v0.7.0: updated translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ actors.hero.herosubclass.gladiator_desc=Úspěšný zásah zbraní na blízko um
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=_Berserk_ uděluje bonusové poškození rostoucí s poškozením které utrží. Když je plně rozčílen, může na malý moment _odmítnout zemřít,_ za cenu pozdějšího vyčerpání.
actors.hero.herosubclass.berserker_desc=_Berserk_ uděluje bonusové poškození rostoucí s poškozením které utrží. Když je plně rozčílen, může na malý moment _odmítnout zemřít,_ za cenu pozdějšího vyčerpání.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Když použije na nepřátele hůlku, _Zaklínač_ máš šanci označit jejich duši. Označení nepřátelé ho budou léčit a obnovovat jeho hlad pokaždé když dostanou fyzické poškození.
actors.hero.herosubclass.warlock_desc=Když použije na nepřátele hůlku, _Zaklínač_ máš šanci označit jejich duši. Označení nepřátelé ho budou léčit a obnovovat jeho hlad pokaždé když dostanou fyzické poškození.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=Bojový mág
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage=Bojový mág
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Během boje se svou holí vykouzlí _Bojový mág_ bonusový efekt v závislosti na typu hůlky kterou je naplněna jeho hůl. Jeho hůl se bude během boje také lépe dobíjet.
actors.hero.herosubclass.battlemage_desc=Během boje se svou holí vykouzlí _Bojový mág_ bonusový efekt v závislosti na typu hůlky kterou je naplněna jeho hůl. Jeho hůl se bude během boje také lépe dobíjet.
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.gold_1=Hej, človíčku! Chceš být k užitku, co?
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.blood_1=Hej, človíčku! Chceš být k užitku, co? Vem tento krumpáč a s ním _zabij netopýra._ Potřebuju na něm jeho krev. Co myslíš tím, jak zaplatím? Ty chamtivče...\nDobře, dobře. Nemám peníze na zaplacení, ale můžu pro tebe něco zkovat. Uvědom si své štěstí, jsem jediný kovář v okolí.
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.blood_1=Hej, človíčku! Chceš být k užitku, co? Vem tento krumpáč a s ním _zabij netopýra._ Potřebuju na něm jeho krev. Co myslíš tím, jak zaplatím? Ty chamtivče...\nDobře, dobře. Nemám peníze na zaplacení, ale můžu pro tebe něco zkovat. Uvědom si své štěstí, jsem jediný kovář v okolí.
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.lost_pick=Děláš si ze mě srandu? Kde je můj krumpáč?!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.lost_pick=Děláš si ze mě srandu? Kde je můj krumpáč?!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.gold_2=Temné zlato. 15 kousků. Vážně, je to tak těžký?
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.gold_2=Temné zlato. 15 kousků. Vážně, je to tak těžký?
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.blood_2=Řekl jsem že potřebuju krev na tom krumpáči. Sek sek!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.blood_2=Řekl jsem, že na tom krumpáči potřebuju netopýří krev. Sek, sek!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.completed=Ou, jsi zpátky... Lepší pozdě než nikdy.
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.completed=Ou, jsi zpátky... Lepší pozdě než nikdy.
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.get_lost=Mám práci. Ztrať se!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.get_lost=Mám práci. Ztrať se!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.same_item=Vyber 2 různé předměty, ne ten samý dvakrát!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.same_item=Vyber 2 různé předměty, ne ten samý dvakrát!
@ -363,17 +363,17 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.desc=Duch je stěží viditelný. Vypadá jako beztvárn
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.name=Ambiciózní imp
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.name=Ambiciózní imp
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_1=Jsi dobrodruh? Miluju dobrodruhy! Vždy se na ně dá spolehnout když je potřeba něco zabít. Mám pravdu? Za odměnu samosebou ;)\nV mém případě jsou to _golemové_ kdo musí být zabit. Víš, chci tu rozjet podnikání, ale ti hloupý golemové jsou špatní pro obchod. Je těžké vyjednávat s toulajícími se hroudami žuly, zatraceně! Takže prosím, zabij... řekněme _6 z nich_ a odměna je tvoje.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_1=Jsi dobrodruh? Miluju dobrodruhy! Vždy se na ně dá spolehnout když je potřeba něco zabít. Mám pravdu? Za odměnu samosebou ;)\nV mém případě jsou to _golemové_ kdo musí být zabit. Víš, chci tu rozjet podnikání, ale ti hloupý golemové jsou špatní pro obchod. Je těžké vyjednávat s toulajícími se hroudami žuly, zatraceně! Takže prosím, zabij... řekněme _6 z nich_ a odměna je tvoje.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_1=Jsi dobrodruh? Miluju dobrodruhy! Vždy se na ně dá spolehnout když je potřeba něco zabít. Mám pravdu? Za odměnu samosebou ;)\nV mém případě jsou to _mniši_ kdo musí být zabit. Víš, chci tu rozjet podnikání, ale ti blázni si sami nic nekoupí a odstraší ostatní zákazníky. Takže prosím, zabij... řekněme _8 z nich_ a odměna je tvoje.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_1=Jsi dobrodruh? Miluju dobrodruhy! Vždy se na ně dá spolehnout když je potřeba něco zabít. Mám pravdu? Za odměnu samosebou ;)\nV mém případě jsou to _mniši_ kdo musí být zabit. Víš, chci tu rozjet podnikání, ale ti blázni si sami nic nekoupí a odstraší ostatní zákazníky. Takže prosím, zabij... řekněme _8 z nich_ a odměna je tvoje.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_2=Jak se má tvoje sbírka golemů?
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_2=Jak se má tvoje sbírka golemů? Máš všech šest?
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_2=Ou, jsi stále na živu! Věděl jsem že tvoje kung-fu je silnější ;) Jen nezapomeň posbírat z mnichů ty žetony.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_2=Ou, jsi stále na živu! Věděl jsem že tvoje kung-fu je silnější ;) Jen nezapomeň posbírat z mnichů těch osm žetonů.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.cya=%s... Uvidíme se!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.cya=%s... Uvidíme se!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.hey=%s! Psst!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.hey=%s! Psst!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.desc=Impové jsou menší démoni. Nejsou pozoruhodní ani kvůli své síle ani talentu s magií, ale jsou celkem chytří a společenští. Hodně impů preferuje žít mezi ne-démony.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.desc=Impové jsou menší démoni. Nejsou pozoruhodní kvůli své síle ani talentu s magií, ale jsou celkem chytří a společenští. Hodně impů preferuje žít mezi ne-démony.
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.name=Ambiciózní imp
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.name=Ambiciózní imp
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.greetings=%s! Zdravím!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.greetings=%s! Zdravím!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.thief=Věděl jsem že ti můžu věřit!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.thief=Věděl jsem že ti můžu věřit!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=Impové jsou menší démoni. Nejsou pozoruhodní ani kvůli své síle ani talentu s magií, ale jsou celkem chytří a společenští. Hodně impů preferuje žít a obchodovat mezi ne-démony.
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=Impové jsou menší démoni. Nejsou pozoruhodní kvůli své síle ani talentu s magií, ale jsou celkem chytří a společenští. Hodně impů preferuje žít a obchodovat mezi ne-démony.
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.name=Zrcadlový obraz
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.name=Zrcadlový obraz
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=Tato iluze je ti velmi podobná. Dokonce to vypadá že používá tvou současnou zbraň i zbroj.\n\nZrcadlové obrazy budou vyhledávat a útočit na nepřátele pomocí své napodobené zbraně, která se chová stejně jako ta tvoje, ale uděluje méně poškození. Začínají jako přízračné postavy, ale musí nabrat pevnou formu aby mohli zaútočili.\n\nZatímco jejich útok může být silný, zrcadlový obraz nemá žádnou výdrž a zmizí v okamžiku, kdy utrpí poškození.
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=Tato iluze je ti velmi podobná. Dokonce to vypadá že používá tvou současnou zbraň i zbroj.\n\nZrcadlové obrazy budou vyhledávat a útočit na nepřátele pomocí své napodobené zbraně, která se chová stejně jako ta tvoje, ale uděluje méně poškození. Začínají jako přízračné postavy, ale musí nabrat pevnou formu aby mohli zaútočili.\n\nZatímco jejich útok může být silný, zrcadlový obraz nemá žádnou výdrž a zmizí v okamžiku, kdy utrpí poškození.
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Deine Haut verhärtet sich und fühlt sich rau und fe
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Eine widerstandsfähige Kraftblase, die jeden Schaden abhält.\n\nDie Barriere wird Schaden für das was sie schützt einstecken, solange noch Abschirmpunkte vorhanden sind. Die Abschirmung wird zusätzlich um einen Punkt pro Runde abnehmen.\n\nVerbleibende Abschirmpunkte: %d.
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Eine widerstandsfähige Kraftblase, die jeden Schaden abhält.\n\nDie Barriere wird Schaden für das was sie schützt einstecken, solange noch Abschirmpunkte vorhanden sind. Die Abschirmung wird zusätzlich um einen Punkt pro Runde abnehmen.\n\nVerbleibende Abschirmpunkte: %d.
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Die Schwere der Verletzungen des Berserkers verstärken seine Schläge. Wenn der Berserker verwundet wird, verstärkt sich seine Wut und er teilt mehr Schaden aus. Treffer welche durch die Rüstung abgefangen werden, bringen ihn ebenfalls weiter in Rage.\n\nDie Wut nimmt mit der Zeit ab. Je niedriger die Lebenspunkte, desto länger hält sie an.\n\nWenn der Berserker in voller Wut auf 0 Lebenspunkte fällt und sein Siegel trägt, beginnt er zu toben und _weigert sich für eine kurze Zeit lang zu sterben._\n\nAktuelle Wut: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ Schaden
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Die Schwere der Verletzungen des Berserkers verstärken seine Schläge. Wenn der Berserker verwundet wird, verstärkt sich seine Wut und er teilt mehr Schaden aus. Treffer welche durch die Rüstung abgefangen werden, bringen ihn ebenfalls weiter in Rage.\n\nDie Wut nimmt mit der Zeit ab. Je niedriger die Lebenspunkte, desto länger hält sie an.\n\nWenn der Berserker in voller Wut auf 0 Lebenspunkte fällt und sein Siegel trägt, beginnt er zu toben und _weigert sich für eine kurze Zeit lang zu sterben._\n\nAktuelle Wut: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ Schaden
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Am Rande des Todes schwinden Angst und Ungewissheit, nur die Wut verbleibt. In diesem Zustand des Nahtodes ist der Berserker unglaublich stark, _richtet doppelten Schaden an, erhält eine Zusatzpanzerung und weigert sich, zu sterben._\n\nDie Zusatzpanzerung ist stärker, je besser die Rüstung des Berserkers ist, und sie wird mit der Zeit schwächer. Fällt diese Panzerung auf 0, wird der Berserker aufgeben und sterben.\n\nJegliche Art der Heilung versetzt den Berserker in den Normalzustand, aber er wird erschöpft sein. Während er erschöpft ist, wird der Berserker für eine kurze Zeit einen stark reduzierten Schaden anrichten, danach muss er Erfahrungspunkte sammeln, bevor er wieder in Raserei verfallen kann.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Am Rande des Todes schwinden Angst und Ungewissheit, nur die Wut verbleibt. In diesem Zustand des Nahtodes ist der Berserker unglaublich stark, _richtet doppelten Schaden an, erhält eine Zusatzpanzerung und weigert sich, zu sterben._\n\nDie Zusatzpanzerung ist stärker, je besser die Rüstung des Berserkers ist, und sie wird mit der Zeit schwächer. Fällt diese Panzerung auf 0, wird der Berserker aufgeben und sterben.\n\nJegliche Art der Heilung versetzt den Berserker in den Normalzustand, aber er wird erschöpft sein. Während er erschöpft ist, wird der Berserker für eine kurze Zeit einen stark reduzierten Schaden anrichten, danach muss er Erfahrungspunkte sammeln, bevor er wieder in Raserei verfallen kann.
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ actors.buffs.blindness.desc=Geblendet zu sein, verhüllt die umliegende Welt in
actors.buffs.burning.heromsg=Du hast Feuer gefangen!
actors.buffs.burning.heromsg=Du hast Feuer gefangen!
actors.buffs.burning.burnsup=%s verbrennt!
actors.buffs.burning.burnsup=%s verbrennt!
actors.buffs.burning.ondeath=Du bist verbrannt...
actors.buffs.burning.ondeath=Du bist verbrannt...
actors.buffs.burning.rankings_desc=Zu Asche verbrannt
actors.buffs.burning.rankings_desc=Zu Asche verbrannt
actors.buffs.burning.desc=Nur wenige Dinge sind besorgniserregender als die Tatsache, dass man von Flammen verschlungen wird. \n\nFeuer richtet jede Runde Schaden an, bis es durch Wasser gelöscht wird oder abklingt. Auch das Zerschmettern eines Trankes in unmittelbarer Nähe kann Feuer löschen.\n\nSolange man brennt, besteht die Gefahr, dass entflammbare Gegenstände oder Terrain entzündet werden, sobald man mit diesem in Berührung kommt.\n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden: %s
actors.buffs.burning.desc=Nur wenige Dinge sind besorgniserregender als die Tatsache, dass man von Flammen verschlungen wird. \n\nFeuer richtet jede Runde Schaden an, bis es durch Wasser gelöscht wird oder abklingt. Auch das Zerschmettern eines Trankes in unmittelbarer Nähe kann Feuer löschen.\n\nSolange man brennt, besteht die Gefahr, dass entflammbare Gegenstände oder Terrain entzündet werden, sobald man mit diesem in Berührung kommt.\n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden: %s
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ actors.buffs.charm.heromsg=Du wurdest betört!
actors.buffs.charm.desc=Betörung ist eine manipulative Magie, die Feinde zeitweilig dazu bringen kann, sich gegenseitig zu mögen.\n\nCharakter, die von Betörung betroffen sind, können den Feind, von dem sie betört wurden, nicht direkt angreifen. Dabei ist es aber nach wie vor möglich, andere Ziele zu attackieren. Schock durch Schmerz wird die Dauer der Betörung verringern.\n\nVerbleibende Runden der Betörung: %s.
actors.buffs.charm.desc=Betörung ist eine manipulative Magie, die Feinde zeitweilig dazu bringen kann, sich gegenseitig zu mögen.\n\nCharakter, die von Betörung betroffen sind, können den Feind, von dem sie betört wurden, nicht direkt angreifen. Dabei ist es aber nach wie vor möglich, andere Ziele zu attackieren. Schock durch Schmerz wird die Dauer der Betörung verringern.\n\nVerbleibende Runden der Betörung: %s.
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s friert ein!
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s friert ein!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Nicht ganz gefroren, aber trotzdem viel zu kalt\n\nUnterkühlte Ziele führen alles langsamer aus, abhängig von den restlichen Zügen des Effektes. Im schlimmsten Fall ist es das gleiche wie verlangsamt\n\nVerbleibende Züge von unterkühlung:%1$s.\nGeschwindigkeit ist reduziert um:%2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Nicht ganz gefroren, aber trotzdem viel zu kalt\n\nUnterkühlte Ziele führen alles langsamer aus, abhängig von den restlichen Zügen des Effektes. Im schlimmsten Fall ist es das gleiche wie verlangsamt\n\nVerbleibende Züge von unterkühlung:%1$s.\nGeschwindigkeit ist reduziert um:%2$s%%
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Wähle Ziel zum Zerschmettern\nFügt massiven Sc
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Zerschmettern_ ist verfügbar. Diese verheerende Attacke _fügt massiven Schaden konsistent zu._ Perfekt um mächtige Gegner mit hohen Leben zu töten!
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Zerschmettern_ ist verfügbar. Diese verheerende Attacke _fügt massiven Schaden konsistent zu._ Perfekt um mächtige Gegner mit hohen Leben zu töten!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Zorn an welchem Gegner entladen?\nGreift mehrmals in schneller Folge an
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Zorn an welchem Gegner entladen?\nGreift mehrmals in schneller Folge an
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Zorn_ ist verfügbar. Diese verheerende Attacke _greift gleich der Anzahl deiner momentanen Combi an,_ fügt aber verringerten Schaden zu. Wundervoll, wenn man eine Waffenverzauberung besitzt, da sie bei jedem Treffer garantiert aktiviert wird!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Zorn_ ist verfügbar. Diese verheerende Attacke _greift gleich der Anzahl deiner momentanen Combi an,_ fügt aber verringerten Schaden zu. Wundervoll, wenn man eine Waffenverzauberung besitzt, da sie bei jedem Treffer garantiert aktiviert wird!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Der Gladiator baut Schwung auf, indem er erfolgreiche Treffer landet. Jeder Treffer erhöht den Kombizähler um eins, aber wenn man zu lange für einen Angriff braucht, mehr als einmal den Gegner verfehlt oder einen Gegenstand benutzt, wird der Zähler auf 0 zurückgesetzt. \n\nAufgebaute Kombis schalten spezielle Vollstreckerfähigkeiten frei: Starke Angriffe, die ihr Ziel nicht verfehlen werden! Unterschiedliche Vollstreckungsangriffe sind bei einem Kombizähler von 2, 4, 6, 8 und 10 verfügbar und ihre Verwendung setzt den Zähler auf 0 zurück.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Der Gladiator baut Schwung auf, indem er erfolgreiche Treffer landet. Jeder Treffer erhöht den Kombizähler um eins, aber wenn man zu lange für einen Angriff braucht, mehr als einmal den Gegner verfehlt oder einen Gegenstand benutzt, wird der Zähler auf 0 zurückgesetzt. \n\nAufgebaute Kombis schalten spezielle Vollstreckerfähigkeiten frei: Starke Angriffe, die ihr Ziel nicht verfehlen werden! Unterschiedliche Vollstreckungsangriffe sind bei einem Kombizähler von 2, 4, 6, 8 und 10 verfügbar und ihre Verwendung setzt den Zähler auf 0 zurück.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korruption sickert in das Innerste eines Wesens, wodurch dessen Natur verkrümmt wird.\n\nKorrumpierte Kreaturen greifen ihre Verbündeten and und ignorieren ihre eigentlichen Gegner. Korruption schadet dem Opfer außerdem, wodurch es langsam verendet.\n\nKorruption ist permament und kann nur durch den Tod beendet werden.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Korruption sickert in das Innerste eines Wesens, wodurch dessen Natur verkrümmt wird.\n\nKorrumpierte Kreaturen greifen ihre Verbündeten and und ignorieren ihre eigentlichen Gegner. Korruption schadet dem Opfer außerdem, wodurch es langsam verendet.\n\nKorruption ist permament und kann nur durch den Tod beendet werden.
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ actors.buffs.foresight.name=Vorhersehung
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Deine Sinne sind geschärft, so dass du sofort bemerkst, wenn etwas nicht stimmt.\n\nSolange du unter dem Effekt der Vorhersehung stehst, wird alles, was sich in deinem Suchradius befindet, sofort offenbart.\n\nVerbleibende Runden mit Vorhersehung; %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Deine Sinne sind geschärft, so dass du sofort bemerkst, wenn etwas nicht stimmt.\n\nSolange du unter dem Effekt der Vorhersehung stehst, wird alles, was sich in deinem Suchradius befindet, sofort offenbart.\n\nVerbleibende Runden mit Vorhersehung; %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s friert ein!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s friert ein!
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Das Ziel ist nicht komplett eingefroren, vielmehr ist es von einer Eisschicht umgeben. \n\nEingefroren verhält sich identisch mit Lähmung, was dem Opfer jegliche Bewegung verwehrt. Anders als bei einer Lähmung endet der Effekt, wenn das eingefrorene Ziel Schaden erleidet - Das Eis zerbricht und der Effekt endet sofort. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenen Runden : %s
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Das Ziel ist nicht komplett eingefroren, vielmehr ist es von einer Eisschicht umgeben. \n\nEingefroren verhält sich identisch mit Lähmung, was dem Opfer jegliche Bewegung verwehrt. Anders als bei einer Lähmung endet der Effekt, wenn das eingefrorene Ziel Schaden erleidet - Das Eis zerbricht und der Effekt endet sofort. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenen Runden : %s
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Übersinnliche Wahrnehmung
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Irgendwie kannst du alle Kreaturen auf dieser Ebene mit Hilfe deiner Gedanken ausmachen. Es ist ein seltsames Gefühl. \n\nAlle Wesen auf dieser Ebene sind sichtbar, solange die übersinnliche Wahrnehmung aktiv ist. Eine dadurch gesichtete Kreatur gilt als gültiges Ziel für viele magische Effekte. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden der übersinnlichen Wahrnehmung : %s
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Irgendwie kannst du alle Kreaturen auf dieser Ebene mit Hilfe deiner Gedanken ausmachen. Es ist ein seltsames Gefühl. \n\nAlle Wesen auf dieser Ebene sind sichtbar, solange die übersinnliche Wahrnehmung aktiv ist. Eine dadurch gesichtete Kreatur gilt als gültiges Ziel für viele magische Effekte. \n\nAnzahl der verbleibenden Runden der übersinnlichen Wahrnehmung : %s
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Während er sich bewegt, baut der Freerunner ein Momentum auf, dass seine Geschwindigkeit und Ausweichrate verbessert.\n\nDer Geschwindigkeitsbonus basiert nur auf dem Momentum, der Ausweichbonus ist allerdings auch von der Rüstung abhängig.\n\nDer Freerunner erhält zusätzliche Ausweichchance für jeden Stärkepunkt, der die Anforderung der getragenden Rüstung übersteigt.\n\nAktuelles Momentum: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Während er sich bewegt, baut der Freerunner ein Momentum auf, dass seine Geschwindigkeit und Ausweichrate verbessert.\n\nDer Geschwindigkeitsbonus basiert nur auf dem Momentum, der Ausweichbonus ist allerdings auch von der Rüstung abhängig.\n\nDer Freerunner erhält zusätzliche Ausweichchance für jeden Stärkepunkt, der die Anforderung der getragenden Rüstung übersteigt.\n\nAktuelles Momentum: %d%%.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Ätzender Schlamm
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Ätzender Schlamm
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Ätzender Schlamm frisst sich durch dein Fleisch! Wasch ihn ab!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Ätzender Schlamm frisst sich durch dein Fleisch! Wasch ihn ab!
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
actors.blobs.blizzard.desc=A blizzard is swirling here.
actors.blobs.blizzard.desc=Neĝŝtormo disvastiĝas tie ĉi.
actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Nubo da konfuziga gaso ĉirkaŭŝvebas tie ĉi.
actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Nubo da konfuziga gaso ĉirkaŭŝvebas tie ĉi.
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ actors.blobs.freezing.desc=Aero estas nenature frosta tie ĉi.
actors.blobs.goowarn.desc=Eroj da malluma energio svarmas ĉi tie!
actors.blobs.goowarn.desc=Eroj da malluma energio svarmas ĉi tie!
actors.blobs.inferno.desc=An inferno is raging here.
actors.blobs.inferno.desc=Incendio disvastiĝas tie ĉi.
actors.blobs.paralyticgas.desc=Nubeto de paraliza gaso ĉirkaŭŝvebas tie ĉi.
actors.blobs.paralyticgas.desc=Nubeto de paraliza gaso ĉirkaŭŝvebas tie ĉi.
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ actors.buffs.drowsy.name=Dormema
actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Sorĉa forto malfaciligas esti konscia.\n\nLa heroo povas kontraŭstari dormon de ricevo de damaĝo, aŭ de esti tutsana.\n\nPost kelkaj temperoj, la viktimo falos en profundan magian dormo.
actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Sorĉa forto malfaciligas esti konscia.\n\nLa heroo povas kontraŭstari dormon de ricevo de damaĝo, aŭ de esti tutsana.\n\nPost kelkaj temperoj, la viktimo falos en profundan magian dormo.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=You are imbued with the power of earth!\n\nAll physical attacks will shift the earth under the enemy, crippling them for a short time.\n\nTurns of earth imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=Vi estas plenigita per forto de la tero!\n\nĈiuj korpaj atakoj disŝovos la plankon sub la malamiko, kripligante ĝin por mallonga tempo.\n\nPluaj temperoj da terplenado: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Vi estas plenigita per la forto de fajro!\n\nĈiuj korpaj atakoj povos ekbruligi kontraŭulojn. Aldone vi estas tute fajrorezista.\n\nPluaj temperoj da fajroplenado: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Vi estas plenigita per la forto de fajro!\n\nĈiuj korpaj atakoj povos ekbruligi kontraŭulojn. Aldone vi estas tute fajrorezista.\n\nPluaj temperoj da fajroplenado: %s.
@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.desc=La gluema acido suriĝas karnon malrapide dismordante ĝi
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Vi estas paralizita!
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Vi estas paralizita!
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=resisted paralysis
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Oftentimes the worst thing to do is nothing at all.\n\nParalysis completely halts all actions, forcing the target to wait until the effect wears off. The pain from taking damage can cause characters to resist paralysis, breaking them out of the effect.\n\nTurns of paralysis remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Ofte la plej malbona aĵo por fari estas fari nenion.\n\nParalizo komplete haltigas ĉiujn agojn devigante la viktimon atendi ĝis la efiko finiĝos. La sufero pro damaĝo ankaŭ povas kaŭzi la viktimon liberiĝi el paralizo.\n\nPluaj temperoj da paralizo: %s.
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Vi estas venenita!
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=Vi estas venenita!
@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ actors.buffs.weakness.name=Senfortigita
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Vi sentas vin senfortigita!
actors.buffs.weakness.heromsg=Vi sentas vin senfortigita!
actors.buffs.weakness.desc=Ĉio ŝajnas esti tre pli peza.\n\nSenfortiganta magio malpliigas korpan forton de heroo. Heroo perdos 2 poentoj da efika forto kaj monstroj ricevos etigitan damaĝon.\n\nPluaj temperoj da senfortigado: %s.
actors.buffs.weakness.desc=Ĉio ŝajnas esti tre pli peza.\n\nSenfortiganta magio malpliigas korpan forton de heroo. Heroo perdos 2 poentoj da efika forto kaj monstroj ricevos etigitan damaĝon.\n\nPluaj temperoj da senfortigado: %s.
actors.buffs.wellfed.name=Well Fed
actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=You feel quite satisfied and full.\n\nWhile well fed, your hunger will not increase, and you will heal an additional amount of health over time.\n\nTurns remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.wellfed.desc=Vi manĝadis ĝis esti sata.\n\nDum esti satmanĝita, vi malsato ne pliiĝos kaj vi sanigos dum tempo.\n\nPluaj temperoj da satmanĝito: %d.
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ actors.hero.hero.leave=Vi ankoraŭ ne povas forlasi!
actors.hero.hero.level_up=Nivelo pli!
actors.hero.hero.level_up=Nivelo pli!
actors.hero.hero.new_level=Nivelo pli!\nVi estas pli preciza, evitpova kaj sana!
actors.hero.hero.new_level=Nivelo pli!\nVi estas pli preciza, evitpova kaj sana!
actors.hero.hero.level_cap=Vi atingis pinto de via povo, sekve viajn spertojn donos al vi subitan pliiĝon de forto!
actors.hero.hero.level_cap=Vi atingis pinto de via povo, sekve viajn spertojn donos al vi subitan pliiĝon de forto!
actors.hero.hero.you_now_have=Vi ekhavis na %s.
actors.hero.hero.you_now_have=Trovis aĵon: %s.
actors.hero.hero.locked_chest=Tiu ĉi kesto estas ŝlosita kaj vi ne havas kongruan ŝlosilon.
actors.hero.hero.locked_chest=Tiu ĉi kesto estas ŝlosita kaj vi ne havas kongruan ŝlosilon.
actors.hero.hero.locked_door=Vi ne havas kongruan ŝlosilon.
actors.hero.hero.locked_door=Vi ne havas kongruan ŝlosilon.
actors.hero.hero.noticed_smth=Vi rimarkis ion.
actors.hero.hero.noticed_smth=Vi rimarkis ion.
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.baa!=Be-e-e!
actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.desc=Ĝi estas magia ŝafo. Kio estas tiel magia pri ĝi? Vi ne povas mortigi ĝin. Ĝi staros tie ĉi ĝis ĝi magie malŝafiĝos ordinare maĉante ion kun vana rigardo.
actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.desc=Tio ĉi estas magia ŝafo. Kio estas tiel magia pri ĝi? Vi ne povas mortigi ĝin. Ĝi staros tie ĉi ĝis ĝi magie malŝafiĝos ordinare maĉante ion kun vana rigardo.
actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.thief=Ŝtelanta ŝtelulo!
actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.thief=Ŝtelanta ŝtelulo!
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ actors.mobs.bat.def_verb=evitita
actors.mobs.bat.desc=Tiuj lertegaj kaj necedemaj loĝantoj de kavernaj kupoloj povas venki multe pli grandajn kontraŭuloj resanigante je iu sukcesa atako.
actors.mobs.bat.desc=Tiuj lertegaj kaj necedemaj loĝantoj de kavernaj kupoloj povas venki multe pli grandajn kontraŭuloj resanigante je iu sukcesa atako.
actors.mobs.bee.name=orkolora abelo
actors.mobs.bee.name=orkolora abelo
actors.mobs.bee.desc_honey=Despite their small size, golden bees tend to protect their home fiercely. This one has been placated, and seems to want to follow you.
actors.mobs.bee.desc_honey=Malgraŭ iliaj malgrandecoj, orkoloraj abeloj kutimas protekti siajn domojn fervore. Tiu ĉi estas trankviligita kaj ŝajnas sekvi vin.
actors.mobs.bee.desc=Malgraŭ ĝia malgrandeco, orkoloraj abeloj kutimas protekti siajn domojn fervore. Tiu ĉi estas kolerega, estus pli bone foriĝi de ĝi.
actors.mobs.bee.desc=Malgraŭ ĝia malgrandeco, orkoloraj abeloj kutimas protekti siajn domojn fervore. Tiu ĉi estas kolerega, estus pli bone foriĝi de ĝi.
actors.mobs.brute.name=bruta gnolo
actors.mobs.brute.name=bruta gnolo
@ -599,5 +599,5 @@ actors.mobs.yog$larva.desc=Jog-Dzeva estas antikva dio, potenca estaĵo el la ĥ
actors.char.kill=%s mortigis vin…
actors.char.kill=%s mortigis vin…
actors.char.defeat=Vi venkis na %s.
actors.char.defeat=%s estis venkita.
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Debes elegir un enemigo en el rango de ataque.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo a Derribar\nAturde y empuja
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo a Derribar\nAturde y empuja
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Derribar_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque _hace retroceder un enemigo y le aturde,_ pero causa daño reducido. Es excelente para conseguir un poco de tiempo durante una pelea.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Derribar_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque _hace retroceder un enemigo y le aturde,_ pero causa daño reducido. Es excelente para conseguir un poco de tiempo durante una pelea.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo a Rajar\nSi lo matas, continúas el combo
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo a Rajar\nSi lo matas, continúas el combo
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Rajar_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque hace daño extra, y _si mata a un enemigo, mantiene el combo en lugar de reiniciarlo._ Permite crear grandes combo cuando se pelea contra grupos.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Rajar_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque hace daño extra, y _mantiene el combo en lugar de reiniciarlo si mata a un enemigo._ Permite crear grandes combos cuando se lucha contra múltiples enemigos.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo a Embatir\nAumenta tu escudo en base al daño
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo a Embatir\nAumenta tu escudo en base al daño
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Embatir_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque aumenta el daño, y _otorga blindaje_ proporcional al daño que haces. Buen movimiento para acabar un combate, permitiéndote mantener resistencia para la siguiente pelea.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Embatir_ está disponible actualmente. Este ataque aumenta el daño, y _otorga blindaje_ proporcional al daño que haces. Buen movimiento para acabar un combate, permitiéndote mantener resistencia para la siguiente pelea.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo para Aplastar\nRealiza una gran cantidad de daño
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Selecciona un objetivo para Aplastar\nRealiza una gran cantidad de daño
@ -174,9 +174,9 @@ actors.buffs.light.name=Iluminado
actors.buffs.light.desc=Incluso en la Mazmorra más oscura, una luz estable a tu lado es siempre alentadora.\n\nLa luz ayuda a mantener la oscuridad a raya, permiténdote ver una razonable distancia, a pesar del ambiente.\n\nTurnos de iluminación restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.light.desc=Incluso en la Mazmorra más oscura, una luz estable a tu lado es siempre alentadora.\n\nLa luz ayuda a mantener la oscuridad a raya, permiténdote ver una razonable distancia, a pesar del ambiente.\n\nTurnos de iluminación restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.name=El nivel está cerrado
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.name=El nivel está cerrado
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.desc=¡El nivel actual esta cerrado, y no eres capaz de salir!\n\nMientras el nivel esté cerrado, el hambre no aumentará ni te causará daño. Además, si no intentas derrotar al jefe de este piso, los efectos pasivos de regeneración también se detendrán.\n\nAdicionalmente, si eres revivido por un Ankh no bendito, el piso volverá a su estado inicial.\n\nMata al jefe del piso para romper la cerradura
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.desc=¡El nivel actual está cerrado, y no eres capaz de salir!\n\nMientras el nivel está cerrado, el hambre no aumentará ni te causará daño. Además, si no intentas derrotar al jefe de este piso, los efectos pasivos de regeneración también se detendrán.\n\nAdicionalmente, si eres revivido por un Ankh no bendito, el piso volverá a su estado inicial.\n\nMata al jefe del piso para romper la cerradura
actors.buffs.magicalsight.name=Visión mágica
actors.buffs.magicalsight.name=Visión mágica
actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=De alguna manera, puedes ver con tu mente, en lugar de tus ojos.\n\nTodo terreno o efectos que reduzcan o bloqueen la vista se rompen mientras la visión mágica está activa.\n\nTurnos de visión mágica restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=De alguna manera, puedes ver con tu mente, en lugar de tus ojos.\n\nTodo terreno o efectos que reduzcan o bloqueen la vista se rompen mientras la visión mágica está activa.\n\nTurnos de visión mágica restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.name=Sueño mágico
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.name=Sueño mágico
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=A menudo, lo peor que se puede hacer es nada en abso
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=¡Estás envenenado!
actors.buffs.poison.heromsg=¡Estás envenenado!
actors.buffs.poison.ondeath=Has muerto por envenenamiento...
actors.buffs.poison.ondeath=Has muerto por envenenamiento...
actors.buffs.poison.rankings_desc=Sucumbió al Veneno
actors.buffs.poison.rankings_desc=Sucumbió al veneno
actors.buffs.poison.desc=El veneno se abre paso a través del cuerpo, lentamente impidiendo su funcionamiento normal.\n\nEl veneno ocasiona daño cada turno proporcionalmente al tiempo que le falta para expirar.\n\nTurnos de envenenamiento restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.poison.desc=El veneno se abre paso a través del cuerpo, lentamente impidiendo su funcionamiento normal.\n\nEl veneno ocasiona daño cada turno proporcionalmente al tiempo que le falta para expirar.\n\nTurnos de envenenamiento restantes: %s.
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=¡No puedes moverte!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=El arraigo (mágico o natural) se agarra de los pies, forzándolos al suelo.\n\nEl arraigo bloquea a un objetivo en lugar, haciéndolos imposibles de mover, pero otras acciones no son afectadas.\n\nTurnos de arraigo restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=El arraigo (mágico o natural) se agarra de los pies, forzándolos al suelo.\n\nEl arraigo bloquea a un objetivo en lugar, haciéndolos imposibles de mover, pero otras acciones no son afectadas.\n\nTurnos de arraigo restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Fundido con las sombras.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Fundido con las sombras.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Estás fundido con las sombras a tu alrededor, concediéndote invisibilidad y ralentizando tu metabolismo\n\nMientras seas invisible, los enemigos no pueden atacarte o seguirte. La mayoría de los ataques físicos y efectos mágicos (como pergaminos y varitas) cancelarán inmediatamente la invisibilidad. Además, mientras estés fundido con las sombras, se reduce la velocidad a la que te vuelves hambriento.\n\nQuedarás fundido con las sombras hasta que salgas de ellas o un enemigo entre en contacto contigo.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Estás fundido con las sombras a tu alrededor, concediéndote invisibilidad y ralentizando tu metabolismo\n\nMientras seas invisible, los enemigos no pueden atacarte o seguirte. La mayoría de los ataques físicos y efectos mágicos (como pergaminos y varitas) cancelarán inmediatamente la invisibilidad. Además, mientras estés fundido con las sombras, se reduce la velocidad a la que te vuelves hambriento.\n\nQuedarás fundido con las sombras hasta que salgas de ellas o un enemigo entre en contacto contigo.
actors.buffs.slow.desc=La magia de ralentización afecta la percepción temporal del objetivo, para ellos todo se mueve super-rápido.\n\nUn personaje ralentizado realiza todas las acciones en el doble de tiempo que le costaría normalmente.\n\nTurnos de ralentización restantes: %s.
actors.buffs.slow.desc=La magia de ralentización afecta la percepción temporal del objetivo, para ellos todo se mueve super-rápido.\n\nUn personaje ralentizado realiza todas las acciones en el doble de tiempo que le costaría normalmente.\n\nTurnos de ralentización restantes: %s.
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.un_ided=Necesito saber con que estoy trabajando, ¡i
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cursed=¡No trabajo con ítems malditos!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cursed=¡No trabajo con ítems malditos!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.degraded=¡Esto es basura, la calidad es muy pobre!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.degraded=¡Esto es basura, la calidad es muy pobre!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cant_reforge=¡No puedo reforjar estos ítems!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cant_reforge=¡No puedo reforjar estos ítems!
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=Este herrero troll se ve como todos los trolls se ven: es alto y enjuto, y su piel parece piedra en color y textura. El herrero troll está martillando con herramientas muy pequeñas para su tamaño.
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=Este herrero troll se ve como todos los trolls se ven: es alto y enjuto, y su piel parece piedra en color y textura. El herrero troll está martillando con herramientas muy pequeñas para su tamaño.
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=fantasma triste
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=fantasma triste
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Saludos, %s... Alguna vez fui como tú, fuerte y confiado... Pero fui vencido por una asquerosa bestia... No puedo dejar este lugar... No hasta haber obtenido mi venganza... Acaba con la _rata fétida,_ que ha acabado con mi vida...\n\nRonda este piso... Difundiendo suciedad por todas partes... _Cuidado con su nube apestosa y su mordida corrosiva, el ácido es soluble en agua..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Saludos, %s... Alguna vez fui como tú, fuerte y confiado... Pero fui vencido por una asquerosa bestia... No puedo dejar este lugar... No hasta haber obtenido mi venganza... Acaba con la _rata fétida,_ que ha acabado con mi vida...\n\nRonda este piso... Difundiendo suciedad por todas partes... _Cuidado con su nube apestosa y su mordida corrosiva, el ácido es soluble en agua..._
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_huntress=Oh, ¡hola señorita! Una cara amigabl
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\nVine aquí para encontrar un ingrediente poco común para una varita, pero me he perdido, y mi escudo mágico se está debilitando. Tendré que irme pronto, pero no soportaría irme sin lo que busco.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\nVine aquí para encontrar un ingrediente poco común para una varita, pero me he perdido, y mi escudo mágico se está debilitando. Tendré que irme pronto, pero no soportaría irme sin lo que busco.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=Busco algo de _polvo cadavérico._ Es una especie de harina de hueso maldito que usualmente se encuentra en lugares como este. Debe haber una habitación barricada en los alrededores, estoy seguro de que algo de polvo se va a acumular allí. Ten cuidado, la maldición del polvo es muy potente, _vuelve a mi lo más rápido posible_ y lo purificaré para ti.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=Busco algo de _polvo cadavérico._ Es una especie de harina de hueso maldito que usualmente se encuentra en lugares como este. Debe haber una habitación barricada en los alrededores, estoy seguro de que algo de polvo se va a acumular allí. Ten cuidado, la maldición del polvo es muy potente, _vuelve a mi lo más rápido posible_ y lo purificaré para ti.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_ember=Busco _ascuas frescas_ de un elemental de fuego recién nacido. Los elementales usualmente aparecen cuando un ritual de invocación no está controlado, tan sólo tienes que encontrar algunas velas y un lugar para el ritual, y estoy seguro de que puedes hacer uno aparecer. Aunque quizá querrías tener _algún tipo de objeto congelante a mano,_ ya que los elementales son muy poderosos, pero el hielo los mantiene a raya muy fácilmente.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_ember=Busco _ascuas frescas_ de un elemental de fuego recién nacido. Los elementales usualmente aparecen cuando un ritual de invocación no está controlado, tan sólo tienes que encontrar algunas velas y un lugar para el ritual, y estoy seguro de que puedes hacer uno aparecer. Aunque quizá querrías tener _algún tipo de objeto congelante a mano,_ ya que los elementales son muy poderosos, pero el hielo los mantiene a raya muy fácilmente.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_berry=El viejo guardia de esta prisión tenía una _planta de rotberry,_ y ando tras una de sus semillas. La planta probablemente se ha vuelto salvaje, así que convencerla para que entregue una semilla puede ser complicado. Su jardín debería estar en alguna parte en los alrededores. Intenta permanecer _alejado de sus látigos de vid_ si quieres mantenerte de una pieza. Usar fuego puede ser tentador pero por favor no, matarás la planta y destruirás sus semillas.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_berry=El viejo guardia de esta prisión tenía una _planta de rotberry,_ y ando tras una de sus semillas. La planta probablemente se ha vuelto salvaje, así que convencerla para que entregue una semilla puede ser complicado. Su jardín debería estar en alguna parte en los alrededores. Intenta permanecer _alejado de sus látigos de vid_ si quieres mantenerte de una pieza. Usar fuego puede ser tentador pero por favor no, matarás la planta y destruirás sus semillas.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_2=\n\nSi me puedes conseguir eso, ¡estaré encantado de pagarte con una de mis varitas finamente elaboradas! Traje dos conmigo, así que puedes tomar la que prefieras.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_2=\n\nSi me puedes conseguir eso, ¡estaré encantado de pagarte con una de mis varitas finamente elaboradas! Traje dos conmigo, así que puedes tomar la que prefieras.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_dust=¿Has tenido suerte con el polvo cadavérico, %s? Busca barricadas.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_dust=¿Has tenido suerte con el polvo cadavérico, %s? Busca barricadas.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_ember=¿Has tenido suerte con esas ascuas, %s? Necesitarás encontrar cuatro velas y el lugar para el ritual.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_ember=¿Has tenido suerte con esas ascuas, %s? Necesitarás encontrar cuatro velas y el lugar para el ritual.
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ actors.mobs.monk.def_verb=desviado
actors.mobs.monk.desc=Estos monjes son fanáticos, que se dedicaron a proteger los secretos de su ciudad de todos los extranjeros. No usan ninguna armadora o arma, confiándose solo de el arte del combate mano a mano.
actors.mobs.monk.desc=Estos monjes son fanáticos, que se dedicaron a proteger los secretos de su ciudad de todos los extranjeros. No usan ninguna armadora o arma, confiándose solo de el arte del combate mano a mano.
actors.mobs.newbornelemental.name=elemental de fuego recién nacido
actors.mobs.newbornelemental.name=elemental de fuego recién nacido
actors.mobs.newbornelemental.desc=Los elementales de fuego son un producto secundario de convocar mayores entidades. Son muy caóticos en su naturaleza para ser controlados incluso por los demonologístas mas poderosos\n\nEste elemental de fuego esta convocado hace poco, y esta debilitado como resultado. En este estado es específicamente vulnerable al frió. Sus capacidades ofensivas siguen siendo grandes, el peligro esta avisado.
actors.mobs.newbornelemental.desc=Los elementales de fuego son un producto secundario de convocar mayores entidades. Son muy caóticos en su naturaleza para ser controlados incluso por los demonologístas mas poderosos\n\nEste elemental de fuego esta convocado hace poco, y esta debilitado como resultado. En este estado es específicamente vulnerable al frió. Sus capacidades ofensivas siguen siendo grandes, el peligro está avisado.
actors.mobs.piranha.name=piraña gigante
actors.mobs.piranha.name=piraña gigante
actors.mobs.piranha.desc=Estos peces carnívoros no son habitantes naturales de los lagos subterráneos. Fueron criados específicamente para proteger cámaras del tesoro inundadas.
actors.mobs.piranha.desc=Estos peces carnívoros no son habitantes naturales de los lagos subterráneos. Fueron criados específicamente para proteger cámaras del tesoro inundadas.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
actors.blobs.blizzard.desc=A blizzard is swirling here.
actors.blobs.blizzard.desc=Un blizzard fait rage ici.
actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Un nuage de gaz de confusion tourbillonne à cet endroit.
actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Un nuage de gaz de confusion tourbillonne à cet endroit.
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ actors.blobs.freezing.desc=L'air est anormalement froid ici.
actors.blobs.goowarn.desc=Des taches d'énergie sombre grouillent ici !
actors.blobs.goowarn.desc=Des taches d'énergie sombre grouillent ici !
actors.blobs.inferno.desc=An inferno is raging here.
actors.blobs.inferno.desc=Un brasier fait rage ici.
actors.blobs.paralyticgas.desc=Un nuage de gaz paralysant tourbillonne ici.
actors.blobs.paralyticgas.desc=Un nuage de gaz paralysant tourbillonne ici.
@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ actors.buffs.adrenaline.name=Adrénaline
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=Une montée de puissance physique, l'adrénaline augmente à la fois la vitesse d'attaque et de déplacement.\n\nL'adrénaline permet à sa cible de courir 2x plus vite, et d'attaquer 1,5x plus vite.\n\nTours restants : %s.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=Une montée de puissance physique, l'adrénaline augmente à la fois la vitesse d'attaque et de déplacement.\n\nL'adrénaline permet à sa cible de courir 2x plus vite, et d'attaquer 1,5x plus vite.\n\nTours restants : %s.
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.name=Poussée d'Adrénaline
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.name=Poussée d'Adrénaline
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=A surge of great might, but sadly not permanent.\n\nStrength boost: +%d.\nTurns until boost weakens: %s.
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=Une vague de grande puissance, malheureusement temporaire\n\nBonus de force : +%d\nNombre de tours avant affaiblissement du bonus : %s
actors.buffs.amok.name=Folie furieuse
actors.buffs.amok.name=Folie furieuse
actors.buffs.amok.desc=La folie furieuse fait entrer sa cible dans un état de rage folle. \n\nUne créature sous l'effet de la folie furieuse attaque toute personne à sa portée, amis ou ennemis.\n\nTours de folie furieuse restants : %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=La folie furieuse fait entrer sa cible dans un état de rage folle. \n\nUne créature sous l'effet de la folie furieuse attaque toute personne à sa portée, amis ou ennemis.\n\nTours de folie furieuse restants : %s.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Recharge d'Artefact
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Recharge d'Artefact
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all be less limited by their charge meter.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=De l'énergie parcourt votre corps, augmentant la vitesse de recharge de vos artefacts équipés\n\nChaque artefact est affecté différemment, mais ils seront tous moins limités par leur niveau de charge.\n\nTours restants : %s
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Peau d'écorce
actors.buffs.barkskin.name=Peau d'écorce
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Your skin is hardened, it feels rough and solid like bark.\n\nThe hardened skin increases your effective armor, allowing you to better defend against physical attack.\n\nYour armor is currently increased by: %d.\nTurns until barkskin weakens: %s.
actors.buffs.barkskin.desc=Your skin is hardened, it feels rough and solid like bark.\n\nThe hardened skin increases your effective armor, allowing you to better defend against physical attack.\n\nYour armor is currently increased by: %d.\nTurns until barkskin weakens: %s.
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=A durable bubble of force which blocks all damage.\n\nThe barrier will take damage for whatever it is protecting so long as there is shielding left. The shielding will also decay at a rate of 1 per turn.\n\nShielding remaining: %d.
actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Un champ de force durable qui bloque tous les dégâts.\n\nLa barrière encaissera les dégâts pour ce qu'elle protège, tant qu'il lui reste de l'énergie protectrice. L'énergie protectrice se dispersera au rythme de 1 par tour.\n\nProtection restante : %d
actors.buffs.berserk.angered=En colère
actors.buffs.berserk.angered=En colère
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ actors.buffs.combo.name=Combo
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d coups !
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Combo de %d coups !
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Vous devez cibler un ennemi dans la portée de votre arme.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Vous devez cibler un ennemi dans la portée de votre arme.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Choisissez une cible à matraquer \nÉtourdit et repousse
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Choisissez une cible à matraquer \nÉtourdit et repousse
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=Le _Matraquage_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque _étourdit un ennemi et le repousse,_ mais inflige des dégâts réduits. Une attaque idéale pour gagner un peu de temps en combat.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=Le _Matraquage_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque _étourdit un ennemi et le repousse,_ mais inflige des dégâts réduits. Une attaque idéale pour gagner un peu de temps en combat.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Sélectionnez une cible à trancher\nSi elle meurt, le combo est préservé
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Sélectionnez une cible à trancher\nSi elle meurt, le combo est préservé
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Trancher_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque inflige des dégâts supplémentaires, et _si la cible est tuée, elle conservera le combo au lieu de le réinitialiser._ C'est idéal pour construire des combos lors de combats contre de nombreux ennemis.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Trancher_ est maintenant disponible. Cette attaque inflige des dégâts supplémentaires, et _si la cible est tuée, elle conservera le combo au lieu de le réinitialiser._ C'est idéal pour construire des combos lors de combats contre de nombreux ennemis.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Sélectionnez une cible à démolir\nVous protège en fonction des dégâts
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Sélectionnez une cible à démolir\nVous protège en fonction des dégâts
@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Imprégné par la Terre.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=You are imbued with the power of earth!\n\nAll physical attacks will shift the earth under the enemy, crippling them for a short time.\n\nTurns of earth imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=You are imbued with the power of earth!\n\nAll physical attacks will shift the earth under the enemy, crippling them for a short time.\n\nTurns of earth imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imprégné par le Feu
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Imprégné par le Feu
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Vous êtes habité par la puissance du feu !\n\nVos attaques physiques ont une chance d'enflammer vos ennemis. De plus, vous êtes complètement immunisé aux effets du feu.\n\nTours de puissance de feu restants : %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Vous êtes habité par la puissance du feu !\n\nVos attaques physiques ont une chance d'enflammer vos ennemis. De plus, vous êtes complètement immunisé aux effets du feu.\n\nTours de puissance de feu restants : %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight, anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Vos sens se sont affutés, vous permettant de remarquer immédiatement quoi que ce soit sortant de l'ordinaire\n\nTant que vous êtes sous l'effet de prévoyance, tout ce qui entre dans votre rayon de recherche sera immédiatement découvert.\n\nTours de prévoyance restants : %s
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s est gelé !
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s est gelé !
@ -177,16 +177,16 @@ actors.buffs.lockedfloor.name=Niveau bloqué
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.desc=Le niveau actuel est verrouillé et vous ne pouvez pas en partir !\n\nTant qu'un niveau est verrouillé votre faim n'augmente pas et vous ne recevez pas de dégâts si vous êtes affamé. De plus, si vous tardez à vaincre le boss, les effets de régénération passifs cesseront également.\n\nSi une ankh non bénie vous ramène à la vie pendant que le niveau est verrouillé, ce dernier sera réinitialisé.\n\nTuez le boss de ce niveau pour le déverrouiller.
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.desc=Le niveau actuel est verrouillé et vous ne pouvez pas en partir !\n\nTant qu'un niveau est verrouillé votre faim n'augmente pas et vous ne recevez pas de dégâts si vous êtes affamé. De plus, si vous tardez à vaincre le boss, les effets de régénération passifs cesseront également.\n\nSi une ankh non bénie vous ramène à la vie pendant que le niveau est verrouillé, ce dernier sera réinitialisé.\n\nTuez le boss de ce niveau pour le déverrouiller.
actors.buffs.magicalsight.name=Vision Magique
actors.buffs.magicalsight.name=Vision Magique
actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=Somehow you are able to see with your mind, rather than your eyes.\n\nAll terrain or effects which reduce or block vision are broken while magical sight is active.\n\nTurns of magical sight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=D'une manière ou d'une autre, vous êtes capables de voir avec votre esprit, non avec vos yeux.\n\nTous les terrains qui réduisent ou bloquent votre champ de vision sont inefficaces tant que la vision magique est active.\n\nTours de vision magique restants : %s
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.name=Sommeil magique
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.name=Sommeil magique
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.toohealthy=Vous être en trop bonne santé et résistez au besoin de dormir.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.toohealthy=Vous être en trop bonne santé et résistez au besoin de dormir.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.fallasleep=Vous sombrez dans une profond sommeil magique.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.fallasleep=Vous sombrez dans une profond sommeil magique.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.wakeup=Vous vous réveillez revigoré et en bonne santé.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.wakeup=Vous vous réveillez revigoré et en bonne santé.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.desc=Ce personnage est tombé dans un profond sommeil magique dont il ne s'éveillera pas naturellement. \n\nLe sommeil magique est comme le sommeil normal, sauf que seul les dégâts pourront réveiller une cible.\n\nPour le héros, le sommeil magique à aussi des propriétés curatives, lui permettant de se régénérer pendant son somme.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.desc=Ce personnage est tombé dans un profond sommeil magique dont il ne s'éveillera pas naturellement. \n\nLe sommeil magique est comme le sommeil normal, sauf que seul les dégâts pourront réveiller une cible.\n\nPour le héros, le sommeil magique à aussi des propriétés curatives, lui permettant de se régénérer pendant son somme.
actors.buffs.magicimmune.name=Immunisé contre la Magie
actors.buffs.magicimmune.name=Immunisé contre la Magie
actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=All magical effects have lost their hold on you, you are completely impervious to them.\n\nWhile magic immune all harmful and helpful magical effects will not apply to you, including curses, enchants, wands, scrolls, etc.\n\nTurns of magic immunity remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=Tous les effets magiques ont perdu leur emprise sur vous, vous leur êtes complètement insensibles.\n\nTant que vous êtes immunisé à la magie, tous les effets magiques, bénéfiques ou non, n'auront aucun effet sur vous. Incluant les malédictions, les enchantements, les parchemins, baguettes, etc..\n\nTours d'immunité magique restant : %s
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Vision spirituelle
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Vision spirituelle
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=D'une manière ou d'une autre vous êtes en mesure de voir chacune des créatures de ce niveau. Quelle étrange sensation.\n\nTous les personnages de ce niveau sont visibles aussi longtemps que dure la vision de l'esprit. Pour les effets magiques, une créature que vous voyez avec la vision de l'esprit compte comme si elle était dans votre champ de vision normal, ou à coté de vous. \n\nTours de vision spirituelle restants : %s.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=D'une manière ou d'une autre vous êtes en mesure de voir chacune des créatures de ce niveau. Quelle étrange sensation.\n\nTous les personnages de ce niveau sont visibles aussi longtemps que dure la vision de l'esprit. Pour les effets magiques, une créature que vous voyez avec la vision de l'esprit compte comme si elle était dans votre champ de vision normal, ou à coté de vous. \n\nTours de vision spirituelle restants : %s.
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Cet acide gluant colle à la peau, la rongeant peu à peu
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Vous êtes paralysé !
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Vous êtes paralysé !
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=resisted paralysis
actors.buffs.paralysis.out=Vous résistez à la paralysie.
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Oftentimes the worst thing to do is nothing at all.\n\nParalysis completely halts all actions, forcing the target to wait until the effect wears off. The pain from taking damage can cause characters to resist paralysis, breaking them out of the effect.\n\nTurns of paralysis remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Oftentimes the worst thing to do is nothing at all.\n\nParalysis completely halts all actions, forcing the target to wait until the effect wears off. The pain from taking damage can cause characters to resist paralysis, breaking them out of the effect.\n\nTurns of paralysis remaining: %s.
@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ actors.buffs.preparation.prompt=Sélectionnez une cible à attaquer!\nDistance m
actors.buffs.preparation.no_target=Il n'y a rien a attaquer ici.
actors.buffs.preparation.no_target=Il n'y a rien a attaquer ici.
actors.buffs.preparation.out_of_reach=La cible est hors de portée.
actors.buffs.preparation.out_of_reach=La cible est hors de portée.
actors.buffs.prismaticguard.name=Prismatic Guard
actors.buffs.prismaticguard.name=Garde Prismatique
actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=You are being guarded by a prismatic image which is currently inactive. When enemies are present the prismatic image will spring to action and protect you!\n\nWhile inactive, the prismatic image will steadily recover from any damage it has taken.\n\nCurrent HP: %d/%d.
actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=Vous êtes gardés par une image prismatique actuellement inactive. Quand des ennemis sont présents, l'image prismatique va se jeter au combat et vous protéger !\n\nQuand elle est inactive, l'image prismatique va progressivement récupérer des dégâts qu'elle a reçu.\n\nPoints de vie : %d/%d.
actors.buffs.recharging.name=En recharge
actors.buffs.recharging.name=En recharge
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=L'énergie se répand en vous, augmentant la vitesse à laquelle vos baguettes et bâtons se rechargent.\n\nA chaque tour, cet effet augmente la charge actuelle d'un quart, en plus de la recharge normale.\n\nTours de recharge restants : %s.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=L'énergie se répand en vous, augmentant la vitesse à laquelle vos baguettes et bâtons se rechargent.\n\nA chaque tour, cet effet augmente la charge actuelle d'un quart, en plus de la recharge normale.\n\nTours de recharge restants : %s.
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Vous êtes immobilisé !
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Des racines (magiques ou naturelles) s'emparent de vos pieds, les maintenant au sol.\n\nL'enracinement immobilise sa cible à un endroit, l'empêchant de bouger, mais les autres actions ne sont pas affectées.\n\nTours d'enracinement restants : %s.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Des racines (magiques ou naturelles) s'emparent de vos pieds, les maintenant au sol.\n\nL'enracinement immobilise sa cible à un endroit, l'empêchant de bouger, mais les autres actions ne sont pas affectées.\n\nTours d'enracinement restants : %s.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Camouflé dans l'ombre
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Camouflé dans l'ombre
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Vous vous fondez dans les ombres vous entourant, devenant ainsi invisible et ralentissant votre métabolisme.\n\nTant que vous êtes invisible, les ennemis ne peuvent vous suivre ni vous attaquer. La plupart des attaques et effets magiques (comme les parchemins ou baguettes) annuleront immédiatement l'invisibilité. Tant que vous êtes camouflé dans l'ombre, votre niveau de faim augmente plus lentement.\n\nVous resterez camouflé dans l'ombre jusqu'à ce que vous quittiez l'ombre ou qu'un ennemi entre en contact avec vous.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Vous vous fondez dans les ombres vous entourant, devenant ainsi invisible et ralentissant votre métabolisme.\n\nTant que vous êtes invisible, les ennemis ne peuvent vous suivre ni vous attaquer. La plupart des attaques et effets magiques (comme les parchemins ou baguettes) annuleront immédiatement l'invisibilité. Tant que vous êtes camouflé dans l'ombre, votre niveau de faim augmente plus lentement.\n\nVous resterez camouflé dans l'ombre jusqu'à ce que vous quittiez l'ombre ou qu'un ennemi entre en contact avec vous.
actors.buffs.slow.desc=La magie de ralentissement affecte la perception du temps de la cible. Pour elle, tout bouge très vite autour d'elle.\n\nUn personnage ralenti met deux fois plus de temps que d'habitude pour effectuer toutes ses actions.\n\nTours de ralentissement restants : %s.
actors.buffs.slow.desc=La magie de ralentissement affecte la perception du temps de la cible. Pour elle, tout bouge très vite autour d'elle.\n\nUn personnage ralenti met deux fois plus de temps que d'habitude pour effectuer toutes ses actions.\n\nTours de ralentissement restants : %s.
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=La tireuse d'élite se focalise sur une cible proc
actors.buffs.soulmark.name=Âme marquée
actors.buffs.soulmark.name=Âme marquée
actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=Le sorcier puise dans l'âme de cette créature. Les dégâts physiques qu'elle subira le guériront et satisferont sa faim.\n\nTours d'âme marquée restants : %s.
actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=Le sorcier puise dans l'âme de cette créature. Les dégâts physiques qu'elle subira le guériront et satisferont sa faim.\n\nTours d'âme marquée restants : %s.
actors.buffs.stamina.desc=You have unending stamina, allowing for faster movement!\n\nWhile under the effects of stamina you will run at +50%% speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of stamina remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.stamina.desc=You have unending stamina, allowing for faster movement!\n\nWhile under the effects of stamina you will run at +50%% speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of stamina remaining: %s.
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cant_reforge=Je ne peux pas reforger ces objets !
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=Ce forgeron troll ressemble à tout les autres trolls : il est grand et mince, sa peau ressemble à de la pierre tant par la couleur que par la texture. Le forgeron troll bricole avec des outils qui semblent proportionnellement minuscules.
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=Ce forgeron troll ressemble à tout les autres trolls : il est grand et mince, sa peau ressemble à de la pierre tant par la couleur que par la texture. Le forgeron troll bricole avec des outils qui semblent proportionnellement minuscules.
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=fantôme triste
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=fantôme triste
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Bonjour %s... Autrefois j'étais comme vous, fort et plein de confiance... Mais j'ai été tué par une bête infâme... Je ne peut fuir cet endroit... Pas tant que je ne serai pas vengé... Tuez le _rat fétide_ qui m'a pris la vie...\n\nIl rôde dans ce niveau... Répandant sa puanteur partout... _Prennez garde à sa morsure corrosive et au nuage de puanteur qui l'entoure, seule l'eau pourra dissoudre l'acide..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=Bonjour %s... Autrefois j'étais comme vous, fort et plein de confiance... Mais j'ai été tué par une bête infâme... Je ne peut fuir cet endroit... Pas tant que je ne serai pas vengé... Tuez le _rat fétide_ qui m'a pris la vie...\n\nIl rôde dans ce niveau... Répandant sa puanteur partout... _Prennez garde à sa morsure corrosive et au nuage de puanteur qui l'entoure, seule l'eau pourra dissoudre l'acide..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=S'il te plait... Aide-moi... Tue l'abomination...\n\n_Combats-la près de l'eau... Évite la puanteur..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=S'il te plait... Aide-moi... Tue l'abomination...\n\n_Combats-la près de l'eau... Évite la puanteur..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=Bonjour %s... Autrefois j'étais comme toi, fort et plein de confiance... Mais j'ai été défait par un adversaire sournois... Je suis bloqué ici... Tant que je ne suis pas vengé... Tue le _gnoll filou_ qui a pris ma vie...\n\nIl est différent des autres gnolls... Il se cache et utilise des armes de jet... _Attention à ses dards empoisonnés et enflammés, attaque au corps-à-corps..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=Bonjour %s... Autrefois j'étais comme toi, fort et plein de confiance... Mais j'ai été défait par un adversaire sournois... Je suis bloqué ici... Tant que je ne suis pas vengé... Tue le _gnoll filou_ qui a pris ma vie...\n\nIl est différent des autres gnolls... Il se cache et utilise des armes de jet... _Attention à ses dards empoisonnés et enflammés, attaque au corps-à-corps..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_2=S'il te plait... Aide-moi... Tue le filou...\n\n_Ne le laisse pas te toucher... Va au contact..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_2=S'il te plait... Aide-moi... Tue le filou...\n\n_Ne le laisse pas te toucher... Va au contact..._
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.desc=C'est un mouton magique. Qu'a-t-il de magique ? Vous
actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.thief=Voleur, voleur !
actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.thief=Voleur, voleur !
actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.sell=Vendre un objet
actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.sell=Vendre un objet
actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.desc=Ce gros marchand serait plus à sa place dans le centre-ville d'une grosse cité que dans un donjon. Ses prix expliquent sans doute pourquoi il préfère commercer ici.
actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.desc=Ce gros marchand serait plus à sa place dans le centre-ville d'une grosse cité que dans un donjon. Ses prix expliquent sans doute pourquoi il préfère commercer ici.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.name=vieux faiseur de baguettes
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.name=vieux faiseur de baguettes
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_warrior=Oh, quelle bonne surprise de rencontrer un héros dans un endroit si déprimant ! Si vous vous sentez d'aider un vieillard j'ai une quête pour vous.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_warrior=Oh, quelle bonne surprise de rencontrer un héros dans un endroit si déprimant ! Si vous vous sentez d'aider un vieillard j'ai une quête pour vous.
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ actors.mobs.king.desc=Le dernier roi des nains était connu pour sa profonde com
actors.mobs.king$undead.name=nain mort-vivant
actors.mobs.king$undead.name=nain mort-vivant
actors.mobs.king$undead.rankings_desc=Tomba devant le roi des nains
actors.mobs.king$undead.rankings_desc=Tomba devant le roi des nains
actors.mobs.king$undead.desc=Ces nains morts-vivants, invoqués par le Roi des Nains, étaient autrefois des membres de sa cour. Ils ressemblent à un squelette avec une pilosité faciale étonnamment développée.
actors.mobs.king$undead.desc=Ces nains morts-vivants, invoqués par le Roi des Nains, étaient autrefois des membres de sa cour. Ils ressemblent à un squelette avec une pilosité faciale étonnamment développée.
actors.mobs.mimic.desc=Les mimiques sont des créatures magiques pouvant prendre la forme qu'elles désirent. Dans les donjons elle se changent toujours en coffre au trésor, parce qu'elles savent comment attirer un aventurier.
actors.mobs.mimic.desc=Les mimiques sont des créatures magiques pouvant prendre la forme qu'elles désirent. Dans les donjons elle se changent toujours en coffre au trésor, parce qu'elles savent comment attirer un aventurier.
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ actors.mobs.monk.def_verb=paré
actors.mobs.monk.desc=Ces moines sont des fanatiques qui consacrent leur vie à protéger les secrets de la cité des étrangers. Il n'utilisent ni armure ni armes et s'en remettent uniquement à l'art du combat à mains nues.
actors.mobs.monk.desc=Ces moines sont des fanatiques qui consacrent leur vie à protéger les secrets de la cité des étrangers. Il n'utilisent ni armure ni armes et s'en remettent uniquement à l'art du combat à mains nues.
actors.mobs.newbornelemental.name=élémentaire de feu nouveau-né
actors.mobs.newbornelemental.name=élémentaire de feu nouveau-né
actors.mobs.newbornelemental.desc=Les élémentaires de feu sont des sous-produits de l'invocation d'entités plus puissantes. Trop chaotiques par nature, même le plus puissant des démonologistes ne peut les contrôler. \n\nCet élémentaire de feu vient d'être invoqué et s'en trouve affaibli. Dans cet état, il est particulièrement sensible au froid. Attention, ses capacités offensives restent grandes.
actors.mobs.newbornelemental.desc=Les élémentaires de feu sont des sous-produits de l'invocation d'entités plus puissantes. Trop chaotiques par nature, même le plus puissant des démonologistes ne peut les contrôler. \n\nCet élémentaire de feu vient d'être invoqué et s'en trouve affaibli. Dans cet état, il est particulièrement sensible au froid. Attention, ses capacités offensives restent grandes.
actors.mobs.piranha.name=piranha géant
actors.mobs.piranha.name=piranha géant
actors.mobs.piranha.desc=Ces poisson carnivores ne sont pas des habitants naturels de ces bassins souterrains. Ils furent élevés spécialement pour protéger les coffres au trésor submergés.
actors.mobs.piranha.desc=Ces poisson carnivores ne sont pas des habitants naturels de ces bassins souterrains. Ils furent élevés spécialement pour protéger les coffres au trésor submergés.
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ actors.mobs.rotlasher.desc=Les fouets pourris font partie des racines d'une ranc
actors.mobs.rotlasher$waiting.status=Ce(tte) %s est au repos.
actors.mobs.rotlasher$waiting.status=Ce(tte) %s est au repos.
actors.mobs.scorpio.desc=Ces énormes démons arachnéens évitent le corps-à-corps par tous les moyens, lançant leurs pointes crantées handicapantes du plus loin possible.
actors.mobs.scorpio.desc=Ces énormes démons arachnéens évitent le corps-à-corps par tous les moyens, lançant leurs pointes crantées handicapantes du plus loin possible.
actors.mobs.senior.name=moine supérieur
actors.mobs.senior.name=moine supérieur
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ actors.buffs.paralysis.desc=Oftentimes the worst thing to do is nothing at all.\
actors.buffs.poison.ondeath=Meghaltál a méregtől...
actors.buffs.poison.ondeath=Meghaltál a méregtől...
actors.buffs.poison.rankings_desc=Belehalt a mérgezésbe
actors.buffs.poison.rankings_desc=Belehalt a mérgezésbe
actors.buffs.poison.desc=A méreg szétáramlik a testben, lassan károsítva a belső működését.\n\nA méreg a még hátralévő idővel arányosan, körönként sebez.\n\nA méreg még %s körig hat.
actors.buffs.poison.desc=A méreg szétáramlik a testben, lassan károsítva a belső működését.\n\nA méreg a még hátralévő idővel arányosan, körönként sebez.\n\nA méreg még %s körig hat.
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_huntress=Ó, üdv, kisasszony! Kellemes meglepe
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\nEgy varázspálcához szükséges ritka hozzávalóért jöttem ide, de eltévedtem, és a varázspajzsom gyengül. Hamarosan távoznom kell, de nem tudnék elmenni úgy, hogy meg ne szerezzem, amiért idejöttem.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\nEgy varázspálcához szükséges ritka hozzávalóért jöttem ide, de eltévedtem, és a varázspajzsom gyengül. Hamarosan távoznom kell, de nem tudnék elmenni úgy, hogy meg ne szerezzem, amiért idejöttem.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=Egy kis _hullaport_ keresek. Ez egy különleges fajta átkozott csontliszt, amely általában ilyen helyeken fordul elő mint ez. Valahol itt kell lennie egy eltorlaszolt helynek, biztos vagyok benne, hogy ott van ilyen por. De légy óvatos, a porban lévő átok meglehetősen erős: _siess vele hozzám, ahogy csak tudsz,_ és én megtisztítlak tőle.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=Egy kis _hullaport_ keresek. Ez egy különleges fajta átkozott csontliszt, amely általában ilyen helyeken fordul elő mint ez. Valahol itt kell lennie egy eltorlaszolt helynek, biztos vagyok benne, hogy ott van ilyen por. De légy óvatos, a porban lévő átok meglehetősen erős: _siess vele hozzám, ahogy csak tudsz,_ és én megtisztítlak tőle.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_ember=Egy újszülött tűzelementálból való _friss szenet_ keresek. Elementálok akkor bukkannak fel, amikor egy megidéző varázslatnál nincs megfelelő irányítás, szóval csak keress néhány gyertyát és egy szertartási helyet, biztosan elő tudsz ugrasztani egyet. Azért jó, ha _kéznél tartasz valami fagyasztó eszközt,_ mert bár az elementálok nagyon erősek, a jég elég könnyen lenyomja őket.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_ember=Egy újszülött tűzelementálból való _friss szenet_ keresek. Elementálok akkor bukkannak fel, amikor egy megidéző varázslatnál nincs megfelelő irányítás, szóval csak keress néhány gyertyát és egy szertartási helyet, biztosan elő tudsz ugrasztani egyet. Azért jó, ha _kéznél tartasz valami fagyasztó eszközt,_ mert bár az elementálok nagyon erősek, a jég elég könnyen lenyomja őket.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_berry=Ennek a börtönnek a régi vadőre gondozott egy _málóbogyó növényt,_ és én ennek a magját keresem. Valószínűleg a növény azóta elvadult, úgyhogy a mag megszerzése nem olyan egyszerű. A kertje valahol a környéken lehet. Ha szeretnéd egy darabban megúszni, igyekezz _távol maradni az indás ostoraitól,_ Csábító ötletnek tűnhet tüzet használni, de kérlek, ne tedd: megölöd vele a növényt és tönkre teszed a magjait is.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_berry=Ennek a börtönnek a régi vadőre gondozott egy _málóbogyó növényt,_ és én ennek a magját keresem. Valószínűleg a növény azóta elvadult, úgyhogy a mag megszerzése nem olyan egyszerű. A kertje valahol a környéken lehet. Ha szeretnéd egy darabban megúszni, igyekezz _távol maradni az indás ostoraitól,_ Csábító ötletnek tűnhet tüzet használni, de kérlek, ne tedd: megölöd vele a növényt és tönkre teszed a magjait is.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_2=\n\nHa ezt megszerzed nekem, fizetségül örömmel neked adom egy szépen megmunkált varázspálcámat! Kettőt hoztam magammal, vidd el, amelyik jobban tetszik.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_2=\n\nHa ezt megszerzed nekem, fizetségül örömmel neked adom egy szépen megmunkált varázspálcámat! Kettőt hoztam magammal, vidd el, amelyik jobban tetszik.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_dust=Mi a helyzet a hullaporral, %s? Keresd a barikádot.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_dust=Mi a helyzet a hullaporral, %s? Keresd a barikádot.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_ember=Mi a helyzet azzal a parázzsal, %s? Keresned kell négy gyertyát és a szertartás helyét.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_ember=Mi a helyzet azzal a parázzsal, %s? Keresned kell négy gyertyát és a szertartás helyét.
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ actors.buffs.magicalsleep.name=Tidur Magis
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.toohealthy=Kau terlalu sehat, dan menolak untuk tidur.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.toohealthy=Kau terlalu sehat, dan menolak untuk tidur.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.fallasleep=Kau tertidur lelap dalam kekuatan magis.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.fallasleep=Kau tertidur lelap dalam kekuatan magis.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.wakeup=Kau bangun merasa segar dan sehat.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.wakeup=Kau bangun merasa segar dan sehat.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.desc=Karakter ini tidur lelap secara ajaib yang tidak akan terbangun secara natural.\n\nTidur magis ini sama seperti tidur biasa, kecuali hanya serangan yang akan membangunkan target.\n\nUntuk sang pahlawan, tidur magis ini mempunyai kekuatan meregenerasi, yang akan menyembuhkan luka saat istirahat.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.desc=Karakter ini tidur lelap secara ajaib yang tidak akan terbangun secara natural.\n\nTidur magis ini sama seperti tidur biasa, kecuali hanya serangan yang akan membangunkan target.\n\nUntuk sang pahlawan, tidur magis ini mempunyai kekuatan meregenerasi, yang akan menyembuhkan luka saat istirahat.
actors.buffs.magicimmune.name=Immune to Magic
actors.buffs.magicimmune.name=Immune to Magic
actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=All magical effects have lost their hold on you, you are completely impervious to them.\n\nWhile magic immune all harmful and helpful magical effects will not apply to you, including curses, enchants, wands, scrolls, etc.\n\nTurns of magic immunity remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=All magical effects have lost their hold on you, you are completely impervious to them.\n\nWhile magic immune all harmful and helpful magical effects will not apply to you, including curses, enchants, wands, scrolls, etc.\n\nTurns of magic immunity remaining: %s.
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ actors.buffs.slow.name=Rallentato
actors.buffs.slow.desc=Una magia rallentante influisce sullo scorrere del tempo del bersaglio, per esso ogni cosa si muove velocissima.\n\nUn personaggio rallentato esegue tutte le azioni nel doppio del tempo che impiegherebbe normalmente.\n\nTurni di rallentamento rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.slow.desc=Una magia rallentante influisce sullo scorrere del tempo del bersaglio, per esso ogni cosa si muove velocissima.\n\nUn personaggio rallentato esegue tutte le azioni nel doppio del tempo che impiegherebbe normalmente.\n\nTurni di rallentamento rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.snipersmark.name=Marchio del cecchino
actors.buffs.snipersmark.name=Marchio del cecchino
actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=il cecchino si concentra su di un bersaglio vicino, incrementando velocità di attacco e di penetrazione dell'armatura mentre lo attacca.\n\nIl cecchino rimarrà concentrato finché non cambierà bersaglio, smette di attaccare, o se il bersaglio muore.
actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=il cecchino si concentra su di un bersaglio vicino, incrementando velocità di attacco e di penetrazione dell'armatura mentre lo attacca.\n\nIl cecchino rimarrà concentrato finché non cambierà bersaglio, smette di attaccare, o se il bersaglio muore.
actors.buffs.soulmark.name=Anima segnata
actors.buffs.soulmark.name=Anima segnata
actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=Il warlock si è connesso all'anima di questa creatura. Guarirà e soddisferà la propria fame mentre subisce attacchi fisici.\n\nTurni di anima segnata rimanenti: %s.
actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=Il warlock si è connesso all'anima di questa creatura. Guarirà e soddisferà la propria fame mentre subisce attacchi fisici.\n\nTurni di anima segnata rimanenti: %s.
@ -368,12 +368,12 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_2=Oh, sei ancora vivo! Sapevo che il tuo kung-fu era
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.cya=Ci vediamo, %s!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.cya=Ci vediamo, %s!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.hey=Psst, %s!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.hey=Psst, %s!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.desc=I diavoletti sono demoni minori. Non sono noti né per la loro forza né per il talento con la magia, ma sono piuttosto furbi e socievoli. Molti diavoletti preferiscono vivere fra i non-demoni.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.desc=I diavoletti sono demoni minori. Non sono noti né per la loro forza né per il talento con la magia, ma sono piuttosto furbi e socievoli. Molti diavoletti preferiscono vivere fra i non-demoni.
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.name=diavoletto ambizioso
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.name=diavoletto ambizioso
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.greetings=Salve, %s!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.greetings=Salve, %s!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.thief=Pensavo di potermi fidare di te!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.thief=Pensavo di potermi fidare di te!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=I diavoletti sono demoni minori. Non sono noti né per la loro forza né per il talento con la magia, ma sono piuttosto furbi e socievoli. Molti diavoletti preferiscono vivere e fare affari tra i non-demoni.
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=I diavoletti sono demoni minori. Non sono noti né per la loro forza né per il talento con la magia, ma sono piuttosto furbi e socievoli. Molti diavoletti preferiscono vivere e fare affari tra i non-demoni.
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.name=immagine speculare
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.name=immagine speculare
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=Questa illusione presenta una stretta somiglianza con te, pare perfino brandire la tua arma e armatura attuali.\n\nLe immagini speculari andranno alla ricerca e attaccheranno i nemici usando le loro armi imitate, che si comportano come le tue ma infliggono meno danno. Le immagini appaiono all'inizio come evanescenti, ma assumeranno forma solida in modo da poter attaccare.\n\nSebbene il loro potere offensivo possa essere grande, le immagini speculari non possiedono robustezza e scompariranno nell'istante in cui subiscono danno.
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=Questa illusione presenta una stretta somiglianza con te, pare perfino brandire la tua arma e armatura attuali.\n\nLe immagini speculari andranno alla ricerca e attaccheranno i nemici usando le loro armi imitate, che si comportano come le tue ma infliggono meno danno. Le immagini appaiono all'inizio come evanescenti, ma assumeranno forma solida in modo da poter attaccare.\n\nSebbene il loro potere offensivo possa essere grande, le immagini speculari non possiedono robustezza e scompariranno nell'istante in cui subiscono danno.
@ -456,10 +456,10 @@ actors.mobs.eye.deathgaze_kill=Lo sguardo mortale ti ha ucciso...
actors.mobs.eye.desc=Gli Occhi Maligni sono sfere fluttuanti di energia demoniaca confinata. Sebbene siano in grado di combattere corpo a corpo, la loro vera forza deriva dalla loro magia.\n\nDopo aver accumulato energia per un breve periodo un Occhio Maligno scatenerà un devastante raggio di energia chiamato lo _sguardo mortale._ Qualunque cosa compresa nella linea visiva dell'Occhio Maligno riceverà un danno enorme, gli avventurieri saggi correranno al riparo.
actors.mobs.eye.desc=Gli Occhi Maligni sono sfere fluttuanti di energia demoniaca confinata. Sebbene siano in grado di combattere corpo a corpo, la loro vera forza deriva dalla loro magia.\n\nDopo aver accumulato energia per un breve periodo un Occhio Maligno scatenerà un devastante raggio di energia chiamato lo _sguardo mortale._ Qualunque cosa compresa nella linea visiva dell'Occhio Maligno riceverà un danno enorme, gli avventurieri saggi correranno al riparo.
actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=ratto fetido
actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=ratto fetido
actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=C'è chiaramente qualcosa di sbagliato in questo ratto. Il suo pelo nero unto e la sua pelle in decomposizione sono decisamente una novità rispetto ai ratti sani visti finora. I suoi occhi verde pallido lo fanno apparire particolarmente minaccioso. \n\nIl ratto si muove avvolto da una nube dal fetore tremendo, travolgente a distanza ravvicinata. \n\nUna bava nera che corrode il terreno cola dalla bocca del ratto, ma sembra dissolversi a contatto con l'acqua.
actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=C'è chiaramente qualcosa di sbagliato in questo ratto. Il suo pelo nero unto e la sua pelle in decomposizione sono decisamente una novità rispetto ai ratti sani visti finora. I suoi occhi verde pallido lo fanno apparire particolarmente minaccioso. \n\nIl ratto si muove avvolto da una nube dal fetore tremendo, travolgente a distanza ravvicinata. \n\nUna bava nera che corrode il terreno cola dalla bocca del ratto, ma sembra dissolversi a contatto con l'acqua.
actors.mobs.gnoll.name=gnoll esploratore
actors.mobs.gnoll.name=gnoll esploratore
actors.mobs.gnoll.desc=Gli Gnoll sono degli uomini-iena. Dimorano nelle fogne e nei labirinti, avventurandosi in superficie di tanto in tanto. \nGli gnoll esploratori sono membri tipici del loro branco, tuttavia non sono forti come i bruti ne' intelligenti come gli sciamani.
actors.mobs.gnoll.desc=Gli Gnoll sono degli uomini-iena. Dimorano nelle fogne e nei labirinti, avventurandosi in superficie di tanto in tanto. \nGli gnoll esploratori sono membri tipici del loro branco, tuttavia non sono forti come i bruti ne' intelligenti come gli sciamani.
actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.name=gnoll imbroglione
actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.name=gnoll imbroglione
actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.desc=Una creatura dall'aspetto strano, anche rispetto agli standard gnoll. È ingobbito in avanti con un ghigno perfido, quasi cullando la sacca che porta appesa alle spalle. I suoi grandi occhi trasmettono un mix di paura ed eccitazione. \n\nC'è una vasta collezione di dardi di scarsa qualità nella sua sacca, che paiono essere intinti con svariate sostanze nocive.
actors.mobs.gnolltrickster.desc=Una creatura dall'aspetto strano, anche rispetto agli standard gnoll. È ingobbito in avanti con un ghigno perfido, quasi cullando la sacca che porta appesa alle spalle. I suoi grandi occhi trasmettono un mix di paura ed eccitazione. \n\nC'è una vasta collezione di dardi di scarsa qualità nella sua sacca, che paiono essere intinti con svariate sostanze nocive.
@ -479,9 +479,9 @@ actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Assorbito da Goo
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Poco si sa di Goo. È possibile che non sia nemmeno una creatura, ma piuttosto un agglomerato di sostanze nauseabonde provenienti dalle fogne che in qualche modo ha ottenuto un'intelligenza elementare. In ogni caso, è magia nera quella che ha permesso a Goo di esistere.\n\nLa sua natura gelatinosa gli ha concesso di assorbire un sacco di energia oscura, avverti un brivido solo a stargli vicino. Se Goo è in grado di attaccare con tale energia non vivrai a lungo.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Poco si sa di Goo. È possibile che non sia nemmeno una creatura, ma piuttosto un agglomerato di sostanze nauseabonde provenienti dalle fogne che in qualche modo ha ottenuto un'intelligenza elementare. In ogni caso, è magia nera quella che ha permesso a Goo di esistere.\n\nLa sua natura gelatinosa gli ha concesso di assorbire un sacco di energia oscura, avverti un brivido solo a stargli vicino. Se Goo è in grado di attaccare con tale energia non vivrai a lungo.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=grande granchio
actors.mobs.greatcrab.name=grande granchio
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Il granchio si accorge dell'attacco e lo blocca con la sua chela imponente.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.noticed=Il granchio si accorge dell'attacco e lo blocca con la sua chela imponente.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=Questo granchio è gigantesco, anche rispetto agli altri granchi di fogna. Il suo guscio blu è ricoperto di spaccature e cirripedi, a dimostrazione della sua veneranda età. Si trascina lentamente, reggendo a malapena la sua imponente chela. \n\nNonostante il granchio abbia una sola chela, la sua dimensione è tale da compensare la mancanza dell'altra. Il granchio tiene la chela in fronte a sé ogni qual volta scorge una minaccia, facendosi scudo dietro ad un impenetrabile muro di carapace.
actors.mobs.greatcrab.desc=Questo granchio è gigantesco, anche rispetto agli altri granchi di fogna. Il suo guscio blu è ricoperto di spaccature e cirripedi, a dimostrazione della sua veneranda età. Si trascina lentamente, reggendo a malapena la sua imponente chela. \n\nNonostante il granchio abbia una sola chela, la sua dimensione è tale da compensare la mancanza dell'altra. Il granchio tiene la chela in fronte a sé ogni qual volta scorge una minaccia, facendosi scudo dietro ad un impenetrabile muro di carapace.
actors.mobs.guard.name=guardia della prigione
actors.mobs.guard.name=guardia della prigione
actors.mobs.guard.scorpion=Vieni qui!
actors.mobs.guard.scorpion=Vieni qui!
@ -520,14 +520,14 @@ actors.mobs.piranha.name=piranha gigante
actors.mobs.piranha.desc=Questi pesci carnivori non sono abitanti naturali degli stagni sotterranei. Sono stati allevati apposta per proteggere i tesori sommersi.
actors.mobs.piranha.desc=Questi pesci carnivori non sono abitanti naturali degli stagni sotterranei. Sono stati allevati apposta per proteggere i tesori sommersi.
actors.mobs.rat.name=ratto marsupiale
actors.mobs.rat.name=ratto marsupiale
actors.mobs.rat.desc=I ratti marsupiali sono aggressivi ma deboli abitanti delle fogne. Hanno un morso fastidioso, ma sono una minaccia mortale solo in gran numero.
actors.mobs.rat.desc=I ratti marsupiali sono aggressivi ma deboli abitanti delle fogne. Hanno un morso fastidioso, ma sono una minaccia mortale solo in gran numero.
actors.mobs.rotheart.name=cuore putrido
actors.mobs.rotheart.name=cuore putrido
actors.mobs.rotheart.desc=Un frutto di Baccamarcia è decisamente unico. Invece di maturare e fornire nutrimento, il frutto cresce, si indurisce e ingloba il seme. Fornisce protezione agli organi interni che crescono dentro al frutto. Ci si riferisce a questo globo gigante come al cuore di una pianta di Baccamarcia adulta.
actors.mobs.rotheart.desc=Un frutto di Baccamarcia è decisamente unico. Invece di maturare e fornire nutrimento, il frutto cresce, si indurisce e ingloba il seme. Fornisce protezione agli organi interni che crescono dentro al frutto. Ci si riferisce a questo globo gigante come al cuore di una pianta di Baccamarcia adulta.
actors.mobs.rotlasher.name=rovo putrido
actors.mobs.rotlasher.name=rovo putrido
actors.mobs.rotlasher.desc=Il rovo putrido è parte delle radici di una pianta di baccamarcia matura e costituisce il suo principale mezzo di difesa. I rovi sono piantati nel terreno, ma assalgono violentemente chiunque si avvicini. Quando non c'è nessuna preda in zona rimangono immobili, tentando di mimetizzarsi con la vegetazione circostante.
actors.mobs.rotlasher.desc=Il rovo putrido è parte delle radici di una pianta di baccamarcia matura e costituisce il suo principale mezzo di difesa. I rovi sono piantati nel terreno, ma assalgono violentemente chiunque si avvicini. Quando non c'è nessuna preda in zona rimangono immobili, tentando di mimetizzarsi con la vegetazione circostante.
actors.mobs.rotlasher$waiting.status=Questo %s è inattivo.
actors.mobs.rotlasher$waiting.status=Questo %s è inattivo.
actors.mobs.scorpio.desc=Questi enormi demoni aracniformi evitano il combattimento corpo a corpo con tutte le loro forze, sparando i loro aculei seghettati paralizzanti da lontano.
actors.mobs.scorpio.desc=Questi enormi demoni aracniformi evitano il combattimento corpo a corpo con tutte le loro forze, sparando i loro aculei seghettati paralizzanti da lontano.
@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ actors.mobs.shielded.def_verb=bloccato
actors.mobs.skeleton.explo_kill=Sei stato ucciso da un'esplosione d'ossa...
actors.mobs.skeleton.explo_kill=Sei stato ucciso da un'esplosione d'ossa...
actors.mobs.skeleton.desc=Gli scheletri sono composti dalle ossa dei cadaveri degli avventurieri sfortunati e degli abitanti del dungeon, animati dalle emanazioni di magia maligna proveniente dai livelli sottostanti. Se danneggiati a sufficienza si disintegrano in un'esplosione d'ossa.
actors.mobs.skeleton.desc=Gli scheletri sono composti dalle ossa dei cadaveri degli avventurieri sfortunati e degli abitanti del dungeon, animati dalle emanazioni di magia maligna proveniente dai livelli sottostanti. Se danneggiati a sufficienza si disintegrano in un'esplosione d'ossa.
actors.mobs.spinner.name=filatore delle caverne
actors.mobs.spinner.name=filatore delle caverne
actors.mobs.spinner.desc=Questi verdognoli, pelosi ragni delle caverne cercano di evitare il combattimento diretto, preferendo aspettare a distanza mentre le loro vittime, intrappolate nella ragnatela secreta, muoiono lentamente a causa del loro morso velenoso.
actors.mobs.spinner.desc=Questi verdognoli, pelosi ragni delle caverne cercano di evitare il combattimento diretto, preferendo aspettare a distanza mentre le loro vittime, intrappolate nella ragnatela secreta, muoiono lentamente a causa del loro morso velenoso.
@ -585,16 +585,16 @@ actors.mobs.yog.name=Yog-Dzewa
actors.mobs.yog.notice=La speranza è un'illusione...
actors.mobs.yog.notice=La speranza è un'illusione...
actors.mobs.yog.rankings_desc=Divorato da Yog-Dzewa
actors.mobs.yog.rankings_desc=Divorato da Yog-Dzewa
actors.mobs.yog.desc=Yog-Dzewa è un Antico Dio, una potente entità proveniente dai reami del caos. Un secolo fa, gli antichi nani vinsero a malapena la guerra contro il suo esercito di demoni, ma non riuscirono ad uccidere il dio stesso. Lo imprigionarono allora nelle sale sottostanti la loro città, ritenendolo troppo debole per potersi mai più risollevare.
actors.mobs.yog.desc=Yog-Dzewa è un Antico Dio, una potente entità proveniente dai reami del caos. Un secolo fa, gli antichi nani vinsero a malapena la guerra contro il suo esercito di demoni, ma non riuscirono ad uccidere il dio stesso. Lo imprigionarono allora nelle sale sottostanti la loro città, ritenendolo troppo debole per potersi mai più risollevare.
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.name=pugno in decomposizione
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.name=pugno in decomposizione
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.rankings_desc=Divorato da Yog-Dzewa
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.rankings_desc=Divorato da Yog-Dzewa
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa è un Dio Antico, una potente entità proveniente dai reami del caos. Un secolo fa, gli antichi nani vinsero a malapena la guerra contro il suo esercito di demoni, ma non riuscirono ad uccidere il dio stesso. Lo imprigionarono allora nelle sale sottostanti la loro città, ritenendolo troppo debole per potersi mai più risollevare.
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa è un Dio Antico, una potente entità proveniente dai reami del caos. Un secolo fa, gli antichi nani vinsero a malapena la guerra contro il suo esercito di demoni, ma non riuscirono ad uccidere il dio stesso. Lo imprigionarono allora nelle sale sottostanti la loro città, ritenendolo troppo debole per potersi mai più risollevare.
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.name=pugno ardente
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.name=pugno ardente
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.rankings_desc=Divorato da Yog-Dzewa
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.rankings_desc=Divorato da Yog-Dzewa
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa è un Dio Antico, una potente entità proveniente dai reami del caos. Un secolo fa, gli antichi nani vinsero a malapena la guerra contro il suo esercito di demoni, ma non riuscirono ad uccidere il dio stesso. Lo imprigionarono allora nelle sale sottostanti la loro città, ritenendolo troppo debole per potersi mai più risollevare.
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa è un Dio Antico, una potente entità proveniente dai reami del caos. Un secolo fa, gli antichi nani vinsero a malapena la guerra contro il suo esercito di demoni, ma non riuscirono ad uccidere il dio stesso. Lo imprigionarono allora nelle sale sottostanti la loro città, ritenendolo troppo debole per potersi mai più risollevare.
actors.mobs.yog$larva.name=larva del dio
actors.mobs.yog$larva.name=larva del dio
actors.mobs.yog$larva.rankings_desc=Divorato da Yog-Dzewa
actors.mobs.yog$larva.rankings_desc=Divorato da Yog-Dzewa
actors.mobs.yog$larva.desc=Yog-Dzewa è un Dio Antico, una potente entità proveniente dai reami del caos. Un secolo fa, gli antichi nani vinsero a malapena la guerra contro il suo esercito di demoni, ma non riuscirono ad uccidere il dio stesso. Lo imprigionarono allora nelle sale sottostanti la loro città, ritenendolo troppo debole per potersi mai più risollevare.
actors.mobs.yog$larva.desc=Yog-Dzewa è un Dio Antico, una potente entità proveniente dai reami del caos. Un secolo fa, gli antichi nani vinsero a malapena la guerra contro il suo esercito di demoni, ma non riuscirono ad uccidere il dio stesso. Lo imprigionarono allora nelle sale sottostanti la loro città, ritenendolo troppo debole per potersi mai più risollevare.
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ actors.blobs.web.desc=모든 것이 굵은 거미줄로 뒤덮혀 있다.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=물리적인 힘이 솟아나게 하는 아드레날린이 공격과 이동속도를 향상시켰습니다.\n\n아드레날린은 그것의 목표를 2배 빠르게 달리게 하고, 1.5배 빠르게 공격하게 합니다.\n\n아드레날린은 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.adrenaline.desc=물리적인 힘이 솟아나게 하는 아드레날린이 공격과 이동속도를 향상시켰습니다.\n\n아드레날린은 그것의 목표를 2배 빠르게 달리게 하고, 1.5배 빠르게 공격하게 합니다.\n\n아드레날린은 %s 턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.name=아드레날린 촉진
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.name=아드레날린 촉진
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=강력한 힘의 흐름이 느껴집니다. 아쉽게도 잠깐만 지속됩니다.\n\n힘 증가: +%d\n%s턴 후에 강화 효과가 약해집니다.
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=강력한 힘의 흐름이 느껴집니다. 아쉽게도 잠깐만 지속됩니다.\n\n힘 증가: +%d\n%s턴 후에 강화 효과가 약해집니다.
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ actors.buffs.hunger.desc_intro_starving=당신은 너무 배고파서 체력이
actors.buffs.hunger.desc=\n\n던전에서 시간을 보내는 동안 배고픔이 천천히 증가하여 결국 굶주리게 됩니다. 굶주리는 동안에는 체력이 회복되지 않고 천천히 감소합니다.\n\n식량 조절은 중요합니다! 남는 체력이 있다면 나중에 더 많은 식량을 위해 잠시 굶주리는것도 나쁘지 않은 생각 입니다. 효과적인 식량 조절로 음식을 훨씬 더 많이 절약할 수 있습니다.
actors.buffs.hunger.desc=\n\n던전에서 시간을 보내는 동안 배고픔이 천천히 증가하여 결국 굶주리게 됩니다. 굶주리는 동안에는 체력이 회복되지 않고 천천히 감소합니다.\n\n식량 조절은 중요합니다! 남는 체력이 있다면 나중에 더 많은 식량을 위해 잠시 굶주리는것도 나쁘지 않은 생각 입니다. 효과적인 식량 조절로 음식을 훨씬 더 많이 절약할 수 있습니다.
actors.buffs.invisibility.desc=당신은 주변 환경에 완벽하게 섞여들어 보이지 않습니다.\n\n 투명화 상태 동안 적들은 공격하거나 따라올 수 없습니다. 물리적 공격이나, 주문서 혹은 마법 막대 같은 마법 효과를 사용하는 것은 투명화를 즉시 중단시킵니다.\n\n투명화는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.invisibility.desc=당신은 주변 환경에 완벽하게 섞여들어 보이지 않습니다.\n\n투명화 상태 동안 적들은 공격하거나 따라올 수 없습니다. 물리적 공격이나, 주문서 혹은 마법 막대 같은 마법 효과를 사용하는 것은 투명화를 즉시 중단시킵니다.\n\n투명화는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.levitation.desc=마법의 힘이 당신을 공중으로 띄워 마치 무게가 없는 것 처럼 느껴집니다.\n\n공중에 뜬 상태에서는 모든 지면 공격을 무시합니다. 또한 함정을 밟지 않으며, 불을 끄기 위해 물에 들어갈 수 없고, 식물을 밟을 수 없고, 뿌리에 묶이지 않으며, 구덩이 위를 날아다닐 수 있습니다. 단 해당 타일은 부유 효과가 끝나자마자 밟을 때의 효과를 발동시키니 주의하십시오.\n\n부유 효과는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
actors.buffs.levitation.desc=마법의 힘이 당신을 공중으로 띄워 마치 무게가 없는 것 처럼 느껴집니다.\n\n공중에 뜬 상태에서는 모든 지면 공격을 무시합니다. 또한 함정을 밟지 않으며, 불을 끄기 위해 물에 들어갈 수 없고, 식물을 밟을 수 없고, 뿌리에 묶이지 않으며, 구덩이 위를 날아다닐 수 있습니다. 단 해당 타일은 부유 효과가 끝나자마자 밟을 때의 효과를 발동시키니 주의하십시오.\n\n부유 효과는 %s턴 동안 지속됩니다.
@ -350,12 +350,12 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.cant_reforge=이 물건들은 재주조할 수 없
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=저 트롤 대장장이는 다른 트롤과 비슷하게 생겼습니다. 키는 크고 늘씬하며, 피부의 색상과 질감이 바위 같습니다. 트롤 대장장이는 그의 덩치에 걸맞지 않는 작은 도구로 장비를 손질하고 있습니다.
actors.mobs.npcs.blacksmith.desc=저 트롤 대장장이는 다른 트롤과 비슷하게 생겼습니다. 키는 크고 늘씬하며, 피부의 색상과 질감이 바위 같습니다. 트롤 대장장이는 그의 덩치에 걸맞지 않는 작은 도구로 장비를 손질하고 있습니다.
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=슬픈 유령
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.name=슬픈 유령
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=반갑네 %s여... 한때 난 당신처럼 자신감 넘치고 강한 모험가였다네... 하지만 난 추악한 짐승에 의해 죽어 버렸네... 그래서 난 이 곳을 떠날 수 없지... 복수를 하기 전 까진 말야... _악취나는 쥐_ 를 죽여 줘... 놈이 내 목숨을 앗아 갔으니...\n\n놈은 이 바닥을 돌아다니며... 오물을 여기저기 퍼트리고 있어... _악취나는 구름과 산성 이빨을 조심해... 그리고 산성 공격은 물에 씻어낼 수 있어..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_1=반갑네 %s여... 한때 난 당신처럼 자신감 넘치고 강한 모험가였다네... 하지만 난 추악한 짐승에 의해 죽어 버렸네... 그래서 난 이 곳을 떠날 수 없지... 복수를 하기 전 까진 말야... _악취나는 쥐_ 를 죽여 줘... 놈이 내 목숨을 앗아 갔으니...\n\n놈은 이 바닥을 돌아다니며... 오물을 여기저기 퍼트리고 있어... _악취나는 구름과 산성 이빨을 조심해... 그리고 산성 공격은 물에 씻어낼 수 있어..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=부탁하네... 날 도와줘... 그 돌연변이를 죽여...\n\n_물 근처에서 싸워... 그리고 악취 구름을 피해..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.rat_2=부탁하네... 날 도와줘... 그 돌연변이를 죽여...\n\n_물 근처에서 싸워... 그리고 악취 구름을 피해..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=반갑네 %s여... 한때 난 당신처럼 자신감 넘치고 강한 모험가였다네... 하지만 난 비겁한 적에게 죽어 버렸네... 그래서 난 이 곳을 떠날 수 없지... 복수를 하기 전 까진 말야... _놀 사기꾼_ 을 죽여줘... 놈이 내 목숨을 앗아 갔으니...\n\n놈은 다른 놀과 달라... 숨어서 투척 무기를 사용해... _놈의 맹독과 화염 다트를 조심해... 멀리서 공격하려 하지 마..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_1=반갑네 %s여... 한때 난 당신처럼 자신감 넘치고 강한 모험가였다네... 하지만 난 비겁한 적에게 죽어 버렸네... 그래서 난 이 곳을 떠날 수 없지... 복수를 하기 전 까진 말야... _놀 사기꾼_ 을 죽여줘... 놈이 내 목숨을 앗아 갔으니...\n\n놈은 다른 놀과 달라... 숨어서 투척 무기를 사용해... _놈의 맹독과 화염 다트를 조심해... 멀리서 공격하려 하지 마..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_2=부탁하네... 날 도와줘... 그 사기꾼을 죽여...\n\n_녀석에게 공격할 틈을 줘선 안 돼... 거리를 좁혀야 해..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.gnoll_2=부탁하네... 날 도와줘... 그 사기꾼을 죽여...\n\n_녀석에게 공격할 틈을 줘선 안 돼... 거리를 좁혀야 해..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_1=반갑네 %s여... 한때 난 당신처럼 자신감 넘치고 강한 모험가였다네... 하지만 난 고대의 존재에게 죽어 버렸네... 그래서 난 이 곳을 떠날 수 없지... 복수를 하기 전 까진 말야... _거대한 게_ 를 죽여 줘... 놈이 내 목숨을 앗아 갔으니...\n\n놈은 비정상적으로 나이 들었어... 그리고 거대한 집게발 하나와 두꺼운 갑각으로 무장했지... _놈의 집게발을 조심해... 기습을 하지 않으면 어떤 공격이든 방어할 테니까..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_1=반갑네 %s여... 한때 난 당신처럼 자신감 넘치고 강한 모험가였다네... 하지만 난 고대의 존재에게 죽어 버렸네... 그래서 난 이 곳을 떠날 수 없지... 복수를 하기 전 까진 말야... _거대한 게_ 를 죽여 줘... 놈이 내 목숨을 앗아 갔으니...\n\n놈은 비정상적으로 나이 들었어... 그리고 거대한 집게발 하나와 두꺼운 갑각으로 무장했지... _놈의 집게발을 조심해... 기습을 하지 않으면 어떤 공격이든 방어할 테니까..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_2=부탁하네... 날 도와줘... 그 게새끼를 죽여...\n\n_기습을 하지 않으면... 어떤 공격이든 막아 버려..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.crab_2=부탁하네... 날 도와줘... 그 게새끼를 죽여...\n\n_기습을 하지 않으면... 어떤 공격이든 막아 버려..._
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.find_me=고마워... 나를 찾아 와...
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.find_me=고마워... 나를 찾아 와...
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.desc=이 유령은 거의 보이지 않습니다. 슬픈 얼굴을 하고 있는 형체 없는 흐릿한 빛을 띄고 있습니다.
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.desc=이 유령은 거의 보이지 않습니다. 슬픈 얼굴을 하고 있는 형체 없는 흐릿한 빛을 띄고 있습니다.
@ -407,9 +407,9 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_huntress=아 반갑네, 여인이여! 이렇게
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\n난 마법 막대를 만들 희귀할 재료를 찾으러 왔네, 하지만 여기서 길을 잃었고, 마법 보호막도 점점 힘을 잃어가는구먼. 곧 여길 떠야할 것 같지만, 그 물건을 못 얻고 그냥 갈 수는 없어서 말야.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_1=\n\n난 마법 막대를 만들 희귀할 재료를 찾으러 왔네, 하지만 여기서 길을 잃었고, 마법 보호막도 점점 힘을 잃어가는구먼. 곧 여길 떠야할 것 같지만, 그 물건을 못 얻고 그냥 갈 수는 없어서 말야.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=내가 필요한 건 _시체 먼지_ 일세. 이러한 장소에서만 나온다는 특별한 종류의 저주받은 뼛가루지. 여기 어딘가에 나무로 막힌 문이 있을 껀데, 그 문 너머에 있을 거라고 확신하지. 하지만 주의하게나. 그 먼지가 가진 저주는 꽤 강력하거든, _먼지를 얻었으면 최대한 빨리 나에게로 돌아와 주게._ 그 저주를 정화해 줄 테니 말야.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_dust=내가 필요한 건 _시체 먼지_ 일세. 이러한 장소에서만 나온다는 특별한 종류의 저주받은 뼛가루지. 여기 어딘가에 나무로 막힌 문이 있을 껀데, 그 문 너머에 있을 거라고 확신하지. 하지만 주의하게나. 그 먼지가 가진 저주는 꽤 강력하거든, _먼지를 얻었으면 최대한 빨리 나에게로 돌아와 주게._ 그 저주를 정화해 줄 테니 말야.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_ember=내가 필요한 건 갓 소환된 불정령에서 얻을 수 있는 _신선한 잉걸불_ 일세. 정령은 조정되지 않은 소환 의식으로 쉽게 부를 수 있으니, 의식의 제단에 양초를 몇 개 가져가면 하나 소환할 수 있을 걸세. 정령은 강하지만 얼음으로 쉽게 제압할 수 있으니, _얼음을 일으키는 아이템을 가져가면 편리할 걸세._
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_ember=내가 필요한 건 갓 소환된 불정령에서 얻을 수 있는 _신선한 잉걸불_ 일세. 정령은 조정되지 않은 소환 의식으로 쉽게 부를 수 있으니, 의식의 제단에 양초를 몇 개 가져가면 하나 소환할 수 있을 걸세. 정령은 강하지만 얼음으로 쉽게 제압할 수 있으니, _얼음을 일으키는 아이템을 가져가면 편리할 걸세._
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_berry=예전에 이 감옥의 한 간수는 _썩은열매 식물_ 을 키웠다고 하더군, 그리고 난 그 씨앗을 필요로 한다네. 하지만 지금쯤 그 식물은 통제불능으로 자랐을 꺼고, 씨앗을 쉽게 얻을 수는 없을 것일세. 썩은열매가 만든 정원은 여기 근처에 있을 걸세. 살고 싶으면 _덩굴에 묶이지 않게 주의_ 하게나. 불을 쓰고 싶겠지만, 불을 이용하면 식물과 함께 씨앗을 태워 버리니 _불은 절대로 사용하면 안 된다네._
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_berry=예전에 이 감옥의 한 간수는 _썩은열매 식물_ 을 키웠다고 하더군, 그리고 난 그 씨앗을 필요로 한다네. 하지만 지금쯤 그 식물은 통제불능으로 자랐을 꺼고, 씨앗을 쉽게 얻을 수는 없을 것일세. 썩은열매가 만든 정원은 여기 근처에 있을 걸세. 살고 싶으면 _덩굴에 묶이지 않게 주의_ 하게나. 불을 쓰고 싶겠지만, 불을 이용하면 식물과 함께 씨앗을 태워 버리니 _불은 절대로 사용하면 안 된다네._
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_2=\n\n그 물건을 내게 가져오면 특별히 이 늙은이가 정성스레 만든 마법 막대를 보답으로 주지! 나 한테 두 개가 있으니, 둘 중 하나 원하는 것을 가져가면 된다네.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.intro_2=\n\n그 물건을 내게 가져오면 특별히 이 늙은이가 정성스레 만든 마법 막대를 보답으로 주지! 나 한테 두 개가 있으니, 둘 중 하나 원하는 것을 가져가면 된다네.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_dust=시체 먼지는 아직인가, %s(이)여? 나무로 막힌 곳을 찾아보게나.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_dust=시체 먼지는 아직인가, %s(이)여? 나무로 막힌 곳을 찾아보게나.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_ember=잉걸불은 아직인가, %s(이)여? 양초 4개를 찾아 의식의 제단으로 가게나.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_ember=잉걸불은 아직인가, %s(이)여? 양초 4개를 찾아 의식의 제단으로 가게나.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_berry=썩은열매 씨앗은 아직인가, %s(이)여? 식물로 가득 찬 방을 찾아 보게나.
actors.mobs.npcs.wandmaker.reminder_berry=썩은열매 씨앗은 아직인가, %s(이)여? 식물로 가득 찬 방을 찾아 보게나.
@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ actors.mobs.king.arise=일어나라, 나의 종들아!
actors.mobs.king.rankings_desc=드워프의 제왕에게 무릎 꿇음
actors.mobs.king.rankings_desc=드워프의 제왕에게 무릎 꿇음
actors.mobs.king.desc=드워프들의 마지막 왕은 삶과 죽음의 방식을 깊게 연구한 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 그는 왕국의 신하들을 꼬드겨 영생을 부여하는 의식에 강제로 참가시키게 했습니다. 최후에는 드워프 왕이 바라는 대로 영생을 얻었고, 추가로 많은 언데드 군단도 덤으로 얻었습니다.
actors.mobs.king.desc=드워프들의 마지막 왕은 삶과 죽음의 방식을 깊게 연구한 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 그는 왕국의 신하들을 꼬드겨 영생을 부여하는 의식에 강제로 참가시키게 했습니다. 최후에는 드워프 왕이 바라는 대로 영생을 얻었고, 추가로 많은 언데드 군단도 덤으로 얻었습니다.
actors.mobs.king$undead.name=언데드 드워프
actors.mobs.king$undead.name=언데드 드워프
actors.mobs.king$undead.rankings_desc=드워프의 제왕에게 무릎 꿇음
actors.mobs.king$undead.rankings_desc=드워프의 제왕에게 무릎 꿇음
actors.mobs.king$undead.desc=드워프 제왕에게 일으켜진 이 언데드 드워프들은, 한때 왕국의 신하들이었습니다. 엄청난 양의 수염이 자라난 해골처럼 생겼습니다.
actors.mobs.king$undead.desc=드워프 제왕에게 일으켜진 이 언데드 드워프들은, 한때 왕국의 신하들이었습니다. 엄청난 양의 수염이 자라난 해골처럼 생겼습니다.
@ -587,13 +587,13 @@ actors.mobs.yog.defeated=...
actors.mobs.yog.rankings_desc=요그제바에게 삼켜짐
actors.mobs.yog.rankings_desc=요그제바에게 삼켜짐
actors.mobs.yog.desc=요그제바는 고대의 신으로, 혼돈의 땅에서 온 강력한 존재입니다. 수 세기 전에, 고대 드워프들은 겨우 악마 군단과의 전쟁에서 이겼지만, 신을 죽일 수는 없었습니다. 대신에 그들은 요그제바가 다시는 일어날 수 없다고 여기며 도시 아래 회당에 가두었습니다.
actors.mobs.yog.desc=요그제바는 고대의 신으로, 혼돈의 땅에서 온 강력한 존재입니다. 수 세기 전에, 고대 드워프들은 겨우 악마 군단과의 전쟁에서 이겼지만, 신을 죽일 수는 없었습니다. 대신에 그들은 요그제바가 다시는 일어날 수 없다고 여기며 도시 아래 회당에 가두었습니다.
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.name=부패하는 주먹
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.name=부패하는 주먹
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.rankings_desc=요그-제바에게 잡아먹힘
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.rankings_desc=요그-제바에게 잡아먹힘
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.desc=요그-제바는 고대의 신이며, 혼돈의 땅에서 온 강력한 존재입니다. 몇 세기 전, 고대 드워프들은 겨우 악마 군단과의 전쟁에서 이겼지만, 신을 죽일 순 없었습니다. 대신, 그들은 악마들이 다시 일어날 수 없을 정도로 약화되었다고 믿으며 그들을 도시 아래에 가두어 버렸습니다.
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.desc=요그-제바는 고대의 신이며, 혼돈의 땅에서 온 강력한 존재입니다. 몇 세기 전, 고대 드워프들은 겨우 악마 군단과의 전쟁에서 이겼지만, 신을 죽일 순 없었습니다. 대신, 그들은 악마들이 다시 일어날 수 없을 정도로 약화되었다고 믿으며 그들을 도시 아래에 가두어 버렸습니다.
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.name=불타오르는 주먹
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.name=불타오르는 주먹
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.rankings_desc=요그-제바에게 잡아먹힘
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.rankings_desc=요그-제바에게 잡아먹힘
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.desc=요그-제바는 고대의 신이며, 혼돈의 땅에서 온 강력한 존재입니다. 몇 세기 전, 고대 드워프들은 겨우 악마 군단과의 전쟁에서 이겼지만, 신을 죽일 순 없었습니다. 대신, 그들은 악마들이 다시 일어날 수 없을 정도로 약화되었다고 믿으며 그들을 도시 아래에 가두어 버렸습니다.
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.desc=요그-제바는 고대의 신이며, 혼돈의 땅에서 온 강력한 존재입니다. 몇 세기 전, 고대 드워프들은 겨우 악마 군단과의 전쟁에서 이겼지만, 신을 죽일 순 없었습니다. 대신, 그들은 악마들이 다시 일어날 수 없을 정도로 약화되었다고 믿으며 그들을 도시 아래에 가두어 버렸습니다.
actors.mobs.yog$larva.name=신의 애벌레
actors.mobs.yog$larva.name=신의 애벌레
actors.mobs.yog$larva.rankings_desc=요그-제바에게 잡아먹힘
actors.mobs.yog$larva.rankings_desc=요그-제바에게 잡아먹힘
actors.mobs.yog$larva.desc=요그-제바는 고대의 신이며, 혼돈의 땅에서 온 강력한 존재입니다. 몇 세기 전, 고대 드워프들은 겨우 악마 군단과의 전쟁에서 이겼지만, 신을 죽일 순 없었습니다. 대신, 그들은 악마들이 다시 일어날 수 없을 정도로 약화되었다고 믿으며 그들을 도시 아래에 가두어 버렸습니다.
actors.mobs.yog$larva.desc=요그-제바는 고대의 신이며, 혼돈의 땅에서 온 강력한 존재입니다. 몇 세기 전, 고대 드워프들은 겨우 악마 군단과의 전쟁에서 이겼지만, 신을 죽일 순 없었습니다. 대신, 그들은 악마들이 다시 일어날 수 없을 정도로 약화되었다고 믿으며 그들을 도시 아래에 가두어 버렸습니다.
@ -361,19 +361,19 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.find_me=Dziękuję... Odszukaj mnie...
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.desc=Duch jest prawie widoczny. Wygląda jak bezkształtna plama ze smutną twarzą.
actors.mobs.npcs.ghost.desc=Duch jest prawie widoczny. Wygląda jak bezkształtna plama ze smutną twarzą.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.name=żądny diabełek
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.name=żądny diabełek
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_1=Jesteś poszukiwaczem przygód? Kocham poszukiwaczy przygód! Zawsze można na nich liczyć, gdy trzeba coś zabić. Mam rację? Za zapłatą oczywiście ;)\nW moim przypadku chodzi o _golemy,_ które muszą zostać zgładzone. Widzisz, mam zamiar rozkręcić tu mały biznesik, ale te cholerne golemy mi w tym przeszkadzają. Uwierz, trudno jest negocjować z błąkającymi się grudami granitu, a niech ich...! Proszę cię, zabij... powiedzmy, _sześciu_ a nagroda cię nie ominie.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_1=Jesteś poszukiwaczem przygód? Kocham poszukiwaczy przygód! Zawsze można na nich liczyć, gdy trzeba coś zabić. Mam rację? Za zapłatą oczywiście ;)\nW moim przypadku chodzi o _golemy,_ które muszą zostać zgładzone. Widzisz, mam zamiar rozkręcić tu mały biznesik, ale te cholerne golemy mi w tym przeszkadzają. Uwierz, trudno jest negocjować z błąkającymi się grudami granitu, a niech ich...! Proszę cię, zabij... powiedzmy, _sześciu_ a nagroda cię nie ominie.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_1=Jesteś poszukiwaczem przygód? Kocham poszukiwaczy przygód! Zawsze można na nich liczyć, gdy trzeba coś zabić. Mam rację? Za zapłatą oczywiście ;)\nW moim przypadku chodzi o _mnichów,_ którzy muszą zostać zgładzeni. Widzisz, mam zamiar rozkręcić tu mały biznesik, ale ci szaleńcy nigdy nic nie kupują i przeganiają innych klientów. Więc proszę, zabij... powiedzmy _ośmiu_ a nagroda cię nie ominie.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_1=Jesteś poszukiwaczem przygód? Kocham poszukiwaczy przygód! Zawsze można na nich liczyć, gdy trzeba coś zabić. Mam rację? Za zapłatą oczywiście ;)\nW moim przypadku chodzi o _mnichów,_ którzy muszą zostać zgładzeni. Widzisz, mam zamiar rozkręcić tu mały biznesik, ale ci szaleńcy nigdy nic nie kupują i przeganiają innych klientów. Więc proszę, zabij... powiedzmy _ośmiu_ a nagroda cię nie ominie.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_2=Jak ci idzie polowanie na te cholerne golemy?
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.golems_2=Jak ci idzie polowanie na te cholerne golemy?
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_2=O, nadal żyjesz! Wiedziałem, że twoje kung-fu jest silniejsze ;) Nie zapomnij o tych mnisich żetonach, które upuszczają.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.monks_2=O, nadal żyjesz! Wiedziałem, że twoje kung-fu jest silniejsze ;) Nie zapomnij o tych mnisich żetonach, które upuszczają.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.cya=Do zobaczenia, %s!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.cya=Do zobaczenia, %s!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.hey=Psst, %s!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.hey=Psst, %s!
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.desc=Diabełki to pomniejsze demony. Są znane z braku znajomości magii i małej siły fizycznej, są całkiem inteligentne i towarzyskie. Wielu diabełków preferuje życie pomiędzy nie-demonami.
actors.mobs.npcs.imp.desc=Diabełki to pomniejsze demony. Są znane z braku znajomości magii i małej siły fizycznej, są całkiem inteligentne i towarzyskie. Wielu diabełków preferuje życie pomiędzy nie-demonami.
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.name=żądny diabełek
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.name=żądny diabełek
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.greetings=Witaj, %s
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.greetings=Witaj, %s
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.thief=Myślałem, że mogę ci zaufać!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.thief=Myślałem, że mogę ci zaufać!
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=Diabełki to pomniejsze demony. Są znane z braku znajomości magii i małej siły fizycznej, są całkiem inteligentne i towarzyskie. Wielu diabełków preferuje życie pomiędzy nie-demonami.
actors.mobs.npcs.impshopkeeper.desc=Diabełki to pomniejsze demony. Są znane z braku znajomości magii i małej siły fizycznej, są całkiem inteligentne i towarzyskie. Wielu diabełków preferuje życie pomiędzy nie-demonami.
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.name=lustrzane odbicie
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.name=lustrzane odbicie
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=Ta iluzja do złudzenia przypomina ciebie, ma nawet taką samą zbroję i broń co ty.\n\nLustrzane odbicia będą szukać i atakować wrogów za pomocą sztucznej broni która zachowuje się jak twoja, ale zadaje mniej obrażeń. Na początku ma formę ducha, ale żeby atakować, musi zmienić swoją formę na stałą.\n\nNawet jeśli ich moc ataku może być pomocna, lustrzane odbicia nie mają wytrzymałości, i znikną w chwili otrzymania jakichkolwiek obrażeń.
actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.desc=Ta iluzja do złudzenia przypomina ciebie, ma nawet taką samą zbroję i broń co ty.\n\nLustrzane odbicia będą szukać i atakować wrogów za pomocą sztucznej broni która zachowuje się jak twoja, ale zadaje mniej obrażeń. Na początku ma formę ducha, ale żeby atakować, musi zmienić swoją formę na stałą.\n\nNawet jeśli ich moc ataku może być pomocna, lustrzane odbicia nie mają wytrzymałości, i znikną w chwili otrzymania jakichkolwiek obrażeń.
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.baa!=Bee!
actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.desc=To magiczna owca. Co jest w niej takiego magicznego? Nie możesz jej zabić. Będzie sobie tak stała dopóki nie zniknie. Magicznie.
actors.mobs.npcs.sheep.desc=To magiczna owca. Co jest w niej takiego magicznego? Nie możesz jej zabić. Będzie sobie tak stała dopóki nie zniknie. Magicznie.
actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.thief=Złodziej, złodziej!
actors.mobs.npcs.shopkeeper.thief=Złodziej, złodziej!
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ actors.mobs.dm300.repair=DM-300 naprawia się!
actors.mobs.dm300.rankings_desc=Zmiażdżony przez DM-300
actors.mobs.dm300.rankings_desc=Zmiażdżony przez DM-300
actors.mobs.dm300.desc=Jest to jedna z maszyn, stworzonych przez krasnoludy kilka wieków temu, jeszcze zanim zaczęły one wymieniać je na golemy, żywioły i demony. Ostatecznie to stało się powodem upadku ich cywilizacji. DM-300 i tego typu maszyny były na ogół używane do budowania i górnictwa, i - od czasu do czasu - do obrony miast.
actors.mobs.dm300.desc=Jest to jedna z maszyn, stworzonych przez krasnoludy kilka wieków temu, jeszcze zanim zaczęły one wymieniać je na golemy, żywioły i demony. Ostatecznie to stało się powodem upadku ich cywilizacji. DM-300 i tego typu maszyny były na ogół używane do budowania i górnictwa, i - od czasu do czasu - do obrony miast.
actors.mobs.elemental.name=żywiołak ognia
actors.mobs.elemental.name=żywiołak ognia
actors.mobs.elemental.desc=Wędrujące żywiołaki ognia są produktem ubocznym przyzywania większych istot. Są w swej naturze zbyt chaotyczne aby mógł je kontrolować nawet najpotężniejszy demonolog.
actors.mobs.elemental.desc=Wędrujące żywiołaki ognia są produktem ubocznym przyzywania większych istot. Są w swej naturze zbyt chaotyczne aby mógł je kontrolować nawet najpotężniejszy demonolog.
actors.mobs.eye.name=złowieszcze oko
actors.mobs.eye.name=złowieszcze oko
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ actors.mobs.eye.deathgaze_kill=Śmiertelny wzrok zabił cię...
actors.mobs.eye.desc=Złowieszcze oczy są unoszącymi się kulami wypełnionymi demoniczną energią. Podczas gdy są one zdolne do walki wręcz, ich prawdziwa moc wynika z ich magii.\n\nPo załadowaniu energią, złowieszcze oko wystrzeli niszczącą wiązkę energii zwaną _śmiertelnym wzrokiem._ Wszystko w zasięgu wzroku złowieszczego oka zostanie poważnie uszkodzone, roztropni eksploratorzy uciekną, aby się chronić.
actors.mobs.eye.desc=Złowieszcze oczy są unoszącymi się kulami wypełnionymi demoniczną energią. Podczas gdy są one zdolne do walki wręcz, ich prawdziwa moc wynika z ich magii.\n\nPo załadowaniu energią, złowieszcze oko wystrzeli niszczącą wiązkę energii zwaną _śmiertelnym wzrokiem._ Wszystko w zasięgu wzroku złowieszczego oka zostanie poważnie uszkodzone, roztropni eksploratorzy uciekną, aby się chronić.
actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=Cuchnący szczur
actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=Cuchnący szczur
actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=Z tym szczurem zdecydowanie jest coś nie tak. Jego tłuste, czarne futro i gnijąca skóra wyglądają zupełnie inaczej niż te, które widziałeś wcześniej u zdrowych szczurów. Jego jasnozielone oczka błyszczą złowrogo.\n\nWokół szczura unosi się cuchnący obłok, zdolny obezwładnić każdego w jego otoczeniu.\n\nZ pysku szczura cieknie ciemny szlam, przeżerając się przez podłogę. Wygląda na to, że rozpuszcza się w wodzie.
actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=Z tym szczurem zdecydowanie jest coś nie tak. Jego tłuste, czarne futro i gnijąca skóra wyglądają zupełnie inaczej niż te, które widziałeś wcześniej u zdrowych szczurów. Jego jasnozielone oczka błyszczą złowrogo.\n\nWokół szczura unosi się cuchnący obłok, zdolny obezwładnić każdego w jego otoczeniu.\n\nZ pysku szczura cieknie ciemny szlam, przeżerając się przez podłogę. Wygląda na to, że rozpuszcza się w wodzie.
actors.mobs.gnoll.name=gnoll zwiadowca
actors.mobs.gnoll.name=gnoll zwiadowca
actors.mobs.gnoll.desc=Gnolle to hienopodobne humanoidy. Żyją w kanałach i lochach, od czasu do czasu wyruszają na rabunek na powierzchni. Gnolle zwiadowcy są stałymi członkami ich bandy, nie są tak silni jak brutale i nie tak inteligentni jak szamanowie.
actors.mobs.gnoll.desc=Gnolle to hienopodobne humanoidy. Żyją w kanałach i lochach, od czasu do czasu wyruszają na rabunek na powierzchni. Gnolle zwiadowcy są stałymi członkami ich bandy, nie są tak silni jak brutale i nie tak inteligentni jak szamanowie.
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ actors.mobs.goo.notice=GLUP, GLUP!
actors.mobs.goo.defeated=glup, gluuup...
actors.mobs.goo.defeated=glup, gluuup...
actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Maź się wzdyma!
actors.mobs.goo.pumpup=Maź się wzdyma!
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Pochłonięty przez Maź
actors.mobs.goo.rankings_desc=Pochłonięty przez Maź
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Niewiele wiadomo o Mazi. Jest całkiem możliwe, że to nawet nie jest żywe stworzenie, tylko zlepek śmieci i śluzu ze ścieków, który dziwnym trafem zyskał prymitywną inteligencję. Tak czy siak, tylko mroczna magia pozwala istnieć czemuś takiemu.\n\nJej galaretowaty charakter pozwala jej na wchłanianie mrocznej energii, nawet z tej odległości czujesz jej chłodny powiew. Jeśli Maź będzie w stanie zaatakować z taką energią, marny Twój los.
actors.mobs.goo.desc=Niewiele wiadomo o Mazi. Jest całkiem możliwe, że to nawet nie jest żywe stworzenie, tylko zlepek śmieci i śluzu ze ścieków, który dziwnym trafem zyskał prymitywną inteligencję. Tak czy siak, tylko mroczna magia pozwala istnieć czemuś takiemu.\n\nJej galaretowaty charakter pozwala jej na wchłanianie mrocznej energii, nawet z tej odległości czujesz jej chłodny powiew. Jeśli Maź będzie w stanie zaatakować z taką energią, marny Twój los.
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ actors.mobs.skeleton.def_verb=blok
actors.mobs.skeleton.desc=Ożywione szkielety są skomponowane z kości trucheł pechowych poszukiwaczy przygód i mieszkańców lochów. Ożywione przez emanującą złą magię, której źródła znajdują się głębiej. Kiedy zostaną dostatecznie zniszczeni, ich kości eksplodują we wszystkich kierunkach raniąc okoliczne formy życia.
actors.mobs.skeleton.desc=Ożywione szkielety są skomponowane z kości trucheł pechowych poszukiwaczy przygód i mieszkańców lochów. Ożywione przez emanującą złą magię, której źródła znajdują się głębiej. Kiedy zostaną dostatecznie zniszczeni, ich kości eksplodują we wszystkich kierunkach raniąc okoliczne formy życia.
actors.mobs.spinner.name=jaskiniowa prządka
actors.mobs.spinner.name=jaskiniowa prządka
actors.mobs.spinner.desc=Te jaskiniowe pająki pokryte zielonym futrem starają się unikać walki. Wolą poczekać z dala, gdy ich ofiara wplątana w ich pajęczą sieć powolnie umiera w skutku trujących ugryzień.
actors.mobs.spinner.desc=Te jaskiniowe pająki pokryte zielonym futrem starają się unikać walki. Wolą poczekać z dala, gdy ich ofiara wplątana w ich pajęczą sieć powolnie umiera w skutku trujących ugryzień.
actors.mobs.statue.name=ożywiona rzeźba
actors.mobs.statue.name=ożywiona rzeźba
actors.mobs.statue.desc=Pomyślałbyś, że to jedna z wielu ohydnych statui w tych lochach. Jednak jej czerwone lśniące w mroku oczy cię zwodzą. \n\nSama statua zrobiona jest z kamienia, jednak _%s._ wygląda na prawdziwy.
actors.mobs.statue.desc=Pomyślałbyś, że to jedna z wielu ohydnych statui w tych lochach. Jednak jej czerwone lśniące w mroku oczy cię zwodzą. \n\nSama statua zrobiona jest z kamienia, jednak _%s._ wygląda na prawdziwy.
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=De alguma forma você pode ver todas as criaturas d
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Enquanto move, o corredor junta impulso, aumentando sua velocidade e habilidade de desviar.\n\nO bonus de velocidade é baseado puramente no impulso, porém o bonus para desviar também é afetado pela armadura\n\nO corredor ganhará desvio adicional do impulso para cada ponto excessivo de força que ele tiver sobre sua armadura.\n\nPoder do impulso atual: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Enquanto move, o corredor junta impulso, aumentando sua velocidade e habilidade de desviar.\n\nO bonus de velocidade é baseado puramente no impulso, porém o bonus para desviar também é afetado pela armadura\n\nO corredor ganhará desvio adicional do impulso para cada ponto excessivo de força que ele tiver sobre sua armadura.\n\nPoder do impulso atual: %d%%.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Lodo cáustico
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Lodo cáustico
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=O lodo cáustico está devorando a sua carne! Lave-o na água!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=O lodo cáustico está devorando a sua carne! Lave-o na água!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Você derreteu...
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Você derreteu...
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ actors.mobs.elemental.desc=Elementais de fogo são um subproduto gerado ao invoc
actors.mobs.eye.name=mau olhado
actors.mobs.eye.name=mau olhado
actors.mobs.eye.deathgaze_kill=O olhar da morte matou você...
actors.mobs.eye.deathgaze_kill=O olhar da morte matou você...
actors.mobs.eye.desc=Olhos Perversos são bolas flutuantes de pura energia demoníaca. Enquanto são capazes de combates corporais, sua força é vem de sua magia.\n\nDepois de carregar energia por um curto período de tempo um Olho Perverso dispara um raio devastador chamado _olhar da morte._ Qualquer coisa na vista dos Olhos Perversos tomarão um tremendo dano, aventureiros espertos correrão para abrigos.
actors.mobs.eye.desc=Olhos Perversos são bolas flutuantes de pura energia demoníaca. Enquanto são capazes de combates corporais, sua força é vem de sua magia.\n\nDepois de carregar energia por um curto período de tempo um Olho Perverso dispara um raio devastador chamado _olhar da morte._ Qualquer coisa na vista dos Olhos Perversos tomarão um tremendo dano, aventureiros espertos correrão para abrigos.
actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=ratazana fétida
actors.mobs.fetidrat.name=ratazana fétida
actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=Algo está claramente errado com este rato. Sua pele preta oleosa e pele podre são muito diferentes dos ratos saudáveis que você viu anteriormente. Seus olhos verdes pálidos fazem parecer especialmente ameaçador.\n\nO rato carrega uma nuvem de fedor horrível com ele, é extremamente forte de perto.\n\nUm Lodo escuro escorrer da boca do rato, corrói pelo chão, mas parece se dissolver na água.
actors.mobs.fetidrat.desc=Algo está claramente errado com este rato. Sua pele preta oleosa e pele podre são muito diferentes dos ratos saudáveis que você viu anteriormente. Seus olhos verdes pálidos fazem parecer especialmente ameaçador.\n\nO rato carrega uma nuvem de fedor horrível com ele, é extremamente forte de perto.\n\nUm Lodo escuro escorrer da boca do rato, corrói pelo chão, mas parece se dissolver na água.
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ actors.mobs.tengu.notice_face=Me encare, %s!
actors.mobs.tengu.interesting=Vamos tornar isto mais interessante...
actors.mobs.tengu.interesting=Vamos tornar isto mais interessante...
actors.mobs.tengu.defeated=Finalmente livre...
actors.mobs.tengu.defeated=Finalmente livre...
actors.mobs.tengu.rankings_desc=Assassinado pelo Tengu
actors.mobs.tengu.rankings_desc=Assassinado pelo Tengu
actors.mobs.tengu.desc=Um famoso e enigmático assassino, nomeado pela máscara transplantada em seu rosto.\n\nTengu está um amarrado com largas algemas de metal em seu joelhos e pulsos, mas aparentemente ele se livrou de suas correntes há muito tempo.\n\nEle tentará usar armadilhas, magia enganadora e ataques precisos para eliminar a única coisa que existe entre ele e sua fuga: você.
actors.mobs.tengu.desc=Um famoso e enigmático assassino, nomeado pela máscara transplantada em seu rosto.\n\nTengu está um amarrado com largas algemas de metal em seu joelhos e pulsos, mas aparentemente ele se livrou de suas correntes há muito tempo.\n\nEle tentará usar armadilhas, magia enganadora e ataques precisos para eliminar a única coisa que existe entre ele e sua fuga: você.
actors.mobs.thief.name=ladrão louco
actors.mobs.thief.name=ladrão louco
actors.mobs.thief.stole=O ladrão roubou %s de você!
actors.mobs.thief.stole=O ladrão roubou %s de você!
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ actors.buffs.barrier.desc=Прочный магический пузырь, бл
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Чем глубже раны берсерка, тем яростнее его удары. При получении физического урона берсерк накапливает неистовство и наносит дополнительный урон. Заблокированный доспехом урон также учитывается при накоплении неистовства.\n\nСо временем ярость рассеивается, но тем медленнее, чем ниже уровень здоровья берсерка.\n\nЕсли здоровье берсерка опустилось до 0 ОЗ, но при этом его неистовство достигло максимума и на нем надета печать, он сможет балансировать на грани смерти и не умирать в течение некоторого времени.\n\nНеистовство: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Чем глубже раны берсерка, тем яростнее его удары. При получении физического урона берсерк накапливает неистовство и наносит дополнительный урон. Заблокированный доспехом урон также учитывается при накоплении неистовства.\n\nСо временем ярость рассеивается, но тем медленнее, чем ниже уровень здоровья берсерка.\n\nЕсли здоровье берсерка опустилось до 0 ОЗ, но при этом его неистовство достигло максимума и на нем надета печать, он сможет балансировать на грани смерти и не умирать в течение некоторого времени.\n\nНеистовство: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ damage
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=При приближении смерти страх и неуверенность отступают - остаётся лишь ярость. В близком к смерти состоянии берсерк становится ещё опаснее: _он наносит удвоенный урон, получает дополнительный щит и не умирает в течение нескольких ходов._\n\nЧем крепче броня, тем сильнее будет щит, однако со временем он тает. Когда щит пропадёт, берсерк больше не сможет поддерживать в себе силы и умрёт.\n\nЛюбое исцеление вернёт берсерка в нормальное состояние, однако он будет обессилен. Чтобы снова впасть в неистовство, берсерку потребуется набрать больше опыта.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=При приближении смерти страх и неуверенность отступают - остаётся лишь ярость. В близком к смерти состоянии берсерк становится ещё опаснее: _он наносит удвоенный урон, получает дополнительный щит и не умирает в течение нескольких ходов._\n\nЧем крепче броня, тем сильнее будет щит, однако со временем он тает. Когда щит пропадёт, берсерк больше не сможет поддерживать в себе силы и умрёт.\n\nЛюбое исцеление вернёт берсерка в нормальное состояние, однако он будет обессилен. Чтобы снова впасть в неистовство, берсерку потребуется набрать больше опыта.
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
actors.blobs.blizzard.desc=Burada bir kar fırtınası dolanıyor.
actors.blobs.blizzard.desc=Burada bir kar fırtınası dolanıyor.
actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Burada baş döndürücü bir gaz bulutu süzülüyor.
actors.blobs.confusiongas.desc=Burada baş döndürücü bir gaz bulutu süzülüyor.
actors.blobs.electricity.desc=Burada bir elektrik alanı parlak bir şekilde kıvılcımlanıyor.
actors.blobs.electricity.desc=Burada bir elektrik alanı parlak bir şekilde kıvılcımlanıyor.
actors.blobs.electricity.rankings_desc=Elektrik çarpmış
actors.blobs.electricity.rankings_desc=Elektrik çarpmış
@ -16,27 +16,27 @@ actors.blobs.goowarn.desc=Kara enerji tanecikleri burada hızla yayılıyor!
actors.blobs.inferno.desc=An inferno is raging here.
actors.blobs.inferno.desc=An inferno is raging here.
actors.blobs.paralyticgas.desc=Burada felç edici bir gaz bulutu süzülüyor.
actors.blobs.paralyticgas.desc=Burada felç edici bir gaz bulutu süzülüyor.
actors.blobs.smokescreen.desc=Burada kalın bi siyah duman bulutu süzülüyor.
actors.blobs.smokescreen.desc=Burada kalın bi siyah duman bulutu süzülüyor.
actors.blobs.stenchgas.desc=Burada kokuşmuş bir gaz bulutu yayılıyor.
actors.blobs.stenchgas.desc=Burada kokuşmuş bir gaz bulutu yayılıyor.
actors.blobs.stormcloud.desc=Burada Su buharı bulutu dalgalar halinde dolanıyor.
actors.blobs.stormcloud.desc=Burada Su buharı bulutu dalgalar halinde dolanıyor.
actors.blobs.toxicgas.desc=Burada yeşilimsi bir zehirli gaz bulutu yayılıyor.
actors.blobs.toxicgas.desc=Burada yeşilimsi bir zehirli gaz bulutu yayılıyor.
actors.blobs.toxicgas.ondeath=Toksik gazdan öldün...
actors.blobs.toxicgas.ondeath=Toksik gazdan öldün...
actors.blobs.corrosivegas.desc=Burada zehirli bir aşındırıcı çamur bulutu süzülüyor.
actors.blobs.corrosivegas.desc=Burada zehirli bir aşındırıcı çamur bulutu süzülüyor.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.procced=Bir yudum alır almaz bilginin zihnine dolduğunu hissediyorsun. Artık giydiğin eşyalarla ilgili her şeyi biliyorsun. Ayrıca, bölümdeki her eşyanın varlığını hissediyor ve bölümün tüm sırlarını biliyorsun.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.procced=Bir yudum alır almaz bilginin zihnine dolduğunu hissediyorsun. Artık giydiğin eşyalarla ilgili her şeyi biliyorsun. Ayrıca, bölümdeki her eşyanın varlığını hissediyor ve bölümün tüm sırlarını biliyorsun.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.desc=Kuyunun suyundan bilgi gücü yayılıyor. Giyilen eşyalarla ilgili tüm sırları açığa çıkarmak için bir yudum al.
actors.blobs.waterofawareness.desc=Kuyunun suyundan bilgi gücü yayılıyor. Giyilen eşyalarla ilgili tüm sırları açığa çıkarmak için bir yudum al.
actors.blobs.waterofhealth.procced=Bir yudum alırken yaralarının tamamen iyileştiğini hissediyorsun.
actors.blobs.waterofhealth.procced=Bir yudum alırken yaralarının tamamen iyileştiğini hissediyorsun.
actors.blobs.waterofhealth.desc=Kuyunun suyundan sağlık gücü yayılıyor. Açlığını geçirmek ve yaralarını iyileştirmek için bir yudum al.
actors.blobs.waterofhealth.desc=Kuyunun suyundan sağlık gücü yayılıyor. Açlığını geçirmek ve yaralarını iyileştirmek için bir yudum al.
actors.blobs.wateroftransmutation.desc=Kuyunun suyundan değişim gücü yayılıyor. Attığın şeyin başka bir şeye dönüşmesi için içine bir şey at.
actors.blobs.wateroftransmutation.desc=Kuyunun suyundan değişim gücü yayılıyor. Attığın şeyin başka bir şeye dönüşmesi için içine bir şey at.
actors.blobs.web.desc=Buradaki herșey kalın bir ağ ile kaplanmış.
actors.blobs.web.desc=Buradaki herșey kalın bir ağ ile kaplanmış.
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.name=Adrenalin Dalgalanması
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=A surge of great might, but sadly not permanent.\n\nStrength boost: +%d.\nTurns until boost weakens: %s.
actors.buffs.adrenalinesurge.desc=A surge of great might, but sadly not permanent.\n\nStrength boost: +%d.\nTurns until boost weakens: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=Çılgınlık, etkilenen hedefi büyük bir öfke ve kafa karışıklığına sokar.\n\nÇıldıran bir yaratık, yakınında ne varsa dost düşman demeden saldırır.\n\nÇılgınlığın geçmesi için kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.amok.desc=Çılgınlık, etkilenen hedefi büyük bir öfke ve kafa karışıklığına sokar.\n\nÇıldıran bir yaratık, yakınında ne varsa dost düşman demeden saldırır.\n\nÇılgınlığın geçmesi için kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Artifact Recharging
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.name=Artifact Recharging
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all be less limited by their charge meter.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.artifactrecharge.desc=Energy is coursing through you, increasing the rate your equipped artifacts charge.\n\nEach artifact is affected a little differently, but they will all be less limited by their charge meter.\n\nTurns remaining: %s.
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ actors.buffs.barrier.desc=A durable bubble of force which blocks all damage.\n\n
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted=Yorgunluktan bitmiş
actors.buffs.berserk.exhausted=Yorgunluktan bitmiş
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Vahşi savaşçının yaralarının ağırlığı onun yaptığı saldırıların gücünü arttıracaktır. Vahşi savaşçı fiziksel hasar aldıkça öfkesi artacak ve bu ona bonus hasar sağlayacaktır. Zırh tarafından bloklanan hasar da ona öfke olarak döner.\n\nÖfke zamanla kaybolur. Vahşi savaşçının sağlığı ne kadar azsa o kadar uzun sürer.\n\nEğer vahşi savaşçı tam öfkedeyken 0 sp'ye düşerse ve mührü zırhına iliştirili ise çıldıracak ve kısa bir süreliğine _ölmeyi reddedecektir._\n\nŞu anki öfke: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ hasar
actors.buffs.berserk.angered_desc=Vahşi savaşçının yaralarının ağırlığı onun yaptığı saldırıların gücünü arttıracaktır. Vahşi savaşçı fiziksel hasar aldıkça öfkesi artacak ve bu ona bonus hasar sağlayacaktır. Zırh tarafından bloklanan hasar da ona öfke olarak döner.\n\nÖfke zamanla kaybolur. Vahşi savaşçının sağlığı ne kadar azsa o kadar uzun sürer.\n\nEğer vahşi savaşçı tam öfkedeyken 0 sp'ye düşerse ve mührü zırhına iliştirili ise çıldıracak ve kısa bir süreliğine _ölmeyi reddedecektir._\n\nŞu anki öfke: _%.0f%%_\n_+%.0f%%_ hasar
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Ölümün kıyısında, öfke ve eminsizlik vücudundan çıkan kanla kaybolur ve geriye sadece öfkeyi bırakır. Vahşi savaşçı bu ölümün kıyısındaki halinde _+%50 hasar, ekstra korunma ve ölmeyi reddetmesi_ ile aşırı güçlüdür.\n\nEkstra korunma vahşi savaşçının zırhı ne kadar güçlü ise o kadar iyi olur ve zamanla kaybolur. Korunma 0'a düştüğünde vahşi savaşçı pes edecek ve ölecektir.\n\nHerhangi bir iyileşme kaynağı vahşi savaşçıyı stabil bir hale getirecektir, fakat o aşırı derecede bitkin olacaktır. Bitkin haldeyken vahşi savaşçının yeniden öfke toplayabilir bir hale gelmesi için deneyim kazanması gerekir.
actors.buffs.berserk.berserk_desc=Ölümün kıyısında, öfke ve eminsizlik vücudundan çıkan kanla kaybolur ve geriye sadece öfkeyi bırakır. Vahşi savaşçı bu ölümün kıyısındaki halinde _+%50 hasar, ekstra korunma ve ölmeyi reddetmesi_ ile aşırı güçlüdür.\n\nEkstra korunma vahşi savaşçının zırhı ne kadar güçlü ise o kadar iyi olur ve zamanla kaybolur. Korunma 0'a düştüğünde vahşi savaşçı pes edecek ve ölecektir.\n\nHerhangi bir iyileşme kaynağı vahşi savaşçıyı stabil bir hale getirecektir, fakat o aşırı derecede bitkin olacaktır. Bitkin haldeyken vahşi savaşçının yeniden öfke toplayabilir bir hale gelmesi için deneyim kazanması gerekir.
@ -74,76 +74,76 @@ actors.buffs.berserk.rankings_desc=Ölümüne Çıldırdı
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Kanamadan öldün...
actors.buffs.bleeding.ondeath=Kanamadan öldün...
actors.buffs.bleeding.heromsg=Kanama geçiriyorsun!
actors.buffs.bleeding.heromsg=Kanama geçiriyorsun!
actors.buffs.bleeding.rankings_desc=Kanamadan Öldü
actors.buffs.bleeding.rankings_desc=Kanamadan Öldü
actors.buffs.bleeding.desc=Bu yara endişe verici miktarda kan dökmene neden oluyor. \n\nKanama her sırada zarar almana neden olur. Her sıra aldığın hasar rastgele azalır, ta ki kanama durana kadar. \n\nŞu anki kanama hasarı: %d.
actors.buffs.bleeding.desc=Bu yara endişe verici miktarda kan dökmene neden oluyor. \n\nKanama her sırada zarar almana neden olur. Her sıra aldığın hasar rastgele azalır, ta ki kanama durana kadar. \n\nŞu anki kanama hasarı: %d.
actors.buffs.bless.desc=Büyük bir odaklanma, bazıları tanrıların bu ilhamı verdiğini söyler.\n\nKutsama isabet ve savuşturma oranını oldukça yükseltir, bu da kutsanmış birini savaşta daha etkili kılar. \n\nKutsanmanın bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.bless.desc=Büyük bir odaklanma, bazıları tanrıların bu ilhamı verdiğini söyler.\n\nKutsama isabet ve savuşturma oranını oldukça yükseltir, bu da kutsanmış birini savaşta daha etkili kılar. \n\nKutsanmanın bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.blindness.heromsg=Kör oldun!
actors.buffs.blindness.heromsg=Kör oldun!
actors.buffs.blindness.desc=Kör olmak dünyana karanlık bir perde inmesine neden olur. \n\nKörken, karakter etrafındaki kareler dışında bir şey göremez, bu da onun mesafeli saldırılarını etkisiz kılar ve düşmanlarının izini kolayca kaybetmesine neden olur. Üstelik kör olan bir karakter herhangi bir parşömen veya kitap okuyamaz. \n\nKördüğün geçmesi için kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.blindness.desc=Kör olmak dünyana karanlık bir perde inmesine neden olur. \n\nKörken, karakter etrafındaki kareler dışında bir şey göremez, bu da onun mesafeli saldırılarını etkisiz kılar ve düşmanlarının izini kolayca kaybetmesine neden olur. Üstelik kör olan bir karakter herhangi bir parşömen veya kitap okuyamaz. \n\nKördüğün geçmesi için kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.burning.heromsg=Yanmaya başladın!
actors.buffs.burning.heromsg=Yanmaya başladın!
actors.buffs.burning.burnsup=%s yanıp gitti!
actors.buffs.burning.burnsup=%s yanıp gitti!
actors.buffs.burning.ondeath=Yanarak öldün...
actors.buffs.burning.ondeath=Yanarak öldün...
actors.buffs.burning.rankings_desc=Yanıp Kül Oldu
actors.buffs.burning.rankings_desc=Yanıp Kül Oldu
actors.buffs.burning.desc=Bazı şeyler alevlerin içinde olmaktan daha sıkıntı vericidir. \n\nAteş, su tarafından söndürülene veya kendi başına sönene kadar hasar verir. Ateşi söndürmek için bir sulu karenin üzerine basabilir veya yanı başında bir iksir şişesini kırıp onun sıvısı ile ateşi söndürebilirsin. \n\nÜstelik alevler yanabilir eşyaları veya yanabilir ortamı tutuşturabilir. \n\nAlevlerin sönmesi için kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.burning.desc=Bazı şeyler alevlerin içinde olmaktan daha sıkıntı vericidir. \n\nAteş, su tarafından söndürülene veya kendi başına sönene kadar hasar verir. Ateşi söndürmek için bir sulu karenin üzerine basabilir veya yanı başında bir iksir şişesini kırıp onun sıvısı ile ateşi söndürebilirsin. \n\nÜstelik alevler yanabilir eşyaları veya yanabilir ortamı tutuşturabilir. \n\nAlevlerin sönmesi için kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.charm.desc=A charm is manipulative magic that can make enemies temporarily adore eachother.\n\nCharacters affected by charm are unable to directly attack the enemy they are charmed by. Attacking other targets is still possible however. The shock of pain will lessen the duration of charm.\n\nTurns of charm remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.charm.desc=A charm is manipulative magic that can make enemies temporarily adore eachother.\n\nCharacters affected by charm are unable to directly attack the enemy they are charmed by. Attacking other targets is still possible however. The shock of pain will lessen the duration of charm.\n\nTurns of charm remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s dondu!
actors.buffs.chill.freezes=%s dondu!
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Tam olarak donmadın, ama yine de çok soğuk. \n\nÜşümüş hedefler, etkinin geçmesine kaç sıra kaldığına bağlı olarak eylemlerini daha yavaş gerçekleştirir. En kötüsü, bu yavaşlamaya denktir. \n\nÜşümenin geçmesine kalan sıra: %1$s. \nHız şu kadar azaldı: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.chill.desc=Tam olarak donmadın, ama yine de çok soğuk. \n\nÜşümüş hedefler, etkinin geçmesine kaç sıra kaldığına bağlı olarak eylemlerini daha yavaş gerçekleştirir. En kötüsü, bu yavaşlamaya denktir. \n\nÜşümenin geçmesine kalan sıra: %1$s. \nHız şu kadar azaldı: %2$s%%
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Art arda %d isabet!
actors.buffs.combo.combo=Art arda %d isabet!
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Saldırı menzilindeki bir düşmanı hedeflemelisin.
actors.buffs.combo.bad_target=Saldırı menzilindeki bir düşmanı hedeflemelisin.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Benzetilecek hedefi seç \nBaş döndürür ve rakibi geriye iter
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_prompt=Benzetilecek hedefi seç \nBaş döndürür ve rakibi geriye iter
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Benzetme_ şu an mevcut. Bu atak, _düşmanı geriye iter ve başlarını döndürür,_ fakat düşük hasar verir. Bir dövüş esnasında zaman kazanmak için mükemmeldir.
actors.buffs.combo.clobber_desc=_Benzetme_ şu an mevcut. Bu atak, _düşmanı geriye iter ve başlarını döndürür,_ fakat düşük hasar verir. Bir dövüş esnasında zaman kazanmak için mükemmeldir.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Doğranacak hedefi seç \nEğer birisini öldürürse kombo verir
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_prompt=Doğranacak hedefi seç \nEğer birisini öldürürse kombo verir
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Doğrama_ şu an mevcut. Bu saldırı arttırılmış hasar verir, ve eğer _bir düşmanı öldürürse komboyu sıfırlamak yerine kombo ekler._ Birden fazla düşmanla savaşırken kombo oluşturmak için mükemmeldir.
actors.buffs.combo.cleave_desc=_Doğrama_ şu an mevcut. Bu saldırı arttırılmış hasar verir, ve eğer _bir düşmanı öldürürse komboyu sıfırlamak yerine kombo ekler._ Birden fazla düşmanla savaşırken kombo oluşturmak için mükemmeldir.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Çarpılacak hedefi seç \nVerilen hasara göre sana koruma sağlar
actors.buffs.combo.slam_prompt=Çarpılacak hedefi seç \nVerilen hasara göre sana koruma sağlar
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Çarpma_ şu an mevcut. Bu saldırı arttırılmış hasar verir, ve verdiğin hasara göre _sana koruma sağlar._ Bir dövüşü bitirmek ve diğerine dayanıklı bir şekilde ilerlemek için mükemmeldir.
actors.buffs.combo.slam_desc=_Çarpma_ şu an mevcut. Bu saldırı arttırılmış hasar verir, ve verdiğin hasara göre _sana koruma sağlar._ Bir dövüşü bitirmek ve diğerine dayanıklı bir şekilde ilerlemek için mükemmeldir.
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Ezilecek hedefi seç \nÇok fazla hasar verir
actors.buffs.combo.crush_prompt=Ezilecek hedefi seç \nÇok fazla hasar verir
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Ezme_ şu an mevcut. Bu yıkıcı saldırı _çok sürekli olarak dev miktarda hasar verir._ Yüksek sağlığa sahip bir düşmanı öldürmek için mükemmeldir!
actors.buffs.combo.crush_desc=_Ezme_ şu an mevcut. Bu yıkıcı saldırı _çok sürekli olarak dev miktarda hasar verir._ Yüksek sağlığa sahip bir düşmanı öldürmek için mükemmeldir!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Hangi düşmana öfkeni boşaltacaksın? \nÜst üste çok kez saldırır
actors.buffs.combo.fury_prompt=Hangi düşmana öfkeni boşaltacaksın? \nÜst üste çok kez saldırır
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Öfke_ şu an mevcut. Bu yıkıcı saldırı _şu anki kombo sayın kez düşmana vurur,_ fakat bunu azaltılmış bir hasar ile yapar. Eğer büyülü bir silahın varsa öfkeyi kullanmak mükemmeldir, çünkü büyü, her düşmana vuruşunda aktifleşecektir!
actors.buffs.combo.fury_desc=_Öfke_ şu an mevcut. Bu yıkıcı saldırı _şu anki kombo sayın kez düşmana vurur,_ fakat bunu azaltılmış bir hasar ile yapar. Eğer büyülü bir silahın varsa öfkeyi kullanmak mükemmeldir, çünkü büyü, her düşmana vuruşunda aktifleşecektir!
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladyatör vurduğu her başarılı saldırı ile bir momentum oluşturur. Her vuruş kombo sayacını birer birer arttırır, fakat vurmak için çok beklemek, birden çok kez kaçırmak, veya bir eşya kullanmak kombo sayacını sıfırlar. \n\nBir kombo elde etmek özel bitirici hareketler yapılabilmesini sağlar; asla ıskalamayan özel saldırılar! Her 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 komboda farklı bir bitirici kullanılabilir, ve bir bitirici kullanmak kombonu sıfırlar.
actors.buffs.combo.desc=Gladyatör vurduğu her başarılı saldırı ile bir momentum oluşturur. Her vuruş kombo sayacını birer birer arttırır, fakat vurmak için çok beklemek, birden çok kez kaçırmak, veya bir eşya kullanmak kombo sayacını sıfırlar. \n\nBir kombo elde etmek özel bitirici hareketler yapılabilmesini sağlar; asla ıskalamayan özel saldırılar! Her 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 komboda farklı bir bitirici kullanılabilir, ve bir bitirici kullanmak kombonu sıfırlar.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Bozulma bir yaratığın yapısına sızar ve o yaratığı doğal yapısının tersine davranmaya zorlar. \n\nBozulmuş yaratıklar önceki düşmanlarını gormezden gelip dostlarına saldırmaya başlar. Bozulma aynı zamanda zararlıdır, ve hedefini yavaş bir şekilde öldürür.\n\nBozulma sonsuza dek sürer, ve etkileri sadece ölümle son bulur.
actors.buffs.corruption.desc=Bozulma bir yaratığın yapısına sızar ve o yaratığı doğal yapısının tersine davranmaya zorlar. \n\nBozulmuş yaratıklar önceki düşmanlarını gormezden gelip dostlarına saldırmaya başlar. Bozulma aynı zamanda zararlıdır, ve hedefini yavaş bir şekilde öldürür.\n\nBozulma sonsuza dek sürer, ve etkileri sadece ölümle son bulur.
actors.buffs.cripple.desc=Bacaklarının bu şekilde eğilmemesi gerektiğine eminsin. \n\nSakatlanma hareket hızını yarıya indirir, yani bir kare ilerlemek için bir yerine iki sıra geçmesine neden olur. \n\nSakatlığın iyileşmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.cripple.desc=Bacaklarının bu şekilde eğilmemesi gerektiğine eminsin. \n\nSakatlanma hareket hızını yarıya indirir, yani bir kare ilerlemek için bir yerine iki sıra geçmesine neden olur. \n\nSakatlığın iyileşmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.doom.desc=Evren ölmeni isterken ilerlemek zor olacak gibi görünüyor.\n\nLanetli karakterler tüm kaynaklardan iki kat fazla hasar alırlar.\n\nLanet sonsuzdur, ve sadece ölümle son bulur.
actors.buffs.doom.desc=Evren ölmeni isterken ilerlemek zor olacak gibi görünüyor.\n\nLanetli karakterler tüm kaynaklardan iki kat fazla hasar alırlar.\n\nLanet sonsuzdur, ve sadece ölümle son bulur.
actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Büyülü bir güç uyanık kalmanı zorlaştırıyor. \n\nKarakter uykulu olma durumuna hasar alarak veya tam sağlıkta olarak direnebilir. \n\nBirkaç sıra sonra, hedef derin ve büyülü bir uykuya dalar.
actors.buffs.drowsy.desc=Büyülü bir güç uyanık kalmanı zorlaştırıyor. \n\nKarakter uykulu olma durumuna hasar alarak veya tam sağlıkta olarak direnebilir. \n\nBirkaç sıra sonra, hedef derin ve büyülü bir uykuya dalar.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Dünya ile sarıldın
actors.buffs.earthimbue.name=Dünya ile sarıldın
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=You are imbued with the power of earth!\n\nAll physical attacks will shift the earth under the enemy, crippling them for a short time.\n\nTurns of earth imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.earthimbue.desc=You are imbued with the power of earth!\n\nAll physical attacks will shift the earth under the enemy, crippling them for a short time.\n\nTurns of earth imbue remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Ateş ile sarıldın
actors.buffs.fireimbue.name=Ateş ile sarıldın
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Ateşin gücü ile sarıldın! \n\nTüm fiziksel saldırılarının düşmanı alevler içinde bırakma şansı var. Üstüne, alevlerin tüm negatif etkilerine karşı dirençlisin. \n\nAteş sarılmasının bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.fireimbue.desc=Ateşin gücü ile sarıldın! \n\nTüm fiziksel saldırılarının düşmanı alevler içinde bırakma şansı var. Üstüne, alevlerin tüm negatif etkilerine karşı dirençlisin. \n\nAteş sarılmasının bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight, anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.foresight.desc=Your senses are heightened, allowing you to immediately notice anything out of place.\n\nWhile under the effect of foresight, anything that enters your search radius is immediately discovered.\n\nTurns of foresight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s dondu!
actors.buffs.frost.freezes=%s dondu!
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Donarak katılaşma ile karıştırılmamalıdır, bu iyi huylu dondurma daha ziyade hedefi buzla çevreler.\n\nDonma basit bir şekilde felç olma durumuna benzer şekilde işler, hedefin her hangi bir eylemde bulunmasına engel olur. Felç olmanın aksine, donma durumu hedefin hasar alması durumunda sonlanır, çünkü buz kırılacaktır.\n\nDonmanın geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.frost.desc=Donarak katılaşma ile karıştırılmamalıdır, bu iyi huylu dondurma daha ziyade hedefi buzla çevreler.\n\nDonma basit bir şekilde felç olma durumuna benzer şekilde işler, hedefin her hangi bir eylemde bulunmasına engel olur. Felç olmanın aksine, donma durumu hedefin hasar alması durumunda sonlanır, çünkü buz kırılacaktır.\n\nDonmanın geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.fury.desc=Öfkelisin, düşmanlar senden öfkeliyken pek hoşlanmayacak. \n\nİçinde güçlü bir öfke alevi yanıyor ve fiziksel saldırılarının verdiği hasarı %%50 arttırıyor. \n\nBu öfke sağlığın %%50 'nin altında olduğu sürece devam edecek.
actors.buffs.fury.desc=Öfkelisin, düşmanlar senden öfkeliyken pek hoşlanmayacak. \n\nİçinde güçlü bir öfke alevi yanıyor ve fiziksel saldırılarının verdiği hasarı %%50 arttırıyor. \n\nBu öfke sağlığın %%50 'nin altında olduğu sürece devam edecek.
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Temizleme Bariyeri
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.name=Temizleme Bariyeri
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Garip bir güç seni kalın bir koruma bariyeri içerisinde örterek havadaki zararlı maddeleri solumanı önlüyor.\n\nBu bariyer kaybolana kadar tüm bölgesel efektlere karşı bağışıklığa sahipsin.\n\nBağışıklığın bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.blobimmunity.desc=Garip bir güç seni kalın bir koruma bariyeri içerisinde örterek havadaki zararlı maddeleri solumanı önlüyor.\n\nBu bariyer kaybolana kadar tüm bölgesel efektlere karşı bağışıklığa sahipsin.\n\nBağışıklığın bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
@ -155,26 +155,26 @@ actors.buffs.healing.value=%+dHP
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Çok aç
actors.buffs.hunger.starving=Çok aç
actors.buffs.hunger.onstarving=Çok acıktın!
actors.buffs.hunger.onstarving=Çok acıktın!
actors.buffs.hunger.ondeath=Açlıktan öldün...
actors.buffs.hunger.ondeath=Açlıktan öldün...
actors.buffs.hunger.cursedhorn=Lanetli boru sen yemek yerken o yemeğin enerjisinden bir miktar çalıyor.
actors.buffs.hunger.cursedhorn=Lanetli boru sen yemek yerken o yemeğin enerjisinden bir miktar çalıyor.
actors.buffs.hunger.rankings_desc=Açlıktan Öldü
actors.buffs.hunger.rankings_desc=Açlıktan Öldü
actors.buffs.hunger.desc_intro_hungry=Midenin yemek beklediğini hissediyorsun, ama şimdilik o kadar da ciddi değil.
actors.buffs.hunger.desc_intro_hungry=Midenin yemek beklediğini hissediyorsun, ama şimdilik o kadar da ciddi değil.
actors.buffs.hunger.desc_intro_starving=O kadar acıktın ki canın yanıyor.
actors.buffs.hunger.desc_intro_starving=O kadar acıktın ki canın yanıyor.
actors.buffs.hunger.desc=\nAçlık, zindanda vakit geçirdiğin sürece yavaşça artar ve sonunda çok acıkmaya başlarsın. Açlık durumunda sağlığın yenilenmek yerine azalmaya başlar. \n\nSonraya saklamak önemlidir! Eğer açlık için harcayabileceğin sağlığın varsa açlıktan acı çekmek, sonra yiyebileceğin yemek olacağını bilerek ilerlemek iyi bir fikir olabilir. Etkili saklamak yiyeceğin çok daha uzun gitmesini sağlar!
actors.buffs.hunger.desc=\nAçlık, zindanda vakit geçirdiğin sürece yavaşça artar ve sonunda çok acıkmaya başlarsın. Açlık durumunda sağlığın yenilenmek yerine azalmaya başlar. \n\nSonraya saklamak önemlidir! Eğer açlık için harcayabileceğin sağlığın varsa açlıktan acı çekmek, sonra yiyebileceğin yemek olacağını bilerek ilerlemek iyi bir fikir olabilir. Etkili saklamak yiyeceğin çok daha uzun gitmesini sağlar!
actors.buffs.invisibility.desc=Etraftaki çevreyle iç içe girdin, bu da görünmeni imkansız kılıyor.\n\nGörünmez durumda iken düşmanların sana saldıramaz veya seni takip edemez. Fiziksel saldırılar ve büyüsel etkiler (parşömenler ve asalar) görünmezliği anında sonlandırır. \n\nGörünmezliğin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.invisibility.desc=Etraftaki çevreyle iç içe girdin, bu da görünmeni imkansız kılıyor.\n\nGörünmez durumda iken düşmanların sana saldıramaz veya seni takip edemez. Fiziksel saldırılar ve büyüsel etkiler (parşömenler ve asalar) görünmezliği anında sonlandırır. \n\nGörünmezliğin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.levitation.desc=Büyüsel bir güç seni havanın üzerinde asılı bırakarak ağırlıksız hissetmeni sağlıyor.\n\nHavada süzülürken yer bazlı tüm etkiler görmezden gelinir: Tuzaklar tetiklenmez, su ateşi söndürmez, bitkiler ezilmez, kökler sana tutunamaz ve çukurların üzerinde süzülmeni sağlar. Dikkat et, çünkü tüm bunlar süzülmenin bitmesiyle anında gerçekleşir!\n\nSüzülmenin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.levitation.desc=Büyüsel bir güç seni havanın üzerinde asılı bırakarak ağırlıksız hissetmeni sağlıyor.\n\nHavada süzülürken yer bazlı tüm etkiler görmezden gelinir: Tuzaklar tetiklenmez, su ateşi söndürmez, bitkiler ezilmez, kökler sana tutunamaz ve çukurların üzerinde süzülmeni sağlar. Dikkat et, çünkü tüm bunlar süzülmenin bitmesiyle anında gerçekleşir!\n\nSüzülmenin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.light.desc=En karanlık zindanda bile, senin tarafında sabit bir ışık her zaman ışıldıyor. \n\nIşık karanlığı aydinlatmanı sağlar, yani aynı noktadan daha fazla sey görebilirsin. \n\nAydinlatmanın geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.light.desc=En karanlık zindanda bile, senin tarafında sabit bir ışık her zaman ışıldıyor. \n\nIşık karanlığı aydinlatmanı sağlar, yani aynı noktadan daha fazla sey görebilirsin. \n\nAydinlatmanın geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.name=Bu kat kilitlendi
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.name=Bu kat kilitlendi
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.desc=Şu anki kat kilitlendi, ve onu terkedemezsin!\n\nBir kat kilitlendiğinde acıkmazsın ve açlık nedeni ile hasar almazsın. Üstüne, bu katın patronu ile bir an önce yüzleşmezsen pasif rejenerasyon etkileri de duracaktır. \n\nÜstelik, eğer kat kilitliyken kutsanmamış bir ankh ile dirilirsen ankh sıfırlanır. \n\nKilidi kırmak için bu katın patronunu öldür.
actors.buffs.lockedfloor.desc=Şu anki kat kilitlendi, ve onu terkedemezsin!\n\nBir kat kilitlendiğinde acıkmazsın ve açlık nedeni ile hasar almazsın. Üstüne, bu katın patronu ile bir an önce yüzleşmezsen pasif rejenerasyon etkileri de duracaktır. \n\nÜstelik, eğer kat kilitliyken kutsanmamış bir ankh ile dirilirsen ankh sıfırlanır. \n\nKilidi kırmak için bu katın patronunu öldür.
actors.buffs.magicalsight.name=Büyülü Görüş
actors.buffs.magicalsight.name=Büyülü Görüş
actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=Somehow you are able to see with your mind, rather than your eyes.\n\nAll terrain or effects which reduce or block vision are broken while magical sight is active.\n\nTurns of magical sight remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.magicalsight.desc=Somehow you are able to see with your mind, rather than your eyes.\n\nAll terrain or effects which reduce or block vision are broken while magical sight is active.\n\nTurns of magical sight remaining: %s.
@ -183,22 +183,22 @@ actors.buffs.magicalsleep.name=Büyülü uyku
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.toohealthy=Fazla sağlıklı olduğundan uyuma isteğine direniyorsun.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.toohealthy=Fazla sağlıklı olduğundan uyuma isteğine direniyorsun.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.fallasleep=Büyülü ve derin bir uykuya dalıyorsun.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.fallasleep=Büyülü ve derin bir uykuya dalıyorsun.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.wakeup=Kendini yenilenmiş ve sağlıklı hissederek uyanıyorsun.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.wakeup=Kendini yenilenmiş ve sağlıklı hissederek uyanıyorsun.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.desc=Bu karakter, doğal olarak uyanamayacağı derin bir büyülü uykuya daldı. \n\nBüyülü uyku normal uykuya benzerdir, tek farkı uyanmak için karakterin hasar alması gerektiğidir. \n\nBüyülü uykunun yenileme etkileri de vardır, uyuyan kişiye uykusunda hızlı bir şekilde sağlık kazandırır.
actors.buffs.magicalsleep.desc=Bu karakter, doğal olarak uyanamayacağı derin bir büyülü uykuya daldı. \n\nBüyülü uyku normal uykuya benzerdir, tek farkı uyanmak için karakterin hasar alması gerektiğidir. \n\nBüyülü uykunun yenileme etkileri de vardır, uyuyan kişiye uykusunda hızlı bir şekilde sağlık kazandırır.
actors.buffs.magicimmune.name=Büyüye Karşı Bağışıklı
actors.buffs.magicimmune.name=Büyüye Karşı Bağışıklı
actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=All magical effects have lost their hold on you, you are completely impervious to them.\n\nWhile magic immune all harmful and helpful magical effects will not apply to you, including curses, enchants, wands, scrolls, etc.\n\nTurns of magic immunity remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.magicimmune.desc=All magical effects have lost their hold on you, you are completely impervious to them.\n\nWhile magic immune all harmful and helpful magical effects will not apply to you, including curses, enchants, wands, scrolls, etc.\n\nTurns of magic immunity remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Akıl görüşü
actors.buffs.mindvision.name=Akıl görüşü
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Bir şekilde bu kattaki tüm karakterleri zihninde görebiliyorsun. Bu garip bir his. \n\nAkıl görüşüne sahip olduğun sürece bu kattaki tüm karakterler sana görünür hale gelir. Bir yaratığı akıl görüşü ile görmek onun çoğu büyüsel etki için görünen veya yakınlarda sayılmasına neden olur.\n\nAkıl görüşünün bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.mindvision.desc=Bir şekilde bu kattaki tüm karakterleri zihninde görebiliyorsun. Bu garip bir his. \n\nAkıl görüşüne sahip olduğun sürece bu kattaki tüm karakterler sana görünür hale gelir. Bir yaratığı akıl görüşü ile görmek onun çoğu büyüsel etki için görünen veya yakınlarda sayılmasına neden olur.\n\nAkıl görüşünün bitmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Parkurcu hareket ettikçe momentum üretir, bunu kullanarak hızını ve saldırılardan kaçma şansını arttırır.\n\nHız bonusu tamamen momentuma bağlıdır, fakat saldırılardan kaçınma şansını giyilen zırh ta etkiler.\n\nParkurcu giydiği zırhın üstünde olan her güç puanı için ürettiği momentumdan daha fazla saldırıdan kaçma şansına sahip olacaktır.\n\nŞu anki momentum gücü: %d%%.
actors.buffs.momentum.desc=Parkurcu hareket ettikçe momentum üretir, bunu kullanarak hızını ve saldırılardan kaçma şansını arttırır.\n\nHız bonusu tamamen momentuma bağlıdır, fakat saldırılardan kaçınma şansını giyilen zırh ta etkiler.\n\nParkurcu giydiği zırhın üstünde olan her güç puanı için ürettiği momentumdan daha fazla saldırıdan kaçma şansına sahip olacaktır.\n\nŞu anki momentum gücü: %d%%.
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Aşındırıcı çamur
actors.buffs.ooze.name=Aşındırıcı çamur
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Aşındırıcı çamur derini yiyor. Yıkayarak temizle!
actors.buffs.ooze.heromsg=Aşındırıcı çamur derini yiyor. Yıkayarak temizle!
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Eriyip gittin...
actors.buffs.ooze.ondeath=Eriyip gittin...
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Yapışkan çamur derine yapışıp onu yavaşça eritiyor. \n\nÇamur, suyla yıkanana kadar istikrarlı bir şekilde hasar verecektir. \n\nÇamur, zamanla gitmez ve su ile temizlenmesi gerekmektedir.
actors.buffs.ooze.desc=Yapışkan çamur derine yapışıp onu yavaşça eritiyor. \n\nÇamur, suyla yıkanana kadar istikrarlı bir şekilde hasar verecektir. \n\nÇamur, zamanla gitmez ve su ile temizlenmesi gerekmektedir.
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Felç oldun!
actors.buffs.paralysis.heromsg=Felç oldun!
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ actors.buffs.poison.name=Zehir
actors.buffs.poison.ondeath=Zehirden öldün...
actors.buffs.poison.ondeath=Zehirden öldün...
actors.buffs.poison.rankings_desc=Zehre Yenik Düştü
actors.buffs.poison.rankings_desc=Zehre Yenik Düştü
actors.buffs.poison.desc=Zehir vücuda yayılır ve etkisini yavaşça göstermeye başlar. \n\nZehir, geçene kadar her sıra orantılı olarak hasar verir. \n\nZehrin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.poison.desc=Zehir vücuda yayılır ve etkisini yavaşça göstermeye başlar. \n\nZehir, geçene kadar her sıra orantılı olarak hasar verir. \n\nZehrin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.preparation.desc=Suikastçı, gölgelerden saldırmak için sabırla bekliyor.
actors.buffs.preparation.desc=Suikastçı, gölgelerden saldırmak için sabırla bekliyor.
@ -227,24 +227,24 @@ actors.buffs.preparation.out_of_reach=Bu hedef erişebileceğin mesafeden uzakta
actors.buffs.prismaticguard.name=Prismatic Guard
actors.buffs.prismaticguard.name=Prismatic Guard
actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=You are being guarded by a prismatic image which is currently inactive. When enemies are present the prismatic image will spring to action and protect you!\n\nWhile inactive, the prismatic image will steadily recover from any damage it has taken.\n\nCurrent HP: %d/%d.
actors.buffs.prismaticguard.desc=You are being guarded by a prismatic image which is currently inactive. When enemies are present the prismatic image will spring to action and protect you!\n\nWhile inactive, the prismatic image will steadily recover from any damage it has taken.\n\nCurrent HP: %d/%d.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=İçinden bir enerji akıyor ve bu enerji asalarının ve değneklerinin şarj hızını arttırıyor. \n\nHer sıra, bu etki şu anki şarj etkisine bir çeyrek daha ekler. \n\nŞarj etkisinin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.recharging.desc=İçinden bir enerji akıyor ve bu enerji asalarının ve değneklerinin şarj hızını arttırıyor. \n\nHer sıra, bu etki şu anki şarj etkisine bir çeyrek daha ekler. \n\nŞarj etkisinin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Hareket edemiyorsun!
actors.buffs.roots.heromsg=Hareket edemiyorsun!
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Kökler (büyüsel veya doğal) ayağı yakalar ve yakaladığı kişiyi yere sabitler. \n\nKökler bir hedefe kilitlenir ve onun hareket etmesini imkansız hale getirir, fakat diğer eylemleri etkilemez. \n\nKökün geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.roots.desc=Kökler (büyüsel veya doğal) ayağı yakalar ve yakaladığı kişiyi yere sabitler. \n\nKökler bir hedefe kilitlenir ve onun hareket etmesini imkansız hale getirir, fakat diğer eylemleri etkilemez. \n\nKökün geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Gölgelerin içinde
actors.buffs.shadows.name=Gölgelerin içinde
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Etrafındaki gölgelerle iç içe girdin, bu metabolizmanı yavaşlatıyor ve sana görünmezlik sağlıyor. \n\nGörünmezken düşmanlar sana saldıramaz veya seni takip edemez. Çoğu fiziksel saldırılar veya büyüsel etkiler (parşömenler veya asalar gibi) görünmezliği anında sonlandırır. Üstelik gölgelerle iç içeyken acıkma oranın yavaşlar. \n\nBir düşman gelip seninle etkileşim kurana kadar veya gölgeleri terkedene kadar gölgelerle iç içe kalırsın.
actors.buffs.shadows.desc=Etrafındaki gölgelerle iç içe girdin, bu metabolizmanı yavaşlatıyor ve sana görünmezlik sağlıyor. \n\nGörünmezken düşmanlar sana saldıramaz veya seni takip edemez. Çoğu fiziksel saldırılar veya büyüsel etkiler (parşömenler veya asalar gibi) görünmezliği anında sonlandırır. Üstelik gölgelerle iç içeyken acıkma oranın yavaşlar. \n\nBir düşman gelip seninle etkileşim kurana kadar veya gölgeleri terkedene kadar gölgelerle iç içe kalırsın.
actors.buffs.slow.desc=Yavaşlama büyüsü hedefin zaman hızını etkiler, onlara göre her şey süper-hızlı hareket eder.\n\nYavaşlamış bir karakter tüm eylemleri normalden iki kat uzun sürede yapar. \n\nYavaşlamanın geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.slow.desc=Yavaşlama büyüsü hedefin zaman hızını etkiler, onlara göre her şey süper-hızlı hareket eder.\n\nYavaşlamış bir karakter tüm eylemleri normalden iki kat uzun sürede yapar. \n\nYavaşlamanın geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.snipersmark.name=Keskin nişancının işareti
actors.buffs.snipersmark.name=Keskin nişancının işareti
actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=Keskin nişancı yakındaki bir hedefe kilitlendi, bunun sayesinde saldırırken saldırı hızı ve zırhı delme etkisi artacaktır.\n\nKeskin nişancı hedefine saldırmayı durdurana, hedefini değiştirene veya hedef ölene kadar kilitli kalacak.
actors.buffs.snipersmark.desc=Keskin nişancı yakındaki bir hedefe kilitlendi, bunun sayesinde saldırırken saldırı hızı ve zırhı delme etkisi artacaktır.\n\nKeskin nişancı hedefine saldırmayı durdurana, hedefini değiştirene veya hedef ölene kadar kilitli kalacak.
actors.buffs.soulmark.name=Ruh işaretlenmesi
actors.buffs.soulmark.name=Ruh işaretlenmesi
actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=Sihirbaz bu karakterin ruhuna odaklandı. Bu karakter hasar aldıkça iyileşecek ve açlığını doyuracak. \n\nRuh işaretinin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.soulmark.desc=Sihirbaz bu karakterin ruhuna odaklandı. Bu karakter hasar aldıkça iyileşecek ve açlığını doyuracak. \n\nRuh işaretinin geçmesine kalan sıra: %s.
actors.buffs.stamina.name=Dayanma gücü
actors.buffs.stamina.name=Dayanma gücü
actors.buffs.stamina.desc=You have unending stamina, allowing for faster movement!\n\nWhile under the effects of stamina you will run at +50%% speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of stamina remaining: %s.
actors.buffs.stamina.desc=You have unending stamina, allowing for faster movement!\n\nWhile under the effects of stamina you will run at +50%% speed, but will perform all other actions at normal speed.\n\nTurns of stamina remaining: %s.
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=Zehirli enerji ile sarıldın!\n\nSen hareket ettik
actors.buffs.corrosion.ondeath=Eriyip gittin...
actors.buffs.corrosion.ondeath=Eriyip gittin...
actors.buffs.corrosion.desc=Güçlü asit eti, metali ve kemiği endişelendirici bir hızda eritir.\n\nAşındırma hasarı hedef erimeye devam ettikçe zamanla artar.\n\nAşındırmanın geçmesine kalan sıra: %1$s.\nŞu anki aşınma hasarı:%2$d.
actors.buffs.corrosion.desc=Güçlü asit eti, metali ve kemiği endişelendirici bir hızda eritir.\n\nAşındırma hasarı hedef erimeye devam ettikçe zamanla artar.\n\nAşındırmanın geçmesine kalan sıra: %1$s.\nŞu anki aşınma hasarı:%2$d.
@ -493,12 +493,12 @@ actors.mobs.king.notice=Nasıl cürret edersin!
actors.mobs.king.defeated=Beni öldüremezsin, %s... Ben... ölümsüzüm...
actors.mobs.king.defeated=Beni öldüremezsin, %s... Ben... ölümsüzüm...
actors.mobs.king.arise=Köleler, uyanın!
actors.mobs.king.arise=Köleler, uyanın!
actors.mobs.king.rankings_desc=Cücelerin Kralı'nın Önünde Diz Çöktü
actors.mobs.king.rankings_desc=Cücelerin Kralı'nın Önünde Diz Çöktü
actors.mobs.king.desc=Cücelerin son kralı hayat ve ölümün en derin aşamaları hakkındaki engin bilgisi ile bilinirdi. Mahkemesindeki üyelerini kendilerine sonsuz gençliği verecek bir ritüele katılmaya ikna etti. Sonuç olarak o gençliğe kavuşabilen tek kişi oydu - ve üstüne ek olarak ölümsüz bir ordusu oldu.
actors.mobs.king.desc=Cücelerin son kralı hayat ve ölümün en derin aşamaları hakkındaki engin bilgisi ile bilinirdi. Mahkemesindeki üyelerini kendilerine sonsuz gençliği verecek bir ritüele katılmaya ikna etti. Sonuç olarak o gençliğe kavuşabilen tek kişi oydu - ve üstüne ek olarak ölümsüz bir ordusu oldu.
actors.mobs.king$undead.name=ölümsüz cüce
actors.mobs.king$undead.name=ölümsüz cüce
actors.mobs.king$undead.rankings_desc=Cücelerin Kralı'nın Önünde Diz Çöktü
actors.mobs.king$undead.rankings_desc=Cücelerin Kralı'nın Önünde Diz Çöktü
actors.mobs.king$undead.desc=Bu ölümsüz cüceler, Cüceler Kralı tarafından uyandırıldılar, önceden onun meclisinin üyeleriydiler. Ölümlerinden yüzlerinde çarpıcı miktarda sakal ile uyandılar.
actors.mobs.king$undead.desc=Bu ölümsüz cüceler, Cüceler Kralı tarafından uyandırıldılar, önceden onun meclisinin üyeleriydiler. Ölümlerinden yüzlerinde çarpıcı miktarda sakal ile uyandılar.
actors.mobs.mimic.desc=Mimikler istedikleri şekli alabilen büyülü canlılardır. Zindanlarda nerdeyse her zaman bir hazine sandığı şeklini alırlar, çünkü bir maceracıyı nasıl yanlarına getireceklerini bilirler.
actors.mobs.mimic.desc=Mimikler istedikleri şekli alabilen büyülü canlılardır. Zindanlarda nerdeyse her zaman bir hazine sandığı şeklini alırlar, çünkü bir maceracıyı nasıl yanlarına getireceklerini bilirler.
@ -506,18 +506,18 @@ actors.mobs.mimic.desc=Mimikler istedikleri şekli alabilen büyülü canlılard
actors.mobs.mob.died=Uzaklarda bir şeyin öldüğünü duydun.
actors.mobs.mob.died=Uzaklarda bir şeyin öldüğünü duydun.
actors.mobs.mob.rankings_desc=%s Tarafından Öldürüldü
actors.mobs.mob.rankings_desc=%s Tarafından Öldürüldü
actors.mobs.monk.name=cüce keşiş
actors.mobs.monk.name=cüce keşiş
actors.mobs.monk.disarm=Keşiş elindeki %s 'i düşürtüyor!
actors.mobs.monk.disarm=Keşiş elindeki %s 'i düşürtüyor!
actors.mobs.monk.desc=Bu keşişler kendilerini şehri yabancılardan korumaya atamış olan fanatiklerdir. Hiçbir silah veya zırh kullanmazlar, tamamen yumruk yumruğa dövüş sanatına dayanırlar.
actors.mobs.monk.desc=Bu keşişler kendilerini şehri yabancılardan korumaya atamış olan fanatiklerdir. Hiçbir silah veya zırh kullanmazlar, tamamen yumruk yumruğa dövüş sanatına dayanırlar.
actors.mobs.newbornelemental.name=yeni doğmuş ateş elementi
actors.mobs.newbornelemental.name=yeni doğmuş ateş elementi
actors.mobs.newbornelemental.desc=Ateş elementalleri daha büyük şeylerin üretiminden kalma küçük artıklardır. En güçlü şeytanolojist için bile kontrol edilmek için fazla kaotik bir doğaya sahiptirler.\n\nBu ateş elementi yeni doğduğu için zayıf bir durumda. Üstüne yeni doğmuş durumunda olması nedeniyle soğuğa fazlasıyla dayanıksız. Yine de saldırı kapasitesi hala yüksek, dikkat edilmesi önerilir.
actors.mobs.newbornelemental.desc=Ateş elementalleri daha büyük şeylerin üretiminden kalma küçük artıklardır. En güçlü şeytanolojist için bile kontrol edilmek için fazla kaotik bir doğaya sahiptirler.\n\nBu ateş elementi yeni doğduğu için zayıf bir durumda. Üstüne yeni doğmuş durumunda olması nedeniyle soğuğa fazlasıyla dayanıksız. Yine de saldırı kapasitesi hala yüksek, dikkat edilmesi önerilir.
actors.mobs.piranha.name=dev pirana
actors.mobs.piranha.name=dev pirana
actors.mobs.piranha.desc=Bu etçil balıklar yer altı sularının doğal üyeleri değildirler. Sulardan yüzerek yeryüzüne çıkan hazineleri korumak için özellikle yetişmiştirler.
actors.mobs.piranha.desc=Bu etçil balıklar yer altı sularının doğal üyeleri değildirler. Sulardan yüzerek yeryüzüne çıkan hazineleri korumak için özellikle yetişmiştirler.
actors.mobs.rat.name=keseli sıçan
actors.mobs.rat.name=keseli sıçan
actors.mobs.rat.desc=Keseli fareler, lağımların agresif fakat zayıf üyeleridir. Pis bir ısırıkları vardır fakat sadece büyük sayılar ile hayati tehlike oluştururlar.
actors.mobs.rat.desc=Keseli fareler, lağımların agresif fakat zayıf üyeleridir. Pis bir ısırıkları vardır fakat sadece büyük sayılar ile hayati tehlike oluştururlar.
@ -564,37 +564,37 @@ actors.mobs.tengu.notice_mine=Benimsin, %s!
actors.mobs.tengu.notice_face=Yüzleş benimle, %s!
actors.mobs.tengu.notice_face=Yüzleş benimle, %s!
actors.mobs.tengu.interesting=Hadi bunu ilginçleştirelim...
actors.mobs.tengu.interesting=Hadi bunu ilginçleştirelim...
actors.mobs.tengu.defeated=Sonunda özgürüm...
actors.mobs.tengu.defeated=Sonunda özgürüm...
actors.mobs.tengu.rankings_desc=Tengu'nun Suikastına Uğradı
actors.mobs.tengu.rankings_desc=Tengu'nun Suikastına Uğradı
actors.mobs.tengu.desc=Ünlü ve esrarengiz bir suikastçi, ismini yüzüne iliştirili maskeden almış.\n\nTengu bileklerinde ve dizlerinde büyük tokalarla dolaşıyor, görünüşüne göre zincirlerinden uzun zaman önce kurtulmuş.\n\nAldatıcı büyüler, tuzaklar ve kurnaz saldırıları kaçışını engelleyen tek şeyi öldürmek için kullanacaktır; ki o da sensin.
actors.mobs.tengu.desc=Ünlü ve esrarengiz bir suikastçi, ismini yüzüne iliştirili maskeden almış.\n\nTengu bileklerinde ve dizlerinde büyük tokalarla dolaşıyor, görünüşüne göre zincirlerinden uzun zaman önce kurtulmuş.\n\nAldatıcı büyüler, tuzaklar ve kurnaz saldırıları kaçışını engelleyen tek şeyi öldürmek için kullanacaktır; ki o da sensin.
actors.mobs.thief.name=çılgın hırsız
actors.mobs.thief.name=çılgın hırsız
actors.mobs.thief.stole=Hırsız senden %s çaldı!
actors.mobs.thief.stole=Hırsız senden %s çaldı!
actors.mobs.thief.carries=\n\nHırsız bir _%s._ taşıyor. Tabii ki çalıntı.
actors.mobs.thief.carries=\n\nHırsız bir _%s._ taşıyor. Tabii ki çalıntı.
actors.mobs.thief.escapes=Hırsız senden çaldığı %s ile kaçtı!
actors.mobs.thief.escapes=Hırsız senden çaldığı %s ile kaçtı!
actors.mobs.thief.desc=Her ne kadar hücrelerinin dışında özgürce gezinseler de bu yer hala onların hapishanesi. Zaman geçtikçe bu yer akıllarıyla beraber özgürlüklerini de ellerinden aldı. Bu hırsızlar ve haydutlar kim olduklarını ve neden çaldıklarını uzun zaman önce unutmuşlar. \n\nBu düşmanlar dövüşmekten çok kapkaç yapmaya meyillidirler. Onları gözünün önünde tuttuğuna emin ol, yoksa çalınan eşyanı bir daha göremeyebilirsin.
actors.mobs.thief.desc=Her ne kadar hücrelerinin dışında özgürce gezinseler de bu yer hala onların hapishanesi. Zaman geçtikçe bu yer akıllarıyla beraber özgürlüklerini de ellerinden aldı. Bu hırsızlar ve haydutlar kim olduklarını ve neden çaldıklarını uzun zaman önce unutmuşlar. \n\nBu düşmanlar dövüşmekten çok kapkaç yapmaya meyillidirler. Onları gözünün önünde tuttuğuna emin ol, yoksa çalınan eşyanı bir daha göremeyebilirsin.
actors.mobs.warlock.name=sihirbaz cüce
actors.mobs.warlock.name=sihirbaz cüce
actors.mobs.warlock.bolt_kill=Gölge oku seni öldürdü...
actors.mobs.warlock.bolt_kill=Gölge oku seni öldürdü...
actors.mobs.warlock.desc=Cücelerin ilgi alanı mühendislikten gizemli sanatlara kaydığında sihirbazlar şehirde söz sahibi oldu. Önceleri elementsel büyü ile başladılar, fakat daha sonra şeytanoloji ve ruhlarla ilgilenmeye başladılar.
actors.mobs.warlock.desc=Cücelerin ilgi alanı mühendislikten gizemli sanatlara kaydığında sihirbazlar şehirde söz sahibi oldu. Önceleri elementsel büyü ile başladılar, fakat daha sonra şeytanoloji ve ruhlarla ilgilenmeye başladılar.
actors.mobs.wraith.desc=Hayalet, günahkar birisinin mezarlarını veya mezar taşlarını rahatsız edenlere karşı intikam isteğiyle dolu ruhudur. Tam somut bir varlık olmadığından sıradan bir silahla ona vurmak çok zordur.
actors.mobs.wraith.desc=Hayalet, günahkar birisinin mezarlarını veya mezar taşlarını rahatsız edenlere karşı intikam isteğiyle dolu ruhudur. Tam somut bir varlık olmadığından sıradan bir silahla ona vurmak çok zordur.
actors.mobs.yog.notice=Umut bir ilizyondur...
actors.mobs.yog.notice=Umut bir ilizyondur...
actors.mobs.yog.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewa'nın Yemeği Oldu
actors.mobs.yog.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewa'nın Yemeği Oldu
actors.mobs.yog.desc=Yog-Dzewa, kaosun güçlü bir etniği olan eski bir tanrıdır. Bir yüzyıl once, antik cüceler onun şeytanlardan oluşan ordusunu güçlükle yenmeyi başarsalar da tanrının kendisini öldüremediler. Bunun yerine onu şehirlerinin altına hapsederek orada zayıflayarak bir daha kötülük yapamamasını umdular.
actors.mobs.yog.desc=Yog-Dzewa, kaosun güçlü bir etniği olan eski bir tanrıdır. Bir yüzyıl once, antik cüceler onun şeytanlardan oluşan ordusunu güçlükle yenmeyi başarsalar da tanrının kendisini öldüremediler. Bunun yerine onu şehirlerinin altına hapsederek orada zayıflayarak bir daha kötülük yapamamasını umdular.
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.name=çürüyen yumruk
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.name=çürüyen yumruk
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewa'nın Yemeği Oldu
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewa'nın Yemeği Oldu
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa, kaosun güçlü bir etniği olan eski bir tanrıdır. Bir yüzyıl once, antik cüceler onun şeytanlardan oluşan ordusunu güçlükle yenmeyi başarsalar da tanrının kendisini öldüremediler. Bunun yerine onu şehirlerinin altına hapsederek orada zayıflayarak bir daha kötülük yapamamasını umdular.
actors.mobs.yog$rottingfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa, kaosun güçlü bir etniği olan eski bir tanrıdır. Bir yüzyıl once, antik cüceler onun şeytanlardan oluşan ordusunu güçlükle yenmeyi başarsalar da tanrının kendisini öldüremediler. Bunun yerine onu şehirlerinin altına hapsederek orada zayıflayarak bir daha kötülük yapamamasını umdular.
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.name=yanan yumruk
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.name=yanan yumruk
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewa'nın Yemeği Oldu
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewa'nın Yemeği Oldu
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa, kaosun güçlü bir etniği olan eski bir tanrıdır. Bir yüzyıl once, antik cüceler onun şeytanlardan oluşan ordusunu güçlükle yenmeyi başarsalar da tanrının kendisini öldüremediler. Bunun yerine onu şehirlerinin altına hapsederek orada zayıflayarak bir daha kötülük yapamamasını umdular.
actors.mobs.yog$burningfist.desc=Yog-Dzewa, kaosun güçlü bir etniği olan eski bir tanrıdır. Bir yüzyıl once, antik cüceler onun şeytanlardan oluşan ordusunu güçlükle yenmeyi başarsalar da tanrının kendisini öldüremediler. Bunun yerine onu şehirlerinin altına hapsederek orada zayıflayarak bir daha kötülük yapamamasını umdular.
actors.mobs.yog$larva.name=tanrı'nın larvası
actors.mobs.yog$larva.name=tanrı'nın larvası
actors.mobs.yog$larva.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewa'nın Yemeği Oldu
actors.mobs.yog$larva.rankings_desc=Yog-Dzewa'nın Yemeği Oldu
actors.mobs.yog$larva.desc=Yog-Dzewa, kaosun güçlü bir etniği olan eski bir tanrıdır. Bir yüzyıl once, antik cüceler onun şeytanlardan oluşan ordusunu güçlükle yenmeyi başarsalar da tanrının kendisini öldüremediler. Bunun yerine onu şehirlerinin altına hapsederek orada zayıflayarak bir daha kötülük yapamamasını umdular.
actors.mobs.yog$larva.desc=Yog-Dzewa, kaosun güçlü bir etniği olan eski bir tanrıdır. Bir yüzyıl once, antik cüceler onun şeytanlardan oluşan ordusunu güçlükle yenmeyi başarsalar da tanrının kendisini öldüremediler. Bunun yerine onu şehirlerinin altına hapsederek orada zayıflayarak bir daha kötülük yapamamasını umdular.
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ actors.buffs.stamina.name=体力充沛
actors.buffs.terror.desc=恐惧是使敌人陷入不可控制的恐慌的操纵性魔法。 \n\n恐惧中的角色会远离自己的敌人,试图和敌人隔开尽可能多的门或墙。然而疼痛的冲击则会减少恐惧的持续时间。\n\n剩余的恐惧效果持续时长:%s
actors.buffs.terror.desc=恐惧是使敌人陷入不可控制的恐慌的操纵性魔法。 \n\n恐惧中的角色会远离自己的敌人,试图和敌人隔开尽可能多的门或墙。然而疼痛的冲击则会减少恐惧的持续时间。\n\n剩余的恐惧效果持续时长:%s
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=你体内被灌注了毒性能量! \n\n在你移动时毒气会从你的身体中翻腾而出,伤害你的敌人。持续时间内免疫毒气和中毒效果。 \n\n剩余的毒性之力时长:%s回合
actors.buffs.toxicimbue.desc=你体内被灌注了毒性能量! \n\n在你移动时毒气会从你的身体中翻腾而出,伤害你的敌人。持续时间内免疫毒气和中毒效果。 \n\n剩余的毒性之力时长:%s回合
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ actors.mobs.npcs.mirrorimage.name=镜像
@ -136,7 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Tot i que aquesta armadura sembla pesada, li perme
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=conjunt d'eines de l'alquimista
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=conjunt d'eines de l'alquimista
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No pots portar dos artefactes iguals.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No pots portar dos artefactes iguals.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefacte s'incrusta dolorosament al teu cos.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefacte s'incrusta dolorosament al teu cos.
@ -254,8 +260,8 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=La balisa de lloyd és un dispositiu màgic in
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Aquesta balisa s'ha fixat en algun lloc del nivell %d de Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Aquesta balisa s'ha fixat en algun lloc del nivell %d de Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=braçalet dels mestres lladres
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=braçalet dels mestres lladres
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Aquest braçalet de vellut morat porta la marca d'un lladre expert. Aquest braçalet no et pertany, però probablement tampoc pertanyia a la persona de qui el vas prendre.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Amb aquest braçalet al voltant del teu canell, cada moneda d'or que trobes fa que desitgis més la propietat d'altra gent. Potser no seria massa difícil robar del Mercat Pixel...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandàlies de la natura
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandàlies de la natura
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=sabates de la natura
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=sabates de la natura
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=bandolera de pocions
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Aquesta bandolera gruixuda s'ajusta al voltant del pit com una faixa, té moltes cintes aïllants per dur flascons de pocions.\n\nMentre estiguis dins de la bandolera, les teves pocions haurien d'estar protegides del fred.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Aquesta bandolera gruixuda s'ajusta al voltant del pit com una faixa, té moltes cintes aïllants per dur flascons de pocions.\n\nMentre estiguis dins de la bandolera, les teves pocions haurien d'estar protegides del fred.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=contenidor de pergamins
items.bags.scrollholder.name=contenidor de pergamins
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Aquest contenidor tubular sembla fet per guarda-hi els mapes d'un astrònom, però els teus pergamins hi caben igual de bé.\n\nEl contenidor no sembla massa inflamable, és a dir que els teus pergamins haurien d'estar protegits del foc al seu interior.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=sac de vellut
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=sac de vellut
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Dins d'aquest petit sac de vellut es poden guardar diversos ítems petits, com ara llavors i pedres rúniques.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Dins d'aquest petit sac de vellut es poden guardar diversos ítems petits, com ara llavors i pedres rúniques.
@ -345,6 +351,9 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Aquesta funda esvelta està feta de pell d'animal
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ENCENDRE I LLANÇAR
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ENCENDRE I LLANÇAR
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Apagues ràpidament la metxa de la bomba.
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Apagues ràpidament la metxa de la bomba.
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Aquesta bomba personalitzada farà soroll repetidame
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba elèctrica
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba elèctrica
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Aquesta bomba ha sigut modificada per alliberar una tempesta elèctrica al seu voltant quan explota.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Aquesta bomba ha sigut modificada per alliberar una tempesta elèctrica al seu voltant quan explota.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba llanuda
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba llanuda
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Aquesta bomba personalitzada crearà un camp d'ovelles màgiques en lloc d'explotar. Aquestes ovelles bloquejaran el moviment i persistiran durant un temps.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Aquesta bomba personalitzada crearà un camp d'ovelles màgiques en lloc d'explotar. Aquestes ovelles bloquejaran el moviment i persistiran durant un temps.
@ -525,11 +537,6 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Beure aquest curiós líquid et farà sura
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=poció de flama líquida
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=poció de flama líquida
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Aquest flascó conté un compost inestable que entrarà en combustió de forma violenta en ser exposat a l'aire lliure.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Aquest flascó conté un compost inestable que entrarà en combustió de forma violenta en ser exposat a l'aire lliure.
items.potions.potionofmight.name=poció de poder
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 frç, +5 ps
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=Una força nova recorre el teu cos.
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=Aquest líquid poderós recorrerà els teus músculs, augmentant permanentment la teva força en un punt i la teva salut en cinc.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=poció de visió mental
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=poció de visió mental
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=D'alguna manera pots sentir la presència de les ments d'altres criatures!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=D'alguna manera pots sentir la presència de les ments d'altres criatures!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=D'alguna manera t'adones que estàs sol en aquest pis ara mateix.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=D'alguna manera t'adones que estàs sol en aquest pis ara mateix.
@ -554,6 +561,9 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Destapar o trencar aquest flascó pressuritz
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=beuratge de rufaga
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=beuratge de rufaga
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Quan es trenqui, aquest beuratge deslligarà un remolí de rufaga que es difon com un gas.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Quan es trenqui, aquest beuratge deslligarà un remolí de rufaga que es difon com un gas.
@ -575,6 +585,11 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Aquest beuratge combina les propietats d'una
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir de sang del drac
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir de sang del drac
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quan es consumeix, aquest elixir envia un poder ardent a través de les venes del bevedor. Aquest efecte farà que el bevedor sigui immune al foc, i permet incendiar als enemics amb atacs físics.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quan es consumeix, aquest elixir envia un poder ardent a través de les venes del bevedor. Aquest efecte farà que el bevedor sigui immune al foc, i permet incendiar als enemics amb atacs físics.
@ -584,6 +599,11 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=Quan es consumeixi, aquest elixi
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir de curació melosa
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir de curació melosa
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Aquest elixir combina la curació amb la dolçor de la mel. Quan es begui, satisfarà una petita quantitat de fam, però també es pot tirar per curar un aliat.\n\nLes criatures amb afinitat per a la mel poden ser pacificades si s'utilitza aquest ítem.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Aquest elixir combina la curació amb la dolçor de la mel. Quan es begui, satisfarà una petita quantitat de fam, però també es pot tirar per curar un aliat.\n\nLes criatures amb afinitat per a la mel poden ser pacificades si s'utilitza aquest ítem.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 frç, +5 ps
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Una força nova recorre el teu cos.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Aquest líquid poderós recorrerà els teus músculs, augmentant permanentment la teva força en un punt i la teva salut en cinc.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir de restauració
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir de restauració
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Aquest elixir combina les propietats d'una poció curativa amb una de neteja. Quan es consumeix, el bevedor comença a curar-se ràpidament i a ser netejat de tots els efectes negatius.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Aquest elixir combina les propietats d'una poció curativa amb una de neteja. Quan es consumeix, el bevedor comença a curar-se ràpidament i a ser netejat de tots els efectes negatius.
@ -666,6 +686,12 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Molts nans i algunes de les seves majors creacions p
items.quest.embers.name=brases d'elemental
items.quest.embers.name=brases d'elemental
items.quest.embers.desc=Brases especials que només es poden recol·lectar dels elementals de foc joves. Irradien energia tèrmica.
items.quest.embers.desc=Brases especials que només es poden recol·lectar dels elementals de foc joves. Irradien energia tèrmica.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=No tens vetes d'or fosc a prop per minar.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=No tens vetes d'or fosc a prop per minar.
@ -766,11 +792,6 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=pergamí de cançó de bressol
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=El pergamí emet una melodia calmant. Et sents molt somnolent.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=El pergamí emet una melodia calmant. Et sents molt somnolent.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Llegir aquest pergamí emetrà una melodia calmant que portarà a tots els que la sentin en un profund somni màgic.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Llegir aquest pergamí emetrà una melodia calmant que portarà a tots els que la sentin en un profund somni màgic.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=pergamí d'infusió màgica
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Infon un ítem
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=El teu ítem "%s" ha sigut infós amb energia arcana!
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Aquest pergamí infondrà una arma o una armadura amb una poderosa energia màgica.\n\nA part de ser millorada, l'arma guanyarà un encanteri màgic, mentre que l'armadura serà imbuïda amb un glif.\n\nSi l'objecte ja tenia un encanteri o glif en cap cas serà esborrat per aquest pergamí.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergamí de mapatge màgic
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergamí de mapatge màgic
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Ara ets conscient de l'estructura del pis.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Ara ets conscient de l'estructura del pis.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Quan llegeixis aquest pergamí, una imatge cristal·lina i clara s'implantarà en la teva memòria, revelant-te l'estructura del pis i tots els seus secrets. La localització dels ítems i criatures, però, seguirà sent desconeguda.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Quan llegeixis aquest pergamí, una imatge cristal·lina i clara s'implantarà en la teva memòria, revelant-te l'estructura del pis i tots els seus secrets. La localització dels ítems i criatures, però, seguirà sent desconeguda.
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Aquest pergamí conté una energi
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=FER ENCANTERI
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Infon un ítem
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=El teu ítem "%s" ha sigut infós amb energia arcana!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=La màgia de teletransport falla.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Infon un ítem
@ -1306,7 +1381,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.trident.desc=Llances de llançament massiu amb tres pues m
items.weapon.weapon.identify=Estas suficientment familiaritzat amb la teva arma com per identificar-la.
items.weapon.weapon.identify=Estas suficientment familiaritzat amb la teva arma com per identificar-la.
items.weapon.weapon.too_heavy=Degut a que no tens prou força, aquesta arma empitjorarà la teva velocitat d'atac, precisió i habilitat de fer un atac sorpresa.
items.weapon.weapon.too_heavy=Degut a que no tens prou força, aquesta arma empitjorarà la teva velocitat d'atac, precisió i habilitat de fer un atac sorpresa.
items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Degut al teu excès de força, infligiràs fins a _%d punts de dany extra_ amb aquesta arma.
items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Degut al teu excès de força, infligiràs fins a _%d punts de dany extra_ amb aquesta arma.
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=La interacció dels diferents tipus de màgia han evitat l'encanteri d'aquesta arma!
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=La interacció dels diferents tipus de màgia han evitat l'encanteri d'aquesta arma!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Com que l'arma està maleïda, no te la pots treure de sobre.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Com que l'arma està maleïda, no te la pots treure de sobre.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Pots sentir una màgia perversa amagada dins d'aquesta arma.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Pots sentir una màgia perversa amagada dins d'aquesta arma.
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ items.armor.roguearmor.prompt=Vyber místo ke skoku
items.armor.roguearmor.desc=Nošením tohoto temného hávu může Zloděj provést úskok zvaný "Kouřová bomba", který oslepí nepřátele a umožní mu uskočit stranou.
items.armor.roguearmor.desc=Nošením tohoto temného hávu může Zloděj provést úskok zvaný "Kouřová bomba", který oslepí nepřátele a umožní mu uskočit stranou.
items.armor.scalearmor.name=Šupinová zbroj
items.armor.scalearmor.name=Šupinová zbroj
items.armor.scalearmor.desc=Kovové plátky našity na koženou vestu vytvořili pohyblivou, avšak spolehlivou ochranu.
items.armor.scalearmor.desc=Kovové plátky našity na koženou vestu vytvořili pohyblivou, avšak spolehlivou ochranu.
items.armor.warriorarmor.name=Zbroj válečníka
items.armor.warriorarmor.name=Zbroj válečníka
items.armor.warriorarmor.ac_special=HRDINNÝ SKOK
items.armor.warriorarmor.ac_special=HRDINNÝ SKOK
@ -136,7 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Ačkoliv tato zbroj vypadá těžce, umožňuje V
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=Alchymistova souprava
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=Alchymistova souprava
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nemůžeš nosit dva stejné artefakty.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nemůžeš nosit dva stejné artefakty.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefakt se s tebou bolestivě svazuje.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefakt se s tebou bolestivě svazuje.
@ -145,7 +151,7 @@ items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=Z artefaktu neuniká žádná zlá magie.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Musíš se artefaktem vybavit, pokud ho chceš použít.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Musíš se artefaktem vybavit, pokud ho chceš použít.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=Plášť trnů
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.name=Plášť trnů
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc=Odpadlé pláty kovu z DM-300 utvořili dohromady pevný plášť. Vypadá to, že v sobě uchovává silnou energii. Možná obsahuje sílu samotného DM-300?
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc=Odpadlé pláty kovu z DM-300 utvořili dohromady pevný plášť. Vypadá to, že v sobě uchovává silnou energii. Možná obsahuje sílu samotného DM-300?
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc_inactive=Plášť na tvých ramenou působí těžkým, uklidňujícím dojmem. Zdá se že získává energii z poškození které obdržíš.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc_inactive=Plášť na tvých ramenou působí těžkým, uklidňujícím dojmem. Zdá se že získává energii z poškození které obdržíš.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc_active=Vypadá to že plášť uvolňuje uloženou energii, vyzařující ochranou sílu.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns.desc_active=Vypadá to že plášť uvolňuje uloženou energii, vyzařující ochranou sílu.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.inert=Tvůj plášť je znovu nečinný.
items.artifacts.capeofthorns$thorns.inert=Tvůj plášť je znovu nečinný.
@ -220,7 +226,7 @@ items.artifacts.etherealchains.inside_wall=Tvé řetězy tě mohou jen přitahov
items.artifacts.etherealchains.nothing_to_grab=Není tu co zachytit.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.nothing_to_grab=Není tu co zachytit.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.prompt=Vyber umístění cíle.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.prompt=Vyber umístění cíle.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc=Tyto velké, ale lehké řetězy září přízračnou energií. Mohou být použity k přitáhnutí se na určité místo nebo k přitáhnutí nepřátel směrem k tobě. Přízračná vlastnost řetězů jim dokonce umožňuje se protáhnout skrze zdi!
items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc=Tyto velké, ale lehké řetězy září přízračnou energií. Mohou být použity k přitáhnutí se na určité místo nebo k přitáhnutí nepřátel směrem k tobě. Přízračná vlastnost řetězů jim dokonce umožňuje se protáhnout skrze zdi!
items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_cursed=Prokleté řetězy jsou uzamčené po tvém boku, stále se houpají a snaží se tě spoutat nebo zranit.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_cursed=Prokleté řetězy jsou uzamčené po tvém boku, stále se houpají a snaží se tě spoutat nebo zranit.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_equipped=Řetězy spočívají po tvém boku a pomalu čerpají duchovní energii těch které zabíjíš. Každé nabití je jako článek řetězu, který ho prodlouží přesně o jedno pole.
items.artifacts.etherealchains.desc_equipped=Řetězy spočívají po tvém boku a pomalu čerpají duchovní energii těch které zabíjíš. Každé nabití je jako článek řetězu, který ho prodlouží přesně o jedno pole.
items.artifacts.etherealchains$chainsrecharge.levelup=Tvé řetězy se stávají silnější!
items.artifacts.etherealchains$chainsrecharge.levelup=Tvé řetězy se stávají silnější!
@ -254,8 +260,8 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Loydův záblesk je komplikované magické za
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Loydův záblesk byl uložen někde na %d patře kobky.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Loydův záblesk byl uložen někde na %d patře kobky.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=Nárameník mistra zlodějů
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=Nárameník mistra zlodějů
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Tento sametový fialový nárameník nese znak mistra zlodějů. Nepatří ti, ale pravděpodobně nepatřil ani člověku, od kterého jsi ho vzal.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=S nárameníkem kolem tvého zápěstí tě každý kousek zlata udělá chtivějším po majetku ostatních lidí. Možná by nebylo ani tak těžké krást přímo z Pixel Martu...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=Sandály přírody
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=Sandály přírody
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=Pantofle přírody
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=Pantofle přírody
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=Pás na lektvary
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Tento tlustý pás padne kolem tvého hrudníku jako šerpa. Má na sobě mnoho samostatných řemínků pro uchycení lahviček s lektvary.\n\nKdyž budou tvé lektvary v pásu, měli by být chráněny před chladem.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Tento tlustý pás padne kolem tvého hrudníku jako šerpa. Má na sobě mnoho samostatných řemínků pro uchycení lahviček s lektvary.\n\nKdyž budou tvé lektvary v pásu, měli by být chráněny před chladem.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=Tuba na svitky
items.bags.scrollholder.name=Tuba na svitky
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Tento trubicový obal vypadá jako obal na astrologické mapy, ale svitky se do něj také vlezou.\n\nTuba nevypadá že je hořlavá, takže tvé svitky by v ní měly být před ohněm v bezpečí.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=Sametový váček
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=Sametový váček
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Tento malý sametový váček v sobě může uchovat malé předměty, jako semínka a runové kameny.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Tento malý sametový váček v sobě může uchovat malé předměty, jako semínka a runové kameny.
@ -345,6 +351,9 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Toto štíhlé pouzdro je vyrobeno z kůže něja
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ZAPÁLIT A HODIT
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ZAPÁLIT A HODIT
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Rychle hasíš zápalnou šňůru bomby.
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Rychle hasíš zápalnou šňůru bomby.
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Tato upravená bomba bude opakovaně vydávat hluk,
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=Probíjející bomba
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=Probíjející bomba
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena tak, aby kolem sebe při výbuchu uvolnila bouři elektřiny.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Tato bomba byla upravena tak, aby kolem sebe při výbuchu uvolnila bouři elektřiny.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=Stádová bomba
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=Stádová bomba
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Tato upravená bomba vytvoří pole magických ovcí, namísto výbuchu. Tyto ovce přetrvají nějakou dobu na místě a budou blokovat pohyb.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Tato upravená bomba vytvoří pole magických ovcí, namísto výbuchu. Tyto ovce přetrvají nějakou dobu na místě a budou blokovat pohyb.
@ -525,11 +537,6 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Vypití této podivné tekutiny způsobí
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=Lektvar tekutého ohně
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=Lektvar tekutého ohně
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Tato lahvička obsahuje nestabilní směs, která při kontaktu se vzduchem prudce vzplane.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Tato lahvička obsahuje nestabilní směs, která při kontaktu se vzduchem prudce vzplane.
items.potions.potionofmight.name=Lektvar moci
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 síly, +5 zdraví
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=Tvým tělem proudí nově objevená síla.
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=Tato mocná tekutina proteče skrze tvé svaly, trvale zvýší tvou sílu o jeden bod a zdraví o pět bodů.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=Lektvar vidění
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=Lektvar vidění
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Nějak dokážeš cítit přítomnost myslí ostatních tvorů!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Nějak dokážeš cítit přítomnost myslí ostatních tvorů!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Můžeš s jistotou říct, že jsi momentálně v této úrovni osamotě.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Můžeš s jistotou říct, že jsi momentálně v této úrovni osamotě.
@ -554,6 +561,9 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Odzátkování nebo roztříštění této p
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=Směs ledové vichřice
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=Směs ledové vichřice
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Po rozbití rozpoutá tato směs divokou ledovou vichřici, která se bude šířit podobně jako plyn.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Po rozbití rozpoutá tato směs divokou ledovou vichřici, která se bude šířit podobně jako plyn.
@ -575,6 +585,11 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Tato směs kombinuje vlastnosti lektvaru tox
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=Elixír dračí krve
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=Elixír dračí krve
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Po vypití vyšle elixír ohnivou sílu, která proteče žilami toho kdo jej vypil. Tento efekt ti zaručí imunitu vůči ohni a umožní zapálit nepřátele fyzickým útokem.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Po vypití vyšle elixír ohnivou sílu, která proteče žilami toho kdo jej vypil. Tento efekt ti zaručí imunitu vůči ohni a umožní zapálit nepřátele fyzickým útokem.
@ -584,6 +599,11 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=Po vypití umožní elixír tomu
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=Elixír léčivého medu
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=Elixír léčivého medu
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Tento elixír spojuje léčení se sladkostí medu. Po vypití uspokojí malé množství hladu, ale může být také hozen na spojence pro jejich vyléčení.\n\nStvoření s blízkým vztahem k medu by se po použití tohoto lektvaru na ně, mohli uklidnit.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Tento elixír spojuje léčení se sladkostí medu. Po vypití uspokojí malé množství hladu, ale může být také hozen na spojence pro jejich vyléčení.\n\nStvoření s blízkým vztahem k medu by se po použití tohoto lektvaru na ně, mohli uklidnit.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 síly, +5 zdraví
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Tvým tělem proudí nově objevená síla.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Tato mocná tekutina proteče skrze tvé svaly, trvale zvýší tvou sílu o jeden bod a zdraví o pět bodů.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=Elixír obnovení
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=Elixír obnovení
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Tento elixír spojuje vlastnosti léčivého a očišťujícího lektvaru. Po vypití se ten kdo jej vypije začne rychle uzdravovat a bude očištěn od všech negativních efektů.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Tento elixír spojuje vlastnosti léčivého a očišťujícího lektvaru. Po vypití se ten kdo jej vypije začne rychle uzdravovat a bude očištěn od všech negativních efektů.
@ -666,6 +686,12 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Mnoho trpaslíků a některé z jejich větších v
items.quest.embers.name=Elementární uhlík
items.quest.embers.name=Elementární uhlík
items.quest.embers.desc=Speciální uhlík, který může být sklizen z mladých ohnivých elementálů. Vyzařuje tepelnou energii.
items.quest.embers.desc=Speciální uhlík, který může být sklizen z mladých ohnivých elementálů. Vyzařuje tepelnou energii.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Nikde poblíž není na vytěžení žádné temné zlato.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Nikde poblíž není na vytěžení žádné temné zlato.
@ -766,11 +792,6 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=Svítek ukolébání
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Svitek vydává uklidňující melodii. Cítíš se velmi ospale.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Svitek vydává uklidňující melodii. Cítíš se velmi ospale.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Přečtení tohoto svitku vydá uklidňující melodii, která ukolébá všechny kteří ji uslyší, do hlubokého magického spánku.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Přečtení tohoto svitku vydá uklidňující melodii, která ukolébá všechny kteří ji uslyší, do hlubokého magického spánku.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=Svitek magického naplnění
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Okouzli předmět
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=Magická energie naplnila předmět: %s
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Tento svitek naplní zbraň nebo zbroj silnou magickou energií.\n\nKromě toho že dojde k vylepšení, zbraň získá magické okouzlení nebo bude do zbroje vyryta magická runa.\n\nPokud je předmět již okouzlen nebo má vyrytou runu, nebude tímto svitkem nikdy přemazán.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=Svitek magického mapování
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=Svitek magického mapování
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Nyní znáš rozvržení této úrovně.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Nyní znáš rozvržení této úrovně.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Když přečteš tento svitek, do paměti se ti vryje křišťálově čistý obraz, ukazující ti přesné rozvržení této úrovně a odhalí ti všechna skrytá tajemství. Rozmístění předmětů a tvorů zůstane neznámé.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Když přečteš tento svitek, do paměti se ti vryje křišťálově čistý obraz, ukazující ti přesné rozvržení této úrovně a odhalí ti všechna skrytá tajemství. Rozmístění předmětů a tvorů zůstane neznámé.
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Tento svitek obsahuje neuvěřite
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Okouzli předmět
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Magická energie naplnila předmět: %s
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Teleportační magie selhala.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Okouzli předmět
@ -1011,8 +1086,8 @@ items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Chytačník se maskuje mezi trávou a
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Semeník vypadá hezky, ale semínka které obsahuje jsou ukradena z rostlin, které zabil svými kořeny.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$seedpod.desc=Semeník vypadá hezky, ale semínka které obsahuje jsou ukradena z rostlin, které zabil svými kořeny.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=Hůlka transfuze
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.name=Hůlka transfuze
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.staff_name=Hůl transfuze
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.staff_name=Hůl transfuze
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Zabíjíš se svou vlastní Hůlkou transfuze...
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Zabíjíš se svou vlastní Hůlkou transfuze...
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Hůlka je nabita životní energii tvých nepřátel!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Hůlka je nabita životní energii tvých nepřátel!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Poměrně jednoduše tvarovaná hůlka vyniká díky svému purpurovému odstínu a černému drahokamu na špičce.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Poměrně jednoduše tvarovaná hůlka vyniká díky svému purpurovému odstínu a černému drahokamu na špičce.
@ -1265,7 +1340,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.bolas.name=Bola
items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Tyto neobvyklé zbraně nejsou příliš škodlivé, ale odvádí skvělou práci ve zpomalování svých cílů.
items.weapon.missiles.bolas.desc=Tyto neobvyklé zbraně nejsou příliš škodlivé, ale odvádí skvělou práci ve zpomalování svých cílů.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Po hození po nepříteli se tato zakřivená střelná zbraň vrátí do rukou tomu kdo ji hodil.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.desc=Po hození po nepříteli se tato zakřivená střelná zbraň vrátí do rukou tomu kdo ji hodil.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Díky své pevné konstrukci se tento bumerang používáním nikdy nezničí.
items.weapon.missiles.boomerang.durability=Díky své pevné konstrukci se tento bumerang používáním nikdy nezničí.
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=Ochromující šíp
items.weapon.missiles.curaredart.name=Ochromující šíp
@ -1333,7 +1408,7 @@ items.armorkit.name=Sada pro zbroj
items.armorkit.prompt=Vyber zbroj
items.armorkit.prompt=Vyber zbroj
items.armorkit.upgraded=Použitím sady se zbroj vylepšuje na předmět: %s
items.armorkit.upgraded=Použitím sady se zbroj vylepšuje na předmět: %s
items.armorkit.desc=Pomocí této sady malých nástrojů a materiálů může kdokoliv změnit jakoukoli zbroj na "epickou zbroj", která si zachová všechny vlastnosti té původní, ale také poskytne nositeli zvláštní schopnosti v závislost na typu jeho postavy. Nejsou potřeba žádné krejčovské ani kovářské schopnosti.
items.armorkit.desc=Pomocí této sady malých nástrojů a materiálů může kdokoliv změnit jakoukoli zbroj na "epickou zbroj", která si zachová všechny vlastnosti té původní, ale také poskytne nositeli zvláštní schopnosti v závislost na typu jeho postavy. Nejsou potřeba žádné krejčovské ani kovářské schopnosti.
items.brokenseal.name=Rozbitá pečeť
items.brokenseal.name=Rozbitá pečeť
@ -136,7 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Obwohl diese Rüstung schwer aussieht, erlaubt sie
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=Tragbares Alchemielabor
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=Tragbares Alchemielabor
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Du kannst nicht zwei gleiche Artefakte tragen.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Du kannst nicht zwei gleiche Artefakte tragen.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Das Artefakt bindet sich schmerzhaft an dich.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Das Artefakt bindet sich schmerzhaft an dich.
@ -254,8 +260,8 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Lloyds Leuchtfeuerstab ist ein kompliziertes,
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Das Leuchtfeuer wurde irgendwo auf Ebene %d gesetzt.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Das Leuchtfeuer wurde irgendwo auf Ebene %d gesetzt.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=Armband des Meisterdiebes
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=Armband des Meisterdiebes
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Dieses purpurne Seidenarmband zeigt das Symbol eines Meisterdiebes. Es gehört dir zwar nicht, aber es gehörte wahrscheinlich auch nicht dem, dem du es abgenommen hast.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Mit dem Armband am Handgelenk wächst dein Verlangen nach den Besitztümern anderer mit jedem Goldstück, das du findest.\n\nVIelleicht ist es doch nicht so schwer etwas aus dem Pixel-Markt zu stehlen...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=Sandalen der Natur
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=Sandalen der Natur
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=Schuhe der Natur
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=Schuhe der Natur
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=Trank-Bandelier
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Dieses dicke Bandelier liegt eng an deiner Brust an, ähnlich wie eine Schärpe. Außerdem hat es viele kleine Schlaufen, in denen du deine Tränke sicher verstauen kannst.\n\nWährend sie in den Taschen sind sollten deine Tränke gut vor Kälte geschützt sein.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Dieses dicke Bandelier liegt eng an deiner Brust an, ähnlich wie eine Schärpe. Außerdem hat es viele kleine Schlaufen, in denen du deine Tränke sicher verstauen kannst.\n\nWährend sie in den Taschen sind sollten deine Tränke gut vor Kälte geschützt sein.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Dieser röhrenförmige Behälter sieht aus, als ließen sich die gesamten Aufzeichnungen eines Astronomes damit transportieren, aber deine Schriftrollen werden hier problemlos lagern.\n\nDie Rolle sieht nicht sehr entzündlich aus, was bedeuten könnte, dass deine Schriftrollen nun vor Feuer geschützt sind.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=Beutel aus Samt
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=Beutel aus Samt
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Dieser kleine Samtbeutel kann viel kleine Gegenstände aufnehmen, wie Samen und Runensteine.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Dieser kleine Samtbeutel kann viel kleine Gegenstände aufnehmen, wie Samen und Runensteine.
@ -345,6 +351,9 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Dieses schmale Holster besteht aus der Haut einig
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=Anzünden & Werfen
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=Anzünden & Werfen
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Du hast die Lunte der Bombe so schnell wie möglich gelöscht.
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Du hast die Lunte der Bombe so schnell wie möglich gelöscht.
@ -352,7 +361,7 @@ items.bombs.bomb.ondeath=Von einer Explosion getötet worden
items.bombs.bomb.rankings_desc=Von einer Explosion getötet worden
items.bombs.bomb.rankings_desc=Von einer Explosion getötet worden
items.bombs.bomb.desc=Eine ziemlich große Schwarzpulver-Bombe. Eine Explosion würde so ziemlich an jedem in ihrer Nähe viel Schaden anrichten.
items.bombs.bomb.desc=Eine ziemlich große Schwarzpulver-Bombe. Eine Explosion würde so ziemlich an jedem in ihrer Nähe viel Schaden anrichten.
items.bombs.bomb.desc_fuse=Es scheint, als ob die Zündschnur eine Weile benötigt, um abzubrennen, sobald sie angezündet wird.
items.bombs.bomb.desc_fuse=Es scheint, als ob die Zündschnur eine Weile benötigt, um abzubrennen, sobald sie angezündet wird.
items.bombs.bomb.desc_burning=Die Zündschnur brennt gerade, also nimm Abstand oder lösch’ sie!
items.bombs.bomb.desc_burning=Die Zündschnur brennt gerade, also nimm Abstand oder lösch’ sie!
items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.name=Zwei Bomben
items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.name=Zwei Bomben
items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Hier liegen zwei große Schwarzpulver-Bomben! DIe Zweite gibt es anscheinend obendrauf!
items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Hier liegen zwei große Schwarzpulver-Bomben! DIe Zweite gibt es anscheinend obendrauf!
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Diese angepasste Bombe wird anhaltend Krach machen,
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Diese Bombe wurde so modifiziert, dass sie in einen anhaltenden Sturm aus Elektrizität zerplatzt, wenn sie explodiert.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Diese Bombe wurde so modifiziert, dass sie in einen anhaltenden Sturm aus Elektrizität zerplatzt, wenn sie explodiert.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Diese angepasste Bombe erschafft ein Feld aus magischen Schafen anstatt zu explodieren. Diese Schafe werden Bewegungen blockieren und für eine Weile andauern.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Diese angepasste Bombe erschafft ein Feld aus magischen Schafen anstatt zu explodieren. Diese Schafe werden Bewegungen blockieren und für eine Weile andauern.
@ -525,11 +537,6 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Durch das Trinken dieser sonderbaren Flüs
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=Trank der flüssigen Flamme
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=Trank der flüssigen Flamme
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Dieser Trank beinhaltet eine instabile Mischung, welche bei Kontakt mit der Luft in gewaltige Flammen ausbrechen wird.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Dieser Trank beinhaltet eine instabile Mischung, welche bei Kontakt mit der Luft in gewaltige Flammen ausbrechen wird.
items.potions.potionofmight.name=Trank der Macht
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 STÄ, +5 LP
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=Neuentdeckte Stärke rauscht durch deinen Körper.
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=Diese mächtige Flüssigkeit wird durch deine Muskeln fahren, was deine Stärke dauerhaft um einen Punkt verbessern und deine Lebenspunkte um fünf Punkte erhöhen wird.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=Trank der übersinnlichen Wahrnehmung
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=Trank der übersinnlichen Wahrnehmung
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Irgendwie kannst du die Präsenz der Gedanken anderer Kreaturen wahrnehmen!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Irgendwie kannst du die Präsenz der Gedanken anderer Kreaturen wahrnehmen!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Irgendwie weißt du, dass du im Moment auf dieser Ebene alleine bist.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Irgendwie weißt du, dass du im Moment auf dieser Ebene alleine bist.
@ -554,6 +561,9 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Sobald dieses luftdichte Flasche geöffnet o
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Wenn es zerbrochen wird, entfesselt dieses Gebräu einen tosenden Schneesturm, der sich wie ein Gas ausbreitet.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Wenn es zerbrochen wird, entfesselt dieses Gebräu einen tosenden Schneesturm, der sich wie ein Gas ausbreitet.
@ -575,6 +585,11 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Diese Brühe kombiniert die Eigenschaften ei
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Wenn dieses Elixier getrunken wird, lässt es feurige Energie durch die Adern des Trinkenden fließen. Dieser Effekt lässt den Trinkenden immun gegenüber Feuer werden und mit physischen Angriffen attackierte Feinde gehen in Flammen auf.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Wenn dieses Elixier getrunken wird, lässt es feurige Energie durch die Adern des Trinkenden fließen. Dieser Effekt lässt den Trinkenden immun gegenüber Feuer werden und mit physischen Angriffen attackierte Feinde gehen in Flammen auf.
@ -584,6 +599,11 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=Wenn dieses Elixier getrunken wi
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=Elixier der honigsüßen Heilung
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=Elixier der honigsüßen Heilung
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Dieses Elixier vereint heilende Eigenschaften und die Süße des Honigs. Trinkt man es, dann macht es auch etwas satt, man kann es aber auch werfen, um einen Freund zu heilen.\n\nKreaturen, die eine Affinität zu Honig haben, können damit besänftigt werden, wenn man es auf sie anwendet.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Dieses Elixier vereint heilende Eigenschaften und die Süße des Honigs. Trinkt man es, dann macht es auch etwas satt, man kann es aber auch werfen, um einen Freund zu heilen.\n\nKreaturen, die eine Affinität zu Honig haben, können damit besänftigt werden, wenn man es auf sie anwendet.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 STÄ, +5 LP
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Neuentdeckte Stärke rauscht durch deinen Körper.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Diese mächtige Flüssigkeit wird durch deine Muskeln fahren, was deine Stärke dauerhaft um einen Punkt verbessern und deine Lebenspunkte um fünf Punkte erhöhen wird.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=Elixier der Erneuerung
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=Elixier der Erneuerung
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Dieses Elixier hat die Eigenschaften sowohl eines Heiltranks als auch eines Tranks der Reinigung. Der, welcher es trinkt, beginnt schnell zu heilen und wird von allen negativen Effekten befreit.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Dieses Elixier hat die Eigenschaften sowohl eines Heiltranks als auch eines Tranks der Reinigung. Der, welcher es trinkt, beginnt schnell zu heilen und wird von allen negativen Effekten befreit.
@ -666,6 +686,12 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Viele Zwerge und einige ihrer größten Kreationen t
items.quest.embers.name=Asche eines Elementars
items.quest.embers.name=Asche eines Elementars
items.quest.embers.desc=Spezielle Asche, welche nur von jungen Feuerelementaren gewonnen werden kann. Die Asche strahlt thermische Energie aus.
items.quest.embers.desc=Spezielle Asche, welche nur von jungen Feuerelementaren gewonnen werden kann. Die Asche strahlt thermische Energie aus.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Es befindet sich kein Dunkelgold in der Nähe, welches du abbauen könntest.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Es befindet sich kein Dunkelgold in der Nähe, welches du abbauen könntest.
@ -690,7 +716,7 @@ items.rings.ring.sapphire=Saphirring
items.rings.ring.equip_cursed=Der Ring schnürt sich schmerzhaft um deinen Finger!
items.rings.ring.equip_cursed=Der Ring schnürt sich schmerzhaft um deinen Finger!
items.rings.ring.unknown_desc=Dieser metallene Fingerreif ist mit einem großen Edelstein, der in der Dunkelheit glitzert, verziert. Wer weiß, was er bewirkt, wenn man ihn trägt?
items.rings.ring.unknown_desc=Dieser metallene Fingerreif ist mit einem großen Edelstein, der in der Dunkelheit glitzert, verziert. Wer weiß, was er bewirkt, wenn man ihn trägt?
items.rings.ring.known=Dies ist ein %s
items.rings.ring.known=Dies ist ein %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Nun bist du mit deinem Ring vertraut genug, um ihn zu identifizieren. Es ist ein %s.
items.rings.ring.identify=Nun bist du mit deinem Ring vertraut genug, um ihn zu identifizieren. Es ist ein %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Da dieser Ring verflucht ist, bist du nicht in der Lage ihn abzustreifen.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Da dieser Ring verflucht ist, bist du nicht in der Lage ihn abzustreifen.
@ -766,11 +792,6 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=Schriftrolle des Wiegenliedes
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Die Schriftrolle gibt eine schöne Melodie von sich. Du wirst müde.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Die Schriftrolle gibt eine schöne Melodie von sich. Du wirst müde.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Wenn diese Schriftrolle gelesen wird, gibt sie eine schöne Melodie von sich die alle, welche sie hören, in einen tiefen, magischen Schlaf versinken lässt.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Wenn diese Schriftrolle gelesen wird, gibt sie eine schöne Melodie von sich die alle, welche sie hören, in einen tiefen, magischen Schlaf versinken lässt.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=Schriftrolle der magischen Infusion
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Fusioniere Gegenstand
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=Dein/e %s ist von arkaner Macht durchdrungen!
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Diese Schriftrolle durchdringt eine Waffe oder Rüstung mit starker, arkaner Energie.\n\nNeben der Tatsache, dass die Waffe verbessert wird, erhält eine Waffe eine magische Verzauberung. Eine Rüstung wird mit eine magische Glyphe versehen.\n\nWenn sich an dem Gegenstand bereits eine Verzauberung oder Glyphe befindet, wird diese durch die Schriftrolle nicht entfernt.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=Schriftrolle der magischen Kartographie
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=Schriftrolle der magischen Kartographie
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Du kennst nun die Räumlichkeiten dieser Ebene.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Du kennst nun die Räumlichkeiten dieser Ebene.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Wenn diese Schriftrolle gelesen wird, wird eine genaue Abbildung dieser Ebene und all seiner Geheimnisse in deinen Gedächtnis eingeprägt. Der Standort von Gegenständen und Kreaturen bleibt dir jedoch weiterhin verborgen.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Wenn diese Schriftrolle gelesen wird, wird eine genaue Abbildung dieser Ebene und all seiner Geheimnisse in deinen Gedächtnis eingeprägt. Der Standort von Gegenständen und Kreaturen bleibt dir jedoch weiterhin verborgen.
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Diese Schriftrolle birgt unglaubl
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Fusioniere Gegenstand
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Dein/e %s ist von arkaner Macht durchdrungen!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Die Teleportationsmagie versagt.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Fusioniere Gegenstand
@ -934,7 +1009,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=Dieser Runenstein beschwört für eine kurze Zeit
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Stein der Intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=Stein der Intuition
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Wahle einen Gegenstand
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Wahle einen Gegenstand
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Dieser Runenstein besitzt eine schwächere Version der Magie welche auch in Schriftrollen der Identifizierung zu finden ist. Anstatt einen Gegenstand direkt zu identifieren, bemüht er Deine Intuition, und erlaubt Dir so den Versuch die Eigenschaften eines Trank oder einer Schriftrolle zu erraten.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Dieser Runenstein besitzt eine schwächere Version der Magie welche auch in Schriftrollen der Identifizierung zu finden ist. Anstatt einen Gegenstand direkt zu identifieren, bemüht er Deine Intuition, und erlaubt Dir so den Versuch die Eigenschaften eines Trank oder einer Schriftrolle zu erraten.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Errate was der nicht identifizierte Gegenstand ist. Falls Du richtig liegt, wird der Gegenstand identifiziert.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Errate was der nicht identifizierte Gegenstand ist. Falls Du richtig liegt, wird der Gegenstand identifiziert.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Richtig. Der Gegenstand wurde identifiziert!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Richtig. Der Gegenstand wurde identifiziert!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Du hast falsch geraten.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Du hast falsch geraten.
@ -136,7 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Kvankam tiu ĉi defendaĵo ŝajnas peza, ĝi eblig
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alĥemia ilaro
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alĥemia ilaro
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Vi ne povas surmeti du samajn antikvaĵojn.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Vi ne povas surmeti du samajn antikvaĵojn.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=La antikvaĵo dolore ligas sin al vi.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=La antikvaĵo dolore ligas sin al vi.
@ -254,8 +260,8 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Markilo de Lloyd estas komplika magia aparato
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Markilo estas agordita ie en la %d-a keletaĝo de la Labirinto.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Markilo estas agordita ie en la %d-a keletaĝo de la Labirinto.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brakbendo de ĉefŝtelisto
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brakbendo de ĉefŝtelisto
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Tiu ĉi purpura velura brakbendo posedas markon de ĉefŝtelisto. Ĝi ne apartenas al vi kaj ĝi verŝajne ankaŭ ne apartenis al la persono de kiu vi prenis ĝin.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Kun la brakbendo sur via mano, ĉiu peco da oro trovita de vi igas vin pli deziri posedaĵojn de aliajn homojn. Eble ne estos tiel malfacile ŝteli ion de Piksel-Mart…
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandaloj de naturo
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandaloj de naturo
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=ŝuoj de naturo
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=ŝuoj de naturo
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=flakoningo
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Tiu ĉi ampleksa flakoningo ĉirkaŭvolvas vian bruston kiel skarpo, ĝi havas multajn izolitajn ingojn por teni eliksirajn flakonojn.\n\nIngitaj en flakoningo, viaj eliksiroj estas protektataj kontraŭ frostiĝo.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Tiu ĉi ampleksa flakoningo ĉirkaŭvolvas vian bruston kiel skarpo, ĝi havas multajn izolitajn ingojn por teni eliksirajn flakonojn.\n\nIngitaj en flakoningo, viaj eliksiroj estas protektataj kontraŭ frostiĝo.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Tiu ĉi tuba enhavilo ŝajnas, ke ĝi povas enteni ĉielmapojn, sed viaj skribrulaĵoj ankaŭ enteneblos.\n\nLa skribrulaĵujo ne estas facile brulebla, do viaj volvolibroj estos protektataj kontraŭ fajro en ĝi.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=velura sako
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=velura sako
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Tiu ĉi eta velura sako povas konservi plurajn aĵetojn ene, kiel semojn kaj runŝtonojn.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Tiu ĉi eta velura sako povas konservi plurajn aĵetojn ene, kiel semojn kaj runŝtonojn.
@ -345,6 +351,9 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Tiu ĉi maldika sagujo estas farita el ledo de iu
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=BRULIGI K ĴETI
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=BRULIGI K ĴETI
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Vi rapide bruligis meĉon de bombo.
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Vi rapide bruligis meĉon de bombo.
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estas modifita por ke pluroble estigu
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estas modifita por ke ellasu elektran tempeston proksime la loko de eksplodo.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Tiu ĉi bombo estas modifita por ke ellasu elektran tempeston proksime la loko de eksplodo.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=ŝaflana bombo
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=ŝaflana bombo
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Tiu ĉi modifita bombo estigos kampon de magia ŝafo anstataŭ eksplodi. Tiuj ĉi ŝafoj baros aliron kaj daŭros por kelka tempo.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Tiu ĉi modifita bombo estigos kampon de magia ŝafo anstataŭ eksplodi. Tiuj ĉi ŝafoj baros aliron kaj daŭros por kelka tempo.
@ -525,11 +537,6 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Trinkado de tiu ĉi kurioza likvo kaŭzos
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=eliksiro de likva fajro
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=eliksiro de likva fajro
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Tiu ĉi boteleto enhavas nestabilan kombinaĵon kiu ekflamos senprokraste en kontakto kun libera aero.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Tiu ĉi boteleto enhavas nestabilan kombinaĵon kiu ekflamos senprokraste en kontakto kun libera aero.
items.potions.potionofmight.name=eliksiro de povego
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 pov', +5 san'
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=Ĵuse trovita povo plenigas vian korpon.
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=Tiu ĉi potenca eliksiro trafluos tra viajn muskolojn kaj permanente pliigos vian povon je unu poento kaj sanon je kvin poentoj.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=eliksiro de mensvido
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=eliksiro de mensvido
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Vi iel sentas la ĉeeston de mensoj de aliaj kreaĵoj!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Vi iel sentas la ĉeeston de mensoj de aliaj kreaĵoj!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Vi iel sentas, ke vi estas sola en tiu ĉi keletaĝo nun.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Vi iel sentas, ke vi estas sola en tiu ĉi keletaĝo nun.
@ -554,44 +561,57 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Malkorkado aŭ dispecigado de tiu ĉi kunpre
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=blizzard brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a swirling blizzard which spreads like a gas.
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.name=frigid brew
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=neĝŝtorma infuzaĵo
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a frost and storm clouds potion. When thrown it will erupt into a cloud which both freezes and spreads water to surrounding terrain.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Post dispecigo, tiu ĉi infuzaĵo eligos kirlantan neĝŝtormon, kiu disvastiĝos kiel gaso.
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.name=frostfire brew
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.name=malarda infuzaĵo
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a liquid flame and snap freeze potion. The area around where the vial is thrown will be snap-frozen, then set ablaze for an extended duration.
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=Tiu ĉi infuzaĵo kombinas ecojn de eliksiroj de frosto kaj de pluvegaj nuboj. Post esti ĵetita, ĝi formos nubon, kiu kaj frostigos kaj superverŝos proksiman terenon.
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.name=infernal brew
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.name=frostfajra infuzaĵo
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a raging inferno which spreads like a gas.
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Tiu ĉi infuzaĵo kombinas ecojn de eliksiroj de likva fajro kaj de frosto. La tereno proksime de disrompita boteleto estos tuj frostigita kaj sekve flamos por iom da tempo.
items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.name=shocking brew
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.name=incendia infuzaĵo
items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash an electrical storm in an area around the location it breaks at.
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Post dispecigo, tiu ĉi infuzaĵo ellasos ardan incendion, kiu disvastiĝos kiel gaso.
items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.name=wicked brew
items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.name=elektroŝoka infuzaĵo
items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a toxic gas and paralytic gas potion. When exposed to open air the liquid of the brew will erupt into both gasses at once.
items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Post dispecigo, tiu ĉi infuzaĵo ellasos elektran ŝtormon en la proksimaĵo.
items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.name=ŝveb-mortiga infuzaĵo
items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Tiu ĉi infuzaĵo kombinas ecojn de eliksirojn de toksa kaj de paraliza gaso. En kontakto kun libera aero la likvo de tiu ĉi infuzaĵo ellasos ambaŭ gasojn samtempe.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir of dragon's blood
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.name=elixir of earthen power
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=eliksiro de draka sango
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=When consumed, this elixir will allow the drinker to bend the earth around them to their will. Any physical attack the drinker makes will shift the earth under the target, slowing their movement speed.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Post esti trinkita, tiu ĉi eliksiro plenigos vejnojn de trinkanto per arda povo. Tiu ĉi efiko igos la trinkanton rezista kontraŭ fajro kaj ebligos al li flamigi malamikojn per korpaj atakoj.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir of honeyed healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.name=eliksiro de tereca povo
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=This elixir combines healing with the sweetness of honey. When drank, it will satisfy a small amount of hunger, but it can also be thrown to heal an ally.\n\nCreatures with an affinity for honey might be pacified if this item is used on them.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=Post esti trinkita, tiu ĉi eliksiro ebligos al la trinkanto kurbi la plankon laŭvole. Kune kun ĉiu korpa atako farita de trinkinto, la planko sub viktimo disŝovos malrapidigante lin.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir of restoration
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=eliksiro de miela sanigo
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and cleansing potion. When consumed, the drinker will start to rapidly heal, and will be cleansed of all negative effects.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Tiu ĉi eliksiro estas same saniga kiel dolĉa. Post esti trinkita, ĝi ete kontentigos malsaton, krom tio oni povas ĵeti ĝin por sanigi amikon.\n\nBestaĉoj kun inklino al mielo povas esti trankviligitaj per uzi tiun ĉi likvon sur ili.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.name=elixir of vitality
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and shielding potion, granting a massive burst of survivability to whomever drinks it.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 pov', +5 san'
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Ĵuse trovita povo plenigas vian korpon.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Tiu ĉi potenca eliksiro trafluos tra viajn muskolojn kaj permanente pliigos vian povon je unu poento kaj sanon je kvin poentoj.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.name=elixir of toxic essence
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=eliksiro de restarigo
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=When consumed, this elixir will imbue the drinker with toxic energy. The drinker will be immune to toxic gas and poison, and will continuously spread toxic gas as they move.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Tiu ĉi eliksiro kombinas ecojn de eliksiroj de sano kaj de purigo. Post esti trinkita, la trinkanto tuj resaniĝos kaj estos purigita de ĉiuj malbonaj efikoj.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.name=eliksiro de viveco
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofvitality.desc=Tiu ĉi eliksiro kombinas ecojn de eliksiroj de sano kaj de ŝirmo, igante la trinkanton ege pli travivema.
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.name=eliksiro de toksa esenco
items.potions.elixirs.elixiroftoxicessence.desc=Post esti trinkita, tiu ĉi eliksiro plenigos la trinkanto per toksa energio. Li estos rezista kontraŭ toksa gaso kaj veneno kaj iom post iom disŝprucos toksan gason dum movado.
@ -619,7 +639,7 @@ items.potions.exotic.potionofcleansing.desc=Tiu ĉi potenca eliksiro tute neŭtr
items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.name=eliksiro de koroda gaso
items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.name=eliksiro de koroda gaso
items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Malkorkado aŭ dispecigado de tiu ĉi kunprema ujo kaŭzos, ke ĝia enhavo eksplodos formante rustkoloran korodan gason. La gaso estas malpli densa kaj ne ŝvebos por longa tempo.
items.potions.exotic.potionofcorrosivegas.desc=Malkorkado aŭ dispecigado de tiu ĉi kunprema ujo kaŭzos, ke ĝia enhavo eksplodos formante rustkoloran korodan gason. La gaso estas malpli densa kaj ne ŝvebos por longa tempo.
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.name=eliksiro de dragona spiro
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.name=eliksiro de draka spiro
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.prompt=Elektu kion flamigi
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.prompt=Elektu kion flamigi
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.desc=Tiu ĉi eliksiro enhavas nekutiman ĥemiaĵon, kiu formos flamon tuj post miksi kun salivo. Rapide kraĉu tiun ĉi likvon por fajrospiri per via buŝo!
items.potions.exotic.potionofdragonsbreath.desc=Tiu ĉi eliksiro enhavas nekutiman ĥemiaĵon, kiu formos flamon tuj post miksi kun salivo. Rapide kraĉu tiun ĉi likvon por fajrospiri per via buŝo!
@ -666,6 +686,12 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Multe da gnomoj kaj liaj pli grandaj kreaĵoj portas
items.quest.embers.desc=Tiu ĉi ardaĵo povas esti ricevita nur el junaj fajridoj. Ĝi radias varmalan energion.
items.quest.embers.desc=Tiu ĉi ardaĵo povas esti ricevita nur el junaj fajridoj. Ĝi radias varmalan energion.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Estas neniu vejno da ombra oro proksime por elfosi.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Estas neniu vejno da ombra oro proksime por elfosi.
@ -766,11 +792,6 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=skribrulaĵo de dormkanto
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=La skribrulaĵo ludas lulan melodion. Vi sentiĝas tre dormema.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=La skribrulaĵo ludas lulan melodion. Vi sentiĝas tre dormema.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Lego de tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo eligos dormigan melodion, kiu lulos ĉiujn, kiuj aŭdos ĝin al profunda magia dormo.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Lego de tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo eligos dormigan melodion, kiu lulos ĉiujn, kiuj aŭdos ĝin al profunda magia dormo.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=skribrulaĵo de hazarda enmagiigo
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Enmagiigi aĵon
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=Via %s estas enmagiigita per mistera energio!
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo enmagiigos armilon aŭ defendaĵon per potenca magia energio.\n\nKrome esti plibonigita, armilo ekposedos magian ensorĉon, aŭ defendaĵo estos enskribita per magia skribaĵo.\n\nSe la armaĵo jam havas ensorĉon aŭ skribaĵon, ĝi neniam estos forigita per tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=skribrulaĵo de magia mapado
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=skribrulaĵo de magia mapado
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Vi ĵus ekkonis strukturon de keletaĝo.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Vi ĵus ekkonis strukturon de keletaĝo.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Kiam tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo estos legita, bildo de kristala klarigo estos enigita al via menso kaj vi estos scianta pri preciza strukturo de la keletaĝo kaj ĉiuj ĝiaj kaŝaĵoj. Pozicioj de aĵoj kaj kreaĵoj daŭros nekonataj.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Kiam tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo estos legita, bildo de kristala klarigo estos enigita al via menso kaj vi estos scianta pri preciza strukturo de la keletaĝo kaj ĉiuj ĝiaj kaŝaĵoj. Pozicioj de aĵoj kaj kreaĵoj daŭros nekonataj.
@ -855,7 +876,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.name=skribrulaĵo de enmagiigo
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.inv_title=Enmagiigi aĵon
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.inv_title=Enmagiigi aĵon
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.weapon=Elektu ensorĉon por apliki al via armilo.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.weapon=Elektu ensorĉon por apliki al via armilo.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.armor=Elektu skribaĵon por apliki al via defendaĵo.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.armor=Elektu skribaĵon por apliki al via defendaĵo.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel_warn=Cancelling will still consume the scroll.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.cancel_warn=Per rezigni la skribrulaĵo perdiĝos.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo ensorĉos vian armilon aŭ defendaĵon per potenca magia energio. La leganto eĉ povas parte elekti ensorĉon por apliki.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofenchantment.desc=Tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo ensorĉos vian armilon aŭ defendaĵon per potenca magia energio. La leganto eĉ povas parte elekti ensorĉon por apliki.
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Tiu ĉi skribrulaĵo enhavas nekr
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Enmagiigi aĵon
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Via %s estas enmagiigita per mistera energio!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Teleportanta magio malsukcesis.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Enmagiigi aĵon
@ -1167,7 +1242,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.cursed=Vi ne povas uzi malbenitan vergon.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Ĉu vi certe volas plenigi vian bastonegon per sorĉo de tiu ĉi vergo? La eksa ensorĉo forviŝiĝos.\n\nSe la vergo per kiu vi plenigas havas saman aŭ plian nivelon ol la bastonego, la bastonego transprenos la nivelon de tiu vergo kaj nur unu de ĝiaj plibonigoj.\n\nTiu ĉi plenigo rezultos %d-nivelan bastonegon.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Ĉu vi certe volas plenigi vian bastonegon per sorĉo de tiu ĉi vergo? La eksa ensorĉo forviŝiĝos.\n\nSe la vergo per kiu vi plenigas havas saman aŭ plian nivelon ol la bastonego, la bastonego transprenos la nivelon de tiu vergo kaj nur unu de ĝiaj plibonigoj.\n\nTiu ĉi plenigo rezultos %d-nivelan bastonegon.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Jes, mi certas.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Jes, mi certas.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Ne, mi ŝanĝis mian volon
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Ne, mi ŝanĝis mian volon
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon. Rather than having innate magical power, this staff is instead imbued with magical energy from a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Farita de la magiisto mem, tiu ĉi bastonego estas eksterordinara magia armilo. Anstataŭ havi propran magian povon, tiu ĉi bastonego estas plenigita per magia energio de vergo.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=La bastonego nuntempe ne havas magion ene, ĝi devas esti _plenigita per sorĉo de vergo_ antaŭ ĝi povas esti uzata por sorĉi.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=La bastonego nuntempe ne havas magion ene, ĝi devas esti _plenigita per sorĉo de vergo_ antaŭ ĝi povas esti uzata por sorĉi.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=La bastonego estas nuntempe plenigita per _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=La bastonego estas nuntempe plenigita per _%s._
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ items.armor.curses.multiplicity.name=%s de multiplicidad
items.armor.curses.multiplicity.desc=Armadura maldita con multiplicidad contiene peligrosa magia de duplicación. En ocasiones crea una copia del portador, ¡pero es igual de probable que duplique al agresor!
items.armor.curses.multiplicity.desc=Armadura maldita con multiplicidad contiene peligrosa magia de duplicación. En ocasiones crea una copia del portador, ¡pero es igual de probable que duplique al agresor!
items.armor.curses.overgrowth.name=%s de sobrecrecimiento
items.armor.curses.overgrowth.name=%s de sobrecrecimiento
items.armor.curses.overgrowth.desc=La armadura de sobrecrecimiento está cubierto de varias plantas florecientes. Mientras que este efecto luce ciertamente interesante, no hace nada por la defensa, ¡y esas plantas se activarán aleatoriamente durante el combate!
items.armor.curses.overgrowth.desc=La armadura de sobrecrecimiento está cubierta por varias plantas florecientes. Mientras que este efecto luce ciertamente interesante, no hace nada por la defensa, ¡y estas plantas se activarán aleatoriamente durante el combate!
items.armor.curses.stench.name=%s de hedor
items.armor.curses.stench.name=%s de hedor
items.armor.curses.stench.desc=Armadura maldita con hedor lanzará nubes de gas nocivo, siendo un peligro para todo lo que entre en la nube.
items.armor.curses.stench.desc=Armadura maldita con hedor lanzará nubes de gas nocivo, siendo un peligro para todo lo que entre en la nube.
@ -136,7 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Aunque esta armadura parece pesada, permite a un g
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=kit del alquimista
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=kit del alquimista
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No puedes llevar dos artefactos del mismo tipo.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=No puedes llevar dos artefactos del mismo tipo.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=El artefacto se une dolorosamente a ti.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=El artefacto se une dolorosamente a ti.
@ -179,7 +185,7 @@ items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.desc=Tu manto de sombras está otorg
items.artifacts.driedrose.name=rosa marchita
items.artifacts.driedrose.name=rosa marchita
items.artifacts.driedrose.spawned=Ya has invocado al fantasma.
items.artifacts.driedrose.spawned=Ya has invocado al fantasma.
items.artifacts.driedrose.no_charge=Tu rosa no está totalmente cargada todavía.
items.artifacts.driedrose.no_charge=Tu rosa no está totalmente cargada todavía.
items.artifacts.driedrose.cursed=No puedes utilizar una rosa maldita.
items.artifacts.driedrose.cursed=No puedes utilizar una rosa maldita.
@ -254,8 +260,8 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=La baliza de lloyd es un complicado dispositiv
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Esta baliza fue fijada en alguna parte del nivel %d de Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Esta baliza fue fijada en alguna parte del nivel %d de Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brazalete de maestro ladrón
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brazalete de maestro ladrón
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Este brazalete púrpura de terciopelo sostiene la marca de un ladrón maestro. Esta no te pertenece, pero probablemente no perteneció a la persona de quien lo tomaste.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Con este brazalete alrededor de tu muñeca, cada moneda de oro que encuentras hace que quieras más la propiedad de otra persona. Quizás no podría ser muy difícil robar desde Pixel Mart...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandalias de la naturaleza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandalias de la naturaleza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=zapatos de la naturaleza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=zapatos de la naturaleza
@ -305,14 +311,14 @@ items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_hint=El reloj de arena parece haber pe
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_cursed=El reloj de arena maldito está encajado a tu lado, sientes que está intentando manipular tu flujo de tiempo.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_cursed=El reloj de arena maldito está encajado a tu lado, sientes que está intentando manipular tu flujo de tiempo.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.name=bolsa de arena mágica
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.name=bolsa de arena mágica
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.levelup=Añades la arena a tu reloj de arena.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.levelup=Añades la arena a tu reloj de arena.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.maxlevel=Tu reloj de arena esta lleno con arena magica!
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.maxlevel=Tu reloj de arena está lleno con arena mágica!
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.no_hourglass=Tu no tienes un reloj de arena para poner esta arena dentro.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.no_hourglass=Tu no tienes un reloj de arena para poner esta arena dentro.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.desc=Esta pequeña bolsa de arena fina debería funcionar perfectamente con tu reloj de arena.\n\nEs curioso que el tendero tenga este ítem en concreto justo cuando lo necesitas...
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.desc=Esta pequeña bolsa de arena fina debería funcionar perfectamente con tu reloj de arena.\n\nEs curioso que el tendero tenga este ítem en concreto justo cuando lo necesitas...
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.name=libro de hechizos inestable
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.name=libro de hechizos inestable
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.blinded=No puedes leer el libro mientras estas cegado.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.blinded=No puedes leer el libro mientras estás cegado.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.no_charge=Tu libro de hechizos está sin energía ahora.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.no_charge=Tu libro de hechizos está sin energía ahora.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.cursed=No puedes leer el libro de hechizos maldito.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.cursed=No puedes leer el libro de hechizos maldito.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.prompt=Selecciona un pergamino
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.prompt=Selecciona un pergamino
@ -334,17 +340,20 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=bandolera de pociones
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Esta bandolera gruesa se ajusta alrededor del pecho como una faja, tiene muchas correas aislantes para llevar frascos de pociones.\n\nDentro de la bandolera, tus pociones deberían estar protegidas del frío.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Esta bandolera gruesa se ajusta alrededor del pecho como una faja, tiene muchas correas aislantes para llevar frascos de pociones.\n\nDentro de la bandolera, tus pociones deberían estar protegidas del frío.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=contenedor de pergaminos
items.bags.scrollholder.name=contenedor de pergaminos
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Este contenedor puede que guardase los mapas de un astrónomo, pero tus pergaminos se ajustan igual de bien.\n\nEl envase no parece muy inflamable, por lo que sus pergaminos deberían estar a salvo de fuego en su interior.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=bolsa de terciopelo
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=bolsa de terciopelo
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Esta pequeña bolsa de terciopelo puede almacenar muchos objetos pequeños, como semillas y piedras rúnicas.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Esta pequeña bolsa de terciopelo puede almacenar muchos objetos pequeños, como semillas y piedras rúnicas.
items.bags.magicalholster.name=Contenedor mágico
items.bags.magicalholster.name=Contenedor mágico
items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Este delgado contenedor que esta hecho de algún animal exótico posee magia poderosa que te permite almacenar una cantidad masiva de armas a distancia.\n\nSolo alcanza la bolsa y busca lo que estas buscando.\n\nDebido a la magia del contenedor, las varitas se recargarán un poco mas rápido y las armas arrojadizas durarán ligeramente más.
items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Este delgado contenedor que está hecho de algún animal exótico posee magia poderosa que te permite almacenar una cantidad masiva de armas a distancia.\n\nSolo alcanza la bolsa y busca lo que estás buscando.\n\nDebido a la magia del contenedor, las varitas se recargarán un poco mas rápido y las armas arrojadizas durarán ligeramente más.
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ENCENDER Y LANZAR
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ENCENDER Y LANZAR
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Rápidamente apagas la mecha de la bomba.
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Rápidamente apagas la mecha de la bomba.
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Esta bomba personalizada hará ruidos repetidamente
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba de choque
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba de choque
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Esta bomba ha sido modificada para desatar una tormenta de electricidad a su alrededor cuando explota.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Esta bomba ha sido modificada para desatar una tormenta de electricidad a su alrededor cuando explota.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba de lana
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba de lana
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Esta bomba personalizada creará un campo de ovejas mágicas en lugar de explotar. Estas ovejas bloquearán el movimiento y persistirán por algún tiempo.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Esta bomba personalizada creará un campo de ovejas mágicas en lugar de explotar. Estas ovejas bloquearán el movimiento y persistirán por algún tiempo.
@ -525,11 +537,6 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Beber este curioso brebaje te hará flotar
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=poción de llama líquida
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=poción de llama líquida
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Este frasco contiene un compuesto inestable que estalla violentamente en llamas al exponerse directamente al aire.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Este frasco contiene un compuesto inestable que estalla violentamente en llamas al exponerse directamente al aire.
items.potions.potionofmight.name=poción de poderío
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 fuerza, +5 salud
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=Nueva fuerza recorre tu cuerpo.
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=Este poderoso líquido recorrá tus músculos, incrementando permanentemente tu fuerza por un punto y salud por cinco puntos.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=poción de visión mental
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=poción de visión mental
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=¡De algún modo puedes sentir la presencia de las mentes de otras criaturas!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=¡De algún modo puedes sentir la presencia de las mentes de otras criaturas!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=De algún modo puedes saber que estás solo en este nivel por el momento.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=De algún modo puedes saber que estás solo en este nivel por el momento.
@ -554,6 +561,9 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Descorchar o romper este frasco presurizado
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=infusión de ventisca
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=infusión de ventisca
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Cuando se rompa, esta infusión desatará una tormenta de nieve arremolinada que se propaga como un gas.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Cuando se rompa, esta infusión desatará una tormenta de nieve arremolinada que se propaga como un gas.
@ -575,15 +585,25 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Este brebaje combina las propiedades de un g
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir de sangre de dragón
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir de sangre de dragón
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Cuando es consumido, este elixir enviará poder ardiente a través de las venas del bebedor. Este efecto hará que el bebedor sea inmune al fuego y le permitirá prender fuego a los enemigos con ataques físicos.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Cuando es consumido, este elixir enviará poder ardiente a través de las venas del bebedor. Este efecto hará que el bebedor sea inmune al fuego y le permitirá prender fuego a los enemigos con ataques físicos.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.name=elixir de poder de tierra
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.name=elixir de poder de tierra
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=Cuando es consumido, este elixir permitirá al bebedor doblar la tierra a su alrededor según su voluntad. Cualquier ataque físico que haga el bebedor desplazará la tierra debajo del objetivo, reduciendo su velocidad de movimiento.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=Cuando es consumido, este elixir permitirá al bebedor doblar la tierra a su alrededor según su voluntad. Cualquier ataque físico que haga el bebedor desplazará la tierra debajo del objetivo, reduciendo su velocidad de movimiento.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir de sanación melosa
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir de curación melosa
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Este elixir combina la curación con la dulzura de la miel. Cuando es bebida, satisfará una pequeña cantidad de hambre, pero también puede ser arrojado para sanar a un aliado.\n\nLas criaturas con afinidad por la miel pueden ser pacificadas si este ítem se usa en ellas.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Este elixir combina la curación con la dulzura de la miel. Cuando es bebida, satisfará una pequeña cantidad de hambre, pero también puede ser arrojado para sanar a un aliado.\n\nLas criaturas con afinidad por la miel pueden ser pacificadas si este ítem se usa en ellas.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 fuerza, +5 salud
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Nueva fuerza recorre tu cuerpo.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Este poderoso líquido recorrá tus músculos, incrementando permanentemente tu fuerza por un punto y salud por cinco puntos.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir de restauración
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir de restauración
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Este elixir combina las propiedades de una poción de curación y limpieza. Cuando es consumido, el bebedor comenzará a sanar rápidamente, y se limpiará de todos los efectos negativos.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Este elixir combina las propiedades de una poción de curación y limpieza. Cuando es consumido, el bebedor comenzará a sanar rápidamente, y se limpiará de todos los efectos negativos.
@ -666,6 +686,12 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Muchos enanos y algunas de sus mayores creaciones ll
items.quest.embers.name=ascuas de elemental
items.quest.embers.name=ascuas de elemental
items.quest.embers.desc=Ascuas especiales que sólo pueden obtenerse de elementales de fuego jóvenes. Irradian energía térmica.
items.quest.embers.desc=Ascuas especiales que sólo pueden obtenerse de elementales de fuego jóvenes. Irradian energía térmica.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=No hay ninguna veta de oro oscuro cerca que minar.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=No hay ninguna veta de oro oscuro cerca que minar.
@ -766,11 +792,6 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=pergamino de canción de cuna
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=El pergamino emite una tranquilizadora melodía. Te sientes muy somnoliento.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=El pergamino emite una tranquilizadora melodía. Te sientes muy somnoliento.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Leer este pergamino emite una melodía relajante que inducirá a todo aquel que lo escuche en un profundo sueño mágico.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Leer este pergamino emite una melodía relajante que inducirá a todo aquel que lo escuche en un profundo sueño mágico.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=pergamino de infusión mágica
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Encantar un ítem
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=¡Tu %s está infundido con energía arcana!
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Este pergamino infundirá un arma o armadura con poderosa energía mágica.\n\nAdemás de ser mejorada, el arma ganará un encantamiento mágico o la armadura será encantada con un glifo.\n\nSi el objeto ya tenía un encantamiento o glifo en ningún caso será borrado por este pergamino.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergamino de mapeo magico
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergamino de mapeo magico
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Ahora conoces la disposición del nivel.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Ahora conoces la disposición del nivel.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Cuando este pergamino es leído, una imagen de claridad cristalina será grabada en tu memoria, revelando pasadizos y secretos del nivel. Las localizaciones de ítems permanecerán desconocidas.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Cuando este pergamino es leído, una imagen de claridad cristalina será grabada en tu memoria, revelando pasadizos y secretos del nivel. Las localizaciones de ítems permanecerán desconocidas.
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Este pergamino contiene una incre
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Encantar un ítem
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=¡Tu %s está infundido con energía arcana!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=La magía de teletrasportación falla.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Encantar un ítem
@ -919,7 +994,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=Cuando esta piedra es arrojada cerca de u
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=Piedra de detectar maldición
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=Piedra de detectar maldición
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detecta un objeto
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detecta un objeto
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=¡Sientes que el objeto esta maldito!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=¡Sientes que el objeto está maldito!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=No hay magia maligna en ese objeto.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=No hay magia maligna en ese objeto.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=Esta piedra rúnica tiene una magia más débil que la de los pergaminos de eliminar maldición. Si bien las maldiciones no pueden ser removidas de un ítem, serán detectadas.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=Esta piedra rúnica tiene una magia más débil que la de los pergaminos de eliminar maldición. Si bien las maldiciones no pueden ser removidas de un ítem, serán detectadas.
@ -1277,7 +1352,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.fishingspear.desc=Pequeñas lanzas arrojadizas diseñadas
items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Estas grandes lanzas arrojadizas son pesadas para mantener el pico hacia en frente mientras navega por el aire.
items.weapon.missiles.javelin.desc=Estas grandes lanzas arrojadizas son pesadas para mantener el pico hacia en frente mientras navega por el aire.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Este proyectil inflige _%1$d-%2$d de daño_ y requiere _%3$d de fuerza_ para ser utilizada apropiadamente.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.stats=Este proyectil inflige _%1$d-%2$d de daño_ y requiere _%3$d de fuerza_ para ser utilizada apropiadamente.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Esta arma está diseñada para ser usada a distancia, es mucho menos precisa cuerpo a cuerpo.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.distance=Esta arma está diseñada para ser usada a distancia, es mucho menos precisa cuerpo a cuerpo.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Las armas de proyectiles se desgastarán y romperán a medida que se usen.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.durability=Las armas de proyectiles se desgastarán y romperán a medida que se usen.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.uses_left=Esta pila de armas tiene _%d/%d_ usos restantes antes de que se rompa.
items.weapon.missiles.missileweapon.uses_left=Esta pila de armas tiene _%d/%d_ usos restantes antes de que se rompa.
@ -1310,7 +1385,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon.excess_str=Debido a tu exceso de fuerza, causarás hasta _%d
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=¡La interacción con diferentes tipos de magia ha anulado el encantamiento de esta arma!
items.weapon.weapon.incompatible=¡La interacción con diferentes tipos de magia ha anulado el encantamiento de esta arma!
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Debido a la maldición de esta arma, eres incapaz de quitártela.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed_worn=Debido a la maldición de esta arma, eres incapaz de quitártela.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Puedes sentir la magia malévola acechando dentro de esta arma.
items.weapon.weapon.cursed=Puedes sentir la magia malévola acechando dentro de esta arma.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=Esta arma esta libre de energía maligna.
items.weapon.weapon.not_cursed=Esta arma está libre de energía maligna.
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Está aumentado para mejorar la _velocidad._
items.weapon.weapon.faster=Está aumentado para mejorar la _velocidad._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Está aumentado para mejorar el _daño._
items.weapon.weapon.stronger=Está aumentado para mejorar el _daño._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Tiene un _%s._
items.weapon.weapon.enchanted=Tiene un _%s._
@ -136,7 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Vaikka tämä panssari näyttää painavalta, se p
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alkemistin työkalupakki
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alkemistin työkalupakki
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Et voi pitää kahta samaa artefaktia.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Et voi pitää kahta samaa artefaktia.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefakti sitoutuu kivuliaasti sinuun.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefakti sitoutuu kivuliaasti sinuun.
@ -254,8 +260,8 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Lloydin majakka on monimutkainen maaginen lait
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Tämä majakka on asetettu jonnekin pikseliluolaston tasolle %d.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Tämä majakka on asetettu jonnekin pikseliluolaston tasolle %d.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=mestarivarkaan rannerengas
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=mestarivarkaan rannerengas
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Tämä violetti samettinen rannerengas on merkitty mestarivarkaan merkillä. Tämä ei kuulu sinulle, mutta se varmaankaan kuulunut myöskään sille, jolta otit tämän.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Pitäessäsi rannerengasta ranteessasi jokainen keräämäsi kultaraha saa sinut himoitsemaan muiden ihmisten omaisuutta enemmän. Ehkä pikselikaupasta varastaminen ei olisikaan niin vaikeaa...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=luonnon sandaalit
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=luonnon sandaalit
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=luonnon kengät
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=luonnon kengät
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=taikajuomavyö
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Tämä tiukka vyö sopii vyötäröllesi kuin valettu. Siinä on kymmeniä eristettyjä hihnoja taikajuomapulloja varten.\n\nVyön pitäisi suojata siinä olevia taikajuomia kylmältä.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Tämä tiukka vyö sopii vyötäröllesi kuin valettu. Siinä on kymmeniä eristettyjä hihnoja taikajuomapulloja varten.\n\nVyön pitäisi suojata siinä olevia taikajuomia kylmältä.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Tämä putkimainen säiliö näyttää tähtikarttojen säilytysastialta, mutta kääröjenkin pitäisi mahtua sisään.\n\nSäiliö ei näytä kovin helposti syttyvältä, joten kääröjesi pitäisi olla turvassa säiliön sisällä.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=velvet pouch
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=velvet pouch
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=This small velvet pouch can store many small items in it, such as seeds and runestones.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=This small velvet pouch can store many small items in it, such as seeds and runestones.
@ -345,6 +351,9 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=This slim holster is made from some exotic animal
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=SYTYTÄ & HEITÄ
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=SYTYTÄ & HEITÄ
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Puhallat nopeasti pommin sytytyslangan sammuksiin.
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Puhallat nopeasti pommin sytytyslangan sammuksiin.
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=This customized bomb will repeatedly make noise inst
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=woolly bomb
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=woolly bomb
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=This customized bomb will create a field of magical sheep instead of exploding. These sheep will block movement and persist for some time.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=This customized bomb will create a field of magical sheep instead of exploding. These sheep will block movement and persist for some time.
@ -525,11 +537,6 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Tämän mielenkiintoisen nesteen juominen
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=nestemäisen tulen taikajuoma
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=nestemäisen tulen taikajuoma
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Tämä pullo sisältää epävakaata yhdistettä, joka leimahtaa rajusti liekkeihin joutuessaan kosketuksiin ilman kanssa.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Tämä pullo sisältää epävakaata yhdistettä, joka leimahtaa rajusti liekkeihin joutuessaan kosketuksiin ilman kanssa.
items.potions.potionofmight.name=mahdin taikajuoma
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 vahv, +5 ev
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=Uusi vahvuus virtaa ruumiisi läpi.
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=Tämä väkevä neste virtaa lihastesi läpi, nostaen pysyvästi vahvuuttasi yhdellä ja elinvoimaasi viidellä pisteellä.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=mielinäön taikajuoma
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=mielinäön taikajuoma
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Voit jotenkin tuntea muiden olentojen mielien läsnäolon!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Voit jotenkin tuntea muiden olentojen mielien läsnäolon!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Voit jotenkin tuntea, että olet varmasti täysin yksin tällä tasolla.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Voit jotenkin tuntea, että olet varmasti täysin yksin tällä tasolla.
@ -554,6 +561,9 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Tämän paineistetun lasipullon hajottaminen
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=blizzard brew
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=blizzard brew
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a swirling blizzard which spreads like a gas.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a swirling blizzard which spreads like a gas.
@ -575,6 +585,11 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a toxic
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir of dragon's blood
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir of dragon's blood
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks.
@ -584,6 +599,11 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=When consumed, this elixir will
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir of honeyed healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir of honeyed healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=This elixir combines healing with the sweetness of honey. When drank, it will satisfy a small amount of hunger, but it can also be thrown to heal an ally.\n\nCreatures with an affinity for honey might be pacified if this item is used on them.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=This elixir combines healing with the sweetness of honey. When drank, it will satisfy a small amount of hunger, but it can also be thrown to heal an ally.\n\nCreatures with an affinity for honey might be pacified if this item is used on them.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 vahv, +5 ev
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Uusi vahvuus virtaa ruumiisi läpi.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Tämä väkevä neste virtaa lihastesi läpi, nostaen pysyvästi vahvuuttasi yhdellä ja elinvoimaasi viidellä pisteellä.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir of restoration
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir of restoration
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and cleansing potion. When consumed, the drinker will start to rapidly heal, and will be cleansed of all negative effects.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and cleansing potion. When consumed, the drinker will start to rapidly heal, and will be cleansed of all negative effects.
@ -666,6 +686,12 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Monet kääpiöt ja jotkin heidän suuremmista luomu
items.quest.embers.name=elementaalin kekäleitä
items.quest.embers.name=elementaalin kekäleitä
items.quest.embers.desc=Erityisiä kekäleitä, joita saa vain nuorilta tulielementaaleilta. Ne säteilevät lämpöenergiaa.
items.quest.embers.desc=Erityisiä kekäleitä, joita saa vain nuorilta tulielementaaleilta. Ne säteilevät lämpöenergiaa.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Lähelläsi ei ole hämykultasuonta kaivettavaksi.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Lähelläsi ei ole hämykultasuonta kaivettavaksi.
@ -766,11 +792,6 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=unilaulun käärö
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Käärö soittaa rauhoittavan melodian. Tunnet itsesi todella väsyneeksi.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Käärö soittaa rauhoittavan melodian. Tunnet itsesi todella väsyneeksi.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Tämän käärön lukeminen soittaa rauhoittavan melodian, joka tuudittaa kaikki sen kuulevat syvään maagiseen uneen.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Tämän käärön lukeminen soittaa rauhoittavan melodian, joka tuudittaa kaikki sen kuulevat syvään maagiseen uneen.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=maagisen lumouksen käärö
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Valitse esine lumottavaksi
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=%s on lumottu mystisellä energialla!
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Tämä käärö lumoaa aseen tai panssarin väkevällä maagisella energialla.\n\nEsineen parantamisen lisäksi aseet saavat maagisen lumouksen, panssarit maagisen glyyfin.\n\nTämä käärö ei pyyhi pois esineissä olevia lumouksia tai glyyfejä.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=maagisen kartoituksen käärö
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=maagisen kartoituksen käärö
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Olet tietoinen tason pohjapiirustukesta.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Olet tietoinen tason pohjapiirustukesta.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Kun luet tämän käärön, kristallinkirkas kuva tason pohjapiirustuksesta ja salaisuuksista painuu mieleesi. Käärö ei paljasta esineiden ja vihollisten sijainteja.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Kun luet tämän käärön, kristallinkirkas kuva tason pohjapiirustuksesta ja salaisuuksista painuu mieleesi. Käärö ei paljasta esineiden ja vihollisten sijainteja.
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains incredible d
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Valitse esine lumottavaksi
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=%s on lumottu mystisellä energialla!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Teleportaation taikuus ei toimi.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Valitse esine lumottavaksi
@ -136,11 +136,17 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Même si cette armure paraît très lourde, elle p
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=nécessaire d'alchimie
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=nécessaire d'alchimie
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Vous ne pouvez pas porter deux exemplaires du même artefact.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Vous ne pouvez pas porter deux exemplaires du même artefact.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefact se lie à vous douloureusement.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefact se lie à vous douloureusement.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Vous pouvez sentir une aura malveillante émaner de l'artefact.
items.artifacts.artifact.curse_known=Vous pouvez sentir une aura malveillante émaner de l'artefact.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=Cet artefact est dépourvu de toute aura malveillante.
items.artifacts.artifact.not_cursed=Cet artefact est dépourvu de toute aura malveillante.
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Vous devez équiper votre artéfact pour pouvoir faire cela
items.artifacts.artifact.need_to_equip=Vous devez équiper votre artéfact pour pouvoir faire cela
@ -172,7 +178,7 @@ items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.ac_stealth=FURTIF
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Votre cape a besoin d'encore %d tours pour être ré-énergisée.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.cooldown=Votre cape a besoin d'encore %d tours pour être ré-énergisée.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Votre cape n'est pas assez chargée pour être utilisée.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.no_charge=Votre cape n'est pas assez chargée pour être utilisée.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Une inestimable cape magique, dérobé à l'armurerie royale de nombreuses années auparavant par le voleur. Lorsqu'elle est portée, elle peut être utilisée pour se rendre invisible pendant une courte durée.\n\nPlus la cape est utilisée, plus elle deviendra puissante, permettant au voleur de devenir invisible plus fréquemment et pour des périodes plus longues.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows.desc=Une inestimable cape magique, dérobé à l'armurerie royale de nombreuses années auparavant par le voleur. Lorsqu'elle est portée, elle peut être utilisée pour se rendre invisible pendant une courte durée.\n\nPlus la cape est utilisée, plus elle deviendra puissante, permettant au voleur de devenir invisible plus fréquemment et pour des périodes plus longues.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Votre cape a épuisé toute son énergie.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.no_charge=Votre cape a épuisé toute son énergie.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.levelup=Votre cape gagne en puissance !
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.levelup=Votre cape gagne en puissance !
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.desc=Votre cape d'ombres vous rend invisible tant que vous êtes enveloppé dedans.\n\nTant que vous êtes invisible, vos ennemis sont incapables de vous attaquer ou de vous suivre. Les attaques physiques ou magiques (comme les parchemins ou les baguettes) feront disparaître automatiquement votre invisibilité.\n\nVous resterez masqué jusqu'à ce que vous brisiez l'invisibilité ou que votre cape n'ait plus de charge.
items.artifacts.cloakofshadows$cloakstealth.desc=Votre cape d'ombres vous rend invisible tant que vous êtes enveloppé dedans.\n\nTant que vous êtes invisible, vos ennemis sont incapables de vous attaquer ou de vous suivre. Les attaques physiques ou magiques (comme les parchemins ou les baguettes) feront disparaître automatiquement votre invisibilité.\n\nVous resterez masqué jusqu'à ce que vous brisiez l'invisibilité ou que votre cape n'ait plus de charge.
@ -235,27 +241,27 @@ items.artifacts.hornofplenty.reject=La corne rejette le fruifade cru.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.maxlevel=Votre corne ne peut plus contenir de nourriture supplémentaire !
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.maxlevel=Votre corne ne peut plus contenir de nourriture supplémentaire !
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.levelup=La corne consomme votre offrande et devient plus puissante !
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.levelup=La corne consomme votre offrande et devient plus puissante !
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.feed=La corne consomme votre offrande de nourriture.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.feed=La corne consomme votre offrande de nourriture.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=On ne peut pas souffler dans cette corne, mais elle semble plutôt se remplir de nourriture à mesure que vous explorez et gagnez de l'expérience.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=On ne peut pas souffler dans cette corne, mais elle semble plutôt se remplir de nourriture à mesure que vous explorez et gagnez de l'expérience.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=Peut-être y a-t-il un moyen d'augmenter le pouvoir de la corne en lui donnant l'énergie de votre nourriture.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=Peut-être y a-t-il un moyen d'augmenter le pouvoir de la corne en lui donnant l'énergie de votre nourriture.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=La corne maudite s'est attaché à votre flanc, elle semble plus avide de votre nourriture qu'elle ne peut en produire.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=La corne maudite s'est attaché à votre flanc, elle semble plus avide de votre nourriture qu'elle ne peut en produire.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.name=balise de Lloyd
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.name=balise de Lloyd
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.no_charge=Votre balise manque d'énergie pour l'instant.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.no_charge=Votre balise manque d'énergie pour l'instant.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.tele_fail=Votre sort de téléportation échoue.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.tele_fail=Votre sort de téléportation échoue.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.prompt=Choisissez où jeter le sort.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.prompt=Choisissez où jeter le sort.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.levelup=Votre balise devient plus puissante !
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.levelup=Votre balise devient plus puissante !
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.preventing=La puissante magie imprégnant cet endroit vous empêche d'utiliser la balise de Lloyd !
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.preventing=La puissante magie imprégnant cet endroit vous empêche d'utiliser la balise de Lloyd !
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.creatures=L'aura psychique des créatures avoisinantes empêche la balise de Lloyd de fonctionner.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.creatures=L'aura psychique des créatures avoisinantes empêche la balise de Lloyd de fonctionner.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.return=La balise de Lloyd s'est correctement réglée sur votre emplacement actuel, vous pouvez désormais revenir ici à tout moment.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.return=La balise de Lloyd s'est correctement réglée sur votre emplacement actuel, vous pouvez désormais revenir ici à tout moment.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=La balise de Lloyd est un instrument magique complexe qui confère à son porteur le pouvoir de la téléportation. La balise peut être utilisée pour revenir à un endroit défini, mais elle peut également lancer des éclats de magie téléportatrice une fois qu'elle s'est rechargée à force d'être équipée. Cette magie peut être utilisée sur une cible ou sur vous-même.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=La balise de Lloyd est un instrument magique complexe qui confère à son porteur le pouvoir de la téléportation. La balise peut être utilisée pour revenir à un endroit défini, mais elle peut également lancer des éclats de magie téléportatrice une fois qu'elle s'est rechargée à force d'être équipée. Cette magie peut être utilisée sur une cible ou sur vous-même.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Cette balise à été réglée quelque part dans le niveau %d de Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Cette balise à été réglée quelque part dans le niveau %d de Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brassard de maître voleur
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=brassard de maître voleur
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Ce brassard de velours violet porte la marque d'un maître voleur. Il ne vous appartient pas, pas plus qu'il ne devait appartenir à son précédent porteur.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Avec le brassard autour de votre bras plus vous ramassez de pièces d'or, plus la propriété d'autrui vous semble désirable. Peut-être qu'il n'est pas si difficile de voler au marché-pixel...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandales de la nature
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandales de la nature
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=chaussures de la nature
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=chaussures de la nature
@ -265,14 +271,14 @@ items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.ac_feed=NOURRIR
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.no_charge=Elles n'ont pas d'énergie actuellement.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.no_charge=Elles n'ont pas d'énergie actuellement.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.prompt=Sélectionnez une graine à jeter
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.prompt=Sélectionnez une graine à jeter
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.already_fed=Vos chaussures ont déjà reçu des nutriments de cette graine récemment.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.already_fed=Vos chaussures ont déjà reçu des nutriments de cette graine récemment.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.levelup=Vos chaussures grandissent brusquement !
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.levelup=Vos chaussures grandissent brusquement !
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.absorb_seed=Les chaussures absorbent la graine, elles semblent en meilleur état.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.absorb_seed=Les chaussures absorbent la graine, elles semblent en meilleur état.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_1=Ce qui semble de prime abord être des sandales faites de ficelles est en fait deux plantes ! Elles semblent faibles et pâles, peut-être ont-elles besoin de nutriments ?
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_1=Ce qui semble de prime abord être des sandales faites de ficelles est en fait deux plantes ! Elles semblent faibles et pâles, peut-être ont-elles besoin de nutriments ?
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_2=Les sandales ont grandi et ressemblent maintenant plus à des chaussures taillées sur mesure. Elles sont aussi plus colorées, peut-être peuvent-elles encore grandir ?
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_2=Les sandales ont grandi et ressemblent maintenant plus à des chaussures taillées sur mesure. Elles sont aussi plus colorées, peut-être peuvent-elles encore grandir ?
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_3=Les plantes ont encore grandi et ressemblent maintenant à une paire de bottes solides faites d'écorces. Les plantes semblent avoir récupéré leur puissance, mais peuvent-elles encore grandir ?
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_3=Les plantes ont encore grandi et ressemblent maintenant à une paire de bottes solides faites d'écorces. Les plantes semblent avoir récupéré leur puissance, mais peuvent-elles encore grandir ?
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_4=Les plantes semblent avoir atteint leur taille maximale, elles ressemblent à une paire de jambières blindées. Elles sont d'un marron profond comme le tronc d'un arbre robuste.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_4=Les plantes semblent avoir atteint leur taille maximale, elles ressemblent à une paire de jambières blindées. Elles sont d'un marron profond comme le tronc d'un arbre robuste.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_hint=Vous vous sentez plus proche de la nature en portant cet artefact.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_hint=Vous vous sentez plus proche de la nature en portant cet artefact.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_cursed=Les sandales maudites empêchent toute harmonie avec la nature.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_cursed=Les sandales maudites empêchent toute harmonie avec la nature.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_ability=Les chaussures semblent avoir gagné la capacité de former une sorte d'armure végétale immobile, mais elles demanderont du temps pour se charger.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_ability=Les chaussures semblent avoir gagné la capacité de former une sorte d'armure végétale immobile, mais elles demanderont du temps pour se charger.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_seeds=Vous avez nourri les chaussures avec une graine de %s.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_seeds=Vous avez nourri les chaussures avec une graine de %s.
@ -313,7 +319,7 @@ items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.name=livre de sorts instable
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.blinded=Vous ne pouvez pas lire le livre tant que vous êtes aveugle.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.blinded=Vous ne pouvez pas lire le livre tant que vous êtes aveugle.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.no_charge=Votre livre de sorts n'a plus d'énergie pour l'instant.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.no_charge=Votre livre de sorts n'a plus d'énergie pour l'instant.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.cursed=Vous ne pouvez lire un livre de sort maudit.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.cursed=Vous ne pouvez lire un livre de sort maudit.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.prompt=Sélectionnez un parchemin
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.prompt=Sélectionnez un parchemin
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.infuse_scroll=Vous insufflez l'énergie du parchemin dans le livre.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.infuse_scroll=Vous insufflez l'énergie du parchemin dans le livre.
@ -321,7 +327,7 @@ items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.unable_scroll=Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter ce pa
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.unknown_scroll=Vous ne connaissez pas encore le pouvoir de ce parchemin.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.unknown_scroll=Vous ne connaissez pas encore le pouvoir de ce parchemin.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc=Ce livre est en très bon état pour son âge. Il scintille et crépite quand vous bougez les pages, dégageant une énergie instable. Si vous lisez ce livre, vous ne savez pas quel sort vous pourriez lancer.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc=Ce livre est en très bon état pour son âge. Il scintille et crépite quand vous bougez les pages, dégageant une énergie instable. Si vous lisez ce livre, vous ne savez pas quel sort vous pourriez lancer.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_cursed=Le livre maudit s'est lié à vous, il vous empêche de lire la plupart des parchemins.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_cursed=Le livre maudit s'est lié à vous, il vous empêche de lire la plupart des parchemins.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_index=Le livre est incomplet. L'index pointe actuellement aux pages blanches suivantes :
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_index=Le livre est incomplet. L'index pointe actuellement aux pages blanches suivantes :
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_empowered=The scrolls that you've added to the book are glowing with power. You will be able to choose the exotic version of these scroll's effects, but at the cost of an additional charge.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_empowered=The scrolls that you've added to the book are glowing with power. You will be able to choose the exotic version of these scroll's effects, but at the cost of an additional charge.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.read_empowered=Le parchemin que vous avez ajouté au livre de sorts afflue d'energie. Vous pouvez canaliser soit la variante régulière de l'effet de ce parchemin, soit la variante exotique.\n\nChoisir la variante exotique va consommer 2 charges a la place de 1.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.read_empowered=Le parchemin que vous avez ajouté au livre de sorts afflue d'energie. Vous pouvez canaliser soit la variante régulière de l'effet de ce parchemin, soit la variante exotique.\n\nChoisir la variante exotique va consommer 2 charges a la place de 1.
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=cartouchière pour potions
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Cette épaisse ceinture en bandoulière, ressemblant à une cartouchière, possède de nombreux emplacements pour y ranger des potions.\n\nLes potions rangées dans cette cartouchière devraient être protégées du froid.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Cette épaisse ceinture en bandoulière, ressemblant à une cartouchière, possède de nombreux emplacements pour y ranger des potions.\n\nLes potions rangées dans cette cartouchière devraient être protégées du froid.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=étui à parchemins
items.bags.scrollholder.name=étui à parchemins
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Cet étui tubulaire semble avoir été fait pour ranger des cartes astronomiques, mais vos parchemins y tiennent tout aussi bien.\n\nL'étui ne semble pas inflammable, vos parchemins devraient donc être à l'abri du feu rangés ici.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=bourse de velours
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=bourse de velours
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Cette petite bourse de velours peut stocker beaucoup de petits objets, tels que des graines et des pierres runiques.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Cette petite bourse de velours peut stocker beaucoup de petits objets, tels que des graines et des pierres runiques.
@ -345,6 +351,9 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Ce carquois fin est fait à partir de la peau de
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ALLUMER & JETER
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ALLUMER & JETER
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Vous avez rapidement éteint la mèche de la bombe.
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Vous avez rapidement éteint la mèche de la bombe.
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Cette bombe modifiée va faire du bruit a la place d
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bombe choquante
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bombe choquante
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Cette bombe a été modifiée pour lâcher une tempête électrique autour d'elle quand elle explose.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Cette bombe a été modifiée pour lâcher une tempête électrique autour d'elle quand elle explose.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bombe laineuse
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bombe laineuse
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Cette bombe modifiée va créer un champ de moutons magique a la place d'exploser. Ces moutons bloquent le mouvement et restent pour quelque temps.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Cette bombe modifiée va créer un champ de moutons magique a la place d'exploser. Ces moutons bloquent le mouvement et restent pour quelque temps.
@ -525,11 +537,6 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Boire cet étrange liquide vous fera lévi
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=potion de feu liquide
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=potion de feu liquide
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Cette flasque contient un agent très instable qui prend violemment feu au contact de l'air.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Cette flasque contient un agent très instable qui prend violemment feu au contact de l'air.
items.potions.potionofmight.name=potion de puissance
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 force, +5 pv
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=Une force nouvelle parcourt votre corps !
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=La puissance de ce breuvage pénètre jusque dans vos muscles augmentant de façon permanente votre force d'un point et vos point de vie de cinq points.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=potion de vision spirituelle
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=potion de vision spirituelle
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Vous arrivez à ressentir la présence des esprits des autres créatures !
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Vous arrivez à ressentir la présence des esprits des autres créatures !
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Vous semblez capable de deviner que vous êtes seul dans ce niveau pour le moment.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Vous semblez capable de deviner que vous êtes seul dans ce niveau pour le moment.
@ -554,6 +561,9 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Déboucher ou briser cette fiole de gaz sous
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=blizzard brew
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=blizzard brew
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a swirling blizzard which spreads like a gas.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a swirling blizzard which spreads like a gas.
@ -575,6 +585,11 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a toxic
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir of dragon's blood
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir of dragon's blood
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks.
@ -584,6 +599,11 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=When consumed, this elixir will
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir of honeyed healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir of honeyed healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=This elixir combines healing with the sweetness of honey. When drank, it will satisfy a small amount of hunger, but it can also be thrown to heal an ally.\n\nCreatures with an affinity for honey might be pacified if this item is used on them.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=This elixir combines healing with the sweetness of honey. When drank, it will satisfy a small amount of hunger, but it can also be thrown to heal an ally.\n\nCreatures with an affinity for honey might be pacified if this item is used on them.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 force, +5 pv
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Une force nouvelle parcourt votre corps.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=La puissance de ce breuvage pénètre jusque dans vos muscles augmentant de façon permanente votre force d'un point et vos point de vie de cinq points.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir of restoration
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir of restoration
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and cleansing potion. When consumed, the drinker will start to rapidly heal, and will be cleansed of all negative effects.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and cleansing potion. When consumed, the drinker will start to rapidly heal, and will be cleansed of all negative effects.
@ -608,7 +628,7 @@ items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.amber=potion ambrée exotique
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.bistre=potion brune exotique
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.bistre=potion brune exotique
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.indigo=potion indigo exotique
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.indigo=potion indigo exotique
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.silver=potion argentée exotique
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.silver=potion argentée exotique
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.unknown_desc=Cette fiole ronde contient un liquide granuleux coloré. Il semble étranger a cette terre, qui sait ce que qu'il peut faire quand bu ou lancé?
items.potions.exotic.exoticpotion.unknown_desc=Cette fiole ronde contient un liquide granuleux coloré. Il semble étranger a cette terre, qui sait ce que qu'il peut faire quand bu ou lancé?
items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.name=potion d'afflux d'adrénaline
items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.name=potion d'afflux d'adrénaline
items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.desc=Ce liquide puissant va vous donner un grand boost de force qui disparaît après une période de temps prolongée.
items.potions.exotic.potionofadrenalinesurge.desc=Ce liquide puissant va vous donner un grand boost de force qui disparaît après une période de temps prolongée.
@ -666,6 +686,12 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=De nombreux nains et beaucoup de leur grandes créat
items.quest.embers.name=braises élémentales
items.quest.embers.name=braises élémentales
items.quest.embers.desc=Des braises spéciales qui ne peuvent être collectées que sur de jeunes élémentaires de feu. Elles diffusent une énergie réchauffante.
items.quest.embers.desc=Des braises spéciales qui ne peuvent être collectées que sur de jeunes élémentaires de feu. Elles diffusent une énergie réchauffante.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Il n'y a pas de filon d'or sombre à miner à votre portée.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Il n'y a pas de filon d'or sombre à miner à votre portée.
@ -766,11 +792,6 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=parchemin de berceuse
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Le parchemin produit une douce mélodie. Vous avez vraiment envie de dormir.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Le parchemin produit une douce mélodie. Vous avez vraiment envie de dormir.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=La lecture de ce parchemin émet une apaisante mélodie qui plongera qui l'entend dans un profond sommeil.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=La lecture de ce parchemin émet une apaisante mélodie qui plongera qui l'entend dans un profond sommeil.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=parchemin d'enchantement
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Enchanter un objet
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=Votre %s est empli d'énergie arcanique !
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Ce parchemin insufflera une puissante force magique dans une arme ou armure.\n\nEn plus d'être améliorée, une arme sera imprégnée avec un enchantement et une armure avec un glyphe.\n\nSi l'objet possède déjà un enchantement ou un glyphe, il ne sera pas effacé par l'utilisation du parchemin.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=sort de cartographie magique
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=sort de cartographie magique
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Vous connaissez maintenant la disposition du niveau.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Vous connaissez maintenant la disposition du niveau.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Une fois lu, ce parchemin imprimera dans votre mémoire une image d'une clarté limpide révélant le plan du niveau ainsi que ses plus sombres secrets. L'emplacement des objets et des créatures demeurera inconnu.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Une fois lu, ce parchemin imprimera dans votre mémoire une image d'une clarté limpide révélant le plan du niveau ainsi que ses plus sombres secrets. L'emplacement des objets et des créatures demeurera inconnu.
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Ce parchemin contient une énergi
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Enchanter un objet
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Votre %s est empli d'énergie arcanique !
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Votre sort de téléportation échoue.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Enchanter un objet
@ -973,7 +1048,7 @@ items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=Cette baguette libèrera une explosion d
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=baguette de désintégration
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=baguette de désintégration
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=baguette de désintégration
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.staff_name=baguette de désintégration
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Cette baguette magique est faite d'un morceau lisse d'obsidienne, une lumière d'un pourpre profond court sur ses flancs et se concentre à son bout . Elle brille d'une énergie destructive, prête à jaillir.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.desc=Cette baguette magique est faite d'un morceau lisse d'obsidienne, une lumière d'un pourpre profond court sur ses flancs et se concentre à son bout . Elle brille d'une énergie destructive, prête à jaillir.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Cette baguette lance un rayon qui perce tous les obstacles qu'il rencontre. La portée de ce rayon augmente avec le nombre d'améliorations. Le rayon inflige _%1$d à %2$d_ dégâts et inflige des dégâts supplémentaires pour chaque ennemi ou mur qu'il traverse.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.stats_desc=Cette baguette lance un rayon qui perce tous les obstacles qu'il rencontre. La portée de ce rayon augmente avec le nombre d'améliorations. Le rayon inflige _%1$d à %2$d_ dégâts et inflige des dégâts supplémentaires pour chaque ennemi ou mur qu'il traverse.
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=baguette de souffle de feu
items.wands.wandoffireblast.name=baguette de souffle de feu
@ -1021,7 +1096,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Cette baguette prend de votre vie et la
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=Baguette de corrosion
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=Baguette de corrosion
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=Baguette de corrosion
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=Baguette de corrosion
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Cette baguette est formée d'un corps cendré qui s'ouvre sur une éclatante gemme orange.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.desc=Cette baguette est formée d'un corps cendré qui s'ouvre sur une éclatante gemme orange.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Cette baguette tire un jet qui explose au contact des ennemis en un nuage de gaz hautement corrosif. Tout ce qui est pris dans ce nuage subira des dégats qui augmenteront avec le temps.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.stats_desc=Cette baguette tire un jet qui explose au contact des ennemis en un nuage de gaz hautement corrosif. Tout ce qui est pris dans ce nuage subira des dégats qui augmenteront avec le temps.
@ -1030,7 +1105,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.annoying.name=%s pénible
items.weapon.curses.annoying.msg_1=HOOO, NOUS BATTONS NOUS CONTRE QUELQUE CHOSE ?
items.weapon.curses.annoying.msg_1=HOOO, NOUS BATTONS NOUS CONTRE QUELQUE CHOSE ?
items.weapon.curses.annoying.msg_2=OUAIS, VAS-Y !
items.weapon.curses.annoying.msg_2=OUAIS, VAS-Y !
items.weapon.curses.annoying.msg_3=HÉ, ÉCOUTE !
items.weapon.curses.annoying.msg_3=HÉ, ÉCOUTE !
items.weapon.curses.annoying.msg_4=EST CE QU'ON EST DÉJA EST AU BOSS ?
items.weapon.curses.annoying.msg_4=EST CE QU'ON EST DÉJA EST AU BOSS ?
items.weapon.curses.annoying.msg_5=AIE, NE ME SECOUE PAS COMME ÇA !
items.weapon.curses.annoying.msg_5=AIE, NE ME SECOUE PAS COMME ÇA !
items.weapon.curses.annoying.desc=Les armes pénibles sont douées de parole, cependant ce sont des vraies bavardes. Elles attireront souvent l'attention sur vous sans le vouloir.
items.weapon.curses.annoying.desc=Les armes pénibles sont douées de parole, cependant ce sont des vraies bavardes. Elles attireront souvent l'attention sur vous sans le vouloir.
@ -1143,7 +1218,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.greatsword.desc=Cette imposante lame inflige d'énormes dég
items.weapon.melee.handaxe.stats_desc=C'est une arme plutôt précise.
items.weapon.melee.handaxe.stats_desc=C'est une arme plutôt précise.
items.weapon.melee.handaxe.desc=Une hache légère, plus communément utilisée pour couper des branches. La large lame fonctionne également assez bien contre les ennemis.
items.weapon.melee.handaxe.desc=Une hache légère, plus communément utilisée pour couper des branches. La large lame fonctionne également assez bien contre les ennemis.
items.weapon.melee.knuckles.name=poing américain
items.weapon.melee.knuckles.name=poing américain
items.weapon.melee.knuckles.stats_desc=C'est une arme très rapide.
items.weapon.melee.knuckles.stats_desc=C'est une arme très rapide.
@ -1168,7 +1243,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.warning=Voulez-vous vraiment imprégner votre bât
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Oui je suis sûr.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.yes=Oui je suis sûr.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Non, j'ai changé d'avis
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no=Non, j'ai changé d'avis
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon. Rather than having innate magical power, this staff is instead imbued with magical energy from a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.desc=Crafted by the Mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon. Rather than having innate magical power, this staff is instead imbued with magical energy from a wand.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Le bâton n'a pas de magie en lui. Il doit être _infusé par le pouvoir d'une baguette_ avant de pouvoir lancer des sorts.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.no_wand=Le bâton n'a pas de magie en lui. Il doit être _infusé par le pouvoir d'une baguette_ avant de pouvoir lancer des sorts.
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Le bâton est imprégné avec _%s._
items.weapon.melee.magesstaff.has_wand=Le bâton est imprégné avec _%s._
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Cette arme de mêlée de _niveau %1$d_ inflige _de %2$d à %3$d dégâts_ et nécessite _%4$d de force_ pour être correctement utilisée.
items.weapon.melee.meleeweapon.stats_known=Cette arme de mêlée de _niveau %1$d_ inflige _de %2$d à %3$d dégâts_ et nécessite _%4$d de force_ pour être correctement utilisée.
@ -1193,7 +1268,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.runicblade.desc=Une arme mystérieuse d'une contrée lointain
items.weapon.melee.sai.stats_desc=C'est une arme très rapide.\nCette arme bloque une partie des dégâts.
items.weapon.melee.sai.stats_desc=C'est une arme très rapide.\nCette arme bloque une partie des dégâts.
items.weapon.melee.sai.desc=Deux lames jumelles, destinées à être portées dans chaque main. Excellentes autant pour effectuer des attaques rapides que pour parer les coup.
items.weapon.melee.sai.desc=Deux lames jumelles, destinées à être portées dans chaque main. Excellentes autant pour effectuer des attaques rapides que pour parer les coup.
items.weapon.melee.scimitar.stats_desc=C'est une arme plutôt rapide.
items.weapon.melee.scimitar.stats_desc=C'est une arme plutôt rapide.
@ -1211,7 +1286,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.warhammer.stats_desc=C'est une arme plutôt précise.
items.weapon.melee.warhammer.desc=Bien peu de créatures peuvent résister aux coups devastateurs de cette masse imposante de plomb et d'acier, mais elle nécessite une grande force pour être efficacement utilisée.
items.weapon.melee.warhammer.desc=Bien peu de créatures peuvent résister aux coups devastateurs de cette masse imposante de plomb et d'acier, mais elle nécessite une grande force pour être efficacement utilisée.
items.weapon.melee.whip.stats_desc=Cette arme à une énorme portée.
items.weapon.melee.whip.stats_desc=Cette arme à une énorme portée.
items.weapon.melee.whip.desc=Bien que l'extrémité barbelée de cette corde n'inflige que peu de dégâts, sa portée est inégalée.
items.weapon.melee.whip.desc=Bien que l'extrémité barbelée de cette corde n'inflige que peu de dégâts, sa portée est inégalée.
items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.name=épée courte usée
items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.name=épée courte usée
@ -1239,12 +1314,12 @@ items.weapon.missiles.darts.healingdart.name=fléchette régénératives
items.weapon.missiles.darts.healingdart.desc=Ces fléchettes sont enduites d'un extrait de Solherbe qui vont donner un bonus de régénération à leur cible. Par contre la fléchette en elle même inflige toujours des dégats.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.healingdart.desc=Ces fléchettes sont enduites d'un extrait de Solherbe qui vont donner un bonus de régénération à leur cible. Par contre la fléchette en elle même inflige toujours des dégats.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.holydart.name=fléchette bénie
items.weapon.missiles.darts.holydart.name=fléchette bénie
items.weapon.missiles.darts.holydart.desc=Ces fléchettes sont enduites d'un extrait de Fleurétoile qui vont donner un bonus de puissance à leur cible. Par contre la fléchette en elle même inflige toujours des dégats.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.holydart.desc=Ces fléchettes sont enduites d'un extrait de Fleurétoile qui vont donner un bonus de puissance à leur cible. Par contre la fléchette en elle même inflige toujours des dégats.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.paralyticdart.name=fléchette paralysante
items.weapon.missiles.darts.paralyticdart.name=fléchette paralysante
items.weapon.missiles.darts.paralyticdart.desc=Ces fléchettes ont leur pointe enduite d'un extrait de Terracine qui va paralyser leur cible pour un court instant
items.weapon.missiles.darts.paralyticdart.desc=Ces fléchettes ont leur pointe enduite d'un extrait de Terracine qui va paralyser leur cible pour un court instant
items.weapon.missiles.darts.incendiarydart.name=dard incendiaire
items.weapon.missiles.darts.incendiarydart.name=dard incendiaire
items.weapon.missiles.darts.incendiarydart.desc=Ces fléchettes sont enduites d'un extrait de Pyroflore et exploseront dans de brillantes flammes à l'impact.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.incendiarydart.desc=Ces fléchettes sont enduites d'un extrait de Pyroflore et exploseront dans de brillantes flammes à l'impact.
items.weapon.missiles.darts.poisondart.name=fléchette empoisonnée
items.weapon.missiles.darts.poisondart.name=fléchette empoisonnée
@ -1369,7 +1444,7 @@ items.heap.locked_chest=Coffre fermé à clé
items.heap.locked_chest_desc=Vous ne saurez pas ce qu'il y a dedans jusqu'à ce que vous l'ouvriez ! Mais pour l'ouvrir, vous avez besoin d'une clé en or.
items.heap.locked_chest_desc=Vous ne saurez pas ce qu'il y a dedans jusqu'à ce que vous l'ouvriez ! Mais pour l'ouvrir, vous avez besoin d'une clé en or.
items.heap.crystal_chest=Coffre en cristal
items.heap.crystal_chest=Coffre en cristal
items.heap.crystal_chest_desc=Vous pouvez voir _%s_ à l'intérieur, mais pour ouvrir le coffre vous avez besoin d'une clé en cristal.
items.heap.crystal_chest_desc=Vous pouvez voir _%s_ à l'intérieur, mais pour ouvrir le coffre vous avez besoin d'une clé en cristal.
items.heap.artifact=un artefact
items.heap.artifact=un artefact
items.heap.wand=une baguette
items.heap.wand=une baguette
items.heap.ring=une bague
items.heap.ring=une bague
@ -1393,7 +1468,7 @@ items.item.rankings_desc=Tué par : %s.
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Déséquipez un objet
items.kindofmisc.unequip_title=Déséquipez un objet
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=Vous ne pouvez porter que 2 objets (anneau, artefact) à la fois.
items.kindofmisc.unequip_message=Vous ne pouvez porter que 2 objets (anneau, artefact) à la fois.
items.kindofweapon.equip_cursed=Votre main se contracte involontairement autour de la poignée de l'arme.
items.kindofweapon.equip_cursed=Votre main se contracte involontairement autour de la poignée de l'arme.
@ -136,7 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Bár a páncélzat nehéznek tűnik, segítségév
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alkimista felszerelés
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alkimista felszerelés
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nem viselhetsz két ugyanolyan ereklyét.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nem viselhetsz két ugyanolyan ereklyét.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Az ereklye fájdalmasan hozzád tapad.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Az ereklye fájdalmasan hozzád tapad.
@ -254,8 +260,8 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Lloyd fényjele egy bonyolult varázskészül
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=A fényjellel a Pixel Várbörtön %d. szintjének egy pontját jelölted meg.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=A fényjellel a Pixel Várbörtön %d. szintjének egy pontját jelölted meg.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=mestertolvaj karszalagja
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=mestertolvaj karszalagja
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=A lila karszalag egy mestertolvaj kézjegyét hordozza. Nem a tiéd, de valószínűleg azé sem volt, akitől te megszerezted.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Ha a szalag a csuklódon van, minden egyes megtalált aranytól egyre jobban vágysz mások holmijai után. Talán nem lenne túl nehéz lopni a pixel kereskedésből...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=természet szandálja
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=természet szandálja
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=természet cipője
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=természet cipője
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=italos válltáska
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=A tömött válltáska szalagként körbeveszi a mellkasod. Sok különálló szíjjal lehet tárolni benne az italos flaskákat.\n\nA válltáska védi a hidegtől is a benne lévő italokat.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=A tömött válltáska szalagként körbeveszi a mellkasod. Sok különálló szíjjal lehet tárolni benne az italos flaskákat.\n\nA válltáska védi a hidegtől is a benne lévő italokat.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=A csőalakú tárolóban egy csillagász tarthatta a térképeit, de a te tekercseidnek is tökéletes.\n\nA tartó nemigen gyullad meg, a benne lévő tekercseidet védi a tűztől.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=bársony zacskó
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=bársony zacskó
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Ebbe a kis bársonyzsákba sok kis tárgy belefér, például a magok és a rúnakövek.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Ebbe a kis bársonyzsákba sok kis tárgy belefér, például a magok és a rúnakövek.
@ -345,6 +351,9 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=A vékony tok valamilyen egzotikus állat bőréb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=MEGGYÚJTOM ÉS ELDOBOM
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=MEGGYÚJTOM ÉS ELDOBOM
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Gyorsan kibiztosítod a bombát.
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Gyorsan kibiztosítod a bombát.
@ -356,19 +365,19 @@ items.bombs.bomb.desc_burning=A bomba kanóca ég, menj távol tőle vagy oltsd
items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.name=két bomba
items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.name=két bomba
items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Két, meglehetősen nehéz, fekete porbomba, az egyik ingyen a tiéd lehet!
items.bombs.bomb$doublebomb.desc=Két, meglehetősen nehéz, fekete porbomba, az egyik ingyen a tiéd lehet!
items.bombs.firebomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to burst into a sustained firestorm when it explodes.
items.bombs.firebomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to burst into a sustained firestorm when it explodes.
items.bombs.flashbang.desc=This customized bomb will erupt into a burst of blinding light instead of exploding. Anything that can see the burst will be disoriented for some time.
items.bombs.flashbang.desc=This customized bomb will erupt into a burst of blinding light instead of exploding. Anything that can see the burst will be disoriented for some time.
items.bombs.frostbomb.name=frost bomb
items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to burst into a sustained gust of freezing air when it explodes.
items.bombs.frostbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to burst into a sustained gust of freezing air when it explodes.
items.bombs.healingbomb.name=healing bomb
items.bombs.healingbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash healing liquid all around it instead of exploding. Anything caught in the burst will be healed a considerable amount.
items.bombs.healingbomb.desc=This customized bomb will splash healing liquid all around it instead of exploding. Anything caught in the burst will be healed a considerable amount.
items.bombs.holybomb.name=holy bomb
items.bombs.holybomb.name=Szent bomba
items.bombs.holybomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to flash holy light when it explodes, dealing bonus damage to undead and demonic enemies.
items.bombs.holybomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to flash holy light when it explodes, dealing bonus damage to undead and demonic enemies.
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=This customized bomb will repeatedly make noise inst
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=woolly bomb
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=woolly bomb
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=This customized bomb will create a field of magical sheep instead of exploding. These sheep will block movement and persist for some time.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=This customized bomb will create a field of magical sheep instead of exploding. These sheep will block movement and persist for some time.
@ -401,7 +413,7 @@ items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=Hitvány méreg szívódik a testedbe!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Érzed, ahogy a föld ereje szétárad benned!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Érzed, ahogy a föld ereje szétárad benned!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Nagyon száraz és jellegtelen, talán más hozzávaló mellett kifőzve jobb lehet.
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Nagyon száraz és jellegtelen, talán más hozzávaló mellett kifőzve jobb lehet.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=The fruit has plumped up from its time soaking in the pot and has even absorbed the properties of the seed it was cooked with.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=It looks ready to be eaten!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=Úgy tűnik, már ehető
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=It seems pretty volatile, it might be best to throw it.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=blandfruit chunks
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=The blandfruit has exploded on impact, leaving inert chunks behind.\n\nDespite a bit of dirt, these large chunks of cooked blandfruit seem perfectly edible.
@ -454,7 +466,7 @@ items.food.stewedmeat.desc=Stewing the meat has cleansed it of any disease or pa
items.journal.documentpage.name=kitépett lap
items.journal.documentpage.name=kitépett lap
items.journal.documentpage.desc=Egy lap, valószínűleg valamilyen könyvből tépték ki. Fel kell venned, hogy el tudd olvasni.
items.journal.documentpage.desc=Egy lap, valószínűleg valamilyen könyvből tépték ki. Fel kell venned, hogy el tudd olvasni.
items.journal.alchemypage.name=torn alchemy book page
items.journal.alchemypage.name=Kitépett bájitalkönyvoldal
items.journal.alchemypage.desc=A torn page from a guidebook on alchemy.\n\nMost of the text is too small to read at a distance, but you can make out the title of the page:\n\n_"%s"_
items.journal.alchemypage.desc=A torn page from a guidebook on alchemy.\n\nMost of the text is too small to read at a distance, but you can make out the title of the page:\n\n_"%s"_
items.journal.guidepage.name=útikönyvből kitépett lap
items.journal.guidepage.name=útikönyvből kitépett lap
@ -525,11 +537,6 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Ha ezt a különös italt megiszod, a leve
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=A flaskában zavaros kotyvalék kavarog, amely levegőre kerülve forró lángra lobban.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=A flaskában zavaros kotyvalék kavarog, amely levegőre kerülve forró lángra lobban.
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 erő, +5 élet
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=Új erő járja át a testedet.
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=Ez az erőteljes folyadék szétáramlik az izmaidban, tartósan megnövelve egy ponttal az erődet, öt ponttal az életedet.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Valami módon képes vagy érzékelni más lények elméjének jelenlétét!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Valami módon képes vagy érzékelni más lények elméjének jelenlétét!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Valamiért biztos vagy benne, hogy most egyedül vagy a szinten.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Valamiért biztos vagy benne, hogy most egyedül vagy a szinten.
@ -540,7 +547,7 @@ items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Levegőre érve a flaskában lévő foly
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=potion of purity
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=potion of purity
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Szokatlan frissességet érzel a levegőben.
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Szokatlan frissességet érzel a levegőben.
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=A protective film envelops you!
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Egy védőréteg vesz körül!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=This magical reagent will quickly neutralize all harmful effects in a large area. Drinking it will give you temporary immunity to such effects.
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=This magical reagent will quickly neutralize all harmful effects in a large area. Drinking it will give you temporary immunity to such effects.
@ -554,6 +561,9 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Ha ezt a nyomás alatt lévő üvegcsét kin
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=blizzard brew
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=blizzard brew
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a swirling blizzard which spreads like a gas.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a swirling blizzard which spreads like a gas.
@ -575,6 +585,11 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a toxic
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir of dragon's blood
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir of dragon's blood
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks.
@ -584,6 +599,11 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=When consumed, this elixir will
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir of honeyed healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir of honeyed healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=This elixir combines healing with the sweetness of honey. When drank, it will satisfy a small amount of hunger, but it can also be thrown to heal an ally.\n\nCreatures with an affinity for honey might be pacified if this item is used on them.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=This elixir combines healing with the sweetness of honey. When drank, it will satisfy a small amount of hunger, but it can also be thrown to heal an ally.\n\nCreatures with an affinity for honey might be pacified if this item is used on them.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 erő, +5 élet
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Új erő járja át a testedet.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Ez az erőteljes folyadék szétáramlik az izmaidban, tartósan megnövelve egy ponttal az erődet, öt ponttal az életedet.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir of restoration
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir of restoration
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and cleansing potion. When consumed, the drinker will start to rapidly heal, and will be cleansed of all negative effects.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and cleansing potion. When consumed, the drinker will start to rapidly heal, and will be cleansed of all negative effects.
@ -666,6 +686,12 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Ilyen fémlapocskát hord magánál sok törpe és n
items.quest.embers.name=elementál parázs
items.quest.embers.name=elementál parázs
items.quest.embers.desc=Ezt a különleges parazsat csak fiatal tűzelementálokból lehet begyűjteni. Meleg energiát sugároz magából.
items.quest.embers.desc=Ezt a különleges parazsat csak fiatal tűzelementálokból lehet begyűjteni. Meleg energiát sugároz magából.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Nincs a közeledben kibányászható sötét aranyérc.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Nincs a közeledben kibányászható sötét aranyérc.
@ -766,11 +792,6 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=altatódaltekercs
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=A tekercsből nyugtató dallam hangja száll fel. Nagyon elálmosodtál.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=A tekercsből nyugtató dallam hangja száll fel. Nagyon elálmosodtál.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Ezt a tekercset olvasva lágy dallam száll fel belőle, amely mély, mágikus álomba ringat mindenkit, aki csak meghallja.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Ezt a tekercset olvasva lágy dallam száll fel belőle, amely mély, mágikus álomba ringat mindenkit, aki csak meghallja.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Mit bűvölsz meg?
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=%s rejtélyes bűbájjal telik meg!
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Ez a tekercs erőteljes mágikus energiával itatja át a fegyvert vagy páncélt.\n\nAmellett, hogy fejlődik, a fegyverre bűvölet, illetve a páncélra varázsige kerül.\n\nHa már a tárgyon van bűvölet vagy varázsige, azt ez a tekercs nem törli el.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=varázstérkép tekercs
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=varázstérkép tekercs
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Megismerted a szint alaprajzát.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Megismerted a szint alaprajzát.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=A tekercs felolvasásakor egy kristálytiszta kép vésődik az emlékezetedbe a szint pontos alaprajzáról, valamint a rejtett titkokról. A tárgyak és lények helyét viszont nem tudod.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=A tekercs felolvasásakor egy kristálytiszta kép vésődik az emlékezetedbe a szint pontos alaprajzáról, valamint a rejtett titkokról. A tárgyak és lények helyét viszont nem tudod.
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains incredible d
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Mit bűvölsz meg?
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=%s rejtélyes bűbájjal telik meg!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=A teleportvarázslat nem sikerült.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Mit bűvölsz meg?
@ -1058,7 +1133,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=A csökönyös fegyver nagyon nehezen talál c
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=lángoló %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=lángoló %s
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=A bűvöléstől a fegyver tüzet okád, lángra lobbantva az ellenségeket és a földet egyaránt.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=A bűvöléstől a fegyver tüzet okád, lángra lobbantva az ellenségeket és a földet egyaránt.
items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.name=dermesztő %s
items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.name=dermesztő %s
items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=A bűvölt fegyver csapásai megdermesztik az ellenfeleket, így csökken a mozgási és támadási sebességük.
items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=A bűvölt fegyver csapásai megdermesztik az ellenfeleket, így csökken a mozgási és támadási sebességük.
@ -136,7 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Di samping armor ini terlihat berat, armor ini dap
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alat peracik
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=alat peracik
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Kau tidak dapat memakai dua artefak yang sama.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Kau tidak dapat memakai dua artefak yang sama.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefak itu menempel erat dengan sendirinya padamu.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefak itu menempel erat dengan sendirinya padamu.
@ -254,8 +260,8 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Suar lloyd adalah alat sihir rumit yang member
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Suar ini dipasang di suatu tempat di level %d Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Suar ini dipasang di suatu tempat di level %d Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=ban tangan bos pencuri
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=ban tangan bos pencuri
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Ban tangan keunguan ini mempunyai lambang bos pencuri. Ini bukan punyamu, tapi ini juga belum tentu punya orang yang kau ambil ini darinya juga.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Dengan ban lengan di sekitar lenganmu, untuk setiap emas yang kau temukan membuatmu lebih bergairah untuk terus mencuri barang orang lain. Mungkin tidak akan terlalu sulit untuk mencuri di toko pixel...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandal alam
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandal alam
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=sepatu alam
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=sepatu alam
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=tempat ramuan
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Bandolier tebal ini pas di sekeliling dadamu seperti selempang, banyak terdapat tali pengikat di atasnya untuk menempatkan botol ramuan.\n\nSaat di dalam bandolier, ramuanmu akan tahan dingin.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Bandolier tebal ini pas di sekeliling dadamu seperti selempang, banyak terdapat tali pengikat di atasnya untuk menempatkan botol ramuan.\n\nSaat di dalam bandolier, ramuanmu akan tahan dingin.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=tempat gulungan
items.bags.scrollholder.name=tempat gulungan
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Kontainer tubular ini terlihat seperti untuk menyimpan barang astronomer, namun gulungan-gulunganmu dapat masuk juga ke dalamnya.\n\nTempat gulungan ini tidak terlihat dapat terbakar, jadi gulunganmu pasti aman dari api.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=kantong kecil
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=kantong kecil
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Kantong kecil ini dapat menyimpan item-item kecil di dalamnya, seperti benih dan bebatuan.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Kantong kecil ini dapat menyimpan item-item kecil di dalamnya, seperti benih dan bebatuan.
@ -345,6 +351,9 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Tempat penyimpanan yang ramping ini dibuat dari k
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=NYALAKAN & LEMPAR
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=NYALAKAN & LEMPAR
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Kau cepat-cepat meniup sumbu bom.
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Kau cepat-cepat meniup sumbu bom.
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=This customized bomb will repeatedly make noise inst
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=woolly bomb
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=woolly bomb
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=This customized bomb will create a field of magical sheep instead of exploding. These sheep will block movement and persist for some time.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=This customized bomb will create a field of magical sheep instead of exploding. These sheep will block movement and persist for some time.
@ -525,11 +537,6 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Dengan meminum ramuan ini kau dapat melaya
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=ramuan api cair
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=ramuan api cair
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Ramuan ini mengandung bahan tidak stabil yang akan terbakar saat bersentuhan dengan udara luar.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Ramuan ini mengandung bahan tidak stabil yang akan terbakar saat bersentuhan dengan udara luar.
items.potions.potionofmight.name=ramuan perkasa
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 kekuatan, +5 darah
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=Kekuatan baru mengalir dalam tubuhmu.
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=Cairan yang kuat ini akan mengalir melalui otot-ototmu, meningkatkan kekuatanmu secara permanen sebanyak satu poin dan darahmu sebanyak lima poin.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=ramuan pembaca pikiran
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=ramuan pembaca pikiran
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Entah bagaimana kau dapat merasakan pikiran makhluk lain.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Entah bagaimana kau dapat merasakan pikiran makhluk lain.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Kau dapat merasakan bahwa kau sendirian di level ini sekarang.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Kau dapat merasakan bahwa kau sendirian di level ini sekarang.
@ -554,6 +561,9 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Jika kau membuka atau memecahkan ramuan ini,
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=blizzard brew
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=blizzard brew
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a swirling blizzard which spreads like a gas.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a swirling blizzard which spreads like a gas.
@ -575,6 +585,11 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a toxic
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir of dragon's blood
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir of dragon's blood
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks.
@ -584,6 +599,11 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=When consumed, this elixir will
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir of honeyed healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir of honeyed healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=This elixir combines healing with the sweetness of honey. When drank, it will satisfy a small amount of hunger, but it can also be thrown to heal an ally.\n\nCreatures with an affinity for honey might be pacified if this item is used on them.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=This elixir combines healing with the sweetness of honey. When drank, it will satisfy a small amount of hunger, but it can also be thrown to heal an ally.\n\nCreatures with an affinity for honey might be pacified if this item is used on them.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 kekuatan, +5 darah
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Kekuatan baru mengalir dalam tubuhmu.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Cairan yang kuat ini akan mengalir melalui otot-ototmu, meningkatkan kekuatanmu secara permanen sebanyak satu poin dan darahmu sebanyak lima poin.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir of restoration
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir of restoration
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and cleansing potion. When consumed, the drinker will start to rapidly heal, and will be cleansed of all negative effects.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and cleansing potion. When consumed, the drinker will start to rapidly heal, and will be cleansed of all negative effects.
@ -666,13 +686,19 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Banyak dwarf dan kreasi-kreasi besarnya membawa loga
items.quest.embers.name=bara elemental
items.quest.embers.name=bara elemental
items.quest.embers.desc=Bara spesial yang hanya bisa didapatkan dari elemental api muda. Bara itu memancarkan energi panas.
items.quest.embers.desc=Bara spesial yang hanya bisa didapatkan dari elemental api muda. Bara itu memancarkan energi panas.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.name=kapak tambang
items.quest.pickaxe.name=kapak tambang
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Tidak ada emas gelap di dekatmu untuk ditambang.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Tidak ada emas gelap di dekatmu untuk ditambang.
items.quest.pickaxe.desc=Alat yang besar dan kokoh untuk menghancurkan batu. Mungkin juga bisa dipakai sebagai senjata.
items.quest.pickaxe.desc=Alat yang besar dan kokoh untuk menghancurkan batu. Mungkin juga bisa dipakai sebagai senjata.
items.quest.ratskull.name=tengkorak tikus raksasa
items.quest.ratskull.name=tengkorak tikus raksasa
items.quest.ratskull.desc=Tengkorak tikus yang besar. Akan sangat bagus untuk trofi berburu, jika kau punya cukup ruang di dinding untuk menggantungnya
items.quest.ratskull.desc=Tengkorak tikus yang besar. Akan sangat bagus untuk trofi berburu, jika kau punya cukup ruang di dinding untuk menggantungnya
@ -766,11 +792,6 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=gulungan nina bobo
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Gulungan itu mengeluarkan melodi menenangkan. Kau merasa sangat mengantuk.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Gulungan itu mengeluarkan melodi menenangkan. Kau merasa sangat mengantuk.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Saat membaca gulungan ini, melodi menenangkan akan terdengar, menidurkan siapa saja yang mendengarkan menuju tidur magis.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Saat membaca gulungan ini, melodi menenangkan akan terdengar, menidurkan siapa saja yang mendengarkan menuju tidur magis.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=gulungan infusi ajaib
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Infuse sebuah item
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=%s-mu telah dimasukkan energi sihir!
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Gulungan ini akan memasukkan senjata atau armormu energi sihir yang kuat.\n\nSelain menambahkan upgrade, sebuah senjata akan mendapatkan kekuatan sihir, armor akan dijiwai dengan glyph.\n\nJika sebuah item sudah ada kekuatan atau glyph-nya, keduanya tidak akan pernah hilang oleh gulungan ini.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=gulungan peta sihir
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=gulungan peta sihir
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Kau sekarang mengetahui lapisan luar level.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Kau sekarang mengetahui lapisan luar level.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Saat gulungan ini dibaca, gambaran kristal jernih akan terukir di memorimu, akan membuatmu dapat mengetahui lapisan luar level dan membuka semua rahasia tersembunyi. Lokasi item dan musuh tetap tidak akan terlihat.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Saat gulungan ini dibaca, gambaran kristal jernih akan terukir di memorimu, akan membuatmu dapat mengetahui lapisan luar level dan membuka semua rahasia tersembunyi. Lokasi item dan musuh tetap tidak akan terlihat.
@ -787,7 +808,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofrage.desc=Saat dibaca keras-keras, gulungan ini akan menge
items.scrolls.scrollofrecharging.name=gulungan isi ulang
items.scrolls.scrollofrecharging.name=gulungan isi ulang
items.scrolls.scrollofrecharging.surge=Energi mengalir di tubuhmu, menyegarkan tongkat sihirmu!
items.scrolls.scrollofrecharging.surge=Energi mengalir di tubuhmu, menyegarkan tongkat sihirmu!
items.scrolls.scrollofrecharging.desc=Kekuatan sihir yang murni tertuang di perkamen ini, saat dikeluarkan, akan mengisiulang semua tongkat sihir secara berkala.
items.scrolls.scrollofrecharging.desc=Kekuatan sihir yang murni tertuang di perkamen ini, saat dikeluarkan, akan mengisiulang semua tongkat sihir secara berkala.
items.scrolls.scrollofremovecurse.name=gulungan penghapus kutukan
items.scrolls.scrollofremovecurse.name=gulungan penghapus kutukan
items.scrolls.scrollofremovecurse.inv_title=Bersihkan sebuah item
items.scrolls.scrollofremovecurse.inv_title=Bersihkan sebuah item
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains incredible d
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Infuse sebuah item
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=%s-mu telah dimasukkan energi sihir!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Sihir teleportasi gagal.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Infuse sebuah item
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=L'armatura ti si stringe addosso dolorosamente.
items.armor.armor.identify=Ora hai abbastanza familiarità con la tua armatura da poterla identificare.
items.armor.armor.identify=Ora hai abbastanza familiarità con la tua armatura da poterla identificare.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=L'interazione di diversi tipi di magia ha cancellato il glifo su quest'armatura!
items.armor.armor.incompatible=L'interazione di diversi tipi di magia ha cancellato il glifo su quest'armatura!
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Questa armatura blocca _%1$d-%2$d punti danno_ e richiede _%3$d punti forza_ per essere usata correttamente.
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Questa armatura blocca _%1$d-%2$d punti danno_ e richiede _%3$d punti forza_ per essere usata correttamente.
items.armor.armor.avg_absorb=Di solito quest'armatura blocca _%1$d-%2$d punti danno_ e richiede _%3$d punti forza_ per essere usata correttamente.
items.armor.armor.avg_absorb=Di solito quest'armatura blocca _%1$d-%2$d punti danno_ e richiede _%3$d punti forza_ per essere usata correttamente.
items.armor.armor.too_heavy=A causa della tua forza inadeguata indossare quest'armatura diminuirà la tua abilità di muoversi, schivare e diferdersi.
items.armor.armor.too_heavy=A causa della tua forza inadeguata indossare quest'armatura diminuirà la tua abilità di muoversi, schivare e diferdersi.
items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Probabilmente questa armatura è troppo pesante per te.
items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Probabilmente questa armatura è troppo pesante per te.
items.armor.armor.excess_str=Per via della tua forza in eccesso, sei _più sfuggente_ mentre indossi quest'armatura.
items.armor.armor.excess_str=Per via della tua forza in eccesso, sei _più sfuggente_ mentre indossi quest'armatura.
@ -136,7 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Sebbene quest'armatura appaia pesante, permette a
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=kit dell'alchimista
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=kit dell'alchimista
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Non puoi indossare due artefatti uguali.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Non puoi indossare due artefatti uguali.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefatto si lega a te dolorosamente.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=L'artefatto si lega a te dolorosamente.
@ -254,8 +260,8 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Il faro di lloyd è un complicato congegno mag
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Questo faro è stato impostato da qualche parte nel livello %d di Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Questo faro è stato impostato da qualche parte nel livello %d di Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=bracciale del maestro dei ladri
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=bracciale del maestro dei ladri
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Questo bracciale di velluto porpora porta il marchio di un ladro mastro. Non ti appartiene, ma probabilmente non appartiene nemmeno alla persona a cui l'hai portato via.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Con il bracciale attorno al polso, ogni pezzo d'oro trovato ti farà desiderare sempre più la roba degli altri. Magari non sarà troppo difficile rubare da pixel mart...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandali della natura
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandali della natura
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=scarpe della natura
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=scarpe della natura
@ -280,7 +286,7 @@ items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_seeds=Hai nutrito le calzature con i semi d
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.name=talismano della preveggenza
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.name=talismano della preveggenza
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.no_charge=Il tuo talismano non è ancora completamente carico.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.no_charge=Il tuo talismano non è ancora completamente carico.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.scry=Il talismano inonda la tua mente con informazioni relative al piano attuale.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.scry=Il talismano inonda la tua mente con informazioni relative al piano attuale.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.desc=Una pietra liscia ricoperta con strane incisioni. Hai l'impressione che stia osservando ogni cosa attorno a te, alla ricerca di qualcosa di insolito.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.desc=Una pietra liscia ricoperta con strane incisioni. Hai l'impressione che stia osservando ogni cosa attorno a te, alla ricerca di qualcosa di insolito.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.desc_worn=Quando stringi il talismano avverti tuoi sensi amplificarsi.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.desc_worn=Quando stringi il talismano avverti tuoi sensi amplificarsi.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.desc_cursed=Il talismano maledetto scruta intensamente dentro di te, rendendo impossibile concentrarsi.
items.artifacts.talismanofforesight.desc_cursed=Il talismano maledetto scruta intensamente dentro di te, rendendo impossibile concentrarsi.
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=cintura per pozioni
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Questa robusta bandoliera calza attorno al torace come una fascia; possiede molte tasche coibentate atte a contenere fiale di pozioni.\n\nUna volta riposte nella bandoliera, le tue pozioni dovrebbero essere protette dal freddo.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Questa robusta bandoliera calza attorno al torace come una fascia; possiede molte tasche coibentate atte a contenere fiale di pozioni.\n\nUna volta riposte nella bandoliera, le tue pozioni dovrebbero essere protette dal freddo.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=tubo per pergamene
items.bags.scrollholder.name=tubo per pergamene
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Questo contenitore circolare sembra debba contenere carte astronomiche, ma le tue pergamene ci stanno a meraviglia.\n\nSembra anche ignifugo per cui le tue pergamene dovrebbero essere al sicuro dalle fiamme qui dentro.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=sacchetto di velluto
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=sacchetto di velluto
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Questo piccolo sacchetto di velluto è in grado di contenere piccoli oggetti, come semi e pietre runiche.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Questo piccolo sacchetto di velluto è in grado di contenere piccoli oggetti, come semi e pietre runiche.
@ -345,6 +351,9 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Questo piccolo fodero è fatto dalla pelle di qua
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ACCENDI e LANCIA
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ACCENDI e LANCIA
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Spegni rapidamente la miccia della bomba.
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Spegni rapidamente la miccia della bomba.
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Questa bomba fatta su misura emetterà rumori ripetu
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba scossa
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba scossa
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Questa bomba è stata modificata per scatenare una tempesta elettrica attorno a sé quando esplode.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Questa bomba è stata modificata per scatenare una tempesta elettrica attorno a sé quando esplode.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba lanosa
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba lanosa
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Questa bomba fatta su misura creerà un campo di pecore magiche invece di esplodere. Tali pecore bloccheranno il passaggio e perdureranno per un po' di tempo.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Questa bomba fatta su misura creerà un campo di pecore magiche invece di esplodere. Tali pecore bloccheranno il passaggio e perdureranno per un po' di tempo.
@ -525,18 +537,13 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Bere questo liquido curioso avrà l'effett
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=pozione del fuoco liquido
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=pozione del fuoco liquido
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=La boccetta contiene un componente instabile che arderà con vampate violente se esposta all'aria.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=La boccetta contiene un componente instabile che arderà con vampate violente se esposta all'aria.
items.potions.potionofmight.name=pozione della potenza
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 for, +5 hp
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=Un'ondata di nuova forza scorre nel tuo corpo.
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=Questo potente liquido ti scorrerà nei muscoli, aumentando in modo permanente la tua forza di un punto e la salute di cinque punti.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=pozione di visione mentale
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=pozione di visione mentale
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Riesci in un qualche modo a sentire la presenza delle menti delle altre creature!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Riesci in un qualche modo a sentire la presenza delle menti delle altre creature!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Puoi in qualche modo sentire che al momento su questo livello sei solo.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Puoi in qualche modo sentire che al momento su questo livello sei solo.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=Dopo aver bevuto questa pozione, la tua mente si sintonizzerà sulla frequenza psichica di creature lontane, permettendoti di sentirne la presenza biologica attraverso le pareti. Ti permetterà anche di vedere attraverso muri e porte vicine.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=Dopo aver bevuto questa pozione, la tua mente si sintonizzerà sulla frequenza psichica di creature lontane, permettendoti di sentirne la presenza biologica attraverso le pareti. Ti permetterà anche di vedere attraverso muri e porte vicine.
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=pozione del gas paralizzante
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=pozione del gas paralizzante
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=In seguito all'esposizione all'aria aperta, il liquido contenuto si vaporizzerà creando un'ipnotica foschia gialla. Chiunque la respiri sarà paralizzato all'istante, incapace di muoversi per un po' di tempo dopo che il gas si sarà diradato. Questo oggetto può essere lanciato verso nemici distanti per intrappolarli nell'effetto del gas.
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=In seguito all'esposizione all'aria aperta, il liquido contenuto si vaporizzerà creando un'ipnotica foschia gialla. Chiunque la respiri sarà paralizzato all'istante, incapace di muoversi per un po' di tempo dopo che il gas si sarà diradato. Questo oggetto può essere lanciato verso nemici distanti per intrappolarli nell'effetto del gas.
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=pozione di purificazione
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=pozione di purificazione
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Avverti un'inconsueta freschezza nell'aria.
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Avverti un'inconsueta freschezza nell'aria.
@ -546,14 +553,17 @@ items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Questo reagente magico neutralizzerà rapidame
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=pozione di forza
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=pozione di forza
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 for
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 for
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_2=Un'ondata di nuova forza scorre nel tuo corpo.
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_2=Un'ondata di nuova forza scorre nel tuo corpo.
items.potions.potionofstrength.desc=Questo potente liquido scorrerà nei tuoi muscoli, aumentando permanentemente la tua forza di un punto.
items.potions.potionofstrength.desc=Questo potente liquido scorrerà nei tuoi muscoli, aumentando permanentemente la tua forza di un punto.
items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.name=pozione di gas tossico
items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.name=pozione di gas tossico
items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Stappare o frantumare questa ampolla pressurizzata provocherà un'esplosione, creando una nube letale di gas tossico verde. Potresti scegliere di scagliare questa pozione verso nemici distanti invece di stapparla a mano.
items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Stappare o frantumare questa ampolla pressurizzata provocherà un'esplosione, creando una nube letale di gas tossico verde. Potresti scegliere di scagliare questa pozione verso nemici distanti invece di stapparla a mano.
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=miscela bufera
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=miscela bufera
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Quando frantumata, questa miscela scatenerà una turbinante bufera che si espande come un gas.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Quando frantumata, questa miscela scatenerà una turbinante bufera che si espande come un gas.
@ -575,6 +585,11 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Questa miscela combina le proprietà delle p
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elisir del sangue di drago
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elisir del sangue di drago
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quando tracannato, questo elisir irradierà impetuoso potere nelle vene del suo bevitore. Questo effetto renderà il bevitore immune al fuoco e gli consentirà di incendiare i nemici con l'uso degli attacchi fisici.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quando tracannato, questo elisir irradierà impetuoso potere nelle vene del suo bevitore. Questo effetto renderà il bevitore immune al fuoco e gli consentirà di incendiare i nemici con l'uso degli attacchi fisici.
@ -584,6 +599,11 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=Quando tracannato, questo elisir
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elisir della guarigione melliflua
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elisir della guarigione melliflua
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Questa elisir combina la guarigione con la dolcezza del miele. Quando bevuto, soddisferà una piccola quantità di fame ma può anche venire lanciato per curare un alleato.\n\nCreature con una affinità col miele potrebbero essere rese docili se questo oggetto viene usato su di loro.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Questa elisir combina la guarigione con la dolcezza del miele. Quando bevuto, soddisferà una piccola quantità di fame ma può anche venire lanciato per curare un alleato.\n\nCreature con una affinità col miele potrebbero essere rese docili se questo oggetto viene usato su di loro.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 for, +5 hp
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Un'ondata di nuova forza scorre nel tuo corpo.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Questo potente liquido ti scorrerà nei muscoli, aumentando in modo permanente la tua forza di un punto e la salute di cinque punti.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elisir del ripristino
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elisir del ripristino
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Questo elisir combina le proprietà delle pozioni di guarigione e detergente. Quando consumato, il suo bevitore comincerà a guarire rapidamente e verrà purificato da ogni effetto nocivo.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Questo elisir combina le proprietà delle pozioni di guarigione e detergente. Quando consumato, il suo bevitore comincerà a guarire rapidamente e verrà purificato da ogni effetto nocivo.
@ -651,20 +671,26 @@ items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.desc=Lanciare questa pozione creerà un
###quest items
###quest items
items.quest.ceremonialcandle.name=candela cerimoniale
items.quest.ceremonialcandle.name=candela cerimoniale
items.quest.ceremonialcandle.desc=Un set di candele, sciolte e unite in seguito all'uso. \n\nSingolarmente non servono a nulla, ma usate con altre candele nel modo giusto, possono concentrare l'energia per un rituale di evocazione.
items.quest.ceremonialcandle.desc=Un set di candele, sciolte e unite in seguito all'uso. \n\nSingolarmente non servono a nulla, ma usate con altre candele nel modo giusto, possono concentrare l'energia per un rituale di evocazione.
items.quest.corpsedust.name=polvere di cadavere
items.quest.corpsedust.name=polvere di cadavere
items.quest.corpsedust.chill=Un brivido ti scorre giù per la schiena.
items.quest.corpsedust.chill=Un brivido ti scorre giù per la schiena.
items.quest.corpsedust.desc=Questa palla di polvere di cadavere non è tanto diversa da una normale palla di polvere. Ma puoi avvertire un'energia maligna nascondersi in essa. \n\nLiberarsene al più presto sarebbe una buona idea.
items.quest.corpsedust.desc=Questa palla di polvere di cadavere non è tanto diversa da una normale palla di polvere. Ma puoi avvertire un'energia maligna nascondersi in essa. \n\nLiberarsene al più presto sarebbe una buona idea.
items.quest.darkgold.name=minerale di oro oscuro
items.quest.darkgold.name=minerale di oro oscuro
items.quest.darkgold.desc=Questo metallo è chiamato oscuro non tanto per il suo colore (che non è diverso dal normale oro), ma perché si fonde alla luce del sole, rendendolo inutile in superficie.
items.quest.darkgold.desc=Questo metallo è chiamato oscuro non tanto per il suo colore (che non è diverso dal normale oro), ma perché si fonde alla luce del sole, rendendolo inutile in superficie.
items.quest.dwarftoken.name=gettone nanico
items.quest.dwarftoken.name=gettone nanico
items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Molti nani e alcune delle loro creazioni più grandi recano con sé questi piccoli pezzi di metallo per chissà quale motivo. Forse sono gioielli o un qualche tipo di identificativo. I nani sono gente strana.
items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Molti nani e alcune delle loro creazioni più grandi recano con sé questi piccoli pezzi di metallo per chissà quale motivo. Forse sono gioielli o un qualche tipo di identificativo. I nani sono gente strana.
items.quest.embers.name=braci elementali
items.quest.embers.name=braci elementali
items.quest.embers.desc=Braci speciali che possono essere raccolti da giovani elementali del fuoco. Irradiano energia termica.
items.quest.embers.desc=Braci speciali che possono essere raccolti da giovani elementali del fuoco. Irradiano energia termica.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -672,7 +698,7 @@ items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Vicino a te non c'è nessuna vena di oro oscuro da m
items.quest.pickaxe.desc=Questo è un attrezzo grande e grosso che serve a rompere le rocce. Probabilmente può essere usato come arma.
items.quest.pickaxe.desc=Questo è un attrezzo grande e grosso che serve a rompere le rocce. Probabilmente può essere usato come arma.
items.quest.ratskull.name=teschio di ratto gigante
items.quest.ratskull.name=teschio di ratto gigante
items.quest.ratskull.desc=Un teschio di ratto incredibilmente grande. Sarebbe un bel trofeo di caccia, se avessi una parete in cui appenderlo.
items.quest.ratskull.desc=Un teschio di ratto incredibilmente grande. Sarebbe un bel trofeo di caccia, se avessi una parete in cui appenderlo.
@ -697,7 +723,7 @@ items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Poiché l'anello è maledetto, non ti è possibile
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Puoi percepire una magia maligna nascondersi all'interno di questo anello.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Puoi percepire una magia maligna nascondersi all'interno di questo anello.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=Questo anello è libero da magia ostile.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=Questo anello è libero da magia ostile.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anello della precisione
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=anello della precisione
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Questo anello aumenta la tua concentrazione, riducendo l'abilità del nemico di schivare i tuoi colpi. Un anello maledetto invece permetterà ai nemici di schivare più facilmente i tuoi attacchi.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Questo anello aumenta la tua concentrazione, riducendo l'abilità del nemico di schivare i tuoi colpi. Un anello maledetto invece permetterà ai nemici di schivare più facilmente i tuoi attacchi.
items.rings.ringofelements.name=anello degli elementi
items.rings.ringofelements.name=anello degli elementi
@ -766,11 +792,6 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=pergamena della ninna nanna
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=La pergamena emette una rilassante melodia. Ti senti molto sonnolento.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=La pergamena emette una rilassante melodia. Ti senti molto sonnolento.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Leggere questa pergamena sprigionerà una rilassante melodia che cullerà ogni ascoltatore in un profondo sonno magico.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Leggere questa pergamena sprigionerà una rilassante melodia che cullerà ogni ascoltatore in un profondo sonno magico.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=pergamena di infusione magica
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Infondi un oggetto
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=Il tuo %s viene infuso con energia occulta!
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Questa pergamena infonderà un'arma o un'armatura con una potente energia magica.\n\nIn aggiunta al miglioramento, un'arma guadagnerà un incantamento magico, oppure un'armatura verrà permeata con un glifo magico.\n\nSe l'oggetto è già incantato, l'incantamento o il glifo non verranno cancellati da questa pergamena.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergamena di mappatura magica
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergamena di mappatura magica
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Ora conosci la struttura del livello.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Ora conosci la struttura del livello.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Quando questa pergamena viene letta, un'immagine limpida si imprimerà nella tua memoria rendendoti consapevole della struttura del livello rivelando tutti i segreti nascosti. La posizione di oggetti e creature rimarrà sconosciuta.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Quando questa pergamena viene letta, un'immagine limpida si imprimerà nella tua memoria rendendoti consapevole della struttura del livello rivelando tutti i segreti nascosti. La posizione di oggetti e creature rimarrà sconosciuta.
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Questa pergamena contiene un'incr
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Infondi un oggetto
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Il tuo %s viene infuso con energia occulta!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=La magia di teletrasporto fallisce.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Infondi un oggetto
@ -1004,7 +1079,7 @@ items.wands.wandofprismaticlight.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta emette raggi di luc
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=bacchetta della ricrescita
items.wands.wandofregrowth.name=bacchetta della ricrescita
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=bastone della ricrescita
items.wands.wandofregrowth.staff_name=bastone della ricrescita
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Questa bacchetta è ricavata da una sottile asta di legno abilmente scolpito. In qualche modo è ancora viva e vibrante, di un verde brillante come il cuore di un giovane albero.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.desc=Questa bacchetta è ricavata da una sottile asta di legno abilmente scolpito. In qualche modo è ancora viva e vibrante, di un verde brillante come il cuore di un giovane albero.
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Quando usata, questa bacchetta consumerà tutta la sua carica sprigionando un cono di energia magica di ricrescita. Tale potere farà nascere e spuntare erbe, radici e piante rare. "Quando la vita termina, nuova vita sempre inizia a crescere... L'eterno ciclo sempre perdura!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth.stats_desc=Quando usata, questa bacchetta consumerà tutta la sua carica sprigionando un cono di energia magica di ricrescita. Tale potere farà nascere e spuntare erbe, radici e piante rare. "Quando la vita termina, nuova vita sempre inizia a crescere... L'eterno ciclo sempre perdura!"
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Le catturarugiada si mimetizzano da erba per sviare l'attenzione, ma le sue protuberanze ripiene di rugiada la rendono riconoscibile.
items.wands.wandofregrowth$dewcatcher.desc=Le catturarugiada si mimetizzano da erba per sviare l'attenzione, ma le sue protuberanze ripiene di rugiada la rendono riconoscibile.
@ -1016,7 +1091,7 @@ items.wands.wandoftransfusion.staff_name=bastone della trasfusione
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Ti sei ucciso con la tua stessa bacchetta della trasfusione...
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.ondeath=Ti sei ucciso con la tua stessa bacchetta della trasfusione...
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Il tuo bastone si è ricaricato con l'energia vitale del tuo nemico!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.charged=Il tuo bastone si è ricaricato con l'energia vitale del tuo nemico!
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Una bacchetta dalla forma piuttosto semplice, si distingue grazie alla sua tonalità magenta e alla gemma nerissima sulla punta.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.desc=Una bacchetta dalla forma piuttosto semplice, si distingue grazie alla sua tonalità magenta e alla gemma nerissima sulla punta.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta sottrarrà un po' della tua energia vitale e la sparerà sul bersaglio. Questo effetto è molto versatile: gli alleati verranno curati o protetti, i nemici saranno temporaneamente ammaliati ed i non-morti ostili riceveranno danni considerevoli.
items.wands.wandoftransfusion.stats_desc=Questa bacchetta sottrarrà un po' della tua energia vitale e la sparerà sul bersaglio. Questo effetto è molto versatile: gli alleati verranno curati o protetti, i nemici saranno temporaneamente ammaliati ed i non-morti ostili riceveranno danni considerevoli.
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=bacchetta della corrosione
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.name=bacchetta della corrosione
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=bastone della corrosione
items.wands.wandofcorrosion.staff_name=bastone della corrosione
@ -1057,7 +1132,7 @@ items.weapon.curses.wayward.desc=Un'arma ribelle ha molta difficoltà nel trovar
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s ardente
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.name=%s ardente
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Questo incantamento provoca l'emissione di fiamme da un'arma, bruciando nemici e terreno allo stesso modo.
items.weapon.enchantments.blazing.desc=Questo incantamento provoca l'emissione di fiamme da un'arma, bruciando nemici e terreno allo stesso modo.
items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.name=%s ghiacciante
items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.name=%s ghiacciante
@ -1066,10 +1141,10 @@ items.weapon.enchantments.chilling.desc=I nemici colpiti con questo incantamento
items.weapon.enchantments.dazzling.name=%s abbacinante
items.weapon.enchantments.dazzling.name=%s abbacinante
items.weapon.enchantments.dazzling.desc=Questo incantamento abbaglia i nemici quando colpiti, rendendoli ciechi per un breve periodo.
items.weapon.enchantments.dazzling.desc=Questo incantamento abbaglia i nemici quando colpiti, rendendoli ciechi per un breve periodo.
items.weapon.enchantments.eldritch.name=%s inquietante
items.weapon.enchantments.eldritch.name=%s inquietante
items.weapon.enchantments.eldritch.desc=Le armi inquietanti incutono paura ai nemici, facendoli così fuggire dall'attaccante.
items.weapon.enchantments.eldritch.desc=Le armi inquietanti incutono paura ai nemici, facendoli così fuggire dall'attaccante.
items.weapon.enchantments.grim.name=%s feroce
items.weapon.enchantments.grim.name=%s feroce
items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Questo potente incantamento possiede il potere di uccidere instantaneamente un nemico. L'effetto è tanto più probabile quanto più debole è il nemico.
items.weapon.enchantments.grim.desc=Questo potente incantamento possiede il potere di uccidere instantaneamente un nemico. L'effetto è tanto più probabile quanto più debole è il nemico.
items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.name=%s fortunata
items.weapon.enchantments.lucky.name=%s fortunata
@ -1143,7 +1218,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.greatsword.desc=Quest'imponente lama infligge danni pesanti c
items.weapon.melee.handaxe.stats_desc=Questa è un'arma piuttosto accurata.
items.weapon.melee.handaxe.stats_desc=Questa è un'arma piuttosto accurata.
items.weapon.melee.handaxe.desc=Un'ascia leggera, comunemente usata per abbattere alberi. La larga lama funziona altrettanto bene contro gli avversari.
items.weapon.melee.handaxe.desc=Un'ascia leggera, comunemente usata per abbattere alberi. La larga lama funziona altrettanto bene contro gli avversari.
items.weapon.melee.knuckles.stats_desc=Questa è un'arma molto veloce.
items.weapon.melee.knuckles.stats_desc=Questa è un'arma molto veloce.
@ -1212,7 +1287,7 @@ items.weapon.melee.warhammer.desc=Poche creature possono resistere al devastante
items.weapon.melee.whip.stats_desc=Quest'arma ha una portata straordinaria.
items.weapon.melee.whip.stats_desc=Quest'arma ha una portata straordinaria.
items.weapon.melee.whip.desc=Sebbene la corda spinata posta alla fine di quest'arma infligga poco danno, la sua portata è impareggiabile.
items.weapon.melee.whip.desc=Sebbene la corda spinata posta alla fine di quest'arma infligga poco danno, la sua portata è impareggiabile.
items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.name=spada corta logora
items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.name=spada corta logora
items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Una spada piuttosto corta, logorata dall'uso pesante. È sia più debole che più leggera di una spada corta regolare.
items.weapon.melee.wornshortsword.desc=Una spada piuttosto corta, logorata dall'uso pesante. È sia più debole che più leggera di una spada corta regolare.
@ -1339,7 +1414,7 @@ items.brokenseal.name=sigillo rotto
items.brokenseal.prompt=Seleziona un'armatura
items.brokenseal.prompt=Seleziona un'armatura
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Devi identificare quell'armatura prima.
items.brokenseal.unknown_armor=Devi identificare quell'armatura prima.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Quest'armatura è troppo in cattivo stato.
items.brokenseal.degraded_armor=Quest'armatura è troppo in cattivo stato.
items.brokenseal.affix=Applichi il sigillo alla tua armatura!
items.brokenseal.affix=Applichi il sigillo alla tua armatura!
items.brokenseal.desc=Un sigillo di cera, applicato all'armatura come simbolo di valore. Tutti i contrassegni sul sigillo sono consumati dal tempo ed è rotto a metà.\n\nUn cimelio di casa, il sigillo aiuta il guerriero a perseverare. Mentre indossa il sigillo il guerriero genererà lentamente uno scudo al di sopra della salute basato sulla qualità della sua armatura.\n\nIl sigillo può essere _applicato all'armatura,_ e trasferito tra armature. Può portare con sé un singolo upgrade.
items.brokenseal.desc=Un sigillo di cera, applicato all'armatura come simbolo di valore. Tutti i contrassegni sul sigillo sono consumati dal tempo ed è rotto a metà.\n\nUn cimelio di casa, il sigillo aiuta il guerriero a perseverare. Mentre indossa il sigillo il guerriero genererà lentamente uno scudo al di sopra della salute basato sulla qualità della sua armatura.\n\nIl sigillo può essere _applicato all'armatura,_ e trasferito tra armature. Può portare con sé un singolo upgrade.
@ -136,7 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=이 갑옷은 매우 무거워 보이지만, 이
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=연금술사의 도구
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=연금술사의 도구
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=같은 유물 아이템 두 개를 동시에 착용할 수 없습니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=같은 유물 아이템 두 개를 동시에 착용할 수 없습니다.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=유물이 당신에게 고통스럽게 달라붙었다.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=유물이 당신에게 고통스럽게 달라붙었다.
@ -254,8 +260,8 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=로이드의 신호기는 사용자에게 공
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=이 신호기는 픽셀 던전의 %d층 어딘가에 등록되어 있습니다.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=이 신호기는 픽셀 던전의 %d층 어딘가에 등록되어 있습니다.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=대도의 팔찌
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=대도의 팔찌
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=대도의 표식이 새겨져 있는 보라색 벨벳 팔찌입니다. 이 팔찌는 다른 자에게서 뺏어 온 거지만, 그 사람도 이걸 다른 사람에게서 뺏어 온 듯 합니다.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=이 팔찌를 끼고 있으면, 금화를 주울 때 마다 다른 사람들의 물건을 훔치고 싶은 마음이 더 강해집니다. 아마도 픽셀 상점에서 무언가를 훔칠 수 있을 것도 같습니다만...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=자연의 샌들
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=자연의 샌들
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=자연의 신발
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=자연의 신발
@ -305,7 +311,7 @@ items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_hint=모래시계의 모래가 조금
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_cursed=저주받은 모래시계가 당신의 곁에 붙어 있으며, 당신이 느끼는 시간을 마음대로 조절하려는 것 같습니다.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_cursed=저주받은 모래시계가 당신의 곁에 붙어 있으며, 당신이 느끼는 시간을 마음대로 조절하려는 것 같습니다.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.name=마법 모래 주머니
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.name=마법 모래 주머니
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.levelup=당신은 모래시계에 모래를 더 넣었다.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.levelup=당신은 모래시계에 모래를 더 넣었다.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.maxlevel=당신의 모래시계는 마법의 모래를 가득 찼다!
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.maxlevel=당신의 모래시계는 마법의 모래를 가득 찼다!
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.no_hourglass=이 모래를 담을 모래시계가 없다.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.no_hourglass=이 모래를 담을 모래시계가 없다.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.desc=이 고운 모래가 든 작은 가방은 당신의 모래시계와 매우 잘 맞습니다.\n\n당신이 꼭 필요한 물건을 하필 상인이 가지고 있다는게 조금 미심쩍긴 합니다만...
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.desc=이 고운 모래가 든 작은 가방은 당신의 모래시계와 매우 잘 맞습니다.\n\n당신이 꼭 필요한 물건을 하필 상인이 가지고 있다는게 조금 미심쩍긴 합니다만...
@ -322,7 +328,7 @@ items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.unknown_scroll=당신은 아직 이 주문서
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc=이 마법책은 오래된 것임에도 불구하고 놀랍도록 새 것같이 느껴집니다. 페이지를 넘길 때 마다 불안정한 에너지로 종이가 떨리고 있습니다. 당신이 이 책을 읽을 때, 어떤 주문이 시전될 것인지는 아무도 모릅니다.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc=이 마법책은 오래된 것임에도 불구하고 놀랍도록 새 것같이 느껴집니다. 페이지를 넘길 때 마다 불안정한 에너지로 종이가 떨리고 있습니다. 당신이 이 책을 읽을 때, 어떤 주문이 시전될 것인지는 아무도 모릅니다.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_cursed=저주받은 책은 당신과 꼭 붙어 있으며, 주문서의 사용을 막고 있습니다.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_cursed=저주받은 책은 당신과 꼭 붙어 있으며, 주문서의 사용을 막고 있습니다.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_index=이 책의 몇몇 부분은 미완성입니다. 그리고 책에 없는 빈 부분은 다음과 같습니다:
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_index=이 책의 몇몇 부분은 미완성입니다. 그리고 책에 없는 빈 부분은 다음과 같습니다:
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_empowered=책에 추가된 주문서가 강력한 힘을 발산하고 있습니다. 당신은 더 강력한 효과를 가진 주문서를 사용할 수 있게 되었지만, 이 주문서는 추가적인 충전량을 요구할 것입니다.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.desc_empowered=책에 추가된 주문서가 강력한 힘을 발산하고 있습니다. 당신은 더 강력한 효과를 가진 주문서를 사용할 수 있게 되었지만, 이 주문서는 추가적인 충전량을 요구할 것입니다.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.read_empowered=당신이 마법책에 넣은 주문서가 힘으로 요동칩니다. 해당 주문서의 기존 효과와 특이한 효과를 선택해서 사용할 수 있게 되었습니다.\n\n특이한 효과를 사용하면 주문서의 충전량을 2만큼 감소시킵니다.
items.artifacts.unstablespellbook.read_empowered=당신이 마법책에 넣은 주문서가 힘으로 요동칩니다. 해당 주문서의 기존 효과와 특이한 효과를 선택해서 사용할 수 있게 되었습니다.\n\n특이한 효과를 사용하면 주문서의 충전량을 2만큼 감소시킵니다.
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=물약 보관대
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=이 두꺼운 보관대는 당신의 가슴팍을 가로지르도록 만들어졌습니다. 또한 물약을 보관할 수 있는 작은 물약통이 많이 달려 있습니다.\n\n이 물약통은 강화된 유리로 만들어져 있어 냉기에 강할 것입니다.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=이 두꺼운 보관대는 당신의 가슴팍을 가로지르도록 만들어졌습니다. 또한 물약을 보관할 수 있는 작은 물약통이 많이 달려 있습니다.\n\n이 물약통은 강화된 유리로 만들어져 있어 냉기에 강할 것입니다.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=주문서 보관함
items.bags.scrollholder.name=주문서 보관함
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=이 원통형 보관함은 천문학자의 연구 일지를 보관하기 위해 만들어졌겠지만, 당신이 가진 주문서들을 넣기에 충분합니다.\n\n이 보관함은 불에 타지 않는 재료로 만들어졌습니다. 따라서 이 안에 보관된 주문서도 불붙을 걱정이 없습니다.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=벨벳 주머니
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=벨벳 주머니
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=이 작은 벨벳 주머니는 씨앗과 룬석같은 작은 물건들을 많이 담아둘 수 있습니다.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=이 작은 벨벳 주머니는 씨앗과 룬석같은 작은 물건들을 많이 담아둘 수 있습니다.
@ -345,6 +351,9 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=이 얇은 보관집은 어떤 이국적인 동
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=폭탄 투척!
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=폭탄 투척!
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=당신은 폭탄의 도화선을 재빨리 껐다.
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=당신은 폭탄의 도화선을 재빨리 껐다.
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=이 폭탄은 격발하면 반복해서 소음을
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=전격 폭탄
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=전격 폭탄
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=이 폭탄은 격발할 때 주변에 번개 폭풍을 방출합니다.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=이 폭탄은 격발할 때 주변에 번개 폭풍을 방출합니다.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=양 폭탄
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=양 폭탄
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=이 특수 폭탄은 격발하면 주변에 양떼를 소환합니다. 양떼는 이동을 막고 일정 시간 지속됩니다.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=이 특수 폭탄은 격발하면 주변에 양떼를 소환합니다. 양떼는 이동을 막고 일정 시간 지속됩니다.
@ -455,7 +467,7 @@ items.journal.documentpage.name=찢긴 쪽지
items.journal.documentpage.desc=책 같은 것에서 찢겨나간 페이지 한 장이다. 먼저 읽기 위해서는 주워야 할 것 같다.
items.journal.documentpage.desc=책 같은 것에서 찢겨나간 페이지 한 장이다. 먼저 읽기 위해서는 주워야 할 것 같다.
items.journal.alchemypage.name=찢어진 연금술서 페이지
items.journal.alchemypage.name=찢어진 연금술서 페이지
items.journal.alchemypage.desc=연금술과 관련된 도서에서 찢겨 나온 페이지입니다.\n\n글자가 거리를 두고서는 도저히 읽을 수 없을 정도로 작게 쓰여져 있으며, 제목만 겨우 읽을 수 있을 정도입니다.\n\n제목은 _'''%s'''_라고 쓰여 있습니다.
items.journal.alchemypage.desc=연금술과 관련된 도서에서 찢겨 나온 페이지입니다.\n\n글자가 거리를 두고서는 도저히 읽을 수 없을 정도로 작게 쓰여져 있으며, 제목만 겨우 읽을 수 있을 정도입니다.\n\n제목은 _'''%s'''_ 라고 쓰여 있습니다.
items.journal.guidepage.name=찢긴 가이드북 쪽지
items.journal.guidepage.name=찢긴 가이드북 쪽지
items.journal.guidepage.desc=모험가의 가이드에서 뜯겨져 나온 페이지입니다.\n\n대부분의 글자는 멀리서 알아볼 순 없지만, 해당 페이지의 제목은 겨우 읽을 수 있을 정도입니다.\n\n_"%s"_ 라고 쓰여 있습니다.
items.journal.guidepage.desc=모험가의 가이드에서 뜯겨져 나온 페이지입니다.\n\n대부분의 글자는 멀리서 알아볼 순 없지만, 해당 페이지의 제목은 겨우 읽을 수 있을 정도입니다.\n\n_"%s"_ 라고 쓰여 있습니다.
@ -525,15 +537,10 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=이 호기심을 자아내는 물약을
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=액체 화염 물약
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=액체 화염 물약
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=이 물병은 불안정한 화합물로 가득 차 있어 공기와 닿으면 급격한 폭발을 일으키며 주변을 불로 뒤덮습니다.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=이 물병은 불안정한 화합물로 가득 차 있어 공기와 닿으면 급격한 폭발을 일으키며 주변을 불로 뒤덮습니다.
items.potions.potionofmight.name=완력의 물약
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 힘, +5 최대 체력
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=새로운 힘이 당신의 몸에 깃들었다.
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=이 강력한 용액은 당신의 근육을 타고 흘러, 당신의 힘을 1만큼, 체력을 5만큼 영구적으로 늘립니다.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=심안의 물약
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=심안의 물약
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=당신은 어떻게든 다른 존재들의 생각을 느낄 수 있게 되었다!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=당신은 어떻게든 다른 존재들의 생각을 느낄 수 있게 되었다!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=당신은 어떻게든 이 층에서 혼자 남았다는 사실을 알게 되었다.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=당신은 어떻게든 이 층에서 혼자 남았다는 사실을 알게 되었다.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=이 용액을 마시면, 당신의 생각은 잠시 동안 근처의 생물체들의 정신적인 흔적과 동화됩니다. 그래서 벽 너머로 생명체를 탐지할 수 있고, 문이나 벽 너머로 무었이 있는지 볼 수 있습니다.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=이 용액을 마시면, 당신의 생각은 잠시 동안 근처의 생물체들의 정신적인 흔적과 동화됩니다. 그래서 벽 너머로 생명체를 탐지할 수 있고, 문이나 벽 너머로 무었이 있는지 볼 수 있습니다.
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=마비 가스의 물약
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=마비 가스의 물약
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=이 용액이 공기에 노출되면 감각을 마비시키는 노란 안개로 기화하게 됩니다. 이 안개를 들이마시면 즉시 온 몸에 마비가 오게 되며, 구름이 사라진 후에도 얼마 동안은 움직일 수가 없게 됩니다. 던져서 먼 거리에 있는 적들에게 이 구름을 씌워 줄 수 있습니다.
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=이 용액이 공기에 노출되면 감각을 마비시키는 노란 안개로 기화하게 됩니다. 이 안개를 들이마시면 즉시 온 몸에 마비가 오게 되며, 구름이 사라진 후에도 얼마 동안은 움직일 수가 없게 됩니다. 던져서 먼 거리에 있는 적들에게 이 구름을 씌워 줄 수 있습니다.
@ -554,11 +561,14 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=이 유리병을 열거나 깨는 순간 내
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=눈보라 혼합물
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=눈보라 혼합물
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 깨지는 순간 가스처럼 퍼져나가는 매서운 눈보라를 방출할 것입니다.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 깨지는 순간 가스처럼 퍼져나가는 매서운 눈보라를 방출할 것입니다.
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.name=냉랭한 혼합물
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.name=냉랭한 혼합물
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 서리의 물약과 폭풍우의 물약을 뒤섞어 만들었으며, 던져지는 순간 구름으로 승화하여 주변 지형을 물로 뒤덮고 얼려버릴 것입니다.
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 서리의 물약과 폭풍우의 물약을 뒤섞어 만들었으며, 던져지는 순간 구름으로 승화하여 주변 지형을 물로 뒤덮고 얼려버릴 것입니다.
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.name=냉염 혼합물
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.name=냉염 혼합물
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=이 혼합물은 액체 화염 물약과 서리의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 던져진 곳 주변을 순간적으로 동결시킨 후 그곳을 불바다로 만들 것입니다.
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=이 혼합물은 액체 화염 물약과 서리의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 던져진 곳 주변을 순간적으로 동결시킨 후 그곳을 불바다로 만들 것입니다.
@ -575,6 +585,11 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=이 혼합물은 유독 가스와 마비 가
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=용의 혈액
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=용의 혈액
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=이 용액을 마시는 순간 음용자의 정맥에 맹렬한 힘을 흘려보낼 것입니다. 이 효과는 음용자가 화염에 면역을 갖도록 하며, 물리적 공격에 적을 불태워버릴 수 있는 힘을 실어보낼 것입니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=이 용액을 마시는 순간 음용자의 정맥에 맹렬한 힘을 흘려보낼 것입니다. 이 효과는 음용자가 화염에 면역을 갖도록 하며, 물리적 공격에 적을 불태워버릴 수 있는 힘을 실어보낼 것입니다.
@ -584,6 +599,11 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=이 용액을 마시는 순간
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=달달한 치유 용액
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=달달한 치유 용액
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=이 용액은 치유 물약과 달콤한 꿀을 섞어 만들었으며, 약간의 허기를 채워줄 수 있고, 동료를 치유하는 데에도 사용될 수 있습니다.\n\n만약 꿀과 친밀감이 있는 생물체에게 사용될 경우 그를 진정시킬 것입니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=이 용액은 치유 물약과 달콤한 꿀을 섞어 만들었으며, 약간의 허기를 채워줄 수 있고, 동료를 치유하는 데에도 사용될 수 있습니다.\n\n만약 꿀과 친밀감이 있는 생물체에게 사용될 경우 그를 진정시킬 것입니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 힘, +5 최대 체력
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=새로운 힘이 당신의 몸에 깃들었다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=이 강력한 용액은 당신의 근육을 타고 흘러, 당신의 힘을 1만큼, 체력을 5만큼 영구적으로 늘립니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=회복의 용액
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=회복의 용액
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=이 용액은 치유 물약과 정화의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 음용자에게 빠른 치유를 제공하는 동시에 모든 부정적 효과를 해제할 것입니다.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=이 용액은 치유 물약과 정화의 물약을 섞어 만들었으며, 음용자에게 빠른 치유를 제공하는 동시에 모든 부정적 효과를 해제할 것입니다.
@ -666,6 +686,12 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=많은 드워프들과 그들이 만든 커다란
items.quest.embers.name=정령의 잉걸불
items.quest.embers.name=정령의 잉걸불
items.quest.embers.desc=이 특이한 잉걸불은 어린 불정령에서만 채취할 수 있습니다. 뜨거운 에너지를 발산하고 있습니다.
items.quest.embers.desc=이 특이한 잉걸불은 어린 불정령에서만 채취할 수 있습니다. 뜨거운 에너지를 발산하고 있습니다.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=당신 근처에는 어두운 금 광맥이 없다.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=당신 근처에는 어두운 금 광맥이 없다.
@ -766,11 +792,6 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=자장가의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=이 주문서에서 매우 부드러운 소리가 흘러나왔다. 당신은 매우 졸린다.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=이 주문서에서 매우 부드러운 소리가 흘러나왔다. 당신은 매우 졸린다.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=이 주문서를 읽음으로서 나오는 부드러운 멜로디는 듣는 그 누구에게도 마법적인 깊은 잠을 선사합니다.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=이 주문서를 읽음으로서 나오는 부드러운 멜로디는 듣는 그 누구에게도 마법적인 깊은 잠을 선사합니다.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=마법 융합의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=융합할 아이템을 선택하세요
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=당신의 %s는 신비한 에너지와 합쳐졌다!
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=이 주문서는 무기나 방어구를 강력한 마법 에너지와 융합시킵니다.\n\n장비가 업그레이드 됨과 동시에, 무기는 마법이 부여되며, 방어구에는 마법 상형문자가 새겨집니다.\n\n이미 마법 무기나 마법 상형문자가 쓰여진 장비에 사용해도, 기존의 마법이 사라지지 않습니다.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=마법 지도의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=마법 지도의 주문서
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=당신은 현재 층의 구조를 알게 되었다.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=당신은 현재 층의 구조를 알게 되었다.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=이 주문서를 읽으면, 수정같이 맑은 형상이 기억에 각인되어, 현재 층의 모든 비밀을 포함한 지형을 드러나게 합니다. 아이템과 생물체들의 위치는 여전히 알 수 없습니다.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=이 주문서를 읽으면, 수정같이 맑은 형상이 기억에 각인되어, 현재 층의 모든 비밀을 포함한 지형을 드러나게 합니다. 아이템과 생물체들의 위치는 여전히 알 수 없습니다.
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=이 주문서에는 시야 내에
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=융합할 아이템을 선택하세요
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=당신의 %s는 신비한 에너지와 합쳐졌다!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=공간이동 마법이 실패했다.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=융합할 아이템을 선택하세요
@ -968,7 +1043,7 @@ items.wands.wandofblastwave.stats_desc=이 막대는 해당 지점에 착탄해
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=타락의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandofcorruption.name=타락의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=타락의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofcorruption.staff_name=타락의 지팡이
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=그 대상에게 더 영향을 줄 수 없다.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.already_corrupted=그 대상에게 더 영향을 줄 수 없다.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=이 막대는 끝 부분에 달린 해골 모양 장식에서 알 수 있듯이 혼란스럽고 어두운 에너지를 발하고 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.desc=이 막대는 끝 부분에 달린 해골 모양 장식에서 알 수 있듯이 혼란스럽고 어두운 에너지를 발하고 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=이 막대는 타락의 에너지를 발사하여, 적을 약화시키다가 끝내는 정신을 조종할 수 있게 합니다. 적들은 타락에 저항할 수 있지만, 약화된 적들은 훨씬 더 쉽게 타락시킬 수 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofcorruption.stats_desc=이 막대는 타락의 에너지를 발사하여, 적을 약화시키다가 끝내는 정신을 조종할 수 있게 합니다. 적들은 타락에 저항할 수 있지만, 약화된 적들은 훨씬 더 쉽게 타락시킬 수 있습니다.
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=붕괴의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandofdisintegration.name=붕괴의 마법 막대
@ -983,7 +1058,7 @@ items.wands.wandoffireblast.stats_desc=이 막대를 사용하면 화염의 폭
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=서리의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandoffrost.name=서리의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=서리의 지팡이
items.wands.wandoffrost.staff_name=서리의 지팡이
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=이 막대는 일종의 마법 얼음으로 만들어진 것 같습니다. 둥근 끝 부분으로 갈수록 밝게 빛이 납니다. 잡고 있으면 매우 차갑지만, 손이 얼어버리지는 않습니다.
items.wands.wandoffrost.desc=이 막대는 일종의 마법 얼음으로 만들어진 것 같습니다. 둥근 끝 부분으로 갈수록 밝게 빛이 납니다. 잡고 있으면 매우 차갑지만, 손이 얼어버리지는 않습니다.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc= 이 막대는 사용자의 적에게 얼음 에너지를 발사하여 _%1$d-%2$d 의 피해를_ 주며 냉동시켜 속도를 느리게 만듭니다. 물 속에 있는 적에게 사용하면 냉동 효과가 더 강해집니다. 냉동되거나 얼어 버린 적들은 이미 차가운 상태라서 이 막대에 피해를 적게 입습니다.
items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc= 이 막대는 사용자의 적에게 얼음 에너지를 발사하여 _%1$d-%2$d 의 피해를_ 주며 냉동시켜 속도를 느리게 만듭니다. 물 속에 있는 적에게 사용하면 냉동 효과가 더 강해집니다. 냉동되거나 얼어 버린 적들은 이미 차가운 상태라서 이 막대에 피해를 적게 입습니다.
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=번개의 마법 막대
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=번개의 마법 막대
@ -1289,7 +1364,7 @@ items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.name=투척용 망치
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=이 묵직한 망치는 적에게 던지기 위해 만들어졌습니다. 주는 피해는 비교적 부족하지만, 튼튼하고 매끈한 무쇠로 만들어져 내구성이 높고 적에게 달라붙지 않습니다.
items.weapon.missiles.throwinghammer.desc=이 묵직한 망치는 적에게 던지기 위해 만들어졌습니다. 주는 피해는 비교적 부족하지만, 튼튼하고 매끈한 무쇠로 만들어져 내구성이 높고 적에게 달라붙지 않습니다.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=투척용 칼
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.name=투척용 칼
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=이 가벼운 칼들은 바람을 가르며 목표의 목을 가르기에도 적합합니다. 무방비 상태의 적들에게 가장 효과적입니다.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingknife.desc=이 가벼운 칼들은 바람을 가르며 목표의 목을 가르기에도 적합합니다. 무방비 상태의 적들에게 가장 효과적입니다.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingspear.name=투척용 창
items.weapon.missiles.throwingspear.name=투척용 창
items.weapon.missiles.throwingspear.desc=이 가벼운 창들은 얇은 몸체를 가져 직접 찌르기엔 부적합하지만, 던져 날리기엔 적합합니다.
items.weapon.missiles.throwingspear.desc=이 가벼운 창들은 얇은 몸체를 가져 직접 찌르기엔 부적합하지만, 던져 날리기엔 적합합니다.
@ -1321,7 +1396,7 @@ items.weapon.weapon$enchantment.enchant=마법
items.amulet.name=옌더의 부적
items.amulet.name=옌더의 부적
items.amulet.ac_end=게임을 끝낸다
items.amulet.ac_end=게임을 끝낸다
items.amulet.rankings_desc=옌더의 부적 획득
items.amulet.rankings_desc=옌더의 부적 획득
items.amulet.desc=옌더의 부적은 현재까지 가장 강력한 유물로 그 기원조차 불분명합니다. 전설에 따르면 주인의 의지가 이것을 "설득"할 정도로 충분히 강하다는 전제 하에 소유자의 어떠한 소원이라도 들어 주는 것으로 알려져 있습니다.
items.amulet.desc=옌더의 부적은 현재까지 가장 강력한 유물로 그 기원조차 불분명합니다. 전설에 따르면 주인의 의지가 이것을 "설득"할 정도로 충분히 강하다는 전제 하에 소유자의 어떠한 소원이라도 들어 주는 것으로 알려져 있습니다.
@ -136,7 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Pomimo iż zbroja wygląda na ciężką, pozwala o
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=zestaw alchemika
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=zestaw alchemika
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nie możesz nosić dwóch takich samych artefaktów.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Nie możesz nosić dwóch takich samych artefaktów.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefakt boleśnie wiąże się z tobą.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Artefakt boleśnie wiąże się z tobą.
@ -236,7 +242,7 @@ items.artifacts.hornofplenty.maxlevel=Twój róg zużył całą żywność jaką
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.levelup=Twój róg pochłania oferowaną przez Ciebie żywność i wzrasta w siłę!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.levelup=Twój róg pochłania oferowaną przez Ciebie żywność i wzrasta w siłę!
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.feed=Twój róg pochłania oferowaną przez Ciebie żywność.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.feed=Twój róg pochłania oferowaną przez Ciebie żywność.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=W ten róg nie można zadąć, za to za każdym razem gdy go założysz, napełnia się pokarmem.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=W ten róg nie można zadąć, za to za każdym razem gdy go założysz, napełnia się pokarmem.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=Być może istnieje sposób na zwiększenie mocy rogu przez dostarczenie mu energii z żywności.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=Być może istnieje sposób na zwiększenie mocy rogu przez dostarczenie mu energii z żywności.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=Przeklęty róg przypiął się sam do Twego boku, i wygląda na to, że zabiera żywność zamiast ją dawać.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=Przeklęty róg przypiął się sam do Twego boku, i wygląda na to, że zabiera żywność zamiast ją dawać.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.name=latarnia Lloyda
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.name=latarnia Lloyda
@ -254,8 +260,8 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Latarnia Lloyda jest zawiłym magicznym urząd
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Latarnia została ustawiona gdzieś na %d poziomie.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Latarnia została ustawiona gdzieś na %d poziomie.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=opaska mistrza złodziei
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=opaska mistrza złodziei
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Ta purpurowa aksamitna opaska nosi znak mistrza złodziei. Nie należy ona do ciebie, ale prawdopodobnie także nie należała do gościa, od którego ją zabrałeś.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Z tą opaską owiniętą na ramieniu, każdy kawałek złota sprawia, że bardziej pożądasz dóbr cudzych. Możliwe, że nie byłoby trudno podwędzić coś handlarzowi...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandały natury
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandały natury
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=pantofle natury
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=pantofle natury
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=bandolier na mikstury
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Ten cienki bandolier zakłada się zupełnie jak szarfę, ma wiele kieszonek, w których możesz trzymać fiolki.\n\nGdy twoje mikstury znajdują się w środku bandoliera, to powinny być chronione przed zimnem.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Ten cienki bandolier zakłada się zupełnie jak szarfę, ma wiele kieszonek, w których możesz trzymać fiolki.\n\nGdy twoje mikstury znajdują się w środku bandoliera, to powinny być chronione przed zimnem.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=tuba na zwoje
items.bags.scrollholder.name=tuba na zwoje
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Ten pojemnik w kształcie rury wygląda na taki, w którym astronomowie przetrzymują swoje wykresy. Zwoje pasują do niego jak ulał. \n\nNie wygląda na łatwopalny. Twoje zwoje są w nim ochronione przed ogniem.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=aksamitna sakiewka
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=aksamitna sakiewka
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Ta mała aksamitna sakiewka pozwala ci na przechowywanie małych przedmiotów, takich jak nasiona i kamienie runiczne.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Ta mała aksamitna sakiewka pozwala ci na przechowywanie małych przedmiotów, takich jak nasiona i kamienie runiczne.
@ -345,6 +351,9 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Ten cienki pokrowiec jest stworzony ze skóry egz
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=PODPAL I RZUĆ
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=PODPAL I RZUĆ
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Szybko odbezpieczyłeś bombę.
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Szybko odbezpieczyłeś bombę.
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Ta spreparowana bomba będzie przez dłuższy czas w
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba szokująca
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba szokująca
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Ta bomba została spreparowana by uwolnić burzę elektryczności dookoła miejsca eksplozji.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Ta bomba została spreparowana by uwolnić burzę elektryczności dookoła miejsca eksplozji.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba wełniasta
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba wełniasta
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Ta spreparowana bomba wytworzy pole magicznych owiec zamiast eksplodować. Owce te będą blokować poruszanie przez kilka tur, po czym znikną.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Ta spreparowana bomba wytworzy pole magicznych owiec zamiast eksplodować. Owce te będą blokować poruszanie przez kilka tur, po czym znikną.
@ -525,11 +537,6 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Wypicie tego osobliwego płynu sprawi, że
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=mikstura ciekłego płomienia
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=mikstura ciekłego płomienia
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Ta kolba zawiera niestabilną substancję, która po wydobyciu się na powietrze stanie w płomieniach.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Ta kolba zawiera niestabilną substancję, która po wydobyciu się na powietrze stanie w płomieniach.
items.potions.potionofmight.name=mikstura potęgi
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 SIŁY +5 PŻ
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=Niespodziewana siła przebiega przez twoje ciało.
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=Ten potężny eliksir popłynie prosto do twoich muskuł, permanentnie zwiększając twoją siłę o jeden punkt i wytrzymałość o pięć punktów.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=mikstura wyczucia umysłów
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=mikstura wyczucia umysłów
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=W jakiś sposób czujesz obecność umysłów okolicznych organizmów!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=W jakiś sposób czujesz obecność umysłów okolicznych organizmów!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Jakimś sposobem możesz powiedzieć, że jesteś w tym momencie sam na tej głębokości.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Jakimś sposobem możesz powiedzieć, że jesteś w tym momencie sam na tej głębokości.
@ -554,6 +561,9 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Odkorkowanie lub rozbicie szklanej fiolki sp
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=burzowa mieszanina
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=burzowa mieszanina
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Po uwolnieniu, ciecz stworzy wirującą burzę rozprzestrzeniającą się jak gaz.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Po uwolnieniu, ciecz stworzy wirującą burzę rozprzestrzeniającą się jak gaz.
@ -575,6 +585,11 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Ta mieszanina ma właściwości toksycznego
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=eliksir z krwi smoka
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=eliksir z krwi smoka
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Po wypiciu, ten eliksir da ognistą moc płynąca w krwi pijącego. Ten efekt spowoduje odporność na ogień i podpalanie przeciwników fizycznymi atakami.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Po wypiciu, ten eliksir da ognistą moc płynąca w krwi pijącego. Ten efekt spowoduje odporność na ogień i podpalanie przeciwników fizycznymi atakami.
@ -584,6 +599,11 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=Po wypiciu, ten eliksir pozwoli
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=eliksir miodowego leczenia
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=eliksir miodowego leczenia
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Ten eliksir słodzi miksturę leczenia, dzięki czemu jest nawet smaczna. Po wypiciu, uleczy trochę głodu, ale też można rzucić w przyjaciela i go uleczyć.\n\nStworzenia które mają upodobanie miodu mogą być tym uspokojone.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Ten eliksir słodzi miksturę leczenia, dzięki czemu jest nawet smaczna. Po wypiciu, uleczy trochę głodu, ale też można rzucić w przyjaciela i go uleczyć.\n\nStworzenia które mają upodobanie miodu mogą być tym uspokojone.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 SIŁY +5 PŻ
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Niespodziewana siła przebiega przez twoje ciało.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Ten potężny eliksir popłynie prosto do twoich muskuł, permanentnie zwiększając twoją siłę o jeden punkt i wytrzymałość o pięć punktów.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=eliksir odnowienia
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=eliksir odnowienia
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Ten eliksir łączy efekty mikstury leczenia i oczyszczenia. Wypijający będzie szybko leczony i wyczyszczony z wszystkich negatywnych efektów.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Ten eliksir łączy efekty mikstury leczenia i oczyszczenia. Wypijający będzie szybko leczony i wyczyszczony z wszystkich negatywnych efektów.
@ -636,7 +656,7 @@ items.potions.exotic.potionofshielding.name=mikstura tarczy
items.potions.exotic.potionofshielding.desc=Zamiast leczyć, ta mikstura stworzy wytrzymałą tarczę wokół ciała wypijającego, blokując sporą ilość obrażeń.
items.potions.exotic.potionofshielding.desc=Zamiast leczyć, ta mikstura stworzy wytrzymałą tarczę wokół ciała wypijającego, blokując sporą ilość obrażeń.
items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.name=mikstura okrywającej mgły
items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.name=mikstura okrywającej mgły
items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.desc=W kontakcie z powietrzem płyn w tej butelce zmieni się w gęstą chmurę oparów przypominających dym, który całkowicie blokuje pole widzenia.
items.potions.exotic.potionofshroudingfog.desc=W kontakcie z powietrzem płyn w tej butelce zmieni się w gęstą chmurę oparów przypominających dym, który całkowicie blokuje pole widzenia.
items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.name=mikstura błyskawicznego mrożenia
items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.name=mikstura błyskawicznego mrożenia
items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.desc=Składniki zawarte w tej miksturze gwałtownie reagują z powietrzem, natychmiastowo zamrażając i unieruchamiając wszystko w jej zasięgu.
items.potions.exotic.potionofsnapfreeze.desc=Składniki zawarte w tej miksturze gwałtownie reagują z powietrzem, natychmiastowo zamrażając i unieruchamiając wszystko w jej zasięgu.
@ -666,6 +686,12 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Wiele krasnoludów i niektóre z ich większych wytw
items.quest.embers.name=niedopałki żywiołów
items.quest.embers.name=niedopałki żywiołów
items.quest.embers.desc=Specjalne niedopałki, które mogą zostać uzyskane tylko z młodych żywiołaków ognia. Promieniują ciepłem.
items.quest.embers.desc=Specjalne niedopałki, które mogą zostać uzyskane tylko z młodych żywiołaków ognia. Promieniują ciepłem.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=W pobliżu nie ma żadnej żyły ciemnego złota do wydobycia.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=W pobliżu nie ma żadnej żyły ciemnego złota do wydobycia.
@ -766,11 +792,6 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=zwój kołysanki
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Zwój wydaje z siebie kojącą muzykę. Czujesz się bardzo śpiący.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Zwój wydaje z siebie kojącą muzykę. Czujesz się bardzo śpiący.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Przeczytanie tego zwoju emituje kojąca melodię, która uśpi każdego kto wsłucha się w jej dźwięk.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Przeczytanie tego zwoju emituje kojąca melodię, która uśpi każdego kto wsłucha się w jej dźwięk.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=zwój magicznej infuzji
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Nasyć przedmiot
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=Twój %s jest napełniony tajemną mocą!
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Ten zwój przepoi broń lub zbroję potężną magiczną energią.\n\nOprócz bycia ulepszonym, broń zostanie przepojona magią, a na zbroi zostanie wyryty magiczny piktogram.\n\nJeżeli przedmiot jest już przepojony magią lub ma wyryty piktogram, nigdy nie zostanie on usunięty przez ten zwój.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=zwój magicznego mapowania
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=zwój magicznego mapowania
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Poznałeś układ bieżącej głębokości.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Poznałeś układ bieżącej głębokości.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Po przeczytaniu, klarowny obraz zostanie wpojony do twojego umysłu, który sprawi, że poznasz dokładny rozkład poziomu i wszystkie jego sekrety. Lokalizacja przedmiotów i potworów pozostanie nieznana.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Po przeczytaniu, klarowny obraz zostanie wpojony do twojego umysłu, który sprawi, że poznasz dokładny rozkład poziomu i wszystkie jego sekrety. Lokalizacja przedmiotów i potworów pozostanie nieznana.
@ -872,7 +893,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpetrification.name=zwój petryfikacji
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpetrification.desc=Jasny błysk czerwonego światła przytłoczy przeciwników w zasięgu wzroku tak potężną magią terroru, że ze strachu niemal wszystkie znieruchomieją.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpetrification.desc=Jasny błysk czerwonego światła przytłoczy przeciwników w zasięgu wzroku tak potężną magią terroru, że ze strachu niemal wszystkie znieruchomieją.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.name=zwój polimorfii
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.name=zwój polimorfii
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.desc=Ten zwój zawiera potężną magię transmutacji. Gdy zostanie ona przywołana, wszyscy przeciwnicy w zasięgu wzroku zostaną zmienieni w owce!\n\nTransformacja ta jest permanentna, skutecznie eliminując wszystkich przeciwników w polu działania. Silniejsi wrogowie będą w stanie się oprzeć tej magii, a przedmioty używane lub noszone przez przemienionych przeciwników zostaną bezpowrotnie stracone.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpolymorph.desc=Ten zwój zawiera potężną magię transmutacji. Gdy zostanie ona przywołana, wszyscy przeciwnicy w zasięgu wzroku zostaną zmienieni w owce!\n\nTransformacja ta jest permanentna, skutecznie eliminując wszystkich przeciwników w polu działania. Silniejsi wrogowie będą w stanie się oprzeć tej magii, a przedmioty używane lub noszone przez przemienionych przeciwników zostaną bezpowrotnie stracone.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.name=zwój pryzmatycznego obrazu
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.name=zwój pryzmatycznego obrazu
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.desc=Inkantacja na tym zwoju stworzy iluzorycznego bliźniaka odczytującego. Będzie on słabszy od czytelnika, z podobną obroną, ale niższym zdrowiem i obrażeniami. \n\nPryzmatyczny obraz ukazuje się gdy zostaną zauważeni wrogowie, i będzie bronił czytelnika.\n\nJeśli już pryzmatyczny obraz istnieje, to ten zwój go uleczy.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofprismaticimage.desc=Inkantacja na tym zwoju stworzy iluzorycznego bliźniaka odczytującego. Będzie on słabszy od czytelnika, z podobną obroną, ale niższym zdrowiem i obrażeniami. \n\nPryzmatyczny obraz ukazuje się gdy zostaną zauważeni wrogowie, i będzie bronił czytelnika.\n\nJeśli już pryzmatyczny obraz istnieje, to ten zwój go uleczy.
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Ten zwój zawiera niesamowicie wy
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.spell.ac_cast=RZUĆ ZAKLĘCIE
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Nasyć przedmiot
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Twój %s jest napełniony tajemną mocą!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Magia teleportacji zawodzi.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Nasyć przedmiot
@ -1354,7 +1429,7 @@ items.dewvial.value=%+dPŻ
items.dewvial.collected=Zebrałeś kroplę rosy do swojej fiolki.
items.dewvial.collected=Zebrałeś kroplę rosy do swojej fiolki.
items.dewvial.full=Twoja fiolka z rosą jest pełna!
items.dewvial.full=Twoja fiolka z rosą jest pełna!
items.dewvial.empty=Twoja fiolka z rosą jest pusta!
items.dewvial.empty=Twoja fiolka z rosą jest pusta!
items.dewvial.desc=Możesz zbierać dodatkowe krople w tej niewielkiej fiolce by wypić je później. Im bardziej napełniona jest fiolka tym lepiej natychmiastowo wyleczy cię rosa. Wypijesz tylko tyle, ile jest ci potrzebne.\n\nFiolki, takie jak ta, są używane do napełniania przedmiotów magią wskrzeszenia, ale ta moc prawie zanikła. Wygląda na to, że zostało jeszcze trochę mocy, być może napełniona fiolka może błogosławić inny przedmiot wskrzeszający.
items.dewvial.desc=Możesz zbierać dodatkowe krople w tej niewielkiej fiolce by wypić je później. Im bardziej napełniona jest fiolka tym lepiej natychmiastowo wyleczy cię rosa. Wypijesz tylko tyle, ile jest ci potrzebne.\n\nFiolki, takie jak ta, są używane do napełniania przedmiotów magią wskrzeszenia, ale ta moc prawie zanikła. Wygląda na to, że zostało jeszcze trochę mocy, być może napełniona fiolka może błogosławić inny przedmiot wskrzeszający.
items.equipableitem.unequip_cursed=Nie możesz zdjąć przeklętego przedmiotu!
items.equipableitem.unequip_cursed=Nie możesz zdjąć przeklętego przedmiotu!
@ -136,7 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Enquanto esta armadura aparenta ser pesada, na ver
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=kit de ferramentas do alquimista
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=kit de ferramentas do alquimista
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=você não pode usar dois artefatos iguais.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=você não pode usar dois artefatos iguais.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=esse artefato se prendeu dolorosamente a você.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=esse artefato se prendeu dolorosamente a você.
@ -186,7 +192,7 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose.cursed=Você não pode usar uma rosa amaldiçoada.
items.artifacts.driedrose.no_space=Não há espaço suficiente ao seu redor.
items.artifacts.driedrose.no_space=Não há espaço suficiente ao seu redor.
items.artifacts.driedrose.charged=Sua rosa está totalmente carregada!
items.artifacts.driedrose.charged=Sua rosa está totalmente carregada!
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc=É esta a rosa que o fantasma mencionou antes de desaparecer? Ela parece conter uma forma de poder espiritual, talvez ela possa ser usada para canalizar a energia daquele guerreiro falecido.
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc=É esta a rosa que o fantasma mencionou antes de desaparecer? Ela parece conter uma forma de poder espiritual, talvez ela possa ser usada para canalizar a energia daquele guerreiro falecido.
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_no_quest=Uma rosa seca envelhecida que de algum jeito ainda esta inteira.\n\nEla parece ter algum poder espiritual, mas você não tem ideá de como usa-lá agora.
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_no_quest=Uma rosa seca envelhecida que de algum jeito ainda esta inteira.\n\nEla parece ter algum poder espiritual, mas você não tem ideá de como usa-lá agora.
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_hint=Algumas pétalas parecem estar faltando. Talvez reanexá-las possa fortalecer a rosa.
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_hint=Algumas pétalas parecem estar faltando. Talvez reanexá-las possa fortalecer a rosa.
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_cursed=A rosa amaldiçoada está presa à sua mão, ela está estranhamente fria.
items.artifacts.driedrose.desc_cursed=A rosa amaldiçoada está presa à sua mão, ela está estranhamente fria.
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.name=pétala seca
items.artifacts.driedrose$petal.name=pétala seca
@ -204,8 +210,8 @@ items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.title=Equipamento do fantasma
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.desc=O fantasma é fraco sozinho, porem sua forma é solida o suficiente para ser equipado com armas e armaduras. Ele pode usar esses itens assim como você.\n\nO fantasma pode equipar itens que requiram até _%d de força._
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.desc=O fantasma é fraco sozinho, porem sua forma é solida o suficiente para ser equipado com armas e armaduras. Ele pode usar esses itens assim como você.\n\nO fantasma pode equipar itens que requiram até _%d de força._
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.weapon_prompt=Selecione uma arma
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.weapon_prompt=Selecione uma arma
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.armor_prompt=Escolha uma armadura
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.armor_prompt=Escolha uma armadura
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.cant_unique=O fantasma não pode usar itens únicos
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.cant_unique=O fantasma não pode usar itens únicos
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.cant_unidentified=Você não sabe o suficiente sobre o item
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.cant_unidentified=Você não sabe o suficiente sobre o item
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.cant_cursed=Você não pode dar ao fantasma itens amaldiçoados
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.cant_cursed=Você não pode dar ao fantasma itens amaldiçoados
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.cant_strength=O fantasma não é forte o suficiente para usar aquilo.
items.artifacts.driedrose$wndghosthero.cant_strength=O fantasma não é forte o suficiente para usar aquilo.
@ -237,7 +243,7 @@ items.artifacts.hornofplenty.levelup=o chifre consumiu a sua oferenda de comida
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.feed=O chifre consome o alimento oferecido.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.feed=O chifre consome o alimento oferecido.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=Esse chifre não pode ser soprado,mas parece se encher de comida ao longo de sua aventura e ganho de experiencia.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc=Esse chifre não pode ser soprado,mas parece se encher de comida ao longo de sua aventura e ganho de experiencia.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=talvez aja um jeito de aumentar o poder do chifre lhe dando energia de uma comida
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_hint=talvez aja um jeito de aumentar o poder do chifre lhe dando energia de uma comida
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=o chifre amaldiçoado se prendeu a você,ele parece estar roubando a efetividade da comida em vez de produzi-la.
items.artifacts.hornofplenty.desc_cursed=o chifre amaldiçoado se prendeu a você,ele parece estar roubando a efetividade da comida em vez de produzi-la.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.name=Farol de Lloyd
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.name=Farol de Lloyd
@ -254,8 +260,8 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=O Farol de Lloyd é um complexo dispositivo m
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Este farol foi marcado em algum lugar no %d andar da Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Este farol foi marcado em algum lugar no %d andar da Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=braçadeira do mestres dos ladrões
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=braçadeira do mestres dos ladrões
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=essa braçadeira roxa apresenta a marca de um mestre ladrão.Ela não pertence a você,mas provavelmente não pertencia a pessoa de quem você tirou isso
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=com a braçadeira ao redor de seu pulso,cada peça de ouro que você encontra faz você querer mais.Talvez não seja tão dificil roubar do pixel mart...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandálias da natureza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=sandálias da natureza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=sapatos da natureza
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=sapatos da natureza
@ -267,7 +273,7 @@ items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.no_charge=ele não tem energia agora.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.prompt=selecione uma semente.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.prompt=selecione uma semente.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.already_fed=seus calçados já ganharam nutrientes dessa semente recentemente.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.already_fed=seus calçados já ganharam nutrientes dessa semente recentemente.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.levelup=seus calçados cresceram em tamanho!
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.levelup=seus calçados cresceram em tamanho!
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.absorb_seed=seus calçados absorveram a semente,agora eles parecem mais saudaveis
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.absorb_seed=seus calçados absorveram a semente,agora eles parecem mais saudaveis
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_1=oque inicialmente pareciam sandalias feitas de vinhas são na verdade duas plantas!elas parecem muito fracas e palidas,talvez você tenha que lhes dar nutrientes.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_1=oque inicialmente pareciam sandalias feitas de vinhas são na verdade duas plantas!elas parecem muito fracas e palidas,talvez você tenha que lhes dar nutrientes.
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_2=O calçado tem crescido e agora mais se assemelham a dois sapatos sob medida. Um pouco de cor voltou para eles, talvez eles ainda podem crescer ainda mais ?
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_2=O calçado tem crescido e agora mais se assemelham a dois sapatos sob medida. Um pouco de cor voltou para eles, talvez eles ainda podem crescer ainda mais ?
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_3=As plantas cresceram novamente e agora se assemelhma a um par de botas sólidas feitas de casca de arvore. As plantas parecem ter recuperado a sua força, mas talvez elas ainda podem crescer ainda mais ?
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.desc_3=As plantas cresceram novamente e agora se assemelhma a um par de botas sólidas feitas de casca de arvore. As plantas parecem ter recuperado a sua força, mas talvez elas ainda podem crescer ainda mais ?
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=bandoleira de poções
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Esta bandoleira grossa se encaixa em torno de seu peito como um cinto, ela tem várias tiras isoladas para armazenar frascos de poção.\n\nEnquanto estiverem dentro da bandoleira, suas poções estarão protegidas do frio.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Esta bandoleira grossa se encaixa em torno de seu peito como um cinto, ela tem várias tiras isoladas para armazenar frascos de poção.\n\nEnquanto estiverem dentro da bandoleira, suas poções estarão protegidas do frio.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=canudo de pergaminhos
items.bags.scrollholder.name=canudo de pergaminhos
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Este recipiente tubular parece que foi feito para guardar mapas de astrônomos, mas seus pergaminhos caberão do mesmo jeito.\n\nO canudo não parece ser muito inflamável, então seus pergaminhos devem estar protegidos contra o fogo enquanto estiverem dentro dele.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=bolsa de veludo
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=bolsa de veludo
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Esta pequena bolsa de veludo pode armazenar muitos itens pequenos, como sementes e pedras rúnicas.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Esta pequena bolsa de veludo pode armazenar muitos itens pequenos, como sementes e pedras rúnicas.
@ -345,6 +351,9 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Este coldre fino é feito de algum couro de anima
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ACENDER & JOGAR
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ACENDER & JOGAR
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=você apagou o fúsil da bomba
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=você apagou o fúsil da bomba
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Esta bomba personalizada fará repetidamente ruído
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba elétrica
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=bomba elétrica
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Esta bomba foi modificada para desencadear uma tempestade de eletricidade em torno dela quando explode.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Esta bomba foi modificada para desencadear uma tempestade de eletricidade em torno dela quando explode.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba lanosa
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=bomba lanosa
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Esta bomba personalizada irá criar um campo de ovelhas mágicas em vez de explodir. Essas ovelhas bloquearão o movimento e persistirão por algum tempo.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Esta bomba personalizada irá criar um campo de ovelhas mágicas em vez de explodir. Essas ovelhas bloquearão o movimento e persistirão por algum tempo.
@ -457,7 +469,7 @@ items.journal.documentpage.desc=Uma página sólitaria, provavelmente rasgada de
items.journal.alchemypage.name=Página do livro de alquimia rasgada
items.journal.alchemypage.name=Página do livro de alquimia rasgada
items.journal.alchemypage.desc=Uma página rasgada de um guia sobre alquimia.\n\nA maior parte do texto é pequena demais para ler à distância, mas você pode ver o título da página:\n\n_"%s"_
items.journal.alchemypage.desc=Uma página rasgada de um guia sobre alquimia.\n\nA maior parte do texto é pequena demais para ler à distância, mas você pode ver o título da página:\n\n_"%s"_
items.journal.guidepage.name=Página rasgada do guia
items.journal.guidepage.name=Página rasgada do guia
items.journal.guidepage.desc=Uma pagina rasgado do livro guia de aventura.\n\nA maioria de seu texto é muito pequeno para ser lido a distancia, mas você consegue identificar o titulo da pagina.\n\n_"%s"_
items.journal.guidepage.desc=Uma pagina rasgado do livro guia de aventura.\n\nA maioria de seu texto é muito pequeno para ser lido a distancia, mas você consegue identificar o titulo da pagina.\n\n_"%s"_
@ -525,11 +537,6 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Beber este líquido curioso fará com que
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=poção da chama líquida
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=poção da chama líquida
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Este frasco contém um composto instável que vai estourar violentamente em chamas ao ser exposto ao ar.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Este frasco contém um composto instável que vai estourar violentamente em chamas ao ser exposto ao ar.
items.potions.potionofmight.name=Poção do Poder
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 força, + 5 vida
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=Uma força de origem desconhecida se manifesta pelo seu corpo.
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=Este líquido poderoso vai percorrer seus músculos, aumentando sua força em um ponto e vida em cinco pontos permanentemente.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=poção de visão mental
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=poção de visão mental
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=De alguma forma você consegue sentir a presença das mentes de outras criaturas.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=De alguma forma você consegue sentir a presença das mentes de outras criaturas.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=De alguma maneira você tem certeza de que está sozinho neste nível no momento.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=De alguma maneira você tem certeza de que está sozinho neste nível no momento.
@ -554,6 +561,9 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Removendo a rolha ou quebrando esse vidro pr
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=Bebida da nevasca
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=Bebida da nevasca
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Quando quebrada, esta bebida vai desencadear uma tempestade rodopiante que se espalha como um gás.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Quando quebrada, esta bebida vai desencadear uma tempestade rodopiante que se espalha como um gás.
@ -575,6 +585,11 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Esta mistura combina as propriedades de um g
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir do sangue de dragão
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir do sangue de dragão
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quando consumido, esse elixir enviará poder impetuoso pelas veias do bebedor. Esse efeito deixará o bebedor imune ao fogo e permitirá que ataquem os inimigos com ataques físicos.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Quando consumido, esse elixir enviará poder impetuoso pelas veias do bebedor. Esse efeito deixará o bebedor imune ao fogo e permitirá que ataquem os inimigos com ataques físicos.
@ -584,6 +599,11 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=Quando consumido, esse elixir pe
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir da cura com mel
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir da cura com mel
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Este elixir combina a cura com a doçura do mel. Quando bebe, satisfaz uma pequena quantidade de fome, mas também pode ser usada para curar um aliado.\n\nCriaturas com afinidade por mel podem ser pacificadas se este item for usado nelas.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Este elixir combina a cura com a doçura do mel. Quando bebe, satisfaz uma pequena quantidade de fome, mas também pode ser usada para curar um aliado.\n\nCriaturas com afinidade por mel podem ser pacificadas se este item for usado nelas.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 força, + 5 vida
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Uma força de origem desconhecida se manifesta pelo seu corpo.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Este líquido poderoso vai percorrer seus músculos, aumentando sua força em um ponto e vida em cinco pontos permanentemente.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir da restauração
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir da restauração
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Este elixir combina as propriedades de uma poção de cura e limpeza. Quando consumido, o bebedor começará a cicatrizar rapidamente e será limpo de todos os efeitos negativos.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Este elixir combina as propriedades de uma poção de cura e limpeza. Quando consumido, o bebedor começará a cicatrizar rapidamente e será limpo de todos os efeitos negativos.
@ -666,6 +686,12 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Muitos anões e algumas de suas criações maiores c
items.quest.embers.name=brasas elementais
items.quest.embers.name=brasas elementais
items.quest.embers.desc=Brasas especiais que só podem ser obtidas de um elemental de fogo jovem. Elas irradiam energia térmica.
items.quest.embers.desc=Brasas especiais que só podem ser obtidas de um elemental de fogo jovem. Elas irradiam energia térmica.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Não há nenhum veio de ouro escuro para você minerar.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Não há nenhum veio de ouro escuro para você minerar.
@ -718,7 +744,7 @@ items.rings.ringofhaste.name=anel da Pressa
items.rings.ringofhaste.desc=Este anel reduz o impacto de movimento sobre o usuário, permitindo-lhe correr a velocidades sobre-humanas. Um anel amaldiçoado, em vez disso, tornara o usuário pesado tornando-o lento.
items.rings.ringofhaste.desc=Este anel reduz o impacto de movimento sobre o usuário, permitindo-lhe correr a velocidades sobre-humanas. Um anel amaldiçoado, em vez disso, tornara o usuário pesado tornando-o lento.
items.rings.ringofenergy.name=anel da energia
items.rings.ringofenergy.name=anel da energia
items.rings.ringofenergy.desc=Sua varinha será recarregada mais rapidamente na área arcana que emana desse anel. Um anel amaldiçoado, em vez disso, retardará o carregamento da varinha.
items.rings.ringofenergy.desc=Sua varinha será recarregada mais rapidamente na área arcana que emana desse anel. Um anel amaldiçoado, em vez disso, retardará o carregamento da varinha.
items.rings.ringofmight.name=anel do Poder
items.rings.ringofmight.name=anel do Poder
items.rings.ringofmight.desc=Este anel melhora as características físicas do portador, concedendo-lhes maior força física e constituição. Um anel amaldiçoado vai enfraquecer o portador.
items.rings.ringofmight.desc=Este anel melhora as características físicas do portador, concedendo-lhes maior força física e constituição. Um anel amaldiçoado vai enfraquecer o portador.
@ -766,11 +792,6 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=pergaminho do acalento
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=O pergaminho sussurra uma melodia suave. Você se sente muito sonolento.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=O pergaminho sussurra uma melodia suave. Você se sente muito sonolento.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Ler este pergaminho emite uma melodia suave que vai prender todos os que a ouvirem em um sono profundo mágico.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Ler este pergaminho emite uma melodia suave que vai prender todos os que a ouvirem em um sono profundo mágico.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=pergaminho da infusão mágica
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Fundir um item
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=O seu %s está cheio de energia arcana!
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Este pergaminho infundirá uma poderosa energia mágica em uma arma ou armadura.\n\nAlém de ser aprimorado, uma arma ganhará um encantamento mágico, ou uma armadura será imbuída com um glifo mágico.\n\nSe o item já tiver um encantamento ou um glifo, ele nunca será apagado por este pergaminho.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergaminho de mapeamento mágico
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=pergaminho de mapeamento mágico
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Você está agora ciente da configuração deste nível.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Você está agora ciente da configuração deste nível.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Quando esse pergaminho é lido, uma imagem clara como um cristal fica esculpida em sua mente, alertando você sobre a configuração precisa deste nível e revelando todos os seus segredos ocultos. A localização de itens e criaturas permanecerão desconhecidas.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Quando esse pergaminho é lido, uma imagem clara como um cristal fica esculpida em sua mente, alertando você sobre a configuração precisa deste nível e revelando todos os seus segredos ocultos. A localização de itens e criaturas permanecerão desconhecidas.
@ -798,7 +819,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofremovecurse.desc=A incantação neste pergaminho removerá
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.name=pergaminho de teletransportação
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.name=pergaminho de teletransportação
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=Em um piscar de olhos, você foi teletransportado para outro lugar do andar.
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.tele=Em um piscar de olhos, você foi teletransportado para outro lugar do andar.
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Uma aura potente neste lugar não permite que você teletransporte.
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.no_tele=Uma aura potente neste lugar não permite que você teletransporte.
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Você não pode teletransportar ali
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.cant_reach=Você não pode teletransportar ali
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Escolha uma localização para se teletransportar
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.prompt=Escolha uma localização para se teletransportar
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=O feitiço deste pergaminho transporta instantaneamente o leitor para um local diferente no nível da masmorra. O pergaminho prioriza áreas para as quais o leitor nunca esteve antes, através dele não é capaz de se teletransportar além de portas trancadas ou barricadas.
items.scrolls.scrollofteleportation.desc=O feitiço deste pergaminho transporta instantaneamente o leitor para um local diferente no nível da masmorra. O pergaminho prioriza áreas para as quais o leitor nunca esteve antes, através dele não é capaz de se teletransportar além de portas trancadas ou barricadas.
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Este pergaminho contém incrível
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Fundir um item
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=O seu %s está cheio de energia arcana!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=a magia de teleporte falhou
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Fundir um item
@ -917,10 +992,10 @@ items.stones.stoneofclairvoyance.desc=Esta pedra irá procurar instantaneamente
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=pedra de sono profundo
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.name=pedra de sono profundo
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=Quando esta pedra é lançada perto de um inimigo adormecido, magicamente aprofundará seu sono. Magicamente dormiram inimigos vão dormir para sempre até perturbado.
items.stones.stoneofdeepenedsleep.desc=Quando esta pedra é lançada perto de um inimigo adormecido, magicamente aprofundará seu sono. Magicamente dormiram inimigos vão dormir para sempre até perturbado.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=pedra de detectar maldição
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=pedra de detectar maldição
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detectar um item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Detectar um item
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=Você sente que o item está amaldiçoado!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=Você sente que o item está amaldiçoado!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=Não há magia maligna neste item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=Não há magia maligna neste item.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=Este runestone detém uma versão mais fraca da magia encontrada em pergaminhos de remover a maldição. Enquanto maldições não podem ser removidas de um item, elas serão detectadas.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=Este runestone detém uma versão mais fraca da magia encontrada em pergaminhos de remover a maldição. Enquanto maldições não podem ser removidas de um item, elas serão detectadas.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=pedra de encantamento
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=pedra de encantamento
@ -932,12 +1007,12 @@ items.stones.stoneofenchantment.desc=Essa pedra rúnica contém poder de encanta
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=pedra de rebanho
items.stones.stoneofflock.name=pedra de rebanho
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=Esta runestone invoca ovelhas mágicas por um curto período de tempo em torno do local onde é lançada.
items.stones.stoneofflock.desc=Esta runestone invoca ovelhas mágicas por um curto período de tempo em torno do local onde é lançada.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=pedra de intuição
items.stones.stoneofintuition.name=pedra de intuição
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Selecione um item
items.stones.stoneofintuition.inv_title=Selecione um item
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Essa pedra rúnica guarda uma versão mais fraca da magia encontrada nos pergaminhos de identificação. Ao invés de identificar um item, ela trabalhará com sua intuição, permitindo que você tente adivinhar os segredos de uma poção ou pergaminho.
items.stones.stoneofintuition.desc=Essa pedra rúnica guarda uma versão mais fraca da magia encontrada nos pergaminhos de identificação. Ao invés de identificar um item, ela trabalhará com sua intuição, permitindo que você tente adivinhar os segredos de uma poção ou pergaminho.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Adivinhe qual é o item não identificado. Se você acertar, ele será revelado!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.text=Adivinhe qual é o item não identificado. Se você acertar, ele será revelado!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correto. O item foi identificado!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.correct=Correto. O item foi identificado!
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Seu palpite está incorreto.
items.stones.stoneofintuition$wndguess.incorrect=Seu palpite está incorreto.
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=pedra de choque
items.stones.stoneofshock.name=pedra de choque
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=Esta pedra rúnica desencadeia uma explosão de energia elétrica que brevemente atordoa todos os alvos próximos e concede a carga do lançador para cada alvo atingido.
items.stones.stoneofshock.desc=Esta pedra rúnica desencadeia uma explosão de energia elétrica que brevemente atordoa todos os alvos próximos e concede a carga do lançador para cada alvo atingido.
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ items.armor.armor.detach_seal=Вы открепили печать от брон
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=Броня больно сжимает ваше тело.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=Броня больно сжимает ваше тело.
items.armor.armor.identify=Вы использовали ваш доспех достаточно долго для того, чтобы опознать его.
items.armor.armor.identify=Вы использовали ваш доспех достаточно долго для того, чтобы опознать его.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=Взаимодействие разных типов магии стерло руну с этой брони!
items.armor.armor.incompatible=Взаимодействие разных типов магии стерло руну с этой брони!
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Эта броня поглощает _%1$d-%2$d урона_ за удар и требует _%3$d очков силы_ для комфортного использования.
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Эта броня поглощает _%1$d-%2$d урона_ за удар и требует _%3$d очков силы_ для комфортного использования.
items.armor.armor.avg_absorb=Как правило, такая броня поглощает _%1$d-%2$d урона_ за удар и требует _%3$d очков силы_ для комфортного использования.
items.armor.armor.avg_absorb=Как правило, такая броня поглощает _%1$d-%2$d урона_ за удар и требует _%3$d очков силы_ для комфортного использования.
items.armor.armor.too_heavy=Вы недостаточно сильны для того, чтобы носить эту броню, поэтому в ней ваши защита, уклонение и скорость передвижения будут понижены.
items.armor.armor.too_heavy=Вы недостаточно сильны для того, чтобы носить эту броню, поэтому в ней ваши защита, уклонение и скорость передвижения будут понижены.
items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Вероятно, эта броня будет слишком тяжела для вас.
items.armor.armor.probably_too_heavy=Вероятно, эта броня будет слишком тяжела для вас.
@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ items.armor.armor.seal_attached=К этой броне прикреплена с
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s убила вас...
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s убила вас...
items.armor.classarmor.low_hp=У вас слишком мало здоровья!
items.armor.classarmor.low_hp=У вас слишком мало здоровья!
items.armor.classarmor.not_equipped=Вам надо надеть эту броню, чтобы использовать даруемые ей способности!
items.armor.classarmor.not_equipped=Вам надо надеть эту броню, чтобы использовать даруемые ей способности!
items.armor.clotharmor.name=тканая броня
items.armor.clotharmor.name=тканая броня
items.armor.clotharmor.desc=Эта легкая броня обеспечивает минимальную защиту. Лучше, чем ничего.
items.armor.clotharmor.desc=Эта легкая броня обеспечивает минимальную защиту. Лучше, чем ничего.
items.armor.huntressarmor.name=плащ охотницы
items.armor.huntressarmor.name=плащ охотницы
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ items.armor.huntressarmor.no_enemies=Нет врагов в поле зрени
items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=Охотница, надевшая этот плащ, может вызывать призрачные клинки для того, чтобы нанести удар всем своим врагам в поле зрения. Урон клинков зависит от экипированного оружия.
items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=Охотница, надевшая этот плащ, может вызывать призрачные клинки для того, чтобы нанести удар всем своим врагам в поле зрения. Урон клинков зависит от экипированного оружия.
items.armor.leatherarmor.name=кожаная броня
items.armor.leatherarmor.name=кожаная броня
items.armor.leatherarmor.desc=Броня из выделанной шкуры какого-то животного. Она не так легка, как тканевая, но зато обеспечивает большую защиту.
items.armor.leatherarmor.desc=Броня из выделанной шкуры какого-то животного. Она не так легка, как тканевая, но зато обеспечивает большую защиту.
items.armor.magearmor.name=одеяние мага
items.armor.magearmor.name=одеяние мага
items.armor.magearmor.ac_special=ДРОЖЬ ЗЕМЛИ
items.armor.magearmor.ac_special=ДРОЖЬ ЗЕМЛИ
@ -136,7 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Хоть эта броня и выглядит т
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=набор алхимика
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=набор алхимика
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Вы не можете использовать два одинаковых артефакта.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Вы не можете использовать два одинаковых артефакта.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Артефакт больно впивается в ваше тело.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Артефакт больно впивается в ваше тело.
@ -254,8 +260,8 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Маяк Ллойда - хитроумное
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Маяк установлен на %d уровень в Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Маяк установлен на %d уровень в Pixel Dungeon.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=повязка гильдии воров
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=повязка гильдии воров
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Эта фиолетовая повязка на руку отмечена знаком мастера-вора. Она не принадлежит вам, но и своему предыдущему владельцу она вряд ли принадлежала.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=С этой повязкой, каждый найденный вами кусок золота заставит вас сильнее хотеть чужого. Возможно, украсть что-то из Пиксель-Маркета не так уж и сложно...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=сандалии природы
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=сандалии природы
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=ботинки природы
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=ботинки природы
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=пояс для зелий
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Этот широкий пояс надевается на грудь, как патронташ. В нём много маленьких кармашков для бутыльков с зельями.\n\nКарманы достаточно плотные для того, чтобы не дать бутылькам потрескаться от холода.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Этот широкий пояс надевается на грудь, как патронташ. В нём много маленьких кармашков для бутыльков с зельями.\n\nКарманы достаточно плотные для того, чтобы не дать бутылькам потрескаться от холода.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=футляр для свитков
items.bags.scrollholder.name=футляр для свитков
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Похоже, раньше этот футляр использовался для хранения астрономических карт, но и для свитков он вполне подойдёт.\n\nПохоже, этот футляр сможет защитить ваши свитки от огня.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=бархатный мешочек
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=бархатный мешочек
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=В этой небольшой сумочке из бархата можно хранить множество мелких предметов, таких как семена и рунные камни.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=В этой небольшой сумочке из бархата можно хранить множество мелких предметов, таких как семена и рунные камни.
@ -345,6 +351,9 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Этот зачарованный чехол, с
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ПОДЖЕЧЬ И БРОСИТЬ
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=ПОДЖЕЧЬ И БРОСИТЬ
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Вы спешно задуваете фитиль бомбы.
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Вы спешно задуваете фитиль бомбы.
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=Эта бомба будет создавать по
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=шоковая бомба
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=шоковая бомба
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Эта бомба была модифицирована таким образом, чтобы при взрыве высвободить вокруг себя электрический шторм.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=Эта бомба была модифицирована таким образом, чтобы при взрыве высвободить вокруг себя электрический шторм.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=шерстяная бомба
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=шерстяная бомба
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Эта изменённая бомба вместо взрыва создаст стадо волшебных овец, на некоторое время блокирующих передвижение.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=Эта изменённая бомба вместо взрыва создаст стадо волшебных овец, на некоторое время блокирующих передвижение.
@ -525,11 +537,6 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Если выпить этот занят
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=Зелье Алхимического Огня
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=Зелье Алхимического Огня
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Этот сосуд содержит нестабильный реактив, который при малейшем контакте с воздухом резко загорается, поджигая всё вокруг.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Этот сосуд содержит нестабильный реактив, который при малейшем контакте с воздухом резко загорается, поджигая всё вокруг.
items.potions.potionofmight.name=Зелье Могущества
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 сила, +5 ОЗ
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=По вашему телу распространяется новоприобретённая сила.
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=Это редкое зелье влияет на мускулатуру всего вашего тела, навсегда увеличивая силу на единицу и здоровье на пять очков.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=Зелье Телепатии
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=Зелье Телепатии
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Вы каким-то образом можете чувствовать присутствие других существ!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Вы каким-то образом можете чувствовать присутствие других существ!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Вы каким-то образом понимаете, что на этом уровне подземелья нет никого, кроме вас.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Вы каким-то образом понимаете, что на этом уровне подземелья нет никого, кроме вас.
@ -554,36 +561,49 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Разбивание или раскупор
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Если разбить, то этот навар испустит вихрь пурги, который распространяется как газ.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=Если разбить, то этот навар испустит вихрь пурги, который распространяется как газ.
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=В этой микстуре объединены свойства зелий шторма и холода. При броске оно создаст замораживающее облако, которое разольёт воду на прилегающие территории.
items.potions.brews.frigidbrew.desc=В этой микстуре объединены свойства зелий шторма и холода. При броске оно создаст замораживающее облако, которое разольёт воду на прилегающие территории.
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.name=ледяное пламя
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.name=ледяное пламя
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Эта микстура объединяет эффекты зелий жидкого пламени и мгновенной заморозки. Область воздействия зелья будет заморожена, после чего на продолжительное время вспыхнет огонь.
items.potions.brews.frostfirebrew.desc=Эта микстура объединяет эффекты зелий жидкого пламени и мгновенной заморозки. Область воздействия зелья будет заморожена, после чего на продолжительное время вспыхнет огонь.
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.name=адское пламя
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.name=адское пламя
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Разбившись о пол, эта микстура призовёт бушующее адское пламя, распространяющееся, как газ.
items.potions.brews.infernalbrew.desc=Разбившись о пол, эта микстура призовёт бушующее адское пламя, распространяющееся, как газ.
items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Разбившись, эта микстура призовёт электрическую бурю на территории вокруг места падения.
items.potions.brews.shockingbrew.desc=Разбившись, эта микстура призовёт электрическую бурю на территории вокруг места падения.
items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.name=коварное варево
items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.name=коварное варево
items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Эта микстура объединяет в себе свойства зелий парализующего и отравляющего газа. При контакте с воздухом, она распадётся сразу на оба.
items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=Эта микстура объединяет в себе свойства зелий парализующего и отравляющего газа. При контакте с воздухом, она распадётся сразу на оба.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=эликсир крови дракона
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=эликсир крови дракона
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Будучи выпитым, эликсир наделит героя силой огня, протекающей по его венам. Этот эффект подарит ему иммунитет к огню и позволит поджигать врагов своими ударами.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=Будучи выпитым, эликсир наделит героя силой огня, протекающей по его венам. Этот эффект подарит ему иммунитет к огню и позволит поджигать врагов своими ударами.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.name=эликсир силы земли
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.name=эликсир силы земли
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=Будучи выпитым, эликсир наделит героя способностью подчинять землю вокруг своей воле. Любая физическая атака будет сотрясать землю под ногами врага, уменьшая их скорость.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=Будучи выпитым, эликсир наделит героя способностью подчинять землю вокруг своей воле. Любая физическая атака будет сотрясать землю под ногами врага, уменьшая их скорость.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=эликсир медового исцеления
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=эликсир медового исцеления
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Этот эликсир совмещает исцеление и сладость мёда. Когда его пьёшь, он немного утоляет голод, но его можно и бросить на друга, и тот исцелится.\n\nС помощью этого эликсира можно укротить те существа, которые любят мёд.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=Этот эликсир совмещает исцеление и сладость мёда. Когда его пьёшь, он немного утоляет голод, но его можно и бросить на друга, и тот исцелится.\n\nС помощью этого эликсира можно укротить те существа, которые любят мёд.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 сила, +5 ОЗ
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=По вашему телу распространяется новоприобретённая сила.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Это редкое зелье влияет на мускулатуру всего вашего тела, навсегда увеличивая силу на единицу и здоровье на пять очков.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=эликсир восстановления
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=эликсир восстановления
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Этот эликсир совмещает свойства зельев исцеления и очищения. Кто его выпьет, тот начнет быстро исцеляться и очистится от негативных эффектов.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=Этот эликсир совмещает свойства зельев исцеления и очищения. Кто его выпьет, тот начнет быстро исцеляться и очистится от негативных эффектов.
@ -666,6 +686,12 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=По неизвестным причинам мно
items.quest.embers.name=пепел элементаля
items.quest.embers.name=пепел элементаля
items.quest.embers.desc=Особый вид пепла, который можно получить только с молодых огненных элементалей. Даже сейчас он излучает тепло.
items.quest.embers.desc=Особый вид пепла, который можно получить только с молодых огненных элементалей. Даже сейчас он излучает тепло.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Рядом нет жил тёмного золота.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Рядом нет жил тёмного золота.
@ -766,11 +792,6 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=Свиток Колыбельной
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=В воздухе раздается убаюкивающая мелодия. Вы чувствуете, что хотите спать.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=В воздухе раздается убаюкивающая мелодия. Вы чувствуете, что хотите спать.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Чтение этого свитка вслух вызывает тихую мелодию, которая погрузит всех, кто её слышал, в глубокий волшебный сон.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Чтение этого свитка вслух вызывает тихую мелодию, которая погрузит всех, кто её слышал, в глубокий волшебный сон.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=Свиток Зачарования
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=Какой предмет зачаровать?
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=Ваш %s наполнен мистической энергией!
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Этот свиток наполнит оружие или доспех мощной энергией.\n\nПомимо улучшения, на оружие будут наложено зачарование, а доспех будет усилен руной.\n\nЕсли у предмета уже есть подобное усиление, оно не будет развеяно.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=Свиток Поиска Пути
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=Свиток Поиска Пути
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Теперь вы знакомы с планировкой этого уровня.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Теперь вы знакомы с планировкой этого уровня.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=После прочтения этого свитка в ваш разум впишется ясная картина уровня. Вам станут известны все коридоры и ловушки, в том числе скрытые. Однако местоположение предметов и существ останется неизвестным.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=После прочтения этого свитка в ваш разум впишется ясная картина уровня. Вам станут известны все коридоры и ловушки, в том числе скрытые. Однако местоположение предметов и существ останется неизвестным.
@ -838,7 +859,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.tiwaz=экзотический свиток Т
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.unknown_desc=Этот чёрный манускрипт покрыт непонятными светящимися письменами. Похоже, он не из этих краёв. Кто знает, что будет, если прочитать его вслух?
items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.unknown_desc=Этот чёрный манускрипт покрыт непонятными светящимися письменами. Похоже, он не из этих краёв. Кто знает, что будет, если прочитать его вслух?
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofaffection.name=свиток приворожения
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofaffection.name=свиток приворожения
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofaffection.desc=При прочтении этот свиток испустит соблазняющий смешок, который очарует всех, кто его услышит.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofaffection.desc=При прочтении этот свиток испустит соблазняющий смешок, который очарует всех, кто его услышит.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofantimagic.name=свиток антимагии
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofantimagic.name=свиток антимагии
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofantimagic.desc=Заклинание в этом свитке окружит вас волшебной аурой, временно блокирующей любые вредные и полезные магические эффекты.
items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofantimagic.desc=Заклинание в этом свитке окружит вас волшебной аурой, временно блокирующей любые вредные и полезные магические эффекты.
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=Этот свиток содер
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=Какой предмет зачаровать?
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=Ваш %s наполнен мистической энергией!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Телепортация не удалась.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=Какой предмет зачаровать?
@ -921,7 +996,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.name=камень обнаружения
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Проверить предмет
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.inv_title=Проверить предмет
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=Вы чувствуете, что этот предмет проклят!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.cursed=Вы чувствуете, что этот предмет проклят!
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=В этом предмете нет темной магии.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.not_cursed=В этом предмете нет темной магии.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=Этот рунный камень содержит ослабленную версию заклинания, содержащегося в свитках рассеяния. Он не сможет снять проклятие с предмета, но он может помочь обнаружить его.
items.stones.stoneofdetectcurse.desc=Этот рунный камень содержит ослабленную версию заклинания, содержащегося в свитках рассеяния. Он не сможет снять проклятие с предмета, но он может помочь обнаружить его.
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=камень зачарования
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.name=камень зачарования
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Зачаровать предмет
items.stones.stoneofenchantment.inv_title=Зачаровать предмет
@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ items.armor.glyphs.viscosity.desc=Bu rün giyen kişinin aldığı hasarı depol
items.armor.armor.detach_seal=Mührü zırhından söktün.
items.armor.armor.detach_seal=Mührü zırhından söktün.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=Zırh vücudunu acıyla sarıyor.
items.armor.armor.equip_cursed=Zırh vücudunu acıyla sarıyor.
items.armor.armor.identify=Artık zırhına onu tanımlayabilecek kadar alışıksın.
items.armor.armor.identify=Artık zırhına onu tanımlayabilecek kadar alışıksın.
items.armor.armor.incompatible=Etkileşime girilen farklı büyüler bu zırhın üzerindeki rünü sildi!
items.armor.armor.incompatible=Etkileşime girilen farklı büyüler bu zırhın üzerindeki rünü sildi!
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Bu zırh _%1$d-%2$d hasarı önler_ ve düzgün kullanılması için _%3$d kuvvet_ gerektirir.
items.armor.armor.curr_absorb=Bu zırh _%1$d-%2$d hasarı önler_ ve düzgün kullanılması için _%3$d kuvvet_ gerektirir.
items.armor.armor.avg_absorb=Tipik olarak bu zırh _%1$d-%2$d hasarı_ önler ve düzgün olarak kullanılabilmesi için _%3$d güç_ gerekir.
items.armor.armor.avg_absorb=Tipik olarak bu zırh _%1$d-%2$d hasarı_ önler ve düzgün olarak kullanılabilmesi için _%3$d güç_ gerekir.
items.armor.armor.too_heavy=Gücün yetersiz olduğu için bu zırhı giymek hareket, kaçınma ve savunma yeteneklerini azaltacaktır.
items.armor.armor.too_heavy=Gücün yetersiz olduğu için bu zırhı giymek hareket, kaçınma ve savunma yeteneklerini azaltacaktır.
@ -86,57 +86,63 @@ items.armor.armor.excess_str=Fazladan gücünden dolayı, bu zırhı giyerken _d
items.armor.armor.evasion=_Kaçınmayı_ arttırmak için yükseltilmiş
items.armor.armor.evasion=_Kaçınmayı_ arttırmak için yükseltilmiş
items.armor.armor.defense=_Korunmayı_ arttırmak için yükseltilmiş
items.armor.armor.defense=_Korunmayı_ arttırmak için yükseltilmiş
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Üzerine _%s_ yazılmış.
items.armor.armor.inscribed=Üzerine _%s_ yazılmış.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Bu zırh lanetli olduğundan onu çıkarmak için yeterli güce sahip değilsin.
items.armor.armor.cursed_worn=Bu zırh lanetli olduğundan onu çıkarmak için yeterli güce sahip değilsin.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Bu zırhın etrafında kötü bir büyünün varlığını hissediyorsun.
items.armor.armor.cursed=Bu zırhın etrafında kötü bir büyünün varlığını hissediyorsun.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=Bu zırhta kötücül bir büyü yok.
items.armor.armor.not_cursed=Bu zırhta kötücül bir büyü yok.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Savaşçı'nın kırık mührü zırha tutturulmuş.
items.armor.armor.seal_attached=Savaşçı'nın kırık mührü zırha tutturulmuş.
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s seni öldürdü...
items.armor.armor$glyph.killed=%s seni öldürdü...
items.armor.classarmor.low_hp=Sağlığın çok düşük!
items.armor.classarmor.low_hp=Sağlığın çok düşük!
items.armor.classarmor.not_equipped=Bu zırhın özel yeteneğini kullanabilmek için onu giyiyor olman gerek!
items.armor.classarmor.not_equipped=Bu zırhın özel yeteneğini kullanabilmek için onu giyiyor olman gerek!
items.armor.clotharmor.name=kumaş zırh
items.armor.clotharmor.name=kumaş zırh
items.armor.clotharmor.desc=Bu hafif ağırlıktaki zırh, basit koruma sağlar.
items.armor.clotharmor.desc=Bu hafif ağırlıktaki zırh, basit koruma sağlar.
items.armor.huntressarmor.name=avcı pelerini
items.armor.huntressarmor.name=avcı pelerini
items.armor.huntressarmor.ac_special=RUHANİ BIÇAKLAR
items.armor.huntressarmor.ac_special=RUHANİ BIÇAKLAR
items.armor.huntressarmor.no_enemies=Görüşünde düşman yok
items.armor.huntressarmor.no_enemies=Görüşünde düşman yok
items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=Avcı tırtıklı bıçaklar fırlatabilen özel bir pelerinin içinde. Bu bıçaklar avcının görüş açısında olan her düşmanı hedefleyip avcının elinde olan yakın dövüş silahına göre hasar verecektir.
items.armor.huntressarmor.desc=Avcı tırtıklı bıçaklar fırlatabilen özel bir pelerinin içinde. Bu bıçaklar avcının görüş açısında olan her düşmanı hedefleyip avcının elinde olan yakın dövüş silahına göre hasar verecektir.
items.armor.leatherarmor.name=deri zırh
items.armor.leatherarmor.name=deri zırh
items.armor.leatherarmor.desc=İşlenmiş canavar derisinden yapılma zırh. Kumaş zırh kadar hafif olmasa da daha iyi koruma sağlar.
items.armor.leatherarmor.desc=İşlenmiş canavar derisinden yapılma zırh. Kumaş zırh kadar hafif olmasa da daha iyi koruma sağlar.
items.armor.magearmor.name=büyücü kaftanı
items.armor.magearmor.name=büyücü kaftanı
items.armor.magearmor.ac_special=DÜNYAYI ERİT
items.armor.magearmor.ac_special=DÜNYAYI ERİT
items.armor.magearmor.desc=Bu muhteşem kaftanı giyen büyücü, dünyanın elementlerini kullanarak bir büyü yapabilir, bu büyü tüm düşmanlarını ateşe verir ve aynı zamanda hareket etmelerini engeller.
items.armor.magearmor.desc=Bu muhteşem kaftanı giyen büyücü, dünyanın elementlerini kullanarak bir büyü yapabilir, bu büyü tüm düşmanlarını ateşe verir ve aynı zamanda hareket etmelerini engeller.
items.armor.mailarmor.name=zincir zırh
items.armor.mailarmor.name=zincir zırh
items.armor.mailarmor.desc=Birbirine kilitlenmiş metal halkalar sert fakat rahat bir zırh oluşturmuş.
items.armor.mailarmor.desc=Birbirine kilitlenmiş metal halkalar sert fakat rahat bir zırh oluşturmuş.
items.armor.platearmor.name=levha zırh
items.armor.platearmor.name=levha zırh
items.armor.platearmor.desc=Büyük metal parçalar, ağırlığını kaldırabilecek her maceracı için büyük bir koruma sağlamak için bir araya getirilmiş.
items.armor.platearmor.desc=Büyük metal parçalar, ağırlığını kaldırabilecek her maceracı için büyük bir koruma sağlamak için bir araya getirilmiş.
items.armor.roguearmor.name=haydut kıyafeti
items.armor.roguearmor.name=haydut kıyafeti
items.armor.roguearmor.ac_special=SİS BOMBASI
items.armor.roguearmor.ac_special=SİS BOMBASI
items.armor.roguearmor.fov=Sadece görüşündeki bir bölgeye atlayabilirsin
items.armor.roguearmor.fov=Sadece görüşündeki bir bölgeye atlayabilirsin
items.armor.roguearmor.prompt=Atlayacağın yeri seç
items.armor.roguearmor.prompt=Atlayacağın yeri seç
items.armor.roguearmor.desc=Bu karanlık elbiseyi giyen haydut "gaz bombası" denilen bir numara yapabilir; bu numara onu görebilen her düşmanı kör eder ve bir noktaya zıplatır.
items.armor.roguearmor.desc=Bu karanlık elbiseyi giyen haydut "gaz bombası" denilen bir numara yapabilir; bu numara onu görebilen her düşmanı kör eder ve bir noktaya zıplatır.
items.armor.scalearmor.name=pul zırh
items.armor.scalearmor.name=pul zırh
items.armor.scalearmor.desc=Metal pullar deri bir zırhın etrafını rahat ve iyi korunma sağlayacak bir zırh oluşturacak şekilde sarmış.
items.armor.scalearmor.desc=Metal pullar deri bir zırhın etrafını rahat ve iyi korunma sağlayacak bir zırh oluşturacak şekilde sarmış.
items.armor.warriorarmor.name=savaşçı zırh seti
items.armor.warriorarmor.name=savaşçı zırh seti
items.armor.warriorarmor.ac_special=KAHRAMANCA SIÇRAMA
items.armor.warriorarmor.ac_special=KAHRAMANCA SIÇRAMA
items.armor.warriorarmor.prompt=Atılım yapılacak yönü seç
items.armor.warriorarmor.prompt=Atılım yapılacak yönü seç
items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Bu zırh ağır görünse de savaşçının hedeflediği yaratığa bir atlama yapmasını sağlar, bu atılım yaratığı yere serecek ve yakınındaki diğer yaratıkların başını döndürecektir.
items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=Bu zırh ağır görünse de savaşçının hedeflediği yaratığa bir atlama yapmasını sağlar, bu atılım yaratığı yere serecek ve yakınındaki diğer yaratıkların başını döndürecektir.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=simyacının alet seti
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.name=simyacının alet seti
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Aynı eserden iki tane giyemezsin.
items.artifacts.artifact.cannot_wear_two=Aynı eserden iki tane giyemezsin.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Eser kendisini sana acı verici bir şekilde bağlıyor.
items.artifacts.artifact.equip_cursed=Eser kendisini sana acı verici bir şekilde bağlıyor.
@ -254,12 +260,12 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=Lloyd'un feneri, kullanıcısına ışınlanma
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Bu fener Pixel Dungeon'un %d. katında bir yere kurulmuş.
items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc_set=Bu fener Pixel Dungeon'un %d. katında bir yere kurulmuş.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=usta hırsızların kol bandı
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.name=usta hırsızların kol bandı
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=Bu mor kadife kol bandı usta bir hırsızın damgasını taşıyor. Bu senin değil, ama muhtemelen ondan aldığın kişiye de ait değildi.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=Bu kol bandı bileğindeyken, bulduğun her altın parçası seni başkalarının mallarına daha da düşkün yapıyor. Belki pixel mart'tan çalmak o kadar da zor olmayabilir...
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=doğanın sandaletleri
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name=doğanın sandaletleri
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=doğanın ayakkabıları
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_1=doğanın ayakkabıları
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_2=doğanın botları
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_2=doğanın botları
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_3=doğanın çizmeleri
items.artifacts.sandalsofnature.name_3=doğanın çizmeleri
@ -303,7 +309,7 @@ items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.prompt=Kumsaatinin büyüsünü nasıl kull
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc=Bu büyük antika kum saati bayağı mütevazı duruyor, ancak harika biçimde oyulmuş çerçevesinde müthiş bir güç hissediyorsun. Kum saatini döndürdükçe ve kumun akışını izledikçe büyüsünün sana yöneldiğini hissediyorsun, bu büyüyü kullanmak sana kesinlikle zaman üzerinde biraz kontrol verecek
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc=Bu büyük antika kum saati bayağı mütevazı duruyor, ancak harika biçimde oyulmuş çerçevesinde müthiş bir güç hissediyorsun. Kum saatini döndürdükçe ve kumun akışını izledikçe büyüsünün sana yöneldiğini hissediyorsun, bu büyüyü kullanmak sana kesinlikle zaman üzerinde biraz kontrol verecek
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_hint=Kum saati biraz kum kaybetmiş gibi duruyor, keşke biraz bulabilseydin...
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_hint=Kum saati biraz kum kaybetmiş gibi duruyor, keşke biraz bulabilseydin...
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_cursed=Lanetli kum saati yanına kilitlendi, zaman akışını değiştirmeye çalıştığını hissedebiliyorsun.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass.desc_cursed=Lanetli kum saati yanına kilitlendi, zaman akışını değiştirmeye çalıştığını hissedebiliyorsun.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.name=büyülü kum çantası
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.name=büyülü kum çantası
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.levelup=Kumu kum saatine ekledin.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.levelup=Kumu kum saatine ekledin.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.maxlevel=Kum saatin büyülü kumla doldu!
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.maxlevel=Kum saatin büyülü kumla doldu!
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.no_hourglass=Bu kumu ekleyecek kum saatin yok.
items.artifacts.timekeepershourglass$sandbag.no_hourglass=Bu kumu ekleyecek kum saatin yok.
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=iksir palaskası
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Kalın palaska, göğsünü bir kuşak gibi sarıyor, üzerinde iksir şişelerini tutmak için yapılmış tutacaklar bulunuyor. \n\nBu palaskanın içindeyken iksirlerin soğuktan korunuyor olmalı.
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=Kalın palaska, göğsünü bir kuşak gibi sarıyor, üzerinde iksir şişelerini tutmak için yapılmış tutacaklar bulunuyor. \n\nBu palaskanın içindeyken iksirlerin soğuktan korunuyor olmalı.
items.bags.scrollholder.name=parşomen tutacağı
items.bags.scrollholder.name=parşomen tutacağı
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=Bu tüp tutacağı bir yıldız bilimcinin tabloları için gibi görünüyor, ama parşömenlerin de içine uyuyor. \n\nTutacak pek yanıcı görünmüyor, yani parşömenlerin içeride ateşe karşı güvende olmalı.
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=kadife kese
items.bags.velvetpouch.name=kadife kese
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Bu küçük kadife tohum ekinler ve rüntaşları gibi birçok küçük eşyayı içinde saklayabilir.
items.bags.velvetpouch.desc=Bu küçük kadife tohum ekinler ve rüntaşları gibi birçok küçük eşyayı içinde saklayabilir.
@ -345,11 +351,14 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=Bu ince kılıf bir çeşit egzotik hayvan derisi
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=YAK & FIRLAT
items.bombs.bomb.ac_lightthrow=YAK & FIRLAT
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Bombanın fitilini çabucak söndürdün.
items.bombs.bomb.snuff_fuse=Bombanın fitilini çabucak söndürdün.
items.bombs.bomb.ondeath=Bir patlama tarafından öldürüldü
items.bombs.bomb.ondeath=Bir patlama tarafından öldürüldü
items.bombs.bomb.rankings_desc=Bir patlama tarafından öldürüldü
items.bombs.bomb.rankings_desc=Bir patlama tarafından öldürüldü
items.bombs.bomb.desc=A fairly hefty black powder bomb. An explosion from this would certainly do damage to anything nearby.
items.bombs.bomb.desc=A fairly hefty black powder bomb. An explosion from this would certainly do damage to anything nearby.
items.bombs.bomb.desc_fuse=It looks like the fuse will take a couple rounds to burn down once it is lit.
items.bombs.bomb.desc_fuse=It looks like the fuse will take a couple rounds to burn down once it is lit.
items.bombs.bomb.desc_burning=The bomb's fuse is burning away, keep your distance or put it out!
items.bombs.bomb.desc_burning=The bomb's fuse is burning away, keep your distance or put it out!
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=This customized bomb will repeatedly make noise inst
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.name=shock bomb
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shockbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified to unleash a storm of electricity around it when it explodes.
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=woolly bomb
items.bombs.woollybomb.name=woolly bomb
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=This customized bomb will create a field of magical sheep instead of exploding. These sheep will block movement and persist for some time.
items.bombs.woollybomb.desc=This customized bomb will create a field of magical sheep instead of exploding. These sheep will block movement and persist for some time.
@ -386,20 +398,20 @@ items.food.blandfruit.sunfruit=güneş meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=çürük meyve
items.food.blandfruit.rotfruit=çürük meyve
items.food.blandfruit.earthfruit=dünya meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.earthfruit=dünya meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.blindfruit=kör meyve
items.food.blandfruit.blindfruit=kör meyve
items.food.blandfruit.firefruit=ateş meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.firefruit=ateş meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.icefruit=buz meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.icefruit=buz meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.fadefruit=soluk meyve
items.food.blandfruit.fadefruit=soluk meyve
items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=üzüntü meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.sorrowfruit=üzüntü meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.stormfruit=fırtına meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.stormfruit=fırtına meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.dreamfruit=hayal meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.dreamfruit=hayal meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.starfruit=yıldız meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.starfruit=yıldız meyvesi
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Bunu çiğ yemeye için elvermiyor.
items.food.blandfruit.raw=Bunu çiğ yemeye için elvermiyor.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=Bu buz meyvesinin Donmuş Et gibi bir tadı var.
items.food.blandfruit.ice_msg=Bu buz meyvesinin Donmuş Et gibi bir tadı var.
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=İçinde büyük bir ateşin yandığını hissediyorsun!
items.food.blandfruit.fire_msg=İçinde büyük bir ateşin yandığını hissediyorsun!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=İğrenç zehirli bir güç ile sarıldın!
items.food.blandfruit.toxic_msg=İğrenç zehirli bir güç ile sarıldın!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Dünyanın gücünün etrafında süzüldüğünü hissediyorsun!
items.food.blandfruit.para_msg=Dünyanın gücünün etrafında süzüldüğünü hissediyorsun!
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Çok kuru ve temelsiz, belki başka bir malzeme ile pişirmek onu geliştirebilir.
items.food.blandfruit.desc=Çok kuru ve temelsiz, belki başka bir malzeme ile pişirmek onu geliştirebilir.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Bu meyve tencerede kaynarken bolca suyun yanında beraber pişirildiği ekinin özelliklerini de emdi.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_cooked=Bu meyve tencerede kaynarken bolca suyun yanında beraber pişirildiği ekinin özelliklerini de emdi.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=Yenilmeye hazır görünüyor!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_eat=Yenilmeye hazır görünüyor!
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=Baya uçucu görünüyor, onu fırlatmak yapılacak en iyi şey olabilir.
items.food.blandfruit.desc_throw=Baya uçucu görünüyor, onu fırlatmak yapılacak en iyi şey olabilir.
@ -407,7 +419,7 @@ items.food.blandfruit$chunks.name=tatsızmeyve parçacıkları
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=Tatsız meyve bir darbe nedeniyle parçalandı ve sonuç olarak arkasında parçalarını bıraktı.\n\nBirazcık tozlanmış olsalar da bu pişirilmiş tatsız meyve parçacıkları tamamen yenebilir gibi duruyor.
items.food.blandfruit$chunks.desc=Tatsız meyve bir darbe nedeniyle parçalandı ve sonuç olarak arkasında parçalarını bıraktı.\n\nBirazcık tozlanmış olsalar da bu pişirilmiş tatsız meyve parçacıkları tamamen yenebilir gibi duruyor.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=kızartılmış et
items.food.chargrilledmeat.name=kızartılmış et
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Normal pişmiş bir et gibi görünüyor.
items.food.chargrilledmeat.desc=Normal pişmiş bir et gibi görünüyor.
items.food.feast.eat_msg=That meal was incredible!
items.food.feast.eat_msg=That meal was incredible!
@ -416,36 +428,36 @@ items.food.feast.desc=A great variety of delicious food! This will satiate you f
items.food.food.name=yemek paketi
items.food.food.name=yemek paketi
items.food.food.eat_msg=Bu yemek lezzetliydi!
items.food.food.eat_msg=Bu yemek lezzetliydi!
items.food.food.desc=Burada şık bir şey yok: kurumuş et, biraz bisküvi - bunun gibi şeyler.
items.food.food.desc=Burada şık bir şey yok: kurumuş et, biraz bisküvi - bunun gibi şeyler.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.name=donmuş et
items.food.frozencarpaccio.name=donmuş et
items.food.frozencarpaccio.invis=Ellerinin görünmez olduğunu görüyorsun!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.invis=Ellerinin görünmez olduğunu görüyorsun!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.hard=Derinin sertleştiğini hissediyorsun!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.hard=Derinin sertleştiğini hissediyorsun!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Daha iyi hissediyorsun!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.better=Daha iyi hissediyorsun!
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Bu bir parça donmuş et. Bunu yemenin tek yolu onu küçük parçalara ayırmak. Ve bu şekilde tadı şaşırtıcı derecede güzel.
items.food.frozencarpaccio.desc=Bu bir parça donmuş et. Bunu yemenin tek yolu onu küçük parçalara ayırmak. Ve bu şekilde tadı şaşırtıcı derecede güzel.
items.food.mysterymeat.name=gizemli et
items.food.mysterymeat.name=gizemli et
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Bu yemeğin tadı... garipti.
items.food.mysterymeat.eat_msg=Bu yemeğin tadı... garipti.
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Oh, bu sıcak!
items.food.mysterymeat.hot=Oh, bu sıcak!
items.food.mysterymeat.legs=Bacaklarını hissedemiyorsun!
items.food.mysterymeat.legs=Bacaklarını hissedemiyorsun!
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=İyi hissetmiyorsun.
items.food.mysterymeat.not_well=İyi hissetmiyorsun.
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Kendi riskine ye!
items.food.mysterymeat.desc=Kendi riskine ye!
items.food.pasty.pasty=etli börek
items.food.pasty.pasty=etli börek
items.food.pasty.pie=bal kabağı turtası
items.food.pasty.pie=bal kabağı turtası
items.food.pasty.cane=şeker kamışı
items.food.pasty.cane=şeker kamışı
items.food.pasty.pasty_desc=Bu otantik Kelt mantısı geleneksel bir şekilde et ve patates ile doldurulmuş.
items.food.pasty.pasty_desc=Bu otantik Kelt mantısı geleneksel bir şekilde et ve patates ile doldurulmuş.
items.food.pasty.pie_desc=Büyük bir bal kabağı turtası dilimi! Onun tatlı ve baharatlı tadı seni doyurur ve sana ufak bir iyileştirme verir.\n\nMutlu Cadılar Bayramı!
items.food.pasty.pie_desc=Büyük bir bal kabağı turtası dilimi! Onun tatlı ve baharatlı tadı seni doyurur ve sana ufak bir iyileştirme verir.\n\nMutlu Cadılar Bayramı!
items.food.pasty.cane_desc=Bu dev bir şekerimsi bir şeker kamışı! Seni doyurmak için yeterince büyük, ve şeker, asalarına birazcık ekstra şarj verebilir. \n\nMutlu Tatiller!
items.food.pasty.cane_desc=Bu dev bir şekerimsi bir şeker kamışı! Seni doyurmak için yeterince büyük, ve şeker, asalarına birazcık ekstra şarj verebilir. \n\nMutlu Tatiller!
items.food.smallration.name=küçük yemek paketi
items.food.smallration.name=küçük yemek paketi
items.food.smallration.eat_msg=Bu yemeğin tadı fena değildi.
items.food.smallration.eat_msg=Bu yemeğin tadı fena değildi.
items.food.smallration.desc=Tam olarak standart bir yemek paketi gibi görünüyor ama daha küçük.
items.food.smallration.desc=Tam olarak standart bir yemek paketi gibi görünüyor ama daha küçük.
items.food.stewedmeat.name=stewed meat
items.food.stewedmeat.name=stewed meat
items.food.stewedmeat.eat_msg=Bu yemeğin tadı fena değildi.
items.food.stewedmeat.eat_msg=Bu yemeğin tadı fena değildi.
items.food.stewedmeat.desc=Stewing the meat has cleansed it of any disease or parasites. It should be safe to eat.
items.food.stewedmeat.desc=Stewing the meat has cleansed it of any disease or parasites. It should be safe to eat.
@ -469,7 +481,7 @@ items.keys.crystalkey.name=Kristal anahtar
items.keys.crystalkey.desc=Bu kristal anahtarın kesilmiş bölgeleri karanlıkta ışıldıyor. Acaba kristal bir sandığı açabilir mi?
items.keys.crystalkey.desc=Bu kristal anahtarın kesilmiş bölgeleri karanlıkta ışıldıyor. Acaba kristal bir sandığı açabilir mi?
items.keys.ironkey.name=demir anahtar
items.keys.ironkey.name=demir anahtar
items.keys.ironkey.desc=Bu anahtarın üzerindeki çentikler aşınmış; üzerindeki deri kordon yıllar geçtikçe çürümüş. Acaba bu anahtar ile hangi kapı açılabilir?
items.keys.ironkey.desc=Bu anahtarın üzerindeki çentikler aşınmış; üzerindeki deri kordon yıllar geçtikçe çürümüş. Acaba bu anahtar ile hangi kapı açılabilir?
items.keys.skeletonkey.name=iskelet anahtar
items.keys.skeletonkey.name=iskelet anahtar
items.keys.skeletonkey.desc=Bu anahtar ciddi gözüküyor: tutma yeri kafatası şeklinde. Muhtemelen ciddi bir kapıyı açabilir.
items.keys.skeletonkey.desc=Bu anahtar ciddi gözüküyor: tutma yeri kafatası şeklinde. Muhtemelen ciddi bir kapıyı açabilir.
@ -501,7 +513,7 @@ items.potions.potion.shatter=Cam kırılıyor ve içindeki sıvı zararsızca et
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Rastgele İksir
items.potions.potion$seedtopotion.name=Rastgele İksir
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=deneyim İksiri
items.potions.potionofexperience.name=deneyim İksiri
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Burada yaşanan savaşların deneyimleri sıvı bir formda toplamış, bundan bir yudum almak deneyim seviyeni anında yükseltecektir.
items.potions.potionofexperience.desc=Burada yaşanan savaşların deneyimleri sıvı bir formda toplamış, bundan bir yudum almak deneyim seviyeni anında yükseltecektir.
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=dondurma iksiri
items.potions.potionoffrost.name=dondurma iksiri
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Bu iksirin içindeki kimyasal, hava ile temas ettiğinde dondurucu bir bulut oluşturacaktır.
items.potions.potionoffrost.desc=Bu iksirin içindeki kimyasal, hava ile temas ettiğinde dondurucu bir bulut oluşturacaktır.
@ -515,7 +527,7 @@ items.potions.potionofhealing.heal=Yaraların kapanmaya başlıyor.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Bu iksir canını hızlıca dolduracak ve birçok rahatsızlığı iyileştirecektir.
items.potions.potionofhealing.desc=Bu iksir canını hızlıca dolduracak ve birçok rahatsızlığı iyileştirecektir.
items.potions.potionofinvisibility.name=görünmezlik iksiri
items.potions.potionofinvisibility.name=görünmezlik iksiri
items.potions.potionofinvisibility.invisible=Ellerinin görünmez olduğunu görüyorsun!
items.potions.potionofinvisibility.invisible=Ellerinin görünmez olduğunu görüyorsun!
items.potions.potionofinvisibility.desc=Bu iksiri içmek seni geçici olarak görünmez yapar. Görünmezken düşmanların seni göremez. Görünmezken bir düşmana saldırır ya da gözlerinin önünde bir asa veya büyülü parşömen kullanırsan görünmezlik efekti iptal olur.
items.potions.potionofinvisibility.desc=Bu iksiri içmek seni geçici olarak görünmez yapar. Görünmezken düşmanların seni göremez. Görünmezken bir düşmana saldırır ya da gözlerinin önünde bir asa veya büyülü parşömen kullanırsan görünmezlik efekti iptal olur.
items.potions.potionoflevitation.name=uçma iksiri
items.potions.potionoflevitation.name=uçma iksiri
@ -525,28 +537,23 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=Bu ilginç sıvıyı içmek havada süzül
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=sıvı ateş iksiri
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.name=sıvı ateş iksiri
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Bu cam şişe içinde hava ile temas halinde şiddetli bir biçimde ateş alan dengesiz bir bileşik bulunuyor.
items.potions.potionofliquidflame.desc=Bu cam şişe içinde hava ile temas halinde şiddetli bir biçimde ateş alan dengesiz bir bileşik bulunuyor.
items.potions.potionofmight.name=yücelik iksiri
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_1=+1 güç, +5 sağlık
items.potions.potionofmight.msg_2=Yeni bulunan güç, bedenini sarıyor.
items.potions.potionofmight.desc=Bu güçlü sıvı, kasların boyunca ilerleyip kalıcı olarak gücünü bir puan ve sağlığını beş puan arttırır.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=akıl görüşü iksiri
items.potions.potionofmindvision.name=akıl görüşü iksiri
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Bir şekilde diğer yaratıkların zihinlerinin varlığını hissediyorsun!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_mobs=Bir şekilde diğer yaratıkların zihinlerinin varlığını hissediyorsun!
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Bir şekilde bu seviyede şu anda yalnız olduğunu hissediyorsun.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.see_none=Bir şekilde bu seviyede şu anda yalnız olduğunu hissediyorsun.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=Bunu içtikten sonra zihnin yakınlardaki yaratıkların fiziksel imzası ile bağdaşacak, bu da biyolojik varlıkları duvarların ardından görebilmeni sağlayacak. Ayrıca bu iksir, yakındaki kapı ve duvarları da görmeni sağlar.
items.potions.potionofmindvision.desc=Bunu içtikten sonra zihnin yakınlardaki yaratıkların fiziksel imzası ile bağdaşacak, bu da biyolojik varlıkları duvarların ardından görebilmeni sağlayacak. Ayrıca bu iksir, yakındaki kapı ve duvarları da görmeni sağlar.
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=felç edici gaz iksiri
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.name=felç edici gaz iksiri
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Açık hava ile temas ettiğinde bu şişenin içindeki sıvı felç edici sarı bir duman oluşturur. Bu dumanı soluyan herkes anında felç olarak duman dağıldıktan sonra bir zamana kadar hareket edemez hale gelir. Bu eşyayı uzaktaki düşmanlara fırlatarak onları gazın etkisi içinde yakalamak mümkündür.
items.potions.potionofparalyticgas.desc=Açık hava ile temas ettiğinde bu şişenin içindeki sıvı felç edici sarı bir duman oluşturur. Bu dumanı soluyan herkes anında felç olarak duman dağıldıktan sonra bir zamana kadar hareket edemez hale gelir. Bu eşyayı uzaktaki düşmanlara fırlatarak onları gazın etkisi içinde yakalamak mümkündür.
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=potion of purity
items.potions.potionofpurity.name=potion of purity
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Havada sıradışı bir tazelik hissediyorsun.
items.potions.potionofpurity.freshness=Havada sıradışı bir tazelik hissediyorsun.
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Koruyucu bir tabaka seni örtüyor!
items.potions.potionofpurity.protected=Koruyucu bir tabaka seni örtüyor!
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Bu büyülü tepkime geniş bir alandaki zararlı etkileri çabucak nötralize eder. Bu iksiri içmek sana o etkilere karşı bağışıklık kazandırır.
items.potions.potionofpurity.desc=Bu büyülü tepkime geniş bir alandaki zararlı etkileri çabucak nötralize eder. Bu iksiri içmek sana o etkilere karşı bağışıklık kazandırır.
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=güç iksiri
items.potions.potionofstrength.name=güç iksiri
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 güç
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_1=+1 güç
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_2=Yeni bulunan güç, bedenini sarıyor.
items.potions.potionofstrength.msg_2=Yeni bulunan güç, bedenini sarıyor.
items.potions.potionofstrength.desc=Bu güçlü sıvı kasların boyunca ilerleyip kalıcı olarak gücünü bir puan arttıracaktır.
items.potions.potionofstrength.desc=Bu güçlü sıvı kasların boyunca ilerleyip kalıcı olarak gücünü bir puan arttıracaktır.
items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.name=zehirli gaz iksiri
items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.name=zehirli gaz iksiri
items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Bu basınçlı şişeyi açmak ya da parçalamak içindekilerin ölümcül bir zehirli gaz bulutu oluşturmasına neden olur. Bu iksiri elle açmaktansa uzaktaki düşmanlarına fırlatmayı tercih edebilirsin.
items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Bu basınçlı şişeyi açmak ya da parçalamak içindekilerin ölümcül bir zehirli gaz bulutu oluşturmasına neden olur. Bu iksiri elle açmaktansa uzaktaki düşmanlarına fırlatmayı tercih edebilirsin.
@ -554,6 +561,9 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=Bu basınçlı şişeyi açmak ya da parçal
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=blizzard brew
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.name=blizzard brew
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a swirling blizzard which spreads like a gas.
items.potions.brews.blizzardbrew.desc=When shattered, this brew will unleash a swirling blizzard which spreads like a gas.
@ -575,6 +585,11 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=This brew combines the properties of a toxic
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir of dragon's blood
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.name=elixir of dragon's blood
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofdragonsblood.desc=When consumed, this elixir will send fiery power coursing through the drinker's veins. This effect will make the drinker immune to fire, and allow them to set enemies aflame with physical attacks.
@ -584,6 +599,11 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=When consumed, this elixir will
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir of honeyed healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.name=elixir of honeyed healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=This elixir combines healing with the sweetness of honey. When drank, it will satisfy a small amount of hunger, but it can also be thrown to heal an ally.\n\nCreatures with an affinity for honey might be pacified if this item is used on them.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofhoneyedhealing.desc=This elixir combines healing with the sweetness of honey. When drank, it will satisfy a small amount of hunger, but it can also be thrown to heal an ally.\n\nCreatures with an affinity for honey might be pacified if this item is used on them.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_1=+1 güç, +5 sağlık
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.msg_2=Yeni bulunan güç, bedenini sarıyor.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.desc=Bu güçlü sıvı, kasların boyunca ilerleyip kalıcı olarak gücünü bir puan ve sağlığını beş puan arttırır.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir of restoration
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.name=elixir of restoration
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and cleansing potion. When consumed, the drinker will start to rapidly heal, and will be cleansed of all negative effects.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofrestoration.desc=This elixir combines the properties of a healing and cleansing potion. When consumed, the drinker will start to rapidly heal, and will be cleansed of all negative effects.
@ -651,28 +671,34 @@ items.potions.exotic.potionofstormclouds.desc=Throwing this potion will create a
###quest items
###quest items
items.quest.ceremonialcandle.name=seromonik mum
items.quest.ceremonialcandle.name=seromonik mum
items.quest.ceremonialcandle.desc=Bir dizi mum, kullanım sonucu erimiş ve aşınmış. \n\nYalnızken değersizdirler, fakat diğer mumlarla bir şekil üzerinde kullanılırsa bir rituel oluşturmak üzerinde yoğunlaşabilirler.
items.quest.ceremonialcandle.desc=Bir dizi mum, kullanım sonucu erimiş ve aşınmış. \n\nYalnızken değersizdirler, fakat diğer mumlarla bir şekil üzerinde kullanılırsa bir rituel oluşturmak üzerinde yoğunlaşabilirler.
items.quest.corpsedust.name=ceset tozu
items.quest.corpsedust.name=ceset tozu
items.quest.corpsedust.chill=Sırtından bir ürperti iniyor.
items.quest.corpsedust.chill=Sırtından bir ürperti iniyor.
items.quest.corpsedust.desc=Bu ceset tozu normal bir toz yığınından pek de fark etmiyor. Ama etrafında kötü bir enerjinin süzüldüğünü hissedebiliyorsun. \n\nBundan bir an önce kurtulmak iyi bir fikir olabilir.
items.quest.corpsedust.desc=Bu ceset tozu normal bir toz yığınından pek de fark etmiyor. Ama etrafında kötü bir enerjinin süzüldüğünü hissedebiliyorsun. \n\nBundan bir an önce kurtulmak iyi bir fikir olabilir.
items.quest.darkgold.name=kara altın cevheri
items.quest.darkgold.name=kara altın cevheri
items.quest.darkgold.desc=Bu metalin adı kara, ama rengi yüzünden değil (normal altından farksız), daha çok güneş ışığı altında eriyip yeryüzünde işe yaramaz olması yüzünden.
items.quest.darkgold.desc=Bu metalin adı kara, ama rengi yüzünden değil (normal altından farksız), daha çok güneş ışığı altında eriyip yeryüzünde işe yaramaz olması yüzünden.
items.quest.dwarftoken.name=cüce jetonu
items.quest.dwarftoken.name=cüce jetonu
items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Çoğu cüce ve onların bazı büyük yapıtları bu küçük metal parçalarını bilinmeyen bir nedenden dolayı taşıyordu. Belki de bir çeşit mücevher veya kimlik görevi görüyorlardı. Cüceler garip bir halk.
items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=Çoğu cüce ve onların bazı büyük yapıtları bu küçük metal parçalarını bilinmeyen bir nedenden dolayı taşıyordu. Belki de bir çeşit mücevher veya kimlik görevi görüyorlardı. Cüceler garip bir halk.
items.quest.embers.name=elementer köz
items.quest.embers.name=elementer köz
items.quest.embers.desc=Sadece genç ateş elementallerinden elde edilebilen özel közler. Termal enerji yayıyorlar.
items.quest.embers.desc=Sadece genç ateş elementallerinden elde edilebilen özel közler. Termal enerji yayıyorlar.
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Yakınlarda kazabileceğin kara altın cevheri yok.
items.quest.pickaxe.no_vein=Yakınlarda kazabileceğin kara altın cevheri yok.
items.quest.pickaxe.desc=Bu geniş ve sağlam alet taşları kırmakta kullanılır. Muhtemelen bir silah olarak da kullanılabilir.
items.quest.pickaxe.desc=Bu geniş ve sağlam alet taşları kırmakta kullanılır. Muhtemelen bir silah olarak da kullanılabilir.
items.quest.ratskull.name=geniş fare kafatası
items.quest.ratskull.name=geniş fare kafatası
items.quest.ratskull.desc=Şaşırtıcı derecede geniş bir fare kafatası. Eğer asacak bir duvarın olsaydı harika bir zafer hatırası olabilirdi.
items.quest.ratskull.desc=Şaşırtıcı derecede geniş bir fare kafatası. Eğer asacak bir duvarın olsaydı harika bir zafer hatırası olabilirdi.
@ -693,17 +719,17 @@ items.rings.ring.equip_cursed=Yüzük parmağının etrafında acı verici bir
items.rings.ring.unknown_desc=Bu metal halka karanlıkta ışıldayan büyük bir mücevherle donatılmış. Giyildiğinde hangi etkisi olacağını kim bilir?
items.rings.ring.unknown_desc=Bu metal halka karanlıkta ışıldayan büyük bir mücevherle donatılmış. Giyildiğinde hangi etkisi olacağını kim bilir?
items.rings.ring.known=Bu bir %s
items.rings.ring.known=Bu bir %s
items.rings.ring.identify=Artık yüzüğüne onu tanımlayabilecek kadar alışıksın. Bu bir %s.
items.rings.ring.identify=Artık yüzüğüne onu tanımlayabilecek kadar alışıksın. Bu bir %s.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Bu yüzük lanetli olduğu için onu çıkartacak güce sahip değilsin.
items.rings.ring.cursed_worn=Bu yüzük lanetli olduğu için onu çıkartacak güce sahip değilsin.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Bu yüzüğün etrafında kötücül bir büyünün varlığını hissediyorsun.
items.rings.ring.curse_known=Bu yüzüğün etrafında kötücül bir büyünün varlığını hissediyorsun.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=Bu yüzükte kötücül bir büyü yok.
items.rings.ring.not_cursed=Bu yüzükte kötücül bir büyü yok.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=isabet yüzüğü
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.name=isabet yüzüğü
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Bu yüzük giyen kişinin konsantrasyonunu arttırıp, düşmanının giyenin saldırılarından kurtulma yeteneğini düşürecektir. Lanetli bir yüzük ise düşmanlarının giyen kişinin saldırılarından kaçmasını kolaylaştıracaktır.
items.rings.ringofaccuracy.desc=Bu yüzük giyen kişinin konsantrasyonunu arttırıp, düşmanının giyenin saldırılarından kurtulma yeteneğini düşürecektir. Lanetli bir yüzük ise düşmanlarının giyen kişinin saldırılarından kaçmasını kolaylaştıracaktır.
items.rings.ringofelements.name=elementlerin yüzüğü
items.rings.ringofelements.name=elementlerin yüzüğü
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Bu yüzük çoğu elemental ve büyülü etkiye karşı onların verdiği hasarları ve zararlı etkilerinin sürelerini azaltarak direnç sağlar. Doğal olarak lanetli bir yüzük bu etkileri daha kötü bir hale getirir.
items.rings.ringofelements.desc=Bu yüzük çoğu elemental ve büyülü etkiye karşı onların verdiği hasarları ve zararlı etkilerinin sürelerini azaltarak direnç sağlar. Doğal olarak lanetli bir yüzük bu etkileri daha kötü bir hale getirir.
items.rings.ringofevasion.name=sakınma yüzüğü
items.rings.ringofevasion.name=sakınma yüzüğü
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=Bu yüzük giyen kişinin reaksiyonlarını hızlandırarak ona vurmayı zorlaştırır. Lanetli bir yüzük onu giyen kişiye vurulmasını kolaylaştıracaktır.
items.rings.ringofevasion.desc=Bu yüzük giyen kişinin reaksiyonlarını hızlandırarak ona vurmayı zorlaştırır. Lanetli bir yüzük onu giyen kişiye vurulmasını kolaylaştıracaktır.
items.rings.ringofforce.name=güç yüzüğü
items.rings.ringofforce.name=güç yüzüğü
@ -766,11 +792,6 @@ items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.name=ninni parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Bu parşömen rahatlatıcı bir melodi söylüyor. Çok uykulu hissediyorsun.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.sooth=Bu parşömen rahatlatıcı bir melodi söylüyor. Çok uykulu hissediyorsun.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Bu parşömen okunduğunda onu dinleyenleri yatıştırıp derin bir büyülü uykuya dalmalarına sebep olan rahatlatıcı bir melodi yayar.
items.scrolls.scrolloflullaby.desc=Bu parşömen okunduğunda onu dinleyenleri yatıştırıp derin bir büyülü uykuya dalmalarına sebep olan rahatlatıcı bir melodi yayar.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.name=büyülü işleme parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.inv_title=İşlemek için bir eşya seç
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.infuse=%s büyülü enerjiyle işlendi!
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicalinfusion.desc=Bu parşömen bir silah veya zırhı güçlü bir büyülü enerji ile işler.\n\nYükseltilmenin yanı sıra, bir silah büyülü bir efsun kazanır veya bir zırhın üzerine büyülü bir rün işlenir.\n\nEğer bir eşya zaten efsunlanmış veya üzerine rün kazınmış ise, bu parşömen tarafından asla silinmeyecektir.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=büyülü haritalama parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.name=büyülü haritalama parşömeni
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Artık bölümün düzeninden haberdarsın.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.layout=Artık bölümün düzeninden haberdarsın.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Bu parşömen okunduğunda, kristal berraklığında bir resim hafızana kazınarak katın tüm sırlarını açığa çıkartır ve isabetli bir haritasını çıkartır. Eşya ve yaratıkların yerleri belirlenmemiş olarak kalacaktır.
items.scrolls.scrollofmagicmapping.desc=Bu parşömen okunduğunda, kristal berraklığında bir resim hafızana kazınarak katın tüm sırlarını açığa çıkartır ve isabetli bir haritasını çıkartır. Eşya ve yaratıkların yerleri belirlenmemiş olarak kalacaktır.
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=This scroll contains incredible d
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.inv_title=İşlemek için bir eşya seç
items.spells.magicalinfusion.infuse=%s büyülü enerjiyle işlendi!
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.tele_fail=Işınlama büyüsü başarısız oldu.
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
items.spells.targetedspell.inv_title=İşlemek için bir eşya seç
@ -901,7 +976,7 @@ items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.defense=Korunma
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Yükseltmeyi Kaldır
items.stones.stoneofaugmentation$wndaugment.none=Yükseltmeyi Kaldır
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=kaçınma taşı
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.name=kaçınma taşı
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=Bu taş, bir düşmanın yanına atıldığı zaman onları kaçınma büyüsü ile etkileyecektir.\n\nKaçınma büyüsünün etkisi altındaki düşmanlar eğer bir dostun varsa senin yerine dostuna saldıracaktır.
items.stones.stoneofavoidance.desc=Bu taş, bir düşmanın yanına atıldığı zaman onları kaçınma büyüsü ile etkileyecektir.\n\nKaçınma büyüsünün etkisi altındaki düşmanlar eğer bir dostun varsa senin yerine dostuna saldıracaktır.
@ -989,7 +1064,7 @@ items.wands.wandoffrost.stats_desc=Bu asa düşmanlarına doğru buzlu bir enerj
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=yıldırım asası
items.wands.wandoflightning.name=yıldırım asası
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=yıldırım değneği
items.wands.wandoflightning.staff_name=yıldırım değneği
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Kendini kendi Yıldırım Asan ile öldürdün...
items.wands.wandoflightning.ondeath=Kendini kendi Yıldırım Asan ile öldürdün...
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Bu asa sert çelikten yapılmış, bu da onu şaşırtıcı biçimde ağır yapıyor. Ucuna doğru iki diş çıkıyor ve aralarında elektrik atlıyor.
items.wands.wandoflightning.desc=Bu asa sert çelikten yapılmış, bu da onu şaşırtıcı biçimde ağır yapıyor. Ucuna doğru iki diş çıkıyor ve aralarında elektrik atlıyor.
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Bu asa vurulan her neyse ondan seken güçlü bir yıldırım göndererek _%1$d-%2$d hasar_ verir. Bu elektrik yakındaki düşmanlardan sekerek onlara hasarı dağıtır. Yıldırım ve hasar suyun üzerinde daha etkili dağıtılır. Eğer çok yakındaysan, sen de çarpılabilirsin!
items.wands.wandoflightning.stats_desc=Bu asa vurulan her neyse ondan seken güçlü bir yıldırım göndererek _%1$d-%2$d hasar_ verir. Bu elektrik yakındaki düşmanlardan sekerek onlara hasarı dağıtır. Yıldırım ve hasar suyun üzerinde daha etkili dağıtılır. Eğer çok yakındaysan, sen de çarpılabilirsin!
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=büyülü ok asası
items.wands.wandofmagicmissile.name=büyülü ok asası
@ -136,7 +136,13 @@ items.armor.warriorarmor.desc=这份装甲看起来很沉重,但却能使得
##this one isn't dropped, so for now no i18n
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.not_ready=Your toolkit has not finished warming up.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.cursed=Your cursed toolkit prevents you from using alchemy!
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc=This toolkit contains a number of regents and herbs along with a small mixing vial, allowing for alchemy on-the-go.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_cursed=The cursed toolkit has bound itself to your side, and refuses to let you use alchemy.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_warming=The toolkit is currently warming up, and will be ready to use after you gain experience.
items.artifacts.alchemiststoolkit.desc_hint=The equipped toolkit is slowly generated alchemical energy as you gain experience. Perhaps it could be enhanced in an alchemy pot?
@ -254,8 +260,8 @@ items.artifacts.lloydsbeacon.desc=时空道标是一个赋予使用者控制传
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc=This purple velvet armband bears the mark of a master thief. This doesn't belong to you, but it probably didn't belong to its last user either.
items.artifacts.masterthievesarmband.desc_worn=With the armband around your wrist, every piece of gold you find makes you desire other people's property more. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to steal from a shop...
@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ items.bags.potionbandolier.name=药剂挎带
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=这副厚实的挎带能像肩带一样缠在身上,上面有许多用来放药瓶的隔热革带。 \n\n挎带能为存放其中的药瓶抵御寒冷。
items.bags.potionbandolier.desc=这副厚实的挎带能像肩带一样缠在身上,上面有许多用来放药瓶的隔热革带。 \n\n挎带能为存放其中的药瓶抵御寒冷。
items.bags.scrollholder.desc=This tubular container looks like it would hold an astronomer's tools and charts, but your scrolls will fit just as well. There's even a few side compartments which would nicely fit your spell crystals.\n\nThe holder doesn't look very flammable, so your scrolls should be safe from fire inside it.
@ -345,6 +351,9 @@ items.bags.magicalholster.desc=这款细长的皮制筒袋由某种异域动物
items.bombs.arcanebomb.name=arcane bomb
items.bombs.arcanebomb.desc=This bomb has been imbued with arcane properties, and will explode into a powerful blast similar to Goo's pumped up attack.
@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ items.bombs.noisemaker.desc=这枚改造过的炸弹不会爆炸,但会持续
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.name=shrapnel bomb
items.bombs.shrapnelbomb.desc=This bomb has been modified with scraps of DM-300's metal, which will fragment and fly everywhere when it explodes. You had better hide behind something when using it...
@ -525,11 +537,6 @@ items.potions.potionoflevitation.desc=饮用这种古怪的药剂能让你漂浮
@ -554,6 +561,9 @@ items.potions.potionoftoxicgas.desc=打开或摔碎这个密封的药瓶将导
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.name=caustic brew
items.potions.brews.causticbrew.desc=This brew will spread corrosive ooze around the location it shatters in. Anything caught by the ooze will slowly melt if it can't wash it off in water.
@ -575,6 +585,11 @@ items.potions.brews.wickedbrew.desc=这瓶魔药融合了毒气药剂和麻痹
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.name=elixir of aquatic rejuvenation
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation.desc=This elixir contains the remains of goo enhanced with a healing potion. While it will not provide immediate healing, it will slowly restore your health while you are standing in water.
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.name=Aquatic Healing
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofaquaticrejuvenation$aquahealing.desc=You have temporarily gained restorative properties similar to that of Goo.\n\nWhile standing in water, you will recover a single point of health per turn.\n\nturns left: %d.
@ -584,6 +599,11 @@ items.potions.elixirs.elixirofearthenpower.desc=饮用后,这瓶秘药能让
items.potions.elixirs.elixirofmight.name=elixir of might
@ -666,6 +686,12 @@ items.quest.dwarftoken.desc=很多矮人和他们的造物都携带着这种小
items.quest.gooblob.name=blob of goo
items.quest.gooblob.desc=A jiggly blob of goop, split off from Goo as it died. It's almost like a big ball of jelly, though you wouldn't dare eat it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
items.quest.metalshard.name=cursed metal shard
items.quest.metalshard.desc=A shard of rusted cursed metal, which broke off DM-300 as it was destroyed. You can feel an inactive malevolent magic within it.\n\nIt does nothing on its own, but perhaps it could be used as an ingredient. At the very least it should sell for a decent price.
@ -760,16 +786,11 @@ items.scrolls.inventoryscroll.no=不,我改主意了
@ -787,7 +808,7 @@ items.scrolls.scrollofrage.desc=大声诵读内容时,卷轴将释放出一声
@ -838,7 +859,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.exoticscroll.tiwaz=TIWAZ秘卷
@ -863,7 +884,7 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofforesight.name=危险预知卷轴
@ -883,6 +904,60 @@ items.scrolls.exotic.scrollofpsionicblast.desc=这张秘卷蕴含着毁灭性的
items.spells.alchemize.enemy_near=You cannot do that with enemies nearby.
items.spells.alchemize.desc=This spell channels alchemical energy, allowing you to perform alchemy as if you were at a pot with no energy for a short time.
items.spells.aquablast.name=aqua blast
items.spells.aquablast.desc=This spell will create a burst of water at the target location. It isn't forceful enough to do damage (even to fiery enemies), but it will spread water to nearby terrain and very briefly stun anything caught in the center of the burst.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.name=beacon of returning
items.spells.beaconofreturning.preventing=The strong magic aura of this place prevents you from using the spell!
items.spells.beaconofreturning.creatures=The Psychic aura of neighbouring creatures doesn't allow you to teleport at this moment.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.set=The beacon was set at your current location.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.wnd_body=Setting will override the location the beacon was previously set to.\n\nReturning will return to your last set location and consume one use of the spell.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc_set=This beacon was set somewhere on floor %d.
items.spells.beaconofreturning.desc=This intricate spell grants the user the ability to return to a set location, regardless of distance. The spell will only be consumed by returning, it can be set as many times as you like, but it will only remember the most recent location it was set to.
items.spells.curseinfusion.name=curse infusion
items.spells.curseinfusion.desc=This spell infuses a piece of equipment with the same malignant magic present within DM-300. The item it is used on will immediately be cursed, and any enchantment or glyph it may have had will be overridden.
items.spells.featherfall.name=feather fall
items.spells.featherfall.light=You feel light as a feather!
items.spells.featherfall.desc=This spell manipulates gravity's affect on the caster, allowing them to fall great distances without harm for a short time.
items.spells.magicalinfusion.name=magical infusion
items.spells.magicalinfusion.desc=This spell will infuse a weapon or armor with powerful magical energy.\n\nIn addition to being upgraded, A weapon will gain a magical enchantment, or armor will be imbued with a magical glyph.\n\nIf the item already has an enchantment or glyph, it will not be erased by the upgrade.
items.spells.magicalporter.name=magical porter
items.spells.magicalporter.inv_title=Port an item
items.spells.magicalporter.nowhere=There is nowhere for you to port an item to.
items.spells.magicalporter.desc=This spell will magical transport any item it is cast on. Unlike a merchant's beacon however, the items will be transported to the entrance of next boss floor.
items.spells.phaseshift.name=phase shift
items.spells.phaseshift.desc=This chaotic spell will teleport any character it is aimed at to a random location on the current floor. This spell can be directed at a target or at the user themselves.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.name=reclaim trap
items.spells.reclaimtrap.no_trap=There is no trap there.
items.spells.reclaimtrap.desc=This spell contains remnants of the repairing ability of DM-300. When cast on an active trap, the mechanical power of the trap will be recycled into magical energy which recharges the user's wands and artifacts.
items.spells.recycle.inv_title=Recycle an item
items.spells.recycle.recycled=Your item was recycled into: %s.
items.spells.recycle.desc=This spell contains a lesser form of transmutation magic. While it won't work on equipment, this spell will transform a scroll, potion, seed, or runestone into a random item of the same type.
items.spells.targetedspell.prompt=Choose a target
@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Tot i que les receptes que hem discut
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Receptes alimentàries
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Receptes alimentàries
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=No totes les receptes inclouen pocions màgiques o pergamins, algunes són més tradicionals.\n\nLa carn crua es pot guisar en una olla d'alquímia, i l'energia del pot netejarà la carn de qualsevol malaltia. Com més carn s'utilitzi alhora, major serà l'eficiència de la recepta.\n\nUna baia-insípida crua pot combinar-se amb una llavor per crear una baia-insípida cuinada. La fruita cuinada emularà qualsevol poció que es correspongui a la llavor.\n\nEs poden combinar una empanada, una ració de menjar sencera i un tros de carn (de qualsevol tipus) per crear un banquet! Els banquets proporcionen una experiència culinària inigualable, però costen una bona quantitat d'energia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=No totes les receptes inclouen pocions màgiques o pergamins, algunes són més tradicionals.\n\nLa carn crua es pot guisar en una olla d'alquímia, i l'energia del pot netejarà la carn de qualsevol malaltia. Com més carn s'utilitzi alhora, major serà l'eficiència de la recepta.\n\nUna baia-insípida crua pot combinar-se amb una llavor per crear una baia-insípida cuinada. La fruita cuinada emularà qualsevol poció que es correspongui a la llavor.\n\nEs poden combinar una empanada, una ració de menjar sencera i un tros de carn (de qualsevol tipus) per crear un banquet! Els banquets proporcionen una experiència culinària inigualable, però costen una bona quantitat d'energia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombes millorades
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombes millorades
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba de pólvora negre normal i corrent es pot barrejar amb un ítem específic per crear una bomba millorada. La quantitat d'energia necessària varia segons l'ítem utilitzat.\n\nEls següents ítems poden produir una bomba millorada:\n- Poció de flama líquida\n- Poció de glaçada\n- Poció de curació\n- Poció d'invisibilitat\n- Pergamí de recàrrega\n- Pergamí d'eliminació de malediccions\n- Pergamí de miratge\n- Pergamí de fúria
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Beuratges combinats
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Beuratges combinats
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Els beuratges combinats són la forma més senzilla de preparar pocions, combinant els efectes de dues pocions nocives en una.\n\nUna poció horrorosa es crea barrejant una poció de gas tòxic amb una poció de gas paralític.\n\nUna poció frígida es crea barrejant una poció de glaçada amb una poció de núvols de tempesta.\n\nUna poció de gel-foc es crea barrejant una poció de flama líquida amb una poció de congelació instantània.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Elixirs curatius
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Elixirs curatius
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Els elixirs curatius també són bastant simples, combinant la curació i un altre efecte en un sol ítem.\n\nUn elixir de restauració es crea barrejant una poció de curació amb una poció de neteja.\n\nUn elixir de vitalitat es crea barrejant una poció de curació amb una poció d'escut.\n\nUn elixir de curació melosa es crea barrejant una poció de curació amb un pot de mel destrossat.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Beuratges d'àrea d'efecte
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Beuratges d'àrea d'efecte
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Els beuratges d'àrea d'efecte propaguen un efecte nociu sobre una gran àrea. Són més cars que els beuratges combinats, però també més potents.\n\nUn beuratge infernal es crea barrejant una poció d'alè de drac i una poció de flama líquida.\n\nUn beuratge de rufaga es crea barrejant una poció de congelació instantània i una poció de gelada.\n\nUn beuratge xocant es crea barrejant una poció de gas paralític i una poció de núvols de tempesta.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixirs imbuïts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixirs imbuïts
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pou de salut
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pou de salut
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pou de coneixement
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pou de coneixement
@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Zatímco recepty, o kterých jsme do
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Recepty jídel
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Recepty jídel
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Ne všechny recepty zahrnují magické lektvary a svitky, některé jsou více tradiční.\n\nSyrové maso může být v alchymickém kotlíku podušeno a energie kotlíku očistí maso od chorob. Čím více masa je použito naráz, tím větší je účinnost receptu.\n\nSyrová Popelice může být zkombinována se semínkem k vytvoření povařené Popelice. Povařené ovoce bude mít podobné vlastnosti lektvaru, kterému dané semínko odpovídá.\n\nPiroh, celou porci jídla a kousek masa (jakéhokoliv typu) lze zkombinovat k vytvoření hostiny! Hostina poskytuje jedinečný kulinářský zážitek, ale za cenu velkého množství energie.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Ne všechny recepty zahrnují magické lektvary a svitky, některé jsou více tradiční.\n\nSyrové maso může být v alchymickém kotlíku podušeno a energie kotlíku očistí maso od chorob. Čím více masa je použito naráz, tím větší je účinnost receptu.\n\nSyrová Popelice může být zkombinována se semínkem k vytvoření povařené Popelice. Povařené ovoce bude mít podobné vlastnosti lektvaru, kterému dané semínko odpovídá.\n\nPiroh, celou porci jídla a kousek masa (jakéhokoliv typu) lze zkombinovat k vytvoření hostiny! Hostina poskytuje jedinečný kulinářský zážitek, ale za cenu velkého množství energie.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Vylepšené bomby
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Vylepšené bomby
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Obyčejná černá prachová bomba může být smíchána s konkrétním předmětem k vytvoření vylepšené bomby. Množství potřebné energie se mění podle použitého předmětu.\n\nVylepšenou bombu lze vytvořit z těchto předmětů:\n- Lektvar tekutého ohně\n- Lektvar mrazu\n- Lektvar léčení\n- Lektvar neviditelnosti\n- Svitek nabíjení\n- Svitek odstranění prokletí\n- Svitek zrcadlového obrazu\n- Svitek vzteku
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Sloučené směsi
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Sloučené směsi
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Sloučené směsi jsou tou nejjednodušší formou směsí, kombinující efekty dvou škodlivých lektvarů do jednoho.\n\nSměs zákeřných plynů je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru toxického plynu s lektvarem paralyzujícího plynu.\n\nSměs mrazivých mračen je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru mrazu s lektvarem bouřných mračen.\n\nSměs mrazícího ohně je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru tekutého ohně s lektvarem přímého zmražení.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Léčivé elixíry
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Léčivé elixíry
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Léčivé elixíry jsou také velmi lehké, kombinující léčení a jiný efekt do jednoho předmětu.\n\nElixír obnovení je vytvořen smícháním lektvaru léčení s lektvarem očištění.\n\nElixír vitality je vytvořen smícháním lektvaru léčení s lektvarem chránění.\n\nElixír léčivého medu je vytvořen smícháním lektvaru léčení s rozbitým hrncem medu.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Směsi plošných efektů
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Směsi plošných efektů
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Směsi plošných efektů rozšíří škodlivý efekt po velké oblasti. Jsou dražší než sloučené směsi, ale také silnější.\n\nSměs ohnivého pekla je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru dračího dechu a lektvaru tekutého ohně.\n\nSměs ledové vichřice je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru přímého zmražení a lektvaru mrazu.\n\nSměs elektrické bouře je vytvořena smícháním lektvaru paralyzujícího plynu a lektvaru bouřných mračen.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixíry naplnění
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixíry naplnění
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=Studna zdraví
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=Studna zdraví
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=Studna vědomí
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=Studna vědomí
@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Während die Rezepte, die wir bisher
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Rezepte für Nahrungsmittel
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Rezepte für Nahrungsmittel
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Nicht alle Rezepte brauchen magische Tränke oder Schriftrollen, manche sind althergebracht.\n\nRohes Fleisch kann im Kessel geschmort werden, und die Energie des Alchemie-Kessels wird das Fleisch von Krankheitserregern reinigen. Je mehr Fleisch gleichzeitig verwendet wird, desto wirkungsvoller ist das Rezept.\n\nEine ungekochte Fadfrucht kann mit einem Samen kombiniert werde, um eine gekochte Fadfrucht zu erhalten. Die gekochte Frucht wird einem Trank der zu dem Samen gehört entsprechen.\n\nEine Pastete, Essenration und ein Stück Fleisch (egal welches) kombiniert ergeben ein Festmahl. Ein Festmahl ist eine unvergleichliche kulinarische Erfahrung, kostet aber eine erhebliche Menge Energie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Nicht alle Rezepte brauchen magische Tränke oder Schriftrollen, manche sind althergebracht.\n\nRohes Fleisch kann im Kessel geschmort werden, und die Energie des Alchemie-Kessels wird das Fleisch von Krankheitserregern reinigen. Je mehr Fleisch gleichzeitig verwendet wird, desto wirkungsvoller ist das Rezept.\n\nEine ungekochte Fadfrucht kann mit einem Samen kombiniert werde, um eine gekochte Fadfrucht zu erhalten. Die gekochte Frucht wird einem Trank der zu dem Samen gehört entsprechen.\n\nEine Pastete, Essenration und ein Stück Fleisch (egal welches) kombiniert ergeben ein Festmahl. Ein Festmahl ist eine unvergleichliche kulinarische Erfahrung, kostet aber eine erhebliche Menge Energie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Verstärkte Bomben
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Verstärkte Bomben
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Eine ganz normale Schwarzpulver-Bombe kann mit einem bestimmten Gegenstand verknüpft werden, um eine verstärkte Bombe herzustellen. Die Energiemenge, die dazu vonnöten ist, variiert je nachdem, welchen Gegenstand man einsetzt.\n\nMit den folgenden Gegenständen kann man verstärkte Bomben herstellen:\n- Trank der Flüssigen Flamme\n- Trank des Frosts\n- Heiltrank\n- Trank der Unsichtbarkeit\n- Schriftrolle der Aufladung\n- Schriftrolle des Spiegelbildes\n- Schriftrolle des Zorns
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Kombinierte Brühen
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Kombinierte Brühen
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Kombinierte Brühen sind die einfachste Art Gebräu; sie vereinen die Effekte von zwei schädigenden Tränken in einen.\n\nBöse Mische entsteht, wenn man einen Trank des Giftgases mit einem Trank des Lähmungsgases mischt.\n\nKaltgetränk ergibt sich aus der Mischung eines Tranks des Frosts und eines Tranks der Gewitterwolken.\n\nFrostfeuerbrühe entsteht, wenn man einen Trank der Flüssigen Flamme mit einem Blitzeis-Trank vermengt.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Heilende Elixiere
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Heilende Elixiere
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Auch heilende Elixiere sind recht simpel, da sie den Heileffekt und einen weiteren in einem Trank vereinen.\n\nEin Elixier der Erneuerung entsteht, wenn man einen Heiltrank mit einem Trank der Reinigung mischt.\n\nEin Elixier der Vitalität ergibt sich aus der Mischung eines Heiltranks mit einem Schildtrank.\n\nDas Elixier der honigsüßen Heilung erhält man, wenn man einen Heiltrank mit einem zerbrochenen Honigtopf zusammentut.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Brühen mit Wirkradius
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Brühen mit Wirkradius
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Brühen mit Wirkradius haben in einem bestimmten Umkreis einen schädigenden Effekt. Sie sind teurer als kombinierte Brühen, aber auch stärker.\n\nHöllensud entsteht, wenn man einen Trank des Drachenodems mit einem Trank der Flüssigen Flamme vermischt.\n\nBlizzardbräu ergibt sich, wenn man einen Blitzeis-Trank und einen Trank des Frosts mischt.\n\nSchockbrause entsteht, indem man einen Trank des Lähmungsgases und einen Trank der Gewitterwolken vermengt.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixiere der Durchtränkung
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixiere der Durchtränkung
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=Brunnen der Gesundheit
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=Brunnen der Gesundheit
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=Brunnen der Wahrnehmung
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=Brunnen der Wahrnehmung
@ -28,21 +28,27 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.stones.body=Kunmiksu unu skribrulaĵon por transi
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dronigitaj sagetoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.title=Dronigitaj sagetoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Oni povas kombini unu semon kun unu aŭ du sagetojn por saturi ilin per substanco de semo. Per ĉiu speco de samo oni povas krei malsaman dronigitan sageton kun unika efekto.\n\nTamen dronigitaj sagetoj agos nur por unu ĵeto, kaj post uzo iĝos normaj sagetoj.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.darts.body=Oni povas kombini unu semon kun unu aŭ du sagetojn por saturi ilin per substanco de semo. Per ĉiu speco de samo oni povas krei malsaman dronigitan sageton kun unika efekto.\n\nTamen dronigitaj sagetoj agos nur por unu ĵeto, kaj post uzo iĝos normaj sagetoj.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Ekzotaj eliksiroj kaj skribrulaĵoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.title=Ekzotaj eliksiroj kaj skribrulaĵoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=The power of a potion or scroll can be augmented to create a new 'exotic' variant. These exotic items have more powerful effects, but they are often useful in different ways as well.\n\nCombining a potion and any two seeds will produce an exotic potion. Combining a scroll with any two runestones will produce an exotic scroll.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.exotics.body=Oni povas plivastigi ecojn de eliksiro aŭ skribrulaĵo por krei novan “ekzotan” version. Tiuj ĉi ekzotaj aĵoj havas pli potencajn efikojn kaj eĉ diversajn efikojn ol la originalaj.\n\nKunmiksu eliksiron kaj du semojn por kuiri ekzotan eliksiron. Kombinu skribrulaĵon kaj du runŝtonojn por krei ekzotan skribrulaĵon.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Alchemical Energy
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.title=Alĥemia energio
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=While the recipes we have discussed so far only need their ingredients, some recipes require energy from the alchemy pot itself. This Energy is a limited resource, but can be used to make recipes that are more than the sum of their ingredients. Some recipes will require a small amount of energy, some require a lot.\n\nAll further recipes discussed in this book will make use of Alchemical Energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=La antaŭe menciitaj receptoj nur postulis fizikaj ingrediencoj, por iuj receptoj oni bezonas energion el la alĥemia kuirpoto mem. Tiu ĉi energio estas limigita rimedo, sed oni povas uzi ĝin por prepari aĵojn, kiuj estas pli potencaj ol sumo de ĝiaj konsistaĵoj. Kelkaj receptoj postulos malmulte da energio, aliaj multe.\n\nĈiuj pliaj receptoj priskribitaj en tiu ĉi libro uzos la alĥemian energion.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Ne ĉiuj receptoj postulas magiajn eliksirojn aŭ skribrulaĵojn, kelkaj estas tradiciaj.\n\nNekuiritan viandon oni povas boleti en la poto, kaj energio de poto purigos ĝin el malsanigoj. Ju pli viandojn oni uzos per unu fojo, des pli efika la kuirado estos.\n\nNekuiritan naŭzfrukton oni povas kombini kun samo por krei kuiritan naŭzfrukton. La kuirita naŭzfrukto gajnos ecojn de rilata eliksiro aŭ semo.\n\nKunmiksu pastaĵon, plenan porcion da manĝaĵo kaj viandon (ajna speco) por prepari festenon! Festenoj liveras nekompareblan kuirartan sperton, sed kostas signifan kvanton da energio.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Simplaj infuzaĵoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Sanigaj eliksiroj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Infuzaĵoj de zonaj efikoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Eliksiroj de elementaj plenigoj
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=puto de sano
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=puto de sano
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=puto de scio
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=puto de scio
@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.identifying.title=Identificación de ítems
journal.document.adventurers_guide.identifying.body=¡Identificar elementos puede ser tan importante como encontrarlos!\n\nLos colores de las pociones y los glifos en los pergaminos son diferentes en cada mazmorra, por lo que no sabrás qué efecto obtendrás si no están identificados.\n\nEl equipo no identificado puede estar mejorado si tiene suerte, ¡o podría estar maldito! Equipar accidentalmente un objeto maldito es malo, pero por lo general no te lleva a la muerte instantáneamente.\n\nLos pergaminos de identificación, mejora o purificación son muy útiles si desea reducir el riesgo de elementos no identificados.\n\n(Encontrarás una lista de todos los ítems que has identificado en la pestaña de ítems de tu diario)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.identifying.body=¡Identificar elementos puede ser tan importante como encontrarlos!\n\nLos colores de las pociones y los glifos en los pergaminos son diferentes en cada mazmorra, por lo que no sabrás qué efecto obtendrás si no están identificados.\n\nEl equipo no identificado puede estar mejorado si tiene suerte, ¡o podría estar maldito! Equipar accidentalmente un objeto maldito es malo, pero por lo general no te lleva a la muerte instantáneamente.\n\nLos pergaminos de identificación, mejora o purificación son muy útiles si desea reducir el riesgo de elementos no identificados.\n\n(Encontrarás una lista de todos los ítems que has identificado en la pestaña de ítems de tu diario)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.title=Examinando y Buscando
journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.title=Examinando y Buscando
journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.body=Correr imprudentemente es una gran manera de morir.\n\nSiempre hay tiempo para detenerse y examinar las cosas a su alrededor, lo que puede ayudarle a averiguar la mejor forma de abordar una situación. Correr contra enemigos casi nunca es la mejor manera de lidiar con ellos.\n\nLas mazmorras están llenas de pasajes secretos y trampas que parecen invisibles a primera vista. Es bueno estar dispuesto a revisar a fondo un área si sospecha que algo está oculto.\n\n(El botón de la lupa se utiliza para examinar y buscar. Toque una vez y luego toque algo para examinar, toque dos veces para buscar en el área a su alrededor)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.body=Correr imprudentemente es una gran manera de morir.\n\nSiempre hay tiempo para detenerse y examinar las cosas a su alrededor, lo que puede ayudarle a averiguar la mejor forma de abordar una situación. Correr contra enemigos casi nunca es la mejor manera de lidiar con ellos.\n\nLas mazmorras están llenas de pasajes secretos y trampas que parecen invisibles a primera vista. Es bueno estar dispuesto a revisar a fondo un área si sospecha que algo está oculto.\n\n(El botón de la lupa se utiliza para examinar y buscar. Toque una vez y luego toque algo para examinar, toque dos veces para buscar en el área a su alrededor)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.title=Fuerza y Mejoras
journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.title=Fuerza y mejoras
journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.body=No vas a tener tiempo para entrenar con las armas y armaduras que encuentres en la mazmorra, así que necesitarás de fuerza bruta para usarlas con efectividad.\n\nLas Pociones de Fuerza mejoran directamente tu poderío físico y son la forma más eficiente de cumplir los requisitos del equipo de nivel superior.\n\nLos Pergaminos de Mejora son sobre todo para hacer más poderoso el equipamiento, pero también reducen el peso. Sin embargo, cada mejora será menos efectiva en reducir el peso que la anterior.\n\nEs importante orientarse hacia ítems más pesados y de más alto nivel, pero no ignores del todo el equipo que se puede usar antes.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.body=No vas a tener tiempo para entrenar con las armas y armaduras que encuentres en la mazmorra, así que necesitarás de fuerza bruta para usarlas con efectividad.\n\nLas Pociones de Fuerza mejoran directamente tu poderío físico y son la forma más eficiente de cumplir los requisitos del equipo de nivel superior.\n\nLos Pergaminos de Mejora son sobre todo para hacer más poderoso el equipamiento, pero también reducen el peso. Sin embargo, cada mejora será menos efectiva en reducir el peso que la anterior.\n\nEs importante orientarse hacia ítems más pesados y de más alto nivel, pero no ignores del todo el equipo que se puede usar antes.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.title=Manejando el hambre
journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.title=Manejando el hambre
journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.body=Usar la comida eficientemente es una de las mejores cosas que puedes hacer para mejorar tus probabilidades de supervivencia.\n\nEl hambre acaba por afectar a tu salud: te curarás lentamente cuando estés saciado, mientras que perderás salud de a poco cuando estés famélico. Puede que la pérdida de salud suene mal, pero mientras no mueras no conlleva ninguna penalización.\n\nLo mejor es pensar en el hambre y la salud como recursos que hay que gestionar, más que mantenerlos siempre al máximo. Por ejemplo, si tienes toda la salud, malgastarás la regeneración asociada a estar saciado.\n\nSi distribuyes tus comidas según cómo vayas de salud, la comida te durará mucho más.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.body=Usar la comida eficientemente es una de las mejores cosas que puedes hacer para mejorar tus probabilidades de supervivencia.\n\nEl hambre acaba por afectar a tu salud: te curarás lentamente cuando estés saciado, mientras que perderás salud de a poco cuando estés famélico. Puede que la pérdida de salud suene mal, pero mientras no mueras no conlleva ninguna penalización.\n\nLo mejor es pensar en el hambre y la salud como recursos que hay que gestionar, más que mantenerlos siempre al máximo. Por ejemplo, si tienes toda la salud, malgastarás la regeneración asociada a estar saciado.\n\nSi distribuyes tus comidas según cómo vayas de salud, la comida te durará mucho más.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.title=Ganando Experiencia
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.title=Ganando Experiencia
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.body=A medida que derrotas a tus enemigos, su nivel de experiencia aumentará. Su experiencia determina la precisión de sus ataques, la facilidad con la puede esquivarlos y la cantidad de salud que tenga.\n\nTu nivel de experiencia marca una gran diferencia en el combate. Lo mejor es tener al menos un nivel de experiencia por cada piso de la mazmorra.\n\nPuede ser tentador precipitarse a través de una mazmorra, evitando la exploración y el combate, pero al hacerlo se privará tanto de suministros como de experiencia.\n\n(Puedes ver información sobre su héroe, incluido exp, en el panel de estado en la parte superior de la interfaz del juego. Toque en su retrato de héroe para obtener aún más información)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.body=Tu nivel de experiencia aumentará a medida que derrotes a enemigos. Tu experiencia determina la precisión de tus ataques, la facilidad con la puedes esquivarlos y la cantidad de salud que tienes.\n\nTu nivel de experiencia marca una gran diferencia en el combate. Lo mejor es tener al menos un nivel de experiencia por encima del piso de la mazmorra.\n\nPuede ser tentador precipitarse a través de una mazmorra, evitando la exploración y el combate, pero si lo haces lo te privarás tanto de suministros como de experiencia.\n\n(Puedes ver información sobre su héroe, incluido exp, en el panel de estado en la parte superior de la interfaz del juego. Toca en el retrato de tu héroe para obtener aún más información)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.title=Ataques Sorpresa
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.title=Ataques sorpresa
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.body=Uno de los mejores modos de sacar ventaja en el combate es con ataques sorpresa.\n\nUn ataque sorpresa ocurre siempre que usted ataque a un enemigo mientras usted está fuera de vista, o justo cuando usted se le aparece. ¡Incluso el más evasivo de enemigos no puede esquivar un ataque sorpresa!\n\nUna de las partes más comunes del entorno en la que puede sorprender enemigos es una puerta. Un enemigo estará abierto a un ataque sorpresa justo cuando se mueva por una puerta cerrada.\n\n(Cuando usted consigue un ataque sorpresa, un signo de exclamación amarillo aparecerá brevemente encima del enemigo que usted golpeó)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.body=Uno de los mejores modos de sacar ventaja en el combate es con ataques sorpresa.\n\nUn ataque sorpresa ocurre siempre que usted ataque a un enemigo mientras usted está fuera de vista, o justo cuando usted se le aparece. ¡Incluso el más evasivo de enemigos no puede esquivar un ataque sorpresa!\n\nUna de las partes más comunes del entorno en la que puede sorprender enemigos es una puerta. Un enemigo estará abierto a un ataque sorpresa justo cuando se mueva por una puerta cerrada.\n\n(Cuando usted consigue un ataque sorpresa, un signo de exclamación amarillo aparecerá brevemente encima del enemigo que usted golpeó)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.title=Manejando la derrota
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.title=Manejando la derrota
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Si ves negra la situación, no te avergüences de huir a la carrera. Escapar a otra zona de la mazmorra puede darte tiempo suficiente para recuperarte antes de intentarlo de nuevo.\n\nPor desgracia, el mazmorrismo es una profesión de riesgo y muchos aventureros acaban por encontrar la muerte. Si bien la suerte juega cierto papel, los mejores aventureros son los que usan todos los trucos a su alcance para mejorar su probabilidades.\n\n(No te desanimes si mueres muy a menudo. ¡Es normal no llegar muy lejos en los primeros intentos: ¡El juego es difícil! Concéntrate en aprender el juego y mejorar continuamente, más que en ganar directamente.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Si ves negra la situación, no te avergüences de huir a la carrera. Escapar a otra zona de la mazmorra puede darte tiempo suficiente para recuperarte antes de intentarlo de nuevo.\n\nPor desgracia, el mazmorrismo es una profesión de riesgo y muchos aventureros acaban por encontrar la muerte. Si bien la suerte juega cierto papel, los mejores aventureros son los que usan todos los trucos a su alcance para mejorar su probabilidades.\n\n(No te desanimes si mueres muy a menudo. ¡Es normal no llegar muy lejos en los primeros intentos: ¡El juego es difícil! Concéntrate en aprender el juego y mejorar continuamente, más que en ganar directamente.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Saqueo efectivo
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Saqueo efectivo
@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Si bien las recetas que hemos discuti
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Recetas de Comida
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Recetas de Comida
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=No todas las recetas involucran pociones mágicas o pergaminos, algunas son más tradicionales.\n\nLa carne cruda se puede guisar en una olla de alquimia, y la energía de la olla limpiará la carne de de enfermedades. Mientras más carne se use a la vez, mayor será la eficiencia de la receta.\n\nUn fruta insípida cruda se puede combinar con una semilla para crear un fruta insípida cocida. La fruta cocida emulará cualquier poción a la que corresponda la semilla.\n\n¡Una empanada, una ración completa y un trozo de carne (cualquier tipo servirá) se pueden combinar para crear un banquete! Los banquetes proporcionan una experiencia culinaria sin igual, pero cuestan una buena cantidad de energía.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=No todas las recetas involucran pociones mágicas o pergaminos, algunas son más tradicionales.\n\nLa carne cruda se puede guisar en una olla de alquimia, y la energía de la olla limpiará la carne de de enfermedades. Mientras más carne se use a la vez, mayor será la eficiencia de la receta.\n\nUn fruta insípida cruda se puede combinar con una semilla para crear un fruta insípida cocida. La fruta cocida emulará cualquier poción a la que corresponda la semilla.\n\n¡Una empanada, una ración completa y un trozo de carne (cualquier tipo servirá) se pueden combinar para crear un banquete! Los banquetes proporcionan una experiencia culinaria sin igual, pero cuestan una buena cantidad de energía.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Mejoradas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Mejoradas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba estándar de pólvora se puede mezclar con un ítem específico para crear una bomba mejorada. La cantidad de energía necesaria varía según el ítem utilizado.\n\nLos siguientes ítems pueden producir una bomba mejorada:\n- Poción de Llama Líquida\n- Poción de Escarcha\n- Poción de Curación\n- Poción de Invisibilidad\n- Pergamino de Recarga\n- Pergamino de Eliminar Maldición\n- Pergamino de Reflejo\n- Pergamino de Furia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combinación de Infusiones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combinación de Infusiones
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Las infusiones combinadas son la forma más simple de infusión, combinando los efectos de dos pociones dañinas en una sola.\n\nUna infusión malvada se crea mezclando una poción de gas tóxico con una poción de gas paralizante.\n\nUna infusión frígida se crea mezclando una poción de escarcha con una poción de nubes de tormenta.\n\nUna infusión de escarcha se crea mezclando una poción de llama líquida con una poción de congelación rápida.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Elixires Curativos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Elixires Curativos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Los elixires curativos también son bastante simples, combinando curación y otro efecto en un sólo ítem.\n\nUn elixir de restauración se crea al mezclar una poción de curación con una poción de purificación.\n\nUn elixir de vitalidad se crea mezclando una poción de curación con una poción de protección.\n\nUn elixir de curación melosa se crea al mezclar una poción de gas tóxico con un tarro de miel destrozado.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Infusiones de Efecto de Área
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Infusiones de Efecto de Área
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Las infusiones de efecto propagan un efecto dañino sobre un área grande. Son más caras que las infusiones combinadas, pero también más potentes.\n\nUna infusión infernal se crea mezclando una poción de aliento de dragón y una poción de llama líquida.\n\nUna infusión de ventisca se crea mezclando una poción de congelación rápida y una poción de escarcha.\n\nUna infusión impactante se crea al mezclar una poción de gas paralizante y una poción de nubes de tormenta.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixires Imbuidos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elixires Imbuidos
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pozo de vitalidad
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pozo de vitalidad
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pozo del conocimiento
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pozo del conocimiento
@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=While the recipes we have discussed s
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=elinvoiman kaivo
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=elinvoiman kaivo
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=tietämyksen kaivo
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=tietämyksen kaivo
@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=While the recipes we have discussed s
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=puits de santé
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=puits de santé
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=puits de connaissance
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=puits de connaissance
@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=While the recipes we have discussed s
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=élet vize
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journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=éberség kútja
@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=While the recipes we have discussed s
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=sumur kesehatan
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journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=sumur pengetahuan
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.body=Usare il cibo efficacemente è una
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.title=Acquisire Esperienza
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.title=Acquisire Esperienza
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.body=Mano a mano che sconfiggerai nemici il tuo livello di esperienza aumenterà. La tua esperienza determina quanto accurati saranno i tuoi attacchi, quanto facilmente potrai schivare e quanta salute possiedi.\n\nIl tuo livello di esperienza fa una grossa differenza durante il combattimento. È meglio avanzare almeno di un livello per ogni piano del dungeon.\n\nPuò essere allettante precipitarsi in fretta attraverso un dungeon, evitando esplorazione e combattimento, ma così facendo sarai privato sia di rifornimenti che di esperienza.\n\n(Puoi ottenere informazioni sul tuo eroe, esperienza inclusa, nel pannello di stato in cima all'interfaccia di gioco. Tocca sul ritratto del tuo eroe per avere ancora più informazioni)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.body=Mano a mano che sconfiggerai nemici il tuo livello di esperienza aumenterà. La tua esperienza determina quanto accurati saranno i tuoi attacchi, quanto facilmente potrai schivare e quanta salute possiedi.\n\nIl tuo livello di esperienza fa una grossa differenza durante il combattimento. È meglio avanzare almeno di un livello per ogni piano del dungeon.\n\nPuò essere allettante precipitarsi in fretta attraverso un dungeon, evitando esplorazione e combattimento, ma così facendo sarai privato sia di rifornimenti che di esperienza.\n\n(Puoi ottenere informazioni sul tuo eroe, esperienza inclusa, nel pannello di stato in cima all'interfaccia di gioco. Tocca sul ritratto del tuo eroe per avere ancora più informazioni)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.title=Attacchi a Sorpresa
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.title=Attacchi a Sorpresa
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.body=Uno dei migliori modi per ottenere vantaggio in combattimento è usare gli attacchi a sorpresa.\n\nUn attacco a sorpresa si verifica ogni volta che attacchi un nemico mentre sei al di fuori del suo campo visivo, o non appena compari in vista. Anche il più sfuggente dei nemici non può schivare un attacco a sorpresa!\n\nUno degli elementi più comuni dell'ambiente, che puoi usare per sorprendere i nemici, è la porta. Un nemico sarà esposto ad un attacco a sorpresa nel momento esatto in cui varca la soglia di una porta chiusa.\n\n(Quando userai con successo un attacco a sorpresa, un punto esclamativo giallo comparirà brevemente in cima al nemico appena colpito)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.body=Uno dei migliori modi per ottenere vantaggio in combattimento è usare gli attacchi a sorpresa.\n\nUn attacco a sorpresa si verifica ogni volta che attacchi un nemico mentre sei al di fuori del suo campo visivo, o non appena compari in vista. Anche il più sfuggente dei nemici non può schivare un attacco a sorpresa!\n\nUno degli elementi più comuni dell'ambiente, che puoi usare per sorprendere i nemici, è la porta. Un nemico sarà esposto ad un attacco a sorpresa nel momento esatto in cui varca la soglia di una porta chiusa.\n\n(Quando userai con successo un attacco a sorpresa, un punto esclamativo giallo comparirà brevemente in cima al nemico appena colpito)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.title=Gestire la Sconfitta
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.title=Gestire la Sconfitta
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Se la situazione si fa brutta, non c'è vergogna nello scappare via. Fuggire in un'altra zona nel dungeon può darvi un po' di tempo per recuperare le forze prima di riprovare ancora.\n\nSfortunatamente, esplorare i dungeon è un mestiere molto pericoloso e la maggior parte degli avventurieri alla fine andranno incontro alla propria rovina. Anche se la fortuna può sicuramente giocare un ruolo, i migliori avventurieri sono quelli che usano ogni possibile trucchetto per aumentare le proprie probabilità di successo.\n\n(Non perderti d'animo se stai morendo un sacco di volte. Non dovresti aspettarti di andare molto lontano durante i tuoi primi tentativi, questo gioco è difficile! Concentrati nell'imparare il gioco e a migliorare con costanza, non concentrarti sulla vittoria per il momento.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Se la situazione si fa brutta, non c'è vergogna nello scappare via. Fuggire in un'altra zona nel dungeon può darvi un po' di tempo per recuperare le forze prima di riprovare ancora.\n\nSfortunatamente, esplorare i dungeon è un mestiere molto pericoloso e la maggior parte degli avventurieri alla fine andranno incontro alla propria rovina. Anche se la fortuna può sicuramente giocare un ruolo, i migliori avventurieri sono quelli che usano ogni possibile trucchetto per aumentare le proprie probabilità di successo.\n\n(Non perderti d'animo se stai morendo un sacco di volte. Non dovresti aspettarti di andare molto lontano durante i tuoi primi tentativi, questo gioco è difficile! Concentrati nell'imparare il gioco e a migliorare con costanza, non concentrarti sulla vittoria per il momento.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Saccheggio Efficace
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Saccheggio Efficace
@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Mentre le ricette trattate finora nec
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Ricette Culinarie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Ricette Culinarie
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Non tutte le ricette prevedono pozioni magiche o pergamene, alcune sono più tradizionali.\n\nLa carne cruda può essere stufata in un calderone alchemico, così da essere purificata da ogni effetto nocivo. Più carne verrà usata in una volta, maggiore sarà il rendimento della ricetta.\n\nUn blandofrutto crudo può essere combinato con un seme per creare un blandofrutto cotto. Il frutto così cotto simulerà qualsiasi pozione a cui il seme corrisponda.\n\nUn pasticcio, una razione e un pezzo di carne (di qualsiasi genere) possono essere combinati per creare un banchetto! I Banchetti forniscono un'esperienza culinaria impareggiabile, ma al costo di una discreta quantità di energia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Non tutte le ricette prevedono pozioni magiche o pergamene, alcune sono più tradizionali.\n\nLa carne cruda può essere stufata in un calderone alchemico, così da essere purificata da ogni effetto nocivo. Più carne verrà usata in una volta, maggiore sarà il rendimento della ricetta.\n\nUn blandofrutto crudo può essere combinato con un seme per creare un blandofrutto cotto. Il frutto così cotto simulerà qualsiasi pozione a cui il seme corrisponda.\n\nUn pasticcio, una razione e un pezzo di carne (di qualsiasi genere) possono essere combinati per creare un banchetto! I Banchetti forniscono un'esperienza culinaria impareggiabile, ma al costo di una discreta quantità di energia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombe Migliorate
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombe Migliorate
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Una bomba di polvere nera standard può essere mescolata con un oggetto specifico per creare una bomba migliorata. La quantità di energia necessaria cambia in base all'oggetto usato.\n\nI seguenti oggetti possono produrre una bomba migliorata:\n- Pozione del Fuoco Liquido\n- Pozione del Congelamento \n- Pozione di Guarigione\n- Pozione dell'Invisibilità\n- Pergamena della Ricarica\n- Pergamena di Rimuovi Maledizione\n- Pergamena dell'Immagine Speculare\n- Pergamena della Rabbia
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Miscele di Infusi
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Miscele di Infusi
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Le miscele di infusi sono la forma più semplice di miscuglio, combinando così gli effetti di due pozioni nocive in una sola.\n\nUna miscela perfida è creata mescolando una pozione di gas tossico con una pozione di gas paralizzante.\n\nUna miscela glaciale è creata mescolando una pozione di congelamento con una pozione delle nubi tempestose.\n\nUna miscela fuocogelo è creata mescolando una pozione del fuoco liquido con una pozione del surgelamento.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Elisir curativi
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Elisir curativi
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Gli elisir curativi sono anch'essi piuttosto semplici, combinando guarigione e un altro effetto in un solo oggetto.\n\nUn elisir di ripristino è creato miscelando una pozione della guarigione con una pozione detergente.\n\nUn elisir della vitalità è creato miscelando una pozione della guarigione con una pozione dello scudo.\n\nUn elisir della guarigione melliflua è creato miscelando una pozione della guarigione con un vaso di miele frantumato.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Miscele a Effetto Area
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Miscele a Effetto Area
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Le miscele a effetto area diffondono i loro effetti nocivi su un'area estesa. Sono più costose delle miscele di infusi, ma anche più potenti.\n\nUna miscela infernale è creata miscelando una pozione del sangue di drago e una pozione del fuoco liquido.\n\nUna miscela bufera è creata miscelando una pozione di surgelamento e una pozione di congelamento.\n\nUna miscela fulminante è creata miscelando una pozione di gas paralizzante e una pozione delle nubi tempestose.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elisir Permeanti
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Elisir Permeanti
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pozzo della salute
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=pozzo della salute
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pozzo della consapevolezza
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=pozzo della consapevolezza
@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=While the recipes we have discussed s
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Food Recipes
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Enhanced Bombs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Healing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Area of Effect Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=회복의 우물
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=회복의 우물
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=지식의 우물
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=지식의 우물
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.examining_and_searching.body=Agresywne wpadni
journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.title=Siła i Ulepszenia
journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.title=Siła i Ulepszenia
journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.body=Nie będzie czasu na trening z bronią i zbroją którą znalazłeś gdzieś w lochu, więc potrzebny ci będzie zastrzyk siły aby używać ich efektywnie.\n\nMikstury siły bezpośrednio zwiększają twoją fizyczną moc i są najbardziej efektywnym sposobem aby spełnić oczekiwania sprzętu o wyższym poziomie.\n\nZwoje ulepszenia są ważnym elementem gdyż pozwalają ulepszać Twój oręż, ale także robić go lżejszym. Jednak że, co każde ulepszenie waga jest obniżana mniej efektywnie niż poprzednio.\n\nWażne jest aby pracować ku lepszym przedmiotom, ale nie ignorować kompletnie sprzętu, który można wykorzystać później.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.strength.body=Nie będzie czasu na trening z bronią i zbroją którą znalazłeś gdzieś w lochu, więc potrzebny ci będzie zastrzyk siły aby używać ich efektywnie.\n\nMikstury siły bezpośrednio zwiększają twoją fizyczną moc i są najbardziej efektywnym sposobem aby spełnić oczekiwania sprzętu o wyższym poziomie.\n\nZwoje ulepszenia są ważnym elementem gdyż pozwalają ulepszać Twój oręż, ale także robić go lżejszym. Jednak że, co każde ulepszenie waga jest obniżana mniej efektywnie niż poprzednio.\n\nWażne jest aby pracować ku lepszym przedmiotom, ale nie ignorować kompletnie sprzętu, który można wykorzystać później.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.title=Postępowanie z głodem
journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.title=Postępowanie z głodem
journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.body=Efektywne korzystanie z żywności jest jedną z najlepszych rzeczy które możesz zrobić żeby zwiększyć swoje szanse na przetrwanie.\n\nGłód w dużym stopniu wpływa na twoje zdrowie: będziesz powoli regenerował swoje życie kiedy twój głód będzie zaspokojony oraz powoli je tracił kiedy będziesz zagłodzony.Utrata zdrowia może wydawać się zła, ale dopóki będziesz trwać przy życiu oprócz utraty zdrowia nie ma żadnej bezpośredniej kary. \n\nNajlepiej pomyśleć o zdrowiu i głodzie jako zasobach które muszą być dobrze zarządzane a nie stale pełne.\n\nNa przykład, jeśli masz pełne zdrowie, regeneracja zdrowia od bycia nasyconym będzie zmarnowana.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.food.body=Efektywne korzystanie z żywności jest jedną z najlepszych rzeczy które możesz zrobić żeby zwiększyć swoje szanse na przetrwanie.\n\nGłód w dużym stopniu wpływa na twoje zdrowie: będziesz powoli regenerował swoje życie kiedy twój głód będzie zaspokojony oraz powoli je tracił kiedy będziesz zagłodzony.Utrata zdrowia może wydawać się zła, ale dopóki będziesz trwać przy życiu oprócz utraty zdrowia nie ma żadnej bezpośredniej kary. \n\nNajlepiej pomyśleć o zdrowiu i głodzie jako zasobach które muszą być dobrze zarządzane a nie stale pełne.\n\nNa przykład, jeśli masz pełne zdrowie, regeneracja zdrowia od bycia nasyconym będzie zmarnowana.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.title=Zdobywanie doświadczenia
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.title=Zdobywanie doświadczenia
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.body=Gdy pokonujesz przeciwników dostajesz doświadczenie. Doświadczenie określa jak dokładne są Twoje ataki, jak łatwo możesz unikać ciosów oraz jak dużo masz życia.\n\nTwój poziom doświadczenia robi wielką różnicę w walce. Najlepiej zyskać jeden poziom na każde piętro lochu.\n\nKuszące jest przebiegnięcie przez piętra, omijając eksplorację i walkę, ale robiąc tak pozbawiasz się przedmiotów i doświadczenia.\n\n(Możesz zobaczyć informacje o swoim bohaterze, razem z doświadczeniem, na panelu statystyk na górze interfejsu gry. Kliknij na portret swojego bohatera aby zobaczyć więcej informacji.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.levelling.body=Gdy pokonujesz przeciwników dostajesz doświadczenie. Doświadczenie określa jak dokładne są Twoje ataki, jak łatwo możesz unikać ciosów oraz jak dużo masz życia.\n\nTwój poziom doświadczenia robi wielką różnicę w walce. Najlepiej zyskać jeden poziom na każde piętro lochu.\n\nKuszące jest przebiegnięcie przez piętra, omijając eksplorację i walkę, ale robiąc tak pozbawiasz się przedmiotów i doświadczenia.\n\n(Możesz zobaczyć informacje o swoim bohaterze, razem z doświadczeniem, na panelu statystyk na górze interfejsu gry. Kliknij na portret swojego bohatera aby zobaczyć więcej informacji.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.title=Ataki z zaskoczenia
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.title=Ataki z zaskoczenia
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.body=Jednym z najlepszych sposobów aby mieć przewagę w boju jest użycie ataku z zaskoczenia.\n\nAtak z zaskoczenia można wykonać gdy atakujesz przeciwnika gdy nie jesteś widoczny lub od razu po ujawnieniu się. Nawet najbardziej wykrętny przeciwnik nie umknie ataku z zaskoczenia! \n\nNajczęstszym elementem do ataku z zaskoczenia są drzwi. Przeciwnik będzie otwarty na atak z zaskoczenia od razu po przejściu przez zamknięte drzwi.\n\n(Gdy atak z zaskoczenia się uda, żółty wykrzyknik pojawi się nad przeciwnikiem którego zaatakowałeś.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.surprise_attacks.body=Jednym z najlepszych sposobów aby mieć przewagę w boju jest użycie ataku z zaskoczenia.\n\nAtak z zaskoczenia można wykonać gdy atakujesz przeciwnika gdy nie jesteś widoczny lub od razu po ujawnieniu się. Nawet najbardziej wykrętny przeciwnik nie umknie ataku z zaskoczenia! \n\nNajczęstszym elementem do ataku z zaskoczenia są drzwi. Przeciwnik będzie otwarty na atak z zaskoczenia od razu po przejściu przez zamknięte drzwi.\n\n(Gdy atak z zaskoczenia się uda, żółty wykrzyknik pojawi się nad przeciwnikiem którego zaatakowałeś.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.title=Postępowanie z porażką
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.title=Postępowanie z porażką
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Gdy sytuacja wygląda ponuro, nie ma nic wstydliwego aby po prostu zwiać.Uciekanie do innej części lochu daje Ci możliwość do przygotowania i spróbowania ponownie.\n\nNiestety, lochowanie jest bardzo niebezpiecznym zawodem i większość wypraw kończy się tragicznym końcem. Chociaż szczęście gra tu rolę, tylko ci którzy wykorzystują nawet najmniejszą sztuczkę aby zwiększyć szansę na sukces, można nazwać najlepszymi strategami.\n\n(Nie bądź zniechęcony gdy zginiesz wiele razy. Nie licz na to aby zajść daleko w pierwszych próbach, ta gra jest trudna! Skup się na nauce gry i stale się doskonal, nie próbuj wygrać tak od razu.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Gdy sytuacja wygląda ponuro, nie ma nic wstydliwego aby po prostu zwiać.Uciekanie do innej części lochu daje Ci możliwość do przygotowania i spróbowania ponownie.\n\nNiestety, lochowanie jest bardzo niebezpiecznym zawodem i większość wypraw kończy się tragicznym końcem. Chociaż szczęście gra tu rolę, tylko ci którzy wykorzystują nawet najmniejszą sztuczkę aby zwiększyć szansę na sukces, można nazwać najlepszymi strategami.\n\n(Nie bądź zniechęcony gdy zginiesz wiele razy. Nie licz na to aby zajść daleko w pierwszych próbach, ta gra jest trudna! Skup się na nauce gry i stale się doskonal, nie próbuj wygrać tak od razu.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Skutecznie łupienie
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Skutecznie łupienie
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Niektóre pokoje zawierają często lepsze łupy niż inne. Pokoje tę są zamknięte na klucz lub posiadają przeszkody przez które trzeba ominąć.\n\nJeżeli przeszkoda uniemożliwia ci przejście dalej, poszukaj rozwiązania wokół siebie. Często są to klucze lub coś bardziej złożonego, najczęściej na tym samym piętrze znajduję się jakiś przedmiot który może ci w tym pomóc.\n\nMikstury siły i zwoje ulepszenia to najlepsze wskaźniki tego jak sobie radzisz z eksploracją i grabieżą. Będziesz mógł znaleźć 3 zwoje ulepszeń i 2 mikstury siły na każdy regionie lochu.\n\n(Możesz zobaczyć listę ważnych miejsc i nieużytych kluczy w zakładce notatek z okna dziennika.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Niektóre pokoje zawierają często lepsze łupy niż inne. Pokoje tę są zamknięte na klucz lub posiadają przeszkody przez które trzeba ominąć.\n\nJeżeli przeszkoda uniemożliwia ci przejście dalej, poszukaj rozwiązania wokół siebie. Często są to klucze lub coś bardziej złożonego, najczęściej na tym samym piętrze znajduję się jakiś przedmiot który może ci w tym pomóc.\n\nMikstury siły i zwoje ulepszenia to najlepsze wskaźniki tego jak sobie radzisz z eksploracją i grabieżą. Będziesz mógł znaleźć 3 zwoje ulepszeń i 2 mikstury siły na każdy regionie lochu.\n\n(Możesz zobaczyć listę ważnych miejsc i nieużytych kluczy w zakładce notatek z okna dziennika.)
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Ataki magiczne
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Ataki magiczne
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magiczne ataki przebijają się przez zbroję i są bardzo trudne do ominięcia.\n\nTo oznacza że obrażenia zadane różdżką są godne zaufania, lecz to także oznacza iż magiczni przeciwnicy są bardzo niebezpieczni.\n\nAtaki magiczne mają także swoje wady. W przypadku różdżek z ograniczoną mocą, są one bezużyteczne jeżeli nie da im się czasu na naładowanie. Magiczni przeciwnicy także mają swoje słabości.\n\nGdy zmierzasz się z przeciwnikiem używającym magii bardzo ważnym jest wyszukanie sposobu na uniknięcie ich ataku zamiast po prostu przyjmowania go na siebie.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Magiczne ataki przebijają się przez zbroję i są bardzo trudne do ominięcia.\n\nTo oznacza że obrażenia zadane różdżką są godne zaufania, lecz to także oznacza iż magiczni przeciwnicy są bardzo niebezpieczni.\n\nAtaki magiczne mają także swoje wady. W przypadku różdżek z ograniczoną mocą, są one bezużyteczne jeżeli nie da im się czasu na naładowanie. Magiczni przeciwnicy także mają swoje słabości.\n\nGdy zmierzasz się z przeciwnikiem używającym magii bardzo ważnym jest wyszukanie sposobu na uniknięcie ich ataku zamiast po prostu przyjmowania go na siebie.
@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=Podczas gdy wszystkie przepisy które
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Nie wszystkie przepisy używają mikstur lub zwojów, niektóre z nich są bardziej tradycyjne.\n\nSurowe mięso może być ugotowane w kotle alchemicznym, a jego energia wyczyści je z chorób. Im więcej mięsa jest użyte na raz, tym większa jest efektywność przepisu.\n\nSurowy mdły owoc może być połączony z nasionem by wytworzyć ugotowany mdły owoc. Ugotowany owoc będzie miał moc mikstury która odpowiada danemu nasieniu.\n\nPełna pastowata porcja jedzenia i kawałek mięsa (każdy rodzaj się nada) mogą być połączone by stworzyć ucztę! Uczty dostarczą ci nieporównywalne doświadczenie kulinarne kosztem energii.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Nie wszystkie przepisy używają mikstur lub zwojów, niektóre z nich są bardziej tradycyjne.\n\nSurowe mięso może być ugotowane w kotle alchemicznym, a jego energia wyczyści je z chorób. Im więcej mięsa jest użyte na raz, tym większa jest efektywność przepisu.\n\nSurowy mdły owoc może być połączony z nasionem by wytworzyć ugotowany mdły owoc. Ugotowany owoc będzie miał moc mikstury która odpowiada danemu nasieniu.\n\nPełna pastowata porcja jedzenia i kawałek mięsa (każdy rodzaj się nada) mogą być połączone by stworzyć ucztę! Uczty dostarczą ci nieporównywalne doświadczenie kulinarne kosztem energii.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Zaawansowane bomby
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Zaawansowane bomby
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Zwykła czarnoprochowa bomba może być napełniona specyficznymi przedmiotami, aby polepszyć jej właściwości. Wymaga to różnych ilości energii, w zależności od przedmiotu. Dzięki inżynierowie!\n\nNastępujące przedmioty mogą być dodane do bomby:\n-Mikstura ciekłego płomienia\n-Mikstura mrozu\n-Mikstura leczenia\n-Mikstura niewidzialności\n-Zwój ładowania\n-Zwój usunięcia klątwy\n-Zwój lustrzanego odbicia\n-Zwój szału
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Kombinacje mikstur
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Kombinacje mikstur
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Alchemicy lali dwie mikstury o negatywnych efektach do jednego kotła i patrzyli co się dzieje. Czasem powstawała mikstura jeszcze mocniejsza. To wszystko co znaleźli:\n\nNikczemna mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę toksycznego gazu z miksturą paraliżującego gazu\n\nLodowata mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę mrozu z miksturą burzowych chmur.\n\nMroźno-ogniowa mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę ciekłego płomienia z miksturą błyskawicznego mrożenia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Eliksiry Leczące
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Eliksiry Leczące
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Alchemicy pracują zamiast spać. Mieszając wszystko co popadnie, znaleźli przepisy na eliksiry lecznicze, łącząc leczenie i efekt jakiegoś przedmiotu.\n\nEliksir odnowienia tworzy się z pomocą mikstury leczenia i oczyszczenia.\n\nEliksir witalności tworzy się z pomocą mikstury leczenia i tarczy.\n\nEliksir miodowego leczenia jest tworzony mieszając miksturę leczenia z rozbitym dzbanem miodu.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Obszar mieszanin efektowych
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Obszar mieszanin efektowych
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Mieszaniny efektowe rozprzestrzeniają negatywne efekty po rozległym terenie. Cały magazyn takich kosztował cały skarbiec króla, ponieważ są znacznie droższe, ale za to mocniejsze.\n\npiekielna mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę smoczego oddechu i ciekłego płomienia.\n\nburzowa mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę błyskawicznego mrożenia i mrozu.\n\nszokująca mieszanina tworzona jest mieszając miksturę paraliżującego gazu i burzowych chmur.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Wzmacniające eliksiry
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Wzmacniające eliksiry
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=studnia zdrowia
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=studnia zdrowia
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=studnia czujności
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=studnia czujności
@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=As receitas discutidas até agora pre
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Receitas de comida
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Receitas de comida
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Nem todas as receitas envolvem poções mágicas ou pergaminhos, algumas são mais tradicionais.\n\nCarne crua pode ser cozida em uma panela de alquimia, e a energia da panela vai limpar a carne da doença. Quanto mais carne utilizada de uma só vez, maior a eficiência da receita.\n\nUm blandfruit cru pode ser combinado com uma semente para criar um blandfruit cozinhado. A fruta cozida vai emular qualquer poção a que a semente corresponda.\n\nUma ração completa, pastosa e um pedaço de carne (qualquer tipo serve) podem ser combinados para criar um banquete! As festas proporcionam uma experiência culinária incomparável, mas custam uma boa quantidade de energia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Nem todas as receitas envolvem poções mágicas ou pergaminhos, algumas são mais tradicionais.\n\nCarne crua pode ser cozida em uma panela de alquimia, e a energia da panela vai limpar a carne da doença. Quanto mais carne utilizada de uma só vez, maior a eficiência da receita.\n\nUm blandfruit cru pode ser combinado com uma semente para criar um blandfruit cozinhado. A fruta cozida vai emular qualquer poção a que a semente corresponda.\n\nUma ração completa, pastosa e um pedaço de carne (qualquer tipo serve) podem ser combinados para criar um banquete! As festas proporcionam uma experiência culinária incomparável, mas custam uma boa quantidade de energia.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Aprimoradas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Bombas Aprimoradas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Uma bomba de pó preto padrão pode ser misturada com um item específico para criar uma bomba aprimorada. A quantidade de energia necessária varia de acordo com o item usado.\n\nOs itens a seguir podem produzir uma bomba aprimorada:\n- Poção da Chama Líquida\n- Poção de Gelo\n- Poção de Cura\n- Poção da Invisibilidade\n- Pergaminho de Recarregamento\n- Pergaminho de Remove Curse\n- Pergaminho da Imagem Espelhada\n- Pergaminho da Raiva
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combinações de Bebidas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combinações de Bebidas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=As bebidas combinadas são a forma mais simples de fermentação, combinando os efeitos de duas poções nocivas em uma só.\n\nUma poção malvada é criada misturando-se uma poção de gás tóxico com uma poção de gás paralisante.\n\nUma bebida gelada é criada misturando uma poção de gelo com uma poção de nuvens de tempestade.\n\nUma poção frostfire é criada misturando uma poção de chama líquida com uma poção de congelamento instantâneo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Elixires de Cura
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Elixires de Cura
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Elixires de cura também são bastante simples, combinando cura e outro efeito em um item.\n\nUm elixir de restauração é criado misturando uma poção de cura com uma poção de limpeza.\n\nUm elixir de vitalidade é criado misturando uma poção de cura com uma poção de proteção.\n\nUm elixir de cura com mel é criado pela mistura de uma poção de cura com um pote de mel quebrado.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Área de Efeito das Bebidas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Área de Efeito das Bebidas
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Área de efeito das bebidas espalhar um efeito nocivo sobre uma grande área. Eles são mais caros do que combinações de bebidas, mas também mais poderosos.\n\nUma mistura infernal é criada misturando uma poção de respiração de dragão e uma poção de chama líquida.\n\nUma mistura de nevasca é criada misturando uma poção de congelamento instantâneo e uma poção de gelo.\n\nUma bebida chocante é criada misturando-se uma poção de gás paralisante e uma poção de nuvens de tempestade.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuindo Elixires
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuindo Elixires
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=poço de saúde
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=poço de saúde
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=poço de consciência
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=poço de consciência
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ journal.document.adventurers_guide.dieing.body=Если ситуация пах
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Обыскивай каждый уголок!
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.title=Обыскивай каждый уголок!
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Некоторые виды комнат содержат особо ценные сокровища. Как правило, такие комнаты либо заперты на замок, либо вход в них заграждён чем-то увесистым.\n\nКаждый раз, когда на пути встаёт такая преграда, ищи решение неподалёку. Будь это ключ или что-то похитрее, необходимый предмет почти всегда будет находиться где-то в пределах того же уровня.\n\nЗелья силы и свитки улучшения — отличный показатель того, насколько тщательно были обысканы предыдущие этажи. В каждом регионе подземелья всегда будет по 3 свитка улучшения и 2 зелья силы.\n\n(Список важных достопримечательностей и неиспользованных ключей можно посмотреть в журнале, в разделе "Заметки")
journal.document.adventurers_guide.looting.body=Некоторые виды комнат содержат особо ценные сокровища. Как правило, такие комнаты либо заперты на замок, либо вход в них заграждён чем-то увесистым.\n\nКаждый раз, когда на пути встаёт такая преграда, ищи решение неподалёку. Будь это ключ или что-то похитрее, необходимый предмет почти всегда будет находиться где-то в пределах того же уровня.\n\nЗелья силы и свитки улучшения — отличный показатель того, насколько тщательно были обысканы предыдущие этажи. В каждом регионе подземелья всегда будет по 3 свитка улучшения и 2 зелья силы.\n\n(Список важных достопримечательностей и неиспользованных ключей можно посмотреть в журнале, в разделе "Заметки")
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Не забывай о магии!
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.title=Не забывай о магии!
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Магические атаки игнорируют любую броню и оставляют мало возможностей уклониться.\n\nЭто означает как то, что жезлы весьма эффективны в бою, так и то, что стоит быть осторожнее с противниками, способными использовать магию.\n\nТем не менее, магия имеет свои ограничения. Например, жезлы имеют ограниченное число зарядов, и требуют времени на перезарядку. Вражеская магия так же всегда имеет какой-либо недостаток.\n\nСтолкнувшись с врагом, практикующим магию, крайне важно понять, как можно было избежать получения урона от неё, а не надеяться на свою удачу или живучесть.
journal.document.adventurers_guide.magic.body=Магические атаки игнорируют любую броню и оставляют мало возможностей уклониться.\n\nЭто означает как то, что жезлы весьма эффективны в бою, так и то, что стоит быть осторожнее с противниками, способными использовать магию.\n\nТем не менее, магия имеет свои ограничения. Например, жезлы имеют ограниченное число зарядов, и требуют времени на перезарядку. Вражеская магия так же всегда имеет какой-либо недостаток.\n\nСтолкнувшись с врагом, практикующим магию, крайне важно понять, как можно было избежать получения урона от неё, а не надеяться на свою удачу или живучесть.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Учебник алхимии
journal.document.alchemy_guide.title=Учебник алхимии
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Варка зелий
journal.document.alchemy_guide.potions.title=Варка зелий
@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=В то время, как рецеп
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Рецепты еды
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Рецепты еды
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Не все рецепты требуют применения волшебных зельев или свитков; некоторые из них, скорее, традициональны.\n\nСырое мясо можно сварить в алхимическом котле, и энергия котла очистит его от всякой заразы. Чем больше мяса готовится одновременно, тем больше эффективность рецепта.\n\nСырой пустофрукт можно сочетать с семенем, чтобы приготовить варёный пустофрукт. Вареный фрукт, соответственно, имеет свойства, похожие на зелье, которому соответствует семя.\n\nИз пирога, полного рациона пищи и куска мяса (любой его вид) можно приготовить праздничное блюдо! Праздничные блюда - изысканный кулинарный опыт, правда, требуют достаточное количество энергии.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Не все рецепты требуют применения волшебных зельев или свитков; некоторые из них, скорее, традициональны.\n\nСырое мясо можно сварить в алхимическом котле, и энергия котла очистит его от всякой заразы. Чем больше мяса готовится одновременно, тем больше эффективность рецепта.\n\nСырой пустофрукт можно сочетать с семенем, чтобы приготовить варёный пустофрукт. Вареный фрукт, соответственно, имеет свойства, похожие на зелье, которому соответствует семя.\n\nИз пирога, полного рациона пищи и куска мяса (любой его вид) можно приготовить праздничное блюдо! Праздничные блюда - изысканный кулинарный опыт, правда, требуют достаточное количество энергии.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Совершенствование бомб
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Совершенствование бомб
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=Обычную пороховую бомбу можно сложить с определенным предметом, чтобы получить усиленную бомбу. Количество необходимой для этого энергии бывает разное в зависимости от используемого предмета.\n\nСледующие предметы можно использовать для получения усиленной бомбы:\n- Зелье Алхимического огня\n- Зелье Холода\n- Зелье Ицеления\n- Зелье Невидимости\n- Свиток Перезарядки\n- Свиток Рассеяния\n- Свиток Иллюзий\n- Свиток Ярости
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Комбинированные варева
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Комбинированные варева
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Комбинированные варева - самый простой вид варева, сочетающий эффекты двух вредных зельев воедино.\n\nКоварное варево можнополучить из слияния зелья Ядовитого газа и зелья Парализующего газа.\n\nЗаморозка получается из смешения зелья Холода и зелья Грозовых туч.\n\nЛедяное пламя можно изготовить при смешении зелья Алхимического огня и зелья Ледяного хвата.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Исцеляющие эликсиры
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Исцеляющие эликсиры
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Исцеляющие эликсиры тоже довольно просты в изготовлении. Они сочетают эффект исцеления и определенный другой эффект в одном флаконе.\n\nЭликсир Восстановления можно получить, смесив зелье Исцеления с зельем Очищения.\n\nЭликсир Жизненной силы изготавливается из зелья Исцеления и зелья Защиты.\n\nЭликсир Медового исцеления - приготовленное в расколотом горшке с медом зелье Исцеления.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Варева с зоной действия
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Варева с зоной действия
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Варева с зоной действия распротраняют вредоносный эффект на больших площадях. Они дороже чем комбинированные варева, но зато много мощнее.\n\nАдское пламя делается из смешения зелья Драконьего дыхания с зельем Алхимического огня.\n\nВарево "Буран" изготавливается, смесив зелье Ледяного хвата с зельем Холода.\n\nВарево "Электрошок" получается из смеси зелья Парализующего газа и зелья Грозовых туч.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Пропитывающие эликсиры
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Пропитывающие эликсиры
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=источник жизни
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=источник жизни
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=источник мудрости
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=источник мудрости
@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=While the recipes we have discussed s
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Yemek Tarifi
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.title=Yemek Tarifi
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.food.body=Not all recipes involve magical potions or scrolls, some are more traditional.\n\nRaw meat can be stewed in an alchemy pot, and the pot's energy will cleanse the meat of disease. The more meat that is used at once, the greater the efficiency of the recipe.\n\nA raw blandfruit can be combined with a seed to create a cooked blandfruit. The cooked fruit will emulate whatever potion the seed corresponds to.\n\nA pasty, full ration, and a piece of meat (any type will do) can be combined to create a feast! Feasts provide an unparalleled culinary experience, but cost a fair amount of energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Geliştirilmiş Bombalar
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.title=Geliştirilmiş Bombalar
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.title=Combination Brews
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Yenilenme İksiri
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.title=Yenilenme İksiri
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Efekt Alanı
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.title=Efekt Alanı
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.title=Imbuing Elixirs
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=sağlık kuyusu
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_health=sağlık kuyusu
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=farkındalık kuyusu
journal.notes$landmark.well_of_awareness=farkındalık kuyusu
@ -34,15 +34,21 @@ journal.document.alchemy_guide.energy.body=不同于我们之前所讨论的材
journal.document.alchemy_guide.bombs.body=A standard black powder bomb can be mixed with a specific item to create an enhanced bomb. The amount of energy needed varies by the item used.\n\nThe following items can produce an enhanced bomb:\n- Potion of Liquid Flame\n- Potion of Frost\n- Potion of Healing\n- Potion of Invisibility\n- Scroll of Recharging\n- Scroll of Remove Curse\n- Scroll of Mirror Image\n- Scroll of Rage\n- Blob of Goo\n- Cursed Metal Shard
journal.document.alchemy_guide.combo_brews.body=Combination brews are the most simple form of brew, combining the effects of two harmful potions into one.\n\n\nA wicked brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas with a potion of paralytic gas.\n\nA frigid brew is created by mixing a potion of frost with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA frostfire brew is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame with a potion of snap freeze.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.heal_elixirs.body=Healing elixirs are also quite simple, combining healing and another effect into one item.\n\n\nAn elixir of restoration is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of cleansing.\n\nAn elixir of vitality is created by mixing a potion of healing with a potion of shielding.\n\nAn elixir of honeyed healing is created by mixing a potion of healing with a shattered honeypot.\n\nAn elixir of aquatic rejuvenation is created by mixing a potion of healing and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.aoe_brews.body=Area of effect brews spread a harmful effect over a large area. They are more expensive than combination brews, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn infernal brew is created by mixing a potion of dragon's breath and a potion of liquid flame.\n\nA blizzard brew is created by mixing a potion of snap freeze and a potion of frost.\n\nA shocking brew is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of storm clouds.\n\nA caustic brew is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a blob of goo.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.imbue_elixirs.body=Imbuing Elixirs will imbue the drinker with a unique power for a short time. They are more expensive than healing elixirs, but also more powerful.\n\n\nAn elixir of dragon's blood is created by mixing a potion of liquid flame and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of toxic essence is created by mixing a potion of toxic gas and a potion of purity.\n\nAn elixir of earthen power is created by mixing a potion of paralytic gas and a potion of haste.\n\nAn elixir of might is created by mixing a potion of strength and a large amount of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.title=Teleportation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.tele_spells.body=Combining certain ingredients in an alchemy pot will cause magical crystals to precipitate out of the water. The energy in these crystals can be channeled to cast spells! Most spells have multiple uses, but the specific amount varies by spell.\n\nTeleportation spells contain magic that changes the positioning of yourself, enemies, or items in various useful ways.\n\n\nMagical porter is created by mixing a scroll of mirror image with a merchant's beacon.\n\nPhase shift is created by mixing a scroll of teleportation with a scroll of terror.\n\nBeacon of returning is created by mixing a scroll of passage, a scroll of magic mapping, and a lot of alchemical energy.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.title=Item Manipulation Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.item_spells.body=Item manipulation spells affect the items in your inventory in a variety of different ways.\n\n\nMagical infusion is created by mixing a scroll of upgrade with a stone of enchantment.\n\nCurse infusion is created by mixing a scroll of remove curse with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAlchemize is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a potion of liquid flame.\n\nRecycle is created by mixing a scroll of transmutation with a scroll of mirror image.
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.title=Environmental Spells
journal.document.alchemy_guide.enviro_spells.body=Environmental spells give you new ways to change or interact with the terrain of the dungeon.\n\n\nReclaim trap is created by mixing a scroll of recharging with a cursed metal shard.\n\nAqua blast is created by mixing a scroll of identify with a potion of storm clouds.\n\nFeatherfall is created by mixing a scroll of lullaby, a potion of levitation, and a good amount of alchemical energy.
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ levels.traps.shockingtrap.name=Schockende Falle
levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Ein Mechanismus, in dem eine große Menge Energie gespeichert ist. Die Energie entläd sich in einem Feld um die Falle, sobald diese ausgelöst wird.
levels.traps.shockingtrap.desc=Ein Mechanismus, in dem eine große Menge Energie gespeichert ist. Die Energie entläd sich in einem Feld um die Falle, sobald diese ausgelöst wird.
levels.traps.stormtrap.desc=Ein Mechanismus, in dem eine riesige Menge Energie gespeichert ist. Sobald die Falle auslöst, entläd sich die Energie in einem großen elektrischen Sturm.
levels.traps.stormtrap.desc=Ein Mechanismus, in dem eine riesige Menge Energie gespeichert ist. Sobald die Falle auslöst, entläd sich die Energie in einem großen elektrischen Sturm.
levels.traps.summoningtrap.desc=Das Auslösen dieser Falle wird eine zufällige Anzahl von Monstern in diesem Gebiet beschwören.
levels.traps.summoningtrap.desc=Das Auslösen dieser Falle wird eine zufällige Anzahl von Monstern in diesem Gebiet beschwören.
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ levels.citylevel.water_name=Merkwürdig-gefärbtes Wasser
levels.citylevel.high_grass_name=Ausgewachsene Pflanzen
levels.citylevel.high_grass_name=Ausgewachsene Pflanzen
levels.citylevel.entrance_desc=Eine Rampe führt hinauf auf eine höhere Ebene.
levels.citylevel.entrance_desc=Eine Rampe führt hinauf auf eine höhere Ebene.
levels.citylevel.exit_desc=Eine Rampe führt auf die Ebene darunter.
levels.citylevel.exit_desc=Eine Rampe führt auf die Ebene darunter.
levels.citylevel.deco_desc=Mehrere Bodenplatten fehlen hier.
levels.citylevel.deco_desc=Mehrere Bodenplatten fehlen hier.
levels.citylevel.sp_desc=Ein dicker Teppich verziert den Raum.
levels.citylevel.sp_desc=Ein dicker Teppich verziert den Raum.
levels.citylevel.statue_desc=Diese Zwergenstatue posiert in einer heroischen Haltung.
levels.citylevel.statue_desc=Diese Zwergenstatue posiert in einer heroischen Haltung.
levels.citylevel.bookshelf_desc=Eine Reihe von verschiedenen Büchern mit unterschiedlichen Themen füllt dieses Bücherregal.
levels.citylevel.bookshelf_desc=Eine Reihe von verschiedenen Büchern mit unterschiedlichen Themen füllt dieses Bücherregal.
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ levels.level.locked_exit_desc=Dicke Eisenstangen versperren den Zugang zu den we
levels.level.barricade_desc=EIne Barrikade aus Holz wurde hier sorgfältig errichtet, aber das Holz scheint sehr vertrocket zu sein. Ob man die Barrikade entzünden kann?
levels.level.barricade_desc=EIne Barrikade aus Holz wurde hier sorgfältig errichtet, aber das Holz scheint sehr vertrocket zu sein. Ob man die Barrikade entzünden kann?
levels.level.sign_desc=Du kannst den Text von hier aus nicht lesen.
levels.level.sign_desc=Du kannst den Text von hier aus nicht lesen.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Diese Falle wurde bereits ausgelöst und kann keinen Schaden mehr anrichten.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Diese Falle wurde bereits ausgelöst und kann keinen Schaden mehr anrichten.
levels.level.statue_desc=Irgendjemand hat versucht diesen Ort anschaulich zu gestalten, doch war er hat es - offensichtlich - nur versucht.
levels.level.statue_desc=Irgendjemand hat versucht diesen Ort anschaulich zu gestalten, doch war er hat es - offensichtlich - nur versucht.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Werf´ einige Samen rein um einen Trank zu brauen.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Werf´ einige Samen rein um einen Trank zu brauen.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Der Brunnen ist ausgetrocknet.
levels.level.empty_well_desc=Der Brunnen ist ausgetrocknet.
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ levels.traps.guardiantrap.name=trampa del guardián
levels.traps.guardiantrap.alarm=¡Esta trampa emite un perforante sonido que hace eco en todo el calabozo!
levels.traps.guardiantrap.alarm=¡Esta trampa emite un perforante sonido que hace eco en todo el calabozo!
levels.traps.guardiantrap.desc=Esta trampa esta ligada a un extraño mecanismo mágico, el cual invoca guardianes y alerta a todos los enemigos del nivel.
levels.traps.guardiantrap.desc=Esta trampa esta ligada a un extraño mecanismo mágico, el cual invoca guardianes y alerta a todos los enemigos del nivel.
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.name=guardián invocado
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.name=guardián invocado
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.desc=Este extraño monumento azul parece ser una imitación de uno de los guardianes de piedra de la mazmorra.\n\nAunque la estatua en sí casi no posee cuerpo, el _%s,_ que esta usando se ve real.
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.desc=Este extraño monumento azul parece ser una imitación de uno de los guardianes de piedra de la mazmorra.\n\nAunque la estatua en sí casi no posee cuerpo, el _%s,_ que está usando se ve real.
levels.traps.oozetrap.name=trampa pegajosa
levels.traps.oozetrap.name=trampa pegajosa
levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Esta trampa salpicará cieno cáustico al ser activada, que quemará hasta que se lave.
levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Esta trampa salpicará cieno cáustico al ser activada, que quemará hasta que se lave.
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ levels.rooms.special.massgraveroom$bones.name=Fosse commune
levels.rooms.special.massgraveroom$bones.desc=Des os recouvrent le sol, qu'est-il arrivé ici ?
levels.rooms.special.massgraveroom$bones.desc=Des os recouvrent le sol, qu'est-il arrivé ici ?
levels.rooms.standard.ritualsiteroom$ritualmarker.name=Marque rituelle
levels.rooms.standard.ritualsiteroom$ritualmarker.name=Marque rituelle
levels.rooms.standard.ritualsiteroom$ritualmarker.desc=Une marque rituelle pour un culte obscure. Des bougies y sont habituellement placées aux quatre angles.
levels.rooms.standard.ritualsiteroom$ritualmarker.desc=Une marque rituelle pour un culte obscure. Des bougies y sont habituellement placées aux quatre angles.
levels.rooms.special.weakfloorroom$hiddenwell.name=Puit profond
levels.rooms.special.weakfloorroom$hiddenwell.name=Puit profond
levels.rooms.special.weakfloorroom$hiddenwell.desc=Vous distinguez seulement un puits dans les profondeurs, peut être y a t-il quelque chose d'intéressant en bas ?
levels.rooms.special.weakfloorroom$hiddenwell.desc=Vous distinguez seulement un puits dans les profondeurs, peut être y a t-il quelque chose d'intéressant en bas ?
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ levels.rooms.special.weakfloorroom$hiddenwell.desc=Vous distinguez seulement un
levels.traps.alarmtrap.name=Piège à alarme
levels.traps.alarmtrap.name=Piège à alarme
levels.traps.alarmtrap.alarm=Le piège émet un son perçant qui se réverbère dans le donjon !
levels.traps.alarmtrap.alarm=Le piège émet un son perçant qui se réverbère dans le donjon !
levels.traps.alarmtrap.desc=Ce piège semble lié à un mécanisme d'alarme bruyante. Le déclencher va probablement alerter tout ce qui se trouve à cet étage.
levels.traps.alarmtrap.desc=Ce piège semble lié à un mécanisme d'alarme bruyante. Le déclencher va probablement alerter tout ce qui se trouve à cet étage.
levels.traps.blazingtrap.name=Piège de flammes
levels.traps.blazingtrap.name=Piège de flammes
@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ levels.traps.grippingtrap.name=Piège barbelé
levels.traps.grippingtrap.desc=Ce piège se referme sur les pieds de celui qui le déclenche, le blessant et ralentissant son déplacement.\n\nGrâce à sa conception simple, ce piège peut se déclencher de nombreuses fois sans se casser.
levels.traps.grippingtrap.desc=Ce piège se referme sur les pieds de celui qui le déclenche, le blessant et ralentissant son déplacement.\n\nGrâce à sa conception simple, ce piège peut se déclencher de nombreuses fois sans se casser.
levels.traps.guardiantrap.name=piège du gardien
levels.traps.guardiantrap.name=piège du gardien
levels.traps.guardiantrap.alarm=Le piège émet un son perçant qui se réverbère dans le donjon !
levels.traps.guardiantrap.alarm=Le piège émet un son perçant qui se réverbère dans le donjon !
levels.traps.guardiantrap.desc=Ce piège est relié à un drôle de mécanisme qui invoquera un gardien et alertera tous les ennemis du niveau.
levels.traps.guardiantrap.desc=Ce piège est relié à un drôle de mécanisme qui invoquera un gardien et alertera tous les ennemis du niveau.
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.name=gardien invoqué
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.name=gardien invoqué
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.desc=Cette apparition bleue semble être un copie floue de l'un des gardiens de pierre du donjon.\n\nAlors que la statue elle-même est presque irréelle, le _%s,_ qu'elle brandit semble, lui, très réel.
levels.traps.guardiantrap$guardian.desc=Cette apparition bleue semble être un copie floue de l'un des gardiens de pierre du donjon.\n\nAlors que la statue elle-même est presque irréelle, le _%s,_ qu'elle brandit semble, lui, très réel.
levels.traps.oozetrap.name=piège de vase
levels.traps.oozetrap.name=piège de vase
levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Ce piège aspergera de limon caustique ce qui l'aura activé. Le limon brûlera jusqu'à ce qu'il soit nettoyé.
levels.traps.oozetrap.desc=Ce piège aspergera de limon caustique ce qui l'aura activé. Le limon brûlera jusqu'à ce qu'il soit nettoyé.
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.name=piège de chute
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.name=piège de chute
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Cette plaque de pression posée sur un sol fragile s'effondrera dans le trou situé dessous si l'on appuie dessus.
levels.traps.pitfalltrap.desc=Cette plaque de pression posée sur un sol fragile s'effondrera dans le trou situé dessous si l'on appuie dessus.
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ levels.traps.worndarttrap.desc=Un petit lanceur de fléchettes doit être caché
levels.caveslevel.grass_name=Mousse fluorescente
levels.caveslevel.grass_name=Mousse fluorescente
levels.caveslevel.high_grass_name=Champignons fluorescents
levels.caveslevel.high_grass_name=Champignons fluorescents
levels.caveslevel.water_name=Eau glacée.
levels.caveslevel.water_name=Eau glacée.
levels.caveslevel.entrance_desc=L'échelle mène au niveau supérieur.
levels.caveslevel.entrance_desc=L'échelle mène au niveau supérieur.
levels.caveslevel.exit_desc=L'échelle descend au niveau suivant.
levels.caveslevel.exit_desc=L'échelle descend au niveau suivant.
levels.caveslevel.high_grass_desc=D'immense champignons bloque la vue.
levels.caveslevel.high_grass_desc=D'immense champignons bloque la vue.
levels.caveslevel.wall_deco_desc=Une veine de minerai est visible dans le mur. De l'or ?
levels.caveslevel.wall_deco_desc=Une veine de minerai est visible dans le mur. De l'or ?
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ levels.caveslevel.bookshelf_desc=Qui aurait besoin d'une bibliothèque dans une
levels.citylevel.water_name=Eau de couleur douteuse
levels.citylevel.water_name=Eau de couleur douteuse
levels.citylevel.high_grass_name=Grandes fleurs épanouies
levels.citylevel.high_grass_name=Grandes fleurs épanouies
levels.citylevel.entrance_desc=Une rampe mène au niveau supérieur.
levels.citylevel.entrance_desc=Une rampe mène au niveau supérieur.
levels.citylevel.exit_desc=Une rampe descends au niveau inférieur.
levels.citylevel.exit_desc=Une rampe descends au niveau inférieur.
levels.citylevel.deco_desc=Des carreaux manquent au sol.
levels.citylevel.deco_desc=Des carreaux manquent au sol.
levels.citylevel.sp_desc=Un épais tapis recouvre le sol.
levels.citylevel.sp_desc=Un épais tapis recouvre le sol.
@ -182,14 +182,14 @@ levels.level.alchemy_name=Marmite d'alchimie
levels.level.chasm_desc=Vous ne voyez pas le fond.
levels.level.chasm_desc=Vous ne voyez pas le fond.
levels.level.water_desc=En cas de feu, marchez dans l'eau pour l'éteindre.
levels.level.water_desc=En cas de feu, marchez dans l'eau pour l'éteindre.
levels.level.entrance_desc=Ces escaliers mènent au niveau supérieur.
levels.level.entrance_desc=Ces escaliers mènent au niveau supérieur.
levels.level.exit_desc=Ces escaliers descendent au niveau suivant.
levels.level.exit_desc=Ces escaliers descendent au niveau suivant.
levels.level.embers_desc=Des braises couvrent le sol.
levels.level.embers_desc=Des braises couvrent le sol.
levels.level.high_grass_desc=Une végétation épaisse bloque la vue.
levels.level.high_grass_desc=Une végétation épaisse bloque la vue.
levels.level.locked_door_desc=La porte est verrouillée, vous devez trouver la bonne clé pour l'ouvrir.
levels.level.locked_door_desc=La porte est verrouillée, vous devez trouver la bonne clé pour l'ouvrir.
levels.level.locked_exit_desc=De lourdes grilles bloquent les escaliers qui descendent.
levels.level.locked_exit_desc=De lourdes grilles bloquent les escaliers qui descendent.
levels.level.barricade_desc=La cloison de bois est fermement fixée mais a séché au fil du temps. Pourrait-elle brûler ?
levels.level.barricade_desc=La cloison de bois est fermement fixée mais a séché au fil du temps. Pourrait-elle brûler ?
levels.level.sign_desc=Vous ne pouvez lire le texte d'ici.
levels.level.sign_desc=Vous ne pouvez lire le texte d'ici.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Le piège à déjà été activé et ne présente plus de danger.
levels.level.inactive_trap_desc=Le piège à déjà été activé et ne présente plus de danger.
levels.level.statue_desc=Quelqu'un à tenté de décorer cet endroit, mais visiblement n'y est pas parvenu.
levels.level.statue_desc=Quelqu'un à tenté de décorer cet endroit, mais visiblement n'y est pas parvenu.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Déposez des graines ici pour concocter une potion.
levels.level.alchemy_desc=Déposez des graines ici pour concocter une potion.
@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ levels.level.empty_well_desc=Le puits s'est asséché.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Eau sombre et froide.
levels.prisonlevel.water_name=Eau sombre et froide.
levels.prisonlevel.empty_deco_desc=Il y a de vieilles tâches de sang sur le sol.
levels.prisonlevel.empty_deco_desc=Il y a de vieilles tâches de sang sur le sol.
levels.prisonlevel.bookshelf_desc=C'est probablement les vestiges de la bibliothèque de la prison. Est ce que ça brûle ?
levels.prisonlevel.bookshelf_desc=C'est probablement les vestiges de la bibliothèque de la prison. Est ce que ça brûle ?
levels.sewerlevel.water_name=Eau sombre
levels.sewerlevel.water_name=Eau sombre
levels.sewerlevel.empty_deco_desc=De la mousse jaunâtre couvre le sol.
levels.sewerlevel.empty_deco_desc=De la mousse jaunâtre couvre le sol.
levels.sewerlevel.bookshelf_desc=La bibliothèque est remplie de livres bon marché et sans intérêt. Est ce que ça brûle ?
levels.sewerlevel.bookshelf_desc=La bibliothèque est remplie de livres bon marché et sans intérêt. Est ce que ça brûle ?
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ levels.caveslevel.entrance_desc=A létra a felsőbb pinceszintre vezet.
levels.caveslevel.exit_desc=A létra az alsóbb pinceszintre vezet.
levels.caveslevel.exit_desc=A létra az alsóbb pinceszintre vezet.
levels.caveslevel.high_grass_desc=Nem lehet látni a hatalmas gombáktól.
levels.caveslevel.high_grass_desc=Nem lehet látni a hatalmas gombáktól.
levels.caveslevel.wall_deco_desc=A falon ércerezet látható. Arany?
levels.caveslevel.wall_deco_desc=A falon ércerezet látható. Arany?
levels.caveslevel.bookshelf_desc=Kinek kellhet könyvespolc egy barlangban?
levels.caveslevel.bookshelf_desc=Kinek kellhet könyvespolc egy barlangban?
levels.citylevel.water_name=Gyanús színű víz
levels.citylevel.water_name=Gyanús színű víz
levels.citylevel.high_grass_name=Magas, virágba borult növények
levels.citylevel.high_grass_name=Magas, virágba borult növények
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ levels.level.entrance_desc=A lépcsők a felsőbb pinceszintre vezetnek.
levels.level.exit_desc=A lépcsők az alsóbb pinceszintre vezetnek.
levels.level.exit_desc=A lépcsők az alsóbb pinceszintre vezetnek.
levels.level.embers_desc=Parázs borítja a földet.
levels.level.embers_desc=Parázs borítja a földet.
levels.level.high_grass_desc=Nem lehet látni a sűrű növényzettől.
levels.level.high_grass_desc=Nem lehet látni a sűrű növényzettől.
levels.level.locked_door_desc=Az ajtó zárva van, egy beleillő kulcsra van szükséged, hogy ki tudd nyitni.
levels.level.locked_door_desc=Az ajtó zárva van, egy beleillő kulcsra van szükséged, hogy ki tudd nyitni.
levels.level.locked_exit_desc=Nehéz rácsok torlaszolják el a lefelé vezető lépcsőket.
levels.level.locked_exit_desc=Nehéz rácsok torlaszolják el a lefelé vezető lépcsőket.
levels.level.barricade_desc=A fából készült barikádot erősre építették, de az évek során kiszáradt. Meg lehetne gyújtani?
levels.level.barricade_desc=A fából készült barikádot erősre építették, de az évek során kiszáradt. Meg lehetne gyújtani?
levels.level.sign_desc=Nem tudod elolvasni a szöveget innen.
levels.level.sign_desc=Nem tudod elolvasni a szöveget innen.
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ levels.traps.explosivetrap.name=trappola esplosiva
levels.traps.explosivetrap.desc=Questa trappola contiene un qualche esplosivo polverizzato e un meccanismo d'innesco. Attivandosi causerà un'esplosione nell'area circostante.
levels.traps.explosivetrap.desc=Questa trappola contiene un qualche esplosivo polverizzato e un meccanismo d'innesco. Attivandosi causerà un'esplosione nell'area circostante.
levels.traps.flashingtrap.name=trappola abbagliante
levels.traps.flashingtrap.name=trappola abbagliante
levels.traps.flashingtrap.desc=All'attivazione, questa trappola innescherà la potente polvere abbagliante in essa contenuta, accecando, azzoppando temporaneamente e danneggiando la sua vittima.\n\nLa trappola dovrà contenere una grossa scorta di polvere, dato che può attivarsi molte volte senza rompersi.
levels.traps.flashingtrap.desc=All'attivazione, questa trappola innescherà la potente polvere abbagliante in essa contenuta, accecando, azzoppando temporaneamente e danneggiando la sua vittima.\n\nLa trappola dovrà contenere una grossa scorta di polvere, dato che può attivarsi molte volte senza rompersi.
levels.traps.flocktrap.name=trappola del gregge
levels.traps.flocktrap.name=trappola del gregge
levels.traps.flocktrap.desc=Forse una burla di qualche mago dilettante, innescare questa trappola creerà un gregge di pecore magiche.
levels.traps.flocktrap.desc=Forse una burla di qualche mago dilettante, innescare questa trappola creerà un gregge di pecore magiche.
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ levels.traps.cursingtrap.curse=Ekwipunek, którego używasz został przeklęty!
levels.traps.cursingtrap.desc=Ta pułapka zawiera tą samą złowrogą magię co przeklęte przedmioty. Nastąpienie na nią rzuci klątwę na przedmioty, które na niej są oraz te które nosisz.
levels.traps.cursingtrap.desc=Ta pułapka zawiera tą samą złowrogą magię co przeklęte przedmioty. Nastąpienie na nią rzuci klątwę na przedmioty, które na niej są oraz te które nosisz.
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.name=pułapka rozbrajająca
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.name=pułapka rozbrajająca
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.disarm=Twoja broń została teleportowana!
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.disarm=Twoja broń została teleportowana!
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.desc=Ta pułapka zawiera dość specyficzny rodzaj magii teleportacji, który wyśle broń nieostrożnej ofiary w jakieś inne miejsce.
levels.traps.disarmingtrap.desc=Ta pułapka zawiera dość specyficzny rodzaj magii teleportacji, który wyśle broń nieostrożnej ofiary w jakieś inne miejsce.
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.name=pułapka dezintegracji
levels.traps.disintegrationtrap.name=pułapka dezintegracji
@ -6,22 +6,22 @@ badges$badge.monsters_slain_2=50 Gegner getötet
badges$badge.monsters_slain_3=150 Gegner getötet
badges$badge.monsters_slain_3=150 Gegner getötet
badges$badge.monsters_slain_4=250 Gegner getötet
badges$badge.monsters_slain_4=250 Gegner getötet
badges$badge.gold_collected_1=100 Gold gesammelt
badges$badge.gold_collected_1=100 Gold gesammelt
badges$badge.gold_collected_2=500 Gold gesammelt
badges$badge.gold_collected_2=500 Gold gesammelt
badges$badge.gold_collected_3=2500 Gold gesammelt
badges$badge.gold_collected_3=2500 Gold gesammelt
badges$badge.gold_collected_4=7500 Gold gesammelt
badges$badge.gold_collected_4=7500 Gold gesammelt
badges$badge.level_reached_1=Stufe 6 erreicht
badges$badge.level_reached_1=Stufe 6 erreicht
badges$badge.level_reached_2=Stufe 12 erreicht
badges$badge.level_reached_2=Stufe 12 erreicht
badges$badge.level_reached_3=Stufe 18 erreicht
badges$badge.level_reached_3=Stufe 18 erreicht
badges$badge.level_reached_4=Stufe 24 erreicht
badges$badge.level_reached_4=Stufe 24 erreicht
badges$badge.all_weapons_identified=Alle Waffen identifiziert
badges$badge.all_weapons_identified=Alle Waffen identifiziert
badges$badge.all_armor_identified=Alle Rüstungen identifiziert
badges$badge.all_armor_identified=Alle Rüstungen identifiziert
badges$badge.all_wands_identified=Alle Zauberstäbe identifiziert
badges$badge.all_wands_identified=Alle Zauberstäbe identifiziert
badges$badge.all_rings_identified=Alle Ringe identifiziert
badges$badge.all_rings_identified=Alle Ringe identifiziert
badges$badge.all_artifacts_identified=Alle Artefakte identifiziert
badges$badge.all_artifacts_identified=Alle Artefakte identifiziert
badges$badge.all_potions_identified=Alle Tränke identifiziert
badges$badge.all_potions_identified=Alle Tränke identifiziert
badges$badge.all_scrolls_identified=Alle Schriftrollen identifiziert
badges$badge.all_scrolls_identified=Alle Schriftrollen identifiziert
badges$badge.all_items_identified=Alle Gegenstände identifiziert
badges$badge.all_items_identified=Alle Gegenstände identifiziert
badges$badge.all_bags_bought=Alle Taschen gekauft
badges$badge.all_bags_bought=Alle Taschen gekauft
badges$badge.death_from_fire=Tod durch Feuer
badges$badge.death_from_fire=Tod durch Feuer
badges$badge.death_from_poison=Tod durch Vergiftung
badges$badge.death_from_poison=Tod durch Vergiftung
badges$badge.death_from_gas=Tod durch Giftgas
badges$badge.death_from_gas=Tod durch Giftgas
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ badges$badge.death_from_glyph=Tod durch verzögerten Schaden
badges$badge.death_from_falling=Tod durch Herunterfallen
badges$badge.death_from_falling=Tod durch Herunterfallen
badges$badge.yasd=Tod durch Feuer, Vergiftung, toxisches Gas, Hunger, Glyphen & Sturz
badges$badge.yasd=Tod durch Feuer, Vergiftung, toxisches Gas, Hunger, Glyphen & Sturz
badges$badge.boss_slain_1=1. Boss erschlagen
badges$badge.boss_slain_1=1. Boss erschlagen
badges$badge.boss_slain_2=2. Boss erschlagen
badges$badge.boss_slain_2=2. Boss erschlagen
badges$badge.boss_slain_3=3. Boss erschlagen
badges$badge.boss_slain_3=3. Boss erschlagen
badges$badge.boss_slain_4=4. Boss erschlagen
badges$badge.boss_slain_4=4. Boss erschlagen
badges$badge.boss_slain_1_all_classes=1. Boss von Krieger, Magier, Schurke & Jägerin erschlagen
badges$badge.boss_slain_1_all_classes=1. Boss von Krieger, Magier, Schurke & Jägerin erschlagen
badges$badge.boss_slain_3_all_subclasses=3. Boss von Gladiator, Berserker, Hexenmeister, Kampfmagier, Freerunner, Assassine, Scharfschütze und Wächter erschlagen
badges$badge.boss_slain_3_all_subclasses=3. Boss von Gladiator, Berserker, Hexenmeister, Kampfmagier, Freerunner, Assassine, Scharfschütze und Wächter erschlagen
badges$badge.strength_attained_1=13 Stärkepunkte erlangt
badges$badge.strength_attained_1=13 Stärkepunkte erlangt
badges$badge.strength_attained_2=15 Stärkepunkte erlangt
badges$badge.strength_attained_2=15 Stärkepunkte erlangt
@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ badges$badge.strength_attained_3=17 Stärkepunkte erlangt
badges$badge.strength_attained_4=19 Stärkepunkte erlangt
badges$badge.strength_attained_4=19 Stärkepunkte erlangt
badges$badge.food_eaten_1=10 Stücke Nahrung gegessen
badges$badge.food_eaten_1=10 Stücke Nahrung gegessen
badges$badge.food_eaten_2=20 Stücke Nahrung gegessen
badges$badge.food_eaten_2=20 Stücke Nahrung gegessen
badges$badge.food_eaten_3=30 Stücke Nahrung gegessen
badges$badge.food_eaten_3=30 Stücke Nahrung gegessen
badges$badge.food_eaten_4=40 Stücke Nahrung gegessen
badges$badge.food_eaten_4=40 Stücke Nahrung gegessen
badges$badge.item_level_1=Gegenstand der Stufe 3 erworben
badges$badge.item_level_1=Gegenstand der Stufe 3 erworben
badges$badge.item_level_2=Gegenstand der Stufe 6 erworben
badges$badge.item_level_2=Gegenstand der Stufe 6 erworben
badges$badge.item_level_3=Gegenstand der Stufe 9 erworben
badges$badge.item_level_3=Gegenstand der Stufe 9 erworben
badges$badge.item_level_4=Gegenstand der Stufe 12 erworben
badges$badge.item_level_4=Gegenstand der Stufe 12 erworben
badges$badge.victory=Amulett von Yendor erhalten
badges$badge.victory=Amulett von Yendor erhalten
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Amulett von Yendor mit Krieger, Magier, Schurke und Jägerin erhalten
badges$badge.victory_all_classes=Amulett von Yendor mit Krieger, Magier, Schurke und Jägerin erhalten
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ badges$badge.death_from_gas=Morte por gás tóxico
badges$badge.death_from_hunger=Morte por fome
badges$badge.death_from_hunger=Morte por fome
badges$badge.death_from_glyph=Morte por dano diferido
badges$badge.death_from_glyph=Morte por dano diferido
badges$badge.death_from_falling=Morte por queda
badges$badge.death_from_falling=Morte por queda
badges$badge.yasd=Morto de fogo, veneno, gas toxico, fome, glifo, e cair
badges$badge.yasd=Morto de fogo, veneno, gas toxico, fome, glifo, e cair
badges$badge.boss_slain_1=1° chefe morto
badges$badge.boss_slain_1=1° chefe morto
badges$badge.boss_slain_2=2° chefe morto
badges$badge.boss_slain_2=2° chefe morto
badges$badge.boss_slain_3=3° chefe morto
badges$badge.boss_slain_3=3° chefe morto
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ badges$badge.all_weapons_identified=Bütün silahlar tanımlandı
badges$badge.all_armor_identified=Bütün zırhlar tanımlandı
badges$badge.all_armor_identified=Bütün zırhlar tanımlandı
badges$badge.all_wands_identified=Tüm asalar tanımlandı
badges$badge.all_wands_identified=Tüm asalar tanımlandı
badges$badge.all_rings_identified=Tüm yüzükler tanımlandı
badges$badge.all_rings_identified=Tüm yüzükler tanımlandı
badges$badge.all_artifacts_identified=Tüm artifaktlar tanındı
badges$badge.all_artifacts_identified=Tüm artifaktlar tanındı
badges$badge.all_potions_identified=Tüm iksirler tanımlandı
badges$badge.all_potions_identified=Tüm iksirler tanımlandı
badges$badge.all_scrolls_identified=Tüm parşömenler tanımlandı
badges$badge.all_scrolls_identified=Tüm parşömenler tanımlandı
badges$badge.all_items_identified=Bütün eşyalar tanımlandı
badges$badge.all_items_identified=Bütün eşyalar tanımlandı
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ badges$badge.death_from_gas=Zehirli gazdan ölüm
badges$badge.death_from_hunger=Açlıktan ölüm
badges$badge.death_from_hunger=Açlıktan ölüm
badges$badge.death_from_glyph=Geciktirilmiş hasardan ölüm
badges$badge.death_from_glyph=Geciktirilmiş hasardan ölüm
badges$badge.death_from_falling=Düşmekten ölüm
badges$badge.death_from_falling=Düşmekten ölüm
badges$badge.yasd=Ateş, zehir, zehirli gaz, açlık, rün ve düşmekten ölüm
badges$badge.yasd=Ateş, zehir, zehirli gaz, açlık, rün ve düşmekten ölüm
badges$badge.boss_slain_1=1. patron öldürüldü
badges$badge.boss_slain_1=1. patron öldürüldü
badges$badge.boss_slain_2=2. patron öldürüldü
badges$badge.boss_slain_2=2. patron öldürüldü
badges$badge.boss_slain_3=3. patron öldürüldü
badges$badge.boss_slain_3=3. patron öldürüldü
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ plants.blindweed.desc=Sobald das Blindkraut berührt wird, vergeht es in einem h
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Du fühlst dich erholt.
plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Du fühlst dich erholt.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Das Traumblatt trägt eine chemische Substanz in sich, welche dafür bekannt ist betäubende Wirkung zu entfalten. Schwächere Kreaturen können beim einatmen der chemischen Substanz ohnmächtig werden.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Das Traumblatt trägt eine chemische Substanz in sich, welche dafür bekannt ist betäubende Wirkung zu entfalten. Schwächere Kreaturen können beim einatmen der chemischen Substanz ohnmächtig werden.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Distant cousin of the Rotberry, the pear-shaped produce of the Blandfruit bush tastes like caked dust. The fruit is gross and unsubstantial but isn't poisonous. Perhaps it could be cooked.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Malproksima kuzo de putrobero, la pirforma ido de naŭzfruktujo gustas kiel rostita polvo. La frukto estas grasa kaj dika, tamen ĝi ne estas venena, eble oni povas ĝin kuiri.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=semo de naŭzfrukto
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=semo de naŭzfrukto
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
plants.blandfruitbush.name=Fruta insípida
plants.blandfruitbush.name=Fruta insípida
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Prima distante de la Putrebaya, el producto en forma de pera del arbusto de Fruta Insípida sabe como una torta de polvo y ceniza. La fruta es asquerosa e insustancial, pero no es venenosa. Tal vez podría ser cocinada.
plants.blandfruitbush.desc=Prima distante de la Putrebaya, el producto en forma de pera del arbusto de Fruta Insípida sabe como una torta de polvo y ceniza. La fruta es asquerosa e insustancial, pero no es venenosa. Tal vez podría ser cocinada.
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=semilla de fruta insípida
plants.blandfruitbush$seed.name=semilla de fruta insípida
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ plants.sorrowmoss.desc=Un Tristemuschio è un fiore (non un muschio) con petali
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=seme di tristemuschio
plants.sorrowmoss$seed.name=seme di tristemuschio
plants.starflower.desc=Una pianta estremamente rara, la Fiorestella si dice conceda un potere sacro a chiunque la tocchi.
plants.starflower.desc=Una pianta estremamente rara, la Fiorestella si dice conceda un potere sacro a chiunque la tocchi.
plants.starflower$seed.name=seme di fiorestella
plants.starflower$seed.name=seme di fiorestella
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ plants.dreamfoil.refreshed=Вы чувствуете себя взбодрённ
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Колючие цветы Дрёмолиста содержат химический состав, который знаменит за его очень сильные нейтрализующие свойства. Но неподготовленных этот эффект может ошеломить и даже лишить сознания, что и дало имя этому растению.
plants.dreamfoil.desc=Колючие цветы Дрёмолиста содержат химический состав, который знаменит за его очень сильные нейтрализующие свойства. Но неподготовленных этот эффект может ошеломить и даже лишить сознания, что и дало имя этому растению.
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=семя дрёмолиста
plants.dreamfoil$seed.name=семя дрёмолиста
plants.earthroot.name=Земляной корень
plants.earthroot.name=Земляной корень
plants.earthroot.desc=Если дотронутся до Земляного корня, его корни немедленно обволокут вас, создавая некое подобие естественной брони. Действие этой защиты продолжается, только пока вы остаетесь на том же месте.
plants.earthroot.desc=Если дотронутся до Земляного корня, его корни немедленно обволокут вас, создавая некое подобие естественной брони. Действие этой защиты продолжается, только пока вы остаетесь на том же месте.
plants.earthroot$seed.name=семя земляного корня
plants.earthroot$seed.name=семя земляного корня
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Покровительство природы
plants.earthroot$armor.name=Покровительство природы
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ scenes.gamescene.water=Durch hörst das Plätschern von Wasser in deiner Nähe.
scenes.gamescene.grass=Ein beißender Geruch von Vegetation liegt in der Luft.
scenes.gamescene.grass=Ein beißender Geruch von Vegetation liegt in der Luft.
scenes.gamescene.dark=Du hörst die Bewegungen von Feinden in der Dunkelheit...
scenes.gamescene.dark=Du hörst die Bewegungen von Feinden in der Dunkelheit...
scenes.gamescene.secrets=Die Atmosphäre dieser Ebene deutet auf viele versteckte Geheimnisse hin.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=Die Atmosphäre dieser Ebene deutet auf viele versteckte Geheimnisse hin.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Wähle zum Untersuchen
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Wähle zum Untersuchen
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Hier gibt es verschiedene interessante Dinge, welches willst du untersuchen?
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Hier gibt es verschiedene interessante Dinge, welches willst du untersuchen?
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=Du weißt nicht, was sich hier befindet.
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=Du weißt nicht, was sich hier befindet.
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Dieser Patch enthält Updates.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=Dieser Patch beinhaltet Balancing-Änderungen.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=Dieser Patch beinhaltet Balancing-Änderungen.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Dieser Patch beinhaltet auch kleine Optimierungen und Leistungs-Verbesserungen.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Dieser Patch beinhaltet auch kleine Optimierungen und Leistungs-Verbesserungen.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Es scheint deine vorhandenen Spielstände sind von einer zukünftigen Version von Shattered Pixel Dungeon!\n\nSei vorsichtig! Deine Spielstände können Dinge enthalten, welche noch nicht in dieser Version vorhanden sind. Dies könnte sehr merkwürdige Fehler hervorrufen.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Es scheint deine vorhandenen Spielstände sind von einer zukünftigen Version von Shattered Pixel Dungeon!\n\nSei vorsichtig! Deine Spielstände können Dinge enthalten, welche noch nicht in dieser Version vorhanden sind. Dies könnte sehr merkwürdige Fehler hervorrufen.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Unvollständige Übersetzung
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Unvollständige Übersetzung
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Einige der Inhalte dieses Updates wurden noch nicht übersetzt.\n\nEin paar Beschreibungen könnten in Englisch geschrieben sein.\n\nDie Übersetzungsteams arbeiten daran und eine vollständige Übersetzung sollte bald verfügbar sein.\n\nDanke für dein Verständnis.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Einige der Inhalte dieses Updates wurden noch nicht übersetzt.\n\nEin paar Beschreibungen könnten in Englisch geschrieben sein.\n\nDie Übersetzungsteams arbeiten daran und eine vollständige Übersetzung sollte bald verfügbar sein.\n\nDanke für dein Verständnis.
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
scenes.alchemyscene.text=Kunmiksu ingrediencojn por krei ion novan!
scenes.alchemyscene.text=Kunmiksu ingrediencojn por krei ion novan!
scenes.alchemyscene.select=Elektu aĵon
scenes.alchemyscene.select=Elektu aĵon
scenes.alchemyscene.cost=Energy: %d
scenes.alchemyscene.cost=Energio: %d
scenes.alchemyscene.energy=Alchemical Energy: %d
scenes.alchemyscene.energy=Alĥemia energio: %d
scenes.amuletscene.exit=Esti tago!
scenes.amuletscene.exit=Esti tago!
scenes.amuletscene.stay=Mi ankoraŭ ne finis
scenes.amuletscene.stay=Mi ankoraŭ ne finis
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ scenes.amuletscene.text=Finalmente lo tienes en tus manos, el amuleto de Yendor.
scenes.badgesscene.title=Tus Medallas
scenes.badgesscene.title=Tus Medallas
scenes.changesscene.title=Cambios Recientes
scenes.changesscene.title=Cambios Recientes
scenes.changesscene.new=Nuevo Contenido
scenes.changesscene.new=Nuevo contenido
@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ scenes.titlescene.about=Acerca de
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon es un RPG "roguelike", con enemigos, niveles, ítems y trampas generados aleatoriamente!\n\nCada sesión es una nueva y desafiante experiencia, pero cuidado, ¡la muerte es definitiva!\n\n¡Feliz mazmorreo!
scenes.welcomescene.welcome_msg=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon es un RPG "roguelike", con enemigos, niveles, ítems y trampas generados aleatoriamente!\n\nCada sesión es una nueva y desafiante experiencia, pero cuidado, ¡la muerte es definitiva!\n\n¡Feliz mazmorreo!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido actualizado!
scenes.welcomescene.update_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido actualizado!
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=Esta actualizacion esta esta enfocada en las armaduras y el frenético! Armaduras tienen mas opciones de personalizacion, y muchos glifos fueron mejorados. El frenético a recibido una mini-revision.\n\nRevisa la lista de cambios para todos los detalles.
scenes.welcomescene.update_msg=¡Esta actualización se centra en la armadura y el Frenético! La armadura ahora tiene más opciones de personalización y se han mejorado varios glifos. El Frenético ha recibido una mini-revisión\n\nRevisa la lista de cambios para todos los detalles.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido parcheado!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_intro=¡Shattered Pixel Dungeon ha sido parcheado!
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Este parche contiene corrección de errores.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_bugfixes=Este parche contiene corrección de errores.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Este parche contiene actualizaciones de traducción.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_translations=Este parche contiene actualizaciones de traducción.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=Este parche contiene ajustes en el balance del juego.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=Este parche contiene ajustes en el balance del juego.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Este parche también contiene pequeñas ajustes y mejoras de rendimiento.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Este parche también contiene pequeñas ajustes y mejoras de rendimiento.
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ scenes.gamescene.grass=Vous sentez une forte odeur de végétation dans l'air.
scenes.gamescene.dark=Vous entendez vos ennemis se déplacer dans l'obscurité...
scenes.gamescene.dark=Vous entendez vos ennemis se déplacer dans l'obscurité...
scenes.gamescene.secrets=L'atmosphère particulière vous laisse deviner que ce niveau recèle de nombreux secrets.
scenes.gamescene.secrets=L'atmosphère particulière vous laisse deviner que ce niveau recèle de nombreux secrets.
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Choisissez d'Examiner
scenes.gamescene.choose_examine=Choisissez d'Examiner
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Il y à beaucoup de choses intéressantes ici, laquelle voulez vous examiner ?
scenes.gamescene.multiple_examine=Il y à beaucoup de choses intéressantes ici, laquelle voulez vous examiner ?
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=Vous ne savez pas ce qu'il y a ici.
scenes.gamescene.dont_know=Vous ne savez pas ce qu'il y a ici.
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.descend=Vous descendez...
scenes.interlevelscene$mode.descend=Vous descendez...
@ -70,6 +70,6 @@ scenes.welcomescene.patch_balance=Ce correctif contient des ajustements pour l'
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Ce patch contient aussi quelques adaptation et améliorations de performances.
scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Ce patch contient aussi quelques adaptation et améliorations de performances.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Il semblerait que votre sauvegarde actuelle provienne d'une version future de Shattered Pixel Dungeon !\n\nAttention ! Votre sauvegarde pourrait contenir des éléments qui n'existent pas dans cette version, ceci peut engendrer des erreurs bizarres.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Il semblerait que votre sauvegarde actuelle provienne d'une version future de Shattered Pixel Dungeon !\n\nAttention ! Votre sauvegarde pourrait contenir des éléments qui n'existent pas dans cette version, ceci peut engendrer des erreurs bizarres.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Traduction incomplète
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Traduction incomplète
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Certains des contenus de cette mise à jour n'ont pas encore été traduits. \n\nCertaines phrases pourront être écrites en anglais. \n\nNotre équipe de traducteurs est en train de finaliser la traduction et une version entièrement traduite sera bientôt disponible. \n\nMerci de votre patience.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Certains des contenus de cette mise à jour n'ont pas encore été traduits. \n\nCertaines phrases pourront être écrites en anglais. \n\nNotre équipe de traducteurs est en train de finaliser la traduction et une version entièrement traduite sera bientôt disponible. \n\nMerci de votre patience.
scenes.welcomescene.changelist=Liste des changements
scenes.welcomescene.changelist=Liste des changements
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ scenes.interlevelscene$mode.resurrect=Wskrzeszanie...
scenes.interlevelscene.file_not_found=Plik z zapisem gry nie znaleziony. Jeśli problem występuje dalej po restarcie, może oznaczać to że plik jest uszkodzony. Przepraszamy.
scenes.interlevelscene.file_not_found=Plik z zapisem gry nie znaleziony. Jeśli problem występuje dalej po restarcie, może oznaczać to że plik jest uszkodzony. Przepraszamy.
scenes.interlevelscene.io_error=Nie można odczytać pliku zapisu gry. Jeśli problem występuje dalej po restarcie, może oznaczać to że plik jest uszkodzony. Przepraszamy.
scenes.interlevelscene.io_error=Nie można odczytać pliku zapisu gry. Jeśli problem występuje dalej po restarcie, może oznaczać to że plik jest uszkodzony. Przepraszamy.
scenes.introscene.text=Wielu bohaterów z miasta na powierzchni odważyło się wejść do tego lochu przed tobą. Część wróciła ze skarbami i magicznymi artefaktami, o większość słuch zaginął.\n\nJakkolwiek nikt nie zszedł do samego dna i nikt nie odzyskał Amuletu Yendora, o którym mówią, że jest chroniony przez pradawne zło w otchłaniach. Nawet teraz ciemna energia emanuje spod ziemi i dociera do miasta.\n\nUznałeś, że jesteś gotowy przyjąć wyzwanie. Co ważniejsze, czujesz, że fortuna uśmiecha się do ciebie. Czas rozpocząć swoją własną przygodę!
scenes.introscene.text=Wielu bohaterów z miasta na powierzchni odważyło się wejść do tego lochu przed tobą. Część wróciła ze skarbami i magicznymi artefaktami, o większość słuch zaginął.\n\nJakkolwiek nikt nie zszedł do samego dna i nikt nie odzyskał Amuletu Yendora, o którym mówią, że jest chroniony przez pradawne zło w otchłaniach. Nawet teraz ciemna energia emanuje spod ziemi i dociera do miasta.\n\nUznałeś, że jesteś gotowy przyjąć wyzwanie. Co ważniejsze, czujesz, że fortuna uśmiecha się do ciebie. Czas rozpocząć swoją własną przygodę!
@ -71,5 +71,5 @@ scenes.welcomescene.patch_msg=Ta łatka zawiera również kilka małych poprawek
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Wygląda na to, że twój obecny zapis jest z przyszłej wersji Shattered Pixel Dungeon!\n\nDziałaj ostrożnie! Twoje zapisy mogą zawierać rzeczy, której nie istnieją w tej wersji, to może spowodować wiele dziwnych błędów.
scenes.welcomescene.what_msg=Wygląda na to, że twój obecny zapis jest z przyszłej wersji Shattered Pixel Dungeon!\n\nDziałaj ostrożnie! Twoje zapisy mogą zawierać rzeczy, której nie istnieją w tej wersji, to może spowodować wiele dziwnych błędów.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Tłumaczenie niepełne
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_title=Tłumaczenie niepełne
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Część nowej zawartości z tej aktualizacji może nie być jeszcze przetłumaczona.\n\nCzęść zdań może być napisana po angielsku.\n\nGrupy tłumaczące pracują nad tym i pełne tłumaczenie powinno być dostępne niedługo.\n\nDziękujemy za cierpliwość.
scenes.welcomescene.lang_warning_msg=Część nowej zawartości z tej aktualizacji może nie być jeszcze przetłumaczona.\n\nCzęść zdań może być napisana po angielsku.\n\nGrupy tłumaczące pracują nad tym i pełne tłumaczenie powinno być dostępne niedługo.\n\nDziękujemy za cierpliwość.
scenes.welcomescene.changelist=Lista zmian
scenes.welcomescene.changelist=Lista zmian
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ windows.wndgame.menu=Menú principal
windows.wndgame.exit=Sortir del joc
windows.wndgame.exit=Sortir del joc
windows.wndgame.return=Tornar al joc
windows.wndgame.return=Tornar al joc
windows.wndgameinprogress.title=%2$s de nivell %1$d
windows.wndgameinprogress.title=%2$s de nivell %1$d
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ windows.wndgameinprogress.erase_warn_no=No, vull continuar
windows.wndhero$statstab.title=%2$s de nivell %1$d
windows.wndhero$statstab.title=%2$s de nivell %1$d
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ windows.wndranking.error=No s'ha pogut carregar informació addicional
windows.wndranking$statstab.title=%2$s de nivell %1$d
windows.wndranking$statstab.title=%2$s de nivell %1$d
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ windows.wndstory.halls=En el pasado, estos niveles eran las afueras de la Metró
windows.wndtradeitem.sale=A LA VENTA: %1$s - %2$dg
windows.wndtradeitem.sale=A LA VENTA: %1$s - %2$dg
windows.wndtradeitem.buy=Comprar por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.buy=Comprar por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.steal=Robar con una probabilidad del %d%%
windows.wndtradeitem.steal=Robar con una probabilidad del %d%%
windows.wndtradeitem.sell=Vender por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.sell=Vender por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.sell_1=Vender 1 por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.sell_1=Vender 1 por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.sell_all=Vender todo por %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.sell_all=Vender todo por %dg
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ windows.wndgame.menu=Menu Princ.
windows.wndgame.exit=Esci dal gioco
windows.wndgame.exit=Esci dal gioco
windows.wndgame.return=Torna al gioco
windows.wndgame.return=Torna al gioco
windows.wndgameinprogress.title=%2$s di livello %1$d
windows.wndgameinprogress.title=%2$s di livello %1$d
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ windows.wndsettings$displaytab.scale=화면 스케일
windows.wndsettings$displaytab.saver=절전 모드
windows.wndsettings$displaytab.saver=절전 모드
windows.wndsettings$displaytab.saver_desc=절전 모드는 게임을 작은 화면으로 출력한 뒤, 액정 크기에 맞에 확대해서 보여줍니다.\n\n게임의 그래픽이 약간 저하되고 UI의 크기가 커지지만, 속도와 배터리 수명을 개선해줍니다.\n\n변경점이 적용되려면 게임을 다시 시작해야 합니다.
windows.wndsettings$displaytab.saver_desc=절전 모드는 게임을 작은 화면으로 출력한 뒤, 액정 크기에 맞에 확대해서 보여줍니다.\n\n게임의 그래픽이 약간 저하되고 UI의 크기가 커지지만, 속도와 배터리 수명을 개선해줍니다.\n\n변경점이 적용되려면 게임을 다시 시작해야 합니다.
windows.wndsettings$displaytab.portrait=화면방향: 세로
windows.wndsettings$displaytab.portrait=화면방향: 세로
windows.wndsettings$displaytab.landscape=화면방향: 가로
windows.wndsettings$displaytab.landscape=화면방향: 가로
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ windows.wndstory.sewers=이 던전은 도시의 바로 아래에 위치해 있
windows.wndstory.prison=수년 전 이 곳에는 악질 죄수들을 수용하기 위해 감옥이 지어졌습니다. 엄격한 통제 속에서, 온 땅에서 온 악랄한 죄수들이 이곳으로 몰려와 복역했습니다..\n\n하지만 머지않아 불쾌한 어둠의 기운이 아래에서 올라오기 시작했습니다. 이 기운은 죄수들 뿐만 아니라 간수들의 마음까지 악하게 만들기에 충분했습니다.\n\n자라나는 혼돈에 대한 해결책으로, 도시에서는 감옥을 아예 봉쇄해 버렸습니다. 감옥 안에 죽도록 방치된 자들이 어떻게 되었는지는 아무도 알지 못한 채로요...
windows.wndstory.prison=수년 전 이 곳에는 악질 죄수들을 수용하기 위해 감옥이 지어졌습니다. 엄격한 통제 속에서, 온 땅에서 온 악랄한 죄수들이 이곳으로 몰려와 복역했습니다..\n\n하지만 머지않아 불쾌한 어둠의 기운이 아래에서 올라오기 시작했습니다. 이 기운은 죄수들 뿐만 아니라 간수들의 마음까지 악하게 만들기에 충분했습니다.\n\n자라나는 혼돈에 대한 해결책으로, 도시에서는 감옥을 아예 봉쇄해 버렸습니다. 감옥 안에 죽도록 방치된 자들이 어떻게 되었는지는 아무도 알지 못한 채로요...
windows.wndstory.caves=감옥의 아래의 깊숙한 곳 까지 연결된 동굴들은 인적이 드뭅니다. 인간에게 활용되기엔 너무 깊고, 드워프들의 관심을 끌기엔 자원이 그다지 많지 않기 때문입니다. 과거에는 두개의 국가를 잇는 소도시가 존재하기도 했었지만, 드워프 대도시의 몰락 이후엔 사라져 버렸습니다. 현재에는 어디에나 존재하는 놀과 지하 생물들이 서식할 뿐입니다.
windows.wndstory.caves=감옥의 아래의 깊숙한 곳 까지 연결된 동굴들은 인적이 드뭅니다. 인간에게 활용되기엔 너무 깊고, 드워프들의 관심을 끌기엔 자원이 그다지 많지 않기 때문입니다. 과거에는 두개의 국가를 잇는 소도시가 존재하기도 했었지만, 드워프 대도시의 몰락 이후엔 사라져 버렸습니다. 현재에는 어디에나 존재하는 놀과 지하 생물들이 서식할 뿐입니다.
windows.wndstory.city=한때 드워프 대도시는 드워프 도시국가 중에서도 으뜸이였습니다. 전성기 때에는 기계화된 드워프 용사들이 고대 신과 그의 악마 부대의 침공을 무찌르기도 했었습니다. 하지만, 전해져 내려오는 이야기에 따르면, 전사들이 부패의 씨앗을 가지고 돌아온 후, 전쟁의 승리가 왕국 몰락의 시초가 되었다고 합니다.
windows.wndstory.city=한때 드워프 대도시는 드워프 도시국가 중에서도 으뜸이였습니다. 전성기 때에는 기계화된 드워프 용사들이 고대 신과 그의 악마 부대의 침공을 무찌르기도 했었습니다. 하지만, 전해져 내려오는 이야기에 따르면, 전사들이 부패의 씨앗을 가지고 돌아온 후, 전쟁의 승리가 왕국 몰락의 시초가 되었다고 합니다.
windows.wndstory.halls=이 층들은 한때 대도시의 외곽 지역이였다. 그러나 고대 신과의 힘겨운 승리 끝에 노쇠해진 드워프들은 남은 악마들을 처치하지 못했다. 결국 악마들은 그들의 세력을 넓혀나갔고, 현재 이곳은 악마의 전당이라고 불리우게 됐다.\n\n이곳에는 아주 극소수의 모험가들만이 도달했다...
windows.wndstory.halls=이 층들은 한때 대도시의 외곽 지역이였다. 그러나 고대 신과의 힘겨운 승리 끝에 노쇠해진 드워프들은 남은 악마들을 처치하지 못했다. 결국 악마들은 그들의 세력을 넓혀나갔고, 현재 이곳은 악마의 전당이라고 불리우게 됐다.\n\n이곳에는 아주 극소수의 모험가들만이 도달했다...
windows.wndtradeitem.sale=판매 중: %1$s - %2$dg
windows.wndtradeitem.sale=판매 중: %1$s - %2$dg
windows.wndtradeitem.buy=구매 가격 %dg
windows.wndtradeitem.buy=구매 가격 %dg
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ windows.wndgameinprogress.str=Siła
windows.wndgameinprogress.gold=Zebrane złoto
windows.wndgameinprogress.gold=Zebrane złoto
windows.wndgameinprogress.depth=Maks. głębokość
windows.wndgameinprogress.depth=Maks. głębokość
windows.wndgameinprogress.erase_warn_title=Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć ten zapis?
windows.wndgameinprogress.erase_warn_title=Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć ten zapis?
windows.wndgameinprogress.erase_warn_body=Cały postęp tej gry zostanie usunięty
windows.wndgameinprogress.erase_warn_body=Cały postęp tej gry zostanie usunięty
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ windows.wndstartgame.title=Escolha seu personagem
windows.wndstartgame.huntress_unlock=Derrote o chefe no andar 15 para desbloquear esse personagem
windows.wndstartgame.huntress_unlock=Derrote o chefe no andar 15 para desbloquear esse personagem
windows.wndstartgame.start=Iniciar o jogo
windows.wndstartgame.start=Iniciar o jogo
windows.wndstory.sewers=A Masmorra se estende por debaixo da Cidade. Seus níveis superiores na verdade são o sistema de esgoto da Cidade.\n\nConforme a energia negra se esgueirou das profundezas, as criaturas antigamente inofensivas tornaram-se cada vez mais perigosas. A Cidade envia patrulhas de guardas para tentar manter a segurança dos habitantes da superfície, mas eles estão lentamente falhando.\n\nEste lugar é perigoso. Mas ao menos a magia maléfica aqui ainda está fraca.
windows.wndstory.sewers=A Masmorra se estende por debaixo da Cidade. Seus níveis superiores na verdade são o sistema de esgoto da Cidade.\n\nConforme a energia negra se esgueirou das profundezas, as criaturas antigamente inofensivas tornaram-se cada vez mais perigosas. A Cidade envia patrulhas de guardas para tentar manter a segurança dos habitantes da superfície, mas eles estão lentamente falhando.\n\nEste lugar é perigoso. Mas ao menos a magia maléfica aqui ainda está fraca.
windows.wndstory.prison=Há muitos anos atrás, uma prisão foi construída aqui para trancar criminosos perigosos. Fortemente controlada e segura, condenados de todos os lugares foram trazidos aqui para cumprirem suas penas.\n\nMas rapidamente uma pestilência negra começou a emanar das profundezas, deturpando a mente tanto dos guardas como dos prisioneiros.\n\nEm resposta à confusão que estava se alastrando, a Cidade selou toda a prisão. Ninguém sabe o que aconteceu com aqueles que foram deixados para morrer dentro destas paredes...
windows.wndstory.prison=Há muitos anos atrás, uma prisão foi construída aqui para trancar criminosos perigosos. Fortemente controlada e segura, condenados de todos os lugares foram trazidos aqui para cumprirem suas penas.\n\nMas rapidamente uma pestilência negra começou a emanar das profundezas, deturpando a mente tanto dos guardas como dos prisioneiros.\n\nEm resposta à confusão que estava se alastrando, a Cidade selou toda a prisão. Ninguém sabe o que aconteceu com aqueles que foram deixados para morrer dentro destas paredes...
windows.wndstory.caves=As cavernas, que se esticam por debaixo da prisão abandonada, são esparsamente populadas. Elas ficam muito distantes da superfície para serem exploradas pela Cidade e são muito pobres em minerais para serem de interesse dos anões. No passado havia um posto de troca em algum lugar por aqui, na rota entre estes dois Estados, mas ele pereceu desde o declínio da Metrópole dos Anões. Apenas os gnolls onipresentes e animais subterrâneos habitam por aqui agora.
windows.wndstory.caves=As cavernas, que se esticam por debaixo da prisão abandonada, são esparsamente populadas. Elas ficam muito distantes da superfície para serem exploradas pela Cidade e são muito pobres em minerais para serem de interesse dos anões. No passado havia um posto de troca em algum lugar por aqui, na rota entre estes dois Estados, mas ele pereceu desde o declínio da Metrópole dos Anões. Apenas os gnolls onipresentes e animais subterrâneos habitam por aqui agora.
windows.wndstory.city=A Metrópole dos Anões era a maior das cidades-estado dos anões. No seu auge, o exército mecanizado dos anões repeliu com sucesso a invasão do deus antigo e seu exército de demônios. Mas diz a lenda, que os guerreiros sobreviventes trouxeram consigo sementes de corrupção dentro deles, e que a vitória foi apenas o começo do fim para o reino subterrâneo.
windows.wndstory.city=A Metrópole dos Anões era a maior das cidades-estado dos anões. No seu auge, o exército mecanizado dos anões repeliu com sucesso a invasão do deus antigo e seu exército de demônios. Mas diz a lenda, que os guerreiros sobreviventes trouxeram consigo sementes de corrupção dentro deles, e que a vitória foi apenas o começo do fim para o reino subterrâneo.
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ windows.wndsadghost.crab_title=BÜYÜK YENGECİ YENDİN
windows.wndsadghost.rat=Teşekkür ederim, şu korkunç fare yenildi ve artık rahatlayabilirim... Acaba hangi çarpık bir büyü böylesine iğrenç bir canavarı yarattı...
windows.wndsadghost.rat=Teşekkür ederim, şu korkunç fare yenildi ve artık rahatlayabilirim... Acaba hangi çarpık bir büyü böylesine iğrenç bir canavarı yarattı...
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Teşekkür ederim, şu entrikacı gnoll artık yenildi ve artık rahatlayabilirim... Acaba hangi çarpık bir büyü bunu bu denli akıllı yaptı...
windows.wndsadghost.gnoll=Teşekkür ederim, şu entrikacı gnoll artık yenildi ve artık rahatlayabilirim... Acaba hangi çarpık bir büyü bunu bu denli akıllı yaptı...
windows.wndsadghost.crab=Teşekkür ederim, şu dev yengeç sonunda yenildi ve artık rahatlayabilirim... Acaba hangi çarpık bir büyü onun bu denli uzun yaşamasını sağladı...
windows.wndsadghost.crab=Teşekkür ederim, şu dev yengeç sonunda yenildi ve artık rahatlayabilirim... Acaba hangi çarpık bir büyü onun bu denli uzun yaşamasını sağladı...
windows.wndsadghost.give_item=\n\nLütfen bu eşyalardan birini al, bunlar bana şu anda yararsız... Belki bunlar sana youlcuğunda sana yardım edebilir...\n\nBir de... Bu zindanda kayıp olan ve benim için çok değerli olan bir eşya daha var... Eğer sen benim... gülümü... bulabilirsen...
windows.wndsadghost.give_item=\n\nLütfen bu eşyalardan birini al, bunlar bana şu anda yararsız... Belki bunlar sana youlcuğunda sana yardım edebilir...\n\nBir de... Bu zindanda kayıp olan ve benim için çok değerli olan bir eşya daha var... Eğer sen benim... gülümü... bulabilirsen...
windows.wndsadghost.weapon=Hayaletin silahı
windows.wndsadghost.weapon=Hayaletin silahı
windows.wndsadghost.armor=Hayaletin zırhı
windows.wndsadghost.armor=Hayaletin zırhı
windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Yolun açık olsun, maceracı!
windows.wndsadghost.farewell=Yolun açık olsun, maceracı!
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ windows.wndtradeitem.sell_1=1 tanesini %dg karşılığında sat
windows.wndtradeitem.sell_all=Hepsini %dg karşılığında sat
windows.wndtradeitem.sell_all=Hepsini %dg karşılığında sat
windows.wndwandmaker.dust=Ah, görüyorum ki tozu bulmuşsun! Hayaletler hakkında endişelenme, onlarla ben ilgilenirim. Söz verdiğim gibi, benim yüksek kaliteli asalarımdan birini seçebilirsin.
windows.wndwandmaker.dust=Ah, görüyorum ki tozu bulmuşsun! Hayaletler hakkında endişelenme, onlarla ben ilgilenirim. Söz verdiğim gibi, benim yüksek kaliteli asalarımdan birini seçebilirsin.
windows.wndwandmaker.ember=Ah, görüyorum ki közü getirmişsin! Umarım o ateş elementali sana fazla sorun çıkarmamıştır. Söz verdiğim gibi, benim yüksek kaliteli asalarımdan birini seçebilirsin.
windows.wndwandmaker.ember=Ah, görüyorum ki közü getirmişsin! Umarım o ateş elementali sana fazla sorun çıkarmamıştır. Söz verdiğim gibi, benim yüksek kaliteli asalarımdan birini seçebilirsin.
windows.wndwandmaker.berry=Ah, göryorum ki meyveyi bulmuşsun! Umarım çürük dut bitkisi fazla sorun çıkarmamıştır. Söz verdiğim gibi, benim yüksek kaliteli asalarımdan birini seçebilirsin.
windows.wndwandmaker.berry=Ah, göryorum ki meyveyi bulmuşsun! Umarım çürük dut bitkisi fazla sorun çıkarmamıştır. Söz verdiğim gibi, benim yüksek kaliteli asalarımdan birini seçebilirsin.
windows.wndwandmaker.farewell=Yolculuğunda iyi şanslar, %s!
windows.wndwandmaker.farewell=Yolculuğunda iyi şanslar, %s!
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