v0.7.0: updated translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Aquí tot està covert amb una teranyina gruixuda.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=El deliri causa un estat de gran fúria i confusió en el seu objectiu.\n\nQuan una criatura és afectada pel deliri, atacarà el que trobi al seu voltant, sigui un amic o un enemic.\n\nTorns de deliri restants: %s.
@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Enfadat
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=En frenesí
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=La severitat de les ferides del Frenètic reforcen els seus cops. Segons el Frenètic rebi dany físic, la seva fúria augmentarà, garantint un dany extra. El dany que es bloquegi amb una armadura també comptarà per augmentar la fúria.\n\nLa fúria s'anirà esvaint amb el temps. Com més baixa sigui la vida del Frenètic, més temps durarà.\n\nSi el Frenètic baixa a 0 ps mentre es troba completament enfurismat, i porta el seu segell, entrarà en frenesí i _es negarà a morir_ per uns instants.\n\nDany actual: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ de dany
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=A la vora de la mort, se sagna incertesa i por, deixant només fúria. En aquest estat proper a la mort, el Frenètic és increïblement poderós, _guanyant un +50% de dany, guanyant una bonificació de blindatge, i negant-se a morir._\n\nAquesta bonificació de blindatge és major com més bona sigui l'armadura del frenètic, i s'esgotarà amb el temps. Quan aquesta protecció es redueixi a 0, el frenètic cedirà i morirà.\n\nQualssevol forma de curació, li tornarà l'estabilitat al frenètic, però es quedarà esgotat. Mentre estigui esgotat, el frenètic haurà de guanyar experiència per poder tornar a enfurismar-se.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=La força interior té els seus límits. El Frenètic necessita descansar abans d'enfurismar-se.\n\nMentre es recupera, el Frenètic no augmenta la fúria en rebre danys.\n\nNivells fins a recuperar-se: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Entrar en frenesí també el desgastarà permanentment, reduint la seva màxima salut cada vegada.
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Un encantament és una màgia manipuladora que pot fer q
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=L'enemic "%s" es congela!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=No congelat, però molt i molt fred.\n\nLes víctimes fan les seves accions més lentament, depenent de quants torns li quedin a l'efecte. En el pitjor dels casos, és l'equivalent a estar alentit.\n\nTorns de refredament restants: %1$s.\nVelocitat reduïda un: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d cops!
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Estàs furiós; als enemics no els hi agradaràs quan est
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Barrera Purificadora
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Una força estranya et recobreix amb una fina barrera protectora, bloquejant tots els efectes nocius de l'aire.\n\nEts immune a tots els efectes que afecten una àrea mentre mantinguis aquesta barrera.\n\nTorns de barrera restants: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.hunger.hungry=Amb gana
@ -337,7 +343,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=Els dimoniets són dimonis menors. No se'ls
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=Aquesta il·lusió se t'assembla molt, però és més pàl·lida i es distorsiona una mica.
actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.name=rei rata
actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.name=Rei Rata
actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.not_sleeping=No estic dormint!
actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.what_is_it=Que és això? No tinc temps per aquests disbarats. El meu regne no es regnarà sol!
actors.mobs.npcs.ratking.desc_festive=Aquesta rata és una mica més gran que una rata marsupial normal. Porta un petit barret festiu en lloc de la seva corona habitual. Bones festes!
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Goo s'està inflant a ell mateix!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Absorbit per en Goo
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Se'n sap poc d'en Goo. És possible que ni tan sols sigui una criatura, sinó un conglomerat de substàncies vils de les clavegueres que d'alguna manera ha adquirit intel·ligència bàsica. Tot i això, la màgia fosca és sense dubte el que ha permès que en Goo existeixi.\n\nLa seva natura gelatinosa li deixa absorbir una gran quantitat d'energia fosca, sents un calfred només d'estar-hi a prop. Si en Goo et pot atacar amb aquesta energia, no viuràs molt de temps.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=cranc gran
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=El cranc nota l'atac i el bloqueja amb la seva urpa massiva.
@ -524,7 +530,7 @@ actors.mobs.tengu.desc=Un assassí famós i enigmàtic, que s'anomena així per
actors.mobs.thief.name=lladre boig
actors.mobs.thief.stole=El lladre t'ha robat l'ítem: %s!
actors.mobs.thief.carries=\n\nEl lladre porta un _%s._ Stolen obviously,
actors.mobs.thief.carries=\n\nEl lladre porta l'ítem _%s._ Robat, òbviament.
actors.mobs.thief.escapes=El lladre s'escapa amb el teu ítem: %s!
actors.mobs.thief.desc=Tot i que aquests presoners caminen fora de les seves cel·les, aquest lloc segueix sent la seva presó. Aquests lladres i bandits bojos han oblidat qui són i perquè roben fa molt de temps.\n\nAquests enemics són més propensos a robar i córrer que a lluitar. Assegura't de no perdre'ls de vista, o pot ser que no tornis a veure el teu objecte robat mai més.
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Všechno zde je pokryto hustou pavučinou.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=Amok na svém cíli způsobí stav ohromného běsnění a zmatení.\n\nKdyž stvoření posedne amok, zaútočí na cokoliv, co je poblíž, ať už je to přítel či nepřítel.\n\nZbývající tahy amoku: %s
@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Rozčílení
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Závažnost berserkerových zranění posiluje jeho útoky. Jak je berserkerovi udělováno fyzické poškození, jeho hněv bude sílit a poskytne mu bonusové poškození. Poškození, které je zablokováno zbrojí, se počítá k budování hněvu.\n\nRozčílení časem opadne. Čím níže je berserkerovo zdraví, tím déle vydrží.\n\nPokud klesne berserkerovo zdraví na 0 během plného rozčílení a má na sobě svou pečeť, pohltí ho vztek a na krátký čas _odmítne zemřít._\n\nAktuální Rozčílení: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ poškození
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Na pokraji smrti se strach a nejistota odvracejí a zanechávají jen zlost. V tomto stavu blízké smrti je berserker neuvěřitelně silný, _uděluje o 50% více poškození, získává bonusovou ochranu a odmítá zemřít._\n\nTato bonusová ochrana je tím silnější, čím lepší je berserkerova zbroj a časem se snižuje. Když se tato ochrana sníží na 0, berserker se vzdá a zemře.\n\nKaždá forma léčení vrátí berserkerovi potřebné zdraví, ale bude vyčerpán. Během vyčerpání musí berserker získat zkušenosti, než bude moct znovu začít budovat své rozčílení.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Vnitřní síla má své limity. Berserker se musí zotavit než se znovu rozzuří.\n\nBěhem zotavování si berserker z utrženého poškození nebuduje žádné rozčílení.\n\nPotřebné úrovně do zotavení: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Vztek se na něm také trvale podepisuje a snižuje pokaždé jeho maximální zdraví.
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Okouzlení je manipulativní magie, která dočasně don
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s zamrzá!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Nejde o zamrznutí, ale přesto je zima.\n\nOchlazené cíle provádějí všechny akce pomaleji, v závislosti na počtu zbývajících tahů tohoto efektu. Při nejhorším, je to ekvivalent zpomalení.\n\nZbývající tahy ochlazení: %1$s\nRychlost snížena o: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Kombo %d zásahů!
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Zlobíš se, nepřátelé tě nebudou mít rádi, když s
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Očisťující bariéra
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Nějaká zvláštní síla tě zabaluje do tenké ochranné bariéry a blokuje okolní škodlivé efekty.\n\nZatímco tato bariéra trvá, jsi imunní vůči všem efektům, které postihují prostředí kolem tebe.\n\nZbývající tahy imunity: %s
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.healing.value=%+d ZDRAVÍ
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Slizák se nafukuje!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Pohlcení Slizákem
actors.mobs.goo.desc=O Slizákovi se toho moc neví. Je docela možné že to není ani stvoření, ale spíše slepenina odporných látek ze stok, která nějak získala základní inteligenci. Bez ohledu na to, temná magie je určitě to, co umožnilo Slizákovi existovat.\n\nSvou želatinovou povahu nechal pohltit spoustu temné energie, cítíš mráz jen z toho že jsi poblíž. Pokud je Slizák schopen útočit touto energií, nebudeš žít dlouho.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=Velký Krab
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Krab zpozoroval útok a zablokoval ho svým masivním klepetem.
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Hier ist alles mit dicken Spinnennetzen überzogen.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=Amok erzeugt einen Zustand des Zornes und Verwirrung in jenen, die ihm ausgesetzt werden. \n\nSolange eine Kreatur Amok läuft, wird diese alles angreifen, was in ihrer Nähe ist, egal ob Freund oder Feind. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden des Amoks: %s
@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Verärgert
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Die Schwere der Verletzungen des Berserkers verstärken seine Schläge. Wenn der Berserker verwundet wird, verstärkt sich seine Wut und er teilt mehr Schaden aus. Treffer welche durch die Rüstung abgefangen werden, bringen ihn ebenfalls weiter in Rage.\n\nDie Wut nimmt mit der Zeit ab. Je niedriger die Lebenspunkte, desto länger hält sie an.\n\nWenn der Berserker in voller Wut auf 0 Lebenspunkte fällt und sein Siegel trägt, beginnt er zu toben und _weigert sich für eine kurze Zeit lang zu sterben._\n\nAktuelle Wut: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ Schaden
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Am Rande des Todes schwinden Angst und Ungewissheit, nur die Wut verbleibt. In diesem Zustand des Nahtodes ist der Berserker unglaublich stark, _richtet doppelten Schaden an, erhält eine Zusatzpanzerung und weigert sich, zu sterben._\n\nDie Zusatzpanzerung ist stärker, je besser die Rüstung des Berserkers ist, und sie wird mit der Zeit schwächer. Fällt diese Panzerung auf 0, wird der Berserker aufgeben und sterben.\n\nJegliche Art der Heilung versetzt den Berserker in den Normalzustand, aber er wird erschöpft sein. Während er erschöpft ist, wird der Berserker für eine kurze Zeit einen stark reduzierten Schaden anrichten, danach muss er Erfahrungspunkte sammeln, bevor er wieder in Raserei verfallen kann.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Innere Stärke hat Grenzen. Der Berserker muss sich ausruhen, bevor er sich wieder in Rage bringen kann.\n\nWährend er sich erholt, wird der Berserker nicht wütend, wenn er getroffen wird.\n\nStufen bis voll erholt: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=In Rage zu geraten erschöpft ihn nachhaltig und reduziert jedes Mal seine maximalen Lebenspunkte.
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Betörung ist eine temporäre, manipulative Magie, welch
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s friert ein!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Nicht ganz gefroren, aber immer noch viel zu kalt.\n\nGekühlte Ziele erledigen alle Aktionen langsamer, abhängig davon, wieviele Züge für die Wirkung verbleiben. Schlimmstenfalls ist es äquivalent zur Verlangsamung.\n\nZüge der Abkühlung verbleibend: %1$s.\nGeschwindigkeit wurde reduziert um: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Du bist wütend und das mögen deine Feinde ganz und gar
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Reinigende Barriere
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Eine wunderliche Kraft umgibt Dich mit einer Schutzschicht, welche alle über die Luft kommende negative Effekte blockiert.\n\nDu bist immun gegen alle, an den Ort gebundene Effekte, solange die Barriere anhält.\n\nVerbleidende Runden: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Der Schleim bläht sich auf!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Vom Schleim absorbiert
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Wenig ist bekannt über Den Schleim. Es ist gut möglich das er keine wirkliche Kreatur ist, sondern eher eine Verbindung aus gefährlichen Substanzen aus der Kanalisation, welche irgendwie grundlegende Intelligenz erlangt haben. In jedem Falle ist es dunkle Magie welche Den Schleim zum Leben erweckt hat.\n\nSeine elastische Natur ermöglichte es ihm viel dunkle Energie aufzunehmen, du fühlst einen Schauer davon nur in seiner Nähe zu sein. Wenn Der Schleim in der Lage ist, mit dieser Energie anzugreifen, wirst du nicht lange überleben.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=Große Krabbe
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Die Krabbe bemerkt den Angriff und blockt mit ihrer massiven Klaue.
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Ĉio estas kovrita de densa reto tie ĉi.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=Murdemo kaŭzas grandan furiozon kaj konfuzon por sia viktimo.\n\nKiam kreaĵo estas sub influo de mordemo, ĝi atakos kiun ajn proksimulon kaj amikon kaj kontraŭulon.\n\nPluaj temperoj da murdemo: %s.
@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Kolera
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Seriozeco de vendoj de la Berserko plifortigas liajn frapojn. Kiam la Berserko ricevas korpan damaĝon, li koleriĝas kaj tio donas al li ekstran damaĝon. Damaĝo blokata de defendaĵo plue enkalkuliĝas al pliiganta kolero.\n\nKolero malkreskas kun tempo. Ju malpli alta la sano de Berserko, des pli longe la kolero daŭros.\n\nSe la Berserko atingos 0 da sanpoentoj plene kolerigita kaj portante sian sigelon, li “berserkos” kaj _ne mortos_ por mallonga tempo.\n\nNuna kolero: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ da damaĝo
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Ĉe la rando de morto, timo kaj hezito malgraviĝos, kaj nur restas kolero. En tiu ĉi stato de kvazaŭ-morto la Berserko estas supere ĉio fortega kaj _kaŭzas +50% da damaĝo, gajnas ekstran ŝirmon kaj ne subfalas sub morto._\n\nTiu ĉi ekstra ŝirmo estas des pli forta ju pli bona la defendaĵo de Berserko estas, kaj eluziĝos dum tempo. Kiam tiu ĉi ŝirmo atingos 0, la Berserko kapitulacos kaj finfine mortos.\n\nIa sanigo restarigos la Berserkon, sed li iĝos lacega. Kiam lacego, la Berserko devos gajni sperton antaŭ li povos koleriĝi denove.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Ena povo havas sian limigon. La Bersero devas ripozi antaŭ li reuzis sian koleron.\n\nDum refortigado la Berserko ne gajnas koleron pro ricevata damaĝo.\n\nTemperoj ĝis refortigo: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserkado ankaŭ persiste influos lin, malpliigante lian maksimuman sanon ĉiufoje.
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Ĉarmo estas manipulanta magio, kiu povas igi kontraŭul
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s malvarmiĝis!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Ne tute frostigita, sed tro malvarma.\n\nMalvarmigitaj vivaĵoj agas pli malrapide, depende de kiom da temperoj la efiko plu daŭros. En la plej malbona okazo tio ĉi egalas esti malrapidigata.\n\nPluaj temperoj da malvarmigado: %1$s.\nRapido malpliigita je: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d-opa fraparo!
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Vi furiozas, monstroj malŝatos vin kiam vi estas furioza
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Puriga barilo
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Iu stranga forto fermas vin en maldikan protektan barilon, blokante ĉiujn minacajn aerajn efikojn.\n\nVi estas rezista al ĉiuj aree-ligitaj efikoj kiam tiu ĉi barilo daŭras.\n\nPluaj temperoj da rezisto: %s
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.healing.value=%+d san'
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Ŝmiraĵego pumpas sin mem!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Ensorbita de Ŝmiraĵego
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Oni ne scias multe pri Ŝmiraĵego. Povas esti, ke ĝi eĉ ne estas bestaĉo, sed kungluaĵo de diversaj substancaĉoj el kloakaro kiuj iumaniere ekposedis elementan inteligenton. Iel aŭ alie, fia sorĉarto estas tio, kio permesis al Ŝmiraĵego ekzisti.\n\nĜia gelateneca esto igas ĝin ensorbi plene da malluma energio, vi estas konsternata nur pro estado proksime de ĝi. Se Ŝmiraĵego povas ataki per tiu ĉi fienergio, vi ne plivivos longe.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=La krabego rimarkis la atakon kaj blokis ĝin per sia giganta pinĉilo.
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Todo esta cubierto por una gruesa telaraña aquí.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=La locura causa un estado de gran furia y confusión en el objetivo.\n\nCuando una criatura enloquece, atacará a cualquiera que esté cerca, sea aliado o enemigo.\n\nTurnos de locura restantes: %s.
@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Enfadado
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=La severidad de las heridas del frenético potencia sus golpes. Como el frenético tome daño fisico, el ganara furia, garantizando daño extra. Daño bloqueado por la armadura tambien cuenta.\n\nLa furia se disipara con el tiempo. Cuanto menor sea la vida del frenético, la furia durara mas.\n\nSi el frenético llega a 0 PS con la furia al maximo, y llevando su sello, el ira a modo frenético y _se negara a morir_ por un corto periodo de tiempo.\n\nFuria actual: _%.0f%%_ \n_+%.0f%%_ de daño
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Al borde de la muerte, el miedo y la incertidumbre se desvanecen, dejando solo la ira. En este estado de cercano a la muerte, el frenético es extremadamente poderoso, aumentando el daño en un 50%, gana protección adicional y se niega a morir.\n\nEste escudo extra es más fuerte cuanto mejor sea la armadura del frenético, y se agotará con el tiempo. Cuando este escudo se reduce a 0, el frenético se agotara y morirá.\n\nCualquier forma de curación devolverá al frenético a la estabilidad, pero se agotará. Mientras está exhausto, el frenético tendrá que adquirir experiencia antes de poder desarrollar furia nuevamente.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=La fuerza interior tiene sus limites. El frenético debe descansar para usar su furia de nuevo.\n\nMientras se recupera el frenético no puede ganar furia al tomar daño.\n\nNiveles para recuperarse: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Volverse frenético también le afectará permanentemente, reduciendo su salud máxima cada vez.
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=El encanto es una magia manipulativa que hace que los en
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=¡%s se congela!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=No del todo congelado, pero demasiado frío.\n\nLos personajes enfriados realizan todas las acciones mas lentamente, dependiendo cuantos turnos restan del efecto. En su peor momento, esto equivale a estar ralentizado.\n\nTurnos de frío restantes: %1$s.\nVelocidad reducida en %2$s%%.
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=¡Combo de %d golpes!
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Estás enfadado, a los enemigos no les gustarás cuando e
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Barrera de Purificación
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Alguna fuerza extraña te encierra en una delgada barrera protectora, bloqueando todos los efectos dañinos del ambiente.\n\nEres inmune a todos los efectos del área mientras dure esta barrera.\n\nTurnos de inmunidad restante: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=¡Gú se está bombeando a sí mismo!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Absorbido por el Gú
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Poco se sabe sobre El Gú. Es posible que no sea siquiera una criatura, sino un conglomerado de sustancias viles de las alcantarillas que de alguna manera ganó inteligencia básica. A pesar de esto, la magia oscura es ciertamente lo que ha dejado a Gú existir.\n\nSu naturaleza gelatinosa lo deja absorber un montón de energía negra, y sientes un escalofrío de solo estar cerca. Si Gú puede atacarte con esta energía, no viviras por mucho.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=gran cangrejo
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=El cangrejo se da cuenta del ataque y lo bloquea con su enorme pinza.
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Ruutu on peittynyt tiheään hämähäkinverkkoon.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=Hulluus aiheuttaa valtavan raivon ja hämmennyksen tilan kohteekseensa.\n\nKun jokin otus on hulluna, se hyökkää kaiken lähellä olevan kimppuun huomioimatta, onko kohde ystävä vai vihollinen.\n\nVuoroja hulluutta jäljellä: %s
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Lumous on manipuloivaa taikuutta, joka voi saada viholli
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s jäätyy!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Ei ihan jäässä, mutta silti liian kylmä.\n\nKylmentyneet kohteet suorittavat kaikki toiminnot hitaammin, riippuen efektin jäljellä olevasta ajasta. Huonoimmillaan tämä on verrannollinen hidastuneisuuteen.\n\nVuoroja kylmentyneenä jäljellä: %1$s.\nNopeus on vähentynyt: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d:n osuman combo!
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Olet vihainen, eikä vihollisillasi ole hauskaa kun olet
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Puhdistava seinämä
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Jokin omituinen voima pitää ympärilläsi ohutta suojaavaa seinämää, joka suodattaa kaikki haitalliset ilmasta aiheutuvat vaikutukset.\n\nOlet immuuni kaikille alueellisille vaikutuksille niin kauan kuin seinämä kestää.\n\nVuoroja immuniteettia jäljellä: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Lima valmistautuu iskemään!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Liman syömä
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Limasta tiedetään vain vähän. On melko lailla mahdollista, että se ei ole edes olento, vaan enemmänkin viemärin inhottavien aineiden yhtymä, joka on jotenkin kehittänyt itselleen alkeellisen älyn. Joka tapauksessa musta magia on varmasti mahdollistanut Liman olemassaolon.\n\nSen hyytelömäinen luonto on mahdollistanut sen imemään itseensä paljon pimeää energiaa, tunnet siitä säteilevän kylmyyden vain olemalla sitä lähellä. Jos Lima pääsee hyökkäämään käyttäen sen energiaa, et elä pitkään.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=suuri rapu
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Rapu huomaa hyökkäyksen ja torjuu sen massiivisella saksellaan.
@ -35,8 +35,11 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Un toile épaisse recouvre cette zone.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.name=Folie furieuse
actors.buffs.amok.desc=La folie furieuse fait entrer sa cible dans un état de rage confuse. \n\nUne créature sous l'effet de la folie furieuse attaque toute personne à sa portée, amis ou ennemis.\n\nTours de folie furieuse restant : %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=La folie furieuse fait entrer sa cible dans un état de rage folle. \n\nUne créature sous l'effet de la folie furieuse attaque toute personne à sa portée, amis ou ennemis.\n\nTours de folie furieuse restant : %s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Peau d'écorce
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Votre peau est durcie, elle semble rugueuse et solide comme de l'écorce.\n\nLa peau durcie augmente l'effet de l'armure, améliorant votre défense contre les attaques physiques. Le bonus d'armure baissera d'un point à chaque tour jusqu'à ce qu'il expire.\n\nVotre armure est actuellement améliorée de : %d.
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Un charme est une magie de manipulation qui oblige deux
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s est gelé !
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Pas encore gelé, mais vraiment très refroidi. \n\nLes cibles refroidies voient leurs actions ralenties, en fonction du nombre de tours restants à l'effet. Dans le pire des cas, l'effet est semblable à un ralentissement. \n\nTours de froid restants : %1$s.\nVitesse réduite de : %2$s%%.
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d coups !
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Vous êtes enragé et vos ennemis ne vont pas aimer ça.\
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Barrière de purification
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Une force étrange vous enveloppe d'une mince barrière protectrice, bloquant tous les effets nocifs de l'air.\n\nVous êtes immunisé contre tous les effets liés à la zone pendant que cette barrière est présente.\n\nTours d'immunité restant: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
@ -262,20 +268,20 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie ap
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_item=Le Voleur commence avec un artefact unique: la _Cape des Ombres,_ qui peut être utilisée pour devenir invisible à volonté.\n\nComme tout les artefacts, la cape ne peut pas être directement amélioré. Au lieu de cela, elle devient plus puissante au fur et à mesure de son utilisation.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Le Voleur commence avec une _dague,_ faisant plus de dégâts quand l'ennemi est surpris.\n\nLe Voleur commence avec _trois dagues de lancer,_ qui offrent des dégâts à distance et fait plus de dégâts a des ennemis surpris.\n\nLe Voleur commence avec une _pochette en velours,_ qui peut contenir des petits objets comme des graines et des pierre runiques.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Le Voleur commence avec une _dague,_ faisant plus de dégâts quand l'ennemi est surpris.\n\nLe Voleur commence avec _trois dagues de lancer,_ qui offrent des dégâts à distance et font plus de dégâts aux ennemis surpris.\n\nLe Voleur commence avec une _bourse de velours,_ qui peut contenir des petits objets comme des graines et des pierres runiques.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_misc=Le Voleur détecte les secrets et les pièges dans une plus grande zone.\n\nLe Voleur est capabe de trouver plus de secrets cachés dans le donjon.\n\nLe Voleur identifie automatiquement les parchemins de cartographie magique.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie après avoir vaincu le deuxième boss. Le Voleur a deux sous-classes:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_item=La Chasseresse commence avec un _boomerang unique,_ qui peut être lancé un nombre infini de fois.\n\nLe boomerang peut être amélioré et peut être imprégné et enchanté comme une arme de mélée.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=La Chasseresse commence avec un des _poings américains,_ qui attaquent plus rapidement que les autres armes de départ.\n\nLa Chasseresse commence avec son boomerange comme option à distance.\n\nLa Chasseresse commence avec une _poche en velours,_ qui peut transporté des petits objets comme les graines et les pierres runiques.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=La Chasseresse commence avec un des _poings américains,_ qui attaquent plus rapidement que les autres armes de départ.\n\nLa Chasseresse commence avec son boomerang comme option à distance.\n\nLa Chasseresse commence avec une _poche en velours,_ qui peut transporter des petits objets comme les graines et les pierres runiques.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_misc=La Chasseresse gagne des damages bonus pour la force excessive avec des armes de lancés.\n\nLa Chasseresse peux utiliser les armes de lancés plus longtemp avant qu'ils ne se cassent.\n\nLa Chasseresse sent les ennemis proches même si ils sont cachés derrière des obstacles.\n\nLa Chasseresse identifie les potions de vision spirituelle automatiquement.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Une sous-classe peut être choisie après avoir vaincu le second boss. La Chasseresse a deux sous-classes :
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Chaque attaque réussie avec une arme de mêlée permet au _Gladiateur_ de démarrer un combo. Réaliser un combo lui permet d'achever ses attaques avec un coup spécial unique.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ deals bonus damage scaling with damage taken. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=Le _Berserker_ inflige des dégâts supplémentaires augmentant avec les dégâts subis. Lorsqu'il est pleinement enragé, il peut refuser de mourir pour une courte période, au prix de l'épuisement.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=En utilisant une baguette sur un ennemi, le _Sorcier_ a une chance de marquer son âme. Les ennemis marqués lui redonnent de la santé et diminuent sa faim dès qu'ils subissent des dégâts physiques.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mage de guerre
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Le Goo commence à pomper son énergie !
actors.mobs.goo.gluuurp=GLUUUURP !
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Absorbé par le Goo
actors.mobs.goo.desc=On ne sait pas grand chose du Goo. Il est fort probable que ce soit un assemblage de substances infectes des égouts qui auraient d'une manière ou d'une autre acquis une forme d'intelligence basique. Quoi qu'il en soit, le Goo doit sûrement son existence à la magie noire.\n\nSa nature gélatineuse lui a permis d'absorber énormément d'énergie noire, vous frissonnez rien que de le sentir proche. Si le Goo vous attaque avec cette énergie, vous ne ferez pas de vieux os.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=grand crabe
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Le crabe remarque l'attaque et la bloque avec sa pince massive.
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Mindent vastag pókháló borít itt.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=Az ámok óriási dühöt és zavartságot kelt a célpontjában.\n\nA hatása alá kerülő lény bármit megtámad a közelében, legyen az akár ellenség, akár barát.\n\nAz ámok még %s körig tart.
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Az elbűvölés egy manipulatív varázslat, amely az el
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s megfagy!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Nem épp fagyás, de nagyon erős hideg.\n\nA megdermedt célpontok mindent sokkal lassabban tesznek, attól függően, hogy még mennyi ideig tart a hatás. Legrosszabb esetben ugyanaz, mint a lelassítás.\n\nA dermedtség még %1$s körig tart.\nA sebesség %2$s%%-kal csökkent.
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d ütéses kombó!
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Mérges vagy, és az ellenségnek nincs benne köszönete
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Purification Barrier
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Some strange force is encasing you in a thin protective barrier, blocking out all harmful airborne effects.\n\nYou are immune to all area-bound effects while this barrier lasts.\n\nTurns of immunity remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.healing.value=%+d élet
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=A ragacs nekigyürkőzik!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Elnyelte a Ragacs
actors.mobs.goo.desc=A Ragacsról keveset lehet tudni. Könnyen lehet, hogy nem is lény, hanem inkább a csatornák hitvány anyagainak összetömörülése, amely valahogyan egyszerű intelligenciát kaphatott. Akárhogy is, bizonyára a sötét mágia hívta létre a Ragacsot.\n\nKocsonyás anyaga miatt számottevő sötét energiát nyelhetett el, már attól kiráz a hideg, hogy a közelében vagy. Ha a ragacs képes támadni is ezzel az energiával, nem sokáig maradsz életben.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=A rák észreveszi és erős ollójával kivédi a támadást.
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Semuanya tertutup jaring tebal di sini.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=Amuk menyebabkan amukan hebat dan kebingungan pada targetnya.\n\nSaat musuh mengamuk, mereka akan menyerang siapapun, tak peduli apakah itu kawan atau lawan.\n\nSisa waktu mengamuk : %s.
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Pesona adalah sihir manipulatif yang dapat membuat musuh
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s membeku!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Tidak sampai membeku, tapi tetap terlalu dingin.\n\nTarget yang kedinginan akan melakukan segalanya lebih lambat dari biasanya, tergantung seberapa lama lagi efeknya berlangsung. Efek ini setara dengan efek lambat.\n\nSisa waktu kedinginan: %1$s giliran.\nKecepatan berkurang: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d kali kombo
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Kau marah, musuh tidak akan suka saat kau marah.\n\nKemar
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Penahan Purifikasi
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Kekuatan yang aneh menyelubungimu dengan penahan tipis yang protektif, menahan semua efek berbahaya yang ada di udara.\n\nKau imun terhadap semua efek yang berarea selama penahan ini ada.\n\nSisa giliran imunitas: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Goo memompa dirinya sendiri!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Terserap oleh Goo
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Sedikit yang diketahui tentang Goo. Kemungkinan itu bukanlah hanya sekedar makhluk, tapi itu adalah kumpulan-kumpulan substansi gorong-gorong yang entah bagaimana bisa mendapat jiwa dan pikiran. Bagaimana pun juga, keberadaan Goo ini pasti ulah ilmu hitam.\n\nCairan gelatin itu dapat menyerap banyak energi hitam, kau merinding jika berada di dekatnya. Jika Goo memyerang dengan energi itu, kau tidak akan hidup lebih lama lagi.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=kepiting raksasa
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Kepiting itu menyadari seranganmu dan menahannya dengan cakar besarnya.
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Qui tutto è coperto da una fitta ragnatela.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=La frenesia provoca uno stato di grande rabbia e confusione nell'obbiettivo.\n\nQuando una creatura è resa frenetica, attaccherà tutto ciò che le sta vicino, siano essi amici o nemici.\n\nTurni di frenesia rimanenti: %s.
@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Arrabbiato
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=La gravità delle ferite del berserker rafforza i suoi colpi. Mano a mano che il berserker riceve danno fisico la sua rabbia si svilupperà, concedendogli danno bonus. I danni bloccati dall'armatura contano comunque al fine dello sviluppo di rabbia.\n\nLa rabbia si affievolirà nel tempo. Più bassa è la salute del berserker, più a lungo durerà.\n\nSe il berserker è portato a 0 hp mentre è in piena rabbia, e sta indossando il suo sigillo, andrà in berserk _rifiutandosi di morire_ per un breve periodo.\n\nRabbia attuale: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ punti danno
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=In punto di morte, paura ed incertezza svaniranno, lasciando solo rabbia. In questo stato di quasi morte il berserker è incredibilmente potente, _arrecando +50% punti danno, acquisendo scudo bonus e rifiutandosi di morire._\n\nQuesto scudo bonus è tanto più forte quanto migliore è l'armatura del berserker, e si esaurirà nel tempo. Quando questo scudo è ridotto a 0, il berserker si arrenderà, morendo.\n\nOgni forma di cura riporterà il berserker allo stato stabile, ma sarà sfinito. Mentre è sfinito, il berserker avrà bisogno di acquisire esperienza prima di essere in grado di accumulare ancora rabbia.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=La forza interiore ha i suoi limiti. Il berserker deve riposarsi prima di usare ancora la sua rabbia.\n\nMentre si riposa il berserker non accumulerà nessuna rabbia dal ricevere danni.\n\nLivelli fino al recupero: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=L'abilità inoltre lo logorerà permanentemente, riducendo ogni volta la sua salute massima.
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Una malia è una magia manipolativa che fa in modo che i
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s congela!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Non proprio congelato ma comunque parecchio freddo. \n\nI bersagli ghiacciati compiono tutte le azioni più lentamente, a seconda di quanti turni rimangono all'effetto. Al peggio è equivalente ad essere rallentati. \n\nTurni di ghiaccio rimanenti: %1$s.\nVelocità ridotta di: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo da %d colpi!
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Sei arrabbiato, ai nemici non piaci quando sei arrabbiato
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Barriera della Purificazione
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Qualche strana forza ti racchiude in una sottile barriera protettiva, bloccando ogni effetto gassoso dannoso.\n\nSei immune a tutti gli effetti attivi in zona finché questa barriera persiste.\n\nTurni di immunità rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Goo si sta caricando!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Assorbito da Goo
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Poco si sa di Goo. È possibile che non sia nemmeno una creatura, ma piuttosto un agglomerato di sostanze nauseabonde provenienti dalle fogne che in qualche modo ha ottenuto un'intelligenza elementare. In ogni caso, è magia nera quella che ha permesso a Goo di esistere.\n\nLa sua natura gelatinosa gli ha concesso di assorbire un sacco di energia oscura, avverti un brivido solo a stargli vicino. Se Goo è in grado di attaccare con tale energia non vivrai a lungo.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=grande granchio
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Il granchio si accorge dell'attacco e lo blocca con la sua chela imponente.
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=모든 것이 굵은 거미줄로 뒤덮혀 있다.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=광란 효과는 대상에게 대단한 분노와 혼란 효과를 줍니다. \n\n어떤 생물체가 광란에 걸리면, 그 적과 아군 구분 없이 주변의 모든 것을 공격하게 됩니다. \n\n광란 효과는 %s턴 동안 유지됩니다.
@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=분노
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering=회복 중
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=광전사의 부상은 그의 타격을 강화시켜 줍니다. 광전사가 육체적인 손상을 입으면, 분노하여 보너스 피해를 줍니다. 갑옷에 의해 줄어든 피해는 분노를 일으키는데 여전히 중요합니다.\n\n분노는 시간이 지나면서 사라집니다. 체력이 적을수록 더 오래 지속될 것입니다.\n\n격노한 상태에서 인장이 박힌 갑옷을 입은 광전사의 체력이 0이 되면 격노하여 짧은 시간 동안 _죽음을 유예_할 수 있습니다.\n\n현재 분노: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ 피해량
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=죽음이 임박한 시점에서, 두려움과 불확실성이 사라지고 분노만 남습니다. 이런 죽음에 가까운 상태에서 광전사는 극도로 강력합니다 _50%의 추가 피해를 입히고, 추가 방어막을 얻고, 죽음을 유예합니다._\n\n이 추가 방어막은 그의 갑옷이 좋을수록 더 강력하며, 시간이 지나면서 줄어들 것입니다. 이 보호막이 0까지 줄어들면 광전사는 삶을 포기하고 죽을 것입니다.\n\n어떤 방법으로든 체력을 회복하면 안정을 되찾을 수 있지만, 탈진 상태에 접어들게 됩니다. 탈진 상태에선 다시 격노 상태에 접어들기 위해선 경험치를 얻어야만 합니다.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=내면의 힘에는 한계가 있는 법입니다. 광전사가 다시 격노할 수 있께 되려면 우선 조금 쉬어야만 합니다.\n\n체력을 회복하는 동안 광전사는 피해를 입을 때 분노를 얻지 못합니다.\n\n복구될 때까지의 레벨: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=격노 효과는 광전사의 기력을 영구적으로 소모시켜 격노할 때 마다 최대 체력이 감소합니다.
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=매혹 효과는 적과 자신을 일시적으로 사랑
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s이/가 얼어붙었다!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=완전히 얼어버리진 않았지만, 그래도 너무 추워졌습니다. \n\n냉동된 대상은 모든 행동을 느리게 수행하며, 느려지는 정도는 남은 효과 시간에 비례합니다. 최대한으로 냉동된 대상은 둔화 효과와 비슷한 속도 감소 효과를 냅니다. \n\n냉동 효과는 %1$s 턴 동안 유지되며,\n속도를 %2$s%% 만큼 감소시킵니다.
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.name=연속 타격
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d 연속 명중!
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=당신은 화가 났습니다. 그리고 적들은 화가
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=정화의 보호막
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=어떤 기묘한 힘이 얇은 보호막을 형성했습니다. 공기 중의 모든 해로운 효과를 받지 않게 됩니다.\n\n보호막이 유지되는 동안 모든 지역 효과를 받지 않게 됩니다.\n\n보호막은 %s턴 동안 유지됩니다.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=구가 스스로의 몸집을 불리기 시작했다!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=구에게 흡수됨
actors.mobs.goo.desc=구에 대해서 알려진 것은 많지 않습니다. 아마도 구는 원래 생물체가 아니며, 하수구에 있던 유독한 물질들이 모여서 아주 기초적인 지성을 얻게 된 것 같습니다. 방법이야 어찌 되었든, 어두운 마법의 힘이 구를 존재하게 하는 것은 틀림없어 보입니다.\n\n구의 젤리같은 몸체는 많은 양의 암흑 에너지를 빨아들일 수 있어 가까이 다가가기만 해도 한기를 느낄 수 있습니다. 이 에너지를 전면으로 개방한다면 당신도 버틸 수 없을 것입니다.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=거대한 게
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=거대한 게가 당신의 공격을 눈치채고 거대한 집게발로 방어했다.
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Grube pajęczyny oblepiają wszystko wokół.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=Amok powoduje stan wielkiego szału i dezorientacji dla jego celu. \n\nKiedy stworzenie jest pod wpływem amoku, zaatakuje tego kto jest najbliżej, obojętnie czy to przyjaciel czy wróg.\n\nAmok będzie jeszcze trwał przez: %s tur.
@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Rozgniewany
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering=Odzyskiwanie sił
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Powaga ran berserka zwiększa siłę jego ciosów. Im więcej fizycznych obrażeń zostanie mu zadane, tym bardziej wzrośnie jego furia, pozwalająca mu zadać dodatkowe obrażenia. Obrażenia zablokowane przez zbroję również generują furię.\n\nFuria minie z czasem. Im niższe zdrowie berserka, tym dłużej potrwa ten proces.\n\nJeżeli berserk straci wszystkie punkty życia przy maksymalnej furii, mając na sobie swoją pieczęć, wpadnie w szał i _powstrzyma swoją śmierć_ na krótki czas.\n\nObecna furia: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ obrażeń
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Na krawędzi śmierci, strach i niepewność znikają, pozostaje tylko gniew. W tym stanie bliskim śmierci berserk jest niezwykle silny: _zadaje 50% więcej obrażeń, zyskuje dodatkową ochronę, i odmawia śmierci._\n\nDodatkowa ochrona jest tym silniejsza, im lepsza jest zbroja berserka, i będzie się powoli wyczerpywać w miarę upływu czasu. Kiedy ta ochrona zostanie zredukowana do 0, berserk podda się i zginie.\n\nKażda forma leczenia powróci berserka do stabilności, ale będzie on wyczerpany. Będzie musiał zdobyć więcej doświadczenia, aby znów móc kumulować furię.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Wewnętrzna siła ma swoje granice. Berserk musi odpocząć zanim ponownie może wpaść w furię.\n\nPodczas odpoczynku berserk nie kumuluje furii od zadanych mu obrażeń.\n\nPoziomy do odzyskania sił: %.2f
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Furia będzie pernamentnie go wymęczać, zmniejszając jego maksymalne zdrowie.
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Urok to manipulacyjna magia która może sprawić że pr
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s zamarza!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Nie całkiem zamarznięty, lecz wciąż dużo za chłodny.\n\nSchłodzone cele wykonują wszystkie działania duże wolniej, w zależności od tego, ile tur tego efektu wciąż pozostało. W najgorszym przypadku stanowi to ekwiwalent bycia spowolnionym.\n\nSchłodzenie będzie jeszcze trwało przez: %1$s tur.\nSzybkość jest zredukowana o: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d ciąg uderzeń!
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Jesteś zdenerwowany, wrogowie nie polubią rozzłoszczon
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Bariera oczyszczenia
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Jakaś dziwna moc zamyka cię w cienkiej, ochronnej barierze, blokującej wszystkie szkodliwe efekty powietrzne.\nJesteś odporny na wszystkie efekty obszarowe dopóki masz tą barierę.\n\nPozostałe tury odporności: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Maź się wzdyma!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Pochłonięty przez Maź
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Niewiele wiadomo o Mazi. Jest całkiem możliwe, że to nawet nie jest żywe stworzenie, tylko zlepek śmieci i śluzu ze ścieków, który dziwnym trafem zyskał prymitywną inteligencję. Tak czy siak, tylko mroczna magia pozwala istnieć czemuś takiemu.\n\nJej galaretowaty charakter pozwala jej na wchłanianie mrocznej energii, nawet z tej odległości czujesz jej chłodny powiew. Jeśli Maź będzie w stanie zaatakować z taką energią, marny Twój los.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=wielki krab
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Krab wyprzedza atak i blokuje go swoimi potężnymi szczypcami.
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Tudo está coberto com uma teia grudenta aqui.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=Possessão causa um estado de grande raiva e confusão em seu alvo.\n\nQuando uma criatura está possuída, ela irá atacar qualquer coisa que estiver por perto, seja amigo ou inimigo.\n\nTurnos de possessâo restante: %s
@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Enfurecido
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Possuído de raiva
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering=A recuperar
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=A gravidade dos ferimentos do berserker fortalece seus golpes. Como o berserker recebe dano físico, sua ira aumentará, concedendo a ele bônus de dano. O dano que é bloqueado pela armadura ainda conta para a raiva da construção.\n\nRaiva vai desaparecer com o tempo. Quanto mais baixa a saúde do berserker, mais durará.\n\nSe o berserker for levado a 0 hp enquanto estiver com raiva total, e estiver usando seu selo, ele ficará furioso e se recusará a morrer por um curto período de tempo.\n\nRaiva Atual: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ dano
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=À beira da morte, o medo e a incerteza foram embora, deixando apenas raiva. Nesse estado de quase-morte, o berserker é extremamente poderoso - causando + 50% de dano, ganhando bônus de proteção e se recusando a morrer.\n\nEsta proteção bônus é mais forte, melhor a armadura do berserker e se esgotará com o tempo. Quando esta blindagem é reduzida a 0, o berserker cederá e morrerá.\n\nQualquer forma de cura retornará o berserker à estabilidade, mas ele ficará exausto. Enquanto estiver exausto, o berserker precisará ganhar experiência antes de poder construir a raiva novamente.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=A força interior tem seus limites. O berserker deve descansar antes de usar sua raiva novamente.\n\nEnquanto recupera o berserker não cria qualquer raiva de tomar dano.\n\nNíveis até recuperados: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Berserking também o usará permanentemente, reduzindo sua saúde máxima a cada vez.
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Um encanto é uma magia manipuladora que podem fazer ini
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s congelou!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Não bem congelado, mas muito gelado.\n\nAlvos gelados fazem todas as ações mais lentamente, dependendo de quantos turnos ainda faltam para o efeito acabar. No seu pior, isto é equivalente a ser retardado.\n\nTurnos de frio faltando: %1$s\nVelocidade é reduzida por: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d golpes!
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Você está bravo. Inimigos não gostam quando você est
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Barreira Purificadora
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Uma estranha força está lhe encasulando em uma fina barreira protetiva, bloquando todos os efeitos maliciosos gasosos.\n\nVocé é imune a todos os efeitos em área enquanto esta barreira estiver ativa.\n\nTurnos de imunidade restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=O Goo está se bombeando!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Absorvido pelo Goo
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Pouco se sabe sobre o Goo. É possivel que ele nem seja uma criatura, mas um aglomerado de substâncias provenientes dos esgotos que desenvolveram inteligência básica. Porém, certamente a magia negra foi o que ajudou o Goo a existir.\n\nSua forma gelatinosa absorveu muita magia negra, você até sente um frio ao ficar perto dele. Se o Goo conseguir atacar com essa energia você não vai viver muito tempo.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=Grande Caranguejo
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=O caranguejo percebe o ataque e defende com sua garra enorme.
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Здесь всё покрыто толстой паути
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=Буйство - это состояние лютой ненависти и дезориентации.\n\nКогда существо находится в этом состоянии, оно атакует любого, кто окажется рядом с ним, будь то друг или враг.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=Ярость
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Чем глубже раны берсерка, тем яростнее его удары. При получении физического урона берсерк накапливает неистовство и наносит дополнительный урон. Заблокированный доспехом урон также учитывается при накоплении неистовства.\n\nСо временем ярость рассеивается, но тем медленнее, чем ниже его уровень здоровья берсерка.\n\nЕсли здоровье берсерка опустилось до 0 ОЗ, но при этом его неистовство достигло максимума и на нем надета печать, он сможет балансировать на грани смерти и не умирать в течение некоторого времени.\n\nНеистовство: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ к урону
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=При приближении смерти страх и неуверенность отступают - остаётся лишь ярость. В близком к смерти состоянии берсерк становится ещё опаснее: _он наносит удвоенный урон, получает дополнительный щит и не умирает в течение нескольких ходов._\n\nЧем крепче броня, тем сильнее будет щит, однако со временем он тает. Когда щит пропадёт, берсерк больше не сможет поддерживать в себе силы и умрёт.\n\nЛюбое исцеление вернёт берсерка в нормальное состояние, однако он будет обессилен. Чтобы снова впасть в неистовство, берсерку потребуется набрать больше опыта.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Внутренняя мощь небезгранична. Чтобы снова впасть в неистовство, берсерку нужно отдохнуть.\n\nБерсерк не накапливает неистовство при получении урона, пока не восстановит силы.\n\nУровней до восстановления: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Также неистовство навсегда ослабляет его, каждый раз уменьшая его максимальное количество здоровья.
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Очарование - контролирующая ма
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s замерзает!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Вам очень холодно, но вы пока ещё можете двигаться.\n\nОкоченевшая цель совершает все свои действия медленнее обычного, в зависимости от оставшегося времени действия эффекта. Впрочем, данный эффект не может понизить скорость сильнее, чем в два раза.\n\nХодов осталось: %1$s. \nСнижение скорости: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Комбо из %d ударов!
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Вы в ярости. Вашим врагам не пон
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Очищающий барьер
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Какая-то загадочная сила окружает вас тонким защитным барьером, ограждая вас от любых вредных испарений.\n\nВо время действия этого барьера, вы неуязвимы для любых эффектов, действующих по площади.\n\nХодов осталось: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.healing.value=%+d ОЗ
actors.buffs.hunger.hungry=Легкий голод
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Слизень накачивается жижей!
actors.mobs.goo.enraged=в ярости
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Поглощён Слизнем
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Мало что известно о Слизне. Возможно, это даже не существо, а сборище мерзких субстанций из канализации, каким-то образом развивших примитивный интеллект. В любом случае, темная магия - вот причина существования Слизня.\n\nЕго желеобразная природа позволяет ему поглощать такое огромное количество темной энергии, что вы чувствуете озноб, просто находясь рядом. Если Слизень направит эту мощь на вас, долго вам не прожить.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=древний краб
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Краб заметил атаку и заблокировал её своей огромной клешнёй.
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=Buradaki herșey kalın bir ağ ile kaplanmış.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=Çılgınlık, etkilenen hedefi büyük bir öfke ve kafa karışıklığına sokar.\n\nÇıldıran bir yaratık, yakınında ne varsa dost düşman demeden saldırır.\n\nÇılgınlığın geçmesi için kalan sıra: %s.
@ -46,8 +49,8 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Çıldırdı
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted=Yorgunluktan bitmiş
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=At the brink of death, fear and uncertainty bleed away, leaving only anger. In this state of near-death the berserker is extremely powerful _dealing +50% damage, gaining bonus shielding, and refusing to die._\n\nThis bonus shielding is stronger the better the berserker's armor, and will deplete over time. When this shielding is reduced to 0, the berserker will give in and die.\n\nAny form of healing will return the berserker to stability, but he will be exhausted. While exhausted, the berserker will need to gain experience before being able to build rage again.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker does not build any rage from taking damage.\n\nLevels until recovered: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Ölümün kıyısında, öfke ve eminsizlik vücudundan çıkan kanla kaybolur ve geriye sadece öfkeyi bırakır. Vahşi savaşçı bu ölümün kıyısındaki halinde _+%50 hasar, ekstra korunma ve ölmeyi reddetmesi_ ile aşırı güçlüdür.\n\nEkstra korunma vahşi savaşçının zırhı ne kadar güçlü ise o kadar iyi olur ve zamanla kaybolur. Korunma 0'a düştüğünde vahşi savaşçı pes edecek ve ölecektir.\n\nHerhangi bir iyileşme kaynağı vahşi savaşçıyı stabil bir hale getirecektir, fakat o aşırı derecede bitkin olacaktır. Bitkin haldeyken vahşi savaşçının yeniden öfke toplayabilir bir hale gelmesi için deneyim kazanması gerekir.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=İç gücün sınırları vardır. Vahşi savaşçının öfkesini yeniden kullanabilmesi için dinlenmeye ihtiyacı var.\n\nİyileşme durumundayken vahşi savaşçı hasar aldığında öfke biriltirmez.\n\nİyileşmeye kalan seviye: _%.2f_
actors.buffs.berserk.no_rages=Çıldırmak ayrıca onun üzerinde kalıcı bir hasar bırakacaktır ve her çıldırdığında maksimum sağlığı azalacaktır.
actors.buffs.berserk.past_rages=Berserkçi _%d_ kez çıldırdı.\nMaksimum sağlığı _%d%%_ 'a düştü.
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Ölümüne Çıldırdı
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=Tutulma, düşmanları birbirine kısa süreliğine hayr
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s dondu!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Tam olarak donmadın, ama yine de çok soğuk. \n\nÜşümüş hedefler, etkinin geçmesine kaç sıra kaldığına bağlı olarak eylemlerini daha yavaş gerçekleştirir. En kötüsü, bu yavaşlamaya denktir. \n\nÜşümenin geçmesine kalan sıra: %1$s. \nHız şu kadar azaldı: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Art arda %d isabet!
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=Öfkelisin, düşmanlar senden öfkeliyken pek hoşlanmay
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Temizleme Bariyeri
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Garip bir güç seni kalın bir koruma bariyeri içerisinde örterek havadaki zararlı maddeleri solumanı önlüyor.\n\nBu bariyer kaybolana kadar tüm bölgesel efektlere karşı bağışıklığa sahipsin.\n\nBağışıklığın bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
@ -170,7 +176,7 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Yapışkan çamur derine yapışıp onu yavaşça eritiyo
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Felç oldun!
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=Acı %s'in felcini geçirdi
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=Çektiği acı %s 'i felç halinde çıkardı.
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Çoğu zaman en kötü şey hiçbir şey yapmamaktır. \n\nFelç, etkisi geçene kadar karakterin herhangi bir şey yapmasını engelleyerek karakteri etkinin geçmesi için beklemeye zorlar. Ayrıca hasar almaktan kaynaklanan acı, karakterleri felç durumundan kurtabilir. \n\nFelcin geçmesi için kalan sıra: %s.
@ -249,33 +255,33 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=Acı, uyuma isteğini bastırıyor.
actors.hero.hero.revive=Ankh iyileştiren enerji ile patlıyor!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_item=Savaşçı, zırhlara takabileceği _eşsiz kırık mühür_ ile başlar.\n\nMühür zırhına takılı olduğu sırada, savaşçı canın yanında yavaş bir şekilde koruma üretir.\n\nMühür, zırhlar arasında bir tane yükseltmeyle birlikte taşınabilir
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=Savaşçı diğer başlangıç silahlarından daha fazla direkt hasar veren _aşınmış kısa kılıç_ ile başlar.\n\nSavaşçı kısıtlı menzilli hasar veren _üç tane fırlıtmalık taş_ ile başlar.\n\nSavaşçı iksirleri soğuktan koruyup saklamya yardımcı olan _iksir tutacağı_ ile başlar.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_item=Savaşçı, zırhlara takabileceği _eşsiz kırık mühür_ ile başlar.\n\nMühür zırhına takılı olduğunda, savaşçı sağlığın yanında yavaş bir şekilde koruma üretir.\n\nMühür, zırhlar arasında taşınabilir ve bir tane yükseltme alabilir.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_loadout=Savaşçı diğer başlangıç silahlarından daha fazla direkt hasar veren _aşınmış kısa kılıç_ ile başlar.\n\nSavaşçı kısıtlı menzilli hasar veren _üç tane fırlıtmalık taş_ ile başlar.\n\nSavaşçı iksirleri soğuktan koruyup saklamaya yardımcı olan _iksir tutacağı_ ile başlar.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_misc=Savaşçı otomatik olarak iyileşme iksirini tanımlar.\n\nSavaşçı her yemek yediğinde küçük miktarda sağlık kazanır.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Savaşçı'nın iki alt sınıfı vardır:
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_item=Büyücü başka asaların büyüleriyle aşılanabilen _eşsiz bir asa_ ile başlar.\n\nBu asa, diğer asalara karşı daha hızlı şarj olur ve fazladan 1 şarj kapasitesi bulundurur.\n\nBu asa, sihirli füzeyle aşılanmış olarak gelir.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_item=Büyücü başka asaların büyüleriyle aşılanabilen _eşsiz bir asa_ ile başlar.\n\nBu asa, diğer asalara kıyasla daha hızlı şarj olur ve fazladan 1 şarj kapasitesine sahiptir.\n\nBu asa, sihirli füzeyle aşılanmış olarak gelir.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_loadout=Büyücü kendi asasını yakın dövüş silahı olarak kullanarak başlar. Asa diğer başlangıç silahlarından daha az hasar verir\n\nBüyücü asasındaki büyüyü kullanarak menzilindeki düşmanlara saldırabilir.\n\nBüyücü parşomenleri saklayabilen ve onları ateşten koruyan bir _parşömen tutucağı_ ile başlar
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_misc=Büyücü, bir asayı kullandığı zaman o asayı kısmen tanımlar.\n\nBüyücü otomatik olarak yükseltme parşömenini tanımlar.\n\nBüyücü her yemek yediğinde küçük bir miktar asa şarjı yeniler.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_misc=Büyücü, bir asayı kullandığı zaman o asayı kısmen tanımlar.\n\nBüyücü otomatik olarak yükseltme parşömenini tanımlar.\n\nBüyücü her yemek yediğinde küçük bir miktar asa ve baston şarjı elde eder.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Büyücü'nün iki tane alt sınıfı vardır:
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_item=The Rogue starts with a unique artifact: the _Cloak of Shadows,_ which he can use to become invisible at will.\n\nLike all artifacts, the cloak cannot be directly upgraded. Instead it becomes more powerful as it is used.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Haydut, düşmanları şaşırtırken daha fazla hasar veren bir _bıçak_ ile başlar.\n\nHaydut, biraz menzilli hasar sunan ve şaşkın düşmanlara fazladan hasar veren _üç tane fırlatma bıçağı_ ile başlar.\n\nHaydut, rün ve tohumlar gibi küçük şeyleri saklamaya yarayan _kadife torba_ ile başlar.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_misc=The Rogue detects secrets and traps from a greater distance.\n\nThe Rogue is able to find more secrets hidden in the dungeon.\n\nThe Rogue automatically identifies scrolls of magic mapping.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_item=Haydut, istediği zaman görünmez olmak için kullanabileceği _Gölgelerin Pelerini_ isminde özel bir eserle başlar.\n\nTıpkı tüm eserler gibi pelerin de direkt olarak yükseltilemez. Onun yerine kullanıldıkça güçlenir.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_loadout=Haydut, düşmanları şaşırttığında daha fazla hasar veren bir _hançer_ ile başlar.\n\nHaydut, biraz menzilli hasar sunan ve şaşkın düşmanlara fazladan hasar veren _üç tane fırlatma bıçağı_ ile başlar.\n\nHaydut, rüntaşları ve tohumlar gibi küçük şeyleri saklamaya yarayan _kadife torba_ ile başlar.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_misc=Haydut saklı şeyleri ve tuzakları daha büyük bir mesafeden farkeder.\n\nHaydut zindanda saklı daha fazla sır bulabilir.\n\nHaydut, büyülü haritalama parşomenini otomatik olarak tanır.
actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Haydut'un iki alt sınıfı vardır:
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_item=Avcı sonsuz kere fırlatılabilen _eşsiz bir bumerang_ ile başlar.\n\nBumerang yükseltilebilir, büyü aşılanabilir ve efsunlanabilir, tıpkı bir yakın dövüş silahı gibi.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=The Huntress starts with _knuckledusters,_ which attack much faster than other starter weapons.\n\nThe Huntress starts with her boomerang as a ranged option.\n\nThe Huntress starts with a _velvet pouch,_ which can store small items like seeds and runestones.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_misc=Avcı fılatılabilen silah kullanırken fazla güçten fazladan hasar verir.\n\nAvcı fırlatılabilen silahları daha uzun süre kırmadan kullanabilir.\n\nAvcı yakındaki düşmanları engellerin arkasında gizli olsa bile sezebilir.\n\nAvcı otomatik olarak akıl görüş iksirini tanımlar.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_item=Avcı sonsuz kere fırlatılabilen _eşsiz bir bumerang_ ile başlar.\n\nBumerang, tıpkı bir yakın dövüş silahı gibi yükseltilebilir, büyü aşılanabilir ve efsunlanabilir.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_loadout=Avcı _muşta_ ile başlar, bu silah diğer başlangıç silahlarından çok daha hızlıdır.\n\nAvcı mesafeli dövüş için bumerang ile başlar.\n\nAvcı ekinler ve rüntaşları gibi küçük eşyaları taşıyabilen bir _kadife kese_ ile başlar.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_misc=Avcı fılatılabilen silah kullanırken fazla güç ile fazladan hasar verir.\n\nAvcı fırlatılabilen silahları daha uzun süre kırmadan kullanabilir.\n\nAvcı yakındaki düşmanları engellerin arkasında gizli olsalar bile sezebilir.\n\nAvcı otomatik olarak akıl görüş iksirini tanımlar.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_desc_subclasses=Ikinci patronu yendikten sonra bir alt sınıf seçilebilir. Avcı'nın iki alt sınıfı vardır:
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Bir yakın mesafeli silahla yapılan her başarılı saldırı _Gladyatöre_ bir kombo başlatır. Bir kombo yapmak özel bitirici hareketlerin kullanılmasına olanak sağlar.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker=vahşi savaşçı
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ deals bonus damage scaling with damage taken. When at full rage, he can refuse to die for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=_Vahşi savaşçı_ aldığı hasarla doğru oranda artan bir bonus hasar verir. Tam öfkedeyken kısa bir süreliğine ölmeyi reddedebilir, fakat bu onun bitkin düşmesine neden olacaktır.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Düşman üzerinde bir asa kullanırken bir _Sihirbaz_ düşmanın ruhunu işaretleyebilir. İşaretlenmiş düşmanlar sihirbaza sağlık verir ve ne zaman fiziksel hasar alırsa onun açlığını giderir.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=savaş büyücüsü
@ -411,7 +417,7 @@ actors.mobs.eye.deathgaze_kill=Ölüm bakışı seni öldürdü...
actors.mobs.eye.desc=Kötü Gözler havada süzülen şeytani enerji kütleleridir. Yakın dövüş yapabilirler, ancak asıl güçleri büyülerinden gelir.\n\nKısa bir süreliğine enerji biriktirdikten sonra bir Kötü Göz, nam-ı diğer _ölüm bakışı_ olan yıkıcı bir enerji ışını açığa çıkarır. Kötü Göz'ün görüşündeki her şey muazzam hasar alacaktır, bilge maceracılar siper için kaçacaktır.
actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=pis kokulu sıçan
actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=Something is clearly wrong with this rat. Its greasy black fur and rotting skin are very different from the healthy rats you've seen previously. Its pale green eyes make it seem especially menacing.\n\nThe rat carries a cloud of horrible stench with it, it's overpoweringly strong up close.\n\nDark ooze dribbles from the rat's mouth, it eats through the floor but seems to dissolve in water.
actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=Bu farede kesinlikle bir şey yanlış. Yağlı siyah derisi ve çürüyen cildi önceden gördüğün sağlıklı farelerden çok farklı. Soluk yeşil gözleri ona daha da tehditkar bir görünüm veriyor.\n\nFare etrafında berbat kokulu bir bulut taşıyor, bu buluta yakınlaşmak kesinlikle iyi bir fikir değil.\n\nFarenin ağzından kara çamur akıyor, bu çamur yeri aşındırıyor ama suda çözünüyormuş gibi görünüyor.
actors.mobs.gnoll.name=gözcü gnoll
actors.mobs.gnoll.desc=Gnoller sırtlan-benzeri insansı yaratıklardır. Lağımlar ve zindanlarda cirit atarlar, zaman zaman yeryüzüne soygun için çıkarlar. Gözcü gnoller türlerinin sıradan üyeleridir, canavarlar kadar güçlü ve şamanlar kadar zeki değillerdir.
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Goo kendini pompalıyor!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Goo Tarafından Emildi
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Goo ile ilgili çok az şey biliniyor. Onun bir yaratık olmadığını söyleyebilmek bile mümkün, bir yaratıktan çok lağımlardaki çerçöpün toparlanarak basit zeka kazanmış hali gibi duruyor. Bunun yanında, Goo'nun oluşumuna fırsat veren şey kesinlikle kara büyü.\n\nJelatinimsi doğası çok fazla kara büyü emmesine izin veriyor, yaklaşırken bile bir titreme hissediyorsun. Eğer Goo bu enerji ile saldırı yapabiliyorsa pek uzun süre hayatta kalamayabilirsin.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=büyük yengeç
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Yengeç, saldırını fark ediyor ve dev kıskacı ile engelliyor.
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=这里所有东西都被厚厚的蜘蛛网覆盖着。
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=A surge of physical power, adrenaline enhanced both attack and movement speed.\n\nAdrenaline allows its target to run at 2x speed, and attack at 1.5x speed.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=狂乱导致状态下的生物进入一种极度愤怒和混乱的状态。 \n\n狂乱的生物会不分敌我地攻击任何靠近它们的人。\n\n剩余的狂乱效果时长:%s回合
@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.angered=愤怒
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=狂战士所受的伤势程度会增强他的攻击力。狂战士受到物理伤害时会积攒怒气,赋予他更强的攻击力。被护甲抵挡的伤害也会积攒怒气。\n\n怒气会随时间而减淡。狂战士生命值越低,怒气存留的时间越长。\n\n积满怒气并且装备着纹章的狂战士在生命值降至0时,他会狂暴并在短时间内_拒绝死亡_。\n\n当前怒气:_%.0f%%_ \n_+%.0f%%_攻击
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.\n\nRage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.\n\nIf the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent Rage: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.desc=魅惑是一种能让敌人们暂时彼此爱慕的控
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Not quite frozen, but still much too cold.\n\nChilled targets perform all actions more slowly, depending on how many turns are left in the effect. At its worst, this is equivalent to being slowed.\n\nTurns of chill remaining: %1$s.\nSpeed is reduced by: %2$s%%
@ -125,6 +128,9 @@ actors.buffs.fury.desc=你非常暴怒,很明显敌人并不喜欢这样的你
actors.buffs.haste.desc=Energy courses through your muscles, allowing you to run at incredible speeds!\n\nWhile under the effects of haste you will run at 3x speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of haste remaining: %s.
@ -411,7 +417,7 @@ actors.mobs.eye.deathgaze_kill=死亡凝视夺取了你的生命…
@ -431,7 +437,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=粘咕正在不断地抽动!
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Little is known about The Goo. It's quite possible that it is not even a creature, but rather a conglomerate of vile substances from the sewers that somehow gained basic intelligence. Regardless, dark magic is certainly what has allowed Goo to exist.\n\nIts gelatinous nature has let it absorb lots of dark energy, you feel a chill just from being near. If Goo is able to attack with this energy you won't live for long.
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=Ha tingut un augment de _defensa._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=L'ítem està inscrit amb un _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Com que aquesta armadura està maleïda, no te la pots treure.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Pots sentir una màgia perversa amagada dins d'aquesta armadura.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=El segell trencat del Guerrer està unit a aquesta armadura.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=T'ha matat l'enemic: %s...
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=CUINAR
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No pots portar dos artefactes iguals.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefacte s'incrusta dolorosament al teu cos.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Pots sentir una màgia malèvola emmagatzemada dins d'aquest artefacte.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Has d'equipar-te l'artefacte per fer això.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=capa d'espines
@ -273,7 +275,7 @@ items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_4=Les plantes semblen haver arribat a la se
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_hint=Et sents en major sintonia amb la naturalesa mentre portes aquest artefacte.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_cursed=Les sandàlies maleïdes et bloquejen qualsevol sintonia amb la natura.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_ability=El calçat ha adquirit l'habilitat de convertir-se en una mena d'armadura natural però immòbil, tot i que necessita ser carregat primer.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_seeds=Has alimentat el calçat amb llavors de %d.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_seeds=Has alimentat el calçat amb %d llavors.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.name=talismà de previsió
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=baia-agonia
items.food.blandfruit.raw=No ets capaç de menjar-te-la crua.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=La baia-gel té un lleuger gust a carpaccio congelat.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Sents un gran foc cremant-te per dins!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Ets imbuït amb vil poder tòxic!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Sents el poder de la terra corrent a través teu!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Tan seca i insubstancial, potser guisant-la amb un altre ingredient la milloraria.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=La baia s'ha omplert amb tant de temps en remull a l'olla, i ha absorbit fins i tot les propietats de la llavor amb què ha sigut cuinada.\n\nSembla molt comestible!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carn a la brasa
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Sembla un bon filet.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=No, he canviat d'idea
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Segur que te la vols beure? En la majoria dels casos hauries de llençar aquestes pocions als teus enemics.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Segur que la vols llençar? En la majoria dels casos, té sentit beure-se-la.
items.potions.potion.shatter=El flascó es trenca i el líquid esquitxa inofensivament.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Poció aleatòria
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Poció aleatòria
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=poció d'experiència
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Les cròniques de multitud de batalles reduïdes a forma líquida. Aquest beuratge augmentarà el teu nivell d'experiència instantàniament.
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Les cròniques de multitud de batalles red
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=poció de glaçada
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=La substància química dins aquesta poció s'evaporarà en un núvol congelant quan s'exposi a aire obert.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=poció de curació
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Les teves ferides es comencen a tancar.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Aquest elixir recuperarà ràpidament la teva salut i curarà de forma instantània moltes malalties.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Això és: %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Ja t'has familiaritzat prou amb el teu anell per identificar-lo. És un %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Com que aquest anell està maleït, no te'l pots treure.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Pots sentir una màgia malèvola emmagatzemada dins d'aquest anell.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anell de precisió
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Aquest anell millora la teva concentració, reduint l'habilitat del teu enemic d'esquivar els teus atacs. Un anell maleït, en canvi, farà que pels enemics sigui més fàcil esquivar els teus atacs.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=pergamí de miratge
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=L'encanteri d'aquest pergamí crearà uns bessons il·lusoris d'aquell que el llegeixi, aquests bessons perseguiran i atacaran als seus enemics.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=pergamí d'explosió psiònica
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=L'explosió psiònica et destrossa la ment...
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Aquest pergamí conté una energia destructiva que pot ser canalitzada per destrossar les ments de totes les criatures visibles. El poder que deixa anar aquest pergamí també cegarà, atordirà i farà molt de mal a qui el llegeix.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=pergamí de fúria
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=Aquest pergamí emet un rugit enfuriant que fa eco per la masmorra!
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=El pergamí emet una ràfega brillant de llum i
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=El pergamí emet una ràfega brillant de llum i els monstres fugen!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Una ràfega de llum aclapararà a totes les criatures del teu voltant amb terror, fent que donin la volta i fugin. Atacar a un enemic que fuig dissiparà l'efecte.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=pergamí de millora
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Millora un ítem
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=El pergamí de millora debilita la maledicció del teu ítem.
@ -664,7 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Aquest pergamí millorarà un sol ítem, mill
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=Pedra d'augment
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Augmentar un ítem
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Aquesta pedra rúnica posseeix una màgia potent que pot augmentar l'equipament per millorar una propietat a canvi d'una altra.\n\nUtilitzar-la en una arma et permetrà millorar la velocitat o el dany.\n\nUtilitzar-la en una armadura et permetrà millorar la defensa o l'evasió.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Què vols millorar?
@ -675,15 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Defensa
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Treure augment
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=És igual
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=Pedra d'encanteri
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Encantar un ítem
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=La teva arma brilla a la foscor!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=La teva armadura brilla a la foscor!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Aquesta pedra rúnica posseeix màgia d'encanteri. En comptes de millorar directament el poder d'un ítem com fa el pergamí de millora imbuirà una arma o una armadura amb un encanteri, garantint-li un nou poder.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Pedra d'intuició
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Selecciona un ítem
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Aquesta pedra rúnica és una versió més dèbil de la màgia que es troba als pergamins d'identificació. En lloc d'identificar directament un ítem, millorarà la teva intuïció, permetent que identifiquis una poció o un pergamí endevinant.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=T'has suïcidat amb el teu propi ítem: %s.
@ -865,7 +917,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Una bola de pues unida a un mànec per una llarga
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=guant de pedra
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Aquesta és una arma molt ràpida.\nAquesta arma bloqueja certa quantitat de dany.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=Aquest guant massiu està fet d'una tela carmesina amb una capa de pedra màgica pesada. La tela es tensa al teu voltant, fent de les gruixudes planxes de pedra gairebé com una segona pell. Colpejar una arma tan pesada requereix força, però afegeix un dany enorme als teus cops de puny.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Aquesta és una arma més aviat lenta.\nAquesta arma té un abast extra.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Una espasa relativament curta, deteriorad
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=dard cegador
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Aquests dards tenen una punta feta d'una extracció d'herbacega que cegarà al seu objectiu per un període curt de temps. No desorienten, però, és a dir que un enemic recordarà on t'han vist per últim cop.
@ -1004,7 +1059,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Aquestes armes a distància inusuals no són mo
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Si es llança a un enemic, aquest míssil pla i corbat tornarà a les mans del seu propietari.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=A causa de la seva construcció sòlida, aquest bumerang no es trencarà per l'ús.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=dard curare
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Aquests dards tenen una punta feta d'una extracció d'arrel-terra que paralitza al seu objectiu per un període curt de temps.
@ -1048,6 +1103,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Degut al teu excès de força, infligiràs fins a
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=La interacció dels diferents tipus de màgia han evitat l'encanteri d'aquesta arma!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Com que l'arma està maleïda, no te la pots treure de sobre.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Pots sentir una màgia perversa amagada dins d'aquesta arma.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Ha tingut un augment de _velocitat._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Ha tingut un augment de _dany._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Té l'arma: _%s._
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=Je rozšířena pro zlepšení _obrany._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Na zbroji je _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Zbroj je prokleta a proto nemáš sílu ji sundat.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Cítíš z této zbroje unikat zlou magii.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Válečníkova rozbitá pečeť je připnuta k jeho zbroji.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s tě zabila...
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=UVAŘIT
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nemůžeš nosit dva stejné artefakty.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefakt se s tebou bolestivě svazuje.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Cítíš z tohoto artefaktu unikat zlou magii.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Musíš se artefaktem vybavit, pokud ho chceš použít.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=Plášť trnů
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=Jedovice
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Nesneseš sníst to syrové.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=Ledice chutná trochu jako zmražené maso.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Cítíš v sobě hořet obrovský oheň!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Naplnila tě odporná toxická síla!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Cítíš skrze sebe protékat sílu země!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Tak suché a bez chuti. Podušení s další ingrediencí by to možná zlepšilo.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Plod nabyl při povaření v kotlíku na objemu a dokonce nasákl vlastnosti semínka, se kterým byl uvařen.\n\nVypadá že je připraven k jídlu!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=Propečené maso
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Vypadá to jako slušný steak.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Ne, rozmýšlím si to
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Opravdu to chceš vypít? Ve většině případů by se takové lektvary měli hodit po nepřátelích.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Opravdu to chceš hodit? Ve většině případů dává smysl to vypít.
items.potions.potion.shatter=Lahvička se roztříštila a tekutina se neškodně rozstříkla.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Náhodný lektvar
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Náhodný lektvar
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=Lektvar zkušeností
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Zkušenosti z mnoha bitev koncentrované do tekuté podoby. Tento nápoj okamžitě zvýší tvoji úroveň.
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Zkušenosti z mnoha bitev koncentrované d
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=Lektvar mrazu
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Chemikálie obsažená v tomto lektvaru, se při kontaktu se vzduchem vypaří do mrazivého oblaku.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=Lektvar léčení
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Tvé rány se začínají zavírat.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Tento elixír rychle obnoví tvé zdraví a okamžitě vyléčí většinu nemocí.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Tohle je %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Nyní dostatečně znáš svůj prsten. Je to %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Prsten je prokletý a proto nemáš sílu jej sundat.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Cítíš z tohoto prstenu unikat zlou magii.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=Prsten přesnosti
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Tento prsten zvyšuje tvoji pozornost a zmenšuje schopnost tvých nepřátel vyhnout se útokům. Prokletý prsten naopak nepřátelům ulehčí se útoku vyhnout.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=Svitek zrcadlového obrazu
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=Zaříkávadlo na tomto svitku vytvoří iluzorní dvojníky toho kdo jej přečte, kteří budou pronásledovat tvé nepřátele.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=Svitek psionického výbuchu
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=Psionický výbuch roztrhal tvou mysl...
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Tento svitek obsahuje destruktivní energii, která může být soustředěna k roztrhání mysli všech viditelných tvorů. Síla uvolněná svitem také dočasně oslepí, omráčí a vážně poškodí toho kdo jej přečte.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=Svitek vzteku
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=Svitek vydal rozzuřený řev který se ozývá celou kobkou!
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=Svitek vydal oslnivý záblesk červeného svě
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=Svitek vydal oslnivý záblesk červeného světla a nepřátelé utíkají!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Záblesk červeného světla zaplaví všechny tvory ve tvém zorném poli hrůzou a oni se otočí a utečou. Zaútočení na nepřítele na útěku rozptýlí efekt.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=Svitek vylepšení
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Vylepši předmět
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=Svitek vylepšení oslabuje prokletí tvého předmětu.
@ -664,7 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Tento svitek vylepší jeden předmět a zlep
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=Kámen rozšíření
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Rozšířit předmět
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Tento runový kámen je obdařen magií, která může rozšířit vybavení a tím zlepšit jednu jeho vlastnost za cenu té druhé.\n\nPoužití na zbraň ti umožní vylepšit buďto rychlost nebo poškození.\n\nPoužití na zbroj ti umožní vylepšit buďto obranu nebo vyhýbání.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice= Co chceš zlepšit?
@ -675,15 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Obranu
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Odstranit rozšíření
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Nedělat nic
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=Kámen okouzlení
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Okouzlit předmět
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=Tvá zbraň září ve tmě!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Tvá zbroj září ve tmě!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Tento runový kámen je obdařen magii okouzlení. Na rozdíl od svitku vylepšení nezvýší přímo sílu předmětu, ale místo toho naplní zbraň nebo zbroj magickým okouzlením, které předmětu poskytne novou sílu.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Kámen intuice
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Vyber předmět
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Tento runový kámen obsahuje slabší verzi magie obsažené ve svitku identifikace. Než aby přímo identifikoval předmět, bude pracovat s tvojí intuicí a umožní ti pokusit se identifikovat lektvar či svitek hádáním.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Zabíjí tě vlastní %s.
@ -865,7 +917,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Špičatá koule připevněná k rukojeti dlouhým
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=Kamená rukavice
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Jde o velmi rychlou zbraň.\nZbraň blokuje část poškození.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=Tato masivní rukavice je vyrobena z karmínové látky s těžkým magickými kameny na povrchu. Tkanina se kolem tebe utahuje, takže tlusté kamenné pláty jsou téměř jako druhá kůže. Rozpřáhnutí s tak těžkou zbraní vyžaduje sílu, ale dodává obrovskou moc tvým úderům.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Jde o poněkud pomalou zbraň.\nTato zbraň má extra dosah.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Poměrně krátký meč, opotřebený ča
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=Oslepující šíp
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Tyto šípy jsou napuštěny směsí s výtažkem z Oslepníku která svůj cíl na krátký čas oslepí. Ovšem nedezorientuje, takže nepřátelé budou stále vědět, kde tě naposledy viděli.
@ -1004,7 +1059,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Tyto neobvyklé zbraně nejsou příliš škodl
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Po hození po nepříteli se tato zakřivená střelná zbraň vrátí do rukou tomu kdo ji hodil.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Díky své pevné konstrukci se tento bumerang používáním nikdy nezničí.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=Ochromující šíp
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Tyto šípy jsou napuštěny směsí s výtažkem z Kořeníku která svůj cíl na krátký čas paralyzuje.
@ -1048,6 +1103,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Díky tvé nadměrné síle bude poškození s to
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=Působením různých typů magie došlo ke zrušení okouzlení na této zbrani!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Zbraň je prokleta a proto nemáš sílu ji sundat.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Cítíš z této zbraně unikat zlou magii.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Je rozšířena pro zlepšení _rychlosti._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Je rozšířena pro zlepšení _poškození._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Obsahuje _%s._
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=Sie wurde verzaubert, um die _Verteidigung_ zu erhöhe
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Es trägt die Inschrift _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Da diese Rüstung verflucht ist, bist du nicht in der Lage sie abzulegen.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Du spürst, dass eine bösartige Magie in dieser Rüstung ruht.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Das gebrochene Siegel des Kriegers ist an dieser Rüstung befestigt.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s hat dich getötet...
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=BRAUEN
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Du kannst nicht zwei gleiche Artefakte tragen.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Das Artefakt bindet sich schmerzhaft an dich.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Du spürst, dass eine bösartige Magie in diesem Artefakt ruht.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Du musst dich mit dem Artefakt ausrüsten, um das zu tun.
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=Trauerfrucht
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Du kannst es nicht über dich bringen, es roh zu essen.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=Die Eisfrucht schmeckt ein bisschen wie gefrorene Carpaccio.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Du spürst wie ein großes Feuer in dir brennt!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Du bist erfüllt mit der Kraft des Giftes!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Du spürst wie die Kraft der Erde durch dich fließt!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=So trocken und substanzlos, vielleicht bringt es etwas dies mit einer anderen Zutat zu kochen.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Die Frucht ist während der Zeit im Topf sichtbar praller geworden und hat sogar die Eigenschaften des mitgekochten Samens übernommen.\n\nSieht fertig aus und kann gegessen werden!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=Gebratenes Fleisch
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Es sieht aus wie ein gutes Steak.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Nein, lieber doch nicht...
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Willst du ihn wirklich trinken? Normalerweise sollte dieser Trank auf deine Gegner geworfen werden.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Willst du ihn wirklich werfen? In den meisten Fällen macht es mehr Sinn, diesen zu konsumieren.
items.potions.potion.shatter=Das Fläschchen zerbricht und die Flüssigkeit spritzt harmlos herum.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Zufälliger Trank
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Zufälliger Trank
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=Trank der Erfahrung
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Die angesammelte Erfahrung vieler Kämpfe reduziert zu einer Flüssigkeit. Wenn dies getrunken wird, steigert er deine aktuelle Stufe.
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Die angesammelte Erfahrung vieler Kämpfe
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=Trank des Frosts
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Die Chemikalie in diesem Trank verdampft nach Kontakt mit der Luft zu einer eiskalten Wolke.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Deine Wunden beginnen sich zu schließen.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Ein Elixier, welches schnell und effektiv deine Gesundheit wiederherstellt und viele Beschwerden heilt.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Dies ist ein %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Nun bist du mit deinem Ring vertraut genug, um ihn zu identifizieren. Es ist ein %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Da dieser Ring verflucht ist, bist du nicht in der Lage ihn abzustreifen.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Du spürst, dass eine bösartige Magie in diesem Ring ruht.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=Ring der Zielgenauigkeit
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Dieser Ring verbessert deine Konzentration und reduziert damit die Fähigkeit der Gegner, deinen Angriffen auszuweichen. Ein geschwächter Ring macht es einfacher für deine Gegner, dir auszuweichen.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=Schriftrolle des Spiegelbildes
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=Die Aktivierung dieser Schriftrolle erzeugt eine Illusion mehrere Doppelgänger des Lesers, welche gezielt nach Feinden suchen.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=Schriftrolle der psionischen Explosion
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=Die psionische Explosion riss deinen Geist in Stücke...
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Diese Schriftrolle beinhaltet destruktive Energie, welche verwendet werden kann, um den Geist sämtlicher sichtbaren Kreaturen in Stücke zu reißen. Die entfesselte Macht der Schriftrolle wird zusätzlich den Leser erblinden, lähmen und ihm ernsthafte Verletzungen zufügen.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=Schriftrolle des Zornes
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=Die Schriftrolle gibt einen ohrenbetäubenen Lärm von sich, welcher durch den gesamten Dungeon schallt.
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=Die Schriftrolle strahlt einen helles, rotes Li
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=Die Schriftrolle strahlt einen helles, rotes Licht aus und die Monster fliehen!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Ein helles, rotes Licht wird alle Kreaturen in deinem Blickfeld überwältigen und sie in panischer Angst fliehen lassen. Wenn ein fliehender Gegner angegriffen wird, klingt der Effekt ab.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=Schriftrolle der Verbesserung
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Verbessere Gegenstand
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=Die Schriftrolle der Verbesserung schwächt den Fluch deines Gegenstandes.
@ -664,7 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Diese Schriftrolle wird einen einzelnen Gegen
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=Stein der magischen Feineinstellung
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Verzaubere einen Gegenstand
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Dieser Runenstein besitzt eine kraftvolle Magie mithilfe derer sich die Eigenschaft eines Gegenschaftes auf Kosten einer anderen verbessern lässt.\n\nAuf eine Waffe angewandt, erlaubt er Dir entweder Geschwindigkeit oder Schaden zu erhöhen.\n\nBei einer Rüstung ist es entweder die Ausweichrate oder die Verteidigung.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Was würdest Du gern erhöhen?
@ -675,15 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Verteidigung
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Entferne Verzauberung
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Später entscheiden
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=Stein der Verzauberung
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Verzaubere einen Gegenstand
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=Deine Waffe glüht in der Dunkelheit!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Deine Rüstung glüht in der Dunkelheit!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Dieser Runenstein besitzt die Magie der Bezauberung. Anders als eine Schriftrolle der Verbesserung, kann er nicht direkt die Macht eines Gegenstands erhöhen. Stattdessen wird er eine Waffe oder Rüstung mit einem Zauber versehen, so dass sie eine neue Kraft erhalten.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Stein der Intuition
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Wahle einen Gegenstand
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Dieser Runenstein besitzt eine schwächere Version der Magie welche auch in Schriftrollen der Identifizierung zu finden ist. Anstatt einen Gegenstand direkt zu identifieren, bemüht er Deine Intuition, und erlaubt Dir so den Versuch die Eigenschaften eines Trank oder einer Schriftrolle zu erraten.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Du hast dich selbst getötet durch deine/n %s.
@ -865,7 +917,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Eine Kugel übersät mit Stacheln, welche mittels
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Dies ist eine sehr schnelle Waffe.\nDiese Waffe wehrt etwas Schaden ab.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=Dieser massige Kampfhandschuh ist aus einem karminrotem Material gefertigt, mit darauf augesetzten, schweren, magischen Steinen. Das Material zieht sich um Deine Hand zusammen und läßt die dicke Steinplatte fast wie eine zweite Haus erscheinen. Eine solch schwere Waffe zu schwingen erfördert viel Stärke, aber lässt Dich eine enorme Kraft in Deine Schläge legen.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Dies ist eine eher langsame Waffe.\nDiese Waffe besitzt erhöhte Reichweite.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Ein recht kurzes Schwert, welches aufgrun
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=Dart der Erblindung
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Diese Pfeile wurden in eine Blindschaut-haltige Mischung getaucht, die Ihr Ziel für kurze Zeit erblinden lässt. Allerdings behält ein Feind seine Orientierung und wird immer noch wissen wo er Dich zuletzt gesehen hat.
@ -1004,7 +1059,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Die ungewöhnliche Fernkampfwaffe richtet nicht
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.name= Bumerang
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Wenn diese flach-gekrümmte Waffe auf den Feind geworfen wird, kehrt sie wieder in die Hand des Werfers zurück.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Auf Grund seines soliden Aufbaus, nutzt sich dieser Bumerang nicht ab.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Diese Pfeile wurden in eine erdwurzel-haltige Mischung getaucht, die ihr Ziel für kurze Zeit lähmt.
@ -1048,6 +1103,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Aufgrund deiner überschüssigen Stärke wirst du
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=Die Interaktion mit verschiedenen Arten von Magie hat die Verzauberung von dieser Waffe entfernt!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Da diese Waffe verflucht ist, bist du machtlos, diese aus der Hand zu legen.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Du spürst, dass eine bösartige Magie in dieser Waffe ruht.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Verzaubert, um die _Geschwindigkeit_ zu erhöhen.
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Verzaubert, um mehr _Schaden_ zuzufügen.
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Es hat _%s._
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
###armor curses
items.armor.curses.antientropy.name=%s de malentropio
items.armor.curses.antientropy.desc=Malbeno de malentropio agas kontraŭ fortoj de la universo, puŝante energion el atakanto al portanto. Tio ĉi por momente frostigas la atakanto kaj flamigas la portanton!
items.armor.curses.antientropy.desc=Malbeno de malentropio agas kontraŭ fortoj de la universo, puŝante energion el atakanto al portanto. Tio ĉi por momente frostigas la atakanton kaj flamigas la portanton!
items.armor.curses.bulk.name=%s de dikeco
items.armor.curses.bulk.desc=Defendaĵoj de dikeco ŝajnas pli grande kaj masive, tamen ili ne karakterizas per pli bona defendo. Domaĝe la pliigita grando malfaciligas movadon trans pordoj.
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=Ĝi estas plivastigita por pliigi _defendon._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Ĝi estas surskribita per _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Pro malbeno de tiu ĉi defendaĵo, vi ne povas ĝin demeti.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Vi sentas fian magion insidantan de tiu ĉi defendaĵo.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Rompita sigelo de Batalisto estas surmetita al tiu ĉi defendaĵo.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s mortigis vin…
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=KUIRI
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Vi ne povas surmeti du samajn antikvaĵojn.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=La antikvaĵo dolore ligas sin al vi.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Vi povas senti malican magion en la antikvaĵo.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Vi devas surmeti vian antikvaĵon por fari tion.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=pelerino de dornoj
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=ĉagrenfrukto
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Vi ne povas manĝi ĝin nekurite.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=La glacifrukto gustas kvazaŭ glaciigita karpaĉo.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Vi sentas fajregon flamantan en vi!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Vi estas plenigita per fiforto de veneno!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Vi sentas, ke forto de la tero plenigas vin!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Tiel naŭza kaj sengusta, eble kuiro kun alia konsistaĵo plibongustigus ĝin.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=La frukto ŝvelis pro longtempa kuirado en la poto kaj eĉ ensorbis ecojn de la semo kun ĝi estis kuirita.\n\nĜi ŝajnas manĝinda!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=rostita viandaĵo
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Ĝi aspektas kiel bongusta viandotranĉaĵo.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Ne, mi ŝanĝis mian volon
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Ĉu vi certe volas trinki ĝin? Plejofte vi devas ĵeti tiajn eliksirojn al viaj kontraŭuloj.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Ĉu vi certe volas ĵeti ĝin? Plej ofte estas utile trinki ĝin.
items.potions.potion.shatter=La flakono dispeciĝis kaj likvo disverŝiĝis sendanĝere.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Hazarda eliksiro
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Hazarda eliksiro
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=eliksiro de sperto
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Spertoj de miloj da interesaj bataloj reduktitaj al likva formo, engluto de ĝi tuje pliigos vian spert-nivelon.
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Spertoj de miloj da interesaj bataloj redu
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=eliksiro de frosto
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Ĥemiaĵo entenata en tiu ĉi eliksiro vaporiĝos formante frostigan nubeton en kontakto kun freŝa aero.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=eliksiro de sano
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Viaj vundoj komenciĝas saniĝi.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Tiu ĉi eliksiro rapide resanigos kaj nutros vin.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Tio ĉi estas %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Vi sufiĉe ekkonis kun via ringo por identigi ĝin. Ĝi estas %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Pro malbeno de tiu ĉi ringo, vi ne povas ĝin demeti.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Vi sentas fian magion insidantan de tiu ĉi ringo.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=ringo de precizo
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Tiu ĉi ringo pliigas vian sinkoncentron, malpliigante povon de via kontraŭulo por eviti viajn frapojn. Sed tamen malbenita ringo helpos al viaj malamikoj eviti viajn atakojn.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=skribrulaĵo de spegula figuro
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=La sorĉaĵo en tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo kreos iluziajn similulojn de la leganto, kiuj ĉasos siajn malamikojn.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=skribrulaĵo de spirita eksplodo
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=La spirita eksplodo dispecigas vian menson…
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo enhavas detruantan energion, kiu povas esti transigita por dispecigi mensojn de ĉiuj videblaj monstroj. La energio ellasita el la skribrulaĵo ankaŭ portempe blindumos, surdumos kaj serioze vundos la leganton.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=skribrulaĵo de kolero
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=Tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo aŭdigas kolerigan kriegon, kiu eĥiĝas tra la labirinto!
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=La skribrulaĵo eligas helegan brilon de ruĝa
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=La skribrulaĵo eligas helegan brilon de ruĝa lumo kaj monstroj forkuras!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Brilo de ruĝa lumo ektimigos ĉiujn monstrojn en via vidatingo kaj ili forkuros. Atako al forkuranta kontraŭulo nuligos la efikon.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=skribrulaĵo de plibonigo
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Plibonigi aĵon
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=Skribrulaĵo de plibonigo malplifortigas malbenon de via aĵo.
@ -664,7 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo plibonigos unu aĵon, pl
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=ŝtono de plivastigo
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Plivastigi aĵon
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Tiu ĉi runŝtono posedas potencan magion, kiu povas plivastigi armaĵon por pliigi ĝian econ kompense al la alia.\n\nUzo sur armilo ebligos al vi por pliigi aŭ ĝian rapidon aŭ damaĝon.\n\nUzo sur defendaĵo ebligos al vi pliigi aŭ ĝian defendon aŭ evitpovon.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Kion vi volus plivastigi?
@ -675,15 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Defendo
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=ŝtono de enmagiigo
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Enmagiigi aĵon
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=Via armilo brilas en la mallumo!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Vi defendaĵo brilas en la mallumo!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Tiu ĉi runŝtono enhavas ian magion. Kontraŭe al skribrulaĵo de plibonigo, ĝi ne rekte pliigos povon de aĵo, sed anstataŭ plenigos armilon aŭ defendaĵon per ensorĉo, donante al ĝi novan efikon.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=ŝtono de intuicio
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Elektu aĵon
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Tiu ĉi runŝtono enhavas malpli fortan specon de magio trovatan en skribrulaĵoj de identigo. Tamen anstataŭ ordinare identigi aĵon, ĝi influos vian intuicion, ebligante al vi identigi eliksiron aŭ skribrulaĵon per diveni.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Vi estis mortigita de via propra %s.
@ -865,7 +917,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Dorna globo fiksita por plilongigi al la ĉeno. Tr
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Ĝi estas tre rapida armilo.\nTiu ĉi armilo blokas iom da damaĝo.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=Tiu ĉi masiva ganto estas farita el karminruĝa teksaĵo kovrita supre per peza magia ŝtono. La teksaĵo kunpremas ĉirkaŭ vi, igante tiujn ĉi dikajn ŝtonajn platetojn kvazaŭ via dua haŭto. Manipuli tiel pezan armilon postulas forton, sed igas viajn frapojn tre potencaj.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Tiu ĉi estas ja malrapida armilo.\nTiu ĉi armilo havas egan atingon.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Sufiĉe mallonga glavo, eluzita dum peza
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=blindiga sageto
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Tiuj ĉi sagetoj estas dronigitaj en blindherb-devenan substancon, kiu blindigos la viktimon por mallonga tempo. Tamen ili ne senorientigos la viktimon, do li plue scios kiam li lastatempe vidis vin.
@ -1004,7 +1059,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Tiuj ĉi nekutimaj ĵetarmiloj ne kaŭzas multa
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Ĵetita al kontraŭulo, tiu ĉi ebena kurba ligna ĵetarmilo revenos al manoj de sia ĵetinto.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Pro ĝia solida strukturo, tiu ĉi bumerango ne rompiĝos dum uzado.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=venena sageto
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Tiu ĉi sagetoj estas dronigitaj en terradik-devenan substancon, kiu paralizos la celon por mallonga tempo.
@ -1048,6 +1103,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Pro via troa povo, vi kaŭzos maksimume _%d da ek
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=Reciproka kontraŭago de diversaj magioj vakigis la ensorĉon de tiu ĉi armilo!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Pro malbeno de tiu ĉi armilo, vi ne povas ĝin demeti.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Vi sentas fian magion insidantan de tiu ĉi armilo.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Ĝi estas plivastigita por pliigi _rapidon._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Ĝi estas plivastigita por pliigi _damaĝon._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Ĝi estas plenigita per _%s._
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ items.armor.curses.antientropy.name=%s de anti-entropía
items.armor.curses.antientropy.desc=La maldición de anti-entropía va en contra de las fuerzas del universo, extrayendo energía del atacante y redirigiéndola hacia el portador. Esto congela brevemente al atacante, ¡pero prende fuego al portador!
items.armor.curses.bulk.name=%s de grandeza
items.armor.curses.bulk.desc=Armaduras de grandeza se ven mas grandes y imponentes, pero no mejora la defensa realmente. Aun peor, el tamaño añadido hace que moverse por puertas dificil.
items.armor.curses.bulk.desc=Armaduras de grandeza se ven mas grandes y imponentes, pero no mejora la defensa realmente. Aun peor, el tamaño añadido hace que moverse por puertas sea dificil.
items.armor.curses.corrosion.name=%s de corrosión
items.armor.curses.corrosion.desc=La armadura de corrosión es capaz de estallar con líquido corrosivo, cubriendo todo en la zona con cieno ácido y pegajoso.
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=Esta agumentado para mejorar la _defensa._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Esta inscrito con un _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Ya que esta armadura está maldita, no tienes las fuerzas para quitártela.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Puedes sentir una magia perversa escondida en esta armadura.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=El sello roto del Guerrero ha sido fijado a esta armadura.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s te ha matado.
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=FERMENTAR
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No puedes llevar dos artefactos del mismo tipo.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=El artefacto se une dolorosamente a ti.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Puedes sentir magia malévola acechando dentro del artefacto.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Necesitas equipar tu artefacto para hacer eso.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=capa de espinas
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=bayatriste
items.food.blandfruit.raw=No eres capaz de comértela cruda.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=La bayahielo sabe un poco a Carpaccio Congelado.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Sientes un gran fuego ardiendo dentro de ti!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=¡Estás imbuido con vil poder tóxico!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=¡Sientes el poder de la tierra recorriendo tu cuerpo!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Muy seca e insustancial, quizá mejoraría cociéndola con algún otro ingrediente.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=La fruta se ha rellenado por su tiempo dentro de la olla e incluso ha absorbido las propiedades de la semilla con que fue cocinada.\n\n¡Parece lista para comer!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carne tierna
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Parece un filete comestible.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=No, he cambiado de idea
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=¿Estás seguro de que quieres beberla? En la mayoría de los casos lanzar estas pociones a los enemigos tiene más sentido.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=¿Estás seguro de que quieres lanzarla? En la mayoría de los casos tiene sentido beberla.
items.potions.potion.shatter=El frasco se rompe y el líquido salpica sin causar daños.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Poción al azar
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Poción al azar
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=poción de experiencia
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Las crónicas de multitudes de batallas reducidas a forma líquida, este brebaje aumentará tu nivel de experiencia instantáneamente.
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Las crónicas de multitudes de batallas re
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=poción de escarcha
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=El producto químico contenido en esta poción se evaporará en una nube de congelación al exponerse al aire libre.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=poción de curación
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Tus heridas empiezan a cerrarse.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Este elixir te devolverá la salud con rapidez y curará instantáneamente muchas dolencias.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Esto es un %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Te has familizarizado lo suficiente con tu anillo para identificarlo. Es un %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Como el anillo está maldito no tienes las fuerzas para quitártelo.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Notas que una magia perversa acecha en el anillo.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anillo de precisión
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Este anillo incrementa tu concentración, reduciendo la habilidad de los enemigos para esquivar tus ataques. Un anillo maldito, por el contrario, facilitará a tus enemigos esquivar tus ataques.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=pergamino de reflejo
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=El encantamiento en este pergamino creará gemelos ilusorios del lector, que perseguirán a los enemigos.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=pergamino de la explosión psiónica
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=La explosión psiónica destroza tu mente...
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Este pergamino contiene una energía destructiva que puede ser canalizada para desgarrar la mente de todas las criaturas visibles. El poder desatado por el pergamino también cegará, aturdirá y dañará seriamente al lector.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=pergamino de furia
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=¡Este pergamino emite un encolerizante rugido que hace eco en todo el calabozo!
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=¡El pergamino emite una brillante luz roja y %
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=¡El pergamino emite un brillante resplandor de luz roja y los monstruos huyen!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Un resplandor de luz roja infundirá a todas las criaturas en tu campo de visión con terror haciendo que se alejen y huyan. Atacar a un enemigo huyendo disipará este efecto.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=pergamino de mejora
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Mejorar un ítem
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=El pergamino de mejora debilita la maldición de tu ítem.
@ -664,7 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Este pergamino mejorará un solo ítem, aumen
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=Piedra de Agumentacion
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Agumenta un objeto
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Esta piedra posee potente magia que puede agumentar equipamiento para mejorar una propiedad a costa de la otra.\n\nUsarla en un arma te permitira mejorar la velocidad o el daño.\n\nUsarla en armaduras te permitira mejorar la defensa o la evasion.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Que te gustaria mejorar?
@ -675,15 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Defensa
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Eliminar Agumentacion
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=Piedra de Encantamiento
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Encantar un Ítem
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=¡Tu arma resplandece en la oscuridad!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=¡Tu armadura resplandece en la oscuridad!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Esta piedra rúnica posee magia encantadora. A diferencia de un pergamino de mejora, no aumentará la potencia directa de un objeto, sino que impregnará un arma o armadura con un hechizo, otorgándole un nuevo poder.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Piedra de Intuición
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Selecciona un ítem
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Esta piedra rúnica contiene una versión más débil de la magia encontrada en pergaminos de identificación. En lugar de identificar directamente un elemento, funcionará con su intuición, lo que le permite intentar identificar una poción o pergamino al adivinar.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Esta piedra rúnica contiene una versión más débil de la magia encontrada en pergaminos de identificación. En lugar de identificar directamente un objeto, funcionará con tu intuición, lo que le permite intentar identificar una poción o pergamino al adivinar.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Fuiste asesinado por tu propio %s.
@ -865,7 +917,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Una bola de pinchos sujeta a un mango por una larg
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=Guantelete de piedra
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Esta es un arma muy rápida.\nEsta arma bloquea algo de daño.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=Este guantelete masivo esta hecho de tela carmesí con pesada piedra magica puesta encima. La tela se tenza haciendo las placas de roca como una segunda piel. Usar un arma asi de pesada requiere fuerza, pero añade tremenda fuerza a tus golpes.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Esta es un arma bastante lenta.\nEsta arma tiene alcance extra.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Una espada bastante corta, desgastada por
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=Dardos cegadores
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Estos dardos estan hechos con un compuesto basado en ciegahierba que cegara el objetivo por un corto periodo de tiempo, no desorientan, significa que un enemigo sabra donde te vio la ultima vez.
@ -1004,7 +1059,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Estas inusuales armas a distancia no son muy da
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Arrojado al enemigo este proyectil de madera curvada volverá a las manos del lanzador.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Debido a su solida contruccion, este boomerang no se rompera del uso.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=dardo curare
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Estos dardos tienen en la punta un componente basado en raizterránea que paráliza al objetivo durante un corto tiempo al impactar.
@ -1048,6 +1103,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Debido a tu exceso de fuerza, causarás hasta _%d
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=¡La interacción con diferentes tipos de magia ha anulado el encantamiento de esta arma!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Debido a la maldición de esta arma, eres incapaz de quitártela.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Puedes sentir la magia malévola acechando dentro de esta arma.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Esta agumentado para mejorar la _velocidad._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Esta agumentado para mejorar el _daño._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Tiene un _%s._
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=It is augmented to enhance _defense._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Siihen on merkitty _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Koska tämä panssari on kirottu, olet kykenemätön poistamaan sitä.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Voit tuntea vihamielisen magian vaanivan tässä panssarissa.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Soturin murtunut sinetti on kiinnitetty tähän panssariin.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s tappoi sinut...
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=HAUDUTA
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Et voi pitää kahta samaa artefaktia.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefakti sitoutuu kivuliaasti sinuun.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Voit tuntea vihamielisen magian vaanivan tässä artefaktissa.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Sinun täytyy ottaa artefaktisi käyttöön tehdäksesi niin.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=okaiden viitta
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=suruhedelmä
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Et halua syödä sitä raakana.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=Jäähedelmä maistuu vähän jäätyneeltä pihviltä
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Tunnet suuren tulen palavan sisimmässäsi!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Olet yhtä inhottavan myrkyn kanssa!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Tunnet maan voiman virtaavan lävitsesi!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Se on niin kuiva ja onneton, ehkä sen sekoittaminen jonkin toisen aineksen kanssa voisi tehdä siitä paremman.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Hedelmä on pullistunut padassa liotessaan ja on jopa imenyt itseensä voimaa siemenestä, jonka kanssa se on keitettiin.\n\nSe näyttää valmiilta syötäväksi.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=grillattu liha
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Se näyttää kohtuullisen hyvältä pihviltä.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Ei, muutin mieleni
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Oletko varma, että haluat juoda sen? Useimmissa tapauksissa tämän taikajuoman heittäminen vihollisisasi kohti olisi paras vaihtoehto.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Oletko varma, että haluat heittää sen? Useimmissa tapauksissa olisi järkevämpää juoda se.
items.potions.potion.shatter=Pullo pirstoutuu ja sen sisältämä neste loiskahtaa harmittomasti ympäriinsä.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=kokemuksen taikajuoma
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Monien taisteluiden kokemus uutettuna nestemäiseen muotoon, siemaisu tästä nostaa kokemustasoasi välittömästi.
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Monien taisteluiden kokemus uutettuna nest
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=pakkasen taikajuoma
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Tässä taikajuomassa oleva kemikaali höyrystyy jäätäväksi pilveksi päästessään reagoimaan ilman kanssa.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=elinvoiman taikajuoma
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Haavasi alkavat kuroutua umpeen.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Tämä eliksiiri palauttaa nopeasti juojalleen elinvoimaa ja parantaa välittömästi kaikki vaivat.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Tämä on %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Sormuksesi on sinulle tarpeeksi tuttu pystyäksesi tunnistamaan sen. Se on %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Koska tämä sormus on kirottu, olet kykenemätön ottamaan sitä pois sormestasi.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Voit tuntea vihamielisen magian vaanivan tässä sormuksessa.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=tarkkuuden sormus
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Tämä sormus kasvattaa keskittymiskykyäsi, laskien vastustajiesi mahdollisuutta väistää hyökkäyksiäsi. Kirotulla sormuksella on puolestaan vastakkainen vaikutus, tehden iskuistasi epätarkkoja.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=heijastuksen käärö
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=Loitsu tässä käärössä luo illuusiokopioita lukijastaan, mitkä hyökkäävät ja ajavat takaa tämän vihollisia.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=psionisen purskeen käärö
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=Psioninen purske repii mielesi palasiksi...
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Tämä käärö sisältää tuhoavaa energiaa, joka voidaan kanavoida läheisten olentojen mielien olemattomiin repimiseen. Lisäksi kääröstä vapautettava voima sokaisee, tyrmää ja vahingoittaa lukijaa vakavasti.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=raivon käärö
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=Käärö päästää raivostuttavan huudon, joka kaikuu ympäri luolastoa!
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=Käärö väläyttää mahtavan väläyksen pun
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=Käärö väläyttää mahtavan väläyksen punaista valoa, ja hirviöt pakenevat!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Punainen valonväläys täyttää kaikki näkyvissäsi olevat viholliset kauhulla, joten ne kääntävät selkänsä sinulle ja pakenevat. Pakenevan vihollisen kimppuun hyökkääminen peruu vaikutuksen.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=parannuksen käärö
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Valitse esine parannettavaksi
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=Parannuksen käärö heikentää esineessäsi olevaa kirousta.
@ -664,7 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Tämä käärö parantaa yhtä esinettä, teh
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=Stone of Augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Augment an item
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=This runestone possesses potent magic which can augment equipment to enhance one property at the cost of another.\n\nUsing on a weapon will allow you to enhance either speed or damage.\n\nUsing on armor will allow you to enhance either defense or evasion.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=What would you like to enhance?
@ -675,15 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Defense
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Remove Augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Unohda koko juttu
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=Lumouksen Kivi
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Lumoa esine
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=Aseesi hohtaa pimeässä!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Panssarisi hohtaa pimeässä!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Tähän riimukiveen on sidottu lumoavaa taikuutta. Parannuksen kääröstä poiketen se ei suoraan kasvata esineen voimaa, vaan lumoaa aseen tai panssarin uuden ominaisuuden antavalla lumouksella.
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Valitse esine tunnistettavaksi
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Tähän riimukiveen on sidottu heikompi versio tunnistuksen kääröissä olevasta magiasta. Esineen suoraan tunnistamisen sijaan se tehostaa vaistojasi, mikä mahdollistaa taikajuoman tai käärön tunnistamisen yrittämisen arvaamalla.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Kantamasi %s tappoi sinut.
@ -865,7 +917,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Lyhyeen puiseen varteen kiinnitetyn samanpituisen
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=stone gauntlet
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Tämä on todella nopea ase.\nTällä aseella voi torjua osan vahingosta.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered ontop. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon require strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Tämä on melko hidas ase.\nTämä ase yltää pidemmälle.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Melko lyhyt, käytössä suuresti kulunut
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=blinding dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=These darts are tipped with a blindweed-based compound which will blind their target for a short time. They do not disorient however, so an enemy will still know where they last saw you.
@ -1004,7 +1059,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=These unusual ranged weapons aren't very damagi
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Vihollista kohden heitettynä tämä litteä puinen heittoase palaa heittäjänsä käsiin.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due it its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Nämä nuolet on kastettu maajuureen perustuvaan kemikaaliin, joka lamaannuttaa kohteen vähäksi aikaa.
@ -1048,6 +1103,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Ylimääräisen vahvuutesi ansiosta teet jopa _%d
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=Erilaisten taikojen välinen vuorovaikutus on pyyhkinyt tämän aseen lumouksen pois!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Koska tämä ase on kirottu, olet kykenemätön irrottamaan otettasi siitä.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Voit tuntea vihamielisen magian vaanivan tässä aseessa.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=It is augmented to enhance _speed._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=It is augmented to enhance _damage._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Siinä on _%s._
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
items.armor.curses.antientropy.name=%s d'anti-entropie
items.armor.curses.antientropy.desc=La malédiction d'anti-entropie défie les lois de l'univers, attirant l'énergie de l'attaquant vers le porteur. Cela gèle momentanément l'attaquant, mais enflamme le porteur !
items.armor.curses.bulk.name=%s of bulk
items.armor.curses.bulk.desc=Armor of bulk looks larger and more imposing, but doesn't actually have enhanced defence. Even worse, the added size makes moving through doorways very difficult.
items.armor.curses.bulk.name=%s d'encombrement
items.armor.curses.bulk.desc=L'armure d'encombrement semble plus grosse et plus imposante, mais n'offre pas vraiment une meilleure défense. Pire, la taille superflue rend le déplacement à travers les portes très compliqué.
items.armor.curses.corrosion.name=%s de corrosion
items.armor.curses.corrosion.desc=L'armure de corrosion est capable d'éjecter un fluide corrosif, aspergeant toute la zone d'un limon acide gluant.
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ items.armor.curses.metabolism.desc=La malédiction de métabolisme convertit dir
items.armor.curses.multiplicity.name=%s de multiplicité
items.armor.curses.multiplicity.desc=Une armure avec la malédiction de multiplicité porte en elle une dangereuse magie de réplication. Occasionnellement, elle créera une image-miroir du porteur, mais elle pourra tout aussi bien dupliquer l'attaquant !
items.armor.curses.overgrowth.name=%s of overgrowth
items.armor.curses.overgrowth.desc=Armor of overgrowth is covered in various blooming plants. While this effect certainly looks interesting, it does nothing for defence, and these plants will randomly activate in combat!
items.armor.curses.overgrowth.name=%s de prolifération
items.armor.curses.overgrowth.desc=L'armure de prolifération est recouverte de diverses plantes en fleurs. Certes, cet effet semble intéressant, mais il ne fait rien pour votre défense, et ces plantes vont s'activer aléatoirement en combat !
items.armor.curses.stench.name=%s de puanteur
items.armor.curses.stench.desc=Une armure qui porte la malédiction de puanteur va relâcher des nuages de gaz toxiques, nocifs pour tous ceux qui se retrouvent à les respirer.
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.name=%s de camouflage
items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Ce glyphe permet au porteur de se fondre dans les herbes hautes, lui accordant une invisibilité temporaire.
items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.name=%s d'enchevêtrement
items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthroot around the wearer to absorb damage, but roots them if allowed to take hold.
items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Ce glyphe fait pousser de la Terracine autour du porteur pour absorber les dégâts, mais l'enracine s'il reste immobile.
items.armor.glyphs.flow.name=%s de flux
items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Ce glyphe manipule le flux de l'eau autour du porteur, lui permettant de se déplacer bien plus rapidement à travers elle.
@ -48,16 +48,16 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Ce glyphe obscurcit le porteur, le rendant p
items.armor.glyphs.potential.name=%s de potentiel
items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Tué par : le glyphe de potentiel
items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, giving a small amount of charge to the wearer's wands.
items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Ce glyphe génère de l'énergie lorsqu'il reçoit des coups, donnant une petite quantité de charge aux baguettes du porteur
items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.name=%s de répulsion
items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Ce glyphe renvoie un champ de force contre les attaquants, les propulsant au loin.
items.armor.glyphs.stone.name=%s de pierre
items.armor.glyphs.stone.desc=This glyph surrounds the armor with heavy magical stone that makes dodging impossible, but blocks damage in proportion with evasion.
items.armor.glyphs.stone.desc=Ce glyphe entoure l'armure de lourdes pierres magiques, ce qui rend l'esquive impossible, mais bloque les dégâts proportionnellement à l'évasion.
items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.name=%s de rapidité
items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=This glyph enhances the speed of the wearer whenever they aren't next to an enemy.
items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Ce glyphe améliore la vitesse du porteur quand il n'est pas à côté d'un ennemi.
items.armor.glyphs.thorns.name=%s d'épines
items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Ce puissant glyphe blesse l'attaquant, le faisant saigner en proportion des dégâts qu'il inflige.
@ -83,11 +83,12 @@ items.armor.armor.avg_absorb=Cette armure bloque typiquement entre _%1$d et %2$d
items.armor.armor.too_heavy=A cause de votre manque de force, porter cette armure diminuera votre capacité à vous déplacer, esquiver et absorber les dégâts .
items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Cette armure est probablement trop lourde pour vous.
items.armor.armor.excess_str=Grâce à votre excès de force vous _esquivez mieux_ quand vous portez cette armure.
items.armor.armor.evasion=It is augmented to enhance _evasion._
items.armor.armor.defense=It is augmented to enhance _defense._
items.armor.armor.evasion=C'est augmenté pour améliorer _l'évasion._
items.armor.armor.defense=C'est augmenté pour améliorer la _défense._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Un _%s_ y est gravé.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Vous ne parvenez pas à retirer cette armure car elle est maudite.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Vous pouvez ressentir une magie malveillante émaner de cette armure.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Le sceau brisé du guerrier est attaché à cette armure.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s vous a tué...
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=BRASSER
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Vous ne pouvez pas porter deux exemplaires du même artefact.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefact se lie à vous douloureusement.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Vous pouvez sentir une aura malveillante émaner de l'artefact.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Vous devez équiper votre artéfact pour pouvoir faire cela
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=cape d'épines
@ -333,11 +335,11 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Cette épaisse ceinture en bandoulière, ressemb
items.bags.scrollholder.name=étui à parchemins
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Cet étui tubulaire semble avoir été fait pour ranger des cartes astronomiques, mais vos parchemins y tiennent tout aussi bien.\n\nL'étui ne semble pas inflammable, vos parchemins devraient donc être à l'abri du feu rangés ici.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=velvet pouch
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=This small velvet pouch can store many small items in it, such as seeds and runestones.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=bourse de velours
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Cette petite bourse de velours peut stocker beaucoup de petits objets, tels que des graines et des pierres runiques.
items.bags.magicalholster.name=magical holster
items.bags.magicalholster.desc=This slim holster is made from some exotic animal hide, and posses powerful magic which lets it store a massive amount of ranged weapons.\n\nYou can simply reach into the bag and will always grab the item you were looking for.\n\nDue to the holster's magic, wands will charge slightly faster and missile weapons will last slightly longer inside of it.
items.bags.magicalholster.name=carquois magique
items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Ce carquois fin est fait à partir de la peau de quelque animal exotique, et possède une magie puissante qui lui permet de stocker une énorme quantité d'armes à distance.\n\nVous pouvez simplement tendre la main dans le sac et vous en sortirez toujours l'objet que vous cherchiez.\n\nGrâce à la magie du carquois, les baguettes chargent légèrement plus vite et les projectiles durent légèrement plus longtemps à l'intérieur.
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=fruit de chagrin
items.food.blandfruit.stormfruit=fruit orageux
items.food.blandfruit.dreamfruit=fruit des rêves
items.food.blandfruit.starfruit=fruit des étoiles
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Vous ne supportez pas de le manger cru.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=Le fruit gelé à un goût de Carpaccio Glacé.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Vous sentez un grand feu brûlant en vous !
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Vous êtes imprégné d'un vil pouvoir toxique !
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Vous sentez la puissance de la Terre monter en vous !
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Bien trop sec et fade, peut être que le faire cuire avec un autre ingrédient l'améliorerait.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Le fruit s'est gorgé depuis qu'il trempe dans la marmite et a même absorbé les propriétés de la graine avec laquelle il a été cuit.\n\nIl a l'air prêt à être consommé !
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=viande grillée
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Ça ressemble à un steak correct.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Non, j'ai changé d'avis
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Etes-vous sûr de vouloir la boire? Vous devriez généralement lancer ce genre de potion sur vos ennemis.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Etes-vous sûr de vouloir la lancer ? Il est généralement plus intéressant de la boire.
items.potions.potion.shatter=La fiole se brise et son liquide se répand sans conséquence.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Potion inconnue.
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Potion inconnue.
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=potion d'expérience
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Concentré d'expériences de nombreuses batailles sous une forme liquide, ce breuvage augmentera instantanément votre niveau d'expérience.
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Concentré d'expériences de nombreuses ba
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=potion de froid
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Cette fiole contient une substance qui s'évapore soudainement au contact de l'air créant un brouillard glaçant.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=potion de soins
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Vos blessures commencent à se refermer.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Cet élixir va rapidement vous rendre la santé et guérir instantanément de nombreuses maladies.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=C'est un(e) %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Vous êtes maintenant assez familiarisé avec votre bague pour l'identifier. C'est une %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Puisque cette bague est maudite, vous êtes dans l'impossibilité de vous en débarrasser.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Vous sentez une aura malveillante provenant de cet anneau.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=bague de précision
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Cet anneau améliore votre concentration, réduisant la capacité des ennemis à esquiver vos attaques. Un anneau maudit permettra au contraire à vos ennemis de mieux esquiver vos attaques.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=parchemin d'image-miroir
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=L'incantation de ce sort créera des doubles du lecteur, qui perturberont les ennemis.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=parchemin de salve psionique
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=La salve psionique déchire votre esprit...
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Ce manuscrit contient une énergie destructive qui peut être concentrée pour déchirer les esprits de toutes les créatures visibles. Le pouvoir relâché par le manuscrit rendra également le lecteur temporairement aveugle, étourdi et le blessera sérieusement.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=parchemin de colère
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=Le sort émet un rugissement enrageant qui se réverbère dans le donjon !
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=Le parchemin émet un brillant éclair de lumi
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=Le parchemin émet un brillant éclair de lumière rouge et les monstres fuient !
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Un éclat de lumière rouge va submerger de terreur toutes les créatures dans votre champs de vision, celles-ci se retourneront et fuiront. Attaquer un ennemi fuyant dissipera l'effet du sort.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=parchemin d'amélioration
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Améliorer un objet
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=Le parchemin d'amélioration affaiblit la malédiction sur votre objet.
@ -664,26 +681,61 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Ce parchemin va améliorer un unique objet, e
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=Stone of Augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Augment an item
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Augmenter un objet
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=This runestone possesses potent magic which can augment equipment to enhance one property at the cost of another.\n\nUsing on a weapon will allow you to enhance either speed or damage.\n\nUsing on armor will allow you to enhance either defense or evasion.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=What would you like to enhance?
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Remove Augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Que voudriez-vous améliorer ?
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Retirer l'Augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=J'ai changé d'avis
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=Pierre d'Enchantement
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Enchante un objet
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=Votre arme brille dans l'obscurité!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Votre armure brille dans l'obscurité!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Cette pierre runique possède un enchantement magique. À la différence d'un parchemin d'augmentation de niveau, elle n'augmentera pas la puissance directe d'un objet, mais imprègnera plutôt une arme ou une armure d'un enchantement, lui conférant un nouveau pouvoir.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Pierre d'Intuition
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Sélectionnez un objet
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Cette pierre runique contient une version plus faible de la magie trouvée dans les rouleaux d'identification. Plutôt que d'identifier directement un objet, il travaillera sur votre intuition, vous permettant d'essayer d'identifier une potion ou un rouleau en devinant.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=vous avez été tué par votre propre %s.
@ -778,8 +830,8 @@ items.weapon.curses.annoying.desc=Les armes pénibles sont douées de parole, ce
items.weapon.curses.displacing.name=%s de déplacement
items.weapon.curses.displacing.desc=Les armes de déplacement sont empruntes d'une magie chaotique de téléportation. Elles ont la capacité de déplacer au hasard les ennemis dans le niveau.
items.weapon.curses.elastic.name=elastic %s
items.weapon.curses.elastic.desc=Elastic weapons aren't able to deal any damage, but can send enemies flying back short distances.
items.weapon.curses.elastic.name=%s élastique
items.weapon.curses.elastic.desc=Les armes élastiques ne peuvent infliger aucun dégât, mais peuvent envoyer les ennemis voltiger vers l'arrière sur de courtes distances.
items.weapon.curses.exhausting.name=%s épuisant
items.weapon.curses.exhausting.desc=Les armes épuisantes demandent des efforts supplémentaires pour être utilisées, elle affaiblissent régulièrement l'utilisateur.
@ -787,8 +839,8 @@ items.weapon.curses.exhausting.desc=Les armes épuisantes demandent des efforts
items.weapon.curses.fragile.name=%s fragile
items.weapon.curses.fragile.desc=Les armes fragiles sont au départ aussi robustes que les armes normales, mais leur efficacité se dégrade rapidement lorsqu'on les utilisées.
items.weapon.curses.friendly.name=friendly %s
items.weapon.curses.friendly.desc=Friendly weapons are best suited for pacifists, occasionally triggering magic that makes it impossible to fight.
items.weapon.curses.friendly.name=%s sympathique
items.weapon.curses.friendly.desc=Les armes sympathiques sont plus adaptées pour les pacifistes, déclenchant parfois de la magie rendant le combat impossible.
items.weapon.curses.sacrificial.name=%s sacrificiel
items.weapon.curses.sacrificial.desc=Les armes sacrificielles attaquent les ennemis mais exigent le sang de leur utilisateur en échange. Plus l'utilisateur est en bonne santé, plus grande sera la quantité de sang exigée.
@ -814,7 +866,7 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.grim.name=sinistre %s
items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Ce puissant enchantement a le pouvoir de tuer instantanément un ennemi. Son effet à plus de chances de se produire si la cible est faible.
items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.name=%s de chance
items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=A lucky weapon will deal either double damage or no damage. The odds become tipped in your favour every time an attack deals no damage.
items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Une arme de chance infligera soit deux fois plus de dégâts, soit pas de dégâts du tout. Les chances penchent en votre faveur à chaque fois qu'une attaque n'inflige pas de dégâts.
items.weapon.enchantments.projecting.name=%s saillant(e)
items.weapon.enchantments.projecting.desc=Avec cet enchantement, les armes de corps-à-corps gagnent en portée. Les armes de jet sont capables de traverser les murs adjacents.
@ -848,7 +900,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.battleaxe.stats_desc=C'est une arme plutôt précise.
items.weapon.melee.battleaxe.desc=L'énorme lame en acier de cette hache de guerre ajoute un élan considérable à chacun de vos coups.
items.weapon.melee.crossbow.stats_desc=This weapon enhances the damage of thrown darts when equipped, and will even grant its enchantment to them.
items.weapon.melee.crossbow.stats_desc=Cette arme améliore les dégâts des fléchettes lancées quand elle est équipée, et leur transmet même son enchantement.
items.weapon.melee.crossbow.desc=A fairly intricate weapon which shoots bolts at exceptional speeds. While it isn't designed for it, this crossbow's heft and sturdy construction make it a decent melee weapon as well.
@ -863,9 +915,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.name=fléau
items.weapon.melee.flail.stats_desc=C'est une arme plutôt inadaptée.\nCette arme ne peut pas réaliser d'attaque surprise.
items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Une boule d'acier hérissée de pointes, attachée à la poignée par une longueur de chaîne. Très peu maniable, mais dévastatrice si le coup porté touche.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=stone gauntlet
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=gant de pierre
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=C'est une arme très rapide.\nCette arme bloque une partie des dégâts.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered ontop. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon require strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=C'est une arme plutôt lente. \nCette arme a une portée accrue.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Une épée plutôt courte, usée par un u
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=Fléchette aveuglante
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Ces fléchettes sont enduites d'un extrait d'Herblouï qui aveugleront leurs cibles pour un court instant. Cependant ils ne seront pas désorientés, et un ennemi saura toujours où il vous a vu pour la dernière fois.
@ -1004,13 +1059,13 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Ces armes de jet inhabituelles ne font pas éno
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Ce projectile de bois plat et incurvé reviendra dans la main de son lanceur une fois jeté sur l'ennemi.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=De part sa confection solide, ce boomerang ne se détériorera pas à l'usage.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=dard paralysant
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Ces fléchettes ont leur pointe enduite d'un extrait de Terracine qui va paralyser leur cible pour un court instant
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Tiny throwing spears designed for fishing. They work well as an improvised weapon too.
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Petites lances de jet conçues pour la pêche. Elles fonctionnent aussi bien en tant qu'armes improvisées.
items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Ces grands javelots sont lestés afin de conserver la pointe vers l'avant quand ils foncent dans les airs.
@ -1029,7 +1084,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=Ces lourds marteaux ont été crées p
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=Un couteau de lancer.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=Ces couteaux légers sont ont étés équilibrés pour décrire une courbe dans les airs avant de toucher leur cibles. Ils sont plus efficaces contre les ennemis inconscients de votre présence.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingspear.name=throwing spear
items.weapon.missiles.throwingspear.name=lance de jet
items.weapon.missiles.throwingspear.desc=These lightweight spears have thin frames which are clearly designed to be thrown, and not thrusted.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingstone.name=Pierres de jet
@ -1048,8 +1103,9 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Grâce à votre excès de force, vous infligez ju
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=L'interaction entre différent types de magie a effacé l'enchantement de cette arme !
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Comme cette arme est maudite, vous n'arrivez pas à la lâcher.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Vous pouvez sentir la magie noire émanant de cette arme.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=It is augmented to enhance _speed._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=It is augmented to enhance _damage._
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=C'est augmenté pour améliorer la _vitesse._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=C'est augmenté pour améliorer les _dégâts._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Ça a _%s._
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=It is augmented to enhance _defense._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=A páncélra %s van vésve.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Nincs hatalmad levenni ezt a páncélt, mert meg van átkozva.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Rosszindulatú mágiát érzel a páncélban.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Erre a páncélra van tűzve a harcos törött medálja.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s végzett veled...
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=FŐZÖK
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nem viselhetsz két ugyanolyan ereklyét.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Az ereklye fájdalmasan hozzád tapad.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Gonosz varázslatot érzel megbújni ebben az ereklyében.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Viselned kell az ereklyédet, hogy ezt megtehesd.
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=szomorúgyümölcs
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Nem bírod megenni nyersen.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=A jéggyümölcs íze kissé a fagyott carpaccióra hasonlít.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Óriási tüzet érzel a bensődben!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Hitvány méreg szívódik a testedbe!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Érzed, ahogy a föld ereje szétárad benned!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Nagyon száraz és jellegtelen, talán más hozzávaló mellett kifőzve jobb lehet.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=A gyümölcs a fazékban ázva megszívta magát. Még annak a magnak a tulajdonságait is magába szívta, amellyel együtt főzték.\n\nÚgy fest, most már ehető!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=rostélyos hús
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Olyan mint egy rendes sült hús.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Nem, meggondoltam magam
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Biztos meg akarod inni? Általában az ilyen italokat az ellenségeidre érdemes dobnod.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Biztos el akarod dobni? Általában okosabb döntés meginni.
items.potions.potion.shatter=A flaska széttörik, a benne lévő folyadék ártalmatlanul loccsan szét.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Random Potion
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=A számtalan megénekelt csata tapasztalatait folyékony formába sűrítették. Ez a kis korty azonnal megemeli a tapasztalati szintedet.
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=A számtalan megénekelt csata tapasztalat
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=A vegyszer szabad levegőre érve jéghideg felhővé illan.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=A sebeid gyógyulni kezdenek.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Az elixír gyorsan visszaadja a teljes életerőd és azonnal meggyógyít számos bajból.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Ez egy %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Mostanra elég jól kiismerted a gyűrűd. Ez egy %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Mivel a gyűrű átkozott, nincs hatalmad levenni.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Gonosz varázslatot érzel megbújni a gyűrűben.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=A gyűrű segít összpontosítani, így az ellenség kevésbé tud elhajolni a támadásaid elől. Ha a gyűrű átkozott, az ellenfeleid könnyebben kitérnek.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=tükörképtekercs
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=A tekercsen lévő varázsige a felolvasó hasonmásait idézi meg, amelyek üldözőbe veszik az ellenségeket.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=pszionikus robbanás tekercse
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=A pszionikus robbanás széthasítja az agyad...
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=A tekercsben pusztító energia mozog, amellyel minden látható lény elméjét szét lehet tépni. A tekercsből kitörő energia a felolvasót is elvakítja, elbódítja és komoly sérülést okoz neki.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=A tekercsből előtörő bőszítő üvöltés végigvisszhangzik a várbörtönön!
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=A tekercsből ragyogó piros fény villan fel,
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=A tekercsből ragyogó piros fény villan fel, és a lények elmenekülnek!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=A felvillanó piros fény a látómeződben lévő lényeket rémülettel tölti el, akik hátat fordítva elmenekülnek. Egy menekülő ellenség elleni támadás megtöri a varázslatot.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Fejlesztendő tárgy
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=A fejlődéstekercs gyengítette az átkot a tárgyon.
@ -664,7 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Ezzel a tekerccsel egy tárgyat fejleszthetsz
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=Stone of Augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Augment an item
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=This runestone possesses potent magic which can augment equipment to enhance one property at the cost of another.\n\nUsing on a weapon will allow you to enhance either speed or damage.\n\nUsing on armor will allow you to enhance either defense or evasion.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=What would you like to enhance?
@ -675,15 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Defense
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Remove Augmentation
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=Stone of Enchantment
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Enchant an item
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=A fegyvered világít a sötétben!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=A páncélod világít a sötétben!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=This runestone possesses enchanting magic. Unlike a scroll of upgrade, it will not increase the direct power of an item, but will instead imbue a weapon or armor with an enchantment, granting it a new power.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Stone of Intuition
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Válassz egy tárgyat
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of identification. Rather than directly identifying an item, it will work on your intuition, allowing you to attempt to identify a potion or scroll by guessing.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=%s ölt meg - a sajátod.
@ -865,7 +917,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Tüskés golyó, amelyet lánccal erősítettek a
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=stone gauntlet
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Ez egy nagyon gyors fegyver.\nEz a fegyver felfog egy kis sebzést.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered ontop. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon require strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Elég lassú fegyver.\nNagy távolságba is elér.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Eléggé rövid, a sok használattól meg
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=blinding dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=These darts are tipped with a blindweed-based compound which will blind their target for a short time. They do not disorient however, so an enemy will still know where they last saw you.
@ -1004,7 +1059,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=These unusual ranged weapons aren't very damagi
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Mikor a lapos, ívelt falövedéket az ellenséghez dobják, az visszatér a hajító kezébe.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due it its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=mérgezett nyíl
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=These darts are tipped with an earthroot-based compound which will paralyze their target for a short time.
@ -1048,6 +1103,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=A magas erődnek köszönhetően akár _%d bónus
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=A különböző varázslatokkal való érintkezés hatására eltűnt a bűbáj erről a fegyverről!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Mivel ezt a fegyvert megátkozták, nem bírod levenni.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Gonosz varázserőt érzel megbújni a fegyverben.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=It is augmented to enhance _speed._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=It is augmented to enhance _damage._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=A fegyveren _%s_ van.
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=Peningkatan _pertahanan_ telah ditambahkan.
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Telah diberi kekuatan _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Karena armor ini terkutuk, kau tidak kuat untuk melepaskannya.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Kau dapat merasakan sihir jahat di armor ini.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Pin rusak Pendekar dipasang di armor ini.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s membunuhmu...
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=MASAK
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Kau tidak dapat memakai dua artefak yang sama.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefak itu menempel erat dengan sendirinya padamu.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Kau dapat merasa sihir jahat mengamuk di dalam artefak itu.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Kau harus memakai artefak itu untuk dapat melakukannya.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=mantel duri
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=buah kesakitan
items.food.blandfruit.stormfruit=buah badai
items.food.blandfruit.dreamfruit=buah mimpi
items.food.blandfruit.starfruit=buah bintang
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Kau tidak dapat memakannya mentah-mentah.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=Buah es rasanya sedikit seperti Carpaccio Beku.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Kau merasa api yang hebat terbakar dalam dirimu!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Kau dijiwai dengan kekuatan racun!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Kau merasa kekuatan tanah mengalir dalam dirimu!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Sangat kering dan tidak berisi, mungkin memasaknya dengan bahan lain dapat meningkatkan kualitasnya.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Buah itu sudah matang dan bahkan menyerap properti dari benih yang dimasak bersamanya.\n\nSepertinya sudah siap dimakan!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=daging panggang
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Kelihatannya seperti steak.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Tidak, aku berubah pikiran
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Kau yakin ingin meminumnya? Kau mungkin seharusnya melempar ramuan seperti ini kepada musuh.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Kau yakin ingin melemparnya? Lebih masuk akal jika ramuan itu diminum.
items.potions.potion.shatter=Ramuan pecah dan cairannya memercik tanpa arti.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Ramuan Acak
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Ramuan Acak
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=ramuan experience
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Experience yang tersimpan dalam bentuk cair, meminum ini akan langsung menaikkan experience levelmu.
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Experience yang tersimpan dalam bentuk cai
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=ramuan es
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam ramuan ini akan menguap menjadi awan beku ketika terkena paparan udara bebas.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=ramuan penyembuhan
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Lukamu mulai tertutup.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Elixir ini akan memulihkan darahmu secara bertahap dan akan langsung menghilangkan berbagai penyakit.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Ini adalah %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Kau sekarang sudah cukup familiar dengan cincinmu. Itu adalah %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Karena cincin ini terkutuk, kau tidak bisa melepaskannya.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Kau merasakan sihir jahat di cincin ini.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=cincin akurasi
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Cincin ini meningkatkan fokusmu, mengurangi kemampuan musuhmu untuk menghindari seranganmu. Cincin yang terkutuk justru akan membuat musuh lebih mudah menghindari seranganmu.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=gulungan cerminan diri
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=Mantra di gulungan ini akan menciptakan kembaran ilusi dari si pembaca, dan mereka akan menyerang musuh.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=gulungan ledakan psionik
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=Ledakan Psionik merobek pikiranmu.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Gulungan ini mengandung energi destruktif yang terhubung untuk merobek semua pikiran makhluk yang dapat terlihat. Kekuatan dari gulungan ini juga mengakibatkan buta, lumpuh, dan benar-benar berbahaya bagi si pembaca.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=gulungan kemarahan
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=Gulungan ini mengeluarkan teriakan keras yang menggema di seluruh Dungeon!
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=Gulungan itu mengeluarkan cahaya merah menyilau
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=Gulungan ini memancarkan cahaya merah dan musuh pun melarikan diri!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Cahaya merah yang berkilau akan memakuti semua musuh di jarak pandangmu oleh teror, dan mereka akan melarikan diri. Menyerang musuh yang sedang melarikan diri akan menghilangkan efeknya.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=gulungan upgrade
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Upgrade sebuah item
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=Gulungan upgrade melemahkan kutukan di item-mu.
@ -664,7 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Gulungan ini akan meng-upgrade satu buah item
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=Batu Augmentasi
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Tambahkan sebuah item
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Batu kuno ini memiliki sihir ampuh yang dapat menambahkan kekuatan satu hal dari satu benda dengan cara mengorbankan hal yang lain.\n\nTambahkan ke senjata maka akan meningkatkan kecepatan atau damage.\n\nTambahkan ke armor maka akan meningkatkan pertahanan atau penghindaran.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Apa yang ingin kau tingkatkan?
@ -675,15 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Pertahanan
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Hapus Augmentasi
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Gak jadi
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=Batu Kekuatan
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Beri sebuah item kekuatan
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=Senjatamu bercahaya dalam kegelapan!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Armormu bercahaya dalam kegelapan!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Batu kuno ini memiliki kekuatan sihir. Tidak seperti gulungan upgrade, batu ini tidak akan meningkatkan kekuatan sebuah item, tapi justru hanya akan memberikan senjata dan armor kekuatan khusus, memberikannya kekuatan baru.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Batu Intuisi
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Pilih sebuah item
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Batu kuno ini memiliki kekuatan lemah dari yang biasa ditemukan di gulungan identifikasi. Batu ini tidak langsung mengindentifikasi sebuah item, melainkan mengandalkan intuisimu, memberimu kesempatan mengidentifikasi ramuan dan gulungan dengan cara menebaknya,
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Kau terbunuh oleh %s-mu sendiri.
@ -865,7 +917,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Bola berduri terpasang pada pegangan panjang yang
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=sarung tangan batu
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Ini adalah senjata yang sangat cepat.\nSenjata ini dapat menahan beberapa damage.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=Sarung tangan besar ini terbuat dari kain merah tua yang dilapisi dengan batu ajaib di atasnya. Kainnya melekat di tanganmu, membuat lempengan batu ajaib itu seperti kulit keduamu. Untuk dapat mengayunkan senjata seberat itu memang membutuhkan tenaga yang kuat, tapi tentu saja tonjokanmu jadi mematikan pula.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Senjata ini lumayan berat.\nSenjata ini mempunyai jangkauan ekstra.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Pedang yang cukup pendek, hampir rusak ka
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=anak panah pembuta
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Anak panah itu dilumuri dengan senyawa dari rumput buta yang akan membutakan target dalam sejenak. Anak panah itu tidak membuat pusing, jadi musuh masih tau di mana mereka terakhir melihatmu.
@ -1004,7 +1059,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Senjata jarak jauh yang tidak biasa ini tidak t
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Dilempar pada musuh, senjata lengkung kayu yang datar ini akan kembali pada tangan si pelempar.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Karena pembuatannya yang kuat, bumerang ini tidak akan pernah rusak.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=anak panah pelumpuh
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Anak panah ini di dilumuri oleh senyawa dari benih akar tanah yang mana akan membuat target yang kena menjadi lumpuh sejenak.
@ -1048,6 +1103,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Karena kelebihan kekuatan, kau akan mendapatkan _
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=Interaksi antara sihir yang berbeda tipe menetralkan kekuatan di senjata ini!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Karena senjata ini terkutuk, kau tidak kuat untuk melepasnya.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Kau dapat merasakan sihir jahat mengamuk di dalam senjata ini.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Peningkatan _kecepatan_ telah ditambahkan.
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Peningkatan _damage_ telah ditambahkan.
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Itu mempunyai _%s._
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=È incrementata per migliorare _la difesa._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=È inscritto con un _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Poiché questa armatura è maledetta, non ti è possibile rimuoverla.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Puoi percepire un'energia maligna nascondersi in questa armatura.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Il sigillo rotto del Guerriero è connesso a quest'armatura.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s ti ha ucciso...
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=PREPARA
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Non puoi indossare due artefatti uguali.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefatto si lega a te dolorosamente.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Puoi percepire una magia ostile nascondersi nell'artefatto.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Dovrai equipaggiare l'artefatto per farlo.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=cappa di spine
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=frutto del dolore
items.food.blandfruit.stormfruit=frutto della tempesta
items.food.blandfruit.dreamfruit=frutto del sogno
items.food.blandfruit.starfruit=frutto delle stelle
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Non puoi mangiarlo crudo.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=Il frutto del ghiaccio sa di Carpaccio.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Senti un grande fuoco bruciare dentro di te!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Sei pervaso da un potere tossico e vile!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Senti il potere della terra scorrere dentro di te!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Così secco e inutile... forse stufarlo con un altro ingrediente potrebbe migliorarlo.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Il frutto sì è gonfiato a causa del tempo passato nella pentola ed ha assorbito le proprietà del seme con cui è stato cotto.\n\nSembra pronto per essere mangiato!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carne alla griglia
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Sembra una bistecca niente male.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=No, ho cambiato idea
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Sei sicuro di volerla bere? Nella maggior parte dei casi dovresti lanciare questa pozione ai tuoi nemici.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Sei sicuro di volerla lanciare? Nella maggior parte dei casi avrebbe più senso berla.
items.potions.potion.shatter=La boccetta si frantuma e il liquido si sparge senza fare danno.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Pozione Casuale
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Pozione Casuale
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=pozione dell'esperienza
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=La leggendaria esperienza di una moltitudine di battaglie ridotta in forma liquida. Questo distillato incrementerà istantaneamente il tuo livello di esperienza.
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=La leggendaria esperienza di una moltitudi
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=pozione del congelamento
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=La sostanza chimica contenuta in questa pozione evaporerà in una nube congelante non appena esposta all'aria aperta.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=pozione della guarigione
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Le tue ferite cominciano a chiudersi.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Questo elisir ripristinerà rapidamente la tua salute, curando istantaneamente molti disturbi.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Questo è un %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Ormai hai abbastanza familiarità con il tuo anello da indentificarlo. È un %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Poiché l'anello è maledetto, non ti è possibile rimuoverlo.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Puoi percepire una magia maligna nascondersi all'interno di questo anello.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anello della precisione
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Questo anello aumenta la tua concentrazione, riducendo l'abilità del nemico di schivare i tuoi colpi. Un anello maledetto invece permetterà ai nemici di schivare più facilmente i tuoi attacchi.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=pergamena dell'immagine speculare
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=L'incantesimo di questa pergamena creerà delle illusioni-clone del lettore, che daranno la caccia ai nemici.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=pergamena di esplosione psionica
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=L'esplosione psionica fa a pezzi la tua mente...
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Questa pergamena contiene energia distruttiva che può essere canalizzata in modo da fare a pezzi le menti di tutte le creature visibili. Il potere rilasciato dalla pergamena inoltre accecherà e stordirà temporaneamente il lettore, causandogli inoltre seri danni.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=pergamena della rabbia
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=la pergamena emette un furioso ruggito che echeggia attraverso il dungeon!
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=La pergamena emette un brillante lampo di luce
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=La pergamena emette un brillante lampo di luce rossa e i mostri fuggono!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Un lampo di luce rossa travolgerà tutte le creature nel tuo campo visivo, terrorizzandole e facendole fuggire via. Attaccare un nemico in fuga interromperà l'effetto.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=pergamena del miglioramento
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Migliora un oggetto
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=La pergamena del miglioramento indebolisce la maledizione sul tuo oggetto.
@ -664,7 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Questa pergamena migliorerà un singolo ogget
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=Pietra dell'Incremento
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Incrementa un oggetto
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Questa pietra runica possiede una potente magia che può incrementare l'equipaggiamento per migliorare una proprietà al costo di un'altra.\n\nUsandola su di un'arma ti permetterà di migliorarne la velocità o il danno.\n\nUsandola su di un'armatura ti permetterà di migliorarne la difesa o l'evasività.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Cosa vorresti migliorare?
@ -675,15 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Difesa
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Rimuovi Incremento
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Lascia perdere
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=Pietra dell'Incantamento
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Incanta un oggetto
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=La tua arma brilla nell'oscurità!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=La tua armatura brilla nell'oscurità!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Questa pietra runica possiede una magia incantante. A differenza di una pergamena di miglioramento, non aumenterà la potenza diretta di un oggetto ma piuttosto instillerà un'arma o un'armatura con un incantamento, assegnandole un nuovo potere.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Pietra dell'Intuizione
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Seleziona un oggetto
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Questa pietra runica trattiene una versione più debole della magia contenuta nelle pergamene di identificazione. Piuttosto che identificare direttamente un oggetto, agirà sul tuo intuito, permettendoti di tentare l'identificazione di pozioni o pergamene tirando a indovinare.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Sei stato ucciso dal tuo stesso %s.
@ -865,7 +917,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Una palla chiodata collegata all'impugnatura da un
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=guanto di pietra
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Questa è un'arma molto veloce.\nquest'arma blocca un po' di danno.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=Questo enorme guanto è fatto di un tessuto cremisi con al di sopra una pesante pietra magica. Il tessuto si stringe attorno a te, rendendo le spesse placche di pietra quasi una seconda pelle. Maneggiare un'arma così pesante richiede forza, ma aggiunge una potenza tremenda ai tuoi colpi.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Si tratta di un'arma piuttosto lenta.\nQuest'arma ha una portata extra.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Una spada piuttosto corta, logorata dall'
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=dardo accecante
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Questi dardi sono intinti con un composto di erbacieca che renderà cieco il bersaglio per un breve periodo. Tuttavia non provocano disorientamento, perciò un nemico saprà comunque dove vi avrà visto l'ultima volta.
@ -1004,7 +1059,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Queste insolite armi da lancio non sono molto n
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Una volta lanciato verso il nemico questo missile di legno ricurvo ritornerà nelle mani del lanciatore.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Data la sua robusta struttura, questo boomerang non si romperà con l'uso.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=dardo al curaro
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Questi dardi sono intinti con un composto di radicaterra che paralizzerà il bersaglio per un breve periodo.
@ -1048,6 +1103,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Per via della tua forza in eccesso, infliggerai f
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=L'interazione di differenti tipi di magia ha annullato l'incantamento su quest'arma!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Poiché quest'arma è maledetta, sei incapace di rimuoverla.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Puoi percepire una magia ostile nascondersi in quest'arma.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=È incrementata per migliorare _la velocità._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=È incrementata per migliorare _il danno._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Possiede un _%s._
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=그것은 _방어_ 를 강화하기 위해 증강되
items.armor.armor.inscribed=_%s_ 가 새겨져 있습니다.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=이 갑옷은 저주받았기 때문에, 당신은 이 갑옷을 벗을 수 없습니다.
items.armor.armor.cursed=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 이 갑옷에 깃든 것을 느낍니다.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=전사의 부러진 인장이 이 갑옷에 붙어 있습니다.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s에 의해 죽었습니다...
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=제조
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=같은 유물 아이템 두 개를 동시에 착용할 수 없습니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=유물이 당신에게 고통스럽게 달라붙었다.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 유물에 깃든 것을 느낍니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=먼저 유물을 착용해야 합니다.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=가시 망토
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=슬픔과
items.food.blandfruit.raw=당신은 이걸 억지로도 먹을 수 없을 것 같다.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=눈꽃과에서 얼린 생고기 맛이 났다.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=당신은 말 그대로 속이 타는 것을 느꼈다.
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=당신은 사악한 독과 하나가 되었다!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=당신은 대지의 힘이 당신에게 들어오는 것을 느꼈다!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=이건 너무 건조하고 쓸모 없을 것 같습니다. 아마 다른 재료와 섞어 요리하면 더 좋아질 수 있을 것 같습니다.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=이 과일은 가마솥 안에서 삶기는 동안 충분히 물에 불었으며 같이 조리한 씨앗의 힘까지도 흡수한 것으로 보입니다.\n\n이 과일은 이제 먹을 수 있을 것 같습니다!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=직화구이 고기
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=괜찮게 구워진 고기가 된 것 같다.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=아니오. 생각을 바꾸었습니다.
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=정말로 마시겠습니까? 대부분의 상황에서 당신의 적에게 이 물약을 던져야 합니다.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=정말로 던지겠습니까? 대부분의 상황에서 그냥 마시는 것이 좋습니다.
items.potions.potion.shatter=물병이 깨지며 안에 든 액체가 무해하게 쏟아졌다.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=무작위 물약
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=무작위 물약
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=경험의 물약
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=많은 사람들의 경험을 적은 이야기를 액체로 만든 것이며, 이 물약을 마시는 즉시 당신의 경험 레벨을 올릴 것입니다.
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=많은 사람들의 경험을 적은 이
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=서리의 물약
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=이 화합물은 공기에 닿는 즉시 차가운 구름으로 기화합니다.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=치유 물약
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=당신의 상처가 낫기 시작했다.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=이 회복약은 체력을 급속도로 회복시키며 많은 상태 이상을 치료합니다.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=이것은 %s 입니다.
items.rings.ring.identify=당신은 이 반지가 무엇인지 알 만큼 충분히 익숙해졌습니다. 이것은 %s입니다.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=이 반지는 저주받았기 때문에, 이 반지를 뺄 수 없습니다.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 이 반지에 깃든 것을 느낍니다
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=정확성의 반지
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=이 반지는 착용자의 집중력을 향상시켜, 적들이 당신의 공격을 더 피하기 어렵게 만듭니다. 저주받은 반지는 당신의 공격이 더 잘 빗나가게 만듭니다.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=거울상의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=이 주문서에 적인 글귀는 독자와 똑같이 생긴 환영들을 만들어 그의 적들을 쫓아다닙니다.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=정신 폭발의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=정신 폭발이 당신의 정신을 갈갈이 찢었다...
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=이 주문서에는 시야 내에 들어온 모든 대상의 정신을 찢어버릴 수 있는 강력한 파괴의 에너지가 들어 있습니다. 이 주문서에서 나온 힘은 독자를 일시적으로 눈이 멀게 만들고, 기절시키며, 상당한 피해를 입힙니다.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=분노의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=주문서가 내뱉은 분노에 찬 함성이 던전 전체에 울려퍼졌다!
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=주문서에서 눈이 부시도록 시뻘건
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=주문서에서 눈이 부시도록 시뻘건 빛이 뿜어져 나오며 몬스터들이 도망쳤다!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=이 주문서를 사용하면 시뻘건 빛을 발하여 사용자의 시야 안에 있는 적들을 공포에 몰아넣고, 그들을 도망치게 합니다. 도망치는 적들을 공격하면 효과가 해제됩니다.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=강화의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=강화할 아이템을 선택하세요
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=강화의 주문서가 아이템의 저주를 약화했다.
@ -664,7 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=이 주문서는 하나의 아이템을 강
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=증강할 아이템을 선택하세요
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=이 룬스톤은 다른 것을 희생해 장비를 증강시켜 강화할 수 있는 강력한 마력을 가지고 있습니다.\n\n무기에 사용하는 것은 속도나 공격력을 강화할 것입니다.\n\n장비에 사용하는 것은 방어력이나 회피를 강화할 것입니다.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=어떤 것을 강화하고 싶습니까?
@ -675,15 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=방어력
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=증강 제거
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=마법 부여의 돌
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=마법 부여할 아이템 선택
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=당신의 무기는 어둠 속에서 빛났다!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=당신의 갑옷은 어둠 속에서 빛났다!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=이 룬석은 마법 부여의 힘이 담겨 있습니다. 강화의 주문서처럼 장비 자체의 질을 향상시키지는 않지만, 대신 무기와 방어구와 융합하여 장비에 마법을 부여할 수 있습니다.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=직감의 돌
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=아이템을 선택하세요
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=이 룬석은 감정의 주문서보다는 약한 마법을 담고 있습니다. 아이템을 바로 감정할 수 는 없지만, 당신의 직감을 강화하여 물약과 주문서를 추측하여 감정을 시도할 수 있습니다.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=당신은 당신의 %s에 의해 죽었다.
@ -865,7 +917,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=가시 박힌 공이 손잡이에 달린 사슬
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=돌 건틀릿
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=이 무기는 매우 빠릅니다.\n이 무기는 피해의 일부를 막을 수 있습니다.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=이 무거운 건틀릿은 무거운 마법석으로 덮인 붉은색 천으로 만들어졌습니다. 천이 손을 제대로 감싸며 무거운 마법석이 마치 몸의 일부인 것 처럼 느껴집니다. 이 무거운 무기를 휘두르는데는 큰 힘이 필요하지만, 그만큼의 큰 타격을 보장합니다.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=이 무기는 다른 무기들보다 느립니다.\n이 무기는 떨어진 적을 공격할 수 있습니다.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=오래 사용하여 낡아버린 소검
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=실명 다트
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=이 다트의 끝부분은 실명초 추출물이 발려 있어 맞은 적을 잠시 동안 실명시킵니다. 하지만 적의 방향 감각을 상실시키지 않아서 여전히 당신이 있던 곳을 기억할 것입니다.
@ -1004,7 +1059,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=이 특이한 투척 무기는 비교적 약한
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=이 구부러진 나무 부메랑은 적에게 던지면 던진 사람의 손으로 되돌아옵니다.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=부메랑은 그 단단한 구조로 인해 절대로 부서지지 않습니다.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=마비독 다트
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=이 다트의 끝부분은 뱀뿌리 추출물이 발려 있어 맞은 적을 잠시 동안 기절시킵니다.
@ -1048,6 +1103,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=힘이 더 강한 덕분에, 이 무기를 들었
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=서로 다른 마법의 상호 작용으로 인하여 이 무기에 깃든 마법이 사라졌습니다!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=이 무기는 저주받았기 때문에, 당신은 이 무기를 해제할 수 없습니다.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 이 무기에 깃든 것을 느낍니다.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=그것은 _속도_ 를 강화하기 위해 증강되었다.
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=그것은 _공격_ 을 강화하기 위해 증강되었다.
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=_%s_ 이/가 깃들어 있습니다.
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=Jest rozszerzony by wzmocnić _obronę._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Ta zbroja ma na sobie wyryty _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Ponieważ ta zbroja jest przeklęta, nie masz siły jej zdjąć.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Czujesz złowrogą magię promieniującą z tej zbroi.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Pieczęć Wojownika jest umieszczona na tej zbroi.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s zabił cię...
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=UGOTUJ
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nie możesz nosić dwóch takich samych artefaktów.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefakt boleśnie wiąże się z tobą.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Czujesz złowrogą magię promieniującą z tego artefaktu.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Musisz założyć Twój artefakt aby to uczynić.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=płaszcz cierni
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=owoc żalu
items.food.blandfruit.stormfruit=owoc burzy
items.food.blandfruit.dreamfruit=owoc snu
items.food.blandfruit.starfruit=owoc gwiazd
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Nie możesz zmusić się do zjedzenia tego na surowo.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=Owoc lodu smakuje trochę jak mrożone carpaccio.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Czujesz wielki ogień płonący wewnątrz ciebie!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Jesteś związany ze wstrętną, toksyczną mocą!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Czujesz moc ziemi przepływającą przez ciebie!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Tak suchy i nietreściwy, być może ugotowanie go z innym składnikiem poprawi sprawę.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Owoc napuchnął od wody i możliwe, że przejął właściwości nasiona, z którym go warzono.\n\nWygląda na to, że jest zdatny do spożycia!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=grillowane mięso
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Wygląda na przyzwoity stek.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Nie, zmieniłem zdanie
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Jesteś pewien, że chcesz wypić tę miksturę? Zazwyczaj powinieneś rzucać takie mikstury w swoich przeciwników.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Jesteś pewien, że chcesz rzucić tym eliksirem? Zazwyczaj jedynym sensem jest wypicie go.
items.potions.potion.shatter=Kolba pęka i płyn rozpryskuje się nieszkodliwie.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Losowa mikstura
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Losowa mikstura
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=mikstura doświadczenia
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Zmagazynowane doświadczenia wielu bitew ograniczone do formy płynu, ten trunek zapewni ci automatyczne podniesienie poziomu.
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Zmagazynowane doświadczenia wielu bitew o
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=mikstura mrozu
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Chemikalia w miksturze wyparują, a następnie zamarzną w powietrzu tworząc mroźną chmurę.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=mikstura lecząca
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Twoje rany zaczynają się zasklepiać.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Eliksir, który w pełni odnowi twoje zdrowie i zwalczy zatrucie.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=To %s.
items.rings.ring.identify=Nosisz swój pierścień wystarczająco długo, by go zidentyfikować. To %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Pierścień jest przeklęty, nie możesz go zdjąć!
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Wyczuwasz czarną magię czającą się w tym pierścieniu.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=pierścień celności
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Ten pierścień zwiększa twoją koncentrację, przez co wrogowie rzadziej unikają twoich ataków. Zdegradowany pierścień ułatwi wrogom uniki.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=zwój lustrzanego odbicia
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=Inkantacja na tym zwoju stworzy iluzoryczne bliźniaki odczytującego, które będą ścigać swoich wrogów.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=zwój psionicznego wybuchu
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=Psioniczny Wybuch rozrywa twój mózg na kawałki...
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Ten zwój zawiera destrukcyjną energię, która może zostać skierowana przez wszystkie umysły widocznych kreatur. Moc uwolniona ze zwoju także tymczasowo oślepi, ogłuszy i poważnie zrani czytelnika.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=zwój szału
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=Ten zwój produkuje przenikliwy odgłos, który rozbrzmiewa w całym lochu!
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=Zwój emituje jasny blask czerwonego światła,
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=Zwój emituje jasny blask czerwonego światła i wszystkie potwory uciekają!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Blask czerwonego światła dosięgnie wszystkie stwory w polu twojego widzenia i napełni je terrorem, odwrócą się i uciekną. Atakowanie uciekającego przeciwnika złamie czar.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=zwój ulepszenia
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Ulepsz przedmiot
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=Zwój Ulepszenia osłabia klątwę rzuconą na przedmiot.
@ -664,7 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Ten zwój ulepszy jeden przedmiot. Różdżki
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=Kamień Rozszerzania
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Rozszerz przedmiot
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Ten kamień runiczny posiada potężną magię która może rozszerzać przedmioty o jedną właściwość kosztem innej.\n\nUżycie na broni pozwoli rozszerzyć prędkość lub obrażenia.\n\nUżycie na zbroi pozwoli rozszerzyć obronę lub uniki.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Co chciałbyś rozszerzyć?
@ -675,15 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Obrona
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Usuń Rozszerzenie
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=Kamień zaczarowania
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Zaczaruj przedmiot
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=Twoja broń jarzy się w ciemności!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Twoja zbroja jarzy się w ciemności!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Kamień runiczny posiadający magię zaklinającą. W przeciwieństwie do zwoju ulepszenia, nie będzie zwiększał moc przedmioty, lecz da broni lub zbroi czar, dając temu przedmiotowi nową moc.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Kamień intuicji
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Wybierz przedmiot
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Kamień runiczny posiadający magię słabszą od tej znalezionej w zwojach identyfikacji. Zamiast identyfikując przedmiot, wysili twoją intuicję i pozwoli spróbować zgadnąć typ mikstury lub zwoju.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Zostałeś zabity przez swój własny %s.
@ -865,7 +917,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Kolczasta kula przymocowana do uchwytu o długośc
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=kamienna rękawica
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Jest to bardzo szybka broń.\nTa broń blokuje część obrażeń.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=Ta masywna rękawica jest zrobiona z karmazynowego materiału z ciężkim magicznym kamieniem na nim. Materiał przylepia się do ciebie, powodując że kamienne płyty są dla ciebie jak druga skóra. Machanie taką ciężka bronią wymaga dużej siły, ale dodaje sporo mocy do twoich ciosów.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=To raczej powolna broń.\nTa broń posiada dodatkowy zasięg.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Całkiem mały miecz, znoszony przez duż
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=oślepiająca strzałka
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Końcówka tej rzutki jest nasiąknięta substancją z nasień oślepiających które oślepią cel na krótki czas. Nie dezorientują, więc przeciwnik nadal pamięta gdzie ostatnio cię widział.
@ -1004,7 +1059,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Te nietypowe bronie miotane nie zadają znaczny
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Rzucony do przeciwnika, ten płaski drewniany pocisk powróci do rąk rzucającego.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Dzięki solidnej konstrukcji, bumerang nie zepsuje się.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=zatruta strzałka
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Końcówka tej rzutki jest nasiąknięta substancją z nasień korzennych które wywołają paraliż u celu na krótki czas.
@ -1048,6 +1103,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Dzięki twojej nadmiernej sile będziesz zadawać
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=Oddziaływanie różnych typów magii wymazało glif na tej zbroi!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Ta broń jest przeklęta, nie możesz jej zdjąć.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Czujesz złowrogą magię promieniującą z tej zbroi.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Jest rozszerzony by wzmocnić _prędkość._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Jest rozszerzony by wzmocnić _obrażenia._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Ma _%s._
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=É aumentado para aumentar a _defesa._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Está incrito com um _%s_
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Esta armadura está amaldiçoada. Você é incapaz de removê-la.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Você consegue sentir uma magia malévola se escondendo dentro desta armadura.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=O selo quebrado de guerreiro está equipado nesta armadura.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s matou você...
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=MISTURAR
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=você não pode usar dois artefatos iguais.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=esse artefato se prendeu dolorosamente a você.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=você sente um magia maligna pulsando com esse artefato.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=você precisa equipar o seu artefato para fazer isso.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=capa dos Espinhos
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=sofrifruta
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Você não suporta comer isto cru.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=A gelofruta tem um gosto parecido com um Carpaccio Congeldo.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Você sente um grande fogo queimando dentro de você!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Você está imbuído de um poder tóxico vil!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Você sente o poder da terra fluindo através de você!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Tão seca e sem gosto. Talvez colocá-la em um caldo com outro ingrediente melhoraria seu gosto.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=O fruto tornou-se suculento após a imersão no caldeirão e até absorveu as propriedades da semente com o qual foi cozido.\n\nParece estar pronto para ser comido!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=carne grelhada
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Parece ser um bife decente.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Não, mudei de ideia
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Você tem certeza de que quer beber isso? Na maioria dos casos você deve arremessar tais poções em seus inimigos.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Tem certeza de que quer jogar isso? Na maioria dos casos, faria mais sentido beber isso.
items.potions.potion.shatter=O frasco se despedaçou, e o líquido respinga inofensivamente.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Poção Aleatória
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Poção Aleatória
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=poção de experiência
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=As experiências célebres de muitas batalhas reduzidas à forma líquida , este líquido vai aumentar instantaneamente o seu nível de experiência.
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=As experiências célebres de muitas batal
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=poção Gélida
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=O produto químico contido nesta poção evaporará em uma nuvem congelante após a exposição ao ar aberto.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=poção da cura
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Suas feridas começam a fechar.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Este elixir irá restaurar rapidamente sua saúde e curar instantaneamente muitos efeitos negativos.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Isso é um %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Você agora está acostumado o suficiente com seu anel para identificá-lo. É um %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Este anel está amaldiçoado, e por causa disso você é incapaz de removê-lo.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Você consegue sentir uma magia exalando deste anel.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anel da Precisão
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Este anel aumenta o seu foco, reduzindo a capacidade do seu inimigo de esquivar seus ataques. Um anel amaldiçoado tornará mais fácil para os inimigos desviar de seus ataques.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=pergaminho da Imagem Espelhada
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=O encantamento deste pergaminho criará uma ilusão de um gêmeo do leitor, que irá perseguir os inimigos.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=pergaminho da explosão psíquica
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=A Explosão Psíquica explode sua mente...
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Este pergaminho de energia destrutiva pode ser canalizada para explodir a mente de todas as criaturas visíveis. O poder liberado pelo pergainho também irá termporariamente cegar, atordoar e machucar sériamente o leitor.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=pergaminho da fúria
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=O pergaminho emite um rugido enfurecedor que ecoa pela Masmorra!
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=O pergaminho emite uma brilhante luz vermelha e
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=O pergaminho emite uma brilhante luz vermelha e os monstros fogem!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Um lampejo de luz vermelha irá apavorar todas as criaturas no seu campo de visão, e elas irão se virar e fugir. Atacar um inimigo que estiver fugindo irá parar o efeito.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=Pergaminho do Aprioramento
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Aprimorar um item
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=O pergaminho de atualização enfraquece a maldição em seu item.
@ -664,7 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Este pergaminho aprimorará um único item, m
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=Pedra de aumento
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Aumentar um item
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Esta pedra rúnica possui magia potente que pode aumentar o equipamento para melhorar uma propriedade à custa de outra.\n\nUsar uma arma permitirá aumentar a velocidade ou o dano.\n\nUsar a armadura permitirá que você aprimore a defesa ou a evasão.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=O que você gostaria de melhorar?
@ -675,15 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Defesa
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Remover o aumento
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Deixa quieto
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=Pedra do Encantamento
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Encante um item
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=Sua arma brilha na escuridão!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Sua armadura brilha na escuridão!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Essa pedra rúnica contém poder de encantamento. Ao contrario de um pergaminho de aprimoramento, não aumenta o poder direto de um item, porém irá encantar a arma ou armadura, concedendo-os um novo poder.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Pedra da intuição
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Selecione um item
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Essa pedra rúnica guarda uma versão mais fraca da magia encontrada nos pergaminhos de identificação. Ao invés de identificar um item, ela trabalhará com sua intuição, permitindo que você tente adivinhar os segredos de uma poção ou pergaminho.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Você foi morto por seu(ua) próprio(a) %s.
@ -865,7 +917,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Uma bola espinhosa atracada em um cabo por uma cor
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=manopla de pedra
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Esta é uma arma rápida.\nEsta arma bloqueia um pouco de dano.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=Esta manopla maciça é feita de tecido carmesim com pedras mágicas pesadas sobrepostas. O tecido aperta em torno de você, fazendo as placas de pedra grossas quase como uma segunda pele. Balançar uma arma tão pesada requer força, mas adiciona força tremenda aos seus golpes.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Esta arma é lenta.\nEsta arma tem alcance estendido.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Uma espada levemente curta, um pouco dete
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=dardo cegante
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Estes dardos são derrubados com um composto à base de erva cega que irá cegar seu alvo por um curto período de tempo. Eles não desorientam, portanto, um inimigo ainda saberá onde a viram pela última vez.
@ -1004,7 +1059,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Essas armas incomuns não são muito prejudicia
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Ao ser jogado no inimigo, este míssil de madeira curvada irá retornar às mãos do jogador.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Devido a sua construção sólida, este bumerangue não vai quebrar de uso.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=dardo de curare
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Estes dardos são derrubados com um composto baseado em terra que paralisará seu alvo por um curto período de tempo.
@ -1048,6 +1103,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Por causa do seu excesso de força, você infligi
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=A interação de diferentes tipos de magia negou o encantamento desta arma!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Essa arma está amaldiçoada, você não tem poderes para removê-la.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Você sente uma magia maligna esgueirando-se dentro desta arma.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Ele é aumentado para aumentar a _velocidade._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=É aumentado para aumentar o _dano._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Isto tem um(a) _%s._
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=Этот доспех сбалансирован, чт
items.armor.armor.inscribed=На ней начертана руна _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Ваша броня проклята и вы не в силах снять её.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Вы чувствуете недобрую магию, таящуюся в этой броне.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=К этой броне прикреплена сломанная печать Воина.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s убила вас...
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=СВАРИТЬ
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Вы не можете использовать два одинаковых артефакта.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Артефакт больно впивается в ваше тело.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Вы чувствуете недобрую магию, таящуюся в этом артефакте.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Вам необходимо надеть артефакт, чтобы его использовать.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=шипастый плащ
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=кислофрукт
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Вы не в силах заставить себя съесть его сырым.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=Этот ледяной фрукт на вкус похож на замороженное мясо.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Вы чувствуете, как по венам течёт яростное пламя!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Вы чувствуете, что ваше тело начало источать ужасный запах!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Вы чувствуете, как по телу распространяется сила земли!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Не имеет ни вкуса, ни запаха. Может, если его сварить с чем-то ещё, он станет получше?
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Во время варки в котле этот фрукт разбух и даже впитал в себя некоторые свойства ингредиентов, с которыми был сварен.\n\nПохоже, теперь его можно есть!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=прожаренное мясо
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Пахнет как неплохой стейк.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Нет, я передумал
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=Вы уверены, что хотите выпить это зелье? Возможно, стоит кинуть им в кого-нибудь другого.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Вы уверены, что хотите бросить это зелье? Возможно, его лучше выпить.
items.potions.potion.shatter=Бутыль разлетается на мелкие осколки, а её содержимое безо всякого эффекта растекается по полу.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Случайное Зелье
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Случайное Зелье
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=Зелье Мудрости
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Это зелье содержит концентрированный опыт множества сражений. Если его выпить, ваш уровень будет немедленно повышен.
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Это зелье содержит кон
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=Зелье Холода
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=При контакте с воздухом этот химикат мгновенно испаряется, замораживая всех, кто попал в облако его паров.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=Зелье Исцеления
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Ваши раны начинают заживать.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Этот эликсир стремительно заживляет любые раны и моментально исцеляет многие недуги.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Это %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Вы достаточно долго знакомы с кольцом, чтобы опознать его. Это %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Ваше кольцо проклято, вы не в силах его снять.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Вы чувствуете, что это кольцо скрывает в себе какую-то темную магию.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=кольцо меткости
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Это кольцо повышает вашу сосредоточенность, снижая шансы врагов уклониться от атаки. Проклятое кольцо, напротив, будет увеличивать шансы врагов увернуться.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=Свиток Иллюзий
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=Магия этого свитка создаст иллюзии того, кто его прочитал. Иллюзии будут преследовать врагов.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=Свиток Ментального Удара
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=Ментальный Удар разрывает ваш разум...
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Разрушительная энергия в этом свитке способна разорвать разум всех существ в поле видимости. Однако сила этого свитка также ослепит, оглушит и нанесёт серьёзный урон прочитавшему.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=Свиток Ярости
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=Свиток издаёт яростный рёв, эхом отдающийся в подземелье!
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=Свиток излучает яркий кра
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=Свиток излучает яркий красный свет и монстры убегают!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Вспышка красного света наполнит всех видимых существ ужасом и они попытаются убежать. Любой удар по убегающему врагу рассеет этот эффект.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=Свиток Улучшения
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Какой предмет улучшить?
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=Свиток Улучшения ослабляет проклятие на этом предмете.
@ -664,7 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Этот свиток улучшит один
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=Камень баланса
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Балансировать предмет
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Этот рунный камень обладает могучими чарами, которые могут балансировать экипировку, увеличивая одно из свойств за счёт другого.\n\nДля оружия он позволяет улучшить либо урон, либо скорость атаки.\n\nДля доспехов он позволяет улучшить либо защиту, либо уклонение.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Что вы хотели бы улучшить?
@ -675,15 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Защита
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Убрать балансирование
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.cancel=Я передумал
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=Камень зачарования
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Зачаровать предмет
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=Ваше оружие светится в темноте!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Ваша броня светится в темноте!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Этот рунный камень содержит зачаровывающую магию. В отличие от аналогичных свитков, он не может быть использован для улучшения предметов. Но зато может наложить на оружие или броню случайное зачарование, наделив предмет новыми силами..
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Камень интуиции
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Выберите предмет
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Этот рунный камень содержит ослабленную версию той магии, что присутствует в свитках опознания. Вместо того, чтобы напрямую раскрыть секреты предмета, он воздействует на вашу интуицию, позволяя угадать назначение зелья или свитка.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=Вас убил ваш собственный %s.
@ -865,7 +917,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Шипастый шар на цепи, присо
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=каменная перчатка
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Это очень быстрое оружие.\nЭто оружие частично блокирует урон.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=Эта зачарованная перчатка сделана из ткани багрового цвета и покрыта каменными пластинами. Она отлично облегает вашу руку, из-за чего толстые пластины чувствуются как вторая кожа. Использование такого оружия требует большой силы, зато придаёт вашим ударам невероятную мощь.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Это довольно медленное оружие.\nЭто оружие имеет повышенную дальность атаки.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Короткий меч, уже силь
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=ослепляющий дротик
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Эти дротики, покрытые веществом на основе Слепняка, на некоторое время ослепляют жертву. Но они не дезориентируют её, так что противник запомнит ваше последнее известное местонахождение.
@ -1004,7 +1059,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Это необычное метательно
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Этот плоский изогнутый деревянный снаряд вернется к хозяину, если кинуть его во врага.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Благодаря своей конструкции, бумеранг не изнашивается при использовании.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=парализующий дротик
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Эти дротики, покрытые веществом на основе Земляного корня, на некоторое время парализуют жертву.
@ -1048,6 +1103,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Благодаря избыточной силе,
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=Взаимодействие несовместимой магии развеяло зачарование на этом оружии!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Поскольку это оружие проклято, вы не в силах убрать его.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Вы чувствуете, что это оружие скрывает в себе какую-то темную магию.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Это оружие сбалансировано, чтобы увеличивать _скорость._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Это оружие сбалансировано, чтобы увеличивать _урон._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=На это оружие наложено _%s._
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
items.armor.curses.antientropy.name=Anti entropi %s
items.armor.curses.antientropy.desc=Anti-entropi laneti evrenin güçlerine karşı çalışarak düşmandan enerjiyi çekerek giyen kişiye aktarır. Bu saldırganı dondurur, ama giyen kişiyi de ateşe verir!
items.armor.curses.bulk.name=%s of bulk
items.armor.curses.bulk.desc=Armor of bulk looks larger and more imposing, but doesn't actually have enhanced defence. Even worse, the added size makes moving through doorways very difficult.
items.armor.curses.bulk.name=Yığın %s
items.armor.curses.bulk.desc=Yığınmış zırhlar daha büyük ve daha korkutucu görünür, fakat aslında arttırılmış korunmaları yoktur. Hatta daha da beteri, eklenmiş fazladan boyut kapılardan geçmeyi çok zor bir hale getirir.
items.armor.curses.corrosion.name=Korozif %s
items.armor.curses.corrosion.desc=Korozif zırhlar etrafa aşındırıcı bir sıvı saçarak bölgedeki her şeyi yapışkan, asidik bir çamurla kaplayabilir.
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ items.armor.curses.metabolism.desc=Metabolizma laneti giyen kişi yaralandığı
items.armor.curses.multiplicity.name=Çoğaltan %s
items.armor.curses.multiplicity.desc=Çokluk laneti barındıran zırhlar tehlikeli kopyalama büyüsü içerir. Bazen giyen kişinin bir ayna görüntüsünü oluşturur, ama düşmanları da kopyalama şansı vardır!
items.armor.curses.overgrowth.name=%s of overgrowth
items.armor.curses.overgrowth.desc=Armor of overgrowth is covered in various blooming plants. While this effect certainly looks interesting, it does nothing for defence, and these plants will randomly activate in combat!
items.armor.curses.overgrowth.name=Aşırı büyümüş %s
items.armor.curses.overgrowth.desc=Aşırı büyümüş zırhlar çeşitli yeşermiş bitkilerle kaplıdır. Bu etki kesinlikle ilginç dursa da korunma adına hiçbir şey yapmaz, ve bu bitkiler dövüş esnasında rastgele bir şekilde aktifleşir!
items.armor.curses.stench.name=pis kokulu %s
items.armor.curses.stench.desc=Kokuşma ile lanetlenmiş zırh, içinde yakalanan her şey için zararlı iğrenç gaz bulutları salar.
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.name=kamuflajlı %s
items.armor.glyphs.camouflage.desc=Bu rün zırhı giyen kişinin uzun çimlerin içine karışmasını sağlayarak onlara geçici görünmezlik verir.
items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.name=Dolaştıran %s
items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=This glyph grows earthroot around the wearer to absorb damage, but roots them if allowed to take hold.
items.armor.glyphs.entanglement.desc=Bu rün giyenin etrafında hasarı emmek için yerkökü büyütür, fakat eğer onu kaplamasına izin verirse kullanıcıyı yere kökler.
items.armor.glyphs.flow.name=akışkan %s
items.armor.glyphs.flow.desc=Bu rün suyun akışını zırhı giyen kişinin etrafında kontrol ederek o kişinin suyun içinde daha hızlı hareket etmesini sağlar.
@ -48,16 +48,16 @@ items.armor.glyphs.obfuscation.desc=Bu rün, giyen kişiye belirsiz bir görünt
items.armor.glyphs.potential.name=Potansiyel veren %s
items.armor.glyphs.potential.rankings_desc=Öldüren: Potansiyel rünü
items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=This glyph builds energy when struck, giving a small amount of charge to the wearer's wands.
items.armor.glyphs.potential.desc=Bu rün hasar alındığında enerji üretir ve bu enerji kullanıcının asalarını şarj eder.
items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.name=geri tepici %s
items.armor.glyphs.repulsion.desc=Bu rün saldırganların güçünü onlara çevirerek onları geriye doğru savurur.
items.armor.glyphs.stone.name=taşlı %s
items.armor.glyphs.stone.desc=This glyph surrounds the armor with heavy magical stone that makes dodging impossible, but blocks damage in proportion with evasion.
items.armor.glyphs.stone.desc=Bu rün, zırhı, kaçınmayı imkansız hale getiren ağır bir büyülü taşla kaplar, fakat aldığı kaçınmanın üstünü kapatmak için fazladan hasar bloklar.
items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.name=çevik %s
items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=This glyph enhances the speed of the wearer whenever they aren't next to an enemy.
items.armor.glyphs.swiftness.desc=Bu rün, giyen kişinin hızını bir düşmanın yanında olmadığı zaman arttırır.
items.armor.glyphs.thorns.name=dikenli %s
items.armor.glyphs.thorns.desc=Bu güçlü rün saldırganlara zarar vererek onların verdiği hasara bağlı olarak yavaşça kanama geçirmelerine neden olur.
@ -83,11 +83,12 @@ items.armor.armor.avg_absorb=Tipik olarak bu zırh _%1$d-%2$d hasarı_ önler ve
items.armor.armor.too_heavy=Gücün yetersiz olduğu için bu zırhı giymek hareket, kaçınma ve savunma yeteneklerini azaltacaktır.
items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Muhtemelen bu zırh senin için fazla ağır.
items.armor.armor.excess_str=Fazladan gücünden dolayı, bu zırhı giyerken _daha çok kaçınabilirsin._
items.armor.armor.evasion=It is augmented to enhance _evasion._
items.armor.armor.defense=It is augmented to enhance _defense._
items.armor.armor.evasion=_Kaçınmayı_ arttırmak için yükseltilmiş
items.armor.armor.defense=_Korunmayı_ arttırmak için yükseltilmiş
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Üzerine _%s_ yazılmış.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Bu zırh lanetli olduğundan onu çıkarmak için yeterli güce sahip değilsin.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Bu zırhın etrafında kötü bir büyünün varlığını hissediyorsun.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Savaşçı'nın kırık mührü zırha tutturulmuş.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s seni öldürdü...
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=KARIŞTIR
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Aynı eserden iki tane giyemezsin.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Eser kendisini sana acı verici bir şekilde bağlıyor.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Eserin içinde kötücül bir büyünün varlığını hissediyorsun.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Bunu yapabilmen için eserini kuşanman gerekiyor.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=dikenlerin pelerini
@ -333,11 +335,11 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Kalın palaska, göğsünü bir kuşak gibi sar
items.bags.scrollholder.name=parşomen tutacağı
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Bu tüp tutacağı bir yıldız bilimcinin tabloları için gibi görünüyor, ama parşömenlerin de içine uyuyor. \n\nTutacak pek yanıcı görünmüyor, yani parşömenlerin içeride ateşe karşı güvende olmalı.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=velvet pouch
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=This small velvet pouch can store many small items in it, such as seeds and runestones.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=kadife kese
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Bu küçük kadife tohum ekinler ve rüntaşları gibi birçok küçük eşyayı içinde saklayabilir.
items.bags.magicalholster.name=magical holster
items.bags.magicalholster.desc=This slim holster is made from some exotic animal hide, and posses powerful magic which lets it store a massive amount of ranged weapons.\n\nYou can simply reach into the bag and will always grab the item you were looking for.\n\nDue to the holster's magic, wands will charge slightly faster and missile weapons will last slightly longer inside of it.
items.bags.magicalholster.name=büyülü kılıf
items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Bu ince kılıf bir çeşit egzotik hayvan derisinden yapılmıştır ve onun içerisinde devasa bir miktarda mesafeli silah saklanabilmesini sağlayan güçlü bir büyüye sahiptir.\n\nBasit bir şekilde çantanın içine elini sokup aradığın eşyayı anında bulabilirsin.\n\nKılıfın büyüsü sayesinde asalar birazcık daha hızlı şarj olacak ve mesafeli silahlar onun içinde daha birazcık daha uzun süre sağlam kalacaklardır.
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=üzüntü meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.stormfruit=fırtına meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.dreamfruit=hayal meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.starfruit=yıldız meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Bunu çiğ yemeye için elvermiyor.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=Bu buz meyvesinin Donmuş Et gibi bir tadı var.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=İçinde büyük bir ateşin yandığını hissediyorsun!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=İğrenç zehirli bir güç ile sarıldın!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Dünyanın gücünün etrafında süzüldüğünü hissediyorsun!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Çok kuru ve temelsiz, belki başka bir malzeme ile pişirmek onu geliştirebilir.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Meyve, birlikte pişirildiği ekinin içeriğini emdi, şu an çok daha iyi görünüyor.\n\nYenmeye hazır gibi görünüyor!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=kızartılmış et
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Normal pişmiş bir et gibi görünüyor.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=Hayır, fikrimi değiştirdim
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=İçmek istediğine emin misin? Genellikle bu türden iksirleri düşmanların üstüne atmalısın.
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=Fırlatmak istediğine emin misin? Genellikle bu gibi iksirleri içmek daha mantıklıdır.
items.potions.potion.shatter=Cam kırılıyor ve içindeki sıvı zararsızca etrafa sıçrıyor.
items.potions.potion$randompotion.name=Rastgele İksir
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Rastgele İksir
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=deneyim İksiri
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Burada yaşanan savaşların deneyimleri sıvı bir formda toplamış, bundan bir yudum almak deneyim seviyeni anında yükseltecektir.
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Burada yaşanan savaşların deneyimleri s
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=dondurma iksiri
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Bu iksirin içindeki kimyasal, hava ile temas ettiğinde dondurucu bir bulut oluşturacaktır.
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
items.potions.potionofhealing.name=iyileştirme iksiri
items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Yaraların kapanmaya başlıyor.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Bu iksir canını hızlıca dolduracak ve birçok rahatsızlığı iyileştirecektir.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=Bu bir %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Artık yüzüğüne onu tanımlayabilecek kadar alışıksın. Bu bir %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Bu yüzük lanetli olduğu için onu çıkartacak güce sahip değilsin.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Bu yüzüğün etrafında kötücül bir büyünün varlığını hissediyorsun.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=isabet yüzüğü
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Bu yüzük giyen kişinin konsantrasyonunu arttırıp, düşmanının giyenin saldırılarından kurtulma yeteneğini düşürecektir. Lanetli bir yüzük ise düşmanlarının giyen kişinin saldırılarından kaçmasını kolaylaştıracaktır.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=ayna görüntü parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=Bu parşömenin üzerindeki büyü okuyucunun ilüzyon ikizlerini yaratır, bu ikizler düşmanlarını takip eder.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.name=psiyonik patlama parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=Psionik Patlama aklını paramparça etti...
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Bu parşömenin içindeki yıkıcı enerji tüm görünür canlıların akıllarını paramparça etmek için yönlendirilebilir. Parşömenin açığa çıkardığı enerji okuyucuyu geçici olarak kör eder, sersemletir ve ağır bir biçimde zarar verir.
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.name=öfke parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrollofrage.roar=Parşömen bütün zindanda yankılanan öfkelendirici bir kükreme çıkardı!
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=Parşöen muazzam bir kırmızı ışık parlam
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.many=Parşömen muazzam bir kırmızı ışık parlaması yaydı ve yaratıklar kaçmaya başladı!
items.scrolls.scrollofterror.desc=Bir kırmızı ışık parlaması görüş alanındaki tüm yaratıkları teröre boğacaktır ve onların dönüp kaçmasına neden olacaktır. Kaçan bir düşmana saldırmak etkiyi kaldırır.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=yükseltme parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=Bir eşyayı yükselt
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=Yükseltme parşömeni eşyandaki laneti zayıflattı.
@ -664,26 +681,61 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=Bu parşömen tek bir eşyayı yükselterek k
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=Stone of Augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Augment an item
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=This runestone possesses potent magic which can augment equipment to enhance one property at the cost of another.\n\nUsing on a weapon will allow you to enhance either speed or damage.\n\nUsing on armor will allow you to enhance either defense or evasion.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=What would you like to enhance?
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Remove Augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.inv_title=Bir eşyayı yükselt
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.desc=Bu rüntaşı bir ekipmanın bir özelliğini diğerinin pahasına yükseltebilir.\n\nBunu bir silahta kullanmak o silahın hızını veya hasarını artırmanı sağlar.\n\nBunu bir zırhta kullanmak o zırhın hasarını veya kaçınmasını artırmanı sağlar.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.choice=Neyi yükseltmek istersin?
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Yükseltmeyi Kaldır
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=Efsunlama Taşı
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Bir eşyayı efsunla
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.weapon=Silahın karanlıkta parlıyor!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.armor=Zırhın karanlıkta parlıyor!
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Bu taş efsunlama sihrine sahip. Bir Yükseltme Tomarının aksine bir eşyanın gücünü direkt olarak yükseltmez, fakat bunun yerine bir zırha veya silahı bir büyüyle kaplayarak ona yeni bir güç kazandırır.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Sezgi Taşı
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Bir eşya seç
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Bu taş, Tanıma Tomarlarının sahip olduğu büyünün daha zayıf bir haline sahip. Bir eşyayı direkt tanımak yerine senin sezgilerinle çalışır ve bir iksiri veya tomarı tahmin ederek tanıyabilmeni sağlar.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
items.wands.cursedwand.ondeath=%s ile kendi kendini öldürdün.
@ -778,8 +830,8 @@ items.weapon.curses.annoying.desc=Sinir bozucu silahlar konuşabilir, ancak bira
items.weapon.curses.displacing.name=yer değiştirici %s
items.weapon.curses.displacing.desc=Yer değiştirici silahlar kaotik ışınlama enerjisiyle işlenmiş, bu büyü düşmanları katın içinde rastgele ışınlama yeteneğine sahiptir.
items.weapon.curses.elastic.name=elastic %s
items.weapon.curses.elastic.desc=Elastic weapons aren't able to deal any damage, but can send enemies flying back short distances.
items.weapon.curses.elastic.name=elastik %s
items.weapon.curses.elastic.desc=Elastik silahlar hiç hasar veremez fakat düşmanları kısa mesafelere uçurabilir.
items.weapon.curses.exhausting.name=yorucu %s
items.weapon.curses.exhausting.desc=Yorucu silahları kullanmak için bayağı efor sarfedilir, bu da sonuç olarak kuşananı zamanla güçsüzleştirir.
@ -787,8 +839,8 @@ items.weapon.curses.exhausting.desc=Yorucu silahları kullanmak için bayağı e
items.weapon.curses.fragile.name=kırılgan %s
items.weapon.curses.fragile.desc=Kırılgan silahlar normal türdeşleri kadar güçlü başlarlar, ancak kullanıldıkça verimleri hızla düşer.
items.weapon.curses.friendly.name=friendly %s
items.weapon.curses.friendly.desc=Friendly weapons are best suited for pacifists, occasionally triggering magic that makes it impossible to fight.
items.weapon.curses.friendly.name=arkadaş canlısı %s
items.weapon.curses.friendly.desc=Arkadaş canlısı silahlar barışçıl kişiler için en iyi seçimdir, bazen dövüşmeyi imkansız hale getiren bir büyünün tetiğini çekerler.
items.weapon.curses.sacrificial.name=kana susamış %s
items.weapon.curses.sacrificial.desc=Kana susamış silahlar kuşanan kişiden düşmanlara saldırmanın karşılığında kan talep eder. Giyen kişi ne kadar sağlıklıysa, lanet o kadar kan alacaktır.
@ -814,7 +866,7 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.grim.name=ölümcül %s
items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Bu güçlü efsun o kadar güçlüdür ki, bir düşmanı anında öldürme gücüne sahiptir! Düşman ne kadar zayıfsa bu etki o kadar sık gerçekleşir.
items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.name=şanslı %s
items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=A lucky weapon will deal either double damage or no damage. The odds become tipped in your favour every time an attack deals no damage.
items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.desc=Şanslı bir silah ya iki kat hasar verir ya da hiç hasar vermez. Bir silah ne zaman hiç hasar vermezse olasılıklar senin lehine geçer.
items.weapon.enchantments.projecting.name=erişen %s
items.weapon.enchantments.projecting.desc=Bu efsunla yakın dövüş silahlarının erişme uzaklığı artar. Menzilli silahlar duvarları delme yeteneği kazanır.
@ -847,9 +899,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.battleaxe.name=savaş baltası
items.weapon.melee.battleaxe.stats_desc=Bu silah gayet isabetli.
items.weapon.melee.battleaxe.desc=Bu savaş baltasının devasa çelik başı her geniş savurmaya ağırlığını veriyor.
items.weapon.melee.crossbow.stats_desc=This weapon enhances the damage of thrown darts when equipped, and will even grant its enchantment to them.
items.weapon.melee.crossbow.desc=A fairly intricate weapon which shoots bolts at exceptional speeds. While it isn't designed for it, this crossbow's heft and sturdy construction make it a decent melee weapon as well.
items.weapon.melee.crossbow.stats_desc=Bu silah giyildiğinde fırlatılan dartların hasarını arttıracaktır ve bunun üzerine onlara bir efsun verecektir.
items.weapon.melee.crossbow.desc=Pek karmaşık olmayan ve okları mükemmel hızlarda atan bir silah. Bunun için dizayn edilmemiş olsa da arbaletin ağır ve sağlam yapısı onun idare eder bir yakın dövüş silahı olarak ta kullanabilmesini sağlar.
items.weapon.melee.dagger.stats_desc=Bu silah farkında olmayan düşmanlara karşı daha güçlü.
@ -863,9 +915,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.name=topuz
items.weapon.melee.flail.stats_desc=Bu silah keskin saldırılar yapmaya elverişli değil.\nBu silahla sürpriz saldırı yapılamaz.
items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=Tutacağa uzunca bir zincirle bağlanmış dikenli bir gülle. Kullanması zor, ancak isabet ederse yıkıcı olabilir.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=stone gauntlet
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.name=taş eldiven
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.stats_desc=Bu çok hızlı bir silah.\nBu silah biraz hasarı engeller.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered ontop. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon require strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.name=baltalı kargı
items.weapon.melee.glaive.stats_desc=Bu bayağı yavaş bir silah.\nBu silah fazladan erişime sahiptir.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Bayağı kısa bir kılıç, ağır kulla
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.name=köredici dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.blindingdart.desc=Bu dartların ucunda köredici ot tabanlı kimyasal bir içerik bulunuyor ve bunun sayesinde bu dartlar hedeflerini kısa bir süreliğine kör etme yeteneğine sahipler. Düşmanların kör olsalar bile kafaları karışmayacaktır ama, yani bir düşman seni en son nerede gördüğünü hala biliyor olacaktır.
@ -1004,13 +1059,13 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Bu alışılmadık fırlatma silahları pek de
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Düşmana fırlatılan bu düz, tahta, kıvrık menzilli silah fırlatıcısının eline geri döner.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Sağlam yapısı sayesinde bu bumerang kullanım sonucu kırılmayacaktır.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=zehirli dart
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Bu dartların ucunda dünyatohumu ele alınarak yapılmış bir kimyasal bulunuyor, bu kimyasal hedefini kısa bir süreliğine felç edebilir.
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.name=balık tutma mızrağı
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Tiny throwing spears designed for fishing. They work well as an improvised weapon too.
items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Balık tutmak için tasarlanmış minik mızraklar. Doğaçlama bir silah olarak ta kullanılabilirler.
items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Bu büyük fırlatma mızrakları havada uçarken uçlarındaki dikeni önde tutmak için dengelenmiş.
@ -1029,8 +1084,8 @@ items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=Bu ağır çekiçler bir düşmana at
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=fırlatma bıçağı
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=Bu hafif bıçaklar havada kavisler yaparak tam hedeflerine saplanmak için dengelenmiş. Farkında olmayan düşmanlara karşı daha etkilidirler.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingspear.name=throwing spear
items.weapon.missiles.throwingspear.desc=These lightweight spears have thin frames which are clearly designed to be thrown, and not thrusted.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingspear.name=fırlatma mızrağı
items.weapon.missiles.throwingspear.desc=Bu hafif mızrakların küçük bedenleri açık bir şekilde onların saplamak için değil fırlatmak için olduklarını gösteriyor.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingstone.name=fırlatma taşı
items.weapon.missiles.throwingstone.desc=Bu taşlar normal bir taştan daha fazla güçle fırlatılabilmek için dengelenmiş. Ustalıkla işlenmiş olsalar bile güvenilir bir silah değiller.
@ -1048,8 +1103,9 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Fazladan gücünden dolayı, bu silahla en çok _
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=Etkileşime giren farklı büyü türleri bu silahın üzerindeki efsunu kaldırdı!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Bu silah lanetli olduğu için onu çıkarmaya gücün yetmiyor.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Bu silahın içinde kötücül bir büyünün varlığını hissediyorsun.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=It is augmented to enhance _speed._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=It is augmented to enhance _damage._
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=_Hızı_ arttırmak için yükseltilmiş
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=_Hasarı_ arttırmak için yükseltilmiş
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Üzerinde _%s_ var.
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ items.armor.armor.defense=这件护甲被强化过_防御。_
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=This armor is free of malevolent magic.
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=酿造
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=This artifact is free of malevolent magic.
@ -354,13 +356,18 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=忧伤果
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ items.potions.potion.no=不,我改变主意了
items.potions.potion.sure_drink=你确定要饮用它吗? 大多数情况下你该把它扔向敌人的。
items.potions.potion.sure_throw=你确定要投掷它吗? 大多数情况下把它喝下去会更有用。
@ -452,6 +459,10 @@ items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=众多战斗积累而来的经验被浓缩
items.potions.potionofhaste.name=potion of haste
items.potions.potionofhaste.energetic=you feel energetic!
items.potions.potionofhaste.desc=Drinking this oddly sweet liquid will imbue you with tremendous energy for a short time, allowing you to run at high speeds.
@ -541,6 +552,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=这是个%s。
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=This ring is free of malevolent magic.
@ -623,8 +635,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=镜像卷轴
items.scrolls.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains destructive energy that can be channeled to assault the minds all visible creatures, blinding and damaging them. The power unleashed by the scroll is chaotic, so it will also blind and weaken the user.\n\n The more injured the user is, the more powerful the scroll will be. At very low health psionic blast can kill most enemies instantly.
@ -653,6 +664,12 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofterror.one=这个卷轴产生了一阵明亮的红色闪
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.name=scroll of transmutation
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.inv_title=Transmute an item
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.nothing=Nothing interesting happens.
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.morph=Your item morphs into something different!
items.scrolls.scrolloftransmutation.desc=This scroll contains powerful transmutation magic. When used on an eligible item it will transform it into a different item of the same type. The magic will even preserve upgrades, enchantments, and glyphs.
@ -664,7 +681,11 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=这张卷轴可以升级一件物品,提升
items.stones.stoneofaggression.name=stone of aggression
items.stones.stoneofaggression.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with aggression magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of aggression will attempt to attack the thrower over any other target.
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation.name=stone of augmentation
@ -675,15 +696,46 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=防御
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=stone of avoidance
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=When this stone is thrown near an enemy, it will afflict them with avoidance magic.\n\nAn enemy under the influence of avoidance will prefer to attack any other enemy before the thrower. If the thrower is the only possible target they will still be attacked however.
items.stones.stoneofblast.name=stone of blast
items.stones.stoneofblast.desc=This runestone will instantly explode at the location it is thrown to. Just like a bomb, the explosion will deal damage to anything nearby.
items.stones.stoneofblink.name=stone of blink
items.stones.stoneofblink.desc=This runestone will teleport the user to the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.name=stone of clairvoyance
items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=This stone will instantly search all tiles which are visible from the location it is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=stone of deepened sleep
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=When this stone is thrown near a sleeping enemy, it will magically deepen their speed. Magically slept enemies will sleep forever until disturbed.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=stone of detect curse
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detect an item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=You sense that the item is cursed!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=There is no evil magic in that item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=This runestone holds a weaker version of the magic found in scrolls of remove curse. While curses cannot be removed from an item, they will be detected.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=stone of enchantment
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=stone of flock
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=This runestone summons magical sheep for a short time around the location is is thrown to.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=stone of intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Guess what the unidentified item is. If you guess correctly, it will be identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correct. The item has been identified!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Your guess was incorrect.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=stone of shock
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=This runestone unleashes a short-lived electrical storm at the location it is thrown to.
@ -865,7 +917,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.flail.desc=铁链上附着的一个带刺的钢球。笨重
items.weapon.melee.gauntlet.desc=This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
@ -960,6 +1012,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=一把十分短的剑,在大量使用
###missile weapons
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.name=adrenaline dart
items.weapon.missiles.darts.adrenalinedart.desc=These darts are tipped with a swiftthistle-based compound which will give their target a boost in speed. This boost affects both speed of movement and of attacking, though movement is improved more.
@ -1004,7 +1059,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=这种奇怪的远程武器造成的伤害并
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Due to its solid construction, this boomerang will not break from use.
@ -1048,6 +1103,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=你的额外力量让你在使用这件武器时
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=This weapon is free of malevolent magic.
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Si una situació sembla perillosa
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Saqueig efectiu
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Algunes habitacions concretes contenen un millor botí que altres. Algunes d'aquestes habitacions estaran darrere de portes tancades, o contindran obstacles que s'han d'esquivar.\n\nQuan un obstacle com aquest bloquegi el teu progrés, busca una solució al teu voltant. Pot ser una clau o alguna cosa més manufacturada, sovint hi ha alguna eina que pots utilitzar en el mateix pis.\n\nLes pocions de força i els pergamins de millora són una mesura excel·lent del teu nivell d'exploració i saqueig. Seràs capaç de trobar 3 pergamins de millora i 2 pocions de millora per cada regió de la masmorra.\n\n(Pots veure una llista de fites i claus que no has utilitzat a la pestanya de notes a la finestra del teu diari)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Atacs màgics
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Els atacs màgics travessen l'armadura i són extremadament difícils d'esquivar.\n\nAixò vol dir que atacar als teus enemics amb varetes és molt fiable, però també fa als enemics màgics extremadament perillosos.\n\nEls atacs màgics sempre tenen un inconvenient però. En el cas de les varetes és el seu límit de càrregues, les varetes es tornen gairebé inútils si no se'ls hi dóna temps perquè es recarreguin. La màgia que utilitzen els enemics sempre tindrà també alguna mena de debilitació.\n\nQuan s'enfronten enemics que utilitzen màgia és extremadament important saber com evitar la seva màgia, en lloc de simplement menjar-se el dany de l'atac.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pou de salut
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pou de coneixement
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Když vypadá situace bezradně,
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Efektivní Průzkum
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Určité místnosti často obsahují lepší kořist než ostatní. Některé tyto místností budou za zamčenými dveřmi nebo budou obsahovat překážky, se kterými si budeš muset poradit.\n\nKdykoliv na takovou překážku narazíš, hledej řešení ve svém okolí. Ať už je to klíč nebo něco mnohem chytřejšího, obvykle je nástroj který můžeš použít na tom samém podlaží.\n\nLektvary síly a svitky vylepšení jsou skvělé měřítko toho, jak dobře prozkoumáváš a hledáš. V každé z pěti částí kobky můžeš najít 3 svitky vylepšení a 2 lektvary síly.\n\n(V Deníku pod záložkou Poznámky můžeš najít seznam důležitých míst a nalezených nepoužitých klíčů.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Magické Útoky
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magické útoky projdou přímo skrz zbroj a je velmi těžké se jim vyhnout.\n\nTo znamená, že poškození které udělíš s hůlkami je jisté, ale také to dělá magické nepřátele extrémně nebezpečnými.\n\nMagické útoky mají i nějaké nevýhody. V případě hůlek je to limit v počtu nabití. Hůlky se stanou zbytečnými, pokud jim nabití dojdou a nemají čas se dobít. Magie kterou používají nepřátelé, má vždy také nějakou formu slabiny.\n\nKdyž stojíš proti nepřátelům kteří používají magii, je velice důležité přijít na to jak se jejich magii vyhnout, spíš než ochotně schytávat poškození.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=Studna Zdraví
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=Studna Vědomí
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Wenn eine Situation düster aussi
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Effektives Plündern
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Bestimmte Räume enthalten öfters bessere Beute als andere. Manche dieser Räume befinden sich hinter verschlossenen Türen oder sind durch Hindernisse versperrt, welche es zu überwinden gilt.\n\nWenn du auf so ein Hinderniss stößt, suche in der näheren Umgebung nach einer Lösung. Entweder ist es ein Schlüssel oder etwas kniffligeres. Normalerweise befindet sich der Gegenstand zur Lösung im gleichen Stockwerk.\n\nDie Anzahl der gefundenen Tränke der Stärke und Rollen der Verbesserung sind ein hervorragendes Maß um festzustellen, wie gut du den Dungeon erforscht hast: Du findest pro Areal drei Rollen der Verbesserung und zwei Tränke der Stärke.\n\n(Eine Liste wichtiger Wegmarkierungen und unbenüzter Schlüssel, findest du im Notizreiter deines Tagebuchs.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Magische Attacken
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magische Angriffe ignorieren die Rüstungen und man kann ihnen nur sehr schwer ausweichen.\n\nDies bedeutet, dass du zwar hohen Schaden mit Zauberstäben austeilst kannst, aber auch das magische Kreaturen extrem gefährlich sind.\n\nMagische Angriffe haben aber auch Nachteile. Zauberstäbe haben zum Beispiel nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Ladungen und können nicht verwendet werden, bis diese wieder aufgeladen sind. Die Magie, welche den Feinden zur Verfügung steht, haben ebenfalls immer eine Form von Schwachstelle.\n\nWenn man mit magisch-begabten Gegner konfrontiert wird, ist es sehr wichtig herauszufinden, wie man Ihre Magie funktioniert, anstatt nur ihre Angriffe gedankenlos einzustecken.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=Brunnen der Gesundheit
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=Brunnen der Wahrnehmung
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Se situacio aspektas danĝere, ne
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Efika trezoriĝado
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Iuj ĉambroj ofte enhavos pli bonajn trezorojn ol aliaj. Kelkaj de tiuj ĉambroj troviĝos malantaŭ kaŝitaj pordoj aŭ enhavos preterpasendajn baraĵojn.\n\nKiam iu baraĵo blokos vian vojon, rigardu ĉirkaŭen por solvo. Kiam tio ĉi estas ŝlosilo aŭ io pli ruza, kutime ie en la sama keletaĝo troviĝas ilo, kiun vi povas uzi.\n\nEliksiroj de povo kaj skribrulaĵoj de plibonigo estas utilaj indikoj kiel bone vi esploras la subteraĵon. Vi povos trovi precize 3 skribrulaĵojn de plibonigo kaj 2 eliksiroj de povo por ĉiu regiono de la labirinto.\n\n(Vi povas vidigi liston de signifaj rekoniloj kaj neuzitaj ŝlosiloj ĉe langeto de notoj en la taglibro.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Magiaj atakoj
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magiaj atakoj trairas vian defendaĵon kaj estas ege malfacilaj por eviti.\n\nTio ĉi signifas, ke damaĝo kaŭzata de vergoj estos tre certa, kaj ankaŭ igos magiajn monstrojn ekstreme danĝeraj.\n\nSed tamen magiaj atakoj havas kelkajn limigojn. Ekzemple vergoj havas limigitajn ŝargojn, do ili iĝos senutilaj sen tempo por reŝargi. Magio uzata de kontraŭuloj ĉiam havas ian malfortecon.\n\nBatalante kontraŭulojn, kiuj uzas magion, estas grave esplori kiel eviti ilian magion, anstataŭ simple ricevi damaĝon de ili.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=puto de sano
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=puto de scio
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Si ves negra la situación, no te
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Saqueo efectivo
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Hay ciertas habitaciones que suelen contener mejor botín que las demás. Algunas de estas habitaciones están tras puertas cerradas con llave, o contienen obstáculos que hay que superar.\n\nCuando un obstáculo de este tipo se interponga en tu camino, busca una solución en las cercanías. Ya sea una llave o algo más ingenioso, con frecuencia habrá una herramienta que puedas usar en el mismo piso.\n\nLas pociones de fuerza y pergaminos de mejora son una medida excelente de hasta qué punto estás explorando y saqueando bien, ya que encontrarás 3 pergaminos de mejora y 2 pociones de fuerza en cada región de la mazmorra.\n\n(Puedes ver una lista de puntos notables y llaves sin usar en la pestaña de notas de la ventana de diario.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Ataques mágicos
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Los taques mágicos atraviesan la armadura y son extremadamente difíciles de esquivar.\n\nEsto significa que el daño que produzcas con varitas será muy confiable, pero también hace que los enemigos mágicos sean extremadamente peligrosos.\n\nSin embargo, los ataques mágicos siempre tienen su contrapartida. En el caso de las varitas, sus cargas limitadas, las varitas se vuelven casi inútiles si no se les da tiempo para recargarse. La magia que usan los enemigos también tendrá algún punto débil.\n\nCuando se enfrenta a enemigos que usan magia, es extremadamente importante saber cómo evadir su magia, en lugar de absorber el daño de ella.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pozo de vitalidad
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pozo del conocimiento
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Jos tilanne näyttää vakavalta,
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Tehokas Ryöstely
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Tietyt huoneet sisältävät paremmin saalista kuin muut. Jotkin näistä huoneista ovat lukittujen ovien takana tai sisältävät esteitä, jotka pitää jotenkin ohittaa.\n\nAina kun tällainen este keskeyttää etenemisesi, etsi ratkaisua läheltä. Ratkaisu saattaa olla avain tai jotain vähän hankalampaa, mutta samalta tasolta pitäisi löytyä työkalu esteiden ratkaisemiseen.\n\nVahvuuden taikajuomat ja parannuksen kääröt ovat erinomainen tapa saada selville kuinka hyvin olet tutkinut ja löytänyt esineitä. Jokaista Luolaston aluetta kohti on kolme parannuksen kääröä ja kaksi vahvuuden taikajuomaa.\n\n(Voit nähdä listan tärkeistä asioista ja kohteista ja käyttämättömistä avaimista lokikirjasi huomautukset-sivulla.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Maagiset Hyökkäykset
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Maagiset hyökkäykset menevät suoraan panssarista läpi ja ovat äärimmäisen vaikeita väistää.\n\nTämä tekee sauvoista todella luotettavia aseita, mutta tekee myös maagisista vihollisista äärimmäisen vaarallisia.\n\nMaagisilla hyökkäyksilläkin on kuitenkin rajansa. Sauvojen tapauksessa rajana ovat niiden latausten lukumäärä ja sauvoista tulee melkein hyödyttömiä, jos niiden ei anneta latautua. Vihollistenkin käyttämällä magialla on heikkoutensa.\n\nMagiaa käyttäviä vihollisia vastaan taistellessa on todella tärkeää löytää tapa välttää maagisia hyökkäyksiä kaiken vahingon vastaan ottamisen sijaan.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=elinvoiman kaivo
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=tietämyksen kaivo
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Si une situation sent le roussi,
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Le butin
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Les pièces spéciales contiennent souvent de meilleurs trésors que les autres. Certaines de ces pièces seront derrière des portes verrouillées, ou contiendront des obstacles qu'il faudra surmonter.\n\nQuand un tel obstacle bloque votre progression, cherchez une solution dans les parages. Que ce soit une clé ou quelque chose à fabriquer, il y a généralement un outil qui contient la solution sur ce niveau.\n\nLes potions de force et parchemins d'amélioration constituent un excellent indicateur de votre efficacité dans l'exploration et le ramassage de trésors. Vous pouvez trouver 3 parchemins d'amélioration et 2 potions de soins par région du donjon.\n\n(Vous pouvez voir une liste des endroits importants et des clés inutilisées dans la page "Notes" du journal)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Attaques magiques
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Les attaques magiques passent directement à travers l'armure et sont très difficiles à esquiver.\n\nLes dégats que vous infligez avec les baguettes sont donc très efficaces, mais les attaques magiques des ennemis aussi !\n\nCependant, les attaques magiques ont toujours un facteur limitant. Les baguettes ont un nombre de charges limité par exemple, et deviennent inutiles le temps qu'elles rechargent. Les attaques magiques des ennemis ont elles aussi toujours une faiblesse.\n\nFaisant face à un ennemi utilisant de la magie, il est donc important de trouver comment éviter ses attaques plutôt que d'en encaisser les dégâts.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=puits de santé
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=puits de connaissance
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=If a situation is looking grim, t
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Hatékony fosztogatás
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Specific rooms will often contain better loot than others. Some of these rooms will be behind locked doors, or will contain obstacles which must be navigated past.\n\nWhenever an obstacle like this blocks your progress, look for a solution nearby. Whether it's a key or something more crafty, there is usually a tool you can use on the same floor.\n\nPotions of strength and scrolls of upgrade are an excellent measure of how well you're exploring and looting. You will be able to find 3 scrolls of upgrade and 2 potions of strength per dungeon region.\n\n(You can see a list of important landmarks and unused keys in the notes tab of the journal window.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Mágikus támadások
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands its their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=élet vize
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=éberség kútja
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Jika siatuasinya terlihat mematik
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Penjarahan Efektif
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Beberapa ruangan khusus biasanya berisi barang-barang yang lebih bagus daripada di ruangan biasa. Beberapa dari ruangan tersebut adalah ruangan terkunci, atau pun ruangan yang berisi rintangan yang harus kau lewati.\n\nSaat kapanpun rintangan tersebut menghalangi jalanmu, carilah solusinya di sekitar. Apakah itu kunci atau benda yang bermanfaat, benda-benda itu selalu ada di lantai yang sama dengan ruangan rintangan itu.\n\nRamuan kekuatan dan gulungan upgrade adalah tolak ukur terbaik dalam bagaimana kau mengeksplor ruangan dan mencari-cari barang. Kau akan dapat menemukan 3 gulungan upgrade dan 2 ramuan kekuatan per bagian dungeon.\n\n(Kau dapat melihat daftar landmark penting dan kunci yang tidak terpakai di tab catatan di jendela jurnal)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Serangan Sihir
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Serangan sihir akan menembus armormu dan sangat sulit untuk dihindari.\n\nIni artinya damage yang kau lancarkan dari tongkat sihir akan sangat dapat diandalkan, tapi juga membuat musuh yang memakai sihir menjadi sangat berbahaya.\n\nSerangan sihir juga tentu ada batasnya. Misal, tongkat sihir ada batasan isinya, tongkat sihir hampir tidak berguna jika charge-nya habis. Sihir yang digunakan musuh juga kelemahannya seperti itu.\n\nSaat menghadapi musuh yang menggunakan sihir, sangatlah penting untuk dapat mencari tahu bagaimana cara menghindari sihir mereka itu, daripada hanya menerima damage itu dengan lapang dada.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=sumur kesehatan
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=sumur pengetahuan
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Se la situazione si fa brutta, no
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Saccheggio Efficace
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Stanze specifiche conterranno spesso oggetti migliori rispetto alle altre. Qualcuna di queste stanze saranno poste dietro porte chiuse a chiave, o vi saranno ostacoli che dovranno essere oltrepassati.\n\nOgni qual volta che un ostacolo del genere blocca il tuo procedere, ricerca la soluzione nei dintorni. Che si tratti di una chiave o qualcosa di più astuto, vi è di solito uno strumento nello stesso piano che puoi usare.\n\nPozioni di forza e pergamene di miglioramento sono un'eccellente criterio di quanto bene stai esplorando e raccogliendo loot. Sarai in grado di trovare 3 pergamene di miglioramento e 2 pozioni di forza per ogni regione del dungeon.\n\n(Puoi vedere una lista di luoghi importanti e chiavi non usate nella tabella note della finestra diario.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Attacchi Magici
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Gli attacchi magici passano attraverso le armature e sono estremamente difficili da schivare.\n\nQuesto significa che il danno che infliggi con le bacchette sarà molto affidabile, ma ciò rende anche i nemici magici molto pericolosi.\n\nGli attacchi magici tuttavia sottostanno ad alcune condizioni. Nel caso delle bacchette, queste sono rappresentate dalle loro cariche limitate, diventando quasi inutili se non viene dato loro il tempo di ricaricarsi. La magia usata dai nemici inoltre porta sempre con sé qualche forma di debolezza.\n\nMentre si affrontano nemici che usano la magia è estremamente importante capire come sfuggire al loro attacco magico, piuttosto che subire il danno da esso derivato.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pozzo della salute
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pozzo della consapevolezza
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=상황이 안 좋아진다면 도
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=효율적인 아이템 수집
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=몇몇 방들은 다른 방들보다 더 나은 전리품을 가지고 있습니다. 그중 몇몇은 열쇠로 잠겨 있을 수도 있고, 장애물로 막혀 특정한 방법으로 통과해야 합니다.\n\n장애물로 막힌 문이 있다면, 주변을 둘러보세요. 열쇠나 장애물을 통과할 수 있는 수단은 거의 항상 같은 층에 생성됩니다.\n\n힘의 물약과 강화의 주문서는 당신이 얼마나 탐험을 잘 했느냐를 보여주는 척도도 될 수 있습니다. 한 개의 던전 테마마다 3개의 강화 주문서와 2개의 힘 물약이 생성됩니다.\n\n(일지 화면에서 메모 탭을 눌러 특수 지형과 사용하지 않은 열쇠를 확인할 수 있습니다.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=마법 공격
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=마법 공격은 방여력을 무시하며 회피하기 매우 어렵습니다.\n\n이 말은 마법 막대가 매우 안정적인 공격 수단이라는 뜻이지만, 마법 공격을 사용하는 적들은 매우 위험하단 뜻도 됩니다.\n\n하지만 마법 공격에는 한계가 있습니다. 마법 막대는 충전량이 한정되어 있고, 마법 공격을 하는 적들도 각각의 약점이 있습니다.\n\n마법을 사용하는 적을 대면하면 피해를 고스란히 받는 대신 그 마법을 피하는 방법을 찾는 것이 매우 중요합니다.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=회복의 우물
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=지식의 우물
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Gdy sytuacja wygląda ponuro, nie
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Skutecznie łupienie
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Niektóre pokoje zawierają często lepsze łupy niż inne. Pokoje tę są zamknięte na klucz lub posiadają przeszkody przez które trzeba ominąć.\n\nJeżeli przeszkoda uniemożliwia ci przejście dalej, poszukaj rozwiązania wokół siebie. Często są to klucze lub coś bardziej złożonego, najczęściej na tym samym piętrze znajduję się jakiś przedmiot który może ci w tym pomóc.\n\nMikstury siły i zwoje ulepszenia to najlepsze wskaźniki tego jak sobie radzisz z eksploracją i grabieżą. Będziesz mógł znaleźć 3 zwoje ulepszeń i 2 mikstury siły na każdy regionie lochu.\n\n(Możesz zobaczyć listę ważnych miejsc i nieużytych kluczy w zakładce notatek z okna dziennika.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Ataki magiczne
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magiczne ataki przebijają się przez zbroję i są bardzo trudne do ominięcia.\n\nTo oznacza że obrażenia zadane różdżką są godne zaufania, lecz to także oznacza iż magiczni przeciwnicy są bardzo niebezpieczni.\n\nAtaki magiczne mają także swoje wady. W przypadku różdżek z ograniczoną mocą, są one bezużyteczne jeżeli nie da im się czasu na naładowanie. Magiczni przeciwnicy także mają swoje słabości.\n\nGdy zmierzasz się z przeciwnikiem używającym magii bardzo ważnym jest wyszukanie sposobu na uniknięcie ich ataku zamiast po prostu przyjmowania go na siebie.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=studnia zdrowia
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=studnia czujności
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Se a situação ficar feia, não
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Pilhagem Efetiva
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Algumas salas podem conter mais tesouros do que outras. Algumas dessas salas estarão com as portas trancadas ou terão obstáculos a serem contornados.\n\nSempre que um obstáculo bloquear seu caminho, procure por uma solução nos arredores. Seja uma simples chave ou algo mais engenhoso, você normalmente encontrará a solução no mesmo andar.\n\nPoções de Força e Pergaminhos de Atualização são uma excelente medida do quão bem você está explorando. É possível encontrar 3 Pergaminhos de Atualização e 2 Poções de Força em cada região da masmorra.\n\n(Você pode ver uma lista dos locais importantes e chaves não utilizadas na janela de anotações.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Ataques mágicos
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Os ataques mágicos atravessam armadura e são extremamente difíceis de esquivar.\n\nIsso significa que o dano que você causa com as varinhas será muito confiável, mas também torna os inimigos mágicos extremamente perigosos.\n\nAtaques mágicos sempre têm um porém No caso das varinhas são suas cargas limitadas, as varinhas ficam quase inúteis se não tiverem tempo de recarregar. A magia que os inimigos usam sempre terá alguma forma de fraqueza também. \n\nQuando enfrentar inimigos que usam magia é extremamente importante descobrir como evitar sua magia, ao invés de receber todo o dano.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=poço de saúde
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=poço de consciência
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Если ситуация пах
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Обыскивай каждый уголок!
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Некоторые виды комнат содержат особо ценные сокровища. Как правило, такие комнаты либо заперты на замок, либо вход в них заграждён чем-то увесистым.\n\nКаждый раз, когда на пути встаёт такая преграда, ищи решение неподалёку. Будь это ключ или что-то похитрее, необходимый предмет почти всегда будет находиться где-то в пределах того же уровня.\n\nЗелья силы и свитки улучшения — отличный показатель того, насколько тщательно были обысканы предыдущие этажи. В каждом регионе подземелья всегда будет по 3 свитка улучшения и 2 зелья силы.\n\n(Список важных достопримечательностей и неиспользованных ключей можно посмотреть в журнале, в разделе "Заметки")
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Не забывай о магии!
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Магические атаки игнорируют любую броню и оставляют мало возможностей уклониться.\n\nЭто означает как то, что жезлы весьма эффективны в бою, так и то, что стоит быть осторожнее с противниками, способными использовать магию.\n\nТем не менее, магия имеет свои ограничения. Например, жезлы имеют ограниченное число зарядов, и требуют времени на перезарядку. Вражеская магия так же всегда имеет какой-либо недостаток.\n\nСтолкнувшись с врагом, практикующим магию, крайне важно понять, как можно было избежать получения урона от неё, а не надеяться на свою удачу или живучесть.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=источник жизни
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=источник мудрости
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Eğer durum vahim görünüyorsa,
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Etkili Yağmalama
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Belirli odalar genellikle diğerlerine göre daha iyi yağmaya sahip olacaktır. Bu odaların bazıları kilitli kapılar veya aşılması gereken engellerle kapatılmış olabilir. \n\nNe zaman bir engel ilerlemeni durdurursa o engeli aşmak için yakınlardaki çözümleri incele. Bir anahtar veya daha yaratıcı bir şey, genelde her katta aynı engeli aşmak için bir araç bulunur. \n\nGüç İksirleri ve Yükseltme Tomarları ne kadar etkili yağmaladığını ölçmenin en iyi yoludur. Her zindan bölgesinde 3 Yükseltme Tomarı ve 2 Güç İksiri bulabilirsin. \n\n(Önemli yerleri ve kullanılmamış anahtarları günlüğünün notlar bölümünde bulabilirsin.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Büyülü Saldırılar
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Büyülü saldırılar zırhları es geçer ve onlardan kaçınmak aşırı zordur. \n\nBu da asalarla yapacağın hasarın güvenilir olduğunu gösterse de aynı zamanda büyülü düşmanları aşırı derecede tehlikeli yapar. \n\nAyrıca büyülü saldırıların her zaman zayıf bir yönü vardır. Asalar ele alınırsa şarjları sınırlı olduğu için reşarj olmaları için zaman verilmezse neredeyse işe yaramaz hale gelirler. Büyülü düşmanların da her zaman bir zayıf yönü olacaktır. \n\nBüyü kullanan düşmanlarla yüzleşirken onlardan hasar görmek yerine büyülü saldırılarından nasıl kaçınılabileceğini düşünmek aşırı önemlidir.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=sağlık kuyusu
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=farkındalık kuyusu
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=如果说你当前的情况十分
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magical attacks cut right through armor and are extremely difficult to dodge.\n\nThis means that damage you deal with wands will be very reliable, but also makes magical enemies extremely dangerous.\n\nMagical attacks always have a caveat though. In the case of wands it's their limited charges, wands become almost useless if they aren't given time to recharge. Magic that enemies use will always have some form of weakness as well. \n\nWhen facing enemies that use magic it is extremely important to figure out how to evade their magic, rather than just eating the damage from it.
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ badges$badge.death_from_fire=Mort par le feu
badges$badge.death_from_poison=Mort par le poison
badges$badge.death_from_gas=Mort par un gaz toxique
badges$badge.death_from_hunger=Mort de faim
badges$badge.death_from_glyph=Death from deferred damage
badges$badge.death_from_glyph=Mort par dégâts différés
badges$badge.death_from_falling=Mort d'une chute
badges$badge.yasd=Mort par le feu, le poison, le gaz toxique, la faim, un enchantement et par chute
badges$badge.boss_slain_1=1er boss tué
@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ badges$badge.games_played_2=50 parties jouées
badges$badge.games_played_3=250 parties jouées
badges$badge.games_played_4=1000 parties jouées
badges$badge.happy_end=Happy end
badges$badge.champion_1=Won with a Challenge
badges$badge.champion_2=Won with 3 Challenges
badges$badge.champion_3=Won with 6 Challenges
badges$badge.champion_1=Gagné avec un Challenge
badges$badge.champion_2=Gagné avec 3 Challenges
badges$badge.champion_3=Gagné avec 6 Challenges
challenges.no_food=Au régime
challenges.no_food_desc=La nourriture est rare, faites donc attention à chaque bouchée !\n\n- Les rations normales et les patîsseries sont remplacées par de petites rations\n- La viande mystérieuse et le fadefruit sont retirés\n- La Corne d'Abondance est retirée
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ badges$badge.death_from_fire=Mati karena api
badges$badge.death_from_poison=Mati karena racun
badges$badge.death_from_gas=Mati karena gas beracun
badges$badge.death_from_hunger=Mati kelaparan
badges$badge.death_from_glyph=Kematian dari kerusakan yang tertunda
badges$badge.death_from_glyph=Kematian dari damage yang ditunda
badges$badge.death_from_falling=Mati terjatuh
badges$badge.yasd=Mati karena api, racun, gas beracun, kelaparan, glyph, dan terjatuh
badges$badge.boss_slain_1=Mengalahkan raja pertama
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ badges$badge.death_from_fire=Yanmaktan ölüm
badges$badge.death_from_poison=Zehirden ölüm
badges$badge.death_from_gas=Zehirli gazdan ölüm
badges$badge.death_from_hunger=Açlıktan ölüm
badges$badge.death_from_glyph=Death from deferred damage
badges$badge.death_from_glyph=Geciktirilmiş hasardan ölüm
badges$badge.death_from_falling=Düşmekten ölüm
badges$badge.yasd=Ateş, zehir, zehirli gaz, açlık, rün ve düşmekten ölüm
badges$badge.boss_slain_1=1. patron öldürüldü
@ -62,23 +62,23 @@ badges$badge.games_played_2=50 oyun oynandı
badges$badge.games_played_3=250 oyun oynandı
badges$badge.games_played_4=1000 oyun oynandı
badges$badge.happy_end=Mutlu son
badges$badge.champion_1=Won with a Challenge
badges$badge.champion_2=Won with 3 Challenges
badges$badge.champion_3=Won with 6 Challenges
badges$badge.champion_1=Bir Meydan Okuma ile Zafer
badges$badge.champion_2=3 Meydan Okuma ile Zafer
badges$badge.champion_3=6 Meydan Okuma ile Zafer
challenges.no_food_desc=Food is scarce, so make every bite count!\n\n- Regular rations and pasties are replaced with small rations\n- Mystery meat and blandfruit are removed\n- Horn of Plenty is removed
challenges.no_food_desc=Besin sınırlıdır, bu yüzden her lokmayı dikkatli kullan!\n\n- Sıradan paketler ve etli börekler küçük paketler ile değiştirildi\n- Gizemli et ve tatsız meyve kaldırıldı\n- Bereket Boynuzu kaldırıldı
challenges.no_armor=İnancım zırhımdır
challenges.no_armor_desc=Take on the dungeon with nothing but some cloth to protect you!\n\n- All armor except starting cloth is removed
challenges.no_armor_desc=Zindanı koruma adına bir parça kıyafetten başka bir şey giymeyerek fethet!\n\n- Başlangıç kıyafeti dışındaki tüm zırhlar kaldırıldı
challenges.no_healing=Ecza korkusu
challenges.no_healing_desc=Without healing potions, you'll need to rely on alternate healing sources to survive\n\n- Potions of healing are removed
challenges.no_healing_desc=İyileşme iksirleri olmadan hayatta kalmak için alternatif iyileşme kaynaklarına dayanman gerekecek.\n\n-İyileşme iksirleri kaldırıldı
challenges.no_herbalism=Kurak arazi
challenges.no_herbalism_desc=There seems to be no clean water left in this accursed dungeon...\n\n- Dew drops are removed\n- Plants are removed\n- Seeds still appear, but will not take root
challenges.no_herbalism_desc=Bu lanetli zindanda temiz su kalmamış gibi görünüyor...\n\n- Şebnem taneleri kaldırıldı\n- Bitkiler kaldırıldı\n- Ekinler hala bulunabilecek fakat kök salmayacaklar
challenges.swarm_intelligence=Sürü aklı
challenges.swarm_intelligence_desc=Watch out, the dungeon monsters are getting smarter!\n\n- When an enemy notices you, nearby enemies are drawn to that location
challenges.swarm_intelligence_desc=Dikkatli ol, zindan canavarları gittikçe akıllanıyor!\n\n- Bir düşman seni farkettiğinde yakındaki düşmanlar da o noktaya yöneleceklerdir.
challenges.darkness=Karanlığa doğru
challenges.darkness_desc=It is a dungeon after all!\n\n- Regular visible distance dramatically reduced\n- A torch appears on each floor\n- Light buff lasts for less time
challenges.darkness_desc=Sonuçta bu bir zindan!\n\n- Normal görüş mesafesi büyük miktarda azaltıldı\n- Her katta bir meşale bulunabilir\n- Işık bonusu daha çabuk kaybolur
challenges.no_scrolls=Yasak rünler
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=A certain rune is harder to find. Unfortunately, it's always the most useful one.\n\n- Half of the dungeon's upgrades scrolls are removed
challenges.no_scrolls_desc=Belirli bir rünün bulunması daha zorlaştırıldı. Maalesef o rün, en işe yarayanı.\n\n- Zindandaki yükseltme parşomenlerinin yarısı kaldırıldı
rankings$record.something=Bir şey tarafından öldürüldü
@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ plants.sungrass.desc=L'herba-sol és famosa per les lentes però efectives propi
plants.sungrass$seed.name=llavor d'herba-sol
plants.sungrass$health.name=Curació Herbal
plants.sungrass$health.desc=L'herbasol té unes propietats curatives excel·lents, tot i que és molt més lenta que una poció de curació.\n\nEstàs regenerant salut lentament amb la planta d'herbasol. Allunyar-se de la planta trencarà l'efecte curatiu.\n\nCuració restant: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ plants.sungrass.desc=Slunná tráva je proslulá pomalými, ale účinnými lé
plants.sungrass$seed.name=Semínko Slunné trávy
plants.sungrass$health.name=Přírodní Léčení
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Slunná tráva obdařuje vynikajícími léčebnými vlastnostmi, ačkoli není tak rychlá jako lektvar léčení.\n\nV současnosti ze slunné trávy pomalu regeneruješ své zdraví. Odchod z rostliny zruší léčivý účinek.\n\nZbývající léčení: %d
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ plants.sungrass.desc=Sonnengras ist für seine langsamen, aber effektiven Heilun
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Sonnengras hat ausgezeichnete Heilungseigenschaften, wobei es viel langsamer als ein Heiltrank ist.\n\nDu wirst momentan langsam von der Sonnengraspflanze geheilt. Wenn du dich von der Pflanze fortbewegst, wird die Heilwirkung abbrechen.\n\nVerbleibende Heilung: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ plants.sungrass.desc=Sunherbo estas konata pro sia suko, kiu malrapide, sed efik
plants.sungrass$seed.name=semo de sunherbo
plants.sungrass$health.name=Vegetaĵa sanigado
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Sunherbo posedas bonegan sanigan econ, tamen ĝi estas multe pli malrapida ol eliksiro de sano.\n\nVi nuntempe iom post iom replenigas vian sanon per sunherbo. Moviĝi for la vegetaĵo ĉesigos sanigadon.\n\nPlua sanigado: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ plants.sungrass.desc=La Hierbasol es renombrada por las lentas pero efectivas pr
plants.sungrass$seed.name=semilla de hierbasol
plants.sungrass$health.name=Curación Vegetal
plants.sungrass$health.desc=La hierbasol posee excelentes propiedades curativas, pero es mas lento que una pocion de curacion.\n\nTu estas ahora mismo regenerando vida lentamente de la planta de hierbasol. Moverse rompera el efecto curativo \n\nCuracion restante: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ plants.sungrass.desc=Aurinkoruoho on kuuluisa sen meden hitaista, mutta tehokkai
plants.sungrass$seed.name=aurinkoruohon siemen
plants.sungrass$health.name=Luonnollinen parantuminen
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Sungrass possesses excellent healing properties, though it is much slower than a potion of healing.\n\nYou are currently slowly regenerating health from the sungrass plant. Moving off the plant will break the healing effect.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -53,4 +53,10 @@ plants.sungrass.name=Solherbe
plants.sungrass.desc=Le Solherbe est très connu pour ses capacités curatives . En effet sa sève est capable de vous vous requinquer d'une manière très efficace bien que ce ne soit pas toujours très rapide.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=Graine de solherbe
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Sungrass possesses excellent healing properties, though it is much slower than a potion of healing.\n\nYou are currently slowly regenerating health from the sungrass plant. Moving off the plant will break the healing effect.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Le Solherbe possède d'excellentes propriétés de soin, bien que ses effets soient moins rapides que ceux d'une potion de soin. \n\nVous êtes en train de régénérer progressivement votre santé grâce au Solherbe. Les effets seront rompus si vous sortez de la plante. \n\nRécupération restante : %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ plants.sungrass.desc=A napfű a nedvének lassú, de biztos gyógyhatásáról h
plants.sungrass$seed.name=napfű magja
plants.sungrass$health.name=Növényi gyógyulás
plants.sungrass$health.desc=A napfű kiváló gyógyhatással bír, bár a gyógyitalnál jóval lassabban hat.\n\nA napfű lassan visszaadja az életerődet. Ha ellépsz róla, akkor a gyógyhatás megtörik.\n\n %d gyógyulás maradt.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ plants.sungrass.desc=Rumput Matahari dikenal akan kemampuan penyembuhannya.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=benih rumput matahari
plants.sungrass$health.name=Penyembuhan Herbal
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Rumput matahari memiliki kekuatan penyembuhan yang luar biasa, tapi tetap lebih lambat dari ramuan penyembuhan.\n\nKau meregenerasi secara perlahan dari tanaman rumput matahari. Bergerak menjauhi tanaman akan menghilangkan efeknya.\n\nSisa penyembuhan: %d
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ plants.sungrass.desc=L'Erbasole è rinomata per le lente ma efficaci proprietà
plants.sungrass$seed.name=seme di erbasole
plants.sungrass$health.name=Guarigione Erboristica
plants.sungrass$health.desc=L'erbasole possiede eccellenti proprietà curative, tuttavia è più lenta di una pozione di guarigione.\n\nAttualmente stai rigenerando lentamente la salute dalla pianta erbasole. Spostarsi dalla pianta interromperà l'effetto curativo.\n\nGuarigione rimanente: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ plants.sungrass.desc=태양초의 수액은 느리지만 효과적인 치료 효
plants.sungrass$seed.name=태양초의 씨앗
plants.sungrass$health.name=자연의 치료
plants.sungrass$health.desc=태양초는 굉장한 치료 효과를 담고 있지만, 회복의 물약보다는 느리게 회복시킵니다. \n\n당신은 지금 태양초의 느린 체력 재생 효과를 받고 있습니다. 식물에서 떨어지면 효과가 중단됩니다.\n\n앞으로 %d의 체력을 더 회복할 수 있습니다.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ plants.sungrass.desc=Słoneczna Trawa jest słynna z powodu jej wolnych jak żyw
plants.sungrass$seed.name=Nasiono Słonecznej Trawy
plants.sungrass$health.name=Roślinne leczenie
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Słoneczna Trawa posiada doskonałe właściwości leczące, aczkolwiek nie jest tak szybka w działaniu jak napój leczący.\n\nAktualnie powoli odzyskujesz zdrowie z rośliny Słonecznej Trawy. Otrzymywanie obrażeń w trakcie leczenia zmniejszy efektywność leczenia, a odejście od rośliny przerwie leczenie.\n\nPozostałe leczenie: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ plants.sungrass.desc=A grama-solar é conhecida pelas propriedades lentas, mas e
plants.sungrass$seed.name=semente da grama-solar
plants.sungrass$health.name=Cura Herbácea
plants.sungrass$health.desc=A grama solar possui excelentes propriedades curativas, embora seja muito mais lenta do que uma poção de cura.\n\nVocê está regenerando lentamente a saúde com a grama solar. Sair da planta quebrará o efeito de cura.\n\nCura restante: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ plants.sungrass.desc=Солнечник известен за свою спос
plants.sungrass$seed.name=семя солнечника
plants.sungrass$health.name=Благословение природы
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Солнечник обладает отличными целебными свойствами, хотя и гораздо более слабыми, чем у зелья исцеления.\n\nВы постепенно восстанавливаете здоровье под действием солнечника. При попытке сойти с с места, лечение прекратится.\n\nЗапас исцеления: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ plants.earthroot.name=Doğakökü
plants.earthroot.desc=Bir yaratık Doğakökü'ne dokunduğunda, onun kökleri onu çevreleyen bir çeşit hareketsiz bitkisel zırh oluşturur.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=doğakökü tohumu
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Bitkisel zırh
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=A kind of natural, immobile armor is protecting you. The armor forms plates of bark and twine, wrapping around your body.\n\nThis herbal armor will block %d damage from any physical hit you take, until it eventually runs out of durability and collapses.\n\nAs the armor is immobile, if you attempt to move it will break apart and be lost.\n\nArmor remaining: %d.
plants.earthroot$armor.desc=Bir çeşit doğal, taşınamaz zırh seni koruyor. Zırh, çalı çırpı plakaları oluşturarak onları etrafında çeviriyor.\n\nBu bitkisel zırh aldığın herhangi bir fiziksel vuruşun %d hasarını bloklayacaktır ve eninde sonunda dayanıklığı bittiğinde yıkılacaktır.\n\nBu zırh taşınamaz olduğu için hareket etmeye çalışırsan dağılıp gidecektir ve kaybolacaktır.\n\nKalan zırh: %d.
plants.fadeleaf.desc=Bir Solukyaprak'a dokunmak herhangi bir yaratığı katta rastgele bir yere ışınlar.
@ -53,4 +53,10 @@ plants.sungrass.name=Güneşçimi
plants.sungrass.desc=Güneşçimi, özsuyunun yavaş ama etkili iyileştirme özellikleriyle bilinir.
plants.sungrass$seed.name=güneşçimi tohumu
plants.sungrass$health.name=Bitkisel İyileşme
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Sungrass possesses excellent healing properties, though it is much slower than a potion of healing.\n\nYou are currently slowly regenerating health from the sungrass plant. Moving off the plant will break the healing effect.\n\nHealing remaining: %d.
plants.sungrass$health.desc=Bir iyileşme iksirinden çok daha yavaş olsa da güneşçiminin mükemmel iyileştirme özellikleri vardır.\n\nŞu anda güneşçimi bitkisinden yavaşça sağlık yeniliyorsun. Hareket etmek bitkiyi dağıtacak ve etkiyi yok edecektir.\n\nKalan iyileşme: %d.
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ plants.sungrass.desc=阳春草因其汁液缓慢但显著的疗伤效果而家
plants.sungrass$health.desc=阳春草拥有优秀的治疗能力,尽管治疗速率比治疗药水慢很多。 \n\n阳春草正在缓慢地治疗你的伤势。离开这里会打断治疗效果。\n\n剩余治疗量:%d。
plants.swiftthistle.desc=When trampled, swiftthistle will briefly accelerate the flow of time around it, allowing the trampler to perform several actions instantly.
plants.swiftthistle$seed.name=seed of swiftthistle
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.name=Time Bubble
plants.swiftthistle$timebubble.desc=You are in a small bubble of accelerated time, allowing you to perform actions instantly. Attacking, moving, or using magic will break this effect however.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Über
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon ist ein Rougelike-RPG mit zufällig genererierten Gegnern, Leveln, Gegenständen und Fallen!\n\nJedes Spiel ist eine neues, herausforderndes Erlebnis, aber sei vorsichtig, denn der Tod ist unwiderruflich!\n\nViel Spaß beim Erkunden des Untergrunds!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Es gab ein Update für Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Dies aktualisiert hauptsächlich Rüstung und den Berserker! Rüstungen können stärker angepasst werden und einige Glyphen wurden verbessert. Dem Berserker wurde eine Mini-Überarbeitung zuteil.\n\nWirf einen Blick in die Änderungen, um alles zu erfahren.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Dies aktualisiert hauptsächlich Rüstungen und den Berserker! Rüstungen können stärker angepasst werden und einige Glyphen wurden verbessert. Dem Berserker wurde eine Mini-Überarbeitung zuteil.\n\nWirf einen Blick in die Änderungsliste, um alles zu erfahren.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Es gab Patches für Shattered Pixel Dungeon!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Dieser Patch enthält Fehlerkorrekturen.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Dieser Patch enthält Updates.
@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas ĝisdatigita!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo temas pri defendaĵo kaj berserko! Nun defendaĵo estas pli tajlorebla kaj efikoj de kelkaj skribaĵoj estas plibonigitaj. La profesio berserko estis iomete reprojektita.\n\nLegu la liston de ŝanĝoj por plenan liston de detaloj.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon estas flikita!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo riparas erarojn.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ĉi tiu ĝisdatigo liveras plibonigojn por tradukoj.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=Ĉi tiu ĝisdatigo liveras plibonigojn por ludada ekvilibro.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Ĉi tiu ĝisdatigo ankaŭ liveras kelkajn etajn plibonigojn por rendimento.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo liveras plibonigojn por tradukoj.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo liveras plibonigojn por ludada ekvilibro.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo ankaŭ liveras kelkajn etajn plibonigojn por rendimento.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Ŝajnas, ke viaj estantaj konservitaj ludoj estas de venonta versio de Shattered Pixel Dungeon!\n\nEstu singarda! Viaj konservitaj ludoj povas enhavi aĵojn kiuj ne ekzistas en ĉi tiu versio, tio povas kaŭzi iujn strangajn erarojn.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Nekompleta traduko
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Iom da enhavo de ĉi tiu ĝisdatigo ankoraŭ ne estas tradukita.\n\nKelkaj frazoj povas esti en la angla.\n\nLa traduk-skipoj laboras pri ĉi tio, kaj la plena traduko povas esti disponebla baldaŭ.\n\nNi petas pri via pacienco.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Iom da enhavo de tiu ĉi ĝisdatigo ankoraŭ ne estas tradukita.\n\nKelkaj frazoj povas esti en la angla.\n\nLa traduk-skipoj laboras pri tio ĉi, kaj la plena traduko povas esti disponebla baldaŭ.\n\nNi petas pri via pacienco.
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ scenes.rankingsscene.total=Parties jouées :
scenes.rankingsscene.no_games=Aucune partie n'a encore été jouée.
scenes.rankingsscene.no_info=Aucune information supplémentaire
scenes.startscene.title=Games in Progress
scenes.startscene.title=Parties en cours
scenes.startscene.new=Nouvelle Partie
scenes.surfacescene.exit=Partie Terminée
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Tentang
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon adalah sebuah RPG roguelike, dengan musuh, level, item, dan jebakan yang muncul secara acak!\n\nSetiap main kau akan mengalami tantangan baru, tapi berhati-hatilah, kematiannya permanen!\n\nSelamat Ber-dungeon Ria!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon telah di-update!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Pembaharuan ini berfokus pada armor dan pengamuk! Sekarang armor mempunyai opsi lebih untuk kustomisasi dan beberapa gylph sudah ditingkatkan. Pengamuk menerima pembuatan ulang kecil-kecilan.\n\nPastikan melihat daftar perubahan untuk detail lengkapnya.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Pembaharuan ini berfokus pada armor dan berserker! Sekarang armor mempunyai opsi lebih untuk kustomisasi dan beberapa gylph sudah ditingkatkan. Berserker menerima pembuatan ulang kecil-kecilan.\n\nPastikan cek daftar perubahan untuk detail lengkapnya.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon telah di-patch!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Patch ini berisi bugfix.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Patch ini berisi update terjemahan.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Hakkında
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon düşmanların, seviyelerin, eşyaların ve tuzakların rastgele oluşturulduğu bir roguelike rol yapma oyunudur!\n\nHer oyun yeni ve zorlayıcı bir tecrübedir, fakat dikkatli olun, ölüm kalıcıdır.\n\nMutlu zindanlamalar!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon güncellendi!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update is focused on armor and the berserker! Armor now has more customization options, and several glyphs have been improved. The berserker has received a mini-rework.\n\nBe sure to check out the changes list for full details.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Bu güncelleme zırh ve vahşi savaşçı üzerine yoğunlaştırıldı! Zırh artık daha fazla kişiselleştirme seçeneğine sahip ve çeşitli rünler geliştirildi. Vahşi savaşçı üzerinde minik bir yeniden tasarlama yapıldı.\n\nTüm detaylar için değişim listesine baktığınızdan emin olun
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon yama aldı!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Bu yama hata düzeltmeleri içerir.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Bu yama çeviri güncellemeleri içerir.
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ windows.wndsettings$audiotab.music_mute=Couper musique
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.sfx_vol=Volume SFX
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.sfx_mute=Couper SFX
windows.wndstartgame.title=Choisissez votre Héro
windows.wndstartgame.title=Choisissez votre héros
windows.wndstartgame.huntress_unlock=Battez le boss au 15eme étage pour débloquer ce personnage.
windows.wndstartgame.start=Commencer la partie
@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ windows.wndgameinprogress.title=Seviye %1$d %2$s
windows.wndgameinprogress.challenges=Meydan Okumalar
windows.wndgameinprogress.gold=Toplanan Altın
windows.wndgameinprogress.depth=Maksimum Derinlik
windows.wndgameinprogress.continue=Devam Et
windows.wndgameinprogress.erase_warn_title=Bu kayıdı silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?
windows.wndgameinprogress.erase_warn_body=Oyundaki bütün ilerleme kaybedilecek.
windows.wndgameinprogress.erase_warn_yes=Evet, bu kayıdı sil
windows.wndgameinprogress.erase_warn_no=Hayır, devam etmek istiyorum.
windows.wndgameinprogress.erase_warn_title=Bu kaydı silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?
windows.wndgameinprogress.erase_warn_body=Bu oyundaki tüm ilerleme kaybolacaktır.
windows.wndgameinprogress.erase_warn_yes=Evet, bu kaydı sil
windows.wndgameinprogress.erase_warn_no=Hayır, devam etmek istiyorum
@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ windows.wndsettings$audiotab.music_mute=Müziği Sustur
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.sfx_vol=Ses Seviyesi
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.sfx_mute=Sesi Sustur
windows.wndstartgame.title=Kahramanını seç
windows.wndstartgame.huntress_unlock=Kat 15'teki patronu yenerek bu karakterin kilidini açın
windows.wndstartgame.title=Kahramanını Seç
windows.wndstartgame.huntress_unlock=Bu karakterin kilidini açmak için 15. kattaki patronu yenmelisin
windows.wndstartgame.start=Oyuna Başla
windows.wndstory.sewers=Zindan şehrin tam altında bulunuyor, üst katları aslında şehrin kanalizasyon sistemini oluşturuyor.\n\nKara enerji aşağıdan sızdıkça genellikle zararsız olan yaratıklar daha tehlikeli olmaya başladı. Şehir buraya devriyeler göndererek yukarıdakilerin güvenliğini sağlamaya çalışsa da, artık onlar da yavaşça işe yaramaz hale geliyor.\n\nBurası tehlikeli, ama en azından buradaki kötücül büyüler zayıf.
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