diff --git a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/items.properties b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/items.properties
index e0c57c54b..1f17098d4 100644
--- a/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/items.properties
+++ b/core/src/main/assets/messages/items/items.properties
@@ -1222,6 +1222,7 @@ items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=wand of regrowth
 items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=staff of regrowth
 items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=This wand is made from a thin shaft of expertly carved wood. Somehow it is still alive and vibrant, bright green like a young tree's core. "When life ceases new life always begins to grow... The eternal cycle always remains!"
 items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=When used, this wand will blast magical regrowth energy outward in a cone, causing grass, roots, and rare plants to spring to life. Its next zap will consume _%1$d charges_. The more charges the wand uses, the larger and stronger the effect.
+items.wands.wandofregrowth.degradation=After another _%d charges_ this wand will start failing to produce plants and fresh grass. This limit is increased by levelling up or upgrading the wand.
 items.wands.wandofregrowth.bmage_desc=When _the Battlemage_ strikes an enemy with a staff of regrowth, and either are standing on grass, the Battlemage will gain herbal healing in proportion with the damage dealt.
 items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Dewcatchers are wondrous plants that fill themselves with magical dew. They attempt to camouflage as grass to avoid attention, but their bulges of collected dew give them away.
diff --git a/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/items/wands/WandOfRegrowth.java b/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/items/wands/WandOfRegrowth.java
index 598de5552..eb3e558e8 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/items/wands/WandOfRegrowth.java
+++ b/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/items/wands/WandOfRegrowth.java
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ public class WandOfRegrowth extends Wand {
 	private int totChrgUsed = 0;
+	private int chargesOverLimit = 0;
 	ConeAOE cone;
 	int target;
@@ -81,8 +82,10 @@ public class WandOfRegrowth extends Wand {
 		ArrayList<Integer> cells = new ArrayList<>(cone.cells);
-		int overLimit = totChrgUsed - chargeLimit(Dungeon.hero.lvl);
-		float furrowedChance = overLimit > 0 ? (overLimit / (10f + Dungeon.hero.lvl)) : 0;
+		float furrowedChance = 0;
+		if (totChrgUsed >= chargeLimit(Dungeon.hero.lvl)){
+			furrowedChance = (chargesOverLimit+1)/5f;
+		}
 		int chrgUsed = chargesPerCast();
 		int grassToPlace = Math.round((3.67f+buffedLvl()/3f)*chrgUsed);
@@ -175,9 +178,17 @@ public class WandOfRegrowth extends Wand {
-		if (furrowedChance < 1f) {
+		if (totChrgUsed < chargeLimit(Dungeon.hero.lvl)) {
+			chargesOverLimit = 0;
 			totChrgUsed += chrgUsed;
+			if (totChrgUsed > chargeLimit(Dungeon.hero.lvl)){
+				chargesOverLimit = totChrgUsed - chargeLimit(Dungeon.hero.lvl);
+				totChrgUsed = chargeLimit(Dungeon.hero.lvl);
+			}
+		} else {
+			chargesOverLimit += chrgUsed;
 	private int chargeLimit( int heroLvl ){
@@ -254,7 +265,12 @@ public class WandOfRegrowth extends Wand {
 	public String statsDesc() {
-		return Messages.get(this, "stats_desc", chargesPerCast());
+		String desc = Messages.get(this, "stats_desc", chargesPerCast());
+		if (isIdentified()){
+			int chargeLeft = chargeLimit(Dungeon.hero.lvl) - totChrgUsed;
+			if (chargeLeft < 10000) desc += " " + Messages.get(this, "degradation", Math.max(chargeLeft, 0));
+		}
+		return desc;
@@ -270,17 +286,20 @@ public class WandOfRegrowth extends Wand {
 	private static final String TOTAL = "totChrgUsed";
+	private static final String OVER = "chargesOverLimit";
 	public void storeInBundle(Bundle bundle) {
 		bundle.put( TOTAL, totChrgUsed );
+		bundle.put( OVER, chargesOverLimit);
 	public void restoreFromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
 		totChrgUsed = bundle.getInt(TOTAL);
+		chargesOverLimit = bundle.getInt(OVER);
 	public static class Dewcatcher extends Plant{