodny.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Jesteś głodny.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Wszystkie magiczne efekty utraciły z tobą swoją
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Wyczucie umysłów
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Wyczucie umysłów
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=W jakiś sposób możesz widzieć monstra na tym poziomie przez własny umysł. To dziwne uczucie.\n\nWszystkie postacie na tym piętrze są widoczne dopóki efekt wizji umysłów działa. Widząc monstra przez wizję umysłów liczy się tak samo jak widziane tuż obok, działają na nie różne efekty magiczne.\n\nWyczucie umysłów będzie jeszcze trwało przez: %s tur.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=W jakiś sposób możesz widzieć monstra na tym poziomie przez własny umysł. To dziwne uczucie.\n\nWszystkie postacie na tym piętrze są widoczne dopóki efekt wizji umysłów działa. Widząc monstra przez wizję umysłów liczy się tak samo jak widziane tuż obok, działają na nie różne efekty magiczne.\n\nWyczucie umysłów będzie jeszcze trwało przez: %s tur.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Kiedy się porusza, Sprinter rozpędza się, zwiększają swoją prędkość i umiejętność unikania.\n\nBonusowa prędkość jest obliczana z rozpędu, natomiast umiejętność unikania jest także zależna od zbroi.\n\nSprinter polepszy umiejętność uniku za każdy nadwyżkowy punkt siły ponad wymagania zbroi którą nosi.\n\nAktualna moc rozpędu: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting=Odzyskiwanie sił
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Żrący szlam
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Żrący szlam
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Żrący szlam przeżera się przez Twoje ciało. Zmyj go jak najszybciej!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Żrący szlam przeżera się przez Twoje ciało. Zmyj go jak najszybciej!
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Jesteś chroniony przez pryzmatyczny obraz któ
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energia przeszywa cię, zwiększa szybkość z jaką twoje różdżki i kostury ładują się.\n\nKażda tura tego efektu zwiększy ładunek o jedną czwartą dodatkowo do zwykłego doładowania.\n\nŁadowanie będzie jeszcze trwało przez: %s tur.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energia przeszywa cię, zwiększa szybkość z jaką twoje różdżki i kostury ładują się.\n\nKażda tura tego efektu zwiększy ładunek o jedną czwartą dodatkowo do zwykłego doładowania.\n\nŁadowanie będzie jeszcze trwało przez: %s tur.
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Nie możesz się ruszać!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Nie możesz się ruszać!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Korzenie (magiczne lub naturalne) łapią cel i unieruchamiają go.\n\nKorzenie uniemożliwiają ruch, lecz nie wpływają na inne akcje.\n\nZakorzenienia będzie jeszcze trwało przez: %s tur.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Korzenie (magiczne lub naturalne) łapią cel i unieruchamiają go.\n\nKorzenie uniemożliwiają ruch, lecz nie wpływają na inne akcje.\n\nZakorzenienia będzie jeszcze trwało przez: %s tur.
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Zlany z cieniem
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Zlany z cieniem
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Mieszasz się z cieniami dookoła ciebie, zapewniając sobie niewidzialność i spowalniając metabolizm.\n\nPodczas bycia niewidzialnym, wrogowie nie są w stanie cię atakować, lub za tobą podążać. Większość fizycznych ataków i magicznych efektów (takich jak zwoje lub różdżki) automatycznie niwelują niewidzialność. Dodatkowo podczas bycia niewidzialnym, twój głód spada wolniej.\n\nPozostaniesz wmieszany w ciemność dopóki nie opuścisz ciemności, lub gdy wróg nie wejdzie z tobą w kontakt.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Mieszasz się z cieniami dookoła ciebie, zapewniając sobie niewidzialność i spowalniając metabolizm.\n\nPodczas bycia niewidzialnym, wrogowie nie są w stanie cię atakować, lub za tobą podążać. Większość fizycznych ataków i magicznych efektów (takich jak zwoje lub różdżki) automatycznie niwelują niewidzialność. Dodatkowo podczas bycia niewidzialnym, twój głód spada wolniej.\n\nPozostaniesz wmieszany w ciemność dopóki nie opuścisz ciemności, lub gdy wróg nie wejdzie z tobą w kontakt.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Wypicie mikstury uzdrawiania na
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=wymiana runiczna
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=wymiana runiczna
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc= _+1:_ Zepsuta pieczęć Wojownika może przenosić _regularne glify_ w taki sam sposób, w jaki przenosi ulepszenie.\n\n_+2:_ Zepsuta pieczęć Wojownika może przenosić _regularne, potężne i przeklęte glify_ w ten sam sposób, w jaki przenosi ulepszenie.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc= _+1:_ Zepsuta pieczęć Wojownika może przenosić _regularne glify_ w taki sam sposób, w jaki przenosi ulepszenie.\n\n_+2:_ Zepsuta pieczęć Wojownika może przenosić _regularne, potężne i przeklęte glify_ w ten sam sposób, w jaki przenosi ulepszenie.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=zabójcza prędkość
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=zabójcza prędkość
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ Kiedy Wojownik zabije wroga, śmiertelny cios ma _67% szansy_ na bycie natychmiastowym.\n\n_+2:_ Kiedy Wojownik zabije wroga, śmiertelny cios ma _100% szans_ bycie natychmiastowym.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improwizowane pociski
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=improwizowane pociski
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Wojownik może oślepić wroga na _2 tury_, rzucając w niego dowolnym przedmiotem, który nie jest bronią miotaną. Na odnowienie potrzeba 30 tur.\n\n_+2:_ Wojownik może oślepić wroga na _3 tury_, rzucając w niego dowolnym przedmiotem, który nie jest bronią miotaną. Na odnowienie potrzeba 30 tur.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Wojownik może oślepić wroga na _2 tury_, rzucając w niego dowolnym przedmiotem, który nie jest bronią miotaną. Na odnowienie potrzeba 30 tur.\n\n_+2:_ Wojownik może oślepić wroga na _3 tury_, rzucając w niego dowolnym przedmiotem, który nie jest bronią miotaną. Na odnowienie potrzeba 30 tur.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=Wzmacniający posiłek
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=Wzmacniający posiłek
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Zjadanie jedzenia daje Magowi _2 dodatkowe obrażenia_ na następne 3 strzały różdżką.\n\n_+1:_ Zjadanie jedzenia daje Magowi _3 dodatkowe obrażenia_ na następne 3 strzały różdżką.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Intuicja uczonego
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Intuicja uczonego
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Mag identyfikuje różdżki _3x szybciej_.\n\n_+2:_ Mag identyfikuje różdżki _ kiedy ich używa_.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Mag identyfikuje różdżki _3x szybciej_.\n\n_+2:_ Mag identyfikuje różdżki _ kiedy ich używa_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Sprawdzona hipoteza
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Sprawdzona hipoteza
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ Mag zyskuje _4 osłony_ za każdym
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Energetyzujący posiłek
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Energetyzujący posiłek
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc= _+1:_ Jedzenie zajmuje Magowi 1 turę i daje mu _5 tur ładowania różdżki_.\n\n_+2:_ Jedzenie zajmuje Magowi 1 turę i daje mu _8 tur ładowania różdżki_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc= _+1:_ Jedzenie zajmuje Magowi 1 turę i daje mu _5 tur ładowania różdżki_.\n\n_+2:_ Jedzenie zajmuje Magowi 1 turę i daje mu _8 tur ładowania różdżki_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Energetyzujące ulepszenie
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Energetyzujące ulepszenie
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Użycie zwoju ulepszenia natychmiast doładowuje laskę Maga _ 1 ładunek_, może to spowodować przekroczenie obecnego limitu naładowania.\n\n_+2:_ Użycie zwoju ulepszenia natychmiast doładowuje kostur Maga _ 2 ładunki_, może to spowodować przekroczenie obecnego limitu naładowania.\n\nTen talent aktywuje się również podczas używania zwojów lub zaklęć opartych na zwojach ulepszenia.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=konserwacja różdżki
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=konserwacja różdżki
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Kiedy Mag nasyca swój kostur nową różdżką, ma _67% szansy_ na zwrócenie starej różdżki przy +0.\n\n_+2:_ Kiedy Mag nasyca swój kostur nową różdżką, stara ma _100% szansy_ na zwrócenie jej przy +0.\n\nTen talent może zachować różdżkę maksymalnie trzy razy.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Kiedy Mag nasyca swój kostur nową różdżką, ma _67% szansy_ na zwrócenie starej różdżki przy +0.\n\n_+2:_ Kiedy Mag nasyca swój kostur nową różdżką, stara ma _100% szansy_ na zwrócenie jej przy +0.\n\nTen talent może zachować różdżkę maksymalnie trzy razy.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=tajemna wizja
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=tajemna wizja
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Kiedy Mag atakuje wroga, zyskuje na nim wizję umysłu na _10 tur_.\n\n_+2:_ Kiedy Mag atakuje wroga, zyskuje na nim wizję umysłu na _15 tur_.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Kiedy Mag atakuje wroga, zyskuje na nim wizję umysłu na _10 tur_.\n\n_+2:_ Kiedy Mag atakuje wroga, zyskuje na nim wizję umysłu na _15 tur_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=stan tarczy
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=stan tarczy
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ Mag może celować w siebie za pomocą różdżki, aby zamienić swoje ładunki w tarczę o mocy _5% maksymalnego HP na ładunek_.\n\n_+2:_ Mag może celować w siebie za pomocą różdżki, aby zamienić swoje ładunki w tarczę o mocy _7,5% maksymalnego HP na ładunek_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=składowane racje
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=składowane racje
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ Łotrzyk może znaleźć _4 małe racje_ umieszczone w skrzyniach podczas eksploracji wcześniejszych etapów lochu.\n\n_+2:_ Łotrzyk może znaleźć _6 małych racji_ umieszczonych w skrzyniach, podczas gdy eksploruje wcześniejsze etapy lochu.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ Łotrzyk może znaleźć _4 małe racje_ umieszczone w skrzyniach podczas eksploracji wcześniejszych etapów lochu.\n\n_+2:_ Łotrzyk może znaleźć _6 małych racji_ umieszczonych w skrzyniach, podczas gdy eksploruje wcześniejsze etapy lochu.
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Łotrzyk zadaje _1-2 dodatkowych obra
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=osłaniające cienie
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=osłaniające cienie
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Łotrzyk zyskuje jedną osłonę _ co drugą turę_ kiedy jego płaszcz jest aktywowany, _ maksymalnie 3_.\n\n_+2:_ Łotrzyk zyskuje jedną osłonę _ co turę_ kiedy jego płaszcz jest aktywowany, _ maksymalnie 5_.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Łotrzyk zyskuje jedną osłonę _ co drugą turę_ kiedy jego płaszcz jest aktywowany, _ maksymalnie 3_.\n\n_+2:_ Łotrzyk zyskuje jedną osłonę _ co turę_ kiedy jego płaszcz jest aktywowany, _ maksymalnie 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=Mistyczny posiłek
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=Mistyczny posiłek
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Jedzenie zajmuje Łotrzykowi 1 turę i zapewnia mu _3 tury ładowania artefaktów_.\n\n_+2:_ Jedzenie zajmuje łotrzykowi 1 turę i zapewnia mu _5 tur ładowania artefaktów_.\n\nTen talent nie może zostać użyty, aby róg obfitości sam się naładował.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mistyczne ulepszenie
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=mistyczne ulepszenie
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Użycie zwoju ulepszenia natychmiast doładowuje płaszcz Łotrzyka _ za 1 ładunek_, może to spowodować przekroczenie obecnego limitu naładowania.\n\n_+2:_ Użycie zwoju ulepszenia natychmiast doładowuje płaszcz Łotrzyka _ za 2 ładunki_, może to spowodować przekroczenie obecnego limitu naładowania.\n\nTen talent aktywuje się również podczas używania zwojów lub zaklęć opartych na zwojach ulepszenia.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=szerokie wyszukiwanie
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=szerokie wyszukiwanie
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Promień poszukiwań Łotrzyka został zwiększony z kwadratu 5x5 do _7x7 okręgu_.\n\n_+2:_ Promień poszukiwań Łotrzyka został zwiększony z kwadratu 5x5 do kwadratu _7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Promień poszukiwań Łotrzyka został zwiększony z kwadratu 5x5 do _7x7 okręgu_.\n\n_+2:_ Promień poszukiwań Łotrzyka został zwiększony z kwadratu 5x5 do kwadratu _7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=cichy chód
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=cichy chód
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Łotrzyk nie budzi uśpionych wrogów, gdy znajduje się od nich _3 lub więcej pól_.\n\n_+2:_ Łotrzyk nie budzi uśpionych wrogów, gdy _ nie sąsiaduje z nimi_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Łotrzyk nie budzi uśpionych wrogów, gdy znajduje się od nich _3 lub więcej pól_.\n\n_+2:_ Łotrzyk nie budzi uśpionych wrogów, gdy _ nie sąsiaduje z nimi_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=przezorność łotrzyka
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=przezorność łotrzyka
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Kiedy po raz pierwszy Łotrzyk wejdzie na poziom z sekretnym pomieszczeniem, ma _50% szansy na zauważenie_, że poziom zawiera sekret.\n\n_+2:_ Kiedy po raz pierwszy Łotrzyk wejdzie na poziom z sekretnym pomieszczeniem, ma _75% szansy na zauważenie_, że poziom zawiera sekret.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=dar natury
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=dar natury
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Łowczyni może znaleźć _4 jagody_ ukryte w wysokiej trawie, gdy bada wcześniejsze etapy lochu.\n\n_+2:_ Łowczyni może znaleźć _6 jagód_ ukrytych w wysokiej trawie, gdy bada wcześniejsze etapy lochu.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Łowczyni może znaleźć _4 jagody_ ukryte w wysokiej trawie, gdy bada wcześniejsze etapy lochu.\n\n_+2:_ Łowczyni może znaleźć _6 jagód_ ukrytych w wysokiej trawie, gdy bada wcześniejsze etapy lochu.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Intuicja survivalisty
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Intuicja survivalisty
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Łowczyni identyfikuje cały sprzęt _1.75x szybciej_.\n\n_+2:_ Łowczyni identyfikuje cały sprzęt _2.5x szybciej_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Łowczyni identyfikuje cały sprzęt _1.75x szybciej_.\n\n_+2:_ Łowczyni identyfikuje cały sprzęt _2.5x szybciej_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Uderzenie następujące
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Uderzenie następujące
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Kiedy Łowczyni trafi wroga łukiem lub rzuconą bronią, jej następny atak wręcz zada _2 dodatkowe obrażenia_.\n\n_+2:_ Kiedy Łowczyni trafi wroga łukiem lub rzuconą bronią, jej następny atak wręcz przeciwko temu wrogowi zada _3 dodatkowych obrażeń_
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=wsparcie natury
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=wsparcie natury
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Łowczyni zyskuje 2 pkt zbroi z korowej skóry na _4 tury_ gdy jakaś roślina jest rozdeptana w jej polu widzenia.\n\n_+2:_ Łowczyni zyskuje 2 pkt zbroi z korowej skóry na _6 tur_ gdy jakaś roślina jest rozdeptana w jej polu widzenia.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Orzeźwiający posiłek
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Orzeźwiający posiłek
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Jedzenie zajmuje Łowczynię 1 turę (jagody są zjadane natychmiast) i zapewnia jej _1 turę pośpiechu_.\n\n_+2:_ Jedzenie zajmuje Łowczynię 1 turę (jagody są zjadane natychmiast) i zapewnia jej _2 tury pośpiechu_.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Jedzenie zajmuje Łowczynię 1 turę (jagody są zjadane natychmiast) i zapewnia jej _1 turę pośpiechu_.\n\n_+2:_ Jedzenie zajmuje Łowczynię 1 turę (jagody są zjadane natychmiast) i zapewnia jej _2 tury pośpiechu_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=odrodzona natura
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=odrodzona natura
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Wypicie mikstury uzdrawiającej powoduje odrodzenie _ do 5 traw_ wokół Łowczyni i unieruchamia sąsiadujących wrogów na _2 tury_.\n\n_+2:_ Wypicie mikstury uzdrawiającej powoduje odrodzenie _ do 8 traw_ wokół Łowczyni i unieruchamia sąsiadujących wrogów na _3 tury_.\n\nTen talent uruchamia się również podczas picia mikstur lub eliksirów opartych na miksturach leczenia.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Wypicie mikstury uzdrawiającej powoduje odrodzenie _ do 5 traw_ wokół Łowczyni i unieruchamia sąsiadujących wrogów na _2 tury_.\n\n_+2:_ Wypicie mikstury uzdrawiającej powoduje odrodzenie _ do 8 traw_ wokół Łowczyni i unieruchamia sąsiadujących wrogów na _3 tury_.\n\nTen talent uruchamia się również podczas picia mikstur lub eliksirów opartych na miksturach leczenia.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=odmładzające kroki
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=odmładzające kroki
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ Kiedy łowczyni nadepnie na krótką trawę lub żar, wyrastają na wysoką trawę, którą łowczyni natychmiast brudzi. Potrzeba _10 tur_ do odnowienia.\n\n_+2:_ Kiedy łowczyni nadepnie na krótką trawę lub żar, wyrastają na wysoką trawę, którą łowczyni natychmiast brudzi. Potrzeba _5 tur_ do odnowienia.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=wyostrzone zmysły
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=wyostrzone zmysły
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Łowczyni zyskuje wizję umysłu na każdym wrogu w promieniu _2 pól od jej pozycji_.\n\n_+2:_ Łowczyni zyskuje wizję umysłu na każdym wrogu w promieniu _3 pól od jej pozycji_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Łowczyni zyskuje wizję umysłu na każdym wrogu w promieniu _2 pól od jej pozycji_.\n\n_+2:_ Łowczyni zyskuje wizję umysłu na każdym wrogu w promieniu _3 pól od jej pozycji_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=wytrzymałe pociski
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=wytrzymałe pociski
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Broń miotana ma _+ 50% wytrzymałości_, gdy jest używana przez Łowczynię.\n\n_+2:_ Broń miotana ma _+ 75% wytrzymałości_, gdy jest używana przez Łowczynię.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Broń miotana ma _+ 50% wytrzymałości_, gdy jest używana przez Łowczynię.\n\n_+2:_ Broń miotana ma _+ 75% wytrzymałości_, gdy jest używana przez Łowczynię.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=Nie możesz jeszcze wyjść, reszta lochów czeka na ciebie poniżej!
actors.hero.hero.leave=Nie możesz jeszcze wyjść, reszta lochów czeka na ciebie poniżej!
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Po pokonaniu drugiego bossa możes
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Mag jest ekspertem w sprawie różdżek, rozpoczyna z unikatowym _magicznym kosturem_. \n\nAby go odblokować _użyj zwoju ulepszenia aby wzmocnić przedmiot_.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Mag jest ekspertem w sprawie różdżek, rozpoczyna z unikatowym _magicznym kosturem_. \n\nAby go odblokować _użyj zwoju ulepszenia aby wzmocnić przedmiot_.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=Mag zaczyna od _ unikalnego kostura_ magicznego pocisku. Kostur ładuje się znacznie szybciej niż różdżka i ma 1 maksymalny ładunek więcej.\n\nKostur Maga może być nasycona różdżką, którą znajdzie w lochu. Nasycenie zmienia efekt kostura i może zostać użyte do przeniesienia niektórych ulepszeń.\n\nMag automatycznie identyfikuje:\n- Zwój identyfikacji\n- Miksturę Płynnego Płomienia\n- Zwój Ulepszenia
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Mag zaczyna uzbrojony w kostur. Zadaje on mniej obrażeń niż inne bronie startowe.\n\nMag może użyć magii zawartej w kosturze żeby atakować z dystansu.\n\nMag na starcie otrzymuje _tubę na zwoje,_ pozwalającą na przechowywanie zwojów i chroniącą je przed ogniem.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Mag zaczyna uzbrojony w kostur. Zadaje on mniej obrażeń niż inne bronie startowe.\n\nMag może użyć magii zawartej w kosturze żeby atakować z dystansu.\n\nMag na starcie otrzymuje _tubę na zwoje,_ pozwalającą na przechowywanie zwojów i chroniącą je przed ogniem.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Po pokonaniu drugiego bossa możesz wybrać specjalizację. Mag ma dwie specjalizacje do wyboru:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Po pokonaniu drugiego bossa możesz wybrać specjalizację. Mag ma dwie specjalizacje do wyboru:
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Łowczyni zaczyna z _ćwiekowanymi r
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Po pokonaniu drugiego bossa możesz wybrać specjalizację. Łowczyni ma dwie specjalizacje do wyboru:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Po pokonaniu drugiego bossa możesz wybrać specjalizację. Łowczyni ma dwie specjalizacje do wyboru:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Udany atak bronią ręczną pozwala _Gladiatorowi_ na rozpoczęcie kombo. Budowanie kombo pozwala mu na użycie wyjątkowych ruchów kończących.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=_Berserk_ może zadać dodatkowe obrażenia, proporcjonalne do jego ran. Gdy jego furia osiągnie maksimum, może _powstrzymać swoją śmierć_ kosztem przemęczenia.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Używając swych różdżek na wrogu _Czarnoksiężnik_ ma szansę naznaczyć jego duszę. Tak napiętnowani przeciwnicy będą go leczyć i zaspokajać głód przy otrzymaniu obrażeniach fizycznych.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mag bojowy
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mag bojowy
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Gdy walczy używając swojego kostura _Mag Bojowy_ wyczarowuje dodatkowe efekty określane przez różdżkę, z którą jego kostur jest związany. Jego kostur będzie też odnawiać ładunki poprzez walkę.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Gdy walczy używając swojego kostura _Mag Bojowy_ wyczarowuje dodatkowe efekty określane przez różdżkę, z którą jego kostur jest związany. Jego kostur będzie też odnawiać ładunki poprzez walkę.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Dopóki _Asasyn_ jest niewidzialny, przygotowywuje on śmiertelny cios na jego następny cel. Im dłużej będzie niewidzialny, tym silniejszy jego atak będzie.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Dopóki _Asasyn_ jest niewidzialny, przygotowywuje on śmiertelny cios na jego następny cel. Im dłużej będzie niewidzialny, tym silniejszy jego atak będzie.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=_Sprinter_ zwiększa swój rozpęd dopóki ciągle biegnie. Rozpęd zwiększa jego prędkość ruchu, i umiejętność unikania, ale szybko spada, jeśli się nie porusza.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=_Snajperka_ jest mistrzynią walki na odległość. Dostaje zwiększony zasięg widzenia a jej ataki zasięgowe przebijają zbroję. Po ataku bronią rzucaną, jest w stanie wykonać specjalny atak za pomocą jej łuku.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=_Strażniczka_ jest silnie połączona z naturą, co pozwala jej widzieć przez wysoką trawę i rozkazać wydeptanej roślinności wyrosnąć dookoła nasion przez nią zasadzonych. Uzyskuje dodatkowe efekty depcząc po magicznych roślinach, nasączone strzałki zyskują 2 razy większą wytrzymałość, a stanie w gęstwinach traw daje jej premię do ochrony.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=Zmiażdżony przez DM-300
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KRYTYCZNE USZKODZENIA! PRÓBA WYŁĄCZE-
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KRYTYCZNE USZKODZENIA! PRÓBA WYŁĄCZE-
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 to największa i najpotężniejsza "defensywna machina", jaką kiedykolwiek zbudowały krasnoludy. Tak niesamowita maszyna jest trudna do wykonania, więc krasnoludy stworzyły tylko kilka egzemplarzy, by te pilnowały wejść do swojej podziemnej metropolii.\n\nJest ona wyposażona w otwory wentylacyjne do wyrzucania toksycznych spalin oraz wiertło o dużej mocy, które może wykorzystać zarówno do atakowania, jak i wzburzania gruntu. DM-300 może również podłączyć się do sieci energetycznej, co jeszcze bardziej zwiększa jego moc.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 to największa i najpotężniejsza "defensywna machina", jaką kiedykolwiek zbudowały krasnoludy. Tak niesamowita maszyna jest trudna do wykonania, więc krasnoludy stworzyły tylko kilka egzemplarzy, by te pilnowały wejść do swojej podziemnej metropolii.\n\nJest ona wyposażona w otwory wentylacyjne do wyrzucania toksycznych spalin oraz wiertło o dużej mocy, które może wykorzystać zarówno do atakowania, jak i wzburzania gruntu. DM-300 może również podłączyć się do sieci energetycznej, co jeszcze bardziej zwiększa jego moc.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 jest obecnie w pełni naładowany energią elektryczną. W tej formie nie może być uszkodzony i porusza się z podwójną prędkością! Dodatkowo, jego wiertło obraca się teraz na tyle szybko, że może _przewiercić się przez litą skałę,_ choć przy tym porusza się znacznie wolniej.\n\nAtakowanie DM-300 bezpośrednio jest bezcelowe dopóki jest on naładowany, ale _coś w okolicy musi dostarczać mu tej energii,_ zniszczenie tego może go osłabić.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Obluzowane skały spadają ze stropu – wygląda to, jakby miał się za chwilę zawalić!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Obluzowane skały spadają ze stropu – wygląda to, jakby miał się za chwilę zawalić!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Król Krasnoludów
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Król Krasnoludów
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Campeões projetantes causam 25% mais
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=Campeão anti-magia
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=Campeão anti-magia
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Campeões anti-magia recebem 25% menos dano e são completamente imunes a efeitos mágicos.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Campeões anti-magia recebem 25% menos dano e são completamente imunes a efeitos mágicos.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=Campeão gigante
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=Campeão gigante
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Campeões gigantes recebem 75% menos dano e tem +1 alcance de ataque, mas não podem passar por espaços apertados.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Campeão abençoado
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Campeão abençoado
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Campeões abençoados tem 200% mais precisão e evasão.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Campeões abençoados tem 200% mais precisão e evasão.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Campeão crescente
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Campeão crescente
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Ainda não congelado, mas mesmo assim muito frio.\n\nAlv
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d golpes!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d golpes!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Você deve selecionar um alvo no seu alcance de ataque.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Você deve selecionar um alvo no seu alcance de ataque.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Escolha um alvo para Atordoar.\nAtordoa e faz o alvo cambalear para trás
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Atordoar_ está disponível no momento. Este ataque faz um inimigo _cambalear para trás e ficar atordoado,_ mas inflige dano reduzido. É perfeito para ganhar um tempo durante uma luta.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Escolha um alvo para Ceifar\nSe matar o alvo, o combo continua.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Ceifar_ está disponível. Este ataque inflige dano adicional e, _se matar um inimigo, preserva o contador de combo em vez de resetá-lo._ É um ótimo ataque para aumentar o combo quando lutar com vários inimigos.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Selecione um alvo para o Bater\nEscudos e danos baseados em armadura
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Bater_ está atualmente disponível. Este ataque causa dano aumentado e protege você com base no poder de bloqueio de sua armadura. É ótimo para terminar uma luta, permitindo que você carregue a resistência para a próxima.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Escolha um alvo para Esmagar\nInflige uma quantidade de dano enorme.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Esmagar_ está disponível. Este ataque devastador _inflige muito dano de forma muito consistente._ É um ataque ótimo para derrotar um inimigo poderoso com muita vida!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Descarregar Fúria em que inimigo?\nAtaca várias vezes rapidamente
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fúria_ está disponível. Este ataque devastador _golpeará seu inimigo na mesma quantidade que seu contador de combo,_ apesar de ser com dano reduzido. Fúria é um ótimo ataque se você tem uma arma encantada, pois o encantamento será ativado em cada ataque!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=O gladiador acumula momentum à medida que tem sucesso em acertar seus golpes. Cada ataque aumenta o contador de combo em um, mas demorar demais entre os ataques ou errar duas vezes seguidas fará com que o contador de combo volte ao zero.\n\nAcumular combos desbloqueia habilidades especiais de finalização: poderosos ataques que não podem errar! Um finalizador diferente está disponível nos combos de 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 golpes, e o uso de um finalizador resetará seu combo.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=A corrupção penetra na essência de um ser, colocando-os contra sua natureza anterior.\n\nCriaturas corrompidas atacarão seus aliados e ignorarão seus antigos inimigos. A corrupção também é prejudicial, e irá lentamente levar seu alvo a sucumbir.\n\nA corrupção é permanente, seus efeitos terminam apenas na morte.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=A corrupção penetra na essência de um ser, colocando-os contra sua natureza anterior.\n\nCriaturas corrompidas atacarão seus aliados e ignorarão seus antigos inimigos. A corrupção também é prejudicial, e irá lentamente levar seu alvo a sucumbir.\n\nA corrupção é permanente, seus efeitos terminam apenas na morte.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Uma força magica está dificultando ficar acordado.\n\
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imbuído com Terra
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imbuído com Terra
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Você está imbuído de poder da terra!\n\nTodos os ataques físicos deslocarão a terra embaixo do inimigo, incapacitando-os por um curto período de tempo.\n\nTurnos de Imbuição de terra restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Você está imbuído de poder da terra!\n\nTodos os ataques físicos deslocarão a terra embaixo do inimigo, incapacitando-os por um curto período de tempo.\n\nTurnos de Imbuição de terra restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imbuído com Fogo
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imbuído com Fogo
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Você esta imbuído com o poder do fogo!\n\nTodos os ataques físicos tem uma chance de atear fogo ao inimigo. Adicionalmente, você está completamente imune aos efeitos do fogo.\n\nTurnos de imbuição de fogo restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Você esta imbuído com o poder do fogo!\n\nTodos os ataques físicos tem uma chance de atear fogo ao inimigo. Adicionalmente, você está completamente imune aos efeitos do fogo.\n\nTurnos de imbuição de fogo restantes: %s.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Enfeitiçado
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Você foi enfeitiçado!
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Você foi enfeitiçado!
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Magia negra que enfraquece o foco, fazendo o alvo levemente desorientado.\n\nEstar enfeitiçado reduz a precisão e evasão por 20%%, fazendo com que o alvo fique menos efetivo em combate.\n\nTurnos de enfeitiçamento remanescentes:%s.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Magia negra que enfraquece o foco, fazendo o alvo levemente desorientado.\n\nEstar enfeitiçado reduz a precisão e evasão por 20%%, fazendo com que o alvo fique menos efetivo em combate.\n\nTurnos de enfeitiçamento remanescentes:%s.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Morrendo de fome
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Morrendo de fome
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Você está com fome.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Você está com fome.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Todos os efeitos mágicos perderam seu domínio so
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Visão Mental
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Visão Mental
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=De alguma maneira, você pode ver todas as criaturas do andar na sua mente. É uma sensação muito estranha.\n\nTodos os personagens neste andar são visíveis para você enquanto você tem a visão mental. Ver uma criatura através da visão mental conta como se ele estivesse sendo visto nas proximidades, para o propósito de efeitos mágicos.\n\nTurnos de visão mental restante: %s.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=De alguma maneira, você pode ver todas as criaturas do andar na sua mente. É uma sensação muito estranha.\n\nTodos os personagens neste andar são visíveis para você enquanto você tem a visão mental. Ver uma criatura através da visão mental conta como se ele estivesse sendo visto nas proximidades, para o propósito de efeitos mágicos.\n\nTurnos de visão mental restante: %s.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Enquanto move, o corredor acumula impulso, aumentando sua velocidade e habilidade de desviar.\n\nO bônus de velocidade é baseado puramente no impulso, porém o bônus para desviar também é afetado pela armadura\n\nO corredor ganhará desvio adicional do impulso para cada ponto a mais de força que ele tiver sobre sua armadura.\n\nPoder do impulso atual: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Lodo cáustico
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Lodo cáustico
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=O lodo cáustico está devorando a sua carne! Lave-o na água!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=O lodo cáustico está devorando a sua carne! Lave-o na água!
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Você está sendo protegido por uma imagem pris
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energia está pulsando dentro de você, aumentando a taxa em que sua varinhas recarregam.\n\nA cada turno esse efeito irá aumentar a carga de cada varinha em um quarto, em adição a carga regular.\n\nTurnos de recarregamento restantes: %s
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energia está pulsando dentro de você, aumentando a taxa em que sua varinhas recarregam.\n\nA cada turno esse efeito irá aumentar a carga de cada varinha em um quarto, em adição a carga regular.\n\nTurnos de recarregamento restantes: %s
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Você não consegue se mover!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Você não consegue se mover!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Raízes (mágicas ou naturais) agarram-se nos pés, enraizando-os.\n\nRaízes prendem um alvo no lugar, tornando impossível se mover, mas outras ações não são afetadas.\n\nTurnos de enraizamento restantes: %s
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Raízes (mágicas ou naturais) agarram-se nos pés, enraizando-os.\n\nRaízes prendem um alvo no lugar, tornando impossível se mover, mas outras ações não são afetadas.\n\nTurnos de enraizamento restantes: %s
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Fundido com as Sombras
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Fundido com as Sombras
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Você está camuflado entre as sombras ao seu redor, garantindo a você invisibilidade e diminuindo o seu metabolismo.\n\nEnquanto você está invisível, inimigos serão incapazes de atacar ou seguir você. Ataques físicos e efeitos mágicos (como pergaminhos e varinhas) irão imediatamente cancelar a invisibilidade. Adicionalmente, enquanto estiver fundido com as sombras sua taxa de aumento de fome é reduzida.\n\nVocê permanecerá fundido com as sombras até você sair delas ou até um inimigo entrar em contato com você.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Você está camuflado entre as sombras ao seu redor, garantindo a você invisibilidade e diminuindo o seu metabolismo.\n\nEnquanto você está invisível, inimigos serão incapazes de atacar ou seguir você. Ataques físicos e efeitos mágicos (como pergaminhos e varinhas) irão imediatamente cancelar a invisibilidade. Adicionalmente, enquanto estiver fundido com as sombras sua taxa de aumento de fome é reduzida.\n\nVocê permanecerá fundido com as sombras até você sair delas ou até um inimigo entrar em contato com você.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Beber uma poção da cura insta
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=transferência rúnica
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=transferência rúnica
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ O selo quebrado do Guerreiro pode transferir _glifos comuns_ da mesma maneira que transfere um aprimoramento.\n\n_+2:_ O selo quebrado do Guerreiro pode transferir _glifos comuns, poderosos e amaldiçoados_ da mesma maneira que transfere um aprimoramento.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ O selo quebrado do Guerreiro pode transferir _glifos comuns_ da mesma maneira que transfere um aprimoramento.\n\n_+2:_ O selo quebrado do Guerreiro pode transferir _glifos comuns, poderosos e amaldiçoados_ da mesma maneira que transfere um aprimoramento.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=momento mortal
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=momento mortal
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ Quando o Guerreiro mata um inimigo, o golpe tem _67% de chance_ de ser instantâneo.\n\n_+2:_ Quando o Guerreiro mata um inimigo, o golpe tem _100% de chance_ de ser instantâneo.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=Projéteis improvisados
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=Projéteis improvisados
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ O Guerreiro pode cegar um inimigo por _2 turnos_ ao arremessar qualquer item que não seja uma arma de arremesso. Este talento tem um tempo de recarga de 30 turnos.\n\n_+2:_ O Guerreiro pode cegar um inimigo por _3 turnos_ ao arremessar qualquer item que não seja uma arma de arremesso. Este talento tem um tempo de recarga de 30 turnos.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ O Guerreiro pode cegar um inimigo por _2 turnos_ ao arremessar qualquer item que não seja uma arma de arremesso. Este talento tem um tempo de recarga de 30 turnos.\n\n_+2:_ O Guerreiro pode cegar um inimigo por _3 turnos_ ao arremessar qualquer item que não seja uma arma de arremesso. Este talento tem um tempo de recarga de 30 turnos.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=refeição empoderadora
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=refeição empoderadora
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Comer garante ao Mago _2 de dano bônus_ nos seus próximos 3 disparos de varinha.\n\n_+2:_ Comer garante ao Mago _3 de dano bônus_ nos seus próximos 3 disparos de varinha.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuição do estudioso
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=intuição do estudioso
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ O Mago identifica varinhas _3x mais rápido_.\n\n_+2:_ O Mago identifica varinhas _ao usar elas_.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ O Mago identifica varinhas _3x mais rápido_.\n\n_+2:_ O Mago identifica varinhas _ao usar elas_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=hipótese testada
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=hipótese testada
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ O Mago ganha _4 de escudo_ sempre q
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=refeição energética
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=refeição energética
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Comer leva apenas 1 turno para o Mago, e lhe concede _5 turnos de recarga de varinha_.\n\n_+2:_ Comer leva apenas 1 turno para o Mago, e lhe concede _8 turnos de recarga de varinha_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Comer leva apenas 1 turno para o Mago, e lhe concede _5 turnos de recarga de varinha_.\n\n_+2:_ Comer leva apenas 1 turno para o Mago, e lhe concede _8 turnos de recarga de varinha_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=melhoria energizante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=melhoria energizante
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Usar um pergaminho do aprimoramento irá instantaneamente recarregar o cajado do Mago _com 1 carga_, podendo coloca-la acima do seu limite de cargas atual.\n\n_+2:_ Usar um pergaminho do aprimoramento irá instantaneamente recarregar o cajado do Mago _com 2 cargas_, podendo coloca-la acima do seu limite de cargas atual.\n\nEste talento também é ativado ao usar pergaminhos e feitiços derivados do pergaminho do aprimoramento.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=preservação de varinha
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=preservação de varinha
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Quando o Mago imbui uma nova varinha no seu cajado, a antiga varinha tem _67% de chance_ de ser devolvida em +0.\n\n_+2:_ Quando o Mago imbui uma nova varinha no seu cajado, a antiga varinha tem _100% de chance_ de ser devolvida em +0.\n\nEste talento pode preservar uma varinha no máximo três vezes.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Quando o Mago imbui uma nova varinha no seu cajado, a antiga varinha tem _67% de chance_ de ser devolvida em +0.\n\n_+2:_ Quando o Mago imbui uma nova varinha no seu cajado, a antiga varinha tem _100% de chance_ de ser devolvida em +0.\n\nEste talento pode preservar uma varinha no máximo três vezes.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=visão arcana
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=visão arcana
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Quando o Mago atira em um inimigo, ele ganha visão mental neles por _10 turnos_.\n\n_+2:_ Quando o Mago atira em um inimigo, ele ganha visão mental neles por _15 turnos_.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Quando o Mago atira em um inimigo, ele ganha visão mental neles por _10 turnos_.\n\n_+2:_ Quando o Mago atira em um inimigo, ele ganha visão mental neles por _15 turnos_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=bateria de escudos
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=bateria de escudos
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ O Mago pode mirar em si mesmo com uma varinha para converter suas cargas em um escudo com uma taxa de _5% de sua vida máxima por carga_.\n\n_+2:_ O Mago pode mirar em si mesmo com uma varinha para converter suas cargas em um escudo com uma taxa de _7,5% de sua vida máxima por carga_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=rações guardadas
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=rações guardadas
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ O Ladino pode encontrar _4 rações pequenas_ colocadas em baús enquanto ele explora os estágios iniciais da masmorra.\n\n_+2:_ O Ladino pode encontrar _6 rações pequenas_ colocadas em baús enquanto ele explora os estágios iniciais da masmorra.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ O Ladino pode encontrar _4 rações pequenas_ colocadas em baús enquanto ele explora os estágios iniciais da masmorra.\n\n_+2:_ O Ladino pode encontrar _6 rações pequenas_ colocadas em baús enquanto ele explora os estágios iniciais da masmorra.
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ O Ladino causa _1-2 de dano bônus_ q
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=sombras protetoras
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=sombras protetoras
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ O Ladino ganha um escudo _a cada outro turno_ que sua capa está ativada, _para um máximo de 3_.\n\n_+2:_ O Ladino ganha um escudo _a cada turno_ que sua capa está ativada, _para um máximo de 5_.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ O Ladino ganha um escudo _a cada outro turno_ que sua capa está ativada, _para um máximo de 3_.\n\n_+2:_ O Ladino ganha um escudo _a cada turno_ que sua capa está ativada, _para um máximo de 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=refeição mística
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=refeição mística
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ O Ladino leva apenas 1 turno para comer e garante a ele _3 turnos de recarga de artefato_.\n\n_+2:_ O Ladino leva apenas 1 turno para comer e garante a ele _5 turnos de recarga de artefato_.\n\nEste talento não pode ser usado para fazer com que o Chifre da Fartura carregue a si mesmo.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=melhoria mística
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=melhoria mística
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Usar um pergaminho do aprimoramento instantaneamente recarrega a capa do Ladino _em 1 carga_, que pode exceder o limite de carga máximo.\n\n_+2:_ Usar um pergaminho do aprimoramento instantaneamente recarrega a capa do Ladino _em 2 cargas_, que pode exceder o limite de carga máximo.\n\nEste talento também é ativado ao usar pergaminhos e feitiços derivados do pergaminho do aprimoramento.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=grande busca
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=grande busca
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ O raio da procura do Ladino é aumentado de um quadrado de 5x5 para um _circulo de 7x7_.\n\n_+2:_ O raio da procura do Ladino é aumentado de um quadrado de 5x5 para um _quadrado de 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ O raio da procura do Ladino é aumentado de um quadrado de 5x5 para um _circulo de 7x7_.\n\n_+2:_ O raio da procura do Ladino é aumentado de um quadrado de 5x5 para um _quadrado de 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=passos silenciosos
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=passos silenciosos
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ O Ladino não irá acordar inimigos adormecidos enquanto ele estiver _a 3 quadrados de distância deles_.\n\n_+2:_ O Ladino não irá acordar inimigos adormecidos enquanto ele estiver _não adjacente a eles_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ O Ladino não irá acordar inimigos adormecidos enquanto ele estiver _a 3 quadrados de distância deles_.\n\n_+2:_ O Ladino não irá acordar inimigos adormecidos enquanto ele estiver _não adjacente a eles_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=previsão do ladino
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=previsão do ladino
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Ao entrar em um andar com uma sala secreta, o Ladino tem _50% de chance de notar_ que o andar contém uma sala secreta.\n\n_+2:_ Ao entrar em um andar com uma sala secreta, o Ladino tem _75% de chance de notar_ que o andar contém uma sala secreta.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=recompensa da natureza
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=recompensa da natureza
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ A Caçadora pode encontrar _4 frutinhas_ escondidas entre as gramas altas enquanto ela explora os estágios iniciais da masmorra.\n\n_+2:_ A Caçadora pode encontrar _6 frutinhas_ escondidas entre as gramas altas enquanto ela explora os estágios iniciais da masmorra.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ A Caçadora pode encontrar _4 frutinhas_ escondidas entre as gramas altas enquanto ela explora os estágios iniciais da masmorra.\n\n_+2:_ A Caçadora pode encontrar _6 frutinhas_ escondidas entre as gramas altas enquanto ela explora os estágios iniciais da masmorra.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuição de sobrevivente
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=intuição de sobrevivente
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ A Caçadora identifica todos os equipamentos _1,75x mais rápido_. \n\n_+2:_ A Caçadora identifica todos os equipamentos _2,5x mais rápido_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ A Caçadora identifica todos os equipamentos _1,75x mais rápido_. \n\n_+2:_ A Caçadora identifica todos os equipamentos _2,5x mais rápido_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=ataque consecutivo
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=ataque consecutivo
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Quando a Caçadora atinge um inimigo com seu arco ou com uma arma de arremesso, o seu próximo ataque físico causará _2 pontos de dano extra_.\n\n_+2:_ Quando a Caçadora atinge um inimigo com seu arco ou com uma arma de arremesso, o seu próximo ataque físico causará _3 pontos de dano extra_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=ajuda da natureza
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=ajuda da natureza
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_ + 1: _ A caçadora ganha 2 armadura de pele de casca por _4 turnos_ quando uma planta é pisoteada em sua visão.\n\n_ + 2: _ A Caçadora ganha 2 armadura de pele de casca por _6 turnos_ quando uma planta é pisoteada em sua visão.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=refeição revigorante
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=refeição revigorante
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ A Caçadora leva apenas 1 turno para comer (frutinhas são comidas na hora) e dá a ele _1 turno de pressa_.\n\n_+2:_ A Caçadora leva apenas 1 turno para comer (frutinhas são comidas na hora) e dá a ele _2 turnos de pressa_.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ A Caçadora leva apenas 1 turno para comer (frutinhas são comidas na hora) e dá a ele _1 turno de pressa_.\n\n_+2:_ A Caçadora leva apenas 1 turno para comer (frutinhas são comidas na hora) e dá a ele _2 turnos de pressa_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=natureza restaurada
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=natureza restaurada
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Beber uma poção da cura faz com que _até 5 arbustos de grama_ apareçam na volta da Caçadora, e enraízam inimigos adjacentes por _2 turnos_. \n\n_+2:_ Beber uma poção da cura faz com que _até 8 arbustos de grama_ apareçam na volta da Caçadora, e enraízam inimigos adjacentes por _3 turnos_. \n\nEste talento também é ativado ao beber poções e elixires derivados da poção da cura.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Beber uma poção da cura faz com que _até 5 arbustos de grama_ apareçam na volta da Caçadora, e enraízam inimigos adjacentes por _2 turnos_. \n\n_+2:_ Beber uma poção da cura faz com que _até 8 arbustos de grama_ apareçam na volta da Caçadora, e enraízam inimigos adjacentes por _3 turnos_. \n\nEste talento também é ativado ao beber poções e elixires derivados da poção da cura.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=passos rejuvenescedores
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=passos rejuvenescedores
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ Quando a Calçadora pisa na grama baixa ou em brasas, elas florescem em grama alta que a Caçadora imediatamente pisa. Este efeito tem uma _recarga de 10 turnos_.\n\n_+2:_ Quando a Calçadora pisa na grama baixa ou em brasas, elas florescem em grama alta que a Caçadora imediatamente pisa. Este efeito tem uma _recarga de 5 turnos_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=sentidos apurados
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=sentidos apurados
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ A Caçadora ganha visão mental de qualquer inimigo a _2 quadrados de distância dela_.\n\n_+2:_ A Caçadora ganha visão mental de qualquer inimigo a _3 quadrados de distância dela_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ A Caçadora ganha visão mental de qualquer inimigo a _2 quadrados de distância dela_.\n\n_+2:_ A Caçadora ganha visão mental de qualquer inimigo a _3 quadrados de distância dela_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=projéteis duráveis
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=projéteis duráveis
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Armas de arremesso tem sua _+50% de durabilidade_ quando usadas pela Caçadora.\n\n_+2:_ Armas de arremesso tem sua _+75% de durabilidade_ quando usadas pela Caçadora.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Armas de arremesso tem sua _+50% de durabilidade_ quando usadas pela Caçadora.\n\n_+2:_ Armas de arremesso tem sua _+75% de durabilidade_ quando usadas pela Caçadora.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=Você não pode sair ainda, o resto da masmorra abaixo te espera!
actors.hero.hero.leave=Você não pode sair ainda, o resto da masmorra abaixo te espera!
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Uma subclasse pode ser escolhida d
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=O Mago é um especialista com varinhas, e carrega uma _varinha mágica única._\n\nPara desbloqueá-lo, use um pergaminho de melhoria para tornar um item mais forte.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=O Mago é um especialista com varinhas, e carrega uma _varinha mágica única._\n\nPara desbloqueá-lo, use um pergaminho de melhoria para tornar um item mais forte.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=O Mago começa com um _cajado único_ de míssil mágico. O cajado recarrega significativamente mais rápido que uma varinha, e começa com 1 carga máxima a mais.\n\nO cajado do Mago pode ser imbuído com as varinhas que ele encontra na masmorra. Imbuir muda o efeito do cajado e pode ser usado para transferir alguns aprimoramentos. \n\nO Mago identifica automaticamente:\n- Pergaminhos de identificação\n- Poções de Chama Líquida\n- Pergaminhos do Aprimoramento
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=O Mago começa com seu cajado como sua arma corpo-a-corpo. O cajado causa menos dano corpo a corpo do que outras armas iniciais.\n\nO Mago pode usar a magia em seu cajado para atacar de longe.\n\nO Mago começa com um _portador de pergaminho,_ que pode armazenar vários pergaminhos e protegê-los do fogo.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=O Mago começa com seu cajado como sua arma corpo-a-corpo. O cajado causa menos dano corpo a corpo do que outras armas iniciais.\n\nO Mago pode usar a magia em seu cajado para atacar de longe.\n\nO Mago começa com um _portador de pergaminho,_ que pode armazenar vários pergaminhos e protegê-los do fogo.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Uma subclasse pode ser escolhida depois de derrotar o segundo chefão. O Mago tem duas subclasses:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Uma subclasse pode ser escolhida depois de derrotar o segundo chefão. O Mago tem duas subclasses:
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=A Caçadora começa com um _luvas cr
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Uma subclasse pode ser escolhida depois de derrotar o segundo chefão. A Caçadora tem duas subclasses:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Uma subclasse pode ser escolhida depois de derrotar o segundo chefão. A Caçadora tem duas subclasses:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Um ataque bem sucedido com uma arma corpo a corpo permite que o _Gladiador_ comece um combo. Cada ataque bem sucedido em seguida permitirá que ele realize ataques finalizadores únicos.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=O _Berserker_ causa dano bônus que aumenta com dano recebido. Quando em estado de frenesi, ele pode se recusar a morrer por um curto período de tempo, ao custo da exaustão.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Ao utilizar varinhas em inimigos, o _Bruxo_ tem a chance de marcar a alma de seus adversários. Inimigos marcados irão regenerar a energia e fome dele sempre que sofrerem danos físicos.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mago lutador
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mago lutador
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Ao lutar com o seu cajado, o _Mago Lutador_ conjura efeitos especiais dependendo da varinha com que o seu cajado está imbuído. O cajado irá também ganhar cargas através de combate.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Ao lutar com o seu cajado, o _Mago Lutador_ conjura efeitos especiais dependendo da varinha com que o seu cajado está imbuído. O cajado irá também ganhar cargas através de combate.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Enquanto invisível, o _Assassino_ prepara um golpe mortal para seu próximo ataque. Quanto mais tempo invisível, mais poderoso o ataque será.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Enquanto invisível, o _Assassino_ prepara um golpe mortal para seu próximo ataque. Quanto mais tempo invisível, mais poderoso o ataque será.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=O _Corredor_ acumula impulso enquanto corre. O impulso aumenta sua velocidade de movimento e evasão, mas rapidamente decai quando ele não está se movendo.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=A _Atiradora_ é mestra do combate à distância. Ela ganha visão aumentada e seus ataques à distância perfuram armaduras. Depois de golpear com uma arma arremessada, ela pode seguir com um ataque especial de seu arco.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=A _Guardiã_ tem uma forte conexão com a natureza que lhe permite ver através de grama alta e comandar a grama pisoteada para brotar em torno das plantas que ela planta. As plantas que ela pisoteia também tem efeitos de bônus, dardos imbuídos ganham 2x de durabilidade, e a grama lhe dará um aumento de armadura quando ela estiver nela.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -528,7 +607,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_huntress=Oh, olá senhorita! Um rosto amigável
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\nEu vim aqui para encontrar um ingrediente raro para uma varinha. Mas eu acabei me perdendo e meu escudo mágico está enfraquecendo. Eu vou precisar sair logo, mas eu não posso ir embora sem levar o que eu vim pegar aqui.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\nEu vim aqui para encontrar um ingrediente raro para uma varinha. Mas eu acabei me perdendo e meu escudo mágico está enfraquecendo. Eu vou precisar sair logo, mas eu não posso ir embora sem levar o que eu vim pegar aqui.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=Eu estou procurando um pouco de _pó de cadáver._ É um tipo especial de farinha de osso amaldiçoada que geralmente aparece em lugares como este. Deve haver um quarto barricado por aqui em algum lugar, eu tenho certeza que um pouco deste pó irá se acumular lá. Tenha cuidado, no entanto, a maldição que o pó carrega é bastante potente, _traga de volta para mim o mais rápido possível_ e eu vou purificá-lo para você.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=Eu estou procurando um pouco de _pó de cadáver._ É um tipo especial de farinha de osso amaldiçoada que geralmente aparece em lugares como este. Deve haver um quarto barricado por aqui em algum lugar, eu tenho certeza que um pouco deste pó irá se acumular lá. Tenha cuidado, no entanto, a maldição que o pó carrega é bastante potente, _traga de volta para mim o mais rápido possível_ e eu vou purificá-lo para você.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_ember=Eu estou procurando um pouco de _brasas frescas_ de um elemental de fogo recém nascido. Elementais geralmente aparecem quando um ritual de invocação não foi controlado, então apenas encontre algumas velas e uma marca de ritual e eu tenho certeza que você consegue fazer um aparecer. Você pode querer _guardar algum item de congelamento e deixá-lo à mão,_ elementais são muito poderosos, mas o gelo irá deixar a batalha mais fácil.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_ember=Eu estou procurando um pouco de _brasas frescas_ de um elemental de fogo recém nascido. Elementais geralmente aparecem quando um ritual de invocação não foi controlado, então apenas encontre algumas velas e uma marca de ritual e eu tenho certeza que você consegue fazer um aparecer. Você pode querer _guardar algum item de congelamento e deixá-lo à mão,_ elementais são muito poderosos, mas o gelo irá deixar a batalha mais fácil.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_berry=O velho guarda desta prisão mantilha uma _Podrerva,_ e eu estou atrás de uma de suas sementes. A planta provavelmente cresceu descontroladamente, então fazê-la soltar de uma de suas sementes pode ser complicado. O jardim deve estar em algum lugar por aqui. Tente _ficar longe de suas raízes_ se você quiser ficar inteiro. Usar fogo pode ser tentador, mas por favor não faça isso, pois você vai matar a planta e destruir suas sementes.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_berry=O velho guarda desta prisão mantinha uma _Podrerva,_ e eu estou atrás de uma de suas sementes. A planta provavelmente cresceu descontroladamente, então fazer com que ela solte uma de suas sementes pode ser complicado. O jardim deve estar em algum lugar por aqui. Tente _ficar longe de suas raízes_ se você quiser ficar inteiro. Usar fogo pode ser tentador, mas por favor não faça isso, pois você vai matar a planta e destruir suas sementes.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_2=\n\nSe você puder trazer isso para mim, eu ficarei feliz em pagar você com uma das minhas melhores varinhas. Eu tenho duas comigo agora, você vai poder escolher a que preferir.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_2=\n\nSe você puder trazer isso para mim, eu ficarei feliz em pagar você com uma das minhas melhores varinhas. Eu tenho duas comigo agora, você vai poder escolher a que preferir.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_dust=Está tendo sorte com o pó de cadáver, %s? Procure por uma barricada.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_dust=Está tendo sorte com o pó de cadáver, %s? Procure por uma barricada.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_ember=Está tendo sorte com as cinzas, %s? Você irá precisar encontrar quatro velas e um lugar para fazer o ritual.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_ember=Está tendo sorte com as cinzas, %s? Você irá precisar encontrar quatro velas e um lugar para fazer o ritual.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=Esmagado pelo DM-300
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=DANO CRÍTICO! TENTANDO DESLIGA-
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=DANO CRÍTICO! TENTANDO DESLIGA-
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=A DM-300 é a maior e mais poderosa 'máquina de defesa' que os anões já construíram. Uma máquina tão impressionante é difícil de fabricar que os anões só fizeram alguns para guardar as entradas de suas metrópoles subterrâneas.\n\nÉ equipado com lançadores de gases de exaustão tóxico e uma furadeira de alta potência que pode ser usada para atacar e destruir a terra. O DM-300 também pode se conectar a uma rede de energia, aumentando ainda mais sua potência.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=A DM-300 é a maior e mais poderosa 'máquina de defesa' que os anões já construíram. Uma máquina tão impressionante é difícil de fabricar que os anões só fizeram alguns para guardar as entradas de suas metrópoles subterrâneas.\n\nÉ equipado com lançadores de gases de exaustão tóxico e uma furadeira de alta potência que pode ser usada para atacar e destruir a terra. O DM-300 também pode se conectar a uma rede de energia, aumentando ainda mais sua potência.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=Atualmente, o DM-300 é carregado com energia elétrica. Dessa forma, o DM-300 não pode ser danificado e se move em velocidade dupla! Além disso, sua broca agora gira rápido o suficiente para _atravessar rochas sólidas,_ embora se mova muito mais lentamente ao fazer isso.\n\nAtacar o DM-300 diretamente é inútil enquanto está sobrecarregado, mas _algo na área deve estar fornecendo essa energia,_ destruindo isso pode enfraquecê-lo.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Pedras soltas estão caindo do teto aqui, parece que está prestes a entrar em colapso!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Pedras soltas estão caindo do teto aqui, parece que está prestes a entrar em colapso!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Rei dos Anões
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Rei dos Anões
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Проецирующие чемпио
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=Антимагический чемпион
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=Антимагический чемпион
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Антимагические чемпионы получают на 25% меньше урона и совершенно неуязвимы к магии.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Антимагические чемпионы получают на 25% меньше урона и совершенно неуязвимы к магии.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=Гигантский чемпион
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=Гигантский чемпион
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Гигантские чемпионы получают на 75% меньше урона и увеличенный на 1 радиус атаки, но не могут проходить в узкие пространства.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Вдохновлённый чемпион
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Вдохновлённый чемпион
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Вдохновлённые чемпионы имеют на 200% большую меткость и уклонение.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Вдохновлённые чемпионы имеют на 200% большую меткость и уклонение.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Растущий чемпион
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Растущий чемпион
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Вам очень холодно, но вы пока е
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Комбо из %d ударов!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Комбо из %d ударов!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Цель должна быть в радиусе атаки.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Цель должна быть в радиусе атаки.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Выберите цель для Тарана\nОшеломляет и отталкивает
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=Вы можете использовать _Таран._ Эта атака _отталкивает и контузит врага,_ но наносит уменьшенный урон. Отличный способ выиграть немного времени в схватке.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Выберите цель Рассечения\nПри убийстве комбо не прервется
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=Вам доступно _Рассечение._ Эта атака наносит увеличенный урон, _если она убьёт цель, то серия ударов продолжится, а не прервётся._ Отличный способ поддерживать комбо при сражении с несколькими противниками.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Выберите цель Натиска\nДаёт защиту и наносит урон в зависимости от брони
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=Вам доступен _Натиск._ Эта атака наносит _увеличенный урон и защищает вас в зависимости от уровня защиты вашей брони._ Отлично подходит для финального удара, позволяя восстановить защиту перед следующим боем.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Выберите цель для Сокрушения\nНаносит огромный урон
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=Вам доступно _Сокрушение._ Эта разрушительная атака _всегда наносит значительный урон._ Отличный способ одолеть крепкого соперника!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=На кого направить Ярость?\nАтакует множество раз подряд
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=Вам доступна _Ярость._ Эта разрушительная техника _наносит сразу череду атак, в зависимости от текущего значения счётчика комбо-ударов._ Хоть эти атаки и будут слабее обычных, но если у вас есть зачарованное оружие, то зачарование будет срабатывать при каждом ударе!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Гладиатор специализируется на проведении серий атак. Каждое попадание увеличивает счётчик комбо-ударов, но если слишком долго не атаковать или промахнуться два раза подряд, счётчик сбросится до 0.\n\nСерия ударов дает даёт доступ к завершающим приёмам: особым атакам, которые всегда попадают в цель! Особые приёмы доступны на сериях из 2, 4, 6, 8 и 10 ударов. Завершающий приём прерывает комбо.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Порча проникает в саму суть существ, извращая их истинную природу.\n\nПод воздействием Порчи, существа будут атаковать своих бывших союзников, игнорируя настоящего врага. К тому же, порча наносит урон, приближая смерть жертвы.\n\nПорчу невозможно снять, только смерть остановит ее.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Порча проникает в саму суть существ, извращая их истинную природу.\n\nПод воздействием Порчи, существа будут атаковать своих бывших союзников, игнорируя настоящего врага. К тому же, порча наносит урон, приближая смерть жертвы.\n\nПорчу невозможно снять, только смерть остановит ее.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Волшебные чары делают ваши ве
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Благословение Земли
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Благословение Земли
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Вы наделены силой Земли! \n\nВсе физические атаки сотрясают землю под ногами врагов, калеча их на небольшое время. \n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Вы наделены силой Земли! \n\nВсе физические атаки сотрясают землю под ногами врагов, калеча их на небольшое время. \n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Благословение Огня
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Благословение Огня
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Вы наделены силой Огня!\n\nВсе ваши физические атаки имеют шанс поджечь цель. К тому же, вы абсолютно невосприимчивы к огню.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Вы наделены силой Огня!\n\nВсе ваши физические атаки имеют шанс поджечь цель. К тому же, вы абсолютно невосприимчивы к огню.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Зачарован
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Вас зачаровали!
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Вас зачаровали!
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Темная магия, которая снижает сфокуссированность и слегка дезориентирует цель.\n\nЗачарование снижает меткость и уклонение на 20%%, и, таким образом, снижает эффективность цели в бою.\n\nОсталось ходов с зачарованием: %s.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Темная магия, которая снижает сфокуссированность и слегка дезориентирует цель.\n\nЗачарование снижает меткость и уклонение на 20%%, и, таким образом, снижает эффективность цели в бою.\n\nОсталось ходов с зачарованием: %s.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.hungry=Легкий голод
actors.buffs.hunger.hungry=Легкий голод
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Сильный голод
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Сильный голод
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Вы слегка голодны.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Вы слегка голодны.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Любые чары потеряли над вам
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Ментальное зрение
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Ментальное зрение
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Каким-то образом вы способны чувствовать присутствие чужого сознания сквозь стены. Это очень странное ощущение.\n\nВо время действия Ментального зрения вы видите всех существ на данном этаже. Очень полезно в сочетании с теми магическими эффектами, которые воздействуют на всех врагов в поле зрения.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Каким-то образом вы способны чувствовать присутствие чужого сознания сквозь стены. Это очень странное ощущение.\n\nВо время действия Ментального зрения вы видите всех существ на данном этаже. Очень полезно в сочетании с теми магическими эффектами, которые воздействуют на всех врагов в поле зрения.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=При перемещении, Беглец накапливает инерцию, увеличивая свои скорость передвижения и уклонение.\n\nБонус к скорости зависит исключительно от текущей инерции, но бонус к уклонению также зависит от экипированного доспеха.\n\nЗа каждое очко силы сверх количества, требуемого текущим доспехом, Беглец получит дополнительное очко уклонения.\n\nТекущий уровень инерции: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Ядовитая слизь
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Ядовитая слизь
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Ядовитая слизь разъедает вашу плоть. Надо ее смыть!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Ядовитая слизь разъедает вашу плоть. Надо ее смыть!
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Вас охраняет радужная коп
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Энергия течет сквозь вас, увеличивая скорость перезарядки палочек и посохов.\n\nС каждым ходом текущий заряд будет увеличиваться на четверть, в добавок к обычному восстановлению.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Энергия течет сквозь вас, увеличивая скорость перезарядки палочек и посохов.\n\nС каждым ходом текущий заряд будет увеличиваться на четверть, в добавок к обычному восстановлению.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Вы не можете двигаться!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Вы не можете двигаться!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Корни (магические или естественные) оплетают ваши ноги, приковывая их к земле.\n\nОплетение не позволяет передвигаться, но все остальные действия всё ещё остаются доступными.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Корни (магические или естественные) оплетают ваши ноги, приковывая их к земле.\n\nОплетение не позволяет передвигаться, но все остальные действия всё ещё остаются доступными.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Объятие теней
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Объятие теней
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Вы растворились в тенях. Вас не видно, а ваш метаболизм замедлен.\n\nВ этом состоянии враги не атакуют и не преследуют вас. Атака или использование магии (например, свитка или палочки) немедленно развеет невидимость. Вдобавок, вы можете дольше обходиться без еды.\n\nВы останетесь в тенях, пока не покинете их или враг не наткнется на вас.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Вы растворились в тенях. Вас не видно, а ваш метаболизм замедлен.\n\nВ этом состоянии враги не атакуют и не преследуют вас. Атака или использование магии (например, свитка или палочки) немедленно развеет невидимость. Вдобавок, вы можете дольше обходиться без еды.\n\nВы останетесь в тенях, пока не покинете их или враг не наткнется на вас.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Выпитое зелье Ис
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=рунический перенос
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=рунический перенос
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_ + 1: _ Сломанная печать Воина может переносить _обычные глифы_ так же, как и улучшение.\n\n_ + 2: _ Сломанная печать Воина может переносить _обычные, мощные и проклятые глифы_ так же, как и улучшение.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_ + 1: _ Сломанная печать Воина может переносить _обычные глифы_ так же, как и улучшение.\n\n_ + 2: _ Сломанная печать Воина может переносить _обычные, мощные и проклятые глифы_ так же, как и улучшение.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=летальный импульс
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=летальный импульс
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_ + 1: _ Когда Воин убивает врага, смертельный удар имеет _67% шанс_ быть мгновенным.\n\n_ + 2: _ Когда Воин убивает врага, смертельный удар имеет _100% шанс_ быть мгновенным.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=импровизированные снаряды
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=импровизированные снаряды
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc= _+1:_ Воин может ослепить врага на _2 хода_, кинув в него любой предмет, не являющийся метательным оружием. Эта способность перезаряжается 30 ходов.\n\n_+2:_ Воин может ослепить врага на _3 хода_, кинув в него любой предмет, не являющийся метательным оружием. Эта способность перезаряжается 30 ходов.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc= _+1:_ Воин может ослепить врага на _2 хода_, кинув в него любой предмет, не являющийся метательным оружием. Эта способность перезаряжается 30 ходов.\n\n_+2:_ Воин может ослепить врага на _3 хода_, кинув в него любой предмет, не являющийся метательным оружием. Эта способность перезаряжается 30 ходов.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=тонизирующий обед
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=тонизирующий обед
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Перекус даёт Магу _2 бонусных урона_ к 3 следующим выстрелам из палочки.\n\n_+2:_ Перекус даёт Магу _3 бонусных урона_ к 3 следующим выстрелам из палочки.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Интуиция знатока
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Интуиция знатока
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Маг опознаёт палочки в _3 раза быстрее_.\n\n_+2:_ Маг опознаёт палочки _при первом использовании_.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Маг опознаёт палочки в _3 раза быстрее_.\n\n_+2:_ Маг опознаёт палочки _при первом использовании_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Проверенная гипотеза
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Проверенная гипотеза
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_ + 1: _ Маг получает _4 за
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=возбуждающий обед
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=возбуждающий обед
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Перекус занимает у Мага 1 ход и даёт ему _5 ходов перезарядки палочек_.\n\n_+2:_ Перекус занимает у Мага 1 ход и даёт ему _8 ходов перезарядки палочек_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Перекус занимает у Мага 1 ход и даёт ему _5 ходов перезарядки палочек_.\n\n_+2:_ Перекус занимает у Мага 1 ход и даёт ему _8 ходов перезарядки палочек_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Заряжающее улучшение
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Заряжающее улучшение
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_ + 1: _ Использование свитка Улучшения мгновенно перезаряжает посох Мага _на 1 заряд_, это может повысить его текущий предел заряда.\n\n_ + 2: _ Использование свитка Улучшения мгновенно перезаряжает посох мага _ на 2 заряда_, что может превысить его текущий предел заряда.\n\nЭтот талант также срабатывает при использовании свитков или заклинаний, основанных на свитках Улучшения.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=сохранение палочки
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=сохранение палочки
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_ + 1: _ Когда Маг сливает новую палочку со своим посохом, старая палочка имеет _67% шанс_ вернуться как +0.\n\n_ + 2: _ Когда Маг сливает новую палочку со своим посохом, старая палочка имеет _100% шанс_ вернуться как +0.\n\nЭтот талант может сохранить палочку до трех раз.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_ + 1: _ Когда Маг сливает новую палочку со своим посохом, старая палочка имеет _67% шанс_ вернуться как +0.\n\n_ + 2: _ Когда Маг сливает новую палочку со своим посохом, старая палочка имеет _100% шанс_ вернуться как +0.\n\nЭтот талант может сохранить палочку до трех раз.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=магическое зрение
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=магическое зрение
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Всякий раз, когда Маг попадает по врагу из палочки, он получает Ментальное зрение на _10 ходов_.\n\n_+2:_ Всякий раз, когда Маг попадает по врагу из палочки, он получает Ментальное зрение на _15 ходов_.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Всякий раз, когда Маг попадает по врагу из палочки, он получает Ментальное зрение на _10 ходов_.\n\n_+2:_ Всякий раз, когда Маг попадает по врагу из палочки, он получает Ментальное зрение на _15 ходов_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title= батарейка для щита
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title= батарейка для щита
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_ + 1: _ Маг может нацелиться на себя палочкой, чтобы преобразовать его заряды в щит величиной _5% от максимального ОЗ за заряд_.\n\n_ + 2: _ Маг может нацелиться на себя палочкой, чтобы преобразовать его заряды в щит величиной _7.5% от максимального ОЗ за заряд_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=спрятанные рационы
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=спрятанные рационы
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_ + 1: _ Разбойник может найти _4 урезанных рациона_ в сундуках, пока он исследует ранние этапы подземелья.\n\n_ + 2: _ Разбойник может найти _6 урезанных рационов_ в сундуках, пока он исследует ранние этапы подземелья.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_ + 1: _ Разбойник может найти _4 урезанных рациона_ в сундуках, пока он исследует ранние этапы подземелья.\n\n_ + 2: _ Разбойник может найти _6 урезанных рационов_ в сундуках, пока он исследует ранние этапы подземелья.
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Разбойник наносит _1-
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=защитные тени
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=защитные тени
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Разбойник получает один щит _ каждый второй ход_, пока его плащ активирован, _ вплоть до 3_.\n\n_+2:_ Разбойник получает один щит _каждый второй ход_, пока его плащ активирован, _ вплоть до 5_.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Разбойник получает один щит _ каждый второй ход_, пока его плащ активирован, _ вплоть до 3_.\n\n_+2:_ Разбойник получает один щит _каждый второй ход_, пока его плащ активирован, _ вплоть до 5_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=мистический обед
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=мистический обед
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Перекус занимает у разбойника 1 ход, и даёт ему _перезарядку артефактов на 3 хода_.\n\n_+2:_ Перекус занимает у разбойника 1 ход и даёт ему _перезарядку артефактов на 5 ходов_.\n\nЭтот талант не позволяет рогу изобилия перезаряжать самого себя.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=мистическое улучшение
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=мистическое улучшение
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+ 1:_ Использование свитка Улучшения мгновенно перезаряжает плащ Разбойника _на 1 заряд_, это может превысить его текущий предел заряда.\n\n_+ 2:_ Использование свитка Улучшения мгновенно перезаряжает плащ Разбойника _на 2 заряда_, это может превысить его текущий предел заряда.\n\nЭтот талант также срабатывает при использовании свитков или заклинаний, основанных на свитках Улучшения.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=широкий поиск
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=широкий поиск
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Радиус поиска Разбойника изменен с квадрата 5x5 на _круг 7x7_. \n\n_+2:_ Радиус поиска Разбойника изменен с квадрата 5x5 на _квадрат 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Радиус поиска Разбойника изменен с квадрата 5x5 на _круг 7x7_. \n\n_+2:_ Радиус поиска Разбойника изменен с квадрата 5x5 на _квадрат 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=бесшумные шаги
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=бесшумные шаги
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Разбойник не разбудит спящих врагов, пока он на расстоянии _3 или более клеток_.\n\n_+2:_ Разбойник не разбудит спящих врагов, пока _не подойдёт вплотную_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Разбойник не разбудит спящих врагов, пока он на расстоянии _3 или более клеток_.\n\n_+2:_ Разбойник не разбудит спящих врагов, пока _не подойдёт вплотную_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=разбойничья чуйка
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=разбойничья чуйка
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Когда он впервые спускается на этаж с секретной комнатой, у Разбойника есть _50% шанс почувствовать это_.\n\n_+2:_ Когда он впервые спускается на этаж с секретной комнатой, у Разбойника есть _75% шанс почувствовать это_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=щедрость природы
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=щедрость природы
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Охотница может найти _4 ягоды_ спрятанных в высокой траве, пока она исследует ранние этапы подземелья.\n\n_+2: _ Охотница может найти _6 ягод_ спрятанных в высокой траве, пока она исследует ранние этапы подземелья.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Охотница может найти _4 ягоды_ спрятанных в высокой траве, пока она исследует ранние этапы подземелья.\n\n_+2: _ Охотница может найти _6 ягод_ спрятанных в высокой траве, пока она исследует ранние этапы подземелья.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Интуиция выживальщика
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Интуиция выживальщика
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Охотница опознаёт всю экипировку в _1.75 раза быстрее_.\n\n_+2:_ Охотница опознаёт всю экипировку в _2.5 раза быстрее_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Охотница опознаёт всю экипировку в _1.75 раза быстрее_.\n\n_+2:_ Охотница опознаёт всю экипировку в _2.5 раза быстрее_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Добивающий удар
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Добивающий удар
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Когда Охотница попадает во врага из своего лука или метательным оружием, ее следующая рукопашная атака против этого врага нанесёт _2 бонусных урона_. \n\n_+2:_ Когда Охотница попадает во врага из своего лука или метательным оружием, ее следующая рукопашная атака против этого врага нанесёт _3 бонусных урона_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Помощь природы
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Помощь природы
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Охотница получает 2 защиты "дубовой кожи" на _4 хода_, когда растение вытоптано в её поле зрения.\n\n_+2:_ Охотница получает 2 защиты "дубовой кожи" на _6 ходов_, когда растение вытоптано в её поле зрения.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Тонизирующий обед
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Тонизирующий обед
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Перекус занимает у Охотницы 1 ход (ягоды съедаются мгновенно) и _ускоряет на 1 ход_.\n\n_+2:_ Перекус занимает у Охотницы 1 ход (ягоды съедаются мгновенно) и _ускоряет на 2 хода_.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Перекус занимает у Охотницы 1 ход (ягоды съедаются мгновенно) и _ускоряет на 1 ход_.\n\n_+2:_ Перекус занимает у Охотницы 1 ход (ягоды съедаются мгновенно) и _ускоряет на 2 хода_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=восстановление природы
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=восстановление природы
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Выпивание зелья исцеления восстанавливает _ до 5 трав_ вокруг Охотницы и обездвиживает соседних врагов на _2 хода_.\n\n_+2:_ Выпивание зелья исцеления восстанавливает _до 8 трав_ вокруг Охотницы и обездвиживает окружающих врагов на _3 хода_.\n\nЭтот талант так же работает при использовании элексиров или тоников на основе зелья исцеления.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Выпивание зелья исцеления восстанавливает _ до 5 трав_ вокруг Охотницы и обездвиживает соседних врагов на _2 хода_.\n\n_+2:_ Выпивание зелья исцеления восстанавливает _до 8 трав_ вокруг Охотницы и обездвиживает окружающих врагов на _3 хода_.\n\nЭтот талант так же работает при использовании элексиров или тоников на основе зелья исцеления.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=восстанавливающие шаги
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=восстанавливающие шаги
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ Когда Охотница наступает на траву или тлеющие угли, они вырастают в высокую траву, которую Охотница сразу приминает. Талант _восстанавливается 10 ходов_. \n\n_+2:_ Когда Охотница наступает на траву или тлеющие угли, они вырастают в высокую траву, которую Охотница сразу приминает. Талант _восстанавливается 5 ходов_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=усиленное восприятие
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=усиленное восприятие
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Охотница получает Ментальное зрение в радиусе _2 клеток от неё_. \n\n_+2:_ Охотница получает Ментальное зрение в радиусе _3 клеток от неё_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Охотница получает Ментальное зрение в радиусе _2 клеток от неё_. \n\n_+2:_ Охотница получает Ментальное зрение в радиусе _3 клеток от неё_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=прочные снаряды
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=прочные снаряды
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Метательное оружие, используемое Охотницей, имеет _+50% прочности_. \n\n_+2:_ Метательное оружие, используемое Охотницей, имеет _+75% прочности_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Метательное оружие, используемое Охотницей, имеет _+50% прочности_. \n\n_+2:_ Метательное оружие, используемое Охотницей, имеет _+75% прочности_.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=Ещё рано уходить, оставшееся подземелье ждёт впереди!
actors.hero.hero.leave=Ещё рано уходить, оставшееся подземелье ждёт впереди!
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Подкласс может быт
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Маг - специалист по волшебным палочкам, который носит с собой _уникальный магический посох._\n\nЧтобы разблокировать его, _используйте свиток улучшения чтобы сделать предмет сильнее._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Маг - специалист по волшебным палочкам, который носит с собой _уникальный магический посох._\n\nЧтобы разблокировать его, _используйте свиток улучшения чтобы сделать предмет сильнее._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=Маг начинает игру с _уникальным посохом_ магической стрелы. Посох перезаряжается значительно быстрее палочек, а число максимальных зарядов увеличено на 1.\n\nС посохом Мага можно слить и палочку, найденную в подземелье. Слияние меняет эффект посоха и может перенести некоторые улучшения.\n\nМаг автоматически опознаёт:\n- Свиток опознания\n- Зелье Жидкого пламени\n- Свиток улучшения
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Маг начинает игру со своим посохом в качестве оружия ближнего боя. Посох наносит меньше урона в ближнем бою, чем остальные стартовые оружия.\n\nМаг может использовать магию посоха, чтобы атаковать на расстоянии.\n\nМаг начинает игру с _футляром для свитков,_ в котором можно хранить различные свитки, а также предохранять их от воздействия огня.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Маг начинает игру со своим посохом в качестве оружия ближнего боя. Посох наносит меньше урона в ближнем бою, чем остальные стартовые оружия.\n\nМаг может использовать магию посоха, чтобы атаковать на расстоянии.\n\nМаг начинает игру с _футляром для свитков,_ в котором можно хранить различные свитки, а также предохранять их от воздействия огня.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Подкласс может быть выбран после победы над вторым боссом. Маг имеет два подкласса:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Подкласс может быть выбран после победы над вторым боссом. Маг имеет два подкласса:
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Охотница начинает и
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Подкласс может быть выбран после победы над вторым боссом. Охотница имеет два подкласса:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Подкласс может быть выбран после победы над вторым боссом. Охотница имеет два подкласса:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Успешные атаки в ближнем бою позволяют _Гладиатору_ начать комбо, которое откроет доступ к особым завершающим ударам.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=В зависимости от полученного урона _берсерк_ наносит дополнительный урон. Разъярившись, он может некоторое время балансировать на грани смерти, но при этом будет обессилен.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=При использовании палочек против врагов, _Чернокнижник_ может пометить их душу. Когда отмеченный враг получает физический урон, _Чернокнижник_ исцеляется и утоляет голод.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=боевой маг
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=боевой маг
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Сражаясь посохом, _Боевой Маг_ имеет дополнительный эффект, зависящий от палочки, усиливающей посох. Также посох заряжается при использовании в бою.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Сражаясь посохом, _Боевой Маг_ имеет дополнительный эффект, зависящий от палочки, усиливающей посох. Также посох заряжается при использовании в бою.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Будучи невидимым, _Ассасин_ может спланировать свою следующую атаку, чтобы сделать её ещё смертоноснее. Чем дольше он будет оставаться невидимым, тем сильнее будет этот удар.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Будучи невидимым, _Ассасин_ может спланировать свою следующую атаку, чтобы сделать её ещё смертоноснее. Чем дольше он будет оставаться невидимым, тем сильнее будет этот удар.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=_Беглец_ накапливает инерцию во время передвижения, увеличивая свою скорость передвижения и уклонение. Данный эффект быстро рассеивается, если он стоит на месте.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=_Снайпер_ - мастер дальнего боя. Она видит дальше, и ее атаки оружием дальнего боя пробивают броню. После атаки метательным оружием, она способна произвести специальную атаку из своего лука.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=_Страж_ обладает сильной связью с природой, что позволяет ей видеть сквозь высокую траву и создавать примятую траву при использовании семян. Растения, на которые она наступит, дадут дополнительные эффекты. Смазанные дротики будут служить ей вдвое дольше, а также она получает бонус к броне, пока находится в траве.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=Раздавлен DM-300
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 - самое крупное и сильное 'оборонное оборудование', когда-либо созданное дворфами. Такую великолепную машину чрезвычайно трудно создать, так что дворфы сделали их всего несколько штук для стражи входов в их подземную столицу.\n\nМашина оснащена выхлопной трубой для выброса токсичных газов и сверхмощной дрелью, которой она может и атаковать, и разрывать грунт. DM-300 также способен подключаться к сети питания, что еще более повышает его силу.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 - самое крупное и сильное 'оборонное оборудование', когда-либо созданное дворфами. Такую великолепную машину чрезвычайно трудно создать, так что дворфы сделали их всего несколько штук для стражи входов в их подземную столицу.\n\nМашина оснащена выхлопной трубой для выброса токсичных газов и сверхмощной дрелью, которой она может и атаковать, и разрывать грунт. DM-300 также способен подключаться к сети питания, что еще более повышает его силу.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=В данный момент, DM-300 полностью заряжен электроэнергией. В таком состоянии DM-300 невозможно нанести урон, и он передвигается с двойной скоростью! Кроме того, его дрель теперь вертится достаточно быстро, чтобы _пробить тоннели сквозь скальной массив,_ хотя двигаться при этом будет намного медленнее.\n\nПока DM-300 сверх-заряжен, нет смысла атаковать его напрямую, _но что-то в этом месте, очевидно, снабжает его энергией,_ и если найти это и разрушить, возможно, это его ослабит.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=С потолка падают камни и обломки, похоже, он сейчас обвалится!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=С потолка падают камни и обломки, похоже, он сейчас обвалится!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Король Дворфов
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Король Дворфов
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Erişen Şampiyon %25 daha fazla yak
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=Büyübozan Şampiyon
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=Büyübozan Şampiyon
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Büyübozan Şampiyonlar %25 daha az yakın dövüş hasarı alırlar ve sihirli etkilere tamamen dirençlidirler.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Büyübozan Şampiyonlar %25 daha az yakın dövüş hasarı alırlar ve sihirli etkilere tamamen dirençlidirler.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=Dev Şampiyon
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=Dev Şampiyon
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Dev Şampiyonlar %75 daha az hasar alırlar ve +1 saldırı menzili vardır ama dar alanlardan geçemezler.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Kutsanmış Şampiyon
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=Kutsanmış Şampiyon
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Kutsanmış Şampiyonlar %200 isabet ve kaçınmaya sahiptir.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Kutsanmış Şampiyonlar %200 isabet ve kaçınmaya sahiptir.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Büyüyen Şampiyon
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=Büyüyen Şampiyon
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Tam olarak donmadın, ama yine de çok soğuk. \n\nÜş
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Art arda %d isabet!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Art arda %d isabet!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Saldırı menzilindeki bir düşmanı hedeflemelisin.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Saldırı menzilindeki bir düşmanı hedeflemelisin.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Benzetilecek hedefi seç \nBaş döndürür ve rakibi geriye iter
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Benzetme_ şu an mevcut. Bu atak, _düşmanı geriye iter ve başlarını döndürür,_ fakat düşük hasar verir. Bir dövüş esnasında zaman kazanmak için mükemmeldir.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Doğranacak hedefi seç \nEğer birisini öldürürse kombo verir
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Doğrama_ şu an mevcut. Bu saldırı arttırılmış hasar verir, ve eğer _bir düşmanı öldürürse komboyu sıfırlamak yerine kombo ekler._ Birden fazla düşmanla savaşırken kombo oluşturmak için mükemmeldir.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Çarpmak için bir hedef seç\nKalkanlar ve hasar, zırha bağlıdır.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Çarpma_ şu anda kullanılabilir. Bu saldırı daha fazla hasar verir ve zırhının engelleyici gücüne bağlı olarak seni korur. Bir dövüşü bitirmek için harikadır, bir sonraki dövüşe kadar dayanıklılığını koruyabilmeni sağlar.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Ezilecek hedefi seç \nÇok fazla hasar verir
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Ezme_ şu an mevcut. Bu yıkıcı saldırı _çok sürekli olarak dev miktarda hasar verir._ Yüksek sağlığa sahip bir düşmanı öldürmek için mükemmeldir!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Hangi düşmana öfkeni boşaltacaksın? \nÜst üste çok kez saldırır
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Öfke_ şu an mevcut. Bu yıkıcı saldırı _şu anki kombo sayın kez düşmana vurur,_ fakat bunu azaltılmış bir hasar ile yapar. Eğer büyülü bir silahın varsa öfkeyi kullanmak mükemmeldir, çünkü büyü, her düşmana vuruşunda aktifleşecektir!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladyatör başarılı darbeler yaptıkça ivme kazanır. Her saldırı, kombo sayacını 1 artırır, ancak saldırılar arasında çok uzun süre durmak veya art arda iki kez başarısız saldırı yapmak kombo sayacını sıfırlar.\n\nKombo yapmak özel bitirici yeteneklerin kilidini açar: düşmanların kaçamayacağı güçlü saldırılar! 2, 4, 6, 8 ve 10 kombo sayımının her birinde farklı bir bitirici hareket vardır ve bu hareketlerden birisini yapmak kombo sayacını sıfırlar.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Bozulma bir yaratığın yapısına sızar ve o yaratığı doğal yapısının tersine davranmaya zorlar. \n\nBozulmuş yaratıklar önceki düşmanlarını gormezden gelip dostlarına saldırmaya başlar. Bozulma aynı zamanda zararlıdır, ve hedefini yavaş bir şekilde öldürür.\n\nBozulma sonsuza dek sürer, ve etkileri sadece ölümle son bulur.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Bozulma bir yaratığın yapısına sızar ve o yaratığı doğal yapısının tersine davranmaya zorlar. \n\nBozulmuş yaratıklar önceki düşmanlarını gormezden gelip dostlarına saldırmaya başlar. Bozulma aynı zamanda zararlıdır, ve hedefini yavaş bir şekilde öldürür.\n\nBozulma sonsuza dek sürer, ve etkileri sadece ölümle son bulur.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Büyülü bir güç uyanık kalmanı zorlaştırıyor.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Dünya ile sarıldın
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Dünya ile sarıldın
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Dünyanın gücü ile sarıldın!\n\nTüm fiziksel saldırılar düşmanlarının ayağının altındaki toprağı sarsarak onları geçici süreliğine sakatlayacaktır.\n\nDünya sarılmasının geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Dünyanın gücü ile sarıldın!\n\nTüm fiziksel saldırılar düşmanlarının ayağının altındaki toprağı sarsarak onları geçici süreliğine sakatlayacaktır.\n\nDünya sarılmasının geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Ateş ile sarıldın
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Ateş ile sarıldın
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Ateşin gücü ile sarıldın! \n\nTüm fiziksel saldırılarının düşmanı alevler içinde bırakma şansı var. Üstüne, alevlerin tüm negatif etkilerine karşı dirençlisin. \n\nAteş sarılmasının bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Ateşin gücü ile sarıldın! \n\nTüm fiziksel saldırılarının düşmanı alevler içinde bırakma şansı var. Üstüne, alevlerin tüm negatif etkilerine karşı dirençlisin. \n\nAteş sarılmasının bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Nazarlanmış
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Bu karanlık büyü hedefin odağını bozar ve zihnini karıştırır.\n\nBu büyü hedefin isabetini ve savuşturmasını 20%% azaltır buda hedefi savaşta güçsezliştirir.\n\nNazarın kalan etki süresi: %s
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Bu karanlık büyü hedefin odağını bozar ve zihnini karıştırır.\n\nBu büyü hedefin isabetini ve savuşturmasını 20%% azaltır buda hedefi savaşta güçsezliştirir.\n\nNazarın kalan etki süresi: %s
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Açlıktan ölüyor
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Açlıktan ölüyor
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Tüm büyüsel etkiler sana tutunamaz oldu, onlara
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Akıl görüşü
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Akıl görüşü
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Bir şekilde bu kattaki tüm karakterleri zihninde görebiliyorsun. Bu garip bir his. \n\nAkıl görüşüne sahip olduğun sürece bu kattaki tüm karakterler sana görünür hale gelir. Bir yaratığı akıl görüşü ile görmek onun çoğu büyüsel etki için görünen veya yakınlarda sayılmasına neden olur.\n\nAkıl görüşünün bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Bir şekilde bu kattaki tüm karakterleri zihninde görebiliyorsun. Bu garip bir his. \n\nAkıl görüşüne sahip olduğun sürece bu kattaki tüm karakterler sana görünür hale gelir. Bir yaratığı akıl görüşü ile görmek onun çoğu büyüsel etki için görünen veya yakınlarda sayılmasına neden olur.\n\nAkıl görüşünün bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Parkurcu hareket ettikçe momentum toplar, bunu kullanarak hızını ve saldırılardan kaçma şansını arttırır.\n\nHız bonusu tamamen momentuma bağlıdır, fakat saldırılardan kaçınma şansını giyilen zırh da etkiler.\n\nParkurcu giydiği zırh için fazla olan her güç puanı için ürettiği momentumdan daha fazla saldırıdan kaçma şansına sahip olacaktır.\n\nŞu anki momentum gücü: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Aşındırıcı çamur
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Aşındırıcı çamur
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Aşındırıcı çamur derini yiyor. Yıkayarak temizle!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Aşındırıcı çamur derini yiyor. Yıkayarak temizle!
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Şu an aktif olmayan bir prizmatik görüntü t
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=İçinden bir enerji akıyor ve bu enerji asalarının ve değneklerinin şarj hızını arttırıyor. \n\nHer sıra, bu etki şu anki şarj etkisine bir çeyrek daha ekler. \n\nŞarj etkisinin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=İçinden bir enerji akıyor ve bu enerji asalarının ve değneklerinin şarj hızını arttırıyor. \n\nHer sıra, bu etki şu anki şarj etkisine bir çeyrek daha ekler. \n\nŞarj etkisinin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Hareket edemiyorsun!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Hareket edemiyorsun!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Kökler (büyüsel veya doğal) ayağı yakalar ve yakaladığı kişiyi yere sabitler. \n\nKökler bir hedefe kilitlenir ve onun hareket etmesini imkansız hale getirir, fakat diğer eylemleri etkilemez. \n\nKökün geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Kökler (büyüsel veya doğal) ayağı yakalar ve yakaladığı kişiyi yere sabitler. \n\nKökler bir hedefe kilitlenir ve onun hareket etmesini imkansız hale getirir, fakat diğer eylemleri etkilemez. \n\nKökün geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Gölgelerin içinde
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Gölgelerin içinde
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Etrafındaki gölgelerle iç içe girdin, bu metabolizmanı yavaşlatıyor ve sana görünmezlik sağlıyor. \n\nGörünmezken düşmanlar sana saldıramaz veya seni takip edemez. Çoğu fiziksel saldırılar veya büyüsel etkiler (parşömenler veya asalar gibi) görünmezliği anında sonlandırır. Üstelik gölgelerle iç içeyken acıkma oranın yavaşlar. \n\nBir düşman gelip seninle etkileşim kurana kadar veya gölgeleri terkedene kadar gölgelerle iç içe kalırsın.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Etrafındaki gölgelerle iç içe girdin, bu metabolizmanı yavaşlatıyor ve sana görünmezlik sağlıyor. \n\nGörünmezken düşmanlar sana saldıramaz veya seni takip edemez. Çoğu fiziksel saldırılar veya büyüsel etkiler (parşömenler veya asalar gibi) görünmezliği anında sonlandırır. Üstelik gölgelerle iç içeyken acıkma oranın yavaşlar. \n\nBir düşman gelip seninle etkileşim kurana kadar veya gölgeleri terkedene kadar gölgelerle iç içe kalırsın.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ İyileştirme iksiri içmek Sav
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=Rünik Aktarış
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=Rünik Aktarış
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçının kırık mührü yükselltmeleri aktardığı gibi _yaygın rünleri_ de aktarabilir.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçının kırık mührü yükseltmeleri aktardığı gibi _yaygın, nadir ve lanetli rünleri_ de aktarabilir.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçının kırık mührü yükselltmeleri aktardığı gibi _yaygın rünleri_ de aktarabilir.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçının kırık mührü yükseltmeleri aktardığı gibi _yaygın, nadir ve lanetli rünleri_ de aktarabilir.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=Ölümcül Momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=Ölümcül Momentum
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı bir düşmanı öldürdüğünde, öldürücü vuruşun aniden olmasının _%67 şansı_ vardır.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı bir düşmanı öldürdüğünde, öldürücü vuruşun aniden olmasının _%100 şansı_ vardır.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=Doğaçlama atış
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=Doğaçlama atış
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı fırlatma silahı olmayan bir eşyayı onlara atarak onları_2 tur_ kör eder. 30 saniye bekleme süresi vardır.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı fırlatma silahı olmayan bir eşyayı onlara atarak onları _3 tur_ kör eder. 30 saniye bekleme süresi vardır.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı fırlatma silahı olmayan bir eşyayı onlara atarak onları_2 tur_ kör eder. 30 saniye bekleme süresi vardır.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı fırlatma silahı olmayan bir eşyayı onlara atarak onları _3 tur_ kör eder. 30 saniye bekleme süresi vardır.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=Güçlendiren Yemek
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=Güçlendiren Yemek
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü yemek yediğinde sonraki 3 asa saldırısında _2 fazladan hasar_ verir.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü yemek yediğinde sonraki 3 asa saldırısında _2 fazladan hasar_ verir.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Âlimin Sezgisi
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=Âlimin Sezgisi
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü asaları _3x daha hızlı_ tanımlar.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü asaları _kullandığı anda_ tanımlar.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü asaları _3x daha hızlı_ tanımlar.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü asaları _kullandığı anda_ tanımlar.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Kanıtlanmış Hipotez
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=Kanıtlanmış Hipotez
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü ne zaman asasının son
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Enerji veren yemek
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=Enerji veren yemek
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Büyücünün yemek yemesi 1 tur sürer ve ona _5 tur asa reşarjı_ verir.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücünün yemek yemesi 1 tur sürer ve ona _8 tur asa reşarjı_ verir.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Büyücünün yemek yemesi 1 tur sürer ve ona _5 tur asa reşarjı_ verir.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücünün yemek yemesi 1 tur sürer ve ona _8 tur asa reşarjı_ verir.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Enerji verici geliştirme
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=Enerji verici geliştirme
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Yükseltme parşömeni kullanmak büyücünün asasını direk _1 şarj_ eder, bu şarj maximum şarj sayısını aşabilir.\n\n_+2:_ Yükseltme parşömeni kullanmak büyücünün asasını direk _2 şarj_ eder, bu şark maximum şarj sayısını aşabilir.\n\nbu kabiliyet yükseltme parşömeninden yapılan parşömenlerde ve büyülerde de devreye girer.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=Asa Koruma
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=Asa Koruma
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü Asasına yeni bir asa aşıladığında, eski asanın +0'a dönmesinin _%67 şansı_ vardır.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü Asasına yeni bir asa aşıladığında, eski asanın +0'a dönmesinin _%100 şansı_ vardır.\n\nBu kabiliyet asaları üç kereye kadar koruyabilir.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü Asasına yeni bir asa aşıladığında, eski asanın +0'a dönmesinin _%67 şansı_ vardır.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü Asasına yeni bir asa aşıladığında, eski asanın +0'a dönmesinin _%100 şansı_ vardır.\n\nBu kabiliyet asaları üç kereye kadar koruyabilir.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=Sihirli Görüş
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=Sihirli Görüş
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü bir düşmana asasıyla saldırdığında, o düşman üzerine _10 tur_ akıl görüşü kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü bir düşmana asasıyla saldırdığında, o düşman üzerine _15 tur_ akıl görüşü kazanır.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü bir düşmana asasıyla saldırdığında, o düşman üzerine _10 tur_ akıl görüşü kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü bir düşmana asasıyla saldırdığında, o düşman üzerine _15 tur_ akıl görüşü kazanır.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=Batarya Kalkanı
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=Batarya Kalkanı
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü bir asayı kendi üzerine kullanırsa yüklerini _yük başına %5 max HP_ olarak kalkana dönüştürür.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü bir asayı kendi üzerine kullanırsa yüklerini _yük başına %5 max HP_ olarak kalkana dönüştürür.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=Saklı Erzaklar
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=Saklı Erzaklar
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ Haydut zindanın erken seviyelerini keşfederken sandıklara saklanmış _4 küçük erzak_ bulabilir.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut zindanın erken seviyelerini keşfederken sandıklara saklanmış _6 küçük erzak_ bulabilir.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ Haydut zindanın erken seviyelerini keşfederken sandıklara saklanmış _4 küçük erzak_ bulabilir.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut zindanın erken seviyelerini keşfederken sandıklara saklanmış _6 küçük erzak_ bulabilir.
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Haydut bir düşmana yaptığı ilk s
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=Koruyucu Gölgeler
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=Koruyucu Gölgeler
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Haydut pelerinini kullandığı_her tur_ bir kalkan kazanır,_maksimum 3 kalkana kadar_.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut pelerinini kullandığı_her tur_ bir kalkan kazanır,_maksimum 5 kalkana kadar
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Haydut pelerinini kullandığı_her tur_ bir kalkan kazanır,_maksimum 3 kalkana kadar_.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut pelerinini kullandığı_her tur_ bir kalkan kazanır,_maksimum 5 kalkana kadar
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=Mistik Yemek
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=Mistik Yemek
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Haydutun yemek yemesi 1 tur sürer ve ona _3 tur eser reşarjı_ verir.\n\n_+2:_Haydutun yemek yemesi 1 tur sürer ve ona _5 tur eser reşarjı _ verir.\n\nBu kabiliyet bolluk borusunun kendi kendini şarj etmesi için kullanılamaz.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=Mistik Yükseltme
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=Mistik Yükseltme
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Yükseltme parşömeni kullanmak haydutun pelerinini direk _1 şarj_ eder. Bu şarj şarj üst sınırını delebilir.\n\n_+2:_ Yükseltme parşömeni kullanmak haydutun pelerinini direk _2 şarj_ eder. Bu şarj şarj üst sınırını delebilir.\n\nBu kabiliyet yükseltme parşömeninden üretilen büyüler ve parşömenlerde de devreye girer.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=Geniş Arama
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=Geniş Arama
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Haydutun arama alanı 5x5 kareden _7x7 çembere_ artar.\n\n_+2:_ Haydutun arama alanı 5x5 kareden _7x7 kareye_ artar.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Haydutun arama alanı 5x5 kareden _7x7 çembere_ artar.\n\n_+2:_ Haydutun arama alanı 5x5 kareden _7x7 kareye_ artar.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=Sessiz Adımlar
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=Sessiz Adımlar
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Haydut uyuyan düşmanlarını onlara _3 veya 3'ten daha fazla_ kare yaklaşmadığı sürece uyandırmaz.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut uyuyan düşmanların _bir yanındaki kareye_ gitmediği sürece uyandırmaz.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Haydut uyuyan düşmanlarını onlara _3 veya 3'ten daha fazla_ kare yaklaşmadığı sürece uyandırmaz.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut uyuyan düşmanların _bir yanındaki kareye_ gitmediği sürece uyandırmaz.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=haydutun görüşü
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=haydutun görüşü
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Haydut gizli odası olan bir seviyeye girdiğinde o seviyenin bir sır gizlediğini _%50 şansla farkedebilir_.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut gizli odası olan bir seviyeye girdiğinde o seviyenin bir sır gizlediğini _%75 şansla farkedebilir_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=Doğanın ikramı
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=Doğanın ikramı
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Avcı zindanın erken seviyelerini keşfederken uzun çime gizlenmiş _4 dut_ bulabilir.\n\n_+2:_ Avcı zindanın erken seviyelerini keşfederken uzun çime gizlenmiş _6 dut_ bulabilir.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ Avcı zindanın erken seviyelerini keşfederken uzun çime gizlenmiş _4 dut_ bulabilir.\n\n_+2:_ Avcı zindanın erken seviyelerini keşfederken uzun çime gizlenmiş _6 dut_ bulabilir.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Ormancının sezgisi
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=Ormancının sezgisi
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Avcı tüm ekipmanları _1.75x daha hızlı_ tanımlar.\n\n_+2:_ Avcı tüm ekipmanları _2.5x daha hızlı_ tanımlar.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Avcı tüm ekipmanları _1.75x daha hızlı_ tanımlar.\n\n_+2:_ Avcı tüm ekipmanları _2.5x daha hızlı_ tanımlar.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Ardışık Saldırı
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Ardışık Saldırı
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Avcı bir düşmana yayıyla veya fırlatma silahıyla vurduğunda, o düşmana karşı ilk yakın dövüş saldırısı _2 fazladan hasar verir_.\n\n,_+2:_ Avcı bir düşmana yayıyla veya fırlatma silahıyla vurduğunda, o düşmana karşı ilk yakın dövüş saldırısı _3 fazladan hasar_ verir.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Doğanın desteği
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Doğanın desteği
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Avcı görüş alanında bir bitki ezilirse _4 tur_ için 2 kütükderililik zırhı kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Avcı görüş alanında bir bitki ezilirse _6 tur_ için 2 kütükderililik zırhı kazanır.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Canlandıran Yemek
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Canlandıran Yemek
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Yemek yemek sadece bir tur sürer (dutlar anında yenir) ve avcıya _1 tur acele_ verir.\n\n_+2:_ Yemek yemek sadece bir tur sürer (dutlar anında yenir) ve avcıya _2 tur acele_ verir.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Yemek yemek sadece bir tur sürer (dutlar anında yenir) ve avcıya _1 tur acele_ verir.\n\n_+2:_ Yemek yemek sadece bir tur sürer (dutlar anında yenir) ve avcıya _2 tur acele_ verir.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=Yenilenmiş doğa
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=Yenilenmiş doğa
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ İyileştirme iksiri içmek avcının etrafında _maksimum beş tane uzun çim_ yetiştirir, bir kare yanındaki düşmanları _2 tur_ yerine sabitler.\n\n_+':_ İyileştirme iksiri içmek avcının etrafında _maksimum sekiz tane uzun çim_ yetiştirir, bir kare yanındaki düşmanları _3 tur_ yerine sabitler.\n\nBu kabiliyet iyileştirme iksirinden yapılan iksirlerde de devreye girer.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ İyileştirme iksiri içmek avcının etrafında _maksimum beş tane uzun çim_ yetiştirir, bir kare yanındaki düşmanları _2 tur_ yerine sabitler.\n\n_+':_ İyileştirme iksiri içmek avcının etrafında _maksimum sekiz tane uzun çim_ yetiştirir, bir kare yanındaki düşmanları _3 tur_ yerine sabitler.\n\nBu kabiliyet iyileştirme iksirinden yapılan iksirlerde de devreye girer.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=Yetiştiren adımlar
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=Yetiştiren adımlar
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ Avcı kısa çimin veya közlerin üstüne bastığında, bastığı yerden uzun çimen çıkar ve avcı direk çimeni ezer. Bu yeteneğin _10 tur bekleme süresi vardır_.\n\n_+2:_ Avcı kısa çimin veya közlerin üstüne bastığında, bastığı yerden uzun çimen çıkar ve avcı direk çimeni ezer. Bu yeteneğin _5 tur bekleme süresi vardır_
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=Keskin Hisler
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=Keskin Hisler
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Avcı _kendi karesinden 2 kare uzağa kadar_ olan tüm düşmanlar üzerine akıl görüşü kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Avcı _kendi karesinden 3 kare uzağa kadar_ olan tüm düşmanlar üzerine akıl görüşü kazanır.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Avcı _kendi karesinden 2 kare uzağa kadar_ olan tüm düşmanlar üzerine akıl görüşü kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Avcı _kendi karesinden 3 kare uzağa kadar_ olan tüm düşmanlar üzerine akıl görüşü kazanır.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=Dayanıklı Fırlatma Silahları
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=Dayanıklı Fırlatma Silahları
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Fırlatma silahları avcı tarafından kullanıldığında _+%50 dayanıklılık_ kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Fırlatma silahları avcı tarafından kullanıldığında _+%75 dayanıklılık_ kazanır.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Fırlatma silahları avcı tarafından kullanıldığında _+%50 dayanıklılık_ kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Fırlatma silahları avcı tarafından kullanıldığında _+%75 dayanıklılık_ kazanır.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=Henüz ayrılamazsın, zindanın geri kalanı seni bekliyor!
actors.hero.hero.leave=Henüz ayrılamazsın, zindanın geri kalanı seni bekliyor!
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Büyücü bir asa ustasıdır ve _eşsiz büyülü asa_ taşır._\n\nBüyücüyü açmak için _yükseltme parşömenini bir eşyayı güçlendirmek için kullanın._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Büyücü bir asa ustasıdır ve _eşsiz büyülü asa_ taşır._\n\nBüyücüyü açmak için _yükseltme parşömenini bir eşyayı güçlendirmek için kullanın._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=Büyücü oyuna sihirli füze asasıyla aşılanmış _eşsiz asa_ ile başlar. Bu asa başka asalardan daha hızlı şarj olur ve bir ekstra şarjı olur. \n\nBüyücünün asası zindanda bulunan diğer asalarla aşılanabilir. Aşılanması asanın özelliklerini değiştirir ve bazı geliştirmeleri taşımak için kullanılabilir.\n\nBüyücü otomatikman tanımlar:\n-Tanımlama parşömeni\n-Alev iksiri\n-Yükseltme parşömeni
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Büyücü kendi asasını yakın dövüş silahı olarak kullanarak başlar. Asa diğer başlangıç silahlarından daha az hasar verir\n\nBüyücü asasındaki büyüyü kullanarak menzilindeki düşmanlara saldırabilir.\n\nBüyücü parşomenleri saklayabilen ve onları ateşten koruyan bir _parşömen tutucağı_ ile başlar
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Büyücü kendi asasını yakın dövüş silahı olarak kullanarak başlar. Asa diğer başlangıç silahlarından daha az hasar verir\n\nBüyücü asasındaki büyüyü kullanarak menzilindeki düşmanlara saldırabilir.\n\nBüyücü parşomenleri saklayabilen ve onları ateşten koruyan bir _parşömen tutucağı_ ile başlar
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Büyücü'nün iki tane alt sınıfı vardır:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Büyücü'nün iki tane alt sınıfı vardır:
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Avcı, diğer başlangıç silahlar
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Avcı'nın iki alt sınıfı vardır:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Avcı'nın iki alt sınıfı vardır:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Bir yakın mesafeli silahla yapılan her başarılı saldırı _Gladyatöre_ bir kombo başlatır. Bir kombo yapmak özel bitirici hareketlerin kullanılmasına olanak sağlar.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=vahşi savaşçı
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=vahşi savaşçı
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=_Vahşi savaşçı_ aldığı hasarla doğru oranda artan bir bonus hasar verir. Tam öfkedeyken kısa bir süreliğine ölmeyi reddedebilir, fakat bu onun bitkin düşmesine neden olacaktır.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Düşman üzerinde bir asa kullanırken bir _Sihirbaz_ düşmanın ruhunu işaretleyebilir. İşaretlenmiş düşmanlar sihirbaza sağlık verir ve ne zaman fiziksel hasar alırsa onun açlığını giderir.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=savaş büyücüsü
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=savaş büyücüsü
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Değneği ile savaşırken _Savaş Büyücüsü_ aşıladığı asaya göre rakibine bonus etkiler verir. Ayrıca değneği savaş esnasında şarj olacaktır.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Değneği ile savaşırken _Savaş Büyücüsü_ aşıladığı asaya göre rakibine bonus etkiler verir. Ayrıca değneği savaş esnasında şarj olacaktır.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=_Suikastçı_ görünmezken sonraki atağı için ölümcül bir saldırı hazırlar. Ne kadar uzun süre görünmez kalırsan bu saldırı o kadar güçlü olur.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=_Suikastçı_ görünmezken sonraki atağı için ölümcül bir saldırı hazırlar. Ne kadar uzun süre görünmez kalırsan bu saldırı o kadar güçlü olur.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=_Parkurcu_ koştukça momentum üretir. Bu momentum onun hareket hızını ve saldırılardan kaçınma oranını arttırır, fakat haraket etmeyince hızlıca kaybolur.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper=keskin nişancı
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper=keskin nişancı
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=_Keskin Nişancı_ uzaktan savaşmanın ustasıdır. Daha iyi bir görüşe ve uzaktan saldırıları zırh delme gücüne sahiptir. Fırlatılan bir silah ile saldırdığında ardına yayıyla özel bir saldırı ekleyebilir.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=_Gardiyanın_ doğa ile güçlü bir bağlantısı vardır, bu ona uzun çimenlerin içinden görebilme yetisi ve yetiştirdiği bitkilerin etrafındaki kırışık bitkilere emir verebilmesini sağlar. Ezdiği bitkiler de ona ayrıca ekstra etkiler verir, tohumlu dartlar 2 kat daha sağlam olur ve çim, üzerinde durduğu sürece ona bir zırh artışı sağlar.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=DM-300 Tarafından Ezildi
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KRİTİK HASAR! KAPATMAYA ÇALIŞI-
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=KRİTİK HASAR! KAPATMAYA ÇALIŞI-
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 cücelerin inşa ettiği en güçlü ve en büyük savunma makinesidir. Bu mühendislik harikasının inşa edilmesi zordur bu yüzden cüceler sadece birkaç tane yapmışlardır ve onları yeraltı şehirlerinin girişini korumak için kullanmışlardır.\n\nDM-300 toprağı kazmak veya düşmanlarına saldırmak için kullanabileceği bir matkapla ve etrafa zehirli gazlar salan egzoz borusuyla donanmıştır. Ayrıca DM-300 çevredeki enerji çıkışlarına bağlanıp gücünü artırabilir.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=DM-300 cücelerin inşa ettiği en güçlü ve en büyük savunma makinesidir. Bu mühendislik harikasının inşa edilmesi zordur bu yüzden cüceler sadece birkaç tane yapmışlardır ve onları yeraltı şehirlerinin girişini korumak için kullanmışlardır.\n\nDM-300 toprağı kazmak veya düşmanlarına saldırmak için kullanabileceği bir matkapla ve etrafa zehirli gazlar salan egzoz borusuyla donanmıştır. Ayrıca DM-300 çevredeki enerji çıkışlarına bağlanıp gücünü artırabilir.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 şu anda elektrikle şarj edildi, bu halde iken DM-300 hasar almaz ve iki kat hızlı hareket eder! Ayrıca matkabı taşları delecek kadar hızlı döner ama hızlı dönerken daha yavaş hareket eder.\n\nDM-300 şarjlı iken ona saldırmak manasızdır. Ama çevredeki bir şey ona bu enerjiyi sağlıyormuş gibi gözüküyor belki onu yok etmek belki robotu zayıflatır.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Buradaki gevşek taşlar tavandan düşüyor, görünüşe göre çökmek üzere!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Buradaki gevşek taşlar tavandan düşüyor, görünüşe göre çökmek üzere!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Cüceler Kralı
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Cüceler Kralı
@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ actors.buffs.burning.desc=Мало що є гіршим, ніж бути охо
actors.buffs.championenemy.warn=Ви відчуваєте смертельну присутність.
actors.buffs.championenemy.warn=Ви відчуваєте смертельну присутність.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blazing.name=полум'яний чемпіон
actors.buffs.championenemy$blazing.name=полум'яний чемпіон
actors.buffs.championenemy$blazing.desc=Полум'яні чемпіони завдають на 25% більшої шкоди рукопашним боєм, запалюють ворогів, яких вони атакують і які не захищені від вогню та поширюють вогонь навколо них після смерті.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blazing.desc=Полум'яні чемпіони завдають на 25% більшої шкоди рукопашним боєм, запалюють ворогів, яких вони атакують і які не захищені від вогню та поширюють вогонь навколо них після смерті.
actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.name=projecting champion
actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.name=чемпіон дальнього бою
actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Projecting champions deal 25% more melee damage, and are able to attack any enemy that they can see.
actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Чемпіони дальнього бою завдають на 25% більшої шкоди рукопашним боєм, та мають змогу атакувати будь-якого супротивника, якого вони здатні бачити.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=анти-магічний чемпіон
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.name=анти-магічний чемпіон
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Анти-магічні чемпіони отримують на 25% менше шкоди і повністю захищені від магічних ефектів.
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Анти-магічні чемпіони отримують на 25% менше шкоди і повністю захищені від магічних ефектів.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=велетенський чемпіон
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.name=велетенський чемпіон
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=гігантські чемпіони отримують на 75% менше шкоди і мають +1 дальність атаки, але не можуть рухатися через закриті простори.
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=благословенний чемпіон
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.name=благословенний чемпіон
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Благословенні чемпіони мають на 200% більше точності та ухилення.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Благословенні чемпіони мають на 200% більше точності та ухилення.
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=зростаючий чемпіон
actors.buffs.championenemy$growing.name=зростаючий чемпіон
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Дуже холодно, але ще не замерз.\
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Серія з %d ударів!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Серія з %d ударів!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Ви маєте обрати ворога у радіусі вашої атаки.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Ви маєте обрати ворога у радіусі вашої атаки.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Оберіть ціль для Відкидання\nПриголомшує й відкидає назад
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Відкидання_ доступне. Ця атака відкине ворога назад та приголомшить його,проте нанесе зменшену шкоду. Чудове рішення,щоб виграти час.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Оберіть ціль для Лютого удару\nЯкщо ціль буде вбита, то серія не припиниться
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Лютий удар_ доступний. Ця атака нанесе підвищену шкоду і, якщо ціль загине, вона продовжить серію замість того, щоб її перервати. Це чудовий удар для бою з багатьма ворогами одночасно.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Виберіть ціль для _Захисної стійки_\nШкода та отриманий захист залежатимуть від вашого обладунку
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Захисна стійка_ доступна. Ця атака завдає більшої шкоди і захищає вас на основі блоку вашого обладунку. Це чудова завершальна атака, яка дозволяє отримати захист для наступної битви.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Оберіть ціль для Знищення\nЗавдає надзвичайної шкоди.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Знищення_ доступне. Ця надзвичайна атака наносить гігантську шкоду. Чудовий удар для вбивства сильного супротивника.
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Випустити лють на якого ворога?\nАтаки будуть йти надзвичайно швидко.
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Лють_ доступна. Ця атака дозволяє вам атакувати безліч разів за один хід,кількість ударів залежить від поточної серії,хоча і зі зниженою шкодою. Дуже потужний удар у тому разі,якщо ви маєте зачаровану зброю-зачарування спрацює від кожного удару Люті.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Гладіатор створює імпульс,виконавши успішний удар. Кожен удар збільшує рахунок серії на 1,але занадто довга атака,більш ніж один промах або використання предмету обнулить серію.\n\nВиконання серії розблоковує особливі завершальні удари - потужні атаки, від яких неможливо ухилитися. Різні прийоми доступні на 2,4,6,8 та 10 ударі серії. Використання цих прийомів обнулить серію.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Прокляття проникає в сутність буття, спрямовуючи істот проти свого колишнього характеру.\n\nПрокляті істоти будуть атакувати своїх союзників та ігнорувати звичних їм ворогів. Прокляття також наносить пошкодження,і поступово призводить до загибелі цілі.\n\nПрокляття неможливо знаяти звичайними способами. Лише смерть зупинить його.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Прокляття проникає в сутність буття, спрямовуючи істот проти свого колишнього характеру.\n\nПрокляті істоти будуть атакувати своїх союзників та ігнорувати звичних їм ворогів. Прокляття також наносить пошкодження,і поступово призводить до загибелі цілі.\n\nПрокляття неможливо знаяти звичайними способами. Лише смерть зупинить його.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Магічна сила заважає вам зали
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Сила Землі
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Сила Землі
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Ви переповнені силою землі!\n\nВсі фізичні атаки змусять ціль оплутатись коренями,утримуючи її на місці,поки триватиме ефект.\n\nСила Землі триватиме ще %s ходів.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Ви переповнені силою землі!\n\nВсі фізичні атаки змусять ціль оплутатись коренями,утримуючи її на місці,поки триватиме ефект.\n\nСила Землі триватиме ще %s ходів.
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Сила Вогню
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Сила Вогню
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Ви переповнені силою вогню!\n\nВсі фізичні атаки мають шанс підпалити ворога. Також тепер ви повністю невразливі до ефектів вогню.\n\nСила Вогню триватиме ще %s ходів.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Ви переповнені силою вогню!\n\nВсі фізичні атаки мають шанс підпалити ворога. Також тепер ви повністю невразливі до ефектів вогню.\n\nСила Вогню триватиме ще %s ходів.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=Проклянутий
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Ви проклянуті!
actors.buffs.hex.heromsg=Ви проклянуті!
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Темна магія, що висмоктує сили, робить ціль трохи дезорієнтованою.\n\nПрокльон знижує точність та ухилення на 20%%, роблячи ціль менш ефективною у бою.\n\nХодів прокльону залишилось: %s.
actors.buffs.hex.desc=Темна магія, що висмоктує сили, робить ціль трохи дезорієнтованою.\n\nПрокльон знижує точність та ухилення на 20%%, роблячи ціль менш ефективною у бою.\n\nХодів прокльону залишилось: %s.
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Ви голодні!
actors.buffs.hunger.onhungry=Ви голодні!
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Всі магічні ефекти відтепе
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Внутрішній зір
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Внутрішній зір
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Якимось чином ви тепер можете бачити усіх істот на рівні за допомогою розуму. Дивне відчуття.\n\nВсі персонажі на рівні видимі для вас. Істота, помічена внутрішнім зором, вважається "видимою" для дії багатьох магічних ефектів.\n\nВнутрішній зір діятиме ще %s ходів.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Якимось чином ви тепер можете бачити усіх істот на рівні за допомогою розуму. Дивне відчуття.\n\nВсі персонажі на рівні видимі для вас. Істота, помічена внутрішнім зором, вважається "видимою" для дії багатьох магічних ефектів.\n\nВнутрішній зір діятиме ще %s ходів.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Під час руху Бігун створює інерцію,яка підвищує його швидкість та ухилення.\n\nБонус швидкості базується винятково на показнику Інерції, а бонус ухилення додається до бонусу від обладунків.\n\nБігун буде отримувати додаткове ухилення від Інерції за кожне очко сили понад тієї кількості, яку вимагають обладунки.\n\nПоточна сила Інерції: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Кислота роз'їдає ваше тіло. Змийте її!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Кислота роз'їдає ваше тіло. Змийте її!
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Вас захищає дзеркальний о
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Енергія струменить крізь тіло, пришвидшуючи заряджання жезлів та патериці.\n\nКожен хід під дією ефекту збільшить заряд на чверть, окрім звичного перезаряджання.\n\nПерезаряджання триватиме ще %s ходів.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Енергія струменить крізь тіло, пришвидшуючи заряджання жезлів та патериці.\n\nКожен хід під дією ефекту збільшить заряд на чверть, окрім звичного перезаряджання.\n\nПерезаряджання триватиме ще %s ходів.
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Ти не можеш рухатися!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Ти не можеш рухатися!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Коріння (природні чи магічні) обплутали ноги, приковуючи їх до землі.\n\nКоріння утримують персонажа на місці, не дозволяючи йому пересуватися, проте не заважаючи іншим діям.\n\nКоріння існуватимуть ще %s ходів.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Коріння (природні чи магічні) обплутали ноги, приковуючи їх до землі.\n\nКоріння утримують персонажа на місці, не дозволяючи йому пересуватися, проте не заважаючи іншим діям.\n\nКоріння існуватимуть ще %s ходів.
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Прихований у тіні
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Прихований у тіні
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Ви ховаєтесь у тінях навколо вас, які дають вам невидимість але послаблюють регенерацію.\n\nВороги не здатні атакувати або переслідувати вас. Атака чи використання магічного предмета (сувою чи жезла) відразу зніме невидимість. Також ваш голод росте повільніше.\n\nВи залишатиметесь прихованими у тінях аж поки не покинете їх або ворог не атакує вас.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Ви ховаєтесь у тінях навколо вас, які дають вам невидимість але послаблюють регенерацію.\n\nВороги не здатні атакувати або переслідувати вас. Атака чи використання магічного предмета (сувою чи жезла) відразу зніме невидимість. Також ваш голод росте повільніше.\n\nВи залишатиметесь прихованими у тінях аж поки не покинете їх або ворог не атакує вас.
@ -303,8 +318,8 @@ actors.buffs.corrosion.desc=Потужна кислота розплавляє
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Кроки по прямій можуть бути складною справою, коли крутиться весь світ.\n\nПід впливом запаморочення, персонажі, які намагаються рухатися, підуть у випадковому напрямку, замість того, в якому вони збиралися піти.\n\nХодів запаморочення лишилось: %s.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Кроки по прямій можуть бути складною справою, коли крутиться весь світ.\n\nПід впливом запаморочення, персонажі, які намагаються рухатися, підуть у випадковому напрямку, замість того, в якому вони збиралися піти.\n\nХодів запаморочення лишилось: %s.
actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Wands Empowered
actors.buffs.wandempower.name=Посилення Жезлів.
actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Your damage-dealing wands have been empowered, increasing the amount of damage they deal for a few zaps.\n\nBonus damage: %1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d.
actors.buffs.wandempower.desc=Ваші жезли, котрі можуть завдавати шкоди, посилені. У продовж декількох використань підвищується рівень пошкоджень, котрі вони завдають.\n\nБонусні пошкодження: %1$d.\nЗалишилось використань: %2$d.
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Ти почуваєшся слабким!
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Ти почуваєшся слабким!
@ -317,80 +332,144 @@ actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Ви відчуваєте себе цілком зад
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=ситна їжа
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.title=ситна їжа
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _2 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _3 HP_ when he is below 25% health.\n\n_+2:_ Eating heals the Warrior for _3 HP_ when he is below 50% health, and _5 HP_ when he is below 25% health.
actors.hero.talent.hearty_meal.desc=_+1:_ Вживання їжі зцілює Воїна на _2 ПЗ_ у випадку, коли показник його здоров'я нижче 50%, і _3 ПЗ_ при показнику здоров'я меншим за _25%_.\n\n_+2:_ Вживання їжі зцілює Воїна на _3 ПЗ_ у випадку, коли показник його здоров'я нижче 50%, і _5 ПЗ_ при показнику здоров'я меншим за _25%_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=інтуїція воєводи
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.title=інтуїція воєводи
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _2x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior identifies weapons and armor _when he equips them_.
actors.hero.talent.armsmasters_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Воїн розпізнає зброю та обладунки у _2х швидше_.\n\n_+2:_ Воїн розпізнає зброю та обладунки _одразу як їх надягає_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=тестовий предмет
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.title=тестовий предмет
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_Кожного разу коли воїн впізнає предмет, він відновлює _2 ОЗ_.\n\n_+2:_Кожного разу коли воїн впізнає предмет, він відновлює _3 ОЗ_.
actors.hero.talent.test_subject.desc=_+1:_Кожного разу коли воїн розпізнає предмет, він відновлює _2 ПЗ_.\n\n_+2:_Кожного разу коли воїн розпізнає предмет, він відновлює _3 ПЗ_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=сталева воля
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.title=сталева воля
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 1_.\n\n_+2:_ The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is _increased by 2_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_will.desc=_+1:_ Максимальний бар'єр, що генерує розколотий знак Воїна, _збільшений на 1 пункт_.\n\n_+1:_ Максимальний бар'єр, що генерує розколотий знак Воїна, _збільшений на 2 пункти_.
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=залізний шлунок
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.title=залізний шлунок
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Вживання їжі займає у Воїна 1 хід і дає йому _75% стійкості до пошкоджень_ під час їжі.\n\n_+2:_ Вживання їжі займає у Воїна 1 хід і дає йому _100% стійкості до пошкоджень_ під час їжі.
actors.hero.talent.iron_stomach.desc=_+1:_ Вживання їжі займає у Воїна 1 хід і дає йому _75% стійкості до пошкоджень_ під час їжі.\n\n_+2:_ Вживання їжі займає у Воїна 1 хід і дає йому _100% стійкості до пошкоджень_ під час їжі.
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=відновлена сила волі
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.title=відновлена сила волі
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _67% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing instantly recharges _100% of the shielding_ from the Warrior's broken seal.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_ Вживання Еліксиру Зцілення миттєво відновлює _67% бар'єру_, котрий генерує розколотий знак Воїна.\n\n_+1:_ Вживання Еліксиру Зцілення миттєво відновлює _100% бар'єру_, котрий генерує розколотий знак Воїна.\n\nЦей талант спрацьовує і у випадках, коли вживані еліксири чи настоянки основані на Еліксирі Зцілення.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=рунічний перенос
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.title=рунічний перенос
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's broken seal can transfer _regular, powerful, and curse glyphs_ in the same way it transfers an upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.runic_transference.desc=_+1:_ Воїнський розколотий знак може переносити _звичайні руни_, у той же спосіб, котрим він переносить покращення.\n\n_+2:_ Воїнський розколотий знак може переносити _звичайні, потужні та прокляті руни_, у той же спосіб, котрим він переносить покращення.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=смертельний імпульс
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.title=смертельний імпульс
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ Коли Воїн вбиває ворога, вбивчий удар має _67% шанс_ бути миттєвим.\n\n_+2:_ Коли Воїн вбиває ворога, вбивчий удар має _100% шанс_ бути миттєвим.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=імпровізовані снаряди
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=імпровізовані снаряди
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Воїн здатен осліпити ворога на _2 ходи_, жбурнувши у нього будь-який предмет, котрий не є метальною зброєю. Ця властивість має _30 ходів перезарядки_ перед повторним використанням.\n\n_+2:_ Воїн здатен осліпити ворога на _3 ходи_, жбурнувши у нього будь-який предмет, котрий не є метальною зброєю. Ця властивість має _30 ходів перезарядки_ перед повторним використанням.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=посилення їжі
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.title=посилення їжі
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=інтуїція вченого
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.title=інтуїція вченого
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Маг впізнає жезли у _3x швидше_.\n\n_+2:_ Маг впізнає жезли _ коли він використовує їх_.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Маг розпізнає жезли у _3x швидше_.\n\n_+2:_ Маг розпізнає жезли _ коли він використовує їх_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=перевірена гіпотеза
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.title=перевірена гіпотеза
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _2 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Whenever the Mage identifies an item, he gains _3 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.tested_hypothesis.desc=_+1:_ Кожного разу коли Маг розпізнає предмет, він отримує _2 ходи Перезарядки Жезлів_.\n\n_+2:_ Кожного разу коли Маг розпізнає предмет, він отримує _3 ходи Перезарядки Жезлів_.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=резервний бар'єр
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.title=резервний бар'єр
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ The Mage gains _4 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage gains _6 shielding_ whenever he spends the last charge in his staff.
actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_ Маг отримує _4 пункти бар'єру_ кожного разу, коли витрачає останній заряд своєї патериці. \n\n_+1:_ Маг отримує _6 пунктів бар'єру_ кожного разу, коли витрачає останній заряд своєї патериці.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=калорійна їжа
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.title=калорійна їжа
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of wand recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Mage 1 turn and grants him _8 turns of wand recharging_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_ Вживання їжі Магом займає 1 хід і дає йому _5 ходів Перезарядки Жезлів_.\n\n_+2:_ Вживання їжі Магом займає 1 хід і дає йому _8 ходів Перезарядки Жезлів_.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=енергійне оновлення
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.title=енергійне оновлення
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=збереження палички
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.title=збереження жезлу
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _67% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage imbues a new wand into his staff, the old wand has a _100% chance_ of being returned at +0.\n\nThis talent can preserve a wand up to three times.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_ Коли Маг насичує свою патерицю силою нового жезлу, цей жезл матиме _67% шансу_ бути повернутим з +0.\n\n_+1:_ Коли Маг насичує свою патерицю новим жезлом, цей жезл матиме _100% шансу_ бути повернутим з +0.\n\nЦей талант може зберегти жезл до трьох разів.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=arcane vision
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.title=внутрішній зір
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage zaps an enemy, he gains mind vision on them for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_ Коли Маг поцілює ворога магією, він отримує прозріння до цієї істоти на _10 ходів_.\n\n_+2:_ Коли Маг поцілює ворога магією, він отримує прозріння до цієї істоти на _15 ходів_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=щит батареї
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=щит батареї
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=cached rations
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.title=запас провіанту
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can find _4 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can find _6 small rations_ placed in chests while he explores the earlier stages of the the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_ На ранніх стадіях дослідження підземелля Розбійник може знайти _4 урізаних сухпайка_, що знаходяться у скринях.\n\n_+2:_ На ранніх стадіях дослідження підземелля Розбійник може знайти _6 урізаних сухпайка_, що знаходяться у скринях.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=інтуїція розбійника
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.title=інтуїція розбійника
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue identifies rings _2x faster_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he equips it_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue identifies rings _when he equips them_, and identifies the type of a ring _when he picks it up_.
actors.hero.talent.thiefs_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Розбійник розпізнає персні у _2х рази_ швидше, і визначає тип персня _коли його надягає_.\n\n_+2:_ Розбійник розпізнає персні _коли надягає їх_, і визначає тип персня _коли його піднімає_.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=несподіваний удар
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.title=несподіваний удар
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue deals _1-2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue deals _2 bonus damage_ the first time he surprise attacks an enemy.
actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_ Розбійник додає _1-2 пункти пошкодження_ коли завдає першого несподіваного удару супротивнику. \n\n_+1:_ Розбійник додає _2 пункти пошкодження_ коли завдає першого несподіваного удару супротивнику.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=захисні тіні
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.title=захисні тіні
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every other turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 3_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue gains one shielding _every turn_ his cloak is activated, _to a max of 5_.
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_ Розбійник отримує один пункт бар'єру _за кожен хід_, під час якого активований його плащ, до _максимуму у 3 пункти_.\n\n_+2:_ Розбійник отримує один пункт бар'єру _за кожен хід_, під час якого активований його плащ, до _максимуму у 5 пунктів_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=загадкова їжа
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.title=загадкова їжа
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=містичне оновлення
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.title=містичне оновлення
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 1 charge_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=широкий пошук
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.title=широкий пошук
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 circle_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue’s search radius is increased from a 5x5 square to a _7x7 square_.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_ Радіус пошуку Розбійника збільшується з 5x5 клітинок до _кола у 6x6_.\n\n_+2:_ Радіус пошуку Розбійника збільшується з 6x6 клітинок до _кола у 7x7_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=тихі кроки
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.title=тихі кроки
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _3 or more tiles away from them_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue will not wake sleeping enemies while he is _not adjacent to them_.
actors.hero.talent.silent_steps.desc=_+1:_ Розбійник не викликає пробудження ворогів, доки він віддалений від них на _3 чи більше клітинки_.\n\n_+2:_ Розбійник не викликає пробудження ворогів, доки він _не стає суміжний з ними_.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=rogue's foresight
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=проникливість розбійника
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When he first enters a level with a secret room, the Rogue has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=nature's bounty
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.title=щедрість природи
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress can find _4 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress can find _6 berries_ hidden in tall grass as she explores the earlier stages of the dungeon.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_ На ранніх стадіях дослідження підземелля Мисливиця може знайти _4 ягоди_ у високих травах.\n\n_+2:_ На ранніх стадіях дослідження підземелля Мисливиця може знайти _6 ягід_ у високих травах.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=інтуїція виживання
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.title=інтуїція виживання
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _1.75x faster_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress identifies all equipment _2.5x faster_.
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Мисливиця розпізнає усе спорядження у _1.75x швидше_.\n\n_+2:_ Мисливиця розпізнає усе спорядження у _2.5x швидше_.
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=followup strike
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=послідовна атака
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=допомога природи
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=допомога природи
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin for _4 turns_ when a plant is trampled in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin for _6 turns_ when a plant is trampled in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=invigorating meal
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=підбадьорлива пожива
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _1 turn of haste_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Huntress 1 turn (berries are eaten instantly) and grants her _2 turns of haste_.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Вживання їжі Мисливецею займає 1 хід (ягоди вживаються миттєво) і дає їй _1 хід прискорення_.\n\n_+2:_ Вживання їжі Мисливецею займає 1 хід (ягоди вживаються миттєво) і дає їй _2 ходи прискорення_.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=відновлена природа
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.title=відновлена природа
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 5 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _2 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ Drinking a potion of healing spawns _up to 8 grass_ around the Huntress, and roots adjacent enemies for _3 turns_.\n\nThis talent also triggers when drinking potions or elixirs based on potions of healing.
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_ Вживання Еліксиру Зцілення створить навколо Мисливиці _до 5 клітинок трави_, і укорінить суміжних ворогів на _2 ходи_.\n\n_+2:_ Вживання Еліксиру Зцілення створить навколо Мисливиці _до 8 клітинок трави_, і укорінить суміжних ворогів на _3 ходи_.\n\nЦей талант спрацьовує і у випадках, коли вживані еліксири чи настоянки основані на Еліксирі Зцілення.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=омолоджуючі кроки
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.title=омолоджуючі кроки
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=heightened senses
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.title=загострені почуття
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _2 tiles of her position_.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains mind vision on any enemy within _3 tiles of her position_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_ Мисливиця отримує прозріння, і бачить усіх ворогів у радіусі _2 клітинок навколо її місцезнаходження_.\n\n_+2:_ Мисливиця отримує прозріння, і бачить усіх ворогів у радіусі _3 клітинок навколо її місцезнаходження_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=міцні снаряди
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.title=міцні снаряди
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have _+50% durability_ when used by the Huntress.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have _+75% durability_ when used by the Huntress.
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Метальна зброя на _+50% довговічніша_, коли використовується Мисливецею.\n\n_+2:_ Метальна зброя на _+75% довговічніша_, коли використовується Мисливецею.
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
actors.hero.hero.leave=Ви ще не можете вийти, решта підземелля чекає нижче!
actors.hero.hero.leave=Ви ще не можете вийти, решта підземелля чекає нижче!
@ -411,44 +490,44 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=Біль допомагає тобі противи
actors.hero.hero.revive=Анх вибухає життєдайною енергією!
actors.hero.hero.revive=Анх вибухає життєдайною енергією!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=The Warrior starts with a _unique broken seal,_ which he can affix to armor. He will slowly generate shielding over his health while he is wearing armor with the seal affixed.\n\nThe Warrior's seal can be moved between different armor sets, transferring a single upgrade with it.\n\nThe Warrior automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Healing\n- Scrolls of Rage
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_innate=Воїн починає з _розколотим знаком_, який він може прикріпити до будь-якого обладунку. Такий обладунок повільно створюватиме захисний бар'єр, доки вдягнутий на власнику.\n\nЗнак можна переміщувати між обладунками. Під час переміщення він може перенести один рівень покращення.\n\nВоїн автоматично ідентифікує:\n- Сувій ідентифікації\n- Еліксир Зцілення\n- Сувій виклику
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=Воїн починає з коротким мечем,який наносить найбільше ушкоджень серед стартової зброї\n\nВоїн починає з трьома метальними каменями, які мають доволі обмежений діапазон ушкоджень.\n\nВоїн починає з поясом для еліксирів, де вони можуть зберігатися та будуть захищені від холоду.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=Воїн починає з коротким мечем,який наносить найбільше ушкоджень серед стартової зброї\n\nВоїн починає з трьома метальними каменями, які мають доволі обмежений діапазон ушкоджень.\n\nВоїн починає з поясом для еліксирів, де вони можуть зберігатися та будуть захищені від холоду.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Підклас може бути обраний після перемоги над другим босом. Воїн має два підкласи:
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Підклас може бути обраний після перемоги над другим босом. Воїн має два підкласи:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=The Mage is an expert with wands, and carries a _unique magical staff._\n\nTo unlock him _use a scroll of upgrade to make an item stronger._
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Маг є експертом з чарівних жезлів та власником _унікальної магічної патериці_.\n\nДля його розблокування _використайте сувій покращення задля вдосконалення будь-якого предмету_.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with and wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Маг починає з унікальною патерицею як зброєю ближнього бою. Вона наносить менше шкоди, ніж інша стартова зброя.\n\nМаг може скористатися магією своєї патериці для атаки на дистанції.\nМаг починає з футляром для сувоїв, який може зберігати різні сувої і захищати їх від вогню.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Маг починає з унікальною патерицею як зброєю ближнього бою. Вона наносить менше шкоди, ніж інша стартова зброя.\n\nМаг може скористатися магією своєї патериці для атаки на дистанції.\nМаг починає з футляром для сувоїв, який може зберігати різні сувої і захищати їх від вогню.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Підклас може бути обраний після перемоги над другим босом. Маг має два підкласи:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Підклас може бути обраний після перемоги над другим босом. Маг має два підкласи:
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=The Rogue can control the flow of battle and strike from invisibility using his _unique cloak of shadows._\n\nTo unlock him _perform 10 surprise attacks in one run._
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Розбійник може ховатись під своїм _унікальним плащем тіней_, та завдавати неочікуваних ударів.\n\nДля його розблокування _виконайте 10 неочікуваних атак впродовж однієї гри_.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=The Rogue starts with a unique artifact: the _Cloak of Shadows,_ which he can use to become invisible at will. Like all artifacts, the cloak becomes more powerful as it is used.\n\nThe Rogue can detect secrets and traps from a greater distance.\n\nThe Rogue automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Invisibility\n- Scrolls of Magic Mapping
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_innate=Розбійник починає з унікальним артефактом: _Плащ тіней_, який можна використовувати для набуття невидимості. Як і інші артефакти, він набуває потужності по плину його використання.\n\nРозбійник виявляє секрети і пастки на більшій відстані.\n\nРозбійник автоматично ідентифікує:\n- Сувій ідентифікації\n- Еліксир невидимості\n- Сувій магічної карти
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Розбійник починає з кинджалом, який завдає більше шкоди, коли розбійник атакує несподівано.\n\nРозбійник починає з трьома метальними ножами, які завдають більше шкоди, коли розбійник атакує несподівано.\n\nРозбійник починає з _оксамитовим мішечком_, який може зберігати дрібні предмети, такі як насінини та рунічні камені.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Розбійник починає з кинджалом, який завдає більше шкоди, коли розбійник атакує несподівано.\n\nРозбійник починає з трьома метальними ножами, які завдають більше шкоди, коли розбійник атакує несподівано.\n\nРозбійник починає з _оксамитовим мішечком_, який може зберігати дрібні предмети, такі як насінини та рунічні камені.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Підклас може бути обраний після перемоги над другим босом. Розбійник має два підкласи:
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Підклас може бути обраний після перемоги над другим босом. Розбійник має два підкласи:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=The Huntress is a master of thrown weapons, and has a _unique magical bow_ with infinite arrows.\n\nTo unlock her _hit 15 enemies with thrown weapons in one run._
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Мисливиця є майстром метальної зброї та має _унікальний магічний лук_ з нескінченними стрілами.\n\nДля її розблокування _поцільте 15 ворогів за допомогою метальної зброї впродовж однієї гри_.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=The Huntress starts with a _unique spirit bow,_ which can fire an infinite number of conjured arrows. The bow steadily grows stronger as the huntress levels up, and can be augmented and enchanted.\n\nThe Huntress can travel through tall grass without trampling it.\n\nThe Huntress automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Mind Vision\n- Scrolls of Lullaby
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_innate=Мисливиця починає з унікальним _луком душ_, який може стріляти нескінченною кількістю прикликаних стріл. Цей лук покращується з підвищенням рівня Мисливиці, та може бути зачарованим та посиленим.\n\nМисливиця може пересуватися високою травою не витоптуючи її.\n\nМисливиця автоматично ідентифікує:\n- Сувій ідентифікації\n- Еліксир Прозріння\n- Сувій колискової
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Мисливиця починає з пари _бойових рукавиць_, які атакують набагато швидше за іншу стартову зброю.\n\nМисливця починає з своїм луком.\n\nМисливиця починає з оксамитовим мішечком, який може зберігати дрібні предмети, як насінини та рунічні камені.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Мисливиця починає з пари _бойових рукавиць_, які атакують набагато швидше за іншу стартову зброю.\n\nМисливця починає з своїм луком.\n\nМисливиця починає з оксамитовим мішечком, який може зберігати дрібні предмети, як насінини та рунічні камені.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Підклас може бути обраний після перемоги над другим босом. Мисливиця має два підкласи:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Підклас може бути обраний після перемоги над другим босом. Мисливиця має два підкласи:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Вдала атака зброєю ближнього бою дозволяє _Гладіатору_ почати серію ударів. Серія дозволяє використовувати потужні завершальні удари.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=Берсерк завдає сильних пошкоджень за допомогою бонусу _люті_, чим менше в нього здоров'я, тим сильніше його удари. Коли він перебуває на повній люті, він може вижити при смертельному ударі, за рахунок виснаження.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Атакуючи ворога жезлами, Чорнокнижник має шанс відмітити іхні душі.\nВідмічені вороги будуть лікувати чорнокнижника та тамувати його голод,коли отримуватимуть пошкодження.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=бойовий маг
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=бойовий маг
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Атакуючи своєю патерицею у ближньому бою, Бойовий маг отримує бонусні ефекти, які залежать від жезла, силою якого була наділена патериця. Вона також заряджається від ударів мага.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Атакуючи своєю патерицею у ближньому бою, Бойовий маг отримує бонусні ефекти, які залежать від жезла, силою якого була наділена патериця. Вона також заряджається від ударів мага.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Коли _Вбивця_ невидимий, він готує смертельний удар. Чим довше він невидимий, тим потужнішою буде атака.
actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Коли _Вбивця_ невидимий, він готує смертельний удар. Чим довше він невидимий, тим потужнішою буде атака.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=_Бігун_ створює інерцію, коли рухається. Інерція збільшує швидкість руху і ухилення, але вона швидко згасає, коли він не рухається.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=_Снайпер_ є майстром бою на далеких дистанціях. Вона бачить далі, а її постріли ігнорують броню. Після влучення метальною зброєю, вона може виконати спеціальний постріл з лука.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=Лісник має сильний зв'язок з природою, яка дозволяє їй бачити через високу траву змушувати її виростати навколо посаджених рослин. Рослини, які вона топче, також дадуть бонусні ефекти, змазані дротики матимуть подвійну міцність, а трава надасть посилення захисту, коли вона стоїть в ній.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=ЗМ-300 знищує вас
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=КРИТИЧНЕ ПОШКОДЖЕННЯ! НАМАГАЮСЬ ВИМК-
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=КРИТИЧНЕ ПОШКОДЖЕННЯ! НАМАГАЮСЬ ВИМК-
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=ЗМ-300 - це найбільша та найсильніша 'машина захисту' яку дварфи коли-небудь будували. Таку дивовижну машину дуже важко збудувати, тому дварфи створили тільки декілька таких сталевих чудовиськ, які гордо захищають входи в підземну Метрополію. \n\nВона оснащений вентиляційними отворами для викиду токсичних вихлопних газів і свердлом високої потужності, яке може використовувати як для атаки, так і для буріння породи. ЗМ-300 також може підключатися до енергетичної мережі, додатково підвищуючи свою потужність.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc=ЗМ-300 - це найбільша та найсильніша 'машина захисту' яку дварфи коли-небудь будували. Таку дивовижну машину дуже важко збудувати, тому дварфи створили тільки декілька таких сталевих чудовиськ, які гордо захищають входи в підземну Метрополію. \n\nВона оснащений вентиляційними отворами для викиду токсичних вихлопних газів і свердлом високої потужності, яке може використовувати як для атаки, так і для буріння породи. ЗМ-300 також може підключатися до енергетичної мережі, додатково підвищуючи свою потужність.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=В даний час ЗМ-300 повністю заряджена енергією. У такому вигляді вона не може бути пошкоджена і рухається з подвійною швидкістю! Крім того, свердло зараз працює на збільшених обертах, що дає йому змогу проходити через _тверду скелю _, хоча при цьому й рухаючись набагато повільніше.\n\nНапад безпосередньо на ЗМ-300 є безглуздою справою, поки тримається надлишковий заряд, але _щось в цій зоні повинно забезпечувати машину цією енергією_, знищіть цей пристрій, і машина ослабне.
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Тут зараз впаде каміння!
actors.mobs.newdm300$fallingrocks.desc=Тут зараз впаде каміння!
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Король Дварфів.
actors.mobs.dwarfking.name=Король Дварфів.
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=索敌精英拥有 25% 额外近战
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=敌法精英拥有 25% 的伤害减免,且完全免疫所有魔法效果。
actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=敌法精英拥有 25% 的伤害减免,且完全免疫所有魔法效果。
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=巨型精英拥有 75% 的伤害减免与延长一格的近战范围,但无法进入狭窄的空间。
actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces.
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=天佑精英拥有 200% 额外精准与躲避。
actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=天佑精英拥有 200% 额外精准与躲避。
@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=还没有完全冻住,不过已经非常冷了。\n\n
actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.
@ -153,6 +149,9 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=一股魔法力量使目标很难保持清醒。 \n\n
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.name=Enhanced Rings
actors.buffs.enhancedrings.desc=The Rogue's recently used artifact is empowering his rings. Granting them +1 upgrade for %d more turns.
@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ actors.buffs.hex.name=幻惑
actors.buffs.holdfast.name=Hold Fast
actors.buffs.holdfast.desc=The Warrior is holding his position, increasing his armor by 0-%d. This will last until he moves.
@ -224,8 +226,12 @@ actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=任何魔法都奈何不了你,你对魔法完
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum=Building Momentum
actors.buffs.momentum.momentum_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nEach charge of momentum grants two turns of freerunning, and the freerunner can build up to 10 charges. Momentum is rapidly lost when the freerunner stops moving.\n\nCurrent momentum charge: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.running_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nWhile freerunning, the freerunner moves at double speed and gains bonus evasion based on his level.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.momentum.resting_desc=As he moves, the freerunner builds momentum, which he can spend to start freerunning.\n\nThe freerunner needs time to regain his stamina before building momentum again.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
@ -265,10 +271,19 @@ actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=你正在被一个目前看不见的虹色替
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=魔力在你体内奔腾而过,提高你的魔杖和法杖的充能速率。 \n\n每回合这个效果都将给你的法杖/魔杖增加四分之一点充能,这个效果的充能不同于正常充能并且能与之叠加。\n\n剩余的充能效果时长:%s回合
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=魔力在你体内奔腾而过,提高你的魔杖和法杖的充能速率。 \n\n每回合这个效果都将给你的法杖/魔杖增加四分之一点充能,这个效果的充能不同于正常充能并且能与之叠加。\n\n剩余的充能效果时长:%s回合
actors.buffs.revealedarea.name=Revealed Area
actors.buffs.revealedarea.desc=An area of the dungeon has been temporarily revealed to the hero, They will see it no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.revealedchar.desc=This character is revealed to the hero, They will be visible no matter where they are.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=根系(不论是自然或魔法产生)缠到了脚上,将它们牢牢拴在地面。 \n\n根系会让目标被困在当前区域,使其不能移动,但不会干扰其他行为。 \n\n剩余的缠绕效果持续时长:%s回合
actors.buffs.roots.desc=根系(不论是自然或魔法产生)缠到了脚上,将它们牢牢拴在地面。 \n\n根系会让目标被困在当前区域,使其不能移动,但不会干扰其他行为。 \n\n剩余的缠绕效果持续时长:%s回合
actors.buffs.scrollempower.name=Scroll Empower
actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands! His next wand zap within %1$d turns will gain +%2$d levels.
@ -331,12 +346,28 @@ actors.hero.talent.restored_willpower.desc=_+1:_喝下治疗药剂会立刻回
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_战士斩杀敌人的一击有_ 67% 的概率_不消耗回合数。\n\n_+2:_战士斩杀敌人的一击有_ 100% 的概率_不消耗回合数。
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_战士向敌人扔出任何非投掷武器的物品时可以致盲他们 _2 回合_。这个效果有30回合的冷却时间。\n\n_+2:_战士向敌人扔出任何非投掷武器的物品时可以致盲他们 _3 回合_。这个效果有30回合的冷却时间。
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_战士向敌人扔出任何非投掷武器的物品时可以致盲他们 _2 回合_。这个效果有30回合的冷却时间。\n\n_+2:_战士向敌人扔出任何非投掷武器的物品时可以致盲他们 _3 回合_。这个效果有30回合的冷却时间。
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.title=endless rage
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.title=berserking stamina
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2.5 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _2 levels_ from 3.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.5 levels_ from 3.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.title=enraged catalyst
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _20% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _40% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _60% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.title=lethal defense
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.title=enhanced combo
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_combo.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_进食会为法师接下来3次法杖效果增加 _2 点额外伤害_。\n\n_+2:_进食会为法师接下来3次法杖效果增加 _3 点额外伤害_。
actors.hero.talent.empowering_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food grants the Mage _2 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food grants the Mage _3 bonus damage_ on his next 3 wand zaps.
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_法师鉴定法杖的速度提升为原来的_ 3 倍_。\n\n_+2:_法师 _使用法杖时_会将其_瞬间鉴定_。
actors.hero.talent.scholars_intuition.desc=_+1:_法师鉴定法杖的速度提升为原来的_ 3 倍_。\n\n_+2:_法师 _使用法杖时_会将其_瞬间鉴定_。
@ -346,13 +377,29 @@ actors.hero.talent.backup_barrier.desc=_+1:_每当法师释放魔杖的最后
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_法师进食只花费一个回合并获得 _5 回合的法杖充能_。\n\n_+2:_法师进食只花费一个回合并获得 _8 回合的法杖充能_。
actors.hero.talent.energizing_meal.desc=_+1:_法师进食只花费一个回合并获得 _5 回合的法杖充能_。\n\n_+2:_法师进食只花费一个回合并获得 _8 回合的法杖充能_。
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_使用升级卷轴时会立刻为法师的魔杖储存 _1 点充能_,可以溢出魔杖目前的充能上限。\n\n_+2:_使用升级卷轴时会立刻为法师的魔杖储存 _2 点充能_,可以溢出魔杖目前的充能上限。\n\n当使用升级卷轴合成的秘卷或结晶法术时也会触发这个天赋。
actors.hero.talent.energizing_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Mage's staff _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_当法师将新的法杖注入魔杖时,先前灌注的法杖有_ 67% 的概率_以0级状态回收。\n\n_+2:_当法师将新的法杖注入魔杖时,先前灌注的法杖有_ 100% 的概率_以0级状态回收。\n\n此天赋最多能回收法杖三次。
actors.hero.talent.wand_preservation.desc=_+1:_当法师将新的法杖注入魔杖时,先前灌注的法杖有_ 67% 的概率_以0级状态回收。\n\n_+2:_当法师将新的法杖注入魔杖时,先前灌注的法杖有_ 100% 的概率_以0级状态回收。\n\n此天赋最多能回收法杖三次。
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_当法师使用法杖命中敌人时,获取目标视野,持续 _10 回合_。\n\n_+2:_当法师使用法杖命中敌人时,获取目标视野,持续 _15 回合_。
actors.hero.talent.arcane_vision.desc=_+1:_当法师使用法杖命中敌人时,获取目标视野,持续 _10 回合_。\n\n_+2:_当法师使用法杖命中敌人时,获取目标视野,持续 _15 回合_。
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_法师能以自身为目标施法,将法杖的每点充能转化为_ 5% 最大生命值_的护盾。\n\n_+2:_法师能以自身为目标施法,将法杖的每点充能转化为_ 7.5% 最大生命值_的护盾。
actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _5% max HP per charge_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can self-target with a wand to convert its charges into shielding at a rate of _7.5% max HP per charge_.
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=empowering scrolls
actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next wand zap within 10 turns will get _+3 levels_.
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=ally warp
actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _3 tile range_.\n\n_+2:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _6 tile range_.\n\n_+3:_ The Mage can tap an ally to instantly swap places with them, with a _9 tile range_.\n\nThe mage cannot swap places with immobile allies.
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.title=empowered strike
actors.hero.talent.empowered_strike.desc=_+1:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+17% damage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+33% damage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Battlemage's first melee strike with his staff after zapping with it deals _+50% damage_.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.title=mystical charge
actors.hero.talent.mystical_charge.desc=_+1:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _0.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+2:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1 turn_ worth of artifact recharging.\n\n_+3:_ Striking with his staff grants the Battlemage _1.5 turns_ worth of artifact recharging.
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.title=excess charge
actors.hero.talent.excess_charge.desc=_+1:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _17% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+2:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _33% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.\n\n_+3:_ When the Battlemage's staff is fully charged, he has a _50% chance_ to gain 2 shielding per level of the staff when he strikes with it.
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.title=soul siphon
actors.hero.talent.soul_siphon.desc=_+1:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _15% effectiveness_.\n\n_+2:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _30% effectiveness_.\n\n_+3:_ Melee damage dealt by other characters triggers the Warlock's soul mark at _45% effectiveness_.
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.title=soul eater
actors.hero.talent.soul_eater.desc=_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.33 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _10% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+1:_ Soul mark grants _0.67 turns_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _20% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.\n\n_+3:_ Soul mark grants _1 turn_ of satiety for each damage dealt. Soul marked enemies have a _30% chance_ to trigger on-eat effects when they die.
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.title=necromancer's minions
actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _10% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _20% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.\n\n_+1:_ When a soul marked enemy dies, the Warlock has a _30% chance_ to raise them as a corrupted wraith.
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_盗贼在探索地下城的前期可以从宝箱中找到 _4块小型口粮_。\n\n_+2:_盗贼在探索地下城的前期可以从宝箱中找到 _6块小型口粮_。
actors.hero.talent.cached_rations.desc=_+1:_盗贼在探索地下城的前期可以从宝箱中找到 _4块小型口粮_。\n\n_+2:_盗贼在探索地下城的前期可以从宝箱中找到 _6块小型口粮_。
@ -363,34 +410,66 @@ actors.hero.talent.sucker_punch.desc=_+1:_初次伏击一名敌人时盗贼将
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_盗贼在斗篷激活时,_每两回合_获得一点护盾,_最多 3 点_。\n\n_+2:_盗贼在斗篷激活时,_每回合_获得一点护盾,_最多 5 点_。
actors.hero.talent.protective_shadows.desc=_+1:_盗贼在斗篷激活时,_每两回合_获得一点护盾,_最多 3 点_。\n\n_+2:_盗贼在斗篷激活时,_每回合_获得一点护盾,_最多 5 点_。
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_盗贼进食只消耗一个回合并获得 _3 回合的神器充能_。\n\n_+2:_盗贼进食只消耗一个回合并获得 _5 回合的神器充能_。\n\n这个天赋不能在使用丰饶之角时为其充能。
actors.hero.talent.mystical_meal.desc=_+1:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _3 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\n_+2:_ Eating food takes the Rogue 1 turn and grants him _5 turns of artifact recharging_.\n\nThis talent cannot be used to let the horn of plenty recharge itself.
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_使用升级卷轴时会立即为盗贼的披风提供 _1 点充能_,这个效果可以溢出披风目前的充能上限。\n\n_+2:_使用升级卷轴时会立即为盗贼的披风提供 _2 点充能_,这个效果可以溢出披风目前的充能上限。\n\n当使用由升级卷轴合成的秘卷时也会触发这个天赋。
actors.hero.talent.mystical_upgrade.desc=_+1:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 2 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\n_+2:_ Using a scroll of upgrade instantly recharges the Rogue's cloak _for 3 charges_, this can put it above its current charge cap.\n\nThis talent also triggers when using scrolls or spells based on scrolls of upgrade.
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_盗贼的搜索范围由方形 5x5 增幅至 _圆形 7x7_。\n\n_+2:_盗贼的搜索范围由方形 5x5 增幅至 _方形 7x7_。
actors.hero.talent.wide_search.desc=_+1:_盗贼的搜索范围由方形 5x5 增幅至 _圆形 7x7_。\n\n_+2:_盗贼的搜索范围由方形 5x5 增幅至 _方形 7x7_。
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_当盗贼进入有隐藏房间的新楼层时,有 _50% 的概率察觉_该层有隐藏房间。\n\n_+2:_当盗贼进入有隐藏房间的新楼层时,有 _75% 的概率察觉_该层有隐藏房间。
actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _50% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue is on a level with a secret room, he has a _75% chance to notice_ that the level contains a secret.
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=light cloak
actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _10% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _20% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _30% speed_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=enhanced rings
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _5 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _10 turns_.\n\n_+3:_When the Rogue uses an artifact, his rings gain +1 upgrade for _15 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.title=enhanced lethality
actors.hero.talent.enhanced_lethality.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _4/12/25/60% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _5/14/30/80% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin can assassinate enemies below _6/16/35/100% health_ per level of preparation, up from 3/10/20/40%.
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.title=assassin's reach
actors.hero.talent.assassins_reach.desc=_+1:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _2/3/4/6 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+2:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _3/5/6/8 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.\n\n_+3:_ The Assassin's blink range per level of preparation is increased to _4/6/8/10 tiles_, from 1/2/3/4.
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.title=bounty hunter
actors.hero.talent.bounty_hunter.desc=_+1:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _10 extra gold_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _20 extra gold_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Assassin kills an enemy with a prepared strike they drop _30 extra gold_.
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.title=evasive armor
actors.hero.talent.evasive_armor.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+1 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+2 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains an additional _+3 evasion_ per excess point of strength on his armor.
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.title=projectile momentum
actors.hero.talent.projectile_momentum.desc=_+1:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+20% accuracy and +10% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+2:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+40% accuracy and +20% damage_ with thrown weapons.\n\n_+3:_ While freerunning, the Freerunner gains _+60% accuracy and +30% damage_ with thrown weapons.
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.title=speedy stealth
actors.hero.talent.speedy_stealth.desc=_+1:_ The Freerunner gains 2 stacks of momentum per turn while he is invisible.\n\n_+2:_ In addition to the benefits of +1, freerunning no longer counts down while the Freerunner is invisible.\n\n_+3:_ In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, The Freerunner moves at 2x speed while invisible, regardless of whether he is freerunning or not.
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_女猎手在探索地下城的前期可以从高草中找到 _4 个浆果_。\n\n_+2:_女猎手在探索地下城的前期可以从高草中找到 _6 个浆果_。
actors.hero.talent.natures_bounty.desc=_+1:_女猎手在探索地下城的前期可以从高草中找到 _4 个浆果_。\n\n_+2:_女猎手在探索地下城的前期可以从高草中找到 _6 个浆果_。
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_女猎手鉴定任何装备的速度提升为原来的_ 1.75 倍_。\n\n_+2:_女猎手鉴定任何装备的速度提升为原来的_ 2.5 倍_。
actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_女猎手鉴定任何装备的速度提升为原来的_ 1.75 倍_。\n\n_+2:_女猎手鉴定任何装备的速度提升为原来的_ 2.5 倍_。
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_当女猎手用她的弓或其它投掷武器击中敌人时,她对该敌人的下一次近战攻击将造成_ 2 点额外伤害_。\n\n_+2:_当女猎手用她的弓或其他投掷武器击中敌人时。她对该敌人的下一次近战攻击将造成_ 3 点额外伤害_。
actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _2 bonus damage_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress hits an enemy with her bow or a thrown weapon, her next melee attack against that enemy deals _3 bonus damage_.
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_视野内的植物被踩踏时,女猎手会获得_ 4 回合_的 2 点树肤。\n\n_+2:_视野内的植物被踩踏时,女猎手会获得_ 6 回合_的 2 点树肤。
actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_女猎手进食只耗费1回合(食用浆果不耗费回合)并获得_ 1 回合的极速_。\n\n_+2:_女猎手进食只耗费1回合(食用浆果不耗费回合)并获得_ 2 回合的极速_。
actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_女猎手进食只耗费1回合(食用浆果不耗费回合)并获得_ 1 回合的极速_。\n\n_+2:_女猎手进食只耗费1回合(食用浆果不耗费回合)并获得_ 2 回合的极速_。
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_饮下治疗药剂会在女猎手的周围生出_最多 5 处高草丛_,并缠绕附近的敌人_ 2 回合_。\n\n_+2:_饮下治疗药剂会在女猎手的周围生出_最多 8 处高草丛_,并缠绕附近的敌人_ 3 回合_。\n\n这个天赋也会被基于治疗药剂合成的合剂与秘药触发。
actors.hero.talent.restored_nature.desc=_+1:_饮下治疗药剂会在女猎手的周围生出_最多 5 处高草丛_,并缠绕附近的敌人_ 2 回合_。\n\n_+2:_饮下治疗药剂会在女猎手的周围生出_最多 8 处高草丛_,并缠绕附近的敌人_ 3 回合_。\n\n这个天赋也会被基于治疗药剂合成的合剂与秘药触发。
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_当女猎手踏上矮草或灰烬时,它们会复生为高草,并立即被女猎手踩踏。这个效果_有 10 回合的冷却时间_。\n\n_+2:_当女猎手踏上矮草或灰烬时,它们会复生为高草,并立即被女猎手踩踏。这个效果_有 5 回合的冷却时间_。
actors.hero.talent.rejuvenating_steps.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _10 turn cooldown_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress steps on short grass or embers, they spring up into tall grass which the Huntress immediately furrows. This has a _5 turn cooldown_.
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_女猎手能感知到_周围 2 格以内_的敌人。\n\n_+2:_女猎手能感知到_周围 3 格以内_的敌人。
actors.hero.talent.heightened_senses.desc=_+1:_女猎手能感知到_周围 2 格以内_的敌人。\n\n_+2:_女猎手能感知到_周围 3 格以内_的敌人。
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_女猎手手中的投掷武器获得_ 50% 额外耐久度_。\n\n_+2:_女猎手手中的投掷武器获得_ 75% 额外耐久度_。
actors.hero.talent.durable_projectiles.desc=_+1:_女猎手手中的投掷武器获得_ 50% 额外耐久度_。\n\n_+2:_女猎手手中的投掷武器获得_ 75% 额外耐久度_。
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.title=point blank
actors.hero.talent.point_blank.desc=_+1:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-30% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+2:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _-10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\n_+3:_ When the Huntress uses a thrown weapon at melee range it has _+10% accuracy,_ instead of -50%.\n\nNote that thrown weapons always have +50% accuracy when used at a distance.
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.title=seer shot
actors.hero.talent.seer_shot.desc=_+1:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _5 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _10 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.\n\n_+3:_ When the huntress fires an arrow at the ground, it grants vision in a 3*3 area around it for _15 turns_. This has a 20 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.farsight.desc=_+1:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 25%_.\n\n_+2:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 50%_.\n\n_+3:_ The Sniper's vision range is _increased by 75%_.
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.title=shared enchantment
actors.hero.talent.shared_enchantment.desc=_+1:_ Thrown weapons have a _33% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+2:_ Thrown weapons have a _67% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\n_+3:_ Thrown weapons have a _100% chance_ to use the enchantment on the Sniper's bow.\n\nThis talent does not apply to darts shot from an enchanted crossbow, they already trigger the crossbow's enchantment.
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.title=shared upgrades
actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _7%_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _13%_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Sniper attacks with an upgraded thrown weapon, each level increases the duration of sniper's mark by 1 turn and the damage of her special attack by _20%_.
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=durable tips
actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Tipped darts have _2x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+2:_ Tipped darts have _3x durability_ when the Warden uses them.\n\n_+3:_ Tipped darts have _4x durability_ when the Warden uses them.
actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _1 turn_.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _2 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains barkskin equivalent to her level which fades every _3 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=shielding dew
actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _20% of her max HP_.\n\n_+2:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _40% of her max HP_.\n\n_+3:_ Dewdrops can shield the Warden for up to _60% of her max HP_.
@ -417,7 +496,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=在击杀第二个Boss后可以选
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=法师初始携带一把可施放魔法飞弹的_独特魔杖。_魔杖充能比法杖稍快,并且有 1 点额外最大充能数。\n\n法师可以将地牢中找到的各式法杖灌注到魔杖中。灌注法杖可以改变魔杖性质,也可用来转移升级。\n\n法师开局鉴定的物品有:\n- 鉴定卷轴\n- 液火药剂\n- 升级卷轴
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_innate=The Mage starts with a _unique staff_ of magic missile. The staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe Mage's staff can be imbued with any wand he finds in the dungeon. Imbuing changes the staff's effect and can be used to transfer some upgrades.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade
@ -434,21 +513,21 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=女猎手开局携带一对攻速远
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=A successful attack with a melee weapon allows the _Gladiator_ to start a combo. Building combo allows him to use unique combo moves.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ builds rage as he takes damage, which increases his damage. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=When using wands on an enemy, the _Warlock_ has a chance to mark their soul. Marked enemies will heal him and restore his hunger whenever he attacks them with physical damage.
actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=The _Freerunner_ builds momentum as he runs. Momentum can be used to start freerunning, which grants him 2x movespeed and bonus evasion for a short while.
actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The _Sniper_ is a master of ranged combat. Her ranged attacks pierce armor, and after striking with a thrown weapon she can follow up with a special attack from her bow.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=The _Warden_ has a strong connection to nature which allows her to see through tall grass and command furrowed grass to sprout around plants she grows. Plants she tramples will also give bonus effects.
@ -613,7 +692,7 @@ actors.mobs.newdm300.rankings_desc=被DM-300碾压致死
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=受 到 严 重 损 伤 !正 在 尝 试 关-
actors.mobs.newdm300.defeated=受 到 严 重 损 伤 !正 在 尝 试 关-
actors.mobs.newdm300.desc_supercharged=DM-300 is currently charged full of electrical energy. In this form DM-300 cannot be damaged and moves at double speed! Additionally, its drill now spins fast enough for it to _tunnel through solid rock,_ though it moves much more slowly when doing this.\n\nAttacking DM-300 directly is pointless while it is supercharged, but _something in the area must be providing it with this energy,_ destroying that may weaken it.
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Una fràgil figura etèria de forma hum
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=cadenes etèries
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=cadenes etèries
items.artifacts.etherealchains.ac_cast=FER ENCANTERI
items.artifacts.etherealchains.ac_cast=FER ENCANTERI
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Les teves cadenes no tenen prou càrrega.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Les teves cadenes no tenen prou càrrega.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=No pots utilitzar cadenes maleïdes.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=No pots utilitzar cadenes maleïdes.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Allò no farà res.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Allò no farà res.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=bastó d'ona explosiva
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=T'has suïcidat amb la teva vareta d'ona explosiva...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=T'has suïcidat amb la teva vareta d'ona explosiva...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Aquesta vareta està feta d'algun tipus de pedra de marbre, amb or polit i una negra gemma rodona a la seva punta. Quan la tens a la mà, notes com de pesada és.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Aquesta vareta està feta d'algun tipus de pedra de marbre, amb or polit i una negra gemma rodona a la seva punta. Quan la tens a la mà, notes com de pesada és.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Aquesta vareta dispara un raig que detona violentament en el seu objectiu. La força d'aquesta explosió infligeix _%1$d-%2$d de dany_ i és suficientment forta com per enviar volant a la majoria d'enemics.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Aquesta vareta dispara un raig que detona violentament en el seu objectiu. La força d'aquesta explosió infligeix _%1$d-%2$d de dany_ i és suficientment forta com per enviar volant a la majoria d'enemics.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=vareta de corrosió
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=vareta de corrosió
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=bastó de corrosió
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=bastó de corrosió
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Aquesta vareta té un cos de cendra que s'obre a una gemma taronja brillant.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Aquesta vareta té un cos de cendra que s'obre a una gemma taronja brillant.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Aquesta vareta dispara un raig que explota en un núvol de gas corrosiu. Qualsevol cosa atrapada dins d'aquest núvol serà danyada de manera contínua, incrementant el dany que causa amb el temps.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=vareta de corrupció
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=vareta de corrupció
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=bastó de corrupció
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=bastó de corrupció
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=No es pot influenciar més a aquest personatge.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=No es pot influenciar més a aquest personatge.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Aquesta vareta irradia energia fosca i caòtica, per si la petita calavera decorativa que hi té esculpida a la punta no ho deixa prou clar.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Aquesta vareta irradia energia fosca i caòtica, per si la petita calavera decorativa que hi té esculpida a la punta no ho deixa prou clar.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Aquesta vareta dispararà energia de corrupció, la qual debilitarà als enemics i farà que t'obeeixin. Els enemics són capaços de resistir la corrupció, però els enemics debilitats són més fàcils de corrompre que els sans.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Aquesta vareta dispararà energia de corrupció, la qual debilitarà als enemics i farà que t'obeeixin. Els enemics són capaços de resistir la corrupció, però els enemics debilitats són més fàcils de corrompre que els sans.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=vareta de desintegració
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=vareta de desintegració
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=bastó de desintegració
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=bastó de desintegració
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Aquesta vareta està feta d'un sòlid tros d'obsidiana polida i té una llum porpra intensa que recorre el seu contorn, terminant-se a la punta. Brilla amb energia destructiva, esperant a ser disparada.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Aquesta vareta està feta d'un sòlid tros d'obsidiana polida i té una llum porpra intensa que recorre el seu contorn, terminant-se a la punta. Brilla amb energia destructiva, esperant a ser disparada.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Aquesta vareta dispara un raig que travessa qualsevol obstacle, i aquest anirà més lluny com més es millori. El raig infligeix _%1$d-%2$d de dany,_ i fa un mal extra per cada enemic i mur que penetra.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Aquesta vareta dispara un raig que travessa qualsevol obstacle, i aquest anirà més lluny com més es millori. El raig infligeix _%1$d-%2$d de dany,_ i fa un mal extra per cada enemic i mur que penetra.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=vareta de flamarada
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=vareta de flamarada
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=bastó de flamarada
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=bastó de flamarada
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Aquesta vareta està feta amb fusta vermella lacada amb una fulla daurada utilitzada deliberadament per fer-la semblar més règia.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Aquesta vareta està feta amb fusta vermella lacada amb una fulla daurada utilitzada deliberadament per fer-la semblar més règia.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Aquesta vareta produeix una flamarada en forma de con quan es fa servir. Millorar aquesta vareta farà que consumeixi més càrregues, però com més càrregues utilitzi més poderosa serà la flamarada. El seu següent atac consumirà _%1$d càrregues_ i infligirà _%2$d-%3$d de dany._
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=vareta de glaçada
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=vareta de glaçada
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=bastó de glaçada
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=bastó de glaçada
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Aquesta vareta sembla estar feta d'algun tipus de gel màgic. És més brillant cap a la seva punta rodona. Notes com de freda és quan l'agafes, però d'alguna manera la teva mà segueix calenta.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Aquesta vareta sembla estar feta d'algun tipus de gel màgic. És més brillant cap a la seva punta rodona. Notes com de freda és quan l'agafes, però d'alguna manera la teva mà segueix calenta.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Aquesta vareta dispara explosions d'energia gèlida cap als teus enemics, infligint _%1$d-%2$d de dany_ i refredament, el qual redueix la velocitat. Aquest efecte sembla ser més fort a l'aigua. La vareta fa menys mal als enemics ja refredats i congelats, perquè ja estan freds.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=vareta de llamp
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=vareta de llamp
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=bastó de llamp
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=bastó de llamp
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=T'has suïcidat amb la teva vareta de llamp...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=T'has suïcidat amb la teva vareta de llamp...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Aquesta vareta està feta d'un metall sòlid, fent-la sorprenentment pesada. Dues pues es corben a la punta, i d'allà surt l'electricitat.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Aquesta vareta està feta d'un metall sòlid, fent-la sorprenentment pesada. Dues pues es corben a la punta, i d'allà surt l'electricitat.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Aquesta vareta envia un poderós llamp que s'arqueja a través de qualsevol cosa a la qual es dispari, infligint _%1$d-%2$d de dany._ Aquesta electricitat pot rebotar entre diversos enemics propers a l'objectiu, propagant el dany entre aquests. L'electricitat i el dany es propaguen més efectivament a l'aigua. Si estàs molt a prop, pot ser que t'electrocutis tu també!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=vareta de terra viva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=vareta de terra viva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=bastó de terra viva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=bastó de terra viva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Aquesta vareta és feta d'una estranya roca, amb vetes d'energia groga brillant. Les roques semblen moure's lleugerament segons agafes la vareta, com si poguessin sentir la teva mà.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Aquesta vareta és feta d'una estranya roca, amb vetes d'energia groga brillant. Les roques semblen moure's lleugerament segons agafes la vareta, com si poguessin sentir la teva mà.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Aquesta vareta llença rajos de roca màgica al enemics, infligint _%1$d-%2$d de dany._ Aleshores les roques es reagruparan entorn l'usuari, oferint armadura en proporció al dany infligit. Acumulant prou armadura quan es dispari la vareta es formarà un guardià de roca.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Aquesta vareta llença rajos de roca màgica al enemics, infligint _%1$d-%2$d de dany._ Aleshores les roques es reagruparan entorn l'usuari, oferint armadura en proporció al dany infligit. Acumulant prou armadura quan es dispari la vareta es formarà un guardià de roca.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Armadura de Roca
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Armadura de Roca
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Roques màgiques envolten el teu cos, quan siguis atacat bloquejaran alguns atacs per tu i reduiran el dany que et facin en un 50%%. Cada atac bloquejat, però, desgasta la roca.\n\nArmadura restant: %1$d.\n\nSi acumules prou roca al teu voltant, el següent ús de la vareta de terra viva farà que les roques formin un guardià que lluitarà al teu costat.\n\nArmadura necessària pel guardià: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Roques màgiques envolten el teu cos, quan siguis atacat bloquejaran alguns atacs per tu i reduiran el dany que et facin en un 50%%. Cada atac bloquejat, però, desgasta la roca.\n\nArmadura restant: %1$d.\n\nSi acumules prou roca al teu voltant, el següent ús de la vareta de terra viva farà que les roques formin un guardià que lluitarà al teu costat.\n\nArmadura necessària pel guardià: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=guardià de roca
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=guardià de roca
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=vareta de míssil màgic
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=bastó de míssil màgic
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=bastó de míssil màgic
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Aquesta vareta senzilla llança míssils d'energia màgica pura. Tot i que la vareta no té efectes especials, té més càrregues disponibles i pot empoderar breument altres varetes quan sigui millorada.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Aquesta vareta senzilla llança míssils d'energia màgica pura. Tot i que la vareta no té efectes especials, té més càrregues disponibles i pot empoderar breument altres varetes quan sigui millorada.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Cada raig d'aquesta vareta infligeix _%1$d-%2$d de dany,_ i empoderarà breument altres varetes quan sigui millorat.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Cada raig d'aquesta vareta infligeix _%1$d-%2$d de dany,_ i empoderarà breument altres varetes quan sigui millorat.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Càrrega Màgica
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Càrrega Màgica
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=La teva vareta de míssils màgics ha retroalimentat el poder a les seves varetes, augmentant el nivell efectiu del pròxim tret que facin.\n\nLes teves varetes s’incrementen en: +%d.\n\nTorns de càrrega màgica restants: %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=La teva vareta de míssils màgics ha retroalimentat el poder a les seves varetes, augmentant el nivell efectiu del pròxim tret que facin.\n\nLes teves varetes s’incrementen en: +%d.\n\nTorns de càrrega màgica restants: %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=vareta de llum prismàtica
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=bastó de llum prismàtica
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=bastó de llum prismàtica
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Aquesta vareta està feta d'una sòlida peça de cristall translúcid, com un tros llarg de vidre polit. Petites motes de llum acolorida ronden al voltant de la seva punta, llestes per ser disparades.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Aquesta vareta està feta d'una sòlida peça de cristall translúcid, com un tros llarg de vidre polit. Petites motes de llum acolorida ronden al voltant de la seva punta, llestes per ser disparades.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Aquesta vareta dispara rajos de llum que travessen la foscor de la masmorra, revelant àrees ocultes i trampes. El raig pot cegar als enemics, i infligeix _%1$d-%2$d de dany._ Els enemics demoníacs i no-morts es cremaran per la llum brillant de la vareta, causant-los-hi més mal.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Aquesta vareta dispara rajos de llum que travessen la foscor de la masmorra, revelant àrees ocultes i trampes. El raig pot cegar als enemics, i infligeix _%1$d-%2$d de dany._ Els enemics demoníacs i no-morts es cremaran per la llum brillant de la vareta, causant-los-hi més mal.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=vareta de rebrot
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=vareta de rebrot
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=bastó de rebrot
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=bastó de rebrot
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Aquesta vareta està feta d'un tros prim de fusta tallada. D'alguna manera encara està viva i vibrant, d'un color verd brillant com el nucli d'un arbre jove.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Quan s'utilitzi, aquesta vareta generarà energia de regeneració màgica en forma de con, provocant que l'herba, les arrels i les plantes rares brollin. A mesura que es millora aquesta vareta, consumeix més càrregues, l'efecte es fa significativament més potent com més càrregues es consumeixin. El seu proper tret consumirà _%1$d càrregues_. "Quan cessa la vida, una nova vida sempre comença a créixer... Sempre queda el cicle etern!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Caçador de rosada
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Caçador de rosada
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Els caçadors de rosada són plantes meravelloses que s'omplen de rosada màgica. S'intenten amagar com a herba per amagar-se, però els seus embalums plens de rosada que han anat recollint els delaten.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Beina amb llavors
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Beina amb llavors
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Les beines de llavors són plantes màgiques que produeixen llavors d'altres tipus de plantes, en lloc de llavors pròpies. D’alguna manera aconsegueixen estendre’s tot i no tenir llavor pròpia.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Les beines de llavors són plantes màgiques que produeixen llavors d'altres tipus de plantes, en lloc de llavors pròpies. D’alguna manera aconsegueixen estendre’s tot i no tenir llavor pròpia.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Lotus Daurat
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Lotus Daurat
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=T'has suïcidat amb la teva vareta de tran
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=El teu bastó es carrega amb l'energia vital del teu enemic!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=El teu bastó es carrega amb l'energia vital del teu enemic!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Una vareta amb una forma no massa especial, destaca pel seu color magenta i la seva gemma completament negra a la punta.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Una vareta amb una forma no massa especial, destaca pel seu color magenta i la seva gemma completament negra a la punta.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Quan s'utilitza en aliats, aquesta vareta consumirà _%1$d de salut de l'usuari_ per a curar o protegir l'aliat _%2$d de salut._ Quan s'utilitza en enemics, la vareta els encanta breument, aplicant _%3$d de protecció_ a l'usuari. Els morts vivents hostils rebran _%4$d-%5$d de dany_ en comptes de ser encantats.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Quan s'utilitza en aliats, aquesta vareta consumirà _%1$d de salut de l'usuari_ per a curar o protegir l'aliat _%2$d de salut._ Quan s'utilitza en enemics, la vareta els encanta breument, aplicant _%3$d de protecció_ a l'usuari. Els morts vivents hostils rebran _%4$d-%5$d de dany_ en comptes de ser encantats.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=vareta de guàrdies
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=vareta de guàrdies
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=bastó de guàrdies
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=bastó de guàrdies
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=La teva vareta no pot mantenir més guà
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=No pots col·locar un guardià aquí.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=No pots col·locar un guardià aquí.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Aquesta curta vareta de metall té una joia violeta brillant flotant per sobre de la seva punta.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Aquesta curta vareta de metall té una joia violeta brillant flotant per sobre de la seva punta.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=En lloc de danyar directament a un enemic, aquesta vareta invocarà guàrdies i sentinelles estacionaris. Es poden invocar els guàrdies a qualsevol lloc visible, fins i tot a través de parets, si hi pots veure. Aquesta vareta pot emmagatzemar _%d d'energia_ de guàrdies a la vegada.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=En lloc de danyar directament a un enemic, aquesta vareta invocarà guàrdies i sentinelles estacionaris. Es poden invocar els guàrdies a qualsevol lloc visible, fins i tot a través de parets, si hi pots veure. Aquesta vareta pot emmagatzemar _%d d'energia_ de guàrdies a la vegada.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=guardià menor
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=guardià menor
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Aquest guardià bàsic dispararà automàticament a qualsevol enemic que es trobi dins el rang de visió, infligint _%1$d-%2$d de dany._\n\nDispara un guardià amb la teva vareta de guàrdies per millorar-lo.\n\nAquest guardià dispararà una vegada abans de dissipar-se.\n\nLa teva vareta de guàrdies fa servir _%3$d d'energia_ per sostenir aquest guardià.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Aquest guardià bàsic dispararà automàticament a qualsevol enemic que es trobi dins el rang de visió, infligint _%1$d-%2$d de dany._\n\nDispara un guardià amb la teva vareta de guàrdies per millorar-lo.\n\nAquest guardià dispararà una vegada abans de dissipar-se.\n\nLa teva vareta de guàrdies fa servir _%3$d d'energia_ per sostenir aquest guardià.
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Una arma rebel té dificultat per trobar al seu
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s ardent
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s ardent
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Aquest encanteri fa que una arma escupi foc, calant foc als enemics i provocant mal extra a aquells que ja estan en flames.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s bloquejant
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s bloquejant
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Aquest encanteri potenciarà la teva capacitat de defensar-te després d'atacar amb aquesta arma.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Aquest encanteri potenciarà la teva capacitat de defensar-te després d'atacar amb aquesta arma.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=The previous wand was preserved!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Les màgies entren en conflicte i esborren l'encanteri del teu bastó.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Les màgies entren en conflicte i esborren l'encanteri del teu bastó.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Hauràs d'identificar aquesta vareta primer.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Hauràs d'identificar aquesta vareta primer.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=No pots fer servir una vareta maleïda.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=No pots fer servir una vareta maleïda.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Estàs segur de què vols imbuir el teu bastó amb aquesta vareta? L'imbuïment previ es perdrà.\n\nSi la vareta imbuïda és d'un nivell igual o superior al del bastó, aquest heretarà el nivell de la vareta, més una única millora pròpia del bastó.\n\nAquest imbuïment crearà un bastó de nivell %d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Sí, estic segur.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Sí, estic segur.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=No, he canviat d'idea
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=No, he canviat d'idea
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Elaborat pel mateix Mag, aquest bastó és una arma màgica única. En lloc de tenir un poder màgic innat, aquest bastó s'imbueix amb l'energia màgica d'una vareta.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=El bastó no té màgia a dins actualment, s'ha _d'imbuir amb el poder d'una vareta_ per poder-lo utilitzar per fer encanteris.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=El bastó no té màgia a dins actualment, s'ha _d'imbuir amb el poder d'una vareta_ per poder-lo utilitzar per fer encanteris.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=El bastó està imbuït actualment amb una _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=El bastó està imbuït actualment amb una _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Aquesta arma cos a cos de _categoria-%1$d_ infligeix _%2$d-%3$d de dany_ i requereix _%4$d de força_ per utilitzar-la adequadament.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Aquesta arma cos a cos de _categoria-%1$d_ infligeix _%2$d-%3$d de dany_ i requereix _%4$d de força_ per utilitzar-la adequadament.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Normalment aquesta arma cos a cos de _categoria-%1$d_ infligeix _%2$d-%3$d de dany_ i requereix _%4$d punts de força_ per utilitzar-la adequadament.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Normalment aquesta arma cos a cos de _categoria-%1$d_ infligeix _%2$d-%3$d de dany_ i requereix _%4$d punts de força_ per utilitzar-la adequadament.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choose a Glyph
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later.
items.dewdrop.name=gota de rosada
items.dewdrop.name=gota de rosada
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=Ja tens la salut al màxim.
items.dewdrop.already_full=Ja tens la salut al màxim.
items.dewdrop.desc=Una gota cristal·lina de rosada.\n\nGràcies a la màgia d'aquest lloc, l'aigua pura té propietats curatives.
items.dewdrop.desc=Una gota cristal·lina de rosada.\n\nGràcies a la màgia d'aquest lloc, l'aigua pura té propietats curatives.
items.dewvial.name=vial de rosada
items.dewvial.name=vial de rosada
items.dewvial.collected=Fiques la gota de rosada al teu vial.
items.dewvial.collected=Fiques la gota de rosada al teu vial.
items.dewvial.full=El teu vial de rosada està ple!
items.dewvial.full=El teu vial de rosada està ple!
items.dewvial.empty=El teu vial de rosada està buit!
items.dewvial.empty=El teu vial de rosada està buit!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Křehce vyhlížející přízračná p
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=Přízračné řetězy
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=Přízračné řetězy
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Tvůj řetěz není dostatečně nabitý.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Tvůj řetěz není dostatečně nabitý.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Nemůžeš použít prokleté řetězy.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Nemůžeš použít prokleté řetězy.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=To nic neudělá.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=To nic neudělá.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=Hůl nárazové vlny
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Zabíjíš se svou vlastní Hůlkou nárazové vlny...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Zabíjíš se svou vlastní Hůlkou nárazové vlny...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Tato hůlka je vyrobena z mramorového kamene, se zlatým lemem a kulatým černým drahokamem na špičce. Přijde ti velmi těžká.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Tato hůlka je vyrobena z mramorového kamene, se zlatým lemem a kulatým černým drahokamem na špičce. Přijde ti velmi těžká.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Hůlka sesílá střely, které na cíleném místě prudce vybuchují. Síla tohoto nárazu uděluje _%1$d-%2$d poškození_ a je dostatečně silná na odhození většiny nepřátel.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Hůlka sesílá střely, které na cíleném místě prudce vybuchují. Síla tohoto nárazu uděluje _%1$d-%2$d poškození_ a je dostatečně silná na odhození většiny nepřátel.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=Hůlka žíravosti
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=Hůlka žíravosti
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=Hůl žíravosti
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=Hůl žíravosti
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Tato hůlka má bledé tělo, které se otevírá v oslnivý oranžový drahokam.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Tato hůlka má bledé tělo, které se otevírá v oslnivý oranžový drahokam.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Hůlka sesílá střely, které na cíleném místě explodují v oblak vysoce žíravého plynu. Vše, co se do oblaku zachytí, bude dostávat nepřetržité a časem vrůstající poškození.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=Hůlka zkaženosti
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=Hůlka zkaženosti
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=Hůl zkaženosti
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=Hůl zkaženosti
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Tato postava nemůže být více ovlivněna.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Tato postava nemůže být více ovlivněna.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Tato hůlka vyzařuje chaotickou temnou energii. Pokud to ještě není jasné, vychází z malé dekorativní lebky vytvarované na špičce.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Tato hůlka vyzařuje chaotickou temnou energii. Pokud to ještě není jasné, vychází z malé dekorativní lebky vytvarované na špičce.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Hůlka vypustí proud energie, která různými způsoby oslabí tvé nepřátele a občas je i podvolí tvé vůli efektem zkaženosti. Nepřátelé jsou schopni zkaženosti odolat, ale oslabení nepřátelé podlehnou zkaženosti mnohem snadněji, než ti zdraví.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Hůlka vypustí proud energie, která různými způsoby oslabí tvé nepřátele a občas je i podvolí tvé vůli efektem zkaženosti. Nepřátelé jsou schopni zkaženosti odolat, ale oslabení nepřátelé podlehnou zkaženosti mnohem snadněji, než ti zdraví.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=Hůlka ničivých paprsků
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=Hůlka ničivých paprsků
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=Hůl ničivých paprsků
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=Hůl ničivých paprsků
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Tato hůlka je vyrobena z pevného, hladkého kusu obsidiánu s tajemným fialovým světlem, které se táhne po boku a končí na špičce. Září ničivou energií, čekající na vypuštění.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Tato hůlka je vyrobena z pevného, hladkého kusu obsidiánu s tajemným fialovým světlem, které se táhne po boku a končí na špičce. Září ničivou energií, čekající na vypuštění.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Hůlka sesílá paprsky, které protnou jakoukoliv překážku a dosáhnou tím dál, čím více je hůlka vylepšena. Paprsek uděluje _%1$d-%2$d poškození,_ a také udělí bonusové poškození za každého nepřítele a stěnu, kterou pronikne.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Hůlka sesílá paprsky, které protnou jakoukoliv překážku a dosáhnou tím dál, čím více je hůlka vylepšena. Paprsek uděluje _%1$d-%2$d poškození,_ a také udělí bonusové poškození za každého nepřítele a stěnu, kterou pronikne.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=Hůlka ohnivé střely
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=Hůlka ohnivé střely
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=Hůl ohnivé střely
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=Hůl ohnivé střely
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Tato hůlka je vyrobena z červeného lakovaného dřeva se zlatým páskem, který je použit aby vypadala takto nádherně. Špička praská, syčí a touží vypustit svou mocnou magii.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Tato hůlka je vyrobena z červeného lakovaného dřeva se zlatým páskem, který je použit aby vypadala takto nádherně. Špička praská, syčí a touží vypustit svou mocnou magii.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Hůlka při použití vypálí proud ohně, táhnoucí se v kuželovitém tvaru. Když je hůlka vylepšována, spotřebuje její použití více nabití. Čím více nabití je spotřebováno, tím je efekt silnější. Další útok spotřebuje _%1$d nabití_ a udělí _%2$d-%3$d poškození._
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=Hůlka mrazu
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=Hůlka mrazu
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=Hůl mrazu
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=Hůl mrazu
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Tato hůlka vypadá, že je vyrobena z nějakého druhu magického ledu. Směrem k zaoblené špičce září mnohem jasněji. Cítíš, jak je na dotek chladná, ale tvá ruka stejně zůstává teplá.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Tato hůlka vypadá, že je vyrobena z nějakého druhu magického ledu. Směrem k zaoblené špičce září mnohem jasněji. Cítíš, jak je na dotek chladná, ale tvá ruka stejně zůstává teplá.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Hůlka sesílá po nepřátelích proudy ledové energie, udělující _%1$d-%2$d poškození_ a také své cíle ochlazuje, což snižuje rychlost. Tento efekt je ve vodě silnější. Ochlazení a zmražení nepřátelé obdrží z této hůlky méně poškození, protože už studení jsou.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=Hůlka blesků
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=Hůlka blesků
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=Hůl blesků
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=Hůl blesků
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Zabíjíš se svou vlastní Hůlkou blesků...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Zabíjíš se svou vlastní Hůlkou blesků...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Tato hůlka je vyrobena z pevného kovu, takže je překvapivě těžká. Na špičce se k sobě zakřivují dva hroty, mezi kterými jiskří elektřina.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Tato hůlka je vyrobena z pevného kovu, takže je překvapivě těžká. Na špičce se k sobě zakřivují dva hroty, mezi kterými jiskří elektřina.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Hůlka vyšle silný blesk, jiskřící skrze vše na co je seslán a udělující _%1$d-%2$d poškození._ Elektřina se může odrazit mezi mnoha nepřáteli stojícími poblíž sebe a poškození se mezi nimi rozloží. Blesky i poškození se mnohem účinněji šíří ve vodě. Pokud jsi příliš blízko, můžeš také dostat ránu!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=Hůlka živoucí země
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=Hůlka živoucí země
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=Hůl živoucí země
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=Hůl živoucí země
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Tato hůlka je vyrobena ze zvláštního kamene s pruhy zářící žluté energie. Jakmile hůlku sevřeš, přijde ti, že kameny se mírně pohnuly, jakoby mohly cítit tvou ruku.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Tato hůlka je vyrobena ze zvláštního kamene s pruhy zářící žluté energie. Jakmile hůlku sevřeš, přijde ti, že kameny se mírně pohnuly, jakoby mohly cítit tvou ruku.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Hůlka vyšle na nepřátele smršť magických kamenů udělující _%1$d-%2$d poškození._ Kameny se poté uspořádají kolem uživatele, poskytující obranu v poměru k poškození, které udělily. Pokud je vytvořeno dostatek kamenů, zformují se ve chvíli, kdy hůlku znovu použiješ, do kamenného ochránce.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Hůlka vyšle na nepřátele smršť magických kamenů udělující _%1$d-%2$d poškození._ Kameny se poté uspořádají kolem uživatele, poskytující obranu v poměru k poškození, které udělily. Pokud je vytvořeno dostatek kamenů, zformují se ve chvíli, kdy hůlku znovu použiješ, do kamenného ochránce.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Kamenná zbroj
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Kamenná zbroj
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Magické kameny obklopují tvé tělo, snaží se za tebe blokovat cizí útoky a snižují obdržené poškození o 50%%. Každé zablokované poškození ovšem některé kameny kolem tebe rozbije.\n\nZbývající kamenná zbroj: %1$d\n\nPokud je kolem tebe nashromážděno dostatek kamenů, další použití tvé hůlky živoucí země způsobí, že se kameny zformují do ochránce, který za tebe bude bojovat.\n\nZbroj potřebná pro ochránce: %2$d
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Magické kameny obklopují tvé tělo, snaží se za tebe blokovat cizí útoky a snižují obdržené poškození o 50%%. Každé zablokované poškození ovšem některé kameny kolem tebe rozbije.\n\nZbývající kamenná zbroj: %1$d\n\nPokud je kolem tebe nashromážděno dostatek kamenů, další použití tvé hůlky živoucí země způsobí, že se kameny zformují do ochránce, který za tebe bude bojovat.\n\nZbroj potřebná pro ochránce: %2$d
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=Kamenný ochránce
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=Kamenný ochránce
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=Hůlka magických střel
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=Hůl magických střel
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=Hůl magických střel
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Tato poměrně prostá hůlka vypouští střely čisté magické energie. Přestože postrádá jakékoliv speciální schopnosti, má více dostupných nabití a pokud je vylepšena, dokáže na chvíli posílit účinky ostatních hůlek.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Tato poměrně prostá hůlka vypouští střely čisté magické energie. Přestože postrádá jakékoliv speciální schopnosti, má více dostupných nabití a pokud je vylepšena, dokáže na chvíli posílit účinky ostatních hůlek.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Každá střela z této hůlky udělí _%1$d-%2$d poškození_ a když je vylepšená, na krátký moment posílí ostatní hůlky.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Každá střela z této hůlky udělí _%1$d-%2$d poškození_ a když je vylepšená, na krátký moment posílí ostatní hůlky.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Magické posílení
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Magické posílení
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Tvá hůlka magických střel dodává zpět tvým ostatním hůlkám sílu a zvyšuje účinnost jejich dalšího výstřelu.\n\nOstatní hůlky jsou dočasně vylepšeny na: +%d\n\nZbývající tahy magického posílení: %s
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Tvá hůlka magických střel dodává zpět tvým ostatním hůlkám sílu a zvyšuje účinnost jejich dalšího výstřelu.\n\nOstatní hůlky jsou dočasně vylepšeny na: +%d\n\nZbývající tahy magického posílení: %s
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=Hůlka čirého světla
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=Hůl čirého světla
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=Hůl čirého světla
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Tato hůlka je vyrobena z pevného kusu průsvitného krystalu. Jako dlouhý kus hladkého skla. Malé paprsky barevného světla tancují kolem špičky hůlky, která touží vypálit.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Tato hůlka je vyrobena z pevného kusu průsvitného krystalu. Jako dlouhý kus hladkého skla. Malé paprsky barevného světla tancují kolem špičky hůlky, která touží vypálit.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Hůlka vysílá paprsky světla, které protínají temnotu kobky a odkrývají skrytá místa a pasti. Světelný paprsek může oslepit nepřátele a udělit _%1$d-%2$d poškození._ Démoni a nemrtví nepřátele jsou jasným světlem hůlky spáleni a obdrží bonusové poškození.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Hůlka vysílá paprsky světla, které protínají temnotu kobky a odkrývají skrytá místa a pasti. Světelný paprsek může oslepit nepřátele a udělit _%1$d-%2$d poškození._ Démoni a nemrtví nepřátele jsou jasným světlem hůlky spáleni a obdrží bonusové poškození.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=Hůlka růstu
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=Hůlka růstu
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=Hůl růstu
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=Hůl růstu
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Tato hůlka je vyrobena z tenkého proutku zručně vytesaného dřeva. Nějakým způsobem je stále plná života, jasně zelená jako jádro mladého stromu.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Při použití vypustí hůlka v kuželovitém tvaru magickou energii růstu, což způsobí, že se tráva, kořeny a vzácné rostliny probudí k životu. Když je hůlka vylepšována, spotřebuje její použití více nabití. Čím více nabití je spotřebováno, tím je efekt silnější. Další použití spotřebuje _%1$d nabití._ "Když jeden život zaniká, nový vždy růst začíná... Nikdy nekončící koloběh života!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Rosnatka je podivná rostlina, která se sama plní magickou rosou. Aby se vyhnula pozornosti, pokouší se maskovat v trávě, ale prozrazují ji její velké boule nahromaděné rosy.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Semeník je magická rostlina, která namísto vlastních semínek, produkuje raději semínka ostatních typů rostlin. Přestože nemá žádný vlastní zdroj rozmnožování, nějakým způsobem se zvládá dál šířit.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Semeník je magická rostlina, která namísto vlastních semínek, produkuje raději semínka ostatních typů rostlin. Přestože nemá žádný vlastní zdroj rozmnožování, nějakým způsobem se zvládá dál šířit.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Zlatý lotos
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Zlatý lotos
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Zabíjíš se svou vlastní Hůlkou transf
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Hůl je nabita životní energií tvých nepřátel!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Hůl je nabita životní energií tvých nepřátel!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Poměrně jednoduše tvarovaná hůlka, která vyniká díky svému purpurovému odstínu a černému drahokamu na špičce.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Poměrně jednoduše tvarovaná hůlka, která vyniká díky svému purpurovému odstínu a černému drahokamu na špičce.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Když je použita na spojence, vysaje tato hůlka _%1$d b. uživatelova zdraví,_ aby vyléčila spojence za _%2$d b. zdraví_ nebo mu poskytla dočasnou ochranu. Nepřítele hůlka krátce okouzlí a současně obdaří uživatele _%3$d b. dočasné ochrany._ Nemrtví nepřátelé namísto efektu okouzlení obdrží _%4$d-%5$d b. poškození._
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Když je použita na spojence, vysaje tato hůlka _%1$d b. uživatelova zdraví,_ aby vyléčila spojence za _%2$d b. zdraví_ nebo mu poskytla dočasnou ochranu. Nepřítele hůlka krátce okouzlí a současně obdaří uživatele _%3$d b. dočasné ochrany._ Nemrtví nepřátelé namísto efektu okouzlení obdrží _%4$d-%5$d b. poškození._
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=Hůlka ochrany
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=Hůlka ochrany
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=Hůl ochrany
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=Hůl ochrany
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Tvá hůlka už nedokáže vytvořit ví
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Nemůžeš zde umístit ochranný znak.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Nemůžeš zde umístit ochranný znak.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Této krátké kovové hůlce se nad špičkou vznáší jasný purpurový drahokam.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Této krátké kovové hůlce se nad špičkou vznáší jasný purpurový drahokam.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Namísto přímého poškození nepřátel, vyvolá tato hůlka nehybné ochranné entity, jako jsou znaky a krystaly. Entity mohou být vyvolány kdekoliv, kde dohlédneš. Magii hůlky lze vyslat i přes zdi, pokud tvá postava dokáže nějakým způsobem vidět i na místa, které normálně nevidí. K udržení ochranných entit ti hůlka v tuto chvíli poskytuje _%d b. energie._
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Namísto přímého poškození nepřátel, vyvolá tato hůlka nehybné ochranné entity, jako jsou znaky a krystaly. Entity mohou být vyvolány kdekoliv, kde dohlédneš. Magii hůlky lze vyslat i přes zdi, pokud tvá postava dokáže nějakým způsobem vidět i na místa, které normálně nevidí. K udržení ochranných entit ti hůlka v tuto chvíli poskytuje _%d b. energie._
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=Menší ochranný znak
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=Menší ochranný znak
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Tato základní ochranná entita sežehne každého nepřítele, který se jí dostane na dohled a udělí _%1$d-%2$d poškození._\n\nSesláním kouzla hůlkou ochrany na již vyvolanou entitu ji vylepšíš.\n\nTento ochranný znak vystřelí pouze jednou, než se rozptýlí.\n\nHůlka ochrany využívá _%3$d b. energie_ k udržení tohoto znaku.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Tato základní ochranná entita sežehne každého nepřítele, který se jí dostane na dohled a udělí _%1$d-%2$d poškození._\n\nSesláním kouzla hůlkou ochrany na již vyvolanou entitu ji vylepšíš.\n\nTento ochranný znak vystřelí pouze jednou, než se rozptýlí.\n\nHůlka ochrany využívá _%3$d b. energie_ k udržení tohoto znaku.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_2=Ochranný znak
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_2=Ochranný znak
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Vzdorující zbraň velmi špatně hledá svůj
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s Zapálení
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s Zapálení
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Tohle okouzlení způsobí, že ze zbraně vyšlehnou plameny zapalující nepřátele a udělující bonusové poškození těm, kteří již hoří.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s Blokace
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s Blokace
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Tohle okouzlení posílí tvou schopnost se po útoku s touto zbraní ubránit útokům na tebe.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Tohle okouzlení posílí tvou schopnost se po útoku s touto zbraní ubránit útokům na tebe.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=Předchozí hůlka byla zachována!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Rozpor mezi magiemi vymazal okouzlení ze tvé hole.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Rozpor mezi magiemi vymazal okouzlení ze tvé hole.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Musíš hůlku nejprve identifikovat.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Musíš hůlku nejprve identifikovat.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Nemůžeš použít prokletou hůlku.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Nemůžeš použít prokletou hůlku.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Určitě chceš hůl naplnit silou této hůlky? Předchozí naplněná síla bude ztracena.\n\nPokud je hůl naplňována hůlkou, která je stejně nebo více vylepšená, převezme si hůl vylepšení z této hůlky a přidá jedno ze svých vlastních vylepšení.\n\nVýsledkem tohoto naplnění bude hůl s úrovní %d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Ano, určitě
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Ano, určitě
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Ne, rozmýšlím si to
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Ne, rozmýšlím si to
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Mágova hůl je unikátní magickou zbraní, kterou osobně vyrobil. Namísto toho, aby měla vrozenou vlastní magickou sílu, může být tato hůl naplněna magickou energií jakékoliv hůlky.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=V současné době v sobě hůl nemá žádnou magii. Než bude moci být použita k sesílání kouzel, musí být _naplněna silou nějaké hůlky._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=V současné době v sobě hůl nemá žádnou magii. Než bude moci být použita k sesílání kouzel, musí být _naplněna silou nějaké hůlky._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Hůl svou silou právě naplňuje _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Hůl svou silou právě naplňuje _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Tato zbraň na blízko _úrovně %1$d_ uděluje _%2$d-%3$d poškození_ a vyžaduje _%4$d bodů síly_ pro řádné využití.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Tato zbraň na blízko _úrovně %1$d_ uděluje _%2$d-%3$d poškození_ a vyžaduje _%4$d bodů síly_ pro řádné využití.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Běžně tato zbraň na blízko _úrovně %1$d_ uděluje _%2$d-%3$d poškození_ a vyžaduje _%4$d bodů síly_ pro řádné využití.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Běžně tato zbraň na blízko _úrovně %1$d_ uděluje _%2$d-%3$d poškození_ a vyžaduje _%4$d bodů síly_ pro řádné využití.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Vyber si runu
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Zbroj i rozbitá pečeť jsou očarovány magickou runou. Zvol runu, kterou si ponecháš.\n\nPamatuj, že pokud zvolíš runu, která je aktuálně na zbroji, pečeť ji později nebude schopná přenést.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Zbroj i rozbitá pečeť jsou očarovány magickou runou. Zvol runu, kterou si ponecháš.\n\nPamatuj, že pokud zvolíš runu, která je aktuálně na zbroji, pečeť ji později nebude schopná přenést.
items.dewdrop.name=Kapička rosy
items.dewdrop.name=Kapička rosy
items.dewdrop.value=%+d ZDRAVÍ
items.dewdrop.heal=%+d ZDRAVÍ
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=Máš plné zdraví.
items.dewdrop.already_full=Máš plné zdraví.
items.dewdrop.desc=Krystalově čistá kapka rosy.\n\nDíky magii tohoto místa, má čistá voda malé regenerační účinky.
items.dewdrop.desc=Krystalově čistá kapka rosy.\n\nDíky magii tohoto místa, má čistá voda malé regenerační účinky.
items.dewvial.name=Lahvička na rosu
items.dewvial.name=Lahvička na rosu
items.dewvial.value=%+d ZDRAVÍ
items.dewvial.collected=Sbíráš kapičku rosy do lahvičky.
items.dewvial.collected=Sbíráš kapičku rosy do lahvičky.
items.dewvial.full=Lahvička na rosu je plná!
items.dewvial.full=Lahvička na rosu je plná!
items.dewvial.empty=Lahvička na rosu je prázdná!
items.dewvial.empty=Lahvička na rosu je prázdná!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Ein zierlich aussehendes, schemenhaftes
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Deine Ketten sind nicht ausreichend aufgeladen.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Deine Ketten sind nicht ausreichend aufgeladen.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Du kannst verfluchte Ketten nicht verwenden.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Du kannst verfluchte Ketten nicht verwenden.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Das wird gar nichts bewirken.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Das wird gar nichts bewirken.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=Stab der Schockwelle
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Du hast dich selbst durch deinen eigenen Stab der Schockwelle getötet...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Du hast dich selbst durch deinen eigenen Stab der Schockwelle getötet...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Dieser Stab besteht aus gold-geschmückten, mamorierten Stein und an seiner Spitze trohnt ein schwarzer Edelstein. Er fühlt sich sehr schwer an.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Dieser Stab besteht aus gold-geschmückten, mamorierten Stein und an seiner Spitze trohnt ein schwarzer Edelstein. Er fühlt sich sehr schwer an.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Dieser Zauberstab schleudert ein magisches Geschoss, welcher an seinem Zielort gewaltsam explodiert. Die Kraft dieser Schockwelle richtet _%1$d-%2$d Schaden_ an und ist so stark, dass die meisten Gegner davonfliegen.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Dieser Zauberstab schleudert ein magisches Geschoss, welcher an seinem Zielort gewaltsam explodiert. Die Kraft dieser Schockwelle richtet _%1$d-%2$d Schaden_ an und ist so stark, dass die meisten Gegner davonfliegen.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=Zauberstab der Zersetzung
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=Zauberstab der Zersetzung
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=Stab der Zersetzung
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=Stab der Zersetzung
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Dieser Zauberstab hat einen aschgrauen Körper und vollendet sein Aussehen mit einem orangefarben glänzendem Edelstein, welcher auf seiner Spitze thront.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Dieser Zauberstab hat einen aschgrauen Körper und vollendet sein Aussehen mit einem orangefarben glänzendem Edelstein, welcher auf seiner Spitze thront.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Dieser Zauberstab schießt einen Bolzen, der am Zielort explodiert und eine Wolke mit stark zersetzendem Gas freigibt. Alles, was sich in der Wolke befindet, wird durchgehend Schaden erleiden, mit der Zeit zunehmend.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=Zauberstab der Korruption
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=Zauberstab der Korruption
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=Stab der Korruption
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=Stab der Korruption
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Dieser Charakter kann nicht weiter beeinflusst werden.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Dieser Charakter kann nicht weiter beeinflusst werden.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Dieser Zauberstab strahlt chaotische, dunkle Energie ab, falls das nicht schon durch den kleinen, dekorativen Schädel an seiner Spitze offensichtlich wurde.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Dieser Zauberstab strahlt chaotische, dunkle Energie ab, falls das nicht schon durch den kleinen, dekorativen Schädel an seiner Spitze offensichtlich wurde.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Dieser Zauberstab setzt eine Welle korrumpierender Energie frei, welche Gegner schwächt und sie schließlich Deinem Willen unterwirft. Gegner können versuchen der Korruption zu widerstehen, aber geschwächte Gegner sind deutlich leichter zu korrumpieren als gesunde.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Dieser Zauberstab setzt eine Welle korrumpierender Energie frei, welche Gegner schwächt und sie schließlich Deinem Willen unterwirft. Gegner können versuchen der Korruption zu widerstehen, aber geschwächte Gegner sind deutlich leichter zu korrumpieren als gesunde.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=Zauberstab des Zerfalls
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=Zauberstab des Zerfalls
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=Stab des Zerfalls
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=Stab des Zerfalls
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Dieser Zauberstab besteht aus glattem Obsidian, welcher von einem violetten Licht umgeben ist. Er strahlt eine destruktive Energie aus und wartet geduldig darauf, verwendet zu werden.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Dieser Zauberstab besteht aus glattem Obsidian, welcher von einem violetten Licht umgeben ist. Er strahlt eine destruktive Energie aus und wartet geduldig darauf, verwendet zu werden.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Dieser Stab sendet einen alles durchdringenden Strahl aus, welcher noch weiter reicht, wenn der Stab verbessert wird. Dieser Stab richtet _%1$d-%2$d Schaden_ an und verursacht zusätzlichen Schaden für jeden Gegner und jedes Hindernis, welcher der Strahl durchdrungen hat.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Dieser Stab sendet einen alles durchdringenden Strahl aus, welcher noch weiter reicht, wenn der Stab verbessert wird. Dieser Stab richtet _%1$d-%2$d Schaden_ an und verursacht zusätzlichen Schaden für jeden Gegner und jedes Hindernis, welcher der Strahl durchdrungen hat.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=Stab des Flammenstoß
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=Stab des Flammenstoß
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=Stab der Feuersbrunst
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=Stab der Feuersbrunst
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Dieser Zauberstab besteht aus rot-lackiertem Holz, geschmückt mit goldenen Blättern, was diesem Stab ein majestätisches Aussehen verleiht. Knacken und Zischen ist aus seiner Spitze zu hören, begierig, seine mächtige Magie zu entfachen.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Dieser Zauberstab besteht aus rot-lackiertem Holz, geschmückt mit goldenen Blättern, was diesem Stab ein majestätisches Aussehen verleiht. Knacken und Zischen ist aus seiner Spitze zu hören, begierig, seine mächtige Magie zu entfachen.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Dieser Zauberstab erzeugt einen kegelförmigen Flammenstoß, welcher mit jeder Verbesserung deutlich mächtiger wird und damit auch mehr Ladungen verbraucht. Die nächste Entladung wird _%1$d Ladungen_ verbrauchen und _%2$d-%3$d Schaden_ anrichten.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=Zauberstab des Frostes
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=Zauberstab des Frostes
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=Stab des Frosts
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=Stab des Frosts
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Dieser Zauberstab scheint aus magischen Eis zu bestehen, wie seine kugelförmigen Spitze. Außerdem fühlt sich der Stab sehr kalt an, doch irgendwie verbleibt deine Hand warm.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Dieser Zauberstab scheint aus magischen Eis zu bestehen, wie seine kugelförmigen Spitze. Außerdem fühlt sich der Stab sehr kalt an, doch irgendwie verbleibt deine Hand warm.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Dieser Zauberstab verschießt eisige Energie auf deine Gegner, richtet _%1$d-%2$d Schaden_ an und unterkühlt diese, was ihre Geschwindigkeit verringert. Dieser Effekt wirkt stärker, wenn das Ziel im Wasser steht. Unterkühlte und gefrorene Gegner erleiden weniger Schaden durch diesen Zauberstab, da diese bereits unter der Kälte leiden.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=Zauberstab des Blitzschlags
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=Zauberstab des Blitzschlags
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=Stab des Blitzes
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=Stab des Blitzes
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Du hast dich mithilfe deines Zauberstab des Blitzschlags selbst getötet...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Du hast dich mithilfe deines Zauberstab des Blitzschlags selbst getötet...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Dieser Zauberstab besteht aus solidem Metal und wirkt schwerer als der erste Eindruck vermuten lässt. Zwei Zinken verbinden sich an der Spitze, wo die Elektrizität sich lichtbogenartig entlädt.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Dieser Zauberstab besteht aus solidem Metal und wirkt schwerer als der erste Eindruck vermuten lässt. Zwei Zinken verbinden sich an der Spitze, wo die Elektrizität sich lichtbogenartig entlädt.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Dieser Stab entläd einen starken Blitzschlag auf seine Opfer, richtet _%1$d-%2$d Schaden_ an und springt von Feind zu Feind, wenn diese nahe einander stehen. Besonders effektiv kann dieser verwendet werden, wenn sich deine Gegner im Wasser befinden. Du kannst ebenfalls einen Schlag erleiden, wenn du dich zu Nahe an deinem Ziel befindest.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=Stab der lebendigen Erde
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=Stab der lebendigen Erde
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=Stecken der lebendigen Erde
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=Stecken der lebendigen Erde
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Dieser Zauberstab besteht aus einem eigenartigen Stein, der von Bändern mit leuchtend gelber Energie durchzogen ist.\nDer Stein scheint sich leicht zu verändern, als du zugreifst, so als ob er deine Hand spüren könnte.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Dieser Zauberstab besteht aus einem eigenartigen Stein, der von Bändern mit leuchtend gelber Energie durchzogen ist.\nDer Stein scheint sich leicht zu verändern, als du zugreifst, so als ob er deine Hand spüren könnte.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Dieser Zauberstab schickt Blitze aus magischem Stein auf Feinde und verursacht _%1$d-%2$d Schaden. Die Steine bauen sich um den Benutzer neu auf und gewähren ihm Schutz im Verhältnis zum verursachten Schaden. Hat sich ausreichend Rüstung geformt, formt sie sich zu einem Fels-Wächter, sobald der Stab das nächste Mal benutzt wird.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Dieser Zauberstab schickt Blitze aus magischem Stein auf Feinde und verursacht _%1$d-%2$d Schaden. Die Steine bauen sich um den Benutzer neu auf und gewähren ihm Schutz im Verhältnis zum verursachten Schaden. Hat sich ausreichend Rüstung geformt, formt sie sich zu einem Fels-Wächter, sobald der Stab das nächste Mal benutzt wird.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Magische Steine umgeben deinen Körper. Wirst du angegriffen, so werden sie versuchen, den Angriff für dich zu blocken; sie reduzieren den dir zugefügten Schaden um 50%%. Jeder abgewendete Schaden kratzt allerdings etwas an den Steinen.\n\nVerbleibende Rüstung: %1$d.\n\nWenn sich genügend Steine um dich herum aufgebaut haben, wird das nächste Mal, wenn du den Zauberstab der lebendigen Erde benutzt, ein Wächter aus den Steinen erschaffen, der gemeinsam mit dir kämpft.\n\nFür den Wächter nötige Rüstung: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Magische Steine umgeben deinen Körper. Wirst du angegriffen, so werden sie versuchen, den Angriff für dich zu blocken; sie reduzieren den dir zugefügten Schaden um 50%%. Jeder abgewendete Schaden kratzt allerdings etwas an den Steinen.\n\nVerbleibende Rüstung: %1$d.\n\nWenn sich genügend Steine um dich herum aufgebaut haben, wird das nächste Mal, wenn du den Zauberstab der lebendigen Erde benutzt, ein Wächter aus den Steinen erschaffen, der gemeinsam mit dir kämpft.\n\nFür den Wächter nötige Rüstung: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=Beschützer aus Erde
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=Beschützer aus Erde
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=Stab der magischen Geschosse
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=Stab der magischen Geschosse
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=Stab der magischen Geschosse
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Dieser recht einfache Zauberstab verschießt Geschosse aus purer magische Energie. Dieser Stab hat selbst zwar keine besonderen Effekte, verfügt jedoch über mehr Ladungen und kann kurzzeitig andere Zauberstäbe verstärken, wenn er verbessert wird.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Dieser recht einfache Zauberstab verschießt Geschosse aus purer magische Energie. Dieser Stab hat selbst zwar keine besonderen Effekte, verfügt jedoch über mehr Ladungen und kann kurzzeitig andere Zauberstäbe verstärken, wenn er verbessert wird.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Jedes Geschoss dieses Zauberstabs richtet _%1$d–%2$d Schaden_ an. Er verstärkt kurzzeitig andere Stäbe, wenn er verbessert wird.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Jedes Geschoss dieses Zauberstabs richtet _%1$d–%2$d Schaden_ an. Er verstärkt kurzzeitig andere Stäbe, wenn er verbessert wird.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Magische Ladung
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Magische Ladung
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Dein Zauberstab der magischen Geschosse hat Kraft in deine Stäbe zurückgeführt und die Stufe des nächsten Schusses, den sie abfeuern, erhöht.\n\nDeine Stäbe wurden um %d Stufen erhöht.\n\nVerbleibende Züge mit magischer Ladung: %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Dein Zauberstab der magischen Geschosse hat Kraft in deine Stäbe zurückgeführt und die Stufe des nächsten Schusses, den sie abfeuern, erhöht.\n\nDeine Stäbe wurden um %d Stufen erhöht.\n\nVerbleibende Züge mit magischer Ladung: %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=Stab des prismatischen Lichtes
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=Stab des prismatischen Lichtes
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=Stab des prismatischen Lichtes
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Dieser Stab besteht aus einem solidem, lichtdurchlässigem Kristall und sieht fast so aus wie ein langes, glattes Stück Glas. Kleine Schimmer bunten Lichts tanzen um die Spitze des Stabs, begierig darauf, sich zu entfesseln.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Dieser Stab besteht aus einem solidem, lichtdurchlässigem Kristall und sieht fast so aus wie ein langes, glattes Stück Glas. Kleine Schimmer bunten Lichts tanzen um die Spitze des Stabs, begierig darauf, sich zu entfesseln.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Dieser Zauberstab gibt einen Lichtstrahl frei, welcher _%1$d-%2$d Schaden_ verursacht und alle Opfer erblinden lässt. Zusätzlich enthüllt das Licht sich in der Nähe befindliche Fallen und Geheimgänge. Untote und Dämonen sind besonders anfällig gegen gebündelte Licht und brennen lichterloh, was Zusatzschaden verursacht.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Dieser Zauberstab gibt einen Lichtstrahl frei, welcher _%1$d-%2$d Schaden_ verursacht und alle Opfer erblinden lässt. Zusätzlich enthüllt das Licht sich in der Nähe befindliche Fallen und Geheimgänge. Untote und Dämonen sind besonders anfällig gegen gebündelte Licht und brennen lichterloh, was Zusatzschaden verursacht.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=Zauberstab des Wildwuchses
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=Zauberstab des Wildwuchses
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=Stab des Wildwuchses
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=Stab des Wildwuchses
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Dieser Zauberstab besteht aus einem dünnen Stück meisterlich-verarbeitetem Holzes. Irgendwie wirkt es lebendig und pulsierend in grüner Farbe, wie das Herz eines jungen Baumes.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Wenn dieser Stab benutzt wird, verschießt er einen kegelförmigen Energiestoß, der Gras, Wurzeln und seltene Pflanzen sprießen lässt. Mit jeder Verbesserung verbraucht dieser Stab mehr Ladungen und seine Wirkung vergrößert sich. Beim nächsten Mal verbraucht er _%1$d Ladungen_. „Wenn Leben vergeht, wird bereits ein neues Leben zu wachsen beginnen… Der ewige Kreislauf setzt sich fort!“
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Taufänger sind wundersame Pflanzen, die sich mit magischem Tau füllen. Sie tarnen sich als Gras, um keine Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen, doch an der Menge an gesammeltem Tau lassen sich diese Pflanzen leicht erkennen.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Samenschoten sind magische Pflanzen, die Samen anderer Pflanzen anstelle eigener produzieren. Irgendwie schaffen sie es, sich zu vermehren, obwohl sie keine eigenen Samen haben.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Samenschoten sind magische Pflanzen, die Samen anderer Pflanzen anstelle eigener produzieren. Irgendwie schaffen sie es, sich zu vermehren, obwohl sie keine eigenen Samen haben.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Goldener Lotus
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Goldener Lotus
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Du hast dich mithilfe deines Zauberstabes
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Dein Stab ist geladen mit der Lebensenergie deines Feindes!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Dein Stab ist geladen mit der Lebensenergie deines Feindes!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Dieser recht gewöhnlich aussehende Stab hebt sich nur durch sein magentafarbene Verzierung und den pechschwarzen Edelstein an seiner Spitze hervor.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Dieser recht gewöhnlich aussehende Stab hebt sich nur durch sein magentafarbene Verzierung und den pechschwarzen Edelstein an seiner Spitze hervor.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Auf Verbündete angewandt, verzehrt dieser Zauberstab _%1$d der Lebensenergie dessen, der ihn benutzt_, um damit einen Verbündeten um _%2$d Lebensenergie_ zu heilen oder zu schützen. Auf Feinde angewandt, verzaubert er sie kurzzeitig und verleiht dem, der ihn benutzt, _%3$d Schild. Feindliche Untote bekommen _%4$d-%5$d Schaden_, anstatt verzaubert zu werden.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Auf Verbündete angewandt, verzehrt dieser Zauberstab _%1$d der Lebensenergie dessen, der ihn benutzt_, um damit einen Verbündeten um _%2$d Lebensenergie_ zu heilen oder zu schützen. Auf Feinde angewandt, verzaubert er sie kurzzeitig und verleiht dem, der ihn benutzt, _%3$d Schild. Feindliche Untote bekommen _%4$d-%5$d Schaden_, anstatt verzaubert zu werden.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=Zauberstab der Abwehr
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=Zauberstab der Abwehr
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=Stab der Abwehr
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=Stab der Abwehr
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Dein Zauberstab kann keinen weiteren Wä
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Du kannst hier keinen Wächter platzieren.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Du kannst hier keinen Wächter platzieren.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=An der Spitze dieses kurzen, metallenen Stabes befindet sich ein heller, violetter Edelstein.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=An der Spitze dieses kurzen, metallenen Stabes befindet sich ein heller, violetter Edelstein.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Anstatt den Gegner direkt zu verletzen, wird dieser Zauberstab stationäre Wächter heraufbeschwören. Wächter können überall beschworen werden, sogar durch Wände hindurch, wenn du Sicht hast. Dieser Zauberstab hat genug Energie, um _%d Wächter_ auf einmal aufrechtzuerhalten.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Anstatt den Gegner direkt zu verletzen, wird dieser Zauberstab stationäre Wächter heraufbeschwören. Wächter können überall beschworen werden, sogar durch Wände hindurch, wenn du Sicht hast. Dieser Zauberstab hat genug Energie, um _%d Wächter_ auf einmal aufrechtzuerhalten.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=Schwacher Wächter
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=Schwacher Wächter
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Der Standard-Wächter wird jeden Gegner in Sichtweite automatisch unter Beschuss nehmen und verursacht _%1$d–%2$dSchaden._\n\nWird der Wächter mit deinem Stab der Abwehr beschossen, wird er stärker.\n\nDer Wächter wird nur einen Schuss abgeben, bevor er verschwindet.\n\nDein Stab der Abwehr benötigt _%3$d Energiepunkte_, um den Wächter am Leben zu erhalten.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Der Standard-Wächter wird jeden Gegner in Sichtweite automatisch unter Beschuss nehmen und verursacht _%1$d–%2$dSchaden._\n\nWird der Wächter mit deinem Stab der Abwehr beschossen, wird er stärker.\n\nDer Wächter wird nur einen Schuss abgeben, bevor er verschwindet.\n\nDein Stab der Abwehr benötigt _%3$d Energiepunkte_, um den Wächter am Leben zu erhalten.
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Bei Waffen der Launigkeit ist es sehr schwer, s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Diese Verzauberung lässt Flammen aus einer Waffe züngeln, sodass Feinde in Flammen aufgehen. Bereits brennende Feinde erleiden zusätzlichen Schaden.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s der Abwehr
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s der Abwehr
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Diese Verzauberung verbessert deine Fähigkeit zur Selbstverteidigung, nachdem du mit dieser Waffe angegriffen hast.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Diese Verzauberung verbessert deine Fähigkeit zur Selbstverteidigung, nachdem du mit dieser Waffe angegriffen hast.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=Der vorherige Zauberstab blieb erhalten!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Die magischen Kräfte, die hier entgegenwirken, löschen die Verzauberung deines Stabes aus.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Die magischen Kräfte, die hier entgegenwirken, löschen die Verzauberung deines Stabes aus.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Du musst diesen Zauberstab erstmal identifizieren.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Du musst diesen Zauberstab erstmal identifizieren.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Du kannst einen verfluchten Zauberstab nicht verwenden.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Du kannst einen verfluchten Zauberstab nicht verwenden.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Bist du dir sicher, dass du deinen Zauberstab mit diesem Stab verschmelzen möchtest? Die Magie der vorherigen Verschmelzung wird verloren gehen.\n\nWenn der zu verschmelzende Zauberstab dieselbe oder eine höhere Stufe als dieser Stab hat, wird er die Stufe des neuen Zauberstabs plus eine einzige seiner eigenen Verbesserungen übernehmen.\n\nDiese Verschmelzung wird in einem Stab der Stufe %d resultieren.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Ja, ich bin mir sicher.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Ja, ich bin mir sicher.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Nein, lieber doch nicht...
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Nein, lieber doch nicht...
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Vom Magier selbst gefertigt, ist dieser Stab eine einzigartige magische Waffe. Anstatt eigene, ihm innewohnende Magie zu besitzen, bezieht dieser Stab die Energie eines mit ihm verschmolzenen Stabes.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=In diesem Stab ruht aktuell keine Magie. Zuerst muss dieser Zauberstab mit _der Kraft eines anderen Zauberstabs verschmolzen werden,_ damit dieser Zauber wirken kann.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=In diesem Stab ruht aktuell keine Magie. Zuerst muss dieser Zauberstab mit _der Kraft eines anderen Zauberstabs verschmolzen werden,_ damit dieser Zauber wirken kann.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Der Stab ist derzeit mit einem _%s_ verschmolzen.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Der Stab ist derzeit mit einem _%s_ verschmolzen.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Diese Nahkampfwaffe der _Stufe %1$d_ richtet _%2$d-%3$d Schaden_ an und benötigt eine _Stärke von %4$d,_ um die Waffe ohne Abzüge verwenden zu können.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Diese Nahkampfwaffe der _Stufe %1$d_ richtet _%2$d-%3$d Schaden_ an und benötigt eine _Stärke von %4$d,_ um die Waffe ohne Abzüge verwenden zu können.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Diese Nahkampfwaffe der _Stufe %1$d_ richtet gewöhnlich _%2$d-%3$d Schaden_ an und benötigt eine _Stärke von %4$d,_ um die Waffe ohne Abzüge verwenden zu können.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Diese Nahkampfwaffe der _Stufe %1$d_ richtet gewöhnlich _%2$d-%3$d Schaden_ an und benötigt eine _Stärke von %4$d,_ um die Waffe ohne Abzüge verwenden zu können.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Wähle eine Glyphe
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Sowohl diese Rüstung, als auch das zerbrochene Siegel tragen eine Glyphe. Wähle, welche der beiden Glyphen bewahrt werden soll.\n\nBedenke: Wenn du die Glyphe wählst, die derzeit auf der Rüstung ist, wird das Siegel sie später nicht transferieren können.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Sowohl diese Rüstung, als auch das zerbrochene Siegel tragen eine Glyphe. Wähle, welche der beiden Glyphen bewahrt werden soll.\n\nBedenke: Wenn du die Glyphe wählst, die derzeit auf der Rüstung ist, wird das Siegel sie später nicht transferieren können.
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=Du bist bereits bei vollständiger Gesundheit.
items.dewdrop.already_full=Du bist bereits bei vollständiger Gesundheit.
items.dewdrop.desc=Ein kristallklarer Tautropfen.\n\nAufgrund der Magie, die diesem Ort innewohnt, hat dieses reine Wasser geringfügige Heilkräfte.
items.dewdrop.desc=Ein kristallklarer Tautropfen.\n\nAufgrund der Magie, die diesem Ort innewohnt, hat dieses reine Wasser geringfügige Heilkräfte.
items.dewvial.collected=Du fängst mithilfe deines Fläschchen das Tautröpfchen auf.
items.dewvial.collected=Du fängst mithilfe deines Fläschchen das Tautröpfchen auf.
items.dewvial.full=Dein Taufläschchen ist voll!
items.dewvial.full=Dein Taufläschchen ist voll!
items.dewvial.empty=Dein Taufläschchen ist leer!
items.dewvial.empty=Dein Taufläschchen ist leer!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Delikate aspektanta spirita aperaĵo ku
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=ĉielaj katenoj
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=ĉielaj katenoj
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Viaj katenoj ne havas sufiĉe da ŝargoj.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Viaj katenoj ne havas sufiĉe da ŝargoj.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Vi ne povas uzi malbenitajn katenojn.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Vi ne povas uzi malbenitajn katenojn.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Tio ĉi faros nenion.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Tio ĉi faros nenion.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=bastonego de eksploda ondo
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Vi mortigis vin mem per via vergo de eksploda ondo…
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Vi mortigis vin mem per via vergo de eksploda ondo…
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo estas farita el ia marmora ŝtono kun ora ornamaĵo kaj cirkla nigra juvelŝtono sur la finaĵo. Ĝi ŝajnas tre peza en via mano.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo estas farita el ia marmora ŝtono kun ora ornamaĵo kaj cirkla nigra juvelŝtono sur la finaĵo. Ĝi ŝajnas tre peza en via mano.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi vergo pafas kuglon, kiu brute eksplodas en la celo. La forto de eksplodo kaŭzas _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo_ kaj estas sufiĉe potenca por ekflugigi plejparte da monstroj.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi vergo pafas kuglon, kiu brute eksplodas en la celo. La forto de eksplodo kaŭzas _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo_ kaj estas sufiĉe potenca por ekflugigi plejparte da monstroj.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=vergo de korodo
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=vergo de korodo
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=bastonego de korodo
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=bastonego de korodo
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo havas palan trunkon, kiu tenas brilan oranĝan juvelŝtonon.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo havas palan trunkon, kiu tenas brilan oranĝan juvelŝtonon.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi vergo pafas kuglon, kiu eksplodas formante nubeton de ege acid-morda gaso en alcela loko. Ĉiuj kaptitaj ene tiu ĉi nubeto ricevos konstantan damaĝon, pliigantan kun tempo.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=vergo de korupto
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=vergo de korupto
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=bastonego de korupto
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=bastonego de korupto
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Tiu ĉi monstro ne influeblas pli.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Tiu ĉi monstro ne influeblas pli.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo radias malluman ĥaosan energion - se tio ne estas klara - el la eta ornamita kranio de ĝia finaĵo.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo radias malluman ĥaosan energion - se tio ne estas klara - el la eta ornamita kranio de ĝia finaĵo.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi vergo ellasos fulmon de koruptiga energio, kiu malfortigos malamikojn kaj eble eĉ persvadi ilin al via flanko. Malamikoj povas rezisti korupton, sed malfortigitaj malamikoj estas pli facile korupteblaj ol sanaj.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi vergo ellasos fulmon de koruptiga energio, kiu malfortigos malamikojn kaj eble eĉ persvadi ilin al via flanko. Malamikoj povas rezisti korupton, sed malfortigitaj malamikoj estas pli facile korupteblaj ol sanaj.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=vergo de dispecigo
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=vergo de dispecigo
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=bastonego de dispecigo
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=bastonego de dispecigo
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo estas farita el firma peco de obsidiano kun purpurega brilo. Ĝi lumas kun detruanta energio, atendante por pafi antaŭen.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo estas farita el firma peco de obsidiano kun purpurega brilo. Ĝi lumas kun detruanta energio, atendante por pafi antaŭen.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi vergo pafas faskon, kiu transiras ĉiujn barilojn, kaj ĝia atingo dependas de plibonigoj. La fasko kaŭzas _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo_ kaj ekstran damaĝon por ĉiu monstro kaj muro, kiun ĝi transiros.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi vergo pafas faskon, kiu transiras ĉiujn barilojn, kaj ĝia atingo dependas de plibonigoj. La fasko kaŭzas _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo_ kaj ekstran damaĝon por ĉiu monstro kaj muro, kiun ĝi transiros.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=vergo de fajroeksplodo
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=vergo de fajroeksplodo
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=bastonego de fajroeksplodo
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=bastonego de fajroeksplodo
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo estas farita el ruĝe lakita ligno kun orkolora folio por igi ĝin ordinare pli reĝeca. Ĝi kraketas kaj siblas ĉe finaĵo, dezirante ellasi sian potencan magion.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo estas farita el ruĝe lakita ligno kun orkolora folio por igi ĝin ordinare pli reĝeca. Ĝi kraketas kaj siblas ĉe finaĵo, dezirante ellasi sian potencan magion.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi vergo ellasas ondon de fajro, kiu etendiĝas en konus-formon. Kiam tiu ĉi vergo estas plibonigita, ĝi uzos pli da ŝargoj; kaj la efiko estos tiel potenca, kiom da ŝargoj estos uzitaj. Je la sekva frapo ĝi uzos _%1$d ŝargo(j)n_ kaj kaŭzos _%2$d-%3$d da damaĝo._
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=vergo de frosto
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=vergo de frosto
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=bastonego de frosto
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=bastonego de frosto
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo verŝajne estas farita el ia magia glacio. Ĝi larĝiĝas kaj pliheliĝas ĝis sian rondigitan finaĵon. Ĝi ŝajnas tre malvarma, sed iel via mano pluas varma.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo verŝajne estas farita el ia magia glacio. Ĝi larĝiĝas kaj pliheliĝas ĝis sian rondigitan finaĵon. Ĝi ŝajnas tre malvarma, sed iel via mano pluas varma.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi vergo pafas kuglojn de glacia energio antaŭen viajn kontraŭulojn, kaŭzante _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo_ kaj trankviligon, kiu malrapidigas ilin. La efiko ŝajnas esti pli forta en akvo. Malvarmigitaj kaj frostigitaj monstroj estos malpli damaĝitaj de tiu ĉi vergo, ĉar ili estas jam malvarmaj.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=vergo de fulmo
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=vergo de fulmo
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=bastonego de fulmo
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=bastonego de fulmo
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Vi mortigis vin mem per via vergo de fulmo…
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Vi mortigis vin mem per via vergo de fulmo…
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo estas farita el firma metalo, farante ĝin surprize peza. Du elektrodoj elstaras ĉe finaĵo, kaj elektra arko aperas inter ili.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo estas farita el firma metalo, farante ĝin surprize peza. Du elektrodoj elstaras ĉe finaĵo, kaj elektra arko aperas inter ili.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi vergo ellasas potencan fulmon, kiu elektros tra ĉiuj trafotaĵoj kaj kaŭzos _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo._ Tiu ĉi elektro povas resalti inter pluraj proksimaj malamikoj, disigante damaĝon inter ili. La fulmo kaj damaĝo disvastiĝas pli efike en akvo. Se vi tro alproksimiĝos, vi ankaŭ ricevos fulmobaton!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=vergo de vivanta tero
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=vergo de vivanta tero
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=bastonego de vivanta tero
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=bastonego de vivanta tero
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo estas farita el nekutima roko, kun strioj de brileta flava energio. Ŝtonoj aspektas forŝovi kiam vi tenas la vergon, tiel kiel ili povas senti vian manon.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo estas farita el nekutima roko, kun strioj de brileta flava energio. Ŝtonoj aspektas forŝovi kiam vi tenas la vergon, tiel kiel ili povas senti vian manon.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi sorĉbastono pafas per kugloj de magiaj ŝtonegoj al malamikoj, kaŭzante _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo._ Tiuj ŝtonegoj formas defendaĵon ĉirkaŭ la uzanto, donante al li ŝirmon proporcian al kaŭzitaj damaĝoj. Se sufiĉe da defendaĵo formiĝas, tera gardisto aperos je la sekva uzo de vergo.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi sorĉbastono pafas per kugloj de magiaj ŝtonegoj al malamikoj, kaŭzante _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo._ Tiuj ŝtonegoj formas defendaĵon ĉirkaŭ la uzanto, donante al li ŝirmon proporcian al kaŭzitaj damaĝoj. Se sufiĉe da defendaĵo formiĝas, tera gardisto aperos je la sekva uzo de vergo.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Ŝtona defendaĵo
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Ŝtona defendaĵo
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Magiaj śtonegoj ĉirkaŭas vian korpon, kiam vi estas atakata, ili ŝirmas vin, malpliigante ricevatan damaĝon je 50%%. Tamen ĉiu blokita damaĝo disfendas iom da ŝtonegoj.\n\nPlia defendaĵo: %1$d.\n\nSe sufiĉe da ŝtonoj kolektas ĉirkaŭ vi, la sekva uzo de vergo de vivanta tero kaŭzos ŝtonegoj kolektiĝi formante la teran gardiston, kiu batalos por vi.\n\nDefendaĵo necesa por formi gardiston: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Magiaj śtonegoj ĉirkaŭas vian korpon, kiam vi estas atakata, ili ŝirmas vin, malpliigante ricevatan damaĝon je 50%%. Tamen ĉiu blokita damaĝo disfendas iom da ŝtonegoj.\n\nPlia defendaĵo: %1$d.\n\nSe sufiĉe da ŝtonoj kolektas ĉirkaŭ vi, la sekva uzo de vergo de vivanta tero kaŭzos ŝtonegoj kolektiĝi formante la teran gardiston, kiu batalos por vi.\n\nDefendaĵo necesa por formi gardiston: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=tera gardisto
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=tera gardisto
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=vergo de magia kuglo
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=bastonego de magia kuglo
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=bastonego de magia kuglo
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Tiu ĉi ordinara vergo pafas kuglojn de pura magia energio. Malgraŭ tio, ke la vergo ne distingiĝas per iu speciala efiko, ĝi havas pli da ŝargoj kaj povas portempe pliigi povon de aliaj vergoj, kiam ĝi estas plibonigita.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Tiu ĉi ordinara vergo pafas kuglojn de pura magia energio. Malgraŭ tio, ke la vergo ne distingiĝas per iu speciala efiko, ĝi havas pli da ŝargoj kaj povas portempe pliigi povon de aliaj vergoj, kiam ĝi estas plibonigita.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Ĉiu kuglo de tiu ĉi vergo kaŭzas _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo_ kaj povas portempe pliigi povon de aliaj vergoj, kiam ĝi estas plibonigita.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Ĉiu kuglo de tiu ĉi vergo kaŭzas _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo_ kaj povas portempe pliigi povon de aliaj vergoj, kiam ĝi estas plibonigita.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Magia ŝargado
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Magia ŝargado
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Via vergo de magia kuglo plenigas aliajn vergojn per energio, pliigante ilian efikan nivelon je la sekva pafo.\n\nPovo de viaj vergoj estas pliigita je: +%d.\n\nPluaj temperoj da magia ŝargado: %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Via vergo de magia kuglo plenigas aliajn vergojn per energio, pliigante ilian efikan nivelon je la sekva pafo.\n\nPovo de viaj vergoj estas pliigita je: +%d.\n\nPluaj temperoj da magia ŝargado: %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=vergo de prisma lumo
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=bastonego de prisma lumo
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=bastonego de prisma lumo
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo estas farita el firma peco de diafana kristalo, kiel longa peco de glata vitro. Etaj pecoj de kolorplena lumo dancas ĉirkaŭ la finaĵo de la vergo, dezirante eliĝi antaŭen.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo estas farita el firma peco de diafana kristalo, kiel longa peco de glata vitro. Etaj pecoj de kolorplena lumo dancas ĉirkaŭ la finaĵo de la vergo, dezirante eliĝi antaŭen.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi vergo pafas lumradiojn, kiuj traigas mallumon de la labirinto kaj malkovras kaŝitajn lokojn kaj kaptilojn. La fasko povas blindumi malamikojn kaj kaŭzas _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo._ Demonaj kaj nemortaj bestaĉoj flamos en hela lumo de la vergo, ricevonte ekstrajn damaĝon.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi vergo pafas lumradiojn, kiuj traigas mallumon de la labirinto kaj malkovras kaŝitajn lokojn kaj kaptilojn. La fasko povas blindumi malamikojn kaj kaŭzas _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo._ Demonaj kaj nemortaj bestaĉoj flamos en hela lumo de la vergo, ricevonte ekstrajn damaĝon.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=vergo de kreskado
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=vergo de kreskado
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=bastonego de kreskado
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=bastonego de kreskado
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo estas farita el maldika bastono de zorge skulptita ligno. Iele ĝi estas plu viva kaj vibranta, kaj helverda kiel nova tigo.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Je uzo, tiu ĉi vergo ellasos magian kreskigan energion en la formo de konuso, kiu vivigos herbojn, radikojn kaj maloftajn vegetaĵojn. Kiam tiu ĉi vergo estas plibonigita, ĝi uzos pli da ŝargoj kaj la efiko iĝos ju pli forta des pli da ŝargoj estos uzataj. La sekva pafo uzos _%1$d ŝargo(j)n._ “Kiam vivo finiĝas, nova vivo ĉiam naskiĝas… La eterna ciklo senĉese daŭras!”
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Roskaptantoj estas miraklaj vegetaĵoj, kiuj pleniĝas per magia roso. Ili provas kaŝmaskiĝi kiel herbo por eviti atenton, sed iliaj bulboj de kolektita roso malkovras ilin.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Semsilikvoj estas magiaj vegetaĵoj, kiuj naskas semojn de aliaj specoj de vegetaĵoj, anstataŭ siajn. Ili iel reproduktiĝas malgraŭ tio, ke ili ne havas siajn semojn.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Semsilikvoj estas magiaj vegetaĵoj, kiuj naskas semojn de aliaj specoj de vegetaĵoj, anstataŭ siajn. Ili iel reproduktiĝas malgraŭ tio, ke ili ne havas siajn semojn.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Ora lotuso
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Ora lotuso
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Vi mortigis vin mem per via vergo de trans
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Via bastonego estas ŝargita per la vivenergio de via kontraŭulo!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Via bastonego estas ŝargita per la vivenergio de via kontraŭulo!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Kutime formita vergo, ĝi distingiĝas per sia fuksina nuanco kaj negrega juvelŝtono ĉe la finaĵo.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Kutime formita vergo, ĝi distingiĝas per sia fuksina nuanco kaj negrega juvelŝtono ĉe la finaĵo.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Kiam uzita sur amikoj, tiu ĉi vergo elsuĉos _%1$d da sano de la uzanto_ por sanigi aŭ ŝirmi la amikon per _%2$d da sano._ Kiam uzita sur malamikoj, la vergo por nelonge ĉarmos ilin kaj samtempe donante _%3$d da ŝirmo_ al la uzanto. Minacaj nemortaj bestaĉoj ricevos _%4$d-%5$d da damaĝo_ anstataŭ esti ĉarmitaj.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Kiam uzita sur amikoj, tiu ĉi vergo elsuĉos _%1$d da sano de la uzanto_ por sanigi aŭ ŝirmi la amikon per _%2$d da sano._ Kiam uzita sur malamikoj, la vergo por nelonge ĉarmos ilin kaj samtempe donante _%3$d da ŝirmo_ al la uzanto. Minacaj nemortaj bestaĉoj ricevos _%4$d-%5$d da damaĝo_ anstataŭ esti ĉarmitaj.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=vergo de gardisto
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=vergo de gardisto
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=bastonego de gardisto
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=bastonego de gardisto
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Via vergo ne povas subteni pliajn gardis
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Ve ne povas loki gardiston tie.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Ve ne povas loki gardiston tie.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Tiu ĉi mallonga metala vergo posedas helan violkoloran kristalon ĉe ĝia finaĵo.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Tiu ĉi mallonga metala vergo posedas helan violkoloran kristalon ĉe ĝia finaĵo.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Anstataŭ senpere ataki malamikon, tiu ĉi sorĉbastono alvokos senmovajn gardistojn kaj protektistojn. Eblas alvoki gardistojn ĉie en via vidatingo, eĉ trans muroj. Tiu ĉi vergos povas subteni gardistojn kun _%d da energio_ samtempe.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Anstataŭ senpere ataki malamikon, tiu ĉi sorĉbastono alvokos senmovajn gardistojn kaj protektistojn. Eblas alvoki gardistojn ĉie en via vidatingo, eĉ trans muroj. Tiu ĉi vergos povas subteni gardistojn kun _%d da energio_ samtempe.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=gardisto malsupera
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=gardisto malsupera
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Tiu ĉi baznivela gardisto aŭtomate pafos ĉiujn malamikojn en lia vidatingo, kaŭzante _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo._\n\nPafu tiun ĉi gardiston per via vergo de gardisto por plibonigi lin.\n\nTiu ĉi gardisto pafos nur unufoje antaŭ malaperi.\n\nVia vergo uzas _%3$d da energio_ por subteni tiun ĉi gardiston.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Tiu ĉi baznivela gardisto aŭtomate pafos ĉiujn malamikojn en lia vidatingo, kaŭzante _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo._\n\nPafu tiun ĉi gardiston per via vergo de gardisto por plibonigi lin.\n\nTiu ĉi gardisto pafos nur unufoje antaŭ malaperi.\n\nVia vergo uzas _%3$d da energio_ por subteni tiun ĉi gardiston.
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Uzante arbitran armilon oni pene trovas sian ce
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=bruliga %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=bruliga %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Tiu ĉi ensorĉo igas armilon disigi flamojn, ekbrulante kontraŭulojn kaj kaŭzante aldonan damaĝon al tiuj, kiuj jam brulas.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=defenda %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=defenda %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Tiu ĉi ensorĉo plibonigos vian defendan povon post ataki per tiu ĉi armilo.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Tiu ĉi ensorĉo plibonigos vian defendan povon post ataki per tiu ĉi armilo.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=La antaŭa vergo estas konservita!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Kontraŭaj specoj de magio forviŝis la ensorĉon de via bastonego.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Kontraŭaj specoj de magio forviŝis la ensorĉon de via bastonego.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Vi devas unue identigi tiun ĉi vergon.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Vi devas unue identigi tiun ĉi vergon.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Vi ne povas uzi malbenitan vergon.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Vi ne povas uzi malbenitan vergon.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Ĉu vi certe volas plenigi vian bastonegon per sorĉo de tiu ĉi vergo? La eksa ensorĉo forviŝiĝos.\n\nSe la vergo per kiu vi plenigas havas saman aŭ plian nivelon ol la bastonego, la bastonego transprenos la nivelon de tiu vergo kaj nur unu de ĝiaj plibonigoj.\n\nTiu ĉi plenigo rezultos %d-nivelan bastonegon.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Jes, mi certas.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Jes, mi certas.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Ne, mi ŝanĝis mian volon
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Ne, mi ŝanĝis mian volon
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Farita de la magiisto mem, tiu ĉi bastonego estas eksterordinara magia armilo. Anstataŭ havi propran magian povon, tiu ĉi bastonego estas plenigita per magia energio de vergo.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=La bastonego nuntempe ne havas magion ene, ĝi devas esti _plenigita per sorĉo de vergo_ antaŭ ĝi povas esti uzata por sorĉi.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=La bastonego nuntempe ne havas magion ene, ĝi devas esti _plenigita per sorĉo de vergo_ antaŭ ĝi povas esti uzata por sorĉi.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=La bastonego estas nuntempe plenigita per _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=La bastonego estas nuntempe plenigita per _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Tiu ĉi _%1$d-nivela_ permana armilo kaŭzas _%2$d-%3$d da damaĝo_ kaj postulas _%4$d da povo_ por uzi ĝin ĝuste.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Tiu ĉi _%1$d-nivela_ permana armilo kaŭzas _%2$d-%3$d da damaĝo_ kaj postulas _%4$d da povo_ por uzi ĝin ĝuste.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Kutime tiu ĉi _%1$d-nivela_ permana armilo kaŭzas _%2$d-%3$d da damaĝo_ kaj postulas _%4$d da povo_ por uzi ĝin ĝuste.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Kutime tiu ĉi _%1$d-nivela_ permana armilo kaŭzas _%2$d-%3$d da damaĝo_ kaj postulas _%4$d da povo_ por uzi ĝin ĝuste.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Elektu skribaĵon
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Kaj tiu ĉi defendaĵo kaj la rompita sigelo portas skribaĵon. Elektu skribaĵon por konservi.\n\nRimarku, ke se vi elektos skribaĵon, kiu estas sur la defendaĵo, la sigelo poste ne povos transigi ĝin.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Kaj tiu ĉi defendaĵo kaj la rompita sigelo portas skribaĵon. Elektu skribaĵon por konservi.\n\nRimarku, ke se vi elektos skribaĵon, kiu estas sur la defendaĵo, la sigelo poste ne povos transigi ĝin.
items.dewdrop.value=%+d san'
items.dewdrop.heal=%+d san'
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=Vi jam estas sana.
items.dewdrop.already_full=Vi jam estas sana.
items.dewdrop.desc=Guto da klara roso.\n\nPro la magio de tiu ĉi loko, pura akvo estas ete saniga.
items.dewdrop.desc=Guto da klara roso.\n\nPro la magio de tiu ĉi loko, pura akvo estas ete saniga.
items.dewvial.value=%+d san'
items.dewvial.collected=Vi kolektis roseron en vian rosujon.
items.dewvial.collected=Vi kolektis roseron en vian rosujon.
items.dewvial.full=Via rosujo estas plena!
items.dewvial.full=Via rosujo estas plena!
items.dewvial.empty=Via rosujo estas malplena!
items.dewvial.empty=Via rosujo estas malplena!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Una figura etérea de aspecto frágil c
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=cadenas etéreas
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=cadenas etéreas
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Tus cadenas no tienen suficiente carga.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Tus cadenas no tienen suficiente carga.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=No puedes usar cadenas malditas.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=No puedes usar cadenas malditas.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Eso no hará nada.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Eso no hará nada.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=bastón de onda explosiva
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Te has suicidado con tu propia Varita de Onda Expansiva...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Te has suicidado con tu propia Varita de Onda Expansiva...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Esta varita está hecha de una especie de piedra de mármol, con adornos dorados y una gema negra redonda en la punta. Se siente muy pesada en tu mano.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Esta varita está hecha de una especie de piedra de mármol, con adornos dorados y una gema negra redonda en la punta. Se siente muy pesada en tu mano.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Esta varita dispara un rayo que detona violentamente en un lugar específico. La fuerza de esta explosión inflige _%1$d-%2$d de daño_ y es lo suficientemente fuerte para lanzar a la mayoría de los enemigos volando.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Esta varita dispara un rayo que detona violentamente en un lugar específico. La fuerza de esta explosión inflige _%1$d-%2$d de daño_ y es lo suficientemente fuerte para lanzar a la mayoría de los enemigos volando.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=varita de corrosión
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=varita de corrosión
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=bastón de corrosión
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=bastón de corrosión
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Esta varita tiene un cuerpo ceniciento que se abre en una gema naranja brillante.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Esta varita tiene un cuerpo ceniciento que se abre en una gema naranja brillante.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Esta varita dispara un rayo que explota en una nube de gas altamente corrosivo en el lugar localizado. Cualquier cosa dentro de esta nube recibirá daño continuamente, incrementando con el tiempo.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=varita de corrupción
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=varita de corrupción
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=bastón de corrupción
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=bastón de corrupción
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Ese personaje no puede ser corrompido aún más.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Ese personaje no puede ser corrompido aún más.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Esta varita irradia energía oscura caótica, si no fuera suficientemente obvio por la pequeña calavera decorativa en su extremo.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Esta varita irradia energía oscura caótica, si no fuera suficientemente obvio por la pequeña calavera decorativa en su extremo.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Esta varita lanzará una ráfaga de energía corrupta que debilitará a los enemigos y eventualmente los corromperá a tu voluntad. Los enemigos pueden resistir la corrupción, pero los enemigos debilitados son mucho más fáciles de corromper que los sanos.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Esta varita lanzará una ráfaga de energía corrupta que debilitará a los enemigos y eventualmente los corromperá a tu voluntad. Los enemigos pueden resistir la corrupción, pero los enemigos debilitados son mucho más fáciles de corromper que los sanos.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=varita de desintegración
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=varita de desintegración
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=bastón de desintegración
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=bastón de desintegración
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Esta varita está hecha de un sólido y suave trozo de obsidiana, con una luz de color púrpura oscuro que corre por sus costados, terminando en la punta. Brilla con energía destructiva, esperando para disparar.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Esta varita está hecha de un sólido y suave trozo de obsidiana, con una luz de color púrpura oscuro que corre por sus costados, terminando en la punta. Brilla con energía destructiva, esperando para disparar.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Esta varita dispara un láser que atraviesa cualquier obstáculo e irá ir más lejos cuanto más sea mejorada. El láser inflige _%1$d-%2$d de daño_ y también infligirá daño adicional por cada enemigo y pared que penetre.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Esta varita dispara un láser que atraviesa cualquier obstáculo e irá ir más lejos cuanto más sea mejorada. El láser inflige _%1$d-%2$d de daño_ y también infligirá daño adicional por cada enemigo y pared que penetre.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=varita de explosión de fuego
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=varita de explosión de fuego
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=bastón de explosión de fuego
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=bastón de explosión de fuego
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Esta varita está hecha de madera roja laqueada con hojas doradas usadas deliberadamente para hacerla ver más regia. Crepita y sisea en el extremo, ansiosa de liberar su poderosa magia.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Esta varita está hecha de madera roja laqueada con hojas doradas usadas deliberadamente para hacerla ver más regia. Crepita y sisea en el extremo, ansiosa de liberar su poderosa magia.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Esta varita produce una ráfaga de fuego cuando es utilizada, extendiéndose en forma de cono. A medida que se mejore esta varita, consumirá más cargas, el efecto se volverá significativamente más poderoso a medida que se consuman más cargas. Su próximo ataque consumirá _%1$d cargas_ e infligirá _%2$d-%3$d de daño._
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=varita de hielo
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=varita de hielo
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=bastón de hielo
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=bastón de hielo
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Esta varita parece estar hecha de algún tipo de hielo mágico. Su brillo incrementa hacia el extremo. Se siente muy fría al sostenerse, pero de alguna manera tu mano mantiene la calidez.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Esta varita parece estar hecha de algún tipo de hielo mágico. Su brillo incrementa hacia el extremo. Se siente muy fría al sostenerse, pero de alguna manera tu mano mantiene la calidez.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Esta varita dispara ráfagas de energía helada hacia tus enemigos, infligiendo _%1$d-%2$d de daño_ y enfriándolos, lo que reduce su velocidad. El efecto parece ser más poderoso en el agua. Enemigos enfriados y congelados reciben menos daño de esta varita, al estar ya fríos.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=varita de relámpago
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=varita de relámpago
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=bastón de relámpago
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=bastón de relámpago
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Te has suicidado con tu propia Varita de Relámpago...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Te has suicidado con tu propia Varita de Relámpago...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Esta varita está hecha de metal sólido, lo que la hace sorprendentemente pesada. Dos puntas se curvan juntas en el extremo, y la electricidad arquea entre ellas.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Esta varita está hecha de metal sólido, lo que la hace sorprendentemente pesada. Dos puntas se curvan juntas en el extremo, y la electricidad arquea entre ellas.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Esta varita envía un poderoso relámpago arqueándose a través de cualquier cosa a la que se le dispare, infligiendo _%1$d-%2$d de daño._ Esta electricidad puede rebotar entre muchos enemigos cercanos, propagando el daño entre ellos. La electricidad y el daño se propagan mucho más efectivamente en el agua. Si estás muy cerca, ¡quizás también seas electrocutado!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=varita de tierra viva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=varita de tierra viva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=bastón de tierra viva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=bastón de tierra viva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Esta varita está hecha de una roca curiosa, con bandas de energía amarilla brillante. Las rocas parecen moverse ligeramente cuando agarras la varita, como si pudieran sentir tu mano.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Esta varita está hecha de una roca curiosa, con bandas de energía amarilla brillante. Las rocas parecen moverse ligeramente cuando agarras la varita, como si pudieran sentir tu mano.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Esta varita envía rayos de roca mágica a los enemigos, haciendo _%1$d-%2$d de daño._ Las rocas se volverán a formar alrededor del usuario, otorgándole armadura en proporción al daño infligido. Si se construye suficiente armadura, se convertirá en un guardián de roca cuando se sacuda la varita.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Esta varita envía rayos de roca mágica a los enemigos, haciendo _%1$d-%2$d de daño._ Las rocas se volverán a formar alrededor del usuario, otorgándole armadura en proporción al daño infligido. Si se construye suficiente armadura, se convertirá en un guardián de roca cuando se sacuda la varita.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Armadura de Roca
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Armadura de Roca
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Rocas mágicas están rodeando tu cuerpo, cuando eres atacado, intentarán bloquearte y reducirán el daño que recibes en 50 %%. Sin embargo, cada daño bloqueado raspa parte de la roca.\n\nArmadura restante: %1$d.\n\nSi se construye suficiente roca a tu alrededor, el próximo golpe de tu varita de tierra viva hará que las rocas se formen en un guardián que luchará contigo.\n\nArmadura restante para Guradián: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Rocas mágicas están rodeando tu cuerpo, cuando eres atacado, intentarán bloquearte y reducirán el daño que recibes en 50 %%. Sin embargo, cada daño bloqueado raspa parte de la roca.\n\nArmadura restante: %1$d.\n\nSi se construye suficiente roca a tu alrededor, el próximo golpe de tu varita de tierra viva hará que las rocas se formen en un guardián que luchará contigo.\n\nArmadura restante para Guradián: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=guardián de tierra
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=guardián de tierra
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=varita de proyectiles mágicos
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=bastón de proyectiles mágicos
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=bastón de proyectiles mágicos
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Esta varita bastante simple lanza misiles de energía mágica pura. Si bien la varita en sí carece de efectos especiales, tiene más cargas disponibles y puede potenciar brevemente otras varitas cuando se mejora.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Esta varita bastante simple lanza misiles de energía mágica pura. Si bien la varita en sí carece de efectos especiales, tiene más cargas disponibles y puede potenciar brevemente otras varitas cuando se mejora.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Cada descarga de esta varita causa _%1$d-%2$d de daño, _ y potenciará brevemente otras varitas si es actualizada.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Cada descarga de esta varita causa _%1$d-%2$d de daño, _ y potenciará brevemente otras varitas si es actualizada.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Carga Mágica
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Carga Mágica
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Tu varita de misil mágico ha devuelto el poder a tus varitas, aumentando el nivel efectivo del próximo golpe que hacen.\n\nTus varitas son impulsadas a: +%d.\n\nTurnos de carga mágica restante:%s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Tu varita de misil mágico ha devuelto el poder a tus varitas, aumentando el nivel efectivo del próximo golpe que hacen.\n\nTus varitas son impulsadas a: +%d.\n\nTurnos de carga mágica restante:%s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=varita de luz prismática
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=bastón de luz prismática
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=bastón de luz prismática
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Esta varita está hecha de una pieza sólida de cristal translúcido, como un largo pedazo de vidrio refinado. Pequeños reflejos de luz colorida bailan alrededor de la punta de la varita, impacientes por salir disparadas.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Esta varita está hecha de una pieza sólida de cristal translúcido, como un largo pedazo de vidrio refinado. Pequeños reflejos de luz colorida bailan alrededor de la punta de la varita, impacientes por salir disparadas.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Esta varita dispara rayos de luz que cortan a través de la oscuridad de la mazmorra, revelando áreas secretas y trampas. El rayo puede cegar enemigos, e inflige _%1$d-%2$d de daño._ Demonios y no-muertos se quemarán en la luz brillante, recibiendo daño extra.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Esta varita dispara rayos de luz que cortan a través de la oscuridad de la mazmorra, revelando áreas secretas y trampas. El rayo puede cegar enemigos, e inflige _%1$d-%2$d de daño._ Demonios y no-muertos se quemarán en la luz brillante, recibiendo daño extra.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=varita de recrecimiento
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=varita de recrecimiento
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=bastón de recrecimiento
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=bastón de recrecimiento
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Esta varita está hecha de un trozo delgado de madera tallada hábilmente. De alguna manera todavía está viva y vibrante, verde brillante como el núcleo de un árbol joven.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Cuando es usada, esta varita disparará energía de rebrote mágico hacia afuera, en el área seleccionada; haciendo que la hierba, las raíces y plantas raras cobren vida. A medida que se mejora esta varita, consumirá más cargas, el efecto se vuelve significativamente más poderoso a medida que se consuman más cargas. Su próximo ataque consumirá _%1$d cargas_. "Cuando una vida cesa, nueva vida crece... ¡El eterno ciclo de la vida siempre permanece!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Las Atraparocío son plantas maravillosas que se llenan de rocío mágico. Intentan camuflarse como hierba para evitar la atención, pero sus protuberancias de rocío recogido las delatan.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Vaina de Semilla
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Vaina de Semilla
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc= Las Vainas de Semillas son plantas mágicas que producen semillas de otros tipos de plantas, en lugar de semillas propias. De alguna manera logran extenderse a pesar de no tener semilla propia.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc= Las Vainas de Semillas son plantas mágicas que producen semillas de otros tipos de plantas, en lugar de semillas propias. De alguna manera logran extenderse a pesar de no tener semilla propia.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Loto Dorado
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Loto Dorado
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Te has suicidado con tu propia Varita de T
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=¡Tu bastón está cargado con la energía vital de tu enemigo!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=¡Tu bastón está cargado con la energía vital de tu enemigo!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Una varita con una forma no muy especial, se destaca por su color magenta y su gema completamente negra en la punta.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Una varita con una forma no muy especial, se destaca por su color magenta y su gema completamente negra en la punta.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Cuando se usa en aliados, esta varita tomará _%1$d de la salud del usuario_ para sanar o proteger al aliado por _%2$d de salud._ Cuando se usa en enemigos, la varita los encantará brevemente mientras aplica _%3$d de blindaje_ al usuario. Los no-muertos hostiles recibirán _%4$d-%5$d de daño_ en lugar de ser encantados.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Cuando se usa en aliados, esta varita tomará _%1$d de la salud del usuario_ para sanar o proteger al aliado por _%2$d de salud._ Cuando se usa en enemigos, la varita los encantará brevemente mientras aplica _%3$d de blindaje_ al usuario. Los no-muertos hostiles recibirán _%4$d-%5$d de daño_ en lugar de ser encantados.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=varita de protección
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=varita de protección
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=bastón de protección
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=bastón de protección
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Tu varita no puede sostener más guardas
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=No puedes colocar un guarda allí.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=No puedes colocar un guarda allí.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Esta corta varita de metal tiene una gema púrpura brillante que flota sobre su punta.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Esta corta varita de metal tiene una gema púrpura brillante que flota sobre su punta.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=En lugar de dañar directamente a un enemigo, esta varita convocará a guardias y centinelas estacionarios. Los guardas se pueden invocar en cualquier lugar, incluso a través de las paredes si tienes visión. Esta varita puede sostener _%d de energía_ en valor de guardas a la vez.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=En lugar de dañar directamente a un enemigo, esta varita convocará a guardias y centinelas estacionarios. Los guardas se pueden invocar en cualquier lugar, incluso a través de las paredes si tienes visión. Esta varita puede sostener _%d de energía_ en valor de guardas a la vez.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=guarda menor
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=guarda menor
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Este guarda básico electrocutará automáticamente a cualquier enemigo que entre en su rango de visión, infligiendo _%1$d- %2$dde daño._\n\nElectrocutar a este guarda con tu varita de protección lo mejorará.\n\nEste guarda sólo electrocutará una sola vez antes de disiparse.\n\nTu varita de protección utiliza _%3$d energía_ para sostener a este guarda.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Este guarda básico electrocutará automáticamente a cualquier enemigo que entre en su rango de visión, infligiendo _%1$d- %2$dde daño._\n\nElectrocutar a este guarda con tu varita de protección lo mejorará.\n\nEste guarda sólo electrocutará una sola vez antes de disiparse.\n\nTu varita de protección utiliza _%3$d energía_ para sostener a este guarda.
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Un arma rebelde tiene problemas para encontrar
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s flameante
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s flameante
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Este encantamiento hace que las llamas salgan de un arma, encendiendo a los enemigos e infligiendo daño adicional a los que ya están en llamas.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s de bloqueo
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s de bloqueo
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Este encantamiento mejorará tu habilidad de defenderte después de atacar con esta arma.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Este encantamiento mejorará tu habilidad de defenderte después de atacar con esta arma.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=¡La varita anterior fue preservada!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Las magias conflictivas borran el encantamiento de tu bastón.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Las magias conflictivas borran el encantamiento de tu bastón.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Necesitarás identificar esta varita primero.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Necesitarás identificar esta varita primero.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=No puedes usar una varita maldita.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=No puedes usar una varita maldita.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=¿Estás seguro de que quieres imbuir tu bastón con esta varita? La infusión pasada se perderá.\n\nSi la varita imbuida es de el mismo o de un nivel más alto que el bastón, el bastón heredará el nivel de esa varita más una sola de sus propias mejoras.\n\nEsta infusión resultará en un bastón de nivel %d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Sí, estoy seguro.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Sí, estoy seguro.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=No, he cambiado de idea
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=No, he cambiado de idea
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Hecho a mano por el propio Mago, este bastón es un arma mágica única. En lugar de tener un poder mágico innato, este bastón está imbuido con energía mágica de una varita.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=El bastón no tiene magia actualmente, debe ser _imbuido con el poder de una varita_ antes de que pueda ser usado para lanzar hechizos.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=El bastón no tiene magia actualmente, debe ser _imbuido con el poder de una varita_ antes de que pueda ser usado para lanzar hechizos.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=El bastón está imbuido con una _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=El bastón está imbuido con una _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Esta arma cuerpo a cuerpo de _tier-%1$d_ inflige _%2$d-%3$d de daño_ y requiere _%4$d de fuerza_ para ser utilizada correctamente.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Esta arma cuerpo a cuerpo de _tier-%1$d_ inflige _%2$d-%3$d de daño_ y requiere _%4$d de fuerza_ para ser utilizada correctamente.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Típicamente, esta arma cuerpo a cuerpo de _tier-%1$d_ inflige _%2$d-%3$d de daño_ y requiere _%4$d de fuerza_ para ser utilizada correctamente.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Típicamente, esta arma cuerpo a cuerpo de _tier-%1$d_ inflige _%2$d-%3$d de daño_ y requiere _%4$d de fuerza_ para ser utilizada correctamente.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Elija un glifo
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Tanto esta armadura como el sello roto llevan un glifo. Elija qué glifo se debe conservar.\n\nTen en cuenta que si eliges el glifo que está actualmente en la armadura, el sello no podrá transferirlo más tarde.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Tanto esta armadura como el sello roto llevan un glifo. Elija qué glifo se debe conservar.\n\nTen en cuenta que si eliges el glifo que está actualmente en la armadura, el sello no podrá transferirlo más tarde.
items.dewdrop.name=gota de rocío
items.dewdrop.name=gota de rocío
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=Ya tienes la salud llena.
items.dewdrop.already_full=Ya tienes la salud llena.
items.dewdrop.desc=Una gota de rocío cristalina.\n\nDebido a la magia de este lugar, el agua pura tiene propiedades curativas menores.
items.dewdrop.desc=Una gota de rocío cristalina.\n\nDebido a la magia de este lugar, el agua pura tiene propiedades curativas menores.
items.dewvial.name=frasco de rocío
items.dewvial.name=frasco de rocío
items.dewvial.collected=Recogiste la gota de rocío en tu frasco de rocío.
items.dewvial.collected=Recogiste la gota de rocío en tu frasco de rocío.
items.dewvial.full=¡Tu frasco de rocío está lleno!
items.dewvial.full=¡Tu frasco de rocío está lleno!
items.dewvial.empty=¡Tu frasco de rocío está vacío!
items.dewvial.empty=¡Tu frasco de rocío está vacío!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Fraide itxurako izaera etereo bat, giza
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=kate etereoak
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=kate etereoak
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Zure kateek ez dute karga nahikoa.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Zure kateek ez dute karga nahikoa.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Ezin dituzu madarikatutako kateak erabili.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Ezin dituzu madarikatutako kateak erabili.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Horrek ez du ezer eragingo.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Horrek ez du ezer eragingo.
@ -484,7 +485,7 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Bonba eraldatu honek ardi magikoak sortuko ditu bere
items.food.berry.name=ziegako baia
items.food.berry.name=ziegako baia
items.food.berry.eat_msg=Goxo zegoen baia!
items.food.berry.eat_msg=Goxo zegoen baia!
items.food.berry.desc=This small berry was found by the huntress among the dungeon's vegetation. It can be eaten quickly, restores a small amount of satiety, and might contain a usable seed!
items.food.berry.desc=Baia txiki hau ziegako landaredian aurkitu du ehiztariak. Azkar jan daiteke, zertxobait asetzen du, eta hazi erabilgarriren bat izan dezake!
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=egositako fruitutxepela
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=egositako fruitutxepela
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=eztanda-uhinaren makulua
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Zure burua hil duzu zure eztanda-uhinaren zarta propioarekin...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Zure burua hil duzu zure eztanda-uhinaren zarta propioarekin...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Zarta hau markol itxurako harri batez egina dago, urrezko apainketekin eta muturrean harribitxi beltz bat. Nahiko astun nabaritzen duzu eskuan.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Zarta hau markol itxurako harri batez egina dago, urrezko apainketekin eta muturrean harribitxi beltz bat. Nahiko astun nabaritzen duzu eskuan.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Zarta honek jomugan bortizki lehertzen den tximista bat jaurtitzen du. Eztandaren indarrak _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragiten du eta etsai gehienak hegaz bidaltzeko beste indartsua da.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Zarta honek jomugan bortizki lehertzen den tximista bat jaurtitzen du. Eztandaren indarrak _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragiten du eta etsai gehienak hegaz bidaltzeko beste indartsua da.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=Korrosio zarta
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=Korrosio zarta
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=Korrosio makulua
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=Korrosio makulua
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Zarta honek gorputz hauskara du eta harribitxi laranja distiratsu batean bukatzen da.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Zarta honek gorputz hauskara du eta harribitxi laranja distiratsu batean bukatzen da.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Zarta honek jomugan gas oso korrosibozko hodei batean lehertzen den tximista bat botatzen du. Hodeian harrapatutako edozer kaltea jasoko du etengabe, denboran areagotua.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=ustelkeriaren zarta
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=ustelkeriaren zarta
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=ustelkeria makulua
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=ustelkeria makulua
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Ezin da pertsonaia horrengan gehiago eragin.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Ezin da pertsonaia horrengan gehiago eragin.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Zarta honek energia ilun kaotikoa igortzen du, puntan daraman garezur apaingarriak argi uzten duen legez.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Zarta honek energia ilun kaotikoa igortzen du, puntan daraman garezur apaingarriak argi uzten duen legez.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Zarta honek energia usteltzailearen buhunba bat isurtzen du, arerioak makalduko dituena eta batzuetan zure alde jarri ditzakeena. Ustelkeria jasan dezaketen etsaiak daude, baina ahuldutakoak osasuntsu daudenak baino errazago usteldu daitezke.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Zarta honek energia usteltzailearen buhunba bat isurtzen du, arerioak makalduko dituena eta batzuetan zure alde jarri ditzakeena. Ustelkeria jasan dezaketen etsaiak daude, baina ahuldutakoak osasuntsu daudenak baino errazago usteldu daitezke.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=ezerezte zarta
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=ezerezte zarta
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=ezerezte makulua
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=ezerezte makulua
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Zarta hau obsidianazko pieza leun eta solido batez egina dago. more ilun koloreko argi bat doa albo osoan zehar goraino. Energia suntsitzailez dardarka dago, aurrera tiro egiteko prest.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Zarta hau obsidianazko pieza leun eta solido batez egina dago. more ilun koloreko argi bat doa albo osoan zehar goraino. Energia suntsitzailez dardarka dago, aurrera tiro egiteko prest.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Zarta honek edozein oztopo zeharka dezake, eta hobetu ahala urrunago helduko da. Izpiak _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragiten ditu, eta kalte gehigarria egingo du zeharkatzen duen etsai eta horma bakoitzeko.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Zarta honek edozein oztopo zeharka dezake, eta hobetu ahala urrunago helduko da. Izpiak _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragiten ditu, eta kalte gehigarria egingo du zeharkatzen duen etsai eta horma bakoitzeko.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=Su-buhunba zarta
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=Su-buhunba zarta
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=Su-buhunba makulua
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=Su-buhunba makulua
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Zarta hau gorriz lakatutako egurrez eginda dago, eta urre oparoz apaindu da errege batentzako ere egokia izan dadin. Punta txinpartaka eta txistuka dabil, bere magia boteretsua askatzeko grinatsu.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Zarta hau gorriz lakatutako egurrez eginda dago, eta urre oparoz apaindu da errege batentzako ere egokia izan dadin. Punta txinpartaka eta txistuka dabil, bere magia boteretsua askatzeko grinatsu.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Zarta honek suzko buhunba bat sortzen du, kono formarekin hedatzen dena. Zarta hau hobetu ahala karga gehiago erabiliko ditu, eta karga gehiago erabiltzerakoan efektua indartsuagoa izango da. Hurrengo erasoak _%1$d karga_ kontsumituko ditu eta _%2$d-%3$d kalte puntu_ eragingo ditu.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=izozte zarta
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=izozte zarta
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=izozte makulua
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=izozte makulua
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Zarta hau izotz magikoren batez eginda dagoela dirudi. Punta borobilean distira argiagoa du. Hotz nabaritzen da eustean, baina eskua epel mantentzen da.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Zarta hau izotz magikoren batez eginda dagoela dirudi. Punta borobilean distira argiagoa du. Hotz nabaritzen da eustean, baina eskua epel mantentzen da.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Zarta honek energia hozgarrizko buhunbak isurtzen ditu arerioen kontra, _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eraginez, eta abiadura moteltzen dien hozkirria. Ematen du efektua uretan indartsuagoa dela. Hozkirri edo izoztuta dauden etsaiek kalte murriztuagoa jasoko dute zarta honetatik, jada hotz direlako.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=tximista zarta
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=tximista zarta
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=tximista makulua
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=tximista makulua
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Zure burua hil duzu zure tximista zartarekin...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Zure burua hil duzu zure tximista zartarekin...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Zarta hau metal trinkoz egina dago, harrigarri astuna bihurtuz. Bi arantza puntan elkarrengana makurtzen dira, eta elektrizitate arku bat dirau bien artean.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Zarta hau metal trinkoz egina dago, harrigarri astuna bihurtuz. Bi arantza puntan elkarrengana makurtzen dira, eta elektrizitate arku bat dirau bien artean.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Zarta honek tximista arkutu indartsuak jaurtitzen ditu tirokatutako edozeren zehar, _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eraginez. Elektrizitate honek arerio hurbiletara jauzi egin dezake, kaltea guztietara hedatuz. Tximista eta kaltea hobeto hedatzen dira uretan. Hurbilegi bazaude zu ere astinduko zaitu!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=lur biziaren zarta
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=lur biziaren zarta
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=lur biziaren makulua
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=lur biziaren makulua
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Zarta hau arroka berezi batekin dago egina, energia horizko banda distiratsuekin. hartzen duzunean arroka apur bat moldatzen dela dirudi, zure eskua nabari balezake bezala.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Zarta hau arroka berezi batekin dago egina, energia horizko banda distiratsuekin. hartzen duzunean arroka apur bat moldatzen dela dirudi, zure eskua nabari balezake bezala.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Zarta honek arroka magiko buhunbak jaurtitzen dizkie etsaiei, _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eraginez. Arrokak gero erabiltzailearen inguruan bilduko dira, egindako kaltearen araberako armadura bat osatuz. Armadura nahikoa sortzen bada, arrokazko zaindari bat sortuko da zartaren hurrengo erabileran.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Zarta honek arroka magiko buhunbak jaurtitzen dizkie etsaiei, _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eraginez. Arrokak gero erabiltzailearen inguruan bilduko dira, egindako kaltearen araberako armadura bat osatuz. Armadura nahikoa sortzen bada, arrokazko zaindari bat sortuko da zartaren hurrengo erabileran.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Arrokazko armadura
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Arrokazko armadura
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Arroka magikoek zure gorputza inguratzen dute, zu erasoetatik babesten saiatuko dira, eta jasotako kaltea %% 50 gutxiagotuko dute. Hala ere, blokeatutako kalteak arroka higatzen du.\n\nGeratzen den armadura: %1$d.\n\nArroka nahikoa badago zure inguruan, zure lur biziaren zartaren hurrengo erabileran arrokek zure alde borrokatuko duen zaindari bat osatuko dute.\n\nZaindariarentzat behar den armadura: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Arroka magikoek zure gorputza inguratzen dute, zu erasoetatik babesten saiatuko dira, eta jasotako kaltea %% 50 gutxiagotuko dute. Hala ere, blokeatutako kalteak arroka higatzen du.\n\nGeratzen den armadura: %1$d.\n\nArroka nahikoa badago zure inguruan, zure lur biziaren zartaren hurrengo erabileran arrokek zure alde borrokatuko duen zaindari bat osatuko dute.\n\nZaindariarentzat behar den armadura: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=lurrezko zaindaria
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=lurrezko zaindaria
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=jaurtigai magikoaren zarta
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=jaurtigai magikoaren makulua
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=jaurtigai magikoaren makulua
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Zarta bakun honek energia magiko gordinezko jaurtigaiak jaurtikitzen ditu. Nahiz zartak efektu berezirik ez izan, karga gehiago ditu eta une batez beste zartak indartu ditzake eguneratzean.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Zarta bakun honek energia magiko gordinezko jaurtigaiak jaurtikitzen ditu. Nahiz zartak efektu berezirik ez izan, karga gehiago ditu eta une batez beste zartak indartu ditzake eguneratzean.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Zarta honetako tximista bakoitzak _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragiten ditu, eta beste zartak indartuko ditu hobetzen bada.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Zarta honetako tximista bakoitzak _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragiten ditu, eta beste zartak indartuko ditu hobetzen bada.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Karga magikoa
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Karga magikoa
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Zure misil magikoaren zartak boterez elikatu ditu zure zartak, bere hurrengo zartadaren eraginkortasuna hobetuz.\n\nZarten indartzea: %d.\n\nGeratzen diren karga magikoaren txandak: %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Zure misil magikoaren zartak boterez elikatu ditu zure zartak, bere hurrengo zartadaren eraginkortasuna hobetuz.\n\nZarten indartzea: %d.\n\nGeratzen diren karga magikoaren txandak: %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=argi prismatikoaren zarta
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=argi prismatikoaren makulua
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=argi prismatikoaren makulua
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Zarta hau kristal solido garden batez eginda dago, beirazko zati luzanga baten antzera. Puntaren inguruan distira koloretsuak dantzan dabiltza, aurrerantz salto egin nahiean.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Zarta hau kristal solido garden batez eginda dago, beirazko zati luzanga baten antzera. Puntaren inguruan distira koloretsuak dantzan dabiltza, aurrerantz salto egin nahiean.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Zarta honek ziegako iluntasuna zulatzen duten argi izpiak isurtzen ditu, alde ezkutuak eta tranpak azalaraziz. Errainuak etsaiak itsutu ditzake, eta _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragiten ditu. Arerio demoniako eta ez-hilei zartaren argi distiratsuak erre egingo die, eta kalte gehigarria jasoko dute.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Zarta honek ziegako iluntasuna zulatzen duten argi izpiak isurtzen ditu, alde ezkutuak eta tranpak azalaraziz. Errainuak etsaiak itsutu ditzake, eta _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragiten ditu. Arerio demoniako eta ez-hilei zartaren argi distiratsuak erre egingo die, eta kalte gehigarria jasoko dute.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=berrazte zarta
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=berrazte zarta
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=berrazte makulua
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=berrazte makulua
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Zarta hau zizelkatutako makil argal batez eginda dago. Nola edo hala bizirik dirau eta sutsua dirudi, zuhaitz gazte baten bihotza bezain berde.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Erabiltzean, zarta honek berrazte energia magikozko buhunba bat kanporatuko du kono forman, belarra, erroak, eta landare bereziak ekarriz bizitzara. Zarta eguneratu ahala, honek karga gehiago erabiliko ditu, efektua indartuagoa da karga gehiago erabiltzean. Hurrengo zartadak _%1$d karga_ erabiliko ditu. "Bizitza amaitzen denean bizitza berria hazten da... ziklo amaigabeak dirau!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Ihintza harraparia
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Ihintza harraparia
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Ihintza-harrapariak ihintza magikoz betetzen diren landare liluragarriak dira. Belar gisa kamuflatzen dira antzemanak ez izateko, baina bildutako ihintzaren kozkorrak ikusgai bihurtzen du.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Hazi leka
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Hazi leka
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Hazi lekak landare magikoak dira, bere hazi propioen ordez beste landareen haziak ekoizten dituztenak. Bere hazi propiorik ez badute ere hala edo nola ugaltzea lortzen dute.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Hazi lekak landare magikoak dira, bere hazi propioen ordez beste landareen haziak ekoizten dituztenak. Bere hazi propiorik ez badute ere hala edo nola ugaltzea lortzen dute.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Urrezko lotoa
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Urrezko lotoa
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Zure burua hil duzu zure transfusio zartar
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Zure makulua zure etsaien bizitza energiarekin kargatzen da!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Zure makulua zure etsaien bizitza energiarekin kargatzen da!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Forma arrunteko zarta bat, bere kolore magenta eta puntan duen harribitxi beltzak bihurtzen dute deigarri.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Forma arrunteko zarta bat, bere kolore magenta eta puntan duen harribitxi beltzak bihurtzen dute deigarri.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Aliatuekin erabiltzean zarta honek _heroiaren bizitza-energiatik %1$dpuntu_ hartuko ditu jomuga _%2$d osasun puntuekin_ sendatu edo babesteko. Etsaietan erabiltzean zartak une batez liluratzen ditu eta _%3$d babes puntu_ gehitzen dizkizu. Ez-hil erasokorrek liluratu ordez _%4$d-%5$d kalte puntu_ jasoko dituzte.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Aliatuekin erabiltzean zarta honek _heroiaren bizitza-energiatik %1$dpuntu_ hartuko ditu jomuga _%2$d osasun puntuekin_ sendatu edo babesteko. Etsaietan erabiltzean zartak une batez liluratzen ditu eta _%3$d babes puntu_ gehitzen dizkizu. Ez-hil erasokorrek liluratu ordez _%4$d-%5$d kalte puntu_ jasoko dituzte.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=guarda makulua
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=guarda makulua
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Zure zartan ezin ditu guarda gehiago man
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Ezin duzu guarda bat hemen kokatu.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Ezin duzu guarda bat hemen kokatu.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Metalezko zarta labur hau harribitxi more distiratsu bat du punta gainean egonean.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Metalezko zarta labur hau harribitxi more distiratsu bat du punta gainean egonean.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Etsaia zuzenean kaltetu ordez zarta honek guarda eta zentinela higiezinak araokatuko ditu. Guardak zure ikusmen eremuan non nahi kokatu daitezke, hormak zeharkatuz ere. Zarta honek _%d energia puntu_ pilatu ditzake guardak sortzeko.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Etsaia zuzenean kaltetu ordez zarta honek guarda eta zentinela higiezinak araokatuko ditu. Guardak zure ikusmen eremuan non nahi kokatu daitezke, hormak zeharkatuz ere. Zarta honek _%d energia puntu_ pilatu ditzake guardak sortzeko.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=guarda txikia
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=guarda txikia
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Oinarrizko guarda honek hurbiltzen zaion edozeri tirokatuko dio, eta _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragingo ditu.\n\nZartarekin guardari tiro eginez hau hobetu daiteke.\n\nGuarda honek behin tirokatuko du desagertu aurretik.\n\nZure guarda-zartak _%3$d energia puntu_ darabiltza guarda hau mantentzeko.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Oinarrizko guarda honek hurbiltzen zaion edozeri tirokatuko dio, eta _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragingo ditu.\n\nZartarekin guardari tiro eginez hau hobetu daiteke.\n\nGuarda honek behin tirokatuko du desagertu aurretik.\n\nZure guarda-zartak _%3$d energia puntu_ darabiltza guarda hau mantentzeko.
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Arma egoskor batek ez du biktima erraz joko, os
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=sute %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=sute %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Enkantamendu honek armek sugarrak botatzea eragiten du, etsaiak sutan ezarriz eta jada sutan daudenei kalte gehiago eraginez.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=defentsazko %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=defentsazko %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Enkantamendu honek zure burua babesteko gaitasuna hobetuko du arma honekin eraso eta gero.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Enkantamendu honek zure burua babesteko gaitasuna hobetuko du arma honekin eraso eta gero.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=Aurreko zarta gorde da!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Magien arteko talkak enkantamendua ezabatuko du zure makulutik.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Magien arteko talkak enkantamendua ezabatuko du zure makulutik.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Aurretik zarta hau identifikatu behar duzu.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Aurretik zarta hau identifikatu behar duzu.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Ezin duzu madarikatutako zarta bat erabili.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Ezin duzu madarikatutako zarta bat erabili.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Ziur zure makuluan zarta hau txertatu nahi duzula? Aurreko txertoa galduko da.\n\nTxertatutako zarta makuluaren maila berekoa edo gehiagokoa bada, makuluak zartaren maila hartuko du, eta bere hobekuntzetako bakar bat.\n\nTxerto honekin %d mailako makulu bat izango da.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Bai, ziur nago
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Bai, ziur nago
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Ez, iritziz aldatu dut
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Ez, iritziz aldatu dut
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Aztiak berak egina, makulu hau arma magiko bakana da. Berezko botere magiko bat izan ordez, makulu honi zarta baten efektu magikoa txertatu ahal zaio.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Makuluak ez du magiarik orain, zarta baten boterea _txertatu_ behar zaio magia isurtzeko erabili ahal izateko.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Makuluak ez du magiarik orain, zarta baten boterea _txertatu_ behar zaio magia isurtzeko erabili ahal izateko.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Makuluak _%s_ bat dauka txertatua.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Makuluak _%s_ bat dauka txertatua.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=_%1$d. mailako_ aurrez aurreko arma honek _%2$d-%3$d kalte puntu_ eragiten ditu eta _%4$d indar puntu_ eskatzen ditu behar bezala erabiltzeko.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=_%1$d. mailako_ aurrez aurreko arma honek _%2$d-%3$d kalte puntu_ eragiten ditu eta _%4$d indar puntu_ eskatzen ditu behar bezala erabiltzeko.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=_%1$d. mailako_ aurrez aurreko arma honek _%2$d-%3$d kalte puntu_ eragin ohi ditu eta _%4$d indar puntu_ eskatzen ditu behar bezala erabiltzeko.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=_%1$d. mailako_ aurrez aurreko arma honek _%2$d-%3$d kalte puntu_ eragin ohi ditu eta _%4$d indar puntu_ eskatzen ditu behar bezala erabiltzeko.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Hautatu glifoa
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Armadurak eta zigilu urratuak glifo bana daramate. Hautatu zein glifo gorde nahi duzun.\n\nOrain armaduran dagoen glifoa hautatzen baduzu, zigiluak ezin izango du gero beste armadura batera eraman.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Armadurak eta zigilu urratuak glifo bana daramate. Hautatu zein glifo gorde nahi duzun.\n\nOrain armaduran dagoen glifoa hautatzen baduzu, zigiluak ezin izango du gero beste armadura batera eraman.
items.dewdrop.name=ihintza tanta
items.dewdrop.name=ihintza tanta
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=Osasun osoa duzu jada.
items.dewdrop.already_full=Osasun osoa duzu jada.
items.dewdrop.desc=Ihintza tanta garden bat.\n\nTokiaren magiagatik , ur garbiak ezaugarri sendagarri txiki bat du.
items.dewdrop.desc=Ihintza tanta garden bat.\n\nTokiaren magiagatik , ur garbiak ezaugarri sendagarri txiki bat du.
items.dewvial.name=ihintza anpulua
items.dewvial.name=ihintza anpulua
items.dewvial.collected=Ihintza tanta anpuluan gorde duzu.
items.dewvial.collected=Ihintza tanta anpuluan gorde duzu.
items.dewvial.full=Zure ihintza anpulua beteta dago!
items.dewvial.full=Zure ihintza anpulua beteta dago!
items.dewvial.empty=Zure ihintza anpulua hutsik dago!
items.dewvial.empty=Zure ihintza anpulua hutsik dago!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Heikolta näyttävä ihmisen muotoinen
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=henkien kahleet
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=henkien kahleet
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Kahleesi eivät ole latautuneet tarpeeksi.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Kahleesi eivät ole latautuneet tarpeeksi.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Et voi käyttää kirottuja kahleita
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Et voi käyttää kirottuja kahleita
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Se ei tekisi mitään.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Se ei tekisi mitään.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=paineaallon sauva
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Tapoit itsesi omalla paineaallon sauvallasi...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Tapoit itsesi omalla paineaallon sauvallasi...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Tämä sauva on tehty jonkinlaisesta marmoroidusta kivestä, jossa on kultakoristus. Sauvan päässä on pyöreä musta kivi. Sauva tuntuu melko painavalta käsissäsi.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Tämä sauva on tehty jonkinlaisesta marmoroidusta kivestä, jossa on kultakoristus. Sauvan päässä on pyöreä musta kivi. Sauva tuntuu melko painavalta käsissäsi.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Tämä sauva ampuu vasaman, joka räjähtää voimakkaasti kohteessaan. Räjähdyksen voima tekee _%1$d-%2$d vahinkoa_ ja on tarpeeksi vahva heittämään useimmat viholliset ilmaan.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Tämä sauva ampuu vasaman, joka räjähtää voimakkaasti kohteessaan. Räjähdyksen voima tekee _%1$d-%2$d vahinkoa_ ja on tarpeeksi vahva heittämään useimmat viholliset ilmaan.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=syöpymisen sauva
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=syöpymisen sauva
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=syöpymisen sauva
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=syöpymisen sauva
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Tällä sauvalla on harmaa varsi, joka avautuu säihkyvään oranssiin jalokiveen.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Tällä sauvalla on harmaa varsi, joka avautuu säihkyvään oranssiin jalokiveen.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Tämä sauva ampuu vasaman, joka räjähtää pilveksi erittäin syövyttävää kaasua kohteessaan. Mikä tahansa pilveen joutuva vahingoittuu jatkuvasti vahingon kasvaessa ajan myötä.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=turmeluksen sauva
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=turmeluksen sauva
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=turmeluksen sauva
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=turmeluksen sauva
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Siihen hahmoon ei voi vaikuttaa enempää.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Siihen hahmoon ei voi vaikuttaa enempää.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Tämä sauva säteilee kaoottista pimeää energiaa, ellei se jo tullut selväksi sauvan päähän veistetystä pienestä koristepääkallosta.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Tämä sauva säteilee kaoottista pimeää energiaa, ellei se jo tullut selväksi sauvan päähän veistetystä pienestä koristepääkallosta.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Tämä sauva vapauttaa sykäyksen turmelevaa energiaa, joka aiheuttaa vihollisille haitallisia vaikutuksia ja lopulta taivuttaa ne tahtosi alaisiksi. Viholliset pystyvät vastustamaan turmelusta, mutta heikentyneet viholliset ovat paljon helpompia turmella kuin terveet yksilöt.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Tämä sauva vapauttaa sykäyksen turmelevaa energiaa, joka aiheuttaa vihollisille haitallisia vaikutuksia ja lopulta taivuttaa ne tahtosi alaisiksi. Viholliset pystyvät vastustamaan turmelusta, mutta heikentyneet viholliset ovat paljon helpompia turmella kuin terveet yksilöt.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=hajotuksen sauva
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=hajotuksen sauva
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=hajotuksen sauva
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=hajotuksen sauva
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Tämä sauva on tehty yhdestä kiinteästä lohkosta obsidiaania. Syvän violetti valo kulkee sen kylkeä pitkin, loppuen sen päähän. Se hohtaa tuhoavaa energiaa, valmiina ampumaan.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Tämä sauva on tehty yhdestä kiinteästä lohkosta obsidiaania. Syvän violetti valo kulkee sen kylkeä pitkin, loppuen sen päähän. Se hohtaa tuhoavaa energiaa, valmiina ampumaan.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Tämä sauva ampuu säteen, joka läpäisee minkä tahansa esteen ja menee pidemmälle, mitä parannellumpi sauva on. Säde tekee _%1$d-%2$d vahinkoa_ ja lisäksi ylimääräistä vahinkoa jokaista läpäisemäänsä vihollista ja seinää kohden.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Tämä sauva ampuu säteen, joka läpäisee minkä tahansa esteen ja menee pidemmälle, mitä parannellumpi sauva on. Säde tekee _%1$d-%2$d vahinkoa_ ja lisäksi ylimääräistä vahinkoa jokaista läpäisemäänsä vihollista ja seinää kohden.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=tuliaallon sauva
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=tuliaallon sauva
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=tuliaallon sauva
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=tuliaallon sauva
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Tämä sauva on tehty punaiseksi lakatusta puusta, jossa oleva kultainen lehti saa sen näyttämään melko kuninkaalliselta. Sen pää rätisee ja sihisee, valmiina vapauttamaan sen väkevän taikuuden.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Tämä sauva on tehty punaiseksi lakatusta puusta, jossa oleva kultainen lehti saa sen näyttämään melko kuninkaalliselta. Sen pää rätisee ja sihisee, valmiina vapauttamaan sen väkevän taikuuden.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Tämä sauva tuottaa käytettäessä purskauksen tulta, joka laajenee kartion muotoisesti laukaisusuuntaan. Kun tätä sauvaa parannetaan, se alkaa käyttämään enemmän latauksia. Vaikutuksesta tulee huomattavasti voimakkaampi, mitä enemmän latauksia käytetään. Sen seuraava hyökkäys kuluttaa _%1$d latausta_ ja tekee _%2$d-%3$d vahinkoa_.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=kuuran sauva
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=kuuran sauva
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=kuuran sauva
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=kuuran sauva
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Tämä sauva näyttäisi olevan valmistettu jonkinlaisesta maagisesta jäästä. Sen pyöreässä päässä jää on kirkkaampaa. Se tuntuu jäätävän kylmältä kädessäsi, mutta kätesi pysyy jotenkin lämpimänä.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Tämä sauva näyttäisi olevan valmistettu jonkinlaisesta maagisesta jäästä. Sen pyöreässä päässä jää on kirkkaampaa. Se tuntuu jäätävän kylmältä kädessäsi, mutta kätesi pysyy jotenkin lämpimänä.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Tämä sauva ampuu purskeita jäätävää energiaa vihollisiasi kohden, tehden _%1$d-%2$d vainkoa_ ja aiheuttaen hidastavaa kylmentymistä. Vaikutus on ilmeisesti voimakkaampi vedessä. Kylmentyneet ja jäätyneet kohteet ottavat vähemmän vahinkoa tästä sauvasta, koska ne ovat jo kylmiä.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=salamaniskun sauva
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=salamaniskun sauva
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=salamaniskun sauva
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=salamaniskun sauva
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Tapoit itsesi omalla salamaniskun sauvallasi...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Tapoit itsesi omalla salamaniskun sauvallasi...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Tämä sauva on tehty umpimetallista, tehden siitä yllättävän painavan. Sähkö rätisee kahden sauvan päässä kaartuvan piikin välillä.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Tämä sauva on tehty umpimetallista, tehden siitä yllättävän painavan. Sähkö rätisee kahden sauvan päässä kaartuvan piikin välillä.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Tämä sauva ampuu voimakkaan salaman kohteensa läpi, tehden _%1$d-%2$d vahinkoa_. Tämä sähkö voi hyppiä vihollisesta toiseen, levittäen vahinkoa lähekkäin olevien vihollisten keskuuteen. Salamat ja vahinko leviävät paljon tehokkaammin vedessä. Jos olet liian lähellä, saatat saada itsekin salamasta!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=maanhengen sauva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=maanhengen sauva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=maanhengen sauva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=maanhengen sauva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Tämä sauva on valmistettu erikoisista kivistä, joiden välissä hohtaa keltaisia energiarenkaita. Kivet tuntuvat siirtyvän hieman tarttuessasi sauvaan, aivan kuin ne voisivat tuntea kätesi.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Tämä sauva on valmistettu erikoisista kivistä, joiden välissä hohtaa keltaisia energiarenkaita. Kivet tuntuvat siirtyvän hieman tarttuessasi sauvaan, aivan kuin ne voisivat tuntea kätesi.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Tämä sauva ampuu maagisia kiviä, jotka tekevät _%1$d-%2$d vahinkoa_. Osuttuaan kivet palaavat leijumaan sauvan pitelijän ympärille tarjoamaan suojausta suhteessa aiheutettuun vahinkoon. Jos tarpeeksi suojausta kertyy, kivet muodostavat kivisen suojelijan.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Tämä sauva ampuu maagisia kiviä, jotka tekevät _%1$d-%2$d vahinkoa_. Osuttuaan kivet palaavat leijumaan sauvan pitelijän ympärille tarjoamaan suojausta suhteessa aiheutettuun vahinkoon. Jos tarpeeksi suojausta kertyy, kivet muodostavat kivisen suojelijan.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Maagiset kivet leijuvat kehosi ympärillä. Ne yrittävät torjua sinuun kohdistuvat iskut ja vähentävät ottamaasi vahinkoa 50 %%. Jokainen kivien torjuma isku kuluttaa osan kivistä pois.\n\nJäljellä oleva panssari: %1$d.\n\nJos tarpeeksi kiviä kertyy ympärillesi, seuraava taika sauvastasi saa kivet muodostamaan kiviseksi suojelijaksi, joka taistelee kanssasi.\n\nSuojelijaan tarvitaan %2$d panssaria.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Maagiset kivet leijuvat kehosi ympärillä. Ne yrittävät torjua sinuun kohdistuvat iskut ja vähentävät ottamaasi vahinkoa 50 %%. Jokainen kivien torjuma isku kuluttaa osan kivistä pois.\n\nJäljellä oleva panssari: %1$d.\n\nJos tarpeeksi kiviä kertyy ympärillesi, seuraava taika sauvastasi saa kivet muodostamaan kiviseksi suojelijaksi, joka taistelee kanssasi.\n\nSuojelijaan tarvitaan %2$d panssaria.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=kivinen suojelija
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=kivinen suojelija
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=maagisen ammuksen sauva
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=maagisen ammuksen sauva
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=maagisen ammuksen sauva
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Tämä melko yksinkertainen sauva ampuu puhtaasta maagisesta energiasta koostuvia ammuksia. Vaikka sauvassa ei ole juuri mitään erityistä, siinä on useampia latauksia kuin muissa sauvoissa ja se pystyy parannettuna antamaan muille sauvoille voimaa.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Tämä melko yksinkertainen sauva ampuu puhtaasta maagisesta energiasta koostuvia ammuksia. Vaikka sauvassa ei ole juuri mitään erityistä, siinä on useampia latauksia kuin muissa sauvoissa ja se pystyy parannettuna antamaan muille sauvoille voimaa.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Jokainen vasama tästä sauvasta tekee _%1$d-%2$d vahinkoa_, ja voimistaa hetkellisesti muita sauvoja parannusten myötä.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Jokainen vasama tästä sauvasta tekee _%1$d-%2$d vahinkoa_, ja voimistaa hetkellisesti muita sauvoja parannusten myötä.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Maaginen lataus
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Maaginen lataus
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Maagisen ammuksen sauvasi on syöttänyt energiaa taikaisin sauvoihisi, kasvattaen niiden seuraavan hyökkäyksen voimaa.\n\nSauvojesi tehostettu voima: +%d.\n\nVuoroja maagista latausta jäljellä: %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Maagisen ammuksen sauvasi on syöttänyt energiaa taikaisin sauvoihisi, kasvattaen niiden seuraavan hyökkäyksen voimaa.\n\nSauvojesi tehostettu voima: +%d.\n\nVuoroja maagista latausta jäljellä: %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=prismaattisen valon sauva
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=prismaattisen valon sauva
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=prismaattisen valon sauva
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Tämä sauva on tehty umpinaisesta palasta läpinäkyvää kristallia, minkä takia se näyttää pitkältä pötköltä lasia. Pienet värikkäät valohiukkaset kieppuvat sen päässä, odottaen sauvan energian vapauttamista.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Tämä sauva on tehty umpinaisesta palasta läpinäkyvää kristallia, minkä takia se näyttää pitkältä pötköltä lasia. Pienet värikkäät valohiukkaset kieppuvat sen päässä, odottaen sauvan energian vapauttamista.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Tämä sauva ampuu luolaston pimeyden läpäiseviä valosäteitä, jotka paljastavat piilotettuja ansoja ja salaovia. Säde voi sokaista vihollisia ja tekee _%1$d-%2$d vahinkoa_. Demoniset ja epäkuolleet viholliset palavat sauvan kirkkaassa valossa, vahingoittuen enemmän.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Tämä sauva ampuu luolaston pimeyden läpäiseviä valosäteitä, jotka paljastavat piilotettuja ansoja ja salaovia. Säde voi sokaista vihollisia ja tekee _%1$d-%2$d vahinkoa_. Demoniset ja epäkuolleet viholliset palavat sauvan kirkkaassa valossa, vahingoittuen enemmän.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=uudelleenkasvun sauva
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=uudelleenkasvun sauva
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=uudelleenkasvun sauva
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=uudelleenkasvun sauva
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Tämä sauva on tehty ohuesta putkesta taitavasti veistettyä puuta. Se on jotenkin yhä elävä ja energinen, yhtä vihreä kuin nuoren puun ydin.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Tämä taikasauva syöksee kartion muotoisesti laajentuvaa uudistavaa maagista energiaa, joka saa lakastuneen ruohon, juuret ja harvinaiset kasvit eloon. Parannettuna sauva käyttää enemmän latauksia kerralla, tuottaen merkittävästi vahvemman vaikutuksen. Seuraavalla käyttökerralla se kuluttaa _%1$d latausta_. "Yhden elämän päättyminen on aina uuden alku... Elämän kierto on päättymätön!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Kastesiepparit ovat ihmeellisiä kasveja, jotka täyttyvät kasteella. Ne yrittävät tekeytyä ruohoksi välttääkseen huomiota, mutta kerätystä kasteesta johtuvat pullistumat paljastavat ne.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Siemenpalko on taikakasvi, joka kasvattaa muiden kasvien siemeniä sen sijaan, että tuottaisi omia siemeniään. Jotenkin siemenpalot kuitenkin onnistuvat leviämään ilman niitä.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Siemenpalko on taikakasvi, joka kasvattaa muiden kasvien siemeniä sen sijaan, että tuottaisi omia siemeniään. Jotenkin siemenpalot kuitenkin onnistuvat leviämään ilman niitä.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Kultainen lootus
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Kultainen lootus
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Tapoit itsesi omalla elinvoimasiirron sauv
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Sauvasi on latautunut vihollisesi elinvoimalla!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Sauvasi on latautunut vihollisesi elinvoimalla!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Vaikka se onkin melko yksinkertaisesti muotoiltu sauva, se erottuu muista magentan sävynsä ja sen päässä olevan sysimustan jalokiven ansiosta.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Vaikka se onkin melko yksinkertaisesti muotoiltu sauva, se erottuu muista magentan sävynsä ja sen päässä olevan sysimustan jalokiven ansiosta.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Liittolaiseen käytettynä tämä taikasauva siirtää _käyttäjänsä elinvoimasta %1$d_ liittolaisen parantamiseen tai suojaamiseen _%2$d elinvoiman verran_. Viholliseen käytettynä sauva lumoaa tämän, antaen samalla käyttäjälleen _suojausta %3$d:n pisteen verran_. Vihamieliset epäkuolleet olennot kärsivät lumoutumisen sijaan _%4$d-%5$d vahinkoa_.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Liittolaiseen käytettynä tämä taikasauva siirtää _käyttäjänsä elinvoimasta %1$d_ liittolaisen parantamiseen tai suojaamiseen _%2$d elinvoiman verran_. Viholliseen käytettynä sauva lumoaa tämän, antaen samalla käyttäjälleen _suojausta %3$d:n pisteen verran_. Vihamieliset epäkuolleet olennot kärsivät lumoutumisen sijaan _%4$d-%5$d vahinkoa_.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=vartioinnin sauva
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=vartioinnin sauva
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=vartioinnin sauva
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=vartioinnin sauva
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Sauvasi ei kykene ylläpitämään enemp
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Et voi asettaa vartiotaikaa sinne.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Et voi asettaa vartiotaikaa sinne.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Tämän lyhyen metallisen sauvan pään yläpuolella leijuu kirkkaan violetti jalokivi.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Tämän lyhyen metallisen sauvan pään yläpuolella leijuu kirkkaan violetti jalokivi.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Vihollisten suoran vahingoittamisen sijaan tämä sauva luo paikallaan pysyviä vartiotaikoja ja vartiokristalleja. Vartiotaikoja voi luoda mihin tahansa näkökentässäsi olevaan ruutuun, jopa seinien taakse. Tämä sauva kykenee ylläpitämään yhtäaikaisesti _%d:n_ energian edestä vartiotaikoja.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Vihollisten suoran vahingoittamisen sijaan tämä sauva luo paikallaan pysyviä vartiotaikoja ja vartiokristalleja. Vartiotaikoja voi luoda mihin tahansa näkökentässäsi olevaan ruutuun, jopa seinien taakse. Tämä sauva kykenee ylläpitämään yhtäaikaisesti _%d:n_ energian edestä vartiotaikoja.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=yksinkertainen vartiotaika
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=yksinkertainen vartiotaika
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Yksinkertainen vartiotaika ampuu jokaista näkökenttäänsä tulevaa vihollista, aiheuttaen _%1$d-%2$d vahinkoa_.\n\nVartiotaian ampuminen vartion sauvalla tekee siitä vahvemman.\n\nTämä vartiotaika katoaa ammuttuaan kerran.\n\nVartioinnin sauvaltasi kuluu _%3$d energiaa_ tämän vartiotaian ylläpitämiseen.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Yksinkertainen vartiotaika ampuu jokaista näkökenttäänsä tulevaa vihollista, aiheuttaen _%1$d-%2$d vahinkoa_.\n\nVartiotaian ampuminen vartion sauvalla tekee siitä vahvemman.\n\nTämä vartiotaika katoaa ammuttuaan kerran.\n\nVartioinnin sauvaltasi kuluu _%3$d energiaa_ tämän vartiotaian ylläpitämiseen.
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Kurittomalla aseella kohteeseen osuminen on tod
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=leimuava %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=leimuava %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Tämä lumous saa liekit leiskumaan aseesta, sytyttäen viholliset tuleen ja tehden lisävahinkoa jo palaviin vihollisiin.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=torjuva %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=torjuva %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Tämä lumous kasvattaa kykyäsi puolustautua tällä aseella hyökkäämisen jälkeen.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Tämä lumous kasvattaa kykyäsi puolustautua tällä aseella hyökkäämisen jälkeen.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=Edellinen sauva säilyi!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Ristiriitaiset taikavoimat tuhoavat sauvassa olevan lumouksen.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Ristiriitaiset taikavoimat tuhoavat sauvassa olevan lumouksen.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Sauva täytyy tunnistaa ensin.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Sauva täytyy tunnistaa ensin.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Et voi käyttää kirottua sauvaa.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Et voi käyttää kirottua sauvaa.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Oletko varma, että haluat yhdistää sauvasi tämän sauvan kanssa? Edellinen voima menetetään.\n\nJos yhdistettävä sauva on saman- tai korkeatasoisempi kuin oma sauvasi, sauva perii toisen sauvan tason ja pitää mukanaan yhden tason omista parannuksistaan.\n\nTästä yhdistämisestä valmistuu tason %d sauva.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Kyllä, olen varma.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Kyllä, olen varma.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Ei, muutin mieleni
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Ei, muutin mieleni
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Tämä maagin omin käsin valmistama sauva on ainutlaatuinen maaginen ase. Sen sijaan, että sillä olisi omaa taikavoimaa, siihen voidaan sitoa jonkin toisen sauvan maaginen voima.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Sauvassa ei ole tällä hetkellä voimaa, se _täytyy yhdistää sauvan voiman kanssa_ ennen kuin sillä voidaan langettaa loitsuja.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Sauvassa ei ole tällä hetkellä voimaa, se _täytyy yhdistää sauvan voiman kanssa_ ennen kuin sillä voidaan langettaa loitsuja.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Sauvaasi on tällä hetkellä yhdistetty _%s_.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Sauvaasi on tällä hetkellä yhdistetty _%s_.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Tämä _tason-%1$d_ lyömäase tekee _%2$d-%3$d vahinkoa_ ja sen kunnollinen käyttö vaatii _%4$d pistettä vahvuutta_.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Tämä _tason-%1$d_ lyömäase tekee _%2$d-%3$d vahinkoa_ ja sen kunnollinen käyttö vaatii _%4$d pistettä vahvuutta_.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Tavallisesti tällainen _tason-%1$d_ lyömäase tekee _%2$d-%3$d vahinkoa_ ja sen kunnollinen käyttö vaatii _%4$d pistettä vahvuutta_.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Tavallisesti tällainen _tason-%1$d_ lyömäase tekee _%2$d-%3$d vahinkoa_ ja sen kunnollinen käyttö vaatii _%4$d pistettä vahvuutta_.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Valitse glyyfi
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Sekä panssariin että sinettiin on sidottu glyyfi. Valitse, kumman glyyfin haluat säilyttää.\n\nHuomioi, että valitessasi panssarissa olevan glyyfin sinetti ei pysty siirtämään sitä myöhemmin toiseen panssariin.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Sekä panssariin että sinettiin on sidottu glyyfi. Valitse, kumman glyyfin haluat säilyttää.\n\nHuomioi, että valitessasi panssarissa olevan glyyfin sinetti ei pysty siirtämään sitä myöhemmin toiseen panssariin.
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=Elinvoimasi on jo täysi.
items.dewdrop.already_full=Elinvoimasi on jo täysi.
items.dewdrop.desc=Kristallinkirkas kastepisara.\n\nTämän paikan maagisuuden vuoksi vedellä on pieniä palauttavia vaikutuksia.
items.dewdrop.desc=Kristallinkirkas kastepisara.\n\nTämän paikan maagisuuden vuoksi vedellä on pieniä palauttavia vaikutuksia.
items.dewvial.collected=Keräät kastepisaran kastepulloosi.
items.dewvial.collected=Keräät kastepisaran kastepulloosi.
items.dewvial.full=Kastepullosi on täynnä!
items.dewvial.full=Kastepullosi on täynnä!
items.dewvial.empty=Kastepullosi on tyhjä!
items.dewvial.empty=Kastepullosi on tyhjä!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Une figure frêle et éthérée avec un
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=chaines éthérées
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=chaines éthérées
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Vos chaînes n'ont pas assez de charge.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Vos chaînes n'ont pas assez de charge.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser des chaînes maudites.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser des chaînes maudites.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Cela ne fera rien.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Cela ne fera rien.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=baguette d'onde de choc
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Vous vous êtes suicidé avec votre propre baguette de Vague de choc...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Vous vous êtes suicidé avec votre propre baguette de Vague de choc...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Cette baguette magique est fait d'une sorte de pierre de marbre, avec des bordures dorées et une gemme noire et ronde à son bout. Elle paraît très lourde dans votre main.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Cette baguette magique est fait d'une sorte de pierre de marbre, avec des bordures dorées et une gemme noire et ronde à son bout. Elle paraît très lourde dans votre main.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Cette baguette envoie des boules d'énergie qui explosent sur leur cibles. La force du souffle cause _%1$d à %2$d_ dégâts et envoie les ennemis voler au loin.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Cette baguette envoie des boules d'énergie qui explosent sur leur cibles. La force du souffle cause _%1$d à %2$d_ dégâts et envoie les ennemis voler au loin.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=Baguette de corrosion
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=Baguette de corrosion
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=Bâton de corrosion
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=Bâton de corrosion
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Cette baguette est formée d'un corps cendré qui s'ouvre sur une éclatante gemme orange.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Cette baguette est formée d'un corps cendré qui s'ouvre sur une éclatante gemme orange.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Cette baguette tire un jet qui explose au contact des ennemis en un nuage de gaz hautement corrosif. Tout ce qui est pris dans ce nuage subira des dégats qui augmenteront avec le temps.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=baguette de corruption
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=baguette de corruption
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=baguette de corruption
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=baguette de corruption
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Ce personnage ne peut plus être influencé.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Ce personnage ne peut plus être influencé.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Cette baguette rayonne d'une énergie sombre et chaotique, si cela n'était pas déjà évident du petit crâne décoratif formé sur son extrémité.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Cette baguette rayonne d'une énergie sombre et chaotique, si cela n'était pas déjà évident du petit crâne décoratif formé sur son extrémité.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Cette baguette libèrera une explosion d'énergie corrompue qui affaiblira les ennemis et finira par les soumettre à votre volonté. Les ennemis sont capables de résister à la corruption, mais les ennemis affaiblis sont beaucoup plus faciles à corrompre que ceux qui sont en bonne santé.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Cette baguette libèrera une explosion d'énergie corrompue qui affaiblira les ennemis et finira par les soumettre à votre volonté. Les ennemis sont capables de résister à la corruption, mais les ennemis affaiblis sont beaucoup plus faciles à corrompre que ceux qui sont en bonne santé.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=baguette de désintégration
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=baguette de désintégration
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=baguette de désintégration
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=baguette de désintégration
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Cette baguette magique est faite d'un morceau lisse d'obsidienne, une lumière d'un pourpre profond court sur ses flancs et se concentre à son bout . Elle brille d'une énergie destructive, prête à jaillir.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Cette baguette magique est faite d'un morceau lisse d'obsidienne, une lumière d'un pourpre profond court sur ses flancs et se concentre à son bout . Elle brille d'une énergie destructive, prête à jaillir.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Cette baguette lance un rayon qui perce tous les obstacles qu'il rencontre. La portée de ce rayon augmente avec le nombre d'améliorations. Le rayon inflige _%1$d à %2$d_ dégâts et inflige des dégâts supplémentaires pour chaque ennemi ou mur qu'il traverse.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Cette baguette lance un rayon qui perce tous les obstacles qu'il rencontre. La portée de ce rayon augmente avec le nombre d'améliorations. Le rayon inflige _%1$d à %2$d_ dégâts et inflige des dégâts supplémentaires pour chaque ennemi ou mur qu'il traverse.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=baguette de souffle de feu
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=baguette de souffle de feu
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=baguette de souffle de feu
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=baguette de souffle de feu
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Cette baguette magique est faite de bois rouge laqué et d'une feuille dorée utilisée généreusement lui donnant un côté royal. Son sommet siffle et craque, impatient de libérer son pouvoir magique.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Cette baguette magique est faite de bois rouge laqué et d'une feuille dorée utilisée généreusement lui donnant un côté royal. Son sommet siffle et craque, impatient de libérer son pouvoir magique.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Cette baguette magique souffle un cône de feu dont la base est la baguette. Lorsque cette baguette magique est augmentée chaque souffle utilisera plus de charges. Plus la baguette consommera de charges, plus l'effet sera puissant. La prochaine attaque utilisera _%1$d_ charges et infligera _%2$d à %3$d _ dégâts.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=baguette de gel
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=baguette de gel
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=baguette de gel
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=baguette de gel
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Cette baguette semble être faite d'une sorte de glace magique. Elle devient plus brillante vers son bout arrondi. Elle semble très froide lorsqu'elle est tenue, mais d'une manière ou d'une autre votre main reste chaude.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Cette baguette semble être faite d'une sorte de glace magique. Elle devient plus brillante vers son bout arrondi. Elle semble très froide lorsqu'elle est tenue, mais d'une manière ou d'une autre votre main reste chaude.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Cette baguette magique envoie des souffles d'énergie glacée vers vos ennemis, leur infligeant _ %1$d à %2$d dégâts._ Ce souffle les refroidit, ce qui réduit leur vitesse. L'effet semble plus fort dans l'eau. Les ennemis refroidis et gelés prennent moins de dommages de cette baguette magique, puisqu'ils sont déjà froids.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=baguette de foudre
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=baguette de foudre
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=baguette de foudre
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=baguette de foudre
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Vous vous êtes tué vous-même avec votre propre baguette de foudre....
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Vous vous êtes tué vous-même avec votre propre baguette de foudre....
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Cette baguette magique est en métal, la rendant étonnement lourde. Deux broches recourbées terminent la baguette et un arc électrique se forme entre elles.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Cette baguette magique est en métal, la rendant étonnement lourde. Deux broches recourbées terminent la baguette et un arc électrique se forme entre elles.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Cette baguette envoie de puissante décharges électriques qui rebondiront de cible en cible, infligeant _%1$d à %2$d_ dégâts._ Cette électricité peut rebondir entre des ennemis proches et est plus puissante dans l'eau. Si vous êtes trop proche, vous pourriez également être électrocuté.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=baguette de terre vivante
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=baguette de terre vivante
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=bâton de terre vivante
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=bâton de terre vivante
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Cette baguette est fabriquée à partir d'une roche étrange, avec d'éclatantes bandes d'énergie jaune. Les roches semblent se déplacer légèrement lorsque vous saisissez la baguette, comme si elles pouvaient sentir votre main.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Cette baguette est fabriquée à partir d'une roche étrange, avec d'éclatantes bandes d'énergie jaune. Les roches semblent se déplacer légèrement lorsque vous saisissez la baguette, comme si elles pouvaient sentir votre main.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Cette baguette envoie des décharges de roches magiques sur les ennemis, leur infligeant de _%1$d à %2$d dégâts._ Les pierres vont ensuite se reformer autour de l'utilisateur, le protégeant comme une armure en fonction des dégâts infligés. Si il y a assez de pierres, elles se formeront en un gardien de terre dès que la baguette sera utilisé.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Cette baguette envoie des décharges de roches magiques sur les ennemis, leur infligeant de _%1$d à %2$d dégâts._ Les pierres vont ensuite se reformer autour de l'utilisateur, le protégeant comme une armure en fonction des dégâts infligés. Si il y a assez de pierres, elles se formeront en un gardien de terre dès que la baguette sera utilisé.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Armure de pierre
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Armure de pierre
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Des pierres magiques entourent votre corps, lorsque vous serez attaqué, elles tenteront de bloquer pour vous et réduiront les dégâts reçus de 50%%. Cependant, chaque dommage bloqué enlèveront une partie de la roche.\n\nArmure restante : %1$d.\n\nSi suffisamment de roches sont construites autour de vous, la prochaine charge de votre baguette de terre vivante transformera une partie de vos pierres en gardien qui se battra avec vous.\n\nArmure nécessaire pour le Gardien : %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Des pierres magiques entourent votre corps, lorsque vous serez attaqué, elles tenteront de bloquer pour vous et réduiront les dégâts reçus de 50%%. Cependant, chaque dommage bloqué enlèveront une partie de la roche.\n\nArmure restante : %1$d.\n\nSi suffisamment de roches sont construites autour de vous, la prochaine charge de votre baguette de terre vivante transformera une partie de vos pierres en gardien qui se battra avec vous.\n\nArmure nécessaire pour le Gardien : %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=gardien de terre
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=gardien de terre
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=baguette de projectile magique
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=baguette de projectile magique
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=baguette de projectile magique
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Cette baguette assez simple lance des missiles d'une pure énergie magique. Bien que la baguette elle-même n'ait pas d'effets spéciaux, elle a plus de charges disponibles et peut brièvement alimenter d'autres baguettes lorsqu'elle est améliorée.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Cette baguette assez simple lance des missiles d'une pure énergie magique. Bien que la baguette elle-même n'ait pas d'effets spéciaux, elle a plus de charges disponibles et peut brièvement alimenter d'autres baguettes lorsqu'elle est améliorée.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Chaque tir de cette baguette fait _%1$d-%2$d dégâts, _- et surchargera brièvement les autres baguettes si elle est améliorée.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Chaque tir de cette baguette fait _%1$d-%2$d dégâts, _- et surchargera brièvement les autres baguettes si elle est améliorée.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Charge magique
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Charge magique
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Votre baguette de missile magique a redonné de la puissance à vos baguettes, augmentant ainsi le niveau d'efficacité du prochain tir qu'elles effectueront.\n\nVos baguettes sont renforcées de : +%d.\n\nTours de charge magique restants : %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Votre baguette de missile magique a redonné de la puissance à vos baguettes, augmentant ainsi le niveau d'efficacité du prochain tir qu'elles effectueront.\n\nVos baguettes sont renforcées de : +%d.\n\nTours de charge magique restants : %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=baguette de lumière prismatique
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=baguette de lumière prismatique
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=baguette de lumière prismatique
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Cette baguette magique est faite d'un cristal transparent, comme un long morceau de verre lisse. Des lumières colorées scintillent à son extrémité n'attendant que de jaillir vers leurs cible.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Cette baguette magique est faite d'un cristal transparent, comme un long morceau de verre lisse. Des lumières colorées scintillent à son extrémité n'attendant que de jaillir vers leurs cible.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Cette baguette envoie des rayons de lumière qui pénètrent l'obscurité du donjon, révélant les lieux cachés et les pièges. Ce rayon peut aveugler les ennemis et inflige _%1$d à %2$d_ dégâts. Les ennemis démoniaques et les morts vivants brûleront dans cette lumière vive, subissant des dégâts supplémentaires.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Cette baguette envoie des rayons de lumière qui pénètrent l'obscurité du donjon, révélant les lieux cachés et les pièges. Ce rayon peut aveugler les ennemis et inflige _%1$d à %2$d_ dégâts. Les ennemis démoniaques et les morts vivants brûleront dans cette lumière vive, subissant des dégâts supplémentaires.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=baguette de repousse
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=baguette de repousse
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=baguette de repousse
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=baguette de repousse
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Cette baguette est faite d'un fin bâton en bois gravé par un expert. Étrangement, le bois est encore vivant et vibrant, vert clair comme le tronc d'un jeune arbrisseau.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Lorsqu'elle est utilisée, cette baguette fait jaillir de l'énergie magique dans un cône, ce qui provoque la pousse d'herbes, de racines et de plantes rares. Au fur et à mesure que cette baguette est améliorée, elle consomme plus de charges, l'effet devient d'autant plus puissant que le nombre de charges consommées est élevé. Sa prochaine utilisation consommera _%1$d charges_. « Quand la vie disparaît, une nouvelle vie commence toujours à se développer... Le cycle éternel subsiste ! »
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Piégeuse de rosée
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Piégeuse de rosée
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Les Piégeuses de rosée sont des plantes merveilleuses qui se remplissent de rosée magique. Elles tentent de se camoufler en herbe pour éviter d'attirer l'attention, mais leurs bulbes qui collectent la rosée les trahissent.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Cosse de graines
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Cosse de graines
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Les cosses de graines sont des plantes magiques qui produisent des graines d'autres types de plantes, plutôt que leurs propres graines. Elles parviennent à se propager malgré l'absence de leurs propres graines.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Les cosses de graines sont des plantes magiques qui produisent des graines d'autres types de plantes, plutôt que leurs propres graines. Elles parviennent à se propager malgré l'absence de leurs propres graines.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Lotus doré
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Lotus doré
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Vous vous êtes suicidé avec votre Baguet
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Votre bâton s'est chargé d'énergie vitale de l'ennemi !
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Votre bâton s'est chargé d'énergie vitale de l'ennemi !
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Une baguette de belle forme, elle se remarque par sa teinte magenta et la gemme d'un noir profond à son bout.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Une baguette de belle forme, elle se remarque par sa teinte magenta et la gemme d'un noir profond à son bout.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Quand utilisé sur des alliés, cette baguette va puiser _%1$d points de vie de l'utilisateur_ pour soigner ou protéger la cible de _%2$d points de vie_. Sur des ennemis, la baguette va brièvement les charmer et leur aspirer de l'énergie pour appliquer _%3$d points de bouclier à l'utilisateur_. Les mort-vivants hostiles prendront _%4$d à %5$d dégâts_ au lieu d'être charmés.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Quand utilisé sur des alliés, cette baguette va puiser _%1$d points de vie de l'utilisateur_ pour soigner ou protéger la cible de _%2$d points de vie_. Sur des ennemis, la baguette va brièvement les charmer et leur aspirer de l'énergie pour appliquer _%3$d points de bouclier à l'utilisateur_. Les mort-vivants hostiles prendront _%4$d à %5$d dégâts_ au lieu d'être charmés.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=baguette de balisage
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=baguette de balisage
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=bâton de balise
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=bâton de balise
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Votre baguette ne peut pas produire plus
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Vous ne pouvez pas placer de balise ici.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Vous ne pouvez pas placer de balise ici.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Cette courte baguette de métal possède une gemme lumineuse violette qui flotte en son bout.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Cette courte baguette de métal possède une gemme lumineuse violette qui flotte en son bout.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Plutôt que d'endommager directement un ennemi, cette baguette invoquera des protecteurs et des sentinelles stationnaires. Les protections peuvent être invoquées n'importe où, même à travers les murs tant que vous en avez la vision. cette baguette peut contenir _%d energie
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Plutôt que d'endommager directement un ennemi, cette baguette invoquera des protecteurs et des sentinelles stationnaires. Les protections peuvent être invoquées n'importe où, même à travers les murs tant que vous en avez la vision. cette baguette peut contenir _%d energie
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=balise faible
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=balise faible
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Cette balise simple va envoyer une décharge aux ennemis qui rentrent dans son champs de vision, infligeant _%1$d-%2$d dégâts._\n\nUtiliser votre baguette de balisage sur une balise améliorera la balise.\n\nCette balise enverra une seule décharge avant dissipation.\n\nVotre baguette de balisage utilise _%3$d énergie_ pour alimenter cette balise.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Cette balise simple va envoyer une décharge aux ennemis qui rentrent dans son champs de vision, infligeant _%1$d-%2$d dégâts._\n\nUtiliser votre baguette de balisage sur une balise améliorera la balise.\n\nCette balise enverra une seule décharge avant dissipation.\n\nVotre baguette de balisage utilise _%3$d énergie_ pour alimenter cette balise.
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Une arme impévisible peine à trouver sa cible
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s ardent(e)
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s ardent(e)
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Cet enchantement fait jaillir des flammes ardentes de l'arme qui enflamment les ennemis et infligent des dégâts supplémentaires à ceux qui sont déjà en feu.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s bloquant
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s bloquant
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Cet enchantement va augmenter vos capacités à vous défendre après avoir attaqué avec cette arme
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Cet enchantement va augmenter vos capacités à vous défendre après avoir attaqué avec cette arme
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=La baguette précédente a été conserv
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Les magies incompatibles ont effacé l'enchantement de votre bâton.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Les magies incompatibles ont effacé l'enchantement de votre bâton.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Vous devez identifier cette baguette d'abord.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Vous devez identifier cette baguette d'abord.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser une baguette maudite.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser une baguette maudite.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Voulez-vous vraiment imprégner votre bâton avec cette baguette magique ? \n\nSi la baguette utilisée pour imprégner le bâton est d'un niveau égal ou supérieur au bâton, ce dernier héritera du niveau de la baguette plus un dû à ses augmentations. \n\nCette imprégnation donnera un bâton de niveau %d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Oui je suis sûr.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Oui je suis sûr.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Non, j'ai changé d'avis
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Non, j'ai changé d'avis
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Créé par le Mage lui même, ce bâton est une arme magique unique. Au lieu d'avoir un pouvoir magique inné, ce bâton sera à la place infusé de l'énergie magique d'une baguette.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Le bâton n'a pas de magie en lui. Il doit être _infusé par le pouvoir d'une baguette_ avant de pouvoir lancer des sorts.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Le bâton n'a pas de magie en lui. Il doit être _infusé par le pouvoir d'une baguette_ avant de pouvoir lancer des sorts.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Le bâton est imprégné avec _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Le bâton est imprégné avec _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Cette arme de mêlée de _niveau %1$d_ inflige _de %2$d à %3$d dégâts_ et nécessite _%4$d de force_ pour être correctement utilisée.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Cette arme de mêlée de _niveau %1$d_ inflige _de %2$d à %3$d dégâts_ et nécessite _%4$d de force_ pour être correctement utilisée.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=En moyenne cette arme de mêlée de _niveau-%1$d_ inflige de _%2$d à %3$d dégâts_ et nécessite _%4$d de force_ pour être correctement utilisée.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=En moyenne cette arme de mêlée de _niveau-%1$d_ inflige de _%2$d à %3$d dégâts_ et nécessite _%4$d de force_ pour être correctement utilisée.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choisissez un Glyphe
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Cette armure et le sceau brisé portent tous deux un glyphe. Choisissez le glyphe qui doit être conservé.\n\nNotez que si vous choisissez le glyphe qui se trouve actuellement sur l'armure, le sceau ne pourra pas le transférer plus tard.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Cette armure et le sceau brisé portent tous deux un glyphe. Choisissez le glyphe qui doit être conservé.\n\nNotez que si vous choisissez le glyphe qui se trouve actuellement sur l'armure, le sceau ne pourra pas le transférer plus tard.
items.dewdrop.name=perle de rosée
items.dewdrop.name=perle de rosée
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=Votre santé est déjà pleine.
items.dewdrop.already_full=Votre santé est déjà pleine.
items.dewdrop.desc=Une perle de rosée claire comme le cristal.\n\nGrâce aux propriétés magiques de cet endroit, l'eau pure a de légers effets revigorants.
items.dewdrop.desc=Une perle de rosée claire comme le cristal.\n\nGrâce aux propriétés magiques de cet endroit, l'eau pure a de légers effets revigorants.
items.dewvial.name=fiole de rosée
items.dewvial.name=fiole de rosée
items.dewvial.collected=Vous collectez une perle de rosée dans votre fiole.
items.dewvial.collected=Vous collectez une perle de rosée dans votre fiole.
items.dewvial.full=Votre fiole de rosée est pleine !
items.dewvial.full=Votre fiole de rosée est pleine !
items.dewvial.empty=Votre fiole de rosée est vide !
items.dewvial.empty=Votre fiole de rosée est vide !
@ -304,9 +304,10 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Egy rozoga kinézetű légies figura em
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Nincs elég energia a tündérláncodban.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Nincs elég energia a tündérláncodban.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=A megátkozott tündérláncot nem tudod használni.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=A megátkozott tündérláncot nem tudod használni.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Ez nem csinál semmit.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Ez nem fog működni.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cant_pull=A láncod ezt a célpontot nem tudja elhúzni.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cant_pull=A láncod ezt a célpontot nem tudja elhúzni.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cant_reach=A láncod nem ér el oda.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cant_reach=A láncod nem ér el oda.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.inside_wall=A láncod a falon át tud húzni, de nem bele a falba.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.inside_wall=A láncod a falon át tud húzni, de nem bele a falba.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=robbanáshullám varázsbot
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Megölted magad a saját hullámrobbantó varázspálcáddal...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Megölted magad a saját hullámrobbantó varázspálcáddal...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=A pálca egyfajta márványkőből készült, arany szegéllyel és egy kerek, fekete kővel a végén. Kézbe fogva nagyon nehéznek érzed.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=A pálca egyfajta márványkőből készült, arany szegéllyel és egy kerek, fekete kővel a végén. Kézbe fogva nagyon nehéznek érzed.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=A varázspálcából lőtt villám a célpontba csapódva hatalmasat robban. A robbanás ereje _%1$d-%2$d sebzést_ okoz és annyira erős, hogy a legtöbb ellenséget a levegőbe repíti.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=A varázspálcából lőtt villám a célpontba csapódva hatalmasat robban. A robbanás ereje _%1$d-%2$d sebzést_ okoz és annyira erős, hogy a legtöbb ellenséget a levegőbe repíti.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=korrodáló varázspálca
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=korrodáló varázspálca
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=korrodáló varázsbot
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=korrodáló varázsbot
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=A pálca kőrisfa teste ragyogó narancssárga drágakőben végződik.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=A pálca kőrisfa teste ragyogó narancssárga drágakőben végződik.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Ez a pálca egy kis nyilat lő, ami erősen korrodáló gázfelhővé robban szét. Ez a felhő folyamatos sérülést okoz, ami idővel egyre növekszik.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=megrontó varázspálca
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=megrontó varázspálca
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=megrontó varázsbot
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=megrontó varázsbot
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Ez a karakter már nem befolyásolható tovább.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Ez a karakter már nem befolyásolható tovább.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=A varázspálca kaotikus sötét energiát sugároz - már ha nem lenne nyilvánvaló a végére erősített kis, díszes koponyáról.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=A varázspálca kaotikus sötét energiát sugároz - már ha nem lenne nyilvánvaló a végére erősített kis, díszes koponyáról.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Ez a varázspálca rontó energialöketet bocsát ki, amely lerontja az ellenségeket, és az akaratod alá hajtja őket. Az ellenségek képesek ennek ellenállni, a legyengülteket pedig sokkal könnyebb lerontani, mint a teljesen egészségeseket.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Ez a varázspálca rontó energialöketet bocsát ki, amely lerontja az ellenségeket, és az akaratod alá hajtja őket. Az ellenségek képesek ennek ellenállni, a legyengülteket pedig sokkal könnyebb lerontani, mint a teljesen egészségeseket.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=porlasztó varázspálca
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=porlasztó varázspálca
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=porlasztó varázsbot
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=porlasztó varázsbot
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=A kemény, csiszolt obszidiándarabból készült varázspálca oldalán sötétlila fény fut végig. A benne izzó pusztító energia csak a kilövésre vár.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=A kemény, csiszolt obszidiándarabból készült varázspálca oldalán sötétlila fény fut végig. A benne izzó pusztító energia csak a kilövésre vár.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=A varázspálcából kilövő sugár áthatol bármilyen akadályon, annál messzebb jutva, minél fejlettebb. A sugár _%1$d-%2$d sebzésen_ felül minden áthatolt ellenfél és fal után bónusz sebzést is ejt.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=A varázspálcából kilövő sugár áthatol bármilyen akadályon, annál messzebb jutva, minél fejlettebb. A sugár _%1$d-%2$d sebzésen_ felül minden áthatolt ellenfél és fal után bónusz sebzést is ejt.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=tűzrobbantó varázspálca
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=tűzrobbantó varázspálca
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=tűzrobbantó varázsbot
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=tűzrobbantó varázsbot
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=A pálca vörösre mázolt fából készült, gazdagon borítva arany fémfüsttel, hogy királyi külsőt adjanak neki. Sistereg és ropog a vége, várva, hogy kiereszthesse a varázserejét.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=A pálca vörösre mázolt fából készült, gazdagon borítva arany fémfüsttel, hogy királyi külsőt adjanak neki. Sistereg és ropog a vége, várva, hogy kiereszthesse a varázserejét.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=A varázspálcából tölcsér alakban tűznyaláb csap ki. Ha fejlesztik, több töltést használ el, de annál erősebb lesz a hatása is. A következő támadás _%1$d töltést_ használ el és _%2$d-%3$d sebzést_ okoz.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=fagyasztó varázspálca
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=fagyasztó varázspálca
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=fagyasztó varázsbot
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=fagyasztó varázsbot
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=A pálca valamilyen mágikus jégből készülhetett. A kerekített végéhez érve a színe egyre világosabb. Kézben tartva nagyon hideg érzést kelt, de a kezed mégis meleg marad.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=A pálca valamilyen mágikus jégből készülhetett. A kerekített végéhez érve a színe egyre világosabb. Kézben tartva nagyon hideg érzést kelt, de a kezed mégis meleg marad.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=A varázspálcából lőtt jeges energianyaláb _%1$d-%2$d sebzést_ ejt az ellenségeiden és dermesztéssel csökkenti a sebességüket. A hatás vízben erősebb. A megdermedt és fagyott ellenségeket már kevesebb sebzés éri a pálcától, mivel eleve hidegek.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=villámló varázspálca
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=villámló varázspálca
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=villámló varázsbot
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=villámló varázsbot
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Megölted magad a saját villámló varázspálcáddal...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Megölted magad a saját villámló varázspálcáddal...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=A pálca kemény fémből készült, amitől meglepően nehéz. A végén két villafog görbül egymás felé, köztük elektromosság szikrázik.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=A pálca kemény fémből készült, amitől meglepően nehéz. A végén két villafog görbül egymás felé, köztük elektromosság szikrázik.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=A varázspálcából kitörő erős villám átível bármin, _%1$d-%2$d sebzést_ ejtve. Az áram sebzést szórva cikázik végig az egymáshoz közeli ellenségek között. A villám és a sebzése sokkal jobban terjed vízben. Ha túl közel állsz, téged is megrázhat!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=az élő föld varázspálcája
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=az élő föld varázspálcája
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=az élő föld varázsbotja
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=az élő föld varázsbotja
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Ez a varázspálca furcsa kőből készült, és világító sárga energia szegélyezi. Amikor megmarkolod olyan, mintha a kövek kissé elmozdulnának, mintha érezné a kezed.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Ez a varázspálca furcsa kőből készült, és világító sárga energia szegélyezi. Amikor megmarkolod olyan, mintha a kövek kissé elmozdulnának, mintha érezné a kezed.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Ez a varázspálca mágikus kőnyilakat küld az ellenfélre, _%1$d-%2$d sérülést okozva._ A kövek ezután újraformálódnak a felhasználó köré mintegy páncélként, az okozott sérüléssel arányban. Ha elégséges páncél épült, egy védelmező kővé alakul a következő kilövés alkalmával.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Ez a varázspálca mágikus kőnyilakat küld az ellenfélre, _%1$d-%2$d sérülést okozva._ A kövek ezután újraformálódnak a felhasználó köré mintegy páncélként, az okozott sérüléssel arányban. Ha elégséges páncél épült, egy védelmező kővé alakul a következő kilövés alkalmával.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Kő Páncél
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Kő Páncél
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Varázslatos kövek veszik körül a tested és amikor támadás ér, igyekeznek megvédeni és 50%% ponttal csökkentik az elszenvedett sérüléseid. Viszont minden támadás letör a kövekből valamennyit.\n\nMaradék páncélod: %1$d.\n\nHa elegendő kő épült köréd, a következő kilövés az élő föld varázspálcádból egy védelmezőt formál a kövekből, aki melletted harcol.\n\nA Védelmezőhöz szükséges páncél: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Varázslatos kövek veszik körül a tested és amikor támadás ér, igyekeznek megvédeni és 50%% ponttal csökkentik az elszenvedett sérüléseid. Viszont minden támadás letör a kövekből valamennyit.\n\nMaradék páncélod: %1$d.\n\nHa elegendő kő épült köréd, a következő kilövés az élő föld varázspálcádból egy védelmezőt formál a kövekből, aki melletted harcol.\n\nA Védelmezőhöz szükséges páncél: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=agyag védelmező
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=agyag védelmező
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=varázslövedék-pálca
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Ez az elég egyszerű varázspálca tiszta mágikus energialövedékeket lő. Önmagában semmi különös hatása nincs. Nagyobb a töltési kapacitása és ha felfejleszted, gyorsan feltölt más varázspálcákat.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Ez az elég egyszerű varázspálca tiszta mágikus energialövedékeket lő. Önmagában semmi különös hatása nincs. Nagyobb a töltési kapacitása és ha felfejleszted, gyorsan feltölt más varázspálcákat.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=A varázspálca minden lövedéke _%1$d-%2$d sebzést okoz_.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=A varázspálca minden lövedéke _%1$d-%2$d sebzést okoz_.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=A varázslövedék pálcád feltöltötte a többi varázspálcát és felerősítette a következő lövésük erejét.\n\nA pálcáid ennyit erősödtek: +%d.\n\nMaradék varázstöltés körök száma: %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=A varázslövedék pálcád feltöltötte a többi varázspálcát és felerősítette a következő lövésük erejét.\n\nA pálcáid ennyit erősödtek: +%d.\n\nMaradék varázstöltés körök száma: %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=prizmafény varázspálca
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=prizmafény varázsbot
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=prizmafény varázsbot
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Az áttetsző, kemény kristályból készült varázspálca olyan, akár egy csiszolt üvegdarab. \nA kis, színes fények táncolva várják, hogy előtörhessenek a pálca végéből.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Az áttetsző, kemény kristályból készült varázspálca olyan, akár egy csiszolt üvegdarab. \nA kis, színes fények táncolva várják, hogy előtörhessenek a pálca végéből.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=A varázspálcából kilövő fénysugarak áthatolnak a várbörtön sötétjén, felfedve a rejtett területeket és csapdákat. A sugárnyaláb megvakíthatja az ellenfeleket, és _%1$d-%2$d sebzést okoz._ A démoni és élőhalott ellenségeket a pálca fénye megégeti, amitől bónusz sebzést kapnak.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=A varázspálcából kilövő fénysugarak áthatolnak a várbörtön sötétjén, felfedve a rejtett területeket és csapdákat. A sugárnyaláb megvakíthatja az ellenfeleket, és _%1$d-%2$d sebzést okoz._ A démoni és élőhalott ellenségeket a pálca fénye megégeti, amitől bónusz sebzést kapnak.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=kertész varázspálca
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=kertész varázspálca
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=kertész varázsbot
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=kertész varázsbot
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Kiválóan faragott vékony fából készült varázspálca. Mintha még mindig élet lüktetne benne. Világoszöld, akárcsak egy facsemete közepe.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=A pálca növesztő energiát lő, amitől füvek, gyökerek és ritka növények szökkennek szárba. Miként a pálcát fejleszted, több energiát fog felhasználni, de a hatása annál erősebb lesz. A következő varázslata _%1$d töltést fogyaszt_. "Ha az élet megszűnik, mindig új élet kezdődik... A körforgás örök marad!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=A harmatgyűjtők varázslatos növények, melyek feltöltik magukat varázsharmattal. Próbálják magukat fűnek álcázni, hogy elkerüljék a figyelmet, de a duzzadó harmatcseppek elárulják őket.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=A maghüvelyek varázslatos növények, amelyek más növények magvait termik. Valahogyan mégis elterjednek annak ellenére, hogy nincs is saját magjuk.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=A maghüvelyek varázslatos növények, amelyek más növények magvait termik. Valahogyan mégis elterjednek annak ellenére, hogy nincs is saját magjuk.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Arany lótusz
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Arany lótusz
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Megölted magad a saját átömlesztő var
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=A varázsbotod töltődött az ellenséged életerejétől!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=A varázsbotod töltődött az ellenséged életerejétől!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Elég egyszerűen formázott varázspálca, amely kitűnik a bíbor színárnyalata valamint a hegyén lévő koromsötét ékkő miatt.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Elég egyszerűen formázott varázspálca, amely kitűnik a bíbor színárnyalata valamint a hegyén lévő koromsötét ékkő miatt.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=A szövetségeseiden használva ez a varázspálca _%1$d életerőt szív tőled,_ hogy gyógyítsa vagy védje őket _%2$d energiával._ Az ellenségeket rögtön elbájolja és egyúttal _%3$d energiát_ ad vissza számodra. Az ellenséges élőholtak a bűbáj helyett elvesztenek _%4$d-%5$d energiát_.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=A szövetségeseiden használva ez a varázspálca _%1$d életerőt szív tőled,_ hogy gyógyítsa vagy védje őket _%2$d energiával._ Az ellenségeket rögtön elbájolja és egyúttal _%3$d energiát_ ad vissza számodra. Az ellenséges élőholtak a bűbáj helyett elvesztenek _%4$d-%5$d energiát_.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=oltalmazó varázspálca
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=oltalmazó varázspálca
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=oltalmazó varázsbot
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=oltalmazó varázsbot
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Nem tudsz több oltalmazót életben tar
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Nem tudsz ide őrt állítani.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Nem tudsz ide őrt állítani.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Ennek a rövid fém varázspálcának fényes bíbor ékkő borítja a hegyét.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Ennek a rövid fém varázspálcának fényes bíbor ékkő borítja a hegyét.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Ahelyett, hogy sérülést okozna az ellenfélnek, ez a pálca mozdulatlan oltalmazókat és őrszemeket idéz meg. Az oltalmazók bárhol megidézhetők, akár falakon keresztül is ha átlátsz. Ez a pálca _%d energia_ értékű oltalmazót tud életben tartani egyszerre.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Ahelyett, hogy sérülést okozna az ellenfélnek, ez a pálca mozdulatlan oltalmazókat és őrszemeket idéz meg. Az oltalmazók bárhol megidézhetők, akár falakon keresztül is ha átlátsz. Ez a pálca _%d energia_ értékű oltalmazót tud életben tartani egyszerre.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=kisebb oltalmazó
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=kisebb oltalmazó
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Ez az alap oltalmazó önállóan tüzel minden ellenfélre ami a látóterébe kerül, és _%1$d-%2$d sérülést okoz._\n\nAz oltalmazó erősödik, ha rálősz az oltalmazó pálcáddal.\n\nEz az oltalmazó csak egyszer tüzel mielőtt eloszlik.\n\nAz oltalmazó varázspálcád _%3$d energiát_ használ hogy éltesse ezt az oltalmazót.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Ez az alap oltalmazó önállóan tüzel minden ellenfélre ami a látóterébe kerül, és _%1$d-%2$d sérülést okoz._\n\nAz oltalmazó erősödik, ha rálősz az oltalmazó pálcáddal.\n\nEz az oltalmazó csak egyszer tüzel mielőtt eloszlik.\n\nAz oltalmazó varázspálcád _%3$d energiát_ használ hogy éltesse ezt az oltalmazót.
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=A csökönyös fegyver nagyon nehezen talál c
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=lángoló %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=lángoló %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=A bűvöléstől a fegyver tüzet okád, lángra lobbantva az ellenségeket és bónusz sérülést okoz azokon, akik már lángoltak.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=védő %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=védő %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Ez a bűvölet fejleszti az ezzel a fegyverrel végzett támadás után a védelmi képességedet.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Ez a bűvölet fejleszti az ezzel a fegyverrel végzett támadás után a védelmi képességedet.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=Az előző varázspálcád megmaradt!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Az egymással szembenálló varázslatok hatására eltűnt a bűbáj a varázsbotodról.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Az egymással szembenálló varázslatok hatására eltűnt a bűbáj a varázsbotodról.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Előbb azonosítanod kell ezt a varázspálcát.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Előbb azonosítanod kell ezt a varázspálcát.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Megátkozott varázspálcát nem tudsz használni.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Megátkozott varázspálcát nem tudsz használni.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Biztos vagy benne hogy beoltod a varázsbotod ezzel a varázspálcával?\nAz előző oltás elveszik.\n\nHa a varázspálca ugyanolyan vagy magasabb szintű mint a varázsbot, beoltáskor a varázsbot megtartja a varázspálca szintjét és még egyet a saját fejlesztéséből.\n\nEz a beoltás %d szintű varázsbotot fog eredményezni.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Igen, biztos vagyok benne.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Igen, biztos vagyok benne.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Nem, meggondoltam magam
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Nem, meggondoltam magam
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=A mágus maga készítette ezt a páratlan, mágikus fegyverként szolgáló varázsbotot. Önmagában nincs varázsereje, viszont bele lehet oltani egy varázspálca mágikus energiáját.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=A botban most nincs mágikus erő, előbb bele kell oltani _egy varázspálca erejét,_ hogy aztán varázsolni lehessen vele.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=A botban most nincs mágikus erő, előbb bele kell oltani _egy varázspálca erejét,_ hogy aztán varázsolni lehessen vele.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=A varázsbotba jelenleg egy _%s_ van beoltva.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=A varázsbotba jelenleg egy _%s_ van beoltva.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Ez egy _%1$d. szintű_ kézifegyver, amely _%2$d-%3$d sebzést_ okoz és _%4$d erő_ szükséges a megfelelő használatához.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Ez egy _%1$d. szintű_ kézifegyver, amely _%2$d-%3$d sebzést_ okoz és _%4$d erő_ szükséges a megfelelő használatához.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Ez egy _%1$d. szintű_ kézifegyver, amely általában _%2$d-%3$d sebzést_ ejt, és a megfelelő használatához _%4$d erő_ szükséges.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Ez egy _%1$d. szintű_ kézifegyver, amely általában _%2$d-%3$d sebzést_ ejt, és a megfelelő használatához _%4$d erő_ szükséges.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Válassz egy varázsjelet
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Ez a páncél és a törött jelvény együtt egy varázsjelet hordoz. Válaszd ki melyik varázsjel maradjon meg!\n\nVedd figyelembe, hogy ha ugyanazt a varázsjelet választod, mint ami jelenleg a páncélon van, akkor a jelvényt később nem tudod áthelyezni.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Ez a páncél és a törött jelvény együtt egy varázsjelet hordoz. Válaszd ki melyik varázsjel maradjon meg!\n\nVedd figyelembe, hogy ha ugyanazt a varázsjelet választod, mint ami jelenleg a páncélon van, akkor a jelvényt később nem tudod áthelyezni.
items.dewdrop.value=%+d élet
items.dewdrop.heal=%+d élet
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=Teljesen egészséges vagy!
items.dewdrop.already_full=Teljesen egészséges vagy!
items.dewdrop.desc=Kristálytiszta harmatcsepp\n\nEzen az elvarázsolt helyen a tiszta víz kis gyógyhatással is bír.
items.dewdrop.desc=Kristálytiszta harmatcsepp\n\nEzen az elvarázsolt helyen a tiszta víz kis gyógyhatással is bír.
items.dewvial.value=%+d élet
items.dewvial.collected=Begyűjtöd a harmatcseppet az üvegcsédbe.
items.dewvial.collected=Begyűjtöd a harmatcseppet az üvegcsédbe.
items.dewvial.full=A harmatüvegcséd megtelt!
items.dewvial.full=A harmatüvegcséd megtelt!
items.dewvial.empty=A harmatüvegcséd kiürült!
items.dewvial.empty=A harmatüvegcséd kiürült!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Sosok halus yang tampak lemah dengan be
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=rantai ringan
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=rantai ringan
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Rantaimu tidak punya charge yang cukup.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Rantaimu tidak punya charge yang cukup.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Kau tidak dapat menggunakan rantai terkutuk.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Kau tidak dapat menggunakan rantai terkutuk.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Itu tidak akan melakukan apa pun.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Itu tidak akan melakukan apa pun.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=tongkat gelombang ledakan
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Kau membunuh dirimu sendiri dengan Tongkat Sihir Gelombang Ledakanmu sendiri...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Kau membunuh dirimu sendiri dengan Tongkat Sihir Gelombang Ledakanmu sendiri...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Tongkat sihir ini terbuat dari semacam batu marmer, dengan hiasan emas dan permata bulat hitam di ujungnya. Rasanya sangat berat di tanganmu.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Tongkat sihir ini terbuat dari semacam batu marmer, dengan hiasan emas dan permata bulat hitam di ujungnya. Rasanya sangat berat di tanganmu.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Tongkat sihir ini menembakkan ledakan yang meledak di lokasi target. Kekuatan dari ledakan itu memberikan _%1$d-%2$d damage_ dan cukup kuat untuk menerbangkan musuh jauh ke belakang.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Tongkat sihir ini menembakkan ledakan yang meledak di lokasi target. Kekuatan dari ledakan itu memberikan _%1$d-%2$d damage_ dan cukup kuat untuk menerbangkan musuh jauh ke belakang.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=tongkat sihir korosi
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=tongkat sihir korosi
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=tongkat korosi
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=tongkat korosi
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Tongkat sihir ini berwarna kelabu yang diujungi dengan permata jingga.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Tongkat sihir ini berwarna kelabu yang diujungi dengan permata jingga.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Tongkat sihir ini menembakkan korosi yang akan meledak dan berubah menjadi awan korosi di lokasi yang ditargetkan. Apapun yang berada di dalam awan korosi itu akan mendapat damage, meningkat setiap waktu.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=tongkat sihir korupsi
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=tongkat sihir korupsi
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=tongkat korupsi
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=tongkat korupsi
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Karakter itu tidak bisa dipengaruhi lebih jauh lagi.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Karakter itu tidak bisa dipengaruhi lebih jauh lagi.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Tongkat sihir ini meradiasikan energi gelap yang jahat, jelas dari bentuk tengkorak kecil dekoratif di ujungnya.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Tongkat sihir ini meradiasikan energi gelap yang jahat, jelas dari bentuk tengkorak kecil dekoratif di ujungnya.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Tongkat sihir ini akan melepaskan energi korup yang akan men-debuff musuh dan akhirnya akan membuat musuh beralih ke pihakmu. Musuh dapat menahan korupsi, tapi musuh yang sudah lemah lebih mudah dikorupsi daripada musuh yang sehat.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Tongkat sihir ini akan melepaskan energi korup yang akan men-debuff musuh dan akhirnya akan membuat musuh beralih ke pihakmu. Musuh dapat menahan korupsi, tapi musuh yang sudah lemah lebih mudah dikorupsi daripada musuh yang sehat.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=tongkat sihir laser
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=tongkat sihir laser
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=tongkat laser
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=tongkat laser
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Tongkat sihir ini terbuat dari bongkahan obsidian yang solid, dengan warna ungu dalam di sepanjang sisinya, berakhir di ujungnya. Tongkat sihir itu menyala oleh energi penghancur, menunggu untuk keluar.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Tongkat sihir ini terbuat dari bongkahan obsidian yang solid, dengan warna ungu dalam di sepanjang sisinya, berakhir di ujungnya. Tongkat sihir itu menyala oleh energi penghancur, menunggu untuk keluar.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Tongkat sihir ini menembakkan beam yang menembus segalanya, dan akan terus bertambah panjang setiap upgrade. Beam itu memberi _%1$d-%2$d damage,_ dan akan memberi damage tambahan untuk setiap musuh dan tembok yang dilewati.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Tongkat sihir ini menembakkan beam yang menembus segalanya, dan akan terus bertambah panjang setiap upgrade. Beam itu memberi _%1$d-%2$d damage,_ dan akan memberi damage tambahan untuk setiap musuh dan tembok yang dilewati.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=tongkat sihir api
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=tongkat sihir api
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=tongkat api
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=tongkat api
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Tongkat sihir ini terbuat dari kayu yang dipernis merah dengan daun emas yang digunakan agar tongkat sihir itu kelihatan megah. Tongkat sihir itu mendesis di ujungnya, tidak sabar untuk mengeluarkan sihir kuatnya.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Tongkat sihir ini terbuat dari kayu yang dipernis merah dengan daun emas yang digunakan agar tongkat sihir itu kelihatan megah. Tongkat sihir itu mendesis di ujungnya, tidak sabar untuk mengeluarkan sihir kuatnya.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Tongkat sihir ini menyemburkan api, menyebar membentuk kerucut. Saat tongkat sihir ini di-upgrade maka itu juga akan memakan charge lebih banyak, efeknya pun akan lebih kuat seiring banyaknya charge yang dipakai. Serangan selanjutnya akan memakai _%1$d charge_ dan memberikan _%2$d-%3$d damage._
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=tongkat sihir es
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=tongkat sihir es
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=tongkat es
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=tongkat es
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Tongkat sihir ini sepertinya terbuat dari semacam es ajaib. Semakin ujung warnanya semakin terang. Tongkat ini sangat dingin saat dipegang, namun entah mengapa tanganmu tetap hangat.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Tongkat sihir ini sepertinya terbuat dari semacam es ajaib. Semakin ujung warnanya semakin terang. Tongkat ini sangat dingin saat dipegang, namun entah mengapa tanganmu tetap hangat.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Tongkat sihir ini menembakkan energi es kepada musuh, memberikan _%1$d-%2$d damage_ dan membekukan musuh, membuatnya menjadi lambat. Efeknya lebih kuat di atas air. Musuh yang sudah membeku akan mendapat damage yang lebih sedikit dari tongkat sihir ini, karena mereka sudah dingin.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=tongkat sihir listrik
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=tongkat sihir listrik
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=tongkat listrik
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=tongkat listrik
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Kau membunuh dirimu sendiri oleh Tongkat Sihir Listrikmu sendiri...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Kau membunuh dirimu sendiri oleh Tongkat Sihir Listrikmu sendiri...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Tongkat sihir ini terbuat dari logam solid, membuatnya sangat berat. Dua cabang melengkung di ujungnya, dan ada kekuatan listrik di antaranya.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Tongkat sihir ini terbuat dari logam solid, membuatnya sangat berat. Dua cabang melengkung di ujungnya, dan ada kekuatan listrik di antaranya.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Tongkat sihir ini memancarkan listrik yang kuat kepada apa pun yang ditargetkannya, memberikan _%1$d-%2$d damage._ Elektrisitas ini dapat menyambar ke musuh-musuh terdekat, menyebarkan damage antara mereka. Lisrik ini dan damage-nya lebih efektif jika di atas air. Jika kau terlalu dekat, kau bisa tersambar juga!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=tongkat tanah hidup
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=tongkat tanah hidup
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=tongkat tanah hidup
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=tongkat tanah hidup
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Tongkat ini terbuat dari batu yang aneh, dengan pita energi kuning yang bersinar. Bebatuan tampak bergeser sedikit saat kau menggenggam tongkat, seolah-olah tongkat bisa merasakan tanganmu
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Tongkat ini terbuat dari batu yang aneh, dengan pita energi kuning yang bersinar. Bebatuan tampak bergeser sedikit saat kau menggenggam tongkat, seolah-olah tongkat bisa merasakan tanganmu
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Tongkat ini mengirimkan ledakan batu magis ke musuh, memberikan _%1$d-%2$d damage._ Batu tersebut kemudian akan terbentuk kembali di sekitar pengguna, memberi mereka armor sebanding dengan damage yang diberikan. Jika cukup banyak armor yang terbangun, itu akan membentuk pelindung batu saat tongkat sihir ditembakkan berikutnya.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Tongkat ini mengirimkan ledakan batu magis ke musuh, memberikan _%1$d-%2$d damage._ Batu tersebut kemudian akan terbentuk kembali di sekitar pengguna, memberi mereka armor sebanding dengan damage yang diberikan. Jika cukup banyak armor yang terbangun, itu akan membentuk pelindung batu saat tongkat sihir ditembakkan berikutnya.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Armor Batu
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Armor Batu
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Batuan magis mengelilingi tubuhmu, ketika dirimu diserang mereka akan mencoba memblokir untuk dirimu, dan akan mengurangi damage yang kau terima sebanyak 50%%. Setiap kerusakan yang diblokir akan mengikis beberapa batu.\n\nArmor yang Tersisa: %1$d.\n\nJika cukup banyak batu yang terbangun di sekitarmu, tembakan berikutnya dari tongkat tanah hidupmu akan menyebabkan batu-batu tersebut terbentuk menjadi pelindung yang akan bertarung denganmu.\n\nArmor yang dibutuhkan untuk Pelindung: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Batuan magis mengelilingi tubuhmu, ketika dirimu diserang mereka akan mencoba memblokir untuk dirimu, dan akan mengurangi damage yang kau terima sebanyak 50%%. Setiap kerusakan yang diblokir akan mengikis beberapa batu.\n\nArmor yang Tersisa: %1$d.\n\nJika cukup banyak batu yang terbangun di sekitarmu, tembakan berikutnya dari tongkat tanah hidupmu akan menyebabkan batu-batu tersebut terbentuk menjadi pelindung yang akan bertarung denganmu.\n\nArmor yang dibutuhkan untuk Pelindung: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=pelindung tanah liat
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=pelindung tanah liat
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=tongkat sihir misil
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=tongkat misil sihir
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=tongkat misil sihir
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Tongkat sihir yang terlihat polos ini mengeluarkan misil sihir murni. Dikarenakan tongkat sihir ini tidak sekuat tongkat-tongkat yang lain, tongkat sihir ini dapat satu bonus charge dan dapat sedikit memperoleh kekuatan dari tongkat sihir lain ketika di-upgrade.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Tongkat sihir yang terlihat polos ini mengeluarkan misil sihir murni. Dikarenakan tongkat sihir ini tidak sekuat tongkat-tongkat yang lain, tongkat sihir ini dapat satu bonus charge dan dapat sedikit memperoleh kekuatan dari tongkat sihir lain ketika di-upgrade.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Setiap tembakan dari tongkat sihir ini menyebabkan _%1$d-%2$d damage,_ dan akan memberdayakan tongkat sihir lain secara singkat jika di-upgrade.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Setiap tembakan dari tongkat sihir ini menyebabkan _%1$d-%2$d damage,_ dan akan memberdayakan tongkat sihir lain secara singkat jika di-upgrade.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Charge Ajaib
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Charge Ajaib
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Tongkat misil ajaibmu telah memberi daya kembali ke tongkatmu, meningkatkan tingkat efektif serangan berikutnya yang mereka buat.\n\nTongkat Anda ditingkatkan menjadi: +%d.\n\nGiliran sisa charge ajaib: %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Tongkat misil ajaibmu telah memberi daya kembali ke tongkatmu, meningkatkan tingkat efektif serangan berikutnya yang mereka buat.\n\nTongkat Anda ditingkatkan menjadi: +%d.\n\nGiliran sisa charge ajaib: %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=tongkat sihir cahaya prismatik
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=tongkat cahaya prismatik
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=tongkat cahaya prismatik
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Tongkat sihir ini terbuat dari kristal transparan, mirip seperti bongkahan gelas halus. Secercah cahaya menari-nari di dekat ujung tongkat sihir, bersiap untuk memancarkan sinarnya.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Tongkat sihir ini terbuat dari kristal transparan, mirip seperti bongkahan gelas halus. Secercah cahaya menari-nari di dekat ujung tongkat sihir, bersiap untuk memancarkan sinarnya.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Tongkat sihir ini memancarkan sinar menyilaukan yang membelah kegelapan, membuka area tersembunyi dan jebakan. Sinar itu dapat membutakan musuh, dan memberi _%1$d-%2$d damage._ Musuh yang berupa setan atau undead akan terbakar oleh sinar tongkat sihir itu, memberikan bonus damage.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Tongkat sihir ini memancarkan sinar menyilaukan yang membelah kegelapan, membuka area tersembunyi dan jebakan. Sinar itu dapat membutakan musuh, dan memberi _%1$d-%2$d damage._ Musuh yang berupa setan atau undead akan terbakar oleh sinar tongkat sihir itu, memberikan bonus damage.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=tongkat sihir pertumbuhan
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=tongkat sihir pertumbuhan
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=tongkat pertumbuhan
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=tongkat pertumbuhan
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Tongkat sihir ini terbuat dari kayu tipis yang diukir dengan mahir. Entah bagaimana tongkat sihir ini masih terasa hidup dan bergetar, berwarna hijau terang seperti tunas pohon muda.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Saat digunakan, tongkat sihir ini akan meledakkan energi sihir pertumbuhan yang keluar dalam bentuk kerucut. Sihir ini akan menghasilkan rumput, akar-akar, dan tanaman langka. Saat tongkat ini di-upgrade, maka akan menghabiskan lebih banyak charge, efeknya menjadi jauh lebih kuat dengan semakin banyak charge yang dikonsumsi. Serangan berikutnya akan mengonsumsi _%1$d charges_. "Saat kehidupan berhenti, kehidupan baru akan mulai tumbuh... Siklus abadi akan selalu ada!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Penangkap Embun
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Penangkap Embun
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Penangkap Embun adalah tanaman ajaib yang berisi embun ajaib. Mereka berusaha berkamuflase sebagai rumput biasa untuk menghindari perhatian, tapi tentu saja gagal karena tetesan embun ajaibnya masih terlihat jelas.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Tanaman Benih
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Tanaman Benih
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Kantung Benih adalah tanaman ajaib yang menciptakan benih dari tipe tanaman yang lain, alih-alih benih dari jenis mereka sendiri. Anehnya lagi mereka dapat menyebar luas, padahal tidak mempunyai benih mereka sendiri.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Kantung Benih adalah tanaman ajaib yang menciptakan benih dari tipe tanaman yang lain, alih-alih benih dari jenis mereka sendiri. Anehnya lagi mereka dapat menyebar luas, padahal tidak mempunyai benih mereka sendiri.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Teratai Emas
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Teratai Emas
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Kau membunuh dirimu sendiri oleh Tongkat S
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Tongkatmu mengisiulang dengan energi kehidupan dari musuhmu!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Tongkatmu mengisiulang dengan energi kehidupan dari musuhmu!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Tongkat sihir yang cukup polos, hanya warnanya yang keunguan dan permata hitam di ujungnya.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Tongkat sihir yang cukup polos, hanya warnanya yang keunguan dan permata hitam di ujungnya.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Saat digunakan pada sekutu, tongkat ini akan menyerap _%1$d darah pengguna_ untuk menyembuhkan atau melindungi sekutu sebesar _%2$d darah._ Saat digunakan pada musuh, tongkat sihir secara singkat memikat mereka dan memberi _%3$d shield_ ke pengguna. Musuh sejenis iblis tidak akan terpikat, namun akan menerima _%4$d-%5$d damage_.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Saat digunakan pada sekutu, tongkat ini akan menyerap _%1$d darah pengguna_ untuk menyembuhkan atau melindungi sekutu sebesar _%2$d darah._ Saat digunakan pada musuh, tongkat sihir secara singkat memikat mereka dan memberi _%3$d shield_ ke pengguna. Musuh sejenis iblis tidak akan terpikat, namun akan menerima _%4$d-%5$d damage_.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=tongkat warding
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=tongkat warding
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=tongkat warding
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=tongkat warding
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Tongkatmu tidak dapat menopang ward lagi
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Kau tidak bisa menempatkan ward di sana.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Kau tidak bisa menempatkan ward di sana.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Tongkat logam pendek ini memiliki permata ungu cerah yang mengambang di atas ujungnya.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Tongkat logam pendek ini memiliki permata ungu cerah yang mengambang di atas ujungnya.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Daripada memberi damage kepada musuh, tongkat ini akan memanggil ward dan penjaga yang tidak bergerak. Ward bisa dipanggil di mana saja, bahkan melalui dinding jika kau memiliki penglihatan. Tongkat ini dapat menopang ward senilai _%d energi_ pada satu waktu.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Daripada memberi damage kepada musuh, tongkat ini akan memanggil ward dan penjaga yang tidak bergerak. Ward bisa dipanggil di mana saja, bahkan melalui dinding jika kau memiliki penglihatan. Tongkat ini dapat menopang ward senilai _%d energi_ pada satu waktu.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=ward rendah
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=ward rendah
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Ward biasa biasanya menyerang semua musuh yang berada pada jarak pandangnya, memberikan _%1$d-%2$d damage_,\n\nMenembak ward ini dengan tongkatmu akan meningkatkannya.\n\nWard ini hanya menembak satu kali sebelum menghilang,\n\nTongkat warding-mu menggunakan _%3$d energi_ untuk menopang ward ini.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Ward biasa biasanya menyerang semua musuh yang berada pada jarak pandangnya, memberikan _%1$d-%2$d damage_,\n\nMenembak ward ini dengan tongkatmu akan meningkatkannya.\n\nWard ini hanya menembak satu kali sebelum menghilang,\n\nTongkat warding-mu menggunakan _%3$d energi_ untuk menopang ward ini.
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Senjata bandel menyusahkan pengguna mencari sas
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s api
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s api
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Enchantment ini menyebabkan api menyembur dari senjata, membakar musuh dan memberi damage tambahan ke musuh yang telah terbakar.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s pemblokir
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s pemblokir
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Enchantment ini akan meningkatkan kemampuanmu untuk mempertahankan diri setelah menyerang dengan senjata ini.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Enchantment ini akan meningkatkan kemampuanmu untuk mempertahankan diri setelah menyerang dengan senjata ini.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=Tongkat sebelumnya dipertahankan!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Sihir yang berlawanan menghapus enchantment di tongkatmu.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Sihir yang berlawanan menghapus enchantment di tongkatmu.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Kau harus mengidentifikasi tongkat sihir ini dulu.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Kau harus mengidentifikasi tongkat sihir ini dulu.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Kau tidak dapat menggunakan tongkat sihir terkutuk.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Kau tidak dapat menggunakan tongkat sihir terkutuk.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Apakah kau yakin ingin menjiwai tongkatmu dengan tongkat sihir ini? Jiwa sebelumnya akan hilang.\n\nJika tongkat sihirnya levelnya sama atau lebih dari tongkat yang ingin dijiwai, maka tongkatnya akan mewarisi level tongkat sihir itu ditambah dengan satu level dari tongkat itu sendiri.\n\nPenjiwaan ini akan menghasilkan tongkat dengan level %d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Ya, aku yakin.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Ya, aku yakin.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Tidak, aku berubah pikiran
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Tidak, aku berubah pikiran
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Dibuat oleh Sang Penyihir itu sendiri, tongkat ini adalah senjata sihir yang unik. Bukannya memiliki kekuatannya sendiri, tongkat ini menyerap energi sihir dari tongkat sihir yang lain.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Tongkat ini masih belum ada sihirnya, tongkat ini harus _dijiwai oleh kekuatan tongkat sihir_ sebelum bisa dipakai untuk menembakkan mantra.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Tongkat ini masih belum ada sihirnya, tongkat ini harus _dijiwai oleh kekuatan tongkat sihir_ sebelum bisa dipakai untuk menembakkan mantra.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Tongkat ini masih dijiwai oleh _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Tongkat ini masih dijiwai oleh _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Senjata jarak dekat _tingkat-%1$d_ ini memberikan _%2$d-%3$d damage_ dan membutuhkan _%4$d kekuatan_ agar dapat memakainya dengan benar.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Senjata jarak dekat _tingkat-%1$d_ ini memberikan _%2$d-%3$d damage_ dan membutuhkan _%4$d kekuatan_ agar dapat memakainya dengan benar.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Biasanya senjata jarak dekat _tingkat-%1$d_ ini memberikan _%2$d-%3$d damage_ dan membutuhkan _%4$d kekuatan_ untuk dapat memakainya dengan baik.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Biasanya senjata jarak dekat _tingkat-%1$d_ ini memberikan _%2$d-%3$d damage_ dan membutuhkan _%4$d kekuatan_ untuk dapat memakainya dengan baik.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Pilih Glyph
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Armor dan pin rusak membawa sebuah glyph. Pilih glyph mana yang harus disimpan.\n\nPerhatikan bahwa jika Kau memilih glyph yang saat ini ada di armor, pin tersebut tidak akan dapat mentransfernya nanti.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Armor dan pin rusak membawa sebuah glyph. Pilih glyph mana yang harus disimpan.\n\nPerhatikan bahwa jika Kau memilih glyph yang saat ini ada di armor, pin tersebut tidak akan dapat mentransfernya nanti.
items.dewdrop.name=tetes embun
items.dewdrop.name=tetes embun
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=Darahmu sudah penuh.
items.dewdrop.already_full=Darahmu sudah penuh.
items.dewdrop.desc=Tetesan embun yang jernih.\n\nDikarenakan oleh keajaiban tempat ini, air murni memiliki sedikit kekuatan penyembuhan.
items.dewdrop.desc=Tetesan embun yang jernih.\n\nDikarenakan oleh keajaiban tempat ini, air murni memiliki sedikit kekuatan penyembuhan.
items.dewvial.name=botol embun
items.dewvial.name=botol embun
items.dewvial.collected=Kau mengumpulkan tetesan embun ke dalam botol embunmu.
items.dewvial.collected=Kau mengumpulkan tetesan embun ke dalam botol embunmu.
items.dewvial.full=Botol embunmu penuh!
items.dewvial.full=Botol embunmu penuh!
items.dewvial.empty=Botol embunmu kosong!
items.dewvial.empty=Botol embunmu kosong!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Una figura eterea dall'aspetto fragile
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=catene eteree
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=catene eteree
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Le tue catene non hanno abbastanza carica.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Le tue catene non hanno abbastanza carica.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Non puoi utilizzare catene maledette.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Non puoi utilizzare catene maledette.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Questo non farà nulla.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Questo non farà nulla.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=bastone dell'onda d'urto
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Ti sei ucciso con la tua stessa bacchetta dell'onda d'urto...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Ti sei ucciso con la tua stessa bacchetta dell'onda d'urto...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Questa bacchetta è composta da una sorta di pietra marmorea, rivestita d'oro e con una gemma nera tonda in cima. La senti molto pesante nella tua mano.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Questa bacchetta è composta da una sorta di pietra marmorea, rivestita d'oro e con una gemma nera tonda in cima. La senti molto pesante nella tua mano.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta spara un dardo che esplode sul bersaglio. La forza d'urto infligge _%1$d-%2$d punti danno_ ed è forte abbastanza da far volare via la maggior parte dei nemici.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta spara un dardo che esplode sul bersaglio. La forza d'urto infligge _%1$d-%2$d punti danno_ ed è forte abbastanza da far volare via la maggior parte dei nemici.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=bacchetta della corrosione
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=bacchetta della corrosione
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=bastone della corrosione
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=bastone della corrosione
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Questa bacchetta possiede un corpo cinereo che conduce ad una gemma arancione brillante.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Questa bacchetta possiede un corpo cinereo che conduce ad una gemma arancione brillante.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta spara un dardo magico che esplode in una nube di gas altamente corrosivo nel punto preso di mira. Ogni cosa catturata all'interno di questa nube riceverà un danno continuo che aumenta nel tempo.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=bacchetta della corruzione
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=bacchetta della corruzione
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=bastone della corruzione
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=bastone della corruzione
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Quel personaggio non può essere condizionato ulteriormente.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Quel personaggio non può essere condizionato ulteriormente.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Questa bacchetta irradia un'energia oscura, come se non fosse già abbastanza ovvio, visto e considerato il piccolo teschio decorativo modellato sulla punta.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Questa bacchetta irradia un'energia oscura, come se non fosse già abbastanza ovvio, visto e considerato il piccolo teschio decorativo modellato sulla punta.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta rilascerà uno scoppio di energia corruttiva, cercando di piegare i nemici al tuo volere. Gli avversari sono in grado di resistere alla corruzione, ma i nemici indeboliti sono molto più facili da corrompere rispetto a quelli in salute.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta rilascerà uno scoppio di energia corruttiva, cercando di piegare i nemici al tuo volere. Gli avversari sono in grado di resistere alla corruzione, ma i nemici indeboliti sono molto più facili da corrompere rispetto a quelli in salute.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=bacchetta della disintegrazione
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=bacchetta della disintegrazione
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=bastone della disintegrazione
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=bastone della disintegrazione
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Questa bacchetta è ottenuta da un solido pezzo di ossidiana e una profonda luce purpurea scorre dai suoi lati fino alla punta. Brilla con un'energia distruttiva, impaziente di sprigionarsi.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Questa bacchetta è ottenuta da un solido pezzo di ossidiana e una profonda luce purpurea scorre dai suoi lati fino alla punta. Brilla con un'energia distruttiva, impaziente di sprigionarsi.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta spara un raggio in grado di penetrare qualunque ostacolo e la sua portata aumenterà a ogni miglioramento. Il raggio infligge _%1$d-%2$d punti danno,_ più un bonus tanti più nemici e muri trapassa.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta spara un raggio in grado di penetrare qualunque ostacolo e la sua portata aumenterà a ogni miglioramento. Il raggio infligge _%1$d-%2$d punti danno,_ più un bonus tanti più nemici e muri trapassa.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=bacchetta dell'esplosione infuocata
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=bacchetta dell'esplosione infuocata
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=bastone dell'esplosione infuocata
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=bastone dell'esplosione infuocata
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Questa bacchetta è fatta di legno laccato di rosso con foglie dorate generosamente disposte per farla apparire piuttosto maestosa. Scoppietta e sibila sulla punta, bramosa di scatenare la sua potente magia.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Questa bacchetta è fatta di legno laccato di rosso con foglie dorate generosamente disposte per farla apparire piuttosto maestosa. Scoppietta e sibila sulla punta, bramosa di scatenare la sua potente magia.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=L'uso di questa bacchetta produce un'esplosione di fuoco, che si estende a forma di cono. A ogni ulteriore miglioramento questa bacchetta consumerà più cariche e l'effetto aumenterà di potere tanto maggiori saranno le cariche consumate. Il suo prossimo attacco consumerà _%1$d cariche_ e infliggerà _%2$d-%3$d punti danno._
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=bacchetta del congelamento
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=bacchetta del congelamento
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=bastone del congelamento
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=bastone del congelamento
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Questa bacchetta sembra essere ricavata da un qualche tipo di ghiaccio magico. Acquista luminosità alla volta della sua punta arrotondata. È molto fredda al tatto quando impugnata, ma in qualche modo la tua mano resta calda.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Questa bacchetta sembra essere ricavata da un qualche tipo di ghiaccio magico. Acquista luminosità alla volta della sua punta arrotondata. È molto fredda al tatto quando impugnata, ma in qualche modo la tua mano resta calda.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta spara raffiche di energia ghiacciata verso i tuoi avversari, infliggendo _%1$d-%2$d punti danno_ e causando brividi che riducono la velocità. L'effetto pare più forte nell'acqua. I nemici già raffreddati e congelati riceveranno meno danni da questa bacchetta, poiché sono già freddi.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=bacchetta del fulmine
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=bacchetta del fulmine
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=bastone del fulmine
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=bastone del fulmine
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Ti sei ucciso con la tua stessa bacchetta del fulmine...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Ti sei ucciso con la tua stessa bacchetta del fulmine...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Questa bacchetta è fatta di solido metallo, rendendola sorprendentemente pesante. Due rebbi si estendono curvi sulla punta, emettendo archi elettrici.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Questa bacchetta è fatta di solido metallo, rendendola sorprendentemente pesante. Due rebbi si estendono curvi sulla punta, emettendo archi elettrici.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta irradia potenti fulmini, creando archi attraverso ogni cosa bersagliata e infliggendo _%1$d-%2$d punti danno._ Quest'elettricità può rimbalzare tra molti nemici vicini, estendendo il danno tra di loro. Il fulmine e i danni si estendono molto più efficacemente nell'acqua. Se sei troppo vicino, potresti venire fulminato anche tu!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=bacchetta della viva terra
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=bacchetta della viva terra
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=bastone della viva terra
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=bastone della viva terra
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Questa bacchetta è ottenuta da una pietra bizzarra, brillante di fasci d'energia color paglierino. La roccia pare muoversi leggermente al tuo tocco, come se potesse avvertire la tua presa.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Questa bacchetta è ottenuta da una pietra bizzarra, brillante di fasci d'energia color paglierino. La roccia pare muoversi leggermente al tuo tocco, come se potesse avvertire la tua presa.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta scaglia lampi di roccia magica ai nemici, infliggendo _%1$d-%2$d punti danno._ La roccia quindi si riformerà attorno all'utilizzatore, concedendogli armatura in proporzione al danno arrecato. Se sufficiente armatura verrà costituita, essa formerà un guardiano di roccia al prossimo colpo della bacchetta.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta scaglia lampi di roccia magica ai nemici, infliggendo _%1$d-%2$d punti danno._ La roccia quindi si riformerà attorno all'utilizzatore, concedendogli armatura in proporzione al danno arrecato. Se sufficiente armatura verrà costituita, essa formerà un guardiano di roccia al prossimo colpo della bacchetta.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Armatura di Roccia
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Armatura di Roccia
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Rocce magiche circondano il tuo corpo: quando verrai attaccato bloccheranno per il colpo per te e ridurranno il danno ricevuto del 50%%. Ogni punto danno bloccato comunque sbriciolerà via un po' di roccia.\n\nArmatura rimanente: %1$d.\n\nSe sufficiente roccia si è costituita intorno a te, il prossimo colpo dalla tua bacchetta della viva terra spingerà le rocce a formarsi in un guardiano che combatterà al tuo fianco.\n\nArmatura necessaria per il Guardiano: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Rocce magiche circondano il tuo corpo: quando verrai attaccato bloccheranno per il colpo per te e ridurranno il danno ricevuto del 50%%. Ogni punto danno bloccato comunque sbriciolerà via un po' di roccia.\n\nArmatura rimanente: %1$d.\n\nSe sufficiente roccia si è costituita intorno a te, il prossimo colpo dalla tua bacchetta della viva terra spingerà le rocce a formarsi in un guardiano che combatterà al tuo fianco.\n\nArmatura necessaria per il Guardiano: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=guardiano terrestre
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=guardiano terrestre
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=bacchetta del missile magico
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=bastone del missile magico
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=bastone del missile magico
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Questa bacchetta piuttosto semplice lancia missili di pura energia magica. Sebbene la bacchetta manchi di qualunque effetto speciale possiede più cariche disponibili e se migliorato, può rafforzare le altre bacchette.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Questa bacchetta piuttosto semplice lancia missili di pura energia magica. Sebbene la bacchetta manchi di qualunque effetto speciale possiede più cariche disponibili e se migliorato, può rafforzare le altre bacchette.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Ogni dardo da questa bacchetta infligge _%1$d-%2$d punti danno,_ e può rafforzare altre bacchette se migliorato.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Ogni dardo da questa bacchetta infligge _%1$d-%2$d punti danno,_ e può rafforzare altre bacchette se migliorato.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Carica Magica
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Carica Magica
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=La tua bacchetta del missile magico ha instillato potere verso le tue altre bacchette, aumentando il livello effettivo della prossima scarica che emetteranno.\n\nLe tue bacchette sono incrementate a: +%d.\n\nTurni di carica magica rimanenti: %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=La tua bacchetta del missile magico ha instillato potere verso le tue altre bacchette, aumentando il livello effettivo della prossima scarica che emetteranno.\n\nLe tue bacchette sono incrementate a: +%d.\n\nTurni di carica magica rimanenti: %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=bacchetta della luce prismatica
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=bastone della luce prismatica
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=bastone della luce prismatica
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Questa bacchetta è composta di un solido pezzo di cristallo traslucido, come un lungo pezzo di vetro liscio. Piccoli corpuscoli di luce colorata danzano attorno alla punta della bacchetta, bramosi di sprigionarsi innanzi.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Questa bacchetta è composta di un solido pezzo di cristallo traslucido, come un lungo pezzo di vetro liscio. Piccoli corpuscoli di luce colorata danzano attorno alla punta della bacchetta, bramosi di sprigionarsi innanzi.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta emette raggi di luce che disperdono l'oscurità del dungeon, rivelando aree nascoste e trappole. Il raggio può accecare i nemici, ed infligge _%1$d-%2$d punti danno._ Avversari demoniaci e non-morti bruceranno alla luce luminosa della bacchetta, ricevendo danno bonus.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta emette raggi di luce che disperdono l'oscurità del dungeon, rivelando aree nascoste e trappole. Il raggio può accecare i nemici, ed infligge _%1$d-%2$d punti danno._ Avversari demoniaci e non-morti bruceranno alla luce luminosa della bacchetta, ricevendo danno bonus.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=bacchetta della ricrescita
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=bacchetta della ricrescita
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=bastone della ricrescita
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=bastone della ricrescita
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Questa bacchetta è ricavata da una sottile asta di legno abilmente scolpito. In qualche modo è ancora viva e vibrante, di un verde brillante come il cuore di un giovane albero.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Quando usata, questa bacchetta sprigionerà magia di ricrescita magica a cono davanti a te, facendo nascere e spuntare erbe, radici e piante rare. Proseguendo nei miglioramenti questa bacchetta consumerà più cariche e l'effetto diverrà via via più potente di conseguenza. Il suo prossimo uso consumerà _%1$d cariche_. "Quando la vita termina, nuova vita sempre inizia a crescere... L'eterno ciclo sempre perdura!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Le catturarugiada sono piante meravigliose ricolme di rugiada magica. Si mimetizzano da erba per sviare l'attenzione, ma le sue protuberanze ripiene di rugiada la rendono riconoscibile.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=I Baccelli sono piante magiche che producono semi di altri tipi di piante, invece di semi propri. Riescono in qualche modo a riprodursi sebbene non possiedano un seme associato.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=I Baccelli sono piante magiche che producono semi di altri tipi di piante, invece di semi propri. Riescono in qualche modo a riprodursi sebbene non possiedano un seme associato.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Loto Dorato
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Loto Dorato
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Ti sei ucciso con la tua stessa bacchetta
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Il tuo bastone si è ricaricato con l'energia vitale del tuo nemico!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Il tuo bastone si è ricaricato con l'energia vitale del tuo nemico!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Una bacchetta dalla forma piuttosto semplice, si distingue grazie alla sua tonalità magenta e alla gemma nerissima sulla punta.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Una bacchetta dalla forma piuttosto semplice, si distingue grazie alla sua tonalità magenta e alla gemma nerissima sulla punta.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Quando usata sugli alleati, questa bacchetta preleverà _%1$d della salute dell'utilizzatore_ per curare o proteggere gli alleati per _%2$d punti salute._ Quando usata sui nemici la bacchetta li ammalierà brevemente, al contempo applicando _%3$d punti scudo_ all'utilizzatore. I non-morti ostili riceveranno _%4$d-%5$d punti danno_ anziché divenire ammaliati.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Quando usata sugli alleati, questa bacchetta preleverà _%1$d della salute dell'utilizzatore_ per curare o proteggere gli alleati per _%2$d punti salute._ Quando usata sui nemici la bacchetta li ammalierà brevemente, al contempo applicando _%3$d punti scudo_ all'utilizzatore. I non-morti ostili riceveranno _%4$d-%5$d punti danno_ anziché divenire ammaliati.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=bacchetta della sentinella
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=bacchetta della sentinella
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=bastone della sentinella
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=bastone della sentinella
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=La tua bacchetta non può sostenere ulte
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Non puoi piazzare una sentinella qui.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Non puoi piazzare una sentinella qui.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Questa corta bacchetta metallica ha una brillante gemma purpurea fluttuante sulla sua punta.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Questa corta bacchetta metallica ha una brillante gemma purpurea fluttuante sulla sua punta.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Anziché danneggiare direttamente un nemico, questa bacchetta evocherà delle sentinelle stazionarie. Le sentinelle possono venire evocate ovunque, anche attraverso i muri se ne possiedi visione Questa bacchetta può sostenere _%d punti energia_ in sentinelle al massimo.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Anziché danneggiare direttamente un nemico, questa bacchetta evocherà delle sentinelle stazionarie. Le sentinelle possono venire evocate ovunque, anche attraverso i muri se ne possiedi visione Questa bacchetta può sostenere _%d punti energia_ in sentinelle al massimo.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=sentinella minore
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=sentinella minore
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Questa semplice sentinella colpirà automaticamente ogni nemico entri nel suo raggio di visione, infliggendo _%1$d-%2$d punti danno._\n\nColpire questa sentinella con la tua bacchetta la migliorerà.\n\nQuesta sentinella colpirà solamente una volta prima di dissiparsi.\n\nLa tua bacchetta della sentinella sta usando _%3$d punti energia_ per sostenere questa sentinella.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Questa semplice sentinella colpirà automaticamente ogni nemico entri nel suo raggio di visione, infliggendo _%1$d-%2$d punti danno._\n\nColpire questa sentinella con la tua bacchetta la migliorerà.\n\nQuesta sentinella colpirà solamente una volta prima di dissiparsi.\n\nLa tua bacchetta della sentinella sta usando _%3$d punti energia_ per sostenere questa sentinella.
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Un'arma ribelle ha molta difficoltà nel trovar
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s ardente
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s ardente
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Questo incantamento provoca l'emissione di fiamme da un'arma, mandando a fuoco i nemici e arrecando danni bonus a quelli già incendiati.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s bloccante
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s bloccante
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Questo incantamento migliorerà la tua capacità di difenderti dopo aver attaccato con quest'arma.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Questo incantamento migliorerà la tua capacità di difenderti dopo aver attaccato con quest'arma.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=La bacchetta precedente è stata preserv
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Le magie contrastanti cancellano l'incantamento sul tuo bastone.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Le magie contrastanti cancellano l'incantamento sul tuo bastone.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Dovrai identificare questa bacchetta prima di tutto.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Dovrai identificare questa bacchetta prima di tutto.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Non puoi usare una bacchetta maledetta.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Non puoi usare una bacchetta maledetta.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Sei sicuro di voler impregnare il tuo bastone con questa bacchetta? L'incantamento precedente andrà perso.\n\nSe la bacchetta da impregnare è dello stesso livello - o più alto - del bastone, quest'ultimo erediterà il livello di quella bacchetta più uno dei suoi miglioramenti.\n\nQuest'operazione genererà un bastone di livello %d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Sì, sono sicuro.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Sì, sono sicuro.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=No, ho cambiato idea
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=No, ho cambiato idea
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Fabbricato dal Mago stesso, questo bastone è un'arma magica unica nel suo genere. Piuttosto che possedere una magia innata in sé, questo bastone è impregnato piuttosto dell'energia magica di una bacchetta.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Il bastone attualmente non ha magia al suo interno, deve essere _impregnato col potere di una bacchetta_ prima di poterlo usare per lanciare incantesimi.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Il bastone attualmente non ha magia al suo interno, deve essere _impregnato col potere di una bacchetta_ prima di poterlo usare per lanciare incantesimi.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Il bastone è attualmente instillato con un _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Il bastone è attualmente instillato con un _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Questa arma da mischia di _livello-%1$d_ infligge _%2$d-%3$d punti danno_ e richiede _%4$d punti forza_ per essere usata correttamente.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Questa arma da mischia di _livello-%1$d_ infligge _%2$d-%3$d punti danno_ e richiede _%4$d punti forza_ per essere usata correttamente.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Di solito quest'arma da mischia di _livello-%1$d_ infligge _%2$d-%3$d punti danno_ e richiede _%4$d punti forza_ per essere usata correttamente.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Di solito quest'arma da mischia di _livello-%1$d_ infligge _%2$d-%3$d punti danno_ e richiede _%4$d punti forza_ per essere usata correttamente.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Scegli un Glifo
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Sia quest'armatura che il sigillo del guerriero portano un glifo. Scegli quale glifo deve essere conservato.\n\nRicorda che se scegli quello che è sull'armatura, il sigillo non sarà capace di trasferirlo in seguito.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Sia quest'armatura che il sigillo del guerriero portano un glifo. Scegli quale glifo deve essere conservato.\n\nRicorda che se scegli quello che è sull'armatura, il sigillo non sarà capace di trasferirlo in seguito.
items.dewdrop.name=goccia di rugiada
items.dewdrop.name=goccia di rugiada
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=La tua salute è già al massimo.
items.dewdrop.already_full=La tua salute è già al massimo.
items.dewdrop.desc=Una goccia di rugiada cristallina.\n\nPer via della magia di questo posto, l'acqua pura ha minori capacità ricostituenti.
items.dewdrop.desc=Una goccia di rugiada cristallina.\n\nPer via della magia di questo posto, l'acqua pura ha minori capacità ricostituenti.
items.dewvial.name=fiala di rugiada
items.dewvial.name=fiala di rugiada
items.dewvial.collected=Hai raccolto una goccia di rugiada nella tua fiala.
items.dewvial.collected=Hai raccolto una goccia di rugiada nella tua fiala.
items.dewvial.full=La tua fiala di rugiada è piena!
items.dewvial.full=La tua fiala di rugiada è piena!
items.dewvial.empty=La tua fiala di rugiada è vuota!
items.dewvial.empty=La tua fiala di rugiada è vuota!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=人のような姿をした儚い霊体
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=衝撃波の長杖
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=この杖は対象の場所で爆発する電光を放つ。衝撃の力は _%1$dから%2$dのダメージ_ を与え、ほとんどの敵を飛ばせるくらい強力だ。
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=この杖は対象の場所で爆発する電光を放つ。衝撃の力は _%1$dから%2$dのダメージ_ を与え、ほとんどの敵を飛ばせるくらい強力だ。
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=この杖は障害物を突き抜ける光線を放ち、強化するにつれてより遠くへ届くようになる。光線は _%1$dから%2$dのダメージ_ を与え、突き抜けた敵や壁に応じてボーナスダメージが入る。
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=この杖は障害物を突き抜ける光線を放ち、強化するにつれてより遠くへ届くようになる。光線は _%1$dから%2$dのダメージ_ を与え、突き抜けた敵や壁に応じてボーナスダメージが入る。
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=この杖を使うと爆炎が吹き出し、円錐状に広がっていく。強化するにつれてより充填を消費するようになり、充填を消費すればするほど効果が非常に強力になっていく。次に攻撃するときは _%1$dの充填_ を消費して _%2$dから%3$dのダメージ_ を与える。
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=この杖は敵に向かって氷エネルギーの衝撃を放ち、 _%1$dから%2$dのダメージ_ を与えて凍えさせ、移動速度を低下させる。この効果は水の中にいるとより強くなる。凍えたり凍結した敵は既に冷えているため、この杖から受けるダメージは減少する。
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=この杖を使うと強力な稲妻が対象に対し電弧を描いて飛んでゆき、 _%1$dから%2$dのダメージ_ を与える。電撃は敵の周囲で跳ね回り、ダメージを波及させる。雷撃とそのダメージの波及は水の中だとより効果的になる。近づきすぎると、感電してしまうだろう!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=この杖は敵に魔法の岩石を発射し、 _%1$dから%2$dのダメージ_ を与える。発射後、この岩石は使用者の周りに漂い、与えたダメージに応じた岩石の鎧となる。もし岩石が十分あれば、次に杖を振るときは岩石でできた守護者に変化するだろう。
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=この杖は敵に魔法の岩石を発射し、 _%1$dから%2$dのダメージ_ を与える。発射後、この岩石は使用者の周りに漂い、与えたダメージに応じた岩石の鎧となる。もし岩石が十分あれば、次に杖を振るときは岩石でできた守護者に変化するだろう。
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Magical rocks are surrounding your body, when you are attacked they will attempt to block for you, and will reduce the damage you take by 50%%. Each damage blocked scrapes away some of the rock however.\n\nRemaining Armor: %1$d.\n\nIf enough rock is built around you, the next zap from your wand of living earth will cause the rocks to form up into a guardian which will fight with you.\n\nArmor needed for Guardian: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Magical rocks are surrounding your body, when you are attacked they will attempt to block for you, and will reduce the damage you take by 50%%. Each damage blocked scrapes away some of the rock however.\n\nRemaining Armor: %1$d.\n\nIf enough rock is built around you, the next zap from your wand of living earth will cause the rocks to form up into a guardian which will fight with you.\n\nArmor needed for Guardian: %2$d.
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=魔力の矢の杖
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=This fairly plain wand launches missiles of pure magical energy. While the wand itself lacks any special effects, it has more available charges and can briefly empower other wands when upgraded.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=This fairly plain wand launches missiles of pure magical energy. While the wand itself lacks any special effects, it has more available charges and can briefly empower other wands when upgraded.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Each bolt from this wand deals _%1$d-%2$d damage,_ and will briefly empower other wands if it is upgraded.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Each bolt from this wand deals _%1$d-%2$d damage,_ and will briefly empower other wands if it is upgraded.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Magic Charge
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Magic Charge
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Your wand of magic missile has fed power back into your wands, boosting the effective level of the next zap they make.\n\nYour wands are boosted to: +%d.\n\nTurns of magic charge remaining: %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Your wand of magic missile has fed power back into your wands, boosting the effective level of the next zap they make.\n\nYour wands are boosted to: +%d.\n\nTurns of magic charge remaining: %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=虹彩の杖
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=この杖はダンジョンの暗闇を切り裂く光線を放ち、隠された場所や罠を明らかにする。光線は敵の目を晦ませ、 _%1$dから%2$dのダメージ_ を与える。悪魔や不死の敵は杖から発せられる光によって炎上し、ボーナスダメージを受ける。
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=この杖はダンジョンの暗闇を切り裂く光線を放ち、隠された場所や罠を明らかにする。光線は敵の目を晦ませ、 _%1$dから%2$dのダメージ_ を与える。悪魔や不死の敵は杖から発せられる光によって炎上し、ボーナスダメージを受ける。
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. As this wand is upgraded it will consume more charges, the effect becomes significantly more powerful the more charges are consumed. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wonderous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Seed Pods are magical plants that produce seeds from other plant types, rather than any seeds of their own. They somehow manage to spread despite having no seed of their own.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Seed Pods are magical plants that produce seeds from other plant types, rather than any seeds of their own. They somehow manage to spread despite having no seed of their own.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Golden Lotus
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Golden Lotus
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=あなたは自分の杖が体力を吸い
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=When used on allies, this wand will sap _%1$d of the user's health_ to heal or shield the ally for _%2$d health._ When used on enemies, the wand briefly charms them while applying _%3$d shielding_ to the user. Hostile undead will take _%4$d-%5$d damage_ instead of being charmed.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=When used on allies, this wand will sap _%1$d of the user's health_ to heal or shield the ally for _%2$d health._ When used on enemies, the wand briefly charms them while applying _%3$d shielding_ to the user. Hostile undead will take _%4$d-%5$d damage_ instead of being charmed.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=杖はこれ以上護衛を維持でき
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Rather than directly damaging an enemy, this wand will summon stationary wards and sentries. Wards can be summoned anywhere, even through walls if you have vision. This wand can sustain _%d energy_ worth of wards at a time.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Rather than directly damaging an enemy, this wand will summon stationary wards and sentries. Wards can be summoned anywhere, even through walls if you have vision. This wand can sustain _%d energy_ worth of wards at a time.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=This basic ward will automatically zap any enemy which comes into its range of vision, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._\n\nZapping this ward with your wand of warding will upgrade it.\n\nThis ward will only zap a single time before dissipating.\n\nYour wand of warding is using _%3$d energy_ to sustain this ward.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=This basic ward will automatically zap any enemy which comes into its range of vision, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._\n\nZapping this ward with your wand of warding will upgrade it.\n\nThis ward will only zap a single time before dissipating.\n\nYour wand of warding is using _%3$d energy_ to sustain this ward.
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=我儘な武器の機嫌を取るのは本当
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=The previous wand was preserved!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=この長杖は現在魔力が込められておらず、杖を振るう前に _杖の力を込める_ 必要がある。
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=この長杖は現在魔力が込められておらず、杖を振るう前に _杖の力を込める_ 必要がある。
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=この長杖は現在 _%s_ の力が込められている。
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=この長杖は現在 _%s_ の力が込められている。
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=この _%1$d ランク_ の近接武器は _%2$dから%3$dのダメージ_ を与え、適切に扱うには _%4$d の筋力_ が必要となる。
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=この _%1$d ランク_ の近接武器は _%2$dから%3$dのダメージ_ を与え、適切に扱うには _%4$d の筋力_ が必要となる。
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=この _%1$d ランク_ の近接武器は、通常、 _%2$dから%3$dのダメージ_ を与え、適切に扱うには _%4$dの筋力_ が必要となる。
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=この _%1$d ランク_ の近接武器は、通常、 _%2$dから%3$dのダメージ_ を与え、適切に扱うには _%4$dの筋力_ が必要となる。
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choose a Glyph
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later.
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=허약해 보이는 인간 모양의
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=에테르 사슬
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=에테르 사슬
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=사슬의 충전량이 부족하다.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=사슬의 충전량이 부족하다.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=저주받은 사슬은 사용할 수 없다.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=저주받은 사슬은 사용할 수 없다.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=아무것도 일어나지 않았다.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=아무것도 일어나지 않았다.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=충격파의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=당신은 당신이 발사한 충격파에 맞아 죽었다...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=당신은 당신이 발사한 충격파에 맞아 죽었다...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=이 막대는 대리석의 일종으로 만들어졌으며, 금색의 테두리와 끝 부분의 둥글고 검은 보석으로 장식되어 있습니다. 손에 쥐었을때 매우 무겁게 느껴집니다.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=이 막대는 대리석의 일종으로 만들어졌으며, 금색의 테두리와 끝 부분의 둥글고 검은 보석으로 장식되어 있습니다. 손에 쥐었을때 매우 무겁게 느껴집니다.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=이 막대는 해당 지점에 착탄해 공간을 사납게 폭발시키는 화살을 발사합니다. 충격파는 _%1$d-%2$d 의 피해를_ 입히며 해당 지점의 대부분의 적들을 날려보낼 만큼 강력합니다.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=이 막대는 해당 지점에 착탄해 공간을 사납게 폭발시키는 화살을 발사합니다. 충격파는 _%1$d-%2$d 의 피해를_ 입히며 해당 지점의 대부분의 적들을 날려보낼 만큼 강력합니다.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=부식의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=부식의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=부식의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=부식의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=이 막대는 잿빛 몸체에 끝은 밝은 주황색 보석으로 장식되어 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=이 막대는 잿빛 몸체에 끝은 밝은 주황색 보석으로 장식되어 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=이 막대는 목표 지점에 착탄하여 강력한 산성 가스를 발생시키는 화살을 발사합니다. 이 구름 속에 갇힌 적들은 지속적인 피해를 입으며, 그 피해는 시간이 갈수록 강해집니다.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=타락의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=타락의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=타락의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=타락의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=그 대상에게 더 영향을 줄 수 없다.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=그 대상에게 더 영향을 줄 수 없다.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=이 막대는 끝 부분에 달린 해골 모양 장식에서 알 수 있듯이 혼란스럽고 어두운 에너지를 발하고 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=이 막대는 끝 부분에 달린 해골 모양 장식에서 알 수 있듯이 혼란스럽고 어두운 에너지를 발하고 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=이 막대는 타락의 에너지를 발사하여, 적을 약화시키다가 끝내는 정신을 조종할 수 있게 합니다. 적들은 타락에 저항할 수 있지만, 약화된 적들은 훨씬 더 쉽게 타락시킬 수 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=이 막대는 타락의 에너지를 발사하여, 적을 약화시키다가 끝내는 정신을 조종할 수 있게 합니다. 적들은 타락에 저항할 수 있지만, 약화된 적들은 훨씬 더 쉽게 타락시킬 수 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=붕괴의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=붕괴의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=붕괴의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=붕괴의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=이 막대는 매끈한 흑요석 덩어리로 만들어졌으며, 진보라색 빛이 옆 부분을 타고 끝부분까지 이어져 있습니다. 파괴적인 에너지를 내뿜으고 있으며 그 에너지가 발사되길 기다리고 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=이 막대는 매끈한 흑요석 덩어리로 만들어졌으며, 진보라색 빛이 옆 부분을 타고 끝부분까지 이어져 있습니다. 파괴적인 에너지를 내뿜으고 있으며 그 에너지가 발사되길 기다리고 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=이 막대는 모든 장애물을 관통하는 광선을 발사합니다. 막대가 강화될수록 광선이 더 멀리까지 나갑니다. 이 막대가 발사하는 광선은 _%1$d-%2$d의 피해를_ 입히며, 적과 지형을 관통할수록 더 강력해집니다.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=이 막대는 모든 장애물을 관통하는 광선을 발사합니다. 막대가 강화될수록 광선이 더 멀리까지 나갑니다. 이 막대가 발사하는 광선은 _%1$d-%2$d의 피해를_ 입히며, 적과 지형을 관통할수록 더 강력해집니다.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=화염 폭발의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=화염 폭발의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=화염 폭발의 지팡이
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=화염 폭발의 지팡이
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=이 막대는 붉은 색으로 옻칠한 나뭇가지를 금색 잎으로 대강 말아서 만들었습니다. 끝 부분이 떨리고 있어 강력한 마법을 발사하길 원하는 것 같습니다.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=이 막대는 붉은 색으로 옻칠한 나뭇가지를 금색 잎으로 대강 말아서 만들었습니다. 끝 부분이 떨리고 있어 강력한 마법을 발사하길 원하는 것 같습니다.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=이 막대를 사용하면 화염의 폭발이 일어나며, 원뿔 모양으로 확산됩니다. 강화된 막대는 더 많은 충전량을 소모하며, 소모하는 충전량이 늘어날 때 마다 효과도 눈에 띄게 강해집니다. 다음에 이 마법 막대는 _%1$d 의 충전량을_ 소모하여 _%2$d-%3$d의 피해를_ 입힐 것입니다.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=서리의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=서리의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=서리의 지팡이
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=서리의 지팡이
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=이 막대는 일종의 마법 얼음으로 만들어진 것 같습니다. 둥근 끝 부분으로 갈수록 밝게 빛이 납니다. 잡고 있으면 매우 차갑지만, 손이 얼어버리지는 않습니다.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=이 막대는 일종의 마법 얼음으로 만들어진 것 같습니다. 둥근 끝 부분으로 갈수록 밝게 빛이 납니다. 잡고 있으면 매우 차갑지만, 손이 얼어버리지는 않습니다.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc= 이 막대는 사용자의 적에게 얼음 에너지를 발사하여 _%1$d-%2$d 의 피해를_ 주며 냉동시켜 속도를 느리게 만듭니다. 물 속에 있는 적에게 사용하면 냉동 효과가 더 강해집니다. 냉동되거나 얼어 버린 적들은 이미 차가운 상태라서 이 막대에 피해를 적게 입습니다.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=번개의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=번개의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=번개의 지팡이
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=번개의 지팡이
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=당신은 당신이 발사한 번개에 맞아 죽었다...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=당신은 당신이 발사한 번개에 맞아 죽었다...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=이 막대는 쇳덩어리로 만들어져 생각보다 엄청 무겁습니다. 두 개의 지침이 끝 부분에 함께 휘어져 있으며 전류가 둘 사이에 흐르고 있습니다.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=이 막대는 쇳덩어리로 만들어져 생각보다 엄청 무겁습니다. 두 개의 지침이 끝 부분에 함께 휘어져 있으며 전류가 둘 사이에 흐르고 있습니다.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=이 막대는 발사한 지역으로 나가는 강력한 번개를 발사하여 _%1$d-%2$d의 피해를_ 입힙니다. 이 번개는 주변의 적들에게 튕겨나갈 수 있으며, 물 속의 대상에게 더 강력합니다. 너무 가까이서 발사하면 당신도 번개에 맞을 수 있습니다.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=대지의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=대지의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=대지의 지팡이
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=대지의 지팡이
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=이 마법 막대는 기이한 암석과 그를 감싸며 에너지를 내뿜는 노란 띠로 이루어져 있습니다. 당신이 이 마법 막대를 쥐자 암석이 약간 움직인 것처럼 보입니다. 마치 당신의 손을 느낄 수 있는 것처럼 말이죠.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=이 마법 막대는 기이한 암석과 그를 감싸며 에너지를 내뿜는 노란 띠로 이루어져 있습니다. 당신이 이 마법 막대를 쥐자 암석이 약간 움직인 것처럼 보입니다. 마치 당신의 손을 느낄 수 있는 것처럼 말이죠.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=이 마법 막대는 적에게 마법의 돌을 날려보내, _%1$d-%2$d_ 의 피해를 줍니다. 그 직후 암석이 사용자의 주변에서 다시 결합되어, 준 피해의 일부만큼 피해를 막아내는 장갑을 형성합니다. 만약 충분한 양의 장갑이 만들어졌다면, 다음 마법 막대를 사용할 때 장갑이 암석 수호자 형태로 변할 것입니다.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=이 마법 막대는 적에게 마법의 돌을 날려보내, _%1$d-%2$d_ 의 피해를 줍니다. 그 직후 암석이 사용자의 주변에서 다시 결합되어, 준 피해의 일부만큼 피해를 막아내는 장갑을 형성합니다. 만약 충분한 양의 장갑이 만들어졌다면, 다음 마법 막대를 사용할 때 장갑이 암석 수호자 형태로 변할 것입니다.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=암석 장갑
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=암석 장갑
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=마법의 돌이 당신의 몸 주위를 떠돌고 있으며, 당신이 공격받을 때 이들은 당신을 보호하려 할 것이고 당신이 받는 피해의 50%%를 경감합니다. 그러나 피해를 막아낼 때마다 암석의 일부가 긁혀 나갈 것입니다.\n\n남아 있는 장갑의 양: %1$d.\n\n만약 충분한 양의 장갑이 쌓였다면, 다음에 대지의 마법 막대를 사용할 때 암석이 수호자의 형상으로 재결합하여 당신과 함께 전투에 참여할 것입니다.\n\n수호자를 소환하기 위해 필요한 장갑의 양: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=마법의 돌이 당신의 몸 주위를 떠돌고 있으며, 당신이 공격받을 때 이들은 당신을 보호하려 할 것이고 당신이 받는 피해의 50%%를 경감합니다. 그러나 피해를 막아낼 때마다 암석의 일부가 긁혀 나갈 것입니다.\n\n남아 있는 장갑의 양: %1$d.\n\n만약 충분한 양의 장갑이 쌓였다면, 다음에 대지의 마법 막대를 사용할 때 암석이 수호자의 형상으로 재결합하여 당신과 함께 전투에 참여할 것입니다.\n\n수호자를 소환하기 위해 필요한 장갑의 양: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=대지의 수호자
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=대지의 수호자
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=마탄의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=마탄의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=마탄의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=이 평범해 보이는 막대는 순수한 마법 에너지를 발사합니다. 이 막대 자체는 특별한 효과를 가지진 않지만, 다른 막대에 비해 더 많은 충전량을 가지며 강화되었을 때 다른 막대들의 위력을 잠시동안 증가시킬 수 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=이 평범해 보이는 막대는 순수한 마법 에너지를 발사합니다. 이 막대 자체는 특별한 효과를 가지진 않지만, 다른 막대에 비해 더 많은 충전량을 가지며 강화되었을 때 다른 막대들의 위력을 잠시동안 증가시킬 수 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=이 마법 막대가 발사하는 에너지는 _%1$d-%2$d의 피해_ 를 입히고, 강화되어 있을 경우 다른 마법 막대의 위력을 약간 증가시킵니다.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=이 마법 막대가 발사하는 에너지는 _%1$d-%2$d의 피해_ 를 입히고, 강화되어 있을 경우 다른 마법 막대의 위력을 약간 증가시킵니다.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=마력 충전
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=마력 충전
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=당신의 마탄의 마법 막대가 다른 막대들에게 힘을 주어, 다음 에 시전하는 주문의 강화 레벨을 증가시킵니다.\n\n마법 막대가 +%d만큼 강화되었습니다.\n\n남은 턴: %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=당신의 마탄의 마법 막대가 다른 막대들에게 힘을 주어, 다음 에 시전하는 주문의 강화 레벨을 증가시킵니다.\n\n마법 막대가 +%d만큼 강화되었습니다.\n\n남은 턴: %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=굴절광의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=굴절광의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=굴절광의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=이 막대는 투명한 수정 덩어리로 만들어져서 마치 기다랗고 매끈한 유리처럼 보입니다. 끝부분에는 형형색색의 빛이 춤추고 있으며, 발사되기를 원하는 것 같습니다.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=이 막대는 투명한 수정 덩어리로 만들어져서 마치 기다랗고 매끈한 유리처럼 보입니다. 끝부분에는 형형색색의 빛이 춤추고 있으며, 발사되기를 원하는 것 같습니다.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=이 막대는 맞은 적들에게 _%1$d-%2$d의 피해와_ 실명을 주며, 던전의 어둠을 밝혀 숨겨진 지역과 함정을 드러내 주는 광선을 발사합니다. 악마와 언데드는 막대에서 발사된 빛에 태워지며 추가 피해를 입습니다.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=이 막대는 맞은 적들에게 _%1$d-%2$d의 피해와_ 실명을 주며, 던전의 어둠을 밝혀 숨겨진 지역과 함정을 드러내 주는 광선을 발사합니다. 악마와 언데드는 막대에서 발사된 빛에 태워지며 추가 피해를 입습니다.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=재성장의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=재성장의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=재성장의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=재성장의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=이 막대는 전문적인 솜씨로 조각된 얇은 나무 줄기로 만들어졌습니다. 어떤 방법인지 모르겠지만 이 막대는 살아 있으며 어린 나무처럼 푸르고 생기 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=이 막대를 사용하면 원뿔 모양으로 마법의 재성장 에너지를 발사하여 잔디, 뿌리들, 그리고 희귀한 식물들을 자라나게 합니다. 강화된 막대는 더 많은 충전량을 소모하며, 소모하는 충전량이 늘어날 때 마다 효과도 눈에 띄게 강해집니다. 다음에 이 마법 막대는 _%1$d의 충전량_ 을 소모할 것입니다. "한 생명이 죽으면 또 다른 생명이 태어나는 법... 그리고 영원한 순환은 언제나 계속될지니!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=이슬잡이풀은 스스로를 마법의 이슬로 채우는 신비한 식물입니다. 이슬잡이풀은 평소에는 잘 보이지 않기 위해 주변의 잡초로 위장하려 하지만, 이슬을 머금은 주머니로 구분이 가능합니다.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=씨앗주머니풀은 자신의 씨앗보다는 다른 종류의 식물들의 씨앗을 생성하는 마법의 식물입니다. 이들은 자신의 씨앗이 없음에도 불구하고 어떻게든 그럭저럭 번식해 나갑니다.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=씨앗주머니풀은 자신의 씨앗보다는 다른 종류의 식물들의 씨앗을 생성하는 마법의 식물입니다. 이들은 자신의 씨앗이 없음에도 불구하고 어떻게든 그럭저럭 번식해 나갑니다.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=금빛 연꽃
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=금빛 연꽃
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=당신은 당신이 가진 이식의 마
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=당신의 지팡이는 적들의 생명력으로 충전되었다!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=당신의 지팡이는 적들의 생명력으로 충전되었다!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=꽤나 평범하게 생긴 막대로써, 자주색 몸통 끝에 달린 칠흑색 보석이 돋보입니다.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=꽤나 평범하게 생긴 막대로써, 자주색 몸통 끝에 달린 칠흑색 보석이 돋보입니다.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=아군에게 사용되는 경우, 이 마법 막대는 _%1$d만큼의 사용자의 체력_을 흡수하여 아군에게 _%2$d만큼의 체력_을 회복시키거나 보호막을 씌웁니다. 적들에게 사용되는 경우, 이 마법 막대는 대상을 잠시동안 매혹시키고 사용자에게 _%3$d만큼의 보호막_을 씌웁니다. 언데드 적들은 매혹되는 대신 _%4$d-%5$d만큼의 피해_를 입을 것입니다.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=아군에게 사용되는 경우, 이 마법 막대는 _%1$d만큼의 사용자의 체력_을 흡수하여 아군에게 _%2$d만큼의 체력_을 회복시키거나 보호막을 씌웁니다. 적들에게 사용되는 경우, 이 마법 막대는 대상을 잠시동안 매혹시키고 사용자에게 _%3$d만큼의 보호막_을 씌웁니다. 언데드 적들은 매혹되는 대신 _%4$d-%5$d만큼의 피해_를 입을 것입니다.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=수호의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=수호의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=수호의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=수호의 지팡이
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=당신의 마법 막대는 더 이상의
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=그곳에 수호석을 소환할 수 없다.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=그곳에 수호석을 소환할 수 없다.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=이 짧은 금속질의 마법 막대의 끝 부분 위에는 밝은 보라색 보석이 떠 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=이 짧은 금속질의 마법 막대의 끝 부분 위에는 밝은 보라색 보석이 떠 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=적에게 직접 피해를 입히는 대신, 이 마법 막대는 고정된 수호석과 감시탑을 소환합니다. 감시탑은 벽 너머를 포함한 시야가 닿는 모든 곳에 설치가 가능합니다. 이 마법 막대는 한 번에 _%d만큼의 수호석 에너지_를 유지할 수 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=적에게 직접 피해를 입히는 대신, 이 마법 막대는 고정된 수호석과 감시탑을 소환합니다. 감시탑은 벽 너머를 포함한 시야가 닿는 모든 곳에 설치가 가능합니다. 이 마법 막대는 한 번에 _%d만큼의 수호석 에너지_를 유지할 수 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=하급 수호석
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=하급 수호석
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=이 기본적인 수호석은 시야 내에 들어온 적에게 자동으로 공격을 가하여, _%1$d-%2$d_ 의 피해를 줍니다.\n\n이 수호석을 대상으로 수호의 마법 막대를 사용하면 수호석을 강화합니다.\n\n이 수호석은 사라지기 전까지 적을 단 한 번만 공격할 수 있습니다.\n\n당신의 수호의 마법 막대가 이 수호석을 유지하기 위해 _%3$d 만큼의 수호석 에너지_ 를 사용하고 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=이 기본적인 수호석은 시야 내에 들어온 적에게 자동으로 공격을 가하여, _%1$d-%2$d_ 의 피해를 줍니다.\n\n이 수호석을 대상으로 수호의 마법 막대를 사용하면 수호석을 강화합니다.\n\n이 수호석은 사라지기 전까지 적을 단 한 번만 공격할 수 있습니다.\n\n당신의 수호의 마법 막대가 이 수호석을 유지하기 위해 _%3$d 만큼의 수호석 에너지_ 를 사용하고 있습니다.
@ -1273,7 +1288,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.polarized.name=양극화의 %s
items.weapon.curses.polarized.desc=양극화된 무기는 공격력이 마법의 영향을 받아, 50% 더 많은 피해를 입히거나, 아무런 피해도 입히지 않습니다.
items.weapon.curses.polarized.desc=양극화된 무기는 공격력이 마법의 영향을 받아, 50% 더 많은 피해를 입히거나, 아무런 피해도 입히지 않습니다.
items.weapon.curses.sacrificial.name=희생의 %s
items.weapon.curses.sacrificial.name=희생의 %s
items.weapon.curses.sacrificial.desc=생의 무기는 적을 공격하는 것을 댓가로 사용자에게 피를 갈구합니다. 더욱 건강한 사용자일수록 더 많은 피를 가져갑니다.
items.weapon.curses.sacrificial.desc=희생의 무기는 적을 공격하는 것을 댓가로 사용자에게 피를 갈구합니다. 더욱 건강한 사용자일수록 더 많은 피를 가져갑니다.
items.weapon.curses.wayward.name=혼잡한 %s
items.weapon.curses.wayward.name=혼잡한 %s
items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=혼잡한 무기는 사용자의 집중을 아주 많이 흐트려트립니다. 무조건 명중하는 공격을 제외한 공격이 매우 부정확해집니다.
items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=혼잡한 무기는 사용자의 집중을 아주 많이 흐트려트립니다. 무조건 명중하는 공격을 제외한 공격이 매우 부정확해집니다.
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=혼잡한 무기는 사용자의 집중을 아
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=불타는 %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=불타는 %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=이 마법은 무기로부터 전방으로 화염을 내뿜어 적을 불태우며, 이미 불타고 있는 적에게는 추가 피해를 줍니다.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=방어의 %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=방어의 %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=이 마법은 공격 이후 당신의 방어 능력을 늘려줍니다.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=이 마법은 공격 이후 당신의 방어 능력을 늘려줍니다.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=이전에 융합했던 마법 막대가
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=상반되는 마법이 당신의 지팡이에 깃든 마법을 지워 버렸다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=상반되는 마법이 당신의 지팡이에 깃든 마법을 지워 버렸다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=먼저 마법 막대를 감정해야 합니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=먼저 마법 막대를 감정해야 합니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=저주받은 마법 막대를 사용할 수 없습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=저주받은 마법 막대를 사용할 수 없습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=정말로 이 마법 막대를 지팡이에 융합하시겠습니까? 현재 지팡이에 부여된 모든 마법이 사라집니다.\n\n융합될 마법 막대가 지팡이보다 강화 수치가 높다면, 마법 막대의 강화 수치에 지팡이의 강화 수치를 1만큼 가져옵니다.\n\n이 융합으로 + %d 강화된 지팡이를 얻게 됩니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=네, 그렇게 하겠습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=네, 그렇게 하겠습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=아니오, 생각을 바꾸었습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=아니오, 생각을 바꾸었습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=마법사가 스스로 제작한 이 지팡이는 매우 특별하고 범용적인 마법 무기입니다. 지팡이 자체가 마법 효과를 가지는 건 아니지만, 대신 다른 마법 막대와 융합됨으로써 해당 마법 막대가 가진 마법 효과를 흡수할 수 있습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=이 지팡이에는 현재 아무런 마법이 깃들어 있지 않습니다. _다른 마법 막대의 힘을 흡수_ 해야 마법을 사용할 수 있습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=이 지팡이에는 현재 아무런 마법이 깃들어 있지 않습니다. _다른 마법 막대의 힘을 흡수_ 해야 마법을 사용할 수 있습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=이 지팡이는 현재 _%s와_ 융합했습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=이 지팡이는 현재 _%s와_ 융합했습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=이 _%1$d단계_ 무기는 _%2$d-%3$d의 피해_ 를 입히며 _힘이 %4$d이상_ 이어야 제대로 다룰 수 있습니다.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=이 _%1$d단계_ 무기는 _%2$d-%3$d의 피해_ 를 입히며 _힘이 %4$d이상_ 이어야 제대로 다룰 수 있습니다.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=보통 이 _%1$d단계_ 무기는 _%2$d-%3$d의 피해_ 를 입히며 _힘이 %4$d이상_ 이어야 제대로 다룰 수 있습니다.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=보통 이 _%1$d단계_ 무기는 _%2$d-%3$d의 피해_ 를 입히며 _힘이 %4$d이상_ 이어야 제대로 다룰 수 있습니다.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=상형문자를 선택하세요
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=해당 갑옷과 부러진 인장에 모두 상형문자가 적혀있습니다. 보존할 상형문자를 선택해주세요.\n\n갑옷에 부여된 상형문자를 보존할 경우, 이후 인장을 옮길 때 그 상형문자를 같이 옮기지 않습니다.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=해당 갑옷과 부러진 인장에 모두 상형문자가 적혀있습니다. 보존할 상형문자를 선택해주세요.\n\n갑옷에 부여된 상형문자를 보존할 경우, 이후 인장을 옮길 때 그 상형문자를 같이 옮기지 않습니다.
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=당신은 이미 최대 체력입니다.
items.dewdrop.already_full=당신은 이미 최대 체력입니다.
items.dewdrop.desc=수정같이 깨끗한 이슬입니다.\n\n이 장소의 마법의 영향으로 인해, 순수한 물은 약한 회복 효과를 가집니다.
items.dewdrop.desc=수정같이 깨끗한 이슬입니다.\n\n이 장소의 마법의 영향으로 인해, 순수한 물은 약한 회복 효과를 가집니다.
items.dewvial.value=%+d HP
items.dewvial.collected=당신은 이슬을 이슬병 안에 넣었다.
items.dewvial.collected=당신은 이슬을 이슬병 안에 넣었다.
items.dewvial.full=당신의 이슬병이 꽉 찼다!
items.dewvial.full=당신의 이슬병이 꽉 찼다!
items.dewvial.empty=당신의 이슬병이 텅 비었다!
items.dewvial.empty=당신의 이슬병이 텅 비었다!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Słabo wyglądająca duchowa postać o
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=nieziemskie łańcuchy
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=nieziemskie łańcuchy
items.artifacts.etherealchains.ac_cast=RZUĆ ZAKLĘCIE
items.artifacts.etherealchains.ac_cast=RZUĆ ZAKLĘCIE
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Twoje łańcuchy nie mają dość ładunków.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Twoje łańcuchy nie mają dość ładunków.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Nie możesz użyć przeklętych łańcuchów.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Nie możesz użyć przeklętych łańcuchów.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Nic nie zrobisz.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Nic nie zrobisz.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=kostur fali wybuchu
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Zabiłeś się własną Różdżką Fali Wybuchu...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Zabiłeś się własną Różdżką Fali Wybuchu...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Ta różdżka jest wykonana z pewnego rodzaju marmuru, ze złotym wykończeniem i okrągłym, czarnym klejnotem na końcu. Czujesz jej ciężar w dłoni.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Ta różdżka jest wykonana z pewnego rodzaju marmuru, ze złotym wykończeniem i okrągłym, czarnym klejnotem na końcu. Czujesz jej ciężar w dłoni.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Ta różdżka wystrzeliwuje pocisk, który gwałtownie eksploduje na wybranej lokacji. Siła fali uderzeniowej zadajes _%1$d-%2$d obrażeń_ i jest na tyle mocna, aby sprawić, by przeciwnicy odlecieli.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Ta różdżka wystrzeliwuje pocisk, który gwałtownie eksploduje na wybranej lokacji. Siła fali uderzeniowej zadajes _%1$d-%2$d obrażeń_ i jest na tyle mocna, aby sprawić, by przeciwnicy odlecieli.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=różdżka korozji
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=różdżka korozji
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=kostur korozji
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=kostur korozji
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Ta różdżka jest zrobiona z jesionu i ma świetnie wykonany pomarańczowy klejnot.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Ta różdżka jest zrobiona z jesionu i ma świetnie wykonany pomarańczowy klejnot.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Ta różdżka wystrzeliwuje pocisk który eksploduje w chmurę bardzo korozyjnego gazu w miejscu docelowym. Wszystko w chmurze będzie otrzymywało coraz większe obrażenia wraz z mijającym czasem.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=różdżka korupcji
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=różdżka korupcji
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=kostur korupcji
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=kostur korupcji
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Nie można bardziej wpłynąć na tą postać.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Nie można bardziej wpłynąć na tą postać.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Ta różdżka promieniuje chaotyczną, mroczną energią, tak jakby nie było to dość oczywiste z małej ozdobnej czaszki na jej czubku.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Ta różdżka promieniuje chaotyczną, mroczną energią, tak jakby nie było to dość oczywiste z małej ozdobnej czaszki na jej czubku.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Ta różdżka wystrzeliwuje pocisk korupcyjnej energii, osłabiając przeciwników i ewentualnie konwertując ich na twoją stronę. Wrogowie mogą się oprzeć korupcji, ale wrogowie z pełnym zdrowiem będą trudniejsi do skorumpowania niż ci osłabieni.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Ta różdżka wystrzeliwuje pocisk korupcyjnej energii, osłabiając przeciwników i ewentualnie konwertując ich na twoją stronę. Wrogowie mogą się oprzeć korupcji, ale wrogowie z pełnym zdrowiem będą trudniejsi do skorumpowania niż ci osłabieni.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=różdżka dezintegracji
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=różdżka dezintegracji
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=kostur dezintegracji
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=kostur dezintegracji
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Ta różdżka wykonana jest z solidnego, gładkiego kawałka obsydianu, z głębokim, fioletowym światłem biegnącym wzdłuż boku i emitującym z jej czubka. Promieniuje destrukcyjną energią, gotowa wkrótce wystrzelić.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Ta różdżka wykonana jest z solidnego, gładkiego kawałka obsydianu, z głębokim, fioletowym światłem biegnącym wzdłuż boku i emitującym z jej czubka. Promieniuje destrukcyjną energią, gotowa wkrótce wystrzelić.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Ta różdżka wystrzeliwuje promień, który jest w stanie przebić każdą przeszkodę i będzie sięgał dalej wraz z ulepszeniami. Promień zadaje _%1$d-%2$d obrażeń_ i dodatkowe obrażenia wraz z każdym kolejnym przebitym wrogiem czy ścianą.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Ta różdżka wystrzeliwuje promień, który jest w stanie przebić każdą przeszkodę i będzie sięgał dalej wraz z ulepszeniami. Promień zadaje _%1$d-%2$d obrażeń_ i dodatkowe obrażenia wraz z każdym kolejnym przebitym wrogiem czy ścianą.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=różdżka ognistego podmuchu
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=różdżka ognistego podmuchu
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=kostur ognistego wybuchu
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=kostur ognistego wybuchu
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Ta różdżka została wykonana z czerwonego polakierowanego drewna, a złoty liść ma jej nadać bardziej królewskiego wyglądu. Jej końcówka trzeszczy i syczy, żądna uwolnić swoją potężną magię.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Ta różdżka została wykonana z czerwonego polakierowanego drewna, a złoty liść ma jej nadać bardziej królewskiego wyglądu. Jej końcówka trzeszczy i syczy, żądna uwolnić swoją potężną magię.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Ta różdżka podczas użytku produkuje strumień ognia, rozciągający się w kształcie stożka. Gdy różdżka jest ulepszana, będzie pobierać więcej ładunków. Efekt będzie znacząco mocniejszy, zależnie od pobranych ładunków. Następny atak pobierze _%1$d ładunków_ i zada _%2$d-%3$d obrażeń._
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=różdżka mrozu
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=różdżka mrozu
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=kostur lodu
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=kostur lodu
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Ta różdżka została najwyraźniej zrobiona z jakiegoś magicznego lodu. Jest jaśniejsza przy swoim zaokrąglonym wykończeniu. Czujesz, że jest bardzo zimna w dotyku, ale mimo to twoje ręce pozostają ciepłe.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Ta różdżka została najwyraźniej zrobiona z jakiegoś magicznego lodu. Jest jaśniejsza przy swoim zaokrąglonym wykończeniu. Czujesz, że jest bardzo zimna w dotyku, ale mimo to twoje ręce pozostają ciepłe.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Ta różdżka wydmuchuje pociski lodowatej energii w stronę przeciwników, zadając _%1$d-%2$d obrażeń_ i chłodząc, co zmniejsza prędkość. Efekt wydaje się być mocniejszy w wodzie. Ochłodzeni i zamarznięci przeciwnicy będą otrzymywali zmniejszone obrażeń od tej różdżki, ponieważ są już zimni.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=różdżka błyskawic
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=różdżka błyskawic
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=kostur piorunu
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=kostur piorunu
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Zabiłeś się własną Różdżką Błyskawic...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Zabiłeś się własną Różdżką Błyskawic...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Ta różdżka jest wykonana z solidnego metalu, co sprawia, że jest zaskakująco ciężka. Dwa kolce są skrzywione razem na końcówce, a elektryczność iskrzy między nimi.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Ta różdżka jest wykonana z solidnego metalu, co sprawia, że jest zaskakująco ciężka. Dwa kolce są skrzywione razem na końcówce, a elektryczność iskrzy między nimi.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Ta różdżka wysyła potężną błyskawicę, która przejdzie przez kogokolwiek trafionego, zadając _%1$d-%2$d obrażeń._ Elektryczność potrafi przeskakiwać między przeciwnikami, rozpościerając między nimi obrażenia. Błyskawica i obrażenia poszerzają się o wiele efektywniej w wodzie. Jeśli jesteś za blisko, to i ty zostaniesz porażony!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=różdżka żywej ziemi
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=różdżka żywej ziemi
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=kostur żywej ziemi
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=kostur żywej ziemi
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Ta różdżka jest wykonana z dość ciekawej skały z pasami błyszczącej, żółtej energii. Kamienie wydają się przesuwać i uginać pod twoim uchwytem, zupełnie jakby wyczuwały twoją dłoń.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Ta różdżka jest wykonana z dość ciekawej skały z pasami błyszczącej, żółtej energii. Kamienie wydają się przesuwać i uginać pod twoim uchwytem, zupełnie jakby wyczuwały twoją dłoń.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Ta różdżka wysyła pociski magicznych skał w kierunku wrogów, zadając _%1$d-%2$d punktów obrażeń._ Kamienie te potem zbudują zbroję wokół użytkownika, przyznając zbroję proporcjonalną do zadanych obrażeń. Jeśli wystarczająco dużo zbroi zostanie utworzone, przekształci się ona w skalnego strażnika przy następnym użyciu różdżki.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Ta różdżka wysyła pociski magicznych skał w kierunku wrogów, zadając _%1$d-%2$d punktów obrażeń._ Kamienie te potem zbudują zbroję wokół użytkownika, przyznając zbroję proporcjonalną do zadanych obrażeń. Jeśli wystarczająco dużo zbroi zostanie utworzone, przekształci się ona w skalnego strażnika przy następnym użyciu różdżki.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Skalna Zbroja
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Skalna Zbroja
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Magiczne skały otaczają twoje ciało. Przy otrzymaniu ataków spróbują cię obronić i zredukują obrażenia o 50%%. Jednakże wszelkie otrzymane obrażenia odłupują części skalnej zbroi.\n\nPozostała zbroja: %1$d.\n\nJeśli znajduje się na tobie wystarczająco dużo skał, następny strzał z twojej różdżki żywej ziemi sprawi, że kamienie uformują się w strażnika, który będzie dla ciebie walczyć.\n\nZbroja wymagana, by przyzwać Strażnika: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Magiczne skały otaczają twoje ciało. Przy otrzymaniu ataków spróbują cię obronić i zredukują obrażenia o 50%%. Jednakże wszelkie otrzymane obrażenia odłupują części skalnej zbroi.\n\nPozostała zbroja: %1$d.\n\nJeśli znajduje się na tobie wystarczająco dużo skał, następny strzał z twojej różdżki żywej ziemi sprawi, że kamienie uformują się w strażnika, który będzie dla ciebie walczyć.\n\nZbroja wymagana, by przyzwać Strażnika: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=ziemny strażnik
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=ziemny strażnik
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=różdżka magicznego pocisku
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=kostur magicznego pocisku
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=kostur magicznego pocisku
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Ta dosyć prosta różdżka miota pociskami czystej magicznej energii. Sama w sobie nie oferuje żadnych efektów specjalnych, ale ma więcej ładunków, a po ulepszeniu może też chwilowo wzmacniać inne różdżki.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Ta dosyć prosta różdżka miota pociskami czystej magicznej energii. Sama w sobie nie oferuje żadnych efektów specjalnych, ale ma więcej ładunków, a po ulepszeniu może też chwilowo wzmacniać inne różdżki.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Każdy pocisk z tej różdżki zadaje _%1$d-%2$d obrażeń_ i na chwilę wzmacnia inne różdżki, jeżeli jest ulepszona.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Każdy pocisk z tej różdżki zadaje _%1$d-%2$d obrażeń_ i na chwilę wzmacnia inne różdżki, jeżeli jest ulepszona.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Magiczny Ładunek
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Magiczny Ładunek
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Twoja różdżka magicznego pocisku napełniła mocą twoje pozostałe różdżki, wzmacniając ich efektywny poziom przy następnym strzale.\n\nTwoje różdżki są wzmocnione do +%d.\n\nPozostałe tury magicznego wzmocnienia: %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Twoja różdżka magicznego pocisku napełniła mocą twoje pozostałe różdżki, wzmacniając ich efektywny poziom przy następnym strzale.\n\nTwoje różdżki są wzmocnione do +%d.\n\nPozostałe tury magicznego wzmocnienia: %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=różdżka pryzmatycznego światła
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=kostur pryzmatycznego światła
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=kostur pryzmatycznego światła
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Ta różdżka została wykonana z solidnego kawałka prześwitującego kryształu, jakby długi kawałek gładkiego szkła. Małe złomki kolorowego światła tańczą na koniuszku różdżki, chcąc wystrzelić przed siebie.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Ta różdżka została wykonana z solidnego kawałka prześwitującego kryształu, jakby długi kawałek gładkiego szkła. Małe złomki kolorowego światła tańczą na koniuszku różdżki, chcąc wystrzelić przed siebie.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Ta różdżka strzela promieniami światła, które rozjaśniają mrok labiryntu i odsłaniają ukryte miejsca i pułapki. Wiązka potrafi oślepić wrogów i zadaje _%1$d-%2$d obrażeń._ Demoniczne i nieumarłe stwory spłoną w błysku światła różdżki i odnniosą dodatkowe obrażenia.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Ta różdżka strzela promieniami światła, które rozjaśniają mrok labiryntu i odsłaniają ukryte miejsca i pułapki. Wiązka potrafi oślepić wrogów i zadaje _%1$d-%2$d obrażeń._ Demoniczne i nieumarłe stwory spłoną w błysku światła różdżki i odnniosą dodatkowe obrażenia.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=różdżka odrodzenia
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=różdżka odrodzenia
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=kostur odrośnięcia
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=kostur odrośnięcia
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Ta różdżka jest wykonana z cienkiego kawałka starannie rzeźbionego drewna. Jakimś sposobem wciąż tętni życiem, jest jasno-zielona jak młode drzewo.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Przy użyciu, różdżka ta wystrzeli rozszerzającą się falę magicznej energii odrodzenia. Magia ta spowoduje wzrost traw, korzeni i rzadkich roślin. Wraz z ulepszaniem tej różdżki, będzie ona używać więcej ładunków; efekt czaru staje się znacznie potężniejszy, gdy użytych zostanie kilka z nich. Następne użycie zużyje _%1$d ładunki_. "Kiedy jedno życie się kończy, nowe życie się zaczyna... Odwieczny cykl przetrwa zawsze!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Łapacz Rosy
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Łapacz Rosy
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Łapacze rosy są wspaniałymi roślinami wypełnionymi magiczną rosą. Kamuflują się one jako trawa, by uniknąć zainteresowania, ale pęcherze zebranej rosy wyróżniają je na tle innych.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Strąk Nasion
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Strąk Nasion
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Strąki nasion są magicznymi roślinami, które produkują nasiona innych roślin, zamiast swoich własnych. Pomimo nieposiadania własnych nasion, jakimś cudem udaje im się rozprzestrzeniać.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Strąki nasion są magicznymi roślinami, które produkują nasiona innych roślin, zamiast swoich własnych. Pomimo nieposiadania własnych nasion, jakimś cudem udaje im się rozprzestrzeniać.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Złoty Lotos
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Złoty Lotos
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Zabiłeś się własną Różdżką Transf
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Twoja różdżka jest naładowana energią życiową twojego przeciwnika!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Twoja różdżka jest naładowana energią życiową twojego przeciwnika!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Dość wyraźnie ukształtowana różdżka, wyróżnia się karmazynowym odcieniem i intensywnie czarnym kryształem na końcu.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Dość wyraźnie ukształtowana różdżka, wyróżnia się karmazynowym odcieniem i intensywnie czarnym kryształem na końcu.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Jeśli zostanie użyta na sojusznikach, różdżka ta zabierze _użytkownikowi %1$d punktów zdrowia_, ale cele zostaną uleczone lub osłonięte o _%2$d punktów życia_. Jeżeli użyta będzie na przeciwnikach, zostaną oni tymczasowo zauroczeni, a użytkownik dostanie _%3$d punktów osłony_. Nieumarli, zamiast być zauroczonymi, stracą _%4$d-%5$dpunktów życia_.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Jeśli zostanie użyta na sojusznikach, różdżka ta zabierze _użytkownikowi %1$d punktów zdrowia_, ale cele zostaną uleczone lub osłonięte o _%2$d punktów życia_. Jeżeli użyta będzie na przeciwnikach, zostaną oni tymczasowo zauroczeni, a użytkownik dostanie _%3$d punktów osłony_. Nieumarli, zamiast być zauroczonymi, stracą _%4$d-%5$dpunktów życia_.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=różdżka wartownika
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=różdżka wartownika
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=kostur wartownika
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=kostur wartownika
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Twoja różdżka nie podtrzyma więcej w
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Nie możesz postawić tam wartownika.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Nie możesz postawić tam wartownika.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Ta krótka metalowa różdżka ma jasny, fioletowy kryształ unoszący się tuż nad jej końcem.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Ta krótka metalowa różdżka ma jasny, fioletowy kryształ unoszący się tuż nad jej końcem.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Zamiast bezpośrednio krzywdzić wrogów, ta różdżka przywoła stacjonarnych wartowników i protektorów. Wartownicy mogą być postawieni w każdym wolnym miejscu – nawet przez ściany, jeśli teren za nimi jest w zasięgu wzroku . Ta różdżka jest w stanie utrzymać wartowników do wartości _%d jednostek energii_ naraz.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Zamiast bezpośrednio krzywdzić wrogów, ta różdżka przywoła stacjonarnych wartowników i protektorów. Wartownicy mogą być postawieni w każdym wolnym miejscu – nawet przez ściany, jeśli teren za nimi jest w zasięgu wzroku . Ta różdżka jest w stanie utrzymać wartowników do wartości _%d jednostek energii_ naraz.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=pomniejszy wartownik
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=pomniejszy wartownik
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Ten podstawowy wartownik będzie automatycznie ostrzeliwać przeciwników w zasięgu, zadając _%1$d-%2$d punktów obrażeń._\n\nMożesz ulepszyć tego wartownika używając na nim swojej różdżki.\n\nTen wartownik może oddać tylko 1 strzał przed rozproszeniem.\n\nTwoja różdżka wartownika używa _%3$d jednostki energii_ aby utrzymać tego wartownika.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Ten podstawowy wartownik będzie automatycznie ostrzeliwać przeciwników w zasięgu, zadając _%1$d-%2$d punktów obrażeń._\n\nMożesz ulepszyć tego wartownika używając na nim swojej różdżki.\n\nTen wartownik może oddać tylko 1 strzał przed rozproszeniem.\n\nTwoja różdżka wartownika używa _%3$d jednostki energii_ aby utrzymać tego wartownika.
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Nieobliczalne bronie mają niezwykłą trudnoś
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=płonący %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=płonący %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Czar ten sprawia, że twoja broń buzuje ogniem, podpalając wrogów i zadając dodatkowe obrażenia tym, którzy już stoją w płomieniach.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=blokuje %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=blokuje %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=To zaklęcie zwiększy twoje możliwości obronne po zaatakowaniu tą bronią.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=To zaklęcie zwiększy twoje możliwości obronne po zaatakowaniu tą bronią.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=Poprzednia różdżka została zachowana
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Walcząca magia wymazuje zaklęcie twojego kosturu
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Walcząca magia wymazuje zaklęcie twojego kosturu
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Musisz najpierw zidentyfikować tę różdżkę.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Musisz najpierw zidentyfikować tę różdżkę.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Nie możesz użyć przeklętej różdżki
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Nie możesz użyć przeklętej różdżki
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Czy na pewno chcesz nasycić swój kostur mocą tej różdżki? Poprzednie nasycenie zostanie utracone.\n\nJeżeli różdżka, którą nasycasz ma ten sam lub wyższy poziom niż kostur, kostur przejmie poziom różdżki i maksymalnie jeden punkt ulepszenia.\n\nTo nasycenie da kostur poziomu %d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Tak, jestem pewien.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Tak, jestem pewien.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Nie, zmieniłem zdanie
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Nie, zmieniłem zdanie
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Własnoręcznie wykonany przez Maga kostur to unikatowa, magiczna broń. Zamiast wrodzonej magicznej mocy, kostur potrafi wchłonąć magiczną moc z różdżki.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Kostur obecnie nie ma magii w sobie, musi zostać _nasycony mocą różdżki_ zanim będzie mógł być użyty do rzucania zaklęć.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Kostur obecnie nie ma magii w sobie, musi zostać _nasycony mocą różdżki_ zanim będzie mógł być użyty do rzucania zaklęć.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Kostur jest obecnie nasycony _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Kostur jest obecnie nasycony _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Ta broń biała _poziomu-%1$d_ zadaje _%2$d-%3$d obrażeń_ i wymaga _%4$d siły,_ by należycie jej używać.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Ta broń biała _poziomu-%1$d_ zadaje _%2$d-%3$d obrażeń_ i wymaga _%4$d siły,_ by należycie jej używać.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Zazwyczaj podobne bronie białe _poziomu-%1$d_ zadają _%2$d-%3$d obrażeń_ i wymagają _%4$d siły,_ by należycie ich używać.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Zazwyczaj podobne bronie białe _poziomu-%1$d_ zadają _%2$d-%3$d obrażeń_ i wymagają _%4$d siły,_ by należycie ich używać.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Wybierz glif
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Zbroja której używasz oraz złamana pieczęć posiadają glif. Musisz wybrać który glif chcesz zachować. \nUwaga! Jeżeli wybierzesz glif który aktualnie jest na zbroi, pieczęć nie będzie w stanie go później przenieść.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Zbroja której używasz oraz złamana pieczęć posiadają glif. Musisz wybrać który glif chcesz zachować. \nUwaga! Jeżeli wybierzesz glif który aktualnie jest na zbroi, pieczęć nie będzie w stanie go później przenieść.
items.dewdrop.name=kropla rosy
items.dewdrop.name=kropla rosy
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=Jesteś już w pełni sił.
items.dewdrop.already_full=Jesteś już w pełni sił.
items.dewdrop.desc=Kryształowo czysta kropla rosy.\n\nDzięki magii tego miejsca czysta woda ma pewne właściwości lecznicze.
items.dewdrop.desc=Kryształowo czysta kropla rosy.\n\nDzięki magii tego miejsca czysta woda ma pewne właściwości lecznicze.
items.dewvial.name=fiolka na krople
items.dewvial.name=fiolka na krople
items.dewvial.collected=Zebrałeś kroplę rosy do swojej fiolki.
items.dewvial.collected=Zebrałeś kroplę rosy do swojej fiolki.
items.dewvial.full=Twoja fiolka z rosą jest pełna!
items.dewvial.full=Twoja fiolka z rosą jest pełna!
items.dewvial.empty=Twoja fiolka z rosą jest pusta!
items.dewvial.empty=Twoja fiolka z rosą jest pusta!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Uma figura etérea frágil com uma form
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=correntes etéreas
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=correntes etéreas
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Suas correntes ainda não carregaram o suficiente.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Suas correntes ainda não carregaram o suficiente.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Você não pode usar correntes amaldiçoadas.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Você não pode usar correntes amaldiçoadas.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Isso não vai fazer nada
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Isso não vai fazer nada
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=cajado da onda de choque
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Você se matou com sua própria Varinha da Onda de Choque...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Você se matou com sua própria Varinha da Onda de Choque...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Esta varinha é feita com um tipo de pedra de mármore, com uma borda dourada e uma joia negra na ponta. Ela pesa na sua mão.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Esta varinha é feita com um tipo de pedra de mármore, com uma borda dourada e uma joia negra na ponta. Ela pesa na sua mão.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Esta varinha atira um raio que detona violentamente ao chegar ao destino. A força desta explosão inflige _%1$d-%2$d de dano_ e é poderosa o suficiente para mandar a maioria dos inimigos voando para trás.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Esta varinha atira um raio que detona violentamente ao chegar ao destino. A força desta explosão inflige _%1$d-%2$d de dano_ e é poderosa o suficiente para mandar a maioria dos inimigos voando para trás.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=varinha da corrosão
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=varinha da corrosão
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=cajado de corrosão
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=cajado de corrosão
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Esta varinha tem um corpo cinzento que se abre para revelar uma gema laranja brilhante.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Esta varinha tem um corpo cinzento que se abre para revelar uma gema laranja brilhante.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Esta varinha dispara um raio que explode em uma nuvem de gás altamente corrosivo em um local alvejado. Qualquer coisa capturada dentro dessa nuvem sofrerá danos contínuos, aumentando com o tempo.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=varinha da corrupção
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=varinha da corrupção
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=cajado da corrupção
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=cajado da corrupção
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=O personagem não pode ser mais influenciado.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=O personagem não pode ser mais influenciado.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Esta varinha irradia energia escura, se isso já não estava óbvio ao olhar pela pequena caveira decorativa em sua ponta.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Esta varinha irradia energia escura, se isso já não estava óbvio ao olhar pela pequena caveira decorativa em sua ponta.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Esta varinha lançará uma rajada de energia corruptora capaz de enfraquecer os inimigos e, eventualmente, controla-los a sua vontade. Os inimigos são capazes de resistir à corrupção, mas os inimigos feridos são muito mais fáceis de corromper do que os saudáveis.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Esta varinha lançará uma rajada de energia corruptora capaz de enfraquecer os inimigos e, eventualmente, controla-los a sua vontade. Os inimigos são capazes de resistir à corrupção, mas os inimigos feridos são muito mais fáceis de corromper do que os saudáveis.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=varinha de desintegração
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=varinha de desintegração
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=cajado da desintegração
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=cajado da desintegração
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Esta varinha é feita de um pedaço maciço de obsidiana, com uma luz roxa escura correndo no seu lado, até a ponta. Ela brilha com energia destrutiva, aguardando para ser atirada.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Esta varinha é feita de um pedaço maciço de obsidiana, com uma luz roxa escura correndo no seu lado, até a ponta. Ela brilha com energia destrutiva, aguardando para ser atirada.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Esta varinha atira um raio que atravessa qualquer obstáculo, e irá mais longe cada vez que for aprimorada. O raio inflige _%1$d-%2$d de dano,_ e também infligirá dano extra para cada inimigo e parede que penetrar.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Esta varinha atira um raio que atravessa qualquer obstáculo, e irá mais longe cada vez que for aprimorada. O raio inflige _%1$d-%2$d de dano,_ e também infligirá dano extra para cada inimigo e parede que penetrar.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=varinha da rajada de fogo
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=varinha da rajada de fogo
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=cajado da rajada de fogo
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=cajado da rajada de fogo
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Esta varinha é feita de madeira vermelha envernizada com uma folha dourada usada deliberadamente para torná-la mais pomposa. Ela estala e assovia na ponta, pronta para liberar sua poderosa magia.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Esta varinha é feita de madeira vermelha envernizada com uma folha dourada usada deliberadamente para torná-la mais pomposa. Ela estala e assovia na ponta, pronta para liberar sua poderosa magia.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Esta varinha produz uma labareda de fogo quando usada, que se estende em um formato de cone. Quando esta varinha é aprimorada, ela irá consumir mais cargas e o efeito se torna significantemente mais poderoso conforme o número de cargas consumidas. O próximo ataque irá consumir _%1$d cargas_ e infligirá _%2$d-%3$d de dano._
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=varinha da geada
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=varinha da geada
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=cajado da geada
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=cajado da geada
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Esta varinha parece ser feita de algum tipo de gelo mágico. Ela brilha mais intensamente na direção de sua ponta redonda. Ela passa uma sensação muito fria quando empunhada, mas de algum jeito sua mão permanece quente.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Esta varinha parece ser feita de algum tipo de gelo mágico. Ela brilha mais intensamente na direção de sua ponta redonda. Ela passa uma sensação muito fria quando empunhada, mas de algum jeito sua mão permanece quente.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Esta varinha atira uma onda de energia gelada na direção dos seus inimigos, infligindo _%1$d-%2$d de dano_ e resfriando-os, reduzindo sua velocidade. Este efeito se intensifica na água. Inimigos resfriados e congelados irão tomar dano reduzido desta varinha, pois já estão gelados.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=varinha do relâmpago
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=varinha do relâmpago
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=cajado do relâmpago
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=cajado do relâmpago
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Você se matou com sua própria Varinha do Relâmpago...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Você se matou com sua própria Varinha do Relâmpago...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Esta varinha é feita de metal sólido, tornando-a surpreendentemente pesada. Duas alças se curvam uma em direção a outra na ponta, e eletricidade arqueia entre elas.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Esta varinha é feita de metal sólido, tornando-a surpreendentemente pesada. Duas alças se curvam uma em direção a outra na ponta, e eletricidade arqueia entre elas.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Esta varinha envia arcos de relâmpago poderosos na direção que é atirada, infligindo _%1$d-%2$d de dano._ Esta eletricidade pode pular para outros inimigos próximos, e é mais poderosa na água. Se você estiver muito próximo, você pode ser eletrocutado também!!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=varinha de terra viva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=varinha de terra viva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=cajado de terra viva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=cajado de terra viva
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Esta varinha é feita de uma rocha curiosa, com faixas de energia amarela brilhante. As rochas parecem mudar ligeiramente ao segurar a varinha, como se pudessem sentir a sua mão.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Esta varinha é feita de uma rocha curiosa, com faixas de energia amarela brilhante. As rochas parecem mudar ligeiramente ao segurar a varinha, como se pudessem sentir a sua mão.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Esta varinha lança raios de rocha mágica nos inimigos, causando _%1$d-%2$d de dano._ As rochas se formarão novamente ao redor do usuário, concedendo-lhes armadura em proporção ao dano causado. Se armadura suficiente for construída, ela se transformará em um guardião de rocha na próxima vez que ela for usada.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Esta varinha lança raios de rocha mágica nos inimigos, causando _%1$d-%2$d de dano._ As rochas se formarão novamente ao redor do usuário, concedendo-lhes armadura em proporção ao dano causado. Se armadura suficiente for construída, ela se transformará em um guardião de rocha na próxima vez que ela for usada.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Armadura de Pedra
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Armadura de Pedra
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Pedras mágicas estão envolvendo seu corpo, quando você for atacado elas irão tentar defender você e irão reduzir o dano causado a você por 50%%. No entanto, cada dano bloqueado raspa um pouco da pedra.\n\nArmadura restante: %1$d.\n\nSe uma quantidade suficiente de rochas forem construídas em volta de você, o próximo tiro da sua varinha da terra viva irá fazer com que as rochas se formem em um guardião que irá lutar por você.\n\nArmadura necessária para o Guardião: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Pedras mágicas estão envolvendo seu corpo, quando você for atacado elas irão tentar defender você e irão reduzir o dano causado a você por 50%%. No entanto, cada dano bloqueado raspa um pouco da pedra.\n\nArmadura restante: %1$d.\n\nSe uma quantidade suficiente de rochas forem construídas em volta de você, o próximo tiro da sua varinha da terra viva irá fazer com que as rochas se formem em um guardião que irá lutar por você.\n\nArmadura necessária para o Guardião: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=guardião da terra
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=guardião da terra
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=varinha do míssil mágico
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=cajado do míssil mágico
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=cajado do míssil mágico
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Esta varinha bastante simples lança mísseis de pura energia mágica. Enquanto a varinha em si não possui nenhum efeito especial, ela tem mais cargas disponíveis e pode, por um curto período de tempo, capacitar outras varinhas quando melhorada.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Esta varinha bastante simples lança mísseis de pura energia mágica. Enquanto a varinha em si não possui nenhum efeito especial, ela tem mais cargas disponíveis e pode, por um curto período de tempo, capacitar outras varinhas quando melhorada.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Cada raio desta varinha causa de _%1$d-%2$d danos,_ e se for melhorado, dará um breve poder a outras varinhas.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Cada raio desta varinha causa de _%1$d-%2$d danos,_ e se for melhorado, dará um breve poder a outras varinhas.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Carga Mágica
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Carga Mágica
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Sua varinha de míssil mágico alimentou suas varinhas de volta, aumentando o nível efetivo do próximo disparo que elas fizerem.\n\nSuas varinhas são reforçadas: +%d.\n\nTurnos de carga mágica restantes: %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Sua varinha de míssil mágico alimentou suas varinhas de volta, aumentando o nível efetivo do próximo disparo que elas fizerem.\n\nSuas varinhas são reforçadas: +%d.\n\nTurnos de carga mágica restantes: %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=varinha de luz prismática
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=cajado da luz prismática
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=cajado da luz prismática
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Esta varinha é feita de um pedaço maciço de cristal translúcido, como um grande pedaço de vidro polido. Pequenas fagulhas de luzes coloridas dançam em volta da ponta da varinha, ansioso para irromper.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Esta varinha é feita de um pedaço maciço de cristal translúcido, como um grande pedaço de vidro polido. Pequenas fagulhas de luzes coloridas dançam em volta da ponta da varinha, ansioso para irromper.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Esta varinha dispara raios de luz que cortam através da escuridão das masmorra, revelando áreas escondidas e armadilhas. O raio pode cegar inimigos e infligir _%1$d-%2$d de dano._ Inimigos demoníacos e mortos-vivos irão queimar devido a luz, levando dano extra.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Esta varinha dispara raios de luz que cortam através da escuridão das masmorra, revelando áreas escondidas e armadilhas. O raio pode cegar inimigos e infligir _%1$d-%2$d de dano._ Inimigos demoníacos e mortos-vivos irão queimar devido a luz, levando dano extra.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=varinha da maturação
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=varinha da maturação
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=cajado da maturação
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=cajado da maturação
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Esta varinha é feita de um pedaço de madeira esculpida profissionalmente. De alguma forma ela ainda está viva e com uma cor verde vibrante, brilhante como no centro do tronco de uma árvore.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Quando usada, esta varinha irá disparar energia mágica de crescimento em forma de cone, fazendo com que a grama, raízes e plantas raras ganhem vida. À medida que esta varinha é melhorada, ela consumirá mais cargas, o efeito se torna significativamente mais potente quanto mais cargas forem consumidas. Seu próximo disparo irá consumir _%1$d cargas_. "Quando a vida acaba, uma nova vida começa sempre a crescer... O ciclo eterno sempre permanece!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Orvalheiras são plantas maravilhosas que se enchem de orvalho mágico. Elas tentam se camuflar como grama para não chamar atenção, mas suas bolhas de orvalho recolhido as entregam.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Vagem de Sementes
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Vagem de Sementes
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=As vagens de sementes são plantas mágicas que produzem sementes de outros tipos de plantas, ao invés de sementes próprias. Elas conseguem de alguma forma se espalhar apesar de não possuírem sementes próprias.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=As vagens de sementes são plantas mágicas que produzem sementes de outros tipos de plantas, ao invés de sementes próprias. Elas conseguem de alguma forma se espalhar apesar de não possuírem sementes próprias.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Lótus Dourado
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Lótus Dourado
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Você se matou com sua própria Varinha de
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=O seu cajado está carregado com energia vital de seu inimigo!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=O seu cajado está carregado com energia vital de seu inimigo!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Uma varinha de formato simples. Ela se destaca por seu tom magenta e uma joia bem escura na ponta.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Uma varinha de formato simples. Ela se destaca por seu tom magenta e uma joia bem escura na ponta.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Quando usada em aliados, esta varinha absorve _%1$d da vida do usuário_ para curar ou proteger o aliado por _%2$d de vida._ Quando usada em inimigos, a varinha os encanta brevemente ao aplicar _%3$d de proteção_ ao usuário. Mortos-vivos hostis sofrerão _%4$d - %5$d de dano_ em vez de serem encantados.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Quando usada em aliados, esta varinha absorve _%1$d da vida do usuário_ para curar ou proteger o aliado por _%2$d de vida._ Quando usada em inimigos, a varinha os encanta brevemente ao aplicar _%3$d de proteção_ ao usuário. Mortos-vivos hostis sofrerão _%4$d - %5$d de dano_ em vez de serem encantados.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=varinha da proteção
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=varinha da proteção
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=cajado da proteção
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=cajado da proteção
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=A sua varinha não suporta mais guardas.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Você não pode colocar uma guarda lá.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Você não pode colocar uma guarda lá.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Esta curta varinha de metal tem uma gema roxa brilhante flutuando acima da sua ponta.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Esta curta varinha de metal tem uma gema roxa brilhante flutuando acima da sua ponta.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Ao invés de causar danos diretos a um inimigo, esta varinha irá convocar proteções temporárias. As proteções podem ser convocadas em qualquer lugar, mesmo através de paredes, se você tiver visão. Esta varinha pode suportar energia equivalente a _ %d proteções de cada vez._
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Ao invés de causar danos diretos a um inimigo, esta varinha irá convocar proteções temporárias. As proteções podem ser convocadas em qualquer lugar, mesmo através de paredes, se você tiver visão. Esta varinha pode suportar energia equivalente a _ %d proteções de cada vez._
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=guarda pequena
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=guarda pequena
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Esta guarda básica irá automaticamente atacar qualquer inimigo que entre em seu alcance de visão, causando _%1$d-%2$d danos._\n\nAtirar nesta guarda com sua varinha fará com que ela seja melhorada.\n\nEsta guarda só fará um único disparo antes de se dissipar.\n\nSua varinha da proteção está usando _%3$d de energia_ para manter esta guarda.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Esta guarda básica irá automaticamente atacar qualquer inimigo que entre em seu alcance de visão, causando _%1$d-%2$d danos._\n\nAtirar nesta guarda com sua varinha fará com que ela seja melhorada.\n\nEsta guarda só fará um único disparo antes de se dissipar.\n\nSua varinha da proteção está usando _%3$d de energia_ para manter esta guarda.
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Uma arma rebelde tem dificuldade em acertar o a
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s flamejante
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s flamejante
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Esse encantamento faz com que saiam chamas de uma arma, incendiando inimigos e causando dano adicional aos que já estão em chamas.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=bloqueante %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=bloqueante %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Este encantamento aumentará sua capacidade de se defender após atacar com esta arma.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Este encantamento aumentará sua capacidade de se defender após atacar com esta arma.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=A antiga varinha foi preservada!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=As magias conflitantes apagam o encantamento do seu cajado.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=As magias conflitantes apagam o encantamento do seu cajado.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Você precisa identificar esta varinha primeiro.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Você precisa identificar esta varinha primeiro.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Você não pode usar uma varinha amaldiçoada.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Você não pode usar uma varinha amaldiçoada.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Você tem certeza que quer fundir seu cajado com esta varinha? A anterior será perdida.\n\nSe a varinha a ser fundida for de um nível igual ou maior ao seu cajado, ele herdará o nível daquela varinha, junto com apenas um de seus aprimoramentos.\n\nEsta fundição resultará num cajado de nível %d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Sim, tenho certeza.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Sim, tenho certeza.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Não, eu mudei de ideia.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Não, eu mudei de ideia.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Feito pelo próprio Mago, este cajado é uma arma mágica única. Ao invés de ter um poder mágico inato, este cajado é imbuído de energia mágica de uma varinha.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=O cajado não tem magia neste momento, tendo de ser _imbuído com o poder de uma varinha_ antes de poder ser usado para lançar feitiços.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=O cajado não tem magia neste momento, tendo de ser _imbuído com o poder de uma varinha_ antes de poder ser usado para lançar feitiços.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Está imbuído com %s.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Está imbuído com %s.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Esta arma de _tier-%1$d_ inflige _%2$d-%3$d de dano_ e requer _%4$d de força_ para que você possa usar apropriadamente.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Esta arma de _tier-%1$d_ inflige _%2$d-%3$d de dano_ e requer _%4$d de força_ para que você possa usar apropriadamente.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Normalmente esta arma de _tier-%1$d_ inflige _%2$d-%3$d de dano_ e requer _%4$d de força_ para se utilizar apropriadamente.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Normalmente esta arma de _tier-%1$d_ inflige _%2$d-%3$d de dano_ e requer _%4$d de força_ para se utilizar apropriadamente.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Escolha um Glifo
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Tanto esta armadura quanto o selo quebrado estão carregando um glifo. Escolha qual glifo deve ser mantido.\n\nNote que se você escolher o glifo que está na armadura, o selo não será capaz de transferi-lo mais tarde.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Tanto esta armadura quanto o selo quebrado estão carregando um glifo. Escolha qual glifo deve ser mantido.\n\nNote que se você escolher o glifo que está na armadura, o selo não será capaz de transferi-lo mais tarde.
items.dewdrop.name=gota de orvalho
items.dewdrop.name=gota de orvalho
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=Você já esta com a vida cheia.
items.dewdrop.already_full=Você já esta com a vida cheia.
items.dewdrop.desc=Uma gota de orvalho clara como cristal.\n\nGraças a magia desse lugar, a água pura tem um pouco de propriedades curativas.
items.dewdrop.desc=Uma gota de orvalho clara como cristal.\n\nGraças a magia desse lugar, a água pura tem um pouco de propriedades curativas.
items.dewvial.name=pote de orvalho
items.dewvial.name=pote de orvalho
items.dewvial.collected=Você coletou o pingo de orvalho para seu frasco de orvalho.
items.dewvial.collected=Você coletou o pingo de orvalho para seu frasco de orvalho.
items.dewvial.full=Seu pote está cheio!
items.dewvial.full=Seu pote está cheio!
items.dewvial.empty=Seu pote está vazio!
items.dewvial.empty=Seu pote está vazio!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Бесплотная фигура, оч
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=призрачные цепи
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=призрачные цепи
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Ваши цепи слишком короткие для этого.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Ваши цепи слишком короткие для этого.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Вы не можете использовать проклятые цепи.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Вы не можете использовать проклятые цепи.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Это бесполезно.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Это бесполезно.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=посох Взрывной волны
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Вы убили себя собственной палочкой Взрывной волны...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Вы убили себя собственной палочкой Взрывной волны...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Эта палочка с золотой отделкой и навершием из черного самоцвета сделана из мрамора. Довольно увесистая.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Эта палочка с золотой отделкой и навершием из черного самоцвета сделана из мрамора. Довольно увесистая.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Эта палочка выпускает заряд, создающий мощный взрыв в точке удара. Взрыв наносит _%1$d-%2$d урона,_ и способен отправить большинство врагов в полёт.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Эта палочка выпускает заряд, создающий мощный взрыв в точке удара. Взрыв наносит _%1$d-%2$d урона,_ и способен отправить большинство врагов в полёт.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=палочка Коррозии
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=палочка Коррозии
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=посох Коррозии
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=посох Коррозии
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Мертвенно-бледная рукоять этой палочки украшена сияющим драгоценным камнем ярко-оранжевого цвета.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Мертвенно-бледная рукоять этой палочки украшена сияющим драгоценным камнем ярко-оранжевого цвета.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=При использовании эта палочка создает облако крайне едкого газа в месте попадания. Урон, наносимый этим газом, растет в зависимости от того, сколько времени цель находилась в облаке.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=палочка Порчи
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=палочка Порчи
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=посох Порчи
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=посох Порчи
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Эта цель уже под вашим контролем.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Эта цель уже под вашим контролем.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Даже без маленького черепа на навершии можно понять, что эта вещь не для всяких рук - палочка просто источает темную магию.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Даже без маленького черепа на навершии можно понять, что эта вещь не для всяких рук - палочка просто источает темную магию.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Эта палочка выпускает разряд Порчи, пытаясь подчинить врагов вашей воле. В противном случае, палочка наложит на цель случайный негативный эффект. Но чем больше негативных эффектов на цели, тем больше шансов на то, что она будет подчинена.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Эта палочка выпускает разряд Порчи, пытаясь подчинить врагов вашей воле. В противном случае, палочка наложит на цель случайный негативный эффект. Но чем больше негативных эффектов на цели, тем больше шансов на то, что она будет подчинена.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=палочка Дезинтеграции
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=палочка Дезинтеграции
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=посох Дезинтеграции
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=посох Дезинтеграции
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Эта палочка сделана из цельного куска обсидиана, внутри которого течет фиолетовый свет, заканчивающийся у навершия. Она мерцает разрушительной энергией, ожидая, когда ей воспользуются.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Эта палочка сделана из цельного куска обсидиана, внутри которого течет фиолетовый свет, заканчивающийся у навершия. Она мерцает разрушительной энергией, ожидая, когда ей воспользуются.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Палочка испускает луч, пронзающий любые препятствия на своём пути. Дальность луча увеличивается с улучшением палочки. Луч наносит _%1$d-%2$d урона,_ и чем больше луч пронзает врагов и препятствий, тем больше дополнительный урон.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Палочка испускает луч, пронзающий любые препятствия на своём пути. Дальность луча увеличивается с улучшением палочки. Луч наносит _%1$d-%2$d урона,_ и чем больше луч пронзает врагов и препятствий, тем больше дополнительный урон.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=палочка Огненной вспышки
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=палочка Огненной вспышки
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=посох Огненной вспышки
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=посох Огненной вспышки
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Эта палочка сделана из лакированного красного дерева с навершием в виде золотого листа, из-за чего выглядит, как королевский скипетр. Она шипит и искрит, готовая выпустить свою неудержимую магию.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Эта палочка сделана из лакированного красного дерева с навершием в виде золотого листа, из-за чего выглядит, как королевский скипетр. Она шипит и искрит, готовая выпустить свою неудержимую магию.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Эта палочка создает конусовидную вспышку огня. При улучшении палочка начнёт использовать всё больше зарядов, значительно увеличивая наносимый урон. Следующая атака этой палочкой истратит _%1$d зарядов_ и нанесёт _%2$d-%3$d урона._
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=палочка Холода
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=палочка Холода
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=посох Холода
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=посох Холода
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Кажется, эта палочка сделана из какого-то волшебного льда. Она становится ярче около навершия. На ощупь довольно холодная, но ваша рука почему-то остается тёплой.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Кажется, эта палочка сделана из какого-то волшебного льда. Она становится ярче около навершия. На ощупь довольно холодная, но ваша рука почему-то остается тёплой.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Эта палочка пускает во врагов замораживающий луч, нанося _%1$d-%2$d урона_ и заставляя их окоченеть, что снижает их скорость. Эффект усиливается в воде. Уже окоченевшие или замороженные враги получают от этой палочки меньше урона.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=палочка Молний
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=палочка Молний
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=посох Молний
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=посох Молний
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Вы убили себя собственной палочкой Молний...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Вы убили себя собственной палочкой Молний...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Эта палочка сделана из цельного металла, из-за чего она довольно тяжёлая. На навершии есть два зубца, между которыми проскакивают электрические дуги.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Эта палочка сделана из цельного металла, из-за чего она довольно тяжёлая. На навершии есть два зубца, между которыми проскакивают электрические дуги.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Эта палочка испускает разряд электричества в указанную цель, нанося _%1$d-%2$d урона._ Электричество будет перескакивать между ближайшими врагами, становясь эффективнее в воде. Лучше держитесь подальше, иначе вас тоже может задеть!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=Палочка Живой земли
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=Палочка Живой земли
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=посох Живой земли
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=посох Живой земли
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Эта палочка сделана из странного камня с полосами светящейся желтой энергии. Камни, кажется, слегка сдвигаются, когда вы держите палочку, как будто они чувствуют вашу руку.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Эта палочка сделана из странного камня с полосами светящейся желтой энергии. Камни, кажется, слегка сдвигаются, когда вы держите палочку, как будто они чувствуют вашу руку.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Эта палочка создает снаряды из магических камней, нанося _%1$d- %2$d урона._ Затем камни возвращаются к владельцу палочки, чтобы создать вокруг него броню. Если брони достаточно, то при следующем использовании палочки она превратится в каменного стража.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Эта палочка создает снаряды из магических камней, нанося _%1$d- %2$d урона._ Затем камни возвращаются к владельцу палочки, чтобы создать вокруг него броню. Если брони достаточно, то при следующем использовании палочки она превратится в каменного стража.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Каменная броня
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Каменная броня
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Магические камни окружают ваше тело и пытаются защитить вас при вражеской атаке, уменьшая урон по вам на 50%%. Броня снижается при поглощении урона.\n\nБрони осталось: %1$d\n\nЕсли на вашем теле достаточно камня, то следующее использование вашей палочки Живой земли заставит камни собраться в стража, который будет сражаться за вас.\n\nНужно брони для призыва стража: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Магические камни окружают ваше тело и пытаются защитить вас при вражеской атаке, уменьшая урон по вам на 50%%. Броня снижается при поглощении урона.\n\nБрони осталось: %1$d\n\nЕсли на вашем теле достаточно камня, то следующее использование вашей палочки Живой земли заставит камни собраться в стража, который будет сражаться за вас.\n\nНужно брони для призыва стража: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=земляной страж
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=земляной страж
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=палочка Магической стре
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=посох Магической стрелы
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=посох Магической стрелы
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Довольно простая палочка, стреляющая стрелами чистой магической энергии. Хоть палочка и не обладает какими-либо особыми эффектами, она имеет довольно много доступных зарядов и может на некоторое время усилить другие палочки после улучшения.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Довольно простая палочка, стреляющая стрелами чистой магической энергии. Хоть палочка и не обладает какими-либо особыми эффектами, она имеет довольно много доступных зарядов и может на некоторое время усилить другие палочки после улучшения.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Каждый выстрел из этой палочки наносит _%1$d-%2$d урона_ и на некоторое время усиливает другие палочки, если она улучшена.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Каждый выстрел из этой палочки наносит _%1$d-%2$d урона_ и на некоторое время усиливает другие палочки, если она улучшена.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Магический заряд
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Магический заряд
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Палочка Магической стрелы наполнила ваши палочки энергией, увеличив их уровень.\n\nВаши палочки улучшены на: +%d.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Палочка Магической стрелы наполнила ваши палочки энергией, увеличив их уровень.\n\nВаши палочки улучшены на: +%d.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=палочка Чистого света
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=посох Чистого света
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=посох Чистого света
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Эта палочка сделан из цельного куска прозрачного хрусталя. Она напоминает длинный кусок гладкого стекла. Цветные лучики света играют у навершия, стремясь вырваться вперёд.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Эта палочка сделан из цельного куска прозрачного хрусталя. Она напоминает длинный кусок гладкого стекла. Цветные лучики света играют у навершия, стремясь вырваться вперёд.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Эта палочка испускает луч света, наносящий _%1$d-%2$d урона_ и ослепляющий врагов. Свет также пронзает тьму подземелья, раскрывая скрытые двери и ловушки. Демоны и нежить загорятся чистым пламенем этой палочки, получая значительно больше урона.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Эта палочка испускает луч света, наносящий _%1$d-%2$d урона_ и ослепляющий врагов. Свет также пронзает тьму подземелья, раскрывая скрытые двери и ловушки. Демоны и нежить загорятся чистым пламенем этой палочки, получая значительно больше урона.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=палочка Восстановления
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=палочка Восстановления
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=посох Восстановления
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=посох Восстановления
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Эта искусно обработанная палочка сделана из тонкого и искусно обработанного дерева. Каким-то образом дерево всё ещё живое и зелёное, как сердцевина молодого дерева.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=При использовании эта палочка выстрелит зарядом восстановляющей энергии в конусовидной области, взывая траву, корни и редкие растения к жизни. По мере улучшения эта палочка будет потреблять больше зарядов, а эффект будет становиться тем сильнее, чем больше зарядов использовано. Следующее использование поглотит _%1$d зарядов_. "Когда угасает одна жизнь, всегда рождается другая... Вечный цикл будет продолжаться!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Ловец росы
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.name=Ловец росы
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Ловцы росы - удивительные растения, наполняющие себя магической росой. Они пытаются маскироваться под траву, однако их выдают большие капли собранной росы.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Семяловки - это волшебные растения, которые производят семена других видов растений, вместо своих собственных. Каким-то образом им удается распространяться, несмотря на отсутствие собственных семян.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Семяловки - это волшебные растения, которые производят семена других видов растений, вместо своих собственных. Каким-то образом им удается распространяться, несмотря на отсутствие собственных семян.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Золотой Лотос
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Золотой Лотос
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Вы убились собственной
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Ваш посох заряжен жизненной энергией вашего противника!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Ваш посох заряжен жизненной энергией вашего противника!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Хотя эта палочка довольно проста на вид, она выделяется за счёт пурпурного оттенка и угольно-чёрного камня на ее навершии.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Хотя эта палочка довольно проста на вид, она выделяется за счёт пурпурного оттенка и угольно-чёрного камня на ее навершии.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Если использовать эту палочку на союзниках, она отнимет _%1$d здоровья у того, кто ее использует_ чтобы вылечить или защитить союзника на _%2$d здоровья._ Если использовать ее на враге, она ненадолго очаровывает его, в то же время даёт _тому, кто ее использует, %3$d защиты_. Враждебная нечисть получит _%4$d-%5$d урона вместо того, чтобы быть очарованной.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Если использовать эту палочку на союзниках, она отнимет _%1$d здоровья у того, кто ее использует_ чтобы вылечить или защитить союзника на _%2$d здоровья._ Если использовать ее на враге, она ненадолго очаровывает его, в то же время даёт _тому, кто ее использует, %3$d защиты_. Враждебная нечисть получит _%4$d-%5$d урона вместо того, чтобы быть очарованной.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=палочка Стражей
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=палочка Стражей
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=посох Стражей
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=посох Стражей
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Ваша палочка не может
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Вы не можете разместить здесь стража.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Вы не можете разместить здесь стража.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Это короткая металлическая палочка с ярко-фиолетовым драгоценным камнем, парящим возле ее наконечника.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Это короткая металлическая палочка с ярко-фиолетовым драгоценным камнем, парящим возле ее наконечника.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Вместо того, чтобы наносить прямой урон, эта палочка будет призывать стражей и часовых. Стражи могут быть размещены в любом видимом для вас месте, даже через стены. Эта палочка имеет только _%d ед. энергии _ на поддержку стражей.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Вместо того, чтобы наносить прямой урон, эта палочка будет призывать стражей и часовых. Стражи могут быть размещены в любом видимом для вас месте, даже через стены. Эта палочка имеет только _%d ед. энергии _ на поддержку стражей.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=малый страж
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=малый страж
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Этот стандартный страж будет автоматически атаковать любого врага, что попадет в его поле зрения, нанося _%1$d-%2$d урона._\n\nИспользование палочки Стражей на вашего стража улучшит его.\n\nЭтот страж атакует лишь раз, а затем исчезнет.\n\nПалочка Стражей использует _%3$d ед. энергии_ для поддержания этого стража.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Этот стандартный страж будет автоматически атаковать любого врага, что попадет в его поле зрения, нанося _%1$d-%2$d урона._\n\nИспользование палочки Стражей на вашего стража улучшит его.\n\nЭтот страж атакует лишь раз, а затем исчезнет.\n\nПалочка Стражей использует _%3$d ед. энергии_ для поддержания этого стража.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_2=средний страж
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_2=средний страж
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Оружие упрямства намерен
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s пламени
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s пламени
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Это зачарование создаёт языки пламени при атаке, поджигая врагов и нанося дополнительный урон тем из них, кто уже был подожжен.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s обороны
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s обороны
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Это зачарование усиливает вашу способность защищаться после атаки с помощью этого оружия.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Это зачарование усиливает вашу способность защищаться после атаки с помощью этого оружия.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=Предыдущая палочка бы
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Взаимодействие несовместимой магии развеивает зачарование на вашем посохе!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Взаимодействие несовместимой магии развеивает зачарование на вашем посохе!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Сперва вам нужно опознать эту палочку.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Сперва вам нужно опознать эту палочку.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Вы не можете использовать проклятую палочку.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Вы не можете использовать проклятую палочку.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Вы уверены, что хотите наделить свой посох силой этой палочки? Это заменит имеющуюся силу посоха на новую.\n\nЕсли используемая палочка имеет тот же уровень, что и посох, или выше, то посох унаследует улучшения палочки, а также получит дополнительную единицу улучшения.\n\nВ результате этого наделения получится посох %d-го уровня.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Да, я уверен
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Да, я уверен
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Нет, я передумал
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Нет, я передумал
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Этот посох, сделанный самим магом, является особым магическим оружием. Сам по себе он не имеет магической силы, но может быть наделён силой любой палочки, что даст ему новые возможности.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Сейчас посох не имеет особой магии, его нужно _наделить силой палочки,_ чтобы получить возможность использовать заклинания.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Сейчас посох не имеет особой магии, его нужно _наделить силой палочки,_ чтобы получить возможность использовать заклинания.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Сейчас этот посох наделён той же силой, что и _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Сейчас этот посох наделён той же силой, что и _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Это оружие ближнего боя _%1$d-го уровня_ наносит _%2$d-%3$d ед. урона_ и требует _%4$d очков силы_ для эффективного использования.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Это оружие ближнего боя _%1$d-го уровня_ наносит _%2$d-%3$d ед. урона_ и требует _%4$d очков силы_ для эффективного использования.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Это оружие ближнего боя _%1$d-го уровня_ обычно наносит _%2$d-%3$d ед. урона_ и требует _%4$d очков силы_ для эффективного использования.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Это оружие ближнего боя _%1$d-го уровня_ обычно наносит _%2$d-%3$d ед. урона_ и требует _%4$d очков силы_ для эффективного использования.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Выберите руну
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=И эта броня и сломанная печать несут руну. Выберите, какую руну необходимо сохранить. \n\nОбратите внимание, что если вы выберите руну, которая сейчас на броне, печать не сможет перенести ее позже.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=И эта броня и сломанная печать несут руну. Выберите, какую руну необходимо сохранить. \n\nОбратите внимание, что если вы выберите руну, которая сейчас на броне, печать не сможет перенести ее позже.
items.dewdrop.name=капля росы
items.dewdrop.name=капля росы
items.dewdrop.value=%+d ОЗ
items.dewdrop.heal=%+d ОЗ
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=Вы и так здоровы.
items.dewdrop.already_full=Вы и так здоровы.
items.dewdrop.desc=Кристально чистая капля росы.\n\nБлагодаря магии этого места чистая вода обладает слабыми исцеляющими способностями.
items.dewdrop.desc=Кристально чистая капля росы.\n\nБлагодаря магии этого места чистая вода обладает слабыми исцеляющими способностями.
items.dewvial.name=сосуд для росы
items.dewvial.name=сосуд для росы
items.dewvial.value=%+d ОЗ
items.dewvial.collected=Вы собираете росу в сосуд.
items.dewvial.collected=Вы собираете росу в сосуд.
items.dewvial.full=Ваш сосуд для росы заполнен!
items.dewvial.full=Ваш сосуд для росы заполнен!
items.dewvial.empty=Ваш сосуд для росы пуст!
items.dewvial.empty=Ваш сосуд для росы пуст!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Zayıf görünen ve insan şeklinde ruh
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=ruhani zincirler
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=ruhani zincirler
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Zincirlerinin yeterli enerjisi yok.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Zincirlerinin yeterli enerjisi yok.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Lanetli zincirleri kullanamazsın.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Lanetli zincirleri kullanamazsın.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Bu hiçbir şey yapmaz.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Bu hiçbir şey yapmaz.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=patlayıcı dalga değneği
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Kendini kendi Patlayıcı Dalga Asan ile öldürdün...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Kendini kendi Patlayıcı Dalga Asan ile öldürdün...
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Bu asa bir çeşit mermer taşından yapılmış, üzerinde altın süsleme ve ucunda siyah bir mücevher bulunuyor. Elinde çok ağır hissettiriyor.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Bu asa bir çeşit mermer taşından yapılmış, üzerinde altın süsleme ve ucunda siyah bir mücevher bulunuyor. Elinde çok ağır hissettiriyor.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Bu asa hedef bölgede şiddetli bir biçimde patlayan bir büyü fırlatır. Patlamanın kuvveti _%1$d-%2$d_ hasar verir ve çoğu düşmanı uçuracak kadar güçlüdür.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Bu asa hedef bölgede şiddetli bir biçimde patlayan bir büyü fırlatır. Patlamanın kuvveti _%1$d-%2$d_ hasar verir ve çoğu düşmanı uçuracak kadar güçlüdür.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=aşındırma asası
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=aşındırma asası
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=aşındırma asası
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=aşındırma asası
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Bu asanın dişbudak ağacından yapılma gövdesinin içerisinde parlak bir turuncu mücevher bulunuyor.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Bu asanın dişbudak ağacından yapılma gövdesinin içerisinde parlak bir turuncu mücevher bulunuyor.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Bu asa hedeflenmiş alana yüksek aşındırıcılığa sahip bir gaz bulutu olarak patlayan bir ok ateşler. Bu bulutun içinde yakalanan herhangi bir şey sürekli ve zamanla artan bir hasar alır.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=bozucu asa
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=bozucu asa
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=bozucu değnek
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=bozucu değnek
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Bu karakter daha fazla etkilenemez.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Bu karakter daha fazla etkilenemez.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Eğer başındaki küçük kuru kafadan anlaşılmıyorsa bu asa korkunç bir kara enerji yayıyor.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Eğer başındaki küçük kuru kafadan anlaşılmıyorsa bu asa korkunç bir kara enerji yayıyor.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Bu asa düşmanları yoran ve senin isteğine göre çalıştıran bir enerji patlaması oluşturur. Düşmanlar bu bozulmaya karşı koyabilir, fakat zayıflamış düşmanları bozmak sağlıklı olanları bozmaktan çok daha kolaydır.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Bu asa düşmanları yoran ve senin isteğine göre çalıştıran bir enerji patlaması oluşturur. Düşmanlar bu bozulmaya karşı koyabilir, fakat zayıflamış düşmanları bozmak sağlıklı olanları bozmaktan çok daha kolaydır.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=parçalayıcı asa
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=parçalayıcı asa
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=parçalayıcı değnek
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=parçalayıcı değnek
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Bu asa berk bir obsidiyen parçasından yapılmış, kenarlarında, ucunda biten koyu mor bir ışık çıkıyor. Yıkıcı enerji ile parlıyor, ileri fırlamak için bekliyor.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Bu asa berk bir obsidiyen parçasından yapılmış, kenarlarında, ucunda biten koyu mor bir ışık çıkıyor. Yıkıcı enerji ile parlıyor, ileri fırlamak için bekliyor.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Bu asa tüm engelleri delip geçen bir ışın yayar ve yükseltildikçe daha uzağa gider. Bu ışın _%1$d-%2$d hasar_ verir ve deldiği her düşman ve duvar için aynı zamanda fazladan hasar verir.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Bu asa tüm engelleri delip geçen bir ışın yayar ve yükseltildikçe daha uzağa gider. Bu ışın _%1$d-%2$d hasar_ verir ve deldiği her düşman ve duvar için aynı zamanda fazladan hasar verir.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=alev patlama asası
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=alev patlama asası
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=alev patlama değneği
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=alev patlama değneği
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Bu asa kırmızı-verniklenmiş bir odundan yapılmış, şatafatlı gözükmesi için de altın yapraklar kullanılmış. Ucu çatırdayıp tıslayarak güçlü büyüsünü açığa vurmak için can atıyor.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Bu asa kırmızı-verniklenmiş bir odundan yapılmış, şatafatlı gözükmesi için de altın yapraklar kullanılmış. Ucu çatırdayıp tıslayarak güçlü büyüsünü açığa vurmak için can atıyor.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Bu asa kullanıldığında koni şeklinde uzanan bir ateş patlaması oluşturur. Asa yükseltildikçe daha çok şarj harcar, etkisi ne kadar çok şarj harcanırsa o kadar güçlü olur. Sonraki saldırısı _%1$d şarj_ harcayacak ve _%2$d-%3$d hasar_ verecek.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=dondurma asası
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=dondurma asası
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=dondurma değneği
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=dondurma değneği
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Bu asa bir çeşit büyülü buzdan yapılmış gibi görünüyor. Yuvarlak ucuna doğru daha da parlıyor. Elinde çok soğuk hissettiriyor, ama nasıl oluyorsa elin ılık kalıyor.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Bu asa bir çeşit büyülü buzdan yapılmış gibi görünüyor. Yuvarlak ucuna doğru daha da parlıyor. Elinde çok soğuk hissettiriyor, ama nasıl oluyorsa elin ılık kalıyor.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Bu asa düşmanlarına doğru buzlu bir enerji ateşleyerek _%1$d-%2$d_ hasar verir ve onları soğutarak hızlarını düşürür. Bu etki görünüşe göre suda daha güçlü. Soğutulmuş ve donmuş düşmanlar, zaten soğuk oldukları için daha fazla hasar alırlar.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=yıldırım asası
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=yıldırım asası
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=yıldırım değneği
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=yıldırım değneği
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Kendini kendi Yıldırım Asan ile öldürdün...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Kendini kendi Yıldırım Asan ile öldürdün...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Bu asa sert çelikten yapılmış, bu da onu şaşırtıcı biçimde ağır yapıyor. Ucuna doğru iki diş çıkıyor ve aralarında elektrik atlıyor.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Bu asa sert çelikten yapılmış, bu da onu şaşırtıcı biçimde ağır yapıyor. Ucuna doğru iki diş çıkıyor ve aralarında elektrik atlıyor.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Bu asa vurulan her neyse ondan seken güçlü bir yıldırım göndererek _%1$d-%2$d hasar_ verir. Bu elektrik yakındaki düşmanlardan sekerek onlara hasarı dağıtır. Yıldırım ve hasar suyun üzerinde daha etkili dağıtılır. Eğer çok yakındaysan, sen de çarpılabilirsin!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=Yaşayan toprak asası
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=Yaşayan toprak asası
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=Yaşayan toprak değneği
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=Yaşayan toprak değneği
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Bu asa meraklı taşlardan yapılmış, yeşil bir biçimde parlıyor. Asayı elinizde tuttukça taşların yavaşça kaydığını hissedebiliyorsun.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Bu asa meraklı taşlardan yapılmış, yeşil bir biçimde parlıyor. Asayı elinizde tuttukça taşların yavaşça kaydığını hissedebiliyorsun.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Bu asa rakibe sihirli taş topları atıp _%1$d-%2$d hasar verir._Taşlar kullanıcının etrafında yeniden oluşur, verilen hasara oranla zırh sağlar. Yeterince zırh oluşursa bir sonraki kullanışta taştan bir koruma oluşturur.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Bu asa rakibe sihirli taş topları atıp _%1$d-%2$d hasar verir._Taşlar kullanıcının etrafında yeniden oluşur, verilen hasara oranla zırh sağlar. Yeterince zırh oluşursa bir sonraki kullanışta taştan bir koruma oluşturur.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Taş zırh
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Taş zırh
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Sihirli taşlar vücudunu kaplıyor, saldırıya uğradığında saldırıyı engellemeye çalışırlar ve alığın hasarı 50%% azaltırlar. Engellenen her saldırı taşların birazını döker.\nKalan zırh: %1$d .\nÇevrende yeterince taş oluşursa yaşayan dünya asasının bir sonraki kullanılışında taşlar senin için savaşacak bir koruma oluşturur\nKoruma için gereken zırh %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Sihirli taşlar vücudunu kaplıyor, saldırıya uğradığında saldırıyı engellemeye çalışırlar ve alığın hasarı 50%% azaltırlar. Engellenen her saldırı taşların birazını döker.\nKalan zırh: %1$d .\nÇevrende yeterince taş oluşursa yaşayan dünya asasının bir sonraki kullanılışında taşlar senin için savaşacak bir koruma oluşturur\nKoruma için gereken zırh %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=Taştan Koruma
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=Taştan Koruma
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=büyülü ok asası
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=büyülü ok değneği
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=büyülü ok değneği
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Bu gayet sade asa saf büyüsel enerji füzeleri ateşliyor. Diğer asalar kadar güçlü olmasa da, bunu daha fazla şarj sayısıyla karşılıyor.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Bu gayet sade asa saf büyüsel enerji füzeleri ateşliyor. Diğer asalar kadar güçlü olmasa da, bunu daha fazla şarj sayısıyla karşılıyor.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Bu asadan çıkan her darbe _%1$d-%2$d hasar verir._ ve yükseltilirse diğer asalardan üstün olabilir.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Bu asadan çıkan her darbe _%1$d-%2$d hasar verir._ ve yükseltilirse diğer asalardan üstün olabilir.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Sihirli Şarj
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Sihirli Şarj
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Sihirli füze asan asaya geri güç yükledi, bir sonraki vuruş güçlenir.\nAsa +%d güçlenir.\nKalan sihir şarjı : %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Sihirli füze asan asaya geri güç yükledi, bir sonraki vuruş güçlenir.\nAsa +%d güçlenir.\nKalan sihir şarjı : %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=prizmatik ışık asası
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=prizmatik ışık değneği
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=prizmatik ışık değneği
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Bu asa düzgün, uzun bir cam kütlesini andıran katı bir yarı saydam kristalden yapılmış. Küçük, renkli ışık huzmeleri asanın ucunda dans ederek dışarı çıkmayı bekliyor.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Bu asa düzgün, uzun bir cam kütlesini andıran katı bir yarı saydam kristalden yapılmış. Küçük, renkli ışık huzmeleri asanın ucunda dans ederek dışarı çıkmayı bekliyor.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Bu asa karanlığı delici bir ışık saçar, bu ışınlar gizlenmiş bölgeleri ve tuzakları açığa çıkarır. Bu ışın düşmanları kör edebilir ve _%1$d-%2$d_ hasar verir. Şeytani yaratıklar ve hortlaklar bu ışınlardan yanarak daha fazla hasar alırlar.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Bu asa karanlığı delici bir ışık saçar, bu ışınlar gizlenmiş bölgeleri ve tuzakları açığa çıkarır. Bu ışın düşmanları kör edebilir ve _%1$d-%2$d_ hasar verir. Şeytani yaratıklar ve hortlaklar bu ışınlardan yanarak daha fazla hasar alırlar.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=yeniden büyüme asası
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=yeniden büyüme asası
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=yeniden büyüme değneği
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=yeniden büyüme değneği
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Bu asa ustalıkla yontulmuş ince bir ağaç dalından yapılmış. Nasılsa hala canlı ve enerjik, genç bir ağacın çekirdeği gibi de yeşil.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Bu asa kullanıldığında koni şeklinde sihirli bir yeniden büyüme enerji patlaması yaratır, çimen, kökler ve nadir bitkilerin hayata gelmesini sağlar. Asanın seviyesi yükseltildikçe daha çok şarjı olur ve etkisi şarjlar kullanıldıkça daha güçlü olur. bir sonraki kullanış _%1$dşarj kullanır._ "Yaşam biter ve yeniden başlar... sonsuz döngü daima kalır!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Çiykapanlar kendilerini çiyle dolduran görkemli bitkilerdir. Gözden kaçmak için kendilerini çimenler olarak kamuflaj etseler de demetler biçiminde çiy taneleri onları ele verir.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Tohum Zarfı
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.name=Tohum Zarfı
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=TohumKozası bitkileri kendi tohumlarını üretmezken başka bitkilerin tohumlarını üretirler, tohumları olmadığı halde nasıl yayıldıkları meçhul.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=TohumKozası bitkileri kendi tohumlarını üretmezken başka bitkilerin tohumlarını üretirler, tohumları olmadığı halde nasıl yayıldıkları meçhul.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Altın Lotus
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Altın Lotus
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Kendini kendi Aktarım Asan ile öldürdü
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Değneğin düşmanının yaşam enerjisi ile şarj oldu!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Değneğin düşmanının yaşam enerjisi ile şarj oldu!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Gayet basit şekilli bir asa, pembemsi rengi ve ucundaki simsiyah mücevheri ile göze çarpıyor.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Gayet basit şekilli bir asa, pembemsi rengi ve ucundaki simsiyah mücevheri ile göze çarpıyor.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Bu asa dostlar üzerinde kullanıldığında kullanıcının canının _%1$d'ini_ kullanarak o dostu ya iyileştirir ya da _%2$d'sini _ kullanarak dosta kalkan verir. Düşmanlarda kullanıldığında ise onları kısa bir süreliğine kullanıcıya aşık eder ve _%3$dkalkan verir_ Hortlaklar size aşık olmak yerine _%4$d%5$d hasar alır._
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Bu asa dostlar üzerinde kullanıldığında kullanıcının canının _%1$d'ini_ kullanarak o dostu ya iyileştirir ya da _%2$d'sini _ kullanarak dosta kalkan verir. Düşmanlarda kullanıldığında ise onları kısa bir süreliğine kullanıcıya aşık eder ve _%3$dkalkan verir_ Hortlaklar size aşık olmak yerine _%4$d%5$d hasar alır._
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=koğuş değnek
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=koğuş değnek
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=koğuş kadrosu
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=koğuş kadrosu
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Asanız artık daha fazla koğuşta kala
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Buraya bir totem koyamazsın
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Buraya bir totem koyamazsın
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Bu kısa metal asanın ucunda parlak mor bir kristal var
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Bu kısa metal asanın ucunda parlak mor bir kristal var
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Rakibe direk olarak hasar vermek yerine bu asa sabit totemler ve muhafızlar yaratır. Totemler her yerden yaratılabilir, görüşünüz varsa duvarların ötesine bile koyulabilir. Bu asa sadece _%d totem yaratabilir.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Rakibe direk olarak hasar vermek yerine bu asa sabit totemler ve muhafızlar yaratır. Totemler her yerden yaratılabilir, görüşünüz varsa duvarların ötesine bile koyulabilir. Bu asa sadece _%d totem yaratabilir.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=Beta totem
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=Beta totem
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Bu basit totem otomatik olarak görüşüne giren ilk düşmanı vurur ve onlara _%1$d-%2$d hasar verir._\nBu totemi Totem asanızla vurmanız totemi güçlendirir.\nBu totem yok olmadan önce tek bir kere saldırabilir\nTotem asanız bu totemi var etmek için _%3$d enerji harcar. _
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Bu basit totem otomatik olarak görüşüne giren ilk düşmanı vurur ve onlara _%1$d-%2$d hasar verir._\nBu totemi Totem asanızla vurmanız totemi güçlendirir.\nBu totem yok olmadan önce tek bir kere saldırabilir\nTotem asanız bu totemi var etmek için _%3$d enerji harcar. _
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Iskacı bir silah hedefi tutturma konusunda sı
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=yakıcı %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=yakıcı %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Bu büyü silahın ateş tükürmesini sağlar, ateş düşmanları yakar ve zaten yananlara fazladan hasar verir.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Bu büyü, bu silaha saldırdıktan sonra kendini savunma yeteneğini geliştirecek.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Bu büyü, bu silaha saldırdıktan sonra kendini savunma yeteneğini geliştirecek.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=Önceki asa korundu!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Çatışan büyüler değneğindeki efsunu sildi.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Çatışan büyüler değneğindeki efsunu sildi.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Önce bu asayı tanımlaman gerekiyor.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Önce bu asayı tanımlaman gerekiyor.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Lanetli bir asa kullanamazsın.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Lanetli bir asa kullanamazsın.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Bu asayı değneğine işlemek istediğinden emin misin? Önceki işleme yok olacaktır.\n\nEğer işlenen asa değnek ile aynı seviyede veya daha yüksek seviyedeyse, değnek asanın yükseltmelerini artı kendi yükseltmelerinden birini alır.\n\nBu işleme seviye %d değnek ile sonuçlanır.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Evet, eminim.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Evet, eminim.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Hayır, fikrimi değiştirdim
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Hayır, fikrimi değiştirdim
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Büyücünün kendisi tarafından yapılmış olan bu değnek özel bir büyülü silahtır. İçinde kendi büyüsüne sahip olmak yerine bu değnek, diğer asalardaki büyü ile işlenir.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Bu değneğin içinde şu anda büyü yok, onunla büyü kullanmadan önce ona _bir asanın gücünün işlenmesi_ gerekiyor.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Bu değneğin içinde şu anda büyü yok, onunla büyü kullanmadan önce ona _bir asanın gücünün işlenmesi_ gerekiyor.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Değnek şu anda _%s_ ile işlenmiş.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Değnek şu anda _%s_ ile işlenmiş.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Bu _%1$d. düzey_ yakın dövüş silahı _%2$d-%3$d hasar_ verir ve düzgün kullanabilmek için _%4$d güç_ gerektirir.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Bu _%1$d. düzey_ yakın dövüş silahı _%2$d-%3$d hasar_ verir ve düzgün kullanabilmek için _%4$d güç_ gerektirir.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Tipik olarak bu _%1$d. düzey_ yakın dövüş silahı _%2$d-%3$d hasar_ verir ve düzgün kullanabilmek için _%4$d güç_ gerektirir.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Tipik olarak bu _%1$d. düzey_ yakın dövüş silahı _%2$d-%3$d hasar_ verir ve düzgün kullanabilmek için _%4$d güç_ gerektirir.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=Bir rün seçin.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Zırh da kırık mühür de rün taşıyor. Hangi rünün tutulacağını seçin.\n\nEğer zırhın üstündeki rünü seçersiniz, mühür bu rünü sonradan taşıyamaz.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Zırh da kırık mühür de rün taşıyor. Hangi rünün tutulacağını seçin.\n\nEğer zırhın üstündeki rünü seçersiniz, mühür bu rünü sonradan taşıyamaz.
items.dewdrop.name=çiy damlası
items.dewdrop.name=çiy damlası
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=Sağlığın zaten tamamen dolu.
items.dewdrop.already_full=Sağlığın zaten tamamen dolu.
items.dewdrop.desc=Kristal berraklığında bir çiy damlası.\n\nBu yerin büyüsünden dolayı saf suyun hafif yenileme özelliği bulunuyor.
items.dewdrop.desc=Kristal berraklığında bir çiy damlası.\n\nBu yerin büyüsünden dolayı saf suyun hafif yenileme özelliği bulunuyor.
items.dewvial.name=çiy şişesi
items.dewvial.name=çiy şişesi
items.dewvial.collected=Çiy şişene bir çiy damlası topladın.
items.dewvial.collected=Çiy şişene bir çiy damlası topladın.
items.dewvial.full=Çiy şişen doldu!
items.dewvial.full=Çiy şişen doldu!
items.dewvial.empty=Çiy şişen boş!
items.dewvial.empty=Çiy şişen boş!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Неміцна на вигляд ефі
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=примарні ланцюги
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=примарні ланцюги
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Ваші ланцюги не мають достатньо заряду.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Ваші ланцюги не мають достатньо заряду.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Ви не можете використовувати прокляті ланцюги.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=Ви не можете використовувати прокляті ланцюги.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Це нічого не дасть.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.does_nothing=Це нічого не дасть.
@ -434,7 +435,7 @@ items.bags.velvetpouch.name=Оксамитовий мішечок
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Невеликий оксамитовий мішечок може зберігати в собі крихітні предмети, такі як насінини або рунічні камені.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Невеликий оксамитовий мішечок може зберігати в собі крихітні предмети, такі як насінини або рунічні камені.
items.bags.magicalholster.name=Магічна кобура
items.bags.magicalholster.name=Магічна кобура
items.bags.magicalholster.desc=This slim holster is made from some exotic animal hide, and possesses powerful magic which lets it store a massive amount of ranged weapons.\n\nYou can simply reach into the bag and will always grab the item you were looking for.\n\nDue to the holster's magic, wands will charge slightly faster and thrown weapons will last slightly longer inside of it.
items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Цей тонкий футляр зроблений з шкіри якогось магічного монстра й просочений дуже потужними чарами, які дозволяють йому зберігати в собі величезну кількість метальної зброї та жезлів.\n\nОпускаючи руку в футляр, ви завжди будете витягати саме той предмет, який ви шукали.\n\nЗавдяки магічній природі футляра, палички заряджаються трохи швидше, а метальна зброя буде служити трохи довше, ніж звичайно.
@ -482,9 +483,9 @@ items.bombs.woollybomb.name=Вовняна бомба
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Ця спеціальна бомба створить отару чарівних овець після вибуху. Ці вівці блокують рух і стоять на місці деякий час.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Ця спеціальна бомба створить отару чарівних овець після вибуху. Ці вівці блокують рух і стоять на місці деякий час.
items.food.berry.name=dungeon berry
items.food.berry.name=підземна ягода
items.food.berry.eat_msg=That berry was tasty!
items.food.berry.eat_msg=Яка смачна ягода!
items.food.berry.desc=This small berry was found by the huntress among the dungeon's vegetation. It can be eaten quickly, restores a small amount of satiety, and might contain a usable seed!
items.food.berry.desc=Ця мала ягода знайдена Мисливицею серед рослинності підземелля. Її можна швидко поглинути, що трохи втамує голод, та може принести корисну насінину!
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=приготований піскофрукт
items.food.blandfruit.cooked=приготований піскофрукт
@ -643,7 +644,7 @@ items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=При змішуванні з пові
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=Еліксир Очищення
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=Еліксир Очищення
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Ви відчуваєте незвичну для підземелля свіжість.
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Ви відчуваєте незвичну для підземелля свіжість.
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Захисна плівка оточує вас!
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Захисна плівка оточує вас!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=This magical reagent will quickly neutralize all harmful area-bound effects in a large area. Drinking it will give you temporary immunity to such effects.
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Цей магічний реагент швидко нейтралізує всі шкідливі ефекти на великій території. Якщо його випити, то це дасть вам тимчасовий імунітет до таких ефектів.
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=Еліксир Сили
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=Еліксир Сили
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 сила
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 сила
@ -819,8 +820,8 @@ items.rings.ringofelements.typical_stats=Будучи надягнутим, це
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Цей перстень забезпечує опір більшості стихійних та магічних ефектів, знижуючи отримувані пошкодження та тривалість негативного ефекту. Зрозуміло, що проклятий перстень навпаки посилить ці ефекти.
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Цей перстень забезпечує опір більшості стихійних та магічних ефектів, знижуючи отримувані пошкодження та тривалість негативного ефекту. Зрозуміло, що проклятий перстень навпаки посилить ці ефекти.
items.rings.ringofenergy.name=Перстень енергії
items.rings.ringofenergy.name=Перстень енергії
items.rings.ringofenergy.stats=When worn, this ring will increase wand charge speed by _%1$s%%_ and artifact charge speed by _%2$s%%._
items.rings.ringofenergy.stats=Будучи надягнутим, цей перстень підвищить швидкість зарядки жезлів на _%1$s%%_ та артефактів на _%2$s%%_.
items.rings.ringofenergy.typical_stats=When worn, this ring will typically increase wand charge speed by _%1$s%%_ and artifact charge speed by _%2$s%%._
items.rings.ringofenergy.typical_stats=Будучи надягнутим, цей перстень зазвичай підвищує швидкість зарядки жезлів на _%1$s%%_ та артефактів на _%2$s%%_.
items.rings.ringofenergy.desc=Ваші жезли та артефакти заряджатимуться швидше у чаклунській аурі цього персня. Проклятий перстень навпаки уповільнить їх перезарядку.
items.rings.ringofenergy.desc=Ваші жезли та артефакти заряджатимуться швидше у чаклунській аурі цього персня. Проклятий перстень навпаки уповільнить їх перезарядку.
items.rings.ringofevasion.name=Перстень ухилення
items.rings.ringofevasion.name=Перстень ухилення
@ -927,7 +928,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=Вас телепортувало в і
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Сильна магічна аура цього місця заважає вам телепортуватися!
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Сильна магічна аура цього місця заважає вам телепортуватися!
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Ви не можете телепортуватись туди.
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Ви не можете телепортуватись туди.
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Виберіть місце для телепортації
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Виберіть місце для телепортації
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=The spell on this parchment instantly transports the reader to a different location on the dungeon level. The scroll prioritizes areas the reader hasn't been to before, though it is not able to teleport past locked doors or barricades. It can, however, reveal hidden doors that lead to new areas.
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=Заклинання на цьому пергаменті миттєво перенесе читача в інше місце поверху. Сувій надає пріоритет областям, де читач раніше ще не бував, але без можливості телепортації за зачинені двері чи барикади. Проте, сувій може показати приховані двері, що ведуть у нові кімнати.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=сувій жаху
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.name=сувій жаху
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=Сувій випускає блискучий спалах червоного світла.
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=Сувій випускає блискучий спалах червоного світла.
@ -1122,9 +1123,9 @@ items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=Цей рунічний камінь прикли
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Рунічний камінь інтуїції
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Рунічний камінь інтуїції
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Виберіть предмет
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Виберіть предмет
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of identification. Rather than directly identifying an item, it will work on your intuition, allowing you to attempt to identify the type of a potion, scroll, or ring by guessing.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Цей рунічний камінь містить слабшу версію магії, яку несуть у собі сувої розпізнавання. Замість прямого розпізнавання предмета, він дасть вам змогу спробувати вгадати тип сувою, еліксиру або персню.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the type of the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, the type will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Спробуйте вгадати тип невідомого предмета. Якщо у вас вийде, його тип буде розпізнано!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item's type has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Вірно! Тип предмету розпізнано!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Ви не вгадали.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Ви не вгадали.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=Рунічний камінь енергії
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=Рунічний камінь енергії
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=патериця вибухової хв
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Ви загинули від чар вашого Жезлу Силового Удару
items.wands.wandofblastwave.ondeath=Ви загинули від чар вашого Жезлу Силового Удару
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Цей жезл зроблений з чогось подібного до мармуру, має золоті вставки та круглий чорний кристал на верхівці. Він доволі важкий.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.desc=Цей жезл зроблений з чогось подібного до мармуру, має золоті вставки та круглий чорний кристал на верхівці. Він доволі важкий.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Цей жезл посилає заряд, який вибухає у цільовому місці. Він завдає _%1$d - %2$d_ шкоди та є настільки сильним, що може відправити більшість ворогів у політ.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=Цей жезл посилає заряд, який вибухає у цільовому місці. Він завдає _%1$d - %2$d_ шкоди та є настільки сильним, що може відправити більшість ворогів у політ.
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=Жезл Корозії
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=Жезл Корозії
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=Патериця Корозії
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=Патериця Корозії
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Цей жезл зроблений з мертвотно-сірого каменю та має сяючий помаранчевий кристал на верхівці.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Цей жезл зроблений з мертвотно-сірого каменю та має сяючий помаранчевий кристал на верхівці.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Цей жезл випускає заряд, який вибухає у точці призначення хмарою роз'їдаючого газу. Будь-хто, хто потрапить у цю хмару, буде отримувати шкоду, яка збільшуватиметься з часом.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=Жезл Панування
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=Жезл Панування
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=Патериця Панування
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=Патериця Панування
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Неможливе подальше використання на даного персонажа.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=Неможливе подальше використання на даного персонажа.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Цей жезл випромінює хаотичну темну енергію. Він має невеликий декоративний череп на верхівці.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=Цей жезл випромінює хаотичну темну енергію. Він має невеликий декоративний череп на верхівці.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Цей жезл випустить заряд руйнівної енергії, який буде накладати на ворогів негативні ефекти, врешті-решт підкоряючи їх вашій волі. Вороги здатні протистояти ефекту жезла, але ослаблених підкорити значно легше.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Цей жезл випустить заряд руйнівної енергії, який буде накладати на ворогів негативні ефекти, врешті-решт підкоряючи їх вашій волі. Вороги здатні протистояти ефекту жезла, але ослаблених підкорити значно легше.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=Жезл Дезінтеграції
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=Жезл Дезінтеграції
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=Патериця Дезінтеграції
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=Патериця Дезінтеграції
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Цей жезл зроблений з суцільного шматка обсидіану. Всередині нього пульсує фіолетове світло. Його руйнівна сила готова вирватися вперед.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Цей жезл зроблений з суцільного шматка обсидіану. Всередині нього пульсує фіолетове світло. Його руйнівна сила готова вирватися вперед.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Цей жезл випускає смертоносний промінь, який пронизує будь-які перешкоди та сягає все далі з кожним покращенням жезла. Промінь наносить _%1$d - %2$d шкоди_, яка збільшується з кожним пронизаним ворогом.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Цей жезл випускає смертоносний промінь, який пронизує будь-які перешкоди та сягає все далі з кожним покращенням жезла. Промінь наносить _%1$d - %2$d шкоди_, яка збільшується з кожним пронизаним ворогом.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=Жезл Вогняного Шторму
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=Жезл Вогняного Шторму
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=Патериця Вогняного Шторму
items.wands.wandoffireblast.staff_name=Патериця Вогняного Шторму
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Цей жезл зроблений з червоного лакованого дерева та має золоті візерунки. Він тріскотить та шипить на своїй верхівці, готовий випустити свою могутню магію.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.desc=Цей жезл зроблений з червоного лакованого дерева та має золоті візерунки. Він тріскотить та шипить на своїй верхівці, готовий випустити свою могутню магію.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=Цей жезл випускає вогняний шторм, що росповсюджується по конічній траєкторії. Будучи покращеним, жезл використовуватиме більше зарядів за раз, посилюючи ефект з кожним зарядом. Його наступне використання поглине _%1$d зарядів_ та нанесе _%2$d - %3$d шкоди._
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=Жезл Морозу
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=Жезл Морозу
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=Патериця Морозу
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=Патериця Морозу
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Цей жезл, судячи з усього, зроблений з якогось магіічного льоду. Його верхівка світиться яскравіше. Жезл дуже холодний, але ваші руки чомусь лишаються теплими.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=Цей жезл, судячи з усього, зроблений з якогось магіічного льоду. Його верхівка світиться яскравіше. Жезл дуже холодний, але ваші руки чомусь лишаються теплими.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Цей жезл випускає заряд морозної енергії у ваших ворогів, наносячи _%1$d - %2$d шкоди_ та уповільнюючи їх. Ефект буде значно сильнішим, коли ціль стоїть у воді. Сповільнені та замерзлі вороги отримають менше шкоди від цього жезлу.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=Жезл Блискавок
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=Жезл Блискавок
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=Патериця Блискавок
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=Патериця Блискавок
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Ви загинули від вашого Жезлу Блискавок...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Ви загинули від вашого Жезлу Блискавок...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Цей жезл зроблений з суцільного металу. Він доволі важкий. На верхівці розміщені два виступи, між якими проскакують дуги електрики.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Цей жезл зроблений з суцільного металу. Він доволі важкий. На верхівці розміщені два виступи, між якими проскакують дуги електрики.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Цей жезл посилає потужну ланцюгову блискавку, яка наносить _%1$d - %2$d шкоди._ Вона стрибає між ворогами у радіусі дії, розподіляючи нанесену шкоду. Шкода самої блискавки та радіус стрибка значно збільшуються у воді. Якщо ви стоятимете близько до ворогів, то можете також отримати удар!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=Жезл Живої Землі
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.name=Жезл Живої Землі
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=Патериця Живої Землі
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=Патериця Живої Землі
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Цей жезл зроблений з дивного каменю з прожилками жовтої сяючої енергії. Камені трохи зсуваються, як ви стискаєте жезл, ніби відчуваючи вашу руку.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Цей жезл зроблений з дивного каменю з прожилками жовтої сяючої енергії. Камені трохи зсуваються, як ви стискаєте жезл, ніби відчуваючи вашу руку.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Цей жезл посилає заряди магічного каменю у ворогів, наносячи _%1$d - %2$d шкоди._ Камінь також оточить вас, надаючи захист, пропорційний до нанесеної шкоди. Якщо буде отримано достатню кількість кам'яного щита, він перетвориться у кам'яного захисника на наступний хід.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Цей жезл посилає заряди магічного каменю у ворогів, наносячи _%1$d - %2$d шкоди._ Камінь також оточить вас, надаючи захист, пропорційний до нанесеної шкоди. Якщо буде отримано достатню кількість кам'яного щита, він перетвориться у кам'яного захисника на наступний хід.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Кам'яний Щит
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.name=Кам'яний Щит
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Магічний камінь оточив ваше тіло, намагаючись вас захистити. При наступній атаці він знизить отриману шкоду на 50%%. Проте, кожна заблокована атака послаблює кам'яний щит.\n\nЗалишок Щита: %1$d.\n\nЯкщо ви маєте достатньо каменю навколо вас, наступний постріл жезлу перетворить ваш кам'яний щит на Захисника, який битиметься на вашому боці.\n\nЩиту необхідно для формування Захисника: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Магічний камінь оточив ваше тіло, намагаючись вас захистити. При наступній атаці він знизить отриману шкоду на 50%%. Проте, кожна заблокована атака послаблює кам'яний щит.\n\nЗалишок Щита: %1$d.\n\nЯкщо ви маєте достатньо каменю навколо вас, наступний постріл жезлу перетворить ваш кам'яний щит на Захисника, який битиметься на вашому боці.\n\nЩиту необхідно для формування Захисника: %2$d.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=Кам'яний Захисник
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.name=Кам'яний Захисник
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=Жезл Магічних Стріл
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=Патериця Магічних Стріл
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=Патериця Магічних Стріл
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Цей доволі простий жезл запускає стріли з чистої енергії. Хоча і будучи позбавленим будь-яких особливих ефектів, цей жезл має більше зарядів та трохи посилює інші жезли, будучи покращеним.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.desc=Цей доволі простий жезл запускає стріли з чистої енергії. Хоча і будучи позбавленим будь-яких особливих ефектів, цей жезл має більше зарядів та трохи посилює інші жезли, будучи покращеним.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Кожна магічна стріла наносить _%1$d - %2$d шкоди_ та трохи посилить інші жезли, якщо цей покращений.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.stats_desc=Кожна магічна стріла наносить _%1$d - %2$d шкоди_ та трохи посилить інші жезли, якщо цей покращений.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Магічний Заряд
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.name=Магічний Заряд
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Ваш Жезл Магічних Стріл повертає силу іншим жезлам, посилюючи їх наступне використання.\n\nВаші жезли посилені до: +%d.\n\nХодів Магічного Заряду лишилось: %s.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=Ваш Жезл Магічних Стріл повертає силу іншим жезлам, посилюючи їх наступне використання.\n\nВаші жезли посилені до: +%d.\n\nХодів Магічного Заряду лишилось: %s.
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=Жезл Чистого Світла
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=Патериця Чистого Світла
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.staff_name=Патериця Чистого Світла
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Цей жезл зроблений з суцільного шматка осяйного кристала, схожого на гладке скло. Спалахи світла танцюють навколо верхівки, готові відправитися вперед.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.desc=Цей жезл зроблений з суцільного шматка осяйного кристала, схожого на гладке скло. Спалахи світла танцюють навколо верхівки, готові відправитися вперед.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Цей жезл випускає промені світла, які пронизують темряву підземелля, виявляючи приховані місця та пастки. Промінь також осліпить ворогів та нанесе _%1$d - %2$d шкоди._ Демони та нежить спалахнуть у праведному вогні, отримуючи додаткову шкоду.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Цей жезл випускає промені світла, які пронизують темряву підземелля, виявляючи приховані місця та пастки. Промінь також осліпить ворогів та нанесе _%1$d - %2$d шкоди._ Демони та нежить спалахнуть у праведному вогні, отримуючи додаткову шкоду.
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=Жезл Відродження
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=Жезл Відродження
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=Патериця Відродження
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=Патериця Відродження
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Цей жезл зроблений з тонкого шматка різьбленого дерева. Якимось чином, він досі живий та яскравий, наче серцевина молодого деревця.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Будучи застосованим, цей жезл випустить конус відроджуючої енергії, вирощуючи траву, коріння та рідкісні рослини. Будучи покращеним, він використовуватиме більше зарядів, значно посилюючи ефект. Наступне використання поглине _%1$d зарядів_. "Коли життя зникає, нове завжди відроджується... Вічний цикл непорушний!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Росянки - дивовижні рослини, які накопичуюють магічну росу. Вони намагаються замаскуватися у густій траві, проте сяйво зібраної роси видає їх.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Насінники - магічні рослини, які лишають по собі насіння інших рослин замість свого. Тим не менш, вони здатні якось розмножуватись, не маючи власного насіння.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Насінники - магічні рослини, які лишають по собі насіння інших рослин замість свого. Тим не менш, вони здатні якось розмножуватись, не маючи власного насіння.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Золотий Лотус
items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.name=Золотий Лотус
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Ви загинули від викори
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Ваша патериця заряджена життєвою енергією ворога!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Ваша патериця заряджена життєвою енергією ворога!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Хоч і будучи доволі просто зробленим, цей жезл вирізняється пурпуровим руків'ям та вугільно-чорним каменем на верхівці.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Хоч і будучи доволі просто зробленим, цей жезл вирізняється пурпуровим руків'ям та вугільно-чорним каменем на верхівці.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Будучи застосованим на союзників, цей жезл поглине _%1$d здоров'я героя_ щоб вилікувати союзника на _%2$d здоров'я_ або накласти на нього щит. При застосуванні на ворогів, жезл тимчасово причарує їх, а герой отримає _%3$d щита_. Ворожа нежить отримає _%4$d - %5$d шкоди_ замість причарування.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Будучи застосованим на союзників, цей жезл поглине _%1$d здоров'я героя_ щоб вилікувати союзника на _%2$d здоров'я_ або накласти на нього щит. При застосуванні на ворогів, жезл тимчасово причарує їх, а герой отримає _%3$d щита_. Ворожа нежить отримає _%4$d - %5$d шкоди_ замість причарування.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=Жезл Охорони
items.wands.wandofwarding.name=Жезл Охорони
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=Патериця Охорони
items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=Патериця Охорони
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Ваш жезл не може прикл
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Ви не можете розмістити тут Охоронця.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Ви не можете розмістити тут Охоронця.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Цей короткий металевий жезл має яскравий фіолетовий кристал, що левітує навколо верхівки.
items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Цей короткий металевий жезл має яскравий фіолетовий кристал, що левітує навколо верхівки.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Замість нанесення прямої шкоди ворогам, цей жезл прикликатиме нерухомих охоронців та вартових. Вони можуть бути прикликані всюди, навіть за стінами, якщо ви мажте там огляд. Цей жезл може витримати _%d енергії_ підтримки охоронців одночасно.
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Замість нанесення прямої шкоди ворогам, цей жезл прикликатиме нерухомих охоронців та вартових. Вони можуть бути прикликані всюди, навіть за стінами, якщо ви мажте там огляд. Цей жезл може витримати _%d енергії_ підтримки охоронців одночасно.
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=Менший Охоронець
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=Менший Охоронець
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Цей базовий охоронець буде автоматично посилати заряди у ворогів, що зайдуть у його радіус огляду, наносячи _%1$d - %2$d шкоди._\n\nВикористання вашого Жезлу Охорони покращить його.\n\nЦей Охоронець може атакувати лише один раз перед зникненням.\n\nВаш Жезл Охорони використовує _%3$d енергії для підтримки цього Охоронця.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Цей базовий охоронець буде автоматично посилати заряди у ворогів, що зайдуть у його радіус огляду, наносячи _%1$d - %2$d шкоди._\n\nВикористання вашого Жезлу Охорони покращить його.\n\nЦей Охоронець може атакувати лише один раз перед зникненням.\n\nВаш Жезл Охорони використовує _%3$d енергії для підтримки цього Охоронця.
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=З незграбної зброї дуже в
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name= %s вогняних чар
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name= %s вогняних чар
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Це зачарування наділяє зброю здатністю плюватись вогнем, підпалюючи ворогів і завдаючи бонусної шкоди тим, хто вже горить.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s оборони
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.name=%s оборони
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Це зачарування підвищить вашу здатність захищати себе після атаки цією зброєю.
items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Це зачарування підвищить вашу здатність захищати себе після атаки цією зброєю.
@ -1396,16 +1411,19 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.ac_imbue=НАДІЛИТИ
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Оберіть жезл
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Оберіть жезл
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Ви наділяєте свою патерицю силою %s.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Ви наділяєте свою патерицю силою %s.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=The previous wand was preserved!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=Жезл був збережений!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Різні типи магії конфліктують та знищують зачарування вашої патериці.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Різні типи магії конфліктують та знищують зачарування вашої патериці.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Спершу потрібно ідентифікувати цей жезл.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=Спершу потрібно ідентифікувати цей жезл.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Ви не можете використовувати проклятий жезл.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Ви не можете використовувати проклятий жезл.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Ви впевнені, що хочете наділити вашу патерицю силою цього жезла? Попереднє наділення буде втрачене.\n\nЯкщо жезл буде настільки ж, або сильніще покращений за патерицю, то вона покращиться на один рівень.\n\nПісля наділення патериця матиме %d рівень.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Так,я впевнений.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Так,я впевнений.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Ні, я передумав
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Ні, я передумав
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Ця патериця створена самим магом. Це унікальна магічна зброя. Замість того, щоб мати вроджену магічну силу, вона може бути наділена енергією будь-якого жезла.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=В даний час патериця не має магічної сили, вона має бути _наділеною силою жезла_, перед тим, як почати її використовувати для заклинань.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=В даний час патериця не має магічної сили, вона має бути _наділеною силою жезла_, перед тим, як почати її використовувати для заклинань.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Зараз патериця наділена силою _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Зараз патериця наділена силою _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Це _%1$d-рангова_ зброя ближнього бою, яка наносить _%2$d-%3$d ушкоджень_ і вимагає щонайменше _%4$d сили_.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Це _%1$d-рангова_ зброя ближнього бою, яка наносить _%2$d-%3$d ушкоджень_ і вимагає щонайменше _%4$d сили_.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Зазвичай ця _%1$d-рангова_ зброя ближнього бою, яка наносить _%2$d-%3$d ушкоджень_ і вимагає щонайменше _%4$d сили_.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Зазвичай ця _%1$d-рангова_ зброя ближнього бою, яка наносить _%2$d-%3$d ушкоджень_ і вимагає щонайменше _%4$d сили_.
@ -1615,17 +1633,18 @@ items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Ви маєте спочатку розпізна
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Стан цього обладунку занадто кепський.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Стан цього обладунку занадто кепський.
items.brokenseal.affix=Ви прикріпили знак до вашого обладунку!
items.brokenseal.affix=Ви прикріпили знак до вашого обладунку!
items.brokenseal.desc=Восковий знак, що прикріплений до обладунку, є символом доблесті. Всі позначки на ньому дуже старі, а сам знак розколотий навпіл.\n\nБудучи пам'яттю про батьківщину, знак допомагає воїну витримати більше ушкоджень. Під час носіння знаку, воїн буде повільно створювати щит поверх свого здоров'я на основі рангу його обладунку.\n\nЗнак може бути _прикріпленний до обладунку_, та переміщеним між обладунками. Він навіть може перенести один рівень покращення з собою.
items.brokenseal.desc=Восковий знак, що прикріплений до обладунку, є символом доблесті. Всі позначки на ньому дуже старі, а сам знак розколотий навпіл.\n\nБудучи пам'яттю про батьківщину, знак допомагає воїну витримати більше ушкоджень. Під час носіння знаку, воїн буде повільно створювати щит поверх свого здоров'я на основі рангу його обладунку.\n\nЗнак може бути _прикріпленний до обладунку_, та переміщеним між обладунками. Він навіть може перенести один рівень покращення з собою.
items.brokenseal.choose_title=Choose a Glyph
items.brokenseal.choose_title=Оберіть Руну
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Both this armor and the broken seal are carrying a glyph. Pick which glyph should be kept.\n\nNote that if you pick the glyph that is currently on the armor, the seal will not be able to transfer it later.
items.brokenseal.choose_desc=Обладунок та розколотий знак мають на собі руни. Оберіть руну, яку потрібно залишити.\n\nМайте на увазі, якщо ви оберете руну обладунку, то знак не буде здатен до її переносу.
items.dewdrop.name=Крапля роси
items.dewdrop.name=Крапля роси
items.dewdrop.value=%+d здоров'я
items.dewdrop.heal=%+d здоров'я
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
items.dewdrop.already_full=Ви вже повністю здорові!
items.dewdrop.already_full=Ви вже повністю здорові!
items.dewdrop.desc=Кришталево чиста росинка.\n\nЗавдяки магії цього місця, вона має відновлювальні властивості.
items.dewdrop.desc=Кришталево чиста росинка.\n\nЗавдяки магії цього місця, вона має відновлювальні властивості.
items.dewvial.name=Флакон для роси
items.dewvial.name=Флакон для роси
items.dewvial.value=%+d здоров'я
items.dewvial.collected=Ви зібрали росинку до свого флакона.
items.dewvial.collected=Ви зібрали росинку до свого флакона.
items.dewvial.full=Ваш флакон для роси повний!
items.dewvial.full=Ваш флакон для роси повний!
items.dewvial.empty=Ваш флакон для роси порожній!
items.dewvial.empty=Ваш флакон для роси порожній!
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=看起来很脆弱的人型幻影,身
##back to artifacts
##back to artifacts
items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Your chains cannot pull you while you are rooted.
@ -1153,43 +1154,51 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.staff_name=震波之杖
items.wands.wandofblastwave.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of blast wave, the enemy has a chance to be knocked back, as if the staff had an elastic enchantment.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=This wand shoots a bolt which explodes into a cloud of highly corrosive gas at a targeted location. Anything caught inside this cloud will take increasing damage over time, starting at _%d damage._
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corrosion, the enemy has a chance to become oozed.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of corruption, the enemy has a chance to become amoked.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.bmage_desc=When wielded by _the Battlemage_, a staff of disintegration has increased attack range, as if it had a projecting enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=This wand blasts out a cone of fire when used. Its next attack will consume _%1$d charges_ and deal _%2$d-%3$d damage._ The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of fireblast, the enemy has a chance to burst into flames, as if the staff had a blazing enchantment.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=This wand shoots blasts of icy energy toward your foes, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and chilling. The effect seems stronger in water. Enemies that are already chilled or frozen enemies take less damage from this wand.
items.wands.wandoffrost.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a chilled enemy with a staff of frost, they have a chance to instantly freeze. This chance become greater the more chilled they are.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=This wand sends powerful lightning arcing through whatever it is shot at, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ This electricity will arc to nearby characters, and spreads more easily in water. The arcs from this wand can damage you, but won't hurt your allies.
items.wands.wandoflightning.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of lightning, the staff has a chance to arc lightning to other nearby enemies, as if it had a shocking enchantment.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=这根法杖能向敌人发射魔法泥石,造成_ %1$d~%2$d 点伤害。_泥石随后会回归使用者身边,根据造成的伤害重组成灵壤护甲。灵壤护甲积累到一定程度后,下次使用法杖时会成型为一尊灵壤守护者。
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=这根法杖能向敌人发射魔法泥石,造成_ %1$d~%2$d 点伤害。_泥石随后会回归使用者身边,根据造成的伤害重组成灵壤护甲。灵壤护甲积累到一定程度后,下次使用法杖时会成型为一尊灵壤守护者。
items.wands.wandoflivingearth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of living earth, some of the damage dealt is returned as rock armor.
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=魔法泥石环绕在你身边,当你被攻击时它们会努力帮你格挡,格挡成功能抵消 50%% 所受伤害。抵消伤害会消除一定量的泥石。\n\n剩余护甲量:%1$d。\n\n当积攒的泥石达到一定程度时,下一次发动灵壤法杖会使泥石成型为一尊灵壤守护者为你而战。\n\n守护者成型所需护甲量:%2$d
items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=魔法泥石环绕在你身边,当你被攻击时它们会努力帮你格挡,格挡成功能抵消 50%% 所受伤害。抵消伤害会消除一定量的泥石。\n\n剩余护甲量:%1$d。\n\n当积攒的泥石达到一定程度时,下一次发动灵壤法杖会使泥石成型为一尊灵壤守护者为你而战。\n\n守护者成型所需护甲量:%2$d
@ -1199,6 +1208,7 @@ items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=魔弹法杖
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of magic missile, all of his wands will gain charge in addition to his staff.
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=你的魔弹法杖向其他法杖回馈了一股能量,提升着下一次施法的有效等级。\n\n其他法杖被强化至:+ %d\n\n剩余的魔力强化时长:%s 回合
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile$magiccharge.desc=你的魔弹法杖向其他法杖回馈了一股能量,提升着下一次施法的有效等级。\n\n其他法杖被强化至:+ %d\n\n剩余的魔力强化时长:%s 回合
@ -1206,13 +1216,16 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.name=棱光法杖
items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of prismatic light, they will be crippled for a duration that scales with staff level.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=在施放时,法杖将向一个扇形区域倾洒出再生的能量。这种魔法会让草、根系甚至稀有的植物重获生命,破土而出。随着法杖的升级,它将消耗更多充能,威力也会随消耗数增加而显著增强。下一次使用它将消耗_%1$d发充能_。“春兰兮秋菊… 长无绝兮终古!”
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
@ -1224,6 +1237,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=你用注魂法杖耗尽了自己的生命
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes a charmed enemy with a staff of transfusion, the battlemage will gain shielding and his next zap with the staff will not cost any health.
@ -1231,6 +1245,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=你的法杖无法维持更多的哨卫
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=这根法杖并不能直接攻击敌人,但可以召唤出哨卫元素与哨卫结晶。你可以在视野中的任何地方召唤哨卫,即使是隔着一堵墙。这根法杖最多能提供_ %d 点能量_以维持哨卫。
items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=这根法杖并不能直接攻击敌人,但可以召唤出哨卫元素与哨卫结晶。你可以在视野中的任何地方召唤哨卫,即使是隔着一堵墙。这根法杖最多能提供_ %d 点能量_以维持哨卫。
items.wands.wandofwarding.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of warding, all active sentries have a change to be healed.
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=这个最基本的哨卫元素会自动攻击进入视野的目标,造成_ %1$d~%2$d 点伤害。_\n\n使用哨卫法杖向该哨卫施法能使其升级。\n\n这个哨卫在仅发动 1 次攻击之后就会消散。\n\n你的哨卫法杖在使用_ %3$d 点能量_维持这个哨卫。
items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=这个最基本的哨卫元素会自动攻击进入视野的目标,造成_ %1$d~%2$d 点伤害。_\n\n使用哨卫法杖向该哨卫施法能使其升级。\n\n这个哨卫在仅发动 1 次攻击之后就会消散。\n\n你的哨卫法杖在使用_ %3$d 点能量_维持这个哨卫。
@ -1281,7 +1296,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=妄为诅咒的武器很难找到它的目标
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to enemies that are already aflame.
@ -1400,12 +1415,15 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.preserved=你保留了之前灌注的法杖!
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_desc=Are you sure you want to imbue your staff with this wand?\n\nIf the wand being imbued is the same or higher level than the staff, the staff will inherit the level of that wand plus a single one of its own upgrades.\n\nThis imbue will result in a level %d staff.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_lost=The wand currently imbued in your staff will be lost.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue_talent=The wand currently imbued in your staff has a %1$d%% chance to be returned at +0. Wand returns remaining: %2$d.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon which can be imbued with a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=这支法杖并没有任何魔力, 它必须先被_注入进另一支法杖的魔力_才能用于施放法术。
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=这支法杖并没有任何魔力, 它必须先被_注入进另一支法杖的魔力_才能用于施放法术。
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed_wand=The staff is cursed, making its magic chaotic and random.
@ -1619,13 +1637,14 @@ items.brokenseal.choose_title=选择一个刻印
items.dewdrop.both=%1$+dHP, %2$+dSHLD
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@ -141,43 +141,43 @@ levels.newcitybosslevel.throne_desc=这座醒目的高大王座是矮人国王
@ -194,13 +194,13 @@ levels.level.bookshelf_name=书架
@ -208,10 +208,10 @@ levels.level.statue_desc=有人想装饰一下这里,很显然,它没能成
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=És una masmorra després de tot!\n\n- La distància vi
challenges.no_scrolls=Runes prohibides
challenges.no_scrolls=Runes prohibides
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Una runa determinada és més difícil de trobar. Malauradament, sempre és la més útil.\n\n- La meitat dels pergamins de millora de la masmorra s'eliminen
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Una runa determinada és més difícil de trobar. Malauradament, sempre és la més útil.\n\n- La meitat dels pergamins de millora de la masmorra s'eliminen
challenges.champion_enemies=Hostile champions
challenges.champion_enemies=Hostile champions
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/15 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, +8 melee range\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +25% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 2 turns.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Mort per alguna cosa
rankings$record.something=Mort per alguna cosa
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=Přeci jen je to kobka!\n\n- Běžná viditelná vzdál
challenges.no_scrolls=Zapomenuté runy
challenges.no_scrolls=Zapomenuté runy
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Určité svitky je těžší najít. Bohužel jsou to vždy ty nejužitečnější.\n\n- Polovina svitků vylepšení v celé kobce je odstraněna
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Určité svitky je těžší najít. Bohužel jsou to vždy ty nejužitečnější.\n\n- Polovina svitků vylepšení v celé kobce je odstraněna
challenges.champion_enemies=Zákeřní protivníci
challenges.champion_enemies=Zákeřní protivníci
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=Nejsi to pouze ty, kdo se může stát silnější!\n\n- Běžní nepřátelé mají šanci 1/15, že se objeví se speciálním posilujícím efektem.\n- Posílení nepřátelé se okamžitě vzbudí, jakmile se v kobce objeví\n- Hrdina se dozví, když se posílený protivník někde objeví\n- Posílení protivníci jsou imunní vůči efektu zkaženosti\n\nMůžeš narazit na 6 typů posílených protivníků:\n_Plamenný (oranžový):_ uděluje +25% poškození na blízko, při útoku zapaluje, imunní vůči ohni, po smrti okolo rozšíří oheň\n_Dálkový (fialový):_ uděluje +25% poškození na blízko, útoky na blízko mají až +8 dosah\n_Anti-magický (zelený):_ -25% z obdrženého poškození, imunní vůči magickým efektům\n_Obří (modrý):_ -75% z obdrženého poškození, útoky na blízko mají +1 dosah, nevleze se do úzkých prostorů\n_Požehnaný (žlutý):_ obdařen +200% přesností a +200% vyhýbáním\n_Sílící (červený):_ o +25% větší přesnost, vyhýbání, poškození a odolnost vůči obdrženému poškození. Tyto vlastnosti se každé 2 tahy zvyšují o 1%.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Zabilo tě "něco"
rankings$record.something=Zabilo tě "něco"
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=Es ist immer noch ein Dungeon!\n\n- Normale Sichtweite
challenges.no_scrolls=Verbotene Runen
challenges.no_scrolls=Verbotene Runen
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Eine bestimmte Rune ist schwerer aufzufinden. Unglücklicherweise ist es immer die nützlichste.\n\n- Die Hälfte der Schriftrollen der Verbesserung sind entfernt
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Eine bestimmte Rune ist schwerer aufzufinden. Unglücklicherweise ist es immer die nützlichste.\n\n- Die Hälfte der Schriftrollen der Verbesserung sind entfernt
challenges.champion_enemies=Feindliche Champions
challenges.champion_enemies=Feindliche Champions
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=Du bist nicht der Einzige, der aufsteigen kann!\n\n- Normale Gegner haben eine Chance von 1/15 mit einem speziellen Champion-Buff zu spawnen.\n- Champion-Gegner wachen auf, wenn sie schlafend spawnen.\n- Der Held weiß, wann ein Champion spawnt.\n- Champions sind immun gegen Korruption.\n\nEs gibt sechs Arten von Champion-Gegnern:\n_Flammend (orange):_ +25% Nahkampfschaden, entzündet sich beim Treffer, ist immun gegen Feuer, verbreitet Flammen beim Tod\n_Projektion (violett):_ +25% Nahkampfschaden, +8 Nahkampfreichweite\n_Antimagie (grün):_ -25% erlittener Schaden, immun gegen magische Effekte\n_Riese (blau):_ -75% erlittener Schaden, +1 Nahkampfreichweite, kann nicht in Tunnel eindringen\n_Selig (gelb):_ +200% Genauigkeit, +200% Ausweichen\n_Wachstum (rot):_ +25% Genauigkeit, Ausweichen, Schaden und effektive HP. Erhöht sich alle 2 Runden um 1%.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Etwas hat dich getötet
rankings$record.something=Etwas hat dich getötet
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=Tio estas ja subtera labirinto!\n\n- norma vid-distanco
challenges.no_scrolls=Malpermesataj runoj
challenges.no_scrolls=Malpermesataj runoj
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Trovi kelkan runon estas pli malfacila. Domaĝe ĉiam temas pri la plej uzebla.\n\n- duono de skribrulaĵoj de plibonigo estas forigita
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Trovi kelkan runon estas pli malfacila. Domaĝe ĉiam temas pri la plej uzebla.\n\n- duono de skribrulaĵoj de plibonigo estas forigita
challenges.champion_enemies=Minacaj majstroj
challenges.champion_enemies=Minacaj majstroj
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=Vi ne estas la ununura, kiu povas pliniveliĝi!\n\n– kutimaj monstroj havas 1/15 da ŝanco por aperi kun la speciala efiko ”majstro”\n– majstroj ĉiam aperas kiel vekaj\n– la heroo scias, kiam majstro aperas en keletaĝo\n– majstroj estas rezistaj al korupto\n\nEstas ses specoj de majstroj:\n_majstroj de fajro (oranĝaj):_ +25% al senpera atako, bruligas je frapo, rezistaj al fajro, disvastigas fajron je morto\n_majstroj de foraj atakoj (violkoloraj):_ +25% al senpera atako, +8 al atakatingo\n_majstroj de malmagio (verdaj):_ -25% de ricevata damaĝo, rezistaj al magiaj efikoj\n_gigantaj majstroj (bluaj):_ -75% de ricevata damaĝo,, +1 al atakatingo, ne povas moviĝi en mallarĝaj koridoroj\n_benaj majstroj (flavaj):_ +200% al precizo, +200% al evitpovo\n_kreskantaj majstroj (ruĝaj):_ +25% al precizo, evitpovo, damaĝo kaj sanpoentoj; pliiĝas je 1% je ĉiuj 2 temperoj
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Mortigita iel
rankings$record.something=Mortigita iel
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=¡Es una mazmorra después de todo!\n\n- Distancia de v
challenges.no_scrolls=Runas prohibidas
challenges.no_scrolls=Runas prohibidas
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Una cierta runa es más difícil de encontrar. Desafortunadamente, siempre es la más útil.\n\n- La mitad de los pergaminos de mejora son eliminados en la mazmorra
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Una cierta runa es más difícil de encontrar. Desafortunadamente, siempre es la más útil.\n\n- La mitad de los pergaminos de mejora son eliminados en la mazmorra
challenges.champion_enemies=Campeones hostiles
challenges.champion_enemies=Campeones hostiles
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=¡No eres el único que puede subir de nivel!\n\n-Los enemigos regulares tienen 1/15 posibilidades de aparecer con un efecto especial de campeón.\n-Los campeones se despertarán si aparecen dormidos\n-El héroe sabe cuando un campeón aparece\n-Los campeones son inmunes a la corrupción\n\nHay seis tipos de campeones enemigos:\n_Flameante (Naranja):_ +25% de daño cuerpo a cuerpo, enciende fuego al golpear, inmune al fuego, esparce flamas al morir\n_Proyectivo (Purpura):_ +25% de daño cuerpo a cuerpo, +8 rango cuerpo a cuerpo\n_Anti Mágico (Verde):_ -25% daño recibido, inmune a los efectos mágicos\n_Gigante (Azul):_ -75% daño recibido, +1 rango cuerpo a cuerpo, no puede moverse por los túneles\n_Bendecido (Amarillo):_ +200% precisión, +200% evasión\n_Creciente (Rojo):_ +25% de precisión, evasión, daño, y PS efectivo, Aumenta en 1% cada 2 turnos
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Asesinado por Algo
rankings$record.something=Asesinado por Algo
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=Hau ziega bat da azken finean!\n\n- Distantzia ikusgarr
challenges.no_scrolls=Debekatutako errunak
challenges.no_scrolls=Debekatutako errunak
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Erruna zehatz bat aurkitzea zailagoa da. Zoritxarrez gehien behar den hori da.\n\n- Ziegako hobekuntza eskuizkribuen erdia kendu dira
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Erruna zehatz bat aurkitzea zailagoa da. Zoritxarrez gehien behar den hori da.\n\n- Ziegako hobekuntza eskuizkribuen erdia kendu dira
challenges.champion_enemies=Aldezkari erasokorrak
challenges.champion_enemies=Aldezkari erasokorrak
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=Zu ez zara mailaz igo daitekeen bakarra!\n\n-Arerio arruntak aldezkari hobekuntzaren batekin jaiotzeko 1/15 aukera dute.\n-Aldezkariak esnatu egiten dira lo jaioz gero.\n-Heroiak badaki aldezkariren bat jaio dela\n-Aldezkariak ez dira ustelkerian eroriko\n\nSei aldezkari mota daude:\n_Suzkoa (laranja):_ +%25 aurrez-aurreko kaltea, kolpatzean sua hartzen du, suak ez dio eraginik egiten, hiltzean sugarrak hedatzen ditu\n_Beso luzea (morea):_ +%25 aurrez-aurreko kaltea, +8 aurrez.aurreko irismena\n_Antimagikoa (berdea):_ -%25 jasotako kaltea, magiak ez dio eraginik egiten\n_Erraldoia (urdina):_ -%75 jasotako kaltea, +1 aurrez-aurreko irismena, ezin da tuneletan sartu\n_Bedeinkatua (horia):_ +%200 zehaztasuna, +%200 iheskortasuna\n_Hazlea (gorria):_ +%25 zehaztasuna, iheskortasuna, kaltea eta OP eraginkorra. %1 hazten da 2 txandaz behin.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Zerbaitek eraila
rankings$record.something=Zerbaitek eraila
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=Ollaanhan sitä kuitenkin luolastossa!\n\n- Tavallinen
challenges.no_scrolls=Kielletyt riimut
challenges.no_scrolls=Kielletyt riimut
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Eräs riimu on hankalampi löytää. Valitettavasti se sattuu olemaan kaikkein hyödyllisin niistä.\n\n- Puolet luolaston parannuksen kääröistä on poistettu
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Eräs riimu on hankalampi löytää. Valitettavasti se sattuu olemaan kaikkein hyödyllisin niistä.\n\n- Puolet luolaston parannuksen kääröistä on poistettu
challenges.champion_enemies=Riivatut viholliset
challenges.champion_enemies=Riivatut viholliset
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=Et ole ainoa joka voi kehittyä!\n\n- Tavallisilla vihollisilla on 1/15 mahdollisuus ilmestyä erityisen positiivisen vaikutuksen alaisena.\n- Riivatut hirviöt heräävät välittömästi jos ne ilmestyvät nukkuvina\n- Sankari ilmoittaa riivatun hirviön ilmestyessä\n- Riivatut hirviöt ovat immuuneja turmelukselle\n\nRiivattuja hirviöitä on kuutta eri tyyppiä:\n_Roihuava (oranssi):_ +25% lyömävahinko, sytyttää tuleen osuessaan, immuuni tulelle, levittää tulta kuollessaan\n_Kantava (violetti):_ +25% lyömävahinko, +8 lyömäkantama\n_Vastamagia (vihreä):_ -25% otettu vahinko, immuuni taikuudelle\n_Jättiläismäinen (sininen):_ -75% otettu vahinko, +1 lyömäkantama, ei voi liikkua kapeisiin tunneleihin\n_Siunattu (keltainen):_ +200 osumatarkkuus, +200 väistely\n_Kasvava (punainen):_ +25 osumatarkkuus, väistely, vahinko ja elinvoima. Kasvaa 1% joka toinen vuoro.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Kuolema jostain
rankings$record.something=Kuolema jostain
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=C'est un dongeon après tout !\n\n- La distance de visi
challenges.no_scrolls=Runes interdites
challenges.no_scrolls=Runes interdites
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Une rune en particulier est plus difficile à trouver. Malheuresement, il s'agit de la plus utile.\n\n- La moitié des parchemins d'amélioration sont retirés
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Une rune en particulier est plus difficile à trouver. Malheuresement, il s'agit de la plus utile.\n\n- La moitié des parchemins d'amélioration sont retirés
challenges.champion_enemies=Champions hostiles
challenges.champion_enemies=Champions hostiles
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=Vous n'êtes pas le seul à pouvoir monter de niveau !\n\n- Les ennemis communs ont 1/15 de chance d'apparaître avec une amélioration de champion.\n- Les champions se réveillent s'ils apparaissent endormis.\n- Le héros sait quand un champion apparaît.\n- Les champions sont immunisés contre la corruption.\n\nIl existe six types de champions ennemis :\n_Flamboyant (orange) :_ +25% de dégâts en mêlée, s'enflamme lorsqu'on les touche, immunisé au feu, propage des flammes au moment de la mort.\n_Projection (violet) :_ +25% de dégâts en mêlée, +8 de portée en mêlée.\n_Anti-magique (vert) :_ -25% de dégâts pris, immunisé contre les effets magiques.\n_Géant (bleu) :_ -75% de dégâts pris, +1 portée de combat, ne peut pas se déplacer dans les tunnels.\n_Béni (jaune)_ : +200% de précision, +200% d'évasion.\n_En pleine croissance (rouge) : +25% de précision, d'évasion, de dommages et de PV. Augmente de 1% tous les 2 tours.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Tué par quelque chose
rankings$record.something=Tué par quelque chose
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=Elvégre ez egy kazamata!\n\n- A megszokott látótávo
challenges.no_scrolls=Tiltott rúnák
challenges.no_scrolls=Tiltott rúnák
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Egy bizonyos varázsigét nehezebb megtalálni. Sajnos pont a leghasznosabbat...\n\n- A kazamatában feleannyi fejlődéstekercset lehet találni
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Egy bizonyos varázsigét nehezebb megtalálni. Sajnos pont a leghasznosabbat...\n\n- A kazamatában feleannyi fejlődéstekercset lehet találni
challenges.champion_enemies=Barátságtalan bajnokok
challenges.champion_enemies=Barátságtalan bajnokok
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=Nem csak te tudsz szintet lépni!\n\n- Az ellenfelek 1/15 eséllyel bajnokként bukkannak fel.\n- A bajnokok felébrednek, ha netán elaludnának\n- A hősöd felismeri, amikor egy bajnok felbukkan\n- A bajnokok immunisak a megrontásra\n\nA bajnokoknak hat típusa van:\n_Lángoló (narancs):_ +25% közelharci sebzés, ütésre begyújt, tűzre immunis, lángot szór amikor elpusztul\n_Nyúlánk (bíbor):_ +25% közelharci sebzés, +8 közelharci hatókör\n_Mágiaellenes (zöld):_ -25% sérülés, immunis a varázslatokra\n_Óriás (kék):_ -75% sérülés, +1 közelharci hatókör, nem fér át az alagutakon\n_Áldott (sárga):_ +200% pontosság, +200% kitérés\n_Erősödő (piros):_ +25% pontosság, kitérés, sebzés, és HP. Ezek két körönként egy százalékkal nőnek.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Valami megölt.
rankings$record.something=Valami megölt.
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=Ya namanya juga dungeon!\n\n- Jarak pandang mengurang s
challenges.no_scrolls=Tulisan terlarang
challenges.no_scrolls=Tulisan terlarang
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Beberapa gulungan lebih sulit dicari. Sayangnya, itu adalah yang paling berharga.\n\n- Jumlah seluruh gulungan upgrade dikurangi setengahnya
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Beberapa gulungan lebih sulit dicari. Sayangnya, itu adalah yang paling berharga.\n\n- Jumlah seluruh gulungan upgrade dikurangi setengahnya
challenges.champion_enemies=Juara Bermusuhan
challenges.champion_enemies=Juara Bermusuhan
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=Kamu bukan satu-satunya yang bisa naik level!\n\n- Musuh biasa memiliki peluang 1/15 untuk muncul dengan buff champion khusus.\n- Champion bangun jika mereka tertidur\n- Pahlawan tahu kapan juara muncul\n- Champion kebal terhadap korupsi\n\nAda enam jenis musuh juara:\n_Blazing (oranye):_ + 25% kerusakan jarak dekat, terbakar saat hit, kebal terhadap api, menyebarkan api saat kematian\n_Projecting (ungu): _ + 25% kerusakan jarak dekat, +8 jarak dekat\n_Antimagic (hijau): _ -25% kerusakan diterima, kebal terhadap efek magis\n_Giant (biru): _ -75% kerusakan diterima, +1 jarak dekat, tidak bisa pindah ke terowongan\n_Blessed (kuning): _ + 200% akurasi, + 200% penghindaran\n_Growing (merah): _ + 25% akurasi, penghindaran, kerusakan, dan HP efektif. Meningkat 1% setiap 2 giliran.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Terbunuh oleh Sesuatu
rankings$record.something=Terbunuh oleh Sesuatu
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=È un dungeon dopo tutto!\n\n- Raggio di visibilità no
challenges.no_scrolls=Rune proibite
challenges.no_scrolls=Rune proibite
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Una specifica runa è più difficile da trovare. Sfortunatamente, è sempre quella più utile.\n\n- Metà delle pergamene di miglioramento del dungeon sono rimosse
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Una specifica runa è più difficile da trovare. Sfortunatamente, è sempre quella più utile.\n\n- Metà delle pergamene di miglioramento del dungeon sono rimosse
challenges.champion_enemies=Campioni ostili
challenges.champion_enemies=Campioni ostili
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=Non sei l'unico che può aumentare di livello!\n\n- I nemici comuni hanno 1/15 di possibilità di avere uno speciale vantaggio campione.\n- I campioni si svegliano se sono addormentati\n- L'eroe percepisce se c'è un campione\n- I campioni sono immuni alla corruzione\n\nCi sono sei tipi di nemici campione:\n- Ardente (arancione):_ +25% attacco da mischia, incendia al colpo, immune al fuoco, sparge fiamme alla morte\n- Prominente (viola):_ +25% attacco da mischia, +8 portata in mischia\n- Antimagico (verde):_ -25% danno ricevuto, immune agli effetti magici\n- Gigante (blu):_ -75% danno ricevuto, +1 portata in mischia, non può muoversi attraverso i tunnel\n- Benedetto (giallo):_ +200% accuratezza, +200% evasione\n- Brillante (rosso):_ +25% accuratezza, evasione danno e punti ferita effettivi. Aumenta di 1% ogni 2 turni.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Ucciso da qualcosa
rankings$record.something=Ucciso da qualcosa
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=結局、これが本来のダンジョンなのさ!\
challenges.champion_enemies=Hostile champions
challenges.champion_enemies=Hostile champions
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/15 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, +8 melee range\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +25% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 2 turns.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=던전이 어두워야 던전이라 할 수 있겠지
challenges.no_scrolls=금지된 룬
challenges.no_scrolls=금지된 룬
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=몇몇 주문서가 희귀해졌습니다. 네, 당신이 가장 필요로 하는 그 주문서입니다.\n\n- 던전에서 생성되는 강화의 주문서가 절반으로 줄어듭니다.
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=몇몇 주문서가 희귀해졌습니다. 네, 당신이 가장 필요로 하는 그 주문서입니다.\n\n- 던전에서 생성되는 강화의 주문서가 절반으로 줄어듭니다.
challenges.champion_enemies=적대적인 강화 개체들
challenges.champion_enemies=적대적인 강화 개체들
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=당신만 레벨 업을 할 수 있는 게 아닙니다!\n\n- 보통 적들이 1/15확률로 특별한 강화 개체 버프를 부여받고 등장합니다.\n- 강화 개체는 깨어 있는 상태로 등장합니다.\n- 영웅은 강화 개체의 등장을 알 수 있습니다.\n- 강화 개체는 타락에 면역입니다.\n\n강화 개체에는 6가지의 종류가 있습니다.\n_불타는 (주황색):_ 근접 공격 데미지 +25%, 공격 시 발화, 불에 면역, 죽을 때 주변에 불을 흩뿌림\n_도달의 (보라색):_ 근접 공격 데미지 +25%, 공격 범위 +8타일\n_항마의 (초록색):_ 받는 데미지 -25%, 모든 마법 효과에 대해 면역\n_거대한 (파란색):_ 받는 데미지-75%, 공격 범위 +1타일, 좁은 통로를 지날 수 없음\n_축복받은 (노란색):_ 정확성+200%, 회피 +200%\n_성장하는 (붉은색):_ 정확성, 회피, 공격력, 최대 체력 +25%, 2턴 당 1%씩 증가
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=어쨌든 무언가에 의해 사망
rankings$record.something=어쨌든 무언가에 의해 사망
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=To przede wszystkim loch!\n\n- Zwykły zasięg wzroku z
challenges.no_scrolls=Zakazane runy
challenges.no_scrolls=Zakazane runy
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Pewna runa jest trudniejsza do znalezienia. Niestety, zawsze jest to ta najprzydatniejsza.\n\n-Połowa zwojów ulepszenia nie pojawi się w lochu
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Pewna runa jest trudniejsza do znalezienia. Niestety, zawsze jest to ta najprzydatniejsza.\n\n-Połowa zwojów ulepszenia nie pojawi się w lochu
challenges.champion_enemies=Wrodzy czempioni
challenges.champion_enemies=Wrodzy czempioni
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=Nie jesteś jedynym, który potrafi wejść na wyższy poziom!\n\n- Zwyczajni przeciwnicy mają szansę 1/15 na zostanie czempionem.\n- Czempioni obudzą się, jeśli pojawili się śpiąc.\n- Bohater wie, kiedy powstaje nowy czempion.\n- Czempioni są odporni na wypaczenie.\n\nIstnieje 6 typów czempionów:\n_Gorejący (pomarańczowy):_ +25% obrażeń wręcz, podpala przy trafieniu, odporny na ogień, roznosi ogień przy śmierci;\n_Przedłużony (fioletowy):_ +25% obrażeń wręcz, +8 pól zasięgu ataku wręcz;\n_Anty-magiczy (zielony):_ -25% otrzymywanych obrażeń, odporny na efekty magiczne;\n_Gigantyczny (niebieski):_ -75% otrzymywanych obrażeń, +1 pole zasięgu ataku wręcz, nie może poruszać się w wąskich tunelach;\n_Błogosławiony (żółty):_ +200% celności, +200% uniku;\n_Rozrastający (czerwony):_ +25% celności, uniku, obrażeń oraz punktów życia. Statystyki wzrastają o 1% co 2 tury.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Zabity przez Coś Niecoś
rankings$record.something=Zabity przez Coś Niecoś
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=É uma masmorra afinal!\n\n- Distância visível regula
challenges.no_scrolls=Runas proibidas
challenges.no_scrolls=Runas proibidas
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Uma certa runa é mais difícil de encontrar. Infelizmente, é sempre a mais útil.\n\n- Metade dos pergaminhos de melhoria são removidos
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Uma certa runa é mais difícil de encontrar. Infelizmente, é sempre a mais útil.\n\n- Metade dos pergaminhos de melhoria são removidos
challenges.champion_enemies=Campeões hostis
challenges.champion_enemies=Campeões hostis
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=Você não é o único que pode ficar mais forte!\n\n- Inimigos normais tem uma chance de 1/15 (6.66%) de nascer com\num poder especial de campeão.\n- O herói sabe quando um campeão aparece.\n- Campeões acordam se eles nascerem dormindo.\n- Campeões são imunes à corrupção.\n\nExistem 6 tipos de campeões:\n\n_Flamejante (Laranja):_ +25% dano corpo-a-corpo, incendeia ao\natacar, imune ao fogo, incendeia a área ao seu redor após morrer.\n_Projetante (Roxo):_ +25% dano corpo-a-corpo, +8 alcance de ataque corpo-a-corpo.\n_Antimagico (Verde):_ -25% dano recebido, imune a efeitos\nmágicos.\n_Gigante (Azul):_ -75% dano recebido, +1 alcance corpo-a-corpo.\n_Abençoado (Amarelo):_ +200% precisão, +200% evasão.\n_Brilhante (Vermelho):_ +25% dano, precisão, evasão e vida efetiva.\nAumenta em 1% a cada 2 turnos.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Morto por Alguma Coisa
rankings$record.something=Morto por Alguma Coisa
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=Это же всё-таки подземелье!\n\n-
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Одну из рун стало сложнее найти. И, разумеется, самую полезную из них.\n\n- Удалена половина свитков улучшения
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Одну из рун стало сложнее найти. И, разумеется, самую полезную из них.\n\n- Удалена половина свитков улучшения
challenges.champion_enemies=Вражеские чемпионы
challenges.champion_enemies=Вражеские чемпионы
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=Вы не единственный, кто может повышать свой уровень!\n\n- У регулярных противников есть шанс в 1/15 возникнуть со специальным эффектом чемпиона.\n- Чемпионы просыпаются, если они возникают в спящем состоянии.\n- Герой будет в курсе, если возникает чемпион.\n- Чемпионы не чувствительны к порче.\n\nСуществует шесть видов противников-чемпионов:\n_Пылающий (оранжевый):_ причиняет +25% урона в ближнем бою, загорается при попадании, нечувствителен к огню, распространяет пламя при смерти\n_Проецирующий (фиолетовый):_ причиняет +25% урона в ближнем бою, +8 радиуса в ближнем бою\n_Антимагический (зеленый):_ получает -25% урона, не чувствителен по отношению магических эффектов\n_Гигантский (синий):_ получает -75% урона, +1 радиуса в ближнем бою, не может проходить по тоннелям\n_Вдохновленный (желтый):_ +200% меткости, +200% уклонения\n_Растущий (красный):_ +25% меткости, уклонения, урона, и эффективных ОЗ. Растет на 1% каждый второй ход.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Убит неизвестно чем
rankings$record.something=Убит неизвестно чем
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=Sonuçta bu bir zindan!\n\n- Normal görüş mesafesi b
challenges.no_scrolls=Yasak rünler
challenges.no_scrolls=Yasak rünler
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Belirli bir rünün bulunması daha zorlaştırıldı. Maalesef o rün, en işe yarayanı.\n\n- Zindandaki yükseltme parşomenlerinin yarısı kaldırıldı
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Belirli bir rünün bulunması daha zorlaştırıldı. Maalesef o rün, en işe yarayanı.\n\n- Zindandaki yükseltme parşomenlerinin yarısı kaldırıldı
challenges.champion_enemies=Düşman Şampiyonlar.
challenges.champion_enemies=Düşman Şampiyonlar.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=Zindanda seviye atlayabilen tek kişi artık siz değilsiniz!\n\n-Normal düşmanların özel bir şampiyon güçlendirmesiyle doğmasının 1/15 şansı vardır.\n-Şampiyon düşmanlar uyurken doğarsa uyanırlar.\n-Kahramanlar doğunca şampiyonlar haberdar edilir.\n-Şampiyonlar bozulamaz.\nŞampiyonlar altı farklı tipte olabilir:\n_Yanan(turuncu):_+%25 yakın dövüş hasarı, vurunca yakar, ateşe dirençli ve ölünce ateş saçar\n_Erişen(mor):_+%25 yakın dövüş hasarı, +8 menzil\n_Büyü karşıtı(yeşil):_-%25 yakın dövüş hasarı, tüm sihir etkilerine dirençlidir\n_Dev(mavi):_-%75 az hasar alma, +1 menzil, dar yerlerden geçemez\n_Kutsanmış (sarı):_+%200 isabet, +%200 kaçınma\n_Büyüyen (kırmızı):_+%25 isabet, kaçınma, hasar ve etkili HP. Her 2 turda %1 artar.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Bir şey tarafından öldürüldü
rankings$record.something=Bir şey tarafından öldürüldü
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=Це, все ж таки, підземелля!\n\n- В
challenges.no_scrolls=Закляті руни
challenges.no_scrolls=Закляті руни
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Одну з рун значно важче знайти. На жаль, це найкорисніша з них.\n\n- Половина сувоїв покращення зникла з підземелля
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Одну з рун значно важче знайти. На жаль, це найкорисніша з них.\n\n- Половина сувоїв покращення зникла з підземелля
challenges.champion_enemies=Ворожі чемпіони
challenges.champion_enemies=Ворожі чемпіони
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=Ви не єдиний, хто може підвищувати рівень!\n- Звичайні вороги мають шанс 1/15 з'явитися зі спеціальним баффом чемпіона.\n- Чемпіони прокидаються, якщо сплять \n- Герой знає, коли з'являється чемпіон \n- Чемпіони несприйнятливі до псування Є шість типів ворогів\nчемпіонів:\n-Вогняний (помаранчевий): + 25% до втрат в ближньому бою, запалюється при попаданні, несприйнятливий до вогню, поширює полум'я при смерті \n-Проекція (фіолетовий): + 25% втрат у ближньому бою, +8 дальність в ближньому бою -Антімагія (зелений): -25% одержуваного шкоди, несприйнятливість до магічних ефектів -Гігант (синій): _ -75% одержуваного шкоди, +1 дальність ближнього бою, не може рухатися в тунелі \n-Благословенний (жовтий): _ + 200% точності, + 200% ухилення\n-Рост (червоний): _ + 25% точності, ухилення, утрати і ефективного HP. Збільшується на 1% кожні 2 ходу.
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
rankings$record.something=Вбитий чимось
rankings$record.something=Вбитий чимось
@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ challenges.darkness_desc=地牢毕竟是在地下嘛!\n\n- 视野范围显著
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=其中一种卷轴符文会变得更稀有。只不过,每次都是最有用的那种。\n\n- 移除地牢中半数的升级卷轴
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=其中一种卷轴符文会变得更稀有。只不过,每次都是最有用的那种。\n\n- 移除地牢中半数的升级卷轴
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=会升级的不止你一个!\n\n・普通敌人刷出时有 1/15 的机率拥有特殊的精英属性。\n・精英敌人刷出时会立即醒来。\n・有精英敌人出现时英雄会知道。\n・精英敌人免疫腐化效果。\n\n精英敌人有六种:\n_烈焰(橙色):_ 近战伤害 +25% 且带有点燃效果,免疫火焰,死亡时引燃周围。\n_索敌(紫色):_ 近战伤害 +25%,近战范围 +8。\n_敌法(绿色):_ 受到伤害 -25%,拥有魔法免疫。\n_巨型(蓝色):_ 受到伤害 -75%,近战范围 +1,无法进入门与过道。\n_祝福(黄色):_ 精准与躲避 +200%。\n_成长(红色):_ 精准、躲避、攻击伤害与有效生命值 +25%。每过 2 回合会再增长 1%。
challenges.champion_enemies_desc=You're not the only one who can level up!\n\n- Regular enemies have a 1/8 chance to spawn with a special champion buff.\n- Champions wake up if they spawn asleep\n- The hero knows when a champion spawns\n- Champions are immune to corruption\n\nThere are six types of champion enemy:\n_Blazing (orange):_ +25% melee damage, ignites on hit, immune to fire, spreads flames on death\n_Projecting (purple):_ +25% melee damage, can attack anything they see\n_Antimagic (green):_ -25% damage taken, immune to magical effects\n_Giant (blue):_ -75% damage taken, +1 melee range, cannot move into tunnels\n_Blessed (yellow):_ +200% accuracy, +200% evasion\n_Growing (red):_ +20% accuracy, evasion, damage, and effective HP. Increases by 1% every 3 turns.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=És el cosí llunyà de la putrebaia. Aquest producte en forma de pera extret de l'arbust de baia-insípida té gust de pastís de cendres. La fruita és fastigosa i seca però no té verí. Potser es podria cuinar.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=llavor de baia-insípida
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=llavor de baia-insípida
plants.blindweed.desc=Si es toca, l'herba-cega emetrà una llum brillant. Aquesta llum és suficientment forta com per desorientar uns quants segons.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=llavor d'herbacega
plants.blindweed$seed.name=llavor d'herbacega
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Et sents refrescat.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Et sents refrescat.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Les flors de la fulla-somni contenen una substància química que és coneguda per les seves propietats com a agent neutralitzant. La majoria de criatures dèbils són aclaparades i atordides fins a deixar-les inconscients, cosa que li dóna el nom a aquesta planta.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=llavor de fulla-somni
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=llavor de fulla-somni
plants.earthroot.desc=Quan una criatura toca una arrel-terra, les seves llavors creen un tipus d'armadura natural i immòbil al seu voltant.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=llavor d'arrel-terra
plants.earthroot$seed.name=llavor d'arrel-terra
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Armadura herbàcia
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Un tipus d'armadura natural i immòbil et protegeix. Aquesta armadura forma plaques d'escorça i arrels, embolicant el teu cos.\n\nAquesta armadura herbàcia bloquejarà %d de dany de qualsevol cop físic que rebis, fins que eventualment s'esgoti la seva durabilitat i col·lapsi.\n\nAquesta armadura també és immòbil, si t'intentes moure, es trencarà i es perdrà.\n\nArmadura restant: %d.
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Un tipus d'armadura natural i immòbil et protegeix. Aquesta armadura forma plaques d'escorça i arrels, embolicant el teu cos.\n\nAquesta armadura herbàcia bloquejarà %d de dany de qualsevol cop físic que rebis, fins que eventualment s'esgoti la seva durabilitat i col·lapsi.\n\nAquesta armadura també és immòbil, si t'intentes moure, es trencarà i es perdrà.\n\nArmadura restant: %d.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Tocar una escapafulla teletransportarà a qualsevol criatura a un lloc aleatori del pis actual.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=llavor de escapafulla
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=llavor de escapafulla
plants.firebloom.desc=Quan alguna cosa toca una florígnia, aquesta entra en combustió.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=llavor de florígnia
plants.firebloom$seed.name=llavor de florígnia
plants.icecap.desc=Al tacte, un bola-de-neu deixa anar una bufada de pol·len congelant. L'efecte congelant és molt més fort quan l'ambient és humit.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=llavor de bola-de-neu
plants.icecap$seed.name=llavor de bola-de-neu
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=llavor de %s
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=llavor de %s
plants.plant$seed.info=Llença aquesta llavor al lloc on vols que creixi la planta.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Llença aquesta llavor al lloc on vols que creixi la planta.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=Les móres d'un arbust de baia-putrefacció jove tenen un gust de dolça mort.\n\nEn uns dies, aquest arbust de baia-putrefacció creixerà en un altre cor de putrefacció.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=llavor de putrebaia
plants.rotberry$seed.name=llavor de putrebaia
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=Una molsagonia és una flor (no una molsa) amb pètals molt afilats, recoberts d'una metzina mortal.
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=llavor de molsagonia
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=llavor de molsagonia
plants.starflower.desc=Una planta extremadament estranya, es diu que l'estrellada dóna poder diví a aquell qui la toca.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=llavor d'estrellada
plants.starflower$seed.name=llavor d'estrellada
plants.stormvine.desc=La gravetat afecta a la planta de vinyatempesta de forma estranya, permetent als seus ressecs circells blaus 'penjar' en l'aire. Qualsevol cosa atrapada a la parra és afectada per això, i queda desorientada.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=llavor de vinyatempesta
plants.stormvine$seed.name=llavor de vinyatempesta
plants.sungrass.desc=L'herba-sol és famosa per les lentes però efectives propietats curatives de la seva saba.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=llavor d'herba-sol
plants.sungrass$seed.name=llavor d'herba-sol
plants.sungrass$health.name=Curació herbal
plants.sungrass$health.name=Curació herbal
plants.sungrass$health.desc=L'herbasol té unes propietats curatives excel·lents, tot i que és molt més lenta que una poció de curació.\n\nEstàs regenerant salut lentament amb la planta d'herbasol. Allunyar-se de la planta trencarà l'efecte curatiu.\n\nCuració restant: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=L'herbasol té unes propietats curatives excel·lents, tot i que és molt més lenta que una poció de curació.\n\nEstàs regenerant salut lentament amb la planta d'herbasol. Allunyar-se de la planta trencarà l'efecte curatiu.\n\nCuració restant: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Quan es trepitja, el card-ràpid accelerarà ràpidament el pas del temps al seu voltant, permetent al que l'ha trepitjat fer diverses accions instantàniament.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Quan es trepitja, el card-ràpid accelerarà ràpidament el pas del temps al seu voltant, permetent al que l'ha trepitjat fer diverses accions instantàniament.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=llavor de card-ràpid
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=llavor de card-ràpid
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Bombolla temporal
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Bombolla temporal
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Estàs en una petita bombolla de temps accelerat, permetent-te realitzar accions a l'instant. Atacar, moure't o usar màgia trencarà aquest efecte.\n\nTorns restants: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Estàs en una petita bombolla de temps accelerat, permetent-te realitzar accions a l'instant. Atacar, moure't o usar màgia trencarà aquest efecte.\n\nTorns restants: %s.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.name=Keř Popelice
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Vzdálený příbuzný Hnilůvky, plod hruškovitého tvaru rostoucí na keři Popelice chutná jako ztvrdlý prach. Plod je mohutný a pevný, ale není jedovatý. Nejspíš by se dal uvařit.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=Semínko Popelice
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=Semínko Popelice
plants.blindweed.desc=Při doteku zaniká Oslepník v jasném záblesku světla. Záblesk je natolik silný, že může na několik sekund oslepit i ublížit.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=Semínko Oslepníku
plants.blindweed$seed.name=Semínko Oslepníku
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Cítíš se odpočatě.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Cítíš se odpočatě.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Ostnaté květy Snůvky obsahují silnou chemickou látku, která je známá díky své vlastnosti neutralizovat škodlivé efekty. Většina slabších tvorů je ale omámena a upadá do magického spánku, což dává rostlině její jméno.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=Semínko Snůvky
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=Semínko Snůvky
plants.earthroot.desc=Když se Kořeníku někdo dotkne, jeho kořeny kolem něj vytvoří nepohyblivou přírodní zbroj.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=Semínko Kořeníku
plants.earthroot$seed.name=Semínko Kořeníku
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Přírodní zbroj
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Ochraňuje tě nějaká přírodní nepohyblivá zbroj, utvořená z plátů kůry a šlahounů, obalující tvé tělo.\n\nTato přírodní zbroj blokuje %d b. poškození z jakéhokoliv fyzického útoku, který obdržíš. Tím postupně slábne, až jí nakonec úplně dojde výdrž a rozpadne se.\n\nJelikož je zbroj nepohyblivá, zničí se a bude ztracena ve chvíli, kdy se pokusíš pohnout.\n\nZbývající zbroj: %d
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Ochraňuje tě nějaká přírodní nepohyblivá zbroj, utvořená z plátů kůry a šlahounů, obalující tvé tělo.\n\nTato přírodní zbroj blokuje %d b. poškození z jakéhokoliv fyzického útoku, který obdržíš. Tím postupně slábne, až jí nakonec úplně dojde výdrž a rozpadne se.\n\nJelikož je zbroj nepohyblivá, zničí se a bude ztracena ve chvíli, kdy se pokusíš pohnout.\n\nZbývající zbroj: %d
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Dotek Zmizolistu teleportuje jakékoliv stvoření na náhodné místo v současné úrovni.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=Semínko Zmizolistu
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=Semínko Zmizolistu
plants.firebloom.desc=Pokud se Ohnikvětu cokoliv dotkne, vyšlehnou z něj plameny.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=Semínko Ohnikvětu
plants.firebloom$seed.name=Semínko Ohnikvětu
plants.icecap.desc=Při dotyku vypustí Leděnka závan mrazivého pylu. Pokud je prostředí mokré, mrazivý efekt je mnohem silnější.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=Semínko Leděnky
plants.icecap$seed.name=Semínko Leděnky
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=%s v semínku
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=%s v semínku
plants.plant$seed.info=Hoď semínko na místo, kde chceš aby vyrostla rostlina.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Hoď semínko na místo, kde chceš aby vyrostla rostlina.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=Bobule mladého keře Hnilůvky chutnají sladce. Sladce jako smrt.\n\nPo několika dnech se keřík rozroste do dalšího tlejícího srdce.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=Semínko Hnilůvky
plants.rotberry$seed.name=Semínko Hnilůvky
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=Jedomech je květina (nikoliv mech) jejíž ostré okvětní lístky jsou prosáklé smrtelným jedem.
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=Semínko Jedomechu
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=Semínko Jedomechu
plants.starflower.desc=Velmi vzácná rostlina. Hvězdokvítek údajně poskytuje svatou sílu každému, kdo se ho dotkne.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=Semínko Hvězdokvítku
plants.starflower$seed.name=Semínko Hvězdokvítku
plants.stormvine.name=Bouřná réva
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravitace ovlivňuje Bouřnou révu velmi zvláštně. Umožňuje jejím jemným modrým úponkům volně viset ve vzduchu. Cokoliv se do nich zachytí, bude na okamžik dezorientováno.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=Semínko Bouřné révy
plants.stormvine$seed.name=Semínko Bouřné révy
plants.sungrass.name=Slunná tráva
plants.sungrass.desc=Slunná tráva je proslulá pomalými, ale účinnými léčebnými vlastnostmi.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=Semínko Slunné trávy
plants.sungrass$seed.name=Semínko Slunné trávy
plants.sungrass$health.name=Přírodní léčení
plants.sungrass$health.name=Přírodní léčení
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Slunná tráva vyniká výbornými léčebnými vlastnostmi, ačkoliv není tak rychlá, jako lektvar léčení.\n\nPrávě teď ze slunné trávy pomalu regeneruješ své zdraví. Léčivý účinek ovšem zmizí, když z rostliny odejdeš.\n\nZbývající léčení: %d
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Slunná tráva vyniká výbornými léčebnými vlastnostmi, ačkoliv není tak rychlá, jako lektvar léčení.\n\nPrávě teď ze slunné trávy pomalu regeneruješ své zdraví. Léčivý účinek ovšem zmizí, když z rostliny odejdeš.\n\nZbývající léčení: %d
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Při pošlapání se kolem Rychlobodláku nakrátko zrychlí tok času, což tomu kdo jej pošlapal, umožní v okamžiku provést několik akcí.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Při pošlapání se kolem Rychlobodláku nakrátko zrychlí tok času, což tomu kdo jej pošlapal, umožní v okamžiku provést několik akcí.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=Semínko Rychlobodláku
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=Semínko Rychlobodláku
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Časová bublina
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Časová bublina
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Jsi v malé bublině zrychleného času, která ti v podstatě umožňuje dělat věci okamžitě. Útok nebo použití magie však tento efekt zruší.\n\nZbývající tahy: %s
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Jsi v malé bublině zrychleného času, která ti v podstatě umožňuje dělat věci okamžitě. Útok nebo použití magie však tento efekt zruší.\n\nZbývající tahy: %s
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Ein entfernter Verwandter der Fäulnisbeere, welcher ein birnenförmiges Aussehen besitzt und wie gebackener Staub schmeckt. Diese Frucht ist recht widerwärtig und hat kaum Substanz, ist aber nicht giftig. Vielleicht sollte man sie kochen.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blindweed.desc=Sobald das Blindkraut berührt wird, vergeht es in einem hellen Blitzlicht, welches stark genug ist seine Opfer zu blenden und damit zu verwirren.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Du fühlst dich erholt.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Du fühlst dich erholt.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Das Traumblatt trägt eine chemische Substanz in sich, welche dafür bekannt ist betäubende Wirkung zu entfalten. Schwächere Kreaturen können beim einatmen der chemischen Substanz ohnmächtig werden.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.earthroot.desc=Wenn eine Kreatur die Erdwurzel berührt, fahren Wurzel aus dieser hervor, die ihrem Gönner eine natürliche Rüstung verleihen, aber diesen bewegungsunfähig machen.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Pflanzliche Rüstung
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Eine natürliche, aber bewegungseinschränkende Rüstung, welche dich beschützt. Die Rüstung besteht aus mehreren Schichten Rinde und Wurzeln, welche sich um deinen Körper schlingen. \n\nDiese pflanzliche Rüstung absorbiert %d des gesamten physikalischen Schadens bis sie am Ende ihrer Lebensdauer in sich zusammenfällt.\n\nDie Rüstung darf nicht bewegt werden. Wenn du es versuchst, wird sie auseinanderbrechen und du verlierst sie.\n\nVerbleibende Rüstung: %d.
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Eine natürliche, aber bewegungseinschränkende Rüstung, welche dich beschützt. Die Rüstung besteht aus mehreren Schichten Rinde und Wurzeln, welche sich um deinen Körper schlingen. \n\nDiese pflanzliche Rüstung absorbiert %d des gesamten physikalischen Schadens bis sie am Ende ihrer Lebensdauer in sich zusammenfällt.\n\nDie Rüstung darf nicht bewegt werden. Wenn du es versuchst, wird sie auseinanderbrechen und du verlierst sie.\n\nVerbleibende Rüstung: %d.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Wenn ein Blassblatt berührt wird, kann es dich zu einem zufälligen Ort innerhalb dieser Ebene teleportieren.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.firebloom.desc=Wenn irgendwas eine Feuerblüte berührt, geht diese in Flammen auf.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap.desc=Sobald diese Pflanze berührt wird, stößt die Eiskappe einen Schwall von Gefrierpollen aus. Der Gefriereffekt ist wesentlich effektiver, wenn die Umgebung nass ist.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.info=Werfe diesen Samen an die Stelle, wo du eine Pflanze wachsen lassen möchtest.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Werfe diesen Samen an die Stelle, wo du eine Pflanze wachsen lassen möchtest.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=Die Beeren einer jungen Fäulnispflanze schmecken nach süßem, süßem Tod.\n\nNach einigen Tagen wird diese Fäulnispflanze zu einem Fäulnisherz heranwachsen.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=Ein Trauermoos ist eine Blume (kein Moos), welches von rasierscharfen Blüten umgeben ist, Diese Blüten sind mit einem tödlichen Gift benetzt.
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.starflower.desc=Die Sternenblume ist eine extrem seltene Pflanze. Man sagt ihr nach, dass jeder, der sie berührt, heilige Kräfte erlangt.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.stormvine.desc=Die Schwerkraft wird von der Sturmrebe merkwürdig beeinflusst, was ihrem bläulichen Ende erlaubt, in der Luft ´rumzuhängen´. Alles, was sich in dieser Rebe verfängt, verliert seine Orientierung.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.sungrass.desc=Sonnengras ist für seine langsamen, aber effektiven Heilungskräfte bekannt.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Sonnengras hat ausgezeichnete Heilungseigenschaften, wobei diese aber viel langsamer als ein Heiltrank wirken.\n\nDu wirst momentan von der Sonnengraspflanze geheilt. Wenn du dich von der Pflanze fortbewegst, wird die Heilwirkung abbrechen.\n\nVerbleibende Heilung: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Sonnengras hat ausgezeichnete Heilungseigenschaften, wobei diese aber viel langsamer als ein Heiltrank wirken.\n\nDu wirst momentan von der Sonnengraspflanze geheilt. Wenn du dich von der Pflanze fortbewegst, wird die Heilwirkung abbrechen.\n\nVerbleibende Heilung: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Wird die Flinkdistel zertrampelt, beschleunigt sie kurz den Fluss der Zeit und erlaubt demjenigen, der sie zertrampelt hat, augenblicklich mehrere Handlungen durchzuführen.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Wird die Flinkdistel zertrampelt, beschleunigt sie kurz den Fluss der Zeit und erlaubt demjenigen, der sie zertrampelt hat, augenblicklich mehrere Handlungen durchzuführen.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Du befindest Dich in einer kleinen Blase beschleunigter Zeit, welche es Dir erlaubt mehrere Handlungen zeitgleich durchzuführen. Angreifen oder die Verwendung von Magie werden diesen Effekt jedoch beenden.\n\nVerbleibende Runden: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Du befindest Dich in einer kleinen Blase beschleunigter Zeit, welche es Dir erlaubt mehrere Handlungen zeitgleich durchzuführen. Angreifen oder die Verwendung von Magie werden diesen Effekt jedoch beenden.\n\nVerbleibende Runden: %s.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Malproksima kuzo de putrobero, la pirforma ido de naŭzfruktoplanto gustas kiel rostita polvo. La frukto estas grasa kaj dika, tamen ĝi ne estas venena, eble oni povas ĝin kuiri.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=semo de naŭzfrukto
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=semo de naŭzfrukto
plants.blindweed.desc=Kiam tuŝita, blindherbo perdiĝas kun brilo de hela lumo. La brilo estas sufiĉe forta por blindumi por kelkaj sekundoj.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=semo de blindherbo
plants.blindweed$seed.name=semo de blindherbo
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Vi refreŝiĝis.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Vi refreŝiĝis.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Dornecaj floroj de sonĝigoplanto enhavas ĥemiaĵon, kiu estas konata pro siaj neŭtrigaj ecoj. Plejparto de malpli fortaj monstroj estos trankviligitaj kaj falos en dolĉa sonĝo, do tial la kreskaĵo posedas sian nomon.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=semo de sonĝigo
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=semo de sonĝigo
plants.earthroot.desc=Kiam iu tuŝos terradikoplanton, ĝiaj radikoj formos ian senmovan naturan defendaĵon ĉirkaŭ li.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=semo de terradiko
plants.earthroot$seed.name=semo de terradiko
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Vegetaĵa defendaĵo
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Speco de natura, senmova defendaĵo, kiu protektas vin. La defendaĵo konsistas el arboŝelo interplektita kun folioj, entute ĉirkaŭante vian korpon.\n\nTiu ĉi vegetaĵa defendaĵo ensorbos %d da damaĝo de ĉiuj korpaj atakoj ricevotaj de vi, ĝis ĝi eventuale perdiĝos malmolecon kaj kolapsos.\n\nĈar la defendaĵo estas ankaŭ senmova, se vi provos movi, ĝi disfalos.\n\nPlua defendaĵo: %d.
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Speco de natura, senmova defendaĵo, kiu protektas vin. La defendaĵo konsistas el arboŝelo interplektita kun folioj, entute ĉirkaŭante vian korpon.\n\nTiu ĉi vegetaĵa defendaĵo ensorbos %d da damaĝo de ĉiuj korpaj atakoj ricevotaj de vi, ĝis ĝi eventuale perdiĝos malmolecon kaj kolapsos.\n\nĈar la defendaĵo estas ankaŭ senmova, se vi provos movi, ĝi disfalos.\n\nPlua defendaĵo: %d.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Je tuŝo de perefoliplanto, ĉiu kreaĵo teleportiĝos al hazarda loko en la nuna keletaĝo.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=semo de perefolio
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=semo de perefolio
plants.firebloom.desc=Kiam iu tuŝos fajrofloro, ĝi flamiĝos.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=semo de fajrofloro
plants.firebloom$seed.name=semo de fajrofloro
plants.icecap.desc=Kiam tuŝita, glacibobelo ellasos frostigan polvon. La frostiga efiko estas pli forta, se la ĉirkaŭaĵo estas malseka.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=semo de glacibobelo
plants.icecap$seed.name=semo de glacibobelo
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=semo de %s
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=semo de %s
plants.plant$seed.info=Ĵetu tiun ĉi semon al la loko, kie vi volas por ke ĝin plantiĝu.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Ĵetu tiun ĉi semon al la loko, kie vi volas por ke ĝin plantiĝu.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=Beroj de tiu ĉi juna arbusto gustas kiel dolĉega morto.\n\nPost kelkaj tagoj, tiu ĉi putrober-arbusto naskos alian sian frukton.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=semo de putrobero
plants.rotberry$seed.name=semo de putrobero
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=Ĉagrenmusko estas floro (ne musko) kun akraj florfolietoj kovritaj per mortiga veneno.
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=semo de ĉagrenmusko
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=semo de ĉagrenmusko
plants.starflower.desc=Tre malofta vegetaĵo, oni diras, ke stelfloro garantias sanktan povon al ĉiuj, kiuj ĝin tuŝas.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=semo de stelfloro
plants.starflower$seed.name=semo de stelfloro
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravito kurioze influas ŝtormplanton kaj ebligas al ĝiaj maldikaj bluaj grimpoplantoj pendi en la aero. Ĉiu kaptita per ŝtormplanto estos sub la influo de tiu ĉi efiko, kaj igos konfuzita.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=semo de ŝtormplanto
plants.stormvine$seed.name=semo de ŝtormplanto
plants.sungrass.desc=Sunherbo estas konata pro sia suko, kiu malrapide, sed efike sanigas.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=semo de sunherbo
plants.sungrass$seed.name=semo de sunherbo
plants.sungrass$health.name=Vegetaĵa sanigado
plants.sungrass$health.name=Vegetaĵa sanigado
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Sunherbo posedas bonegan sanigan econ, tamen ĝi estas multe pli malrapida ol eliksiro de sano.\n\nVi nuntempe iom post iom replenigas vian sanon per sunherbo. Moviĝi for la vegetaĵo ĉesigos sanigadon.\n\nPlua sanigado: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Sunherbo posedas bonegan sanigan econ, tamen ĝi estas multe pli malrapida ol eliksiro de sano.\n\nVi nuntempe iom post iom replenigas vian sanon per sunherbo. Moviĝi for la vegetaĵo ĉesigos sanigadon.\n\nPlua sanigado: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Kiam iu piedpremos viglokardon, ĝi por mallonga tempo plirapidigos pason de tempo ĉirkaŭe, ebligante al piedpremanto samtempe fari kelkajn agojn.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Kiam iu piedpremos viglokardon, ĝi por mallonga tempo plirapidigos pason de tempo ĉirkaŭe, ebligante al piedpremanto samtempe fari kelkajn agojn.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=semo de viglokardo
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=semo de viglokardo
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Veziko de tempo
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Veziko de tempo
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Vi troviĝas en malgranda veziko de plirapidigita tempo, kiu ebligas al vi tuj fari agojn. Tamen ataki aŭ uzi magion ĉesigos la efikon.\n\nPluaj movoj: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Vi troviĝas en malgranda veziko de plirapidigita tempo, kiu ebligas al vi tuj fari agojn. Tamen ataki aŭ uzi magion ĉesigos la efikon.\n\nPluaj movoj: %s.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.name=Fruta insípida
plants.blandfruitbush.name=fruta insípida
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Prima distante de la Putrebaya, el producto en forma de pera del arbusto de Fruta Insípida sabe como una torta de polvo y ceniza. La fruta es asquerosa e insustancial, pero no es venenosa. Tal vez podría ser cocinada.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=semilla de fruta insípida
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=semilla de fruta insípida
plants.blindweed.desc=Al ser tocada, la Ciegahierba perece en un brillante destello de luz. El destello es lo suficientemente fuerte como para desorientar durante varios segundos.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=semilla de ciegahierba
plants.blindweed$seed.name=semilla de ciegahierba
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Te sientes refrescado.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Te sientes refrescado.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Las flores espinosas de la Hojasueño contienen una sustancia química que es conocida por sus propiedades como un agente neutralizante fuerte. La mayoría de las criaturas más débiles son abrumadas y quedan inconscientes, lo que le da a la planta su nombre.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=semilla de hojasueño
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=semilla de hojasueño
plants.earthroot.desc=Cuando una criatura toca una Raizterránea, sus raíces crean una especie de armadura natural inamovible a su alrededor.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=semilla de raizterránea
plants.earthroot$seed.name=semilla de raizterránea
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Armadura vegetal
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Una clase de armadura natural inamovible te está protegiendo. La armadura forma placas de corteza y raíz, cubriendo tu cuerpo.\n\nEsta armadura de hierbas bloqueará %d puntos de cualquier daño físico que recibas, hasta que pierda durabilidad y colapse.\n\nComo la armadura es inamovible, si intentas moverte la armadura se romperá y se perderá.\n\nArmadura restante: %d.
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Una clase de armadura natural inamovible te está protegiendo. La armadura forma placas de corteza y raíz, cubriendo tu cuerpo.\n\nEsta armadura de hierbas bloqueará %d puntos de cualquier daño físico que recibas, hasta que pierda durabilidad y colapse.\n\nComo la armadura es inamovible, si intentas moverte la armadura se romperá y se perderá.\n\nArmadura restante: %d.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Tocar una Esfumahoja teletransportará a cualquier criatura a un lugar aleatorio del nivel actual.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=semilla de esfumahoja
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=semilla de esfumahoja
plants.firebloom.desc=Cuando algo toca una Florígnea, esta estalla en llamas.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=semilla de florígnea
plants.firebloom$seed.name=semilla de florígnea
plants.icecap.desc=Al ser tocado, un Hongohielo libera una ráfaga de polen congelante. El efecto de congelación es mucho más fuerte si el ambiente es húmedo.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=semilla de hongohielo
plants.icecap$seed.name=semilla de hongohielo
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=semilla de %s
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=semilla de %s
plants.plant$seed.info=Lanza esta semilla al lugar donde quieras que crezca una planta.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Lanza esta semilla al lugar donde quieras que crezca una planta.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=Las bayas de un arbusto jóven de Putrebaya saben a dulce, dulce muerte.\n\nDespués de varios días, este arbusto de Putrebaya crecerá en otro corazón putrefacto.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=semilla de putrebaya
plants.rotberry$seed.name=semilla de putrebaya
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=La Musgopena es una flor (no un musgo) con pétalos tan afilados como cuchillas, recubierta por un veneno letal.
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=semilla de musgopena
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=semilla de musgopena
plants.starflower.desc=Una planta extremadamente rara, se dice que la Florestelar otorga poder divino a quien la toque.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=semilla de florestelar
plants.starflower$seed.name=semilla de florestelar
plants.stormvine.desc=La gravedad afecta a la planta Parratormenta de forma extraña, permitiendo que sus zarcillos azules 'cuelguen' en el aire. Cualquier cosa atrapada en la parra es afectada por esta, y queda desorientada.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=semilla de parratormenta
plants.stormvine$seed.name=semilla de parratormenta
plants.sungrass.desc=La Hierbasol es famosa por las lentas pero efectivas propiedades curativas de su savia.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=semilla de hierbasol
plants.sungrass$seed.name=semilla de hierbasol
plants.sungrass$health.name=Curación Vegetal
plants.sungrass$health.name=Curación Vegetal
plants.sungrass$health.desc=La Hierbasol posee excelentes propiedades curativas, pero es mucho más lenta que una poción de curación.\n\nAhora mismo estás regenerando salud lentamente de la planta de Hierbasol. Moverse romperá el efecto curativo \n\nCuración restante: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=La Hierbasol posee excelentes propiedades curativas, pero es mucho más lenta que una poción de curación.\n\nAhora mismo estás regenerando salud lentamente de la planta de Hierbasol. Moverse romperá el efecto curativo \n\nCuración restante: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Cuando es pisoteado, el cardoimpulso acelerará brevemente el flujo del tiempo a su alrededor, permitiendo al usuario realizar varias acciones instantáneamente.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Cuando es pisoteado, el cardoimpulso acelerará brevemente el flujo del tiempo a su alrededor, permitiendo al usuario realizar varias acciones instantáneamente.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=semilla de cardoimpulso
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=semilla de cardoimpulso
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Burbuja de Tiempo
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Burbuja de Tiempo
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Estás en una pequeña burbuja de tiempo acelerado, permitiéndote realizar acciones de manera instantánea. Sin embargo, atacar o usar magia romperá este efecto.\n\nTurnos restantes: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Estás en una pequeña burbuja de tiempo acelerado, permitiéndote realizar acciones de manera instantánea. Sin embargo, atacar o usar magia romperá este efecto.\n\nTurnos restantes: %s.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Baiaustelaren familia urruna, fruitutxepel zuhaixkaren madari formako uztak hauts zaporea du. Fruitua nazkagarria eta elikagai gutxikoa da baina ez da pozoitsua. Agian prestatu egin daiteke.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=fruitutxepel hazia
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=fruitutxepel hazia
plants.blindweed.desc=Ukitzen zaionean itsubelarra argi distira bizi batean zentzen da. Distira hainbat segundoz orientazioa galtzea eragiteko bezain indartsua da.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=iItsubelar hazia
plants.blindweed$seed.name=iItsubelar hazia
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Freskatuta nabaritzen zara.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Freskatuta nabaritzen zara.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Ametshostoaren lora arantzatsuek bere ezaugarriengatik eragile neutralizatzaile gisa ezaguna den gai kimiko bat dute. Izaki ahul gehienei gainezka egiten die eta kontzientzia galtzen dute, hortik landarearen izena.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=ametshosto hazia
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=ametshosto hazia
plants.earthroot.desc=Izaki batek lurerroa ukitzen badu, erroek bere inguruan armadura natural higiezin bat sortuko dute.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=lurerro hazia
plants.earthroot$seed.name=lurerro hazia
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Belar armadura
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Armadura natural eta higiezin batek babesten zaitu. Armadura zuhaitz-azal eta korapilo xaflez osatuta dago, eta zure gorputza inguratzen du.\n\nBelar armadura honek jasotzen dituzun eraso fisikoen %d kalte-puntu blokeatuko du, iraunkortasuna galdu eta gainbehera egin arte.\n\nArmadura higiezina denez, lekuz aldatzen saiatzen bazara, apurtu eta galdu egingo da.\n\nGeratzen den armadura: %d.
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Armadura natural eta higiezin batek babesten zaitu. Armadura zuhaitz-azal eta korapilo xaflez osatuta dago, eta zure gorputza inguratzen du.\n\nBelar armadura honek jasotzen dituzun eraso fisikoen %d kalte-puntu blokeatuko du, iraunkortasuna galdu eta gainbehera egin arte.\n\nArmadura higiezina denez, lekuz aldatzen saiatzen bazara, apurtu eta galdu egingo da.\n\nGeratzen den armadura: %d.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Desagertorria ukitzen duen izaki oro pisu honetako ausazko toki batera teleportatuko da.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=desagertorri hazia
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=desagertorri hazia
plants.firebloom.desc=Sulili bat ukitzen bat ukitzen duen edozer su garretan kiskalduko da.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=sulili hazia
plants.firebloom$seed.name=sulili hazia
plants.icecap.desc=Ukitzean, izotzkapelak polen izozgarria askatzen du. Izozte efektua are indartsuagoa da ingurunea hezea bada.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=izotzkapel hazia
plants.icecap$seed.name=izotzkapel hazia
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=%s hazia
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=%s hazia
plants.plant$seed.info=Jaurti hazi hau landarea haztea nahi duzun tokira.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Jaurti hazi hau landarea haztea nahi duzun tokira.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=Baiaustel zuhaixka gazte baten baiek herio goxo-goxoaren zaporea dute.\n\nEgun batzuk emanda, baiaustel zuhaixka hau bestelako bihotz ustel bat izatera haziko da.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=baiaustel hazia
plants.rotberry$seed.name=baiaustel hazia
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=Damugoroldioa pozoi hilkorrez bustitako petalo zorrotzak dituen lore bat da (ez goroldio bat).
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=damugoroldio hazia
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=damugoroldio hazia
plants.starflower.desc=Landare bereziki bakana, diotenez izarloreak ukitzen dionari botere sakratu bat emango dio.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=izarlore hazia
plants.starflower$seed.name=izarlore hazia
plants.stormvine.desc=Grabitateak eragin berezia du ekaitzondorengan, eta bere kiribil marmarti urdinak airean 'zintzilik' daude. Parran arrapatutako edozerk orientazioa galduko du.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=ekaitzondo hazia
plants.stormvine$seed.name=ekaitzondo hazia
plants.sungrass.desc=Ekibelarra bere izerdiaren ezaugarri sendagarri geldo baina eraginkorragatik ezaguna da.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=ekibelar hazia
plants.sungrass$seed.name=ekibelar hazia
plants.sungrass$health.name=Belar bidezko sendatzea
plants.sungrass$health.name=Belar bidezko sendatzea
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Ekibelarrak ezaugarri sendagarri bikainak ditu, baina edabe sendagarri bat baino askoz geldoagoa da.\n\nOrain apurka osasuna berreskuratzen ari zara ekibelar landareari esker. Landaretik aldenduz gero sendatze efektua geldituko da.\n\nGeratzen den sendatzea: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Ekibelarrak ezaugarri sendagarri bikainak ditu, baina edabe sendagarri bat baino askoz geldoagoa da.\n\nOrain apurka osasuna berreskuratzen ari zara ekibelar landareari esker. Landaretik aldenduz gero sendatze efektua geldituko da.\n\nGeratzen den sendatzea: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Oinperatzean, kardubizkorrak une batez inguruko denboraren igarotzea azkartuko du, zapaldu duenari hainbat ekintza berehala egitea ahalbidetuz.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Oinperatzean, kardubizkorrak une batez inguruko denboraren igarotzea azkartuko du, zapaldu duenari hainbat ekintza berehala egitea ahalbidetuz.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=kardubizkor hazia
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=kardubizkor hazia
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Denbora burbuila
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Denbora burbuila
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Azkartutako denborazko burbuila txiki batean zaude, honek ekintzak berehala egitea ahalbidetzen dizu. Erasotzean edo magia erabiltzean efektu hau hautsiko da.\n\nGeratzen diren txandak: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Azkartutako denborazko burbuila txiki batean zaude, honek ekintzak berehala egitea ahalbidetzen dizu. Erasotzean edo magia erabiltzean efektu hau hautsiko da.\n\nGeratzen diren txandak: %s.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Mietohedelmäpensaan päärynänmuotoinen hedelmä on pieni, inhottava ja maistuu pölyltä. Vaikka se on lahomarjan kaukainen sukulainen, se ei ole myrkyllinen. Ehkä sen voisi keittää.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=mietohedelmän siemen
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=mietohedelmän siemen
plants.blindweed.desc=Sokeuslevä katoaa kosketettaessa kirkkaassa valonvälähdyksessä. Välkähdys on tarpeeksi vahva sokaisemaan ja sekoittamaan muutamiksi sekunneiksi.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=sokauslevän siemen
plants.blindweed$seed.name=sokauslevän siemen
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Tunnet olosi palautuneeksi.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Tunnet olosi palautuneeksi.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Unisiiven piikikkäät kukat sisältävät kemikaalia, joka tunnetaan sen rauhoittavista ominaisuuksista. Suurin osa heikemmistä olennoista joutuu kasvin vaikutuksen valtaan ja menettää tajuntansa, mikä antaa kasville sen nimen.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=unisiiven siemen
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=unisiiven siemen
plants.earthroot.desc=Maajuuren juuret kasvattavat jonkinlaisen liikuntakyvyttömän panssarin sitä koskevan ympärille.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=maajuuren siemen
plants.earthroot$seed.name=maajuuren siemen
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Luonnon panssari
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Jonkinlainen luonnollinen, liikuntakyvytön panssari suojelee sinua. Panssari muodostuu vartalosi ympäröivistä kaarna- ja köynnöslevyistä.\n\nLuonnon panssari suodattaa %d vahinkoa jokaisesta ottamastasi fyysisestä osumasta kunnes lopulta hajoaa ja kuolee. \n\nPanssari on liikuntakyvytön, joten jos yrität liikkua, se murtuu ja katoaa.\n\nPanssaria jäljellä: %d.
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Jonkinlainen luonnollinen, liikuntakyvytön panssari suojelee sinua. Panssari muodostuu vartalosi ympäröivistä kaarna- ja köynnöslevyistä.\n\nLuonnon panssari suodattaa %d vahinkoa jokaisesta ottamastasi fyysisestä osumasta kunnes lopulta hajoaa ja kuolee. \n\nPanssari on liikuntakyvytön, joten jos yrität liikkua, se murtuu ja katoaa.\n\nPanssaria jäljellä: %d.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Hämylehteen koskeminen siirtää minkä tahansa siihen koskevan olennon tai esineen satunnaiseen paikkaan tällä tasolla.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=hämylehden siemen
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=hämylehden siemen
plants.firebloom.desc=Tulikukka leimahtaa liekkeihin kosketuksesta.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=tulikukan siemen
plants.firebloom$seed.name=tulikukan siemen
plants.icecap.desc=Jääkruunu vapauttaa koskettaessa pilven jäätävää höyryä. Jäätymisen vaikutus on paljon voimakkaampi ympäristön ollessa märkä.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=jääkruunun siemen
plants.icecap$seed.name=jääkruunun siemen
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=%skasvin siemen
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=%skasvin siemen
plants.plant$seed.info=Heitä tämä siemen ruutuun, johon haluat kasvattaa kasvin.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Heitä tämä siemen ruutuun, johon haluat kasvattaa kasvin.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=Nuoren lahomarjan pensaan marjat maistuvat makealta kuolemalta.\n\nJos tälle lahomarjan varvulle annetaan muutama päivä aikaa, se kasvaa uudeksi lahosydämeksi.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=lahomarjan siemen
plants.rotberry$seed.name=lahomarjan siemen
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=Surusammal on kukka (ei sammal), jossa on veitsenterävät tappavan myrkylliset lehdet.
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=surusammalen siemen
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=surusammalen siemen
plants.starflower.desc=Äärimmäisen harvinaisen tähtikukan on sanottu antavan pyhän voiman sille, joka siihen koskee.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=tähtikukan siemen
plants.starflower$seed.name=tähtikukan siemen
plants.stormvine.desc=Painovoima vaikuttaa myrskyköynnökseen omituisesti, saaden sen heiluvat siniset lonkerot 'roikkumaan' kattoa kohden. Kaikki köynnöksiin koskevat joutuvat huimauksen valtaan.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=myrskyköynnöksen siemen
plants.stormvine$seed.name=myrskyköynnöksen siemen
plants.sungrass.desc=Aurinkoruoho on kuuluisa sen meden hitaista, mutta tehokkaista parantavista ominaisuuksista.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=aurinkoruohon siemen
plants.sungrass$seed.name=aurinkoruohon siemen
plants.sungrass$health.name=Luonnollinen parantuminen
plants.sungrass$health.name=Luonnollinen parantuminen
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Aurinkoruoho pitää sisällään erinomaisia parantavia ominaisuuksia, vaikka onkin paljon hitaampi kuin elinvoiman taikajuoma.\n\nSaat hitaasti elinvoimaa takaisin aurinkoruoholta. Liikkuminen pois kasvin päältä lopettaa vaikutuksen.\n\nParantumista jäljellä: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Aurinkoruoho pitää sisällään erinomaisia parantavia ominaisuuksia, vaikka onkin paljon hitaampi kuin elinvoiman taikajuoma.\n\nSaat hitaasti elinvoimaa takaisin aurinkoruoholta. Liikkuminen pois kasvin päältä lopettaa vaikutuksen.\n\nParantumista jäljellä: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Tullessaan kosketetuksi, nopsaohdake kiihdyttää hetkellisesti ajan kulkua ympärillään, mahdollistaen siihen koskeneen tehdä useita asioita silmänräpäyksessä ulkopuolisen tarkastelijan näkökulmasta.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Tullessaan kosketetuksi, nopsaohdake kiihdyttää hetkellisesti ajan kulkua ympärillään, mahdollistaen siihen koskeneen tehdä useita asioita silmänräpäyksessä ulkopuolisen tarkastelijan näkökulmasta.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=nopsaohdakkeen siemen
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=nopsaohdakkeen siemen
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Olet pienessä kuplassa, jossa aika kulkee nopeammin, mahdollistaen asioiden välittömästi tekemisen ulkopuolisen tarkastelijan näkökulmasta. Hyökkääminen tai taikuuden käyttö rikkoo kuplan.\n\nVuoroja jäljellä: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Olet pienessä kuplassa, jossa aika kulkee nopeammin, mahdollistaen asioiden välittömästi tekemisen ulkopuolisen tarkastelijan näkökulmasta. Hyökkääminen tai taikuuden käyttö rikkoo kuplan.\n\nVuoroja jäljellä: %s.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Cousin éloigné de la Rancebaie, ce fruit en forme de poire est produit par un buisson, le Fruifadier. Même s'il n'est pas empoisonné, ce fruit est peu consistant et son goût terreux n'est pas très appétissant. Mais peut-être que vous pourriez le cuire.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=Graine de Fruifade
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=Graine de Fruifade
plants.blindweed.desc=Dès que vous la touchez, l'Herblouï se détériore dans un intense flash de lumière. Le flash est si intense qu'il désoriente pendant plusieurs secondes.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=graine d'herblouï
plants.blindweed$seed.name=graine d'herblouï
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Vous vous sentez revigoré.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Vous vous sentez revigoré.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=La Rêvépine tient son nom de ses épines piquantes, contenant une substance chimique très connue pour ses propriétés d'agent neutralisant. A son contact la plupart des créatures peu résistantes sont submergées par la substance et assommées sur le coup.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=graine de rêvépine
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=graine de rêvépine
plants.earthroot.desc=Quand une créature touche une Terracine, les racines de la plante s'enroulent autour de la créature, de manière à former une sorte d'armure naturelle immobile.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=graine de terracine
plants.earthroot$seed.name=graine de terracine
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Armure végétale
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Une sorte d'armure naturelle totalement immobile vous protège. Cette armure s'enroule sur votre corps, formant des plaques d'écorce tréssée.\n\nCette armure végétale bloquera %d de dégâts physiques que vous subiriez, jusqu'à ce qu'elle s'effrite.\n\nL'armure étant immobile, le simple fait d'essayer de bouger la détruira.\n\nArmure restante : %d.
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Une sorte d'armure naturelle totalement immobile vous protège. Cette armure s'enroule sur votre corps, formant des plaques d'écorce tréssée.\n\nCette armure végétale bloquera %d de dégâts physiques que vous subiriez, jusqu'à ce qu'elle s'effrite.\n\nL'armure étant immobile, le simple fait d'essayer de bouger la détruira.\n\nArmure restante : %d.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Toute créature touchant une Roséclipse est immédiatement téléportée de manière aléatoire vers un autre endroit dans le niveau actuel.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=graine de roséclipse
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=graine de roséclipse
plants.firebloom.desc=Dès qu'une chose touche une Pyroflore, elle s'enflamme.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=graine de pyroflore
plants.firebloom$seed.name=graine de pyroflore
plants.icecap.desc=A l'instant où elle est touchée, la pistigel projette une bouffée de pollen glacial pouvant geler toute créature sur le coup. L'effet de gel est rehaussé si l'environnement est humide.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=graine de pistigel
plants.icecap$seed.name=graine de pistigel
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=Graine de %s
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=Graine de %s
plants.plant$seed.info=Lancez cette graine vers l'endroit ou vous voulez la planter.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Lancez cette graine vers l'endroit ou vous voulez la planter.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=On dit que les baies d'une jeune rancebaie ont le goût très très doux de la mort.\n\nUne jeune rancebaie croît jusqu'à devenir, au bout de plusieurs jours, un rancecoeur.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=graine de rancebaie
plants.rotberry$seed.name=graine de rancebaie
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=La Moussepeine est une fleur (non pas une mousse) dotée de pétales tranchants comme des rasoirs et enduits d'un venin mortel.
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=graine de moussepeine
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=graine de moussepeine
plants.starflower.desc=Plante très rare, on raconte que la Fleurétoile accorde des pouvoirs sacrés à quiconque la touche
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=graine de fleurétoile
plants.starflower$seed.name=graine de fleurétoile
plants.stormvine.desc=La gravité a un effet étrange sur la Houlevigne qui permet à ses fines vrilles bleuâtres de rester suspendu dans l'air. Tout ce qui entre en contact avec eux est immédiatement déboussolé.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=graine de houlevigne
plants.stormvine$seed.name=graine de houlevigne
plants.sungrass.desc=Le Solherbe est très connu pour ses capacités curatives . En effet sa sève est capable de vous vous requinquer d'une manière très efficace bien que ce ne soit pas toujours très rapide.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=Graine de solherbe
plants.sungrass$seed.name=Graine de solherbe
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Le Solherbe possède d'excellentes propriétés de soin, bien que ses effets soient moins rapides que ceux d'une potion de soin. \n\nVous êtes en train de régénérer progressivement votre santé grâce au Solherbe. Les effets seront rompus si vous sortez de la plante. \n\nRécupération restante : %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Le Solherbe possède d'excellentes propriétés de soin, bien que ses effets soient moins rapides que ceux d'une potion de soin. \n\nVous êtes en train de régénérer progressivement votre santé grâce au Solherbe. Les effets seront rompus si vous sortez de la plante. \n\nRécupération restante : %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Quand quelqu'un piétine le vifchardon, il accélère brièvement le temps autour de lui, permettant d'effectuer plusieurs actions instantanément.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Quand quelqu'un piétine le vifchardon, il accélère brièvement le temps autour de lui, permettant d'effectuer plusieurs actions instantanément.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=graine de vifchardon
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=graine de vifchardon
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Bulle Temporelle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Bulle Temporelle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Vous êtes dans une petite bulle de temps accéléré, vous permettant d'effectuer des actions instantanément. Cependant, attaquer ou utiliser de la magie brisera cet effet.\n\nTours restants : %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Vous êtes dans une petite bulle de temps accéléré, vous permettant d'effectuer des actions instantanément. Cependant, attaquer ou utiliser de la magie brisera cet effet.\n\nTours restants : %s.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=A málóbogyó távoli rokona. A szelídgyümölcsű bokor körte formájú termésének íze hasonlít a túlsütött porhoz. A méretes gyümölcs testetlen, de nem mérgező. Talán meg lehet főzni.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=szelídgyümölcs magja
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=szelídgyümölcs magja
plants.blindweed.desc=A vakgyom érintésre nagy fényvillanással eltűnik. A villanás olyan nagyerejű, hogy utána több másodpercen át nehéz tájékozódni.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=vakgyom magja
plants.blindweed$seed.name=vakgyom magja
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Az álomfólia tüskés virágaiban lévő vegyület erős közömbösítő hatóanyag hírében áll. A legtöbb gyenge teremtményt legyűri és elájulnak tőle, innen kapta a nevét.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=álomfólia magja
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=álomfólia magja
plants.earthroot.desc=Ha egy lény megérinti a földgyökeret, a gyökerei egy mozdíthatatlan természetes páncéllal veszik őt körbe.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=földgyökér magja
plants.earthroot$seed.name=földgyökér magja
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Növényi páncél
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=A természet merev páncéllal véd téged. A páncél a testedet kéreglapokkal és összefonódott indákkal tekeri körbe.\n\nA növényi páncél minden fizikai sérülésből %d sebzést elnyel, mígnem tönkremegy és szétesik.\n\nMivel a páncél merev, ha megpróbálsz lépni benne, darabokra törik és elvész.\n\n%d páncél maradt.
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=A természet merev páncéllal véd téged. A páncél a testedet kéreglapokkal és összefonódott indákkal tekeri körbe.\n\nA növényi páncél minden fizikai sérülésből %d sebzést elnyel, mígnem tönkremegy és szétesik.\n\nMivel a páncél merev, ha megpróbálsz lépni benne, darabokra törik és elvész.\n\n%d páncél maradt.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=A fakólevél érintése bármely lényt az adott szint egy véletlenszerű pontjára teleportálja.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=fakólevél magja
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=fakólevél magja
plants.firebloom.desc=Ami hozzáér a tűzvirághoz, az lángra lobban.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=tűzvirág magja
plants.firebloom$seed.name=tűzvirág magja
plants.icecap.desc=Érintésre a jégsüveg fagyasztó virágport pöffent ki magából. Nedves környezetben a fagyasztó hatás sokkal erősebb.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=jégsüveg magja
plants.icecap$seed.name=jégsüveg magja
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=%s magja
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=%s magja
plants.plant$seed.info=Dobd ezt a magot oda, ahol szeretnéd, hogy a növény kinőjön.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Dobd ezt a magot oda, ahol szeretnéd, hogy a növény kinőjön.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=A fiatal málóbogyó cserjéjének gyümölcse édes, akár a halál.\n\nTöbb nap elteltével ez a cserje újabb korhadt szívvé nő.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=málóbogyó magja
plants.rotberry$seed.name=málóbogyó magja
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A szomorúmoha valójában egy virág (nem moha), halálos méreggel borított, borotvaéles szirmokkal.
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=szomorúmoha magja
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=szomorúmoha magja
plants.starflower.desc=A csillagvirág rendkívül ritka növény, úgy tartják, hogy szent erőt ad annak, aki megérinti.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=csillagvirág magja
plants.starflower$seed.name=csillagvirág magja
plants.stormvine.desc=A gravitáció furcsán hat a vihartőre, suhogó kék indái „lógnak” a levegőben. Bármi keveredjen is az indák közé, a hatás miatt zavarttá válik.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=vihartő magja
plants.stormvine$seed.name=vihartő magja
plants.sungrass.desc=A napfű a nedvének lassú, de biztos gyógyhatásáról híres.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=napfű magja
plants.sungrass$seed.name=napfű magja
plants.sungrass$health.name=Növényi gyógyulás
plants.sungrass$health.name=Növényi gyógyulás
plants.sungrass$health.desc=A napfű kiváló gyógyhatással bír, bár a gyógyitalnál jóval lassabban hat.\n\nA napfű lassan visszaadja az életerődet. Ha ellépsz róla, akkor a gyógyhatás megtörik.\n\n%d gyógyulás maradt.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=A napfű kiváló gyógyhatással bír, bár a gyógyitalnál jóval lassabban hat.\n\nA napfű lassan visszaadja az életerődet. Ha ellépsz róla, akkor a gyógyhatás megtörik.\n\n%d gyógyulás maradt.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Ha rátaposol, a gyorsbogáncs hirtelen felgyorsítja az idő folyását maga körül, lehetővé téve a rátaposónak, hogy jópár mozdulatot azonnal megtehessen.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Ha rátaposol, a gyorsbogáncs hirtelen felgyorsítja az idő folyását maga körül, lehetővé téve a rátaposónak, hogy jópár mozdulatot azonnal megtehessen.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=gyorsbogáncs magja
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=gyorsbogáncs magja
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=A gyorsított idő kis buborékjában vagy, lehetővé téve számodra az azonnali cselekvést. Habár a támadás vagy a varázslás megtöri ezt az effektust.\n\nHátralévő körök: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=A gyorsított idő kis buborékjában vagy, lehetővé téve számodra az azonnali cselekvést. Habár a támadás vagy a varázslás megtöri ezt az effektust.\n\nHátralévő körök: %s.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.name=Buah Campur
plants.blandfruitbush.name=buah campur
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Saudara jauh dari Rotberry, buah campur yang berbentuk seperti buah pir ini rasanya seperti kue debu. Buah itu kotor dan rapuh, namun tidak beracun. Mungkin dapat dimasak.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=benih buah campur
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=benih buah campur
plants.blindweed.name=Rumput Buta
plants.blindweed.desc=Saat disentuh, Rumput Buta akan mengeluarkan cahaya menyilaukan. Cahaya itu cukup untuk membuat seseorang kehilangan arah.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=benih rumput buta
plants.blindweed$seed.name=benih rumput buta
plants.dreamfoil.name=Tanaman Mimpi
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Kau merasa segar.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Kau merasa segar.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Bunga Tanaman Mimpi mengandung bahan kimia yang konon seperti bahan penetral. Kebanyakan makhluk lemah tidak akan tahan dan akan tidak menyadarkan diri, itu lah asal-usul nama dari tanaman itu.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=benih tanaman mimpi
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=benih tanaman mimpi
plants.earthroot.name=Akar Tanah
plants.earthroot.desc=Saat makhluk menyentuh Akar Tanah, akar itu akan menciptakan armor natural yang rapuh di sekitarnya.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=benih akar tanah
plants.earthroot$seed.name=benih akar tanah
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Armor herbal
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Sejenis armor natural yang tidak dapat digerakkan melindungimu. Terbuat dari kayu dan llitan yang membungkus tubuhmu.\n\nArmor herbal akan mem-block %ddamage dari setiap serangan fisik yang kau terima, sampai kegunaannya habis dan hancur.\n\nKarena armornya tidak dapat digerakkan, ketika kau bergerak maka armornya akan langsung hancur.\n\nSisa armor: %d
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Sejenis armor natural yang tidak dapat digerakkan melindungimu. Terbuat dari kayu dan llitan yang membungkus tubuhmu.\n\nArmor herbal akan mem-block %ddamage dari setiap serangan fisik yang kau terima, sampai kegunaannya habis dan hancur.\n\nKarena armornya tidak dapat digerakkan, ketika kau bergerak maka armornya akan langsung hancur.\n\nSisa armor: %d
plants.fadeleaf.name=Daun Hilang
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Apa pun yang menyentuh Daun Hilang akan ter-teleport ke tempat lain di level yang sama.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=benih daun hilang
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=benih daun hilang
plants.firebloom.name=Tanaman Api
plants.firebloom.desc=Saat sesuatu mententuh Tanaman Api, tanaman itu akan terbakar.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=benih tanaman api
plants.firebloom$seed.name=benih tanaman api
plants.icecap.name=Kantung Es
plants.icecap.desc=Saat disentuh, Kantung Es akan mengeluarkan serbuk beku. Efek beku itu akan lebih kuat jika di air.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=benih kantung es
plants.icecap$seed.name=benih kantung es
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=benih %s
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=benih %s
plants.plant$seed.info=Lempar benih ini di tempat di mana kau inginkan itu tumbuh.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Lempar benih ini di tempat di mana kau inginkan itu tumbuh.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=Buah beri muda rotberry rasanya manis, semanis kematian.\n\nDalam beberapa hari, rotberry ini akan tumbuh menjadi jantung rot lainnya.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=benih rotberry
plants.rotberry$seed.name=benih rotberry
plants.sorrowmoss.name=Rumput Racun
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=Rumput Racun sebenarnya adalah bunga (bukan rumput) dengan mahkota bunga yang tajam, terlapisi racun mematikan.
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=benih rumput racun
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=benih rumput racun
plants.starflower.name=Bunga Bintang
plants.starflower.desc=Tanaman yang sangat langka, Bunga Bintang konon dapat memberikan kekuatan suci bagi siapa pun yang menyentuhnya.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=benih bunga bintang
plants.starflower$seed.name=benih bunga bintang
plants.stormvine.name=Jalar Badai
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravitasi memengaruhi tanaman Jalar Badai secara aneh, membuat sulur ringan birunya 'menggantung' di udara. Apa pun yang menyentuh tanaman ini akan kehilangan arah.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=benih jalar badai
plants.stormvine$seed.name=benih jalar badai
plants.sungrass.name=Rumput Matahari
plants.sungrass.desc=Rumput Matahari dikenal akan kemampuan penyembuhannya.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=benih rumput matahari
plants.sungrass$seed.name=benih rumput matahari
plants.sungrass$health.name=Penyembuhan Herbal
plants.sungrass$health.name=Penyembuhan Herbal
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Rumput matahari memiliki kekuatan penyembuhan yang luar biasa, tapi tetap lebih lambat dari ramuan penyembuhan.\n\nKau meregenerasi secara perlahan dari tanaman rumput matahari. Bergerak menjauhi tanaman akan menghilangkan efeknya.\n\nSisa penyembuhan: %d
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Rumput matahari memiliki kekuatan penyembuhan yang luar biasa, tapi tetap lebih lambat dari ramuan penyembuhan.\n\nKau meregenerasi secara perlahan dari tanaman rumput matahari. Bergerak menjauhi tanaman akan menghilangkan efeknya.\n\nSisa penyembuhan: %d
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Saat diinjak, swiftthistle akan mempercepat laju waktu di sekitarnya dalam waktu singkat, membuat yang menginjak dapat melakukan hal secara instan.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Saat diinjak, swiftthistle akan mempercepat laju waktu di sekitarnya dalam waktu singkat, membuat yang menginjak dapat melakukan hal secara instan.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=benih swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=benih swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Gelembung Waktu
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Gelembung Waktu
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Kau ada di dalam gelembung kecil yang mempercepat waktu, membuatmu bisa melakukan aksi secara langsung. Namun menyerang atau menggunakan sihir akan membatalkan efek ini.\n\nSisa giliran: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Kau ada di dalam gelembung kecil yang mempercepat waktu, membuatmu bisa melakukan aksi secara langsung. Namun menyerang atau menggunakan sihir akan membatalkan efek ini.\n\nSisa giliran: %s.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Lontano cugino della Baccamarcia, i prodotti a forma di pera del cespuglio Blandofrutto sanno di polvere rappresa. Il frutto è disgustoso e inconsistente ma non è velenoso. Forse potrebbe essere cucinato.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=seme di blandofrutto
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=seme di blandofrutto
plants.blindweed.desc=Non appena toccata l'Erbacieca perisce in un lampo luminoso di luce. Il flash è abbastanza forte da disorientare per diversi secondi.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=seme di erbacieca
plants.blindweed$seed.name=seme di erbacieca
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Ti senti ristorato.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Ti senti ristorato.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=I fiori spinosi della Sognofoglia contengono una sostanza chimica nota per le sue proprietà di forte agente neutralizzante. La maggior parte delle creature più deboli vengono sopraffatte e rese incoscienti, il che dà alla pianta il suo nome.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=seme di sognofoglia
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=seme di sognofoglia
plants.earthroot.desc=Quando una creatura tocca una Radicaterra, le sue radici creano una sorta di armatura naturale inamovibile attorno ad essa.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=seme di radicaterra
plants.earthroot$seed.name=seme di radicaterra
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Armatura erbacea
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Una sorta di armatura naturale inamovibile vi protegge. L'armatura forma piastre di corteccia e viticci, avvolgendosi attorno al tuo corpo.\n\nQuesta armatura erbacea bloccherà %d punti danno da ogni colpo fisico subito, fino a che non cederà, crollando a terra. \n\nDato che l'armatura è fissa, se tenti di spostarti cadrà a pezzi e scomparirà.\n\nArmatura rimanente: %d.
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Una sorta di armatura naturale inamovibile vi protegge. L'armatura forma piastre di corteccia e viticci, avvolgendosi attorno al tuo corpo.\n\nQuesta armatura erbacea bloccherà %d punti danno da ogni colpo fisico subito, fino a che non cederà, crollando a terra. \n\nDato che l'armatura è fissa, se tenti di spostarti cadrà a pezzi e scomparirà.\n\nArmatura rimanente: %d.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Toccare una Fiocafoglia teletrasporterà qualunque creatura in un posto a caso nel livello attuale.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=seme di fiocafoglia
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=seme di fiocafoglia
plants.firebloom.desc=Quando qualcosa tocca un Fuocofiore, scoppia in fiamme.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=seme di fuocofiore
plants.firebloom$seed.name=seme di fuocofiore
plants.icecap.name=Calotta glaciale
plants.icecap.desc=Una volta toccata, una Calotta glaciale emette uno sbuffo di polline congelante. L'effetto di congelamento è molto più forte se l'ambiente è umido.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=seme di calotta glaciale
plants.icecap$seed.name=seme di calotta glaciale
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=seme di %s
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=seme di %s
plants.plant$seed.info=Lancia questo seme nel luogo in cui vuoi far crescere una pianta.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Lancia questo seme nel luogo in cui vuoi far crescere una pianta.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=Le bacche di un giovane arbusto di baccamarcia hanno un sapore come di dolce, soave morte.\n\nPassati parecchi giorni, questo arbusto di baccamarcia si svilupperà in un altro cuore putrido.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=seme di baccamarcia
plants.rotberry$seed.name=seme di baccamarcia
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=Un Tristemuschio è un fiore (non un muschio) con petali taglienti come rasoi, ricoperti da un veleno mortale.
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=seme di tristemuschio
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=seme di tristemuschio
plants.starflower.desc=Una pianta estremamente rara, la Fiorestella si dice conceda un potere sacro a chiunque la tocchi.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=seme di fiorestella
plants.starflower$seed.name=seme di fiorestella
plants.stormvine.desc=La gravità influenza stranamente la pianta Tempestavite, consentendo ai suoi sottili viticci blu di restare sospesi nell'aria. Qualunque cosa catturata nei viticci ne subisce l'influenza e diviene disorientato.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=seme di tempestavite
plants.stormvine$seed.name=seme di tempestavite
plants.sungrass.desc=L'Erbasole è rinomata per le lente ma efficaci proprietà curative della sua linfa.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=seme di erbasole
plants.sungrass$seed.name=seme di erbasole
plants.sungrass$health.name=Guarigione Erboristica
plants.sungrass$health.name=Guarigione Erboristica
plants.sungrass$health.desc=L'erbasole possiede eccellenti proprietà curative, tuttavia è più lenta di una pozione di guarigione.\n\nAttualmente stai rigenerando lentamente la salute dalla pianta erbasole. Spostarsi dalla pianta interromperà l'effetto curativo.\n\nGuarigione rimanente: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=L'erbasole possiede eccellenti proprietà curative, tuttavia è più lenta di una pozione di guarigione.\n\nAttualmente stai rigenerando lentamente la salute dalla pianta erbasole. Spostarsi dalla pianta interromperà l'effetto curativo.\n\nGuarigione rimanente: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Quando calpestato, lo sboccialesto accelererà brevemente lo scorrere del tempo attorno ad esso, permettendo al suo calpestatore di eseguire numerose attività in un unico istante.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Quando calpestato, lo sboccialesto accelererà brevemente lo scorrere del tempo attorno ad esso, permettendo al suo calpestatore di eseguire numerose attività in un unico istante.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seme di sboccialesto
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seme di sboccialesto
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Bolla Temporale
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Bolla Temporale
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Sei in una piccola bolla di tempo accelerato, che ti permette di eseguire le attività istantaneamente. Attaccare o usare magie interromperanno l'effetto, tuttavia.\n\nTurni rimanenti: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Sei in una piccola bolla di tempo accelerato, che ti permette di eseguire le attività istantaneamente. Attaccare o usare magie interromperanno l'effetto, tuttavia.\n\nTurni rimanenti: %s.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=動かせない天然鎧の類があなたを守っている。鎧は樹皮と蔦に変化しあなたの身体の周りを包んでいる。\n\nこの木鎧は、耐久力がついに限度を超え崩壊するまで、受けた物理攻撃によるダメージを%d防ぐだろう。\n\n鎧は動かせないため、あなたが動こうとするならば鎧はばらばらになって失われるだろう。\n\n残りの防御力: %d
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=動かせない天然鎧の類があなたを守っている。鎧は樹皮と蔦に変化しあなたの身体の周りを包んでいる。\n\nこの木鎧は、耐久力がついに限度を超え崩壊するまで、受けた物理攻撃によるダメージを%d防ぐだろう。\n\n鎧は動かせないため、あなたが動こうとするならば鎧はばらばらになって失われるだろう。\n\n残りの防御力: %d
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=サングラスは優れた治癒特性を持つが、治癒のポーションと比べるとはるかに遅い。\n\nあなたは今、サングラスによりゆっくりと体力を取り戻しつつある。サングラスから離れると治癒効果は損なわれるだろう。\n\n治癒の継続期間: %d ターン
plants.sungrass$health.desc=サングラスは優れた治癒特性を持つが、治癒のポーションと比べるとはるかに遅い。\n\nあなたは今、サングラスによりゆっくりと体力を取り戻しつつある。サングラスから離れると治癒効果は損なわれるだろう。\n\n治癒の継続期間: %d ターン
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=あなたは時を加速させる泡に包みこまれ、素早く行動できるようになった。攻撃したり魔法を使用するとこの効果は終了するだろう。\n\n時の泡沫が終わるまで: %s ターン
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=あなたは時を加速させる泡に包みこまれ、素早く行動できるようになった。攻撃したり魔法を使用するとこの効果は終了するだろう。\n\n時の泡沫が終わるまで: %s ターン
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=썩은열매의 먼 친척으로, 단백과 덤불에서 난 배 모양 열매를 먹으면 뭉친 먼지맛이 난다고 합니다. 역겨운 맛에 배도 별로 채우지 않지만 하지만 독이 있진 않습니다. 이 재료는 요리할 수 있습니다.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=단백과의 씨앗
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=단백과의 씨앗
plants.blindweed.desc=실명초를 건드리는 순간 밝은 섬광을 일으키며 사라집니다. 이 섬광은 몇 초동안 주변의 방향 감각을 상실시키는 데는 충분할 정도로 강력합니다.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=실명초의 씨앗
plants.blindweed$seed.name=실명초의 씨앗
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=당신은 생기를 되찾았다.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=당신은 생기를 되찾았다.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=꿈풀의 가시 돋친 꽃은 강력한 중화 작용을 일으키는 화학물질을 포함하고 있다고 합니다. 대부분의 유약한 생물체들은 이 작용을 이겨내지 못해 이름 그대로 의식을 잃고 기절해버립니다.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=꿈풀의 씨앗
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=꿈풀의 씨앗
plants.earthroot.desc=생물체가 뱀뿌리를 건드리면, 그 뿌리는 생물체를 자연의 갑옷으로 감싸 움직일 수 없게 만듭니다.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=뱀뿌리의 씨앗
plants.earthroot$seed.name=뱀뿌리의 씨앗
plants.earthroot$armor.name=자연의 갑옷
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=자연적인 갑옷이 당신을 감싸 보호하지만 움직일 수 없게 되었습니다. 이 갑옷은 나무껍질과 덩굴로 만들어진 판들로 이루어져 있으며, 당신의 온몸을 감싸고 있습니다.\n\n이 자연의 갑옷은 내구도가 다 하여 사라질 때 까지 %d의 피해를 흡수합니다.\n\n이 갑옷은 움직일 수 없으므로, 강제로 움직이려고 하면 갑옷이 부서져 사라져 버립니다.\n\n이 자연의 갑옷은 부서지기 전 까지 %d의 피해량을 흡수할 수 있습니다.
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=자연적인 갑옷이 당신을 감싸 보호하지만 움직일 수 없게 되었습니다. 이 갑옷은 나무껍질과 덩굴로 만들어진 판들로 이루어져 있으며, 당신의 온몸을 감싸고 있습니다.\n\n이 자연의 갑옷은 내구도가 다 하여 사라질 때 까지 %d의 피해를 흡수합니다.\n\n이 갑옷은 움직일 수 없으므로, 강제로 움직이려고 하면 갑옷이 부서져 사라져 버립니다.\n\n이 자연의 갑옷은 부서지기 전 까지 %d의 피해량을 흡수할 수 있습니다.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=미명초를 건드리는 생물체는 현재 층의 무작위 위치로 공간이동됩니다.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=미명초의 씨앗
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=미명초의 씨앗
plants.firebloom.desc=무언가가 화염초를 건드리게 되면 폭발하여 주변을 불꽃으로 뒤덮습니다.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=화염초의 씨앗
plants.firebloom$seed.name=화염초의 씨앗
plants.icecap.desc=얼음송이를 건드리면 주변에 차가운 포자를 흩뿌립니다. 포자의 냉동 효과는 주변 환경이 습할 때 더 강력해집니다.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=눈꽃송이의 씨앗
plants.icecap$seed.name=눈꽃송이의 씨앗
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=%s의 씨앗
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=%s의 씨앗
plants.plant$seed.info=이 씨앗을 원하는 곳에다 던져 식물을 자라게 할 수 있습니다.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=이 씨앗을 원하는 곳에다 던져 식물을 자라게 할 수 있습니다.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=어린 썩은열매 덤불에서 난 과일은 아주 달콤한 죽음의 맛을 낸다고 합니다.\n\n썩은열매 덤불은 시간이 지나면 또 다른 썩은열매 심장으로 자라나게 됩니다.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=썩은열매의 씨앗
plants.rotberry$seed.name=썩은열매의 씨앗
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=슬픔이끼(사실 이름과는 다르게 이끼류는 아닙니다)의 칼날 같은 꽃잎에는 치명적인 독이 발라져 있다.
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=슬픔이끼의 씨앗
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=슬픔이끼의 씨앗
plants.starflower.desc=매우 진귀한 식물로, 별꽃을 건드리는 자에겐 신성한 힘을 내려준다는 말이 있습니다.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=별꽃의 씨앗
plants.starflower$seed.name=별꽃의 씨앗
plants.stormvine.desc=폭풍덩굴은 주변의 중력에 이상하게 작용하여 하늘하늘한 푸른 덩굴손이 마치 '공중에 떠' 있는 것처럼 보입니다. 이 덩굴에 걸려든 대상 역시 이 작용을 받으며, 방향 감각을 상실하게 됩니다.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=폭풍덩굴의 씨앗
plants.stormvine$seed.name=폭풍덩굴의 씨앗
plants.sungrass.desc=태양초의 수액은 느리지만 효과적인 치료 효과로 잘 알려져 있습니다.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=태양초의 씨앗
plants.sungrass$seed.name=태양초의 씨앗
plants.sungrass$health.name=자연의 치료
plants.sungrass$health.name=자연의 치료
plants.sungrass$health.desc=태양초는 굉장한 치료 효과를 담고 있지만, 회복의 물약보다는 느리게 회복시킵니다. \n\n당신은 지금 태양초의 느린 체력 재생 효과를 받고 있습니다. 식물에서 떨어지면 효과가 중단됩니다.\n\n앞으로 %d의 체력을 더 회복할 수 있습니다.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=태양초는 굉장한 치료 효과를 담고 있지만, 회복의 물약보다는 느리게 회복시킵니다. \n\n당신은 지금 태양초의 느린 체력 재생 효과를 받고 있습니다. 식물에서 떨어지면 효과가 중단됩니다.\n\n앞으로 %d의 체력을 더 회복할 수 있습니다.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=이것이 밟힐 때, 신속엉겅퀴는 주변의 시간 흐름을 짧게 가속화하여 밟은 사람이 여러가지 행동을 즉시 할 수 있게 합니다.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=이것이 밟힐 때, 신속엉겅퀴는 주변의 시간 흐름을 짧게 가속화하여 밟은 사람이 여러가지 행동을 즉시 할 수 있게 합니다.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=신속엉겅퀴의 씨앗
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=신속엉겅퀴의 씨앗
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=시간 방울
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=시간 방울
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=당신은 가속된 시간의 작은 방울 안에 있어 행동을 즉시 수행할 수 있습니다. 하지만 공격하거나 마법을 사용하면 이 효과가 끝납니다.\n\n남은 턴: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=당신은 가속된 시간의 작은 방울 안에 있어 행동을 즉시 수행할 수 있습니다. 하지만 공격하거나 마법을 사용하면 이 효과가 끝납니다.\n\n남은 턴: %s.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.name=Mdły owoc
plants.blandfruitbush.name=mdły owoc
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Daleki kuzyn Przegniłej Jagody, gruszkowaty twór krzaku Mdłego Owocu smakuje jak zlepiony kurz. Owoc jest bujny i nietreściwy, ale nie trujący. Być może mógłby zostać ugotowany.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=Nasiono Mdłego Owocu
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=Nasiono Mdłego Owocu
plants.blindweed.desc=Gdy tylko Ślepoziele zostanie dotknięte znika w błysku jasnego światła. Rozbłysk jest wystarczająco silny by zdezorientować na kilka sekund.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=Nasiono Ślepoziela
plants.blindweed$seed.name=Nasiono Ślepoziela
plants.dreamfoil.name=Śniący Puch
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Czujesz się odświeżony.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Czujesz się odświeżony.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Kolczasty kwiat śniącego puchu zawiera chemiczne substancje znane ze swoich właściwości silnego środka neutralizującego. Większość słabszych istot jest przytłoczona i traci przytomność, stąd nazwa rośliny.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=Nasiono Śniącego Puchu
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=Nasiono Śniącego Puchu
plants.earthroot.name=Korzeń ziemny
plants.earthroot.desc=Gdy jakieś stworzenie dotnie Korzenia ziemnego, jego korzenie tworzą rodzaj nieruchomej, naturalnej zbroi wokół niego.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=Nasiono Korzenia Ziemnego
plants.earthroot$seed.name=Nasiono Korzenia Ziemnego
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Roślinna zbroja
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Rodzaj naturalnej, niemobilnej zbroi ochrania ciebie. Zbroja tworzy płyty kory i gałęzi okrywając twoje ciało.\n\nTa zielna zbroja absorbuje %d wszystkich fizycznych obrażeń, które otrzymasz do momentu gdy skończy się jej trwałość i rozpadnie się. \n\nZbroja jest niemobilna, jeżeli spróbujesz się poruszyć rozpadnie się na kawałki i zostanie zniszczona.\n\nWytrzymałość zbroi: %d
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Rodzaj naturalnej, niemobilnej zbroi ochrania ciebie. Zbroja tworzy płyty kory i gałęzi okrywając twoje ciało.\n\nTa zielna zbroja absorbuje %d wszystkich fizycznych obrażeń, które otrzymasz do momentu gdy skończy się jej trwałość i rozpadnie się. \n\nZbroja jest niemobilna, jeżeli spróbujesz się poruszyć rozpadnie się na kawałki i zostanie zniszczona.\n\nWytrzymałość zbroi: %d
plants.fadeleaf.name=Gasnący Liść
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Dotknięcie Gasnącego Liścia przeteleportuje dowolną istotę do losowego miejsca na obecnej głębokości.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=Nasiono Gasnącego Liścia
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=Nasiono Gasnącego Liścia
plants.firebloom.name=Płomienny Kwiat
plants.firebloom.desc=Gdy coś dotknie Płomiennego Kwiatu wybuchnie płomieniami.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=Nasiono Płomiennego Kwiatu
plants.firebloom$seed.name=Nasiono Płomiennego Kwiatu
plants.icecap.name=Lodowy Bąbel
plants.icecap.desc=Po dotknięciu Lodowy Bąbel wyrzuci na zewnątrz podmuch mrożącego pyłku. Efekt zamarznięcia jest zdecydowanie silniejszy gdy otoczenie jest mokre.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=Nasiono Lodowego Bąbla
plants.icecap$seed.name=Nasiono Lodowego Bąbla
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=Nasiono %s
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=Nasiono %s
plants.plant$seed.info=Rzuć tym nasionem w miejsce gdzie chcesz by wyrosła roślina.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Rzuć tym nasionem w miejsce gdzie chcesz by wyrosła roślina.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.name=Przegniła Jagoda
plants.rotberry.desc=Owoce młodego krzewu Przegniłej Jagody smakują słodko, słodko jak śmierć.\n\nDaj mu kilka dni, a ten krzew Przegniłej Jagody wyrośnie na kolejne zgniłe serce.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=Nasiono Przegniłej Jagody
plants.rotberry$seed.name=Nasiono Przegniłej Jagody
plants.sorrowmoss.name=Bolesny Mech
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=Bolesny Mech jest kwiatem (nie mchem) z ostrymi jak brzytwa płatkami, pokrytymi zabójczym jadem.
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=Nasiono Bolesnego Mchu
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=Nasiono Bolesnego Mchu
plants.starflower.name=Gwiezdny Kwiat
plants.starflower.desc=Ekstremalnie rzadka roślina, mówią, że Gwiezdny Kwiat udziela świętej mocy komukolwiek kto go dotknie.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=Nasiono Gwiezdnego Kwiatu
plants.starflower$seed.name=Nasiono Gwiezdnego Kwiatu
plants.stormvine.name=Burzowe Pnącze
plants.stormvine.desc=Grawitacja dziwnie oddziałuje na sadzonki Burzowego Pnącza, pozwalając mu by jego delikatnie niebieskie wici "wisiały" w powietrzu. Cokolwiek zostanie schwytane w te pnącze zostanie zdezorientowane przez ten efekt.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=Nasiono Burzowego Pnącza
plants.stormvine$seed.name=Nasiono Burzowego Pnącza
plants.sungrass.name=Słoneczna Trawa
plants.sungrass.desc=Słoneczna Trawa jest słynna z powodu jej wolnych jak żywica, ale efektywnych, leczniczych właściwości.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=Nasiono Słonecznej Trawy
plants.sungrass$seed.name=Nasiono Słonecznej Trawy
plants.sungrass$health.name=Roślinne leczenie
plants.sungrass$health.name=Roślinne leczenie
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Słoneczna Trawa posiada doskonałe właściwości leczące, aczkolwiek nie jest tak szybka w działaniu jak napój leczący.\n\nAktualnie powoli odzyskujesz zdrowie z rośliny Słonecznej Trawy. Otrzymywanie obrażeń w trakcie leczenia zmniejszy efektywność leczenia, a odejście od rośliny przerwie leczenie.\n\nPozostałe leczenie: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Słoneczna Trawa posiada doskonałe właściwości leczące, aczkolwiek nie jest tak szybka w działaniu jak napój leczący.\n\nAktualnie powoli odzyskujesz zdrowie z rośliny Słonecznej Trawy. Otrzymywanie obrażeń w trakcie leczenia zmniejszy efektywność leczenia, a odejście od rośliny przerwie leczenie.\n\nPozostałe leczenie: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Przy rozdeptaniu, prędkooset na chwilę przyśpieszy upływ czasu wokół siebie, pozwalając depczącemu na wykonanie kilku czynności naraz.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Przy rozdeptaniu, prędkooset na chwilę przyśpieszy upływ czasu wokół siebie, pozwalając depczącemu na wykonanie kilku czynności naraz.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=Nasiono Prędkoostu.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=Nasiono Prędkoostu.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Bańka czasowa
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Bańka czasowa
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Znajdujesz się w niewielkiej bańce przyśpieszonego czasu, co pozwala ci robić różne rzeczy natychmiastowo. Jednakże zaatakowanie czegoś lub użycie magii przerwie ten efekt.\n\nTury do końca efektu:%s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Znajdujesz się w niewielkiej bańce przyśpieszonego czasu, co pozwala ci robić różne rzeczy natychmiastowo. Jednakże zaatakowanie czegoś lub użycie magii przerwie ten efekt.\n\nTury do końca efektu:%s.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Primo distante da Podrerva, este fruto com formato de pera do pé-de-Frutinsonsa tem gosto de pó endurecido. A fruta é nojenta e insubstancial, mas não é venenosa. Talvez possa ser cozida.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=Semente de frutinsonsa
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=Semente de frutinsonsa
plants.blindweed.desc=Ao ser tocada, a Erva-da-cegueira morre e emite um forte feixe de luz. Este feixe é forte o suficiente para desorientar por vários segundos.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=Semente de erva-da-cegueira
plants.blindweed$seed.name=Semente de erva-da-cegueira
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Você se sente revigorado.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Você se sente revigorado.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=As folhas espinhosas da Folha-do-sonho contem uma substância que é conhecida por suas propriedades neutralizantes. A maioria das criaturas mais fracas não suportam e caem inconscientes, eis o nome da planta.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=Semente de folha-do-sonho
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=Semente de folha-do-sonho
plants.earthroot.desc=Quando uma criatura toca uma Terraíz, suas raízes criam um tipo de armadura natural imóvel ao redor dela.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=Semente de Terraíz
plants.earthroot$seed.name=Semente de Terraíz
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Armadura herbácea
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Uma espécie de armadura natural e imóvel protege você. A armadura forma placas de casca e barbante, envolvendo seu corpo.\n\nEssa armadura herbácea bloqueará %d de dano de qualquer dano físico que você receber, até que eventualmente fique sem durabilidade e colapse.\n\nComo a armadura é imóvel, se você tentar se mover ela se quebrará e será perdida.\n\nArmadura restante: %d.
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Uma espécie de armadura natural e imóvel protege você. A armadura forma placas de casca e barbante, envolvendo seu corpo.\n\nEssa armadura herbácea bloqueará %d de dano de qualquer dano físico que você receber, até que eventualmente fique sem durabilidade e colapse.\n\nComo a armadura é imóvel, se você tentar se mover ela se quebrará e será perdida.\n\nArmadura restante: %d.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Tocar uma Folha-fantasma teletransportará qualquer criatura a um lugar aleatório no andar atual.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=Semente de folha-fantasma
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=Semente de folha-fantasma
plants.firebloom.desc=Quando algo toca a Flor-de-fogo, ela explode em chamas.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=Semente de flor-de-fogo
plants.firebloom$seed.name=Semente de flor-de-fogo
plants.icecap.desc=Ao ser tocada, uma Muda-de-gelo lança uma nuvem de pólen congelante. O efeito é muito mais forte se o ambiente estiver molhado.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=Semente de muda-de-gelo
plants.icecap$seed.name=Semente de muda-de-gelo
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=Semente de %s
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=Semente de %s
plants.plant$seed.info=Jogue esta semente no lugar que deseja que a planta cresça.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Jogue esta semente no lugar que deseja que a planta cresça.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=Os frutos de um jovem arbusto de podrerva tem um doce, doce, gosto de morte.\n\nApós vários dias, este arbusto de podrerva irá crescer em outro Coração-de-Podridão.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=Semente de podrerva
plants.rotberry$seed.name=Semente de podrerva
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=O Musgo-do-sofrimento é uma flor (não um musgo) com pétalas afiadas, cobertas por um veneno mortal.
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=Semente de musgo-do-sofrimento
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=Semente de musgo-do-sofrimento
plants.starflower.desc=Uma planta extremamente rara, diz-se que a flor-estrela dá poder sagrado a quem quer que a toque.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=Semente de fruta-estrela
plants.starflower$seed.name=Semente de fruta-estrela
plants.stormvine.desc=A gravidade afeta a Vinha-tempestua de forma anormal, fazendo com que seus pequenos ramos azuis etéreos "flutuem" no ar. Qualquer coisa que se prender na parreira é afetado por isso, tornando-se desorientado.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=Semente de vinha-tempestua
plants.stormvine$seed.name=Semente de vinha-tempestua
plants.sungrass.desc=A Grama-solar é conhecida por suas propriedades curativas lentas, mas efetivas, de sua seiva.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=Semente da grama-solar
plants.sungrass$seed.name=Semente da grama-solar
plants.sungrass$health.name=Cura Herbácea
plants.sungrass$health.name=Cura Herbácea
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Grama-solar possui excelentes propriedades curativas, embora seja muito mais lenta do que uma poção de cura.\n\nA grama-solar está lentamente regenerando sua vida. Sair da planta quebrará o efeito de cura.\n\nCura restante: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Grama-solar possui excelentes propriedades curativas, embora seja muito mais lenta do que uma poção de cura.\n\nA grama-solar está lentamente regenerando sua vida. Sair da planta quebrará o efeito de cura.\n\nCura restante: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Quando pisoteado, o Cardo-ligeiro acelera brevemente o fluxo de tempo em torno dele, permitindo que o atropelador execute várias ações instantaneamente.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Quando pisoteado, o Cardo-ligeiro acelera brevemente o fluxo de tempo em torno dele, permitindo que o atropelador execute várias ações instantaneamente.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=Semente de cardo-ligeiro
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=Semente de cardo-ligeiro
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Bolha do tempo
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Bolha do tempo
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Você está em uma pequena bolha de tempo acelerado, permitindo que você execute ações instantaneamente. Atacar ou usar magia vai quebrar esse efeito no entanto.\n\nTurnos restantes: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Você está em uma pequena bolha de tempo acelerado, permitindo que você execute ações instantaneamente. Atacar ou usar magia vai quebrar esse efeito no entanto.\n\nTurnos restantes: %s.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Дальний родственник Гнилоягоды, грушеобразный плод куста Пустофрукта на вкус как слипшаяся пыль. Фрукт довольно мерзкий и плохо утоляет голод, однако он не ядовит. Возможно, если его приготовить, он станет более съедобным.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=семя пустофрукта
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=семя пустофрукта
plants.blindweed.desc=При прикосновении к Слепняку, он испускает яркую вспышку света и погибает. Вспышка достаточно сильна для того, чтобы вывести взрослого человека из строя на несколько секунд.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=семя слепняка
plants.blindweed$seed.name=семя слепняка
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Вы чувствуете себя взбодрённым.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Вы чувствуете себя взбодрённым.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Колючие цветы Дрёмолиста содержат химический состав, который знаменит за его очень сильные нейтрализующие свойства. Но неподготовленных этот эффект может ошеломить и даже лишить сознания, что и дало имя этому растению.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=семя дрёмолиста
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=семя дрёмолиста
plants.earthroot.name=Земляной корень
plants.earthroot.desc=Если дотронутся до Земляного корня, его корни немедленно обволокут вас, создавая некое подобие естественной брони. Действие этой защиты продолжается, только пока вы остаетесь на том же месте.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=семя земляного корня
plants.earthroot$seed.name=семя земляного корня
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Покровительство природы
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Нечто вроде живой брони, образованной из толстой коры и оплетающих лиан, защищает ваше тело.\n\nЭта растительная броня поглощает %d урона от любого физического удара, пока не иссякнет её запас прочности. При попытке сойти с места, броня исчезнет.\n\nВыдержит урона: %d.
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Нечто вроде живой брони, образованной из толстой коры и оплетающих лиан, защищает ваше тело.\n\nЭта растительная броня поглощает %d урона от любого физического удара, пока не иссякнет её запас прочности. При попытке сойти с места, броня исчезнет.\n\nВыдержит урона: %d.
plants.fadeleaf.name=Ведьмин стебель
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Существо, коснувшееся Ведьминого стебля, переместится в случайное место текущего уровня.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=семя ведьминого стебля
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=семя ведьминого стебля
plants.firebloom.desc=Достаточно лишь коснуться лепестков Огнецвета для того, чтобы этот цветок вспыхнул ярким пламенем.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=семя огнецвета
plants.firebloom$seed.name=семя огнецвета
plants.icecap.name=Ледяная лилия
plants.icecap.desc=Если до Ледяной лилии дотронуться, она тут же лопнет, распространяя кругом замораживающую пыльцу. Эффект заморозки будет сильнее в помещении с повышенной влажностью.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=семя ледяной лилии
plants.icecap$seed.name=семя ледяной лилии
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=Семена растения "%s"
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=Семена растения "%s"
plants.plant$seed.info=Бросьте семя в то место, где вам нужно растение.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Бросьте семя в то место, где вам нужно растение.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=Ягоды молодой гнилоягоды на вкус как сладкая смерть.\n\nЧерез несколько дней из куста гнилоягоды вырастет новое сердце.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=семя гнилоягоды
plants.rotberry$seed.name=семя гнилоягоды
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=Печаль-трава - это цветок (а не трава) с острыми лепестками, покрытыми смертельным ядом.
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=семя печаль-травы
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=семя печаль-травы
plants.starflower.desc=Крайне редкое растение, Звездоцвет дарует божественную силу тому, кто его коснётся.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=семя звездоцвета
plants.starflower$seed.name=семя звездоцвета
plants.stormvine.name=Грозовая лоза
plants.stormvine.desc=Гравитация странно действует на Грозовую лозу, позволяя её стеблям "парить" в воздухе. Прикосновение к ним вызывает похожий эффект во всем теле, дезориентируя и вызывая проблемы с равновесием.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=семя грозовой лозы
plants.stormvine$seed.name=семя грозовой лозы
plants.sungrass.desc=Солнечник известен за свою способность постепенно исцелять любые раны.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=семя солнечника
plants.sungrass$seed.name=семя солнечника
plants.sungrass$health.name=Благословение природы
plants.sungrass$health.name=Благословение природы
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Солнечник обладает отличными целебными свойствами, хотя и гораздо более слабыми, чем у зелья исцеления.\n\nВы постепенно восстанавливаете здоровье под действием солнечника. При попытке сойти с с места, лечение прекратится.\n\nЗапас исцеления: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Солнечник обладает отличными целебными свойствами, хотя и гораздо более слабыми, чем у зелья исцеления.\n\nВы постепенно восстанавливаете здоровье под действием солнечника. При попытке сойти с с места, лечение прекратится.\n\nЗапас исцеления: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Если наступить на скорополох, то он ненадолго ускорит поток времени вокруг себя, дав возможность совершить несколько действий за один момент.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Если наступить на скорополох, то он ненадолго ускорит поток времени вокруг себя, дав возможность совершить несколько действий за один момент.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=семя скорополоха
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=семя скорополоха
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Временной пузырь
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Временной пузырь
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Вы находитесь в локализованной зоне ускоренного времени, что позволяет вам совершать действия моментально. Однако атака или использование магии прекратят этот эффект.\n\nОсталось ходов: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Вы находитесь в локализованной зоне ускоренного времени, что позволяет вам совершать действия моментально. Однако атака или использование магии прекратят этот эффект.\n\nОсталось ходов: %s.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.name=tatsız meyve
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Çürükdutun uzaktan bir kuzeni olan Tatsızmeyve çalısının ürünü kekleşmiş tozu andırıyor. Meyvenin kendisi iğrenç ve bir temeli yok, fakat zehirli değil. Belki de pişirilip işe yarar hale getirilebilir.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=tatsızmeyve tohumu
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=tatsızmeyve tohumu
plants.blindweed.desc=Köryosun, dokunulduğunda bir ışık parlamasıyla yok olur. Bu parlama bir kaç saniyeliğine kafa karıştıracak kadar güçlüdür.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=köryosun tohumu
plants.blindweed$seed.name=köryosun tohumu
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Yenilenmiş hissediyorsun.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Yenilenmiş hissediyorsun.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Hayalyaprağı bitkisinin dikenli çiçekleri, güçlü bir nötralleştirme ajanı özelliğiyle bilinen bir kimyasal içerir. Çoğu zayıf yaratıklar buna dayanamaz ve şuurlarını kaybederler, bitkinin ismi de buradan gelir.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=hayalyaprağı tohumu
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=hayalyaprağı tohumu
plants.earthroot.desc=Bir yaratık Doğakökü'ne dokunduğunda, onun kökleri onu çevreleyen bir çeşit hareketsiz bitkisel zırh oluşturur.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=doğakökü tohumu
plants.earthroot$seed.name=doğakökü tohumu
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Bitkisel zırh
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Bir çeşit doğal, taşınamaz zırh seni koruyor. Zırh, çalı çırpı plakaları oluşturarak onları etrafında çeviriyor.\n\nBu bitkisel zırh aldığın herhangi bir fiziksel vuruşun %d hasarını bloklayacaktır ve eninde sonunda dayanıklığı bittiğinde yıkılacaktır.\n\nBu zırh taşınamaz olduğu için hareket etmeye çalışırsan dağılıp gidecektir ve kaybolacaktır.\n\nKalan zırh: %d.
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Bir çeşit doğal, taşınamaz zırh seni koruyor. Zırh, çalı çırpı plakaları oluşturarak onları etrafında çeviriyor.\n\nBu bitkisel zırh aldığın herhangi bir fiziksel vuruşun %d hasarını bloklayacaktır ve eninde sonunda dayanıklığı bittiğinde yıkılacaktır.\n\nBu zırh taşınamaz olduğu için hareket etmeye çalışırsan dağılıp gidecektir ve kaybolacaktır.\n\nKalan zırh: %d.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Bir Solukyaprak'a dokunmak herhangi bir yaratığı katta rastgele bir yere ışınlar.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=solukyaprak tohumu
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=solukyaprak tohumu
plants.firebloom.desc=Bir şey Ateşçiçeği'ne dokunduğunda tutuşmaya başlar.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=ateşçiçeği tohumu
plants.firebloom$seed.name=ateşçiçeği tohumu
plants.icecap.desc=Dokunulduğunda, Buzbaşı dondurucu polenlerini etrafa saçar. Bu dondurma etkisi ortam ıslaksa daha güçlüdür.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=buzbaşı tohumu
plants.icecap$seed.name=buzbaşı tohumu
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=%s tohumu
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=%s tohumu
plants.plant$seed.info=Bu tohumu ekmek istediğin yere at.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Bu tohumu ekmek istediğin yere at.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=Bu genç çürükdut çalısının meyveleri ölüm gibi lezzetli.\n\nBir kaç gün içinde bu çürükdut çalısı başka bir çürük kalbe dönüşür.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=çürükdut tohumu
plants.rotberry$seed.name=çürükdut tohumu
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=Üzüntüyosunu ölümcül bir zehirle kaplanmış, keskin taçyaprakları olan bir çiçektir (yosun değil).
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=üzüntüyosunu tohumu
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=üzüntüyosunu tohumu
plants.starflower.desc=Aşırı biçimde nadir bir bitki olan Yıldızçiçeği'nin ona kim dokunursa o kişiye kutsal güç bahşettiği söylenir.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=yıldızçiçeği tohumu
plants.starflower$seed.name=yıldızçiçeği tohumu
plants.stormvine.desc=Yerçekimi, Fırtınaasması bitkisini garip bir şekilde etkileyerek mavi filizlerinin havada 'asılı' kalmasını sağlıyor. Bu asmaya dolanan herhangi bir şey bundan etkilenir ve kafası karışır.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=fırtınaasması tohumu
plants.stormvine$seed.name=fırtınaasması tohumu
plants.sungrass.desc=Güneşçimi, özsuyunun yavaş ama etkili iyileştirme özellikleriyle bilinir.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=güneşçimi tohumu
plants.sungrass$seed.name=güneşçimi tohumu
plants.sungrass$health.name=Bitkisel İyileşme
plants.sungrass$health.name=Bitkisel İyileşme
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Bir iyileşme iksirinden çok daha yavaş olsa da güneşçiminin mükemmel iyileştirme özellikleri vardır.\n\nŞu anda güneşçimi bitkisinden yavaşça sağlık yeniliyorsun. Hareket etmek bitkiyi dağıtacak ve etkiyi yok edecektir.\n\nKalan iyileşme: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Bir iyileşme iksirinden çok daha yavaş olsa da güneşçiminin mükemmel iyileştirme özellikleri vardır.\n\nŞu anda güneşçimi bitkisinden yavaşça sağlık yeniliyorsun. Hareket etmek bitkiyi dağıtacak ve etkiyi yok edecektir.\n\nKalan iyileşme: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Çevikdevedikeni ezildiği zaman kısa bir süreliğine çevresindeki zamanın akışını hızlandırarak onu ezen kişinin birkaç hareketini anında yapmasını sağlayacaktır.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Çevikdevedikeni ezildiği zaman kısa bir süreliğine çevresindeki zamanın akışını hızlandırarak onu ezen kişinin birkaç hareketini anında yapmasını sağlayacaktır.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=çevikdevedikeni tohumu
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=çevikdevedikeni tohumu
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Zaman Baloncuğu
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Zaman Baloncuğu
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=İşlemleri anında gerçekleştirmene olanak tanıyan, zamanın hızlandırılmış olduğu küçük bir balonun içindesin. Ancak saldırı veya büyü yapmak bu etkiyi sonlandıracak.\n\nKalan tur sayısı: %s
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=İşlemleri anında gerçekleştirmene olanak tanıyan, zamanın hızlandırılmış olduğu küçük bir balonun içindesin. Ancak saldırı veya büyü yapmak bu etkiyi sonlandıracak.\n\nKalan tur sayısı: %s
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Далекий родич Гнилоягоди, грушоподібний плід з куща Піскофрукту смакує, як запечений пісок. Фрукт огидний та погано втамовує голод, але не отруйний. Можливо, з нього можна щось приготувати.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=насінина піскофрукта
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=насінина піскофрукта
plants.blindweed.desc=Доторк до Спалахачу викликає сліпучий спалах світла, який достатньо сильний, щоб на деякий час дезорієнтувати.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.blindweed$seed.name=насінина спалахачу
plants.blindweed$seed.name=насінина спалахачу
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Ви відчуваєте себе бадьорими.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Ви відчуваєте себе бадьорими.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Колючі квітки Снолиста містять хімічні речовини, які знамениті завдяки дуже сильним нейтралізуючим властивостям. Але непідготовлених цей ефект може приголомшити і навіть позбавити свідомості, що й дало ім'я цій рослині.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=насінина снолиста
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=насінина снолиста
plants.earthroot.desc=Якщо доторкнутися до Дубокореня, його коріння швидко обплутає вас, створюючи щось на кшталт природної броні.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=насінина дубокореня
plants.earthroot$seed.name=насінина дубокореня
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Природний захист
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Вас захищає щось схоже на природні непорушні обладунки. Броня обплітає ваше тіло, утворюючи пластини з кори та ліан.\n\nЦей рослинний обладунок заблокує %d пошкоджень від будь-якого отриманого вами фізичного удару допоки не вичерпається його запас міцності.\n\nЦей захист нерухомий, він зламається та зникне якщо ви спробуєте рухатися.\n\nВитримає пошкоджень: %d.
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Вас захищає щось схоже на природні непорушні обладунки. Броня обплітає ваше тіло, утворюючи пластини з кори та ліан.\n\nЦей рослинний обладунок заблокує %d пошкоджень від будь-якого отриманого вами фізичного удару допоки не вичерпається його запас міцності.\n\nЦей захист нерухомий, він зламається та зникне якщо ви спробуєте рухатися.\n\nВитримає пошкоджень: %d.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Доторк до Портальця перемістить тебе у випадкове місце цього поверху
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=насінина портальця
plants.fadeleaf$seed.name=насінина портальця
plants.firebloom.desc=Достатньо лиш доторку до пелюсток Драконки, і вона спалахне яскравим полум'ям.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.firebloom$seed.name=насінина драконки
plants.firebloom$seed.name=насінина драконки
plants.icecap.desc=Якщо доторкнутися до Морозяника, то він миттєво лусне, розповсюджуючи навколо заморожуючий пилок. Ефект замороження буде сильнішим в приміщеннях з підвищеною вологістю.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap$seed.name=насінина морозяника
plants.icecap$seed.name=насінина морозяника
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=насінина %s
plants.plant$seed.seed_of=насінина %s
plants.plant$seed.info=Киньте цю насінину в місце, де ви хочете виростити рослину.\n\n%s
plants.plant$seed.info=Киньте цю насінину в місце, де ви хочете виростити рослину.\n\n%s
plants.rotberry.desc=Плоди молодої гнилоягоди на смак, як солодка смерть.\n\nЧерез декілька днів із куща гнилоягоди виросте нове серце.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.rotberry$seed.name=насінина гнилоягоди
plants.rotberry$seed.name=насінина гнилоягоди
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=Горемох - це квітка (а не мох) з гострими пелюстками, що покриті смертельною отрутою.
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=насінина горемоху
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=насінина горемоху
plants.starflower.desc=Вкрай рідкісна рослина, Зорецвіт дарує божественну силу тим, хто доторкнеться до нього
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.starflower$seed.name=насінина зорецвіту
plants.starflower$seed.name=насінина зорецвіту
plants.stormvine.name=Грозова лоза
plants.stormvine.desc=Гравітація дивно діє на Грозову лозу, дозволяючи її стеблам "зависати" в повітрі. Дотик до них викликає схожий ефект по всьому тілу, дезорієнтуючи і викликаючи проблеми з рівновагою.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.stormvine$seed.name=насінина грозової лози
plants.stormvine$seed.name=насінина грозової лози
plants.sungrass.desc=Сонях славиться своїм лікувальним соком
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=насінина соняха
plants.sungrass$seed.name=насінина соняха
plants.sungrass$health.name=Благословення природи
plants.sungrass$health.name=Благословення природи
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Сонях має чудові цілющі властивості, однак його ефект діє значно повільніше, ніж еліксир зцілення.\n\nСонях повільно відновлює вам здоров'я. Цілющий ефект зникне, якщо ви покинете рослину.\n\nВідновлення здоров'я залишилося: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Сонях має чудові цілющі властивості, однак його ефект діє значно повільніше, ніж еліксир зцілення.\n\nСонях повільно відновлює вам здоров'я. Цілющий ефект зникне, якщо ви покинете рослину.\n\nВідновлення здоров'я залишилося: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Коли його розтоптати, скорополох ненадовго прискорить рух часу навколо себе, що дозволить вам виконати декілька дій в одну мить часу.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=Коли його розтоптати, скорополох ненадовго прискорить рух часу навколо себе, що дозволить вам виконати декілька дій в одну мить часу.
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=насінина скорополоху
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=насінина скорополоху
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Часова Бульбашка
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Часова Бульбашка
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Ви знаходитеся у невеликій бульбашці прискореного часу, яка дозволяє миттєво виконувати дії. Однак, атака чи використання магії перервуть цей ефект.\n\nЗалишилося ходів: %s.
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Ви знаходитеся у невеликій бульбашці прискореного часу, яка дозволяє миттєво виконувати дії. Однак, атака чи використання магії перервуть цей ефект.\n\nЗалишилося ходів: %s.
@ -1,63 +1,76 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blindweed.desc=Upon being touched a blindweed perishes in a bright flash of light. The flash is strong enough to disorient for several seconds.
plants.blindweed.warden_desc=_The Warden_ will channel a blindweed's energy into a temporary shroud of invisibility, instead of being disoriented.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=The dreamfoil's prickly flowers contain a chemical which is known for its properties as a strong neutralizing agent. Most weaker creatures are overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, which gives the plant its namesake.
plants.dreamfoil.warden_desc=In addition to the neutralizing effect, _the Warden_ will become temporarily immune to all area-bound effects when stepping on dreamfoil.
plants.earthroot.desc=When a creature touches an earthroot, its roots create a kind of immobile natural armor around it.
plants.earthroot.warden_desc=The roots of an earthroot plant will move with _the Warden_, providing her mobile barkskin armor.
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Herbal Armor
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Touching a fadeleaf will teleport any creature to a random place on the current level.
plants.fadeleaf.warden_desc=The teleportation effect of fadeleaf is more potent for the Warden, teleporting her back to the end of the previous dungeon level.
plants.firebloom.desc=When something touches a firebloom, it bursts into flames.
plants.firebloom.warden_desc=When she tramples a firebloom, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with flame instead of being harmed.
plants.icecap.desc=Upon being touched, an icecap lets out a puff of freezing pollen. The freezing effect is much stronger if the environment is wet.
plants.icecap.warden_desc=When she tramples an icecap, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with frost instead of being harmed.
plants.plant.warden_desc=This plant has no special effect when used by the warden.
plants.rotberry.desc=The berries of a young rotberry shrub taste like sweet, sweet death. Over a few years, this rotberry shrub will grow into another rot heart.
plants.rotberry.warden_desc=Normally a rotberry bush has no effect when trampled, but _the Warden_ is able to harness energy from it to temporarily boost her strength!
plants.sorrowmoss.desc=A sorrowmoss is a flower (not a moss) with razor-sharp petals, coated with a deadly venom.
plants.sorrowmoss.warden_desc=When she tramples a sorrowmoss, _the Warden_ will be briefly imbued with toxin instead of being harmed.
plants.starflower.desc=A rare plant, starflower is said to grant holy power to whomever touches it.
plants.starflower.warden_desc=In addition to being blessed, _the Warden_ will gain a significant amount of wand recharging when she tramples a starflower.
plants.stormvine.desc=Gravity affects the stormvine plant strangely, allowing its whispy blue tendrils to 'hang' on the air. Anything caught in the vine is affected by this, and becomes disoriented.
plants.stormvine.warden_desc=_The Warden_ is able to control the gravitational effect of stormvine, and will breifly levitate when she tramples one.
plants.sungrass.desc=sungrass is renowned for its sap's slow but effective healing properties.
plants.sungrass.warden_desc=_The Warden_ can receive healing from trampled sungrass even if she moves away from it.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=阳春草拥有优秀的治疗能力,尽管治疗速率比治疗药水慢很多。 \n\n阳春草正在缓慢地治疗你的伤势。离开这里会打断治疗效果。\n\n剩余治疗量:%d。
plants.sungrass$health.desc=阳春草拥有优秀的治疗能力,尽管治疗速率比治疗药水慢很多。 \n\n阳春草正在缓慢地治疗你的伤势。离开这里会打断治疗效果。\n\n剩余治疗量:%d。
plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=In addition to gaining instantaneous actions, _the Warden_ will also get a brief haste boost when trampling swiftthistle.
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon Page
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a roguelike RPG, with randomly generated enemies, levels, items, and traps!\n\nEach run is a new challenging experience, but be careful, death is permanent!\n\nHappy Dungeoneering!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a roguelike RPG, with randomly generated enemies, levels, items, and traps!\n\nEach run is a new challenging experience, but be careful, death is permanent!\n\nHappy Dungeoneering!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon has been updated!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon has been updated!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 introduces the second tier of the talent system and makes some major improvements to the first tier!\n\nThere is also a major expansion to the level generation algorithm and a bunch of smaller additions and improvements.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon has been patched!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon has been patched!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=This patch contains bugfixes.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=This patch contains bugfixes.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=This patch contains translation updates.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=This patch contains translation updates.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Jocs en progrés
scenes.startscene.new=Nova partida
scenes.startscene.new=Nova partida
scenes.supporterscene.title=Recolza el Joc
scenes.supporterscene.title=Recolza el Joc
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Vull que Shattered Pixel Dungeon estigui lliure d’anuncis i microtransaccions invasives, que arruïnen tants jocs mòbils. En canvi, prefereixo demanar als jugadors que recolzin el joc directament!
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Si gaudeixes de ShatteredPD i vols ajudar-me a seguir fent-lo, considera donar-me suport a _Patreon!_ Patreon em proporciona una font d’ingressos constant i em permet donar beneficis exclusius als seguidors.:\n_- Mini-blogs semanals_, amb informació sobre el que estic treballant.\n_- Enquestes sobre contingut, que afecten directament el contingut que estic desenvolupant.\n_- Un Discord Comunitari_, amb un registre de desenvolupador i canals de xat.\n_- Més avantatges futurs_, a mesura que creixi la comunitat Patreon.\n\nPots visitar la pàgina de Patreon per obtenir més informació. Gràcies pel teu temps i feliç masmorreig!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Si gaudeixes de ShatteredPD i vols ajudar-me a seguir fent-lo, considera donar-me suport a _Patreon!_ Patreon em proporciona una font d’ingressos constant i em permet donar beneficis exclusius als seguidors.:\n_- Mini-blogs semanals_, amb informació sobre el que estic treballant.\n_- Enquestes sobre contingut, que afecten directament el contingut que estic desenvolupant.\n_- Un Discord Comunitari_, amb un registre de desenvolupador i canals de xat.\n_- Més avantatges futurs_, a mesura que creixi la comunitat Patreon.\n\nPots visitar la pàgina de Patreon per obtenir més informació. Gràcies pel teu temps i feliç masmorreig!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Tingueu en compte que les recompenses de Patreon només estan disponibles en anglès.)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Tingueu en compte que les recompenses de Patreon només estan disponibles en anglès.)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Anar a la pàgina de Patreon
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Anar a la pàgina de Patreon
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Pàgina de Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon és un RPG roguelike, amb enemics, nivells, ítems i trampes generats a l'atzar!\n\nCada sessió és una nova experiència desafiant, però vigila, la mort és permanent!\n\nFeliç masmorreig!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon és un RPG roguelike, amb enemics, nivells, ítems i trampes generats a l'atzar!\n\nCada sessió és una nova experiència desafiant, però vigila, la mort és permanent!\n\nFeliç masmorreig!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon s'ha actualitzat!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon s'ha actualitzat!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 introduces the second tier of the talent system and makes some major improvements to the first tier!\n\nThere is also a major expansion to the level generation algorithm and a bunch of smaller additions and improvements.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=S'ha afegit un nou pedaç a Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=S'ha afegit un nou pedaç a Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Aquest pedaç conté correcció d'errors.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Aquest pedaç conté correcció d'errors.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Aquest pedaç conté actualitzacions de traducció.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Aquest pedaç conté actualitzacions de traducció.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Rozehrané hry
scenes.startscene.new=Nová hra
scenes.startscene.new=Nová hra
scenes.supporterscene.title=Podpořit hru
scenes.supporterscene.title=Podpořit hru
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Chci aby byl Shattered Pixel Dungeon bez reklam a rušivých mikrotransakcí, které obvykle ničí většinu mobilních her. Místo toho raději požádám hráče, aby hru podpořili přímým příspěvkem!
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Pokud se ti hra ShatteredPD líbí a chceš mi pomoct pokračovat v jejím vývoji, zvaž prosím, že mě podpoříš na _Patreonu!_ Patreon mi zajišťuje stabilní zdroj příjmů a umožňuje mi poskytovat přispěvatelům exkluzivní výhody!:\n_- Týdenní mini-články_, s informacemi o tom, na čem zrovna pracuji.\n_- Ankety o obsahu_, které přímo ovlivňují vyvíjený obsah.\n_- Komunitní Discord_, s vývojářským deníčkem a chatovacími skupinami.\n_- Mnoho dalších výhod_, s tím jak se bude komunita na Patreonu rozrůstat.\n\nPro více informací můžeš navštívit moji Patreon stránku. Díky za tvůj čas a šťastné prohledávání kobky!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Pokud se ti hra ShatteredPD líbí a chceš mi pomoct pokračovat v jejím vývoji, zvaž prosím, že mě podpoříš na _Patreonu!_ Patreon mi zajišťuje stabilní zdroj příjmů a umožňuje mi poskytovat přispěvatelům exkluzivní výhody!:\n_- Týdenní mini-články_, s informacemi o tom, na čem zrovna pracuji.\n_- Ankety o obsahu_, které přímo ovlivňují vyvíjený obsah.\n_- Komunitní Discord_, s vývojářským deníčkem a chatovacími skupinami.\n_- Mnoho dalších výhod_, s tím jak se bude komunita na Patreonu rozrůstat.\n\nPro více informací můžeš navštívit moji Patreon stránku. Díky za tvůj čas a šťastné prohledávání kobky!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Ber na vědomí, že Patreon odměny jsou dostupné pouze v angličtině.)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Ber na vědomí, že Patreon odměny jsou dostupné pouze v angličtině.)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Přejít na Patreon
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Přejít na Patreon
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon stránka
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon je rouguelike RPG s náhodně generovanými nepřáteli, úrovněmi, předměty a pastmi!\n\nKaždá hra je nová výzva, ovšem pozor! Smrt je permanentní!\n\nŠťastné prohledávání kobky!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon je rouguelike RPG s náhodně generovanými nepřáteli, úrovněmi, předměty a pastmi!\n\nKaždá hra je nová výzva, ovšem pozor! Smrt je permanentní!\n\nŠťastné prohledávání kobky!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon byl aktualizován!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon byl aktualizován!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 přestavuje druhý stupeň schopností a přináší několik důležitých změn ve schopnostech první úrovně!\n\nTaké byl rozšířen algoritmus generátoru úrovní a přidána spousta menších dodatků a vylepšení.\n\nPro všechny detaily se určitě podívej na kompletní seznam změn.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon byl opatchován!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon byl opatchován!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tento patch obsahuje opravy drobných chyb.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tento patch obsahuje opravy drobných chyb.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tento patch obsahuje aktualizace jazykových překladů.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tento patch obsahuje aktualizace jazykových překladů.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Laufende Spiele
scenes.startscene.new=Neues Spiel
scenes.startscene.new=Neues Spiel
scenes.supporterscene.title=Unterstütze das Spiel
scenes.supporterscene.title=Unterstütze das Spiel
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Ich möchte Shattered Pixel Dungeon frei halten von Werbung und aufdringlichen Mikrotransaktionen, die so viele Handyspiele ruinieren. Stattdessen bitte ich lieber die Nutzer das Spiel direkt zu unterstützen!
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Wenn dir ShatteredPD gefällt und du mir helfen möchtest es weiterzuentwickeln, denk bitte darüber nach mich auf _Patreon_ zu unterstützen! Patreon verhilft mir zu einem stabilen Einkommen und erlaubt es mir, dir als Unterstützer exklusive Vorteile zu bieten:\n_- Wöchentliche Mini-Blogs_ mit Infos über das, woran ich gerade arbeite.\n_- Umfragen zum Inhalt_, die direkt beeinflussen was ich entwickle.\n_- Einen Community-Discord-Server_ mit einem Entwicklungstagebuch und Chat-Kanälen.\n_-Weitere Vorteile_ kommen, während die Patreon-Community wächst\n\nAuf der Patreon-Seite findest du weitere Infos. Danke für deine Zeit und frohes Dungeoneering!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Wenn dir ShatteredPD gefällt und du mir helfen möchtest es weiterzuentwickeln, denk bitte darüber nach mich auf _Patreon_ zu unterstützen! Patreon verhilft mir zu einem stabilen Einkommen und erlaubt es mir, dir als Unterstützer exklusive Vorteile zu bieten:\n_- Wöchentliche Mini-Blogs_ mit Infos über das, woran ich gerade arbeite.\n_- Umfragen zum Inhalt_, die direkt beeinflussen was ich entwickle.\n_- Einen Community-Discord-Server_ mit einem Entwicklungstagebuch und Chat-Kanälen.\n_-Weitere Vorteile_ kommen, während die Patreon-Community wächst\n\nAuf der Patreon-Seite findest du weitere Infos. Danke für deine Zeit und frohes Dungeoneering!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Patreon-Belohnungen sind nur auf Englisch verfügbar.)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Patreon-Belohnungen sind nur auf Englisch verfügbar.)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Zur Patreon-Seite gehen
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Zur Patreon-Seite gehen
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon Seite
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon ist ein Rougelike-RPG mit zufällig genererierten Gegnern, Leveln, Gegenständen und Fallen!\n\nJedes Spiel ist ein neues, herausforderndes Erlebnis, aber sei vorsichtig, denn der Tod ist unwiderruflich!\n\nViel Spaß beim Erkunden des Untergrunds!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon ist ein Rougelike-RPG mit zufällig genererierten Gegnern, Leveln, Gegenständen und Fallen!\n\nJedes Spiel ist ein neues, herausforderndes Erlebnis, aber sei vorsichtig, denn der Tod ist unwiderruflich!\n\nViel Spaß beim Erkunden des Untergrunds!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Es gab ein Update für Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Es gab ein Update für Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=In v0.9.1 kommt die zweite Stufe des Talentsystems dazu, außerdem gibt es einige größere Verbesserungen der ersten Stufe!\n\nEs gibt weiterhin eine größere Erweiterung beim Algorithmus der Level-Generierung und einige kleinere Hinzufügungen und Verbesserungen.\n\nSchau dir den Änderungsbildschirm an, um alle Einzelheiten zu erfahren.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Es gab Patches für Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Es gab Patches für Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Dieser Patch enthält Fehlerkorrekturen.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Dieser Patch enthält Fehlerkorrekturen.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Dieser Patch enthält Updates.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Dieser Patch enthält Updates.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Daŭrantaj ludoj
scenes.startscene.new=Nova ludo
scenes.startscene.new=Nova ludo
scenes.supporterscene.title=Subteni la ludon
scenes.supporterscene.title=Subteni la ludon
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Mi volas por ke Shattered Pixel Dungeon estu libera de reklamoj kaj turmentaj kotizoj, kiel en pluraj poŝtelefonaj videoludoj. Anstataŭ tio, mi petas ludantojn pri senpere subteni la ludon!
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Se la ludo ShatteredPD plaĉas al vi kaj vi volas apogi ĝian evoluigon, bonvolu konsideri subteni min ĉe _Patreon!_ Patreon liveras al mi konstantan enspezon kaj al subtenantoj ekskluzivajn premiojn:\n_– ĉiusemajnajn afiŝojn_ kun informoj pri kio mi laboras;\n_– enketojn_ ebligantaj al vi influi direkton de evoluigo de la ludo;\n_– babilejon Discord_ kun protokolo pri programado;\n_– pliajn premiojn estontece,_ kiam la Patreon-komunumo kreskiĝos.\n\nVi povas viziti la paĝon ĉe Patreon por pliajn informojn. Dankon pro legi tiujn ĉi informojn kaj plezuran labirintadon!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Se la ludo ShatteredPD plaĉas al vi kaj vi volas apogi ĝian evoluigon, bonvolu konsideri subteni min ĉe _Patreon!_ Patreon liveras al mi konstantan enspezon kaj al subtenantoj ekskluzivajn premiojn:\n_– ĉiusemajnajn afiŝojn_ kun informoj pri kio mi laboras;\n_– enketojn_ ebligantaj al vi influi direkton de evoluigo de la ludo;\n_– babilejon Discord_ kun protokolo pri programado;\n_– pliajn premiojn estontece,_ kiam la Patreon-komunumo kreskiĝos.\n\nVi povas viziti la paĝon ĉe Patreon por pliajn informojn. Dankon pro legi tiujn ĉi informojn kaj plezuran labirintadon!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Rimarko: Patreon-premioj estas disponeblaj nur en la angla.)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Rimarko: Patreon-premioj estas disponeblaj nur en la angla.)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Malfermi paĝon ĉe Patreon
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Malfermi paĝon ĉe Patreon
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Paĝo ĉe Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas labirint-esplorada rolludo, kun hazarde generataj monstroj, niveloj, objektoj kaj kaptiloj!\n\nĈiu ludo estas nova defiplena sperto, do estu singardema, morto neinversigeblas!\n\nPlezuran labirintadon!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas labirint-esplorada rolludo, kun hazarde generataj monstroj, niveloj, objektoj kaj kaptiloj!\n\nĈiu ludo estas nova defiplena sperto, do estu singardema, morto neinversigeblas!\n\nPlezuran labirintadon!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas ĝisdatigita!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas ĝisdatigita!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=La versio 0.9.1 liveras la duan nivelon de talentoj kaj signife ŝanĝas talentojn de la unua nivelo!\n\nAlgoritmo de keletaĝ-generado estis signife plivastigita, kaj estis aldonitaj pluraj aliaj etaj plibonigoj.\n\nRigardu la ekranon “ŝanĝoj” por detalan liston de ŝanĝoj (nur en la angla).
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas flikita!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas flikita!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo riparas erarojn.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo riparas erarojn.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo liveras plibonigojn por tradukoj.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo liveras plibonigojn por tradukoj.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Juegos en Progreso
scenes.startscene.new=Nueva Partida
scenes.startscene.new=Nueva Partida
scenes.supporterscene.title=Apoya el Juego
scenes.supporterscene.title=Apoya el Juego
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Quiero que Shattered Pixel Dungeon esté libre de anuncios y microtransacciones invasivas, que arruinan tantos juegos móviles. ¡En cambio, prefiero pedirles a los jugadores que apoyen el juego directamente!
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Si disfrutas de Shattered Pixel Dungeon y quieres ayudarme a seguir haciéndolo, ¡considera apoyarme en _Patreon_! Patreon me da una fuente de ingresos constante y me permite dar a los seguidores beneficios exclusivos:\n_- Mini-blogs semanales_, con información sobre en qué estoy trabajando.\n_- Encuestas de contenido_, que afectan directamente el contenido que estoy desarrollando.\n_- Discord de la comunidad_, con un registro de desarrollo y canales de chat.\n_- Más beneficios por venir, a medida que crece la comunidad de Patreon.\n\nPuede visitar la página de Patreon para más información. ¡Gracias por tu tiempo y feliz mazmorra!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Si disfrutas de Shattered Pixel Dungeon y quieres ayudarme a seguir haciéndolo, ¡considera apoyarme en _Patreon_! Patreon me da una fuente de ingresos constante y me permite dar a los seguidores beneficios exclusivos:\n_- Mini-blogs semanales_, con información sobre en qué estoy trabajando.\n_- Encuestas de contenido_, que afectan directamente el contenido que estoy desarrollando.\n_- Discord de la comunidad_, con un registro de desarrollo y canales de chat.\n_- Más beneficios por venir, a medida que crece la comunidad de Patreon.\n\nPuede visitar la página de Patreon para más información. ¡Gracias por tu tiempo y feliz mazmorra!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Tenga en cuenta que las recompensas de Patreon solo están disponibles en inglés).
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Tenga en cuenta que las recompensas de Patreon solo están disponibles en inglés).
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Ir a la página de Patreon
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Ir a la página de Patreon
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Pagina de Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon es un RPG "roguelike", con enemigos, niveles, ítems y trampas generados aleatoriamente!\n\nCada partida es una nueva experiencia desafiante, pero ten cuidado, ¡la muerte es permanente!\n\n¡Feliz mazmorreo!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon es un RPG "roguelike", con enemigos, niveles, ítems y trampas generados aleatoriamente!\n\nCada partida es una nueva experiencia desafiante, pero ten cuidado, ¡la muerte es permanente!\n\n¡Feliz mazmorreo!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido actualizado!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido actualizado!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg= v0.9.1 introduce el segundo nivel del sistema de talento y hace algunas mejoras importantes en el primer nivel!\n\nTambién hay una expansión importante al algoritmo de generación de niveles y un montón de adiciones y mejoras más pequeñas.\n\nAsegúrese de comprobar la pantalla de cambios para obtener todos los detalles.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido parcheado!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido parcheado!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Este parche contiene corrección de errores.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Este parche contiene corrección de errores.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Este parche contiene actualizaciones de traducción.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Este parche contiene actualizaciones de traducción.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Abian dauden partidak
scenes.startscene.new=Partida berria
scenes.startscene.new=Partida berria
scenes.supporterscene.title=Babestu jolasa
scenes.supporterscene.title=Babestu jolasa
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon mugikorrerako jolasak izorratzen dituzten iragarkirik eta mikro-transakziorik gabekoa izaten jarraitzea nahi dut. Nahiago dut jokalariei jolasa zuzenean babestu dezatela eskatzea!
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=ShatteredPD gogoko baduzu eta garatzaileari lagundu nahi badiozu, babestu ezazu _Patreon!_ bidez, honek diru sarrera errepikakor bat ematen du, eta babesleei sari bereziak ematea baimentzen du!:\n_- Asteroko mini-bloga_, garapenaren inguruko informazioarekin.\n_- Eduki inkestak_, garatutako edukian eragin zuzena.\n_- Komunitatearen Discord-a_, garapenaren egoera eta txat gelekin\n_-Hobari gehiago etortzeke_, Patron komunitatea hazi ahala.\n\nPatreon orria bisitatu dezakezu informazio gehiagorako. Eskerrik asko zure denboragatik, eta ondo ibili ziegatan!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=ShatteredPD gogoko baduzu eta garatzaileari lagundu nahi badiozu, babestu ezazu _Patreon!_ bidez, honek diru sarrera errepikakor bat ematen du, eta babesleei sari bereziak ematea baimentzen du!:\n_- Asteroko mini-bloga_, garapenaren inguruko informazioarekin.\n_- Eduki inkestak_, garatutako edukian eragin zuzena.\n_- Komunitatearen Discord-a_, garapenaren egoera eta txat gelekin\n_-Hobari gehiago etortzeke_, Patron komunitatea hazi ahala.\n\nPatreon orria bisitatu dezakezu informazio gehiagorako. Eskerrik asko zure denboragatik, eta ondo ibili ziegatan!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Oharra, Patreon sariak ingelesez besterik ez daude)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Oharra, Patreon sariak ingelesez besterik ez daude)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Joan Patron orrira
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Joan Patron orrira
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon orria
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon (Birrindutako pixel ziega) Roguelike motako RPG bat, ausaz sortutako arerio, maila, objektu eta tranpekin!\n\nPartida bakoitza erronka eta esperientzia desberdin bat da, baina kontuz, heriotza betirako baita!\n\nOndo ibili ziegatan!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon (Birrindutako pixel ziega) Roguelike motako RPG bat, ausaz sortutako arerio, maila, objektu eta tranpekin!\n\nPartida bakoitza erronka eta esperientzia desberdin bat da, baina kontuz, heriotza betirako baita!\n\nOndo ibili ziegatan!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon eguneratu da!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon eguneratu da!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 bertsioak trebezien bigarren geruza bat dakar, baita hobekuntzak lehen geruzan!\n\nMailen sormenerako algoritmoak nabarmen hedatu da eta gehikuntza zehin hobekuntza txiki ugari ditu.\n\nEgiaztatu aldaketen pantaila xehetasun guztietarako.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon partxeatu da!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon partxeatu da!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Partxe honek arazoen konponketak dauzka.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Partxe honek arazoen konponketak dauzka.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Partxe honek itzulpenetan eguneraketak ditu.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Partxe honek itzulpenetan eguneraketak ditu.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Meneillään olevat pelit
scenes.startscene.new=Uusi peli
scenes.startscene.new=Uusi peli
scenes.supporterscene.title=Tue peliä
scenes.supporterscene.title=Tue peliä
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Tahdon pitää Shattered Pixel Dungeonin mainoksettomana ja ilman tunkeilevia mikromaksuja, jotka ovat pilanneet niin monta mobiilipeliä. Sen sijaan pyydän pelaajia tukemaan peliä suoraan!
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Jos pidät ShatteredPD:stä ja haluat auttaa minua sen tekemisessä, tuethan minua _Patreonissa!_ Patreon tarjoaa minulle vakaan tulonlähteen ja voin antaa sen kautta tukijoilleni erityisiä etuja:\n_- Viikottaiset mini-blogit_, joissa kerron, mitä olen työstämässä.\n_- Sisältöäänestykset_, jotka vaikuttavat suoraan sisältöön jota kehitän.\n_- Yhteisön Discord_, jossa on kehitysloki ja keskustelukanavia.\n_- Lisää etuja tulossa_ Patreon-yhteisön kasvaessa.\n\nLisätietoja saat Pateron-sivulta. Kiitoksia ajasta ja hauskaa luolailua!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Jos pidät ShatteredPD:stä ja haluat auttaa minua sen tekemisessä, tuethan minua _Patreonissa!_ Patreon tarjoaa minulle vakaan tulonlähteen ja voin antaa sen kautta tukijoilleni erityisiä etuja:\n_- Viikottaiset mini-blogit_, joissa kerron, mitä olen työstämässä.\n_- Sisältöäänestykset_, jotka vaikuttavat suoraan sisältöön jota kehitän.\n_- Yhteisön Discord_, jossa on kehitysloki ja keskustelukanavia.\n_- Lisää etuja tulossa_ Patreon-yhteisön kasvaessa.\n\nLisätietoja saat Pateron-sivulta. Kiitoksia ajasta ja hauskaa luolailua!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Huomaathan, että Patreon-palkinnot ovat saatavilla vain englanniksi)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Huomaathan, että Patreon-palkinnot ovat saatavilla vain englanniksi)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Siirry Patreon-sivulle
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Siirry Patreon-sivulle
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon-sivu
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon on roguelike RPG satunnaisesi generoiduilla vihollisilla, tasoilla, esineillä ja ansoilla!\n\nJokainen pelikerta on uusi haastava kokemus, mutta ole varovainen, sillä kuolema on peruuttamaton!\n\nHauskaa Luolailua!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon on roguelike RPG satunnaisesi generoiduilla vihollisilla, tasoilla, esineillä ja ansoilla!\n\nJokainen pelikerta on uusi haastava kokemus, mutta ole varovainen, sillä kuolema on peruuttamaton!\n\nHauskaa Luolailua!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon on päivitetty!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon on päivitetty!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 lisää toisen tason taitosysteemiin ja sisältää joitakin suuria parannuksia ensimmäiseen tasoon!\n\nLisäksi päivitys sisältää paljon parannellun ja laajennetun tasogenerointialgoritmin sekä läjän pienempiä lisäyksiä ja parannuksia.\n\nKatso muutosloki, jos haluat yksityiskohtaisempia tietoja.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon on päivitetty!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon on päivitetty!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tämä päivitys sisältää bugikorjauksia.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tämä päivitys sisältää bugikorjauksia.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tämä päivitys sisältää käännöspäivityksiä.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tämä päivitys sisältää käännöspäivityksiä.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Parties en cours
scenes.startscene.new=Nouvelle Partie
scenes.startscene.new=Nouvelle Partie
scenes.supporterscene.title=Soutenir le jeu
scenes.supporterscene.title=Soutenir le jeu
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Je veux que Shattered Pixel Dungeon soit exempt de publicités et de microtransactions invasives, qui ruinent tant de jeux pour mobiles. Je préfère demander aux joueurs de soutenir directement le jeu !
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Si vous appréciez ShatteredPD et vous souhaitez m'aider à le faire, envisagez de me soutenir sur _Patreon_ ! Patreon me donne une source de revenus régulière et me permet d'offrir des avantages exclusifs aux supporters !\n\n_- Des messages de blog hebdomadaires_,avec des informations sur ce sur quoi je travaille.\n_- Des sondages sur le contenu_ qui ont une incidence directe sur le contenu que je développe.\n_- Un Discord communautaire_ avec un journal de développement et des canaux de discussion.\n-_D'autres avantages à venir_ à mesure que la communauté Patreon se développe.\n\nVous pouvez visiter la page Patreon pour plus d'informations. Merci pour votre temps et bonne chance pour l'assaut du donjon !
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Si vous appréciez ShatteredPD et vous souhaitez m'aider à le faire, envisagez de me soutenir sur _Patreon_ ! Patreon me donne une source de revenus régulière et me permet d'offrir des avantages exclusifs aux supporters !\n\n_- Des messages de blog hebdomadaires_,avec des informations sur ce sur quoi je travaille.\n_- Des sondages sur le contenu_ qui ont une incidence directe sur le contenu que je développe.\n_- Un Discord communautaire_ avec un journal de développement et des canaux de discussion.\n-_D'autres avantages à venir_ à mesure que la communauté Patreon se développe.\n\nVous pouvez visiter la page Patreon pour plus d'informations. Merci pour votre temps et bonne chance pour l'assaut du donjon !
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(notez que les récompenses Patreon ne sont disponibles qu'en anglais)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(notez que les récompenses Patreon ne sont disponibles qu'en anglais)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Aller à la page Patreon
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Aller à la page Patreon
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Page Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon est un jeu de rôle du genre roguelike, c'est à dire que les ennemis rencontrés, les niveaux, les objets et les pièges du jeu sont générés de manière aléatoire.\n\nChaque partie est donc la fois une nouvelle expérience et un défi, mais soyez prudents, la mort est aussi irréversible.\n\nBonne aventure !
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon est un jeu de rôle du genre roguelike, c'est à dire que les ennemis rencontrés, les niveaux, les objets et les pièges du jeu sont générés de manière aléatoire.\n\nChaque partie est donc la fois une nouvelle expérience et un défi, mais soyez prudents, la mort est aussi irréversible.\n\nBonne aventure !
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à été mis à jour !
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à été mis à jour !
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=La version 0.9.1 introduit un deuxième niveau au système de talents et apporte quelques améliorations majeures au premier niveau !\n\nIl y a également une extension majeure de l'algorithme de génération de niveaux et un tas de petits ajouts et améliorations.\n\nN'oubliez pas de consulter l'écran des modifications pour obtenir tous les détails.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à bénéficié d'un correctif logiciel !
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à bénéficié d'un correctif logiciel !
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ce correctif contient des corrections de bugs.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ce correctif contient des corrections de bugs.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ce correctif contient des mises à jour de traductions.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ce correctif contient des mises à jour de traductions.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Elkezdett játékok
scenes.startscene.new=Új játék
scenes.startscene.new=Új játék
scenes.supporterscene.title=A játék támogatása
scenes.supporterscene.title=A játék támogatása
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Szeretném, ha a Shattered Pixel Dungeon a megannyi mobiljátékot tönkretevő reklám, és mikroátutalás mentes lenne. Ezek helyett inkább arra kérem a játékosokat, hogy közvetlenül támogassák a játékot!
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Ha tetszik a ShatteredPD és szeretnéd segíteni a készítését, kérlek fontold meg, hogy támogatsz a _Patreonon!_ A Patreon egy állandó forrást biztosít számomra, miáltal a támogatóknak exkluzív jutalmakat adhatok!\n_-Heti mini blogok_ arról, hogy éppen min dolgozom.\n_-Tartalmi szavazás_, ami közvetlenül kihat a fejlesztésre.\n_-Közösségi tér_ chat szobákkal és fejlesztési logokkal.\n_-Több előny_, ahogyan a Patreon közössége fejlődik.\n\nA Patreon oldalán további információkat találhatsz. Köszönöm az időd, és boldog kazamatázást!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Ha tetszik a ShatteredPD és szeretnéd segíteni a készítését, kérlek fontold meg, hogy támogatsz a _Patreonon!_ A Patreon egy állandó forrást biztosít számomra, miáltal a támogatóknak exkluzív jutalmakat adhatok!\n_-Heti mini blogok_ arról, hogy éppen min dolgozom.\n_-Tartalmi szavazás_, ami közvetlenül kihat a fejlesztésre.\n_-Közösségi tér_ chat szobákkal és fejlesztési logokkal.\n_-Több előny_, ahogyan a Patreon közössége fejlődik.\n\nA Patreon oldalán további információkat találhatsz. Köszönöm az időd, és boldog kazamatázást!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Figyelem! A Patreon jutalmak csak angolul olvashatók!)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Figyelem! A Patreon jutalmak csak angolul olvashatók!)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Irány a Patreon oldalam!
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Irány a Patreon oldalam!
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patrónus oldal
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=A Shattered Pixel Dungeon egy roguelike RPG, véletlenszerűen generált ellenségekkel, pályákkal, tárgyakkal és csapdákkal!\n\nMinden játék egy új kihívás, de vigyázz, ha meghalsz, nincs visszaút!\n\nÉlvezd a bolyongást a kazamatákban!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=A Shattered Pixel Dungeon egy roguelike RPG, véletlenszerűen generált ellenségekkel, pályákkal, tárgyakkal és csapdákkal!\n\nMinden játék egy új kihívás, de vigyázz, ha meghalsz, nincs visszaút!\n\nÉlvezd a bolyongást a kazamatákban!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Frissült a Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Frissült a Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=A 0.9.1v bevezeti a tehetségek második szintjét és néhány nagyobb fejlesztést az első szinten!\n\nA pálya generátor algoritmusának egy nagyobb kiterjesztése és egy halom kisebb hozzáadás és fejlesztés.\n\nA részletekért nézd át a változtatások listáját.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=A Shattered Pixel Dungeon javítást kapott!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=A Shattered Pixel Dungeon javítást kapott!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ez a javítás hibákat orvosol.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ez a javítás hibákat orvosol.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ez a javítás fordításokat frissít.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ez a javítás fordításokat frissít.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Game Dalam Proses
scenes.startscene.new=Game Baru
scenes.startscene.new=Game Baru
scenes.supporterscene.title=Dukung Game
scenes.supporterscene.title=Dukung Game
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Saya ingin Shattered Pixel Dungeon bebas dari iklan dan microtransaksi, yang merusak begitu banyak game seluler. Sebaliknya, saya lebih suka meminta pemain untuk mendukung permainan secara langsung!
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Jika Anda menikmati ShatteredPD dan ingin membantu saya terus membuatnya, pertimbangkan untuk mendukung saya di _Patreon!_ Patreon memberi saya sumber pendapatan tetap, dan izinkan saya memberikan manfaat eksklusif kepada pendukung !:\n_- Blog mini mingguan_, dengan info tentang apa yang saya kerjakan.\n_- Polling Konten_, yang secara langsung memengaruhi konten yang saya kembangkan.\n_- Komunitas Discord_, dengan log dev dan saluran obrolan.\n_- Lebih banyak manfaat yang akan datang_, seiring berkembangnya komunitas Patreon.\n\nAnda dapat mengunjungi halaman Patreon untuk info lebih lanjut. Terima kasih atas waktu Anda, dan selamat ber-dungeon ria!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Jika Anda menikmati ShatteredPD dan ingin membantu saya terus membuatnya, pertimbangkan untuk mendukung saya di _Patreon!_ Patreon memberi saya sumber pendapatan tetap, dan izinkan saya memberikan manfaat eksklusif kepada pendukung !:\n_- Blog mini mingguan_, dengan info tentang apa yang saya kerjakan.\n_- Polling Konten_, yang secara langsung memengaruhi konten yang saya kembangkan.\n_- Komunitas Discord_, dengan log dev dan saluran obrolan.\n_- Lebih banyak manfaat yang akan datang_, seiring berkembangnya komunitas Patreon.\n\nAnda dapat mengunjungi halaman Patreon untuk info lebih lanjut. Terima kasih atas waktu Anda, dan selamat ber-dungeon ria!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Perhatikan bahwa hadiah Patreon hanya tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris.)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Perhatikan bahwa hadiah Patreon hanya tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris.)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Pergi ke Halaman Patreon
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Pergi ke Halaman Patreon
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Halaman Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon adalah sebuah RPG roguelike, dengan musuh, level, item, dan jebakan yang muncul secara acak!\n\nSetiap main kau akan mengalami tantangan baru, tapi berhati-hatilah, kematiannya permanen!\n\nSelamat Ber-dungeon Ria!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon adalah sebuah RPG roguelike, dengan musuh, level, item, dan jebakan yang muncul secara acak!\n\nSetiap main kau akan mengalami tantangan baru, tapi berhati-hatilah, kematiannya permanen!\n\nSelamat Ber-dungeon Ria!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon telah di-update!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon telah di-update!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 memperkenalkan tingkat kedua dari sistem bakat dan membuat beberapa peningkatan besar pada tingkat pertama!\n\nAda juga perluasan besar-besaran pada algoritma pembuatan level dan sejumlah tambahan dan peningkatan yang lebih kecil.\n\nPastikan untuk memeriksa layar perubahan untuk detail lengkapnya.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon telah di-patch!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon telah di-patch!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Patch ini berisi bugfix.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Patch ini berisi bugfix.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Patch ini berisi update terjemahan.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Patch ini berisi update terjemahan.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Partite in corso
scenes.startscene.new=Nuovo Gioco
scenes.startscene.new=Nuovo Gioco
scenes.supporterscene.title=Supporta il Gioco
scenes.supporterscene.title=Supporta il Gioco
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Voglio che Shattered Pixel Dungeon sia libero dalle pubblicità e dalle micro-transazioni invasive, che rovinano così tanti giochi per smartphone. Piuttosto preferisco chiedere ai giocatori di sostenere direttamente il gioco!
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Se ti piace ShatteredPD e vuoi aiutarmi a continuare a svilupparlo, per favore considera di sostenermi su _Patreon!_ Patreon mi fornisce un'entrata monetaria regolare e mi permette di dare ai sostenitori dei benefici esclusivi!:\n\n_- Mini-blogs Settimanali_, con informazioni su cosa sto lavorando.\n_- Sondaggi Tematici_, che riguardano direttamente i temi in sviluppo.\n_- Una Comunità Discord_, con un dev log e canali chat.\n_- Più benefici in arrivo_, al crescere della comunità Patreon.\n\nPuoi visitare la pagina Patreon per maggiori informazioni. Grazie per l'attenzione e felice dungeoneering!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Se ti piace ShatteredPD e vuoi aiutarmi a continuare a svilupparlo, per favore considera di sostenermi su _Patreon!_ Patreon mi fornisce un'entrata monetaria regolare e mi permette di dare ai sostenitori dei benefici esclusivi!:\n\n_- Mini-blogs Settimanali_, con informazioni su cosa sto lavorando.\n_- Sondaggi Tematici_, che riguardano direttamente i temi in sviluppo.\n_- Una Comunità Discord_, con un dev log e canali chat.\n_- Più benefici in arrivo_, al crescere della comunità Patreon.\n\nPuoi visitare la pagina Patreon per maggiori informazioni. Grazie per l'attenzione e felice dungeoneering!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Nota: le ricompense Patreon sono disponibili solo in Inglese.)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Nota: le ricompense Patreon sono disponibili solo in Inglese.)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Vai alla pagina Patreon
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Vai alla pagina Patreon
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Pagina Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è un gioco RPG simile a Rogue, con nemici, livelli, oggetti e trappole generate casualmente!\n\nOgni partita è una nuova eccitante esperienza, ma attenzione, la morte è permanente!\n\nBuon dungeonamento!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è un gioco RPG simile a Rogue, con nemici, livelli, oggetti e trappole generate casualmente!\n\nOgni partita è una nuova eccitante esperienza, ma attenzione, la morte è permanente!\n\nBuon dungeonamento!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è stato aggiornato!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è stato aggiornato!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 introduce il secondo grado del sistema di talenti e porta significativi miglioramenti al primo!\n\nC'è anche un'importante espansione all'algoritmo di generazione dei livelli e molte altre aggiunte e miglioramenti.\n\nControlla la schermata dei cambiamenti per tutti i dettagli.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è stato modificato!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è stato modificato!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=La modifica contiene correzioni di errori.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=La modifica contiene correzioni di errori.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=La modifica contiene aggiornamenti nelle traduzioni.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=La modifica contiene aggiornamenti nelle traduzioni.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=進行中のゲーム
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransations, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=If you enjoy ShatteredPD and want to help me keep making it, please consider supporting me on _Patreon!_ Patreon gives me a steady income source, and lets me give supporters exclusive benefits!:\n_- Weekly mini-blogs_, with info about what I'm working on.\n_- Content Polls_, which directly affect content I'm developing.\n_- A Community Discord_, with a dev log and chat channels.\n_- More benefits to come_, as the Patreon community grows.\n\nYou can visit the Patreon page for more info. Thanks for your time, and happy dungeoneering!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=If you enjoy ShatteredPD and want to help me keep making it, please consider supporting me on _Patreon!_ Patreon gives me a steady income source, and lets me give supporters exclusive benefits!:\n_- Weekly mini-blogs_, with info about what I'm working on.\n_- Content Polls_, which directly affect content I'm developing.\n_- A Community Discord_, with a dev log and chat channels.\n_- More benefits to come_, as the Patreon community grows.\n\nYou can visit the Patreon page for more info. Thanks for your time, and happy dungeoneering!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Note that Patreon rewards are only available in English.)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Note that Patreon rewards are only available in English.)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Go to Patreon Page
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Go to Patreon Page
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon ページ
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeonは敵、ダンジョン、アイテム、トラップが自動生成されるローグライクRPGです!\n\nプレイするたびに、毎回新しい体験が待ち受けるでしょう。しかし、死んだら終わりなので、注意してください!\n\nそれでは、良いダンジョン攻略を!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeonは敵、ダンジョン、アイテム、トラップが自動生成されるローグライクRPGです!\n\nプレイするたびに、毎回新しい体験が待ち受けるでしょう。しかし、死んだら終わりなので、注意してください!\n\nそれでは、良いダンジョン攻略を!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeonがアップデートされました!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeonがアップデートされました!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 introduces the second tier of the talent system and makes some major improvements to the first tier!\n\nThere is also a major expansion to the level generation algorithm and a bunch of smaller additions and improvements.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeonにパッチが当たりました!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeonにパッチが当たりました!
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=게임 진행 중
scenes.startscene.new=새 게임 시작
scenes.startscene.new=새 게임 시작
scenes.supporterscene.title=게임을 지원하기
scenes.supporterscene.title=게임을 지원하기
scenes.supporterscene.intro=저는 수많은 모바일 게임을 망치는 광고와 수많은 소액 결제들을 섀터드 픽셀 던전에 넣고 싶지 않습니다. 대신, 저는 차라리 플레이어들에게 게임을 직접 후원해 달라고 부탁드릴 것입니다!
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=당신이 섀터드 픽셀 던전을 즐기고 있고, 제가 이 게임을 개발하는 것을 돕고 싶다면, _Patreon_ 에서 저를 지원해 주세요! Patreon은 제게 지속적인 수입원을 제공해 주며, 지원자들에게 특별한 보상을 제공할 수 있게 해 줍니다!:\n_- 주간 미니 블로그_, 제가 진행 중인 것에 대한 정보가 있습니다.\n_- 컨텐츠 여론 조사_, 제가 컨텐츠 개발 도중 직접적으로 영향을 받는 것입니다.\n_- 커뮤니티 디스코드_, 채팅 채널과 개발 일지가 있습니다.\n_- 향후 더 많은 혜택 제공_, Patreon 커뮤니티가 성장함에 따라 더 많은 혜택이 제공될 것입니다.\n\n당신은 Patreon 페이지에서 더 많은 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다. 당신의 시간에 감사드리며, 즐거운 던전 탐험 되세요!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=당신이 섀터드 픽셀 던전을 즐기고 있고, 제가 이 게임을 개발하는 것을 돕고 싶다면, _Patreon_ 에서 저를 지원해 주세요! Patreon은 제게 지속적인 수입원을 제공해 주며, 지원자들에게 특별한 보상을 제공할 수 있게 해 줍니다!:\n_- 주간 미니 블로그_, 제가 진행 중인 것에 대한 정보가 있습니다.\n_- 컨텐츠 여론 조사_, 제가 컨텐츠 개발 도중 직접적으로 영향을 받는 것입니다.\n_- 커뮤니티 디스코드_, 채팅 채널과 개발 일지가 있습니다.\n_- 향후 더 많은 혜택 제공_, Patreon 커뮤니티가 성장함에 따라 더 많은 혜택이 제공될 것입니다.\n\n당신은 Patreon 페이지에서 더 많은 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다. 당신의 시간에 감사드리며, 즐거운 던전 탐험 되세요!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Patreon 보상은 영어로만 제공된다는 것에 유의하십시오.)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Patreon 보상은 영어로만 제공된다는 것에 유의하십시오.)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Patreon 페이지로 이동
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Patreon 페이지로 이동
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon 페이지로 이동
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon은 무작위로 출현하는 적들과 아이템, 그리고함정이 도사리고 있는 던전을 돌파하는 로그라이크 RPG입니다!\n\n매 플레이마다 새로운 도전이 기다리고 있습니다. 하지만 조심하세요. 한번 죽으면 그걸로 끝이니까요!\n\n즐거운 플레이 되십시오!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon은 무작위로 출현하는 적들과 아이템, 그리고함정이 도사리고 있는 던전을 돌파하는 로그라이크 RPG입니다!\n\n매 플레이마다 새로운 도전이 기다리고 있습니다. 하지만 조심하세요. 한번 죽으면 그걸로 끝이니까요!\n\n즐거운 플레이 되십시오!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 업데이트되었습니다!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 업데이트되었습니다!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1에서는 2단계 특성을 도입했으며, 1단계 특성 또한 대거 개선되었습니다!\n\n더욱 다채로워진 층 구조를 비롯해 크고 작은 추가 및 변경점을 만나보실 수 있습니다.\n\n전체 세부 내용을 확인하기 위해 변경사항을 꼭 확인해보시기 바랍니다.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 패치되었습니다!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 패치되었습니다!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=버그 수정이 있습니다.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=버그 수정이 있습니다.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=번역 업데이트가 있습니다.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=번역 업데이트가 있습니다.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Gry w trakcie
scenes.startscene.new=Nowa gra
scenes.startscene.new=Nowa gra
scenes.supporterscene.title=Wspomóż grę
scenes.supporterscene.title=Wspomóż grę
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Chciałbym, aby Shattered Pixel Dungeon był wolny od reklam i nachalnych mikropłatności, które psują tak wiele gier na telefony. Zamiast tego wolę poprosić graczy o bezpośrednie wsparcie!
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Jeśli dobrze się bawisz grając w ShatteredPD i chcesz mnie wesprzeć przy jego tworzeniu, rozważ proszę wsparcie mnie na _Patreonie!_ Patreon daje mi stałe źródło dochodów, i pozwala mi przekazać wspierającym ekskluzywne korzyści!:\n_-Cotygodniowe mini-blogi_, z informacjami na temat tego, nad czym pracuję.\n_-Głosowania nad zawartością_, co bezpośrednio wpływa na zawartość, którą rozwijam.\n_-Discord Społeczności_, z logiem dewelopera i kanałami czatu.\n_-Więcej korzyści wkrótce_, gdy tylko społeczność Patreona się rozwinie.\n\nMożesz odwiedzić stronę na Patreonie, aby uzyskać więcej informacji. Dziękuję za poświęcony czas, i miłego zwiedzania lochów!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Jeśli dobrze się bawisz grając w ShatteredPD i chcesz mnie wesprzeć przy jego tworzeniu, rozważ proszę wsparcie mnie na _Patreonie!_ Patreon daje mi stałe źródło dochodów, i pozwala mi przekazać wspierającym ekskluzywne korzyści!:\n_-Cotygodniowe mini-blogi_, z informacjami na temat tego, nad czym pracuję.\n_-Głosowania nad zawartością_, co bezpośrednio wpływa na zawartość, którą rozwijam.\n_-Discord Społeczności_, z logiem dewelopera i kanałami czatu.\n_-Więcej korzyści wkrótce_, gdy tylko społeczność Patreona się rozwinie.\n\nMożesz odwiedzić stronę na Patreonie, aby uzyskać więcej informacji. Dziękuję za poświęcony czas, i miłego zwiedzania lochów!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Zwróć uwagę, że nagrody na Patreonie są dostępne jedynie w języku angielskim.)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Zwróć uwagę, że nagrody na Patreonie są dostępne jedynie w języku angielskim.)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Udaj się na stronę na Patreonie
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Udaj się na stronę na Patreonie
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Strona Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon to gra RPG typu roguelike z losowo generowanymi przeciwnikami, poziomami, przedmiotami i pułapkami!\n\nKażda gra jest nowym, wymagającym doświadczeniem, ale bądź ostrożny, śmierć jest trwała!\n\nMiłego lochowania!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon to gra RPG typu roguelike z losowo generowanymi przeciwnikami, poziomami, przedmiotami i pułapkami!\n\nKażda gra jest nowym, wymagającym doświadczeniem, ale bądź ostrożny, śmierć jest trwała!\n\nMiłego lochowania!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon został uaktualniony!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon został uaktualniony!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 wprowadza drugi tier systemu talentów i znaczne ulepszenia tieru pierwszego! \n\nDodatkowo pojawiają się znaczne zmiany w algorytmie generowania poziomów i parę mniejszych dodatków i ulepszeń. \n\nPamiętaj by sprawdzić ekran zmian by sprawdzić szczegóły.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon został załatany!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon został załatany!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ta łatka zawiera poprawy błędów.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ta łatka zawiera poprawy błędów.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ta łatka zawiera aktualizacje tłumaczeń.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ta łatka zawiera aktualizacje tłumaczeń.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Jogos em Progresso
scenes.startscene.new=Novo Jogo
scenes.startscene.new=Novo Jogo
scenes.supporterscene.title=Apoie o jogo
scenes.supporterscene.title=Apoie o jogo
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Quero que Shattered Pixel Dungeon esteja livre de anúncios e microtransações invasivas, que arruínam inúmeros jogos móveis. Ao invés disso, prefiro pedir aos jogadores que apoiem o jogo diretamente!
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Se você gosta do ShatteredPD e quer me ajudar a continuar fazendo isso, por favor, considere apoiar-me no _Patreon!_ Patreon me dá uma fonte de renda estável, e me permite dar aos apoiadores benefícios exclusivos!\n_- Mini-blogs semanais_, com informações sobre o que estou trabalhando.\n_- Pesquisas de conteúdo_, que afetam diretamente o conteúdo que estou desenvolvendo.\n_- Uma Comunidade no Discord_, com um registro de desenvolvimento e canais de bate-papo.\n_- Mais benefícios a vir_, à medida que a comunidade Patreon cresce.\n\nVocê pode visitar a página da Patreon para mais informações. Obrigado por seu tempo, e feliz Dungeoneering!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Se você gosta do ShatteredPD e quer me ajudar a continuar fazendo isso, por favor, considere apoiar-me no _Patreon!_ Patreon me dá uma fonte de renda estável, e me permite dar aos apoiadores benefícios exclusivos!\n_- Mini-blogs semanais_, com informações sobre o que estou trabalhando.\n_- Pesquisas de conteúdo_, que afetam diretamente o conteúdo que estou desenvolvendo.\n_- Uma Comunidade no Discord_, com um registro de desenvolvimento e canais de bate-papo.\n_- Mais benefícios a vir_, à medida que a comunidade Patreon cresce.\n\nVocê pode visitar a página da Patreon para mais informações. Obrigado por seu tempo, e feliz Dungeoneering!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Note que as recompensas Patreon estão disponíveis apenas em inglês.)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Note que as recompensas Patreon estão disponíveis apenas em inglês.)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Ir para a página do Patreon
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Ir para a página do Patreon
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Página do Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon é um roguelike RPG com inimigos, armadilhas, níveis e itens gerados aleatoriamente!\n\nCada partida é uma nova experiência desafiadora, mas tenha cuidado, a morte é permanente!\n\nFeliz Exploração!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon é um roguelike RPG com inimigos, armadilhas, níveis e itens gerados aleatoriamente!\n\nCada partida é uma nova experiência desafiadora, mas tenha cuidado, a morte é permanente!\n\nFeliz Exploração!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi atualizado!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi atualizado!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=A versão v0.9.1 introduz o segundo tier do sistema de talentos e contém grandes mudanças no primeiro!\n\nTambém há uma vasta expansão no algoritmo geração de andares e algumas adições e melhorias menores.\n\nCertifique-se de verificar a tela de alterações para os detalhes completos.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi atualizado!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi atualizado!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Esta atualização inclui correções de erros.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Esta atualização inclui correções de erros.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Esta correção contém atualizações de tradução.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Esta correção contém atualizações de tradução.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Выберите сохранение
scenes.startscene.new=Новая игра
scenes.startscene.new=Новая игра
scenes.supporterscene.title=Поддержать игру
scenes.supporterscene.title=Поддержать игру
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Я хочу, чтобы в Shattered Pixel Dungeon не было рекламы и агрессивных микротранзакций, которые разрушают многие мобильные игры. Вместо этого я бы лучше попросил игроков поддержать игру напрямую!
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Если вам нравится ShatteredPD и вы хотите помочь мне продолжать делать это, рассмотрите возможность поддержки меня в _Patreon!_ Patreon даёт мне стабильный источник дохода и позволяет спонсорам получать исключительные преимущества!:\n_- Еженедельные мини-блоги_, с информацией о том, над чем я работаю.\n_- Контент опросы_, которые напрямую влияют на контент, который я разрабатываю.\n_- Сообщество Discord_, с журналом разработчиков и каналами чата.\n_- Больше преимуществ впереди по мере роста сообщества Patreon.\n\nВы можете посетить страницу Patreon для получения дополнительной информации. Спасибо, что уделили нам время, и счастливого исследования подземелий!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Если вам нравится ShatteredPD и вы хотите помочь мне продолжать делать это, рассмотрите возможность поддержки меня в _Patreon!_ Patreon даёт мне стабильный источник дохода и позволяет спонсорам получать исключительные преимущества!:\n_- Еженедельные мини-блоги_, с информацией о том, над чем я работаю.\n_- Контент опросы_, которые напрямую влияют на контент, который я разрабатываю.\n_- Сообщество Discord_, с журналом разработчиков и каналами чата.\n_- Больше преимуществ впереди по мере роста сообщества Patreon.\n\nВы можете посетить страницу Patreon для получения дополнительной информации. Спасибо, что уделили нам время, и счастливого исследования подземелий!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Обратите внимание, что награды Patreon доступны только на английском языке.)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Обратите внимание, что награды Patreon доступны только на английском языке.)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Перейти на страницу Patreon
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Перейти на страницу Patreon
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Страница Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon - рпг-рогалик со случайно генерируемыми врагами, уровнями, предметами и ловушками!\n\nКаждая игра - новое испытание, но будьте осторожны, у вас всего одна жизнь!\n\nУдачи вам в этом подземелье!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon - рпг-рогалик со случайно генерируемыми врагами, уровнями, предметами и ловушками!\n\nКаждая игра - новое испытание, но будьте осторожны, у вас всего одна жизнь!\n\nУдачи вам в этом подземелье!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 Добавляет второй уровень талантов, а так же вводит некоторые существенные улучшения первого уровня!\n\nТакже значительно расширен алгоритм генерации этажей, и внесены мелкие изменения и улучшения. \n\nДля получения полной информации обязательно посетите раздел с изменениями.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Исправлены некоторые ошибки.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Исправлены некоторые ошибки.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Обновлён перевод.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Обновлён перевод.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Devam Eden Oyunlar
scenes.startscene.new=Yeni Oyun
scenes.startscene.new=Yeni Oyun
scenes.supporterscene.title=Oyunu Destekle
scenes.supporterscene.title=Oyunu Destekle
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Ben Shattered Pixel Dungeon'ı reklamlardan ve oyun içi para harcama halisesinden uzak tutuyorum, bunlar çok fazla oyunu mahvetti. Onun yerine sizin oyunu direk desteklemenizi istiyorum !
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Eğer ShatteredPD'yi seviyorsanız ve benim yapmayı devam etmememe yardımcı olmak istiyorsanız beni lütfen beni _Patreon!_'dan desteklemeyi düşünün. Patreon bana düzenli bir kazanç sağlıyor ve bana yardım edenlere özel faydalarım var !\n_-Haftalık mini-bloglar_, neler üzerinde çalıştığım hakkında bilgiler.\n_-İçerik anketleri_,direk üzerinde çalıştığım içeriği etkiliyor.\n_-Topluluk Discord Sunucusu_, Sohbet kanalları ve Yapımcı günlüğü ile !\n_-Patreon büyüdükçe faydalar da artacak !_\n\nDaha fazla bilgi için Patreon sayfasını ziyaret edin. Ayırdığınız zaman için teşekkürler, Mutlu Zindanlar!!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Eğer ShatteredPD'yi seviyorsanız ve benim yapmayı devam etmememe yardımcı olmak istiyorsanız beni lütfen beni _Patreon!_'dan desteklemeyi düşünün. Patreon bana düzenli bir kazanç sağlıyor ve bana yardım edenlere özel faydalarım var !\n_-Haftalık mini-bloglar_, neler üzerinde çalıştığım hakkında bilgiler.\n_-İçerik anketleri_,direk üzerinde çalıştığım içeriği etkiliyor.\n_-Topluluk Discord Sunucusu_, Sohbet kanalları ve Yapımcı günlüğü ile !\n_-Patreon büyüdükçe faydalar da artacak !_\n\nDaha fazla bilgi için Patreon sayfasını ziyaret edin. Ayırdığınız zaman için teşekkürler, Mutlu Zindanlar!!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Patreon ödülleri yalnızca ingilizce de mevcuttur.)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Patreon ödülleri yalnızca ingilizce de mevcuttur.)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Patreon sayfasına git
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Patreon sayfasına git
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon Sayfası
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon düşmanların, seviyelerin, eşyaların ve tuzakların rastgele oluşturulduğu bir roguelike rol yapma oyunudur!\n\nHer oyun yeni ve zorlayıcı bir tecrübedir, fakat dikkatli olun, ölüm kalıcıdır.\n\nMutlu zindanlamalar!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon düşmanların, seviyelerin, eşyaların ve tuzakların rastgele oluşturulduğu bir roguelike rol yapma oyunudur!\n\nHer oyun yeni ve zorlayıcı bir tecrübedir, fakat dikkatli olun, ölüm kalıcıdır.\n\nMutlu zindanlamalar!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon güncellendi!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon güncellendi!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 güncellemesi ile 1. kademe kabiliyet sistemine gelen büyük geliştirmelerin yanı sıra 2. kademe kabiliyet sistemi geliyor!\n\nAyrıca seviye geliştirme algoritmasına büyük bir genişleme ve daha bir çok ama daha küçük eklemeler ve geliştirmeler var.\n\nDeğişikliklerin tamamını görmek için değişiklikler ekranına bakmayı unutmayın
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon yama aldı!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon yama aldı!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Bu yama hata düzeltmeleri içerir.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Bu yama hata düzeltmeleri içerir.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Bu yama çeviri güncellemeleri içerir.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Bu yama çeviri güncellemeleri içerir.
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn=Ви відчуваєте, що десь над в
scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Ви можете відчути демонічну енергію, що рветься сюди з попередніх поверхів!
scenes.gamescene.spawner_warn_final=Ви можете відчути демонічну енергію, що рветься сюди з попередніх поверхів!
scenes.gamescene.warp=Стіни навколо вас вигинаються та рухаються!
scenes.gamescene.warp=Стіни навколо вас вигинаються та рухаються!
scenes.gamescene.return=Ви повертаєтесь на %d поверх підземелля.
scenes.gamescene.return=Ви повертаєтесь на %d поверх підземелля.
scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=Ви відчуваєте що на цьому рівні є десь секретна кімната.
scenes.gamescene.secret_hint=Ви відчуваєте, що на цьому рівні присутня секретна кімната.
scenes.gamescene.chasm=Ваші кроки відлунюють у підземеллі
scenes.gamescene.chasm=Ваші кроки відлунюють у підземеллі
scenes.gamescene.water=Ви чуєте хлюпання води довкола
scenes.gamescene.water=Ви чуєте хлюпання води довкола
scenes.gamescene.grass=Повітря насичене запахом трав.
scenes.gamescene.grass=Повітря насичене запахом трав.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Незавершені Ігри
scenes.startscene.new=Нова гра
scenes.startscene.new=Нова гра
scenes.supporterscene.title=Підтримати гру
scenes.supporterscene.title=Підтримати гру
scenes.supporterscene.intro=Я бажаю, щоб Shattered Pixel Dungeon була вільною від реклами та нав'язливих придбань, які руйнують так багато мобільних ігор. Замість цього, ви можете підтримати гру напряму.
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Якщо вам подобається ShatteredPD та ви хочете допомогти мені у його розробці, зверніть увагу на підтримку через _Patreon!_ Він надає мені певний прибуток та дозволяє віддячити ексклюзивними перевагами!\n_- Тижневі міні-блоги_, з інформацією, над чим я зараз працюю.\n_- Контент-опитування_, через які вирішується доля подальшого вмісту гри.\n_- Діскорд-сервер спільноти_, з журналом розробки та чатом.\n_-Більше переваг з'явиться_ з ростом спільноти Patreon.\n\nВи можете відвідати сторінку Patreon для розширеної інформації. Дякую за ваш час, приємної гри!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Якщо вам подобається ShatteredPD та ви хочете допомогти мені у його розробці, зверніть увагу на підтримку через _Patreon!_ Він надає мені певний прибуток та дозволяє віддячити ексклюзивними перевагами!\n_- Тижневі міні-блоги_, з інформацією, над чим я зараз працюю.\n_- Контент-опитування_, через які вирішується доля подальшого вмісту гри.\n_- Діскорд-сервер спільноти_, з журналом розробки та чатом.\n_-Більше переваг з'явиться_ з ростом спільноти Patreon.\n\nВи можете відвідати сторінку Patreon для розширеної інформації. Дякую за ваш час, приємної гри!
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Майте на увазі, що нагороди Patreon доступні лише англійською)
scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Майте на увазі, що нагороди Patreon доступні лише англійською)
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=На сторінку Patreon
scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=На сторінку Patreon
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Сторінка на Patreon
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon - це roguelike гра з процедурною генерацією ворогів, рівнів, предметів та пасток!\n\nКожна нова сесія приносить з собою нові виклики, але будьте обережні, смерть - остаточна!\n\nУспіхів у подорожі!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon - це roguelike гра з процедурною генерацією ворогів, рівнів, предметів та пасток!\n\nКожна нова сесія приносить з собою нові виклики, але будьте обережні, смерть - остаточна!\n\nУспіхів у подорожі!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon оновлено!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon оновлено!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.1 представляє другий рівень системи талантів та вносить деякі значні вдосконалення в перший рівень!\n\nТакож значно розширились алгоритми генерації рівня та купа невеликих доповнень та вдосконалень.\n\nОбов’язково перевірте повну інформацію на екрані змін.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon пропатчено!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon пропатчено!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Цей патч включає в себе виправлення помилок.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Цей патч включає в себе виправлення помилок.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Цей патч включає в себе покращення перекладу.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Цей патч включає в себе покращення перекладу.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ scenes.startscene.title=进行中的游戏
scenes.supporterscene.intro=I want Shattered Pixel Dungeon to be free of ads and invasive microtransactions, which ruin so many mobile games. Instead, I'd rather ask players to support the game directly!
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon 赞助页面
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v0.9.2 add the third tier of the talent system, which interacts with hero subclasses and is the most significant tier yet!\n\nThere are also a bunch of balance changes to the various classes/subclasses, and enemies in the late prison and deeper.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details.
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Accés directe a un ítem
ui.talentspane.tier=tier %d
ui.talentspane.tier=tier %d
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Reach level 6 to unlock more talents.
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Reach level 6 to unlock more talents.
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier3=Reach level 12 and choose a subclass to unlock more talents.
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=More talents coming soon!
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=More talents coming soon!
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Pitja un altre cop per buscar\nPitja una casella a examinar
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Pitja un altre cop per buscar\nPitja una casella a examinar
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Do rychlého slotu
ui.talentspane.tier=%d. stupeň
ui.talentspane.tier=%d. stupeň
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Pro více schopností dosáhni 6. úrovně hrdiny.
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Pro více schopností dosáhni 6. úrovně hrdiny.
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier3=Reach level 12 and choose a subclass to unlock more talents.
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Více schopností již brzy!
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Více schopností již brzy!
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Stiskni znovu pro hledání\nVyber místo pro prozkoumání
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Stiskni znovu pro hledání\nVyber místo pro prozkoumání
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ ui.quickslotbutton.select_item=Gegenstand für Schnellzugriff
ui.talentspane.tier=Klasse %d
ui.talentspane.tier=Klasse %d
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Erreiche Level 6, um mehr Talente freizuschalten.
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier2=Erreiche Level 6, um mehr Talente freizuschalten.
ui.talentspane.unlock_tier3=Reach level 12 and choose a subclass to unlock more talents.
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Weitere Talente folgen bald!
ui.talentspane.coming_soon=Weitere Talente folgen bald!
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Drücke erneut, um dich umzuschauen\nDrücke auf einen Bereich zum Untersuchen
ui.toolbar.examine_prompt=Drücke erneut, um dich umzuschauen\nDrücke auf einen Bereich zum Untersuchen
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