v0.6.3b: fixed memory leaks in android 8.0+, and improved text cache

This commit is contained in:
Evan Debenham 2018-02-28 21:11:52 -05:00
parent 099a75d19e
commit c471cc6b96

View File

@ -42,47 +42,27 @@ public class RenderedText extends Image {
private static Paint painter = new Paint();
private static Typeface font;
//this is basically a LRU cache. capacity is determined by character count, not entry count.
//will attempt to clear oldest, not in use entires until there are 500 characters stored.
//FIXME: Caching based on words is very inefficient for every language but chinese.
private static LinkedHashMap<String, CachedText> textCache =
new LinkedHashMap<String, CachedText>(700, 0.75f, true){
private int cachedChars = 0;
private final int MAX_CACHED = 1000;
public CachedText put(String key, CachedText value) {
cachedChars += value.length;
CachedText added = super.put(key, value);
return added;
public CachedText remove(Object key) {
CachedText removed = super.remove(key);
if (removed != null) {
cachedChars-= removed.length;
return removed;
public void clear() {
cachedChars = 0;
private void runGC(){
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, CachedText>> it = this.entrySet().iterator();
while (cachedChars > MAX_CACHED && it.hasNext()){
CachedText cached = it.next().getValue();
if (cached.activeTexts.isEmpty()) it.remove();
private static LinkedHashMap<String, CachedText> textCache = new LinkedHashMap<>(700, 0.75f, true);
private static int cachedChars = 0;
private static final int GC_TRIGGER = 1250;
private static final int GC_TARGET = 1000;
private static void runGC(){
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, CachedText>> it = textCache.entrySet().iterator();
while (cachedChars > GC_TARGET && it.hasNext()){
CachedText cached = it.next().getValue();
if (cached.activeTexts.isEmpty()) {
cachedChars -= cached.length;
private int size;
private String text;
@ -200,7 +180,13 @@ public class RenderedText extends Image {
r.cache.length = r.text.length();
r.cache.activeTexts = new HashSet<>();
cachedChars += r.cache.length;
textCache.put("text:" + r.size + " " + r.text, r.cache);
if (cachedChars >= GC_TRIGGER){
@ -230,6 +216,7 @@ public class RenderedText extends Image {
for (CachedText cached : textCache.values()){
cachedChars = 0;