v0.3.5: updated translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ actors.buffs.amok.desc=Amok erzeugt einen Zustand des Zornes und Verwirrung in j
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Deine Haut verhärtet sich und fühlt sich rau und fest an, wie als wäre sie Baumrinde. \n\nDie verhärtete Haut verbessert deine effektive Rüstung, was dir ermöglicht, dich besser gegen physische Angriffe zu schützen. Der Rüstungsbonus verringert sich jede Runde um einen Punkt, bis der Bonus vollständig abklingt. \n\nDeine Rüstungbonus beträgt im Moment %d.
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Deine Haut verhärtet sich und fühlt sich rau und fest an, wie als wäre sie Baumrinde. \n\nDie verhärtete Haut verbessert deine effektive Rüstung, was dir ermöglicht, dich besser gegen physische Angriffe zu schützen. Der Rüstungsbonus verringert sich jede Runde um einen Punkt, bis der Bonus vollständig abklingt. \n\nDeine Rüstungbonus beträgt im Moment %d.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=At the brink of death, fear and uncertainty bleed away, leaving only anger. In this state of near-death the berserker is incredibly powerful, _dealing double damage, gaining bonus shielding, and refusing to die._\n\nThis bonus shielding is stronger the better the berserker's armor, and will slowly deplete over time. When this shielding is reduced to 0, the berserker will give in and die.\n\nAny form of healing will return the berserker to stability, but he will be exhausted. While exhausted, the berserker will suffer a large reduction in damage for a short time, and then will need to gain experience before being able to berserk again.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=At the brink of death, fear and uncertainty bleed away, leaving only anger. In this state of near-death the berserker is incredibly powerful, _dealing double damage, gaining bonus shielding, and refusing to die._\n\nThis bonus shielding is stronger the better the berserker's armor, and will slowly deplete over time. When this shielding is reduced to 0, the berserker will give in and die.\n\nAny form of healing will return the berserker to stability, but he will be exhausted. While exhausted, the berserker will suffer a large reduction in damage for a short time, and then will need to gain experience before being able to berserk again.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining\: %d\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining\: %d\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Nicht eingefroren, aber trotzdem recht kalt. \n\nUnterk
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d Hit-Combo\!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d Hit-Combo\!
actors.butts.combo.bad_target=You must target an enemy in attack range.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Du musst einen Gegner in Angriffsweite auswählen.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Select a target to Clobber\nStuns and knocks back
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Select a target to Clobber\nStuns and knocks back
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ is currently available. This attack _knocks an enemy back and stuns them,_ but deals reduced damage. It's excellent for buying a little time during a fight.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ is currently available. This attack _knocks an enemy back and stuns them,_ but deals reduced damage. It's excellent for buying a little time during a fight.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Select a target to Cleave\nIf it kills, preserves combo
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Select a target to Cleave\nIf it kills, preserves combo
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Select a target to Crush\nDeals lots of damage
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Crush_ is currently available. This devastating attack _deals massive damage very consistently._ It's great for taking down a powerful opponent from high health\!
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Crush_ is currently available. This devastating attack _deals massive damage very consistently._ It's great for taking down a powerful opponent from high health\!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Unload fury on which enemy?\nAttacks many times rapidly
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Unload fury on which enemy?\nAttacks many times rapidly
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fury_ is currently available. This devastating attack _hits as many times as your current combo count,_ albeit at reduced damage. Fury is great if you have a weapon enchant, as the enchant will activate on each hit\!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fury_ is currently available. This devastating attack _hits as many times as your current combo count,_ albeit at reduced damage. Fury is great if you have a weapon enchant, as the enchant will activate on each hit\!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each blow increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long to attack, missing more than once, or using items will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities\: powerful attacks that cannot miss\! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Der Gladiator baut Schwung auf, indem er erfolgreiche Treffer landet. Jeder Treffer erhöht den Combo-Zähler um eins, aber wenn man zu lange für einen Angriff braucht, mehr als einmal den Gegner verfehlt oder einen Gegenstand benutzt, wird der Zähler auf 0 zurückgesetzt. \n\nAufgebaute Combos schalten spezielle Finisher Fähigkeiten frei\: Starke Angriffe, die ihr Ziel nicht verfehlen werden\! Unterschiedliche Finisher sind bei einem Combozähler von 2, 4, 6, 8 und 10 verfügbar und ihre Verwendung setzt den Zähler auf 0 zurück.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korruption sickert in die Essenz der Seele und verdreht die ehemalige Persönlichkeit.\n\nKorrumpierte Kreaturen attackieren und behindern ihre Verbündeten und ignorieren ihre ehemaligen Gegner. Korruption fügt stetig Schaden zu; bis sein Opfer ihr unterliegt.\n\nKorruption klingt nicht ab. Nur der Tod beendet diesen Effekt.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korruption sickert in die Essenz der Seele und verdreht die ehemalige Persönlichkeit.\n\nKorrumpierte Kreaturen attackieren und behindern ihre Verbündeten und ignorieren ihre ehemaligen Gegner. Korruption fügt stetig Schaden zu; bis sein Opfer ihr unterliegt.\n\nKorruption klingt nicht ab. Nur der Tod beendet diesen Effekt.
@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=Die Schmerzen helfen dir deinem Drang nach Schlaf z
actors.hero.hero.revive=Das Anch explodiert mit lebenspendender Energie\!
actors.hero.hero.revive=Das Anch explodiert mit lebenspendender Energie\!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=The Warrior starts with a broken sigil which he can affix to armor.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=Der Krieger beginnt mit einem zerbrochenen Siegel, das er an seiner Rüstung anbringen kann.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=The Warrior will slowly generate a shield while he is wearing armor with the sigil affixed.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=Der Krieger baut langsam einen Schild auf, während er die Rüstung mit dem angebrachten Siegel trägt.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=The sigil can be moved between armor, carrying a single upgrade with it.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=Das Siegel kann von einer Rüstung zur anderen verlegt werden und so eine Aufwertungsstufe mit nehmen.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Jedes Stück Nahrung stellt ein wenig Gesundheit her, wenn es verzehrt wird.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Jedes Stück Nahrung stellt ein wenig Gesundheit her, wenn es verzehrt wird.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are identified from the beginning.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Heiltränke werden von Anfang an identifiziert.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=Der Magier startet mit einem einzigartigen Stab, der sich mit den Kräften eines anderen Zauberstabes vereinigen kann.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=Der Magier startet mit einem einzigartigen Stab, der sich mit den Kräften eines anderen Zauberstabes vereinigen kann.
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk6=Schriftrollen der Magischen Kartierung sind vo
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=Die Jägerin startet mit einem einzigartigen, aufwertbaren Bumerang.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=Die Jägerin startet mit einem einzigartigen, aufwertbaren Bumerang.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=Die Jägerin ist geübt im Umgang mit Fernkampfwaffen, was ihr erlaubt, mit jedem überschüssigen Stärkepunkt mehr Schaden anzurichten.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=Die Jägerin ist geübt im Umgang mit Fernkampfwaffen, was ihr erlaubt, mit jedem überschüssigen Stärkepunkt mehr Schaden anzurichten.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress has a chance to recover a single used missile weapon from each enemy.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=Die Jägerin hat die Chance eine benutzte Fernkampfwaffe von jedem Gegner zurück zu erhalten.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=Die Jägerin spührt die Anwesenheit von umliegenen Monstern, selbst wenn diese sich hinter Hindernisse (wie Wände) verstecken.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=Die Jägerin spührt die Anwesenheit von umliegenen Monstern, selbst wenn diese sich hinter Hindernisse (wie Wände) verstecken.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Tränke der Übersinnlichen Wahrnehmung sind von Beginn an identifiziert.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Tränke der Übersinnlichen Wahrnehmung sind von Beginn an identifiziert.
@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ actors.buffs.amok.desc=Frenesí causa un estado de gran furia y confusión en el
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Piel robliza
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Piel robliza
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Tu piel se ha endurecido, se siente solida y rugosa como la corteza de un arbol. La piel endurecida incrementa tu armadura permitiendo una mejor defensa contra los ataques fisicos. El bono de armadura se reduce un punto por turno hasta que se agota. Incremento actual de armadura\: %d.
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Tu piel se ha endurecido, se siente solida y rugosa como la corteza de un arbol. La piel endurecida incrementa tu armadura permitiendo una mejor defensa contra los ataques fisicos. El bono de armadura se reduce un punto por turno hasta que se agota. Incremento actual de armadura\: %d.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=La gravedad de las heridas del berserker fortalecen sus golpes. Cuanto menor es la salud del berserker, mayor será la bonificación del que va a causar. Esta bonificación es mayor cuando el berserker está cerca de la muerte.\n\nCuando el berserker llega a 0 PS y lleva su sello, entran en frenesí y se _niegan a morir_ por un corto tiempo.\n\nDaño actual\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=At the brink of death, fear and uncertainty bleed away, leaving only anger. In this state of near-death the berserker is incredibly powerful, _dealing double damage, gaining bonus shielding, and refusing to die._\n\nThis bonus shielding is stronger the better the berserker's armor, and will slowly deplete over time. When this shielding is reduced to 0, the berserker will give in and die.\n\nAny form of healing will return the berserker to stability, but he will be exhausted. While exhausted, the berserker will suffer a large reduction in damage for a short time, and then will need to gain experience before being able to berserk again.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Al borde de la muerte, el miedo y la incertidumbre al limite, dejando sólo la ira. En este estado de casi muerte, el Berserker es increíblemente poderoso, _dobla el daño, gana bonificación de blindaje y se niega a morir._\n\nEsta bonificación de blindaje es mayor que la mejor armadura del berserker y se agota lentamente con el tiempo. Cuando esta protección se reduce a 0, el berserker cede y muere.\n\nCualquier curación devolverá la estabilidad al berseker, pero este se agotará. Mientras este agotado, el berserker sufrirá una gran reducción de daños por un corto tiempo, y luego tendrá que reunir experiencia para poder entrar en frenesí.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining\: %d\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=La fuerza interior tiene sus límites. El berserker se agota, debilitándolo y siendo incapaz de reunir rabia.\n\nEn este estado se reduce significativamente el daño y morirá inmediatamente al llegar a 0 de salud.\n\nTurnos restantes de agotamiento\: %d\nDaño actual\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nLevels until recovered\: %.2f\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=La fuerza interior tiene sus límites. El berserker debe descansar antes de usar su rabia otra vez.\n\nMientras se recupera el berseker aun causa daño adicional, pero morirá al llegar 0 de salud.\n\nNiveles faltantes para recuperarse\: %.2f\nDaño actual\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Berserked to Death
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=El Berseker a muerto
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Te has desangrado hasta morir...
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Te has desangrado hasta morir...
@ -76,18 +76,18 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=No del todo congelado, pero demasiado frío.\n\nPersonaj
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d golpes\!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d golpes\!
actors.butts.combo.bad_target=You must target an enemy in attack range.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Debes de apuntar a un enemigo en el rango de ataque
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Select a target to Clobber\nStuns and knocks back
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Select a target to Clobber\nStuns and knocks back
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ is currently available. This attack _knocks an enemy back and stuns them,_ but deals reduced damage. It's excellent for buying a little time during a fight.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque _hace retroceder un enemigo y les aturde,_ pero reduce el daño. Es excelente para conseguir un poco de tiempo durante una pelea.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Select a target to Cleave\nIf it kills, preserves combo
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Select a target to Cleave\nIf it kills, preserves combo
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Cleave_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _if it kills an enemy, it will increase combo instead of resetting it._ It's great for building combo when fighting multiple enemies.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Cleave_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _if it kills an enemy, it will increase combo instead of resetting it._ It's great for building combo when fighting multiple enemies.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields you based on damage
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields you based on damage
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _grants you shielding_ proportional to the damage you deal. It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _grants you shielding_ proportional to the damage you deal. It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Select a target to Crush\nDeals lots of damage
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo para aplastarlo\nRealiza una gran cantidad de daño
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Crush_ is currently available. This devastating attack _deals massive damage very consistently._ It's great for taking down a powerful opponent from high health\!
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Aplastar_ está disponible actualmente. Este devastador ataque _produce una gran cantidad de daño de forma consistente._ Es muy efectivo para acabar con un oponente con gran cantidad de salud.
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Unload fury on which enemy?\nAttacks many times rapidly
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=¿En qué enemigo quieres descargar tu furia?\nAtaca varias veces rápidamente al objetivo.
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fury_ is currently available. This devastating attack _hits as many times as your current combo count,_ albeit at reduced damage. Fury is great if you have a weapon enchant, as the enchant will activate on each hit\!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Furia_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque devastador _golpea tantas veces como tu contador de combo actual,_ aunque a costa de un menor daño. La furia es especialmente efectiva si tienes un arma encantada, ya que el encantamiento se activará en cada golpe.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each blow increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long to attack, missing more than once, or using items will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities\: powerful attacks that cannot miss\! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=El gladiador gana impulso conectando varios golpes exitosos. Cada golpe aumenta el contador del combo en uno, pero cuando se tarda demasiado tiempo para atacar, falla más de una vez, o usa algun elemento se restablecerá el contador de combo a 0.\n\nCrear combos desbloquea habilidades finales especiales\: ataques de gran alcance que no pueden fallar\! Las diferentes habilidades finles están disponible a los 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 puntos de combo, y el uso de uno de estos reiniciaran el contador del combo.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corrupción se filtra dentro de la esencia de un ser, retorciéndolo contra su previa naturaleza. \n\nCriaturas corruptas atacarán y agravarán a sus aliados e ignorando a los enemigos anteriores. La corrupción también es dañina, y lentamente causará que su objetivo sucumba.\n\nLa corrupción es permanente, sus efectos solo cesan en la muerte.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corrupción se filtra dentro de la esencia de un ser, retorciéndolo contra su previa naturaleza. \n\nCriaturas corruptas atacarán y agravarán a sus aliados e ignorando a los enemigos anteriores. La corrupción también es dañina, y lentamente causará que su objetivo sucumba.\n\nLa corrupción es permanente, sus efectos solo cesan en la muerte.
@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=El dolor te ayuda a resistir la urgencia por dormir
actors.hero.hero.revive=El ankh explota con energía revitalizante\!
actors.hero.hero.revive=El ankh explota con energía revitalizante\!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=The Warrior starts with a broken sigil which he can affix to armor.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=El guerrero comienza con un sello roto que puede fijar en su armadura.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=The Warrior will slowly generate a shield while he is wearing armor with the sigil affixed.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=El guerrero generará lentamente un escudo mientras tenga un sello fijado en su armadura.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=The sigil can be moved between armor, carrying a single upgrade with it.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=Los sellos pueden moverse entre armaduras, que lleven una sola actualización de la misma.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Cualquier trozo de comida restaura algo de vida cuando se come.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Cualquier trozo de comida restaura algo de vida cuando se come.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are identified from the beginning.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Las pociones de salud están identificadas desde el principio.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=El Mago comienza con un Bastón único, el cual puede ser imbuido con las propiedades de una varita.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=El Mago comienza con un Bastón único, el cual puede ser imbuido con las propiedades de una varita.
@ -243,14 +243,14 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk6=Los Pergaminos de Ubicación Mágica son ident
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=La Cazadora comienza con un búmeran único mejorable.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=La Cazadora comienza con un búmeran único mejorable.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=La Cazadora es mas hábil con las armas de proyectiles, teniendo un bono de daño por exceso de fuerza.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=La Cazadora es mas hábil con las armas de proyectiles, teniendo un bono de daño por exceso de fuerza.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress has a chance to recover a single used missile weapon from each enemy.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=La cazadora tiene la probabilidad de recuperar un proyectil lanzado a un enemigo.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=La Cazadora puede sentir a los enemigos cercanos, aun cuando esten ocultos detras de obstaculos.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=La Cazadora puede sentir a los enemigos cercanos, aun cuando esten ocultos detras de obstaculos.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Las pociones de Vision Mental estan identificadas desde el comienzo.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Las pociones de Vision Mental estan identificadas desde el comienzo.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Un ataque exitoso con un arma de cercana distancia permite al _Gladiador_ comenzar un combo, en el cual cada ataque exitoso inflige más daño que el anterior.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Un ataque exitoso con un arma de cercana distancia permite al _Gladiador_ comenzar un combo, en el cual cada ataque exitoso inflige más daño que el anterior.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ deals bonus damage scaling with the severity of his wounds. When reduced to 0 health, he will _refuse to die_ for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=El _Berserker_ obtiene un bono de daño que incrementa con la gravedad de sus heridas. Cuando se reduce a 0 la salud, el puede _negarse a morir_ por un corto tiempo, a cambio de agotamiento.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Cuando usas varitas en un enemigo, el _Brujo_ tiene oportunidad de marcar su alma. Enemigos marcados podrían restaurar tu vida y comida cuando ellos toman daño físico.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Cuando usas varitas en un enemigo, el _Brujo_ tiene oportunidad de marcar su alma. Enemigos marcados podrían restaurar tu vida y comida cuando ellos toman daño físico.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mago de batalla
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mago de batalla
@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ actors.buffs.amok.desc=La folie furieuse fait entrer sa cible dans un état de r
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Peau d'écorce
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Peau d'écorce
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Votre peau est durcie, elle semble rugueuse et solide comme de l'écorce.\n\nLa peau durcie augmente l'effectivité de l'armure, améliorant votre défense contre les attaques physiques. Le bonus d'armure baissera d'un point à chaque tour jusqu'à ce qu'il expire.\n\nVotre armure est actuellement améliorée de \: %d.
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Votre peau est durcie, elle semble rugueuse et solide comme de l'écorce.\n\nLa peau durcie augmente l'effectivité de l'armure, améliorant votre défense contre les attaques physiques. Le bonus d'armure baissera d'un point à chaque tour jusqu'à ce qu'il expire.\n\nVotre armure est actuellement améliorée de \: %d.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered=En colère
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=La gravité des blessures du berserker renforce ses coups. Plus sa santé est basse, plus il aura de bonus aux dégâts. Ce bonus est significativement augmenté lorsque le berserker est proche de la mort. \n\nLorsque sa santé tombe à 0 point de vie et s'il porte son sceau, il deviendra berserk et _refusera de mourir_ pour un court moment. \n\nDégâts actuels \: %2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=At the brink of death, fear and uncertainty bleed away, leaving only anger. In this state of near-death the berserker is incredibly powerful, _dealing double damage, gaining bonus shielding, and refusing to die._\n\nThis bonus shielding is stronger the better the berserker's armor, and will slowly deplete over time. When this shielding is reduced to 0, the berserker will give in and die.\n\nAny form of healing will return the berserker to stability, but he will be exhausted. While exhausted, the berserker will suffer a large reduction in damage for a short time, and then will need to gain experience before being able to berserk again.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Aux portes de la mort, la peur et l'incertitude son lavées par le sang, ne laissant que la rage. Dans cet état proche de la mort le berserker est incroyablement puissant, _ il inflige le double de dégâts, gagne un bonus de bouclier et refuse de mourir._\n\nPlus l'amure portée est puissante, plus le bonus de bouclier est important. Ce bonus diminue peu à peu. Lorsqu'il arrive à 0, le berserk abandonne et meurt. \n\nToute forme de soin calmera le berserker, mais il sera épuisé. Tant qu'il est épuisé les dégâts du berserker sont diminués sur une courte période. Il devra gagner de l'expérience pour pouvoir redevenir berserk.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining\: %d\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=La force intérieure a ses limites. Le berserker est épuisé, il est affaibli et incapable de s'enrager.\n\nDans cet état, le Berserker inflige des dégâts considérablement réduits et il mourra à 0 de santé. \n\nTours d'épuisement restant \: %d\nDégâts actuels \: %2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nLevels until recovered\: %.2f\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=La force intérieure a ses limites. Le berserker doit se reposer avant de se mettre de nouveau en rage.\n\nTant qu'il récupère, le Berserker profite toujours de ses bonus aux dégâts, mais il mourra à 0 de santé. \n\nNiveau avant d'être reposé \: %2f\nDégâts actuels \: %2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Berserked to Death
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Enragé jusqu'à la mort
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Vous avez saigné à mort...
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Vous avez saigné à mort...
@ -76,18 +76,18 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Pas encore gelé, mais vraiment très froid.\n\nLes cibl
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d coups \!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d coups \!
actors.butts.combo.bad_target=You must target an enemy in attack range.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Vous devez cibler un ennemi dans la portée de votre arme.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Select a target to Clobber\nStuns and knocks back
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Choisissez une cible à matraquer\nÉtourdit et repousse
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ is currently available. This attack _knocks an enemy back and stuns them,_ but deals reduced damage. It's excellent for buying a little time during a fight.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=Le _Matraquage_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque _étourdit un ennemi et le repousse_ mais inflige des dégâts réduits. Une attaque idéale pour gagner un peu de temps en combat.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Select a target to Cleave\nIf it kills, preserves combo
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Sélectionnez une cible à trancher\nSi elle meurt le combo est préservé
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Cleave_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _if it kills an enemy, it will increase combo instead of resetting it._ It's great for building combo when fighting multiple enemies.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Trancher_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque inflige des dégâts augmentés et _si la cible est tuée, elle augmentera le combo au lieu de le réinitialiser_. Une attaque idéale lors de combat contre de nombreux ennemis.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields you based on damage
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Sélectionnez une cible à démolir\nVous protège en fonction des dégâts
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _grants you shielding_ proportional to the damage you deal. It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=La _Démolition_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque inflige des dégâts augmentés et _vous procure un bouclier_ proportionnel aux dégâts infligés. Une attaque idéale pour finir un combat vous permettant de bénéficier de votre bouclier pour le prochain combat.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Select a target to Crush\nDeals lots of damage
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Sélectionnez une cible à écraser\nInflige beaucoup de dégâts
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Crush_ is currently available. This devastating attack _deals massive damage very consistently._ It's great for taking down a powerful opponent from high health\!
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=L' _Écrasement_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque dévastatrice _inflige des dégâts considérablement augmentés_. Une attaque idéale pour diminuer rapidement la santé d'un ennemi puissant \!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Unload fury on which enemy?\nAttacks many times rapidly
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Décharger votre fureur sur quel ennemi ? \nNombreuses attaques successives
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fury_ is currently available. This devastating attack _hits as many times as your current combo count,_ albeit at reduced damage. Fury is great if you have a weapon enchant, as the enchant will activate on each hit\!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=La _Fureur_ est maintenant disponible. Cette capacité destructrice _vous permet d'attaquer un nombre de fois égal à votre compteur de combo_, bien qu'avec des dégâts réduits. La fureur est excellente si vous avez une arme enchantée, l'enchantement se déclenchant à chaque coup \!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each blow increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long to attack, missing more than once, or using items will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities\: powerful attacks that cannot miss\! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Le gladiateur renforce ses coups au fur et à mesure de ses frappes réussies. Chaque coup augmente le compteur de combo de 1. Rater une attaque, utiliser un objet ou attendre trop longtemps entre deux coups réinitialise ce compteur à zéro.\n\nAugmenter le combo permet d'utiliser des coups spéciaux \: de puissantes attaques qui ne peuvent rater \! Un coup spécial est disponible à chaque 2, 4, 6, 8 et 10 du compteur de combo. Utiliser un coup spécial réinitialise le compteur.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corruption s'infiltre dans l'essence-même d'un être, le détournant de sa nature première.\n\nLes créatures corrompues attaqueront leurs anciens alliés, et ignoreront leur ennemis. La corruption inflige également des dégâts et conduira doucement la cible à la mort.\n\nLa corruption est permanente, son effet ne cesse qu'à la mort.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corruption s'infiltre dans l'essence-même d'un être, le détournant de sa nature première.\n\nLes créatures corrompues attaqueront leurs anciens alliés, et ignoreront leur ennemis. La corruption inflige également des dégâts et conduira doucement la cible à la mort.\n\nLa corruption est permanente, son effet ne cesse qu'à la mort.
@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=La douleur vous empêche de succomber à l'envie de
actors.hero.hero.revive=L'ankh explose d'énergie donnant de la vie \!
actors.hero.hero.revive=L'ankh explose d'énergie donnant de la vie \!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=The Warrior starts with a broken sigil which he can affix to armor.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=Le guerrier débute avec un sceau brisé qu'il peut fixer à son armure.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=The Warrior will slowly generate a shield while he is wearing armor with the sigil affixed.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=Tant que le guerrier porte une armure sur laquelle le sceau est fixé, il génère lentement un bouclier.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=The sigil can be moved between armor, carrying a single upgrade with it.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=Le sceau peut être transféré entre des armures, en gardant une seule amélioration avec lui.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=N'importe quelle nourriture restaure de la santé quand vous la mangez.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=N'importe quelle nourriture restaure de la santé quand vous la mangez.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are identified from the beginning.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Les potions de soin sont identifées dès le début.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=Le Mage débute avec un Bâton spécial qui pourra être imprégné avec les propriétés d'une baguette.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=Le Mage débute avec un Bâton spécial qui pourra être imprégné avec les propriétés d'une baguette.
@ -243,14 +243,14 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk6=Les parchemins de Cartographie Magique sont id
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=La Chasseresse débute avec un boomerang unique et améliorable.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=La Chasseresse débute avec un boomerang unique et améliorable.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=La Chasseresse est experte avec les armes de jet, gagnant un bonus aux dommages par son excès de force.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=La Chasseresse est experte avec les armes de jet, gagnant un bonus aux dommages par son excès de force.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress has a chance to recover a single used missile weapon from each enemy.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=La chasseresse a des chances de récupérer une seule arme de jet utilisée sur chacun de ses ennemis.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=La Chasseresse sent la présence des ennemis proches, même s'ils sont cachés derrière des obstacles.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=La Chasseresse sent la présence des ennemis proches, même s'ils sont cachés derrière des obstacles.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Les potions de Vision Spirituelle sont identifiées dès le début.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Les potions de Vision Spirituelle sont identifiées dès le début.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Chaque attaque réussie du _gladiateur_ avec une arme de mêlée démarre un combo, qui augmente les dégâts avec chaque attaque réussie successive.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Chaque attaque réussie du _gladiateur_ avec une arme de mêlée démarre un combo, qui augmente les dégâts avec chaque attaque réussie successive.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ deals bonus damage scaling with the severity of his wounds. When reduced to 0 health, he will _refuse to die_ for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=Le _Berserker_ inflige des dégâts en rapport avec la gravité de ses blessures. A 0 de santé, il _refusera de mourir_ pour un court instant, au prix d'un épuisement.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=En utilisant une baguette sur un ennemi, le _Sorcier_ a une chance de marquer son âme. Les ennemis marqués lui redonnent de la santé et diminuent sa faim dès qu'ils subissent des dégâts physiques.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=En utilisant une baguette sur un ennemi, le _Sorcier_ a une chance de marquer son âme. Les ennemis marqués lui redonnent de la santé et diminuent sa faim dès qu'ils subissent des dégâts physiques.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mage de guerre
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mage de guerre
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Még nem fagyás, de elég erős hideg.\n\nA megdermedt
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d ütéses kombó\!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d ütéses kombó\!
actors.butts.combo.bad_target=You must target an enemy in attack range.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=You must target an enemy in attack range.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Select a target to Clobber\nStuns and knocks back
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Select a target to Clobber\nStuns and knocks back
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ is currently available. This attack _knocks an enemy back and stuns them,_ but deals reduced damage. It's excellent for buying a little time during a fight.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ is currently available. This attack _knocks an enemy back and stuns them,_ but deals reduced damage. It's excellent for buying a little time during a fight.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Select a target to Cleave\nIf it kills, preserves combo
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Select a target to Cleave\nIf it kills, preserves combo
@ -219,9 +219,9 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=A fájdalom segít, hogy ellenállj az álmosságna
actors.hero.hero.revive=Az ankh életadó energiával robban szét\!
actors.hero.hero.revive=Az ankh életadó energiával robban szét\!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=The Warrior starts with a broken sigil which he can affix to armor.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=The Warrior starts with a broken seal which he can affix to armor.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=The Warrior will slowly generate a shield while he is wearing armor with the sigil affixed.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=The Warrior will slowly generate a shield while he is wearing armor with the seal affixed.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=The sigil can be moved between armor, carrying a single upgrade with it.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=The seal can be moved between armor, carrying a single upgrade with it.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Minden étel gyógyít valamennyit, amikor elfogyasztod.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Minden étel gyógyít valamennyit, amikor elfogyasztod.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are identified from the beginning.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are identified from the beginning.
@ -336,9 +336,9 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_rogue=Jóságos ég, megijesztettél\! Nem tal
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_mage=Ó, üdv %s\! Hallom kis kalamajka volt veled és a varázslóiskolával? De hagyjuk, sosem szerettem ezeket a begyepesedett helyeket. Lenne egy feladatom számodra, ha benne vagy.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_mage=Ó, üdv %s\! Hallom kis kalamajka volt veled és a varázslóiskolával? De hagyjuk, sosem szerettem ezeket a begyepesedett helyeket. Lenne egy feladatom számodra, ha benne vagy.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_huntress=Ó, üdv, kisasszony\! Kellemes meglepetés egy barátságos arcot látni idelenn, nem igaz? Valójában meg mernék esküdni rá, hogy én láttam már a te arcodat, de meg nem tudnám mondani, hol... De hagyjuk, ha kalandért jöttél, lenne egy feladatom a számodra.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_huntress=Ó, üdv, kisasszony\! Kellemes meglepetés egy barátságos arcot látni idelenn, nem igaz? Valójában meg mernék esküdni rá, hogy én láttam már a te arcodat, de meg nem tudnám mondani, hol... De hagyjuk, ha kalandért jöttél, lenne egy feladatom a számodra.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\nEgy varázspálcához szükséges ritka hozzávalóért jöttem ide, de eltévedtem, és a varázspajzsom gyengül. Hamarosan távoznom kell, de nem tudnék elmenni úgy, hogy meg ne szerezzem, amiért idejöttem.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\nEgy varázspálcához szükséges ritka hozzávalóért jöttem ide, de eltévedtem, és a varázspajzsom gyengül. Hamarosan távoznom kell, de nem tudnék elmenni úgy, hogy meg ne szerezzem, amiért idejöttem.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=Egy kis _hullaport_ keresek. Ez egy különleges fajta átkozott csontliszt, amely általában ilyen helyeken fordul elő mint ez. Valahol itt kell lennie egy eltorlaszolt helynek, biztos vagyok benne, hogy ott van ilyen por. De légy óvatos, a porban lévő átok meglehetősen erős\: _siess vele hozzám, ahogy csak tudsz_, és én megtisztítlak tőle.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=Egy kis _hullaport_ keresek. Ez egy különleges fajta átkozott csontliszt, amely általában ilyen helyeken fordul elő mint ez. Valahol itt kell lennie egy eltorlaszolt helynek, biztos vagyok benne, hogy ott van ilyen por. De légy óvatos, a porban lévő átok meglehetősen erős\: _siess vele hozzám, ahogy csak tudsz,_ és én megtisztítlak tőle.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_ember=Egy újszülött tűzelementálból való _friss szenet_ keresek. Elementálok akkor bukkannak fel, amikor egy megidéző varázslatnál nincs megfelelő irányítás, szóval csak keress néhány gyertyát és egy szertartási helyet, biztosan elő tudsz ugrasztani egyet. Azért jó, ha _kéznél tartasz valami fagyasztó eszközt_, mert bár az elementálok nagyon erősek, a jég elég könnyen lenyomja őket.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_ember=Egy újszülött tűzelementálból való _friss szenet_ keresek. Elementálok akkor bukkannak fel, amikor egy megidéző varázslatnál nincs megfelelő irányítás, szóval csak keress néhány gyertyát és egy szertartási helyet, biztosan elő tudsz ugrasztani egyet. Azért jó, ha _kéznél tartasz valami fagyasztó eszközt,_ mert bár az elementálok nagyon erősek, a jég elég könnyen lenyomja őket.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_berry=Ennek a börtönnek a régi vadőre gondozott egy _málóbogyó növényt,_ és én ennek a magját keresem. Valószínűleg a növény azóta elvadult, úgyhogy a mag megszerzése nem olyan egyszerű. A kertje valahol a környéken lehet. Ha szeretnéd egy darabban megúszni, igyekezz _távol maradni az indás ostoraitól_, Csábító ötletnek tűnhet tüzet használni, de kérlek, ne tedd\: megölöd vele a növényt és tönkre teszed a magjait is.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_berry=Ennek a börtönnek a régi vadőre gondozott egy _málóbogyó növényt,_ és én ennek a magját keresem. Valószínűleg a növény azóta elvadult, úgyhogy a mag megszerzése nem olyan egyszerű. A kertje valahol a környéken lehet. Ha szeretnéd egy darabban megúszni, igyekezz _távol maradni az indás ostoraitól,_ Csábító ötletnek tűnhet tüzet használni, de kérlek, ne tedd\: megölöd vele a növényt és tönkre teszed a magjait is.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_2=\n\nHa ezt megszerzed nekem, fizetségül örömmel neked adom egy szépen megmunkált varázspálcámat\! Kettőt hoztam magammal, vidd el, amelyik jobban tetszik.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_2=\n\nHa ezt megszerzed nekem, fizetségül örömmel neked adom egy szépen megmunkált varázspálcámat\! Kettőt hoztam magammal, vidd el, amelyik jobban tetszik.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_dust=Mi a helyzet a hullaporral, %s? Keresd a barikádot.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_dust=Mi a helyzet a hullaporral, %s? Keresd a barikádot.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_ember=Mi a helyzet azzal a parázzsal, %s? Keresned kell négy gyertyát és a szertartás helyét.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_ember=Mi a helyzet azzal a parázzsal, %s? Keresned kell négy gyertyát és a szertartás helyét.
@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ actors.buffs.amok.desc=La frenesia provoca uno stato di grande rabbia e confusio
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Pelle coriacea
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Pelle coriacea
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=La tua pelle è indurita, la senti ruvida e dura come una corteccia.\n\nLa pelle indurita aumenta l'efficienza dell'armatura, permettendoti di difenderti meglio contro gli attacchi fisici. Il bonus armatura diminuirà di un punto per ogni turno finché non svanisce.\n\nLa tua armatura al momento è incrementata di\: %d.
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=La tua pelle è indurita, la senti ruvida e dura come una corteccia.\n\nLa pelle indurita aumenta l'efficienza dell'armatura, permettendoti di difenderti meglio contro gli attacchi fisici. Il bonus armatura diminuirà di un punto per ogni turno finché non svanisce.\n\nLa tua armatura al momento è incrementata di\: %d.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=La gravità delle ferite del berserker rafforza i suoi colpi. Più bassa è la salute del berserker, più danno aggiuntivo arrecherà. Il bonus è sensibilmente più forte quando il berserker è vicino alla morte.\n\nQuando il berserker è portato a 0 hp ed indossa il sigillo, andrà in berserk _rifiutandosi di morire_ per un breve periodo.\n\nDanno attuale\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=At the brink of death, fear and uncertainty bleed away, leaving only anger. In this state of near-death the berserker is incredibly powerful, _dealing double damage, gaining bonus shielding, and refusing to die._\n\nThis bonus shielding is stronger the better the berserker's armor, and will slowly deplete over time. When this shielding is reduced to 0, the berserker will give in and die.\n\nAny form of healing will return the berserker to stability, but he will be exhausted. While exhausted, the berserker will suffer a large reduction in damage for a short time, and then will need to gain experience before being able to berserk again.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=In punto di morte, paura ed incertezza svaniranno, lasciando solo rabbia. In questo stato di quasi morte il berserker è incredibilmente potente, _arrecando danno doppio, acquisendo scudo bonus e rifiutando di morire_.\n\nQuesto scudo bonus è più forte tanto migliore è l'armatura del berserker, e si esaurirà lentamente nel tempo. Quando questo scudo è ridotto a 0, il berserker si arrenderà e morirà.\n\nOgni forma di cura riporterà il berserker allo stato stabile, ma sarà sfinito. Mentre è sfinito, il berserker soffrirà di una grande riduzione in danno per un breve periodo, ed in seguito avrà bisogno di acquisire esperienza prima di essere in grado di entrare in berserk ancora.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining\: %d\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=La forza interiore ha i suoi limiti. Il berserker è sfinito, indebolitoi e reso incapace di arrabbiarsi.\n\nIn questo stato il berserker arreca danno sensibilmente ridotto, e morirà immediatamente a 0 salute.\n\nTurni di sfinimento rimanenti\: %d\nDanno attuale\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nLevels until recovered\: %.2f\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=La forza interiore ha i suoi limiti. Il berserker deve riposarsi prima di poter usare ancora la sua rabbia.\n\nMentre si riposa il berserker arreca ancora danno aggiuntivo, ma morirà immediatamente quando la salute è a 0.\n\nLivelli mancanti al recupero\: %.2f\nDanno attuale\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Berserked to Death
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Morto in Berserk
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Sei morto dissanguato...
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Sei morto dissanguato...
@ -76,18 +76,18 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Non proprio congelato ma comunque abbondandemente troppo
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo da %d colpi\!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo da %d colpi\!
actors.butts.combo.bad_target=You must target an enemy in attack range.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Devi bersagliare un nemico a portata d'attacco.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Select a target to Clobber\nStuns and knocks back
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Seleziona un bersaglio da Percuotere\nStordisce e retrocede
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ is currently available. This attack _knocks an enemy back and stuns them,_ but deals reduced damage. It's excellent for buying a little time during a fight.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Percossa_ è attualmente disponibile. Questo attacco _retrocede un nemico e lo stordisce,_ ma arreca un danno ridotto. È eccellente per guadagnare un po' di tempo durante un combattimento.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Select a target to Cleave\nIf it kills, preserves combo
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Seleziona un bersaglio da Squarciare\nSe uccide, mantiene la combinazione
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Cleave_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _if it kills an enemy, it will increase combo instead of resetting it._ It's great for building combo when fighting multiple enemies.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Squarcio_ è attualmente disponibile. Questo attacco arreca danno incrementato, e _se uccide un nemico, aumenterà la combinazione invece di azzerarla._ È eccezionale per incrementare combinazioni quando si affrontano molteplici nemici.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields you based on damage
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Seleziona un bersaglio da Schiantare\nTi protegge in base al danno
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _grants you shielding_ proportional to the damage you deal. It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Schianto_ è attualmente disponibile. Questo attacco arreca danno incrementato, e ti concede uno scudo proporzionale al danno che infliggi. È ottimo per concludere uno scontro, permettendoti di trasferire la resistenza a quello successivo.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Select a target to Crush\nDeals lots of damage
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Seleziona un bersaglio da Frantumare\nInfligge molti danni
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Crush_ is currently available. This devastating attack _deals massive damage very consistently._ It's great for taking down a powerful opponent from high health\!
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=Frantuma è attualmente disponibile. Questo devastante attacco _infligge danni massicci molto frequentemente._ È ottimo per abbattere un potente avversario dalla salute elevata\!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Unload fury on which enemy?\nAttacks many times rapidly
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Scarica la furia su quale nemico?\nAttacca molte volte rapidamente
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fury_ is currently available. This devastating attack _hits as many times as your current combo count,_ albeit at reduced damage. Fury is great if you have a weapon enchant, as the enchant will activate on each hit\!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Furia_ è attualmente disponibile. Questo devastante attacco _colpisce tante volte quanto il tuo attuale contatore combo,_ sebbene con danno ridotto. Furia è grandioso se possiedi un incantamento sull'arma, poiché esso si attiverà ad ogni colpo\!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each blow increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long to attack, missing more than once, or using items will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities\: powerful attacks that cannot miss\! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Il gladiatore accumula slancio assestando colpi a segno. Ogni colpo aumenta il contatore delle combo di una unità, ma impiegare troppo tempo per attaccare, mancare il colpo più di una volta, o usare oggetti azzererà il contatore.\n\nAccumulare combinazioni sblocca speciali mosse finali\: potenti attacchi che non possono fallire\! Mosse finali differenti sono disponibili a 2, 4, 6, 8, e 10 conteggi combo, e usare una mossa finale azzererà la tua combinazione.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corruzione penetra l'essenza di un essere, torcendoli contro la loro originaria natura.\n\nLe creature corrotte attaccheranno ed esaspereranno i loro alleati, ignorando i precedenti nemici. La corruzione è anche dannosa e causerà un lento deterioramento del bersaglio.\n\nLa corruzione è permanente, i suoi effetti terminano solo con la morte.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=La corruzione penetra l'essenza di un essere, torcendoli contro la loro originaria natura.\n\nLe creature corrotte attaccheranno ed esaspereranno i loro alleati, ignorando i precedenti nemici. La corruzione è anche dannosa e causerà un lento deterioramento del bersaglio.\n\nLa corruzione è permanente, i suoi effetti terminano solo con la morte.
@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=Il dolore ti aiuta a resistere al desiderio di dorm
actors.hero.hero.revive=L'Ankh esplode con un'energia rivitalizzante\!
actors.hero.hero.revive=L'Ankh esplode con un'energia rivitalizzante\!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=The Warrior starts with a broken sigil which he can affix to armor.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=Il Guerriero inizia con un sigillo rotto che può applicare all'armatura.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=The Warrior will slowly generate a shield while he is wearing armor with the sigil affixed.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=Il Guerriero genererà lentamente uno scudo mentre indossa armature con il sigillo affisso.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=The sigil can be moved between armor, carrying a single upgrade with it.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=Il sigillo può essere spostato tra le armature, portando con sé un singolo upgrade.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Ogni unità di cibo ripristina un po' di salute quando consumato.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Ogni unità di cibo ripristina un po' di salute quando consumato.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are identified from the beginning.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Le pozioni di guarigione sono identificate dall'inizio.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=Il mago inizia con un Bastone esclusivo, che può essere instillato con le proprietà di una bacchetta magica.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=Il mago inizia con un Bastone esclusivo, che può essere instillato con le proprietà di una bacchetta magica.
@ -243,14 +243,14 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk6=Le pergamene di Mappatura Magica sono identifi
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=La Cacciatrice inizia con un esclusivo boomerang migliorabile.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=La Cacciatrice inizia con un esclusivo boomerang migliorabile.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=La Cacciatrice ha buona padronanza con armi da lancio, provocando danno extra grazie alla forza in eccesso.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=La Cacciatrice ha buona padronanza con armi da lancio, provocando danno extra grazie alla forza in eccesso.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress has a chance to recover a single used missile weapon from each enemy.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=La cacciatrice ha una probabilità di recuperare un singolo proiettile da ciascun nemico.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=La cacciatrice percepisce mostri vicini anche se sono nascosti dietro ad ostacoli.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=La cacciatrice percepisce mostri vicini anche se sono nascosti dietro ad ostacoli.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Le pozioni di Visione Mentale sono identificate fin dall'inizio.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Le pozioni di Visione Mentale sono identificate fin dall'inizio.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Un attacco riuscito con un'arma da mischia permette al _Gladiatore_ di cominciare una combo nella quale ogni colpo consecutivo a segno infligge più danno.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Un attacco riuscito con un'arma da mischia permette al _Gladiatore_ di cominciare una combo nella quale ogni colpo consecutivo a segno infligge più danno.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ deals bonus damage scaling with the severity of his wounds. When reduced to 0 health, he will _refuse to die_ for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=Il _Berserker_ arreca danno aggiuntivo a seconda della gravità delle sue ferite. Quando ridotto a 0 salute, egli _si rifiuterà di morire_ per un breve periodo, al costo dello sfinimento.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Quando usa le bacchette su un nemico, il _Warlock_ ha l'opportunità di marchiare la sua anima. I nemici marchiati lo guariranno e sazieranno la sua fame ogni qual volta riceveranno danno fisico.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Quando usa le bacchette su un nemico, il _Warlock_ ha l'opportunità di marchiare la sua anima. I nemici marchiati lo guariranno e sazieranno la sua fame ogni qual volta riceveranno danno fisico.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mago guerriero
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=mago guerriero
@ -31,20 +31,20 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=모든 것이 굵은 거미줄로 뒤덮혀 있다.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=광란 효과는 대상에게 대단한 분노와 혼란 효과를 줍니다. \n\n어떤 생물체가 광란에 걸리면, 그 적과 아군 구분 없이 주변의 모든 것을 공격하게 됩니다. \n\n광란 효과는 %s 동안 유지됩니다.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=광란 효과는 대상에게 대단한 분노와 혼란 효과를 줍니다. \n\n어떤 생물체가 광란에 걸리면, 그 적과 아군 구분 없이 주변의 모든 것을 공격하게 됩니다. \n\n광란 효과는 %s 턴 동안 유지됩니다.
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=당신의 피부는 단단해져 마치 나무껍질과 같아졌습니다.\n\n단단해진 피부는 마치 효과적인 갑옷과 같아서 물리적인 공격을 더 잘 방어하게 됩니다. \n\n추가 방어력은 효과가 끝날 때 까지 1씩 줄어듭니다. 당신의 현재 추가 방어력은 %d입니다.
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=당신의 피부는 단단해져 마치 나무껍질과 같아졌습니다.\n\n단단해진 피부는 마치 효과적인 갑옷과 같아서 물리적인 공격을 더 잘 방어하게 됩니다. \n\n추가 방어력은 효과가 끝날 때 까지 1씩 줄어듭니다. 당신의 현재 추가 방어력은 %d입니다.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering=회복 중
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=광전사의 체력이 적을수록 더욱 강하게 공격합니다. 광전사가 잃은 체력에 비례해서 더 높은 추가 피해를 입힙니다. 추가 피해는 광전사가 죽음에 가까울수록 대폭 증가합니다.\n\n인장이 박힌 갑옷을 입은 광전사의 체력이 0이 되면 격노하여 짧은 시간 동안 _죽음을 유예시킬 수_ 있습니다.\n\n현재 피해량\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=At the brink of death, fear and uncertainty bleed away, leaving only anger. In this state of near-death the berserker is incredibly powerful, _dealing double damage, gaining bonus shielding, and refusing to die._\n\nThis bonus shielding is stronger the better the berserker's armor, and will slowly deplete over time. When this shielding is reduced to 0, the berserker will give in and die.\n\nAny form of healing will return the berserker to stability, but he will be exhausted. While exhausted, the berserker will suffer a large reduction in damage for a short time, and then will need to gain experience before being able to berserk again.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=죽음의 문턱에서, 공포와 두려움은 모두 사라지고 분노만 남았습니다. 이 가사 상태에서 광전사는 매우 강력합니다. _두 배의 피해를 입히고, 추가 방어막을 얻으며, 죽음을 유예합니다._\n\n더 좋은 갑옷일수록 얻는 방어막이 강해지며, 이는 시간이 지날수록 감소합니다. 그러나 방어막이 0이 되면 삶을 포기하고 죽게 됩니다.\n\n광전사가 어떤 방법으로든 체력을 회복하면 안정을 되찾을 수 있지만, 탈진 상태에 접어들게 됩니다. 탈진 상태에선 짧은 시간동안 피해량이 대폭 감소하며, 다시 격노 상태에 접어들기 위해선 경험치를 얻어야만 합니다.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining\: %d\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=내면의 힘에는 한계가 있는 법입니다. 광전사가 탈진 상태에 접어들며, 공격이 약해지며 분노할 수 없게 됩니다.\n\n이 상태에서는 공격력이 대폭 감소하며, 체력이 0에 달하면 죽게 됩니다.\n\n탈진 효과는 %d턴 동안 지속됩니다.\n현재 피해량\: %.2f%%
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nLevels until recovered\: %.2f\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=내면의 힘에는 한계가 있는 법입니다. 다시 격노할 수 있게 되려면 우선조금 쉬어야만 합니다.\n\n회복 중인 광전사는 다시 추가 피해를 입힐 수 있지만, 체력이 0에 달하면 죽게 됩니다.\n\n회복하기까지 필요한 레벨\: %.2f\n현재 피해량\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Berserked to Death
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=격노하며 버텼으나 사망
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=당신은 과다출혈로 죽었다...
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=당신은 과다출혈로 죽었다...
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ actors.buffs.bleeding.rankings_desc=과다 출혈로 사망
actors.buffs.bleeding.desc=당신은 상처에서 상당한 양의 피를 흘립니다.\n\n출혈은 당신이 매 턴마다 피해를 입게 합니다. 매 턴 입는 피해는 출혈이 끝날 때 까지 무작위로 줄어듭니다. \n\n출혈은 현재 %d 의 최대 피해를 입힙니다.
actors.buffs.bleeding.desc=당신은 상처에서 상당한 양의 피를 흘립니다.\n\n출혈은 당신이 매 턴마다 피해를 입게 합니다. 매 턴 입는 피해는 출혈이 끝날 때 까지 무작위로 줄어듭니다. \n\n출혈은 현재 %d 의 최대 피해를 입힙니다.
actors.buffs.bless.desc=마치 신이 은총을 내린 것처럼 집중력이 폭발적으로 증가합니다.\n\n축복은 대상의 정확도외 회피율을 굉장히 많이 증가시킵니다. 따라서 전투 중 축복을 받는 것이 훨씬 더 효과적입니다.\n\n 축복 효과는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.bless.desc=마치 신이 은총을 내린 것처럼 집중력이 폭발적으로 증가합니다.\n\n축복은 대상의 정확도외 회피율을 굉장히 많이 증가시킵니다. 따라서 전투 중 축복을 받는 것이 훨씬 더 효과적입니다.\n\n 축복 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.blindness.heromsg=당신의 눈이 멀었다\!
actors.buffs.blindness.heromsg=당신의 눈이 멀었다\!
actors.buffs.blindness.desc=실명 상태는 대상의 주변의 모든 것을 어두운 안개처럼 보이게 합니다.\n\n실명을 당하면, 주변 한 칸 이상의 타일을 볼 수 없게 되며, 원거리 무기는 무용지물이 되며 먼 거리의 적을 볼 수 없어 놓치게 됩니다. 또한 눈이 먼 대상은 주문서나 책을 읽을 수 없습니다. \n\n실명 효과는 %s동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.blindness.desc=실명 상태는 대상의 주변의 모든 것을 어두운 안개처럼 보이게 합니다.\n\n실명을 당하면, 주변 한 칸 이상의 타일을 볼 수 없게 되며, 원거리 무기는 무용지물이 되며 먼 거리의 적을 볼 수 없어 놓치게 됩니다. 또한 눈이 먼 대상은 주문서나 책을 읽을 수 없습니다. \n\n실명 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.burning.heromsg=당신에게 불이 붙었다\!
actors.buffs.burning.heromsg=당신에게 불이 붙었다\!
@ -68,42 +68,42 @@ actors.buffs.burning.desc=불이 붙는 것만큼 고통스러운 것은 거의
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=당신은 매혹에 걸렸다\!
actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=당신은 매혹에 걸렸다\!
actors.buffs.charm.desc=매혹 효과는 적과 자신을 일시적으로 사랑에 빠지게 하는 조작 마법입니다.\n\n매혹에 걸린 대상들은 같이 매혹에 걸린 적들을 직접적으로 공격하는 것이 불가능해집니다. 하지만 다른 적을 공격하는 것은 가능합니다. \n\n\n매횩 효과는 %s 동안 유지됩니다.
actors.buffs.charm.desc=매혹 효과는 적과 자신을 일시적으로 사랑에 빠지게 하는 조작 마법입니다.\n\n매혹에 걸린 대상들은 같이 매혹에 걸린 적들을 직접적으로 공격하는 것이 불가능해집니다. 하지만 다른 적을 공격하는 것은 가능합니다. \n\n\n매횩 효과는 %s 턴 동안 유지됩니다.
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s이/가 얼어붙었다\!
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s이/가 얼어붙었다\!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=완전히 얼어버리진 않았지만, 그래도 너무 추워졌습니다.\n\n냉동된 대상은 모든 행동을 느리게 수행하며, 느려지는 정도는 남은 효과 시간에 비례합니다. 최대 빙결 효과는 둔화 효과와 비슷한 속도 감소 효과를 냅니다.\n\n냉동 효과는 %s 동안 유지되며, 속도를 %s%% 만큼 감소시킵니다.
actors.buffs.chill.desc=완전히 얼어버리진 않았지만, 그래도 너무 추워졌습니다.\n\n냉동된 대상은 모든 행동을 느리게 수행하며, 느려지는 정도는 남은 효과 시간에 비례합니다. 최대 빙결 효과는 둔화 효과와 비슷한 속도 감소 효과를 냅니다.\n\n냉동 효과는 %s 턴 동안 유지되며, 속도를 %s%% 만큼 감소시킵니다.
actors.buffs.combo.name=연속 타격
actors.buffs.combo.name=연속 타격
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d 연속 명중\!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d 연속 명중\!
actors.butts.combo.bad_target=You must target an enemy in attack range.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=공격 범위 내에 있는 적을 공격해야 합니다.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Select a target to Clobber\nStuns and knocks back
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=후려칠 대상을 선택\n대상을 기절시키고 밀쳐냅니다.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ is currently available. This attack _knocks an enemy back and stuns them,_ but deals reduced damage. It's excellent for buying a little time during a fight.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=이제 _후려치기_ 가 가능합니다. 이 공격은 피해량이 적지만 _적을 밀쳐내고 기절시킵니다._ 전투 중 시간을 벌 때 유용합니다.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Select a target to Cleave\nIf it kills, preserves combo
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=갈라버릴 대상을 선택\n대상이 죽으면, 연속 타격을 유지합니다.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Cleave_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _if it kills an enemy, it will increase combo instead of resetting it._ It's great for building combo when fighting multiple enemies.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=이제 _가르기_가 가능합니다. 이 공격은 피해량이 증가하며, _적을 처치하는데 성공하면 연속 타격을 유지할 수 있습니다._
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields you based on damage
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=강타할 대상을 선택\n입힌 피해에 따라 추가 방어막을 얻습니다.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _grants you shielding_ proportional to the damage you deal. It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=이제 _강타_ 가 가능합니다. 이 공격은 피해량이 증가하며, _입힌 피해에 비례해 추가 방어막을 부여합니다._ 적을 끝장냄과 동시에 다음 전투에 대비할 수 있는 좋은 수단입니다.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Select a target to Crush\nDeals lots of damage
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=으깨버릴 대상을 선택\n엄청난 피해를 입힙니다.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Crush_ is currently available. This devastating attack _deals massive damage very consistently._ It's great for taking down a powerful opponent from high health\!
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=이제 _으깨기_가 가능합니다. 이 잔혹한 공격은 _매우 지속적으로 커다란 피해를 입힙니다._ 높은 체력을 가진 강력한 적을 제압할 때 효과적입니다\!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Unload fury on which enemy?\nAttacks many times rapidly
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=분노를 폭발시킬 대상을 선택\n매우 빠르게 여러번 공격
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fury_ is currently available. This devastating attack _hits as many times as your current combo count,_ albeit at reduced damage. Fury is great if you have a weapon enchant, as the enchant will activate on each hit\!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=이제 _분노 폭발_이 가능합니다. 이 잔혹한 공격은 감소된 피해량으로 _현재 연속 타격 수치만큼 적을 공격합니다._ 매 공격마다 무기에 걸린 마법을 발동시킬 수 있으므로, 그런 무기를 사용할때 매우 효과적입니다\!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each blow increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long to attack, missing more than once, or using items will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities\: powerful attacks that cannot miss\! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=검투사들은 싸움에 탄력을 더함으로써, 공격시 추가 피해를 입힙니다. 연속적인 공격을 성공시킴으로써 연속 수치를 높힐 수 있습니다. 그러나 빠르게 공격을 성공시키지 못하거나, 공격이 빗나가거나, 아이템을 사용하면 연속 타격 수치가 초기화됩니다.\n\n연속 타격을 많이 성공시키면 절대 빗나가지 않는 필살기를 사용할 수 있습니다\! 연속 수치가 2, 4, 6, 8, 10일때 각각의 특수한 필살기를 사용할 수 있으며, 이를 사용하면 연속 타격 수치가 초기화됩니다.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=타락은 존재의 근원을 조작하여, 대상의 근본적인 정체를 바꾸어 버립니다.\n\n타락한 생물체는 자신의 동료를 공격하며, 자신의 원래 적을 무시합니다. 타락은 또한 피해를 입힐 수 있으며, 대상의 체력을 천천히 흡수합니다.\n\n타락 효과는 영구적으로 지속되며, 오직 죽어야 끝이 납니다.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=타락은 존재의 근원을 조작하여, 대상의 근본적인 정체를 바꾸어 버립니다.\n\n타락한 생물체는 자신의 동료를 공격하며, 자신의 원래 적을 무시합니다. 타락은 또한 피해를 입힐 수 있으며, 대상의 체력을 천천히 흡수합니다.\n\n타락 효과는 영구적으로 지속되며, 오직 죽어야 끝이 납니다.
actors.buffs.cripple.heromsg=당신은 불구가 되었다\!
actors.buffs.cripple.heromsg=당신은 불구가 되었다\!
actors.buffs.cripple.desc=다리가 잘못된 방향으로 굽어진 것 같습니다. 불구 상태가 되면 이동 속도가 줄어들며, 한칸을 이동하는 데 두 턴이 들게 됩니다. 불구 효과는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.cripple.desc=다리가 잘못된 방향으로 굽어진 것 같습니다. 불구 상태가 되면 이동 속도가 줄어들며, 한칸을 이동하는 데 두 턴이 들게 됩니다. 불구 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=마법의 힘이 잠을 쏟아지게 만들었습니다.\n\n피해를 받거나 최대 체력을 유지함으로써 졸음에 대항할 수 있습니다.\n\n몇턴 후, 대상은 깊은 마법의 잠 속으로 빠지게 됩니다.
actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=마법의 힘이 잠을 쏟아지게 만들었습니다.\n\n피해를 받거나 최대 체력을 유지함으로써 졸음에 대항할 수 있습니다.\n\n몇턴 후, 대상은 깊은 마법의 잠 속으로 빠지게 됩니다.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=대지와 동화함
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=대지와 동화함
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=당신은 대지의 힘과 하나가 되었습니다\!\n\n적에게 가하는 모든 물리 공격은 지속시간 동안 적들을 묶이게 만듭니다.\n\n대지와 동화함 효과는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=당신은 대지의 힘과 하나가 되었습니다\!\n\n적에게 가하는 모든 물리 공격은 지속시간 동안 적들을 묶이게 만듭니다.\n\n대지와 동화함 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=화염과 동화함
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=화염과 동화함
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=당신은 불의 힘과 하나가 되었습니다\!\n\n적에게 가하는 모든 물리 공격은 지속시간 동안 적들을 불타오르게 만들며, 당신은 불에 면역이 됩니다.\n\n화염과 동화함 효과는 %s동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=당신은 불의 힘과 하나가 되었습니다\!\n\n적에게 가하는 모든 물리 공격은 지속시간 동안 적들을 불타오르게 만들며, 당신은 불에 면역이 됩니다.\n\n화염과 동화함 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s이/가 얼어붙었다\!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s이/가 얼어붙었다\!
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ actors.buffs.fury.heromsg=당신은 분노로 휩싸였다\!
actors.buffs.fury.desc=당신은 화가 났습니다. 그리고 적들은 화가 난 당신을 피해야 할 것입니다.\n\n거대한 분노가 당신 속에서 타오르며, 당신이 가하는 물리 공격력을 50%% 증가시킵니다.\n\n분노 효과는 당신의 체력이 50%% 이하로 떨어지면 항상 발동됩니다.
actors.buffs.fury.desc=당신은 화가 났습니다. 그리고 적들은 화가 난 당신을 피해야 할 것입니다.\n\n거대한 분노가 당신 속에서 타오르며, 당신이 가하는 물리 공격력을 50%% 증가시킵니다.\n\n분노 효과는 당신의 체력이 50%% 이하로 떨어지면 항상 발동됩니다.
actors.buffs.gasesimmunity.name=가스 면역
actors.buffs.gasesimmunity.name=가스 면역
actors.buffs.gasesimmunity.desc=이상한 힘이 당신 주변을 걸러내고 있어, 순수한 공기를 제외한 모든 것을 막아 아무런 냄새도 맡을 수 없게 되었습니다.\n\n이 효과가 지속되는 동안 모든 가스의 효과를 받지 않습니다.\n\n가스 면역은 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.gasesimmunity.desc=이상한 힘이 당신 주변을 걸러내고 있어, 순수한 공기를 제외한 모든 것을 막아 아무런 냄새도 맡을 수 없게 되었습니다.\n\n이 효과가 지속되는 동안 모든 가스의 효과를 받지 않습니다.\n\n가스 면역은 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
@ -128,13 +128,13 @@ actors.buffs.hunger.desc_intro_starving=당신은 너무 배고파서 체력이
actors.buffs.hunger.desc=\n\n던전에서 시간을 보내는 동안 배고픔이 천천히 증가하여 결국 굶주리게 됩니다. 굶주리는 동안에는 체력이 회복되지 않고 천천히 감소합니다.\n\n식량 조절은 중요합니다\! 남는 체력이 있다면 나중에 더 많은 식량을 위해 굶주리는것도 나쁘지 않은 생각 입니다. 효과적인 식량 조절이 음식을 훨씬 오래 가게 합니다\!
actors.buffs.hunger.desc=\n\n던전에서 시간을 보내는 동안 배고픔이 천천히 증가하여 결국 굶주리게 됩니다. 굶주리는 동안에는 체력이 회복되지 않고 천천히 감소합니다.\n\n식량 조절은 중요합니다\! 남는 체력이 있다면 나중에 더 많은 식량을 위해 굶주리는것도 나쁘지 않은 생각 입니다. 효과적인 식량 조절이 음식을 훨씬 오래 가게 합니다\!
actors.buffs.invisibility.desc=당신은 주변 환경에 완벽하게 섞여들어 보이지 않습니다.\n\n 투명화 상태 동안 적들은 공격하거나 따라올 수 없습니다. 물리적 공격이나, 주문서 혹은 마법 막대 같은 마법 효과는 투명화를 즉시 중단시킵니다.\n\n 투명화는 %s동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.invisibility.desc=당신은 주변 환경에 완벽하게 섞여들어 보이지 않습니다.\n\n 투명화 상태 동안 적들은 공격하거나 따라올 수 없습니다. 물리적 공격이나, 주문서 혹은 마법 막대 같은 마법 효과를 사용하는 것은 투명화를 즉시 중단시킵니다.\n\n 투명화는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.levitation.desc=마법의 힘이 당신을 공중으로 띄워 마치 무게가 없는 것 처럼 느껴집니다.\n\n공중에 뜬 상태에서는 모든 지면 공격을 무시합니다. 또한 함정을 밟지 않으며, 불을 끄기 위해 물에 들어갈 수 없고, 식물을 밟을 수 없고, 뿌리를 밟지 않으며, 구덩이 위를 날아다닐 수 있습니다. 단 해당 타일은 부유 효과가 끝나자마자 밟을 때의 효과를 발동시키니 주의하십시오.\n\n부유 효과는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.levitation.desc=마법의 힘이 당신을 공중으로 띄워 마치 무게가 없는 것 처럼 느껴집니다.\n\n공중에 뜬 상태에서는 모든 지면 공격을 무시합니다. 또한 함정을 밟지 않으며, 불을 끄기 위해 물에 들어갈 수 없고, 식물을 밟을 수 없고, 뿌리를 밟지 않으며, 구덩이 위를 날아다닐 수 있습니다. 단 해당 타일은 부유 효과가 끝나자마자 밟을 때의 효과를 발동시키니 주의하십시오.\n\n부유 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.light.desc=가장 어두운 던전에서라도, 당신 곁에 있는 밝은 불빛은 매우 든든한 존재입니다.\n\n불빛은 어둠을 몰아 내며, 주변 환경에 구애받지 않고 시야를 더 넓혀줍니다.\n\n발광 효과는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.light.desc=가장 어두운 던전에서라도, 당신 곁에 있는 밝은 불빛은 매우 든든한 존재입니다.\n\n불빛은 어둠을 몰아 내며, 주변 환경에 구애받지 않고 시야를 더 넓혀줍니다.\n\n발광 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.name=층이 잠겨있음
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.name=층이 잠겨있음
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.desc=현재 층이 잠겨 있어 당신은 나갈 수 없습니다\!\n\n층이 잠겨있는 동안 당신은 배고픔이 증가하지 않고 굶주림 피해를 입지 않습니다. 더하여 이 층의 보스를 물리치러 나아가지 않는 이상 재생 효과는 멈춥니다.\n\n또 층이 잠겨있는 동안 축복받지 않은 앙크로 부활한다면 해당 층을 재시작하게됩니다.\n\n잠금을 풀기 위해 이 층의 보스를 물리치십시오.
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.desc=현재 층이 잠겨 있어 당신은 나갈 수 없습니다\!\n\n층이 잠겨있는 동안 당신은 배고픔이 증가하지 않고 굶주림 피해를 입지 않습니다. 더하여 이 층의 보스를 물리치러 나아가지 않는 이상 재생 효과는 멈춥니다.\n\n또 층이 잠겨있는 동안 축복받지 않은 앙크로 부활한다면 해당 층을 재시작하게됩니다.\n\n잠금을 풀기 위해 이 층의 보스를 물리치십시오.
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ actors.buffs.magicalsleep.wakeup=당신은 생기있고 건강한 기분으로
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.desc=이 캐릭터는 깊은 마법의 수면에 빠져 자연적으로는 일어날 수 없습니다.\n\n마법의 수면은 일반 수면과 다를 것이 없지만, 오직 피해를 입어야만 깨어날 수 있다는 것이 차이점입니다.\n\n영웅에게 걸린 마법 숙면은 치유의 힘이 깃들어 있어, 자는 동안 체력을 빠른 속도로 회복시킵니다.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.desc=이 캐릭터는 깊은 마법의 수면에 빠져 자연적으로는 일어날 수 없습니다.\n\n마법의 수면은 일반 수면과 다를 것이 없지만, 오직 피해를 입어야만 깨어날 수 있다는 것이 차이점입니다.\n\n영웅에게 걸린 마법 숙면은 치유의 힘이 깃들어 있어, 자는 동안 체력을 빠른 속도로 회복시킵니다.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=당신은 어떻게든 이 층에 있는 모든 생물체들을 마음의 눈으로 볼 수 있게 되었습니다. 익숙한 현상은 아니겠지요.\n\n심안 효과가 지속되는 동안 현재 층에 있는 모든 캐릭터들을 볼 수 있습니다. 이 효과로 보여진 적들은 시야 내의 캐릭터에게 효과가 있는 마법 주문의 대상에 포함됩니다.\n\n심안 효과는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=당신은 어떻게든 이 층에 있는 모든 생물체들을 마음의 눈으로 볼 수 있게 되었습니다. 익숙한 현상은 아니겠지요.\n\n심안 효과가 지속되는 동안 현재 층에 있는 모든 캐릭터들을 볼 수 있습니다. 이 효과로 보여진 적들은 시야 내의 캐릭터에게 효과가 있는 마법 주문의 대상에 포함됩니다.\n\n심안 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=산성 덩어리
actors.buffs.ooze.name=산성 덩어리
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=산성 덩어리가 살점을 삼킨다. 씻어내야 한다\!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=산성 덩어리가 살점을 삼킨다. 씻어내야 한다\!
@ -156,48 +156,48 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.desc=이 끈적한 산성 덩어리가 당신의 살에 붙어
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=당신은 마비되었다\!
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=당신은 마비되었다\!
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=어쩌면 아무것도 안 하는 것이 가장 위험한 것일 수도 있습니다.\n\n마비는 효과가 끝날 때 까지 대상의 모든 행동을 완전히 정지시킵니다. 피해를 입을 때의 고통으로 인해 마비에서 벗어날 때도 있습니다.\n\n마비 효과는 %s동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=어쩌면 아무것도 안 하는 것이 가장 위험한 것일 수도 있습니다.\n\n마비는 효과가 끝날 때 까지 대상의 모든 행동을 완전히 정지시킵니다. 피해를 입을 때의 고통으로 인해 마비에서 벗어날 때도 있습니다.\n\n마비 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=당신은 중독되었다\!
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=당신은 중독되었다\!
actors.buffs.poison.ondeath=당신은 중독사하였다...
actors.buffs.poison.ondeath=당신은 중독사하였다...
actors.buffs.poison.rankings_desc=맹독에 중독되어 사망
actors.buffs.poison.rankings_desc=맹독에 중독되어 사망
actors.buffs.poison.desc=독이 당신의 피를 타고 흘러가 내부 장기의 기능을 천천히 방해합니다.\n\n독은 매 턴마다 남은 지속시간에 비례하는 피해를 입힙니다.\n\n독 효과는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.poison.desc=독이 당신의 피를 타고 흘러가 내부 장기의 기능을 천천히 방해합니다.\n\n독은 매 턴마다 남은 지속시간에 비례하는 피해를 입힙니다.\n\n독 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=에너지가 당신을 지나가며 마법 막대와 지팡이를 빠르게 충전시킵니다.\n\n이 효과는 기존의 충전 속도에 더하여, 매 턴마다 1/4의 충전량을 추가로 충전시킵니다.\n\n충전 효과는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=에너지가 당신을 지나가며 마법 막대와 지팡이를 빠르게 충전시킵니다.\n\n이 효과는 기존의 충전 속도에 더하여, 매 턴마다 1/4의 충전량을 추가로 충전시킵니다.\n\n충전 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=당신은 움직일 수 없다\!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=당신은 움직일 수 없다\!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=속박(마법 속박이든 자연적 속박이든)은 당신의 발을 묶어, 그 자리에 서 있게 합니다. 속박은 대상을 그 자리에 묶어 이동할 수 없게 하지만, 다른 행동은 여전히 할 수 있습니다. 속박 효과는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=속박(마법 속박이든 자연적 속박이든)은 당신의 발을 묶어, 그 자리에 서 있게 합니다. 속박은 대상을 그 자리에 묶어 이동할 수 없게 하지만, 다른 행동은 여전히 할 수 있습니다. 속박 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=그림자 숨기
actors.buffs.shadows.name=그림자 숨기
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=당신은 주변의 그림자에 동화되어, 투명화되었으며 느린 신진대사를 가지게 되었습니다.\n\n투명화가 적용되는 동안, 적들은 당신을 공격하거나 따라올 수 없습니다. 대부분의 물리적인 공격이나 마법 효과(스크롤이나 완드 등)는 즉시 투명화를 취소합니다. 또한, 그림자에 숨는 동안에는 덜 배고파집니다.\n\n직접 그림자에서 빠져나오거나, 적이 당신에게 다가오기 전까지는 계속 그림자에 숨게될 것입니다.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=당신은 주변의 그림자에 동화되어, 투명화되었으며 느린 신진대사를 가지게 되었습니다.\n\n투명화가 적용되는 동안, 적들은 당신을 공격하거나 따라올 수 없습니다. 대부분의 물리적인 공격이나 마법 효과(주문서나 마법 막대 등)는 즉시 투명화를 취소합니다. 또한, 그림자에 숨는 동안에는 덜 배고파집니다.\n\n직접 그림자에서 빠져나오거나, 적이 당신에게 다가오기 전까지는 계속 그림자에 숨게될 것입니다.
actors.buffs.slow.desc=느려지는 마법은 목표의 시간에 영향을 주어, 다른 모든 것이 매우 빠르게 움직이는 것처럼 보이게 합니다.\n\n느려진 캐릭터는 모든 행동에 두 배의 시간이 필요합니다.\n\n느려짐 효과는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.slow.desc=느려지는 마법은 목표의 시간에 영향을 주어, 다른 모든 것이 매우 빠르게 움직이는 것처럼 보이게 합니다.\n\n느려진 캐릭터는 모든 행동에 두 배의 시간이 필요합니다.\n\n느려짐 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.snipersmark.name=저격수의 표식
actors.buffs.snipersmark.name=저격수의 표식
actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=저격수는 가까운 목표물에 정신을 집중하여 그 대상을 공격할 때 추가 공격 속도와 방어력 관통을 얻습니다,\n\n표식은 저격수가 목표를 바꾸거나, 대상을 그만 공격하거나, 대상이 죽을 때 까지 계속됩니다.
actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=저격수는 가까운 목표물에 정신을 집중하여 그 대상을 공격할 때 추가 공격 속도와 방어력 관통을 얻습니다,\n\n표식은 저격수가 목표를 바꾸거나, 대상을 그만 공격하거나, 대상이 죽을 때 까지 계속됩니다.
actors.buffs.soulmark.name=영혼의 낙인
actors.buffs.soulmark.name=영혼의 낙인
actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=흑마법사가 해당 생물체의 영혼을 이용하고 있습니다. 대상에게 물리 피해를 입힐 때 마다 흑마법사의 체력을 회복하고 허기를 감소시킵니다.\n\n영혼 표식은 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=흑마법사가 해당 생물체의 영혼을 이용하고 있습니다. 대상에게 물리 피해를 입힐 때 마다 흑마법사의 체력을 회복하고 허기를 감소시킵니다.\n\n영혼 표식은 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.terror.desc=공포 효과는 대상을 주체할 수 없는 공황 상태로 몰아넣는 조작 마법입니다.\n\n공포에 질린 캐릭터들은 대상의 적들로부터 멀리 도망치며, 최대한 많은 벽과 문을 사이에 두려고 합니다. 하지만 고통의 충격은 이 효과를 중단시킵니다.\n\n공포 효과는 %s 동안 계속됩니다.
actors.buffs.terror.desc=공포 효과는 대상을 주체할 수 없는 공황 상태로 몰아넣는 조작 마법입니다.\n\n공포에 질린 캐릭터들은 대상의 적들로부터 멀리 도망치며, 최대한 많은 벽과 문을 사이에 두려고 합니다. 하지만 고통의 충격은 이 효과를 중단시킵니다.\n\n공포 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=맹독과 동화함
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=맹독과 동화함
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=당신은 독성 에너지와 하나가 되었습니다\!\n\n당신이 움직일 때 마다 독성 가스가 피어오를 것이며, 이 가스는 적들을 중독시키지만 당신은 효과가 끝날 때 까지 독가스와 맹독 효과에 면역이 됩니다.\n\n맹독 동화는 %s 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=당신은 독성 에너지와 하나가 되었습니다\!\n\n당신이 움직일 때 마다 독성 가스가 피어오를 것이며, 이 가스는 적들을 중독시키지만 당신은 효과가 끝날 때 까지 독가스와 맹독 효과에 면역이 됩니다.\n\n맹독 동화는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.venom.desc=맹독은 극히 부식성이고 위험한 독입니다.\n\n시간이 지날 수록 데미지가 감소하는 독과 달리, 맹독은 대상에 오래 머무를수록 데미지가 증가합니다.\n\n맹독 효과는 %s동안 진행됩니다.\n현재 %d의 맹독 피해를 입고 있습니다.
actors.buffs.venom.desc=맹독은 극히 부식성이고 위험한 독입니다.\n\n시간이 지날 수록 데미지가 감소하는 독과 달리, 맹독은 대상에 오래 머무를수록 데미지가 증가합니다.\n\n맹독 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.\n현재 %d의 맹독 피해를 입고 있습니다.
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=온 세상이 빙빙 돌아가며 일직선으로 걷는 것이 힘들 수 있습니다.\n\n현기증 효과를 받는 동안 움직이려는 캐릭터는 의도한 방향 대신 랜덤한 방향으로 움직이게 됩니다.\n\n남아있는 현기증 턴\: %s
actors.buffs.vertigo.desc=온 세상이 빙빙 돌아가며 일직선으로 걷는 것이 힘들 수 있습니다.\n\n현기증 효과를 받는 동안 움직이려는 캐릭터는 의도한 방향 대신 랜덤한 방향으로 움직이게 됩니다.\n\n현기증 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=당신은 약해진 기분이 든다\!
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=당신은 약해진 기분이 든다\!
actors.buffs.weakness.desc=당신의 장비가 갑자기 무거워진 것처럼 느껴집니다.\n\n약화 마법이 당신의 힘을 2 포인트만큼 줄였습니다.\n\n약화 효과는 %s동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.weakness.desc=당신의 장비가 갑자기 무거워진 것처럼 느껴집니다.\n\n약화 마법이 당신의 힘을 2만큼 줄여 버렸습니다.\n\n약화 효과는 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=고통으로 인해 당신은 수면 욕구에 저
actors.hero.hero.revive=앙크는 부활의 에너지로 폭발했다\!
actors.hero.hero.revive=앙크는 부활의 에너지로 폭발했다\!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=The Warrior starts with a broken sigil which he can affix to armor.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=전사는 갑옷에 붙일 수 있는 부러진 인장을 가지고 시작합니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=The Warrior will slowly generate a shield while he is wearing armor with the sigil affixed.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=전사는 인장이 박힌 갑옷을 입고 있을 때 천천히 생성되는 방어막을 얻습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=The sigil can be moved between armor, carrying a single upgrade with it.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=인장은 여러 갑옷에 옮겨 붙일 수 있으며, 1만큼의 강화 수치를 옮겨줄 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=모든 음식은 먹었을 때 약간의 체력을 회복시킵니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=모든 음식은 먹었을 때 약간의 체력을 회복시킵니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are identified from the beginning.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=회복 물약이 처음부터 식별되어 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=마법사는 특별한 지팡이를 가지고 시작합니다. 다른 마법 막대를 융합하여 그 특성을 가질 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=마법사는 특별한 지팡이를 가지고 시작합니다. 다른 마법 막대를 융합하여 그 특성을 가질 수 있습니다.
@ -243,14 +243,14 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk6=마법 지도의 주문서가 처음부터 식
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=사냥꾼은 강화가 특별한 희귀한 부메랑을 가지고 시작합니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=사냥꾼은 강화가 특별한 희귀한 부메랑을 가지고 시작합니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=사냥꾼은 능숙하게 투사체 무기를 다루며, 초과된 힘으로부터 추가 공격력을 얻습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=사냥꾼은 능숙하게 투사체 무기를 다루며, 초과된 힘으로부터 추가 공격력을 얻습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress has a chance to recover a single used missile weapon from each enemy.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=사냥꾼은 적에게 명중한 투사체 무기를 회수할 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=사냥꾼은 주변의 적을 탐지할 수 있습니다. 방해물에 가려져 있더라도요.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=사냥꾼은 주변의 적을 탐지할 수 있습니다. 방해물에 가려져 있더라도요.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=심안의 물약이 처음부터 확인되어 있습니다.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=심안의 물약이 처음부터 확인되어 있습니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=_검투사_ 는 근접 공격을 성공시킬 때 마다 연속 타격을 개시하여 다음 공격에 추가 피해를 줄 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=_검투사_ 는 근접 공격을 성공시킬 때 마다 연속 타격을 개시하여 다음 공격에 추가 피해를 줄 수 있습니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ deals bonus damage scaling with the severity of his wounds. When reduced to 0 health, he will _refuse to die_ for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=_광전사_ 는 잃은 체력에 비례해 공격력이 강해집니다. 체력이 0 이하로 떨어져도 잠시동안 _죽음을 유예할 수_있는 대신, 그 후 탈진 상태에 접어듭니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=_흑마법사_ 는 적에게 마법 막대를 사용함으로써 영혼 표식을 걸 확률이 있습니다. 표식이 걸린 적들은 물리 피해를 입을 때 마다 흑마법사의 체력과 허기를 충족시킵니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=_흑마법사_ 는 적에게 마법 막대를 사용함으로써 영혼 표식을 걸 확률이 있습니다. 표식이 걸린 적들은 물리 피해를 입을 때 마다 흑마법사의 체력과 허기를 충족시킵니다.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=전투 마법사
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=전투 마법사
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Twoja skóra stwardniała, w dotyku jest szorstka i t
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=At the brink of death, fear and uncertainty bleed away, leaving only anger. In this state of near-death the berserker is incredibly powerful, _dealing double damage, gaining bonus shielding, and refusing to die._\n\nThis bonus shielding is stronger the better the berserker's armor, and will slowly deplete over time. When this shielding is reduced to 0, the berserker will give in and die.\n\nAny form of healing will return the berserker to stability, but he will be exhausted. While exhausted, the berserker will suffer a large reduction in damage for a short time, and then will need to gain experience before being able to berserk again.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=At the brink of death, fear and uncertainty bleed away, leaving only anger. In this state of near-death the berserker is incredibly powerful, _dealing double damage, gaining bonus shielding, and refusing to die._\n\nThis bonus shielding is stronger the better the berserker's armor, and will slowly deplete over time. When this shielding is reduced to 0, the berserker will give in and die.\n\nAny form of healing will return the berserker to stability, but he will be exhausted. While exhausted, the berserker will suffer a large reduction in damage for a short time, and then will need to gain experience before being able to berserk again.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Nie jesteś zupełnie zamrożony, ale wciąż o wiele za
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d ciąg uderzeń\!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=%d ciąg uderzeń\!
actors.butts.combo.bad_target=You must target an enemy in attack range.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=You must target an enemy in attack range.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Select a target to Clobber\nStuns and knocks back
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Select a target to Clobber\nStuns and knocks back
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ is currently available. This attack _knocks an enemy back and stuns them,_ but deals reduced damage. It's excellent for buying a little time during a fight.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ is currently available. This attack _knocks an enemy back and stuns them,_ but deals reduced damage. It's excellent for buying a little time during a fight.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Select a target to Cleave\nIf it kills, preserves combo
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Select a target to Cleave\nIf it kills, preserves combo
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Select a target to Crush\nDeals lots of damage
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Crush_ is currently available. This devastating attack _deals massive damage very consistently._ It's great for taking down a powerful opponent from high health\!
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Crush_ is currently available. This devastating attack _deals massive damage very consistently._ It's great for taking down a powerful opponent from high health\!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Unload fury on which enemy?\nAttacks many times rapidly
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Unload fury on which enemy?\nAttacks many times rapidly
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fury_ is currently available. This devastating attack _hits as many times as your current combo count,_ albeit at reduced damage. Fury is great if you have a weapon enchant, as the enchant will activate on each hit\!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fury_ is currently available. This devastating attack _hits as many times as your current combo count,_ albeit at reduced damage. Fury is great if you have a weapon enchant, as the enchant will activate on each hit\!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each blow increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long to attack, missing more than once, or using items will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities\: powerful attacks that cannot miss\! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladiator zwiększa postęp łańcucha z każdym udanym udeżeniem o jeden. Zwlekanie z atakiem, nietrafienie więcej niż raz lub użycie przedmiotu wyzeruje go. \n\nPostęp ten odblokowuje specjalne ataki które zawsze trafiają dla wartości 2, 4. 6, 8 i 10. Użycie takiego ataku wyzeruje postęp łahcucha.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Wypaczenie przenika w istotę bytu, zmuszając go do przeciwstawienia się dawnej naturze.\n\nWypaczone istoty będą atakować i przeszkadzać swoim sprzymierzeńcom i ignorować swoich naturalnych wrogów. Wypaczenie jest również szkodliwe i powoli będzie wyniszczać cel.\n\nWypaczenie jest trwałe, jego efekt kończy tylko śmierć.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Wypaczenie przenika w istotę bytu, zmuszając go do przeciwstawienia się dawnej naturze.\n\nWypaczone istoty będą atakować i przeszkadzać swoim sprzymierzeńcom i ignorować swoich naturalnych wrogów. Wypaczenie jest również szkodliwe i powoli będzie wyniszczać cel.\n\nWypaczenie jest trwałe, jego efekt kończy tylko śmierć.
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Nie możesz się ruszać\!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Roots (magical or natural) grab at the feet, forcing them down to the ground.\n\nRoots lock a target in place, making it impossible for them to move, but other actions are not affected.\n\nTurns of root remaining\: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Roots (magical or natural) grab at the feet, forcing them down to the ground.\n\nRoots lock a target in place, making it impossible for them to move, but other actions are not affected.\n\nTurns of root remaining\: %s.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Zlany z cieniem
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Zlany z cieniem
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=You are blended into the shadows around you, granting you invisibility and slowing your metabolism.\n\nWhile you are invisible enemies are unable to attack or follow you. Most physical attacks and magical effects (such as scrolls and wands) will immediately cancel invisibility. Additionally, while shadowmelded, your rate of hunger is slowed.\n\nYou will remain shadowmelded until you leave the shadows or an enemy comes into contact with you.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Mieszasz się z cieniami dookoła ciebie, zapewniając sobie niewidzialność i spowalniając metabolizm.\n\nPodczas bycia niewidzialnym, wrogowie nie są w stanie cię atakować, lub za tobą podążać. Większość fizycznych ataków i magicznych efektów (takich jak zwoje lub różdżki) automatycznie niwelują niewidzialność. Dodatkowo podczas bycia niewidzialnym, twój głód spada wolniej.\n\nPozostaniesz wmieszany w ciemność dopóki nie opuścisz ciemności, lub gdy wróg nie wejdzie z tobą w kontakt.
actors.buffs.slow.desc=Slowing magic affects the target's rate of time, to them everything is moving super-fast.\n\nA slowed character performs all actions in twice the amount of time they would normally take.\n\nTurns of slow remaining\: %s.
actors.buffs.slow.desc=Slowing magic affects the target's rate of time, to them everything is moving super-fast.\n\nA slowed character performs all actions in twice the amount of time they would normally take.\n\nTurns of slow remaining\: %s.
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ actors.buffs.soulmark.name=Naznaczona dusza
actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=The warlock has tapped into the soul of this creature. He will heal and satisfy his hunger as it takes physical damage.\n\nTurns of soul mark remaining\: %s.
actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=The warlock has tapped into the soul of this creature. He will heal and satisfy his hunger as it takes physical damage.\n\nTurns of soul mark remaining\: %s.
actors.buffs.terror.desc=Terror is manipulative magic which forces its target into an uncontrollable panic.\n\nTerrified characters are forced to run away from their opponent, trying to put as many doors and walls between them as possible. The shock of pain is enough to break this effect, however.\n\nTurns of terror remaining\: %s.
actors.buffs.terror.desc=Terror to manipulatywną magia, która zmusza cel do popadnięcia w niekontrowalną panikę.\n\nPrzestraszone charaktery są zmuszane do ucieczki przd ich wrogiem, próbując mieć za sobą jak najwięcej drzwi i ścian za sobą. Szok spowodowany bólem, jest wystarczająco mocny, by przełamać ten efekt.\n\nPozostałych kolejek terroru\: %s.
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Związanie z toksycznością
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.name=Związanie z toksycznością
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=You are imbued with poisonous energy\!\n\nAs you move around toxic gas will constantly billow forth from you, damaging your enemies. You are immune to toxic gas and poison for the duration of the effect.\n\nTurns of toxic imbue remaining\: %s.
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=You are imbued with poisonous energy\!\n\nAs you move around toxic gas will constantly billow forth from you, damaging your enemies. You are immune to toxic gas and poison for the duration of the effect.\n\nTurns of toxic imbue remaining\: %s.
@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=Ból pozwala Ci zwalczyć senność.
actors.hero.hero.revive=Ankh eksploduje życiodajną energią\!
actors.hero.hero.revive=Ankh eksploduje życiodajną energią\!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=The Warrior starts with a broken sigil which he can affix to armor.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=The Warrior starts with a broken seal which he can affix to armor.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=The Warrior will slowly generate a shield while he is wearing armor with the sigil affixed.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=The Warrior will slowly generate a shield while he is wearing armor with the seal affixed.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=The sigil can be moved between armor, carrying a single upgrade with it.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=The seal can be moved between armor, carrying a single upgrade with it.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Pożywiając się odzyskujesz część swojego zdrowia.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Pożywiając się odzyskujesz część swojego zdrowia.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are identified from the beginning.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Mikstury leczenia są rozpoznawane od początku.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=Mag rozpoczyna z unikatowym Kosturem, który można nasycić właściwościami dowolnej różdżki.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=Mag rozpoczyna z unikatowym Kosturem, który można nasycić właściwościami dowolnej różdżki.
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk6=Zwoje Magicznego Mapowania są zidentyfikowane
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=Łowczyni zaczyna grę z unikatowym bumerangiem, który można ulepszać.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=Łowczyni zaczyna grę z unikatowym bumerangiem, który można ulepszać.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=Łowczyni jest biegła w używaniu broni rzucanych, zadaje dodatkowe obrażenia za nadwyżkę siły.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=Łowczyni jest biegła w używaniu broni rzucanych, zadaje dodatkowe obrażenia za nadwyżkę siły.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress has a chance to recover a single used missile weapon from each enemy.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=Łowczyni ma szansę odzyskania jednej broni dalekiej z każdego wroga.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=Łowczyni wyczuwa, sąsiadujące potwory, nawet gdy są ukryte za przeszkodami.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=Łowczyni wyczuwa, sąsiadujące potwory, nawet gdy są ukryte za przeszkodami.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Mikstury Wyczucia Umysłów są zidentyfikowane od początku.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Mikstury Wyczucia Umysłów są zidentyfikowane od początku.
@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ actors.buffs.amok.desc=Possessão causa um estado de grande raiva e confusão em
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Pele de árvore
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Pele de árvore
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Sua pele está endurecida, ela parece áspera e sólida como casca.\n\nA pele endurecida aumenta sua armadura eficaz , o que lhe permite defender-se melhor contra ataques físicos. O bônus de armadura irá diminuir um ponto a cada turno até que expire.\n\nSua armadura está atualmente aumentada por\: %d.
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Sua pele está endurecida, ela parece áspera e sólida como casca.\n\nA pele endurecida aumenta sua armadura eficaz , o que lhe permite defender-se melhor contra ataques físicos. O bônus de armadura irá diminuir um ponto a cada turno até que expire.\n\nSua armadura está atualmente aumentada por\: %d.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk=Possuído de raiva
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering=A recuperar
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=A gravidade das feridas de um berserker fortalece os seus ataques. Quanto mais baixa a saúde de um berserker for, mais dano de bónus ele dará. Este bónus é significativamente mais forte quando ele se encontra perto da morte.\n\nQuando o berserker vê a sua saúde reduzida a 0 e está a usar o seu selo, ele perde o controlo e _recusa-se a morrer_ por um breve período de tempo.\n\nDano corrente\: %.2f%%/
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=At the brink of death, fear and uncertainty bleed away, leaving only anger. In this state of near-death the berserker is incredibly powerful, _dealing double damage, gaining bonus shielding, and refusing to die._\n\nThis bonus shielding is stronger the better the berserker's armor, and will slowly deplete over time. When this shielding is reduced to 0, the berserker will give in and die.\n\nAny form of healing will return the berserker to stability, but he will be exhausted. While exhausted, the berserker will suffer a large reduction in damage for a short time, and then will need to gain experience before being able to berserk again.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=No limiar da morte, medo e incerteza esvaem-se, deixando apenas a raiva. Neste estado de quase-morto, o berserker é incrivelmente poderoso, _infligindo o dobro de dano, ganhando proteção extra e recusando-se a morrer._\n\nA protecção ganha é mais forte que a melhor armadura que um berserker pode usar e irá desaparecendo com o tempo. Quando chega a 0, o berserker irá finalmente ceder e morrer.\n\nQualquer forma de cura devolverá o berserker a um estado estável, mas deixando-o exausto. Enquanto exausto, o berserker dano infligido por ele será bastante reduzido por um tempo curto e, posteriormente, terá de ganhar experiência antes de conseguir perder o controlo outra vez.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining\: %d\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Força interior tem os seus limites. O berserker está exausto, fazendo com que esteja enfraquecido e sem poder enfurecer-se.\n\nNeste estado, o berserker inflige dano bastante reduzido e morrerá automaticamente quando chegar a 0 de saúde.\n\nTurnos até passar a exaustão\: %d\nDano corrente\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nLevels until recovered\: %.2f\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Força interior tem os seus limites. O berserker deve descansar antes usar a sua raiva outra vez.\n\nEnquanto recupera, o berserker ainda dá dano extra mas morrerá automaticamente quando chegar a sua saúde chegar a 0.\n\nNíveis a ganhar até recuperar\: %.2f\nDano corrente\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Berserked to Death
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Enfurecido até morrer
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Você sangrou até a morte...
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Você sangrou até a morte...
@ -76,18 +76,18 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Não completamente congelado, mas bastante frio.\n\nAlvo
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d golpes\!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d golpes\!
actors.butts.combo.bad_target=You must target an enemy in attack range.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Deve seleccionar um alvo no seu alcance de ataque.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Select a target to Clobber\nStuns and knocks back
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Escolha um alvo para Espancar\nAtordoa e faz o alvo cambalear para trás
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ is currently available. This attack _knocks an enemy back and stuns them,_ but deals reduced damage. It's excellent for buying a little time during a fight.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Atordoar_ está correntemente disponível. Este ataque faz um inimigo _cambalear para trás e ficar atordoado_, mas inflige dano reduzido. É perfeito para ganhar algum tempo durante uma luta.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Select a target to Cleave\nIf it kills, preserves combo
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Escolha um alvo para Trinchar\nSe matar o alvo, a combinação de golpes é preservada
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Cleave_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _if it kills an enemy, it will increase combo instead of resetting it._ It's great for building combo when fighting multiple enemies.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Trinchar_ está correntemente disponível. Este ataque inflige dano adiciona e, _se matar um inimigo, aumenta o contador de combinação de ataques em vez de causar que volte a zero._ É um ótimo ataque para subir dito contador quando luta com múltiplos inimigos.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields you based on damage
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Escolha um alvo a Bater.\nProtege-o baseado no dano.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _grants you shielding_ proportional to the damage you deal. It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Bater_ está correntemente disponível. Este ataque inflige dano aumentado e _concede uma protecção_ proporcional ao dano que inflige. É um movimento ótimo para terminar uma luta, deixando-o transportar a sua resistência para a próxima.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Select a target to Crush\nDeals lots of damage
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Escolha um alvo a Esmagar\nInflige uma quantidade de dano enorme
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Crush_ is currently available. This devastating attack _deals massive damage very consistently._ It's great for taking down a powerful opponent from high health\!
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Esmagar_ está correntemente disponível. Este ataque devastador _inflige uma dose maciça de dano de forma muito consistente._ É um ataque ótimo para derrotar um inimigo poderoso com grande quantidade de saúde\!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Unload fury on which enemy?\nAttacks many times rapidly
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Descarregar Fúria em que inimigo?\nAtaca muitas vezes rapidamente
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fury_ is currently available. This devastating attack _hits as many times as your current combo count,_ albeit at reduced damage. Fury is great if you have a weapon enchant, as the enchant will activate on each hit\!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fúria_ está correntemente disponível. Este ataque devastador _atinge tantas vezes como o valor do seu contador de combinações_, apesar de o fazer com dano reduzido face ao normal. Fúria é um ótimo ataque se tem uma arma encantada pois o encantamento será activado em cada ataque\!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each blow increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long to attack, missing more than once, or using items will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities\: powerful attacks that cannot miss\! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=O gladiador ganha balanço com cada golpe com sucesso. Cada golpe aumenta o seu contador de combinação em um, mas demorar muito a atacar, falhar um golpe mais do que uma vez ou utilizar itens fará o contador recomeçar do 0.\n\nAcumular combinações destranca ataques finais\: ataques poderosos que não podem falhar\! Um ataque final diferente torna-se disponível à contagem de combinação de 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10. Utilizar um ataque final faz o contador recomeçar do 0.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=A corrupção penetra na essência de um ser, deturpando-os de sua natureza.\n\nCriaturas corrompidas irão atacar e danificar seu aliados, e ignorar seus inimigos. Corrupção é também danosa, e lentamente irá levar seu alvo a sucumbir.\n\nA corrupção é permanente. Seu efeito só acaba na morte.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=A corrupção penetra na essência de um ser, deturpando-os de sua natureza.\n\nCriaturas corrompidas irão atacar e danificar seu aliados, e ignorar seus inimigos. Corrupção é também danosa, e lentamente irá levar seu alvo a sucumbir.\n\nA corrupção é permanente. Seu efeito só acaba na morte.
@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=A dor ajuda você a resistir a vontade de dormir.
actors.hero.hero.revive=O ankh explode com energia vital\!
actors.hero.hero.revive=O ankh explode com energia vital\!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=The Warrior starts with a broken sigil which he can affix to armor.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=O Guerreiro começa com um selo quebrado que pode colocar na sua armadura.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=The Warrior will slowly generate a shield while he is wearing armor with the sigil affixed.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=O Guerreiro lentamente gera um escudo enquanto estiver a utilizar uma armadura com o selo colocado.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=The sigil can be moved between armor, carrying a single upgrade with it.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=O selo pode ser mudado para outra armadura, transferindo, no processo, uma melhoria com ele.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Qualquer tipo de comida restaura um pouco de vida quando ingerida.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Qualquer tipo de comida restaura um pouco de vida quando ingerida.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are identified from the beginning.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Poções de cura são identificadas desde o início.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=O Mago começa com um cajado único, que pode ser imbuído com as propriedades de uma varinha.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=O Mago começa com um cajado único, que pode ser imbuído com as propriedades de uma varinha.
@ -243,14 +243,14 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk6=Pergaminhos de Mapeamento Mágico são identif
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=A Caçadora começa com um bumerangue atualizável único.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=A Caçadora começa com um bumerangue atualizável único.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=A Caçadora é profissional com projéteis, causando dano extra se tiver força em excesso.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=A Caçadora é profissional com projéteis, causando dano extra se tiver força em excesso.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress has a chance to recover a single used missile weapon from each enemy.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=A Caçadora tem alguma probabilidade de recuperar uma única arma de arremesso de cada inimigo.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=A caçadora pressente monstros próximos, mesmo que eles estejam escondidos atrás de obstáculos.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=A caçadora pressente monstros próximos, mesmo que eles estejam escondidos atrás de obstáculos.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Poções de Visão Mental são identificadas desde o começo.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Poções de Visão Mental são identificadas desde o começo.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Um ataque bem sucedido permite ao _Gladiador_ começar um combo, e cada ataque bem sucedido em seguida irá causar mais dano do que o anterior.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Um ataque bem sucedido permite ao _Gladiador_ começar um combo, e cada ataque bem sucedido em seguida irá causar mais dano do que o anterior.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ deals bonus damage scaling with the severity of his wounds. When reduced to 0 health, he will _refuse to die_ for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=O Berserker dá dano extra de bónus, dano esse que aumenta conforme a severidade das suas feridas. Quando reduzido a 0 de saúde, ele simplesmente _recusar-se-à a morrer_ por um breve período de tempo ao custo de exaustão.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Ao utilizar varinhas em inimigos, o _Warlock_ tem a chance de marcar a alma dele. Inimigos marcados irão regenerar sua energia e fome sempre que sofrerem danos físicos.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Ao utilizar varinhas em inimigos, o _Warlock_ tem a chance de marcar a alma dele. Inimigos marcados irão regenerar sua energia e fome sempre que sofrerem danos físicos.
@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ actors.buffs.amok.desc=Буйство - это состояние лютой н
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Дубовая кожа
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Дубовая кожа
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Ваша кожа затвердела и стала грубой и твердой, как кора.\n\nЗатвердевшая кожа увеличивает вашу эффективную броню, позволяя лучше переносить физические атаки. Бонус брони уменьшается на единицу с каждым ходом, пока не иссякнет.\n\nТекущее увеличение брони\: %d.
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Ваша кожа затвердела и стала грубой и твердой, как кора.\n\nЗатвердевшая кожа увеличивает вашу эффективную броню, позволяя лучше переносить физические атаки. Бонус брони уменьшается на единицу с каждым ходом, пока не иссякнет.\n\nТекущее увеличение брони\: %d.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Чем глубже раны берсерка, тем сильнее его удары. Бонус увеличивается с уменьшением уровня здоровья. Когда берсерк находится при смерти, бонус увеличивается ещё больше.\n\nЕсли берсерк носит свою печать, то при получении смертельного удара он впадет в неистовство и _не будет умирать_ в течение короткого времени.\n\nТекущий бонус\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=At the brink of death, fear and uncertainty bleed away, leaving only anger. In this state of near-death the berserker is incredibly powerful, _dealing double damage, gaining bonus shielding, and refusing to die._\n\nThis bonus shielding is stronger the better the berserker's armor, and will slowly deplete over time. When this shielding is reduced to 0, the berserker will give in and die.\n\nAny form of healing will return the berserker to stability, but he will be exhausted. While exhausted, the berserker will suffer a large reduction in damage for a short time, and then will need to gain experience before being able to berserk again.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Страх и неуверенность отступают при приближении смерти, оставляя только ярость. В близком к смерти состоянии берсерк становится ещё опаснее, _нанося удвоенный урон, получая дополнительный щит и отказываясь умирать_.\n\nЧем крепче броня, тем сильнее будет щит, однако он тает со временем. Когда щит пропадёт, берсерк сдастся и умрёт.\n\nЛюбое исцеление вернёт берсерка к жизни, однако он будет истощён на короткий промежуток времени. В этом состоянии он наносит значительно меньше урона. Чтобы снова впасть в неистовство, берсерку потребуется набрать опыт.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining\: %d\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=У внутренней силы есть свои пределы. Берсерк истощён, слаб и не способен впасть в неистовство.\n\nВ этом состоянии берсерк наносит значительно меньше урона, а смертельный урон в этот раз его убьёт.\n\nХодов осталось\: %d\nТекущий урон\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nLevels until recovered\: %.2f\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=У внутренней силы есть свои пределы. Берсерк должен отдохнуть, прежде чем снова сможет впасть в неистовство.\n\nВо время восстановления берсерк наносит дополнительный урон, однако смертельный урон все ещё его убьёт.\n\nУровней до восстановления\: %.2f\nТекущий урон\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Berserked to Death
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Умер от неистовства
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Вы умерли от потери крови...
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Вы умерли от потери крови...
@ -76,18 +76,18 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=Очень холодно, но пока не замор
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Комбо из %d ударов\!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Комбо из %d ударов\!
actors.butts.combo.bad_target=You must target an enemy in attack range.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Цель должна быть в радиусе атаки.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Select a target to Clobber\nStuns and knocks back
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Выберите цель для Тарана\nОглушает и отталкивает
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ is currently available. This attack _knocks an enemy back and stuns them,_ but deals reduced damage. It's excellent for buying a little time during a fight.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=Вы можете использовать _Таран_. Эта атака _отталкивает и оглушает врага_, но наносит уменьшенный урон. Отличный способ выиграть немного времени в схватке.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Select a target to Cleave\nIf it kills, preserves combo
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Выберите цель Рассечения\nПри убийстве комбо не прервется
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Cleave_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _if it kills an enemy, it will increase combo instead of resetting it._ It's great for building combo when fighting multiple enemies.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=Вам доступно _Рассечение_. Эта атака наносит увеличенный урон, _если она убьёт цель, то серия ударов увеличится, а не прервётся_. Отличный способ поддерживать комбо при сражении с несколькими противниками.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields you based on damage
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Выберите цель Упреждения\nЗащищает вам при ударе
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _grants you shielding_ proportional to the damage you deal. It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=Вам доступно _Упреждение_. Эта атака наносит увеличенный урон и _даёт щит_, пропорционально нанесённому урону. Отличный способ завершения боя, обеспечивающий дополнительную защиту в следующем.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Select a target to Crush\nDeals lots of damage
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Выберите цель для Сокрушения\nНаносит огромный урон
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Crush_ is currently available. This devastating attack _deals massive damage very consistently._ It's great for taking down a powerful opponent from high health\!
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=Вам доступно _Сокрушение_. Эта разрушительная атака _всегда наносит значительный урон _. Отличный способ одолеть крепкого соперника\!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Unload fury on which enemy?\nAttacks many times rapidly
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=На кого направить Буйство?\nБыстро атакует множество раз
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fury_ is currently available. This devastating attack _hits as many times as your current combo count,_ albeit at reduced damage. Fury is great if you have a weapon enchant, as the enchant will activate on each hit\!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=Вам доступно _Буйство_. Разрушительная атака, _наносящая число ударов, равное ваше серии_, хоть и с уменьшенным уроном. Буйство полезно, если у вас есть зачарованное оружие, так как зачарование будет срабатывать при каждом ударе\!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each blow increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long to attack, missing more than once, or using items will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities\: powerful attacks that cannot miss\! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Гладиатор специализируется на проведении серий атак. Каждое попадание увеличивает счётчик комбо-ударов, но если слишком долго не атаковать, промахнуться более одного раза или использовать предмет, счётчик сбросится до 0.\n\nСерия ударов дает даёт доступ к завершающим приёмам\: особым атакам, которые всегда попадают в цель\! Особые приёмы доступны на сериях из 2, 4, 6, 8 и 10 ударов. Завершающий приём прерывает комбо.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Порча проникает в саму суть существ, извращая их истинную природу.\n\nИспорченные существа будут атаковать и провоцировать своих союзников, игнорируя настоящего врага. К тому же, порча наносит урон, приближая смерть жертвы.\n\nПорча постоянна, только смерть остановит ее.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Порча проникает в саму суть существ, извращая их истинную природу.\n\nИспорченные существа будут атаковать и провоцировать своих союзников, игнорируя настоящего врага. К тому же, порча наносит урон, приближая смерть жертвы.\n\nПорча постоянна, только смерть остановит ее.
@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=Боль помогает преодолеть тя
actors.hero.hero.revive=Анх взрывается дарующей жизнь энергией\!
actors.hero.hero.revive=Анх взрывается дарующей жизнь энергией\!
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=The Warrior starts with a broken sigil which he can affix to armor.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=Воин начинает со сломанной печатью, которая может усилить броню.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=The Warrior will slowly generate a shield while he is wearing armor with the sigil affixed.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=Воин медленно накапливает щит, пока носит броню с печатью.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=The sigil can be moved between armor, carrying a single upgrade with it.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=Печать можно переместить на другую броню, дополнительно перенеся один уровень улучшения.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Любая еда восстанавливает немного здоровья.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk4=Любая еда восстанавливает немного здоровья.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are identified from the beginning.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Зелья Исцеления опознаны сразу.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=Маг начинает с уникальным посохом, который может быть усилен свойствами жезла.
actors.hero.heroclass.mage_perk1=Маг начинает с уникальным посохом, который может быть усилен свойствами жезла.
@ -243,14 +243,14 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk6=Свитки Поиска Пути сразу
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=Охотница начинает с уникальным улучшаемым бумерангом.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk1=Охотница начинает с уникальным улучшаемым бумерангом.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=Охотница лучше обращается с метательным оружием, получая дополнительный урон при избытке силы.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk2=Охотница лучше обращается с метательным оружием, получая дополнительный урон при избытке силы.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress has a chance to recover a single used missile weapon from each enemy.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=У Охотницы есть возможность вытащить из каждого врага один кинутый дротик.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=Охотница может почувствовать ближайших врагов, прячущихся за препятствиями.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk4=Охотница может почувствовать ближайших врагов, прячущихся за препятствиями.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Зелья Телепатии сразу опознаны.
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk5=Зелья Телепатии сразу опознаны.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Успешные атаки в ближнем бою позволяют _Гладиатору_ начать комбо, и с каждым последующим ударом наносить больше урона.
actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Успешные атаки в ближнем бою позволяют _Гладиатору_ начать комбо, и с каждым последующим ударом наносить больше урона.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ deals bonus damage scaling with the severity of his wounds. When reduced to 0 health, he will _refuse to die_ for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=_Берсерк_ наносит тем больше урона, чем меньше у него здоровья. При получении смертельного урона он _не умрёт_ в течение нескольких ходов, однако останется измождённым.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=При использовании жезлов против врагов, _Чернокнижник_ может пометить их душу. Когда отмеченный враг получает физический урон, _Чернокнижник_ исцеляется и утоляет голод.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=При использовании жезлов против врагов, _Чернокнижник_ может пометить их душу. Когда отмеченный враг получает физический урон, _Чернокнижник_ исцеляется и утоляет голод.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=боевой маг
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=боевой маг
@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ actors.buffs.amok.desc=狂乱导致状态下的生物进入一种极度愤怒和
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=你的皮肤硬化了,摸起来如同树皮一样既粗糙且坚固。 \n\n硬化的皮肤增强了你的实际护甲,使你能更好地抵御物理攻击。这种额外的护甲数值会以每回合1点的速度降低,直到它彻底失去作用。\n\n增加的护甲值:%d
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=你的皮肤硬化了,摸起来如同树皮一样既粗糙且坚固。 \n\n硬化的皮肤增强了你的实际护甲,使你能更好地抵御物理攻击。这种额外的护甲数值会以每回合1点的速度降低,直到它彻底失去作用。\n\n增加的护甲值:%d
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. The lower the berserker's health is, the more bonus damage he will deal. This bonus is significantly stronger when the berserker is close to death.\n\nWhen the berserker is brought to 0 hp and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and _refuse to die_ for a short time.\n\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=At the brink of death, fear and uncertainty bleed away, leaving only anger. In this state of near-death the berserker is incredibly powerful, _dealing double damage, gaining bonus shielding, and refusing to die._\n\nThis bonus shielding is stronger the better the berserker's armor, and will slowly deplete over time. When this shielding is reduced to 0, the berserker will give in and die.\n\nAny form of healing will return the berserker to stability, but he will be exhausted. While exhausted, the berserker will suffer a large reduction in damage for a short time, and then will need to gain experience before being able to berserk again.
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker is exhausted, weakening him and making him unable to rage.\n\nIn this state The berserker deals significantly reduced damage, and will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nTurns of exhaustion remaining\: %d\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.recovering_desc=Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.\n\nWhile recovering the berserker still deals bonus damage, but will immediately die at 0 health.\n\nLevels until recovered\: %.2f\nCurrent damage\: %.2f%%.
actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Berserked to Death
@ -76,18 +76,18 @@ actors.buffs.chill.desc=还没有完全冻住,不过已经非常寒冷。\n\n
actors.butts.combo.bad_target=You must target an enemy in attack range.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Select a target to Clobber\nStuns and knocks back
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Clobber_ is currently available. This attack _knocks an enemy back and stuns them,_ but deals reduced damage. It's excellent for buying a little time during a fight.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Select a target to Cleave\nIf it kills, preserves combo
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Cleave_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _if it kills an enemy, it will increase combo instead of resetting it._ It's great for building combo when fighting multiple enemies.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Select a target to Slam\nShields you based on damage
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Slam_ is currently available. This attack deals increased damage, and _grants you shielding_ proportional to the damage you deal. It's great for finishing a fight, letting you carry over endurance to the next one.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Select a target to Crush\nDeals lots of damage
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Crush_ is currently available. This devastating attack _deals massive damage very consistently._ It's great for taking down a powerful opponent from high health\!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Unload fury on which enemy?\nAttacks many times rapidly
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Fury_ is currently available. This devastating attack _hits as many times as your current combo count,_ albeit at reduced damage. Fury is great if you have a weapon enchant, as the enchant will activate on each hit\!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each blow increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long to attack, missing more than once, or using items will reset the combo counter to 0.\n\nBuilding combo unlocks special finisher abilities\: powerful attacks that cannot miss\! A different finisher is available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count, and using a finisher will reset your combo.
@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ actors.hero.hero.pain_resist=疼痛使你得以抵抗睡意。
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk1=The Warrior starts with a broken sigil which he can affix to armor.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk2=The Warrior will slowly generate a shield while he is wearing armor with the sigil affixed.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk3=The sigil can be moved between armor, carrying a single upgrade with it.
actors.hero.heroclass.warrior_perk5=Potions of Healing are identified from the beginning.
@ -243,14 +243,14 @@ actors.hero.heroclass.rogue_perk6=魔法地图卷轴在游戏开始就已鉴定
actors.hero.heroclass.huntress_perk3=The Huntress has a chance to recover a single used missile weapon from each enemy.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=The _Berserker_ deals bonus damage scaling with the severity of his wounds. When reduced to 0 health, he will _refuse to die_ for a short time, at the cost of exhaustion.
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=Während die Glyphe auf deiner R
items.armor.armor.detach_sigil=You detach the sigil from your armor.
items.armor.armor.detach_seal=You detach the seal from your armor.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=The armor constricts around you painfully.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=Die Rüstung schnürt sich schmerzhaft um dich.
items.armor.armor.identify=Du bist nun vertraut genug mit %s um es zu identifizieren. Es handelt sich um %s.
items.armor.armor.identify=Du bist nun vertraut genug mit %s um es zu identifizieren. Es handelt sich um %s.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=Die Interaktion mit verschiedenen Arten von Magie hat die Glyphe von dieser Rüstung entfernt\!
items.armor.armor.incompatible=Die Interaktion mit verschiedenen Arten von Magie hat die Glyphe von dieser Rüstung entfernt\!
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Diese Rüstung bietet eine Schadensverringerung von bis zu %d Punkten pro Angriff.
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Diese Rüstung bietet eine Schadensverringerung von bis zu %d Punkten pro Angriff.
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=BRAUEN
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Du kannst nicht zwei gleiche Artefakte tragen.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Du kannst nicht zwei gleiche Artefakte tragen.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=The artifact painfully binds itself to you.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=Das Artefakt bindet sich schmerzhaft an dich.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Du spürst, dass eine bösartige Magie in diesem Artefakt ruht.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Du spürst, dass eine bösartige Magie in diesem Artefakt ruht.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Du musst dich mit dem Artefakt ausrüsten, um das zu tun.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Du musst dich mit dem Artefakt ausrüsten, um das zu tun.
@ -295,9 +295,9 @@ items.food.blandfruit.dreamfruit=Traumfrucht
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Du kannst es nicht über dich bringen, es roh zu essen.
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Du kannst es nicht über dich bringen, es roh zu essen.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=Die Eisfrucht schmeckt ein bisschen wie gefrorene Carpaccio.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=Die Eisfrucht schmeckt ein bisschen wie gefrorene Carpaccio.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Du spührst wie ein großes Feuer in dir brennt\!
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Du spürst wie ein großes Feuer in dir brennt\!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Du bist erfüllt mit der Kraft des Giftes\!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Du bist erfüllt mit der Kraft des Giftes\!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Du spührst wie die Kraft der Erde durch dich fließt\!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Du spürst wie die Kraft der Erde durch dich fließt\!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=So trocken und substanzlos, vielleicht bringt es etwas dies mit einer anderen Zutat zu kochen.
items.food.blandfruit.desc=So trocken und substanzlos, vielleicht bringt es etwas dies mit einer anderen Zutat zu kochen.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Die Frucht ist während der Zeit im Topf sichtbar praller geworden und hat sogar die Eigenschaften des mitgekochten Samens übernommen.\n\nSieht fertig aus und kann gegessen werden\!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Die Frucht ist während der Zeit im Topf sichtbar praller geworden und hat sogar die Eigenschaften des mitgekochten Samens übernommen.\n\nSieht fertig aus und kann gegessen werden\!
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Da dieser Ring verflucht ist, bist du nicht in der
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Du spürst, dass eine bösartige Magie im %s ruht.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Du spürst, dass eine bösartige Magie im %s ruht.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=Ring der Zielgenauigkeit
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=Ring der Zielgenauigkeit
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=This ring increases your focus, reducing your enemy's ability to dodge your attacks. A degraded ring will instead make it easier for enemies to evade your attacks.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Dieser Ring verbessert deine Konzentration und reduziert damit die Fähigkeit der Gegner deinen Angriffen auszuweichen. Ein geschwächter Ring macht es einfacher für deine Gegner dir auszuweichen.
items.rings.ringofelements.name=Ring der Elemente
items.rings.ringofelements.name=Ring der Elemente
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Dieser Ring schützt seinen Träger vor verschiedenen Elementen, wie zum Beispiel Feuer, Elektrizität, Gassen und so weiter. Außerdem verringert er die Dauer von negativen Effekten.
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Dieser Ring schützt seinen Träger vor verschiedenen Elementen, wie zum Beispiel Feuer, Elektrizität, Gassen und so weiter. Außerdem verringert er die Dauer von negativen Effekten.
@ -805,13 +805,13 @@ items.bomb.desc_burning=Eine ziemlich große Schwarzpulver-Bombe. Eine Explosion
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=Zwei Bomben
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=Zwei Bomben
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Hier liegen zwei große Schwarzpulver-Bomben\! DIe Zweite gibt es anscheinend obendrauf\!
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Hier liegen zwei große Schwarzpulver-Bomben\! DIe Zweite gibt es anscheinend obendrauf\!
items.brokenseal.name=Broken Seal
items.brokenseal.name=broken seal
items.brokenseal.prompt=Select an armor
items.brokenseal.prompt=Select an armor
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=You must identify that armor first.
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=You must identify that armor first.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=That armor is in too poor a condition.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=The condition of this armor is too poor.
items.brokenseal.affix=You affix the sigil to your armor\!
items.brokenseal.affix=You affix the seal to your armor\!
items.brokenseal.desc=A wax seal, affixed to armor as a smybol of valor. All the markings on the seal have worn off with age and it is broken in half down the middle.\n\nA memento from his home, the seal helps the warrior persevere. While wearing the seal the warrior will slowly generate shielding ontop of his health based on the quality of his armor.\n\nThe seal can be _affixed to armor,_ and moved between armors. It can carry a single upgrade with it.
items.brokenseal.desc=A wax seal, affixed to armor as a symbol of valor. All the markings on the seal have worn off with age and it is broken in half down the middle.\n\nA memento from his home, the seal helps the warrior persevere. While wearing the seal the warrior will slowly generate shielding on top of his health based on the quality of his armor.\n\nThe seal can be _affixed to armor,_ and moved between armors. It can carry a single upgrade with it.
@ -833,6 +833,22 @@ items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=AUSZIEHEN
items.gold.desc=Ein Haufen voller Goldmünzen. Sammle Goldmünzen um sie später in einem Laden auszugeben.
items.gold.desc=Ein Haufen voller Goldmünzen. Sammle Goldmünzen um sie später in einem Laden auszugeben.
items.heap.chest_desc=Du weißt nicht was drinnen ist, bis du es geöffnet hast\!
items.heap.locked_chest=Verschlossene Truhe
items.heap.locked_chest_desc=Du weißt nicht was drinnen ist, bis du es geöffnet hast\! Aber dafür benötigst du einen goldenen Schlüssel.
items.heap.crystal_chest_desc=Du kannst eine/n %s erkennen, aber um diese Truhe zu öffnen benötigst du einen goldenen Schlüssel.
items.heap.artifact=ein Artefakt
items.heap.wand=ein Zauberstab
items.heap.ring=ein Ring
items.heap.tomb_desc=Dieses uralte Grabmal könnte etwas nützliches beinhalten, doch sein Besitzer hätte sicherlich etwas dagegen, wenn du sein Grab plünderst.
items.heap.skeleton_desc=Dies sind die Hinterlassenschaften eines verunglückten Abenteuers. Vielleicht lässt sich hier etwas Wertvolles finden.
items.heap.remains=Gebeine eines Helden
items.heap.remains_desc=Das hier ist alles, was noch von deinem Vorgänger übrig ist. Vielleicht lässt sich hier etwas Wertvolles finden.
items.honeypot.desc=Dieser Honigtopf ist kaum mit Honig gefüllt, stattdessen lebt dort eine gigantische Biene\! Diese Art von riesigen Bienen bleibt eigentlich in ihrem Nest, vielleicht ist dieser Topf ja ein spezielles Gefängnis eines Imkers? Die Biene wirkt jedenfalls entspannt und gibt ein warnendes Surren von sich, wenn du in ihren Topf schaust.
items.honeypot.desc=Dieser Honigtopf ist kaum mit Honig gefüllt, stattdessen lebt dort eine gigantische Biene\! Diese Art von riesigen Bienen bleibt eigentlich in ihrem Nest, vielleicht ist dieser Topf ja ein spezielles Gefängnis eines Imkers? Die Biene wirkt jedenfalls entspannt und gibt ein warnendes Surren von sich, wenn du in ihren Topf schaust.
@ -845,8 +861,8 @@ items.item.ac_drop=FALLEN LASSEN
items.item.rankings_desc=Getötet von\: %s
items.item.rankings_desc=Getötet von\: %s
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Unequip one item
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Leg' einen Ausrüstungsteil ab.
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=You can only wear two misc items at a time.
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=Du kannst nur zwei verschiedene Gegenstände zugleich tragen.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Your grip involuntarily tightens around the weapon.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Your grip involuntarily tightens around the weapon.
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=Mientras el glifo de tu armadura
items.armor.armor.detach_sigil=You detach the sigil from your armor.
items.armor.armor.detach_seal=Has removido el sello de tu armadura.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=The armor constricts around you painfully.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=Tu armadura se ciñe dolorosamente alrededor de ti.
items.armor.armor.identify=Ahora conoces lo sufiente a tu %s para identificarlo. Es un %s.
items.armor.armor.identify=Ahora conoces lo sufiente a tu %s para identificarlo. Es un %s.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=La interacción de diferentes tipos de magia ha borrado el glifo de esta armadura.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=La interacción de diferentes tipos de magia ha borrado el glifo de esta armadura.
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Esta armadura brinda resistencia al daño hasta %d puntos de daño.
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Esta armadura brinda resistencia al daño hasta %d puntos de daño.
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Probablemente esta armadura es muy pesada p
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Está grabada con una %s.
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Está grabada con una %s.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Ya que esta armadura está maldecida, no puedes quitártela.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Ya que esta armadura está maldecida, no puedes quitártela.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Puedes sentir una magia perversa escondida en esta armadura.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Puedes sentir una magia perversa escondida en esta armadura.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=The Warrior's broken seal is attached to this armor.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=El sello roto del guerrero a sido fijado a esta armadura.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s te ha matado.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s te ha matado.
@ -66,16 +66,16 @@ items.armor.magearmor.desc=Usando esta hermosa túnica, un Mago puede lanzar un
items.armor.mailarmor.name=armadura de malla
items.armor.mailarmor.name=armadura de malla
items.armor.mailarmor.desc=Ligas de metal entrelazadas conforman una fuerte pero flexible armadura.
items.armor.mailarmor.desc=Ligas de metal entrelazadas conforman una fuerte pero flexible armadura.
items.armor.platearmor.name=Armadura laminada
items.armor.platearmor.name=armadura laminada
items.armor.platearmor.desc=Enormes láminas de metal están unidas para formar un traje que da una inigualable protección a cualquier aventurero lo suficientemente fuerte para soportar su asombroso peso.
items.armor.platearmor.desc=Enormes láminas de metal están unidas para formar un traje que da una inigualable protección a cualquier aventurero lo suficientemente fuerte para soportar su asombroso peso.
items.armor.roguearmor.name=Atuendo de picaro
items.armor.roguearmor.name=Atuendo de picaro
items.armor.roguearmor.ac_special=BOMBA DE HUMO
items.armor.roguearmor.ac_special=BOMBA DE HUMO
items.armor.roguearmor.fov=Tú sólo puedes saltar en un lugar vacío en tu campo de visión
items.armor.roguearmor.fov=Tú sólo puedes saltar en un lugar vacío en tu campo de visión
items.armor.roguearmor.prompt=Elige un destino para saltar
items.armor.roguearmor.prompt=Elige un destino hacia el que saltar
items.armor.roguearmor.desc=Vistiendo este atuendo oscuro, un pícaro puede realizar un truco, que se llama "bomba de humo"\:Esto ciega a los enemigos pero podrían verte si te acercas a ellos.
items.armor.roguearmor.desc=Vistiendo este atuendo oscuro, un pícaro puede realizar un truco, que se llama "bomba de humo"\:Esto ciega a los enemigos pero podrían verte si te acercas a ellos.
items.armor.scalearmor.name=Armadura de escamas
items.armor.scalearmor.name=armadura de escamas
items.armor.scalearmor.desc=Este chaleco de tela con escamas de metal cocidas proporciona una protección considerable sin perder la flexibilidad.
items.armor.scalearmor.desc=Este chaleco de tela con escamas de metal cocidas proporciona una protección considerable sin perder la flexibilidad.
items.armor.warriorarmor.name=Armadura de Guerrero
items.armor.warriorarmor.name=Armadura de Guerrero
@ -86,16 +86,16 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Mientras que esta armadura se ve pesada, permite u
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=Kit del alquimista
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=kit del alquimista
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No puedes llevar dos artefactos del mismo tipo.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No puedes llevar dos artefactos del mismo tipo.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=The artifact painfully binds itself to you.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=El artefacto se une dolorosamente a ti.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Puedes sentir magia malévola acechando dentro del artefacto.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Puedes sentir magia malévola acechando dentro del artefacto.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Necesitas equipar tu artefacto para hacer eso.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Necesitas equipar tu artefacto para hacer eso.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=Capa de espinas
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=capa de espinas
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc=Estas hojas colapsadas de metal del DM-300 forman juntas una capa rígida. Parece guardar una energía profunda, ¿tendrá algo del poder del DM-300?
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc=Estas hojas colapsadas de metal del DM-300 forman juntas una capa rígida. Parece guardar una energía profunda, ¿tendrá algo del poder del DM-300?
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc_inactive=La capa se siente tranquilizadoramente pesada en tus hombros, parece estar ganando energía del daño que recibes.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc_inactive=La capa se siente tranquilizadoramente pesada en tus hombros, parece estar ganando energía del daño que recibes.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc_active=La capa parece estar liberando energía guardada, está irradiando un poder protector.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc_active=La capa parece estar liberando energía guardada, está irradiando un poder protector.
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.levelup=¡Tu capa se fortalece\!
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.desc=¡Tu capa está irradiando energía, envolviéndote en un campo de fuerza deflectiva\!\n\nTodo el daño recibido es reducido mientras el efecto de espinas está activo. Adicionalmente, si el atacante está a tu lado, el daño reducido se refleja contra el atacante.\n\nTurnos de espinas remanentes\: %s.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.desc=¡Tu capa está irradiando energía, envolviéndote en un campo de fuerza deflectiva\!\n\nTodo el daño recibido es reducido mientras el efecto de espinas está activo. Adicionalmente, si el atacante está a tu lado, el daño reducido se refleja contra el atacante.\n\nTurnos de espinas remanentes\: %s.
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.name=Cáliz de sangre
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.name=cáliz de sangre
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.yes=Si, yo sé lo que hago
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.yes=Si, yo sé lo que hago
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.no=No, cambié de parecer
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.no=No, cambié de parecer
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_1=Mientras sostienes el cáliz, te sientes c
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_2=Algo de tu sangre cae en el cáliz, puedes sentir al caliz otorgándote energía vital. Todavía quieres cortarte con el caliz, incluso cuando sabes que te lastimará.
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_2=Algo de tu sangre cae en el cáliz, puedes sentir al caliz otorgándote energía vital. Todavía quieres cortarte con el caliz, incluso cuando sabes que te lastimará.
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=El cáliz está lleno hasta el borde de tu energía vital. Puedes sentir el caliz brindándote energía vital de vuelta.
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.desc_3=El cáliz está lleno hasta el borde de tu energía vital. Puedes sentir el caliz brindándote energía vital de vuelta.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=Capa de sombras
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.name=capa de sombras
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Tu capa necesita %d rondas más para re energizarse.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Tu capa necesita %d rondas más para re energizarse.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Tu capa aún no se ha recargado lo suficiente para ser usada.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Tu capa aún no se ha recargado lo suficiente para ser usada.
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.levelup=¡Tu capa se fortalece\!
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.desc=Tu capa de sombras está otorgándote invisibilidad mientras estás envuelto con ella.\n\nMientras eres invisible los enemigos no pueden atacarte o seguirte. Ataques físicos o efectos máciso (como pergaminos y varitas) cancelan inmediatamente la invisibilidad.\n\nTe mantendrás camuflado hasta cancelarse o que tu capa se quede sin cargas.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.desc=Tu capa de sombras está otorgándote invisibilidad mientras estás envuelto con ella.\n\nMientras eres invisible los enemigos no pueden atacarte o seguirte. Ataques físicos o efectos máciso (como pergaminos y varitas) cancelan inmediatamente la invisibilidad.\n\nTe mantendrás camuflado hasta cancelarse o que tu capa se quede sin cargas.
items.artifacts.driedrose.name=Rosa marchita
items.artifacts.driedrose.name=rosa marchita
items.artifacts.driedrose.spawned=Ya has invocado al fantasma.
items.artifacts.driedrose.spawned=Ya has invocado al fantasma.
items.artifacts.driedrose.no_charge=Tu rosa no está totalmente cargada todavía.
items.artifacts.driedrose.no_charge=Tu rosa no está totalmente cargada todavía.
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose.charged=Tu rosa esta totalmente cargada\!
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc=¿Es esta la rosa que mencionó el fantasma antes de desaparecer? Parece quee mantiene algún poder espiritual, tal vez puede ser usada para conducir la energía de ese guerrero perdido.
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc=¿Es esta la rosa que mencionó el fantasma antes de desaparecer? Parece quee mantiene algún poder espiritual, tal vez puede ser usada para conducir la energía de ese guerrero perdido.
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_hint=Parece faltar algunos pétalos. Tal vez si los colocase fortalecerían la rosa.
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_hint=Parece faltar algunos pétalos. Tal vez si los colocase fortalecerían la rosa.
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_cursed=La rosa maldita está pegada a la mano, se siente extrañamente fría.
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_cursed=La rosa maldita está pegada a la mano, se siente extrañamente fría.
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.name=Pétalo marchito
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.name=pétalo marchito
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.no_rose=Necesitas una rosa para añadir el pétalo.
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.no_rose=Necesitas una rosa para añadir el pétalo.
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.no_room=No hay cavidad para este petalo, así que lo descartas.
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.no_room=No hay cavidad para este petalo, así que lo descartas.
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.maxlevel=La rosa esta completa\!
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.maxlevel=La rosa esta completa\!
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.hello=Hola de nuevo %s.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=Mi espíritu está ligado al color de rosa, fue muy valioso para mí, un regalo de mi amor que he dejado sobre la superficie.\n\nNo puedo regresar a él, pero gracias a ti tengo una segunda oportunidad para completar mi viaje. Cuando pueda responderé a tu llamado y luchare contigo.\n\nEspero que usted pueda tener éxito donde yo fallé...\n
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.introduce=Mi espíritu está ligado al color de rosa, fue muy valioso para mí, un regalo de mi amor que he dejado sobre la superficie.\n\nNo puedo regresar a él, pero gracias a ti tengo una segunda oportunidad para completar mi viaje. Cuando pueda responderé a tu llamado y luchare contigo.\n\nEspero que usted pueda tener éxito donde yo fallé...\n
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Un frágil mirada etérea figura con una forma humanoide. Su poder parece ligado a la rosa que tengo.\n\nEste fantasma puede no ser mucho, pero parece que es mi único y verdadero amigo aquí abajo.
items.artifacts.driedrose$ghosthero.desc=Un frágil mirada etérea figura con una forma humanoide. Su poder parece ligado a la rosa que tengo.\n\nEste fantasma puede no ser mucho, pero parece que es mi único y verdadero amigo aquí abajo.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=Cadenas etereas
items.artifacts.etherealchains.name=cadenas etéreas
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Tus cadenas no tienen suficiente carga.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.no_charge=Tus cadenas no tienen suficiente carga.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=No puedes usar cadenas malditas.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.cursed=No puedes usar cadenas malditas.
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_cursed=Las cadenas malditas están apretadas
items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_equipped=Las cadenas se apoyan a tu lado, sifoneando lentamente la energía espiritual de aquellos que derrotas. Cada carga es una unión en la cadena, que te extenderá exactamente una baldosa.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_equipped=Las cadenas se apoyan a tu lado, sifoneando lentamente la energía espiritual de aquellos que derrotas. Cada carga es una unión en la cadena, que te extenderá exactamente una baldosa.
items.artifacts.etherealchains$chainsrecharge.levelup=¡Tus cadenas crecen con fuerza\!
items.artifacts.etherealchains$chainsrecharge.levelup=¡Tus cadenas crecen con fuerza\!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.name=Cuerno de la saciedad
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.name=cuerno de la saciedad
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.eat=Comes del cuerno
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.eat=Comes del cuerno
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=Este cuerno no parece que se pueda soplar por
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=Quizás hay una forma de incrementar el poder del cuerno al darle energía de los alimentos.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=Quizás hay una forma de incrementar el poder del cuerno al darle energía de los alimentos.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=El cuerno maldito se ha ligado a sí mismo a tu lado, parece estar ansioso de tomar comida más que producirla.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=El cuerno maldito se ha ligado a sí mismo a tu lado, parece estar ansioso de tomar comida más que producirla.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.name=Baliza de Lloyd
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.name=baliza de Lloyd
@ -195,9 +195,9 @@ items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brazalete de maestro ladrón
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Este brazalete púrpura de terciopelo sostiene la marca de un ladrón maestro. Esta no te pertenece, pero probablemente no perteneció a la persona de quien lo tomaste.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Este brazalete púrpura de terciopelo sostiene la marca de un ladrón maestro. Esta no te pertenece, pero probablemente no perteneció a la persona de quien lo tomaste.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Con este brazalete alrededor de tu muñeca, cada moneda de oro que encuentras hace que quieras más la propiedad de otra persona. Quizás no podría ser muy difícil robar desde Pixel Mart...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Con este brazalete alrededor de tu muñeca, cada moneda de oro que encuentras hace que quieras más la propiedad de otra persona. Quizás no podría ser muy difícil robar desde Pixel Mart...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=Sandalias de la naturaleza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandalias de la naturaleza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=Zapatos de la naturaleza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=zapatos de la naturaleza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_2=Botas de la naturaleza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_2=botas de la naturaleza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_3=grebas de la naturaleza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_3=grebas de la naturaleza
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_cursed=Las sandalias malditas están bloque
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_ability=El calzado ha alcanzado la abilidad de formarse en un tipo de armadura natural inmóvil, pero necesitará cargarse para eso.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_ability=El calzado ha alcanzado la abilidad de formarse en un tipo de armadura natural inmóvil, pero necesitará cargarse para eso.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_seeds=Has nutrido tu calzado con %d semillas.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_seeds=Has nutrido tu calzado con %d semillas.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.name=Talisman de prevision.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.name=talismán de previsión.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.no_charge=Tu talismán no está cargado del todo todavía.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.no_charge=Tu talismán no está cargado del todo todavía.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.scry=El talismán llena tu mente con el conocimiento de este nivel.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.scry=El talismán llena tu mente con el conocimiento de este nivel.
@ -241,13 +241,13 @@ items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.prompt=Como te gustaría usar el reloj magi
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc=Este gran reloj de arena adornado se ve bastante modesto, pero sientes un gran poder en su figura finamente grabada. Mientras giras el reloj de arena y observas la arena fluir sientes su magia halándote, seguramente al usar esta magia se podría dar algún control del tiempo.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc=Este gran reloj de arena adornado se ve bastante modesto, pero sientes un gran poder en su figura finamente grabada. Mientras giras el reloj de arena y observas la arena fluir sientes su magia halándote, seguramente al usar esta magia se podría dar algún control del tiempo.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_hint=El reloj de arena parece haber perdido algo de arena, si pudiera encontrar un poco...
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_hint=El reloj de arena parece haber perdido algo de arena, si pudiera encontrar un poco...
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_cursed=El reloj de arena maldito está encajado a tu lado, sientes que está intentando manipular tu flujo de tiempo.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_cursed=El reloj de arena maldito está encajado a tu lado, sientes que está intentando manipular tu flujo de tiempo.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.name=Bolsa de arena mágica
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.name=bolsa de arena mágica
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.levelup=Has añadido la arena a tu reloj
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.levelup=Has añadido la arena a tu reloj
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.maxlevel=Tu reloj de arena esta lleno con arena magica\!
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.maxlevel=Tu reloj de arena esta lleno con arena magica\!
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.no_hourglass=Tu no tienes un reloj de arena para poner esta arena dentro.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.no_hourglass=Tu no tienes un reloj de arena para poner esta arena dentro.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.desc=Esta pequeña bolsa de arena fina podría funcionar perfectamente con tu reloj de arena.\n\nEs curioso que el tendero podría tener este ítem en específico justo cuando lo necesitas...
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.desc=Esta pequeña bolsa de arena fina podría funcionar perfectamente con tu reloj de arena.\n\nEs curioso que el tendero podría tener este ítem en específico justo cuando lo necesitas...
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.name=Libro de hechizos inestable
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.name=libro de hechizos inestable
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.blinded=No puedes leer el libro mientras estas cegado.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.blinded=No puedes leer el libro mientras estas cegado.
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_index=El índice del libro está incomple
items.bags.potionbandolier.name=bandolera de pociones
items.bags.potionbandolier.name=bandolera de pociones
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Esta bandolera gruesa se ajusta alrededor del pecho como una faja, tiene muchas Cintas aislantes para llevar pociones.\n\nDentro de la bandolera, sus pociones se protegen del frío.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Esta bandolera gruesa se ajusta alrededor del pecho como una faja, tiene muchas Cintas aislantes para llevar pociones.\n\nDentro de la bandolera, sus pociones se protegen del frío.
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ items.bags.wandholster.desc=Esta funda delgada está hecha con la piel de algún
items.food.blandfruit.name=Fruta insípida
items.food.blandfruit.name=fruta insípida
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=fruta de podredumbre
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=fruta de podredumbre
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ items.food.blandfruit.starfruit=fruta estelar
items.food.blandfruit.raw=No eres capaz de comértela cruda.
items.food.blandfruit.raw=No eres capaz de comértela cruda.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=La fruta helada tiene un sabor parecido al del Carpaccio Congelado.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=La fruta helada tiene un sabor parecido al del Carpaccio Congelado.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Sientes un gran fuego dentro de ti\!
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=Sientes un gran fuego dentro de ti\!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Tu estas intoxicado\!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=¡Tú estás intoxicado\!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=¡Sientes el poder de la tierra recorriendo tu cuerpo\!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=¡Sientes el poder de la tierra recorriendo tu cuerpo\!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Muy seca y sin sustancia. Quizá mejoraría cociéndola con algún otro ingrediente.
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Muy seca y sin sustancia. Quizá mejoraría cociéndola con algún otro ingrediente.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=La fruta ha tomado tiempo en cocinarse y ha absorbido incluso las propiedades de la semilla con que fue cocinado.\n\nParece listo para comer\!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=La fruta ha tomado tiempo en cocinarse y ha absorbido incluso las propiedades de la semilla con que fue cocinado.\n\nParece listo para comer\!
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Como el anillo está maldito no puedes quitártelo.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Puedes sentir una magia perversa escondida en el %s
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Puedes sentir una magia perversa escondida en el %s
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anillo de la precisión
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anillo de la precisión
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=This ring increases your focus, reducing your enemy's ability to dodge your attacks. A degraded ring will instead make it easier for enemies to evade your attacks.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Este anillo aumenta tu concentración, reducirá la capacidad del enemigo para esquivar sus ataques. Un anillo degradado hará que le sea más fácil a los enemigos evadir tus ataques.
items.rings.ringofelements.name=anillo de los elementos
items.rings.ringofelements.name=anillo de los elementos
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Este anillo proporciona resistencia a distintos elementos, como el fuegoa, la electricidad, los gases, etc. También reduce la duración de los efectos negativos.
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Este anillo proporciona resistencia a distintos elementos, como el fuegoa, la electricidad, los gases, etc. También reduce la duración de los efectos negativos.
@ -714,8 +714,8 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=No puedes usar una varita maldita.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=¿Estás seguro que quieres imbuir tu bastón con esta varita?\n\nTu bastón heredará el mayor nivel entre él y la varita, y toda la magia actualmente afectando al bastón se perderá.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=¿Estás seguro que quieres imbuir tu bastón con esta varita?\n\nTu bastón heredará el mayor nivel entre él y la varita, y toda la magia actualmente afectando al bastón se perderá.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Si, estoy seguro.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Si, estoy seguro.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=No, He cambiado de idea
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=No, He cambiado de idea
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the mage himself, this staff is a one of a kind magical weapon. Rather than having an innate magic in it, this staff is instead imbued with magical energy from a wand, granting it new power.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Creada por el propio mago, este bastón una clase de arma mágica. En lugar de tener una magia innata, este bastón ha sido imbuido con energía mágica de una varita, otorgándole un nuevo poder.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=The staff currently has no magic in it, it must be _imbued with a wand's power_ before it can be used to cast spells.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=El bastón no tiene magia actualmente, debe ser _impregnada con una varita mágica de poder_ antes de que pueda ser utilizada para lanzar hechizos.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=Esta es un arma melee de nivel-%d.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=Esta es un arma melee de nivel-%d.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=Su daño promedio típico por golpe es %d y usualmente requiere %d puntos de fuerza.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=Su daño promedio típico por golpe es %d y usualmente requiere %d puntos de fuerza.
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.shortsword.ac_reforge=REFORJAR
items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=Es de hecho bastante corta, solo un poco más larga que una daga.
items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=Es de hecho bastante corta, solo un poco más larga que una daga.
items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=This is a rather slow weapon.\nThis weapon has extra reach.
items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=Esta es un arma más bien lenta.\nEste arma tiene alcance extra.
items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=Una vara de madera delgada con una punta de hierro.
items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=Una vara de madera delgada con una punta de hierro.
@ -805,13 +805,13 @@ items.bomb.desc_burning=Una bomba de pólvora bastante fuerte. Una explosión de
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=dos bombas
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=dos bombas
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Un conjunto de dos bombas negras de pólvora, ¡parece que tienes una gratis\!
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Un conjunto de dos bombas negras de pólvora, ¡parece que tienes una gratis\!
items.brokenseal.name=Broken Seal
items.brokenseal.name=sello roto
items.brokenseal.prompt=Select an armor
items.brokenseal.prompt=Seleccionar una armadura
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=You must identify that armor first.
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Debes identificar esta armadura primero.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=That armor is in too poor a condition.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=El estado de esta armadura es muy malo.
items.brokenseal.affix=You affix the sigil to your armor\!
items.brokenseal.affix=¡Has fijado el sello a tu armadura\!
items.brokenseal.desc=A wax seal, affixed to armor as a smybol of valor. All the markings on the seal have worn off with age and it is broken in half down the middle.\n\nA memento from his home, the seal helps the warrior persevere. While wearing the seal the warrior will slowly generate shielding ontop of his health based on the quality of his armor.\n\nThe seal can be _affixed to armor,_ and moved between armors. It can carry a single upgrade with it.
items.brokenseal.desc=Un sello de cera, colocado en la armadura como un símbolo de valor. Todas las marcas del sello han desaparecido con la edad y está roto por la mitad.\n\nUn recuerdo de casa, el sello ayuda al guerrero a perseverar. Mientras lleva el sello el guerrero generará lentamente blindaje, en la parte superior de su salud, en base de la calidad de su armadura.\n\nEl sello puede ser _fijado en la armarudar,_ y moverse entre armaduras. Se puede llevar una sola actualización.
items.dewdrop.name=gota de rocío
items.dewdrop.name=gota de rocío
@ -833,6 +833,22 @@ items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=DESEQUIPAR
items.gold.desc=Una pila de monedas de oro. Recolecta monedas de oro para gastar luego en el mercado.
items.gold.desc=Una pila de monedas de oro. Recolecta monedas de oro para gastar luego en el mercado.
items.heap.chest_desc=¡No sabrás lo que hay dentro hasta que lo abras\!
items.heap.locked_chest=Cofre bloqueado
items.heap.locked_chest_desc=¡No sabrás lo que hay dentro hasta que lo abras\! Pero necesitas una llave de oro para abrirlo.
items.heap.crystal_chest=Cofre de cristal
items.heap.crystal_chest_desc=Puedes ver %s dentro, pero para abrirlo necesitarás una llave de oro.
items.heap.artifact=un artefacto
items.heap.wand=una varita
items.heap.ring=un anillo
items.heap.tomb_desc=Esta antigua tumba puede contener algo útil. Pero seguramente a su dueño no le gustará que la mires.
items.heap.skeleton=Restos de huesos
items.heap.skeleton_desc=Esto es todo lo que queda de un desafortunado aventurero. Quizás merece la pena mirarlo por si hay algo de valor.
items.heap.remains=Restos del héroe
items.heap.remains_desc=Esto es todo lo que queda de uno de tus predecesores. Quizás merece la pena mirarlo por si hay algo de valor.
items.honeypot.name=bote de miel
items.honeypot.name=bote de miel
items.honeypot.desc=Este gran bote de miel está forrado con miel, ¡guarda una abeja gigante dentro\! Este tipo de abejas gigantes usualmente se queda en su colmena, ¿tal vez el bote es algún tipo de jaula especializada de cazadores? La abeja parece bastante feliz dentro del bote con su miel, y zumba con cautela cuando la miras.
items.honeypot.desc=Este gran bote de miel está forrado con miel, ¡guarda una abeja gigante dentro\! Este tipo de abejas gigantes usualmente se queda en su colmena, ¿tal vez el bote es algún tipo de jaula especializada de cazadores? La abeja parece bastante feliz dentro del bote con su miel, y zumba con cautela cuando la miras.
@ -845,10 +861,10 @@ items.item.ac_drop=TIRAR
items.item.rankings_desc=Muerto por\: %s
items.item.rankings_desc=Muerto por\: %s
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Unequip one item
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Desequipar un ítem
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=You can only wear two misc items at a time.
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=Solo puedes llevar dos ítems de misc a la vez.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Your grip involuntarily tightens around the weapon.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Tu mano aprieta la empuñadura de tu arma de forma involuntaria.
items.merchantsbeacon.name=baliza de comerciante
items.merchantsbeacon.name=baliza de comerciante
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=Le glyphe de votre armure vous a
items.armor.armor.detach_sigil=You detach the sigil from your armor.
items.armor.armor.detach_seal=Vous détachez le sceau de votre armure.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=The armor constricts around you painfully.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=L'armure se contracte douloureusement autour de vous.
items.armor.armor.identify=Vous vous êtes désormais suffisamment familiarisé avec votre %s pour l'identifier. C'est un/une %s
items.armor.armor.identify=Vous vous êtes désormais suffisamment familiarisé avec votre %s pour l'identifier. C'est un/une %s
items.armor.armor.incompatible=L'interaction entre différent types de magie a effacé le glyphe de cette armure \!
items.armor.armor.incompatible=L'interaction entre différent types de magie a effacé le glyphe de cette armure \!
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Cette armure absorbe jusqu'à %d dégâts par attaque.
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Cette armure absorbe jusqu'à %d dégâts par attaque.
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Cette armure est probablement trop lourde p
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Un %s y est inscrit.
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Un %s y est inscrit.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Vous ne parvenez pas à retirer cette armure car elle est maudite.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Vous ne parvenez pas à retirer cette armure car elle est maudite.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Vous pouvez ressentir une magie malveillante émaner de cette armure.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Vous pouvez ressentir une magie malveillante émaner de cette armure.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=The Warrior's broken seal is attached to this armor.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Le sceau brisé du guerrier est attaché à cette armure.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s vous a tué...
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s vous a tué...
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=BRASSER
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Vous ne pouvez pas porter deux exemplaires du même artefact.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Vous ne pouvez pas porter deux exemplaires du même artefact.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=The artifact painfully binds itself to you.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=L'artefact se lie à vous douloureusement.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Vous pouvez sentir une aura malveillante émaner de l'artefact.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Vous pouvez sentir une aura malveillante émaner de l'artefact.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Vous devez équiper votre artéfact pour pouvoir faire cela
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Vous devez équiper votre artéfact pour pouvoir faire cela
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Puisque cette bague est maudite, vous êtes dans l'
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Vous pouvez sentir une aura malveillante provenant de la %s.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Vous pouvez sentir une aura malveillante provenant de la %s.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=bague de précision
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=bague de précision
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=This ring increases your focus, reducing your enemy's ability to dodge your attacks. A degraded ring will instead make it easier for enemies to evade your attacks.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=L'anneau augmente votre concentration, réduisant la capacité de vos ennemis à esquiver vos attaques. Si elle est dégradée cette bague vous rendra au contraire facile à esquiver.
items.rings.ringofelements.name=bague des éléments
items.rings.ringofelements.name=bague des éléments
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Cette bague fournit une résistance à plusieurs éléments, comme le feu, l'électricité, les gaz etc... En outre elle diminue la durée des effets négatifs.
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Cette bague fournit une résistance à plusieurs éléments, comme le feu, l'électricité, les gaz etc... En outre elle diminue la durée des effets négatifs.
@ -714,8 +714,8 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser une baguette ma
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Voulez-vous vraiment imprégner votre bâton avec cette baguette magique ?\n\nLe bâton héritera du plus haut niveau entre les deux et toute magie influençant actuellement le bâton sera perdue.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Voulez-vous vraiment imprégner votre bâton avec cette baguette magique ?\n\nLe bâton héritera du plus haut niveau entre les deux et toute magie influençant actuellement le bâton sera perdue.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Oui je suis sûr.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Oui je suis sûr.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Non, j'ai changé d'avis
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Non, j'ai changé d'avis
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the mage himself, this staff is a one of a kind magical weapon. Rather than having an innate magic in it, this staff is instead imbued with magical energy from a wand, granting it new power.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Créé par le mage lui-même, ce bâton est une arme magique unique. Au lieu de posséder une magie innée, ce bâton se charge de l'énergie magique d'une baguette, ce qui lui confère un nouveau pouvoir.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=The staff currently has no magic in it, it must be _imbued with a wand's power_ before it can be used to cast spells.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Le bâton n'a pas de magie en lui. Il doit être _infusé par le pouvoir d'une baguette_ avant de pouvoir lancer des sorts.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=C'est une arme de mêlé de rang %d.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=C'est une arme de mêlé de rang %d.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=La moyenne typique des dégâts par coup est de %d et requiert généralement %d points de force.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=La moyenne typique des dégâts par coup est de %d et requiert généralement %d points de force.
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.shortsword.ac_reforge=REFORGER
items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=C'est effectivement plutôt court, juste une dizaine de centimètres de plus qu'une dague.
items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=C'est effectivement plutôt court, juste une dizaine de centimètres de plus qu'une dague.
items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=This is a rather slow weapon.\nThis weapon has extra reach.
items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=C'est une arme plutôt lente. \nCette arme a une portée accrue.
items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=Une mince tige de bois avec une pointe de fer aiguisée.
items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=Une mince tige de bois avec une pointe de fer aiguisée.
@ -805,13 +805,13 @@ items.bomb.desc_burning=Une bombe de poudre noire plutôt lourde. Son explosion
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=deux bombes
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=deux bombes
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Une pile de deux grosses bombes à poudre noire. Il semble que vous ayez de la chance \!
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Une pile de deux grosses bombes à poudre noire. Il semble que vous ayez de la chance \!
items.brokenseal.name=Broken Seal
items.brokenseal.name=sceau brisé
items.brokenseal.prompt=Select an armor
items.brokenseal.prompt=Choisissez une armure
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=You must identify that armor first.
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Vous devez d'abord identifier cette armure.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=That armor is in too poor a condition.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Cette armure est en trop mauvais état.
items.brokenseal.affix=You affix the sigil to your armor\!
items.brokenseal.affix=Vous fixez le sceau à votre armure \!
items.brokenseal.desc=A wax seal, affixed to armor as a smybol of valor. All the markings on the seal have worn off with age and it is broken in half down the middle.\n\nA memento from his home, the seal helps the warrior persevere. While wearing the seal the warrior will slowly generate shielding ontop of his health based on the quality of his armor.\n\nThe seal can be _affixed to armor,_ and moved between armors. It can carry a single upgrade with it.
items.brokenseal.desc=Un sceau de cire, fixé sur une armure comme symbole de valeur. Toutes les marches que le sceau ont été effacées par le temps, et il est brisé en deux.\n\nSouvenir de son foyer, le sceau aide le guerrier à persévérer. En le portant sur lui, le guerrier va progressivement générer un bouclier qui s'additionne avec sa santé, basé sur la qualité de son armure.\n\nLe sceau peut être _fixé sur une armure_, et déplacé d'une armure à l'autre. Il peut transporter un niveau d'amélioration avec lui.
items.dewdrop.name=perle de rosée
items.dewdrop.name=perle de rosée
@ -833,6 +833,22 @@ items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=DÉSÉQUIPER
items.gold.desc=Une pile de pièces d'or. Ramassez l'or pour le dépenser plus tard dans une échoppe.
items.gold.desc=Une pile de pièces d'or. Ramassez l'or pour le dépenser plus tard dans une échoppe.
items.heap.chest_desc=Vous ne pourrez pas savoir ce qu'il y a dedans tant que vous ne l'aurez pas ouvert \!
items.heap.locked_chest=Coffre fermé à clé
items.heap.locked_chest_desc=Vous ne pourrez pas savoir ce qu'il y a dedans tant que vous ne l'aurez pas ouvert \! Mais pour ouvrir le coffre vous aurez besoin d'une clé dorée.
items.heap.crystal_chest=Coffre en cristal
items.heap.crystal_chest_desc=Vous pouvez voir %s à l'intérieur, mais pour ouvrir le coffre vous aurez besoin d'une clé dorée.
items.heap.artifact=un artefact
items.heap.wand=une baguette
items.heap.ring=une bague
items.heap.tomb_desc=Cette ancienne tombe pourrait contenir quelque chose d'utile, cependant il est peu probable que son occupant apprécie qu'on la fouille.
items.heap.skeleton_desc=Voilà tout ce qu'il reste d'un malheureux aventurier. Peut-être qu'il serait utile de vérifier qu'il ne reste pas d'objet de valeur.
items.heap.remains=Dépouille de héros
items.heap.remains_desc=Voilà tout ce qu'il reste d'un de vos prédécesseurs. Peut être qu'il serait utile de vérifier qu'il ne reste pas d'objet de valeur.
items.honeypot.name=pot de miel
items.honeypot.name=pot de miel
items.honeypot.desc=Le gros pot à miel n'est en réalité pas plein de miel. Il abrite à la place une abeille géante \! Ces grosses abeilles restent d'habitude dans leurs ruches. Le pot à miel est peut-être un piège spécial ? L'abeille semble en tout cas heureuse à l'intérieur avec son miel, et bourdonne prudemment quand vous la regardez.
items.honeypot.desc=Le gros pot à miel n'est en réalité pas plein de miel. Il abrite à la place une abeille géante \! Ces grosses abeilles restent d'habitude dans leurs ruches. Le pot à miel est peut-être un piège spécial ? L'abeille semble en tout cas heureuse à l'intérieur avec son miel, et bourdonne prudemment quand vous la regardez.
@ -845,10 +861,10 @@ items.item.ac_drop=POSER
items.item.rankings_desc=Tué par \: %s.
items.item.rankings_desc=Tué par \: %s.
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Unequip one item
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Déséquipez un objet
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=You can only wear two misc items at a time.
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=Vous ne pouvez porter que 2 objets (anneau, artefact) à la fois.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Your grip involuntarily tightens around the weapon.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Votre main se contracte involontairement autour de la poignée de l'arme.
items.merchantsbeacon.name=balise du marchand
items.merchantsbeacon.name=balise du marchand
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=Bár a páncélod varázsigéje
items.armor.armor.detach_sigil=You detach the sigil from your armor.
items.armor.armor.detach_seal=You detach the seal from your armor.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=The armor constricts around you painfully.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=The armor constricts around you painfully.
items.armor.armor.identify=%s használata során elég jól kiismerted, hogy azonosítani tudd. Ez egy %s.
items.armor.armor.identify=%s használata során elég jól kiismerted, hogy azonosítani tudd. Ez egy %s.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=A különböző varázslatokkal való érintkezés hatására eltűnt a varázsige erről a páncélról\!
items.armor.armor.incompatible=A különböző varázslatokkal való érintkezés hatására eltűnt a varázsige erről a páncélról\!
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=FŐZÉS
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nem viselhetsz két ugyanolyan ereklyét.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nem viselhetsz két ugyanolyan ereklyét.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=The artifact painfully binds itself to you.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=Az ereklye fájdalmasan hozzád nő.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Gonosz varázslatot érzel megbújni ebben az ereklyében.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Gonosz varázslatot érzel megbújni ebben az ereklyében.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Viselned kell az ereklyédet, hogy ezt megtehesd.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Viselned kell az ereklyédet, hogy ezt megtehesd.
@ -805,13 +805,13 @@ items.bomb.desc_burning=Meglehetősen nehéz, fekete porbomba. Ha felrobban, biz
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=két bomba
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=két bomba
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Két, meglehetősen nehéz, fekete porbomba, az egyiket ingyen kaphattad\!
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Két, meglehetősen nehéz, fekete porbomba, az egyiket ingyen kaphattad\!
items.brokenseal.name=Broken Seal
items.brokenseal.name=broken seal
items.brokenseal.prompt=Select an armor
items.brokenseal.prompt=Select an armor
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=You must identify that armor first.
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=You must identify that armor first.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=That armor is in too poor a condition.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=The condition of this armor is too poor.
items.brokenseal.affix=You affix the sigil to your armor\!
items.brokenseal.affix=You affix the seal to your armor\!
items.brokenseal.desc=A wax seal, affixed to armor as a smybol of valor. All the markings on the seal have worn off with age and it is broken in half down the middle.\n\nA memento from his home, the seal helps the warrior persevere. While wearing the seal the warrior will slowly generate shielding ontop of his health based on the quality of his armor.\n\nThe seal can be _affixed to armor,_ and moved between armors. It can carry a single upgrade with it.
items.brokenseal.desc=A wax seal, affixed to armor as a symbol of valor. All the markings on the seal have worn off with age and it is broken in half down the middle.\n\nA memento from his home, the seal helps the warrior persevere. While wearing the seal the warrior will slowly generate shielding on top of his health based on the quality of his armor.\n\nThe seal can be _affixed to armor,_ and moved between armors. It can carry a single upgrade with it.
items.dewdrop.value=%+d életerő
items.dewdrop.value=%+d életerő
@ -833,6 +833,22 @@ items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=LEVESZEM
items.gold.desc=Egy halom aranypénz. Gyűjtsd az aranyat, hogy később vásárolhass vele.
items.gold.desc=Egy halom aranypénz. Gyűjtsd az aranyat, hogy később vásárolhass vele.
items.heap.chest_desc=Nem tudod meg, mi van benne, ha nem nyitod ki\!
items.heap.locked_chest=Lezárt láda
items.heap.locked_chest_desc=Nem tudod meg, mi van benne, amíg ki nem nyitod\! De ahhoz szükséged van egy aranykulcsra.
items.heap.crystal_chest_desc=Úgy látod, %s van benne, de a láda kinyitásához aranykulcsra van szükséges.
items.heap.artifact=egy ereklye
items.heap.wand=egy pálca
items.heap.ring=egy gyűrű
items.heap.tomb_desc=Ez a régi sír talán valami hasznosat rejt, de a tulajdonosát mindenképp érdemes szemügyre venni.
items.heap.skeleton=Csontváz maradt
items.heap.skeleton_desc=Ez minden, ami a szerencsétlen kalandorok után maradt. Érdemes lehet megnézni, hátha van közte valami értékes.
items.heap.remains=Hero's remains
items.heap.remains_desc=Ez minden, amit valamelyik elődöd hátrahagyott. Érdemes lehet megnézni, hátha van közte valami értékes.
items.honeypot.desc=Alig van egy kis méz a hatalmas bödönben, viszont egy óriási méh lakik benne\! Az ilyen nagytestű méhek általában nem hagyják el a kaptárukat. Lehet, hogy ezt a példányt egy csapdakészítő mester fogta be? A méh jól elvan a bödönben a mézével, de visszafogottan zümmög, amikor csak ránézel.
items.honeypot.desc=Alig van egy kis méz a hatalmas bödönben, viszont egy óriási méh lakik benne\! Az ilyen nagytestű méhek általában nem hagyják el a kaptárukat. Lehet, hogy ezt a példányt egy csapdakészítő mester fogta be? A méh jól elvan a bödönben a mézével, de visszafogottan zümmög, amikor csak ránézel.
@ -845,8 +861,8 @@ items.item.ac_drop=LETESZEM
items.item.rankings_desc=Megölte\: %s.
items.item.rankings_desc=Megölte\: %s.
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Unequip one item
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Levenni egy tárgyat
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=You can only wear two misc items at a time.
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=Egyszerre csak két általános tárgy lehet rajtad.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Your grip involuntarily tightens around the weapon.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Your grip involuntarily tightens around the weapon.
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=Sebbene il glifo sulla tua armat
items.armor.armor.detach_sigil=You detach the sigil from your armor.
items.armor.armor.detach_seal=Distacchi il sigillo dalla tua armatura.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=The armor constricts around you painfully.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=L'armatura ti si stringe addosso dolorosamente.
items.armor.armor.identify=oramai hai usato abbastanza il tuo %s per capire di che si tratta. E' un %s.
items.armor.armor.identify=oramai hai usato abbastanza il tuo %s per capire di che si tratta. E' un %s.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=L'interazione di diversi tipi di magia ha cancellato il glifo su quest'armatura\!
items.armor.armor.incompatible=L'interazione di diversi tipi di magia ha cancellato il glifo su quest'armatura\!
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Questa armatura fornisce un assorbimento del danno fino a %d punti per attacco.
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Questa armatura fornisce un assorbimento del danno fino a %d punti per attacco.
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Probabilmente questa armatura è troppo pes
items.armor.armor.inscribed=E' stato inscritto con un %s.
items.armor.armor.inscribed=E' stato inscritto con un %s.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Poiché questa armatura è maledetta, non ti è possibile rimuoverla.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Poiché questa armatura è maledetta, non ti è possibile rimuoverla.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Puoi percepire un'energia maligna nascondersi in questa armatura.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Puoi percepire un'energia maligna nascondersi in questa armatura.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=The Warrior's broken seal is attached to this armor.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Il sigillo rotto del Guerriero è connesso a quest'armatura.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s ti ha ucciso...
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s ti ha ucciso...
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=PREPARA
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Non puoi indossare due artefatti uguali.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Non puoi indossare due artefatti uguali.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=The artifact painfully binds itself to you.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=L'artefatto si lega a te dolorosamente.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Puoi percepire una magia ostile nascondersi nell'artefatto.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Puoi percepire una magia ostile nascondersi nell'artefatto.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Dovrai equipaggiare l'artefatto per farlo.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Dovrai equipaggiare l'artefatto per farlo.
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Poiché l'anello è maledetto, non ti è possibile
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Avverti una magia maligna nascondersi nell' %s.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Avverti una magia maligna nascondersi nell' %s.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anello della precisione
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anello della precisione
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=This ring increases your focus, reducing your enemy's ability to dodge your attacks. A degraded ring will instead make it easier for enemies to evade your attacks.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Questo anello aumenta la tua concentrazione, riducendo l'abilità del nemico di schivare i tuoi colpi. Un anello degradato invece permetterà ai nemici di schivare più facilmente i tuoi attacchi.
items.rings.ringofelements.name=anello degli elementi
items.rings.ringofelements.name=anello degli elementi
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Questo anello fornisce resistenza agli elementi, come fuoco, elettricità, gas, ecc. Riduce anche la durata dei corrispondenti effetti negativi.
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Questo anello fornisce resistenza agli elementi, come fuoco, elettricità, gas, ecc. Riduce anche la durata dei corrispondenti effetti negativi.
@ -714,8 +714,8 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Non puoi usare una bacchetta maledetta.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=sei sicuro di voler impregnare il tuo bastone con questa bacchetta?\n\nIl tuo bastone erediterà il livello più alto tra il proprio e quello della bacchetta e tutta la magia che agisce attualmente sul bastone andrà persa.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=sei sicuro di voler impregnare il tuo bastone con questa bacchetta?\n\nIl tuo bastone erediterà il livello più alto tra il proprio e quello della bacchetta e tutta la magia che agisce attualmente sul bastone andrà persa.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Sì, sono sicuro.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Sì, sono sicuro.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=No, ho cambiato idea
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=No, ho cambiato idea
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the mage himself, this staff is a one of a kind magical weapon. Rather than having an innate magic in it, this staff is instead imbued with magical energy from a wand, granting it new power.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Fabbricato dal mago stesso, questo bastone è un'arma magica unica nel suo genere. Piuttosto che possedere una magia innata in sé, questo bastone è invece impregnato dell'energia magica di una bacchetta, conferendogli nuovo potere.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=The staff currently has no magic in it, it must be _imbued with a wand's power_ before it can be used to cast spells.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Il bastone attualmente non ha magia al suo interno, deve essere _impregnato col potere di una bacchetta_ prima di poterlo usare per lanciare incantesimi.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=Questa è un'arma da mischia di livello %d.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=Questa è un'arma da mischia di livello %d.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=Il danno tipico medio per colpo è %d e solitamente richiede %d punti di forza.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=Il danno tipico medio per colpo è %d e solitamente richiede %d punti di forza.
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.shortsword.ac_reforge=RIFORGIA
items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=Di certo è piuttosto corta, solo qualche pollice più lunga di un pugnale.
items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=Di certo è piuttosto corta, solo qualche pollice più lunga di un pugnale.
items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=This is a rather slow weapon.\nThis weapon has extra reach.
items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=Si tratta di un'arma piuttosto lenta.\nQuest'arma ha una portata extra.
items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=Una sottile barra di legno ricoperta in punta con un ferro affilato.
items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=Una sottile barra di legno ricoperta in punta con un ferro affilato.
@ -805,13 +805,13 @@ items.bomb.desc_burning=Una bomba di polvere da sparo alquanto pesante. La sua e
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=due bombe
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=due bombe
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Due bombe di polvere da sparo impilate, pare che ne riceverai una gratis\!
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Due bombe di polvere da sparo impilate, pare che ne riceverai una gratis\!
items.brokenseal.name=Broken Seal
items.brokenseal.name=sigillo rotto
items.brokenseal.prompt=Select an armor
items.brokenseal.prompt=Seleziona un'armatura
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=You must identify that armor first.
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Devi identificare quell'armatura prima.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=That armor is in too poor a condition.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Quest'armatura è troppo in cattivo stato.
items.brokenseal.affix=You affix the sigil to your armor\!
items.brokenseal.affix=Applichi il sigillo alla tua armatura\!
items.brokenseal.desc=A wax seal, affixed to armor as a smybol of valor. All the markings on the seal have worn off with age and it is broken in half down the middle.\n\nA memento from his home, the seal helps the warrior persevere. While wearing the seal the warrior will slowly generate shielding ontop of his health based on the quality of his armor.\n\nThe seal can be _affixed to armor,_ and moved between armors. It can carry a single upgrade with it.
items.brokenseal.desc=Un sigillo di cera, applicato all'armatura come simbolo di valore. Tutti i contrassegni sul sigillo sono consumati dal tempo ed è rotto a metà.\n\nUn cimelio di casa, il sigillo aiuta il guerriero a perseverare. Mentre indossa il sigillo il guerriero genererà lentamente uno scudo al di sopra della salute basato sulla qualità della sua armatura.\n\nIl sigillo può essere _applicato all'armatura,_ e trasferito tra armature. Può portare con sé un singolo upgrade.
items.dewdrop.name=goccia di rugiada
items.dewdrop.name=goccia di rugiada
@ -833,6 +833,22 @@ items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=TOGLI
items.gold.desc=Una pila di monete d'oro. Accumula monete d'oro per spenderle in seguito in un negozio.
items.gold.desc=Una pila di monete d'oro. Accumula monete d'oro per spenderle in seguito in un negozio.
items.heap.chest_desc=Non saprai cosa contiene finché non lo aprirai\!
items.heap.locked_chest=Forziere chiuso
items.heap.locked_chest_desc=Non saprai cosa contiene finché non lo aprirai\! Ma per aprirlo ti serve una chiave dorata.
items.heap.crystal_chest=Forziere di cristallo
items.heap.crystal_chest_desc=Noti che contiene %s, ma per aprirlo ti serve una chiave dorata.
items.heap.artifact=un artefatto
items.heap.wand=una bacchetta
items.heap.ring=un anello
items.heap.tomb_desc=Questa tomba antica può contenere qualcosa di utile, ma il suo occupante di certo avrà qualcosa da ridire.
items.heap.skeleton=Resti scheletrici
items.heap.skeleton_desc=Questo è tutto ciò che rimane di qualche sfortunato avventuriero. Forse vale la pena di controllare se vi è qualcosa di valore.
items.heap.remains=Resti di un eroe
items.heap.remains_desc=Questo è tutto ciò che rimane di uno dei tuoi predecessori. Forse vale la pena di controllare se vi è qualcosa di valore.
items.honeypot.name=vaso di miele
items.honeypot.name=vaso di miele
items.honeypot.desc=Questo ampio vaso è solo foderato di miele e ospita invece un'ape gigante\! Questa razza di api enormi solitamente se ne stanno ne loro alveari, magari il vaso è un qualche genere di gabbia-trappola specializzata? L'ape pare ben lieta dentro nella pentola col suo miele e ronza delicatamente quando la guardi.
items.honeypot.desc=Questo ampio vaso è solo foderato di miele e ospita invece un'ape gigante\! Questa razza di api enormi solitamente se ne stanno ne loro alveari, magari il vaso è un qualche genere di gabbia-trappola specializzata? L'ape pare ben lieta dentro nella pentola col suo miele e ronza delicatamente quando la guardi.
@ -845,10 +861,10 @@ items.item.ac_drop=LASCIA
items.item.rankings_desc=Ucciso da\: %s
items.item.rankings_desc=Ucciso da\: %s
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Unequip one item
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Rimuovi un oggetto
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=You can only wear two misc items at a time.
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=Puoi indossare solo due oggetti alla volta.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Your grip involuntarily tightens around the weapon.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=La tua presa si stringe involontariamente attorno all'arma.
items.merchantsbeacon.name=faro del mercante
items.merchantsbeacon.name=faro del mercante
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=이 갑옷의 상형문자가
items.armor.armor.ac_detach=인장을 떼어낸다
items.armor.armor.detach_sigil=You detach the sigil from your armor.
items.armor.armor.detach_seal=갑옷에서 인장을 떼어냈다.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=The armor constricts around you painfully.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=갑옷이 당신을 고통스럽게 옥죄입니다.
items.armor.armor.identify=당신은 %s가 무엇인지 알 만큼 충분히 익숙하게 다루었습니다. 이것은 %s입니다.
items.armor.armor.identify=당신은 %s가 무엇인지 알 만큼 충분히 익숙하게 다루었습니다. 이것은 %s입니다.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=서로 다른 마법의 상호 작용으로 인해 이 갑옷에 적힌 상형 문자가 사라졌습니다\!
items.armor.armor.incompatible=서로 다른 마법의 상호 작용으로 인해 이 갑옷에 적힌 상형 문자가 사라졌습니다\!
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=이 갑옷은 공격 당 %d의 피해량을 흡수할 수 있습니다.
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=이 갑옷은 공격 당 %d의 피해량을 흡수할 수 있습니다.
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=아마도 이 갑옷은 당신에게 너무
items.armor.armor.inscribed=이 갑옷은 %s가 새겨져 있습니다.
items.armor.armor.inscribed=이 갑옷은 %s가 새겨져 있습니다.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=이 갑옷은 저주받았기 때문에, 당신은 이 갑옷을 벗을 수 없습니다.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=이 갑옷은 저주받았기 때문에, 당신은 이 갑옷을 벗을 수 없습니다.
items.armor.armor.cursed=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 이 갑옷에 깃든 것을 느낍니다.
items.armor.armor.cursed=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 이 갑옷에 깃든 것을 느낍니다.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=The Warrior's broken seal is attached to this armor.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=전사의 망가진 인장이 이 갑옷에 붙어 있습니다.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s에 의해 죽었습니다...
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s에 의해 죽었습니다...
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=제조
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=같은 유물 아이템 두 개를 동시에 착용할 수 없습니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=같은 유물 아이템 두 개를 동시에 착용할 수 없습니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=The artifact painfully binds itself to you.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=이 유물은 당신을 고통스럽게 옥죕니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 유물에 깃든 것을 느낍니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 유물에 깃든 것을 느낍니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=먼저 유물을 착용해야 합니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=먼저 유물을 착용해야 합니다.
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.inert=당신의 망토의 능력이 중단
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.radiating=당신의 망토가 에너지를 방출하기 시작했다. 당신은 보호받고 있다\!
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.radiating=당신의 망토가 에너지를 방출하기 시작했다. 당신은 보호받고 있다\!
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.levelup=당신의 망토가 더욱 더 강해졌다\!
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.levelup=당신의 망토가 더욱 더 강해졌다\!
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.desc=당신의 망토는 에너지를 발하고 있으며, 반사 역장으로 감싸고 있습니다\! \n\n당신이 입는 모든 피해는 가시 효과가 발동 된 동안 감소됩니다. 또한, 공격자가 바로 옆에 있으면, 줄어든 공격 만큼 공격자에게 반사됩니다. \n\n당신의 망토는 %s까지 에너지를 방출할 수 있습니다.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.desc=당신의 망토는 에너지를 발하고 있으며, 반사 역장으로 감싸고 있습니다\! \n\n당신이 입는 모든 피해는 가시 효과가 발동 된 동안 감소됩니다. 또한, 공격자가 바로 옆에 있으면, 줄어든 공격 만큼 공격자에게 반사됩니다. \n\n당신의 망토는 %s 턴 까지 에너지를 방출할 수 있습니다.
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.name=피의 성배
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.name=피의 성배
@ -401,10 +401,10 @@ items.potions.potionofmight.desc=이 강력한 용액은 당신의 근육을 타
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=심안의 물약
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=심안의 물약
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=당신은 어떻게든 다른 존재들의 생각을 느낄 수 있게 되었다\!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=당신은 어떻게든 다른 존재들의 생각을 느낄 수 있게 되었다\!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=당신은 어떻게든 이 층에서 혼자 남았다는 사실을 알게 되었다.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=당신은 어떻게든 이 층에서 혼자 남았다는 사실을 알게 되었다.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=이 용액을 마시면, 당신의 생각은 잠시 동안 근처의 생물체들의 정신적인 흔적과 동화됩니다. 그래서 벽 너머로 생명체를 탐지할 수 있습니다. 또한 문이나 벽 너머로 무었이 있는지 볼 수 있습니다.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=이 용액을 마시면, 당신의 생각은 잠시 동안 근처의 생물체들의 정신적인 흔적과 동화됩니다. 그래서 벽 너머로 생명체를 탐지할 수 있고, 문이나 벽 너머로 무었이 있는지 볼 수 있습니다.
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=마비 가스의 물약
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=마비 가스의 물약
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=이 용액이 공기에 노출되면 감각을 마비시키는 노란 안개로 기화하게 됩니다. 이 안개를 들이마시면 즉시 온 몸에 마비가 오게 되며, 구름이 사라진 후 얼마 동안은 움직일 수가 없게 됩니다. 이 물건을 던져서 먼 거리에 있는 적들에게 이 구름을 씌워 줄 수 있습니다.
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=이 용액이 공기에 노출되면 감각을 마비시키는 노란 안개로 기화하게 됩니다. 이 안개를 들이마시면 즉시 온 몸에 마비가 오게 되며, 구름이 사라진 후에도 얼마 동안은 움직일 수가 없게 됩니다. 던져서 먼 거리에 있는 적들에게 이 구름을 씌워 줄 수 있습니다.
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=정화의 포션
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=정화의 포션
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=당신은 흔치 않은 공기의 상쾌함을 느꼈다.
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=당신은 흔치 않은 공기의 상쾌함을 느꼈다.
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=이 반지는 저주받았기 때문에, 이 반지
items.rings.ring.curse_known=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 %s에 깃든 것을 느낍니다.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=당신은 악의로 가득 찬 마법이 %s에 깃든 것을 느낍니다.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=정확성의 반지
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=정확성의 반지
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=This ring increases your focus, reducing your enemy's ability to dodge your attacks. A degraded ring will instead make it easier for enemies to evade your attacks.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=이 반지는 착용자의 집중력을 향상시켜, 적들이 당신의 공격을 더 피하기 어렵게 만듭니다. 저하된 반지는 당신의 공격이 더 잘 빗나가게 만듭니다.
items.rings.ringofelements.name=원소의 반지
items.rings.ringofelements.name=원소의 반지
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=이 반지는 착용자에게 불, 전기, 가스와 같은 원소들에 저항할 수 있는 힘을 줍니다. 또한 약화 효과의 지속시간이 줄어듭니다.
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=이 반지는 착용자에게 불, 전기, 가스와 같은 원소들에 저항할 수 있는 힘을 줍니다. 또한 약화 효과의 지속시간이 줄어듭니다.
@ -714,8 +714,8 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=저주받은 마법 막대를 사용할 수
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=정말로 이 마법 막대를 지팡이에 융합하시겠습니까?\n\n지팡이와 마법 막대 둘 중 높은 쪽의 강화 수치를 따라가며, 현재 지팡이에 부여된 모든 마법이 사라집니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=정말로 이 마법 막대를 지팡이에 융합하시겠습니까?\n\n지팡이와 마법 막대 둘 중 높은 쪽의 강화 수치를 따라가며, 현재 지팡이에 부여된 모든 마법이 사라집니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=네, 그렇게 하겠습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=네, 그렇게 하겠습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=아니오. 생각을 바꾸었습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=아니오. 생각을 바꾸었습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the mage himself, this staff is a one of a kind magical weapon. Rather than having an innate magic in it, this staff is instead imbued with magical energy from a wand, granting it new power.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=마법사 스스로가 만든 이 특별한 지팡이는 다방면에 활용 가능한 마법 무기입니다. 지팡이 자체에 담긴 마법을 사용하는 대신에, 다른 마법 막대의 에너지를 흡수하여 새로운 힘을 사용할 수 있습니다.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=The staff currently has no magic in it, it must be _imbued with a wand's power_ before it can be used to cast spells.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=이 지팡이에는 현재 아무런 마법이 깃들어 있지 않습니다. _다른 마법 막대의 힘을 흡수_ 해야 마법을 사용할 수 있습니다.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=이 무기는 %d단계 무기입니다.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=이 무기는 %d단계 무기입니다.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=보통 이 종류의 무기는 타격 당 %d의 피해를 입히며 다루는 데 %d만큼의 힘이 필요합니다.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=보통 이 종류의 무기는 타격 당 %d의 피해를 입히며 다루는 데 %d만큼의 힘이 필요합니다.
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.shortsword.ac_reforge=재주조한다
items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=이 무기는 단검보다 겨우 한두 뼘 정도 긴 무기에 불과합니다. 통상의 검보다는 작아서 소검이라고 불립니다.
items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=이 무기는 단검보다 겨우 한두 뼘 정도 긴 무기에 불과합니다. 통상의 검보다는 작아서 소검이라고 불립니다.
items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=This is a rather slow weapon.\nThis weapon has extra reach.
items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=이 무기는 다른 무기들보다 느립니다.\n이 무기는 떨어진 적에게도 사용할 수 있습니다.
items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=길쭉한 나무봉 끝에 날카로운 쇠가 붙어있습니다.
items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=길쭉한 나무봉 끝에 날카로운 쇠가 붙어있습니다.
@ -805,13 +805,13 @@ items.bomb.desc_burning=검은 화약이 꽤 많이 든 폭탄입니다. 폭발
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=폭탄 2개
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=폭탄 2개
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=검은 화약이 꽤 많이 든 폭탄 두개입니다. 하나는 공짜로 얻은 것 같네요\!
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=검은 화약이 꽤 많이 든 폭탄 두개입니다. 하나는 공짜로 얻은 것 같네요\!
items.brokenseal.name=Broken Seal
items.brokenseal.name=망가진 인장
items.brokenseal.ac_affix=인장을 붙인다
items.brokenseal.prompt=Select an armor
items.brokenseal.prompt=붙일 갑옷을 선택하세요
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=You must identify that armor first.
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=먼저 갑옷을 감정해야 합니다.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=That armor is in too poor a condition.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=이 갑옷은 너무 열악해서 인장을 붙일 수 없다.
items.brokenseal.affix=You affix the sigil to your armor\!
items.brokenseal.affix=갑옷에 인장을 붙였다\!
items.brokenseal.desc=A wax seal, affixed to armor as a smybol of valor. All the markings on the seal have worn off with age and it is broken in half down the middle.\n\nA memento from his home, the seal helps the warrior persevere. While wearing the seal the warrior will slowly generate shielding ontop of his health based on the quality of his armor.\n\nThe seal can be _affixed to armor,_ and moved between armors. It can carry a single upgrade with it.
items.brokenseal.desc=갑옷에 붙여 용맹함을 자랑할 수 있는 밀랍 인장입니다. 세월이 지나 인장의 무늬는 닳아 버렸고 중간 부분은 부러졌습니다.\n\n고향의 보물인 이 인장은 전사의 인내를 돕습니다. 인장을 붙임으로써 최대 체력에 더하여 갑옷의 품질에 비례하는 추가 방어막을 얻을 수 있습니다.\n\n이 인장은 _갑옷에 붙일 수 있으며, 여러 갑옷에 옮겨 붙일 수 있습니다._ 또한 1만큼의 강화 수치를 이전시킬 수 있습니다.
@ -833,6 +833,22 @@ items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=해제한다
items.gold.desc=금화가 쌓인 더미입니다. 나중에 상점에서 사용할 수 있도록 금화를 모으십시오.
items.gold.desc=금화가 쌓인 더미입니다. 나중에 상점에서 사용할 수 있도록 금화를 모으십시오.
items.heap.chest=보물 상자
items.heap.chest_desc=열기 전까진 안에 무엇이 들어있는지 알 수 없다\!
items.heap.locked_chest=잠긴 보물 상자
items.heap.locked_chest_desc=열기 전엔 안에 무엇이 들어있는지 알 수 없다\! 상자를 여는 데 황금 열쇠가 필요하다.
items.heap.crystal_chest=수정 보물 상자
items.heap.crystal_chest_desc=안에 %s이/가 들어있는 것이 보이지만, 상자를 여는 데 황금 열쇠가 필요하다.
items.heap.artifact=마법 깃든 유물
items.heap.wand=마법 지팡이
items.heap.tomb_desc=이 고대 무덤 속엔 왠지 쓸만한 물건이 들어 있을 것 같다. 하지만 대부분 무덤 주인은 파헤쳐지는걸 싫어할 것이다.
items.heap.skeleton=해골 잔해
items.heap.skeleton_desc=불행한 모험가가 남긴 모든 것이 이 잔해에 있다. 귀중품이 있는지 뒤져볼 만한 가치가 있어 보인다.
items.heap.remains=영웅의 유해
items.heap.remains_desc=당신의 전임자의 잔해. 귀중품이 있는지 뒤져 볼 만한 가치가 있어 보인다.
items.honeypot.desc=이 커다란 꿀단지는 꿀만으로 채워진 대신, 거대한 벌을 담고 있습니다\! 벌들은 보통 무리를 지어 벌집에서 살기 때문에, 이 단지는 벌을 가두기 위한 함정일 수도 있습니다. 벌은 단지 안의 꿀에 만족한 모습이지만, 당신이 쳐다보면 조심스럽게 윙윙거리는 소리를 들을 수 있습니다.
items.honeypot.desc=이 커다란 꿀단지는 꿀만으로 채워진 대신, 거대한 벌을 담고 있습니다\! 벌들은 보통 무리를 지어 벌집에서 살기 때문에, 이 단지는 벌을 가두기 위한 함정일 수도 있습니다. 벌은 단지 안의 꿀에 만족한 모습이지만, 당신이 쳐다보면 조심스럽게 윙윙거리는 소리를 들을 수 있습니다.
@ -845,10 +861,10 @@ items.item.ac_drop=떨어트린다
items.item.rankings_desc=%s에 의해 사망
items.item.rankings_desc=%s에 의해 사망
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Unequip one item
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=뺄 아이템을 선택하세요
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=You can only wear two misc items at a time.
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=장신구 아이템은 두 개까지 착용할수 있습니다.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Your grip involuntarily tightens around the weapon.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=손가락이 제멋대로 무기를 움켜쥐었습니다.
items.merchantsbeacon.name=상인의 신호기
items.merchantsbeacon.name=상인의 신호기
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=While your armor's glyph has pro
items.armor.armor.detach_sigil=You detach the sigil from your armor.
items.armor.armor.detach_seal=You detach the seal from your armor.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=The armor constricts around you painfully.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=The armor constricts around you painfully.
items.armor.armor.identify=Nosisz swój %s wystarczająco długo, by go zidentyfikować. To %s.
items.armor.armor.identify=Nosisz swój %s wystarczająco długo, by go zidentyfikować. To %s.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=\ Interakcja różnych typów magii wymazała glif na tej zbroi.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=\ Interakcja różnych typów magii wymazała glif na tej zbroi.
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc_active=The cape seems to be releasing stored e
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.inert=Your Cape becomes inert again.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.inert=Your Cape becomes inert again.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.radiating=Your Cape begins radiating energy, you feel protected\!
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.radiating=Your Cape begins radiating energy, you feel protected\!
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.levelup=Your Cape grows stronger\!
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.levelup=Your Cape grows stronger\!
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.desc=Your cape is radiating energy, surrounding you in a field of deflective force\!\n\nAll damage you receive is reduced while the thorns effect is active. Additionally, if the attacker is next to you, the reduced amount is deflected back at the attacker.\n\nTurns of thorns remaining\: %s.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.desc=Your cape is radiating energy, surrounding you in a field of deflective force\!\n\nAll damage you receive is reduced while the thorns effect is active. Additionally, if the attacker is next to you, the reduced amount is deflected back at the attacker.\n\nTurns of thorns remaining\: %s.
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.name=Czara Krwi
items.artifacts.chaliceofblood.name=Czara Krwi
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.battleaxe.desc=The enormous steel head of this battle axe put
items.weapon.melee.dagger.stats_desc=To raczej celna broń.
items.weapon.melee.dagger.stats_desc=To raczej celna broń.
items.weapon.melee.dagger.desc=A simple iron dagger with a well worn wooden handle.
items.weapon.melee.dagger.desc=Prosty żelazny nożyk z dobrze wytartą rękojeścią
items.weapon.melee.glaive.desc=A polearm consisting of a sword blade on the end of a pole.
items.weapon.melee.glaive.desc=A polearm consisting of a sword blade on the end of a pole.
@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.knuckles.name=Kastet
items.weapon.melee.knuckles.stats_desc=To dość szybka broń.
items.weapon.melee.knuckles.stats_desc=To dość szybka broń.
items.weapon.melee.knuckles.desc=A piece of iron shaped to fit around the knuckles.
items.weapon.melee.knuckles.desc=A piece of iron shaped to fit around the knuckles.
items.weapon.melee.longsword.name=miecz oburęczny
items.weapon.melee.longsword.desc=This towering blade inflicts heavy damage by investing its heft into every cut.
items.weapon.melee.longsword.desc=This towering blade inflicts heavy damage by investing its heft into every cut.
@ -706,11 +706,11 @@ items.weapon.melee.mace.desc=The iron head of this weapon inflicts substantial d
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=kostur maga
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.name=kostur maga
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Select a wand to consume
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.prompt=Wybierz różdżkę do wzięcia
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Nasyciłeś swój kostur %s.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.imbue=Nasyciłeś swój kostur %s.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Walcząca magia wymazuje zaklęcie twojego kosturu
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.conflict=Walcząca magia wymazuje zaklęcie twojego kosturu
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=You'll need to identify this wand first.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.id_first=You'll need to identify this wand first.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=You can't use a cursed wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Nie możesz użyć przeklętej różdżki
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Jesteś pewien, że chcesz nasycić swój kostur tą różdżką?\n\nTwój kostur wyważy najwyższy poziom między nim i różdżka, jakakolwiek magia mająca wpływ na kostur zniknie.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Jesteś pewien, że chcesz nasycić swój kostur tą różdżką?\n\nTwój kostur wyważy najwyższy poziom między nim i różdżka, jakakolwiek magia mająca wpływ na kostur zniknie.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Tak, jestem pewien.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Tak, jestem pewien.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Nie, zmieniłem zdanie
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Nie, zmieniłem zdanie
@ -719,9 +719,9 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=The staff currently has no magic in it, it
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=This is a tier-%d melee weapon.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=This is a tier-%d melee weapon.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=Its typical average damage per hit is %d and usually it requires %d points of strength.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=Its typical average damage per hit is %d and usually it requires %d points of strength.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.probably_too_heavy=Probably this weapon is too heavy for you.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.probably_too_heavy=Wydaje się, że ta broń jest dla ciebie za ciężka
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.cursed_worn=Because this weapon is cursed, you are powerless to remove it.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.cursed_worn=Ta broń jest przeklęta, nie możesz jej zdjąć.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.cursed=You can feel a malevolent magic lurking within this weapon.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.cursed=You can feel a malevolent magic lurking within this weapon.
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.shortsword.ac_reforge=POŁĄCZ
items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=It is indeed quite short, just a few inches longer, than a dagger.
items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=It is indeed quite short, just a few inches longer, than a dagger.
items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=This is a rather slow weapon.\nThis weapon has extra reach.
items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=To raczej powolna broń.\nTa broń posiada dodatkowy zasięg.
items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=Smukły drewniany drąg, zakończony grotem.
items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=Smukły drewniany drąg, zakończony grotem.
@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Thrown to the enemy this flat curved wooden
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=Zatruta strzałka
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=Zatruta strzałka
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Te małe strzałki nie zadają poważnych obrażeń, ale dają szansę na sparaliżowanie przeciwnika, powodując, że będzie bezbronny i nieruchomy przez kilka tur.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.desc=Te małe strzałki nie zadają poważnych obrażeń, ale dają szansę na sparaliżowanie przeciwnika, powodując, że będzie bezbronny i nieruchomy przez kilka tur.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=These simple metal spikes are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist.
items.weapon.missiles.dart.desc=These simple metal spikes are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist.
items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.name=Podpalająca strzałka
items.weapon.missiles.incendiarydart.name=Podpalająca strzałka
@ -805,13 +805,13 @@ items.bomb.desc_burning=A fairly hefty black powder bomb. An explosion from this
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=dwie bomby
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=dwie bomby
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Para dwóch dużych, czarnych bomb, wygląda na to, że dostałeś jedną za darmo\!
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Para dwóch dużych, czarnych bomb, wygląda na to, że dostałeś jedną za darmo\!
items.brokenseal.name=Broken Seal
items.brokenseal.name=broken seal
items.brokenseal.prompt=Select an armor
items.brokenseal.prompt=Wybierz zbroję
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=You must identify that armor first.
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=You must identify that armor first.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=That armor is in too poor a condition.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=The condition of this armor is too poor.
items.brokenseal.affix=You affix the sigil to your armor\!
items.brokenseal.affix=You affix the seal to your armor\!
items.brokenseal.desc=A wax seal, affixed to armor as a smybol of valor. All the markings on the seal have worn off with age and it is broken in half down the middle.\n\nA memento from his home, the seal helps the warrior persevere. While wearing the seal the warrior will slowly generate shielding ontop of his health based on the quality of his armor.\n\nThe seal can be _affixed to armor,_ and moved between armors. It can carry a single upgrade with it.
items.brokenseal.desc=A wax seal, affixed to armor as a symbol of valor. All the markings on the seal have worn off with age and it is broken in half down the middle.\n\nA memento from his home, the seal helps the warrior persevere. While wearing the seal the warrior will slowly generate shielding on top of his health based on the quality of his armor.\n\nThe seal can be _affixed to armor,_ and moved between armors. It can carry a single upgrade with it.
items.dewdrop.name=kropla rosy
items.dewdrop.name=kropla rosy
@ -833,6 +833,22 @@ items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=Zdejmij
items.gold.desc=Stos złotych monet. Zebrane monety możesz później wydać w sklepie.
items.gold.desc=Stos złotych monet. Zebrane monety możesz później wydać w sklepie.
items.heap.chest_desc=Nie będziesz wiedział co jest w środku, dopóki jej nie otworzysz\!
items.heap.locked_chest=Zamknięta skrzynia
items.heap.locked_chest_desc=Nie będziesz wiedział co jest w środku, dopóki jej nie otworzysz\! Ale by ją otworzyć potrzebujesz złotego klucza.
items.heap.crystal_chest=Kryształowa skrzynia
items.heap.crystal_chest_desc=Możesz dostrzec %s w środku, ale by otworzyć skrzynię będziesz musiał użyć złotego klucza.
items.heap.tomb_desc=Ten antyczny grób może zawierać coś użytecznego, ale jego właściciel z pewnością jest przeciwny sprawdzaniu go.
items.heap.skeleton=Szczątki szkieletu
items.heap.skeleton_desc=To jest wszystko co pozostało po jakimś nieszczęśliwym poszukiwaczu przygód. Może warto go sprawdzić by znaleźć coś wartościowego.
items.heap.remains=Hero's remains
items.heap.remains_desc=To jest wszystko co pozostało po jednym z twoich poprzedników. Może warto go sprawdzić by znaleźć coś wartościowego.
items.honeypot.name=Dzbanek na miód
items.honeypot.name=Dzbanek na miód
items.honeypot.desc=This large honeypot is only really lined with honey, instead it houses a giant bee\! These sorts of massive bees usually stay in their hives, perhaps the pot is some sort of specialized trapper's cage? The bee seems pretty content inside the pot with its honey, and buzzes at you warily when you look at it.
items.honeypot.desc=This large honeypot is only really lined with honey, instead it houses a giant bee\! These sorts of massive bees usually stay in their hives, perhaps the pot is some sort of specialized trapper's cage? The bee seems pretty content inside the pot with its honey, and buzzes at you warily when you look at it.
@ -845,8 +861,8 @@ items.item.ac_drop=Opuść
items.item.rankings_desc=Zabity przez\: %s
items.item.rankings_desc=Zabity przez\: %s
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Unequip one item
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Zdejmij jeden z przedmiotów
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=You can only wear two misc items at a time.
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=Możesz nieść tylko dwa specjalne przedmioty na raz.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Your grip involuntarily tightens around the weapon.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Your grip involuntarily tightens around the weapon.
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=O glifo de sua armadura protegeu
items.armor.armor.detach_sigil=You detach the sigil from your armor.
items.armor.armor.detach_seal=Você solta o selo da sua armadura.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=The armor constricts around you painfully.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=A armadura aperta-se ao seu redor de forma dolorosa.
items.armor.armor.identify=Você agora está acostumado com %s suficientemente para identificá-lo(a). É %s.
items.armor.armor.identify=Você agora está acostumado com %s suficientemente para identificá-lo(a). É %s.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=A interação de tipos diferentes de magia apagou o glifo dessa armadura\!
items.armor.armor.incompatible=A interação de tipos diferentes de magia apagou o glifo dessa armadura\!
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Esta armadura provê absorção de dano de até %d pontos por ataque.
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Esta armadura provê absorção de dano de até %d pontos por ataque.
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Esta armadura provavelmente é muito pesada
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Está inscrita com um %s.
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Está inscrita com um %s.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Esta armadura está amaldiçoada. Você é incapaz de removê-la.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Esta armadura está amaldiçoada. Você é incapaz de removê-la.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Você consegue sentir uma magia malévola se escondendo dentro desta armadura.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Você consegue sentir uma magia malévola se escondendo dentro desta armadura.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=The Warrior's broken seal is attached to this armor.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=O selo quebrado de guerreiro está equipado nesta armadura.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s matou você...
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s matou você...
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=MISTURAR
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=você não pode usar dois artefatos iguais.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=você não pode usar dois artefatos iguais.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=The artifact painfully binds itself to you.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=esse artefato se prendeu dolorosamente a você.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=você sente um magia maligna pulsando com esse artefato.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=você sente um magia maligna pulsando com esse artefato.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=você precisa equipar o seu artefato para fazer isso.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=você precisa equipar o seu artefato para fazer isso.
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Este anel está amaldiçoado, e por causa disso voc
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Você consegue sentir uma magia maligna pulsando no %s.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Você consegue sentir uma magia maligna pulsando no %s.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anel da precisão
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anel da precisão
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=This ring increases your focus, reducing your enemy's ability to dodge your attacks. A degraded ring will instead make it easier for enemies to evade your attacks.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=O anel aumenta a sua concentração, reduzindo a habilidade dos seus inimigos de se desviarem dos seus ataques. Um anel danificado, no entanto, fará com que seja mais fácil aos seus inimigos escaparem dos seus ataques.
items.rings.ringofelements.name=anel dos elementos
items.rings.ringofelements.name=anel dos elementos
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Esse anel fornece proteção contra diferentes elementos, como fogo, veneno, eletricidade, gases etc. Ele também diminui a duração de efeitos negativos.
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Esse anel fornece proteção contra diferentes elementos, como fogo, veneno, eletricidade, gases etc. Ele também diminui a duração de efeitos negativos.
@ -714,8 +714,8 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Você não pode usar uma varinha amaldiçoa
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Você tem certeza de que quer imbuir seu cajado com esta varinha?\n\nSeu cajado irá herdar o nível maior entre ele e a varinha, e qualquer magia que estiver no cajado será perdida.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Você tem certeza de que quer imbuir seu cajado com esta varinha?\n\nSeu cajado irá herdar o nível maior entre ele e a varinha, e qualquer magia que estiver no cajado será perdida.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Sim, tenho certeza.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Sim, tenho certeza.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Não, eu mudei de ideia.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Não, eu mudei de ideia.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the mage himself, this staff is a one of a kind magical weapon. Rather than having an innate magic in it, this staff is instead imbued with magical energy from a wand, granting it new power.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Criado pessoalmente pelo mago, este bastão é uma arma mágica única. Em vez de ter magia inata nele, a magia embutida neste bastão vem de uma varinha, concedendo-lhe poderes novos.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=The staff currently has no magic in it, it must be _imbued with a wand's power_ before it can be used to cast spells.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=O bastão não tem magia neste momento, tendo de ser _recarregado com o poder da varinha_ antes de poder ser usado para lançar feitiços.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=Esta é uma arma branca de classificação %d.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=Esta é uma arma branca de classificação %d.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=Seu dano típico médio por golpe é %d e geralmente necessita de %d pontos de força.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=Seu dano típico médio por golpe é %d e geralmente necessita de %d pontos de força.
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.shortsword.ac_reforge=REFORJAR
items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=É bem curta. Apenas alguns centímetros mais longa do que uma adaga.
items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=É bem curta. Apenas alguns centímetros mais longa do que uma adaga.
items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=This is a rather slow weapon.\nThis weapon has extra reach.
items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=Esta arma é lenta.\nEsta arma tem alcance estendido.
items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=Um bastão de madeira com aço afiado na ponta.
items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=Um bastão de madeira com aço afiado na ponta.
@ -805,13 +805,13 @@ items.bomb.desc_burning=Uma bomba de pólvora negra bastante robusta . Uma explo
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=duas bombas
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=duas bombas
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=um grupo de duas bombas.Parece que você vai ganhar uma de graça\!
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=um grupo de duas bombas.Parece que você vai ganhar uma de graça\!
items.brokenseal.name=Broken Seal
items.brokenseal.name=selo quebrado
items.brokenseal.prompt=Select an armor
items.brokenseal.prompt=Escolha uma armadura
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=You must identify that armor first.
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Deve identificar essa armadura primeiro.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=That armor is in too poor a condition.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=O estado desta armadura é demasiado mau.
items.brokenseal.affix=You affix the sigil to your armor\!
items.brokenseal.affix=Você equipa o selo na armadura\!
items.brokenseal.desc=A wax seal, affixed to armor as a smybol of valor. All the markings on the seal have worn off with age and it is broken in half down the middle.\n\nA memento from his home, the seal helps the warrior persevere. While wearing the seal the warrior will slowly generate shielding ontop of his health based on the quality of his armor.\n\nThe seal can be _affixed to armor,_ and moved between armors. It can carry a single upgrade with it.
items.brokenseal.desc=Um selo de cera, equipado numa armadura como um simbolo de valor. Todas as marcas no selo foram desgastadas pelo tempo e está quebrado a meio.\n\nUma lembrança da sua casa, o selo ajuda o guerreiro a perseverar. Enquanto tiver o selo equipado, o guerreiro lentamente gera um escudo que acumula sobre a sua saúde com base na qualidade da sua armadura.\n\nO selo pode ser _equipado numa armadura_ e movido entre armaduras. Pode levar consigo uma única melhoria.
items.dewdrop.name=gota de orvalho
items.dewdrop.name=gota de orvalho
@ -833,6 +833,22 @@ items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=DESEQUIPAR
items.gold.desc=uma pilhada de moedas douras.colete moedas douradas para gastar mais tarde em uma loja
items.gold.desc=uma pilhada de moedas douras.colete moedas douradas para gastar mais tarde em uma loja
items.heap.chest_desc=Você não conseguirá saber o que tem dentro até abri-lo\!
items.heap.locked_chest=Baú trancado
items.heap.locked_chest_desc=Você não conseguirá saber o que tem dentro até abri-lo\! Mas para abri-lo você precisa de uma chave dourada.
items.heap.crystal_chest=Baú de cristal
items.heap.crystal_chest_desc=Você consegue ver ver um(a) %s dentro. Mas para abrir o baú, você precisa de uma chave de ouro.
items.heap.artifact=um artefato
items.heap.wand=uma varinha
items.heap.ring=um anel
items.heap.tomb_desc=Esta tumba antiga pode conter algo útil, mas seu dono vai se opor a perturbação com certeza.
items.heap.skeleton=Restos de esqueletos
items.heap.skeleton_desc=Isto é tudo o que resta de algum aventureiro desafortunado. Talvez valha a pena verificar para tentar achar algum item valioso.
items.heap.remains=Restos de um herói
items.heap.remains_desc=Isto é tudo o que resta de algum de seus predecessores. Talvez valha a pena verificar para tentar achar algum item valioso.
items.honeypot.name=pote de mel
items.honeypot.name=pote de mel
items.honeypot.desc=Este grande pote de mel só é realmente alinhada com mel, em vez disso, abriga uma abelha gigante\! Esses tipos de abelhas maciças costumam ficar em suas colmeias , talvez o pote é uma espécie de gaiola de um caçador especializado? A abelha parece bastante felizo dentro do pote com seu mel, e vibra para você com cautela quando você olha para ela .
items.honeypot.desc=Este grande pote de mel só é realmente alinhada com mel, em vez disso, abriga uma abelha gigante\! Esses tipos de abelhas maciças costumam ficar em suas colmeias , talvez o pote é uma espécie de gaiola de um caçador especializado? A abelha parece bastante felizo dentro do pote com seu mel, e vibra para você com cautela quando você olha para ela .
@ -845,10 +861,10 @@ items.item.ac_drop=DESCARTAR
items.item.rankings_desc=Morto por\: %s
items.item.rankings_desc=Morto por\: %s
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Unequip one item
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Desequipe um item
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=You can only wear two misc items at a time.
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=Você só pode equipar dois acessórios por vez.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Your grip involuntarily tightens around the weapon.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Involuntariamente, agarras a arma com mais força.
items.merchantsbeacon.name=farol do mercante
items.merchantsbeacon.name=farol do mercante
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=Хоть руна на ваше
items.armor.armor.detach_sigil=You detach the sigil from your armor.
items.armor.armor.detach_seal=Вы открепили печать от брони.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=The armor constricts around you painfully.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=Броня больно впивается вам в тело
items.armor.armor.identify=Ваша %s прослужила вам достаточно долго для того, чтобы вы смогли опознать её. Это %s.
items.armor.armor.identify=Ваша %s прослужила вам достаточно долго для того, чтобы вы смогли опознать её. Это %s.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=Взаимодействие разных типов магии стерло руну с этой брони\!
items.armor.armor.incompatible=Взаимодействие разных типов магии стерло руну с этой брони\!
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Эта броня может поглотить до %d единиц урона за удар.
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Эта броня может поглотить до %d единиц урона за удар.
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Вероятно, эта броня буд
items.armor.armor.inscribed=На ней начертана руна %s.
items.armor.armor.inscribed=На ней начертана руна %s.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Ваша броня проклята и вы не в силах снять её.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Ваша броня проклята и вы не в силах снять её.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Вы чувствуете недобрую магию, таящуюся в этой броне.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Вы чувствуете недобрую магию, таящуюся в этой броне.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=The Warrior's broken seal is attached to this armor.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=К этой броне прикреплена сломанная печать Воина.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s убила вас...
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s убила вас...
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=СВАРИТЬ
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Вы не можете использовать два одинаковых артефакта.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Вы не можете использовать два одинаковых артефакта.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=The artifact painfully binds itself to you.
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=Артефакт больно впивается в ваше тело.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Вы чувствуете недобрую магию, таящуюся в этом артефакте.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Вы чувствуете недобрую магию, таящуюся в этом артефакте.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Вам необходимо надеть артефакт, чтобы его использовать.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Вам необходимо надеть артефакт, чтобы его использовать.
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Ваше кольцо проклято, вы не
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Вы чувствуете, что это %s скрывает в себе какую-то темную магию.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Вы чувствуете, что это %s скрывает в себе какую-то темную магию.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=кольцо меткости
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=кольцо меткости
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=This ring increases your focus, reducing your enemy's ability to dodge your attacks. A degraded ring will instead make it easier for enemies to evade your attacks.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Это кольцо повышает вашу сосредоточенность, снижая шансы врагов уклониться от атаки. Проклятое кольцо, напротив, будет увеличивать шансы врагов увернуться.
items.rings.ringofelements.name=кольцо стихий
items.rings.ringofelements.name=кольцо стихий
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Это кольцо обеспечивает сопротивление различным стихиям, таким как огонь, электричество, газы и т.д. Также оно снижает длительность большинства негативных эффектов.\n\nПроклятое кольцо стихий не имеет никакой силы.
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Это кольцо обеспечивает сопротивление различным стихиям, таким как огонь, электричество, газы и т.д. Также оно снижает длительность большинства негативных эффектов.\n\nПроклятое кольцо стихий не имеет никакой силы.
@ -714,8 +714,8 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Вы не можете использова
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Вы уверены, что хотите наделить ваш посох силой именно этого жезла?\n\nУровень улучшения на вашем посохе останется прежним или станет равным уровню жезла, если его уровень улучшения выше, чем у посоха. Любые чары на вашем посохе будут развеяны.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Вы уверены, что хотите наделить ваш посох силой именно этого жезла?\n\nУровень улучшения на вашем посохе останется прежним или станет равным уровню жезла, если его уровень улучшения выше, чем у посоха. Любые чары на вашем посохе будут развеяны.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Да, я уверен
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Да, я уверен
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Нет, я передумал
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Нет, я передумал
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the mage himself, this staff is a one of a kind magical weapon. Rather than having an innate magic in it, this staff is instead imbued with magical energy from a wand, granting it new power.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Этот посох, сделанный самим магом, является разновидностью магического оружия. Пусть сам по себе он не особенно могущественен, его можно наделить силой любого жезла, что даст ему новые возможности.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=The staff currently has no magic in it, it must be _imbued with a wand's power_ before it can be used to cast spells.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Сейчас посох не имеет особой магии, его нужно _наделить силой жезла_, чтобы получить возможность использовать заклинания.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=Это оружие ближнего боя %d уровня.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.tier=Это оружие ближнего боя %d уровня.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=Средний урон за удар равен %d, обычно оно требует %d силы.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.unknown=Средний урон за удар равен %d, обычно оно требует %d силы.
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.shortsword.ac_reforge=ПЕРЕКОВАТЬ
items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=Он и вправду короткий, всего на несколько дюймов длиннее кинжала.
items.weapon.melee.shortsword.desc=Он и вправду короткий, всего на несколько дюймов длиннее кинжала.
items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=This is a rather slow weapon.\nThis weapon has extra reach.
items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=Это довольно медленное оружие.\nОно имеет повышенную дальность атаки.
items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=Тонкая длинная палка с куском заостренного железа на конце.
items.weapon.melee.spear.desc=Тонкая длинная палка с куском заостренного железа на конце.
@ -805,13 +805,13 @@ items.bomb.desc_burning=Довольно крупная бомба, под за
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=две бомбы
items.bomb$doublebomb.name=две бомбы
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Две огромные пороховые бомбы по цене одной\!
items.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Две огромные пороховые бомбы по цене одной\!
items.brokenseal.name=Broken Seal
items.brokenseal.name=сломанная печать
items.brokenseal.prompt=Select an armor
items.brokenseal.prompt=Выберите броню
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=You must identify that armor first.
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Сперва вам нужно опознать эту броню.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=That armor is in too poor a condition.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Эта броня в слишком плохом состоянии.
items.brokenseal.affix=You affix the sigil to your armor\!
items.brokenseal.affix=Вы прикрепили печать к броне\!
items.brokenseal.desc=A wax seal, affixed to armor as a smybol of valor. All the markings on the seal have worn off with age and it is broken in half down the middle.\n\nA memento from his home, the seal helps the warrior persevere. While wearing the seal the warrior will slowly generate shielding ontop of his health based on the quality of his armor.\n\nThe seal can be _affixed to armor,_ and moved between armors. It can carry a single upgrade with it.
items.brokenseal.desc=Восковая печать, прикреплённая к броне как символ отваги. Все знаки со временем стёрлись и печать треснула посередине.\n\nБудучи памятью о доме, эта печать укрепляет воина. Когда он её носит, он медленно накапливает щит, который зависит от качества его брони, поверх здоровья.\n\nПечать можно _прикрепить к броне_, а можно снять. Она способна перенести один уровень улучшения.
items.dewdrop.name=капля росы
items.dewdrop.name=капля росы
items.dewdrop.value=%+d ОЗ
items.dewdrop.value=%+d ОЗ
@ -833,6 +833,22 @@ items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=СНЯТЬ
items.gold.desc=Кучка золотых монет. Собирайте их, чтобы затем потратить в магазине.
items.gold.desc=Кучка золотых монет. Собирайте их, чтобы затем потратить в магазине.
items.heap.chest_desc=Вы не узнаете, что там, пока не откроете\!
items.heap.locked_chest=Запертый сундук
items.heap.locked_chest_desc=Вы не узнаете, что там, пока не откроете\! Для этого вам понадобится золотой ключ.
items.heap.crystal_chest=Хрустальный сундук
items.heap.crystal_chest_desc=Внутри вы видите %s, но, чтобы открыть сундук, вам нужен золотой ключ.
items.heap.tomb_desc=В этой древней могиле может лежать что-то полезное, но её владелец вряд ли ждёт гостей.
items.heap.skeleton=Куча костей
items.heap.skeleton_desc=Это всё, что осталось от неудачливого путешественника. Пожалуй, стоит проверить, вдруг там есть что-то ценное.
items.heap.remains=Останки героя
items.heap.remains_desc=Это всё, что осталось от одного из твоих предшественников. Пожалуй, стоит проверить, вдруг там есть что-то ценное.
items.honeypot.name=горшок с мёдом
items.honeypot.name=горшок с мёдом
items.honeypot.desc=Этот большой горшок только по краям обмазан мёдом, а внутри живёт огромная пчела\! Этот вид больших пчёл обычно живёт в ульях, может, горшок - разновидность ловушки для пчёл? Пчела неплохо чувствует себя внутри, однако, когда вы туда заглядываете, она начинает угрожающе жужжать.
items.honeypot.desc=Этот большой горшок только по краям обмазан мёдом, а внутри живёт огромная пчела\! Этот вид больших пчёл обычно живёт в ульях, может, горшок - разновидность ловушки для пчёл? Пчела неплохо чувствует себя внутри, однако, когда вы туда заглядываете, она начинает угрожающе жужжать.
@ -845,10 +861,10 @@ items.item.ac_drop=ВЫЛОЖИТЬ
items.item.rankings_desc=Убит (%s)
items.item.rankings_desc=Убит (%s)
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Unequip one item
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Необходимо снять один предмет
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=You can only wear two misc items at a time.
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=Вы можете использовать только два предмета одновременно.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Your grip involuntarily tightens around the weapon.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Ваша рука непроизвольно вцепилась в оружие.
items.merchantsbeacon.name=маяк торговца
items.merchantsbeacon.name=маяк торговца
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ items.armor.glyphs.viscosity$defereddamage.desc=虽然你的护甲符文保护
items.armor.armor.detach_sigil=You detach the sigil from your armor.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=The armor constricts around you painfully.
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=这套护甲对你来说或许太重了。
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=The Warrior's broken seal is attached to this armor.
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.ac_brew=酿造
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.artifact.cursed=The artifact painfully binds itself to you.
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=由于这个戒指被诅咒,你无力将其除下
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=This ring increases your focus, reducing your enemy's ability to dodge your attacks. A degraded ring will instead make it easier for enemies to evade your attacks.
@ -714,8 +714,8 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=你不能注入一根受诅咒的法杖。
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the mage himself, this staff is a one of a kind magical weapon. Rather than having an innate magic in it, this staff is instead imbued with magical energy from a wand, granting it new power.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=The staff currently has no magic in it, it must be _imbued with a wand's power_ before it can be used to cast spells.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=这支法杖并没有任何魔力, 它必须先被_注入进另一支法杖的魔力_才能用于施放法术。
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.shortsword.ac_reforge=重铸
items.weapon.melee.spear.stats_desc=This is a rather slow weapon.\nThis weapon has extra reach.
@ -805,13 +805,13 @@ items.bomb.desc_burning=一颗颇庞大的黑火药炸弹。它炸起来周围
items.brokenseal.name=Broken Seal
items.brokenseal.prompt=Select an armor
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=You must identify that armor first.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=That armor is in too poor a condition.
items.brokenseal.affix=You affix the sigil to your armor\!
items.brokenseal.desc=A wax seal, affixed to armor as a smybol of valor. All the markings on the seal have worn off with age and it is broken in half down the middle.\n\nA memento from his home, the seal helps the warrior persevere. While wearing the seal the warrior will slowly generate shielding ontop of his health based on the quality of his armor.\n\nThe seal can be _affixed to armor,_ and moved between armors. It can carry a single upgrade with it.
@ -833,6 +833,22 @@ items.equipableitem.ac_unequip=取下
@ -845,10 +861,10 @@ items.item.ac_drop=放下
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Unequip one item
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=You can only wear two misc items at a time.
items.kindofweapon.cursed=Your grip involuntarily tightens around the weapon.
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ levels.features.sign.tip_6=Pixel-Kereskedés - minden, ami egy sikeres kalandhoz
levels.features.sign.tip_7=Azonosítsd az italaidat és tekercseidet, amint lehet. Ne hagyd utolsó pillanatra, amikor már tényleg szükséged lesz rá.
levels.features.sign.tip_7=Azonosítsd az italaidat és tekercseidet, amint lehet. Ne hagyd utolsó pillanatra, amikor már tényleg szükséged lesz rá.
levels.features.sign.tip_8=Az éhezés nem fáj, de az éhen halás az igen.
levels.features.sign.tip_8=Az éhezés nem fáj, de az éhen halás az igen.
levels.features.sign.tip_9=Néhány ellenség nagyon erős a környezetedben. Egyből rájuk támadni néha kevésbé hatékony mint elbújni előlük és hagyni, hogy a közeledbe férkőzzenek.
levels.features.sign.tip_9=Néhány ellenség nagyon erős a környezetedben. Egyből rájuk támadni néha kevésbé hatékony mint elbújni előlük és hagyni, hogy a közeledbe férkőzzenek.
levels.features.sign.tip_10=Thomas\!\n\nNagyszerű barát voltál, tartozom neked ezzel a szívességgel\: amikor ma este átveszed a műszakod, ellenőrizd Tengu celláját, aztán menj el innen.\n\nNem számít, hogy a rabok megszöknek-e, hamarosan úgysem tudja többé senki elhagyni ezt a helyet.\n\nViszont ezt a szörnyeteget elzárva kell tartanunk, senki nem tudja megmondani, mit tenne, ha elszabadulna. A lényeg, hogy mindenképp zárd be Tengu celláját, aztán menj el.\n\nEngem ne keress – a kapitánynak a végsőkig a süllyedő hajón a helye.\n\nWarden Smith
levels.features.sign.tip_10=Thomas\!\n\nNagyszerű barát voltál, tartozom neked ezzel a szívességgel\: amikor ma este átveszed a műszakod, ellenőrizd Tengu celláját, aztán menj el innen.\n\nNem számít, hogy a rabok megszöknek-e, hamarosan úgysem tudja többé senki elhagyni ezt a helyet.\n\nViszont ezt a szörnyeteget elzárva kell tartanunk, senki nem tudja megmondani, mit tenne, ha elszabadulna. A lényeg, hogy mindenképp zárd be Tengu celláját, aztán menj el.\n\nEngem ne keress - a kapitánynak a végsőkig a süllyedő hajón a helye.\n\nWarden Smith
levels.features.sign.tip_11=Pixel-Kereskedés. Költs pénzt. Élj tovább.
levels.features.sign.tip_11=Pixel-Kereskedés. Költs pénzt. Élj tovább.
levels.features.sign.tip_12=Amikor egyszerre több szörny támad rád, próbálj visszavonulni egy ajtó mögé.
levels.features.sign.tip_12=Amikor egyszerre több szörny támad rád, próbálj visszavonulni egy ajtó mögé.
levels.features.sign.tip_13=Ha meggyulladtál, lebegés közben nem tudod vízzel eloltani a tüzet.
levels.features.sign.tip_13=Ha meggyulladtál, lebegés közben nem tudod vízzel eloltani a tüzet.
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ levels.hallslevel.high_grass_name=Fungo-cinza
levels.hallslevel.water_desc=Parece com lava, mas é frio e provavelmente é seguro para tocar.
levels.hallslevel.water_desc=Parece com lava, mas é frio e provavelmente é seguro para tocar.
levels.hallslevel.statue_desc=Este pilar é feito de crânios reais de humanos. Ótimo.
levels.hallslevel.statue_desc=Este pilar é feito de crânios reais de humanos. Ótimo.
levels.hallslevel.bookshelf_desc=Livros em línguas antigas enchem a estante.
levels.hallslevel.bookshelf_desc=Livros em idiomas antigos enchem a estante.
levels.level.hidden_plate=Uma placa de pressão oculta é ativada\!
levels.level.hidden_plate=Uma placa de pressão oculta é ativada\!
@ -226,12 +226,12 @@ levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=这个陷阱已经被触发过了,现在一点
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ badges$badge.item_level_4=Gegenstand der Stufe 12 erworben
badges$badge.rare=Alle seltenen Monster erschlagen
badges$badge.rare=Alle seltenen Monster erschlagen
badges$badge.victory=Amulett von Yendor erhalten
badges$badge.victory=Amulett von Yendor erhalten
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Amulett von Yendor mit Krieger, Magier, Schurke und Jägerin erhalten
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Amulett von Yendor mit Krieger, Magier, Schurke und Jägerin erhalten
badges$badge.mastery_combo=10-hit combo
badges$badge.mastery_combo=10-Treffer Combo
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=3 Tränke gebraut
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=3 Tränke gebraut
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=6 Tränke gebraut
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=6 Tränke gebraut
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=9 Tränke gebraut
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=9 Tränke gebraut
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ badges$badge.item_level_4=Adquirir un ítem de nivel 12
badges$badge.rare=Matar todos los monstruos raros
badges$badge.rare=Matar todos los monstruos raros
badges$badge.victory=Obtener Amuleto de Yendor
badges$badge.victory=Obtener Amuleto de Yendor
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Obtener Amuleto de Yendor con el Guerrero, el Mago, el Pícaro y la Cazadora
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Obtener Amuleto de Yendor con el Guerrero, el Mago, el Pícaro y la Cazadora
badges$badge.mastery_combo=10-hit combo
badges$badge.mastery_combo=Combo de 10 golpes
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=3 pociones cocinadas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=3 pociones cocinadas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=6 pociones cocinadas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=6 pociones cocinadas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=9 pociones cocinadas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=9 pociones cocinadas
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ badges$badge.item_level_4=Objet de niveau 12 obtenu
badges$badge.rare=Vous avez tué tous les monstres rares
badges$badge.rare=Vous avez tué tous les monstres rares
badges$badge.victory=Amulette de Yendor obtenue
badges$badge.victory=Amulette de Yendor obtenue
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Vous avez obtenu l'Amulette de Yendor avec le Guerrier, le Mage, le Voleur et la Chasseresse
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Vous avez obtenu l'Amulette de Yendor avec le Guerrier, le Mage, le Voleur et la Chasseresse
badges$badge.mastery_combo=10-hit combo
badges$badge.mastery_combo=Combo de 10 coups
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=3 potions concoctées
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=3 potions concoctées
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=6 potions concoctées
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=6 potions concoctées
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=9 potions concoctées
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=9 potions concoctées
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ badges$badge.item_level_4=Oggetto di livello 12 ottenuto
badges$badge.rare=Tutti i mostri rari uccisi
badges$badge.rare=Tutti i mostri rari uccisi
badges$badge.victory=ottenuto l'Amuleto di Yendor
badges$badge.victory=ottenuto l'Amuleto di Yendor
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Amuleto di Yendor ottenuto da Guerriero, Mago, Ladro e Cacciatrice
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Amuleto di Yendor ottenuto da Guerriero, Mago, Ladro e Cacciatrice
badges$badge.mastery_combo=10-hit combo
badges$badge.mastery_combo=Combo da 10 colpi
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=3 pozioni create
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=3 pozioni create
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=6 pozioni create
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=6 pozioni create
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=9 pozioni create
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=9 pozioni create
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ badges$badge.item_level_4=아이템 레벨 12 달성
badges$badge.rare=모든 희귀 몬스터 처치
badges$badge.rare=모든 희귀 몬스터 처치
badges$badge.victory=옌더의 부적 획득
badges$badge.victory=옌더의 부적 획득
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=모든 직업으로 옌더의 부적 획득
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=모든 직업으로 옌더의 부적 획득
badges$badge.mastery_combo=10-hit combo
badges$badge.mastery_combo=10연속 타격 성공
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=포션 3개 제작
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=포션 3개 제작
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=포션 6개 제작
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=포션 6개 제작
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=포션 9개 제작
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=포션 9개 제작
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ badges$badge.item_level_4=Zdobyto przedmiot o poziomie 12
badges$badge.rare=Pokonano wszystkie rzadkie potwory
badges$badge.rare=Pokonano wszystkie rzadkie potwory
badges$badge.victory=Zdobyto Amulet Yendoru
badges$badge.victory=Zdobyto Amulet Yendoru
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Amulet Yendoru zdoboty przez Wojownika, Maga, Łotrzyka i Łowczynię
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Amulet Yendoru zdoboty przez Wojownika, Maga, Łotrzyka i Łowczynię
badges$badge.mastery_combo=10-hit combo
badges$badge.mastery_combo=ciąg 10 uderzeń
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=Przyrządzono 3 mikstury
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=Przyrządzono 3 mikstury
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=Przyrządzono 6 mikstur
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=Przyrządzono 6 mikstur
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=Przyrządzono 9 mikstur
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=Przyrządzono 9 mikstur
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ badges$badge.item_level_4=item de nível 12 adquirido
badges$badge.rare=Todos os monstros raros mortos
badges$badge.rare=Todos os monstros raros mortos
badges$badge.victory=Amuleto de Yendor obtido
badges$badge.victory=Amuleto de Yendor obtido
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Amuleto de Yendor obtido pelo Guerreiro, Mago, Maroto e Caçadora
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Amuleto de Yendor obtido pelo Guerreiro, Mago, Maroto e Caçadora
badges$badge.mastery_combo=10-hit combo
badges$badge.mastery_combo=Combinação de 10 golpes
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=3 poções produzidas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=3 poções produzidas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=6 poções produzidas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=6 poções produzidas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=9 poções produzidas
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=9 poções produzidas
@ -85,4 +85,4 @@ journal$feature.wandmaker=Velho fabricante de varinhas
journal$feature.troll=Troll ferreiro
journal$feature.troll=Troll ferreiro
journal$feature.imp=Duende ambicioso
journal$feature.imp=Duende ambicioso
rankings$record.something=Killed by Something
rankings$record.something=Morto por Alguma coisa
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ badges$badge.item_level_4=Получен предмет 12-го уровня
badges$badge.rare=Все виды редких монстров повержены
badges$badge.rare=Все виды редких монстров повержены
badges$badge.victory=Найден Амулет Индора
badges$badge.victory=Найден Амулет Индора
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Найден Амулет Индора за все четыре класса
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Найден Амулет Индора за все четыре класса
badges$badge.mastery_combo=10-hit combo
badges$badge.mastery_combo=Комбо из 10 ударов
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=Сварено 3 зелья
badges$badge.potions_cooked_1=Сварено 3 зелья
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=Сварено 6 зелий
badges$badge.potions_cooked_2=Сварено 6 зелий
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=Сварено 9 зелий
badges$badge.potions_cooked_3=Сварено 9 зелий
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ badges$badge.item_level_4=获得12级物品
badges$badge.mastery_combo=10-hit combo
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ scenes.gamescene.water=Durch hörst das Plätschern von Wasser in deiner Nähe.
scenes.gamescene.grass=Ein beißender Geruch von Vegetation liegt in der Luft.
scenes.gamescene.grass=Ein beißender Geruch von Vegetation liegt in der Luft.
scenes.gamescene.dark=Du hörst die Bewegungen von Feinden in der Dunkelheit...
scenes.gamescene.dark=Du hörst die Bewegungen von Feinden in der Dunkelheit...
scenes.gamescene.secrets=Die Atmosphäre dieser Ebene deutet auf viele versteckte Geheimnisse hin.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=Die Atmosphäre dieser Ebene deutet auf viele versteckte Geheimnisse hin.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Choose Examine
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Wähle zum Untersuchen
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=There are multiple things of interest here, which one do you want to examine?
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Hier gibt es verschiedene interessante Dinge, welches willst du untersuchen?
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=Du weißt nicht, was sich hier befindet.
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=Du weißt nicht, was sich hier befindet.
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.descend=Steige ab...
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.descend=Steige ab...
@ -56,13 +56,14 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Über
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon ist ein rougelike RPG mit zufällig genererierten Gegnern, Leveln, Gegenständen und Fallen\!\n\nJedes Spiel ist eine neues, herausforderndes Erlebnis, aber sei vorsichtig, denn der Tod ist permanent\!\n\nFröhliches Dungeon-Erkunden\!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon ist ein rougelike RPG mit zufällig genererierten Gegnern, Leveln, Gegenständen und Fallen\!\n\nJedes Spiel ist eine neues, herausforderndes Erlebnis, aber sei vorsichtig, denn der Tod ist permanent\!\n\nFröhliches Dungeon-Erkunden\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Es gab ein Update für Shattered Pixel Dungeon\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Es gab ein Update für Shattered Pixel Dungeon\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update reworks the warrior class and subclasses\!\n\nThe warrior now gets unique benefits from his armor instead of better starting stats.\n\nGladiator and Berserker have more powerful abilities, but you'll need to work more to use them well\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Dieses Update überarbeitet die Krieger-Klasse und ihre Unterklassen.\n\nDer Krieger erhält nun einzigartige Vorteile durch seine Rüstung an Stelle von verbesserten Anfangswerten.\n\nGladiator und Berserker haben stärkere Fähigkeiten, aber du wirst dich mehr anstrengen müssen, um sie gut zu nutzen.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Es gab Patches für Shattered Pixel Dungeon\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Es gab Patches für Shattered Pixel Dungeon\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Dieser Patch enthält bugfixes.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Dieser Patch enthält bugfixes.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Dieser Patch enthält Updates.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Dieser Patch enthält Updates.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=Dieser Patch enthält Verbesserungen der Spielbalance.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Dieser Patch beinhaltet auch kleine Optimierungen und Leistungs-Verbesserungen.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Dieser Patch beinhaltet auch kleine Optimierungen und Leistungs-Verbesserungen.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Es scheint deine vorhandenen Spielstände sind von einer zukünftigen Version von Shattered Pixel Dungeon\!\n\nSei vorsichtig\! Deine Spielstände können Dinge enthalten welche noch nicht in dieser Version vorhanden sind. Dies könnte sehr merkwürdige Fehler hervorrufen.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Es scheint deine vorhandenen Spielstände sind von einer zukünftigen Version von Shattered Pixel Dungeon\!\n\nSei vorsichtig\! Deine Spielstände können Dinge enthalten welche noch nicht in dieser Version vorhanden sind. Dies könnte sehr merkwürdige Fehler hervorrufen.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Incomplete Translation
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Unvollständige Übersetzung
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Some of the new content from this update has not yet been translated.\n\nSome phrases may be written in English.\n\nThe translation teams are working to resolve this and a full translation should be patched in soon.\n\nThank you for your patience.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Einige der Inhalte dieses Updates wurden noch nicht übersetzt.\n\nEin paar Beschreibungen könnten in Englisch geschrieben sein.\n\nDie Übersetzungsteams arbeiten daran und eine vollständige Übersetzung sollte bald verfügbar sein.\n\nDanke für dein Verständnis.
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ scenes.gamescene.water=Escuchas agua salpicando a tu alrededor.
scenes.gamescene.grass=El aroma de la vegetación es denso en el aire
scenes.gamescene.grass=El aroma de la vegetación es denso en el aire
scenes.gamescene.dark=Puedes escuchar los enemigos moviéndose en la oscuridad...
scenes.gamescene.dark=Puedes escuchar los enemigos moviéndose en la oscuridad...
scenes.gamescene.secrets=El ambiente sugiere que este piso esconde muchos secretos.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=El ambiente sugiere que este piso esconde muchos secretos.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Choose Examine
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Elegir Examinar
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=There are multiple things of interest here, which one do you want to examine?
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Hay muchas cosas de interés aquí, ¿Cuál quieres examinar ahora?
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=No sabes lo que hay ahí.
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=No sabes lo que hay ahí.
@ -56,13 +56,14 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Acerca de
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon es un RPG "roguelike", con enemigos, niveles, objetos y trampas generados aleatoriamente\!\n\nCada sesión es una nueva y desafiante experiencia, pero cuidado, la muerte es definitiva\n\nFeliz mazmorreo\!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon es un RPG "roguelike", con enemigos, niveles, objetos y trampas generados aleatoriamente\!\n\nCada sesión es una nueva y desafiante experiencia, pero cuidado, la muerte es definitiva\n\nFeliz mazmorreo\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido actualizado\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido actualizado\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update reworks the warrior class and subclasses\!\n\nThe warrior now gets unique benefits from his armor instead of better starting stats.\n\nGladiator and Berserker have more powerful abilities, but you'll need to work more to use them well\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Esta actualización rebalancea la clase del guerrero y sus subclases.\n\nEl guerrero ahora obtiene beneficios en su armadura en vez de en sus estadísticas iniciales.\n\nEl gladiador y el frenético tiene habilidades más poderosas, pero necesitarás más trabajo para usarlas bien.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido actualizado\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido actualizado\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Este parche contiene corrección de errores.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Este parche contiene corrección de errores.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Este parche contiene actualizaciones de traducción.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Este parche contiene actualizaciones de traducción.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=Este parche contiene ajustes en el balance del juego.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Este parche contiene pequeñas reformas y mejoras de rendimiento.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Este parche contiene pequeñas reformas y mejoras de rendimiento.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=¡Parece ser que tus ficheros actuales son de una versión futura de Shattered Pixel Dungeon\!\n\n¡Manéjese con cuidado¡ tus ficheros podrían contener cosas que no existen en esta versión, esto podría ocasionar que ocurran errores muy raros.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=¡Parece ser que tus ficheros actuales son de una versión futura de Shattered Pixel Dungeon\!\n\n¡Manéjese con cuidado¡ tus ficheros podrían contener cosas que no existen en esta versión, esto podría ocasionar que ocurran errores muy raros.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Incomplete Translation
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Traducción incompleta
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Some of the new content from this update has not yet been translated.\n\nSome phrases may be written in English.\n\nThe translation teams are working to resolve this and a full translation should be patched in soon.\n\nThank you for your patience.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Algo de esta actualización aún no se ha traducido.\n\nAlgunas frases puede que estén escritas en inglés.\n\nEl equipo de traducción está trabajando en resolver esto y dentro de poco debería estar disponible de forma completa.\n\nGracias por tu paciencia.
scenes.welcomescene.changelist=Lista de cambios
scenes.welcomescene.changelist=Lista de cambios
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ scenes.gamescene.water=Vous entendez des bruits d'eau tout autour de vous.
scenes.gamescene.grass=Vous sentez une forte odeur de végétation dans l'air.
scenes.gamescene.grass=Vous sentez une forte odeur de végétation dans l'air.
scenes.gamescene.dark=Vous entendez vos ennemis se déplacer dans l'obscurité...
scenes.gamescene.dark=Vous entendez vos ennemis se déplacer dans l'obscurité...
scenes.gamescene.secrets=L'atmosphère particulière vous laisse deviner que ce niveau recèle de nombreux secrets.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=L'atmosphère particulière vous laisse deviner que ce niveau recèle de nombreux secrets.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Choose Examine
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Choisissez D'Examiner
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=There are multiple things of interest here, which one do you want to examine?
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Il y à beaucoup de choses intéressantes ici, laquelle voulez vous examiner ?
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=Vous ne savez pas ce qu'il y a ici.
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=Vous ne savez pas ce qu'il y a ici.
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.descend=Vous descendez...
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.descend=Vous descendez...
@ -56,13 +56,14 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=A propos
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon est un jeu de rôle du genre roguelike, c'est à dire que les ennemis rencontrés, les niveaux, les objets et les pièges du jeu sont générés de manière aléatoire.\n\nChaque partie est donc la fois une nouvelle expérience et un défi, mais soyez prudents, la mort est aussi irréversible.\n\nBonne aventure \!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon est un jeu de rôle du genre roguelike, c'est à dire que les ennemis rencontrés, les niveaux, les objets et les pièges du jeu sont générés de manière aléatoire.\n\nChaque partie est donc la fois une nouvelle expérience et un défi, mais soyez prudents, la mort est aussi irréversible.\n\nBonne aventure \!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à été mis à jour \!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à été mis à jour \!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update reworks the warrior class and subclasses\!\n\nThe warrior now gets unique benefits from his armor instead of better starting stats.\n\nGladiator and Berserker have more powerful abilities, but you'll need to work more to use them well\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Cette mise à jour modifie la classe du guerrier et ses sous-classes \!\n\nLe guerrier tire désormais profit de son armure au détriment de meilleures caractéristiques de départ. \n\nLe gladiateur et le Berserker possèdent maintenant de puissantes aptitudes, mais vous devrez travailler dur pour les exploiter au mieux \!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à bénéficié d'un correctif logiciel \!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon à bénéficié d'un correctif logiciel \!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ce correctif contient des corrections de bugs.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ce correctif contient des corrections de bugs.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ce correctif contient des mises à jour de traductions.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ce correctif contient des mises à jour de traductions.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=Ce correctif contient des ajustements pour l'équilibre du jeu.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Ce patch contient aussi quelques adaptation et améliorations de performances.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Ce patch contient aussi quelques adaptation et améliorations de performances.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Il semblerait que votre sauvegarde actuelle provienne d'une version future de Shattered Pixel Dungeon \!\n\nAttention \! Votre sauvegarde pourrait contenir des éléments qui n'existent pas dans cette version, ceci peut engendrer des erreurs bizarres.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Il semblerait que votre sauvegarde actuelle provienne d'une version future de Shattered Pixel Dungeon \!\n\nAttention \! Votre sauvegarde pourrait contenir des éléments qui n'existent pas dans cette version, ceci peut engendrer des erreurs bizarres.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Incomplete Translation
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Traduction incomplète
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Some of the new content from this update has not yet been translated.\n\nSome phrases may be written in English.\n\nThe translation teams are working to resolve this and a full translation should be patched in soon.\n\nThank you for your patience.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Certains des contenus de cette mise à jour n'ont pas encore été traduit. \n\nCertaines phrases pourront être écrites en anglais. \n\nNotre équipe de traducteurs est en train de finaliser la traduction et une version entièrement traduite sera bientôt disponible. \n\nMerci de votre patience.
scenes.welcomescene.changelist=Liste des changements
scenes.welcomescene.changelist=Liste des changements
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update reworks the warrior class and subclas
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=A Shattered Pixel Dungeon frissítve\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=A Shattered Pixel Dungeon frissítve\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ez a javítás hibajavításokat tartalmaz.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Ez a javítás hibajavításokat tartalmaz.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ez a javítás fordítások frissítését tartalmazza.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ez a javítás fordítások frissítését tartalmazza.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=This patch contains tweaks to game balance.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Ebben a javításban van néhány kisebb beállítás és teljesítmény javítás.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Ebben a javításban van néhány kisebb beállítás és teljesítmény javítás.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Úgy tűnik, a jelenleg mentett fájlod a Shattered Pixel Dungeon egy újabb verziójával készült\!\n\nÓvatosan\! A mentésedben lehetnek olyan dolgok, amelyek ebben a verzióban még nincsenek meg, és ez nagyon kellemetlen hibákat okozhat.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Úgy tűnik, a jelenleg mentett fájlod a Shattered Pixel Dungeon egy újabb verziójával készült\!\n\nÓvatosan\! A mentésedben lehetnek olyan dolgok, amelyek ebben a verzióban még nincsenek meg, és ez nagyon kellemetlen hibákat okozhat.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Incomplete Translation
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Incomplete Translation
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ scenes.gamescene.water=Puoi sentire acqua che scroscia intorno a te.
scenes.gamescene.grass=Senti nell'aria un forte odore di vegetazione.
scenes.gamescene.grass=Senti nell'aria un forte odore di vegetazione.
scenes.gamescene.dark=Puoi sentire nemici che si muovono nell'oscurità...
scenes.gamescene.dark=Puoi sentire nemici che si muovono nell'oscurità...
scenes.gamescene.secrets=L'atmosfera suggerisce che questo piano nasconde molti segreti.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=L'atmosfera suggerisce che questo piano nasconde molti segreti.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Choose Examine
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Scegli cosa esaminare
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=There are multiple things of interest here, which one do you want to examine?
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Vi sono molteplici cose interessanti qui, quale vuoi esaminare?
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=Non sai cosa ci sia qui.
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=Non sai cosa ci sia qui.
@ -56,13 +56,14 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Info
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è un gioco RPG simile a Rogue, con nemici, livelli, oggetti e trappole generate casualmente\!\n\nOgni partita è una nuova eccitante esperienza, ma attenzione, la morte è permanente\!\n\nBuon dungeonamento\!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è un gioco RPG simile a Rogue, con nemici, livelli, oggetti e trappole generate casualmente\!\n\nOgni partita è una nuova eccitante esperienza, ma attenzione, la morte è permanente\!\n\nBuon dungeonamento\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è stato aggiornato\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è stato aggiornato\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update reworks the warrior class and subclasses\!\n\nThe warrior now gets unique benefits from his armor instead of better starting stats.\n\nGladiator and Berserker have more powerful abilities, but you'll need to work more to use them well\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Questo aggiornamento rielabora la classe del guerriero e le sue sotto-classi\!\n\nIl guerriero ora ottiene vantaggi esclusivi dalla propria armatura al posto di migliori statistiche di partenza.\n\nGladiatore e Berserker hanno abilità più potenti, ma dovrai impegnarti di più per usarle al meglio\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è stato modificato\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon è stato modificato\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=La modifica contiene correzioni di errori.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=La modifica contiene correzioni di errori.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=La modifica contiene aggiornamenti nelle traduzioni.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=La modifica contiene aggiornamenti nelle traduzioni.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=Questa patch contiene modifiche al bilanciamento del gioco.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Questa modifica contiene inoltre qualche piccole sistemazioni e miglioramento in velocità.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Questa modifica contiene inoltre qualche piccole sistemazioni e miglioramento in velocità.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Pare che i tuoi salvataggi siano per una futura versione di Shattered Pixel Dungeon\!\n\nManeggiare con cura\! I tuoi salvataggi potrebbero contenere informazioni che in questa versione non vengono gestiti e ciò potrebbe portare ad avere errori molto strani.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Pare che i tuoi salvataggi siano per una futura versione di Shattered Pixel Dungeon\!\n\nManeggiare con cura\! I tuoi salvataggi potrebbero contenere informazioni che in questa versione non vengono gestiti e ciò potrebbe portare ad avere errori molto strani.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Incomplete Translation
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Traduzione Incompleta
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Some of the new content from this update has not yet been translated.\n\nSome phrases may be written in English.\n\nThe translation teams are working to resolve this and a full translation should be patched in soon.\n\nThank you for your patience.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Qualche nuovo contenuto di questo aggiornamento non è stato ancora tradotto.\n\nQualche frase potrebbe essere scritta in Inglese.\n\nI team di traduzione sono al lavoro e una traduzione completa dovrebbe essere disponibile a breve.\n\nVi ringrazio per la pazienza.
scenes.welcomescene.changelist=Lista delle modifiche
scenes.welcomescene.changelist=Lista delle modifiche
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ scenes.gamescene.water=당신은 물이 흐르는 소리를 들었다.
scenes.gamescene.grass=당신은 진한 풀 냄새를 맡았다.
scenes.gamescene.grass=당신은 진한 풀 냄새를 맡았다.
scenes.gamescene.dark=당신은 적들이 어둠 속에서 움직이는 것을 들었다...
scenes.gamescene.dark=당신은 적들이 어둠 속에서 움직이는 것을 들었다...
scenes.gamescene.secrets=이 층엔 많은 비밀이 숨겨져 있는 것 같다...
scenes.gamescene.secrets=이 층엔 많은 비밀이 숨겨져 있는 것 같다...
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Choose Examine
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=조사할 대상을 선택하세요
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=There are multiple things of interest here, which one do you want to examine?
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=조사할 대상이 여러 개가 있습니다. 무엇을 조사하시겠습니까?
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=무엇이 있는지 알 수 없다.
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=무엇이 있는지 알 수 없다.
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.descend=내려가는 중...
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.descend=내려가는 중...
@ -56,13 +56,14 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=소개
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon은 무작위로 출현하는 적들과 아이템, 그리고함정이 도사리고 있는 던전을 돌파하는 로그라이크 RPG입니다\!\n\n매 플레이마다 새로운 도전이 기다리고 있습니다. 하지만 조심하세요. 한번 죽으면 그걸로 끝이니까요\!\n\n즐거운 플레이 되십시오\!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon은 무작위로 출현하는 적들과 아이템, 그리고함정이 도사리고 있는 던전을 돌파하는 로그라이크 RPG입니다\!\n\n매 플레이마다 새로운 도전이 기다리고 있습니다. 하지만 조심하세요. 한번 죽으면 그걸로 끝이니까요\!\n\n즐거운 플레이 되십시오\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 업데이트되었습니다\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 업데이트되었습니다\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update reworks the warrior class and subclasses\!\n\nThe warrior now gets unique benefits from his armor instead of better starting stats.\n\nGladiator and Berserker have more powerful abilities, but you'll need to work more to use them well\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=이 업데이트에선 전사와 그 세부 전직의 개편을 담고 있습니다\!\n\n전사는 더 높은 초기 힘 대신 자신의 갑옷에서 특별한 이득을 얻을 수 있습니다.\n\n검투사와 광전사의 능력이 더 강력해졌지만, 잘 다룰려면 시행착오를 거쳐야 할 것입니다\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 패치되었습니다\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon이 패치되었습니다\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=버그 수정이 있습니다.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=버그 수정이 있습니다.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=번역 업데이트가 있습니다.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=번역 업데이트가 있습니다.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=게임 밸런스의 수정이 있습니다.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=이 업데이트는 몇가지 자잘한 수정과 성능 향상을 포함합니다.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=이 업데이트는 몇가지 자잘한 수정과 성능 향상을 포함합니다.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=현재 저장된 게임은 Shattered Pixel Dungeon의 나중 버전에서 나온 것입니다\!\n\n현재 버전에 등장하지 않는 요소들이 충돌을 일으킬 수 있으니, 조심하십시오\!
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=현재 저장된 게임은 Shattered Pixel Dungeon의 나중 버전에서 나온 것입니다\!\n\n현재 버전에 등장하지 않는 요소들이 충돌을 일으킬 수 있으니, 조심하십시오\!
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Incomplete Translation
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=미완성된 번역
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Some of the new content from this update has not yet been translated.\n\nSome phrases may be written in English.\n\nThe translation teams are working to resolve this and a full translation should be patched in soon.\n\nThank you for your patience.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=이 업데이트로 추가된 몇 가지 항목이 번역되지 않았습니다.\n\n몇몇 문장이 영어로 나타날 수 있습니다.\n\n번역팀이 이를 해결하기 위해 작업 중이며 조만간 완전한 번역을 볼 수 있을 것입니다.\n\n기다려 주셔서 감사합니다.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ scenes.gamescene.grass=W powietrzu jest gęsto od zapachu roślinności.
scenes.gamescene.dark=Słyszysz bestie poruszające się w ciemnościach...
scenes.gamescene.dark=Słyszysz bestie poruszające się w ciemnościach...
scenes.gamescene.secrets=Atmosfera tego miejsca sugeruje, że ten poziom skrywa wiele sekretów.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=Atmosfera tego miejsca sugeruje, że ten poziom skrywa wiele sekretów.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Choose Examine
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Choose Examine
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=There are multiple things of interest here, which one do you want to examine?
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Tutaj jest kilka rzeczy do zbadania, którą chcesz zbadać?
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=Nie wiesz co tam jest.
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=Nie wiesz co tam jest.
@ -60,9 +60,10 @@ scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update reworks the warrior class and subclas
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon zostało zpatchowane\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon zostało zpatchowane\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=To uaktualnienie zawiera naprawy błędów
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=To uaktualnienie zawiera naprawy błędów
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ten patch zwiera tłumaczenia
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Ten patch zwiera tłumaczenia
scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=This patch contains tweaks to game balance.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Ten patch zawiera również kilka mały poprawek i ulepszeń działania.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Ten patch zawiera również kilka mały poprawek i ulepszeń działania.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Wygląda na to, że twój obecny zapis jest z przyszłej wersji Shattered Pixel Dungeon\!\n\nDziałaj ostrożnie\! Twoje zapisy mogą zawierać rzeczy, której nie istnieją w tej wersji, to może spowodować wiele dziwnych błędów.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Wygląda na to, że twój obecny zapis jest z przyszłej wersji Shattered Pixel Dungeon\!\n\nDziałaj ostrożnie\! Twoje zapisy mogą zawierać rzeczy, której nie istnieją w tej wersji, to może spowodować wiele dziwnych błędów.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Incomplete Translation
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Niedokończone Tłumaczenie
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Some of the new content from this update has not yet been translated.\n\nSome phrases may be written in English.\n\nThe translation teams are working to resolve this and a full translation should be patched in soon.\n\nThank you for your patience.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Część nowej zawartości z tej aktualizacji może nie być jeszcze przetłumaczona.\n\nCzęść zdań może być napisana po angielsku.\n\nGrupy tłumaczące pracują nad tym i pełne tłumaczenie powinno być dostępne niedługo.\n\nDziękujemy za cierpliwość.
scenes.welcomescene.changelist=Lista zmian
scenes.welcomescene.changelist=Lista zmian
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ scenes.gamescene.water=Você ouve água respingando ao seu redor.
scenes.gamescene.grass=O cheiro de vegetação está bem forte.
scenes.gamescene.grass=O cheiro de vegetação está bem forte.
scenes.gamescene.dark=Você consegue ouvir os inimigos se mexendo na escuridão...
scenes.gamescene.dark=Você consegue ouvir os inimigos se mexendo na escuridão...
scenes.gamescene.secrets=A atmosfera deste andar indica que ele contém vários segredos.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=A atmosfera deste andar indica que ele contém vários segredos.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Choose Examine
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Escolha Examinar
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=There are multiple things of interest here, which one do you want to examine?
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Existem várias coisas de interesse aqui. Qual quer examinar?
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=You don't know what is there.
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=Não sabes o que está ali.
@ -55,14 +55,15 @@ scenes.titlescene.badges=Emblemas
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=shattered pixel dungeon é um roguelike RPG. com inimigos,armadilhas e niveis gerados aléatoriamente.\n\ncada partida é uma nova experiencia desafiadora,mas tenha cuidado,a morte é permanente\!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=shattered pixel dungeon é um roguelike RPG. com inimigos,armadilhas e niveis gerados aléatoriamente.\n\ncada partida é uma nova experiencia desafiadora,mas tenha cuidado,a morte é permanente\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon has been updated\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi actualizada\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update reworks the warrior class and subclasses\!\n\nThe warrior now gets unique benefits from his armor instead of better starting stats.\n\nGladiator and Berserker have more powerful abilities, but you'll need to work more to use them well\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Esta actualização modifica a classe do guerreiro e suas subclasses\!\n\nO guerreiro agora ganha benefícios únicos a partir da sua armadura em vez de valores de atributos melhores ao início.\n\nO Gladiador e o Berzerker agora tem habilidades mais poderosas mas terá que trabalhar mais para as poder usar correctamente\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon has been patched\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon foi actualizada\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=This patch contains bugfixes.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Esta actualização inclui correcções de erros.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=This patch contains translation updates.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Esta actualização possui melhorias de tradução.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=This patch also contains some small tweaks and performance improvements.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=Esta actualização possui melhoria ao balanço do jogo.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Esta actualização inclui também algumas melhorias de utilização e performance.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=parece que estes saves são de uma versão futura de shattered pixel dungeon\!\n\nmude com cautela,esses saves podem conter coisas que não existem nessa versão,que podem causar grandes erros.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=parece que estes saves são de uma versão futura de shattered pixel dungeon\!\n\nmude com cautela,esses saves podem conter coisas que não existem nessa versão,que podem causar grandes erros.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Incomplete Translation
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Tradução incompleta
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Some of the new content from this update has not yet been translated.\n\nSome phrases may be written in English.\n\nThe translation teams are working to resolve this and a full translation should be patched in soon.\n\nThank you for your patience.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Algum do novo conteúdo nesta actualização ainda não foi traduzido\n\nAlgumas frases poderão estar escritas em Inglês.\n\nAs equipes de tradução estão a trabalhar para resolver este problema e uma tradução completa deverá ficar disponível numa actualização em breve.\n\nObrigado pela sua paciência.
scenes.welcomescene.changelist=lista de mudanças
scenes.welcomescene.changelist=lista de mudanças
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
scenes.amuletscene.exit=Хватит на сегодня
scenes.amuletscene.exit=На сегодня хватит
scenes.amuletscene.stay=Я ещё не закончил
scenes.amuletscene.stay=Я ещё не закончил
scenes.amuletscene.text=Наконец-то вы держите в руках Амулет Индора. Используя его силу, вы можете захватить этот мир или принести ему гармонию и процветание - что угодно. Так или иначе, ваш жизнь изменится навсегда и эта игра закончится прямо здесь. Или вы можете остаться простым смертным ещё на некоторое время.
scenes.amuletscene.text=Наконец-то вы держите в руках Амулет Индора. Используя его силу, вы можете захватить этот мир или принести ему гармонию и процветание - что угодно. Так или иначе, ваш жизнь изменится навсегда и эта игра закончится прямо здесь. Или вы можете остаться простым смертным ещё на некоторое время.
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ scenes.gamescene.water=Вы слышите, как вокруг шумит во
scenes.gamescene.grass=Запах растительности заполняет воздух.
scenes.gamescene.grass=Запах растительности заполняет воздух.
scenes.gamescene.dark=Вы слышите чьи-то шаги в темноте...
scenes.gamescene.dark=Вы слышите чьи-то шаги в темноте...
scenes.gamescene.secrets=Что-то подсказывает вам, что на этом уровне немало тайников.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=Что-то подсказывает вам, что на этом уровне немало тайников.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Choose Examine
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Выбрать объект
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=There are multiple things of interest here, which one do you want to examine?
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Здесь находится несколько разных объектов, что именно вы хотите рассмотреть получше?
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=Вы не знаете, что там находится.
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=Вы не знаете, что там находится.
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.descend=Вы спускаетесь вниз...
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.descend=Вы спускаетесь вниз...
@ -56,13 +56,14 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Об игре
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon - рпг-рогалик со случайно генерируемыми врагами, уровнями, предметами и ловушками\!\n\nКаждая игра - новое испытание, но будьте осторожны, у вас всего одна жизнь\!\n\nУдачного Подземельничества\!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=Shattered Pixel Dungeon - рпг-рогалик со случайно генерируемыми врагами, уровнями, предметами и ловушками\!\n\nКаждая игра - новое испытание, но будьте осторожны, у вас всего одна жизнь\!\n\nУдачного Подземельничества\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update reworks the warrior class and subclasses\!\n\nThe warrior now gets unique benefits from his armor instead of better starting stats.\n\nGladiator and Berserker have more powerful abilities, but you'll need to work more to use them well\!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Это обновление изменяет воина и его подклассы\!\n\nТеперь воин вместо дополнительных начальных характеристик получает особые бонусы от брони.\n\nГладиатор и Берсерк получили более эффективные способности, однако их стало сложнее использовать.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=Shattered Pixel Dungeon обновлён\!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Исправлены некоторые ошибки.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Исправлены некоторые ошибки.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Обновлён перевод.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Обновлён перевод.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=Данный патч вносит поправки в игровой баланс.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Небольшие исправления и улучшения качества.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Небольшие исправления и улучшения качества.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Похоже, данное сохранение принадлежит более поздней версии игры\!\n\nОсторожно\! Сохранение может содержать вещи, которых ещё нет в текущей версии, что может привести к непредсказуемому результату.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Похоже, данное сохранение принадлежит более поздней версии игры\!\n\nОсторожно\! Сохранение может содержать вещи, которых ещё нет в текущей версии, что может привести к непредсказуемому результату.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Incomplete Translation
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Незавершённый перевод
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Some of the new content from this update has not yet been translated.\n\nSome phrases may be written in English.\n\nThe translation teams are working to resolve this and a full translation should be patched in soon.\n\nThank you for your patience.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Часть нововведений этого обновления ещё не переведена.\n\nЧасть фраз может быть на английском.\n\nКоманда переводчиков работает над этим, полный перевод скоро появится.\n\nСпасибо за терпение.
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ scenes.gamescene.water=你听见周围水花铺洒的声音。
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Choose Examine
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=There are multiple things of interest here, which one do you want to examine?
@ -56,13 +56,14 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=关于
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=This update reworks the warrior class and subclasses\!\n\nThe warrior now gets unique benefits from his armor instead of better starting stats.\n\nGladiator and Berserker have more powerful abilities, but you'll need to work more to use them well\!
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Incomplete Translation
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Some of the new content from this update has not yet been translated.\n\nSome phrases may be written in English.\n\nThe translation teams are working to resolve this and a full translation should be patched in soon.\n\nThank you for your patience.
@ -37,21 +37,6 @@ windows.wndhero$statstab.depth=Tiefste Ebene
windows.wndimp.message=Oh Ja\! Du bist mein Held\!\nBezüglich deiner Belohnung, ich hab zwar gerade kein Geld bei mir, aber ich habe etwas viel besseres für dich. Das hier ist mein Familienerbstück\: mein Großvater hat es vom Finger eines toten Paladins abgestreift.
windows.wndimp.message=Oh Ja\! Du bist mein Held\!\nBezüglich deiner Belohnung, ich hab zwar gerade kein Geld bei mir, aber ich habe etwas viel besseres für dich. Das hier ist mein Familienerbstück\: mein Großvater hat es vom Finger eines toten Paladins abgestreift.
windows.wndimp.reward=Nimm den Ring
windows.wndimp.reward=Nimm den Ring
windows.wndinfoitem.locked_chest=Verschlossene Truhe
windows.wndinfoitem.remains=Gebeine eines Helden
windows.wndinfoitem.wont_know=Du weißt nicht was drinnen ist, bis du es geöffnet hast\!
windows.wndinfoitem.need_key=Du weißt nicht was drinnen ist, bis du es geöffnet hast\! Aber dafür benötigst du einen goldenen Schlüssel.
windows.wndinfoitem.inside=Du kannst eine/n %s erkennen, aber um diese Truhe zu öffnen benötigst du einen goldenen Schlüssel.
windows.wndinfoitem.owner=Dieses uralte Grabmal könnte etwas nützliches beinhalten, doch sein Besitzer hätte sicherlich etwas dagegen, wenn du sein Grab plünderst.
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton_desc=Dies sind die Hinterlassenschaften eines verunglückten Abenteuers. Vielleicht lässt sich hier etwas Wertvolles finden.
windows.wndinfoitem.remains_desc=Das hier ist alles, was noch von deinem Vorgänger übrig ist. Vielleicht lässt sich hier etwas Wertvolles finden.
windows.wndinfoitem.artifact=ein Artefakt
windows.wndinfoitem.wand=ein Zauberstab
windows.wndinfoitem.ring=ein Ring
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Diese Falle ist inaktiv und kann nicht mehr ausgelöst werden.
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Diese Falle ist inaktiv und kann nicht mehr ausgelöst werden.
@ -37,21 +37,6 @@ windows.wndhero$statstab.depth=Profundidad máxima
windows.wndimp.message=¡Oh sí\! ¡Tú eres mi héroe\!\nSobre tu recompensa, no tengo dinero ahora mismo, pero tengo algo mejor para ti. Este es el anillo de mi familia\: mi abuelo lo cogió del dedo de un paladín muerto.
windows.wndimp.message=¡Oh sí\! ¡Tú eres mi héroe\!\nSobre tu recompensa, no tengo dinero ahora mismo, pero tengo algo mejor para ti. Este es el anillo de mi familia\: mi abuelo lo cogió del dedo de un paladín muerto.
windows.wndimp.reward=Coge el anillo
windows.wndimp.reward=Coge el anillo
windows.wndinfoitem.locked_chest=Cofre bloqueado
windows.wndinfoitem.crystal_chest=Cofre de cristal
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton=Restos de huesos
windows.wndinfoitem.remains=Restos del héroe
windows.wndinfoitem.wont_know=¡No sabrás lo que hay dentro hasta que lo abras\!
windows.wndinfoitem.need_key=¡No sabrás lo que hay dentro hasta que lo abras\! Pero necesitas una llave de oro para abrirlo.
windows.wndinfoitem.inside=Puedes ver %s dentro, pero para abrirlo necesitarás una llave de oro.
windows.wndinfoitem.owner=Esta antigua tumba puede contener algo útil. Pero seguramente a su dueño no le gustará que la mires.
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton_desc=Esto es todo lo que queda de un desafortunado aventurero. Quizás merece la pena mirarlo por si hay algo de valor.
windows.wndinfoitem.remains_desc=Esto es todo lo que queda de uno de tus predecesores. Quizás merece la pena mirarlo por si hay algo de valor.
windows.wndinfoitem.artifact=un artefacto
windows.wndinfoitem.wand=una varita
windows.wndinfoitem.ring=un anillo
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Esta trampa está inactiva y ya no puede volver a ser activada.
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Esta trampa está inactiva y ya no puede volver a ser activada.
@ -37,21 +37,6 @@ windows.wndhero$statstab.depth=Niveau max atteint
windows.wndimp.message=Oh oui \! Vous êtes mon Héros \!\nPour ce qui est de votre récompense, je n'ai pas de sou sur moi, mais je possède quelque chose de bien meilleur pour vous. Cette bague est un bijou de famille \: mon grand-père l'a ôté lui-même du doigt d'un paladin mort.
windows.wndimp.message=Oh oui \! Vous êtes mon Héros \!\nPour ce qui est de votre récompense, je n'ai pas de sou sur moi, mais je possède quelque chose de bien meilleur pour vous. Cette bague est un bijou de famille \: mon grand-père l'a ôté lui-même du doigt d'un paladin mort.
windows.wndimp.reward=Prendre la bague
windows.wndimp.reward=Prendre la bague
windows.wndinfoitem.locked_chest=Coffre fermé à clé
windows.wndinfoitem.crystal_chest=Coffre en cristal
windows.wndinfoitem.remains=Dépouille de Héros
windows.wndinfoitem.wont_know=Vous ne pourrez pas savoir ce qu'il y a dedans si vous ne l'ouvrez pas \!
windows.wndinfoitem.need_key=Vous ne pourrez pas savoir ce qu'il y a dedans si vous ne l'ouvrez pas \! Mais pour ouvrir le coffre vous aurez besoin d'une clé dorée.
windows.wndinfoitem.inside=Vous pouvez voir %s à l'intérieur, mais pour ouvrir le coffre vous aurez besoin d'une clé dorée.
windows.wndinfoitem.owner=Cette ancienne tombe pourrait contenir quelque chose d'utile, cependant il est peu probable que son occupant apprécie qu'on la fouille.
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton_desc=Voilà tout ce qu'il reste d'un malheureux aventurier. Peut-être qu'il serait utile de vérifier qu'il ne reste pas d'objet de valeur.
windows.wndinfoitem.remains_desc=Voilà tout ce qu'il reste d'un de vos prédécesseurs. Peut être qu'il serait utile de vérifier qu'il ne reste pas d'objet de valeur.
windows.wndinfoitem.artifact=un artefact
windows.wndinfoitem.wand=une baguette
windows.wndinfoitem.ring=une bague
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Le piège est inactif, et ne peut plus se déclencher.
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Le piège est inactif, et ne peut plus se déclencher.
@ -37,21 +37,6 @@ windows.wndhero$statstab.depth=Maximum mélység
windows.wndimp.message=Ó, igen\! Te vagy a hősöm\!\nAmi a jutalmadat illet, nincs most nálam pénz, de van itt neked valami még jobb. Ez a gyűrű családunk ékszere\: a nagyapám szedte le egy halott lovag ujjáról.
windows.wndimp.message=Ó, igen\! Te vagy a hősöm\!\nAmi a jutalmadat illet, nincs most nálam pénz, de van itt neked valami még jobb. Ez a gyűrű családunk ékszere\: a nagyapám szedte le egy halott lovag ujjáról.
windows.wndimp.reward=Vedd el a gyűrűt
windows.wndimp.reward=Vedd el a gyűrűt
windows.wndinfoitem.locked_chest=Lezárt láda
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton=Csontváz maradt
windows.wndinfoitem.remains=Hős maradt
windows.wndinfoitem.wont_know=Nem tudod meg, mi van benne, ha nem nyitod ki\!
windows.wndinfoitem.need_key=Nem tudod meg, mi van benne, amíg ki nem nyitod\! De ahhoz szükséged van egy aranykulcsra.
windows.wndinfoitem.inside=Úgy látod, %s van benne, de a láda kinyitásához aranykulcsra van szükséges.
windows.wndinfoitem.owner=Ez a régi sír talán valami hasznosat rejt, de a tulajdonosát mindenképp érdemes szemügyre venni.
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton_desc=Ez minden, ami a szerencsétlen kalandorok után maradt. Érdemes lehet megnézni, hátha van közte valami értékes.
windows.wndinfoitem.remains_desc=Ez minden, amit valamelyik elődöd hátrahagyott. Érdemes lehet megnézni, hátha van közte valami értékes.
windows.wndinfoitem.artifact=egy ereklye
windows.wndinfoitem.wand=egy pálca
windows.wndinfoitem.ring=egy gyűrű
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Ez a csapda nem működik, nem is fog többé már bekapcsolni.
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Ez a csapda nem működik, nem is fog többé már bekapcsolni.
@ -59,7 +44,7 @@ windows.wndjournal.title=Napló
windows.wndlangs.completed=Erre a nyelvre teljesen elkészült a fordítás, és ellenőrizték is.
windows.wndlangs.completed=Erre a nyelvre teljesen elkészült a fordítás, és ellenőrizték is.
windows.wndlangs.unreviewed=Ezt a fordítást még nem ellenőrizték.\n\nLehetnek benne hibák, de minden le van fordítva.
windows.wndlangs.unreviewed=Ezt a fordítást még nem ellenőrizték.\n\nLehetnek benne hibák, de minden le van fordítva.
windows.wndlangs.unfinished=Erre a nyelvre még nincs teljesen lefordíta.\n\nLehet, hogy még sok szöveg angolul van.
windows.wndlangs.unfinished=Erre a nyelvre még nincs teljesen lefordíta.\n\nLehet, hogy még sok szöveg angolul van.
windows.wndlangs.transifex=Minden fordítást önkéntesek készítettek a _Transifex_en.
windows.wndlangs.transifex=Minden fordítást önkéntesek készítettek a _Transifex_ en.
@ -37,21 +37,6 @@ windows.wndhero$statstab.depth=Massima profondità
windows.wndimp.message=Oh sì\! Sei il mio eroe\!\nNon ho contanti con me al momento, ma ho qualcosa di meglio per ricompensarti. Questo anello è un cimelio di famiglia\: il mio nonno lo ha tolto dal dito di un paladino morto.
windows.wndimp.message=Oh sì\! Sei il mio eroe\!\nNon ho contanti con me al momento, ma ho qualcosa di meglio per ricompensarti. Questo anello è un cimelio di famiglia\: il mio nonno lo ha tolto dal dito di un paladino morto.
windows.wndimp.reward=Prendi l'anello
windows.wndimp.reward=Prendi l'anello
windows.wndinfoitem.locked_chest=Forziere chiuso
windows.wndinfoitem.crystal_chest=Forziere di cristallo
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton=Resti scheletrici
windows.wndinfoitem.remains=Resti di un eroe
windows.wndinfoitem.wont_know=Non saprai cosa contiene finché non lo aprirai\!
windows.wndinfoitem.need_key=Non saprai cosa contiene finché non lo aprirai\! Ma per aprirlo ti serve una chiave dorata.
windows.wndinfoitem.inside=Noti che contiene %s, ma per aprirlo ti serve una chiave dorata.
windows.wndinfoitem.owner=Questa tomba antica può contenere qualcosa di utile, ma il suo occupante di certo avrà qualcosa da ridire.
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton_desc=Questo è tutto ciò che rimane di qualche sfortunato avventuriero. Forse vale la pena di controllare se vi è qualcosa di valore.
windows.wndinfoitem.remains_desc=Questo è tutto ciò che rimane di uno dei tuoi predecessori. Forse vale la pena di controllare se vi è qualcosa di valore.
windows.wndinfoitem.artifact=un artefatto
windows.wndinfoitem.wand=una bacchetta
windows.wndinfoitem.ring=un anello
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=La trappola è disattivata, e non può più scattare.
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=La trappola è disattivata, e non può più scattare.
@ -37,21 +37,6 @@ windows.wndhero$statstab.depth=최고 레벨
windows.wndimp.message=오\! 나의 영웅\!\n당장 드릴 돈은 없지만, 그것보다 더 좋은게 있어요. 이 반지는 저희 집안의 가보랍니다\: 제 할아버지가 죽은 성기사의 손가락에서 얻으셨죠.
windows.wndimp.message=오\! 나의 영웅\!\n당장 드릴 돈은 없지만, 그것보다 더 좋은게 있어요. 이 반지는 저희 집안의 가보랍니다\: 제 할아버지가 죽은 성기사의 손가락에서 얻으셨죠.
windows.wndimp.reward=반지를 가져간다
windows.wndimp.reward=반지를 가져간다
windows.wndinfoitem.chest=보물 상자
windows.wndinfoitem.locked_chest=잠긴 보물 상자
windows.wndinfoitem.crystal_chest=수정 보물 상자
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton=해골 잔해
windows.wndinfoitem.remains=영웅 잔해
windows.wndinfoitem.wont_know=열기 전엔 안에 무엇이 들어있는지 알 수 없다\!
windows.wndinfoitem.need_key=열기 전엔 안에 무엇이 들어있는지 알 수 없다\! 상자를 여는 데 황금 열쇠가 필요하다.
windows.wndinfoitem.inside=안에 %s가 들어있는 것이 보이지만, 상자를 여는 데 황금 열쇠가 필요하다.
windows.wndinfoitem.owner=이 고대 무덤 속엔 왠지 쓸만한 물건이 들어 있을 것 같다. 하지만 대부분 무덤 주인은 파헤쳐지는걸 싫어할 것이다.
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton_desc=불행한 모험가가 남긴 모든 것이 이 잔해에 있습니다. 귀중품이 있는지 뒤져볼 만한 가치가 있어 보입니다.
windows.wndinfoitem.remains_desc=당신의 전임자의 잔해. 귀중품이 있는지 뒤져 볼 만한 가치가 있어 보인다.
windows.wndinfoitem.artifact=마법 깃든 유물
windows.wndinfoitem.wand=마법 지팡이
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=더이상 작동하지 않는 함정이다.
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=더이상 작동하지 않는 함정이다.
windows.wndjournal.title=모험 일지
windows.wndjournal.title=모험 일지
@ -37,21 +37,6 @@ windows.wndhero$statstab.depth=Max. Głębokość
windows.wndimp.message=O tak\! jesteś moim bohaterem\!\nW sprawie twojej nagrody, aktualnie nie mam przy sobie złota, ale znajdzie się coś lepszego dla ciebie. Oto mój dziedziczy pierścień\: mój pradziad zdjął go z palca martwego paladyna.
windows.wndimp.message=O tak\! jesteś moim bohaterem\!\nW sprawie twojej nagrody, aktualnie nie mam przy sobie złota, ale znajdzie się coś lepszego dla ciebie. Oto mój dziedziczy pierścień\: mój pradziad zdjął go z palca martwego paladyna.
windows.wndimp.reward=Weź pierścień
windows.wndimp.reward=Weź pierścień
windows.wndinfoitem.locked_chest=Zamknięta skrzynia
windows.wndinfoitem.crystal_chest=Kryształowa skrzynia
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton=Kościste szczątki
windows.wndinfoitem.remains=Szczątki bohatera
windows.wndinfoitem.wont_know=Nie będziesz wiedział co jest w środku, dopóki jej nie otworzysz\!
windows.wndinfoitem.need_key=Nie będziesz wiedział co jest w środku, dopóki jej nie otworzysz\! Ale by ją otworzyć potrzebujesz złotego klucza.
windows.wndinfoitem.inside=Możesz dostrzec %s w środku, ale by otworzyć skrzynię będziesz musiał użyć złotego klucza.
windows.wndinfoitem.owner=Ten antyczny grób może zawierać coś użytecznego, ale jego właściciel z pewnością jest przeciwny sprawdzaniu go.
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton_desc=To jest wszystko co pozostało po jakimś nieszczęśliwym poszukiwaczu przygód. Może warto go sprawdzić by znaleźć coś wartościowego.
windows.wndinfoitem.remains_desc=To jest wszystko co pozostało po jednym z twoich poprzedników. Może warto go sprawdzić by znaleźć coś wartościowego.
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Ta pułapka nieaktywna i nie może być już użyta.
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Ta pułapka nieaktywna i nie może być już użyta.
@ -37,32 +37,17 @@ windows.wndhero$statstab.depth=Andar Máximo
windows.wndimp.message=Ah, sim\! Você é meu herói\!\nSobre sua recompensa, eu não tenho dinheiro comigo agora, mas eu tenho algo ainda melhor para você. Esse anel é uma relíquia da minha família\: meu avô o cortou do dedo de um paladino morto.
windows.wndimp.message=Ah, sim\! Você é meu herói\!\nSobre sua recompensa, eu não tenho dinheiro comigo agora, mas eu tenho algo ainda melhor para você. Esse anel é uma relíquia da minha família\: meu avô o cortou do dedo de um paladino morto.
windows.wndimp.reward=Pegar o anel
windows.wndimp.reward=Pegar o anel
windows.wndinfoitem.locked_chest=Baú trancado
windows.wndinfoitem.crystal_chest=Baú de cristal
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton=Restos de esqueletos
windows.wndinfoitem.remains=Restos de um herói
windows.wndinfoitem.wont_know=Você não conseguirá saber o que tem dentro até abri-lo\!
windows.wndinfoitem.need_key=Você não conseguirá saber o que tem dentro até abri-lo\! Mas para abri-lo você precisa de uma chave dourada.
windows.wndinfoitem.inside=Você consegue ver ver um(a) %s dentro. Mas para abrir o baú, você precisa de uma chave de ouro.
windows.wndinfoitem.owner=Esta tumba antiga pode conter algo útil, mas seu dono vai se opor a perturbação com certeza.
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton_desc=Isto é tudo o que resta de algum aventureiro desafortunado. Talvez valha a pena verificar para tentar achar algum item valioso.
windows.wndinfoitem.remains_desc=Isto é tudo o que resta de algum de seus predecessores. Talvez valha a pena verificar para tentar achar algum item valioso.
windows.wndinfoitem.artifact=um artefato
windows.wndinfoitem.wand=uma varinha
windows.wndinfoitem.ring=um anel
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Esta armadilha está inerte e não pode mais ser ativada.
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Esta armadilha está inerte e não pode mais ser ativada.
windows.wndlangs.completed=This language has been fully translated and reviewed.
windows.wndlangs.completed=Este idioma encontra-se completamente traduzido e revisto.
windows.wndlangs.unreviewed=This language has not yet been reviewed.\n\nIt may contain errors, but all text has been translated.
windows.wndlangs.unreviewed=Este idioma ainda não foi revisto.\n\nPoderá conter alguns erros mas todo o texto encontra-se traduzido.
windows.wndlangs.unfinished=This language has not been fully translated.\n\nLarge amounts of text may still be in English.
windows.wndlangs.unfinished=Este idioma ainda não foi completamente traduzido.\n\nGrandes porções do texto poderão ainda estar em Inglês.
windows.wndlangs.transifex=All translation provided by volunteers through _Transifex._
windows.wndlangs.transifex=Toda a tradução é efectuada por voluntários via _Transifex._
windows.wndranking.error=Não é possível carregar mais informações
windows.wndranking.error=Não é possível carregar mais informações
@ -112,7 +97,7 @@ windows.wndsettings$uitab.center=Meio
windows.wndsettings$uitab.flip_toolbar=Inverter Ícones
windows.wndsettings$uitab.flip_toolbar=Inverter Ícones
windows.wndsettings$uitab.flip_indicators=Inverter Indicadores
windows.wndsettings$uitab.flip_indicators=Inverter Indicadores
windows.wndsettings$uitab.smooth_font=Smooth Font
windows.wndsettings$uitab.smooth_font=Fonte lisa
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.music_vol=Volume da Música
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.music_vol=Volume da Música
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.music_mute=Silenciar Música
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.music_mute=Silenciar Música
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.sfx_vol=Volume SFX
windows.wndsettings$audiotab.sfx_vol=Volume SFX
@ -37,21 +37,6 @@ windows.wndhero$statstab.depth=Макс. глубина
windows.wndimp.message=О да\! Ты мой герой\!\nНасчёт награды\: у меня нет при себе наличных, но есть кое-что получше. Я дарю тебе это кольцо\! Это наша семейная реликвия, она досталась мне от дедушки. Он снял его с пальца мёртвого паладина.
windows.wndimp.message=О да\! Ты мой герой\!\nНасчёт награды\: у меня нет при себе наличных, но есть кое-что получше. Я дарю тебе это кольцо\! Это наша семейная реликвия, она досталась мне от дедушки. Он снял его с пальца мёртвого паладина.
windows.wndimp.reward=Взять кольцо
windows.wndimp.reward=Взять кольцо
windows.wndinfoitem.locked_chest=Запертый сундук
windows.wndinfoitem.crystal_chest=Кристальный сундук
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton=Останки скелета
windows.wndinfoitem.remains=Останки героя
windows.wndinfoitem.wont_know=Вы не узнаете, что там, пока не откроете\!
windows.wndinfoitem.need_key=Вы не узнаете, что там, пока не откроете\! Но для этого вам нужен золотой ключ.
windows.wndinfoitem.inside=Внутри вы видите %s, но чтобы открыть сундук, вам нужен золотой ключ.
windows.wndinfoitem.owner=В этой древней могиле может лежать что-то полезное, но её владельцу вряд ли понравятся гости.
windows.wndinfoitem.skeleton_desc=Это всё, что осталось от неудачливого путешественника. Пожалуй, стоит проверить, вдруг там есть что-то ценное.
windows.wndinfoitem.remains_desc=Это всё, что осталось от одного из твоих предшественников. Пожалуй, стоит проверить, вдруг там есть что-то ценное.
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Эта ловушка разряжена и больше не сработает.
windows.wndinfotrap.inactive=Эта ловушка разряжена и больше не сработает.
@ -37,21 +37,6 @@ windows.wndhero$statstab.depth=最高层数
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