From e5e6c4b8e8a1cdc2a58b950ed891e7b266441fb6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Evan Debenham Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 14:18:30 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] v1.1.1: updated translator credits --- .../messages/actors/ | 14 +- .../messages/actors/ | 16 +- .../messages/actors/ | 4 +- .../messages/actors/ | 20 +-- .../messages/actors/ | 36 ++-- .../messages/actors/ | 18 +- .../messages/actors/ | 66 ++++---- .../messages/actors/ | 2 +- .../assets/messages/items/ | 2 +- .../assets/messages/items/ | 6 +- .../assets/messages/items/ | 20 +-- .../assets/messages/items/ | 72 ++++---- .../assets/messages/items/ | 56 +++---- .../assets/messages/items/ | 4 +- .../assets/messages/items/ | 106 ++++++------ .../assets/messages/items/ | 2 +- .../assets/messages/items/ | 40 ++--- .../assets/messages/items/ | 156 +++++++++--------- .../assets/messages/items/ | 6 +- .../assets/messages/items/ | 4 +- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 14 +- .../messages/journal/ | 12 +- .../messages/journal/ | 2 +- .../messages/journal/ | 4 +- .../assets/messages/misc/ | 8 +- .../assets/messages/misc/ | 8 +- .../assets/messages/misc/ | 8 +- .../assets/messages/misc/ | 8 +- .../messages/plants/ | 2 +- .../messages/scenes/ | 2 +- .../messages/scenes/ | 12 +- .../messages/scenes/ | 4 +- .../messages/scenes/ | 2 +- .../messages/scenes/ | 4 +- .../messages/scenes/ | 4 +- .../messages/windows/ | 8 +- .../messages/windows/ | 2 +- .../messages/windows/ | 12 +- .../messages/windows/ | 8 +- .../messages/windows/ | 12 +- .../messages/windows/ | 12 +- .../messages/ | 14 +- 43 files changed, 411 insertions(+), 411 deletions(-) diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ index 5719c68d0..6db5b14e7 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ actors.buffs.amok.desc=El deliri causa un estat de gran fúria i confusió en el seu objectiu.\n\nQuan una criatura és afectada pel deliri, atacarà el que trobi al seu voltant, sigui un amic o un enemic.\n\nTorns de deliri restants: %s. -actors.buffs.ankhinvulnerability.desc=Your blessed ankh has expended its energy, granting you some health and a brief period of invulnerability!\n\nTurns remaining: %s. +actors.buffs.ankhinvulnerability.desc=El teu ankh beneït ha gastat la seva energia, donant-te una mica de salut i un curt període d'invulnerabilitat! Arcana actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=T'envolta un escut prim, bloquejant alguns danys causats pels atacs màgics.\n\nActualment, la teva armadura màgica està millorada en: 0-%d.\n\nTorns fins que l'armadura arcana es debiliti: %s. @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@àrrega d'artefactes actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=L'energia recorre el teu cos, incrementant la velocitat a la qual es carreguen els teus artefactes equipats.\n\nCada artefacte és afectat de manera una mica diferent, però tots es carregaran més rapid del normal.\n\nTorns restants: %s. d'escorça -actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Your skin is hardened, it feels rough and solid like bark.\n\nThe hardened skin increases your effective armor, allowing you to better defend against physical attack.\n\nYour armor is currently increased by: 0-%d.\nTurns until barkskin weakens: %s. +actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=La teva pell està endurida, rugosa i sòlida com una escorça.\n\nLa pell endurida augmenta la teva armadura efectiva, la qual cosa us permet defensar-vos millor dels atacs físics.\n\nLa teva armadura augmenta actualment en: 0-%d.\nTorns fins que la pell d'escorça es debiliti: %s. actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Una bombolla duradora de força que bloqueja tots els danys.\n\nLa barrera absorbirà danys per allò que estigui protegint mentre hi hagi blindatge. El blindatge també es deteriorarà amb el pas temps.\n\nBlindatge restant: %d. @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Els campions projectants fan un 25% m actors.buffs.championenemy$ó antimagia actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Els campions antimagia reben 25% menys danys i son completament immunes a efectes magics. actors.buffs.championenemy$ó gegant -actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Giant champions take 75% less damage and have +1 attack range, but cannot move through enclosed spaces. +actors.buffs.championenemy$giant.desc=Els campions gegants reben un 75% menys de dany i tenen un rang d'atac +1, però no poden moure's per espais tancats. actors.buffs.championenemy$ó beneït actors.buffs.championenemy$blessed.desc=Els campions beneïts tenen 200% mes precisió i evasió. actors.buffs.championenemy$ó creixent @@ -124,10 +124,10 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=No congelat, però si massa fred.\n\nLes víctimes fan l actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d cops! actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Has d'apuntar a un enemic dins el rang d'atac. -actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Select a target to attack. -actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.\n\nCurrent combo: %1$d.\n\nTurns until Combo is lost: %2$s. -actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1. -actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ deals %d%% (combo*20%%) of your damage blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used. +actors.buffs.combo.prompt=Selecciona un objectiu per atacar. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=El gladiador agafa impuls a mesura que aconsegueix cops exitosos. Cada atac augmenta el comptador de combo en un, però si passa massa temps entre cops, es restablirà a 0.\n\nAugmentant el combo desbloqueja atacs combinats especials que no fallen mai! Es desbloqueja un atac diferent amb 2, 4, 6, 8 i 10 combos. Alguns moviments restableixen el combo i d'altres no, tanmateix cada moviment només es pot utilitzar una vegada per sessió de combo.\n\nCombo actual: %1$d.\n\nTorns perquè es perdi el Combo: %2$s. +actors.buffs.combo$combomove.clobber_desc=_2 Combo: Clobber_ empeny un enemic enrere 2 caselles, però no fa cap mal i no pot empènyer a fossats. Incrementa el combo en 1. +actors.buffs.combo$combomove.slam_desc=_4 Combo: Slam_ fa %d%% (combo*20%%) el teu poder de bloqueig de mal com a mal addicional. Restableix el combo quan s'utilitza. actors.buffs.combo$combomove.parry_desc=_6 Combo: Parry_ blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried. actors.buffs.combo$combomove.crush_desc=_8 Combo: Crush_ deals %d%% (combo*25%%) of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used. actors.buffs.combo$combomove.fury_desc=_10 Combo: Fury_ hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ index 74593d257..61f8a3bf6 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ @@ -807,14 +807,14 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.not_sleeping=Δεν κοιμάμαι! actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.what_is_it=Τι θες; Δεν έχω χρόνο για ανοησίες. Το βασίλειό μου δε θα κυβερνηθεί από μόνο του! actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.confused=Τι... πού είμαι; Το βασίλειό μου με χρειάζεται! actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.crown_clothes=Βάλε ρούχα πάνω σου! Δεν είσαι σε θέση να απευθυνθείς στη βασιλεία! -actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.crown_desc=Ααα, για μένα είναι αυτό το στέμμα!; Δείχνει πολύ πιο γυαλιστερό από το δικό μου· το δέχομαι ευχαρίστως!\n\nΒασικά, πιστεύω μπορώ να σου προσφέρω μια ανταμοιβή γι' αυτό το στέμμα. Μία εξωπραγματική δύναμη, ταιριαστή σε μία ηρωική ψυχή σαν εσένα! Πώς σου φαίνεται αυτό; +actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.crown_desc=Ααα, για μένα είναι αυτό το στέμμα!; Δείχνει πολύ πιο γυαλιστερό από το δικό μου· το δέχομαι ευχαρίστως!\n\nΛοιπόν, έχω να σου προσφέρω μια ανταμοιβή γι' αυτό το στέμμα. Μία εξωπραγματική δύναμη αντάξια μιας ηρωικής ψυχής όπως εσύ! Πώς σου φαίνεται αυτό; actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.crown_yes=Βεβαίως! actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.crown_info=Πες μου περισσότερα πρώτα. actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.crown_no=Καλύτερα όχι... actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.crown_thankyou=Χε χε χε, σε ευχαριστώ! Τώρα πήγαινε, κάνε τον βασιλιά σου υπερήφανο! actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.crown_fine=Καλά! Δεν το ήθελα έτσι κι αλλιώς... actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.crown_after=Σου αρέσει η νέα σου πανοπλία; Δεν έχει επιστροφές! -actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.desc_festive=Αυτός ο αρουραίος είναι λίγο μεγαλύτερος από έναν μαρσιποφόρο αρουραίο. Φοράει ένα μικρό εορταστικό καπέλο αντί για το συνηθισμένο στέμμα του. Καλές γιορτές! +actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.desc_festive=Αυτός ο αρουραίος είναι λίγο μεγαλύτερος από έναν κοινό μαρσιποφόρο αρουραίο. Φοράει ένα μικρό εορταστικό καπέλο αντί για το συνηθισμένο του στέμμα. Καλές γιορτές! actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.desc=Αυτός ο αρουραίος είναι λίγο μεγαλύτερος από έναν κανονικό μαρσιποφόρο αρουραίο, και φοράει ένα μικροσκοπικό στέμμα στο κεφάλι του.πρόβατο @@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.desc=Αυτό είναι ένα μαγικό πρόβατμαγαζάτορας actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.thief=Κλέφτης, κλέφτης! actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.sell=Πώληση αντικειμένου -actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.desc=Αυτός ο εύσωμος τύπος δείχνει πιο κατάλληλος για εμπορικό κατάστημα σε μεγάλη πόλη, παρά για μπουντρούμι. Οι τιμές του εξηγούν γιατί προτιμά να εμπορεύεται εδώ. +actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.desc=Αυτός ο εύσωμος τύπος δείχνει πιο ταιριαστός σε εμπορικό κατάστημα μεγαλούπολης παρά σε μπουντρούμι. Οι τιμές του εξηγούν γιατί προτιμά να εμπορεύεται εδώ.γέρος ραβδοποιός actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_warrior=Ω! Τι ευχάριστη έκπληξη να συναντώ έναν ήρωα, σε ένα τόσο καταθλιπτικό μέρος! Αν θέλεις να βοηθήσεις έναν γέρο άνθρωπο, έχω μια δουλειά για σένα. @@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ actors.mobs.armoredstatue.desc=Θα έλεγες ότι είναι ένα απότρελός κακοποιόςνυχτερίδα βαμπίρ -actors.mobs.bat.desc=Αυτοί οι ζωηροί και ανυποχώρητοι κάτοικοι των σπηλιών είναι πολύ πιο επικίνδυνοι από όσο φαίνονται. Αναπληρώνουν την υγεία τους με κάθε επιτυχημένη επίθεση και μπορούν, έτσι, να εξοντώνουν μεγαλύτερους εχθρούς. +actors.mobs.bat.desc=Αυτοί οι ζωηροί και ανυποχώρητοι κάτοικοι των σπηλαίων είναι πολύ πιο επικίνδυνοι από όσο φαίνονται. Αναπληρώνουν την υγεία τους με κάθε επιτυχημένη επίθεση και μπορούν, έτσι, να εξοντώνουν μεγαλύτερους εχθρούς.χρυσή μέλισσα actors.mobs.bee.desc_honey=Παρά το μικρό τους μέγεθος, οι χρυσές μέλισσες προστατεύουν σθεναρά το σπίτι τους. Αυτή η μέλισσα έχει εξευμενιστεί· φαίνεται να θέλει να σε ακολουθήσει. @@ -902,7 +902,7 @@ actors.mobs.dm201.vent=Το DM-201 ρίχνει μία διαβρωτική χε actors.mobs.dm201.desc=Οι νάνοι πειραματίστηκαν με το να δώσουν έμφαση στην έλλειψη κινητικότητας του DM-200 -- κι έφτιαξαν κάποια πλήρως στάσιμα μοντέλα DM. Το DM-201 είναι ένα τροποποιημένο DM-200 που λειτουργεί ως αμυντική βάση, χωρίς τη δυνατότητα κίνησης. Σε αντάλλαγμα με την έλλειψη κινητικότητας, το DM-201 έχει σημαντικά ανεβασμένη ανθεκτικότητα και επιθετική ισχύ.\n\nΤα DM-201 δεν μπορούν να εκτοξεύουν καυσαέρια μιας και δεν έχουν κινητήρα. Γι' αυτό, οι νάνοι τα εφοδίασαν με βομβίδες διαβρωτικού αερίου! Τα DM-201 είναι προσεκτικά με αυτές τις βομβίδες· τις εξαπολύουν μόνο όταν δέχονται επίθεση εξ αποστάσεως. -actors.mobs.dm300.notice=ΜΗ ΕΞΟΥΣΙΟΔΟΤΗΜΕΝΟ ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΟ ΑΝΙΧΝΕΥΤΗΚΕ! +actors.mobs.dm300.notice=ΑΝΙΧΝΕΥΤΗΚΕ ΜΗ ΕΞΟΥΣΙΟΔΟΤΗΜΕΝΟ ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΟ! actors.mobs.dm300.shield=Το DM-300 τραβά ενέργεια από τα εκτεθειμένα καλώδια και προστατεύεται! actors.mobs.dm300.vent=Το DM-300 εξαπολύει έναν πίδακα τοξικής εξάτμισης!Το DM-300 κοπανά το έδαφος, απελευθερώνοντας πέτρες από το ταβάνι! @@ -1040,7 +1040,7 @@ actors.mobs.ripperdemon.leap=Ο δαίμονας αντεροβγάλτης ετ actors.mobs.ripperdemon.desc=Αυτά τα φρικιαστικά πλάσματα είναι αποτέλεσμα εκμετάλλευσης των πτωμάτων των νάνων από δαιμονικές δυνάμεις. Οι δαίμονες αντεροβγάλτες είναι αποσκελετωμένα και μακάβρια πλάσματα. Μοιάζουν με νάνους, αλλά έχουν σπασμένα σώματα και μακριά σουβλερά νύχια από κόκκαλo.\n\nΟι αντεροβγάλτες δεν είναι και πολύ ανθεκτικοί, αλλά είναι ευκίνητοι και επικίνδυνοι. Είναι ικανοί να πηδούν σε μεγάλες αποστάσεις για να φτάνουν τους στόχους τους και να τους κατακρεουργούν με τα νύχια τους.σαπιοκαρδιά -actors.mobs.rotheart.desc=Ο καρπός του σαπιόμουρου είναι πολύ μοναδικός. Αντί να σαπίζει και να αποβάλλει θρεπτικά στοιχεία, ο καρπός μεγαλώνει, σκληραίνει, και περιβάλλει τον σπόρο. Προσφέρει προστασία για τα εσωτερικά όργανα που μεγαλώνουν μέσα στον καρπό. Αυτή η γιγάντια σφαίρα είναι γνωστή ως η καρδιά του ενήλικου σαπιόμουρου. +actors.mobs.rotheart.desc=Ο καρπός του σαπιόμουρου είναι πολύ ιδιαίτερος. Αντί να σαπίζει και να αποβάλλει θρεπτικά στοιχεία, ο καρπός μεγαλώνει, σκληραίνει και περιβάλλει τον σπόρο. Προσφέρει προστασία στα όργανα που μεγαλώνουν μέσα στον καρπό. Αυτή η γιγάντια σφαίρα είναι γνωστή ως η καρδιά του ενήλικου σαπιόμουρου.σαπιομαστιγωτής actors.mobs.rotlasher.desc=Ο σαπιομαστιγωτής είναι ένα τμήμα από τη ρίζα του ώριμου σαπιόμουρου -- καθώς και ο βασικός του αμυντικός μηχανισμός. Οι μαστιγωτές είναι κολλημένοι στο έδαφος, αλλά θα επιτεθούν βίαια σε οποιαδήποτε απειλή τούς πλησιάσει. Παραμένουν ακίνητοι όταν δεν υπάρχουν κοντινοί εχθροί, προσπαθώντας να αναμειχθούν με την περιβάλλουσα βλάστηση. @@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ actors.mobs.scorpio.desc=Αυτά τα τεράστια δαιμονικά αρανώτερος μοναχός actors.mobs.senior.desc=Αυτοί είναι φανατικοί μοναχοί που έχουν αφιερώσει τη σωματική τους ρώμη στην προστασία του βασιλιά τους. Τόσο μεγάλη είναι η αφοσίωσή τους, που έχουν παραδώσει πλήρως το πνεύμα τους στον βασιλιά. Πλέον περιφέρονται στην πόλη των νάνων σαν ανεγκέφαλα ζόμπι.\n\nΑυτός ο μοναχός είναι δεξιοτέχνης στη μάχη σώμα-με-σώμα. Συγκεντρώνεται πολύ πιο γρήγορα από τους κοινούς μοναχούς όταν κινείται. Όταν συγκεντρωθεί, θα αποκρούσει την επόμενη φυσιολογική επίθεση εναντίον του---ακόμη κι αν ήταν εγγυημένη να χτυπούσε. Οι μοναχοί συγκεντρώνονται πιο γρήγορα όταν κινούνται, και πιο αργά στην άμεση μάχη.σαμάνος γκνολγκνολ σαμάνος actors.mobs.shaman.bolt_kill=Η μαγική ριπή σε εξόντωσε... actors.mobs.shaman.desc=Οι σαμάνοι είναι ευφυή γκνολ που χρησιμοποιούν πολεμικά ξόρκια στη μάχη, μιας και υστερούν στη σωματική ρώμη. Έχουν πολύ σεβαστή θέση στην κοινωνία των γκνολ παρά τη χαμηλή τους δύναμη. actors.mobs.shaman$redshaman.spell_desc=Αυτός ο σαμάνος φορά μια κόκκινη μάσκα, και χρησιμοποιεί μαγεία που _αποδυναμώνει προσωρινά την επίθεσή σου._ @@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@ actors.mobs.snake.desc=Αυτά τα υπερμεγέθη ερπετά είναφασματικός νεκρομάντης actors.mobs.spectralnecromancer.desc=Αν και οι σκελετοί είναι το σήμα κατατεθέν του νεκρομάντη, κάποιοι έχουν τις βλέψεις τους σε λιγότερο σαρκικούς ακόλουθους. Οι φασματικοί νεκρομάντες έχουν τα στοιχειά ως τους επίλεκτους υπηκόους τους!\n\nΤο κάθε στοιχειό δεν είναι τόσο δυνατό όσο ένας σκελετός, αλλά οι νεκρομάντες δε διστάζουν να επικαλεστούν ένα τσούρμο από αυτά!υφαντουργός σπηλέωνυφαντουργός σπηλαίων actors.mobs.spinner.desc=Αυτές οι τριχωτές πρασινωπές αράχνες συνήθως αποφεύγουν την απευθείας μάχη. Προτιμούν να περιμένουν σε απόσταση, όσο το θύμα αγωνιά στον εκκριμένο ιστό τους -- αργοπεθαίνοντας από το δηλητηριώδες δάγκωμά τους. Μπορούν να εκτοξεύουν τον ιστό τους σε μεγάλες αποστάσεις -- και προσπαθούν να καθηλώνουν το θήραμά τους εκκρίνοντάς τον στο διάβα του.κινούμενο άγαλμα diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ index b43f0b4b2..e01583b33 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ @@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ albina actors.mobs.albino.desc=Esta es una rara raza de rata marsupial, con pelaje puramente blanco y dientes ásperos. blindada -actors.mobs.armoredstatue.desc=Podrías pensar que es solo otra de estas estatuas inanimadas de la mazmorra, pero sus ojos rojos y brillantes la delatan.\n\nParece que está en estupendas condiciones por la armadura que lleva, puede que sea muy difícil de matar.\n\nMientras que la estatua en sí está hecha de piedra, su _%1$s_ y _%2$s_ parecen reales. +actors.mobs.armoredstatue.desc=Podrías pensar que es solo otra de estas estatuas inanimadas de la mazmorra, pero sus ojos rojos y brillantes la delatan.\n\nParece que está en estupendas condiciones por la armadura que lleva, puede que sea muy difícil de matar.\n\nSi bien la estatua en sí está hecha de piedra, el/la _%1$s_ y _%2$s_ que empuña parecen reales. loco @@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@ón loco actors.mobs.thief.stole=¡El ladrón te robó %s! actors.mobs.thief.carries=\n\nEl ladrón tiene una _%s._ Robado, obviamente. actors.mobs.thief.escapes=¡El ladrón se escapa con tu %s! -actors.mobs.thief.desc=Aunque estos prisioneros caminan fuera de sus celdas, este lugar sigue siendo su prisión. Con el tiempo, este lugar ha tomado sus mentes y su libertad. Hace mucho, estos locos ladrones y bandidos han olvidado quien son y por qué roban.\n\nEstos enemigos son más propensos a robar y correr que para pelear. Asegúrate de mantenerlos a la vista, o podrías no ver tu objeto robado por el resto de tu vida. +actors.mobs.thief.desc=Aunque estos prisioneros escapen de sus celdas, este lugar sigue siendo su prisión. Con el tiempo, este lugar ha tomado tanto sus mentes como su libertad. Hace mucho, estos locos ladrones y bandidos han olvidado quiénes son y por qué roban.\n\nEstos enemigos son más propensos a robar y correr que a pelear. Asegúrate de mantenerlos a la vista, o podrías no volver a ver tu ítem robado jamás. brujo actors.mobs.warlock.bolt_kill=La descarga de las sombras te mató... diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ index 4e6afdc08..47069cae2 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ d'artefact actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=De l'énergie parcourt votre corps, augmentant la vitesse de recharge de vos artefacts équipés.\n\nChaque artefact est affecté différemment, mais ils seront tous chargé plus rapidement.\n\nTours restants : %s. d'écorce -actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Votre peau se durcit, elle semble rugueuse et solid comme de l'écorce.\n\nLa peau durcie augmente votre armure effective, et permet une meilleure défense contre les attaques physiques.\n\nVotre armure est actuellement augmentée de: 0-%d.\nTours avant l'affaiblissement de peau d'écorce: %s. +actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Votre peau s'est endurcie, elle semble rugueuse et solide comme de l'écorce.\n\nVotre peau endurcie augmente l'effet de l'armure, améliorant votre défense contre les attaques physiques. \n\nVotre armure est actuellement améliorée de : %d.\nTours jusqu'à ce que l'écorce s'affaiblisse : %s.ère actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Un champs de force durable qui bloque tous les dégâts.\n\nLa barrière encaissera les dégâts pour ce qu'elle protège, tant qu'il lui reste de l'énergie protectrice. L'énergie protectrice se dispersera lentement.\n\nProtection restante : %d. @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@é actors.buffs.doom.desc=Il est difficile de continuer quand il semble que le monde veut votre mort.\n\nLes condamnés reçoivent des dégâts doublés de toutes les sources.\n\nLa condamnation est inaltérable, elle ne s'arrête qu'au moment de la mort. -actors.buffs.dread.desc=Une peur si grande qu'elle provoquera la cible à fuir le dongeon complétement.\n\nLes créatures affectées par la terreur vont s'enfuir à grande vitesse et disparaitre du dongeon complétement une fois hors de vue. Les ennemis éliminés de cette façon ne donne aucun objet ni expérience. Le choc de la douleur réduira la durée de la terreur.\n\nTours de terreur restants: %d. +actors.buffs.dread.desc=Une terreur si intense qu'elle poussera votre cible à s'enfuir du donjon.\n\nLes créatures affectées par la terreur vont s'enfuir à toute vitesse et vont disparaître complètement du donjon une fois hors de vue. Les ennemis éliminés de cette façon ne donneront aucun objet ni expérience. Le choc de la douleur réduira la durée de la terreur.\n\nTours de terreur restants: %d. actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Une force magique vous pousse à dormir.\n\nLe héros peut résister à la somnolence si sa santé est au maximum ou s'il subit des dégâts.\n\nAprès quelques tours, la cible tombera dans un profond sommeil magique. @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@égné par le Feu actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Vous êtes habité par la puissance du feu !\n\nVos attaques physiques ont une chance d'enflammer vos ennemis. De plus, vous êtes complètement immunisé aux effets du feu.\n\nTours de puissance de feu restants : %s.évoyance -actors.buffs.foresight.desc=D'une certaine façon, vous pouvez voir avec votre esprit la disposition du terrain qui vous entoure.\n\nSous les effets de prévoyance, toutes les cases dans un grand rayon vous sont révélées, y compris les pièges et portes secrètes.\n\nTour de prévoyance restants: %s. +actors.buffs.foresight.desc=D'une certaine façon, vous pouvez voir avec votre esprit la disposition du terrain qui vous entoure.\n\nSous les effets de prévoyance, toutes les cases dans un grand rayon vous sont révélées, y compris les pièges et portes secrètes.\n\nTours de prévoyance restants: %s.é actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s est gelé ! @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ Perdu actors.buffs.lostinventory.desc=Votre inventaire a été perdu quelque part dans le donjon ! Vous ne pourrez ni récupérer ni utiliser la plupart des objets tant que vous ne l'aurez pas récupéré. magique -actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=D'une certaine façon vous pouvez voir avec votre esprit plutôt qu'avec vos yeux.\n\nTous les terrains qui réduisent ou bloquent votre champ de vision sont inefficaces tant que la vision magique est active, et votre portée de vision est augmentée de 50%%.\n\nTours de vision magique restants: %s. +actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=D'une certaine façon, vous pouvez voir avec votre esprit plutôt qu'avec vos yeux.\n\nTous les terrains ou effets qui réduisent ou bloquent votre champ de vision sont inefficaces tant que la vision magique est active, et votre champ de vision est augmenté de 50%%.\n\nTours de vision magique restants: %s. magique actors.buffs.magicalsleep.toohealthy=Vous être en trop bonne santé et résistez au besoin de dormir. @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Vous êtes immobilisé ! actors.buffs.roots.desc=Des racines (magiques ou naturelles) s'emparent de vos pieds, les maintenant au sol.\n\nL'enracinement immobilise sa cible à un endroit, l'empêchant de bouger, mais les autres actions ne sont pas affectées.\n\nTours d'enracinement restants : %s. de puissance -actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=L'énergie du parchemin récemment lu par le mage augmente ses baguettes!\n\nAugmentation de niveau: +%1$d.\nDécharge restantes: %2$d. +actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=L'énergie du parchemin récemment lu par le mage améliore ses baguettes !\n\nAugmentation de niveau: +%1$d.\nDécharges restantes: %2$d.é dans l'ombre actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Vous vous fondez dans les ombres vous entourant, devenant ainsi invisible et ralentissant votre métabolisme.\n\nTant que vous êtes invisible, les ennemis ne peuvent ni vous suivre ni vous attaquer. La plupart des attaques et effets magiques (comme les parchemins ou les baguettes) annuleront immédiatement l'invisibilité. Tant que vous êtes camouflé dans l'ombre, votre niveau de faim augmente plus lentement.\n\nVous resterez camouflé dans l'ombre jusqu'à ce que vous quittiez les ombres ou qu'un ennemi entre en contact avec vous. @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ actors.hero.abilities.warrior.heroicleap.short_desc=Le Guerrier peut faire un _B actors.hero.abilities.warrior.heroicleap.desc=Le Guerrier bondit vers une destination ciblée, passant par-dessus les ennemis et les dangers du terrain sur sa trajectoire. Il ne peut pas passer au travers des murs ou des autres éléments solides du terrain. de choc actors.hero.abilities.warrior.shockwave.short_desc=Le Guerrier relâche une _Onde de Choc_ en une attaque de zone conique en frappant le sol. Les ennemis pris dans l'onde de choc subiront des dégâts et seront estropiés. -actors.hero.abilities.warrior.shockwave.desc=Le Guerrier frappe le sol, créant une onde choc sur 5 cases dans sun cône de 60 degrés.\n\nLes ennemis touchés sont estropiés pendant 5 tours. Ils prennent aussi 5-10 dégâts, plus 1-2 pour chaque point de force que le Guerrier possède au-dessus de 10. +actors.hero.abilities.warrior.shockwave.desc=Le Guerrier frappe le sol, produisant une onde de choc qui parcourt jusqu'à 5 cases dans un cône de 60 degrés.\n\nLes ennemis pris dans l'onde de choc seront estropiés pendant 5 tours. Il subissent également 5-10 dégâts, plus 1-2 dégâts supplémentaires pour chaque point de force du Guerrier au dessus de 10. actors.hero.abilities.warrior.endure$ d'encaisser actors.hero.abilities.warrior.endure$enduretracker.desc=Le Guerrier inflige désormais des dégâts bonus basés sur ceux qu'il a encaissé.\n\nDégâts bonus: %1$d\nCoups restants: %2$d @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb.fov=Vous ne pouvez sauter qu'à un emplace actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb.prompt=Choisissez un endroit où sauter actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb$ en bois actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb$ninjalog.desc=Etrangement, les ennemis sont persuadés que ce leurre est bien le Voleur ! -actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb.short_desc=Le Voleur lâche une bombe fumigène alors qu'il se téléporte au loin. Cela aveugle les ennemis proches de son ancienne position. +actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb.short_desc=Le Voleur jette une _Bombe Fumigène_ et se téléporte. Il devient temporairement invisible et aveugle les ennemis proches de son ancien emplacement. actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb.desc=Le Voleur jette une bombe fumigène et se téléporte jusqu'à 6 cases de distance. Il peut passer au travers des danger du terrain et des ennemis, mais pas au travers des murs. \n\nLes ennemis proches de son ancien emplacement sont aveuglés pendant 5 tours. de la mort actors.hero.abilities.rogue.deathmark.ally_target=Vous ne pouvez marquer que les ennemis @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify.short_desc=Le héros _rat-morphose_ un ennemi ! actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify.desc=Le héros transforme pour 6 tours un ennemi en rat ! Les boss, alliés et les rats ne peuvent pas être rat-morphosés.\n\nLes ennemis rat-morphosés conservent leurs statistiques originelles, mais n'ont plus aucunes capacités. actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$é %s actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$transmograt.desc=Cet ennemi à été transformé en rat. Une grande amélioration, d'après moi ! - Roi des Rats -actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$transmograt.rankings_desc=tué par : ennemi rat-morphosé +actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$transmograt.rankings_desc=Tué par : ennemi rat-morphosé ##main hero @@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1 :_ La Chasseuse identifie tou actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=coup enchaîné actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Lorsque la Chasseresse touche un ennemi avec son arc ou une arme de lancer, sa prochaine attaque au corps à corps contre cet ennemi inflige _2 dégâts bonus_.\n\n_+2_ Lorsque la Chasseresse touche un ennemi avec son arc ou une arme de lancer, sa prochaine attaque au corps à corps contre cet ennemi inflige _3 dégâts bonus_. actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=aide de la nature -actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1 :_ La Chasseresse gagne 0-2 points d'armure de peau d'écorce, qui s'altère tous les _3 tours_, lorsque l'effet d'une plante est activé sous ses yeux.\n\n_+2 :_ La Chasseresse gagne 0-2 points d'armure de peau d'écorce, qui s'altère tous les _5 tours_, lorsque l'effet d'une plante est activé sous ses yeux. +actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1 :_ La Chasseresse gagne 0-2 points d'armure en peau d'écorce, qui s'altère tous les _3 tours_, lorsque l'effet d'une plante est activé dans son champ de vision.\n\n_+2 :_ La Chasseresse gagne 0-2 points d'armure en peau d'écorce, qui s'altère tous les _5 tours_, lorsque l'effet d'une plante est activé dans son champ de vision. actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=repas revigorant actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1 :_Manger prend 1 tour (les baies sont mangées instantanément) et confère à la Chasseresse _1 tour de hâte_.\n\n_+2 :_Manger prend 1 tour (les baies sont mangées instantanément) et confère à la Chasseresse _2 tours de hâte_. @@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1 :_ Lorsque le Sniper attaque avec un actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=pointes durables actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1 :_ Les fléchettes enduites ont une _ durabilité x2_ quand la Gardienne les utilise.\n\n_+2 :_ Les fléchettes enduites ont une _durabilité x3_ quand la Gardienne les utilise.\n\n_+3 :_ Les fléchettes enduites ont une _durabilité x4_ quand la Gardienne les utilise. actors.hero.talent.barkskin.title=peau d'écorce -actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1 :_ En marchant dans l'herbe, la Gardienne gagne une peau d'écorce équivalente à _0-50% de son niveau_, celle-ci s'altère à chaque tour.\n\n_+2 :_ En marchant dans l'herbe, la Gardienne gagne une peau d'écorce équivalente à _0-100% de son niveau_, celle-ci s'altère à chaque tour.\n\n_+3 :_ En marchant dans l'herbe, la Gardienne gagne une peau d'écorce équivalente à _0-150% de son niveau_, celle-ci s'altère à chaque tour. +actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1 :_ En marchant dans l'herbe, la Gardienne obtient une armure en peau d'écorce équivalente à _0-50% de son niveau_ et qui s'altère à chaque tour.\n\n_+2 :_ En marchant dans l'herbe, la Gardienne obtient une armure en peau d'écorce équivalente à _0-100% de son niveau_ et qui s'altère à chaque tour.\n\n_+3 :_ En marchant dans l'herbe, la Gardienne obtient une armure en peau d'écorce équivalente à _0-150% de son niveau_ et qui s'altère à chaque tour. actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=rosée de protection actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1 :_ Les gouttes de rosée peuvent créer un bouclier autour de la Gardienne lorsque sa santé est pleine, jusqu'à _20% de ses PV max_.\n\n_+2 :_ Les gouttes de rosée peuvent créer un bouclier autour de la Gardienne lorsque sa santé est pleine, jusqu'à _40% de ses PV max_.\n\n_+3 :_ Les gouttes de rosée peuvent créer un bouclier autour de la Gardienne lorsque sa santé est pleine, jusqu'à _60% de ses PV max_. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ index 2fa3f7b3d..1264fa84d 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ actors.buffs.doom.desc=È arduo proseguire quando sembra che l'intero universo ti voglia morto.\n\nPersonaggi condannati riceveranno danno doppio da tutte le fonti.\n\nLa condanna è permanente, i suoi effetti cessano solo con la morte. -actors.buffs.dread.desc=A terror so great that it will cause its target to flee the dungeon entirely!\n\nCreatures affected by dread will run from their opponent at high speed, and will disappear from the dungeon entirely once they are out of sight. Enemies that are disposed of this way will not award any items or experience. The shock of pain will lessen the duration of dread.\n\nTurns of dread remaining: %d. +actors.buffs.dread.desc=Un terrore tale che farà fuggire dal dungeon la vittima!\n\nLe creature terrorizzate si allontanano velocemente dal loro avversario e scompaiono completametne dal dungeon una volta che non sono più in vista. I nemici eliminati in questo modo non rilasciano oggetti né fanno accumulare esperienza. Lo shock provocato dal dolore abbrevia la durata del panico.\n\nTurni di terrore rimanenti: %d. actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Una forza magica ti rende difficile stare sveglio.\n\nL'eroe può resistere alla sonnolenza subendo del danno o essendo in piena salute.\n\nDopo qualche turno il bersaglio cadrà in un profondo sonno magico. @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ con il Fuoco actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Sei impregnato del potere del fuoco!\n\nTutti gli attacchi fisici hanno la probabilità di infiammare il nemico. Inoltre sei completamente immune agli effetti del fuoco.\n\nTurni di impregnamento del fuoco rimasti: %s. -actors.buffs.foresight.desc=You are somehow able to see the layout of surrounding terrain with your mind.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight all tiles in a wide radius are revealed to you, including any secret traps or doors.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s. +actors.buffs.foresight.desc=In qualche modo riesci a vedere nella tua mente la conformazione del terreno intorno a te.\n\nMentre sei sotto l'effetto della preveggenza, ti vengono rivelate tutte le mattonelle che si trovano entro un largo raggio, comprese le trappole e le porte nascoste.\n\nTurni di preveggenza rimanenti: %s actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s congela! @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Non puoi muoverti! actors.buffs.roots.desc=Radici (magiche o naturali) ti afferrano i piedi, costringendoli a terra.\n\nLe radici bloccano l'obiettivo sul posto, rendendogli impossibile ogni movimento, ma le altre azioni non ne sono influenzate.\n\nTurni di radice rimanente: %s. delle pergamente -actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands!\n\nLevel Boost: +%1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d. +actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=L'energia della pergamena appena letta potenzia le bacchette del Mago!\n\nAumento livello: +%1$d,\nColpi rimanenti: %2$d con le ombre actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Ti confondi con le ombre intorno a te, conferendoti invisibilità e il rallentamento del metabolismo.\n\nMentre sei invisibile i nemici sono incapaci di attaccarti o seguirti. La maggior parte degli attacchi fisici e degli effetti magici (come quelli di pergamene e bacchette magiche) annulleranno immediatamente l'invisibilità. Inoltre, mentre sei fuso con le ombre, la tua fame rallenta.\n\nRimarrai fuso con le ombre fino a quando non lascerai l'oscurità o se un nemico entra in contatto con te. @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ actors.hero.abilities.warrior.heroicleap.short_desc=Il Guerriero esegue un _Balz actors.hero.abilities.warrior.heroicleap.desc=Il Guerriero balza verso una destinazione specificata, superando qualsiasi nemico o pericolo lungo la strada. Non può tuttavia attraversare muri o altri ostacoli solidi. d'urto actors.hero.abilities.warrior.shockwave.short_desc=Il Guerriero, colpendo il suolo, genera un'_Onda d'urto_ in un'area conica. I nemici colpiti dall'onda d'urto vengono danneggiati e paralizzati. -actors.hero.abilities.warrior.shockwave.desc=The Warrior slams the ground, producing a shockwave that travels up to 5 tiles in a 60 degree cone.\n\nEnemies caught in this shockwave are crippled for 5 turns. They also take 5-10 damage, plus an additional 1-2 damage for every point of strength the Warrior has above 10. +actors.hero.abilities.warrior.shockwave.desc=Il Guerriero Colpisce il terreno con violenza, causando un'onda d'urto che percorre fino a 5 mattonelle in un cono di 60 gradi.\n\nI nemici colpiti dall'onda d'urto sono azzoppati per 5 turni; Inoltre ricevono 5-10 danni più 1-2 danni aggiuntivi per ogni punto di Forza del Guerriero superiore a 10. actors.hero.abilities.warrior.endure$ actors.hero.abilities.warrior.endure$enduretracker.desc=Il Guerriero ora infliggerà danni bonus basati sul danno che ha incassato.\n\nDanno Bonus: %1$d\nColpi rimanenti: %2$d @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb.fov=Puoi saltare solo in uno spazio libero actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb.prompt=Scegli un luogo in cui saltare actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb$ in legno actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb$ninjalog.desc=In qualche modo, i nemici si convincono facilmente che questa esca di legno sia il vero Ladro! -actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb.short_desc=The Rogue throws down a _Smoke Bomb_ while blinking away. He blinds enemies near his old location. +actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb.short_desc=I Ladro getta a terra una _Bomba Fumogena_ e scompare. I nemici che si trovano vicini alla sua precedente posizione vengono accecati. actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb.desc=Il Ladro getta una bomba fumogena e in un attimo si allontana di 6 caselle. Può superare pericoli e nemici ma non passare attraverso ostacoli spessi, come i muri\n\nI nemici che si trovano nelle caselle adiacenti alla posizione originaria del Ladro rimangono accecati per 5 turni. della morte actors.hero.abilities.rogue.deathmark.ally_target=Puoi marchiare solo i nemici @@ -406,13 +406,13 @@ actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spectralblades.short_desc=La Cacciatrice lancia c actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spectralblades.desc=La Cacciatrice lancia contro un nemico una Lama Spettrale, che si comporta come se fosse un attacco a distanza fatto con un'armada mischia. Vengono attivati tutti i normali effetti di un attacco da mischia, inclusi gli incantamenti. della natura actors.hero.abilities.huntress.naturespower.short_desc=La Cacciatrice evoca il _Potere della Natura_, che aumenta la sua velocità di movimento e la velocità di fuoco del suo arco per un breve lasso di tempo. -actors.hero.abilities.huntress.naturespower.desc=The Huntress temporarily empowers herself and her bow with the power of nature! This lasts for 8 turns.\n\nDuring this time, the Huntress moves at 2x speed, and attacks 33% faster with her bow. The bonus bow effects do not trigger if the Sniper is using her special attacks. +actors.hero.abilities.huntress.naturespower.desc=La Cacciatrice rinforza temporaneamente se stessa ed il suo arco grazie ai poteri della natura! Questo dura per 8 turni.\n\nDurante questo tempo, la Cacciatrice si muove a velocità 2x ed attacca il 33% più velocemente con il suo arco. Il bonus all'arco non si applica se la Tiratrice Scelta sta usando i suoi attacchi speciali. actors.hero.abilities.huntress.naturespower$ della Natura actors.hero.abilities.huntress.naturespower$naturespowertracker.desc=La Cacciatrice è potenziata per breve tempo. Incrementa la sua velocità di movimento e la velocità d'attacco del suo arco.\n\nTurni rimanenti: %s. del Falco actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spirithawk.no_space=Non c'è alcuno spazio libero attorno a te. actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spirithawk.short_desc=La Cacciatrice evoca il familiare _Spirito del Falco_, che la può aiutare esplorando nuove aree e distraendo i nemici. -actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spirithawk.desc=The Huntress summons a spirit hawk familiar, which can be directed by using the ability again while it is summoned. The hawk lasts for 100 turns, directing the hawk does not cost any charge.\n\nThe hawk has minimal health and attacking power, but is fast, evasive, and accurate. It shares its entire field of vision with the Huntress at all times. It is immune to all area-bound effects, such as fire and poison gas. It will not attack unless specifically directed to. +actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spirithawk.desc=La Cacciatrice evoca lo spirito famiglio di un falco, che si può indirizzare usando di nuovo l'abilità dopo che è stato evocato. Il falco dura per 100 turni, comandarlo non costa alcuna carica.\n\nIl falco ha salute e potere d'attacco minimi, però è veloce, sfuggente e preciso; Condivide tutto il suo campo visivo con la Cacciatrice durante tutto il tempo in cui è attivo; E' immune a tutti gli effetti di area, come il fuoco ed il gas tossico. Non attacca, a meno che non gli sia espressamente ordinato di farlo. actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spirithawk$ del Falco actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spirithawk$hawkally.direct_follow=Il falco ti sta seguendo. actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spirithawk$hawkally.direct_attack=Il falco sta andando ad attaccare un nemico! @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify.short_desc=L' eroe _Ratmogrifies_ un nemico! Qu actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify.desc=L'eroe trasforma un nemico in un ratto per 6 turni! Boss, alleati e ratti non possono essere trasformati.\n\nI nemici trasformati mantengono le loro statistiche originarie ma non hanno alcuna abilità. actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$ rattificato actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$transmograt.desc=Questo nemico si è trasformato in un ratto. Un grande miglioramento, se chiedi il mio parere! - Re dei Ratti -actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$transmograt.rankings_desc=Slain by: ratmogrified enemy +actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$transmograt.rankings_desc=Ucciso da un nemico trasmutato in ratto ##main hero @@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=proiettili improvvisati actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Il Guerriero può accecare un nemico per _2 turni_ lanciandogli contro un oggetto che non sia un'arma da lancio. Questa abilità torna disponibile dopo 50 turni.\n\n_+2:_ Il Guerriero può accecare un nemico per _3 turni_ lanciandogli contro un oggetto che non sia un'arma da lancio. Questa abilità torna disponibile dopo 50 turni. actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=tener duro -actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior waits he gains _0-2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior waits he gains _0-4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the Warrior waits he gains _0-6 armor_ until he moves. +actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ Quando il Guerriero attende, guadagna _0-2 armatura_ per tutto il tempo in cui sta fermo.\n\n_+2:_ Quando il Guerriero attende, guadagna _0-4 armatura_ per tutto il tempo in cui sta fermo.\n\n_+3:_ Quando il Guerriero attende, guadagna _0-6 armatura_ per tutto il tempo in cui sta fermo. actors.hero.talent.strongman.title=uomo forzuto actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ La forza del Guerriero viene _aumentata dell'8%_, arrotondandola per difetto.\n\n_+2:_ La forza del Guerriero viene _aumentata del 13%_, arrotondandola per difetto.\n\n_+3:_ La forza del Guerriero viene _aumentata del 18%_, arrotondandola per difetto. @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.body_slam.desc=_+1:_ Quando il Guerriero atterra dopo aver sa actors.hero.talent.impact_wave.title=onda all'impatto actors.hero.talent.impact_wave.desc=_+1:_ Quando il Guerriero atterra dopo aver saltato, tutti i nemici adiacenti vengono spinti indietro di _2 caselle_ e c'è una _probabilità del 25%_ che diventino vulnerabili per 3 turni.\n\n_+2:_ Quando il Guerriero atterra dopo aver saltato, tutti i nemici adiacenti vengono spinti indietro di _3 caselle_ e c'è una _probabilità del 50%_ che diventino vulnerabili per 3 turni.\n\n_+3:_ Quando il Guerriero atterra dopo aver saltato, tutti i nemici adiacenti vengono spinti indietro di _4 caselle_ e c'è una _probabilità del 75%_ che diventino vulnerabili per 3 turni.\n\n_+4:_ Quando il Guerriero atterra dopo aver saltato, tutti i nemici adiacenti vengono spinti indietro di _5 caselle_ e c'è una _probabilità del 100%_ che diventino vulnerabili per 3 turni. actors.hero.talent.double_jump.title=doppio salto -actors.hero.talent.double_jump.desc=_+1:_ If the Warrior performs a second leap within 3 turns, that leap has a _16% reduced_ charge cost.\n\n_+2:_ If the Warrior performs a second leap within 3 turns, that leap has a _30% reduced_ charge cost.\n\n_+3:_ If the Warrior performs a second leap within 3 turns, that leap has a _41% reduced_ charge cost.\n\n_+4:_ If the Warrior performs a second leap within 3 turns, that leap has a _50% reduced_ charge cost. +actors.hero.talent.double_jump.desc=_+1:_ Se il Guerriero compie un secondo salto entro 3 turni, il costo di carica del salto è _ridotto del 16%_.\n\n_+2:_ Se il Guerriero compie un secondo salto entro 3 turni, il costo di carica del salto è _ridotto del 30%_.\n\n_+3:_ Se il Guerriero compie un secondo salto entro 3 turni, il costo di carica del salto è _ridotto del 41%_.\n\n_+4:_ Se il Guerriero compie un secondo salto entro 3 turni, il costo di carica del salto è _ridotto del 50%_. actors.hero.talent.expanding_wave.title=onda amplificata actors.hero.talent.expanding_wave.desc=_+1:_ Il raggio dell'Onda d'urto è incrementato a _6 caselle_, dalle 5 iniziali, e l'ampiezza del cono è incrementata a _75 gradi_, dai 60 iniziali.\n\n_+2:_ Il raggio dell'Onda d'urto è incrementato a _7 caselle_, dalle 5 iniziali, e l'ampiezza del cono è incrementata a _90 gradi_, dai 60 iniziali.\n\n_+3:_ Il raggio dell'Onda d'urto è incrementato a _8 caselle_, dalle 5 iniziali, e l'ampiezza del cono è incrementata a _105 gradi_, dai 60 iniziali.\n\n_+4:_ Il raggio dell'Onda d'urto è incrementato a _9 caselle_, dalle 5 iniziali, e l'ampiezza del cono è incrementata a _120 gradi_, dai 60 iniziali. @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shock_force.desc=_+1:_ L'Onda d'urto infligge _20% danni in p actors.hero.talent.sustained_retribution.title=ricompensa persistente actors.hero.talent.sustained_retribution.desc=_+1:_ Il Guerriero infligge il _115% di danno bonus_ distribuito in _2 attacchi_, al posto di infliggere il 100% di danno bonus in 1 attacco.\n\n_+2:_ Il Guerriero infligge il _130% di danno bonus_ distribuito in _3 attacchi_, al posto di infliggere il 100% di danno bonus in 1 attacco.\n\n_+3:_ Il Guerriero infligge il _145% di danno bonus_ distribuito in _4 attacchi_, al posto di infliggere il 100% di danno bonus in 1 attacco.\n\n_+4:_ Il Guerriero infligge il _160% di danno bonus_ distribuito in _5 attacchi_, al posto di infliggere il 100% di danno bonus in 1 attacco. actors.hero.talent.shrug_it_off.title=fare spallucce -actors.hero.talent.shrug_it_off.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior cannot take more than _67% of his max HP_ in damage while enduring.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior cannot take more than _45% of his max HP_ in damage while enduring.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior cannot take more than _30% of his max HP_ in damage while enduring.\n\n_+4:_ The Warrior cannot take more than _20% of his max HP_ in damage while enduring. +actors.hero.talent.shrug_it_off.desc=_+1:_ Il Guerriero non può ricevere danni per più del _67% dei suoi HP massimi_ mentre sta sopportando.\n\n_+2:_ Il Guerriero non può ricevere danni per più del _45% dei suoi HP massimi_ mentre sta sopportando.\n\n_+3:_ Il Guerriero non può ricevere danni per più del _30% dei suoi HP massimi_ mentre sta sopportando.\n\n_+4:_ Il Guerriero non può ricevere danni per più del _20% dei suoi HP massimi_ mentre sta sopportando. actors.hero.talent.even_the_odds.title=pari opportunità actors.hero.talent.even_the_odds.desc=_+1:_ Quando finisce di incassare, il Guerriero infligge un ulteriore _danno bonus del 5%_ per ogni nemico che si trova entro 2 caselle.\n\n_+2:_ Quando finisce di incassare, il Guerriero infligge un ulteriore _danno bonus del 10%_ per ogni nemico che si trova entro 2 caselle.\n\n_+3:_ Quando finisce di incassare, il Guerriero infligge un ulteriore _danno bonus del 15%_ per ogni nemico che si trova entro 2 caselle.\n\n_+4:_ Quando finisce di incassare, il Guerriero infligge un ulteriore _danno bonus del 20%_ per ogni nemico che si trova entro 2 caselle. @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=scudo a batteria actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ Il Mago può colpirsi da solo con una bacchetta per convertirne tutte le cariche in uno scudo con un tasso del _5% degli HP massimi per carica_.\n\n_+2:_ Il Mago può colpirsi da solo con una bacchetta per convertirne tutte le cariche in uno scudo con un tasso del _7,5% degli HP massimi per carica_. actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=pergamene energizzanti -actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next two wand zaps will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next two wand zaps will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next two wand zaps will get _+3 levels_. +actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ Quando il Mago legge una pergamena, i suoi prossimi 2 colpi di bacchetta avranno _livello +1_;\n\n_+2:_ Quando il Mago legge una pergamena, i suoi prossimi 2 colpi di bacchetta avranno _livello +2_;\n\n_+3:_ Quando il Mago legge una pergamena, i suoi prossimi 2 colpi di bacchetta avranno _livello +3_. actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=dislocamento di alleati actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ Il Mago può selezionare un alleato e scambiarsi di posto istantaneamente con lui, nel _raggio di 2 caselle_.\n\n_+2:_ Il Mago può selezionare un alleato e scambiarsi di posto istantaneamente con lui, nel _raggio di 4 caselle_.\n\n_+3:_ Il Mago può selezionare un alleato e scambiarsi di posto istantaneamente con lui, nel _raggio di 6 caselle_.\n\nIl Mago non può scambiarsi di posto con alleati immobili. @@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ Quando muore un nemico con il actors.hero.talent.blast_radius.title=raggio dell'esplosione actors.hero.talent.blast_radius.desc=_+1:_ Il raggio dell'Esplosione Elementale è incrementato a _5 caselle_, dalle 4 iniziali.\n\n_+2:_ Il raggio dell'Esplosione Elementale è incrementato a _6 caselle_, dalle 4 iniziali.\n\n_+3:_ Il raggio dell'Esplosione Elementale è incrementato a _7 caselle_, dalle 4 iniziali.\n\n_+4:_ Il raggio dell'Esplosione Elementale è incrementato a _8 caselle_, dalle 4 iniziali. actors.hero.talent.elemental_power.title=potenza dell'elemento -actors.hero.talent.elemental_power.desc=_+1:_ The power of elemental blast is increased by _20%_.\n\n_+2:_ The power of elemental blast is increased by _40%_.\n\n_+3:_ The power of elemental blast is increased by _60%_.\n\n_+4:_ The power of elemental blast is increased by _80%_. +actors.hero.talent.elemental_power.desc=_+1:_ Il potere dell'esplosione elementale è aumentato del \n_20%_.\n\n_+2:_ Il potere dell'esplosione elementale è aumentato del _40%_.\n\n_+3:_ Il potere dell'esplosione elementale è aumentato del _60%_.\n\n_+4:_ Il potere dell'esplosione elementale è aumentato dell' _80%_. actors.hero.talent.reactive_barrier.title=barriera dinamica actors.hero.talent.reactive_barrier.desc=_+1:_ Il Mago ottiene _2 punti scudo_ per ogni personaggio colpito dall'Esplosione Elementale, fino ad un massimo di 5 personaggi.\n\n_+2:_ Il Mago ottiene _4 punti scudo_ per ogni personaggio colpito dall'Esplosione Elementale, fino ad un massimo di 5 personaggi.\n\n_+3:_ Il Mago ottiene _6 punti scudo_ per ogni personaggio colpito dall'Esplosione Elementale, fino ad un massimo di 5 personaggi.\n\n_+4:_ Il Mago ottiene _8 punti scudo_ per ogni personaggio colpito dall'Esplosione Elementale, fino ad un massimo di 5 personaggi. @@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=lungimiranza del Ladro actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1_ Quando il Ladro raggiunge un piano con una stanza segreta, ha il _50% di probabilità di segnalare_ che quel piano contiene un segreto.\n\n_+2_ Quando il Ladro raggiunge un piano con una stanza segreta, ha il _75% di probabilità di segnalare_ che quel piano contiene un segreto. actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=manto leggero -actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _17% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _33% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _50% speed_. +actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ Il Ladro può usare il suo Mantello delle Ombre anche se non lo indossa, ma esso si ricarica al _17% della velocità_.\n\n_+2:_ Il Ladro può usare il suo Mantello delle Ombre anche se non lo indossa, ma esso si ricarica al _33% della velocità_.\n\n_+3:_ Il Ladro può usare il suo Mantello delle Ombre anche se non lo indossa, ma esso si ricarica al _50% della velocità_. actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=anelli potenziati actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ Quando il Ladro utilizza un artefatto, i suoi anelli guadagnano +1 livello per _3 turni_.\n\n_+1:_ Quando il Ladro utilizza un artefatto, i suoi anelli guadagnano +1 livello per _6 turni_.\n\n_+1:_ Quando il Ladro utilizza un artefatto, i suoi anelli guadagnano +1 livello per _9 turni_. @@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ La Cacciatrice identifica t actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=colpo consecutivo actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Quando la Cacciatrice colpisce un nemico con il suo arco o con un'arma da lancio, il suo prossimo attacco da mischia contro quel nemico infligge _2 danni bonus_.\n\n_+2:_ Quando la cacciatrice colpisce un nemico con il suo arco o con un'arma da lancio, il suo prossimo attacco da mischia contro quel nemico infligge _3 danni bonus_. actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=soccorso della natura -actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 0-2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 0-2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision. +actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Grazie alla pelle coriacea, la Cacciatrice guadagna 0-2 armatura, che si indebolisce ogni _3 turni_ quando l'effetto di una pianta è attivato nel suo campo visivo.\n\n_+2:_ Grazie alla pelle coriacea, la Cacciatrice guadagna 0-2 armatura, che si indebolisce ogni _5 turni_ quando l'effetto di una pianta è attivato nel suo campo visivo. actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=pasto tonificante actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ La Cacciatrice mangia il cibo in 1 solo turno (le bacche istantaneamente), e ottiene _1 turno di fretta_.\n\n_+2:_ La Cacciatrice mangia il cibo in 1 solo turno (le bacche istantaneamente), e ottiene _2 turni di fretta_. @@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ Quando il Cecchino attacca con un' actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=punte resistenti actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ I dardi intinti hanno _2x durevolezza_ quando il Guardiano li usa.\n\n_+2:_ I dardi intinti hanno _3x durevolezza_ quando il Guardiano li usa.\n\n_+3:_ I dardi intinti hanno _4x durevolezza_ quando il Guardiano li usa. actors.hero.talent.barkskin.title=pelle coriacea -actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains _0-50% of her level_ in barkskin armor which fades every turn.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains _0-100% of her level_ in barkskin armor which fades every turn.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains _0-150% of her level_ in barkskin armor which fades every turn. +actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ Quando cammina nell'erba, la Guardiana guadagna 0_50% del suo livello_ in armatura di pelle coriacea, che diminuisce ogni turno.\n\n_+2:_ Quando cammina nell'erba, la Guardiana guadagna 0_100% del suo livello_ in armatura di pelle coriacea, che diminuisce ogni turno.\n\n_+3:_ Quando cammina nell'erba, la Guardiana guadagna 0_150% del suo livello_ in armatura di pelle coriacea, che diminuisce ogni turno. actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=rugiada protettiva actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ La rugiada fornisce punti scudo al Guardiano quando la sua salute è massima, fino al _20% degli HP massimi_.\n\n_+2:_ La rugiada fornisce punti scudo al Guardiano quando la sua salute è massima, fino al _40% degli HP massimi_.\n\n_+3:_ La rugiada fornisce punti scudo al Guardiano quando la sua salute è massima, fino al _60% degli HP massimi_. @@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.swift_spirit.desc=_+1:_ La velocità di movimento dello Spiri #universal actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.title=energia eroica -actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.rat_title=ratroic energy +actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.rat_title=energia rattoica actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.desc=_+1:_ L'abilità dell'armatura dell'eroe costa il _13% di cariche in meno_.\n\n_+2:_ L'abilità dell'armatura dell'eroe costa il _24% di cariche in meno_.\n\n_+3:_ L'abilità dell'armatura dell'eroe costa il _34% di cariche in meno_.\n\n_+4:_ L'abilità dell'armatura dell'eroe costa il _43% di cariche in meno_. actors.hero.talent.ratsistance.title=rattistenza @@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@ actors.mobs.spinner.desc=Questi verdognoli e pelosi ragni delle caverne cercano animata actors.mobs.statue.def_verb=bloccato -actors.mobs.statue.desc=You would think that it's just another one of this dungeon's inanimate statues, but its red glowing eyes give it away.\n\nWhile the statue itself is made of stone, the _%s_ it's wielding looks real. +actors.mobs.statue.desc=SI potrebbe pensare che sia solo un'altra statua inanimata del dungeon, ma la luce rossa che emana dai suoi occhi dice tutt'altro.\n\nAnche se la statua è fatta di pietra, l'arma che brandisce, _%s_, sembra reale. actors.mobs.succubus.desc=Le succubi sono demoni mutaforma che manipolano le menti delle loro prede. Questa qui ha assunto le sembianze di un pallido e gotico umanoide; forse per attrarre gli stregoni nanici?\n\nLe succubi possono ammaliare il loro bersaglio, rendendolo incapace di attaccare direttamente. Quando le succubi attaccano un nemico ammaliato gli ruberanno un po' della sua essenza vitale. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ index fb8af83e3..3dc55e871 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ęź z ogniem actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Jesteś związany z potęgą ognia! \n\nWszystkie fizyczne ataki mają szansę na podpalenie wroga. Jesteś także całkowicie odporny na wszelkie negatywne skutki ognia.\n\nPozostałe tury efektu: %s.ść -actors.buffs.foresight.desc=You are somehow able to see the layout of surrounding terrain with your mind.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight all tiles in a wide radius are revealed to you, including any secret traps or doors.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s. +actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Jakimś cudem widzisz pobliski teren wokół ciebie za pomocą umysłu.\n\nW czasie trwania przezorności wszystkie sekrety pól wokół ciebie są ujawnione na dużym obszarze. \n\nPozostało tur przezorności: %s.ęty actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s zamarza! @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ ekwipunek actors.buffs.lostinventory.desc=Twój ekwipunek zaginął gdzieś w lochu! Nie będziesz w stanie podnosić i używać większości przedmiotów, dopóki go nie znajdziesz. wzrok -actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=Somehow you are able to see with your mind, rather than your eyes.\n\nAll terrain or effects which reduce or block vision are broken while magical sight is active, and your vision range is increased by 50%%.\n\nTurns of magical sight remaining: %s. +actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=W jakiś sposób postrzegasz otoczenie swoim umysłem zamiast oczami.\n\nWszystkie przeszkody terenowe oraz efekty blokujące lub ograniczające widoczność nic dla ciebie nie znaczą, póki magiczny wzrok jest aktywny. Zasięg widzenia jest zwiększony o 50%%.\n\nPozostałe tury magicznego wzroku: %s. sen actors.buffs.magicalsleep.toohealthy=Jesteś zbyt zdrowy i zwalczasz chęć snu. @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Nie możesz się ruszać! actors.buffs.roots.desc=Korzenie (magiczne lub naturalne) łapią cel i unieruchamiają go.\n\nKorzenie uniemożliwiają ruch, lecz nie wpływają na inne akcje.\n\nZakorzenienia będzie jeszcze trwało przez: %s tur. zwoju -actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands!\n\nLevel Boost: +%1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d. +actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=Energia z ostatniego zwoju przeczytanego przez Maga wzmacnia jego różdżki! \n\nWzmocnienie poziomu: +%1$d.\nPozostałe użycia: %2$d. z cieniem actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Mieszasz się z cieniami dookoła ciebie, zapewniając sobie niewidzialność i spowalniając metabolizm.\n\nPodczas bycia niewidzialnym, wrogowie nie są w stanie cię atakować, lub za tobą podążać. Większość fizycznych ataków i magicznych efektów (takich jak zwoje lub różdżki) automatycznie niwelują niewidzialność. Dodatkowo podczas bycia niewidzialnym, twój głód spada wolniej.\n\nPozostaniesz wmieszany w ciemność dopóki nie opuścisz ciemności, lub gdy wróg nie wejdzie z tobą w kontakt. @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ actors.hero.abilities.warrior.heroicleap.short_desc=Wojownik wykonuje _heroiczny actors.hero.abilities.warrior.heroicleap.desc=Wojownik skacze w wybrane miejsce, omijając wrogów i niebezpieczeństwa po drodze. Nie może jednak przeskakiwać nad ścianami lub innymi solidnymi przeszkodami. uderzeniowa actors.hero.abilities.warrior.shockwave.short_desc=Wojownik uwalnia _falę uderzeniową_ w stożkowym obszarze przez uderzenie w ziemię. Wrogowie złapani w falę uderzeniową otrzymają obrażenia i zostaną okaleczeni. -actors.hero.abilities.warrior.shockwave.desc=The Warrior slams the ground, producing a shockwave that travels up to 5 tiles in a 60 degree cone.\n\nEnemies caught in this shockwave are crippled for 5 turns. They also take 5-10 damage, plus an additional 1-2 damage for every point of strength the Warrior has above 10. +actors.hero.abilities.warrior.shockwave.desc=Wojownik uderza w ziemię, wytwarzając falę uderzeniową, która przemieszcza się do 5 pól w stożku o kącie 60 stopni.\n\nWrogowie złapani w zasięgu fali uderzeniowej zostają okaleczeni na 5 tur. Otrzymują również 5-10 obrażeń, plus dodatkowe 1-2 obrażenia za każdy punkt siły Wojownika powyżej 10.łość actors.hero.abilities.warrior.endure$łość actors.hero.abilities.warrior.endure$enduretracker.desc=Wojownik zadaje dodatkowe obrażenia zależne od ilości obrażeń, które poniósł.\n\nDodatkowe obrażenia:%1$d\nPozostałe uderzenia: %2$d @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify.short_desc=Bohater _Zaszczurzy_ wroga! Zaklęci actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify.desc=Przeciwnik zostaje przemieniony w szczura na 6 tur. Efekt nie działa na bossów, sojuszników i szczury. \n\nPrzeciwnicy przemienieni w szczury zachowują swoje statystyki, ale nie posiadają żadnych umiejętności. actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$ęty %s actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$transmograt.desc=Ten wróg został przemieniony w szczura. Jak dla mnie - to wielka poprawa! - Król Szczurów -actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$transmograt.rankings_desc=Slain by: ratmogrified enemy +actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$transmograt.rankings_desc=Pokonany przez: szczurnięty przeciwnik ##main hero @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.body_slam.desc=_+1:_ Gdy Wojownik ląduje, każdy przyległy actors.hero.talent.impact_wave.title=fala uderzeniowa actors.hero.talent.impact_wave.desc=_+1:_ Gdy Wojownik ląduje, wszyscy przylegli wrogowie są odepchnięci na _2 pola_ i mają _25% szans_ na odsłonięcie się na 3 tury.\n\n_+2:_ Gdy Wojownik ląduje, wszyscy przylegli wrogowie są odepchnięci na _3 pola_ i mają _50% szans_ na odsłonięcie się na 3 tury.\n\n_+3:_ Gdy Wojownik ląduje, wszyscy przylegli wrogowie są odepchnięci na _4 pola_ i mają _75% szans_ na odsłonięcie się na 3 tury.\n\n_+4:_ Gdy Wojownik ląduje, wszyscy przylegli wrogowie są odepchnięci na _5 pola_ i mają _100% szans_ na odsłonięcie się na 3 tury. actors.hero.talent.double_jump.title=podwójny skok -actors.hero.talent.double_jump.desc=_+1:_ If the Warrior performs a second leap within 3 turns, that leap has a _16% reduced_ charge cost.\n\n_+2:_ If the Warrior performs a second leap within 3 turns, that leap has a _30% reduced_ charge cost.\n\n_+3:_ If the Warrior performs a second leap within 3 turns, that leap has a _41% reduced_ charge cost.\n\n_+4:_ If the Warrior performs a second leap within 3 turns, that leap has a _50% reduced_ charge cost. +actors.hero.talent.double_jump.desc=_+1:_ Jeśli Wojownik wykonuje drugi skok w przeciągu 3 tur, jego koszt jest _zmniejszony o 16%_.\n\n_+2:_ Jeśli Wojownik wykonuje drugi skok w przeciągu 5 tur, jego koszt jest _zmniejszony o 30%_.\n\n_+3:_ Jeśli Wojownik wykonuje drugi skok w przeciągu 5 tur, jego koszt jest _zmniejszony o 41%_.\n\n_+4:_ Jeśli Wojownik wykonuje drugi skok w przeciągu 5 tur, jego koszt jest _zmniejszony o 50%_. actors.hero.talent.expanding_wave.title=rosnąca fala actors.hero.talent.expanding_wave.desc=_+1:_ Zasięg fali uderzeniowej jest zwiększony do _6 pól_ z 5, a jej szerokość jest zwiększona do _75 stopni_ z 60.\n\n_+2:_ Zasięg fali uderzeniowej jest zwiększony do _7 pól_ z 5, a jej szerokość jest zwiększona do _90 stopni_ z 60.\n\n_+3:_ Zasięg fali uderzeniowej jest zwiększony do _8 pól_ z 5, a jej szerokość jest zwiększona do _105 stopni_ z 60.\n\n_+4:_ Zasięg fali uderzeniowej jest zwiększony do _9 pól_ z 5, a jej szerokość jest zwiększona do _120 stopni_ z 60. @@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Łowczyni identyfikuje wsze actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=uderzenie następujące actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1_ Kiedy Łowczyni trafi przeciwnika swoim łukiem bądź za pomocą broni miotanej, jej kolejny atak wręcz przeciwko temu przeciwnikowi zada _2 dodatkowe obrażenia_.\n\n_+2_ Kiedy Łowczyni trafi przeciwnika swoim łukiem bądź za pomocą broni miotanej, jej kolejny atak wręcz przeciwko temu przeciwnikowi zada _3 dodatkowe obrażenia_. actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=wsparcie natury -actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 0-2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 0-2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision. +actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Łowczyni zyskuje 0-2 pkt dębowej skóry _na 3 tury_, kiedy w jej polu widzenia aktywowany jest efekt rośliny.\n\n_+2:_ Łowczyni zyskuje 0-2 pkt dębowej skóry _na 5 tur_, kiedy w jej polu widzenia aktywowany jest efekt rośliny. actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=orzeźwiający posiłek actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Jedzenie zajmuje Łowczyni 1 turę (jagody są zjadane natychmiast) i zapewnia jej _1 turę przyspieszenia_.\n\n_+2:_ Jedzenie zajmuje Łowczyni 1 turę (jagody są zjadane natychmiast) i zapewnia jej _2 tury przyspieszenia_. @@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.swift_spirit.desc=_+1:_ Prędkość poruszania się ducha sok #universal actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.title=bohaterska energia -actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.rat_title=ratroic energy +actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.rat_title=szczurza energia actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.desc=_+1:_ Umiejętność zbroi bohatera jest o _13% tańsza_ \n\n_+2:_ Umiejętność zbroi bohatera jest o _24% tańsza_ \n\n_+3:_ Umiejętność zbroi bohatera jest o _34% tańsza_ \n\n_+4:_ Umiejętność zbroi bohatera jest o _43% tańsza_ actors.hero.talent.ratsistance.title=szczuroodporność @@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@ actors.mobs.spinner.desc=Te zielonkawe, owłosione jaskiniowe pająki na ogółżywiona rzeźba actors.mobs.statue.def_verb=blok -actors.mobs.statue.desc=You would think that it's just another one of this dungeon's inanimate statues, but its red glowing eyes give it away.\n\nWhile the statue itself is made of stone, the _%s_ it's wielding looks real. +actors.mobs.statue.desc=Można by pomyśleć, że to kolejny z nieruchomych posągów w tym lochu, ale jego świecące czerwone oczy wskazują, że tak nie jest.\n\nO ile sama rzeźba jest kamienna, o tyle jej broń - _%s_ - wygląda na jak najbardziej prawdziwą. actors.mobs.succubus.desc=Sukkuby to zmiennokształtne demony manipulujące umysłami swoich ofiar. Ten konkretny przybrał postać bladej, humanoidalnej gotki - być może aby przyciągnąć uwagę krasnoludzkich czarnoksiężników?\n\nAtakując, sukkuby mogą zauroczyć cel, czyniąc go chwilowo niezdolnym do odpowiedzenia bezpośrednim atakiem. Gdy sukkub zaatakuje zauroczonego przeciwnika, odbierze mu trochę esencji życiowej. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ index 715464991..dca0fd710 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ actors.blobs.toxicgas.ondeath=Toksik gazdan öldün... actors.blobs.corrosivegas.desc=Burada zehirli bir aşındırıcı çamur bulutu süzülüyor. actors.blobs.waterofawareness.procced=Aldığın yudumla birlikte zihnine bilgi aktığını hissediyorsun. -actors.blobs.waterofawareness.desc=Bu su kuyusu etrafa bilgi saçıyor. Kuyudan su içersen kuşandığın ve bu kattaki eşyalar hakkındaki tüm bilgiler size aktarılır. +actors.blobs.waterofawareness.desc=Bu su kuyusu etrafa bilgi saçıyor. Kuyudan su içersen kuşandığın ve bu kattaki eşyalar hakkındaki tüm bilgiler sana aktarılır. actors.blobs.waterofhealth.procced=Bir yudum alırken yaralarının tamamen iyileştiğini hissediyorsun. actors.blobs.waterofhealth.desc=Kuyunun suyundan sağlık gücü yayılıyor. Açlığını geçirmek ve yaralarını iyileştirmek için bir yudum al. @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Reşarj Oluyor actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Enerji içinden akıp geçiyor, donandığın eserlerin şarj olma hızı artar.\n\nHer eser farklı seviyelerde etkilenir ama hepsi normalden hızlı şarj olur.\n\nKalan sıra: %s. derili -actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Your skin is hardened, it feels rough and solid like bark.\n\nThe hardened skin increases your effective armor, allowing you to better defend against physical attack.\n\nYour armor is currently increased by: 0-%d.\nTurns until barkskin weakens: %s. +actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Derin sertleşmiş, kabuk gibi sert ve katı hissediyorsun.\n\nSertleşmiş deri etkili zırhını artırır, bu fiziksel saldırılara karşı daha iyi savunabilmeni sağlar.\n\nAnlık zırh artışı: 0-%d.\nKabukderi zayıflayana kadar süre: %s. actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Tüm hasarı engelleyen sağlam bir güç baloncuğu.\n\nBariyer koruduğu şeyde kalkan kaldığı sürece hasar soğurur. Kalkan zaman geçtikçe bozulur.\n\nKalan Kalkan:%d. @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ actors.buffs.championenemy.warn=Ölümcül bir varlık seziyorsun actors.buffs.championenemy$ Şampiyon actors.buffs.championenemy$blazing.desc=Yanan Şampiyonlar %25 daha fazla yakın dövüş hasarı verirler ve vurdukları düşmanları yakarlar, ateşe dirençlidirler ve öldüklerinde etrafa ateş saçarlar. actors.buffs.championenemy$şen Şampiyon -actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Erişen Şampiyon %25 daha fazla yakın dövüş hasarı verirler ve gördükleri tüm düşmanlara saldırabilirler. +actors.buffs.championenemy$projecting.desc=Erişen Şampiyonlar %25 daha fazla yakın dövüş hasarı verirler ve gördükleri tüm düşmanlara saldırabilirler. actors.buffs.championenemy$üyübozan Şampiyon actors.buffs.championenemy$antimagic.desc=Büyübozan Şampiyonlar %25 daha az yakın dövüş hasarı alırlar ve sihirli etkilere tamamen dirençlidirler. actors.buffs.championenemy$ Şampiyon @@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ actors.buffs.degrade.desc=Güçlü bir kara büyü geliştirme parşömenlerinin actors.buffs.doom.desc=Evren ölmeni isterken ilerlemek zor olacak gibi görünüyor.\n\nLanetli karakterler tüm kaynaklardan iki kat fazla hasar alırlar.\n\nLanet sonsuzdur, ve sadece ölümle son bulur. -actors.buffs.dread.desc=A terror so great that it will cause its target to flee the dungeon entirely!\n\nCreatures affected by dread will run from their opponent at high speed, and will disappear from the dungeon entirely once they are out of sight. Enemies that are disposed of this way will not award any items or experience. The shock of pain will lessen the duration of dread.\n\nTurns of dread remaining: %d.şet +actors.buffs.dread.desc=Kurbana zindanı temelli terk ettiren derecede bir korku! \n\nDehşete kapılmış yaratıklar düşmanlarından yüksek hızla kaçarlar ve gözden kayboldukları an zindandan tamamen kaybolurlar. Bu şekilde alt edilen düşmanlar ne eşya düşürür ne de tecrübe kazandırır. Acının şoku dehşetin süresini kısaltır. \n\nKalan dehşet süresi: : %d actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Büyülü bir güç uyanık kalmanı zorlaştırıyor. \n\nKarakter uykulu olma durumuna hasar alarak veya tam sağlıkta olarak direnebilir. \n\nBirkaç sıra sonra, hedef derin ve büyülü bir uykuya dalar. @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ş ile sarıldın actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Ateşin gücü ile sarıldın! \n\nTüm fiziksel saldırılarının düşmanı alevler içinde bırakma şansı var. Üstüne, alevlerin tüm negatif etkilerine karşı dirençlisin. \n\nAteş sarılmasının bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.Öngörü -actors.buffs.foresight.desc=You are somehow able to see the layout of surrounding terrain with your mind.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight all tiles in a wide radius are revealed to you, including any secret traps or doors.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s. +actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Bir şekilde etraftaki arazinin yapısını zihninle görebiliyorsun.\n\nİleri görüşlülük etkisi altındayken geniş bir alandaki her nokta sana görünür olur, buna gizli kapı ve tuzaklar dahil.\n\nKalan ileri görüşlülük süresi: %s. actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s dondu! @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ıp envanter. actors.buffs.lostinventory.desc=Envanterin zindanda bir yerde kayboldu! Onu bulana kadar çoğu eşyayı kullanamasın veya alamazsınş.üyülü Görüş -actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=Somehow you are able to see with your mind, rather than your eyes.\n\nAll terrain or effects which reduce or block vision are broken while magical sight is active, and your vision range is increased by 50%%.\n\nTurns of magical sight remaining: %s. +actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=Bir şekilde gözlerin yerine zihninle görebiliyorsusn.\n\nSihirli görüş aktifken görüş alanını daraltan her türlü arazi ve etki kırılır ve görüş alanın 50%% artar.\n\nKalan sihirli görüş süresi: %s.üyülü uyku actors.buffs.magicalsleep.toohealthy=Fazla sağlıklı olduğundan uyuma isteğine direniyorsun. @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Hareket edemiyorsun! actors.buffs.roots.desc=Kökler (büyüsel veya doğal) ayağı yakalar ve yakaladığı kişiyi yere sabitler. \n\nKökler bir hedefe kilitlenir ve onun hareket etmesini imkansız hale getirir, fakat diğer eylemleri etkilemez. \n\nKökün geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.şömen Güçlendirme -actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=The energy from the Mage's recently read scroll is empowering his wands!\n\nLevel Boost: +%1$d.\nZaps remaining: %2$d. +actors.buffs.scrollempower.desc=Büyücü'nün az önce okuduğu parşömenden gelen enerji asalarını güçlendiriyor!\n\nSeviye Artışı: +%1$d.\nKalan asa saldırısı: %2$d.ölgelerin içinde actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Etrafındaki gölgelerle iç içe girdin, bu metabolizmanı yavaşlatıyor ve sana görünmezlik sağlıyor. \n\nGörünmezken düşmanlar sana saldıramaz veya seni takip edemez. Çoğu fiziksel saldırılar veya büyüsel etkiler (parşömenler veya asalar gibi) görünmezliği anında sonlandırır. Üstelik gölgelerle iç içeyken acıkma oranın yavaşlar. \n\nBir düşman gelip seninle etkileşim kurana kadar veya gölgeleri terkedene kadar gölgelerle iç içe kalırsın. @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ actors.hero.abilities.warrior.heroicleap.short_desc=Savaşçı _yiğitçe atıla actors.hero.abilities.warrior.heroicleap.desc=Savaşçı hedef bölgeye atılırarak tüm düşmanların ve tehlikelerin üstünden geçer. Ama duvarların üzerinden ve sert bölgelerin üstünden geçemez.Şok dalgası actors.hero.abilities.warrior.shockwave.short_desc=Savaşçı yere vurarak koni bir alanda _şok dalgası_ oluşturur. Şok dalgasına yakalanan düşmanlar hasar alır ve sakatlanır. -actors.hero.abilities.warrior.shockwave.desc=The Warrior slams the ground, producing a shockwave that travels up to 5 tiles in a 60 degree cone.\n\nEnemies caught in this shockwave are crippled for 5 turns. They also take 5-10 damage, plus an additional 1-2 damage for every point of strength the Warrior has above 10. +actors.hero.abilities.warrior.shockwave.desc=Savaşçı yere vurur, bu en fazla 5 kareye 60 derecelik bir koni şeklinde ilerleyen bir şok dalgası yaratır.\n\nBu şok dalgasına yakalanan düşmanlar 5 el boyunca sakatlanır. Ayrıca 5-10 hasar alırlar, buna Savaşçı'nın 10'dan fazla sahip olduğu her güç puanı için 1-2 hasar eklenir. actors.hero.abilities.warrior.endure$ış actors.hero.abilities.warrior.endure$enduretracker.desc=Savaşçı şu an katlandığı hasara göre fazladan hasar veriyor.\n\nFazladan hasar:%1$d\nKalan vuruş:%2$d @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb.fov=Sadece görüşündeki bir bölgeye at actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb.prompt=Atlayacağın yeri seç actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb$ Kukla actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb$ninjalog.desc=Nasılsa düşmanlar bu kuklanın gerçek haydut olduğunu düşünüyor. -actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb.short_desc=The Rogue throws down a _Smoke Bomb_ while blinking away. He blinds enemies near his old location. +actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb.short_desc=Haydut yere bir _Duman Bombası_ atıp başka bir yere ışınlanır. Eskiden bulunduğu yerin yakınındaki düşmanlar kör olur. actors.hero.abilities.rogue.smokebomb.desc=Rogue bir sis bombası atar ve 6 karo kadar uzağa yanıp söner. Tehlikelerin ve düşmanların arasından göz kırpabilir, ancak duvarlar gibi sağlam arazilerden geçemez.\n\nRogue'un eski konumuna bitişik olan düşmanlar 5 tur boyunca kör edilecektir.Ölüm damgası actors.hero.abilities.rogue.deathmark.ally_target=Sadece düşmanları damgalayabilirsin @@ -406,13 +406,13 @@ actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spectralblades.short_desc=Avcı hedefe _hayalet h actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spectralblades.desc=Avcı bir hedefe yakın dövüş silahından çıkmış menzilli bir saldırı gibi davranan hayalet bıçak atar. Efsunlarda dahil silahın tüm etkileri bu saldırıda mevcuttur.ğanın gücü actors.hero.abilities.huntress.naturespower.short_desc=Avcı _doğanın gücünü_ çağırır ve hareket hızını ve yayının saldırı hızını kısa bir süre için artırır. -actors.hero.abilities.huntress.naturespower.desc=The Huntress temporarily empowers herself and her bow with the power of nature! This lasts for 8 turns.\n\nDuring this time, the Huntress moves at 2x speed, and attacks 33% faster with her bow. The bonus bow effects do not trigger if the Sniper is using her special attacks. +actors.hero.abilities.huntress.naturespower.desc=Avcı kendini ve yayını doğanın gücüyle geçici bir süreliğine güçlendirir! Bu 8 el sürer.\n\nBu süre boyunca, Avcı iki kat hızlı hareket eder ve yayıyla %33 daha hızlı saldırır. Eğer Keskin Nişancı özel saldırılarını kullanırsa bonus yay efektleri tetiklenmez. actors.hero.abilities.huntress.naturespower$ğanın gücü actors.hero.abilities.huntress.naturespower$naturespowertracker.desc=Avcı geçici bir süre için güçlendi, hareket hızı ve yayının saldırı hızı arttı.\n\nKalan tur: %s Şahini actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spirithawk.no_space=Etrafında boş alan yok. actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spirithawk.short_desc=Avcı yardımcı bir _ruh şahini_ çağırır. Şahin avcının mekanları keşfetmesini sağlayabilir ve düşmanların dikkatini dağıtabilir. -actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spirithawk.desc=The Huntress summons a spirit hawk familiar, which can be directed by using the ability again while it is summoned. The hawk lasts for 100 turns, directing the hawk does not cost any charge.\n\nThe hawk has minimal health and attacking power, but is fast, evasive, and accurate. It shares its entire field of vision with the Huntress at all times. It is immune to all area-bound effects, such as fire and poison gas. It will not attack unless specifically directed to. +actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spirithawk.desc=Avcı bir şahin ruhu çağırır. Bu ruh çağrıldıktan sonra yetenek tekrar kullanılarak yönlendirilebilir. Şahin 100 el yaşar, şahini yönetmek şarj harcamaz.\n\nŞahinin çok az canı ve saldırı güvü vardır, fakat hızlıdır, vurması güçtür ve isabetlidir. Bütün görüş alanını her zaman Avcı ile paylaşır. Ateş ve zehirli gaz gibi bütün alan etkilerinden etkilenmez. Emredilmedikçe saldırmaz. actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spirithawk$ Şahini actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spirithawk$hawkally.direct_follow=Şahin sizi takip ediyor actors.hero.abilities.huntress.spirithawk$hawkally.direct_attack=Şahin saldırmaya gidiyor! @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify.short_desc=Kahraman bir düşmanı _fareleştir actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify.desc=Kahraman, düşmanı 6 tur boyunca fareye dönüştürür! Patronlar, müttefikler ve fareler fare yontulamaz.\n\nSıçrayan düşmanlar orijinal istatistiklerini korur, ancak herhangi bir yetenekleri yoktur. actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$ştirildi %s actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$transmograt.desc=Bu düşman bir fareye dönüştürüldü. Bana sorarsan büyük bir ilerleme! - Fare Kral -actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$transmograt.rankings_desc=Slain by: ratmogrified enemy +actors.hero.abilities.ratmogrify$transmograt.rankings_desc=Öldüren: fareye çevrilmiş düşman ##main hero @@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_short_desc=_Parkurcu_ koştukça parkur yapm actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=Parkurcu koştukça momentum biriktirir. 10 tur koştuktan sonra 10 momentuma kadar momentum kazanabilir ama hareket etmeyi bırakırsa momentumunu hızlıca kaybeder. Parkurcu turda iki momentum harcayarak parkur yapmaya başlayabilir.\n\nParkurcu parkur yaparken 2x hızla hareket eder ve seviyesine göre fazladan kaçınma kazanır. Parkur bittiğinde bir daha momentum kazanana kadar bir süre geçmesi gerekir. actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper=keskin nişancı actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_short_desc=o _Avcı_, menzilli saldırılarıyla zırhları delebilir. Fırlatılan bir silahla vurduktan sonra, yayından özel bir saldırı gerçekleştirebilir. -actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=The Sniper is a master of ranged combat, whose ranged attacks pierce enemy armor. When she attacks an enemy with a thrown weapon, she places a sniper's mark on them, which lets her follow up with a special attack from her bow. This special attack varies based on how her bow is augmented.\n\nAn unaugmented bow will fire a snapshot which deals reduced damage but fires instantly. A speed bow will fire a volley of three arrows which deal reduced damage, can still activate enchantments, and take 1 turn to fire. A damage bow will fire a sniper shot which is guaranteed to hit, deals bonus damage based on distance, and takes 2 turns to fire. +actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=Keskin Nişancı uzak dövüş ustasıdır, uzaktan yaptığı saldırılar düşmanın zırhını deler geçer. Bir düşmana fırlatılan bir silahla saldırdığında onu keskin nişancının mührüyle işaretler, bu onun yayıyla özel bir saldırı yapmasını sağlar. Bu özel saldırı yayın nasıl ayarlandığına göre değişir.\n\nAyarsız bir yay şipşak atış yapar, bu daha az zarar verir ama anında gerçekleşir. Hızlı bir yay aynı anda üç ok atar, daha az zarar verirler ama yine de büyüleri aktifleşebilir. Güçlü bir yay yüzde yüz isabetli bir keskin nişancı atışı yapar, Bu atış mesafeye göre ekstra hasar verir ve 2 elde gerçekleşir. actors.hero.herosubclass.warden=gardiyan actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_short_desc=Uzun çimler _Gardiyan_'ın görüşünü engellemez ve _Gardiyan_ tohum ekerken ve bitki ezerken fazladan etkiler kazanır. actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=Gardiyan doğayla olan güçlü bağından dolayı çimenlerle ve bitkilerle ilişkili bonus etkilere sahiptir. Boş bir yeri direk gördüğü gibi uzun çimenin içinden de görebilir.\n\nGardiyan ektiği her tohumun çevresinde çimen yetişmesini sağlar ve bitkileri ezerken fazladan etkiler kazanır. Bu özel etkiler normal bitki etkilerinin yerini alır yani hiçbir bitkiyi ezmenin zararlı bir yanı yoktur. @@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.title=Doğaçlama atış actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı normalde fırlatma silahı olarak kullanılmayan bir eşyayı fırlatarak _2 tur_ düşmanını kör edebilir. 50 tur bekleme süresi vardır.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı normalde fırlatmak silahı olarak kullanılmayan bir eşyayı fırlatarak _3 tur_ düşmanını kör edebilir. 50 tur bekleme süresi vardır. actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hızlı tut -actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior waits he gains _0-2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior waits he gains _0-4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the Warrior waits he gains _0-6 armor_ until he moves. +actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı beklerse hareket edene kadar _0-2 zırh_ kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı beklerse hareket edene kadar _0-4 zırh_ kazanır.\n\n_+3:_ Savaşço beklerse hareket edene kadar _0-6 zırh_ kazanır. actors.hero.talent.strongman.title=Güçlü Adam actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçının gücü _%8 arttı_ sayı aşağı doğru yuvarlanır.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçının gücü _%13 arttı_ sayı aşağı doğru yuvarlanır.\n\n_+3:_Savaşçının gücü _%18 arttı_ sayı aşağı doğru yuvarlanır. @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.body_slam.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı zıpladıktan sonra yere indi actors.hero.talent.impact_wave.title=etki dalgası actors.hero.talent.impact_wave.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı zıpladıktan sonra yere indiğinde, bitişik tüm düşmanlar _2 karo_ geri itilir ve 3 tur boyunca _%25 oranında savunmasız hale gelme şansı olur.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı zıpladıktan sonra yere indiğinde, tüm bitişik düşmanlar _3 karo_ geri itilir ve 3 tur boyunca _%50 savunmasız hale gelme şansına sahiptir.\n\n_+3:_ Savaşçı zıpladıktan sonra yere indiğinde, bitişik tüm düşmanlar _4 karo_ geri itilir ve 3 tur boyunca _%75 oranında savunmasız hale gelme şansı olur.\n\n_+4:_ Savaşçı zıpladıktan sonra yere indiğinde, bitişik tüm düşmanlar _5 karo_ geri itilir ve 3 tur boyunca _%100 şansa_ savunmasız hale gelir. actors.hero.talent.double_jump.title=çift atlama -actors.hero.talent.double_jump.desc=_+1:_ If the Warrior performs a second leap within 3 turns, that leap has a _16% reduced_ charge cost.\n\n_+2:_ If the Warrior performs a second leap within 3 turns, that leap has a _30% reduced_ charge cost.\n\n_+3:_ If the Warrior performs a second leap within 3 turns, that leap has a _41% reduced_ charge cost.\n\n_+4:_ If the Warrior performs a second leap within 3 turns, that leap has a _50% reduced_ charge cost. +actors.hero.talent.double_jump.desc=_+1:_ Eğer Savaşçı 3 el içinde ikinci kere sıçrarsa, o sıçrama _%16 daha az_ şarj harcar.\n\n_+2:_ Eğer Savaşçı 3 el içinde ikinci kere sıçrarsa, o sıçrama _%30 daha az_ şarj harcar.\n\n_+3:_ Eğer Savaşçı 3 el içinde ikinci kere sıçrarsa, o sıçrama _%41 daha az_ şarj harcar.\n\n_+4:_ Eğer Savaşçı 3 el içinde ikinci kere sıçrarsa, o sıçrama _%50 daha az_ şarj harcar. actors.hero.talent.expanding_wave.title=genişleyen dalga actors.hero.talent.expanding_wave.desc=_+1:_ Şok dalgasının menzili 5'ten _6 kareye_, genişliği ise 60'tan _75 dereceye_ yükseltildi.\n\n_+2:_ Şok dalgasının menzili 5'ten _7 karoya_ yükseltildi ve genişliği 60'tan _90 dereceye_ yükseltildi.\n\n_+3:_ Şok dalgasının menzili 5'ten _8 kareye_ yükseltildi ve genişliği 60'tan _105 dereceye_ yükseltildi.\n\n_+4:_ Şok dalgasının menzili 5'ten _9 kareye_ yükseltildi ve genişliği 60'tan _120 dereceye_ yükseltildi. @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shock_force.desc=_+1:_ Shockwave _%20 daha fazla hasar_ verir actors.hero.talent.sustained_retribution.title=sürekli ceza actors.hero.talent.sustained_retribution.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı, 1 vuruşta %100 ilave hasar yerine, _2 vuruşa yayılan _%115 ilave hasar_ verir.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı, 1 vuruşta %100 ilave hasar yerine _3 vuruşa_ yayılan _%130 ilave hasar_ verir.\n\n_+3:_ Savaşçı, 1 vuruşta %100 ilave hasar yerine, _4 vuruşa yayılan _%145 ilave hasar_ verir.\n\nSavaşçı, 1 vuruşta %100 ilave hasar yerine, _5 vuruşa yayılan _%160 ilave hasar_ verir. actors.hero.talent.shrug_it_off.title=omuz silkme -actors.hero.talent.shrug_it_off.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior cannot take more than _67% of his max HP_ in damage while enduring.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior cannot take more than _45% of his max HP_ in damage while enduring.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior cannot take more than _30% of his max HP_ in damage while enduring.\n\n_+4:_ The Warrior cannot take more than _20% of his max HP_ in damage while enduring. +actors.hero.talent.shrug_it_off.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı direnirken _maksimum canının %67'sinden_ fazla hasar alamaz.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı direnirken _maksimum canının %45'inden_ fazla hasar alamaz.\n\n_+3:_ Savaşçı direnirken _maksimum canının %30'undan_ fazla hasar alamaz.\n\n_+4:_ Savaşçı direnirken _maksimum canının %20'sinden_ fazla hasar alamaz. actors.hero.talent.even_the_odds.title=ihtimaller bile actors.hero.talent.even_the_odds.desc=_+1:_ Savaşçı, dayanıklılık sona erdiğinde 2 karo içindeki her düşman için ek _%5 bonus hasar_ verir.\n\n_+2:_ Savaşçı, dayanıklılık sona erdiğinde 2 karo içindeki her düşman için ek _1%10 ilave hasar_ verir.\n\n_+3:_ Savaşçı, dayanıklılık sona erdiğinde 2 karo içindeki her düşman için ek _1%15 bonus hasar_ verir.\n\n_+4:_ Savaşçı, dayanıklılık sona erdiğinde 2 karo içindeki her düşman için _%20 ilave hasar_ verir. @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.title=Batarya Kalkanı actors.hero.talent.shield_battery.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü, tüm yüklerini şarj başına _%5 maksimum HP_ oranında korumaya dönüştürmek için bir değnek ile kendini hedefleyebilir.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü, tüm yüklerini _şarj başına maksimum HP %7,5 oranında korumaya dönüştürmek için bir değnek ile kendini hedefleyebilir. actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.title=güçlendirici parşömenler -actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next two wand zaps will get _+1 level_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next two wand zaps will get _+2 levels_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Mage reads a scroll, his next two wand zaps will get _+3 levels_. +actors.hero.talent.empowering_scrolls.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü her parşömen okuduğunda sonraki iki asa saldırısı _+1 seviye_ yüksek olur.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü her parşömen okuduğunda sonraki iki asa saldırısı _+2 seviye_ yüksek olur.\n\n_+3:_ Büyücü her parşömen okuduğunda sonraki iki asa saldırısı _+3 seviye_ yüksek olur. actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.title=dost çözgüsü actors.hero.talent.ally_warp.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü, _2 karo aralığı_ ile anında yer değiştirmek için bir müttefike dokunabilir.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü, _4 karo aralığı_ ile anında yer değiştirmek için bir müttefike dokunabilir.\n\n_+3:_ Büyücü, _6 karo aralığı_ ile anında yer değiştirmek için bir müttefike dokunabilir.\n\nBüyücü, hareketsiz müttefiklerle yer değiştiremez. @@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.necromancers_minions.desc=_+1:_ Düşman olarak işaretlenmi actors.hero.talent.blast_radius.title=Patlama yarıçapı actors.hero.talent.blast_radius.desc=_+1:_ Elemental patlamanın yarıçapı 4'ten _5 karoya_ yükseltildi.\n\n_+2:_ Elemental patlamanın yarıçapı 4'ten _6 karoya_ yükseltildi.\n\n_+3:_ Elemental patlamanın yarıçapı 4'ten _7 karoya_ yükseltildi.\n\n_+4:_ Elemental patlamanın yarıçapı 4'ten _8 karoya_ yükseltildi. actors.hero.talent.elemental_power.title=temel güç -actors.hero.talent.elemental_power.desc=_+1:_ The power of elemental blast is increased by _20%_.\n\n_+2:_ The power of elemental blast is increased by _40%_.\n\n_+3:_ The power of elemental blast is increased by _60%_.\n\n_+4:_ The power of elemental blast is increased by _80%_. +actors.hero.talent.elemental_power.desc=_+1:_ Element patlamasının gücü _%20_ arttı. \n_+2:_ Element patlamasının gücü _%40_ arttı. \n_+3:_ Element patlamasının gücü _%60_ arttı. \n_+4:_ Element patlamasının gücü _%80_ arttı. actors.hero.talent.reactive_barrier.title=reaktif bariyer actors.hero.talent.reactive_barrier.desc=_+1:_ Büyücü, temel patlamadan etkilenen her karakter için maksimum 5 karaktere kadar _2 kalkan_ kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Büyücü, temel patlamadan etkilenen her karakter için maksimum 5 karaktere kadar _4 kalkan_ kazanır.\n\n_+3:_ Büyücü, temel patlamadan etkilenen her karakter için maksimum 5 karaktere kadar _6 kalkan_ kazanır.\n\n_+4:_ Büyücü, temel patlamadan etkilenen her karakter için maksimum 5 karaktere kadar _8 kalkan_ kazanır. @@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.title=haydutun görüşü actors.hero.talent.rogues_foresight.desc=_+1:_ Haydut, gizli odalı bir seviyede olduğunda, seviyenin bir sır içerdiğini _%50 fark etme şansına sahiptir.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut, gizli odalı bir seviyede olduğunda, seviyenin bir sır içerdiğini _%75 fark etme şansına sahiptir. actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.title=ışık pelerini -actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _17% speed_.\n\n_+2:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _33% speed_.\n\n_+3:_ The Rogue can use his cloak of shadows when it is not equipped, but it recharges at _50% speed_. +actors.hero.talent.light_cloak.desc=_+1:_ Haydut gölge pelerinini giymeden kullanabilir ama bu durumda şarjı _%17 hızla_ dolar.\n\n_+1:_ Haydut gölge pelerinini giymeden kullanabilir ama bu durumda şarjı _%33 hızla_ dolar.\n\n_+1:_ Haydut gölge pelerinini giymeden kullanabilir ama bu durumda şarjı _%50 hızla_ dolar. actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.title=geliştirilmiş yüzükler actors.hero.talent.enhanced_rings.desc=_+1:_ Haydut bir eser kullandığında, yüzükleri _3 tur boyunca +1 yükseltme kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Haydut bir eser kullandığında, yüzükleri _6 tur boyunca +1 yükseltme kazanır.\n\n_+3:_ Haydut bir eser kullandığında, yüzükleri _9 tur boyunca +1 yükseltme kazanır. @@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.survivalists_intuition.desc=_+1:_ Avcı tüm ekipmanları _1. actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.title=Ardışık Saldırı actors.hero.talent.followup_strike.desc=_+1:_ Avcı bir rakibe yayı veya fırlattığı bir silahla vurduğunda, o rakibe karşı bir sonraki yakın muharebe saldırısı _2 ilave hasar_ verir.\n\n_+2:_ Avcı, yayı veya fırlattığı bir silahla bir rakibe vurduğunda, o rakibe karşı yaptığı bir sonraki yakın muharebe saldırısı _3 ilave hasar_ verir. actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.title=Doğanın desteği -actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ The Huntress gains 0-2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _3 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision.\n\n_+2:_ The Huntress gains 0-2 armor of barkskin, which fades every _5 turns_ when a plant's effect is activated in her vision. +actors.hero.talent.natures_aid.desc=_+1:_ Görüş alanında bir bitki aktifleştiğinde Avcı her _3 elde_ bir azalan 0-2 kabukderi zırhı kazanır.\n\n_+2:_ Görüş alanında bir bitki aktifleştiğinde Avcı her _5 elde_ bir azalan 0-2 kabukderi zırhı kazanır. actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.title=Canlandıran Yemek actors.hero.talent.invigorating_meal.desc=_+1:_ Yemek yemek sadece bir tur sürer (dutlar anında yenir) ve avcıya _1 tur acele_ verir.\n\n_+2:_ Yemek yemek sadece bir tur sürer (dutlar anında yenir) ve avcıya _2 tur acele_ verir. @@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.shared_upgrades.desc=_+1:_ Sniper yükseltilmiş bir fırlat actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.title=uzun süreli ipuçları actors.hero.talent.durable_tips.desc=_+1:_ Uçlu dartlar, Muhafız onları kullandığında _2 kat dayanıklılığa_ sahiptir.\n\n_+2:_ Uçlu oklar, Muhafız onları kullandığında _3 kat dayanıklılığa sahiptir.\n\n_+3:_ Uçlu dartlar, Muhafız onları kullandığında _4 kat dayanıklılığa sahiptir. actors.hero.talent.barkskin.title=kabuk derili -actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains _0-50% of her level_ in barkskin armor which fades every turn.\n\n_+2:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains _0-100% of her level_ in barkskin armor which fades every turn.\n\n_+3:_ When stepping in grass, the Warden gains _0-150% of her level_ in barkskin armor which fades every turn. +actors.hero.talent.barkskin.desc=_+1:_ Çimene bastığında Bekçi _seviyesinin %0-50'si kadar_ kabukderi zırhı kazanır. Bu zırh her el azalır.\n\n_+2:_ Çimene bastığında Bekçi _seviyesinin %0-100'ü kadar_ kabukderi zırhı kazanır. Bu zırh her el azalır.\n\n_+3:_ Çimene bastığında Bekçi _seviyesinin %0-150'si kadar_ kabukderi zırhı kazanır. Bu zırh her el azalır. actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.title=koruyucu dew actors.hero.talent.shielding_dew.desc=_+1:_ Çiy damlaları, sağlığı dolduğunda Muhafız'ı _maksimum HP'sinin _%20'sine kadar koruyabilir.\n\n_+2:_ Çiy damlaları, sağlığı dolduğunda Muhafız'ı _maksimum HP'sinin _%40'ına kadar koruyabilir.\n\n_+3:_ Çiy damlaları, sağlığı dolduğunda Muhafız'ı, maksimum HP'sinin _%60'ına kadar koruyabilir. @@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.swift_spirit.desc=_+1:_ Ruh şahinin hareket hızı 2'den _2, #universal actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.title=kahramanca enerji -actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.rat_title=ratroic energy +actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.rat_title=sıçansal enerji actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.desc=_+1:_ Kahramanın zırh yeteneğinin şarj maliyeti %13 azaltılmıştır.\n\n_+2:_ Kahramanın zırh yeteneği, _%24 azaltılmış_ şarj maliyetine sahiptir.\n\n_+3:_ Kahramanın zırh yeteneği, _%34 azaltılmış_ şarj maliyetine sahiptir.\n\n_+4:_ Kahramanın zırh yeteneği, _%43 azaltılmış_ şarj maliyetine sahiptir actors.hero.talent.ratsistance.title=sıçan direnci @@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@ actors.mobs.spinner.desc=Bu tüylü yeşimsi mağara örümcekleri direk savaşmırılmış heykel actors.mobs.statue.def_verb=engellendi -actors.mobs.statue.desc=You would think that it's just another one of this dungeon's inanimate statues, but its red glowing eyes give it away.\n\nWhile the statue itself is made of stone, the _%s_ it's wielding looks real. +actors.mobs.statue.desc=Bu heykeli diğerleri gibi cansız sanabilirdin fakat parlak kırmızı gözleri onu ele veriyor.\n\nHeykel taştan olsa da, üzerindeki _%s_ gerçek görünüyor. actors.mobs.succubus.desc=Sukkubuslar kurbanlarının zihinleriyle oynayan ve şekil değiştiren şeytanlardır. Bu sukkubus gotik bir kıza benziyor belki de büyücüleri etkilemek içindir.\n\nSukkubus saldırırken rakibi kendine aşık edebilir, aşık hedefler sukkubus'a direk olarak saldıramaz, sukkubus kendisine aşık bir hedefe salırdığına yaşam enerjisinin birazını çalar. @@ -1119,7 +1119,7 @@ actors.mobs.thief.desc=Her ne kadar hücrelerinin dışında özgürce gezinsele cüce actors.mobs.warlock.bolt_kill=Gölge oku seni öldürdü... -actors.mobs.warlock.desc=Cücelerin ilgi alanları mühenislikten sihirli sanatlara kaydıkça, sihirbazlar şehirdeki güce çekildiler. Önce elemental büyüyle ilgilenirken sonradan şeytani büyülerle ve ruh bilimleri ile uğraşmaya başladılar. Bu büyücülerin en güçlüsü cüce şehrinin tahtını ele geçirdi ve büyücü topluluğunun özgürlüğü karşılığında onların karanlık büyülerle uğraşmalarına izin verdi.\n\nBu büyücüler güçlü yokedici büyüye sahiptir, ve geçici olarak ekipmanınızdaki yükseltme büyüsünü alıkoyabilir. Ekipman ne kadar yükseltildiyse bu etkiden o kadar etkilenir. +actors.mobs.warlock.desc=Cücelerin ilgi alanları mühendislikten sihirli sanatlara kaydıkça, sihirbazlar şehirdeki gücü ele geçirdiler. Önce elemental büyüyle ilgilenirken sonradan şeytani büyülerle ve ruh bilimleri ile uğraşmaya başladılar. Bu büyücülerin en güçlüsü cüce şehrinin tahtını ele geçirdi ve büyücü topluluğunun özgürlüğü karşılığında onların karanlık büyülerle uğraşmalarına izin verdi.\n\nBu büyücüler güçlü yokedici büyüye sahiptir, ve geçici olarak ekipmanınızdaki yükseltme büyüsünü alıkoyabilir. Ekipman ne kadar yükseltildiyse bu etkiden o kadar etkilenir. actors.mobs.wraith.desc=Hayalet, günahkar birisinin mezarlarını veya mezar taşlarını rahatsız edenlere karşı intikam isteğiyle dolu ruhudur. Tam somut bir varlık olmadığından sıradan bir silahla ona vurmak çok zordur. @@ -1142,13 +1142,13 @@ actors.mobs.yog$larva.desc=Yog-Dzewa, kaosun güçlü bir etniği olan eski bir actors.mobs.yogdzewa.notice=SENİ. GÖRÜYORUM. actors.mobs.yogdzewa.darkness=Karanlık yaklaşıyor... -actors.mobs.yogdzewa.hope=UMUT. SADECE. BİR. İLÜZYONDUR! +actors.mobs.yogdzewa.hope=UMUDUN. BİR. HAYAL. actors.mobs.yogdzewa.defeated=... actors.mobs.yogdzewa.rankings_desc=Yog_Dwegza tarafından yenip bitirildin. actors.mobs.yogdzewa.desc=Yog-Dzewa antik bir tanrıdır. Bu devasa canavar ölümlü dünyaya uzanıp ölümlüleri sonsuz büyümesine yakıt olarak kullanmak için yutar. Cüceler bu varlığın dikkatini kara büyülerle uğraşırken çekmiş olmalılar ve zaptetmeye çalışmışlar.\n\nYog-Dzewa saf kaos büyüsünden oluşan bir boyuttan geliyor ve bu dünyaya gerçek şeklini getiremiyor. Bu yüzden avatarlar ve şeytani minyonlar yaratarak bu dünyaya kaosu yaymaya çalışıyor.\n\nBu devasa göz Yog-Dzewa'nın bu dünyadaki gücünün merkezi. Göz hareket edemez ama güçlü şeytani büyüler ışınlar atabilir ve savaşması için çeşitli minyonlar çağırabilir. -actors.mobs.yogdzewa.desc_spawners=Bu göze yukarıdan gelen şeytani enerji dalgaları hissediyorsun. Yukarıda hayatta şeyler ona geri enerji gönderiyor olmalı. Yog-Dzewa bu enerjiyi daha güçlü minyonlar çağırmak için kullanıyor. -actors.mobs.yogdzewa$ı'nın larvası -actors.mobs.yogdzewa$larva.rankings_desc=Yog_Dwegza tarafından yenip bitirildin. +actors.mobs.yogdzewa.desc_spawners=Bu göze yukarıdan gelen şeytani enerji dalgaları hissediyorsun. Yukarıda hayatta bıraktığın bir şeyler ona enerji gönderiyor olmalı. Yog-Dzewa bu enerjiyi daha güçlü minyonlar çağırmak için kullanıyor. +actors.mobs.yogdzewa$ın kurtçuğu +actors.mobs.yogdzewa$larva.rankings_desc=Yog-Dwegza tarafından yenip bitirildin. actors.mobs.yogdzewa$larva.desc=Yog-Dzewa'nın çağırdığı bu basit minyonların üretmesi kolaydır. Kendi başlarınayken zayıfken hızlı çağrıldıkları için aniden kalabalık sayılara ulaşabilirler. actors.mobs.yogdzewa$yogripper.rankings_desc=Yog_Dwegza tarafından yenip bitirildin. actors.mobs.yogdzewa$yogeye.rankings_desc=Yog_Dwegza tarafından yenip bitirildin. @@ -1158,15 +1158,15 @@ actors.mobs.yogfist.invuln_warn=Yumruk göze yakınken hasar almaz. actors.mobs.yogfist.rankings_desc=Yog_Dwegza tarafından yenip bitirildin. actors.mobs.yogfist.desc=Bu yumruk Yog-Dzewa'nın gücünün bir formudur. Yumruklar Yog-Dzewa'nın gücüne bağlıdır ve göze yakınken hasar almaz. actors.mobs.yogfist$ yumruk -actors.mobs.yogfist$burningfist.desc=Bu yumruk saf ateş büyüsünden oluşur. Geçtiği yerleri ateşe boğarken etrafa ateş topları atar, toplarda temas ettiği şeyleri ateşe verir.\n\nYumruğun ateş güçleri suyun yakınlarında iken zayıflar yine de suyu bir süre içinde buharlaştıracak kadar sıcaktır. +actors.mobs.yogfist$burningfist.desc=Bu yumruk saf ateş büyüsünden oluşur. Geçtiği yerleri ateşe boğarken etrafa ateş topları atar, toplar da temas ettiği şeyleri ateşe verir.\n\nYumruğun ateş güçleri suyun yakınlarında iken zayıflar, yine de suyu bir süre içinde buharlaştıracak kadar sıcaktır. actors.mobs.yogfist$ı yumruk actors.mobs.yogfist$soiledfist.desc=Bu yumruk kaotik toprak büyüsünden oluşur. Hareket ettikçe çevresinde bitkiler yetişir. Ayrıca toprak ışınları ile saldırabilirler ve bu vuruşlar hedeflerini hızlıca büyüyen sarmaşıklarla yere sabitler.\n\nYumruk çevresindeki doğal yaşamdan güç alıyor ve çevresindeki kısa veya uzun otların sayısına göre hasar direnci artar. -actors.mobs.yogfist$üflenmiş yumruk +actors.mobs.yogfist$Çürümüş yumruk actors.mobs.yogfist$rottingfist.desc=Bu yumruk yaşayan çarpıklıktan oluşur. Bu yumruk çürüyen etten oluşur ve yakın dövüşte aşındırıcı öz, uzak dövüşte toksik gazlar yayar. Üstüne üstlük bu büyük kütle direk hasar almak yerine kanayarak hasar alır.\n\nSu aşındırıcı özü yıkamak için kullanılabilir ama yumruk da suyu emerek kendini iyileştirebilir! Ayrıca yumruğa hasar vermek kanama etkisini sıfırlar ama biriktirmez. actors.mobs.yogfist$ış yumruk -actors.mobs.yogfist$rustedfist.desc=Bu yumruk yaşayan metalden oluşur. Güçlü yakın dövüş saldırıları vardır ve uzaktaki düşmanları yaralar. İnanılmaz büyüklüğünden dolayı aldığı hasara zamanla yavaş yavaş alır, direk almaz.\n\nAma yumruk esneyemez yani dar geçitlerden geçemez ayrıca aldığı hasarı yavaşça alsa da çoklu vuruşlarda aldığı hasar da artar. +actors.mobs.yogfist$rustedfist.desc=Bu yumruk yaşayan metalden oluşur. Güçlü yakın dövüş saldırıları vardır ve uzaktaki düşmanları sakatlar. İnanılmaz büyüklüğünden dolayı aldığı hasarı zamanla yavaş yavaş alır, direkt almaz.\n\nAma yumruk esneyemez yani dar geçitlerden geçemez, ayrıca aldığı hasarı yavaşça alsa da çoklu vuruşlarda aldığı hasar da artar. actors.mobs.yogfist$ yumruk -actors.mobs.yogfist$brightfist.teleport=Yumruk, seni gerçekten kör eden bir ışıkla ışınlandı! +actors.mobs.yogfist$brightfist.teleport=Yumruk, seni ciddi derecede kör eden bir ışıkla ışınlandı! actors.mobs.yogfist$brightfist.desc=Bu yumruk saf ışık enerjisinden oluşuyor. Ve her turda güçlü ışık ışınları ile saldırabilir! Bu ışınlar seni geçici olarak kör eder ve ağır hasar verir. Ayrıca kaçmak için etrafı ışığa boğabilir!\n\nBu yumruğun yakın dövüşte kullanabileceği bir yeteneği yoktur. actors.mobs.yogfist$ık yumruk actors.mobs.yogfist$darkfist.teleport=Yumruk, ışık kaynağını söndüren bir karanlık patlamasıyla ışınlandı! diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ index 04933d3b0..e8843964d 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/actors/ @@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ actors.hero.talent.swift_spirit.desc=_+1:_飞鹰的移动速度由每回合2 #universal actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.title=英勇能量 -actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.rat_title=嘤勇能量 +actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.rat_title=阴勇能量 actors.hero.talent.heroic_energy.desc=_+1:_发动英雄护甲能力的充能消耗_减少13%_。\n\n_+2:_发动英雄护甲能力的充能消耗_减少24%_。\n\n_+3:_发动英雄护甲能力的充能消耗_减少34%_。\n\n_+4:_发动英雄护甲能力的充能消耗_减少43%_。 actors.hero.talent.ratsistance.title=鼠手鼠脚 diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ index a11ec758f..3463060a6 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ @@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.desc=Po vypití tohoto lektvaru budou mistrovství items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.prompt=Přizpůsobit se předmětu items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.weapon_easier=Tvou zbraň je snazší používat! -items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.armor_easier=Your armor becomes easier to wear! +items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.armor_easier=Tvou zbroj je nyní snazší nosit! items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.desc=Namísto hrubé síly přizpůsobí tento lektvar svaly svého uživatele přímo jednomu konkrétnímu předmětu. Díky tomu bude mnohem snazší s tímto předmětem zacházet, jako kdyby s ním uživatel dlouhodobě trénoval a jeho tělo si na něj zvyklo.\n\nVybraná zbraň nebo zbroj bude vyžadovat o 2 body síly méně. Lektvar lze použít ke každému předmětu jen jednou. chránění diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ index 60284e7b4..00450f467 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ @@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ großes und großartiges Stück Kürbiskuchen! Sei riesig-süße Zuckerstange! Sie ist groß genug, um dich satt zu machen und der Zucker könnte dir genug Energie geben, dass deine Zauberstäbe ein kleines bisschen schneller aufladen als üblich.\n\nFrohes Fest! Essensration Essen schmeckte in Ordnung. Essen... naja, ging so. sieht fast genau so aus wie eine übliche Essensration - nur weniger als üblich.ünstetes Fleisch @@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ items.scrolls.scroll.tiwaz=Schriftrolle von TIWAZ items.scrolls.scroll.unknown_desc=Auf diesem Pergament ist eine nicht entzifferbare magische Rune geschrieben. Wer weiß schon, was sie anstellen wird, wenn man sie laut vorliest? items.scrolls.scroll.blinded=Du kannst keine Schriftrolle lesen, wenn du geblendet bist. items.scrolls.scroll.no_magic=Du kannst keine Schriftrolle lesen, wenn du gegen Magie immun bist. -items.scrolls.scroll.cursed=Dein verfluchtes Zauberbuch verhindert es die Magie der Schriftrolle zu wirken! Eine Schriftrolle des Fluchbrechers sollte stark genug sein, um den Fluch des Zauberbuches zu brechen... +items.scrolls.scroll.cursed=Dein verfluchtes Zauberbuch verhindert es, die Magie der Schriftrolle zu wirken! Eine Schriftrolle des Fluchbrechers könnte jedoch stark genug sein... items.scrolls.scroll$ items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.warning=Willst du wirklich den Spruch der Schriftrolle unterbrechen? Die Schriftrolle wird dadurch trotzdem verbraucht. @@ -1334,7 +1334,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.annoying.msg_2=JA, HOL SIE DIR! items.weapon.curses.annoying.msg_3=HEY, HÖR MIR ZU! items.weapon.curses.annoying.msg_4=SIND WIR SCHON BEIM ENDGEGNER? items.weapon.curses.annoying.msg_5=AUTSCH, SCHLAG NICHT SO FEST ZU! -items.weapon.curses.annoying.desc=Nervige Waffen sind in der Lage zu sprechen, neigen aber dazu, sehr energisch zu sein. Sie werden oft die Aufmerksamkeit auf dich lenken ohne dies wirklich zu beabsichtigen. +items.weapon.curses.annoying.desc=Nervige Waffen können sprechen, aber sie sind etwas zu energisch. Sie werden oft die Aufmerksamkeit auf dich lenken, ohne, dass sie das eigentlich wollen. der Verdrängung items.weapon.curses.displacing.desc=Waffen der Verdrängung wurden mit einer chaotischen Teleportationsmagie versehen. Sie besitzen die Fähigkeit, Gegner irgendwo auf diese Ebene zu teleportieren. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ index dd3e54335..e63737bb2 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ όγκου items.armor.curses.bulk.desc=Η πανοπλία όγκου φαίνεται μεγάλη και εντυπωσιακή, αλλά δεν παρέχει αυξημένη προστασία. Αντίθετα, λόγω μεγέθους, εμποδίζει το εύκολο πέρασμα μέσα από πόρτες. διάβρωσης -items.armor.curses.corrosion.desc=Μία πανοπλία διάβρωσης μπορεί να εξαπολύει διαβρωτικό υγρό, καταβρέχοντας τα πάντα στην περιοχή με καυστική γλίτσα. +items.armor.curses.corrosion.desc=Μια πανοπλία διάβρωσης είναι ικανή να εκτοξεύει διαβρωτικό υγρό, καταβρέχοντας τα πάντα γύρω της με καυστική γλίτσα. εκτοπισμού items.armor.curses.displacement.desc=Η κατάρα εκτοπισμού προσπαθεί να μεταφέρει τον χρήστη σε ασφαλές μέρος όποτε δέχεται επίθεση. Δυστυχώς το παρακάνει, τηλεμεταφέροντάς τον σε τυχαία σημεία του επιπέδου. @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ items.armor.huntressarmor.no_enemies=Δεν υπάρχουν εχθροί τρι items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=Όσο φοράει τον μανδύα, η Κυνηγός μπορεί να εκτελέσει μια ειδική ικανότητα.δερμάτινη πανοπλία -items.armor.leatherarmor.desc=Πανοπλία από κατεργασμένο δέρμα τεράτων. Όχι τόσο ελαφριά όσο η υφασμάτινη πανοπλία, αλλά με καλύτερη προστασία. +items.armor.leatherarmor.desc=Πανοπλία από κατεργασμένα δέρματα τεράτων. Όχι τόσο ελαφριά όσο η υφασμάτινη πανοπλία, αλλά με καλύτερη προστασία.ηρωικός χιτώνας items.armor.magearmor.desc=Όσο φοράει αυτόν τον υπέροχο χιτώνα, ο Μάγος μπορεί να εκτελέσει μια ειδική ικανότητα. @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ items.artifacts.capeofthorns$Αγκάθια items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.desc=Η κάπα σου εκπέμπει ενέργεια και σε καλύπτει με ένα πεδίο αμυντικής ισχύος!\n\nΌλη η εισερχόμενη ζημιά μειώνεται όσο η επίδραση των αγκαθιών είναι ενεργή. Επιπλέον, εάν ο επιτιθέμενος είναι δίπλα σου, η ζημιά που απορροφάται επιστρέφει σε αυτόν.\n\nΓύροι αγκαθιών που απομένουν: %s.δισκοπότηρο αίματος -items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.ac_prick=ΤΡΥΠΗΣΕ +items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.ac_prick=ΤΡΥΠΗΣΟΥ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.yes=Ναι, ξέρω τι κάνωΌχι, άλλαξα γνώμη items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.prick_warn=Κάθε φορά που χρησιμοποιείς το δισκοπότηρο, θα απορροφάει περισσότερη ζωτική ενέργεια. Εάν δεν προσέξεις, αυτό μπορεί εύκολα να σε σκοτώσει.\n\nΘέλεις σίγουρα να του προσφέρεις κι άλλη ζωτική ενέργεια; @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ items.keys.crystalkey.desc=Οι κομμένες επιφάνειες αυτούσιδερένιο κλειδί items.keys.ironkey.desc=Οι εγκοπές αυτού του αρχαίου σιδερένιου κλειδιού έχουν φθαρεί αρκετά· το δερμάτινο κορδόνι του είναι φαγωμένο από τον χρόνο. Τι πόρτα να ανοίγει, άραγε;σκελετένιο κλειδίσκελετικό κλειδί items.keys.skeletonkey.desc=Αυτό είναι κλειδί, όχι αστεία: το κεφάλι του είναι σχηματισμένο σαν κρανίο. Ίσως να ανοίγει κάποια πολύ σημαντική πόρτα. @@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ items.potions.potion.charcoal=ανθρακί φίλτρο items.potions.potion.ivory=λευκό φίλτρο items.potions.potion.amber=κεχριμπαρένιο φίλτρο items.potions.potion.bistre=καφέ φίλτρο -items.potions.potion.indigo=μωβ φίλτρο +items.potions.potion.indigo=ιώδες φίλτρο items.potions.potion.silver=ασημί φίλτρο items.potions.potion.unknown_desc=Αυτή η φιάλη περιέχει ένα πολύχρωμο στροβιλιζόμενο υγρό. Άραγε, τι θα κάνει αν το πιεις ή το πετάξεις; items.potions.potion.harmful=Βλαβερό φίλτρο! @@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.charcoal=εξωτικό ανθρακί φίλ items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.ivory=εξωτικό λευκό φίλτρο items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.amber=εξωτικό κεχριμπαρένιο φίλτρο items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.bistre=εξωτικό καφέ φίλτρο -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.indigo=εξωτικό μωβ φίλτρο +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.indigo=εξωτικό ιώδες φίλτρο items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.silver=εξωτικό ασημί φίλτρο items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.unknown_desc=Αυτή η στρογγυλή φιάλη περιέχει ένα κοκκώδες, πολύχρωμο υγρό. Φαίνεται να μην είναι από αυτήν τη γη. Άραγε, τι θα κάνει αν το πιεις ή το πετάξεις; items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.warning=Θες σίγουρα να ακυρώσεις τη χρήση αυτού του φίλτρου; Θα καταναλωθεί έτσι κι αλλιώς. @@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=Τηλεμεταφέρθηκες αστ items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Η ισχυρή μαγική αύρα αυτού του μέρους αποτρέπει την τηλεμεταφορά! items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Δεν μπορείς να τηλεμεταφερθείς εκεί. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Επίλεξε μια τοποθεσία να τηλεμεταφερθείς -items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=Το ξόρκι αυτής της περγαμηνής τηλεμεταφέρει άμεσα τον αναγνώστη σε μία διαφορετική περιοχή του επιπέδου. Ο πάπυρος δίνει προτεραιότητα σε περιοχές που ο αναγνώστης δεν έχει ξαναπάει, αλλά δεν μπορεί να τηλεμεταφέρει μέσα από κλειδωμένες πόρτες ή οχυρώματα. Μπορεί, όμως, να αποκαλύψει κρυμμένες πόρτες που οδηγούν σε νέες περιοχές. +items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=Το ξόρκι αυτής της περγαμηνής τηλεμεταφέρει άμεσα τον αναγνώστη σε μια διαφορετική τοποθεσία του επιπέδου. Ο πάπυρος δίνει προτεραιότητα σε μέρη που ο αναγνώστης δεν έχει ξαναπάει, αλλά δεν μπορεί να τηλεμεταφέρει μέσα από κλειδωμένες πόρτες ή οχυρώματα. Μπορεί, όμως, να αποκαλύψει κρυμμένες πόρτες που οδηγούν σε νέες τοποθεσίες.πάπυρος τρόμου items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=Ο πάπυρος εκπέμπει μια δυνατή κόκκινη λάμψη. @@ -1296,7 +1296,7 @@ items.wands.wandofregrowth$lotus.desc=Ο χρυσός λωτός είναι ένραβδί μετάγγισης items.wands.wandoftransfusion.staff_name=κοντάρι μετάγγισης items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Εξοντώθηκες από το ίδιο σου το ραβδί μετάγγισης... -items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Το κοντάρι σου είναι φορτισμένο με την ζωτική ενέργεια του εχθρού σου! +items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Το κοντάρι φορτίστηκε με τη ζωτική ενέργεια του εχθρού σου! items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Ένα λιτά σχηματισμένο ραβδί· ξεχωρίζει χάρη στην πορφυρή του απόχρωση και το κατάμαυρο πετράδι στην άκρη. items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Όταν χρησιμοποιηθεί σε συμμάχους ή γοητευμένους εχθρούς, αυτό το ραβδί απορροφά _%1$d ζωή από τον χρήστη_ και θεραπεύει ή προστατεύει τον σύμμαχο για _%2$d ζωή._ Όταν χρησιμοποιηθεί σε εχθρούς, το ραβδί τους γοητεύει για λίγο και προσδίδει _%3$d προστασία_ στον χρήστη. Εχθρικοί απέθαντοι θα λάβουν _%4$d-%5$d ζημιά_ αντί να γοητευθούν. items.wands.wandoftransfusion.bmage_desc=_Ο Μαγομάχος_ θα λάβει προστασία όποτε κοπανά έναν γοητευμένο εχθρό με το κοντάρι μετάγγισης. Η επόμενη εξαπόλυση από το κοντάρι δεν θα του κοστίσει ζωή. @@ -1407,7 +1407,7 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.vampiric.desc=Αυτή η ισχυρή ενίσχυσ ###melee weaponsλεπίδι του δολοφόνουδολοφονικό λεπίδι items.weapon.melee.assassinsblade.stats_desc=Αυτό το όπλο είναι ισχυρότερο σε ανυποψίαστους εχθρούς. items.weapon.melee.assassinsblade.desc=Ένα μικρό και καμπυλωτό λεπίδι φτιαγμένο από οψιδιανό. Δύσκολο στη χρήση παρά την ελαφρότητά του, αλλά θανατηφόρο αν πετύχει καλά τον στόχο. @@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=Αυτό το τεράστιο γάντι είλόγχη items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Αυτό το όπλο είναι κάπως αργό.\nΤο όπλο έχει μεγαλύτερη εμβέλεια. -items.weapon.melee.glaive.desc=Ένα τεράστιο κονταροειδές όπλο που αποτελείται από μία λεπίδα ξίφους στην άκρη ενός πασσάλου. +items.weapon.melee.glaive.desc=Ένα τεράστιο κοντάρι με μια λεπίδα ξίφους τοποθετημένη στην άκρη του.γάντια με καρφιά items.weapon.melee.gloves.stats_desc=Αυτό είναι ένα πολύ γρήγορο όπλο. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ index e459ca776..dc3bd01f7 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ @@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_energize=ENERGIIZI items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Via ilaro ankoraŭ ne varmiĝis. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Malbenita ilaro malebligas al vi uzi alĥemion! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.need_energy=Necesas havi almenaŭ 5 poentojn da energio por energiizi la ilaron. -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_desc=Every 5 energy crystals will give the toolkit enough energy to gain a level, which increases the rate that the toolkit generates energy over time, and how quickly it warms up.\n\nHow much energy would you like to use? -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_1=5 energy: +1 level -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_all=%1$d energy: +%2$d levels -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. The vial contains what looks like alchemical energy crystals in liquid form. +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_desc=Ĉiuj 5 kristaloj de energio ŝargas la alĥemian ilaron per sufiĉe da energio por pliigi ĝian nivelon. Ju pli alta nivelo de ilaro, des pli rapide ĝi generas energion kaj varmiĝas.\n\nKiom da energio vi volas uzi? +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_1=5 da energio: +1 nivelo +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_all=%1$d da energio: +%2$d niveloj +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=Tiu ĉi ilaro enhavas kelkajn reakciilojn kaj herbojn kune kun malgranda provtubo por prepari eliksirojn ie ajn vi estas. La provtubo ŝajnas enhavi kristalojn de alĥemio en likva formo. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=La malbenita ilaro alteniiĝis al vi kaj malpermesas al vi uzi alĥemion. -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after a little while. -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. It looks like the mixture in the vial could be enhanced by adding energy crystals to it. +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=La ilaro nuntempe varmiĝas kaj estos preta baldaŭ. +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=La surmetita ilaro iom post iom liveras alĥemian energion dum kiam vi akiras sperton. Ŝajnas, ke la solvaĵo en la provtubo povas esti plipovigita per aldoni al ĝi kristalojn de energio. items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Vi ne povas surmeti du samajn antikvaĵojn. items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=La antikvaĵo dolore ligas sin al vi. @@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_equipped=Katenoj pendas ĉe vi, malrapide el items.artifacts.etherealchains$chainsrecharge.levelup=Viaj katenoj iĝas pli povaj! de abundo -items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_snack=SNACK +items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_snack=MANĜETI items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_eat=MANĜI items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_store=ENMETI manĝis el la korno. @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ items.artifacts.hornofplenty.reject=Via korno forĵetas nekuiritan naŭzfrukton. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.maxlevel=Via korno estas plenigita per manĝaĵo! items.artifacts.hornofplenty.levelup=La korno ensorbis manĝaĵon oferitan de vi kaj ĝia povo pliiĝas! items.artifacts.hornofplenty.feed=La korno ensorbis manĝaĵon oferitan de vi. -items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=This horn can't be blown into, but instead seems to fill up with food as you adventure and gain experience. You can consume each charge individually as a snack, or eat until you're full. +items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=Oni ne povas blovi en tiun ĉi kornon, tamen ĝi ŝajnas pleniĝi per manĝaĵo dum kiam vi aventuras kaj gajnas sperton. Vi povas manĝeti malgrandan porcion aŭ manĝi tiom, por ke esti plene sata. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=Eble oni povas pliigi povon de korno enigante al ĝi manĝan energion. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=La malbenita korno alteniĝis al vi kaj ĝi emas manĝaĵon preni ol doni. @@ -719,17 +719,17 @@ items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.bistre=ekzota maronkolora eliksiro items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.indigo=ekzota indiga eliksiro items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.silver=ekzota arĝentkolora eliksiro items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.unknown_desc=Tiu ĉi ronda flakono enhavas malsamece koloran likvon. Ĝi ŝajnas deveni de malproksima lando, kiu scias kio okazos kiam ĝi estos trinkita aŭ ĵetita? -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.warning=Do you really want to cancel this potion usage? It will be consumed anyway. +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.warning=Ĉu vi certe volas nuligi uzon de tiu ĉi eliksiro? Tiel aŭ alie ĝi konsumiĝos. items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.yes=Jes, mi certas, mi ŝanĝis mian volon de purigego -items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=This powerful reagent will render the drinker immune to all harmful effects for a few turns when quaffed. It can be thrown at a target to cleanse them as well. -items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing$ -items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing$cleanse.desc=A potion of cleansing is granting this character temporary immunity from all harmful effects!\n\nTurns remaining: %s. +items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=Tiu ĉi potenca eliksiro igos la trinkanton rezista al ĉiuj minacaj efikoj por kelkaj temperoj. Ĝi ankaŭ povas esti ĵetita por purigi la celon. +items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing$ +items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing$cleanse.desc=Eliksiro de purigego igas tiun ĉi ulon portempe rezista al ĉiuj minacaj efikoj!\n\nPluaj temperoj: %s. de koroda gaso -items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Uncorking or shattering this pressurized glass will cause its contents to explode into a deadly cloud of corrosive rust-colored gas. The gas spreads more quickly than toxic gas and is more deadly, but also won't last as long. +items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Malkorkado aŭ dispecigado de tiu ĉi kunprema ujo kaŭzos, ke ĝia enhavo eksplodos formante rustkoloran korodan gason. La gaso disŝvebas pli rapide kaj estas pli mortiga ol la toksa gaso, tamen ĝi agos por malpli longe. de draka spiro items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.prompt=Elektu kion flamigi @@ -738,26 +738,26 @@ items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.desc=Tiu ĉi eliksiro enhavas nekutim de tereca kiraso items.potions.exotic.potionofearthenarmor.desc=Anstataŭ paralizi, tiu ĉi likvo plimalmoligos haŭton formante sendaŭran naturan defendaĵon. of divine inspiration -items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.no_more_points=You can't gain any more bonus talent points. -items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.select_tier=Select a talent tier to gain two bonus points in. You must have unlocked the tier to be able to spend the points. -items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.bonus=+2 Talent Points! -items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.desc=The power of holy energy reduced to liquid form, this draught will imbue the drinker with divine power, granting them two bonus talent points in a tier of their choosing.\n\nThis potion can only be used once for each talent tier. de dia inspiro +items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.no_more_points=Vi ne povas akiri iun plian talent-poenton. +items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.select_tier=Elektu nivelon de talentoj, al kiu vi volas aldoni du ekstrajn poentojn. Vi devas malŝlosi la nivelon de talentoj por apliki la poentojn. +items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.bonus=+2 talent-poentoj! +items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.desc=Povo de sankta energio reduktita al likva formo, post engluti ĝin la trinkanto estos plenigita per dia povo, donante al li du ekstrajn talent-poentojn aplikeblajn al talentoj de unu elektita nivelo.\n\nTiun ĉi eliksiron oni povas uzi nur unufoje por ĉiu nivelo de talentoj. de magia vido -items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.desc=After drinking this, your senses will be briefly heightened to incredible levels, increasing your vision range and allowing you to see through walls! +items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.desc=Post trinki tiun ĉi eliksiron, viaj sensoj estos akrigitaj por mallonga tempo, pliigante vian vidatingon kaj ebligante al vi vidi trans muroj! of mastery -items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.prompt=Master an Item -items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.weapon_easier=Your weapon becomes easier to wield! -items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.armor_easier=Your armor becomes easier to wear! -items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.desc=Rather than granting raw strength, this potion will instead attune the muscles of the user to a particular item. This will make that item easier to use, as if the drinker had practised with it and built muscle memory.\n\nThe chosen weapon or armor will require 2 less strength to use. This potion can only be used once on each item. de majstreco +items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.prompt=Iĝi majstro de armaĵo +items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.weapon_easier=Vi armilo estas pli facila por uzi! +items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.armor_easier=Via defendaĵo estas pli facila por porti! +items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.desc=Anstataŭ simple pliigi povon de la trinkanto, tiu ĉi eliksiro adaptas specifaj muskolojn por uzi la determinitan armaĵon. Tiel la determinita armilo aŭ defendaĵo iĝos pli facila por uzi, same kiel la trinkanto ekzercis siajn muskolojn en uzi tiun ĉi armaĵon.\n\nLa elektita armaĵo postulos je 2 poentoj da povo malpli por uzi. Oni povas uzi tiun ĉi eliksiron nur unufoje por ĉiu armaĵo. de ŝirmo items.potions.exotic.potionofshielding.desc=Anstataŭ sanigi, tiu ĉi eliksiro formos fortan ŝirmon ĉirkaŭ via korpo, kiu blokos signifan kvanton da damaĝo. de nebula kurteno -items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.desc=When exposed to air, the liquid in this flask will produce a thick smoky fog which quickly spreads and blocks the vision of your enemies. +items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.desc=En kontakto kun la aero, la likvo en tiu ĉi flakono formos densan nebulon, kiu rapide disvastiĝos kaj blokos vidpovon de viaj kontraŭuloj. de subita frostigo items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.desc=La ĥemiaĵo entenata en tiu ĉi boteleto rapide reagos kun la aero, tuje frostigante kaj senmovigante ĉion en la proksimo. @@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ de vigleco items.potions.exotic.potionofstamina.desc=Trinkado de tiu ĉi strange dolĉa likvo plenigos vin per longe daŭrantan pliigon de povo, ebligante al vi galopi por iom da tempo. de pluvegaj nuboj -items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.desc=Throwing this potion will create a quickly-spreading cloud of concentrated vapor, which will condense and pour down onto the environment. Most terrain will be converted to water, and traps will be overwhelmed and break. +items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.desc=Ĵetu tiun ĉi eliksiron por krei nubon, kiu rapide disiĝos, kondensos kaj pluvos al la ĉirkaŭaĵo. Plejparto de tereno estos kovrita per akvo, kaj kaptiloj estos superakvitaj kaj ĉesos funkcii. @@ -788,10 +788,10 @@ĵo ĉi ardaĵo povas esti ricevita nur el junaj fajridoj. Ĝi radias varmalan energion.ĵo de ŝmiraĵo jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should convert into a decent amount of energy. kaj glita substanco, kiu disiĝis de ŝmiraĵ(eg)o je ĝia morto. Ĝi ŝajnas kiel granda gelatenaĵo, sed vi certege ne manĝos ĝin.\n\nĜi estas senutila per si mem, sed eble oni povas kombini ĝin kun iuj eliksiroj aŭ bombo. En ekstrema okazo vi povas konverti ĝin al iom da energio. metala ŝelpeco shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should convert into a decent amount of energy.Ŝelpeco de rusta kaj malbenita metalo, kiu disiĝis de DM-300 je ĝia detruiĝo. Vi povas senti malican – tamen malaktivan – magion insidantan de ĝi.\n\nĜi estas senutila per si mem, sed eble oni povas kombini ĝin kun iuj skribrulaĵoj aŭ bombo. En ekstrema okazo vi povas konverti ĝin al iom da energio.ĉoĈI @@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ĵo de teruro items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=La skribrulaĵo eligas helegan brilon de ruĝa lumo. skribrulaĵo eligas helegan brilon de ruĝa lumo kaj %s forkuras! items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=La skribrulaĵo eligas helegan brilon de ruĝa lumo kaj monstroj forkuras! -items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=When read, this scroll will emit a flash of red light that will overwhelm all enemies in your field of view with terror, and they will turn and flee. Attacking a fleeing enemy will shorten the effect. +items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Dum esti legata, tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo ellasos helegan brilon de ruĝa lumo, kiu ŝokos kaj teruros ĉiujn monstrojn en via vidatingo tiel, ke ili forkuros. Atako al forkuranta kontraŭulo nuligos la efikon.ĵo de transformo items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transformi aĵon @@ -980,18 +980,18 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.odal=ekzota skribrulaĵo de ODAL items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.tiwaz=ekzota skribrulaĵo de TIVAZ items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.unknown_desc=Briletaj nedeĉifreblaj magiaj runoj estas skribitaj sur tiu ĉi nigra pergameno. Ĝi ŝajnas deveni de malproksima lando, kiu scias, kio okazos, kiam ĝi estos legita voĉe? of siren's songĵo de marvirina kanto items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.prompt=Elektu celon -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.no_target=The scroll activates without a target -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.cancel=You must choose a target -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.desc=Reading this scroll emits an alluring melody which will enthrall a targeted enemy, permanently turning them into an ally! Other enemies who hear it will be temporarily charmed.\n\nParticularly strong enemies can resist the enthrall effect, and will be charmed instead. -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong$ -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong$enthralled.desc=This creature has been bewitched by the magic of a scroll of siren's song.\n\nAn enthralled character is permanently your ally, and will fight any enemies they encounter. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.no_target=La skribrulaĵo aktiviĝis sen elekti celon +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.cancel=Vi devas elekti celon +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.desc=Legado de tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo ellasos allogan melodion, kiu ĉarmos elektitan kontraŭulon kaj neinversigeble konvertos ĝin al via amiko! Proksimaj kontraŭuloj, kiuj aŭdos la kanton estos portempe ĉarmitaj.\n\nCeteraj tre fortaj malamikoj povas rezisti la konvertadon kaj nur estos ĉarmitaj. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong$ +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong$enthralled.desc=Tiu ĉi monstro estis konvertita per magio de la skribrulaĵo de marvirina kanto.\n\nKonvertita kontraŭulo porĉiame estos via amiko kaj atakos ĉiujn renkontitajn monstrojn.ĵo de malmagio items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofantimagic.desc=La sorĉaĵo de tiu ĉi volvolibro ĉirkaŭos vin per magia etoso, kiu portempe blokos ĉiujn magiajn efikojn, kaj helpajn kaj minacajn. of challengeĵo de defio items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofchallenge.desc=When read aloud, this scroll will unleash a great roar that draws enemies to the user while simultaneously creating a small arena around them.\n\nAs long as the reader stays in this arena they will take 33% less damage from all sources (this is applied before other forms of damage reduction), and they will not lose satiety.\n\nThe size of the arena will scale with the size of the area the reader is in. It will be particularly small in some boss areas. items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofchallenge$ Arena items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofchallenge$challengearena.desc=A scroll of challenge has created an arena around you, denoted by a billowing red fog.\n\nWhile standing in the fog, your hunger will not increase and you will take 33%% less damage from all sources. If you have any other sources of damage reduction (such as armor), they will apply after the 33%% reduction.\n\nTurns remaining: %d. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ index f6d23cc99..8370a276c 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ items.armor.clotharmor.desc=Cette armure légère offre une protection succincte de héros items.armor.huntressarmor.no_enemies=Pas d'ennemis en vue -items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=En portant cette cape, la chasseresse peut exécuter une capacité spéciale: +items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=En portant cette cape, la chasseresse peut exécuter une capacité spéciale. de cuir items.armor.leatherarmor.desc=Armure faite de peaux de monstre tannées. Pas aussi légère qu'une tunique, mais elle offre une meilleure protection. @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Même si cette armure paraît très lourde, elle p ###artifactsécessaire d'alchimie items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=BRASSER -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_energize=ENERGIZE +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_energize=ÉNERGIE items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Votre nécessaire n'a pas terminé de chauffer. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Votre nécessaire maudit vous empêche d'utiliser l'alchimie! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.need_energy=Vous avez besoin d'au moins 5 points d'énergie pour cela. @@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ de vision magique items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.desc=Après avoir bu ceci, vos sens vont être brièvement augmentés a des niveaux incroyables, augmentant votre champ de vision et vous permettant même de voir à travers les murs! de maîtrise -items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.prompt=Master an Item +items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.prompt=Maîtriser un article items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.weapon_easier=Votre arme devient plus facile à manier ! items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.armor_easier=Votre armure devient plus facile à porter ! items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.desc=Plutôt que d'octroyer de la force brute, cette potion va à la place harmoniser les muscles de l'utilisateur à un objet en particulier. Cela rend l'objet plus facile d'utilisation, comme si le buveur s'était entrainé avec et avait forgé une mémoire musculaire. @@ -1001,8 +1001,8 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Il ne reste rien a identifi items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Ce parchemins va, de manière permanente, identifier quatres types d'objets aléatoirement. Les types identifiés peuvent être une couleur de potion, la rune d'un parchemin, ou la gemme d'une bague. Les objets identifiés ne seront pas nécessairement ceux que vous transportez. items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Votre parchemin de divination a identifié les objets suivant: of dread -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdread.desc=When read, this scroll will emit a flash of red light that will instill incredible terror in all enemies in your field of view. So great is this effect that they will rapidly try to flee from the entire dungeon, never to be seen again!\n\nJust like with terror, this effect can expire with time, or if the enemy is attacked.\n\nStrong-willed enemies, such as bosses, will be inflicted with regular terror instead. de l'effroi +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdread.desc=Une fois lu, ce parchemin émettra un éclair de lumière rouge qui provoque une terreur incroyable chez tous les ennemis dans votre champ de vision. Cet effet est si grand qu'ils essaieront rapidement de fuir tout le donjon, pour ne plus jamais être revus !\ncomme tous les autres, cet effet peut expirer avec le temps, ou si l'ennemi est attaqué.\nLes Ennemis à forte volonté , comme les patrons, se verront infliger une terreur régulière à la place. d'enchantement items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.inv_title=Enchante un objet @@ -1013,13 +1013,13 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=annuler items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Ce parchemin va infuser une arme ou une armure avec une puissante énergie magique. Le lecteur a un certain degré de contrôle sur quelle magie est imprégnée. de prévoyance -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=After reading this scroll, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. This effect lasts for a considerable amount of time, and will reveal all hidden doors or traps, making searching unnecessary. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Après avoir lu ce parchemin, les détails de l'étage seront transmis à l’esprit du lecteur dans une clarté cristalline. \nCet effet est instantané et révélera toutes les portes, pièges, pièces cachés, rendant la recherche inutile.\n(L’emplacement des objets et des ennemis restera cependant inconnu.) of metamorphosis -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.choose_desc=Choose a talent to metamorphose. -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.replace_desc=Choose a new talent to replace your metamorphosed talent with. -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.metamorphose_talent=metamorphose talent -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic, which will apply to the caster instead of to an item. The magic of this scroll will let you select one talent, and replace it with one of three talents of the same tier from different hero classes!\n\nThis effect can only apply to class talents, not talents gained from subclasses or armor abilities. Talents that you cannot use will not be given as options. de métamorphose +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.choose_desc=Choisir un talent à métamorphoser +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.replace_desc=Choisissez un nouveau talent pour remplacer votre talent métamorphosé. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.metamorphose_talent=talent métamorphosé +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.desc=Ce parchemin contient une puissante magie de transmutation, qui s'appliquera au lanceur de sorts plutôt qu'à un objet. La magie de ce parchemin vous permettra de sélectionner un talent et de le remplacer par l'un des trois talents du même niveau de différentes classes de héros !\n\nCet effet ne peut s'appliquer qu'aux talents de classe, pas aux talents acquis des sous-classes ou des capacités d'armure. Les talents que vous ne pouvez pas utiliser ne seront pas proposés en option. d'énergie mystique items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Le pouvoir magique pur attaché a ce parchemin va, quand déchaîné, charger les artefacts équipés d'un utilisateur au fil du temps. @@ -1038,14 +1038,14 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Ce parchemin contient une énergi ###spells -items.spells.alchemize.prompt=Alchemize an Item -items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell contains transmutative powers similar to those found in an alchemy pot. Each cast allows the user to turn an item (or stack of items) into gold or alchemical energy.\n\nAlchemize is sold from shops, and can also be made using alchemy. A scroll is mixed with a runestone or seed to create an arcane catalyst, that catalyst can then be used to create several uses of alchemize. +items.spells.alchemize.prompt=Transformer un objet +items.spells.alchemize.desc=Ce sort contient des pouvoirs de transmutation similaires à ceux que l'on trouve dans un pot d'alchimie. Chaque lancement permet à l'utilisateur de transformer un objet (ou une pile d'objets) en or ou en énergie alchimique.\n\nL'alchimiser est vendu dans les magasins, et peut également être fabriqué par alchimie. Un parchemin est mélangé avec une pierre runique ou une graine pour créer un catalyseur arcanique, ce catalyseur peut ensuite être utilisé pour créer plusieurs utilisations d'alchimiser. items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell=Turn into %dg -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell_1=Turn 1 into %dg -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell_all=Turn all into %dg -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize=Turn into %d energy -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_1=Turn 1 into %d energy -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_all=Turn all into %d energy +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell_1=Transformez 1 en %dg +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell_all=Transformez tout en %dg +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize=Transformez en %d d'énergie +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_1=Transformez 1 en %d d'énergie +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_all=Transformez tout en %d d'énergie aquatique items.spells.aquablast.desc=Ce sort va éclabousser à l'emplacement de la cible. Il n'est pas assez puissant pour causer des dégâts (même à des ennemis ardents), mais cela propagera de l'eau sur le terrain à proximité et assommera très brièvement tout ce qui se trouve au centre de l'impact. @@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ items.spells.spell.no_magic=Vous ne pouvez pas jeter de sort quand vous êtes im magique items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Enchanter un objet items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Votre %s est empli d'énergie arcanique ! -items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell possesses the same magical power as a scroll of upgrade, but in a more stable form.\n\nIn addition to upgrading an item as normal it will never erase an enchantment on a weapon or a glyph on armor, including curses. +items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=Ce sort possède le même pouvoir qu'un parchemin d'amélioration mais avec une forme plus stable\n\nEn plus d'améliorer un objet, il n'effacera jamais l'enchantement d'une arme ou le glyphe d'une armure.éléporteur magique items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Téléporter un objet @@ -1096,13 +1096,13 @@ items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=Ce sort contient des restes de l'énergie mécaniq items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycler un objet items.spells.recycle.recycled=Votre objet a été recyclé en : %s. -items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, runestone, or tipped dart into a random item of the same type. +items.spells.recycle.desc=Ce sort possède une forme moins puissante de magie de transmutation. Il ne fonctionnera pas sur votre équipement, mais ce sort pourra transformer un parchemin, une potion, une graine ou une pierre runique en un objet aléatoire du même type. elemental un élémentaire items.spells.summonelemental.ac_imbue=IMPRÉGNER -items.spells.summonelemental.summon_limit=You can only have one elemental summoned at a time. -items.spells.summonelemental.imbue_prompt=Imbue an item -items.spells.summonelemental.desc=This spell channels the energy of the elemental embers used to make it, and will allow you to summon a friendly elemental to fight with you! Only one elemental can be summoned at a time. +items.spells.summonelemental.summon_limit=Vous pouvez seulement avoir un élémentaire invoqué à la fois +items.spells.summonelemental.imbue_prompt=Infusez un item +items.spells.summonelemental.desc=Ce sort canalise l'énergie de l'élémentaire de feu utilisée pour le fabriquer, et vous permettra d'invoquer un élémentaire amical pour combattre avec vous ! Un seul élémentaire peut être invoqué à la fois. items.spells.summonelemental.desc_newborn=The spell is currently unimbued, and will summon a weaker _newborn elemental_. You can imbue an identified potion of liquid flame, potion of frost, scroll of recharging, or scroll of transmutation to power the spell up, causing its next summon to be a full power elemental! items.spells.summonelemental.desc_fire=The spell is currently hot to the touch, its next summon will be a _fire elemental_. You can imbue a different item, but the spell will lose its current imbue. items.spells.summonelemental.desc_frost=The spell is currently cold to the touch, its next summon will be a _frost elemental_. You can imbue a different item, but the spell will lose its current imbue. @@ -1112,9 +1112,9 @@ items.spells.summonelemental.desc_chaos=The spell is currently radiating chaotic items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choisissez une cible items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Enchanter un objet grab -items.spells.telekineticgrab.cant_grab=You can't grab that. -items.spells.telekineticgrab.no_target=There's nothing to grab there. télékinétique +items.spells.telekineticgrab.cant_grab=Vous ne pouvez pas prendre ça +items.spells.telekineticgrab.no_target=Il n'y a rien à prendre ici. items.spells.telekineticgrab.desc=This spell allows the caster to remotely grab any item from the ground, or any thrown weapon that's stuck to an enemy!\n\nIt can't be used to grab items that someone else owns, or to grab containers like chests.énergie sauvage @@ -1713,7 +1713,7 @@ items.equipableitem.unequip_cursed=Vous ne pouvez enlever un objet maudit ! items.equipableitem.ac_equip=EQUIPER items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=DÉSÉQUIPER crystal énergétique items.energycrystal.desc=A collection of small magical crystals, filled with alchemical energy.\n\nThese crystals are the most common ingredient in alchemy recipes and can be produced at an alchemy pot by scrapping consumable items. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ index edb6e57a0..54ae2b4c2 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Egy rozoga kinézetű légies figura em ##back to artifactsündérlánc -items.artifacts.etherealchains.ac_cast=KIVETEM +items.artifacts.etherealchains.ac_cast=HASZNÁL items.artifacts.etherealchains.rooted=Ha le vagy gyökerezve, a láncod nem tud áthúzni! items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Nincs elég energia a tündérláncodban. items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=A megátkozott tündérláncot nem tudod használni. @@ -1071,7 +1071,7 @@ eső items.spells.featherfall.light=Könnyűnek érzed magad, mint egy madártoll! items.spells.featherfall.desc=Ez a varázslat a gravitációt manipulálja, lehetővé téve, hogy magasból is sérülésmentesen leess. Egy használata csak egyszeri védelmet biztosít egy szakadékhoz. -items.spells.spell.ac_cast=KIVETEM +items.spells.spell.ac_cast=HASZNÁL items.spells.spell.no_magic=Nem tudsz varázsolni ameddig varázserő immunis vagy.ágikus egyesülés diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ index 675320153..f5bc80a23 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ @@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ items.armor.clotharmor.desc=Questa armatura leggera offre una protezione base. dell'eroe items.armor.huntressarmor.no_enemies=Nessun nemico in vista -items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=While wearing this cloak, the Huntress can perform a special ability. +items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=Quando indossa questo mantello, la Cacciatrice può usare un'abilità speciale. di cuoio items.armor.leatherarmor.desc=Armatura ottenuta dalla pelle conciata di un mostro. Non leggera come quella di stoffa ma offre una protezione migliore. dell'eroe -items.armor.magearmor.desc=While wearing this gorgeous robe, the Mage can perform a special ability. +items.armor.magearmor.desc=Quando indossa questa magnifica tunica, il Mago può usare un'abilità speciale. a maglie items.armor.mailarmor.desc=L'intreccio degli anelli metallici crea un'armatura resistente e flessibile allo stesso tempo. @@ -119,13 +119,13 @@ a piastre items.armor.platearmor.desc=Enormi piastre di metallo sono unite in un'armatura in grado di fornire una protezione impareggiabile ad ogni avventuriero forte abbastanza da sopportarne lo sconcertante peso. dell'eroe -items.armor.roguearmor.desc=When wearing this dark garb, the Rogue can perform a special ability. +items.armor.roguearmor.desc=Quando indossa questa veste oscura, il Ladro può usare un'abilità speciale. a scaglie items.armor.scalearmor.desc=Le scaglie metalliche fissate su una maglia di cuoio creano un'armatura flessibile eppure protettiva. dell'eroe -items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=While this armor looks heavy, it allows the Warrior to perform a special ability. +items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Anche se sembra pesante, quest'armatura permette al Guerriero di usare un'abilità speciale. @@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_energize=ENERGIZZA items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Il tuo kit non è ancora pronto all'uso. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Il tuo kit maledetto ti impedisce di usare l'alchimia! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.need_energy=Hai bisogno di almeno 5 energia per questo. -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_desc=Every 5 energy crystals will give the toolkit enough energy to gain a level, which increases the rate that the toolkit generates energy over time, and how quickly it warms up.\n\nHow much energy would you like to use? +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_desc=Ogni 5 cristalli il kit avrà energia sufficiente per gudagnare un livello, il che aumenta la velocità con cui esso genera energia nel tempo e quanto velocemente si riscalda.\n\nQuanta energia vuoi usare? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_1=5 energia: +1 livello -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_all=%1$d energy: +%2$d levels -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. The vial contains what looks like alchemical energy crystals in liquid form. +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_all=%1$d energia: + %2$d livelli +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=Il kit di strumenti contiene reagenti ed erbe, oltre ad una bottiglietta di miscelazione, che permettono di praticare l'alchimia in qualunque luogo. La bottiglietta contiene anche ciò che sembra un cristallo di energia alchemica in forma liquda. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=Il kit maledetto si è fissato al tuo fianco e si rifiuta di lasciarti usare l'alchimia. -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after a little while. -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. It looks like the mixture in the vial could be enhanced by adding energy crystals to it. +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=Il kit di strumenti si sta riscaldando e sarà pronto all'uso tra breve. +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=Il kit appena indossato genera lentamente energia alchemica, via via che tu accumuli esperienza. Sembra che la miscela nella fiala possa venire potenziata aggiungendovi dei cristalli d'energia. items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Non puoi indossare due artefatti uguali. items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefatto si lega a te dolorosamente. @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ items.artifacts.hornofplenty.reject=Il corno rigetta il blandofrutto crudo. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.maxlevel=Il corno ha consumato tutto il cibo possibile! items.artifacts.hornofplenty.levelup=Il corno consuma la tua offerta di cibo e cresce in forza! items.artifacts.hornofplenty.feed=Il corno consuma la tua offerta di cibo. -items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=This horn can't be blown into, but instead seems to fill up with food as you adventure and gain experience. You can consume each charge individually as a snack, or eat until you're full. +items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=Non si può soffiare in questo corno, sembra però che si riempia di cibo via via che guadagni esperienza. Puoi consumare ogni carica da sola come se fosse un piccolo pasto oppure mangiare fino alla sazietà. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=Magari è possibile aumentare il potere del corno fornendogli energia alimentare. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=Il corno maledetto si è legato al tuo fianco, sembra desideroso di sottrarre cibo piuttosto che produrne. @@ -724,12 +724,12 @@ items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.yes=Si, sono sicuro., ho cambiato idea detergente -items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=This powerful reagent will render the drinker immune to all harmful effects for a few turns when quaffed. It can be thrown at a target to cleanse them as well. +items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=Questo potente reagente rende chi lo beve immune a tutti gli effetti nocivi per alcuni turni. Puoi anche lanciarlo contro un bersaglio per ripulirlo. items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing$ -items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing$cleanse.desc=A potion of cleansing is granting this character temporary immunity from all harmful effects!\n\nTurns remaining: %s. +items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing$cleanse.desc=Una pozione purificante garantisce a questo personaggio l'immunità temporanea a tutti gli effetti nocivi!\n\nTurni rimanenti: %s di gas corrosivo -items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Uncorking or shattering this pressurized glass will cause its contents to explode into a deadly cloud of corrosive rust-colored gas. The gas spreads more quickly than toxic gas and is more deadly, but also won't last as long. +items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Stappare o rompere questa fiala pressurizzata causerà la fuoriuscita del contenuto, che formerà una nube di gas corrosivo color ruggine. Il gas si spande pù velocemente del gas tossico ed è più letale, ma non dura altrettanto a lungo. dell'alito di drago items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.prompt=Scegli un punto da incendiare @@ -739,25 +739,25 @@ dell'armatura di terracot items.potions.exotic.potionofearthenarmor.desc=Piuttosto che paralizzare, questo liquido ha un effetto indurente sulla pelle, che si trasformerà così in un'autentica armatura temporanea. di ispirazione divina -items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.no_more_points=You can't gain any more bonus talent points. -items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.select_tier=Select a talent tier to gain two bonus points in. You must have unlocked the tier to be able to spend the points. +items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.no_more_points=Non puoi guadagnare altri punti Talento oltre a quelli che hai. +items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.select_tier=Scegli un'area di talenti in cui guadagnare 2 punti. Devi aver sbloccato quell'area, per potervi spendere i punti. items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.bonus=+2 Punti Talento! -items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.desc=The power of holy energy reduced to liquid form, this draught will imbue the drinker with divine power, granting them two bonus talent points in a tier of their choosing.\n\nThis potion can only be used once for each talent tier. +items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.desc=Potere di energia sacra ridotto a forma liquida, questa bevanda infonde potere divino in chi la consuma, facendogli guadagnare 2 punti Talento bonus in un'area di sua scelta.\n\nQuesta pozione può essere usata una sola volta per ogni area di talenti. di vista magica -items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.desc=After drinking this, your senses will be briefly heightened to incredible levels, increasing your vision range and allowing you to see through walls! +items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.desc=Dopo aver bevuto questa pozione, i tuoi sensi saranno affinati ad un livello incredibile per breve tempo, aumentando il tuo campo visivo e permettendoti di vedere attraverso i murI! di maestria -items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.prompt=Master an Item -items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.weapon_easier=Your weapon becomes easier to wield! -items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.armor_easier=Your armor becomes easier to wear! -items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.desc=Rather than granting raw strength, this potion will instead attune the muscles of the user to a particular item. This will make that item easier to use, as if the drinker had practised with it and built muscle memory.\n\nThe chosen weapon or armor will require 2 less strength to use. This potion can only be used once on each item. +items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.prompt=Padroneggia un oggetto +items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.weapon_easier=La tua arma diventa più facile da maneggiare! +items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.armor_easier=La tua armatura diventa più leggera da indossare! +items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.desc=Invece di farti guadagnare forza bruta, questa pozione affina i muscoli all'uso di un particolare oggetto. Questo lo renderà più facile da usare, come se il bevitore avesse fatto pratica con esso e costruito memoria muscolare.\n\nL'uso dell'arma o dell'armatura scelta richiederà 2 punti forza in meno. Questa pozione può essere usata una sola volta per ogni oggetto. dello scudo items.potions.exotic.potionofshielding.desc=Piuttosto che curare, questa pozione proietterà un robusto scudo attorno al corpo dell'utilizzatore, bloccando così un considerevole ammontare di danni. di nebbia avvolgente -items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.desc=When exposed to air, the liquid in this flask will produce a thick smoky fog which quickly spreads and blocks the vision of your enemies. +items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.desc=Quando esposto all'aria, il liquido in questa fiala produce una spessa nebbia fumosa che si espande velocemente e blocca la vista ai tuoi nemici. del surgelamento items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.desc=La sostanza chimica contenuta in questa pozione reagirà rapidamente con l'aria, congelando e bloccando istantaneamente qualunque cosa posta nel suo raggio di azione. @@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ di resistenza items.potions.exotic.potionofstamina.desc=Bere questo liquido curiosamente dolce ti irradierà con un durevole sprint di energia, permettendoti di correre ritmo accelerato per un esteso periodo di tempo. delle nubi tempestose -items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.desc=Throwing this potion will create a quickly-spreading cloud of concentrated vapor, which will condense and pour down onto the environment. Most terrain will be converted to water, and traps will be overwhelmed and break. +items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.desc=Gettare questa pozione creerà una nube di vapore che si espande velocemente, condensa e ricade a terra. La maggior parte del terreno sarà convertito in acqua; Le trappole saranno sommerse e si romperanno. @@ -788,10 +788,10 @@ elementali speciali che possono essere raccolti da giovani elementali del fuoco. Irradiano energia termica. di viscidume jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should convert into a decent amount of energy. grumo di melma tremolante che si è staccato da Goo quand'è morto.\nE? come una grossa palla di gelatina, anche se non oseresti mai mangiarla.\n\nDi per sè non fa nulla ma forse potrebbe essere utile in combinazione con certe pozioni o una bomba; In fondo si dovrebbe convertire in una discreta quantità di energia. di metallo maledetto shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should convert into a decent amount of energy. frammento di metallo arrugginito e maledetto, che si è staccato da DM-300 quand'è stato distrutto. Puoi avvertire una forza malvagia inattiva al suo interno. @@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ del terrore items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=La pergamena emette un brillante lampo di luce rossa. pergamena emette un brillante lampo di luce rossa e %s fugge! items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=La pergamena emette un brillante lampo di luce rossa e i mostri fuggono! -items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=When read, this scroll will emit a flash of red light that will overwhelm all enemies in your field of view with terror, and they will turn and flee. Attacking a fleeing enemy will shorten the effect. +items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Quando viene letta, questa pergamena emette un lampo di luce rossa che travolge tutti i nemici nel tuo campo visivo, terrorizzandoli e facendoli fuggire. Attaccare un nemico in fuga abbrevia l'effetto. della trasmutazione items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Trasmuta un oggetto @@ -984,17 +984,17 @@ del canto delle sirene items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.prompt=Scegli un bersaglio items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.no_target=La pergamena si attiva senza bersaglio items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.cancel=Devi scegliere un obiettivo -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.desc=Reading this scroll emits an alluring melody which will enthrall a targeted enemy, permanently turning them into an ally! Other enemies who hear it will be temporarily charmed.\n\nParticularly strong enemies can resist the enthrall effect, and will be charmed instead. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.desc=Leggere questa pergamena produce una suadente melodia che incanta il nemico preso di mira facendolo diventare un allato in modo permanente! Gli altri nemici che la odono ne sono temporaneamente affascinati. items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong$ -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong$enthralled.desc=This creature has been bewitched by the magic of a scroll of siren's song.\n\nAn enthralled character is permanently your ally, and will fight any enemies they encounter. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong$enthralled.desc=Questa creatura è sotto l'effetto della magia di una pergamena di Canto delle Sirene.\n\nI personaggi ammaliati sono alleati permanenti e combattono contro qualunque nemico essi incontrino. dell'anti-magia items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofantimagic.desc=L'incantesimo di questa pergamena ti circonderà di un'aura che blocca temporaneamente ogni effetto magico, sia benigno che dannoso. di sfida -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofchallenge.desc=When read aloud, this scroll will unleash a great roar that draws enemies to the user while simultaneously creating a small arena around them.\n\nAs long as the reader stays in this arena they will take 33% less damage from all sources (this is applied before other forms of damage reduction), and they will not lose satiety.\n\nThe size of the arena will scale with the size of the area the reader is in. It will be particularly small in some boss areas. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofchallenge.desc=Quando viene letta a voce alta, questa pergamena scatena un grande ruggito che attira dei nemici attorno a chi la usa ed allo stesso tempo crea una piccola arena attorno ad essi.\n\nDurante tutto il temp in cui il lettore rimane nell'arena, riceverà il 33% di danni in meno qualunque sia la loro origine (si applica prima di ogni altra forme di riduzione del danno) e non perderanno sazietà.\n\nLe dimensioni dell'arena sono proporzionali a quelle dell'area in cui il lettore si trova: sarà particolarmente piccola in alcune aree nelle quali si trova un boss. items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofchallenge$ Arena -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofchallenge$challengearena.desc=A scroll of challenge has created an arena around you, denoted by a billowing red fog.\n\nWhile standing in the fog, your hunger will not increase and you will take 33%% less damage from all sources. If you have any other sources of damage reduction (such as armor), they will apply after the 33%% reduction.\n\nTurns remaining: %d. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofchallenge$challengearena.desc=Ina pergamena di Sfida ha creato un'arena attorno a te, delimitata da una fluttuante nebbia rossa.\n\nMentre ti trovi nella nebbia, la tua fame non aumenta e ricevi il 33%% di danno in meno, qualunque sia la sua origine. Se hai un qualunque mezzo per ridurre i danni (come ad esempio un'armatura) il suo effetto si applica dopo la riduzione del 33%%.\n\nTurni rimanenti: %d. della divinazione items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Non c'è rimasto niente da identificare! @@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Questa pergamena identificherà per items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=La tua pergamena di divinazione ha identificato i seguenti oggetti: del terrore -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdread.desc=When read, this scroll will emit a flash of red light that will instill incredible terror in all enemies in your field of view. So great is this effect that they will rapidly try to flee from the entire dungeon, never to be seen again!\n\nJust like with terror, this effect can expire with time, or if the enemy is attacked.\n\nStrong-willed enemies, such as bosses, will be inflicted with regular terror instead. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdread.desc=Quando viene letta, questa pergamena emete un lampo di luce che instilla un incredibile terrore in tutti i nemici che si trovano nel tuo campo visivo. L'effetto è così grande che essi cercheranno di fuggire rapidamente ed abbandoneranno per sempre il dungeon!\n\nCome nel caso del normale Terrore, l'effetto può svanire col passare del tempo o se il nemico viene attaccato.\n\nI nemici dalla grande forza di volontà, come i boss, saranno presi dal normale terrore dell'incantamento items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.inv_title=Incanta un oggetto @@ -1013,13 +1013,13 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=annulla items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Questa pergamena infonderà un'arma o un'armatura con una potente energia magica. Il lettore ha persino qualche capacità di controllo sul tipo di magia infusa. della preveggenza -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=After reading this scroll, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. This effect lasts for a considerable amount of time, and will reveal all hidden doors or traps, making searching unnecessary. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Dopo aver letto questa pergamena, i dettagli del terreno saranno percepiti in modo molto nitido dalla mente del lettore. L'effetto dura per un tempo considerevole e rivela tutte le trappole e le porte segrete, rendendo la ricerca non più necessaria. di metamorfosi -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.choose_desc=Choose a talent to metamorphose. -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.replace_desc=Choose a new talent to replace your metamorphosed talent with. -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.metamorphose_talent=metamorphose talent -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic, which will apply to the caster instead of to an item. The magic of this scroll will let you select one talent, and replace it with one of three talents of the same tier from different hero classes!\n\nThis effect can only apply to class talents, not talents gained from subclasses or armor abilities. Talents that you cannot use will not be given as options. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.choose_desc=Scegli un talento da trasformare +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.replace_desc=Scegli un nuovo talento da sostituire a quello che hai trasformato. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.metamorphose_talent=Trasforma talento +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.desc=Questa pergamena contiene una potente magia di trasmutazione, che si applica al lettore anziché ad un oggetto. La magia di questa pergamena ti permette di scegliere un talento e sostituirlo con uno di 3 dello stesso livello da diverse classi di Eroi!\n\nQuesto effetto si applica solo ai talenti della classe, non a quelli guadagnati dalle sottoclassi o dalle abilità del'armatura. Non ti sarà proposta la scelta di talenti che non puoi utilizzare. di energia mistica items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Il primordiale potere magico legato a questa pergamena ricaricherà, quando rilasciato, tutti gli artefatti nel corso del tempo. @@ -1039,13 +1039,13 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Questa pergamena contiene un'incr ###spells items.spells.alchemize.prompt=Alchimizza un oggetto -items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell contains transmutative powers similar to those found in an alchemy pot. Each cast allows the user to turn an item (or stack of items) into gold or alchemical energy.\n\nAlchemize is sold from shops, and can also be made using alchemy. A scroll is mixed with a runestone or seed to create an arcane catalyst, that catalyst can then be used to create several uses of alchemize. -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell=Turn into %dg -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell_1=Turn 1 into %dg -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell_all=Turn all into %dg -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize=Turn into %d energy -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_1=Turn 1 into %d energy -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_all=Turn all into %d energy +items.spells.alchemize.desc=Quest'incantesimo contiene poteri di trasmutazione simili a quelli che si trovano nei calderoni alchemici. Ogni uso consente all'utilizzatore di trasformare un oggetto (o una pila di oggetti) in oro od energia alchemica.\n\nL'Alchemizzazione è in vendita nei negozi ma la si può creare anche usando l'alchimia. Una pergamena viene mischiata con una pietra runica o un seme per creare un catalizzatore arcano; Si può poi usare quest'ultimo per creare diversi utilizzi dell'Alchemizzazione. +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell=Convertine 1 in %dg +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell_1=Convertine 1 in %dg +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell_all=Converti tutti in %dg +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize=Trasforma in %d di energia +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_1=Trasforma 1 in %d di energia +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_all=Trasforma tutti in %d di energia d'acqua items.spells.aquablast.desc=Questa formula magica crea una raffica d'acqua nel punto preso di mira. Non è abbastanza potente da infliggere danno (nemmeno ai nemici ardenti) ma diffonderà l'acqua sul terreno circostante, stordendo rapidamente ogni cosa sorpresa nel centro della scarica. @@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ items.spells.spell.no_magic=Non puoi lanciare magie mentre sei immune alla magia magica items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Infondi un oggetto items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Il tuo %s viene infuso con energia occulta! -items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell possesses the same magical power as a scroll of upgrade, but in a more stable form.\n\nIn addition to upgrading an item as normal it will never erase an enchantment on a weapon or a glyph on armor, including curses. +items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=Quest'incantesimo possiede lo stesso potere di una pergamena del Miglioramento, ma in una forma più stabile.\n\nIn aggiunta al miglioramento di un oggetto, non cancella un incantamento su un arma o un glifo su un'armatura, comprese le maledizioni. magico items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Trasporta un oggetto @@ -1096,18 +1096,18 @@ items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=Questa formula magica contiene i resti dell'energi items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Ricicla un oggetto items.spells.recycle.recycled=Il tuo oggetto è stato riciclato in: %s. -items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, runestone, or tipped dart into a random item of the same type. +items.spells.recycle.desc=Quest'incantesimo possiede una forma più debole di trasmutazone magica. Non funziona sugli equipaggiamenti ma può trasformare una pergamena, una pozione, un seme, una pietra runica o un dardo imbevuto in un oggetto a caso dello stesso tipo. elementale items.spells.summonelemental.ac_imbue=INSTILLA items.spells.summonelemental.summon_limit=Puoi evocare un solo elementale alla volta. items.spells.summonelemental.imbue_prompt=Impregna un oggetto -items.spells.summonelemental.desc=This spell channels the energy of the elemental embers used to make it, and will allow you to summon a friendly elemental to fight with you! Only one elemental can be summoned at a time. -items.spells.summonelemental.desc_newborn=The spell is currently unimbued, and will summon a weaker _newborn elemental_. You can imbue an identified potion of liquid flame, potion of frost, scroll of recharging, or scroll of transmutation to power the spell up, causing its next summon to be a full power elemental! -items.spells.summonelemental.desc_fire=The spell is currently hot to the touch, its next summon will be a _fire elemental_. You can imbue a different item, but the spell will lose its current imbue. -items.spells.summonelemental.desc_frost=The spell is currently cold to the touch, its next summon will be a _frost elemental_. You can imbue a different item, but the spell will lose its current imbue. -items.spells.summonelemental.desc_shock=The spell is currently radiating static energy, its next summon will be a _shock elemental_. You can imbue a different item, but the spell will lose its current imbue. -items.spells.summonelemental.desc_chaos=The spell is currently radiating chaotic energy, its next summon will be a _chaos elemental_. You can imbue a different item, but the spell will lose its current imbue. +items.spells.summonelemental.desc=QUest'incantesimo incanala l'energia delle braci elementali usate per crearlo e ti consente di evocare un elementale amico che combatterà con te! Puoi evocare un solo elementale alla volta. +items.spells.summonelemental.desc_newborn=L'incantesimo non è stato infuso ed evocherà un _elementale neonato_ più debole. Puoi infondere l'incantesimo in una pozione del Fuoco Liquido o del Ghiaccio, oppure in una pergamena della Ricarica o della Trasmutazione per potenziarlo, in modo che il suo prossimo utilizzo evochi un elementale dotato di tutti i poteri! +items.spells.summonelemental.desc_fire=L'incantesimo è al momento caldo al tocco, la prossima volta evocherà un _elementale del fuoco_. Puoi infondere l'incantesimo in un altro oggetto, ma non sarà più presente in quello attuale. +items.spells.summonelemental.desc_frost=L'incantesimo è al momento caldo al tocco, la prossima volta evochera un _elementale del ghiaccio_. Puoi infondere l'incantesimo in un altro oggetto, ma non sarà più presente in quello attuale. +items.spells.summonelemental.desc_shock=L'incantesimo sta irradiando energia statica, la prossima volta evocherà un _elementale dello shock_. Puoi infondere l'incantesimo in un altro oggetto, ma non sarà più presente in quello attuale. +items.spells.summonelemental.desc_chaos= \nL'incantesimo sta irradiando energia caotica, la prossima volta evocherà un _elementale del caos_. Puoi infondere l'incantesimo in un altro oggetto, ma non sarà più presente in quello attuale. items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Scegli un bersaglio items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Infondi un oggetto @@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@ items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Infondi un oggetto telecinetica items.spells.telekineticgrab.cant_grab=Non puoi afferrarlo. items.spells.telekineticgrab.no_target=Non c'è niente da afferrare lì. -items.spells.telekineticgrab.desc=This spell allows the caster to remotely grab any item from the ground, or any thrown weapon that's stuck to an enemy!\n\nIt can't be used to grab items that someone else owns, or to grab containers like chests. +items.spells.telekineticgrab.desc=Quest'incantesimo consente a chi lo pronuncia di afferrare da lontano qualunque oggetto o qualunque arma da lancio conficcata in un nemico!\n\nNon si può usare per attrarre a sè oggetti che qualcun altro possiede né contenitori come le casse. selvaggia items.spells.wildenergy.desc=Questa formula magica contiene un po' dell'energia malefica che alimenta DM-300. Quando lanciata ricaricherà le tue bacchette e i tuoi artefatti consunti, scatenando inoltre un effetto di bacchetta maledetta casuale. Sei comunque in grado di scegliere una direzione di lancio del maleficio. @@ -1714,7 +1714,7 @@ items.equipableitem.ac_equip=METTI items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=TOGLI di energia -items.energycrystal.desc=A collection of small magical crystals, filled with alchemical energy.\n\nThese crystals are the most common ingredient in alchemy recipes and can be produced at an alchemy pot by scrapping consumable items. +items.energycrystal.desc=Una collezione di piccoli cristalli magici pieni di energia alchemica.\n\nQuesti cristalli sono gli ingredienti più comuni nelle ricette alchemiche e si possono produrre in un calderone alchemico gettandovi degli oggetti consumabili. pila di monete d'oro. Accumula monete d'oro per spenderle in seguito in un negozio. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ index 1a769ed0a..d4616714d 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_1=5 energy: +1 level items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_all=%1$d energy: +%2$d levels items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. The vial contains what looks like alchemical energy crystals in liquid form. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=道具箱の呪いがあなたを拘束し、錬金術が使えなかった。 -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after a little while. +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=道具箱の準備ができた。少し時間が経てば使えるようになるだろう。 items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. It looks like the mixture in the vial could be enhanced by adding energy crystals to it. items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=同じアーティファクトを二つ装備することはできません。 diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ index e190b0c6c..b423324ff 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ @@ -135,14 +135,14 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=UGOTUJ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_energize=WZMOCNIJ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Zestaw alchemiczny jeszcze nie załadował się. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Przeklęty zestaw alchemiczny nie pozwala ci na używanie alchemii! -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.need_energy=You need at least 5 energy for that. -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_desc=Every 5 energy crystals will give the toolkit enough energy to gain a level, which increases the rate that the toolkit generates energy over time, and how quickly it warms up.\n\nHow much energy would you like to use? -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_1=5 energy: +1 level -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_all=%1$d energy: +%2$d levels -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. The vial contains what looks like alchemical energy crystals in liquid form. +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.need_energy=Potrzebujesz co najmniej 5 energii, by to zrobić. +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_desc=Każde 5 kryształów energii zapewnia zestawowi poziom, który zwiększa szybkość wytwarzania energii oraz szybkość ładowania zestawu.\n\nJak dużo energii chciałbyś użyć? +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_1=5 energii: +1 poziom +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_all=%1$d energii: +%2$d poziomy +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=Ten zestaw zawiera wiele odczynników i ziół, a także małą fiolkę. Dzięki temu w dowolnym momencie możesz być alchemikiem. Fiolka zawiera coś, co wygląda jak upłynnione kryształy alchemicznej energii. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=Przeklęty zestaw alchemiczny przyczepił się do twego boku, i nie pozwala używać alchemii. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=Zestaw alchemiczny ładuje się i za niedługo będzie gotowy do użycia. -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. It looks like the mixture in the vial could be enhanced by adding energy crystals to it. +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=Założony zestaw alchemiczny powoli wytwarza alchemiczną energię w miarę jak zyskujesz doświadczenie. Wygląda na to, że mieszanka w fiolce może być ulepszona poprzez dodawanie do niej kryształów energii. items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nie możesz nosić dwóch takich samych artefaktów. items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefakt boleśnie wiąże się z tobą. @@ -719,17 +719,17 @@ items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.bistre=egzotyczna ciemnobrunatna mikstura items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.indigo=egzotyczna indygowa mikstura items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.silver=egzotyczna srebrna mikstura items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.unknown_desc=Ta okrągła fiolka zawiera kolorową zawiesinę. Wydaje się być obcym dla tych ziem. Kto wie, co się stanie, gdy zostanie rzucona lub wypita? -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.warning=Do you really want to cancel this potion usage? It will be consumed anyway. +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.warning=Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz porzucić użycie tej mikstury? Zostanie ona zużyta tak czy inaczej. items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.yes=Tak, wyrażam zgodę, zmieniłem zdanie oczyszczenia -items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=This powerful reagent will render the drinker immune to all harmful effects for a few turns when quaffed. It can be thrown at a target to cleanse them as well. -items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing$ -items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing$cleanse.desc=A potion of cleansing is granting this character temporary immunity from all harmful effects!\n\nTurns remaining: %s. +items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=Ten potężny odczynnik na kilka tur zablokuje działanie wszystkich szkodliwych efektów na osobę, która go wypije. Może także zostać rzucony na dowolny cel by go oczyścić. +items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing$ +items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing$cleanse.desc=Mikstura oczyszczenia daje tej postaci tymczasową odporność na wszystkie szkodliwe efekty!\n\nPozostało tur: %s. korodującego gazu -items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Uncorking or shattering this pressurized glass will cause its contents to explode into a deadly cloud of corrosive rust-colored gas. The gas spreads more quickly than toxic gas and is more deadly, but also won't last as long. +items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Odkorkowanie lub roztrzaskanie tej fiolki pod ciśnieniem spowoduje, że jej zawartość wybuchnie w śmiercionośną chmurę rdzawego, korodującego gazu. Gaz szybciej się rozprzestrzenia i jest bardziej zabójczy od toksycznego gazu, ale szybciej się ulatnia. smoczego oddechu items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.prompt=Wybierz miejsce do spalenia @@ -738,14 +738,14 @@ items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.desc=Ta fiolka zawiera niecodzienną kamiennej skóry items.potions.exotic.potionofearthenarmor.desc=Zamiast paraliżować, ten płyn ma efekt utwardzający na skórze użytkownika, tymczasowo zmieniając ją w naturalną zbroję. of divine inspiration -items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.no_more_points=You can't gain any more bonus talent points. -items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.select_tier=Select a talent tier to gain two bonus points in. You must have unlocked the tier to be able to spend the points. boskiej inspiracji +items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.no_more_points=Nie możesz uzyskać więcej dodatkowych punktów talentu. +items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.select_tier=Wybierz krąg talentów, który ma uzyskać dwa dodatkowe punkty. Musisz mieć dostęp do kręgu, by wydać punkty. items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.bonus=+2 punkty talentu! -items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.desc=The power of holy energy reduced to liquid form, this draught will imbue the drinker with divine power, granting them two bonus talent points in a tier of their choosing.\n\nThis potion can only be used once for each talent tier. +items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.desc=Potęga boskiej energii zamknięta w miksturze, która wypełni pijącego boską mocą, dając mu dwa dodatkowe punkty talentu w wybranym przez niego kręgu.\n\nTa mikstura może być użyta tylko raz na każdy krąg talentów. magicznego wzroku -items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.desc=After drinking this, your senses will be briefly heightened to incredible levels, increasing your vision range and allowing you to see through walls! +items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.desc=Po wypiciu tej mikstury twoje zmysły będą tymczasowo wyostrzone do nadludzkich poziomów, zwiększając zasięg widzenia i pozwalając ci widzieć przez ściany! of mastery items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.prompt=Master an Item @@ -788,10 +788,10 @@łki żywiołów niedopałki, które mogą zostać uzyskane tylko z młodych żywiołaków ognia. Promieniują ciepłem.ł szlamu jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should convert into a decent amount of energy.ł trzęsącego się szlamu, który oderwał się z Wielkiego Szlamu. Przypomina smakowitą galaretkę, ale wiesz, że lepiej go nie jeść.\n\nSam z siebie jest bezużyteczny, ale może się przydać się do tworzenia niektórych mikstur i bomb. W najgorszym wypadku będzie dobrym źródłem energii alchemicznej.ęty kawał złomu shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should convert into a decent amount of energy.ł zardzewiałego złomu który oderwał się od DM-300 po jego zniszczeniu. Wyczuwasz złą, lecz nieaktywną magię w środku.\n\nSam z siebie jest bezużyteczny, ale może się przydać do tworzenia niektórych zwojów lub bomb. W najgorszym wypadku będzie dobrym źródłem energii alchemicznej. @@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ój terroru items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=Zwój emituje jasny blask czerwonego światła.ój emituje jasny blask czerwonego światła, a %s ucieka. items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=Zwój emituje jasny blask czerwonego światła i wszystkie potwory uciekają! -items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=When read, this scroll will emit a flash of red light that will overwhelm all enemies in your field of view with terror, and they will turn and flee. Attacking a fleeing enemy will shorten the effect. +items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Po przeczytaniu, błysk czerwonego światła przytłoczy terrorem wszystkich wrogów w zasięgu wzroku, przez co zaczną uciekać. Atakowanie uciekających wrogów skróci czas działania efektów.ój przemiany items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Przemień przedmiot @@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=Anuluj items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Ten zwój zaklnie broń lub zbroję z potężnym magicznym glifem. Czytelnik ma nawet w pewnym stopniu kontrolę nad używanym typem magii.ój przezorności -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=After reading this scroll, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. This effect lasts for a considerable amount of time, and will reveal all hidden doors or traps, making searching unnecessary. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Po przeczytaniu zwoju wszystkie detale pobliskiego terenu będą przekazywane do umysłu czytelnika, klarowne jak czysta woda. Moc zwoju utrzymuje się przez długi czas, natychmiast ujawniając wszystkie ukryte drzwi i pułapki dzięki czemu przeszukiwanie jest zbędne. of metamorphosis items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.choose_desc=Choose a talent to metamorphose. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ index d25e4ff9b..ec5601eae 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ @@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ items.armor.clotharmor.desc=Bu hafif ağırlıktaki zırh, basit koruma sağlar.ın pelerini items.armor.huntressarmor.no_enemies=Görüşünde düşman yok -items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=While wearing this cloak, the Huntress can perform a special ability. +items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=Bu pelerini giyerken Avcı bir özel güç kullanabilir. zırh items.armor.leatherarmor.desc=İşlenmiş canavar derisinden yapılma zırh. Kumaş zırh kadar hafif olmasa da daha iyi koruma sağlar.ın kaftanı -items.armor.magearmor.desc=While wearing this gorgeous robe, the Mage can perform a special ability. +items.armor.magearmor.desc=Bu göz alıcı cübbeyi giyerken Büyücü bir özel güç kullanabilir. zırh items.armor.mailarmor.desc=Birbirine kilitlenmiş metal halkalar sert fakat rahat bir zırh oluşturmuş. @@ -119,30 +119,30 @@ zırh items.armor.platearmor.desc=Büyük metal parçalar, ağırlığını kaldırabilecek her maceracı için büyük bir koruma sağlamak için bir araya getirilmiş.ın kıyafeti -items.armor.roguearmor.desc=When wearing this dark garb, the Rogue can perform a special ability. +items.armor.roguearmor.desc=Bu kara giysiyi giyerken Haydut bir özel güç kullanabilir. zırh items.armor.scalearmor.desc=Metal pullar deri bir zırhın etrafını rahat ve iyi korunma sağlayacak bir zırh oluşturacak şekilde sarmış.ın zırhı -items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=While this armor looks heavy, it allows the Warrior to perform a special ability. +items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Bu zırh ağır görünse de Savaşçı'nın özel bir güç kullanabilmesini sağlıyor. ###artifacts alet kiti items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=KARIŞTIR -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_energize=ENERGIZE +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_energize=ENERJİ VER items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Alet çantan ısınmayı bitirmedi. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Lanetli alet çantan seni kimya yapmaktan alıkoyuyor! -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.need_energy=You need at least 5 energy for that. -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_desc=Every 5 energy crystals will give the toolkit enough energy to gain a level, which increases the rate that the toolkit generates energy over time, and how quickly it warms up.\n\nHow much energy would you like to use? -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_1=5 energy: +1 level -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_all=%1$d energy: +%2$d levels -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. The vial contains what looks like alchemical energy crystals in liquid form. +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.need_energy=Bunun için en az 5 enerji gerekli. +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_desc=Her 5 enerji kristali alet çantasına bir seviye atlatacak kadar enerji verir. Bu alet çantasının daha hızlı enerji üretmesini ve ısınmasını sağlar.\n\nNe kadar enerji kullanmak istersin? +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_1=5 enerji: +1 seviye +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.energize_all=%1$d enerji: +%2$d seviye +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=Bu alet çantasında envai çeşit simyasal ve otla birlikte küçük bir karıştırma şişesi var. Bu çanta sayesinde ayak üstü simya yapılabilir. Şişenin içinde erimiş simyasal enerji kristalleri görünüyor. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=Lanetli alet çantası seni kendine bağladı ve simya kullanmana izin vermeyi reddediyor. -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after a little while. -items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. It looks like the mixture in the vial could be enhanced by adding energy crystals to it. +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=Alet çantası şu anda ısınıyor, bir süre sonra kullanıma hazır olacak. +items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=Üzerindeki alet çantası sen tecrübe kazandıkça yavaşça simyasal enerji üretiyor. Şişedeki karışıma enerji kristalleri ekleyerek onu geliştirebilirsin. items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Aynı eserden iki tane giyemezsin. items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Eser kendisini sana acı verici bir şekilde bağlıyor. @@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_equipped=Zincirler yanında duruyor, yendikl items.artifacts.etherealchains$chainsrecharge.levelup=Zincirlerin güçlendi! borusu -items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_snack=SNACK +items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_snack=ATIŞTIR items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_eat=YE items.artifacts.hornofplenty.ac_store=SAKLA yedin. @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ items.artifacts.hornofplenty.reject=Borun pişmemiş tatsızmeyveyi reddetti. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.maxlevel=Borun tüketebileceği tüm yiyeceği tüketti! items.artifacts.hornofplenty.levelup=Boru yemek adağını tüketerek güç kazandı! items.artifacts.hornofplenty.feed=Boynuz, yemek adağını tüketiyor. -items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=This horn can't be blown into, but instead seems to fill up with food as you adventure and gain experience. You can consume each charge individually as a snack, or eat until you're full. +items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=Bu boynuz ötmez, bunun yerine sen tecrübe kazandıkça yemekle dolar. Her şarjı ayrı ayrı atıştırıp tüketebilir ya da doyana kadar yiyebilirsin. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=Belki borunun gücünü yemek enerjisi vererek yükseltebilirsin. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=Lanetli boru kendini yanına bağladı, görünüşe göre yemek üretmekten çok almaya istekli gibi görünüyor. @@ -719,17 +719,17 @@ items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.bistre=egzotik barut rengi iksir items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.indigo=egzotik çivit rengi iksir items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.silver=egzotik gümüş rengi iksir items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.unknown_desc=Bu yuvarlak camın içerisinde tanecikli ve renkli bir sıvı var. Buralara yabancı gibi duruyor, içildiğinde veya fırlatıldığında ne olacağını kim bilir? -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.warning=Do you really want to cancel this potion usage? It will be consumed anyway. +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.warning=Bu iksiri kullanmaktan vazgeçmek istediğine emin misin? Yine de tükenecek. items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.yes=Evet, eminimır, fikrimi değiştirdim kaldırma iksiri -items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=This powerful reagent will render the drinker immune to all harmful effects for a few turns when quaffed. It can be thrown at a target to cleanse them as well. -items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing$ -items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing$cleanse.desc=A potion of cleansing is granting this character temporary immunity from all harmful effects!\n\nTurns remaining: %s. +items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=Bu güçlü simyasal onu içeni her türlü zararlı etkiye karşı bir süre korur. Uzaktan birisine fırlatarak onu da temizleyebilirsin. +items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing$ş +items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing$cleanse.desc=Temizlenme iksiri bu karakteri geçici bir süre her türlü zararlı etkiden koruyor!\n\nKalan süre: %s.şındırıcı gaz iksiri -items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Uncorking or shattering this pressurized glass will cause its contents to explode into a deadly cloud of corrosive rust-colored gas. The gas spreads more quickly than toxic gas and is more deadly, but also won't last as long. +items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Bu basınçlı şişeyi açmak ya da kırmak içindekilerin patlayıp pas rengi zehirli bir gaz bulutu çıkarmasına neden olur. Bu gaz zehirli gazdan daha hızlı yayılır ve daha ölümcüldür, fakat onun kadar uzun süre dayanmaz. nefesi iksiri items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.prompt=Yakmak için bir bölge seç @@ -738,26 +738,26 @@ items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.desc=Bu şişede tükürük ile karıünyasal zırh iksiri items.potions.exotic.potionofearthenarmor.desc=Bu sıvı, deriyi felç etmek yerine sertleştirerek onu geçici bir doğal zırh haline getirir. of divine inspiration -items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.no_more_points=You can't gain any more bonus talent points. -items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.select_tier=Select a talent tier to gain two bonus points in. You must have unlocked the tier to be able to spend the points. -items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.bonus=+2 Talent Points! -items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.desc=The power of holy energy reduced to liquid form, this draught will imbue the drinker with divine power, granting them two bonus talent points in a tier of their choosing.\n\nThis potion can only be used once for each talent tier. ilham iksiri +items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.no_more_points=Daha fazla ekstra yetenek puanı kazanamazsın. +items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.select_tier=İçinde iki ekstra puan kazanacağın bir yetenek sınıfı seç. Puanları harcayabilmen için o sınıfın kilidini açmış olman gerek. +items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.bonus=+2 Yetenek Puanı! +items.potions.exotic.potionofdivineinspiration.desc=Sıvılaşmış kutsal enerjinin gücü, bu iksir onu içeni ilahi bir güçle donatıp istediği sınıfta harcayabileceği iki ekstra yetenek puanı kazandırır.\n\nBu iksir her sınıf için sadece bir kere kullanılabilir.üyüsel görüş iksiri -items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.desc=After drinking this, your senses will be briefly heightened to incredible levels, increasing your vision range and allowing you to see through walls! +items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.desc=Bunu içtikten sonra hislerin kısa bir süreliğine inanılmaz artacak, görüş alanın artacak ve duvarların arkasını görebileceksin! of mastery -items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.prompt=Master an Item -items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.weapon_easier=Your weapon becomes easier to wield! -items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.armor_easier=Your armor becomes easier to wear! -items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.desc=Rather than granting raw strength, this potion will instead attune the muscles of the user to a particular item. This will make that item easier to use, as if the drinker had practised with it and built muscle memory.\n\nThe chosen weapon or armor will require 2 less strength to use. This potion can only be used once on each item.ık iksiri +items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.prompt=Bir Eşyada Ustalaş +items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.weapon_easier=Silahını tutmak kolaylaştı! +items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.armor_easier=Zırhını giymek kolaylaştı! +items.potions.exotic.potionofmastery.desc=Bu iksir kaba kuvvet vermek yerine onu içenin kaslarını belirli bir eşyaya alıştırır. Sanki iksiri içen o eşyayla antrenman yapıp kas hafızası elde etmişçesine o eşyayı kullanmayı kolaylaştırır.\n\nSeçtiğin bir silah ya da zırh 2 puan daha az güç ister. Bu iksir her eşya üzerinde sadece bir kere kullanılabilir. iksiri items.potions.exotic.potionofshielding.desc=Kullanıcısını iyileştirmek yerine bu iksir onun etrafında dayanıklı bir kalkan oluşturarak onu hatrı sayılır bir miktar hasardan koruyacaktır. sis iksiri -items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.desc=When exposed to air, the liquid in this flask will produce a thick smoky fog which quickly spreads and blocks the vision of your enemies. +items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.desc=Bu şişedeki sıvı havayla temas ettiğinde çabucak yayılan ve düşmanların görüşünü engelleyen yoğun, dumanlı bir sis üretir.ında donma iksiri items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.desc=Bu iksirde saklanan kimyasal, hava ile sürekli olarak tepkimeye girerek etkisi altındaki her şeyi donduracak ve yerine kökleyecektir. @@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ iksiri items.potions.exotic.potionofstamina.desc=Bu garip derecedeki tatlı sıvıyı içmek seni uzun süreli bir enerji artışı ile sarar, bu da uzun bir süreliğine daha da hızlı bir şekilde koşmanı sağlar.ırtına bulutları iksiri -items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.desc=Throwing this potion will create a quickly-spreading cloud of concentrated vapor, which will condense and pour down onto the environment. Most terrain will be converted to water, and traps will be overwhelmed and break. +items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.desc=Bu iksiri fırlatmak çabucak yayılan bir buhar bulutu yaratır. Bu bulut yoğunlaşır ve çevreye yağar. Arazinin büyük kısmı suyla kaplanır, tuzaklar suyla dolup bozulur. @@ -788,10 +788,10 @@ köz genç ateş elementallerinden elde edilebilen özel közler. Termal enerji yayıyorlar.ışkan çamur damlası jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain potions, or a bomb. At the very least it should convert into a decent amount of energy. ölürken ondan kopan bir parça sümüksü kitle. Büyük bir jöle topuna benziyor, yine de onu yemek istemezdin.\n\nKendi başına bir işe yaramaz, fakat çeşitli iksirlerle ya da bir bombayla karıştırıldığında işe yarayabilir. En azından iyi bir miktar enerjiye çevrilebilir. metal parçası shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but it might be useful when combined with certain scrolls, or a bomb. At the very least it should convert into a decent amount of energy. patlarken ondan etrafa saçılan bir parça paslı ve lanetli metal. İçinde kötü niyetli, uyuyan bir büyü hissedebiliyorsun.\n\nKendi başına bir işe yaramaz, ama çeşitli parşömenlerle ya da bir bombayla birleştirildiğinde işe yarayabilir. En azından iyi bir miktar enerjiye çevrilebilir. @@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ör parşömeni items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=Parşömen muazzam bir kırmızı ışık parlaması yayıyor.şöen muazzam bir kırmızı ışık parlaması yaydı ve %s kaçmaya başladı! items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=Parşömen muazzam bir kırmızı ışık parlaması yaydı ve yaratıklar kaçmaya başladı! -items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=When read, this scroll will emit a flash of red light that will overwhelm all enemies in your field of view with terror, and they will turn and flee. Attacking a fleeing enemy will shorten the effect. +items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Okunduğunda, bu parşömen görüş alanındaki tüm düşmanları korkuyla kaçıran kırmızı bir ışık yayar. Kaçan bir düşmana saldırmak etkinin süresini azaltır. parşomeni items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Bir eşyayı transmüle et @@ -980,29 +980,29 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.odal=egzotik ODAL parşömeni items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.tiwaz=egzotik TIWAZ parşömeni items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.unknown_desc=Bu siyah parşömenin üzerine anlaşılamaz, parıldayan bir büyüsel rün yazılmış. Bu parşömen buralara yabancı gibi duruyor, sesli bir şekilde okunduğunda ne olacağını kim bilir? of siren's song kızı şarkısı parşömeni items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.prompt=Hedef seçin -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.no_target=The scroll activates without a target -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.cancel=You must choose a target -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.desc=Reading this scroll emits an alluring melody which will enthrall a targeted enemy, permanently turning them into an ally! Other enemies who hear it will be temporarily charmed.\n\nParticularly strong enemies can resist the enthrall effect, and will be charmed instead. -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong$ -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong$enthralled.desc=This creature has been bewitched by the magic of a scroll of siren's song.\n\nAn enthralled character is permanently your ally, and will fight any enemies they encounter. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.no_target=Parşömen hedefsiz aktifleşti. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.cancel=Bir hedef seçmelisin +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong.desc=Bu parşömeni okumak hedef aldığın düşmanı köleleştirip sonsuza kadar müttefikin yapan baştan çıkarıcı bir melodi çıkarır! Melodiyi duyan düşmanlar geçici süreliğine baştan çıkar.\n\nBazı güçlü düşmanlaar köleleşmeye direnirler, bunun yerine baştan çıkarlar. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong$öleleşmiş +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofsirenssong$enthralled.desc=Bu yaratık bir deniz kızı şarkısı parşömeninin büyüsüne kapılmış.\n\nKöleleşmiş bir karakter sonsuza kadar müttefikindir, karşılaştıkları her düşmanınla savaşırlar.üyü parşömeni items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofantimagic.desc=Bu parşömenin üzerindeki işleme seni yararlı ya da zararlı her türlü büyüsel etkiden etkilenmemeni sağlayan büyüsel bir aura ile saracaktır. of challenge -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofchallenge.desc=When read aloud, this scroll will unleash a great roar that draws enemies to the user while simultaneously creating a small arena around them.\n\nAs long as the reader stays in this arena they will take 33% less damage from all sources (this is applied before other forms of damage reduction), and they will not lose satiety.\n\nThe size of the arena will scale with the size of the area the reader is in. It will be particularly small in some boss areas. -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofchallenge$ Arena -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofchallenge$challengearena.desc=A scroll of challenge has created an arena around you, denoted by a billowing red fog.\n\nWhile standing in the fog, your hunger will not increase and you will take 33%% less damage from all sources. If you have any other sources of damage reduction (such as armor), they will apply after the 33%% reduction.\n\nTurns remaining: %d. okuma parşömeni +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofchallenge.desc=Bu parşömen okunduğunda düşmanları okuyana çeken büyük bir kükreme çıkarır ve okuyanın etrafında küçük bir arena oluşturur.\n\nOkuyan arenanın içinde kaldığı sürece bütün kaynaklardan %33 daha az zarar alır(bu diğer bütün hasar azaltma şekillerinden önce uygulanır) ve acıkmaz.\n\nArenanın boyutu okuyanın bulunduğu alanın boyutuna bağlıdır. Bazı patron alanlarında epey küçük olabilir. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofchallenge$ Okuma Arenası +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofchallenge$challengearena.desc=Meydan okuma parşömeni etrafında kaynayan kırmızı bir sisle belirlenmiş bir arena yarattı.\n\nSiste durduğun sürece acıkmazsın ve her türlü kaynaktan %%33 daha az hasar alırsın. Başka hasar azaltma kaynakların(mesela zırh) varsa bunlar %%33 azaltmadan sonra devreye girer.\n\nKalan el: %d. parşömeni items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=Tanınacak hiçbir şey kalmadı! items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=Bu parşömen dört rastgele eşya tipini kalıcı olarak tanıyacaktır. Tanınan eşyalar bir iksirin rengi, bir parşömenin rünü veya bir yüzüğün mücevheri olabilir. Tanınan eşyalar yanında taşımadığın eşyalar da olabilir. items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=Sezgi parşömeni şu eşyaları tanıdı: of dread -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdread.desc=When read, this scroll will emit a flash of red light that will instill incredible terror in all enemies in your field of view. So great is this effect that they will rapidly try to flee from the entire dungeon, never to be seen again!\n\nJust like with terror, this effect can expire with time, or if the enemy is attacked.\n\nStrong-willed enemies, such as bosses, will be inflicted with regular terror instead.şet parşömeni +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdread.desc=Bu parşömen okunduğunda görüş alanındaki bütün düşmanları inanılmaz bir dehşete sokan kırmızı bir ışık yayar. Bu etki o kadar kuvvetlidir ki düşmanların çabucak, bir daha dönmemek üzere zindanı terkeder!\n\nTıpkı korku gibi, bu etki zamanla ya da düşman saldırıya uğradığında kaybolabilir.\n\nPatronlar gibi iradesi güçlü düşmanlar bunun yerine sıradan korkuya kapılır. parşömeni items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.inv_title=Bir eşyayı efsunla @@ -1013,13 +1013,13 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=iptal et items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Bu parşömen bir silahı veya zırhı güçlü bir büyülü enerji ile işleyecektir. Okuyucu hangi büyünün işlendiği üzerine bile biraz kontrol sahibidir.öngörü parşömeni -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=After reading this scroll, the detail of nearby terrain will be constantly fed to the reader's mind in crystal clarity. This effect lasts for a considerable amount of time, and will reveal all hidden doors or traps, making searching unnecessary. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Bu parşömeni okuduktan sonra etraftaki arazinin detayları okuyanın zihnine tam netlikte sürekli olarak verilir. Bu etki kayda değer bir süre devam eder, bütün gizli kapı ve tuzakları gösterir, bu esnada durup arama yapmak gereksizdir. of metamorphosis -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.choose_desc=Choose a talent to metamorphose. -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.replace_desc=Choose a new talent to replace your metamorphosed talent with. -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.metamorphose_talent=metamorphose talent -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic, which will apply to the caster instead of to an item. The magic of this scroll will let you select one talent, and replace it with one of three talents of the same tier from different hero classes!\n\nThis effect can only apply to class talents, not talents gained from subclasses or armor abilities. Talents that you cannot use will not be given as options. parşömeni +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.choose_desc=Metamorfoz etmek için bir beceri seç. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.replace_desc=Metamorfoz ettiğin yeteneğin yerini alacak yeni bir yetenek seç. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.metamorphose_talent=yeteneği metamorfozla +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmetamorphosis.desc=Bu parşömen eşyaların yerine okuyana uygulanan güçlü bir değişim büyüsü içerir. Parşömenin büyüsü bir yeteneği seçip onun yerine bir başka kahramanın aynı sınıftan yeteneğini kullanmanı sağlar!\n\nBu etki sadece sınıf yeteneklerine uygulanabilir, altsınıf ya da zırh yeteneklerine değil. Kullanamayacağın yetenekler seçenek olarak sunulmaz. enerji parşömeni items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Bu parşömenin içindeki çiğ büyüsel güç yayıldığı zaman bir kullanıcının kuşandığı eserleri zamanla şarj eder. @@ -1038,14 +1038,14 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Bu parşömende görünürdeki t ###spells yapmak -items.spells.alchemize.prompt=Alchemize an Item -items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell contains transmutative powers similar to those found in an alchemy pot. Each cast allows the user to turn an item (or stack of items) into gold or alchemical energy.\n\nAlchemize is sold from shops, and can also be made using alchemy. A scroll is mixed with a runestone or seed to create an arcane catalyst, that catalyst can then be used to create several uses of alchemize. -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell=Turn into %dg -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell_1=Turn 1 into %dg -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell_all=Turn all into %dg -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize=Turn into %d energy -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_1=Turn 1 into %d energy -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_all=Turn all into %d energy +items.spells.alchemize.prompt=Bir Eşyayı Simyalaştır +items.spells.alchemize.desc=Bu büyü simya kazanındakine benzer değiştirici güçlere sahiptir. Her kullanımı bir eşyayı(ya da eşya dizisini) altına ya da simyasal enerjiye çevirmeni sağlar.\n\nSimyalaştırma büyüsü dükkanlarda satılır, simya ile de üretilebilir. Bir parşömen büyütaşı ya da tohumla karıştırılarak büyü katalisti yapılır, bu katalist kullanılarak bir kaç kullanımlık Simyalaştırma büyüsü elde edilir. +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell=%d altına çevir +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell_1=1 tanesini %d altına çevir +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell_all=Hepsini %d altına çevir +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize=%d enerjiye çevir +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_1=1 tanesini %d enerjiye çevir +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_all=Hepsini %d enerjiye çevir patlaması items.spells.aquablast.desc=Bu büyü hedefe ani bir su dalgası gönderir. Bu dalga hasar verecek kadar güçlü değildir(zayıf düşmanlara bile) ama etraftaki alanları su ile doldurur ve dalganın ortasındaki her şeyi sersemletir @@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ items.spells.spell.no_magic=Büyü bağışıklılığındayken büyü yapamazsüyü füzyonu items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=İşlemek için bir eşya seç items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=%s büyülü enerjiyle işlendi! -items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell possesses the same magical power as a scroll of upgrade, but in a more stable form.\n\nIn addition to upgrading an item as normal it will never erase an enchantment on a weapon or a glyph on armor, including curses. +items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=Bu büyü yükseltme parşömeni ile aynı güce sahiptir, fakat daha dengelidir.\n\nBir eşyayı normal yükseltmenin yanında o eşyanın sahip olduğu lanet dahil büyüleri asla silmez. Işınlayıcı items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Eşya ışınla @@ -1096,26 +1096,26 @@ items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=Bu büyü DM-300'ün kalan kimyasal enerjisini iç dönüşüm items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Bir eşyayı geri dönüştür items.spells.recycle.recycled=Bu eşya %s'e geri dönüştürüldü -items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, runestone, or tipped dart into a random item of the same type. +items.spells.recycle.desc=Bu büyü daha küçük bir değiştirici güce sahiptir. Ekipmana işlemez. Parşömen, iksir, tohum, büyütaşı ya da uçlu dartları aynı tipte farklı bir eşyaya dönüştürür. elemental çağır items.spells.summonelemental.ac_imbue=İŞLE -items.spells.summonelemental.summon_limit=You can only have one elemental summoned at a time. -items.spells.summonelemental.imbue_prompt=Imbue an item -items.spells.summonelemental.desc=This spell channels the energy of the elemental embers used to make it, and will allow you to summon a friendly elemental to fight with you! Only one elemental can be summoned at a time. -items.spells.summonelemental.desc_newborn=The spell is currently unimbued, and will summon a weaker _newborn elemental_. You can imbue an identified potion of liquid flame, potion of frost, scroll of recharging, or scroll of transmutation to power the spell up, causing its next summon to be a full power elemental! -items.spells.summonelemental.desc_fire=The spell is currently hot to the touch, its next summon will be a _fire elemental_. You can imbue a different item, but the spell will lose its current imbue. -items.spells.summonelemental.desc_frost=The spell is currently cold to the touch, its next summon will be a _frost elemental_. You can imbue a different item, but the spell will lose its current imbue. -items.spells.summonelemental.desc_shock=The spell is currently radiating static energy, its next summon will be a _shock elemental_. You can imbue a different item, but the spell will lose its current imbue. -items.spells.summonelemental.desc_chaos=The spell is currently radiating chaotic energy, its next summon will be a _chaos elemental_. You can imbue a different item, but the spell will lose its current imbue. +items.spells.summonelemental.summon_limit=Aynı anda sadece bir elemental çağrılabilir. +items.spells.summonelemental.imbue_prompt=Bir eşya aşıla +items.spells.summonelemental.desc=Bu büyü onun yapımında kullanılan elemental közlerinin enerjisiyle dost elemental çağırmanı sağlar! Aynı anda sadece bir tane elemental çağrılabilir. +items.spells.summonelemental.desc_newborn=Bu büyü henüz aşılanmamış, ve daha zayıf _körpe elemental_ çağırır. Bu büyüyü tanımlanmış bir sıvı ateş iksiri, buz iksiri, enerji parşömeni ya da değişim parşömeni ile aşılayarak güçlendirerek bir sonraki kullanımında tam gücünde bir elemental çağırabilirsin! +items.spells.summonelemental.desc_fire=Büyü şu anda sıcak, bir sonraki kullanımında bir _ateş elementali_ çağıracak. Başka bir eşya aşılayabilirsin, fakat bu durumda mevcut aşı kaybolur. +items.spells.summonelemental.desc_frost=Büyü şu anda soğuk, bir sonraki kullanımında bir _buz elementali_ çağıracak. Başka bir eşya aşılayabilirsin, fakat bu durumda mevcut aşı kaybolur. +items.spells.summonelemental.desc_shock=Büyü şu anda elektrik enerjisi yayıyor, bir sonraki kullanımında bir _şok elementali_ çağıracak. Başka bir eşya aşılayabilirsin, fakat bu durumda mevcut aşı kaybolur. +items.spells.summonelemental.desc_chaos=Büyü şu anda kaotik enerji yayıyor, bir sonraki kullanımında bir _kaos elementali_ çağıracak. Başka bir eşya aşılayabilirsin, fakat bu durumda mevcut aşı kaybolur. items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Hedef seçin items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=İşlemek için bir eşya seç grab -items.spells.telekineticgrab.cant_grab=You can't grab that. -items.spells.telekineticgrab.no_target=There's nothing to grab there. -items.spells.telekineticgrab.desc=This spell allows the caster to remotely grab any item from the ground, or any thrown weapon that's stuck to an enemy!\n\nIt can't be used to grab items that someone else owns, or to grab containers like chests. tutuş +items.spells.telekineticgrab.cant_grab=Onu tutamazsın. +items.spells.telekineticgrab.no_target=Orada tutacak bir şey yok. +items.spells.telekineticgrab.desc=Bu büyü, yerdeki eşyaları ya düşmanlara takılmış fırlatılan silahları uzaktan alabilmeni sağlar!\n\nBaşka birine ait eşyaları ya da sandık gibi kapları uzaktan alamazsın.şi enerji items.spells.wildenergy.desc=Bu büyü DM-300'e güç vermiş lanetli enerjinin bir kısmını içeriyor. Kullanıldığında kahramanın üzerindeki asaları ve kuşanılmış büyülü eşyaları şarj eder ama rastgele bir lanetli asa efekti devreye girer, bu etkiyi yönlendirebilirsiniz. @@ -1713,8 +1713,8 @@ items.equipableitem.unequip_cursed=Lanetli bir eşyayı çıkartamazsın! items.equipableitem.ac_equip=KUŞAN items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=ÇIKAR crystal -items.energycrystal.desc=A collection of small magical crystals, filled with alchemical energy.\n\nThese crystals are the most common ingredient in alchemy recipes and can be produced at an alchemy pot by scrapping consumable items. kristali +items.energycrystal.desc=Simyasal enerjiyle dolu küçük sihirli kristaller.\n\nBu kristaller simya tariflerindeki en yaygın içeriktir. Tüketilebilir eşyaları simya kazanında yakarak üretilebilirler.ın yığın altın para. Altın toplayarak onları daha sonra bir mağazada harcayabilirsin. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ index 6cc3266a8..de598941d 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ @@ -1043,9 +1043,9 @@ items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell contains transmutative powers similar to items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell=Turn into %dg items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell_1=Turn 1 into %dg items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.sell_all=Turn all into %dg -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize=Turn into %d energy -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_1=Turn 1 into %d energy -items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_all=Turn all into %d energy +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize=Перетворити в %d енергії +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_1=Перетворити 1 у %d енергії +items.spells.alchemize$wndalchemizeitem.energize_all=Перетворити все у %d енергіїводяний вибух items.spells.aquablast.desc=Це заклинання створює водяний вибух. На жаль, потужність водяних вибухів занадто мала і не може якось нанести шкоду (навіть вогняним ворогам), проте даний вибух прекрасно підійде для затоплення якоїсь території. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ index 121b5a58a..601d996d1 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/ @@ -1764,8 +1764,8 @@液金 items.liquidmetal.ac_apply=改造 items.liquidmetal.prompt=选择一个投掷物 items.liquidmetal.already_fixed=这件投掷物不能再完好了! -items.liquidmetal.apply=你为了修复该投掷物消耗了%d份液金。 -items.liquidmetal.desc=当倾泻到一件投掷物的上方,这如同带有魔力般神奇的液体会渗入其磨损之处,覆盖每一处刮擦,填平每一处沟壑,使之焕然一新!\n\n完全修复一个投掷物需要消耗10个液金,修复一组5个的投掷物则消耗30个液金。被修复的投掷物每有一层升级都会消耗多一倍的液金。\n\n液金无法用于修复涂药飞镖上药液的耐久。 +items.liquidmetal.apply=你为了修复该投掷物消耗了%d滴液金。 +items.liquidmetal.desc=涂抹在一件投掷武器的表面时,这如同带有魔力般神奇的液体就会渗入其磨损之处,覆盖每一处刮擦,填平每一处沟壑,使之焕然一新!\n\n完全修复一件 1 阶投掷武器需要消耗 10 滴液金,修复一件 5 阶投掷武器则消耗 30 滴液金。被修复的投掷武器每有一层升级则多消耗一倍的液金。\n\n液金无法用于修复涂药飞镖上药液的耐久。遗物 items.lostbackpack.desc=你的遗物,包含你遗留在此的所有物品。快快重新拥有它们吧!\n\n“我又回来了!再来战啊!” diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ index 81a0c2e9a..2ce7cad49 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ @@ -27,16 +27,16 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Attaques magiques journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Les attaques magiques traversent les armures et sont extrêmement difficiles à esquiver. Cela signifie que vos baguettes seront très fiables, mais aussi que les ennemis magiques sont extrêmement dangereux !\n\nLes attaques magiques ont toujours un inconvénient. Dans le cas des baguettes, il s'agit de leurs charges limitées, mais la magie que les ennemis utilisent aura toujours une certaine forme de faiblesse.\n\nLorsque vous faites face à des ennemis qui utilisent la magie, il est extrêmement important de trouver un moyen d'échapper à leur magie, plutôt que de simplement encaisser les dégâts qu'elle inflige. journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Manuel d'Alchimie -journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Intro and Potions -journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nAlchemy recipes can be used to craft a wide variety of items at an alchemy pot. You can experiment to find recipes, or continue reading this book for a full recipe reference!\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Introduction et Potions +journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Bienvenue dans l'Application Pratique de l'Alchimie!\n\nLes recettes d'Alchimie peuvent être utilisé pour créer une large variété d'objets dans une marmite alchimique. Tu peux faire des expériences pour trouver des recettes, ou continuer à lire ce livre pour une recette complète.\n\nOn va commencer avec la recette d'alchimie la plus iconique: Place trois graines dans la marmite alchimique pour brasser une potion aléatoire.\n\nChaque graines à sa propre potion, et la potion que tu as créé à une relation avec une des graines utilisées. Utiliser les même graines va augmenter les chances pour que cela arrive. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Créer des pierres runiques journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Utiliser un parchemin dans une marmite alchimique donnera du pouvoir à deux pierres dans la marmite. Vous créerez des pierres runiques! journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Énergie et Nourriture -journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Many recipes require crystalized alchemical energy, which is produced by deconstructing most consumable items in an alchemy pot. As a few examples: seeds generate 2 energy, stones generate 3, scrolls and potions each generate 6.\n\nSome of these recipes are quite magical, but these ones more resemble traditional cooking. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=De nombreuses recettes nécessitent de l'énergie alchimique cristallisée, qui est produite en déconstruisant la plupart des objets consommables dans un pot d'alchimie. Quelques exemples : les graines génèrent 2 d'énergie, les pierres en génèrent 3, les parchemins et les potions en génèrent 6 chacun.\n\nCertaines de ces recettes sont assez magiques, mais celles-ci ressemblent d'avantage à de la cuisine traditionnelle. journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Potions Exotiques -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be mixed with energy to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Les potions peuvent être mélangées avec de l'énergie pour créer des potions exotique. Elles ont des effets plus puissants, mais elles sont souvent utile dans différentes situations. journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Parchemins Exotiques -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with some energy and a scroll. They're a bit stronger and more expensive than exotic potions. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Les parchemins exotiques peuvent être créés avec de l'énergie et un parchemin. Ils sont plus puissants et plus chers que les potions exotiques. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombes améliorées journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=La poudre de bombe standard peut être mixée avec un objet spécifique pour créer une bombe améliorée. journal.document.alchemy_guide.weapons.title=Armes améliorées diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ index cf8ab5a6d..40f770e55 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -journal.document.adventurers_guide.title=Tomo sulla Padronanza del Dungeon +journal.document.adventurers_guide.title=Tomo sulla Padronanza dei Dungeon journal.document.adventurers_guide.intro.title=Introduzione -journal.document.adventurers_guide.intro.body=Salve, Avventuriero, stai leggendo il Tomo sulla Padronanza del Dungeon! Questo libro è pieno di consigli e trucchi per aiutare gli avventurieri in erba a sopravvivere ed eccellere!\n\nQuesta guida è usata al meglio come riferimento e ti farà sapere magicamente quando sarà il momento migliore per leggere ogni pagina! Naturalmente, puoi anche leggerla tutta di seguito, se lo preferisci.\n\n(Quando l'icona del Diario lampeggia, in alto a destra, La Guida ha qualcosa da dirti! Sembra però che alcune pagine siano state strappate dal libro, forse potrai trovarle nel dungeon?) +journal.document.adventurers_guide.intro.body=Salve Avventuriero, stai leggendo il Tomo sulla Padronanza del Dungeon! Questo libro è pieno di consigli e trucchi per aiutare gli avventurieri in erba a sopravvivere ed eccellere!\n\nQuesta guida è usata al meglio come riferimento e ti farà sapere magicamente quando sarà il momento migliore per leggere ogni pagina! Naturalmente, puoi anche leggerla tutta di seguito, se lo preferisci.\n\n(Quando l'icona del Diario lampeggia, in alto a destra, La Guida ha qualcosa da dirti! Sembra però che alcune pagine siano state strappate dal libro, non è che magari le potrai trovarle nel dungeon?) journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining.title=Esaminando journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining.body=Avventarsi contro i nemici non è quasi mai il modo migliore di affrontarli. È importante prendersi del tempo per studiare gli avversari ed i dintorni, così da capire come sconfiggerli al meglio!\n\nEsaminare non costa tempo, per cui sarebbe bene abituarsi a farlo con qualunque cosa nuova tu incontri.\n\n(Puoi esaminare qualcosa toccando il pulsante con la lente d'ingrandimento e poi ciò che vuoi esaminare. Puoi anche esaminare potenziamenti e penalità toccandone le icone.) journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.title=Attacchi a Sorpresa @@ -28,21 +28,21 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Gli attacchi magici passano attrav journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Guida all'Alchimia journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Introduzione e pozioni -journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nAlchemy recipes can be used to craft a wide variety of items at an alchemy pot. You can experiment to find recipes, or continue reading this book for a full recipe reference!\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Benvenuto alle applicazioni pratiche dell'alchemia!\n\nLe ricette alchemiche possono essere usate per creare una vasta varietà di oggetti in un calderone alchemico. Puoi sperimentare ricette sconosciute per trovarle oppure continuare a usare questo libro come una guida completa!\n\nIniziamo con la ricetta più iconica: inserisci 3 semi in un calderone alchemico per preparare una pozione casuale!\n\nOgni seme ha una pozione corrispondente, e la pozione creata può essere relazionata ai semi che hai inserito. Usare gli stessi semi aumenterà la probabilità che questo accada. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creare Pietre Runiche journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Una pergamena messa in un calderone alchemico instillerà la sua magia in due pietre che vi si trovano. Questo crea delle pietre runiche! journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Cibo ed Energia -journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Many recipes require crystalized alchemical energy, which is produced by deconstructing most consumable items in an alchemy pot. As a few examples: seeds generate 2 energy, stones generate 3, scrolls and potions each generate 6.\n\nSome of these recipes are quite magical, but these ones more resemble traditional cooking. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Varie ricette richiedono energia alchemica cristallizzata, che è prodotta smontando la maggior parte degli oggetti consumabili. Ad esempio i semi generano 2 di energia, le pietre ne generano 3, le pergamene e le pozioni 6.\n\nAlcune di queste ricette sono un po' magiche, ma queste qui assomigliano di più alla cucina tradizionale. journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pozioni Esotiche -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be mixed with energy to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Le pozioni possono essere mischiate con energia per creare pozioni esotiche. Queste ultime hanno effetti più potenti, ma di solito sono usate in modo diverso. journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergamene Esotiche -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with some energy and a scroll. They're a bit stronger and more expensive than exotic potions. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Le pergamene esotiche possono essere fatte con pergamene ed energia. Sono un po' più potenti e più costose rispetto alle pozioni esotiche. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombe Migliorate journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba di polvere nera standard può essere mescolata con un oggetto specifico per creare una bomba migliorata. journal.document.alchemy_guide.weapons.title=Migliorare le armi journal.document.alchemy_guide.weapons.body=Alcune delle armi più leggere o magiche si possono usare nell'alchimia!\n\nOgni arma da lancio produce abbastanza metallo liquido per riparare completamente un'altra arma dello stesso livello e categoria.\n\nUna bacchetta produce abbastanza resina arcana per migliorare 2 bacchette dello stesso livello, ma non oltre +3. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Catalizzatori -journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Catalysts are made by combining a scroll or potion with a single seed or runestone. If the pair of items match, the alchemical energy cost is removed.\n\nCatalysts are most useful as components in recipes covered in the next two pages, but also can be used in a pinch for a random effect. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=I catalizzatori vengono creati combinando una pergamena o una pozione con un seme o una pietra. Se la coppia di oggetti si corrispondono, il costo dell'energia alchemica viene rimosso.\n\nI catalizzatori sono più utili come componenti in ricette trattate nelle prossime 2 pagine, ma possono essere usate con l'effetto di una pozione casuale. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Miscele ed Elisir journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.body=Le miscele e gli elisir sono pozioni avanzate che procurano una molteplicità di effetti tramite un singolo uso. journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.title=Formule Magiche diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ index 91d73a10c..d2318012b 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ @@ -27,22 +27,22 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Büyülü Saldırılar journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Sihirli saldırılar zırhı delip geçer ve atlatılması son derece zordur. Bu, asalarınızın çok güvenilir olacağı anlamına gelir, ancak aynı zamanda büyülü düşmanları son derece tehlikeli hale getirir!\n\nSihirli saldırıların her zaman bir dezavantajı vardır. Asalar söz konusu olduğunda, onların sınırlı ücretleri,\nama düşmanların kullandığı büyünün de her zaman bir çeşit zayıflığı olacaktır.\n\nBüyü kullanan düşmanlarla karşılaştığınızda, büyülerinden sadece hasarı yemek yerine, onların büyüsünden nasıl kurtulacağınızı bulmak son derece önemlidir. journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Simya Kılavuzu -journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Intro and Potions -journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nAlchemy recipes can be used to craft a wide variety of items at an alchemy pot. You can experiment to find recipes, or continue reading this book for a full recipe reference!\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Giriş ve İksirler +journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Uygulamalı Simyaya hoşgeldin!\n\nSimya tariflerini kullanarak simya kazanında bir çok farklı eşya üretilebilir. Kendin deneme yanılmayla tarifleri keşfedebilirsin, ya da tüm tarifleri bulmak için bu kitabı okuyabilirsin!\n\nEn klasik simya tarifiyle başlayalım: Rastgele bir iksir demlemek için simya kazanına herhangi üç tohum at!\n\nHer tohumun bir iksir karşılığı vardır, demlediğin iksir kullandığın tohumlardan birinin ilgilisi olabilir. Aynı tohumdan birden fazla kullanmak bunun gerçekleşme şansını artırır. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Rüntaşları Oluşturma journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Bir simya kabına bir parşömen karıştırmak, büyüsünü potun içindeki iki kayaya emecektir. Bu runestones oluşturur! journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Enerji ve Yemek -journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Many recipes require crystalized alchemical energy, which is produced by deconstructing most consumable items in an alchemy pot. As a few examples: seeds generate 2 energy, stones generate 3, scrolls and potions each generate 6.\n\nSome of these recipes are quite magical, but these ones more resemble traditional cooking. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Çoğu tarif kristalize simya enerjisi gerektirir. Bu enerji çoğu tüketilebilir eşyayı simya kazanında yakarak üretilebilir. Birkaç örnek: Tohumlar 2, taşlar 3, iksirler 6 enerji üretir.\n\nBu tariflerin bazıları epey sihirlidir, ama bunun gibiler daha çok geleneksel aşçılığı andırır. journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Egzotik İksirler -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be mixed with energy to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=İksirler enerjiyle karıştırılarak egzotik iksirler üretilebilir. Bunların daha kuvvetli etkileri vardır, fakat genelde farklı şekillerde işe yararlar. journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Egzotik Parşömenler -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with some energy and a scroll. They're a bit stronger and more expensive than exotic potions. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Egzotik parşömenler biraz enerji ve bir parşömenle yapılır. Egzotik iksirlerden biraz daha güçlü ve pahalıdırlar. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Geliştirilmiş Bombalar journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Normal bir bomba belirli eşyalarla birleştirilerek geliştirilmiş bir bombaya dönüştürülebilir. journal.document.alchemy_guide.weapons.title=Silahları Geliştirmek journal.document.alchemy_guide.weapons.body=Daha hafif veya daha fazla büyülü silahlardan bazıları simyada kullanılabilir!\n\nFırlatılan her silah, aynı seviye ve seviyedeki başka bir silahı tamamen tamir etmeye yetecek kadar sıvı metal üretir.\n\nBir asa, aynı seviyedeki, ancak +3'ten yüksek olmayan iki asayı yükseltmeye yetecek kadar gizli reçine üretecektir. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Katalizörler -journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Catalysts are made by combining a scroll or potion with a single seed or runestone. If the pair of items match, the alchemical energy cost is removed.\n\nCatalysts are most useful as components in recipes covered in the next two pages, but also can be used in a pinch for a random effect. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Katalistler bir parşömen ya da iksiri tek tohum ya da büyütaşıyla birleştirerek yapılır. Bu çift uyumluysa simyasal enerji harcanmaz.\n\nKatalistlerin en işe yaradığı alan tariflerde malzeme olmaktır, fakat acil durumlarda kullanılarak rastgele bir etki elde edilebilir. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Karışımlar ve Özler journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.body=Karışımlar ve özler, tek bir kullanımla çeşitli etkiler sağlayan gelişmiş iksirlerdir. journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.title=Büyüler diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ index 016fd9c01..c89381852 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.searching.title=Searching journal.document.adventurers_guide.searching.body=Dungeons are full of secret doorways and traps which appear invisible at first glance. Searching takes time, but is very useful if you suspect something is hidden.\n\nSearch near walls if you suspect a door is hidden, or around floors if you suspect a trap is hidden.\n\n(You can search all the tiles around you by double-tapping on the magnifying glass button. Anything that's hidden in these tiles will be revealed.) journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.title=Сила journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.body=There won't be any time to train with weapons and armor you find in the dungeon, so you'll need brute strength to use them effectively.\n\nPotions of Strength directly enhance your physical might and are the most effective way to meet the requirements of heavier, higher tier gear.\n\nIt's important to work towards heavier, high tier items, but don't completely ignore equipment you can use sooner as well. Once you're deep enough in the dungeon you'll need high tier gear to survive, but you have to survive long enough to equip it first! -journal.document.adventurers_guide.upgrades.title=Upgrades +journal.document.adventurers_guide.upgrades.title=Вдосконалення journal.document.adventurers_guide.upgrades.body=The deeper you go into a dungeon, the more important it is that you're using magically enhanced gear.\n\nHigher tier weapons and armor gain more power from upgrades, but you'll also need the strength to use them properly. Wands, rings, and artifacts don't need strength, but have limited usages or don't help as directly in combat.\n\nMaking good choices about what you upgrade is one of the most important ways to set yourself up for success later in the dungeon. The most successful adventurers will end their dungeon runs with highly upgraded high tier gear. journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Збір предметів journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Specific rooms will often contain better loot. Some of these rooms will be behind locked doors, or will contain obstacles which must be overcome.\n\nWhenever an obstacle blocks your progress, look for a solution nearby. Whether it's a key or something more crafty, you can usually find an item to help you on the same floor.\n\nPotions of strength and scrolls of upgrade are an excellent benchmark of how well you're exploring and looting. You will be able to find 2 potions of strength and 3 scrolls of upgrade in each five floor dungeon region.\n\n(You can see a list of important landmarks and unused keys in the notes tab of the journal window.) diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ index 02ef28d46..4ea05ec6c 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/journal/ @@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=将一张卷轴与两个石块投入 journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=炼金能量与食物烹饪 journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=许多配方都需要炼金能量水晶的参与,而这些水晶可以借助炼金釜从消耗品中提炼而来。例如:种子含有 2 能量,石块含有 3 能量,卷轴与药剂含有 6 能量。 journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=酿造合剂 -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=投入两个种子可将普通药剂强化为合剂。合剂拥有更强大的药效,不过作用方式通常与原药剂有所出入。 +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=普通药剂可以注入炼金能量,强化为合剂。合剂拥有更强大的药效,不过作用方式通常与原药剂有所出入。 journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=合成秘卷 journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=将一张卷轴与一些炼金能量共炼可获得秘卷。秘卷相较于合剂更为强大,但显然也更昂贵。 journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=改造炸弹 journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=一个标准的黑火药炸弹可以与一个特定的物品共炼来制作一个强化炸弹。 journal.document.alchemy_guide.weapons.title=强化武器 -journal.document.alchemy_guide.weapons.body=投掷武器与法杖也可参与到炼金反应当中!\n\n每个投掷物可以融化为一定量的液金,足以完全修复阶级与等级一样的投掷物。\n\n法杖可以裂解为一定量的奥术聚酯,足以升级两把同等级的法杖。不可通过此方法将法杖升级至+3以上。 +journal.document.alchemy_guide.weapons.body=投掷武器与法杖也可参与到炼金反应当中!\n\n每个投掷物可以融化为一定量的液金,足以完全修复阶级与等级一样的单件投掷物。\n\n法杖可以裂解为一定量的奥术聚酯,足以升级两把同等级的法杖。不可通过此方法将法杖升级至+3以上。 journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=炼制催化剂 journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=催化剂可以用一张卷轴或一瓶药水与一个种子或一个符石制得。如果原料较为匹配,将不会消耗炼金能量。\n\n催化剂的主要用处是在接下来两页的配方中充当炼金原料,不过也可以直接使用以获取一种随机效果。 journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=炼制魔药与秘药 diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ index ca4425186..cd9ed3587 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ badges$badge.monsters_slain_1=Σκοτώθηκαν 10 εχθροί badges$badge.monsters_slain_2=Σκοτώθηκαν 50 εχθροί badges$badge.monsters_slain_3=Σκοτώθηκαν 150 εχθροί badges$badge.monsters_slain_4=Σκοτώθηκαν 250 εχθροί -badges$badge.gold_collected_1=Μαζεύτηκαν 100 χρυσά νομίσματα -badges$badge.gold_collected_2=Μαζεύτηκαν 500 χρυσά νομίσματα -badges$badge.gold_collected_3=Μαζεύτηκαν 2500 χρυσά νομίσματα -badges$badge.gold_collected_4=Μαζεύτηκαν 7500 χρυσά νομίσματα +badges$badge.gold_collected_1=Αποκτήθηκαν 100 χρυσά νομίσματα +badges$badge.gold_collected_2=Αποκτήθηκαν 500 χρυσά νομίσματα +badges$badge.gold_collected_3=Αποκτήθηκαν 2500 χρυσά νομίσματα +badges$badge.gold_collected_4=Αποκτήθηκαν 7500 χρυσά νομίσματα badges$badge.level_reached_1=Έφτασες το επίπεδο 6 badges$badge.level_reached_2=Έφτασες το επίπεδο 12 badges$badge.level_reached_3=Έφτασες το επίπεδο 18 diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ index 170f6015a..32cead099 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ @@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ badges$badge.item_level_4=Objet de niveau 12 obtenu badges$badge.victory=Amulette de Yendor obtenue badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Vous avez obtenu l'Amulette de Yendor avec le Guerrier, le Mage, le Voleur et la Chasseresse badges$badge.mastery_combo=Combo de 10 coups -badges$badge.items_crafted_1=5 items crafted -badges$badge.items_crafted_2=10 items crafted -badges$badge.items_crafted_3=15 items crafted -badges$badge.items_crafted_4=20 items crafted +badges$badge.items_crafted_1=5 items crées +badges$badge.items_crafted_2=10 items crées +badges$badge.items_crafted_3=15 items crées +badges$badge.items_crafted_4=20 items crées badges$badge.no_monsters_slain=Niveau terminé sans tuer de monstres badges$badge.grim_weapon=Monstre tué par une arme Sinistre badges$badge.piranhas=6 piranhas tués diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ index f536de3f8..5186cd393 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ @@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ badges$badge.item_level_4=12. Seviye eşya elde edildi badges$badge.victory=Yendor'un Muskası elde edildi badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Yendor'un Muskası Savaşçı, Büyücü, Haydut ve Avcı tarafından elde edildi badges$badge.mastery_combo=10-vuruş kombo -badges$badge.items_crafted_1=5 items crafted -badges$badge.items_crafted_2=10 items crafted -badges$badge.items_crafted_3=15 items crafted -badges$badge.items_crafted_4=20 items crafted +badges$badge.items_crafted_1=5 eşya üretildi +badges$badge.items_crafted_2=10 eşya üretildi +badges$badge.items_crafted_3=15 eşya üretildi +badges$badge.items_crafted_4=20 eşya üretildi badges$badge.no_monsters_slain=Seviye hiç yaratık öldürmeden tamamlandı badges$badge.grim_weapon=Yaratık Ölümcül silah ile öldürüldü badges$badge.piranhas=6 pirana öldürüldü diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ index 6c4319555..effebc6f9 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/misc/ @@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ badges$badge.item_level_4=Предмет 12 рівня отриманий badges$badge.victory=Амулет Істини отриманий badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Амулет Істини отриманий Воїном, Магом, Розбійником і Мисливицею badges$badge.mastery_combo=Комбо з 10 ударів -badges$badge.items_crafted_1=5 items crafted -badges$badge.items_crafted_2=10 items crafted -badges$badge.items_crafted_3=15 items crafted -badges$badge.items_crafted_4=20 items crafted +badges$badge.items_crafted_1=Виготовлено 5 предметів +badges$badge.items_crafted_2=Виготовлено 10 предметів +badges$badge.items_crafted_3=Виготовлено 15 предметів +badges$badge.items_crafted_4=Виготовлено 20 предметів badges$badge.no_monsters_slain=Поверх пройдено без вбивств badges$badge.grim_weapon=Ворог вбитий зброєю Вироку badges$badge.piranhas=6 піраній вбито diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/plants/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/plants/ index ae1c8e45e..2921f6ee1 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/plants/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/plants/ @@ -72,5 +72,5 @@αστραποβότανο plants.swiftthistle.desc=Το αστραποβότανο επιταχύνει για λίγο τη ροή του χρόνου, επιτρέποντας σε όποιον το πατάει να κάνει κάποιες ενέργειες ακαριαία. plants.swiftthistle.warden_desc=Μαζί με τις ακαριαίες κινήσεις, _η Δασοφύλακας_ λαμβάνει και μία σύντομη επίδραση βιασύνης όταν πατά αστραποβότανο. plants.swiftthistle$σπόρος αστραποβότανου -plants.swiftthistle$Φούσκα Χρόνου +plants.swiftthistle$Χρονική φούσκα plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=Βρίσκεσαι σε μια φούσκα επιταχυμένου χρόνου που σου επιτρέπει να ενεργείς ακαριαία. Η επίδραση θα ακυρωθεί αν κάνεις επίθεση ή χρησιμοποιήσεις μαγεία.\n\nΓύροι φούσκας χρόνου που απομένουν: %s. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ index 0e0d25868..06f6ae32c 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ scenes.interlevelscene$mode.ascend=Steige auf... scenes.interlevelscene$mode.continue=Lade... scenes.interlevelscene$mode.resurrect=Belebe wieder... scenes.interlevelscene$mode.return=Kehre zurück... -scenes.interlevelscene$mode.fall=Fallend... +scenes.interlevelscene$mode.fall=Falle... scenes.interlevelscene$mode.reset=Setze zurück... scenes.interlevelscene.install=Spiel installieren scenes.interlevelscene.file_not_found=Keine Speicherdatei gefunden. Sollte dieser Fehler nach einem Neustart weiterhin bestehen, kann die Datei möglicherweise beschädigt sein. Tut mir leid! diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ index 6e110e2c6..942d13941 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ @@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ scenes.newsscene.read_more=Διάβασε περισσότερα scenes.newsscene$newsinfo.english_warn=Οι δημοσιεύσεις νέων γράφονται από τον προγραμματιστή και είναι διαθέσιμες μόνο στα Αγγλικά. scenes.newsscene$newsinfo.metered_network=Δεν μπόρεσε να γίνει έλεγχος για δημοσιεύσεις νέων, καθώς είστε σε σύνδεση ογκοχρέωσης (λ.χ. δεδομένα κινητού). scenes.newsscene$newsinfo.enable_data=Έλεγχος με δεδομένα κινητού -scenes.newsscene$newsinfo.no_internet=Δεν μπόρεσε να γίνει έλεγχος για δημοσιεύσεις νέων. Βεβαιώσου ότι έχεις σύνδεση στο Ίντερνετ. -scenes.newsscene$newsinfo.news_disabled=Έχεις απενεργοποιήσει τον έλεγχο για δημοσιεύσεις νέων, οπότε καμία δεν θα εμφανίζεται εδώ. +scenes.newsscene$newsinfo.no_internet=Δεν μπόρεσε να γίνει έλεγχος για δημοσιεύσεις νέων. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε συνδεθεί στο Ίντερνετ. +scenes.newsscene$newsinfo.news_disabled=Έχετε απενεργοποιήσει τον έλεγχο για δημοσιεύσεις νέων. Έτσι δεν θα εμφανίζονται εδώ. scenes.newsscene$newsinfo.enable_news=Ενεργοποίηση Νέων -scenes.rankingsscene.title=Κορυφαίες κατατάξεις +scenes.rankingsscene.title=Κατάταξη κορυφήςΠαιχνίδια που παίχτηκαν: scenes.rankingsscene.no_games=Δεν έχουν παιχτεί παιχνίδια ακόμη. scenes.rankingsscene.no_info=Καμία επιπρόσθετη πληροφορία @@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ scenes.startscene.title=Παιχνίδια σε ΕξέλιξηΝέο Παιχνίδι scenes.supporterscene.title=Υποστήριξε το παιχνίδι -scenes.supporterscene.intro=Θέλω το Shattered Pixel Dungeon να είναι χωρίς διαφημίσεις και παρεμβατικές μικροσυναλλαγές, οι οποίες καταστρέφουν τόσα παιχνίδια κινητών. Ανταυτού, θα προτιμούσα να ζητήσω από τους παίκτες να στηρίξουν το παιχνίδι απευθείας! -scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Αν απολαμβάνεις το ShatteredPD, και θέλεις να με βοηθήσεις να συνεχίσω την ανάπτυξή του, παρακαλώ σκέψου να με υποστηρίξεις στο _Patreon!_ Το Patreon μού δίνει μία σταθερή πηγή εισοδήματος, και μου επιτρέπει να παρέχω στους υποστηρικτές αποκλειστικά οφέλη:\n_- Εβδομαδιαία mini-blogs_, με πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη δουλειά μου.\n_- Ψηφοφορίες περιεχομένου_, που επηρεάζουν άμεσα το περιεχόμενο στο οποίο δουλεύω.\n_- Ένα Discord κοινότητας_, με αναφορές προγραμματιστή και κανάλια συνομιλίας.\n_- Περισσότερα οφέλη έρχονται_, όσο η κοινότητα του Patreon μεγαλώνει.\n\nΜπορείς να επισκεφτείς την σελίδα του Patreon για περισσότερες πληροφορίες. Ευχαριστώ για τον χρόνο σου και καλή εξερεύνηση στο μπουντρούμι! +scenes.supporterscene.intro=Θέλω το Shattered Pixel Dungeon να είναι απαλλαγμένο από διαφημίσεις και παρεμβατικές μικροσυναλλαγές· τη μάστιγα των παιχνιδιών για το κινητό. Ανταυτού, προτιμώ να ζητήσω από τους παίκτες να στηρίξουν το παιχνίδι απευθείας! +scenes.supporterscene.patreon_msg=Αν σου αρέσει το ShatteredPD και θες να με βοηθήσεις στη διαδικασία ανάπτυξής του, σκέψου να με υποστηρίξεις στο _Patreon!_ Το Patreon μού δίνει μια σταθερή πηγή εισοδήματος και μου επιτρέπει να παρέχω στους υποστηρικτές κάποια αποκλειστικά οφέλη:\n_- Εβδομαδιαία mini-blogs_ με πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη δουλειά μου.\n_- Ψηφοφορίες περιεχομένου,_ που επηρεάζουν άμεσα το περιεχόμενο στο οποίο δουλεύω.\n_- Ένα Discord κοινότητας,_ με αναφορές πάνω στην ανάπτυξη του παιχνιδιού και κανάλια συνομιλίας.\n_- Περισσότερα οφέλη έρχονται_ όσο η κοινότητα του Patreon μεγαλώνει.\n\nΕπισκέψου τη σελίδα του Patreon για περισσότερες πληροφορίες. Ευχαριστώ για τον χρόνο σου και καλή εξερεύνηση στο μπουντρούμι! scenes.supporterscene.patreon_english=(Να σημειωθεί ότι οι επιβραβεύσεις του Patreon είναι διαθέσιμες μόνο στα Αγγλικά.) scenes.supporterscene.supporter_link=Πήγαινε στη σελίδα Patreon @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ scenes.surfacescene.exit=Τέλος ΠαιχνιδιούΠαίξε scenes.titlescene.enter=Μπες στο Μπουντρούμι -scenes.titlescene.rankings=Κατατάξεις +scenes.titlescene.rankings=Κατάταξη scenes.titlescene.badges=ΠαράσημαΝέα scenes.titlescene.changes=Αλλαγές diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ index c0984e9eb..e6f329379 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ scenes.alchemyscene.title=Alchimie scenes.alchemyscene.text=Combinez des ingrédients pour créer quelque chose de nouveau !électionnez un objetÉnergie: scenes.amuletscene.exit=On s'arrête là pour aujourd'hui scenes.amuletscene.stay=Je n'ai pas encore fini @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Page Patreon scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Bienvenue à Shattered Pixel Dungeon!\n\nChaque partie est une nouvelle expérience et un défi, mais soyez prudents, la mort est irréversible ! Débuter est simple mais il vous faudra ruser si vous voulez vaincre!\n\nBonne aventure ! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à été mis à jour ! -scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v1.1.0 contains various improvements to the alchemy system and the items it produces, and a music track for each region of the game!\n\nThere are a few new spells, and several buffs and reworks to exotic potions and scrolls in particular, and various other smaller changes.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details. +scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=La v1.1.0 contient diverses améliorations du système d'alchimie et des objets qu'il produit, ainsi qu'une piste musicale pour chaque région du jeu !\n\nIl y a quelques nouveaux sorts, et plusieurs améliorations et remaniements des potions exotiques et des parchemins en particulier, ainsi que divers autres changements mineurs.\n\nN'oubliez pas de consulter l'écran des modifications pour obtenir tous les détails. scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à bénéficié d'un correctif logiciel ! scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ce correctif contient des corrections de bugs. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ce correctif contient des mises à jour de traductions. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ index bf02caa50..2debd16de 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Pagina Patreon scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Benvenuto in Shattered Pixel Dungeon!\n\nOgni avventura attraverso il dungeon è un'esperienza nuova ed impegnativa. Ma fai attenzione, la morte è irreversibile! Iniziare è semplice, ma ci vuole strategia per vincere!\n\nBuon dungeonaggio! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è stato aggiornato! -scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v1.1.0 contains various improvements to the alchemy system and the items it produces, and a music track for each region of the game!\n\nThere are a few new spells, and several buffs and reworks to exotic potions and scrolls in particular, and various other smaller changes.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details. +scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=La versione 1.1.0 contiene vari miglioramenti al sistema alchemico, agli oggetti che esso produce ed una traccia musicale per ognuna delle regioni del gioco!\n\nCi sono nuovi incantesimi, alcuni ritocchi e modifiche, in particolare alle pozioni esotiche ed alle pergamene, oltre a vari cambiamenti minori.\n\nConsulta la schermata dei cambiamenti per conoscere tutti i dettagli. scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è stato modificato! scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Questa modifica contiene la correzione di bug. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Questa modifica contiene aggiornamenti alle traduzioni. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ index 0db90a407..6c4604b9f 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ scenes.alchemyscene.title=Simya scenes.alchemyscene.text=Yeni bir şey oluşturmak için içerikleri birleştir! eşya seç scenes.amuletscene.exit=Bugünlük bu kadar scenes.amuletscene.stay=Henüz işim bitmedi @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon Sayfası scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg= Shattered Pixel Dungeon'a hoş geldiniz!\n\nZindandaki her geçiş yeni bir zorlu deneyimdir ve dikkatli olun, ölüm kalıcıdır! Başlamak basittir, ancak kazanmak istiyorsanız strateji gereklidir!\n\nMutlu Zindansaksoları! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon güncellendi! -scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v1.1.0 contains various improvements to the alchemy system and the items it produces, and a music track for each region of the game!\n\nThere are a few new spells, and several buffs and reworks to exotic potions and scrolls in particular, and various other smaller changes.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details. +scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v1.1.0 simya sistemi ve ürünlerine çeşitli geliştirmeler getirir. Ayrıca oyundaki her bölgeye bir müzik parçası geldi!\n\nBir kaç yeni büyü var. Bir kaç küçük değişikliğin yanında özellikle egzotik iksir ve parşömenlere değişiklikler ve güçlendirmeler yapıldı.\n\nTam detaylar için değişimler ekranını kontrol etmeyi unutmayın. scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon yama aldı! scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Bu yama hata düzeltmeleri içerir. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Bu yama çeviri güncellemeleri içerir. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ index e0f1e9f25..737651aea 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/scenes/ @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ scenes.alchemyscene.title=Алхімія scenes.alchemyscene.text=Об'єднайте інгредієнти, щоб створити щось нове!Оберіть предметЕнергія: scenes.amuletscene.exit=Прийняти цю силу scenes.amuletscene.stay=Я ще не завершив @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Сторінка на Patreon scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Ласкаво просимо в підземеллі Shattered Pixel!\n\nКожне проходження у підземеллі - це новий складний досвід, і будьте обережні, смерть незворотна! Почати гру дуже просто, але якщо ви хочете перемогти, необхідна стратегія!\n\nЩасливого проходження підземелля! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon оновлено! -scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=v1.1.0 contains various improvements to the alchemy system and the items it produces, and a music track for each region of the game!\n\nThere are a few new spells, and several buffs and reworks to exotic potions and scrolls in particular, and various other smaller changes.\n\nBe sure to check the changes screen for full details. +scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Версія 1.1.0 містить різні доопрацювання алхімічної системи та її продуктів, а також музичну композицію для кожного регіону гри!\n\nОкрім того додано кілька нових заклять, підсилено та перероблено екзотичні зілля та сувої, зроблено різні дрібні зміни.\n\nОбов'язково подивіться екран змін, щоб дізнатися всі подробиці. scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon пропатчено! scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Цей патч включає в себе виправлення помилок. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Цей патч включає в себе покращення перекладу. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ index de70dec26..ce9b1d3bc 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ windows.wnderror.title=ΣΦΑΛΜΑ windows.wndgame.settings=Ρυθμίσεις windows.wndgame.install=Εγκατάστησε το Παιχνίδι windows.wndgame.challenges=Προκλήσεις -windows.wndgame.rankings=Κατατάξεις +windows.wndgame.rankings=Κατάταξη windows.wndgame.start=Νέο παιχνίδιΚύριο μενού windows.wndgame.exit=Έξοδος @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ windows.wndgameinprogress.challenges=Προκλήσεις windows.wndgameinprogress.exp=Εμπειρία windows.wndgameinprogress.str=ΔύναμηΖωήΜαζεμένος χρυσόςΑποκτημένος χρυσός windows.wndgameinprogress.depth=Μέγιστο βάθος windows.wndgameinprogress.continue=Συνέχεια windows.wndgameinprogress.erase=Διαγραφή @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ windows.wndhero$statstab.title=%2$s Επιπεδου %1$d windows.wndhero$statstab.exp=Εμπειρία windows.wndhero$statstab.str=Δύναμη windows.wndhero$Ζωή -windows.wndhero$Μαζεμένος χρυσός +windows.wndhero$Αποκτημένος χρυσός windows.wndhero$statstab.depth=Μέγιστο βάθος windows.wndheroinfo.talents=ταλέντα @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ windows.wndranking$statstab.str=Δύναμη windows.wndranking$statstab.duration=Διάρκεια παιχνιδιού windows.wndranking$statstab.depth=Μέγιστο βάθος windows.wndranking$statstab.enemies=Εξοντωμένοι εχθροί -windows.wndranking$Μαζεμένος χρυσός +windows.wndranking$Αποκτημένος χρυσός windows.wndranking$Καταναλωμένο φαγητό windows.wndranking$statstab.alchemy=Παρασκευασμένα εφόδια windows.wndranking$statstab.ankhs=Χρησιμοποιημένα ανκχ diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ index bc3d54b96..0c27b9620 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ windows.wndsupportprompt.intro=Hola, ¡Espero que estés disfrutando de Shattere windows.wndsupportprompt.close=Cerrar por %dg -windows.wndtradeitem.steal=Robar con %d%% de probabilidad +windows.wndtradeitem.steal=Robar con %d%% de éxito windows.wndtradeitem.sell=Vender por %dg windows.wndtradeitem.sell_1=Vender 1 por %dg windows.wndtradeitem.sell_all=Vender todo por %dg diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ index 42c8734b1..55a5507b9 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ windows.wndcombo.title= choisir un mouvement combo windows.wnddocument.missing=page manquante -windows.wndenergizeitem.prompt=Energize an Item -windows.wndenergizeitem.energize=Turn into %d energy -windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_1=Turn 1 into %d energy -windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_all=Turn all into %d energy +windows.wndenergizeitem.prompt=Énergiser un item +windows.wndenergizeitem.energize=Transformez en %d d'énergie +windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_1=Transformez 1 en %d d'énergie +windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_all=Transformez tout en %d d'énergie windows.wnderror.title=ERREUR @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ windows.wndranking$statstab.depth=Profondeur Max windows.wndranking$statstab.enemies=Ennemis Tués windows.wndranking$ Collecté windows.wndranking$ Consommés -windows.wndranking$statstab.alchemy=Items Crafted +windows.wndranking$statstab.alchemy=items crées windows.wndranking$statstab.ankhs=Ankhs Utilisés windows.wndresurrect.title=Résurrection @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ windows.wndsettings$langstab.credits=crédits windows.wndsettings$langstab.reviewers=validateurs windows.wndsettings$langstab.translators=traducteurs -windows.wndstory.sewers=The upper floors of the dungeon actually constitute the City's sewer system.\n\nAs dark energy has crept up from below the usually harmless sewer creatures have become more and more dangerous. The city sends guard patrols down here to try and maintain safety for those above, but they are slowly failing.\n\nThis place is dangerous, but at least the evil magic at work here is weak. +windows.wndstory.sewers=Les niveaux supérieures du donjon constituent les systèmes d'égout de la Ville.\n\nA mesure que l'énergie obscure remonte à la surface, les créatures inoffensives des égouts sont devenues plus agressives. La Ville envoie des patrouilles pour maintenir la sécurité à la surface, mais c'est sans succès.\n\nCe lieu est dangereux, mais au moins l'énergie obscure ici est faible . windows.wndstory.prison=Une prison a été construite ici il y a cela des années dans le but d'y loger de dangereux criminels. Dans cette prison fortement sécurisée et réglementée, des prisonniers venant de tout le territoire ont été amenés pour purger leur peine.\n\nMais peu de temps après de sombres miasmes ont commencé à émerger des profondeurs, altérant l'esprit des gardes comme des prisonniers.\n\nCraignant que ce chaos ne s'étende, la ville décida de condamner toutes les entrées de la prison. Nul ne sait ce qu'il est advenu de ceux que l'on a laissé pour morts entre ces murs... windows.wndstory.caves=Ces cavernes peu peuplées s'étendent sous la prison abandonnée. Riches en minerais, elles étaient autrefois un centre animé de commerce et d'industrie pour la société naine, mais elles ont été abandonnées lorsque les nains sont devenus obsédés par la magie noire.\n\nLes cavernes sont maintenant principalement habitées par la faune souterraine, les gnolls et les machines abandonnées ; probablement corrompus par le même pouvoir qui a affecté les régions moins profondes. Métropole des nains était autrefois la plus imposante des cités naines. À son apogée, les nains ont construit d'incroyables machines de métal et de magie permettant à celle-ci de s'agrandir rapidement.\n\nMais un jour, les portes de la ville furent barrées et personne n'entendit plus jamais parler des nains. Le peu de personnes qui s'en sont échappés ont raconté des histoires à propos d'un sorcier fou ayant volé le trône et de la terrible magie qu'il a appris à maîtriser. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ index 07de5eb20..f0768966c 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ windows.wndcombo.title=selezionare una mossa combo windows.wnddocument.missing=pagina mancante windows.wndenergizeitem.prompt=Energizza un Oggetto -windows.wndenergizeitem.energize=Turn into %d energy -windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_1=Turn 1 into %d energy -windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_all=Turn all into %d energy +windows.wndenergizeitem.energize=Trasforma in %d di energia +windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_1=Trasforma 1 in %d di energia +windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_all=Trasforma tutti in %d di energia windows.wnderror.title=ERRORE @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ windows.wndsettings$langstab.credits=Ringraziamenti windows.wndsettings$langstab.reviewers=Revisori windows.wndsettings$langstab.translators=Traduttori -windows.wndstory.sewers=The upper floors of the dungeon actually constitute the City's sewer system.\n\nAs dark energy has crept up from below the usually harmless sewer creatures have become more and more dangerous. The city sends guard patrols down here to try and maintain safety for those above, but they are slowly failing.\n\nThis place is dangerous, but at least the evil magic at work here is weak. +windows.wndstory.sewers=I piani più superiori del dungeon sono costituiti dal sistema fongnario della città\n\nL'energia oscura che sta salendo dalle profondità ha reso le solite innocue creature sempre più pericolose. La città manda pattuglie qua sotto per provare a mantenere la sicurezza della città, ma sempre con meno successo.\n\nQuesto posto è pericoloso, ma almeno la magia oscura è debole qua sopra. windows.wndstory.prison=Molti anni fa venne costruita qui una prigione allo scopo di contenere pericolosi criminali. Strettamente sorvegliata e disciplinata, condannati provenienti da tutto il paese venivano mandati qui a scontare la pena.\n\nMa ben presto un oscuro miasma ha cominciato a filtrare da sotto, contorcendo in egual modo le menti di guardie e prigionieri.\nA conseguenza del caos crescente, la città ha preferito sigillare l'intera prigione. Nessuno sa cosa ne sia stato di quelli lasciati qui a morire tra queste mura... windows.wndstory.caves=Queste grotte scarsamente popolate si estendono al di sotto delle prigioni abbandonate. Ricche di minerali, furono in passato il centro movimentato di commercio e industrie per le società nanesche sottostanti, ma vennero abbandonate a seguito dell'ossessione per la magia nera.\n\nLe grotte sono ora perlopiù abitate dalla fauna selvatica sotterranea, da gnoll e macchinari fatiscenti; probabilmente altresì corrotti dallo stesso potere che affligge le regioni sovrastanti. Metropoli dei Nani fu un tempo una tra le più grandi città-stato nanesche. Al suo apice i nani costruirono meravigliose macchine di metallo e magia che permisero alle loro città di espandersi rapidamente.\n\nPoi, un giorno, i cancelli della città vennero sprangati e nessuno seppe di nuovo più nulla dei nani. I pochi che fuggirono dalla città appena in tempo, raccontarono storie di un warlock iroso che si impossessò del trono e della terribile magia che imparò a controllare. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ index 6d9c6840f..d4264bf07 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ windows.wndcombo.title=Kombo hareketi seç windows.wnddocument.missing=sayfa eksik -windows.wndenergizeitem.prompt=Energize an Item -windows.wndenergizeitem.energize=Turn into %d energy -windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_1=Turn 1 into %d energy -windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_all=Turn all into %d energy +windows.wndenergizeitem.prompt=Bir Eşyayı Enerjile +windows.wndenergizeitem.energize=%d enerjiye çevir +windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_1=1 tanesini %d enerjiye çevir +windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_all=Hepsini %d enerjiye çevir windows.wnderror.title=HATA @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ windows.wndranking$statstab.depth=Maksimum Derinlik windows.wndranking$statstab.enemies=Öldürülen Yaratıklar windows.wndranking$ Altın windows.wndranking$ Yemek -windows.wndranking$statstab.alchemy=Items Crafted +windows.wndranking$statstab.alchemy=Üretilmiş Eşyalar windows.wndranking$statstab.ankhs=Kullanılan Ankhlar windows.wndresurrect.title=diriliş @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ windows.wndsettings$langstab.credits=Emeği Geçenler windows.wndsettings$langstab.reviewers=Inceleyenler windows.wndsettings$langstab.translators=Çevirenler -windows.wndstory.sewers=The upper floors of the dungeon actually constitute the City's sewer system.\n\nAs dark energy has crept up from below the usually harmless sewer creatures have become more and more dangerous. The city sends guard patrols down here to try and maintain safety for those above, but they are slowly failing.\n\nThis place is dangerous, but at least the evil magic at work here is weak. +windows.wndstory.sewers=Zindanın üst katları aslında Şehrin kanalizasyon sistemiydi.\n\nAşağıdan karanlık enerji yayıldıkça özünde zararsız olan kanalizasyon canlıları gittikçe daha tehlikeli oldu. Yukarıdakilerin güvenliği için şehirden bekçi devriyeleri indirilse de bunlar sürekli başarısız olmakta.\n\nBu bölge tehlikeli, ama en azından buradaki kara büyü zayıf. windows.wndstory.prison=Uzun yıllar önce tehlikeli suçluları hapsetmek için buraya bir hapishane inşa edildi. Sıkı bir yönetim ve güvenliğe sahip, her yerden suçlular buraya vakit geçirmek için getirildiler. \n\nFakat sonra karanlık miyasma derinlerden sızarak gardiyan ve mahkumların akıllarını bozmaya başladı.\n\nYükselen kaosa cevaben, şehir hapishanenin tüm kapılarını mühürledi. Kimse bilmez o kapalı duvarların ardında ölüme terkedilenlere neler oldu... windows.wndstory.caves=Seyrek nüfuslu mağaralar terkedilmiş hapishanenin altında uzanır. Mineral bakımından zengindirler, bir zamanlar aşağıdaki cüce toplumu için hareketli ticaretin ve endüstrinin merkeziydiler, ancak cüceler kara büyü ile takıntı haline geldiklerinde terk edildi.\n\nMağaralarda artık çoğunlukla yer altı vahşi yaşamı, gnoller ve sahipsiz makineler bulunur; muhtemelen yukarıdaki bölgeleri etkileyen aynı güç tarafından bozuldu.üce Metropolis bir zamanlar tüm cüce şehir devletlerinin en büyüğüydü. En parlak döneminde cüceler, şehirlerinin hızla genişlemesine izin veren harika metal ve sihir makineleri inşa ettiler.\n\nSonra bir gün, şehir kapıları kapatıldı ve kimse cücelerden bir daha haber alamadı. Şehrin kapıları kapandığı sırada kaçan birkaç kişi, tahtlarını çalan çılgın bir büyücü ve kontrol etmeyi öğrendiği korkunç büyüyü anlattı. diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ index 6aecac0f5..03252df2a 100644 --- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ +++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/windows/ @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ windows.wndcombo.title=оберіть серійну атаку windows.wnddocument.missing=Сторінка відсутня -windows.wndenergizeitem.prompt=Energize an Item -windows.wndenergizeitem.energize=Turn into %d energy -windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_1=Turn 1 into %d energy -windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_all=Turn all into %d energy +windows.wndenergizeitem.prompt=Живити предмет +windows.wndenergizeitem.energize=Перетворити в %d енергії +windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_1=Перетворити 1 у %d енергії +windows.wndenergizeitem.energize_all=Перетворити все у %d енергії windows.wnderror.title=ПОМИЛКА @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ windows.wndranking$statstab.depth=Досягнута глибина windows.wndranking$statstab.enemies=Ворогів вбито windows.wndranking$Золота зібрано windows.wndranking$Їжі з'їдено -windows.wndranking$statstab.alchemy=Items Crafted +windows.wndranking$statstab.alchemy=Предметів виготовлено windows.wndranking$statstab.ankhs=Анхів використано windows.wndresurrect.title=Відродження @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ windows.wndsettings$langstab.credits=Команда windows.wndsettings$langstab.reviewers=Рецензенти windows.wndsettings$langstab.translators=Перекладачі -windows.wndstory.sewers=The upper floors of the dungeon actually constitute the City's sewer system.\n\nAs dark energy has crept up from below the usually harmless sewer creatures have become more and more dangerous. The city sends guard patrols down here to try and maintain safety for those above, but they are slowly failing.\n\nThis place is dangerous, but at least the evil magic at work here is weak. +windows.wndstory.sewers=Верхні поверхи підземелля є каналізаційною системою Міста.\n\nПотік темної енергії з глибин зробив мирних мешканців каналізації дуже небезпечними. Міські вартові намагаються захистити населення та патрулюють ці місця, але і вони повільно здають позиції.\n\nТут небезпечно, проте злі чари в цьому місці все ще слабкі. windows.wndstory.prison=Багато років тому, ця в'язниця була побудована для утримання небезпечних злочинців. Жорстко контрольовані й оточені охороною, найнебезпечніші злодії з усієї поверхні коротали свій час тут.\n\nАле згодом темні випари стали просочуватись знизу, спотворюючи розум як варти, так і в'язнів.\n\nУ відповідь на зростаючий хаос, місто замурувало всю в'язницю. Ніхто не знає, що сталося з тими, хто залишився вмирати в її стінах ... windows.wndstory.caves=Ці малонаселені печери простягаються ниже покинутої тюрми. Печери, багаті на корисні копалини, колись були центром бурхливої торгівлі та промисловості для дварфського суспільства, але опустіли, коли дварфи стали одержимі темною магією.\n\nЗараз печери в основному заселені підземними дикими тваринами, гнолами та занедбаними механізмами; вони, ймовірно, вражені тією ж силою, яка осквернила попередні регіони.Дварфський Метрополіс колись був найвеличнішим з усіх міст-держав-дварфів. У часи свого розквіту дварфи побудували дивовижні машини з металу та магії, які дозволили місту швидко розширитися.\n\nПотім,одного дня,міські ворота закрились... і про дварфів ніхто нічого більше не чув. Ті, хто зміг утекти з закритого міста, розповідали історії про божевільного чорнокнижника, який захопив престол за допомогою страшної магії... diff --git a/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/ b/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/ index cdb482bfe..671a71dde 100644 --- a/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/ +++ b/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/ @@ -25,22 +25,22 @@ import java.util.Locale; public enum Languages { ENGLISH("english", "", Status.REVIEWED, null, null), - RUSSIAN("русский", "ru", Status.REVIEWED, new String[]{"ConsideredHamster", "Inevielle", "apxwn", "yarikonline" }, new String[]{"AttHawk46", "BlueberryShortcake", "HerrGotlieb", "HoloTheWise", "Ilbko", "JleHuBbluKoT", "KirStaLong", "MrXantar", "Nikets", "Originalej0name", "Raymundo", "Shamahan", "Thomasg63", "Ya6lo4ko", "kirusyaga", "perefrazz", "roman.yagodin", "un_logic", "Вoвa"}), + RUSSIAN("русский", "ru", Status.REVIEWED, new String[]{"ConsideredHamster", "Inevielle", "apxwn", "yarikonline" }, new String[]{"AttHawk46", "BlueberryShortcake", "HerrGotlieb", "HoloTheWise", "Ilbko", "JleHuBbluKoT", "KirStaLong", "MrXantar", "Nikets", "Originalej0name", "Raymundo", "Shamahan", "Thomasg63", "Ya6lo4ko", "kirusyaga", "perefrazz", "roman.yagodin", "un_logic", "vivatimperia", "Вoвa"}), SPANISH("español", "es", Status.REVIEWED, new String[]{"KeyKai", "Kiroto", "Kohru", "airman12", "grayscales"}, new String[]{"AdventurerKilly", "Alesxanderk", "CorvosUtopy", "D0n.Kak0", "Dewstend", "Dyrran", "Enddox", "Fervoreking", "Illyatwo2", "JPCHZ", "LastCry", "Marquezo_577_284", "NAVI1237", "STKmonoqui", "Sh4rkill3r", "alfongad", "benzarr410", "chepe567.jc", "ctrijueque", "damc0616", "desen90", "dhg121", "javifs", "jonismack1", "magmax", "tres.14159"}), KOREAN("한국어", "ko", Status.UNREVIEWED, new String[]{"Cocoa", "Flameblast12", "GameConqueror", "Korean2017"}, new String[]{"N8fall", "WondarRabb1t", "chlrhwnstkd", "ddojin0115", "eeeei", "enjuxx", "hancyel", "linterpreteur", "lsiebnie"}), CHINESE("中文", "zh", Status.UNREVIEWED, new String[]{"Jinkeloid(zdx00793)", "endlesssolitude"}, new String[]{"931451545", "Chronie_Lynn_Iwa", "Fatir", "Fishbone", "HoofBumpBlurryface", "Lery", "Lyn_0401", "Ooooscar", "ShatteredFlameBlast", "SpaceAnchor", "hmdzl001", "leo", "tempest102"}), GERMAN("deutsch", "de", Status.REVIEWED, new String[]{"Dallukas", "KrystalCroft", "Wuzzy", "Zap0", "apxwn", "bernhardreiter", "davedude"}, new String[]{"2711chrissi", "Abracadabra", "Ceeee", "DarkPixel", "ErichME", "Faquarl", "LenzB", "MacMoff", "Micksha", "Niseko", "Ordoviz", "Sarius", "SirEddi", "Sorpl3x", "SurmanPP", "SwissQ", "ThunfischGott", "Topicranger", "azrdev", "carrageen", "dome.scheidler", "galactictrans", "gekko303", "jeinzi", "johannes.schobel", "karoshi42", "koryphea", "luciocarreras", "mklr", "niemand", "oragothen", "spixi", "unbekannterTyp"}), POLISH("polski", "pl", Status.INCOMPLETE, new String[]{"Deksippos", "MrKukurykpl", "kuadziw", "szymex73"}, new String[]{"AntiTime", "Boguc", "Chasseur", "Ciechu", "Darden", "DarkKnightComes", "GRan0000", "KarixDaii", "KrnąbrnyOlaf", "MJedi", "Odiihinia", "Peperos", "ProPolishGamer", "RolsoN", "Scharnvirk", "VasteelXolotl", "Voyteq", "bogumilg", "bvader95", "dusakus", "elchudy", "michaub", "ozziezombie", "szczoteczka22", "transportowiec96"}), - FRENCH("français", "fr", Status.INCOMPLETE, new String[]{"Emether", "TheKappaDuWeb", "Xalofar", "canc42", "kultissim", "minikrob"}, new String[]{"Alsydis", "Axce", "Az_zahr", "Bastien72", "Basttee", "Dekadisk", "Draal", "Karnot", "Martin.Bellet", "Neopolitan", "Nyrnx", "Pandaman516", "Petit_Chat", "RomTheMareep", "RunningColours", "SpeagleZNT", "Tronche2Cake", "VRad", "Ygdrazil", "_nim_", "adamch", "antoine9298", "clexanis", "go11um", "hydrasho", "levilbatard", "linterpreteur", "maeltur70", "marmous", "mcbaba29000", "mluzarreta", "solthaar", "speagle", "typhr80", "vavavoum", "zM_"}), - PORTUGUESE("português", "pt", Status.INCOMPLETE, new String[]{"NicholasPainek", "TDF2001", "matheus208"}, new String[]{"14NGiestas", "Arthur_Mastriaga", "Bigode935", "Bionic64", "Chacal.Ex", "ChainedFreaK", "DredgenVale", "ElefanteFome", "Helen0903", "JST", "MadHorus", "MarkusCoisa", "Matie", "OtávioMoraes", "PingasOwner", "Piraldo", "Sr.BaconDelicioso", "Tete_Teli", "Tio_P_(Krampus)", "Zukkine", "ancientorange", "danypr23", "denis.gnl", "ismael.henriques12", "juniorsilve33", "mfcord", "nattlegal", "owenreilly", "rafazago", "try31"}), - ITALIAN("italiano", "it", Status.INCOMPLETE, new String[]{"NeoAugustus", "bizzolino", "funnydwarf"}, new String[]{"4est", "Danelix", "DaniMare", "Danzl", "Eriliken", "Esse78", "Guiller124", "IoannesMaria", "Mat323", "Noostale", "andreafaffo", "andrearubbino00", "cantarini", "carinellialessandro31", "dmytro.tokayev", "inkubo87", "mattiuw", "max1234ita", "nessunluogo", "righi.a", "umby000", "valerio.bozzolan"}), + FRENCH("français", "fr", Status.INCOMPLETE, new String[]{"Emether", "TheKappaDuWeb", "Xalofar", "canc42", "kultissim", "minikrob"}, new String[]{"Alsydis", "Axce", "Az_zahr", "Bastien72", "Basttee", "Dekadisk", "Draal", "Karnot", "Martin.Bellet", "Neopolitan", "NoGi", "Nyrnx", "Pandaman516", "Petit_Chat", "RomTheMareep", "RunningColours", "Soeiz", "SpeagleZNT", "Tronche2Cake", "VRad", "Weende_Bellet", "Ygdrazil", "_nim_", "adamch", "antoine9298", "clexanis", "go11um", "hydrasho", "levilbatard", "linterpreteur", "maeltur70", "marmous", "mcbaba29000", "mluzarreta", "panopano", "solthaar", "speagle", "typhr80", "vavavoum", "zM_"}), + PORTUGUESE("português", "pt", Status.INCOMPLETE, new String[]{"NicholasPainek", "TDF2001", "matheus208"}, new String[]{"14NGiestas", " Aetheryll", "Arthur_Mastriaga", "Bigode935", "Bionic64", "Chacal.Ex", "ChainedFreaK", "DredgenVale", "ElefanteFome", "Helen0903", "JST", "MadHorus", "MarkusCoisa", "Matie", "OtávioMoraes", "PingasOwner", "Piraldo", "Sr.BaconDelicioso", "Tete_Teli", "Tio_P_(Krampus)", "Zukkine", "ancientorange", "danypr23", "denis.gnl", "efverick", "ismael.henriques12", "juniorsilve33", "mfcord", "nattlegal", "owenreilly", "rafazago", "renan408", "try31"}), + ITALIAN("italiano", "it", Status.UNREVIEWED, new String[]{"NeoAugustus", "bizzolino", "funnydwarf"}, new String[]{"4est", "Danelix", "DaniMare", "Danzl", "Eriliken", "Esse78", "Guiller124", "IoannesMaria", "Mat323", "Mister64", "Noostale", "andreafaffo", "andrearubbino00", "cantarini", "carinellialessandro31", "dmytro.tokayev", "inkubo87", "mattiuw", "max1234ita", "nessunluogo", "righi.a", "umby000", "valerio.bozzolan"}), CZECH("čeština", "cs", Status.UNREVIEWED, new String[]{"ObisMike", "novotnyvaclav"}, new String[]{"16cnovotny", "AshenShugar", "Autony", "Buba237", "JStrange", "RealBrofessor", "kristanka", "chuckjirka"}), - TURKISH("türkçe", "tr", Status.INCOMPLETE, new String[]{"LokiofMillenium", "emrebnk", "gorkem_yılmaz"}, new String[]{"AGORAAA", "AcuriousPotato", "OzanAlkan", "alikeremozfidan", "alpekin98", "denizakalin", "erdemozdemir98", "hasantahsin160", "immortalsamuraicn", "kayikyaki", "melezorus34", "mitux", "ryuga", "yasirckr85"}), + TURKISH("türkçe", "tr", Status.UNREVIEWED, new String[]{"LokiofMillenium", "emrebnk", "gorkem_yılmaz"}, new String[]{"AGORAAA", "AcuriousPotato", "OzanAlkan", "alikeremozfidan", "alpekin98", "denizakalin", "eraysall402", "erdemozdemir98", "hasantahsin160", "immortalsamuraicn", "kayikyaki", "melezorus34", "mitux", "ryuga", "yasirckr85"}), INDONESIAN("indonésien","in", Status.UNREVIEWED, new String[]{"rakapratama"}, new String[]{"Izulhaaq", "Taka31", "ZakyM313", "ZangieF347", "di9526985", "esprogarap", "kirimaja", "wisnugafur"}), FINNISH("suomi", "fi", Status.INCOMPLETE, new String[]{"TenguKnight"}, new String[]{"Dakkus", "Sautari"} ), HUNGARIAN("magyar", "hu", Status.UNREVIEWED, new String[]{"dorheim", "szalaik"}, new String[]{"Navetelen", "acszoltan111", "clarovani", "dhialub", "nanometer", "nardomaa", "savarall"}), - JAPANESE("日本語", "ja", Status.INCOMPLETE, null, new String[]{"Gosamaru", "amama", "daingewuvzeevisiddfddd", "librada", "mocklike", "tomofumikitano"}), - UKRANIAN("українська", "uk", Status.INCOMPLETE, new String[]{"Oster"}, new String[]{"Sadsaltan1", "TarasUA", "TheGuyBill", "Tomfire", "Volkov", "ZverWolf", "_bor_", "ingvarfed", "iu0v1", "oliolioxinfree", "romanokurg", "vlisivka"}), + JAPANESE("日本語", "ja", Status.INCOMPLETE, null, new String[]{"Gosamaru", "amama", "daingewuvzeevisiddfddd", "kiyofumimanabe", "librada", "mocklike", "tomofumikitano"}), + UKRANIAN("українська", "uk", Status.INCOMPLETE, new String[]{"Oster"}, new String[]{"Lyttym", "Sadsaltan1", "TarasUA", "TheGuyBill", "Tomfire", "Volkov", "ZverWolf", "_bor_", "ddmaster3463", "ingvarfed", "iu0v1", "oliolioxinfree", "romanokurg", "vlisivka"}), GREEK("ελληνικά", "el", Status.REVIEWED, new String[]{"Aeonius", "Saxy"}, new String[]{"DU_Clouds", "VasKyr", "YiorgosH", "fr3sh", "stefboi", "val.exe"}), CATALAN("català", "ca", Status.INCOMPLETE, new String[]{"Illyatwo2"}, new String[]{"Elosy", "n1ngu"}), BASQUE("euskara", "eu", Status.INCOMPLETE, new String[]{"Deathrevenge", "Osoitz"}, null),