From cfd2f7a811ef9fdf6776520cdcdd7fcafddddeea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Evan Debenham Date: Wed, 15 May 2019 01:03:21 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] v0.7.3: updated translations --- .../messages/actors/ | 9 +- .../messages/actors/ | 9 +- .../messages/actors/ | 9 +- .../messages/actors/ | 9 +- .../messages/actors/ | 37 +-- .../messages/actors/ | 9 +- .../messages/actors/ | 9 +- .../messages/actors/ | 9 +- .../messages/actors/ | 53 ++-- .../messages/actors/ | 79 ++--- .../messages/actors/ | 9 +- .../messages/actors/ | 9 +- .../messages/actors/ | 9 +- .../messages/actors/ | 9 +- .../messages/actors/ | 9 +- .../messages/actors/ | 9 +- .../messages/actors/ | 13 +- .../messages/items/ | 2 +- .../messages/items/ | 83 ++++-- .../messages/items/ | 83 ++++-- .../messages/items/ | 83 ++++-- .../messages/items/ | 85 ++++-- .../messages/items/ | 87 +++--- .../messages/items/ | 83 ++++-- .../messages/items/ | 83 ++++-- .../messages/items/ | 97 ++++--- .../messages/items/ | 271 ++++++++++-------- .../messages/items/ | 223 +++++++------- .../messages/items/ | 83 ++++-- .../messages/items/ | 83 ++++-- .../messages/items/ | 83 ++++-- .../messages/items/ | 83 ++++-- .../messages/items/ | 117 +++++--- .../messages/items/ | 83 ++++-- .../messages/items/ | 147 ++++++---- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 14 +- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 10 +- .../messages/journal/ | 14 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/levels/ | 11 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/levels/ | 7 +- .../messages/scenes/ | 2 +- 70 files changed, 1443 insertions(+), 1018 deletions(-) diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index eb608fb72..8ff9217ce 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Una gran onada de vigor, però per desgràcia actors.buffs.amok.desc=El deliri causa un estat de gran fúria i confusió en el seu objectiu.\n\nQuan una criatura és afectada pel deliri, atacarà el que trobi al seu voltant, sigui un amic o un enemic.\n\nTorns de deliri restants: %s. Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. +àrrega d'artefactes actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=L'energia recorre el teu cos, incrementant la velocitat a la qual es carreguen els teus artefactes equipats.\n\nCada artefacte és afectat de manera una mica diferent, però tots ells estaran menys limitats per les càrregues.\n\nTorns restants: %s. @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Selecciona un objectiu per Enderrocar\nAtordei actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Enderrocar_ està disponible actualment. Aquest atac _fa retrocedir a un enemic i l'atordeix,_ però infligeix un dany reduït. Va molt be per aconseguir una mica de temps durant una baralla. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Selecciona un objectiu per Partir\nSi el mates, continues el combo actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Esqueixar_ està disponible actualment. Aquest atac augmenta el dany infligit, i _si mata a l'enemic, preservarà el combo enlloc de reiniciar-lo._ Va molt be per atacar en combo quan es lluita. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Selecciona un objectiu per Assotar\nAugmenta la teva defensa en funció del dany -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Assotar_ està actualment disponible. Aquest atac fa més mal, i _et garanteix una protecció_ que és proporcional al dany que fas. Va molt bé per terminar un combat, deixant que t'emportis resistència pel proper. +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Selecciona un objectiu per Aixafar\nFa molt de mal actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Aixafar_ està actualment disponible. Aquest atac devastador _danya massivament i consistentment._ Va molt bé per enderrocar a un oponent poderós amb molta vida! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Sobre quin enemic vols descarregar la teva Fúria?\nAtaca molts cops molt ràpid actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fúria_ està actualment disponible. Aquest atac devastador _ataca tants cops com combos tinguis acumulats._ a canvi de reduir el teu dany. Fúria va bé si tens un encanteri a l'arma, ja que l'encanteri s'activarà molt més sovint! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=El gladiador guanya impuls cada cop que colpeja amb èxit. Cada atac augmenta el combo en u, però trigant massa a atacar, fallant més d'un cop, o utilitzant ítems farà que el comptador de combo torni a 0.\n\nAtacant en combo es desbloquegen habilitats especials que són terminals: atacs de gran abast que no fallen! Hi ha un atac terminal diferent als 2, 4, 6, 8, i 10 atacs de combo, i l'ús d'un atac terminal restablirà el teu combo. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo. actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corrupció es filtra dins l'essència d'un ésser, retorçant-lo contra la seva natura prèvia.\n\nLes criatures corrompudes atacaran i feriran als seus aliats, ignorant als seus anteriors enemics. La corrupció també és nociva, i lentament causarà que el seu objectiu sucumbeixi.\n\nLa corrupció és permanent, els seus efectes només terminen en mort. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index 1838f77a5..da22a879a 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Prudký nárůst velké síly, ale bohužel ne actors.buffs.amok.desc=Amok svému cíli způsobí stav ohromného běsnění a zmatení.\n\nKdyž stvoření posedne amok, zaútočí na cokoliv, co je poblíž, ať už je to přítel či nepřítel.\n\nZbývající tahy amoku: %s Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. +íjení artefaktu actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energie proudí skrze tebe, čímž se zvyšuje rychlost dobíjení tvých vybavených artefaktů.\n\nKaždý artefakt je ovlivněn trochu jinak, ale všechny budou méně omezeny počtem svých nabití.\n\nZbývající tahy: %s @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Vyber cíl pro Máznutí\nOmámí a odrazí actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Máznutí_ je právě dostupné. Tento útok _odrazí nepřítele a omámí ho,_ ale udělí snížené poškození. Výborné pro získání trochy času během boje. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Vyber cíl pro Rozseknutí\nPokud zabije, zachová kombo actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Rozseknutí_ je právě dostupné. Tento útok uděluje zvýšené poškození a _pokud nepřítele zabije, zachová kombo místo toho aby jej resetovalo._ Skvělé pro budování komba při boji s více nepřáteli. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Vyber cíl pro Prásknutí\nOchrání tě v závislosti na poškození -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Prásknutí_ je právě dostupné. Tento útok uděluje zvýšené poškození a _poskytuje ochranu_ v poměru k udělenému poškození. Skvělé pro ukončení boje, umožňující nést si vytrvalost do dalšího. +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Vyber cíl pro Rozdrcení\nUděluje hodně poškození actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Rozdrcení_ je právě dostupné. Tento devastující útok _uděluje masivní poškození velmi důsledně._ Skvělé pro sundání silných oponentů s hodně životy! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Na kterého nepřítele vypustíš zuřivost?\nZaútočíš mnohokrát velmi rychle actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Zuřivost_ je právě dostupná. Tento devastující útok _udeří tolikrát, kolikrát je právě tvé kombo,_ i když se sníženým poškozením. Zuřivost je skvělá pokud máš okouzlenou zbraň, protože okouzlení se aktivuje s každým úderem! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladiátor nabírá na síle po úspěšně zasažených úderech. Každý úder zvyšuje počet komba o jedna, ale pokud dlouho neútočíš, mineš více než jednou nebo použiješ nějaký předmět, kombo se resetuje na 0.\n\nBudování komba odemyká speciální zakončující schopnosti: silné útoky, které nemůžou minout! Různé zakončující schopnosti jsou dostupné při počtu komba 2, 4, 6, 8, a 10, přičemž použití schopnosti kombo vyresetuje +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo.ženost actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Zkaženost prosakuje do jádra bytosti a obrací ji proti své původní povaze.\n\nZkažená stvoření budou útočit na své spojence a ignorovat své původní nepřátele. Zkaženost je rovněž poškozující a pomalu donutí svůj cíl podlehnout.\n\nZkaženost je trvalá, její účinky končí pouze smrtí. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index 5fd6ca4e0..219bbf0fa 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Eine Welle großer Macht, aber leider nicht vo actors.buffs.amok.desc=Amok erzeugt einen Zustand des Zornes und Verwirrung in jenen, die ihm ausgesetzt werden. \n\nSolange eine Kreatur Amok läuft, wird diese alles angreifen, was in ihrer Nähe ist, egal ob Freund oder Feind. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden des Amoks: %s Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. + lädt nach actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energie fließt durch Deinen Körper, was die Aufladerate der Gegenstände erhöht, welche du ausgerüstet hast.\n\nDas wirkt auf jeden Gegenstand etwas anders, für alle gilt jedoch, dass die Ladungsbegrenzung weniger stark greift.\n\nVerbleibende Runden: %s. @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Wähle Ziel zum Verprügeln\nBetäubt und wirf actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Verprügeln_ ist momentan verfügbar. Dieser Angriff _wirft einen Gegner zurück und betäubt ihn,_ aber richtet reduzierten Schaden an. Das ist großartig, um während eines Kampfes etwas Zeit zu gewinnen. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Wähle ein Ziel zum Durchschneiden\nWenn es tötet, besteht die Kette weiter actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Zerteilen_ ist momentan verfügbar. Diese Attacke richtet erhöhten Schaden an, und _falls sie einen Gegner tötet, wird sie die Kombi weiterhin aufrechterhalten._ Das ist großartig, um eine Kombi aufrechtzuhalten, wenn man gegen mehrere Gegner kämpft. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Wähle Ziel zum Zerschmettern\nSchützt dich basierend auf Schaden -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Wuchtschlag_ ist verfügbar. Diese Attacke fügt erhöhten Schaden zu und _erzeugt ein Schild_ proportional zum zugefügten Schaden. Dies ist gut um einen Kampf zu beenden und die Ausdauer mit in den nächsten Kampf zu nehmen. +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Wähle Ziel zum Zerschmettern\nFügt massiven Schaden zu actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Zerschmettern_ ist verfügbar. Diese verheerende Attacke _fügt massiven Schaden konsistent zu._ Perfekt um mächtige Gegner mit hohen Leben zu töten! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Zorn an welchem Gegner entladen?\nGreift mehrmals in schneller Folge an actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Zorn_ ist verfügbar. Diese verheerende Attacke _greift gleich der Anzahl deiner momentanen Combi an,_ fügt aber verringerten Schaden zu. Wundervoll, wenn man eine Waffenverzauberung besitzt, da sie bei jedem Treffer garantiert aktiviert wird! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=Der Gladiator baut Schwung auf, indem er erfolgreiche Treffer landet. Jeder Treffer erhöht den Kombizähler um eins, aber wenn man zu lange für einen Angriff braucht, mehr als einmal den Gegner verfehlt oder einen Gegenstand benutzt, wird der Zähler auf 0 zurückgesetzt. \n\nMehrere Kombis hintereinander, schalten spezielle Vollstreckerfähigkeiten frei: Starke Angriffe, die ihr Ziel nicht verfehlen werden! Unterschiedliche Vollstreckungsangriffe sind bei einem Kombizähler von 2, 4, 6, 8 und 10 verfügbar und ihre Verwendung setzt den Zähler auf 0 zurück. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo. actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korruption sickert in das Innerste eines Wesens, wodurch es sich gegen seine eigene Natur wendet.\n\nKorrumpierte Kreaturen greifen ihre Verbündeten an und ignorieren ihre vorherigen Gegner. Korruption schadet dem Opfer außerdem, wodurch es langsam verendet.\n\nKorruption ist permament und kann nur durch den Tod beendet werden. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index da46c94f4..9fb13c673 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Alfluo da maro, bedaŭrinde sendaŭra.\n\nPlii actors.buffs.amok.desc=Murdemo kaŭzas grandan furiozon kaj konfuzon por sia viktimo.\n\nKiam kreaĵo estas sub influo de mordemo, ĝi atakos kiun ajn proksimulon kaj amikon kaj kontraŭulon.\n\nPluaj temperoj da murdemo: %s. Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. +ĵa ŝargiĝado actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energio trafluas vin pliigante rapidon kiel viaj surmetitaj antikvaĵoj reŝargiĝas.\n\nĈiu antikvaĵo reagas malegale, sed vi povas uzi ilin pli ofte.\n\nPluaj temperoj da antikvaĵa ŝargado: %s. @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Elektu celon por surdumfrapi\nSurdumas kaj for actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Surdumfrapo_ estas nune disponebla. Tiu ĉi atako _forfrapas kontraŭulon kaj surdumas ĝin,_ sed kaŭzas ete da damaĝo. Ĝi estas perfekta por gajni iomete da tempo dum batalo. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Elektu celon por hakfrapi\nSe mortigos, daŭrigos fraparon actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Hakfrapo_ estas nune disponebla. Tiu ĉi atako kaŭzas pliigan damaĝon kaj _se ĝi mortigos kontraŭulon, fraparo daŭros anstataŭ nuliĝi._ Tio ĉi estas bonega por krei fraparon dum batalo kun kelkaj malamikoj. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Elektu celon por krakigi\nŜirmas vin laŭ damaĝo -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Krakigo_ estas nune disponebla. Tiu ĉi atako kaŭzas pliigan damaĝon kaj _provizas al vi ŝirmon_ adekvate al la damaĝo vi kaŭzas. Ĝi estas bonega por finigi batalon kaj helpi transdaŭri ĝis la sekva. +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Elektu celon por frakasi\nKaŭzas damaĝegon actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Frakaso_ estas nune disponebla. Tiu ĉi ruiniga atako _kaŭzas multege da damaĝo tre sinsekve._ Ĝi estas bonega por venki potencan kontraŭulon kun plene da sano! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Defuriozigi je kiu malamiko?\nFrapas pluroble kaj rapide actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Furiozego_ estas nune disponebla. Tiu ĉi detruanta atako _frapas tiel foje kiel estas via nuna fraparo,_ tamen kun reduktita damaĝo. Furiozego estas bonega se vi havas ensorĉitan armilon, do la ensorĉo aktiviĝos je ĉiu frapo! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=La Gladiatoro akiras impeton post iu ajn sukcesa frapo. Ĉiu frapo pliigas la frapar-numerilo per unu, sed tro malrapida atako, evito de pli ol unu, aŭ uzo de aĵoj nuligos la numerilon.\n\nAkirado de fraparo ebligas ekstrajn venk-frapojn: potencajn neeviteblajn atakojn! Diversaj venk-frapojn disponeblas je 2, 4, 6, 8 kaj 10 frapar-numerilo, kaj uzo de venk-frapo rekomencos la fraparon. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo. actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korupto penetras en la ekzistaĵon kaj igas lin kontraŭ lia eksa naturo.\n\nKoruptitaj monstroj atakos siajn amikojn kaj ignoros siajn eksajn malamikojn. Korupto tamen detruiĝas kaj malrapide alkondukos la viktimon ĝis sia morto.\n\nKorupto estas ĉiamdaŭra, ĝi finiĝos nur je la morto. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index ee002cc02..9e5a731ba 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Una descarga de gran poderío, pero lamentable actors.buffs.amok.desc=La locura causa un estado de gran furia y confusión en el objetivo.\n\nCuando una criatura enloquece, atacará a cualquiera que esté cerca, sea aliado o enemigo.\n\nTurnos de locura restantes: %s. Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. + de Artefactos actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=La energía fluye a través de ti, aumentando la velocidad de carga de tus artefactos equipados.\n\nCada artefacto se ve afectado de manera un poco diferente, pero todos estarán menos limitados por su medidor de carga.\n\nTurnos restantes: %s @@ -70,12 +73,12 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Al borde de la muerte, el miedo y la incertidu actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=La fuerza interior tiene sus limites. El frenético debe descansar antes de usar su furia de nuevo.\n\nMientras se recupera, el frenético no puede generar furia al recibir daño.\n\nNiveles para recuperarse: _%.2f_ actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Volverse frenético también le afectará permanentemente, reduciendo su salud máxima cada vez. actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Veces que el Frenético se ha enfurecido: _%d_\nSalud máxima reducida a: _%d%%_ -actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=El Berseker a muerto +actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Enfurecido hasta Morir actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Te has desangrado hasta morir... actors.buffs.bleeding.heromsg=¡Estás sangrando! -actors.buffs.bleeding.rankings_desc=Murió desangrado +actors.buffs.bleeding.rankings_desc=Desangrado hasta Morir actors.buffs.bleeding.desc=Esa herida está derramando una cantidad preocupante de sangre.\n\nSangrar causa daño cada turno. Cada turno el daño se reduce por una cantidad aleatoria, hasta que el sangrado se detiene eventualmente.\n\nDaño actual del sangrado: %d. @@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ actors.buffs.burning.heromsg=¡Te quemas! actors.buffs.burning.burnsup=¡%s se quema! actors.buffs.burning.ondeath=Te has quemado hasta la muerte... -actors.buffs.burning.rankings_desc=Ardió hasta las cenizas +actors.buffs.burning.rankings_desc=Quemado en Cenizas actors.buffs.burning.desc=Pocas cosas son más angustiosas que estar envuelto en llamas.\n\nEl fuego causará daño cada turno hasta que se apague con agua o expire. El fuego puede ser extinguido entrando en el agua, o con la salpicadura provocada al romper una poción.\n\nAdicionalmente, el fuego puede quemar el terreno flamable o ítems con los que tenga contacto.\n\nTurnos en llamas restantes: %s. @@ -104,16 +107,16 @@ actors.buffs.combo.combo=¡Combo de %d golpes! actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Debes elegir un enemigo en el rango de ataque. actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo a Derribar\nAturde y empuja -actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Derribar_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque _hace retroceder un enemigo y le aturde,_ pero causa daño reducido. Es excelente para conseguir un poco de tiempo durante una pelea. +actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Derribar_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque _hace retroceder un enemigo y lo aturde,_ pero causa daño reducido. Es excelente para conseguir un poco de tiempo durante una pelea. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo a Rajar\nSi lo matas, continúas el combo actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Rajar_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque hace daño extra, y _mantiene el combo en lugar de reiniciarlo si mata a un enemigo._ Permite crear grandes combos cuando se lucha contra múltiples enemigos. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo a Embatir\nAumenta tu escudo en base al daño -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Embatir_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque aumenta el daño, y _otorga blindaje_ proporcional al daño que haces. Buen movimiento para acabar un combate, permitiéndote mantener resistencia para la siguiente pelea. -actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo para Aplastar\nRealiza una gran cantidad de daño +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. +actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo para Aplastar\nOfrece una gran cantidad de daño actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Aplastar_ está disponible actualmente. Este devastador ataque _produce una gran cantidad de daño de forma consistente._ Es muy efectivo para acabar con un oponente con gran cantidad de salud. -actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=¿En qué enemigo quieres descargar tu furia?\nAtaca varias veces rápidamente al objetivo. +actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=¿En qué enemigo quieres descargar tu furia?\nAtaca varias veces rápidamente al objetivo actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Furia_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque devastador _golpea tantas veces como tu contador de combo actual,_ aunque a costa de un menor daño. ¡La furia es genial si tienes un arma encantada, ya que el encantamiento se activará en cada golpe! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=El gladiador gana impulso conectando varios golpes exitosos. Cada golpe aumenta el contador del combo en uno, pero tardar demasiado tiempo para atacar, fallar más de una vez, o usar ítems restablecerá el contador de combo a 0.\n\nCrear combos desbloquea habilidades finales especiales: ¡poderosos ataques que no pueden fallar! Las diferentes habilidades finales están disponible a los 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 puntos de combo, y usarlas reiniciará el contador del combo. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo. actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corrupción se filtra dentro de la esencia de un ser, retorciéndolo contra su naturaleza previa.\n\nLas criaturas corrompidas atacan a sus aliados, e ignoran a sus antiguos enemigos. La corrupción también es dañina, y lentamente causará que su objetivo sucumba.\n\nLa corrupción es permanente, sus efectos solo cesan en la muerte. @@ -196,7 +199,7 @@ón mental actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=De alguna manera puedes ver a todas las criaturas en este piso a través de tu mente. Es una sensación extraña.\n\nTodos los personajes en este nivel son visibles para ti mientras poseas visión mental. Ver a una criatura a través de tu mente es como si estuviera cerca o dentro de tu campo visual para muchos efectos mágicos.\n\nTurnos de visión mental restantes: %s -actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Mientras se mueve, el acróbata toma impulso, incrementando su velocidad y habilidad para esquivar.\n\nLa bonificación por velocidad está basada únicamente en el impulso, sin embargo la bonificación de evasión también es afectada por la armadura.\n\nEl acróbata ganará evasión adicional desde el impulso por cada punto de fuerza extra que tiene sobre los requerimientos de su armadura.\n\nImpulso actual: %d%%. +actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Mientras se mueve, el acróbata genera impulso, incrementando su velocidad y habilidad para esquivar.\n\nLa bonificación por velocidad está basada únicamente en impulso, sin embargo, la bonificación de evasión también es afectada por la armadura.\n\nEl acróbata ganará evasión adicional del impulso por cada punto de fuerza extra que tiene sobre los requerimientos de su armadura.\n\nImpulso actual: %d%%. cáustico actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=¡El cieno cáustico te quema la piel, lávalo! @@ -244,7 +247,7 @@ actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Estás fundido con las sombras a tu alrededor, concedi actors.buffs.slow.desc=La magia de ralentización afecta la percepción temporal del objetivo, para ellos todo se mueve super-rápido.\n\nUn personaje ralentizado realiza todas las acciones en el doble de tiempo que le costaría normalmente.\n\nTurnos de ralentización restantes: %s. del francotirador de la francotiradora actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=La Francotiradora se enfoca en el objetivo al que recientemente atacó. Es capaz de realizar un ataque especial con su arco que variará según la mejora del arco.\n\nUn arco no-mejorado disparará un _Tiro Instantáneo,_ que causa un daño reducido pero no tarda ningún tiempo en dispararse.\n\nUn arco mejorado con velocidad disparará una _Ráfaga_ de tres flechas. Cada flecha infligirá daño reducido, pero aún puede activarse el encantamiento. Esta ráfaga toma 1 turno para dispararse.\n\nUn arco con una mejora de daño disparará un _Disparo de francotirador._ Este disparo está garantizado para impactar, infligiendo daño adicional en función de la distancia del objetivo y tarda 2 turnos para dispararse. Marcada @@ -332,7 +335,7 @@ actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin=asesino actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Mientras está invisible el _Asesino_ prepara un golpe mortal para su próximo ataque. Cuanto más tiempo permanezca invisible, más poderoso será el ataque. actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner=acróbata actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=El _Acróbata_ toma impulso mientras corre. El impulso incrementa su velocidad de movimiento y evasión, pero se disipa rápidamente cuando no se está moviendo. -actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper=francotirador +actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper=francotiradora actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=La _Francotiradora_ es una maestra del combate a distancia. Ella gana más visión y sus ataques a distancia perforan la armadura. Después de golpear con un arma arrojadiza, puede seguir con un ataque especial de su arco. actors.hero.herosubclass.warden=guardabosques actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=La _Guardabosques_ tiene una fuerte conexión con la naturaleza, permitiéndole ver a través de la hierba alta, y ordena que la hierba brote alrededor de las plantas que siembra. Además, las plantas que pisotea le darán efectos de bonificación, los dardos tipados ganarán 2x más durabilidad y la hierba le dará un incremento de armadura cuando esté en ella. @@ -380,7 +383,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.imp.desc=Los diablillos son demonios menores. Son notables, no ambicioso actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.greetings=¡Hola, %s! actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.thief=¡Creí que podía contar contigo! -actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=Los Diablillos son demonios menores. Son notables, no por su fuerza ni su magia, pero por ser sociables e inteligentes. Muchos diablillos prefieren vivir y hacer negocios con no-demonios. +actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=Los diablillos son demonios menores. Son notables, no por su fuerza ni su magia, pero por ser sociables e inteligentes. Muchos diablillos prefieren vivir y hacer negocios con no-demonios. actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=Esta ilusión se parece mucho a ti, hasta parece que lleva tu misma arma y armadura.\n\nLas imagénes espejo perseguirán y atacarán enemigos usando su arma de imitación, la cual reacciona igual a la tuya, pero haciendo menos daño. Al principio son etéreas, pero deben asumir una forma sólida para poder atacar.\n\nMientras que su poder ofensivo puede ser potente, las imágenes espejo no tienen durabilidad, por lo que se desvanecerán en el momento que reciban daño. @@ -409,7 +412,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.desc=Este tipo gordo parece más apropiado para un d artesano de varitas actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_warrior=Oh, ¡que agradable sorpresa encontrar a un héroe en un lugar tan deprimente! Si estás dispuesto a ayudar a un viejo hombre, podría tener una tarea para ti. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_rogue=¡Oh Dios, me asustaste! No he conocido un bandido de este lugar que aún tenga cordura, ¡así que debes ser de la superficie! Si estás dispuesto a ayudar a un desconocido, podría tener una tarea para ti. -actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_mage=Oh, ¡hola %s! He oído que hubo un lío entre tu y el instituto de magos... Oh, no hagas caso, nunca me gustaron esos anticuados después de todo. Si quieres, podría tener una tarea para ti. +actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_mage=Oh, ¡hola %s! He oído que hubo un lío entre ti y el instituto de magos... Oh, no hagas caso, nunca me gustaron esos anticuados después de todo. Si quieres, podría tener una tarea para ti. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_huntress=Oh, ¡hola señorita! Una cara amigable es una agradable sorpresa aquí abajo, ¿no crees? De hecho, juro que he visto tu cara antes, pero no acabo de recordar... Oh, no hagas caso, si estás aquí por la aventura, podría tener una tarea para ti. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\nVine aquí para encontrar un ingrediente poco común para una varita, pero me he perdido, y mi escudo mágico se está debilitando. Tendré que irme pronto, pero no soportaría irme sin lo que busco. actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=Busco algo de _polvo cadavérico._ Es una especie de harina de hueso maldito que usualmente se encuentra en lugares como este. Debe haber una habitación barricada en los alrededores, estoy seguro de que algo de polvo se va a acumular allí. Ten cuidado, la maldición del polvo es muy potente, _vuelve a mi lo más rápido posible_ y lo purificaré para ti. @@ -428,7 +431,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.desc=El viejo pero aún sano caballero tiene una exprón ácido albina -actors.mobs.albino.desc=Ésta es una rara raza de rata marsupial, con pelaje puramente blanco y dientes ásperos. +actors.mobs.albino.desc=Esta es una rara raza de rata marsupial, con pelaje puramente blanco y dientes ásperos. loco @@ -460,7 +463,7 @@ actors.mobs.elemental.desc=Los elementales de fuego andantes son un producto sec del mal actors.mobs.eye.deathgaze_kill=La mirada de la muerte te asesinó... -actors.mobs.eye.desc=Los Ojos Malignos son esferas de energía demoníaca contenida. Aunque son capaces de combatir cuerpo a cuerpo, su verdadera fuerza está en su poder mágico.\n\nTras acumular energía por un momento, el Ojo Maligno desatará un rayo devastador llamado _Mirada de la muerte._ Cualquiera dentro del rango de visión del Ojo Maligno recibirá daño inmenso, un aventurero sabio se pondría a cubierto. +actors.mobs.eye.desc=Los Ojos Malignos son esferas flotantes de energía demoníaca reprimida. Aunque son capaces de combatir cuerpo a cuerpo, su verdadera fuerza proviene de su magia.\n\nDespués de acumular energía por un corto tiempo, el Ojo Maligno desatará un rayo devastador de energía llamado _mirada de la muerte._ Cualquier cosa dentro del rango de visión del Ojo Maligno, sufrirá un daño tremendo, los aventureros sabios correrán a esconderse. fétida actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=Definitivamente algo anda mal con esta rata. Su grasiento pelaje negro y piel putrefacta son muy diferentes de las ratas sanas que has visto anteriormente. Sus pálidos ojos verdes la hacen parecer especialmente amenazante.\n\nLa rata lleva consigo una nube de terrible hedor, es abrumador de cerca.\n\nCieno oscuro gotea de su boca derritiendo el suelo pero parece disolverse en agua. @@ -594,7 +597,7 @@ actors.mobs.yog.defeated=... actors.mobs.yog.rankings_desc=Devorado por Yog-Dzewa actors.mobs.yog.desc=Yog-Dzewa es un Dios Antiguo, una poderosa entidad de los reinos del caos. Hace un siglo, los antiguos enanos apenas ganaron la guerra contra su ejército de demonios, pero fueron incapaces de matar al dios en sí. En su lugar, lo aprisionaron en los salones bajo su ciudad, creyéndolo muy débil como para volver a alzarse nunca. actors.mobs.yog$ño podrido -actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.rankings_desc=Aplastado por el puño podrido +actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.rankings_desc=Aplastado por Yog-Dzewa actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa es un Dios Antiguo, una poderosa entidad de los reinos del caos. Hace un siglo, los antiguos enanos apenas ganaron la guerra contra su ejército de demonios, pero fueron incapaces de matar al dios en sí. En su lugar, lo aprisionaron en los salones bajo su ciudad, creyéndolo muy débil como para volver a alzarse nunca. actors.mobs.yog$ño ardiente actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.rankings_desc=Quemado por el puño ardiente diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index 72b89612e..dc5c0096b 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Ahalmen izugarrizko uholde bat, tamalez ez da bizian actors.buffs.amok.desc=Haserre bizian egoteak norbere burua nahastuta egotea dakar.\n\nIzaki bat haserre bizian dagoenean, hurbil dagoen edozeri erasoko dio, bai laguna baita etsaia izanda ere.\n\nHaserrea bukatu arteko txandak: %s. Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. + berkargatzen actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energiak zeharkatzen zaitu, tresnatutako artefaktuen kargatzeko abiadura areagotuz.\n\nArtefaktu bakoitzari apur bat desberdin eragiten zaio, baina guztiei hobetuko zaie karga.\n\nGeratzen diren txandak:%s. @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Hautatu biktima bat jipoitzeko\nZorabiatu eta actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Jipoia_ eskuragarri dago orain. Eraso honek _etsaia atzera eraisten du eta zorabiatzen ditu,_ baina kalte murriztuagoa eragiten du. Borrokan denbora irabazteko bikaina da. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Hautatu arrailtzeko biktima bat\nHilez gero, segida mantentzen da actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Arraildu_ eskuragarri dago orain. Eraso honek kaltea areagotzen du, eta _etsaia hilez gero, segida mantenduko du leheneratu ordez._ Hainbat arerioen kontra borrokatzean segida eraikitzeko primerakoa da. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Hautatu danbatekoaren biktima\nKaltearen arabera babesten zaitu -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Danbatekoa_ eskuragarri dago orain. Eraso honek kalte areagotua eragiten du, eta _babesa ematen dizu_ eragindako kaltearen arabera. Bikaina da borroka bati amaiera emateko, erresistentzia hurrengora eramateko. +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Hautatu biktima bat zanpatzeko\nKalte izugarria eragiten du actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Zanpatzea_ eskuragarri dago orain. Eraso suntsitzaile honek _Kalte izugarria eragiten du erregularki._ Itzela da aurrekari boteretsu baten osasuna behera ekartzeko! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Zein etsaietan deskargatu bortiztasuna?\nHainbat aldiz azkar erasotzen du actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Bortiztasuna_ eskuragarri dago orain. Eraso suntsitzaile honek _zure uneko segidaren kontaketa beste aldiz kolpatzen du,_ kalte murriztuago batekin bada ere. Bortiztasuna sekulakoa da armak sorginkeriaren bat badu, sorginkeria kolpe bakoitzean aktibatuko baita! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladiadoreak momentua hartzen du ematen duen zartako arrakastatsu bakoitzarekin. Kolpe bakoitzak segida handitzen du batez, baina erasotzeko luzeegi itxaronez gero, edo edo behin baino gehiagotan kale eginez gero, segidaren zenbatzailea zerora eroriko da.\n\nSegida eraikitzeak akabatzeko gaitasun bereziak azalarazten ditu: Huts egiterik ez duten eraso bortitzak! Akabatzeko eraso desberdinak daude 2, 4, 6, 8 eta 10eko segidatan, eta akabatzeko erasoa erabiltzean segidaren kontaketa zeroan jarriko du. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo. actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Ustelkeria izaki baten baitara iragazten da, bere aurreko izatearen aurka irauliz.\n\nUsteldutako gizajoak bere aldekoak erasotuko ditu eta lehen etsai zituenak ezikusi. Ustelkeriak kaltea eragiten du ere, eta biktima apurka amore ematera eramango du.\n\nUstelkeria behin betikoa da, bere efektua heriotzarekin besterik ez da bukatzen. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index a0aa7b498..6f8b451ca 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=A surge of great might, but sadly not permanen actors.buffs.amok.desc=Hulluus aiheuttaa valtavan raivon ja hämmennyksen tilan kohteekseensa.\n\nKun jokin otus on hulluna, se hyökkää kaiken lähellä olevan kimppuun huomioimatta, onko kohde ystävä vai vihollinen.\n\nVuoroja hulluutta jäljellä: %s Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. + Recharging actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all be less limited by their charge meter.\n\nTurns remaining: %s. @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Valitse kohde Kolkattavaksi\nPökerryttää ja actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Kolkkaus_ on saatavilla. Tämä hyökkäys _iskee vihollisen taaksepäin ja pökerryttää sen,_ mutta tekee vähemmän vahinkoa. Se on erinomainen ajan pelaamiseen taistelun aikana. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Valitse kohde Halkaistavaksi\nJos se tappaa kohteen, combo säilyy actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Halkaisu_ on saatavilla. Tämä hyökkäys tekee korkeampaa vahinkoa ja _jos se tappaa vihollisen, se säilyttää combon sen alusta aloittamisen sijaan._ Se on erinomainen combon kasvattamiseen useita vihollisia vastaan taistellessa. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Valitse kohde läimäyttääksesi\nSuojelee sinua riippuen aiheutetusta vahingosta -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Läimäys_ on saatavilla. Tämä hyökkäys tekee korkeampaa vahinkoa ja _antaa suojaa_ riippuen tekemästäsi vahingosta. Se on erinomainen taistelun lopettamiseen, koska se mahdollistaa kestävyyden säilyttämisen seuraavaan taisteluun. +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Valitse kohde Murskattavaksi\nTekee paljon vahinkoa actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Murskaus_ on saatavilla. Tämä tuhoava hyökkäys _tekee massiivista vahinkoa todella tarkasti._ Se on erinomainen voimakkaiden vihollisten elinvoiman nopeaan pudottamiseen! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Mihin viholliseen purat raivosi?\nTekee monta hyökkäystä peräkkäin actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Raivo_ on saatavilla. Tämä tuhoisa hyökkäys _iskee niin monta kertaa kuin senhetkinen combosi on,_ vaikkakin heikommalla vahingolla. Raivo on tehokkaampi, jos sinulla on lumottu ase, koska lumous aktivoituu jokaisella osumalla! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladiaattori saa lisää momenttia iskuihinsa osuessaan vihollisiin. Jokainen isku lisää comboa yhdellä, mutta pitämällä hyökkäysten välissä liian pitkän välin, iskemällä ohi useamman kuin kerran tai käyttämällä esineitä combo laskee nollaan.\n\nCombon saaminen avaa käyttöön erikoistaitoja, kuten aina osuvia voimakkaita hyökkäyksiä! Erilainen armonisku on saatavilla kahden, neljän, kuuden, kahdeksan ja kymmenen comboilla, ja armoniskun käyttäminen aloittaa combon alusta. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo. actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Turmeltuneisuus tihkuu olennon olemukseen, kääntäen sen luontoaan vastaan.\nTurmeltuneet otukset hyökkäävät liittolaisiaan vastaan ja jättävät huomiotta entiset vihollisensa. Turmeltuneisuus aiheuttaa lopulta kohteensa menehtymisen.\nTurmeltuneisuus on lopullista, joten sen vaikutukset loppuvat ainoastaan kuolemaan. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index 705ecc5ba..bbf7edba8 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Une vague de grande puissance, malheureusement furieuse actors.buffs.amok.desc=La folie furieuse fait entrer sa cible dans un état de rage folle. \n\nUne créature sous l'effet de la folie furieuse attaque tout ce qui passe à sa portée, amis ou ennemis.\n\nTours de folie furieuse restants : %s. Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. + d'Artefact actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=De l'énergie parcourt votre corps, augmentant la vitesse de recharge de vos artefacts équipés\n\nChaque artefact est affecté différemment, mais ils seront tous moins limités par leur niveau de charge.\n\nTours restants : %s @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Choisissez une cible à matraquer \nÉtourdit actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=Le _Matraquage_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque _étourdit un ennemi et le repousse,_ mais inflige des dégâts réduits. Une attaque idéale pour gagner un peu de temps en combat. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Sélectionnez une cible à trancher\nSi elle meurt, le combo est préservé actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Trancher_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque inflige des dégâts supplémentaires, et _si la cible est tuée, elle conservera le combo au lieu de le réinitialiser._ C'est idéal pour construire des combos lors de combats contre de nombreux ennemis. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Sélectionnez une cible à démolir\nVous protège en fonction des dégâts -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=La _Démolition_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque inflige des dégâts augmentés et _vous procure un bouclier_ proportionnel aux dégâts infligés. Une attaque idéale pour finir un combat vous permettant de bénéficier de votre bouclier pour le prochain combat. +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Sélectionnez une cible à écraser\nInflige beaucoup de dégâts actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=L' _Écrasement_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque dévastatrice _inflige des dégâts considérablement augmentés._ Une attaque idéale pour diminuer rapidement la santé d'un ennemi puissant ! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Décharger votre fureur sur quel ennemi ? \nNombreuses attaques successives actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=La _Fureur_ est maintenant disponible. Cette capacité destructrice _vous permet d'attaquer un nombre de fois égal à votre compteur de combo,_ bien qu'avec des dégâts réduits. La fureur est excellente si vous avez une arme enchantée, l'enchantement se déclenchant à chaque coup ! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=Le gladiateur renforce ses coups au fur et à mesure de ses frappes réussies. Chaque coup augmente le compteur de combo de 1. Rater une attaque, utiliser un objet ou attendre trop longtemps entre deux coups réinitialise ce compteur à zéro.\n\nAugmenter le combo permet d'utiliser des coups spéciaux : de puissantes attaques qui ne peuvent rater ! Un coup spécial est disponible à chaque 2, 4, 6, 8 et 10 du compteur de combo. Utiliser un coup spécial réinitialise le compteur. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo. actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corruption pénètre l'essence même d'un être, modifiant sa nature profonde.\n\nLes créatures corrompues attaqueront leurs alliés et ignoreront leurs anciens ennemis. La corruption est aussi néfaste pour la cible et entrainera lentement sa mort.\n\nLa corruption est permanente, ses effets cesseront avec la mort. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index 252dd69d1..6adf3ba84 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Megugrott a hatalmad, de sajnos nem véglegeseÁmok actors.buffs.amok.desc=Az ámok óriási dühöt és zavartságot kelt a célpontjában.\n\nA hatása alá kerülő lény bármit megtámad a közelében, legyen az akár ellenség, akár barát.\n\nAz ámok még %s körig tart. Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. + Töltődés actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Az energia átáramlik rajtad, ezzel megnövelve a viselt ereklyék töltési sebességét.\n\nMinden ereklyére kicsit máshogy hat, de kevésbé korlátozza őket a töltési mutató.\n\nFennmaradó körök: %s @@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Dühödt actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Őrjöngés actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted=Kimerült actors.buffs.berserk.recovering=Gyógyulás -actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=A vad harcos sérüléseinek súlyossága erősíti ütéseit. Ahogyan egy vad harcos fizikai sérülést szenved, dühödté válik, ami bónusz sebzést eredményez. A páncélzattal felfogott sérülések is beleszámítanak a düh felerősödésébe.\n\nA düh idővel alábbhagy. Minél kevesebb a vad harcos életereje, annál tovább tart.\n\nAmikor a vad harcos életereje 0 -ra esik miközben dühödt, és viseli a medálját, megvadul és _ellenáll a halálnak_ egy rövid időre.\n\nJelenlegi düh:_%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_sebzés +actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=A vad harcos sérüléseinek súlyossága erősíti ütéseit. Ahogyan egy vad harcos fizikai sérülést szenved, dühödté válik, ami bónusz sebzést eredményez. A páncélzattal felfogott sérülések is beleszámítanak a düh felerősödésébe.\n\nA düh idővel alábbhagy. Minél kevesebb a vad harcos életereje, annál tovább tart.\n\nAmikor a vad harcos életereje 0 -ra esik miközben dühödt, és viseli a medálját, megvadul és _ellenáll a halálnak_ egy rövid időre.\n\nJelenlegi düh: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ sebzés actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=A halál küszöbén félelem és bizonytalanság szertefoszlik, és csak a düh marad. Ebben a halálközeli állapotban a vad harcos elképesztően erős +50% sebzést _okoz, bónusz pajzsot kap és ellenáll a halálnak._\n\nEz a bónusz pajzs erősebb ha jobb a vad harcos páncélzata majd idővel kimerül. Ha ez a pajzs lecsökken 0-ra, a vad harcos feladja és meghal.\n\nA gyógyítás minden formája stabilizálja a vad harcost, de kimerült marad. Amíg kimerült, a vad harcosnak tapasztalatot kell gyűjtenie mielőtt újra képes lesz dühödten harcolni. actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=A belső erőnek is vannak korlátai. A vad harcosnak pihennie kell mielőtt újra vadultan harcolhat.\n\nA vad harcos gyógyulás közben nem lesz dühödt, ha megsebzik.\n\nA gyógyuláshoz _%.2f_ szintet kell lépni actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=A megvadulás azonnal eluralkodik rajta, idővel csökkentve a maximális egészségét. @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Jelöld ki a kiütés célpontját\nElkábul actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=Lehetőséged van a _kiütésre._ Ez a támadás _hátraveti az ellenséget és elszédíti,_ de kevesebb sebzést okoz. Harc közben kiváló módszer időnyerésre. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Jelöld ki a hasítás célpontját\nHa halálos a csapás, a kombó megmarad actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=Lehetőséged van a _hasításra._ Ez a támadás nagyobb sebzést okoz, és ha _megöli az ellenséget, nem állítja vissza, hanem megőrzi a kombót._ Nagyszerű kombóépítésre, amikor több ellenséggel harcolsz. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Jelöld ki a rácsapás célpontját\nA sebzéstől függően pajzsot ad neked -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=Lehetőséged van a _rácsapásra._ Ez a támadás nagyobb sebzést okoz, illetve az okozott sebzéssel arányosan _pajzsot ad köréd._ Nagyszerű ezzel befejezni a harcot, és az így szerzett ellenállást továbbvinni a következő harcig. +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Jelöld ki a szétzúzás célpontját\nKomoly sebzést okoz actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=Lehetőséged van a _szétzúzásra._ A puszttó támadással _óriási sebzésre lehet számítani._ Remek módja az erős ellenségek magas életerejének megcsappantására! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Melyik ellenségre öntöd ki az őrjöngő dühödet?\nGyorsan egymás után támad actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=Lehetőséged van az _őrjöngő düh_ használatára. Ez a pusztító támadás _annyiszor üt, amekkora a jelenlegi kombód,_ bár kisebb sebzést okozva. A tombolás kiváló, ha bűvölt fegyvered van, mivel a bűbáj minden ütésnél aktiválódik! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=A sikeres ütésektől a gladiátor még inkább lendületbe jön. Minden csapás eggyel növeli a kombók számát, de ha a támadásig túl sok idő telik el, többször is melléüt vagy valamilyen tárgyat használ, a kombók száma visszaáll nullára.\n\nA kombózás lehetővé tesz különleges kegyelemdöféseket: elkerülhetetlen, erőteljes támadásokat! Különböző kegyelemdöfés érhető el 2-es, 4-es, 6-os, 8-as és 10-es kombószinteknél. Használatkor a kombószám visszaáll 0-ra. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo. actors.buffs.corruption.desc=A romlottság beszivárog az ember belsejébe és a korábbi természete ellen fordítja.\n\nA romlott lények megtámadják a szövetségeseiket és nem foglalkoznak a korábbi ellenségeikkel. A romlottság pusztít is, a célpontját lassan felemészti.\n\nA romlottság nem múlik el, csak a halállal ér véget. @@ -223,13 +226,13 @@ actors.buffs.preparation.desc_dmg_instakill=A következő támadása _azonnal me actors.buffs.preparation.desc_dmg_likely=A támadás erősen valószínű, hogy nagyobb sérülést fog okozni. actors.buffs.preparation.desc_blink=He is able to blink towards an enemy before striking them, with a max distance of _%d._ actors.buffs.preparation.desc_invis_time=The Assassin has been invisible for _%d turns._ -actors.buffs.preparation.desc_invis_next=His attack will become stronger at _%d turns._ +actors.buffs.preparation.desc_invis_next=A támadása erősebb lett _%dkörig._ actors.buffs.preparation.prompt=Select a target to attack!\nMax blink distance: %d actors.buffs.preparation.no_target=Nincs mit megtámadni ott. -actors.buffs.preparation.out_of_reach=That target is out of reach. +actors.buffs.preparation.out_of_reach=A célpont nem érhető el. Guard -actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=You are being guarded by a prismatic image which is currently inactive. When enemies are present the prismatic image will spring to action and protect you!\n\nWhile inactive, the prismatic image will steadily recover from any damage it has taken.\n\nCurrent HP: %d/%d. +actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Egy prizmakép fogja vagy, mely jelenleg inaktív. Ha ellenségek jelennek meg, a prizmakép akcióba lendül és megvéd téged!\n\nHa inaktív, a prizmakép fokozatosan gyógyul az elszenvedett sérülésekből.\n\nAktuális HP: %d/%d.öltés actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energia áramlik át rajtad, amitől a varázspálcáid és varázsbotjaid gyorsabban töltődnek fel.\n\nEz a bónusz minden körben negyedével megnöveli a jelenlegi töltöttséget, azon felül, hogy a megszokott módon töltődik is.\n\nA feltöltés még %s körig tart. @@ -245,35 +248,35 @@úság actors.buffs.slow.desc=A lassúság varázslata a célpont időérzékére hat, amitől mindent nagyon gyorsnak érez.\n\nA lelassított karakter mindent kétszer annyi idő alatt tesz meg mint egyébként.\n\nA lassúság még %s körig tart.övész jele -actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=The Sniper is honed in on the target she most recently attacked. She is able to perform a special attack with her bow which will vary based on how the bow is augmented.\n\nAn unaugmented bow will fire a _snapshot,_ which deals reduced damage but does not take any time to fire.\n\nA bow augmented for speed will fire a _volley_ of three arrows. Each arrow will deal reduced damage, but can still activate enchantment. This volley takes 1 turn to shoot.\n\nA bow augmented for damage will fire a _sniper shot._ This shot is guaranteed to hit, deals bonus damage based on distance from the target, and takes 2 turns to fire. +actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=Az orvlövész az utoljára megtámadott célpontra élesít. Képes egy speciális támadást véghez vinni az íjával ami az íj kiegészítésétől függ.\n\nEgy kiegészített íj lőhet _gyorstüzeléssel,_ mely kevesebb sérülést okoz, de nem vesz el időt a lövés. \n\nEgy sebességre kiegészített íj lőhet _sortűzzel_ három nyíllal. Minden nyíl kevesebbet sebez, de mindig aktiválhat bűvöletet. A sortűz 1 körbe kerül.\n\nEgy károsításra kiegészített nyíl _orvlövést lő._ Ez a lövés garantáltan célba talál, bónusz sérülést okoz, ami a céltól való távolságtól függ, és 2 körbe kerül a lövés.élyegzett lélek actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=A varázsló megverte ennek a lénynek a lelkét. Amikor fizikai sérülést szenved el, ő gyógyul és csillapodik az éhsége.\n\nA lélek megbélyegzése még %s körig tart. -actors.buffs.stamina.desc=You have unending stamina, allowing for faster movement!\n\nWhile under the effects of stamina you will run at +50%% speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of stamina remaining: %s.Állóképesség +actors.buffs.stamina.desc=Végtelen erőnléted van, lehetővé téve a gyorsabb mozgást!\n\nAz erőnlét hatása alatt +50%% sebességgel fogsz futni, de minden más normál sebességen zajlik.\n\nMaradék erőnlét körök: %s.émült -actors.buffs.terror.desc=Terror is manipulative magic which forces its target into an uncontrollable panic.\n\nTerrified characters are forced to run away from their opponent, trying to put as many doors and walls between them as possible. The shock of pain will lessen the duration of terror, however.\n\nTurns of terror remaining: %s. +actors.buffs.terror.desc=A rémület egy manipulációs varázslat, amely kontrollálhatatlan pánikba taszítja a célpontját.\n\nA rémült karaktereknek el kell rohanniuk az ellenfelüktől, miközben annyi ajtót és falat igyekeznek közbetenni, amennyit csak lehet. Ugyanakkor a fájdalom sokkja elég ahhoz, hogy csökkenjen a rémület ideje.\n\nA rémület még %s körön át tart. méreggel actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Mérgező energia jár át!\n\nAhogy mozogsz, folyamatosan mérgező gáz tör belőled elő, megsebezve az ellenségeidet. Amíg a hatás tart, védett vagy a mérgező gázzal és méreggel szemben.\n\nA mérgező töltöttség még %s körig tart. -actors.buffs.corrosion.heromsg=You are melting!ózió +actors.buffs.corrosion.heromsg=Olvadsz! actors.buffs.corrosion.ondeath=Szétmart a sav... actors.buffs.corrosion.rankings_desc=Megolvadt -actors.buffs.corrosion.desc=Powerful acid melts away flesh, metal, and bone at an alarming rate.\n\nCorrosion damage increases over time, as the target continues to melt away.\n\nTurns of corrosion remaining: %1$s.\nCurrent corrosion damage: %2$d. +actors.buffs.corrosion.desc=Erőteljes sav riasztó mértékben marja a húst, fémet, és csontot.\n\nAz idő múlásával a korrozíós roncsolódás nő, ahogyan a célpontot folyamatosan éri a marás.\n\nHátralévő korrózió körök: %1$s.\nAktuális korrózió sérülés: %2$d.édülés actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=Nem könnyű egyenesen menni, amikor az egész világ forog veled.\n\nA szédülés hatása alatt a karakter, aki mozogni próbál, a tervezetthez képest kiszámíthatatlan irányba megy.\n\nA szédülés még %s körig tart.ég actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Gyengének érzed magad! -actors.buffs.weakness.desc=Everything suddenly seems much heavier.\n\nWeakening magic reduces a character's physical strength. The hero will lose 2 points of effective strength, while enemies will deal reduced damage.\n\nTurns of weakness remaining: %s. +actors.buffs.weakness.desc=Hirtelen minden sokkal nehezebbnek tűnik.\n\nGyengítő varázslat csökkenti a karakter fizikai erejét. A hős 2 pontot veszít az effektív erejéből, miközben az ellenségek kisebb sérüléseket okoznak.\n\nA gyengeség még %s körön át tart. Fed -actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=You feel quite satisfied and full.\n\nWhile well fed, your hunger will not increase, and you will heal an additional amount of health over time.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.ő kút +actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Egészen elégedettnek és jóllakottnak érzed magad.\n\nMiközben a kút etet, az étvágyad nem nő, és egy további egységgel fogsz gyógyulni.\n\nHátralévő körök: %d. @@ -294,16 +297,16 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=A fájdalom segít, hogy ellenállj az álmosságna actors.hero.hero.revive=Az ankh éltető energiával robban szét! actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=harcos -actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_item=The Warrior starts with a _unique broken seal,_ which he can affix to armor.\n\nHe will slowly generate shielding over his health while he is wearing armor with the seal affixed.\n\nThe seal can be moved between armor, carrying a single upgrade with it. -actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=The Warrior starts with a _worn shortsword,_ which offers more direct damage than other starter weapons.\n\nThe Warrior starts with _three throwing stones,_ which offer limited ranged damage.\n\nThe Warrior starts with a _potion bandolier,_ which can store various potions and protect them from the cold. -actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_misc=The Warrior regains a small amount of HP whenever he eats food.\n\nThe Warrior automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Healing\n- Scrolls of Rage -actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=A subclass can be chosen after defeating the second boss. The Warrior has two subclasses: +actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_item=A harcos egy _egyedülálló törött pecséttel_ indul, amit a páncélra tud helyezni. \n\nLassan védőernyőt generál az egészsége fölött miközben páncélt visel a felhelyezett pecséttel.\n\nA pecsét cserélhető a páncélok között, szimpla fejlesztésképp hordozva. +actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=A harcos egy _elnyűtt rövidkarddal_ indul, ami több közvetlen sérülést ígér, mint a többi induló fegyver.\n\nA harcos _három dobókővel_ indul, ami korlátozott távolsági sérülést ígér.\n\nA harcos egy _főzet válltáskával_ indul, amiben különböző italokat tárolhat, valamint megvédi a hidegtől. +actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_misc=A harcos visszanyer egy kevés életpontot amikor ételt eszik.\n\nA harcos automatikusan felismeri:\n- az azonosító tekercseket\n- a gyógyító főzeteket\n- a dühtekercseket +actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=A második főellenség legyőzése után választható egy alosztály. A harcosnak két alosztálya van: actors.hero.heroclass.mage=mágus -actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=The Mage is an expert with wands, and carries a _unique magical staff._\n\nTo unlock him _use two scrolls of upgrade in one run._ -actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_item=The Mage starts with a _unique staff,_ which can be imbued with the properties of a wand.\n\nThe staff recharges significantly faster than a wand, and has 1 more maximum charge.\n\nThe staff starts out imbued with magic missile. -actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=The Mage starts with his staff as his melee weapon. The staff deals less melee damage than other starter weapons.\n\nThe Mage can use the magic in his staff to attack at range.\n\nThe Mage starts with a _scroll holder,_ which can store various scrolls and protect them from fire. -actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_misc=The Mage partially identifies wands the moment he uses them.\n\nThe Mage regains a small amount of wand and staff charge whenever he eats food.\n\nThe Mage automatically identifies:\n- Scrolls of Identify\n- Potions of Liquid Flame\n- Scrolls of Upgrade +actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=A mágus egy pálcás szakértő, aki egy _egyedi varázsbotot_ hordoz.\n\nHogy felnyisd, _használj két fejlődéstekercset egy menetben._ +actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_item=A mágus egy _egyedi varázsbottal_ indul, mely a varázspálca tulajdonságaival lehet eltelve.\n\nA varázsbot jelentősen hamarabb újratöltődik, mint a varázspálca és van 1 további maximális töltése.\n\nA varázsbot mágikus lövedékkel töltve indul. +actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=A mágus úgy kezd, hogy a varázsbotját verekedésre használja. A varázsbot kevesebb sérülést okoz így, mint a többi induló fegyver. \n\nA mágus használhatja úgy a varázsbotját, hogy a távolba lő vele.\n\nA mágus egy _tekercs tartóval_ indul, amiben különböző irattekercseket tárolhat, és megvédi őt a tűztől. +actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_misc=A mágus részben felismeri a varázspálcákat, amint használatba veszi azokat.\n\nA mágus visszanyer egy kis részt a varázspálca és varázsbot töltéséhez ha bármikor élelemhez jut.\n\nA mágus automatikusan felismeri:\n- az azonosító tekercseket\n- a folyékony tűz főzeteket\n- a fejlődéstekercseket actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=A subclass can be chosen after defeating the second boss. The Mage has two subclasses: actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=tolvaj diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index c51cb25e9..7a3eb682e 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ actors.blobs.toxicgas.ondeath=Kau mati karena gas beracun... actors.blobs.corrosivegas.desc=Awan gas kaustik mematikan melayang di sini. -actors.blobs.waterofawareness.procced=saat kau meminumnya kau bisa merasakan pengetahuan merasuk ke dalam pikiranmu, sekarang kau mengetahui segala yang kau pakai dan juga kau bisa mengetahui semua item dan rahasianya di level ini. menakjubkan, bukan? +actors.blobs.waterofawareness.procced=Ketika kau meminumnya, kau bisa merasakan pengetahuan merasuk ke dalam pikiranmu. Sekarang kau mengetahui semua hal tentang perlengkapan yang kau pakai. Kau juga kau bisa merasakan keberadaan semua item dan rahasia di level ini. actors.blobs.waterofawareness.desc=Kekuatan pengetahuan memancar dari air di sumur ini. Meminum dari sumur ini dapat membuka segala rahasia dari benda yang kau pakai. actors.blobs.waterofhealth.procced=Ketika kau meminumnya, kau merasa lukamu sembuh total. @@ -46,20 +46,23 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Semuanya tertutup jaring tebal di sini. actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=Adrenalin meningkatkan kekuatan fisik antara lain kecepatan serangan dan gerakan.\n\nAdrenalin membuat target dapat lari dengan kecepatan 2x lipat, dan kecepatan serangan sebesar 1.5x lipat.\n\nSisa waktu: %s giliran. berapi api -actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Gelombang kekuatan besar, tetapi sayangnya tidak permanen.\n\nPeningkatan kekuatan: + 1%d .\nBerubah sampai boost melemah: 2%s . Adrenalin +actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Lonjakan kekuatan yang besar, tetapi sayangnya tidak permanen.\n\nPeningkatan kekuatan: +%d.\nGiliran sampai peningkatan melemah: %s. actors.buffs.amok.desc=Amuk menyebabkan amukan hebat dan kebingungan pada targetnya.\n\nSaat musuh mengamuk, mereka akan menyerang siapapun, tak peduli apakah itu kawan atau lawan.\n\nSisa waktu mengamuk : %s. nya lagi ngisi ulang -actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energi mengalir melalui Anda, meningkatkan charge artefak yang Anda miliki.\n\nSetiap artefak berbeda beda efeknya, tetapi mereka semua akan kurang dibatasi oleh meteran biaya mereka.\n\nSisa yang tersisa: %s . Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. pohon -actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Kulit Anda mengeras, rasanya kasar dan padat seperti kulit kayu.\n\nKulit yang mengeras meningkatkan armor Anda secara efektif, memungkinkan Anda bertahan lebih baik terhadap serangan fisik.\n\nArmor Anda saat ini bertambah sebesar: %d .\nBerputar sampai kulit barks melemah: %s . Artefak +actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energi mengalir di tubuhmu, meningkatkan kecepatan charge artefak yang kau miliki.\n\nPengaruhnya akan berbeda-beda pada setiap artefak, tetapi mereka semua akan kurang dibatasi oleh ukuran charge mereka.\n\nGiliran tersisa: %s., ngalangin aja! -actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Gelembung kekuatan yang tahan lama yang menghalangi semua kerusakan.\n\nPenghalang akan mengambil kerusakan untuk apa pun yang melindungi selama ada perisai yang tersisa. Perisai juga akan rusak pada kecepatan 1 per putaran.\n\nPerisai tersisa: %d . Kayu +actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Kulitmu mengeras, rasanya kasar dan padat seperti kulit kayu.\n\nKulit yang mengeras itu meningkatkan armormu, memungkinkanmu bertahan lebih baik terhadap serangan fisik.\n\nArmormu saat ini bertambah sebesar: %d.\nGiliran sampai kulit kayu melemah: %s. + +actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Gelembung kekuatan yang menahan semua damage.\n\nPenahan ini akan menyerap semua damage bagi sesuatu yang ada di dalamnya selama masih ada penahan yang tersisa. Perisai ini juga akan hilang sejumlah 1 setiap giliran.\n\nPerisai tersisa: %d . actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Marah actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Ngamuk @@ -94,7 +97,7 @@ actors.buffs.burning.desc=Tak ada yang lebih menyedihkan dari pada ditelan api.\ actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Kau terpesona! -actors.buffs.charm.desc=Pesona adalah sihir manipulatif yang dapat membuat musuh sementara saling mencintai.\n\nKarakter yang terpengaruh oleh pesona tidak dapat langsung menyerang musuh yang mereka pesona. Menyerang target lain masih mungkin dilakukan. Kejutan rasa sakit akan mengurangi durasi pesona.\n\nSisa pesona tersisa: %s . +actors.buffs.charm.desc=Pesona adalah sihir manipulatif yang dapat membuat musuh sementara mengagumi satu sama lain.\n\nKarakter yang terpengaruh oleh pesona tidak dapat menyerang secara langsung kepada musuh yang memberi mereka pesona. Namun demikian, menyerang target lain masih mungkin dilakukan. Kejutan dari rasa sakit akan mengurangi durasi pesona.\n\nGiliran pesona tersisa: %s. actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s membeku! @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Pilih target untuk Clobber\nMembuat pusing dan actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ dapat digunakan. Serangan ini _mendorong musuh ke belakang dan membuat mereka pusing,_ tapi damage-nya sedikit berkurang. Sangat efektif untuk mengulur waktu saat bertarung. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Pilih target untuk Cleave\nJika itu membunuh, kombo tidak akan hilang actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Cleave_ dapat digunakan. Serangan ini terus menambah damage, dan _jika itu membunuh musuh, kombonya tidak akan hilang._ Sangat baik membangun kombo saat dikepung musuh. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Pilih target untuk Slam\nArmor pin bertambah berdasarkan damage -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ dapat digunakan. Serangan ini meningkatkan damage, dan _memberimu tameng_ sebanding dengan serangan yang kau lancarkan. Sangat baik digunakan sebagai serangan pamungkas saat bertarung, memberimu lebih banyak darah untuk pertarungan berikutnya. +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Pilih target untuk Crush\nMemberikan banyak damage actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Crush_ dapat digunakan. Serangan mematikan ini _melancarkan damage yang sangat besar._ Bagus saat melawan musuh yang kuat saat darahnya masih penuh! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Lakukan fury pada musuh yang mana?\nMenyerang musuh bertubi-tubi actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fury_ dapat digunakan. Serangan yang sangat efektif ini _akan memukul sebanyak hitungan kombo,_ namun damage serangannya menurun. Fury sangat hebat jika kau mempunyai kekuatan pada senjata, karena kekuatan itu akan aktif pada setiap pukulan! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladiator membangun momentum selagi mereka berhasil mendaratkan sebuah pukulan. Setiap pukulan meningkatkan satu kombo, tapi jika kau menyerang terlalu lama, meleset lebih dari sekali, atau memakai sebuah item akan me-reset kombo itu lagi.\n\nMembangun kombo dapat menciptakan jurus pamungkas: serangan kuat yang tak dapat ditangkis! Jurus-jurus pamungkas yang berbeda akan didapatkan setiap kombo 2, 4, 6, 8, dan 10. Dan ketika memakai sebuah jurus, maka kombo akan di-reset kembali. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo. actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korupsi menyerap ke dalam inti makhluk hidup, memutarbalikkan sifat asli mereka.\n\nMakhluk yang terkorupsi akan menyerang teman mereka, dan mengabaikan musuh sebelumnya. Korupsi juga memberikan damage, dan akan perlahan membuat target tidak tahan.\n\nKorupsi ini permanen, efeknya hanya akan hilang saat mati. @@ -129,13 +132,13 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Kekuatan gaib membuatmu sulit untuk tetap sadar.\n\nSang pahlawan dapat menahan rasa kantuk dengan cara diserang lawan, atau jika darahnya penuh.\n\nSetelah beberapa saat, target akan tidur dengan lelap. oleh Tanah -actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Anda dijiwai dengan kekuatan bumi!\n\nSemua serangan fisik akan menggeser bumi di bawah musuh, melumpuhkan mereka untuk waktu yang singkat.\n\nGiliran bumi yang tersisa: %s +actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Kau dijiwai dengan kekuatan tanah!\n\nSemua serangan fisik akan menggeser bumi di bawah musuh, melumpuhkan mereka untuk waktu yang singkat.\n\nSisa giliran jiwa tanah: %s. oleh Api actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Kau dijiwai kekuatan api!\n\nSemua serangan fisik dapat membuat musuhmu terbakar. Ditambah, kau imun terhadap api.\n\nSisa waktu dijiwai api: %s giliran. -actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Inderamu meningkat, memungkinkanmu untuk segera melihat sesuatu yang tidak pada tempatnya.\n\nSaat berada di bawah pengaruh ini pandanganmu meningkat tajam, radius pencarianmu meningkat, dan apa pun yang memasuki radius pencarianmu segera ditemukan.\n\nPergantian pandangan jauh ke depan yang tersisa: %s . +actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Inderamu menguat, memungkinkanmu untuk segera melihat sesuatu yang berada tidak pada tempatnya.\n\nSaat berada di bawah pengaruh ini pandanganmu meningkat tajam, radius pencarianmu meningkat, dan apa pun yang memasuki radius pencarianmu akan langsung ditemukan.\n\nSisa giliran ramalan: %s. actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s membeku! @@ -180,8 +183,8 @@ actors.buffs.light.desc=Bahkan di Dungeon tergelap pun, cahaya gemilang di sisim ini terkunci actors.buffs.lockedfloor.desc=Lantai ini terkunci, dan kau tak bisa meninggalkannya!\n\nSelama lantai ini terkunci, kau tak akan merasa lapar atau merasakan sakit akibat kelaparan. Juga, jika kau tidak mengalahkan raja lantai ini, efek pasif regenerasi juga akan terhenti.\n\nDitambah, jika kau dihidupkan kembali oleh ankh yang tidak diberkati saat lantai ini terkunci, maka lantai ini akan di-reset.\n\nBunuh raja untuk membuka kunci. Ajaib -actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=Entah bagaimana Anda bisa melihat dengan pikiran Anda, bukan dengan mata Anda.\n\nSemua medan atau efek yang mengurangi atau menghalangi penglihatan rusak saat penglihatan magis aktif.\n\nGiliran pandangan ajaib yang tersisa: %s . Sihir +actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=Entah bagaimana kau dapat melihat dengan pikiranmu, bukan dengan matamu.\n\nSemua hal yang mengurangi atau menghalangi penglihatanmu akan hilang saat penglihatan sihir ini aktif.\n\nSisa giliran penglihatan sihir: %s. Magis actors.buffs.magicalsleep.toohealthy=Kau terlalu sehat, dan menolak untuk tidur. @@ -189,8 +192,8 @@ actors.buffs.magicalsleep.fallasleep=Kau tertidur lelap dalam kekuatan magis. actors.buffs.magicalsleep.wakeup=Kau bangun merasa segar dan sehat. actors.buffs.magicalsleep.desc=Karakter ini tidur lelap secara ajaib yang tidak akan terbangun secara natural.\n\nTidur magis ini sama seperti tidur biasa, kecuali hanya serangan yang akan membangunkan target.\n\nUntuk sang pahlawan, tidur magis ini mempunyai kekuatan meregenerasi, yang akan menyembuhkan luka saat istirahat. terhadap sihir -actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Semua efek magis telah hilang kendali pada Anda, Anda benar-benar kebal terhadap mereka.\n\nSementara sihir kebal semua efek magis yang berbahaya dan bermanfaat tidak akan berlaku untuk Anda, termasuk kutukan, enchant, tongkat, gulungan, dll.\n\nGiliran kekebalan sihir tersisa: %s . Sihir +actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Semua efek sihir telah hilang, kau benar-benar kebal terhadap sihir itu.\n\nSaat kau kebal terhadap sihir, semua efek sihir yang berbahaya maupun yang bermanfaat tidak akan berefek padamu, termasuk kutukan, kekuatan, tongkat sihir, gulungan, dll.\n\nSisa giliran kebal sihir: %s. pikiran actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Entah bagaimana kau dapat melihat semua makhluk di lantai ini melalui pikiranmu. Perasaan yang aneh.\n\nSemua karakter di lantai ini dapat terlihat olehmu selama kau mempunyai kemampuan "melihat pikiran". Efek ini juga mungkin dapat digunakan untuk kepentingan efek sihir.\n\nSisa waktu dapat melihat pikiran: %s. @@ -202,12 +205,12 @@ kaustik actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Cairan kaustik memakan tubuhmu. Segera cuci! actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Kau mencair... actors.buffs.ooze.rankings_desc=Larut -actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Asam lengket ini menempel pada daging, perlahan-lahan mencairkannya.\n\nOoze akan menghasilkan kerusakan yang konsisten dari waktu ke waktu, tetapi dapat segera dicuci dalam air.\n\nSisa cairan tersisa: %s. +actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Asam lengket ini menempel pada daging, dan perlahan-lahan daging itu meleleh.\n\nCairan ini akan menghasilkan damage yang konstan dari waktu ke waktu, tetapi dapat hilang jika dicuci dalam air.\n\nSisa giliran cairan: %s. actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Kau lumpuh! -actors.buffs.paralysis.out=Tahan terhadap kelumpuhan -actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=\nSeringkali hal buruk terjadi bukan karena apa apa.\n\nParalysis sepenuhnya menghentikan semua tindakan, memaksa target untuk menunggu sampai efeknya hilang. Rasa sakit karena menerima kerusakan dapat menyebabkan karakter menolak kelumpuhan, memecah mereka dari efek.\n\nSisa kelumpuhan yang tersisa: %s . +actors.buffs.paralysis.out=tahan terhadap kelumpuhan +actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Terkadang, hal yang paling buruk dilakukan adalah tidak melakukan apapun.\n\nKelumpuhan sepenuhnya menghentikan semua tindakan, memaksa target untuk menunggu sampai efeknya hilang. Rasa sakit karena menerima damage dapat membuat karakter menolak kelumpuhan itu sehingga efek lumpuh itu hilang.\n\nSisa giliran: %s. actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Kau keracunan! @@ -228,8 +231,8 @@ actors.buffs.preparation.prompt=Pilih target untuk diserang!\nJarak perpindahan actors.buffs.preparation.no_target=Tidak ada yang dapat diserang di sana. actors.buffs.preparation.out_of_reach=Target itu ada di luar jangkauan. prismatik -actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Anda dilindungi oleh gambar prismatik yang saat ini tidak aktif. Ketika musuh hadir, gambar prismatik akan muncul untuk bertindak dan melindungimu!\n\nMeskipun tidak aktif, gambar prismatik akan terus pulih dari kerusakan yang telah terjadi.\n\nHP saat ini: %d/ %d . Prismatik +actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Kau dilindungi oleh bayangan prismatik yang saat ini tidak aktif. Ketika ada musuh, bayangan prismatik akan bertindak dan melindungimu!\n\nSaat tidak aktif, bayangan prismatik akan terus pulih dari dari segala damage yang mereka dapatkan.\n\nDarah saat ini: %d/%d. actors.buffs.recharging.desc=Energi mengalir dalam dirimu, meningkatkan kecepatan isi ulang tongkat sihirmu.\n\nSetiap giliran akan meningkatkan isi tongkatmu satu seperempat, lebih dari biasanya.\n\nSisa waktu isi ulang cepat: %s giliran. @@ -245,16 +248,16 @@ actors.buffs.slow.desc=Sihir lambat memengaruhi jalannya waktu untuk si target, bagi mereka, semuanya bergerak super cepat.\n\nKarakter yang melambat melakulan segala aksi dua kali lebih lama dari biasanya.\n\nSisa waktu melambat: %s giliran. Penembak Jitu -actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=Penembak jitu diasah pada target yang paling baru diserang. Dia dapat melakukan serangan khusus dengan busurnya yang akan bervariasi berdasarkan pada bagaimana busur itu diaugmentasi.\n\nBusur yang tidak diaugmentasi akan menembakkan _snapshot, _ yang memberikan pengurangan damage tetapi tidak membutuhkan waktu untuk menembak.\n\nBusur yang diaugmentasi untuk kecepatan akan menembakkan _volley_ dengan tiga panah. Setiap panah akan menghasilkan kerusakan yang berkurang, tetapi masih dapat mengaktifkan pesona. Voli ini membutuhkan 1 giliran untuk menembak.\n\nBusur yang diaugmentasi untuk kerusakan akan melepaskan tembakan _sniper._ Tembakan ini dijamin mengenai pukulan, memberikan bonus kerusakan berdasarkan jarak dari target, dan membutuhkan 2 putaran untuk menembak. +actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=Penembak Jitu mengasah kemampuannya pada target yang paling baru diserang. Dia dapat melakukan serangan khusus yang bervariasi dengan busurnya berdasarkan pada bagaimana busur itu diaugmentasi.\n\nBusur yang tidak diaugmentasi akan menembakkan _snapshot,_ yang memberikan damage kecil tetapi tidak membutuhkan waktu untuk menembak.\n\nBusur yang diaugmentasi kecepatan akan menembakkan _volley_ tiga panah. Setiap panah akan menghasilkan damage yang berkurang, tetapi masih dapat mengaktifkan kekuatan. Volley ini membutuhkan 1 giliran untuk menembak.\n\nBusur yang diaugmentasi damage akan melepaskan _sniper shot._ Tembakan ini dijamin mengenai target, memberikan damage bonus berdasarkan jarak target, dan membutuhkan 2 giliran untuk menembak. Tertandai actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=Warlock telah menandai jiwa musuhnya. Dia akan menyembuhkan diri dan menghilangkan rasa lapar saat ia menyerang secara fisik.\n\nSisa waktu tanda jiwa: %s giliran. -actors.buffs.stamina.desc=Anda memiliki stamina yang besar, memungkinkan untuk bergerak lebih cepat!\n\nSaat berada di bawah efek ini, kamu akan berlari pada kecepatan +50 %%, tetapi akan melakukan semua tindakan lainnya pada kecepatan normal.\n\nGiliran stamina yang tersisa: %s . +actors.buffs.stamina.desc=Kau memiliki stamina yang tidak terbatas, membuatmu bisa bergerak lebih cepat!\n\nSaat memiliki efek stamina, kau akan berlari dengan kecepatan +50%%, tapi kecepatannya akan normal ketika melakukan hal yang lain.\n\nSisa giliran stamina: %s. -actors.buffs.terror.desc=Teror adalah sihir manipulatif yang memaksa targetnya menjadi panik yang tak terkendali.\n\nKarakter yang ketakutan dipaksa untuk melarikan diri dari lawan mereka, mencoba untuk menempatkan sebanyak mungkin pintu dan dinding di antara mereka. Namun, kejutan rasa sakit akan mengurangi durasi teror.\n\nSisa teror yang tersisa: %s . +actors.buffs.terror.desc=Teror adalah sihir manipulatif yang memaksa targetnya menjadi panik tak terkendali.\n\nKarakter yang ketakutan dipaksa untuk melarikan diri dari lawan mereka, menjauh melewati pintu-pintu dan dinding-dinding sejauhnya. Namun begitu, kejutan dari rasa sakit akan mengurangi durasi teror.\n\nSisa giliran teror: %s. oleh Racun actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Kau dijiwai oleh kekuatan racun!\n\nSeiring kau berjalan-jalan, gas beracun akan menyerebak dari dalam dirimu, menyakiti musuhmu. Kau imun terhadap gas beracun dan racun selama efek berlangsung.\n\nSisa waktu dijiwai racun: %s giliran. @@ -296,28 +299,28 @@ actors.hero.hero.revive=Ankh meledak dan memberikanmu energi kehidupan! actors.hero.heroclass.warrior=pendekar actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_item=Pendekar memulai dengan sebuah _pin rusak unik,_ yang bisa ia tempelkan ke armor.\n\nPendekar perlahan-lahan akan menciptakan perisai di atas darahnya saat ia menggunakan armor yang sudah ditempeli pin.\n\nPin dapat dipindahkan dari armor satu ke armor lainnya, dan dapat membawa sebuah upgrade. actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=Pendekar memulai dengan sebuah _pedang pendek bekas,_ yang memberikan damage lebih akurat dibanding senjata pemula lainnya.\n\nPendekar memulai dengan _tiga buah batu lempar,_ yang memberikan damage jarak jauh yang terbatas.\n\nPendekar memulai dengan _tempat ramuan,_ yang dapat menyimlan berbagai macam ramuan dan melindunginya dari pecah karena dingin. -actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_misc=Warrior mendapatkan kembali sejumlah kecil HP setiap kali dia makan.\n\nWarrior secara otomatis mengidentifikasi:\n- Gulungan Identifikasi\n- Ramuan Penyembuhan\n- Gulungan Kemarahan +actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_misc=Pendekar mendapatkan sedikit darah setiap kali dia makan.\n\nPendekar secara otomatis mengidentifikasi:\n- Gulungan Identifikasi\n- Ramuan Penyembuhan\n- Gulungan Kemarahan actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Sebuah keahlian khusus dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Pendekar memiliki dua keahlian khusus: actors.hero.heroclass.mage=penyihir actors.hero.heroclass.mage_unlock=Mage adalah seorang ahli dengan tongkat sihir, dan membawa staf ajaib yang unik.\n\nUntuk membukanya _ gunakan dua gulungan pembaruan dalam satu kali jalan._ actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_item=Penyihir memulai dengan _tongkat unik_ yang dapat dijiwai dengan kekuatan dari tongkat sihir.\n\nTongkat mengisi charge jauh lebih cepat dibanding tongkat sihir biasa, dan memiliki tambahan 1 charge maksimum.\n\nTongkat penyihir sudah dijiwai oleh sihir misil di awal. actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Penyihir memulai dengan tongkat sebagai senjatanya. Tongkat memberikan damage paling sedikit dibandingkan senjata pemula lainnya.\n\nPenyihir dapan menggunakan sihir di tongkatnya untuk menyerang dari jarak jauh.\n\nPenyihir memulai dengan sebuah _penyimpan gulungan,_ yang dapat menyimpan berbagai macam gulungan dan melindunginya dari api. -actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_misc=Mage dapat mengidentifikasi sebagian tongkat saat dia menggunakannya.\n\nMage akan mengisi ulang tongkat sihir dan barang setiap kali dia makan.\n\nMage secara otomatis mengidentifikasi:\n- Gulungan Identifikasi\n- Ramuan Api Cairan\n- Gulungan Peningkatan +actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_misc=Penyihir dapat mengidentifikasi sebagian kecil tongkat saat dia menggunakannya.\n\nPenyihir akan mengisi ulang tongkat sihir dan tongkat setiap kali dia makan.\n\nPenyihir secara otomatis mengidentifikasi:\n- Gulungan Identifikasi\n- Ramuan Api Cair\n- Gulungan Upgrade actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Subkelas dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Penyihir mempunyai dua subkelas: actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=pengembara actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=Rogue bisa mengendalikan arus pertempuran dan menyerang dari tembus pandang menggunakan jubah uniknya __\n\nUntuk membuka kuncinya _ lakukan 20 serangan mendadak dalam sekali jalan._ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_item=Pengembara memulai dengan sebuah artefak unik: _Jubah Bayangan_ yang bisa membuatnya tak terlihat sesuka hati.\n\nSeperti artefak lainnya, jubah bayangan tak bisa di-upgrade secara langsung. Namun ia menjadi lebih kuat saat terus digunakan. actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Pengembara memulai dengan sebuah _pisau belati,_ yang memberi lebih banyak damage pada musuh yang terkejut.\n\nPengembara memulai dengan _tiga buah pisau lempar,_ yang memberikan sedikit damage dan memberikan damage lebih besar pada musuh yang terkejut.\n\nPengembara memulai dengan sebuah _kantong kecil,_ yang dapat menyimpan benda-benda kecil seperti biji-bijian dan bebatuan. -actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_misc=Rogue mendeteksi rahasia dan jebakan dari jarak yang lebih jauh.\n\nRogue dapat menemukan lebih banyak rahasia yang tersembunyi di penjara bawah tanah.\n\nRogue secara otomatis mengidentifikasi:\n- Gulungan Identifikasi\n- Ramuan Gaib\n- Gulungan Pemetaan Sihir +actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_misc=Pengembara mendeteksi rahasia dan jebakan dari jarak yang lebih jauh.\n\nPengembara dapat menemukan lebih banyak rahasia yang tersembunyi di dungeon.\n\nPengembara secara otomatis mengidentifikasi:\n- Gulungan Identifikasi\n- Ramuan Invisibilitas\n- Gulungan Peta Sihir actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Sebuah keahlian khusus dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Pengembara memiliki dua keahlian khusus: actors.hero.heroclass.huntress=pemburu actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_unlock=Huntress adalah spesialis senjata lempar, dan memiliki busur ajaib _unique_ dengan panah tak terbatas.\n\nUntuk membuka kunci _bunuh 20 musuh dengan bantuan senjata yang dilemparkan dalam sekali jalan._ -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_item=Huntress memulai dengan busur roh _unique, _ yang dapat menembakkan panah tak terhingga dalam jumlah tak terbatas.\n\nBusur terus tumbuh lebih kuat saat level huntress naik, dan dapat diaugmentasi dan dienchant. -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Huntress memulai dengan sepasang sarung tangan pelajar, yang menyerang lebih cepat dari senjata pemula lainnya.\n\nHuntress mulai dengan busurnya sebagai pilihan jarak jauh.\n\nHuntress memulai dengan _kantong velvet, _ yang dapat menyimpan barang-barang kecil seperti biji bijian dan runestones. -actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_misc=Huntress dapat melakukan perjalanan melalui rumput tinggi tanpa menginjak-injaknya.\n\nHuntress dapat menggunakan senjata yang dilempar lebih lama sebelum mereka rusak.\n\nHuntress merasakan musuh di dekatnya bahkan jika mereka tersembunyi di balik jebakan.\n\nHuntress secara otomatis mengidentifikasi:\n- Gulungan Identifikasi\n- Ramuan Visi Pikiran\n- Gulungan Lullaby +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_item=Pemburu memulai dengan sebuah _busur roh unik,_ yang dapat menembakkan panah dalam jumlah tak terbatas.\n\nBusur itu terus tumbuh lebih kuat saat pemburu naik level, dan dapat diaugmentasi dan diberi kekuatan. +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Pemburu memulai dengan sepasang _sarung tangan tajam,_ yang serangannya lebih cepat dari senjata awal lainnya.\n\nPemburu memulai dengan busurnya sebagai senjata jarak jauhnya.\n\nPemburu memulai dengan _kantong kecil,_ yang dapat menyimpan barang-barang kecil seperti benih-benih dan batu kuno. +actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_misc=Pemburu dapat berjalan melalui rumput tinggi tanpa merusaknya.\n\nPemburu dapat menggunakan senjata lempar lebih lama sebelum rusak.\n\nPemburu dapat merasakan musuh di dekatnya bahkan jika mereka tersembunyi.\n\nPemburu secara otomatis mengidentifikasi:\n- Gulungan Identifikasi\n- Ramuan Melihat Pikiran\n- Gulungan Nina Bobo actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Sebuah keahlian khusus dapat dipilih setelah mengalahkan raja kedua. Pemburu memiliki dua keahlian khusus: actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator=gladiator @@ -333,9 +336,9 @@ actors.hero.herosubclass.assassin_desc=Saat tembus pandang, _Assassin_ menyiapka actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner=pelari bebas actors.hero.herosubclass.freerunner_desc=_Pelari Bebas_ membangun momentum saat ia berlari. Momentum itu meningkatkan gerakan kecepatan dan penghindaran, tapi momentum itu akan hilang saat ia tidak bergerak. actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper=penembak jitu -actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=_Sniper_ adalah penguasa pertarungan jarak jauh. Dia mendapatkan penglihatan yang meningkat dan serangan jarak jauh menembus armor. Setelah menyerang dengan senjata yang dilemparkan, dia dapat menindaklanjuti dengan serangan khusus dari panahnya. +actors.hero.herosubclass.sniper_desc=_Penembak Jitu_ adalah penguasa pertarungan jarak jauh. Dia mendapatkan peningkatan penglihatan dan serangan jarak jauhnya menembus armor. Setelah menyerang dengan senjata lempar, dia dapat menindaklanjuti dengan serangan khusus dari panahnya. actors.hero.herosubclass.warden=sipir -actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=_Warden_ memiliki koneksi yang kuat dengan alam yang memungkinkan dia untuk melihat melalui rumput tinggi dan memerintahkan rumput berkerut untuk tumbuh di sekitar tanaman yang dia tanam. Tanaman yang dia injak juga akan memberikan efek bonus, anak panah berujung mendapatkan daya tahan 2x, dan rumput akan memberinya tambahan pelindung ketika dia berdiri di sana. +actors.hero.herosubclass.warden_desc=_Sipir_ memiliki hubungan yang kuat dengan alam yang memungkinkan dia melihat melalui rumput tinggi dan memerintahkan rumput yang berkerut untuk tumbuh di sekitar tanaman yang dia tanam. Tanaman yang dia injak juga akan memberikan efek bonus, anak panah yang dilumuri mendapatkan daya tahan 2x lipat, dan rumput akan memberinya tambahan armor ketika dia berdiri di sana. @@ -385,8 +388,8 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=Imps adalah setan kecil. Mereka dikenal buka diri actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=Ilusi ini mirip denganmu, bahkan ia memegang senjata dan memakai armor yang sama denganmu.\n\nCerminan diri akan mencari dan menyerang musuh menggunakan senjata tiruannya itu, yang mana mempunyai sifat yang sama denganmu, namun memberikan damage lebih sedikit. Awalnya mereka hanya seperti arwah, namun mereka harus memadatkan diri agar dapat menyerang musuh.\n\nMemang serangan mereka dapat diandalkan, namun pertahannya sangat lemah, sekali saja terserang mereka akan langsung menghilang. prismatik -actors.mobs.npcs.prismaticimage.desc=Ilusi berkilauan ini memiliki kemiripan yang dekat denganmu, bahkan tampaknya memegang senjata dan baju besi sepertimu saat ini.\n\nGambar prismatik akan berusaha mencari dan menarik fokus dari musuh, menggunakan pertahanan dan kesehatan yang ditingkatkan untuk melindungimu. Meskipun mereka tidak memiliki kekuatan ofensif yang sama dengan gambar cermin, mereka memiliki daya tahan yang ditingkatkan, termasuk menerima manfaat dari baju besi Anda.\n\nKetika dikurangi menjadi 0 hp, gambar prismatik akan memudar melalui beberapa putaran, dan masih dapat disembuhkan selama waktu ini. Ketika tidak ada musuh, gambar prismatik akan memudar dan bergabung kembali dengan tuannya. prismatik +actors.mobs.npcs.prismaticimage.desc=Ilusi berkilauan ini memiliki kemiripan yang dekat denganmu, bahkan tampaknya memegang senjata dan armor yang sama seperti milikmu saat ini.\n\nBayangan prismatik akan mencari dan fokus kepada musuh, menggunakan pertahanan dan kesehatan tingkat tinggi untuk melindungimu. Meskipun mereka tidak memiliki kekuatan serangan yang sama dengan cerminan diri, mereka memiliki daya tahan yang ditingkatkan, termasuk menerima manfaat dari armormu.\n\nKetika darahnya habis, bayangan prismatik akan memudar dalam beberapa giliran, dan masih dapat disembuhkan selama waktu ini. Ketika tidak ada musuh, gambar prismatik akan memudar dan bergabung kembali dengan tuannya. tikus actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.not_sleeping=Gua gak molor! @@ -533,7 +536,7 @@ rot actors.mobs.rotheart.desc=Buah rotberry sangat unik. Bukannya membusuk dan memberi nutrisi, buah ini tumbuh, mengeras, dan menyelimuti benihnya. Buah itu melindungi organ dalam yang tumbuh di dalamnya. Bola yang besar ini sepertinya bagian dari jantung tanaman rotberry dewasa. rot -actors.mobs.rotlasher.desc=Cambuk kebusukan adalah bagian dari akar tumbuhan beri busuk yang sudah dewasa, yang juga berperan sebagai pertahanan utamanya. Cambuk-cambuk tersebut merekat pada tanah, tapi siap menyerang segala bentuk ancaman yang mendekati mereka. Saat tidak ada musuh di sekitar mereka, mereka akan diam tak bergerak, berusaha menyatu dengan tumbuhan lain di sekitar mereka. +actors.mobs.rotlasher.desc=Cambuk busuk adalah bagian dari akar tumbuhan rotberry yang sudah dewasa, yang juga berperan sebagai pertahanan utamanya. Cambuk-cambuk tersebut merekat pada tanah, tapi siap menyerang segala bentuk ancaman yang mendekati mereka. Saat tidak ada musuh di sekitar mereka, mereka akan diam tak bergerak, berusaha menyatu dengan tumbuhan lain di sekitar mereka. actors.mobs.rotlasher$waiting.status=%s ini sedang diam. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index 3a11a9416..caf06f3e9 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Un'ondata di grande potenza, purtroppo non per actors.buffs.amok.desc=La frenesia provoca uno stato di grande rabbia e confusione nell'obbiettivo.\n\nQuando una creatura è resa frenetica, attaccherà tutto ciò che le sta vicino, siano essi amici o nemici.\n\nTurni di frenesia rimanenti: %s. Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. + dell'Artefatto actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=L'energia ti scorre attraverso, migliorando il tasso di ricarica degli artefatti equipaggiati.\n\nOgni artefatto è influenzato in modo leggermente differente, ma tutti saranno meno limitati dal loro contatore di carica.\n\nTurni rimanenti: %s. @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Seleziona un bersaglio da Percuotere\nConfonde actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Percossa_ è attualmente disponibile. Questo attacco _spinge via un nemico e lo confonde,_ ma arreca un danno ridotto. È eccellente per guadagnare un po' di tempo durante un combattimento. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Seleziona un bersaglio da Squarciare\nSe uccide, mantiene la combinazione actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Squarcio_ è attualmente disponibile. Questo attacco arreca danno incrementato, e _se uccide un nemico, preserverà la combinazione invece di azzerarla._ È eccezionale per incrementare combinazioni quando si affrontano molteplici nemici. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Seleziona un bersaglio da Schiantare\nTi protegge in base al danno -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Schianto_ è attualmente disponibile. Questo attacco arreca danno incrementato, e ti concede uno scudo proporzionale al danno che infliggi. È ottimo per concludere uno scontro, permettendoti di trasferire la resistenza a quello successivo. +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Seleziona un bersaglio da Frantumare\nInfligge molti danni actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=Frantuma è attualmente disponibile. Questo devastante attacco _infligge danni massicci molto frequentemente._ È ottimo per abbattere un potente avversario dalla salute elevata! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Scarica la furia su quale nemico?\nAttacca molte volte rapidamente actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Furia_ è attualmente disponibile. Questo devastante attacco _colpisce tante volte quanto il tuo attuale contatore combo,_ sebbene con danno ridotto. Furia è grandioso se possiedi un incantamento sull'arma, poiché esso si attiverà ad ogni colpo! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=Il gladiatore accumula slancio assestando colpi a segno. Ogni colpo aumenta il contatore delle combo di una unità, ma impiegare troppo tempo per attaccare, mancare il colpo più di una volta, o usare oggetti azzererà il contatore.\n\nAccumulare combinazioni sblocca speciali mosse finali: potenti attacchi che non possono fallire! Mosse finali differenti sono disponibili a 2, 4, 6, 8, e 10 conteggi combo, e usare una mossa finale azzererà la tua combinazione. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo. actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corruzione penetra l'essenza di un essere, torcendoli contro la loro originaria natura.\n\nLe creature corrotte attaccheranno ed esaspereranno i loro alleati, ignorando i precedenti nemici. La corruzione è anche dannosa e causerà un lento deterioramento del bersaglio.\n\nLa corruzione è permanente, i suoi effetti terminano solo con la morte. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index 5e7af2e5d..2ef5b4d4d 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=강력한 힘의 흐름이 느껴집니다.광란 actors.buffs.amok.desc=광란 효과는 대상에게 대단한 분노와 혼란 효과를 줍니다. \n\n어떤 생물체가 광란에 걸리면, 그 적과 아군 구분 없이 주변의 모든 것을 공격하게 됩니다. \n\n광란 효과는 %s턴 동안 유지됩니다. Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. +유물 충전 actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=에너지가 당신 주변을 맴돌고 있으며, 당신에게 장착된 유물의 충전 속도를 상승시키고 있습니다.\n\n각 유물마다 조금씩 차이가 있지만, 이들 모두 충전 속도가 감소할 것입니다.\n\n효과가 끝나기까지 %s 턴 남았습니다. @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=후려칠 대상을 선택\n뒤로 밀쳐지 actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=이제 _후려치기_ 가 가능합니다. 이 공격은 피해량이 적지만 _적을 밀쳐내고 혼란시킵니다._ 전투 중 시간을 벌 때 유용합니다. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=갈라버릴 대상을 선택\n대상이 죽으면, 연속 타격을 유지함 actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=이제 _가르기_ 가 가능합니다. 이 공격은 피해량이 증가하며, _적을 처치하는데 성공하면 연속 타격을 유지할 수 있습니다._ 여러 명의 적을 상대하면서 연속 타격을 유지하기 위해 효과적인 수단입니다. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=강타할 대상을 선택\n피해에 따라 추가 방어막 획득. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=이제 _강타_ 가 가능합니다. 이 공격은 피해량이 증가하며, _입힌 피해에 비례해 추가 방어막을 부여합니다._ 적을 끝장냄과 동시에 다음 전투에 대비할 수 있는 좋은 수단입니다. +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=으깨버릴 대상을 선택\n엄청난 피해를 줌. actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=이제 _으깨기_ 가 가능합니다. 이 잔혹한 공격은 _매우 지속적으로 커다란 피해를 입힙니다._ 높은 체력을 가진 강력한 적을 제압할 때 효과적입니다! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=분노 폭발 대상을 선택\n매우 빠르게 여러번 공격 actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=이제 _분노 폭발_ 이 가능합니다. 이 잔혹한 공격은 감소된 피해량으로 _현재 연속 타격 수치만큼 적을 공격합니다._ 매 공격마다 무기에 걸린 마법을 발동시킬 수 있으므로, 그런 무기를 사용할때 매우 효과적입니다! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=검투사들은 싸움에 탄력을 더함으로써, 공격시 추가 피해를 입힙니다. 연속적인 공격을 성공시킴으로써 연속 수치를 높힐 수 있습니다. 그러나 일정 시간 동안 공격을 성공시키지 못하거나, 공격이 빗나가거나, 아이템을 사용하면 연속 타격 수치가 초기화됩니다.\n\n연속 타격을 많이 성공시키면 절대 빗나가지 않는 필살기를 사용할 수 있습니다! 연속 수치가 2, 4, 6, 8, 10일때 각각의 특수한 필살기를 사용할 수 있으며, 이를 사용하면 연속 타격 수치가 초기화됩니다. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo.타락 actors.buffs.corruption.desc=타락 마법은 존재의 근원을 조작하여, 대상을 아군과 적대하도록 만듭니다.\n\n타락한 생물체는 자신의 동료를 공격하며, 자신의 원래 적을 무시합니다. 타락은 또한 걸린 대상에게 피해를 입히며, 시간이 지남에 따라 체력이 천천히 사라집니다.\n\n타락 효과는 영구적으로 지속되며, 오직 죽어야만 끝이 납니다. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index f1d60f170..de062d6a7 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Przypływ wielkiej siły, ale niestety nie na actors.buffs.amok.desc=Amok powoduje stan wielkiego szału i dezorientacji dla jego celu. \n\nKiedy stworzenie jest pod wpływem amoku, zaatakuje tego kto jest najbliżej, obojętnie czy to przyjaciel czy wróg.\n\nAmok będzie jeszcze trwał przez: %s tur. Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. +Ładowanie artefaktu actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energia przepływa przez ciebie, zwiększając prędkość ładowania noszonych artefaktów.\n\nEfekt ten działa różnie na różne artefakty, ale wszystkie będą mniej ograniczone przez poziom naładowania.\n\nPozostałych tur:%s. @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Wybierz cel do Sprania.\nOszałamia i odrzuca actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Spranie_ jest dostępne. Ten atak _odrzuca przeciwnika do tyła i oszałamia go,_ lecz powoduje zmniejszona obrażenia. Jest doskonały do kupienia czasu podczas walki. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Wybierz cel do Rozłupania\nJeśli zabije, zachowuje kombo actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Rozłupanie_ jest dostępne. Ten atak powoduje zwiększone obrażenia, a _jeśli zabije przeciwnika, zachowa kombo zamiast je wyzerować._ Jest świetny do budowania kombo podczas walki z wieloma przeciwnikami. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Wybierz cel do Trzaśnięcia\nOchrania Cię na podstawie uszkodzeń -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Trzaśnięcie_ jest dostępne. Ten atak powoduje zwiększone obrażenia oraz _daje ci osłonę_ proporcjonalną do obrażeń, które powodujesz. Jest świetny do zakończenia walki, pozwalając na zachowanie wytrzymałości do następnej. +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Wybierz cel do Zmiażdżenia\n\nZadaje wiele obrażeń actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Zmiażdżenie_ jest aktualnie dostępne. Ten niszczycielski atak _zadaje masywne obrażenia bardzo konsekwentnie._ Jest doskonały do zdjęcia potężnego przeciwnika z dużą ilością zdrowia! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Na którym wrogu wyładować furię?\nAtakuje wiele razy bardzo szybko actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Furia_ jest obecnie dostępna. Ten niszczycielski atak _trafia tyle razy, ile wskazuje twój aktualny licznik kombo,_ jednak obrażenia są zmniejszone. Furia jest świetna, jeśli masz zaklęcie na broni, jako że to zaklęcie aktywuje się przy każdym trafieniu! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladiator zwiększa postęp łańcucha z każdym udanym udeżeniem o jeden. Zwlekanie z atakiem, nietrafienie więcej niż raz lub użycie przedmiotu wyzeruje go. \n\nPostęp ten odblokowuje specjalne ataki które zawsze trafiają dla wartości 2, 4. 6, 8 i 10. Użycie takiego ataku wyzeruje postęp łahcucha. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo. actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korupcja wchłania się w duszę stworzenia, wywracając ich naturę do góry nogami.\n\nSkorumpowane stworzenia będą atakować ich sojuszników, i ignorować ich poprzednich przeciwników. Korupcja także rani, i ewentualnie wyniszczy cel.\n\nKorupcja jest pernamentna, jej efekt znika dopiero po śmierci. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index ff93de079..cdcc503fd 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Uma onda de grande poder, mas infelizmente nãão actors.buffs.amok.desc=Possessão causa um estado de grande raiva e confusão em seu alvo.\n\nQuando uma criatura está possuída, ela irá atacar qualquer coisa que estiver por perto, seja amigo ou inimigo.\n\nTurnos de possessâo restante: %s Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. + Recarregando actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=A energia está passando por você, aumentando a taxa que os artefatos equipados carregam.\n\nCada artefato é afetado de forma um pouco diferente, mas todos serão menos limitados pelo medidor de energia.\n\nTurnos restantes: %s. @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Escolha um alvo para Atordoar.\nAtordoa e faz actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Atordoar_ está correntemente disponível. Este ataque faz um inimigo _cambalear para trás e ficar atordoado,_ mas inflige dano reduzido. É perfeito para ganhar algum tempo durante uma luta. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Escolha um alvo para Trinchar\nSe matar o alvo, o combo continua. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Trinchar_ está disponível. Este ataque inflige dano adicional e, _se matar um inimigo, preserva o contador de combo em vez de resetá-lo._ É um ótimo ataque para aumentar o combo quando lutar com vários inimigos. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Escolha um alvo para Bater.\nLhe dá escudo baseado no dano. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Bater_ está disponível. Este ataque inflige dano aumentado e _concede uma protecção_ proporcional ao dano que inflige. É um movimento ótimo para terminar uma luta, deixando-o transportar a sua resistência para a próxima. +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Escolha um alvo para Esmagar\nInflige uma quantidade de dano enorme. actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Esmagar_ está disponível. Este ataque devastador _inflige muito dano de forma muito consistente._ É um ataque ótimo para derrotar um inimigo poderoso com muita vida! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Descarregar Fúria em que inimigo?\nAtaca muitas vezes rapidamente actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fúria_ está disponível. Este ataque devastador _atinge tantas vezes como o valor do seu contador de combo,_ apesar de o fazer com dano reduzido. Fúria é um ótimo ataque se você tem uma arma encantada pois o encantamento irá procar(ativar) em cada ataque! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=O gladiador ganha momentum com cada golpe que acerta. Cada golpe aumenta o seu contador de combo em um, mas demorar muito a atacar, falhar um golpe mais do que uma vez ou utilizar itens fará o contador voltar para 0.\n\nAcumular combo abilita ataques finalizadores: ataques poderosos que não podem falhar! Um ataque finalizador diferente torna-se disponível nos combos de 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10. Utilizar um ataque finaizador faz o contador recomeçar do 0. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo. actors.buffs.corruption.desc=A corrupção infiltra na essência de um ser, torcendo-os contra sua natureza anterior.\n\nCriaturas corrompidas atacarão seus aliados e ignorarão seus antigos inimigos. A corrupção também é prejudicial, e irá lentamente levar seu alvo a sucumbir.\n\nA corrupção é permanente, seus efeitos terminam apenas na morte. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index 3484543e6..10c53413c 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Вы чувствуете значительнБуйство actors.buffs.amok.desc=Буйство - это состояние лютой ненависти и дезориентации.\n\nКогда существо находится в этом состоянии, оно атакует любого, кто окажется рядом с ним, будь то друг или враг.\n\nХодов осталось: %s. Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. +Зарядка артефактов actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=По вашему телу распространяется энергия, увеличивая скорость зарядки надетых на вас артефактов.\n\nНа каждый артефакт этот эффект действует немного по-разному, но все они будут менее ограничены своими счётчиками заряда.\n\nХодов осталось: %s. @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Выберите цель для Тарана\ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=Вы можете использовать _Таран._ Эта атака _отталкивает и контузит врага,_ но наносит уменьшенный урон. Отличный способ выиграть немного времени в схватке. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Выберите цель Рассечения\nПри убийстве комбо не прервется actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=Вам доступно _Рассечение._ Эта атака наносит увеличенный урон, _если она убьёт цель, то серия ударов продолжится, а не прервётся._ Отличный способ поддерживать комбо при сражении с несколькими противниками. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Выберите цель Натиска\nЗащищает вас при ударе -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=Вам доступен _Натиск._ Эта атака наносит увеличенный урон и _даёт щит,_ пропорционально нанесённому урону. Отличный способ завершения боя, обеспечивающий дополнительную защиту в следующем. +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Выберите цель для Сокрушения\nНаносит огромный урон actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=Вам доступно _Сокрушение._ Эта разрушительная атака _всегда наносит значительный урон._ Отличный способ одолеть крепкого соперника! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=На кого направить Ярость?\nАтакует множество раз подряд actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=Вам доступна _Ярость._ Эта разрушительная техника _наносит сразу череду атак, в зависимости от текущего значения счётчика комбо-ударов._ Хоть эти атаки и будут слабее обычных, но если у вас есть зачарованное оружие, то зачарование будет срабатывать при каждом ударе! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=Гладиатор специализируется на проведении серий атак. Каждое попадание увеличивает счётчик комбо-ударов, но если слишком долго не атаковать, промахнуться более одного раза или использовать предмет, счётчик сбросится до 0.\n\nСерия ударов дает даёт доступ к завершающим приёмам: особым атакам, которые всегда попадают в цель! Особые приёмы доступны на сериях из 2, 4, 6, 8 и 10 ударов. Завершающий приём прерывает комбо. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo.Порча actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Порча проникает в саму суть существ, извращая их истинную природу.\n\nПод воздействием Порчи, существа будут атаковать своих бывших союзников, игнорируя настоящего врага. К тому же, порча наносит урон, приближая смерть жертвы.\n\nПорчу невозможно снять, только смерть остановит ее. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index dc62eff37..338eb53dd 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Muhteşem bir güç içinden akıyor, fakat maÇılgınlık actors.buffs.amok.desc=Çılgınlık, etkilenen hedefi büyük bir öfke ve kafa karışıklığına sokar.\n\nÇıldıran bir yaratık, yakınında ne varsa dost düşman demeden saldırır.\n\nÇılgınlığın geçmesi için kalan sıra: %s. Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. + Reşarj Oluyor actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Enerji, içinde akarak kuşanmış olduğun eserlerin şarj olma hızını arttırıyor.\n\nHer eser biraz farklı bir şekilde etkilense de hepsi şarj metreleri tarafından daha az sınırlanıyor olacak.\n\nEtkinin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s. @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Benzetilecek hedefi seç \nBaş döndürür ve actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Benzetme_ şu an mevcut. Bu atak, _düşmanı geriye iter ve başlarını döndürür,_ fakat düşük hasar verir. Bir dövüş esnasında zaman kazanmak için mükemmeldir. actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Doğranacak hedefi seç \nEğer birisini öldürürse kombo verir actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Doğrama_ şu an mevcut. Bu saldırı arttırılmış hasar verir, ve eğer _bir düşmanı öldürürse komboyu sıfırlamak yerine kombo ekler._ Birden fazla düşmanla savaşırken kombo oluşturmak için mükemmeldir. -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Çarpılacak hedefi seç \nVerilen hasara göre sana koruma sağlar -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Çarpma_ şu an mevcut. Bu saldırı arttırılmış hasar verir, ve verdiğin hasara göre _sana koruma sağlar._ Bir dövüşü bitirmek ve diğerine dayanıklı bir şekilde ilerlemek için mükemmeldir. +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Ezilecek hedefi seç \nÇok fazla hasar verir actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Ezme_ şu an mevcut. Bu yıkıcı saldırı _çok sürekli olarak dev miktarda hasar verir._ Yüksek sağlığa sahip bir düşmanı öldürmek için mükemmeldir! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Hangi düşmana öfkeni boşaltacaksın? \nÜst üste çok kez saldırır actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Öfke_ şu an mevcut. Bu yıkıcı saldırı _şu anki kombo sayın kez düşmana vurur,_ fakat bunu azaltılmış bir hasar ile yapar. Eğer büyülü bir silahın varsa öfkeyi kullanmak mükemmeldir, çünkü büyü, her düşmana vuruşunda aktifleşecektir! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladyatör vurduğu her başarılı saldırı ile bir momentum oluşturur. Her vuruş kombo sayacını birer birer arttırır, fakat vurmak için çok beklemek, birden çok kez kaçırmak, veya bir eşya kullanmak kombo sayacını sıfırlar. \n\nBir kombo elde etmek özel bitirici hareketler yapılabilmesini sağlar; asla ıskalamayan özel saldırılar! Her 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 komboda farklı bir bitirici kullanılabilir, ve bir bitirici kullanmak kombonu sıfırlar. +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo. actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Bozulma bir yaratığın yapısına sızar ve o yaratığı doğal yapısının tersine davranmaya zorlar. \n\nBozulmuş yaratıklar önceki düşmanlarını gormezden gelip dostlarına saldırmaya başlar. Bozulma aynı zamanda zararlıdır, ve hedefini yavaş bir şekilde öldürür.\n\nBozulma sonsuza dek sürer, ve etkileri sadece ölümle son bulur. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ index 5d420651a..82db6c5db 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/actors/ @@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=一股强大的力量,不过很可惜不是狂乱 actors.buffs.amok.desc=狂乱导致状态下的生物进入一种极度愤怒和混乱的状态。 \n\n狂乱的生物会不分敌我地攻击任何靠近它们的人。\n\n剩余的狂乱效果时长:%s回合 Armor +actors.buffs.arcanearmor.desc=A thin shield is surrounding you, blocking some of the damage from magical attacks.\n\nYour magical armor is currently boosted by: 0-%d.\n\nTurns until arcane armor weakens: %s. +神器充能 actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=魔力在你体内奔腾而过,提高你手中神器的充能速率。 \n\n每件神器受到的影响都不尽相同,但它们都会少受充能储备对其的限制。\n\n剩余的神器充能效果时长:%s回合 @@ -107,13 +110,13 @@ actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=选择一个要击垮的目标\n使其退后 actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_击垮_技能目前可用。这一招能_击退一个敌人并使其晕向_,但攻击伤害会有所降低。暴打敌人能够让你在苦战中喘一口气。 actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=选择一个要劈斩的目标\n如果劈斩击杀了敌人,连击数将被保留 actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_劈斩_技能目前可用。这次攻击造成更高伤害,_若成功以劈斩杀敌,连击计数将会保留而不是被重置。_在面对大量敌人时可有效积累连击数。 -actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=选择一个要重击的目标\n为你添加基于伤害的护盾值 -actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_重击_技能目前可用。这次攻击造成更高伤害,并_提供强度与伤害成正比的护盾值_。该技能非常适合用来结束战斗,能让你将额外的持久力带到下一场战斗中。 +actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields and damages based on armor +actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals _increased damage and shields you based on the blocking power of your armor._ It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one. actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=选择一个要粉碎的目标\n造成巨额伤害 actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_粉碎_技能目前可用。这种毁灭性的打击_能够造成稳定的巨额伤害。_在对抗强力敌人时拥有奇效! actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=将狂怒倾泻在哪位敌人身上?\n对其快速造成多次伤害 actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_狂怒_技能目前可用。这种毁灭性的打击方式_能够进行和你目前连击计数相同的攻击_,尽管每次攻击的伤害有所下降。该技能尤其适合附魔武器,因其每一击都能触发附魔! -actors.buffs.combo.desc=角斗士在成功打击敌人时能够积累能量。每次打击都会提高一次连击数,但长时间不进行攻击,多于一次攻击失败或使用道具都会将连击数归零。\n\n积累连击数会激活特殊的处决技能:无法被躲避的强力攻击!在连击数到达2,4,6,8,10时会提供不同的处决攻击,使用处决攻击会重置你的连击数。 +actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between attacks or missing twice in a row will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities: powerful attacks that cannot miss! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo.腐化 actors.buffs.corruption.desc=腐化魔法会侵入生物体的生命本质,扭转他们原有的天性。\n\n被腐化的生物会攻击他们的盟友,还会忽视其原先的敌人。腐化效果同时也是有伤害性的,会导致其目标缓慢走向死亡。\n\n腐化是永久性的,死后才能解脱。 @@ -307,7 +310,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_misc=法师在第一次使用法杖时就能初 actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=在击杀第二个Boss后可以选择一种专精。法师可以在两种专精中二选一: actors.hero.heroclass.rogue=盗贼 -actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=盗贼可使用他特有的_暗影斗篷_来缓解战斗中遇到的危机,制战斗的节奏,并通过隐身伏击敌人。\n\n_在一局游戏中伏击20次_以解锁盗贼。 +actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_unlock=盗贼可使用他特有的_暗影斗篷_操控战局,并通过隐身伏击敌人。\n\n_在一局游戏中执行20此伏击_以解锁盗贼。 actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_item=盗贼初始携带一件独特神器:_暗影斗篷。_ 穿上后,盗贼可以随时将自己隐形。\n\n暗影斗篷和其他神器一样不能被升级卷轴直接强化。暗影斗篷会随盗贼的使用而升级。 actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=盗贼初始携带一把_匕首。_用这把匕首伏击敌人会造成额外伤害。\n\n盗贼初始携带_三把飞刀。_飞刀可以扔出攻击远处,并且用飞刀伏击敌人还会造成额外伤害。\n\n盗贼初始携带一个可以收纳种子和符石等小件物品的_绒布袋。_ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_misc=盗贼能探测到更远的秘密和陷阱。\n\n盗贼能在地牢中找到更多秘密。\n\n盗贼开局鉴定的物品有:\n- 鉴定卷轴\n- 隐形药剂\n- 探地卷轴 @@ -533,7 +536,7 @@腐烂之心 actors.mobs.rotheart.desc=腐莓的果实很独特。一般植物的果实会逐渐腐烂并给种子提供养分,但这种果实会生长,变硬,并把种子牢牢包裹在内。它为果实里生长的内部器官提供保护。这种巨大的球状物被视为成年的腐莓植物的心脏部分。腐烂触手 -actors.mobs.rotlasher.desc=腐烂触手是成熟腐莓根系的一部分,也是其主要自卫手段。触手固扎土中不能移动,却会猛烈攻击任何靠近的威胁。当附近没有敌人,它们矗立不动,试图融入周遭植被。 +actors.mobs.rotlasher.desc=腐烂触手是成熟腐莓根系的一部分,也是其主要自卫手段。触手固扎土中不能移动,却会猛烈攻击任何靠近的威胁。当附近没有敌人,它们矗立不动,试图将自己融入周遭植被中。 actors.mobs.rotlasher$waiting.status=这个%s正在闲置。巨型蝎子 diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index d5369cb4f..4e09d3ffb 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the abi infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost if the item becomes uncursed. fall items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index 3e7e93a05..db008a15c 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ d'afecte items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=Aquest glif poderós manipula la ment dels atacants, encantant-los temporalment. d'antimàgia -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Aquest glif poderós permet que l'armadura apliqui la seva defensa a la majoria d'atacs màgics així com els físics. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier. de sofre items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Aquest glif protegeix al portador i les seves pertinences del foc, millorant-lo fins i tot converteix el foc en un escut temporal. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ de camuflatge items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Aquest glif permet al portador barrejar-se amb l'herba alta, garantint-li invisibilitat temporal. d'arrelament -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Aquest glif fa créixer arrel-terra al voltant del seu portador per absorbir danys, però l'arrela en el procés. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves. de flux items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Aquest glif manipula el flux d'aigua al voltant de l'usuari, fent-lo molt més ràpid quan es mou a través d'aquesta. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Aquest glif obscureix al portador, fent-lo m de potencial items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Mort per: glif de potencial -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Aquest glif acumula energia quan se li dóna un cop, donant una petita quantitat de càrrega a les varetes del portador. +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates. de repulsió items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Aquest glif rebota força als atacants, enviant-los volant cap enrere. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ de lleugeresa items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Aquest glif augmenta la velocitat del portador sempre que no està a prop d'un enemic. d'espines -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Aquest glif poderós fa mal als atacants, fent que sagnin lentament en relació al dany que infligeixen. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer. de viscositat items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=diferit %d @@ -567,33 +567,27 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Destapar o trencar aquest flascó pressuritz ###brews càustic -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Aquest beuratge difondrà llot corrosiu per la ubicació en què es trenqui. Qualsevol cosa atrapada en el llot es fondrà lentament si no es renta amb aigua. +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. de rufaga items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Quan es trenqui, aquest beuratge deslligarà un remolí de rufaga que es difon com un gas. frígid -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Aquest beuratge combina les propietats d'una poció de núvols de tempesta amb una de glaçada. Quan es llenci, esclatarà en un núvol que congela i difon aigua al terreny circumdant. - de gel-foc -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Aquest beuratge combina les propietats de: una poció flama líquida i una de congelació instantània. L'àrea al voltant d'on es llença el vial es congelarà instantàniament, i després s'incendiarà durant un llarg període de temps. - infernal items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Quan es trenqui, aquest beuratge deslligarà un infern furiós que es difondrà com un gas. xocant items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Quan es trenqui, aquest beuratge desencadenarà una tempesta elèctrica en una àrea al voltant de la ubicació en què es trenqui. horrorós -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Aquest beuratge combina les propietats d'una poció de gas tòxic i una de gas paralític. Quan s'exposa a l'aire lliure el líquid del beuratge deixa anar ambdós gasos alhora. - ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. + de rejoveniment aquàtic -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Aquest elixir conté les restes d'en Goo millorades amb una poció curativa. Si bé no proporcionarà una curació immediata, restaurarà la teva salut lentament mentre estiguis a l'aigua. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$ó aquàtica -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Has obtingut temporalment propietats restauratives similars a les d'en Goo.\n\nMentre et trobis a l'aigua, recuperaràs un punt de salut per torn.\n\nTorns de curació aquàtica restants: %d. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d. de sang del drac items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quan es consumeix, aquest elixir envia un poder ardent a través de les venes del bevedor. Aquest efecte farà que el bevedor sigui immune al foc, i permet incendiar als enemics amb atacs físics. @@ -611,12 +605,6 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Aquest líquid poderós recorrerà els items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$ salut max items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=El teu cos se sent sobrenaturalment fort i sa.\n\nLa teva salut màxima és augmentada durant un període de temps prolongat. A mesura que pugis de nivells, l'augment disminuirà sostingudament.\n\nQuantitat actual d'augment: %d\nNivells restants: %d de restauració -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Aquest elixir combina les propietats d'una poció curativa amb una de neteja. Quan es consumeix, el bevedor comença a curar-se ràpidament i a ser netejat de tots els efectes negatius. - de vitalitat -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=Aquest elixir combina les propietats d'una poció curativa i una d'escut, donant un augment massiu de supervivència a qui la beu. - d'essència tòxica items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=Quan es consumeix, aquest elixir imbueix el bevedor amb energia tòxica. El bevedor serà immune al gas tòxic i al verí, i estendrà gas tòxic de manera contínua mentre es mou @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Aquest intricat encanteri li atorga a l'usuaó de maledicció items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Maleir un element -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=Aquest encanteri infon una peça d'equipament amb la mateixa màgia maligne dins el DM-300. L'ítem que s'utilitzi serà immediatament maleït, i qualsevol encanteri o glif que tingui s'anul·larà. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed. de ploma items.spells.featherfall.light=Et sents lleuger com una ploma! @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=Aquest encanteri caòtic teletransportarà a qualse trampa items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=No hi ha cap trampa allà. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=Aquest encanteri conté restes de l'habilitat reparativa del DM-300. Quan es llenci cap a una trampa activa, la potència mecànica de la trampa es reciclarà en energia màgica que recarregarà les varetes i els artefactes de l'usuari. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time. items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Reciclar un ítem @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=Aquest encanteri conté una forma menor de màgia de t items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Tria un objectiu items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Infon un ítem energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=UTILITZAR @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=T'has suïcidat amb el teu propi ítem: %s. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=No ha passat res. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Erupciona herba al teu voltant! olor a cremat... -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=La teva vareta es transmodifica en un ítem diferent! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=La teva vareta es transmodifica en un ítem diferent! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=DISPARAR items.wands.wand.fizzles=La teva vareta espurneja; no deu tenir prou càrrega. @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=Les armes floreixents contenen màgia qu refredant items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=Els enemics colpejats amb aquest encanteri són refredats, alentint així els seus moviments i atacs. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. + elàstic/a items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Les armes elàstiques tenen una probabilitat d'enviar volant als enemics a distàncies curtes. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ sinistre/a items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Aquest poderós encanteri pot executar instantàniament a un enemic. L'efecte és més probable que ocorri com més dèbil estigui l'enemic. afortunat/da -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Aquest poderós encanteri augmenta la fortuna de qui el porta. Els enemics que són assassinats amb una arma afortunada tenen l'oportunitat de deixar un botí addicional. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. precís/a items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=Una arma precisa té la probabilitat de garantir un atac a un enemic, independentment de les circumstàncies. @@ -1346,7 +1347,14 @@ refredant items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=Aquests dards tenen una punta feta d'una extracció de bola-de-neu, cosa que refredarà significativament al seu objectiu. -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=Aquests eixos simples de fusta, amb una punxa a la punta, s'han ponderat per volar i picar a la seva presa amb un moviment de canell. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=cancel·lar +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=No obstant això, per la senzillesa de la seva construcció aquests dards duraran pràcticament per sempre. desplaçador @@ -1376,6 +1384,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=Aquests dards tenen una punta feta somnífer items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=Aquests dards tenen una punta feta d'una extracció de fulla-somni, cosa que posarà al seu objectiu en un estat lleuger de somnolència. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=cancel·lar items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=Els dards amb punta perdran les seves puntes i es convertiran en dards normals quan s'utilitzin. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=Aquest piló de dards té _%d/%d_ usos restants fins que una de les seves puntes es desgasti. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_Però aquests són de tan alta qualitat que duraran pràcticament per sempre._ @@ -1389,15 +1403,21 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Si es llança a un enemic, aquest míssil pla i corbat tornarà a les mans del seu propietari. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=A causa de la seva construcció sòlida, aquest bumerang no es trencarà per l'ús. curare -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Aquests dards tenen una punta feta d'una extracció d'arrel-terra que paralitza al seu objectiu per un període curt de temps. -ça de pescar items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Minúscules llances llancívoles per a la pesca. També funcionen com una arma improvisada. cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. + items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Aquestes llances llancívoles més grosses s'han ponderat per mantenir la punxa de la seva punta intactament mentre naveguen per l'aire. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Aquesta arma llancívola de _categoria-%1$d_ infligeix _%2$d-%3$d de dany_ i requereix _%4$d de força_ per utilitzar-se adequadament. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Aquesta arma està dissenyada per utilitzar-se a distància, és molt més precisa amb enemics a distància, però molt menys precisa quan es fa servir cos a cos. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Les armes llancívoles es desgastaran i es trencaran quan s'utilitzin. @@ -1408,6 +1428,9 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=La teva arma llancívola est items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Peces de metall amb forma d'estrella, amb fulles afilades. Són lleugers i fàcils d'usar en moviment. Un sol shuriken pot llançar-se a instantàniament després de moure's. club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. + llancívol items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=Aquests martells robustos estan dissenyats per ser llançats a un enemic. Tot i que no fan massa dany, la seva construcció totalment metàl·lica els fa bastant duradors, i no s'enganxaran als enemics. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index b564d1ee9..7d396ad99 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Náklonnosti items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=Tato mocná runa zmanipuluje mysl útočníka a dočasně jej okouzlí. Anti-magie -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Tato mocná runa umožňuje zbroji používat její obranu proti většině magických útoků, stejně jako fyzických. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier. Ohnivosti items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Tato runa chrání nositele a jeho věci před ohněm. S vylepšením dokonce přemění žár na dočasný ochranný štít. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Maskování items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Tato runa umožní nositeli aby splynul s vysokou trávou, což poskytuje dočasnou neviditelnost. Propletení -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Tato runa obroste nositele kořeny aby absorbovali poškození, ale zakoření jej pokud se kořeny mají kde uchytit. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves. Proudění items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Tato runa manipuluje proudění vody kolem nositele, což ho při pohybu po ní dělá mnohem rychlejší. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Tato runa skryje nositele, což způsobí ž Vodivosti items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Zabila tě: Runa vodivosti -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Tato runa vytváří při zásahu energii, což dává nositelovým hůlkám malé dobití. +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates. Odrazivosti items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Tato runa odráží sílu proti útočníkům a posouvá je od tebe zpět. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Rychlosti items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Tato runa zvyšuje rychlost nositele, kdykoliv není vedle nepřítele. Trnitosti -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Tato mocná runa poškozuje útočníky, což způsobí že budou pomalu krvácet na základě poškození, které udělili. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer. Pozdržení items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=pozdrženo %d @@ -567,33 +567,27 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Odzátkování nebo roztříštění této p ###brewsěs žíraviny -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Tato směs rozšíří žíravý sliz okolo místa kde se roztříští. Cokoliv zachycené ve slizu se začne pomalu rozpouštět, pokud se to nemůže omýt ve vodě. +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.ěs ledové vichřice items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Po rozbití rozpoutá tato směs divokou ledovou vichřici, která se bude šířit podobně jako plyn.ěs mrazivých mračen -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Tato směs kombinuje vlastnosti lektvaru mrazu a bouřných mračen. Po hození vybuchne do oblaku, který kolem sebe vše zmrazí a rozšíří vodu po okolním prostředí. -ěs mrazícího ohně -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Tato směs kombinuje vlastnosti lektvaru tekutého ohně a přímého zmražení. Okolí místa kam je lahvička hozena okamžitě zamrzne a poté na delší dobu vzplane. -ěs ohnivého pekla items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Po rozbití rozpoutá tato směs zuřivé ohnivé peklo, které se bude šířit podobně jako plyn.ěs elektrické bouře items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Po rozbití rozpoutá tato směs elektrickou bouři v okolí místa kde se rozbila.ěs zákeřných plynů -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Tato směs kombinuje vlastnosti lektvaru toxického a paralyzujícího plynu. Když je kapalina směsi vystavena vzduchu, vybuchne do obou plynů najednou. - ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. +ír vodního omlazení -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Tento elixír obsahuje Slizákovi zbytky obohacené lektvarem léčení. Ačkoliv neposkytne okamžité uzdravení, bude tvé zdraví pomalu obnovovat, během toho co budeš stát ve vodě. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$í léčení -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Dočasně získáváš obnovující vlastnosti podobné těm Slizákovým.\n\nBěhem stání ve vodě se ti bude obnovovat jeden bod zdraví za tah.\n\nZbývající tahy: %d +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d.ír dračí krve items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Po vypití vyšle elixír ohnivou sílu, která proteče žilami toho kdo jej vypil. Tento efekt tě udělá imunní vůči ohni a umožní ti zapálit nepřátele fyzickým útokem. @@ -611,12 +605,6 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Tato mocná tekutina proteče skrze tv items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$ýšené maximální zdraví items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=Tvé tělo se cítí nepřirozeně silné a zdravé.\n\nTvé maximální zdraví je na delší dobu zvýšeno. Tím jak se bude zvyšovat tvá úroveň, zvýšení zdraví bude postupně mizet.\n\nAktuální zvýšené množství: %d\nZbývající úrovně: %dír obnovení -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Tento elixír spojuje vlastnosti léčivého a očišťujícího lektvaru. Po vypití se ten kdo jej vypije začne rychle uzdravovat a bude očištěn od všech negativních efektů. -ír vitality -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=Tento elixír spojuje vlastnosti léčivého a chránícího lektvaru, poskytující obrovskou dávku přežití-schopnosti všem, kteří ho vypijí. -ír toxické esence items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=Po vypití naplní elixír toho kdo jej vypije toxickou energií. Budeš imunní vůči toxickému plynu a jedu a při pohybu kolem sebe budeš neustále šířit toxický plyn. @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Toto složité kouzlo poskytne uživateli moé naplnění items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Proklej předmět -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=Toto kouzlo naplní kus vybavení stejnou zlovolnou magií jako je přítomna v DM-300. Předmět na který je použito, bude okamžitě proklet a jakékoliv okouzlení nebo runa které měl se přepíše. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed. pírka items.spells.featherfall.light=Cítíš se lehce jako pírko! @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=Toto chaotické kouzlo teleportuje jakoukoliv postažití pasti items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=Není tu žádná past. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=Toto kouzlo obsahuje zbytky opravné schopnosti DM-300. Když je vyvoláno na aktivní past, mechanická síla dané pasti bude zrecyklována na magickou energii, která dobije uživatelovi hůlky a artefakty. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time. items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Zrecykluj předmět @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=Toto kouzlo obsahuje menší formu magie proměny. Ač items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Vyber cíl items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Očaruj předmět energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=POUŽÍT @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Zabíjí tě vlastní %s. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Nic se nestalo. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Tráva kolem tebe vzrostla!ítíš jak něco hoří... -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Tvá hůlka se přeměnila v úplně jiný předmět! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=Tvá hůlka se přeměnila v úplně jiný předmět! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=SESLAT items.wands.wand.fizzles=Tvá hůlka zasyčela. Nespíš je úplně vybitá. @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=Zbraně rozkvětu obsahují magii, kter Ochlazení items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=Nepřátelé zasažení tímto okouzlením jsou ochlazeni, což zpomaluje jejich pohyb a útoky. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. + Pružnosti items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Pružné zbraně mají šanci odrazit nepřátele na krátkou vzdálenost zpět. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ Smrti items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Tohle mocné okouzlení má sílu okamžitě popravit nepřítele. Čím slabší je nepřítel, tím má efekt větší pravděpodobnost se projevit. Štěstí -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Toto silné okouzlení zvyšuje bohatství toho, kdo jej ovládá. Nepřátelé, kteří jsou zabiti zbraní štěstí, mají šanci že z nich vypadne extra kořist. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. Přesnosti items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=Přesná zbraň má šanci zaručit zásah do nepřítele, bez ohledu na okolnostech. @@ -1346,7 +1347,14 @@ící šipka items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=Tyto šipky jsou napuštěny směsí s výtažkem z Leděnky, která svůj cíl výrazně ochladí.Šipka -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=Tyto jednoduché dřevěné šipky opatřené špičatým hrotem jsou vyváženy tak, aby letěli přesně a zasáhly cíl máchnutím ruky. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=Zrušit +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=Díky své jednoduché konstrukci vydrží tyto šipky napořád.řemísťovací šipka @@ -1376,6 +1384,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=Tyto šipky jsou napuštěny směsávací šipka items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=Tyto šipky jsou napuštěny směsí s výtažkem ze Snůvky, která svůj cíl okamžitě uvede do lehkého spánku. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=Zrušit items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=Napuštěné šipky ztratí po použití svou směs a stanou se z nich běžné šipky. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=Této sadě šipek zbývá _%d/%d_ použití předtím, než jedna směs vyprchá. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_Tyto jsou ale tak dobré kvality, že vydrží napořád._ @@ -1389,15 +1403,21 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Po hození po nepříteli se tato zakřivená střelná zbraň vrátí do rukou tomu kdo ji hodil. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Díky své pevné konstrukci se tento bumerang používáním nikdy nezničí.ící šipka -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Tyto šipky jsou napuštěny směsí s výtažkem z Kořeníku, která svůj cíl na krátký čas paralyzuje. -ářské kopí items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Lehká vrhací kopí navržená pro rybaření. Slouží dobře i jako improvizovaná zbraň. cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. +í oštěp items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Tyto velké vrhací oštěpy jsou vyváženy tak, aby drželi hrot na špičce před sebou, když plují vzduchem. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Vrhací zbraň _úrovně %1$d_ uděluje _%2$d-%3$d poškození_ a vyžaduje _%4$d bodů síly_ pro řádné využití. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Tato zbraň je navržena pro použití na dálku a je mnohem přesnější proti vzdáleným nepřátelům. Na blízko je velmi nepřesná. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Vrhací zbraně se používáním opotřebují a zničí. @@ -1408,6 +1428,9 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=Tvá vrhací zbraň se brzy z items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Kousky kovu tvarované jako hvězdice s ostrými břity. Jsou lehké a snadno se používají za pohybu. Jeden shuriken může být hozen okamžitě po zastavení. club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. +í kladivo items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=Tyto robustní kladiva jsou navrženy pro házení po nepřátelích. Zatímco trochu nedostačují v poškození, jejich hladká celokovová konstrukce způsobuje, že jsou docela odolné a nezabodnou se do nepřátel. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index 24456ed54..c9a05fae4 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ der Zuneigung items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=Diese starke Glyphe manipuliert den Verstand von Gegnern, was sie kurzzeitig betört. der Antimagie -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Diese starke Glyphe ermöglicht es einer Rüstung sich gegen die meisten magischen als auch physichen Angriffen zu erwehren und schützt so den Träger der Rüstung. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier. des Schwefels items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Diese Glyphe schützt den Träger und alles, was er bei sich trägt, vor dem alles verzehrenden Feuer und verwandelt sogar Hitze in temporäre Schildpunkte, wenn die Rüstung verbessert wurde. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ der Tarnung items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Diese Glyphe ermöglicht es dem Träger, sich mit hohem Gewächs optisch anzugleichen, was ihn kurzzeitig unsichtbar macht. der Verwurzlung -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Diese Glyphe lässt Wurzeln um den Träger wachsen, welche Schaden absorbieren. Diese verwurzeln jedoch, wenn sie sich festsetzen können. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves. des Flusses items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Diese Glyphe manipuliert den Wasserfluss um den Träger, wodurch er viel schneller wird, wenn er durch Wasser geht. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Diese Glyphe verdunkelt den Träger, so dass des Potenzials items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Getötet von: Glyphe des Potenzials -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Diese Glyphe sammelt Energie, wenn sie getroffen wird und lädt damit die Zauberstäbe des Trägers ein wenig auf. +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates. des Rückstoßes items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Diese Glyphe lässt Angreifer abprallen, wodurch sie zurückgeschleudert werden. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ der Schnelligkeit items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Diese Glyphe erhöht die Geschwindigkeit des Trägers, wenn er nicht neben einem Feind steht. der Dornen -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Diese starke Glyphe schädigt Angreifer, wodurch sie langsam bluten, basierend auf dem von ihnen verursachten Schaden. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer. der Zähigkeit items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=verzögert %d @@ -567,33 +567,27 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Sobald dieses luftdichte Flasche geöffnet o ###brewsÄtzende Brühe -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Dieses Gebräu wird zersetzenden Schlamm überall verteilen, wo sein Gefäß zerbricht. Alles woran Schlamm klebt wird langsam schmelzen, wenn es nicht in Wasser abgewaschen wird. +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.äu items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Wenn es zerbrochen wird, entfesselt dieses Gebräu einen tosenden Schneesturm, der sich wie ein Gas ausbreitet.änk -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Dieses Gebräu kombiniert die Eigenschaften eines Tranks des Frosts und eines der Gewitterwolken. Wirft man es, zerbirst es zu einer Wolke, die sowohl einfrierende Wirkung hat als auch Wasser im umliegenden Terrain verteilt. -ühe -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Dieses Gebräu vereinigt die Eigenschaften eines Tranks der Flüssigen Flamme und eines Blitzeis-Tranks. Das Gebiet, in das man dieses Glasfläschchen wirft, wird erst schockgefrostet und danach für längere Zeit entzündet werden. -öllensud items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Wenn es zerbrochen wird, entfesselt dieses Gebräu ein flammendes Inferno, das sich wie Gas ausbreitet. items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Wenn es zerbrochen wird, entfesselt dieses Gebräu einen elektrischen Sturm in einem Bereich um den Ort, an dem es zerbrochen wurde.öse Mische -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Diese Brühe kombiniert die Eigenschaften eines Tranks des Giftgases und des paralytischen Gases. Kommt sie an die Luft, dann explodiert die Flüssigkeit gleichermaßen zu beiden diesen Gasen. - ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. + der aquatischen Verjüngung -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Dieses Elixier enhält die Überreste einen Schleims, angereichert mit einem Heiltrank. Während es keine unmittelbare Heilung bringt, wird es deine Lebenskraft langsam wieder herstellen, wenn Du im Wasser stehst. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$ Heilung -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Du hast vorrübergehend die Heilungskräfte eines Schleims.\n\nWährend Du im Wasser stehst, wirst Du pro Runde einen Lebenspunkt hinzugewinnen.\n\nVerbleibende Runde: %d. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Wenn dieses Elixier getrunken wird, lässt es feurige Energie durch die Adern des Trinkenden fließen. Dieser Effekt lässt den Trinkenden immun gegenüber Feuer werden und mit physischen Angriffen attackierte Feinde gehen in Flammen auf. @@ -611,12 +605,6 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Diese mächtige Flüssigkeit wird in de items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$öhung der maximalen Lebenspunkte items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=Dein Körper fühlt sich unnatürlich stark und gesund an.\n\nDeine maximale Gesundheit wurde für eine bestimmte Zeit erhöht. Wenn du Stufen aufsteigst wird dieser Effekt langsam abnehmen.\n\nAktueller Effekt: %d\nVerbleibende Stufen: %d der Erneuerung -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Dieses Elixier hat die Eigenschaften sowohl eines Heiltranks als auch eines Tranks der Reinigung. Der, welcher es trinkt, beginnt schnell zu heilen und wird von allen negativen Effekten befreit. - der Vitalität -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=Dieses Elixier kombiniert die Eigenschaften eines Heil- und eines Schildtranks. Dadurch erfährt der, welcher es trinkt, einen massiven Schub Überlebensfähigkeit. - der toxischen Essenz items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=Wenn dieses Elixier getrunken wird, wird der Trinkende von giftige Energie durchdrungen. Der Trinkende wird dadurch gegenüber Giftgas und Gift immun und verströmt mit jeder Bewegung Giftgas. @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Dieser schwierige Zauber erlaubt es dem Anwe Infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Verfluche einen Gegenstand -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=Dieser Zauber erfüllt einen Gegenstand mit der gleichen bösartigen Magie, die auch dem DM-300 innewohnt. Der betroffene Gegenstand wird sofort verflucht und jede Verzauberung oder Glyphe überschrieben. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed. items.spells.featherfall.light=Du fühlst dich so leicht wie eine Feder! @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=Dieser chaotische Zauber wird jeden Character den e Falle items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=Dort ist keine Falle. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=Dieser Zauberspruch enthält etwas von der Reparaturfähigkeit des DM-300. Angewendet auf eine aktive Falle, wird die mechanische Kraft der Falle wiederverwertet und zu magischer Energie, welche Zauberstäbe und Artefakte des Nutzers läd. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time. items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Gegenstand wiederverwerten @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=Dieser Zauberspruch birgt eine schwache Verwandlungsma items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Wähle ein Ziel items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Fusioniere Gegenstand energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=VERWENDEN @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Du hast dich selbst getötet durch deine/n %s. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Es passiert nichts. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Plötzlich beginnt Gras um dich zu wuchern! riechst etwas Verbranntes... -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Dein Zauberstab transmutiert es in einen komplett anderen Gegenstand! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=Dein Zauberstab transmutiert es in einen komplett anderen Gegenstand! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=FEUERN items.wands.wand.fizzles=Dein Zauberstab zischt; Er scheint nicht genug Ladungen zu besitzen. @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=Blühende Waffen enthalten Magie, die da items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=Gegner, die mit dieser Verzauberung getroffen werden, werden unterkühlt, was ihre Bewegungen und Angriffe verlangsamt. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. + der Elastizität items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Mit elastischen Waffen hat man eine Chance, Feinde über eine kurze Distanz zurückzuschleudern. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ des Grauens items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Diese mächtige Verzauberung besitzt die Kraft, einen Gegner sofort zu exekutieren. Je schwächer der Gegner ist, desto wahrscheinlicher wird dieser sofort getötet. des Glücks -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Diese starke Verzauberung erhöht das Glück dessen, der sie trägt. Feinde, die mit einer glücklichen Waffe getötet werden, hinterlassen möglicherweise zusätzliche Beute. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. der Präzision items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=Mit einer präzisen Waffe hat man die Chance eines garantierten Treffers gegen einen Feind, unabhängig von den Umständen. @@ -1346,7 +1347,14 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=Diese Darts wurden in eine Eiskappen-haltige Mischung getaucht, die ihr Ziel deutlich abkühlen werden. -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=Dieser einfache Wurfpfeil, aus Holz mit metallenen Zacken, ist perfekt für genaue Würfe ausgelegt und beißt sein Opfer mit Schwung aus dem Handgelenk. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=Abbrechen +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=Jedoch, aufgrund der einfachen Konstruktion nutzen sich Wurfpfeile nicht ab und halten so für immer. der Verdrängung @@ -1376,6 +1384,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=Diese Darts wurden in eine Sturmre items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=Diese Darts wurden in eine Traumblatt-haltige Mischung getaucht, welche ihr Ziel umgehend in einen leichten Schlaf versetzt. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=Abbrechen items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=Präparierte Wurfpfeile verlieren ihren Wirkung und werden bei der Verwendung zu normalen Wurfpfeilen. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=Bei diesem Stapel von Wurfpfeilen können noch _%d/%d_ verwendet werden, bevor ein Wirkung nachlässt. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_Aber diese sind von so hoher Qualität, dass sie für immer bestehen werden._ @@ -1389,15 +1403,21 @@ Bumerang items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Wenn diese flach-gekrümmte Waffe auf den Feind geworfen wird, kehrt sie wieder in die Hand des Werfers zurück. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Auf Grund seines soliden Aufbaus, nutzt sich dieser Bumerang nicht ab. -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Diese Pfeile wurden in eine erdwurzel-haltige Mischung getaucht, die ihr Ziel für kurze Zeit lähmt. - items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Kleine Wurfspieße zum Fischen. Sie eignen sich auch gut als improvisierte Waffen. cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. + items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Diese schweren Wurfspeere sind so ausbalanciert, dass sie immer mit der Spitze voran fliegen. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Diese Wurftwaffe der _Stufe %1$d_ richtet _%2$d-%3$d Schaden_ an und benötigt eine _Stärke von %4$d,_ um die Waffe ohne Abzüge verwenden zu können. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Diese Waffe wurde entwickelt, um aus der Ferne verwendet zu werden. Das macht sie treffsicherer gegen entfernte Feinde, aber weniger genau im Nahkampfbereich. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Wurfwaffen werden beim Gebrauch abgenutzt und zerbrechen. @@ -1408,6 +1428,9 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=Deine Wurfwaffe ist dabei zu items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Sternförmige Metallobjekte mit messerscharfen Kanten. Sie sind leicht und einfach zu verwenden, auch aus der Bewegung. Ein einzelnes Shuriken kann sofort nach einer Bewegung geworfen werden. club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=Diese schweren Hämmer sind dafür gemacht auf einen Gegner geworfen zu werden. Während sie etwas mehr Schaden vermissen lassen, sorgt die glatte Ausführung, komplett aus Metall dafür, dass sie sehr haltbar sind und nicht in Gegnern stecken bleiben. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index e5ffde1e3..fcafd9afa 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ de afekcio items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=Tiu ĉi potenca skribaĵo manipulas mensojn de atakantoj, fiĉarmante ilin portempe. de malmagio -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Tiu ĉi potenca skribaĵo defendos portanton kontraŭ preskaŭ ĉiujn magiajn atakojn, aldone al la korpaj. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier. de sulfuro items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Tiu ĉi skribaĵo protektas portanton kaj liajn posedaĵojn kontraŭ fajro kaj kiam plibonigita, ĝi eĉ transformas varmon al portempa ŝirmo. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ de kaŝmaskado items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Tiu ĉi skribaĵo igas portanton kamufli per alta herbo, farante lin portempe nevidebla. de alligo -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Tiu ĉi skribaĵo kreskigas radikojn apud la portanto por ensorbi damaĝon, tamen povas lin enradikigi dum starante senmove. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves. de fluo items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Tiu ĉi skribaĵo manipulas fluon de akvo ĉirkaŭ portanto, igante lin pli rapida dum movado tra ĝin. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Tiu ĉi skribaĵo nigrumas la portanton, iga de potencialo items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Mortigita de skribaĵo de potencialo -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Tiu ĉi skribaĵo gajnas energion de frapoj, ellasante iomete da energio al vergoj de la portanto. +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates. de repuŝo items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Tiu ĉi skribaĵo kaŭzas forton kontraŭ atakantojn, repuŝante ilin for. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ de rapideco items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Tiu ĉi skribaĵo pliigas rapidon de la portanto, se li ne apudas malamikon. de dornoj -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Tiu ĉi potenca skribaĵo damaĝas atakantojn, igante ilin malrapide sangadi laŭ damaĝo kaŭzanta de ili. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer. de glueco items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=prokrastata %d @@ -567,33 +567,27 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Malkorkado aŭ dispecigado de tiu ĉi kunpre ###brews infuzaĵo -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Post dispecigo, tiu ĉi infuzaĵo kovros proksimaĵojn per morda acido. Ĉio kaptita per tiu ĉi ĥemiaĵo estos malrapidete dismordata ĝis forlavi acidon per akvo. +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.ĝŝtorma infuzaĵo items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Post dispecigo, tiu ĉi infuzaĵo eligos kirlantan neĝŝtormon, kiu disvastiĝos kiel gaso. infuzaĵo -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Tiu ĉi infuzaĵo kombinas ecojn de eliksiroj de frosto kaj de pluvegaj nuboj. Post esti ĵetita, ĝi formos nubon, kiu kaj frostigos kaj superverŝos proksiman terenon. - infuzaĵo -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Tiu ĉi infuzaĵo kombinas ecojn de eliksiroj de likva fajro kaj de frosto. La tereno proksime de disrompita boteleto estos tuj frostigita kaj sekve flamos por iom da tempo. - infuzaĵo items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Post dispecigo, tiu ĉi infuzaĵo ellasos ardan incendion, kiu disvastiĝos kiel gaso.ŝoka infuzaĵo items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Post dispecigo, tiu ĉi infuzaĵo ellasos elektran ŝtormon en la proksimaĵo.ŝveb-mortiga infuzaĵo -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Tiu ĉi infuzaĵo kombinas ecojn de eliksirojn de toksa kaj de paraliza gaso. En kontakto kun libera aero la likvo de tiu ĉi infuzaĵo ellasos ambaŭ gasojn samtempe. - ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. + de akva restarigo -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Tiu ĉi miksturo enhavas restaĵojn de Ŝmiraĵego kuiritaj kun saniga eliksiro. Kvankam ĝi ne sanigos vin tuj, ĝi iom post iom restarigos vian sanon dum kiam vi staros en akvo. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$ sanigado -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Vi portempe havas resanigan povon, similan al tiu de Ŝmiraĵego.\n\nDum stari en la akvo, vi reakiros po unu sanpoento por luda tempero.\n\nPluaj temperoj da akva sanigado: %d. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d. de draka sango items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Post esti trinkita, tiu ĉi miksturo plenigos vejnojn de trinkanto per arda povo. Tiu ĉi efiko igos la trinkanton rezista kontraŭ fajro kaj ebligos al li flamigi malamikojn per korpaj atakoj. @@ -611,12 +605,6 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Tiu ĉi potenca eliksiro trafluos viajn items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$ de san-enhaveco items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=Vi sentas vin nenature forta kaj sana.\n\nVia san-enhaveco estas pliigita por iom da tempo. Kiam vi pliniveliĝos, tiu ĉi pliigo perdiĝos.\n\nNuna pliigo da san-enhaveco: %d\nPliaj niveloj: %d de restarigo -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Tiu ĉi miksturo kombinas ecojn de eliksiroj de sano kaj de purigo. Post esti trinkita, la trinkanto tuj resaniĝos kaj estos purigita de ĉiuj malbonaj efikoj. - de viveco -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=Tiu ĉi miksturo kombinas ecojn de eliksiroj de sano kaj de ŝirmo, igante la trinkanton ege pli travivema. - de toksa esenco items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=Post esti trinkita, tiu ĉi miksturo plenigos la trinkanton per toksa energio. Li estos rezista kontraŭ toksa gaso kaj veneno kaj iom post iom disŝprucos toksan gason dum movado. @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Tiu ĉi komplika sorĉaĵo ebligos al la uzaĉkristalo de fia enmagiigo items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Malbenigi aĵon -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=Tiu ĉi sorĉaĵo enmagiigos vian armaĵon per la sama malica magio, kiu ĉeestis en DM-300. La pritraktota aĵo estos malbenita, kaj ĉiu ensorĉo aŭ skribaĵo perdiĝos. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed.ĉkristalo de ĝentila falo items.spells.featherfall.light=Vi sentas vin malpeza kiel plumo! @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=Tiu ĉi ĥaosa sorĉaĵo povas teleporti iun ajn ceĉkristalo de kaptila transkonstruo items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=Estas neniu kaptilo tie ĉi. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=Tiu ĉi sorĉaĵo enhavas restaĵojn de ripara povo de DM-300. Kiam uzita sur aktiva kaptilo, meĥanika povo de tiu ĉi kaptilo estos transfarita al magia energio, kiu reŝargos vergojn kaj antikvaĵojn de la uzanto. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time.ĉkristalo de transformeto items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Transformeti aĵon @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=Tiu ĉi sorĉaĵo enhavas malpli fortan specon de tran items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Elektu aĵon items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Enmagiigi aĵon energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=UZI @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Vi estis mortigita de via propra %s. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Nenio okazas. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Herbo kreskegas ĉirkaŭ vi! sentas fumon… -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Via vergo ŝanĝiĝas al alia aĵo! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=Via vergo ŝanĝiĝas al alia aĵo! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=PAFI items.wands.wand.fizzles=Via vergo siblas, ĝi ne havas sufiĉe da ŝargoj. @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=Florigaj armiloj enhavas magion, kiu ka %s items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=Monstroj frapitaj per tiu ĉi ensorĉo estas trankviligitaj, kaj iliaj movoj kaj atakoj iĝas pli malrapidaj. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. + %s items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Elastaj armiloj havas ŝancon por forpuŝi malamikojn je eta distanco. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ %s items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Tiu ĉi potenca ensorĉo kapablas tuj senvivigi kontraŭulon. Des pli ebla la efiko estas, ju malpli forta la kontraŭulo estas.ŝanca %s -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Tiu ĉi potenca encorĉo pliigos bonŝancon de la portanto. Monstroj mortigitaj per armilo kun tiu ĉi ensorĉo havos ŝancon faligi iun trezoron. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. %s items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=Preciza armilo havas ŝancon garantii frapi monstron, sendepende de cirkonstancoj. @@ -1346,7 +1347,14 @@ sageto items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=Tiuj ĉi sagetoj estas dronigitaj en glacibobel-devenan substancon, kiu serioze malvarmigos la viktimon. -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=Tiuj ĉi simplaj akrigitaj lignaj sagetoj estas ekvilibrigitaj por flugi rekte al la celo kaj piki ĝin dolore. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=rezigni +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=Pro ilia simpla strukturo tiuj sagetoj neniam rompiĝos. sageto @@ -1376,6 +1384,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=Tiuj ĉi sagetoj estas dronigitaj sageto items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=Tiuj ĉi sagetoj estas dronigitaj en sonĝigplant-devenan substancon, kiu senprokraste dormigetos la viktimon. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=rezigni items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=Substanco de dronigitaj sagetoj eluzos kaj ili iĝos normaj sagetoj. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=De tiu ĉi amaso de dronigitaj sagetoj unu el ili perdos sian substancon post _%d%d_ uzoj. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_Tamen ili estas tiel altkvalitaj, ke ili neniam eluzos._ @@ -1389,15 +1403,21 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Ĵetita al kontraŭulo, tiu ĉi ebena kurba ligna ĵetarmilo revenos al manoj de sia ĵetinto. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Pro ĝia solida strukturo, tiu ĉi bumerango ne rompiĝos dum uzado. sageto -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Tiu ĉi sagetoj estas dronigitaj en terradik-devenan substancon, kiu paralizos la celon por mallonga tempo. - items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Malgrandaj ĵetlancoj projektitaj al fiŝkaptado. Ili ankaŭ funkcias kiel improvizitaj armiloj.ĵetlanco cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. +ĵetlancego items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Tiuj ĉi grandaj ĵetlancoj estas ekvilibrigitaj por ke iliaj pikaj finaĵoj ŝovu antaŭen tra la aero. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Tiu ĉi _%1$d-nivela_ ĵetarmilo kaŭzas _%2$d-%3$d da damaĝo_ kaj postulas _%4$d da povo_ por uzi ĝin ĝuste. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Tiu ĉi armilo estas projektita por esti uzata je distanco, ĝi estas li preciza kontraŭ distancaj malamikoj kaj ankaŭ malpli preciza je proksimo. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Ĵetarmiloj rompiĝos dum uzado. @@ -1408,6 +1428,9 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=Via ĵetarmilo baldaŭ rompiĵetponardo items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Stel-formaj pecoj da metalo kun akraj klingoj. Ili estas malpezigitaj kaj facile uzeblaj dum movi. Unuopa ĵetponardo povas esti ĵetita tuj post movi. club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. +ĵetmartelo items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=Tiuj ĉi grandetaj marteloj estas projektitaj por ĵeti al kontraŭulo. Kvankam ili ne kaŭzas seriozan damaĝon, ilia glata tute metala formo igas ilin eĉ solidaj kaj nealkroĉigemaj al kontraŭuloj. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index ed514d2fe..4df6634db 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ de afecto items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=Este poderoso glifo manipula la mente de los atacantes, encantándolos temporalmente. de anti-magia -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Este poderoso glifo permite que la armadura aplique su defensa a la mayoría de los ataques mágicos y físicos. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier. de azufre items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Este glifo protege al portador y sus pertenencias del fuego, con mejoras incluso convierte el calor en protección temporal. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ de camuflaje items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Este glifo permite al portador mezclarse en la hierba alta, otorgándole invisibilidad temporal. de enraizamiento -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Este glifo brota una raizterránea alrededor del portador para absorber el daño, pero sólo se enraizará si te dejas capturar. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves. de flujo items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Este glifo manipula el flujo del agua alrededor del portador, haciéndolo mucho más rápido cuando se mueve a través de esta. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Este glifo obscurece al portador, haciéndol de potencial items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Muerto por: glifo de potencial -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Este glifo libera energía cuando es golpeado, dando una pequeña cantidad de cargas a las varitas del portador. +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates. de repulsión items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Este glifo repele la fuerza contra los atacantes, enviándolos volando hacia atrás. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ de ligereza items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Este glifo aumenta la velocidad del portador siempre que no esté al lado de un enemigo. de espinas -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Este poderoso glifo daña a los atacantes, haciéndolos sangrar lentamente en base al daño que causen. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer. de viscosidad items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=%d diferido @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Probablemente esta armadura es muy pesada p items.armor.armor.excess_str=Debido a tu exceso de fuerza, eres _más evasivo_ mientras llevas esta armadura. items.armor.armor.evasion=Se ha aumentado para mejorar la _evasión._ items.armor.armor.defense=Se ha aumentado para mejorar la _defensa._ -items.armor.armor.inscribed=Esta inscrito con un _%s._ +items.armor.armor.inscribed=Está inscrito con un _%s._ items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Ya que esta armadura está maldita, no tienes las fuerzas para quitártela. items.armor.armor.cursed=Puedes sentir una magia maligna acechando dentro de esta armadura. items.armor.armor.not_cursed=Esta armadura está libre de energía maligna. @@ -567,33 +567,27 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Descorchar o romper este frasco presurizado ###brewsón cáustica -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Esta infusión propagará un cieno corrosivo alrededor de la ubicación en que se rompa. Cualquier cosa atrapada por el cieno, se derretirá lentamente si no es lavada en agua. +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.ón de ventisca items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Cuando se rompa, esta infusión desatará una tormenta de nieve arremolinada que se propaga como un gas.ón frígida -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Este brebaje combina las propiedades de una poción de escarcha y nubes de tormenta. Cuando se arroje, explotará en una nube que congela y esparce agua al terreno circundante. -ón de fuego-escarcha -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Este brebaje combina las propiedades de una llama líquida y una poción de congelación instantánea. El área alrededor de donde se arroja el vial se congelará instantáneamente y luego se encenderá durante un período prolongado. -ón infernal items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Cuando se rompa, esta infusión desencadenará un infierno furioso que se propaga como un gas.ón impactante items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Cuando se rompa, esta infusión desatará una tormenta eléctrica en un área alrededor de la ubicación donde se rompe.ón malvada -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Este brebaje combina las propiedades de un gas tóxico y una poción de gas paralizante. Cuando se expone al aire libre, ambos gases de la infusión entrarán en erupción a la vez. - ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. + de rejuvenecimiento acuático -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Este elixir contiene los restos de Goo mejorados con una poción de curación. Si bien no proveerá una curación inmediata, regenerara tu vida lentamente mientras estés parado en agua. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$ón Acuática -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc= Has obtenido temporalmente propiedades restaurativas similares a las de Gú.\n\nMientras estás en el agua, recuperarás solamente un punto de salud por turno.\n\nTurnos restantes: %d. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d. de sangre de dragón items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Cuando es consumido, este elixir enviará poder ardiente a través de las venas del bebedor. Este efecto hará que el bebedor sea inmune al fuego y le permitirá prender fuego a los enemigos con ataques físicos. @@ -611,12 +605,6 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Este líquido poderoso recorrerá tus m items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$ máximo de salud items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=Tu cuerpo se siente anormalmente fuerte y sano.\n\nTu salud máxima incrementa durante un período prolongado de tiempo. A medida que ganes niveles, el impulso se desvanecerá constantemente.\n\nCantidad de incremento actual: %d\nNiveles restantes: %d de restauración -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Este elixir combina las propiedades de una poción de curación y purificación. Cuando es consumido, el bebedor comenzará a sanar rápidamente, y se limpiará de todos los efectos negativos. - de vitalidad -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=Este elixir combina las propiedades de una poción de curación y protección, otorgando un estallido masivo de supervivencia a quien lo bebe. - de esencia tóxica items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=Cuando es consumido, este elixir imbuirá al bebedor con energía tóxica. El bebedor será inmune a los gases tóxicos y al veneno, y diseminará continuamente gas tóxico a medida que se mueve. @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Este hechizo intrincado otorga al usuario laón de maldición items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Maldecir un ítem -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=Este hechizo infunde una pieza del equipamiento con la misma magia maligna presente dentro del DM-300. El ítem en el que es usado se maldecirá inmediatamente, y se anulará cualquier encantamiento o glifo que pueda haber tenido. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed.ída de pluma items.spells.featherfall.light=¡Te sientes ligero como una pluma! @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=Este hechizo caótico teletransportará a cualquier trampa items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=No hay una trampa allí. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=Este hechizo contiene restos de la capacidad de reparación del DM-300. Cuando se lanza sobre una trampa activa, el poder mecánico de la trampa se reciclará en energía mágica que recarga las varitas y los artefactos del usuario. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time. items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Reciclar un ítem @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=Este hechizo contiene una forma menor de magia de tran items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Elige un objetivo items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Infundir un ítem energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=USAR @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Fuiste asesinado por tu propio %s. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=No ocurre nada. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=¡La hierba crece a tu alrededor! a quemado... -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=¡Tu varita se transforma en un ítem diferente! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=¡Tu varita se transforma en un ítem diferente! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=SACUDIR items.wands.wand.fizzles=Tu varita chisporrotea; no debe tener energía suficiente. @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=Las armas florecientes contienen magia q enfriante items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=Los enemigos golpeados con este encantamiento son enfriados, reduciendo su velocidad de movimiento y ataques. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. + elástico items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Las armas elásticas tienen una probabilidad de enviar enemigos volando a distancias cortas. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ siniestro items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Este poderoso encantamiento posee el poder de ejecutar instantáneamente a un enemigo. El efecto es más probable que ocurra cuanto más débil sea el enemigo. afortunado -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Este poderoso encantamiento aumenta la fortuna de aquel quien lo porta. Los enemigos que son eliminados por un arma afortunada tienen una posibilidad de dejar caer un botín extra. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. preciso items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=Un arma precisa tiene la posibilidad de garantizar un golpe sobre un enemigo, sin importar las circunstancias. @@ -1346,7 +1347,14 @@ enfriante items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=Estos dardos tienen en la punta un componente basado en hongohielo que enfria el objetivo al impactar. -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=Estos simples dardos de madera con extremos puntiagudos tienen el peso exacto para volar y punzar a sus presas con un rápido movimiento de muñeca. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=cancelar +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=Sin embargo, debido a su construcción simple, los dardos durarán para siempre. desplazante @@ -1376,6 +1384,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=Estos dardos están hechos con un adormecedor items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=Estos dardos están hechos con un componente basado en hojasueño que pondrá instantáneamente a su objetivo en un sueño ligero. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=cancelar items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=Los dardos tipados perderán sus efectos cuando se usen, convirtiéndose en dardos normales. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=Esta pila de dardos tiene _ %d/%d _ usos antes de que un dardo se gaste. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_Pero estos son de tan alta calidad que efectivamente durarán para siempre._ @@ -1389,15 +1403,21 @@úmeran items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Arrojado al enemigo, este proyectil de madera curvada volverá a las manos del lanzador. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Debido a su sólida construcción, este búmeran no se romperá por el uso. curare -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Estos dardos tienen en la punta un componente basado en raizterránea que paralizará al objetivo durante un corto tiempo. - de pesca items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Pequeñas lanzas arrojadizas diseñadas para la pesca. De igual manera, funcionan bien como un arma improvisada. cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. + items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Estas grandes lanzas arrojadizas son pesadas para mantener la punta hacia el frente mientras navega por el aire. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Esta arma arrojadiza _tier-%1$d_ ofrece _%2$d-%3$d de daño_ y requiere _%4$d de fuerza_ para ser usada correctamente. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Esta arma está diseñada para ser usada a distancia, es más precisa contra enemigos distantes, siendo mucho menos certera al ser usada cuerpo a cuerpo. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Las armas arrojadizas se desgastarán y se romperán a medida que se usen. @@ -1408,6 +1428,9 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=Tu arma arrojadiza está a pu items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Piezas de metal con forma de estrella y bordes afilados. Son ligeras y fáciles de usar en movimiento. Sólo un shuriken puede ser arrojado instantáneamente después de moverse. club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. + arrojadizo items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=Estos pesados martillos están diseñados para ser arrojados a un enemigo. Si bien carecen un poco de daño, su construcción completamente de metal liso, hace que sean bastantes duraderos, y no se pegarán a los enemigos. @@ -1430,7 +1453,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.trident.desc=Lanzas masivas arrojadizas con 3 puntas morta espiritual items.weapon.spiritbow.ac_shoot=DISPARAR items.weapon.spiritbow.prompt=Elige un objetivo -items.weapon.spiritbow.stats=El arco no puede mejorarse directamente, sino que, en cambio, se hará más fuerte a medida que subas de nivel. En tu nivel actual, las flechas disparadas desde el arco infligirán _%1$d-%2$d de daño_ y requerirán _%3$dde fuerza_ para usarse correctamente. +items.weapon.spiritbow.stats=El arco no puede mejorarse directamente, sino que, en cambio, se hará más fuerte a medida que subas de nivel. En tu nivel actual, las flechas disparadas desde el arco infligirán _%1$d-%2$d de daño_ y requerirán _%3$d de fuerza_ para usarse correctamente. items.weapon.spiritbow.desc=Un arco hecho de madera antigua mágica. La cuerda y los grabados del arco brillan con una luz azul pálida. Cuando se tira de la cuerda, este arco conjurará una flecha mágica que puede ser disparada a un enemigo. items.weapon.weapon.identify=Te has familiarizado lo suficiente con tu arma para identificarla. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index 1147915ba..4708e1616 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ %s items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=Glifo boteretsu honek erasotzaileen burua nahasten du, hauek une batez liluratuz. %s -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Glifo boteretsu honek armadurak bere babesa eraso magiko gehienetan zein eraso fisikoetan aplikatzea ahalbidetzen du. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier. %s items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Glifo honek eramailea eta bere gauzak sutik babesten ditu, hobekuntzekin beroa une bateko babesa bihurtu dezake ere. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ %s items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Glifo honek eramailea belar garaian nahastea ahalbidetzen du, une bateko ikusezintasuna emanez. %s -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Glifo honekin eramailearen inguruan lurerroak hazten dira kaltea hauek har dezaten, baina errotu egiten dira denbora ematen bazaie. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves. %s items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Glifo honek eramailearen inguruko ur fluxua manipulatzen du, eta azkarragoa da uretan mugitzean. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Glifo honek eramailea lainotzen du, antzemat %s items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Honek hila: potentzial glifoa -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Glifo honek energia sortzen du jotzen zaionean, eramailearen zartak kargatzeko apur bat emanez. +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates. %s items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Glifo honek bortizkeria erasotzaileei itzultzen die, eta airean hegaz bidaltzen ditu. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ %s items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Glifo honek eramailearen abiadura areagotzen du etsai baten ondoan ez dagoenean. %s -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Glifo boteretsu honek erasotzaileak kaltetzen ditu, beraiek eragin duten kaltearen araberako odolustutze motel baten bidez. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer. %s items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=atzeratutako %d @@ -567,33 +567,27 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Presiopeko ontzi hau irekitzeak edo apurtzea ###brews kaustikoa -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Prestakin honek hausten den tokiaren inguruan basa korrosiboa hedatuko du. Basan harrapatutako edozer gutxika urtuko da ezin badu uretan garbitu. +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. prestakina items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Birrintzean, prestakin honek gas bat bezala hedatzen den bisuts zirimola bat askatuko du. prestakina -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Prestakin honek izotza eta ekaitz-hodei edabeen efektuak batzen ditu. Jaurtitzean izoztu eta inguruan ura hedatzen duen hodei batean lehertuko da. - su prestakina -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Prestakin honek su likidoa eta izozte azkarreko edabeen efektuak batzen ditu. Flaskoa jaurti eta ingurunea berehala izoztuko da, gero denbora luze batez sutan jarriz. - prestakina items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Birrintzean, prestakin honek gas bat bezala hedatzen den infernu bat askatuko du. prestakina items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Birrintzean, prestakin honek inguruan ekaitz elektriko bat askatuko du. bihurria -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Prestakin honek gas toxikoaren eta gas gerarazlearen edabeen efektuak batzen ditu. Airearekin kontaktuan prestakinaren likidoa bi gasak askatuko ditu aldi berean. - ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. + akuatikoaren elixirra -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Elixir honek Goo-aren gorpuzkiak dauzka, sendatze edabe batekin hobetuak. Berehalako sendatzea ekarriko ez badu ere, zure osasuna apurka berreskuratuko da uretan zaudenean. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$ akuatikoa -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Gooak duenaren antzeko sendatze gaitasuna eskuratu duzu.\n\nUretan zaudenean, txanda bakoitzeko osasun puntu bat berreskuratuko duzu.\n\nGeratzen diren txandak: %d. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d. odolaren elixirra items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Edaterakoan, elixir honek edalearen zainetan barrena botere kartsua hedatuko du. Efektu honek edalea sutik salbuetsiko du, eta eraso fisikoetan etsaiak sutan jarri ahal izango ditu. @@ -611,12 +605,6 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Edabe boteretsu hau zure muskuluetan ze items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$ osasunaren bultzada items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=Zure burua naturaz harago indartsu eta osasuntsu nabarmentzen duzu.\n\nZure gehieneko osasuna denbora luze batez handitu da. Mailak igo ahala bultzada galtzen joango zara.\n\nOraingo bultzada: %d\nGeratzen diren mailak: %d elixirra -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Elixir honek sendatze eta garbitze edabeen efektuak batzen ditu. Edatean, edalea azkar sendatzen hasiko da eta efektu ezkor guztietaz garbitu. - elixirra -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=Elixir honek sendatze eta ezkutu edabeen efektuak batzen ditu, edaten duen orori bizirauteko aukerak areagotuz. - toxikoaren elixirra items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=Edaterakoan, elixir honek edaleari energia toxikoa txertatuko dio. Edalea gas toxikoaren eta pozoiaren efektuetaz salbuetsiko da, eta mugitu ahala gas toxikoa askatuko du. @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Sorginkeria konplexu honek erabiltzaileari e txertatzea items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Madarikatu objektua -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=Sorginkeria honek DM-300 batean aurkitu daiteken magia gaizkilea txertatuko dio ekipamenduko objektu bati. Objektua berehala madarikatuko da eta daukan edozein xarma edo glifo gainidatziko da. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed. erorketa items.spells.featherfall.light=Luma bezain arina sentitzen zara! @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=Sorginkeria kaotiko honek edozein pertsonaia pisu b tranpa items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=Ez dago tranparik hemen. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=Sorginkeria honek DM-300aren konpontze-gaitasunaren aztarnak ditu. tranpa aktibo batean erabiltzean, tranparen botere mekanikoa energia magikora birziklatuko da eta erabiltzailearen zarta eta gailuak birkargatuko ditu. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time. items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Birziklatu objektua @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=Sorginkeria honek transmutazio magiaren forma ahul bat items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Hautatu jomuga bat items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Txertatu objektua energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=ERABILI @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Zure %s propioak hil zaitu. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Ez da ezer gertatzen. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Belarra pizten da zure inguruan! usaina antzematen duzu... -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Zure zarta beste pieza desberdin batera eraldatzen da! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=Zure zarta beste pieza desberdin batera eraldatzen da! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=ZART items.wands.wand.fizzles=Zure zartak xuxurlatzen du; ez du karga nahikorik izango. @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=Arma loratuek jomugan eta inguruan landa %s items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=Sorginkeria honek jotako arerioak hozkirri dira, eta bere mugimendu eta erasoak moteltzen dira. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. + zalua items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Arma elastikoek etsaiak hegaz bidali ditzakete distantzia labur batez. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ ospela items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Sorginkeria indartsu honek etsai bat bertan akabatzeko boterea du. Zenbat eta ahulagoa etsaia are eta aukera gehiago efektua lortzeko. %s -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Sorginkeria ahaltsu honek baliatzen duenaren zortea hobetzen du. Zortezko arma batekin hildako etsaiek objektu gehiago utzi ahal dituzte. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. zehatza items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=Arma zehatz batek etsaia joko dela bermatzeko aukera dauka, egoera dena dela. @@ -1346,7 +1347,14 @@ dardoa items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=Dardo hauek izotzkapeletik erauzitako osagai batez bustiak daude, biktima nabarmen hozten duena. -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=Egurrezko makil zorrotz hauek, eskumuturreko mugimendu baten bidez hegan egiteko bezain arinak dira, haien arrapakinak ziztatzeko. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=ezeztatu +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=Bestalde, bere eraikuntzaren sinpletasuna dela eta dardoek bizi osoa iraungo dizute. dardoa @@ -1376,6 +1384,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=Dardo hauek ekaitzondotik erauzita dardoa items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=Dardo hauek ametshostorik erauzitako osagai batez bustiak daude, biktima berehala lotara bidaliko duena. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=ezeztatu items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=Dardo bustiak dardo arrunt bihurtuko dira erabili eta gero. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=Dardo sorta honi _%d/%d_ erabilera geratzen zaizkio baten bat apurtu arte. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_Baina hauek hain kalitate onekoak dira, ezen bizi osorako iraungo dizutela._ @@ -1389,15 +1403,21 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Etsaiari botata, zurezko jaurtigai makurtu hau jaurtitzailearen eskuetara itzuliko da. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Bere eraikuntza mardulari esker, bumeran hau ez da erabilerarekin apurtuko. dardoa -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Dardo hauek lurerrotik erauzitako osagai batez bustiak daude, biktima une batez gerararaziko duena. - arpoia items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Arrantzarako diseinatutako jaurtitzeko arpoiak. Arma bezala ere erabili daitezke. cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. + items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Jaurtitzeko arpoi handi hauek airean hegaz daudenean ziria aurreko puntan mantentzeko orekatu dira. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=%1$d mailako arma jaurtigai honek _-%2$d -%3$d kalte puntu_ eragiten du eta _ %4$d indar puntu_ eskatzen ditu behar bezala erabiltzeko. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Arma hau urrunetik erabiltzeko diseinatu da, urruneko etsaien aurka zehatzagoa da, baina aurrez aurre askoz zehaztasun gutxiago du. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Arma jaurtigaiak hondatu eta apurtu egingo dira erabili ahala. @@ -1408,6 +1428,9 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=Zure arma jaurtigaia apurtzek items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Izar formako metalezko piezak labana bezain zorrotzak diren hortzekin. Arinak eta erabilerrazak dira. Shuriken bakar bat bota daiteke mugitu eta berehala. club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. + mailua items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=Mailu mardul hauek etsaiari jaurtitzeko egin dira. kalte aldetik makalak badira ere, metal trinkoz eginak daudenez nahiko iraunkorrak dira, eta ez zaizkie arerioei erantsiko. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index cc9c86b49..dc62c1239 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ %s items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=Tämä voimakas glyyfi manipuloi hyökkääjien mieltä, lumoten ne hetkeksi. %s -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Tällä glyyfillä lumotty panssari suojaa enimmiltä maagisilta hyökkäyksiltä aivan kuten fyysisiltäkin. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier. %s items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Tällä glyyfillä lumottu panssari suojaa sen kantajaa ja tämän tavaroita tulelta. Parannusten myötä se jopa muuttaa poltteen suojaukseksi. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ %s items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Tällä glyyfillä merkitty panssari mahdollistaa kantajansa sulautumisen korkeaan ruohoon, muuttaen tämän hetkeksi näkymättömäksi. %s -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthroot around the wearer to absorb damage, but roots them if allowed to take hold. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves. %s items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Tällä glyyfillä merkitty panssari muuttaa veden virtausta kantajansa ympärillä, saaden tämän liikkumaan paljon nopeammin sen läpi kulkiessa. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=This glyph obscures the wearer, making them %s items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Kuolema potentiaalin glyyfin takia -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, giving a small amount of charge to the wearer's wands. +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates. %s items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Tämä glyyfi kääntää osan iskun voimasta hyökkääjää kohti, heittäen tämän taaksepäin. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ %s items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=This glyph enhances the speed of the wearer whenever they aren't next to an enemy. %s -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Tällä voimakkalla glyyfillä lumottu panssari vahingoittaa hyökkääjiä saaden nämä vuotamaan verta verrannollisesti niiden aiheuttamaan vahinkoon. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer. %s items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=viivästetty %d @@ -567,33 +567,27 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Tämän paineistetun lasipullon hajottaminen ###brews brew -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. brew items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a swirling blizzard which spreads like a gas. brew -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a frost and storm clouds potion. When thrown it will erupt into a cloud which both freezes and spreads water to surrounding terrain. - brew -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a liquid flame and snap freeze potion. The area around where the vial is thrown will be snap-frozen, then set ablaze for an extended duration. - brew items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a raging inferno which spreads like a gas. brew items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash an electrical storm in an area around the location it breaks at. brew -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a toxic gas and paralytic gas potion. When exposed to open air the liquid of the brew will erupt into both gasses at once. - ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. + of aquatic rejuvenation -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$ Healing -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d. of dragon's blood items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks. @@ -611,12 +605,6 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=This powerful liquid will course throug items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$ health boost items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=Your body feels unnaturally strong and healthy.\n\nYour maximum health is boosted for an extended period of time. As you gain levels, the boost will steadily fade.\n\nCurrent boost amount: %d\nLevels remaining: %d of restoration -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and cleansing potion. When consumed, the drinker will start to rapidly heal, and will be cleansed of all negative effects. - of vitality -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and shielding potion, granting a massive burst of survivability to whomever drinks it. - of toxic essence items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=When consumed, this elixir will imbue the drinker with toxic energy. The drinker will be immune to toxic gas and poison, and will continuously spread toxic gas as they move. @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the abi infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed. fall items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it i trap items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time. items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation mag items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Valitse esine lumottavaksi energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=KÄYTÄ @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Kantamasi %s tappoi sinut. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Mitään ei tapahtunut. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Ruoho kietoutuu ympärillesi! palaneen hajua... -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Sauvasi muuntautuu muuksi esineeksi! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=Sauvasi muuntautuu muuksi esineeksi! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=AMMU items.wands.wand.fizzles=Sauvasi sihisee; siinä ei varmaankaan ole tarpeeksi energiaa. @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=Blooming weapons contain magic which wilävä %s items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=Hyytävällä aseella isketyt viholliset kylmentyvät, hidastaen niiden liikkumisnopeutta ja hyökkäyksiä. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. + %s items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Elastic weapons have a chance to send enemies flying back short distances. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ %s items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Kuoleman lumouksella lumotut aseet pitävät sisällään voiman tappaa vihollinen välittömästi. Vaikutuksella on sitä suurempi mahdollisuus ilmetä, mitä heikompi vihollinen on. %s -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=This powerful enchantment increases the fortune of whoever wields it. Enemies which are killed with a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. %s items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=A precise weapon has a chance to guarantee a hit on an enemy, regardless of the circumstances. @@ -1346,7 +1347,14 @@ dart items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=These darts are tipped with an icecap-based compound which will significantly chill their target. -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=Nämä yksinkertaiset teräväkärkiset nuolet on painotettu lentämään tarkasti ja pistämään kohdettaan pienellä ranneliikellä. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=cancel +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=However, due to their simple construction darts will effectively last forever. dart @@ -1376,6 +1384,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=These darts are tipped with a stor dart items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=These darts are tipped with a dreamfoil-based compound which will instantly put their target into a light sleep. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=cancel items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=Tipped darts will lose their tips and become regular darts when used. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=This stack of darts has _%d/%d_ uses left before one tip wears off. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_But these are of such high quality that they will effectively last forever._ @@ -1389,15 +1403,21 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Vihollista kohden heitettynä tämä litteä puinen heittoase palaa heittäjänsä käsiin. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use. -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Nämä nuolet on kastettu maajuureen perustuvaan kemikaaliin, joka lamaannuttaa kohteen vähäksi aikaa. - spear items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Tiny throwing spears designed for fishing. They work well as an improvised weapon too. cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. +äs items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=These larger throwing spears are weighted to keep the spike at their tip foremost as they sail through the air. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=This _tier-%1$d_ thrown weapon deals _%2$d-%3$d damage_ and requires _%4$d strength_ to use properly. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=This weapon is designed to be used at a distance, it is more accurate against distant enemies, but also much less accurate at melee range. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Thrown weapons will wear out and break as they are used. @@ -1408,6 +1428,9 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=Your thrown weapon is about t items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving. club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. + hammer items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index 69033725c..cf98c7965 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ d'affection items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=Ce glyphe puissant manipule l'esprit des assaillants, pour les charmer temporairement. d'anti-magie -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Ce glyphe puissant permet à cette armure d'appliquer sa défense aussi aux attaques magiques qu'aux attaques physiques. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier. de soufre items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Ce glyphe protège le porteur et ses possessions du feu, et ses améliorations peuvent même convertir le feu en blindage temporaire. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ de camouflage items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Ce glyphe permet au porteur de se fondre dans les herbes hautes, lui accordant une invisibilité temporaire. d'enchevêtrement -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Ce glyphe fait pousser de la Terracine autour du porteur pour absorber les dégâts, mais l'enracine si il reste immobile. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves. de flux items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Ce glyphe manipule le flux de l'eau autour du porteur, lui permettant de se déplacer bien plus rapidement à travers elle. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Ce glyphe obscurcit le porteur, le rendant p de potentiel items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Tué par : le glyphe de potentiel -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Ce glyphe génère de l'énergie lorsqu'il reçoit des coups, donnant une petite quantité de charge aux baguettes du porteur +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates. de répulsion items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Ce glyphe renvoie un champ de force contre les attaquants, les propulsant au loin. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ de rapidité items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Ce glyphe améliore la vitesse du porteur quand il n'est pas à côté d'un ennemi. d'épines -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Ce puissant glyphe blesse l'attaquant, le faisant saigner en proportion des dégâts qu'il inflige. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer. de viscosité items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=%d différé @@ -228,8 +228,8 @@ items.artifacts.etherealchains.inside_wall=Vos chaînes ne peuvent que vous tire items.artifacts.etherealchains.nothing_to_grab=Il n'y a rien à attraper. items.artifacts.etherealchains.prompt=Choisissez un endroit à viser. items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc=Ces grandes chaînes légères brillent d'une énergie spirituelle. Elles peuvent être utilisé afin de vous tirer vers un endroit ou tirer vos ennemis vers vous. La nature éthérée de ces chaînes vous permet même de les étendre à travers les murs ! -items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_cursed=Les chaînes maudites sont bloquées à vos côtés, se balançant constamment autour, essayant de vous faire tomber ou de vous attacher. -items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_equipped=La chaîne repose à vos côtés, siphonnant doucement l'énergie spirituelle de ceux que vous avez vaincu. Chaque charge est un maillon de la chaîne qui s'étendra d'exactement d'une case. +items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_cursed=Les chaînes maudites sont bloquées à vos côtés, se balançant constamment, essayant de vous faire tomber ou de vous attacher. +items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_equipped=La chaîne repose à vos côtés, siphonnant doucement l'énergie spirituelle de ceux que vous avez vaincu. Chaque charge est un maillon de la chaîne qui s'étendra d'exactement une case. items.artifacts.etherealchains$chainsrecharge.levelup=Votre chaîne se renforce ! d'abondance @@ -567,33 +567,27 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Déboucher ou briser cette fiole de gaz sous ###brews caustique -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Ce breuvage répandra du produit corrosif autour de l'endroit où il est déposé. Tout ce que touchera le produit fondra doucement s'il n'est pas rincé. +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. de blizzard items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Lorsqu'il est'utilisé, ce breuvage répand un blizzard tourbillonnant. de frigorification -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Ce breuvage combine les propriétés d'une potion de givre et de nuages d'orage. Une fois projeté, il se transformera en un nuage qui gèle et répand de l'eau sur le terrain environnant. - de feu givré -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Ce breuvage combine les propriétés d’une flamme liquide et d’une potion de congélation instantanée. La zone autour de laquelle le flacon est jeté sera immédiatement congelée, puis incendiée pour une durée prolongée. - infernal items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Lorsque vous l'utilisez, ce breuvage répandra un enfer de feu sous forme de gaz. foudroyant items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Lorsque utilisé, ce breuvage répand un orage électrique dans la zone où la fiole a été cassée. malicieux -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Ce breuvage combine les propriétés d'une potion de gaz toxique et de gaz paralysant. Lorsqu'il est exposé à l'air libre, le liquide du breuvage génère instantanément les deux gaz. - ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. +élixir de rajeunissement aquatique -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Cet élixir contient les restes de Goo améliorés avec une potion de guérison. Bien que cela ne fournisse pas une guérison immédiate, il rétablira lentement votre santé tant que vous êtes dans l'eau. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$érison -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Vous avez temporairement gagné des propriétés de restitution similaires à Goo.\n\nEn étant dans l'eau, vous allez regagner un point de vie par tour.\n\nTours restants: %d +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d. de sang de dragon items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Une fois consommé, cet élixir enverra une puissance ardente dans les veines du buveur. Cet effet immunisera le buveur au feu et lui permettra de mettre le feu à ses ennemis avec des attaques physiques. @@ -611,12 +605,6 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=La puissance de ce breuvage pénètre j items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$ de santé max items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=Votre corps se sent anormalement fort et en bonne santé\n\nVos points de vie max sont boostés pour une période de temps rallongée. L'effet va progressivement s'estomper en gagnant des niveaux\n\nboost actuel: %d\nNiveaux restants: %délixir de récupération -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Cet élixir combine les pouvoirs des potions de soins et dissipation. Lorsque vous le buvez, vous régénérez rapidement votre santé, et tous les effets négatifs disparaissent. -élixir de vitalité -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=Cet élixir combine les propriétés d'une potion de guérison et de bouclier, conférant une capacité de survie énorme à tous ceux qui le boivent. -élixir d'essence toxique items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=Une fois consommé, cet élixir imprègne le buveur d'énergie toxique. Le buveur sera immunisé contre les gaz toxiques et le poison et répandra continuellement des gaz toxiques au fur et à mesure de ses déplacements. @@ -924,7 +912,7 @@ de polymorphisme items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.desc=Ce parchemin contient un puissant pouvoir de transmutation. Lorsqu'il est invoqué, tous les ennemis visibles par le lecteur sont transformés en moutons magiques !\n\nLa transformation est permanente et élimine tous les ennemis affectés. Les ennemis les plus puissants résisteront à cet effet et tous les objets portés par les ennemis affectés seront perdus. d'image prismatique -items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.desc=L'incantation sur ce parchemin créera deux doublures du lecteur. Ces images-miroir agissent comme des clones plus faible du lecteur avec les mêmes défenses mains moins de pv et de dégats . Elle n'ont aucune durée de vie cependant, et disparaîtront dès qu'elles prendront des dégâts.\n\nCes images-miroir se montreront lorsque des ennemis seront présents et tenteront de défendre le lecteur.\n\nSi les images-miroir existent déjà, l'utilisation de ce parchemin les guérira complètement. +items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.desc=L'incantation sur ce parchemin créera une doublure du lecteur. Cette images prismatique agira comme un clone plus faible du lecteur avec les mêmes défenses mains moins de pv et de dégats .\n\nCette image prismatique se montrera lorsque des ennemis seront présents et tentera de défendre le lecteur.\n\nSi une image prismatique existe déjà, l'utilisation de ce parchemin le guérira complètement. de salve psionique items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=La salve psionique déchire votre esprit... @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Ce sort donne à l'utilisateur la capacité maudite items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Maudire un objet -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=Ce sort infuse une pièce d'équipement avec la même magie maligne que celle présente dans le DM-300. L'objet sur lequel vous l'utilisez sera instantanément maudit,et n'importe quel enchantement glyphe qu'il pourrait posséder sera effacé. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed. de plume items.spells.featherfall.light=Vous vous sentez léger comme une plume! @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=Ce sort chaotique téléportera n'importe quel persège de récupération items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=Il n'y a pas de piège ici. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=Ce sort contient les restes de la capacité de réparation de la DM-300. Lorsqu'il est lancé sur un piège actif, la puissance mécanique du piège sera recyclée en énergie magique qui recharge les baguettes et les artefacts de l'utilisateur. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time. items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycler un objet @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=Ce sort possède une forme moins puissante de la magie items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choisissez une cible items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Enchanter un objet energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=UTILISER @@ -1017,8 +1009,8 @@ items.stones.stoneofaffection.desc=Quand cette pierre est lancée à proximité d'explosion items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=Cette pierre runique va exploser instantanément à l'endroit où elle a été lancée. Tout comme une bombe, l'explosion endommagera tout ce qui se trouve à sa portée. de surgissement -items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=Cette pierre runique peut téléporter l'utilisateur à l'endroit où elle a été lancée. de clignement +items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=Cette pierre runique va téléporter l'utilisateur à l'endroit où elle est lancée. de clairvoyance items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=Cette pierre fouillera instantanément toutes les cases visibles depuis l'endroit où elle atterrit. Son effet peut aussi être efficace à travers les murs. @@ -1033,7 +1025,7 @@ d'enchantement items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Enchante un objet items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=Votre arme brille dans l'obscurité! items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Votre armure brille dans l'obscurité! -items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Cette pierre runique possède un enchantement magique. À la différence d'un parchemin d'augmentation de niveau, elle n'augmentera pas la puissance directe d'un objet, mais imprègnera plutôt une arme ou une armure d'un enchantement, lui conférant un nouveau pouvoir. +items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Cette pierre runique possède un enchantement magique. À la différence d'un parchemin d'amélioration, elle n'augmentera pas la puissance directe d'un objet, mais imprégnera plutôt une arme ou une armure d'un enchantement, lui conférant un nouveau pouvoir. de troupeau items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=Cette pierre runique invoque des moutons magiques pour une courte durée autour de l'endroit où elle a été lancée. @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=vous avez été tué par votre propre %s. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Rien ne se passe. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=De l'herbe émerge autour de vous ! sentez le brûlé... -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Votre baguette se transforme en un autre objet ! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=Votre baguette se transforme en un autre objet ! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=Utiliser items.wands.wand.fizzles=Votre baguette s'interrompt ; elle doit manquer de charges. @@ -1125,7 +1118,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Une baguette de belle forme, elle se remarque items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Quand utilisé sur des alliés, cette baguette va puiser de votre vie pour les soigner ou les protéger. Sur des ennemis, la baguette va brièvement les charmer et leur aspirer de l'énergie pour vous la rendre. les mort-vivants hostiles seront blessés au lieu d'être charmés. de corrosion -items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=Baguette de corrosion +items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=Bâton de corrosion items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Cette baguette est formée d'un corps cendré qui s'ouvre sur une éclatante gemme orange. items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Cette baguette tire un jet qui explose au contact des ennemis en un nuage de gaz hautement corrosif. Tout ce qui est pris dans ce nuage subira des dégats qui augmenteront avec le temps. @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=Les armes fleuries contiennent de la mag glaçant(e) items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=Les ennemis touchés par cet enchantement sont refroidis, ce qui ralentit leurs mouvements et leurs attaques. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. + élastique items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Les armes élastiques peuvent envoyer les ennemis voltiger vers l'arrière sur de courtes distances. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ %s items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Ce puissant enchantement a le pouvoir de tuer instantanément un ennemi. Son effet à plus de chances de se produire si la cible est faible. de chance -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=cet puissant enchantement augmente la chance de qui le porte. Les ennemis tués par une arme de chance peuvent laisser un butin supplémentaire. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot.écise %s items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=Une arme précise a toujours une chance de toucher, quelque soit les circonstances. @@ -1346,7 +1347,14 @@échette de léthargie items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=Ces fléchettes sont enduite d'un extrait de Pistigel qui ralentiront énormément leur cible. -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=Ces simples traits de bois sont lestés pour voler droit, et atteindre leur proie d'un simple mouvement du poignet. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=annuler +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=Cependant, grâce à leur construction simple les fléchettes sont incassables.échette de téléportation @@ -1376,6 +1384,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=Ces féchettes sont enduites d'extéchettes soporifiques. items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=Ces fléchettes sont enduites d'extrait de Rêvépine, qui endormiront instantanément leurs cibles +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=annuler items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=les fléchettes enduites perdent leur capacité et deviennent des fléchettes normales quand elles sont utilisées items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=Ce tas de fléchettes peut encore être utilisé _%d/%d_ fois avant de perdre une capacité. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_Mais il y a quelques qualités qu'iels perdront définitivement_ @@ -1389,15 +1403,21 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Ce projectile de bois plat et incurvé reviendra dans la main de son lanceur une fois jeté sur l'ennemi. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=De part sa confection solide, ce boomerang ne se détériorera pas à l'usage. paralysant -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Ces fléchettes ont leur pointe enduite d'un extrait de Terracine qui va paralyser leur cible pour un court instant - items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Petites lances de jet conçues pour la pêche. Elles fonctionnent aussi bien en tant qu'armes improvisées. cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. + items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Ces grands javelots sont lestés afin de conserver la pointe vers l'avant quand ils foncent dans les airs. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Cette arme de jet de _niveau %1$d_ inflige _de %2$d à %3$d dégâts_ et nécessite _%4$d de force_ pour être correctement utilisée. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Cette arme est conçue pour une utilisation à distance, elle est plus précise contre des ennemis distants, mais aussi bien moins précise au corps-à-corps. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Les armes de jets vont s'abimer et se briser au fur et à mesure de leur utilisation @@ -1408,6 +1428,9 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=Votre arme de jet va bientôt items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Des pièces de métal au bords très tranchants. Elles sont assez légères et très faciles à utiliser en mouvement. Un shuriken peut être lancé instantanément après un déplacement club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. + marteau de lancer items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=Ces lourds marteaux ont été crées pour être lancés sur les ennemis. Malgré leurs dommages faibles, leur corps lisse entièrement métallique leur confère une grande durabilité, et les empêche de coller aux ennemis diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index eb6382c19..0ae3dde27 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ő %s items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=Ez az erős varázsjel a támadók elméjét manipulálva egy időre elbűvöli őket.ágiaellenes %s -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Az erős varázsjelnek köszönhetően a páncél éppúgy védelmet nyújt a legtöbb mágikus támadással szemben, mint a fizikaiakkal szemben. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier.énköves %s items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Ez a varázsjel megvédi a viselőt és a tárgyait a tűztől. Ha fejlesztik, a hőt képes lesz ideiglenes pajzzsá is alakítani. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ő %s items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=A varázsjelnek köszönhetően a viselője belesimul a magas fűbe, átmenetileg láthatatlanná téve őt.áncs %s -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Ez a varázsjel földgyökeret növeszt a viselője köré, hogy sérülést nyeljen el, de le is gyökerezheti hogy fogva tartsa. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves.áramló %s items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Ez a varázsjel irányítja a vízfolyást a páncél viselője körül, aki így a vízen át gyorsabban tud mozogni. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Ez a varázsjel homályba burkolja a viselő %s items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Az elektromos varázsjel végzett vele -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Ez a varázsjel ütéskor energiát bocsát ki, ami tölti a varázspálcákat. +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates.ökő %s items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=A varázsjel visszafordítja a csapás erejét a támadóra, aki ettől hátraesik. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ürge %s items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Ez a varázsjel megnöveli a viselője sebességét, amikor nincs mellette ellenség.üskés %s -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Az erős varázsjel vérzést indít a támadók testéből, attól függően, hogy mennyi sebzést ejtenek. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer.óz %s items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=%d késleltetve @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc=Korához képest a kötet meglepően jó items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_cursed=A megátkozott könyv hozzád láncolta magát, a tekercsek többségét nem engedi elolvasni. items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_index=A könyv csonka. A tartalomjegyzék az alábbi hiányzó oldalakra mutat: items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_empowered=A tekercs amit a könyvbe fűztél energiától fénylik. Képes leszel választani az egzotikusabb verzióját ezen tekercsek hatásainak, de ez további feltöltésekbe kerül. -items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.read_empowered=The scroll you added to the spellbook surges with energy. You are able to channel either the regular, or exotic version of this scroll's effect.\n\nChoosing the exotic variant will cost 2 charges instead of 1. +items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.read_empowered=A tekercs, amit a könyvbe fűztél energiától hullámzik. Képes vagy választani a hagyományos, vagy az egzotikusabb verzióját ezen tekercsek hatásainak.\n\nAz egzotikusabb variáció 2 feltöltésbe kerül 1 helyett. @@ -343,19 +343,19 @@ válltáska items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=A tömött válltáska szalagként körbeveszi a mellkasod. Sok különálló szíjjal lehet tárolni benne az italos flaskákat.\n\nA válltáska védi a hidegtől is a benne lévő italokat.ó -items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it. +items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Ebben a csőalakú tárolóban egy csillagász tarthatta az eszközeit és táblázatait, de a te tekercseidnek is tökéletes. Van továbbá pár oldalsó rekesze, amiben a varázskristályaid is szépen elférnek.\n\nA tároló nem tűnik gyúlékonynak, tehát a tekercseid biztonságban lesznek benne.ársony zacskó items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Ebbe a kis bársonyzsákba sok kis tárgy belefér, például a magok és a rúnakövek.ágikus lövésztáska -items.bags.magicalholster.desc=This slim holster is made from some exotic animal hide, and posses powerful magic which lets it store a massive amount of ranged weapons.\n\nYou can simply reach into the bag and will always grab the item you were looking for.\n\nDue to the holster's magic, wands will charge slightly faster and thrown weapons will last slightly longer inside of it. +items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Ez a vékony tok valamilyen egzotikus állat bőréből készült, és erős varázserejének köszönhetően rengeteg távolsági fegyver elfér benne.\n\nCsak bele kell nyúlnod a táskába, és az a tárgy fog a kezedbe akadni, amit épp keresel.\n\nA varázsereje miatt a varázspálcák némileg gyorsabban töltődnek, a dobófegyverek pedig valamivel tovább tartanak benne. ###bombs hatású bomba -items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack. +items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=Ez a bomba misztikus tulajdonságokkal bír, és erőteljes lökéssel robban, Goo felpumpálós támadásához hasonlóan. items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=MEGGYÚJTOM ÉS ELDOBOM @@ -369,35 +369,35 @@ items.bombs.bomb$ét bomba items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Két, meglehetősen nehéz, fekete porbomba, az egyik ingyen a tiéd lehet!űzbomba -items.bombs.firebomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to burst into a sustained firestorm when it explodes. +items.bombs.firebomb.desc=Ezt a bombát úgy módosították, hogy hosszan tartó tűzviharral törjön ki robbanása során.ógránát -items.bombs.flashbang.desc=This customized bomb will erupt into a burst of blinding light instead of exploding. Anything that can see the burst will be disoriented for some time. +items.bombs.flashbang.desc=Ebből a személyre szabott bombából vakító fénnyaláb tör elő, robbanás helyett. Bármi ami meglátja ezt a kitörést zavarttá válik kis időre.óbomba -items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to burst into a sustained gust of freezing air when it explodes. +items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=Ezt a bombát úgy módosították, hogy hosszan tartó fagyasztó széllökéssel törjön ki robbanása során. bomba -items.bombs.holybomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to flash holy light when it explodes, dealing bonus damage to undead and demonic enemies. +items.bombs.holybomb.desc=Ezt a bombát úgy módosították, hogy szent fény villanjon robbanása során, bónusz sérülést okozva élőholt és démoni ellenségeknek.ő -items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=This customized bomb will repeatedly make noise instead of exploding. Enemies who aren't otherwise engaged will be repeatedly drawn to the blast location. +items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Ez a személyre szabott bomba ismétlődő zajt kelt robbanás helyett. Az ellenségek, akiknek nincs különösebb dolguk, azonnal a robbanás irányába húznak.ó bomba -items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes. +items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Ezt a bombát úgy módosították, hogy robbanása során elektromos vihart szabadítson fel maga körül. bomb -items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash life-giving liquid all around it instead of exploding. The area caught in the blast will rapidly sprout grass and plants, and any allies caught in the blast will be healed.újranövő bomba +items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Ez a személyre szabott bomba életet adó folyadékot loccsant körbe robbanás helyett. A beborított környéken azonnal fű és növény serken. Minden szövetségest gyógyít, akit a hatása elér. -items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it... +items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Ez a bomba a DM-300-as fémdarabkáival került módosításra, melyek repeszként szállnak mindenfelé robbanása során. Jobban teszed, ha elbújsz valami mögé ha használod... bomb -items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=This customized bomb will create a field of magical sheep instead of exploding. These sheep will block movement and persist for some time. bomba +items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Ez a személyre szabott bomba varázsbárányokkal tölti fel a csatateret robbanás helyett. Ezek a bárányok blokkolják a mozgást és kitartanak egy ideig. ###foodídgyümölcs blandfruitőtt szelídgyümölcsümölcsálógyümölcsöldgyümölcs @@ -409,14 +409,14 @@úgyümölcsümölcsálomgyümölcsümölcsó bírod megenni nyersen. száraz és jellegtelen, talán más hozzávaló mellett kifőzve jobb lehet. fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with. It will have the effect of whatever potion the seed corresponded to. gyümölcs a fazékban ázva megszívta magát a magvakkal amikkel együtt főzték. Hatása a főtt magvakkal van összhangban.Úgy tűnik, már ehető seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.$ chunks$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.Úgy látszik meglehetősen illékony, talán jobb eldobni.$ídgyümölcs darabjai$chunks.desc=A szelídgyümölcs az ütéstől felrobbant, jókora élettelen darabokat hagyva maga után.\n\nAnnak ellenére, hogy kissé mind koszos, ezek a főtt gyümölcsdarabok ehetőnek tűnnek.élyos hús mint egy rendes sült hús. @@ -433,9 +433,9 @@ítő! érzed magad! darab fagyott nyers hús. Megenni csak vékony szeleteket vágva lehet, így viszont meglepően jó. pie food was incredible! delicious pie filled with savoury meat. This will satiate you far more than any other meal.úsos pite az étel hihetetlen volt! pite töltve ízletes hússal. Ez teljesen jóllakat. Sokkal jobban, mint bármi más étel.élyes hús étel... fura ízű volt. @@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ érzed a lábad! érzed jól magad. vagy.át felelősségedre edd!$$úsástétomökpite @@ -457,9 +457,9 @@ étel az étel rendben volt.Épp úgy néz ki mint egy normál ételcsomag, csak kisebb. meatárolt hús az étel rendben volt. the meat has cleansed it of any disease or parasites. It should be safe to eat. hús párolása során megtisztult minden parazitától és kórtól. Biztonságos megenni. @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ items.keys.goldenkey.desc=A kulcs fogazata aprólékos munkával készült. Talán egy lezárt ládát nyit?álykulcs -items.keys.crystalkey.desc=The cut surfaces of this crystalline key shimmer in the darkness. Perhaps it will open a crystal chest? +items.keys.crystalkey.desc=A kristálykulcs vágott felülete csillámlik a sötétben. Talán egy kristály ládát nyithat? items.keys.ironkey.desc=Az ősrégi vaskulcs nyelve eléggé elhasználódott, a rajta csüngő bőrszíj is ütött-kopott. Melyik ajtót nyithatja? @@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ items.potions.potion$őzet items.potions.potion$életlen főzet katalizátor -items.potions.alchemicalcatalyst.desc=This thin vial of magical liquid is made from the deconstructed essence of a potion. The liquid is translucent, and glows with shifting colors of the rainbow.\n\nThis catalyst is primarily useful as an alchemy ingredient, but you can also use it directly to get the effect of a random potion. +items.potions.alchemicalcatalyst.desc=Ez a keskeny üvegcse varázsfolyadék egy főzet kivonata. A folyadék átlátszó, és a szivárvány különböző színeiben ragyog.\n\nEz a katalizátor elsősorban alkimista összetevőként használatos, de használhatod továbbá közvetlen módon, hogy egy véletlen főzet hatását kapd belőle. items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=A számtalan megénekelt csata tapasztalatait folyékony formába sűrítették. Ez a kis korty azonnal megemeli a tapasztalati szintedet. @@ -524,8 +524,8 @@ásital items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=A vegyszer szabad levegőre érve jéghideg felhővé illan.ég főzet -items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=You feel energetic! -items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds. +items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=Energikusnak érzed magad! +items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Megiszod ezt a különösen édes folyadékot, és egy kis időre eltelsz borzasztó energiával. Képes vagy nagy sebességgel futni.ógyital items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=A sebeid gyógyulni kezdenek. @@ -550,10 +550,10 @@ items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=Ha ezt megiszod, az elméd ráhangolódikénítógáz itala items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Levegőre érve a flaskában lévő folyadék zsibbasztó, sárga köddé alakul. Aki csak belélegzi, azonnal megbénul, egy ideig a gáz elpárolgása után sem tud mozdulni. Az üveget rá lehet dobni a távol álló ellenségekre, hogy a gáz hatása alá kerüljenek. of purityág itala items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Szokatlan frissességet érzel a levegőben. items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Egy védőréteg vesz körül! -items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=This magical reagent will quickly neutralize all harmful effects in a large area. Drinking it will give you temporary immunity to such effects. +items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Ez a mágikus reagens nagy területen gyorsan semlegesít minden ártalmas hatást. Ha megiszod, egy ideig immunissá válsz a hasonló hatásokra.őital items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 erő @@ -566,95 +566,83 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Ha ezt a nyomás alatt lévő üvegcsét kin ###brews brew -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.ó főzet +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. brew -items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a swirling blizzard which spreads like a gas.óvihar főzet +items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Amint összetörik, ez a főzet örvénylő hóvihart szabadít ki, mely úgy terjed mint egy gázfelhő. brew -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a frost and storm clouds potion. When thrown it will erupt into a cloud which both freezes and spreads water to surrounding terrain. főzet +items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Amint összetörik, ez a főzet dühöngő poklot szabadít fel, mely úgy terjed, mint egy gázfelhő. brew -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a liquid flame and snap freeze potion. The area around where the vial is thrown will be snap-frozen, then set ablaze for an extended duration. - brew -items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a raging inferno which spreads like a gas. - brew -items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash an electrical storm in an area around the location it breaks at. - brew -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a toxic gas and paralytic gas potion. When exposed to open air the liquid of the brew will erupt into both gasses at once.ó főzet +items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Amint összetörik, ez a főzet egy elektromos vihar képében szabadul fel körben egy területen, ahol feltörték. ###elixirs of aquatic rejuvenation -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water. -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$ Healing -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d. of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. of dragon's blood -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks. megfiatalodás elixírje +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$ízi gyógyulás +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d. of honeyed healing -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=This elixir combines healing with the sweetness of honey. When drank, it will satisfy a small amount of hunger, but it can also be thrown to heal an ally.\n\nCreatures with an affinity for honey might be pacified if this item is used on them.árkány vére elixír +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Elfogyasztása során ez az elixír tüzes energiával árad az ereidben. Ez a hatás immunissá tesz a tűzzel szemben és képes leszel lángra lobbantani az ellenfeleidet fizikai támadással. of icy touch -items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=When consumed, this elixir will allow the drinker to sap the heat from enemies they attack. This effect will make the drinker immune to the cold, and allow them to chill enemies with physical attacks.ézes gyógyulás elixir +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Ez az elixír a méz édességét és a gyógyítást kombinálja. Ha megittad, kissé csillapítja az éhséged, de el is dobhatod, hogy egy szövetségest gyógyíthass. of might -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 str, +%d hp érintés elixír +items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=Elfogyasztva ez az elixír képessé tesz arra, hogy kiszipolyozd a támadó ellenfél hőjét. A hatása alatt immunis vagy a hidegre, és képes leszel megfagyasztani az ellenfeled fizikai támadással. + elixír +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 erő, + %d élet items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Új erő járja át a testedet. -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=This powerful liquid will course through your muscles, permanently increasing your strength by one point and temporarily increasing maximum health by %d points. The health boost scales with your maximum health, but will slowly wear off as you gain levels. -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$ health boost -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=Your body feels unnaturally strong and healthy.\n\nYour maximum health is boosted for an extended period of time. As you gain levels, the boost will steadily fade.\n\nCurrent boost amount: %d\nLevels remaining: %d +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Ez az erőteljes folyadék szétáramlik izmaidban, azonnal megnövelve az erőd egy ponttal és átmenetileg megnövelve az egészséged %d ponttal. Az egészség túltöltése a maximum egészségeddel együtt skálázódik, de lassan elmosódik, ahogyan szinteteket lépsz. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$ egészség túltöltés +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=A tested természetellenesen erősnek és egészségesnek érzed.\n\nA maximális egészséged túltöltődik az idő egy kiterjesztett periódusára. Ahogyan szinteket lépsz, a túltöltés lassacskán elenyészik.\n\nAktuális túltöltési érték: %d\nHátralévő szintek: %d of restoration -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and cleansing potion. When consumed, the drinker will start to rapidly heal, and will be cleansed of all negative effects. - of vitality -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and shielding potion, granting a massive burst of survivability to whomever drinks it. - of toxic essence -items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=When consumed, this elixir will imbue the drinker with toxic energy. The drinker will be immune to toxic gas and poison, and will continuously spread toxic gas as they move.érgező esszencia elixír +items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=Elfogyasztva ezt az elixírt mérgező energiával telsz el. Immunissá válsz a mérgesgázra, és a méregre. Mozgásod során mérgező gáz terjeng körülötted folyamatosan. ###exotic potions -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.turquoise=exotic turquoise potion -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.crimson=exotic crimson potion azure potion -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.jade=exotic jade potion -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.golden=exotic golden potion -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.magenta=exotic magenta potion -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.charcoal=exotic charcoal potion -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.ivory=exotic ivory potion -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.amber=exotic amber potion -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.bistre=exotic bistre potion -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.indigo=exotic indigo potion -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.silver=exotic silver potion -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.unknown_desc=This round flask contains a grainy colorful liquid. It seems to be foreign to this land, who knows what it might do when drunk or thrown? +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.turquoise=egzotikus türkiz ital +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.crimson=egzotikus karmazsin ital azúrkék ital +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.jade=egzotikus jáde ital +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.golden=egzotikus arany ital +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.magenta=egzotikus bíbor ital +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.charcoal=egzotikus faszén ital +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.ivory=egzotikus csont színű ital +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.amber=egzotikus borostyán ital +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.bistre=egzotikus feketés barna ital +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.indigo=egzotikus indigó ital +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.silver=egzotikus ezüst ital +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.unknown_desc=Ez a kerek flaska szemcsés színes folyadékot tartalmaz. Úgy látszik, mintha idegen világból származna, ki tudja mi történik ha megiszod, vagy eldobod? of adrenaline surge -items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.desc=This powerful liquid will give you a greater boost of strength that withers after an extended period of time.öket ital +items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.desc=Ez az erőteljes folyadék egy nagyobb erőtúltöltést nyújt neked, ami egy idő után elszáll. of cleansing -items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=This powerful reagent will completely neutralize all harmful effects on the drinker when quaffed. It can be thrown at a target to cleanse them as well.ító ital +items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=Felhörpintve ezt az erős reagenst, tökéletesen semlegesít minden káros hatást. El is dobható, hogy a célpont megtisztuljon. of corrosive gas -items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Uncorking or shattering this pressurized glass will cause its contents to explode into a deadly cloud of corrosive rust-colored gas. The gas is less concentrated however, and will not last for very long.áló gáz ital +items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Megnyitva vagy széttörve ezt a nyomás alatt lévő üvegcsét a tartalma halálos rozsdaszínű korrodáló gázfelhővé robban. A gáz nem túl koncentrált, és nem tart sokáig. of dragon's breath -items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.prompt=Choose a location to burn -items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.desc=This flask contains an unusual compound which bursts into flame shortly after mixing with saliva. Quickly spitting the liquid will allow the user to spew flame from their mouth!árkány lehelete ital +items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.prompt=Válaszd ki, mi lángoljon +items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.desc=Ez a flaska egy szokatlan összetétel ami lángra lobban ha nyállal keveredik. Gyorsan kiköpve a folyadékot képes vagy tüzet okádni a szádból! of earthen armor -items.potions.exotic.potionofearthenarmor.desc=Rather than paralyze, this liquid has a hardening effect on the skin which will turn it into temporary natural armor.öldpáncél ital +items.potions.exotic.potionofearthenarmor.desc=Bénítás helyett ez a folyadék keményítő hatással bír a bőrre, amely ideiglenesen természetes páncéllá változik. of holy furor -items.potions.exotic.potionofholyfuror.desc=The power of holy energy reduced to liquid form, this draught will bless you for an extended period of time. ihlet ital +items.potions.exotic.potionofholyfuror.desc=A szent energia ereje folyékony formába öntve. Ez a korty áldást ad egy kiterjesztett időperiódusra. of magical sight items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.desc=After drinking this, your senses will be briefly heightened to incredible levels, allowing you to see through walls! @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the abi infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed. fall items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! @@ -980,16 +968,20 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it i trap items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time. items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s. items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type. -items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target +items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Válassz célpontot items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Mit bűvölsz meg? energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=HASZNÁLOM @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=%s ölt meg - a sajátod. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Nem történt semmi. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Fű nő körülötted! ég... -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=A pálcád átváltozik!! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=A pálcád átváltozik!! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=LÖVÉS items.wands.wand.fizzles=A pálcád csak sistereg; talán nem töltődött még fel. @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=Blooming weapons contain magic which wilő %s items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=A bűvölt fegyver csapásai megdermesztik az ellenfeleket, így csökken a mozgási és támadási sebességük. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. + %s items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Elastic weapons have a chance to send enemies flying back short distances. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ádáz %s items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Az erős bűvöletnek megvan az ereje ahhoz, hogy azonnal kivégezze az ellenséget. A hatás annál nagyobb valószínűséggel fordul elő, minél gyengébb az ellenfél. %s -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=This powerful enchantment increases the fortune of whoever wields it. Enemies which are killed with a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. %s items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=A precise weapon has a chance to guarantee a hit on an enemy, regardless of the circumstances. @@ -1346,58 +1347,77 @@ dart items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=These darts are tipped with an icecap-based compound which will significantly chill their target.íl -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=cancel +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=However, due to their simple construction darts will effectively last forever. dart items.weapon.missiles.darts.displacingdart.desc=These darts are tipped with a fadeleaf-based compound which will teleport their target a short distance away. dartógyító dárda items.weapon.missiles.darts.healingdart.desc=These darts are tipped with a sungrass-based compound which grants a burst of healing to their target. The dart itself is still harmful though. dart dárda items.weapon.missiles.darts.holydart.desc=These darts are tipped with a starflower-based compound which grants a boost in power to their target. The dart itself is still harmful though.újtónyíl items.weapon.missiles.darts.incendiarydart.desc=These darts are tipped with a firebloom-based compound which will burst into brilliant flames on impact. darténító dárda items.weapon.missiles.darts.paralyticdart.desc=These darts are tipped with an earthroot-based compound which will paralyze their target for a short time.éregnyíl items.weapon.missiles.darts.poisondart.desc=Ezeket a nyilakat szomorúmohából készített anyagba mártják, amely megmérgezi a célpontot. dart dárda items.weapon.missiles.darts.rotdart.desc=These wicked darts are tipped with an acidic rotberry-based compound, which will aggressively eat through anything the dart comes into contact with. Powerful foes will resist most of the effect, but the corrosion is strong enough to easily kill most standard enemies. Unfortunately, the compound is unstable, and will always expire after a single use. dartó dárda items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=These darts are tipped with a stormvine-based compound which will deliver a nasty shock to their target.ónyíl items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=These darts are tipped with a dreamfoil-based compound which will instantly put their target into a light sleep. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=cancel items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=Tipped darts will lose their tips and become regular darts when used. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=This stack of darts has _%d/%d_ uses left before one tip wears off. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_But these are of such high quality that they will effectively last forever._ items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.about_to_break=Your dart tip is about to expire.ókötél items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=These unusual ranged weapons aren't very damaging, but they do an excellent job of slowing their targets.áng items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Mikor a lapos, ívelt falövedéket az ellenséghez dobják, az visszatér a hajító kezébe. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.érgezett nyíl -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=These darts are tipped with an earthroot-based compound which will paralyze their target for a short time. - spearászbot items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Tiny throwing spears designed for fishing. They work well as an improvised weapon too. cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. +árda items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=These larger throwing spears are weighted to keep the spike at their tip foremost as they sail through the air. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=This _tier-%1$d_ thrown weapon deals _%2$d-%3$d damage_ and requires _%4$d strength_ to use properly. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=This weapon is designed to be used at a distance, it is more accurate against distant enemies, but also much less accurate at melee range. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Thrown weapons will wear out and break as they are used. @@ -1408,28 +1428,31 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=Your thrown weapon is about t items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Star-shaped pieces of metal with razor-sharp blades. They are lightweight and easy to use on the move. A single shuriken can be thrown instantly after moving. hammer club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. +ókalapács items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=These hefty hammers are designed to be thrown at an enemy. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their smooth all-metal construction means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies.ókés items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=These lightweight knives are balanced to arc through the air right into their target. They are most effective against unaware enemies. spearólándzsa items.weapon.missiles.throwingspear.desc=These lightweight spears have thin frames which are clearly designed to be thrown, and not thrusted. stoneó kő items.weapon.missiles.throwingstone.desc=These stones are sanded down to make them able to be thrown with more power than a regular stone. Despite the craftsmanship, they still aren't a very reliable weapon. items.weapon.missiles.tomahawk.desc=These throwing axes have a serrated edge that makes them a bit tricky to use. However, a solid blow with this weapon will cause an enemy to bleed.áromágú szigony items.weapon.missiles.trident.desc=Massive throwing spears with three deadly prongs on the end. They are powerful, but quite heavy. bow items.weapon.spiritbow.ac_shoot=SHOOT -items.weapon.spiritbow.prompt=Choose a target +items.weapon.spiritbow.prompt=Válassz célpontot items.weapon.spiritbow.stats=The bow cannot be directly upgraded, but will instead steadily grow stronger as you level up. At your current level, arrows shot from the bow will deal _%1$d-%2$d damage_ and require _%3$d strength_ to use properly. items.weapon.spiritbow.desc=A bow made of out ancient magical wood. The bow's string and etchings glow with a pale blue light. When the string is pulled this bow will conjure a magical arrow which can be fired at an enemy. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index 594227741..8ab016097 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ mempesona items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=Glyph yang kuat ini memanipulasi pikiran si penyerang, membuat mereka terpesona sementara waktu. anti-sihir -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Glyph yang kuat ini membuat armor memfokuskan pertahanan pada serangan sihir seperti halnya serangan fisik. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier. belerang items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Glyph ini melindungi si pemakai dan barang bawaannya dari api, dengan upgrade, bahkan panas itu dapat diubah menjadi semacam tameng. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ kamuflase items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Glyph ini membuat si pemakai melebur dengan rumput tinggi, membuatnya tembus pandang sesaat. belitan -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Glyph ini menumbuhkan akar tanah di sekeliling si pemakai untuk menyerap damage, tapi akan mengakarkan mereka. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves. mengalir items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Glyph ini memanipulasi aliran air di sekitar si pemakai, membuat mereka lebih cepat bergerak di atasnya. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Glyph ini meremangkan fisik si pemakai, memb potensial items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Terbunuh oleh: glyph potensial -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Glyph ini mengeluarkan enegi saat diserang, memberikan sedikit charge pada tongkat sihir si pemakai. +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates. repulsi items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Glyph ini memantulkan kekuatan si penyerang, menerbangkan mereka ke belakang. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ kegesitan items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Glyph ini meningkatkan kecepatan si pemakai saat tidak ada musuh di sekitar. duri -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Glyph yang kuat ini menyakiti si penyerang, membuat mereka berdarah berdasarkan damage yang mereka berikan. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer. viskositas items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=%d tangguhan @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Di samping armor ini terlihat berat, armor ini dap ###artifacts peracik Alkemis peracik items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=MASAK items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Toolkit Anda belum selesai melakukan pemanasan. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Toolkit terkutuk Anda mencegah Anda menggunakan alkimia! @@ -261,10 +261,10 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.return=Suar lloyd berhasil dipasang di lokasi terki items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Suar lloyd adalah alat sihir rumit yang memberikan si pengguna kontrol terhadap sihir teleportasi. Suar ini dapat digunakan untuk dapat kembali ke tempat yang ditentukan, tapi juga dapat mengeluarkan sihir teleportasi acak ketika itu penuh dan dipakai. Sihir ini dapat ditargetkan ke sesuatu ataupun ke si pengguna sendiri. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Suar ini dipasang di suatu tempat di level %d Pixel Dungeon. tangan bos pencuri -items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Gelang beludru ungu ini bertanda pencuri ulung. Ini bukan milik Anda, tetapi mungkin juga bukan milik pengguna terakhirnya. tangan bos pencuri +items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Gelang tangan ungu ini memiliki tanda dari bos pencuri. Ini bukan milikmu, tetapi mungkin juga bukan milik pengguna terakhirnya. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=Ban lengan terkutuk itu terikat ke pergelangan tangan Anda, dan entah bagaimana kantong emas Anda tampaknya perlahan menjadi lebih ringan ... -items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Dengan ban lengan di pergelangan tangan Anda, setiap keping emas yang kau temukan membuat kau lebih menginginkan barang milik orang lain. Mungkin tidak akan terlalu sulit untuk mencuri dari toko ... +items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Dengan gelang lengan yang dipakai di pergelangan tanganmu, setiap keping emas yang kau temukan membuat kau lebih menginginkan barang milik orang lain. Mungkin tidak akan terlalu sulit mencuri barang di toko... alam items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=sepatu alam @@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.unknown_scroll=Kau belum yakin gulungan tipe a items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc=Buku ini ternyata kondisinya masih bagus walaupun sudah kuno. Buku ini mendesis dan bersuara saat kau membuka halamannya, memancarkan energi tidak stabil. Jika kau membaca dari buku ini, tidak akan ada yang tahu mantra apa yang kau baca. items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_cursed=Buku terkutuk itu menempel padamu dengan sendirinya, menghambat kemampuanmu untuk memakai hampir semua gulungan. items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_index=Buku ini belum lengkap. Indeks buku itu saat ini mengacu pada halaman kosong berikut: -items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_empowered=Gulungan yang Anda tambahkan ke buku bersinar dengan kekuatan. Anda akan dapat memilih versi eksotis dari efek gulir ini, tetapi dengan biaya tambahan. -items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.read_empowered=Scroll yang kamu tambahkan ke spellbook melonjak dengan energi. Anda dapat menyalurkan versi biasa, atau eksotis dari efek scroll ini.\n\nMemilih varian eksotis akan dikenakan biaya 2 biaya, bukan 1. +items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_empowered=Gulungan yang baru saja kau tambahkan ke buku bersinar dengan kekuatan. Kau akan dapat memilih versi khusus dari efek gulungan ini ini, tetapi dengan charge tambahan. +items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.read_empowered=Gulungan yang kau tambahkan ke buku mantra dialiri dengan energi. Kau dapat menngeluarkan versi biasa, atau eksotik dari efek gulungan ini.\n\nMemilih varian eksotik akan dikenakan 2 charge, bukan 1. @@ -343,13 +343,13 @@ ramuan items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Bandolier tebal ini pas di sekeliling dadamu seperti selempang, banyak terdapat tali pengikat di atasnya untuk menempatkan botol ramuan.\n\nSaat di dalam bandolier, ramuanmu akan tahan dingin. gulungan -items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Wadah berbentuk tabung ini sepertinya akan memegang alat dan bagan astronom, tetapi gulungan Anda akan pas juga. Bahkan ada beberapa kompartemen samping yang cocok dengan kristal mantra Anda.\n\nPenahannya tidak terlihat mudah terbakar, jadi gulungan Anda harus aman dari api di dalamnya. +items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Wadah berbentuk tabung ini sepertinya bekas tempat menyimpan peralatan dan skema seorang ahli astronom, tetapi gulunganmu kelihatannya pas juga di dalamnya. Bahkan ada bagian di samping yang kelihatannya cocok untuk menempatkan kristal-kristal mantramu.\n\nWadah ini nampaknya tahan bakar, jadi gulunganmu yang ada di dalam harusnya aman dari api. kecil items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Kantong kecil ini dapat menyimpan item-item kecil di dalamnya, seperti benih dan bebatuan. penyimpanan ajaib -items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Sarung ramping ini terbuat dari beberapa kulit binatang eksotis, dan memiliki sihir yang kuat yang memungkinkannya menyimpan sejumlah besar senjata jarak jauh.\n\nAnda cukup merogoh tas dan akan selalu mengambil barang yang Anda cari.\n\nKarena sihir sarung itu, tongkat sihir akan mengisi sedikit lebih cepat dan senjata yang dilemparkan akan bertahan sedikit lebih lama di dalamnya. ajaib +items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Sarung ramping ini terbuat dari beberapa kulit binatang eksotis, dan memiliki sihir yang kuat sehingga memungkinkannya untuk menyimpan sejumlah besar senjata jarak jauh.\n\nKau cukup merogoh ke dalam sarung ini dan kau akan selalu mendapatkan item yang kau cari.\n\nKarena sihir sarung itu, tongkat sihir akan mengisiulang sedikit lebih cepat dan senjata jarak jauh akan bertahan sedikit lebih lama di dalamnya. @@ -362,29 +362,29 @@ items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=NYALAKAN & LEMPAR items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Kau cepat-cepat meniup sumbu bom. items.bombs.bomb.ondeath=Terbunuh karena ledakan items.bombs.bomb.rankings_desc=Terbunuh karena ledakan -items.bombs.bomb.desc=Bom bubuk hitam yang cukup kuat. Ledakan dari ini pasti akan merusak apa pun yang ada di dekatnya. -items.bombs.bomb.desc_fuse=Sepertinya sekering akan membutuhkan beberapa putaran untuk membakar setelah dinyalakan. -items.bombs.bomb.desc_burning=Sekring bomnya terbakar, jaga jarakmu, atau padamkan! +items.bombs.bomb.desc=Bom bubuk hitam yang cukup berat. Ledakan dari bom ini pasti akan merusak apa pun yang ada di dekatnya. +items.bombs.bomb.desc_fuse=Sepertinya akan membutuhkan beberapa giliran sebelum terbakar setelah itu dinyalakan. +items.bombs.bomb.desc_burning=Bomnya terbakar, jaga jarakmu atau padamkan! items.bombs.bomb$ bom items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Tumpukan dua bom hitam yang besar dan kuat, sepertinya kau dapat satu gratis! api -items.bombs.firebomb.desc=Bom ini sudah dimodifikasi dan ketika meledak akan menghasilkan badai petir api +items.bombs.firebomb.desc=Bom ini sudah dimodifikasi agar menghasilkan menjadi badai petir berkelanjutan saat meledak. cahaya -items.bombs.flashbang.desc=Bom khusus ini akan meledak menjadi cahaya menyilaukan alih-alih meledak. Apa pun yang dapat melihat ledakan itu akan membingungkan selama beberapa waktu. +items.bombs.flashbang.desc=Bom raktan ini akan meledak menjadi cahaya menyilaukan alih-alih meledak. Siapa pun yang melihat ledakan itu akan mengalami disorientasi selama beberapa waktu. beku -items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=Bom ini telah dimodifikasi untuk meledak menjadi hembusan udara beku yang berkelanjutan ketika meledak. beku +items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=Bom ini telah dimodifikasi agar meledak menjadi hembusan udara beku ketika meledak. suci -items.bombs.holybomb.desc=Bom ini telah dimodifikasi untuk meledak menjadi hembusan udara beku yang berkelanjutan ketika meledak. suci +items.bombs.holybomb.desc=Bom ini telah dimodifikasi agar memancarkan cahaya suci saat meledak, memberikan damage bonus kepada musuh sejenis iblis. kebisingan -items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Bom khusus ini akan berulang kali mengeluarkan suara alih-alih meledak. Musuh yang tidak terlibat akan berulang kali ditarik ke lokasi ledakan. +items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Bom rakitan ini akan berulang kali mengeluarkan suara alih-alih meledak. Musuh-musuh akan teralihkan perhatiannya ke lokasi ledakan. syok -items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Bom ini telah dimodifikasi untuk mengeluarkan badai listrik di sekitarnya ketika meledak. listrik +items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Bom ini telah dimodifikasi agar mengeluarkan listrik di sekitarnya ketika meledak. pertumbuhan ulang items.bombs.regrowthbomb.desc=Bom khusus ini akan memercikkan cairan yang memberi kehidupan di sekelilingnya alih-alih meledak. Daerah yang terperangkap dalam ledakan akan dengan cepat menumbuhkan rumput dan tanaman, dan sekutu yang tertangkap dalam ledakan itu akan sembuh. @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ pecahan peluru items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Bom ini telah dimodifikasi dengan potongan-potongan logam DM-300, yang akan pecah dan terbang ke mana-mana ketika meledak. Anda sebaiknya bersembunyi di balik sesuatu saat menggunakannya ... wol -items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Bom khusus ini akan membuat bidang domba ajaib ketika meledak. Domba-domba ini akan menghalangi pergerakan dan bertahan selama beberapa waktu. +items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Bom rakitan ini akan membuat sejumlah domba ajaib alih-alih meledak. Domba-domba ini akan menghalangi pergerakan dan bertahan selama beberapa waktu. ###food campur @@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ seperti makanan biasa hanya saja lebih kec rebus makanan itu oke.\nMerebus daging telah membersihkannya dari segala penyakit atau parasit. Daging ini aman dikonsumsi. merebus daging, maka daging ini bersih dari segala penyakit atau parasit. Daging ini aman dikonsumsi. @@ -467,8 +467,8 @@\nMerebus daging telah membersihkannya dari segala pe yang robek items.journal.documentpage.desc=Sehelai kertas, mungkin dirobek dari buku atau sejenisnya. Kau harus memungutnya untuk dapat membacanya. Buku Alkimia -items.journal.alchemypage.desc=Halaman robek dari buku panduan tentang alkimia.\n\nSebagian besar teks terlalu kecil untuk dibaca dari kejauhan, tetapi Anda dapat melihat judul halaman:\n\n_ "%s" _ sobek buku racikan +items.journal.alchemypage.desc=Halaman robek dari buku panduan tentang peracikan.\n\nSebagian besar teks terlalu kecil untuk dibaca dari kejauhan, tetapi kau dapat melihat judul halaman:\n\n_"%s"_ buku panduan yang robek items.journal.guidepage.desc=Halaman yang robek dari sebuah buku panduan berpetualang.\n\nHampir semua teks terlalu kecil untuk dibaca dari kejauhan, tapi kau dapat membaca judul dari halaman itu:\n\n_"%s"_ @@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=Setelah meminum ini, pikiranmu akan menyel gas pelumpuh items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Ketika bereaksi dengan udara luar, cairan di ramuan ini akan menguap menjadi awan-awan kuning. Siapa pun yang menghirup awan itu akan langsung lumpuh, tidak dapat bergerak untuk sesaat sampai awannya menghilang. Item ini dapat dilempar dari jauh pada musuh untuk menjebak mereka. Kemurnian kemurnian items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Kau merasakan kesegaran tidak biasa di udara. items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Selaput protektif menyelubungimu! items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Reagen sihir ini akan menetralkan semua efek berbahaya di area yang besar dengan cepat. Jika meminumnya, maka kau akan imun terhadap berbagai efek. @@ -567,39 +567,33 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Jika kau membuka atau memecahkan ramuan ini, ###brews kaustik -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Minuman ini akan menyebarkan cairan korosif di sekitar lokasi yang dihancurkannya. Apa pun yang tertangkap oleh cairan akan perlahan meleleh jika tidak bisa dicuci dengan air. +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. Badai petir items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Ketika hancur, minuman ini akan mengeluarkan badai salju yang berputar-putar yang menyebar seperti gas. dingin -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Minuman ini menggabungkan sifat-sifat ramuan embun beku dan awan badai. Ketika terlempar, ia akan meletus ke awan yang membeku dan menyebarkan air ke daerah sekitarnya. - Api beku -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Minuman ini menggabungkan sifat-sifat nyala cair dan ramuan pembekuan jepret. Area di sekitar tempat botol dilempar akan dibekukan dengan cepat, lalu nyalakan api untuk waktu yang lama. - infernal -items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Ketika hancur, minuman ini akan mengeluarkan api mengamuk yang menyebar seperti gas. +items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Ketika pecah, cairan ini akan mengeluarkan amukan api yang menyebar seperti gas. mengejutkan -items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Ketika hancur, minuman ini akan mengeluarkan badai listrik di daerah di sekitar lokasi yang rusak. - jahat -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Minuman ini menggabungkan sifat gas beracun dan ramuan gas paralitik. Saat terpapar ke udara terbuka, cairan bir akan meletus ke kedua gas sekaligus. +items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Ketika pecah, cairan ini akan mengeluarkan badai listrik di daerah di sekitar lokasi botol ini pecah. ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. + air peremajaan -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Ramuan ini mengandung sisa-sisa Goo yang disempurnakan dengan ramuan penyembuhan. Meskipun tidak akan memberikan penyembuhan segera, perlahan-lahan akan memulihkan kesehatan Anda saat Anda berdiri di air. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$ Akuatik -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Anda telah mendapatkan sementara properti restoratif yang serupa dengan Goo.\n\nSambil berdiri di air, Anda akan memulihkan satu titik kesehatan per putaran.\n\nputaran tersisa : %d . +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d. darah naga items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Saat dikonsumsi, ramuan ini akan mengirimkan kekuatan berapi-api mengalir melalui pembuluh darah peminum. Efek ini akan membuat peminum kebal terhadap api, dan memungkinkan mereka untuk membakar musuh dengan serangan fisik. penyembuhan madu -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Ramuan ini mengkombinasikan penyembuhan dengan manisnya madu. Ketika minum, itu akan memuaskan sedikit rasa lapar, tetapi juga bisa dilemparkan untuk menyembuhkan sekutu.\n\nMakhluk dengan afinitas untuk madu mungkin tenang jika item ini digunakan pada mereka. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Ramuan ini mengkombinasikan penyembuhan dengan manisnya madu. Ketika diminum, ramuan ini akan menghilangkan sedikit rasa lapar, tetapi juga bisa dilemparkan untuk menyembuhkan sekutu.\n\nMakhluk yang berhubungan dengan madu mungkin akan senang jika item ini digunakan pada mereka. dari sentuhan dingin items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=Saat dikonsumsi, ramuan ini akan memungkinkan peminum untuk meredam panas dari musuh yang mereka serang. Efek ini akan membuat peminum kebal terhadap hawa dingin, dan memungkinkan mereka untuk mendinginkan musuh dengan serangan fisik. @@ -611,68 +605,62 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=This powerful liquid will course throug items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$ health boost items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=Your body feels unnaturally strong and healthy.\n\nYour maximum health is boosted for an extended period of time. As you gain levels, the boost will steadily fade.\n\nCurrent boost amount: %d\nLevels remaining: %d restorasi -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Ramuan ini mengkombinasikan sifat-sifat ramuan penyembuhan dan pembersihan. Ketika dikonsumsi, peminum akan mulai sembuh dengan cepat, dan akan dibersihkan dari semua efek negatif. - vitalitas -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=Ramuan ini mengkombinasikan sifat-sifat ramuan penyembuhan dan perisai, memberikan ledakan ketahanan hidup yang besar kepada siapa pun yang meminumnya. - dari esensi toksik items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=Saat dikonsumsi, ramuan ini akan memberi energi pada peminum dengan racun. Peminum akan kebal terhadap gas beracun dan racun, dan akan terus menyebarkan gas beracun saat mereka bergerak. ###exotic potions -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.turquoise=ramuan pirus eksotis -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.crimson=ramuan merah tua yang eksotis biru eksotis -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.jade=ramuan giok eksotis -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.golden=ramuan emas eksotis -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.magenta=ramuan magenta eksotis -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.charcoal=ramuan arang eksotis -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.ivory=ramuan gading eksotis -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.amber=ramuan kuning eksotis -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.bistre=ramuan bistre eksotis -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.indigo=ramuan indigo eksotis -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.silver=ramuan perak eksotis -items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.unknown_desc=Labu bundar ini berisi cairan berwarna-warni kasar. Sepertinya asing dengan tanah ini, siapa yang tahu apa yang mungkin dilakukan ketika diminum atau dilempar? +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.turquoise=ramuan pirus eksotik +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.crimson=ramuan merah eksotik biru eksotik +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.jade=ramuan hijau eksotik +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.golden=ramuan emas eksotik +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.magenta=ramuan magenta eksotik +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.charcoal=ramuan hitam eksotik +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.ivory=ramuan putih eksotik +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.amber=ramuan kuning eksotik +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.bistre=ramuan coklat eksotik +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.indigo=ramuan ungu eksotik +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.silver=ramuan perak eksotik +items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.unknown_desc=Botol bundar ini berisi cairan kasar yang berwarna-warni. Sepertinya ini benda asing, siapa yang tahu apa yang mungkin terjadi ketika diminum atau dilempar? lonjakan adrenalin -items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.desc=Cairan yang kuat ini akan memberimu dorongan kekuatan yang lebih besar yang akan hilang setelah periode waktu yang lama. +items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.desc=Cairan yang kuat ini akan memberimu dorongan kekuatan besar yang akan hilang setelah periode waktu yang lama. pembersihan -items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=Pereaksi yang kuat ini akan sepenuhnya menetralkan semua efek berbahaya pada peminum ketika dikuak. Itu bisa dilemparkan ke target untuk membersihkannya juga. +items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=Reagen yang kuat ini akan sepenuhnya menetralkan semua efek berbahaya pada peminum ketika diteguk. Ramuan ini juga bisa dilemparkan ke target untuk membersihkannya. gas korosif -items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Melepas atau menghancurkan kaca bertekanan ini akan menyebabkan isinya meledak menjadi awan gas korosif yang mematikan. Namun gasnya kurang terkonsentrasi, dan tidak akan bertahan lama. +items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Melepas atau menghancurkan kaca bertekanan ini akan menyebabkan isinya meledak menjadi awan gas korosif yang mematikan. Namun gasnya tidak terlalu pekat, dan tidak akan bertahan lama. napas naga items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.prompt=Pilih lokasi untuk dibakar -items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.desc=Labu ini mengandung senyawa yang tidak biasa yang menyemburkan api segera setelah bercampur dengan air liur. Meludahkan cairan dengan cepat akan memungkinkan pengguna memuntahkan api dari mulut mereka! +items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.desc=Botol ini mengandung senyawa tidak biasa yang akan menyemburkan api ketika bercampur dengan air liur. Meludahkan cairan dengan cepat akan memungkinkan pengguna memuntahkan api dari mulut mereka! dari armor tanah -items.potions.exotic.potionofearthenarmor.desc=Alih-alih melumpuhkan, ternyata cairan ini memiliki efek pengerasan pada kulit yang akan mengubahnya menjadi pelindung alami sementara. armor tanah +items.potions.exotic.potionofearthenarmor.desc=Alih-alih melumpuhkan, ternyata cairan ini memiliki efek pengerasan pada kulit yang akan mengubahnya menjadi armor alami sementara. of holy furor kehebatan suci items.potions.exotic.potionofholyfuror.desc=Kekuatan energi suci direduksi menjadi bentuk cair, kekuatan ini akan memberkatimu untuk jangka waktu yang lama. penglihatan magis -items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.desc=Setelah minum ini, inderamu akan meningkat secara singkat ke tingkat yang luar biasa, memungkinkanmu untuk melihat menembus dinding! penglihan sihir +items.potions.exotic.potionofmagicalsight.desc=Setelah meminum ini, inderamu akan meningkat secara singkat ke tingkat yang luar biasa, memungkinkanmu untuk melihat menembus dinding! pelindung -items.potions.exotic.potionofshielding.desc=Alih-alih menyembuhkan, ramuan ini malah akan memproyeksikan perisai yang tahan lama di sekitar tubuh pengguna, menghalangi sejumlah besar kerusakan. perisai +items.potions.exotic.potionofshielding.desc=Alih-alih menyembuhkan, ramuan ini malah akan memproyeksikan perisai di sekitar tubuh pengguna, menahan sejumlah besar damage. kabut yang terselubung -items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.desc=Saat terkena udara, cairan dalam labu ini akan menghasilkan kabut berasap tebal yang benar-benar menghalangi penglihatan. selubung kabut +items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.desc=Saat terkena udara, cairan dalam botol ini akan menghasilkan kabut tebal yang menghalangi penglihatan sepenuhnya. snap beku -items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.desc=Bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam ramuan ini akan cepat bereaksi dengan udara, langsung membeku dan rooting semua dalam efeknya pembekuan +items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.desc=Bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam ramuan ini akan cepat bereaksi dengan udara, semua yang terkena efek akan langsung membeku dan tidak dapat bergerak. stamina -items.potions.exotic.potionofstamina.desc=Meminum cairan manis yang aneh ini akan memberimu dorongan energi tahan lama, memungkinkanmu berlari dengan kecepatan lebih cepat untuk periode waktu yang lama. stamina +items.potions.exotic.potionofstamina.desc=Meminum cairan manis yang aneh ini akan memberimu dorongan energi yang tahan lama, memungkinkanmu berlari dengan kecepatan lebih cepat untuk periode waktu yang lama. awan badai -items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.desc=ramuan awan badai +items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.desc=Uap pekat akan tercipta ketika ramuan ini dilempar, yang akan mengembun dan jatuh di lingkungan sekitarnya. Sebagian besar daerah akan berubah menjadi air, dan jebakan akan rusak. @@ -733,7 +721,7 @@ items.rings.ring.not_cursed=Cincin ini bebas dari sihir jahat. akurasi items.rings.ringofaccuracy.stats=Saat dipakai, cincin ini akan meningkatkan keakuratanmu sebesar _ %s %%._ items.rings.ringofaccuracy.typical_stats=Saat dipakai, cincin ini biasanya akan meningkatkan akurasi Anda sebesar _ %s %% ._ -items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Cincin ini meningkatkand daya fokusmu, sehingga memudahkan seranganmu untuk mengenai mereka. Cincin terkutuk malah akan membuat seranganmu lebih sulit untuk terkena. +items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Cincin ini meningkatkan fokusmu, sehingga memudahkan seranganmu mengenai target. Cincin yang terkutuk malah akan membuat seranganmu sering meleset. elemen items.rings.ringofelements.stats=Saat dipakai, cincin ini akan memberikan _ %s %%_ elemental resistance. @@ -753,12 +741,12 @@ items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=Cincin ini mempercepat reaksi si pemakai, membuat pukulan items.rings.ringofforce.stats=Ketika tidak bersenjata, dengan kekuatanmu saat ini, cincin ini akan memberikan _ %1$d - %2$d damage._ Dengan senjata yang dilengkapi, cincin ini akan meningkatkan damage sebesar _ %3$d ._ items.rings.ringofforce.typical_stats=Ketika tidak bersenjata, dengan kekuatan Anda saat ini, biasanya cincin ini akan memberikan _ %1$d- %2$d damage._ Dengan senjata yang dilengkapi, cincin ini akan meningkatkan damage sebesar _ %3$d._ -items.rings.ringofforce.desc=Cincin ini meningkatkan kekuatan pukulan jarak dekat pemakai layaknya petinju. Kekuatan ekstra ini cukup lemah saat memegang senjata, tetapi serangan yang tidak bersenjata akan dibuat lebih kuat. Cincin yang terkutuk malah akan melemahkan pukulan pemakainya. +items.rings.ringofforce.desc=Cincin ini meningkatkan kekuatan pukulan si pemakai. Kekuatan ekstra ini cukup lemah saat memegang senjata, tetapi serangan tangan kosong akan memperkuatnya. Cincin yang terkutuk malah akan melemahkan pukulan pemakainya. kehebatan items.rings.ringoffuror.stats=Saat dipakai, cincin ini akan meningkatkan kecepatan seranganmu sebesar _ %s %% ._ items.rings.ringoffuror.typical_stats=Saat dipakai, cincin ini biasanya akan meningkatkan kecepatan seranganmu sebesar _ %s %% ._ -items.rings.ringoffuror.desc=Cincin ini memberi pemakainya kemarahan di dalam, yang memungkinkan mereka untuk menyerang lebih cepat. Cincin yang terkutuk malah akan memperlambat kecepatan serangan pemakainya. +items.rings.ringoffuror.desc=Cincin ini memberi pemakainya kemarahan dari dalam, memungkinkan mereka untuk menyerang lebih cepat. Cincin yang terkutuk malah akan memperlambat kecepatan serangan pemakainya. kecepatan items.rings.ringofhaste.stats=Saat dipakai, cincin ini akan meningkatkan kecepatan gerakanmu sebesar _ %s %%._ @@ -818,7 +806,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofidentify.desc=gulungan ini mengungkapkan semua rahasia dar nina bobo items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Gulungan itu mengeluarkan melodi menenangkan. Kau merasa sangat mengantuk. -items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Ketika gulungan ini dibaca, ia melantunkan nada-nada menenangkan yang memberi rasa kantuk dan membuat siapapun yang mendengarnya tertidur secara magis dengan pulas. +items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Lantunan melodi indah akan muncul ketika membaca gulungan ini dan membuat siapapun yang mendengarnya tertidur pulas. peta sihir items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Kau sekarang mengetahui lapisan luar level. @@ -849,13 +837,13 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=Dalam sekejap mata kau sudah berpindah items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Aura sihir yang kuat di tempat ini mencegahmu untuk teleportasi! items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=You can't teleport there. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Pilih lokasi untuk teleport -items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=Mantra yang ada pada lembaran ini akan secara spontan membawa pembacanya ke lokasi lain di lantai yang sama dalam dungeon. Gulungan ini memproritaskan tempat-tempat yang belum pernah terjamah oleh pembacanya. Walaupun ia tidak mampu menembus ruangan dengan pintu yang terkunci, ia mampu menembus pintu rahasia dan membawa pembacanya ke lokasi tersembunyi. +items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=Mantra yang ada pada perkamen ini akan membawa pembacanya ke lokasi lain di lantai yang sama dalam dungeon ini. Gulungan ini memprioritaskan tempat-tempat yang belum pernah terjamah oleh pembacanya, namun tetap tidak mampu menembus ruangan terkunci atau ruangan yang dibarikade. Namun begitu bisa menembus pintu rahasia yang membawanya ke area yang baru. teror items.scrolls.scrollofterror.none=gulungan itu mengeluarkan cahaya merah menyilaukan. itu mengeluarkan cahaya merah menyilaukan dan %s melarikan diri! items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=Gulungan ini memancarkan cahaya merah dan musuh pun melarikan diri! -items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Sebuah pancaran sinar merah akan membanjiri seluruh kehidupan yang ada pada jarak pandangmu dengan ketakutan, yang membuat mereka berpaling dan melarikan diri. Menyerang musuh yang sedang melarikan diri akan mempersingkat efeknya. +items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Sebuah pancaran sinar merah akan membuat semua makhluk di sekitar jarak pandangmu menjadi ketakutan, membuat mereka berpaling dan melarikan diri. Menyerang musuh yang sedang melarikan diri akan mempersingkat efeknya. transmutasi items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Ubah sebuah item @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the abi infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed. fall items.spells.featherfall.light=Engkau merasa ringan seperti bulu! @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it i trap items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time. items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation mag items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Pilih sasaran items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Menanamkan item energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=GUNAKAN @@ -1053,13 +1045,14 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Kau terbunuh oleh %s-mu sendiri. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Tidak terjadi apa pun. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Rerumputan tumbuh di sekitarmu! mencium sesuatu terbakar... -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Tongkat sihirmu berubah menjadi item yang berbeda! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=Tongkat sihirmu berubah menjadi item yang berbeda! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=TEMBAK items.wands.wand.fizzles=Tongkat sihirmu mendesis; pasti tidak cukup charge. items.wands.wand.no_magic=Your wand fizzles; you cannot use wands while magic immune. items.wands.wand.self_target=Kau tidak dapat menargetkan diri sendiri! -items.wands.wand.identify=Sekarang engkau sudah cukup terbiasa dengan tongkat sihirmu untuk mengetahuinya. +items.wands.wand.identify=Sekarang kau sudah cukup mengenali tongkat sihirmu. items.wands.wand.cursed=Tongkat sihir ini terkutuk, membuat sihirnya berbahaya dan acak. items.wands.wand.not_cursed=Tongkat sihir ini bebas dari sihir jahat. items.wands.wand.curse_discover=%s ini terkutuk! @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=Blooming weapons contain magic which wil es items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=Musuh yang diserang oleh kekuatan ini akan membeku, melambatkan gerakan dan serangannya. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. + items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Elastic weapons have a chance to send enemies flying back short distances. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ maut items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Kekuatan yang kuat ini dirasuki kekuatan untuk membunuh musuh secara instan. Efeknya akan lebih sering muncul ketika musuh lemah. keberuntungan -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=This powerful enchantment increases the fortune of whoever wields it. Enemies which are killed with a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. %s items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=A precise weapon has a chance to guarantee a hit on an enemy, regardless of the circumstances. @@ -1221,7 +1222,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.crossbow.stats_desc=Senjata ini meningkatkan damage pada anak panah saat dipakai, bahkan akan memberikan kekuatannya pada anak panah itu. items.weapon.melee.crossbow.desc=Senjata cukup rumit yang dapat menembakkan panah dengan kecepatan luar biasa. Senjata ini bobot dan kokoh, membuatnya dapat digunakan sebagai senjata jarak dekat juga. kecil belati items.weapon.melee.dagger.stats_desc=Senjata ini lebih kuat melawan musuh yang lengah. items.weapon.melee.dagger.desc=Pisau belati sederhana dengan pegangan kayu. @@ -1346,7 +1347,14 @@ panah pembeku items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=Semua anak panah ini dilumuri dengan senyawa dari tanaman kantung es yang secara signifikan akan mendinginkan target. panah -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=Batang sederhana dengan ujung runcing itu diseimbangkan agar dapat meluncur ke mangsanya dengan kekuatan minimal. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=batalkan +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=However, due to their simple construction darts will effectively last forever. panah pemindah @@ -1376,6 +1384,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=Semua anak panah ini dilumuri deng panah pembius items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=Semua anak panah ini dilumuri dengan senyawa dari tanaman mimpi yang akan langsung membuat target tertidur. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=batalkan items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=Tipped darts will lose their tips and become regular darts when used. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=This stack of darts has _%d/%d_ uses left before one tip wears off. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_But these are of such high quality that they will effectively last forever._ @@ -1389,15 +1403,21 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Dilempar pada musuh, senjata lengkung kayu yang datar ini akan kembali pada tangan si pelempar. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Karena boomerang ini sangat kokoh, maka ia tidak akan rusak saat digunakan. panah pelumpuh -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Anak panah ini di dilumuri oleh senyawa dari benih akar tanah yang mana akan membuat target yang kena menjadi lumpuh sejenak. - pancing items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Tombak lempar kecil yang dibuat untuk memancing. Tombak-tombak ini dapat dipakai juga sebagai senjata. cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. + items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Tombak lempar yang lebih besar itu diseimbangkan agar ujung runcingnya itu tetap melayang lurus di udara. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=This _tier-%1$d_ thrown weapon deals _%2$d-%3$d damage_ and requires _%4$d strength_ to use properly. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=This weapon is designed to be used at a distance, it is more accurate against distant enemies, but also much less accurate at melee range. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Thrown weapons will wear out and break as they are used. @@ -1408,6 +1428,9 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=Your thrown weapon is about t items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Logam berbentuk bintang dengan mata pisau yang tajam. Benda ini ringan dan mudah dipakai saat bergerak. Satu shuriken dapat dilempar secara instan setelah bergerak. club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. + lempar items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=Palu-palu yang besar dan berat itu didesain untuk dilemparkan ke musuh. Walaupun tidak terlalu memberi banyak damage, pembuatan palu yang terbuat dari metal semua itu membuat palu itu praktis, dan tidak akan menancap ke musuh. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index 66fc725a4..a2667e566 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ dell'affezione items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=Questo potente glifo manipola la mente degli attaccanti, affascinandoli temporaneamente. dell'anti-magia -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Questo potente glifo permette all'armatura di imporre la sua difesa alla maggior parte degli attacchi magici così come a quelli fisici. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier. sulfurea items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Questo glifo protegge il portatore ed i suoi averi dal fuoco, con i miglioramenti può addirittura convertire il calore in uno scudo temporaneo. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ del camuffamento items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Questo glifo permette al portatore di mimetizzarsi nell'erba alta, concedendogli invisibilità temporanea. del groviglio -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Questo glifo fa crescere radicaterra attorto al portatore per attutire i danni, ma lo blocca sul posto se viene permesso loro di fare presa. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves. del flusso items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Questo glifo manipola il flusso dell'acqua attorno al portatore, rendendolo molto più veloce quando si muove attraverso essa. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Questo glifo offusca il portatore, rendendol potenziale items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Ucciso da: glifo del potenziale -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Questo glifo accumula energia quando colpito, donando una piccola quantità di carica alle bacchette del portatore. +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates. della repulsione items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Questo glifo rimbalza la forza contro gli attaccanti, sbalzandoli all'indietro. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ della celerità items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Questo glifo aumenta la velocità del portatore ogni qual volta non è vicino ad un nemico. di spine -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Questo potente glifo ferisce gli attaccanti, causando loro sanguinamenti basati sul danno da essi inflitto. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer. della viscosità items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=differito %d @@ -567,33 +567,27 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Stappare o frantumare questa ampolla pressur ###brews caustica -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Questa miscela spargerà della melma corrosiva nel luogo in cui verrà frantumata. Ogni cosa raggiunta dalla melma si scioglierà lentamente se non verrà lavata con l'acqua. +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. bufera items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Quando frantumata, questa miscela scatenerà una turbinante bufera che si espande come un gas. glaciale -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Questa miscela combina le proprietà delle pozioni di congelamento e delle nubi tempestose. Quando lanciata erutterà una nube congelando l'acqua che essa stessa diffonderà sul terreno circostante. - fuocogelo -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Questa miscela combina le proprietà delle pozioni del fuoco liquido e di surgelamento. L'area circostante a dove la fiala verrà lanciata verrà surgelata, quindi incendiata per un tempo prolungato. - infernale items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Quando frantumata, questa miscela scatenerà un roboante inferno di fiamme che si espande come un gas. fulminante items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Quando frantumata, questa miscela scatenerà una tempesta elettrica nell'area circostante al luogo della sua rottura. perfida -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Questa miscela combina le proprietà delle pozioni di gas paralizzante e di gas tossico. Quando esposto all'aria il liquido della miscela erutterà entrambi i gas contemporaneamente. - ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. + del rinvigorimento acquatico -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Questo elisir contiene le spoglie di Goo, potenziate con una pozione di guarigione. Sebbene non provveda a una guarigione immediata, ripristinerà lentamente la tua salute mentre resti in acqua. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$ Acquatica -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Hai temporaneamente ottenuto proprietà di ripristino simili a quelle di Goo.\n\nMentre sei in acqua, recupererai un punto di salute per turno.\n\nturni rimanenti: %d. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d. del sangue di drago items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quando tracannato, questo elisir irradierà un impetuoso potere nelle vene del suo bevitore. Questo effetto renderà il bevitore immune al fuoco e gli consentirà di incendiare i nemici tramite l'uso degli attacchi fisici. @@ -611,12 +605,6 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Questo potente liquido scorrerà nei tu items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$ salute massima items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=Senti il tuo corpo innaturalmente forte e in salute.\n\nLa tua salute massima è incrementata per un esteso periodo. Mano a mano che acquisisci livelli, l'incremento si attenuerà di conseguenza.\n\nIncremento attuale: %d\nLivelli rimanenti: %d del ripristino -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Questo elisir combina le proprietà delle pozioni di guarigione e detergente. Quando consumato, il suo bevitore inizierà a guarire rapidamente e verrà purificato da ogni effetto nocivo. - della vitalità -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=Questo elisir combina le proprietà delle pozioni di guarigione e dello scudo, concedendo una massiccia scarica di sopravvivenza a chiunque lo beva. - dell'essenza tossica items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=Quando tracannato, questo elisir instillerà il suo bevitore con energia tossica. Il bevitore sarà immune al gas tossico ed al veleno, e spostandosi diffonderà continuamente gas tossico. @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Questa complicata magia permette a chi la us del maleficio items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Maledici un oggetto -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=Questa formula magica infonde un pezzo dell'equipaggiamento con la stessa magia malevola presente in DM-300. L'oggetto su cui è usata verrà immediatamente maledetto e ogni incantamento o glifo possa esso possedere verrà sovrascritto. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed. piumata items.spells.featherfall.light=Ti senti leggero come una piuma! @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=Questa caotica formula magica teletrasporterà qual trappola items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=Non c'è nessuna trappola lì. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=Questa formula magica contiene ciò che rimane delle abilità di riparazione di DM-300. Quando lanciata su una trappola attiva il potere meccanico della trappola verrà riciclato in energia magica, ricaricando le bacchette magiche e gli artefatti dell'utilizzatore. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time. items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Ricicla un oggetto @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=Questa formula magica contiene una forma minore di mag items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Scegli un bersaglio items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Infondi un oggetto energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=USA @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Sei stato ucciso dal tuo stesso %s. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Non succede nulla. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Dell'erba spunta tutto intorno a te! puzza di bruciato... -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=La tua bacchetta si trasmuta in un oggetto diverso! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=La tua bacchetta si trasmuta in un oggetto diverso! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=COLPISCI items.wands.wand.fizzles=La tua bacchetta emette fievoli scoppiettii; sarà scarica. @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=Le armi fiorenti contengono una magia ch ghiacciante items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=I nemici colpiti con questo incantamento vengono raffreddati, rallentando i loro movimenti ed attacchi. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. + elastico items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Le armi elastiche hanno la possibilità di spedire i nemici all'indietro per brevi distanze. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ feroce items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Questo potente incantamento possiede il potere di uccidere instantaneamente un nemico. L'effetto è tanto più probabile quanto più debole è il nemico. fortunata -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Questo potente incantamento aumenta la fortuna di chiunque lo brandisca. Nemici uccisi con un'arma fortunata hanno la possibilità di lasciare del bottino aggiuntivo. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. precisa items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=Un'arma precisa ha la possibilità di garantire un colpo a segno sul nemico, a prescindere dalle circostanze. @@ -1346,7 +1347,14 @@ ghiacciante items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=Questi dardi sono intinti con un composto di calotta glaciale che gelerà sensibilmente il loro bersaglio. -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=Queste semplici aste di legno puntute sono bilanciate per volare dritte e trafiggere le loro prede con un semplice movimento del polso. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=annulla +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=A ogni modo, data la loro struttura semplice i dardi avranno una durata praticamente eterna. dislocante @@ -1376,6 +1384,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=Questi dardi sono intinti con un c del sonno items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=Questi dardi sono intinti con un composto di sognofoglia che porrà il loro bersaglio in uno stato di sonno leggero. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=annulla items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=I dardi intinti perderanno il loro potere e diverranno dardi comuni una volta usati. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=Questa pila di dardi ha _%d/%d_ usi restanti prima che una punta si consumi. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_Ma questi sono di qualità così buona che dureranno praticamente in eterno._ @@ -1389,15 +1403,21 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Una volta lanciato verso il nemico questo missile di legno ricurvo ritornerà nelle mani del lanciatore. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Data la sua robusta struttura, questo boomerang non si romperà con l'uso. al curaro -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Questi dardi sono intinti con un composto di radicaterra che paralizzerà il bersaglio per un breve periodo. - da pesca items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Piccole fiocine da lancio progettate per pescare. Funzionano bene anche come armi improvvisate. cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. + items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Questi grossi arpioni da lancio sono bilanciati per mantenere in avanti la punta mentre volano nell'aria. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Quest'arma da lancio _di categoria-%1$d_ infligge _%2$d-%3$d punti danno_ e richiede _ %4$d punti forza_ per essere usata correttamente. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Quest'arma è progettata per essere usata da lontano, è più precisa contro i nemici distanti ma molto meno accurata a distanza ravvicinata. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Le armi da lancio si consumeranno e si romperanno con l'uso. @@ -1408,6 +1428,9 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=La tua arma da lancio sta per items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Pezzi di metallo a forma di stella con lame affilate. Sono leggere e facili da usare in movimento. Una shuriken singola può essere lanciata immediatamente dopo uno spostamento. club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. + da lancio items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=Questi pesanti martelli sono progettati per essere lanciati ai nemici. Nonostante siano un po' carenti sul fronte del danno, la loro realizzazione interamente metallica li rende piuttosto durevoli, e non si incastreranno sui nemici. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index 592b46341..b205be1f1 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@애정의 %s items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=이 강력한 상형문자는 공격자의 마음을 조종하여, 잠시 동안 매혹에 빠트립니다.항마의 %s -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=이 강력한 상형문자는 물리 피해 못지 않게 마법 피해에도 저항할 수 있게끔 합니다. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier.유황불의 %s items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=이 상형문자는 불로부터 착용자와 그 소지품을 보호합니다. 충분히 강화하면 열을 일시적인 방어막으로 바꿀 수도 있습니다. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@위장의 %s items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=이 상형문자는 착용자를 기다란 풀에 숨어들어, 일시적으로 투명화시킬 수 있습니다.속박의 %s -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=이 상형문자는 착용자를 자연의 갑옷으로 감싸 피해를 흡수 할 수 있습니다. 하지만 착용자가 이동하지 않는다면 움직일 수 없습니다. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves.흐름의 %s items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=이 상형문자는 물결의 흐름을 조종하여, 물 위를 이동하는 걸 훨씬 빠르게 합니다. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=이 상형문자는 착용자를 눈에 잘전위의 %s items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=사망 원인: 전위의 상형문자 -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=이 상형문자는 공격받을 때 전기 에너지를 만들어, 착용자의 마법 막대의 일부를 충전시킵니다. +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates.반발의 %s items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=이 상형문자는 공격자를 튕겨내며, 뒤로 날려 보냅니다. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@신속함의 %s items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=이 상형문자는 적과 가까이 있지 않을 때마다 착용자의 속도를 높여 줍니다.가시의 %s -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=이 강력한 상형문자는 공격자를 상처 내어, 입힌 피해에 따른 출혈 피해를 줍니다. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer.점성의 %s items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=%d의 피해 지연 @@ -567,33 +567,27 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=이 유리병을 열거나 깨는 순간 내 ###brews산성 혼합물 -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 깨진 지점 주변에 산성 점액을 방출합니다. 산성 점액을 뒤집어 쓴 대상은 물에 들어갈 때 까지 서서이 몸이 녹아갑니다. +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.눈보라 혼합물 items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 깨지는 순간 가스처럼 퍼져나가는 매서운 눈보라를 방출할 것입니다.냉랭한 혼합물 -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 서리의 물약과 폭풍우의 물약을 뒤섞어 만들었으며, 던져지는 순간 구름으로 승화하여 주변 지형을 물로 뒤덮고 얼려버릴 것입니다. -얼음불 혼합물 -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=이 혼합물은 액체 화염 물약과 서리의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 던져진 곳 주변을 순간적으로 동결시킨 후 그곳을 불바다로 만들 것입니다. -지옥불 혼합물 items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 깨지는 순간 가스처럼 퍼져나가는 뜨거운 용암을 방출할 것입니다.전격 혼합물 items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 깨지는 순간 주변에 강력한 전기 폭풍을 방출할 것입니다.사악한 혼합물 -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 유독 가스와 마비 가스의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 공기에 노출되는 순간 동시에 두 가지 가스로 기화할 것입니다. - ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. +수상 회복의 영약 -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=이 영약은 회복 물약과 구의 조각을 융합하여 더욱 향상된 치유력을 가집니다. 비록 즉각적인 회복을 제공하지는 않지만, 당신이 물 위에 서 있는 동안 천천히 당신의 체력을 회복시킬 것입니다. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$수상 회복 -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=당신은 일시적으로 구와 비슷한 회복 성질을 얻었습니다.\n\n물에 서 있으면, 당신은 매 턴마다 1의 체력을 회복할 것입니다.\n\n남은 턴: %d. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d.용의 피 영약 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=이 영약을 마시는 순간 음용자의 정맥에 맹렬한 힘을 흘려보낼 것입니다. 이 효과는 음용자가 화염에 면역을 갖도록 하며, 물리적 공격에 적을 불태워버릴 수 있는 힘을 실어보낼 것입니다. @@ -611,12 +605,6 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=이 강력한 용액은 당신의 근 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$최대 체력 증가 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=당신의 몸이 비자연적으로 강하고 건강해진 것을 느낍니다.\n\n당신의 최대 체력이 꽤 오랫동안 증가하게 되며, 당신이 레벨을 올릴수록 이 효과는 점점 희미해질 것입니다.\n\n현재 체력 증가량은 %d입니다.\n%d레벨을 올린 이후 효과가 사라집니다.치료의 영약 -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=이 영약은 치유 물약과 정화의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 음용자에게 빠른 치유를 제공하는 동시에 모든 부정적 효과를 해제할 것입니다. -활력의 영약 -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=이 영약은 치유 물약과 보호막의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 누가 마시건 간에 음용자의 생존력을 크게 상승시킬 것입니다. -독성 정수의 영약 items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=이 영약을 마시면 음용자를 독성을 띤 힘과 융합시킵니다. 음용자는 유독 가스와 중독에 면역을 가지게 될 것이며, 움직이는 곳마다 유독 가스를 살포할 것입니다. @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=이 복잡한 주문은 사용가에게 지저주 융합 items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=저주를 걸 아이템을 선택하세요 -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=이 마법은 장비에 DM-300 내에 존재하는 악성 마법과 같은 마법을 주입합니다. 그것이 사용된 아이템은 즉시 저주되며, 기존의 마법부여나 상형문자는 사라질 것입니다. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed.안전한 착지 items.spells.featherfall.light=당신은 깃털과도 같이 가벼워짐을 느낀다! @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=이 혼돈 주문은 대상 캐릭터를 현재 층함정 흡수기 items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=그곳에는 함정이 없다. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=이 주문에는 DM-300의 수리 능력의 잔재가 포함되어 있습니다. 활성화 되어 있는 함정에 던지면 함정의 기계적 힘이 마법의 에너지로 재활용되어 사용자의 지팡이와 유물을 재충전할 것입니다. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time.재활용 items.spells.recycle.inv_title=재활용할 아이템을 선택하세요 @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=이 주문에는 덜 변형된 마법이 있습니다. items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=대상을 선택하세요 items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=융합할 아이템을 선택하세요 energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=사용한다 @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=당신은 당신의 %s에 의해 죽었다. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=아무일도 일어나지 않았다. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=당신 주변에서 풀이 마구 자라났다!뭔가 타는 냄새가 나는데... -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=당신의 마법 막대가 다른 종류로 변했다! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=당신의 마법 막대가 다른 종류로 변했다! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=발사한다 items.wands.wand.fizzles=당신의 마법 막대는 움찔할 뿐이었다. 충전 횟수가 남아 있지 않은 것 같다. @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=생장의 무기는 맞은 대상이나차가운 %s items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=이 무기에 맞은 적은 냉동되어 움직임과 공격이 느려집니다. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. +탄성의 %s items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=탄성의 무기는 일정 확률로 적을 뒤쪽으로 짧게 밀쳐냅니다. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@음침한 %s items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=이 강력한 마법 무기는 적을 단번에 처치할 힘을 가지고 있습니다. 적이 약해질수록 단번에 처치할 확률이 증가합니다.행운의 %s -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=이 강력한 마법은 착용자의 행운을 높여줍니다. 행운의 무기에 죽은 적들은 일정 확률로 또다른 전리품을 떨어뜨립니다. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot.정확한 %s items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=정확한 무기는 어떤 상황에서라도 일정 확률로 반드시 적에게 명중합니다. @@ -1346,7 +1347,14 @@냉동 다트 items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=이 다트의 끝부분은 눈꽃송이 추출물이 발려 있어 맞은 적을 잠시 동안 냉동시킵니다.다트 -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=끝부분에 금속 가시가 달린 나무 막대로써 손목의 튕김으로 쉽게 날려보내 적들에게 꽂을 수 있도록 만들어졌습니다. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=취소 +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=그러나, 단순한 구조 때문에 다트는 효율적으로 영원히 지속될 것입니다.변위 다트 @@ -1376,6 +1384,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=이 다트의 끝부분은 폭풍수면 다트 items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=이 다트의 끝부분은 꿈풀 추출물이 달려 있어 맞은 대상을 얕은 잠에 빠지게 합니다. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=취소 items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=끝을 붙인 다트는 사용했을 때 효과를 잃고 일반적인 다트가 될 것입니다. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=이 다트 더미는 하나의 효과가 사라지기까지 _%d/%d_ 번 사용할 수 있습니다. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_그러나 이것들은 효율적으로 영원히 지속되는 고품질의 것입니다._ @@ -1389,15 +1403,21 @@부메랑 items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=이 구부러진 나무 부메랑은 적에게 던지면 던진 사람의 손으로 되돌아옵니다. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=부메랑은 단단한 구조로 인해 절대 부서지지 않습니다.마비독 다트 -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=이 다트의 끝부분은 뱀뿌리 추출물이 발려 있어 맞은 적을 잠시 동안 기절시킵니다. -작살 items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=물고기들을 잡기 위한 작은 투창입니다. 무기로도 그럭저럭 사용할 수 있습니다. cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. +투창 items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=이 기다란 투창의 무게 중심은 가시가 있는 앞 부분에 쏠려 있어 날아가는 동안 힘을 실을 수 있게 됩니다. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=이 _%1$d단계_ 투척 무기는 _%2$d-%3$d의 피해_ 를 입히며 _힘이 %4$d이상_ 이어야 제대로 다룰 수 있습니다. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=이 무기는 원거리 투척용으로 만들어졌으며, 먼 거리의 적에게는 더 정확하고, 가까운 거리에서는 훨씬 덜 정확해집니다. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=투척 무기는 사용할 수록 내구도가 닳다가 마침내 부서집니다. @@ -1408,6 +1428,9 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=당신의 투척 무기가수리검 items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=날카로운 날이 달려 있는 별 모양의 쇳조각입니다. 가볍기 때문에 재빠르게 던질 수 있습니다. 이동한 직후 즉시 수리검 하나를 던질 수 있습니다. club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. +투척용 망치 items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=이 묵직한 망치는 적에게 던지기 위해 만들어졌습니다. 주는 피해는 비교적 부족하지만, 튼튼하고 매끈한 무쇠로 만들어져 내구성이 높고 적에게 달라붙지 않습니다. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index 8ae19695c..ba77f3e19 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ zauroczenia items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=Ten potężny glif manipuluje umysłem atakujących, chwilowo ich zauroczając. antymagii -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Ten potężny glif zezwala zbroi na zastosowanie jej obrony wobec większości magicznych ataków, jak również tych fizycznych. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier. siarki items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Ten glif chroni nosiciela i jego mienie przed ogniem, gdy ulepszony może nawet przemienić ciepło w tymczasową osłonę. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ kamuflażu items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Ten glif umożliwia ubierającemu wtopienie się w wysoką trawę, dając mu czasową niewidzialność. splątania -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Ten glif powoduje wyrośnięcie korzenia ziemnego wokół ubierającego wchłaniając obrażenia, ale jeżeli pozwolisz mu się ukorzenić, wrośnie cię w ziemię. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves. przepływu items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Ten glif manipuluje przepływem wody wokół ubierającego, sprawiając że porusza się w niej znacznie szybciej. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Ten glif zlewa noszącego z otoczeniem, czyn potencjału items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Zabity przez: glif potencjału -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Ten glif zbiera energię z uderzeń przeciwników, która jest przekazywana do różdżek noszącego. +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates. odpychania items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Ten glif z siłą uderza w napastników tak, że odlatują do tyłu. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ szybkości items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Ten glif wzmacnia prędkość noszącego gdy nie są obok wroga. cierni -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Ten potężny glif rani atakujących, powodując powolne wykrwawienie zależne od obrażeń, które powodują. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer. opóźnienia items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=opóźnione %d @@ -567,33 +567,27 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Odkorkowanie lub rozbicie szklanej fiolki sp ###brewsżrąca mieszanina -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Ta mieszanina rozprzestrzeni żrący gaz w pobliżu. Gaz zacznie zżerać wszystko co się rusza. Po dotyku gazu należy jak najszybciej zetrzeć miejsce dotyku wodą. +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. mieszanina items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Po uwolnieniu, ciecz stworzy wirującą burzę rozprzestrzeniającą się jak gaz. mieszanina -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Ta mieszanka ma właściwości mrozu i burzowych chmur. Kiedy rzucona, wyrzuci chmurę która zalewa pobliski teren i go zamraża. -źno-ogniowa mieszanina -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Ta mieszanina łączy właściwości ciekłego płomienia i błyskawicznego mrożenia. Teren pobliski gdzie płyn zostanie uwolniony, będzie błyskawicznie zamrożony, a potem podpalony na długi czas. - mieszanina items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Po roztrzaskaniu, płyn uwolni niebezpieczny piekielny ogień, rozprzestrzeniający się jak gaz.ąca mieszanina items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Po roztrzaskaniu, zostanie stworzony piorunująca burza w pobliżu miejsca rozbicia. mieszanina -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Ta mieszanina ma właściwości toksycznego i paraliżującego gazu. Kiedy uwolniony na powietrze, sparaliżuje i otruje pobliskie kreatury. - ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. + wodnego odmłodzenia -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Ten eliksir zamiera glutowate resztki szlamu które nasiąkły miksturą zdrowia. Niestety, ale ona przestała normalnie działać, lecz zacznie uzdrawiać cię jeśli stoisz w wodzie. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$ leczenie -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Tymczasowo masz umiejętności leczące jak Wielki Szlam.\n\nJeśli stoisz w wodzie, leczysz 1 PŻ na turę.\n\nPozostało tur: %d. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d. z krwi smoka items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Po wypiciu, ten eliksir da ognistą moc płynąca w krwi pijącego. Ten efekt spowoduje odporność na ogień i podpalanie przeciwników fizycznymi atakami. @@ -611,12 +605,6 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Ten potężny eliksir popłynie prosto items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$ększenie maksymalnego zdrowia items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=Czujesz w sobie nadnaturalną siłę i zdrowie.\n\nTwoje maksymalne zdrowie jest wzmocnione na dłuższy okres czasu. Wraz ze zdobywaniem kolejnych poziomów, to wzmocnienie zacznie zanikać.\n\nAktualne wzmocnienie: %d\nLiczba pozostałych poziomów: %d odnowienia -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Ten eliksir łączy efekty mikstury leczenia i oczyszczenia. Wypijający będzie szybko leczony i wyczyszczony z wszystkich negatywnych efektów. - witalności -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=Ten eliksir łączy właściwości mikstury zdrowia i tarczy, masywnie zwiększając możliwość przetrwania ktokolwiek go wypije. - toksycznej esencji items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=Po spożyciu, ten eliksir wzmocni pijącego z toksyczną energią, która nadaje odporność na toksyczny gaz i truciznę, oraz będzie on toksycznie gazował otoczenie w ruchu. @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Ten skomplikowany czar pozwala użytkownikow klątwą items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Przeklnij przedmiot -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=To zaklęcie nasyca przedmiot w ekwipunku z taką samą nienawistną magią będącą w DM-300. Przedmiot nasycony natychmiast otrzyma jakąś klątwę, a zaklęcia i glify zostaną usunięte. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed. jak piórko items.spells.featherfall.light=Czujesz się lekki jak piórko! @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=To chaotyczne zaklęcie przeteleportuje dowolne stwładowanie z pułapki items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=Nie ma tu żadnej pułapki. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=To zaklęcie zamiera resztki mocy naprawczej DM-300. Po rzuceniu na włączoną pułapkę, moc jej zostanie zamieniona w magiczną energię która ładuje różdżki i artefakty. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time. items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Konwertuj przedmiot @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=To zaklęcie ma słabszą magię transmutacyjną. Nawe items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Wybierz cel items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Nasyć przedmiot energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=UŻYJ @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Zostałeś zabity przez swój własny %s. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Nic się nie dzieje. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Trawa wyrasta wokoło ciebie! spaleniznę... -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Twoja różdżka przeobraziła się w inny przedmiot! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=Twoja różdżka przeobraziła się w inny przedmiot! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=STRZEL items.wands.wand.fizzles=Twoja różdżka iskrzy; nie ma wystarczająco dużego ładunku. @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=Kwitnące bronie zawierają magię powodżący %s items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=Wrogowie trzaśnięci tym czarem są otumanieni, a ich ruchy i ciosy są spowolnione. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. + z gumy. items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Elastyczna broń ma szansę odepchnąć wrogów na krótki dystans. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ %s items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Ten potężny czar niesie moc natychmiastowego uśmiercenia wroga. Im słabszy jest przeciwnik, tym bardziej prawdopodobny jest efekt. %s -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=To potężne zaklęcie zwiększa szczęście tego który go nosi. Wrogowie zabici bronią szczęścia mają szansę na upuszczenie dodatkowych przedmiotów. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot.ładny %s items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=Precyzyjna broń ma szansę trafić wroga, niezależnie od innych czynników. @@ -1346,7 +1347,14 @@łodząca strzałka items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=Groty tych strzałek są nasiąknięte substancją z nasion lodowego bąbla, które wywołają zmrożenie u celu.łka -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=Te proste metalowe kolce zakończone drewnem są wyważone tak aby leciały prosto i użądliły ofiarę tak, aby ta zwiła się z bólu. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=pomiń +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=Na szczęście dzięki prostej konstrukcji strzałek, nie niszczą się one.ąca strzałka @@ -1376,6 +1384,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=Groty tych strzałek są nasiąkniąca strzałka items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=Groty tych strzałek są nasiąknięte substancją z nasion śniącego puchu, które wywołają lekki sen u celu. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=pomiń items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=Zakańczane strzałki tracą specjalne właściwości i stają się zwykłymi strzałkami po użyciu. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=Te rzutki mają _%d/%d_ użyć zanim jedna z nich się uszkodzi. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_Są tak wysokiej jakości, że nigdy się nie zepsują._ @@ -1389,15 +1403,21 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Rzucony do przeciwnika, ten płaski drewniany pocisk powróci do rąk rzucającego. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Z powodu jego solidnej konstrukcji, ten bumerang nie uszkodzi się podczas użytkowania. strzałka -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Groty tych strzałek są nasiąknięte substancją z nasion ziemnego korzenia, które wywołają u celu krótkotrwały paraliż. -łócznia wędkarska items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Małe włócznie do miotania specjalnie zaprojektowane do łowienia ryb. Mogą służyć również jako improwizowana broń. cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. + items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Te większe włócznie do rzucania wyważone zostały aby ich zaostrzona końcówka znajdowała się z przodu podczas lotu w powietrzu. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Ta broń miotana _poziomu-%1$d_ zadaje _%2$d-%3$d obrażeń_ i wymaga _%4$d siły,_ by używać jej należycie. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Ta broń jest zaprojektowana do używania na odległość, jest bardziej celna w przypadku oddalonych przeciwników, ale także jest o wiele mniej celna na odległość walki wręcz. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Broń na odległość będzie się zużywać i zepsuje się w miarę używania jej. @@ -1408,6 +1428,9 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=Twoja rzucana broń zaraz si items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Te gwiaździste kawałki metalu z ostrymi jak brzytwa krawędziami są proste do użycia w trakcie ruchu, i są lekkie. Jeden szuriken można rzucić natychmiast po ruchu. club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. +łot do rzucania items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=Te ciężkie młoty zostały zaprojektowane do rzucania. Nie zadają zbyt dużo obrażeń, ale ich konstrukcja z metalu powoduje że są wytrzymałe i nie przyczepiają się do wrogów. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index 390678e3e..26780013c 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ da afeição items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=Este poderoso glifo manipula a mente dos atacantes, encantando-os temporariamente. de anti-magia -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Este poderoso glifo permite que a armadura aplique sua defesa à maioria dos ataques mágicos e físicos. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier. do repelimento items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Este glifo protege o usuário e seus pertences do fogo, com aprimoramentos pode até converter o calor num escudo temporário. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ de camuflagem items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Este glifo permite que o usuário se camufle em grama alta, garantindo invisibilidade temporária. do emaranhamento -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Esse glifo cresce em torno do usuário para absorver o dano, mas ele é implantado quando permitido. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves. de fluxo items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Este glifo manipula a água em volta do usuário, fazendo com que ele se movimente mais rápido. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Esse glifo obscurece o usuário, dificultand do potencial items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Morto por: glifo do potencial -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Esse glifo gera energia quando atingido, dando uma pequena carga às varinhas do usuário. +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates. de repulsão items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Este glifo rebate força contra atacantes, fazendo-os voarem para trás. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ de rapidez items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Esse glifo aumenta a velocidade do usuário sempre que não estão ao lado de um inimigo. de espinhos -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Este poderoso glifo prejudica atacantes, fazendo com que eles sangrem lentamente de acordo com o dano que eles infligem. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer. da viscosidade items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=%d adiado @@ -567,33 +567,27 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Removendo a rolha ou quebrando esse vidro pr ###brewsção cáustica -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Esta bebida espalhará um lodo corrosivo em torno do local onde se estilhaça. Qualquer coisa pega pelo limo irá derreter lentamente se não puder lavá-lo na água. +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. da nevasca items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Quando quebrada, esta bebida vai desencadear uma tempestade rodopiante que se espalha como um gás. de Gelo -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Esta bebida combina as propriedades de uma poção de gelo e nuvens de tempestade. Quando lançado, irromperá em uma nuvem que congela e espalha a água para o terreno circundante. - Fogo Congelante -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Esta bebida combina as propriedades de uma chama líquida e uma poção de congelamento. A área em torno do local onde o frasco é lançado será congelada e, em seguida, incendiada por um longo período. - Infernal items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Quando quebrada, esta bebida vai desencadear um inferno que se espalha como um gás. de Choque items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Quando quebrada, esta bebida irá desencadear uma tempestade elétrica em uma área ao redor do local onde ela quebra. Perversa -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Esta mistura combina as propriedades de um gás tóxico e uma poção de gás paralisante. Quando exposto ao ar livre, o líquido da infusão entrará em erupção nos dois gases ao mesmo tempo. - ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. + de rejuvenescimento aquático -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Este elixir contém os restos de Goo aumentados com uma poção de cura. Embora não proporcione cura imediata, ela lentamente restaurará sua saúde enquanto você estiver na água. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$ Aquática -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Você ganhou temporariamente propriedades restaurativas semelhantes às de Gosma.\n\nEnquanto estiver na água, você recuperará um único ponto de vida por turno.\n\nturnos restantes:%d. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d. do sangue de dragão items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quando consumido, esse elixir enviará poder impetuoso pelas veias do bebedor. Esse efeito deixará o bebedor imune ao fogo e permitirá que ataquem os inimigos com ataques físicos. @@ -611,12 +605,6 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Este líquido poderoso irá correr pelo items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$ máximo de saúde items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=Seu corpo parece anormalmente forte e saudável.\n\nSua saúde máxima é aumentada por um longo período de tempo. À medida que você ganha níveis, o impulso irá desaparecer gradualmente.\n\nMontante atual do impulso: %d\nNíveis restantes: %d da restauração -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Este elixir combina as propriedades de uma poção de cura e limpeza. Quando consumido, o bebedor começará a cicatrizar rapidamente e será limpo de todos os efeitos negativos. - da vitalidade -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=Este elixir combina as propriedades de uma poção de cura e proteção, concedendo uma enorme explosão de sobrevivência a quem a bebe. - da essência tóxica items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=Quando consumido, este elixir irá imbuir o bebedor de energia tóxica. O bebedor estará imune ao gás tóxico e ao veneno, e espalhará continuamente o gás tóxico enquanto se move. @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Essa magia intricada concede ao usuário a cão de maldição items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Amaldiçoar um item -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=Este feitiço infunde um equipamento com a mesma magia maligna presente no DM-300. O item em que é usado será imediatamente amaldiçoado e qualquer encantamento ou glifo que ele tenha tido será substituído. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed. de penas items.spells.featherfall.light=Você se sente leve como uma pena! @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=Este feitiço caótico irá teleportar qualquer per armadilha items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=Não há armadilha lá. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=Esta magia contém remanescentes da capacidade de reparação do DM-300. Quando lançada em uma armadilha ativa, a energia mecânica da armadilha será reciclada em energia mágica que recarregará as varinhas e os artefatos do usuário. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time. items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Reciclar um item @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=Este feitiço contém uma forma menor de magia de tran items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Escolha um alvo items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Fundir um item energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=USAR @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Você foi morto por seu(ua) próprio(a) %s. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Nada acontece. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Grama cresce violentamente ao seu redor!ê sente cheiro de queimado... -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Sua varinha foi transmigrada para um item diferente! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=Sua varinha foi transmigrada para um item diferente! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=ATIRAR items.wands.wand.fizzles=Sua varinha falha; ela não deve ter cargas suficiente. @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=Armas florescentes contêm magia que far arrepiante items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=Inimigos atingidos com este encantamento são resfriados, diminuindo seus movimentos e ataques. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. +ástico %s items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Armas elásticas têm a chance de enviar inimigos voando de volta por curtas distâncias. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ mortal items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Este poderoso encantamento possui o poder de instantaneamente executar um inimigo. O efeito é mais comum de ocorrer quanto mais fraco o inimigo estiver. de sorte -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Este poderoso encantamento aumenta a fortuna de quem o usa. Inimigos que são mortos com uma arma de sorte têm a chance de soltar itens extras. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. %s items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=Uma arma precisa tem a chance de garantir um golpe em um inimigo, independentemente das circunstâncias. @@ -1346,7 +1347,14 @@ arrepiante items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=Estes dardos são derrubados com um composto à base de gelo que irá congelar significativamente o seu alvo. -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=Estes eixos simples de madeira pontiaguda são pesados para voar e ferir suas presas com um movimento do pulso. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=cancelar +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=No entanto, devido à sua construção simples, os dardos irão durar para sempre. o dardo @@ -1376,6 +1384,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=Estes dardos são derrubados com u do sono items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=Estes dardos são embebidos em um composto de folha do sono que instantaneamente colocará seu alvo em um sono leve. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=cancelar items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=Dardos derrubados perderão suas pontas e se tornarão dardos regulares quando usados. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=Esta pilha de dardos usa _%d/%d_ antes de uma ponta expirar. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_Mas estes são de tal qualidade que duram para sempre._ @@ -1389,15 +1403,21 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Ao ser jogado no inimigo, este míssil de madeira curvada irá retornar às mãos do jogador. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Devido à sua construção sólida, este bumerangue não vai quebrar de uso. de curare -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Estes dardos são derrubados com um composto baseado em terra que paralisará seu alvo por um curto período de tempo. -ça de pesca items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Pequenas lanças de arremesso projetadas para a pesca. Eles funcionam bem como uma arma improvisada também. cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. + items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Essas lanças de arremesso maiores são pesadas para manter a ponta da ponta em primeiro lugar enquanto navegam pelo ar. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Este _camada-%1$d_ ofertas de armas jogadas _%2$d-%3$d de dano_ e exigi _%4$d de força_ para usar corretamente. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Esta arma é projetada para ser usada a distância, é mais precisa contra inimigos distantes, mas também muito menos precisa no alcance de corpo a corpo. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Armas arremessadas se desgastam e quebram quando são usadas. @@ -1408,6 +1428,9 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=Sua arma de arremesso está p items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Peças em forma de estrela de metal com lâminas afiadas. Eles são leves e fáceis de usar em movimento. Um único shuriken pode ser lançado instantaneamente depois de se mover. club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. + de arremesso items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=Esses martelos pesados são projetados para serem jogados em um inimigo. Enquanto eles são um pouco carente de danos, sua construção lisa toda em metal significa que eles são bastante duráveis, e não vão ficar com os inimigos. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index b3c50c93a..82e267c16 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ очарования items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=Эта могущественная руна способна подчинить разум атакующего, временно очаровывая его. антимагии -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Эта могущественная руна позволяет доспехам защищать от магических атак так же эффективно, как и от физических. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier. жара items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Эта руна защищает носителя и его вещи от огня, а при улучшении даже сможет преобразовывать тепло во временный щит. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ маскировки items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Эта руна позволяет своему владельцу становится незаметным на фоне высокой травы, даруя ему кратковременную невидимость. опутывания -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Эта руна выращивает прочную оболочку из корней вокруг владельца, но лишит его возможности двигаться, если стоять на месте. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves. амфибии items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Эта руна манипулирует течением воды вокрг владельца, значительно увеличивая его скорость передвижения в воде. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Доспех, на который нанес напряжения items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Погиб из-за руны потенциала -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Эта руна накапливает энергию при попадании по ней, ускоряя перезарядку жезлов владельца. +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates. отталкивания items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Эта руна способна отразить силу удара в сторон атакующего, отталкивая его назад. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ скорости items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Эта руна увеличивает скорость владельца, но только пока никого нет вблизи. шипов -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Эта могущественная руна наносит кровоточащие раны атакующим, глубина которых зависит от количества нанесенного ими урона. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer. вязкости items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=отложено %d @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@бархатный мешочек items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=В этой небольшой сумочке из бархата можно хранить множество мелких предметов, таких как семена и рунные камни.волшебный чехол -items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Этот зачарованный чехол, сделанный из шкуры какого-то редкого зверя, позволяет хранить в нем огромное количество метательного оружия.\n\nДостаточно просто запустить руку в чехол, и вы всегда достанете именно то, что искали.\n\nБлагодаря магии чехла, хранящиеся в нём жезлы будут перезаряжаться немного быстрее, а метательные оружия будут дольше служить. +items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Этот зачарованный чехол, сделанный из шкуры какого-то экзотического зверя, позволяет хранить в нем огромное количество метательных оружий.\n\nДостаточно просто запустить руку в чехол, и вы всегда достанете именно то, что искали.\n\nБлагодаря магии чехла, хранящиеся в нём жезлы будут перезаряжаться немного быстрее, а метательные оружия будут дольше служить. @@ -567,33 +567,27 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Разбивание или раскупор ###brewsэкстракт едкой слизи -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Этот экстракт превратится в едкую кислоту при любом контакте с воздухом. Кислота будет наносить урон до тех пор, пока её не смоют водой. +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.экстракт снежного вихря items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Если его разбить, то этот экстракт выпустит на свободу вихрь замораживающей пурги, который будет распространяться подобно газам.экстракт леденящей сырости -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Этот экстракт объединяет эффекты зелий шторма и холода. При броске он создаёт облако, которое одновременно заливает землю водой и замораживает всех, кто в нём стоит. -экстракт ледяного пламени -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Этот экстракт объединяет эффекты зелий жидкого пламени и заморозки. Всё в области действия зелья будет сначала проморожено насквозь, а потом на продолжительное время охвачено огнём. -экстракт адского пламени items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=При разбивании, этот экстракт выпустит облако невероятно горячего газа.экстракт грозового облака items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=При использовании этот экстракт немедленно выпустит облако наэлектризованного газа.экстракт парализующего яда -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Этот экстракт объединяет в себе эффекты зелий парализующего и отравляющего газа. При контакте с воздухом, он распадётся сразу на оба вида газов. - ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. +эликсир водной регенерации -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Этот эликсир содержит в себе остатки Слизня, смешанные с лечебным зельем. Он временно наделяет выпившего его способностью восстанавливать здоровье при соприкосновении с водой. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$Водная регенерация -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Вы временно получили способности Слизня к регенерации.\n\nНаходясь в воде, вы восстанавливаете одну единицу здоровья каждый ход.\n\nХодов осталось: %d +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d.эликсир крови дракона items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Будучи выпитым, эликсир наделит героя силой огня, протекающей по его венам. Этот эффект подарит ему иммунитет к огню и позволит поджигать врагов своими ударами. @@ -607,15 +601,9 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=Тот, кто выпьет такоэликсир могущества items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 сила, +%d ОЗ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=По вашему телу распространяется новоприобретённая сила. -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Это мощное зелье вольётся в ваши мышцы, перманентно увеличив вашу силу на одно очко и здоровье на %d очков. Увеличение здоровья зависит от вашего максимального здоровья, но этот эффект стирается с получением уровней. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Это мощное зелье вольётся в ваши мышцы, перманентно увеличив вашу силу на одно очко и здоровье на %d очков. Увеличение здоровья зависит от вашего максимального здоровья, но этот эффект слабеет с получением уровней. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$Максимальное увеличение оз -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=Ваше тело чувствует непривычную силу и количество жизни.\n\nВаше максимальное здоровье увеличено на долгое время. Когда вы получаете уровни, это увеличение будет неуклонно стираться.\n\nУвеличение жизни на данный момент: %d\nУровней осталось: %d -эликсир восстановления -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Этот эликсир совмещает свойства зелий исцеления и очищения, одновременно снимая все негативные эффекты и значительно ускоряя процесс заживления ран. -эликсир жизненной силы -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=Этот эликсир совмещает свойства зелий исцеления и защиты, значительно облегчая жизнь того, кто его выпьет. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=Ваше тело чувствует непривычную силу и живучесть.\n\nВаше максимальное здоровье увеличено на долгое время. Когда вы получаете уровни, это увеличение будет неуклонно стираться.\n\nУвеличение жизни на данный момент: %d\nУровней осталось: %dэликсир зловония items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=Будучи выпитым, эликсир наделит героя ядовитой энергией. Герой приобретет иммунитет к отравляющему газу и яду, и он будет при каждом движении испускать отравляющий газ. @@ -733,7 +721,7 @@ items.rings.ring.not_cursed=Это кольцо не проклято.кольцо меткости items.rings.ringofaccuracy.stats=Когда надето, это кольцо увеличит вашу точность на %s%%._ items.rings.ringofaccuracy.typical_stats=Когда надето, это кольцо обычно увеличивает вашу точность на _%s%%._ -items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Это кольцо повышает вашу сосредоточенность, снижая шансы врагов уклониться от атаки. Проклятое кольцо, напротив, будет увеличивать шансы врагов увернуться. +items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Это кольцо повышает вашу сосредоточенность, снижая шансы врагов уклониться от атаки. Проклятое кольцо, напротив, будут увеличивать шанс промахнуться.кольцо стихий items.rings.ringofelements.stats=Когда надето, это кольцо обеспечит вам _%s%%_ защиты от стихий. @@ -741,8 +729,8 @@ items.rings.ringofelements.typical_stats=Когда это кольцо наде items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Это кольцо обеспечивает сопротивление большинству стихийных и магических эффектов, уменьшая урон и длительность дебаффов. Естественно, проклятое кольцо вместо этого усилит эти эффекты.кольцо энергии -items.rings.ringofenergy.stats=Когда это кольцо надето, оно увеличивает скорость зарядки вашего посоха на _%s%%._ -items.rings.ringofenergy.typical_stats=Когда это кольцо надето, оно обычно увеличивает скорость зарядки посоха на _%s%%._ +items.rings.ringofenergy.stats=Когда это кольцо надето, оно увеличивает скорость зарядки ваших жезлов на _%s%%._ +items.rings.ringofenergy.typical_stats=Когда это кольцо надето, оно обычно увеличивает скорость зарядки жезлов на _%s%%._ items.rings.ringofenergy.desc=В излучаемом этим кольцом магическом поле ваши жезлы будут заряжаться быстрее. Проклятое же кольцо, напротив, замедлит перезарядку.кольцо уклонения @@ -751,14 +739,14 @@ items.rings.ringofevasion.typical_stats=Когда это кольцо наде items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=Это кольцо ускоряет реакцию владельца, и по нему становится сложнее попасть. Проклятое кольцо, наоборот, понижает шанс увернуться.кольцо урона -items.rings.ringofforce.stats=Когда надето без оружия, при вашей текущей силе, это кольцо наносит _%1$d-%2$d урона._ Когда экипировано и оружие это кольцо увеличит ваш урон на _%3$d._ -items.rings.ringofforce.typical_stats=Когда надето без оружия, при вашей текущей силе, обычно это кольцо наносит _%1$d- %2$d урона._ Когда экипировано и оружие это кольцо обычно увеличит ваш урон на _%3$d._ -items.rings.ringofforce.desc=Это кольцо повышает силу ударов владельца. Эта дополнительная сила довольно слабая, когда вы носите оружие, но атака без оружия станет намного сильнее. Проклятое кольцо, наоборот сделает удары владельца слабее. +items.rings.ringofforce.stats=Когда надето без оружия, при вашей текущей силе, это кольцо наносит _%1$d-%2$d урона._ Когда экипировано вместе с оружием, это кольцо увеличит ваш урон на _%3$d._ +items.rings.ringofforce.typical_stats=Когда надето без оружия, при вашей текущей силе, обычно это кольцо наносит _%1$d- %2$d урона._ Когда экипировано вместе с оружием, это кольцо обычно увеличит ваш урон на _%3$d._ +items.rings.ringofforce.desc=Это кольцо повышает силу рукопашных ударов владельца. Эта дополнительная сила довольно слабая, когда вы несете оружие, но атака без оружия станет намного сильнее. Проклятое кольцо, наоборот сделает удары владельца слабее.кольцо неистовства items.rings.ringoffuror.stats=Когда это кольцо надето, оно увеличит скорость ваших атак на _%s%%._ items.rings.ringoffuror.typical_stats=Когда это кольцо надето, обычно оно увеличит скорость ваших атак на _%s%%._ -items.rings.ringoffuror.desc=Это кольцо вводит владельца в состояние холодной ярости, позволяя ему наносить удары быстрее, чем обычно. Проклятое же кольцо, напротив, будет замедлять атаки. +items.rings.ringoffuror.desc=Это кольцо порождает в владельце ярость, позволяя ему наносить удары быстрее, чем обычно. Проклятое же кольцо, напротив, будет замедлять атаки.кольцо ускорения items.rings.ringofhaste.stats=Когда это кольцо надето оно увеличит вашу скорость передвижения на _%s%%._ @@ -766,8 +754,8 @@ items.rings.ringofhaste.typical_stats=Когда это кольцо надет items.rings.ringofhaste.desc=Это кольцо снижает утомление от бега и даёт владельцу способность перемещаться быстрее человеческих возможностей. Проклятое же кольцо, напротив, уменьшает скорость передвижения.кольцо мощи -items.rings.ringofmight.stats=Когда это кольцо надето, оно увеличит вашу силу на _%1$d_ и ваше максимально количество жизни на _%2$s%%._ -items.rings.ringofmight.typical_stats=Когда это кольцо надето, обычно оно увеличит вашу силу на _%1$d_ и ваше максимально количество жизни на _%2$s%%._ +items.rings.ringofmight.stats=Когда это кольцо надето, оно увеличит вашу силу на _%1$d_ и ваше максимальное количество оз на _%2$s%%._ +items.rings.ringofmight.typical_stats=Когда это кольцо надето, обычно оно увеличит вашу силу на _%1$d_ и ваше максимальное количество оз на _%2$s%%._ items.rings.ringofmight.desc=Это кольцо улучшает физические параметры своего владельца, даруя ему повышенную силу и выносливость. Проклятое же кольцо, напротив, снижает силу и здоровье владельца.кольцо стрельбы @@ -776,8 +764,8 @@ items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.typical_stats=Когда это кольцо н items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=Это кольцо улучшает меткость и глазомер владельца, увеличивая урон и срок службы любых метательных оружий. Проклятое кольцо даёт обратный эффект.кольцо живучести -items.rings.ringoftenacity.stats=Когда это кольцо надето, оно уменьшит количество повреждений, которое вы получаете на _%s%%._ -items.rings.ringoftenacity.typical_stats=Когда это кольцо надето, обычно оно уменьшит количество повреждений, которое вы получаете на _%s%%._ +items.rings.ringoftenacity.stats=Когда это кольцо надето, оно уменьшит количество урона, который вы получаете на _%s%%._ +items.rings.ringoftenacity.typical_stats=Когда это кольцо надето, обычно оно уменьшит количество урона, которое вы получаете на _%s%%._ items.rings.ringoftenacity.desc=Будучи надетым, это кольцо позволит владельцу переживать ранения, которые в ином случае стали бы для него смертельными. Чем сильнее ранен владелец, тем сильнее будет этот эффект. Проклятое же кольцо, напротив, будет делать владельца более уязвимым к добиванию.кольцо удачи @@ -847,7 +835,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofremovecurse.desc=Магия этого свитка позсвиток телепортации items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=В мгновенье ока вы оказываетесь в другом месте уровня. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Мощная волшебная аура в этом месте не позволяет вам телепортироваться! -items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Вы не можете телепортироваться туда. +items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Вы не можете туда телепортироваться. items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Куда телепортироваться? items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=Магия этого свитка мгновенно переносит прочитавшего в случайную локацию на этом же этаже. Свиток чаще всего переносит в те места, в которых прочитавший ещё не был до этого, но не может телепортировать за закрытые двери или баррикады . Однако, он способен показать скрытые двери, которые ведут в новые области. @@ -941,7 +929,7 @@Водяной шар items.spells.aquablast.desc=Это заклинание отправит водяной снаряд в указанное место. Это не нанесёт никакого урона (даже огненным элементалям), но может залить водой близлежащие клетки и ненадолго оглушить того, в кого попадёт.мистический катализатор -items.spells.arcanecatalyst.desc=Этот шар золотой пыли сделан из разрушенной сущности свитка. Он мерцает в темноте подземелья.\n\nЭтот катализатор в основном используется как алхимический ингредиент, но его магию можно использовать напрямую, чтобы получить эффект случайного свитка. +items.spells.arcanecatalyst.desc=Этот шар золотой пыли сделан из разрушенной сущности свитка. Он сверкает в темноте подземелья.\n\nЭтот катализатор в основном используется как алхимический ингредиент, но его магию можно использовать напрямую, чтобы получить эффект случайного свитка.Маяк возвращения items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=Сильная магия этого места не позволяет вам использовать заклинание! @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Это сложное заклинаниеПроклятие items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Проклясть предмет -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=Это заклинание наделит часть вашей экипировки той же тёмной магией, что когда-то жила в DM-300. Любые зачарования или руны будут развеяны, а предмет станет проклят. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed.Антигравитация items.spells.featherfall.light=Вы чувствуете себя легким, как пёрышко! @@ -967,7 +955,7 @@ items.spells.spell.no_magic=Вы не можете использовать заЗачарование items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Какой предмет зачаровать? items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Ваш %s наполнен мистической энергией! -items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=Это заклинание имеет ту же магическую силу, что и свиток улучшения, но в более стабильной форме.\n\nКроме того, что оно улучшает предмет, оно никогда не помешает зачарованию на оружии или руны на брони. +items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=Это заклинание имеет ту же магическую силу, что и свиток улучшения, но в более стабильной форме.\n\nКроме того, что оно улучшает предмет, оно никогда не сотрет зачарование на оружии или руны на броне.Транспортация items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Переместить предмет @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=Это хаотичное заклинание теКонвертация items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=Тут нет ловушек. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=Заклинание использует способности DM-300 ремонтировать себя. Оно позволяет конвертировать активные ловушки в магическую энергию, перезаряжая ваши жезлы и артефакты. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time.Переработка items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Переработайте предмет @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=Заклинание содержит слабую в items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Выберите цель items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Какой предмет зачаровать? energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=ПРИМЕНИТЬ @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Вас убил ваш собственный %s. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Ничего не произошло. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Вокруг вас внезапно появляются заросли травы!Вы чувствуете запах гари... -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Ваш жезл превратился в другой предмет! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=Ваш жезл превратился в другой предмет! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ items.wands.wand.fizzles=Ваш жезл искрит. Видимо, у него кончились заряды. @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=Цветущее оружие содер холода items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=Враги, пораженные этим зачарованием, коченеют от холода, их скорость атаки и передвижения снижается. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. + отталкивания items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Отталкивающее оружие дает шанс отбросить противника на некоторое расстояние. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ погибели items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Это могущественное зачарование имеет силы мгновенно прикончить врага. Чем он слабее - тем выше вероятность срабатывания. удачи -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Это сильное зачарование повышает удачу того, кто его носит. Убитые удачным оружием враги могут оставлять дополнительные трофеи. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot.точный %s items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=Точное оружие дает шанс гарантированного удара по врагу, независимо от обстятельств. @@ -1346,7 +1347,14 @@замораживающий др items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=Эти дротики, покрытые веществом на основе Ледяной лилии, замораживают цель при попадании.дротик -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=Эти простые деревянные стержни с шипованным наконечником сбалансированы так, что даже легкое движение кистью способно отправить их на значительное расстояние. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=отменить +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=Однако, несмотря на их простую конструкцию, дротики не сломаются никогда.телепортирующий дротик @@ -1376,6 +1384,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=Эти дротики, покрыусыпляющий дротик items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=Эти дротики, покрытые веществом на основе Дрёмолиста, при попадании немедленно погрузят цель в неглубокий сон. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=отменить items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=Дротики с эффектом потеряет их эффект и станут обычными дротиками после использования. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=Осталось _%d/%d_ бросков перед тем, как один из них сломается. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_Но эти настолько хороши, что могут использоваться вечно._ @@ -1389,15 +1403,21 @@бумеранг items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Этот плоский изогнутый деревянный снаряд вернется к хозяину, если кинуть его во врага. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Благодаря своей конструкции, бумеранг не изнашивается при использовании.парализующий дротик -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Эти дротики, покрытые веществом на основе Земляного корня, на некоторое время парализуют жертву. -рыболовное копьё items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Маленькие метательные копья, предназначенные для рыбалки. Вполне годятся и в качестве импровизированного оружия. cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. +пилум items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Эти увесистые метательные копья сбалансированы так, чтобы удерживать остриё точно впереди, пока оно пронзает воздух. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Это метательное орудие _%1$d разряда_ наносит _-%2$d-%3$d_ урона и требует _%4$d силы_ для использования. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Это оружие было сделано для использования с расстояния оно более точное для врагов, которые дальше, но также намного менее точно для близких врагов. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Метательные оружия постепенно изнашиваются при использовании. @@ -1408,6 +1428,9 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=Брошенное вамисюрикен items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Заточенные в форме звёздочек кусочки металла. Они мало весят и удобно использовать на ходу - один сюрикен можно метнуть сразу после перемещения. club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. +метательный молот items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=Эти здоровенные молоты предназначены для метания во врага. Хотя им немного недостаёт урона, их гладкая цельнометаллическая конструкция обеспечивает особенную прочность и не даёт им застрять в теле противника. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index f910c2022..683320f42 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ık veren %s items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=Bu güçlü rün saldıranların zihinlerini kontrol ederek onların geçici olarak tutulmasına yol açar.üyükıran %s -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=Bu güçlü rün zırhının fiziksel savunmasını büyülere karşı da kullanır. +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier.ükürtlü %s items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=Bu rün zırhı giyen kişiyi ve eşyalarını ateşten korur, yükseltmelerle beraber ısıyı geçici bir korumaya da çevirir. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ı %s items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Bu rün zırhı giyen kişinin uzun çimlerin içine karışmasını sağlayarak onlara geçici görünmezlik verir.ştıran %s -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Bu rün giyenin etrafında hasarı emmek için yerkökü büyütür, fakat eğer onu kaplamasına izin verirse kullanıcıyı yere kökler. +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves.ışkan %s items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Bu rün suyun akışını zırhı giyen kişinin etrafında kontrol ederek o kişinin suyun içinde daha hızlı hareket etmesini sağlar. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Bu rün, giyen kişiye belirsiz bir görünt veren %s items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Öldüren: Potansiyel rünü -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Bu rün hasar alındığında enerji üretir ve bu enerji kullanıcının asalarını şarj eder. +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates. tepici %s items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Bu rün saldırganların güçünü onlara çevirerek onları geriye doğru savurur. @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@çevik %s items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Bu rün, giyen kişinin hızını bir düşmanın yanında olmadığı zaman arttırır. %s -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Bu güçlü rün saldırganlara zarar vererek onların verdiği hasara bağlı olarak yavaşça kanama geçirmelerine neden olur. +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer.şak %s items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=ertelenmiş %d @@ -567,33 +567,27 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Bu basınçlı şişeyi açmak ya da parçal ###brewsşındırıcı karışım -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Bu karışım kırıldığı bölgeye aşındırıcı çamur yayacaktır. Bu çamura yakalanan her şey çamur yıkanmadığı sürece yavaşça eriyip gidecektir. +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. fırtınası iksiri items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Bu karışım kırıldığı zaman gaz gibi yayılan hortum halinde bir kar fırtınası yaratır.ğuk iksir -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Bu karışım dondurma ve fırtına bulutları iksirlerinin özelliklerini içerir. Fırlatıldığında hem donduran hem de etrafındaki araziye su yayan bir buluta dönüşecektir. - ateşi karışımı -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Bu iksir sıvı ateş ve anında donma iksirlerinin özelliklerini birleştirir. Şişenin fırlatıldığı alan anında donacak, sonrasında uzun bir süreliğine alevlenecek. - karışımı items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Bu karışım kırıldığı zaman etrafında gaz gibi yayılan bir ateş fırtınası yaratır.şok edici karışım items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Bu karışım kırıldığı zaman kırıldığı yerde bir elektrik fırtınası yaratacaktır.ötücül karışım -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Bu karışım zehirli gaz bulutu ve felç edici gaz bulutu iksirlerinin özelliklerini birleştirir. Bu sıvı, açık havaya maruz kaldığı zaman aynı anda iki gaza birden dönüşecektir. - ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. + of aquatic rejuvenation -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Bu iksir Goo'dan kalanların ve iyileşme iksiri ile birleşimini içeriyor. Anında iyileşmeni sağlamak yerine suda durduğunda yavaşça sağlığını yenileyecektir. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$ Healing -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Bir süreliğine Goo'nun sahip olduğu iyileştirici özelliklere sahipsin.\n\nSuda durduğun sürece, her sırada bir can puanı kazanacaksın.\n\nKalan sıra: %d +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d. kanı özütü items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Bu özüt tüketildiği zaman içen kişinin damarlarına ateşli bir güç akışı gönderir. Bu etki içen kişiyi ateşe bağışıklı yapar ve düşmanlarını, onlara fiziksel saldırılar yaparak yakma olanağı sağlar. @@ -611,12 +605,6 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=This powerful liquid will course throug items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$ health boost items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=Your body feels unnaturally strong and healthy.\n\nYour maximum health is boosted for an extended period of time. As you gain levels, the boost will steadily fade.\n\nCurrent boost amount: %d\nLevels remaining: %dşme özütü -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Bu iksir, bir iyileştirme ve arındırma iksirinin özelliklerinin birleşimidir. Kullanıldığında içen kişiyi hızlıca iyileştirmeye başlar ve tüm negatif efektlerden arındırır. -ılık özütü -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=Bu özüt korunma ve iyileştirme iksirlerinin özelliklerini birleştirip içen kişiye büyük bir hayatta kalma gücü verir. - of toxic essence items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=When consumed, this elixir will imbue the drinker with toxic energy. The drinker will be immune to toxic gas and poison, and will continuously spread toxic gas as they move. @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the abi infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Bir eşyayı lanetle -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed.üy düşüşü items.spells.featherfall.light=Bir tüy gibi hafif hissediyorsun! @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it i trap items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=Burada tuzak yok. -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts. +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time. items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Bir eşyayı geri dönüştür @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation mag items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Hedef seçin items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=İşlemek için bir eşya seç energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=KULLAN @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=%s ile kendi kendini öldürdün. items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=Hiçbir şey olmadı. items.wands.cursedwand.grass=Etrafında çim bitiyor!ık kokusu alıyorsun... -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=Asan başka bir eşyaya dönüştü! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=Asan başka bir eşyaya dönüştü! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=VUR items.wands.wand.fizzles=Asan hiçbir şey yapmadı; yeterli şarjı olmasa gerek. @@ -1177,6 +1170,14 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=Blooming weapons contain magic which wilüşütücü %s items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=Bu efsunla vurulan düşmanlar üşür, bu da hareket ve saldırılarını yavaşlatır. %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. + %s items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=Elastic weapons have a chance to send enemies flying back short distances. @@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ölümcül %s items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Bu güçlü efsun o kadar güçlüdür ki, bir düşmanı anında öldürme gücüne sahiptir! Düşman ne kadar zayıfsa bu etki o kadar sık gerçekleşir.şanslı %s -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=This powerful enchantment increases the fortune of whoever wields it. Enemies which are killed with a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot. %s items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=A precise weapon has a chance to guarantee a hit on an enemy, regardless of the circumstances. @@ -1346,7 +1347,14 @@üşütücü dart items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=Bu dartların ucundaki buzbaşı tabanlı kimyasal hedeflerini elde tutulur derecede üşütecektir. -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=Bu ucuna diken konulmuş odun parçaları bilekten yapılan küçücük bir iteleme ile büyük mesafeler gitmek için dengelenmiş. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=iptal et +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=Fakat, basit üretilişleri sebebiyle dartlar asla kırılmayacaktır. değiştirici dart @@ -1376,6 +1384,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=Bu dartların ucundaki fırtınaas dartı items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=Bu dartların ucundaki hayalyaprağı tabanlı kimyasal hedeflerini aniden hafif bir uykuya daldıracaktır. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=iptal et items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=Uçlu dartlar kullanıldıklarında uçlarını kaybedip normal dartlara dönüşeceklerdir. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=This stack of darts has _%d/%d_ uses left before one tip wears off. items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_Ama bunlar o kadar kaliteli ki, etkilerini hiç bir zaman yitirmeyeceklerdir._ @@ -1389,15 +1403,21 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Düşmana fırlatılan bu düz, tahta, kıvrık menzilli silah fırlatıcısının eline geri döner. items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Sağlam yapısı sayesinde bu bumerang kullanım sonucu kırılmayacaktır. dart -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Bu dartların ucunda dünyatohumu ele alınarak yapılmış bir kimyasal bulunuyor, bu kimyasal hedefini kısa bir süreliğine felç edebilir. -ık tutma mızrağı items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Balık tutmak için tasarlanmış minik mızraklar. Doğaçlama bir silah olarak ta kullanılabilirler. cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. + items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Bu büyük fırlatma mızrakları havada uçarken uçlarındaki dikeni önde tutmak için dengelenmiş. +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=This _tier-%1$d_ thrown weapon deals _%2$d-%3$d damage_ and requires _%4$d strength_ to use properly. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Bu silah uzun mesafede kullanılmak için tasarlanmış, bu yüzden uzaktaki düşmanlara karşı daha isabetli, ama yakındaki düşmanlara karşı da bir o kadar isabetsiz. items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Fırlatma silahları kullanıldıkça aşınır ve kırılırlar. @@ -1408,6 +1428,9 @@ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=Fırlatma silahın kırılmak yıldızı items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=Jilet keskinliğindeki bıçaklarla kuşanmış yıldız şeklindeki metal parçaları. Hafif ve hareket ederken kullanılmak için birebir. Bir ninja yıldızı hareket sona erir ermez anında fırlatılabilir. club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. +ırlatma çekici items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=Bu ağır çekiçler bir düşmana atılmak için tasarlanmış. Hasar konusunda birazcık eksikler, temiz, tamamı metal yapıları onları gayet uzun ömürlü hale getirir ve düşmanlara saplanmazlar. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ index 46260f7d9..b782012a2 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/items/ @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@魅惑%s items.armor.glyphs.affection.desc=这个强大的刻印能够操控攻击者的心智,暂时地魅惑他们。敌法%s -items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=这个强大的刻印使护甲能够像防御物理攻击那样防御大部分的魔法攻击。 +items.armor.glyphs.antimagic.desc=This powerful glyph allows armor to defend its wearer against magical attacks as well as physical ones. This magical defence is not affected by the armor's tier.狱火%s items.armor.glyphs.brimstone.desc=这个刻印会保护穿戴者和其道具免受火焰的伤害,被升级后甚至还能将热量转化成临时护盾。 @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@迷彩%s items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=这个刻印能让使用者与高草融为一体,得到短暂的隐身效果。缠绕%s -items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=这个刻印会在使用者周围生出地缚根以吸收伤害,但接受地缚根的缠绕后使用者会暂时无法移动。 +items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthen armor around the wearer to absorb damage, but this armor will break if the wearer moves.涌流%s items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=这个刻印能操控使用者周身的水流,让使用者在水中移动时速度大大加快。 @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=这个刻印会掩盖使用者的气息,电势%s items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=死于潜能刻印 -items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=这个刻印在被击中时会积蓄能量,为使用者的法杖少量充能。 +items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, granting charge to the wearer's wand when it activates.反斥%s items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=这个刻印会将敌人攻击的冲击力反弹回去,使攻击者飞至远处。 @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@迅捷%s items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=这个刻印会在旁边没有敌人时使提高使用者的移动速度。荆棘%s -items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=这个强大的刻印会基于使用者受到的伤害反伤攻击者,使其缓慢失血。 +items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=This powerful glyph harms attackers, causing them to slowly bleed when they attack the wearer.粘稠%s items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.deferred=延缓%d点伤害 @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@绒布袋 items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=这个丝绒制作的小袋子能装下很多种子、符石等小件道具。魔法筒袋 -items.bags.magicalholster.desc=这款细长的皮制筒袋由某种异域动物的毛皮制成。强大的附魔使其拥有能收纳大量远程类武器道具的能力。\n\n你只需要伸手进去一探,想要的道具就会出现在手上。\n\n筒袋中涌动的魔力流还能使存放于其中的法杖充能更快,投掷武器耐久更高。 +items.bags.magicalholster.desc=这款细长的皮制筒袋由某种异域动物的毛皮制成。强大的附魔使其拥有能收纳大量远程类武器道具的能力。\n\n只需伸手一探,想要的道具就会出现在你的手上。\n\n筒袋中涌动的魔力流还能小幅强化其中法杖的充能及投掷武器的耐久度。 @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@星陨果速行果你没法忍受生吃这玩意儿。干燥且脆弱,或许加点其他材料再煮能够增强它的效果。这个果实已经因为吸收锅中的汤而鼓胀,并且吸收了其中种子的属性。它具有这个种子对应的药水的效果。这个果实已经因为吸收锅中的汤而鼓胀,并且吸收了其中种子的属性。它具有这个种子对应的药剂效果。看起来已经可以吃了!它似乎性质很不稳定,最好作为武器丢出去。$无味果块 @@ -567,33 +567,27 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=打开或摔碎这个密封的药瓶将导 ###brews淤泥魔药 -items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=这瓶魔药在打碎时会向周围溅出腐蚀淤泥。被腐蚀淤泥影响的单位将会缓慢融化,除非他们在过程中能及时找到水源并冲洗掉淤泥。 +items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze in a wide area around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.冰暴魔药 items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=当瓶子破裂时,这瓶魔药会使周围卷起一阵不断扩散的暴风雪。霜雾魔药 -items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=这瓶魔药融合了冰霜药剂和暴风骤雨药剂的特性。当它被丢出去后会迅速生成一片霜雾,同时周围地形会被水淹没并结冰。 -冰火魔药 -items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=这瓶魔药融合了液火药剂和极速冷却药剂的特性。这瓶魔药被丢向的地区会被极速冰冻,同时再燃起一阵持续一段时间的烈焰。 -炼狱魔药 items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=当瓶子破裂时,这瓶魔药会释放出一阵四处肆虐的狂暴烈焰。雷鸣魔药 items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=当瓶子破裂时,这瓶魔药会在附近释放出一阵闪电风暴。奸奇魔药 -items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=这瓶魔药融合了毒气药剂和麻痹药剂的特性。当暴露在空气中时这瓶魔药会同时迸发出这两种气体。 - ###elixirs of arcane armor +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofarcanearmor.desc=This elixir will grant the drinker a long lasting resistance to magical damage. +水灵秘药 -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=这瓶秘药中包含着被粘咕力量强化的治疗液体。尽管它不会给你立即的治疗效果,不过当你站在水中时能够缓慢恢复生命值。 +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of Goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will steadily restore a greater amount of health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$水灵恢复 -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=你暂时获得了如同粘咕一样的恢复能力。\n\n当站在水面上时,你每回合都能够回复1生命值。\n\n水灵恢复持续时长:%d. +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a small amount of health per turn. The effect is paused when you are at full health or are out of water.\n\nhealing left: %d.龙血秘药 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=饮用后,这瓶秘药会使饮用者的血管里充斥着烈焰的力量。这个效果能让引用者对火焰完全免疫,并且还能通过物理攻击点燃敌人。 @@ -607,15 +601,9 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixiroficytouch.desc=饮用后,这瓶秘药会使饮用根骨秘药 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1力量,+%d生命上限 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=新生的力量在你体内喷薄而出。 -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=这种强力的液体会冲刷你的根骨,永久性增加1点力量值并在一段时间内增加%d点生命上限。生命提升会随你最大生命的增加而加强,但会随着你的升级而缓慢消失。 -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$生命提升 -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=你觉得自己不同寻常的强壮与健康。\n\n你的最大生命在一段时间内会有所提升。生命提升会随着你的升级缓慢而稳定地消失。\n\n当前生命提升量: %d\n剩余有效等级: %d -恢复秘药 -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=这瓶秘药融合了治疗药剂和净化药剂的特性。饮用后,饮用者会开始极速回复生命值,同时会净化所有负面状态。 -生命秘药 -items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=这瓶秘药包含了治疗药剂和保护药剂的属性,能够在一段时间内给予使用者强大的生命力。 +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=这种强力的液体会冲刷你的根骨,永久性增加1点力量值并在一段时间内增加%d点生命上限。增强的生命上限值取决于你当前的最大生命值,不过增强值会随着等级提升而逐渐消失。 +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$生命力强化 +items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight$htboost.desc=你感觉现在的自己身强体壮。\n\n你的最大生命值在一段时间内会得到强化。生命力强化会随着你的升级缓慢且稳定地消逝。\n\n当前生命提升量: %d\n剩余有效等级: %d毒粹秘药 items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=该秘药能够向使用者注入强大的毒素之力,使用者在持续时间内将免疫毒气和毒素,并会在周身不断释放出致命的毒雾。 @@ -731,8 +719,8 @@ items.rings.ring.curse_known=你能感觉到这件戒指里潜伏着一股充满 items.rings.ring.not_cursed=这枚戒指没有被诅咒。精准之戒 -items.rings.ringofaccuracy.stats=佩戴这枚戒指时,你的精准属性会增加_%s%%_。 -items.rings.ringofaccuracy.typical_stats=佩戴这枚戒指时,你的精准属性通常会增加_%s%%_。 +items.rings.ringofaccuracy.stats=佩戴这枚戒指时,你的命中属性会增加_%s%%_。 +items.rings.ringofaccuracy.typical_stats=佩戴这枚戒指时,你的命中属性通常会增加_%s%%_。 items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=这枚戒指提高了你的专注力,使敌人难以躲闪你的攻击。负等级的戒指则会让你的攻击更易于被闪避。元素之戒 @@ -751,8 +739,8 @@ items.rings.ringofevasion.typical_stats=佩戴这枚戒指时,你的闪避属 items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=这枚戒指会加快配戴者的反应速度,令其更难被敌人击中。被诅咒的戒指反而会让配戴者更容易被击中。武力之戒 -items.rings.ringofforce.stats=赤手空拳时,以你目前的力量,佩戴这枚戒指能够造成 _%1$d~%2$d伤害_。当装备一件武器时,这枚戒指会增加_%3$d_点伤害。 -items.rings.ringofforce.typical_stats=赤手空拳时,以你目前的力量,佩戴这枚戒指通常能够造成 _%1$d~%2$d伤害_。当装备一件武器时,这枚戒指通常会增加_%3$d_点伤害。 +items.rings.ringofforce.stats=赤手空拳时,以你目前的力量,佩戴这枚戒指能够造成 _%1$d~%2$d伤害_。当装备一件武器时,这枚戒指会为其增加_%3$d_点伤害。 +items.rings.ringofforce.typical_stats=赤手空拳时,以你目前的力量,佩戴这枚戒指通常能够造成 _%1$d~%2$d伤害_。当装备一件武器时,这枚戒指通常会为其增加_%3$d_点伤害。 items.rings.ringofforce.desc=这枚戒指能够增强配戴者的打击力度。这份额外的力量在挥舞武器时相当有限,而徒手攻击则会被大幅增强。负等级的戒指会导致配戴者的攻击变得软弱无力。狂怒之戒 @@ -776,13 +764,13 @@ items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.typical_stats=佩戴这枚戒指时,你的投 items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.desc=这枚戒指会加强配戴者的瞄准能力,使投掷武器变得更加致命且耐用。被诅咒的戒指则会起反作用。韧性之戒 -items.rings.ringoftenacity.stats=佩戴这枚戒指时,你受到的伤害会最多减少_%s%%_。 -items.rings.ringoftenacity.typical_stats=佩戴这枚戒指时,你受到的伤害通常会最多减少_%s%%_。 +items.rings.ringoftenacity.stats=佩戴这枚戒指时,你受到的伤害至多减少_%s%%_。 +items.rings.ringoftenacity.typical_stats=佩戴这枚戒指时,你受到的伤害通常至多减少_%s%%_。 items.rings.ringoftenacity.desc=这枚戒指使配戴者能够抵御本应致命的打击。配戴者受伤越重,对伤害的抗性就越高。负等级的戒指则会让敌人更容易杀死配戴者。财富之戒 -items.rings.ringofwealth.stats=佩戴这枚戒指时,你的幸运度会提升_%s%%_。 -items.rings.ringofwealth.typical_stats=佩戴这枚戒指时,你的幸运度通常会提升_%s%%_。 +items.rings.ringofwealth.stats=佩戴这枚戒指时,你的整体幸运程度会提升_%s%%_。 +items.rings.ringofwealth.typical_stats=佩戴这枚戒指时,你的整体幸运程度通常会提升_%s%%_。 items.rings.ringofwealth.desc=说不清这枚戒指具体如何起效,好运会以各种形式微妙地影响着冒险家的一生。自然,负等级的戒指会为配戴者招来厄运。 @@ -955,7 +943,7 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=这个复杂的菱晶给予了使用者无诅咒菱晶 items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=诅咒一件物品 -items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=这个菱晶可以向一件装备注入和DM-300内部相同的的邪恶魔法。目标物品会立刻被诅咒,且原有的附魔与刻印会被覆盖。 +items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same powerful malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.\n\n In the case of weapons, armor, and wands, the item will be upgraded in addition to being cursed. Curse infusion upgrades do not stack, and the upgrade is lost of the item becomes uncursed.羽落晶核 items.spells.featherfall.light=你觉得自己身轻如燕! @@ -980,7 +968,8 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.desc=这个充满混沌的结晶法术会将目标单位陷阱晶核 items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=这里没有陷阱。 -items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=这个菱晶蕴含着DM-300残余的修复能力。当它被投掷到一个有效陷阱上时,陷阱的机械力量会转化为魔法能量,这种能量可以为使用者的法杖与神器充能。 +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc_trap=The spell is currently imbued with a _%s._ +items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the mechanical energy of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the power of the trap will be absorbed into the spell, allowing you to trigger the trap's effect at any location you like.\n\nHowever, some traps may not function in all places, and the spell can only store one trap at a time.回收菱晶 items.spells.recycle.inv_title=回收一件物品 @@ -990,6 +979,9 @@ items.spells.recycle.desc=这个菱晶蕴含着弱化的嬗变魔法。虽然不 items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=选择一个目标 items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=灌注一件物品/道具 energy +items.spells.wildenergy.desc=This spell contains some of the cursed energy which powered DM-300. When cast, it will grant you several turns of recharging and mystical energy, while also triggering a random cursed wand effect. You are able to choose a direction for this cursed magic to shoot in, however. + ###runestones items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=使用 @@ -997,7 +989,7 @@ items.stones.inventorystone.ac_use=使用 items.stones.runestone$符石敌意符石 -items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=当把这颗符石掷向一个盟友或敌人时,周围的所有敌人都会无法控制自己去进攻这个目标。\n\n如果对敌人使用,这种魔力只会持续很短的一段时间,但如果对自己或者盟友使用,魔力持续的时间会显著延长。强大的敌人对这种魔力有一定的抵抗力。 +items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=当把这颗符石掷向一个盟友或敌人时,周围的所有敌人都会不受控制地攻击目标。\n\n如果对敌人使用,这种魔力只会持续很短的一段时间,但如果对自己或者盟友使用,魔力持续的时间会显著延长。强大的敌人对这种魔力有一定的抵抗力。 items.stones.stoneofaggression$众矢之的强化符石 @@ -1053,7 +1045,8 @@ items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=你用你自己的%s自杀了。 items.wands.cursedwand.nothing=什么事都没发生。 items.wands.cursedwand.grass=草木在你周围疯长而出!你闻到了烧烤的味道…… -items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify=你的法杖变形成了另一样东西! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_wand=你的法杖变形成了另一样东西! +items.wands.cursedwand.transmogrify_other=Your item transmogrifies into something different! items.wands.wand.ac_zap=释放 items.wands.wand.fizzles=你的法杖滋滋作响;一定是没能量了。 @@ -1166,9 +1159,9 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=妄为诅咒的武器很难找到它的目标烈焰%s items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=这个附魔会使火焰从武器中喷薄而出,能够点燃敌人及其所在的区域。格挡%s招架%s items.weapon.enchantments.blocking.desc=这个附魔能够增强你在攻击后的防御能力。 -items.weapon.enchantments.blocking$格挡 +items.weapon.enchantments.blocking$招架 items.weapon.enchantments.blocking$blockbuff.desc=你的武器的格挡附魔在短时间内增强了你的防御能力!\n\n伤害格挡提升:0~%d点\n\n剩余时间:%s回合。繁茂%s @@ -1177,14 +1170,22 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.blooming.desc=繁茂武器具有催生植物的魔力寒霜%s items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=受该附魔成功影响的敌人会被冻伤,导致移动和攻击速度降低。 %s +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic.desc=When an enemy is killed with a kinetic weapon, any excess force is stored in the weapon and will be applied to the next successful attack. +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$ Damage +items.weapon.enchantments.kinetic$conserveddamage.desc=Your weapon has stored the excess force from a previous killing blow, and will apply it as bonus damage to your next attack. The energy will slowly fade over time, however.\n\nConserved Damage: %d. + %s +items.weapon.enchantments.corrupting.desc=This powerful enchantment posses similar power to the wand of corruption. When an enemy is killed with a corrupting weapon, there is a chance they will become corrupted. +弹性%s items.weapon.enchantments.elastic.desc=弹性武器在攻击时有几率把敌人击退较短的距离。死神%s items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=这个强大的附魔拥有瞬间斩杀敌人的力量。敌人越弱,附魔的触发几率越大。赌运%s -items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=这个强大的附魔会提升持有者的财运。被幸运附魔武器击杀的敌人有几率掉落额外的道具。幸运%s +items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Enemies which are killed by a lucky weapon have a chance to drop extra loot.精准%s items.weapon.enchantments.precise.desc=精准武器有几率无视一切条件打出必定命中敌人的一击。 @@ -1205,7 +1206,7 @@紊乱%s items.weapon.enchantments.unstable.desc=紊乱附魔的武器周身散布着混乱的能量,每一击的都会造成另一种附魔的效果。血饮%s -items.weapon.enchantments.vampiric.desc=这个强大的附魔能在攻击敌人时吸取其生命能量并恢复使用者的生命。当使用者生命较少时这种效果更强。 +items.weapon.enchantments.vampiric.desc=这个强大的附魔能在攻击敌人时吸取其生命能量并恢复使用者的生命。当使用者生命较少时效果更强。 ###melee weapons @@ -1234,7 +1235,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.stats_desc=这件武器精确性不高。\n这件武器 items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=铁链上附着的一个带刺的钢球。笨重难用,能命中的话威力极强。魔岩拳套 -items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=这件武器的攻速很快。\n这件武器可以抵挡0~4点伤害。 +items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=这件武器的攻速很快。\n这件武器可以格挡0~4点伤害。 items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=这个巨大的拳套由一匹红布和层层覆盖在布上的魔法岩石交织而成。戴上后,布料紧紧裹住你的整个前臂,让厚重的岩板变得像一层坚硬的皮肤。要有足够的力量才能将如此沉重的武器自如挥舞,但正是这种力量和重量的结合让这件武器发挥出可怕的威力。关刀 @@ -1250,8 +1251,8 @@ items.weapon.melee.greataxe.stats_desc=这件武器非常沉重。 items.weapon.melee.greataxe.desc=这个巨型的战斧无坚不摧,重如泰山,举过肩才有空间挥舞。巨型方盾 -items.weapon.melee.greatshield.typical_stats_desc=通常这件武器能抵挡0~%d点伤害。通过升级可以使抵挡量增长。 -items.weapon.melee.greatshield.stats_desc=这件武器能抵挡0~%d点伤害。通过升级可以使抵挡量增长。 +items.weapon.melee.greatshield.typical_stats_desc=这件武器通常能格挡0~%d点伤害。通过升级可以使格挡量增长。 +items.weapon.melee.greatshield.stats_desc=这件武器能格挡0~%d点伤害。通过升级可以使格挡量增长。 items.weapon.melee.greatshield.desc=与其说它是一面盾,不如说它是一堵能移动的墙。这一大块金属对于防御十分有效,但没有在攻击方面留下多少余地。巨剑 @@ -1296,12 +1297,12 @@短剑 items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=它确实相当短,只比一把匕首长出几厘米。铁头棍 -items.weapon.melee.quarterstaff.stats_desc=这件武器可以抵挡0~3点伤害。 +items.weapon.melee.quarterstaff.stats_desc=这件武器可以格挡0~3点伤害。 items.weapon.melee.quarterstaff.desc=这是两端以铁包覆的硬木棍。圆盾 -items.weapon.melee.roundshield.typical_stats_desc=通常这件武器能抵挡0~%d点伤害。抵挡量会随着武器的升级而提升。 -items.weapon.melee.roundshield.stats_desc=这件武器能抵挡0~%d点伤害。通过升级可以使抵挡量增长。 +items.weapon.melee.roundshield.typical_stats_desc=这件武器通常能格挡0~%d点伤害。格挡量会随着武器的升级而提升。 +items.weapon.melee.roundshield.stats_desc=这件武器能格挡0~%d点伤害。通过升级可以使格挡量增长。 items.weapon.melee.roundshield.desc=这个大盾可以有效格挡攻击,在危机时刻也可以作为不错的武器使用。符文之刃 @@ -1309,7 +1310,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.runicblade.stats_desc=这把武器从升级中获得更多伤 items.weapon.melee.runicblade.desc=来自失落之地的神秘武器,有着明亮的蓝色刀刃。双钗 -items.weapon.melee.sai.stats_desc=这件武器的攻速很快。\n这件武器可以抵挡0~2点伤害。 +items.weapon.melee.sai.stats_desc=这件武器的攻速很快。\n这件武器可以格挡0~2点伤害。 items.weapon.melee.sai.desc=一对轻薄的铁刃,刚好一手一把。在格挡和快速斩击方面都十分出色。弯刀 @@ -1346,8 +1347,15 @@寒霜飞镖 items.weapon.missiles.darts.chillingdart.desc=这些飞镖上涂着一种由冰冠花制成的药物,能显著地冻伤目标。飞镖 -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=由短木杆和金属尖头简易制成,手腕轻抖就会精准地飞向目标。 -items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=然而,由于飞镖结构简单,飞镖不会消耗掉。 +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.ac_tip=TIP +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_title=Tip Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_desc=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect.\n\nTipping a dart with these seeds will produce a _%s._ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_all=tip %d darts with %d seeds +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_two=tip 2 darts with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_one=tip 1 dart with 1 seed +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.tip_cancel=取消 +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.desc=These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist. They can tipped with seeds to gain bonus effects when thrown. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.dart.unlimited_uses=然而,由于飞镖及其简易的构造,飞镖本身可以永久使用而不损坏。传送飞镖 items.weapon.missiles.darts.displacingdart.desc=这些飞镖上涂着一种由消逝草制成的药物,能把目标传送走一小段距离。 @@ -1376,9 +1384,15 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.shockingdart.desc=这些飞镖上涂着一种由风催眠飞镖 items.weapon.missiles.darts.sleepdart.desc=这些飞镖上涂着一种由梦夜花制成的药物,能瞬间让目标进入梦乡。药效比新鲜的梦夜花弱,目标过一阵时间会自己醒过来。 +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.ac_clean=CLEAN +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_title=Clean Darts +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_desc=This action will remove the seed tipping on your darts, reverting them back to regular darts. +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_all=clean all +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.clean_one=clean one +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.cancel=取消 items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.durability=涂药飞镖在使用一定次数后会失去药效变为普通飞镖。 items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.uses_left=这些涂药飞镖再使用_%d/%d_次就会有一个失去药效。 -items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_但是它们具有极高的品质,可以永久使用而不损坏。_ +items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.unlimited_uses=_但是因为它们极高的品质,可以永久使用而不损坏。_ items.weapon.missiles.darts.tippeddart.about_to_break=你飞镖上的涂药快要失效了。 @@ -1389,25 +1403,34 @@回旋镖 items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=被投向敌人后,这具扁平的曲状木制投掷物能够自动回到投掷者手中。 items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=这个回旋镖造得非常结实,使用后不会产生损耗。麻痹毒镖 -items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=这些飞镖上涂着一种由地缚根制成的药物,能让目标无助地麻痹一小段时间。 -捕鱼矛 items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=小巧的投掷用短矛,本来是用来捕鱼的,不过也能当个武器用。 cube +items.weapon.missiles.forcecube.desc=This oddly-shaped weapon is small enough to hold in your hand, but is incredibly heavy. When thrown, it will spread the force of its impact over a small area, damaging everything in the blast. + boomerang +items.weapon.missiles.heavyboomerang.desc=This large boomerang is difficult to wield effectively, but will deal considerable damage. After a few turns, it will fly back to the location it was thrown from. +标枪 items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=这些大号投掷用长枪上的配重保证它们会以尖端为首飞向目标。 +items.weapon.missiles.kunai.desc=These small knives are very powerful in the hands of a skilled user. They are most effective against unaware enemies. + items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=这件_%1$d阶_投掷武器能造成_%2$d~%3$d点伤害_并需要_%4$d点力量_来正常使用。 -items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=这种武器被设计用于远程攻击,在远程攻击目标时它将获得额外精度加成,当然近战范围使用它精准会大幅降低。 +items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=这种武器被专门设计用于远程攻击,在远程攻击目标时获得额外的命中加成,当然近战范围使用它时精准会大幅降低。 items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=投掷武器在使用过程中会磨损并最终损坏。 items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.uses_left=这一组武器再用_%d/%d_次就会有一件被损耗掉。 -items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.unlimited_uses=_但是它们具有极高的品质,可以永久使用而不损坏。_ +items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.unlimited_uses=_但是因为它们极高的品质,可以永久使用而不损坏。_ items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.about_to_break=你的投掷武器快要损坏了。手里剑 items.weapon.missiles.shuriken.desc=锋利的星形金属刃片,非常轻便。在移动后即可瞬间投出。 club +items.weapon.missiles.throwingclub.desc=A fairly simply thrown weapon, essentially a large rock fastened to a stick. While they are a bit lacking in damage, their solid stone head means they are quite durable, and won't stick to enemies. +投掷锤 items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=这些沉甸甸的锤子是用来扔向敌人的。伤害稍低,但平滑的纯金属的制作工艺让它们非常结实,而且不会留在敌人身上。 @@ -1427,11 +1450,11 @@三叉戟 items.weapon.missiles.trident.desc=一把尖端有着三根致命尖叉的特大号投掷用长枪。威力极大,但也很重。猎手弓箭灵能短弓 items.weapon.spiritbow.ac_shoot=射击 items.weapon.spiritbow.prompt=选择一个目标 -items.weapon.spiritbow.stats=这把弓不能直接升级,但是会随着你等级的提升而逐渐增强。以你目前的等级,这把弓射出的每只箭可以造成_%1$d-%2$d点伤害_并且需要_%3$d点力量_来正常使用。 -items.weapon.spiritbow.desc=一把由远古灵木制成的弓,弓弦和刻纹散发着幽蓝色的光。当拉开弓弦时,弓会向敌人发射一只魔法箭矢。 +items.weapon.spiritbow.stats=这把弓不能直接升级,但是会随着你等级提升而逐渐增强。以你目前的等级,这把弓射出的每只箭可以造成_%1$d-%2$d点伤害_并且需要_%3$d点力量_来正常使用。 +items.weapon.spiritbow.desc=一把由远古灵木制成的弓,弓弦和弓身的刻纹散发着苍蓝色的幽光。拉开弓弦时,一发魔法箭矢会生成在弓身一侧向目标飞去。 items.weapon.weapon.identify=你对手中的武器已经足够熟悉并将其完全鉴定。 items.weapon.weapon.too_heavy=因为你的力量不足,该武器会降低你的攻速和精准,并让你无法偷袭。 diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index bad45e917..4ba04e9f2 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,16 +25,14 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Crear pocions journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Benvingut a les aplicacions pràctiques de l'alquímia!\n\nAquest llibre serveix com a referència de les receptes pels alquimistes aficionats o aventurers que busquen embrutir-se les mans.\n\nComençarem amb la recepta alquímica més emblemàtica: col·loca tres llavors en una olla d'alquímia per preparar una poció aleatòria!\n\nCada tipus de llavor serveix de contrapart a la poció, i la poció que creïs es pot relacionar amb una de les llavors utilitzades. L'ús de múltiples llavors del mateix tipus augmentarà la probabilitat de què això passi. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Crear pedres rúniques journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Ficar un pergamí dins d'una olla d'alquímia imbuirà la seva màgia a dues o tres pedres dins del pot. Això crea pedres rúniques! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Afegir puntes als dards -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Una llavor es pot combinar amb un o dos dards per afegir-los-hi puntes. Cada tipus de llavor produeix el seu propi tipus de dard amb punta, amb un efecte únic d'un sol ús. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pocions exòtiques -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Les pocions es poden augmentar amb dues llavors per crear pocions exòtiques. Aquestes tenen efectes més poderosos, però sovint també són útils d'altres maneres. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergamins exòtics -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Els pergamins exòtics també es poden fer amb dues pedres rúniques i un pergamí. Són una mica més fortes que les pocions exòtiques, però les pedres també són més difícils d'aconseguir. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energia i menjar journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Algunes receptes requereixen energia de la mateixa olla d'alquímia. L'energia s'utilitza en les receptes per produir més de la suma dels seus ingredients.\n\nNo totes les receptes amb energia són especialment místiques però. Aquestes receptes s'assemblen més a la cuina tradicional que a l'alquímia. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombes millorades journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba de pólvora negre normal i corrent es pot barrejar amb un ítem específic per crear una bomba millorada. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pocions exòtiques +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Les pocions es poden augmentar amb dues llavors per crear pocions exòtiques. Aquestes tenen efectes més poderosos, però sovint també són útils d'altres maneres. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergamins exòtics +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Els pergamins exòtics també es poden fer amb dues pedres rúniques i un pergamí. Són una mica més fortes que les pocions exòtiques, però les pedres també són més difícils d'aconseguir. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Catalitzadors journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Els catalitzadors es fabriquen combinant un pergamí o una poció amb una llavor o una pedra rúnica. Si el parell d'elements coincideix, es redueix el cost energètic alquímic.\n\nEls catalitzadors són més útils com a components en les receptes cobertes en les dues pàgines següents, però també es poden utilitzar en cas de dificultat per a un efecte aleatori. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Beuratges i elixirs diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index 588ede968..2b16f91ed 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,16 +25,14 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Tvorba lektvarů journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Vítej u Praktického používání Alchymie!\n\nTato kniha slouží jako reference receptů pro nadšence do alchymie a dobrodruhy, kteří se nebojí zašpinit si ruce.\n\nZačneme s nejikoničtějším receptem alchymie: Umísti jakákoliv tři semínka do alchymického kotlíku a uvař náhodný lektvar!\n\nKe každému semínku existuje podobný lektvar a ten který vytvoříš, se může vztahovat k jednomu ze semínek které použiješ. Použitím více stejných semínek zvýšíš šanci, že k tomu dojde. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Tvorba runových kamenů journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Vmíchání svitku do alchymického kotlíku naplní jeho magií dva nebo tři kamínky v kotlíku. To vytvoří runové kameny! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Napuštěné šipky -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Semínko může být zkombinováno s jednou nebo dvěma šipkami pro napuštění. Každý typ semínka vytvoří vlastní typ napuštěné šipky na jedno použití s unikátním efektem. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Vzácné lektvary -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Lektvary mohou být rozšířeny dvěma semínky pro vytvoření vzácných lektvarů. Ty mají mnohem silnější efekty, ale jsou často užitečné v úplně jiných případech. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Vzácné svitky -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Vzácné svitky mohou být vytvořeny dvěma runovými kameny a svitkem. Jsou o trochu silnější než vzácné lektvary, ale runové kameny je také obtížnější získat. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energie a jídlo journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Některé recepty vyžadují energii samotného alchymického kotlíku. Energie se používá v receptech, které vytvoří víc než jen souhrn svých ingrediencí.\n\nNe všechny recepty s energií jsou ovšem mystické. Tyto recepty více připomínají tradiční vaření než alchymii. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Vylepšené bomby journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Obyčejná černá prachová bomba může být smíchána s konkrétním předmětem pro vytvoření vylepšené bomby. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Vzácné lektvary +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Lektvary mohou být rozšířeny dvěma semínky pro vytvoření vzácných lektvarů. Ty mají mnohem silnější efekty, ale jsou často užitečné v úplně jiných případech. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Vzácné svitky +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Vzácné svitky mohou být vytvořeny dvěma runovými kameny a svitkem. Jsou o trochu silnější než vzácné lektvary, ale runové kameny je také obtížnější získat. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Katalyzátory journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Katalyzátory se vyrábějí kombinací svitku nebo lektvaru s jedním semínkem nebo runovým kamenem. Pokud se efekt páru předmětů shoduje, náklady na alchymickou energii se sníží.\n\nKatalyzátory jsou nejužitečnější jako součást receptů popsaných na následujících dvou stránkách, ale mohou být použity i pro vyvolání náhodného efektu. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Směsi a elixíry diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index 4cbe45dcf..95604db8c 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,16 +25,14 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Tränke brauen journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Willkommen zu Praktische Anwendungen der Alchemie!\n\nDieses Werk dient als Rezeptbuch für Hobby-Alchemisten und Abenteurer, welche sich ihre Hände schmutzig machen möchten.\n\nWir fangen mit dem ikonischsten Alchemie-Rezept überhaupt an: Werfe drei Samen in den Alchemiekessel, um einen zufälligen Trank zu brauen!\n\nZu jeder Art Samen gibt es einen entsprechenden Trank. Der gebraute Trank mag mit einem der verwendeten Samen zu tun haben. Wenn mehrere Samen der gleichen Art verwendet werden, ist es unwahrscheinlicher, dass ein zufälliger Trank dabei herauskommt. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Runensteine erschaffen journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Durch das Einrühren von Schriftrollen in einem Alchemiekessel werden zwei bis drei Steine darin mit ihrer Magie erfüllt. So lassen sich Runensteine erzeugen! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Pfeile präparieren -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Ein Samen kann mit ein oder zwei Pfeilen kombiniert werden, um sie zu präparieren. Die Sorte des Samens bestimmt die Art des Pfeils und damit dessen einzigartige Wirkung, die einmal genutzt werden kann. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotische Tränke -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Tränke können mit zwei Samen ausgebaut werden, um exotische Tränke zu erzeugen. Diese haben mächtigere Wirkungen, aber werden oft auch auf eine andere Weise verwendet. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotische Schriftrollen -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotische Schriftrollen können mit zwei Runensteinen und einer Schriftrolle erzeugt werden. Diese sind ein wenig stärker als exotische Tränke, aber Steine sind auch schwerer zu bekommen. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energie und Essen journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Einige Rezepte verlangen Energie vom Alchemiekessel selbst. Die Energie wird in Rezepten gebraucht, deren Ergebnis mehr als die Summe ihrerer Zutaten erreichen kann.\n\nWie auch immer: Nicht alle der energie-benötigenden Rezepte sind besonders geheimnisvoll. Manche haben eher mit dem althergebrachten Kochen etwas Gemein, als mit der Alchemie. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Verbesserte Bomben journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Eine ganz normale Schwarzpulver-Bombe kann mit einem bestimmten Gegenstand verknüpft werden, um eine verbesserte Bombe herzustellen. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotische Tränke +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Tränke können mit zwei Samen ausgebaut werden, um exotische Tränke zu erzeugen. Diese haben mächtigere Wirkungen, aber werden oft auch auf eine andere Weise verwendet. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotische Schriftrollen +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotische Schriftrollen können mit zwei Runensteinen und einer Schriftrolle erzeugt werden. Diese sind ein wenig stärker als exotische Tränke, aber Steine sind auch schwerer zu bekommen. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Reaktionsbeschleuniger journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Reaktionsbeschleuniger werden durch die Kombination einer Schriftrolle oder einem Trank mit einem einzelnen Samen oder Runenstein hergestellt. Passen die Gegenstände zusammen, werden die Energiekosten reduziert.\n\nReaktionsbeschleuniger sind besonders nützlich als Rezept-Komponenten, die auf den nachfolgenden Seiten beschrieben werden. Sie können aber auch für einen zufälligen Effekt zugegeben werden. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Gebräue und Elixiere diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index db26f3d8a..781dd6704 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,16 +25,14 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Kuiri eliksirojn journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Bonvenon al praktika apliko de alĥemio!\n\nTiu ĉi libro liveras receptojn por malspertaj alĥemiistoj kaj aventuristoj kiuj volas fari ion per si mem.\n\nNi komenciĝos kun la plej tradicia alĥemia recepto: enmetu tri semojn en kuirpoton por kuiri hazardan eliksiron!\n\nĈiu semo havas sian analogan eliksiron kaj la kreota eliksiro povos rilati al semoj uzitaj por kuiri. Uzu kelkajn samspecajn semojn por pliigi ŝancon por akiri dezirotan eliksiron. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Krei runŝtonojn journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Per diserigi skribrulaĵon en la alĥemia kuirpoto oni povas transigi ĝian magion al du aŭ tri ŝtonoj. Tiel vi kreos runŝtonojn! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dronigitaj sagetoj -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Oni povas kombini semon kun unu aŭ du sagetoj por saturi ilin per substanco de la semo. Per ĉiu speco de semo oni povas krei malsaman dronigitan sageton kun unika por-unu-uza efekto. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Ekzotaj eliksiroj -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Oni povas plibonigi eliksiron per du semoj por krei ekzotan eliksiron. Ili havas pli potencajn efikojn, sed ankaŭ povas esti uzeblaj en alia maniero. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Ekzotaj skribrulaĵoj -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Ekzotaj skribrulaĵoj prepariĝas el du runŝtonoj kaj skribrulaĵo. Ili estas ete pli potencaj ol ekzotaj eliksiroj, sed ŝtonoj estas pli malfacilaj por akiri. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energio kaj manĝaĵo journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Iuj receptoj postulas energion el la alĥemia kuirpoto mem. Energio estas uzata en receptoj, kiuj produktas ion pli potencaj ol sumo de konsistaĵoj.\n\nTamen ne ĉiuj receptoj uzantaj energion estas mistikaj. Tiuj receptoj estas pli similaj al tradicia kuirado ol al alĥemio. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Superbomboj journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Oni povas kunligi kutiman bombon de nigra pulvo kun specifa aĵo por krei superbombon. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Ekzotaj eliksiroj +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Oni povas plibonigi eliksiron per du semoj por krei ekzotan eliksiron. Ili havas pli potencajn efikojn, sed ankaŭ povas esti uzeblaj en alia maniero. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Ekzotaj skribrulaĵoj +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Ekzotaj skribrulaĵoj prepariĝas el du runŝtonoj kaj skribrulaĵo. Ili estas ete pli potencaj ol ekzotaj eliksiroj, sed ŝtonoj estas pli malfacilaj por akiri. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Kataliziloj journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Kataliziloj estas faritaj per kombini skribrulaĵon aŭ eliksiron kun unu semo aŭ runŝtono. Se la uzataj konsistaĵoj kongruas, estas necesa malpli da alĥemia energio.\n\nKataliziloj estas plej multe utilaj en receptoj priskribitaj sur la du sekvaj paĝoj, sed eventuale eblas uzi ilin por akiri hazardan efikon. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Infuzaĵoj kaj miksturoj diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index f9766ec35..8682893ec 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,16 +25,14 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creando Pociones journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=¡Bienvenido a las Aplicaciones Prácticas de la Alquimia!\n\nEste libro sirve como referencia de recetas para los alquimistas aficionados y aventureros que buscan ensuciarse las manos.\n\nEmpezaremos con la receta de alquimia más icónica: ¡Coloque tres semillas en una olla de alquimia para preparar una poción aleatoria!\n\nCada semilla tiene una contraparte en la poción, y la poción que crees puede estar relacionada con una de las semillas utilizadas. Usar múltiples de la misma semilla aumentará la posibilidad de que esto ocurra. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creando Piedras Rúnicas journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mezclar un pergamino en una olla de alquimia imbuirá su magia en dos o tres rocas dentro de la olla. ¡Esto crea piedras rúnicas! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardos Tipados -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Una semilla se puede combinar con uno o dos dardos para tiparlos. Cada tipo de semilla produce su propio tipo de dardo tipado, con un efecto único de un solo uso. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pociones Exóticas -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Las pociones se pueden aumentar con dos semillas para crear pociones exóticas. Tienen efectos más poderosos, pero a menudo son útiles de diferentes maneras. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergaminos Exóticos -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Los pergaminos exóticos pueden ser creados con dos piedras rúnicas y un pergamino. Son un poco más fuertes que las pociones exóticas, pero las piedras son además difíciles de conseguir. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energía y Comida journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Algunas recetas requieren energía de la propia olla de alquimia. La energía se utiliza en recetas que producen más que la suma de sus ingredientes.\n\nSin embargo, no todas las recetas de energía son especialmente místicas. Estas recetas se parecen más a la cocina tradicional que a la alquimia. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Mejoradas journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba negra de pólvora estándar se puede mezclar con un ítem específico para crear una bomba mejorada. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pociones Exóticas +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Las pociones se pueden aumentar con dos semillas para crear pociones exóticas. Tienen efectos más poderosos, pero a menudo son útiles de diferentes maneras. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergaminos Exóticos +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Los pergaminos exóticos pueden ser creados con dos piedras rúnicas y un pergamino. Son un poco más fuertes que las pociones exóticas, pero las piedras son además difíciles de conseguir. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Catalizadores journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Los catalizadores se hacen combinando un pergamino o poción con una sola semilla o piedra rúnica. Si el par de ítems coincide, el costo de energía alquímica se reduce.\n\nLos catalizadores son más útiles como componentes en las recetas cubiertas en las siguientes dos páginas, pero además en un apuro, pueden ser usados para un efecto aleatorio. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Infusiones y Elixires diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index 270f1db69..866b8712e 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,16 +25,14 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Edabeak sortzea journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Ongi etorri Alkimiaren aplikazio praktikoetara!\n\nLiburu hau alkimia-zaleentzako eta eskuak zikintzeko prest dauden abenturazaleentzako errezeten bilduma bat da.\n\nAlkimiaren errezeta ikonikoenarekin hasiko gara: Kokatu edozein hiru hazi alkimia eltzean edabe berri bat prestatzeko!\n\nHazi mota bakoitzak dagokion edabe bat du eta sortzen duzun edabea erabilitako hazi batekin zerikusia izan lezake. Mota bereko hainbat hazi erabiltzeak hau horrela izateko aukera areagotzen du. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Erruna harriak sortzea journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Eskuizkribu bat alkimia eltzean nahastean bere magia eltzeko bi edo hiru harrietara txertatuko da. Honela erruna harriak sortzen ditu! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardoak bustitzea -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Hazi bat, bi, edo hiru, dardoekin konbinatu daitezke hauek bustitzeko. Hazi mota bakoitzak dagokion bustitako dardo mota sortzen du, efektua erabilera bakarrekoa eta bakana dela. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Edabe exotikoak -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Edabeak bi haziekin emendatu daitezke eta edabe exotikoak sortu. Efektu boteretsuagoak dituzte, eta beste erabilera batzuk ere lortu daitezke. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Eskuizkribu exotikoak -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Eskuizkribu exotikoak bi erruna harri eta eskuizkribu batekin egin daitezke. Edabe exotikoak baino apur bat indartsuagoak dira, baina harriak lortzea zailagoa da ere. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energia eta janaria journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Errezeta batzuk alkimia lapikotik bertatik energia behar dute. Energia osagaien gehikuntza baino gehiago den zerbait sortzen dute errezetetan erabiltzen da.\n\nBaina energia darabilten errezetak ez dute zertan bereziki mistikoak izan behar. Errezeta hauek alkimiaren antza baino, ohiko sukaldaritzaren antza gehiago dute. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Hobetutako bonbak journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Bolbora beltzezko bonba arrunt bat beste elementu zehatzekin nahastu daiteke hobetutako bonba bat sortzeko. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Edabe exotikoak +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Edabeak bi haziekin emendatu daitezke eta edabe exotikoak sortu. Efektu boteretsuagoak dituzte, eta beste erabilera batzuk ere lortu daitezke. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Eskuizkribu exotikoak +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Eskuizkribu exotikoak bi erruna harri eta eskuizkribu batekin egin daitezke. Edabe exotikoak baino apur bat indartsuagoak dira, baina harriak lortzea zailagoa da ere. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Katalizatzaileak journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Katalizatzaileak eskuizkribu edo edabe bat hazi edo erruna batekin nahastuz sortzen dira. Elementu bikoteak bat egiten badu, energia alkimikoaren kostua txikiagoa da.\n\nKatalizatzaileak hurrengo bi orrietan azaldutako errezetetan oso erabilgarriak dira, baina ausazko efektuak sortzeko erabili daitezke ere. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Prestakinak eta elixirrak diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index 5f532098f..69681970f 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,16 +25,14 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creating Potions journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Welcome to Practical Applications of Alchemy!\n\nThis book serves as a recipe reference for hobbyist alchemists and adventurers looking to get their hands dirty.\n\nWe will start with the most iconic alchemy recipe: Place any three seeds into an alchemy pot to brew a random potion!\n\nEvery seed has a potion counterpart, and the potion you create may relate to one of the seeds used. Using multiple of the same seed will increase the chance for this to occur. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creating Runestones journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energy and Food journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Exotic Potions +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Potions can be augmented with two seeds to create exotic potions. They have more powerful effects, but are often useful in different ways. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Exotic Scrolls +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Exotic scrolls can be made with two runestones and a scroll. They're a bit stronger than exotic potions, but stones are also harder to come by. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Catalysts journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Catalysts are made by combining a scroll or potion with a single seed or runestone. If the pair of items match, the alchemical energy cost is reduced.\n\nCatalysts are most useful as components in recipes covered in the next two pages, but also can be used in a pinch for a random effect. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Brews and Elixirs diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index cb4245355..a31bfb331 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,16 +25,14 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Créer des potions journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Bienvenue dans les Applications Pratiques de l'Alchimie!\n\nCe livre est une référence pour les alchimistes amateurs et les aventuriers qui cherchent à se salir les mains.\n\nNous allons commencer par la recette d'alchimie la plus emblématique: placez trois graines dans un pot d'alchimie pour préparer une potion!\n\nChaque type de graine a une contrepartie de potion. La potion que vous créez peut être liée à l'une des graines utilisées. L'utilisation de plusieurs graines du même type augmente les chances que cela arrive.  journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Créer des pierres runiques journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Utiliser le pouvoir d'un parchemin sur une marmite alchimique donnera ce pouvoir à deux ou trois pierres dans la marmite. Vous créerez des pierres runiques! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Fléchettes Grainées -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Une graine peut être combinées avec une ou deux fléchettes pour les personnaliser. Chaque type de graine produit sa propre fléchette, avec un effet unique à usage unique. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Potions Exotiques -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Les potions peuvent être améliorées avec deux graines pour créer des potions exotiques. Leurs effets sont plus puissants, et sont souvent utiles de plusieurs manières. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Parchemins Exotiques -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Les parchemins exotiques sont crées à partir de deux pierres runiques et d'un parchemin. Ils sont légèrement plus puissants que les potions exotiques, mais les pierres sont plus dures à trouver. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Énergie et Nourriture journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Certaines recettes nécessitent de l'énergie de la part de la marmite alchimique. L'énergie est utilisée pour des recettes qui produisent plus que la somme des ingrédients nécessaires.\n\nToutes les recettes énergétiques ne sont pas mystiques pour autant. Ces recettes ressemblent plus à des recettes traditionnelles qu'alchimiques. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombes améliorées journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=La poudre de bombe standard peut être mixée avec un objet spécifique pour créer une bombe améliorée. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Potions Exotiques +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Les potions peuvent être améliorées avec deux graines pour créer des potions exotiques. Leurs effets sont plus puissants, et sont souvent utiles de plusieurs manières. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Parchemins Exotiques +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Les parchemins exotiques sont crées à partir de deux pierres runiques et d'un parchemin. Ils sont légèrement plus puissants que les potions exotiques, mais les pierres sont plus dures à trouver. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Catalyseurs journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Les catalyseurs sont fabriqués en mélangeant un parchemin ou une potion avec une Graine ou une Pierre runique. Si les 2 ingrédients se mélangent, le coût en énergie alchimique est réduit.\n\nles catalyseurs sont plus utiles en tant que composants pour les recettes des pages suivantes mais peut aussi être utilisés directement pour un effet aléatoire. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Breuvages et Élixirs diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index 34af9ca78..1eb98d8a4 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,16 +25,14 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Főzet készítése journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Üdvözöllek az Alkímia Gyakorlati Alkalmazásában!\n\nEz a könyv referencia receptként szolgál hobbi alkimistáknak és kalandoroknak kik szeretnének ezzel foglalkozni.\n\nA legismertebb alkimista recepttel fogunk kezdeni: tégy bármilyen három magot egy alkimista üstbe, hogy véletlenszerű főzetet főzz!\n\nMinden magnak van egy főzet formája, és a főzet amit készítettél hasonlítani fog az egyik magra. Több azonos magot használva növekszik az előfordulás esélye. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Rúnakő készítés journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Tekercset alkimista üstbe keverve a saját varázslatával telít két vagy három követ. Így készülnek a rúnakövek! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dárdára tűzés -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Egy magot kombinálni lehet egy vagy két dárdával azt rátűzve. Minden magtípus sajátos hegyű dárdát hoz létre, egyedi egyszer használatos hatással. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Egzotikus főzetek -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=A főzeteket tovább lehet fokozni két maggal, hogy egzotikus főzetet készítsünk. Ennek sokkal erősebb a hatása, de gyakran eltérő módon segítenek. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Egzotikus tekercsek -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Egzotikus tekercseket két rúnakőből és egy tekercsből lehet készíteni. Ezek egy picit erősebbek mint az egzotikus főzetek, de a kövekhez nehezebb is hozzájutni. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energia és élelem journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Egyes recepteknek magából az alkimista üstből van szüksége energiára. Energiát olyan receptekben használnak amik többet állítanak elő, mint ami a hozzávalókból következik.\n\nAzonban különösképpen nem minden energiarecept misztikus. Ezek a receptek inkább hasonlítanak a tradicionális főzéshez mint alkímiához. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Továbbfejlesztett bombák journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Egy normál fekete porbombát össze lehet keverni egy különleges dologgal, így fejlettebb bombát készíthetsz. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Egzotikus főzetek +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=A főzeteket tovább lehet fokozni két maggal, hogy egzotikus főzetet készítsünk. Ennek sokkal erősebb a hatása, de gyakran eltérő módon segítenek. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Egzotikus tekercsek +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Egzotikus tekercseket két rúnakőből és egy tekercsből lehet készíteni. Ezek egy picit erősebbek mint az egzotikus főzetek, de a kövekhez nehezebb is hozzájutni. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Katalizátorok journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=A katalizátorok úgy készülnek, ha tekercset vagy főzetet kombinálunk egy maggal vagy rúnakővel. Ha a dolgok párban összeillenek, az alkímia energia igénye csökken.\n\nA katalizátorok leginkább mint összetevők hasznosak receptekben a következő két oldalon, de lehet használni egy csipetet véletlenszerű hatásáért. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Főzetek és elixírek diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index dde390e71..68b8725b0 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -22,19 +22,17 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Serangan sihir langsung menembus a journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Panduan Racikan journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Membuat Ramuan -journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Selamat Datang di Aplikasi Praktis Alkimia!\n\nBuku ini berfungsi sebagai referensi resep bagi para alkemis dan petualang yang ingin membuat tangan mereka kotor.\n\nKita akan mulai dengan resep alkimia paling ikonik: Tempatkan tiga biji ke dalam pot alkimia untuk menyeduh ramuan acak!\n\nSetiap biji memiliki padanan ramuan, dan ramuan yang Anda buat mungkin berhubungan dengan salah satu biji yang digunakan. Menggunakan banyak benih yang sama akan meningkatkan peluang terjadinya hal ini. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Selamat Datang di Aplikasi Praktis Racikan!\n\nBuku ini memberikan referensi resep bagi para peracik dan petualang yang ingin membuat tangannya kotor.\n\nKita akan mulai dengan resep yang paling ikonik: Masukkan tiga benih apa saja ke dalam pot racikan dan dapatkan satu ramuan acak!\n\nSetiap benih memiliki gen dari ramuan, dan ramuan yang kau buat mungkin akan berhubungan dengan salah satu benih yang digunakan. Menggunakan banyak benih yang sama akan meningkatkan peluang terjadinya hal ini. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Membaut Batu Kuno -journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mencampur scroll ke dalam pot alkimia akan mengilhami sihirnya menjadi dua atau tiga batu di dalam pot. Ini menciptakan runestones! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tip Darts -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Benih dapat dikombinasikan dengan satu atau dua anak panah untuk memberi tip. Setiap jenis benih menghasilkan jenis panah tipnya sendiri, dengan efek sekali pakai yang unik. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mencampur gulungan ke dalam pot racikan akan menjiwai dua atau tiga batu di dalam pot. Terciptalah batu kuno! +journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energi dan Makanan +journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Beberapa resep membutuhkan energi dari pot alkimia itu sendiri. Energi digunakan dalam resep yang menghasilkan lebih dari jumlah bahannya.\n\nNamun, tidak semua resep energi sangat mistis. Resep-resep ini lebih menyerupai masakan tradisional daripada alkimia. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bomb Berkekuatan Khusus +journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Bom bubuk hitam standar dapat dicampur dengan barang tertentu untuk membuat bom dengan kekuatan khusus. journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Ramuan Exotis journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Ramuan dapat diaugmentasi dengan dua biji untuk membuat ramuan eksotis. Mereka memiliki efek yang lebih kuat, tetapi seringkali berguna dalam berbagai cara. journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Scroll Exotis journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Scroll eksotis dapat dibuat dengan dua runestones dan scroll. Mereka sedikit lebih kuat dari ramuan eksotis, tetapi batu juga lebih sulit didapat. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energi dan Makanan -journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Beberapa resep membutuhkan energi dari pot alkimia itu sendiri. Energi digunakan dalam resep yang menghasilkan lebih dari jumlah bahannya.\n\nNamun, tidak semua resep energi sangat mistis. Resep-resep ini lebih menyerupai masakan tradisional daripada alkimia. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bomb Enchant -journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Bom bubuk hitam standar dapat dicampur dengan barang tertentu untuk membuat bom yang ditingkatkan. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Catalysts journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Catalysts are made by combining a scroll or potion with a single seed or runestone. If the pair of items match, the alchemical energy cost is reduced.\n\nCatalysts are most useful as components in recipes covered in the next two pages, but also can be used in a pinch for a random effect. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Minuman dan Elixir diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index 4c4776f80..2546e4340 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,16 +25,14 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Creare Pozioni journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Benvenuti al Corso Pratico di Alchimia!\n\nQuesto libro funge come fonte di ricette per alchimisti in erba ed avventurieri desiderosi di sporcarsi le mani.\n\nCominceremo con la ricetta alchemica più emblematica: Posiziona tre semi qualsiasi in un calderone alchemico per preparare una pozione casuale!\n\nOgni seme possiede una pozione corrispondente e la pozione da te creata può corrispondere a uno dei semi usati. Usare multipli dello stesso tipo di seme aumenterà le probabilità che questo succeda. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Creare Pietre Runiche journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mescolare una singola pergamena in un calderone alchemico instillerà la sua magia all'interno di due o tre pietre nel calderone. Ciò creerà pietre runiche! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dardi Intinti -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Un seme può essere combinato con uno o due dardi per intingerne le punte. Ogni tipo di seme produce un suo genere di dardo intinto, con uno specifico effetto che dura per un solo uso. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pozioni Esotiche -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Le pozioni possono essere incrementate con due semi per creare pozioni esotiche. Esse hanno effetti più potenti, ma sono spesso utili anche in modi diversi. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergamene Esotiche -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Le pergamene esotiche possono essere create con due pietre runiche e una pergamena. Sono un po' più forti delle pozioni esotiche, poiché le pietre sono più difficili da trovare. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Cibo ed Energia journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Qualche ricetta richiede energia proveniente dal calderone alchemico. L'energia è usata per ricette che rappresentano più della somma dei loro ingredienti.\n\nNon tutte le ricette che richiedono energia sono tuttavia particolarmente mistiche. Queste ricette paiono somigliare più alla cucina tradizionale che all'alchimia. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombe Migliorate journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba di polvere nera standard può essere mescolata con un oggetto specifico per creare una bomba migliorata. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Pozioni Esotiche +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Le pozioni possono essere incrementate con due semi per creare pozioni esotiche. Esse hanno effetti più potenti, ma sono spesso utili anche in modi diversi. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergamene Esotiche +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Le pergamene esotiche possono essere create con due pietre runiche e una pergamena. Sono un po' più forti delle pozioni esotiche, poiché le pietre sono più difficili da trovare. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Catalizzatori journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=I catalizzatori sono ottenuti combinando una pergamena o una pozione con un singolo seme o pietra runica. Se il paio di oggetti corrispondono tra loro, il costo dell'energia alchemica verrà ridotto.\n\nI catalizzatori sono perlopiù utili come componenti delle ricette incluse nelle prossime due pagine, ma possono anche essere usati in caso di necessità per ottenere un effetto casuale. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Miscele ed Elisir diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index 3c2aefd30..dd2f50eb9 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,16 +25,14 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=물약 제조 journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=연금술의 실용적인 응용에 오신걸 환영합니다!\n\n이 책은 연금술사를 취미로 하거나 손이 지저분해지기를 바라는 모험가들에게 레시피를 제공합니다.\n\n우리는 연금술의 가장 대표적인 레시피부터 시작할 예정입니다. 연금솥에 아무 씨앗 세개를 넣어 무작위 포션을 양조해보세요!\n\n모든 씨앗은 포션과 짝을 이루고 있고, 당신이 만드는 포션은 사용한 씨앗들 중 하나와 연관이 있을 수 있습니다. 같은 씨앗 여러 개를 사용하면 이것의 생성 가능성이 높아질 것입니다. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=룬석 생성 journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=주문서를 연금술 솥에서 섞는 것은 주문서의 마법을 솥 안에 있는 둘 또는 세 개의 돌에 스며들게 할 것입니다. 이것은 룬석을 만들어냅니다! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=특수 다트 제작 -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=씨앗은 그것을 끝에 붙이기 위해 다른 하나 또는 두 개의 다트와 혼합될 수 있습니다. 각 타입의 씨앗은 독특한 효과와 함께 그것의 일회성인 효과를 가진 다트를 만들어낼 것입니다. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=특이한 물약들 -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=포션은 특이한 포션을 만들기 위해 두 개의 씨앗을 통해서 증강될 수 있습니다. 그것들은 더 강력한 효과를 가지지만, 대부분 다른 방식으로 사용할 때 유용합니다. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=특이한 주문서들 -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=특이한 주문서는 주문서와 두 개의 룬석을 혼합하여 만들어집니다. 그것들은 특이한 물약보다 약간 더 강력하지만, 또한 룬석들은 손에 넣기가 더 힘듭니다. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=에너지와 음식 journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=몇몇 레시피는 연금술 솥 자체의 에너지를 필요로 합니다. 에너지는 재료들의 총합보다 더 많이 생산하는 레시피에 사용됩니다.\n\n그러나 모든 에너지를 사용하는 레시피들이 특별히 신비로운 것은 아닙니다. 이러한 레시피들은 연금술보다는 요리와 더 닮아 있습니다. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=폭탄 개조 journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=표준적인 흑색 화약 폭탄은 특정한 아이템과 혼합하여 강화된 폭탄을 만들 수 있습니다. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=특이한 물약들 +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=포션은 특이한 포션을 만들기 위해 두 개의 씨앗을 통해서 증강될 수 있습니다. 그것들은 더 강력한 효과를 가지지만, 대부분 다른 방식으로 사용할 때 유용합니다. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=특이한 주문서들 +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=특이한 주문서는 주문서와 두 개의 룬석을 혼합하여 만들어집니다. 그것들은 특이한 물약보다 약간 더 강력하지만, 또한 룬석들은 손에 넣기가 더 힘듭니다. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=촉매제 journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=촉매제는 한 개의 주문서 또는 물약을 씨앗 또는 룬석과 합쳐서 제작합니다. 만약 서로 같은 종류의 아이템이라면, 제작에 필요한 연금술 에너지가 줄어듭니다.\n\n촉매제는 다음 두 쪽에 표기된 제작법의 재료로써 가장 유용하지만, 궁지에 몰렸다면 무작위 효과 발동을 위해 쓰일 수도 있습니다. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=양조물과 영약 diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index a259a16a9..7bb45669a 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,16 +25,14 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Tworzenie mikstur journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Witaj w Zastosowaniach Praktycznych i Niepraktycznych Alchemii!\n\nTa książka powinna pomóc początkującym alchemikom i podróżnikom, którzy chcą się troszkę pobrudzić.\n\nNajprostszym przepisem który może pojąć każdy, to mikstura. Tworzymy je z trzech dowolnych nasion.\n\nKażda roślina, i jej nasienie ma odpowiednik w miksturze. Mikstura może być powiązana z jednym nasionkiem które użyłeś. Na szczęście używanie kilku tych samych nasion zwiększa szansę otrzymania mikstury, którą chcesz. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Tworzenie kamieni runicznych journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Wrzucenie zwoju do kociołka alchemicznego sprawi że dwa-trzy kamienie wchłoną jego magię. Tak powstają kamienie runiczne! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Nasączanie rzutek -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Z pojedynczego nasionka można wycisnąć sok na jedną lub dwie strzałki. Każde nasionko tworzy inną strzałkę, z efektem powiązanym. z unikatowym efektem wystarczającym na jedno użycie. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Egzotyczne mikstury -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Połączenie mikstury i dowolnych dwóch nasion powinno dać ci egzotyczną miksturę. Są one potężniejsze od zwykłych, ale czasem używane trochę inaczej. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Egzotyczne zwoje -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Egzotyczne zwoje mogą być wykonane z dwóch kamieni runicznych i zwoju. Są nieco silniejsze od egzotycznych mikstur, ale też ciężej jest zdobyć kamień runiczny. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energia i jedzenie journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Niektóre przepisy wymagają energii z samego kociołka alchemicznego. Energia jest wykorzystywana w przepisach które zwracają więcej niż suma wartości ich składników.\n\nNie wszystkie przepisy wymagające energii są szczególnie mistyczne, i bliżej im do zwykłego gotowania niż do alchemii. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Zaawansowane bomby journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Zwykła czarnoprochowa bomba może być napełniona specyficznymi przedmiotami, aby polepszyć jej właściwości. Dzięki inżynierowie! +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Egzotyczne mikstury +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Połączenie mikstury i dowolnych dwóch nasion powinno dać ci egzotyczną miksturę. Są one potężniejsze od zwykłych, ale czasem używane trochę inaczej. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Egzotyczne zwoje +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Egzotyczne zwoje mogą być wykonane z dwóch kamieni runicznych i zwoju. Są nieco silniejsze od egzotycznych mikstur, ale też ciężej jest zdobyć kamień runiczny. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Katalizatory journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Katalizatory są tworzone poprzez połączenie zwoju lub mikstury z jednym nasionem lub kamieniem runicznym. Jeżeli przedmioty pasują do siebie, procedura wymaga mniej energii alchemicznej.\n\nKatalizatory są najbardziej przydatne jako składniki receptur przedstawionych na dwóch kolejnych stronach, ale mogą być w ostateczności użyte z losowym skutkiem. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Mieszaniny i Eliksiry diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index 1dfdba793..016042e65 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,16 +25,14 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Criando Poções journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Bem-vindo a aplicações práticas da alquimia!\n\nEste livro serve como uma referência de receita para alquimistas e aventureiros amadores procurando sujar as mãos.\n\nVamos começar com a receita de alquimia mais icônica: Coloque quaisquer três sementes em um vaso de alquimia para preparar uma poção aleatória!\n\nCada semente tem uma contraparte de poção, e a poção que você cria pode se relacionar com uma das sementes usadas. Usar múltiplos da mesma semente aumentará a chance de isso ocorrer. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Criando pedras rúnicas journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Misturar um pergaminho em um pote de alquimia vai imbuir sua magia em duas ou três pedras dentro do pote. Isso cria pedras rúnicas! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Derrubar dardos -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Uma semente pode ser combinada com um ou dois dardos para derrubá-los. Cada tipo de semente produz seu próprio tipo de dardo com ponta, com um efeito único de uso único. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Poções Exóticas -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=As poções podem ser aumentadas com duas sementes para criar poções exóticas. Eles têm efeitos mais poderosos, mas geralmente são úteis de maneiras diferentes. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergaminhos Exóticos -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Pergaminhos exóticos podem ser feitos com duas runas e um pergaminho. Eles são um pouco mais fortes do que poções exóticas, mas as pedras também são mais difíceis de encontrar. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Energia e Alimentação journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Algumas receitas requerem energia da própria panela de alquimia. A energia é usada em receitas que produzem mais do que a soma de seus ingredientes.\n\nNem todas as receitas energéticas são especialmente místicas. Essas receitas se assemelham mais a culinária tradicional do que a alquimia. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Aprimoradas journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Uma bomba de pó preto padrão pode ser misturada com um item específico para criar uma bomba aprimorada. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Poções Exóticas +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=As poções podem ser aumentadas com duas sementes para criar poções exóticas. Eles têm efeitos mais poderosos, mas geralmente são úteis de maneiras diferentes. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Pergaminhos Exóticos +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Pergaminhos exóticos podem ser feitos com duas runas e um pergaminho. Eles são um pouco mais fortes do que poções exóticas, mas as pedras também são mais difíceis de encontrar. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Catalisadores journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Os catalisadores são feitos combinando um rolo ou poção com uma única semente ou pedra rúnica. Se o par de itens coincidir, o custo de energia alquímica é reduzido.\n\nOs catalisadores são mais úteis como componentes em receitas cobertas nas próximas duas páginas, mas também podem ser usados em um aperto para um efeito aleatório. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Bebidas Fermentadas e Elixires diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index d43fb23e3..69334ec05 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,16 +25,14 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Приготовление зели journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Перед вами курс практических занятий по алхимии!\n\nЭта книга служит справочником рецептов для начинающих алхимиков или тех искателей приключений, которые не бояться запачкать руки.\n\nМы начнём с самой банальной алхимической формулы: сварите в алхимическом котле три семени любого растения, чтобы получить случайное зелье!\n\nКаждый вид растений соответствует одному виду зелий, и полученное вами зелье, скорее всего, будет соответствовать одному из использованных семян. Использование семян одного и того же растения увеличит шансы сварить конкретное зелье. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Создание рунных камней journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Если же сварить в алхимическом котле свиток с заклинанием, то это разделит его силу между двумя или тремя камнями, находящимися в котле. Таким образом можно получить рунные камни! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Смазывание дротиков -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Один или два дротика можно отварить с семенами для того, чтобы смазать их соответствующим составом. Составы стираются после одного попадания, но каждый из них имеет свой, уникальный эффект. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Особые зелья -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Простые зелья могут быть сварены с ещё двумя любыми семенами для того, чтобы создать так называемые "особые зелья". Эффекты таких зелий обычно сильны, но полезны в совсем других ситуациях. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Особые свитки -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Особые свитки могут быть получены, если сварить свиток с двумя какими-либо рунными камнями. Особые свитки, как правило, сильнее особых зелий, но рунные камни сложнее добыть. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Энергия и пища journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Для некоторых рецептов требуется расходовать энергию самого алхимического котла. Как правило, такие рецепты выдают больше, чем расходуют.\n\nВпрочем, не вся алхимия - это мистика и колдовство. Некоторые алхимические рецепты вполне неплохо бы смотрелись в поваренной книге. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Зачарованные бомбы journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Обычная бомба с порохом может быть смешана с некоторыми ингредиентами для того, чтобы получить зачарованную бомбу. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Особые зелья +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=Простые зелья могут быть сварены с ещё двумя любыми семенами для того, чтобы создать так называемые "особые зелья". Эффекты таких зелий обычно сильны, но полезны в совсем других ситуациях. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Особые свитки +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Особые свитки могут быть получены, если сварить свиток с двумя какими-либо рунными камнями. Особые свитки, как правило, сильнее особых зелий, но рунные камни сложнее добыть. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Катализаторы journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Катализаторы изготавливаются путем объединения свитка или зелья с одним семечком или рунным камнем. Если пара предметов совпадает, стоимость алхимической энергии уменьшается.\n\nКатализаторы наиболее полезны в качестве компонентов в рецептах, описанных на следующих двух страницах, но также могут быть использованы в крайнем случае для случайного эффекта. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Тоники и Эликсиры diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index 2f60612a6..ec2f94f2d 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,16 +25,14 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=İksir Oluşturma journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Simyanın Teorik Uygulamaları'na hoşgeldiniz!\n\nBu kitap ellerini kirletmek isteyen maceracılar ve hobi için simya ile uğraşanlar için bir tarif referansıdır.\n\nEn sembolik simya tarifimiz ile başlayacağız: Kazanın içine üç tane tohum yerleştirin ve rastgele bir iksir elde edin!\n\nHer tohumun bir özelliği öne çıkar ve yaptığınız iksir kullandığınız bir tohumun özelliklerine sahip olabilir. Aynı tohumdan birkaç tane kullanmak bunun olma şansını arttırır. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Rüntaşları Oluşturma journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Bir parşomeni kazanda karıştırmak onun büyüsünü kazan içindeki iki yada üç taşın içine aktarır. Bu rün taşı yapmak demektir! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dartların Ucuna Bir Şeyler Eklemek -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique single-use effect. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Egzotik İksirler -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=İksirler iki bitki ile karıştırılarak egzotik iksirler oluşturmada kullanılabilirler. Daha güçlü etkileri olacaktır fakat genelde farklı şekillerde kullanışlıdırlar. -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Egzotik Parşömenler -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Egzotik parşömenler iki rüntaşı ve bir parşömen ile yapılabilir. Egzotik iksirlerden biraz daha güçlüdürler fakat rüntaşları ile karşılaşmak da güçtür. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=Enerji ve Yemek journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=Some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. Energy is used in recipes that produce more than the sum of their ingredients.\n\nNot all energy recipes are especially mystical however. These recipes more resemble traditional cooking than alchemy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Geliştirilmiş Bombalar journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Normal bir bomba belirli eşyalarla birleştirilerek geliştirilmiş bir bombaya dönüştürülebilir. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=Egzotik İksirler +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=İksirler iki bitki ile karıştırılarak egzotik iksirler oluşturmada kullanılabilirler. Daha güçlü etkileri olacaktır fakat genelde farklı şekillerde kullanışlıdırlar. +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=Egzotik Parşömenler +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=Egzotik parşömenler iki rüntaşı ve bir parşömen ile yapılabilir. Egzotik iksirlerden biraz daha güçlüdürler fakat rüntaşları ile karşılaşmak da güçtür. journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=Catalysts journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=Catalysts are made by combining a scroll or potion with a single seed or runestone. If the pair of items match, the alchemical energy cost is reduced.\n\nCatalysts are most useful as components in recipes covered in the next two pages, but also can be used in a pinch for a random effect. journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=Brews and Elixirs diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ index c6152a867..ad067b16b 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/journal/ @@ -25,20 +25,18 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=提炼药剂 journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=欢迎来到《炼金术的实际应用》!\n\n这是一本提供给业余炼金爱好者和冒险家们的炼金配方参考,就算是初学者也能轻易掌握!\n\n我们将从最经典的配方开始:往炼金釜随意放置三个种子来酿造一瓶药剂!\n\n每类种子都有着与之对应的药剂。酿造的药剂或许会与你使用的其中一个种子相关,但也可能完全随机。使用更多相同种类的种子能够减少出现随机药剂的概率。 journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=锻造符石 journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=在炼金釜中放入一张卷轴,就能使卷轴的魔力注入到2-3块石头中。这样就能锻造出符石了! -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=浸泡飞镖 -journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=一个种子可以向1-2个飞镖涂药。每种种子都能产生对应的涂药飞镖。涂药飞镖具有一次性的独特效果。 -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=酿造合剂 -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=药剂可以用2个种子强化以酿造出合剂。合剂拥有更强大的药效,不过作用通常与其对应药剂的原效果有所出入。 -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=合成秘卷 -journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=秘卷可以用一张卷轴与两个符石共炼获得。秘卷相较于合剂更为强大,但符石也更难获取。 journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.title=炼金能量与食物烹饪 journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy_food.body=一些配方需要消耗炼金釜中的能量。炼金能量在原料种类多于一种的配方中被大量使用。\n\n然而并非所有耗能配方都是神秘且不可告人的。下面的这些配方比起炼金更接近传统烹饪法。 journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=改造炸弹 journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=一个标准的黑火药炸弹可以与一个特定的物品共炼来制作一个强化炸弹。 -journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=合成催化剂 +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.title=酿造合剂 +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_potions.body=药剂可以用2个种子强化以酿造出合剂。合剂拥有更强大的药效,不过作用通常与其对应药剂的原效果有所出入。 +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.title=合成秘卷 +journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotic_scrolls.body=秘卷可以用一张卷轴与两个符石共炼获得。秘卷相较于合剂更为强大,但符石也更难获取。 +journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.title=炼制催化剂 journal.document.alchemy_guide.catalysts.body=催化剂可以用一张卷轴或一瓶药水与一个种子或一个符石制得。如果原料较为匹配,所需的炼金能量会减少。\n\n催化剂的最大用处是在接下来两页的配方中充当炼金原料,不过也可以直接使用以获取一种随机效果。 journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.title=炼制魔药与秘药 -journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.body=魔药与秘药是较为高级的药剂,它们是一次性的,并具有多种效果。 +journal.document.alchemy_guide.brews_elixirs.body=魔药与秘药是较为高级的一次性药剂,具有十分多样的效果。 journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.title=提取结晶 journal.document.alchemy_guide.spells.body=法术结晶是封装于结晶中的法术,它们具有不同用途的各类效果并允许多次使用。 diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index 817315618..a80145a48 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@ de llot levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Aquesta trampa esquitxarà amb un llot càustic quan sigui activada, aquest llot cremarà fins que sigui rentat. de caiguda -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Aquesta placa de pressió jau sobre un terra bastant feble i probablement col·lapsarà fent un forat si es pressiona. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though. de dard verinós levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Una petita sarbatana deu estar amagada per aquí prop, activar aquesta trampa farà que aquesta dispari un dard verinós al seu objectiu més proper.\n\nPer sort el mecanisme d'activació no està amagat. d'allau levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Has sigut aplastat per la trampa d'allau... -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Aquesta trampa està connectada amb una sèrie de roques poc estables, activar-la farà que et caiguin a sobre.\n\nPer sort el mecanisme d'activació no està ocult. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden. elèctrica levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Un mecanisme amb una gran quantitat d'energia emmagatzemada a dins. Activar aquesta trampa descarregarà aquesta energia al seu voltant. @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ de distorsió levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=El que activi aquesta trampa serà teletransportat a un altre lloc d'aquest pis. de debilitació -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La màgia fosca d'aquesta trampa aspira l'energia de qualsevol cosa amb què entri en contacte. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however. de dard desgastada levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Una petita sarbatana deu estar amagada per aquí prop, activar aquesta trampa farà que aquesta dispari un dard al seu objectiu més proper.\n\nA causa de la seva edat ja no fa tant de mal, ni tan sols està oculta... diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index 75c7d9a75..944a9a3bc 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@á past levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Tato past při aktivaci vystříkne žíravý sliz, který bude pálit dokud nebude smyt.ámová past -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Tato skrytá past leží na dost slabé podlaze a pravděpodobně se propadne do jámy, pokud bude stisknuta. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though.á šipková past levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Někde poblíž musí být ukryt malý vystřelovač šipek. Aktivování této pasti způsobí že vystřelí jedovatou šipku na nejbližší cíl.\n\nNaštěstí, spouštěcí mechanismus není skrytý.ávající past levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Byl jsi rozdrcen zasypávající pastí... -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Tato past je napojena na řadu uvolněných kamenů výše. Spuštění způsobí že se zřítí dolů přes celou místnost!\n\nNaštěstí, spouštěcí mechanismus není skrytý. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden.á past levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Mechanismus s velkým množstvím energie uloženým uvnitř. Spuštění této pasti vypustí energii do oblasti okolo ní. @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@řemísťovací past levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Cokoliv spustí tuto past bude přemístěno na jiné místo v tomto podlaží.ící past -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Temná magie v této pasti vysává energii z čehokoliv co s ní přijde do kontaktu. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however.řebená šipková past levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Někde poblíž musí být ukryt malý vystřelovač šipek. Aktivování této pasti způsobí že vystřelí na nejbližší cíl.\n\nVzhledem ke svému věku není past příliš škodlivá, natož aby byla skrytá... diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index a28d13d74..a1dd8fda2 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@ levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Diese Falle verteilt ätzenden Schleim, welcher das Fleisch seines Opfers zersetzt, bis er abgewaschen wird. -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Hier befindet sich eine Trittplatte, die sich über einem sehr zerbrechlichen Boden befindet. Sobald diese Trittplatte betreten wird, stürzt der Boden ein - und mit ihm das Opfer. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though. levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=In der Nähe muss ein Blasrohr versteckt sein; durch Auslösen der Falle wird ein vergifteter Pfeil auf das nächstgelegene Ziel geschossen.\n\nGlücklicherweise ist der Auslöser nicht versteckt. levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Du wurdest von fallenden Steinen erschlagen... -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Diese Falle ist mit einigen losen Steinen an der Decke verbunden, welche im gesamten Raum runterkrachen, sobald jemand die Falle auslöst.\n\nGlücklicherweise ist der Auslöser nicht versteckt. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden. Falle levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Ein Mechanismus, in dem eine große Menge Energie gespeichert ist. Die Energie entläd sich in einem Feld um die Falle, sobald diese ausgelöst wird. @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Was auch immer diese Falle auslöst, wird an eine andere Stelle auf dieser Ebene teleportiert.äche-Falle -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dunkle Magie lauert in dieser Falle, welche sämtliche Energie aus ihrem Opfer entzieht, wenn dieses mit der Falle in Berührung kommt. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however. Dartwerferfalle levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=In der Nähe muss ein Blasrohr versteckt sein; durch Auslösen der Falle wird ein Pfeil auf das nächstgelegene Ziel geschossen.\n\nAufgrund des Alters, ist die Falle nicht besonders gefährlich, sie ist nicht mal versteckt... diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index a7b3488bd..18758ae9f 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@ kaptilo levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Tiu ĉi kaptilo elŝprucos mordan ĥemiaĵon je aktivigo, kiu estos mordanta ĝis ĝi estos forlavita. kaptilo -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Tiu ĉi prem-plato kuŝas sur tre malsolida planko kaj ĝi sendube disfalos enprofunden je premo. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though. kaptilo levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Eta saget-ellasilo estas kaŝita proksime, do aktivigo de tiu ĉi kaptilo pafos venenan sageton al la plej proksima celo.\n\nBonŝance la aktivigilo ne estas kaŝita. kaptilo levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Vi estis dispremita de la falanta roko… -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Tiu ĉi kaptilo estas ligita al serio da malstreĉaj rokoj, aktivigi ĝin igos ilin fali malsupren tra la tuta ĉambro.\n\nBonŝance la aktivigilo ne estas kaŝita. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden.ŝoka kaptilo levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Meĥanikaĵo kun granda kvanto da energio konservata ene. Aktivigo de tiu ĉi kaptilo malŝargos tiun energion al kampo ĉirkaŭen. @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ kaptilo levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Tiu, kiu aktivigos tiun ĉi kaptilon estos translokita al iu alia loko en tiu ĉi keletaĝo. kaptilo -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Malluma magio en tiu ĉi kaptilo elsuĉos la forton el io ajn, kio tuŝos ĝin. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however. pikila kaptilo levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Eta saget-ellasilo estas kaŝita proksime, do aktivigo de tiu ĉi kaptilo pafos al la plej proksima celo.\n\nTamen pro ĝia aĝo ĝi ne estas tre danĝera, eĉ ne estas kaŝita… diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index f91a4943e..fee942df1 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@ de cieno levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Esta trampa salpicará cieno cáustico al ser activada, que quemará hasta que sea lavado. de caída -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Esta placa de presión descansa sobre un piso bastante débil y es probable que colapse en un hoyo si es presionada. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though. de dardo venenoso levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Un pequeño soplador de dardos debe estar escondido cerca, activar esta trampa hará que dispare un dardo envenenado al objetivo más cercano.\n\nAfortunadamente, el mecanismo de activación no está oculto. de avalancha levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Fuiste aplastado por la trampa de avalancha... -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=!Esta trampa está conectada a una serie de rocas sueltas en la parte superior, al activarse provocará que caigan sobre toda la habitación¡\n\nAfortunadamente, el mecanismo de activación no está oculto. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden. eléctrica levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Un mecanismo con una gran cantidad de energía almacenada. Al activar esta trampa, se descargará esa energía en un campo a su alrededor. @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ de teletransporte levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Lo que sea que active esta trampa será teletransportado a algún otro lugar en este piso. debilitadora -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La magia oscura en esta trampa succiona la energía de cualquier cosa que entre en contacto con ella. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however. de dardo desgastada levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Un pequeño soplador de dardos debe estar escondido cerca, la activación de esta trampa hará que dispare al objetivo más cercano.\n\nSin embargo, debido a su edad no es muy dañina, ni siquiera está oculta... diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index d19087094..e537a23b6 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@ tranpa levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Tranpa honek basa kaustiko bat zipriztinduko du aktibatzean, eta garbitu arte erre egingo du. tranpa -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Presio-xafla hau zoru nahiko ahul baten gainean dago, eta litekeena zulo batera eroriko da zapaltzekotan. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though. dardo tranpa levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Hemendik hurbil dardo jaurtigailu txiki bat ezkutatuta egon behar da, tranpa hau aktibatzean pozoitutako dardo bat botako zaio biktima hurbilenari.\n\nZorionez katu mekanismoa ez dago ezkutatuta. jauzi tranpa levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Harri jauzi tranpak zanpatu zaitu... -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Tranpa hau goialdean aske dauden harri batzuetara lotua dago, aktibatzeak harriak gela osotik erortzea eragingo du!\n\nZorionez katu mekanismoa ez dago ezkutatuta. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden. tranpa levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Bildutako energia kopuru handia duen mekanismoa. Tranpa hau aktibatzeak energia hori ingurunera askatuko du. @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ tranpa levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Tranpa hau aktibatzen duen edozer pisu honetako beste toki batera galbideratuko da. ahulgarria -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Tranpa honetako magia ilunak ukitzen duen edozeren energia xurgatzen du. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however. dardo tranpa levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Hemendik hurbil dardo jaurtigailu txiki bat ezkutatuta egon behar da, tranpa hau aktibatzean biktima hurbilenari tiro egingo dio.\n\nAdina dela eta ez da oso kaltegarria, ez dago ezkutatuta ere... diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index 9689ca22c..cd8608ece 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@ömmöansa levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Aktivoitaessa tämä ansa roiskauttaa ympäriinsä syövyttävää mönjää, joka polttaa kunnes se pestään pois. -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Tämä painelaatta lepää melko heikon lattian päällä, joka varmaankin aukenee kuiluksi päälle astuttaessa. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though. levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Pieni puhallusputki täytyy olla piilotettuna lähistölle. Tämän ansan laukaiseminen saa sen ampumaan myrkytetyn nuolen kohti lähintä olentoa.\n\nOnneksi laukaisumekanismia ei ole piilotettu.öryansa levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Murskauduit kivivyöryansan takia... -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Ansa on yhdistetty sen päällä olevaan kasaan irtonaisia kiviä. Ansan laukaiseminen saa ne putoamaan alas koko huoneen alueelle!\n\nOnneksi laukaisumekanismia ei ole piilotettu. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden.ähköansa levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Mekanismi, johon on varastoitu paljon energiaa. Ansan laukaiseminen purkaa energian kentäksi sen ympärille. @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ääristysansa levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Tämä ansa siirtää sen laukaisijan johonkin muualle tällä tasolla. -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Tässä ansassa oleva musta magia imee energian kaikelta kosketukseen tulevalta. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however. nuoliansa levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=A small dart-blower must be hidden nearby, activating this trap will cause it to shoot at the nearest target.\n\nDue to its age it's not very harmful though, it isn't even hidden... diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index de91ef53b..fe209e4d3 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@ège de vase levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Ce piège aspergera de limon caustique ce qui l'aura activé. Le limon brûlera jusqu'à ce qu'il soit nettoyé.ège à trappe -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Cette plaque de pression posée sur un sol fragile s'effondrera dans le trou situé dessous si l'on appuie dessus. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though.ège à fléchettes empoisonnées levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Un petit lanceur de fléchettes doit être caché à proximité, le déclenchement de ce piège l'amènera à lancer une fléchette empoisonnée à la cible la plus proche.\n\nHeureusement le mécanisme de déclenchement n'est pas caché.ège d'avalanche levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Vous avez été écrasé par une chute de pierres... -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Ce piège est relié à un ensemble de rochers instables au-dessus, ce qui les fera s'écraser sur toute la pièce!\n\nHeureusement le mécanisme de déclenchement n'est pas caché. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden.ège choquant levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Un mécanisme contenant une importante quantité d'énergie. Déclencher ce piège libèrera cette énergie dans la zone environnante. @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ège de déplacement levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Tout ce qui active ce piège sera téléporté dans un autre lieu de ce niveau.ège affaiblissant -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La magie noire contenue dans ce piège absorbera l'énergie de tout ce qui entre en contact avec elle. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however.ège à fléchettes usées levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Un petit lance fléchettes est caché à proximité, déclencher ce piège en projettera une sur la cible la plus proche.\n\nA cause de sa vétusté il n'est cependant plus très dangereux et il n'est même plus caché... diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index 9b08bdea9..0fac8437b 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@árgó csapda levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=A csapda maró váladékot fröcsköl szét, amely addig éget, amíg le nem mossák. -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=A nyomólap egy elég gyenge padlón van, amely nyomásra valószínűleg egy szakadékba zuhan. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though.érgezett nyíl csapda levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Egy kis fúvócső lehet elrejtve valahol a közelben, ezt a csapdát aktiválva egy mérgezett nyíl lő a legközelebbi célpontra.\n\nHála égnek a működtető mechanizmus nincs elrejtve.őomlás csapda levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=A kőomlás agyonzúzott... -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Ez a csapda egy sor laza sziklához van rögzítve fentebb, ami beindításakor az egész helyiségre rázúdul!\n\nHála égnek a működtető mechanizmus nincs elrejtve. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden.ó csapda levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Nagy mennyiségű energiát tároló mechanizmus. Beindításakor kisüti ezt az energiát önmaga körül. @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@örvénycsapda levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Bármi is hozza működésbe ezt a csapdát, az ennek a szintnek egy másik pontjára kerül át.ítő csapda -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=A csapdában lévő fekete mágia bármiből kiszívja az energiát, ami csak hozzáér. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however. nyíl csapda levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Egy kis fúvócső lehet elrejtve valahol a közelben, ezt a csapdát aktiválva egy mérgezett nyíl lő a legközelebbi célpontra.\n\nA korára tekintettel nem is nagyon ártalmas, és nincs is elrejtve... diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index eb68f9537..eedacf636 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@ cairan levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Jebakan ini akan mengeluarkan cairan kaustik saat diaktifkan, yang mana akan terus menyedotmu sampai dicuci dengan air. jurang -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Jebakan ini terletak tepat di atas lantai yang sangat rapuh, dan kelihatannya akan hancur menjadi jurang saat diinjak. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though. anak panah racun levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Pelempar anak panah yang kecil pasti tersembunyi di dekat sini, jika kau mengaktifkan jebakan ini maka anak panah racun akan mengarah pada target terdekat.\n\nUntungnya mekanisme jebakan ini tidak tersembunyi. longsor levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Kau tertimpa batu dari jebakan longsor... -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Jebakan ini terhubung dengan batuan longgar di atap, jika diinjak dapat membuat batu-batu itu berjatuhan di seluruh ruangan!\n\nUntungnya mekanisme jebakan ini tidak tersembunyi. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden. setrum levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Sebuah mekanisme dengan energi besar yang tersimpan di dalamnya. Jika terinjak maka jebakan ini akan mengeluarkan energi tersebut di area sekitar. @@ -115,10 +116,10 @@ pemindahan levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Apa pun yang menginjak jebakan ini akan di-teleportasi ke tempat lain di lantai ini. pelemah -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Ilmu hitam di jebakan ini menyerap semua energi apa pun yang menginjaknya. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however. anak panah bekas -levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=pelempar anak panah pasti disembunyikan di dekatnya, mengaktifkan jebakan ini akan menyebabkannya menembak target terdekat.\n\nKarena usianya itu tidak terlalu berbahaya, bahkan tidak tersembunyi ... +levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Penembak anak panah pasti tersembunyi di dekat sini, jika mengaktifkan jebakan ini maka anak panah akan menembak target terdekat.\n\nKarena faktor usia, jebakan itu tidak terlalu berbahaya, bahkan tidak tersembunyi... @@ -187,7 +188,7 @@ levels.level.barricade_desc=Barikade kayu ini dipasang dengan apik namun telah r levels.level.sign_desc=Kau tidak bisa membaca teksnya dari sini. levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Jebakan ini sudah diaktifkan sebelumnya dan sudah tidak berbahaya lagi. levels.level.statue_desc=Seseorang ingin memperindah tempat ini, tapi gagal, pastinya. -levels.level.alchemy_desc=Panci ini diisi dengan air ajaib. Barang bisa dicampur ke dalam pot untuk membuat sesuatu yang baru! +levels.level.alchemy_desc=Pot ini terisi dengan air ajaib. Item-item bisa dicampur ke dalam pot untuk membuat sesuatu yang baru! levels.level.empty_well_desc=Sumurnya sudah kering. levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Air kotor dingin. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index 0c3e5b8ba..f5f3c421d 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@ melma levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Questa trappola quando attivata schizzerà melma caustica, che brucerà finché non viene lavata via. fossa -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Questa piastra a pressione è posizionata su un pavimento piuttosto debole, e probabilmente collasserà in una buca se viene premuto. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though. a dardi avvelenati levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Un piccolo spara-dardi dev'essere nascosto nelle vicinanze, attivando questa trappola sparerà un dardo velenoso al bersaglio più vicino.\n\nFortunatamente il meccanismo d'innesco non è nascosto. caduta massi levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Sei stato schiacciato dai massi caduti da una trappola... -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Questa trappola è collegata a una serie di rocce pericolanti, innescandosi le farà franare giù per tutta la stanza!\n\nFortunatamente il meccanismo d'innesco non è nascosto. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden. fulminante levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Un meccanismo con un enorme quantitativo di energia immagazzinata in esso. Attivare questa trappola scaricherà quell'energia in un campo ad essa circostante. @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ deformante levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Qualsiasi cosa faccia scattare questa trappola verrà teletrasportata in un altro posto di questo piano. indebolente -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=La magia nera in questa trappola risucchia l'energia da qualsiasi cosa venga in contatto con essa. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however. a dardi consumata levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Un piccolo spara-dardi dev'essere nascosto nelle vicinanze, attivare questa trappola lo porterà a fare fuoco verso il bersaglio più vicino.\n\nEssendo vecchia non è tuttavia molto pericolosa, non è nemmeno nascosta... diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index be584ee88..c35e987a5 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@산성 함정 levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=이 함정을 밟으면 산성 덩어리를 내뿜는다. 물에 씻어낼 때 까지 계속해서 살을 녹인다.낭떠러지 함정 -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=이 함정은 상대적으로 약한 땅 위에 놓여 있으며, 밟으면 아래층으로 떨어지는 구덩이를 만들어 버린다. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though.독 다트 함정 levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=작은 다트 발사기가 주변에 숨겨져 있다. 함정을 작동시키면 가장 가까운 대상에 독 다트를 발사할 것이다.\n\n다행히도 이 장치는 항상 드러나 있다.낙석 함정 levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=당신은 낙석 함정의 돌에 깔려 죽었다... -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=이 함정을 작동시키면 위쪽에 느슨하게 묶인 바위들이 방 전체에 떨어질 것이다!\n\n다행히도 이 장치는 항상 드러나 있다. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden.전격 함정 levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=이 장치에는 강력한 에너지가 응축되어 있는 것 같다. 함정을 작동시키면 주변 지역에 전격을 발생시킬 것이다. @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@순간이동 함정 levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=이 함정을 밟은 대상은 현재 층의 다른 위치로 공간이동한다.약화 함정 -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=이 함정에 깃든 암흑 마법이 함정을 건드린 대상의 에너지를 빼앗아간다. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however.오래된 다트 함정 levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=작은 다트 발사기가 주변이 숨겨져 있다. 함정을 작동시키면 가장 가까운 대상에게 다트를 발사할 것이다.\n\n오래 방치되어 있어 위험해 보이지도 않고, 숨겨져 있지도 않다. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index 3933f7db5..5742b21c9 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@łapka szlamowa levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Ta pułapka wystrzeli żrący szlam gdy zostanie aktywowana, substancja będzie wypalać twoją skórę, dopóki jej nie zmyjesz. -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Ta płyta naciskowa leży na wyjątkowo cienkiej podłodze i zapewne zapadnie się, jeżeli na nią wejdziesz. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though.łkowa pułapka z trucizną levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Mała wyrzutnia rzutek musi być ukryta w pobliżu, pozwalając pułapce wystrzelić trującą rzutkę w najbliższy cel.\n\nNa szczęście mechanizm aktywujący nie jest ukryty.łapka lawinowa levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Zostałeś zgnieciony przez spadającą lawinę... -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Ta pułapka jest połączona z wieloma poluzowanymi kamieniami zwisającymi z sufitu, aktywowanie jej spowoduje, że spadną na cały pokój!\n\nNa szczęście mechanizm aktywujący nie jest ukryty. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden.ąca pułapka levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Mechanizm z zakumulowaną dużą ilością energii. Aktywacja pułapki spowoduje wyładowanie tej energii w pole elektryczne wokół niej. @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@łapka przenosząca levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Cokolwiek wejdzie na tę pułapkę zostanie przeniesione do zupełnie innego miejsca na tym poziomie.łapka osłabiająca -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Mroczna magia z pułapki wyssie energię z czegokolwiek, co wejdzie z nią w kontakt. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however. strzałkowa pułapka levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Mała wyrzutnia rzutek musi być ukryta w pobliżu, pozwalając pułapce wystrzelić rzutkę w najbliższy cel.\n\nJest taka stara, że jej siła drastycznie spadła. Nie jest nawet ukryta... diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index 12d77a62e..0140ceca2 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@ de lodo levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Esta armadilha irá derrubar lodo cáustico quando ativada, que irá queimar até ser lavada na água. de queda -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Essa placa de pressão está sobre uma parte frágil do chão, e irá provavelmente desmoronar e fazer um buraco se pressionada. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though. de dardo veneno levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Uma pequena zarabatana deve estar escondida nas redondezas. Ativar essa armadilha fará com que um dardo envenenado seja atirado ao alvo mais próximo.\n\nFelizmente, o mecanismo de ativação não está escondido de avalanche levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Você foi esmagado pela armadilha da avalanche... -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Essa armadilha está conectada a uma série de pedras presas no teto. Ativá-la irá fazê-las cair por todo o andar!\n\nFelizmente, o mecanismo de ativação não está escondido. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden. chocante levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Um mecanismo contendo uma grande quantidade de energia está posicionado dentro dela. Ativar essa armadilha irá descarregar a energia nas redondezas. @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ de entortar levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=O que ativar esta armadilha será enviado a outro lugar deste nível. de enfraquecimento -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=A magia negra desta armadilha suga a energia do que entrar em contato com ela. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however. de dardos levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Uma pequena zarabatana deve estar escondido nas proximidades, ativando essa armadilha para atirar no alvo mais próximo.\n\nDevido à sua idade, não é muito prejudicial, nem sequer está escondido... diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index 29a50a42c..40a177d64 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@ловушка с едкой слизью levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=При активации ловушка выплеснет вокруг едкую слизь, которая будет жечь свою жертву до тех пор, пока её не смоют водой.медвежья яма -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Плита находится на непрочном полу; скорее всего, при нажатии она провалится в пропасть. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though.отравляющая ловушка levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Маленький спусковой механизм должен быть спрятан неподалёку. При активации, ловушка заставит механизм выстрелить отравленным дротиком в ближайшую цель.\n\nК счастью, эту ловушку трудно не заметить.ловушка с камнями levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Вы погребёны под каменным обвалом... -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Это ловушка соединена с несколькими плохо закреплёнными камнями сверху, при активации камни обвалятся.\n\nХорошо, что эту ловушку трудно не заметить. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden.электрическая ловушка levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Механизм с большим количеством энергии, заключённой внутри. При активации, ловушка создаст электрическое поле рядом с собой. @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@перемещающая ловушка levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=То, что активирует эту ловушку, будет перемещено в случайное место на текущем этаже.ослабляющая ловушка -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Тёмная магия в этой ловушке высасывает энергию из всего, что к ней прикоснётся. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however.ловушка с дротиком levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Маленький пусковой механизм должен быть спрятан неподалёку, и активация ловушки заставит механизм выстрелить дротиком в ближайшую цель.\n\nВ силу своего возраста, эту ловушку трудно не заметить. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index 690eb2780..4f401ebaf 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@şındırıcı çamur tuzağı levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Bu tuzak tetiklendiğinde yıkanana kadar yakan aşındırıcı çamur sıçratır.çukur tuzağı -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Bu basınç plakası gayet zayıf bir zemin üzerinde duruyor, ve basıldığında muhtemelen bir çukur oluşturacak. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though. dart tuzağı levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=Yakınlarda küçük bir dart atıcı saklı olmalı, bu tuzağı aktifleştirmek en yakındaki hedefe zehirli bir dart atacak.\n\nEn azından tetiklenme mekanizması saklı değil. tuzağı levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=Heyelan tuzağı tarafından ezildin... -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=Bu tuzak yukarıda emaneten duran birkaç kayaya bağlanmış, bunu tetiklemek onların düşmesine ve tüm odayı ezip geçmelerine neden olacak!\n\nEn azından tetiklenme mekanizması saklanmamış. +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden.şok edici tuzak levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=İçine büyük bir miktar enerji depolanmış bir mekanizma. Bu tuzağı tetiklemek o enerjiyi etrafındaki bir alana yayacak. @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ deliği tuzağı levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=Bu tuzağı tetikleyen her neyse kat içinde başka bir yere ışınlanır.ıflatıcı tuzak -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Bu tuzağın içindeki kara büyü ona dokunan herhangi bir şeyin tüm enerjisini çeker. +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however.şınmış dart tuzağı levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Yakınlarda saklanan küçük bir dart atıcı bu tuzak aktifleştirilince hedefine sıkmasına neden oluyor olmalı.\n\nFakat yaşı nedeniyle o kadar da zararlı değil, doğru düzgün saklanmamış bile... diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ index 4ea537fc5..25adbf786 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/levels/ @@ -82,14 +82,15 @@淤泥陷阱 levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=这个陷阱将会洒出腐蚀性的淤泥,它将烧灼你的皮肤直到被洗掉。塌方陷阱 -levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=这个压力板安装在一块相当薄弱的地板上,如果被触发这里很可能会塌出一个坑。 +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.no_pit=the ground is too solid for a pitfall trap to work here. +levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=This trap will cause anything that triggers it to slip right through the ground and fall! It won't work in areas with especially solid floors though.毒镖陷阱 levels.traps.poisondarttrap.desc=附近一定藏着一个小型飞镖发射器,激活这个陷阱会导致它向最近的目标射出一个毒镖。\n\n幸好的是,触发机关并没有被隐藏起来。落石陷阱 levels.traps.rockfalltrap.ondeath=你被落石砸扁了…… -levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=这个陷阱和头顶上一片松散的岩石相连,触发它会导致石块崩塌砸向整个房间!\n\n幸运的是,触发机关并没有被隐藏起来。 +levels.traps.rockfalltrap.desc=This trap is connected to a series of loose rocks above, triggering it will cause them to come crashing down over the entire room! If the trap isn't in a specific room, rocks will fall in an area around the trap instead.\n\nThankfully the trigger mechanism isn't hidden.电击陷阱 levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=一种储存着大量电能的机关。触发这个陷阱会让它把能量释放出来在附近形成小范围的电能场。 @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@扭曲陷阱 levels.traps.warpingtrap.desc=任何接触这个陷阱的东西都会被传送到本层的其它地方。虚弱陷阱 -levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=这个陷阱里的黑魔法能从任何接触物里吸取能量。 +levels.traps.weakeningtrap.desc=Dark magic in this trap sucks the energy out of anything that comes into contact with it. Powerful enemies may resist the effect, however.老化的飞镖陷阱 levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=附近一定藏着一个小型飞镖发射器,激活这个陷阱会导致它向最近的目标射出一个飞镖。\n\n年久失修导致它并不怎么危险,触发机关甚至没有被隐藏起来…… diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ index 51a86d57e..5c147a3cb 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/messages/scenes/ @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=소개 scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon은 무작위로 출현하는 적들과 아이템, 그리고함정이 도사리고 있는 던전을 돌파하는 로그라이크 RPG입니다!\n\n매 플레이마다 새로운 도전이 기다리고 있습니다. 하지만 조심하세요. 한번 죽으면 그걸로 끝이니까요!\n\n즐거운 플레이 되십시오! scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 업데이트되었습니다! -scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=이번 업데이트는 게임의 다양한 방면에서의 밸런스를 조정했습니다.\n\n마법부여를 상당히 조정했으며 높은 등급의 연금술 제조법은 이제 다방면에 사용 가능한 '촉매제'를 사용하고, 많은 아이템이나 매커니즘에 조정과 밸런싱이 가해졌습니다.\n\n자세한 내용은 변경 사항 목록을 확인하십시오. +scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=이번 업데이트는 게임의 다양한 방면에서의 밸런스를 조정했습니다.\n\n마법부여를 상당히 조정했으며 높은 등급의 연금술 제조법은 이제 다방면에 사용 가능한 '촉매제'를 사용하고, 많은 아이템이나 매커니즘에 조정과 밸런싱이 되었습니다.\n\n자세한 내용은 변경 사항 목록을 확인하십시오. scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 패치되었습니다! scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=버그 수정이 있습니다. scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=번역 업데이트가 있습니다.