From d48c843e093daf8bdbb10c05f0f0b6c9a977c072 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Evan Debenham Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2019 19:51:04 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] v0.7.4a: Updated translations --- .../messages/actors/ | 8 +- .../messages/actors/ | 6 +- .../messages/actors/ | 6 +- .../messages/actors/ | 6 +- .../messages/actors/ | 6 +- .../messages/actors/ | 6 +- .../messages/items/ | 4 +- .../messages/items/ | 164 +++++++++--------- .../messages/items/ | 14 +- .../messages/items/ | 16 +- .../messages/items/ | 74 ++++---- .../messages/items/ | 8 +- .../messages/items/ | 162 ++++++++--------- .../messages/items/ | 68 ++++---- .../messages/items/ | 42 ++--- .../messages/journal/ | 14 +- .../messages/journal/ | 8 +- .../messages/levels/ | 10 +- .../messages/scenes/ | 10 +- .../messages/scenes/ | 2 +- .../messages/scenes/ | 2 +- .../messages/scenes/ | 10 +- .../messages/scenes/ | 10 +- .../messages/scenes/ | 10 +- .../messages/scenes/ | 10 +- 25 files changed, 338 insertions(+), 338 deletions(-) diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index e274e0cb0..66a263705 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ actors.blobs.blizzard.desc=Neĝŝtormo disvastiĝas tie ĉi. actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Nubo da konfuziga gaso ĉirkaŭŝvebas tie ĉi. actors.blobs.electricity.desc=Elektra kampo hele fajreras tie ĉi. -actors.blobs.electricity.rankings_desc=Elektrŝokita -actors.blobs.electricity.ondeath=You were shocked to death... +actors.blobs.electricity.rankings_desc=Elektroŝokita +actors.blobs.electricity.ondeath=Vi mortis pro la elektroŝoko… brulegas tie ĉi. @@ -490,9 +490,9 @@ de Ŝmiraĵego ne scias multe pri Ŝmiraĵego. Povas esti, ke ĝi eĉ ne estas bestaĉo, sed kungluaĵo de diversaj substancaĉoj el kloakaro kiuj iumaniere ekposedis elementan inteligenton. Iel aŭ alie, fia sorĉarto estas tio, kio permesis al Ŝmiraĵego ekzisti.\n\nĜia gelateneca esto igas ĝin ensorbi plene da malluma energio, vi estas konsternata nur pro estado proksime de ĝi. Se Ŝmiraĵego povas ataki per tiu ĉi fienergio, vi ne plivivos longe. -actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=The crab blocks with its massive claw. +actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=La krabego blokis la atakon per sia giganta pinĉilo. actors.mobs.greatcrab.blocked=blokita -actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=This crab is gigantic, even compared to other sewer crabs. Its blue shell is covered in cracks and barnacles, showing great age. It lumbers around slowly, barely keeping balance with its massive claw.\n\nWhile the crab only has one claw, its size easily compensates. The crab holds the claw in front of any threat, shielding itself behind an impenetrable wall of carapace. However, the crab cannot block attacks it doesn't see coming, or attacks from multiple enemies at once. +actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=Tiu ĉi krabo estas giganta eĉ komparante kun aliaj kloakaraj kraboj. Ĝia blua ŝirmo estas kovrata de krevaĵoj kaj grataĵoj, ĝi aspektas tre maljune. Ĝi paŝas malrapide, malfacile tenante sin en ekvilibro kun sia giganta pinĉilo.\n\nMalgraŭ tio, ke krabego posedas nur unu pinĉilon, tio estas rekompencata de ĝia grandeco. La krabego eligas la pinĉilon antaŭ ĉiu minaco, ŝirmante sin malantaŭ nepenetrebla krusto. Tamen la krabo ne povas ŝirmi sin kontraŭ atakojn, kiuj ĝi ne vidis kaj kontraŭ atakoj de pluraj direktoj samtempe. gardisto actors.mobs.guard.scorpion=Iru ĉi tien! diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index d85cca224..6154c1cad 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_mage=Oh, kaixo %s! Magia institutuaren eta zure actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_huntress=Hara, kaixo andere! Aurpegi adiskidetsu bat ezusteko handia da hemen, ezta? Izan ere, zure arpegia lehenago ere ikusi dudala esango nuke, baina ez nago guztiz ziur... berdin du, abentura bila bazatoz, zuretzat zeregin bat izan nezake. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\nZarta baterako osagai berezi baten bila etorri nintzen, baina galdu egin naiz, eta nire ezkutu magikoa ahultzen ari da. Laster joan beharko naiz, baina ezin dut jasan bilatzera etorri nintzen hori gabe itzultzea. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=_Gorpu hauts_ apur baten bila nabil. Honelako tokietan agertu ohi den madarikatutako hezurren irina bat da. Hemen inguruan barrikadaz babestutako gela bat egon beharko luke, ziur nago hor hautsa pilatu dela. Baina ibili kontu handiz, hautsak daraman madarikazioa nahiko ahaltsua da, _itzuli nigana ahal bezain laster_ eta nik garbituko dut. -actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_ember=Su elemental jaio berri baten _txingar bizi_ baten bila nabil. Elementalak agerraldi erritual bat kontrolik gabe egitean agertzen dira, beraz bilatu kandela batzuk eta errituala egiteko toki bat eta ziur bat agerrarazi dezakezula. _eskura izozteko tresnaren bat_ izatea aholkatzen dizut, elementalak oso boteretsuak dira, baina izotzak berehala makaltzen ditu. +actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_ember=Su elemental jaio berri baten _txingar bizi_ baten bila nabil. Elementalak arao erritual bat kontrolik gabe egitean agertzen dira, beraz bilatu kandela batzuk eta errituala egiteko toki bat, eta ziur baten bat agerrarazi dezakezula. _Izozteko tresnaren bat_ eskura izatea aholkatzen dizut, elementalak oso boteretsuak dira, baina izotzak berehala makaltzen ditu. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_berry=Presondegi honetako zaindari zaharrak _ustelbaia landare_ bat zuen, eta bere hazietako bat nahi dut. Landarea dagoeneko larrekoa bihurtuko zen, eta hazi bat eskuratzea zaila izan daiteke. Lorategia hemen inguruan egon beharko litzateke. Saiatu _mahatsondo zigorrak ekiditen_ osorik atera nahi baduzu. Sua erabiltzea tentagarria da, baina mesedez ez egin, landarea hil eta haziak suntsituko zenituzke. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_2=\n\nNiretzat lortuko bazenu, pozik ordainduko nizuke nik egindako zarta onenetariko batekin! Bi ekarri ditut, zuk nahiago duzuna hartu ahal izango duzu. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_dust=Aurkitu al duzu gorpu hautsa, %s? Bilatu barrikadak. @@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ actors.mobs.dm300.rankings_desc=DM-300ak zanpatua actors.mobs.dm300.desc=Makina hau ipotxek sortu zuten duela mende asko. Gerora, ipotxak makinak golemekin, elementalekin eta baita deabruekin ere ordezten hasi ziren. Azkenean haien zibilizazioaren gainbehera ekarri zuen honek. DM-300-a eta antzekoak eraikuntzarako eta meatzaritzarako erabili ohi ziren eta, batzuetan, hiriaren defentsarako. elementala -actors.mobs.elemental.desc=Su elemental ibiltariak entitate nagusiagoak agerraraztearen azpiproduktuak dira. Izaera kaotikoegia dute demonologo boteretsuenek ere kontrolatu ahal izateko. +actors.mobs.elemental.desc=Su elemental ibiltariak entitate nagusiagoak araokatzearen azpiproduktuak dira. Izaera kaotikoegia dute demonologo boteretsuenek ere kontrolatu ahal izateko. doilorra actors.mobs.eye.deathgaze_kill=Herio begiradak hil zaitu... @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ actors.mobs.monk.def_verb=geldituta actors.mobs.monk.desc=Monje hauek fanatikoak dira, bere hiriko sekretuak arrotz guztietatik babesteko hitz eman dute. Ez dute arma edo armadurarik erabiltzen, aurrez aurreko borrokan besterik ez dute sinesten. elemental jaio berria -actors.mobs.newbornelemental.desc=Suzko elementalak izaki boteretsuagoak deitzean agertutako alboproduktuak dira. Haien izaera kaotikoegia da demonologo indartsuenagatik kontrolatuak izateko. \n\nSuzko elementua berriki deitua izan da eta, ondorioz, ahul dago. Honela hotzari oso sentikorra dago. Hala ere, oso indartsua da eta, beraz, arretaz ibiltzea gomendatzen da. +actors.mobs.newbornelemental.desc=Su elementalak entitate nagusiagoak araokatzearen azpiproduktuak dira. Izaera kaotikoegia dute demonologo boteretsuenek ere kontrolatu ahal izateko. \n\nSuzko elementala berriki araokatu da eta, ondorioz, ahul dago. Honela hotzari oso sentikor dago. Hala ere, oso indartsua da eta, beraz, arretaz ibiltzea gomendatzen da. erraldoia actors.mobs.piranha.desc=Arrain haragijale hauek ez dira ziegako biztanle naturalak. Urez inguratutako altxor kutxak babesteko haziak izan ziren. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index b9d277564..b5ba42be7 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Zavarógáz felhője örvénylik itt. actors.blobs.electricity.desc=Egy elektromos mező szikrázik itt. actors.blobs.electricity.rankings_desc=Meg lettél villámcsapva -actors.blobs.electricity.ondeath=You were shocked to death... +actors.blobs.electricity.ondeath=Belehaltál az áramütésbe...űz lángol itt. @@ -490,9 +490,9 @@ a Ragacs Ragacsról keveset lehet tudni. Könnyen lehet, hogy nem is lény, hanem inkább a csatornák hitvány anyagainak összetömörülése, amely valahogyan egyszerű intelligenciát kaphatott. Akárhogy is, bizonyára a sötét mágia hívta létre a Ragacsot.\n\nKocsonyás anyaga miatt számottevő sötét energiát nyelhetett el, már attól kiráz a hideg, hogy a közelében vagy. Ha a ragacs képes támadni is ezzel az energiával, nem sokáig maradsz életben.óriásrák -actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=The crab blocks with its massive claw. +actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=A rák erős ollójával kivédi a támadást. actors.mobs.greatcrab.blocked=védte -actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=This crab is gigantic, even compared to other sewer crabs. Its blue shell is covered in cracks and barnacles, showing great age. It lumbers around slowly, barely keeping balance with its massive claw.\n\nWhile the crab only has one claw, its size easily compensates. The crab holds the claw in front of any threat, shielding itself behind an impenetrable wall of carapace. However, the crab cannot block attacks it doesn't see coming, or attacks from multiple enemies at once. +actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=Ez a rák óriási nagy, még a többi csatornarákhoz képest is. A kék páncélját borító repedések és kagylók idős korra utalnak. Lassan baktat körbe masszív ollójával épphogy egyensúlyozva.\n\nBár a ráknak csak egy ollója van, a mérete ezért bőven kárpótolja. Ha veszélyt lát, az ollóját maga előtt tartja, így védi meg magát az áthatolhatatlan páncélfala mögött. Ennek ellenére a rák nem tudja védeni azt, amit nem vesz észre, vagy amikor több ellenfél támadja egyidejűleg.örtönőr actors.mobs.guard.scorpion=Gyere ide! diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index bfedecfe1..ca4864230 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Uma nuvem de gás da confusão está pairando no actors.blobs.electricity.desc=Um campo de eletricidade está faiscando brilhantemente aqui. actors.blobs.electricity.rankings_desc=Eletrocutado -actors.blobs.electricity.ondeath=You were shocked to death... +actors.blobs.electricity.ondeath=Você foi eletrocutado até a morte... fogo está crepitando aqui. @@ -490,9 +490,9 @@ pelo Goo é sabido sobre A Gosma. É possível que nem seja uma criatura, mas um aglomerado de substâncias torpes dos esgotos que de alguma forma adquiriram uma inteligência básica. Independente disso, magia negra certamente é o que permitiu que A Gosma existisse.\n\nSua natureza gelatinosa permite que ela absorva uma grande quantidade de energia negra. Você sente um calafrio somente por estar perto. Se A Gosma conseguir atacar com a sua energia, você não viverá por muito tempo. Caranguejo -actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=The crab blocks with its massive claw. +actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=O caranguejo bloqueia com sua enorme garra. actors.mobs.greatcrab.blocked=bloqueou -actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=This crab is gigantic, even compared to other sewer crabs. Its blue shell is covered in cracks and barnacles, showing great age. It lumbers around slowly, barely keeping balance with its massive claw.\n\nWhile the crab only has one claw, its size easily compensates. The crab holds the claw in front of any threat, shielding itself behind an impenetrable wall of carapace. However, the crab cannot block attacks it doesn't see coming, or attacks from multiple enemies at once. +actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=Este caranguejo é gigantesco, mesmo comparado a outros caranguejos de esgoto. Sua casca azul é coberta de rachaduras e cracas, mostrando grande idade. Ele se move lentamente, mal mantendo o equilíbrio com sua enorme garra.\n\nEnquanto o caranguejo tem apenas uma garra, seu tamanho compensa facilmente. O caranguejo segura a garra na frente de qualquer ameaça, protegendo-se atrás de uma parede impenetrável de carapaça. No entanto, o caranguejo não pode bloquear os ataques que não vê, ou ataques de vários inimigos de uma só vez. da prisão actors.mobs.guard.scorpion=Vem pra cá! diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index f484ff756..591d2348f 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Здесь клубится дезориенти actors.blobs.electricity.desc=Здесь сверкают электрические разряды. actors.blobs.electricity.rankings_desc=Электрошок -actors.blobs.electricity.ondeath=You were shocked to death... +actors.blobs.electricity.ondeath=Вы умерли от шока...Здесь бушует пламя. @@ -490,9 +490,9 @@Поглощён СлизнемМало что известно о Слизне. Возможно, это даже не существо, а сборище мерзких субстанций из канализации, каким-то образом развивших примитивный интеллект. В любом случае, темная магия - вот причина существования Слизня.\n\nЕго желейная субстанция позволяет ему поглощать так много темной энергии, что вы чувствуете озноб, просто находясь рядом. Если Слизень атакует вас этой энергией, долго вам не прожить.древний краб -actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=The crab blocks with its massive claw. +actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Краб защищается своей огромной клешнёй. actors.mobs.greatcrab.blocked=блокирует -actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=This crab is gigantic, even compared to other sewer crabs. Its blue shell is covered in cracks and barnacles, showing great age. It lumbers around slowly, barely keeping balance with its massive claw.\n\nWhile the crab only has one claw, its size easily compensates. The crab holds the claw in front of any threat, shielding itself behind an impenetrable wall of carapace. However, the crab cannot block attacks it doesn't see coming, or attacks from multiple enemies at once. +actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=Этот краб огромен, даже по сравнению с другими сточными крабами. Его синий панцирь покрыт трещинами и прилипалами, выдавая его древний возраст. Он медленно шатается, еле удерживая равновесие со своей гигантской клешнёй.\n\nХоть у краба всего одна клешня, её размер это с лихвой компенсирует. Краб держит клешню перед любой угрозой, защищая себя от атак непробиваемым щитом. Однако, краб не может блокировать атаки, которые он не видит или атаки сразу от нескольких врагов.страж тюрьмы actors.mobs.guard.scorpion=А ну, иди сюда! diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index 1936c4dda..1f8c8f751 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Burada baş döndürücü bir gaz bulutu süzül actors.blobs.electricity.desc=Burada bir elektrik alanı parlak bir şekilde kıvılcımlanıyor. actors.blobs.electricity.rankings_desc=Elektrik çarpmış -actors.blobs.electricity.ondeath=You were shocked to death... +actors.blobs.electricity.ondeath=Elektrik şokunun etkisiyle öldün... bir ateş yanıyor. @@ -490,9 +490,9 @@ Tarafından Emildi ile ilgili çok az şey biliniyor. Onun bir yaratık olmadığını söyleyebilmek bile mümkün, çünkü bir yaratıktan çok lağımlardaki çerçöpün toparlanarak basit zeka kazanmış hali gibi duruyor. Bunun yanında, Goo'nun oluşumuna fırsat veren şey kesinlikle kara büyü.\n\nJelatinimsi doğası çok fazla kara büyü emmesine izin veriyor, ona yaklaşırken bile bir titreme hissediyorsun. Eğer Goo, bu enerji ile saldırı yapabiliyorsa pek uzun süre hayatta kalamayabilirsin.üyük yengeç -actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=The crab blocks with its massive claw. +actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Yengeç, devasa pençesiyle saldırıları engeller. actors.mobs.greatcrab.blocked=engellendi -actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=This crab is gigantic, even compared to other sewer crabs. Its blue shell is covered in cracks and barnacles, showing great age. It lumbers around slowly, barely keeping balance with its massive claw.\n\nWhile the crab only has one claw, its size easily compensates. The crab holds the claw in front of any threat, shielding itself behind an impenetrable wall of carapace. However, the crab cannot block attacks it doesn't see coming, or attacks from multiple enemies at once. +actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=Bu yengeç, diğer lağım yengeçlerine kıyasla devasa. Mavi kabuğu, yaşını gösteren taşlar ve kayalar ile kaplanmış. Etrafta yavaşça geziniyor, dev pençesi ile zorlukla dengede durabiliyor. \n\nBu yengeç yalnızca 1 pençeye sahip, fakat pençenin büyüklüğü bu dezavantajını kolaylıkla telafi ediyor. Yengeç, pençesini tehdit olarak gördüğü her şeyin önüne tutuyor ve kendisini aşındırılamaz bir kabuk ile koruyor. Fakat sürprüz saldırıları veya birden fazla düşmanın saldırılarını engelleyemiyor. gardiyanı actors.mobs.guard.scorpion=Gel buraya! diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index 2868f26ed..778235172 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -1392,9 +1392,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Nemůžeš použít prokletou hůlku. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Určitě chceš svou hůl naplnit silou této hůlky? Předchozí naplněná síla bude ztracena.\n\nPokud je naplňovaná hůlka stejně nebo víc vylepšená než hůl, hůl zdědí vylepšení této hůlky plus jedno ze svých vlastních vylepšení.\n\nVýsledkem tohoto naplnění bude hůl s úrovní %d. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Ano, určitě, rozmýšlím si to -items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Vytvořená Mágem osobně, tato hůl je unikátní magickou zbraní. Namísto toho měla vlastní vrozenou magickou sílu, může být tato hůl naplněna magickou energií z jiné hůlky. +items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Vytvořená Mágem osobně, tato hůl je unikátní magickou zbraní. Namísto toho aby měla vlastní vrozenou magickou sílu, může být tato hůl naplněna magickou energií z jiné hůlky. items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=V současné době v sobě hůl nemá žádnou magii. Než bude moci být použita k sesílání kouzel, musí být _naplněna silou nějaké hůlky._ -items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=_%s_ momentálně naplňuje svojí silou tuto hůl. +items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=_%s_ svou silou právě naplňuje tuto hůl. items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Zbraň na blízko _úrovně %1$d_ uděluje _%2$d-%3$d poškození_ a vyžaduje _%4$d bodů síly_ pro řádné využití. items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_unknown=Běžně tato zbraň na blízko _úrovně %1$d_ uděluje _%2$d-%3$d poškození_ a vyžaduje _%4$d bodů síly_ pro řádné využití. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index 33830d93a..ceae5e3c8 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -260,44 +260,44 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_3=Mi aŭskultis timigajn rakontoj items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_1=Nur gnomoj povis konstrui minan maŝinon, kiu mortigas entrudulojn. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_2=Tio ĉi estas giganta… items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_3=Kiamaniere ĝi restis aktiva por tiom da tempo? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_1=When people say power corrupts, this is what they mean. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_2=He's more of a lich than a king now. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_3=Even in death the dwarves obey their master. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_1=Oh, this doesn't look good. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_2=So that's what a god looks like? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_3=This is going to hurt... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_1=Oni diras, ke “regado koruptas”, jen ekzemplo de tio. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_2=Li pli estas kadavro ol reĝo nun. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_3=Eĉ post morto gnomoj obeas sian estron. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_1=Ho ve, tio ĉi ne aspektas bele. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_2=Do tiel aspektas antikva dio? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_3=Tio ĉi doloros… -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_1=Good luck... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_2=Tired... for now... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_3=I will return... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_1=I'm sorry... good luck... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_2=Finish it off... without me... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_3=No... I can't... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_1=How did you survive that? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_2=I wish I had one of those... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_3=Oh my! You're still alive! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_1=No!... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_2=I couldn't help them... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_3=Not like this... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_1=Bonŝancon al ci… +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_2=Mi estas laca… portempe… +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_3=Mi revenos +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_1=Mi pardonpetas… tenu vin forte… +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_2=Venku ĝin… sen mia helpo… +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_3=Ne… mi ne povas plu elteni… +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_1=Kiel ci travivis tion? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_2=Mi ankaŭ volus ĝin… +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_3=Ho! Ci plue vivas! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_1=Ho ve!… +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_2=Domaĝe mi ne povis helpi… +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_3=Tio ne povas okazi! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.direct_prompt=What should I do? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_1=Okay, I'll follow you. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_2=I'll fall in behind you. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_3=Following you... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_4=Okay, let's go! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_5=I've got your back. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_1=Okay, I'll attack that one. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_2=I'll get that one. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_3=Engaging... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_4=Let's get them! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_5=I've got that one. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_1=Okay, I'll hold that position. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_2=I'll go there and defend. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_3=Repositioning... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_4=On my way! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_5=I'll head over there. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.direct_prompt=Kion mi faru? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_1=Bone, mi sekvos cin. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_2=Mi estos tuj malantaŭ ci. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_3=Sekvante cin… +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_4=Ni iru! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_5=Mi kovros cian malantaŭon. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_1=En ordo, mi atakos ĝin. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_2=Mi okupos ĝin. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_3=Ĝi mortu! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_4=Al la armiloj! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_5=Ni ataku! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_1=En ordo, mi tenos la pozicion. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_2=Mi restos tie kaj defendos cin. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_3=Ŝanĝante pozicion… +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_4=Mi alvenas! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_5=Mi iros tien. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=A frail looking ethereal figure with a humanoid shape. Their power seems tied to the rose you have.\n\nThis ghost may not be much, they seem to be your only true friend down here. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Delikate aspektanta spirita aperaĵo kun homeca formo. Ŝia povo ŝajnas kunligita al la rozo, kiun vi posedas.\n\nTiu ĉi fantomino ne grandsignifas, kvankam ŝi estas via ununura amiko tie ĉi subtere. ##back to artifactsĉielaj katenoj @@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Tiu ĉi maldika sagujo estas farita el ledo de iu ###bombs bombo -items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties. It will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack. This blast penetrates armor and reaches further than a regular bomb's explosion. +items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estas plenigita per iu mistera energio kaj eksplodos formate blovegon similan al pumpan atakon de Ŝmiraĵego. Tiu eksplodo trapikos defendaĵon kaj havos grandan rangon ol eksplodo de norma bombo. items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=BRULIGI K ĴETI @@ -452,32 +452,32 @@ items.bombs.bomb$ bomboj items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Stako da du grandaj bomboj de nigra pulvo, ŝajnas ke vi ricevis unu senpage! -items.bombs.firebomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to burst into a sustained flame in a larger area when it explodes. +items.bombs.firebomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estas modifita por ke eksplodu formante memsubtenantan brulegon en la vasta areo. -items.bombs.flashbang.desc=This customized bomb will erupt into a burst of blinding light when it explodes. Anything nearby will be disoriented based on how close it was to the bomb. +items.bombs.flashbang.desc=Tiu ĉi nekutima bombo ellasos blinduman lumon je eksplodo. Ĉiu ene la eksplodejo estos konfuzita depende de proksimeco al la bombo. bombo -items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to burst into a sustained gust of freezing air in a larger area when it explodes. +items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estas modifita por ke eksplodu formante memsubtenatan blovon de frostiga aero en vasta areo. bombo -items.bombs.holybomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to flash holy light in a larger area when it explodes, dealing bonus damage to undead and demonic enemies. +items.bombs.holybomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estas modifita por ke brilu per sankta lumo je eksplodo en vasta areo, kiu kaŭzos aldonan damaĝon al nemortaj kaj demonaj bestaĉoj. -items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=This customized bomb will repeatedly make noise when its fuse runs out. When something touches the bomb, it will explode! -items.bombs.noisemaker.desc_burning=The noisemaker is ticking away, it'll explode when something gets near! +items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estas modifita por ke pluroble eligu bruan sonon kiam ĝia meĉo forbrulos. Kiam iu tuŝos la bombo, ĝi eksplodos! +items.bombs.noisemaker.desc_burning=Tiu ĉi brulilo eksplodos, kiam iu alproksimiĝos al ĝi! -items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash bolts of electricity when it explodes. Anything nearby will be damaged and stunned based on how close it was to the bomb. +items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estas modifita por ke ellasu elektran ŝargon je eksplodo. Ĉiu en la eksplodejo ricevos damaĝon kaj estos surdumita depende de proksimeco al la bombo.ĵa bombo -items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants. Yourself and any allies caught in the blast will be healed. +items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi modifita bombo ellasos vivigan likvon anstataŭ eksplodi. Areo proksime de eksplodejo rapide naskos herbon kaj vegetaĵojn. Vi kaj ĉiuj viaj amikoj ene la eksploda ondo estos sanigitaj.ĝa bombo -items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes, damaging anything in a huge range around the bomb. You had better hide behind something when using it... +items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estis modifita uzante metalajn restaĵojn de DM-300, ĝi splitiĝos en pluraj pecoj je eksplodo, damaĝante ĉion en vasta areo ĉirkaŭ la bombo. Kaŝiĝu malantaŭ io antaŭ uzi tiun ĉi bombon…ŝaflana bombo -items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=This customized bomb will create a field of magical sheep after exploding. These sheep will block movement and persist for some time. +items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Tiu ĉi modifita bombo estigos kampon de magia ŝafo post eksplodi. Tiuj ĉi ŝafoj baros aliron kaj daŭros por kelka tempo. ###foodŭzfrukto @@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=Tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo porĉiam malkaŝos ĉiuĵo de dormkanto items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=La skribrulaĵo ludas lulan melodion. Vi sentiĝas tre dormema. -items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Reading this scroll emits a soothing melody which will lull all who hear it into a deep magical sleep. For the reader and their allies the sleep is restorative. +items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Lego de tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo eligos dormigan melodion, kiu lulos ĉiujn, kiuj aŭdos ĝin al profunda magia dormo. Tiu dormo resanigos la leganton kaj liajn amikojn.ĵo de magia mapado items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Vi ĵus ekkonis strukturon de keletaĝo. @@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Elektu aĵon items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Enmagiigi aĵonĉkristalo de sovaĝa energio -items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will recharge your wands and worn artifacts, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=Tiu ĉi sorĉkristalo enhavas iom da malbena energio de DM‑300. Kiam uzita, ĝi ŝargos viajn vergojn kaj surmetitajn antikvaĵojn, kaj ankaŭ aktivigos hazardan efikon de malbenita vergo. Tamen vi povas elekti kien direkti tiun malbenitan pafon. ###runestones @@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@ŝtono de ekapero items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=Tiu ĉi runŝtono teleportos la uzanton tien, kien ĝi estos ĵetita.ŝtono de antaŭvido -items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly reveal all tiles in a very wide area around where it is thrown. Its effect will even reach through walls. +items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=Tiu ĉi runŝtono senprokraste malkaŝos ĉiujn kahelojn tre vaste ĉirkaŭ la ĵetita loko. Ĝia efiko eĉ agos tra muroj.ŝtono de dormego items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=Kiam oni ĵetis tiun ĉi ŝtonon proksime al dormanta malamiko, ĝi magie profundigos lian dormon. Magie dormantaj monstroj por ĉiam dormos, escepte se ili estos provokitaj. @@ -1180,14 +1180,14 @@ items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Vi mortigis vin mem per via vergo de fulmo items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo estas farita el firma metalo, farante ĝin surprize peza. Du elektrodoj elstaras ĉe finaĵo, kaj elektra arko aperas inter ili. items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi vergo ellasas potencan fulmon, kiu elektros tra ĉiuj trafotaĵoj kaj kaŭzos _%1$d-%2$d da damaĝo._ Tiu ĉi elektro povas resalti inter pluraj proksimaj malamikoj, disigante damaĝon inter ili. La fulmo kaj damaĝo disvastiĝas pli efike en akvo. Se vi tro alproksimiĝos, vi ankaŭ ricevos fulmobaton! of living earth -items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=staff of living earth -items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=This wand is made from a curious rock, with bands of glowing yellow energy. The rocks seem to shift slightly as you grip the wand, as if they can feel your hand. -items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=This wand sends bolts of magical rock at enemies, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ The rocks will then re-form around the user, granting them armor in proportion to the damage dealt. If enough armor is built, it will form into a rock guardian when the wand is next zapped. -items.wands.wandoflivingearth$ Armor -items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Magical rocks are surrounding your body, when you are attacked they will attempt to block for you, and will reduce the damage you take by 50%%. Each damage blocked scrapes away some of the rock however.\n\nRemaining Armor: %1$d.\n\nIf enough rock is built around you, the next zap from your wand of living earth with cause the rocks to form up into a guardian which will fight with you.\n\nArmor needed for Guardian: %2$d. -items.wands.wandoflivingearth$ guardian -items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.desc=The rocks from your wand of living earth have formed into a protective earthen guardian! This rocky protector will attack nearby enemies, which will force them to focus the guardian instead of you. When all nearby threats are gone, the guardian will re-form around you, and will return when you next use your wand.\n\nThe guardian's defensive power is tied to the level of your wand. It currently blocks _%1$d-%2$d damage._ de vivanta tero +items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=bastonego de vivanta tero +items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=Tiu ĉi vergo estas farita el nekutima roko, kun strioj de brileta flava energio. Ŝtonoj aspektas forŝovi kiam vi tenas la vergon, tiel kiel ili povas senti vian manon. +items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi sorĉbastono pafas per kugloj de magiaj ŝtonegoj al malamikoj, kaŭzante _%1$d‑%2$d da damaĝo._ Tiuj ŝtonegoj formas defendaĵon ĉirkaŭ la uzanto, donante al li ŝirmon proporcian al kaŭzitaj damaĝoj. Se sufiĉe da defendaĵo formiĝas, tera gardisto aperos je la sekva uzo de vergo. +items.wands.wandoflivingearth$Ŝtona defendaĵo +items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Magiaj śtonegoj ĉirkaŭas vian korpon, kiam vi estas atakata, ili ŝirmas vin, malpliigante ricevatan damaĝon je 50%%. Tamen ĉiu blokita damaĝo disfendas iom da ŝtonegoj.\n\nPlia defendaĵo: %1$d.\n\nSe sufiĉe da ŝtonoj kolektas ĉirkaŭ vi, la sekva uzo de vergo de vivanta tero kaŭzos ŝtonegoj kolektiĝi formante la teran gardiston, kiu batalos por vi.\n\nDefendaĵo necesa por formi gardiston: %2$d. +items.wands.wandoflivingearth$ gardisto +items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.desc=Magiaj ŝtonoj el via vergo de vivanta tero formis protektantan teran gardiston! Tiu ŝtona protektanto atakos proksimajn malamikojn, do ili atakos la gardiston anstataŭ vin. Kiam ĉiuj proksimaj danĝeroj malaperos, la gardisto reformos defendaĵon ĉirkaŭ vi kaj revenos je la sekva uzo de vergo.\n\nDefenda povo de gardisto dependas de nivelo de via vergo. Ĝi nuntempe blokas _%1$d‑%2$d da damaĝo._ de magia kuglo items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.staff_name=bastonego de magia kuglo @@ -1215,28 +1215,28 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Via bastonego estas ŝargita per la vivene items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Kutime formita vergo, ĝi distingiĝas per sia fuksina nuanco kaj negrega juvelŝtono ĉe la finaĵo. items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Kiam uzita sur amikoj, tiu ĉi vergo elsuĉos iom da energio por sanigi kaj ŝirmi ilin. Kiam uzita sur malamikoj, la vergo por nelonge ĉarmos ilin samtempe preni iom da via energio. Minacaj nemortaj bestaĉoj estos damaĝitaj anstataŭ ĉarmitaj. of warding -items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=staff of warding -items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Your wand can't sustain any more wards. -items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=There isn't enough space to place a ward there. -items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=This short metal wand has a bright purple gem floating above its tip. -items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Rather than directly damaging an enemy, this wand will summon stationary wards and sentries. Note that wards cannot be placed next to eachother, and this wand can only sustain _%d energy_ worth of wards at a time. -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=lesser ward -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=This basic ward will automatically zap any enemy which comes into its range of vision, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._\n\nZapping this ward with your wand of warding will upgrade it.\n\nThis ward will only zap a single time before dissipating.\n\nYour wand of warding is using _2 energy_ to sustain this ward. -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_2=ward -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_2=This upgraded ward has a more intricate pattern, and can attack multiple times. Each zap from this ward will deal _%1$d-%2$d damage._\n\nZapping this ward with your wand of warding will upgrade it.\n\nThis ward will zap three times before dissipating.\n\nYour wand of warding is using _3 energy_ to sustain this ward. -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_3=greater ward -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_3=This fully upgraded ward is able to attack more times, and more quickly, than its predecessors. Each zap from this ward will deal _%1$d-%2$d damage._\n\nZapping this ward with your wand of warding will upgrade it.\n\nThis ward will zap four times before dissipating.\n\nYour wand of warding is using _4 energy_ to sustain this ward. -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_4=lesser sentry -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_4=This smaller sentry has the same attack power as a greater ward, but isn't nearly as fragile. It resembles the gem at the tip of your wand of warding. Each zap from this sentry will deal _%1$d-%2$d damage._\n\nZapping this sentry with your wand of warding will upgrade and heal it.\n\nThis sentry will spend some health each time it zaps an enemy, but can be healed by using your wand of warding on it.\n\nYour wand of warding is using _5 energy_ to sustain this sentry. -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_5=sentry -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_5=This upgraded sentry is larger and able to attack more quickly than a lesser sentry. Each zap from this sentry will deal _%1$d-%2$d damage._\n\nZapping this sentry with your wand of warding will upgrade and heal it.\n\nThis sentry will spend some health each time it zaps an enemy, but can be healed by using your wand of warding on it.\n\nYour wand of warding is using _6 energy_ to sustain this sentry. -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_6=greater sentry -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_6=This fully upgraded sentry is significantly more durable than its predecessors. Each zap from this sentry will deal _%1$d-%2$d damage._\n\nZapping this sentry with your wand of warding will heal it.\n\nThis sentry will spend some health each time it zaps an enemy, but can be healed by using your wand of warding on it.\n\nYour wand of warding is using _7 energy_ to sustain this sentry. -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_title=Dismiss this ward? -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_body=You can dispel this ward if you no longer want your wand to maintain it. Doing so immediately destroys the ward.\n\nDismiss this ward? -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_confirm=yes -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_cancel=no de gardisto +items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=bastonego de gardisto +items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Via vergo ne povas subteni pliajn gardistojn. +items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Mankas spaco tie ĉi por loki gardiston. +items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Tiu ĉi mallonga metala vergo posedas helan violkoloran kristalon ĉe ĝia finaĵo. +items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Anstataŭ senpere ataki malamikojn, tiu ĉi sorĉbastono alvokos senmovajn gardistojn kaj protektistojn. Rimarku, ke ne gardistoj ne povas stari unu apud la alia kaj tiu ĉi vergo povas subteni gardistojn kun _%d da energio_ samtempe. +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=gardisto malsupera +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Tiu ĉi baznivela gardisto aŭtomate pafos ĉiujn malamikojn en lia vidatingo, kaŭzante _%1$d‑%2$d da damaĝo._\n\nPafu tiun ĉi gardiston per via vergo de gardisto por plibonigi lin.\n\nTiu ĉi gardisto pafos nur unufoje antaŭ malaperi.\n\nVia vergo uzas _2 da energio_ por subteni tiun ĉi gardiston. +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_2=gardisto +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_2=Tiu ĉi plibonigita gardisto estas pli kompleksa kaj povas ataki plurfoje. Ĉiu pafo de tiu ĉi gardisto kaŭzos _%1$d‑%2$d da damaĝo._\n\nPafu tiun ĉi gardiston per via vergo de gardisto por plibonigi lin.\n\nTiu ĉi gardisto pafos trifoje antaŭ malaperi.\n\nVia vergo uzas _3 da energio_ por subteni tiun ĉi gardiston. +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_3=gardisto supera +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_3=Tiu ĉi plene plibonigita gardisto povas ataki plurfoje kaj pli rapide ol liaj prauloj. Ĉiu pafo de tiu gardisto kaŭzos _%1$d‑%2$d da damaĝo._\n\nPafu tiun ĉi gardiston per via vergo de gardisto por plibonigi lin.\n\nTiu ĉi gardisto pafos kvarfoje antaŭ malaperi.\n\nVia vergo uzas _4 da energio_ por subteni tiun ĉi gardiston. +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_4=protektisto malsupera +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_4=Tiu ĉi malsupera protektisto havas la saman atakpovon kiel supera gardisto, sed li ne estas tiel rompiĝema. Ĝi iomete similas al la finaĵo de vergo de gardisto. Ĉiu pafo de tiu protektisto kaŭzos _%1$d‑%2$d da damaĝo._\n\nPafu tiun ĉi protektiston per via vergo de gardisto por plibonigi kaj sanigi lin.\n\nTiu ĉi protektisto uzos iom da sia sano je ĉiu pafo al malamiko, tamen vi povas sanigi lin per via vergo.\n\nVia vergo uzas _5 da energio_ por subteni tiun ĉi protektiston. +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_5=protektisto +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_5=Tiu ĉi plibonigita protektisto estas pli granda kaj atakas pli rapide ol malsupera protektisto. Ĉiu pafo de tiu protektisto kaŭzas _%1$d‑%2$d da damaĝo._\n\nPafu tiun ĉi protektiston per via vergo de gardisto por plibonigi kaj sanigi lin.\n\nTiu ĉi protektisto uzos iom da sia sano je ĉiu pafo al malamiko, tamen vi povas sanigi lin per via vergo.\n\nVia vergo uzas _6 da energio_ por subteni tiun ĉi protektiston. +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_6=protektisto supera +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_6=Tiu ĉi plene plibonigita protektisto estas signife pli rezista ol liaj prauloj. Ĉiu pafo de tiu protektisto kaŭzas _%1$d‑%2$d da damaĝo._\n\nPafu tiun ĉi protektiston per via vergo de gardisto por sanigi lin.\n\nTiu ĉi protektisto uzos iom da sia sano je ĉiu pafo al malamiko, tamen vi povas sanigi lin per via vergo.\n\nVia vergo uzas _7 da energio_ por subteni tiun ĉi protektiston. +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_title=Ĉu eksigi tiun ĉi gardiston? +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_body=Vi povas eksigi tiun ĉi gardiston, se vi ne plu volas subteni lin. Tio ĉi senprokraste forigos la gardiston.\n\nĈu eksigi tiun ĉi gardiston? +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_confirm=jes +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_cancel=ne ###weapon curses %s @@ -1271,7 +1271,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Uzante arbitran armilon oni pene trovas sian ce ###enchantments %s -items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to ones that are already aflame. +items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Tiu ĉi ensorĉo igas armilon disigi flamojn, ekbrulante kontraŭulojn kaj kaŭzante aldonan damaĝon al tiuj, kiuj jam brulas. %s items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Tiu ĉi ensorĉo plibonigos vian defendan povon post ataki per tiu ĉi armilo. @@ -1290,7 +1290,7 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ damaĝo items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Via armilo konservis troan forton de la antaŭa mortiga frapo kaj ellasos ĝin kiel kroma damaĝo je via sekvanta frapo. Tamen tiu energio malrapidete malaperos laŭtempe.\n\nKonservita damaĝo: %d. %s -items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment possesses the ability to turn enemies to your will. When an enemy is killed with this weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted instead of dying. +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=Tiu ĉi potenca ensorĉo povas persvadi malamikojn al via flanko. Kiam monstro estas mortigita per tiu ĉi armilo, estas ŝanco, ke ĝi estos koruptita anstataŭ morti. %s items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Elastaj armiloj havas ŝancon por forpuŝi malamikojn je eta distanco. @@ -1458,7 +1458,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=DRONIGI items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Dronigi sagetojn items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=Oni povas kombini semon kun unu aŭ du sagetoj por saturi ilin per substanco de la semo. Per ĉiu speco de semo oni povas krei malsaman dronigitan sageton kun unika por-unu-uza efekto.\n\nDronigi sageton kun tiuj semoj rezultigos _%s._ -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %1$d darts with %2$d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=dronigi %1$d sagetojn kun %2$d semoj items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=dronigi 2 sagetojn kun 1 semo items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=dronigi 1 sageton kun 1 semo items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=rezigni diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index 23210c61e..b03b2ac17 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -235,11 +235,11 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_6=Estas personas no tenían items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_1=Ningún humano o enano ha estado aquí por mucho tiempo. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_2=¿Qué haría que los enanos abandonaran una mina de oro? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_3=Es una pena que todo el oro aquí sea inútil en la superficie. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_4=The creatures here are twisted, just like in the sewers. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_4=Las criaturas aquí están retorcidas, al igual que en las alcantarillas. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_5=Incluso los murciélagos están sedientos de sangre aquí. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_6=No hemos visto ninguna maquinaria, ¿los enanos lo reclamaron todo? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_1=Los enanos eran laboriosos, pero codiciosos. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_2=So the dwarven metropolis really has fallen. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_2=Así que la metrópolis enana realmente ha caído. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_3=Espero que la superficie nunca termine como este lugar. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_4=Se supone que los enanos no se ven tan pálidos. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_5=No sé qué es peor, los enanos, o sus creaciones. @@ -281,8 +281,8 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_2=No pude ayudarlos ... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_3=Así no... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.direct_prompt=¿Qué tengo que hacer? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_1=Okay, I'll follow you. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_2=I'll fall in behind you. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_1=De acuerdo, te seguiré. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_2=Me quedaré detrás de ti. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_3=Siguiendote... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_4=¡De acuerdo, vámos! items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_5=Yo te cubro. @@ -290,12 +290,12 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_1=Bien, atacaré a ese. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_2=Yo me encargo de ese. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_3=Atractiva... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_4=¡A por ellos! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_5=I've got that one. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_5=Acabé con aquel. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_1=Está bien, voy a mantener esa posición. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_2=Iré allí y defenderé. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_3=Reposicionando ... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_4=¡En camino! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_5=I'll head over there. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_5=Me dirigiré hacia allá. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Una figura etérea de aspecto frágil con forma humanoide. Su poder parece estar atado a la rosa que tienes.\n\nPuede que este fantasma no sea mucho, parecen ser tu único verdadero amigo aquí. @@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Al usarla en aliados, esta varita drena de protección items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=Bastón de protección items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Tu varita no puede sostener más barreras. -items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=There isn't enough space to place a ward there. +items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=No hay suficiente espacio para colocar un guardián allí. items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Esta varita de metal corta tiene una gema púrpura brillante que flota sobre su punta. items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Rather than directly damaging an enemy, this wand will summon stationary wards and sentries. Note that wards cannot be placed next to eachother, and this wand can only sustain _%d energy_ worth of wards at a time. items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=Barrera menor diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index ed3cdf127..2421f2fc2 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Glifo honek eramailea eta bere gauzak sutik ba %s items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Glifo honek eramailea belar garaian nahastea ahalbidetzen du, une bateko ikusezintasuna emanez. %s %s items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Glifo honekin eramailearen inguruan lurerroak hazten dira kaltea hauek har dezaten, baina babesa hautsi egingo da eramailea mugitzen bada. %s @@ -186,10 +186,10 @@ items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$ estalia items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.desc=Zure itzal kapak ikusezin bihurtzen zaitu berarekin inguratzen zarenean.\n\nIkusezina zaren bitartean arerioek ezin dizute eraso egin edo jarraitu. Eraso fisikoek eta efektu magikoek (eskuizkribuek eta zartek) ikusezintasuna berehala ezeztatuko dute.\n\nKapak estalia mantenduko zara efektua ezeztatu arte edo kapak energia agortu arte. arrosa -items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_summon=AGERRARAZI +items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_summon=ARAOKATU items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_direct=ZUZENA items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_outfit=TRESNERIA -items.artifacts.driedrose.spawned=Agerrarazi duzu mamua dagoeneko. +items.artifacts.driedrose.spawned=Araokatu duzu mamua dagoeneko. items.artifacts.driedrose.no_charge=zure arrosa ez dago guztiz kargatuta oraindik. items.artifacts.driedrose.cursed=Ezin duzu madarikatutako arrosa bat erabili. items.artifacts.driedrose.no_space=Ez dago toki librerik zure inguruan. @@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.desc=Edabe hau jaurtitzeak kontzentratu ###quest items kandela multzo bat, erabileragatik urtuta eta bat egina.\n\nBanaka balio gabekoak dira, baina beste kandelekin eredu bat sortuz agerrarazte erritual baterako energia bildu dezakete. multzo bat, erabileragatik urtuta eta bat egina.\n\nBanaka balio gabekoak dira, baina beste kandelekin eredu bat sortuz araokatze erritual baterako energia bildu dezakete. hautsa batek zure bizkarra zeharkatzen du. @@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Zure armadura iluntasunean distira da! items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Erruna harri honek xarma magia du. Hobekuntza eskuizkribu batek ez bezala, ez du objektu baten boterea zuzenean areagotuko, ordez, arma edo armadurari botere berri baten enkantamendua txertatuko dio. harria -items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=Erruna harri honek ardi magikoak agerrarazten ditu denbora labur baterako jaurtikitako tokiaren inguruan. +items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=Erruna harri honek ardi magikoak araokatzen ditu denbora labur baterako jaurtikitako tokiaren inguruan. harria items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Aukeratu objektua @@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding.staff_name=guarda makulua items.wands.wandofwarding.no_more_wards=Zure zartan ezin ditu guarda gehiago mantendu. items.wands.wandofwarding.bad_location=Ez dago toki nahikoa hemen guarda bat kokatzeko. items.wands.wandofwarding.desc=Metalezko zarta labur hau harribitxi more distiratsu bat du punta gainean egonean. -items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Etsaia zuzenean kaltetu ordez zarta honek guarda eta zentinela higiezinak sortuko ditu. Kontua izan guardak ezin direla bata bestearen ondoan jarri. Zarta honek _%d energia puntu_ pilatu ditzake guardak sortzeko. +items.wands.wandofwarding.stats_desc=Etsaia zuzenean kaltetu ordez zarta honek guarda eta zentinela higiezinak araokatuko ditu. Kontuan izan guardak ezin direla bata bestearen ondoan jarri. Zarta honek _%d energia puntu_ pilatu ditzake guardak sortzeko. items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_1=guarda txikia items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_1=Oinarrizko guarda honek hurbiltzen zaion edozeri tirokatuko dio, eta _%1$d-%2$d kalte puntu_ eragingo ditu.\n\nZartarekin guardari tiro eginez hau hobetu daiteke.\n\nGuarda honek behin tirokatuko du desagertu aurretik.\n\nZure guarda-zartak _2 energia puntu_ darabiltza guarda hau mantentzeko. items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_2=guarda @@ -1250,8 +1250,8 @@ items.weapon.curses.annoying.desc=Arma gogaikarriak hitz egiteko gai dira, baina %s items.weapon.curses.displacing.desc=Lekualdatze armek teleporazio magia kaotikoa dute txertatuta, etsaiak pisuan zehar ausaz galbideratzeko gaitasunarekin. nekagarria -items.weapon.curses.exhausting.desc=Arma nekagarriek ahalegin handia eskatzen dute erabiltzeko, eta ondorioz eramailea aldiro ahulduko dute. akigarria +items.weapon.curses.exhausting.desc=Arma akigarriek ahalegin handia eskatzen dute erabiltzeko, eta ondorioz eramailea aldiro ahulduko dute. hasukorra items.weapon.curses.fragile.desc=Arma hauskorrak aldaera arruntak bezain indartsuak dira hasieran, baina azkar galtzen dute eraginkortasuna erabilerarekin. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index 4e0c312df..63ccc5e0e 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -224,44 +224,44 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_1=Ces égouts semblent sûrs items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_2=Je me demande où sont passés les patrouilles, ont ils abandonné les lieux? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_3=J'ai encore de la famille à la surface, j'espère qu'ils vont bien. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_4=La garde n'a pas pu abattre ces monstres, mais peut-être que nous, si. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_5=If even the sewers are this dangerous, I wonder what's below... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_6=What could have caused these rats and crabs to grow so large? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_1=I've heard stories about this place, nothing good. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_2=This place was always more of a dungeon than a prison. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_3=I can't imagine what went on when this place was abandoned. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_4=It seems both the prisoners and guards have been turned into monsters. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_5=What could be responsible for all these skeletons? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_6=These people didn't have to end up like this... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_1=No human or dwarf has been here for a very long time. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_2=What would cause the dwarves to abandon a gold mine? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_3=It's a shame all the gold here is useless on the surface. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_4=The creatures here are twisted, just like in the sewers. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_5=Even the bats are bloodthirsty here. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_6=We haven't seen any machinery, did the dwarves reclaim it all? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_1=The dwarves were industrious, but greedy. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_2=So the dwarven metropolis really has fallen. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_3=I hope the surface never ends up like this place. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_4=Dwarves aren't supposed to look so pale. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_5=I don't know what's worse, the dwarves, or their creations. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_6=It seems the dwarves are mindless monsters now as well. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_1=What is this place? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_2=This place is terrifying... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_3=What were the dwarves thinking, toying with power like this? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_4=The monsters here are otherworldly, where did they come from? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_5=Can you feel it? It's like something is watching us. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_6=Thank goodness there are torches, it's so dark here! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_5=Mais pourquoi dit-on que ces égouts sont dangereux? que peut il s'y passer… +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_6=Qu'est-ce qui pourrait avoir rendu ces rats et ces crabes si gros ? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_1=J'ai entendu des histoires à propos de cet endroit, rien de bon. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_2=Ce lieu a toujours été plus un donjon qu'une prison. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_3=Je ne peux pas imaginer ce qui est arrivé quand ce lieu a été abandonné. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_4=On dirait qu'à la fois les prisonniers et les gardes se sont changés en monstres. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_5=Qu'est-ce qui pourrait bien être responsable de tous ces squelettes ? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_6=Ces gens n'avaient pas à finir comme ça... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_1=Pas un humain ou un nain n'a mis les pieds ici depuis très longtemps. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_2=Qu'est-ce qui pourrait faire que des nains abandonnent une mine d'or ? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_3=C'est dommage que toute l'or ici soit inutile à la surface. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_4=Les créatures ici sont torturées, comme dans les égouts. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_5=Ici, même les chauve-souris sont assoiffées de sang. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_6=Nous n'avons vu aucune machine, les nains les ont-ils toutes récupérées ? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_1=Les nains étaient travailleurs, mais cupides. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_2=Donc la métropole naine est vraiment tombée. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_3=J'espère que la surface ne finisse jamais comme cet endroit. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_4=Les nains ne devraient pas sembler si pâles. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_5=Je ne sais pas ce qui est pire; les nains, ou leurs créations ? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_6=Ils semble que les nains sont désormais des monstres déraisonnés. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_1=Quel est cet endroit ? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_2=Ce lieu est terrifiant... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_3=Que pensaient les nains, à jouer avec un pouvoir pareil ? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_4=Ces monstres ne sont pas de ce monde, d'où sont-ils venus ? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_5=Peux-tu le sentir ? C'est comme si quelque chose nous regardait. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_6=Dieu merci il y a des torches, il fait si sombre ici ! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_1=Beware Goo! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_2=Many of my friends died to this thing, time for vengeance! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_3=Such an abomination cannot be allowed to live! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_1=The one prisoner left is a deadly assassin. Of course... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_2=He's trapped us! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_3=I've heard horror stories about that mask... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_1=Only dwarves would build a mining machine that kills intruders. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_2=That thing is huge... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_3=How has this thing stayed active for so long? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_1=When people say power corrupts, this is what they mean. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_2=He's more of a lich than a king now. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_1=Prends garde à Goo ! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_2=Beaucoup de mes amis sont morts de cette chose, c'est l'heure de la vengeance ! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_3=Une pareille abomination ne peut pas être autorisée à vivre ! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_1=Le seul prisonnier restant est un assassin meurtrier. Bien sûr... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_2=Il nous a piégés ! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_3=J'ai entendu des histoires d'horreur sur ce masque... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_1=Il n'y a que les nains pour construire une machine minière qui tue les intrus. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_2=Cette chose est énorme... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_3=Comment cette chose est-elle restée en activité si longtemps ? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_1=Quand les gens disent que le pouvoir corrompt, c'est cela qu'ils désignent. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_2=Il est plus un sorcier-zombie qu'un roi désormais. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_3=Even in death the dwarves obey their master. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_1=Oh, this doesn't look good. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_2=So that's what a god looks like? diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index a4501d260..06a193159 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ízrobbanás items.spells.aquablast.desc=Ez a varázslat vizet fakaszt a célpontra. Nem elég erős ahhoz, hogy sérülést okozzon (tüzelő ellenfeleken sem), de vizet locsol a közeli környezetére és hirtelen elszédíti a célpontot.ágikus katalizátor -items.spells.arcanecatalyst.desc=Ez az aranypor labda egy tekercsből kivont esszencia terméke. Pislákol a várbörtön sötétjében.\n\nA katalizátor elsősorban alkimista összetevőként hasznos, de használhatod a varázsát közvetlen is, hogy egy véletlen tekercs hatását kapd. +items.spells.arcanecatalyst.desc=Ez az aranypor labda egy tekercsből kivont esszencia terméke. Pislákol a kazamata sötétjében.\n\nA katalizátor elsősorban alkimista összetevőként hasznos, de használhatod a varázsát közvetlen is, hogy egy véletlen tekercs hatását kapd.érés irányfénye items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=A hely erős mágikus aurája nem engedi használni a varázslatot! @@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ély alvás köve items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=Amikor ezt a követ egy mélyen alvó ellenfél közelébe dobják, varázslatosan elmélyíti az alvását. Varázslattal altatott ellenségek addig alszanak, amíg meg nem zavarják.ástalanító kő -items.stones.stoneofdisarming.desc=Ez a rúnakő olyan mágiát hordoz, ami leállítja a gonosz rejtett csapdákat mindenütt a várbörtönben. A dobott terület 9 csapdáját tudja maga körül elhárítani. +items.stones.stoneofdisarming.desc=Ez a rúnakő olyan mágiát hordoz, ami leállítja a gonosz rejtett csapdákat mindenütt a kazamatákban. A dobott terület 9 csapdáját tudja maga körül elhárítani.űvölet köve items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Bűvölj egy tárgyat @@ -1235,8 +1235,8 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_6=greater sentry items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_6=This fully upgraded sentry is significantly more durable than its predecessors. Each zap from this sentry will deal _%1$d-%2$d damage._\n\nZapping this sentry with your wand of warding will heal it.\n\nThis sentry will spend some health each time it zaps an enemy, but can be healed by using your wand of warding on it.\n\nYour wand of warding is using _7 energy_ to sustain this sentry. items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_title=Dismiss this ward? items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_body=You can dispel this ward if you no longer want your wand to maintain it. Doing so immediately destroys the ward.\n\nDismiss this ward? -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_confirm=yes -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_cancel=no +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_confirm=igen +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_cancel=nem ###weapon cursesó %s diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index 6aea1c504..53f7a3a42 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ de anti-magia items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Este poderoso glifo permite que a armadura defenda seu usuário contra ataques mágicos e físicos. Esta defesa mágica não é afetada pelo nível da armadura. do repelimento -items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=This glyph shields the wearer and their belongings from fire, completely nullifying its damage and negative effects. +items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Este glifo protege o usuário e seus pertences do fogo, anulando completamente seus danos e efeitos negativos. de camuflagem items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Este glifo permite que o usuário se camufle em grama alta, garantindo invisibilidade temporária. @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.desc=sua capa das sombras esta lhe g murcha items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_summon=INVOCAR -items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_direct=DIRECT +items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_direct=DIRETO items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_outfit=ROUPA items.artifacts.driedrose.spawned=Você já invocou o fantasma. items.artifacts.driedrose.no_charge=Sua rosa ainda não está totalmente carregada. @@ -218,84 +218,84 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ triste items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.def_verb=esquivou items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.hello=Olá novamente %s. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=My spirit is bound to this rose, it was very precious to me, a gift from my love whom I left on the surface.\n\nI cannot return to him, but thanks to you I have a second chance to complete my journey. When I am able I will respond to your call and fight with you.\n\nAs long as you have the rose I can hear your voice, so you can use it to direct me from afar.\n\nHopefully you may succeed where I failed... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=Meu espírito está ligado a esta rosa, foi muito precioso para mim, um presente do meu amor que deixei na superfície.\n\nEu não posso voltar para ele, mas graças a você eu tenho uma segunda chance para completar minha jornada. Quando eu puder, responderei ao seu chamado e lutarei junto a você.\n\nContanto que você tenha a rosa, eu posso ouvir sua voz, então você pode usá-la para me direcionar de longe.\n\nEspero que você possa ter sucesso onde eu falhei... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_1=These sewers used to be safe, people even lived here in the winter. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_2=I wonder what happened to the guard patrols, did they give up? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_3=I had family on the surface, I hope they're safe. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_4=The guards couldn't defeat these monsters, but maybe we can. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_5=If even the sewers are this dangerous, I wonder what's below... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_6=What could have caused these rats and crabs to grow so large? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_1=I've heard stories about this place, nothing good. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_2=This place was always more of a dungeon than a prison. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_3=I can't imagine what went on when this place was abandoned. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_4=It seems both the prisoners and guards have been turned into monsters. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_5=What could be responsible for all these skeletons? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_6=These people didn't have to end up like this... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_1=No human or dwarf has been here for a very long time. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_2=What would cause the dwarves to abandon a gold mine? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_3=It's a shame all the gold here is useless on the surface. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_4=The creatures here are twisted, just like in the sewers. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_5=Even the bats are bloodthirsty here. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_6=We haven't seen any machinery, did the dwarves reclaim it all? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_1=The dwarves were industrious, but greedy. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_2=So the dwarven metropolis really has fallen. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_3=I hope the surface never ends up like this place. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_4=Dwarves aren't supposed to look so pale. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_5=I don't know what's worse, the dwarves, or their creations. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_6=It seems the dwarves are mindless monsters now as well. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_1=What is this place? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_2=This place is terrifying... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_3=What were the dwarves thinking, toying with power like this? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_4=The monsters here are otherworldly, where did they come from? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_5=Can you feel it? It's like something is watching us. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_6=Thank goodness there are torches, it's so dark here! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_1=Esses esgotos costumavam ser seguros, as pessoas até moravam aqui no inverno. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_2=Eu me pergunto o que aconteceu com os guardas que patrulhavam, eles desistiram? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_3=Eu tive família na superfície, espero que eles estejam seguros. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_4=Os guardas não conseguiram derrotar esses monstros, mas talvez possamos. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_5=Se até os esgotos são perigosos, eu me pergunto o que há abaixo... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_6=O que poderia ter causado o crescimento desses ratos e caranguejos? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_1=Eu já ouvi histórias sobre este lugar, nada de bom. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_2=Este lugar sempre foi mais uma masmorra do que uma prisão. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_3=Eu não posso imaginar o que aconteceu quando este lugar foi abandonado. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_4=Parece que tanto os prisioneiros como os guardas foram transformados em monstros. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_5=O que poderia ser responsável por todos esses esqueletos? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_6=Essas pessoas não tinham que acabar assim... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_1=Nenhum humano ou anão esteve aqui há muito tempo. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_2=O que faria com que os anões abandonassem uma mina de ouro? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_3=É uma pena que todo o ouro aqui seja inútil na superfície. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_4=As criaturas aqui são torcidas, assim como nos esgotos. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_5=Até os morcegos são sanguinários aqui. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_6=Nós não vimos nenhuma máquina, os anões recolheram tudo? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_1=Os anões eram engenhosos, mas gananciosos. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_2=Então a metrópole dos anões realmente caiu. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_3=Espero que a superfície nunca termine como este lugar. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_4=Anões não deveriam parecer tão pálidos. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_5=Eu não sei o que é pior, os anões ou suas criações. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_6=Parece que os anões são monstros irracionais agora também. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_1=O que é este lugar? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_2=Este lugar é aterrorizante... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_3=O que os anões estavam pensando, brincando com poder como esse? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_4=Os monstros aqui são de outro mundo, de onde eles vieram? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_5=Pode sentir isso? É como se algo estivesse nos observando. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_6=Graças a Deus há tochas, é tão escuro aqui! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_1=Beware Goo! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_2=Many of my friends died to this thing, time for vengeance! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_3=Such an abomination cannot be allowed to live! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_1=The one prisoner left is a deadly assassin. Of course... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_2=He's trapped us! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_3=I've heard horror stories about that mask... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_1=Only dwarves would build a mining machine that kills intruders. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_2=That thing is huge... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_3=How has this thing stayed active for so long? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_1=When people say power corrupts, this is what they mean. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_2=He's more of a lich than a king now. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_3=Even in death the dwarves obey their master. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_1=Oh, this doesn't look good. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_2=So that's what a god looks like? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_3=This is going to hurt... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_1=Cuidado com o Goo! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_2=Muitos dos meus amigos morreram para isso, hora de vingança! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_3=Tal abominação não pode viver! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_1=O prisioneiro que restou é um assassino mortal. Claro... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_2=Ele nos prendeu! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_3=Eu ouvi histórias de horror sobre essa máscara... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_1=Somente anões constroem uma máquina de mineração que mata intrusos. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_2=Essa coisa é enorme... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_3=Como essa coisa permaneceu ativa por tanto tempo? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_1=Quando as pessoas dizem que o poder corrompe, é isso que elas querem dizer. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_2=Ele é mais um lich que um rei agora. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_3=Mesmo na morte, os anões obedecem ao seu mestre. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_1=Ah, isso não parece bom. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_2=Então é assim que um deus se parece? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_3=Isto vai doer... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_1=Good luck... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_2=Tired... for now... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_3=I will return... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_1=I'm sorry... good luck... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_2=Finish it off... without me... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_3=No... I can't... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_1=How did you survive that? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_2=I wish I had one of those... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_3=Oh my! You're still alive! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_1=No!... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_2=I couldn't help them... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_3=Not like this... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_1=Boa sorte... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_2=Cansado... por agora... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_3=Eu irei retornar... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_1=Me desculpe... boa sorte... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_2=Termine isso... sem mim... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_3=Não... Eu não posso... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_1=Como você sobreviveu a isso? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_2=Eu queria ter um desses... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_3=Oh meu! Você ainda esta vivo! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_1=Não!... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_2=Eu não pude ajudá-los... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_3=Assim não... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.direct_prompt=What should I do? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_1=Okay, I'll follow you. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_2=I'll fall in behind you. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_3=Following you... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_4=Okay, let's go! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_5=I've got your back. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_1=Okay, I'll attack that one. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_2=I'll get that one. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_3=Engaging... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_4=Let's get them! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_5=I've got that one. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_1=Okay, I'll hold that position. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_2=I'll go there and defend. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_3=Repositioning... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_4=On my way! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_5=I'll head over there. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.direct_prompt=O que devo fazer? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_1=Ok, eu vou te seguir. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_2=Eu vou ficar atrás de você +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_3=Seguindo você... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_4=OK, vamos lá! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_5=Eu te dou cobertura. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_1=Ok, eu vou atacar esse. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_2=Eu vou pegar esse. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_3=Engajando... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_4=Vamos pegá-los! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_5=Eu tenho esse. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_1=Ok, eu vou segurar essa posição. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_2=Eu vou lá e defendo. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_3=Reposicionar... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_4=No meu caminho! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_5=Eu vou para lá. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=A frail looking ethereal figure with a humanoid shape. Their power seems tied to the rose you have.\n\nThis ghost may not be much, they seem to be your only true friend down here. @@ -1235,8 +1235,8 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_6=greater sentry items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_6=This fully upgraded sentry is significantly more durable than its predecessors. Each zap from this sentry will deal _%1$d-%2$d damage._\n\nZapping this sentry with your wand of warding will heal it.\n\nThis sentry will spend some health each time it zaps an enemy, but can be healed by using your wand of warding on it.\n\nYour wand of warding is using _7 energy_ to sustain this sentry. items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_title=Dismiss this ward? items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_body=You can dispel this ward if you no longer want your wand to maintain it. Doing so immediately destroys the ward.\n\nDismiss this ward? -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_confirm=yes -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_cancel=no +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_confirm=sim +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_cancel=não ###weapon curses %s @@ -1271,7 +1271,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Uma arma instável tem dificuldade em acertar o ###enchantments flamejante -items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=This enchantment causes flames to spit forth from a weapon, igniting enemies and dealing bonus damage to ones that are already aflame. +items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Esse encantamento faz com que as saiam chamas de uma arma, incendiando inimigos e causando dano adicional aos que já estão em chamas. %s items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=Este encantamento aumentará sua capacidade de se defender após atacar com esta arma. @@ -1290,7 +1290,7 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Conservado items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Sua arma armazenou o excesso de força de um golpe mortal anterior e aplicará isso como dano adicional ao seu próximo ataque. A energia irá desaparecer lentamente com o tempo, no entanto.\n \n Dano Conservado: %d. %s -items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment possesses the ability to turn enemies to your will. When an enemy is killed with this weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted instead of dying. +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=Este poderoso encantamento possui a capacidade de transformar os inimigos a seu favor. Quando um inimigo é morto com esta arma, há uma chance de que ele seja corrompido em vez de morrer.ástico %s items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Armas elásticas têm a chance de enviar inimigos voando de volta por curtas distâncias. @@ -1458,7 +1458,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=GORJETA items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Dardos de Ponta items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=Uma semente pode ser combinada com um ou dois dardos para derrubá-los. Cada tipo de semente produz seu próprio tipo de dardo com ponta, com um efeito único de uso único.\n \n Derrubar um dardo com essas sementes produzirá um _%s._ -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %1$d darts with %2$d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=apontar %1$d dardos com %2$d sementes items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=apontar 2 dardos com 1 semente items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=apontar 1 dardo com 1 semente items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=cancelar diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index aea231899..e0d33ab89 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ антимагии items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Эта могущественная руна позволяет броне защищать своего носителя от магических атак в той же степени, что и от физических. Данная магическая защита не зависит от уровня брони. жара -items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=This glyph shields the wearer and their belongings from fire, completely nullifying its damage and negative effects. +items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Эта руна защищает носителя и его вещи от огня, полностью аннулируя урон и негативные эффекты от него. маскировки items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Эта руна позволяет своему владельцу становится незаметным на фоне высокой травы, даруя ему кратковременную невидимость. @@ -220,42 +220,42 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.def_verb=избегает items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.hello=И снова здравствуй, %s. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=My spirit is bound to this rose, it was very precious to me, a gift from my love whom I left on the surface.\n\nI cannot return to him, but thanks to you I have a second chance to complete my journey. When I am able I will respond to your call and fight with you.\n\nAs long as you have the rose I can hear your voice, so you can use it to direct me from afar.\n\nHopefully you may succeed where I failed... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_1=These sewers used to be safe, people even lived here in the winter. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_1=Эти канализации были безопасными, люди даже жили тут во время зимы. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_2=I wonder what happened to the guard patrols, did they give up? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_3=I had family on the surface, I hope they're safe. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_3=У меня была семья на поверхности. Я надеюсь, что они в безопасности. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_4=The guards couldn't defeat these monsters, but maybe we can. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_5=If even the sewers are this dangerous, I wonder what's below... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_6=What could have caused these rats and crabs to grow so large? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_6=Что заставило этих крыс и крабов вырасти до таких размеров? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_1=I've heard stories about this place, nothing good. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_2=This place was always more of a dungeon than a prison. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_2=Это место было больше подземельем, чем тюрьмой. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_3=I can't imagine what went on when this place was abandoned. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_4=It seems both the prisoners and guards have been turned into monsters. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_5=What could be responsible for all these skeletons? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_6=These people didn't have to end up like this... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_1=No human or dwarf has been here for a very long time. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_2=What would cause the dwarves to abandon a gold mine? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_3=It's a shame all the gold here is useless on the surface. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_2=Что заставило дворфов покинуть золотую шахту? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_3=Жалко, что всё золото здесь будет бесполезным на поверхности. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_4=The creatures here are twisted, just like in the sewers. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_5=Even the bats are bloodthirsty here. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_5=Даже летучие мыши здесь кровожадные. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_6=We haven't seen any machinery, did the dwarves reclaim it all? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_1=The dwarves were industrious, but greedy. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_2=So the dwarven metropolis really has fallen. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_2=Дворфский метрополис действительно пал. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_3=I hope the surface never ends up like this place. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_4=Dwarves aren't supposed to look so pale. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_5=I don't know what's worse, the dwarves, or their creations. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_4=Дворфы не должны выглядеть настолько бледными. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_5=Я не знаю, что хуже - дворфы или их творения. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_6=It seems the dwarves are mindless monsters now as well. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_1=What is this place? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_2=This place is terrifying... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_3=What were the dwarves thinking, toying with power like this? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_1=Что это за место? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_2=Это место ужасающее... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_3=О чём думали дворфы, играясь с такой силой? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_4=The monsters here are otherworldly, where did they come from? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_5=Can you feel it? It's like something is watching us. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_halls_6=Thank goodness there are torches, it's so dark here! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_1=Beware Goo! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_2=Many of my friends died to this thing, time for vengeance! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_1=Остерегайся Слизня! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_2=Много моих друзей погибло от этой твари, время мести! items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_goo_3=Such an abomination cannot be allowed to live! items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_1=The one prisoner left is a deadly assassin. Of course... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_2=He's trapped us! +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_2=Мы в ловушке! items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_tengu_3=I've heard horror stories about that mask... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_1=Only dwarves would build a mining machine that kills intruders. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_dm300_2=That thing is huge... @@ -264,23 +264,23 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_1=When people say power corrupts, items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_2=He's more of a lich than a king now. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_king_3=Even in death the dwarves obey their master. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_1=Oh, this doesn't look good. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_2=So that's what a god looks like? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_2=Так вот как выглядит бог? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.seen_yog_3=This is going to hurt... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_1=Good luck... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_1=Удачи... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_2=Tired... for now... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_3=I will return... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_1=I'm sorry... good luck... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_2=Finish it off... without me... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_3=No... I can't... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_1=How did you survive that? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_enemy_3=Я вернусь... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_1=Прости... удачи... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_2=Прикончи это... без меня... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.defeated_by_boss_3=Нет... Я не могу... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_1=Как ты пережил это? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_2=I wish I had one of those... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.blessed_ankh_3=Oh my! You're still alive! -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_1=No!... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_2=I couldn't help them... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_1=Нет!... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_2=Я не смог помочь ему... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.player_killed_3=Not like this... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.direct_prompt=What should I do? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.direct_prompt=Что мне делать? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_1=Okay, I'll follow you. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_2=I'll fall in behind you. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_3=Following you... @@ -288,12 +288,12 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_4=Okay, let's go! items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_follow_5=I've got your back. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_1=Okay, I'll attack that one. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_2=I'll get that one. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_3=Engaging... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_3=Вступаю в бой... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_4=Let's get them! items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_attack_5=I've got that one. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_1=Okay, I'll hold that position. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_2=I'll go there and defend. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_3=Repositioning... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_3=Меняю позицию... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_4=On my way! items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.directed_position_5=I'll head over there. @@ -1180,11 +1180,11 @@ items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Вы убили себя собственн items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Этот жезл сделан из цельного металла, из-за чего он довольно тяжёл. На навершии есть два зубца, между которыми проскакивают электрические дуги. items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Этот жезл испускает разряд электричества в указанную цель, нанося _%1$d-%2$d урона._ Электричество будет перескакивать между ближайшими врагами, становясь эффективнее в воде. Лучше держитесь подальше, иначе вас тоже может задеть! of living earth -items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=staff of living earthжезл живой земли +items.wands.wandoflivingearth.staff_name=посох живой земли items.wands.wandoflivingearth.desc=This wand is made from a curious rock, with bands of glowing yellow energy. The rocks seem to shift slightly as you grip the wand, as if they can feel your hand. items.wands.wandoflivingearth.stats_desc=This wand sends bolts of magical rock at enemies, dealing _%1$d-%2$d damage._ The rocks will then re-form around the user, granting them armor in proportion to the damage dealt. If enough armor is built, it will form into a rock guardian when the wand is next zapped. -items.wands.wandoflivingearth$ Armor +items.wands.wandoflivingearth$Каменная броня items.wands.wandoflivingearth$rockarmor.desc=Magical rocks are surrounding your body, when you are attacked they will attempt to block for you, and will reduce the damage you take by 50%%. Each damage blocked scrapes away some of the rock however.\n\nRemaining Armor: %1$d.\n\nIf enough rock is built around you, the next zap from your wand of living earth with cause the rocks to form up into a guardian which will fight with you.\n\nArmor needed for Guardian: %2$d. items.wands.wandoflivingearth$ guardian items.wands.wandoflivingearth$earthguardian.desc=The rocks from your wand of living earth have formed into a protective earthen guardian! This rocky protector will attack nearby enemies, which will force them to focus the guardian instead of you. When all nearby threats are gone, the guardian will re-form around you, and will return when you next use your wand.\n\nThe guardian's defensive power is tied to the level of your wand. It currently blocks _%1$d-%2$d damage._ @@ -1235,8 +1235,8 @@ items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.name_6=greater sentry items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.desc_6=This fully upgraded sentry is significantly more durable than its predecessors. Each zap from this sentry will deal _%1$d-%2$d damage._\n\nZapping this sentry with your wand of warding will heal it.\n\nThis sentry will spend some health each time it zaps an enemy, but can be healed by using your wand of warding on it.\n\nYour wand of warding is using _7 energy_ to sustain this sentry. items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_title=Dismiss this ward? items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_body=You can dispel this ward if you no longer want your wand to maintain it. Doing so immediately destroys the ward.\n\nDismiss this ward? -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_confirm=yes -items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_cancel=no +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_confirm=да +items.wands.wandofwarding$ward.dismiss_cancel=нет ###weapon curses болтливости diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index d9d4da1cc..bdebc657b 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@üyükıran %s items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Bu güçlü rün, zırhın kullanıcısını fiziksel saldırıların yanı sıra büyülü saldırılara karşı da korur. Büyü koruması zırh seviyesinden etkilenmez.ükürtlü %s -items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=This glyph shields the wearer and their belongings from fire, completely nullifying its damage and negative effects. +items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Bu rün, zırhı giyen kişiyi ve eşyalarını ateşten korur, ateşin hasarı ve olumsuz etkilerini tamamen geçersiz kılar.ı %s items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Bu rün zırhı giyen kişinin uzun çimlerin içine karışmasını sağlayarak onlara geçici görünmezlik verir. @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.desc=Gölgeler pelerinin senin etrafş gül items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_summon=ÇAĞIR -items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_direct=DIRECT +items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_direct=YÖNET items.artifacts.driedrose.ac_outfit=GİYİM items.artifacts.driedrose.spawned=Hayaleti zaten çağırdın. items.artifacts.driedrose.no_charge=Gülün henüz tamamen şarj olmadı. @@ -218,25 +218,25 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$üzgün hayalet items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.def_verb=sakınıldı items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.hello=Tekrar merhaba %s. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=My spirit is bound to this rose, it was very precious to me, a gift from my love whom I left on the surface.\n\nI cannot return to him, but thanks to you I have a second chance to complete my journey. When I am able I will respond to your call and fight with you.\n\nAs long as you have the rose I can hear your voice, so you can use it to direct me from afar.\n\nHopefully you may succeed where I failed... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=Ruhum bu güle bağlı; bu gül benim için çok kıymetliydi, yeryüzünde bıraktığım sevgilimin bir hediyesiydi.\n\nArtık ona geri dönemem, ama senin sayende yolculuğumu tamamlamak için ikinci bir şansım var. Yapabildiğimde çağrına yanıt verecek ve seninle birlikte savaşacağım.\n\nGüle sahip olduğun sürece sesini duyabilirim, böylece sesini beni uzaktan yönetmek için kullanabilirsin.\n\nUmarım benim başarısız olduğum yerde sen başarılı olursun... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_1=These sewers used to be safe, people even lived here in the winter. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_2=I wonder what happened to the guard patrols, did they give up? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_3=I had family on the surface, I hope they're safe. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_4=The guards couldn't defeat these monsters, but maybe we can. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_5=If even the sewers are this dangerous, I wonder what's below... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_6=What could have caused these rats and crabs to grow so large? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_1=I've heard stories about this place, nothing good. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_2=This place was always more of a dungeon than a prison. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_3=I can't imagine what went on when this place was abandoned. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_4=It seems both the prisoners and guards have been turned into monsters. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_5=What could be responsible for all these skeletons? -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_6=These people didn't have to end up like this... -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_1=No human or dwarf has been here for a very long time. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_2=What would cause the dwarves to abandon a gold mine? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_1=Bu lağımlar eskiden güvenliydi, hatta insanlar kışın burada yaşamıştı. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_2=Gardiyanlara ne olduğunu merak ediyorum, acaba pes mi ettiler? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_3=Yüzeyde bir ailem vardı, umarım güvendedirler. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_4=Gardiyanlar bu canavarları alt edemedi, ama belki biz yapabiliriz. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_5=Lağımlar bile bu kadar tehlikeliyse aşağıda ne olduğunu merak ediyorum... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_sewers_6=Fareler ve yengeçlerin bu kadar büyümesine ne sebep olmuş olabilir? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_1=Bu yer hakkında bazı hikayeler duydum, hiçbirisi iyi değildi. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_2=Burası her zaman bir hapishaneden çok zindan gibiydi. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_3=Burası terk edildiğinde neler olduğunu düşünemiyorum. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_4=Görünüşe göre mahkumlar da gardiyanlar da canavarlara dönüşmüş. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_5=Bu iskeletlerin sorumlusu ne olabilir? +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_prison_6=Bu insanlar böyle ölmek zorunda değildi... +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_1=Uzun bir süredir ne bir insan ne de bir cüce buraya ayak basmamış. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_2=Cücelerin altın madenini terk etmesine ne sebep olmuş olabilir? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_3=It's a shame all the gold here is useless on the surface. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_4=The creatures here are twisted, just like in the sewers. -items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_5=Even the bats are bloodthirsty here. +items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_5=Buradaki yarasalar bile kana susamış. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_caves_6=We haven't seen any machinery, did the dwarves reclaim it all? items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_1=The dwarves were industrious, but greedy. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.dialogue_city_2=So the dwarven metropolis really has fallen. @@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ items.potions.potion.shatter=Cam kırılıyor ve içindeki sıvı zararsızca et items.potions.potion$ items.potions.potion$ İksir catalyst katalizör items.potions.alchemicalcatalyst.desc=This thin vial of magical liquid is made from the deconstructed essence of a potion. The liquid is translucent, and glows with shifting colors of the rainbow.\n\nThis catalyst is primarily useful as an alchemy ingredient, but you can also use it directly to get the effect of a random potion. İksiri @@ -1492,8 +1492,8 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=Bu dartların ucundaki fırtınaas dartı items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=Bu dartların ucundaki hayalyaprağı tabanlı kimyasal hedeflerini aniden hafif bir uykuya daldıracaktır. -items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN -items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=TEMİZLE +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Dartları Temizle items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=hepsini temizle items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=birini temizle diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index ba8460581..4d2fef41b 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.title=Kalandorok útikönyve journal.document.adventurers_guide.intro.title=Bevezetés -journal.document.adventurers_guide.intro.body=Üdvözöllek Kalandor!\n\nA varázslatos Kalandorok Útikönyve Várbörtönökhöz című könyvet olvasod. Ez az útikalauz tele van tippekkel és trükkökkel hogy segítse a kezdő kalandorokat a túlélésben. Akár elolvashatod egyben is, de a legjobb ha referenciaként használod. Mindig nézz bele, amikor elakadsz.\n\nLégy résen és emlékezz: \nSEMMI PÁNIK! +journal.document.adventurers_guide.intro.body=Üdvözöllek Kalandor!\n\nA varázslatos Kalandorok Útikönyve a Kazamatákhoz című könyvet olvasod. Ez az útikalauz tele van tippekkel és trükkökkel hogy segítse a kezdő kalandorokat a túlélésben. Akár elolvashatod egyben is, de a legjobb ha referenciaként használod. Mindig nézz bele, amikor elakadsz.\n\nLégy résen és emlékezz: \nSEMMI PÁNIK! journal.document.adventurers_guide.identifying.title=Tárgyak megismerése -journal.document.adventurers_guide.identifying.body=Azonosítani dolgokat éppen olyan fontos, mint megtalálni azokat! \n\nA főzetek színe és a tekercsek jelei különbözők minden várbörtönben, ezért nem tudhatod mi lesz a hatásuk amíg nem azonosítottad azokat. \n\nIsmeretlen tárgy is fejleszthet amennyiben szerencséd van, de lehet átkozott is! A véletlenül használatba vett megátkozott eszköz rossz, de általában nem jelent azonnali végzetet.\n\nAz ismeret, fejlődés vagy átoklevétel tekercsek nagyon hasznosak, ha szeretnéd csökkenteni a kockázatát az azonosítatlan tárgyaknak.\n\n(Találsz egy listát az összes általad azonosított dologról a naplódban a tárgyak lapon) +journal.document.adventurers_guide.identifying.body=Azonosítani dolgokat éppen olyan fontos, mint megtalálni azokat! \n\nA főzetek színe és a tekercsek jelei különbözők minden kazamatában, ezért nem tudhatod mi lesz a hatásuk amíg nem azonosítottad azokat. \n\nIsmeretlen tárgy is fejleszthet amennyiben szerencséd van, de lehet átkozott is! A véletlenül használatba vett megátkozott eszköz rossz, de általában nem jelent azonnali végzetet.\n\nAz ismeret, fejlődés vagy átoklevétel tekercsek nagyon hasznosak, ha szeretnéd csökkenteni a kockázatát az azonosítatlan tárgyaknak.\n\n(Találsz egy listát az összes általad azonosított dologról a naplódban a tárgyak lapon) journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.title=Vizsgálás és keresés -journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.body=Vakmerőn előre csörtetni biztos utat jelent a halálba.\n\nMindig van idő lassítani és vizsgálódni magad körül, ami segíthet kitalálni a legjobb megoldást egy helyzetben. Berontani az ellenség közé szinte sohasem a legjobb módszer.\n\nA várbörtönök telis-tele vannak titkos átjárókkal és csapdákkal melyek láthatatlanok első pillantásra. Jó, ha következetesen átvizsgálsz egy területet, ha rejtett dolgot sejtesz.\n\n(A nagyító gombbal lehet vizsgálni és keresni. Érints egyszer majd érints meg valamit, hogy megvizsgáld, érintsd kétszer, hogy keress magad körül) +journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.body=Vakmerőn előre csörtetni biztos utat jelent a halálba.\n\nMindig van idő lassítani és vizsgálódni magad körül, ami segíthet kitalálni a legjobb megoldást egy helyzetben. Berontani az ellenség közé szinte sohasem a legjobb módszer.\n\nA kazamaták telis-tele vannak titkos átjárókkal és csapdákkal melyek láthatatlanok első pillantásra. Jó, ha következetesen átvizsgálsz egy területet, ha rejtett dolgot sejtesz.\n\n(A nagyító gombbal lehet vizsgálni és keresni. Érints egyszer majd érints meg valamit, hogy megvizsgáld, érintsd kétszer, hogy keress magad körül) journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.title=Erő és fejlesztések -journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.body=Sohasem lesz időd gyakorolni a várbörtönben talált fegyverekkel és páncélokkal, így a használatukhoz a puszta erődre kell támaszkodnod.\n\nAz erőitalok közvetlenül növelik a fizikai erődet, ez a leghatékonyabb módja, hogy magasabb szintű eszközöket tudj használni. \n\nA fejlődéstekercsek elsősorban a felszerelési tárgyak erősítésére szolgálnak, de csökkentik a súlyukat is. Ugyanakkor minden további fejlesztés egyre kevésbé csökkenti a súlyt.\n\nFontos a nehezebb, magasabb szintű tárgyak megszerzésére törekedni, de ne hagyd teljesen figyelmen kívül a korábban használható felszerelést sem. +journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.body=Sohasem lesz időd gyakorolni a kazamatában talált fegyverekkel és páncélokkal, így a használatukhoz a puszta erődre kell támaszkodnod.\n\nAz erőitalok közvetlenül növelik a fizikai erődet, ez a leghatékonyabb módja, hogy magasabb szintű eszközöket tudj használni. \n\nA fejlődéstekercsek elsősorban a felszerelési tárgyak erősítésére szolgálnak, de csökkentik a súlyukat is. Ugyanakkor minden további fejlesztés egyre kevésbé csökkenti a súlyt.\n\nFontos a nehezebb, magasabb szintű tárgyak megszerzésére törekedni, de ne hagyd teljesen figyelmen kívül a korábban használható felszerelést sem. éhség kezelése egyik legjobb dolog, ami javítja az esélyeidet a túlélésre, ha jól osztod be az élelmed.\n\nAz éhség alapvető hatással van az egészségedre: ha éhes vagy, lassabban gyógyulsz. Ha pedig éhezel, lassan az életerődből is fogy. Az életerő fogyása talán rosszul hangzik, de amíg nem haltál meg, más károd nem származik belőle.\n\nÉrdemes az életerőre és éhségre beosztandó erőforrásként tekinteni, nem muszáj mindig maximumon tartani őket. Például ha teljesen egészséges vagy, egy gyógyítás ami teljesen felgyógyítana, nagyrészt el fog veszni.\n\nHa az életerőd alapján jól időzíted az evést, az élelmed sokkal tovább ki fog tartani. journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.title=Tapasztalatszerzés -journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.body=Az ellenségek legyőzésével nő a tapasztalati szinted. A tapasztalatod határozza meg, hogy mennyire pontosak a támadásaid, milyen könnyen hajolsz el és mennyi életerőd van.\n\nA tapasztalati szint nagyban kihat a harcra. Pinceszintenként legalább egy tapasztalati szinttel érdemes bírnod.\n\nCsábító gondolat lenne végigrohanni a várbörtönön, hogy ne kelljen mindent bejárni és harcolni, de így ellátmánytól és tapasztalattól is elesel.\n\n(A karakteredről a játék képernyőjének tetején látszanak információk, így a tapasztalati szintje is. Még több infóért érints a hős képére.) +journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.body=Az ellenségek legyőzésével nő a tapasztalati szinted. A tapasztalatod határozza meg, hogy mennyire pontosak a támadásaid, milyen könnyen hajolsz el és mennyi életerőd van.\n\nA tapasztalati szint nagyban kihat a harcra. Pályaszintenként legalább egy tapasztalati szinttel érdemes bírnod.\n\nCsábító gondolat lenne végigrohanni a kazamatákon, hogy ne kelljen mindent bejárni és harcolni, de így ellátmánytól és tapasztalattól is elesel.\n\n(A karakteredről a játék képernyőjének tetején látszanak információk, így a tapasztalati szintje is. Még több infóért érints a hős képére.) journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.title=Rajtaütés journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.body=A rajtaütés az egyik legjobb módja annak, hogy felülkerekedj a harcban.\n\nEz olyankor történik, ha nem vagy a megtámadott lény tátóterében vagy épp akkor látott meg. A rajtaütés elől még a leghajlékonyabb ellenségek sem tudnak elhajolni!\n\nAz egyik leggyakoribb, rajtaütésre használható tereptárgy az ajtó. Az ellenség ki van téve a rajtaütésnek, ha épp a csukott ajtón átlépéskor éri támadás.\n\n(A sikeres rajtaütéskor egy sárga felkiáltójel villan fel a megsebzett ellenfél fölött.) journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.title=A kudarc elkerülése -journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Ha egy helyzet kilátástalannak tűnik, nem szégyen elmenekülni. A várbörtön másik részébe menekülve időt nyerhetsz, hogy gyógyulj és újra próbálkozz.\n\nSajnos a várbörtönözés nagyon veszélyes szakma és a legtöbb kalandort végül eléri a végzete. Igaz, hogy a szerencse szerepet játszik ebben, de a legjobb kalandorok azok, akik minden kis trükköt kihasználnak, hogy javítsák az esélyeiket.\n\n(Ne csüggedj el, ha gyakran meghalsz. Az első próbálkozásaiddal nem is fogsz messzire jutni, ez a játék nehéz! Igyekezz elsajátítani a játékot és folyamatosan fejlődni, ne az azonnali győzelmet keresd.) +journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Ha egy helyzet kilátástalannak tűnik, nem szégyen elmenekülni. A kazamata másik részébe menekülve időt nyerhetsz, hogy gyógyulj és újra próbálkozz.\n\nSajnos a kazamaták felderítése nagyon veszélyes szakma és a legtöbb kalandort végül eléri a végzete. Igaz, hogy a szerencse is szerepet játszik ebben, de a legjobb kalandorok azok, akik minden kis trükköt kihasználnak, hogy javítsák az esélyeiket.\n\n(Ne csüggedj el, ha gyakran meghalsz. Az első próbálkozásaiddal nem is fogsz messzire jutni, ez a játék nehéz! Igyekezz elsajátítani a játékot és folyamatosan fejlődni, ne az azonnali győzelmet keresd.) journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Hatékony fosztogatás -journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=A különleges szobák gyakran jobb zsákmányt tartogatnak mint az egyszerűek. Némelyik ajtaja le van zárva vagy akadály torlaszolja el.\n\nHa ilyen akadályba ütközöl, a közelben keress megoldást. Akár kulcsra akár fortélyosabb eszközre van szükséged, általában ugyanazon a szinten találsz valami használhatót.\n\nAz erőitalok és fejlődéstekercsek kiválóan mutatják, mennyire vagy jó felfedező és gyűjtögető. A várbörtön minden régiójában 3 fejlődéstekercset és 2 erőitalt találhatsz.\n\n(A fontosabb helyszínek és fel nem használt kulcsok listáját a naplód jegyzetek menüpontjában láthatod.) +journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=A különleges szobák gyakran jobb zsákmányt tartogatnak mint az egyszerűek. Némelyik ajtaja le van zárva vagy akadály torlaszolja el.\n\nHa ilyen akadályba ütközöl, a közelben keress megoldást. Akár kulcsra akár fortélyosabb eszközre van szükséged, általában ugyanazon a szinten találsz valami használhatót.\n\nAz erőitalok és fejlődéstekercsek kiválóan mutatják, mennyire vagy jó felfedező és gyűjtögető. A kazamata minden régiójában 3 fejlődéstekercset és 2 erőitalt találhatsz.\n\n(A fontosabb helyszínek és fel nem használt kulcsok listáját a naplód jegyzetek menüpontjában láthatod.) journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Mágikus támadások journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=A mágikus támadások áthatolnak a páncélon és elképesztően nehéz kitérni előlük.\n\nVagyis a varázspálcáid elég megbízhatóan sebeznek, ugyanakkor a mágiát használó ellenségek rendkívül veszélyesek.\n\nA mágikus támadásoknak hátulütője is van. A varázspálcákból például elfogyhat az energia, és amíg fel nem töltenek, szinte teljesen hasztalanok. Az ellenségek varázserejének is megvan a maguk gyenge pontja.\n\nHa varázserőt használó ellenséggel kerülsz szembe, kulcsfontosságú, hogy megtaláld a védekezés módját és ne csak benyeld a sebzésüket. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index 96d82d2b4..9069958a4 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Egzotik İksirler journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=İksirler iki bitki ile karıştırılarak egzotik iksirler oluşturmada kullanılabilirler. Daha güçlü etkileri olacaktır fakat genelde farklı şekillerde kullanışlıdırlar. journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Egzotik Parşömenler journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Egzotik parşömenler iki rüntaşı ve bir parşömen ile yapılabilir. Egzotik iksirlerden biraz daha güçlüdürler fakat rüntaşları ile karşılaşmak da güçtür. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Catalysts -journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Catalysts are made by combining a scroll or potion with a single seed or runestone. If the pair of items match, the alchemical energy cost is reduced.\n\nCatalysts are most useful as components in recipes covered in the next two pages, but also can be used in a pinch for a random effect. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Brews and Elixirs -journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.body=Brews and elixirs are advanced potions which provide a variety of effects with a single use. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Katalizörler +journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Katalizörler, bir iksir veya bir parşömen ile tek bir tohum veya rün taşını birleştirerek elde edilir. Eğer bu eşya çiftleri birbirlerine uyuyorsa, simyasal enerji maliyeti azalır.\n\nKatalizörler, sonraki iki sayfada yer alan tariflerde en faydalı bileşendir, ancak rastgele bir etki sağlaması için bir tutamı kendi başına da kullanılabilir. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Karışımlar ve Özler +journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.body=Karışımlar ve özler, tek bir kullanımla çeşitli etkiler sağlayan gelişmiş iksirlerdir. journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.title=Büyüler journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=Büyüler kristallerin içinde bulunurlar ve çok sayıda kullanımda farklı etkiler sunarlar. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index 05458b780..56d8011d4 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ levels.traps.grippingtrap.desc=Tranpa hau zapaltzen duen horren oinetara oratzen tranpa levels.traps.guardiantrap.alarm=Tranpak ziega osoan zehar sakabanatzen den hots sakon bat igortzen du! -levels.traps.guardiantrap.desc=Tranpa hau mekanismo berezi batera lotua dago, zaindariak hona deituko ditu eta pisuko etsai guztien arreta deituko du. -levels.traps.guardiantrap$ zaindaria -levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.desc=Agerraldi urdin hau ziegako harrizko zaindarien iratzarritako oihartzun bat dirudi.\n\nEstatua bera ia etereoa bada ere, %s, bere arma, egiazkoa ematen du. +levels.traps.guardiantrap.desc=Tranpa hau mekanismo berezi batera lotua dago, zaindariak araokatuko ditu eta pisuko etsai guztien arreta deituko du. +levels.traps.guardiantrap$ zaindaria +levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.desc=Agerraldi urdin hau ziegako harrizko zaindarien araokatutako oihartzun bat dirudi.\n\nEstatua bera ia etereoa bada ere, %s, bere arma, egiazkoa ematen du. tranpa levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Tranpa honek basa kaustiko bat zipriztinduko du aktibatzean, eta garbitu arte erre egingo du. @@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Bildutako energia kopuru handia duen mekanismoa. tranpa levels.traps.stormtrap.desc=Egundoko energia kopuru bat bilduta duen mekanismoa. Tranpa hau aktibatzeak energia hori ekaitz elektriko batean askatuko du. agerrarazlea -levels.traps.summoningtrap.desc=Tranpa hau aktibatzeak area honetako munstro batzuk hemen agertzea ekarriko du. tranpa +levels.traps.summoningtrap.desc=Tranpa hau aktibatzean area honetako munstro batzuk hona araokatuko dira. tranpa levels.traps.teleportationtrap.desc=Tranpa hau aktibatzen duen edozer pisu honetako beste toki batetara teleportatuko da. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ index 93ffa8b1f..8875947ef 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ @@ -56,18 +56,18 @@ ludo scenes.surfacescene.exit=Ludo finita -scenes.titlescene.enter=Enter the Dungeon +scenes.titlescene.enter=Eniri la Labirinton scenes.titlescene.rankings=Ranglisto scenes.titlescene.badges=Medaloj scenes.titlescene.changes=Ŝanĝoj scenes.titlescene.about=Pri the Game -scenes.titlescene.patreon_body=Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a completely free game, which means that I depend on support from generous players in order to keep making it.\n\nIf you're interested in supporting me, the best way to do so is through Patreon. Patreon gives me a consistent income source, and allows me to give something back to those who support me!\n\nPatrons get exclusive blog posts every week which let them know about what I'm working on before anyone else!\n\nYou can take a look at my Patreon page for the most up to date information about benefits, Thank you for your consideration!\n\n(Patreon rewards are only available in English) -scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon Page la ludon +scenes.titlescene.patreon_body=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas tute senpaga ludo, tio ĉi signifas, ke mi dependas de subteno de malavaraj ludantoj por pluigi evoluigi ĝin.\n\nSe vi volus subteni min, la plej oportuna maniero por fari tion estas per Patreon. Patreon garantias al mi regularan enspezon kaj ebligas al mi redanki la subtenantojn!\n\nPatronoj ricevos ekskluzivajn afiŝojn ĉiusemajne por ke ili sciu pri kio mi laboras antaŭ aliaj!\n\nBonvolu viziti mian paĝon ĉe Patreon por la plej aktualajn informojn pri premioj. Antaŭ dankon por tio!\n\n(afiŝoj ĉe Patreon estas nur disponeblaj en la angla lingvo) +scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Paĝo ĉe Patreon scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas labirint-esplorada rolludo, kun hazarde generitaj monstroj, niveloj, objektoj kaj kaptiloj!\n\nIu ajn ludo estas nova defiplena sperto, do estu singardema, morto neinversigeblas!\n\nPlezuran labirintadon! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas ĝisdatigita! -scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update adds two new wands which can summon allies, and also improves existing ally characters.\n\nThere are also several balance improvements and smaller tweaks.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. +scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo aldonas du novajn vergojn, kiuj povas alvoki amikojn; kaj ankaŭ liveras plibonigojn al la fantomino.\n\nEstas ankaŭ aliaj mal(plifortigoj) kaj etajn erar‑riparoj.\n\nLegu la liston de ŝanĝoj (angle) por plenan liston de detaloj. scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas flikita! scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo riparas erarojn. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo liveras plibonigojn por tradukoj. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ index 7e61260e6..4a7c2009a 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon orria scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon (Birrindutako pixel ziega) Roguelike motako RPG bat, ausaz sortutako arerio, maila, objektu eta tranpekin!\n\nPartida bakoitza erronka eta esperientzia desberdin bat da, baina kontuz, heriotza betirako baita!\n\nOndo ibili ziegatan! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon eguneratu da! -scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Eguneraketa honek aliatuak deitu ditzakeen bi zarta berri ditu eta bazeuden pertsonai aliatuak hobetzen ditu.\n\nOreka ere hobetu da eta doikuntza txikiak egin dira.\n\nEgiaztatu aldaketen zerrenda xehetasun gehiagorako. +scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Eguneraketa honek aliatuak araokatu ditzakeen bi zarta berri ditu eta bazeuden pertsonai aliatuak hobetzen ditu.\n\nOreka ere hobetu da eta doikuntza txikiak egin dira.\n\nEgiaztatu aldaketen zerrenda xehetasun gehiagorako. scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon partxeatu da! scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Partxe honek arazoen konponketak dauzka. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Partxe honek itzulpenetan eguneraketak ditu. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ index 741ffcadf..01fbfc2e4 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.badges=Badges scenes.titlescene.changes=Changements scenes.titlescene.about=A propos le jeu -scenes.titlescene.patreon_body=Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a completely free game, which means that I depend on support from generous players in order to keep making it.\n\nIf you're interested in supporting me, the best way to do so is through Patreon. Patreon gives me a consistent income source, and allows me to give something back to those who support me!\n\nPatrons get exclusive blog posts every week which let them know about what I'm working on before anyone else!\n\nYou can take a look at my Patreon page for the most up to date information about benefits, Thank you for your consideration!\n\n(Patreon rewards are only available in English) +scenes.titlescene.patreon_body=Shattered Pixel Dungeon est un jeu entièrement gratuit, ce qui signifie que je dépend de l'aide de généreux joueurs afin de continuer à le réaliser.\n\nSI vous êtes intéressés dans l'idée de m'apporter votre soutien, la meilleure façon de le faire est par Patreon. Patreon me donne une source de revenus réguliers, et me permet de donner quelque chose en retour à ceux qui me soutiennent!\n\nLes participants au Patreon obtiennent des articles de blog exclusifs chaque semaine ce qui leur permet de savoir sur quoi je travaille avant tout le monde! Vous pouvez jeter un oeil à ma page Patreon pour la plupart des informations mises à jour à propos des bénéfices, merci de votre attention!\n\n(Patreon rewards are only available in English) scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Page Patreon scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon est un jeu de rôle du genre roguelike, c'est à dire que les ennemis rencontrés, les niveaux, les objets et les pièges du jeu sont générés de manière aléatoire.\n\nChaque partie est donc la fois une nouvelle expérience et un défi, mais soyez prudents, la mort est aussi irréversible.\n\nBonne aventure ! diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ index 532bbf592..c7daca0f5 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ @@ -56,18 +56,18 @@Új játék scenes.surfacescene.exit=Végeáték -scenes.titlescene.enter=Enter the Dungeon +scenes.titlescene.enter=Belépés a kazamatába scenes.titlescene.rankings=Rangsor scenes.titlescene.badges=Medálok scenes.titlescene.changes=Változások scenes.titlescene.about=Névjegy the Game -scenes.titlescene.patreon_body=Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a completely free game, which means that I depend on support from generous players in order to keep making it.\n\nIf you're interested in supporting me, the best way to do so is through Patreon. Patreon gives me a consistent income source, and allows me to give something back to those who support me!\n\nPatrons get exclusive blog posts every week which let them know about what I'm working on before anyone else!\n\nYou can take a look at my Patreon page for the most up to date information about benefits, Thank you for your consideration!\n\n(Patreon rewards are only available in English) -scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon Page játék támogatása +scenes.titlescene.patreon_body=A Shattered Pixel Dungeon egy teljesen ingyenes játék, ami azt jelenti, hogy a készítésének támogatása a nagylelkű játékosokon múlik.\n\nA támogatás legjobb módja ha patrónusként teszed azt. A patrónus egyenletes bevételi forrást jelent számomra és lehetővé teszi, hogy visszaadjak valamit annak, aki támogat!\n\nA patrónusok exkluzív blog bejegyzéseket kapnak minden héten, amiből mindenkinél hamarabb tudni fogják min dolgozom.\n\nPillants rá a patrónus oldalamra a legfrissebb jutalmak miatt! Köszönöm hogy fontolóra veszed!\n\n(A patrónus jutalmak csak Angol nyelven érhetők el) +scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patrónus oldal scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=A Shattered Pixel Dungeon egy roguelike RPG, véletlenszerűen generált ellenségekkel, pályákkal, tárgyakkal és csapdákkal!\n\nMinden játék egy új kihívás, de vigyázz, ha meghalsz, nincs visszaút!\n\nÉlvezd a bolyongást a várbörtönben! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Frissült a Shattered Pixel Dungeon! -scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update adds two new wands which can summon allies, and also improves existing ally characters.\n\nThere are also several balance improvements and smaller tweaks.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. +scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Ez a frissítés két új varázspálcát tartalmaz, amiket a szövetségeseid hívhatnak elő, tovább erősítve őket.\n\nSzámos kiegyensúlyozási fejlesztés is történt, és kisebb módosítások.\n\nA részletekért nézd át a változtatások listáját. scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=A Shattered Pixel Dungeon javítást kapott! scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ez a javítás hibákat orvosol. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ez a javítás fordításokat frissít. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ index 272333948..2e1a753d3 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ @@ -56,18 +56,18 @@ Jogo scenes.surfacescene.exit=Game Over -scenes.titlescene.enter=Enter the Dungeon +scenes.titlescene.enter=Entre na Masmorra scenes.titlescene.rankings=Rankings scenes.titlescene.badges=Emblemas scenes.titlescene.changes=Mudanças scenes.titlescene.about=Sobre the Game -scenes.titlescene.patreon_body=Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a completely free game, which means that I depend on support from generous players in order to keep making it.\n\nIf you're interested in supporting me, the best way to do so is through Patreon. Patreon gives me a consistent income source, and allows me to give something back to those who support me!\n\nPatrons get exclusive blog posts every week which let them know about what I'm working on before anyone else!\n\nYou can take a look at my Patreon page for the most up to date information about benefits, Thank you for your consideration!\n\n(Patreon rewards are only available in English) -scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon Page o jogo +scenes.titlescene.patreon_body=O Shattered Pixel Dungeon é um jogo totalmente gratuito, o que significa que eu dependo do apoio de jogadores generosos para continuar fazendo isso.\n\nSe você está interessado em me apoiar, a melhor maneira de fazer isso é através do Patreon. Patreon me dá uma fonte de renda consistente, e me permite dar algo de volta para aqueles que me apoiam! \n\nOs clientes recebem postagens exclusivas do blog todas as semanas, informando-as sobre o que eu estou trabalhando antes de qualquer outra pessoa! \n\nVocê pode dar uma olhada na minha página Patreon para obter as informações mais atualizadas sobre os benefícios, obrigado por sua consideração! \n\n(Patreon recompensas só estão disponíveis em Inglês) +scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Página do Patreon scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon é um roguelike RPG com inimigos, armadilhas, niveis e itens gerados aléatoriamente!\n\nCada partida é uma nova experiencia desafiadora, mas tenha cuidado, a morte é permanente!\n\nFeliz Exploração! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi actualizado! -scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update adds two new wands which can summon allies, and also improves existing ally characters.\n\nThere are also several balance improvements and smaller tweaks.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. +scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Esta atualização adiciona duas novas varinhas que podem convocar aliados e também melhora os caracteres dos aliados existentes.\n\nHá também várias melhorias de equilíbrio e ajustes menores.\n\nNão deixe de conferir a lista de alterações para maiores detalhes. scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi actualizado! scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Esta actualização inclui correcções de erros. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Esta actualização contém melhorias de tradução. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ index 3f1b91db2..dc45a19ec 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ @@ -56,18 +56,18 @@Новая игра scenes.surfacescene.exit=Игра оконченаИграть -scenes.titlescene.enter=Enter the Dungeon +scenes.titlescene.enter=Войти в подземелье scenes.titlescene.rankings=Рекорды scenes.titlescene.badges=Медали scenes.titlescene.changes=Изменения scenes.titlescene.about=Об игре the Game -scenes.titlescene.patreon_body=Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a completely free game, which means that I depend on support from generous players in order to keep making it.\n\nIf you're interested in supporting me, the best way to do so is through Patreon. Patreon gives me a consistent income source, and allows me to give something back to those who support me!\n\nPatrons get exclusive blog posts every week which let them know about what I'm working on before anyone else!\n\nYou can take a look at my Patreon page for the most up to date information about benefits, Thank you for your consideration!\n\n(Patreon rewards are only available in English) -scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon PageПоддержать игру +scenes.titlescene.patreon_body=Shattered Pixel Dungeon - полностью бесплатная игра, что значит, что я рассчитываю на поддержку от щедрых игроков с целью дальнейшей разработки.\n\nЕсли вы заинтересованы в моей поддержке, самый лучший способ сделать это - через Patreon. Patreon даёт мне постоянный источник доходов, и разрешает мне дать что-то взамен тем, кто меня поддерживает!\n\nМеценаты получают эксклюзивные посты с блога каждую неделю, что позволяет им знать, над чем я работаю, раньше всех!\n\nВы можете зайти на мою страницу в Patreon для получения информации про выгоды. Спасибо вам за ваше внимание!\n\n(Награды Patreon доступны только на английском языке) +scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Страница Patreon scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon - рпг-рогалик со случайно генерируемыми врагами, уровнями, предметами и ловушками!\n\nКаждая игра - новое испытание, но будьте осторожны, у вас всего одна жизнь!\n\nУдачи вам в этом подземелье! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён! -scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update adds two new wands which can summon allies, and also improves existing ally characters.\n\nThere are also several balance improvements and smaller tweaks.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. +scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Это обновление добавляет два новых жезла, которые могут призывать союзников, а также улучшает уже существующих союзников.\n\nТакже есть небольшие улучшения баланса и маленькие улучшения.\n\nПроверьте список изменений для полной информации. scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён! scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Исправлены некоторые ошибки. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Обновлён перевод. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ index fd5aec0ab..938294cdc 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ @@ -56,18 +56,18 @@ Oyun scenes.surfacescene.exit=Oyun Bitti -scenes.titlescene.enter=Enter the Dungeon +scenes.titlescene.enter=Zindana Gir scenes.titlescene.rankings=Sıralamalar scenes.titlescene.badges=Rozetler scenes.titlescene.changes=Değişiklikler scenes.titlescene.about=Hakkında the Game -scenes.titlescene.patreon_body=Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a completely free game, which means that I depend on support from generous players in order to keep making it.\n\nIf you're interested in supporting me, the best way to do so is through Patreon. Patreon gives me a consistent income source, and allows me to give something back to those who support me!\n\nPatrons get exclusive blog posts every week which let them know about what I'm working on before anyone else!\n\nYou can take a look at my Patreon page for the most up to date information about benefits, Thank you for your consideration!\n\n(Patreon rewards are only available in English) -scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon Page Destekle +scenes.titlescene.patreon_body=Shattered Pixel Dungeon tamamen ücretsiz bir oyun, bu da oyunu geliştirmeye devam etmek için cömert oyunculardan gelen desteğe güvenmem gerektiği anlamına geliyor.\n\nEğer beni maddi açıdan desteklemekle ilgileniyorsanız, bunu yapmanın en iyi yolu Patreon. Patreon bana tutarlı bir gelir kaynağı veriyor ve beni destekleyenlere bunun karşılığını vermeme izin veriyor!\n\nMüşteriler, her hafta başkalarından önce üzerinde çalıştığım özel blog yazıları alıyorlar!\n\nYararları hakkında en güncel bilgileri almak için Patreon sayfama göz atabilirsiniz, ilginiz için teşekkür ederim!\n\n(Patreon ödülleri sadece İngilizce olarak mevcuttur) +scenes.titlescene.patreon_button=Patreon Sayfası scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon düşmanların, seviyelerin, eşyaların ve tuzakların rastgele oluşturulduğu bir roguelike rol yapma oyunudur!\n\nHer oyun yeni ve zorlayıcı bir tecrübedir, fakat dikkatli olun, ölüm kalıcıdır.\n\nMutlu zindanlamalar! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon güncellendi! -scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update adds two new wands which can summon allies, and also improves existing ally characters.\n\nThere are also several balance improvements and smaller tweaks.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details. +scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Bu güncelleme, oyuna müttefik çağırabilen veya var olan müttefikleri iyileştirebilen yeni bir asa getirir.\n\nAynı zamanda oyunda çeşitli dengeleme faaliyetleri ve küçük ayarlar yapıldı.\n\nDetaylı bilgi için değişiklik listesini ziyaret edebilirsiniz. scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon yama aldı! scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Bu yama hata düzeltmeleri içerir. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Bu yama çeviri güncellemeleri içerir.