diff --git a/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/levels/features/Chasm.java b/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/levels/features/Chasm.java
index 042f63edc..50249ce77 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/levels/features/Chasm.java
+++ b/core/src/main/java/com/shatteredpixel/shatteredpixeldungeon/levels/features/Chasm.java
@@ -102,8 +102,11 @@ public class Chasm {
 		Dungeon.level.press( hero.pos, hero );
 		Buff.prolong( hero, Cripple.class, Cripple.DURATION );
-		Buff.affect( hero, Bleeding.class).set( hero.HT / 6 );
-		hero.damage( Random.NormalIntRange( hero.HP / 4, hero.HT / 4 ), new Hero.Doom() {
+		//The lower the hero's HP, the more bleed and the less upfront damage.
+		//Hero has a 50% chance to bleed out at 66% HP, and begins to risk instant-death at 25%
+		Buff.affect( hero, Bleeding.class).set( Math.round(hero.HT / (6f + (6f*(hero.HP/(float)hero.HT)))));
+		hero.damage( Math.max( hero.HP / 2, Random.NormalIntRange( hero.HP / 2, hero.HT / 4 )), new Hero.Doom() {
 			public void onDeath() {