v0.2.4: reworked bees and honeypots
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
* Pixel Dungeon
* Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Oleg Dolya
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
package com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.mobs;
import java.util.HashSet;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.Dungeon;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.Actor;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.Char;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.buffs.Amok;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.buffs.Poison;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.levels.Level;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.sprites.BeeSprite;
import com.watabou.utils.Bundle;
import com.watabou.utils.Random;
public class Bee extends Mob {
name = "golden bee";
spriteClass = BeeSprite.class;
viewDistance = 4;
flying = true;
state = WANDERING;
private int level;
//-1 refers to a pot that has gone missing.
private int potPos;
//-1 for no owner
private int potHolder;
private static final String LEVEL = "level";
private static final String POTPOS = "potpos";
private static final String POTHOLDER = "potholder";
public void storeInBundle( Bundle bundle ) {
super.storeInBundle( bundle );
bundle.put( LEVEL, level );
bundle.put( POTPOS, potPos );
bundle.put( POTHOLDER, potHolder );
public void restoreFromBundle( Bundle bundle ) {
super.restoreFromBundle( bundle );
spawn( bundle.getInt( LEVEL ) );
potPos = bundle.getInt( POTPOS );
potHolder = bundle.getInt( POTHOLDER );
public void spawn( int level ) {
this.level = level;
HT = (2 + level) * 4;
defenseSkill = 9 + level;
public void setPotInfo(int potPos, Char potHolder){
this.potPos = potPos;
if (potHolder == null)
this.potHolder = -1;
this.potHolder = potHolder.id();
public int attackSkill( Char target ) {
return defenseSkill;
public int damageRoll() {
return Random.NormalIntRange( HT / 10, HT / 4 );
public int attackProc( Char enemy, int damage ) {
if (enemy instanceof Mob) {
((Mob)enemy).aggro( this );
return damage;
protected Char chooseEnemy() {
//if the pot is no longer present, target the hero
if (potHolder == -1 && potPos == -1)
return Dungeon.hero;
//if something is holding the pot, target that
else if (Actor.findById(potHolder) != null)
return (Char)Actor.findById(potHolder);
//if the pot is on the ground
else {
//if already targeting something, and that thing is still alive and near the pot, keeping targeting it.
if (enemy != null && enemy.isAlive() && Level.distance(enemy.pos, potPos) <= 3) return enemy;
//find all mobs near the pot
HashSet<Char> enemies = new HashSet<Char>();
for (Mob mob : Dungeon.level.mobs)
if (!(mob instanceof Bee) && Level.distance(mob.pos, potPos) <= 3 && mob.hostile)
//pick one, if there are none, check if the hero is near the pot, go for them, otherwise go for nothing.
if (enemies.size() > 0) return Random.element(enemies);
else return (Level.distance(Dungeon.hero.pos, potPos) <= 3) ? Dungeon.hero : null ;
protected boolean getCloser(int target) {
if (enemy != null && Actor.findById(potHolder) == enemy) {
target = enemy.pos;
return super.getCloser(target);
} else if (state == WANDERING || (potPos != -1 && Level.distance(target, potPos) > 3))
this.target = target = potPos;
return super.getCloser( target );
public String description() {
"Despite their small size, golden bees tend " +
"to protect their home fiercely. This one is very mad, better keep your distance.";
private static final HashSet<Class<?>> IMMUNITIES = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
static {
IMMUNITIES.add( Poison.class );
IMMUNITIES.add( Amok.class );
public HashSet<Class<?>> immunities() {
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.Char;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.buffs.Terror;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.buffs.Terror;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.hero.Hero;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.hero.Hero;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.Gold;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.Gold;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.Honeypot;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.Item;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.Item;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.artifacts.MasterThievesArmband;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.artifacts.MasterThievesArmband;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.sprites.CharSprite;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.sprites.CharSprite;
@ -132,8 +133,17 @@ public class Thief extends Mob {
GLog.w( TXT_STOLE, this.name, item.name() );
GLog.w( TXT_STOLE, this.name, item.name() );
item.detachAll( hero.belongings.backpack );
this.item = item;
if (item instanceof Honeypot){
this.item = ((Honeypot)item).shatter(this, this.pos);
item.detach( hero.belongings.backpack );
} else {
this.item = item;
if ( item instanceof Honeypot.ShatteredPot)
item.detachAll( hero.belongings.backpack );
return true;
return true;
} else {
} else {
@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
* Pixel Dungeon
* Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Oleg Dolya
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
package com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.mobs.npcs;
import java.util.HashSet;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.Dungeon;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.Char;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.buffs.Poison;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.mobs.Mob;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.levels.Level;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.sprites.BeeSprite;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.utils.Utils;
import com.watabou.utils.Bundle;
import com.watabou.utils.Random;
//todo: given the plan for this in shattered, should probably 'bee' a mob.
public class Bee extends NPC {
name = "golden bee";
spriteClass = BeeSprite.class;
viewDistance = 4;
WANDERING = new Wandering();
flying = true;
state = WANDERING;
private int level;
private static final String LEVEL = "level";
public void storeInBundle( Bundle bundle ) {
super.storeInBundle( bundle );
bundle.put( LEVEL, level );
public void restoreFromBundle( Bundle bundle ) {
super.restoreFromBundle( bundle );
spawn( bundle.getInt( LEVEL ) );
public void spawn( int level ) {
this.level = level;
HT = (3 + level) * 5;
defenseSkill = 9 + level;
public int attackSkill( Char target ) {
return defenseSkill;
public int damageRoll() {
return Random.NormalIntRange( HT / 10, HT / 4 );
public int attackProc( Char enemy, int damage ) {
if (enemy instanceof Mob) {
((Mob)enemy).aggro( this );
return damage;
protected boolean act() {
if (HP <= 0) {
die( null );
return true;
} else {
return super.act();
protected Char chooseEnemy() {
if (enemy == null || !enemy.isAlive()) {
HashSet<Mob> enemies = new HashSet<Mob>();
for (Mob mob:Dungeon.level.mobs) {
if (mob.hostile && Level.fieldOfView[mob.pos]) {
enemies.add( mob );
return enemies.size() > 0 ? Random.element( enemies ) : null;
} else {
return enemy;
public String description() {
"Despite their small size, golden bees tend " +
"to protect their master fiercely. They don't live long though.";
public void interact() {
int curPos = pos;
moveSprite( pos, Dungeon.hero.pos );
move( Dungeon.hero.pos );
Dungeon.hero.sprite.move( Dungeon.hero.pos, curPos );
Dungeon.hero.move( curPos );
Dungeon.hero.spend( 1 / Dungeon.hero.speed() );
private static final HashSet<Class<?>> IMMUNITIES = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
static {
IMMUNITIES.add( Poison.class );
public HashSet<Class<?>> immunities() {
private class Wandering implements AiState {
public boolean act( boolean enemyInFOV, boolean justAlerted ) {
if (enemyInFOV) {
enemySeen = true;
state = HUNTING;
target = enemy.pos;
} else {
enemySeen = false;
int oldPos = pos;
if (getCloser( Dungeon.hero.pos )) {
spend( 1 / speed() );
return moveSprite( oldPos, pos );
} else {
spend( TICK );
return true;
public String status() {
return Utils.format( "This %s is wandering", name );
@ -19,18 +19,20 @@ package com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.Char;
import com.watabou.noosa.audio.Sample;
import com.watabou.noosa.audio.Sample;
import com.watabou.noosa.tweeners.AlphaTweener;
import com.watabou.noosa.tweeners.AlphaTweener;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.Assets;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.Assets;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.Dungeon;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.Dungeon;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.Actor;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.Actor;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.hero.Hero;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.hero.Hero;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.mobs.npcs.Bee;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.mobs.Bee;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.effects.Pushing;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.effects.Pushing;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.effects.Splash;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.effects.Splash;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.levels.Level;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.levels.Level;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.scenes.GameScene;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.scenes.GameScene;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.sprites.ItemSpriteSheet;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.sprites.ItemSpriteSheet;
import com.watabou.utils.Bundle;
import com.watabou.utils.Random;
import com.watabou.utils.Random;
public class Honeypot extends Item {
public class Honeypot extends Item {
@ -56,10 +58,12 @@ public class Honeypot extends Item {
if (action.equals( AC_SHATTER )) {
if (action.equals( AC_SHATTER )) {
hero.sprite.zap( hero.pos );
hero.sprite.zap( hero.pos );
shatter( hero.pos );
detach( hero.belongings.backpack );
detach( hero.belongings.backpack );
hero.spendAndNext( TIME_TO_THROW );
shatter( hero, hero.pos ).collect();
} else {
} else {
super.execute( hero, action );
super.execute( hero, action );
@ -71,14 +75,14 @@ public class Honeypot extends Item {
if (Level.pit[cell]) {
if (Level.pit[cell]) {
super.onThrow( cell );
super.onThrow( cell );
} else {
} else {
shatter( cell );
Dungeon.level.drop(shatter( null, cell ), cell);
private void shatter( int pos ) {
public Item shatter( Char owner, int pos ) {
Sample.INSTANCE.play( Assets.SND_SHATTER );
if (Dungeon.visible[pos]) {
if (Dungeon.visible[pos]) {
Sample.INSTANCE.play( Assets.SND_SHATTER );
Splash.at( pos, 0xffd500, 5 );
Splash.at( pos, 0xffd500, 5 );
@ -100,16 +104,20 @@ public class Honeypot extends Item {
if (newPos != -1) {
if (newPos != -1) {
Bee bee = new Bee();
Bee bee = new Bee();
bee.spawn( Dungeon.depth );
bee.spawn( Dungeon.depth );
bee.setPotInfo( pos, owner );
bee.HP = bee.HT;
bee.HP = bee.HT;
bee.pos = newPos;
bee.pos = newPos;
GameScene.add( bee );
GameScene.add( bee );
Actor.addDelayed( new Pushing( bee, pos, newPos ), -1 );
Actor.addDelayed( new Pushing( bee, pos, newPos ), -1f );
bee.sprite.alpha( 0 );
bee.sprite.alpha( 0 );
bee.sprite.parent.add( new AlphaTweener( bee.sprite, 1, 0.15f ) );
bee.sprite.parent.add( new AlphaTweener( bee.sprite, 1, 0.15f ) );
Sample.INSTANCE.play( Assets.SND_BEE );
Sample.INSTANCE.play( Assets.SND_BEE );
return new ShatteredPot().setBee( bee );
} else {
return this;
@ -131,6 +139,108 @@ public class Honeypot extends Item {
public String info() {
public String info() {
"There is not much honey in this small honeypot, but there is a golden bee there and it doesn't want to leave it.";
"This large honeypot is only really lined with honey, instead it houses a giant bee! " +
"These sorts of massive bees usually stay in their hives, perhaps the pot is some sort of specialized trapper's cage? " +
"The bee seems pretty content inside the pot with its honey, and buzzes at you warily when you look at it.";
//The bee's broken 'home', all this item does is let its bee know where it is, and who owns it (if anyone).
public static class ShatteredPot extends Item {
name = "shattered honeypot";
image = ItemSpriteSheet.SHATTPOT;
stackable = false;
private int myBee;
private int beeDepth;
public Item setBee(Char bee){
myBee = bee.id();
beeDepth = Dungeon.depth;
return this;
public boolean doPickUp(Hero hero) {
if ( super.doPickUp(hero) ){
setHolder( hero );
return true;
return false;
public void doDrop(Hero hero) {
updateBee( hero.pos, null );
protected void onThrow(int cell) {
updateBee( cell, null );
public void setHolder(Char holder){
updateBee(holder.pos, holder );
public void goAway(){
updateBee( -1, null);
private void updateBee( int cell, Char holder){
//important, as ids are not unique between depths.
if (Dungeon.depth != beeDepth)
Bee bee = (Bee)Actor.findById( myBee );
if (bee != null)
bee.setPotInfo( cell, holder );
public boolean isUpgradable() {
return false;
public boolean isIdentified() {
return true;
public String info() {
String info =
"The pot has been shattered, only the sticky honey that lines its walls is holding it together, and it is slowly coming apart.";
if (Actor.findById( myBee ) != null)
info += "\n\nDespite its broken state, the bee still seems quite fond of the pot, and is understandable quite mad.";
info += "\n\nNow that its bee is gone, you can't think of a use for this wad of broken clay and drying honey.";
return info;
private static final String MYBEE = "mybee";
private static final String BEEDEPTH = "beedepth";
public void storeInBundle(Bundle bundle) {
bundle.put( MYBEE, myBee );
bundle.put( BEEDEPTH, beeDepth );
public void restoreFromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
myBee = bundle.getInt( MYBEE );
beeDepth = bundle.getInt( BEEDEPTH );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user