diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index 32d396a68..20e038eaa 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ allprojects {
         appName = 'Shattered Pixel Dungeon'
         appPackageName = 'com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon'
-        appVersionCode = 544
-        appVersionName = '0.9.3'
+        appVersionCode = 548
+        appVersionName = '0.9.3a'
         appJavaCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
diff --git a/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/ui/changelist/v0_9_X_Changes.java b/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/ui/changelist/v0_9_X_Changes.java
index 517e27bc3..abe529c20 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/ui/changelist/v0_9_X_Changes.java
+++ b/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/ui/changelist/v0_9_X_Changes.java
@@ -59,6 +59,31 @@ public class v0_9_X_Changes {
+		changes = new ChangeInfo("", false, null);
+		changes.hardlight(Window.TITLE_COLOR);
+		changeInfos.add(changes);
+		changes = new ChangeInfo("v0.9.3a", false, null);
+		changes.hardlight(Window.TITLE_COLOR);
+		changeInfos.add(changes);
+		changes.addButton(new ChangeButton(Icons.get(Icons.PREFS), Messages.get(ChangesScene.class, "misc"),
+				"_-_ Runestones now press tiles when they are thrown (stones of disarming specifically activate before triggering traps)"));
+		changes.addButton(new ChangeButton(new Image(Assets.Sprites.SPINNER, 144, 0, 16, 16), Messages.get(ChangesScene.class, "bugfixes"),
+				"Fixed (caused by v0.9.3):\n" +
+				"_-_ Various freeze bugs that were common for certain users\n" +
+				"_-_ Various rare crashes\n" +
+				"_-_ Giant swarms still duplicating into enclosed spaces in rare cases\n" +
+				"_-_ Game freeze bugs with wild magic\n" +
+				"_-_ Various bugs with warp beacon telefragging\n" +
+				"_-_ Ethereal chains causing quickslot UI issues\n\n" +
+				"Fixed (existed prior to v0.9.3):\n" +
+				"_-_ On-hit effects triggering on invulnerable pylons\n" +
+				"_-_ Wells of healing not fully healing the hero in all cases\n" +
+				"_-_ Lightweight cloak getting cancelled when equipped/unequipped\n" +
+				"_-_ Displacing darts sometimes teleporting enemies into unreachable places"));
 		changes = new ChangeInfo(Messages.get(ChangesScene.class, "new"), false, null);