- Improvised projectiles cooldown up to 50 turns from 30
- Strongman redesigned. Now grants 8/13/18% bonus str, rounded down.
- Berserking Stamina bonus shield increased to 25/50/75%, from 16/33/50%
- Cleave turn of combo increased to 15/30/45 from 10/20/30
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_momentum.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _67% chance_ to take 0 turns.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior lands a killing blow with a physical weapon, it has a _100% chance_ to take 0 turns.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 30 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.improvised_projectiles.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _2 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 50 turn cooldown.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior can blind an enemy for _3 turns_ by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 50 turn cooldown.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.title=hold fast
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the Warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.hold_fast.desc=_+1:_ When the Warrior waits he gains _+2 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+2:_ When the Warrior waits he gains _+4 armor_ until he moves.\n\n_+3:_ When the Warrior waits he gains _+6 armor_ until he moves.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior needs _1 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior needs _2 less strength_ to use armor and _1 less strength_ to use weapons.
actors.hero.talent.strongman.desc=_+1:_ The Warrior's strength is _increased by 8%_, rounded down.\n\n_+2:_ The Warrior's strength is _increased by 13%_, rounded down.\n\n_+3:_ The Warrior's strength is _increased by 18%_, rounded down.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.endless_rage.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _115% rage_.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _130% rage_.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker can reach a max of _145% rage_.\n\nNote that rage above 100% will not grant more than +50% damage.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _17% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.67 levels_ from 2.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _33% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.33 levels_ from 2.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1 level_ from 2.
actors.hero.talent.berserking_stamina.desc=_+1:_ The Berserker gains _25% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.67 levels_ from 2.\n\n_+2:_ The Berserker gains _50% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1.33 levels_ from 2.\n\n_+3:_ The Berserker gains _75% more shield_ when berserking, and the berserking cooldown is reduced to _1 level_ from 2.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _17% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _33% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _50% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.enraged_catalyst.desc=_+1:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _17% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+2:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _33% more often_ at 100% rage.\n\n_+3:_ Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of _50% more often_ at 100% rage.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _10 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _20 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.cleave.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _15 turns_.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _30 turns_.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to _45 turns_.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
actors.hero.talent.lethal_defense.desc=_+1:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 33%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+2:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 67%_ of the broken seal's shielding.\n\n_+3:_ When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he _regains 100%_ of the broken seal's shielding.
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