v0.7.0: updated translations

This commit is contained in:
Evan Debenham 2018-09-17 15:34:12 -04:00
parent 1a125103dd
commit c2e636cb14
30 changed files with 523 additions and 475 deletions

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ actors.buffs.adrenaline.name=Adrenalina
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=Un augment del poder físic, l'adrenalina ha millorat l'atac i la velocitat de moviment.\n\nL'adrenalina permet al seu objectiu moure's a 2x de velocitat, i atacar a 1.5x de velocitat.\n\nTorns restants: %s. actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=Un augment del poder físic, l'adrenalina ha millorat l'atac i la velocitat de moviment.\n\nL'adrenalina permet al seu objectiu moure's a 2x de velocitat, i atacar a 1.5x de velocitat.\n\nTorns restants: %s.
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.name=Onada d'adrenalina actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.name=Onada d'adrenalina
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Una gran onada de força, però per desgràcia no permanent.\n\nPujada de força: +%d.\nTorns fins que s'esgoti la pujada: %s. actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Una gran onada de vigor, però per desgràcia no permanent.\n\nPujada de força: +%d.\nTorns fins que s'esgoti la pujada: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.name=Deliri actors.buffs.amok.name=Deliri
actors.buffs.amok.desc=El deliri causa un estat de gran fúria i confusió en el seu objectiu.\n\nQuan una criatura és afectada pel deliri, atacarà el que trobi al seu voltant, sigui un amic o un enemic.\n\nTorns de deliri restants: %s. actors.buffs.amok.desc=El deliri causa un estat de gran fúria i confusió en el seu objectiu.\n\nQuan una criatura és afectada pel deliri, atacarà el que trobi al seu voltant, sigui un amic o un enemic.\n\nTorns de deliri restants: %s.
@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ actors.mobs.senior.name=monjo major
actors.mobs.shaman.name=gnoll xaman actors.mobs.shaman.name=gnoll xaman
actors.mobs.shaman.zap_kill=El llamp t'ha matat... actors.mobs.shaman.zap_kill=El llamp t'ha matat...
actors.mobs.shaman.desc=Els gnolls més intel·ligents poden dominar la màgia xamanista. Els gnolls xamans prefereixen fer servir encanteris de batalla per compensar la seva falta de força, sense vacil·lar a l'hora de fer-los servir contra aquells que qüestionen el seu estatus en una tribu. actors.mobs.shaman.desc=Els gnolls més intel·ligents poden dominar la màgia xamanista. Els gnolls xamans prefereixen fer servir encanteris de batalla per compensar la seva falta de vigor, sense vacil·lar a l'hora de fer-los servir contra aquells que qüestionen el seu estatus en una tribu.
actors.mobs.shielded.name=brut blindat actors.mobs.shielded.name=brut blindat
actors.mobs.shielded.def_verb=bloquejat actors.mobs.shielded.def_verb=bloquejat

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ actors.blobs.blizzard.desc=这里刮起了一阵暴风雪。
actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=这里盘绕着一片致眩气体。 actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=这里盘绕着一片致眩气体。
actors.blobs.electricity.desc=火花在这片电能力场中不断闪烁着。 actors.blobs.electricity.desc=火花在这片电能力场中不断闪烁着。
actors.blobs.electricity.rankings_desc=触电 actors.blobs.electricity.rankings_desc=触电
actors.blobs.fire.desc=一团火焰正在这里肆虐。 actors.blobs.fire.desc=一团火焰正在这里肆虐。

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@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ items.armor.armor.evasion=Ha tingut un augment de _evasió._
items.armor.armor.defense=Ha tingut un augment de _defensa._ items.armor.armor.defense=Ha tingut un augment de _defensa._
items.armor.armor.inscribed=L'ítem està inscrit amb un _%s._ items.armor.armor.inscribed=L'ítem està inscrit amb un _%s._
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Com que aquesta armadura està maleïda, no te la pots treure. items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Com que aquesta armadura està maleïda, no te la pots treure.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Pots sentir una màgia perversa amagada dins d'aquesta armadura. items.armor.armor.cursed=Pots sentir una màgia malèvola amagada dins d'aquesta armadura.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=Aquesta armadura està lliure de màgia malvolent. items.armor.armor.not_cursed=Aquesta armadura està lliure de màgia malèvola.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=El segell trencat del Guerrer està unit a aquesta armadura. items.armor.armor.seal_attached=El segell trencat del Guerrer està unit a aquesta armadura.
items.armor.armor$glyph.glyph=glif items.armor.armor$glyph.glyph=glif
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=T'ha matat l'enemic: %s... items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=T'ha matat l'enemic: %s...
@ -134,20 +134,20 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Tot i que aquesta armadura sembla pesada, li perme
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=conjunt d'eines de l'alquimista items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alchemist's toolkit
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=PREPARAR items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=PREPARAR
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=El teu joc d'eines no ha acabat d'escalfar-se.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=El teu joc d'eines maleït no et permet utilitzar l'alquímia!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=No pots fer això amb enemics a prop.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=El joc d'eines maleït s'ha arrapat al teu cos i es nega a deixar-te utilitzar l'alquímia.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=El joc d'eines s'està escalfant i es podrà utilitzar quan hagis guanyat experiència.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=El joc d'eines equipat genera lentament energia alquímica a mesura que adquireixes experiència. Potser es podria millorar en una olla d'alquímia?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No pots portar dos artefactes iguals. items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No pots portar dos artefactes iguals.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefacte s'incrusta dolorosament al teu cos. items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefacte s'incrusta dolorosament al teu cos.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Pots sentir una màgia malèvola emmagatzemada dins d'aquest artefacte. items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Pots sentir una màgia malèvola emmagatzemada dins d'aquest artefacte.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=Aquest artefacte està lliure de màgia malvolent. items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=Aquest artefacte està lliure de màgia malèvola.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Has d'equipar-te l'artefacte per fer això. items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Has d'equipar-te l'artefacte per fer això.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=capa d'espines items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=capa d'espines
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=El calze està ple fins a la vora de la te
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=capa d'ombres items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=capa d'ombres
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=ANAR DE SIGIL items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=ANAR DE SIGIL
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=La teva capa necessita %d torns més per recarregar-se. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=La teva capa necessita %d torns més per recarregar-se.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=La teva capa no s'ha recarregat prou com per a utilitzar-la encara. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=La teva capa no s'ha recarregat prou com per a utilitzar-la encara.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Una capa màgica inapreciable, robada pel murri de l'armeria reial molts anys enrere. Equipada, pot utilitzar-se per fer-se completament invisible durant uns instants.\n\nCom més s'utilitza la capa, més forta serà, permetent al murri tornar-se invisible més freqüentment i durant més temps. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Una capa màgica inapreciable, robada pel murri de l'armeria reial molts anys enrere. Equipada, pot utilitzar-se per fer-se completament invisible durant uns instants.\n\nCom més s'utilitza la capa, més forta serà, permetent al murri tornar-se invisible més freqüentment i durant més temps.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=La teva capa s'ha quedat sense energia. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=La teva capa s'ha quedat sense energia.
@ -204,7 +205,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.desc=Un pètal sec i fràgil, que d'alguna maner
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.name=fantasma trist items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.name=fantasma trist
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.def_verb=evadit items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.def_verb=evadit
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.hello=Hola un altre cop %s. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.hello=Hola un altre cop %s.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=El meu esperit està lligat a aquesta rosa, era molt valuosa per mi, un regal del meu amor, al qual he deixat a la superfície.\n\nNo puc tornar-hi, però gràcies a tu tinc una segona oportunitat per completar el meu viatge. Quan sigui capaç respondré a la teva trucada i vindré a lluitar amb tu.\n\nEsperem que triomfis on jo he fallat... items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=El meu esperit està arrapat a aquesta rosa, era molt valuosa per mi, un regal del meu amor, al qual he deixat a la superfície.\n\nNo puc tornar-hi, però gràcies a tu tinc una segona oportunitat per completar el meu viatge. Quan sigui capaç respondré a la teva trucada i vindré a lluitar amb tu.\n\nEsperem que triomfis on jo he fallat...
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Una figura etèria d'aparença fràgil i figura humanoide. El seu poder sembla estar lligat a la rosa que tens.\n\nAquest fantasma pot no semblar de massa valor, però sembla ser el teu únic amic verdader aquí sota. items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Una figura etèria d'aparença fràgil i figura humanoide. El seu poder sembla estar lligat a la rosa que tens.\n\nAquest fantasma pot no semblar de massa valor, però sembla ser el teu únic amic verdader aquí sota.
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.title=Equipament del fantasma items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.title=Equipament del fantasma
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.desc=Els fantasmes són dèbils per si sols, però la seva forma és prou solida perquè s'equipin amb una arma i una armadura. Podran fer servir aquests ítems igual que tu.\n\nEl fantasma pot equipar-se ítems que requereixin fins a _%d de força._ items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.desc=Els fantasmes són dèbils per si sols, però la seva forma és prou solida perquè s'equipin amb una arma i una armadura. Podran fer servir aquests ítems igual que tu.\n\nEl fantasma pot equipar-se ítems que requereixin fins a _%d de força._
@ -243,11 +244,11 @@ items.artifacts.hornofplenty.levelup=La banya consumeix la teva ofrena de menjar
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.feed=La banya consumeix la teva ofrena de menjar. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.feed=La banya consumeix la teva ofrena de menjar.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=No s'hi pot bufar en aquesta banya, però sembla emplenar-se de menjar quan t'aventures i guanyes experiència. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=No s'hi pot bufar en aquesta banya, però sembla emplenar-se de menjar quan t'aventures i guanyes experiència.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=Potser hi ha alguna forma d'augmentar el poder de la banya donant-li energia alimentària. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=Potser hi ha alguna forma d'augmentar el poder de la banya donant-li energia alimentària.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=La banya maleïda s'ha arrapat al teu tors, sembla que vol treure't menjar més que produir-te'n. items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=La banya maleïda s'ha arrapat al teu cos, sembla que vol treure't menjar més que produir-te'n.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.name=balisa de lloyd items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.name=balisa de lloyd
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_zap=DISPARAR items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_zap=DISPARAR
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_set=COL·LOCAR items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_set=FIXAR
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_return=TORNAR items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.ac_return=TORNAR
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.no_charge=La teva balisa no té prou energia ara mateix. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.no_charge=La teva balisa no té prou energia ara mateix.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.tele_fail=La màgia de teletransport falla. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.tele_fail=La màgia de teletransport falla.
@ -255,13 +256,14 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.prompt=Tria què vols teletransportar
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.levelup=La teva balisa es fa més forta! items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.levelup=La teva balisa es fa més forta!
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.preventing=La forta aura màgica d'aquest lloc t'impedeix que utilitzis la balisa de lloyd! items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.preventing=La forta aura màgica d'aquest lloc t'impedeix que utilitzis la balisa de lloyd!
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.creatures=L'aura psíquica de les criatures que t'envolten no et permet fer utilitzar la balisa de lloyd ara mateix. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.creatures=L'aura psíquica de les criatures que t'envolten no et permet fer utilitzar la balisa de lloyd ara mateix.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.return=La balisa de lloyd s'ha col·locat correctament, ara pots tornar a aquest lloc quan vulguis. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.return=La balisa de lloyd s'ha fixat correctament, ara pots tornar a aquest lloc quan vulguis.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=La balisa de lloyd és un dispositiu màgic intricat que garanteix a l'usuari controlar màgies de teletransportació. La balisa es pot fer servir per tornar automàticament a la localització on es col·loca, però també es pot fer servir per disparar màgia de teletransportació aleatòria que es carrega pel sol fet de portar-la equipada. Aquesta màgia es pot dirigir a un objectiu o al mateix usuari. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=La balisa de lloyd és un dispositiu màgic intricat que garanteix a l'usuari controlar màgies de teletransportació. La balisa es pot fer servir per tornar automàticament a la localització on es fixa, però també es pot fer servir per disparar màgia de teletransportació aleatòria que es carrega pel sol fet de portar-la equipada. Aquesta màgia es pot dirigir a un objectiu o al mateix usuari.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Aquesta balisa s'ha fixat en algun lloc del nivell %d de Pixel Dungeon. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Aquesta balisa s'ha fixat en algun lloc del nivell %d de Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=braçalet dels mestres lladres items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=braçalet dels mestres lladres
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Aquest braçalet de vellut morat porta la marca d'un lladre expert. Aquest braçalet no et pertany, però probablement tampoc pertanyia al seu anterior usuari.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Amb aquest braçalet al voltant del teu canell, cada moneda d'or que trobes fa que desitgis més la propietat d'altra gent. Potser no seria massa difícil robar en una botiga...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandàlies de la natura items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandàlies de la natura
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=sabates de la natura items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=sabates de la natura
@ -340,7 +342,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=bandolera de pocions
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Aquesta bandolera gruixuda s'ajusta al voltant del pit com una faixa, té moltes cintes aïllants per dur flascons de pocions.\n\nMentre estiguis dins de la bandolera, les teves pocions haurien d'estar protegides del fred. items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Aquesta bandolera gruixuda s'ajusta al voltant del pit com una faixa, té moltes cintes aïllants per dur flascons de pocions.\n\nMentre estiguis dins de la bandolera, les teves pocions haurien d'estar protegides del fred.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=contenidor de pergamins items.bags.scrollholder.name=contenidor de pergamins
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it. items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Aquest contenidor tubular sembla fet per guardar-hi els mapes i les eines d'un astrònom, però els teus pergamins hi cabrien bé igual. Fins i tot té un parell de compartiments on cabrien molt bé els teus cristalls d'encanteri.\n\nEl contenidor no sembla massa inflamable, és a dir que els teus pergamins haurien d'estar protegits del foc al seu interior.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=sac de vellut items.bags.velvetpouch.name=sac de vellut
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Dins d'aquest petit sac de vellut es poden guardar diversos ítems petits, com ara llavors i pedres rúniques. items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Dins d'aquest petit sac de vellut es poden guardar diversos ítems petits, com ara llavors i pedres rúniques.
@ -351,8 +353,8 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Aquesta funda esvelta està feta de pell d'animal
###bombs ###bombs
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=bomba arcana
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack. items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=Aquesta bomba ha estat imbuïda amb propietats arcanes i explotarà en una potent explosió similar a l'atac bombejat d'en Goo.
items.bombs.bomb.name=bomba items.bombs.bomb.name=bomba
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ENCENDRE I LLANÇAR items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ENCENDRE I LLANÇAR
@ -386,8 +388,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Aquesta bomba personalitzada farà soroll repetidame
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba elèctrica items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba elèctrica
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Aquesta bomba ha sigut modificada per alliberar una tempesta elèctrica al seu voltant quan explota. items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Aquesta bomba ha sigut modificada per alliberar una tempesta elèctrica al seu voltant quan explota.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba de metralla
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it... items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Aquesta bomba ha estat modificada amb restes de metall del DM-300, que es fragmentaran i volaran a tot arreu quan explotin. Millor que t'amaguis darrere d'alguna cosa quan l'utilitzis...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba llanuda items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba llanuda
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Aquesta bomba personalitzada crearà un camp d'ovelles màgiques en lloc d'explotar. Aquestes ovelles bloquejaran el moviment i persistiran durant un temps. items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Aquesta bomba personalitzada crearà un camp d'ovelles màgiques en lloc d'explotar. Aquestes ovelles bloquejaran el moviment i persistiran durant un temps.
@ -561,8 +563,8 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Destapar o trencar aquest flascó pressuritz
###brews ###brews
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=beuratge càustic
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Aquest beuratge difondrà llot corrosiu per la ubicació en què es trenqui. Qualsevol cosa atrapada en el llot es fondrà lentament si no es renta amb aigua.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=beuratge de rufaga items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=beuratge de rufaga
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Quan es trenqui, aquest beuratge deslligarà un remolí de rufaga que es difon com un gas. items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Quan es trenqui, aquest beuratge deslligarà un remolí de rufaga que es difon com un gas.
@ -585,10 +587,10 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Aquest beuratge combina les propietats d'una
###elixirs ###elixirs
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir de rejoveniment aquàtic
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Aquest elixir conté les restes d'en Goo millorades amb una poció curativa. Si bé no proporcionarà una curació immediata, restaurarà la teva salut lentament mentre estiguis a l'aigua.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Curació aquàtica
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Has obtingut temporalment propietats restauratives similars a les d'en Goo.\n\nMentre et trobis a l'aigua, recuperaràs un punt de salut per torn.\n\nTorns de curació aquàtica restants: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir de sang del drac items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir de sang del drac
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quan es consumeix, aquest elixir envia un poder ardent a través de les venes del bevedor. Aquest efecte farà que el bevedor sigui immune al foc, i permet incendiar als enemics amb atacs físics. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quan es consumeix, aquest elixir envia un poder ardent a través de les venes del bevedor. Aquest efecte farà que el bevedor sigui immune al foc, i permet incendiar als enemics amb atacs físics.
@ -599,7 +601,7 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=Quan es consumeixi, aquest elixi
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir de curació melosa items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir de curació melosa
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Aquest elixir combina la curació amb la dolçor de la mel. Quan es begui, satisfarà una petita quantitat de fam, però també es pot tirar per curar un aliat.\n\nLes criatures amb afinitat per a la mel poden ser pacificades si s'utilitza aquest ítem. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Aquest elixir combina la curació amb la dolçor de la mel. Quan es begui, satisfarà una petita quantitat de fam, però també es pot tirar per curar un aliat.\n\nLes criatures amb afinitat per a la mel poden ser pacificades si s'utilitza aquest ítem.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir de vigor
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 frç, +5 ps items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 frç, +5 ps
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Una força nova recorre el teu cos. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Una força nova recorre el teu cos.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Aquest líquid poderós recorrerà els teus músculs, augmentant permanentment la teva força en un punt i la teva salut en cinc. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Aquest líquid poderós recorrerà els teus músculs, augmentant permanentment la teva força en un punt i la teva salut en cinc.
@ -686,11 +688,11 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Molts nans i algunes de les seves majors creacions p
items.quest.embers.name=brases d'elemental items.quest.embers.name=brases d'elemental
items.quest.embers.desc=Brases especials que només es poden recol·lectar dels elementals de foc joves. Irradien energia tèrmica. items.quest.embers.desc=Brases especials que només es poden recol·lectar dels elementals de foc joves. Irradien energia tèrmica.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo items.quest.gooblob.name=gota de Goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.gooblob.desc=Una gota movedissa de pegot, escindida d'en Goo quan moria. És gairebé com una gran bola de gelatina, però no t'atreviries a menjar-te-la.\n\nNo fa res per si sol, però potser es podria utilitzar com a ingredient. Com a mínim s'hauria de poder vendre a un preu decent.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard items.quest.metalshard.name=fragment de metall maleït
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.metalshard.desc=Un tros de metall maleït oxidat, que es va caure del DM-300 quan es va destruir. Pots sentir una màgia malèvola inactiva dins d'ell.\n\nNo fa res per si sol, però potser es podria utilitzar com a ingredient. Com a mínim s'hauria de poder vendre a un preu decent.
items.quest.pickaxe.name=piqueta items.quest.pickaxe.name=piqueta
items.quest.pickaxe.ac_mine=MINAR items.quest.pickaxe.ac_mine=MINAR
@ -721,7 +723,7 @@ items.rings.ring.known=És un %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Ja t'has familiaritzat prou amb el teu anell per identificar-lo. És un %s. items.rings.ring.identify=Ja t'has familiaritzat prou amb el teu anell per identificar-lo. És un %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Com que aquest anell està maleït, no te'l pots treure. items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Com que aquest anell està maleït, no te'l pots treure.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Pots sentir una màgia malèvola emmagatzemada dins d'aquest anell. items.rings.ring.curse_known=Pots sentir una màgia malèvola emmagatzemada dins d'aquest anell.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=Aquest anell està lliure de màgia malvolent. items.rings.ring.not_cursed=Aquest anell està lliure de màgia malèvola.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anell de precisió items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anell de precisió
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Aquest anell millora la teva concentració, reduint l'habilitat del teu enemic d'esquivar els teus atacs. Un anell maleït, en canvi, farà que pels enemics sigui més fàcil esquivar els teus atacs. items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Aquest anell millora la teva concentració, reduint l'habilitat del teu enemic d'esquivar els teus atacs. Un anell maleït, en canvi, farà que pels enemics sigui més fàcil esquivar els teus atacs.
@ -746,7 +748,7 @@ items.rings.ringofhaste.desc=Aquest anell redueix l'estrès del moviment del seu
items.rings.ringofenergy.name=anell d'energia items.rings.ringofenergy.name=anell d'energia
items.rings.ringofenergy.desc=Les teves varetes es recarregaran més rapidament dins el camp arcà que irradia d'aquest anell. Un anell maleït per contra farà que les varetes es recarreguin més lentament. items.rings.ringofenergy.desc=Les teves varetes es recarregaran més rapidament dins el camp arcà que irradia d'aquest anell. Un anell maleït per contra farà que les varetes es recarreguin més lentament.
items.rings.ringofmight.name=anell de poder items.rings.ringofmight.name=anell de vigor
items.rings.ringofmight.desc=Aquest anell millora les característiques físiques del seu portador, augmentant la seva constitució i força física. Un anell maleït en canvi, debilitarà al seu portador. items.rings.ringofmight.desc=Aquest anell millora les característiques físiques del seu portador, augmentant la seva constitució i força física. Un anell maleït en canvi, debilitarà al seu portador.
items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.name=anell de punteria items.rings.ringofsharpshooting.name=anell de punteria
@ -905,41 +907,42 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Aquest pergamí conté una energi
###spells ###spells
items.spells.alchemize.name=alchemize items.spells.alchemize.name=alquimitzar
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=No pots fer això amb enemics a prop.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time. items.spells.alchemize.desc=Aquest encanteri canalitza energia alquímica, cosa que li permet realitzar alquímia com si estigués en una olla sense energia durant una estona.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast items.spells.aquablast.name=explosió d'aigua
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst. items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=balisa de tornada
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell! items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment. items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location. items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=La balisa s'ha fixat a la teva localització actual.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell. items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body="Fixar" sobreescriurà la localització on la balisa estava prèviament fixada.\n\n"Tornar" et farà tornar a la teva última localització i consumirà una càrrega de la balisa.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_set=Set items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_set=Fixar
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_return=Return items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_return=Tornar
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=Aquesta balisa s'ha fixat en algun lloc del pis %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Aquest intricat encanteri li atorga a l'usuari la possibilitat de tornar a una ubicació fixada, independentment de la distància. L'encanteri només es consumeix retornant, es pot configurar tantes vegades com vulguis, però només recordarà la ubicació més recent a la qual es fixi.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.name=infusió de maledicció
items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall items.spells.featherfall.name=caiguda de ploma
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=FER ENCANTERI items.spells.spell.ac_cast=FER ENCANTERI
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=infusió màgica
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Infon un ítem items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Infon un ítem
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=El teu ítem "%s" ha sigut infós amb energia arcana! items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=El teu ítem "%s" ha sigut infós amb energia arcana!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade. items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter items.spells.magicalporter.name=porter màgic
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to. items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor. items.spells.magicalporter.desc=Aquest encanteri transportarà màgicament qualsevol ítem que sigui encantat. A diferència d'una balisa de comerciant, però, els articles es transportaran a l'entrada del líder del proper pis.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=La màgia de teletransport falla. items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=La màgia de teletransport falla.
@ -1030,7 +1033,7 @@ items.wands.wand.no_magic=La teva vareta espurneja; no pots utilitzar varetes me
items.wands.wand.self_target=No et pots fer servir d'objectiu! items.wands.wand.self_target=No et pots fer servir d'objectiu!
items.wands.wand.identify=Ara ja estàs familiaritzat amb el teu ítem: %s. items.wands.wand.identify=Ara ja estàs familiaritzat amb el teu ítem: %s.
items.wands.wand.cursed=Aquesta vareta està maleïda, això fa que la seva màgia sigui caòtica i aleatòria. items.wands.wand.cursed=Aquesta vareta està maleïda, això fa que la seva màgia sigui caòtica i aleatòria.
items.wands.wand.not_cursed=Aquesta vareta està lliure de màgia malvolent. items.wands.wand.not_cursed=Aquesta vareta està lliure de màgia malèvola.
items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Aquest ítem "%s" està maleït! items.wands.wand.curse_discover=Aquest ítem "%s" està maleït!
items.wands.wand.prompt=Tria cap a on disparar items.wands.wand.prompt=Tria cap a on disparar
@ -1384,8 +1387,8 @@ items.weapon.weapon.too_heavy=Degut a que no tens prou força, aquesta arma empi
items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Degut al teu excès de força, infligiràs fins a _%d punts de dany extra_ amb aquesta arma. items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Degut al teu excès de força, infligiràs fins a _%d punts de dany extra_ amb aquesta arma.
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=La interacció dels diferents tipus de màgia han evitat l'encanteri d'aquesta arma! items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=La interacció dels diferents tipus de màgia han evitat l'encanteri d'aquesta arma!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Com que l'arma està maleïda, no te la pots treure de sobre. items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Com que l'arma està maleïda, no te la pots treure de sobre.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Pots sentir una màgia perversa amagada dins d'aquesta arma. items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Pots sentir una màgia malèvola amagada dins d'aquesta arma.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=Aquesta arma està lliure de màgia malvolent. items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=Aquesta arma està lliure de màgia malèvola.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Ha tingut un augment de _velocitat._ items.weapon.weapon.faster=Ha tingut un augment de _velocitat._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Ha tingut un augment de _dany._ items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Ha tingut un augment de _dany._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Té l'arma: _%s._ items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Té l'arma: _%s._
@ -1472,7 +1475,7 @@ items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=Només pots portar dos ítems diversos alhora.
items.kindofweapon.equip_cursed=La teva adherència es tensa involuntàriament al voltant de l'arma. items.kindofweapon.equip_cursed=La teva adherència es tensa involuntàriament al voltant de l'arma.
items.merchantsbeacon.name=balisa del comerciant items.merchantsbeacon.name=balisa de comerciant
items.merchantsbeacon.ac_use=UTILITZAR items.merchantsbeacon.ac_use=UTILITZAR
items.merchantsbeacon.desc=Aquesta estranya peça de tecnologia nana et permet comunicar-te a grans distàncies.\n\nUn cop activada, aquesta balisa et deixarà vendre objectes al Mercat Píxel des de qualsevol lloc de la masmorra.\n\nPerò, la màgia de dins la balisa durarà només per una sessió, per tant utilitza-la de manera sàvia. items.merchantsbeacon.desc=Aquesta estranya peça de tecnologia nana et permet comunicar-te a grans distàncies.\n\nUn cop activada, aquesta balisa et deixarà vendre objectes al Mercat Píxel des de qualsevol lloc de la masmorra.\n\nPerò, la màgia de dins la balisa durarà només per una sessió, per tant utilitza-la de manera sàvia.

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@ -134,15 +134,15 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Ačkoliv tato zbroj vypadá těžce, umožňuje V
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=Alchymistova souprava items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=Alchymistova sada
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=UVAŘIT items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=UVAŘIT
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Tvá sada se ještě nezahřála.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Tvá prokletá sada ti brání používat alchymii.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=Nemůžeš dělat nic, když jsou poblíž nepřátelé.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=Tato sada obsahuje množství činidel a bylin spolu s malou lahvičkou na míchání, umožňující používat alchymii na cestách.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=Prokletá sada se váže k tvému boku a odmítá ti dovolit používat alchymii.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=Sada se momentálně zahřívá a bude připravena k použití jakmile získáš zkušenosti.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=Vybavená sada pomalu generuje alchymickou energii během získávání zkušeností. Možná by mohla být vylepšena v alchymickém kotlíku?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nemůžeš nosit dva stejné artefakty. items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nemůžeš nosit dva stejné artefakty.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefakt se s tebou bolestivě svazuje. items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefakt se s tebou bolestivě svazuje.
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=Kalich je až po okraj naplněn tvou krví
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=Plášť stínů items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=Plášť stínů
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=UKRÝT items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=UKRÝT
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Počet kol potřebných k dobití pláště: %d items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Počet kol potřebných k dobití pláště: %d
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Tvůj plášť se pro další použití ještě dostatečně nedobil. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Tvůj plášť se pro další použití ještě dostatečně nedobil.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Neocenitelný magický plášť, který Zloděj před několika lety ukradl z královské zbrojnice. Během nošení může být na krátký čas použit pro úplné zneviditelnění.\n\nČím více je plášť používán, tím bude silnější, umožňující Zloději se stát mnohem častěji neviditelným a na delší dobu. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Neocenitelný magický plášť, který Zloděj před několika lety ukradl z královské zbrojnice. Během nošení může být na krátký čas použit pro úplné zneviditelnění.\n\nČím více je plášť používán, tím bude silnější, umožňující Zloději se stát mnohem častěji neviditelným a na delší dobu.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Tvému plášti došla energie. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Tvému plášti došla energie.
@ -260,8 +261,9 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Loydův záblesk je komplikované magické za
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Loydův záblesk byl uložen někde na %d patře kobky. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Loydův záblesk byl uložen někde na %d patře kobky.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=Nárameník mistra zlodějů items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=Nárameník mistra zlodějů
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Tento sametový fialový nárameník nese znak mistra zlodějů. Nepatří ti, ale pravděpodobně nepatřil ani jeho poslednímu majiteli.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=S nárameníkem kolem tvého zápěstí tě každý kousek zlata udělá chtivějším po majetku ostatních lidí. Možná by ani nebylo tak těžké krást přímo v obchodě...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=Sandály přírody items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=Sandály přírody
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=Pantofle přírody items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=Pantofle přírody
@ -340,7 +342,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=Pás na lektvary
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Tento tlustý pás padne kolem tvého hrudníku jako šerpa. Má na sobě mnoho samostatných řemínků pro uchycení lahviček s lektvary.\n\nKdyž budou tvé lektvary v pásu, měli by být chráněny před chladem. items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Tento tlustý pás padne kolem tvého hrudníku jako šerpa. Má na sobě mnoho samostatných řemínků pro uchycení lahviček s lektvary.\n\nKdyž budou tvé lektvary v pásu, měli by být chráněny před chladem.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=Tuba na svitky items.bags.scrollholder.name=Tuba na svitky
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it. items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Tato trubicová nádoba vypadá jako obal na astrologické nástroje a mapy, ale svitky se do něj také vlezou. Dokonce obsahuje i pár postranních přihrádek, do kterých krásně zapadnou tvé kouzlené krystaly.\n\nTuba nevypadá že je hořlavá, takže tvé svitky by v ní měly být před ohněm v bezpečí.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=Sametový váček items.bags.velvetpouch.name=Sametový váček
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Tento malý sametový váček v sobě může uchovat malé předměty, jako semínka a runové kameny. items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Tento malý sametový váček v sobě může uchovat malé předměty, jako semínka a runové kameny.
@ -351,8 +353,8 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Toto štíhlé pouzdro je vyrobeno z kůže něja
###bombs ###bombs
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=Magická bomba
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack. items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=Tato bomba byla naplněna magickými vlastnostmi a exploduje v mocný výbuch, podobný Slizákovu útoku když je načerpaný.
items.bombs.bomb.name=Bomba items.bombs.bomb.name=Bomba
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ZAPÁLIT A HODIT items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ZAPÁLIT A HODIT
@ -386,8 +388,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Tato upravená bomba bude opakovaně vydávat hluk,
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=Probíjející bomba items.bombs.shockbomb.name=Probíjející bomba
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena tak, aby kolem sebe při výbuchu uvolnila bouři elektřiny. items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena tak, aby kolem sebe při výbuchu uvolnila bouři elektřiny.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=Střepinová bomba
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it... items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena útržky kovu z DM-300, které se po výbuchu roztříští a všude rozletí. Bude lepší se po použití za něco schovat...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=Stádová bomba items.bombs.woollybomb.name=Stádová bomba
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Tato upravená bomba vytvoří pole magických ovcí, namísto výbuchu. Tyto ovce přetrvají nějakou dobu na místě a budou blokovat pohyb. items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Tato upravená bomba vytvoří pole magických ovcí, namísto výbuchu. Tyto ovce přetrvají nějakou dobu na místě a budou blokovat pohyb.
@ -561,8 +563,8 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Odzátkování nebo roztříštění této p
###brews ###brews
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=Žíravá směs
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Tato směs rozšíří žíravý sliz okolo místa kde se roztříští. Cokoliv zachycené ve slizu se začne pomalu rozpouštět, pokud se to nemůže omýt ve vodě.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=Směs ledové vichřice items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=Směs ledové vichřice
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Po rozbití rozpoutá tato směs divokou ledovou vichřici, která se bude šířit podobně jako plyn. items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Po rozbití rozpoutá tato směs divokou ledovou vichřici, která se bude šířit podobně jako plyn.
@ -585,8 +587,8 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Tato směs kombinuje vlastnosti lektvaru tox
###elixirs ###elixirs
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=Elixír vodního omlazení
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Tento elixír obsahuje zbytky Slizáka obohacené lektvarem léčení. Ačkoliv neposkytne okamžité uzdravení, bude pomalu obnovovat tvé zdraví, během toho co budeš stát ve vodě.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
@ -687,7 +689,7 @@ items.quest.embers.name=Elementární uhlík
items.quest.embers.desc=Speciální uhlík, který může být sklizen z mladých ohnivých elementálů. Vyzařuje tepelnou energii. items.quest.embers.desc=Speciální uhlík, který může být sklizen z mladých ohnivých elementálů. Vyzařuje tepelnou energii.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.gooblob.desc=Želatinová hrudka slizu, která se odštěpila od Slizáka když zemřel.\nJe skoro jako velká koule želé, ale neodvážil by ses ji sníst.\n\nSama o sobě nic nedělá, ale možná by se dala použít jako přísada.\nPřinejmenším by měla jít prodat za slušnou cenu.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -794,7 +796,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Přečtení tohoto svitku vydá uklidňujíc
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=Svitek magického mapování items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=Svitek magického mapování
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Nyní znáš rozvržení této úrovně. items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Nyní znáš rozvržení této úrovně.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Když přečteš tento svitek, do paměti se ti vryje křišťálově čistý obraz, ukazující ti přesné rozvržení této úrovně a odhalí ti všechna skrytá tajemství. Rozmístění předmětů a tvorů zůstane neznámé. items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Když přečteš tento svitek, do paměti se ti vryje krystalově čistý obraz, ukazující ti přesné rozvržení této úrovně a odhalí ti všechna skrytá tajemství. Rozmístění předmětů a tvorů zůstane neznámé.
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=Svitek zrcadlového obrazu items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.name=Svitek zrcadlového obrazu
items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=Zaříkávadlo na tomto svitku vytvoří dvě iluzorní dvojčata toho kdo jej přečte. Tyto zrcadlové obrazy fungují jako tvoje slabší klony a budou pronásledovat tvé nepřátele. Nemají však žádnou výdrž a zmizí jakmile obdrží poškození. items.scrolls.scrollofmirrorimage.desc=Zaříkávadlo na tomto svitku vytvoří dvě iluzorní dvojčata toho kdo jej přečte. Tyto zrcadlové obrazy fungují jako tvoje slabší klony a budou pronásledovat tvé nepřátele. Nemají však žádnou výdrž a zmizí jakmile obdrží poškození.
@ -881,7 +883,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=Zrušit
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Tento svitek naplní zbraň nebo zbroj silnou magickou energií. Ten kdo jej přečte má dokonce část kontroly nad tím, kterým kouzlem bude naplněna. items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Tento svitek naplní zbraň nebo zbroj silnou magickou energií. Ten kdo jej přečte má dokonce část kontroly nad tím, kterým kouzlem bude naplněna.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=Svitek předvídavosti items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=Svitek předvídavosti
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Když přečteš tento svitek, detaily o okolním prostředí budou neustále přiváděny do tvé mysli v křišťálové čistotě. Po dobu trvání tohoto efektu nebude nutné hledat, neboť ten kdo svitek přečte, automaticky objeví vše co bude v jeho poli hledání. items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=Když přečteš tento svitek, detaily o okolním prostředí budou neustále přiváděny do tvé mysli v krystalové čistotě. Po dobu trvání tohoto efektu nebude nutné hledat, neboť ten kdo svitek přečte, automaticky objeví vše co bude v jeho poli hledání.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=Svitek mystické energie items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=Svitek mystické energie
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Čistá magická energie vázající se k tomuto pergamenu, po vypuštění postupně dobije vybavené artefakty toho, kdo jej přečte. items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=Čistá magická energie vázající se k tomuto pergamenu, po vypuštění postupně dobije vybavené artefakty toho, kdo jej přečte.
@ -906,7 +908,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Tento svitek obsahuje neuvěřite
###spells ###spells
items.spells.alchemize.name=alchemize items.spells.alchemize.name=alchemize
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=Nemůžeš dělat nic, když jsou poblíž nepřátelé.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time. items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
@ -923,15 +925,16 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=VRHNOUT items.spells.spell.ac_cast=VYVOLAT
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=Magické naplnění
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Okouzli předmět items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Okouzli předmět
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Magická energie naplnila předmět: %s items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Magická energie naplnila předmět: %s
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade. items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
@ -954,8 +957,8 @@ items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s. items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type. items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Vyber cíl
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Okouzli předmět items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Očaruj předmět
###runestones ###runestones
@ -1421,7 +1424,7 @@ items.brokenseal.desc=Vosková pečeť připevněná ke zbroji je symbolem udatn
items.dewdrop.name=Kapička rosy items.dewdrop.name=Kapička rosy
items.dewdrop.value=%+d ZDRAVÍ items.dewdrop.value=%+d ZDRAVÍ
items.dewdrop.already_full=Máš plné zdraví. items.dewdrop.already_full=Máš plné zdraví.
items.dewdrop.desc=Křišťálově čistá kapka rosy.\n\nDíky magii tohoto místa, má čistá voda malé regenerační účinky. items.dewdrop.desc=Krystalově čistá kapka rosy.\n\nDíky magii tohoto místa, má čistá voda malé regenerační účinky.
items.dewvial.name=Lahvička na rosu items.dewvial.name=Lahvička na rosu
items.dewvial.ac_drink=PÍT items.dewvial.ac_drink=PÍT
@ -1474,7 +1477,7 @@ items.kindofweapon.equip_cursed=Tvá ruka se neúmyslně svírá kolem zbraně
items.merchantsbeacon.name=Obchodníkův záblesk items.merchantsbeacon.name=Obchodníkův záblesk
items.merchantsbeacon.ac_use=POUŽÍT items.merchantsbeacon.ac_use=POUŽÍT
items.merchantsbeacon.desc=Tento zvláštní kousek trpasličí technologie ti umožňuje komunikovat na velké vzdálenosti.\n\nPo aktivování ti tento přístroj umožní odkudkoliv v kobce prodat předměty do Pixel Martu.\n\nNicméně, magie uvnitř zařízení vystačí pouze na jeden pokus, takže ho použij moudře. items.merchantsbeacon.desc=Tento zvláštní kousek trpasličí technologie ti umožňuje komunikovat na velké vzdálenosti.\n\nPo aktivování ti tento přístroj umožní prodat předměty v Pixel Martu odkudkoliv z kobky.\n\nNicméně, magie uvnitř zařízení vystačí pouze na jeden pokus, takže ho použij moudře.
items.stylus.name=Magické rydlo items.stylus.name=Magické rydlo
items.stylus.ac_inscribe=VYRÝT items.stylus.ac_inscribe=VYRÝT

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@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Obwohl diese Rüstung schwer aussieht, erlaubt sie
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=Tragbares Alchemielabor items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alchemist's toolkit
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=BRAUEN items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=BRAUEN
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=Du kannst das nicht tun, wenn Gegner in der Nähe sind.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=Der Kelch ist bis zum Rand mit deinem Blut
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=Umhang der Schatten items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=Umhang der Schatten
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=TARNUNG items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=TARNUNG
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Dein Umhang benötigt noch %d Schritte um sich wiederaufzuladen. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Dein Umhang benötigt noch %d Schritte um sich wiederaufzuladen.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Dein Umhang ist noch nicht so weit aufgeladen, dass er verwendet werden kann. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Dein Umhang ist noch nicht so weit aufgeladen, dass er verwendet werden kann.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Ein unbezahlbarer magischer Umhang, den der Schurke vor vielen Jahren aus der königlichen Rüstungskammer gestohlen hat. Wenn dieser Umhang getragen wird, kann er seinen Träger für kurze Zeit unsichtbar machen.\n\nJe öfter der Umhang verwendet wird, desto mächtiger wird er, was längere und häufigere Verwendung ermöglicht. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Ein unbezahlbarer magischer Umhang, den der Schurke vor vielen Jahren aus der königlichen Rüstungskammer gestohlen hat. Wenn dieser Umhang getragen wird, kann er seinen Träger für kurze Zeit unsichtbar machen.\n\nJe öfter der Umhang verwendet wird, desto mächtiger wird er, was längere und häufigere Verwendung ermöglicht.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Die Energie deines Umhangs ist aufgebraucht. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Die Energie deines Umhangs ist aufgebraucht.
@ -261,6 +262,7 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Das Leuchtfeuer wurde irgendwo auf Ebene %
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=Armband des Meisterdiebes items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=Armband des Meisterdiebes
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=Sandalen der Natur items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=Sandalen der Natur
@ -351,7 +353,7 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Dieses schmale Holster besteht aus der Haut einig
###bombs ###bombs
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=Arkane Bombe
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack. items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.name=Bombe items.bombs.bomb.name=Bombe
@ -386,7 +388,7 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Diese angepasste Bombe wird anhaltend Krach machen,
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=Schockbombe items.bombs.shockbomb.name=Schockbombe
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Diese Bombe wurde so modifiziert, dass sie in einen anhaltenden Sturm aus Elektrizität zerplatzt, wenn sie explodiert. items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Diese Bombe wurde so modifiziert, dass sie in einen anhaltenden Sturm aus Elektrizität zerplatzt, wenn sie explodiert.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=Schrapnellbombe
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it... items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=Herdenbombe items.bombs.woollybomb.name=Herdenbombe
@ -602,7 +604,7 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Dieses Elixier vereint heilend
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 STÄ, +5 LP items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 STÄ, +5 LP
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Neuentdeckte Stärke rauscht durch deinen Körper. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Neuentdeckte Stärke rauscht durch deinen Körper.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Diese mächtige Flüssigkeit wird durch deine Muskeln fahren, was deine Stärke dauerhaft um einen Punkt verbessern und deine Lebenspunkte um fünf Punkte erhöhen wird. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Diese mächtige Flüssigkeit wird in deine Muskeln fahren, was deine Stärke dauerhaft um einen Punkt verbessern und deine Lebenspunkte um fünf Punkte erhöhen wird.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=Elixier der Erneuerung items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=Elixier der Erneuerung
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Dieses Elixier hat die Eigenschaften sowohl eines Heiltranks als auch eines Tranks der Reinigung. Der, welcher es trinkt, beginnt schnell zu heilen und wird von allen negativen Effekten befreit. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Dieses Elixier hat die Eigenschaften sowohl eines Heiltranks als auch eines Tranks der Reinigung. Der, welcher es trinkt, beginnt schnell zu heilen und wird von allen negativen Effekten befreit.
@ -686,10 +688,10 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Viele Zwerge und einige ihrer größten Kreationen t
items.quest.embers.name=Asche eines Elementars items.quest.embers.name=Asche eines Elementars
items.quest.embers.desc=Spezielle Asche, welche nur von jungen Feuerelementaren gewonnen werden kann. Die Asche strahlt thermische Energie aus. items.quest.embers.desc=Spezielle Asche, welche nur von jungen Feuerelementaren gewonnen werden kann. Die Asche strahlt thermische Energie aus.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo items.quest.gooblob.name=Schleimklumpen
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard items.quest.metalshard.name=Verfluchte Metallplatte
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.name=Spitzhacke items.quest.pickaxe.name=Spitzhacke
@ -906,7 +908,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Diese Schriftrolle birgt unglaubl
###spells ###spells
items.spells.alchemize.name=alchemize items.spells.alchemize.name=alchemize
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=Du kannst das nicht tun, wenn Gegner in der Nähe sind.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time. items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
@ -922,16 +924,17 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_return=Return
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.name=verfluchte Infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall items.spells.featherfall.name=Federfall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! items.spells.featherfall.light=Du fühlst dich so leicht wie eine Feder!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=ZAUBERN items.spells.spell.ac_cast=ZAUBERN
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magische Infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Fusioniere Gegenstand items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Fusioniere Gegenstand
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Dein/e %s ist von arkaner Macht durchdrungen! items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Dein/e %s ist von arkaner Macht durchdrungen!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade. items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
@ -946,7 +949,7 @@ items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Die Teleportationsmagie versagt.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves. items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there. items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=Dort ist keine Falle.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts. items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.name=recycle items.spells.recycle.name=recycle
@ -954,7 +957,7 @@ items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s. items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type. items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Wähle ein Ziel
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Fusioniere Gegenstand items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Fusioniere Gegenstand

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@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Kvankam tiu ĉi defendaĵo ŝajnas peza, ĝi eblig
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alĥemia ilaro items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alĥemia ilaro
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=KUIRI items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=KUIRI
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Via ilaro ankoraŭ ne varmiĝis.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Malbenita ilaro malebligas al vi uzi alĥemion!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=Vi ne povas fari tion kun malamikoj proksime.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=Tiu ĉi ilaro enhavas kelkajn reakciilojn kaj herbojn kune kun malgranda provtubo por prepari eliksirojn ie ajn vi estas.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=La malbenita ilaro alteniiĝis al vi kaj malpermesas al vi uzi alĥemion.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=La ilaro nuntempe varmiĝas kaj estos preta, kiam vi akiros sperton.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=La surmetita ilaro iom post iom liveras alĥemian energion kiam vi akiras sperton. Eble ĝi povas esti plibonigita per alĥemia kuirpoto?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Vi ne povas surmeti du samajn antikvaĵojn. items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Vi ne povas surmeti du samajn antikvaĵojn.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=La antikvaĵo dolore ligas sin al vi. items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=La antikvaĵo dolore ligas sin al vi.
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=La kaliko estas plenigita ĝis la rando pe
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=mantelo de ombroj items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=mantelo de ombroj
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=KAŜIĜI items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=KAŜIĜI
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Via mantelo bezonas %d temperojn por reenergiĝi. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Via mantelo bezonas %d temperojn por reenergiĝi.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Via mantelo ankoraŭ ne ŝargiĝis sufiĉe por esti uzebla. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Via mantelo ankoraŭ ne ŝargiĝis sufiĉe por esti uzebla.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Altvalorega magia mantelo ŝtelita el reĝa armilejo antaŭ multaj jaroj de Fripono. Kiam vestita, ĝi povas esti uzebla por iĝi tute nevidebla por mallonga tempo.\n\nJu pli la mantelo estas uzata, des pli potenca ĝi iĝos, ebligante al Fripono esti nevidebla por pli ofte kaj pli longe. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Altvalorega magia mantelo ŝtelita el reĝa armilejo antaŭ multaj jaroj de Fripono. Kiam vestita, ĝi povas esti uzebla por iĝi tute nevidebla por mallonga tempo.\n\nJu pli la mantelo estas uzata, des pli potenca ĝi iĝos, ebligante al Fripono esti nevidebla por pli ofte kaj pli longe.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Via mantelo eluzis ĉiun energion. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Via mantelo eluzis ĉiun energion.
@ -260,8 +261,9 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Markilo de Lloyd estas komplika magia aparato
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Markilo estas agordita ie en la %d-a keletaĝo de la Labirinto. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Markilo estas agordita ie en la %d-a keletaĝo de la Labirinto.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brakbendo de ĉefŝtelisto items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brakbendo de ĉefŝtelisto
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Tiu ĉi purpura velura brakbendo posedas la marko de ĉefŝtelisto. Ĝi ne apartenas al vi, tamen ĝi ankaŭ probable ne apartenis al ĝia eksa uzanto.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Kun la brakbendo sur via mano, ĉiu peco da oro trovita de vi igas vin pli deziri posedaĵojn de aliajn homojn. Eble ne estos tiel malfacile ŝteli ion de vendejo…
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandaloj de naturo items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandaloj de naturo
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=ŝuoj de naturo items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=ŝuoj de naturo
@ -906,7 +908,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo enhavas nekr
###spells ###spells
items.spells.alchemize.name=alchemize items.spells.alchemize.name=alchemize
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=Vi ne povas fari tion kun malamikoj proksime.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time. items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
@ -923,11 +925,12 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=SURĴETI items.spells.spell.ac_cast=SURĴETI

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@ -134,15 +134,15 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Aunque esta armadura parece pesada, permite a un g
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=kit del alquimista items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=kit de herramientas de alquimista
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=FERMENTAR items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=FERMENTAR
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Tu kit de herramientas no ha terminado de calentarse. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Tu kit de herramientas no ha terminado de calentarse.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=¡Tu kit de herramientas maldito te impide usar la alquimia! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=¡Tu kit de herramientas maldito te impide usar la alquimia!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=No puedes hacer eso con enemigos cercanos. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=No puedes hacer eso con enemigos cercanos.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=Este kit de herramientas contiene varios regentes y hierbas junto con un pequeño frasco de mezcla, lo que permite utilizar la alquimia en el camino. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=Este kit de herramientas contiene una serie de reactivos y hierbas junto con un pequeño frasco de mezcla, lo que permite utilizar la alquimia en el camino.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=El kit de herramientas maldito se ha unido a tu lado y se niega a permitirte usar la alquimia. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=El kit de herramientas maldito se ha unido a tu lado y se niega a permitirte usar la alquimia.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=El kit de herramientas se está calentando actualmente y estará listo para usar una vez que obtenga experiencia. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=El kit de herramientas se está calentando actualmente y estará listo para usar una vez que obtenga experiencia.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=El kit de herramientas equipado genera lentamente energía alquímica a medida que adquieres experiencia. ¿Quizás podría mejorarse en una olla de alquimia?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No puedes llevar dos artefactos del mismo tipo. items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No puedes llevar dos artefactos del mismo tipo.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=El artefacto se une dolorosamente a ti. items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=El artefacto se une dolorosamente a ti.
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=El cáliz está lleno hasta el borde de tu
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=manto de sombras items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=manto de sombras
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=SIGILO items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=SIGILO
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Tu manto necesita %d turnos más para recargarse. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Tu manto necesita %d turnos más para recargarse.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Tu manto aún no se ha recargado lo suficiente para ser usado. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Tu manto aún no se ha recargado lo suficiente para ser usado.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Un invaluable manto mágico, robado de la armería real hace muchos años por el Pícaro. Equipado, puede usarse para ser completamente invisible por un corto tiempo.\n\nCuanto más se use el manto, más fuerte será, permitiendo al Pícaro volverse invisible más frecuentemente y por más tiempo. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Un invaluable manto mágico, robado de la armería real hace muchos años por el Pícaro. Equipado, puede usarse para ser completamente invisible por un corto tiempo.\n\nCuanto más se use el manto, más fuerte será, permitiendo al Pícaro volverse invisible más frecuentemente y por más tiempo.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Tu manto se quedó sin energía. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Tu manto se quedó sin energía.
@ -261,6 +262,7 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Esta baliza fue fijada en alguna parte del
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brazalete de maestro ladrón items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brazalete de maestro ladrón
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Este brazalete de terciopelo morado lleva la marca de un ladrón maestro. Esto no te pertenece, pero probablemente tampoco perteneció a su último usuario. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Este brazalete de terciopelo morado lleva la marca de un ladrón maestro. Esto no te pertenece, pero probablemente tampoco perteneció a su último usuario.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Con el brazalete alrededor de tu muñeca, cada pieza de oro que encuentres te hará desear más las pertenencias de otras personas. Tal vez no sería muy difícil robar en una tienda... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Con el brazalete alrededor de tu muñeca, cada pieza de oro que encuentres te hará desear más las pertenencias de otras personas. Tal vez no sería muy difícil robar en una tienda...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandalias de la naturaleza items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandalias de la naturaleza
@ -923,18 +925,19 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=Esta baliza fue colocada en algún lugar
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Este intrincado hechizo le otorga al usuario la posibilidad de regresar a una ubicación establecida, independientemente de la distancia. El hechizo sólo se consumirá al regresar, se puede configurar tantas veces como quieras, pero sólo recordará la ubicación más reciente en la que se configuró. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Este intrincado hechizo le otorga al usuario la posibilidad de regresar a una ubicación establecida, independientemente de la distancia. El hechizo sólo se consumirá al regresar, se puede configurar tantas veces como quieras, pero sólo recordará la ubicación más reciente en la que se configuró.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=infusión de maldición items.spells.curseinfusion.name=infusión de maldición
items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=Este hechizo infunde una pieza del equipamiento con la misma magia maligna presente dentro del DM-300. El ítem en el que es usado se maldecirá inmediatamente, y se anulará cualquier encantamiento o glifo que pueda haber tenido. items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=Este hechizo infunde una pieza del equipamiento con la misma magia maligna presente dentro del DM-300. El ítem en el que es usado se maldecirá inmediatamente, y se anulará cualquier encantamiento o glifo que pueda haber tenido.
items.spells.featherfall.name=caída de pluma items.spells.featherfall.name=caída de pluma
items.spells.featherfall.light=¡Te sientes ligero como una pluma! items.spells.featherfall.light=¡Te sientes ligero como una pluma!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=Este hechizo manipula el efecto de la gravedad sobre el usuario, permitiéndole caer grandes distancias sin causar daño por un corto tiempo. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=ARROJAR items.spells.spell.ac_cast=ARROJAR
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=infusión mágica items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=infusión mágica
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Encantar un ítem items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Encantar un ítem
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=¡Tu %s está infundido con energía arcana! items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=¡Tu %s está infundido con energía arcana!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade. items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=Este hechizo infundirá un arma o armadura con poderosa energía mágica.\n\nAdemás de ser mejorado, un arma obtendrá un encantamiento mágico, o una armadura será imbuida de un glifo mágico.\n\nSi el ítem ya tiene un encantamiento o glifo, la mejora no lo borrará.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=portador mágico items.spells.magicalporter.name=portador mágico
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Portar un ítem items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Portar un ítem

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@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Vaikka tämä panssari näyttää painavalta, se p
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alkemistin työkalupakki items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alchemist's toolkit
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=HAUDUTA items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=HAUDUTA
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=Pikari on täyttynyt reunoja myöten elinv
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=varjojen viitta items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=varjojen viitta
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=PIILOUDU items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=PIILOUDU
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Viittasi tarvitsee vielä %d vuoroa energian palautumiseen. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Viittasi tarvitsee vielä %d vuoroa energian palautumiseen.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Viittasi ei ole latautunut tarpeeksi ollakseen käytettävissä. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Viittasi ei ole latautunut tarpeeksi ollakseen käytettävissä.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Roiston kuninkaallisesta asevarastosta vuosia sitten varastama mittaamattoman arvokas viitta. Sitä voidaan käyttää vähäksi aikaa täysin näkymättömäksi muuttumiseen.\n\nMitä enemmän viittaa käytetään, sitä vahvemmaksi se tulee, mahdollistaen roiston muuttumaan näkymättömäksi useammin ja pidemmäksi aikaa. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Roiston kuninkaallisesta asevarastosta vuosia sitten varastama mittaamattoman arvokas viitta. Sitä voidaan käyttää vähäksi aikaa täysin näkymättömäksi muuttumiseen.\n\nMitä enemmän viittaa käytetään, sitä vahvemmaksi se tulee, mahdollistaen roiston muuttumaan näkymättömäksi useammin ja pidemmäksi aikaa.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Viittasi energia on lopussa. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Viittasi energia on lopussa.
@ -261,6 +262,7 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Tämä majakka on asetettu jonnekin piksel
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=mestarivarkaan rannerengas items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=mestarivarkaan rannerengas
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=luonnon sandaalit items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=luonnon sandaalit
@ -923,11 +925,12 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=LOITSI items.spells.spell.ac_cast=LOITSI

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@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Même si cette armure paraît très lourde, elle p
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=nécessaire d'alchimie items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alchemist's toolkit
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=BRASSER items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=BRASSER
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=Le calice est plein à ras bord de votre
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=cape des ombres items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=cape des ombres
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=FURTIF items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=FURTIF
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Votre cape a besoin d'encore %d tours pour être ré-énergisée. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Votre cape a besoin d'encore %d tours pour être ré-énergisée.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Votre cape n'est pas assez chargée pour être utilisée. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Votre cape n'est pas assez chargée pour être utilisée.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Une inestimable cape magique, dérobé à l'armurerie royale de nombreuses années auparavant par le voleur. Lorsqu'elle est portée, elle peut être utilisée pour se rendre invisible pendant une courte durée.\n\nPlus la cape est utilisée, plus elle deviendra puissante, permettant au voleur de devenir invisible plus fréquemment et pour des périodes plus longues. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Une inestimable cape magique, dérobé à l'armurerie royale de nombreuses années auparavant par le voleur. Lorsqu'elle est portée, elle peut être utilisée pour se rendre invisible pendant une courte durée.\n\nPlus la cape est utilisée, plus elle deviendra puissante, permettant au voleur de devenir invisible plus fréquemment et pour des périodes plus longues.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Votre cape a épuisé toute son énergie. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Votre cape a épuisé toute son énergie.
@ -261,6 +262,7 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Cette balise à été réglée quelque par
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brassard de maître voleur items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brassard de maître voleur
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandales de la nature items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandales de la nature
@ -923,11 +925,12 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=JETER items.spells.spell.ac_cast=JETER

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@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Bár a páncélzat nehéznek tűnik, segítségév
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alkimista felszerelés items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alchemist's toolkit
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=FŐZÖK items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=FŐZÖK
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=A kehely színültig megtelt az életessze
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=árnyékköpeny items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=árnyékköpeny
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=LOPAKODÁS items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=LOPAKODÁS
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=A köpenyed %d kör múlva nyeri vissza energiáját. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=A köpenyed %d kör múlva nyeri vissza energiáját.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=A köpenyedben nincs elég energia, nem tudod még használni. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=A köpenyedben nincs elég energia, nem tudod még használni.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Felbecsülhetetlenül értékes varázsköpeny, amelyet a tolvaj évekkel ezelőtt lopott el a királyi fegyvertárból. Aki magára ölti, az rövid időre teljesen láthatatlanná válik tőle.\n\nA köpeny annál erősebbé válik, minél többet használják - így a tolvaj egyre gyakrabban és egyre hosszabb időre válhat láthatatlanná. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Felbecsülhetetlenül értékes varázsköpeny, amelyet a tolvaj évekkel ezelőtt lopott el a királyi fegyvertárból. Aki magára ölti, az rövid időre teljesen láthatatlanná válik tőle.\n\nA köpeny annál erősebbé válik, minél többet használják - így a tolvaj egyre gyakrabban és egyre hosszabb időre válhat láthatatlanná.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Elfogyott a köpenyed energiája. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Elfogyott a köpenyed energiája.
@ -261,6 +262,7 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=A fényjellel a Pixel Várbörtön %d. szi
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=mestertolvaj karszalagja items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=mestertolvaj karszalagja
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=természet szandálja items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=természet szandálja
@ -923,11 +925,12 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=KIVETEM items.spells.spell.ac_cast=KIVETEM

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@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Di samping armor ini terlihat berat, armor ini dap
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alat peracik items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alchemist's toolkit
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=MASAK items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=MASAK
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=Kau tidak dapat melakukan itu jika ada musuh di dekatmu. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=Kau tidak dapat melakukan itu jika ada musuh di dekatmu.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=Piala ini terisi penuh dengan esensi kehid
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=jubah bayangan items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=jubah bayangan
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=MENYAMAR items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=MENYAMAR
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Jubahmu membutuhkan %d giliran lagi untuk dapat terisi ulang. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Jubahmu membutuhkan %d giliran lagi untuk dapat terisi ulang.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Jubahmu belum cukup terisi untuk dapat dipakai. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Jubahmu belum cukup terisi untuk dapat dipakai.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Jubah ajaib yang tak ternilai harganya, dicuri dari tempat senjata kerajaan bertahun-tahun lalu oleh Pengembara. Saat dipakai, jubah ini dapat menjadi tembus pandang untuk sesaat.\n\nSemakin sering jubah dipakai, akan bertambah kuat juga lah jubah ini, membuat Pengembara dapat tembus pandang lebih sering dan lebih lama. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Jubah ajaib yang tak ternilai harganya, dicuri dari tempat senjata kerajaan bertahun-tahun lalu oleh Pengembara. Saat dipakai, jubah ini dapat menjadi tembus pandang untuk sesaat.\n\nSemakin sering jubah dipakai, akan bertambah kuat juga lah jubah ini, membuat Pengembara dapat tembus pandang lebih sering dan lebih lama.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Jubahmu kehabisan energi. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Jubahmu kehabisan energi.
@ -261,6 +262,7 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Suar ini dipasang di suatu tempat di level
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=ban tangan bos pencuri items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=ban tangan bos pencuri
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandal alam items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandal alam
@ -923,11 +925,12 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=TARIK items.spells.spell.ac_cast=TARIK

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@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Sebbene quest'armatura appaia pesante, permette a
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=kit dell'alchimista items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=kit dell'alchimista
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=PREPARA items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=PREPARA
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Il tuo kit non è ancora pronto all'uso.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Il tuo kit maledetto ti impedisce di usare l'alchimia!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=Non puoi fare ciò quando ci sono nemici nei pressi.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=Questo kit contiene una quantità di reagenti ed erbe insieme a una piccola fiala di miscelamento, consentendoti così di praticare l'alchimia ovunque.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=Il kit maledetto si è fissato al tuo fianco e si rifiuta di lasciarti usare l'alchimia.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=Il kit attualmente si sta riscaldando e sarà pronto all'uso dopo che acquisirai esperienza.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=Il kit equipaggiato sta lentamente generando energia alchemica man mano che acquisisci esperienza. Magari potrà essere migliorato in un calderone alchemico?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Non puoi indossare due artefatti uguali. items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Non puoi indossare due artefatti uguali.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefatto si lega a te dolorosamente. items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefatto si lega a te dolorosamente.
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=Il calice è riempito fino all'orlo della
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=manto delle ombre items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=manto delle ombre
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=FURTIVITÀ items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=FURTIVITÀ
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Il tuo manto necessita di ancora %d turni per ri-energizzarsi. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Il tuo manto necessita di ancora %d turni per ri-energizzarsi.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Il tuo manto non si è ancora ricaricato abbastanza da poter essere usato. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Il tuo manto non si è ancora ricaricato abbastanza da poter essere usato.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Un'inestimabile manto magico, rubato dall'armeria reale molti anni fa dal Ladro. Una volta indossato può essere usato per rendersi completamente invisibili per un limitato periodo.\n\nPiù il manto viene usato più forte diverrà, permettendo al ladro di rendersi invisibile più frequentemente e per periodi più prolungati. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Un'inestimabile manto magico, rubato dall'armeria reale molti anni fa dal Ladro. Una volta indossato può essere usato per rendersi completamente invisibili per un limitato periodo.\n\nPiù il manto viene usato più forte diverrà, permettendo al ladro di rendersi invisibile più frequentemente e per periodi più prolungati.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Il tuo manto ha esaurito l'energia. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Il tuo manto ha esaurito l'energia.
@ -260,8 +261,9 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Il faro di lloyd è un complicato congegno mag
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Questo faro è stato impostato da qualche parte nel livello %d di Pixel Dungeon. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Questo faro è stato impostato da qualche parte nel livello %d di Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=bracciale del maestro dei ladri items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=bracciale del maestro dei ladri
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Questo bracciale di velluto porpora porta il marchio di un ladro mastro. Non ti appartiene, ma probabilmente non appartiene nemmeno al suo precedente utilizzatore.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Con il bracciale attorno al polso, ogni pezzo d'oro trovato ti farà desiderare sempre più la roba degli altri. Magari non sarà troppo difficile rubare da un negozio...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandali della natura items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandali della natura
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=scarpe della natura items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=scarpe della natura
@ -340,7 +342,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=cintura per pozioni
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Questa robusta bandoliera calza attorno al torace come una fascia; possiede molte tasche coibentate atte a contenere fiale di pozioni.\n\nUna volta riposte nella bandoliera, le tue pozioni dovrebbero essere protette dal freddo. items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Questa robusta bandoliera calza attorno al torace come una fascia; possiede molte tasche coibentate atte a contenere fiale di pozioni.\n\nUna volta riposte nella bandoliera, le tue pozioni dovrebbero essere protette dal freddo.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=tubo per pergamene items.bags.scrollholder.name=tubo per pergamene
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it. items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Questo contenitore tubolare sembra debba contenere carte astronomiche, ma le tue pergamene ci stanno a meraviglia. Vi sono anche alcuni scompartimenti laterali che conterranno agevolmente i tuoi cristalli magici. \n\nSembra anche ignifugo, per cui le tue pergamene dovrebbero essere al sicuro dalle fiamme qui dentro.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=sacchetto di velluto items.bags.velvetpouch.name=sacchetto di velluto
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Questo piccolo sacchetto di velluto è in grado di contenere piccoli oggetti, come semi e pietre runiche. items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Questo piccolo sacchetto di velluto è in grado di contenere piccoli oggetti, come semi e pietre runiche.
@ -351,8 +353,8 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Questo piccolo fodero è fatto dalla pelle di qua
###bombs ###bombs
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=bomba arcana
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack. items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=Questa bomba è stata instillata con proprietà occulte ed esploderà in un potente scoppio simile all'attacco caricato di Goo.
items.bombs.bomb.name=bomba items.bombs.bomb.name=bomba
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ACCENDI e LANCIA items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ACCENDI e LANCIA
@ -386,8 +388,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Questa bomba fatta su misura emetterà rumori ripetu
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba scossa items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba scossa
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Questa bomba è stata modificata per scatenare una tempesta elettrica attorno a sé quando esplode. items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Questa bomba è stata modificata per scatenare una tempesta elettrica attorno a sé quando esplode.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=bomba shrapnel
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it... items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Questa bomba è stata modificata con i rottami metallici di DM-300, i quali si frammenteranno catapultandosi dappertutto all'esplosione. Sarà meglio nascondersi dietro qualcosa quando la userai...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba lanosa items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba lanosa
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Questa bomba fatta su misura creerà un campo di pecore magiche invece di esplodere. Tali pecore bloccheranno il passaggio e perdureranno per un po' di tempo. items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Questa bomba fatta su misura creerà un campo di pecore magiche invece di esplodere. Tali pecore bloccheranno il passaggio e perdureranno per un po' di tempo.
@ -561,8 +563,8 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Stappare o frantumare questa ampolla pressur
###brews ###brews
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=miscela caustica
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Questa miscela spargerà della melma corrosiva nella zona in cui verrà frantumata. Ogni cosa raggiunta dalla melma si scioglierà lentamente se non verrà lavata con l'acqua.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=miscela bufera items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=miscela bufera
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Quando frantumata, questa miscela scatenerà una turbinante bufera che si espande come un gas. items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Quando frantumata, questa miscela scatenerà una turbinante bufera che si espande come un gas.
@ -585,10 +587,10 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Questa miscela combina le proprietà delle p
###elixirs ###elixirs
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elisir del rinvigorimento acquatico
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Questo elisir contiene le spoglie di goo, potenziate con una pozione di guarigione. Sebbene non provveda a una guarigione immediata, ripristinerà lentamente la tua salute mentre resti in acqua.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Guarigione Acquatica
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Hai temporaneamente ottenuto proprietà di ripristino simili a quelle di Goo.\n\nMentre sei in acqua, recupererai un punto di salute per turno.\n\nturni rimanenti: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elisir del sangue di drago items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elisir del sangue di drago
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quando tracannato, questo elisir irradierà impetuoso potere nelle vene del suo bevitore. Questo effetto renderà il bevitore immune al fuoco e gli consentirà di incendiare i nemici con l'uso degli attacchi fisici. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quando tracannato, questo elisir irradierà impetuoso potere nelle vene del suo bevitore. Questo effetto renderà il bevitore immune al fuoco e gli consentirà di incendiare i nemici con l'uso degli attacchi fisici.
@ -599,7 +601,7 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=Quando tracannato, questo elisir
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elisir della guarigione melliflua items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elisir della guarigione melliflua
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Questa elisir combina la guarigione con la dolcezza del miele. Quando bevuto, soddisferà una piccola quantità di fame ma può anche venire lanciato per curare un alleato.\n\nCreature con una affinità col miele potrebbero essere rese docili se questo oggetto viene usato su di loro. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Questa elisir combina la guarigione con la dolcezza del miele. Quando bevuto, soddisferà una piccola quantità di fame ma può anche venire lanciato per curare un alleato.\n\nCreature con una affinità col miele potrebbero essere rese docili se questo oggetto viene usato su di loro.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elisir della potenza
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 for, +5 hp items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 for, +5 hp
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Un'ondata di nuova forza scorre nel tuo corpo. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Un'ondata di nuova forza scorre nel tuo corpo.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Questo potente liquido ti scorrerà nei muscoli, aumentando in modo permanente la tua forza di un punto e la salute di cinque punti. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Questo potente liquido ti scorrerà nei muscoli, aumentando in modo permanente la tua forza di un punto e la salute di cinque punti.
@ -686,8 +688,8 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Molti nani e alcune delle loro creazioni più grandi
items.quest.embers.name=braci elementali items.quest.embers.name=braci elementali
items.quest.embers.desc=Braci speciali che possono essere raccolti da giovani elementali del fuoco. Irradiano energia termica. items.quest.embers.desc=Braci speciali che possono essere raccolti da giovani elementali del fuoco. Irradiano energia termica.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo items.quest.gooblob.name=grumo di goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.gooblob.desc=Un tremolante grumo di viscidume, staccàtosi da Goo al momento della morte. È quasi simile a una grossa palla di gelatina, sebbene non oseresti mangiarla.\n\nNon è di nessuna utilità da sola, ma forse potrebbe venire usata come ingrediente. Se non altro dovrebbe poter essere venduta a un prezzo discreto.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -906,7 +908,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Questa pergamena contiene un'incr
###spells ###spells
items.spells.alchemize.name=alchemize items.spells.alchemize.name=alchemize
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=Non puoi fare ciò quando ci sono nemici nei pressi.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time. items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
@ -923,11 +925,12 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=LANCIA items.spells.spell.ac_cast=LANCIA

View File

@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ items.armor.platearmor.name=판금 갑옷
items.armor.platearmor.desc=거대한 철판들이 이어져 갑옷으로 만들어졌습니다. 이 갑옷의 엄청난 무게를 견딜 수 있는 모험가들에게 다른 갑옷과는 비교할 수도 없는 방어력을 제공해 줍니다. items.armor.platearmor.desc=거대한 철판들이 이어져 갑옷으로 만들어졌습니다. 이 갑옷의 엄청난 무게를 견딜 수 있는 모험가들에게 다른 갑옷과는 비교할 수도 없는 방어력을 제공해 줍니다.
items.armor.roguearmor.name=도적의 의복 items.armor.roguearmor.name=도적의 의복
items.armor.roguearmor.ac_special=연막 items.armor.roguearmor.ac_special=연막
items.armor.roguearmor.fov=당신의 시야 안의 빈 공간으로만 이동할 수 있습니다. items.armor.roguearmor.fov=당신의 시야 안의 빈 공간으로만 이동할 수 있습니다.
items.armor.roguearmor.prompt=이동할 지역을 선택하세요 items.armor.roguearmor.prompt=이동할 지역을 선택하세요
items.armor.roguearmor.desc=이 어두운 의복을 입은 도적은 "연막탄"이라는 비술을 사용할 수 있습니다. 그를 볼 수 있는 모든 적의 눈을 가리고 원하는 지역으로 이동할 수 있습니다. items.armor.roguearmor.desc=이 어두운 의복을 입은 도적은 "연막탄"이라는 비술을 사용할 수 있습니다. 그를 볼 수 있는 모든 적의 눈을 가리고 원하는 지역으로 이동할 수 있습니다.
@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=이 갑옷은 매우 무거워 보이지만, 이
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=연금술사의 도구 items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alchemist's toolkit
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=제조 items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=제조
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=성배가 끝부분까지 당신의 생명
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=그림자의 망토 items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=그림자의 망토
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=은신 items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=은신
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=당신의 망토는 다시 충전될 때 까지 %d턴이 더 필요합니다. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=당신의 망토는 다시 충전될 때 까지 %d턴이 더 필요합니다.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=당신의 망토는 아직 충전이 덜 되어 사용할 수 없다. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=당신의 망토는 아직 충전이 덜 되어 사용할 수 없다.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=몇년 전 도적이 왕국의 무기고에서 훔쳐 낸 진귀한 마법 망토입니다. 이 망토를 입으면 일시적으로 완전히 투명해질 수 있습니다.\n\n망토를 사용하면 할 수록, 효과가 더욱 강해집니다. 그리하여 도적은 더 자주, 더 오래 투명화할 수 있습니다. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=몇년 전 도적이 왕국의 무기고에서 훔쳐 낸 진귀한 마법 망토입니다. 이 망토를 입으면 일시적으로 완전히 투명해질 수 있습니다.\n\n망토를 사용하면 할 수록, 효과가 더욱 강해집니다. 그리하여 도적은 더 자주, 더 오래 투명화할 수 있습니다.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=당신의 망토의 에너지가 떨어졌다. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=당신의 망토의 에너지가 떨어졌다.
@ -261,6 +262,7 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=이 신호기는 픽셀 던전의 %d층
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=대도의 팔찌 items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=대도의 팔찌
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=자연의 샌들 items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=자연의 샌들
@ -351,15 +353,15 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=이 얇은 보관집은 어떤 이국적인 동
###bombs ###bombs
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=신비로운 폭탄 items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=비전 폭탄
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack. items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=이 폭탄은 마법의 힘과 융합되었으며, 격발시키면 구의 몸집 불리기 공격과 비슷한 강력한 폭발을 일으킵니다.
items.bombs.bomb.name=폭탄 items.bombs.bomb.name=폭탄
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=폭탄 투척! items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=폭탄 투척!
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=당신은 폭탄의 도화선을 재빨리 껐다. items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=당신은 폭탄의 도화선을 재빨리 껐다.
items.bombs.bomb.ondeath=폭발로 사망 items.bombs.bomb.ondeath=폭발로 사망
items.bombs.bomb.rankings_desc=폭발로 사망 items.bombs.bomb.rankings_desc=폭발로 사망
items.bombs.bomb.desc=검은 화약이 꽤 많이 든 폭탄입니다. 폭발하면 당연히 주위의 모든 것에게 피해를 줍니다. items.bombs.bomb.desc=검은 화약이 많이 든 묵직한 폭탄입니다. 당연히 폭발하면 주위의 모든 것에게 피해를 줄 것입니다.
items.bombs.bomb.desc_fuse=도화선에 불이 붙고 다 타들어갈 때까지 어느 정도의 시간이 걸릴 것 같습니다. items.bombs.bomb.desc_fuse=도화선에 불이 붙고 다 타들어갈 때까지 어느 정도의 시간이 걸릴 것 같습니다.
items.bombs.bomb.desc_burning=폭탄의 도화선이 타고 있습니다! 어서 도망치거나 불을 끄십시오! items.bombs.bomb.desc_burning=폭탄의 도화선이 타고 있습니다! 어서 도망치거나 불을 끄십시오!
items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.name=폭탄 2개 items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.name=폭탄 2개
@ -377,7 +379,7 @@ items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=이 폭탄은 격발할 때 주변에 지속적으로
items.bombs.healingbomb.name=치유 폭탄 items.bombs.healingbomb.name=치유 폭탄
items.bombs.healingbomb.desc=이 개조된 폭탄은 폭발 대신 치유 용액을 방출합니다. 반경 내의 대상의 체력을 꽤 회복시킵니다. items.bombs.healingbomb.desc=이 개조된 폭탄은 폭발 대신 치유 용액을 방출합니다. 반경 내의 대상의 체력을 꽤 회복시킵니다.
items.bombs.holybomb.name=신성 수류 items.bombs.holybomb.name=신성
items.bombs.holybomb.desc=이 폭탄은 격발할 때 신성한 빛을 내뿜습니다. 악마와 언데드에게 추가 피해를 입힙니다. items.bombs.holybomb.desc=이 폭탄은 격발할 때 신성한 빛을 내뿜습니다. 악마와 언데드에게 추가 피해를 입힙니다.
items.bombs.noisemaker.name=소음 폭탄 items.bombs.noisemaker.name=소음 폭탄
@ -386,8 +388,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=이 폭탄은 격발하면 반복해서 소음을
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=전격 폭탄 items.bombs.shockbomb.name=전격 폭탄
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=이 폭탄은 격발할 때 주변에 번개 폭풍을 방출합니다. items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=이 폭탄은 격발할 때 주변에 번개 폭풍을 방출합니다.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=파편 폭탄
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it... items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=이 폭탄은 DM-300의 쇳조각으로 강화되어 격발하면 사방에 쇳조각을 발사합니다. 터트리기 전에 반드시 어딘가에 숨거 있어야 할 것입니다...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=양 폭탄 items.bombs.woollybomb.name=양 폭탄
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=이 특수 폭탄은 격발하면 주변에 양떼를 소환합니다. 양떼는 이동을 막고 일정 시간 지속됩니다. items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=이 특수 폭탄은 격발하면 주변에 양떼를 소환합니다. 양떼는 이동을 막고 일정 시간 지속됩니다.
@ -423,7 +425,7 @@ items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=괜찮게 구워진 고기가 된 것 같다.
items.food.feast.name=잔치 items.food.feast.name=잔치
items.food.feast.eat_msg=오오옷! 이 음식은 엄청나게 맛있었다! items.food.feast.eat_msg=오오옷! 이 음식은 엄청나게 맛있었다!
items.food.feast.desc=A great variety of delicious food! This will satiate you far more than any other meal. items.food.feast.desc=맛있는 음식이 많이 있습니다! 다른 어떤 음식들보다 배를 더 채울 것입니다.
items.food.food.name=비상식량 items.food.food.name=비상식량
items.food.food.ac_eat=먹는다 items.food.food.ac_eat=먹는다
@ -561,8 +563,8 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=이 유리병을 열거나 깨는 순간 내
###brews ###brews
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=산성 혼합물
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 깨진 지점 주변에 산성 점액을 방출합니다. 산성 점액을 뒤집어 쓴 대상은 물에 들어갈 때 까지 서서이 몸이 녹아갑니다.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=눈보라 혼합물 items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=눈보라 혼합물
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 깨지는 순간 가스처럼 퍼져나가는 매서운 눈보라를 방출할 것입니다. items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 깨지는 순간 가스처럼 퍼져나가는 매서운 눈보라를 방출할 것입니다.
@ -570,48 +572,48 @@ items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 깨지는 순간 가스
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.name=냉랭한 혼합물 items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.name=냉랭한 혼합물
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 서리의 물약과 폭풍우의 물약을 뒤섞어 만들었으며, 던져지는 순간 구름으로 승화하여 주변 지형을 물로 뒤덮고 얼려버릴 것입니다. items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 서리의 물약과 폭풍우의 물약을 뒤섞어 만들었으며, 던져지는 순간 구름으로 승화하여 주변 지형을 물로 뒤덮고 얼려버릴 것입니다.
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.name=냉염 혼합물 items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.name=얼음불 혼합물
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=이 혼합물은 액체 화염 물약과 서리의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 던져진 곳 주변을 순간적으로 동결시킨 후 그곳을 불바다로 만들 것입니다. items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=이 혼합물은 액체 화염 물약과 서리의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 던져진 곳 주변을 순간적으로 동결시킨 후 그곳을 불바다로 만들 것입니다.
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.name=들끓는 혼합물 items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.name=지옥불 혼합물
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 깨지는 순간 가스처럼 퍼져나가는 뜨거운 용암을 방출할 것입니다. items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 깨지는 순간 가스처럼 퍼져나가는 뜨거운 용암을 방출할 것입니다.
items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.name=전격 혼합물 items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.name=전격 혼합물
items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 깨지는 순간 주변에 강력한 전기 폭풍을 방출할 것입니다. items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 깨지는 순간 주변에 강력한 전기 폭풍을 방출할 것입니다.
items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.name=악한 혼합물 items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.name=악한 혼합물
items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 유독 가스와 마비 가스의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 공기에 노출되는 순간 동시에 두 가지 가스로 기화할 것입니다. items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 유독 가스와 마비 가스의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 공기에 노출되는 순간 동시에 두 가지 가스로 기화할 것입니다.
###elixirs ###elixirs
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=수상 회복의 영약
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=이 영약은 구의 젤리 일부가 회복 물약과 섞여 있습니다. 마셔도 즉시 회복은 되지 않지만 물 위에 서 있으면 서서히 체력을 회복합니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=수상 회복
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=용의 혈액 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=용의 피 영약
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=용액을 마시는 순간 음용자의 정맥에 맹렬한 힘을 흘려보낼 것입니다. 이 효과는 음용자가 화염에 면역을 갖도록 하며, 물리적 공격에 적을 불태워버릴 수 있는 힘을 실어보낼 것입니다. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=영약을 마시는 순간 음용자의 정맥에 맹렬한 힘을 흘려보낼 것입니다. 이 효과는 음용자가 화염에 면역을 갖도록 하며, 물리적 공격에 적을 불태워버릴 수 있는 힘을 실어보낼 것입니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.name=대지의 힘 용액 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.name=대지의 힘 영약
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=용액을 마시는 순간 음용자는 대지의 힘을 마음대로 다룰 수 있게 될 것이며, 모든 물리적 공격에 대상이 딛고있는 땅을 일으키는 힘을 담아 대상의 이동 속도를 감소시킬 것입니다. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=영약을 마시는 순간 음용자는 대지의 힘을 마음대로 다룰 수 있게 될 것이며, 모든 물리적 공격에 대상의 땅을 일으켜 대상의 이동 속도를 감소시킬 것입니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=달달한 치유 용액 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=달달한 치유 영약
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=용액은 치유 물약과 달콤한 꿀을 섞어 만들었으며, 약간의 허기를 채워줄 수 있고, 동료를 치유하는 데에도 사용될 수 있습니다.\n\n만약 꿀과 친밀감이 있는 생물체에게 사용될 경우 그 진정시킬 것입니다. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=영약은 치유 물약과 달콤한 꿀을 섞어 만들었으며, 약간의 허기를 채워줄 수 있고, 동료를 치유하는 데에도 사용될 수 있습니다.\n\n만약 꿀과 친밀감이 있는 생물체에게 사용될 경우 그것을 진정시킬 것입니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=용력의 영약
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 힘, +5 최대 체력 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 힘, +5 최대 체력
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=새로운 힘이 당신의 몸에 깃들었다. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=새로운 힘이 당신의 몸에 깃들었다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=이 강력한 용액은 당신의 근육을 타고 흘러, 당신의 힘을 1만큼, 체력을 5만큼 영구적으로 늘립니다. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=이 강력한 용액은 당신의 근육을 타고 흘러, 당신의 힘을 1만큼, 체력을 5만큼 영구적으로 늘립니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=회복의 용액 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=치료의 영약
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=용액은 치유 물약과 정화의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 음용자에게 빠른 치유를 제공하는 동시에 모든 부정적 효과를 해제할 것입니다. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=영약은 치유 물약과 정화의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 음용자에게 빠른 치유를 제공하는 동시에 모든 부정적 효과를 해제할 것입니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.name=활력의 용액 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.name=활력의 영약
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=약은 치유 물약과 보호막의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 누가 마시건 간에 음용자의 생존력을 크게 상승시킬 것입니다. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=약은 치유 물약과 보호막의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 누가 마시건 간에 음용자의 생존력을 크게 상승시킬 것입니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.name=독성 에센스 용액 items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.name=독성 정수의 영약
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=용액을 마시면 음용자를 독성을 띤 힘과 융합시킵니다. 음용자는 유독 가스와 중독에 면역을 가지게 될 것이며, 움직이는 곳마다 유독 가스를 살포할 것입니다. items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=영약을 마시면 음용자를 독성을 띤 힘과 융합시킵니다. 음용자는 유독 가스와 중독에 면역을 가지게 될 것이며, 움직이는 곳마다 유독 가스를 살포할 것입니다.
@ -686,10 +688,10 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=많은 드워프들과 그들이 만든 커다란
items.quest.embers.name=정령의 잉걸불 items.quest.embers.name=정령의 잉걸불
items.quest.embers.desc=이 특이한 잉걸불은 어린 불정령에서만 채취할 수 있습니다. 뜨거운 에너지를 발산하고 있습니다. items.quest.embers.desc=이 특이한 잉걸불은 어린 불정령에서만 채취할 수 있습니다. 뜨거운 에너지를 발산하고 있습니다.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo items.quest.gooblob.name=구의 점액
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.gooblob.desc=구가 죽을 때 떨어져 나온 점액 조각입니다. 커다란 젤리 방울처럼 생겼지만, 먹을 수 있을 것 같지 않습니다.\n\n점액 그 자체로는 아무런 효과는 없지만, 무언가를 제조할 때 재료로 쓰거나, 아니면 괜찮은 가격에 팔아버릴 수 있을 것입니다.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard items.quest.metalshard.name=저주받은 쇳조각
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.name=곡괭이 items.quest.pickaxe.name=곡괭이
@ -876,7 +878,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=마법 부여의 주문서
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.inv_title=마법 부여할 아이템 선택 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.inv_title=마법 부여할 아이템 선택
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.weapon=무기에 부여할 마법 선택 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.weapon=무기에 부여할 마법 선택
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.armor=갑옷에 부여할 상형문자 선택 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.armor=갑옷에 부여할 상형문자 선택
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel_warn=Cancelling will still consume the scroll. items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel_warn=취소해도 주문서는 소모됩니다.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=취소 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=취소
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=이 주문서는 무기나 갑옷에 강력한 마법 에너지를 융합합니다. 또한 시전자가 부여할 마법을 어느정도 결정할 수도 있습니다. items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=이 주문서는 무기나 갑옷에 강력한 마법 에너지를 융합합니다. 또한 시전자가 부여할 마법을 어느정도 결정할 수도 있습니다.
@ -917,44 +919,45 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place pr
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment. items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location. items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell. items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_set=Set items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_set=위치 지정
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_return=Return items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_return=귀환
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.name=저주 융합
items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall items.spells.featherfall.name=안전한 착지
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=시전 items.spells.spell.ac_cast=시전
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=마법 융합
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=융합할 아이템을 선택하세요 items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=융합할 아이템을 선택하세요
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=당신의 %s는 신비한 에너지와 합쳐졌다! items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=당신의 %s는 신비한 에너지와 합쳐졌다!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade. items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter items.spells.magicalporter.name=마법 전송기
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=전송할 아이템 선택
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to. items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor. items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift items.spells.phaseshift.name=위상 변화
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=공간이동 마법이 실패했다. items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=공간이동 마법이 실패했다.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves. items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=함정 흡수기
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there. items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts. items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.name=recycle items.spells.recycle.name=재활용
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s. items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type. items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=대상을 선택하세요
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=융합할 아이템을 선택하세요 items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=융합할 아이템을 선택하세요

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@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Pomimo iż zbroja wygląda na ciężką, pozwala o
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=zestaw alchemika items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=zestaw alchemika
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=UGOTUJ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=UGOTUJ
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Zestaw alchemiczny jeszcze nie załadował się.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Przeklęty zestaw alchemiczny nie pozwala ci na używanie alchemii!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=Nie możesz tego zrobić w pobliżu przeciwników.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=Ten zestaw alchemiczny ma przeróżne składniki i ziółka z małą fiolką, pozwalając bawić się w alchemika w dowolnym miejscu i czasie.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=Przeklęty zestaw alchemiczny przyczepił się do twego boku, i nie pozwala używać alchemii.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=Zestaw alchemiczny ładuje się, i będzie gotowy do użycia po zdobyciu doświadczenia.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=Założony zestaw alchemiczny powoli generuje alchemiczną energię w trakcie zdobywania doświadczenia. Być może może być polepszony w kotle alchemicznym?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nie możesz nosić dwóch takich samych artefaktów. items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nie możesz nosić dwóch takich samych artefaktów.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefakt boleśnie wiąże się z tobą. items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefakt boleśnie wiąże się z tobą.
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=Czara jest wypełniona po brzegi twoją es
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=peleryna cieni items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=peleryna cieni
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=SKRADAJ SIĘ items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=SKRADAJ SIĘ
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Twója peleryna potrzebuje %d rund, by się naładować. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Twója peleryna potrzebuje %d rund, by się naładować.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Twoja peleryna nie odnowiła się wystarczająco, aby była zdolna do użytku. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Twoja peleryna nie odnowiła się wystarczająco, aby była zdolna do użytku.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Bezcenna magiczna peleryna, która została sprzed laty skradziona z królewskiej zbrojowni przez łotrzyka. Założona jest w stanie skutecznie ukryć właściciela na krótki okres czasu, przez co staje się niewidzialny.\n\nIm częściej jest używana, tym bardziej rośnie w sile pozwalając łotrzykowi stawać się niewidzialnym częściej na dłuższy okres czasu. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Bezcenna magiczna peleryna, która została sprzed laty skradziona z królewskiej zbrojowni przez łotrzyka. Założona jest w stanie skutecznie ukryć właściciela na krótki okres czasu, przez co staje się niewidzialny.\n\nIm częściej jest używana, tym bardziej rośnie w sile pozwalając łotrzykowi stawać się niewidzialnym częściej na dłuższy okres czasu.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Twoja peleryna się wyładowała. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Twoja peleryna się wyładowała.
@ -260,8 +261,9 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Latarnia Lloyda jest zawiłym magicznym urząd
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Latarnia została ustawiona gdzieś na %d poziomie. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Latarnia została ustawiona gdzieś na %d poziomie.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=opaska mistrza złodziei items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=opaska mistrza złodziei
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Ta purpurowa aksamitna opaska nosi znak mistrza złodziei. Nie należy ona do ciebie, ale prawdopodobnie także nie należała do gościa, który ją ostatnio posiadał.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Z tą opaską owiniętą na ramieniu, każdy kawałek złota sprawia, że bardziej pożądasz dóbr cudzych. Prawdopodobnie nie byłoby trudno podwędzić coś w sklepie...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandały natury items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandały natury
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=pantofle natury items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=pantofle natury
@ -340,7 +342,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=bandolier na mikstury
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Ten cienki bandolier zakłada się zupełnie jak szarfę, ma wiele kieszonek, w których możesz trzymać fiolki.\n\nGdy twoje mikstury znajdują się w środku bandoliera, to powinny być chronione przed zimnem. items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Ten cienki bandolier zakłada się zupełnie jak szarfę, ma wiele kieszonek, w których możesz trzymać fiolki.\n\nGdy twoje mikstury znajdują się w środku bandoliera, to powinny być chronione przed zimnem.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=tuba na zwoje items.bags.scrollholder.name=tuba na zwoje
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it. items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Ten pojemnik w kształcie rury wygląda na taki, w którym astronomowie przetrzymują swoje wykresy. Zwoje pasują do niego jak ulał. Jest też kilka bocznych kieszonek, które pasują całkiem nieźle na kryształy czarów. \n\nNie wygląda na łatwopalny. Twoje zwoje powinny być bezpieczne od ognia w środku niego.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=aksamitna sakiewka items.bags.velvetpouch.name=aksamitna sakiewka
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Ta mała aksamitna sakiewka pozwala ci na przechowywanie małych przedmiotów, takich jak nasiona i kamienie runiczne. items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Ta mała aksamitna sakiewka pozwala ci na przechowywanie małych przedmiotów, takich jak nasiona i kamienie runiczne.
@ -351,8 +353,8 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Ten cienki pokrowiec jest stworzony ze skóry egz
###bombs ###bombs
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=tajemnicza bomba
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack. items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=Ta bomba ma jakieś tajemnicze właściwości, lecz wybucha potężniej, może nawet tak jak wybuch Wielkiego Szlamu.
items.bombs.bomb.name=bomba items.bombs.bomb.name=bomba
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=PODPAL I RZUĆ items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=PODPAL I RZUĆ
@ -386,8 +388,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Ta spreparowana bomba będzie przez dłuższy czas w
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba szokująca items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba szokująca
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Ta bomba została spreparowana by uwolnić burzę elektryczności dookoła miejsca eksplozji. items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Ta bomba została spreparowana by uwolnić burzę elektryczności dookoła miejsca eksplozji.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=rozpryskowa bomba
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it... items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Ta bomba zawiera w środku kawałki złomu z DM-300, które rozlecą się we wszystkie strony po wybuchu . Lepiej się za czymś ukryj zanim wybuchnie!
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba wełniasta items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba wełniasta
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Ta spreparowana bomba wytworzy pole magicznych owiec zamiast eksplodować. Owce te będą blokować poruszanie przez kilka tur, po czym znikną. items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Ta spreparowana bomba wytworzy pole magicznych owiec zamiast eksplodować. Owce te będą blokować poruszanie przez kilka tur, po czym znikną.
@ -561,8 +563,8 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Odkorkowanie lub rozbicie szklanej fiolki sp
###brews ###brews
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=żrąca mieszanina
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Ta mieszanina rozprzestrzeni żrący gaz w pobliżu. Gaz zacznie zżerać wszystko co się rusza. Po dotyku gazu należy jak najszybciej zetrzeć miejsce dotyku wodą.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=burzowa mieszanina items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=burzowa mieszanina
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Po uwolnieniu, ciecz stworzy wirującą burzę rozprzestrzeniającą się jak gaz. items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Po uwolnieniu, ciecz stworzy wirującą burzę rozprzestrzeniającą się jak gaz.
@ -585,10 +587,10 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Ta mieszanina ma właściwości toksycznego
###elixirs ###elixirs
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=eliksir wodnego odmłodzenia
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Ten eliksir zamiera glutowate resztki szlamu które nasiąkły miksturą zdrowia. Niestety, ale ona przestała normalnie działać, lecz zacznie uzdrawiać cię jeśli stoisz w wodzie.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Wodne leczenie
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Tymczasowo masz umiejętności leczące jak Wielki Szlam.\n\nJeśli stoisz w wodzie, leczysz 1 PŻ na turę.\n\nPozostało tur: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=eliksir z krwi smoka items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=eliksir z krwi smoka
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Po wypiciu, ten eliksir da ognistą moc płynąca w krwi pijącego. Ten efekt spowoduje odporność na ogień i podpalanie przeciwników fizycznymi atakami. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Po wypiciu, ten eliksir da ognistą moc płynąca w krwi pijącego. Ten efekt spowoduje odporność na ogień i podpalanie przeciwników fizycznymi atakami.
@ -599,7 +601,7 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=Po wypiciu, ten eliksir pozwoli
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=eliksir miodowego leczenia items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=eliksir miodowego leczenia
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Ten eliksir słodzi miksturę leczenia, dzięki czemu jest nawet smaczna. Po wypiciu, uleczy trochę głodu, ale też można rzucić w przyjaciela i go uleczyć.\n\nStworzenia które mają upodobanie miodu mogą być tym uspokojone. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Ten eliksir słodzi miksturę leczenia, dzięki czemu jest nawet smaczna. Po wypiciu, uleczy trochę głodu, ale też można rzucić w przyjaciela i go uleczyć.\n\nStworzenia które mają upodobanie miodu mogą być tym uspokojone.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=eliksir mocy
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 SIŁY +5 PŻ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 SIŁY +5 PŻ
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Niespodziewana siła przebiega przez twoje ciało. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Niespodziewana siła przebiega przez twoje ciało.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Ten potężny eliksir popłynie prosto do twoich muskuł, permanentnie zwiększając twoją siłę o jeden punkt i wytrzymałość o pięć punktów. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Ten potężny eliksir popłynie prosto do twoich muskuł, permanentnie zwiększając twoją siłę o jeden punkt i wytrzymałość o pięć punktów.
@ -687,10 +689,10 @@ items.quest.embers.name=niedopałki żywiołów
items.quest.embers.desc=Specjalne niedopałki, które mogą zostać uzyskane tylko z młodych żywiołaków ognia. Promieniują ciepłem. items.quest.embers.desc=Specjalne niedopałki, które mogą zostać uzyskane tylko z młodych żywiołaków ognia. Promieniują ciepłem.
items.quest.gooblob.name=kawał szlamu items.quest.gooblob.name=kawał szlamu
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.gooblob.desc=Kawał trzęsącego się szlamu, oderwał się z Wielkiego Szlamu. Wygląda nawet jak smakowita galaretka, ale wiesz, że lepiej tego nie jeść.\n\nSamo z siebie jest to bezużyteczne, ale może się przyda do alchemii? W każdym razie powinno się to sprzedać za okrągłą sumkę w sklepie.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard items.quest.metalshard.name=przeklęty kawał złomu
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.metalshard.desc=Kawał zardzewiałego złomu który oderwał się od DM-300 po jego zniszczeniu. Wyczuwasz złą, lecz nieaktywną magię w środku.\n\nRaczej to nic nie robi, ale może się przyda do alchemii? W każdym razie powinno się to sprzedać za okrągłą sumkę w sklepie.
items.quest.pickaxe.name=kilof items.quest.pickaxe.name=kilof
items.quest.pickaxe.ac_mine=KOP items.quest.pickaxe.ac_mine=KOP
@ -905,56 +907,57 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Ten zwój zawiera niesamowicie wy
###spells ###spells
items.spells.alchemize.name=alchemize items.spells.alchemize.name=warzenie
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=Nie możesz tego zrobić w pobliżu przeciwników.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time. items.spells.alchemize.desc=Ten czar komunikuje się z alchemiczną energią, pozwalając ci warzyć różne rzeczy w magicznym kotle bez alchemicznej energii na krótki czas.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast items.spells.aquablast.name=wodny wybuch
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst. items.spells.aquablast.desc=Ten czar stwarza wodny wybuch w wybranym miejscu. Niestety ale jest zbyt słaby aby zadać obrażenia (nawet ognistym stworzeniom), ale rozleje wszędzie wodę i pokrótce oszołomi wszystko w epicentrum wybuchu.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=latarnia powrotu
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell! items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=Silna magiczna aura tego miejsca nie pozwala ci użyć tego zaklęcia!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment. items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=Psychiczna aura sąsiadujących stworzeń nie pozwala ci teleportować się w tym momencie.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location. items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=Latarnia została ustawione w miejscu w którym stoisz.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell. items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Ustawienie zapamięta miejsce w którym to zrobisz.\n\nPowrót teleportuje cię do ostatniego ustawionego miejsca i zużyje jedno użycie zaklęcia.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_set=Set items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_set=Ustaw
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_return=Return items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_return=Powróć
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=Latarnia została ustawiona gdzieś na %d poziomie.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Ten skomplikowany czar pozwala użytkownikowi na powrót do ustawionego miejsca, niezależnie od dystansu. Czar będzie zużyty przez powrócenie, ale można go ustawić dowolną ilość razy, z tym, że będzie pamiętaj jedynie ostatnie ustawione miejsce.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.name=nasycenie klątwą
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=To zaklęcie nasyca przedmiot w ekwipunku z taką samą nienawistną magią będącą w DM-300. Przedmiot nasycony natychmiast otrzyma jakąś klątwę, a zaklęcia i glify zostaną usunięte.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall items.spells.featherfall.name=lekki jak piórko
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! items.spells.featherfall.light=Czujesz się lekki jak piórko!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=RZUĆ ZAKLĘCIE items.spells.spell.ac_cast=RZUĆ ZAKLĘCIE
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=nasycenie zaklęciem
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Nasyć przedmiot items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Nasyć przedmiot
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Twój %s jest napełniony tajemną mocą! items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Twój %s jest napełniony tajemną mocą!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade. items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=Ten czar nasyci broń lub zbroję z magiczną energią.\n\nW dodatku, że ekwipunek zostanie ulepszony, broń uzyska magiczne zaklęcie, a zbroja otrzyma glif.\n\nJeśli przedmiot ma już zaklęcie lub glif, to ulepszenie go nie wymaże.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter items.spells.magicalporter.name=magiczny przenosiciel
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Przenieś przedmiot
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to. items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=Nigdzie nie możesz przenieść przedmiotu
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor. items.spells.magicalporter.desc=To zaklęcie magicznie przeniesie dowolny przedmiot na który zostanie rzucony. Przeniesie ono przedmioty blisko wejścia następnego potężnego stworzenia.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift items.spells.phaseshift.name=przesunięcie fazowe
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Magia teleportacji zawodzi. items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Magia teleportacji zawodzi.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves. items.spells.phaseshift.desc=To chaotyczne zaklęcie przeteleportuje dowolne stworzenie, które zostanie wybrane, na losowe miejsce na tym samym piętrze. Można wybrać zarówno siebie, jak i jakieś stworzenie które widać.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=ładowanie z pułapki
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there. items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=Nie ma tu żadnej pułapki.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts. items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=To zaklęcie zamiera resztki mocy naprawczej DM-300. Po rzuceniu na włączoną pułapkę, moc jej zostanie zamieniona w magiczną energię która ładuje różdżki i artefakty.
items.spells.recycle.name=recycle items.spells.recycle.name=konwertuj
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Konwertuj przedmiot
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s. items.spells.recycle.recycled=Twój przedmiot został przekonwertowany w: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type. items.spells.recycle.desc=To zaklęcie ma słabszą magię transmutacyjną. Nawet jeśli nie działa na ekwipunku, można go użyć na zwoju, miksturze, nasieniu lub kamieniu runicznym aby zamienić go w inny przedmiot tego samego typu.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Wybierz cel
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Nasyć przedmiot items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Nasyć przedmiot

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@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Enquanto esta armadura aparenta ser pesada, na ver
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=kit de ferramentas do alquimista items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alchemist's toolkit
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=MISTURAR items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=MISTURAR
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=o cálice esta cheio até a borda com a su
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=capa das sombras items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=capa das sombras
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=FURTIVO items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=FURTIVO
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=sua capa precisa de mais %d para se re-energizar. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=sua capa precisa de mais %d para se re-energizar.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=sua capa ainda não carregou o suficiente para ser usavêl ainda items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=sua capa ainda não carregou o suficiente para ser usavêl ainda
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Um manto mágico de valor inestimável, roubado do arsenal real há muitos anos pelo Trapaceiro . Quando usado, ela pode ser usado se tornar completamente invisível por um curto período de tempo .\n\nquando mais for usada,mais forte ela se torna,permitindo ao trapaceiro se tornar invisivel mais frequentemente e por períodos maiores items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Um manto mágico de valor inestimável, roubado do arsenal real há muitos anos pelo Trapaceiro . Quando usado, ela pode ser usado se tornar completamente invisível por um curto período de tempo .\n\nquando mais for usada,mais forte ela se torna,permitindo ao trapaceiro se tornar invisivel mais frequentemente e por períodos maiores
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=a capa ficou sem energia items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=a capa ficou sem energia
@ -261,6 +262,7 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Este farol foi marcado em algum lugar no %
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=braçadeira do mestres dos ladrões items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=braçadeira do mestres dos ladrões
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandálias da natureza items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandálias da natureza
@ -923,11 +925,12 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=LANÇAR items.spells.spell.ac_cast=LANÇAR

View File

@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Хоть эта броня и выглядит т
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=набор алхимика items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=набор алхимика
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=СВАРИТЬ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=СВАРИТЬ
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Вам набор алхимика ещё не разогрелся.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Проклятый набор алхимика препятствует использованию алхимии!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=Ты не можешь делать это когда рядом есть враги.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=Этот наборчик содержит реагенты и растения вместе с маленькой чашечкой для смешивания, позволяя вам заниматься алхимией на ходу.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=Проклятый набор не позволит выпустить себя из рук. Его влияние препятствует использованию алхимии.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=Набор уже разогрелся и может быть использован после того как вы получите опыт.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=Надетый набор медленно создаёт энергию когда вы получаете опыт. Может быть его можно улучшить в алхимическом котле?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Вы не можете использовать два одинаковых артефакта. items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Вы не можете использовать два одинаковых артефакта.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Артефакт больно впивается в ваше тело. items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Артефакт больно впивается в ваше тело.
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=Чаша до краёв наполнен
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=плащ теней items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=плащ теней
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=УКРЫТЬСЯ items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=УКРЫТЬСЯ
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Плащу требуется ещё %d ходов для перезарядки. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Плащу требуется ещё %d ходов для перезарядки.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Ваш плащ недостаточно заряжен, чтобы его можно было использовать. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Ваш плащ недостаточно заряжен, чтобы его можно было использовать.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Бесценный волшебный плащ, много лет назад украденный Разбойником из королевской оружейной. Носящий плащ может на короткое время становиться невидимым.\n\nЧем больше плащ используется. тем сильнее он становится, позволяя Разбойнику становиться невидимым чаще и на больший срок. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Бесценный волшебный плащ, много лет назад украденный Разбойником из королевской оружейной. Носящий плащ может на короткое время становиться невидимым.\n\nЧем больше плащ используется. тем сильнее он становится, позволяя Разбойнику становиться невидимым чаще и на больший срок.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Ваш плащ полностью разрядился. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Ваш плащ полностью разрядился.
@ -260,8 +261,9 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Маяк Ллойда - хитроумное
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Маяк установлен на %d уровень в Pixel Dungeon. items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Маяк установлен на %d уровень в Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=повязка гильдии воров items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=повязка гильдии воров
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Эта фиолетовая повязка на руку отмечена знаком мастера-вора. Она не принадлежит вам, но и своему предыдущему владельцу она вряд ли принадлежала.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=С этой повязкой, каждый найденный вами кусок золота заставит вас сильнее хотеть чужого. Возможно, украсть что-то из Пиксель-Маркета не так уж и сложно...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=сандалии природы items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=сандалии природы
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=ботинки природы items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=ботинки природы
@ -340,7 +342,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=пояс для зелий
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Этот широкий пояс надевается на грудь, как патронташ. В нём много маленьких кармашков для бутыльков с зельями.\n\nКарманы достаточно плотные для того, чтобы не дать бутылькам потрескаться от холода. items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Этот широкий пояс надевается на грудь, как патронташ. В нём много маленьких кармашков для бутыльков с зельями.\n\nКарманы достаточно плотные для того, чтобы не дать бутылькам потрескаться от холода.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=футляр для свитков items.bags.scrollholder.name=футляр для свитков
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it. items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Похоже, раньше этот футляр использовался для хранения астрономических карт, но и для свитков он вполне подойдёт. Здесь есть даже несколько боковых отделений, которые прекрасно подойдут для ваших заклинаний.\n\nПохоже, этот футляр сможет защитить ваши свитки от огня.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=бархатный мешочек items.bags.velvetpouch.name=бархатный мешочек
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=В этой небольшой сумочке из бархата можно хранить множество мелких предметов, таких как семена и рунные камни. items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=В этой небольшой сумочке из бархата можно хранить множество мелких предметов, таких как семена и рунные камни.
@ -351,8 +353,8 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Этот зачарованный чехол, с
###bombs ###bombs
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=Магическая бомба
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack. items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=Эта бомба получила магические свойства и её взрыв будет схож со взрывом накачивающегося Слизня.
items.bombs.bomb.name=бомба items.bombs.bomb.name=бомба
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ПОДЖЕЧЬ И БРОСИТЬ items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ПОДЖЕЧЬ И БРОСИТЬ
@ -386,8 +388,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Эта бомба будет создавать по
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=шоковая бомба items.bombs.shockbomb.name=шоковая бомба
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Эта бомба была модифицирована таким образом, чтобы при взрыве высвободить вокруг себя электрический шторм. items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Эта бомба была модифицирована таким образом, чтобы при взрыве высвободить вокруг себя электрический шторм.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=Осколочная бомба
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it... items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=Эта бомба была модифицирована осколками DM-300, всё фрагменты которого разлетятся во все стороны. Тебе лучше спрятаться за чем-нибудь прежде чем использовать это...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=шерстяная бомба items.bombs.woollybomb.name=шерстяная бомба
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Эта изменённая бомба вместо взрыва создаст стадо волшебных овец, на некоторое время блокирующих передвижение. items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Эта изменённая бомба вместо взрыва создаст стадо волшебных овец, на некоторое время блокирующих передвижение.
@ -561,8 +563,8 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Разбивание или раскупор
###brews ###brews
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=Кислотное зелье
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=Это варево покроет кислотой место в котором оно разбилось. Всё чего касается кислота будет медленно растворяться пока не смоет кислоту в воде.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=буран items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=буран
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Если разбить, то этот навар испустит вихрь пурги, который распространяется как газ. items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Если разбить, то этот навар испустит вихрь пурги, который распространяется как газ.
@ -585,10 +587,10 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Эта микстура объединяет
###elixirs ###elixirs
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=Эликсир водяного омоложения.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=Этот эликсир содержит останки Слизня смешанные с зельем Исцеления. Пускай это не вылечит вас мгновенно, но зато будет медленно восстанавливать ваше здоровье пока вы стоите в воде.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Водное лечение
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=Вы временно получили регенеративные способности схожие с таковыми у Слизня.\n\nНаходясь в воде, вы восстанавливаете одну единицу здоровья каждый ход.\n\nХодов осталось: %d
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=эликсир крови дракона items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=эликсир крови дракона
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Будучи выпитым, эликсир наделит героя силой огня, протекающей по его венам. Этот эффект подарит ему иммунитет к огню и позволит поджигать врагов своими ударами. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Будучи выпитым, эликсир наделит героя силой огня, протекающей по его венам. Этот эффект подарит ему иммунитет к огню и позволит поджигать врагов своими ударами.
@ -599,7 +601,7 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=Будучи выпитым, э
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=эликсир медового исцеления items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=эликсир медового исцеления
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Этот эликсир совмещает исцеление и сладость мёда. Когда его пьёшь, он немного утоляет голод, но его можно и бросить на друга, и тот исцелится.\n\nС помощью этого эликсира можно укротить те существа, которые любят мёд. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Этот эликсир совмещает исцеление и сладость мёда. Когда его пьёшь, он немного утоляет голод, но его можно и бросить на друга, и тот исцелится.\n\nС помощью этого эликсира можно укротить те существа, которые любят мёд.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=Эликсир могущества
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 сила, +5 ОЗ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 сила, +5 ОЗ
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=По вашему телу распространяется новоприобретённая сила. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=По вашему телу распространяется новоприобретённая сила.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Это редкое зелье влияет на мускулатуру всего вашего тела, навсегда увеличивая силу на единицу и здоровье на пять очков. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Это редкое зелье влияет на мускулатуру всего вашего тела, навсегда увеличивая силу на единицу и здоровье на пять очков.
@ -686,11 +688,11 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=По неизвестным причинам мно
items.quest.embers.name=пепел элементаля items.quest.embers.name=пепел элементаля
items.quest.embers.desc=Особый вид пепла, который можно получить только с молодых огненных элементалей. Даже сейчас он излучает тепло. items.quest.embers.desc=Особый вид пепла, который можно получить только с молодых огненных элементалей. Даже сейчас он излучает тепло.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo items.quest.gooblob.name=Капля Слизня
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.gooblob.desc=Неряшливый комочек слизи, оставшийся после смерти Слизня. Это похоже на большой шарик желе, но вы не посмеете съесть его.\n\nСам по себе он ничего не представляет, но его можно использовать в качестве ингредиента. На крайний случай он может быть продан за приличную цену.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard items.quest.metalshard.name=Проклятый осколок
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.metalshard.desc=Осколок ржавого проклятого металла, который отломился от умирающей DM-300. Вы можете почувствовать спящую в нём тёмную магию.\n\nСам по себе он ничего не представляет, но его можно использовать в качестве ингредиента. На крайний случай он может быть продан за приличную цену.
items.quest.pickaxe.name=кирка items.quest.pickaxe.name=кирка
items.quest.pickaxe.ac_mine=ДОБЫТЬ items.quest.pickaxe.ac_mine=ДОБЫТЬ
@ -905,56 +907,57 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Этот свиток содер
###spells ###spells
items.spells.alchemize.name=alchemize items.spells.alchemize.name=Алхимайзер
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=Ты не можешь делать это когда рядом есть враги.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time. items.spells.alchemize.desc=Это заклинание упорядочивает алхимическую энергию, позволяя вам пользоваться алхимией также, как в алхимическом котле без энергии.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast items.spells.aquablast.name=Водный взрыв
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst. items.spells.aquablast.desc=Это заклинание создаст всплеск воды в месте попадания. Заклинание не сможет нанести серьёзный урон (только по огненным элементалям), но оно может покрыть водой близлежащую местность и эффективно оглушать всех кто находится в центре взрыва.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=Маяк возвращения
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell! items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=Сильная магия этого места не позволяет вам использовать заклинание!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment. items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=Психологическая аура близлежащих существ не позволяет вам телепортироваться.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location. items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=Маяк установлен в данном месте.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell. items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Установка перезапишет место установки.\n\nВозвращение вернёт вас в последнее установленное место.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_set=Set items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_set=Установить
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_return=Return items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_return=Вернуться
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=Маяк установлен где-то на %d этаже.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=Это сложное заклинание позволит пользователю вернуться в установленную местность, вне зависимости от расстояния. Заклинание тратится только при возвращении, оно может быть установлено сколько угодно раз, но помните, что оно вернёт вас только в последнюю установленную точку.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.name=Наделение проклятием
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=Это заклинание наделит часть вашей экипировки той же злой магией что и в DM-300. Предмет будет проклят, а любые зачарования или руны будут переписаны.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=КИНУТЬ items.spells.spell.ac_cast=КИНУТЬ
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=Зачарование
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Какой предмет зачаровать? items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Какой предмет зачаровать?
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Ваш %s наполнен мистической энергией! items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Ваш %s наполнен мистической энергией!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade. items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=Это зачарование наполнит оружие или доспех мощной энергией.\n\nПомимо улучшения, на оружие будут наложено зачарование, а доспех будет усилен руной.\n\nЕсли у предмета уже есть подобное усиление, оно не будет развеяно.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter items.spells.magicalporter.name=Магический транспортёр
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Переместить предмет
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to. items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=Тебе некуда переносить предмет.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor. items.spells.magicalporter.desc=Заклинание волшебным образом переместит предмет который вы выберете. В отличии от маяка торговца, предметы будут перемещены к спуску на этаж босса.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift items.spells.phaseshift.name=Сдвиг
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Телепортация не удалась. items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Телепортация не удалась.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves. items.spells.phaseshift.desc=Неконтролируемое заклинание телепортирует любое существо в случайную точку этажа. Это заклинание может быть направлено на цель или на пользователя.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=Утилизатор ловушки
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there. items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=Тут нет ловушек.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts. items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=Заклинание содержит остатки ремонтных сил DM-300. Будучи использованным на рабочей ловушке, энергия ловушки будет переработана в магическую энергию, способную перезаряжать ваши жезлы и артефакты.
items.spells.recycle.name=recycle items.spells.recycle.name=Переработка
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Переработайте предмет
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s. items.spells.recycle.recycled=Предмет был переработан в: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type. items.spells.recycle.desc=Заклинание содержит слабую версию магии трансмутации. Пускай это не работает на экипировке, это зелье может трансформировать свиток, зелье, семя или рунный камень в случайный предмет того же типа.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Выберите цель
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Какой предмет зачаровать? items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Какой предмет зачаровать?

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@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Bu zırh ağır görünse de savaşçının hedefl
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=simyacının alet seti items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alchemist's toolkit
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=KARIŞTIR items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=KARIŞTIR
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of reagents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=Kadeh yaşam özünle ağzına kadar doldu
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=gölgelerin pelerini items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=gölgelerin pelerini
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=GİZLİLİK items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=GİZLİLİK
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Pelerininin yeniden şarj olması için %d sıraya ihtiyacı var. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Pelerininin yeniden şarj olması için %d sıraya ihtiyacı var.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Pelerinin henüz kullanmaya yetecek kadar şarj olmadı. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Pelerinin henüz kullanmaya yetecek kadar şarj olmadı.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Paha biçilemez büyülü bir pelerin, Haydut tarafından kraliyet cephaneliğinden çok uzun yıllar önce çalınmış. Giyildiğinde, kısa bir süreliğine tamamen görünmez olmak için kullanılabilir.\n\nPelerin ne kadar çok kullanılırsa gücü o kadar artar, bu da Haydut'un daha sık ve daha uzun süreliğine görünmez olmasını sağlar. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Paha biçilemez büyülü bir pelerin, Haydut tarafından kraliyet cephaneliğinden çok uzun yıllar önce çalınmış. Giyildiğinde, kısa bir süreliğine tamamen görünmez olmak için kullanılabilir.\n\nPelerin ne kadar çok kullanılırsa gücü o kadar artar, bu da Haydut'un daha sık ve daha uzun süreliğine görünmez olmasını sağlar.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Pelerininin enerjisi bitti. items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Pelerininin enerjisi bitti.
@ -261,6 +262,7 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Bu fener Pixel Dungeon'un %d. katında bir
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=usta hırsızların kol bandı items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=usta hırsızların kol bandı
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=doğanın sandaletleri items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=doğanın sandaletleri
@ -923,11 +925,12 @@ items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=YAP items.spells.spell.ac_cast=YAP

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@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=这份装甲看起来很沉重,但却能使得
###artifacts ###artifacts
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=炼金工具箱 items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=炼金工具箱
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=酿造 items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=酿造
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=你的炼金工具箱还没有准备好。
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy! items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=受诅咒的炼金箱正在阻止你炼金!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=你无法在周遭有敌人时进行炼金。
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=工具箱内存放着各类试剂,草药,和一个小混合瓶,让使用者在野外也能够进行炼金实验。
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=被诅咒的工具箱将自己紧紧固定在你的身上,抑制你使用炼金工具的能力。
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience. items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=工具箱正在逐渐加热中,当你获得足够经验值时它将能够正常使用。
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generating alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot? items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=手中的工具箱正随着你经验值的增长缓慢生成炼金能量。也许它还能够在炼金釜里进行强化?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=你不能装备两件相同的神器。 items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=你不能装备两件相同的神器。
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=这件神器令人痛苦地缠住了你的灵魂。 items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=这件神器令人痛苦地缠住了你的灵魂。
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=圣杯已经被你的生命精华填满。
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=暗影斗篷 items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=暗影斗篷
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=潜行 items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=潜行
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=你的斗篷还需要%d回合来重新激活。 items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=你的斗篷还需要%d回合来重新激活。
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cursed=You cannot use a cursed cloak.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=你的斗篷充能不足无法使用。 items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=你的斗篷充能不足无法使用。
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=这是盗贼多年前从皇家军械库窃取的一件无价的魔法斗篷。穿上时,能够使你在短时间内完全隐身。\n\n被使用得越频繁斗篷就会变得越强使盗贼更频繁地隐身持续时间也更长。 items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=这是盗贼多年前从皇家军械库窃取的一件无价的魔法斗篷。穿上时,能够使你在短时间内完全隐身。\n\n被使用得越频繁斗篷就会变得越强使盗贼更频繁地隐身持续时间也更长。
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=你的斗篷耗尽了能量。 items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=你的斗篷耗尽了能量。
@ -260,8 +261,9 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=时空道标是一个赋予使用者控制传
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=信标被设置在了像素地牢第%d层的某处。 items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=信标被设置在了像素地牢第%d层的某处。
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=神偷袖章 items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=神偷袖章
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either. items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=这个紫色的天鹅绒袖标是盗贼大师的标志。它不属于你,但它也不属于你拿到这个袖标时击败的人。
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop... items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_cursed=The cursed armband is bound to your wrist, and somehow your pouch of gold seems to be slowly getting lighter...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=自然之履 items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=自然之履
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=自然之鞋 items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=自然之鞋
@ -329,7 +331,7 @@ items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc=这本魔典就其年岁而言被保养
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_cursed=被诅咒的魔典将自己绑在了你身上,并在抑制你使用大部分卷轴的能力。 items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_cursed=被诅咒的魔典将自己绑在了你身上,并在抑制你使用大部分卷轴的能力。
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_index=这本魔典的目录并不完整,目录指向的白页上写着: items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_index=这本魔典的目录并不完整,目录指向的白页上写着:
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_empowered=被你放进书中的卷轴闪耀着魔力的微光。你能够利用魔典进一步激发卷轴能力,展现出秘卷效果,但这样也会消耗你额外的充能。 items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_empowered=被你放进书中的卷轴闪耀着魔力的微光。你能够利用魔典进一步激发卷轴能力,展现出秘卷效果,但这样也会消耗你额外的充能。
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.read_empowered=被你放入魔典的卷轴都充满了魔法能量。你可以自主选择导引出该卷轴的通常或是秘卷能力。\n\n如果选择释放秘卷能力则会消耗2点魔典充能。 items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.read_empowered=被你放入魔典的卷轴都充满了魔法能量。你可以自主选择导引出该卷轴的正常或秘卷能力。\n\n如果选择释放秘卷能力则会消耗2点魔典充能。
@ -340,7 +342,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=药剂挎带
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=这副厚实的挎带能像肩带一样缠在身上,上面有许多用来放药瓶的隔热革带。 \n\n挎带能为存放其中的药瓶抵御寒冷。 items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=这副厚实的挎带能像肩带一样缠在身上,上面有许多用来放药瓶的隔热革带。 \n\n挎带能为存放其中的药瓶抵御寒冷。
items.bags.scrollholder.name=卷轴筒 items.bags.scrollholder.name=卷轴筒
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it. items.bags.scrollholder.desc=这个管状的容器看起来可以装下一整份天文学家的手书,不过你的卷轴也刚好能放在里面。里面甚至有一些能用来放置法力结晶的小隔间。\n\n这个容器看起来并不是很可燃所以你的卷轴在里面一定很安全。
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=绒布袋 items.bags.velvetpouch.name=绒布袋
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=这个丝绒制作的小袋子能装下很多种子、符石等小件道具。 items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=这个丝绒制作的小袋子能装下很多种子、符石等小件道具。
@ -351,8 +353,8 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=这款细长的皮制筒袋由某种异域动物
###bombs ###bombs
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=奥术炸弹
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack. items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=这枚炸弹里灌注了奥术能量,当它爆炸时会释放出等同粘咕蓄力攻击一般的强大能量。
items.bombs.bomb.name=炸弹 items.bombs.bomb.name=炸弹
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=点燃并扔出 items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=点燃并扔出
@ -365,7 +367,7 @@ items.bombs.bomb.desc_burning=引信快烧完了,保持距离或者赶紧掐
items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.name=一对炸弹 items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.name=一对炸弹
items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.desc=两枚装的黑火药重装炸弹,看起来多出来的那个是免费送你的! items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.desc=两枚装的黑火药重装炸弹,看起来多出来的那个是免费送你的!
items.bombs.firebomb.name=火焰 items.bombs.firebomb.name=燃烧
items.bombs.firebomb.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹会在爆炸时释放出一片燃烧的火海。 items.bombs.firebomb.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹会在爆炸时释放出一片燃烧的火海。
items.bombs.flashbang.name=闪光弹 items.bombs.flashbang.name=闪光弹
@ -374,7 +376,7 @@ items.bombs.flashbang.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹不会爆炸,但会释放
items.bombs.frostbomb.name=寒霜炸弹 items.bombs.frostbomb.name=寒霜炸弹
items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹会在爆炸时向周围释放出强大的冰霜之风。 items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹会在爆炸时向周围释放出强大的冰霜之风。
items.bombs.healingbomb.name=治愈 items.bombs.healingbomb.name=治愈
items.bombs.healingbomb.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹不会爆炸,而是向周围喷洒治愈性的药液。任何被波及的生物都会受到大幅治疗。 items.bombs.healingbomb.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹不会爆炸,而是向周围喷洒治愈性的药液。任何被波及的生物都会受到大幅治疗。
items.bombs.holybomb.name=神圣炸弹 items.bombs.holybomb.name=神圣炸弹
@ -386,8 +388,8 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹不会爆炸,但会持续
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=电击炸弹 items.bombs.shockbomb.name=电击炸弹
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹会在爆炸时释放出一片雷电风暴。 items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹会在爆炸时释放出一片雷电风暴。
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=破片爆弹
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it... items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=这枚炸弹里封装了DM-300的金属破片当炸弹爆炸时这些破片会携带着能量向四周迸发。使用它时你最好躲在一处掩体后面......
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=绵绵炸弹 items.bombs.woollybomb.name=绵绵炸弹
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹不会爆炸,但会召出一群魔法绵羊。这群羊会留在原地一阵,在此期间成为阻碍几乎一切行动的障碍物。 items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹不会爆炸,但会召出一群魔法绵羊。这群羊会留在原地一阵,在此期间成为阻碍几乎一切行动的障碍物。
@ -561,8 +563,8 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=打开或摔碎这个密封的药瓶将导
###brews ###brews
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=淤泥魔药
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water. items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=这瓶魔药在打碎时会向周围溅出腐蚀淤泥。被腐蚀淤泥影响的单位将会缓慢融化,除非他们在过程中能及时找到水源并冲洗掉淤泥。
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=冰暴魔药 items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=冰暴魔药
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=当瓶子破裂时,这瓶魔药会使周围卷起一阵不断扩散的暴风雪。 items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=当瓶子破裂时,这瓶魔药会使周围卷起一阵不断扩散的暴风雪。
@ -585,10 +587,10 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=这瓶魔药融合了毒气药剂和麻痹
###elixirs ###elixirs
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=水灵秘药
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=这瓶秘药中包含着被粘咕力量强化的治疗液体。尽管它不会给你立即的治疗效果,不过当你站在水中时将能缓慢恢复生命值。
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=水灵恢复
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d. items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=你暂时获得了如同粘咕一样的恢复能力。\n\n当站在水面上时你每回合都能够回复1生命值。\n\n水灵恢复持续时长%d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=龙血秘药 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=龙血秘药
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=饮用后,这瓶秘药会使饮用者的血管里充斥着烈焰的力量。这个效果能让引用者对火焰完全免疫,并且还能通过物理攻击点燃敌人。 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=饮用后,这瓶秘药会使饮用者的血管里充斥着烈焰的力量。这个效果能让引用者对火焰完全免疫,并且还能通过物理攻击点燃敌人。
@ -599,7 +601,7 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=饮用后,这瓶秘药能让
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=圣愈蜜药 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=圣愈蜜药
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=这瓶秘药不仅有着治愈效果,还混杂了蜂蜜的甜香。饮用后,会回复一小部分饥饿,它也能被丢出去用来治疗盟友。\n\n如果将这瓶秘药丢向和蜂蜜有联系的生物也能使它们平静下来。 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=这瓶秘药不仅有着治愈效果,还混杂了蜂蜜的甜香。饮用后,会回复一小部分饥饿,它也能被丢出去用来治疗盟友。\n\n如果将这瓶秘药丢向和蜂蜜有联系的生物也能使它们平静下来。
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=根骨秘药
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1力量+5生命上限 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1力量+5生命上限
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=新生的力量在你体内喷薄而出。 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=新生的力量在你体内喷薄而出。
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=这种强力的液体会冲刷你的根骨永久性增加1点力量值和5点生命上限。 items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=这种强力的液体会冲刷你的根骨永久性增加1点力量值和5点生命上限。
@ -686,11 +688,11 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=很多矮人和他们的造物都携带着这种小
items.quest.embers.name=元素余烬 items.quest.embers.name=元素余烬
items.quest.embers.desc=只能从新生火元素身上采集到的特殊余烬.。它们散发着温暖的能量。 items.quest.embers.desc=只能从新生火元素身上采集到的特殊余烬.。它们散发着温暖的能量。
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo items.quest.gooblob.name=黏咕球
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.gooblob.desc=一团晃动着的黏糊糊球体,是从在粘咕裂开之后滚落出来的。看起来像是一个大果冻球,不过大概不能食用。\n\n该物品自身并没有什么实际用途不过作为炼金材料或者至少卖个好价钱倒是可以的。
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard items.quest.metalshard.name=邪能碎片
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price. items.quest.metalshard.desc=一块被诅咒的金属锈片它是从DM-300的机甲外壳被击碎时分离出来的。你能感受到某种尚未激活的恶毒魔力潜藏其中。\n\n\n该物品自身并没有什么实际用途不过作为炼金材料或者至少卖个好价钱倒是可以的。
items.quest.pickaxe.name=镐子 items.quest.pickaxe.name=镐子
items.quest.pickaxe.ac_mine=采掘 items.quest.pickaxe.ac_mine=采掘
@ -779,7 +781,7 @@ items.scrolls.scroll.blinded=你不能在失明时阅读卷轴。
items.scrolls.scroll.no_magic=你不能在魔法免疫时阅读卷轴。 items.scrolls.scroll.no_magic=你不能在魔法免疫时阅读卷轴。
items.scrolls.scroll.cursed=被诅咒的法典抑制了卷轴中法术的启动!也许祛邪卷轴足够强大还能被使用... items.scrolls.scroll.cursed=被诅咒的法典抑制了卷轴中法术的启动!也许祛邪卷轴足够强大还能被使用...
items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.warning=你真的想终止这张卷轴的施放?它仍会被消耗掉。 items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.warning=你真的想终止这张卷轴的施放?它仍会被消耗掉。
items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.yes=是的,我确定 items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.yes=是的,我确定
items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.no=不,我改主意了 items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.no=不,我改主意了
@ -839,7 +841,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.name=升级卷轴
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=选择一件要升级的物品 items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.inv_title=选择一件要升级的物品
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=升级卷轴减弱了物品上的诅咒。 items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.weaken_curse=升级卷轴减弱了物品上的诅咒。
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.remove_curse=升级卷轴净化了物品上的诅咒! items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.remove_curse=升级卷轴净化了物品上的诅咒!
items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=这张卷轴可以升级一件物品,提升其品质。法杖的魔力及充能数会获得提升,武器和护甲可以造成或吸收更多的伤害,戒指的效果将会增强。这张卷轴甚至偶尔能驱散诅咒效果,不过不如祛邪卷轴那么稳定。 items.scrolls.scrollofupgrade.desc=这张卷轴可以升级一件物品,提升其品质。法杖的魔力及充能数会获得提升,武器和护甲可以造成或吸收更多的伤害,戒指的效果将会增强。这张卷轴甚至偶尔能减弱甚至驱散诅咒效果,不过不如祛邪卷轴那么稳定。
@ -858,21 +860,21 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.odal=ODAL秘卷
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.tiwaz=TIWAZ秘卷 items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.tiwaz=TIWAZ秘卷
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.unknown_desc=这张漆黑的羊皮纸上刻满了闪耀着魔力光芒的晦涩符文。看起来这不是这个世界的物品。大声念出来会发生什么? items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.unknown_desc=这张漆黑的羊皮纸上刻满了闪耀着魔力光芒的晦涩符文。看起来这不是这个世界的物品。大声念出来会发生什么?
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofaffection.name=心灵魅惑卷 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofaffection.name=魅惑
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofaffection.desc=阅读这张秘卷会释放出一段诱人的笑声,让所有听到它的人陷入魅惑之中。 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofaffection.desc=阅读这张秘卷会释放出一段诱人的魔音,使所有听到它的人陷入魅惑之中。
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofantimagic.name=魔法驱散卷轴 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofantimagic.name=驱魔秘卷
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofantimagic.desc=使用这张秘卷会让你被包裹在一个能够阻挡其他所有法术的魔力结界中,无论它是有利或是有害。 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofantimagic.desc=使用这张秘卷会让你被包裹在一个能够阻挡其他所有法术的魔力结界中,无论它是有利或是有害。
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.name=失心迷乱卷 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.name=迷乱
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=当阅读这张秘卷后,所有你视野范围内的生物都会陷入眩晕和失明。 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofconfusion.desc=当阅读这张秘卷后,所有你视野范围内的生物都会陷入眩晕和失明。
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=言卷 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.name=圣言
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=没有可以鉴定的道具了! items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.nothing_left=没有可以鉴定的道具了!
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=这张秘卷会永久性鉴定药水,卷轴或戒指中的随机四种道具。不过被鉴定的道具不一定会是你包裹中拥有的。 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination.desc=这张秘卷会永久性鉴定药水,卷轴或戒指中的随机四种道具。不过被鉴定的道具不一定会是你包裹中拥有的。
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=你的言卷鉴定了下列道具: items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofdivination$wnddivination.desc=你的圣言卷鉴定了下列道具:
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=魔力灌注卷 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=魔秘
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.inv_title=附魔一件物品 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.inv_title=附魔一件物品
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.weapon=为你的武器选择附魔。 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.weapon=为你的武器选择附魔。
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.armor=为你的防具选择刻印。 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.armor=为你的防具选择刻印。
@ -880,81 +882,82 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel_warn=取消该行动仍然会消
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=取消 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel=取消
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=这张秘卷可以为武器或护甲注入强大的魔力。使用者甚至可以选择注入魔力的类型。 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=这张秘卷可以为武器或护甲注入强大的魔力。使用者甚至可以选择注入魔力的类型。
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=危险预知卷轴 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=先见秘卷
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=当这件秘卷被使用后,使用者的灵感会被最大幅度激发。在很长的持续时间内,使用者将会立刻发现周围所隐藏的事物。 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.desc=当这件秘卷被使用后,使用者的灵感会被最大幅度激发。在很长的持续时间内,使用者将会立刻发现周围所隐藏的事物。
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=神秘能量卷轴 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.name=魔能秘卷
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=奇异的魔法能量被禁锢在秘卷羊皮纸内,当这股能量被释放时会在短时间内持续为阅读者的所有神器充能。 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofmysticalenergy.desc=奇异的魔法能量被禁锢在秘卷羊皮纸内,当这股能量被释放时会在短时间内持续为阅读者的所有神器充能。
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpassage.name=返回入口卷轴 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpassage.name=归返秘卷
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpassage.desc=这张羊皮卷内所含有的符文法术能帮助使用者快速回到本区域的初始楼层。如果想要回到商店的话使用这张秘卷会非常有用。 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpassage.desc=这张羊皮卷内所含有的符文法术能帮助使用者快速回到本区域的初始楼层。如果想要回到商店的话使用这张秘卷会非常有用。
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpetrification.name=石化凝视卷轴 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpetrification.name=石化秘卷
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpetrification.desc=一道红色的诡异闪光将以恐惧压垮使用者视觉范围内生物的心智并使它们呆立在原地。 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpetrification.desc=一道红色的诡异闪光将以恐惧压垮使用者视觉范围内生物的心智并使它们呆立在原地。
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.name=群体羊化卷 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.name=羊化
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.desc=这张秘卷富含强大的转换能力。当使用时,所有在使用者视野范围内的单位都将变形成一只魔法绵羊!\n\n这种变形过程是不可逆的但不是所有敌人都会被影响。强大的敌人将抵抗这种魔法。同时变形后目标敌人身上的物品将会消失。 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.desc=这张秘卷富含强大的转换能力。当使用时,所有在使用者视野范围内的单位都将变形成一只魔法绵羊!\n\n这种变形过程是不可逆的但不是所有敌人都会被影响。强大的敌人将抵抗这种魔法。同时变形后目标敌人身上的物品将会消失。
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.name=色幻影卷轴 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.name=卫秘卷
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.desc=这张秘卷上的咒文会创造使用者的一个虹色幻影。这个像使用者的弱化版克隆体的幻影有着相同的防御,但生命值和造成的伤害更低。\n\n虹色幻影将吸引敌人的火力从而保护使用者。\n\n当虹色幻影存在时阅读这张秘卷将会为其恢复所有生命。 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.desc=这张秘卷上的咒文会创造使用者的一个虹色幻影。这个像使用者的弱化版克隆体的幻影有着相同的防御,但生命值和造成的伤害更低。\n\n虹色幻影将吸引敌人的火力从而保护使用者。\n\n当虹色幻影存在时阅读这张秘卷将会为其恢复所有生命。
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.name=能震爆卷 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.name=
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=灵能震爆撕碎了你的意识…… items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.ondeath=灵能震爆撕碎了你的意识……
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=这张秘卷蕴含着毁灭性的能量,一旦引导出来将撕裂视野内所有生物的心灵。\n\n这股力量的释放也会对阅读者产生严重伤害并导致暂时性的失明和眩晕。 items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=这张秘卷蕴含着毁灭性的能量,一旦引导出来将撕裂视野内所有生物的心灵。\n\n这股力量的释放也会对阅读者产生严重伤害并导致暂时性的失明和眩晕。
###spells ###spells
items.spells.alchemize.name=alchemize items.spells.alchemize.name=炼金菱晶
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby. items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=周围的敌人使你无法炼金。
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time. items.spells.alchemize.desc=菱晶内存留着可导引而出的炼金能量,允许你在短时间内炼制不需要消耗炼金能量的物品。
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast items.spells.aquablast.name=水爆晶核
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst. items.spells.aquablast.desc=这个菱晶会在目标处迸射出大量的水流。水流并没有强大到能造成伤害(即使是对火属性敌人),但是菱晶的水流会散布至周遭并击晕处在法术中心位置的敌人。
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=返回晶柱
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell! items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=这里强大的魔力流阻止了你的结晶效果!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment. items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=临近生物的心灵信号干扰不允许你在此刻进行传送。
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location. items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=信标设置在了你现在的位置。
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell. items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=新的设置会覆盖原来的信标设置的位置。\n\n返回将会让你回到上一个设置的位置并且消耗一个菱晶。
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_set=Set items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_set=设置
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_return=Return items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_return=返回
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=信标被设置在了第%d层的某处
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to. items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=这个复杂的菱晶给予了使用者无视距离返回到设定地点的能力。该菱晶只会在返回时消耗。你可以随时改变它的设定位置,但该菱晶只能记忆最近一次设置的位置。
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion items.spells.curseinfusion.name=诅咒菱晶
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden. items.spells.curseinfusion.inv_title=Curse an item
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall items.spells.featherfall.name=羽落晶核
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather! items.spells.featherfall.light=你觉得自己身轻如燕!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time. Each use of the spell will only provide enough protection for one chasm.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=施放 items.spells.spell.ac_cast=施放
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=注魔菱晶
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=灌注一件物品/道具 items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=灌注一件物品/道具
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=你的%s被注入了奥术之力 items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=你的%s被注入了奥术之力
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, a weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade. items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=这个菱晶会给武器或护甲注入强大的魔力。\n\n除了升级以外武器还会被附魔而护甲则会获得魔法刻印。\n\n如果被灌注的物品已经有一个附魔或刻印它们将不会因此次升级而消除。
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter items.spells.magicalporter.name=信使结晶
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=传送一个物品
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to. items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=没有传送物品的目标地点。
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor. items.spells.magicalporter.desc=这个菱晶能够通过魔法传送任何成为施法目标的物品。但不同于商人信标这些物品会被传送到下一个boss层的入口处。
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift items.spells.phaseshift.name=转移结晶
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=传送魔法失败了。 items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=传送魔法失败了。
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves. items.spells.phaseshift.desc=这个充满混沌的结晶法术会将目标单位传送到本层随机位置。这个菱晶可以在目标单位或施法者自身上使用。
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=陷阱晶核
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there. items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=这里没有陷阱。
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts. items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=这个菱晶蕴含着DM-300残余的修复能力。当它被投掷到一个有效陷阱上时陷阱的机械力量会转化为魔法能量这种能量可以为使用者的法杖与神器充能。
items.spells.recycle.name=recycle items.spells.recycle.name=回收菱晶
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item items.spells.recycle.inv_title=回收一件物品
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s. items.spells.recycle.recycled=你的物品被回收为%s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type. items.spells.recycle.desc=这个菱晶蕴含着弱化的嬗变魔法。虽然不能对装备使用,但它能将卷轴,药水,种子或符石转换为一个随机的同类物品。
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=选择一个目标
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=灌注一件物品/道具 items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=灌注一件物品/道具

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.identifying.body=Identificar ítems pot ser i
journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.title=Examinar i buscar journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.title=Examinar i buscar
journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.body=Avançar per la masmorra sense prudència és una bona forma de morir.\n\nSempre hi ha temps per afluixar el ritme i examinar les coses del teu voltant, fet que ajudarà que trobis la millor manera de tractar una situació. Afanyar-se contra els enemics gairebé mai és una bona estratègia.\n\nLes masmorres estan plenes de passadissos i trampes secrets, amb trampes que són gairebé invisibles a primera vista. És bo tenir la motivació per buscar per la zona si sospites que hi ha alguna cosa oculta.\n\n(El botó amb una lupa s'utilitza per examinar i buscar. Pitja'l un cop i selecciona una cosa a examinar, pitja'l dos cops seguits per buscar per l'àrea del teu voltant.) journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.body=Avançar per la masmorra sense prudència és una bona forma de morir.\n\nSempre hi ha temps per afluixar el ritme i examinar les coses del teu voltant, fet que ajudarà que trobis la millor manera de tractar una situació. Afanyar-se contra els enemics gairebé mai és una bona estratègia.\n\nLes masmorres estan plenes de passadissos i trampes secrets, amb trampes que són gairebé invisibles a primera vista. És bo tenir la motivació per buscar per la zona si sospites que hi ha alguna cosa oculta.\n\n(El botó amb una lupa s'utilitza per examinar i buscar. Pitja'l un cop i selecciona una cosa a examinar, pitja'l dos cops seguits per buscar per l'àrea del teu voltant.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.title=Força i millores journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.title=Força i millores
journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.body=A la masmorra no tindràs temps per entrenar-te amb armes i armadura que trobis, per tant hauràs de fer servir la força bruta per utilitzar-les efectivament.\n\nLes pocions de força milloren directament el teu poder físic i són la forma més efectiva d'assolir els requeriments de l'equipament d'una categoria superior.\n\nEls pergamins de millora serveixen principalment per fer l'equipament més fort, però també redueix el pes. Malgrat això cada millora serà menys efectiva que l'anterior en la reducció de pes.\n\nÉs important centrar-se en l'equipament pesat, d'alta categoria, però no ignoris completament l'equipament que pots utilitzar més aviat. journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.body=A la masmorra no tindràs temps per entrenar-te amb armes i armadura que trobis, per tant hauràs de fer servir la força bruta per utilitzar-les efectivament.\n\nLes pocions de força milloren directament el teu vigor físic i són la forma més efectiva d'assolir els requeriments de l'equipament d'una categoria superior.\n\nEls pergamins de millora serveixen principalment per fer l'equipament més fort, però també redueix el pes. Malgrat això cada millora serà menys efectiva que l'anterior en la reducció de pes.\n\nÉs important centrar-se en l'equipament pesat, d'alta categoria, però no ignoris completament l'equipament que pots utilitzar més aviat.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.title=Lluita contra la gana journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.title=Lluita contra la gana
journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.body=Utilitzar el menjar de manera efectiva és una de les millors coses que pots fer per millorar les teves probabilitats de sobreviure.\n\nLa gana afecta en definitiva a la teva salut: et curaràs lentament quan estiguis saciat i perdràs salut quan et moris de gana. Perdre salut pot sonar malament, però mentre no et moris literalment de gana no hi ha cap penalització directa.\n\nÉs millor pensar sobre la gana i la salut com a recursos que necessiten ser administrats, no mantinguts al màxim tota l'estona. Per exemple, si tens la salut al màxim, la regeneració de la salut que obtens de sentir-te saciat es malgasta.\n\nSi controles els teus hàbits alimentaris en relació al teu nivell de salut, el teu menjar hauria de durar molt més temps. journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.body=Utilitzar el menjar de manera efectiva és una de les millors coses que pots fer per millorar les teves probabilitats de sobreviure.\n\nLa gana afecta en definitiva a la teva salut: et curaràs lentament quan estiguis saciat i perdràs salut quan et moris de gana. Perdre salut pot sonar malament, però mentre no et moris literalment de gana no hi ha cap penalització directa.\n\nÉs millor pensar sobre la gana i la salut com a recursos que necessiten ser administrats, no mantinguts al màxim tota l'estona. Per exemple, si tens la salut al màxim, la regeneració de la salut que obtens de sentir-te saciat es malgasta.\n\nSi controles els teus hàbits alimentaris en relació al teu nivell de salut, el teu menjar hauria de durar molt més temps.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.title=Guany d'experiencia journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.title=Guany d'experiencia
@ -34,21 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Tot i que les receptes que hem discut
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Receptes alimentàries journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Receptes alimentàries
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=No totes les receptes inclouen pocions màgiques o pergamins, algunes són més tradicionals.\n\nLa carn crua es pot guisar en una olla d'alquímia, i l'energia del pot netejarà la carn de qualsevol malaltia. Com més carn s'utilitzi alhora, major serà l'eficiència de la recepta.\n\nUna baia-insípida crua pot combinar-se amb una llavor per crear una baia-insípida cuinada. La fruita cuinada emularà qualsevol poció que es correspongui a la llavor.\n\nEs poden combinar una empanada, una ració de menjar sencera i un tros de carn (de qualsevol tipus) per crear un banquet! Els banquets proporcionen una experiència culinària inigualable, però costen una bona quantitat d'energia. journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=No totes les receptes inclouen pocions màgiques o pergamins, algunes són més tradicionals.\n\nLa carn crua es pot guisar en una olla d'alquímia, i l'energia del pot netejarà la carn de qualsevol malaltia. Com més carn s'utilitzi alhora, major serà l'eficiència de la recepta.\n\nUna baia-insípida crua pot combinar-se amb una llavor per crear una baia-insípida cuinada. La fruita cuinada emularà qualsevol poció que es correspongui a la llavor.\n\nEs poden combinar una empanada, una ració de menjar sencera i un tros de carn (de qualsevol tipus) per crear un banquet! Els banquets proporcionen una experiència culinària inigualable, però costen una bona quantitat d'energia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombes millorades journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombes millorades
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba de pólvora negre normal i corrent es pot barrejar amb un ítem específic per crear una bomba millorada. La quantitat d'energia necessària varia segons l'ítem utilitzat.\n\nEls següents ítems poden produir una bomba millorada:\n- Poció de flama líquida\n- Poció de glaçada\n- Poció de curació\n- Poció d'invisibilitat\n- Pergamí de recàrrega\n- Pergamí d'eliminació de malediccions\n- Pergamí de miratge\n- Pergamí de fúria\n- Gota de Goo\n- Fragment de metall maleït
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Beuratges combinats journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Beuratges combinats
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze. journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Els beuratges combinats són la forma més senzilla de preparar pocions, combinant els efectes de dues pocions nocives en una.\n\n\nUna poció horrorosa es crea barrejant una poció de gas tòxic amb una poció de gas paralític.\n\nUna poció frígida es crea barrejant una poció de glaçada amb una poció de núvols de tempesta.\n\nUna poció de gel-foc es crea barrejant una poció de flama líquida amb una poció de congelació instantània.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Elixirs curatius journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Elixirs curatius
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo. journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Els elixirs curatius també són bastant simples, combinant la curació i un altre efecte en un sol ítem.\n\n\nUn elixir de restauració es crea barrejant una poció de curació amb una poció de neteja.\n\nUn elixir de vitalitat es crea barrejant una poció de curació amb una poció d'escut.\n\nUn elixir de curació melosa es crea barrejant una poció de curació amb un pot de mel destrossat.\n\nUn elixir de rejoveniment aquàtic es crea barrejant una poció de curació i una gota de Goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Beuratges d'àrea d'efecte journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Beuratges d'àrea d'efecte
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo. journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Els beuratges d'àrea d'efecte propaguen un efecte nociu sobre una gran àrea. Són més cars que els beuratges combinats, però també més potents.\n\n\nUn beuratge infernal es crea barrejant una poció d'alè de drac i una poció de flama líquida.\n\nUn beuratge de rufaga es crea barrejant una poció de congelació instantània i una poció de gelada.\n\nUn beuratge xocant es crea barrejant una poció de gas paralític i una poció de núvols de tempesta.\n\nUn beuratge càustic es crea barrejant una poció de gas tòxic i una gota de Goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixirs imbuïts journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixirs imbuïts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Els elixirs imbuïts imbuiran al bevedor amb un poder únic durant un període curt de temps. Són més cars que elixirs curatius, però també més potents.\n\n\nUn elixir de sang de drac es crea barrejant una poció de flama líquida i una poció de puresa.\n\nUn elixir d'essència tòxica es crea barrejant una poció de gas tòxic i una poció de puresa.\n\nUn elixir de poder terrestre es crea barrejant una poció de gas paralític i una poció de pressa.\n\nUn elixir de vigor es crea barrejant una poció de força i una gran quantitat d'energia alquímica.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Encanteris de teletransport journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Encanteris de teletransport
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=La combinació de certs ingredients en una olla d'alquímia farà que els cristalls màgics es precipitin fora de l'aigua. L'energia en aquests cristalls es pot canalitzar per llançar encanteris! La majoria d'encanteris tenen múltiples usos, però la quantitat específica varia segons l'encanteri.\n\nEls encanteris de teletransport contenen màgia que canvia la teva posició, la dels enemics o la dels elements de diverses maneres útils.\n\n\n"Porter màgic" es crea barrejant un pergamí de miratge amb una balisa de comerciant.\n\n"Canvi de fase" es crea barrejant un pergamí de teletransport amb un pergamí de terror.\n\n"Balisa de tornada" es crea barrejant un pergamí de passatge, un pergamí de mapatge màgic i molta energia alquímica.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Encanteris de manipulació d'ítems
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image. journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Els encanteris de manipulació d'ítems afecten els elements del teu inventari de diverses maneres.\n\n\n"Infusió màgica" es crea barrejant un pergamí de millora amb una pedra d'encanteri.\n\n"Infusió de maledicció" es crea barrejant un pergamí d'eliminació de malediccions amb un fragment de metall maleït.\n\n"Alquimitzar" es crea barrejant un pergamí de recàrrega amb una poció de flama líquida.\n\n"Reciclar" es crea barrejant un pergamí de transmutació amb un pergamí de miratge.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Encanteris ambientals
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Els encanteris ambientals t'ofereixen noves maneres de canviar o interactuar amb el terreny de la masmorra.\n\n\n"Recuperar trampa" es crea barrejant un pergamí de recàrrega amb un fragment de metall maleït.\n\n"Explosió d'aigua" es crea barrejant un pergamí d'identificació amb una poció de núvols de tempesta.\n\n"Caiguda de ploma" es crea barrejant un pergamí de cançó de bressol, una poció de levitació i una bona quantitat d'energia alquímica.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pou de salut journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pou de salut
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pou de coneixement journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pou de coneixement

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Ne všechny recepty zahrnují magické
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Vylepšené bomby journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Vylepšené bomby
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Sloučené směsi journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Sloučené směsi
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze. journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Sloučené směsi jsou tou nejjednodušší formou směsí, kombinující efekty dvou škodlivých lektvarů do jednoho.\n\n\nSměs zákeřných plynů je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru toxického plynu s lektvarem paralyzujícího plynu.\n\nSměs mrazivých mračen je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru mrazu s lektvarem bouřných mračen.\n\nSměs mrazícího ohně je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru tekutého ohně s lektvarem přímého zmražení.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Léčivé elixíry journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Léčivé elixíry
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo. journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Směsi plošných efektů journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Směsi plošných efektů

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Während die Rezepte, die wir bisher
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Rezepte für Nahrungsmittel journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Rezepte für Nahrungsmittel
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Nicht alle Rezepte brauchen magische Tränke oder Schriftrollen, manche sind althergebracht.\n\nRohes Fleisch kann im Kessel geschmort werden, und die Energie des Alchemie-Kessels wird das Fleisch von Krankheitserregern reinigen. Je mehr Fleisch gleichzeitig verwendet wird, desto wirkungsvoller ist das Rezept.\n\nEine ungekochte Fadfrucht kann mit einem Samen kombiniert werde, um eine gekochte Fadfrucht zu erhalten. Die gekochte Frucht wird einem Trank der zu dem Samen gehört entsprechen.\n\nEine Pastete, Essenration und ein Stück Fleisch (egal welches) kombiniert ergeben ein Festmahl. Ein Festmahl ist eine unvergleichliche kulinarische Erfahrung, kostet aber eine erhebliche Menge Energie journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Nicht alle Rezepte brauchen magische Tränke oder Schriftrollen, manche sind althergebracht.\n\nRohes Fleisch kann im Kessel geschmort werden, und die Energie des Alchemie-Kessels wird das Fleisch von Krankheitserregern reinigen. Je mehr Fleisch gleichzeitig verwendet wird, desto wirkungsvoller ist das Rezept.\n\nEine ungekochte Fadfrucht kann mit einem Samen kombiniert werde, um eine gekochte Fadfrucht zu erhalten. Die gekochte Frucht wird einem Trank der zu dem Samen gehört entsprechen.\n\nEine Pastete, Essenration und ein Stück Fleisch (egal welches) kombiniert ergeben ein Festmahl. Ein Festmahl ist eine unvergleichliche kulinarische Erfahrung, kostet aber eine erhebliche Menge Energie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Verstärkte Bomben journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Verstärkte Bomben
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Eine ganz normale Schwarzpulver-Bombe kann mit einem bestimmten Gegenstand verknüpft werden, um eine verstärkte Bombe herzustellen. Die Energiemenge, die dazu vonnöten ist, variiert je nachdem, welchen Gegenstand man einsetzt.\n\nMit den folgenden Gegenständen kann man verstärkte Bomben herstellen:\n- Trank der Flüssigen Flamme\n- Trank des Frosts\n- Heiltrank\n- Trank der Unsichtbarkeit\n- Schriftrolle der Aufladung\n- Schriftrolle des Spiegelbildes\n- Schriftrolle des Zorns\n- Schleimklumpen\n- Verfluchte Metallplatte
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Kombinierte Brühen journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Kombinierte Brühen
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze. journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Heilende Elixiere journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Heilende Elixiere
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Brühen mit Wirkradius
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo. journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixiere der Durchtränkung journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixiere der Durchtränkung
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportationszaubersprüche
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image. journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=Bonvenon al praktika apliko de alĥe
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Krei runŝtonojn journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=Krei runŝtonojn
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Kunmiksu unu skribrulaĵon por transigi ĝian magion al du aŭ tri ŝtonoj en la poto. Tiel vi kreos runŝtonojn rilatajn al la uzita skribrulaĵo.\n\nRunŝtonoj estas malpli fortaj ol skribrulaĵoj, simile kiel semoj al eliksiroj. Tamen kontraŭe al semoj, oni ne povas kombini runŝtonojn por formi skribrulaĵon. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Kunmiksu unu skribrulaĵon por transigi ĝian magion al du aŭ tri ŝtonoj en la poto. Tiel vi kreos runŝtonojn rilatajn al la uzita skribrulaĵo.\n\nRunŝtonoj estas malpli fortaj ol skribrulaĵoj, simile kiel semoj al eliksiroj. Tamen kontraŭe al semoj, oni ne povas kombini runŝtonojn por formi skribrulaĵon.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dronigitaj sagetoj journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dronigitaj sagetoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Oni povas kombini unu semon kun unu aŭ du sagetojn por saturi ilin per substanco de semo. Per ĉiu speco de samo oni povas krei malsaman dronigitan sageton kun unika efekto.\n\nTamen dronigitaj sagetoj agos nur por unu ĵeto, kaj post uzo iĝos normaj sagetoj. journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Oni povas kombini unu semon kun unu aŭ du sagetojn por saturi ilin per substanco de semo. Per ĉiu speco de semo oni povas krei malsaman dronigitan sageton kun unika efekto.\n\nTamen dronigitaj sagetoj agos nur por unu ĵeto, kaj post uzo iĝos normaj sagetoj.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Ekzotaj eliksiroj kaj skribrulaĵoj journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Ekzotaj eliksiroj kaj skribrulaĵoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=Oni povas plivastigi ecojn de eliksiro aŭ skribrulaĵo por krei novan “ekzotan” version. Tiuj ĉi ekzotaj aĵoj havas pli potencajn efikojn kaj eĉ diversajn efikojn ol la originalaj.\n\nKunmiksu eliksiron kaj du semojn por kuiri ekzotan eliksiron. Kombinu skribrulaĵon kaj du runŝtonojn por krei ekzotan skribrulaĵon. journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=Oni povas plivastigi ecojn de eliksiro aŭ skribrulaĵo por krei novan “ekzotan” version. Tiuj ĉi ekzotaj aĵoj havas pli potencajn efikojn kaj eĉ diversajn efikojn ol la originalaj.\n\nKunmiksu eliksiron kaj du semojn por kuiri ekzotan eliksiron. Kombinu skribrulaĵon kaj du runŝtonojn por krei ekzotan skribrulaĵon.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Alĥemia energio journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Alĥemia energio

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Los elixires curativos también
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Infusiones de Efecto de Área journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Infusiones de Efecto de Área
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Las infusiones de efecto propagan un efecto dañino sobre un área grande. Son más caras que las infusiones combinadas, pero también más potentes.\n\n\nUna infusión infernal se crea mezclando una poción de aliento de dragón y una poción de llama líquida.\n\nUna infusión de ventisca se crea mezclando una poción de congelación rápida y una poción de escarcha.\n\nUna infusión impactante se crea al mezclar una poción de gas paralizante y una poción de nubes de tormenta.\n\nUna infusión cáustica se crea mezclando una poción de gas tóxico y una gota de Gú journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Las infusiones de efecto propagan un efecto dañino sobre un área grande. Son más caras que las infusiones combinadas, pero también más potentes.\n\n\nUna infusión infernal se crea mezclando una poción de aliento de dragón y una poción de llama líquida.\n\nUna infusión de ventisca se crea mezclando una poción de congelación rápida y una poción de escarcha.\n\nUna infusión impactante se crea al mezclar una poción de gas paralizante y una poción de nubes de tormenta.\n\nUna infusión cáustica se crea mezclando una poción de gas tóxico y una gota de Gú
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixires Imbuidos journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixires Imbuidos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Los elixires imbuidos infundirán al bebedor un poder único que puede ser temporal o permanente. Son más costosos que los elixires curativos, pero también más poderosos.\n\n\nUn elixir de sangre de dragón se crea mezclando una poción de llama líquida y una poción de purificación.\n\nUn elixir de esencia tóxica se crea mezclando una poción de gas tóxico y una poción de purificación.\n\nUn elixir de poder de tierra se crea mezclando una poción de gas paralizante y una poción de velocidad.\n\nUn elixir de poderío se crea mezclando una poción de fuerza y una gran cantidad de energía alquímica.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Hechizos de Teletransportación journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Hechizos de Teletransportación
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=La combinación de ciertos ingredientes en una olla de alquimia hará que los cristales mágicos se precipiten fuera del agua. ¡La energía en estos cristales se puede canalizar para lanzar hechizos! La mayoría de los hechizos tienen múltiples usos, pero la cantidad específica varía según el hechizo.\n\nLos hechizos de teletransportación contienen magia que cambia el posicionamiento de ti mismo, los enemigos, o los ítems de varias maneras útiles.\n\n\nEl portador mágico se crea mezclando un pergamino de reflejo con una baliza de comerciante.\n\nEl cambio de fase se crea al mezclar un pergamino de teletransporte con un pergamino de terror.\n\nLa baliza de retorno se crea al mezclar un pergamino de pasaje, un pergamino de mapeo mágico y mucha energía alquímica. journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=La combinación de ciertos ingredientes en una olla de alquimia hará que los cristales mágicos se precipiten fuera del agua. ¡La energía en estos cristales se puede canalizar para lanzar hechizos! La mayoría de los hechizos tienen múltiples usos, pero la cantidad específica varía según el hechizo.\n\nLos hechizos de teletransportación contienen magia que cambia el posicionamiento de ti mismo, los enemigos, o los ítems de varias maneras útiles.\n\n\nEl portador mágico se crea mezclando un pergamino de reflejo con una baliza de comerciante.\n\nEl cambio de fase se crea al mezclar un pergamino de teletransporte con un pergamino de terror.\n\nLa baliza de retorno se crea al mezclar un pergamino de pasaje, un pergamino de mapeo mágico y mucha energía alquímica.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Hechizos de Manipulación de Ítems journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Hechizos de Manipulación de Ítems

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@ -21,33 +21,33 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=마법 공격
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=피하기가 매우 어려우며 갑옷을 관통합니다.\n\n즉 당신이 마법 막대로 공격하여 피해를 주는 것이 안정적이지만, 마법을 사용하는 적들이 매우 위험하다는 것도 의미합니다.\n\n그러나 마법 공격이 항상 장점만 있는 것은 아닙니다. 마법 막대의 경우에는 제한된 사용으로 충전할 시간이 주어지지 않으면 마법 막대는 무용지물이 되고 맙니다. 적들이 사용하는 마법도 항상 어떤 형태로든 약점을 가지고 있을 것입니다. \n\n마법을 사용하는 적들과 맞설 때는 마법을 그저 맞고만 있는 것보다 피하는 방법을 생각하는 것이 중요합니다. journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=피하기가 매우 어려우며 갑옷을 관통합니다.\n\n즉 당신이 마법 막대로 공격하여 피해를 주는 것이 안정적이지만, 마법을 사용하는 적들이 매우 위험하다는 것도 의미합니다.\n\n그러나 마법 공격이 항상 장점만 있는 것은 아닙니다. 마법 막대의 경우에는 제한된 사용으로 충전할 시간이 주어지지 않으면 마법 막대는 무용지물이 되고 맙니다. 적들이 사용하는 마법도 항상 어떤 형태로든 약점을 가지고 있을 것입니다. \n\n마법을 사용하는 적들과 맞설 때는 마법을 그저 맞고만 있는 것보다 피하는 방법을 생각하는 것이 중요합니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=연금술 가이드 journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=연금술 가이드
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=창조의 포션 journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=물약 제조
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=연금술의 실용적인 응용에 오신걸 환영합니다!\n\n이 책은 취미 연금술사나 손이 지저분해지기를 바라는 모험가들에게 레시피를 제공합니다.\n\n우리는 연금술의 가장 대표적인 레시피부터 시작할 예정입니다. 연금솥에 아무 씨앗 세개를 넣어 포션을 양조해보세요!\n\n모든씨앗의 특성은 포션과 짝을 이룹니다! 당신이 만든 포션은 사용한 씨앗과 연관이 있을 수 있습니다. 하지만 무작위일 가능성도 있습니다. 같은 특성을 가진 씨앗 여러개를 사용하면 무작위포션의 생성가능성을 낮춰줍니다. journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.body=연금술의 실용적인 응용에 오신걸 환영합니다!\n\n이 책은 취미 연금술사나 손이 지저분해지기를 바라는 모험가들에게 레시피를 제공합니다.\n\n우리는 연금술의 가장 대표적인 레시피부터 시작할 예정입니다. 연금솥에 아무 씨앗 세개를 넣어 포션을 양조해보세요!\n\n모든씨앗의 특성은 포션과 짝을 이룹니다! 당신이 만든 포션은 사용한 씨앗과 연관이 있을 수 있습니다. 하지만 무작위일 가능성도 있습니다. 같은 특성을 가진 씨앗 여러개를 사용하면 무작위포션의 생성가능성을 낮춰줍니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title=스톤 생성 journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.title= 생성
journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Mixing a single scroll into an alchemy pot will imbue its magic into two or three rocks within the pot. This creates runestones that correspond to that scroll.\n\nRunestones are a lesser variant of scrolls, just as seeds are a lesser variant of potions. Unlike seeds however, runestones cannot be combined to make a scroll. journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=주문서 하나를 연금술 솥에 넣으면 솥 안에 있던 돌과 융합합니다. 해당 주문서의 마법을 담은 룬석을 만들 수 있습니다.\n\n룬석은 주문서의 약화된 종류이지만, 씨앗과 달리 조합하여 주문서를 만들 수는 없습니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Tipping Darts journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=특수 다트 제작
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique effect.\n\nTipped darts only last for one use however, and will revert to regular darts when recovered. journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=A single seed can be combined with one or two darts to tip them. Each type of seed produces its own type of tipped dart, with a unique effect.\n\nTipped darts only last for one use however, and will revert to regular darts when recovered.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Exotic Potions and Scrolls journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=특이한 물약과 주문서
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=The power of a potion or scroll can be augmented to create a new 'exotic' variant. These exotic items have more powerful effects, but they are often useful in different ways as well.\n\nCombining a potion and any two seeds will produce an exotic potion. Combining a scroll with any two runestones will produce an exotic scroll. journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=The power of a potion or scroll can be augmented to create a new 'exotic' variant. These exotic items have more powerful effects, but they are often useful in different ways as well.\n\nCombining a potion and any two seeds will produce an exotic potion. Combining a scroll with any two runestones will produce an exotic scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Alchemical Energy journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=연금술 에너지
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=While the recipes we have discussed so far only need their ingredients, some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. This Energy is a limited resource, but can be used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients. Some recipes will require a small amount of energy, some require a lot.\n\nAll further recipes discussed in this book will make use of Alchemical Energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=While the recipes we have discussed so far only need their ingredients, some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. This Energy is a limited resource, but can be used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients. Some recipes will require a small amount of energy, some require a lot.\n\nAll further recipes discussed in this book will make use of Alchemical Energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=음식 요리하기
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=폭탄 개조
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=흔히 볼 수 있는 검은 화약이 담긴 폭탄입니다. 특정한 재료와 섞어 개조된 폭탄을 만들 수 있습니다. 개조한 폭탄 종류에 따라 에너지 소모량이 달라집니다.\n\n다음 아이템과 조합하여 개조 폭탄을 만들 수 있습니다.\n- 액체 화염 물약\n- 서리 물약\n- 회복 물약\n- 투명화 물약\n- 재충전 주문서\n- 저주 해제 주문서\n- 거울상 주문서\n- 분노의 주문서\n- 구의 점액\n- 저주받은 쇳조각
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=특수 혼합물
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze. journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=회복의 영약
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo. journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=회복의 영약들은 회복 물약과 다른 아이템을 섞어 만들며, 둘의 효과를 같이 발휘합니다.\n\n치료의 영약은 회복 물약과 정화 물약을 섞어서 만듭니다.\n\n활력의 영약은 회복 물약과 방어막 물약을 섞어서 만듭니다.\n\n달달한 치료 영약은 회복 물약과 깨진 꿀단지를 섞어서 만듭니다.\n\n수상 회복의 영약은 회복 물약과 구의 점액을 섞어서 만듭니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=광역 효과 혼합물
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo. journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=광역 효과 혼합물은 해로운 효과를 넓은 범위에 흩뿌립니다. 특수 화합물보다 더 비싸지만 더 강력합니다.\n\n지옥불 혼합물은 용 숨결의 물약과 액체 화염 물약을 섞어서 만듭니다.\n\n눈보라 혼합물은 순간 빙결의 물약과 서리 물약을 섰어서 만듭니다.\n\n전격 혼합물은 마비 가스의 물약과 폭풍 구름 물약을 섞어서 만듭니다.\n\n산성 화합물은 독성 가스와 구의 점액을 섞어서 만듭니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=마법 융합 영약
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=마법 융합 영약은 음용자들에게 마법의 힘을 잠시 혹은 영구히 부여합니다. 회복 영약보다 비싸지만, 훨씬 더 강력합니다.\n\n용의 피 영약은 액체 화염 물약과 정화 물약을 섞어서 만듭니다.\n\n대지의 힘 영약은 마비 가스 물약과 신속의 물약을 섞어서 만듭니다.\n\n용력의 영약은 힘의 물약과 대량의 연금술 에너지를 섞어서 만듭니다.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=순간이동 주문
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=아이템 변형 주문
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image. journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=환경 주문
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=회복의 우물 journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=회복의 우물

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@ -34,21 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Podczas gdy wszystkie przepisy które
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Przepisy journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Przepisy
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Nie wszystkie przepisy używają mikstur lub zwojów, niektóre z nich są bardziej tradycyjne.\n\nSurowe mięso może być ugotowane w kotle alchemicznym, a jego energia wyczyści je z chorób. Im więcej mięsa jest użyte na raz, tym większa jest efektywność przepisu.\n\nSurowy mdły owoc może być połączony z nasionem by wytworzyć ugotowany mdły owoc. Ugotowany owoc będzie miał moc mikstury która odpowiada danemu nasieniu.\n\nPełna pastowata porcja jedzenia i kawałek mięsa (każdy rodzaj się nada) mogą być połączone by stworzyć ucztę! Uczty dostarczą ci nieporównywalne doświadczenie kulinarne kosztem energii. journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Nie wszystkie przepisy używają mikstur lub zwojów, niektóre z nich są bardziej tradycyjne.\n\nSurowe mięso może być ugotowane w kotle alchemicznym, a jego energia wyczyści je z chorób. Im więcej mięsa jest użyte na raz, tym większa jest efektywność przepisu.\n\nSurowy mdły owoc może być połączony z nasionem by wytworzyć ugotowany mdły owoc. Ugotowany owoc będzie miał moc mikstury która odpowiada danemu nasieniu.\n\nPełna pastowata porcja jedzenia i kawałek mięsa (każdy rodzaj się nada) mogą być połączone by stworzyć ucztę! Uczty dostarczą ci nieporównywalne doświadczenie kulinarne kosztem energii.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Zaawansowane bomby journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Zaawansowane bomby
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Zwykła czarnoprochowa bomba może być napełniona specyficznymi przedmiotami, aby polepszyć jej właściwości. Wymaga to różnych ilości energii, w zależności od przedmiotu. Dzięki inżynierowie!\n\nNastępujące przedmioty mogą być dodane do bomby:\n-Mikstura ciekłego płomienia\n-Mikstura mrozu\n-Mikstura leczenia\n-Mikstura niewidzialności\n-Zwój ładowania\n-Zwój usunięcia klątwy\n-Zwój lustrzanego odbicia\n-Zwój szału\n-Kawał szlamu\n-Przeklęty kawał złomu
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Kombinacje mikstur journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Kombinacje mikstur
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Alchemicy lali dwie mikstury o negatywnych efektach do jednego kotła i patrzyli co się dzieje. Czasem powstawała mikstura jeszcze mocniejsza. To wszystko co znaleźli:\n\n\nNikczemna mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę toksycznego gazu z miksturą paraliżującego gazu\n\nLodowata mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę mrozu z miksturą burzowych chmur.\n\nMroźno-ogniowa mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę ciekłego płomienia z miksturą błyskawicznego mrożenia. journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Alchemicy lali dwie mikstury o negatywnych efektach do jednego kotła i patrzyli co się dzieje. Czasem powstawała mikstura jeszcze mocniejsza. To wszystko co znaleźli:\n\n\nNikczemna mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę toksycznego gazu z miksturą paraliżującego gazu\n\nLodowata mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę mrozu z miksturą burzowych chmur.\n\nMroźno-ogniowa mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę ciekłego płomienia z miksturą błyskawicznego mrożenia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Eliksiry Leczące journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Eliksiry Leczące
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo. journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Alchemicy pracują zamiast spać. Mieszając wszystko co popadnie, znaleźli przepisy na eliksiry lecznicze, łącząc leczenie i efekt jakiegoś przedmiotu.\n\n\nEliksir odnowienia tworzy się z pomocą mikstury leczenia i oczyszczenia.\n\nEliksir witalności tworzy się z pomocą mikstury leczenia i tarczy.\n\nEliksir miodowego leczenia jest tworzony mieszając miksturę leczenia z rozbitym dzbanem miodu.\n\nEliksir wodnego odmłodzenia jest tworzony łącząc miksturę leczenia i kawał szlamu.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Obszar mieszanin efektowych journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Obszar mieszanin efektowych
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo. journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Mieszaniny efektowe rozprzestrzeniają negatywne efekty po rozległym terenie. Cały magazyn takich kosztował cały skarbiec króla, ponieważ są znacznie droższe, ale za to mocniejsze.\n\n\npiekielna mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę smoczego oddechu i ciekłego płomienia.\n\nburzowa mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę błyskawicznego mrożenia i mrozu.\n\nszokująca mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę paraliżującego gazu i burzowych chmur.\n\nszlamowa mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę toksycznego gazu i kawał szlamu.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Wzmacniające eliksiry journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Wzmacniające eliksiry
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Eliksiry wzmacniające, jak nazwa wskazuje, wzmocnią każdego jak magiczny napój Galów. Przynajmniej po części. Są droższe niż leczące eliksiry, ale też mocniejsze.\n\nEliksir z krwi smoka tworzony jest łącząc miksturę ciekłego płomienia i czystości.\n\nEliksir toksycznej esencji tworzony jest łącząc miksturę toksycznego gazu i czystości.\n\nEliksir mocy ziemi tworzony jest łącząc miksturę paraliżującego gazu i przyspieszenia.\n\nEliksir mocy tworzona jest łącząc miksturę siły i dużą ilość energii alchemicznej.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Zaklęcia teleportacyjne.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Mieszanie co popadnie opłaca się, można zrobić z przeróżnych rzeczy magiczne kryształy pojawiające się nagle. Ich energia może być użyta aby rzucać zaklęcia! Większość zaklęć ma kilka zastosowań, ale dokładna wartość jest różna w zależności od zaklęcia.\n\nZaklęcia teleportacyjne zawierają magię zmieniającą pozycję ciebie, przeciwników, lub przedmiotów na różne sposoby.\n\n\nMagiczny przenosiciel jest tworzony mieszając zwój lustrzanego odbicia z nadajnikiem kupca.\n\nPrzesunięcie fazowe jest tworzone mieszając zwój teleportacji ze zwojem terroru.\n\nLatarnia powracania jest tworzona łącząc zwój teleportacji do sklepu, zwój magicznego mapowania, i sporo alchemicznej energii.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Zaklęcia manipulujące przedmiotami
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image. journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Zaklęcia manipulujące przedmiotami działają na przedmioty w twoim ekwipunku na wiele różnych sposobów. Nie należy próbować użyć na stworzeniach, ani sobie.\n\n\nNasycenie zaklęciem jest tworzona za pomocą zwoju ulepszenia i kamienia zaklęcia.\n\nNasycenie klątwą jest tworzone za pomocą zwoju usunięcia klątwy i przeklętym kawałem złomu.\n\nWarzenie jest tworzone za pomocą zwoju ładowania i miksturą ciekłego płomienia.\n\nKonwersja jest tworzona zwojem transmutacji i zwojem lustrzanego odbicia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Zaklęcia środowiskowe
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Zaklęcia środowiskowe dają ci możliwości zmiany lub interakcji inaczej ze środowiskiem lochu. Nie należy jednak używać ich w Mieście nad lochem, inaczej grozi to sporą grzywną.\n\n\nŁadowanie z pułapki tworzone jest, mieszając zwój ładowania z przeklętym kawałem złomu.\n\nWodny wybuch tworzony jest, mieszając zwój identyfikacji z miksturą burzowych chmur.\n\nLekki jak piórko tworzony jest, mieszając zwój kołysanki, miksturę lewitację, i dobrą ilość alchemicznej energii.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=studnia zdrowia journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=studnia zdrowia
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=studnia czujności journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=studnia czujności

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=В то время, как рецеп
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Рецепты еды journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Рецепты еды
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Не все рецепты требуют применения волшебных зельев или свитков; некоторые из них, скорее, традициональны.\n\nСырое мясо можно сварить в алхимическом котле, и энергия котла очистит его от всякой заразы. Чем больше мяса готовится одновременно, тем больше эффективность рецепта.\n\nСырой пустофрукт можно сочетать с семенем, чтобы приготовить варёный пустофрукт. Вареный фрукт, соответственно, имеет свойства, похожие на зелье, которому соответствует семя.\n\nИз пирога, полного рациона пищи и куска мяса (любой его вид) можно приготовить праздничное блюдо! Праздничные блюда - изысканный кулинарный опыт, правда, требуют достаточное количество энергии. journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Не все рецепты требуют применения волшебных зельев или свитков; некоторые из них, скорее, традициональны.\n\nСырое мясо можно сварить в алхимическом котле, и энергия котла очистит его от всякой заразы. Чем больше мяса готовится одновременно, тем больше эффективность рецепта.\n\nСырой пустофрукт можно сочетать с семенем, чтобы приготовить варёный пустофрукт. Вареный фрукт, соответственно, имеет свойства, похожие на зелье, которому соответствует семя.\n\nИз пирога, полного рациона пищи и куска мяса (любой его вид) можно приготовить праздничное блюдо! Праздничные блюда - изысканный кулинарный опыт, правда, требуют достаточное количество энергии.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Совершенствование бомб journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Совершенствование бомб
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Обыкновенная бомба может быть соединена с определёнными предметами для создания усовершенствованной бомбы. Количество требуемой энергии варьируется от типа используемого предмета.\n\nЭти предметы могут быть использованы для совершенствования:\n-Зелье Алхимического Огня\n-Зелье Мороза\n-Зелье Исцеления\n-Зелье Невидимости\n-Свиток Перезарядки\n-Свиток Рассеяния\n-Свиток Иллюзий\n-Свиток Ярости\n-Капля Слизня\n-Проклятый осколок
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Комбинированные варева journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Комбинированные варева
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze. journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Исцеляющие эликсиры journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Исцеляющие эликсиры
@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Варева с зоной дей
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo. journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Пропитывающие эликсиры journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Пропитывающие эликсиры
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Телепортационные заклинания
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Комбинирование ингредиентов в алхимическом котле начнёт образование кристаллов. Энергия, заключенная в кристаллах, может быть использована для заклинаний! Большая часть заклинаний может быть использовано по-разному, в зависимости от типа заклинания.\n\nТелепортационные заклинания хранят магию, меняющую позицию врагов, вещей и даже вас!\n\n\nМагический транспортёр создаётся смешением Свитка Иллюзий и Маяка торговца.\n\nСдвиг создаётся смешением Свитка Телепортации и Свитка Ужаса.\n\nМаяк возвращения создаётся смешением Свитка Врат и Свитка Поиска Пути, а также большого количества энергии.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Заклинания манипуляции
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image. journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Манипулирующие заклинания действуют на предметы в вашем инвентаре различными способами.\n\n\nЗачарование создаётся смешением Свитка Улучшения с Камнем Зачарования.\n\nНаделение проклятием создаётся смешением Свитка Рассеяния и Проклятого осколка.\n\nАлхимайзер создаётся смешением Свитка Перезарядки и Зелья Алхимического Огня.\n\nПереработка создаётся смешением Свитка Трансмутации со Свитком Иллюзий.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.title=冒险家指南
journal.document.adventurers_guide.intro.title=基础介绍 journal.document.adventurers_guide.intro.title=基础介绍
journal.document.adventurers_guide.intro.body=欢迎你,勇敢的冒险家!\n\n你正在阅读这本精装的地牢冒险家指南这本指南书包含着能帮助新生冒险家存活并精进能力的所有提示和技巧\n\n尽管你可以一口气将它全部读完最好还是把他当作一本参考书。记得在你陷入困境之中回来查阅这本书。\n\n愿你的智慧能指引你前往终点还要记住\n不要慌张 journal.document.adventurers_guide.intro.body=欢迎你,勇敢的冒险家!\n\n你正在阅读这本精装的地牢冒险家指南这本指南书包含着能帮助新生冒险家存活并精进能力的所有提示和技巧\n\n尽管你可以一口气将它全部读完最好还是把他当作一本参考书。记得在你陷入困境之中回来查阅这本书。\n\n愿你的智慧能指引你前往终点还要记住\n不要慌张
journal.document.adventurers_guide.identifying.title=鉴定物品 journal.document.adventurers_guide.identifying.title=鉴定物品
journal.document.adventurers_guide.identifying.body=鉴定道具有时比找到它们要更加重要!\n\n药水的颜色和卷轴的符文在每个地牢中都是完全随机的所以在鉴定它们之前你不会知道这些物品有什么效果。\n\n如果你走运的话手上的未鉴定装备也许是被强化过的精品但它也很有可能是被诅咒的不小心穿上一件诅咒装备绝非好事但也不至于让你立即陷入绝境。\n\n鉴定、升级、祛邪卷轴能够极大降低来自未鉴定物品的风险。\n\n(你可以在日志的道具列表里找到被你鉴定的所有道具) journal.document.adventurers_guide.identifying.body=鉴定道具有时比找到它们要更加重要!\n\n药水的颜色和卷轴的符文在每个地牢中都是完全随机的所以在鉴定它们之前你不会知道这些物品有什么效果。\n\n如果你走运的话手上的未鉴定装备也许是被强化过的精品但它也很有可能是被诅咒的不小心穿上一件诅咒装备绝非好事但也不至于让你立即陷入绝境。\n\n鉴定、升级、祛邪卷轴能够极大降低来自未鉴定物品的风险。\n\n(你可以在日志的道具列表里找到被你鉴定的所有道具)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.title=检视和搜索 journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.title=检视和搜索
journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.body=一股脑得向前冲会使你陷入困境甚至死亡。\n\n游戏过程中你随时可以停下脚步观察周围的事物和环境得出当前最佳的解决方案。一头撞进敌群之中永远都不是最好的处理方式。\n\n地牢里面充满了暗门和陷阱如果你认为哪片区域不对劲仔细搜寻这片区域也许是一个不错的选择。\n\n(放大镜按钮所提供的就是这个功能。单击一次你就可以选择目标来分析,双击或长按你就可以搜索周围的环境) journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.body=一股脑得向前冲会使你陷入困境甚至死亡。\n\n游戏过程中你随时可以停下脚步观察周围的事物和环境得出当前最佳的解决方案。一头撞进敌群之中永远都不是最好的处理方式。\n\n地牢里面充满了暗门和陷阱如果你认为哪片区域不对劲仔细搜寻这片区域也许是一个不错的选择。\n\n(放大镜按钮所提供的就是这个功能。单击一次你就可以选择目标来分析,双击或长按你就可以搜索周围的环境)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.title=力量与强化 journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.title=力量与强化
@ -34,21 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=不同于我们之前所讨论的材
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=食谱 journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=食谱
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=并非所有炼金配方都涉及到魔法药水或卷轴,有些配方来的更加普通。\n\n生的神秘肉可以在炼金釜中料理炼金釜的能量能清理掉肉中的疾病。一次性向炼金釜投入的肉越多料理单个生肉所需的能量越少。\n\n一个无味果和一个种子结合可以制作出一个熟制无味果。熟制无味果能够吸收并展现出熬制用种子对应的药剂效果。\n\n一个肉馅饼一个口粮以及一块肉种类不限可以结合制造出一份盛宴盛宴可以提供无与伦比的舌尖美味但需要消耗相当多的炼金能量。 journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=并非所有炼金配方都涉及到魔法药水或卷轴,有些配方来的更加普通。\n\n生的神秘肉可以在炼金釜中料理炼金釜的能量能清理掉肉中的疾病。一次性向炼金釜投入的肉越多料理单个生肉所需的能量越少。\n\n一个无味果和一个种子结合可以制作出一个熟制无味果。熟制无味果能够吸收并展现出熬制用种子对应的药剂效果。\n\n一个肉馅饼一个口粮以及一块肉种类不限可以结合制造出一份盛宴盛宴可以提供无与伦比的舌尖美味但需要消耗相当多的炼金能量。
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=改造炸弹 journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=改造炸弹
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=一个标准的黑火药炸弹可以和特定物品混合制造出一个强化版炸弹。制作所消耗能量多少与使用的物品有关。\n\n下列物品均是能够用来改造炸弹的材料\n-液火药剂\n-冰霜药剂\n-治疗药剂\n-隐身药剂\n-充能卷轴\n-祛邪卷轴\n-镜像卷轴\n-盛怒卷轴\n-粘咕球\n-邪能碎片
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=组合酿造 journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=组合酿造
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze. journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=组合酿造法是在药剂制造中最简单的一种方法,只需结合两瓶不同的有害药剂就能达到效果。\n\n制作一瓶奸奇魔药需要混合一瓶毒气药剂和一瓶麻痹药剂。\n\n制作一瓶霜雾魔药需要混合一瓶冰霜药剂和一瓶暴风骤雨合剂。\n\n制作一瓶冰火魔药需要混合一瓶液火药剂和一瓶极速冰冻合剂。
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=治愈秘药 journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=治愈秘药
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo. journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=治愈性秘药的制作也十分简单,通过结合一瓶治疗药剂和另一个不同效果的药剂药效即可获得。\n\n制作一瓶恢复秘药需要一瓶治疗药剂和一瓶全面净化合剂。\n\n制作一瓶生命秘药需要一瓶治疗药剂和一瓶奥术护盾合剂。\n\n制作一瓶圣愈蜜药需要一瓶治疗药剂和一个破碎的蜜蜂罐。\n\n制作一瓶水灵秘药需要一瓶治疗药剂和一份粘咕球。
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=精炼酿造 journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=精炼酿造
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo. journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=精炼酿造而出的魔药能够在大范围内造成持续的伤害和减益效果。他们比起组合酿造出的魔药更加昂贵,但也更加强大。\n\n制作一瓶炼狱魔药需要混合一瓶火龙吐息合剂和一瓶液火药剂。\n\n制作一瓶冰暴魔药需要混合一瓶极速冰冻合剂和一瓶冰霜药剂。\n\n制作一瓶雷鸣魔药需要混合一瓶暴风骤雨合剂和一瓶麻痹药剂。\n\n制作一瓶腐蚀魔药需要混合一瓶毒气药剂和一份粘咕球。
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=赐福秘药 journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=赐福秘药
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power which may be temporary or permanent. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=赐福秘药可以在短时间内给予使用者一个独特能力。它们比治愈秘药更加昂贵,但也更加强大。\n\n制作一瓶龙血秘药需要混合一瓶液火药剂和一瓶净化药剂。\n\n制作一瓶毒粹秘药需要混合一瓶毒气药剂和一瓶净化药剂。\n\n制作一瓶大地秘药需要混合一瓶麻痹药剂和一瓶极速药剂。\n\n制作一瓶根骨秘药需要混合大量的炼金能量与一瓶力量药剂。
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=相位结晶
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=在炼金釜里混合特定的材料会使其中的魔法元素晶化并沉淀下来。这些结晶里蕴含的能量甚至足够使用者释放法术!一个结晶的能量通常都允许多次的法术施放,不过具体次数因施放法术而异。\n\n相位结晶法术能够改变物品敌人或者你自己的当前位置在合理的情况下使用将对你大有助益。\n\n\n制作信使结晶需要一张镜像卷轴和一个商人信标。\n\n制作转移结晶需要一张传送卷轴和一张恐惧卷轴。\n\n制作返回晶柱需要一张归返秘卷一张探地卷轴和较多的炼金能量。
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=易物结晶
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image. journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=易物结晶法术能够以多种形式影响你物品栏中的道具。\n\n\n制作注魔菱晶需要一张升级卷轴和一颗附魔符石。\n\n制作诅咒菱晶需要一张祛邪卷轴和一个邪能碎片。\n\n制作炼金菱晶需要一张充能卷轴和一瓶液火药剂。\n\n制作回收菱晶需要一张嬗变卷轴和一张镜像卷轴。
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=环境结晶
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy. journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=环境结晶法术在对抗地牢环境时能够给予你全新的解决方法。\n\n\n制作陷阱晶核需要一张充能卷轴和一个邪能碎片。\n\n制作水爆晶核需要一张鉴定卷轴和一瓶暴风骤雨合剂。\n\n制作羽落晶核需要一张催眠卷轴一瓶浮空药剂以及较多的炼金能量。
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=生命之泉 journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=生命之泉
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=觉察之泉 journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=觉察之泉

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ levels.traps.confusiontrap.desc=Activar aquesta trampa alliberarà un núvol de
levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=trampa de maledicció levels.traps.cursingtrap.name=trampa de maledicció
levels.traps.cursingtrap.curse=L'equipament que portes ha sigut maleït! levels.traps.cursingtrap.curse=L'equipament que portes ha sigut maleït!
levels.traps.cursingtrap.desc=Aquesta trampa conté la mateixa màgia maligna trobada a l'equipament maleït. Activar-la farà que maleeixi alguns ítems propers. levels.traps.cursingtrap.desc=Aquesta trampa conté la mateixa màgia malèvola trobada a l'equipament maleït. Activar-la farà que maleeixi alguns ítems propers.
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.name=trampa de desarmament levels.traps.disarmingtrap.name=trampa de desarmament
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.disarm=La teva arma ha sigut teletransportada! levels.traps.disarmingtrap.disarm=La teva arma ha sigut teletransportada!

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@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
scenes.alchemyscene.title=제조 scenes.alchemyscene.title=제조
scenes.alchemyscene.text=재료들을 합쳐서 새로운 것을 만들어 보십시오! scenes.alchemyscene.text=재료들을 합쳐서 새로운 것을 만들어 보십시오!
scenes.alchemyscene.select=아이템을 선택하세요 scenes.alchemyscene.select=아이템을 선택하세요
scenes.alchemyscene.cost=Energy: %d scenes.alchemyscene.cost=에너지: %d
scenes.alchemyscene.energy=Alchemical Energy: %d scenes.alchemyscene.energy=연금술 에너지: %d
scenes.amuletscene.exit=오늘은 여기까지 scenes.amuletscene.exit=오늘은 여기까지
scenes.amuletscene.stay=아직 할 일이 남았다 scenes.amuletscene.stay=아직 할 일이 남았다

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@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ windows.wndlangs.unreviewed=这个语言尚未被完全审核。\n\n它也许还
windows.wndlangs.unfinished=这个语言尚未被完全翻译。\n\n大量文本可能仍然为英语。 windows.wndlangs.unfinished=这个语言尚未被完全翻译。\n\n大量文本可能仍然为英语。
windows.wndlangs.transifex=所有翻译都由_Transifex_网站上的志愿者提供。 windows.wndlangs.transifex=所有翻译都由_Transifex_网站上的志愿者提供。
windows.wndlangs.credits=制作名单 windows.wndlangs.credits=制作名单
windows.wndlangs.reviewers=审核 windows.wndlangs.reviewers=审核
windows.wndlangs.translators=翻译 windows.wndlangs.translators=翻译
windows.wndranking.error=无法载入更多信息。 windows.wndranking.error=无法载入更多信息。
windows.wndranking.stats=属性 windows.wndranking.stats=属性