v0.6.3: significant refactoring and performance improvements to fog of war
This commit is contained in:
@ -99,6 +99,15 @@ public class Rect {
return result;
public Rect union( Rect other ){
Rect result = new Rect();
result.left = Math.min( left, other.left );
result.right = Math.max( right, other.right );
result.top = Math.min( top, other.top );
result.bottom = Math.max( bottom, other.bottom );
return result;
public Rect union( int x, int y ) {
if (isEmpty()) {
return set( x, y, x + 1, y + 1 );
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 152 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 162 B |
@ -29,12 +29,14 @@ import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.buffs.Light;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.buffs.MindVision;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.hero.Hero;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.hero.HeroClass;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.mobs.Mob;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.mobs.npcs.Blacksmith;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.mobs.npcs.Ghost;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.mobs.npcs.Imp;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.actors.mobs.npcs.Wandmaker;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.Ankh;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.Generator;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.Heap;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.Item;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.artifacts.DriedRose;
import com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.items.potions.Potion;
@ -744,30 +746,45 @@ public class Dungeon {
level.updateFieldOfView(hero, level.heroFOV);
if (hero.buff(MindVision.class) != null || hero.buff(Awareness.class) != null) {
BArray.or( level.visited, level.heroFOV, 0, level.heroFOV.length, level.visited );
} else {
int cx = hero.pos % level.width();
int cy = hero.pos / level.width();
int ax = Math.max( 0, cx - dist );
int bx = Math.min( cx + dist, level.width() - 1 );
int ay = Math.max( 0, cy - dist );
int by = Math.min( cy + dist, level.height() - 1 );
int len = bx - ax + 1;
int pos = ax + ay * level.width();
for (int y = ay; y <= by; y++, pos+=level.width()) {
BArray.or( level.visited, level.heroFOV, pos, len, level.visited );
GameScene.updateFog(ax, ay, len, by-ay);
int x = hero.pos % level.width();
int y = hero.pos / level.width();
//left, right, top, bottom
int l = Math.max( 0, x - dist );
int r = Math.min( x + dist, level.width() - 1 );
int t = Math.max( 0, y - dist );
int b = Math.min( y + dist, level.height() - 1 );
int length = r - l + 1;
int width = t - b + 1;
int pos = l + t * level.width();
for (int i = t; i <= b; i++) {
BArray.or( level.visited, level.heroFOV, pos, length, level.visited );
GameScene.updateFog(l, t, length, width);
if (hero.buff(MindVision.class) != null){
for (Mob m : level.mobs.toArray(new Mob[0])){
BArray.or( level.visited, level.heroFOV, m.pos - 1 - level.width(), 3, level.visited );
BArray.or( level.visited, level.heroFOV, m.pos, 3, level.visited );
BArray.or( level.visited, level.heroFOV, m.pos - 1 + level.width(), 3, level.visited );
//updates adjacent cells too
GameScene.updateFog(m.pos, 2);
if (hero.buff(Awareness.class) != null){
for (Heap h : level.heaps.values()){
BArray.or( level.visited, level.heroFOV, h.pos - 1 - level.width(), 3, level.visited );
BArray.or( level.visited, level.heroFOV, h.pos - 1, 3, level.visited );
BArray.or( level.visited, level.heroFOV, h.pos - 1 + level.width(), 3, level.visited );
GameScene.updateFog(h.pos, 2);
@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ import com.watabou.noosa.audio.Music;
import com.watabou.noosa.audio.Sample;
import com.watabou.noosa.particles.Emitter;
import com.watabou.utils.GameMath;
import com.watabou.utils.PathFinder;
import com.watabou.utils.Random;
import java.io.IOException;
@ -777,7 +776,8 @@ public class GameScene extends PixelScene {
scene.visualGrid.updateMapCell( cell );
scene.terrainFeatures.updateMapCell( cell );
scene.walls.updateMapCell( cell );
updateFog( cell );
//update adjacent cells too
updateFog( cell, 1 );
@ -813,21 +813,11 @@ public class GameScene extends PixelScene {
scene.wallBlocking.updateArea(x, y, w, h);
public static void updateFog( int cell ){
public static void updateFog( int cell, int radius ){
if (scene != null) {
//update in a 3x3 grid to account for neighbours which might also be affected
if (Dungeon.level.insideMap(cell)) {
for (int i : PathFinder.NEIGHBOURS9) {
scene.fog.updateFogCell( cell + i );
scene.wallBlocking.updateMapCell( cell + i );
//unless we're at the level's edge, then just do the one tile.
} else {
scene.fog.updateFogCell( cell );
scene.wallBlocking.updateMapCell( cell );
scene.fog.updateFog( cell, radius );
scene.wallBlocking.updateArea( cell, radius );
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import com.watabou.utils.Rect;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class FogOfWar extends Image {
@ -77,11 +78,19 @@ public class FogOfWar extends Image {
private int width2;
private int height2;
private volatile Rect updated;
private Rect updating;
private volatile ArrayList<Rect> toUpdate;
private volatile ArrayList<Rect> updating;
//should be divisible by 2
private static final int PIX_PER_TILE = 2;
TODO currently the center of each fox pixel is aligned with the inside of a cell
might be possible to create a better fog effect by aligning them with edges of a cell,
similar to the existing fog effect in vanilla (although probably with more precision)
the advantage here is that it may be possible to totally eliminate the tile blocking map
public FogOfWar( int mapWidth, int mapHeight ) {
@ -113,26 +122,47 @@ public class FogOfWar extends Image {
DungeonTilemap.SIZE / PIX_PER_TILE,
DungeonTilemap.SIZE / PIX_PER_TILE);
updated = new Rect(0, 0, mapWidth, mapHeight);
toUpdate = new ArrayList<>();
toUpdate.add(new Rect(0, 0, mapWidth, mapHeight));
public synchronized void updateFog(){
updated.set( 0, 0, mapWidth, mapHeight );
toUpdate.add(new Rect(0, 0, mapWidth, mapHeight));
public synchronized void updateFog(Rect update){
for (Rect r : toUpdate.toArray(new Rect[0])){
if (!r.intersect(update).isEmpty()){
public synchronized void updateFogCell( int cell ){
updateFogArea( cell % mapWidth , cell / mapWidth, 1, 1 );
public synchronized void updateFog( int cell, int radius ){
Rect update = new Rect(
(cell % mapWidth) - radius,
(cell / mapWidth) - radius,
(cell % mapWidth) - radius + 1 + 2*radius,
(cell / mapWidth) - radius + 1 + 2*radius);
update.left = Math.max(0, update.left);
update.top = Math.max(0, update.top);
update.right = Math.min(mapWidth, update.right);
update.bottom = Math.min(mapHeight, update.bottom);
if (update.isEmpty()) return;
updateFog( update );
public synchronized void updateFogArea(int x, int y, int w, int h){
updated.union(x, y);
updated.union(x + w, y + h);
updated = updated.intersect( new Rect(0, 0, mapWidth, mapHeight) );
updateFog(new Rect(x, y, x + w, y + h));
public synchronized void moveToUpdating(){
updating = new Rect(updated);
private synchronized void moveToUpdating(){
updating = toUpdate;
toUpdate = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean[] visible;
@ -147,101 +177,116 @@ public class FogOfWar extends Image {
this.brightness = ShatteredPixelDungeon.brightness() + 2;
boolean fullUpdate = updating.height() == mapHeight && updating.width() == mapWidth;
boolean fullUpdate = false;
if (updating.size() == 1){
Rect update = updating.get(0);
if (update.height() == mapHeight && update.width() == mapWidth){
fullUpdate = true;
FogTexture fog = (FogTexture)texture;
int cell;
int[] colorArray = new int[PIX_PER_TILE*PIX_PER_TILE];
for (int i=updating.top; i < updating.bottom; i++) {
cell = mapWidth * i + updating.left;
for (int j=updating.left; j < updating.right; j++) {
if (cell >= Dungeon.level.length()) continue; //do nothing
if (!Dungeon.level.discoverable[cell]
|| (!visible[cell] && !visited[cell] && !mapped[cell])){
//we skip filling cells here if it isn't a full update
// because they must already be dark
if (fullUpdate)
fillCell(j, i, FOG_COLORS[INVISIBLE][brightness]);
//wall tiles
if (DungeonTileSheet.wallStitcheable(Dungeon.level.map[cell])){
//internal wall tiles
if (cell + mapWidth >= mapLength){
fillCell(j, i, FOG_COLORS[INVISIBLE][brightness]);
} else if (DungeonTileSheet.wallStitcheable(Dungeon.level.map[cell + mapWidth])){
//these tiles need to check both the left and right side, to account for only one half of them being seen
if (cell % mapWidth != 0){
//picks the darkest fog between current tile, left, and below-left(if left is a wall).
if (cell + mapWidth < mapLength && DungeonTileSheet.wallStitcheable(Dungeon.level.map[cell - 1])){
//if below-left is also a wall, then we should be dark no matter what.
if (DungeonTileSheet.wallStitcheable(Dungeon.level.map[cell + mapWidth - 1])){
colorArray[0] = colorArray[2] = FOG_COLORS[INVISIBLE][brightness];
} else {
colorArray[0] = colorArray[2] = FOG_COLORS[Math.max(getCellFog(cell), Math.max(getCellFog(cell + mapWidth - 1), getCellFog(cell - 1)))][brightness];
} else {
colorArray[0] = colorArray[2] = FOG_COLORS[Math.max(getCellFog(cell), getCellFog(cell - 1))][brightness];
} else {
colorArray[0] = colorArray [2] = FOG_COLORS[INVISIBLE][brightness];
if ((cell+1) % mapWidth != 0){
//picks the darkest fog between current tile, right, and below-right(if right is a wall).
if (cell + mapWidth < mapLength && DungeonTileSheet.wallStitcheable(Dungeon.level.map[cell + 1])){
//if below-right is also a wall, then we should be dark no matter what.
if (DungeonTileSheet.wallStitcheable(Dungeon.level.map[cell + mapWidth + 1])){
colorArray[1] = colorArray[3] = FOG_COLORS[INVISIBLE][brightness];
} else {
colorArray[1] = colorArray[3] = FOG_COLORS[Math.max(getCellFog(cell), Math.max(getCellFog(cell + mapWidth + 1), getCellFog(cell + 1)))][brightness];
} else {
colorArray[1] = colorArray[3] =
FOG_COLORS[Math.max(getCellFog(cell), getCellFog(cell + 1))][brightness];
} else {
colorArray[1] = colorArray [3] = FOG_COLORS[INVISIBLE][brightness];
fillCell(j, i, colorArray);
//camera-facing wall tiles
} else {
fillCell(j, i, FOG_COLORS[Math.max(getCellFog(cell), getCellFog(cell + mapWidth))][brightness]);
for (Rect update : updating) {
for (int i = update.top; i <= update.bottom; i++) {
cell = mapWidth * i + update.left;
for (int j = update.left; j <= update.right; j++) {
if (cell >= Dungeon.level.length()) continue; //do nothing
if (!Dungeon.level.discoverable[cell]
|| (!visible[cell] && !visited[cell] && !mapped[cell])) {
//we skip filling cells here if it isn't a full update
// because they must already be dark
if (fullUpdate)
fillCell(j, i, FOG_COLORS[INVISIBLE][brightness]);
//other tiles
} else {
fillCell(j, i, FOG_COLORS[getCellFog(cell)][brightness]);
//wall tiles
if (wall(cell)) {
//always dark if nothing is beneath them
if (cell + mapWidth >= mapLength) {
fillCell(j, i, FOG_COLORS[INVISIBLE][brightness]);
//internal wall tiles, need to check both the left and right side,
// to account for only one half of them being seen
} else if (wall(cell + mapWidth)) {
//left side
if (cell % mapWidth != 0) {
//picks the darkest fog between current tile, left, and below-left(if left is a wall).
if (wall(cell - 1)) {
//if below-left is also a wall, then we should be dark no matter what.
if (wall(cell + mapWidth - 1)) {
fillLeft(j, i, FOG_COLORS[INVISIBLE][brightness]);
} else {
fillLeft(j, i, FOG_COLORS[Math.max(getCellFog(cell), Math.max(getCellFog(cell + mapWidth - 1), getCellFog(cell - 1)))][brightness]);
} else {
fillLeft(j, i, FOG_COLORS[Math.max(getCellFog(cell), getCellFog(cell - 1))][brightness]);
} else {
fillLeft(j, i, FOG_COLORS[INVISIBLE][brightness]);
//right side
if ((cell + 1) % mapWidth != 0) {
//picks the darkest fog between current tile, right, and below-right(if right is a wall).
if (wall(cell + 1)) {
//if below-right is also a wall, then we should be dark no matter what.
if (wall(cell + mapWidth + 1)) {
fillRight(j, i, FOG_COLORS[INVISIBLE][brightness]);
} else {
fillRight(j, i, FOG_COLORS[Math.max(getCellFog(cell), Math.max(getCellFog(cell + mapWidth + 1), getCellFog(cell + 1)))][brightness]);
} else {
fillRight(j, i, FOG_COLORS[Math.max(getCellFog(cell), getCellFog(cell + 1))][brightness]);
} else {
fillRight(j, i, FOG_COLORS[INVISIBLE][brightness]);
//camera-facing wall tiles
//darkest between themselves and the tile below them
} else {
fillCell(j, i, FOG_COLORS[Math.max(getCellFog(cell), getCellFog(cell + mapWidth))][brightness]);
//other tiles, just their direct value
} else {
fillCell(j, i, FOG_COLORS[getCellFog(cell)][brightness]);
if (updating.size() == 1 && !fullUpdate){
fog.update(updating.get(0).top * PIX_PER_TILE, updating.get(0).bottom * PIX_PER_TILE);
} else {
if (updating.width() == mapWidth && updating.height() == mapHeight)
fog.update(updating.top * PIX_PER_TILE, updating.bottom * PIX_PER_TILE);
private boolean wall(int cell) {
return DungeonTileSheet.wallStitcheable(Dungeon.level.map[cell]);
private int getCellFog( int cell ){
@ -256,13 +301,23 @@ public class FogOfWar extends Image {
private void fillCell( int x, int y, int[] colors){
private void fillLeft( int x, int y, int color){
FogTexture fog = (FogTexture)texture;
for (int i = 0; i < PIX_PER_TILE; i++){
fog.pixels.position(((y * PIX_PER_TILE)+i)*width2 + x * PIX_PER_TILE);
for (int j = 0; j < PIX_PER_TILE; j++) {
fog.pixels.put(colors[i*PIX_PER_TILE + j]);
for (int j = 0; j < PIX_PER_TILE/2; j++) {
private void fillRight( int x, int y, int color){
FogTexture fog = (FogTexture)texture;
for (int i = 0; i < PIX_PER_TILE; i++){
fog.pixels.position(((y * PIX_PER_TILE)+i)*width2 + x * PIX_PER_TILE + PIX_PER_TILE/2);
for (int j = PIX_PER_TILE/2; j < PIX_PER_TILE; j++) {
@ -356,9 +411,8 @@ public class FogOfWar extends Image {
public void draw() {
if (!updated.isEmpty()){
if (!toUpdate.isEmpty()){
updateTexture(Dungeon.level.heroFOV, Dungeon.level.visited, Dungeon.level.mapped);
@ -30,11 +30,12 @@ public class WallBlockingTilemap extends Tilemap {
public static final int SIZE = 16;
private static final int CLEARED = -1;
private static final int BLOCK_NONE = 0;
private static final int BLOCK_RIGHT = 1;
private static final int BLOCK_LEFT = 2;
private static final int BLOCK_ALL = 3;
private static final int CLEARED = -2;
private static final int BLOCK_NONE = -1;
private static final int BLOCK_RIGHT = 0;
private static final int BLOCK_LEFT = 1;
private static final int BLOCK_ALL = 2;
private static final int BLOCK_BELOW = 3;
public WallBlockingTilemap() {
super("wall_blocking.png", new TextureFilm( "wall_blocking.png", SIZE, SIZE ) );
@ -45,109 +46,158 @@ public class WallBlockingTilemap extends Tilemap {
public synchronized void updateMap() {
data = new int[size]; //clears all values, including cleared tiles
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
for (int cell = 0; cell < data.length; cell++) {
//force all none-discoverable and border cells to cleared
if (!Dungeon.level.discoverable[cell] ||
data[cell] = CLEARED;
} else {
private int curr;
public synchronized void updateMapCell(int cell) {
int prev = data[cell];
int curr;
//TODO should doors be considered? currently the blocking is a bit permissive around doors
if (prev == CLEARED){
//non-wall tiles
if (!wall(cell)) {
} else if (!Dungeon.level.discoverable[cell]) {
curr = CLEARED;
//handles blocking wall overhang (which is technically on a none wall tile)
} else if (!wall(cell)) {
if (!fogHidden(cell)) {
//clear empty floor tiles and cells which are visible
if (!fogHidden(cell) || !wall(cell + mapWidth)) {
curr = CLEARED;
} else if ( wall(cell + mapWidth) && !fogHidden(cell + mapWidth)
&& fogHidden(cell - 1) && fogHidden(cell + 1)) {
curr = BLOCK_ALL;
//block wall overhang if:
//- The cell below is a wall and visible
//- All of left, below-left, right, below-right is either a wall or hidden
} else if ( !fogHidden(cell + mapWidth)
&& (fogHidden(cell - 1) || wall(cell - 1))
&& (fogHidden(cell + 1) || wall(cell + 1))
&& (fogHidden(cell - 1 + mapWidth) || wall(cell - 1 + mapWidth))
&& (fogHidden(cell + 1 + mapWidth) || wall(cell + 1 + mapWidth))) {
} else {
curr = BLOCK_NONE;
//wall tiles
} else {
if (fogHidden(cell - mapWidth) && fogHidden(cell) && fogHidden(cell + mapWidth)) {
curr = BLOCK_NONE;
//camera-facing wall tiles
if (!wall(cell + mapWidth)) {
//camera-facing wall tiles
} else if (!wall(cell + mapWidth)) {
if (!fogHidden(cell + mapWidth)){
//Block a camera-facing wall if:
//- the cell above, above-left, or above-right is not a wall, visible, and has a wall below
//- none of the remaining 5 neighbour cells are both not a wall and visible
//if all 3 above are wall we can shortcut and just clear the cell
if (wall(cell - 1 - mapWidth) && wall(cell - mapWidth) && wall(cell + 1 - mapWidth)){
curr = CLEARED;
} else if ((cell + 1) % mapWidth != 0 && !fogHidden(cell + 1)
&& !door(cell + 1) && !(wall(cell + 1) && wall(cell + 1 + mapWidth))){
curr = CLEARED;
} else if (cell % mapWidth != 0 && !fogHidden(cell - 1)
&& !door(cell - 1) && !(wall(cell - 1) && wall(cell - 1 + mapWidth))){
curr = CLEARED;
} else if ((!wall(cell - 1 - mapWidth) && !fogHidden(cell - 1 - mapWidth) && wall(cell - 1)) ||
(!wall(cell - mapWidth) && !fogHidden(cell - mapWidth)) ||
(!wall(cell + 1 - mapWidth) && !fogHidden(cell + 1 - mapWidth) && wall(cell+1))){
if ( !fogHidden( cell + mapWidth) ||
(!wall(cell - 1) && !fogHidden(cell - 1)) ||
(!wall(cell - 1 + mapWidth) && !fogHidden(cell - 1 + mapWidth)) ||
(!wall(cell + 1) && !fogHidden(cell + 1)) ||
(!wall(cell + 1 + mapWidth) && !fogHidden(cell + 1 + mapWidth))){
curr = CLEARED;
} else {
curr = BLOCK_ALL;
} else {
curr = BLOCK_ALL;
curr = BLOCK_NONE;
//internal wall tiles
//internal wall tiles
} else {
//Block the side of an internal wall if:
//- the cell above, below, or the cell itself is visible
//and all of the following are NOT true:
//- the top-side neighbour is visible and the side neighbour isn't a wall.
//- the side neighbour is both not a wall and visible
//- the bottom-side neighbour is both not a wall and visible
curr = BLOCK_NONE;
if ((cell + 1) % mapWidth != 0) {
if ((wall(cell + 1) || fogHidden(cell + 1 - mapWidth))
&& fogHidden(cell + 1)
&& (wall(cell + 1 + mapWidth) || fogHidden(cell + 1 + mapWidth))){
if (!fogHidden(cell - mapWidth)
|| !fogHidden(cell)
|| !fogHidden(cell + mapWidth)) {
//right side
if ((!wall(cell + 1) && !fogHidden(cell + 1 - mapWidth)) ||
(!wall(cell + 1) && !fogHidden(cell + 1)) ||
(!wall(cell + 1 + mapWidth) && !fogHidden(cell + 1 + mapWidth))
//do nothing
} else {
curr += 1;
if (cell % mapWidth != 0) {
if ((wall(cell - 1) || fogHidden(cell - 1 - mapWidth))
&& fogHidden(cell - 1)
&& (wall(cell - 1 + mapWidth) || fogHidden(cell - 1 + mapWidth))){
//left side
if ((!wall(cell - 1) && !fogHidden(cell - 1 - mapWidth)) ||
(!wall(cell - 1) && !fogHidden(cell - 1)) ||
(!wall(cell - 1 + mapWidth) && !fogHidden(cell - 1 + mapWidth))
//do nothing
} else {
curr += 2;
if (curr == BLOCK_NONE) {
curr = CLEARED;
if (curr == BLOCK_NONE) {
curr = CLEARED;
if (prev != curr){
if (data[cell] != curr){
data[cell] = curr;
private boolean fogHidden(int cell){
if (cell < 0 || cell >= Dungeon.level.length()) return false;
if (!Dungeon.level.visited[cell] && !Dungeon.level.mapped[cell]) return true;
if (wall(cell) && cell + mapWidth < Dungeon.level.length() && !wall(cell + mapWidth) &&
!Dungeon.level.visited[cell + mapWidth] && !Dungeon.level.mapped[cell + mapWidth])
if (!Dungeon.level.visited[cell] && !Dungeon.level.mapped[cell]) {
return true;
} else if (wall(cell) && !wall(cell + mapWidth) &&
!Dungeon.level.visited[cell + mapWidth] && !Dungeon.level.mapped[cell + mapWidth]) {
return true;
return false;
//for the purposes of wall stitching, tiles below the map count as walls
private boolean wall(int cell) {
return cell >= 0 && (cell >= size || DungeonTileSheet.wallStitcheable(Dungeon.level.map[cell]));
return DungeonTileSheet.wallStitcheable(Dungeon.level.map[cell]);
private boolean door(int cell) {
return cell >= 0 && cell < size && DungeonTileSheet.doorTile(Dungeon.level.map[cell]);
return DungeonTileSheet.doorTile(Dungeon.level.map[cell]);
public synchronized void updateArea(int cell, int radius){
int l = cell%mapWidth - radius;
int t = cell/mapWidth - radius;
int r = cell%mapWidth + radius;
int b = cell/mapWidth + radius;
Math.max(0, l),
Math.max(0, t),
Math.min(mapWidth-1, r - l),
Math.min(mapHeight-1, b - t)
public synchronized void updateArea(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user